White-handed gibbons Cajun and her son Holmes sit together in their enclosure at the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo. The family of gibbons at the zoo include the father, Eddie and their offspring Gibson, Holmes, Cusa and Onyx. Guests and keepers can’t resist stopping by to visit the family and observing all the activity.
Oct 5 Registration begins
Oct 7 Homecoming (college closed)
Oct 29 Classes begin for fall B
Nov 11 Veterans Day (college closed)
Nov 24-25 * Thanksgiving (college closed)
Dec 19 - Jan 2 Winter Break (college closed)
* Note: No evening classes 11/23
us on
COM0040 is the course #
How To Use Your Kindle Fire
all the basics of your Kindle Fire (and
Fire parts and basic navigation; books, movies/
music, apps, search the web, and check email.
about Amazon’s Cloud Services and the benefits
buying Amazon Prime.
Wed., starts 7/2, 6 - 8 p.m.
Instructor: Ken Humphlett SF NW Campus, B-204 FEE $39
First time class is offered
1F4 is the section #
3 Wed. means this course runs for 3 Wednesdays and starts on 7/2
Contact us at 352-395-5193 or visit sfcollege.edu/enrich for more information.
Course location: Bldg B, Rm 204
This class will assist the student in developing skills in their chosen medium, which may include, watercolors, acrylics or graphite drawing. Students will be working on their individual projects and assistance will be provided as needed by the instructor.
4 Tue., starts 11/8, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Beryl Bayer
113 East Noble Ave, Williston
FEE $69
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring pencil and typing paper to 1st class. Instructor will send parking information when you register.
Learn the basic techniques needed in this beginner course to produce lively, colorful, luminous and exciting watercolor paintings. Master the application of effective washes and multi-layered glazes. Play with wet in wet puddles of paint and watch how they flow together to create atmospheric illusions.
4 Tue., starts 11/10, 1 – 3 p.m.
Instructor: Beryl Bayer
17500 SW Archer Rd, Archer
FEE $69
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring pencil and typing paper to 1st class. A supply list will be provided by the instructor at the first class but bring any watercolor supplies you already have.
This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM, you will be able to sit at home with your guitar and take this class without any pressure at all. An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well. Class limited to 15 students. For ages 13+.
1 Tue., starts 11/15, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Craig Coffman Online, ZOOM
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Course fee includes materials, which instructor will provide before class start date. ZOOM link will be emailed.
Learn to play piano the way professionals dousing chords. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pressure at all. An optional periodic online question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well. The course is partly lecture/demonstration and partly hands on instruction.
1 Mon., starts 11/14, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Craig Coffman Online, ZOOM
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Course fee includes materials, which instructor will provide before class start date. ZOOM link will be emailed.
Using the techniques learned in Exploring Watercolors, learn how to add value, volume and weight to objects to create dynamic and dramatic still life paintings.
4 Thu., starts 11/10, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Beryl Bayer
113 East Noble Ave, Williston
FEE $69
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring pencil and typing paper to 1st class. Exploring Watercolors or equivalent is a prerequisite for this course. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/9.
Using just a pencil, learn to translate the volume and contour of organic objects onto paper. Change a 3-dimensional item into a 2-dimensional image. This first step in learning how to draw will help develop hand/eye coordination.
4 Sat., starts 11/12, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Beryl Bayer
113 East Noble Ave, Williston FEE $69
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring pencil and typing paper to 1st class. Instructor will send parking information when you register.
Let hand crafted cold and hot-process soap be part of your holiday gift giving. Class will include instruction Hot Process, Cold Process, and rebatching techniques. We will work with sodium hydroxide (lye) and a variety of oils, colorants, and essential oils to create handcrafted bars of soap.
1 Sun., starts 11/20, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Heidi Schwiebert
17990 NE 53rd Ln, Williston
FEE $29
NOTE: No sr. waivers. $10 material fee will be paid to the instructor at the class. Course/materials fee covers class time, printed recipes, and resource information.
Gain a solid foundation and understanding of the basics of drawing and become the artist you’ve always dreamed you could be! Become intimately familiar with paper types, drawing styles, rendering techniques, and the basic principles of perspective, layout, design, lighting, volume, and space.
Available Online ANYTIME!
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
Craig Coffman is an experienced piano and guitar instructor, professional pianist and music director. He has over 30 years experience teaching piano privately. His piano and guitar seminars, offered through Community Colleges and Community Education Programs, have been attended by over 30,000 students throughout Arizona, Minnesota and the United States over the last 27 years. He has a degree in Sociology from Illinois Wesleyan University in Illinois (where he also studied piano) and a Master of Divinity degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon.
Take your talent of hand drumming to the next level with this advanced class for all levels of music lovers! Play a variety of hand drums, focusing on African/Afro Caribbean music and rhythms.
6 Tue., starts 11/1, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Leon Larson SF NW Campus, E-134
FEE $69
NOTE: Please bring your own drum. If you don’t have one, one will be provided.
Explore the craft of voiceovers! Discover current trends, opportunities, and tools you need to find success in this growing remote working industry. Read a real script and receive coaching from your instructor, a professional voice actor, to improve your delivery. One-time, 90 minute, one-on-one, video-chat class! Learn more: http://www. voicesforall.com/ooo. Upon registration you will be contacted by VFA to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience.
