Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1986

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Abeyta, Kathy: Drama Adams, Caroline: French Club, Junior Class, Who's Who Alarid. Louie: Art, FHA-HERO Alarid. Tina: OEA, VICA Allyn, Gregory; Drama, Art, Rodeo Club

Alvarez, Arthur T.: Art Alvarez, Bobby W.: Amiday, Desira M.: German Club, Ski Club, Softball Anaya, Michelle M.: Art, French Club Anchondo, Evelyn S.: Art, Softball, FHA-Hero

Apodaca, Marcella A.: Band Aragon, Anthony Aragon, Bernadette A.: Band. Mat-Maid Archuleta, Christina Archuleta, Vince: Art, Football, Track, Wrestling

Arkell, Amy Armendariz, Esteban: Art, Football, Wrestling Atchison, Mark: Art Baca, Carlos: Student Council, FHA-HERO. Football Baca. Denise: Art, Honor Roll

Baca, LuAnne: Sophomore Class, Cheerleaders, Who's Who, Band Baca, Madelyn: Tennis Baca, Melissa: Para Manana, Drama, Spectrum Baca, Paul Baca, Ronald: Football, Track

Barela, Christine: Who's Who. FHS- HERO, Band, Art Barela, Deanna Barela, Victoria: Who's Who Baros, Regina: Drama Club, Drama, Chorus Berger, Jim: Honor Society. German Club, Ski Club

Bernal, Joseph Bernal, Josephine Bhakta, Prakash Bigbee. Paul: Art, Cross, Country, Track Bindel, Kimberly: Chorus, Drama, Art, French Club

Blair, Elisa: Swimming, Key Club, Close-Up, Who's Who Blea, Christy: Art, Basketball Bowker, Loretta Brasel. Michael: Football, Golf Brennand, Aimee: Senior Class, Art, Gymnastics

Brito, Renada Broadnax, Troy: Guitar, Basketball Brooks, Joanna Brown, James Brown, Shannon: Mat-Maid, Band. Close-Up, Honor Society

Brown. Sharon: Volleyball, PanAm, Close-Up, Key Club. Para Manana, Student Council Cambron, Dawn: Chorus, Drama, Art. Who's Who Campbell. Hillary: Para Manana, Band, Swimming, Who's Who, Key Club Campos, Paul Carr. Rachael: Soccer. N.H.S., Who's Who

Cde Baca, Maria: FFA Chandler, Tara: Chorus Chavez, David: Basketball, Track, Senior Class Chavez, Diana Chavez, Johnny

Chavez. Peter Chavez, Vicky Christian, Laura Cobb, John: Football, Track, Art Conway, Joseph

Cornell, Cindy: Track. Gymnastics, Honor Society Corriz, Christine: Drama, Track Corriz, Steve Craig, Kenneth Craighead, Donald: FHA-HERO. SADD

Crossman, Rebecca: Russian Club. Key Club Curgus, Marjo: Soccer, Art, Key Club Dalton, Herman Davenport, Dennis: ROTC, Student Council Davis, Donna

Dean, Melissa Deer, Jennifer DeLovato, Pamela: Para Manana Dickinson, Anne: Band, Track, Cross Country Dixon, Steve: Soccer

Dooley, Thomas: ROTC. German Club Dunnum, Jonthan: Soccer, German Club Duquette, Vincent: Band Duran, Monica Duran, Rebecca: Band, Drama, Art

Eddy, Keri: Para Manana, Art Eichelman, Gretchen: Para Manana, German Club Encinias, Albert Encinias, Gilbert Erhart, Jeffery: German Club

Remember when it was "one of those days" and a best friend was there to help you through it? Sometimes just a look at their face or a word of encouragement could make your troubles disappear. This friend was there with you when you finally met that special guy/girl you've been talking to each other about. Though you ignored your friend for a while, as soon as there was trouble with that guy/girl their advice was sought. He/she was there for you after this boy/girl, and through the next. Sometimes it seemed if it wasn't for this type of friendship, you would have never made it through school. This is the year some of us have to say good-bye to our best friends. Though we promise to call and write, we know deep down come May 24 that special relationship may go up in the air along with that graduation cap. Each time it's time to call or write, each other will say it's the others turn; and the only form of communication will slip away. Each of you will make new friends, but deep down you know your new friends could never replace your high school friends.

Farley, Margaret: Choir, Drama,

Track Fernandez, Matthew: Football, Track, Baseball. Speech Finn, Raymond: Art, German

Club Fischer, Monica Flores. Glen

Herman Varos, Becky Madrid, Mia Garcia, and Vince Archuleta say "HEYI" in front of the library.

Ford, Shelle: Para Manana, Choir Franke. Mario: Volleyball, Track Frankalucci, Karol Franzoy, Greg Fuentes, Shaana: Para Manana, Journalism, Mat-Maid

Fukuda, Mika: Drama, People to People Gallegos, Brian: Football-Cocaptain, All district and All state football. Who's Who, Honor Roll, Honor Society Gallegos, Julie: Band, Drama Gallegos, Karen: Para Manana, Drama, Key Club Gallegos, Lynerte

Geralyn Trujillo and Melissa Miller — Friends for life. James Brown and Brian Minogue — "Confidential talk"

We helped each other through

Gallegos. Melissa: Band, Drlllette Gallegos, Michael: Speech, Band. Baseball Gallegos, Paula: FHA-HERO, SADD Gallegos. Shirley: Art, FHAHERO. SADD Garcia, Jennifer

Garcia, Joanna: Band, Pan-Am Garcia. Joanne: FHA-HERO, C SADD Garcia, John: Art, Honor Society, Wrestling Garica, Mark Garcia. Martha: VICA, OEA, Drama

Garcia. Mia: Cheerleader, Track, Gymnastics Garcia, Michael Garcia, Thomas Garduno, Johnny Gaskin, Shannon: Basketball, Track

Giles, Julie: Close-Up, Track, Senior Class, Honor Society Ginocchio, David: Speech, Track, Soccer Gitomer, Michelle Gonzales, Arlene: Pan American Club Gonzales, Mario

Gonzales, Paula: Band, Senior Class Gonzales, Rodney Gonzales, RoseAnn: Choir, Senior Class, Pan-Am Gonzales. Lisa Grace, Michelle: Volleyball

Graham. Scott Greenlee. Cathy: Track, Choir, Cross Country Griego. Anna: OEA Griego, Denice Gurule, Liza: DECA, Choreography

Gyetvai, Hugh: Drama, Track, Soccer, Demon Tatler Haaland, Erik: Band, Track, German Club Haber, Glen Halford. Richard Hamm, Stacie: Para Manana, Drama, Journalism. Senior Class, Gymnastics

Hathaway, Leigh: French Club, Language Arts Club Hendren, Rosalyn: Choir, Drama Henry, Shannon Herrera, Cindie Herrera, Raymond: Wrestling, FHA-HERO

Hill, Allyson: Track, Volleyball, Para Manana, Student Council Hoessler. Loretta: Soccer, Swimming Hogan, Thomas: Drama, Soccer, Key Club Holbrooks, Chad: Soccer, French Club, Para Manana. Drama Holt. David: Art

Howell, Rachell: Guitar, Senior Class Huckabee, David Huckabee. James Hughes, Betsy: Para Manana. Art Isono, Yoko: Exchange Student

Jacquez. Darlene: OEA. Senior Class Jacquez, John: Football, Baseball, Basketball Jacquez. Suzanne: Cheerleader. Senior Class. Art, Track Jaffa, Melissa: DECA, Honor Roll jaramiiio. Barbara: Guitar

Jaramillo, Richard: Football, Baseball, Basketball Jaramillo, William: Football, Track, Wrestling, Baseball Jimenez, Damlan: Football, Track, Wrestling, Baseball Johnson, Lisa: Drama Johnson, Lyle

Brian Minogue, Mike Witt, Paige Connover, and Hillary Cambell are having fun while stuffing the Zozobra Seniors Rock!

Jordan, Nanette: Senior Class, French Club Joseph, Kenneth: Wrestling, Drama, Guitar, Honor SocietyPresident Keil. Mark Kenny, Megan: Senior Class, Drama Kershner, Richard: Gymnastics

King, Paul: Band, Guitar Kirchner, John Koroneos, Renee: Art, FHAHERO. SADD Kramer, Elizabeth: Para Manana, Guitar, FBLA Lawrance, John

Lesch, Daniel: Art Leyba, Eileen: Drama Lithgow, Steve Lopez, John Lopez, Manuel

During the years of 1982-1986 people have been exposed to worldwide events which will mark history. Sally Ride became the first woman to enter space, Carl Lewis won four gold medals in the 1984 Olympic games, and the first artificial heart transplant was a success. At Santa Fe High School changes also occured that the class of 1986 will remember. When this year's seniors entered Santa Fe High the daily schedule included two choices for lunch periods. This policy was meant to offer an easier and quicker way to enjoy this recess. However, the following year this was changed to one lunch hour for the whole school and is still practiced. Other policies have changed over the years too. Recently a more lenient absence policy was altered to one that is more strict. It was changed In hopes to improve student's attendance. The structure of Santa Fe High School has been reformed and modernized. Students now enjoy two amphitheaters as socializing areas. Reconstruction has also been done on various other places around the campus. In 1982 German Club was one of the smallest clubs on campus and at the end of four years it is the largest club at SFHS. A new club was added this year was Russian Club. Other programs such as S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) and the Los Alamos Co. Science Student Program were added as extra curricular activities. Not only did public events like these change but as all people do, the students changed. They grew with the school and now leave it to help other classes grow and mature. LuAnne Baca poses for the camera.

Lopez, Robert: Football, Track, Golf Lopez, Roberta: Journalism, Honor Roll, Art Love, Shaunnae: Student Council, Speech Team Lucero, David: Para Manana, Track, Photography Lucero, Joyce: Choir

Lujan, Lori: Track, Gymnastics. Senior Class Lujan. Louisa: Cross Country, Track, Senior Class Lury, Leann: Student Council Lutz, Terry: Basketball, Track, FBLA Lyons, Jennifer

Mackey. Jerome Madalone, Josh: ROTC, Drama, Student Council Madero. Daniel: Para Manana Madero, Roger Madrid, Rebecca: Track. Band. Girls State. Volleyball

Maestas, Deborah Mansfield, Brandie Martin, Mark: Drama, Art Martinez, Andrew: ROTC, Art Martinez, Annette: OEA

Martinez. Darlene: Guitar, DECA, FBLA. VtCA Martinez, David Martinez, Bizebeth Martinez, Glna: Para Manana. Art Martinez, Mark: Football

Martinez, Melissa Martinez, Patricia: Guitar, Para Manana, FBLA Martinez. Ruby Masters, Tatiana: French Club Mayrant. David

Mays. Terri Mazulis, Michell: Track Mc Donald. Kimberly Mc Evilly, Miranda: Choir, Drama Mc Faul, Kenneth

Medina, Francisco Medrano, Joyce: OEA Medrano, Michael Menke, Jason: Para Manana, Drama, Soccer Mensah, Nyarkoa: Drama

Miller, Melissa: Student Council, Gymnastics, Key Club Minogue, Bryan: Key Club. Drama, Soccer, Baseball Montalbano, Glna: Drama, Art Montano, Albert Montgomery, David: Basketball, Track, German Club

Montoya, Angela: FBLA, Senior Class Montoya, Eddie: Weight lifting Montoya, Gordon Montoya, Jeff: Wrestling Montoya, Julie: Cheerleader, Choir, Track

Montoya, Karen: DECA, Senior Class Montoya, Michelle: Senior Class, Basketball Montoya, Pancho: Basketball, Track Montoya, Patricia: Track, Soccer Montoya, Phillip: French Club. FHA-HERO, OEA

Moore, Mary Jo Morris, Manda: Tennis, French Club, Drama Club Muniz, Dwayne Muniz, Richard Murdock, Fred: Football, Para Manana, Track, Baseball

Nelson, Jennifer. Para Manana. Choir Nelson, Sandra: Band, Art, Track, Soccer Nglrutang, Marvin: Tennis, CloseUp, FBLA. Model UN Nino, Terri Olguin, Lawrence, Golf, FBLA

Ortega, Abel: Basketball, Baseball, Art Ortiz, Angela: FHA-HERO. Class Ortiz, Ben: Gymnastics Ortiz, Charles: Art, Basketball Ortiz, Georgia: FHA-HERO

Mark Lerma shoes off his Camaro. Some of the football players have fun during class.

Rock on 1986

Ortiz. Gerald: Art, Football Ortiz, Mark Ortiz. Sarah: Mat-Maid, SADD. Volleyball Ortiz. Sheila Ortiz, Tina: Softball. FBLA. FHAHERO

Osborn, Lawrence: Track, Baseball. Music L Club Osborn, Kerri: Senior Class, Band, Drama Pacheco, Denise: Drama. Senior Class. Who's Who Padilla, James Palombi. Delisa: Band, Senior Class

Parga, Rudy: Football, Wrestling, Baseball, Honor Society Parks. Susan: Para Manana. Journalism, Choir, Drama Pell, Mike Pena. Margaret: Art. FHA-HERO Perea, Marvin

Hugh Gytvai and Anne Dickinson sit together before class.

The crowd is let into the coliseum at 6 p.m. and by 7:30 the entire arena has been filled by concert goers. At 8 o'clock the house lights are lowered. Lighter flames can be seen every where as rock fans earnestly cheer. An electric guitar can then be heard as the low pitched drone becomes a highpitched shrill, reverberating off the thousands of bodies packed shoulder to shoulder. The full array of a colorful light show brings the band into biggerthan-llfe proportions and the heavy metal gods start to pound out the high energy rock. Most rock acts that came into Albuquerque and Santa Fe during 1985-86 included many sellout concerts by groups like "Motley Crue", "AC/DC," "Accept," "Foreigner," "DIO," "Ratt," "Tina Turner," "UB40," and "Aerosmlth." The class of 1986 will never forget all the concerts that we went to with our friends. The class of 1986 will ROCK ON forever.

Perea, Michelle Perea, Steve Petree. Kyle Phillips. Katharine: Drama, FBLA. Who's Who Pkimmer, Elizabeth: Senior Class. German Club, Close-Up

Poe, Michelle: French Club, Model UN Pogue, Reglna: Band Powers, Patrick: Speech, Drama Quintana, Gene Quintana, Pauline: Art, FHAHERO

Quintana. Yvonne: Mat-Maid, FHA-HERO. SADD Ramirez, Steve Ricklefs, Tim: Journalism, Drama, Demon Tatler, Senior Class Rios, Antonio Rivera, Frank: Speech, Art, Football, Basketball, Track

Rivera, Kenneth Robertson, Darin: Choir, Drama, Art, Basketball, Track Rodgers, Jerusha: Band, French Club, Rag Corps Rodill, Paul Rodriguez. Paul: Football, Track, Basketball

Rodriguez, Paula: Art, Pan-Am., FHA-HERO. SADD Romero, Anna Romero, Cindy: FHA-HERO, SADD Romero, Dana: French Club, Honor Society, Who's-Who Romero, Dennis

Romero, Ernest, Track Romero, Janet: OEA Romero, Jennifer, Softball, PanAm., Senior Class, Student Council Romero, Lee Rommel, Adrienne: Drama, Ski Club. German Club

Homo. Lisa Roybal. Angela: Cheerleader, Art. Gymnastics. Softball Roybal, Brian: Journalism, Gymnastics. Honor Roll Runyan. David Rupp, Janette: Honor Society, German d u b . Ski Club. Drama Club

Saiz, Renee: Mat-Maid, FHA, SADD, Senior Class President Saiz, Vicki: Honor Society, Who'sWho. Journalism, Para Manana Saiz, Vincent: Basketball. Drama, Art, German Club Salazar, Gariine: Choir, Drama, OEA Salazar, Gilbert

Salazar, Jeanette: Choir, Drama, FBLA. Volleyball. Basketball Salazar, Leonard Sanchez, Adelina: Cheerleader, FHA-HERO. SADD Sanchez, Alicia Sanchez, Raymond: Football, Track, Golf. Who's Who, Honor Society

Sanchez, Susan: Choir, Drama, SADD, FHA-HERO, Senior Class Sanders, Larry. Band, Who'sWho Sandling, Camilla: Journalism, Speech, Choir, Band, Art, Volleyball, Pan-Am. Sandmeier. Monica: Volleyball, Junior Class, German Club Sandoval, Arthur Para Manana. Track, Wrestling, Cross-Country. FFA

Sandoval, Charles: Choir, Basketball, Track, Senior Class Sandoval, Paul Sandoval, Rose: FBLA Schwendimann. Paul L.: Key Club President, Drama, Honor Society Scott, Robert: Senior Class, Art, Photography

Scott, Amy: Para Manana, Mat Sena, David Sena, Elaine: Band, Track, FBLA Sena, Mary Sena, Nat

Sena, Theresa: Choreography, SADD Shaull, Tom: Track Shaw, Danica: Band, Drama, Key Club, German Club, Who'sWho, Honor Society Siltala. Lynn: Softball Simmons, Doug

Good-bye We're finally on our way

Freddie Beatty shows off his shades. Malissa Baca: "Classy, don't you think?"

Sisneros. Juno: Band, Basketball, German Club Sluka, Marie: Band, Swimming, Honor Society. Who's-Who Smith, Catherine: Art, Honor Society Sontgerath, Eric: German Club Soveranes, Josephina

Spencer, Emie St. Peter, Tiffany Strever. Creed: Choir, Band, Drama Strickler. Phillip Sullivan. Teresa: Band. DECA, People To People

Tanner, Michelle: Drama, Secretary Drama Club Tapia, Lora: Art, Who's-Who Tapia. Michelle, Art. FBLA Taulbee, Karen: Speech, Band, Drama, Close-Up, Junior Class Thomas, Jody: Cheerleader, Drama, Ski Club, Key Club, German Club, French Club

John enjoys talking between classes with his walkman. Troy Broadnax and Beth Kramer have a serious talk.

Saying good-bye to something that has been a part of our life for the past four years is difficult, but must be done. We the class of 1986, have taken that last step and now face the world of being on our own. Throughout the year most of us looked back at the last three years with mixed emotions. We were glad it was our last year, but the security that S.F.H.S. provided us with was slipping away uncontrolably with great speed. We were thrilled about the responsibility we'd have, but at the same time we questioned our independence. These last nine months went by quickly, but not too quickly, for the class of "86" to be forgotten. When we were told to do our best, we did better, and that's what made us the best class yet! It's now time to say good-bye to S.F.H.S. and all the things it taught us. Good-bye . . . SFHS — We're finally on our way!

Thomas, John: Football, Track Torres, David: Track, Swimming Trimmer, Edward: German Club Ski Club Trujillo. Chris Trujillo. Geralyn: Band, Swimming, Who's-Who. German Club, Model UN, Key d u b

Trujillo, Maria: Soccer. Gymnastics. German Club Trujillo. Maureen: Cheerleader. Art Trujillo, Patrick Trujillo, Ray: Art Trujillo, Ronnie: Art, Football, Who's Who

The Class Of 1986 Song - "Don't You Forget About Me" By Simple Minds Colors - Mauve/Ivory Flower - Sterling Rose

Tucker, Doug: Football Turley. Jay: Band. Drama Valdez, Patricia: Art. FBLA Valdez, Rayline Valdez, Veronica

Van Damme, John: Football. Senior Class Van Ongevalle. Alan VanValkenburgh. Kim: Ski Club Velarde, Joyce Vigil. Jamie

Vigil. Jude: FBLA Vigil, Larry: Art Vigil, Lisa: OEA, Choir Vigil, Matthew Vigil, Robert Art, Football

Motto Friends are friends forever, if the Lord is the Lord of them, and a friend will not say never because the welcome never ends. Though it's hard to let you go in the Father's hands, we know that a life time is not too long to live as friends.

