February 2018

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SAMUI An underground tunnel telling the story of Poppies and leading you to Samui’s most established restaurant




Monday & Saturday: Thai Buffet & Beach BBQ THB 900 Net Thursday: International Buffet THB 900 Net Sareeraya Villas & Suites

Call + 66 (0) 77 914 333 www.sareeraya.com

Puppy Love

It’s Chinese New Year, and love is in the air! A warm welcome – particularly to those of you who are in love! We’ve not long had all the joy and fun of Christmas and the New Year. But now we’re bouncing into another cycle of celebration. And on the 14th of this month, on beaches and in resorts and restaurants everywhere, couples will be gazing into each other’s eyes and declaring their love.

Happily, also, the weather has now changed, the rainy season has passed, and the oppressive heat of the ‘summer’ months of May and June are still far away. And that makes it probably one of the best times of year to come to enjoy all that a tropical island has to offer – daytime lazing by the pool and evening dining under a sky full of stars.

And boy will you be spoiled for choice! Samui is nothing if not famous for its little romantic hideaways, and just about every restaurant will be doing its utmost to woo you by putting on a special meal in a lovely setting.

Plus, everywhere you look you’ll see signs that the Chinese New Year is almost upon us. And on the 16th, it’ll all erupt onto the streets in a word-wide event that’ll mark the Year of the Dog. Keep a look out – it’s not to be missed!

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