Instructor: Voices For All One-on-One Online Course
Voices For All, Inc.
FEE $49
NOTE: One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. Learn more at voicesforall.com/ooo. Upon registration, you’ll be contacted by VFA to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience. Requirements: you must have internet access and video chatting capabilities using a method such as: Zoom, Skype (Win/Mac/Mobile) or iChat/FaceTime (Mac/iOS).
or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
Whether you’re picking up a DSLR for the first time or just looking to improve your photography skills, one of the best ways to learn is to take the advice of an experienced photographer. This class is great for beginners, and also for those who have done photography for a while but had no formal training. Develop your expertise and expand your creativity with this class!
6 Tue., starts 11/1, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Instructor: Denise Honey
SF NW Campus, C-120
FEE $89
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Bring your own laptop/tablet to class. You must have an SLR camera - either film or digital - with a manual override and interchangeable lenses. Also, if shooting with film, you are responsible for the purchase and processing for your class assignments.
Now that you have finished the Photography Boot Camp, come join other like-minded photographers and have fun challenging yourself with new ideas and assignments.
Learn composition, lenses, lighting, how to break the rules and more. You should have a SLR 35mm camera (film or digital) with a manual override.
6 Tue., starts 11/1, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: Denise Honey
SF NW Campus, C-120
FEE $89
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Bring your own laptop/tablet to class. You must have an SLR camera - either film or digital - with a manual override and interchangeable lenses. Also, if shooting with film, you are responsible for the purchase and processing for your class assignments. Beginner Photography class a prerequisite.
Learn to use digital editing techniques to show off your photos and memorabilia in Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking! Using Photoshop Elements 11, 12, or 13, this course will teach you how to make the most of your scrapbooking talents and artistic ideas when you combine traditional and digital scrapbooking.
In this course, break through the technology barrier and learn how to use your DSLR to take beautiful photos. Learn about the many features and controls of your DSLR and look at the lenses you need for the kind of photography you enjoy.
Learn to think about your protagonist and antagonist, plot your story in a screenplay format, and avoid some of the classic mistakes made by beginning screenplay writers. You may even achieve writing the first ten or fifteen pages (or the first act).
5 Mon., starts 10/31, 7 – 9:15 p.m.
Instructor: Gary Gordon
SF NW Campus, C-122
FEE $69
NOTE: Bring a notebook and pen. It’s helpful to have ready an idea of the story you wish to write-a paragraph to a page about your favorite movie: what it is and why, and any screenplay writing you’ve done or started. If you have previously taken the class, we will work on continuing to develop your script. No class 11/28; will be made up 12/5.
If you’ve ever thought about writing your life story, now is the time! In this course, have the satisfaction of telling history your way. Learn how to bring characters to life, recall vivid memories, engage readers, and even manage your creative time.
From the language of editing to grammar, punctuation, and syntax to the all-important relationships between editor, author, and publisher, every facet of editing will be explored in this copy editor course. Online editing is gaining popularity; its complexities will be unraveled, and its advantages and pitfalls explored. Tips and resources for finding work will be addressed at length.
Learn, explore, and develop your sketch booking practice. Create your own sketchbooks from a variety of book-making techniques. Nurture your creative process with interesting and non-traditional prompts. All around us are opportunities for art and creativity, let’s learn ways to spot them together!
4 Thu., starts 11/10, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jasmine Laska
SF NW Campus, C-122
FEE $49
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Instructor will email a list of supplies you will need to purchase/bring with you prior to class start date. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/8.
Whether you use a DSLR, a point-and-shoot camera, or your phone for your photography, learn how to get the best results from your camera. Take your camera out of auto mode after learning about lighting, motion, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings.
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
This course introduces you to everything you need to know to do to turn your manuscript into a book that will help you make money on the Internet, whether you want to self-publish a novel, a nonfiction book, or a picture book. Learn how to format your e-book and get it ready to sell through bookstores like Amazon and Apple.
Available Online ANYTIME!
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
View sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information
This two-hour advanced workshop is for students who have taken any of our beginning courses or have previous experience coding with Minecraft MakeCode, LEGO SPIKE Prime®, and MicroBits. Students will learn more advanced coding and computer science concepts, which they will apply to a novel final project of their choosing to show off their new skills.
6 Wed., starts 11/2
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Gwendolyn Thompson
401 NW 6th St, Downtown
FEE $89
NOTE: No sr. waivers. For ages 8 - 14. No class 11/23; will be made up 12/14.
This workshop is for students and adults who are wondering about possible careers, majors, and colleges. We will focus on the training opportunities available at Santa Fe College and the jobs to which they lead. We will also introduce you to useful online resources for researching possible career paths, choosing academic and career goals, and planning effectively to achieve those goals.
1 Tue., starts 11/15
6 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: James Yawn SF NW Campus, R-217 FEE FREE
Math can be incredibly useful - but only if you understand how and when to apply it in your everyday life. This course will show you how to use math to your advantage. The lessons that make up this course are filled with practical exercises and information that you can put to immediate use. Find out some very interesting things about how calculators work, and then discover how best to get a handle on your income and expenses.