Villegas, Catherine: FHA-HERO. SADD Visarraga, Lisa: Art, OEA Visarraga, Rosemary: Choreography Voyles, Iva: OEA Warren, Marcia: French Club, Honor Roll

Welch, Todd: German Club West, Phaedra: Para Manana, Speech, Spectrum, Drama Wilson. Kelly: Deca Witt. Michael Zlotnick, Jeff: Choir, Drama, Tennis, Soccer, Swimming, Who's-Who

"Lets Hear It For The Boys"

Ronald Baca. Jhon Montano, Mark Martin, Hugh Gyetvai, SF Football Play ers, and Chris Lee can never Forget "1986".

"Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

Renee Salz, Maria Trujillo. Karen Gallegos, Regina Baros, Allyson HHI and. Karri Osborne enjoy their senior year.

Ron enjoys playing different sports. He says, "They help keep me busy and in shape." As a four year member of the Demons football squad, he has gotten considerable experience on the field. Ron sites his most memorable moment in high school as "winning the district championships for the first time in five or six year." Ron admires his parents very much because, he says, "they push me to do my best at anything I do." He plans to attend U.N.M., major in the business or computer field, and eventually own a large corporation.

Miranda McEvilly would tell an incoming freshman, "Question authority!" Miranda admires George Buch. for his talent at being unseen in the public eye. She likes to collect marbles, cook good food, and take care of babies. Miranda, cofounder of the club Cogito, has participated in such sports and activities as, wrestling with her locker door, sharpening eyedroppers, ringing Tibetan bells, and super-gluing coins to desks. Her future goals, Miranda says are, "Who knows! Who knows!"

In college, Stace Anne Ward plans to double-major in journalism and mathematics. After school she would like to become a freelance journalist or an overseas correspondent. She would also like to be a math teacher. Her hobbies are bicycling, playing soccer, reading, dancing, listening to loud music, and playing handball. She says that Drama and Literature By and About Women gave her the most creative freedom during high school. She has participated in French and Russian club, Speech, Cogito, Chess Club, Demon Tatler and Para Manana.

Royal Blues is a tradition at Santa Fe High School. It was instituted, and continues, to give special recognition to talented and industrious students who through individual discipline and achievement have become leaders in our school. Royal Blues provides a tangible reward for excellence and motivates students to contribute to the school community through participation and academic achievement. Each teacher nominated no more than two seniors. Royal Blues is limited to no more than 10% of the senior class of 1986. If more than this number is nominated, selection will be based on highest grade point average in relation to other accomplishments.

Jay Turley would like to be an author, or anything that makes a great deal of money, which comes first. When asked what teacher he will remember the most, Jay replied, "I'll actually remember two, Mr. Snider, whose odd sense of humor made learning easier and Mr. Ben Rael, the absolute "Awesome teacher." His most] memorable moment in high] school was when the SFHS band participated in a demonstration concert in Redlands, California.

Jody Thomas is planning to go to the University of Arizona to major in engineering. She feels honored to be in Royal Blues because, "It recognizes the ordinary people besides the outstanding." Jody has been very involved with school and extra curricular activities including Key Club, German Club, French Club, Honor Society, cheerleading, Jr. Miss, dancing and skiing. She enjoys all of her hobbies but says, "If I could change something about myself, I would change the way I always seem to be doing something, never just relaxing."

Shunnae Love enjoys swimming and raquetball. She feels it is a great form of relaxation and an way to release frustrations. Shunnae's aspirations are to make others happy and to help them conquer any obstacles standing in their way. Shunnae would tell an incoming freshman to always keep a positive attitude toward school and academics. No matter how bad it seems, they should keep trying.

Geralyn Trujillo would someday like to be a foreign diplomat or work in an international coroporation. Her future plans are to attend Georgetown University and major in international relations. Geralyn says her most memorable moment in high school was going to Munich, German. She said she's never had so much funl Contemporary U.S. History was the course that stimulated her the most throughout high school. She has participated in Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, German Club, and Model U.N. She was also a member of the SFHS. Swim Tema.

Danny Trujillo plans to attend Adams State and major in Art Education. He wishes incoming freshman good luck and said, "you will encounter many new problems, learn to deal with them." His most memorable moment in high school was taking second in state wrestling. His hobbies are music, art, and sports. He says he admires his parents because they stuck it out and raised him. Danny has enjoyed band the most during high school. He has participated in the SFHS Band and the wrestling team. Arts and Crafts classes have stimulated him the most.

Jerusha Rodgers aspires to become a meterorologist, and replace Wiiliard Scott on the "Today" show. Jerusha's main hobby is writing. She likes to write short stories and poetry. She also loves to play the flute and talk. Jerusha plans to attend Wayland Baptist University and major in meterology. "I want to go to Wayland because it's small, and it's a Baptist school with high standards." Jerusha would recommend that an incoming freshman, "Get involved in as many organizations you have time for. It makes high school go by faster."

Jamie Vigil plans on becoming a psychiatrist. She wants to attend Colorado University and major in Psychology. Her most memorable moment in high school was being inducted into the National German Honor Society. German was the course that also stimulated her the most. Jamie says she will remember Mr. Pearson the most because she's never known anyone so obsessed with elephants. She has participated in German Club since her freshman year, and she has also been involved in track

Minimum qualifications for nomination are: 1. A regular fourth year high school student in good academic standing. 2. The student must have attended SFHS for at least two years. 3. The student must have a minimum 2.75 grade point average. 4. The student must have exhibited superior achievement over the past four years in the areas of academics, sports and/or organizations. Exambles of senior achievements are: a. In the area of academic achievement the student must have maintained a 3.75 to 4.0 GPA and won special academic honors, such as National Merit etc. b. In the area of sports the student myst be a senior letter person and a dedicated player. c. In the area of organizations the student must have two years continuous participation, have held an office, and provided active leadership through dedicated service in that organization. /7~

Danica Shaw feels that it is an honor to be nominated for the Royal Blues. She hasn't participated in school sports, but in her free time she enjoys skiing and tennis. Danica would like to attend the University of Missouri to go into medicine. She plans on becoming an orthopedic surgeon and has enjoyed Biology AP class the most. Danica hasn't had an experience in high school that has stuck out in her mind but, can't wait for graduation day. Her advice for an incoming freshman, "Work hard, the next step is the real world, have fun and not act too much like a freshman."

Manda describes herself as a fun-loving gal.She finds skiing exhilerating. As a future occupation, she wishes to become a medical specialist because, she says, "I'll have an incredible income and have Wednesdays off." Manda says she'll remember Mr. Christiansen the most because she states, "He's a lot like my father" Manda has participated in many sports including tennis and being a Santa Fe Ski Team member.

Ken's favorite hobby is water skiing. During a water skiing competition in Wisconsin, he took fourth place, and he has participated in several water skiing shows. Ken wants to get that robust, Mr. T. look, back in style again. He considers himself another Harry Houdini because he can get out of difficult situations with teachers. Ken will be the 18th person in his family go go to University of Pennsylvania. Besides water skiing, he enjoys wrestling, drama, and guitar. He is the 1985-86 president of Honor Society. He has also served on two policy forming committees.

Jame's parents influenced him to do well in school so that he could have a promising future. He plans to go to New Mexico State University and major in electrical engineering. He then hopes to get a job at Los Alamos National Lab or a large electrical corporation like Eberline. James was involved in the Close-Up Program and visited Washington, D.C. with the Close-Up group. Mrs. Visic is his favorite teacher because she helped him when he needed it. The class which stimulated James the most was computer.

Marie Sluka is "thrilled" to be in Royal Blues. She feels her nomination came from her academic and athletic achievements. Marie i j on the swim team and has participated in band and Honor Society. Although she is still undecided as to what college she would like to attend! she is interested in biogenetics research. Her favorite] high school courses includi math and science. Marie's most memorable moment in high school waj traveling to Germany with the band. She someday hopes to see the rest of the] world.

Sharon Brown is the Student Council President at Santa Fe High School. She also participated in numerous clubs and played volleyball for four years at Santa Fe High. Sharon's most memorable moment in high school was playing in the 1985 State Volleyball Championship. As Sharon says, "I don't thing that any other moment can compare to that one." Some of Sharon's favorite hobbies are riding horses, playing volleyball, and she especially loves to play the violin. "Playing my violin allows me to express my feelings and get out my frustrations," she says.

After majoring in Wildlife Management at New Mexico State University, Dave wants to learn how to fly a helicopter, so he can work for the Federal Wildlife or Rescue service. Ms. Duval was his favorite teacher because she taught Dave more about himself in one year than any other teacher has throughout his high school years. To keep in good shape, Dave practices Karate, is a brown belt at the present time and hopes to get his black belt in the near future. Riding his ten-speed and ice-skating occupies the rest of Dave's time.

Anne's most memorable moment was in her sophomore year. She placed third in Cross-Country State Meet. Anne admires her mother the most because she is also a runner. Anne would like to attend UC at San Diego and major in Marine Biology. She would rather play on water skies but will settle for a career in Marine biology. Anne has enjoyed her Physics class the most. She has participated in the German and Key Club and is a member of the SFHS Band. In sports Anne has been very active. She has participated in soccer, track, cross-country, and skiing.

Mike admires anyone who has the courage to be an individual and speak out for what he believes. His most memorable moment was being selected a member of the Royal Blues. Mike's hobbies are suto mechanics, welding, fishing, reading, and bike riding. He enjoys them because they don't require the cooperation of anyone else. Mike would tell an incoming freshman to set high but realistic goals and strive to achieve them and to take school seriously. He enjoyed Welding, Physical Science, and Chemistry the most. He participated in SADD and VICA.

Elisa has been a very active high school student. She has been involved in Speech-Team, Junior class, Honor Society, and Girls State; to name a few. She feels that the most important thing for incoming freshmen to do is to "Join clubs and sports and to take your studies seriously." She says she wants to be very happy and successful with whatever she does. Elisa plans to attend the University of Arizona and major in Business Administration and Marketing. Someday she wants to work for a major corporation like Kodak and make lots of money.

Joanna's hobbies include running and dancing. She likes dancing especially because, she says, "I've been dancing for six years and I feel I have a natural talent for it." With all her talent and dancing grace, she still managed to run into a pole her freshman year. The latter she states, was her most embarrassing moment in high school. Joanna values the independent spirit. She says she admires Gloria Steinem because, "She is an individual and stood up for equality between women and men." She also adds, "I like anyone who dares to be different."

Raymond Sanchez enjoys traveling very much and that is probably why he would like to be an ambassador in the future. He plans on attending New Mexico State University and majoring in Foreign Service. Raymond has played football for four seasons and enjoys it because he is very competitive. He has participated in various other activities including Honor Society, track, wrestling. The one thing that Raymond would change about himself is "My height because I feel I am too small to play football in any college."

Band, Student Council, Junior Miss, Junior Class, Model U.N. Wind Ensemble, Jazz Club, Volleyball, and track have kept Becky Madrid busy during her four years in high school. Her most memorable moment was when her flag group won the best unit award at a contest (she was co-captain). Becky's hobbies are volleyball, reading, writing in her journal, driving fast, but most of all music. Music helps her vent her feelings and is a creative outlet. When Becky graduates she plans to attend Georgetown University. She was honored to be selected as a Royal Blue.

Janette Rupp loves to ski because of the great sensation she feels while going down hill. Another one of Janette's hobbies is travel ing. She loves to travel because "It doesn't let life fall into a rut. It is refreshing to see and to do different things." Janette plans on going to the University of Arizona and get a major in Computer Science. Janette would tell an incoming freshman, "Stay calm no matter what happens, because no matter how bad it seems, it will always work itself out in the end.

Michelle would tell an incoming freshman to take stimulating teachers. "Otherwise, by taking easy teachers you're more likely to be bored and cut class." She is active in many clubs, she's a member of Key, Drama, and French Clubs, also the Speech Team and Honor Society. When asked what historical figure could best fit her own self-image she replied, "Mozart because he was a rebel, he was unforgettable whether he was liked or not." Michelle enjoyed European History with Mr. Zern and Sociology with Mrs. Joly. Her aspirations are to be a musician.

Shannon says Santa Fe High School should be given more credit. "It's a great place to get an education, develop friendships, and prepare yourself for the future." She has many hobbies including swimming, aerobics, skiing, and bike riding. These hobbies, she says, "Help me forget all my worries, and they give a good feeling." Shannon feels that the flute has an important role in her life. She has participated in both, regular band and jazz band, and someday aspires to be in an orchestra.

Jeff's most memorable moment was when he first realized that high school was almost over and it would be completely different from there on. He knew that his life would really be starting. For Jeff's future plans he hopes to attend NMSU and major in some type of engineering. When Jeff has spare time he enjoys camping, fishing and motorcycle riding. He likes being outside and leaving any problems behind. Jeff has been a wrestler for Santa Fe for four years. Jeff is honored and very happy to be nominated for Royal Blues.

Desira enjoys many hobbies; hunting, fishing, camping, skiing, writing, flying-just about anything to keep busy and have fun. She says she would love to improve her eyesight so that someday she could fulfill her dream of becoming a pilot. Desira says she admires Barbara Begelspiker and her husband Randy very much. "Barbara is the best teacher a student could ever want and Randy because he is just too cool." Desira is planning to attend USC at San Diego, go to law school, and finally, become a lawyer.

Matthew Vigil's hobbies are running, boating and socializing. He plans to attend UNM and major in Business Administration. Matthew says he is proud to be nominated to such a recognized and honored group as Royal Blues. He would tell an incoming freshman to make the most of the next four years, because they are, "Some of the best!" He also advises freshmen to take advantage of the courses offered at Santa Fe High. His favorite classes have been guitar, biology, and accounting. Accounting was the class that stimulated him the most.

Doug Tucker has enjoyed his four years at Santa Fe High. His favorite classes have been Sports P.E., Driver's Education, and Sociology. His future plans include going to Fresno State in California and majoring in Finance. He also plans to become a Financial analyst. His main hobby is lifting weight because it's a challenge. He says his most memorable teacher was Mr. Zern. Doug has participated in Demon football, three years on varsity, along with one year of basketball.

Maureen would tell an incoming freshman to achieve the most that they can and to enjoy high school because it goes by really fast. She has stayed busy in high school. She's been a varsity cheerleader and also does gymnastics. Being named a varsity cheerleader has been her most memorable moment. Maureen's plans are to attend the College of Santa Fe because it is close to home and to major in Accounting with a minor in Psychology. She enjoyed her psychology, typing, shorthand, and accounting classes the most because the teachers make them fun.

Maggie would tell an incoming freshman that simply by being yourself you are special and unique. Also to remember that knowledge of yourself is the most important wisdom to have. Maggie would like to change one thing about herself and that's a freckle on her pinkie she can't stand. Maggie enjoys singing, acting, reading, swimming, running, thinking, skiing, and collecting dog hair. Her most memorable moment in high school will be May 24, 1986, the day that she will graduate.

Vicki Lynn Saiz has enjoyed her four years at Santa Fe High very much. Vicki plans to go on to college, but hasn't decided where she would like to attend. She enjoys to read a great deal because it broadens her .mind. She also likes to write. Vicki has been involved in the "Demon Tatler." She is one of the co-editors this year. She is very honored to be a part of the elite group Royal Blues. Vicki feels that Royal Blues students are the greatest at our school.

TETTTT^l Frank is planning to attend the Air Force Academy and major in Electrical Engineering. As a future occupation Frank wishes to do something in that field and eventually own his own corporation. He will always remember Mr. Cholewa because of his intelligence. Frank posed with this football, received to honor his selection as a New Mexico player of the week in 1985. Physics has stimulated him very much. The fact that everything involves physics interests him.



David's future plans are to attend a good liberal arts college and major in Social Sciences. As a future occupation he is leaning toward Professional business, Law or maybe even politics. David is one of the starting five on the varsity basketball team. He has played for the SFHS Demons all of his four years at Santa Fe High. David admires Micheal Jordan for his excellent jumping ability. David has enjoyed Contemporary U.S. History the most.

After her senior year, Rachelle hopes to go to Australia as a foreign exchange student. Rachelle admires people who accomplish the goals which they set for themselves. The guitar has been an important part of her life for the last seven years. She plans to attend Baylor and study geology so she can be a geologist in a petroleum company. Rachelle has been in the National Honor Society, French Club, and Ski Club. Rachelle mostly enjoys high school and looks forward to a very prosperous life. Rachelle likes Sally Ride as a role model because she achieved the goals she set out for.

David is most likely known for his high grade standards. But besides all his schoolwork, David still finds time for swimming, tennis, track, and skiing. These keep him in great shape. He has been a member of the track, swimming, and tennis teams at Santa Fe High. David feels he would tell an incoming freshman to apply himself to school, but also get involved in other activities. David has enjoyed his chemistry class with Mrs. Najjar and geometry with Mr. Christenson. These classes were tough and challenging. He will always remember Ms. Foster, the most.

Marcia enjoys to sketch and listen to all kinds of music (except Western) because they help her to get in touch with herself and her emotions. Marcia admires her father and Mr. Esquibel. Her father for his infinite amount of love and patience, and Mr. Esquibel for his constant smile and great understanding. Both have helped her grow up. Marcia would like to be in entertainment, a behindthe-scenes creative consultant. She hopes to attend college at USC, Loyola Marymount or Colorado College. She will always remember Ms. McCrary as a great friend and teacher.

Melissa is an aspiring gymnast. Her future plans reflect a different area of interest, "I would like to work for N.A.S.A. in the summer and be a G.O. for Club Med, in the winter," she says. The reason is that she "gets along well with others," and is "involved in many activities." She would advise a freshman to "develop good study habits and get involved in school." Looking at her list of activities, one would say she is qualified to give this advice. She has been involved in Close-Up, German Club. Key Club, Honor Society and many others.

"I'm now Royally Blue. Talk about high school. Well, it took four years. That's about average. I came here knowing a dozen people well, and I'll leave with many important friends. That's pretty normal. School was school, but the weekends were my time. They saw me through like everybody else. I guess the parties were okay, too, lots of clubs and even a sport of two. Like N.H.S.. Key Club-Pres.. Close-Up, Model UN, Speech and Debate, Baseball, Cogito and Drama."


Lora Tapia is very interested in the medical field and plans on being a doctor. She'd like to start her own practice. She would like to get her degree from UNM. She feels honored to be a part of the Royal Blues and owes her nomination to her good grades through high school. Loving the outdoors, Lara enjoys biking and swimming. She enjoys being outside, enjoying the fresh air. Lora's most memorable moment was during her junior year at the Junior-Senior Prom. She was heard saying, "I had a blast!" Lora will mostly remember Mr. Tafoya. He made math fun for her.

The band trips to Hawaii, California and Germany will stand out in Holly's memory when she thinks about her years at Santa Fe High School. Holly listens to classical music and especially Mozart. Her flute is the center point of her activities. In the future she hopes to be a professional musician or be in the foreign service. Holly would like to attend Scripps College in California and major in either International Relations, Foreign Languages or Music. Holly would tell an incoming freshman to have fun and always have a positibe attitude. "It makes life easier."

LuAnne's hobbies include: viewing old movies, gourment cooking, and watching sports. Her most memorable moment was when she saw her name on the list of varsity cheerleaders. "I have wanted to be a Demon cheerleader since I was six years old." LuAnne says. She is now a veteran of the Demon cheerleaders participating in freshman, JV and two years on the varsity squad. LuAnne plans to attend Christian Brothers College in Tennesse and major in business. Her goal is to become a security analyst and own a brokerage firm.

Esteban admires the people who are predicted as underdogs and they pull through. His aspirations are to be happy at whatever he does and someday own a red Alfa Romeo. Esteban enjoys many sports, drawing, and his weekends because they are fun, and he makes the best of them. He has been a member of the Demon football team and the wrestling team at Santa Fe High. His most memorable moments are the class camping trips. The graduating class had had one since they were freshmen.

Paul is best known for his love of cars. Most kids will remember his white 4x4 truck with the KC headlights on the top. He loved to go four wheeling on the Power Line roads off of Old Santa Fe trail. He also enjoyed skiing. Paul is a good skiier and loves to go fast. It's much more exciting than just poling down the slopes. Paul didn't participate in sports in high school, but was a member of Honor Society, HERO, and SADD. Paul was likely nominated for his high grades. Paul would tell incoming freshmen to have a good time but don't forget about schoolwork.

