While the International Baccalaureate Marine Science course at San Clemente High School typically includes hands-on activities, students in Michelle Breslin’s classes will embark on a task this year that no one at the school has done before.
Classes this week have begun caring for 42 young white sea bass as part of Get Inspired and the Hubbs SeaWorld Research Institute’s (HSWRI) efforts to restore the once-depleted California species.
Nancy Caruso, a marine biologist and founder of the environmental stewardship organization, and HWSRI Education and Outreach Coordinator David Tabor were at SC High on Tuesday morning, April 11, to kick off the roughly 1½-month process of raising the fish.
The students’ objective is to feed the fish, currently measuring just centimeters long, and monitor and clean the fish tank until the group grows big enough to be released into the Pacific Ocean.
Tabor said it was important for the sea bass to keep eating a significant amount until the days leading up to the release.
“Here, we’re going to be in the stage where we’re almost overfeeding or giving them more food than they (need), just so we know that they’re satisfied,” he said.
Throughout the process, Caruso will teach the students about aquaculture practices, career opportunities in the marine field, and how the tank method of raising the fish contributes to the popular seafood item’s stock in the wild.
San Clemente High became the 12th
school to work with the partnering entities on such a project. The students started by establishing the initial weight of the fish that they’ll use to compare at the end of the project, then poured the fish into the tank.
Caruso advised the first-period class to wait a day before feeding so that the fish could acclimate to their new environment.
Junior Molly Graff, who has always held an interest in the ocean and the environment, said that she was “all for it” when she heard the project was coming to her classroom. She was actively involved in checking on the tank in the lead-up to Tuesday’s delivery.
“It’s just knowing that I’m making a difference in the world and the environment,” said Graff, adding: “That I’m helping it gives me purpose for this class and what I want to do in the future.”
Breslin’s classroom has had the tank in the back area for months, after Breslin and Caruso wheeled it into the room and Caruso equipped it with all the measuring and cleaning tools necessary to maintain the aquatic system.
The two go back more than a decade, as friends and as marine science enthusiasts who have collaborated on multiple projects for Breslin’s classes. Before the pandemic hit, they had plans to care for green abalone—another passion of Caruso’s—that was sidetracked but gradually came to be over the years.
Caruso then came to interview Breslin in early 2022 to gauge her interest and capability of managing the sea bass program.
Since her students conduct studies each year for her class, Breslin said the new project served as a practical addition to the other weekly labs and other hands-on activities.
“This is just what I like about this, that it’s a daily thing,” she said, adding: “I can ask them, ‘What should the salinity be?’
After months of work to stabilize the train track in south San Clemente that saw delays because of heavy rainfall in the early months of 2023, full passenger rail service will resume between South Orange County and San Diego County starting on Monday, April 17, according to the Orange County Transportation Authority.
Metrolink will restart all regular service to and from Oceanside through San Clemente, as will Amtrak with its Pacific Surfliner line, concluding OCTA’s nearly 6½-month project to stabilize the rail line after movement was detected following a storm surge this past fall. During the construction project, Metrolink traveled as far south as the
It’s not just memorization; it’s practical.”
Numerous factors contributed to the school’s acceptance into the project, according to Breslin. The funding left over from what would’ve been used for the abalone project combined with the support from Principal Chris Carter and other school officials, the Rainbow Sandals Foundation, and grant money provided by Caruso, turned the exclusive experience into reality.
Breslin expressed gratitude for Carter’s involvement.
“Sciences cost a lot more money (than other subjects),” Breslin said. “We have sharks and perch and clams that we dissect, so all that costs a lot of money with all our anatomy, but (Carter’s) been really phenomenal about helping us and making sure we can do the projects we want to do.”
Tabor said that the reasons for the HWSRI’s limited number of participants include the high costs that come with the project and the organization’s approach to expanding the program as it ensures its capacity to be involved. The institute
has a “slow growth mentality,” he said. All five of Breslin’s Marine Science classes will participate in raising the sea bass. The number of students alone is a testament to the campus’ growing interest in the field, especially with its proximity to the ocean and the number of students who either surf or enjoy being near the water in general.
Breslin added that partnerships with the San Clemente Ocean Festival or the Ocean Institute in Dana Point all contribute to the varying learning opportunities her students and those in other marine science classes receive.
“Over the years, it’s really been a community thing, and I feel like when we have other organizations and (create hands-on activities), it really sparks their excitement,” she said. “I can only do so much PowerPoint and lecture stuff. It’s fine, but there’s nothing like touching it and being out there. It’s 4-D.”
Caruso expects the fish to be ready for release by around May 28, at which point the students will release the sea bass at the Ocean Institute.
San Clemente Pier, suspending services to Oceanside. Amtrak’s southbound lines took passengers as far as San Juan Capistrano while offering a connector bus between the Irvine and Oceanside stations.
OCTA Board Chair Gene Hernandez said the agency appreciated the public’s patience as it prioritized passenger safety with the rail suspension, according to a media release.
“This emergency work has posed an unprecedented challenge, especially with the heavy rainfall this season, and
we’re very pleased to announce that passenger service can safely resume on this key stretch of Southern California rail,” said Hernandez.
On Sept. 30, 2022, Metrolink and Amtrak announced an indefinite suspension after movement was detected on the track. Just over a month later, the OCTA Board of Directors issued an emergency need for stabilization before contracting with Condon-Johnson and Associates for the $12 million construction project.
Work to prevent the line from moving
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closer to the shore began in November, as crews drove large metal anchors into roughly 700 feet of slope adjacent to the track.
Limited weekend service to San Diego County resumed on Feb. 4 following the completion of emergency stabilization.
Larry McCallon, chair of the Metrolink Board of Directors, expressed excitement about the return of services and gratitude toward OCTA for its work.
“I know the residents of the Inland Empire are looking forward to again taking the train to the beach,” said McCallon. “I encourage everyone to return to using our rail service to and from the beach areas as the nice weather returns to Southern California.”
OCTA officials reported at the board’s meeting on Monday, April 10, that the construction was effective in stopping all track movement, and that crews will finish installing the second row of grade beam panels and tiebacks into a nearby hillside later this week.
A representative of the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo Rail Corridor Agency (LOSSAN) also provided comment.
“The reopening of the tracks in San Clemente restores vital intercity rail connections between San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo,” said Managing Director Jason
The San Clemente High School Dance Team came back from Anaheim in late March with a national title, validating eight months of extensive practice, adjustments, and performances.
At the United Spirit Association Dance Nationals, which took place March 2223, the team earned first place in the Novelty and Musical Theater division. Competing in the hard-to-crack final stages for the Small Lyrical division, the team placed fourth.
Their Medium Lyrical group placed fifth, and the Small Dance team placed sixth.
Head coach Kelley Brown said the entire experience was special for all the teams that performed at nationals, including hers, which performed at the Anaheim Convention Center for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic
Jewell. “We thank our customers for their patience during this extended construction period and look forward to welcoming them back next week.”
Other recent developments concerning the track in San Clemente include OCTA staff presenting a framework to seek funding for supporting continued railroad usage and the board’s vote to initiate a $2 million study of the nearly 7-mile stretch of rail from Dana Point south to unincorporated parts of northern San Diego County.
The South Coast Rail Infrastructure Feasibility Study and Alternative Concepts Analysis would prioritize future planning efforts and identify shortand medium-term solutions to protect the track that abuts the ever-encroaching shoreline.
Katrina Foley, Fifth District Board Supervisor of Orange County and an OCTA board member, said in a media release in March that she looks forward to meeting with stakeholders to help develop solutions.
“We must look past temporary fixes,” said Foley. “This rail corridor study and concurrent sand replenishment efforts are necessary steps towards identifying and implementing long-term solutions to prevent further coastal erosion and its impacts on our way of life.”
Additionally, Rep. Mike Levin announced on Tuesday, April 11, that he will hold a press conference at noon at San Clemente State Beach on Thursday,
April 13, to discuss the impact of coastal erosion on the LOSSAN corridor.
The briefing will be the second of the day, as Levin will travel north from San Diego with U.S. Federal Railroad Administration representative Amit
Metrolink and Amtrak passengers should check metrolinktrains.com and pacificsurfliner.com/alerts for service updates.
“First, it was extremely exciting to be in the huge arena, performing your pieces that you’ve been (doing) in high school gyms all season, (to now) where you have just a huge audience … you’re allowed to have your friends and family be there the whole time,” said Brown. “It was a huge moment, I think, just in general, to have people there in a huge area and no masks and that kind of stuff.”
She described the feeling of waiting to hear the team’s name called as full of anticipation, nerves, and excitement, with the dancers hoping to have their preparation pay off.
The team practices four days each week for a total of 15 hours, and Brown and assistant coach Savannah Hooks also work on instilling mental preparation. After all of that, and getting to show off their routines where everyone can watch, Brown said it was nerve-wracking but a powerful experience.
“Shoeless Joe” was their championship-winning performance, based on the baseball-themed 1955 musical Damn Yankees
Brown said the team learned the
routine along with all the others at the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, first performed it at their winter showcase in December, and spent the months from August through competition season “cleaning” or adjusting the performance and making necessary tweaks.
Cleaning is the hardest part, as the coaches constantly analyze each section of each dance to make sure their dancers are properly performing the routine and adapting based off competition judges’ feedback.
“The girls are also excited about new aspects of the dance, so it keeps growing, and they’re able to grow within the piece itself,” said Brown. “The dance is never the same from week to week during competition season.”
Through all the development and adjustments, the routine changed 60% from when the team first performed it in December, she added.
Despite the stress of the season, Brown’s favorite part is the cleaning process and determining how that year’s team can keep improving. Her partnership with Hooks has been beneficial, and they also speak with the team captains to get their input.
“I think it’s so important for me to teach the girls that everything is always moving and always changing and always developing, so I truly enjoy the process so much,” she said.
Brown complimented the team’s variety in skills, ability to help each other and the work they put into pushing each member to reach their full potential.
The whole team performed during the “Shoeless Joe” piece, which she called special, as most teams don’t get to experience the moment they did.
“A lot of times, teams win in their smaller specialty routines,” she said. “Not the entire team gets to experience that excitement and joy in accomplishing a national title all together.”
With the high school recently on spring break, they all got much-needed rest before preparing for their upcoming Spring Dance Concert on April 21-22.
Going forward, the team will get to have more fun as the coaches will add new dances for the recital.
“Now, it’s not really about competing and pushing; it’s a different type of push,” Brown said, adding: “They get to just perform their hearts out for their family.”
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Following the conclusion of a third-party study, the San Clemente City Council unanimously approved changes to the city’s part-time staffing structure at its April 4 meeting, as the city looks to beef up its workforce heading into the summer months.