Develop your English grammar skills and take your writing and speaking to the next level of excellence. This course explores the eight parts of speech, punctuation and mechanics, and foundational sentence construction. Learn about phrases, clauses, problem words, common grammar mistakes, and much more through practical, hands-on exercises.
This course will help you analyze your strengths and weaknesses, so you can focus your studying on the areas that you need most. You will get the basics of what you need to know to succeed on the four GED® test modules: Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical Reasoning.
In this exciting new S.T.E.A.M. class students will design a Rube Goldberg machine in Minecraft together using various simple machines and transferring energy thru circuity. Rube Goldbergs provides a way for students to demonstrate their understanding of Physics concepts in a creative, and FUN, way. Through these lessons, students will learn about the fundamentals of such topics as coding, circuitry, physics and much more.
6 Wed., starts 11/2
1 – 3 p.m.
Instructor: Gwendolyn Thompson
401 NW 6th St, Downtown
FEE $89
NOTE: For ages 8-14. No class 11/23; will be made up 12/14.
As you discover what you need to know to homeschool your children, become familiar with the terminology the homeschool community uses. See how homeschooling gives you the opportunity to socialize your children as well as build long-lasting and productive relationships with peers and adults. Find out how homeschooling gives you unique opportunities to teach valuable life skills.
Available Online ANYTIME!
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
Are you struggling with employment applications online?
Conquer that online job application! Learn how to navigate and to use keywords. Stop being frustrated by applying for jobs.
1 Mon., starts 10/31
6 – 7 p.m.
Instructor: Karen Sheets
SF NW Campus, I-40 FEE FREE
NOTE: Pre-registration required by calling 352-3955047 to see if you quality for the Focus on the Future Program.
This workshop is for students and adults who are wondering about career opportunities in the Health Sciences. We will focus on the Health Sciences certificate and associate of science programs available at Santa Fe College. We will introduce you to useful online resources for researching possible career paths, choosing academic and career goals, and planning effectively to achieve those goals.
1 Tue., starts 11/8
6 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: Deborah Robinson SF NW Campus, W-10 FEE FREE
This course will teach you how to see things from others’ viewpoints based on their needs, values, beliefs, experiences, skills, knowledge, and selfinterests. Learn to approach difficult situations by answering the questions: who? what? where? when? how? and why? And by answering these questions, understand who your difficult people are, what they’re like, how you react to them, and their response to your actions.
Learn how to make excellent everyday decisions from an experienced counselor and life coach. In this online course, learn about some wonderful abilities you’re born with for figuring things out and making good decisions. Develop some important guidelines for when to take risks, when to trust your luck, and what to do if you make a mistake.
You can become an effective public speaker! In this course, you will discover how to talk confidently and persuasively to both large audiences and small groups. You will also learn how to plan and deliver your presentations skillfully and how to manage one of the most common public speaking barriers—fear.
Gain a complete understanding of rhythm, melody, and harmony, and be able to recognize pitches on the musical staff and on the keyboard. Each lesson will build on previous lessons, while also introducing new musical concepts.
or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
Introduction To Guitar
Learn to play guitar and become the musician you’ve always wanted to be! In these fun and informative lessons, build basic guitar skills step-by-step with the help of hands-on exercises, audio and video recordings, and detailed illustrations.
In this course, learn about the many aspects of outdoor photography as well as how to master your digital camera’s controls and features. Explore composition and lighting issues and find out how to take beautiful photos of landscapes, flowers, trees, and water.
This course will teach you what you need to capture scenes from around the world and bring them back to your home. Learn how to get the best shots of animals in captivity and animals in the wild. Discover ways to blend in with nature and the best kind of equipment for specialized shooting.
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
This course will provide an overview of advanced tools for Internet research, a discussion of free Web-based services, as well as safe and free software available for download. Additionally, Internet security issues will be discussed. Although this class is aimed primarily at seniors, adults of all ages are welcome to register.
2 Sat., starts 11/12, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Instructor: Brian Fox
SF NW Campus, C-114
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. This is an intermediate class, so you should be familiar with the basics of Web browsers, file management, and Windows. Bring a USB/flash drive if you have one.
This hands-on course will teach you dozens of shortcuts and tricks for setting up fully-formatted worksheets quickly and efficiently. Learn the secrets behind writing powerful mathematical formulas and discover how to use the function wizard to quickly and automatically calculate statistics, loan payments, future value, and more. In addition, get tips on sorting and analyzing data, designing custom charts and graphs, creating three-dimensional workbooks, building links between files, endowing your worksheets with decision-making capabilities, and automating frequently-repeated tasks with macros and buttons.
From writing reports to knowing how to use Microsoft Word, the most widely-used word processing program, adds an important skill set to your professional profile. This course will introduce you to the 2019 version of Microsoft Word, available through the Office 365 online platform. Learn the basics of Word 2019 needed to write and edit text and to create, format, and organize documents.
In this course, we will discuss basic computer security, navigating Windows, managing your files, creating, and customizing documents, changing your system’s settings, and you’ll also get an introduction to browsing the Internet.
