Santa Fe College Spring 2023 Commencement

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2023 Commencement Exercises

A Message from the President

On behalf of our faculty, sta , administration, and District Board of Trustees, I extend to you my best wishes and warmest congratulations. We are enormously proud of the learning and achievement that brought you to this commencement day.

Graduation is a symbol and monument. Your diploma symbolizes hard work, love of learning and the best of personal ambition and achievement. e knowledge and skill embodied in your degree are a solid monument inside you that cannot be lost or taken away.

Santa Fe College is universally recognized as one of the nation’s best colleges, in many ways for our teaching and service, but primarily because of you. Our greatest impact is the success of our students and alumni. Your success de nes our success. It is because of your pursuit to be the best, to persist and to excel academically that we are one of the nation’s best colleges.

Your diploma is testament to your intellect, determination, perseverance, and hard work. It informs the world that you embraced new ideas, acquired valuable skills, and are well positioned to have a successful impact within your chosen profession.

As you walk across the stage, remember the lasting friendships, the connections with faculty and sta , and the imprint you have le on the college. No matter what your professional or career path, or where you live and go, I am con dent that our world is in good hands. What you learned and experienced at our college will serve you well in the years ahead.

Santa Fe College is honored to be part of this milestone in your life. Taking this journey with you has been special for us and we appreciate your intellectual, social, and overall contributions to our academic community. Our students stand at the center of everything we do, and your success embodies the core of our beliefs. Today we celebrate your success, today we smile because we know your future will be bright, and as you join our thousands of alumni, today we celebrate you.

We want to continue to follow you in your journey and as you enter society as an alum of Santa Fe College, cherish the memories, and remember that you will always be a member of the Santa Fe College family.

History of the College

Santa Fe College was established by the state government in 1965 to o er wide access to quality higher education. Since then, SF has established programs and services that enable the college to carry out its mission of educational opportunity, responsiveness to the community, economic development and innovation in the public interest. e philosophy of the college has been, and continues to be, one of student centeredness.

Over the years, the college has grown rapidly, from fewer than 1,000 students in the fall of 1966 when the college opened in the former Buchholz Junior/Senior High School, to more than 18,000 students taking classes last year. In addition to the Northwest Campus, students can take classes at the Guy Andrews Center in Starke, Charles L. Blount Center in downtown Gainesville, Ron and Norita Davis Center in Archer, George G. Kirkpatrick Jr. Center in Gainesville, Charles R. and Nancy V. Perry Center for Emerging Technologies in Alachua, Alfred B. Sr. and Agnes W. Watson Center in Keystone Heights and online.

Formerly named Santa Fe Community College, SF was authorized by the state of Florida in 2009 to o er bachelor’s degrees that meet the demand for speci c skills needed in the economy. At that time, the college changed its name.

SF has bene tted from strong and stable leadership and has had only ve presidents. Dr. Joseph W. Fordyce was president from 1965 until 1971 when he was succeeded by Alan J. Robertson, who served until 1990. Dr. Larry W. Tyree was named president in 1990 and served the college until Dr. Jackson N. Sasser began his tenure in 2002. SF’s h president, Dr. Paul Broadie II started February 1, 2020.

Commencement Exercises | 1
Santa Fe College
Message from the President and History of the College

Mission and Values


In keeping with our values and goals, Santa Fe College, a comprehensive public institution of higher education serving North Central Florida and beyond, adds value to the lives of our students and enriches our community through excellence in teaching and learning, innovative educational programs and student services, and community leadership and service.


Santa Fe College is a dynamic, innovative learning community committed to:

• Draw on our culture of diversity, inclusion, and equity to innovate and excel.

• Be a student-ready college providing a continuum of lifelong learning opportunities.

• Advance student success through assessment and continuous improvement of programs, services, and operations.

• Prepare active and responsible contributors to local and global society.

• Cultivate honesty, integrity, and respectful discourse.

• Employ professional development to enable faculty and sta to contribute fully to achievement of mission.

• Embrace academic freedom as the means of creating distinctive and engaging learning experiences.

• Collaborate with our community to enrich individual lives and regional vitality through education.

• Use our environmental, social, and economic resources ethically and sustainably.

Ceremonial Mace

e origin of the mace in higher education was the power represented by its capability to break armor in medieval warfare. From these violent beginnings, the mace today symbolizes the authority vested in the Santa Fe College president by the college board of trustees and the students and communities it represents.

e great seal of the college is the centerpiece of the mace. e seal depicts the ame of knowledge, quill of scholarship, laurels of attainment and globe of universal understanding. e sta of the mace is heart of pine from native wood used to build the Bradford County Courthouse, now the Santa Fe College Guy Andrews Center. More than a century old, the wood symbolizes an enduring attachment to our shared heritage and ongoing commitment to all who seek higher education and the bene ts and responsibilities it bestows.

Caps and Gowns

In the medieval city, clothing not unlike that worn by the participants in this commencement was common. e modern academic regalia evolved from the dress of the medieval guilds and the early religious orders.

Today, everyone with a college or university degree may wear the black academic gown. Santa Fe College faculty members wear the colors of their Alma Mater.

e velvet edging on the academic hood is the color that represents the degree held by the wearer. Agriculture and Forestry share maize edging; Architecture and Building Construction are blueviolet; Business Administration and Accounting are drab; Dentistry is lilac; Education is light blue; Engineering degrees are represented by orange edging; Fine Arts degrees have brown edging; Journalism is garnet; Law is purple; Liberal Arts is white and Liberal Sciences is gold-yellow; Music is pink; and Philosophy is royal blue.

Santa Fe College has o ered bachelor’s degrees since 2009. While nurses wear white gowns, other students earning these degrees wear black gowns with gold tassels and are delineated by the color of their hoods based on the academic disciplines listed below:

• Accounting – Drab

• Clinical Lab Science – Gold

• Early Childhood Education – Light Blue

• Health Services Administration – Kelly Green

• Industrial Biotechnology – Gold

Santa Fe College District Board of Trustees

Santa Fe College is governed by a citizen board appointed by the Governor. e Trustees represent Santa Fe College’s Alachua and Bradford counties service district and ensure that the education and services provided by the college meet the needs of the two-county region.

• Information Systems Technology – Gold

• Multimedia & Video Production Technology – Brown

• Nursing – Apricot

• Organizational Management – Drab

Distinction between sleeves indicates the type of degree held by the wearer. A long, pointed sleeve indicates a bachelor’s degree, while a long, closed sleeve with a split near the upper part of the arm designates a master’s degree. A round, open sleeve identi es a doctoral degree.

e doctoral regalia also has velvet on the rest of the gown, including crossbars on the sleeves. e trim may be either black or may match the color of the velvet hood edging.

2 | Commencement Exercisies Mission/Vision and Values | Attire and Mace | District Board of Trustees Santa Fe College
Trustee Emeritus Col. Arley W. McRae Robert L. Woody Je rey L. Oody Caridad E. Lee Trustee Emeritus Robert C. Hudson Emery A. Gainey G. W. Blake Fletcher Trustee Emeritus G. omas Mallini Trustee Emeritus Lisa M. Prevatt Michael M. Goldwire

Please remain at your seats until all graduates have exited the gymnasium. No personal photos in professional photographer’s area. All graduation ceremonies will be streamed online at and electronic copies of the commencement program may be downloaded from that site.

