THE CANNABIS NEWSPAPER SINCE 1985 | Issue 3 - 2022 18+ For adults only. Soft Secrets is published six times a year by Discover Publisher BV Netherlands INTRODUCING OUR
O r d e r! Now How to Hit the VITAL “Shift” and see an immediate spike in potency, yields and reputation.
Thailand Becomes the First Asian Country to Legalize Marijuana BUT ONLY FOR MEDICAL USE BANGKOK — Marijuana cultivation and possession in Thailand was decriminalized last month, like a dream come true for an aging generation of pot smokers who recall the kick the legendary Thai Stick variety delivered. The stated intention of the country’s public health minister to distribute 1 million marijuana seedlings for cultivation has added to the impression that Thailand is turning into a weed wonderland.
But for the time being, would-be marijuana tourists will be disappointed. Thailand has become the first nation in Asia to decriminalize marijuana — also known as cannabis, or ganja in the local lingo — but it is not following the examples of Uruguay and Canada, the only two countries so far that have legalized recreational marijuana on a national basis. The government has said it is promoting cannabis for medical use
semillas de barcelona
only, warning those eager to light up for fun that smoking in public could still considered to be a nuisance subject to a potential 3-month sentence and 25,000 Thai baht ($780) fine. And extracted content remains illegal if it contains more than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical that makes people high. That’s roughly the same amount that might be found in hemp, a cannabis variety mostly grown for fibers that are used for industrial purposes. Thailand is seeking to make a splash in the market for medical marijuana, whose benefits are generally derived from other cannabinol chemicals the plant contains. Thailand already has a well developed medical tourism industry, and its climate is ideal for growing cannabis. “We should know how to use cannabis,” Public Health Minister Anutin
Charnvirakul, the country’s biggest marijuana booster, said recently. “If we have the right awareness, cannabis is like gold, something valuable, and should be promoted.” But he added, “We will have additional Ministry of Health Notifications, by the Department of Health. If it causes nuisances, we can use that law (to stop people from smoking).” He said the government prefers to “build an awareness” that would be better than patrolling to check on people and using the law to punish them. “Everything should be on the middle path,” Anutin said during a news conference ahead of the decriminalization. Source:
How to Hit the VITAL “Shift” and see an immediate spike in potency, yields and reputation.
Introducing the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Professional Series — the ONLY water-soluble powders to Hit the Shift and meet your cannabis’s phase-dependent nutritional needs. If you want to increase your crops’ valuable compounds, enjoy heavier harvests, and secure your reputation as a go-to master grower, then you MUST Hit the Shift between the grow phase and the bloom phase. And the great news is: The Sensi Professional Series does ALL the hard work for you. Backed by 22 years of plant-specific science, it’s the ONLY water-soluble powder line that leverages the dramatic shift in the macro, secondary, and micronutrients your plants needs between both phases to reach the absolute peak of its true genetic potential. Hitting the Shift is essential to getting the most from your crops. Contact a sales representative to discover more about the Sensi Professional Series.
3 Page
Triple G Royal Queen Seeds
DRYPART GROW AND BLOOM DryPart is the most concentrated of our fertilisers. It is a complete, standalone fertiliser that provides all the nutrients plants need at all stages of growth. It combines two mineral formulas, one for growth, the other for flowering. It can be used for all types of plants, and a variety of hard or soft water types. It is also suitable for all substrates, whether you grow with coconut coir, hydroponics, soilless or soil. DryPart Grow and DryPart Bloom are highly water-soluble and are used separately. They are composed of the highest quality primary, secondary and micro nutrients, in the right concentrations to give maximum aroma and production, even in the softest water. It is available in 500 g, 1 kg, and 5 kg containers. Caution: Due to its high solubility, DryPart is very susceptible to humidity. Store in its original container and keep well protected.
BIOFILM BUSTER PRO BioFilm Buster Pro is a hassle free, OMRI certified bio-enzyme that digests and eradicates the bio-film which clogs irrigation systems — restoring them to 100% capacity. +
A revolutionary formula that can be used for the entire growing season – unlike other chemical-based solutions
Better water flow = greater plant growth
Works on all irrigation systems: drip, Autopot, Dosatron type injectors and gravity systems
UNLEASH Unleash is a natural bio-stimulant that uses a dynamic blend of beneficial root zone micro-organisms that promote the nutrient take-up in plants. +
Unleash benefits include: higher yield, improved plant health, root burn prevention
Prevents transplant shock
Enhances the mycorrhizae/root relationship
Maximizes flower size
Increases CBD and THC levels
Works with a variety of mediums (soil, coconut coir, Rockwool and hydroponics)
Productively used from clone to harvest
Highly concentrated: use 0.25ml per litre of water once every two weeks
ALL ABOUT PRUNING CANNABIS PLANTS You have heard about different training techniques used to help increase yields. Did you know that is another way to improve final harvests that involve pruning? In this article breakdown the pruning method, how to do it, when it should be done and the benefits associated. What Does Pruning Mean? Pruning refers to a technique that allows the plants to direct their energy into certain parts of the canopy. You have heard of pruning referred to as lollipopping, and may be something you already do without even realizing.
5. Pruning is effortless to perform and can be done with your fingers and thumb in most cases. You can always use a sharp pair of scissors or scalpel to perform a cleaner job.
When Can It Be Done? There are different extremes of pruning, and they can be as simple as removing the lower foliage and leaving the upper 30-40% remaining. Other instances, such as the ‘ strip to one node and flip ‘ method made famous by the Jungle Boys, work a treat and have now been used by growers worldwide.
5 Benefits Associated with Pruning Cannabis Plants There are many benefits that come with plant training and pruning, and they do not always increase yield. Some main reasons a grower may choose to prune their indoor or outdoor Cannabis plants will be: 1. A significant improvement regarding airflow and circulation around the plants. Once the majority of the lower foliage and especially fan leaves are cut away, there is nowhere that humidity can build and indica dominant strains become much easier to work with. 2. The plants will use their energy to focus on the remaining foliage. Some growers prefer to prune before changing their timers to 12/12, whilst others may prefer a heavy pruning between week 2-4 of flowering. 3. Pruning is an excellent opportunity to obtain large-sized cuttings. As the foliage being removed will be discarded to the compost pile, it is a great way to take a high volume of clones. 4. By removing the lower 75%+ of foliage, the concern over undeveloped and smaller sized buds is eliminated, meaning only top-heavy 2-3 inch buds will be produced.
There is no right or wrong answer, as many growers have their own preferred way of pruning, and will find some cultivars react better than others. Generally, the rule of thumb is to avoid pruning once the plants have stretched and begin flowering, simply to avoid causing too much stress and trauma during a critical shift in the plant’s hormones and growth auxin. • Some growers like myself will only ever prune when the plants are in a vegetative state. So, indoors this would be when the timers are set to 18/6 and the foliage is only leaves, and branches. The advantages of this are the plants can now focus on flowering without any added stress. Taking clones during this time frame is also more practical and will root much easier than clones taken late during flowering.
An example of a 40cm tall plant that has been pruned before flowering.
however will not deliver the same results as a plant destined to be flowered.
prune. Pure indica and indica dominant cultivars with short and tight internodal spacing may often need a heavy pruning before flowering.
Top Tips To Consider • A more extreme version of pruning is when the plants have started flowering, have stretched and now produce a heavy set of pre-flowers and small-sized buds. Some may argue that this is a waste of the plant's energy in the first place and is highly stressful. Clones taken at this point may already be flowering so will need to be reverted to a vegetative state once rooted, adding another 3-4 weeks on your cloning time.
The Differences Between Cloning and Pruning Taking a large amount of cuttings from your plants and pruning are two entirely different things. Do not get confused and understand that pruning allows Cannabis plants to channel their hormones and energy into the remaining upper foliage. Taking many cuttings off a mother plant for example does not serve the same purpose as pruning and may improve airflow,
Top Tip #1: Carefully plan how much of the foliage you will cut away first, and try to do so as smoothly and carefree as possible. Have a plan and try to be as quick and gentle as possible. This will reduce the amount of stress the plants endure and give you a better understanding of how plants grow and transfer energy.
Good luck applying the pruning technique to your indoor or outdoor garden this year. The more time you spend with your plants, then the more you will learn about what training methods and pruning style they prefer for the best results possible.
Top Tip #2: It is best to use a clean scalpel or a pair of scissors to get a really clean cut, when removing foliage. Oftentimes, small growth can be left behind when done using a finger and thumb, especially when there are a high number of plants. A scalpel will ensure a surgical clean job and make sure there is no way new growth shoots can appear. Top Tip #3: Not every strain will react the same to pruning, so it is good to know the plants that you are working with before a heavy
Use scissors or a sharp scalpel for best results.
BARNEY’S FARM STRAIN STORY Words & Pics: Green Born Identity – G.B.I.
Amnesia Lemon Sparkling fresh citrus power à la Barney‘s was the usual Barney’s child’s play, it took the seedlings less than three days to lift their heads above the ground. The Doc calculated that with such a sativa dominant variety, a veg time of three weeks should be sufficient to yield well-proportioned plants in the end. The growth result achieved after this period seemed to prove him right already, with the two Amnesia Lemon specimens vividly having grown upwards, to almost identical heights of 36 and 37 cm. In doing so, they hadn’t neglected lateral branching and formed a solid scaffold of branches. The fairly slender leaves were distinctly leaning towards the sativa side. Full of happy anticipation, The Doc said: “Already with ‘bella figura’, the two plants enter into the flowering stage where they’ll certainly explode anew. I think this is going to be a big cultivation show!”
Green magic: A rampant rocket, orbited by numerous satellites Just as expected by The Doc, the plants exhibited a very pronounced stretching
Which cannabis breeder wouldn’t eagerly snatch at the opportunity to secure the original genetics of a new-fledged High Times Cannabis Cup winner strain? Soma Seeds’ Amnesia Haze emerged as the superior champion of the HTCC 2004, and the lucky breeder I’m talking about was Derry from Barney’s Farm – after the Cup, he received Soma’s best Amnesia Haze phenotype. Derry was now faced with the question with which variety he’d ideally cross Amnesia Haze as it naturally wasn’t the intention of Soma’s handing-over that this strain would become part of the Barney’s Farm range in its unaltered pure form. Derry’s breeding guideline then was to make his new Amnesia Haze hybrid sativa dominant as well. Reviewing potential hybridisation partners, he eventually opted for his well-tried sativa-leaning
Lemon Skunk strain. This elitist breeding constellation expectedly led to a new grandiose sativa plant – Amnesia Lemon was born, with a 60% sativa share in its vessels. Equivalent to its fresh citrusy aroma is Amnesia Lemon’s uplifting cerebral effect. Plants grow medium tall, within 60-65 days of blooming producing long dense buds the dry yield of which per sqm can add up to ample 550 grams. The strain has the potential to thrive outdoors, too, crossing the finishing line in the first to second week of October.