4 Thu., starts 11/3, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Instructor: Brian Fox
SF NW Campus, C-114
FEE $89
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Purchase a USB/flash drive (storage device) and bring to first class. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/1.
In these lessons, use the Keyboarding Pro 5 program, a typing tutorial designed for personal computers, to learn how to touch-type—that is, to type text you read from a printed page or a computer screen without looking at your keyboard. With the skills you master here, become faster and more confident at the keyboard.
Creating WordPress Websites
WordPress is an easy-to-use solution that will help you put your site on the Web in far less time than by coding, and at a much lower cost than hiring a professional. Find out how to use WordPress to create pages and posts, add images and videos, change a site’s look and feel, and include user-friendly features. NOTE: The WordPress.org version covered in this class is the platform the pros use. While it normally requires a paid hosting account, this course includes a totally free, no obligation SiteGround hosting account for three months, along with a private place on the Web for practice.
In this series, students will have fun learning Thai through role-play and games from Siri Blumberg, a native Thai speaker born in Bangkok and completed her B.A. in Business Administration. In each session, Siri will work with you one-on-one, practicing and working on pronunciations. She will help you prepare before your trip to Thailand or to impress your Thai friends.
This course has been carefully crafted to ensure you will have no trouble pronouncing French words correctly. The first three lessons introduce the basics needed for most conversations in French, such as “please” and “thank you.” Learn numbers, days of the week, months of the year, and telling time. After the introduction and basic conversation lessons, learn what to say at the airport. From the airport, learn how to talk about transportation. After you have settled into your hotel, the course also covers how to communicate in restaurants. Also available: SelfPaced.
Throughout this course, learn by watching videos that demonstrate how to make the signs and how to incorporate facial expressions to communicate in this beautiful language. This course is taught using the best practices of the industry with a minimum of audio support. Gain an introduction to the world of the Deaf culture and explore topics such as lipreading, baby signs, and the career of interpreting. Also available: Self-Paced.
Through hands-on exercises, discover the benefits of using free web tools like Blogger, WordPress, Audacity, and YouTube. Find that creating a blog and podcast is much easier than you ever imagined. Learn how to develop a plan for the content, setup, maintenance, and how to use free blogging software like Blogger and WordPress to put that plan into action. Learn how to record a professional-sounding audio podcast with a very simple recording tool you already have.
Learn why you’re at risk and what you can do to protect your precious personal and business data from the outside world. This course will quickly bring you up to speed on the fundamentals of PC and network security. Understand and explore the vulnerability of operating systems, software, and networks.
This dynamic course will teach you how to express yourself comfortably in Italian. Learn practical, everyday words. Read, hear, and practice dialogues based on typical situations that you’re likely to encounter if you plan to vacation in Italy. The dialogues and follow-up exercises of each lesson will teach you to communicate in Italian in a wide variety of settings. This course will make it simple to master your pronunciation of Italian. Also available: Self-Paced.
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Spanish pronto. Learn six easy recipes for gluing Spanish words together to form sentences. In no time at all, be able to go into any Spanish speaking situation and converse in Spanish. ¡Qué Bueno!
View sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
You will safely create wonderful, edible Thai decorations from fresh fruit and vegetables for your holiday table.
2 Sat., starts 10/29, 11 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Instructor: Siri Blumberg
SF NW Campus, C-122
FEE $39
NOTE: Please bring $10 to 1st class for materials (carving knives, cutting boards, etc.). Instructor will supply kitchen tools. Students must bring their own carrots and cucumbers (2 each) to 1st class.
Discover fresh extra virgin olive oil and authentic balsamic vinegar, their culinary uses, and health benefits. Taste from over 50 varieties of the northern hemisphere, estate-produced olive oil, and enjoy true balsamic vinegar, imported from Modena, Italy. Find numerous ways to use these condiments to enhance flavor and nutrition in everyday dishes. Take home easy recipes for fall and holiday entertaining. Join us for an engaging and insightful class. Perfect for health-minded individuals and those who are passionate about food.
1 Tue., starts 11/8, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Instructor, Saporito OVS
4401 NW 25th Place
FEE $29
Learn three popular dances-Waltz, East Coast Swing, and Rumba. You can enjoy dancing on a cruise, parties, at your wedding or a friend’s. Learn basic patterns, lead/follow, and timing in each dance in a stress-free environment.
4 Sun., starts 10/30, 5 – 6 p.m.
Instructor: Eileen Parris
2716 SW 100th St
FEE $44
NOTE: No sr. waivers. One time $6 facility fee paid at 1st class, cash or check only. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes; no flip flops or black-soled shoes please.
Learn to tango in this fun class! No partner needed; no experience needed.
4 Thu., starts 11/3, 9 – 10 p.m.
Instructor: Andrew Weitzen B’NAI ISRAEL
3830 NW 16th Blvd
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. One time $10 facility fee paid at 1st class. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/1.
Secrets of the Caterer
Learn the fundamentals of the catering business, how to cook for large crowds, organize your kitchen, manage your time, and work with clients. The course focuses on cooking skills every caterer needs, with an introduction to the business side of catering.
