Begin Your Six Sigma Journey with the White Belt Certification
January 10–12, 2011 | San Diego, CA
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
Improving Business Process Management to Drive Efficiency, Growth and Innovation YOU WILL LEARN TO: Earn up to 18 CPE Credits
Incorporate Six Sigma Tools into Your Business Strategy Create a strategic plan with effective assessment tools
Ensure Operational Excellence with Design for Lean Six Sigma Transition from DMAIC to DFLSS for improved processes and quality
Integrate Process Improvement Tools with Performance Utilize Six Sigma, BSC and Process Mapping to evaluate performance
Implement Voice of the Customer Techniques to Understand Your Consumers Prioritize project selection based on customer opinions and feedback
pre-conference workshop: Monday, January 10, 2011 8:30 Continental Breakfast & Pre-Conference Certification Registration 9:00
Lean Six Sigma Pre-Conference White Belt Certification
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
Our one day intensive White Belt Certification program is a course allowing corporate executives to understand the underlying concepts, methods and tools needed for Lean Six Sigma deployment. These individuals will gain a solid understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology and how it can be applied to various projects. Each attendee will be required to take a 30-minute examination at the conclusion of the course to make sure they have a working knowledge of the information provided. After completion of the course, they will receive their Lean Six Sigma White Belt Certification.
Key Learning Objectives: ÌÌ Understand the history and background of Lean Six Sigma ÌÌ Evaluate the core concepts of Lean and Six Sigma ÌÌ M aximize your understanding of the Lean Six Sigma methodology (focus on DMAIC – Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) ÌÌ Hear how to develop a project charter ÌÌ Learn how to identify non-value added steps in your processes ÌÌ Develop the skills needed to manage the culture change ÌÌ Understand how to use data property to effectively measures, analyze, improve and control performance ÌÌ Evaluate Voice of the Customer (VOC) techniques ÌÌ Examine the Cost of Poor Quality (CPQ) ÌÌ Learn key data collection strategies ÌÌ Receive basic statistics, graphical analysis and Statistical Process Control (SPC) training Charis Grossman, PMP®, Six Sigma Black Belt – Sr. Consultant, St. Petersburg College, State College of Florida and the Performance Institute 4:00 Pre-Conference Certification Adjourns
ÌÌ C Suite
ÌÌ Head of Operations
ÌÌ V P/Director of Process Improvement
ÌÌ L ean Six Sigma Deployment Leaders
ÌÌ VP of Operational Excellence
ÌÌ Lean Six Sigma Champions
… and anyone participating in Six Sigma or process improvement
day one: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 8:30 Continental Breakfast & Registration
Keynote Address Implementing Six Sigma Tools into Your Strategic Plan
ÌÌ Understand traditional strategic planning and its limitations ÌÌ Examine emerging elements of assessment for more effective strategic planning ÌÌ L earn how to use Six Sigma management system tools and processes to create an adaptive strategic planning process Donald Ainsworth Lean Six Sigma Instructor, Villanova University Management Consultant, IBM Global Business Services
10:00 Break & Refreshments
Incorporate Lean Six Sigma into Your Overall Organizational Business Strategy
ÌÌ U nderstand how different process improvement methods can combine to form an effective performance tool
ÌÌ I ntegrate Lean Six Sigma initiatives into your strategic plan
ÌÌ D iscover how to read and assess these various tools
ÌÌ D evelop strategies and objectives for integrating Six Sigma Initiatives
ÌÌ L ink the BSC, Six Sigma and process mapping to create value.
ÌÌ M ake your process improvement initiative a critical part of your long-term strategic plan
Chuck Aubrey VP Lean Six Sigma, Anderson Pharmaceutical Packaging
Bob Gutman Director of Process Improvement, CSX
Integrate Six Sigma, the Balanced Scorecard and Process Mapping to Optimize Performance
12:15 Lunch Break
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
The basic concept of Six Sigma is to analyze the probable risks and changes in a system in consideration of a strategy and implement DMAIC philosophy based tools for process improvement. Thus, integrating Six Sigma tools into the organization’s strategic plan has far-reaching implications for an organization’s ability to identify the right processes that will drive its initiatives, experience intended outcomes, and capture results. The purpose of this keynote is to help you:
day one , continued: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 1:30
Develop a Six Sigma Approach to Improved Performance ÌÌ E valuate the core concepts of Lean and Six Sigma and how they can be integrated into your organization
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
ÌÌ L earn key selection criteria for deciding whether to use the Lean or Six Sigma approach for each project
ÌÌ E xamine other process improvement methodologies that can improve process performance
Integrate Six Sigma Methodologies into Project Selection and Management to Identify Obstacles and Opportunities ÌÌ P roperly combine Lean Six Sigma project selection strategies to achieve optimal results ÌÌ R ecognize the “right” projects to maximize the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma ÌÌ I ncorporate key areas of improvement and targets when prioritizing projects ÌÌ R ecognize strategies for methodology implementation ÌÌ A pply measurement tools to evaluate how the project met or missed the service objectives
2:30 Break & Refreshments
Daniel Zucker PMP®, Master Six Sigma Black Belt Principal Consultant, The Operari Group
4:15 Day One Adjourns
practical, useful
information, tools and techniques.” – Kim W., Kelly OCG
Achieve maximum customer satisfaction with VOC techniques liminate waste and process E variance to achieve bottom-line results Utilize your company’s resources to prioritize project selection
Use cutting edge process improvement tools to improve performance Adopt effective, best-in-class Lean Six Sigma practices for deployment
day two: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 8:30 Continental Breakfast
Keynote Address Best Practices for Designing and Sustaining a Lean Six Sigma Deployment
ÌÌ Maximize Lean Six Sigma business strategy and leaders to enable a successful deployment plan ÌÌ Gain proficiency with process improvement tools and Six Sigma resources ÌÌ Build collaboration among Six Sigma champions, team members and colleagues
10:00 Break & Refreshments
Enhance Lean Deployment: Leverage the Power of Lean to Inspire Talent throughout Your Company
ÌÌ I mprove employee satisfaction and group success through team building ÌÌ U tilize frontline involvement to improve and maintain processes ÌÌ P romote a common purpose and focus on Lean implementation and accomplishments
Using Rapid Improvement Events (Kaizen) to Achieve Dramatic Results ÌÌ L earn how to run rapid improvement events for immediate results ÌÌ I dentify the tools and techniques necessary to execute a Kaizen event ÌÌ E valuate best practices and lessons learned in running Kaizen events successfully Lene Mock VP Enterprise Business Process Group, Sun Trust Bank
12:15 Lunch Break
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
The proven model for deploying a successful process improvement initiative is to build an effective infrastructure, obtain executive commitment and involvement, and have your best leaders working on projects full-time. This keynote address will discuss the best practices for managing and driving a Lean Six Sigma deployment, the pitfalls to avoid and how to achieve organizational excellence through Lean Six Sigma.
