San Joaquin Magazine June 2022

Page 54



How To Grow Vegetables in your Broom Closet  BY NORA HESTON TARTE


t’s time to hop on a new trend! Hydroponics is a type of gardening that can be done without large amounts of (or any) soil, using instead water-based mineral nutrient solutions. The upside is, this allows avid gardeners to get creative with their plants, not needing a large backyard or vegetable beds to grow their own foods. Hydroponics isn’t for the faint of heart, but it is easier than you would think. Plants need to be consistently monitored to ensure they are growing well, free of disease. But with downfalls come upsides. In addition to not needing a lot of space, indoor gardening eliminates the worries associated with the elements, such as high heat, unpredictable weather, intrusive weeds

and insects, and more. Another bonus is you can use a table to keep plants off of the ground, making gardening more accessible for those with mobility issues. It helps to start small. Instead of attempting to live off the grid, eating nothing but what you can grow in your “garden,” choose one plant to start—perhaps a tomato or pepper plant. You will have to put some thought into care. Instead of being subject to mother nature, you are in control of light exposure and other factors, so make sure you are catering to the needs of the plant you settled on. The upside is this curated environment helps plants to grow faster, so you’ll be enjoying the literal fruits of your labor soon enough.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO GET STARTED: A small space dedicated to growing plants Water-based solution Plants or plant trimmings A reliable electricity source Artificial lights on a timer Bubble bucket




One of the easiest systems to start with is a bubble bucket, which includes a five-gallon bucket, net pot lid, air pump, air stone, liquid nutrients, and (in some cases) a growing medium. To get started, choose your plant, then, let the system do the work. You’ll make adjustments with lighting and such, but the systems do most of the work themselves, using bubbles to feed the roots the nutrients they need.

SO, WHAT PLANTS GROW BEST IN A BROOM CLOSET? Vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, and eggplants will all grow well in a bubble bucket. Small plants such as herbs and even florals (using plant clippings) can grow inside. Once you’ve mastered the basics, give dwarf trees, berry bushes, and shrubs a go.

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