Patriotic is probably the best word to describe Terry Lutz. He has already enlisted in the army and wants to become a Military Police Officer. Terry wants to go to Ohio State and study criminal justice. His favorite classes in high school have been his history courses because he believes "By studying the past we can improve our future." His most memorable experience was being elected president of FBLA. Other activities which Terry participated in are: Civil Air Patrol, Student to Student(peer counseling), Student Council, basketball, and track.

"Hey doll, is this yearbook boring you? Who don't you come over here and read about me? My name is Tati, and I would describe myself as everything you think I'm not. I like some people, ideas, freedom, arguments, and men with long fingernails. i don't like some people, repression, polyester, or cute girls. My heroes are Margaret Sanger and Albert Einstein. When I pick a career, I'll probably be either a rich man's mistress or a noble prize-winning scientist. Either way, I'll enjoy my work. My ultimate goal is to ask all the questions and find all the answers. Keep the faith, baby .

Gretchen believes an incoming freshman should make the most of high school, and to take advantage of the different courses offered and have fun. Gretchen enjoys photography and shooting. Regardless of the weather Gretchen enjoys playing Ultimate during lunch with friends. Of all her teachers, Gretchen will remember Mrs. Foster because she has encouraged her to persue the field of science. She's enjoyed English along with Annual and Business Law. Gretchen has participated in German Club, 4-H. and Church Choir. .;

Darlene plans to go to Highlands University and major in Business Administration. Her favorite hobby is photography because it captures memories which will last a lifetime. Mr. Wilson was Darlene's favorite teacher because "he helps students find jobs, giving advice when needed, and is willing to help others." She enjoyed U.S. History with Mr. Mutz the most because it was an open discussion class. Being with people inspires Darlene to go into Business Administration.

J3 Dawn would like to be more serious about disciplining her mind. She feels she enjoys her freedom of thought a little too much. Her hobbies are hiking, riding horses, traveling, chopping wood, building houses, watching sunsets, reading, and all other simplistic cimplicities of life. Dawn enjoys mostly ballet because it has given her much fulfillment of her spiritual self. Dawn will take this next year off to travel with her parents. She'd like some kind of profession in the Fine Arts. Dawn will always remember Mr. Ben Rael who has given her such an inspiration, understanding Studies in Literature class.

A well known student at Santa Fe High, Brian Gregory Gallegos, wants to enjoy life to the fullest. From his high school years he ahs a great deal to remember from being a member of the Demon football team. His most memorable moment was scoring the winning touchdown against Albuquerque High. Brian likes to have a good time, but is sensitive and has plenty of time for his family. Brian admires God the most. When asked what he would tell an incoming freshman he said, "To stress their academics to the utmqst and place everything else secondary."

Michelle Tanner enjoys staying busy. Throughout her high school years, she has participated in many activities such as Close-up, Key Club, Junior Miss, and the play, "Bye-Bye Birdie." In her spare time, Michelle likes to read books about the Mafia, water-ski, and dance. Michelle's ultimate goal is to become the world's greatest lawyer, hoping to prosecute cases against the Mafia. Michelle would tell an incoming freshman to get involved and try to be a part of many different clubs and activities. It helps them to meet people!

Maria Alexandra Trujillo's hobbies include crosscountry skiing, jogging, soccer, working out, and drawing. She feels that Royal Blues is an honor. Maria plans to attend UNM. The teacher she will remember most "would have to be Mr. Pearson, because I've had him for four years." "He's really a great teacher and I've learned a lot from him." Maria poses with a soccer ball because she had a great year in soccer. She has participated in gymnastics and soccer. She has been in the German Club for four years and is now the president.

Sandra E. Nelson's aspirations are simple to play soccer as long as possible, and to the best of her ability- • Sandra's hobbies are bicycling, backpacking, and horseback riding. Mainly, just anything that will give her exercise. Sandra hopes to attend the University of Northern Colorado. While there, Sandra can play soccer, and major in sports medicine. Sandra would tell an incoming freshman, "Do the best you can your freshman year. It makes things easier in later years."

Jonathan's hobbies are soccer, frisbee, his convertable Karmon Ghia (66), and music. His aspirations are to play in a world cup soccer match and to travel all over the world and learn as many languages as possible. Jonathan hopes to major in Marine Biology at Scripps near San Diego. Jonathan thinks it's great being named a Royal Blue because it gives the underclassmen an idea of what they're supposed to turn out like. His German class has stimulated him the most. He's stuck with that class through good and bad for the last three years and for the most part enjoyed ft.

Prakash's hobbies are coin collecting and observing the stars. Collecting coins gives him an insight Into each country. He also likes to play chess and other intellectual board games. Prakash would like to major in Astronomy, Computer Sciences or Aero Space Engineering. He plans to attend UNM. He chose these majors because he hopes to design something that will help mankind in the future. Prakash has participated in the LASSP program in Los Alamos.

Mario will always remember playing in the state final volleyball tournament against West Mesa her senior year. It was the highest feeling possible during her last season in volleyball. Besides volleyball Mario likes to ride her bike. Mario tries to develop good relationships with people around her. Women in Literature and Studies in Lieterature have stimulated her the most because it introduced her to the world of literature which is like a bottomless pit of entertainment.

Eric Songerath plans on attending a college in the state of California, even though he hasn't chosen one yet. In the immediate future he wants to tour Europe, especially Germany. He has been studying German for three years and enjoys it a great deal; he chose German because his parents are German. Eric also likes to play the guitar. He also believes in the saying, "Eat, drink, and be merry." For a career, Eric is thinking about Law Enforcement.

Mika's aspirations are to discover and to never stop discovering. She enjoys reading, dancing, thinking, running, showersinging, people, discovering, drawing, absorbing music, and whenever possible walking barefoot in the sand. Mika hopes to major in Liberal Arts. She would like to follow in the footsteps of Inspector 12. Mika has participated in Drama, Student Council, Honor Society, Cogito, French and Language Arts Club.

Rudy is interested in Biological Sciences. He wishes to become a doctor in laser surgery. He plans to attend Amherst College and take Pre-med courses. Rudy feels that his Biology II AP course has stimulated his curiosity in the biological sciences. God is the person Rudy admires the most. Rudy will remember Mrs. Osborne because of the love she showed towards her students. Relaxing and having a good time are Rudy's most favorite hobbies. As a future aspiration he wants to be content and at peace with himself. / N

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U.S. Senate

Youth Program The United States Senate Youth program originated in 1962 when the Senate voted to endorse a nationwide youth program to bring students to our nation's capitol for an introduction to our federal government. Becky Madrid represented our school this year. Becky met many interesting people while on her trip. She met many of the important people in Washington. Jeff Bingamen presented Becky with her award. From our state Becky and Kevin Tan from Los Alamos represented New Mexico.

Hugh O'Brien Hugh O'Brien is an award given to sophomores who show excellent abilities in leadership. This year our winner is Paul Armstrong, and our runner-up is Annie Rojas. Annie will also be allowed to attend the state meeting because Sierra Vista did not turn in a name. In order to receive this award a sophomore must be nominated by their English teacher. Then there is an application and an essay, these are reviewed and then a panel of judges ho;ds an interview on current events for the remainder of the applicants.

Voices Of Democracy Senior Jay Turley is Santa Fe High's representative in the "Voices of Democracy" scholarship program. This award is held on local, state, and national levels. It is sponsored by the Veterans of Foregn Wars and it's Ladies Auxiliary. The Broadcast Script Writing Scholarship program gives scholarships to students who show excellent speech-writing ability. Jay had to apply for the scholarship and write an essay as well as giving a speech. He did very well on local level and now goes on to the state level.

Daughters Of The American Revolution Stacey Ward is the recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution Award. This award is given to a student who has done a commendable job in their studies area. This award is given on three different levels which are local, statewide, and nationals. Stacey was chosen by a committee made up of counselors and administrators of our school. She has won on the local level so she will compete in the state then hopefully she will go to the nationals.

National Merit Scholarship Program The National Merit Scholarship program has two semi-finalists this year. They are Jay Turley and Tatiana Masters. These two students were selected from a group of students who take the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Student Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.) Each year, this program offers outstanding students to earn scholarships for college. The score they received on their tests qualified them to earn the scholarships offered.

Century III Leaders Program

Bausch & Lomb Science Award

Becky Madrid is this year's winner of the Century III Leader Program. Becky took a current events test on local, national, and worldwide events. Becky was the highest scorer at Santa Fe High. Becky then went state wide with her results, but is only representing our school. Century HI offers national scholarships to many colleges in our nation. But Becky is not dismayed, she has another scholarship to help her through school.

The Bausch and Lomb science award is offered to juniors and seniors involved in science classes. This years winners are Charles Soosen, junior, and Tatiana Masters, Senior. This award recognizes the student who has attained the highest scholastic standing in science. Winners are eligible for four-year scholarship at the University of Rochester. Bausch and Lomb is a manufacturer of vision care and biomedical products and services, and precision optical devices.

PERFECTION AT ITS BEST Throughout the four years of high school, these two students have maintained a grade point average of 4.0. They have achieved excellence in their school work and in their extra-curricular activities. David Torres likes the field of science the most. He's taken AP Chemistry and Biology as well as participated in the annual Science Fair held for the state. David is a member of the Swim and Track team. He's been known to read novels while on his way to a track meet. Our other 4.0 student is Stacey Ward. Stacey feels that the "A's" aren't important to her, it's the idea of going to class and learning something new every day. She says, "They just happen because of the work I put in." Some nights she stays up until one or two in the morning finishing her work. In her spare time she is the Co-Editor of the DEMON TATLER and a member of the Speech Team. The Russian, French, and the new Cogito Club are also among Stacey*s activities. Outside of school she hikes and rides her bike. A habit of working hard is paying off for Stacey. She's got discipline and a great deal of stamina to do well in the future.

David Torres 4.0

Stacey Ward 4.0


Boys and Girls State is a leadership conference sponsored by the American Legion. This program is open to juniors who are interested in government. The meets are held in the summer before their senior year and they hold mock governments. In order to be a stater, one must fill out an application, then they try out in front of a panel of judges. The try-outs consist of a speech, singing a song, and answering questions on current events. While the interview is going on the judges will spray the applicant with water and take their note cards. This is done to see if the applicant can keep their composure. "It's an experience I'll never forget!" stated Elisa Blair.

Pictured Above left- Jeff Zlotnick, Mike Witt, Paul Schwendimann. Above right- John Thomas, Gogi Hoessler, David Montgomery. Left top to bottom- Becky Madrid, Elisa Blair, and Melissa Miller.

Exchange ^ ^ H Students Rock At SFHS CATALINA CABRERA Catalina, foreign exchange student from Equador, came to New Mexico to be with her uncle and to "share experiences of daily life with Americans."

BENOIT DECHAMPS (opposite page upper left) Benoit feels that teachers are more friendly at SFHS than in his home country. Friends who were foreign exchange students encouraged him to learn about the American culture. Benoit is in Drama, French, and German Clubs. He believes that more Europeans and Americans need to know each other better.

YOKO ISONO Yoko Isono enjoys the U.S. a great deal. She feels like she has more freedom here than in Japan. Yoko is studying her English while she is a student at SFHS. She is a member of the International Club.

ANGELINA KASHANI From Norway, Angelina came to the U.S. because she thought it would be a good experience. She is in the International Club, Pan-Am, and Close-Up. Angelina likes it at SFHS, but misses her family back in Norway.

CHIKAKO KITAGWA Chikako came to the U.S. to improve her English and to learn something different to help her with her future. She feels being an exchange student is a good experience.

MANUEL MARTINEZ Manuel has been described as a wild and crazy guy by many of his new friends at SFHS. Manuel believes there are more things to do in Spain than here.

ALEXANDER MEINING (upper left) Alexander is from Germany. The biggest difference between SFHS and his previous school is that in Germany, Alexander was not allowed to choose the schedules he wanted. He is in the German, International, and Russian Clubs. M A R V I N J E M O L N G I R U T A N G ( b o t t o m right) Marvin is well known at SFHS. He's attended school here for two consecutive years. He's received his whole education in the U.S., instead of his home country Palau. His parents wanted him to get his education in the U.S. where there are more opportunities. Marvin lives with his aunt who also came from Palau. A N K E RETTBERG ( o p p o s i t e page t o p right) Another active foreign exchange student, Anke, from Germany is enjoying her stay in Santa Fe. Both her brothers were exchange students in Sante Fe and that's what inspired her to come here as well. She also wanted to experience a new culture and to improve her English. Anke is in the German and French Clubs and is Secretary of the International Club. C A M I L L A S A N D L I N G (middle right) The most involved foreign exchange student at Santa Fe High is Camilla from Sweden. She is President of the International Club, Vice-President of Pan-Am, and she is in Drama, FBLA, Junior Miss, Close-Up, and the German Club. Her Swedish school is different from here. There are only two major tests for the semester, less competition among students, students are older, and there is more independent study.

Back row. Left to Right- Manuel Martinez. Jack Kozza, Marvin Ngirutang. Benoit Dechamps. Alexander Meining, Middle row- Catalina Cabrea. Chikako Kitagwa, Yoko Isono. Yuphin Sonsuan, Front rowCamilla Sandling, Angelina Kashani. Anke Rettburg

SANTA FE HIGH STUDENTS SANTA FE HIGH ENJOYS THE FIESTA In September of 1985 the City of Santa Fe celebrated its 273rd Fiesta. Fiesta takes place annually because of a promise Don Diego De Vargas made to La Conquistadora, saying, that if he could re-conquer Santa Fe in a peaceful way, there would be a Fiesta every year to honor this peaceful reconquest. Fiesta is not only a time to celebrate with dance, food and song, but also a time to attend religious activities honoring La Conquistadora. Fiestas officially begins with El Pregun de la Fiesta, (a reading of documents to remember why we celebrate Fiestas) and De Vargas Mass. At noon on Friday the official opening ceremony takes place and is followed, at dusk, with the burning of Zozobra. Saturday, the 2nd day of the celebration, starts with the Childrens and Pet Parade. Throughout the day and weekend people enjoy continuous plaza entertainment. Later in the day the De Vargas Entrada is staged, (Historical reanactment) the evening brings El Gran Baile de las Fiestas At Sweeney Convention Center. Sunday the final day of the historical celebration begins with the Solemn Procession to the Cathedral, the Fiesta Mass and more plaza entertainment. The annual Historical General Parade takes place in the afternoon. Following the parade, comes the final review with La Reina, her court, Don Diego De Vargas and his staff. Fiestas comes to an end after the review, but the religious activity that ends it all is the Mass of Thanksgiving accompanied by the procession to the Cross of the Martyrs. Santa Fe High School Students came back to school looking forward to Fiestas. School starts early and Santa Fe High School Students are ready to have fun. The Fiesta Council and Staff took time out from their busy schedule to help get Santa Fe High Students in Fiesta Spirits. Many students who helped prepare for Fiesta were acknowledged in the traditional Fiesta assembly, September 6,1985. After, La Reina, her court, Don Diego and Los Conquistadors were introduced, students and teachers danced as the Mariachl band played. The Fiesta assembly ended in a festive note and our students left in a "Viva La Fiesta" mood. Top: Before and after Zozobra. Center left: Missy Taylor and Christina Larranaga have fun dancing with a member of the court Center Students participate during the assembly. Bottom: Students enjoying the mariachl band.


Top left: Sharon Brown presents roses to La Reina. Top right: Mariachi band perform at

SFHS Below: Fiesta court marches through the gym to liven up the crowd. Bottom right: Seniors show their spirit.

LUNCH TIME ACTIVITIES AT Lunch time at SFHS is usually the highlight of the day. Students have an hour to do a variety of things, but eating is the number one choice. Everyone meets near the stairs by the library, decides where to go or what to do, then the plans are executed quickly. Pictured to the right are the stairs by the library before and after plans are made. As you can see from the pictures, a majority of the students leave campus for lunch. The others bring their lunch and eat on the stairs if it's warm, or they go to the school cafeteria where they can eat hot lunches. While on campus students can go to club meetings catch up on home work or just relax and visit with their friends. As the lunch hour comes to a close, students wait until the last possible moment before heading back to their classes. Students who are off campus rush back to meet the 12:15 p.m. deadline. At 12:10 p.m. administrators get everyone off the stairs. A few stragglers run hastily to class ending yet another lunch break at the high school.

GOING OFF CAMPUS may be no more next year if the school board decides on a closed campus. Hopefully the students, teacher's and administrators cries of "no" we will be heard. The students feel the decision is a bad one, because they need the break. On this page are pictures of favorite off-campus hang-outs. Uncomfortably crammed into cars, students wait in line at the drive thru. They then drive off to Carlos Rey park to play frisbee, soccer or just stretch out in the grass. Some students prefer to stay at the restaurant rather than go somewhere else to eat. The Villa Linda Mall recently has been added to the list of lunch time places to frequent.

AND AROUND SANTA FE HIGH ATTENDING MEETINGS are activities at lunch that keep students on campus. A few of the "lunch time" clubs are German club, Drama club, and even yearbook editors spend time during lunch going over activity business. The meetings are not all serious; a little fun goes with each meeting. Club fund raisers are also a lunch-time activity. Bake sales, frito pie sales, pretzel sales, ice cream sales and others keep students busy, either buying or selling. The meetings provide something to do on lunch break and are a fun way to spend time.

STAYING ON CAMPUS A regular group of students stay on campus eating their sack lunches or eating in the cafeteria. Many of these students eat on the stairs, but when it gets chilly, everyone invades the Fine Arts Building. Some students prefer to face the lines in the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat before heading back to the stairs (by the library) to meet friends. After everyone is finished eating, a game of hacky sack or soccer is started or homework is finished quickly for 5th hour. It is a little more peaceful on campus during the lunch hour and the students who stay realize it. It gives them time to relax and have some fun that is well deserved.

UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS FOR On November 8, at the Santa Fe High Homecoming assembly three beautiful seniors waited in anticipation to find out who would be named Santa Fe High's 1985-86 Homecoming queen. Students piled into Toby Roybal gym along with parents of the reigning court. Great credit is due to the sophomore class for a great decorating job. The band played a few songs to get people in the mood for the festivities soon to take place. As the lights dimmed, the freshman girls were escorted to the platform. Representing the freshman class were Darla Ortiz and Sarah Chapman. The lucky candidates who won as attendants for the sophomore class were Tricia Lopez and Michelle Dominick. Nervousness set in for the three senior girls who now had a very short time to see who would be walking down the red carpet as Santa Fe High's new Homecoming Queen. The junior attendants were announced and Lori Sanchez and Margie Quintana walked proudly down the runway with much applause from the on-lookers. Finally it was all coming to an end. Who would be Queen? Lisa Dennis, Renee Saiz, or Shunnae Love? Many of the parents and students thought they all deserved to be queen, but only one would be chosen. Steve Stucker from Q106 announced "Lisa Dennis," Only two girls left, "Shunnae Love" came over the speakers. Finally everyone came to their feet as the announcer blasted over the microphone, "Renee Saiz, 1985-86 Homecoming Queen." The cape and crown were handed over to Renee by Amy Koch the '84-85 queen. Renee, escorted by Brian Gallegos, walked happily to her throne as everyone cheered her on.

Lisa Dennis and Shunnae Love. Senior Attendants Homecoming Queen Renee Saiz.


Top- the queen and her r o y a l c o u r i and their escorts Bottom left: Sara Chapman and Darla Ortiz, freshmen attendants Middle: Michelle Domlnick and Tricia Lopez, sophomore attendants Bottom right: Margie Ouintana and Lori Sanchez, junior attendants


Far Right: Math Department with their winning float. Right: Shunnae Love escorted by her father. Below: Lisa Dennis swept away by Rick Jaramillo. Below Right: Varsity's hard hitting offense. Bottom: SADD gets point across.