In this comprehensive course, discover how to establish a healthy approach to weight loss and weight maintenance. By the end of this course, know how to set appropriate and effective goals for eating, exercise, and many other elements that affect your weight. Have the skills you need to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime!
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
Learn how to dance with a partner. Emphasis on having fun in a non-judgmental atmosphere. No experience needed. Couples friendly, you do not have to rotate. Single friendly, no partner required.
4 Thu., starts 11/3, 7 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: Andrew Weitzen B’NAI ISRAEL 3830 NW 16th Blvd
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. One time $10 facility fee paid at 1st class. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/1.
Have fun learning to dance with a partner with this simple social, style waltz. Singles and couples friendly. No partner needed. Rotating partners is not required.
4 Thu., starts 11/3, 8 – 9 p.m.
Instructor: Andrew Weitzen B’NAI ISRAEL 3830 NW 16th Blvd
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. One time $10 facility fee paid at 1st class. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/1.
This class is structured to get anyone started in line dancing. We will start with basics like the Electric slide and Cupid shuffle and move onto current popular dances. Each class will be easy paced so each student will feel confident. Make new friends and have a great time! No experience needed.
3 Thu., starts 11/3, 6 – 7 p.m.
Instructor: Eileen Paris RENA’S BALLROOM 720 NW 23rd Ave FEE $34
NOTE: No sr. waivers. One-time $6 facility fee paid at 1st class-cash or check only. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes, no flip flops, or black-soled shoes please.
or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
Mindfulness-Based Meditation
Mindfulness-Based Meditation for Stress
Reduction is a series of meditation classes based on the first four classes of the Mindfulness-BasedStress-Reduction (MBSR) course from the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s “Center for Mindfulness” for your personal meditation needs. For comfort, we will be seated on chairs.
4 Tue., starts 10/29, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Instructor: Beatriz Bruna De SF NW Campus, C-122
FEE $44
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Students may bring a mat.
The Advanced Mindfulness-Based Meditation class for Stress Reduction will continue onward with the next series. This series is based on the Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR) course from the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness. For comfort, we will be seated on chairs.
4 Tue., starts 11/22, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Instructor: Beatriz Bruna De SF NW Campus, A-001 FEE $44
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Students may bring a mat. Prerequisite: Prior completion of Mindfulness Meditation class.
In this class learn that by calming the mind, one can reduce stress, anxiety and be able to free oneself from depressed mental states. One develops the sense of peace, which is the fertile ground for a feeling of joy. By learning the simple steps of mind calming, one will find themselves mentally renewed and refreshed to face the challenges of daily life.
4 Sat., starts 11/12, 9:15 – 10:15 a.m.
Instructor: K. A. Shakoor, DAOM SF GTEC 2153 SE Hawthorne Rd FEE $39
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Wear comfortable clothes.
Body Groove Dance is a dynamically interactive and creative group dance workout. While exploring various styles and genres, you will experience everything from slow, meditative grooves to heartthumping and strength-building cardio beats — the perfect recipe to nurture body, mind, heart, and soul.
4 Fri., starts 11/4, 9 – 9:45 a.m.
Instructor: Beth Michelson, Cert. Body Groove Facilitator Online, ZOOM FEE $29
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring a mat, small towel, or small pillow, and wear loose comfortable clothes. No classes 11/11 and 11/25; will be made up 12/2 and 12/9.
In this class, learn an introductory program of gentle self-care called Clinical Somatics exercises. With practice, release and gain control of your back/core muscles by retraining them via your brain using the method of conscious pandiculation! Chronic muscle tension can pull the spine out of alignment, and the exercises release muscle tension long-term, relieving muscle spasms, sciatica, and back and neck joint pain.
4 Fri., starts 11/4, 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Instructor: Beth Michelson, Cert. Clinical Somatics Instr. Online, ZOOM
FEE $29
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please bring a mat, small towel, or small pillow, and wear loose comfortable clothes. No classes 11/11 and 11/25; will be made up 12/2 and 12/9.
Learn about the health and healing properties of foods, cooking spices, and also energetic practices that can assist in ones wellbeing. This class is for educational purpose only, not to discourage one from getting medical care.
6 Thu., starts 11/10, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Instructor: K. A. Shakoor, DAOM
2153 SE Hawthorne Rd
FEE $49
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Wear comfortable clothes.
Understand yogic practices and concepts to build total health: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, yoga postures, breathing and values in life.
6 Wed., starts 11/2, 9:30 – 11 a.m.
Instructor: Sandra Angelou ETHNIC DANCE EXPRESSIONS
4000 W Newberry Rd, Suite D
FEE $54
NOTE: $10 facility fee paid 1st class. Bring a yoga mat or blanket.
Focus on basic breathing techniques, warm-ups, Hatha yoga postures and techniques for relaxation, releasing stress, and revitalizing the mind, body, and spirit. Each class is structured, beginning with an initial check-in and brief education, body and breath awareness, warm-up, postures, deep relaxation, and ends with a final check-in.
4 Thu., starts 11/3, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: Shenna Benarte Online, ZOOM FEE $39
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Have a towel, blanket or yoga mat, and be sure there is enough room to stretch out. No class 11/24; will be made up 12/1.