Initiated in October 2022, the study’s results called for increased pay of ocean lifeguarding, park ranger, and recreational staff, among other positions, and to eliminate obsolete positions such as office clerk, park monitor, and pool lifeguard trainee.
The city contracted MGT Consulting to review its current job classifications, or the ranks of varying jobs within the city’s organization, and to determine its standing relative to nine nearby cities in terms of paying competitive wages.
During the two-month study, San Clemente’s salaries and benefits were compared against those of cities such as Carlsbad, Dana Point, and Oceanside, as well as the State of California.
MGT met individually with department heads to review and revise job descriptions before later presenting the results, along with findings and recommendations with Hanne Thordahl, the city’s human resources manager.
The firm started with 18 job classifications and found that the ones recommended for elimination did not have employees allocated to them and would be left vacant by the city in the future. It also determined that the ocean lifeguard and park ranger classifications would each best be split into two levels.
“We identified similar jobs from the comparison agencies to compare wages, and we developed a pay plan model for consideration,” consultant Jan Brannen said.
The updated model would consist of a single 30-range pay structure, with ranges set 2.5% apart, and a 25% spread across five “steps” for each position, to al-
With the weather warm and dry again and spring in the air, now is the perfect time to take a drive up and down the
low for career advancement and market competitiveness.
Previously, San Clemente utilized a 36-range model in which only 13 range numbers were used. In the new system, a Recreation Leader at “Step C” would make $18.68 per hour at range 25, up from the previous system in which the employee earned $16.95 an hour at range 21.
A chart displaying the proposed changes identified code compliance and marine safety positions as particularly difficult to “recruit and retain.”
City Manager Andy Hall told the council that the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 budget had enough room for any immediate increases the council wanted to implement, but that future budget planning would be required.
“As you know, we have had a very difficult time finding especially ocean guards and parks and recreation workers and other part-time staff,” he said. “I do think this is necessary for us to be competitive in the marketplace.”
Councilmember Gene James expressed concerns about how the city’s budget would be impacted if the city was fully staffed and paying competitive wages.
“That’s a hell of a thing to say, I understand—but we’re going to need to keep
that in mind,” said James, who ultimately supported the city’s recommended compensation updates.
Hall reassured the council that his staff budgets as if there aren’t vacancies in order to keep city finances protected, but he also stated that he didn’t want the city to celebrate the appearance of having a surplus when there are numerous vacancies.
Councilmember Victor Cabral said he supported the recommendations, echoing James’ sentiments. He added that he would rather avoid the ineffective cycle of having to train a new staffer every six months because the previous employee found better pay elsewhere.
James also asked Hall whether the changes would allow for an increase in hiring park ranger staff, to which Hall said that recruitment will be in limbo as the city determines exactly what it wants such personnel to do.
A reported recent increase in illegal activity at locations such as North Beach has led city officials to debate whether to hire outside security to patrol the areas, as San Clemente continues to look for a solution.
“Right now, the park rangers we have don’t necessarily have the skillset to do enforcement,” said Hall. “So, if we want to do that, that (requires) a different
Beachside Chat
8-9 a.m. Join San Clemente residents and dignitaries for the weekly Beachside Chat, a spirited, town hall forum on community issues led by a slate of rotating hosts. The chats are held at Dorothy Visser Senior Center, located at 117 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. All are welcome.
San Clemente City Council
5 p.m. The San Clemente City Council will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting in person at the Council Chambers at City Hall, as well as virtually. The meeting will be livestreamed on the city’s YouTube channel. City Hall, 910 Calle Negocio, San Clemente. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
Planning Commission
5-10 p.m. The city’s Planning Commission will conduct its regularly scheduled meeting at the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meeting will be livestreamed through the city’s YouTube channel. City Hall, 910 Calle Negocio. 949.361.8200. san-clemente.org.
CUSD Board of Trustees
7 p.m. The governing board for the Capistrano Unified School District will meet to decide on local education matters. CUSD Headquarters, 33122 Valle Road, San Juan Capistrano. capousd.org.
kind of park ranger—probably not a part-time position.”
Diving further into that process would likely result in creating a full-time role with higher compensation, according to Hall.
MGT announced that it will be available for the next year as the city transitions to the new pay plan model.
Orange County coast.
You can add some stops to check out art along the way, come the last weekend in April.
The sixth annual Art Along the Coast showcase will host art viewings at various exhibits and venues, from San Clemente to Santa Ana. The tour is free and self-guided.
Local artists and stops include Fabrice
Spies and Leslie Bonnani at 26 Calle Verdadero in San Clemente; Lyn Hiner and Sean Hunter Brown at 1004 Avenida de la Estrella in San Clemente; and Anne Moore at 33753 Big Sur in Dana Point.
Other stops will be open in Laguna Beach and Santa Ana.
“Orange County continues to be a destination for art and culture,” a news release said. “As such, the tour showcases
varied and unique work by painters, photographers, sculptors and those of other art mediums, in their working environments. It is an opportunity for people looking for a meaningful and fun activity who also want to support local professionals.”
For a tour map, list of participating artists, and more information, visit artalongthecoast.com.
ot only do I celebrate four years of getting to share this health and wellness column with all of you this month, but this week, I turn 60! This is the first birthday that makes me take pause. I think the reality that two-thirds of my life is complete, given my parents’ longevity at 89 and 93, is eye-opening, to say the least.
While I am a generally healthy, exceptionally active human, I have still inherited heart disease risk and have a handful of my own medical issues/ailments, likely a combination of genetics, exposures, and just plain old time. That being said, I have a whole host of feelings that are occupying my mind during this monumental moment in my life.
We all know that the “day before” a tragic event occurs, or before receiving news of a life-altering diagnosis or of a death, our lives were somewhat “normal and routine.” But in one moment, our lives can be knocked off-kilter.
As for me, surviving a handful of these tremendous tragedies in life, and
I read Sandra Weaver’s response to Victor Cabral and the committee on the homeless issue. She tells the NIMBYs to “count their blessings for the beautiful homes they own, good food, and all the amenities they enjoy.”
We NIMBYs did not get these things by a blessing from others. We got it from hard work, sacrifice, honing our skills and good planning. We certainly did not get all this by sitting around in a tent all
persevering, it is no wonder that one of my “big bucket” list items will be met in October, when my son and I, and others, will climb Mt. Whitney and hoping to reach the summit. I have often wondered if “I am running for my life or running from my life.”
I come to you today, once again attempting to get through to so many of you, pleading with you not to wait until it is too late, and instead encouraging you to advocate for your health and shift your lifestyle choices today.
I have so many prospective clients that come to me after the bad news is given, with numbers out of range for cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, or test results indicating cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, or perhaps even cancer.
21 minutes. If you do this seven days weekly, you will meet the recommended 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.
2. Try to eat more plants daily, including them at every meal and snack—fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds, and legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils).
3. Add lean animal protein (including nonfat/low-fat dairy) and/or plant-based proteins to every meal and snack.
4. Include healthy fats (liquid oils, nuts/ seeds, avocado) with all meals and snacks.
5. Limit sugar, salt and refined grains.
34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 sanclementetimes.com
Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, x113 sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, x110 zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.com
Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@picketfencemedia.com
Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, x111 icazares@picketfencemedia.com
Though this initially sounds dismal, the good news can’t be denied, that with small shifts in your lifestyle/behaviors, starting with food choices (nothing punitive or restrictive, I promise) paired with a little exercise (a walking program), that you can attain a little weight loss and even more health gain. But, alas, the fear of failure prevents us from even trying.
6. And be sure to have an occasional treat/splurge that you love.
Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@picketfencemedia.com
So, today, I ask you to help me celebrate my big Six-0, and that is to simply allow me to help you improve your health so that you can experience more joy in your lifetime, rather than giving in to the aging process.
Let’s try some small but mighty daily changes that can improve our health and try to commit to one of these suggestions each week:
1. Step outside daily and simply walk for
day or doing drugs.
We did not get it by a handout from other people’s money. If any of the homeless truly want to get help, there are many programs, churches and charities to help them. People who want to donate to those causes can freely choose to.
Some of us choose to donate to different charities, and this is our freedom also. Los Angeles has proven that throwing more “free” stuff at the homeless is not helping them; it is enabling them to continue not getting help.
Tough love has been proven to work over the years, not continued freebies. We NIMBYs are kind and compassionate by insisting that the homeless get off drugs and out of their tent, get mental help if needed, get a job and lend a hand in society by pulling their own weight, just like we are doing.
Lastly, along with working with individuals of all ages and circumstances, in both private and group settings, we offer nutritious and delicious recipes, cooking sessions, and webinars every single month for free. Register at mamagslifestyle.com for our weekly newsletter. SC
Gina Cousineau, aka Mama G, is your local nutrition expert, chef, and fitness professional, with her BS in Nutrition and MS in functional and integrative nutrition. She uses a food-as-medicine approach for weight loss to health gain, and everything in between. Follow her on social media @mamagslifestyle, and check out her website mamagslifestyle. com to learn more about her programs and freebies offered throughout the year.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
Here we go once again with city councilmember campaign promises that they break.
Councilmember Victor Cabral, who lost two bids to become mayor pro tem, and hopefully will never become mayor, is now playing political footsies by seconding an agenda item with Councilmember Steve Knoblock, who has a bad habit of agendizing social agenda items such as abortion and gun control that have deeply divided our community.
Cabral promised repeatedly during the November election to focus only on city issues including homelessness and our disappearing ocean sand and not become involved in social issues.
The latest is State Resolution AB 1078,
Norb Garrett
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San Clemente Times, Vol. 18, Issue 15. The SC Times (sanclementetimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the Dana Point Times (danapointtimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. San Clemente Times is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Prices is Pending at San Clemente, CA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: San Clemente Times, 34932 Calle Del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624.
which involves sexual orientation, gender identity and transgender issues, which need to be dealt with by school boards, PTAs, parents, and teachers and not on our City Council dais, taking time away with local issues such as solving homelessness, sand replenishment, and coastal landslides.
No matter what your position is on AB 1078, it does not belong on City Council agendas.
No wonder San Clemente has such a large homeless problem, when City Council takes time away from solving our local issues and instead focuses on state issues.
And Councilmember Cabral even wrote a recent SC Times column stating that his main priorities were homeless and coastal issues but did not even have the courtesy of appearing at the recent North Beach homeless meeting.
It is high time both Cabral and Knoblock put their noses to the grindstone and focus on local issues for which they were elected to serve.
Is it better to ask for forgiveness than permission? Mayor Duncan seems to think so.
He misused City Council letterhead to lend weight to his political statement without seeking council approval. When asked by then Councilmember Ferguson to reissue his statement on his own stationery, he would not.
Instead, he continued publishing the improper letter (with the councilmembers’ names) to help his State Assembly campaign.
He had staff issue an official city press release declaring City Council support and membership with Mayors Against Illegal Guns, without seeking council approval.