„Bella figura“ already in the veg stage This most promising cross from Barney’s Farm was a must-grow for The Doc who has a history of successful grows with strains containing Amnesia Haze genetics. Germinating the two feminised beans
behaviour, with a height gain factor of at least 2.5 during the first 4.5 weeks of flowering. While stretching that vivaciously, they were creating a plethora of budding sites that developed magnificently, rapidly putting on size and weight and displaying a fairly high calyx-to-leaf ratio. Soon a long central cola was sticking out from the middle like a rampant rocket, a rocket around the base of which numerous chubby side buds were orbiting like satellites. Both Amnesia Lemon plants followed this flowering scheme, remaining nicely uniform in the flowering stage, too. And uniform in this case translated as likewise fat, dense and resin-soaked – after 61 and 63 days of blooming, both specimens hat practised real green magic and produced impressive sativa dominant buds en masse. In the last three weeks, they had become heavily engorged and opened their resin gates wide, flooding the calyxes and sugar leaves with trichomes galore. Which went along with a highly odiferous, breezy lemonlike scent stimulating the senses. “That’s what I call a spectactular finish”, an elated Dockie
reported. Ending up with 92 and 96 cm in height, both plants had come close to the one metre mark.
After drying: A true feast for citrus aficionados A huge amount of dry Amnesia Lemon buds was piling up on the scales some weeks after harvest then, the total yield was a generous 193 grams. In its dried form, the aroma of those bone-hard “trichome dream” nuggets turned out to be even more lemony than before, “these extremely terpy buds are smelling like homemade lemonade with a branch of rosemary in the bottle, having a strong lemon bottom garnished with a spicily herbal note - a true feast for citrus afficionados!”, The Doc happily wrote into his grow diary.
Amnesia Lemon works like an activating vitality shot for The Doc Half a gram of Amnesia Lemon was placed into his Crafty+ vaporizer then and bingo! – the was test session was about to begin. The aroma sucked in with the first vapour cloud provided a fresh lively flavour that was sourly-citrusy in
the first instance but then also revealed a sweetish element. Which, accompanied by appreciative smacking sounds, made The Doc enthuse “it fills your entire mouth with yummy freshness, what a tasty psychodelicacy Amnesia Lemon is!” The strain’s effect was kind of sent express then, two voluminous hits made his head and body vibrate, he felt an ascent of tingling energy and sunny euphoria. Amnesia Lemon worked like an activating vitality shot for The Doc that snapped him out of his lethargy and motivated him to finally tidy his living room – of course not without inhaling more vapour in between. “Wow, this stuff kicks you forward”, he stated afterwards, “it’s a great doer-weed for those who don’t wanna goof off every time they use marijuana. Summing up his experience, he said “Amnesia Lemon delivers sparkling fresh citrus power à la Barney‘s! Once again a strain from breeder Derry that ticks all the boxes and enthused me from beginning to end. It makes me happy that one can always count on this seed company. Can’t wait to do the next Barney’s Farm strain…”
Green Born Identity – G.B.I.
Cultivation data: Genetics
Amnesia Lemon (Amnesia Haze x Lemon Skunk)
Vegetative stage
three weeks (after germination)
Flowering stage
60 days / 55-65 days in general
Plagron Grow Mix soil, 11 litre pots
1.2–1.8 mS
up to 7 x SANlight Q6W = 1505 watts
Air humidity
by hand
Organic Bloom Liquid from Green Buzz Liquids
Living Organics, More Roots, Humin Säure Plus, Big Fruits, Fast Buds and Clean Fruits from Green Buzz Liquids
CleanLight Pro for mould prevention
92 + 96 cm
together, 193 grams
Flowerpatch is a nextgeneration video game in the category of NFT games. More precisely, it is a farming game based on the virtual cultivation of cannabis and one of the most curious aspects is that it allows you to earn money while playing! The release of the first version dates back to the end of August 2019. The game platform is based on blockchain technology – this means you do not need to download any software to play as it works online with common browsers. Flowerpatch is set in Alvita, a vast virtual land with different landscapes, where you can first plant and grow your own plants and then collect their flowers, which can be either sold or planted again to expand your cultivation. In Flowerpatch there is no distinction between a flower and a plant and the NFT cards used to play the game are represented by nice flowers and are also referred to as flowers.
other plants using your own flowers and those of other growers. Once you have found the right plot of land, go to the Flowerpatch market to buy flowers for planting. The market is hosted by a number of platforms for the purchase and sale of NFTs. We used, where under the Flowerpatch heading you can find a myriad of flowers that are either auctioned or ready for purchase. Each card has unique characteristics that can be read through a dropdown menu; it is possible to filter the choice of flowers according to many characteristics, from the most common – such as Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis – to those concerning organoleptic properties
or more specific parameters linked to cultivation. One of the most interesting aspects is the classification of strains according to their rarity into 5 different levels, which often also determine their value on the market. In ascending order, the levels are common, unusual, rare, epic and legendary. So, you can choose the flower you like best and bid on it if it is up for auction, or buy it at once and start playing. Flowers can only be bought with the Ethereum cryptocurrency (Ether). You can load any value of Ether on your wallet by simply clicking on ‘Buy’ and, after selecting the cryptocurrency you wish to use (in this case Ethereum), complete the purchase by credit or debit card.
It is recommended to have a reasonable amount of Ether not to have problems when you buy the NFT. The cost of a transaction varies depending on the blockchain traffic. Currently a transaction costs about 30-40 euros. If you have an amount of Ether in your wallet than is higher than that required to complete a purchase, you will be able to place the transaction at the top of the list and the validators of the blockchain will be encouraged to finalise the process as soon as possible. You can then proceed to buy the desired NFT flower by following the steps shown in the website and wait for the transaction to complete. This often takes several minutes. When the flower is in your collection on, return to Flowerpatch to start cultivating. Once you have located the plot of land you have chosen, you can plough it with a ‘Spade’ tool that can be selected from the menu at the bottom of the screen. A message will tell you when the land is ready. The next step is planting one of the flowers in your collection. Select the ‘Planting’ tool and go back to your plot of land, click on it and a menu will open with a map of Alvita to help you move around, with a list of objects and materials that can be used for cultivation and, finally, your collection of NFT flowers. Select the flower you want to plant, and that is it.
To play the Flowerpatch game you need a cryptocurrency wallet to be used to connect to the platform and manage the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) buying and selling process. The game developers suggest using the Metamask wallet, which can be downloaded as an extension on most browsers (e.g., Chrome or Firefox) but other wallets can also be used. To start the game, you have to buy flowers to be planted, but first you should take a tour of the world of Alvita to explore the plots of land still available and analyse the substrate where you are going to plant, which should suit the strain you wish to grow. One tip is to choose a plot of land that has other adjoining plots available for planting other flowers, which will allow you to hybridise them with each other and create new strains of perhaps greater value.
If you click on your flower, a small description of the remaining growth time and the actions you can perform during it will appear. Each strain grows at a variable speed, for example our Doliner's Candy took 50 minutes. Then we continued the game by planting another flower right next to the first one, in this case it was a Benefactor Juice, an Indica dominant flower that after 30 minutes was ready to be hybridised with the flower next to it. The breeding process is a transaction like any other and you have to buy enough ‘Ethereum gas’ to perform it. We completed the transaction at a price of about 45 euros and got 3 phenotypes of Doliner's Juice in return. You can then decide to sell your grown flowers on or continue growing them. At this point, the game seems to get very interesting.
In addition to planting and harvesting, on Flowerpatch you can also breed
You can rest assured that growing on Flowerpatch is legal!
8 TOP TIPS ON GROWING ORGANIC CANNABIS the desired qualities in terms of aeration, drainage and nutrient availability. Our top tip here is to completely avoid garden centers and instead use a wellknown industry brand. There are plenty of excellent products these brands offer and are much better designed for the life cycle of a Cannabis plant. Cheap soils may be practical at the time, but will only cause problems later on.
Top Tip #5 – Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi
This organic garden has healthy and happy plants.
For many first time growers, going down the organic route is the easiest, most practical and cheapest way to grow. Having an understanding of what organic growing means and what is important will certainly give you the upper hand. In this article, we break down 8 top tips to help you become the best first time grower you can be. Top Tip #1 – Aeration How much oxygen is available to the roots once growing inside the pot is crucial. Cannabis plants will use their roots to search out for air and new space to occupy. If there is poor aeration, then the roots will suffer in the long term and the chance of a pathogen entering the soil is much higher. Our top tip here is to use either perlite at a 50% ratio to your soil, compost, or worm castings. Alternately, you could use
hydroton clay balls at a ratio of 40%. These two will add plenty of air pockets and aerate the growing medium.
Top Tip #2 – Drainage Drainage is as significant as aeration, and of course, the two are related. When water exits the base of a pot, displacement will take place, meaning the water has been replaced with oxygen. Growing mediums that are heavy and allow for little drainage will be problematic over time. Our top tip here is to make sure that once you feed your plants with water or a nutrient solution, that you can see a clear run-off at the bottom of the pots. So for example, if you pour 2 liters of water into a 10 liter pot, there will be water streaming on to the floor with in 30-60 seconds later. A great way to ensure good drainage quality is to use an inch high layer of clay hydroton balls at the base of your pots.
What makes something truly organic in my opinion is when there are microscopic fungi and bacteria working in harmony. Endomycorrhizae will form a symbiotic relation with a plant and become a permanent host. This allows for accelerated nutrient uptake and availability and access to the soil food web. Our tip here is to become knowledgeable with beneficial microorganisms such as mycorrhizal fungi, probiotic bacteria and trichoderma. All three of these are extremely beneficial for the plant's defense against pathogens, disease and root rot, so be prepared to inoculate your growing medium when making your customized mix, or using a branded complete soil.
