Day At-A-Glance
Coffee service and registration in the gym lobby
8:00−9:00 a.m.
Please come between 8 and 8:30 a.m. for coffee and conversation. If you pre-registered online, please go to the registration table to pick up your packet. If registering in person, please go to the table that offers on-site paper registration.
Welcome and keynote in the gymnasium
9:00 10:15 a.m.
Food and drinks are prohibited in the gym. Arrive early to enjoy the coffee service and connect with colleagues.
Session 1
10:30 11:15 a.m.
Visit page 4 for session locations and descriptions.
Session 2
11:30 a.m.−12:15 p.m.
Visit page 5 for session locations and descriptions.
12:30 1:30 p.m.
Please check your lunch ticket for venue. Limited outdoor seating is available if weather permits. We have limited seating for each venue. Please go to the place you have been assigned to get your food. You can get your meal at the venue and enjoy it outside if you wish.
Session 3
1:45 2:30 p.m.
Visit page 7 for session locations and descriptions.
Awards, ice cream and book signing in the gym
2:45 3:45 p.m.
Please complete the questions on your prize card and put it in the bowl as you enter the gymnasium. We will notify all winners with instructions on where to pick up their prizes.
Session 1 • 10:30-11:15 a.m.
A Bit about BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team)
BIT Intervention Team, P-265
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Tracey Reeves, L-037
Kindness by Design:
The Need Connection & Compassion in the Age of AI
Jason Frank, P-160
Maximizing Mentorship for SF Achieve Scholars
Quinten Eyman, Keyna Wintjen, L-228
Step into Another World with Virtual Production
Eric Flagg, Eli O’Hearn and Marc Shahboz, E-129
The Future Is Now! Tracking Trends in AI
Andy Sheppard and Julie Shay, P-163
Use of Active Learning Models in STEM Courses to Support Underrepresented and Marginalized Students
Angela Lounds-Singleton, P-165
Constructing Great Test Questions and Tests
Page Jerzak, P-161
Have You Heard of TRIO?
Andrea Mender, Terry Coker, Jodi Doher, Shanita Dunmore, Melody Graveen, Yolanda Thomas, P-162
Leading Teams: Building a Culture of Trust
Heather Doles, P-262
Overwhelmed? Rejuvenate with Mindfulness
Manisha Ranade and Beatriz Gonzalez, P-261
Students Aren’t the Only Ones Experiencing Imposter Syndrome
Naima Brown and Nilanjana Caballero, P-266
Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Sanity in Outlook Email
Zona Gale, C-120
Want to Know How to Talk with a Computer? Learn to Speak in Code
James Nichols, Ritsa Mallous and Omar Jennings, C-119
Continued Conversations on Civility
Yvette Carter, P-260
“I didn’t know it was a thing I could do!”
Lessons from First-Gen Students
Lee Delaino, P-264
Maximize Your SF Benefits
Betsy Nunu, P-220
SF Spring Arts Festival is Back!
Kyle Novak, L-02
Suicide Prevention Training
Steve Vutsinas and Kalpana Swamy, C-114
Transformational Leadership
Chanda Stebbins, L-01
Working and Engaging with Challenging People
Naeema Britton and Lara Zwilling, L-048
Session 2 • 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Are You Ready to Pivot with Excel’s Pivot Tables?
