MAH 2023 Annual Report

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2023 Annual Report July 1, 2022 –June 30, 2023
Director’s Letter 02 Vision, Mission & Values .......................................06 About the MAH 08 Assets & Spaces ............................................................... 11 Programming Framework 14 Core Narratives .............................................................. 16 Governance & Structure ...................................... 20 Board of Trustees ....................................................... 22 Management Team..................................................... 23 2022–23 Highlights .................................................. 26 By the Numbers ............................................................. 30 Financial Health ............................................................. 32 Strategic Plan .................................................................. 36 The Future .......................................................................... 42 Fun Facts .............................................................................. 46 Contributors 50 Acknowledgments ...................................................... 62 Contents SANTA CRUZ MUSEUM OF ART & HISTORY 01

Director’s Letter

Year after year, the MAH staff works tirelessly to offer an exciting and dynamic program—from our innovative exhibitions and biennial festivals rich with compelling installations, to meaningful residencies where artists have the time, space, and financial support to create new work, to interactive educational experiences that help guests interpret and contextualize. We aim to reach all audiences—whether you are a connoisseur of art, history, and culture, or simply inspired by shared experiences and unexpected connections.

We do this in service to our mission to bring people together through art and local history to explore our diverse cultures. In this way, we not only strengthen our sense of place, but our community overall.

But the MAH is also a business, with a bottom line and operating strategy. Like other museums, we trade in the creation, distribution, and consumption of artworks,

historical publications, archives, and other cultural products. As such, the need to increase our creative capacity and competitive advantage is ongoing. We must continually enhance our programs, operations, facilities, and resources—while remaining fiscally prudent to ensure long-term sustainability.

On all these fronts, we are proud to report the year’s successes.

In 2022-23 the MAH:

• Completed year two of our strategic plan. We again prioritized three core strategies—increasing engagement and retention, deepening relationships and collaboration, and building resilience and capacity. In these, we accomplished specific milestones, and reached or exceeded a number of our second-year targets.

This year we worked to align ambitions, resources, and plans so that we can continue to offer thoughtful, relevant programming that nurtures our community’s sense of place.

• Debuted new programming. We introduced CommonGround—our new, 10-day biennial festival of placeinspired outdoor work throughout Santa Cruz County—and presented a full year of exhibitions, programs, and events, including performative and visual works at local cultural sites.

• Honored our shared history. We made more space for Indigenous perspectives through Kincentricity, a multi-year collaboration with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band. It includes History Gallery updates, the creation of native learning gardens, and knowledgesharing and storytelling by artists, community, and students.

• Challenged conventional narratives. We held conversations around difficult topics—diversity and racism in local surf culture; mass incarceration and criminal justice

reform; and labor exploitation and environmental degradation in California agriculture. We joined the Bay of Life Project to bring awareness to and protect marine ecosystems.

• Hosted creative residencies. We supported multiple research-based residencies in which artists, activists, and scholars drew from history to interpret contemporary themes. They explored our local Victorian-era water carnivals, the lost stories of Santa Cruz’s Black pioneers, and Norse mythology in Evergreen Cemetery.

• Digitized part of our collection. We launched Queerstory, a project to digitize and promote photographic, printed, and audiovisual materials that document our local LGBTQ+ community from the mid-70s to present. This is part of a long-term initiative to digitize much of the museum’s archives.


• Improved our sites and facilities. We installed an ADA-compliant walkway across Evergreen Cemetery, and transformed our first-floor gallery into The Collaboratory, a multi-use area for resource-sharing and collaboration. We continue efforts to make all of our spaces more inviting, safe, and accessible.

• Secured new funding. We received grants from the Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions and National Endowment for the Arts, and took advantage of tax credit and other aid programs to boost post-pandemic recovery. We continue to pursue opportunities for program development, capacity-building, and collaboration.

• Completed an accounting transition. For better integration and transparency, we updated our chart of accounts, streamlined systems, established stronger internal controls, tightened fiscal policies and procedures, and fully aligned our reporting with GAAP standards for nonprofits.

• Strengthened our business model. We retired long-term debt related to our capital lease obligations and favorably renegotiated commercial tenant agreements. We continue to work toward balancing earned and contributed revenue, shoring up cash flow, and expanding our base of support.

These and many more achievements bolster our ability to produce the imaginative and inspirational work that makes our museum such a treasured community resource.

Like all who contribute to our creative economy, the MAH nurtures the vibrancy of our community. Not only do we educate and entertain, we spark engagement, promote place identity, enhance livability, drive tourism, and invigorate the entrepreneurial ecosystem—ultimately serving as an engine of economic development. We hope you will join us in recognizing and strengthening our beloved creative institutions—especially enduring community fixtures like the MAH. By doing so, we can harness these benefits for the good of all.


“The MAH is making the case that... no four walls can fully contain its vision, and the museum is more than the building it calls home.”

—Lookout Santa Cruz, on CommonGround

Vision, Mission & Values



To ignite shared experiences and unexpected connections that enrich our community.


To bring people together through art and local history to explore our diverse cultures.


To achieve our vision and mission, we are guided by the following values:

Engagement & Collaboration

We deliver interactive, educational, and entertaining opportunities through our numerous partnerships, encouraging participation in the creative and learning process.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility

We respect individuals from all backgrounds and identities, with diverse life experiences, and acknowledge our connectedness, commonalities, and shared humanity.

Innovation & Experimentation

We challenge assumptions, explore various perspectives, and test new ideas to create experiences that are bold, unconventional, and thought-provoking.

Excellence & Rigor

We pride ourselves on professionalism, artistic excellence, historical accuracy, and meaningful social impact.

Accountability, Integrity & Responsibility

We recognize that transparency and careful stewardship of resources are essential to our operations, and cultivate an empowered workforce and board that share this fiscal responsibility.


About the MAH

The Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History (MAH) was founded in 1996 to promote a greater understanding of contemporary art and the history of Santa Cruz County.

Today we are a thriving community gathering place that offers a full slate of rotating art and history exhibitions, visual and performing artworks, public festivals, education and outreach programs, and cultural celebrations in collaboration with our many partners. We maintain a permanent collection of regionally significant art and artifacts, a research library, historical archive, and historic sites including Evergreen Cemetery, the Octagon Building, and Davenport Jail. We are also home to Abbott Square, a vibrant public plaza on the museum’s doorstep that offers food, social events, and year-round creative happenings.

The MAH is well-known for pioneering the “participatory museum,” in which a broad spectrum of partners and community members develop exhibitions around important

community issues. We are proud of our reputation as one of the most creative and forward-thinking community museums in the country.

Under the leadership of Executive Director Robb Woulfe, we continue that level of engagement in recognition of the value in co-creating projects. At the same time, we are committed to producing and cultivating meaningful, high quality, place-based work that animates and enlivens the MAH as well as public spaces throughout Santa Cruz County.

With strong support from our community collaborators and new partnerships yet to be formed, we are confident the MAH will not only uphold its reputation as a cultural and social innovator, but serve as a model for other museums to emulate.


Assets & Spaces

Facility & Sites

The MAH itself is located in a privately owned building on Santa Cruz County property (the County leases the property to the MAH). Within it, there is approximately 8,000 square feet of exhibition/gallery space and 2,750 square feet for collections/archives. The MAH also operates three historic structures/sites: Evergreen Cemetery, Davenport Jail, and the Octagon Building. In addition, we manage the adjacent McPherson Center office building, which includes Abbott Square Market, as commercial rental property.

Collections & Publications

The MAH maintains a research library, archives, and a curatorial collection. The art collection has more than 300 sculptures, paintings, and prints by California and greater Monterey Bay area artists. The history collection has more than 7,000 items, most of which are from the early 1900s with historical significance to Santa Cruz County. The MAH also produces research-based publications on a range of topics about local history, environment, inhabitants, and places.

Exhibition Spaces

The MAH has two permanent exhibition spaces: the History Gallery and the rooftop Blanchard Sculpture Garden. Three other galleries—Art Forum, Lezin, and Solari—offer rotating exhibitions that present artworks and artifacts reflective of the dynamism and diversity of Santa Cruz County. In addition, the MAH presents a series of public programs and educational activities.


“What do you call a California institution that displays art from far and near, manages one of the oldest cemeteries in the state, schedules poetry readings and solo theater shows, administers a building on the National Register of Historic Places, presents cultural festivals and music concerts, and places pop-up exhibits throughout the community? That would be the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History.”

—Next Avenue

Programming Framework

The MAH offers a wide array of programs and activities for the community. To clarify and guide our programming, we developed the following framework:


Now offered online and onsite, our rotating exhibitions feature commissioned, co-created, and presented works by local, national, and international artists, as well as artwork and objects from our collection. Many are collaborations between the MAH and the community; others are organized by our visionary team of curators.

Biennial Festivals

Our new festivals showcase the MAH as a “museum without walls” through largescale sculptures, site-specific installations, social interventions, and live performances outdoors and in. These are curated around established themes, with the aim of uniting community through a shared sense of wonder and awe.


Limited Series

This is our program of ticketed lectures, concerts, and performances featuring local, national, and international talent, which we present in partnership with local collaborators.

Community Celebrations

The MAH is proud to have a large and diverse group of partners who spearhead this series of events and activities celebrating local culture, heritage, and tradition.