Top Tip #6 – Fish Emulsion One of the best things that you can feed your plants is fish emulsions. Not only are they full of nutrients, they are also rich in trace elements. Adding several drops into your water source of nutrient solution will make sure that the soil food web is functioning with full efficiency, and there are plenty of available nutrients being buffered and released back over a 72-hour period.
Our top tip here is to get into the habit of adding fish emulsion to your nutrient solution. You do not need to add much, and it is an excellent way of supplementing your nutrients with a carbon rich formula. Fish emulsion is also a fantastic way to restore plant defenses and to give the leaves a thick, waxy vibrancy.
Top Tip #7 – Using Molasses If fish emulsion is not for you due to the smell, then you can use unsulfured black strap molasses instead. You may notice that the majority of organic nutrients for the grow or flower stage will be heavy, dense and have a caramel shiny appearance. These are basically molasses, usually made from sugar beet. Our top tip here is to dilute the molasses well into some warm water before feeding the plants, if you are buying directly from a supermarket. Molasses is also rich in carbs and packed full of nutrients, and will make sure the bacteria and fungi are well-fed.
Top Tip #8 – Worm Humus Basically meaning worm excrement, worm humus is an excellent source of slow release nutrition that has been produced inside the stomach of the worm. As a result, the microbial count is very high, making worm castings an incredible additive to the soil food web. Our top tip here is to apply a top dressing of fresh worm humus, every few weeks, to restore any deficiencies. Another great way to get the most out of worm castings is to make a cold water extract / aerated tea. A liquid application will be teaming with microbes and keep the garden a lush green.
Top Tip #3 – Complete Soils Gardening is a worldwide hobby and the amount of different brands available in garden centers or grow shops is high and competitive. Most growers who may be in a strict budget and limited amount of knowledge may end up buying a cheaper garden center soil that does not possess
It is essential to have good aeration and drainage.
INTERVIEW By Stoney Tark
Paradise Seeds and Compound Genetics AN INTERVIEW WITH LUC KROL
Recently Paradise Seeds became the official distributor for Compound Genetics. I caught up with Luc Krol to find out more, and his thoughts about the U.S Cannabis scene, genetics, growing laws and what this collaboration means for Europe.
Hi Luc, can you tell us how the collaboration came about? I had been aware of Compound since the company started to make an impression with their genetics in the US. I met up with one of their breeding team a couple of years ago in Amsterdam and the relationship which developed led to this partnership. We had a number of conversations about Compound’s plans for expanding outside of the US and we very much liked their ethos. When developing a partnership it is as much about the people as the product and we found that we had a lot of things in common. Chris Lynch (Compound’s master breeder) is a very talented grower whose dedication to the cannabis plant is very much in synch with the Paradise ideals and that is important. On a personal level, as a breeder who runs a cannabis company, I have a great deal of respect for Chris’s work. When we met at Spannabis earlier this year we had a lot to talk about!
Do you find that Dutch genetics
Luc Krol hard at work doing what he does best.
are popular in the States? Yes! They have always been popular in the States! I think the lesson from this is that if you look at cannabis history and the timeline of the cannabis culture, times and trends change. We are starting to see now that although exotic hybrids are enjoying a huge wave of popularity, now growers are beginning to take another look at legacy strains -
either from nostalgia or a desire to try strains which are closer to landraces. We are definitely seeing more interest in classic sativas right now, which is a good example of this.
What is your opinion of the U.S strains compared to Dutch ones? While there might be marketing value in having a competition and US strains,
and specifically Californian varieties, are so popular now there are many younger growers who may not be aware of how much shared history there is between European and American breeders. When I started the company in the 1990s there was a lot of exchanging of genetics and knowledge in Amsterdam, as that was the only safe haven for cannabis at the time, especially with the hostile environment for North American growers
13 due to the War on Drugs. Certainly many Paradise strains found their way into the American gene pool. You only have to look at a strain like Sensi Star, which can be found in the lineage of over 50 strains including the likes of Death Star, Stevie Wonder and Lemon Stinky. As I mentioned before, as breeders, we are always looking to rise to the next level so there has been a great deal of fluidity in the use of genetics from both continents to use as building blocks for the next generation of strains. At Paradise, we have certainly added our own twist to US strains such as Cookies and Gelato, but before this new wave we were doing this - Acid for example is our own version of the famous NYC Diesel strain. Of course there are some revolutionary strains coming out of the US right now, but in the world of cannabis it often comes down to the roots which were laid down as part of the international cannabis community which was working together when the scene was very much underground in the 1990s and 2000s.
How does the growing scene differ from that of Europe? I think the big difference at the moment is the freedom US genetics producers enjoy thanks to legalization, which has created a stable environment for exploring R+D opportunities. Europe is a very different environment and European breeders are still having to navigate around legal and logistical obstacles. On the whole it would be fair to say that the scope for scaling up growing operations is more limited in Europe - most home growers are working in smaller spaces with less plants and some of the best growers are having to do this beneath the radar. I am sure this will change in the coming years, and certainly hope this is the case. A more relaxed legal policy towards cannabis in states such as California - and I also expect to see this with New York - has also given an opportunity for brands to establish themselves and reach out to consumers in a way which is not possible in Europe at the moment.
Take the example of Cookies which has built such an empire for its founder, Berner, that Forbes magazine is writing articles about the company and reporting that its flagship stores generate $100 $200,000 per day!
Finally..what can European growers expect to come out of
this collaboration? Well the obvious answer to that is that Paradise Seeds is the official distributor of Compound Genetics in Europe! There will of course be more strain drops from Compound and we are looking at a potential Paradise collaboration down the line but right now nothing confirmed.
THE BUD DIARIES By Rich Hamilton
BRUCE BANNER Rich Hamilton shares an extract from his "bud diaries" with us in every issue. This month we are celebrating a classic. Bruce Banner. STRAIN Also known as "Banner" and "OG Banner," this sativa dominant hybrid weed strain has deliciously dense nugs and a tantalising THC content that packs an absolute "hulk smash". Strains like this never make a comeback. They simply wait for the moment to take the limelight from the latest over-sold trend. This legend of a strain is potent with an average 21% THC level.
GENETICS Bruce Banner was bred by Jason Holck of Dark Horse Genetics (aka OG Ironlung). It is a cross between the fruity, balanced hybrid of Strawberry Diesel and the alltime Indica favourite OG Kush. Notes of which are noticeable in its pleasingly moreish sweet and diesel scent.
GROW INFO The Bruce Banner plant is similar in growing profile to its parent OG Kush, reaching great heights. Plenty of space is therefore essential if you are cultivating indoors. Bruce is a heavy-yielding plant. Treat it right, and you will be rewarded with large, densely loaded colas. You can get up to 21 ounces per m2 indoors and up to 35 ounces per plant outside in the perfect environment. Bruce Banner is a low-maintenance strain resistant to everyday mould, powdery mildew, pests and diseases. The flowering period is around 9-10 weeks.
FLOWER Dank and dense, you can understand its worthy association with the Hulk once you see this bud. It is a swirl of bright, healthy and concentrated green hues mingled
with loud orange pistils twisting and turning through the layer of glimmering trichomes.
ODOUR Bruce Banner has a distinctive smell, which hits both dank and sweet notes. There is a mixture of sweet, earthy, and diesel at first sniff, with undertones of floral and fruit. All inherited from the parentage of Strawberry Diesel and OG Kush. This fragrance only becomes more potent when the buds are ground down, filling the air with its unique bouquet.
CONSUMED I have not smoked Bruce Banner for some time, so I wanted to go all out and really enjoy the experience. I smoked it ground down to a medium consistency in a nontobacco blunt wrap with a glass tip. It was, as I expected Pure bliss.
TASTE Like its scent, Bruce Banner provides a broad spectrum of flavours. You are confronted with that unusual combo of sweet, earthy, and diesel taste on the first inhale. Unlike most Diesel tasting strains, however, Bruce is a smooth smoke that throws out hints of strawberry as it makes its way down your throat. On the exhale, you can look forward to mellow floral notes.
STONE Bruce Banner weed strain is a perfect strain to use during the day. It delivers an intense cerebral high. It is both rejuvenating and soothing. The Sativa dominance of this strain increases your energy while uplifting your moods. It will make you feel floaty and smiley or maybe leave you in a fit of giggles. Great if you are working from home, this strain will leave
you with a touch of motivation, helping to unlock any creative energy and providing you with a host of original ideas. Bruce Banner is perfect for productivity, enhancing focus and alertness. It is also an excellent choice for socialising because it makes you feel alert, attentive and happy to engage in conversation. Across the board, it is one of the best strain for daytime use. With its reputation as a non-sedating daytime strain, Bruce Banner is a popular choice among medicinal users who need relief from their symptoms but also need to work and get things done. Bruce Banner is favoured by those looking for comfort from conditions such as chronic pain, arthritis, nausea, depression and loss of appetite.
THE BENEFITS OF GROWING A SEA OF GREEN (SOG) Do you get frustrated by low yielding plants that barely fill the grow room? There is a much better way to maximize your growing space, dramatically reduce electricity bills, nutrient use and fill your curing jars much sooner! In this article, we break down all you need to know about Sea of Green setups, covering pot size, growing times, plant count and what to consider. How Many Plants Do I Need? Before you start ordering your seeds or clones, it is important to think about the grow space you have. For example, a grow tent that is 1.5 meters squared could easily facilitate 6-9 large-sized plants. The final height of the 6-9 plants would be around 120-150 cm, and the room or tent would be filled from wall to wall with buds. The same tent could also be filled with a much higher volume of smaller sized plants. When it comes to Sea of Green setups, the goal is to finish with as many smalls to medium-sized plants, with a final mature height of 60-80 cm tall. In a tent that is 1.5 meter square, growing 16-25 small-sized plants is possible. • A 1-1.2 meter square tent can host 9-12 plants (3×3 or 3×4 rows) • A 1.5 meter square tent can host 16-25 plants (4×4 or 5×5 rows) What About the Size of Pots? It is essential to keep your Cannabis plants in the vegetative stage for a short time, allowing them to root into small-sized pots. Typically, 7.5 liter pots are the most suitable as they don’t take up much space, and can establish a prolific root zone in a short amount of time. Furthermore, 7.5 liter pots are an excellent size for dipper stakes and automated feeding.
medium, nutrients, and space. • Hydroponic growers can use even smaller pots or large coco or rock wool cubes. Short Growth Times The reason small-sized pots are used is that the time the plants spend indoors under 18/6 needs to be short. The amount of time that seedlings and clones can be given is 7-14 days, with seedlings sometimes requiring longer. Allowing plants to get bigger than time passes will only cause problems when the plants are flowering. The end goal is to have a uniform canopy that creates a sea of green foliage from wall to wall. • Clones can be vegetated under 18/6 for 7-10 days before flowering. • Seedlings may take 10-14 days, depending on light intensity. The Benefits Associated with SOG 1 The growing space is totally maximized without any space of the garden being empty. With a systematic design and floor plan, the room will appear as a sea of foliage or buds. There will be no feelings of being inefficient, and you will get the most out of your crop in every aspect.