James Nichols, Ritsa Mallous and Omar Jennings, C-119
Games for Change: Teambuilding for a Stronger “We”
Jon Wolfe, P-160
Maximize Your SF Benefits
Betsy Nunu, P-220
Neurodivergence and Belonging at Santa Fe College
Beth Roland, Lindy Russell and Carissa Madden, P-163
Step into Another World with Virtual Production
Eric Flagg. Eli O’Hearn and Marc Shahboz, E-129
The Question Project: Hosting Difficult but Meaningful Conversations
Jason Frank and Ann Thebaut, P-162
Zero Waste at Santa Fe College
Jade Salamone and Amanda Waddle, L-048
Cultivating Belonging: A Dialogue with Lisa Nunn and First-Gen Voices WA-104
Healthy Saints: Small Steps to Improve Metabolic Health and Avoid Chronic Disease
Angela Lounds-Singleton and Patrick Rowe, P-165
Mind Body Life Mental Health Initiative
Brian Stanton, P-264
Proactive Conflict Management
Lara Zwilling and panelists, L-037
Suicide Prevention Training
Steve Vutsinas and Kalpana Swamy, C-114
Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Sanity in Outlook Email
Zona Gale, C-120
Educational Evolution: Navigating AI in Higher Education
Nico Rose, Dr. Alexandra Bitton-Bailey, WA-108
Helping Our Younger Students Get AheadOur Institutional Role
Jen Homard and panelists, L-01
Navigating the New Norms of the FAFSA for Shared Student Success
Kamia “Mia” Mwango, Bill Barnes and Colin Benner, P-164
Promoting Students’ Interdependence with Group Assessments
Beatriz Gonzalez, P-161
The Art of Advising: Navigating Change and Fostering Belonging
Joseph Stevens and panelists, P-261
Yes, You Can Get Better Sleep!
Steven Arnett, P-260
Lunch • 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Your lunch ticket is included in the packet you picked up this morning. Be sure to go to the location that is listed on your lunch ticket. Your name tag color also corresponds to your lunch location. Once you have your lunch, feel free to move outdoors. Tables are set up in the Oak Grove for your dining pleasure.
Special thanks to our caterers today: Custom Catering, La Fortuna, Hills BBQ, Radha’s Kitchen, Ritter’s Frozen Custard, and Subway.
La Fortuna
Come to the Food Court where you will find delicious Latin cuisine prepared by Francisca’s staff. Choose your beverage from the coolers located in the Food Court. Feel free to dine inside or outside. (Green Name Tag)
Hills BBQ
Hills BBQ will have a buffet style meal for you in one of two locations. Check your lunch ticket and go to the location listed. Your ticket will direct you to R-001 or S-029. (Blue Name Tag = R-001, Yellow Name Tag = S-029)
Radha’s Kitchen
Enjoy delicious plant-based cuisine from Radha’s Kitchen in S-326-327 and S-330. Radha is known for her yummy food – even by people who aren’t vegetarian or vegan! (Orange Name Tag)
Dive into a scrumptious salad or sub from Subway in the Food Court. Choose a beverage from the coolers located in the Food Court. You can dine inside or outside. Check your ticket to see what you ordered. (Purple Name Tag)
Music is provided by the Handpan 360 Ensemble and friends. Learn about handpans at
Session 3 • 1:45-2:30 p.m.
A Day in the Life of an English Language Learner (ELLs) at SF College
Shannon Leontiades, Karen Elliott, Tatiana Velasco Bruno and Bill Stephenson, L-048
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership
Tracey Reeves, P-164
A Practical Approach to Personal Wellness for Busy People
Rod Clark, P-162
Hackers: We Want You!
James Nichols, Ritsa Mallous, Omar Jennings, C-119
COIL and International Virtual Exchange at Santa Fe College
Rimjhim Banerjee –Batist, Marcela Murillo, Manisha Ranade and Glynn Hayes, P-265
Increasing Community and Engagement with Research Projects
Jared Stees and Cody Godwin, P-165
Interacting with Wildlife on Campus
Julie Smith and Shawntal Abram, P-160
Maximize Your SF Benefits
Betsy Nunu, P-220
Rethinking Research Assignments: Practices for Student Success
Diana Matthews and Jenna Miller, C-120
Supporting FirstGeneration Students
Andrea Mender and Lee Delaino, L-037
Introduction to Workday
Deanne Caldwell and panelists, P-264
Mindful Leadership
Trenton Hightower, Dr. Krishna Abhishek Ghosh, P-263
Knowing Our Students Naima Brown, P-260
Using AI to Improve Accessibility
Andy Sheppard and Beth Roland, P-262
Step into Another World with Virtual Production
Eric Flagg, Eli O’Hearn and Marc Shahboz, E-129
The Florida Heritage Foods Project: Linking Local Food and Culture in the Classroom and Beyond
Sarah Cervone, Joshua Braley, Dan Stepp and Mirian HayRoe, L-228
We Got Your 6!