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness, designed to help people lead full and healthy lives. We will use posture, rhythm, breathing techniques, mantra, and meditation to deepen internal awareness, build energy and strength, release tension, improve flexibility, and calm the mind. Appropriate for ALL levels.
6 Thu., starts 11/3, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Instructor: Kim Holton, Ph.D., RYT Online, ZOOM
FEE $54
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please have a yoga mat and a blanket or large towel.
A certified personal trainer will motivate, encourage and challenge you with a variety of exercises and teach you proper form. The exercises will be based on your current fitness level and designed to help you meet your fitness goals! Fee covers four sessions.
4 Sessions FEE $59
If you want to improve your physical health and be better able to keep up with your grandchildren then this is for you. A certified personal trainer will help you work on improving your balance and help you strengthen your body. Fee covers four sessions.
4 Sessions FEE $59
Instructor: Fitness Pro Instructor
NOTE: No sr. waivers. $10 facilities fee due at 1st class. For new Fitness Pro customers only. Instructor will call to schedule your personal fitness program. You must register between October 6 and December 6
This 30-minute functional fitness class is designed for older adults who need to strengthen their bodies for everyday tasks. The class uses only body weight and body movements to do the exercises. There is no age limit for improving your health. Give it a try and experience how it can help you!
4 Wed., starts 11/10, 10 – 10:30 a.m.
Instructor: Instructor, Fitness Pro FITNESS PRO PERSONAL TRAINING 3741 W University Ave FEE $39
NOTE: No sr. waivers. $10 facilities fee due at first class and paid to instructor.
View sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
Learn how to grow and market plants on a small scale without major capital investment. This course is your practical guide to licensing, site preparation, equipment, how and where to find supplies, how to select and produce plants appropriate to your climate zone, how to produce quality material and, most importantly, how to market your product.
Available Online ANYTIME!
Starting at $119 Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
Start Your Own Edible Garden
Grow delicious, nutritious fruit and vegetables in your own backyard! In this course, learn how to give your garden a healthy start and keep it growing strong all season. Begin by figuring out which type of garden is right for you. Explore climate considerations, learn how to read a zone hardiness map, and find out how to spot a micro-climate in your yard.
Interior design takes training as well as talent, and these lessons will give you the know-how you need to design a room from floor to ceiling. Delve into color theory, industry trends, spatial arrangements, floor plans, traditional and modern interior design ideas, and other basics.
Start developing a plan for your own investing efforts based on proven methods used every day by fulltime, professional real estate investors. Learn how to invest in foreclosures, manage a rehab project, and build your team of real estate professionals (title officers, lawyers, accountants, mortgage brokers, appraisers, and more).
Stocks, Bonds, and Investing: Oh, My!
This course will not only teach you about the stock markets, 401k plans, and retirement, but it will also address personal financial issues that are often ignored, but essential, to your success as an investor.
Available Online ANYTIME!
Starting at $119 Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
This course will teach you the very basics of how to get control of your finances rather than letting them control you. Learn how to fund your dreams and how to save money for everything from emergencies to vacations.
Additional classes online!
Please RSVP for the following information sessions about non-credit certification courses that support careers in Healthcare, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship and other professional courses listed in the schedule.
We will share information about the course, test preparation and taking the national exams. You will learn about externships and course work.
Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 1 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Consider your reservation for a trip/class carefully! All classes require preregistration. No refund for cancellations made less than 24 hours before tour. * You must call Adventure Outpost at least 2 days before trip to discuss boat preference (canoe, kayak or tandem kayak.)
No sr. waivers. Maps or directions will be emailed from your trip leader 1-2 days before trip. Lessons are included for beginners and equipment is provided. If you have any questions about your hike or canoe/Kayak adventure, you may contact your trip leader for further information. The phone number is listed below: Lars Andersen/Adventure Outpost: 386-497-4214
Develop your skill in identifying the birds in our region. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience in bird watching, this field course will increase your knowledge of our feathered friends. This class is taught by a variety of our local birding experts. Please provide email address and phone number, instructor will contact you before 1st class.
4 Sat., starts 11/5, 7:45 – 9:45 a.m.
Instructor: Instructor, Ala Audubon Various Locations
FEE $49
Note: No sr. waivers. Must be at least 18 yrs old to register. *We will meet at different birding sites in the county; this information will be provided to you following registration. Do your best to bring binoculars; they are essential to learn the most on field trips. We’ll also have a spotter scope with us; cameras are welcome.
On this kayak/canoe tour of Cross Creek and portions of Orange and Lochloosa Lakes, we’ll explore the wild realm made famous by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. The charming creek, beautiful lake vistas and abundant wildlife remain little changed since the early to mid 1900’s, when Rawlings lived here and wrote such Florida classics as The Yearling and Cross Creek. Good for beginners, basic lessons included.
1 Thu., starts 11/3, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Instructor: Lars Andersen CROSS CREEK
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Maps to be emailed 1-2 days before trip. You must call Adventure Outpost at least 2 days before your trip to discuss boat preference (canoe, kayak, or tandem kayak), or call 386-4974214 if you have any questions.