He spent $2,500 to register for the U.S. Conference of Mayors membership, which resulted in a White House visit where the President spoke, and he spent city funds for related airfare/ hotel expenses without seeking council approval.
A public-records request revealed staff conveying to Duncan that the interim city manager “did not see this as critical to attend and that State was a better value/use of time.” Duncan spent $4,600 on this trip that was of no benefit to San Clemente. Upon his return, he announced his third bid for State Assembly.
We are of the opinion that Duncan thinks if “that thing” turns out to upset certain people, it’s easier for him to ask them to forgive his actions, rather than get permission in the first place. Duncan has been a councilmember for over two
years; why has he gone rogue?
Resident Debbie Flowers spoke at the March 7, 2023 council meeting: “It would appear that San Clemente is merely a stepping stone for Duncan to seek higher office. Your trip to D.C., in my opinion, was to gain support from outside sources to only further your Assembly run. With that said, you should reimburse the taxpayers of this city.” Further, “Mayor Duncan, I hope that you can provide an update on your D.C. trip very soon, maybe even in tonight’s council comments.”
Mayor Duncan offered no comments. Mayor Duncan, repay the $4,600 you spent on your unauthorized trip to D.C. Or will you again play naive and seek forgiveness when this matter (was scheduled to come) before council on April 4, 2023?
Once we get the homeless housed, San Clemente needs to work on gun control. How many guns does a family need? Multiple-firing guns are designed for wars, not for households, and so we as a city need to pass rules regarding the number of guns per household; they need to be registered and licensed to those deemed sane and show how they are stored.
I’m sure none of you City Councilmembers want a shooting here in San Clemente.
Why should anyone have expected anything different?
The Moe and Larry of the City Council—Knoblock and James, for the uninitiated—have attracted a Curly— Cabral—and the three of them are proposing a resolution, which has no legal force at all, expressing their opposition to a proposed state law relating to educational curriculum.
I have my own views about the substance of the state law, views which anyone who knows me can easily guess.
But I also served as an elected school board member many years ago in a land far, far away—Oak Park, Illinois—so I have some sympathy for the view that our educational systems are premised on a local control philosophy.
But I also am getting sick and tired of local yokels who are full of themselves wasting City Council time promoting their own personal philosophies of life, politics, religion, etc., rather than doing their elected jobs.
The Three Stooges are private citizens. They can express themselves as such on
this potential state law. They can actually express these views to the elected school board members who actually have been elected to focus on educational policy issues.
They can stand on a corner of Del Mar and El Camino Real and howl at the moon if they want to. But they should not be using their positions as City Councilmembers to inject themselves and the council into issues as to which they, and it, have no standing.
So, please, Moe, Larry, Curly: work on your comedy routine and stop wasting everyone’s time.
MIKE VAIL, San Clemente
Councilmember Steve Knoblock doesn’t seem to understand that education issues are the purview of the Board of Education of our local school district, Capistrano Unified.
The City Council already has plenty of pressing issues to deal with. Knoblock needs to stick to the job he was elected to do.
Either that, or resign from the council and run for a seat on the school board.
R.C. Price, San Clemente
Oh, come on.
After last year’s failed attempt at anti-abortion commentary, our City Council is now taking a stab at another resolution, this time parroting the current Fox News talking points surrounding public education?
From now until the next election, are we going to have to suffer such endless “resolutions” in opposition to anything our evil government proposes that the right wing media deems unworthy?
Let’s see, so far, we’ve seen our esteemed representatives weigh in on guns and abortion, and now education; maybe we’ll get to see future “resolutions” condemning the woke, Dominion voting machines, and Donald Trump’s horrible “persecution.”
Keep in mind, folks, that the current council’s rightward tilt was the result of only 23 votes. Hardly a thundering mandate, gentlemen.
Let’s take care of local business, folks, and leave the culture war to those who opt to waste their time waging it.
There was an emergency City Council meeting last month about hiring a security firm for a two-month test run
in San Clemente. The firm has been spectacularly successful in Oceanside, with reduced crime, reduced calls for the sheriff, vandalism, vagrant loitering, etc. They do what the sheriffs don’t have time to execute.
With council chambers as full as I’ve seen it, Councilmembers Victor Cabral and Gene James stuck their necks out and pushed for this service. Councilmembers Enmeier and Knoblock were against it because—despite their words—safety seemed secondary to expense.
Mayor Duncan said we can’t spend money in North Beach until we “invest” in North Beach. Doesn’t he understand that we all know that “invest” and “spend money” mean the same thing? And “investing” in a security company for North Beach is the best thing we can do right now.
Everyone in the room heard the same speeches and testimony, and yet three councilmembers chose to wait rather than act. Here’s part of what they heard.
First, Human Affairs Chairwoman Lisa Edone said that she and a friend counted almost 100 cars and RVs camping illegally in San Clemente over the course of one night.
Next, Public Safety committee Chairman (and ex-cop) Rick Loeffler said he went to Oceanside to watch this security firm in action, and came away impressed. In fact, he was so impressed that he endorsed their use in San Clemente.
These three councilmembers also ignored Gene James, with his extensive background in law enforcement. Needless to say, the sentiment of most of the speakers was ignored as well, while the meeting dragged into the night.
If safety in town is a concern to you, I hope you’ll add your voices to others by contacting our City Council at their email addresses below, and let them know how you feel. duncanc@san-clemente.org; enmeierm@san-clemente.org; knoblocks@san-clemente.org; cabralv@san-clemente.org; and jamesg@san-clemente.org.
San Clemente Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or information written by the writers. Have something you’d like to say? Email your letter to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com no later than 8 a.m. on Monday morning. Limit your letters to 350 words or less. Please send with your valid email, phone number and address for verification by staff. Your address and phone number will not be published.
7-8 p.m. Listen to a lecture on California Impressionism from expert Jean Stern as part of the center’s ongoing Inspired by History exhibition. Free with general admission. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. casaromantica.org.
4 p.m. The Happy Empty Nesters are hosting a fundraiser at Daily’s Sports Grill to help San Clemente High School seniors participate in senior year activities. Matt Koerner will perform live music starting at 7 p.m. Fifteen percent of proceeds will go toward the fundraiser. Daily’s Sports Grill, 204 S. El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.522.9010.
6:30-9 p.m. This free Open Mic Night event is open to those between the ages of 11 and 22 who love to sing and perform, and hang out in COA’s gaming area, too. Teens, do you love to sing, play guitar, piano? Do you have a band that is looking for exposure and to play on stage? Play an instrument, sing to tracks, sing solo or with others. This is a great way to build confidence performing in front of others with your peers. Sign up to perform by emailing coaentertainmentoutreach@gmail.com. The San Clemente Baha’i Center, 3316 Avenida Del Presidente, San Clemente. communityoutreachalliance.com.
6:30-9 p.m. Guests are invited to sip on fine wines and taste a variety of delica-
8 a.m.-2 p.m. The San Clemente Garden Club (SCGC) hosts this annual event in partnership with the City of San Clemente Parks & Recreation Department, to offer bargains on hundreds of plants with an emphasis on drought-tolerant species. SCGC members and sponsors propagated and donated the plants, along with a community center auditorium filled with flea market items useful for gardens, homes and hobbies. GardenFest also offers gardening and craft activities for children, display and sale of local art, craft demonstrations, displays about beekeeping and butterflies, and tips on water conservation. Master gardeners will offer free garden tool sharpening. South County area residents are also invited to enter the annual “Funky Plant Container Contest.” Attendees judge winners at the event. Entrees are due by 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 15. GardenFest proceeds fund horticultural scholarships, programs for junior gardeners, and civic beautification. San Clemente Community Center, 100 N. Calle Seville, San Clemente. sanclementegardenclub.com.
cies at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa’s Richard Henry Dana Ballroom overlooking the Pacific. The California Wine Festival will run through Saturday at Sea Terrace Park, featuring fine wines, regional craft brews and artisanal food samples. Caribbean steel band Upstream will perform. Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa, 25135 Park Lantern, Dana Point. info@californiawinefestival.com. californiawinefestival.com.
8-11 a.m. The City of San Juan Capistrano is hosting a free event for people to get rid of their e-waste and shred documents. Participants are asked to place items in their car trunks, drive up to the event, remain in their cars, and pop their trunk so event staff can unload items. Check online for what specific items are allowed. San Juan Capistrano Sports Park, Alipaz Street and Via Positiva, San Juan Capistrano. sanjuancapistrano.org.
9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Join the Dana Point Fine Arts Association for its Spring Art Festival Show and Sale running through
Sunday. Local, award-winning artists will display their art throughout the harbor. Dana Point Harbor, 34555 Street of the Golden Lantern, Dana Point. info@danapointfinearts.org.
10 a.m.-noon. Join the Ocean Institute for a two-hour interactive kayak tour around the Dana Point Harbor and learn about the history of harbor and its unique ecosystem. All experience levels are welcome. Guests under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are $28. In the afternoon, from 2-5 p.m., set sail aboard the schooner Spirit of Dana Point and experience California from the perspective of an early tall ship explorer. Join the crew to help raise sail, handle lines and steer the ship, or simply sit back, relax and enjoy the majesty of sailing the seas aboard a tall ship. Must be 4 years or older to sail. Tickets are $65. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274. oceaninstitute.org.
world. From 1-4 p.m., there will be a free exhibit displaying never-seen-before art from Rick Griffin. The center will then host the U.S. premiere of six 4K short films from George Greenough, from 5-6 p.m. Tickets for George Greenough’s Echoes are $5 for members and $10 for non-members. Surfing Heritage and Culture Center, 110 Calle Iglesia, San Clemente. 949.388.0313. shacc.org.
2-4 p.m. Join the Dana Point Public Library for a screening of King of Devil’s Island, an award-winning movie from Norway. The film follows the true story of the infamous Bastoy Reform School in Norway. Dana Point Public Library, 33841 Niguel Road, Dana Point. 949.496.5517. ocpl.org.
7-9 p.m. Left Coast Brewing presents trivia modeled after pub quizzes in Ireland and the United Kingdom, covering everything from Hungary to the Hunger Games. Teams can include up to six people. Winning teams earn bar cash and other prizes. Left Coast Tasting Room, 1251 Puerta Del Sol, San Clemente. eventvesta.com.
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9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shop for a wide selection of fruits, vegetables and artisanal goods from organic growers along Avenida Del Mar. 949 361 8200. san-clemente.org.
2 p.m. Watch a live performance of the hospital-set comedy It Runs in the Family at San Juan Capistrano’s local theater. Renditions will be held through April 16. Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.489.8082. caminorealplayhouse.org.
