Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1955

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Mr. T. C. Bird

Mr. Guy P. Harrington

Aldridge, Margery Commercial

Blaine, Gladys C. Commercial

Bakos, Josef Art

Boulton, Jack Auto Mechanics

Burgess, Eddie R. Science Football

Capshaw, Calvin Basketball Physical Education

Carr, Marjory Speech Drama English

Dempsey, Mart Hart Registrar

Dinkel, Reynalda Spanish

Ferguson, Charles Driver Training

Freshley, Harold Science

Gairey, John W Latin Attendance

Gunn, John T. Social Studies Football

Hammond, Corniel Vocal Music

Hanten, Sara Biology Guidance

Hart, Helene Girls' Health and Physical Education Director of Intramural Sports

Horsey, Catherine W. English

Kegel, Lee K. Commercial

Laycook, Iris Librarian

Manker, L. H. Machine Shop

McCrary, Ralph Mathematics

McDonald, Lavon Boys' Health and Physical Education Director of Intramural Sports

McKennan, Bess Mathematics

Michaelson, Robert Mathematics

Middleton, L. M Mathematics

Morford, John J English

Perez, Salvador Spanish Athletics

Peterson, Dan A. Commercial

Powell, C. J. Social Studies Athletic Director

Reel, Grant A. Crafts Mechanical Drawing

Roberson, Kathleen English Home Economics

Roberson, Mildred Social Science

Rumold, Emily Orchestra

Shacklette, Bennett A.

Shelton, Llewellyn Homemaking

Sisneros, Viola Tipica Orchestra

Thomas, Charles Mathematics

Trussell, Frederick D Social Studies

Wilson, Jame:> M. Science Activities Director

Wood, harles J English Journalism

Work, Aliène English

Wynne, Mildred English

Daniels, Gladys Secretary to Superintendent

Feld, Opal Assistant Secretary to Superintendent

Powell, Dorothy Secretary of Assistant Superintendent

Smith, Helen Secretary of Principal

Hogan, Nelda Nurse

Odom, Edith Nurse


Ici expressing my sincere gratitude to I f members o( the Class of 1955 for my selection as Senior Class President, I should like to set forth my deep appreciation, not only to the class, but also to the faculty, and especially to Mrs. Horsey, Miss Hart, and Mr. Freshly for the cooperation and assistance I received this year. I should also like to extend my best wishes to the entire student body and staff of Santa Fe High School. May the future hold as much success and prosperity for you as «as the past! m MA ^ ^ <*

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PETE ABEYTA Loverboy "Hey, men, dig them Hollywood eyes." 2: Photography Club; 2: Demon Tatler Staff; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 4: Senior Choir. ERIC ABRAHAM Abe "Now back in Oklahoma




JOHN ALLEN "Greetings" 3: Chess Club; 3: Band; 4: Ss-Fs Club; Transfer.

CORRINE MARIE APODACA "Aw. forget it." 2: F. H. A.; 2: Chorus.


RUBY ARAGON Rub "Que crazy" 4: Commercial Club.

PATRICE ARANDA Patty "Joey, you'd better not do that." 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club. CECILIA BACA Cbila "I'm very happy for you." 2: Class treasurer; 3: Cheerleader; 2-3: Pan American Club; 2: Homecoming Attendant; 2: Chorus.

MARY CONSUELO BACA "Oh! Henry" 2 : F. H. A.


JUNE ELIZABETH BAINES Junta "How do you think I feel?!!" 2: Photography Club; 3-4: F. T. A.; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Pan American Club; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 2-3: Band

BEVERLY JOAN BEGGS Beevee "I don't agree with that." 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Madrigal Singers JOAN MARIE BELIAN Kenny "Anything worth getting is worth chasing." 3-4: A. L. L., Secretary-Treasurer; 2: F. H. A.; 4: Demon Taller Staff; 4: Operetta; 2-4: Chorus; 2: PARA MANANA Crew Member; 3: Delegate Constitutional Convention; 2: Square Dance Club; 2-4: Cantata

VERA PAULINE BOLTON Veep "Must be nice!" 4: A, L. L.; 3-4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A.; 4: Drama Club; 2-3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 3-4: Girls' Choir; 3-4: Square Dance Club GLENDA LOUISE BREWER. Peaches "I'm passed the stage of passing." 3-4: A. L. L ; 4: F. H. A.; 3-4: Drama Club; 4: Gavel Society, Vice President; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 3: Madrigal Singers; 2-3-4: Cantata; Speech Choir

DORCAS PHYLLIS BROWN Dork "Well, pin a rose on your nose!" 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Student Council; 4: Math Club; 4: Drama Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-34: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 2: Girls' Choir; 2: Projector Club; 4: All State Chorus; 23-4; PARA MANANA Crew Member BERNARD WILLIAM BYRNES Scooter "That's life." 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Thespian Club; 2-3: Band; 2-3-4: Drama Club; 2: Projector Club

ALICE MARY ELLEN C de BACA CLARENCE COVEY CAMPBELL Jingle Bells "Oh, man, yeah!" 2-3-4: Letter "S" Club; 2-3-4: Track; 2-3: Chorus; Transfer

DON CAMPBELL Burro "It's kinda got you wonderin!' 4: Ss-Fs Club MILLIE CAMPOS

EDWARD ROCKWELL CARLSON Ed "Veva la Bennies," 2: Ski Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2: All State Chorus VIOLA BERNADETTE CARRION "La Corcha" "You fool!"