Normally, you will be using the same amount of growing medium as you would with large-sized pots such as 20-30 liters, as you do with a large volume of 7.5 liter pots. You can now time your crop rotation more effectively with shorter growth periods of 18/6. • 7.5 liters is an ideal pot size for keeping pots closely spaced together. • Larger sized pots will only be a waste of
This grower has 9 plants inside this 1 meter square tent.
2 As long vegetative times of 18/6 are not required between harvests, this will benefit in a major reduction in the amount of heat produced and electricity usage. For those who dread a 3 figure electricity bill every month can rest assured they will be lowering cost and speeding up harvest dates. 3 There is also a significant reduction in the amount of nutrients that are used, as the plants will be primarily flowering for the majority of their life cycle. The same rule applies with growing medium, as less is required, adding to more financial savings in the long run. 4 When using a fast flowering cultivar that can knock out big yields in 7-8 weeks, allows a harvest every 8-10 week. Based on a growing phase under 18/6 of 7-14 days, the result is a quick turnaround time compared to a long-winded standard vegetative period of 4-6 weeks.
Medium sized plants like this one are no good for SOG.
5 One of the best things about Sea of Green, is that commercial growers can produce a crop rotation every 9-10 weeks.
On the basis that you have a separate room to start the plants off, and one for flowering, then you can shave 10-14 days off the rotation time, allowing a harvest literally every 8-9 weeks depending on the cultivar. What To Consider! Now, before preparing to fill your 7.5 liter pots up, there are a few things to consider before starting a SOG project. These are small tips that will allow you to keep on top of your garden and allow for the most efficient grow rooms possible. • Allow space to easily walk around when you are setting up the floor plan. It is important you can walk around the edge of the garden. • The same applies for creating an aisle down the middle of the plants, so you can freely access the plants. • Do not let the plants touch the sides of the walls of the grow room or tent walls. Once flowering has started, high humidity levels can cause mold to infect plants.
9 weeks The end of spring
the concentration of dissolved salts is higher than 0.8 mS. Plants will remain unaffected during the first weeks, as they will feed off their cotyledons and also use nutrients from pre-fertilised commercial potting mixes. But when we add further fertiliser, the salt content will soar and cause an imbalance in the plant. - The pot will dry out faster and the quick alternation of drying and watering will stress the plant. - In addition, in these weeks, the temperature will start to rise to its peak, roots grow and run out of space, and pests are present; otherwise said, the crop becomes a living hell. If we add to this the fact that, with the intense summer heat, we no longer feel like spending hours in the sun checking the plants, and prefer to go to the beach, the result will be a sure-fire disaster. - This situation occurs every year. If you are a regular member of cultivation forums, you will surely know that, during these weeks, 90% of crops are no longer monitored. This is when plants lose all their splendour and you start to see the crop's failure with the naked eye. During this phase, lots of insects start to feed on our plants. Whereas, in the first few weeks, preventive pesticides are sufficient, in this second half of vegetative development it is very likely that we will have to use curative products to avoid plagues.
and the beginning of summer in our marijuana crop on the balcony! The first weeks are over and we are now in the second stage of growth of our plants, which is even more important. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is usually between June and July for indica strains and sativa-dominant and indicadominant hybrids. For long-flowering pure sativas, it can be extended by a month until September. These weeks of growth are essential to achieve good, abundant and quality flowers in the final stage. The production of flowers (buds) is determined by genetics and the stage at which a plant reaches flowering. In the final flowering stage, we may busy ourselves with feeding fertilisers and flower boosters. However, unless the plant has gone through a proper growth stage previously, which serves as a base for the development of buds, its growth will be stunted and, ultimately, despite our efforts to remedy it, our yield will be poor and totally unsatisfactory. A common mistake is not to pay enough attention to this stage and remain idle after the first weeks of cultivation. Let us first look at what happens in the second half of the growth phase, with our marijuana plants growing in a loft or balcony: - The hours of light increase, which is good for the plants as their growth will be stronger. - The temperature increases. An increase in temperature to around 20ºC at night is beneficial. During the day, however, a higher temperature in the loft or balcony means that the floor where our plants are growing becomes warmer and this adverse condition will eventually affect
This plant is crying out for a bigger pot. the development of their roots. - In addition, as the temperature rises, pests proliferate, attacks by lymphsucking insects are more frequent and the reproduction of insects also increases. These factors will indeed affect the quality and quantity of our harvest. - During the first weeks of growth, the roots have grown through the substrate and filled the entire pot reaching its edges, where they hit against the plastic
and retract. The crushing of the root capillaries causes some of them to die and become breeding ground for moulds and soil pathogens. - The plant experiences a great spurt of growth and its branches are loaded with leaves, which ends up exhausting the substrate and causing salts to accumulate. A problem arises when we irrigate plants with very hard tap water, i.e., where
In this case, we should use products based on pyrethrins and pyrethroids, which are highly effective and degrade in sunlight. We recommend applying them in the late afternoon, when it starts to get dark, in order to achieve greater effectiveness without damaging the plant. Red spider mites also appear with the onset of summer. Pyrethrins and pyrethroids could help fix this problem, but if the infection is heavy, Abamectin may be a better option. Protect your hands and cover your mouth and nose when spraying these products on plants. Follow the instructions of insecticides and the related safety precautions and
observe expiry dates and container disposal requirements. Fertilisation This is when the last transplant is made before the beginning of the flowering stage. It is important not to postpone the transplant to the end, as this will delay flowering. For most varieties of marijuana, i.e., indicas and sativadominant or indica-dominant hybrids, it is advisable to transplant them at the beginning of July, so that they finish consuming the remaining fertiliser quantities from the pre-fertilised soil before flowering begins.
the heat in the roots and the level of soil exhaustion. To put it simply, it would be like treating a dislocated shoulder by increasing the amount of food we eat or eating our breakfast twice. All growing problems require a specific solution and are not fixed by adjusting other concurrent factors. If plants are drooping because of too much heat in the roots, this problem needs to be solved not by increasing the dosage of feed, or by applying stimulants, but by reducing the temperature of the substrate. The purpose of fertilisation is not to see how much fertiliser we can put
temperature is hotter, e.g., every other day, and water once with the fertiliser and once without it, we will end up giving twice as much a week. Watering and fertilisation should be done according to the needs of the plant, not according to our comfort or plans. If we need to give 30 ml per week in summer and we are going to water once with fertiliser and once without, we should distribute the fertiliser evenly until we achieve 30 ml in total. Also, in summer plants transpire more and need more water. If we constantly add fertiliser at the limit, it will end up burning them out, which will cause us
extracted from leonardite. The dose of Iguana Grow should be increased according to the size of the plants and their needs. As the quantity of dead roots and salt accumulation in the substrate increases, we should use enzymes more frequently. We will start using Sensizym once a week, to keep the substrate in the best conditions. Mycorrhizae and trichodermas are still a great ally during this stage, when the substrate is at its hottest and the threat of pathogens and moulds increases. Apply them at each transplant. At this time, it is vital not to abandon
to lose a lot of taste and aroma in the final product. For example, if we water with a 10-litre watering can where, in the previous stage, we added 30 ml of Iguana Grow per week and, in the warmer season, start watering our plants every day, we will have to distribute the 30 ml of fertiliser evenly. We can either feed each time 4 millilitres of fertiliser, or rather water once with fertiliser - 8 millilitres per 10 litres - and once with water only.
the crop for plants to reach flowering in the best conditions. The flowering stage should not start with large plants full of leaves but exhausted. We are not interested in producing plant fibre but rather buds and our preparation – for flowering to be at its best – is of utmost importance.
Unlike the previous stage, this time we can opt for a soil with a higher amount of fertiliser, or a soil with a low amount of fertiliser and fertilise it from time to time. To do so, we will continue using a light (i.e., lightly fertilised) potting mix, as we are interested in using quality Advanced Nutrients fertilisers. If you use a prefertilised mix for a longer period of time, it is better to transplant earlier, which will allow you to use up the growth fertiliser before the flowering stage. Tips for autoflowering strains In this case, you only have few weeks to fertilise. In particular, considering that • light soil has enough fertiliser for two weeks; • in strains with a short growth phase, it is advisable to aerate the substrate more by adding 1/3 of coco, which does not contain fertiliser; and • autoflowering strains only have between 3 and 5 weeks of growth before they start to flower, you do not need to fertilise more than two or three times. To avoid over-fertilising your plants, make sure you apply low doses of fertiliser each time. If you are growing photodependent strains, these can be considered the most important weeks for them. Do not forget that, if you have planted regular strains, this is the appropriate time to sex your plants and remove the males. Keep in mind that a fertiliser should be dosed depending on the plant's needs, which vary not according to age, but according to size. A very common mistake is to think that all the plant's problems are due to nutrition and can be solved by adding more fertiliser and stimulants, whereas, in actual fact, in 90% of cases, those problems are due to poor water quality and the grower’s failure to control the acidity of the irrigation water, the pH,
Removing males. into the substrate before the plant burns out, but rather to favour its development in the best possible way, so that it can express its full potential in terms of aroma, taste. effect and maximum possible yield. It is useless to invest in seeds and or feed high-quality fertilisers only to get a poor-quality crop. If the plant stays green and vigorous, as it usually does when you use Iguana Grow, keep it that way, do not increase the dosage and consider watering more often if necessary. Each strain or, better said, each plant absorbs nutrients in a specific amount. For example, let us say a plant consumes 10ml of fertiliser per week. In spring, if we water once with a fertiliser, then wait 3 or 4 days and then water without it, this means the plant has been fed 10 ml without experiencing any problem. However, if we increase the irrigation frequency in summer because the
Taking care of roots When the heat comes, we recommend insulating the pot base with wood or polystyrene to protect it from the hot floor. If necessary, consider using a shading mesh to reduce the temperature at the roots. In this case, we will continue using Iguana Grow as a base growth fertiliser, and combine it with Sensizym, an enzyme preparation, and Ancient Earth Organic, humic and fulvic acids
Do not procrastinate, do not put off put off treatments or transplants. Try to achieve the beginning of flowering with plants that are large and vigorous and, above all, healthy and with their substrate in good condition. In the next issue, we will discuss the first weeks of flowering, a stage when plants stretch and are ready to flower. At this time, flowering boosters, stimulators and fertilisers play a key role. Let us not give up and get those marijuana plants ready. Good luck and good harvests!
