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Seasons Garden
春耕秋收 北雁南飛。鳥獸蟲魚 是季節的使者 以百變聲韻及情態 特別是黑臉琵 鷺、各種季候鳥及彩蝶 預告節氣更迭 細數自然生機。濕地公園 魚鳥群聚 勃勃 生機。Wetland Seasons Park內之四季廳,以春夏秋冬為題。廳內陳設,從色調至選 品 皆和應主題。以「濕地四季」為名創作四件陶藝作品。圓盤形狀 象徵四季之交 替 作品盡不同季節特色 展示當季園內常見魚鳥 如春天的虎斑蝶和翠鳥;夏日荷 花、紅蜻蜓;深秋訪客林鷸鳥和冬天的黑面琵鷺與彈塗魚等。魚鳥造型活潑、設色鮮 亮,可愛的童真亦不乏詩
The four multi-functional rooms in Four Seasons Hall of Wetland Seasons Park are named after spring, summer, autumn and winter, thus the art decoration of the four rooms, from colour tone to the selection of art pieces, echos with the theme
The sculptor Anna Li has created four pieces of sculptures under the name of “Four Seasons” Each of them tells vivid and poetic stories of the seasons and displays the biodiversity in the Wetland Park Visitors will find out Common Tiger and Kingfisher in her work named “Spring” and enjoy the beauty of lotus and red dragonfly in the “Summer” piece Definitely you can hardly miss out the cute Wood Sandpiper in Anna’s sculpture work under the name of “Autumn”, and will not let the Mudskipper in the “Winter” piece slip away in front of you