HOMECOMING A REALITY Homecoming started for some people weeks before the rest of us were wondering who the queen was. For the sophomore class it started with plans for the best decorated gym ever. The Student Council spent time raising money for the dance, and all the clubs that participated in the parade were getting prepared. And of course, all the hopeful queen candidates were soliciting signatures. Finally November 8th came. Last minute preparations were made on the homecoming floats. The sophomore class decorated the gym and Student Council came through with a dance. With the homecoming court previously announced, the whole student body was anxiously awaiting the announcement of which senior attendant would become queen. The gym was full with students in a "Lunar Luau mood". As Master of Ceremonies, Steve Stucker from Q-106 radio station introduced each attendant. Finally the big announcement was made: Renee Saiz was the Homecoming Queen! She was escorted down the spot lighted runway by one of the members of the football team. Students were dismissed for lunch following the entertainment provided by the SFHS Jazz Band. Following a 5th period check-in, students were dismissed to watch the Homecoming parade. Many clubs participated but the winners were the math department for the humorous category, the DECA Club at SFTS won the beauty category, and our newly formed SADD Club won the originality title. As the parade ended, plans were made with friends for the big game and the dance. The crowd turn out for the game was phenomenal. With the enthusiastic fans backing the Demons, they were able to beat the Los Alamos Hilltoppers by a score of 20-0. The top scorer of the game was Rick Jaramillo. who made two touchdowns and a conversion in the 1st and 2nd quarters. Rudy Parga followed with a touchdown in the fourth. Winning this game pushed the Demons up to be the District Champs. As the crowd departed, earlier plans were executed. Some students went for pizza, some to a few parties, and the rest went to the dance! Top: DECA with their beauty catagory winning float Center Left: Margaret Ouintana escorted by Ronnie Trujillo Center Right: Steve Stucker Master of Ceremonies Center Bottom: Roxanne and Debbie entertain the student body


Top Left: Anna Valdez attempts to ski. Top Right: John Repa smiles for the camera. Middle: SFHS students show school spirit? Below: Key club members take stuffing Zozobra very seriously. Bottom Right: French club members play tag football at picnic.

Students at SFHS start their busy weekend at 3:10 every Friday afternoon. Everyone rushes to get out of the school parking lot or catch their bus home. Friends call friends to make plans for the weekend. On Friday night there are different things to do. Some enjoy cheering for the Demon's football and basketball games or other sports in season. After the game students go out with friends to have a good time. Some go out to Godfather's for pizza; others get together at a friend's house. You can always see people driving around downtown, or hanging out at McDonald's or Haagen-Dazs. There are always people playing video games at Villa Linda Mall or catching a late movie. During the weekend some students have jobs to go to and many more just kick back, go shopping or watch TV. Sunday people sleep late and get ready for the next school day.

THEMSELVES ON THE WEEKEND Top: "Look kids. I don't want you throwing this stuff around." Left Center: Students take time out to pose for a picture at a toga party. Right Center: A look of disappointment during an anxious moment. Far Left: Key Club members have fun stuffing Zozobra. Bottom Right: Leslie Viera sizes things up. Bottom: Roger Madero and Anthony Martinez enjoy lunch.


Following rules can be one of the hardest things to do in school and in life. The Handbook of Do's and Don'ts will help you (hopefully) to keep these and other rules in mind. The smoking policy started this year. Security guards and administration are strict in carrying out this rule to its fullest extent. Last year, and in previous years, students were allowed to smoke at smokers wall near G-building and outside home economics. This year if a student is caught smoking, a three day suspension is the consequence. Display of affection is not allowed. It is probably the most broken and hard to keep rule. Year round you may see many students showing affection! After having a long morning, students are usually starving by lunch and ready to take a nap. Maybe that's why ditching is a hard rule for some students to follow. SFHS students have hard time following rules made by parents and administrators, but then again, rules will follow us in our adult lives.

Top left: Leo Lovato shows affection to his friend. Top right: Able Ortega sneaks a bite before the teacher notices. Above: Ken Joseph watches girls go by while Rudy Parga stares into space. Bottom left: Phillip attempts to balance on bike.


Top left: Student relaxes during class. Top right: Nathan Duran, taking a smoke between classes a definite don't. Bottom left: Daniel Madero cruises on his bike around campus. Above: Student shows enthusiasm during class. Center right: Joe, you shouldn't be ditching. Bottom right: Josh Ripple and John Reppa playfully tangle with each other.

MADWOMAN OF CHAILLOT Santa Fe High School Drama Department presented Giradoux's "The Madwoman of Chaillot" on November 22, 23, and 24th. The play is set in Paris sometime early in the spring. It is a tale of viscious, greedy men coming up against the street people of Paris in a fight for the return of the beauty and freedom of the world. In a time when jugglers and deafmutes mingle in a cafe with presidents, barons, and accountants, a madwoman discovers that the whole welfare of her city is threatened. Oil has been discovered beneath the streets of Paris by the Prospector (Paul Schwendimann). He tells his discovery to the President (Daren Robertson) and the Baron (Jay Turley). The broker (Carlo Vogel) recites the pleasure of the stock market, and all the men became so incensed with greed they agree to blow up Paris if necessary to get to the oil. The strange street people who frequent the cafe discover the plot and band together to decide a way to save their city and bring joy back into the world. The Ragpicker (Britt Herring) tells the Madwoman of Chaillot (Jassica Cavalli) of the peril. She, with the help of the waiter (Jason Menke), the Street Singer (Phaedra West), the Flower Girl (Andrea Montalbano), the DeafMute (John Alejandro), Irma (Camilla Sandling), the Shoelace Peddler (Jesse Jenson), the Street Juggler (Mark Garcia), Dr. Jardin (Jill Miller), the Doorman (Eric Shultz). the Policeman (Burton Heiss), Pierre (Benoit DeChamps), and the Seargent (Mike Witt) determine a plan! Countess Aurelia (the Madwoman) meets with the three other Madwomen of Paris, Mme. Constance (Kelly Carlisle), Mmme. Gabrielle, (Julie Jasper), and Mmme. Josephine (Tiffany St. Peter), to discuss a trial to decide the fate of the greedy men. The Ragpicker acts ad the President in the trial. The verdict is guilty and all the guilty are sent to the bowels of Paris forever gaurded by the Sewer-man (Orion Landau). Joy is returned to the world and everyone gives each other Almond Bars. Rounding out the cast were Dianna Stanley, Hope McCarty, Derek Burton, Lucas Paz and Peggy Lyle.

Left: The Ragpicker (Britt Herring) acting as the President during the trial.

Right: The Madwoman of Chaillot (Jessica Cavalli) sadly dreams about her long lost boyfriend, Adolph Bertau.

Left: Madame Josephine (Tiffany St. Peter) plans out the upcoming trial.

Right: The Sewer-man (Orion Landau) tells of the dangers lurking in the sewer.


Top left, from left to right: Prospector # 2 (Eric Shultz). Prospector # 1 (Paul Schwendimann) and the Broker (Carlo Vogel) sample the water of Paris. Top right: Camilla Sandling (Irma) applying makeup on Paul Schwendimann (Prospector #1). Middle left: The Baron (Jay Turley) enjoys his cigar as he decides over some very important money matters. Center: The President (Daron Robertson) thinks about the plan to blow up the city of Paris. Lower left: The cast rejoices over the conviction of the criminals. Lower right: The waiter (Jason Menke) tells the Madwoman of Chaillot (Jessica Cavalli) about the criminal's evil plans.



The Drama Department at SFHS is a very active one. The members have participated in many different events. One of the biggest events that takes place annually is a Drama Festival. This festival is held in Albuquerque at UNM. Different high schools from New Mexico go to Albuquerque to attend workshops that apply to all aspects of theater. In between these workshops all the students join in Rody Theater (on the UNM campus) to watch one act plays that each school prepares on their own time for the festival. In addition, after each play has finished the cast is publicly criticized by local critics. This helps the young actors to grow and improve. This year Santa Fe High did a "Theater of the Absurd" play called "Picnic on the Battlefield" by Fernando Arrabals. The play is in fact a story of a family meeting their son on the battlefield to have a picnic. The cast consisted of Carlo Vogel, Britt Herring, Daren Robertson, Mika Fukuda, Jason Heyman, and Diane Stanley. It was directed by Diane Keyson (SFHS's drama teacher). SFHS can be very proud of these students for their performance. After which the critics praised them for and even cried.

DRAMA TECHNOLOGY | STUDIED AND PRACTICED The Drama I classes of Ms. Liz Ethelbah study four concentrated areas: technical drama, drama as literature, drama as a performing art, and producing the drama. Technical drama includes the basic principals of make-up, lighting, stagecraft, and costuming. Drama as literature exposes the student to character, plot, and, exposition. The student not only studies the play, but is introduced to the terms and basic meaning of the play. Drama as a performing art deals with the basic concepts of the interpretations of a character and motives of the playwrite. Producing the drama is an ultimate goal for the student. This unit introduces the student to basic theatre terms, stage direction, and stage articulation. This unit encompasses all of the other four catagories of Drama. Activities in drama include oral interpretation, memorized monologues, improvisations, pantomine, mime, duo drama, and one act plays.

Far left: Felicia Cordova and Rachel Cohen perform scenes Uom-The Children's Hour. Student director, Nicole Curtis. Upper left: Ted Stenzhom does a scene from Inherit the Wind. Directed by Sebastian Ruta. Above: Actors Nick Mayrol and Belinda Chavez perform I'm-Herbert. Directed by Nick Mayrol. Bottom left: Sebastian Ruta, student director for Inherit the Wind.

Shannon Brown

Cathy Greenlee

Megan Kenny

Rebecca Madrid

JR. MISS Adrienne Rommel

Camilla Sandling

Theresa Sullivan

Karen Taulbee

Elisa Blair

Paula Gonzalez

Stacie Hamm

Paula Gallegos

Louisa Lujan

Paula Rodriguez


•J A

The theme for this year's Jr. Miss pagaent held at Sweeney Center November 29 and 30 was "Let's Have Fun." Forty-one girls from Santa Fe High School, New Mexico School for the Deaf and St. Michael's High School competed in the Jr. Miss Pagaent. The girls were judged on talent, scholastic achievement, physical fitness, appearance and an interview with the judges. On Friday night group A and on Saturday night group B danced to Cindy Lauper's song, "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" for points on fitness and appearance. Friday night group A performed their individual talent. Group B walked on stage in their evening gowns for poise and appearance. On Saturday night group B performed their talents and group A modeled their evening gowns. After all the points were totaled, Serena Roybal was crowned Jr. Miss 1985 and Elisa Blair, 1st runner up, was awarded the physical fitness award. Second runner up was Camilla Sandling. Jody Thomas was awarded the poise and appearance award.

Top; Denise Ortiz presents award to Elisa Blair. Middle; Louisa Lujan stands proud. Bottom; Addy Sanchez models her evening gown.

Kerri Osborne

Delissa Palombi

Lisa Roybal

Addy Sanchez

Elaine Sena

Michelle Tanner

Patricia Valdez

Jody Thomas

Top Left; Mia Garcia expresses her gymnastics talent. Top Right; Michell Tanner shows her grace. Middle Left; Jr. Miss girls await the final results. Middle Right; Jr. Miss girls happy and excited. Bottom Left; Adrienne Rommel does dance routine. Bottom Right; Camilla Sandling receives award.





More than half the students at SFHS have jobs. They work after school, at night and on weekends to earn money for themselves. Most of the students enjoy their jobs, but others would rather be out with friends having a good time. Students work in various locations around the city. The malls and restaurants, provide lots of jobs for students. The students pictured here are working at the malls. The jobs they hold range from salesperson to cashier to busboy. Jobs mostly provide money for the students. Some save for cars, college or a bank account. Scheduling school, sports, a job and even free time is a big responsibility but students realize that everything must get done. Stacy Miller ( a student at SFHS) says, "Although I have a job I still manage to play soccer and keep up with my school work!"

Bottom left. Suzanne Keever "it's been one of those days." Top right. Roseann Gonzales doing displays for the customers. Chad Holbrooks. "What can I get for you."


Top left. Sarah Pozel smiling at customers. Top right, Kim Bindel. "It's almost quiting time." Bottom left. Wed, well Rose we caught you! Bottom right. Danny Trujillo keeping merchandise In order.

FASHION ON CAMPUS At SFHS there are several different types of people, but when it comes to fashion, there is little difference. Most students at SFHS take pride in what they put on in the morning and it shows all over the school campus. This year on campus is one of the most fashionable yet. With design names like Generia, Polo, Calvin Klein, and Georgio Armani, students mixed and mingled to create some great looking outfits. On days when people didn't wear these designer names they wore the traditional 501 Levi Strauss denim pants and Nike tennis shoes with simple t-shirts or sweat shirts. At times you have to wonder whether people came to school for their education or simply to show off their clothes.

Above middle: SFHS lights up with fashion. Above right: Annette Dupre showing everyone she's got style. Far right: Vicki Saiz, Nanette Palmodino, Roseann Gonzales and Alicia Ortiz showing off for the camera. Near right: Susan Davenport on her way to class.

Pictured top left: Students leaving SFHS: top right: Jennifer smiles for the camera; middle left: Tom and Debbie dress with pizazz. middle right: Oh my gosh! It's us!; bottom left: Miranda Seitzinger catches a few tunes during lunch;

A DAY IN THE The average day of a student begins by struggling to get out of bed. After rushing to get to school on time, you find your friends and catch up on all the events that have happened since you talked to them on the phone the night before. Then it's time to get down to business in your morning classes while constantly thinking of lunch. When it finally arrives, there is a mad rush to the parking lot to look for a place to eat and socialize. Then it's back to studying for three more classes and constantly thinking of when school will be over. When the day finally ends, another mad dash to the parking lot causes students to go their separate way. Later than evening, the night is filled with doing homework and talking on the phone. After a strenuous day at school, it is a relief when it is time to finally go to bed.

Above: Julie Gallegos meets with a friend when she gets to school. Middle Right: Roxanne Roybal pauses to show some school spirit as she hurries off to class. Top Right: People gather together to talk between classes. Bottom Right: Fred Eichelmann strenously tries to get out of bed to start a busy day.

LIFE OF A STUDENT Left: Everyone gathers at the staris to meet friends for lunch. Below: Sarony Young, in a "crunch." Bottom Left: Friends say good-bye for the day and reassure that they will call each other. Bottom Right: Anna Medrano concentrates on a letter that she received between classes.

STUDENTS ROCK TO THE Some of the dances held this year were Homecoming. Oktoberfest, Christmas, Valentine's and Junior-Senior Prom. Over 700 hundred students attended these dances. The Homecoming dance was sponsored by Student Council and was held after the game on Nov. 8, 1985. JO-JO Paneau entertained the students. The Oktoberfest dance was sponsored by the German Club. The band Bottom Line played rock music, their lead singer is Randy Moya who is a former student of SFHS. At the dance the German Club provided sausage and pretzels for refreshments. German Club was very successful in holding the 2nd annual Oktoberfest dance. The Christmas dance was sponsored by FBLA. The entertainment was provided by Q-106. They served Coke and punch to quench the student's thirst. Valentine's dance was held on Feb. 14, 1986. The French Club sponsored the Valentine dance. The activity center was decorated with Valentine hearts and pink, white, and red balloons. Junior and Senior Prom was held on May 2, 1986, at Sweeney Convention Center from 9pm to 12am. Prom is a traditional formal dance held every year, sponsored by Junior Class.

Top Lett: "Jitter Bug" Top Right: Happy. Happy, Happy. Above: Leo looking for some lucky person. Middle: Close encounters of the Demon kind. Middle Right: I'd rather be dancing. Bottom: Fred and Monique rock at the Christmas Dance.


Top Left: Students move to the beat! Top Right: I didn't do it!! Middle Left: "Gotcha" Middle Center: "Break what?" Middle Right: Oktoberfest gets people in the dancing mood. Bottom Left: Antonio dancing the night away. Above: Move over guys.

A NEW BEGINNING Santa Fe Technical School was started in August of 1971, and has grown steadily in class offerings and enrollment. Starting the school year 1985-1986 Santa Fe Tech has changed. The name Santa Fe Tech was changed from Santa Fe Vocational Technical School and Dr. Paul was promoted to Principal and Mr. Gil Sena has been appointed Vice-Principal. Freshmen are now eligible to attend Santa Fe Tech. In the past years, only sophomores, juniors, and seniors were allowed to attend. This now permits incoming freshmen to attend all day and all four years, enhancing their specific field of education. At Santa Fe Tech there is a wide variety of courses offered. The basic program of business education is centered around the traditional essentials of typing, bookkeeping, accounting, dataprocessing, clerical and secretarial office occupations. For the students interested in computers, Santa Fe Tech offers computer science, which allows students to learn research and programming techniques. Trades and Industry at Santa Fe Tech offers many areas where students may specialize their future career. Trades and Industries courses offer: Auto Repair, Auto Mechanics, Welding, Architecture, Building Trades, Drafting and Electronics. These classes provide the student with skills necessary for competition in the trade community. I.C.T. (Industrial Co-operative Training) provides vocational training on a part time basis for students. This course is a combination of on the job training and occupationally related classroom instruction. Horticulture, Pre-school. and Dental assistant are classes that emphasize those specific fields. Dental assistant class is a two hour class that provides an opportunity in being a dental assistant. Horticulture trains students specifically on growing plants and flowers. Pre-school helps the students learn about childrens behavior and development.

Top. Student makes sure equipment is ready. Above. Paul Mata well aware of what he is doing. Middle. Mr. Chavez shows his plants. Bottom right. Students keep themselves interested.

AT SANTA FE TECH Top left, Mr. Armendariz teaches students biology. Top right, Missy Jaffa And Theresa Sullivan get Deca ready for lunch. Bottom left, English students work hard. Bottom right, Mr. Madrid watches his students perform in electronics.

STUDENTS LEARN PRACTICAL SKILLS Top left, Melissa Gonzales wants to know what's going on. Mr. Vialpando is always around when you need him. Business student knows what she is doing. Steve perea enjoys spending time in the library.

Top left, Betsy Hughes and Pam Delovato are interested in what Mr. Wilson has to say. Top right Greg Franzoi works hard in auto Mechanics. Middle right. Bob Albarez cleans up after class. Bottom left. Who knows these three girls might design your future home? Bottom right. Business Students concentrate on their work.

Top right. Students work hard on computer math. Center right. Living Skills meeting room. Bottom left, Student Council's Vice-President, Billy Baca. Bottom right, Sierra Vista's Homecoming Queen Mary Sena.

Sierra Vista High School is a public secondary school for students who are "turned off" to traditional education but are "turned on" to learning. It offers a high school diploma and provides courses for students who want a non-traditional approach to learning. The basic philosophy of this school is a belief in the worth of the individual. Courses are designed to meet the needs of the individual. Everyone strives to do as much for themselves as possible and to turn to others as helpers in attaining their goals. The staff and the students are dedicated to growing together, learning as individuals, and allowing for self-direction. Sierra Vista High School insists that every student be as competent as possible in the traditional "three r's"- reading, writing, and basic math. This school, however, strives for a fourth and fifth "r". The fourth "r" is responsibility i.e., the ability to direct one's life and to take the consequences for one's actions. The fifth "r" is reasoning, i.e., the ability to think for one's self. The Sierra Vista High School assists its students in attaining the ability to function in all five "r's".


LIFE AT SIERRA VISTA Top left. Students enjoy concession at Halloween Dance. Top right, Living Skills students ready to BOOGIE! Bottom left, Shawna Hemes and escort Robert Taylor, Bottom right, Alicia Padilla escorted by Chris Montoya.

The 1985-86 boys Cross Country team didn't have any trouble starting the year off with a first place victory in Espaftola. After the win in Espaftola the team went on to Robertson High and Belen where they placed second in both meets. However, after starting off so well, the team started to fall apart due to injuries and illness. Although there were only six runners remaining, they still gave it their best. The team is confident that they will do better next year if more people come out and are able to stay away from injuries and colds. The team coached by John Alire and Dan Bustos included: Arthur Sandoval, John Miller, Benny Martinez, Daniel Sanchez, Martin Marquez, and Greg White.

Top; left to right: Martin Marquez. Greg White. John Miller, Art Sandoval. Daniel Sanchez. Benny Martinez. Above: Art Sandoval leads another runner at Capital. Right: Greg White keeps his mind on the run.

