Where local heroes are made. For more than 50 years, Santa Fe College has been enriching the lives of its students and the community by offering a wide variety of educational and vocational training opportunities. This year, 24,000 students of all ages and from all around the world are attending classes at Santa Fe College – at the Northwest Campus, the six centers across Alachua and Bradford counties, and on the open campus online. They are pursuing high school dual-enrollment, community and continuing education, certification programs, and associate’s and bachelor’s degrees. Students graduate Santa Fe College having redefined their role in the community. With a highly marketable skill set – and without going into debt – you, too, can become a local hero.
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Education S A N TA F E C O L L E G E
Community Protectors As soon as we are old enough, we are taught to dial 911 in an emergency. Some people go on to learn more. And some people learn how to answer that call. Paramedics, EMTs, law enforcement and corrections officers. Santa Fe College has certificate and degree programs in all of these careers, offering state-of-the-art training for the first responders who keep our community and others safe on a daily basis.
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Learning Opportunities Bachelor’s degrees Organizational Management TOP :: IPS director Tom Ackerman with law enforcement and EMT students at their new training facility. Ackerman served concurrently as a police officer and an EMT in the Detroit area for nearly 10 years before becoming a federal agent for 24 years. He helped guide the Kirkpatrick Center expansion based on his service as a national training manager at FLETC.
The Santa Fe College Institute of Public Safety (IPS) is located at the Kirkpatrick Center, a half mile from the Gainesville Regional Airport in northeast Gainesville. The institute recently underwent an $8 million renovation and expansion project. A new 24,000-square-foot facility is dedicated to classrooms and state-of-the-art simulation spaces. Older buildings were renovated to accommodate a growing administrative staff and faculty. The expansion includes a fully operational “Main Street” area which will give law enforcement, EMT and paramedic trainees an environment for realistic scenario-based training exercises. Cameras, microphones, speakers, projection screens – even walls – are configurable, making it possible to replicate home or business settings, giving students the practice they need in a variety of realistic working conditions.
Associate degrees Criminal Justice Technology Emergency Medical Services Certificates Corrections Crossover Correctional Officer to Law Enforcement Crossover Law Enforcement to Correctional Emergency Medical Technician Equivalency of Training Law Enforcement Paramedic F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T P R O G R A M S I N P U B L I C S A F E T Y, VISIT SFCOLLEGE.EDU/IPS.
Earning Opportunities National Salary Rates, Median Wage* Police/Sheriff’s Office Deputies: $28.69/hr Detective/Criminal Investigator: $37.56/hr EMT/Paramedic: $15.71/hr *A L L S TAT S F R O M B U R E A U O F L A B O R S TAT I S T I C S – 2 0 1 6
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Health Care Providers & Specialists If your mother or father has ever spent a night at the hospital, if you’ve taken your child to have their teeth cleaned for the first time, or if you have ever needed medical treatment – you know the kindness and quality of care that you receive from your health care team can be transformative. The health care industry offers a variety of high-demand, specialized career opportunities, and Santa Fe College offers pathways to many of them.
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Supporting Veterans
Dental Programs Santa Fe College has a dental clinic on the northwest campus where students, under the direction and guidance of faculty, perform basic dental services including x-rays, cleanings and fluoride treatments. In addition to certificates, dental hygiene and dental assisting, students can earn their associate degree in one to two years, and graduate credentials to work in a dental office.
Cardiovascular Technology Program Students in the Cardiovascular Technology track specialize in the clinical diagnosis of two of the most serious health issues in the U.S. today – heart disease and vascular disease. Graduates of the program enjoy a nearly 100 percent job placement rate.
Santa Fe College supports those who have served in the armed forces and is proud to assist them in making a successful transition into the workforce. Nursing and the other health science tracks are consistently some of the top career choices for veterans on the SF campus. It is an honor to see the brave men and women who have protected our country choosing to serve in this way. SF offers a comprehensive orientation process to veterans who are first-time students at the college to make sure they are aware of the services provided. There are multiple scholarship and fee waiver options, a Student Veterans club, and the VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program, which ensures student veterans are utilizing every service they have earned to help them succeed as a student at Santa Fe College. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T V E T E R A N S S E R V I C E S AT S A N TA F E COLLEGE, VISIT SFCOLLEGE.EDU/VETERANS.
Learning Opportunities Bachelor’s degrees Nursing Associate degrees Nursing Dental Hygiene Physical Therapist Assistant Cardiovascular Technology Nuclear Medicine Technology Radiography Respiratory Care Diagnostic Medical Sonography Certificates Surgical Technology Polysomnography F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T T H E H E A LT H S C I E N C E S P R O G R A M S AVA I L A B L E AT S A N TA F E C O L L E G E , V I S I T S F C O L L E G E . E D U / H E A LT H .
Earning Opportunities Nursing Programs Accreditation matters! All nursing programs offered at Santa Fe College are approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission of Colleges (SACSCOC). The four-year bachelor’s program is also accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education.