TRINIDAD JOSE CHAVEZ Sonny "Ja, boss" 4: Demon Taller Staff; 3-4: Chess Club; 2-34: Band; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 2-3-4: All State Chorus; 23-4: Cantata KAY M. CLARK Pokey "Just a minute!" 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Annual Staff; 4: Math Club; 3-4: F. T. A.; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2-4: Operetta; 2-4: Chorus; 2: Projector Club; 2-3-4: Cantata; 2-3-4: All State Chorus; 2-3-4: Madrigal Singers

WAYNE ALLEN CLARK Cornfed "Come on, Ray" 3-4: Letter " S " Club; 2-3-4: Football; 3: Track; 2: Baseball, Mgr.; 4: Ss-Fs; 4: Football Captain BONITA B. COTTEN Bonnie "Oh, cow" 3-4: Operetta: 3-4: Chorus; 4: Office Helper; 4: Cantata: Transfer

JOYCE DEA COUCHMAN Skippy "Que peefee!" 3: Commercial Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 4: President Commercial Club; 4: President Gavel Society RAY CREWS Little mot "Cease that cross profanation, Jerry" 2-3-4: Letter "S" Club, Vice President; 2: Student Council; 2-3-4: Football; 2-4: Track; 4: Pan American Club; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 4: Football Captain

WALTER EDWARD DA VIES Eddie "Another brain and I'd be dangerous!" 3-4: A. L. L.; 2-3: Student Council; 2-3 Chess Club; 2-3: Class Vice President; 2-3-4 Band; 2-3-4: Operetta; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 3-4 All State Band; 2: All State Orchestra; 3-4 Cantata: 3-4: Madrigal Singers CELINE VIOLA DOMINGUEZ "Let me tell voit, cuv!"


GRACE JOSEPHINE DOMINICK FRANK A. DONAHUE Bill "That's the way the ball bounces! i: Operetta; 4: Chorus.

ROBERT LEE DUKEMINIER Duke "Mox nix," (It makes no difference) Transfer. EMILIO BENNY DURAN Mosco "I didn't know what was it?" 4: Ss-Fs Club; 4: Photography Club; 4: Chorus: Transfer:

EVELYN GERALDINE DURAN "My heaven and yours!" 3-4: Commercial Club;


WINIFRED JEAN FAISON Warn "Anything worth getting is worth chasing." 2-4: Operetta; 2-5-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 4: PARA MANANA Crew Member; 2: Square Dance; 2-3-4: Madrigal Singers; 2-34: Girls' Choir;

DIANA JEANNE FISHER Di Di "Hello, friend." 3: Latin Club; 2: Annual Staff; 4: Band; 3: Operetta; 4: Chorus; MANUEL GABALDON

ANN LOUISE GAINES . Annie "Oh, Tom!" 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Speech Choir; 2-3-4: Band, majorette; 3-4: Fireflies; 2: Square Dance Club; BERNARD ROBERT GARCIA

FRANCES DOROTHY GARCIA "Que dangerous te sientes." 4: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus


HENRIETTA ELIZABETH GARCIA Henry "Oh, how darling!" 3-4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club 4: Homecoming Attendant; 4: Chorus

MARY MARTHA GARCIA ROBERT HENRY GARCIA Bobby "Pretty Heavy." 2: Fly Tying Club; 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus; 2: Cantata; 2-4: Pan American Club; 3: Tennis; 4: Class Vice President; 2: Basketball

ROSINA AMELIA GARCIA Rose "Don't lie, Paul." 4: F. H. A.; 3: Homecoming Attendant; 2: Chorus; Transfer TESSIE BEATRICE GARCIA Shorty "I'm gonna have a cat." 2-3-4: F. H. A. Parliamentarian; 2: Chorus

TESSIE HELEN GARCIA Te C "Stooge" 2-3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Commercial Club, Secretary; 3: Girls State CAROL ANN GARRISON Cindy "You better believe it." 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Cantata; Transfer

GRACE GARRISON NAOMI CLAIRE GIBSON "Bady Doll" "Man, you arc a s-square" 2-4: F. H. A., Secretary; 2: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus; 4: Librarian;

KENNETH WAYNE GILCREASE Pete "Fine!" 2-3: Fly Tying Club; 2: Chess Club BLAIR GILMOUR "Gee" 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Art Club

HENRY DAVID GOMEZ Herk "There go's your girl, Sam" 2: Football; 2: Track ERNEST S. GONZALES Cookie "Ese guy" 2: Craftsman Club; 2: Pan American Club


LUCILLE AMANDA GONZALES Lu Lu "What's coming off?" 2-4: F. H. A.; 2-3-4: Pan American Club MARIETTA PAULINE GONZALES Comrade "Ahlow Baby" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Student Council; 4: Thespian Club; 3-4: F. T.. A.; 2-3-4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Girls State; 3: Operetta; 2: Chorus; 2: Cantata

MARY LOU GONZALES "Que corney man" 3-4: Commercial Club


MARY ORTENCIA GONZALES "Mas Vida" 3-4: Commercial Club


MERCEDES A. GONZALES Many "You just better not do that." 3-4: Commercial Club; 2-3-4: Pan American Club; 3-4: Majorette; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus MIKE ERNEST GONZALES Chief "Hello, Gorda" 4: Letter "S" Club; 4: Football; 2: Basketball; 4: Baseball

VIOLA MARGARET GONZALES La Fiera "Mas sailors mi vida." 2: Chorus WALDA MARTHA GONZALES "Mas vida mi vida" 4: Student Council; 3: Chorus


EUGENE MELVIN HAGMAN Gene "Ese pig" 2: Fly Tyin£ Club; 4: Chess Club MICHAEL WAYNE HAMILTON Mike 3-4: A. L. L.; 2: Photography Club; 4: Student Council; 3-4: Thespian Club; 3-4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society