3 p.m. Take part in the discussion titled “Is There a Cure for Racism?”, as the Baha’is offer a spiritual perspective on racism’s root causes. All are welcome. Baha’is of San Clemente, 3316 Avenida Del Presidente, San Clemente. eventbrite.com.
1 p.m. The Surfing Heritage and Culture Center will host two events that celebrate the works of artists in the surf
7 p.m. Enjoy some rollicking sounds over dinner at this intimate and popular South Orange County venue. Herman’s Hermits, known for “I’m Into Something Good” and other hit songs, will perform. Tickets are $55. Doors open at 5 p.m. The Coach House, 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano. 949.496.8930. thecoachhouse.com.
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12:30 p.m. The South Orange County Bridge Club hosts bridge games, Monday through Saturday. The club is a nonprofit owned by the members and welcomes people to use their minds and develop new friendships. 31461 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 205, San Juan Capistrano. galesenter@cox.net.
6-9 p.m. Have fun painting “Turtle World” in this easy, step-by-step class led by artist Nick LeGuern. There will be acrylic paints and a template sketch aid, as well as a buffet served by the golf club. Tickets are $45. Bella Collina San Clemente, 200 Avenida La Pata, San Clemente. 949.498.6604. bellacollinasanclemente.com.
What Cameron Crowe’s Jerry Maguire (1996) does for football and Bennett Miller’s Moneyball (2011) does for baseball, Ben Affleck’s latest directorial effort, Air, does for basketball.
Like Jerry Maguire, it’s about a guy once successful in the athletics industry trying to convince an athlete with a lot of potential to sign with him before the former is out of a gig. And like Moneyball, Affleck’s new movie is about the ins and outs of how the sports community works beyond the games.
As someone who has never cared about sports, it takes a lot for me to enjoy and recommend a movie in this genre. But if the storytelling and execution are done well, like Jerry Maguire and Moneyball were, then a movie about athletes can occasionally grab my attention. Fortunately for Affleck and team, Air is now one of those pictures.
Set in 1984 Oregon, Air begins by showing us that the sneaker world is on its last thread. Adidas, Converse and Nike are all below 50% in revenue, with Nike dead-last at 17%. The
shoe corporations are desperately trying to grab the attention of up-and-coming basketball stars, and none of them are sticking.
Nike guru Sonny Vaccaro (Matt Damon) is losing his mojo and can’t seem to come up with a strategy to recruit Nike’s next spokesperson. Until, suddenly, he has an epiphany. Michael Jordan is predicted to be the future of basketball, and Sonny thinks if this is true, and Nike puts all its priorities on Jordan, then the future of their sneakers is saved.
Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker and Affleck himself co-star as Sonny’s Nike co-workers; Chris Messina plays Jordan’s agent; and Viola
Davis is Jordan’s mother.
Right away, Air presents us with a stellar montage of 1980s pop culture set to Dire Straits’ classic “Money for Nothing.” It perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the dialogue-heavy historical dramedy.
The stakes are low, and the plot is simple. We know Nike and MJ are going to take over basketball. Even so, the cast and Affleck’s direction are entertaining enough for a Friday or Saturday night at the theater.
Air is the most recent, best example of an adult-oriented film being fun and enjoyable with just good chemistry from everyone involved. SC
AS THE COST OF LIVING continues to be driven up at all angles, there is an increased focus on efficiency, sustainability and protecting our resources for longer-lasting use.
That is also our focus for our annual “Green Issue,” our yearly special section to help our readers learn about the variety of ways they can help themselves and the surrounding South Orange County community while taking care of this beautiful place we call home.
In this year’s issue, we put a spotlight on energy efficiency. California continues its push into electrical energy with an eye on switching over the high-traffic state into one populated by mostly electric vehicles. Is the state ready for that switch? And what steps are being taken ahead of
2035 to prepare the state’s infrastructure?
With the push toward electric vehicles, there will be an effort to beef up home charging capabilities. One way that will be done is with solar panels, especially with new laws coming into effect in California. We chat with local solar panel companies about these changes and what buyers can expect.
As that emphasis on home electricity continues, it will be paramount to be more efficient with our energy at home. We look into ways to cut down on your energy costs with simple home improvements that may even send a couple bucks back your way.
Outside the home, it’s been a wet winter, and while the hills are certainly greener, have Califor-
THE LAGUNA BEACH-BASED NONPROFIT Wyland Foundation launched a friendly competition among cities across the United States to see which town can be the most “water-wise” throughout the month of April.
On April 1, the Wyland Foundation challenged residents and city officials to take the “action pledge,” committing to conserving water, energy and other natural resources through its annual National Mayor’s Challenge.
When taking the conservation pledge, participants enter their city of residence and may see an encouraging message from their city’s mayor.
San Clemente residents making the pledge are greeted with Mayor Chris Duncan’s message urging residents to conserve: “We must act now to save our water resources for future generations.”
In Dana Point, Mayor Mike Frost emphasizes that the city “places a high importance on water quality, pollution reduction and sustaining our natural environment. I encourage our residents to use water efficiently and sustainably year-round.”
The City of San Juan Capistrano is not officially participating in the Mayor Challenge this year, though Wyland Foundation President Steve Creech encourages residents to participate even if their city’s mayor isn’t.
“Having a mayor who’s really gung-ho about it is not a precondition for the city to win; any city can win. It just depends on the resident participation, but we do find that if a mayor is behind it, the city’s behind it, that they do better,” Creech says.
nia and South Orange County had enough water to fully wipe out the drought? We look at what the wet winter means.
In the light of that drought and the wet winter, local towns are being challenged with water conservation. The Wyland Foundation put out the call to local officials to take a conservation pledge.
Additionally, we talk with the Surfrider Foundation about its Ocean-Friendly Restaurants program to see what restaurants in town are working toward sustainability.
We hope this year’s “Green Issue” will inspire our readers to be conservation-minded for the prosperity and longevity of their own home, as well as the community.
Creech encourages cities to spark friendly rivalries with neighboring towns to see which can be the most water-wise.
“It’s just a rallying point,” Creech says. “We kind of set the table, but it’s really up to the cities to bring their A-game. But we’ve had mayors from all across the country get involved.”
By taking the pledge, residents agree to make more eco-friendly choices by checking off recommended changes, such as repairing leaks and shortening shower times, reducing plastic use and wasting less food.
At the end of the month, the Wyland Foundation will pick five winners from
different population categories with the highest percentage of residents who took the challenge.
Residents in winning cities who pledged are entered to win thousands of dollars in eco-friendly prizes. The grand prize includes $3,000 toward their home utility bills, gift cards to home improvement stores and home irrigation products.
—Chris Duncan
PLASTICS is one way to contribute to easing our burden on the Earth, and the nationally recognized Surfrider Foundation has found a way to highlight restaurants across the country for their collaboration.
Since 2013, the organization’s Ocean-Friendly Restaurants program has partnered with 350 businesses nationwide to serve as an eco-friendly community.
What started with the Huntington Beach chapter of Surfrider has since swelled to participation in 23 states.
Program manager CJ O’Brien says that most restaurants are connected through the work of chapter representatives.
“We have chapters and clubs all across the country, and so they’re really the ones spearheading the outreach to the restaurants in their community,” O’Brien says. “But we do have restaurants that reach out, because (the program) is nationally recognized, and so it has gained a lot of traction and publicity.”
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a dip in participation, but some businesses remained resilient, and Surfrider has seen a significant rise in recent months.
There’s excitement from restaurants, activists, and volunteers, according to O’Brien. California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington boast many of the partnering businesses, with notable membership on the East Coast as well.
Ocean-friendly restaurants in South Orange County include Dana Point’s Young’s Beach Shack, The Real Empanada and West Toast Café in San Clemente, and Trevor’s at the Tracks in San Juan Capistrano.
Marcelo Nonaca, co-owner of The Real Empanada, says the ownership group wanted to be a part of the program even before they opened in March 2022. He pointed to their relationship with the local surf community as one reason why, given that local surf artist Josh Paskowitz completed a surf mural for them.
“I wanted to have that connection, especially because we package our own unique boxes, which are recyclable and beach-friendly,” Nonaca says. “We don’t really use plastics at our shop, so I thought it was a really good fit. Plus, I wanted to really cater to the (surf) lifestyle as well.”
The Real Empanada became connected to Surfrider through the patronage of multiple South Orange County chapter board members, and the partnership grew from there.
Being a part of the program consists of a one-year membership that is free to join. The local activists come in to conduct compliance checks throughout the year by coming in to eat, talk with the owners and eventually build a strong relationship between Surfrider and each restaurant.
“Because it’s a yearly membership, the restaurants renew, which provides a really great opportunity for us to make sure the restaurants are following the criteria and (to check in) with them and get all the updated information,” says O’Brien.
Restaurants must meet seven criteria to be recognized as ocean-friendly.
They must only use reusable dinnerware and drinkware, silverware, and containers for on-site dining; they must only provide paper straws upon request; and they must follow proper recycling practices. The program also restricts the use of expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam), plastic bags for takeout orders, single-use utensils, straws and other accessory items unless upon request, as well as restricting sale of drinks in plastic bottles.
Surfrider also lists optional criteria that businesses can meet, which serve as a more holistic approach by recommending the provision of “Best Choice” seafood and vegetarian options, actions toward water conservation and energy efficiency, and more.
O’Brien says the chapter activists give participating restaurants more leeway in letting them determine what is doable for their business.
“But, if a restaurant reaches all of the criteria—meaning all the mandatory and optional criteria—then they can become a platinum restaurant,” she says. “So, our chapters really try to get our restaurants to be platinum, and really provide support on how they can make those more sustainable choices.”
The organization also provides resources to educate the owners, such as a foodware guide.
At first, the decision to become ocean-friendly can be “daunting,” O’Brien says, but restaurant personnel show more enthusiasm as they begin to learn that the other collaborating businesses are saving money.
The chapter representatives are helpful with guiding owners to take their approach one step at a time, by simply eliminating the use of Styrofoam, for example.
“(That) will really help to act like a domino effect on how restaurants can reach more of the criteria and do more to reduce single-use plastics,” says O’Brien.
She adds that part of the businesses’ feedback from being involved is that their customers enjoy knowing that they will always have a plastic-free experience when they stop by.
Given that Surfrider hosts beach cleanups that result in picking up a lot of food-related plastic items, being a part of the OFR program is a stamp that member restaurants can proudly boast.
“Our ocean-friendly restaurants can reduce their plastic footprint, (and) they can show society and policymakers that a plastic-free future is possible,” O’Brien says.
Nonaca of The Real Empanada recommends that other restaurants participate.
“Whatever we can do to minimize our footprint on this Earth is obviously encouraged, especially (with me) being a 20-year San Clemente local,” says Nonaca.