Sandra Torres Pintos and Nick McMillen, P-163
Project or Project Based Learning: What’s Best for My Students?
Katherin Garland, Emma Larsen, Noah Turner, and Mia Ibanez, P-161
Suicide Prevention Training
Steve Vutsinas and Kalpana Swamy, C-114
Transform Your Canvas Quizzes with Diagnostics
Page Jerzak, P-261
Session Descriptions
Session 1 • 10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
A Bit about BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team) • P-265
Learn how your “See Something Say Something” reports are processed through our Behavioral Intervention Team and how that has facilitated interventions such as threat aversion, a culture of care, and student support for success.
Constructing Great Test Questions and Tests • P-161
Want your tests to measure your course and module outcomes? Learn the qualities of “good” test items including: question types, order effects, test forms, and fairness as well as quiz options in Canvas. Bring your tests to the next level with improved construction!
Continued Conversations on Civility • P-260
Join special guest Yvette Carter, Director of Government Affairs and Community Relations for the City of Gainesville and 2023 Woman of Distinction, for an interactive conversation about civility in the workplace.
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership • L-037
Emotional well-being involves feeling a sense of belonging. Emotionally intelligent leadership combines elements of emotional intelligence and leadership with a focus on the mutual relationship between a leader and others and the context in creating positive change. This session will provide an overview of this comprehensive model and participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own abilities, perspectives, and experiences.
Have You Heard of TRIO? • P-162
TRIO programs are designed to identify and provide services to income-eligible firstgeneration students and students with disabilities. Hear our students share how TRIO has helped them navigate their college journey successfully and provided them with a space where they know they belong.
“I didn’t know it was a thing I could do!” Lessons from First-Gen Students • P-264
Learning Commons Director, Lee Delaino, will share findings from her dissertation research. This qualitative study looked at experiences of first-generation community college students and the relationship between these experiences and student motivation and persistence. Participants will discuss how we can work together to increase student motivation, sense of belonging, self-efficacy, and persistence.
Kindness by Design: The Need Connection & Compassion in the Age of AI • P-160
The explosion in the use of generative AI has highlighted the human need to build
authentic and meaningful learning communities. Kindness by Design provides a framework that fosters trust and engagement by emphasizing the value of openness, interest, clarity, fairness, and play.
Leading Teams: Building a Culture of Trust • P-262
Healthy work cultures don’t just happen. How can leaders build strong teams that have transformational potential? How do community agreements, or norms, build the culture of a team? This presentation will identify the steps for creating and maintaining effective norms that will support an emotionally healthy, trusting working environment that fosters a sense of belonging.
Maximize Your SF Benefits • P-220
Join Interim Benefits Manager Betsy Nunu for a workshop focused on getting the most out of your benefits. Find out how to maximize your benefits by earning $140 in Wellness rewards, how to plan for navigate myfrs, and learn tips for utilizing your $600 HRA funds.
Maximizing Mentorship for SF Achieve Scholars • L-228
The mentorship component of SF Achieve creates connections between incoming students and a mentor. These relationships have proven instrumental in fostering student success. Advisors, academic coaches, and mentorship experts from the Learning Commons will share specific strategies that help mentors develop their skills. This will include a dive into how to leverage the Navigate tool to improve student success outcomes.
Overwhelmed? Rejuvenate with Mindfulness • P-261
Are you curious about the connection between stress, empathy, higher Ed, and mindfulness? Combining wisdom from age-old traditions and modern science, this hands-on workshop provides a practical approach to using mindfulness for well-being.