On this 2–3-mile walk-and-talk, author Lars Andersen (Paynes Prairie, A History and Guide. Pineapple Press. 2001 and ‘04) describes 12,000 years of human history on Paynes Prairie, and the fascinating lore of some of the Prairie’s plant and animal species.
1 Fri., starts 11/11, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Instructor: Lars Andersen PAYNES PRAIRIE
FEE $24
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Maps to be emailed 1-2 days before hike. Please preregister and bring $5 to class to pay for park permit. You must call Adventure Outpost at least 2 days before your trip to discuss boat preference (canoe, kayak, or tandem kayak), or call 386-4974214 if you have any questions.
The Silver River: Naturalist’s Edition *
This will be a slow-poking exploration, geared toward inquisitive paddlers more interested in learning wild lore than covering distance. Unlike our other paddle tour/ classes, this one will only cover a couple of miles in total, allowing time to drift, observe and learn about the river’s plants, animals, archaeology, history, and other wild lore. If you want to see more of the river and learn a bit less of its wild lore, I recommend one of the other great courses offered here. Difficulty: Easy, out-and back paddle. Half the tour will be against a very light current.
1 Thu., starts 12/8, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Instructor: Lars Andersen SILVER SPRINGS ST PARK FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Maps to be emailed 1-2 days before trip. You must call Adventure Outpost at least 2 days before your trip to discuss boat preference (canoe, kayak, or tandem kayak), or call 386-4974214 if you have any questions.
Few rivers showcase Florida’s springs more beautifully than the middle Suwannee River. In this canoe/kayak paddle tour (from Hwy 51 to Royal Spring) we’ll visit (and swim in if you want!) Telford, Bathtub, Convict, Running and Royal Springs. Sturgeon, averaging about 100 lbs., add an element of excitement when they leap high out of the water. Difficulty: Easy paddle on gentle current. Skill level is suitable for beginners and pros alike.
1 Tue., starts 11/22, 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Instructor: Lars Andersen
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Maps to be emailed 1-2 days before trip. You must call Adventure Outpost at least 2 days before your trip to discuss boat preference (canoe, kayak, or tandem kayak), or call 386-4974214 if you have any questions.
We cancelled your class because we didn’t know you were interested. Our programs need a minimum number enrolled before a class can run — so don’t wait! Register Now!!
We are always looking for new instructors to be a part of our growing Community Education program! If you have a course idea and you would like to submit a course proposal, go to our web page at sfcollege.edu/communityed and click on ‘Instructors’.
View sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
We look forward to hearing from you!
This class will teach you the fundamentals of throwing a disc a distance and on target, while also learning how to putt accurately. You play disc golf on a course like traditional golf, but it uses the natural environment, and the targets are positioned between, within, or around trees to increase the challenge. Instead of clubs, you use different specially designed Frisbees and plastics. The target is a metal basket with chains that slow down the disc. By the end of the class, you’ll possess all the necessary tools to enjoy playing a unique sport that harmonizes with nature.
5 Wed., starts 11/2, 4:30 – 6 p.m.
Instructor: Todd Matthew Manini
SF NW Campus, North Woods
FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. No skills needed. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle. Class will be held at north end (by the clump of trees) of field. No class 11/23; will be made up 12/7.
Learn the basics of saltwater and warm water fly tying. Each student will learn to tie several standard flies than can be used in and around Florida to catch our most common fish. Your instructor Robert Craig will explain in detail the tools, techniques, methods, and materials used in fly tying.
2 Tue., starts 11/15, 6 – 8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Robert Craig SF NW Campus, A-004 FEE $29
NOTE: Please bring a fly-tying vise, scissors, and $20 for materials to be paid to instructor at 1st class. Each class member will create 2 flies per session.
This course will introduce the essentials of fly fishing in Florida waters. Learn the basics of casting, rigging, knot tying and fly construction and learn a little about the history along the way. Course will include some lecture time in class and practice casting outside.
3 Wed., starts 11/16, 6 – 8 p.m.
Instructor: Robert Craig SF NW Campus, A-004 FEE $29
NOTE: Bring $20 for materials to 1st class, any fly rods, reels and fly line if you have it.
This online instructor-led course prepares you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to prepare for the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification exam and includes the opportunity to complete an on-site fitness field internship experience to provide real-life job/professional experience crucial for entering the health/fitness industry.
Whether you are a health or medical professional, a registered dietitian, a fitness professional, or just someone who’s concerned about their own health, this online course will teach you about developing individualized nutritional programs.
You Got Served! Tennis 101
Tennis instruction for beginners. Those who have never played will be given basic instruction in the correct way to hold a tennis racket, to swing a racket, and the proper footwork, all in a fun-oriented environment.
6 Tue., starts 11/1, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Instructor: David Porter
JONESVILLE TENNIS 14080 NW 32nd Ave, Gainesville FEE $59
NOTE: No sr. waivers. Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring a racquet if you have one.
Gain access to SF’s weight and exercise rooms, the gym floor, and racquetball courts when not in use by classes or college activities. Call 395-5533 for info on available hours and activities or go to santafesaints.com and select Fitness Center. Children must be at least 16 years old to register. *After you have registered with Community Ed, please stop by Student Life in building S, room 127 to pay an additional $5 for your Santa Fe Gym ID card. Please be sure to bring your receipt.