DONALD PAUL HARLOW Don "Smile, Blackie." 3-4: A. L. L.; 2: Student Council; 3-4: Thespian Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Boys State; 3: Drama Club, Vice President; 4: Drama Club, President

ALLAN RAY HARRISON BILL GEORGE HATFIELD Willie "I'll do it, I will." 4: Fly Tying Club; 2: Chess Club; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 2-3-4: Rodeo Club

WILLIS BILL HATHAWAY Dangerous "You better not do that." 3-4: Letter "S" Club; 2: Fly Tying Club; 3-4: Football; 2-3-4: Basketball EDDY FRANK HEINEKEN "Hey, dad!" 4: Ss-Fs; Transfer

SHARON LEE HENSHAW Shear-Bear "Hear??" 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-4: AH State Chorus; 3-4: Office Helper; 3: Girls' Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 3: Rodeo Club; 2-3: Square Dance Club; 4: Ss-Fs Club; PARA MANANA Crew Member VIOLA ANN HERRERA Vi "Cross over the bridge." 4: Student Council; 4: Pan American Club

JOHN PHILIP HESCH Popcorn Eyes "I give up." 4: Track; 3: Football; Transfer DOROTHY ANN HOFFMAN Utile One 4: Speech Choir; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 4: Gavel Society, Vice President; Transfer

SHIRLEY SUE HOLLEMAN Sadie "Anything worth getting is worth chasing." 3-4: Student Council; 4: Drama Club; 3 Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2-3-4 Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 2-4 All State Chorus BARBARA MAE HOOVER

SUE JANE HOPKINS Sasie "I got a letter." 2: F. H. A.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Operetta; 4: Cantata; 4: Chorus JAMES C. HULETT Say "Don't get excited." 2-3: Craftsman Club; 2: Football

MARĂ?ORIE LOUISE HUSS Marge "Warren quit !" 4: Drama Club; 4: Thespian Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus; 2-3-4: Fireflies; 2: Square Dance Club; 2: Cantata MARY ELIZABETH HUSS Htiss "Oh, Marge, you're so dumb!" 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Club; 4: Gavel Society; 3: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus; 2: Square Dance Club; 2-3-4: Fire Flies; 2: Cantata

LAURA LEILA HUTCHINSON Flee "I guess so" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3: Student Council; 4: Drama Club; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Speech Choir; 3: Cantata HELEN SUE JACKSON Frencbie "Ya'U" 4: Pan American Club; 2-4: Chorus

DOLORES JANE JIMENEZ Do Do "Hep chorre and everything" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club; 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus: 3: Cantata CAROL ANN JONES

JAMES R. JONES Jones'y "There is a first time for everything." 3: Craftsman Club; 2: Student Council PAULINE FAYE JONES Queenie "Really!" 3-4: Commercial Club; 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 2: Class Officer. Secretary; 3: Class Officer, Secretary; 4: Class Officer, Secretary; 2: Class Officer. Treasurer; 4: Homecoming Oueen; 2-3: Homecoming Attendant; 4 Girls State, Senator; 4: Operetta; 2-4: Chorus 2-3-4: Cantata; 3-4: All State Chorus; 2-3-4 Girls' Chorus: 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 3-4 PARA MANANA Crew Member

SARANDO ALEX KALANGIS Ike "It'll run, honest." 4: Letter "S" Club; 2-3-4: Basketball; 2-3-4: Tennis; 2: Band; 2: Chorus; 3: Boys State; 4: Letter "S" Club Secretary-Treasurer CARLOS A. KELLOGG Turkey "Well, howdy der you all." 2: Basketball; 2: Baseball; 2: Pan American Club


My June


KARLENE KERNS Karen "Anything worth getting is worth chasing." 2-3: Chorus; 2-3: Cantata; 3: Girls' Choir; 2: Square Dance Club MARCELLO KOZLOWSKI

JUDITH ANNE KRAUSE "Oh, really" 4: Drama Club; 4: Ski Club; Transfer JOAN THERESE LANDWEHR Joaaie "Sure" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Commercial Club; 2: Cheerleader

REYCITA MARIE LENO 4: Pan American Club.


MARY JEAN LIND Snowball "Oh Ishh!" 2: Projectors Club; 2: Latin Club; 2: Student Council; 3: Assistant Editor of PARA MANANA; 4: Editor-in-Chief of PARA MAN A NA; 4: Senior Class Treasurer; 3: Junior Class Treasurer; 4: Cheerleader; 4: Secretary of F. T. A.; 3: Secretary of F. T. A.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Secretary-Treasurer of Ski Club; 3-4: Ski Club; Ss-Fs Club; 2: PARA MANANA Crew Member; 3-4: Ski Instructor

JANE ELLEN LITTLEFIELD ]anie "Oh, my gosh!" 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Vice President of F. H. A.; 3: F. H. A.; 3: Chess Club KATHERINE EDRIS LIZER Kay "Crimunently" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 3: All State Chorus; 3: Cantata

WILLIAM CLARK LOHMAN RITA LOPEZ Natty "Believe me, it's true." 3-4: Commercial Club

PETE JOHN LOVATO Peter boy "High, there" 4: Demon Taller Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Chorus; Transfer MARY CATHERINE LOWNDES Tweety "Hi cornball" 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 4: All State Chorus; 4: Cantata

LOUIE LUCERO Looie "Dig this crazy be-boper." 3: Football; 2-3: Pan American Club RAYMOND REY LUCERO "Hello you big one!" 3-4: Craftsman Club; 3: Student Council; 4: Math Club; 4: Pan American Club; 3: Chorus

SYLVIA GLORIA LUCERO "Dig you later, Lindy?" 3-4: Commercial Club


ERNEST MICHAEL LUNA Ernie 2: Pan American Club; 2-3-4: Band

DAVID LAURENCE LUNT Dave 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Math Club; 2-3: Ski Club; 2-3-4: Band; 2-3: All State Band LIONEL ALFONSO MADRID Snookie "What'ta you say?" 4: Craftsman Club; 4: Math Club; 3-4: Chorus; Ss-Fs Club; 3-4: Cantata

GUADALUPE GILBERT MAES Lape "Nice try" 3: Student Council; 2-4: Track; 2: Pan American Club; Ss-Fs Club NORA JUNE MANZANARES Jmie "Man, that's quite a shrewdy" 3-4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club

BERTHA JANE MARTINEZ "My gosh!" 2-3-4: F. H. A.


