1 minute read
Grand Room


The beauty of Wetland flowers
Mixed media, 混合媒介 W1600 x H1600mm
這 畫 作以立 體 浮雕元 素 , 用纖 維 及紡 織 布製作。布料 採購 自九龍深 水埗區, 有

數十 年 歷史 的 布匹販賣 地 、 俗 稱 “ 棚仔 ”
的布匹 售 賣市場 。 活潑 鮮 明的色彩 、 簡 約抽象的線條和構圖表現濕地公 園和 Wetland Seasons Park 內各種色彩鮮 艷的花卉植物。

在空中會所兩個電梯大堂可觀賞到《瀲滟浮天》(W1050xH3400mm) 三維畫作是以 抽象構圖及明亮色彩描摹園內魚塘 河流及紅樹林等,更將園內各式花卉拼疊而成立 體畫作 鮮艷活潑 作品置於此處 能引入濕地公園境貌 內外相映成趣。
“The river speaks in the silence” (1050x3400mm) (1600x1600mm), could be viewed as the reflection of the uniqueness of Hong Kong culture and the artist stitches the multiple pieces of cloth to present fish ponds, rivers and mangroves of the Wetland Park in an abstract manner and highlight the interaction between artworks and the surroundings

濕地公園內的飛鳥 , 身型與性情各異 。 在 Wetland Seasons Park 戶外空間、室內之荷花餐廳及高層之空
, 以雕塑或裝置作品展示 , 突顯物種多樣生 態繽紛、住戶與自然親近無間。
Wetland Park provides a comfortable habitat for diverse categories of birds In order to decorate Wetland Seasons Park, quite a number of birdtheme art works produced by several sculpture and installation artists are wisely exhibited in restaurants, the sky lounge and outdoor spaces to highlight the biodiversity of the residence and the harmonious relations between individuals and the surroundings