Education Program

Our robust education program includes a variety of learning opportunities—from field trips, artist talks, guided tours, art camps, and hands-on classes to virtual

learning—designed to enhance understanding of our exhibitions among all audiences, from school groups to visiting guests.

Outreach Program

We also offer engagement opportunities beyond the physical space of the MAH that include pop-up events, mobile exhibitions, community speaker programs, and other activities both offsite and online.

Special Events

These are our fundraisers and “friendraisers” that we host throughout the year as a way to raise both dollars and awareness for the MAH.


Core Narratives

Because so much of our work is developed through the lens of community and public benefit, we identified core issues important to local citizens as a way to consciously embrace how art and history can integrate with and impact community life.

These areas of focus emphasize our sense of place, local identity, and collective history. Also seen as our spheres of impact, they help guide how programs and initiatives at the MAH are developed, curated, and organized, creating opportunities for cultural practitioners to collaborate, inspire, and elicit creative solutions that result in deep and lasting change. They include:


Health & Wellness

Mental health, holistic healing, art and wilderness therapy. Access to care, building community, focusing on the needs of our most vulnerable. Connecting communities and resources.

Environmental Justice & Creative Ecologies

Exploring the places where culture and environment intersect—sea level rise, natural resources, climate change, and equity. Interdisciplinary strategies to negotiate environmental issues.

Memory & Place

Looking back to look forward. Heritage, culture, and tradition. Movement, migration, and place. Institutional and collective memory. Storytelling.

Regenerative Design & Cultural Activism

Creation over consumption. Biomimicry, working with and through the land. Art that gives back—a tool for restoration, renewal, or revitalization. Advocating for long term public interest.

Joy & Beauty

Experiences that provide space to pause and imagine. Relief, reflection, escape. Stillness. Uncanniness. Consideration of the unknown. Inspiring wonder and awe.

By recognizing issues and topics critical to the community’s future and situating or contextualizing our programs within those domains, we have opportunities to:

1) produce work that has strong local relevance;

2) engage a wide range of partners and collaborators;

3) develop a compelling case for support to attract funding; and

4) effect positive social change in Santa Cruz County and beyond.


"Some of the most exciting performance 'stages' aren’t actually stages at all. The biennial is hosted in outdoor locations throughout Santa Cruz County, aiming to connect audiences with the region’s natural and built environments through installation art and site-specific performance.”

—KQED, on CommonGround

Governance & Structure

The MAH is governed by a volunteer board of trustees who are committed to the museum’s legacy and its vision for the future. The board is comprised of a diverse group of local professionals, civic leaders, and community advocates whose primary responsibilities are to define strategic vision, develop policy, and ensure the financial viability of the organization. There is an executive committee made up of the chair, vice chair(s), secretary, treasurer, and at-large member.

The institution is managed by a professional team under the leadership of Executive Director Robb Woulfe. With collaboration as a core operating tenet, the team works with broad-based constituencies including artists, historians, activists, business and community leaders, and other

influencers to advance the MAH’s mission, strengthen partnerships, and cultivate new and existing community connections.

Rounding out the senior management team are Kevin Coullahan (Director of Operations & Facilities), Marla Novo (Director of Exhibitions & Programs), and Hans Wuerfmannsdobler (Director of Finance & Administration). A staff of full- and part-time employees along with contractors and service providers complete the organizational structure. More than 100 volunteers contribute thousands of hours annually in all operational areas.


"The mobile installation features an assortment of Galarza’s mesmerizing photos, enlarged and attached to wood sculptures constructed by Ruanova. Each image will include an audio component featuring the oral histories Ornelas has collected and music from the era.”

—Good Times, on TRANSBORDER

Board of Trustees

FY23 Roster

Freny Cooper Chair

Jon Sisk Vice Chair

Lacy Rieber


Jorian Wilkins At-large

Jasmine Alinder

Terry Ballantyne Brezsny

Rob Blitzer

Rob Darrow

Frank Hayden

Rebecca Hernandez

Steph Jacobs

Irene Juarez O’Connell

Aliyah Nance

George Newell

Meilin Obinata

Serena Rivera

Standing Committees

Executive Audit DEIA Development Finance

Nominating & Governance

Supporting Committees

Collections Management

Davenport Jail

Evergreen Cemetery

Historic Landmark Publications

The MAH recognizes and thanks former trustees Allison Amadia, Jose F. Gonzalez, and Anni Lai for their contributions in FY23.


Management Team

Staff (as of 7/2023)

Robb Woulfe Executive Director

Kevin Coullahan Director of Operations & Facilities

Marla Novo

Director of Exhibitions & Programs

Nikki Patterson Director of Development & Communications

Hans Wuerfmannsdobler

Director of Finance & Administration

Madeleine Bennett

Guest Services Representative

Isabella Bradley Guest Services Representative

Jessie Durant

Archives Specialist

Yvonne Feistman

Guest Services Representative

Sarah Fisher

Guest Services Representative

Tahnee Henningsen Programs Coordinator

Natalie Jenkins

Exhibition Design & Production Manager

Abby Luciano

Guest Services Representative

Myles Morgan Events Coordinator

Litzy Mozqueda-Franyutti

Guest Services Representative

Rob Ojeda Systems Coordinator

Oscar Paz

Education & Outreach Manager

Rebecca Snyder

Archives Assistant

Anna Zou

Guest Services Representative

Contractors & Service Providers


Accounting Services

Black Fox Philanthropy

Fundraising Consultant

Karen Bush Consulting Database Support

Erica Davis

Grant Writer

Hutchinson and Bloodgood Auditor

Angela Knightley

Design Support

Julie Lambert

Lambert Group, HR Consultant

Dexter Martin

Translator & Interpreter

Chris Miller

Launch Brigade, IT Consultant

Andrew O’Keefe

Amotion, Media Consultant

Jennifer Wiczynski


The MAH recognizes and thanks former staff members Jenna Clancy, Leea Kramer, Laurel Maxwell, Everett Ó Cillín, and Joaquin Rice for their contributions in FY23. We also gratefully acknowledge all of our residents, fellows, and interns for their work in FY23. SANTA CRUZ MUSEUM

“Standing in the very place the writer stood, visitors may reach a deeper understanding of the experiences conveyed on the walls—and through this deeper understanding, perhaps find greater empathy."

—Air Mail, on The Writing on the Wall

2022-23 Highlights


Exhibitions & Biennials

Out of the Ashes: Stories from the CZU Lightning Complex Fires

Jul 2, 2021–Jul 10, 2022

Lezin Gallery

Do You Know My Name?

Sep 3, 2021–Aug 21, 2022

History Gallery

Queer Santa Cruz

Oct 1, 2021–Sep 24, 2023

History Gallery

Freak Power: The Art of Hunter S. Thompson’s Political Movement

May 27–Sep 25, 2022

Art Forum Gallery

The Land of Milk and Honey

Sep 1–Dec 31, 2022

Solari Gallery

CommonGround: A Festival of PlaceInspired Outdoor Work

Sep 16–25, 2022 Across Santa Cruz County, featuring:


• The Writing on the Wall by Hank Willis Thomas & Dr. Baz Dreisinger

• TRANSBORDER by Daniel Ruanova & Ignacio Ornelas

• The Language of Birds by Carolyn Chen, Natalie Jenkins, & Indexical

• ReflectioNNN by MCXT

• Weaving Aso Ofi by I.B. Bayo

• Refocusing Ecology by Martabel Wasserman

Flowers for Incarcerated Mothers

Sep 16, 2022–Jul 9, 2023

Davenport Jail


Oct 14, 2022–Feb 14, 2023

Art Forum Gallery

Toy Trains

Dec 2022


Bay of Life: From Wind to Whales

Jan 19–Apr 30, 2023

Solari Gallery

The Writing on the Wall

Mar 10–Jul 9, 2023

Art Forum Gallery

Cannupa Hanska Luger: Sé’sh Shóto’sh Psí’sh

May 12–Sep 3, 2023

Solari Gallery



First Fridays

Jul 2021–Jun 2022

In Pour Taste: Santa Cruz Surf History

Jul 2022

Let's Talk About It: Finding Common Threads Through Conversation

Jul 2022

Book Talk: Donna F. Mekis and Kathryn Mekis Miller, Blossoms into Gold: The Croatians in the Pajaro Valley

Jul 2022

Educator Mixer Series

Jul 2022–Jun 2023

Book Talk: George Fogelson, May Their Memory Be a Blessing

Jul 2022

Late Night @ the MAH Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb

Aug 2022

Art Talk: Transborder Braceros, Labor History, and Art

Sep 2022

Art Talk: Era of Gold, Era of Empire: In the World of Ramses ‘the Great’

Sep 2022

Writers of Color

Santa Cruz County: An Evening of Poetry, Music & Art

Oct 2022

Book Talk: Reading Native Stories

Oct 2022

My Electric Genealogy

A Solo Performance by Sarah Kanouse

Oct 2022

Book Talk: Maryanne Porter, Haunted Santa Cruz, California

Oct 2022

Tapete Ceremony

Oct 2022

Día de los Muertos

Oct 2022

MAH & Evergreen Cemetery

Science on Tap

Oct 2022–Jun 2023

Mourner's Potluck: A Community Ritual for Grief & Grieving

Nov 2022

Evergreen Cemetery

Rootstock Santa Cruz A Fundraiser

Nov 2022

Hive Live! An Evening of Poetry Reading

Nov 2022

Black Lives Matter

Letter Writing

Nov 2022

History Forum Gala: Dolkas/Mertz Award

Nov 2022

Art Talk: Agri+Culture Series, Part 1-Histories

Nov 2022


Community Night Computer Science Playground

Dec 2022

Art Talk: Borderlands Research Initiative


Dec 2022

El Día de La Familia

Dec 2022

MLK Day of Service

Jan 2023

Evergreen Cemetery

History Talk: Buffalo Soldiers with Aniko Kannan-Millan

Feb 2023

Troubled Waters: The Ocean as Contested Space in Surf Culture

Feb 2023

History Forum: Restoring Indigenous Traditional Environmental Knowledge to the Northern Monterey Bay Region