6 weeks
SF NW Campus, V/Gym
FEE $30
4 weeks
SF NW Campus, V/Gym
FEE $10
NOTE: May use Gym Mon. through Fri. at available hours. Please note, the gym will be closed for holidays and weekends (including 11/11, Veterans Day, 11/23 after 5 p.m., and 11/24-11/25 for Thanksgiving).
Golf Part II
In this beginner’s class, you’ll be taught basic golf fundamentals from putting through driving. You will receive one hour of instruction and one hour of supervised practice or playing. The $30 greens fee paid at the 1st class to the golf course covers the use of golf balls and available clubs.
6 Wed., starts 11/2, 3 – 5 p.m.
Instructor: Eric Thomas IRONWOOD GOLF COURSE 2100 NE 39th Ave, Gainesville FEE $49
NOTE: No sr. waivers. $30 greens fee paid at 1st class; covers use of course, balls, and any available clubs.
Building on the basic golf fundamentals taught in level I. Receive one hour of instruction and one hour of supervised practice or playing.
6 Tue., starts 11/1, 3 – 5 p.m.
Instructor: Eric Thomas
2100 NE 39th Ave, Gainesville
FEE $49
NOTE: No sr. waivers. $30 greens fee paid at 1st class; covers use of course, balls, and any available clubs.
Discover how to establish a healthy approach to weight loss and weight management. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to set effective goals for eating, exercise, and many other elements that affect your weight, and be on your way to losing weight and keeping it off for good.
Learn to trace your family history and make it come alive. This course provides hands-on examples that help you dig deeper into your family’s past using several subscription-based websites that you will be able to access during the course.
Learn how to build a solid foundation for your relationship that will last far beyond “I do.” Through this course, you will gain key strategies for maintaining your relationship and great tips to help keep the love alive.
Starting at $119
Check ed2go.com/santafecollege for start dates.
Additional classes online!
sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.
College opens the door to new opportunities. Starting with the class of 2022, the Santa Fe College Achieve program will support every student in our district who wants to go to college. SF Achieve provides students with access to mentorship opportunities that prepare them for college, and scholarships that help cover tuition and books. Our community will, in turn, have a strong workforce built upon the legacy of our local families.
Every local public high school has an SF Achieve specialist offering college coaching to students and their families. That support will continue when students enroll at SF.
All SF Achieve Scholars get free college textbooks. Eligible students will receive the SF Achieve scholarship, which kicks in where financial aid leaves off, covering tuition for up to 60 credits.
A generous gift from the MacKenzie Scott Foundation helped launch SF Achieve, but the future of the program is in our hands. Now is the time for families, educators, community members and future employers to get involved!
1. Online - Go to sfcollege.edu/enrich and register online for Community Education courses.
2. Telephone - Call 352-395-5193. Pay with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express.
3. Office - Hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Discover or American Express.
You may drop a class and receive a full refund by calling the Community Education office DURING THE FIRST TWO WEEKS OF THE COMMUNITY EDUCATION TERM for any class two weeks or longer in length. For shorter classes, you must drop the class at least two business days before the class begins to receive a refund. After that, you must fill out a petition for refund. See website for refund policies. You will receive a refund check in the mail in approximately three to four weeks. Your credit card account will NOT be credited for the amount.
Community Education reserves the right to cancel classes based on low enrollment or other causes. The student will be notified in advance, and a full refund will be provided.
If you need special help because of physical disabilities, please contact Community Education at 352-395-5193.
Community Education reserves the right to add or delete without notice any courses offered in this catalog, or to alter the fees or costs.
All credit card payments will receive an email receipt. Please make sure you provide your email address. This information will not be shared with any other organization or company.
You do not have to be a student of Santa Fe College to take Community Education classes.
Santa Fe College Community Education 401 NW 6th Street Gainesville, FL 32601
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Beginner Holiday Soap Making Body Groove Dance Coding, LEGO Robotics, Minecraft and More Instant Guitar For Busy People Instant Piano For Busy People Minecraft: Rube Goldberg Machines Mindfulness-Based Meditation Olive Oil 101
Sketchbooking: The Creative Habit Somatics Exercises For Back Health and much more...
Santa Fe College (SF) is committed to maintaining a work and educational environment that embraces diversity and where no member of the college community is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subject to discrimination in any college program or activity based on: their race, ethnicity, national origin, color, religion, age, disability, sex, pregnancy status, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, political opinions or affiliations, or veteran status. This commitment applies to employees, volunteers, students, and, to the extent possible, to third parties, applicants for admission, applicants for employment, and the general public.
Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies or concerns about discrimination or harassment, including concerns about sexual harassment or sexual violence under Title IX, should be directed to SF’s Equity Officer and Title IX Coordinator, 3000 NW 83rd Street, R-Annex, Room 113, Gainesville, Florida 32606, 352-395-5950, equity.officer@sfcollege.edu.
sfcollege.edu/enrich or call 352-395-5193 for more information or to register.