Commencement Exercises | 3 Nursing Pinning and Commencement Ceremony ursday, May 4, 2023 3 p.m. Marshal .................................................................................................................................................................................................. JoHanna Sunkett-McBride Associate Director, Nursing Program, Santa Fe College Processional "Pomp and Circumstance No. 1” by Edward Elgar Color Guard Buchholz High School ROTC Pledge of Allegiance Veteran Jeremiah Eang A.S.N. Student National Anthem Charlie Montford A.S.N. Student Academic Chair’s Address ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Tracy V. Ison Academic Chair, Nursing Programs, Santa Fe College Address from Administration Lisa Armour Interim Provost and Vice President, Santa Fe College Academic A airs P.N. Class Re ections. Sarah Huls Nursing Student A.S.N. ANEW Class Re ections...................................................................................................................................................... Jelani Young, NSA President Nursing Student A.S.N. Class Re ections Edgar Greenwald Nursing Student B.S.N. Class Re ections Jennifer Delgado Nursing Student P.N./A.S.N. Presentations ......................................................................................................................................................... Deloris Paul and Carla Anderson Academic and Clinical Excellence Awards - P.N./A.S.N. B.S.N. Presentation Teresa Goodman Clinical Research Award and Exceptional Leadership Award - B.S.N. Recognition of Santa Fe College Nursing Student Association O cers Sheryl Lee and Ethel Leon NSA Faculty Advisors Presentation of Honors Graduates ............................................................................................................................................................................... Lisa Armour Interim Provost and Vice President, Santa Fe College Academic A airs and Naima C. Brown Vice President, Student A airs, Santa Fe College Recognition of N.A. Program Nilda Lopez and Natasha Seavers Pinning and Graduation P.N. Nursing Faculty Pinners: Deloris Paul and Nilda Lopez A.S.N. Faculty Pinners: Sheryl Lee and Kelly Watts A.S.N. ANEW Faculty Pinner: Cheryl Woel e B.S.N. Faculty Pinner: Teresa Goodman Nursing Pledge .......................................................................................................................................................................................... Led by Jamaica Beckford P.N./A.S.N. Nursing Student Presentation of Graduates Lisa Armour and Naima C. Brown Conferring of Degrees ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Emery A. Gainey District Board of Trustees, Santa Fe College Recessional
Student Nursing Association Santa Fe College Student Life Nursing Programs Career Service Team Nursing Pinning/Graduation Committee Special thanks to the following: Santa Fe College | Spring 2023
4 | Commencement Exercises Spring Commencement Ceremony Friday, May 5, 2023 3 p.m. Grand Marshal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Doug Klepper Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Santa Fe College Faculty Marshals Steve Groste on Professor, Mathematics, Santa Fe College and Kerry Chancey Professor, Sciences for Health Programs, Santa Fe College Prelude ......................................................................................................................................................................................................Gainesville Brass Quintet Processional “Pomp and Circumstance No. 1” by Edward Elgar Color Guard ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Buchholz High School ROTC Pledge of Allegiance Jay Anderson Assistant to the President, Santa Fe College National Anthem .........................................................................................................................................................................................................Allen McBride Santa Fe College Student and Gainesville Brass Quintet President’s Address Paul Broadie, II President, Santa Fe College Board of Trustees’ Address ........................................................................................................................................................................ Caridad (Carrie) E. Lee District Board of Trustees, Santa Fe College Faculty Address Kathie Russell President, College Senate, Santa Fe College Keynote Address Reine Labaki Student Body President, Santa Fe College Presentation of Honors Graduates ............................................................................................................................................................................... Lisa Armour Interim Provost and Vice President, Academic A airs, Santa Fe College and Naima C. Brown Vice President, Student A airs, Santa Fe College Presentation of Graduates Lisa Armour and Naima C. Brown Conferring of Degrees ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Paul Broadie, II Walk of Honor ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Faculty and Sta Santa Fe College Recessional "Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals" by Sigfrid Karg-Elert Postlude “Canzona per Sonare No. 2” by Giovanni Gabrieli Please remain
the gymnasium. No personal photos in professional photographer’s area. All graduation ceremonies
be streamed online at and electronic copies of the commencement program may be downloaded from that site. Santa Fe College Media Studio Santa Fe College O ce of the Registrar Santa Fe College Marketing & Communications Santa Fe College Student Ambassadors Santa Fe College Student Government Santa Fe College Student Life Santa Fe College Facilities Department Special thanks to the following: Santa Fe College | Spring 2023
at your
until all
have exited
Commencement Exercises | 5 Spring Commencement Ceremony
May 5, 2023 7 p.m. Grand Marshal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Doug Klepper Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Santa Fe College
Marshals Steve Groste on Professor, Mathematics, Santa Fe College and Kerry Chancey Professor, Sciences for Health Programs, Santa Fe College Prelude ......................................................................................................................................................................................................Gainesville Brass Quintet Processional “Pomp and Circumstance No. 1” by Edward Elgar Color Guard ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Buchholz High School ROTC Pledge of Allegiance Jay Anderson Assistant to the President, Santa Fe College National Anthem ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Maddie Buckholz Santa Fe College Student and Gainesville Brass Quintet President’s Address Paul Broadie, II President, Santa Fe College Board of Trustees’ Address .................................................................................................................................................................................... Robert L. Woody Vice Chair, District Board of Trustees, Santa Fe College Faculty Address Kathie Russell President, College Senate, Santa Fe College Keynote Address Reine Labaki Student Body President, Santa Fe College Presentation of Honors Graduates ............................................................................................................................................................................... Lisa Armour Interim Provost and Vice President, Academic A airs, Santa Fe College and Naima C. Brown Vice President, Student A airs, Santa Fe College Presentation of Graduates Lisa Armour and Naima C. Brown Conferring of Degrees ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Paul Broadie, II Walk of Honor ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Faculty and Sta Santa Fe College Recessional "Praise the Lord with Drums and Cymbals" by Sigfrid Karg-Elert Postlude “Canzona per Sonare No. 2” by Giovanni Gabrieli Please remain at your seats until all graduates have exited the gymnasium. No personal photos in professional photographer’s area. All graduation ceremonies will be streamed online at and electronic copies of the commencement program may be downloaded from that site. Santa Fe College Media Studio Santa Fe College O ce of the Registrar Santa Fe College Marketing & Communications Santa Fe College Student Ambassadors Santa Fe College Student Government Santa Fe College Student Life Santa Fe College Facilities Department Special thanks to the following: Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Santa Fe College Scholars