Feb 2022

MAHsquerade Gala A Fundraiser

Feb 2023

UCSC Night at the Museum

Resettlement: Chicago Story

Mar 2023

Nowrouz Celebration

Mar 2023

History's Imprint on Landscape & Ourselves

Apr 2023

History Forum: Big Basin—The Unique Role of Santa Cruz in Creating our First State Park

Apr 2023

Art Talk: Luke A. Fidler, The Writing on the Wall

Apr 2023

Earth Day: Embracing Our Oldest State Park

Apr 2023

Downtown Kids’ Day

Apr 2023

Beyond the Grave: A Performance Series

May 2023

Evergreen Cemetery

Late Night @ the MAH: Between the Fires by Anna Friz & Gabriel

Saloman Mindel

May 2023


May 2023

Pride Family Day

Jun 2023

Let's Talk About It: Finding Common Threads Through Conversation

Jun 2023

Juneteenth Trivia Time

Jun 2023

The Exquisite Moving Corpse Screening

Jun 2023

85,000+ ** * 16 12 75 461,241 28,047 334,815 13,094 15,100 128,200 2,760 25,815 315,464 109,462 10,100 947 5,112 256,455 187,445 64 7 1,150 100+ 6 18 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2023 30

The MAH works with many local organizations, businesses, and community institutions each year. Here are some of the dynamic groups and individuals with whom we partnered in recent years.





















*Estimate from MAH activities produced indoors, outdoors, offsite, and online from Jul 1, 2022–Jun 30, 2023.

**Number of member households who joined or renewed their membership between Jul 1, 2022–Jun 30, 2023. ***Analytics information from Jul 1, 2022–Jun 30, 2023.


Financial Health

The MAH’s operating costs for FY22 were $2,443,211 with contributed revenue generated from individuals and businesses, foundation and government grants, and earned revenue from admission fees, event tickets, facility rentals, lease payments, retail sales, and a special tax credit.

Our team has been working diligently to diversify our funding portfolio and expand our base of support, even as the negative impacts from COVID-19 continue to ripple through the global cultural sector.

We took and continue to take actions designed to ensure financial sustainability now and in the future. In the short term, we reduced staff numbers and have been actively pursuing relief funding opportunities including grants, small business loans, and assistance programs focused on capacity-building, resilience, and recovery.

For the long term, we have been working to strengthen our business model with financial strategies that include striking a realistic balance between earned and contributed revenue, shoring up cash flow,

expanding our resources, and broadening our base of support. Our efforts toward resource development include re-engaging past donors and supporters and introducing new revenue streams, with particular attention to opportunities for income growth that are aligned with our programs and artistic development..

The charts and figures on the next page are a snapshot of the MAH’s financial position from this most recent year.

Note on statements: Some grant funds released in FY23 were recognized in full during previous fiscal years, and some grant funds recognized in full in FY23 will be released in future fiscal years. Operating expense includes non-cash depreciation for both the museum and McPherson buildings.


Note: The condensed statement of operations and the condensed statement of financial position are derived from the financial statements of the MAH as of June 30, 2023, which have not been audited and are subject to change. A complete set of the MAH’s audited financial statements for 2022–23 will be posted to our website upon completion. Previous years’ audited financial statements and IRS Form 990s are currently available at

The MAH maintains the highest possible, four-star rating by Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity evaluator.


Expense ■ Personnel 1,126,324 46.1% ■ Facility & Administration 371,269 15.2% ■ Marketing & Promotion 75,782 3.1% ■ Fundraising 58,497 2.4% ■ Exhibitions & Collections 332,194 13.6% ■ Programs 37,918 1.6% ■ Store Merchandise 9,739 .4% ■ Professional Services 169,021 6.9% ■ Other 6,893 0.5% ■ Depreciation (est.) 255,574 10.5% Total Expense $2,443,211 Net Revenue ($489,690) Assets ■ Unrestricted Cash 495,944 ■ Internally Restricted Cash 291,110 ■ Permanently Restricted Cash 378,057 ■ Accounts Receivable 240,467 ■ Other Current Assets 349,302 ■ Fixed Assets 4,450,411 Total Assets $6,214,317 Total Liabilities $417,289 Total Net Assets $5,797,027 Total Liabilities & Net Assets $6,214,317
Jul 2022–Jun 2023 (Unaudited) Revenue ■ Contributions 343,596 17.7% ■ Grants & Contracts 463,094 23.7% ■ Employee Retention Credit 453,850 23.2% ■ Events & Programs 17,515 .9% ■ Fundraising Events 26,059 1.3% ■ Admissions 56,962 2.9% ■ Memberships 87,273 4.5% ■ Facility Rentals 89,941 4.5% ■ Store Sales 12,764 .7% ■ Other 68,277 3.5% ■ Interest / Endowment 19,349 1% ■ Unrealized Gain 23,392 1.2% ■ McPherson Ctr / Trash Dist. (net) 291,449 14.9% Total Revenue $1,953,521

"The project allows everyone who lives in the influence of the Monterey Bay exactly that kind of expanded vision. It’s a great gallery experience, but it will also compel you to get out of the confines of the museum, and to experience your psychic home with a new perspective."

Strategic Plan 36


MAH 2026

In 2022–23, we successfully completed year two of our new 5-year strategic plan.

Titled MAH 2026, the plan expands on our proud 27-year history as a center for the intersection of art, history, and civic life. It builds on what we have learned, from our successes to our setbacks. In some places it continues our efforts to maintain and improve upon our standards of excellence in exhibitions, programs, collections, and publications. In others, it outlines new initiatives to advance and deepen our impact on individual lives, improve the wellbeing of our community, and ensure equity and vitality through diversity and inclusivity. It strives to set the MAH on a stronger financial and organizational course, increase our base of support, and strengthen our staff and governance.

Like all strategic plans, ours aligns ambitions and resources. It seeks to balance aspirational programming with fiscal sustainability and prioritizes experimentation with new models of engagement and growth. Each of the MAH’s new strategies has a series of measurable goals and time-based initiatives that are supported by specific tactics and actions, all of which will be integrated across the museum to ensure inter-departmental synergy and coordination. Some actions have begun; some are continuations of ongoing work; others are in the planning phases; and still others are geared for the future.

MAH 2026 is a living document, designed to be flexible and allow for agility. Each year, we will revisit the plan to evaluate our progress and use that assessment to develop annual work plans and budgets for board approval. While the plan will inform and guide our work, we will also remain nimble to take advantage of new opportunities and changing conditions.

Plan Overview

Again, our vision is to ignite shared experiences and unexpected connections that enrich our community, accomplished by a mission to bring people together through art and local history to explore our diverse cultures, and guided by five core



1) engagement and collaboration;

2) diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility;

The Path Forward

3) innovation and experimentation;

4) excellence and rigor; and 5) accountability, integrity, and responsibility.

Our major strategies are to increase engagement and retention through innovative and time-tested programs that attract audiences, engage community, and spark connections; deepen relationships and collaboration through mutually beneficial partnerships that leverage resources and expertise to benefit the public; and build resilience and capacity through streamlined practices in all areas of management and operations. With organizational learning as a core operating tenet, we rely on data-based decisionmaking and measurable methodologies to improve, extend, and increase the impact of MAH experiences, while continuing to embrace the experimentation, risk-taking, inventiveness, and reflection the MAH is known for.

MAH 2026 is focused on the impact and outcomes between our organization and our diverse community—from the connoisseurs of art, history, and culture to the creative and curious explorers who seek inspiration through shared experiences and unexpected connections. We aim to nurture these relationships and serve our community in a way that is inspiring and thoughtprovoking while also ensuring long-term organizational sustainability.

To do so, the MAH must enhance its programs, operations, facilities, and resources—and the process to accomplishing this is laid out in the plan. Upon its completion in 2026, we expect more than ever to be a sustainable, vital, and resilient MAH, focused on audiences and bolstered by even deeper, more substantive community relationships.

The plan is a pathway that promises to build momentum and usher the MAH forward into the next era for our institution. We hope you will not only support us but join us on this exciting journey. Together, our potential knows no bounds.

To read the full version of MAH 2026, please visit


“Santa Cruz boasts some incredible landscapes, from vast forest to laid-back beaches to a bustling downtown. The Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History is hosting its first festival celebrating the varied terrains of the city."

—San Francisco Chronicle, on CommonGround

The Future

By cultivating a healthy and sustainable creative economy, we ensure that Santa Cruz County remains a great place to live, work, and play. Our achievements on this front are not the work of the MAH alone, but instead result from the exemplary collaboration of many partners. Together we have built a livable downtown (where livability refers to its tangible, physical attributes), and together we can ensure vibrancy (the positive emotional qualities of a community) for years to come.