65% / 35%
17-24% / 0,1%
Indoor Yield
450-550 g/m2
Outdoor Yield
350-500 g/Plant
Indoor Flowering
9-10 Weeks
Outdoor Harvest
early-mid October
Cheers to all the sweet growers. Today we are going to talk about a strain from USA from Sweet Seeds. We are talking about Do-Sweet-Dos (SWS80), a strain with which we fell in love since the first day, with its huge trichome production, compact buds and strong effect. Not to mention its magnificent earthy and floral aromas reminiscent of cookies. This plant has become a classic. In this strain the best of these two genetics are perfectly represented: OGKB (Girl Scout Cookies x unknown
operation that I made with 9 seeds under LED lights in a 120 cm closet. You will see that with little effort you can achieve very good fruits out of the wonderful Do-Sweet-Dos from Sweet Seeds®. And best of all, you will feel the satisfaction of growing your own medicine, while enjoying the beauty of this genetic.
Growing my sweets A dream come true
strain) x Face-Off OG BX1. The resulting hybrid features a great indica character that is greatly influenced by the Girl Scout Cookies clone, which contributes to its characteristic aroma. The other strain increases its potency and invigorates the crossing, making this plant a real help against migraines, muscle aches, sleep problems, etc. It is a great help for both first time consumers and regular consumers. An indica plant of outstanding quality. To leave you a quick for when you grow this champion, I will summarize a grow
I always start by cleaning the entire room where I have the closet. It is advisable to use the vacuum cleaner instead of sweeping since with the broom we raise a lot of dust that can accumulate on the walls. Next I use a good disinfectant and move on to the second part: thoroughly clean the closet, lights, screens or reflectors, flower pots and any tools that are going to be used. All this is of vital importance since 99% of pests and fungi are dormant among the remains of the previous crop, waiting for the optimal conditions to attack and colonize your plants. Do-Sweet-Dos features great resistance
against fungal attacks, but prevention is always a good option. After the cleaning, I use a sulfur releaser which I put into operation overnight, to make sure there is nothing left to disturb the girls. Then it will be used again a couple times, but while the plants are growing. One at 15 days after germination and another the day before flowering begins. Sulfur is a great help against fungi attacks and pests such as the spidermites. While being ecological, it is a preventive that works very well and has been used for many years in conventional agriculture. In total control of the cleaning and preventive issues, we make sure to solve 50% of the possible problems. The other 50% would be weather conditions and food. Do-Sweet-Dos usually supports all types of fertilizers, but we will now take it into further discussion. It is important to know the tools and fertilizers that we will need, because once the plants start growing, the biological clock does not stop anymore and it will be necessary to act urgently
19 at key moments. It is important to use/ have: a high quality soil mix, specific fertilizers for growth and flowering, potassium hydroxide, a good watering can and of course, a pair of extractors, decent lighting equipment and new bulbs. It is always better to save the used ones (about 6/12 months of use) to use them if the new ones have any problem while the grow operation is running. I have been using COB LEDs for a couple of years and they last at least 3 years so, for now, I am unconcerned and do not need to change them. COB LED lights are excellent and Do-Sweet-Dos has shown its best flowers under this lighting. It is much more similar to solar light and they provide almost no heat to the room so since I use them, not only I save in the electricity bill but the plants are also healthier, the flowers standing closer to the light suffer much less from heat spots and the overall appearance of the grow room is much more appealing than with the orange light of high pressure sodium lights.
should always be stable, at around 6.0. I give them a pH of 5.8 in vegetative and once they start flowering, I raise it to 6. Do-Sweet-Dos is a strain that goes well with a gentle diet so I never went above 1.8 EC at any time. In vegetative they performed very well with an EC standing between 0.8 and 1.2. A base fertilizer and a root stimulator were more than enough at this stage. Before flowering started I watered the plants with Thrichodermas as a preventive. These are a type of fungi that are naturally present in coconut itself, but that usually decreases over time. Therefore, it is good to feed the substrate with new colonies as they help fighting other pathogenic fungi
you have food deficiencies or excesses, refrain to change the cycle until you have it solved. Following this rule, I am sure you will harvest some great fruits. Now, which type of food should I use right now? Easy, any fertilizer specific for flowering that is valid for coconut. But if you want to have the best results, you should also consider having a quality flower stimulator, a bottle of Cal Mag and another bottle of enzymes. As I said before, less is more and Do-Sweet-Dos is a strain that with little, offers very good results. I do not mean that you should not fertilize, but do so in moderate doses. Keep a smooth pace of fertilizer and increase gradually. You will see
Thanks to this, this strain has developed many more branches, with a high trichome production and an improvement in the final taste since terpenes are better preserved and do not volatilize as much, as with the heat provided by HPS lights. In addition, I have been able to carry out the grow operation in hot months and even having once exceeded 28 ºC, this strain is very strong and has not given any problem. It is ideal for hard climates.
As you know, in coconut you must feed the plants from the beginning and practically every time you water your plants. It is also essential to use pH and EC meters since errors can become expensive at this point. Growing with coconut is halfway between soil and hydroponics. This means that the water needs are greater as the coconut dries faster, allowing a greater supply of oxygen to the roots and also a higher rate of irrigation (therefore, more food). We must keep the pH a little lower than with soil and it
This is where we clearly see its Kush offspring. If you like photography, Do-Sweet-Dos is a model that gives a lot of play and is perfect to enjoy with its powerful colours and lots of resin. At the end of the grow operation, the smell in the room is really attractive. Strong earthy aromas combined with sweet and citrus hints, with a background that is reminiscent of the authentic Kush American genetics. And this plant has 100% USA all written around its flowers. Like all good wine, drying and curing is the secret. I advise to manicure the flowers only when they are ready for the glass jars. With this you can achieve a slow drying, allowing the plant to gradually lose its chlorophyll and then have a smooth, but persistent flavour. Once dried and manicured, it is important to wait 3 or 4 weeks before tasting. By then you will notice all its nuances, among which the wet earth, sweet cookies and the best floralbased limoncello stand out. When all this happens, we tend to smoke a bit more than we should and in the end, it is inevitable to feel all the power of Do-Sweet-Dos flowers. It’s like a punch in the neck along with a massage at the top of the head. A feeling of lightness in the mind and relaxation throughout the body.
About the soil mix, if it is from a good brand especially designed for cannabis growing, you will not have to worry about using fertilizers during the first month. The basic needs of the plant will be covered with a simple root stimulator before flowering begins. Even if you don't measure the pH of the water, a good soil can cushion and attenuate this problem. Now, if you think it is not enough and you need to get all the juice from your beautiful Do-Sweet-Dos®, you can choose a coconut or hydroponic grow operation instead. I have used coconut this time and the plants performed wonderfully.
clean the substrate we will flush and force the plants to use the last nutrients stored in their tissues, so I recommend doing it about 10 days before harvest. After flushing your plants, it is time to see them change the color of their leaves, turning to an orange-yellow color and if it is also accompanied by a certain drop in night temperature, we can enjoy beautiful purple-coloured flowers.
that can attack our plants. It is a natural preventive that feeds on other fungi, helping to strengthen the roots since it keeps them isolated from the attack of other opportunistic fungi. As you can see, investing a minimum of effort in preventives can be a big plus for a successful growing. Prevention is always cheaper and healthier than having to deal with pests or fungi attacks. Do-Sweet-Dos takes very little time to show its first pistils, so it is essential to have the plants in perfect condition when flowering starts. Once flowering begins, there is no going back. A series of processes are triggered that make the plant invest all its effort in the production of flowers, so it is a crucial moment where each extra contribution will be rewarded with some sweet and tight buds. If there are any pests, or
that your plants will soon be forming good buds. In this beautiful strain from the Sweet Seeds genetic collection, flowering is characterized by large flowers totally covered with trichomes. It is a very resinous strain and once the flowers achieve maturity, they swell to a point that they even seem to be full of seeds. The way how they fatten their buds and become whitish because of the amount of resin that covers them is an outstanding show to watch. Like all strains from the United States, the buds are not extremely fat, but they are quite tight and hard. The plants can acquire a violet color in their leaves and flowers. This is way more pronounced at the end of the cycle after flush is performed. By using products to help
Best enjoyed in a comfortable place with your best friends as it can make you laugh a lot and be totally relaxed. This strain has been my partner throughout this summer and I am already missing the next crop. And if it isn’t enough, you can do impressive high-quality extractions with this strain. Instead of Do-Sweet-Dos they should have called it 10-Sweet-10. Sweet smokes!
INDUSTRY NEWS By Rich Hamilton
WHY LOCAL IS BETTER WITH SEEDS taste are common problems for European growers of these popular U.S strains. Why is this? Improper storage or transport conditions can ruin cannabis seeds. Like all living organisms, seeds can die if not treated well and losing an entire batch can be an expensive lesson to learn. When shipping seeds over such vast distances, like from the U.S., the probability that the quality will suffer is much higher than if you had bought them from a native seed bank. So what are the ideal conditions that you need to keep in mind if you want to receive and preserve your seeds in tiptop shape and achieve those monster yields that your seed packet promises? Exposure to light can trigger germination. Seeds should be kept in a consistent, cool, dark, and dry location. Appropriate packaging is essential. Seeds should be posted in an airtight or vacuum packed, lightproof container. This will go a long way to protecting them from potential environmental threats.