SF Spring Arts Festival is Back! • L-02
Get the scoop on all the great things happening at the SF Spring Arts Festival this year. Looks like there’s something for everyone!
Step into Another World with Virtual Production • E-129
The Digital Media Technology program and Educational Media Studio will host an immersive demonstration in the new Virtual Production teaching studio. We will demo this state-of-the-art technology and show you how virtual production is changing the landscape of multimedia production from filmmaking and music videos to commercials and much more. Santa Fe College is the first state college in Florida to provide training in this cutting-edge technology. Join us in “The Black Box” to be amazed! Limit 30.
Students Aren’t the Only Ones Experiencing Imposter Syndrome • P-266
Many of us deal with imposter syndrome each day. This affects our willingness to apply for new opportunities, limits our ability accept different challenges, and impacts our capacity to reach full potential. In this small-group, highly interactive session, participants will share their own experiences and discuss strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome in various setting. Limited to 10 participants.
Suicide Prevention Training • C-114
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an online suicide prevention training for all students, faculty, and staff. The training helps participants recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and then question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Get started at PD Day!
If you are unable to attend the Suicide Prevention Training during Sessions 1, 2 or 3 today, you can participate in the training online by following these instructions: Steps to Complete the Training & Earn A Gift Certificate
1. Go to
2. Enter SFC.
3. Select Create Account
4. Complete and submit the registration form using your SF email account. a. QPR will display and email you your newly created Username and Password.
5. Check your college email account and use the new username and password to log in for the training.
6. Complete the pre-test, course material, and post-test.
7. Print your certificate.
8. Check your email. Within 3 business days, you will have an email from with information for picking up your $25 Walmart gift card.
The Future Is Now! Tracking Trends in AI • P-163
AI is evolving at a whirlwind pace. Having trouble keeping up? You’re not alone! This workshop highlights major advancements in AI over the past year and discusses opportunities to help our students cultivate AI-related skills to be more successful as they embark on their careers.
Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Sanity in Outlook Email • C-120
If you manage a lot of emails, this workshop is for you! Learn specific techniques and tips for organizing and maintaining your email while staying sane!
Transformational Leadership • L-01
Transformational leaders are coaches who know how to steward our “human” resources wisely. Join Coach-turned-athletic director, Chanda Stebbins, for some
inspiration to help you develop an innovative mindset that puts being a servant before success, products, and outcomes.
Use of Active Learning Models in STEM Courses to Support Underrepresented and Marginalized Students • P-165
In this session, you will explore activities and projects used to nurture inclusivity, increase access, and promote student retention. We will explore how you can use trauma-informed teaching to transform your classroom environment and assignments for a healthier campus culture.
Want to Know How to Talk with a Computer? Learn to Speak in Code • C-119
Have you ever thought of Python as something other than a snake? This step-bystep demonstration will help you write some basic Python programming code to better understand how a computer language that mobilizes AI works.
Working and Engaging with Challenging People • L-048
This session will discuss how to recognize types of difficult people and help you understand reasons for their behavior. Learn specific strategies and ways to engage with others who might be challenging in various settings.
2 • 11:30 AM – 12:15 p.m.
Are You Ready to Pivot with Excel’s Pivot Tables? • C-119
Does creating course schedules make you want to run for the hills? In this session, you will learn how to view various course modalities, efficiently utilize classrooms, create availability of days/times, manage multiple instructors, and ensure adequate coverage.
Cultivating Belonging: A Dialogue with Lisa Nunn and First-Gen Voices • WA-104
Join our special session with Keynote Speaker Lisa Nunn for an extended Q&A, featuring a panel of Santa Fe College employees who are first-generation college graduates. Lisa’s scholarship focuses on students’ experiences and belonging, particularly among first-generation and first-year students. She will delve deeper into the challenges and successes explored in her recent book, College Belonging, and the panel will share their perspectives.