NORMA MAE MARTINEZ Sepella "It must be nice!" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Student Council; 3-4: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus.

LARRY E. MATTHEWS 4: Basketball; Transfer.



BETTY CAROLYN McNIECE Tex "Let's go to Abiline" 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Student Council; 2-3: Homeroom Secretary. EDWARD STEVE MEDINA Eddie "That's tough cheeze to swallow." 4: Letter "S" Club; 2: Student Council; 23-4: Football; 2: Pan American Club.

J. JOHN MEDINA Johnny "That's tough cheeze to swallow." 4: Letter "S" Club; 4: Student Council; 2: Football, B Squad; 2-3-4: Pan American Club. MARIA ANGELINA MEDRANO Angie "Save me, Roy." 3: Commercial dub; 4: F. H. A.; 4:. PARA MANANA Crew Member; Transfer.

ANNA MARTE MIDDLETON Annie 4: Drama Club; 3: Girls State Alternate; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Cantata. JIMMIE HAROLD MILLIGAN The flying saucer kid "He all-righty" 4: Thespian Club; 3-4: Demon Taller Staff; 2-4: Chess Club; 4: Drama Club; 3-4: Speech Choir; 3-4: Band; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: All State Chorus; 3: Speech Forensic; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Senior Boys Quartet.

SETH DAVID MONTGOMERY Cubby "Hi, Kiddo!" 3-4: A. L. L.; 2-3-4: Student Council, 3: Vice President, 4: Parliamentarian; 4: Math Club; 2-3-4: President, Class Officer; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 2-3: Band; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 4: Cantata; 2-3: Student Council Convention; 3: Math Award; 3: Physics Award. ALICE MONTOYA

ANN RITA MONTOYA "How Darling!" 4: Chorus.


JOHN B. MONTOYA Crow "What vou say, Daddis?" 4: Letter "S" Club; 3-4: Football; 2-3-4: Basketball; 3-4: Baseball.

PAULINE RUTH MONTOYA "Alla Esta" 2: Chorus

La Cbata

CHARLENE JO MORGAN Charley "True" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Commercial Club; 4: Student Council; 3-4: Cheerleaders; 2: Ski Club; 3: Girls State Alternate; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 2-3-4: All State Chorus; 2-3: Girls Chorus; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 2-3: PARA MANANA Crew Member.

CAROLYN MOYERS Callie "Hey ya'll" 2: Photography Club; 2-4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 3-4: All State Chorus; 23-4: Cantata ELIZABETH LOUISE NEWTON Liz "Oh, really" 4: Student Council; 3-4: Demon Taller Staff, Editor-in-Chief; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Cantata; 4: Library

CLEO OCHOA Sbortie "How darling" 3-4: Commercial Club, Treasurer; 3-4: F. H. A., President; 2: PARA MANANA Crew Member LA VETA O'CONNELL

BERTHA MAE ORTEGA Beta "Honestly!" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club; 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 3: Cantata MARY DOLORES ORTEGA Dolly "Don't be sho mean!" 4: Pan American Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 23-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata

MARY LOU ORTEGA Mary "You wanna bet" 4: Pan American Club; 4: F. H. A. MARTHA ORTEGA

BERNADETTE MARY ORTIZ Wabbit "Bueno" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club DOLORES MARIE ORTIZ "Ba como esta!"

Do Do

SOCORRO MARY ORTIZ Corro "Y llego mi digo" 4: Pan American Club; 2: PARA MANANA. Crew Member BERNICE EVANGELINE OTERO Niece "You don't know, do you?" 2: Band; 2: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus; 2-3: Cantata

JOANNE OVERFELT Joey "Chip chip" 3-4: Commercial Club; 3-4: PARA MANANA Staff; 2: Class Officer, Secretary. RICHARD ALLEN PECK Peek 3-4: Letter "S" Club; 4: Student Council; 3-4: Football; 2-3-4: Basketball; 2-4: Baseball.

MANUELITA RAMONA PF.REA "Don't be funny" 3-4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A. LYN JAMES PERRY


MICHAEL CARSON PHIFER Mike "Watch out, or you'll get torpedoed" 4: Student Council; Transfer EVA MARIE PINO Evie "Real crazy man!" 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 2-3: Cantata

JACQUELINE MARIE POUND Jackie "My goodness" 4: F. H. A.; 3: Student Council; 3: F. T. A.; 2-3: Band PATSY ANN PRATT Giggles "What is going on?" 2: Student Council; 2: Class Officer, Treasurer; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 2-4: Chorus; 2-4: Cantata

ROBERT WILLIAM PROCTOR Proc 3-4: A. L. L., President; 4: Student Council, Reporter; 3-4: Thespian Club; 4: Math Club; 2-3-4: Drama Club; 3: Band; 3: Boys State Alternate LUCILLE ELAINE QUINTANA Frogie "Oh, really!" 3-4: Commercial Club; 2: Student Council; 2-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2: Driving Club; 2-4: Cantata



EDWINA RAEL Eddie "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."