Left: Art Sandoval all alone running through the Santa Fe High course Below: Greg White showing his stuff in his freshmen year.

"I feel that we're improving each year and will soon go on to state." John Miller. Left: Martin Marquez ahead of a small group of runners at Santa Fe.

The 1985-86 girls Cross Country team took the state title for the third year in a row. This success led them to the TAC Cross Country Nationals at Raleigh, North Carolina in late November. The Santa Fe High team was the only high school team present at nationals where they placed third behind the College teams BYU and Florida State. On December 12, Mayor Louis Montano issued a proclamation honoring the team. Coach Dan Bustos said that he felt great about the girl's third place showing in this national event. "We ran against colleges and came in third. The girls have something to be proud of," replied Bustos. The team coached by John Alire and Bustos, included Lori Sanchez, Margie Wurst, Mary Lee White, Josie Wurst, Liz Romero, and Vanessa Taylor. Members who did not attend nationals were Anne Dickinson, Anna Rael, Gina Sandoval, Michelle Lopez, Carol Torres, and Melissa Wright. The team went undefeated through the entire season going against tough teams such as Los Alamos and Eldorado. Their best performance came in the New Mexico Highlands Invitational where they filled the top five positions for a perfect score of 15. The girl's strategy was to break out in front, run together, and to keep a steady pace. The girls are confident that they will take state next year and maybe place first in nationals.

Center: Running as a team was a big factor in every meet Above: It was all smiles for the girl's third state victory. Right: Liz Romero and Mary Lee White staying together.

Left: Lori Sanchez breaks away from the competition. Below: Josie Wurst keeps up with the top runners. Center right: Specators look on while the girls place 2nd. 3rd, and 4th.

Center left: Margie concentrates on her running through the course. Lett: Liz Romero leads the pack as they begin to make their move. Above: It's a big run for Lori Sanchez in the state meet.


Top row left to right Wendy Abeyta (junior), Allyson Hill (senior). Patrice Chavez (sophomore), Mario Franke (senior), Sharon Brown (senior) Middle row left to right, Vicky Whitted (junior), Suzanne Carmignani (sophomore), Diane Ronquillo (junior) Bottom row manager Pancha Barron. Not pictured, Angela Gonzales (sophomore).

Middle left: While in the air. Vicky Whitted sets her teammate for a side out play. Middle: Allyson Hill pushing to scoop up the tip. Middle right: Patrice Chavez making good contact. Bottom left: Don't pray in the middle of the game Wendy. Get up! Bottom right: Mario Franke letting everyone know that it's her ball.

Top left: Teammates Sharon Brown and Vicky Whitted watch their strong hitter Mario Franke go up for the kill. Top middle: Allyson Hill puts the ball away while Diane Ronquillo and Wendy Abeyta cover her close. Top right: Coaches Nancy Mike and Chela Butler calmly enjoy the game.

Bottom left: This is no time to relax and chat guys, get the ball! Bottom middle: Vicky Whitted saves the ball for the team. Bottom right: Vicky Whitted uses her legs to push out a high set to one of her teammates.

Top left: Vicky Whitted releases a set to one of her teammates. Top right: Allyson Hi straining to get the ball up. Middle: Teammates Roxanne Roybal and Patrice Chavez get low to pass the ball. Bottom left: Sharon Brown turns to hit line. Bottom middle: Wendy Abeyta jumps to set the ball up high. Bottom right: Sharon with her hand taped meets the ball correctly tor a point.

"THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GUTS!" -Demonettes This years 1985-86 Oemonette Varsity volleyball team didn't start off their season as well as they would have liked, but they had an all around good year. The Demonettes worked hard striving to recapture the state title and when the public didn't think they had what it took to even make it to the state tournament, the Demonettes and their coach Mike proved them wrong. On November 9, the Demonettes automatically met the Gallup Bengals in the 1AAAA District tournament to determine whether they would compete in the state tournament or not. The Demonettes overwhelmed them 15-12, 16-18, 15-12, 15-5, which led them on to play Farmington in the final game. The Scorpions upset the Demonettes taking first in the tournament and the Demonettes second, but they were on their way to State. On Friday November 15, the Demonettes played Eldorado at Highland high school for their first match of the state tournament. The Demonettes overwhelmed Eldorado and then destroyed Hobbs in the semifinals later that night, to unexpectedly meet up with the defending state champions, the West Mesa Mustangs, in the state finals. West Mesa took the first two games and were ahead 10 to 2 in the 3rd, but the Demonettes fought long and hard to come back strong and win the 3rd game 16-14. The Mustangs recovered in the 4th game to pull ahead right away 8 to 1, but this time the Demonettes were unable to catch them, and they lost the 4th game 7-15, leaving the Mustangs to take the state title for the second year in a row. The Demonettes felt that working long and hard in practice paid off when they were able to come home proud of their second place trophy and their 12-8 record, because they proved not only to themselves, but to the public as well that they were a team. "We set realistic goals and we achieved most of them," added the Demonettes coach Nancy Mike. The entire team felt that they owed a lot of their accomplishments to their coach Nancy Mike. "We never could have made it this far with out her. She stuck by us and said she had a team when people told her she didn't. Together we made it through a lot, and we're lucky to have a good coach who knows so much about volleyball and who cares about her team. She may be tough, but it pays off in the end, look at how far it's gotten us." They would also like to thank the freshman coach Stephanie Belmore and the JV coach Chela Butler for all their help and support, their manager Pancha Barron, and their good friend Anita Lucero for believing in them. This years 1985-86 Demonettes will be losing three seniors, but will be back next year working hard, striving to re-capture the 1986-87 state title last won in 1983. Top left: The teams two setters wait for the serve to make a play. Middle left: Wendy Abeyta and Sharon Brown in ready position so they can pass the ball to Vicky Whitted. Bottom left: The team gathers to discuss their strategies.

"A WINNER KNOWS WHEN TO LAUGH AND WHEN TO CRY." -Coach Mike Top row left to right: Ann Rojas, Kirsten Harris, Roxanne Roybal, Shonna Clark. Ruth Sachs, Liz Heridren, Sheryl Boggs, Moreen Fresquez, Bottom row left to right: Sara Blair, Tammy Duran, Liz Martinez.

Top left: Sheryl Boggs reaches high to tip the ball to a hole. Middle: A few of the JV players watch the game patiently. Bottom left: Sara Blair jumps into action. Bottom right: Nancy Collins watches the ball with deep concentration.

Top row left to right: Manager Teresa Rodriguez, Jessica Simms. Antonina Valdez, Jessica Miner. Vanessa Chavez. Dennis Martinez. Terrie Balkenende. Sara Chapman, manager Eloisa Gonzalez, Bottom row left to right: Stephanie Gallegos. Angela Jaramillo. Julie Roybal, Jennifer Trujillo, Darla Ortiz, Michelle Archuleta.

The love for volleyball band their determination brought this years 1985-86 Demonette JV and Freshman volleyball teams together. They worked hard and struggled through some tough times, but managed to stay unified. The Freshman Volleyball team played well throughout their season and finished with a 3-7 record. Their three wins were over Del Norte, The New Mexico School for the Deaf and Taos. "It was a challenging and rewarding year working with these freshman," explained the freshman coach Stephanie Belmore. "I'm looking forward to seeing these players mature in their upcoming years in volleyball." The JV Volleyball team finished with an overall 3-9 record. They suffered a few great losses when some of their teammates were moved up to Varsity, but altogether they had a good year. "During our 1985-86 volleyball season, we learned more than just skills, we learned how to make friends," added the JV coach Chela Butler. These young and talented Demonettes have a lot going for them and will be found next year working hard, striving to improve their records.

Middle: Jennifer Trujillo goes up for the kill with her teammates Julie Roybal and Vannesa Chavez covering close. Bottom left: Michelle Archuleta ready lor anything while coach Stephanie Belmore waits patiently for her next move. Bottom right: JV players Tammy Ouran and Sara Blair fight to save the ball.

The 1985-1986 Demons and Demonettes swimming teams had a splash of a season, with the Demonettes placing high in every meet. The girls team excelled passed their competitors. While the Demons did very well at Farmington and Albuquerque, they slipped a little, but quickly regained their strength. The swimming teams defeated tough teams such as Cibola, St. Pius, and Valley. There were many Demons and Demonette swimmers qualifying for the state meet in Albuquerque. These swimmers were: Kirk Mac Gillivray, Jeff Zlotnick, David Torres, Tanya Ericson, Michelle Hanson, Chico Ramirez, who took 3rd place in the 100 breast at state, and Marie Sluka, who 3rd place in the 200 free at the state meet.

Top right: David Torres backstroking past a teammate. Center left: Even an exhausting practice can make these Demonettes smile. Center right: "The water's great!" Bottom right: "Are we finished yet?"

"With hard work and cooperation, the team will excel greatly in the years to come." -Chico Ramirez

Top: The 1985-1986 Demon and Demonette swim team. Back row: Kirk Mac Gillivray, Albert Martinez. Danny Pell, Peter Yesley. Chris Levy, Marie Sluka, Leo Gershanok. Middle row: David Tolen, David Torres, Stacy Miller. Antonina Valdez, Annie Rojas. Dena Martinez, Michelle Baca. Tanya Ericson, Michelle Hanson, Laura Romero. Front row: Syrany Young, Bridget Finney, Nicole Curtis, Jeff Zlotnick, Sarah Blair, Coreena Kim, Yancy Levis, Ty Levis. Center left: Showing some Demon power in the butterfly stroke. Bottom left: "One big happy family!"

"Both of the teams tried hard and swam their legs off!" -Stacy Miller

Above top. 1st row. left to right: Anthony Silva, Dan Saladen, Martin Guillen, Rudy Parga. Ken Bradsford, Ken Joesph. Coach Silva. Bottom Row: Coach Lujan, Hank Smith. Danny Trujillo, Mike Archuleta, Steve Trujillo. Above: Vernon Doss, on top of the action. Right top: Demon wrestler shows his stuff. Right: Demon wrestlers pinning their way to State.

"Hard work and determination made this a great year!" This year the Demon wrestlers started off the season by defeating Sandia. On January 17 and 18, at the Rio Grande fourth annual Invitational Meet, Danny Trujillo and Martin Guillen acquired first place medals, with Rudy Parga taking third and Dan Saladen taking fourth. The Demon Wrestlers closed out their season February 13, with a dual match against Espanola. Santa Fe defeated the Sundevils earning them a final dual match of 6-4. The Varsity entered the state tournament in Albuquerque rated seventh in their district. "State is what we've worked for all year; if you lose, your dream is gone." At the Junior National Tournament Vernon Doss earned first place. Vernon wrestled in class V, the oldest class in the 140 lb. division. Reyes Rodriguez took second place at a 170 lbs, and Manuel Salines took fourth place at a 160 lbs. The Santa Fe High wrestlers are very devoted to their team and team mates. Win or lose they always provided each other with a pat on the back or an approving smile.

Top Left: Demon wrestler goes for the pin. Above: Rudy Parga and teammate leaving mat. Demon wrestlers, struggles tor victory!

Junior Varsity wrestling. Top left to Right: Adrian Martinez, Greg Stone, Javier Posa, Ruben Parga, Coach Silva, Second Row: Danny Nino, Mike Garcia, Phillip Gonzales, Jared Ward. Right: Demon Wrestlers showing sportsmanship.

Wrestling Cheerleaders: Right to left: Coach Alice Montoya. Angela Montoya. Shannon Brown. Bottom row. Jackie Batkenende. Judy Martinez. Paula Gonzales. Freshman wrestlers: Top Row: Manuel Salinas. Reyes Rodriguez. Lyle Smith. Joey Romero. Randall Rael. Coach Silva. Bottom row: Martin Gonzales. Vince Martinez. Javier Romero. Daniel Tapia. Robert Garcia, Gabriel Garcia.

DEMONS HAVE SUCCESSFUL SEASON The 1985-86 varsity football team started with a bang. Winning four in a row, their first win coming against Valley in Albuquerque, the Demons won 34-0 with impressive showings from junior quarterback, Max Turner and Shane Wright. The Demons then went to Roswell and played a very hard game but lost 13-6. They roared on winning another 4 in a row and taking the district crown for the first time since 1980. The Demons then played Clovis here at Ivan Head Stadium. The packed crowd watched the Demons suffer a heart breaking loss 32-14. There are many Demons who made the team so strong. Some of these players are Ray Sanchez, Brian Gallegos, Mike Martinez, Gene Salazar, Martin Guillen, William Jaramillo, Doug Tucker, Max Turner, Frank Rivera, Rick Jaramillo, Rudy Parga, Matt Fernandez, Steve Romero, John Van Damme, Shane Wright, And John Jacquez. Congratulations to coach Mutz and his staff for putting together a fine football team.

Above Right: Gene Salazar hopes for no serious injury. Above: Demon dodges the tackle. Right Middle: Demon football is a tough sport. Right Bottom: Demon stops to think before firing the ball.

Top left: Demon players psyched on the sidelines. Top right: Demons horse around in lockeroom. Left: Demon spirit shines through as the team comes onto the field. Bottom left: Demon offense on the lookout. Below: Ah . . . come on Ref . . . one more chance!"


Left to Right Top: Shane Miller. Dan Saladen, Estevan Armendariz, Doug fucker, Steve Kloeppel, Frank Rivera, Mike Brasel, Luis Smith, Martin Guillen, Rudy Parga; 2nd row: Antonio Posa, John Geekie, John Jacqeus. Charlie Perea. John Thomas, Vince Archuleta, Antonio Rios, Leo Guzman, Gene Salazar, Ray Sanchez: 3rd row: Chris Ingram, William Jaramillo, Brian Gallegos, Max Turner, Andy Romero, Rick Jaramillo, John VanDamme, Shane Miller, Ashley Nye, Rudy Montoya, Kendell Richardson, Manager Ray Anchondo; 4th row: Carl Marano, Steve Romero, Ronald Baca, Danny Martinez, Mike Walker, Bill Henry, Hoyt Mutz, Terry Tiner, Bobby Martinez, Mike Vial Pondo, Richard Olivares, Todd Newman, Robert Lopez; 5th row: Jay Winton, Jeff Thompson, Craig Carmignani, Gerald Ortiz, Paul Rodriquez, Matt Fernandez, Ronnie Trujillo, Roger Griego, Alan Sanchez, Mike Rael, Alex Montoya. Above: Demons coming in after a hard work out. Right: Frank Rivera has a quick word with his coach before going out.

"Talent can take a team far, but hard work and determination make us winners." William Jaramillo.

Right: Demons- Go Get 'em!! Below: Shane Wright and team members leave the field. Center left: Coach Mutz reviewing a play with a team member. Bottom left: Gene Salazar gets pulled down after a long run. Below. Martin Guillen attempts an extra point.

The junior varsity football team played very hard all year to show that they were tough and real. They proved it, throughout the year. Their 3-5 record doesn't look impressive, but they played some very hard games with Grants, Highland, and Manzano to name a few. Some outstanding players are: Eddie Fernandez, Tommy Valenzuela, Albert Jaramillo, and Daniel Ortega. The team was supported by coaches Michael Vialpando, Michael Walker, and Fred Apodaca. This team should be a good help to the 1986-87 Varsity team.

Josh Peinado and Demons watch the game with anticipation.

Left to Right: Tommy Valenzuela. Josh Peinado, John Warfield. Bret Ellis. Chris Smith, Robert Mascarenas, Greg Stone. Ruben Parga. Mike Baca. Ashandi Braman, Marie Lopez. Daniel Ortega. Richard Kost, George Montoya. Peter Beil. Albert Jaramillo. Carmichael Dominguez, James Roybal, Eric Rayden. Matt Martinez, Mike Anya, Martin Mena. Ken Johnson, Tommy Jimenez. Joe Alvarez, Tommy Trujillo, Billy Harris. Joe Romero, Eddy Fernandez. Mike Valencia, Chris Duran. Mel Ortiz, Eric Lujan.

"Experience makes it worth the effort."

The 1985-86 freshmen football team broke tradition by not going undefeated, but they work hard to prove that they could win and they did. All the games were close. Coach Kevin Hauck looks forward to a great 1986-87 freshman team. This year's freshmen football team's record was 1-5.

Demon getting ready to kick off for the game.

Left to Right: Mark Lujan, Russell McGinnis, Eddie Rael, Charlie Maxwell. Michael Romero. Carlos Ramirez, Matt Guillen. Diego Martinez, Joey Jiron, Craig Vigil, Reyes Rodriquez. Wes Trujillo. Hugo Ojeda, Mark Turner, Steve Porjas. Mark Hussey. Mark Duran. Marvin Martinez. Michael Northway, Peter Nerrera, Javier Romero. Daniel Tapia, Paul Montoya. Manuel Salinas. Craig Vigil. Johnny Tapia. Vince Martinez.

The 1985-86 Boys Varsity Basketball team had an on and off season. The Demons opened District at Farmington on January 24th and at Gallup on the 25th. "Our pre-district schedule was a heavy load for the boys," explained coach Bob Rodriguez. The best tournament for the Demons had to have been the Capital City tournament. The team went undefeated through the entire tournament, where they beat the Los Alamos Hilltoppers for first place. In mid January the Demons tied for 10th with Del Norte. They soared to number 6 on the strength of a convincing 79-59 District 1AAAA rout of Espanola Valley. It was the Demons seventh victory in the last eight games and sixth straight. The six straight games ended Tuesday, February 12th at Toby Roybal gym to the Del Norte Knights. The Varsity basketball team had a good season considering they were a young team. "They work hard and put out a lot of effort into playing a game. They just don't have enough varsity experience," said Rodriquez thoughtfully. The team included in above pictur, left to right; Mark Rodriguez, George Martinez, Paul Gallegos, David Montgomery, Robert Anaya, David Thomson, Greg Hickey, Ron Romero, Martin Ortiz, Rick Jaramillo, and John Montano.

Left: John Montano goes up for the shot. Below: Number 30, David Montgomery awaits the rebound. Bottom: David Montgomery blocking the opponent's pass.

"Santa Fe's guards (John) Montano and (Mark) Rodriguez are outstanding. Two of the best in the District." Gene Pino


Above: Number 20 driving in for the shot. Right: Number 40 shooting from the outside

The 1985-86 Boys Junior Varsity Basketball team had a fair season. The Junior Varsity games were held before the varsity games and due to a lack of players some team members had to play one game right after another. The team's schedule included a lot of tough teams such as Los Alamos and Farmington. The team did ok for being mostly sophomores. The team included, opposite page, left to right: Lad Lucero, Dustin Duty, Martin Ortiz, Shawn Woerrlein, Tom Trijillo, Wade Boyton, John Bendal, Paul Gallegos, Brett Ellis, Daniel Ortega, David Sovarenez, and Gary Romero.

Top: Gary Romero closing in on the Scorpions. Left: David Montgomery (30) breaks through the defense and scores. Above: Flying high to block the shot.

The 1985-86 Boys Freshmen Basketball team had a great season. They beat Pojuaque for their final game by 16 points ending their season with a record of 13-2. The coach of the team was Mr. Whittemore, a P.E. teacher at Santa Fe High. "I really enjoyed the effort these kids put out. The thing I like best about the team is that they worked hard each and every day," expressed coach Whittemore. By the great record of 13-2 we know these players will go on to be excellent sophomore and JV players. Right: Some of the freshmen players will go on to play on the sophomore team such as these sophomores.

The 1985-86 Boys Sophomore Basketball team did not have the best season but they gave it there best and had a lot of fun. The team's home court was at Alameda Junior High School because of the lack of space at Santa Fe High. Being coached by Ernie Gonzales, the team played well. During their season they met up with plenty of tough teams. Their last game of the season was played at Toby Roybal Gym where they lost to Farmington ending up with a 7-11 record. Most of the players will be playing JV and Varsity next season.

Top. left to right: Chris Ouran. Joe Alvarez, Matt Martinez, Robert Montoya. Steve Gonzales, Jose Garcia, Mike Baca, Martin Mena, Travis Mascarenas, Meliton Ortiz, Eddie Fernandez, and Albert Barela. Middle: Robert Montoya (32) going for the shot. Left: Awaiting the rebound.