Educational Evolution: Navigating AI in Higher Education • WA-108
Join our guest speakers as we delve into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the educational sector - focusing on its integration into higher education systems. Learn about the latest advancements in AI that are enhancing teaching methodologies, personalizing student learning experiences, and streamlining administrative processes. We will also address the challenges and
ethical considerations of implementing AI in academic settings, offering insights into how educators and institutions can effectively navigate this evolving landscape.
Games for Change: Teambuilding for a Stronger “We” • P-160
Engage in dynamic team-building activities fostering new connections. Discover “Aha moments,” individual strengths, ideas for growth, and cross-cultural support. Comfortable footwear and clothing is recommended.
Healthy Saints: Small Steps to Improve Your Health Today and Into the Future • P-165
Our current health reflects the countless daily decisions we’ve made over the previous months and years. Progress toward health goals, however we define them - blood sugar, blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, triglycerides, etc. - stems from more informed decisions. In this workshop, we will learn about a few concepts that are rarely discussed during routine doctor visits but play a central role in most of today’s common health conditions and explore our options for improvement.
Helping Our Younger Students Get Ahead --- Our Institutional Role • L-01
Join us as we talk about our younger students at SF by exploring both our dual enrollment program, which turns 50 years young next fall, and our new Academy of Science and Technology, which is wrapping up its first year. Topics to be explored include post-pandemic trends we are seeing in this population of students (and their parents!), their mental and social wellbeing, and their preferences for course selection and potential careers.
Maximize Your SF Benefits • P-220
Join Interim Benefits Manager Betsy Nunu for a workshop focused on getting the most out of your benefits. Find out how to maximize your benefits by earning $140 in Wellness rewards, how to plan for navigate myfrs, and learn tips for utilizing your $600 HRA funds.
Mind Body Life Mental Health Initiative • P-264
Mental health is a priority on our campus. This session provides an overview of resources available to all faculty, staff, and students. Attendees will learn about our Mind Body Life awareness campaigns, wellness initiatives, community partnerships, and professional development opportunities.
Navigating the New Norms of the FAFSA for Shared Student Success • P-164
Explore significant updates to FAFSA, learn how to decode changes in eligibility and timelines, and discover actionable strategies for various college roles committed to student success. This session addresses the evolving landscape of financial aid while providing streamlined approaches for both students and professionals.
Neurodivergence and Belonging at Santa Fe College • P-163
What’s it like to be a student (or employee) who processes information differently from most people? This presentation will teach us how to foster a sense of belonging for neurodivergent faculty, staff, and students at Santa Fe College. Drawing from recent research and student feedback, we’ll share ideas and engage the audience in brainstorming to cultivate a more neuro-inclusive workplace culture.
Proactive Conflict Management • L-037
Join our panel of faculty and staff as they share practical insights, proactive strategies, and real-life experiences of successfully handling challenging situations in the educational setting.
Promoting Students’ Interdependence with Group Assessments • P-161
Explore the importance of fostering student connections and effective communication through group assessments. This presentation will guide participants in forming and assessing groups and highlight the benefits of promoting engagement and positive interactions. Join us to discover how incorporating group assessments can contribute to the transformation and sense of belonging at Santa Fe College, emphasizing the practical aspects of implementing this approach in any educational setting.
Step into Another World with Virtual Production • E-129
The Digital Media Technology program and Educational Media Studio will host an immersive demonstration in the new Virtual Production teaching studio. We will demo this state-of-the-art technology and show you how virtual production is changing the landscape of multimedia production from filmmaking and music videos to commercials and much more. Santa Fe College is the first state college in Florida to provide training in this cutting-edge technology. Join us in “The Black Box” to be amazed!
Suicide Prevention Training • C-114
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an online suicide prevention training for all students, faculty, and staff. The training helps participants recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and then question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Completers will receive a $25.00 Walmart gift certificate. Get started at PD Day! (See URL for this training in Session 1. You can complete the training from home!)
