Genes of Jeans

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5 interesting things to do with

your old pair of jeans You have a long-term relationship with your pair of jeans and just like any other relationship, even this one gets stale and boring over the years. True, when you purchased that perfect fit pair of boyfriend jeans you promised to love it more than your real-life beau. But now that the beau is gone, you are tempted to say goodbye to this pair of jeans that you once spent an entire week in. Instead of throwing those jeans away, use them as a tool to channel all those emotions you are going through. So, here are 5 interesting things to do with your pair of jeans when going through an emotional turmoil in life. 1. Channel the Anger with the Cut, Copy or Paste rule From what movies teach us, the quickest and cinematically dramatic way to channel all that anger is to hit a punching bag as hard as you can. Now think of your jeans as a punch-bag available right in the premise of your own wardrobe. Get those scissors and cut it into a pair of butt shorts or get a blade (Caution Alert!) and rip up those fibers to get a tattered look. If that doesn’t work, then copy down some Eminem rap lyrics or splatter it with black ink. And if everything else fails you can always paste a nasty comment on the back pocket. We are thinking anywhere from IDGAF to a straight up F**K You. 2. Sew away the tension Work, family, environment, daily tube travel- there are a lot of things around you that can tip you off into a destructiveturmoil.Toavoidthisphaseofself-destructionthatyouwillregretlater,whynotchannelallthattensioninto something that can take up the load- a pair of jeans. Jeans is the most tough garment there is and making them is no easy task. But this boutique in East London is conducting a workshop to help people make their own jeans. Now doesn’t that sound fun? So, immerse yourself in a weekend of healthy construction and stitch up all that stress into your jeans. What: Jeans Masterclass with Heather Lou of Closet Case Patterns -Where: The New Craft House, 6 Broadway Market Mews, London, E8 4TS -Book at: -

3. Upcycle your way through the boredom We have all had unproductive days. Days we spent lying in bed watching the ceiling or a screen for hours. When we finally come out of this phase, our body is not the only thing that stinks. Our brain reeks too from staying inactive. To rejuvenate the mind and body, first take a bath and then it is time to get crafty. Bags, pouches, phone cases, napkins are just some easy ways to upcycle your pair of jeans. Here are our top three suggestions. They are safe, easy and quick hacks. You can thank us later.

DIY Denim Bucket by Curly Made

Jeans to Backpack Upcycle by TheSorryGirls

Upcyled Denim Apron by Kidspot

4. Sharing is Caring Your mother always encouraged that sharing shows caring not just towards others but also helps usher in some peace. So, once you are ready to move on in life, it is also time to move away from those jeans and donate them to a vintage store or a charity shop. This way the joy that you once got from seeing that cute ass denim butt in the mirror can now be received by another individual. Our all-time favourite charity shops are Oxfam, Traid and British Heart Foundation but we will let you choose what your heart desires as long as it is in the right place. 5. Recycle the Happy Days Every relationship is bound to end and if your jeans has reached its end and cannot make its way through anymore it is time to give it a new life. Dumping it into the landfill would be a bitter way to bid farewell. Instead give them away to be recycled so that they can be used in some other way. The easiest way is to find a denim retailer who takes in old pair of jeans and pass them away. 27

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