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Water and Mountains for Wetland Seasons Park
濕地公園內有四季昆蟲魚鳥,可高空鳥瞰,可平視遠眺,俯仰之間,姿態萬千如畫山水畫。所以在藝術創作的角度和整體 構思,就是由萬呎高空 – 即從黑臉琵鷺由北方、南來香港過冬的數千里路途開始,飛來到濕地公園,待明春北返的故事。
這就是陳示於屋苑入口大堂接待處的巨幅苔蘚畫面 (W8000xH1600mm) ,內有數十隻黑臉琵鷺雕塑展示飛翔。
The Wetland Park attracts visitors’ attention by unique wildlife as well as picturesque landscapes No matter from a bird’s eye view or from the head-up angel, the Park will always inspire you In order to delicately describe the views from different angels, visitors are encouraged by artists to imagine themselves as black-faced spoonbills coming from thousands of miles away, from the North to Hong Kong in every winter The first artwork presentation is located at the main entrance, the large-sized painting covered with green moss installation feature wall (W8000xH1600mm) thus presents how these Black-faced spoonbills observe the Park from high above

大堂接待處旁邊以千呎高空航拍濕地的高空鳥瞰照片作參考,來欣賞公園的高空 地貌。並以此作為《綠灣春深》(W3000xH2100mm) 的創作靈感,以半寫實、多 層次之德國畫風創作之油畫。畫面尺寸頗有攝人氣勢 但色彩則有淡然悠閑 的 感覺。就好像黑臉琵鷺飛越千哩到來,有著回家的心安。
Beside of the reception counter, the half-abstract German-style painting
“Green Bay in Spring”, oil on canvas, W3000xH2100mm, hanging on the other side wall of the entrance lobby, is also inspired by the journey of blackfaced spoonbills With light and soft colors, the landscape painting seems to evoke the feeling of homesickness

若鳥瞰公 園 全 景 見大片綠意 濃淡深淺 調 和得 宜 。 如 會 所正 入 口 處 所展 示 之 《 渡 江 春 》 油 畫 (W1600xH2500mm)的 畫 中 情 景 。 畫 作 之 構 圖是取材 自 濕地公 園 內之 環 回 徑 上拍攝的 淡 水湖 面 。 將 此 角度 放 入 畫 中,以湖面水平線伸延開去,令觀看此畫作時如站在湖邊,細意觀賞 美麗湖境。

The Park is filled with green. Dark green and light green mingle to create multi-layered scenery of water and mountains Displayed at the entrance of the club house, the painting “Cross the River in Spring” oil on canvas, (W1600xH2500mm), is inspired by a photography taken by the painter near the freshwater lake of Wetland Park While looking at the painting, viewers seems to wander by the lakeside and to completely engaged themselves in the tranquil and thought- provoking atmosphere

在 其 中 個 橢 圓 花 園 內 ,特 別設 計 大 型 戶 外 國 際 棋 盤 藝 術裝 置 ( W2000xD2000xH1000mm),置於花草叢畔。藝術家模擬濕地公 園內各式鳥類造型來製作棋子,當然包括黑臉琵鷺,玩味十足,大 小朋友皆可與其互動,或捉棋為趣,或影相/「打咭」,或在棋盤上
One of the most attractive bird-theme sculptures and installations should be the large-scaled of international chess board (W2000xD2000xH1000mm) Located in one of oval-shape gardens of Wetland Seasons Park, the chess board is designed by the artist to satisfy the entertainment need of families with little kids Bird-shape chess pieces are created with imagination and creativity to attract the attention of both adults and children
Visitors and residents are welcomed to interact with the outdoor installation by ways of playing chess or taking selfies with friends and family members

本藝術設計項目特別製作數十件原木鳥型雕塑 以每個月最常見的雀鳥作造形。這些雕塑分別放置於多個不同空間 風景畫 旁、博古架上、或與介紹香港鳥類的中英文圖書相伴 既有科普之用 亦不時提醒住戶及訪客生態保育的價值和重要性。也
Apart from the bird-theme chess board, there are several dozens of bird-shape wood sculptures, scattering on antique shelves or book shelves in club houses and public areas As various kinds of birds appear in each month in Wetland Park, the artists create sculptures in accordance with the shapes and characteristics of different birds to remind the visitors and residents of the values about environmental protection and ecological conservation Probably there can hardly find more gratifying thing than waking up with sweet bird songs.
漫步於濕地公園內之紅樹林橋上,俯身近賞水面,與水下群魚小蟹嬉 戲 ,便可體會《浣溪沙》(W857xH2100mm) 作品的奇趣。半抽象風 景畫作,畫面 簡約、色彩濃郁,帶有春日明媚清新之意。
If you walk at the bridge in mangrove or lend over to carefully observe fishes in the lake, you can easily understand the daintiness and delicacy of the oil painting “Huanxi Sand”(W857xH2100mm)

Painted in a half-abstract manner, the piece attracts viewers’ eyes by its simple but expressive composition as well as bright and emotional colours
《浣溪沙》/ Huanxi Sand
油畫 / Oil on canvas W857 x H2100mm
委約作品構思 : 此畫作的寫境是濕地公園生態探索區所拍攝高空地貌的相片 , 以半 寫實、層次豐富, 純厚 色彩之歐洲田園畫風 創作。

長枱旁邊掛着有畫作《野曠天低》 (W3400xH1400mm),此畫的寫境是參照攝影師 所拍攝的相片,在泥灘觀鳥屋外之原野漫遊徑 往外看 遠處是后海灣的梧桐山。
At the end of the corridor, the painting named “The Beauty of Wilderness” (W3400xH1400mm )reminds visitors of the poetic landscape in the Park Reference by the wetland landscape photograph, the painting echoes with Deep Bay and Wu-tong Mountain in a realistic manner