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science

Magna Cum Laude

Abrianna Nicole Hickox

Lauren Rene'e Hilliard

Jason Robert Laplante

Michael Lowell Lucas

Christie McLaughlin

Cum Laude

Cody Anderson

Jeannu Dave Martinez Baniqued

Jaimi Lynn Bello*

Alexandria White Cobb

Veronica Dawn Edwards

Hayden Joseph Herrington

Michelle Owens

David Yamil Shaur

Tyler Yeadon

Daniel Jordan Young

Matthew J. Lindahl

Gerardo Malagon Ortiz

Rachel Schwartz

Alison Wintjen*

Jessica Zambrano

Associate in Arts, Associate in Applied Science and Associate in Science

Highest Distinction

Mattie Ann Barnes*

Yasha S. Beckman

George (Yegor) Bushnev

Miranda Frances Bustamante*

Roman E. Chavero

Max Dedrick

Ashley M. Del Valle*

Elisabeth Jane Eder*

Bryce J. Gall

Kayley Gilman

Matthew Golden

Sierra Grochowski

Edward Guthrie

Anneliese Marie WanYi Ho man

High Distinction

Mohand A. Abdel-Fattah

Isabella Trejo Abouhamad

Susan Elaine Ames

Reinalisa Jovero Anonuevo

Michael James Antunovich

Camila Aristizabal

Terri Armitage

Madison Ryan Avery

Keith T. Ballentine*

Christian Jesus Aziz Campos

Harrison D. Colangelo

Grace Kathleen Ba er

Dominic Anthony Bello

Sami Boc

Bryce Bowen

Riley Bria

Banyan Brewer

Jackson Butler

Scott Cahill*

Nicholas Carres

David Howell

Gena Nicole Hurtado

omas Cihang Olinger Jiang

John Koursiotis

Mädchen Kruse

Gabriel Lemus

John Aiden Mahady

Nikhita Marcelle Meier

Jackson Merriam

Courtney Lola Michaud

Alexander Mirenda

Ayden Moran

Emma Mosher

Dustin Nguyen

Matthew Cassoni

Nicole Centurion*

Marium Chowdhury

Kyler Cole

Sabina Rose Consuegra*

Sten Cooley

Michael Jacob Crane*

William Crowell

Phoenix Cushman

Michelle Maria Darling

Nicholas Deats*

Gunnar Dougherty

Mary McLean Ragsdale Dries

Lily Anne Dunaway

Shawn Christian Dwares*

Eliana Echeverria*

Yumandy Espinosa

Clara Evaristo

Alexandra Fernandez*

Melissa Alessandra Ferreiro*

William Parker

u Phan

Lillian Paul

Dillon Rhodes

Matthew Louis Richardson*

Taylor Roberts

Alexandria Rodriguez*

Marcela A. Sandino

Tyler Santos

Timothy Song

Ian Truelsegaard

Shae Vervisch

Casey J. Werner

Alice Faith Whittington*

Amelia D. Francis

Quinn Odessa French

Kendall Gagnon

Lily Garner

Joseph Gauger

Talia Geller

Danielle Glucksman*

Cecilia Gri n

Tyranae C. Gullatte

Ethan S. Gutter*

Emma Hammes*

Logan Hansen

Regan Happ*

Keith Heidinger

Juan Pablo Herrera

Hanna Hertzberg

Eric Ho man

Revena Hoops

Parker Lewis Hunt

Cristobal Ichaso Galindo

6 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Santa Fe College Scholars

High Distinction, cont.

Tyler Jaramillo-Pritchard

Hannah Johnson

Kearea La'Chelle Johnson*

Samuel Johnson

Hannah Kearns

Darrian Kirkland

Anne Kaylee Kovach

Madeline Victoria LaMont

Cassiopeia Lazzaro*

Taylor LeBlanc

Zoe Dahne Levy

Katherine Lipham

Aziel Lopez Sanchez

Piper Lucas

Joshua Mabry

Jessey Anne Manalastas

Gabriella Ruby Martin*

Annabelle Ruth Mattson

Kelli McAvoy

Maya McNairy

Joseph Mezzetti

Joseph Millan

Emily Modas

Hannah Morse

Tobi Novinger


Anthony Michael Acre

Aelly Alwardi

James Amiel

Tomas Martinez Anderson

aiz Marie Arce*

Jamaica Elizabeth Beckford

Collin Beyrent

Sara Belcher

Malory Alexis Blanton

Kailey Boesch

Ryan William Borum

Tyler Bosley

Erika Joy Braga

Mary Nicole Brooks

Destiny Brown

Distinction cont.

Mary Broyles

Shelby L. Burkhalter

Tyler Canova

Jasmine Cardenas

Kinley E. Carlton*

Valeria Carreras Millet

Alejandro Castano Urrea

Laura R. Chapman

Django Chassang

Nicholas Alan Cook

Serena Charisse Elzada Cooper

Gabriela Cordovi Almeida

Andres Cortes*

Alexandra O'Bryant

Kale Alexander Oden

Brianna Orozco

Heni Patel

Sarah Peace

Calvin Perez

Caroline Audrey Perry*

Fisher Allan Person

Phung Hong Phi Ngo

Natalia Piascik

Douglas Plummer

Angela Maria Porras*

Katherine L. Privette

Katherine Prokop

Andrew Ramgeet

Dervla Reilly

Kyra Rentz

Kelly M. Rineer

Austin Wyatt Roberts*

Alexa Rodriguez

Ernesto Roja Garcia

Emily Runions*

Emily Reese Sampson

Carlota Andreina Sandoval Bravo

Wyatt Schmookler

Pedro Cruz

Jonathan David

Eli Davis

Jonatan Delara

Abigail Dennis

Chloe DeShong

Amanda Diez

Nora Doyle

Richard E. Dreher III

Sheena Drost*

Danielle Rene Ehlermann

Harrison Ehrenzeller

Nathan DeWilde Engh

Linda England

Jetta Fant*

Benjamin Daniel Fick

Lauren Ashley Fiser

Makinna Fisher

Branson Forehand

Steven Foskett

Parker Franks

Madison Layne Galladay*

Aryanna Gallo

Maria Gabriela Alonzo Garaban*

Jonathon Gennaro

Justin D. Gerber

Harien A. Gradford

Elizabeth Margaret Green

Jonathan Gutmann

Mia Grace Sessums*

Alex Siegel

Sophie Sir Louis

Justin William Smith

Kennedy Smith

Vimala Wendie Smith

Olivia Rae Sorensen

Alanna Staiger

Elizabeth A. Stidham

Madison Elisabeth Stremplewski

Payton Joshua Striblen

Jaden Sullivan

Cassandra Tompkins

Michael Ka Chun Tung*

Angelica Raquel Valcarcel

Angelina Marie Vanacore*

Donato Marrone Vargas

Riley Veatch

Bailey Watkins

Chloe Whalen

Mary Grace Whittington*

Paige Wilkinson

Edward Yoo

Michelle Yu

Shona Zickafoose

Maya Danielle Guzman

Olivia Louise Haley

Bryan Dawson Harrell

Tina Harris

Triani Harris

Allison Henson

Jackson Hicks

Favianna Andrea Hidalgo Carrillo*

Katie Hohman

Sydney Morgan Howard

Andrew Huang

Monty Cai Husband

Mattie Jacoby

Priyanka Jain

Merrill Jipson

Gabrielle Kahuila

Jacob Kantor

Xander Kiker

Fatima Lagunas

McKenzie Leigh Langille

William Alexander Lentz

Riley P. Lewis

Jack Lohse

Lucy Lube

Reina Lugo

Armando Luis

Elisa Michelle Lukasik

Kristina Elizabeth Mandeville

Stephen Christian Matson*

Commencement Exercises | 7 * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Jonathan Mayer

Jessica Elizabeth McCarthy*

Lauren McDaniel

Connor McGarity

William C.E. McGee

Jessica Melneczyn McLane

Marlen Medina

Larah Medlin

Essence Nykole Menefee

Stormy Miller*

Joseph Molina

Maria de los Angeles Moncada Vergara

Arianna Moreira Montero*

Austin Montmarquette

Carla Michell Moure

Ryan Mowery

Alyssa Mueller

Kohl Adam Myers

Ashley Nobles

Conner Noteboom

Zachary Novak

Lindsey Nowak

Alexander Mikhail Ortiz

Ana Pantin

Deep Patel

Vasu Patel

Ashlyn Patray

Kathryn Peraino

Dillon Parker Perkins

Martin Clay Pickard

Grahame Prentice

Stephanie Reddy

Distinction cont.