CHARLOTTE IRENE RAMSEY "Got a letter" 2: F. H. A.


HELLYN RECTOR Shorty "Oh, man!" 4: Thespian Club; 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4: Homecoming Attendant; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 4: Secretary, Ss-Fs Club; Transfer

ERLINDA EMILIA RENDON "Man, how darling!" 4: Pan American Club; Transfer


KATHLEEN RHODA Rhodahorse "Oh, honestly!" 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Christmas Cantata; 3-4: All State Chorus; Girls' Chorus; 3-4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Ss-Fs Club

SHARON RHODA Rhoda "Oh! excuse me" 3: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3" Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 4: Office Helper; 3: Cantata; 3-4: Girls' Chorus MARIE THERESE RICHARDS The Rattler "Ipanas by the hours" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 2-4: Chorus; 2-3: Tipica Orchestra; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 2-4: Cantata

PATRICIA ANNE RINGER Pitty-pat "You don't know, do you?" 4: Thespian Club; 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 4: Sec.-Treas. of Thespian Club; 4: Math Club; 3-4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2-3: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 3: Forensic; 2-3: Girls' Choir JANE MARY RIOS "Let me tell you" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus

BILLY JOE RIVERA JOE A. RIVERA Anis "Hi, Shorty" 3: Craftsman Club; 2: Pan American Club

MARY MANUELITA RIVERA Shorty "No use crying over spilt milk." 4: Pan American Club DOROTHY YVONNE ROACH Dunk "You think so, huh?" 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society, Secretary; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 4: Cantata

CHRISTINA SOCORRO RODRIGUEZ Chris "Ben pa qui, dear!" 2: Pan American Club CONSUELO MARIE RODRIGUEZ "How, Juicy" 2: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus

RAMON JOE RODRIGUEZ "And a-half" 4: Pan American Club



YOLANDA RODRIGUEZ Yollie "Que feo te da." 4: F. H. A.; 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 4: Pan Ameican Club; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 4: Cantata

ASENCION ROMERO Apple Cider "All righty" 4: Demon Taller Staff; 2: Basketball- 2: Golf BARBARA IRENE ROMERO Reenie "Oh, Frankie!" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Student Council; 2: Cheerleader; 4: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus

BENNIE LEONARDO ROMERO Greco "Ole" 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3-4: Pan American Club; 3-4: Tipica CHRISTINA BERNADETTE ROMERO

Chris "You kill me" 3-4: Commercial Club; 4: Chorus

FRANCES ROMERO Fran "Real fine chick" 4: F. H. A.; 2-3: Pan American Club ISAAC ROMERO Injun "Aren't you satisfied?" 3-4: Letter "S" Club, President; 3: Student Council; 2-3-4: Basketball; 3: Boys State; 4: Student Council, Treasurer


Lu Lu

YOLANDA ROMERO Yo Yo "Oh, ya!" 2: F. H. A.: 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 34: Drama Club; 2: Chorus; 4: Ss-Fs Club, Vice-President; 2: Cantata; 2: Square Dance Club

CAROL JAYNE ROUNTREE Squarebush "Hi, there!" 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Commercial Club; 3 Demon Tatler Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4 Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Ski Club 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Square Dance Club; 4: Cantata; 3: Girls' Choir VIVIAN ROYBALL

WALDO ROYBALL Spider "Man! look at that!!" 3-4: Basketball; 4: Track; 4: Baseball; 4: Ss-Fs Club KATHALINE ROSEMARY RUVOLO Kathy "Thanks, I love you, too!" 4: Drama Club; 4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Square Dance Club; 2-3-4: Cantata

CLARA MARY SALAZAR Whitie "Bueno by" 4: Craftsman Club; 2: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club; 3-4: Vice President of Homeroom; 3: PARA MANANA Crew Member SAM ISADOR SALVO "Kucha" 2: Baseball


BENITO SANCHEZ Beanie "Hm-m-m boy!" 4: Chess Club; 4: Band; Transfer EILEEN BEATRICE SANCHEZ Shorty "You don't believe me, do you?" 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus; 4: Tipica

ERNEST SANCHEZ Ernie "Oh, forget it" 2: Pan American Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 23-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Tipica Orchestra; 2: Madrigal Singers FRIEDA RACHEL SANCHEZ Shorty "You wanna bet!" 2: F. H. A.; 2-4: Pan American Club; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata

JIMMIE GAIL SANDERS James "Chip chip, big man" 2-3-4: Student Council; 3: Chess Club; 2: Class Officer, Secretary; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2-3-4: Band; 3: Girls State, House of Representatives; 23-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 4: Student Council President ALFRED LORENCE SANDOVAL "What didja say?" Transfer


ESTELLA ELENA SANDOVAL "Oh, don't mention it" 4: Craftsman Club


MARY LINA SANDOVAL "Don't slay me" 4: F. H. A.