"Those teams never beat us. we just ran out of time." -Gina Sandoval

Top row left to right: Melissa Taylor (sophomore), Julie Garcia (sophomore), Wendy Abeyta (junior), Laura Rodriguez (sophomore), Michelle Lopez (junior), Patrice Chavez (sophomore), Mary Lee White (junior), Lesley Vierra (junior), Camille Armijo (sophomore) Cathy Chavez (sophomore), Gina Sandoval (junior) and Leigh Trujillo (sophomore). Bottom row left to right: Coach Tommy Martinez, manager Lori Sanchez and Coach Dan Bustos.

Middle left: Leigh Trujillo attempts a high pass. Middle right: Camille Armijo prepares to pass for a play. Bottom left: Teammates Mary Lee White, Leigh Trujillo and Leslie Vierra block their opponent from shooting the ball. Bottom right: Leigh Trujillo shoots for two points.

Top left: Gina Sandoval fights for the ball. Below: Camille Armijo reaches for the basket. Below left: Camille Armijo jumps high to try and tip the ball to teammates Michelle Lopez, Gina Sandoval and Julie Garcia.

This year's 1985-86 Demonette Varsity Basketball team experienced an exciting season. The girls and their coach Tommy Martinez practiced hard and played good, hard basketball consistently throughout their season with the help of the JV coach Dan Bustos. The Demonettes opened up their season with an unexpected loss to Manzano on November 29. The girls led most of the game, but Manzano's height wore them down to win 57-56 in over time. Not letting up, the determined Demonettes travelled to Farmington on December 19, 20 and 21 for the Farmington Invitational. The girls opened the tournament with a 59-56 win over Shiprock leading them to go up against Durango the following day. Playing a close, neck to neck game, Santa Fe managed a victory over Durango 64-62. Excited with their wins, the Demonettes then met up with the Farmington Scorpions in the final game. Taking a ten point lead over the scorpions and maintaining it the Demonettes placed first in the tournament defeating Farmington 60-50. "Coach Bustos and I are very proud of these girls," said head coach Tommy Martinez. "They don't know the meaning of quit. They will stay playing hard basketball until the end." With a lot of determination and hard work the 198586 Demonette Varsity team was an extremely competitive and talented team that consisted of six juniors, nine sophomores and no seniors. Far left: Gina Sandoval making her move. Left: Michelle Lopez goes for it.

Top row left to right. Melissa Taylor (sophomore). Laura Rodriguez (sophomore), Wendy Abeyta (Junior). Maria Gonzales (sophomore). Andrea Chavez (Junior), Mary Lee White (Junior), Lesley Vierra (junior), Barbara Romero (sophomore), and Kathy Chavez (sophomore). Bottom row left to right: Coach Tommy Martinez, manager Lori Sanchez and Coach Dan Bustos.

Above left: Freshman Julie Roybal handles the ball carefully. Middle left: Julie Roybal goes for the basket while teammates Laura Rodriguez, Barbara Romero and Kathy Chavez wait for the results. Middleright:Sophomore Laura Rodriguez takes an outside shot. Above: Kathy Chavez trying to fake out her opponent. Bottom right: Team and Coach Bustos gather to discuss important plays to help win the game.

"This year was a learning experience." -Julie Roybal

Top row, left to right: Coach Ric Gonzales. Michelle Archuleta. Katherine Skinner, Vanessa Chavez, Carolyn Ingram, Nancy Collins. Shirly Ortiz, Maryanne Roybal and manager Sara Chapman. Bottom row left to right: Melissa Maestas, Angela Montoya, Kristina Saiz, Charlie Marsh. Jennifer Truijillo. Julie Roybal and manager Dennise Ortiz.

This years 1985-86 Demonette JV and Freshman girls Basketball teams pulled together and had a good year. The 1985-86 Demonette JV team was made up of almost all Varsity players which managed to help the Varsity team during their season. The girls explodingly opened their season with wins over Manzano, Eldorado and Highland high schools. Mid way into their season they held a record of six wins and four losses. The talented young team worked hard and learned how to play running, pressing basketball. This seemed to inspire and help them along with the philosophy of their coach Dan Bustos. "It is not the winning and losing, but that everybody plays and learns to improve." The JV team's attitudes were always positive and seemed to help them through a successful season. This years 1985-86 Demonette Freshman Basketball team had a winning season. To start their season off strong they defeated the Los Alamos Hilltoppers 30-21, St. Catherines 39-37 and Taos 63-18. The girls coach Ric Gonzales felt that, "Their attitudes were pretty good and that they worked hard most of the time." With room for improvement, and a lot of talent, these young athletes will be found next year playing hard and having fun.

Middle left: Teammate Kristina Saiz sincerely helps teammate Michelle Archuleta to her feet. Bottom: Vanessa Chavez sets a screen while teammate Kristina Saiz goes for a shot. Middle right: Vanessa Chavez on the line shooting for points with teammates Carolyn Ingram and Jennifer Trujillo waiting patiently for the rebound.

Left to right: Preston Holloway, Jason Holloway and Jimmy Hadley. Not pictured: Tom Kelly, Robert Lopez and Lawrence Olguin.

Mar. 17 Mar. 24 Mar. 26 Apr. 03 Apr. 07 Apr. 18 Apr. 21 May 02 May 05 May 12-13

Belen Invitational APS Invitational Raton Invitational Roswell Invitational Albuquerque Academy Invite Los Alamos Invitational Capital City Invitational Socorro Invitational Farmington Invitational State at Roswell

AWAY- 9:00AM AWAY- 8:00AM AWAY- 10:00AM AWAY- 9:00AM AWAY- 8:00AM AWAY- 9:00AM HOME- 8:00AM AWAY- 8:00AM AWAY- 9:00AM AWAYTBA

Top left: Jason Holloway showing off his belly button. Top right: Jimmy Hadley with perfect form. Middle left: Preston Holloway chipping for some big bucks. Middle right Lawrence Olguin scoping out his next shot. Above: Tom Kelly swings for the camera. Right: Jimmy Hadley. Vicky Whitted and Tom Kelly associate while Preston Holloway concentrates on his swing.

"It's a mental game" -Demonettes Left to right: Amy Getcheli. Vicky Whitted, Sara Chapman and Yoko Kosaka. Not pictured: Shelly Willeford, Jennifer Trujillo, Kim Milligam, Lisa Romero. Peggy Rodriguez. Malinda Oelgado, Oarla Ortiz and Julie Roybal.

This years 1985-86 girls golf team consisted of all new players. The only returning player from the 1984-85 team was Vicky Whitted. Last year's 1984-85 girls golf team was made up of three seniors. They were Becky Whitted, Anna Lopez and Lori Roberts. Vicky Whitted, a sophomore was also on the team. The four player team was undefeated and in the middle of March they traveled to Roswell to compete in the state tournament. The girls, shooting well all three days individually, took first in the tournament setting an outstanding record by defeating the second place team by 79 strokes. The 1984-85 girls golf team and their coach Mike Weston were really proud of their accomplishments.

Middle left: Vicky Whitted. Becky Whitted. coach Mike Weston. Lori Roberts and Anna Lopez receive the 1984-85 first place state trophy with a smile. Middle right: The team shows affection before teeing off. Bottom left: The girls and their coach Mike Weston show off their trophies and certificates. Above: The happy Demonettes enjoy each others company.

'It's been a tough year, but we made it." Karen Myles

Below left: Karen Myles tries to keep steady while going over the vault. Below: Racheal Dunlap concentrates on her vault. Below Center: Karen Myles prepares for her dismount.

Top row (I to r) Coach Romero. Ariene Martinez, Darcey Crenshaw. Mia Garcia. Rachael Dunlap, Cathy Jackson, Karen Myles, Lorl Romero, Coach Trujitto. Bottom row: Dunnette Romero. Jennifer Roybal, Bernadette Montoya. Angy Romero, Mary Fichem, Melissa Miller.

This years 1985-86 Gymnastic season started November 1, but training is held year round. The girls start working out in August for the following years competiton. The season ended in April which gave the girls four months to relax, but they had to keep in shape on their own. The four main events in Gymnastics are uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise, and the vault; all of which the girls must practice every night. The girls have practice from 6:00 to 8:00 every night Monday through Friday. The team works hard so that they are able to work on difficult manuvers and express originality and emotion in their routines. The Demonettes will be hosting the State Championship in 1986-87 here at Santa Fe High.

Top: Gymnast works on her floor routine. Middle Left: Rachel Ounlap Practices a flip. Middle Right: Mary Richem gets help from the coach going over the vault. Bottom: Jennifer Roybal shows her floor exercise to the coach.

The 1986 Stanta Fe High School baseball team consists of 18 players. The baseball coaches are Don Lauritson and J.J. Martinez. Mr. Martinez has been coaching for 17 years; his teams have gone to state 5 times. One year his team was state champions and another year first runner up. Coach Lauritson feels that the team has a good chance to take state. This year there are seven returning lettermen; Able Ortega, John Jacquez, Rick Jaramillo, Chris Ingram, Mark Miller, Mathew Martinez, and Martin Mena. "Pitching will be strong with the arm of Rick Jaramillo and John Jacquez. Hitting and catching will be good with returning lettermen that have good experience from last season. Lauritson feels "with strong leadership from these people - it should be a succesful season."

Top: Coach Martinez shows them how Its done. Top Right: Coach Lauritson sends it out of the ball park. Center: Catcher Fred Murdock awaits the bail, while John Jacquez gets ready to hit another. Bottom Left: Victor Gonzales throws It right into the glove. Bottom Right Able Ortega runs to make the play.

fl24 )

"We have the potential to make a great team, but it takes more than potentials to win the game!"

Top; Returning iettermen. first row; Mark Miller, Abel Ortega, victor Gonzales, Chris Ingram. Top; Matt Martinez, Steve Romero, John Jacquez, and-Martin Mena. Center; Mike Romero gets ready to bat while the others take a break. Center Right; Chris Ingram practices his pitching skills. Bottom; Paul Schwendimann keeps his eye on the ball.

Karen Laine enjoys tennis practice.

Christa Casados prepares for upcoming games.

Stading L to R: Donna Gonzales, Madelyn Baca, Manda Morris, Roxanne Roybal, Karen Laine. Kristina Regan, April Morris, Michelle Baca, Coach Nelson. Kneeling L to R: Coreena Kim. Angela Gonzales, Christa Casados, Amy Hallquist, Sarah Pozel. Donna Reid, and Hope McCarty.

Boy's and Girl's Tennis Schedule Mar. 22 Mar. 27 Mar. 29 Apr. 05 Apr. 09 Apr. 12 Apr. 15 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 Apr. 29 Apr. 30 May. 1-3 May. 9-10 May. 16-17

Belen Las Vegas Robertson Los Alamos Invitational Espanola* Santa Fe Prep Farmington* Highland Del Norte* Gallup* Valley Los Alamos* Las Vegas Robertson Invitationals District at Los Alamos State At Albuquerque * District Matches

Home Home Away Home Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Home Away Away

Top Left, Ashley Nye at shot put. Top Right, Eddie Gonzales flying high.

Top Row L to R: Loretto Garcia, Charlie Maxwell, Matt Preston, Craig Carmignani, Aaron Pienato, Eddie Gonzales, Mark Garcia Bottom Row L to R: Martin Marquez, Greg White, Art Sandoval, John Miller, Benny Martinez, Daniel Sanchez.

Mar. 15 Wilson Relay Apr. 05 West Las Vegas Apr. 12 APS Invitational Apr. 19 Capital City Apr. 26 APS Qualifying May. 03 Los Alamos Invitational May. 10 Espanola-District May. 17-18 State at Albuquerque


Above. Wasn't that a long fall? Top Left, He is giving it his best shot. Top Right. The boys practice their broad jump. Bottom Left. This is only a warm-up. Bottom right, Aaron Pienato and Coach Ortiz.

Kneeling-Teresa Balkenede, Melinda Morales, Monica Solano, Vanessa Taylor, Christina Larranaga, Lori Sanchez, Liz Romero, Tammy Duran, Middle-' Jennifer Trunillo, Daria Ortiz, Melissa Taylor, Cathy Greenlee, Kathleen Valdez, Paige Conover, Carta Martinez, unidentified, Gina Zafarano, Standing- Anita Lucero, Denise Martinez, Jessica Simms, Leann Enrique, Wendy Abeyta, Mary Lee White, unidentified students. Coaches- Cheela Butler, Stephanie Belmore.

Top left, Christina Larranaga stretches before practice. Top right. Track team practices their laps. Bottom right. Coach Belmore encourages the players.

Mar. 15 Apr. 05 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Apr. 26 May. 03 May. 10 May. 17-18

Top left, Anita Lucero throws the shot put. Middle left. Boy, am I tired) Top right. Girls practice their form. Bottom left. Close race? Bottom right. Paige Conover jumping hurdles.

Grants West Las Vegas Belen Capital City Robertson Los Alamos Invitational District-Espanola State-Albuquerque

Away Away Away Home Away Away Away Away

The girls varsity soccer team had a very successful 1985-86 season which led to a berth in the state tournament in Albuqurque. The girls team, like the boys, is a young team. The team will prove to be a very tough contender in the 1986-87 season. Led by junior, Socorro Montoya, who is one of the leading scorers in the state, the Demonettes were not counted out of the action. The team made it to the state tournament by defeating stateranked Albuquerque Academy. At the state tournament, the Demonettes lost in the first round to the defending state champions, Albuquerque Eldorado by the score of 4-1. The Demonettes season record was a very outstanding 10-4. The girls' soccer team had five very consistant players who were named to the New Mexico all-state soccer team. They were Socorro Montoya and Stacy Miller. The alternates were Wendy Gettemy, Alicia Ortiz, and Sandra Nelson.

Top Center: Sara Pozel taking it to the goal. Top Right: All State soccer player Stacy Miller, all clear for the kick. Right Center: Coach Henry finding out what's wrong with Alicia Ortiz. Right: Stacy Miller takes it past another Lady Viking.

Top: The 1985-1986 girls varsity soccer team: Back Row: (Left to Right); Gogi Hoessler. Melinda Delgado. Wendy Gettemy, Carolyn Ingram, Alicia Ortiz, Christina Swartwout, Soccorro Montoya, Coach Mike Gray. Middle Row: Chantal Van Ongevalle, Melinda Morales, Gina Zafarano, Sara Pozel, Heidi Jochem, Maria Trujillo, Barbie Burgett. Front Row: Pat Montoya-Manager, Karla Esquivele. Marjo Curgus, Sandra Nelson, Stacy Miller. Left: Breaking away from the competition. Right: Another hard practice for Sandra Nelson.

The 1985-86 boys Varsity and Junior Varsity soccer team, kicked off their season by shutting down the defending state champions, Valley High, by the score of 1-0. Later in the season, the team started having difficulties following the loss to Cibola, although, they did try their best and never gave up. Coach Olakunle Ojikutu, in his second year of coaching soccer at Santa Fe High, has great expectations for this young team in the 1986-87 season. The team was mostly underclassmen except for two seniors: Jeff Zlotnick, and Jonathan Dunnum. Next year the team will have more experience that will assure them of being top contenders.

Top Right: Varsity player, David Thomson surprises a Del Norte Knight by stealing the ball away. Center Right: The 1985-1986 Boys Junior Varsity soccer team. Back row (left to right): Justin Zlotnick. Steve Tubbs, Ted Stenzhorn, Nick Torres, Phil Watkins, Jason Heyman. Dirk Mews, Chris Barnes, Coach Dale Bagley. Middle row: Kyle Miller, Aaron Davis, John Alejandro, Dax Reiner, Greg Smith, Chris Nordstrum, Jody Castillo, Stephan Wasserman. Back row: Eric Stevenson, Chris Duval, Caleb Kuliman, Chico Ramirez, Eric Bickenson. Bottom Right: The 1985-1986 Boys Varsity soccer team. Back row: (left to right): Jeff Zlotnick, Danny Buchanan, Jason Nelson, Chris Lee. Johnathan Dunnum, Kirk McGillivray, unidentified student. Geoff Shandler, Jason Shook, Hank Smith, Chris Barnes. Second row: Nick Spencer, Matt Preston, Zach Shandler, Neil Miller, Matt Hllgendorf, Justin Miller, and Taylor Purdue.

Top Left: Taylor Purdue taking a quick look back field Top Right: Moving it down for a Demon score. Center Left: Peter Shilton having a ball. Center Right: Getting the ball away from the opponents. Bottom Left: Matt Hilgendorf puts pressure on a Valley player. Bottom Right: Matt Preston shows his great speed. Above: No one can stop our goalies.

Above: Future varsity football players.

Above: "Try this!"

Below: Santa Fe's better half pose for picture!

Below: SFHS swimmer strives to victory!!

Below: Smile, take a pretty picture.

Below: Cross country team hoping to win!

Below: "Hey, look at me!'

Below: "It's in!"

Below. "I'm better than you think!'

Annual Students Busy All Year "What do they do in there?" is a question commonly asked about the Annual classroom that most of the staffers can't even answer. Amidst the clicking of typewriters, the drafts flying, and the students furiously trying to finish copy, sits Ms. Beverly Friedman, the sponsor and advisor of the yearbook. She's on the "hot seat"; she confirms decisions, yells when things go wrong, and generally keeps things running as smoothly as humanly possible. Before the final deadline, the pace of the annual room is frantic, to say the least. The entire three hundred and twenty pages must be drafted, re-drafted, and approved; photographs and copy have to be assigned, and every detail needs to be checked with the editors and the sponsor. Each individual staffer is responsible for certain pages in their section. The photographers madly click away, then develop and print the pictures they took. Each picture is carefully surveyed and then either trashed, or put to use in the yearbook. All of the students must work together very hard in order to complete this immense project by the deadline. This hectic atmosphere prevails until every page is sent in to the publishing company and the book is finished, and in the hands of the students at SFHS. Top right, Third Period, left to right, 1st row: Monica Solano, Vicky Whitted, Shelle Ford, Anne Valdez, Rebecca Roybal, Joann Fernandez; 2nd row: Martin Marques, Betsy Hughes, Pam De Lovato, Sam Tischler, Michelle Gallegos, David Lucero, John Miller; 3rd row: Ms. Beverly Friedman. Ron Hoover, Eddie Wanek. Michaela Trappe. Justin Hebron. Middle right. Fifth Period, left to right, 1st row: Jessica Cavalli; 2nd row: John Freedman. Kirk MacGillvaray. Jason Menke. Chad Holbrooks; 3rd row: Joe Wolff. Jennifer Martinez, Gretchen Eichelmann. Rebecca Gonzales. Vicki Saiz. Jason Shook, Nathan Duran; 4th row: Ms. Beverly Friedman, Stacie Hamm, Susan Parks. Julie Giles, Amy Consola, Pancho Montoya. Tim Beaver, Phaedra West. Michelle Lopez, Bottom right. Sixth Period, left to right. 1st row: Gene Salazar, Miranda Seitzinger, Paige Conover. Jennifer Gentry. Stacie Miller; 2nd row: Fred Murdock, George Nathanson. Brad Fowler. Daniel Madero, Tom Hudson; 3rd row. Gina Martinez. Kelly Montoya, John Miller, Yvette Truijillo. Darla Forbess. Ms. Friedman.

Top left, Gretchen Bchelmann: "Take it or leave it!": top right, Ms. Beverly Friedman grins while Chad Holbrooks enjoys his glasses.; middle left, Nathan Duran tries to print a picture as John Freedman peeks under his arm.; middle right, Jason Menke watches the object of Chad Holbrooks' picture while Tim Beaver talks on the phone.; bottom left, Sharon Brown shows something to Shelle Ford as Miranda Seitzinger chats with Jennifer Gentry.; bottom right, John Freedman talks intently on the phone.

Top right. John Miller uses annual computer; middle right, Hillary Campbell and John Freedman grin at something; bottom right, Lisa Dennis laughes at Stacie Hamm's studious actions; top left. Vicki Saiza and Pancho Montoya entertain themselves; middle left, Stacie Miller smiles for the camera as Sharon Brown tries to work; bottom left. Lisa Dennis is ready to rush out the door at the end of class.