Solimar Annette Rivera

Mallory Rollins*

Stephanie Salazar

Geena Marie Salinas

Emilee Sanders

Susana Santiesteban

Adam Rease Sapp*

Hunter Alexander Schill

Christine N. Sheridan*

Joshua B. Silber-Ojalvo

Olivia Simmons

Samantha Sosa

Shekinah Glory Sterlin

Brandi Marie Taylor

Benjamin Tempest

Honors Program Graduates

Cesar Alfonzo

Michael Alvarez

Camila Aristizabal

Carlos Blanco*

Gabriela Cordovi Almeida

Ashley Del Valle*

Linda England

Jetta Fant

Alexandra Fernandez*

Grant Gibson

Lindsey Giedd

Ethan Gutter*

Emma Hammes

Regan Happ*

Mattie Jacoby

Priyanka Jain

Hannah Kearns

Katrina Langer

Emmanouela Maniou

William Mellott

Courtney Michaud

Joseph Millan

Grace Parker

Caroline A. Perry*

Natalia Piascik

Grahame Prentice

International Graduates

Martin E. Amoah Ghana

Valeria A. Barron Vilar Bolivia

Valeria A. Carreras Millet Venezuela

Roman E. Chavero Martinez Venezuela

Pedro H. Cruz, Sr. Brazil

Eliana P. Echeverria Venezuela

Luis C. Echeverria Venezuela

Linda R. England – Germany, Fed. Republic

Luis A. Farinas Venezuela

Luan J. Fecchio Brazil

Mario E. Gomez Pieraldi Venezuela

Mark A. Hartmann Venezuela

Cristobal A. Ichaso Galindo Venezuela

Maria D. Moncada Vergara Venezuela

Ana M. Pantin, Sr. Venezuela

u T. Phan Vietnam

Justin Andrew omas

Sarah ompson

Jay Twardosz

Nicholas Upshaw

Jasper Jax Walsh*

Matthew Gustavo Warden

Chloe Waters

Sarah Ellen Weber

Conner Weston

Nicole Ann Weymouth

Laurel Elizabeth White

Bryan Wiesner

Brandon Michael Wilhelm

Randall Wilhoit

Brennan Wolfe

Haley Wright

Kayla Wright

Isabela Yamhure Baena

Dale Young

James William Yumul

Isabella E. Zaiden

Ethan Zhu

Jessica Prieto

Karl Reiter

Adrian Requejo

Matthew Richardson*

Alexandria M. Rodriguez*

Mia Sessums*

Bianca Tabaku

Anela Tiu

Ian Truelsgaard

Regina Valdes Robles

Angelina Vanacore*

Isabela Yamhure Baena

Camila Zuniga

Santiago Rosero Colombia

Carlota A. Sandoval Bravo Venezuela

Justin K. Sosa Varela Venezuela

Ian Truelsegaard Argentina

Rintaro Yamauchi Japan

Isabela Yamhure Baena Venezuela

Daniel J. Young Australia

Jessica P. Zambrano Vaca Ecuador

8 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member
Distinction, cont.

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science


Cody Anderson

Adiel Gala Perez

Brandon Lawrence Hudson

Pydor Huot-Kong*

Matthew J. Lindahl

omas M. Marino

Hunter Lee Munsell

Ryan O'Connor

Alexander Posa

Tyler Yeadon

Clinical Laboratory Science

Jeannu Dave Martinez Baniqued

Eduardo Leon

Aixa Nicole Molina

Kimonia Simpson

Early Childhood Education

Brianna Bennett

Tineisha Marie Carr-Williams

Veronica Dawn Edwards

Abigail D. Freeney

Abrianna Nicole Hickox

Lauren Rene'e Hilliard

April Nick

Lauren Hofstetter Ulmer

Kelly Ann Wright

Health Services Administration

Megan Atwell

Samantha L. Feagle

Jordyn Ashley Goracke

Chrissie Hair

Heath C. Harris

Abigail Lance

Kayleigh E. Ratli

Rachel Schwartz

Mariah Stearman

Antoinette Williams

Industrial Biotechnology

Renee Beatty

Antoinette Kelly*

Jorge Rodriguez

Jessica Zambrano

Information Systems Technology

William Caldwell

Jacob A. Costlow

Devon Fleming

Tatiana Francesca Grzywa

Amelia White Janvier

Jason Robert Laplante

Michael Lowell Lucas

Christie McLaughlin

Pranay Bhupendra Patel

Caleb Rigby

David Yamil Shaur

Jason Starling

Multimedia and Video Production Technology

Charles Keator

Darcy Mae Modica


Valon Ilana Acosta

Jaimi Lynn Bello*

Zaki Majboor

Michelle Owens

Megan Elizabeth Reedy

Anastasia Elizabeth Reeves

Lorrie B. Rhoden

Erin omas

Alison Wintjen*

Organizational Management

Connor Nicholas Cleveland

Alexandria White Cobb

Amy Louise Davis

Jillian Diaz-Perera

Luke Christopher Dougherty

Brad Dre er, Jr.

Matthew Foulk

Jeremy Gagen

Ovismar Maylin Gonzalez

Megan Gram

Taylor Gross

Hayden Joseph Herrington

Robert Lampton ong H. Le*

Cole Ramsey Lewis

Nathan Lovelace

Gerardo Malagon Ortiz

Ashley McKinnie

Nakiya Jade Moody

Eduardo Navarro Peters

Nicholas Stricklin

Kaliya Michelle Taylor

Owen Williams

Terrell G. Williams

Chia-Hsing Wu

Lisa Bass Yates

Daniel Jordan Young

Commencement Exercises | 9 * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Arts

ASamuel Abady

Omar Abdelhakam

Baher Abdelmalek

Andre Abreu

Natan Ackenine

Christian Ahlers

Summer Ahrens

Jessica Akey

Breanna Alewine

Hamad Alhams

Maria Gabriela Alonzo Garaban*

Beatriz Alvarez

Mikayla Alvarez

Aelly Alwardi

Susan Elaine Ames

James Amiel

John Anderson

Cody T. Andreichuk

Reinalisa Jovero Anonuevo

Michael James Antunovich

Alan Applegate

Michael Appling

aiz Marie Arce*

Camila Aristizabal

Terri Armitage

Hannah Arnold

Jonathan Kingsley Ko Asante

Autum Skye Ascho

Whitney Augustin

Daniel Avdei

Christian Jesus Aziz Campos

Dominic Anthony Bello

Olivia Benjamin

Carson Bennett

Haley Bennett

Tenaya Jada Bennett

Carlos Blanco, Jr.*

Malory Alexis Blanton

Sage Isabella Bledsoe

Katherine Blosser

Jessica Bly

Leo Boa Sorte

Sami Boc

Kailey Boesch

Oren Borax

Ryan William Borum

Bryce Bowen

Hannah Boychuk

Erika Joy Braga

Banyan Brewer

Mary Nicole Brooks

Lucas Broucek

Cameron Johnell Brown

Destiny Brown

Kordell Brown

Malea Patrice Brown

Mary Broyles

Giovanni Brugnola

James Bryan

Brookette Bryant

Mariana Buitrago

Shelby L. Burkhalter

George D. Burtless

Star Burwell

Miranda Frances Bustamante*

Jackson Butler

Ella Charis Byrnes

Nicholas Carres

Jayci Emma Cart

Erica Carter

Tanner Cartwright

Austin Caruso

Madison Cassell

Juan Castaneda

Alejandro Castano Urrea

Angel Castellanos

Adreeana Marie Cepeda

Elizabeth D. Cernik

Django Chassang

Roman E. Chavero

Adrian Chessari

Marium Chowdhury

Amya Christo

Kayle Clarida

Skylain Clarke

Zachary R. Clayton

Connor Cli on

Charis Nicole Cochran

Kyler Cole

Kamryn Daniya Janelle Collins

Christian Colon

Carly Comunale

Sabina Rose Consuegra*

Johnny Conti

Nicholas Alan Cook

Sten Cooley

Cassie Cooper

Serena Charisse Elzada Cooper

Gabriela Cordovi Almeida

Robert William Corley

Katelyn Cormia

Dave Henry Nathaniel Coron

Julian Joseph Correa

Andres Cortes*

Michael Jacob Crane*

BCadence Elizabeth Baer

William Bahl

Mattie Ann Barnes*

Marco A Barrios Trujillo

Valeria Andrea Barrón Vilar

Tyler Storm Barrs

Savanna Elizabeth Bartlett

Oliver Basker

Austin Bass

Kaya Batur

Erin Beard

Yasha S. Beckman

Sara Belcher

CIsabella Caciarelli Oliveto

Nicolas Caicedo

Aubrie Calderon

Cindy Camacho Margary

Emily B. Canova

Tyler Canova

Kinley E. Carlton*

Kevin Carmichael

Katelyn Marie Carosella*

Rebecca Lynne Carr

Valeria Carreras Millet

Katelyn Crawford

Chandlor Crooms

William Crowell

Jacob Crown

Pedro Cruz

Gabriel E. Cullens

Meghan Sue Curry

Phoenix Cushman

Elisabeth Custer

10 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Arts

DGrace Daniels

Lauren Hayleigh Daniels

Jonathan David

Kelly Jabon David

Paige N. Davies

Brian Davis

Eli Davis

Leah Davis

Shayna Davis

Hal Davis, Jr.