MARY LOU SANDOVAL Tootsie "Did you see anybody?" 4: Commercial Club NANCY ANN SARGENT Nan "You bet!" 3-4: Commercial Club; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 2: Band

JIM CHARLES SAUERWEIN "Would you do that again, only slower, Mr. Wilson?" 3-4: Letter " S " Club; 2: Latin Club; 2: Student Council; 4: Crew Member PARA MANANA; 2: Class Officer. President; 2: Football; 2-3-4: Track: 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: President of Gavel Society; 3: Boys State: 2-3-4: Fireflies; 2-3-4: Square Dance; 4: Ss-Fs Club; 3: Alternate Boys Nation JIM CHAVES SCHAFER "Scratch" "Take it easy--but take it" 2-4: Tennis; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 3: Boys State Alternate; 2-3-4: Square Dance Club; 2-3-4: Fireflies; 4: Ss-Fs Club President

EVERETT E. SCOTT Scotty "Excavate that insane feline" 2: Craftsman Club; 3: B-squad football; 4: Pan American Club PETE SCOTT "Itch" "You don't know, do you?" 2: Projectors Club; 2-3: Square Dance Club; 4: Ss-Fs Club

ROMIE MARGARET SEGURA "Que no?" 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: PARA MANANA Staff; 3-4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2-3: Pan American Club NANCY TANE SEIBERT Speed "Well now " 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2-3-4: Band; 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus; 3: All State Band; 4: Ss-Fs Club

MERTA SUE SELIGMAN Mert "I don't know about you." 3-4: Thespian Club; 3-4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2-3-4: Ski Club; 2: Chorus ELIGIO SILVA Nose "Que pasa, Lola?" 2-3-4: Basketball; 2-3-4: Baseball

TRINIDAD SILVA Triny "How're you derring, Kid?" 3: Craftsman Club; 4: Track; 2-3: Pan American Club MARY ANGIE SISNEROS Bobbi "The hech!" 4: Commercial Club; 2: F. H. A.; 2: Pan American Club; 2: Operetta; 2-3: Chorus; 2: Square Dance Club

ANTHONY JOE SKUBI Peak "It's the drizzles" 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Math Club; 2-3-4: Basketball; 2-4: Tennis; 4: Ski Club; 4: Chorus; 2: Projectors Club MARILYN SMITH

ROBERT DENNIS SMITH Spotty "Say, hey cat" 2-4: Basketball; 4: Track; 2-3-4: Baseball; 4: Pan American SAMMY HARRISON SMITH Sam "Let's get out of here!" 4: Ss-Fs Club; 2-3-4: Square Dance Club; 2: Golf

DOLORES PRISCILLA SOSAYA "Gorgeous-gorgeous" 3-4: Commercial Club; 2: Chorus

Do Do

DONNA LEE STARNES Donnie "You'd better save me!" 4: Photography Club; 2: Drama Club; 3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 3-4: Cantata; 2: All State Chorus

SYLVIA NADENE STEELE "That's for sure" 4: Thespian Club; 3-4: Chess Club, SecretaryTreasurer; 3-4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Chorus; 3-4: Art Club DIXIE LYNN STOUT Dee Hee "Anything worth getting is worth chasing." 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata; 3: PARA MANANA Crew Member; 24: All State Chorus; 3-4: Girls Choir; 2: Square Dance Club

FRANCES YVONNE SULLIVAN Fran 'You're really joking!" 2-3-4: Operetta; 3-4: Chorus; 4: Cantata MARY HELEN SWAZO

SANTANA SWAZO Annie "How Neat!" 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-3-4: Cantata YVONNE FRANCES TELLEZ

ROBERT G. THORNTON "That little Gismo!" 2: Craftsman Club



NANCY JEAN TIANO Bones "Why be difficult, when with a little effort you can be impossible." 3-4: A. L. L.; 4: Student Council, Secretary; 3-4: Ski Club; 3: Girls State, State Treasurer; 2-3-4: Operetta; 2-3-4: Chorus; 2-4: Cantata; 4: Ss-Fs Club

CONCILIA MARY TRUJILLO "Honey" Transfer PATRICK EDWARD TRUJILLO Wapsi "Corne on, Jimmy!" 2: Fly Tying Club; 3: Football, B-Squad; 2: Operetta; 2:' Chorus; 4: Ss-Fs Club

JUANITA MARIE VALDES /MOT; "Oh hush!" 2: Pan American Club; 2-4: Ski Club; 2-3-4: Band; 2-3: Chorus; 3-4: Cantata MARY URSULITA VALENCIA 2-3: Tipica Orchestra


REBECCA MARIA VALDEZ Becky "Tu crean do pero no." 4: Pan American Club; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus; 4: Cantata ELOISA VIGIL Loydie "Relax, forget it." 3-4: A. L. L.; 3-4: Commercial Club; 2-3-4: Student Council; 3: Girls State, House of Representatives