Top left, Allyson Hill, class editor middle left, Stacie Hamm. class editor; bottom left, Shelle Ford, class editor; top right, Gretchen Eichelmann, business editor, takes money from two students for yearbooks; middle right, Sharon Brown talks to Stacie Miller and Leslie Vlera; bottom right. Kirk MacGilllvray, Pancho Montoya, and Jason Shook work studiously.

Group: Top row. Mr. Orlando Baca. Ed Trimmer, Mathew Vigil. Bonnie Carlisle, Monica Garcia, Michelle Trip. Third row, Charlotte Chavez, Yvonne Lopez. Suzanne Hill, Patricia Vildez. Yvette Guillen, Carol Torres, Shannon Wells, Mary Garcia; Second row, Brenda Lopez, Jeanette Lopez, Chris Sandoval. James Chavez, Shannon Henry, Ruth Pino. Front row, Trace Gallagher. Jude Vigil, Terry Lutz, Javier Mendoza, Marvin Ngirutang, and Daniel Madero.

FBLA Helps Community

Opposite page club officers: Mathew Vigil. Evetle Guillen, Terry Lutz. Charlotte Chavez, Carol Torres and Jeanette Lopez. Patricia Martinez decorates the Demon Depot for Halloween as James Chavez looks on. This page: Top left, Mr. Orlando Baca, club sponsor. Top right, student learned about FBLA. Bottom. FBLA poses in front of water fountain in Albuquerque.

Future Business Leaders of America is one of the most active clubs on the SFHS campus. According to sponsor Mr. Orlando Baca, the club tries to take projects that help the community and the school. This is evident in their activities year round. FBLA started the year off with a membership drive. Thirty-seven new members were sworn in on Oct. 8. Their first community project was an Easter Seals raffle in which they raised $200.00 for the Easter Seals Society. They began a food drive on Nov. 18 that continued until Nov. 22. With this food drive, they collected approximately 700 items. Other November activities for the club included the FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference which was held in Albuquerque. Nineteen students learned about FBLA and how to improve their club and themselves by going to a variety of workshops. Christmas projects included a sales drive, in which the club collected new toy or used unbroken toys or money from classes and clubs. They gave the items to the Salvation Army and The Marine Corps for distribution. FBLA revived the Snowball Dance, which was held on Dec. 13. Supersound 106 provided the music. Money raised from this dance went towards scholarships given at the end of the year. Various activities were scheduled for February, which was FBLA month. The club sold donuts the month of March to raise money to attend the National Convention in Washington D.C. on June 26 through July 3. The club wrapped up the year with a summer trip, something they had never done before.

Jazz Band an exciting experience "Being a professional musician, conductor, performer and writer, I feel that the jazz program at SFHS is extremely important in that it provides students with on the job training. I never had an opportunity like this when I was in high school, so I try to make the class fun and educational," said teacher of jazz band, Mr. Snider. Jazz band has done numerous activities this year including, playing for dances and going to festival. Top right: The band practices for an upcoming performance. Middle left: Mr. Snider directs the band on a new piece. Middle right: Neil Richardson and Robert Warren tune up before class.

Row 1, left to right: Regina Pogue. Caitlan Gannon, Becky Madrid, Kelly Whittleton and Kate Pitord. Row 2: Daniel Ellis. Alex Meining. Paula Gonzales. Jim Campton. Kerrl Temple, Isreal Houghton. Gerald Garcia, Guy

Wright. Mark Miller, James Brown and Paul Baca. Row 3: Robert Warren Claudia Pozel, Sara Pozel, Carlos Lux and Justin Freeark.

Guitar classes are busy all year "The guitar is an investment you can enjoy playing alone or with a group. You can begin studying at any age and continue all your life," says Mrs. Walrath, guitar class's teacher. The guitar classes have done numerous activities this year including, a Christmas concert and spring programs featuring march bands and many excellent soloists playing classical and pop music. Left: Guitar class's teacher, Mrs. Marcla Walwrath. Top center: Jeff Whitfill practicing his guitar music. Center, from left to right: Greg White, Tommy Trujillo and Robert Mascerenas making music.

Row 1, toft to right: Robert Rytee. Troy Broadnax, Barbara Jaramlllo. Racheile Howell. Bobby Pacheco and Randy Lucero. Row 2: John Alejandro. Jessica Montoya, Maria Montano. Diane Sandoval, Debbie Baca, Michelle Roybal. Tamara Padilla. Suzanne Jacquez and Lawrence Osbom.

Row 3: Jasom Romero, Kenny Jaramlllo, Tommy Trujillo, Robert Mascerenas. Paul King, Alexander Meining. Jeff Whitfill. James Lucero. Greg White, Anthony Solano, Erik Stevenson and Mrs. Walwrath.

Top left. Maureen Fresquez is so happy to be a flag girt; Top right, Kate Pittard and Becky Madrid lead the band into the homecoming parade; Middle, the flag corps, left to right: Jackie Balkenede, Raquel Martinez, Becky Sandoval, Kattin Ganin, Jemsha Rodgers, Anna Medrano, Karen Taulbee, Maureen Fresquez, Anna DeLovato. Contessa Aragon, and Kari Haaland. Bottom. The flags in front of the band during the homecoming parade.

Top left. Orillettes march into homecoming parade; Middle left, David Tolen looks like he wants to go home; Bottom left, the brass section of the band; Top right, drum majors, Kate Pittard and Becky Madrid; Bottom right, drummers march around the parking lot.

The Santa Fe High School Band should be recognized for their outstanding performances throughout the year. Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Concert Band include some of the many talented students of Santa Fe High School. Their great efforts and skills have helped the band conquer many fabulous performances. Mr. Clark Pontsler, Mr. Doug Hoover, and Richard Snider have also achieved something throughout the year by directing the band into having a wonderful season Group band picture: bottom row, left to right. Kate Pittard, Karen Taulbee. Kari Haaland, Contessa Aragon, Maureen Fresquez, Anna DeLovato. Anna Medrano, Patricia Overmyer, Jana Stokes, Susan Holt, Mary Alice Cauis. Darlene Archuleta. Dana Romero, Paula Garcia, Melissa Gallegos, Jerusha Rodgers, Regina Pogue. Becky Roybal, Raquel Baba. Jacki Balkenende, Caitlin Gannon, Becky Madrid. Second row, Heather Wolf, Stephanie Delgado, Kerri Temple, Jim Compton, David Tolen, Greg Anaya, Chris Ball. Gerald Garcia, Dan Pell, Ken Maestas, Derek Burton, Daniel King, Nicole Curtis, Kara Gavrila, Danny Trujillo, Marie Gonzales, Carolyn Ingram. Third row, Doug Hoover, Richard Snyder, Guy Wright, Holly Leer, Shannon Brown, Suzanne Reindorf, Michelle Marino. Susan Zytnik, Yoko Kosaka, Stacey Gregory, Sarah Herr, Paula Gonzales. Josie Wurst. Tequilla Brooks, Ashley Gross, Melissa Gilman, Stephanie Constantii. Maria Chavez, Stephanie Blackwell, Elaine Sena, Valerie Lerma, Dawn Delmar, Gianna Mendoza, Christina Romero, Shannon Brauer, Heather Polasky. Geralyn Trujillo, Tom Kelly, Adam Feyrary. Monica Noedel. Dirk Mewes, Mike Sandoval, Dr. Clark Pontsler. Fourth row, Vickie Holgerson. Kelly Valdez, Donna Daymon. Jason Roberts, Beth Apodaca, Anne Dickinson, Laura Boles, Wanda Schaner, JoAnna Vigil, Paula Ortiz, Christina Allocca, Laura Hendrickson. Joe Greathouse. Erik Haaland, Amy Getchell. Robbie Warren, Justin Freeark. Carlo Vogel, Israel Houghton. Fifth row, Renee Kern. Traci Paris, Allx Krakowski. Caleb Kullman, Juno Sisneros. Chris Montoya. Fidel Montoya. Veronica Monatoya. Chris Nordstrum, Emilie Sandoval, Nancy Collins, Randy Olivas, Genise Tuypen. Larry Sanders, David Atkinson. Margie Hendrickson, Mary Jane Charlton, Carlos Lux, Sarah Pozel. Paul Armstrong, Robert Nerr. Ken Rivera, Tom Miera. Joel Spoonhiem. '* j .,; Sixth Row, Left to Right, Greg Smith. Brian Gilligan. Chris Ennega. Lee Lierz, Neil Richardson. Salvador Rodriguez, Paul Baca. John Lawrence, Claudia Pozel. Nicole Castellano. Kelly Whittleton, Mariah Bennett, Edith Baldinger. Mark Miller, James Brown, Greg Budwine, Mike Spring.

Group shot: top row. left to right. Daniel King, Derek Burton. Ken Maestas. Danny Pell. Danny Trujillo. Carolyn Ingram; middle row. left to right, Jim Compton, Gerald Garcia, Marie Gonzales. David Tolen, Heather Wolf, Chris Ball, Greg Anaya: bottom row, left to right, Kerri Deleon. Kara Gavrila. Nicole Curtis. Bottom left: Paul Armstrong toots away. Above: SFHS Drummers practice for the big game. Bottom Right: Clark Pontsler. band director.

The French Club began the year with a picnic in Hyde Park attended by many members who provided lots of delicious food. In October they sold candy. In November they participated in the Homecoming parade. They also had an after school bash at the Palace Swiss Bakery. In December, they caroled around town and had their traditional pot luck dinner at the home of Debbie Garcia. In January they began to organize the Valentine dance which was great fun for all on February 14. In the springtime they attended the French weekend at Glorietta. Other springtime activities included a banquet at Chez Eduard French restaurant and a picnic at Cochiti Lake in May. The highlight of last year's club was the trip to Paris for Lisa Marie Dennis, Amy Sena, Suzanne Hill, Dana Romero, Amy Bunting, Paul King, Georgia Ortiz, accompanied by Mrs. Booth and Mrs. McEvilly. For a week they visited major sights, ate scrumptuos meals, practiced French in the stores of all kinds and explored the streets, parks, and metros.

Left to right: Claudia Pozel. Suzanne Reindorf, Winton Wilson, Story Dieghl, Roger Madero, Anna Maes, Lisa Knowles, Jamie Aronson, David Rubino, Debbie Garcia. Chris Duval, Melinda Griego, Matt Gerzanich, Daniel Madero, Ellen Roots, Diedre Ballielt. Suzanne Hill, Sarah Herr, Nathan Santry, Dana Romero. Lower middle: French Club members clown around at annual picnic. Upper middle: Anke Rette from Germany, and Benoit Dechamps from Belgium, exchange students, join the group in caroling. Top middle: Paul King, Dana Romero, Georgia Ortiz, Mrs. Booth, and Lisa Dennis at Versailles. Right: Linda Lohelan, Laura Hendrickson, and Deidra Ballielt show Homecoming spirit.

Top right: Annual French club picnic. Middle left: French club members living it up. Middle right: Oavid Rubino feasts on his chocolate mousse. Left: Ms. McEvilly poses by a statue at Versailles. Lower left: Suzanne Hill and Amy Sena at Versailles.

Picture at right: Shane Miller and John Geekie goof-off before picnic. Middle left: Kelly Carlisle smiles for the camera. Middle right: Neil Miller and Jason Nelsen enjoy the sun. Bottom left: Benoit Dechamps tastes his first marshmallow. Bottom right: Tom Trusnovic and Daniel von Briesen enjoy their lunch.

Each year German Club members participate in a fall picnic held at Aspen Meadows. Pictured below are members relaxing in the outdoors.

GERMAN CLUB MEMBERSHIP Pictured at left are German Club members successfully building a pyramid. Bottom picture, bottom row. left to right, Secretary Caitlin Gannon, President Maria Trujillo, Treasure Brock Sternberg, Vice President Jon Dunnum, Club reporter Daniel Von Briesen. Second row, left to right. Amy Hallquist, Sandra Nelson, Garance Ruta, Heather Churchill, Phaedra West, Miki Griego, Tiffany Gregory, Jill Miller, Ashley Gross, Justin Miller, Erin Chambers, Emilie Sandoval, Stacy Miller, Melissa Miller, Neil Miller, Erin Finney, Mark Van Deusen, Madena Bennett, Nataline Baribeau, Brenda Portzline. Third row, left to right, Heidi Jochem, Cody Keeling, Tom Trusnovic, Matt Miller, Carlos Lux, Kelly Carlisle, Ruby Martinez, Beth Apodaca, Mariah Bennett, Donna Sema, Erik Persson, Guy Wright, Leon Lyons, Kristin Hansen, Camilla Sandling, Ray Finn, Joel Spoonheim, Melissa Gilman. Fourth row, left to right, Sean Montgomery, Ian Boyd, Jay Price, Desira Amiday, Steve Sontgerath, Treasurer Gretchen Eichelmann, Stacey Gregory, Tracy Smithpeter, April Morris, Rachel Hess, Mindy MacCarter, Christine Trusnovic, Anke Rettberg, Cynthia Whitney, Geralyn Trujillo, Holly Leer, Danica Shaw, Peter Yesley, Bart Dority, Jim Compton, Fifth

row, left to right, Ronald Storr, Kyle Miller, Lee Lierz, Chris Reinert, Joseph Greathouse, John Sullivan. Daniel Mulholland. Melissa Humber, Ellen Kantner, Eric Sontgerath, Jeff Erhart, Jeff Zlotnick, Erik Haaland. Josh Rippel, Paul Keyes, Troy Harmon, John Gehred. Phil Watkins, John Geekie, Jay Winton, Sixth row, left to right, Chris Faehl, Edd Trimmer. Laura Boies, Jacob Kaltenbach, Daniel Gehred, Pat Briscoe, Janette Rupp, Margie Hendrickson. Forrest Jones, Ted Stenzhorn, Derek Burton, Neil Richardson, Tom Dooley, Paul Cortez, Shane Miller, Rudy Montoya, Mark Miller, Nico Ortiz, Duane Kopp, Fred Eichelmann, Charles Roosen. Top row, left to right, Daryle Biddle, Tommy Trujillo. Michael Ehrlich, Jim Berger, Peter Wolf. Alexander Meining, Justin Freeark. German Club members missing from photo, in alphabetical order, Steve Anderson, Edie Baldinger, Jacquelyn Batkenende, Benoit Dechamps, Stephanie Delgado. Gogi Hoessler, Alix Krakowski, Dirk Mewes, James Mexia, Jason Nelsen, Ford Nelson, Jon Repa, Adrienne Rommel. Kate Romig, Sebastian Ruta, Vincent Saiz, Christina Swartwout, David Thomson, David Tolen, Paula Wallace, John Weinmeister, Todd Welch, Ian Wengs, Lorna Wiegardt, Geoff Wise.

Top left. Club President Maria TrujiHo at last years' Awards Dinner Dance; top right, school board member, Michael Gross, is guest speaker at Awards Banquet; middle left. German exchange student Alexander Meining lights candles on tree at Christmas Potluck; middle right. German exchange student Anke Rettberg accompanies carols on her guitar; bottom left, Herr Pearson and club members sing German carols at Potluck; bottom right, Stacy Miller and Sebastian Ruta, both top ten scorers on the National German test, enjoy Christmas Potluck.

Top left, Stacy Miller and Nice- Ortiz at Northern German Weekend at Ghost Ranch: upper middle, Bryan Patterson and Maria Trujillo at last years Junior - Senior Prom; lower middle left, Ted Stenzhorn and Madena Bennett participate in Spepiel-und-Sportfest; bottom Jesus Gonzales, Paul Cortez and Leon Lyons admire German Weekend trophy.

German Club Book Award To the senior who best combines academic excellence with outstanding participation in the German Club. 1981-82 Greg Jackson 1982-83 Lori Kopp 1983-84 Diana Freeark 1984-85 John Kantner 1985-86 Maria Trujillo

For the fifth consecutive year, German Club continued to be the largest, and one of the most active clubs on campus. With it's membership limited to those students who are or have been enrolled in German classes, its total membership of 136 nevertheless still approached its self-imposed ceiling of 150 members. During this academic year German Club was accepted as an official chapter, New Mexico Kapitel Delta, of the National High School German Honor Society, Delta Epsilon Phi- "Deutsche Ehrenverbindung." During its annual Christmas Potluck, this year an expanded evening event, Schoolboard member Michael Gross inducted the first ten members into this honor society: Jamie Vigil, Jim Berger, Caitlin Gannon, Duane Kopp, Holly Leer, Nico Ortiz, Kate Romig, Eric Sontgerath, Ian Wengs, and Geoff Wise were the first inductees. Another 15 students qualified for induction in the spring making Santa Fe High's new chapter the largest in the State. A 3.6 over a minimum of three semesters of German and a 3.0 overall are the national requirements for membership. On the 1986 National High School German Examination, 13 members scored in the top ten percent nationally, either by absolute score or by percentile. In German IV, both Anke Rettberg and Alexander Meining scored a perfect 100%; in German III, Duane Kopp and Eric Sontgerath with 93% each, Ian Wengs, Caitlin Gannon with 90% each: in German II the percentile results were as follows: Sebastian Ruta - 98%, Steven Sontgerath - 95%, Neil Miller - 94%, Stacy Miller - 93%, Justin Freeark - 92%, Joseph Greathouse - 92%, and Karl Haaland - 91 %. Another 12 students scored in the top 20% nationally. German Club continued participation in all its traditional events: a Fall and Spring picnic at Aspen Meadows, sponsorship of the annual Oktoberfest Dance, this year an incredible success with over 700 in attendance, attendance at both German weekends - at the Sacramento Methodist Assembly where it won the Spielund Sportfest trophy for the first time, and at Ghost Ranch, ice skating in Los Alamos, and again supporting the Demon Varsity soccer teams. The most excitement development of the year, however, was the acceptance of the German program into the German American Partnership program sponsored by the German government. Santa Fe High School is now an official partner chool with the christian-Emestinum Gymnasium in Bayreuth, West Germany, and an annual reciprocal exchange program began this year with 15 club members visiting that school and community for two months during the summer. The German students with whom we stayed will visit Santa Fe in April, 1987. Club reporter, Junior Daniel VonBriesen made it to the State finals of the CongressBundestag Scholarship Program for a free years' study at a German High School next year. Results were not known at this writing. The club again closed out its active year with an annual Awards Banquet and Dance with a German meal at a local hotel.

The Journalism class students use their skills to write articles in the Demon Tatler newspaper about sports, students, faculty, and various clubs in the school. Producing the newspaper is very hard work and takes a lot of time. Each student is responsible for his share of work. Jobs the students must do include writing stories, meeting deadlines, doing layout, and selling ads. Despite all the hard work, the students do meet their deadlines on time and keep the newspaper coming every month.

Top left, Ms. Friedman gives last minute advice to Christine Gutierrez before she types her story. Top right, Vicki Saiz edits one of her classmates' stories. Middle left, Christine Gutierrez concentrates intensly on her story. Group: top. left to right, Ms. Friedman, Jacob Kaltenbach, Rudy Montoya. Emily Ley. Diane Sandoval, middle: Christine Gutierrez, Amy Consola. Amanda Paschal, Tim Ricklefs, bottom: Monica Solano, Vicky Whitted, Vicki Saiz, Stacey Ward. Bottom left. Hugh Gyetvai stops to grin in the middle of a story. Bottom right, Diane Sandoval is caught smiling at the camera while doing her work.

Top left: Matt Miller stares at the photographer while Tom Trusnovic figures out how a typewriter works. Top right: Vicky Whitted and Monica Solano pull together for a quick picture. Middle left: Stacey Ward, co-editor, smiles widly for the photographer. Middle center. Vicky Whitted works on putting a layout together. Middle right, Amy Consola wonders what kind of story will be assigned to her next. Bottom, the editors of Journalism. Stacey Ward and Vicki Saiz get together for a picture-perfect-picture.

Top left: Mr. Davidson. Middle left picture; left to right, Paul Scwendimann, Mike Witt, and Tally Pardue. Bottom, left to right Paul Schwendimann, Paige Conover, and Mike Witt. Top right: Key Club building Zozobra. Pictured above: Paul introducing officers Below; Julie Gallegos.