Surfrider estimates that its partner businesses serve more than 60,000 meals without plastic each day, a number that will continue to grow as the program expands.
ered on its promise (by) providing more than 1,600 MW of backup electricity during the September 6th grid emergency helping the state narrowly avoid rotating outages.”
Legislation has also been implemented to allow “certainty and timely permits for non-fossil fuel, clean energy projects within 270 days,” the CEC says.
“Over the next decade, electric vehicles are expected to add only a small amount of electricity demand to California’s grid,” CEC spokesperson Toan Lam says. “In 2030, 5.4 million light-duty electric vehicles and 193,000 mediumand heavy-duty electric vehicles will only account for less than 5% of total system electric load during peak hours.”
“Today’s smaller electric vehicle population only accounts for less than 1% during the same peak period in 2022,” Lam says. “In 2035, 12.5 million light-duty electric vehicles and about 400,000 medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles will account for about 10% of total system electric load during traditional peak hours.”
However, Brouwer says California is not sufficiently investing in or building electric transmission and distribution infrastructure.
Some parts of the electric vehicle market have gotten to the point where there is no longer a need for financial incentives, he says.
There are efforts to make sure building codes and real estate trends ensure electric vehicle users can charge their cars, Swanton says.
“Having a place to charge your car is critical,” he says.
Making sure businesses have places where people can charge their cars in multi-dwelling units is important, for instance.
“There’s a lot of moving parts to it,” Swanton says.
The year 2035 can be either a short amount of time to hit the state’s goal or a long time to work toward ensuring the mandate happens, depending on one’s perspective, he says. Infrastructure is in place for the transition to successfully occur, Swanton says.
“It’s very rapid how much infrastructure is being put in place,” he says.
Under the 2022-2023 Investment Plan Update, CEC staff estimates 90,000 new EV chargers will be available across the state, Lam says.
That number is more than double the 80,000 chargers in operation today.
By Collin BreauxIF YOU ASK JACK BROUWER, he supports California’s goal for all new cars and light trucks sold in 2035 to be zero-emission vehicles.
However, he does say the plan is “quite aggressive” and difficult to implement by then, because of several factors—including people rebelling against the state mandate, and electric and hybrid vehicles not being within a price range consumers can afford.
There are also more systemic reasons.
“I am concerned that we are not making sufficient investments in our utility grid network and related infrastructure to meet the demands of a large increase in electric vehicle use,” says Brouwer, an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine, whose research focus is on energy systems—including alternative power.
“I agree that the power outages that we have recently experienced and the more frequent wildfires, some caused by the electric utility grid network and most resulting in grid outages, together with the increased use of public safety power shutoff events caused by grid stress, all point to the fact that investments and policies thus far are insufficient,” Brouwer says.
California energy officials are encouraging more use of zero-emission vehicles to reduce carbon emissions. The 2035
mandate comes from the California Air Resources Board (CARB), which issued the rule because of a wish for “cleaner air and massive reductions in climate-warming pollution,” according to a news release.
When asked if the decree is too ambitious, John Swanton—an air pollution specialist with CARB’s vehicles and incentives team—says there may be some people who think it’s not ambitious enough.
“As long as we keep on the pace of installing infrastructure, we’re good,” Swanton says. “It’s going to require careful management for the next 10 years.”
Ambitious goals are being set, because conditions will continue to remain status quo if there isn’t a push to move the market forward, Swanton says.
“California is looking at addressing a need with the climate crisis and what’s good for our economy,” he says. “It’s also looking at benefits to the consumer. (Electric vehicles) are more economical to operate.”
As for examples of what’s being done to facilitate the transition, Swanton points to a fact sheet released by the California Energy Commission (CEC), one of the agencies CARB coordinates with for the state’s energy landscape readiness.
The CEC says a multibillion-dollar Strategic Electricity Reliability Reserve was created in 2022 to “act as an insurance for all utilities and balancing areas in the state” and “deliv-
“We are also not sufficiently investing to enable the gas system to support renewable power generation and transmission and distribution,” Brouwer says. “We must decarbonize both our electric and gas infrastructure if we are to achieve a resilient renewable energy future that can indeed support 100% electric vehicles.”
Despite those remarks, Brouwer says the state’s plans are “laudable and consistent,” and he praised CARB as an agency.
“CARB is one of the most objective science-based policymakers in the state,” Brouwer says.
Brouwer says he cares about addressing climate change and improving air quality— the latter of which can affect people’s health.
Fossil fuels won’t be around forever, he says.
“It’s not sustainable, from my perspective,” Brouwer says. “It’s a good idea to transition from fossil fuels to electric vehicles.”
Brouwer supports the ambition to increase the use of zero-emission vehicles.
“Even if we get to only 80%, that’s good for the environment,” he says.
Swanton says the push to decrease vehicle carbon emissions has been in the works since the 1990s, maybe even before then.
“It’s an evolution, over the years, of getting more stringent,” Swanton says.
The 2035 goal and steps toward getting there are not “too revolutionary” except for the increased percentages, he says.
Incentives for more zero-emission vehicle use have been in California since the early 2000s, though those are “slowly getting smaller and smaller,” Swanton says.
“Combined with funding from utilities and other programs, these investments are expected to ensure the state achieves its goal to deploy 250,000 chargers by 2025,” Lam says.
Additionally, the state is working to advance vehicle-to-grid integration technology that will be able to send power back to the grid during peak demand periods, Lam says. That is expected to offset the need for new power plants and provide backup power to homes and buildings during outages.
“By 2030, the state’s EV fleet could be sending more power back to the grid than needed for charging,” Lam says.
Rep. Mike Levin—who represents California’s 49th Congressional District of South Orange County and portions of San Diego County—says “America can lead the way in automotive innovation” by embracing zero-emission vehicles, which will, in turn, create “good-paying jobs while reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.”
“I am proud of Congress’ accomplishments over the last two years to facilitate the transition to clean vehicles, including by providing new and used electric vehicle incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act, making historic investments in electric vehicle charging infrastructure through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and supercharging our domestic chip manufacturing capabilities through the CHIPS and Science Act,” says Levin, who has experience as an environmental attorney.
There will always be people who look back on fading technologies like gas-powered vehicles with nostalgia, Swanton says.
“Ultimately, in the long term, this is the way transportation is going,” Swanton says.
and the temperatures rise heading into the summer, people are looking for ways to keep cool at home while not breaking the bank to do so. There are plenty of tips on how to keep your home more energy-efficient, and even a few ways to make a few bucks by doing so.
First, how can you make your home more efficient? ENERGY STAR, a ubiquitous label on home appliances and a partner with the Environmental Protection Agency, has created a list of six high-impact, energy-efficient home improvements to make for a cost-effective, cleaner home energy footprint.
As we come out of a wet and cold winter and move toward our sun-soaked summers, residents of South Orange County are dealing with the after-effects of keeping warm and looking forward to staying cool.
So, the first place to look is clean heating and cooling. Look to replace oil and
gas heaters with an electric heat pump, which can also cool air, despite its name.
Behind your air systems, the water heater uses the second-highest amount of energy in the home. Again, the ENERGY STAR suggestion is to go electric. A move to efficient heat pump technology could save more than $300 per year.
In a world that’s embracing technology, one of the most helpful gadgets is a smart thermostat. Easily purchased and easily installed, smart thermostats can learn your habits to efficiently deploy your heating and cooling for when you’re home and when you’re not.
There are a lot of suggestions about heating and cooling your home, but with all that work being done to do so, you shouldn’t make those systems work harder to keep up that balance.
ENERGY STAR’s next two suggestions are a well-insulated and sealed attic and high-performing windows. Save up to 10% on annual energy bills by not letting that air escape through the attic, and you
could save another 12% by changing out your windows for those with low emissivity to reduce heating and reduce UV damage to floors and furniture.
ENERGY STAR’s last suggestion is getting ready for the oncoming electric revolution. As states such as California turn toward electric cars and stoves and away from fossil fuels, it’s prudent to invest in your home’s wiring and electrical panel to make sure it can handle any changes you make on those fronts.
In California, making some of these changes could make you eligible for Golden State Rebates.
For example, if you install an ENERGY STAR-certified smart thermostat, you could earn a rebate up to $75, and if you switch to a heat pump water heater, you could earn a rebate of $500.
For a list of qualified products, go to goldenstaterebates.clearesult.com, or search through your energy provider.
Earn green by going green and making your home more energy-efficient.
takes effect on April 14, homeowners producing solar energy may see a dramatic decrease in the value of the credits they receive for exporting energy to the electric grid.
The new program, Net Energy Metering 2, changes the credit value for solar energy sent back to electric grids to incentivize storing excess energy with home batteries, according to Tyler Boden, founder of Boden Energy Solutions and a solar energy consultant.
Net Energy Metering 1, created in 1996, gave homeowners full retail value credits per kilowatt hour of solar energy produced and sent back to the utility grid. Under Net Energy Metering 2, which was created in 2016, customers receive full retail credit minus fees for solar energy sent back to the grid.
“Net Metering 3 is changing the dynamic, so that the export credit value is far less than retail value in most cases,” Boden says.
Using an “avoided cost calculator,” each utility company will set the credit value of exported energy, fluctuating throughout the year.
With San Diego Gas & Electric, for example, solar energy compensation can drop as low as $0.001 per kilowatt hour sent to the utility grid in April or as high as $2.795 in September.
“The credit value is much less than retail; on average, it’s about a 75% reduction in the value of exported energy statewide,” Boden says.
“The bottom line is the utilities want to incentivize people not to send them energy, and so this new net metering, or what’s considered net billing structure, will do that by giving people a much lower credit value for exporting energy to the grid,” Boden adds.
Instead, Boden explains, homeowners will be incentivized to store their solar energy with a home battery in order to offset their energy consumption during the peak time of use billing, generally between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.
“In general, that will help to save people more money than if they were sending energy back to the grid,” Boden says. “So, that’s really where batteries will be valuable, and that’s exactly what the (California Public Utilities Commission) and the utilities are trying to incentivize people to do, is to add storage along with solar so that they’re sending less energy back to the grid.”
Energy companies want to incentivize homeowners to send less energy to the grid, because the companies incur costs while selling excess energy and supplying energy after sundown.
“During the day, when so much solar is being generated and sent onto the grid, they sometimes have to sell that to neighboring states at a discount, and I think even sometimes negative value,” Boden says. “In the evening, when the sun comes down, they have to generate all the energy to supply the demand during the ramp up when the sun is coming down and people are using more energy.”
Homeowners who submitted a complete application by 11:59 p.m. on April 14 were considered grandfathered into NEM 2 for 20 years from the date that they received permission to operate their solar systems. Those grandfathered in will continue to receive full retail credit minus fees for energy sent to the grid.
The program will not impact municipal utilities, only large electric investor-owned utilities such as Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric.