Rose Trinidad Abeyta Gloria Ines Almeida Carmen Anaya

Frank Andrews, Jr. Lydia Armenta Carol Arrighi

Ailene Atencio Ramona Baca Ted Baca

Candido Barela Richard Belian Dorothy Ann Bell

Carmen Benavidez Joe Benavidez Fred Bentley

Barbara Bergère Shirley Bice Charles Boatright

Pat Borland John Bradford Pat Brashears

Jonette Brimer Jo Ellen Briscoe George Broome

Inez Brown Ronnie Bybee Lee Carlson

Gloria C de Baca Kay Campbell Kenneth Carpenter

T. J. Carr Corrine Carrillo Pat Cator

Lawrence Casados Marie Charley Floyd Chavez

Sara Chavez Vickie Chavez Jo Ann Clark

Wanda Collamrer Mary Florence Connery Margaret Cook

Clarence Coriz Ernest Coriz Helen Cornett

Dorothy Cruz Direen Davies Jean Davis

Johnny Dendahl Jack Dennis Tom Dominqucz

Ted Drcnnan Isabelle De Vargas Carol Dingee

Deanna Donohoe Tom Duker Dorathea Dunakin

Florence Duran Melvin Duran Carole Eagan

Bundie Mae Ellis Jean Ellis Raquel Espinosa

Edna Ann Faulk Roland Fechner Bobby Felix

Manuel ita Fernandez Doris Flores Yvonne Friday

Pauline Fritzgcs George Gallegos Lupita Gallegos

Tony Garcia Donna Jo Gipson Barbara Suc Glenn

Chiistclla Gomez Louise Gonzales Marie Bcniena Gonzales

Elnora Gonzales Henrietta Gonzales Lucila Gonzales

Judy Green MarcelIa Griego Elizabeth Hall

Lois Hall Donald Hansen Claron Hawkins


Richard Henderson Phillip Herkenhol'f Toni Herrmann

Lemalva Holmes Carol Ann Huffaker Edward Igalo

Marjorie Irish Dixie Jackson Lyndel Jennings

Carroll Johnson Vianne Johnson Ida Mae Jones

Pat Jones Patty Kell Carl Kruger

Shirley La Monda Philip Lapp Alfonso Larragoite

Sylvia Leakey Wilfred Lcrma Claudine Leslie

Antonia Leyba Clarence Lithgow Harriet Loken

Stephen Long Bobbie Longacre Jacob Lopez

Dora Lopez Cordilia Lopez Teddy Lopez

Cornelia Lowndes Virginia Luccro Wylic Luccro

Markley Lumpkins Rockne Luna Jessie MacGillivray

Genevieve Maes Rudy Maestas Georgia Magers

Susan Maquirc Arthur Malloy Nancy Mann

Annette Martinez .Eddie Martinez Matilda Martinez

Beatrice Marquez Bill Mason Dan McCollum

Robert McColm Barbara McDaniel Donald McGee

Sharon Meyer Mickey Middlcton Stuart Milam

Kay De Milligan Annie Laurie Mills Donald Minich

Charles Montoya Margie Montoya Donald Moya

Lorraine Naranjo Betty Lou O'Dell Nelda Odom

Delia Ortiz Dorothy Ortiz Imclda Ortiz

J. Frank Ortiz Joe M. Ortiz I.orencita Ortiz

Paula M. Ortiz Theresa Ortiz Tonie Ann Ortiz'