The MAH contributes to this effort in 2023 and beyond by forging boldly ahead with our inventive offerings, and working with collaborators to breathe new life into our cultural scene and public spaces. This work has become more important than ever as we emerge from the pandemic, reconnect, and rebuild.

And yet, it is no secret that these are challenging times for arts and culture. Around the world, museums have experienced reduced funding, operational issues due to COVID, and other difficulties. In Santa Cruz County, too, our cultural landscape has been altered in unprecedented ways. At a time of such uncertainty, we believe it is crucial to recognize the enduring value of creative enterprise to drive community development. We need to celebrate our local cultural organizations and do what we can to support the sector. We need to develop vision, strategies, and priorities, and ensure long-term funding to sustain high-quality programs and facilities.

To continue moving this work forward, our plans for the future involve the following emphases.


Similar to the placemaking movement in community development, placekeeping is an effort to recognize and celebrate a community’s extant cultural identity, history, and people by elevating local culture, heritage, and landscapes through artistic and historical interpretation. Not only do the MAH’s exhibitions, festivals, and programs encourage localism as well as the tourism that financially benefits businesses, workforce, and City and

County tax revenue, they also invest in our cultural profile in a way that enriches the lives of our local community, invites visitor participation, and ensures we remain attractive and relevant in these rapidly changing times.

Community Belonging

Nurturing a sense of belonging among all people contributes to healthy, meaningful lives and safe, inclusive neighborhoods. When we encourage culture and identity to flourish, civic participation increases. MAH programming enhances belonging by animating our museum, historic sites, and public spaces in a way that acknowledges and honors our diverse cultures and histories, while encouraging interaction and community building. We use interventions to engage people as active collaborators around art and history; to make and offer space that fosters encounter, dialogue, and social cohesion; and to build individual and collective capacity to sustain socially and place-connected, resilient communities.


Social Connectedness

Connectedness is key to growing a sense of belonging, and the experiences we craft around it are designed specifically to encourage people to come together, interact, and engage in mutual value creation through an exchange of knowledge and information. Residents who are engaged become invested in the MAH and one another. This builds the public value and perception of the organization, while contributing to the community’s wellbeing overall.

Here are some of the specific visioning, organizational, and programming approaches the MAH uses to increase creative capacity and competitive advantage within the aforementioned emphases:

• Articulating narratives that represent the beliefs, values, and ideals of Santa Cruz County to guide our programming

• Launching a biennial festival series to connect and inspire patrons and guests in and around the MAH and County

• Unveiling temporary public artworks that invite engagement and interaction while creating a draw to our civic spaces

• Creating new artistic work and cultural content in addition to preserving and presenting our collections

• Designing virtual activities that invite online interaction to serve our community during and after the pandemic

• Investing in local artists, historians, and creative practitioners via commissions, residencies, space, and resources

• Encouraging a shift toward regenerative economy within our community to capitalize on opportunities

• Building support for citizen artists and storytellers to increase involvement in creativity and cultural exchange

• Committing to accelerating diversity and equity in our cultural workforce and leadership pipeline

• Collaborating with other cultural organizations to strengthen our mutual impact

• Engaging in the global conversation by connecting local and regional initiatives to broader contexts

A renaissance of art, culture, creativity, and community is upon us. By recognizing and strengthening the institutions, businesses, and individuals who make our creative economy flourish, we can harness it to the benefit of all.


"Contemporary works by emerging artists from Mexico and California make up the exhibit, which features art that tells stories about farm workers and agriculture,."

—Next Avenue, on The Land of Milk and Honey


"Cannupa Hanska Luger creates a visionary Indigenous future using the methodology and tropes of science fiction. On display will be regalia, tools, shelter elements, means of transportation, and other technology Luger has created for this new world—fusions of traditional craft and imaginative futurism."

—American Craft Council, on Sé’sh Shóto’sh Psí’sh


The lists on the following pages recognize the individuals, families, businesses, and organizations who contributed $20 or more in cumulative gifts between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. We apologize for any omissions or misspellings. Please let us know of any errors so we can correct them.

Director’s Circle

The Director’s Circle is a giving society that includes the MAH’s most loyal and passionate donors. Members give $1,000 or more annually in unrestricted support.

Jasmine Alinder and Aims McGuinness

Mary and Harry Blanchard

Jenny and John Bost

John and Patty Brissenden

Linda and John Burroughs

Susan and Peter Canepa

Carla and Patrick Carstens

Andrew Church and Jennifer Boggs

Cloy and Bill Codiga

Val Cole

Freny Cooper

Rob Darrow

John and Karen Dowdell

Jennifer Eskenazi

Anna Marie Gotti

William Harmon

Frank and Anne Hayden

Kathleen Hilger

Stephanie Jacobs and Maxine Howard

Erik, Judy, Brian and Katie Johnson

Jo Lynne and Fred Jones

Lorri Kershner and Fearon Hosmer

Mehrzad Khajenoori and Maryam Shafaghi

Randy Komisar and Debra Dunn

Vance Landis-Carey and Robert Carey

Sara Lively and Doug Hopkinson

Judy Jones

Karen and Walter Loewenstern

Andrea London

Joanna Miller

Baldo and Kristen Marinovic

Cynthia Mathews

Mike and Bertie McElroy

Stephanie Mills

Meghan and Mike Morrissey

George Newell

David Newcomb

Wayne Palmer and Earleen Overend

Dianne and Stephen Pereira

Manuel and Halimah Prado

Lacy Rieber

Rowland and Patricia Rebele

Donna Reyerson-Keith and Rich Keith

Serena Rivera and Christopher Wilmers

Elio and Joy Rodoni

Carol and Frank Saveria

Patricia and David Schwartz

Jon and Margie Sisk

James Thompson

Gina Athena Ulysse

Jean Vlamynck

Alec and Claudia Webster

W. Todd and Corinne Wipke

David Yule

The MAH’s accomplishments are made possible by a growing community of supporters who value our mission and work.

Leadership Council

The Leadership Council is a network of former members of the MAH’s board of trustees, many of whom continue to dedicate time, energy, and resources to the institution and community. Their ongoing commitment and support of the museum is greatly appreciated.


Barbara Albright

Michael Allard

Allison Amadia

Bruce Arnold (d)

Bella Babot

Terry Ballantyne Brezsny

Carola Barton *

Cindi Baskin

Nancy Bertossa

Mary Blanchard

Traci Bliss

Karla Bogard (d)

Marie Bourget

Lawrence Brenner

Lisa Brewer

Judy Brothers

Bobbi Burns

John Burroughs

Darrin Caddes

Fred Caiocca

Dario Caloss

Ray Cancino

Susan Canepa

Cherri Canfield

Pedro Castillo

Janene Cayton

Louise Cecil (d)

Angela Chesnut *

George Cook

Richard Cropper

Betty Danner

Harriet Deck (d)

Sloane Devoto

Ken Doctor

Jim Dolkas (d)

Nancy Donovan

John Dowdell

Joan Dunn

James Emerson

Allyson Evans

Jane Faraola

Chuck Fetter

Patrick Fitz

Dan Floyd

Randi Foster

Antonia Franco

Carol Girvetz (d)

John Graulty

Jose F. Gonzalez

Jerri Hammond

Frank Hayden

Howard Heevner

Winnifred Heron (d)

Karlton E. Hester

Chuck Hilger (d)

Ted Holladay

Tom Honig

Betty Ippisch

Linda Israel

David Jacobs *

Mary James

Judy Jones *

Irene Juarez O’Connell

Gwen Kaplan

Tom Kelly (d)

Paula Kenyon

Cristina King

Lila Klapman

Bill Ladusaw

Anni Lai

Vance Landis-Carey *

Laura LaPorte *

Alan Levin

Patricia Lezin

John Lisher (d)

Bette Ludden

Rebecca Lundberg

Anne Lynn

Harriet Mainis

Shirley Manis

Patricia Marlo

Cynthia Mathews

Linda McPherson

Karl Mertz (d)

Drew Miller

Allan Molho (d)

Adrienne Momi

Sophie Moore

Ann Morhauser

Chris Murphy

Christine Murray

Joanne Nelson

Karen Nevis

George Newell *

Karol Niccoli

Bruce Nicholson

Arthur Nickerson

Rebecca Niven

Peter Orr * (d)

Wayne Palmer

Glenn Peters

Irena Polic

Phil Reader (d)

Gary Reece

Donna Reyerson-Keith

Jose Reyes-Olivas

Serena Rivera

John Rossell

Alison Ruday

Joanne Sanchez

Peter Sanford

Ronna Schulkin

Jerry Schumb

Lyn Sedenquist

Matt Shelton

Ann Simonton

Diane Simpson (d)

Maryjane Slade

Kris Smith

Ashley Spencer

David St. John

Heather Stiles *

Sally Suchevits

Nicole Taylor

David Terrazas

Jim Thompson *

Stuart Tripp

Wesley Van Camp

Judy Walsh

Hal Watts (d)

Linda Wilshusen

Charles Wolters (d)

Nancy Woolf

Bjorg Yonts

* Denotes emeritus status, a distinction created in 2018 to recognize select trustees for exemplary service, leadership, and contributions to the MAH.