The cannabis seed industry is undergoing a complete revolution, with countless new genetic prospects that never existed a few years ago. There are thousands of new strains hitting the market from hundreds of new breeders as the legal landscape changes and more people develop an interest in growing at home. Fruity and sweet dessert strains with high THC levels bred in the U.S. like
Cookies and Gelato have dominated the market in terms of popularity in recent years. Other big hitters include the Cake and Mints varietals, Contemporary GSC hybrids and the many Zkittlez varieties. There has been a real surge in the number of new American seed banks, and it's now easier than ever to buy seeds online. The current U.S. government seems to be getting laxer on federal enforcement. Therefore
it's no surprise that we see these new strains popping up all over Europe as growers want to try out the latest U.S. strains. However, there have been reports that some of these U.S. strains are just not living up to the hype. Low germination rate, higher hermaphrodite rate, lower yields, varying size and lack of potency and
Suppose they are exposed to changes in light conditions or temperature. In that case, the seeds will begin to use any stored nutrients, which means that they will lack the energy to germinate when the time comes. The ideal temperature to store cannabis seeds is 7C. Cannabis seeds can tolerate freezing temperatures. In nature, seeds will lie in the ground throughout winter, waiting for the spring. They can handle freezing conditions with a gentle thaw. It's sudden fluctuations in temperature that will do the damage.
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They cannot specify on the packaging that they are "fragile" or should be kept in specific temperature, humidity, or storage conditions. Once they are in the mail system, your seeds are at the mercy of the postal carriers. So, what can you do to limit any harm coming to the seeds you buy online? Firstly, buy from a seed bank as local to you as possible. This eliminates long journeys and exposure to threats and unfavourable conditions that cold aeroplane cargo holds, or hot, humid transport vehicles may present. Rapid temperature fluctuations alone can damage or destroy your seeds, as can the possibility of them being physically crushed under the weight of a few other tons of generic mail passing through the international postal system. How the seed bank stores the seeds before purchase is just as necessary as what conditions they face in transit. They must be in the
WILMA XXL 5 - 25L o e M st Wa th
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Whether buying from overseas or locally, always do your research and look for the right seed bank. A reliable cannabis seed bank will have a good reputation for quality products. Reputable sites will have verified reviews. These should give you a good indication of whether their storage and postal facilities are up to scratch. Alternatively, if you are on any online growing forums or groups, ask some veteran growers where they recommend.
WILMA XL 4 - 25L
grow systems
ed nt
Posting seeds long distances is a bit risky. There are so many factors out of your control that could affect their viability. Additionally, many countries have customs regulations. They do not allow any organic compounds such as seeds to cross national borders due to the risk of diseases or colonisation. Many seed banks will post them inconspicuously to stop your seeds from being identified and seized.
right temperature, light and humidity conditions, but they must also be kept off the ground and in a clean space. Seeds stored near the floor may be at risk of rodent pests, whilst dirty storage areas will attract insects and cause mould, bacteria or fungi microbes to congregate on and around the seeds.
o e M st Wa th
21 – 30% is the ideal humidity level for cannabis seed storage. Above this range and you are in the "germination" zone, which will kickstart the seed to use stored nutrients. The higher the humidity, the more your seeds will be at risk from fungi, pests or rot.
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A reputable seed bank will not mind answering any questions. Contact them if you want to ask how long they keep their seeds, what conditions they use for storage, or how they package them for postage. K
Hopefully, you will now be able to pick between the good and the bad when selecting a dealer. If you are dead set on the latest U.S strains, your only option may be a U.S. seed bank. Alternatively, why not give some new genetics a go? Something that has been bred in your home country. There are many options, even strains with similar genetics to your favourite U.S strains. Some of the best weed I have ever come across has been by accident, so why not try a change? You might be surprised.
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15-02-2022 11:17
GROW ROOM CLIMATE AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS Many people who are growing indoors focus on high light
intensity, reducing humidity during flowering stage or supplying additional carbon dioxide. However, living conditions of plants should be addressed in a complex manner, and this is double true when it comes to photosynthesis, which is a determining factor in crop quality. Read on and you will learn how to achieve perfect results. PHOTOSYNTHESIS
Simply put, photosynthesis means using the energy of photosynthetically active radiation from the sun or artificial light to synthesize carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. Then, the carbohydrates serve as a source of energy for plant growth and flowering. The faster photosynthesis, the more carbohydrates plants can use for their development and the better the conditions for an exquisite harvest. The rate of photosynthesis is affected mainly by temperature and humidity, the intensity
of photosynthetically active radiation, CO2 concentration, water and mineral nutrition. The above-mentioned info does not mean that if you provide the plants too much of everything, the rate of photosynthesis will be faster. Imagine for a while that your plant is a car whose speed depends on the tyres, the petrol and the accelerator. For the car to go as fast as possible, it needs to have properly inflated tires, enough gas in the tank, and the accelerator needs to be pressed down. You can, for exam-
ple, increase performance when using higher-quality petrol with a higher octane number. However, in case you do not have properly inflated tyres, your car will not go faster even with better gasoline. The rolling resistance of the wheels will be too great and will slow the car down. In such case, wasting your resources on better gasoline does not really make sense, no matter how hard you press the accelerator pedal. And the same can be applied to your plants. There's no point in increasing CO2 levels in a grow room if you your lighting intensity is not correct, and the temperature, humidity, irrigation and nutrition are not adjusted and optimized. Sadly, a large number of growers keep their eye only on one of many aspects of photosynthesis. They end up investing in advanced CO2 dosing systems, etc., although they are not able to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the grow room.
These two parameters are very closely linked and thus need to be addressed at the same time. The higher the air temperature, the more water in the form of water vapour the air is able to contain. Now, let me just briefly explain the difference between absolute and relative humidity. While absolute humidity indicates the mass of vapour contained in one unit mass of air, relative humidity expresses the ratio between the actual amount of vapour and the amount of water vapour that the air can contain at a given temperature. When we have 100% relative humidity, the air is completely saturated with water vapour and can no longer hold any. To give you an idea: when the absolute humidity of the air at 25 °C is 12.8 g/m3 and the relative humidity is 55 %, and we raise the temperature to 28 °C, then the absolute humidity will stay the same, whereas the relative humidity will drop to about 47 %. It means that the absolute amount of vapour does not change, but the water vapour saturation of the air decreases.
Grow room with complex HVAC system, height adjustable side ventilation and height adjustable lights.
From grower’s standpoint, it is more important to monitor the relative humidity, as too high values lead to condensation of dew on the walls of the grow room and on plant leaves –
optimal conditions for mould. What is more, an incorrect temperature/ humidity ratio directly impacts the transpiration rate, effectively slowing down photosynthesis. To provide optimal conditions for photosynthesis, your air conditioning system should be able to heat, cool, dehumidify and humidify the air. Unfortunately, such a system can be a very expensive tool for small home growers. However, you can address all the issues with a set of fans, a separate air conditioning unit as well as heating, dehumidifier and humidifier. Connect all these tools to a control unit where the desired values can be set. I have tested the Smart Grow Controller to my satisfaction, but there is a wide array of units available on the market. Be that as it may, in case of larger grow rooms it is better to be equipped with the so-called customised HVAC system. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. The advantage of such complex system is that it saves significant amount of energy compared to a system consisting of individual components. With HVAC, it can’t happen that you would be heating and cooling or humidifying and dehumidifying at the same time. HVAC systems are used in a wide range of operations, and there is a wide range of companies that can build one for you. However, growing plants under artificial lighting is a very specific activity with the working conditions for the HVAC system changing quickly and frequently, just as the target values and performance requirements change quite frequently. That is why I recommend choosing HVAC system made by companies with plenty of experience in similar growing environment. One of the cheaper options I would like to mention are OptiClimate systems. You just need to be aware of the fact that humidification needs to be dealt with separately, and the dehumidification capacity is also lower than one usually needs. However, the advantage is that you can use this unit even in smaller and medium-sized grow rooms. For a large operation, you should choose customized HVAC system, provided you are serious about growing and focus on top quality and efficiency. I had a chance recently to see first-hand one such system in Switzerland. The company CarbonActive
23 The stomata on the leaves are also vital because the plant absorbs carbon dioxide through them. For photosynthesis to proceed quickly, you simply need to keep the stomata open. But beware of too high a temperature in the vegetation. Get a simple contactless thermometer to start with and compare the leaf temperature with the air temperature. A more advanced method is to combine an infrared camera with a connection to your light source and HVAC system.
showed me their sophisticated system with full climate control, detailed settings, data logging, heat recovery, and other gadgets in their four “showroom” grow rooms. After all, the pictures accompanying this article have been taken in CarbonActive grow rooms.
I believe there are still very few people who monitor the temperature of leaves. Yet, this is a crucial factor in terms of proper transpiration and photosynthesis. Under ideal conditions, leaves are two degrees Celsius cooler than the air in the grow room. Heat radiation from the lamp and the air flowing in the grow room are two main factors influencing leaves temperature. Heat radiation from conventional lamps is way more intense than from modern LED lighting modules. The heat from conventional lamps spreads from the lamp in all directions, i.e., also on the plants. You do not have to worry about this when using LED modules. The radiant heat is not emitted from the diodes. To achieve a longer lifespan of the LEDs, they need to be cooled down either by a passive or active cooler. In both cases, the heat is emitted upwards from the modules, meaning only a fraction of it reaches the plants below. This allows you to place the modules much closer to the
plants without risk of burning them. Still, there are many advocates of traditional sodium and metal halide lighting systems who believe that radiant heat from the lamps plays an essential role and that replacing this heat comes at the same cost – at least – as using traditional lamps. What I think, however, is that a proper airflow in the grow room is of utmost importance. In such case the heat from the LED modules does not “stay” at the top of the grow room but is easily flown around and heats the whole area. What is more, you do not have to be afraid that too intense heat emission will increase the temperature in the grow room too much, forcing you to dim the light until the temperature drops again. This can happen only when using traditional lamps; with LED modules there is no need to worry about such scenario. Whether you use LED modules or traditional lamps, you should definitely keep an eye on the temperature of your vegetation. Very cold leaves slow down the transpiration stream because they keep their vents closed. Concurrently, the transpiration of water vapour through the vents out of the plant creates the needed negative pressure that drives the transpiration stream. As long as the vents are closed, the water vapour cannot leave, and this leads to the plant not being able to take up additional water, which means it cannot take in nutrients.
A lot has been said and written about the difference in vapour pressure within and around the leaf. However, I cannot omit this topic completely in this article, because it is an absolutely essential feature affecting the rate of transpiration. If we want to keep the stomata open, it is best to maintain the water vapour pressure difference (VPD) inside and outside the leaf between 0.4–0.8 kPa for seedlings, 0.8–1.2 kPa in the growth stage and 1.2–1.6 kPa in the flowering stage.