National Salary Rates, Median Wage* Registered Nurses $34.70/hr Dental Hygienists $35.05/hr Diagnostic Medical Sonographers $30.90/hr Radiology Median Wage $28.35/hr *A L L S TAT S F R O M B U R E A U O F L A B O R S TAT I S T I C S - 2 0 1 6
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Education S A N TA F E C O L L E G E
Builders & Technicians If you live in Florida and your air conditioner has ever gone out, if you rely on your car and it’s ever broken down, if you’ve found water where you should not have water or not found water where you should — you have probably breathed a sigh of relief when a skilled professional came to your rescue. Santa Fe College offers the degrees and certifications necessary to begin or enhance a career in a number of trades. Because while we do have an ever-changing workforce – there are some skills that will always be called upon.
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Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation (HARV) The HARV certification program helps students get the necessary training to land entry-level positions with new construction contractors, repair and service shops, schools, hospitals and governmental organizations that operate large heating and cooling systems. Some students go on to start their own businesses. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMS
Building Construction Management Technology
Santa Fe College offers an associate degree in Building Construction Management Technology. The program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE). Santa Fe College is only one of 10 two-year programs with the accreditation and the only one in the state of Florida. Many graduates of the program transfer into the University of Florida’s College of Design, Construction & Planning for a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
Plumbing Plumbing graduates enjoy a 100 percent placement rate. Small class sizes enable students to get hands-on training with highly trained and experienced instructors. The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity suggests the current average hourly wage for entry-level plumbers is nearly $20, and there are more than 1,100 job openings annually. Once students complete the program, they have a marketable skill that can keep them employed anywhere in the world.
Learning Opportunities Associate degrees Building Construction Management Automotive Service Technology Certificates Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology Automotive Service Technology Applied Welding Technologies Plumbing Technology Apprenticeships Air Conditioning Carpentry Electrical Construction Plumbing
Earning Opportunities Earn while you learn! Santa Fe College can help students with job placement assistance and opportunities to balance classwork with work in the field. Also, an aging workforce in automotive, plumbing, construction and other trades means there are great opportunities for growth in these job sectors.
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Education S A N TA F E C O L L E G E
Innovators & Job Creators So much of the technology that is commonplace today grew from science fiction. As such, the jobs of tomorrow — many of them in advanced manufacturing — will come from the visionaries of today. Developing ideas into businesses, and businesses into industries, creates vibrant local economies and helps to enrich the global community.
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Santa Fe College is committed to helping businesses grow in Alachua and Bradford counties, and has several business incubation programs to achieve that goal.
The Perry Center in Alachua
Housed in the Blount Center in downtown Gainesville is the Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED). This entrepreneur incubator serves early-stage startup businesses from a broad spectrum of sectors. East Gainesville is home to the Gainesville Technology Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC). The 30,000-square-foot building is owned by the city of Gainesville, but managed by the college. GTEC is designed to increase the number of service, technology and light manufacturing businesses in the Gainesville area. The Bradford County Incubator, or BCI, is a joint venture between Santa Fe College and CareerSource of North Central Florida. Located in Starke, Florida, BCI offers an eight-week training program to aspiring entrepreneurs, and aims to provide proven models for increasing the economic potential of smaller counties – similar to Bradford – in north central Florida. The Perry Center in Alachua focuses specifically on emerging technology. The center, which opened in 2009, is located in Progress Park, alongside a growing number of biotechnical companies. In addition to classroom learning, students at the Perry Center are interning at places like RTI Surgical, Nanotherapeutics and Axogen, where they obtain the real-world experience needed to enter the competitive biotech industry. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T S A N TA F E C O L L E G E B U S I N E S S I N C U B AT O R S , V I S I T S F C O L L E G E . E D U / C I E D / I N C U B AT O R S .
Global Community Santa Fe College offers students a variety of opportunities to study abroad, with programs in Brazil, the British Isles, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Jamaica, Spain and Portugal, South Africa and Sweden. Students take classes and are fully immersed in language and culture. This year, students in the IT program will have an opportunity to study in Colombia with SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje). Biotechnology students will travel to Brazil to participate in a three-week biotechnology internship program at UNESP (Universidada Estadual Paulista, Julio de Mesquita Filho), one of the largest public universities in South America. The 21st century workforce will have more global focus than ever before, and with so many opportunities for international studies and travels, Santa Fe College students will be well prepared for it. T O L E A R N M O R E A B O U T I N T E R N AT I O N A L P R O G R A M S , I N C L U D I N G O P P O R T U N I T I E S TO R EC E I V E O R H E L P C O N T R I B U T E TO ST U DY A B R OA D S C H O L A R S H I P S, V I S I T S F C O L L E G E . E D U / I N T E R N AT I O N A L .