Anonymous (3)

California Humanities

California Office of the Small Business Advocate

California State Library

Community Foundation

Santa Cruz County

County of Santa Cruz

William and Flora

Hewlett Foundation

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Kaiser Permanente

Andrea London

Joanna Miller

National Endowment for the Arts

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Santa Cruz City Arts

Alec and Claudia Webster



Freny Cooper

The Humanities Institute at UC Santa Cruz

Rise Together Fund


Jasmine Alinder and Aims McGuinness

Arts Council

Santa Cruz County

Mary and Harry Blanchard

Jenny and John Bost

John and Patty Brissenden

Linda and John Burroughs

Susan and Peter Canepa

Carla and Patrick Carstens

Andrew Church and Jennifer Boggs

Cloy and Bill Codiga

Val Cole

Rob Darrow

James Dolkas and

Karl Mertz Memorial Fund

Jennifer Eskenazi

Anna Marie Gotti

William Harmon

Frank and Anne Hayden

Kathleen Hilger

History Forum

Stephanie Jacobs and Maxine Howard

Erik, Judy, Brian and Katie Johnson

Jo Lynne and Fred Jones

Lorri Kershner and Fearon Hosmer

Mehrzad Khajenoori and Maryam Shafaghi

Randy Komisar and Debra Dunn

Vance Landis-Carey and Robert Carey

Sara Lively and Doug Hopkinson

Karen and Walter Loewenstern

Baldo and Kristen Marinovic, Equinox Wealth Management

Cynthia Mathews

Mike and Bertie McElroy

Stephanie Mills

Meghan and Mike Morrissey

David Newcomb

Wayne Palmer and Earleen Overend

Dianne and Stephen Pereira

Manuel and Halimah Prado

Rieber Fohs & Associates

Rowland and Patricia Rebele

Donna Reyerson-Keith and Rich Keith

Serena Rivera and Christopher Wilmers

Elio and Joy Rodoni

Santa Cruz County Bank

Carol and Frank Saveria

Patricia and David Schwartz

Sereno 1% For Good Charitable Foundation

Jon and Margie Sisk

James Thompson

Gina Athena Ulysse

Jean Vlamynck

W. Todd and Corinne Wipke

David Yule


David and Julia Apgar

Meghan Arnold and Sam Pederson

Bright Horizon Fund

Angela Chesnut

William Kempf and Suna Lock

Anni Lai and Scott Bennion

Frans Lanting and Christine Eckstrom

Patty Lezin

Cliff Maas

Bruce and Linda Nicholson

Sarah and Michael Ray

Lee Slaff

Robert Stephens

George Wanlass

Susana Wessling

Santa Cruz Parlor No. 26

Native Daughters of the Golden West

Jorian and Topher Wilkins

Marian Zeidler


David and Julia Apgar

Thomas Ard

Cindy and James Bogard

Susan and Bob Bosso

Randolph Brock

Bobbi Burns and Ed Colligan

Maria Elena Caballero-Robb and Charles Ridgway

Barbara Canfield

Pedro and Shirley Castillo

Kathy Cavadias

Karen Coleman

Sean Concannon and Jessica Pigza

Dorothea Ditchfield

John and Karen Dowdell

Lenny Eiger

Eli and Angela Eisenpress

Christine Evans and Nicholas Ross

Jennifer Fraisl

Carol Fuller

Gregory Gilbert and Ingrid Parker

Wendy Gormly-Kester

Andrew Davis and Finn Gratton

Deborah Griffith

Dennis Hagen and Diane Sipkin

Sandy and Nick Hartman

Michelle Horton

Don and Cathy Iglesias

Marie and Kent Imai

Bill Ito

Barbara and Stephen Jackel

Wyatt Johnson and Meghan Hudson

Kevin Karplus and Michele Hart

Richard and Diane Klein

Diane Lamotte and Patrick and Liberte Reilly

Mike Landers

Jessica Lenth and Angela Ciandro


Nicholas Lenth and Courtney Mutz

Alan and Judy Levin

Susan Lisin

Leslie and Scott McGilvray

Susan and Michael McKay

Bruce and Mary McPherson

Kathryn and Marshall Miller

Marlene Mirassou and Steve Houlihan

Hans Wuerfmannsdobler and Teresa Mora

Tom and Kristen Morell

Robert Nelson

Muriel and Marci Prolo

Burt Rees

Gretchen Regenhardt

Andrea and Don Rich

Rebecca Rockom

Andrea and Paul Rosenfeld

Susan Ryan

Damon Shanle

William Spengemann

Karen M Storey and Steven Tedesco

Todd Tsukushi

Sue Wilson

Thomas and Connie Wilson

Margaret and Jan Ysselstein

Antonette and Robert Zeiss


Nicole Adkison

Consuelo Alba-Speyer and John Speyer

Mary Alinder

Jeffrey Arlt and Stacey Smith

Linda Arnold and Ned Hearn

Andy Bacaylan

Jessica Badolato

Debbie and Steve Baloff

Judy and Frank Balthis

Tim and Terri L Barroca

Suresh and Karuna Basandra

Sheila and Murray Baumgarten

Jim and Kim Beckett

Maria Begin and Bill Schroeder

Gloria and Larry Behman

Matt Bell

Anne Berne and Eric Ferrante

Jeff Bernhardt

Leda and William Bishoff

Dan Blunk and Nancy Alstrum

Susan Bodenlos

Gail Borkowski

Dolores and Shayna Bornstein

Cheryl Bowers

Michelle and Mark Box

Noelle and Greg Brand

Corinna Brazil

Laurie Brooks and Tim Fitzmaurice

Jim Brown

Vivian and Michael Brown

Melissa Browning

David Brundage and Susan Stuart

Jessica Buck

Petrina Burkard and Gary Gehiere

Pat Busch and Dale Summer Busch

Sue Cashman

Dennis and Cheryl Caspe

Brianna and Michael Chambers

Lora Lee Chapman

Peter and Lindsey Chester

Mikala Clements

Joanne Clever

Karen Cogswell and John Maenchen

Carolyn and Curt Coleman

George Cook and Mary James

Freny Cooper

Robert and Catherine Cooper

Jill Cooper-Misunas

Kathleen Crocetti and Bill Lucas

Mary Culley and Scott Smith

Jennalee Dahlen

Cyndi Dawson

Pat Dellin and Chris Hogeland

Karen Dempsey

Joan E. DeNeffe and Gary Silberstein

Kevin Desmond and Michelle Close

Sean Devaney

Patrick and Martha Dexter

Sharon Dirnberger

Dennis and Judy DiSalvo

Robert Drake and Kate Adams

Bill Drulias and Jan Hill

David Egan and Emily DuBois

Lance DuMond

Nikolara and Donald Scott DunbarJansons

Lorraine Van Eaton and Catherine Chang

Chuck Elvert and Darleen Sutcliffe

Michele Estrin-Gelblum and Peter Gelblum

Fran Etow and John Livingston

Mike Falco

Daniel Fama

Adela Feran and J. Matt Wallace

Ian Ferguson

James Fey

Samantha Forde and Eric Danner

Ellen Fox and William Wright

Antonia Franco and Scott Strand

Steve and Patricia Fuller

Cindy and Jeff Furtado

Jaclyn and Michael Gadbaw

Suzanne Garcia and Robbie Brackett

Sigfrid Garman

Judy Geer

Linda Getz

Chantal Gibbs

James and Catharine Gill

Isabel Gilman

Megan Goddard and Kailen Wright

Katie and Mike Godsy

Ann Goewert

Douglas Goodell

Jessica Goodman and Victor Willis

Steve and Christina Graham

Susan Green

Vincent Grossi and Jessica Lopez-Tello

Jennifer Smith and Hugh Grubb

Joe and Marcella Hall

Julia Hartman

Tom Harvey

Bonny Hawley

Joanne and Matt Hayes

Tremain Hedden-Jones and Daniel Hedden

Carolyn and Anandi Heinrich

William Heiss and Patricia Fickett

Barbara and Will Hendricks

Rebecca Hernandez

Monica Hersch

Gail Hershatter and Mercedes Laurencin

Nita Hertel

Rebecca Hiett

Mark Hilton

Bonnie Holmer-Orange and Isaac Orange

Keith Holtaway

Kevin Hoshiko

Tom and Mary Housel

Virginia Hughes and Cecily Cahill

Mary Ellen Irons


David Jacobs and Emily Klein Jacobs

Patrick Jagger

Kim Jaxon

Jerome and Linda Jentz

Susan and Stephen Karon

Kyle and Carolyn Kelley

Mary Kelly and Kimberly Goddard

Jon Kersey and Alice Benet

Ellen Kimmel

Adele Kimple

Jim and Karen King

Jeff and Lisa Kirk

Casey and April Kirkhart

Kenyon Kluge and Heather Putnam

Uli Klumpp

Carole and Henry Klyce

Janet Kornblum and Rhys Pedersen

Nicolas and Melissa Kreisa

Patti Krieger

Matthew Krull and Stephanie Haddad

Sarah Kudela

Jessie Lacy and Troels Peterson

Michael Lamanuzzi

Dara Lampe

Alanni Lanni and William Winkler

Jeffrey Lapierre and Kelly Oppermann

Owen Lawlor

Jeanne Lazzarini

John Henry Ledwith

Thomas Lenosky