Now that you have full control of the climate in the grow room, you can move further and increase the light intensity, add carbon dioxide, and boost nutrient supply. When it comes to light, I have the best results at PPFD levels of 900–1100 μmol/m2/s. Slightly higher efficiency, taking into account the ratio of energy costs to yield, is achieved with values around 750 μmol/m2/s. In regard to carbon dioxide, the best practice is – when I am growing with a completely closed HVAC system and don't have full control of the whole climate – to keep the CO2 concentration at 400–600 ppm. In optimal conditions I increase the concentration to 900–1100 ppm during flowering stage and reduce it to 600 ppm in the last two weeks of flowering. When ensuring ideal conditions, higher nutrient consumption needs to be addressed as well.
To sustain the desired values, it is necessary to keep the temperature and relative humidity in precise ratio. In order to do this, read the table in
However, the maximum EC values should not exceed 2.4. When increasing the EC, make sure to maintain the recommended ratio of individual nutrients.
VPD table.
this article, which is designed for a leaf temperature 2 °C lower than the air temperature.
¨Growing in the right conditions leads to delicious harvest.
O r d e r! Now
THE VEG & FLOWER ROOMS Temperature: Vegetative plants grow best within a temperature range from 24-30ºC. Keep temperatures from climing beyond 27 degrees C to avoid internodal stretching. Do not let day and night temperatures fluctuate more than 5 degrees C to promote faster growth. Water and nutrient usage change when overall temperatures are higher or lower for more than one day. Humidity: A humidity range of 40-70 percent is OK for vegetative growth. You will have to fine tune the humidity for the variety you are growing. Most often, vegetative plants grow best with a humidity of about 60 percent.
Size and siting: Vegetative plants are smaller and take up less space. The vegetative room should be about 0.25 (one quarter) the size of the flowering room. Allow enough space for plants to grow up to 90 cm tall if you plan to move them outdoors. Setting plants on the floor allows for more vertical growth and is less expensive than setting up on tables. Grow tables allow for easier plant maintenance and extra storage or growing space below tables. Reservoirs can also be set under tables. Lighting: Vegetative plants need less light than flowering plants. CMH, MH and LED lamps all provide adequate light for rapid vegetative growth. CMH and LED lamps are preferred for vegetative growth. See chapter twenty, Light, Lamps and Electricity, for complete information on lighting.
Set timer to 18-hour days and 6-hour nights for regular and feminized varieties Set timer to 20-hour days and 4-hour nights for auto-flowering varieties
Air ventilation and circulation: Good air flow inside the room is essential to keep air from stratifying in the room and around foliage. Adequate air circulation also discourages diseases and pests. Changing the air in the room is essential to allow a fresh supply of CO2 and to expell stale used air. Ideally, the air in a grow room should be replaced every minute if possible. Draw in cooler intake air near floor and expell warm exhaust air near the ceiling on the opposite side of the room. Water: Give vegetative plants clean water with a low ppm (<300) and a pH near 6.0 for best results. Nutrients: Follow a regular nitrogen-rich nutrient application schedule. Nutrients must have all micronutrients AKA trace elements. Use the same brand or mix nutrients throughout the crop. Change nutrient regimen only when deficiencies or excesses occur. See “Misdiagnosed Disorders” in chapter seventeen, Nutrients, to be sure the deficiency in not a cultural problem. Growing medium: Vegetative plants love a substrate that drains quickly but holds plenty of moisture and air at the same time. Make sure that roots from transplants grow properly into the vegetative growing medium. Both mediums should have similar water-holding-abilities so that roots penetrate properly. Containers: Large containers hold more growing medium and need less frequent
watering than smaller containers. Seriously consider using air-pruning containers to promote more a profuse root system. More roots grow in a self-pruning container; so smaller containers can grow bigger plants.
Temperature: Flowering cannabis grows best in mild 21-24 degrees C days and 18-21 degrees C nights. Drastic temperature fluctuations cause stress and slow growth.
Diseases and pests: Vegetative growth is when most diseases and pest problems start or are noticed by gardeners. Take special care to inspect plants carefully for disease and pest damage. Use a 20-30X magnifying glass to examine trouble spots. Take immediate action to control all diseases and pests.
Humidity: Flowering cannabis loves a humidity range from 40-60 percent. This range keeps most mold and diseases at bay.
Cultural problems manifest during vegetative growth and persist through flowering. Cultural problems are most common when vegetative indoor plants stay in the ground more than a month. See “Misdiagnosed Disorders” in chapter seventeen, Nutrients, for information about common cultural problems.
Size and siting: The flowering room should be about four times larger than vegetative room. Flowering plants will put on more foliage during the first 3-4 weeks of flowering especially when they are given more intense light. You can calculate 100 x 100 cm square per flowering plant that is 120 cm tall including the container. Lighting: Most indoor growers have changed to LED lights for all phases of growth, including flowering. Add more LED light to pick up the photon count! Add a HPS bulb if you are using a CMH or MH bulb. Add one 600w HPS for each 315 CMH. Add one 1000w HPS for each 630w CMH or 1000w MH bulb. Or change out your MH for a HPS of equal or greater wattage.
Set timer to 12-hour days and 12-hour nights to induce flowering for regular and feminized varieties. Set timer to 18-hour days and 4-hour nights for auto-flowering varieties
Nutrients: Follow a regular phosphorus- and potassium-rich nutrient application schedule. Nutrients must have all
regimen only when deficiencies or excesses occur. See “Misdiagnosed Disorders” in chapter seventeen, Nutrients, to be sure the deficiency in
micronutrients AKA trace elements. Use the same brand or mix nutrients throughout the crop. Change nutrient
not a cultural problem.
Remember charcoal filters clog and stop filtering out fragrances when relative humidity climbs above 80 percent. Humidity climbs at night when lights go out. Extra venting is often necessary. Air ventilation and circulation: Air movement keeps CO2-rich air available around foliage. Ventilation carries off fragrant CO2-depleted air and brings in new CO2-rich air to grow big flowers. Changing the air every minute in grow rooms keeps fragrance under control too. Water: Flowering plants use a lot of clean water. Check plants daily and irrigate as needed. Use a moisture meter to check for dry soil pockets.
Growing medium: Use the same growing medium as for vegetative plants. Containers: Use same containers as for vegetative plants. Do not transplant plants when moving from vegetative room to flowering room. Diseases and pests: Kill or stop any and all diseases on flowering plants as soon as they are noticed. Always use the least toxic way to control plagues. Inspect flowers and other foliage daily carefully so that you catch all problems immediately. Cultural problems can get out of hand easily during flowering. Be very careful during vegetative growth to solve all cultural problems. Cultural problems that carry on into flowering are well intrenched and may take longer to remedy.
See “Misdiagnosed Disorders” in chapter seventeen, Nutrients, for information about common cultural problems.
This an excerpt from the new digital Edition unpublished 6th Edition of Marijuana Horticulture (AKA the Bible) by Jorge Cervantes. The new digital edition will be available as this summer, 2022. Jorge is very excited about the new digital edition because you will be able to contribute to the digital book. © 2020, © 2021, © 2022
A MAN-GO CRAZY! For this instalment of Betty Green I am bringing you something a little different. Something that is going to get you high, but also something that’s going to enrich the experience and get you even higher.
For this instalment of Betty Green I am bringing you something a little different. Something that is going to get you high, but also something that’s going to enrich the experience and get you even higher. Can you Boost Your High with Mangoes? Mangoes are a tropical stone fruit high in fibre and essential vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, and E. They're not known to have any psychoactive effects, so why are they reported to increase your high? So far, minimal research has been done on this subject. However, there is much anecdotal evidence to be read. To try and understand how this belief came to be and what science is behind it, let's look. While mangoes don't contain any psychoactive properties, they are incredibly rich in terpene myrcene, which is also found in many strains of cannabis. Terpenes are aromatic essential oils found in many plants and fruits, including cannabis. They give the plant its taste and colour, but they also affect the type of high you experience with each strain. To intensify the effects of cannabis, terpenes work synergistically with cannabinoids like THC or CBN. In addition, terpenes like pinene and limonene are known for fighting anxiety and depression. However, Myrcene is recognised for inducing feelings of joy, euphoria, and relaxation. Myrcene is notably recognised for intensifying cannabis highs. By increasing your blood-brain barrier's permeability, Myrcene allows THC to reach your brain quicker and with greater intensity than it usually would. Therefore, it makes sense that consuming myrcene-rich mangoes would create a more intense high. It is advised when trying this theory to eat the mango 1-2 hours before a smoke sesh to give the fruit time to digest and get into your system. Mango and Edibles As with the rest of this topic, most evidence of mango increasing your high is anecdotal. However, for the same reasons,
it is reasonable to assume that making edibles with mango could work in the same way to increase your high. Especially as both the mango and the cannabis take roughly the same amount of time to work on the body when you have eaten them. As a result, I came up with this simple but delicious smoothie recipe that is much more interesting, tasty, and versatile than just eating chunks of mango! Make it Plain, and Then Enjoy a Smoke! Alternatively, you can make this smoothie without any cannabis infusion, enjoy it and then have a smoke after an hour or so to see if you can feel the effects. Drinking blended mango allows you to consume much more fruit than you might do if you were just eating fresh chunks. It also delivers the mango to your body in a more digestible form. Therefore, if there are any benefits, drinking a mango packed smoothie gives you the best chance of accessing them.
BETTY'S "TOTALLY TROPICAL" SMOOTHIE This delicious and refreshing smoothie is made with simple ingredients in just five minutes. It is jam-packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, calcium, etc. It's also entirely naturally sweetened, gluten-free and can be adapted for vegans. INGREDIENTS 500-750ml of Milk - Use what you prefer. I recommend using whole milk as it contains more fat which the cannabinoids will find easier to bind with and will produce better results. You can also use a splash of yoghurt or cream for the same reason. Plant-Based Milk - If you are Vegan, you can use any plant-based alternative. Although I recommend you try one with high-fat content (like coconut), it binds with the cannabinoids better.