Learning Opportunities Bachelor’s degrees Clinical Lab Science Industrial Biotechnology Associate degrees Business Entrepreneurship Biomedical Equipment Technology Biotechnology Laboratory Technology Chemical Technology Certificates Chemical Laboratory Specialist Phlebotomy
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First Teachers At those moments — in the garden, at the easel, under the spell of a book — when children begin to deeply connect with learning, there are early childhood educators standing by who know just how to let them do it. Santa Fe College is proud oud d to educate those educators. The Little School is an early childhood dhood d laboratory located on campus where education students ts can partnerr with faculty to work with toddlers and preschoolers. ers. The Early Childhood Education programs att Santaa Fe ren from birth College prepare students to work with children to age four. They offer certification, credentials ials and associate and bachelor’s degrees. The US Bureau ureau of Labor Statistics estimates a 25 percent job growth rowth rate over the next decade, which translates to o plenty of job opportunities for graduates. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T T E A C H I N G P R O G R A M S AT S A N TA F E C O L L E G E , V I S I T S F C O L L E G E . E D U / E D U C AT I O N .
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Earning Opportunities There is a shortage of teachers in Florida, and the increase in single-parent homes, or homes with both parents working, has led to a greater demand for early childhood educators for younger children. To meet this need, Santa Fe College also has an alternative teacher certification program called the Educator Preparation Institute (EPI). EPI trains nontraditional students as K-12 teachers. Students must have a bachelor’s degree and approval from the Florida Department of Education to teach a particular subject area. EPI offers classes in the evenings and can be completed in a year or less.
Zookeepers Hundreds of local school children visit the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo every year for field trips, witnessing the antics of the gibbons, the playfulness of the otters, the mystery of the kookaburra, and more. Behind the scenes, Santa Fe College students are caring for the animals, and preparing for careers that will take them all over the world. The Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo is one of only two teaching zoos in the nation accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums. The 10-acre facility is home to over 75 different species of animals, and is maintained by more than 200 students enrolled in the college’s Zoo Animal Technology Program. Students in the program can earn their associate degree in zoo animal technology, the premiere wild animal technology program in the United States. Graduates of the program have been hired at zoos, aquariums and animal facilities all across the country. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T T H E P R O G R A M S AT
Activities at the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo In addition to regular visiting hours, the teaching zoo hosts a number of annual events including Zookeeper Day, Party for the Planet, World Oceans Day and the ever-popular Boo at the Zoo. Boo at the Zoo is a Halloween tradition. Families visit the zoo and trick-or-treat in a safe environment. Admission to the event is a donation of canned goods, which are then donated to area charities. Last year, almost 6,000 cans were collected and distributed to people in the community. The zoo is open to the public seven days a week (except certain holidays) from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Admission is free for Santa Fe College students, faculty and staff. Visitors can view the exhibits themselves or have a guided tour. The zoo is also wheelchair accessible.
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Education S A N TA F E C O L L E G E
Lifelong Learners Providing educational opportunities for the entire community is central to the mission of Santa Fe College.
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Community Education In an effortt to provide educational opportunities to al all the people offering off Alachuaa and d Bradford d counties, Santaa Fe College began b Communityy Education classes starting g in 1972 and d no now offers the program five times a year. Roughlyy 150 classes are offered computers and each year, including g finance, performing g arts, comput technology, sports and d fitness, animal activities, arts and an crafts, for outdoorr adventures and d more. Manyy classes offerr a waiver wa seniors to make the educational opportunities more aaccessible.
College forr Kids College forr Kids provides dayy camp activities forr children ch during ages 10 to 14 4 during g the summerr months, and d dur Alachuaa Countyy schools’ spring g break. High school schoo students Leadership program. can enroll in the Counselorr in Training g Leadershi During g the summer, overr 70 classes are offered d att the Northwestt Campus, the Andrews Centerr in Starke Starke, and for Kids the Watson Centerr in Keystone Heights. College fo also provides educational opportunities during g the school yearr with computerr coding g classes, as well as a new robotics students program. During g spring g break, Space Challenge st visitt the Kikaa Silvaa Plaa Planetarium on the Northw Northwest Campus exploration. and d learn aboutt rockett building g and d space explora F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T S A N TA F E C O L L E G E ’ S C O M M U N I T Y E D U C AT I O N P R O G R A M S I N C L U D I N G C O L L E G E F O R K I D S , V I S I T S FC O L L EG E . E D U/C I E D/C O M M U N I T Y E D.
Continuing Education Manyy working g professionals are required d to earn continuing cont education credits to maintain theirr licenses. Santaa Fe College C provides these classes forr accountants, general contrac contractors, insurance professionals, nurses, real estate agents and more. Many continuing g education classes are offered d online and d at a the Blount Centerr in downtown Gainesville. F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N O N C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N O P P O R T U N I T I E S AT S A N TA F E C O L L E G E , P L E A S E V I S I T SFCOLLEGE .EDU/CIED/CWE .
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