Feliciano de Carvalho

Nicholas Deats*

Max Dedrick

Ashley M. Del Valle*

Jonatan Delara

Justin Alexander Delgado

Abigail Dennis

Pablo Depalma

Chloe DeShong

Michael Devito

Janeequa Dewberry

Idalis C. Diaz Montesino

Patrick Diaz

Kathrin Tonya Didovich

Amanda Diez

Carlos Diez

Tresha Dipasquale

Varun Doddapaneni

David Dominguez

Angela Marie Dougherty

Gunnar Dougherty

Nora Doyle

Selina Drawdy

Faith Drnec

Sheena Drost*

Lily Anne Dunaway

Kensley Catelynn Durrance

Hannah N. Dzienis

Tyler Eichner

Kaleb James Ellington

Krystal Eloius

Nathan DeWilde Engh

Linda England

Madison R. Ervin

Nicholas Esposito

Logan Stewart Evans

Clara Evaristo

Michelle Gilman

Danielle Glucksman

Matthew Golden

Dylan Goldstein

Izabella Gomez

Mario Eduardo Gomez Pieraldi

Isabel Alejandra Gonzales Vega

Isabel Gonzales

Mark Gonzales

Gabriella Gonzalez

Jonathan Gonzalez

Samantha Gonzalez

Greyson Goodwin

FSergio Falcon

Jetta Fant*

Luis Fariñas

Luan Fecchio

Adriana Elise Fekeith

Daniel Ferguson

Alexandra Fernandez*

Lauren Ashley Fiser

Conor Fish

Austin Louis Fisher

Makinna Fisher

Natalia Fonseca

Claudia Fore

Branson Forehand

Bryce Foster

John Foster

Amelia D. Francis

Emma Franke

Parker Franks

Samuel Freitag

Quinn Odessa French

Harien A. Gradford

Dillen Grant

Elizabeth Margaret Green

Shenna Gri n

Tyranae C. Gullatte

Edward Guthrie

Jonathan Gutmann

Ethan S. Gutter*

Maya Danielle Guzman

HChrissie Hair

Olivia Louise Haley

Gage Hall*

Grant R. Hall II

Kayleigh Hamilton

Emma Hammes*

Jacquaivis Hankerson

Jacob Hanson

Regan Happ*

Bryan Dawson Harrell

Haley Harrell

Haley Harrelson*

Triani Harris

EEliana Echeverria*

Luis Echeverria

Elisabeth Jane Eder*

Abigail Renee Edmonds

Jackson Edwards

Leah Jade Edwards

Danielle Rene Ehlermann

GKendall Gagdon

Bryce J. Gall

Madison Layne Galladay*

Michelle Gallardo

Aryanna Gallo

Michael Gangler

Ka’lissya Garner

Lily Garner

Lalita Howat Garofalo

Miranda Gartin

Justin Gartner

Cheyenne Garvin

Joseph Gauger

Lindsey George

Michael Allen Hartman II

Mark Hartmann

Melanie Haus

Keren Hayon

Matthew Healy

Keith Heidinger

Zachary Helfrich

Reaunna Henderson

Julia Hernandez

Wilbert D. Hernandez

Juan Pablo Herrera

Matthew Christopher Hertz

Jackson Hicks

Christina Hidalgo

Commencement Exercises | 11 * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Arts

Favianna Andrea Hidalgo Carrillo*

Ayannia Hill

Katherine Diane Hill

Ryann Hilts

Khan Ho

Eric Ho man

Anneliese Marie WanYi Ho man

Hannah Hofstetter

Dalton Hollingsworth

Revena Hoops

Samantha Howard

Alexandra Howe

Abigail Howell

David Howell

Natalie Howell

Andrew Huang

Kobe Bryan Hudson

Kobe Hudson

Madelyn Hope Hu

Macy Huguley

Biruk Hundie

Caroline Hurst

Gena Nicole Hurtado

Hazel Hutchinson

KGabrielle Kahuila

Jacob Kantor

Isaac Kaye

Hannah Kearns

Steven Kee

Brian Scott Kelly*

Baylee Kendrick

Leah Kern

Ti any Kersey

Kennedy Kiker

Xander Kiker

Benjamin Kimbler

William Kirton

Christopher Kiser

James Koch

Parker R. Koehler

Caden Koster

Stephen Kostewicz

John Koursiotis

Anne Kaylee Kovach

Yukio Kuroiwa

Piper Lucas

Renee Lunan

Robin Lyles*

Dejuan Lyons

Longfei Ma

MJakayla K. Maccou

Timothy Mack, Jr.