The Art of Advising: Navigating Change and Fostering Belonging • P-261
Featuring advisors from across the college, this engaging panel discussion showcases the diverse advising responsibilities at Santa Fe College and how advisors adapt to meet the evolving needs of students. Join us for a dynamic dialogue on how academic advising can drive individual and institutional growth while fostering a sense of belonging. We’d love to answer your questions and connect with you!
The Question Project: Hosting Difficult but Meaningful Conversations • P-162
The Question Project trains instructors in the skill of hosting productive and civil exchanges between students. This workshop will help you create ideal conditions for difficult conversations that invite students to build bridges based on shared values, and simple ground rules.
Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Sanity in Outlook Email • C-120
If you manage a lot of emails, this workshop is for you! Learn specific techniques and tips for organizing and maintaining your email while staying sane!
Yes, You Can Get Better Sleep! • P-260
Does sleep really matter? This session will give you a comprehensive understanding of sleep’s crucial role in physical and mental well-being. Learn to identify and address common sleep disorders, develop practical strategies for better sleep, and explore creating a sleep-friendly workplace. Discover the link between sleep and mental health and acquire time management skills to balance your work demands.
Zero Waste at Santa Fe College • L-048
The new Zero Waste initiatives model our community’s commitment to becoming a more sustainable campus. Discover the “ins and outs” of SF’s Zero Waste mindset. Become an empowered participant in creating a Zero Waste culture and sharing with others. We need people like you!
Session 3 • 1:45 PM – 2:30 p.m.
A Day in the Life of an English Language Learner (ELL) at SF College • L-048
This interactive presentation offers a glimpse into a “day in the life” of an ELL (English Language Learner), emphasizing how faculty and staff actions can positively impact students’ sense of belonging at Santa Fe College. We will shed light on the growing number of ELLs on campus and increase your understanding of their unique challenges, barriers, and cultural adjustments. Each of us can make a difference!
A Practical Approach to Personal Wellness for Busy People • P-162
Personal Wellness is a journey. This presentation aims to dismantle past discouragements and unrealistic expectations. We’ll provide practical strategies and building blocks to cultivate a healthy approach to your wellness journey, making it an empowering experience rather than a source of stress.
COIL and International Virtual Exchange at Santa Fe College • P-265
Explore the transformative potential of International Virtual Exchanges (IVE) in higher education at Santa Fe College. Discover practical strategies for integrating IVE seamlessly across disciplines, fostering cross-cultural perspectives and global
collaboration. Enhance your teaching toolkit and promote a globalized educational experience by gaining comprehensive insights into IVE and its successful implementation.
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership • P-164
Emotional well-being involves feeling a sense of belonging. Emotionally intelligent leadership combines elements of emotional intelligence and leadership with a focus on the mutual relationship between a leader and others and the context of creating positive change. This session will provide an overview of this comprehensive model. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own abilities, perspectives, and experiences.
Hackers: We Want You! • C-119
Digitalized information can be a valued commodity. But it can also lead to unintended consequences. Learn how to keep your information safe with tips from SF’s Center of Cybersecurity.
Increasing Community and Engagement with Research Projects • P-165
Explore the value of active research projects in and outside classrooms through a student-led biology lab example that demonstrates seamless integration into the curriculum and measurement of academic performance. Delve into an ongoing research project beyond the classroom, showcasing its impact on sustaining science education and increasing student engagement.
Interacting with Wildlife on Campus • P-160
Explore the diverse campus wildlife in our presentation on animal cohabitation, the challenges animals face, and how we can contribute to their well-being. Join us to appreciate the ecosystem’s delicate balance, culminating in optional encounters with several animals, expertly handled by presenters.
Introduction to Workday • P-264
The college is excited to begin implementing Workday for all HR and Finance online operations. Join us for an overview of the college’s new software for human resource and finance operations.