Since the return on investment for energy credits will be much lower for those who are not grandfathered into the previous net metering, Boden says that some homeowners may decide to add solar storage, such as a home battery or add a solar system that does not fully offset their electric usage.
When homeowners are evaluating whether or not adding solar energy storage or a home battery is right for them, Tyler Boden—founder of Boden Energy Solutions and a solar energy consultant— explains that there are many factors that help curb the cost of installation.
“When someone is adding a battery, whether it’s along with a solar installation or without, because of the Inflation Reduction Act passed into law last year, they would get a 30% tax credit on the cost of that battery, before incentives,” Boden says.
There are also state rebates from the self-generation incentive program giving homeowners $250 per kilowatt hour of energy capacity for batteries that they add.
“So, in general, that’s somewhere in the ballpark of $2,500 for somebody who adds a single battery,” Boden says. “So, that’s another incentive that will help.”
From a savings standpoint, Boden explains that it’s easy for homeowners to determine their return on investment based on the capacity of the battery, energy use and cost of energy during that time.
Boden adds that the return on investment will vary by utility company and rate schedules, so it would take a deeper analysis of energy use to come up with an exact return on investment on the cost of the battery.
However, homeowners can get a general idea of their return on investment by using the following calculation:
“So, based on the energy capacity of the battery for a single cycle, you can factor that against the cost of energy during that time and, generally, the battery would discharge between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.,” Boden says.
“Multiply the depth of discharge of the battery by the cost per kilowatt hour from the utility per day, assuming that the battery would cycle once per day charging from solar and then exporting,” he adds.
CALIFORNIA GOT DUNKED ON this winter. That’s, of course, thanks to the dozens of atmospheric rivers that brought a deluge of rains up and down the Golden State.
While this year’s winter storms wreaked havoc for Californians, creating hazardous road conditions with flooded streets and damaging property from landslides, there is a silver lining for the state, which had been battling harsh drought conditions.
Putting the downpour into numbers, more than 78 trillion gallons of water fell on the state between Oct. 1 and the week of March 20, according to a USA Today analysis using data from the National Weather Service.
Assuming all things being equal across California, that amounts to about 30 inches of water covering the state. For further perspective, the national news outlet noted that the 78 trillion gallons of water is enough to fill the Rose Bowl more than 900,000 times.
So, what does all this water mean for California as we pivot to the spring and summer?
For starters, it’s great for the health of California’s ecosystem, as evidenced by the lush greenery and vegetation, explains Angela Jean Rigden, assistant professor of Earth System Science at UC Irvine.
“We see lots of plant growth. Just generally, it’s likely to delay the onset of the fire season,” she says.
She warned, though, that while the fire season may be delayed, all the vegetation and plant material that’s growing is what’s likely to fuel fires in the future.
It’s “kind of counterintuitive,” Rigden says. “We see all this wet vegetation, but when that dries out, we’ll see all this fuel for fires; so, it could lead to more severe fires in the future once it all dries out.”
As for drought conditions, California has seen a stark improvement following the storms.
According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, as of March 28, 44.7% of California was under abnormally dry conditions—down from the 83.3% just a month prior. Moderate drought conditions found in 49.1% of California as of Feb. 28 dropped to just 28.1% a month later.
“Orange County is out of it. … In Southern California, the
coastal regions are out of the drought,” Rigden notes, citing the Drought Monitor. She adds that “it’s great the rains have definitely alleviated the drought conditions and most of Southern California isn’t in a drought anymore.”
Asked for her prediction on how long this non-drought period would last, Rigden forecasts that California could face another period of drought next year.
“While it’s really wet now, that doesn’t mean it’s going to stay wet for a long time,” she says. “I think it’s important to understand that when thinking about drought, too, we think about what’s on the surface, near surface, soil moisture … but the definition of drought is drier than normal conditions.”
“So, if we consider ground water conditions, we still— ground water systems are still in ‘drought,’ ” she continues. “It’s because it takes a lot of time for the ground water system to replenish.”
The spate of rainstorms has also alleviated water shortage conditions, prompting the governing board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California—the area’s water wholesaler—to lift emergency restrictions on water use for nearly seven million Californians.
Last June, the Metropolitan Water District, which sources water from the Colorado River, via the Colorado River Aqueduct, and the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers in Northern California, imposed emergency drought restrictions on select communities in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Ventura counties, setting limits on outdoor watering use to one or two days a week and imposing water budgets on residents.
While the rainstorms allowed the Metropolitan Water District to roll back those restrictions last month, the agency stressed that “storage reserves have been drawn down and significant challenges remain to the region’s other sources of imported water—the Colorado River.”
Dave Rebensdorf, the utilities director for the City of San Clemente, echoed that sentiment.
“That’s the biggest challenge. … The Colorado River is at historic low levels, so we need to see a major rebound on those areas before the Metropolitan Water District is comfortable,” Rebensdorf says, adding: “We’re in a good position for the year or two, but we still have to keep watch of what’s happening at the Colorado River basin.”
In accordance with regional and statewide efforts to curb outdoor water use, the San Clemente City Council last June approved water conservation measures, voting to declare a Water Shortage Level 2 Water Alert.
Under the alert, San Clemente’s water customers saw rate surcharges on both their fixed and variable water rates, and they were instructed to shorten irrigation periods, limiting the times they could water their yards.
Rebensdorf said late last month that the city’s utilities department had been working with the Municipal Water District of Orange County and Metropolitan Water District about rolling back the local restrictions.
“But we want to see what the plan is for San Clemente, and likely we’ll make a recommendation (to the City Council) to go back to either a standard or a Level 1; and (Level) 1 does not have demand management rates.”
Asked what San Clemente residents and everyone else in South Orange County should know about the area’s water resources following the string of heavy rainstorms, Rebensdorf forecasted that the new drought is potentially a few years away.
“So, whatever our customers can conserve today, we can use tomorrow,” he says. “I want to thank our customers for reducing their water use, not only in this drought but previous droughts.”
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To a visitor walking along El Camino Real in San Clemente’s downtown area, Gema’s outdoor appearance may not inspire a second thought.
With a white and simplistic exterior, in line with the city’s preeminent Spanish Colonial Revival architectural style, passersby can often overlook what’s in store inside.
But upon taking a step through the colossal front door, the high-end Mexican restaurant named “Restaurant of the Year” by Orange Coast Magazine features plenty of surprises.
Owner Sarah Resendiz opened Gema (pronounced hema) in summer 2022 after her partnership in owning Tamarindo fell through, resulting in the former restaurant’s closure at 110 S. El Camino Real—where Gema now sits.
Resendiz described her former venture as more of a Mexican restaurant similar to others nearby.
After theorizing how to change her approach and collaborating with executive chef Juan Pablo Cruz, Resendiz’s atypical thinking resulted in winning a distinction that provided a “wonderful” feeling.
“It’s nice to be recognized, because we’re definitely doing something more out of the box than a lot of restaurants in town and in general in Orange County,” she said. “It was a nice accolade, to be recognized for all the hard work everyone’s been putting in.”
Gema offers an elevated menu dotted with recipes and ingredients that hail from across Mexico, served in the form of first, second, and main courses. For libations, Cruz said they try to source as many liquors—primarily mezcal and tequila—as possible from south of the border, as well.
Cruz has full creative control of what Gema provides without many limits, which requires significant trust and support, Resendiz acknowledged. But her
all-in involvement and constant presence at the restaurant make cooperation between the two heads easier and possible.
The menu changes each season to keep up with what ingredients are fresh and at their highest quality. However, the dates aren’t set in stone, according to Resendiz, as Gema tries to keep its current menu in place until it doesn’t make sense to do so anymore.
Cruz said that the menu process is a lot of work.
“Right now, we’re getting ready for the spring menu,” he said. “So, we try to find out what is local, that (people) can bring me with the same quality whether (it’s) from Mexico or around here.”
Regardless, everything must mesh with Gema’s baseline approach to food and gastronomy.
He added that the restaurant has the respect of other local places, because the owners are all aware of the difficulties and risks that come with operating uniquely.
Resendiz remarked that first-time visitors come in and are confused when they don’t see chips and salsa around.
“In the beginning, every customer that we had in here (faced) a learning experience,” she said, adding: “It takes a lot of time and a lot of effort, which we’re all willing to do here, but that’s a risky move to commit to teaching everybody … about what they’re actually eating.”
Most patrons come in from Los Angeles, San Diego and other areas far away from San Clemente to try Gema as part of their foodie nature, but those with less experience often have significantly more questions to ask.
Resendiz, a San Clemente resident and parent, said restaurant staff puts effort into assuring customers that their food isn’t a fusion with another culture, but rather a representation of the heights Mexican food can reach with thoughtfulness and execution.
“We’re beginning to show everybody
that, like, no, this is real, true Mexican food,” she said. “It’s very common in Mexico. It’s not the food that we’ve been exposed to here, but 100% true Mexican food.”
While Gema necessitates a serious approach, Cruz said that he and his staff love what they do, and they have room for creativity. A self-described perfectionist, he wants people to be happy and have fun, he added.
“I try to keep learning and have some (different) experience in general and working on menus,” said Cruz. “It’s all about that. Like I said, there’s no limits.”
Given that they all enjoy their jobs, he continued, they understand the commitment necessary to sustain the restaurant’s success. Even with limited hours in comparison to other restaurants, people are still working and preparing from early in the morning to make Gema the best it can be—without actively seeking rewards and recognition.
According to Cruz, since Orange Coast Magazine announced Gema as the Restaurant of the Year in late March, nothing has changed.
“The only thing that changed, in general, for the restaurant is that (the staff) feels, right now, proud about themselves,” he said.
After joining what was a project in its infant stages last summer, and potentially questioning the leadership or direction, they have validation that what they’re doing is working.
Thinking toward the future, Cruz knows that having the support of San Clemente residents is crucial.
The patronage of people outside the city and South Orange County has served as a boost, but it mostly happens toward the weekends when people have more time to travel. Tuesdays and
Wednesdays can be painfully slow.
Cruz said their main goal is to maintain stability before increasing Gema’s presence step by step.
Resendiz added that once locals start coming in more, they will see how the restaurant operates differently.
“Even if we have people outside and tables available, if it’s not going to work for the patrons inside the restaurant, we won’t over-seat the restaurant,” she said. “I think that’s something really rare in town.”
She added that people will also notice a high-end experience meshed with the feeling of community between them and the staff. It has already happened to an extent with a few South County residents.
“We know what they like to drink, we know what they like to eat, we know their names, and I think that coming into town is really special,” said Resendiz. “Over time, people will start to realize that we are invested in the town, and we live here. Our kids go to school here.”
When more locals do start to come in, she believes that they’ll come to love what Gema has to offer.
She understands that people can be nervous, and that what they order might not look like it always has at other places, Resendiz said, but she encourages people to be open-minded.