David Levan and Lysa Tabachnick

Cynthia Lewis and Thomas Swiss

Lance Linares and Laura Sutherland

Brooke Lipman and Brandy Ivener

Barbara Lish

Amy Locks and Kevin and Ava Klein

Christie Loguzzo

Andrea London

Emily Longnecker and Claudia Berolo

Lesley Louden

Tessa Luedtke

Tami Lynn and Stephen Joseph

Michael Lyons

Harriet Maglin

Suzi Mahler

Harriet and George Mainis

Loki Malak

Romi Manheim

Sandra Martensen

Joyce Masongsong-Ray and David Ray

Karent and Dom Massaro

Laura McClanathan

Bruce McFarland

Jean McIntosh

Robyn McKeen and J eff Dingman

Shawna McKenzie

Louis Arighi and Emily Meierding

Jason and Kari Meyers

Ginnie Mickelson

Sam Mintz

Don and Carol Monkerud

Katie and Forest Monsen

Kenneth Moodie and Ami Davis

Gary Moon

Don Moonshine and Christiane Holtzman

Maggie and Drew Moore

Matt Moore

Carol Morgan

Robert and Valerie Morgan

Alex Morgan and Debra Alexander

Stephanie Morse

Dawn Mortensen

Donal Murphy and Julie Orr

Madhavi Murty and J uned Shaikh

Molly Nance

Marlene and Burt Nanus

Matthew Nathanson and Elisa Breton

Jeremy Neuner

Gail Newel and Kelli Beingesser

Karol Niccoli

Richelle Noroyan and Jim Jensen III

Janis O'Driscoll

Kathleen Olsen and Johnny Simmons

Gayle and Joe Ortiz

Elisabeth and J effrey Ostrow

Julene Pansarasa

Janet Parker and Bruce Berwald

Gail Pellerin

Greg Pepping and Catherine Hsu

Janet Perry and Toni Rallojay

Chandra Peterson

Lilit Petrosyan and Kenneth Yambina

Stephen Pierce

Debra Popma

Patricia Poulos

Christopher Poulos

Rickey Ramseur

Lauren Reppy and Caitlin Reyes Brune

Mary and George Reynolds

Rosa and Mike Rezendes

Roy and Edwina Riblet

Justin Walker and Gretchen Riley-O'Hearn

Mariah and David Roberts

Kokoro and Mimish Robinson

Lisa and Tim Robinson

Tammy Rogers

Barbara Rogoff

Kathleen Rose and Paul Schoellhamer

Tessa Rosichan and Nate Essayas

Charles and Mary Jane Roskosz

Jeffrey and Sara Rossini

Craig Rowell

Armand and Cheryl Ruby

Cherri Rupert-Canfield

Christine Russell

Alison Russell and Walt Wadlow

Peter and Sandra Sanford

Kathy and Mark Santos

Tamara Santos and Rick Wright

Betsey Scheiner

Eva Schewe

Claudio Schnier

Luke Schwankl and Monica Hammer

Saarin Schwartz and Woody Farlee

Willard Schwartz

Lisa Scott and C Andrew Morcomb

John Sears and Freya Sands

Kara and Shane Seeger

Helen and Robert Shepherd

Eva and Doug Sherman

Ted Silveira and Lorraine Sintetos

Emily Sinclair

Sandra Skees and Mary Talpas

Allison and Jeffrey Smith

Kristin and Steve Smith

Teri Smith and Cypress Morales

Silas Snyder and Camila Snyder-Alaniz

David and Shelley Sonnenberg


Rachael Spencer and Kevin Rooney

Miriam Stombler and Kevin and Camille Kelem

Siegfried and Cheryl Storz

Sally and Tom Suchevits

Althea SullyCole

Keith and Sylva Swenson

Sara Swenson and David Hopkins

Melissa Targgart and Melissa Fritchle

Michael Terrien

Donna and Peter Thomas

Kimberly Thomas

Melissa and Richard Thompson

Susan True and Ben Wolfe

Kristen Truse and Enrico Ramirez Ruiz

Mari Tustin

Brady Umfleet

Ezekiel Ochoa Valdez

Mackenzie and Kevin Valentine

Rita Ferri and Kimara Vann

Charlyn Villegas

Steve and Liz Volk

Holly and Barry Walter

Don Weden

Kenny Welcher and Ilene Feinman

Andrea and David Welles

Brooke Wentz

John and Birgitta Wiebe


Wilshusen Family

Abbey Wilson and Jonathan Francisco

Jon and Jill Winston

Charles Woodson

Megan Wynd

Jacob Young

Sarah Joy and Jordan Zell

Marty Zimmerman and Karie Sutter



Marian Acquistapace and Sarah Levitan

Cindy Adams and Alexis Heath

Markus and Stephanie Affolter

Ruby Agresta

Erica Aitken

Joan and Joe Akers

Barbara and Peter Alaimo

Sharon and David Allshouse

Kate Alm

Melissa and Miguel Altamirano

Aron Altmark and Suzzanne Ordway

Elizabeth and James Amendolagine

Jennifer and Frank Anderson

Oscar Andrade

Sally Andrews and Dimitry Strove

Ginny Aragon

Susana Arias and Stephen Kolb

Erin Ashford and Lindsey Zimmerman

John and Linda Babcock

Dorma and Rowland Baker

Jone Balesteri

Sarah and Robert Balla

Javier Balloffet and Julie Graessle

Catherine E Banghart

Antoinette Barker and Andrea Randall

Kate Bateman

Thomas John Batley and Rami Hanna

Michael Baumgartner

Nancy Bavis

Mike and Jean Beebe

Melissa and Dan Begin

Steve and Sigrid Belcher

Jane Bell

Jane Anne Bendick

Jacquie Benetua-Rolens and Sam Rolens

Lisa Bennett

Daniel Berlin and Liz Beaumont

Stan Berman

Michael Bertoni

Connie and Sam Bertuca

Suzanne Geneste de besme

Elizabeth and Edeeq Betrous

Marta Betzler

Len Beyea and Antonina Hines

Allegra Bick-Maurischat and Corderro Sweeney

Steven and Mary Bignell

Linda Bixby

Lise and Cliff Bixler

Traci Bliss

David and Fay Bohn

Marlene Bondelie

Denise Booth and Michael Maikovich

Bill and Carrie Bottenberg

Brandon Bowen

Martha Breed

Mark Brewer and Teresita Hinojosa

Diane and Natalie Bridgeman

Heather Bristol and Charles Jalgunas

Miriam Brody

William Owen Brown and Mary Akin

Kat Brown

Betsy Brugler

Leslie Bruhn

Dianne Brumbach

Sandra Brunett

Debbie Bulger and Richard Stover

Brad Burkhart and Ann Duren

Linda Burman-Hall and Timothy Shea

Henry and Karen Burnett

Maggie and Sam Caldwell

Deborah Calloway

Scott Campbell and Alison Walsh

Sean Campbell

Nancy Campeau and Stig Neilsen

Bree Candiloro

Alix Cardenas and David Shamshoyan

Caroline Carney

William Casey

Will Cassilly and Julie Oak

Eileen Cavalier

Frank and Patsy Cavalier

Laura Centorriano

Linda Kittle and Dane Cervine

Cindy Chace and Marc Blumberg

Roger Chaffin and Mary Crawford

Ann Chapin and David Emanuel

Donna Cherie

Eric Child

Cristine Chopra

Marguerite Ann and Demi Christensen

Angela and Jim Christmann

Rika and Jason Cirillo

Carrie Clark

Derrick and Marilyn Clark

William Clark

Carne and Peter Clarke

Kris Clarke

Margie and Ed Claxton

Heather Clowser

Jane and Sheldon Cohen

Jody and Renny Colclough

S. LaVerne Coleman and Joyce Mangouney

Joseph Collins

Kimber Collins

Mary Coneway


Christopher Connery and Mary Scott

Mark Conover and Martha


Charles Cook

Susan Cooper and Allan Dyson

Rob Corradetti and Sierra Siemer

Noelle and Shadja Correia

Bruce Cotter

Patricia Cox

Pam Coz-Hill

Karen Cozza

Erica Crawford and Kent Newbold

Celeste Crockers

Lauren Crux and Canon Western

Danielle Cruz

Shannon Cuff and Garrett Weinberg

Kelly Cuffe and Ann Gibbs

Sheilah Cummings

Barbara Dahlgren

Emily Dansker

Bruce Dau

Dinah Davis and Sally Jones

Gail M Davis

Jerome and Sylvia Deck

Ezzie DeGiovanni

Donna DeGrande

Fred and Nancy DeJarlais

Laura DeLaRosa

Kathleen and David Dettman

Celeste DeWald

Carla and Juan Dewar

Stephanie and Patrick Diaz

Louise Dickenson

Jack and Lisa Dilles

Robin Dinino

Angelee Dion

Ian Dixon

Tamara and Gerry Doan

Angela Dobkin

Ken and Kathy Doctor

Meredith and Patricia Dodge

Emily Donham and Alexander Snyder

Summer Doty

Susan Douglass and Carl Hild

Shane and Katie Dowling

Mary Doyle and David Greenwood

Cynthia Druley and Famy Diener

Angela Drury

Alasdair Drysdale

Suzanne and Mordecai Duckler

Lisa Duff and Rocky Allemandi

Joanne Duffield and Jim Fox

Lee and Emily Duffus

Patricia Duffy

Joan and Bill Dunn

Jorge Duque and Krystal Ibarra

Nicole and Jesse Dybenko

Cynthia Dzendzel and Ken Gorny

Vanessa and Matthew Eaton

Alan and Mimi Edgar