Mango - Mango is naturally sweet, delightfully tropical, and makes the smoothie nice and thick without adding ice or yoghurt (you can if you want, though). I like to use fresh, but frozen is fine too. As a rough guide, I would use at least 300g but use as much as you like if you want to try and induce the best effect from that extra Myrcene. One Large Ripe Banana - Bananas and mango blend well together, making them perfect smoothie partners, creating a smooth and sweet combo. Pineapple - Apart from its complimenting fruity taste, Pineapple is an excellent addition to your smoothie. Pineapple is packed with manganese, copper, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, which all have essential roles in the proper functioning of your body. Use a handful of fresh or frozen to sweeten. Canna Butter - If you make an "infused smoothie", add a measured amount of softened unsalted canna butter. Dosage will depend on your tolerance and how strong your butter is. If you are unsure of the dosage, I recommend trying half a teaspoon in your first smoothie and waiting for the effects. If it is not enough, increase by half a teaspoon at a time in subsequent smoothies. Alternatively, you can use canna infused oil. Lime – Cut a chunky slice of fresh lime and run it around the edge of the glass, for an extra fresh, sharp, citrus kick in the face to wake you up. Method 1. Add all ingredients to a blender. 2. Blend until smooth. 3. ENJOY! Storage - Store in an airtight jar and refrigerate for up to 1 day. - Freeze in airtight freezer-safe jars for up to 3 months. Allow the smoothie to defrost in the fridge before consuming. Customise The great thing about smoothies is their versatility. Chuck in whatever you like, strawberries, oats, honey, protein powder, and iron-rich greens. the possibilities are endless.
CANNABIS By Rich Hamilton
THE FIRST LADY OF HIP-HOP BECOMES THE FIRST LADY OF WEED similar position and be inspired. Whilst Kim wants to have a good time with her brand. She also values being one of the first women celebrities of colour to have her own line of cannabis flowers. The Aphrodisiak brand is on the cusp of building one of the first female celebrity-backed empires. As long as they can deliver a range of cannabis strains as Iconic as Kim's look and sounds. Kim has been working on "Aphrodisiak" for two and a half years. The rapper wants her line to reflect her personal style. Regarding the brand identity and packaging, you can only imagine that it will be pretty unique. It will definitely be a fashion-forward lifestyle cannabis experience.
Lil' Kim exploded onto the hip-hop scene in 1996 with her debut album Hardcore. Now, she's releasing a line of legal cannabis products intended to have the same stimulating effects.
with the day-to-day development of the line and the quality. "I tested this, and I was like ', Oh yeah, this is that gas,'" Kim commented last year when She announced the brand.
The infamous hip-hop artist and pop culture trailblazer Lil' Kims' highly anticipated designer cannabis line, "Aphrodisiak", will launch to Californian weed enthusiasts in the first half of 2022. With plans to expand into legal markets, including Michigan, New Jersey, and Kim's home town New York soon.
Kim's lyrics hear her spitting raw rhymes about weed. She was up there with the likes of Snoop back in the nineties. It opened audiences up to weed, back when mainstream pop culture still hadn't made its mind about the taboo plant. Never mind the subject of women openly smoking cannabis and enjoying it.
The foremost place to get hold of Kim's buds will be California's new "Pineapple Express" Hollywood dispensary. The dispensary is owned by Kim's fellow music and weed entrepreneur "2 Chainz". Carlos Dew of Superbad Inc, Kim's Aphrodisiak partner, told how this was the perfect place for the launch. "We wanted to do something that reflected Kim being an icon, so Hollywood is the perfect place to launch."
Lil Kim was one of few women in the public eye to buck the trend and proudly and loudly declare her love for weed. There is no doubt that Kim was a trailblazer for women by toking unapologetically alongside her male peers. At the time, however, she could not have foreseen the changes afoot in the cannabis industry. Or that her weed-friendly rhymes would help create her a niche in today's lucrative market.
Aphrodisiak products have been handselected and forged over two years with Kim's input. She remains hands-on
"She's a trendsetter. If you look back in history, everything she's done, she's the first one. The first bad girl of Hip Hop,
which is important." -Carlos Dew, Super Bad Inc. Carlos Dew's superbad inc. is the licensing brand positioned to help Aphrodisiak jump off from coast to coast and eventually worldwide. Dew is a budding mogul in cannabis who orchestrates deals that give celebrities and influencers their due platform and equity in a legal cannabis industry that is too quick to forget its O.G.s. Superbad inc helps stars like Lil' Kim make the most of their influence in the cannabis industry. Their reputation for already working with canna celebrities and influencers such as 2 Chainz and Tommy Chong has to be a good omen for Kim's cannabis line. Kim's debut album went double platinum with over 2 million units sold. In total, she has moved over 6 million albums worldwide. The hope is that Kim's name and reputation will drive people to purchase her strains at the same rate they buy her music. Kim and her Aphrodisiak team are ultimately focused on "orchestrating generational wealth" for themselves and other people who may be in a
Kim and Superbad inc are hopeful that it will not be long before Lil' Kim's range is available in New York, her home state, and New Jersey and Michigan. New York is currently in the process of working out its licensing and regulations. New Jersey, meanwhile, is slowly moving closer to opening its retail cannabis stores. In terms of genetics, Kim and Carlos have said that all products all be new strains custom made to Kim's preference, and Kim is more than happy to try them out. "I am surrounded by seasoned cannabis smokers. They told me, 'Kim, you're onto something,' and I was excited about it. Plus, I do like different strains. I like sativa, I like indica and hybrid. But, I also, like that real California O.G., it will never go out of style." - Lil' Kim.
MEDIA By Rich Hamilton
WATCHTUMBLEWEEDKILLER MIKE- VICE TV With hit shows like Weediquette and Bong Appetit, Vice TV has always been a trailblazer in cannabis tv programmes. They are hoping to replicate that success with their new offering, Tumbleweeds. The four-episode series debuted on 4/20 and is produced by Weedmaps, Host Killer Mike is well-known in the US as a Grammy winner (with OutKast), cannabis advocate and business entrepreneur. The show's format is pretty simple. First, visit a destination and sample the food. Mike is a big fan of 3 things Weed, Sneakers and food. And each episode delivers. There are three settings in
each half-hour show, where Mike and a guest star visit different weed-related destinations that the city offers. The first two episodes are set in San Francisco and Las Vegas. When visiting Vegas in episode 2, Mike proclaims that it is a "great place for the munchies." The tour begins at "Cookies" dispensary, where Mike's "Run The Jewels" strain is sold. Later they head over to Urban Necessities and check out a colossal wall of sneakers.
Mexico, Dr Rick Strassman conducted a U.S. Government-approved and funded clinical research programme. He injected sixty volunteers with DMT. This book is a detailed account of those sessions. It is an incredible inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT is a plant-derived chemical discovered in the psychedelic Amazon brew, ayahuasca. However, it is also produced naturally by the pineal gland in the human brain. After administering the drug, Strassman's research candidates consistently reported near-death and mystical experiences.
As well as laid back, chill and laughing plenty, the show also regularly reminds viewers of the more political side of the legal industry. Mike s very passionate about reparations and social justice for those unfairly impacted by the war on drugs. He discusses how he believes that all people incarcerated for non-violent cannabis-related crimes should be released from jail and given "a pathway into the industry." Finally, Mike stops off for a "munchie" meal at Soul Belly BBQ. Vice TV is available via Hulu, Roku and Apple TV via selected cable providers.
David Nutt is a professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, chair of DrugScience. and author of "Drugs: Without the Hot Air". He was also chair of the UK's advisory committee on the misuse of drugs until 2009. In Professor David Nutt's first book on the subject, he breaks into new territory by telling us how we may use Cannabis for health and wellness in the future. This trustworthy source on the subject of Cannabis and the human body is founded on two years of research
Almost all the participants believed that the experiment produced some of the most profound experiences they had ever had. Many reported encounters with astute nonhuman presences, including aliens, angels, and spirits. in partnership with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. It involves the findings from up to 20,000 patients, which creates Europe's largest body of evidence on the cannabis plant's medicinal qualities. This is a must-read for all cannabis enthusiasts and, more importantly, for those who are perhaps more cautious about the effects of this amazing plant. It covers the impact of the drug on all regions of the brain and body. It is packed full of practical information on treating illnesses from chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and PTSD to anxiety and depression. This essential up to date information cuts through the hype and gives us evidence-based facts that could have the power to change people's lives. Cannabis (Seeing Through the Smoke) The New Science of Cannabis and Your Health is published by Hodder & Stoughton and available at all good bookstores and in audiobook formats.
LISTENDMT: THE SPIRIT MOLECULE -AUDIO BOOK BY DR RICK STRASSMAN DMT is a potent psychedelic that you may have heard of. Between 1990-and 1995, at the University of New
DMT: The Spirit Molecule suggests that DMT enables the soul's movement in and out of the body. It makes the case that DMT is a critical part of important events in our lives, such as birth and death. It also has a role to play in meditation and sexual transcendence. Strassman goes as far as to theorise that "alien abduction experiences" are a result of unplanned releases of DMT. This book believes that used under the right conditions, DMT could initiate tremendous progress in the scientific probe of the most mystical parts of the mind and soul. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in philosophy, the mind, the nature of reality, and spirituality.
DMT: The Spirit Molecule -Audio Book by Dr Rick Strassmanis available on Audible/ Amazon.
30 COLOFON Soft Secrets is published by Discover Publisher BV Galvaniweg 11, 5482 TN Schijndel, Netherlands Telephone: +31-(0)73-5498112 E-mail: Web: Editor: Cliff Cremer Contributors: Jorge Cervantes, Stoney Tark, Rich Hamilton, Mr. José, Green Born Identity (G.B.I.), Betty Green, TricomaTeam, Tommy L. Gomez Fabrizio Dentini and others. Comics: Jim Stewart Photography: iStock Editorial adress: Advertisements: E-mail: A word from the publisher: Soft Secrets is a bi-monthly free magazine which is published in The Netherlands (called Highlife), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Poland, Czech Republic and Chile. World wide there is a process going on of relative liberalisation towards the use of cannabis, be it for medicinal or recreational purposes. Several countries
legalised cannabis as a way of separating soft and hard drugs, as it has proven to do in Holland. Other countries legalised the use of medicinal cannabis, including the right to grow cannabis plants for one’s own use. The publisher wants to highlight the process of normalisation of cannabis use. This assumes that the publisher does not necessarily agree with everything that appears in articles and advertisements. The publisher therefore distances himself explicitly from published statements or images that might give the impression that an endorsement is being made for the use and/or production of cannabis. Nothing from this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format without prior permission from the publisher and other copyright holders. The publisher is not responsible for the content and/or point of view of advertisements. The editor takes no responsibility for unsollicited submissions. The publisher has endeavored to reach all copyright holders of photos and/or images. Those who still believe they are entitled to these rights may contact the publisher.
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