“It’s not meant to be one of the places where it’s like, ‘Can you eat the hottest chili? Can you eat a bug?’ ” she said. “We have grasshoppers here and these other insects or rare delicacies from Mexico, (where) everybody’s like, ‘Isn’t that mold?’ and you’re like, ‘Yeah, it is, and it’s amazing and delicious and it’s not meant to shock you.’ ”
Just try the food, Resendiz said, and let it do its thing. SC
The following person(s) is (are) doing business as:
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This business is conducted by a Married Couple.
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/21/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 03/16/2023.
Published in: San Clemente Times Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 2023
Case No. 30-2023-01314934
KRISTIN LAURA ETHERINGTON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
Present Name
Proposed Name
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 05/23/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100
The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana,
CA 92701. Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/findmy-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: Mar 23, 2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times April 6, 13, 20, 27, 2023
Case No. 30-2023-01316327
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MIRIA URDIALES MAXIMON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: 06/13/2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept: D100.
The address of the court is Central Justice Center, 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Other: Remote Hearing. (To appear remotely, check in advance of the hearing for information about how to do so on the court’s website. To find your court’s website, go to www.courts.ca.gov/ find-my-court.htm.)
A copy of this Order to Show Cause must be published at least once each week for four successive weeks before the date set for hearing on the petition in a newspaper of general circulation: printed in this county: San Clemente Times
Date: 04/04/2023
JUDGE LAYNE H. MELZER, Judge of the Superior Court
Published: San Clemente Times April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 2023
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April 22nd from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm @ 131 Avenida Princesa, San Clemente, CA 92672. The founder of the Dog Rescue will be onsite to share info on becoming a foster or adopting a new best friend! There will be a lemonade stand, and Husky decorated cupcakes. Needed items for donations includes: Dog Beds, Blankets, Sheets, Leashes, Collars, Harnesses, dog toys and pee pads. Yard Sale will include: Clothes, Shoes, Accessories, Toys, Home Goods, Car Supplies, Tools & more. So many of these beautiful snow dogs are overwhelming local shelters, because
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Last month, I was pleased to receive an invitation to a musical soiree at the Dana Point Yacht Club, hosted by former Dana Point Mayor Scott Schoeffel and his partner of 19 years, Julie Simer.
The event took place on March 31.
My beloved Greta and I had attended several of Scott and Julie’s annual soirees in the backyard of their Dana Point home. They always had incredible musicians playing.
Scott, an accomplished violinist taught by Jack Benny’s personal violin instructor, has hosted soirees for 26 years. His passion is to assemble talented 5- to 7-piece bands to perform soirees.
Scott and Pat Shoemaker are Staff Commodores of the Dana Point Yacht Club. Most of the attendees were members of the club.
I felt a bit awkward attending without
Greta, but Scott and Julie greeted me warmly, knowing I would be a little out of sorts. They made me feel right at home. Seven musicians were warming up on a stage located in a dining room area at the yacht club.
A spectacular pink sunset appeared over the Dana Point Bluffs that enhanced the atmosphere of the evening. A group of stand-up paddleboarders was on the water.
There were approximately 50 tables for guests. Atop each table were printed brochures that read Kenny Lee Lewis & Frenz, which was the name of the band playing that night, in three sets.
The brochure listed 34 songs that
would be performed and the corresponding name of the performers that made the songs classics in the 1960s-1970s.
From a cursory glance at the brochure, it was apparent that yacht club guests were in for a big treat. A few of the listed songs included:
“Landslide/Gypsy” and “You Make Loving Fun,” Fleetwood Mac
“Old Man,” Neil Young
“Fly Like an Eagle,” Steve Miller Band
“Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” and “All My Loving,” The Beatles
“House of the Rising Sun,” The Animals
“Riders on the Storm,” The Doors
“Nights in White Satin,” Moody Blues
“White Rabbit,” Jefferson Airplane.
Scott started the soiree off as he always does with a heart-warming rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” on his electric violin. Of course, everyone was standing for that.
The musicians appeared to be in their 50s and 60s, except for the lead singer, who was closer to 40. Kenny Lee Lewis headed the group of performers. He has been performing as a bassist, guitarist, background vocalist, producer and co-writer with the Steve Miller Band for more than 40 years.
I’m an oldies fan. I loved the night. I even got up and danced with a group, something I hadn’t done in a few years.
The March 15, 2023 landslide overlooking the train tracks and beach was far from the first such event in San Clemente history. This photo shows the Thomas Murphine house, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1933. This photo can be purchased from the San Clemente Historical Society at sanclementehistoricalsociety.org.
Every week, the San Clemente Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares.
To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
One of the dancers was a woman who introduced herself as “Lady Hummingbird.” She, indeed, was buzzing around the dance floor, as active as a hummingbird.
Most of the guests were in their 50s or older, but man, oh, man, can they ever cut the rug.
The lead singer, Rachel Santa Cruz, whose father, Bobby Santa Cruz, played bass, is very talented. She performed songs made popular by Janis Joplin, Stevie Nicks and Grace Slick, among others.
The band played for three hours, with three short breaks. I couldn’t imagine how their fingers and vocal cords must have felt, having played so intensely for so long. This was the most enjoyable concert I’ve ever attended, and it was right on the island in Dana Point.
Scott is also the founder and president of the Dana Point Symphony Orchestra. How fortunate we are that the arts are being promoted in South Orange County by Scott and others. SC
Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at findingloveafter50.com. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
This handsome guy is Dr. Grant, a 5-year-old charmer who is ready to steal your heart. An outgoing and curious cat, Dr. Grant just loves to run and play. When he’s not chasing after toys, he enjoys relaxing in the sun and being scratched under the chin. If you’re looking for an allaround great cat, Dr. Grant has a wonderful personality and is sure to win you over.
If you are interested in adopting Dr. Grant, please visit petprojectfoundation. org to download an adoption application form, and you will be contacted about making an interaction appointment. SC
4/13 ISRAEL VIBRATION & Roots Radics
4/14 QRST (Queen, Rush, styx tRibute)
4/16 HERMAN’S HERMITS ft PeteR noone
4/21 BRITAIN’S FINEST (beatles tRibute)
4/23 TONY BENNETT SONGBOOK (tRibute feat. MaRk VeRabian)
4/27 ANGEL
4/28 SKELETON CREW (GRateful dead tRibute)
5/11 BLOOD BROTHERS feat. Mike Zito and Albert Castiglia
5/12 QUEEN NATION (Queen tRibute)
5/20 HEARTBEAT CITY (the caRs tRibute)
5/21 LET’S HANG ON! (fRankie Valli & the fouR seasons tRibute)
6/2 THE RISING (bRuce sPRinGsteen tRibute)
6/8 BLACK SABBITCH (all feMale black sabbath tRibute)
6/9 AL Di MEOLA 6/16 AL JARDINE and his endless suMMeR band
YYNOT (Rush tRibute)
7/5 LYLE LOVETT and His Large Band
7/15 SHINE ON – Pink floyd exPeRience 7/19 THE JERRY DOUGLAS BAND
Fleetwood Mac Rumours
7/22 Y & T
7/28 SPACE ODDITY (daVid bowie tRibute)
8/12 JOURNEY USA (JouRney
Thursday, May 11, 2023 @ 6 PM • $250
This benefit dinner features a cocktail reception, 3-course gourmet meal catered by 24 Carrots Catering and Events, a luxurious live auction, and jazz performance by Alicia Olatuja. All ticket sales directly support Casa Romantica’s programs.
Alicia Olatuja, praised in The New York Times as “a singer with a strong and luscious tone,” has performed as a featured soloist with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir at the White House and worked with esteemed artists such as Chaka Khan, BeBe Winans, and Christian McBride.
Brussels sprouts, BLT sandwiches, and soft pretzels top the list for food to taste all month.
April is many things to many people. To the food industry, April— and all months—is a time to celebrate specific foods. April alone honors at least a dozen foods as a national month of homage. On the list are Brussels sprouts/ cabbage, BLT sandwiches, grilled cheese, soft pretzels, soy foods, garlic, and more. A focus on a monthlong celebration, versus national food days, allows plenty of time to try dishes created using the recognized food as a main star or an ingredient.
Let’s start with Brussels sprouts, an often-maligned veggie but one that
BY CHERYL PRUETTearned a spot on many restaurant menus, especially as appetizers or starters. Chefs make it a must-try with creative ways to prepare Brussels sprouts for the lovers and naysayers.
The focus today will be on one monthlong celebration: Brussels sprouts, with BLTs getting a quick nod.
Thank you, Belgium, for the month. April acknowledges where the sprouts were first cultivated. Now Brussels sprouts is almost as common as nachos as menu appetizers.
Jimmy’s Famous American Tavern
25001 Dana Point Harbor Dr, Dana Point, 949.388.8900, j-fat.com
On the menu is Charred Brussels Sprouts. The cabbage-like vegetable is, as the name says, charred and tossed with bacon pieces, toasted almonds and maple syrup. What’s not to like?
Brussels Bistro
218 Avenida del Mar, San Clemente, 949.218.8489, brusselsbistro.com
The sprouts are served with coppa chips
(dried, cured pork), mustard espuma, onion confit, a micro mix and balsamic glaze. Hello, Belgium!
StillWater Spirits & Sounds
24701 Del Prado, Dana Point, 949.661.6003, danapointstillwater.com
Spicy Brussels sprouts kick up the flavor with sriracha honey and crumbled bacon.
Trevor’s at the Tracks
26701 Verdugo St. San Juan Capistrano, 949.493.9593, trevorsatthetracks.com
Another take on the sprout is created using drunken cranberries (marinated in wine and sugar), a balsamic drizzle, goat-cheese crumbles and house herbs.
Rancho Capistrano Winery
26755 Verdugo, San Juan Capistrano, 949.481.6682, ranchocapwinery.com
Fried Brussels sprouts are noted as the venue’s best-selling appetizer. The version is fried with prosciutto, garlic oil, parmesan, lemon juice, and a balsamic reduction finish.
In the mood for a comfort food? BLTs come to mind. New versions go beyond standard bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayo. Even a fancier version is still comfort food reminiscent of the past. You
bring the memories.
H.H. Cotton’s
201 Avenida del Mar, San Clemente. 949.945.6616, hhcottons.com
The BLTA here uses thick center cut bacon, lettuce, avocado and garlic aioli on toasted sourdough bread.
Kelly’s Donuts
430 Camino de Estrella, San Clemente. 949.443.2862, kellysdonutssc.com
Donut shops go beyond glazes and sprinkles or crawlers and holes. Sandwiches are often a staple, too, at shops that are like cafes. Kelly’s BLT has two versions—traditional and the BCTC. The BCTC is a bagel version of the BLT and is served with bacon, lettuce, tomato and cream cheese. Create a new memory of an original. SC
Cheryl Pruett is an award-winning journalist and editor, having covered Orange County city and county topics to the food scene for Orange County Register, Patch. com and local magazines. She has called Dana Point/Capistrano Beach home for more than 30 years.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the SC Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the SC Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@sanclementetimes.com.