Hannah Anastasia Mackenzie

John Aiden Mahady

Aileen Marin

Cory Lee Marquette

Destiny Renee Martin

Ryan Martin

Zoe Martin

Erick Carlos Martinez Villalonga

Lessy Martinez

Tomas Martinez Anderson

Rylee Marie Mastrino

Jenny Mata

Stephen Christian Matson*

Annabelle Ruth Mattson

Sophia Irene Maurer

Kelli McAvoy

Hailey McCain

ICristobal Ichaso Galindo

James Edward Irving III

LGabrielle Lafond

McKenzie Leigh Langille

Jacey LaRoy

Terrance Lawson

Taylor LeBlanc

Brandon Lee

Lauren McDaniel

Diamond Alexis McFarlane

Connor McGarity

John Conary McGee

William C.E. McGee

Shelby McGill

Jessica Melneczyn McLane

JAmaya Jackson

Mattie Jacoby

Priyanka Jain

Andrew James

Fritz Kerby Jean Baptiste

Elie Junior Jean Charles

Patrick Je eries

Sydnie Jenkins

Jackson Jennings

Merrill Jipson

Samuel Johnson

Veronica Johnson

Darrien Jones

Kathryn Jones

Ryan T. Jones

Ariana V. Jorrin

Jordany Joseph

Georgia Claire Lee

William Alexander Lentz

Jacob Lepanto

Kody Letteriello

Eden Rebecca Levites

Zoe Dahne Levy

Katherine Lipham

Matthew Lobatos

Christopher Pere Lobisch

Amber Dawn Lofstrom

Jack Lohse

Dustin Marshall Looney

Magnel Paul Loper II

Luana Lopes Cabrera

Aziel Lopez Sanchez

Erik Lorenzen

Lucy Lube

Maya McNairy

Ashley Nicole Meadows

Elias Medrano

Nikhita Marcelle Meier

Mia Melgarejo

Jaxon Mellenberndt

Essence Nykole Menefee

Kathleen Abigail Menelaws

Yumi Merenda

Jackson Merriam

Andres Mesa

Joseph Mezzetti

Luke Micallef

Courtney Lola Michaud

Joseph Millan

Madelyn E. Miller

Emma Millican

12 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Arts

Krishna Missack

Emily Modas

Abigail Molnar

Maria de los Angeles Moncada Vergara

Miranda Monteagudo

Charles Monts

Lauren Moody

Samuel Andre Moody

Albany Morales

Ayden Moran

Eva Morel

Hannah Morse

Cory Moses

Emma Mosher

Carla Michell Moure

Ryan Mowery

Dillon Charles Edward Walter Muegge

Alexandra Mullinix

Heather Mumm

Maximillian Munro

Pablo Murillo

Ceanna Murray

Sara Catherine Myers

Ikeon J. Myles

Alexander Mikhail Ortiz

Kiana Rena Owens

RJavier Ramos

Tucker Ranney

Sara-James Ranta

PAllison Pace

Fabiana Padilla Davila

Christian Palumbo

Ana Pantin

Olivia Panus

Alejandro Paredes

Christopher Parker

Deep Patel

Heni Patel

Rohit Patel

Vasu Patel

Sophia Maria Pateras Astudillo

Lillian Paul

Joseph W. Peery

Isabella Pensado

Mckayla Pepo

Kathryn Peraino

Adriana Perez

Bryan Perez

Nicholas Perez

Miguel Perez Porras

Dillon Parker Perkins

Nancy Belizaire Raphael

Alexis Dajhae Rattray

William Riley Reece

Tyler Rehberg

Matthew Louis Richardson*

Kelly M. Rineer

Alexander Rispoli

Oriana Risquez

Solimar Annette Rivera

Anthony Scott Robbins II

Austin Wyatt Roberts*

Taylor Roberts

Nicholas Hugh Robinson

Alexa Rodriguez

Alexandria Rodriguez*

Jahlani Rogers

Sophia Grace Peña Rogers

Elaina Rollins

Javier Enrique Romero

Santiago Rosero Rozo

Kamala Rossi

Luke Rothstein

NCassandra Nacionales

Juan Martin Naranjo

Alyson Nash

Luis Navas

Nolan Nelson

Jacob Nicholson

Kylee Faith Nixon

Caleb Joseph Pizzuti Noble

Kelsey Nobles

Zachary Novak

Lindsey Nowak

Valmary Krystal Nunez

Madison Perrin

Caroline Audrey Perry*

Fisher Allan Person u Phan

Natalia Piascik

Martin Clay Pickard

Wood Pierre

Ievgeniia Pinchuk

Brian Pires

Angela Maria Porras*

Jacob Porter

Jack Poulson

Tanner Prange

Grahame Prentice

Iris Pri i

Katherine L. Privette

Gabriella Grace Rowland

Emily Runions*

Sierra Shray Russum

Grace Elizabeth Ryan

SAndres Salaverria

Stephanie Salazar

Geena Marie Salinas

Julia Sanders

Amber SantaMaria

Hector Santana

Adam Rease Sapp*

Julian Mateo Sara

Lauryn Savage

OAlexandra O'Bryant

Equaisha Monique Oates

Kale Alexander Oden

Mariana N. Oliveira

Colin Olson

Amber O'Neal

Brianna Orozco

Katherine Prokop

Sol Daniela Psevoznik

Kaden Schaub

Hunter Alexander Schill

Noah Matthew Segrave- Daly

Stephanie Joanne Seip

Amanda Self

Kathleen Serino

Mia Grace Sessums*

QChyna Quinn

Commencement Exercises | 13 * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Arts

Jennifer Setchell

Sarah Nicole Sharp

Jack Shaw

Carl Shumway

Esteban Sierra Carvajal

Joshua B. Silber-Ojalvo

Robert Silcox

Lucia Simcox

Michael Paul Simmons

Olivia Simmons

Cristina Juliana Uy Sison

Evan Smith

Kennedy Smith

Timothy Song

Olivia Rae Sorensen

Samantha Sosa

Justin Sosa Varela

Sabrina Alexandra Sousa

Jillian Sparkman

Ashley Spears

August Spurling

Alanna Staiger

Olivia Lillian Steingraber

Garrett Allen Stephens

Leo Stephens

Anna Stockwell

Scott Adam Stoner, Jr.

Madison Elisabeth Stremplewski

Christopher Strome

Aaliyah Nicole Suarez

Grace A. Suggs

Jaden Sullivan

Louis Sullo

TIris Taylor

Joshua Taylor

Samuel Taylor

Anastasia Tedder

Benjamin Tempest

Montana Hunter Terrell

Alaina omas

Carleigh Eileen omas

Mary Elyse omas

Miranda LeAnne ompson

George Christopher Tilli

Nicole Tobias

Maya Torres

Nadege Tousaaint

Lily Lynn Townsend

Nicholas Tranchese

Emmanuela Tranquille

Ian Truelsegaard

Jay Twardosz

Cassandra Willis

Alyssa Winston

Brennan Wolfe

Kayla Wright

UCarlos Uzcategui

YRintaro Yamauchi

Isabela Yamhure Baena

Edward Yoo

Michelle Yu

VAngelica Raquel Valcarcel

Angelina Marie Vanacore*

Riley Veatch

Paige Brooke Vermeulen

Shae Vervisch

Amanda-Alexis Reyes Villanueva

Jagger Vinson

William Von Wowern

Vinh Vuong

ZIsabella E. Zaiden

Ivanna Zambrano

Ethan Zhu

Xiao Dan Zhuang

Mounir Ziad

Shona Zickafoose

Chris Zimmerman

Keeli Laine Zingaro

Caleb Joseph Zinn*

Camila Zuniga

WAnastasha Wallace

Katherine Walls

Jasper Jax Walsh*

Madison Paige Holder Walsh

Dillon Walters

Danitajoyce Ware

Alyssa Waters

Chloe Waters

Bailey Watkins

Sarah Ellen Weber

Connor Webster

Chase Weinberg

Anne-Marie Wells

Jessica C. Welsch

Conner Weston

Nicole Ann Weymouth

Laurel Elizabeth White

Alice Faith Whittington*

Mary Grace Whittington*

Bryan Wiesner

Alexander Wilcoxen

Madison Charlotte Wilder

Austin Wilhelm

Paige Wilkinson

Michael Williams

Raven Williams

Shalyn Williams

Ella J. Zyskowski

14 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Applied Science

Automotive Service Management Technology

Anthony Christopher

Wilfredo Falcon

Levi Wade Hooper

Associate in Science


Kaytlynn Adams

Amanda Adrian

Ashley Marie Sauls

Anthony M. Simonelli

Donato Marrone Vargas

Biomedical Equipment Technician

Darrian Kirkland

Steven Joe Norman, Jr.

Business Administration - Management

Andrew Marshall Appling

Allison Henson

Victoria Denise Kaiser

Courtney Marie Preuss

Bianca Singlemann

Cardiovascular Sonography

Collin Beyrent

Tyler Bosley

Shelly-Ann Elizabeth Nembhard

Amy M. Purvis

Donely Santiago

Computer Information Technology

Mohammed-Ali Abdel-Fattah

Zachary Babcock

Keith T. Ballentine*

Dylan Dolores

Harrison Fisher

Antwan Hughes

Parker Lewis Hunt

Jasmine Reed

Adam Strang

Daniel Hamilton Tompkins

Joseph J. Massaro IV

Jonathan Mayer

Joseph Molina

Kohl Adam Myers

Daniel Curtis Redhe er

Construction Management Technology

Sina Abbaszadeh

Francisco Andres Arroyo

Jasmine Bostick

Alex Dubois

Nasrin N. Elmubarak

Steven Foskett

Abdul-Hanan Fuseini

Armando Luis

Trenton Smeal

Jacquelyn Stirling

David Salvador Torres

Criminal Justice Technology

Mark Christopher Barley

Cameron Johnell Brown

Alexis Smith

Daniella Valentina Yepez Cardamone

Dental Hygiene

Madison Ryan Avery

Amber Nicole Baggett

Jasmine Cardenas

Melissa Alessandra Ferreiro*

Katie Hohman

Sydney Morgan Howard

Cassiopeia Lazzaro*

Marlen Medina

Arianna Moreira Montero*

Phung Hong Phi Ngo

Christine N. Sheridan*

Brandi Marie Taylor

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Elizabeth A. Stidham

Jake Smith

Juan Urieta Cruz

Brandon M. Vick

Digital Media Technology

Aleksander Bredemeyer

Bryan Connor Clark

Madisyn Collins

Ash Foira

Paola Gil

Ashlee Goodwin

Emma Greer

Tina Harris

Lucas Luther

Jessey Anne Manalastas

Andrew Ramgeet

Kyra Rentz

Carlota Andreina Sandoval Bravo

Olivia Smith

Ti any Torres-Rosario

Randall Wilhoit

Reuben Wilkerson III

Gerald Williford

Early Childhood Education

Sandra Agnes-Block

Brianna Lee

Emergency Medical Services

Martin Amoah

Graphic Design Technology

Shanna Aguayo

Jahnava Baltz

So a Nicole Crowley

Sean Michael Donovan

Tammy Lynn Ferrer

Monty Cai Husband

Sangwook Lee

Stephanie Reddy

Abbey Grace Rivas

Isabella Trejo Abouhamad

Chloe Whalen

Health Services Management

Amanda Grant

Commencement Exercises | 15 * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Associate in Science