Knowing Our Students • P-260
Want to know more about SF students? This session will use various data points to paint a picture of the SF student body. While numbers alone cannot tell our students’ stories, attendees will leave with a general overview of who SF students are, what their experiences are like, and how they are faring at the college.
Maximize Your SF Benefits • P-220
Join Interim Benefits Manager Betsy Nunu for a workshop focused on getting the
most out of your benefits. Find out how to maximize your benefits by earning $140 in Wellness rewards, how to plan for navigate myfrs, and learn tips for utilizing your $600 HRA funds.
Mindful Leadership • P-263
This interactive session blends the principles of ancient yoga philosophy with the latest scientific research to open new dimensions for anyone in a position of leadership. Discover personalized mindfulness tools that you can access in your everyday life.
Project or Project Based Learning: What’s Best for My Students? • P-161
We know that first-generation students learn better when courses are studentcentered and engaging. Participants will learn to differentiate between project and project-based learning by discussing examples of both. We will discuss the purpose of student-centered learning and teacher-centered learning, and why a combination of both is necessary to meet course objectives.
Rethinking Research Assignments: Practices for Student Success • C-120
Is grading your students’ research assignments as painful for you as it is for students to complete them? One study found that 73% of students surveyed didn’t know what college research entails. Join this interactive workshop that will help you design research activities to help students bridge the gaps in their grasp of research as a process.
Step into Another World with Virtual Production • E-129
The Digital Media Technology program and Educational Media Studio will host an immersive demonstration in the new Virtual Production teaching studio. We will demo this state-of-the-art technology and show you how virtual production is changing the landscape of multimedia production from filmmaking and music videos to commercials and much more. Santa Fe College is the first state college in Florida to provide training in this cutting-edge technology. Join us in “The Black Box” to be amazed!
Suicide Prevention Training • C-114
QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is an online suicide prevention training for all students, faculty, and staff. The training helps participants recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and then question, persuade, and refer someone to help. Completers will receive a $25.00 Walmart gift certificate. Get started at PD Day! (See URL for this training in Session 1. You can complete the training from home!)
Supporting First-Generation Students • L-037
Learn how to support first-generation students by helping them navigate the “hidden curriculum,” foster relationships, and increase campus involvement. These keys
to success have a significant impact on first-gen students. This presentation equips faculty and staff with tools to build a sense of belonging with first-gen students through meaningful interactions, emphasizing that small changes from everyone can collectively contribute to the evolution at Santa Fe College.
The Florida Heritage Foods Project: Linking Local Food and Culture in the Classroom and Beyond • L-228
Discover the Florida Heritage Foods Project! We empower students to create educational materials highlighting the historical, cultural, nutritional, and culinary significance of crops in Florida’s multicultural history. This presentation showcases food-based instructional tools designed by SF faculty and invites participants to explore innovative ways of engaging students in topics related to local food systems, public service, and multiculturalism. Join us to explore how project-based learning through the lens of food can connect students to the diverse histories shaping Florida’s cultural landscape.
Transform Your Canvas Quizzes with Diagnostics • P-261
How can you assess how well your students or staff performed on a Canvas quiz? We will explore options available within Canvas, look at sample diagnostics, and plan to address problematic aspects of their quizzes. Learn what makes a “good” quiz and how you can fix quizzes that aren’t working as well as you’d like.
Using AI to Improve Accessibility • P-262
AI tools like ChatGPT can create increasingly accurate transcripts that are almost on par with professional captioning providers. AI-image generation tools also help us create diverse imagery – which allows us to create supplemental multimedia content more quickly. By leveraging AI, instructional materials can become more inclusive and empower all learners to fully engage with educational content. This presentation will demonstrate three tools for achieving this end.
Got Your 6! • P-163
We will provide you with a glimpse into the evolution of a military student’s transfer from life in the military to academic life and the top-down support we can provide to ensure inclusivity and a smooth transition.