Sara Edwards-Marsh and Dave Marsh

Gerald and Nancy Eidam

Edna Elkins

Tom Ellison and Lawrence Friedman

Stan and Katy Emerson

Caroline and Steve Engel

Marina and Thomas Eovaldi

Shelly Errington

Elizabeth Evans and Joe Miller

Anne-Elyse and Adam Evans

David Evans

Vicki and Bob Fabbri

Kristin Fabos

Regina Falkner and David Reetz

Stacey Falls and Steve Schnaar

Mary Farr and William Murphy

Matt Farrell and Connie Croker

Victoria Farrell and Thomas Lyons

Paul Skenazy and Farnaz Fatemi

Judith Feinman

Jennifer Fernandez

Rose Filicetti and Neal Savage

Mark Firestone and Kate Turpin

Gina Firpo

Alex Fitzpatrick

David Fleming and Jeanne Lance

Peggy Flynn and Michele Pomroy

Meghan and Jeff Fohl

Emkay and Ally Forest

Kasha Forgette and Rocky Allen

Mary Gaukel Forster and Les Forster

Lesley Franz

Judith Fried and Bob Scowcroft

Patrick and Janis Fullan

Scott Galloway and Maria Marinos

Athena Gam and Eric Lake

Amber Gardea and Spencer Marshak

Don Gardner and Selene Johnson

Robin Garmann

Jessica and Drew Gaul

Kathleen Geerin

Paula Gerhardt and Anne Verga

Brian Gerkey and Leila Takayama

Mary Geyer

Renee Ghisletta

Nancy Gieringer

Shirley and Allen Ginzburg

Helaine Glick

Max Glickman and Danielle Cosgrove

Robert Goff and Eleanor Littman

Kathy and Flair Goldman

Marisa Gomez

Martha Gomez

Enrique and Abigail Gonzales

Stephen Gonzalez

Ron Goodman and Song Nelson

Barbara Gordon

Gail Goudreau

Jessica Granthom

Paul Gratz and Timmi Pereira

Barbara Graves

Amelia and Jevan Gray

Shirley Greenwood

Catharine Griffen and Mark Bernhardt

K. Groppi

Rose and Alberto Guarino

Steve Haddock

Anne Hafner

Kimberly Haines

Lani Hall

Terry Hall


Steph Hallinan and Nathan Gonzalez

Amy and Gildas Hamel

Emily Haney

Holly Harman

Amy and David Harrington

Alison and Seth Harris

Andy and Juel Hartmann

Tammy Hayes

Marcia and Brian Heath

Melody Heilmann and Carolyn and Hugo West

Marcia and Christian Heinegg

Douglas Hellinger and Val Leoffler

Gregg Herken and Aven Switzer

Perry Hernandez

Kelly Herrell and Juan Hernandez

Molly Hickey-Sinoway and Ron Sinoway

Steve Hicks and Geetha Raga

Tom Hicks and Kaitlyn Saia-Hicks

Jan Hilkert and Jeff Peck

Eric Hoffman

Bruce and Breta Holgers

Sue Holtby and Teddy Harris

Cindy and Francis Honey

Steven Hopkinson

Ingrid and Dennis Hostetter

Jana and Phil Hostetter

Taylor House

Jay Hughes and Juliette Bloxham

Steve and Gloria Hum

Kristina Hunken

Steve Hunt

Donna Hunter

Maren Sinclair Hurn and Ted Merrill

Towhee and Tim Huxley

Carolyn and Joe Hyatt

Rick Hyman and Robin Kraut

Chris Illes and Willow Munger

Mary Edith Ingraham

Leigha and Mihai Ionescu

Pamela K Iriguchi

Katherine Isbister and Rene Netter

Linda and Ron Israel

Eduardo Izquierdo

Paulina Izvorski

Roumi and Tom Izvorski

Audrey and Thomas Jacob

Susan Jacobs and Michael Staley

Rick Jacoby and Susan Brown

Cheryl Jacques

Linda Janakos and Doren Robbins

Lucille Des Jardins and John Blitz

Austin and Jeni Jelcick

Dobie and Ann Jenkins

Stewart Jenkins and Sofia Sorensen

Marvin Jensen

Anne Jensen

Charlie Jimenez

Aaron Johnson and Anne Cappiello

Lindsay Johnson

Tricia Johnson and Fred Thompson

Helen Jones

Janet Jones

Nealy Jones and Jake Alsobrook

Chris Jong

Genevieve Jordan

Glenn Joy

Pamela Joy

Heidi Jumper

Leah Kahn

Marty Kahn and Cheryl Guyer

Patricia and Adam Kaiser

Leslie Kalinksy

Stacy Kamehiro and Bob Stockwell

Pamela Kangas

Bridgit Marlo Karo and Marc Karo

Nancy Kashap

Willow Katz

Kate and Maor Katz

Peter and Jeanette Katzlberger

Beth Kawasaki

Deutron and Evin Arici Kebebew

Jane Keeffe

Jamie Keil and Zac Garfield

Jennifer Kelly

Maura Kelsea and Michael Brownlee

Nanette and Tom Kelsey

Michael Kennedy

Chris Kenney

Tim Kensit

Charity Kenyon

Roger Kern

Roberta and Alfred Keuter

Curt Keyer and Carlos Holquin

Amy Keys and Steve McKay

Bethany Kientzel

Elaine Kihara and David Sweet

Therese Kilpatrick

Bryan-Earl Kinchen

Ted and Alexander Kirkiles

Cristie Kirlin and Kendra Turk

Denise Kiser and JoAnne Winter

Barbara and Lewis Knapp

Eric and Yuriko Kneeland

Craig Kochersberger and David Newswanger

Adella Koenig

Nina Koocher and Bernard Elbaum

Wanda Kownacki

Keith and Dolores Kraft

Leila Kramer and Aaron Alden

Nancy Krusoe

Lucien Kubo

David Kunis and Lori Meiskey

Karen Kurokawa

Kenneth Kusumoto

Paula and David Kuty

Constantine Lackides

Andre Lafleur

Don Lane and Mary Howe

Emily Lansdale

Bryan and Hilde Largay

Catherine Larrick

Bruce Larsen

Cassady Latham and Julian Faulkner

Don Lauritson

Bob and Cookie Leaf

Cynthia Ling Lee

Erin Lee

Katrina Leestma

Bill Leff and Jesse Sweetwater

Tanya and Gabriel Lemmon

Irene Lennox

Nancy Lenz

Laura and David Leroy

Barney and Patricia Levy

Mark Levy and Lillian Bogovich

Robert and Barbara Lewis


Dotty Lieber

Homer Lighthall

Noreen and Todd Likins

Mark Linder and Mary Dean

Quentin Lindh and Emilyn Green

Eliza Linley and David Richardson

Marcia Lipsenthal and James Bierman

Kirsten Liske

Yalenda Listmann

Susan Longini and Muni Barash

Annette Longuevan

Christine Loose and Jenna Slovis

Ilse and Ben Lopes

Leisl and Paul Ludington

Cynthia Luedtke

Sari Luoma and Bill Eilfort

Julie Macecevic and Albert deKelaita

Sydney Mackey

Melissa Mahoney and Nash Stevens

Kevin Mann and Kim Davis

Katy Manning

Becca Mansergh

Sarah Mansergh

Lynn Marcus-Wyner

Cindy Margolin

Sally Margolis and Wendy


Patsy and George Marinelli

Jean Markarian

Suzi Markham and Terry Olson

Catharina Marlowe

Marilyn Marzell and Patti Maxine Smith

Dana Massie

Jennifer Matlock

Sharon and Linsey Maxwell

Mary Jo May

Carol Maynard

Tammy McBride

Dolores and John McCabe

Craig McCroskey and Bronwyn Black

Christie McCullen and Jason Smyth

James and Suzanne McElwee

Maggie and Alan McKay

Michael McNamer and JJ Katis

Marylou McNay

Carole McPherson

Christina McQueen and Maria Sarile

CMA Medeiros

Josette and John Medina

Donna Mekis

Marcia Meyer

Sarah Michael

Toni Michelle

Reiko Michisaki and Patrick Lovejoy

Elizabeth Mier

Nada Miljkovic and Matthew Ammann

Tess and Sean Miller

Marije Miller and David Eyes

Tai Miller and Clayton White

Julie and Robert Minnis

Clara Minor

Lillian Miranda

Nana Montgomery-Bracht and Lance Bracht

Jack Moore

Alexis and Tom Morgan

Sarah Morris and Danny Hogan

Michele Mosher and

Maia Yates

Charley and Dawn Motyka

Linda Munn and Grant Parker

Linda Murphy and Doug Lockwood

Robin Murphy

Margaret Murray

Douglas Murray and Bernadette Glenn

Brian and Eilen Murtha

Deborah and John Muth

Pamela Myatt

Sue Myers

Sheila Namir

Kathryn Nance and Aaron Bartlett

Jacob Musgrave Nelson and Abigail Nelson

André Neu and Ellen Stuck

Tracy Neves and Christian Tidwell

Gary Niblok

Michelle and Daniel Nicely

Jesse and Christine Nickell

Sarah Nielsen

Henry and Nancy Niles

Laura and Anna Nisi

Patricia and Hayes Noel

Dorothea Copeck-Nolan and Roger B. Nolan

Alix Norton

Suzanne Novotny

Daniel Nowacki

Paul and Sally O'Brien

Eileen O'Connor

Samuel O Oastler

Charlene Oatey

Gina Odom and Adam Knight

Jerimiah Oetting and Anne Beulke

Erica Olsen and Maurice Leibenstern

Anne Olson

Annette Olson and Ethan Sanford

Jane Orbuch

Lucia Orlando

Mary Ann Orr

Greg and Linda Orr

Lisa Ortiz and Rosemary Allen