day two , continued: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:15
Integrate Design for Lean Six Sigma (DFLSS) for Operational Excellence ÌÌ S tand strong in the turbulence of today’s multipolar world and realize the major impacts on the sustainability of Operational Excellence
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
ÌÌ D evelop a fundamentally different approach to DFSS to adapt to a disruptive environment where the business must be agile
ÌÌ D esign and deliver higher standards of performance as a minimum for survival and competitiveness as you navigate through changing market requirements and the velocity of innovation. John Evelyn President, Trident Leverage Group
Utilize Voice of the Customer (VOC) Techniques to Gain a Competitive Advantage ÌÌ U ncover methods to define and understand customers priorities and focus improvement efforts ÌÌ C reate higher levels of customer satisfaction by educating your business on Lean Six Sigma VOC principles and tools ÌÌ C apture customer feedback to effectively provide the best-in-class quality product or service
4:00 Conference Adjourns
2:45 Break & Refreshments
great ideas
“ A lot of and concepts incorporated well with the educational side of the principals.” – Jackie Z., Preferred Meal Systems
logistics & registration Venue and Hotel: Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments will be held at the Westin San Diego. A continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided each day of the event. A complimentary shuttle to and from the airport is available, as well. Conference Address: Westin San Diego 400 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 619-239-4500
Tuition & Group Discounts: Offerings
Early Bird*
Conference only
Conference and White Belt Certification
White Belt Certification
The American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI) strives to provide you with the most productive and effective educational experience possible. If after completing the course you feel there is some way we can improve, please write your comments on the evaluation form provided upon your arrival. Should you feel dissatisfied with your learning experience and wish to request a credit or refund, please submit it in writing no later than 10 business days after the end of the training to: ASMI: Quality Assurance 805 15th Street, NW, 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20005 Note: As speakers are confirmed six months before the event, some speaker changes or topic changes may occur in the program. The Institute is not responsible for speaker changes, but will work to ensure a comparable speaker is located to participate in the program. If for any reason ASMI decides to cancel this conference, ASMI accepts no responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registrants, including delegates, sponsors and guests.
* For the early bird rate, please register by November 15, 2010. For information on group discounts, please contact Paul Rogers at 858-737-4122 or email him at
CPE Credits Delivery Method: Group-live Program Level: Basic Prerequisites: None Advanced Preparation: None CPE Credits: 18 The American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Website:
Discounts & Payment: •A ll ‘Early Bird’ Discounts must require payment at time of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. •A ny discounts offered whether by ASMI (including team discounts) must also require payment at the time of registration. •A ll discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer. • Discounts cannot be applied retroactively Payment must be secured prior to the conference. If payment is not received by the conference start date, a method of payment must be presented at the time of registration in order to guarantee your participation at the event.
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments
A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Westin San Diego at the prevailing rate of $147 until December 10, 2010. Please call the hotel directly and reference code “The Performance Institute” when making reservations to get the discounted rate.
Quality Assurance:
Visit us online:
Fax this form:
Registration Form o Yes! Register me for the Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments conference. o Please add the White Belt Certification. o Please register me for the White Belt Certification only. o Please call me. I am interested in a special Group Discount for my team. Delegate Information
Payment Information o Check o Purchase Order / Training Form
Credit Card Number
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Expiration Date
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Name on Card
Billing Address
Please make checks payable to: The Performance Institute
Cancellation Policy: The American Strategic Management Institute (ASMI) will provide a full refund less a $399 administration fee for cancellations requested four weeks prior to the event start date unless cancellation occurs within two weeks prior to the event start date. If a cancellation is requested less than two weeks prior to the event start date, no refund will be issued. Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the event will be charged the entire registration fee. All cancellations must be requested through the cancellation link found in your attendance confirmation email. Please note that cancellation is not final until you receive a cancellation confirmation email.
o I have read and accepted the Cancellation Policy above. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED By: _________________________________________________________________________________Date: _______________________________________
Priority Code: B335-WEB
Six Sigma for Service and Transactional Environments