IT Security

Konnor Arlinghaus

Keith T. Ballentine*

Joseph B. Brown

William Daniel Burkhart

Scott Cahill*

Matthew Cassoni

Erin Dailey

James Fletcher

Jonathon Gennaro

William Knapp

Julian Morataya

Heather Morris

Conner Noteboom

Terence Dean Parham

Tyler Roberts

Joshua Singletary

Adam Strang

Nicholas Upshaw

Invasive Cardiovascular Technology

Nicole Centurion*

Fritz Kerby Jean Baptiste

Reina Lugo

Network Systems Technology

Clayton Crawford

Raul Alexander Davila

Christophe Digulimio

Steven Dooley

Kevin Matthew Kniedler

John Maines

Austin Montmarquette

Demetrius Parker

Tyler Santos

Dominique Warren

Nuclear Medicine Technology

Luis Concepcion*

Kevin Geisler

Summer Michael

Dillon Rhodes

Vincent Ryan

Christopher Swett

Cassandra Tompkins

Brandon Michael Wilhelm

Nursing Bridge L.P.N./P.N. to R.N.

Shantay Blake

Tionne Kei'Che Howard

Joshua Mabry

Liliana Andrade Martin

Nursing R.N.

Anthony Michael Acre

Falynn Barnett

Madison Lin Chunming Beagle

Jamaica Elizabeth Beckford

Baylee Boothby

Trevor Boyd

Caleb Brown

Cale Carter

Tiara Carter

Michelle Maria Darling

Stephanie Dean

Shawn Christian Dwares*

Jeremiah D. Eang

Benjamin Daniel Fick

Edgar Asa Greenwald

Kassidi Hodsdon

Kearea La'Chelle Johnson*

Cedrionna Valissa Kent*

Fatima Lagunas

Andrea Madrigal Morales

Kristina Elizabeth Mandeville

Gabriella Ruby Martin*

Jessica Lynn McCroan

Charlee Ann Montford

Alyssa Mueller

Tobi Novinger

Daniela Ojeda

Patric Painter

Sarah Peace

Dalexa Penalver Hernandez

Dervla Reilly

Mallory Rollins*

Emily Reese Sampson

Delaney Santerfeit

Auratsaya Sanyapradit

Rebecca Sha er

Katina Kelly Shook

Shekinah Glory Sterlin

Renae Tadrowski*

Katie Lynn Vaughn

Jordyn Veatch

Catherine E. Wardell

Nicole Washburn

Bella Wilson

Haley Wright

Lindsley Shaye Wright

Harry L. Young IV

James William Yumul

Zackary R. Zayas

Paralegal Studies

Hannah Castner

Programming and Analysis

Neal Braddy

Ian Maze

Patrick Powers

Christopher Rodd-Layedra

Susana Santiesteban

Christopher Schul

Justin Andrew omas

Dale Young


Trisha Lauren Banks

Kathleen Casey

Jaquelene Del Castillo

Laura R. Chapman

Brandon Crews

Richard E. Dreher III

Harrison Ehrenzeller

Justin D. Gerber

Amelia Glover

Riley P. Lewis

Brittany Lovvorn

Mark C. Lucas

Elisa Michelle Lukasik

Jessica Elizabeth McCarthy*

Larah Medlin

Ashley Nobles

Cristian Pardo

Ashlyn Patray

Wyatt Schmookler

Justin William Smith

Vimala Wendie Smith

Respiratory Care

Nicole Alderson

Alexis Alexandria Cole

Christa Belle Cook

Kayla B. Howell

Bradley M. Lapoint

Benjamin Junior Robinson III

Nicholas Tyler Sanders

Sarah ompson

Justin Louis Tsin

Courtney Ronniese Williams

eatre and Entertainment Technology

Venus-Blue Forgione

Eli Nissley

16 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Certificate Programs

Automotive Service

Jordan M. Brown

Jordan William DeVault

Christian Ferraro

Joseph Gonzalez

Robert Hubbell

Joao Gabriel Vicente Santana

Building Maintenance and Management

Kevin Michael Rentz

Computer Programmer

Mohammed-Ali Abdel-Fattah

Peyton Allen

Jonathan Robinson

Bradley Smith

Crossover from Correctional O cer to Law Enforcement

Edgar Jones

Data Management Analytics Specialist

Sydney Carlson

Ashley Nguyen

Nicholas Ware

Emergency Medical Technology

Jorge Acosta

Rebekalyn Barber

Vaishnavi Basireddy

Garrett Brooker

Lindsay Carlson

Brinley Carter

Kyle Chesser

Jamarri Clarkson

Samantha Cowart

Brandon Dolan

Lily Dunaway

Tomas Durah

Briana Eyzaguirre

Ke'Asia Howard

Abdel-Naser Khalil

Grant Lanier

Logan Macewan

Kieandre McCray

Matthew Oliver

Ajith Perera

Lauren Piacitelli

Trey Slager

Michelle Villate

Tyrus Williams

Help Desk Support Specialist

Mohammed-Ali Abdel-Fattah

Madison Brice

Dylan Dolores

Antwan Hughes

Purushottam Pokhrel

Bodhi Ryder

Adam Strang

Information Technology Support Specialist

Mohammed-Ali Abdel-Fattah

Dylan Dolores

Antwan Hughes

Parker Hunt

Purushottam Pokhrel

Adam Strang

Law Enforcement O cer

Deepali Shah

Network Infrastructure

Christophe Digulimio

Tyler Gould

Kevin Matthew Kniedler

Jose Lopez

John Elwood Maines V

Austin Montmarquette

Demetrius Parker

Benjamin Riggs

Joshua Singlemann

Network Security omas Barnard

Demetrius Parker

Network Server Administration

Tyler Santos

Dominique Warren

O ce Specialist

Aveis Hayes

Keturah Horton

Miguel Irizarry

John Christopher Key

Latoya Merriex

Astrid Noemí Osorio*

Damien Pecnick

Cordell Walker

Practical Nursing

Megan Rose Baker

Kimberly Chavez Palma

MaKayla Farrell

Christine Ferguson

Erin Glover

Sarah Alexis Huls*

Shakesha Jackson

Ti any Jones

Felicia Marker

Stacia Martinez

Denisha Renia' Moody

Kayla Shalee Osborne

Diana Sandberg

Robert Shelton

Shainna Shavon Small

Destiny omas

Jeni er Torres

Naomi Elizabeth Wims

Jinniele Monique Young

Revenue Cycle Management

Teshika Merricks-Garvin

Sterile Processing Technology

Sarina Alexis

Shayla N. Ellis

Adria Adkia Garvin*

Caitlyn Johnson

Celeste Lopez

Matthew Mastandrea

Kailah Brinay Singletary

Surgical Technology

Tracy Elizabeth Henley

Jenna L. Holbrook

Commencement Exercises | 17 * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Certificate Programs