For in-game updates, news and more for all the San Clemente High School sports programs, follow us on Twitter @SouthOCSports and on Instagram @South_OC_Sports
The San Clemente boys distance running team hasn’t lost any momentum from its cross country dominance in the fall.
The Triton harriers set three school records in three events run at the prestigious Arcadia Invitational on Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, at Arcadia High School.
In the 4×800-meter relay on Friday, San Clemente posted a time of 7:48.34 for third place in the invitational race. The Triton team of junior Taj Clark, junior Jackson Brownell, senior Grant Sestak and junior Brett Ephraim ran the fourth-fastest time in the state this season and eighth-fastest in the nation.
Later on Friday, the Tritons broke another school record in the 4×1760yard relay (or 4×1-mile relay) with a time of 17:34.69. The team of UC Berkeley-bound senior Juan Chantaca, UC San Diego-bound senior Rory Catsimanes, Sestak and Ephraim finished fifth in the invitational event with the top time in California this season. The relay time was actually faster than that of the shorter 4×1,600-meter relay school record broken earlier this season.
On Saturday, San Clemente posted its third school record of the weekend with a second-place finish in the distance medley relay. Catsimanes ran the 1,200-meter opening leg, Brownell ran the 400-meter second leg, Clark ran the 800-meter third leg, and Ephraim anchored again in the 1,600-meter closing leg for a time of 10:13.86, which is the fourth-fastest in the state this season.
The San Clemente distance runners will test their mettle again in the Orange County Championships on Saturday, April 15, at Mission Viejo High School.
Entering Tuesday, April 11, both the San Clemente and San Juan Hills girls lacrosse teams had rolled over their South Coast League competition.
San Clemente posted a 20-1 win over Aliso Niguel, a 19-2 win over Trabuco
Hills and a 22-7 win over El Toro for a collective 61-10 league score. San Juan Hills earned a 17-9 win over El Toro, a 23-2 win over Aliso Niguel and a 19-9 win over Trabuco Hills for a collective 59-20 league score.
Something had to give when the Tritons and Stallions met at San Juan Hills on Tuesday, and it was San Clemente that broke down the home team.
San Clemente obliterated San Juan Hills, 24-8, to gain sole control of first place in the South Coast League. The Tritons (8-3, 4-0) led by eight at halftime, 13-5, and dominated the Stallions (8-3, 3-1) in the second half, 11-3.
It was the first game in nearly two weeks for both teams following Spring Break.
San Clemente, ranked No. 7 in the CIF-SS Division 1 and 2 combined poll, has one more nonleague game on its schedule at Newport Harbor on Thursday, April 13. The Tritons then charge through the second half of the league schedule, finishing up at home against San Juan Hills on April 26.
Both Newport Harbor and San Juan Hills are among other schools receiving votes but not ranked in the CIF-SS Division 1 and 2 poll.
The San Clemente baseball team won 13 of its past 16 games entering Wednesday, April 12, including a four-game tournament win streak over Spring Break last week. However, the break for the Tritons was bookended by league losses
that stopped the hot San Clemente bats cold in their tracks.
After winning their first two Sea View League games, San Clemente’s eightgame win streak was snapped in an 11-1 loss at San Juan Hills on March 25, and following that four-game win streak over the break, the Tritons returned to league play with a 5-0 home loss to Aliso Niguel on Monday, April 10.
San Clemente (13-5, 2-2) played at Aliso Niguel (8-11, 2-2) on Wednesday, but results were not available at press time. The Tritons close out the three-game set against the Wolverines on Thursday, April 13, at San Clemente High School.
The Sea View League standings are incredibly close, with El Toro on top of the league at 2-1, San Clemente and Aliso Niguel in the middle at 2-2 and San Juan Hills in fourth at 1-2. As the early-season deluge of rainstorms canceled or shifted many games, the standings are likely to change quickly as the teams play condensed league schedules down the stretch.
After a nonleague game at Mission Viejo on Saturday, April 15, San Clemente will host two of three against San Juan Hills next week. The Tritons will host on Monday, April 17, and Friday, April 21, and the Stallions will host on Wednesday, April 19.
It’s a three-game win streak that has pushed the San Clemente boys lacrosse team into sole possession of second place in the South Coast League.
The Tritons (6-8, 2-1) responded to a
three-game losing streak with a key league victory over Tesoro, 10-4, on March 30, and Spring Break didn’t slow San Clemente down, as the Tritons won a nonleague game at Santa Barbara, 13-3, on April 8, and put up a big league showing over Mission Viejo, 12-3, on Tuesday, April 11.
San Clemente’s next game comes at heavy South Coast League favorite Trabuco Hills on Tuesday, April 18. The Mustangs trounced the Tritons, 21-4, in their first meeting at San Clemente High School on March 23. Trabuco Hills (10-2, 3-0) is ranked No. 9 in the CIF-SS Division 1 and 2 poll.
The San Clemente girls beach volleyball team has danced through the rainsoaked sands of this season, but once again, the Tritons couldn’t spin out of a tight loss against Aliso Niguel.
For the second time in South Coast League play, Aliso Niguel edged out San Clemente, 3-2, to clinch the South Coast League title for the Wolverines on Tuesday, April 11, at the Great Park in Irvine. San Clemente clinched second place.
San Clemente (9-4, 6-2) had won four league matches in a row, dropping just two games in the four matches.
The Tritons closed out the regular season against Tesoro on Wednesday, April 12, at Lasuen Beach, but results were not available at press time. The South Coast League Finals, a pairs tournament for CIFSS qualification, will be played Friday and Saturday, April 14-15, at Tesoro. SC
As we hurtle toward Earth Day on April 22, we surfers have a lot to be proud of—and a lot of work to do.
An environmentally conscious group, largely out of sheer necessity, surfers are on the front lines of some of today’s most serious ecological dilemmas, and they’re not just standing idly by. Heck, Trestles would have a toll road running through it if we didn’t occasionally rise up and make some noise.
In a world that seems to constantly bombard us with end-of-day bad news, this week we’re taking a hot minute to celebrate the progress we’ve made and the important wins we’ve put on the board when it comes to surfing and the environment.
It was just a couple weeks ago that we reported on the Surfrider Foundation’s successful trip to Washington, D.C., where they met with lawmakers to discuss everything from clean beaches to climate change. With more than 100 Surfrider representatives from around the country in attendance, their collective voice comes through large and powerful.
Along with Surfrider, organizations such as Save Our Waves, Parley, Wildcoast and Sea Trees are also fighting the good fight. As we speak, Save Our Waves is looking to select the next World Surfing Reserve.
Why couldn’t the Trestles and San Onofre area qualify? After all, the San Mateo Creek remains a vital natural watershed, while the myriad of surf breaks in the area are enjoyed by thousands of surfers from around the world every year.
Meanwhile, Parley is taking on plastic pollution and Wildcoast continues to harness the power of community to conserve coastal and marine ecosystems and wildlife, most notably in Baja California.
Then there’s Sea Tree, which is combating climate change and coastal erosion by planting mangrove trees, kelp, coral and more. There are too many other effective surf-inspired environmental groups to keep listing here, but if you’re looking to get involved, there’s no shortage of good people doing good things out there.
It’s not just the NGOs that are initiating change; the surf industry has
Look out, surf world, here comes Brynley Beckman. A stylish goofy-footer hailing from San Clemente, this 13-year-old has been doing some serious work on the competitive scene this season.
Enjoying tons of success among the NSSA ranks, Beckman is currently sitting in third in the Southwest Open Super Girls rankings, fourth in the Open Girls and second in the Explorer Girls. It’s hard enough to focus on one division, but to be so successful in three
embraced the challenge.
Today, surf trunks are made from recycled plastic bottles, traction pads are made out of algae, surfboards are certified eco-friendly; heck, there’s even a revolution taking place on how all of this stuff is packaged and brought to market.
Almost every big-name surf brand these days has woven sustainability into their business models. San Clemente-based Rip Curl was recently certified as a B Corporation, meaning it will be accountable for environmental and social milestones when it comes to the growth of its business.
Patagonia has long been at the forefront of the environmental fight. Time and again, it eagerly puts its money where its mouth is.
The Surf Industry Manufacturers Association (SIMA) has a very active environmental fund. Every year, the Waterman’s Ball raises large sums of money for environmental causes and honors an Environmentalist of the Year—last year, it was Anne Earhart, founder of the Marisla Foundation.
different divisions speaks to her drive, tenacity, and work ethic.
Thriving in conditions big or small, Beckman isn’t afraid to pull into the barrel when the opportunity presents itself.
Last January, she made her first trip to Oahu’s famed North Shore, where she settled right into the heavier Hawaiian conditions. With a refined, powerful rail game, when it comes to turns, Beckman’s backhand is especially dangerous.(Maybe it’s all those lefts at Lowers?)
Supported by the good people at Sistr Revolution, Beckman is more than just a competitive machine, as she has also been known to tandem surf at events and is certainly not afraid to drop into massive skate ramps. SC
With summer not too far away, we can’t wait to see what Beckman gets up to next.
If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com.
Along the same lines, World Surf League PURE leans in on ocean issues via the power of pro surfing. Both SIMA and WSL PURE raise awareness for issues ranging from coral bleaching to wetland restoration, saving sand dunes and more. Perhaps the best thing about being a surfer and caring about the beach and ocean, we can all do our part. Everyone can pick up a few pieces of trash when they get out of the water. Just that small, simple act can have a ripple effect. We can all be the change we seek through being a little more aware and tweaking a few of our regular habits. This Earth Day, make it a point to be the change. SC
Jake Howard is a local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation.
Water Temperature: 54-56 Degrees F
Water Visibility and Conditions: 8-10’
Thursday: A mix of fading S swell and lingering NW swell mix provides knee-waist high surf (2-3’) with standouts pushing chest-high (4’). Moderate S wind creates bumpy conditions in the morning, becoming lighter throughout the afternoon while keeping surface conditions textured into the evening.
Outlook: Both S and NW swell drop to smaller leftovers by Friday, in the knee-waist high range (2-3’) on Friday. Conditions do improve with lighter SE/ESE wind for the morning, trending onshore out of the SW in the afternoon. A small pulse of S swell arrives for the weekend, helping keep surf in the knee-waist high range (2-3’) while select focal points likely top out around the stomach-high mark (3’+). Clean morning conditions all weekend with bumpy afternoons as moderate westerly onshore flow picks up.Primarily onshore winds over the weekend, light in the morning, then light+ to moderate for the afternoons.