Deborah Osterberg

Ann Ostermann and Isaiah Williams

Judith Moon and Robert Otness

Karen Ottermann

Kathy Pacheco

Anandi Paganini

Laurie Palmer and Deborah Gould

Kathy and Louis Paolino

Jeremy Parker

Sharon Parker

Vicki Parry

Brian Parselle and Marilyn Huffman

Marilyn Patton and Sonya Drottar

Jon Pearce

Alice Pelletier

Kaylan Pereira

Celeste Faraola Perie and David Perie

Frank and Jill Miller Perry

Caitlin Phillips

Jennifer L Pitino and Daniel Pitino Fredrickson

Lisa Ferrone

Leslie Potenzo

Caprice Potter and Terence Welch

Bernard Pregerson and Natasha Fraley

Ellen Primack and Eric Schmidt

Amanda Profitt

Kathleen Puente

Autumn Purdy

Diane Putnam

Flo Queen-Stover and Charles Stover

Richard Rahders and Marcella Laddon

Heather and Ron Rasmussen


Rachel Reed and Sebastian Hankel

Debra Reiff

Susan Renison and Rob Milby

Marlena Revay and Zoe Elizabeth

David and Barbra Rhoades

Maureen and Al Richards

Steven and Gerry Rieger

Marilyn Rigler

Jeffrey Ringold

Neile and Miriam


Sanra Ritten and Diego Felix

Leonardo De La Rocha and Jennifer De La Cruz

Burt and Joyce D. Rodgers

Ken Rodkey

Toni Rodriguez and Jamie Cutter

Mark Roemke and Anne Stephason

Janet Romanowski

Ron Ronconi and Jeanne Tillman

Chip Chapin and Kayla Rose

Dorah Rosen

Phyllis Rosenblum

Karen Rosewood

Melissa Ross and Rick Hochler

Deepika Ross and Gary Griggs

Sandra and Garret Rosslow

Suzanna Roth

Diana Rothman

Joel and Holly Rudnick

Terry and Roxana Rudy

Eva Holt- Rusmore and

Daniel Nemchonok

Linda Russon

Rosalind Ruth and Judy Luiz

Chris Ryan

Sierra and Mark Ryan

Brigitta (Gitta) Ryle

Jan Salas and Clay Wilson

Ezekiel Salazar

Dalia Salinas and Tsawá Povi Sanchez

Paula Sandas-Harvey

Ann Sansevero

Loretta and Gosie Sapino

Jo Ann Schaffner

Jessie Schecter

Andrew Schiffrin and Carol Brenner

Ronna Schulkin and Laura Pearce

Melisa Schwarm

Ann Schwartz

Daniel and Heather Schweikert

Janet and Kelsey Schwind

Gail Carhart Scofield and Cole Bryan

Kathryn and Stan Scott

Bob Scott

Tom and Frances Scully

Susan Seaburg and Judith Allen

Conrad and Anne Seales

Richard Seibert

Ronald and Cindy Sekkel

Anja Shandrew and Jenn Kortright

Melody Sharp

John and Nichole Shuler

Wendy Siegel and Melissa Braun

Kenneth Sievers

Pam Silbaugh and Russell Lerner

Marjorie and Wendy Simon

April Simpson

Bill and M Kathleen Simpson

Gloria Simpson and Erica Reitjes

Rhiannon Sims and Chris Spradley

Michael Singer and Sally Eastman

Ellie Skolnick

Henry Smith and Kerry Beth Hosley

Kimberly Smith

Brian Smith

Nathan and Diane Smith

Kimberly Snyder and Mathew Miller

Stephanie Sonnenshine

David and Mary South

Frank Souza

Sandi Spanfelner and Jessica Lowe-Wilson

Lonna and Dennis Speer

Debra Spencer and Jim Rolens

Nicole and Doug Stallard

Becky Stapp

Desiree and Michael Steber

Judith Steen and Joe Michalak

Thomas Stelling and Beverly Ritchey

Melanie Stern

Carli Stevens

Anudeva Stevens and Hanna Hammerli

Kelcey and Susanne Stone

Kim Stoner

Jim Sullivan

Rebecca Supplee

Jill and Marc Susskind

Stephen Svete and Mindy Lawrence

Nora Sweeny

Peter Szydlowski and Marie Brook

Josh Tabije

Kaoru Takahashi

Harriet Talan

Michelle and Keiko Taniguchi

Brooklyn Taylor

Jan Taylor and Robert Aegerter

Jeanene and Zachary Taylor

Angela Thalls and Neil McKenzie

Barbara Thomas

Mary Thomas and Thomas Hood

Lynn Thorensen

Lee and Bonnie Tinder

Damon Tkoch and Katie Fortney

Maria Gitin Torres and Samuel Torres

Emily Trexel and Amy Christey

Lyle and Maggi Troxell

David Twist

Linda Miranda and Ivy Tzimbal

Randy Uang

Michael and Elise Ulwelling

Patricia Unruhe

Alex Van Zyl

Maureen Raytis Vargas and Rick Vargas

Clyde Vaughn

Eugene Veteska and Margaret Inokuma

Leslie and Chris Viall

Katrina Viesca

Branwyn and Ken Wagman

Neil Waldhauer and Cara Lamb

T Mike and Terry Walker

Karen Wallace

Harrison and Julie Walls

Marilyn Walton

Dirk Walvis and Carolyn Dille

Christopher Wang

Karyn Warner

Karen and Sophie Warren

Michael and Susan Warren

Martabel and Martha


Mary Ann and Rich Waters

Sara Webb


Mary S. Weeks and James D. Phillips

Chris Weir and Sally Arnold

Tam Welch and Kellee


Misty Wenisch and Greg Kouvaras

Linda Werner

GretchenLee Werner and Mark Block

Lizbeth and John Wesolowski

Linda Weyers

Peter Weyzen

Sean Wharton

Laney White

Selina Wightman and Jeremy Britton

Joe Wilcox

John Williams and Cynthia Baehr-Williams

Greg Williams

Suzanne Williams

Fiona Williams and Benjamin Matthews

Natisha Williams and James Weber

Bennett Williamson and Kate Dundon

Jill Wimmer

Renee Winter and Paul Roth

Claire and Sarah Wirt

Sarah Wise

Joy and Arthur Wood

Yalkin Yanik and Ayzin Uludag

Robert and Suzanne Young

Nicole Zahm and Jay Melena

Marc Zammit and Wayne Crabbs

Gilda Zelin

Jenna and Michael Zeller

Judy Ziegler

Frank Zwart and Julia Armstrong-Zwart

Tribute Gifts

In memory of

Joan Gilbert Martin

Helaine Glick

Lani Hall

Sandra Martensen

George Wanlass

In memory of Chuck Hilger

Kathleen Hilger

In memory of Ed Lawrence

Randolph Brock

In memory of Peter Orr

Linda and John Burroughs

Jill Cooper-Misunas

John and Karen Dowdell

Frank and Anne Hayden

Harriet and George Mainis

Kathryn and Marshall Miller

Debra Popman

Lee Slaff

Sally and Tom Suchevits

Clyde Vaughn

In memory of Cynthia Rees

Muriel and Marci Prolo

In memory of Stan Stevens

William Spengemann

For more information on making a gift, please visit


“Lanting and Eckstrom's exhibition brings land and sea together for a unified view of Monterey Bay and its natural abundance.”

—Santa Cruz Sentinel, on Bay of Life


Funder Recognition

It is through the generous support of members, corporate sponsors, foundations, and government partners that the MAH is able to be a community resource and economic asset. To learn more about how to get involved with the institution’s work, please visit the MAH’s website to see our various engagement and philanthropic opportunities.

We thank our donors, volunteers, and collaborators for their tremendous support, and look forward to working with new friends as we continue to pursue new horizons.

Land Acknowledgment

The land on which we gather is the unceded territory of the Awaswas-speaking Uypi Tribe. The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, comprised of the descendants of indigenous people taken to missions Santa Cruz and San Juan Bautista during Spanish colonization of the Central Coast, is today working hard to restore traditional stewardship practices on these lands and heal from historical trauma.

Photo Credits

The majority of images featured in this publication were sourced from the MAH’s portfolio and archives. Special thanks to photographers Crystal Birns, Daris Jasper, and Orbie Pullen.

In Memoriam

The MAH community mourns the loss of some of our longtime friends and supporters. They will be deeply missed.

Betsy Anderson (1956–2023)

Randall Brown (1951–2023)

Eric Child (1944–2023)

Rob Edwards (1938–2023)

Joan Gilbert Martin (1930–2022)

Juleen Lisher (unknown—2023)

Gloria Nieto (1953–2022)

Peter Orr (1947–2022)

Cynthia Rees (1940–2022)

Stan Stevens (1933–2022)

more information
Please contact the MAH at
, if you have any questions. For
MAH, please

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