Welding Technology

David Badgerow

Ryan Cohen

Fletcher Currie

Joshua Fenner

Victor Gossa

William Fletcher Gray Leibowitz

Garrett Moore

Caleb Stophel

Nathanael Tennille

Sean Warren

High School Nursing Assistant Program

Jose Camilo

Miranda Ga ney

Andre Hutchinson

Amelia Sumner

Sheniyah Williams

Sharyah Young

Welding Technology Advanced

Jacob D. Fox

Stacey L. Lamar

Adult Education General Education Diplomas

Owen Adams

Oladuni Ajamu-McKinney

Liam Anders

Hunter Annin

Dakota Barron

Benjamin Bray

Boaz Bray

Zebulun Bray

Kimmay Brown

Levi Bryson

Logan Burns

Dasha Carlisle

Luca Collazos

Steven Crespo

Xavier Dallas

Emma Dalton

Dylan Downey

Abbey Dukes

Olga Egich

Christina Farabee

Ryan Finn

Lexi Gilbert

Radharani Gillette

Azzarreya Graf

Allie Gri s

Faith Grimes

Collin Haas-Parr

Connor Hardy

Oliver Hilton

David Holton

Artkeriah Jackson

Shelly Jantzen

Joey Johnson

David Jones

Devin Jones

Olivia Jones

Zachary Knight

Andrew La Madrid

Onteria Lawrence

Brandon Lee

Xzavier Lee

Shaelaine Ligons

Daniel Mathis

Jeremiah McKendry

Cynteria McLendon

Danielle Miller

Alisa Mitchell

Yssenne Montalvo

Philisher Myers

Ericson Nason

Tristan Or eld

Karina Ortega

Ashley Outlaw

Ahtziry Pacheco

David Payne

Kalel Perdomo

Kylie Phillips

Kevin Philman

Victoria Ramsey

Abigail Rhoden

Tyreke Rievley

Camilla Riveros

Sebastián Rodriguez

Jacob Rosenblatt

David Silva

Jalea Sims

Isis Solomon

Nadia Soltero

Kashyah Stevens

Logan Stiriz

Dominic Talich

Blake Taylor

Blane Taylor

Jeremy achaeden

Cameron omas

Caden Tibbets

Victoria Tranchese

Jeimyliz Vazquez

Valerie Velazquez

Andres Veloz

Cebre Warmack

Joscelyn Watson

Whitney B. Watson

Courtney White

Alexandria Williams

Justin Williams

Katalina Zarate

18 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Spring 2023

Santa Fe College Scholars

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science

Cum Laude

Chelsea Lauren Stevens

Associate in Arts, Associate in Applied Science and Associate in Science

Highest Distinction

Apoorva Bangalore Raviprasad

High Distinction

Gabriel Frank

Danielle MacKenzie Chan Glucksman*

Mary Korth


Lesley R. Aguilar-Arriaga

Brittney Bennett

Jasmine Bryan

Celeste Sage Carroll

Kennedy N. Fox

Hallie Diane Robertson

Carlos Armando Perez-Abreu

Santiago A. Rodriguez Viera

Chase Howard Sanders

So a Hernandez Mora

Ian Lentz

Kaleigh Miller

Stormy Miller*

Hannah Nguyen

Honors Program Graduates

Alejandro Agelvis

Apoorva Bangalore Raviprasad

Bence Beres

Aaron Beschorner

Zaynab Boustique

Alexandre Brijbag

Anthony Cartagena

Jordan Case

Emily Cocks

Alexa Daigle

Kassye Diaz

Jose Donoso

Gabby Etienne

Olivia Izquierdo

Barbara Kaklias

Aliza Khalil

Ava Kortman

Kylie Lavallee

Madison Little

Shelby Lowery

Grace Macewan

Emily Mailhiot

Camila Meyer-Bertheau

Jacob Mondek

International Graduates

Michelle A. Marquez Rojas – Venezuela

Santiago A. Rodriguez – Venezuela

Livia Sura*

Bradley Daniel Whitman

Elisa Maria Ramirez*

Diego M. Stecca

Kayla M. Wright

So a Novoa

Megan O'Hargan

Juliana Peredo

Carlos Perez-Abreu

Victoria Poveda

Leer Ramos Rosado

Sarah Reboredo

Alondra Rodriguez-Cubero

Mary Schenck

Livvy Sorensen

Sean ompson

Jamila Williams

Commencement Exercises | 19 * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Summer 2023

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science

Clinical Laboratory Science

Carla Lee Ladun

Katrina Marie Roldan

Associate in Arts

BApoorva Bangalore Raviprasad

Demetrius Banks

Olivia Benjamin

Fabiana Boscan

Information Systems – Technology

De'von Emanuel Fleming

Cory Leverett

Organizational Management

Chelsea Lauren Stevens

CCorey Tyrone Carter II

Josiah Ignacio Castillo Castrillon

Danielle MacKenzie Chan Glucksman*

HGavin Haslam

Elijah James Henderson

So a Hernandez Mora

PSiddhi Vijay Patel

Carlos Armando Perez-Abreu

IAranza Ichazo

RElisa Maria Ramirez*

Sarah Nicolle Reboredo

Hallie Diane Robertson

Radaysha Taylor Robinson

Santiago A. Rodriguez Viera

KHunter omas Keen

DPaige Elizabeth Dinges

Sydney Garvin Dodson

LIan Lentz

Siana Genesis Lindsay

Shelby Lowery

SBrooklyn M. Siebert

Jozee Smith

Amanda Spencer

Diego M. Stecca

EGabrielle Etienne

FKennedy N. Fox

Gabriel Frank

MMichelle Marquez

Camila Meyer-Bertheau

Joy Mwiti Murungi

TSharneille Géannah eophin

Chelsea L. Tucker

WKayla M. Wright

20 | Commencement Exercises * Phi eta Kappa member Santa Fe College | Summer 2023

Associate in Applied Science

Automotive Service Management Technology

Robert R. Hubbell

Associate in Science

Biomedical Equipment Technician

Tyler Douglas Clemens

Cardiovascular Sonography

Lesley R. Aguilar - Arriaga

Brittney Bennett

Jasmine Bryan

Elizabeth Christine Carver

Madison Lynn Hauge

Kaleigh Miller

Hannah Nguyen

Chase Howard Sanders

Bradley Daniel Whitman

Certificate Programs

Automotive Service Technology

Elijah Lee

Joseph Molina

Surgical Technology

Lindsey M. Bush

Jose L. Claudio

Justin James Crawl

Dezirae Gri s

Alejandro Irizarry Robidoux

Health Information Technology

Tammy Lachelle Shelby

Invasive Cardiovascular Technology

Celeste Sage Carroll


Rebecca Armstrong

John Jordan

Bridgette Kathambi

Mary Korth

Anna Larson

Mark Lowe

Stormy Miller*

Ciera Peacock

Samantha Perry*

Jessica Peterson

Livia Sura*

Clay Willis

Jelani Young

Paralegal Studies

Brittany Renae Hairston

Alexis Jeannae Ross

Kimberly D. Jones

Julie Martinez Garcia

Sabrina A. Owens

Briayna Latae Proctor

Rebecca Rapp

Damon Smith

Hallie omas

Sarah Lynn Varn

Emily Elitzy Vasquez-Osorio

Welding Technology

Fisher A. Madsen

Joel Manuel Reyes

Commencement Exercises | 21 * Phi eta Kappa member
Santa Fe College | Summer 2023


Students and guests attending commencement are asked to refrain from carrying large bags and packages. Santa Fe College reserves the right to inspect all bags and packages entering the building and refuse any item our sta deems harmful, dangerous, or obtrusive. Please leave all non-essential items at home or in a secure place. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

• Outside food and drink (water is OK)

• Alcohol, illegal drugs

• Fireworks, explosives, pepper spray

• Weapons, rearms, knives, razor blades, box cutters, scissors

• Laser pointers, air horns, noisemakers

• Strollers, bicycles, roller blades, skates, skateboards, hoverboards

• Video cameras, audio recorders, cameras with detachable lenses, and cameras with xed lenses longer than 6”

Evacuation Maps

Building V - Gymnasium

• Oversized bags (de ned as 15” x 9” x 6”)

• Altered bags

• Sel e sticks, monopods, tripods

• Balloons

• Any suspicious items




22 | Commencement Exercises Santa Fe College | Safety

Jackson N. Sasser Fine Arts Hall

Commencement Exercises | 23 Santa Fe College | Safety

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