Emilie Overlock Margie Padilla Nellie Penner

Arlene Perez Dorothy Piatt Patty Pick

Crescenta Pino Olivia Portillo Gail Powell

Sandra Prather Lorenzita Quintana Marcella Rael

David Reinhardt Ray Reynolds Lavinia Rife

Antonia Rivera Robert Rivera Lucy Rivera

Larry Roberts Dalio Rodriguez Frances Rodriguez

Helen Romero Irene Romero Jenny Romero

Jimmie Romero J. Chris Romero Juan Romero

Mary Romero Rosina Romero Tony Romero

Virginia Romero Consuclo Sanchez Richard Sandoval

Bill Sauter Mary Jo Seibert Dorothy Sikes

Jimmie Sikes Cecilia Silva Joe Sisneros

Donald Sloan Irene Smith Josette Smith

Karen Smith Paul Sperry Jeanne Starnes

Stella Talachy Jimmy Todd Ronald Torbert

Helen Trujillo Mary Cleo Trujillo Tommy Trujillo

Linda Jane Turner Olga Tzeranis Aurora Valde2

Consuclo Eliza Valdcz Mary Valdez Sharon Vandersys

Bessie Vigil Dorothy Vigil Mary Vigil

Mary Villalovos Douglas Waterman Harlan Watson

Archie West Diane West Candace Wilson

Lonnel Wilson Barbara Wofford Denise Wright

Frances Young


&EINIC ST BR 速 F F l C E a S



sue olcot phil anaya ramona anaya joane apodaca

jean baca lois bailey jerry ballew carmen dolores barela

Frances barrow roy beacham elizabeth bigbee carlee boggess

tomas boggs jess bonner sharon hosier david brennand

roger bybee erlinda cde baca cristella cantu cleve carr

priscilla carrillo sylvia carrillo james casados rosaline casados

carmen castellano pete cator julia chavez frances dark

wendel clark ronald clausing beth coleman burrell coleman

michael cooper alan cordova ramona coriz lella beth crandall

Jonathan jim curtis dennis davies mary davis barbara dohrer

ida duran kathrin erickson geraldine esquibel pete ettinger

dolores ferguson dorthea fritzges consuelo gallegos tony gallegos

florinda garcia Josephine garcia mary louise garcia mathilda marie garcia

ronnie garcia rosaura garcia susan garcia anthony garcia

viola garcia f ranees gonzales jovita gonzales theresa peggy gonzales

rosie gonzales vivian gonzales sharon green josie griego

david gutierrez elaine hagman linda hallock betty ham

billie harris susan Harrison suc hatfield janet henshaw

John hcnsolt nadinc herrington edward hobday buddy holmes

Judith horn roberta howell darlene huffaker james jackson

carol jonz rosemary jones cecile jordon pat kennedy

caria sue kingery donna kinnard pieter knight richard little

marcia lizer julienne loomis mary lopez ralph lopez

rosemarie lopez gilbert thomas lopez dolores lovato patty jo lovette

consuelo lucero roanne lucero Iola lujan mary connie maes

frank martinez phyllis mauro kathleen mc culloh jerri ann mc kee

cora sue mclaughlin nedra ann mc laughlin richard montez belda montoya

[ally montoya fred montoya lucille rosalie montoya socorro montoya

romelia montoya thomas montoya richard moorc adolfo mora

jane mullen gloria ochoa sammy orosco ramona Ortega

frances ortiz john michael ortiz juanita ortiz raymond ortiz

marcella pacheco marie pacheco fred padilla mariana padilla

robert park lee parker canuta mary pena penelope peterson

paul piatt peggy pick socorro pino phyllis pompeo

eleanor pries barbara quintana robert quintana betty jane rael

diana ragle cvangeline ramirez janette ramsey judy richards

phyllis riddle enrique rivera george rivera pauline rivera

glynda roach Iynda roach Judith robinson maria rodriquez

margaret frances rodriquez mary rodriquez mary grace romero bill root

joanne rosacker elizabeth rotunno betsy roybal esther roybal

rosina roybal loretta saiz alice mary sanchcz barbara sanchez

johnny sandoval yolanda sandoval phillip santistevan terry scanlon

lynne schuler william schultc frieda Sebastian charlotta segura

manuel sena barbara short harry smith george standfill

prisc'IIa Stephens bob Stewart jerry swazo billy teal

benny todd chere torres bobby tribble mary eileen trujillo

ralph trujillo isabel ulibarri Patricia valdes leon Valencia

mdolph Valencia bill van buskirk james vandersys anna marie vigil

celine vigil dennis wright rosalie wright

To you, the student body of Santa Fe High School, go my thanks for your enthusiasm during this past year. Credit for this year's success should be given to Mr. Thomas, our Faculty, and the Administration. Being your Student Council President has made this the best year in my life. Good luck and best wishes for your future.

Bob Proctor Reporter

Jim Romero Veep

Isaac Romero Treasurer

Nancy Tiano Sec.

Jimmie Gail Sanders Près.

Marilyn Smith Corresponding Sec.
















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President - Ray Lucero Vice-President - Ernest Gonzales Secretary - Frieda Sanchez Treasurer - Joe Rivera Student Council Representative - Barbara Romero Sponsors: Mrs. Reynalda Dinkel Miss Viola Sisneros Mr. Salvador Perez




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(Mid Ê cm M ne s

C. J. Powell, Athletic Director

Lavon McDonald, Assistant, Football, Basketball; and Director of Intramurals

Salvador Perez, "Soph" Basketball, Track

Calvin Capshaw, Basketball and Baseball Eddie Burgess, Assistant, Football, "B" Basketball, and Golf

John Gunn Football and Tennis


»A«rt5?inHafo« -JHffSt


DEMONS 20 0 6 26 6 13 13 0 6

OPPONENTS Los Alamos 6 Farmington 6 St. Michael's 19 Valley High 6 Albuquerque 7 Las Cruces 12 Las Vegas 6 St. Mary's 20 Highland 19

Mike Gonzales, Seniot

Bill Hathaway, Senior

Ray Crews, Senior

Wayne Clark, Senior

Edward Medina, Senior

Montoya, Senior

Pat Borland, Junior

Bill Mason, Junior


Tony Trujillo, Junior

Donald Sloan, Junior

Jerry Olivas, Junior

Dickie Montoya, Junior

Ernie Coriz, Junior

John Bradford, Junior

Charlie Montoya, Junior

Dickie Sandoval, Junior


DEMONS 39 41 49 42 44 59 33 59 51 50 38 34 50 36 43 45 33 52 51 48 32 42 40 50 ^

OPPONENTS Pojoaque 34 McCurdy 22 U. S. Indian School 41 Las Cruces 51 Silver City 53 Thomas Jefferson 39 St. Michael's 71 Clayton 67 Espanola 27 Las Vegas 42 St. Michael's 32 Artesia 39 Tucumcari 47 Highland 53 North Valley High 45 Roswell 59 Albuquerque 52 Raton 43 Los Alamos 65 Portales 54 Clovis 57 Las Vegas 48 Taos 49 Farmington 69


(.h.irky Moiitoya

Bill Mason

•^>A Dickie Montoya

Donald Sluan

Albert Jcnks

Rudy Macstas

C.arl K.ruger

Stephen Trujillo

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TROMBONES Charles Boatright Ray Reynolds Bob McColm Judy Robinson Paul Moya Peggy Berry

CLARINETS Jimmy Sikes Nancy Seibert Sharon Vander Sys Bill Sauter Douglas Waterman Conrad Young Lois Hall Dorothy Ortiz Darlene Huffaker Cécile Jordan Diane Ragle Judy Richards Jo Ann Rosaker Eilene Trujillo Sandra Nordstrum Margaret Cook Robert Proctor Helen Cornett Judy Horn Cora Sue McLaughlin Rosanne Lucero

1 1 Director

CORNETS Jack Hyatt Phillip Wilson Johnny Dendahl Bill Root Melvin Duran Bobby Felix Jimmie Gail Sanders Alfonso Larroagoite Donald Moya Johnny Curtis Ernest Luna Henry Dominick Phillip Baca Mickey Middleton Horacio Manzanares Edward Igalo Joan Apodaca Lyndel Jennings Frances Barrow Pauline Rivera HORNS Lemalva Holmes Judy Green Pat Davies Sue Hatfield Vianne Johnson Pat Kennedy Rosina Manzanares Juanita Valdez Pat Valdez

BASSES Jimmy Jackson Jimmy Vander Sys Lee Carlson Roger Bybee FLUTES Walter Davies Nancy Mann Deanna Donohoe Mary Florence Connery SAXOPHONES Denny Davies Phillip Martinez Candace Wilson Susan Maeuire Ramona Coriz

BASS CLARINETS Trinidad Chavez Paul Sperry

BASOONS Direen Davies Dianna Fisher Patty Lewis

MAJORETTES Sharon Davies Helen Cornett Ann Gaines Corrine Villalovos Linda Turner Jo Ann Rosaker Patty Lovette Mercedes Gonzales

OBOES David Reinhardt PERCUSSION Richard Henderson Johnny Johnson Donald Manzanares Edward Martinez Ann Gaines

LIBRARIANS Direen Davies Patty Lewis

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BARITONES David Lunt Mary Jo Seibert Marie Charley Joe Montoya



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Clarinet Trio

Trumpet Trio

Woodwind Quintet

Brass Section

Peggy Soloist

Student Director

Front Line




Galloping Basses

La Raspa

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