Top left: Paul Schwendimann. Top right: Vice-President: Mike Witt. Above: First row: left to right; Paul Schwendimann, Suzanne Keever, Tally Pardue. Mike Witt. Second row: Kate Plttard. Jeraldine Trujillo, Miranda McEvilry. Mika Fulkuda, Cathy Peterson, Atvin Warren. Caina Martinez, Amanda Gross, Diedra Balliett, Jason Mane, David Ginnochio, Beau Heiss, Tracy Smith, Rob Wood, Debbie Nit. Phaedra West. Third row: Karen Bennet, Sara Stein, Linda Glass, Tom Hogan. Paige Conover, Burton Heiss, Theresa Mann. Jennifer Dear, Carlo Voguel, Larry Vigil, Eric Vance, Karen Apodaca, Nina Pearce, Katie Tales, Christin Reagan. Fourth row: Brian Minogue, Jason Menke, Elmer Gross. Stacy Patrick. Greg Smith, Tom Yocom, Philip Garcia, Becky Madrid, Jeff ZIotnik. Lauren Preston, Matt Sena, Jesse Vigil. Randy Hagen, Peggy Rodriguez. Senia Post. Fifth row: Chaddwick of Holbrooke. Leslie Webber, James Brown, Patty Romero. Raine St. Peter, Hugh Gyetvai, Nicole Curtis, Laura Cook, Sophia Sanchez, Jennifer Miller, Matt Sundown. Tatum Fawn, Jackie Maines. Kerry Long, Tanya Ericson. Sixth row: Danica Shaw, Nathan Duran, Shaun Bien, Jessica Cavalli, Erin Peck, Ronald Harper, Christine Guiterrez, Amanda Post, Peter Wolf, Eric Baysdon. Michelle David.

Key Club was one of the most active and largest clubs this year. They started off with Zozobra and did a great job, with a lot of hard work. They did some activities with their parent club, the downtown Kiwanis Club. They made a lot of money ringing kettle thugs for the Salvation Army and other charities. They also made pancakes for the Kiwanis Pancake Day. A lot of the members were thinking about district conventions and New Mexico spirit rally. Both of these are Key Club traditions, involving hundreds of Americas' eager youth getting together for a weekend full of fun. There was also a dance during the weekend where money raised was given to charity. Key Club stands for Kiwanis Educates Youth. They are part of an international organization with millions of members world-wide. All of these many people are dedicated to serve their school and community however possible. The officers consisted of president, Paul Schwendiman; vice-president, Mike Witt; secretary, Tally Pardue; treasurer, Suzanne Keever; and sponsor, Mr. Davidson. The year ended in excellence and a lot of achievement.

Top right; working for charity left to right, Laura Wilder, Rachel Hess: middle left: left to right, Melissa Baca. Julie Jasper: middle right: left to right. Downtown Kiwanis Club, left to right. Bob Lanphre. Karl Wood, Jim Loepold, Marv Samuleson, Les Rice.-Frank Bailey. Griff Dodge. Mike Witt. Paul Schwendlman, Tallie Pardue. Not pictured, secretary Suzanne Keever; above, men working hard for Fiesta; lower right: working on Zozobra.

Top Left: left to right, Jason Menke. Jessica Cavalli, Eric Vance. Top Right: Mike and Paul. Middle Right: Left to Right, Brian MInogue. Mike Witt, Jeff Ziotnic. Middle Left: Paul Schwendimann. Above: Key Club working as a team. Bottom Left: Linda Glass at work. Below: Hugh GyetvaL

Above, bottom row, left to right, Kate Pittard, Tom Kelly, Miranda McEvilly. Middle row, left to right, Geralyn Trujillo, Roger Madero, Jay Price, Top row left to right, Josh Maddalone, Maggie Farley, Becky Madrid, Marvin Nrigtung. Right, Mr. Perfors is baffled by his club members' reasoning. Bottom right, Ms. Burke requesting a little order.

Model United Nations is perhaps one of the most fascinating clubs here at Santa Fe High, and it is, unquestionably, the most wordly. The purpose of this organization is to increase the awareness of the United Nations and it's accomplishments through representation and the research of economic and social customs. Model U.N. helps to expand the average citizen's knowledge in areas of foreign affairs. Model U.N. attended a session in April, held at the state capitol, to debate the issues of human rights and the problems of the Middle-East. This year, the organization represented India and South Africa. June Burke, and George Perfors are the sponsors of the group.

The Future Farmers of America is an organization sponsered by the Horticulture class at Santa Fe Technical High School. The primary aim of FFA is the development of horticulture, leadership, cooperation, and citizenship. The specific purposes for this organization are to develop competant and aggressive horticultural leadership. Other aims include to strengthen the confidence of students in vocational horticulture, in themselves and their work. The organization also encourages members in the development of individual occupational experience programs in horticulture and the establishment of horticulture careers. Sandra Valdez, Paul Sandoval, and Josephine Gonzales, members of the Nursery/Landscape team, went to a national competition in Kansas City, Missouri, and placed 22nd nationwide. Through out the year the Future Farmers of America have sold oranges, poinsettas's and other items to raise money for their club. The group also had a food drive to supply canned foods to the Salvation Army. The officers of the group are as follows: President, Joe Leos; Vice-President, Paul Sandoval; Secretary, Leslie Valdez; Treasurer, Josephine Gonzales; Reporter, Sandra Martinez; Sentinel, Peter Chaves. Top picture, first row, left to right, Carl Archuleta, Tim Padilla, Andrew Williams, Lawerance Sisneros, Ken Collins, Michelle Coriz. Second row, left to right. Josephine Gonzales, Deborah Maestas. Sandra Valdez, Monica Baca. Leslie Valdez, Brenda Rodriguez. Third row, left toright,Instructor Fabian Chaves III, Paul Sandoval, Joyce Velarde, Mark Anaya, Joe Leos. John Martinez, Sandra Martinez, Ed Martinez. Tom Ortiz, Richard Jacquez, Sherrie Gaskin, unidentified person, Dolores Anaya. Middle picture, members of Future Farmers of America in Santa Fe parade. Bottom picture, Ken Collins and his prize winning swine at county fair.

1985-86 was one of the best years for OEA. It is made up of senior members enrolled in office occupations, a vocational class offered at the Santa Fe Technical High School. It is said to be "The Club with Class," only because each individual member puts in part of themself, as they each give their ideas and experiences from social and occupational life, which altogether make the organization work as a club. This is the first year that OEA has introduced and installed juniors as members in the club. "So together we strive to recognize our capabilities and develop ourselves as fully as possible so that we can share in every challenging task," said club sponsor Jack Wilson. From the start of this 1985-86 year, OEA accomplished all planned activities with class.

Senior Officers. TOP, Left to Right, President, Tina Alarid. Reporter, Lisa Vigil, Secretary, Joyce Medrano. BOTTOM, Left to Right, Vice-President, Donna Gallegoes, Treasurer, Janet Romero, Parlimentarian, Kathyrn Leyba. Historian, Martha Garcia. Junior Representative, Left to Right, Ramona Quintana, Margaet Baca, Sophia Ubibarri, Apryl Martinez, Dollie Vialpando. Above, O.EA. Membership Installation.

TOP ROW. Left to Right. Anna Griego. Joyce Medrino. Tammy Tipton. Tina Alarid. Annette Martinez. Martha Garcia. Darlene Jacquez. Bottom Row. Left to Right, Mary Jo Moore. Janet Romero, Christine Griego. Donna Gallegoes, Lisa Visarraga. Maria Voyles. Kathryn Leyba. Bernadina Salazar, Francine Vasquez, Lisa Vigil, Felicia Galbadon (not shown). Junior Members, TOP ROW. Left to Right. Christina Reene. Sandra Medina. Gina Gallardo. Lorri Vasquez. Irene Jimenez, Dolores Anaya. Garline Salazar. FRONT ROW, Mary Baldonado. Judy Gallegos, Renee Griego. Samanatha Olivas. Margaret Baca. Ramona Qulntana. Sophia Ulibarri, Apryl Martinez, Dollie Vialpando. Left. Homecoming toast to victory. Right, club officers ham it up at the Glorieta Leadership Conference.

Fund raising pays off for Pan Am "You get out of it what you put into it," could often be heard at Pan American meetings throughout the year. Still excited from the trip taken in the summer to Southern California, the Pan American Club planned for their yearly trip. Officers for 1985-86 were President David Lucero, Vice-President Camilla Sandling, Treasurer Alicia Ortiz and Secretary Arlene Gonzales. Fund raisers were the name of the game for the club. They sold many items including Demon pins and 31 Flavors ice cream. They also ran a concession stand at Alumni Hall during the bingo games. The location of the trip wasn't decided on until April.

Top left: Chris Gonzales on location for Pan Am. Top right: scenic sight viewed by last year's trip takers. Middle left: "What do you mean, Fred can't come?" Middle right: Arlene Gonzales offers suggestions. Bottom: Alicia Ortiz listens to sponsor Marcos Lucero.

Top left: David Lucero. president. Top right: Camilla Sandling, vice-resident. Middle left: Arlene Gonzalez. Middle right: Alicia Ortiz, treasurer. Group shot: top row, left to right. Marcos Lucero. Karen Hernandez, Cindy Martinez. Ruth Baca. Alicia Ortiz, middle row. Angela Montoya. Rachel Garcia. Paula Marez, Melanie Abeyta. Sarah Klubundi, bottom row. Tanya Ericson, Karen Apodaca, Michelle Tarpiey, Janaiyn Sager, Beau Heiss. seated, Camilla Sandling.

Rodeo Club Keeps Themselves Busy The Rodeo Club was formed ten years ago and has been going strong ever since. They set many goals this year, the main one is to sponsor their own rodeo. This would give them the opportunity to send someone from Santa Fe, and perhaps from the Rodeo Club, to the National Rodeo Finals. Another goal set by the Rodeo Club is to raise enough money to sponsor their members in local roping competitions and horse shows. The Rodeo Club already has had numerous fund raising ventures such as the Ride-a-Thon held in October. The members were sponsored individually to ride a certain number of miles over a four-day weekend. They camped overnight at the Cook Ranch near Galisteo. The Rodeo Club meets on Thursday evenings for one hour. The officers are: Danny Byrd, President; Mark Sawyer, Treasurer; and Monique Swisher, Secretary. They worked very hard to organize the club this year and have an active membership.

Top right, Kelly Decker and Annadeene Miller in the Homecoming Parade. Middle right, Monique Swisher and Danny Byrd are ready for a ride. Lower right, Zach Moore and Mark Sawyer take a break during practice. Bottom, left side, Zach Moore looks triumphant on his horse. Bottom, right side, Will Moore is all ready to go.

Group Shot, bottom row, left to right, David Twitty, Ken Collins. Zach Moore, Annadeene Miller, Jason Fastnacht, Dennis Larranaga, Heath Miller. Top row. left to right. Jeff Johnson. Mark Sawyer. Monique Swisher. Tim Solano, Dean Beck, Carl Archuleta. Danny Byrd, Marcial Rodriquez. Not pictured: Lynette Gallegos, Sherri Gaskin, Kelly Decker. Greg Gillespie, Damian Overby, Bill Aragon, Adrian Chavez.

Top left. Zach Moore and Mark Sawyer ride along on their horses. Top right, Greg Gillespie stares at something. Bottom left, Will Moore gets into his ride. Bottom right, Danny Byrd and Monique Swisher saddle up the horse.

Students Learn New Language The Russian Language Club, which now has 30 members, was founded during the spring semester of the 1984-85 academic year by German teacher Allan Pearson. The primary purpose of the club is to provide extracurricular instruction in the Russian language, since Santa Fe High School currently offers no special academic instruction in this important world language. At the start of this academic year, science teacher Loren Byers donated his time as co-sponsor of the club, providing once a week instruction in the Russian language and culture. Mr. Byers is certified in Russian and brought more knowledge of the language to the club. Russian language club meets once a week during the lunch period on Tuesdays, when students, other faculty members, and members of the Santa Fe community join forces to deal with the difficulties of this major Slavic language. Two major cultural events in which the club participated, were attendance at "A dramatic evening in Russian and English," actually a poetry reading by famous contemporary Russian poet Andrei Vosensensky, at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and full club attendance at a Russian banquet with Russian entertainment on March 2, 1986, sponsored by students for understanding. Some high school members of the club even went on a tour to Moscow and Leningrad during spring break.

Top: Loren Byers instructs the class on how to spell an unknown Russian word. Middle; Students of Russian Language Club listen to how this difficult language is spoken. Bottom; Bottom row. left to right: Jay Price,-treasurer, Sarah Herr-secretary. Claudia Pozel-president, Roger Madero. Middle; left to right: Alexander Meining. Peter Hanagan, Robert Neer, Jacob Kaltenbach, Tristan Clum. Kyle Miller. Top; left to right: Faculty co-sponsor Allan Pearson, Garance Ruta. John Sullivan, Tequila Brooks, Cynthia Whitney, Oeirdre Balliett.

The Speech Team is a class taught by Ms. McCrary. The team travels across the state to compete in tournaments. The team consists of two groups: individuals and team debaters. The team from each school is given a topic, in the first round the team is either for or against the subject. In the next round each team switches their opinion on the subject. Judges then decide that the school that has given the stronger points, wins. Upper left; front row: Roger Madero, Jackie Balenade, Sarah Bunting, Tally Pardue. Second row: Debbie Garcia, Camilla Sandling, Amy Arkell, Dierdra Bailiett, Karen Taulbee, Linda Glass, Arion Dembo. Kelly Carlisle. Third row: John Boggs, Scarlet Weatherford, Stacey Ward, Karen Apadaca, Taylor Pardue, Nathan Santry. Rob Wood, Michelle Tanner, Grant Fowler, Mike Esquibel. Above: Linda Glass nervously talks to the class. Middle Left: Sarah Herr and Jane Brooks watch attentively. Bottom left Kelly Carlisle gives a lecture.

Student Council Sponsors Dance Student Council began the year with Homecoming activities such as the dance, half-time entertainment, the assembly and the parade. At Christmas, they raised money for the needy, Vice President Becky Madrid went to Los Alamos to attend a summer convention discussing ideas on how to improve schools. She said, "I really got to meet new people and learn about societies." The 1985-86 officers were President Sharon Brown, vice-president Becky Madrid, secretary Shunae Love, treasurer Melissa Miller. The sponsors were Ms. Ann Downes and Mr. Albert Cano.

Top right, homecoming parade; Middle right, The varsity football team, the attendants, and the homecoming queen; Middle left. Megan Kenny keeping things in order; Lower right, left to right, senior attendant Lisa Dennis, queen Renee Saiz, and senior attendant Shunae Love: Lower left, left to right, Sharon Brown, Student Council president: Becky Madrid. Vice President; Melissa Miller, Treasurer; and Shunae Love, secretary.

Above, first row. left to right, Shunae Love, Sharon Brown, Becky Madrid, Melissa Miller; Second Row, Daniel Von Brieson, Mathew Martinez, Louisa Lujan, Cathy Greenlee, Megan Kenny, Michelle Tanner; Third Row, Annie Rojas, Liz Hendren, Trish Lopez, Rebecca Martinez, Pictured Middle left, Vice-President Becky Madrid; Middle right. President Sharon Brown; Bottom, Senior attendants, Lisa Dennis and Shunae Love.

Varsity cheerleaders began the year with high spirits and an abundance of energy. While most SFHS students were lazing around in the sun, these industrious young ladies were mastering new routines and meeting the nation's cheerleaders at the USA Summer camp. Their diligence and enthusiasm earned them a spirit award, four superior ribbons and a superior trophy. As the school year shifted into high gear, the cheerleaders expanded their activities, escorting the football team at the Shellenberger Tennis Tournament, helping to judge the elementary school cheerleaders and holding a cheerleading clinic for the Girl Scouts. A SFHS Pep assembly or a Demon ballgame would be pretty dull without head cheerleader Jody Thomas and her varsity crew LuAnne Baca, Julie Montoya, Suzanne Jaquez, Monique, LaFebre and Maureen Trujillo. Sponsor Charlotte Lucero leads this energetic team whose spirit just can'i be beaten.

Top: left to right, Mona and Jules; Middle: bottom, Maureen Trujillo; middle, left to right, Julie Montoya, Monique LaFebre Suzanne Jaquez; top, left to right, Jody Thomas, Dianne Baca. Lower right: cheering for the homecoming parade, left to right: Luanne Baca. Monique LaFebre, Suzanne Jaquez.

Top: bottom row, left to right, Suzanne Jacquez, Monique LaFebre, Jody Thomas, middle, left to right, Maureen Trujillo, Luanne Baca, top, Julie Montoya, Upper left: Julie Montoya, Middle: Head Cheerleaders Jody Thomas and Luanne Baca, Suzanne Jaquez. Bottom: Monique LaFebre.

Freshmen Cheerleaders Boost Young Spirits

Though young and inexperienced, the freshmen cheerleaders boasted the spirit at SFHS. The year started off with bake sales raising money for the poor and for new uniforms. The cheerleaders that brought the spirit were: Jennifer Gentry, Laura McClenly, Carmela Garcia, Lisa Romero, Jessica Aranda, Vicky Holgerson. They sold demon stickers, maglaphones and ballons.

Upper right; bottom, Jennifer Gentry, middle bottom, left to right, Laura McClenly, Carmela Garcia, Middle, Lisa Romero, Top; left to right, Jessica Aranda, Vicky Holgerson, Right; cheering in the homcoming parade, left to right, Lisa Romero, Vicky Holgerson, Jessica Aranda, Above; Vicky Holgerson.

JV Cheerleaders Display Demon Pride

The JV Cheerleaders had a lot of Demon Pride this year. They cheered enthusiastically with the varsity cheerleaders. They worked very hard during the year having a lot of school spirit and raising money to go on out of town trips and for uniforms. The Demon Pride cheerleaders consisted of Christine Valdez. Julie Werner, Teresa Martinez, Janalyn Sager, Colette Herrera.

Upper left: left to right, Collette Herrera, and Christine Valdez, cheering for the Homecoming parade. Middle picture, bottom row, Donna Gonzales, Second row; left to right: Colette Herrera, Julie Werner, Janalyn Sager; middle row, Christine Valdez; Top row, Teresa Martinez. Lower left. Donna Gonzalez. Bottom, cheering for basketball, Christine Valdez. Above. Teresa Martinez.

Chess team works hard! "They are a young, eager, dedicated core of chess players who have the nerve to think they will be National Champions, and you know, I think they have a good chance," said sponsor of Chess Team Ms. Nancee Mexia-Nix. The other 198586 sponsors are Mr. Albert Cano and Mr. Jim Sena. The Chess Team met everyday and had competitions once every two weeks. They also went to regional, state and national tournaments. The Regional League Director Mr. Nowak said, "I feel SFHS has a national team this year and next year will be even better." Top right: Kyle Miller who became the youngest New Mexican to achieve the Expert category with a USCF rating of 2050 in the 1985 High School Tournament of State Champions. Group, from left to right, Row 1: Cadir Lee, Sebastian Ruta and Kyle Miller. Row 2: Phil Garcia, Dalton Ross, Aaron Davis and Manuel Rodriguiz. Row 3: David Marten, Ken Scott, Mr. Jim Sena, Troy Harmon, Sean Montgomery and Dan Mulholland.

Creativity makes the book! Literary Magazine is one of the various clubs at SFHS. The sponsors of this club are Mr. Rael and Ms. Duval. The club produces a creative magazine called "Stepping Stones," once a year, that has students' creative work in it. Students may submit many different forms of writing and art to be published in the magazine including poems, plays, short stories, drawings, and black and white photographs. Written submissions aren't necessarily in English. The magazine is a great way for students to express themselves and get some credit for their creative works. Group picture, from left to right: Ms. Judy Duval; Rachel Rogers: Dawn Cambron; Editor, Caroline Adams; Laura Wilder; and Kathy Phillips. Lower right, left to right: Rachel Rogers, Ms. Duval, and Editor, Caroline Adams.

Acting is a class act Drama Club is one of the most active clubs at SFHS. The club's sponsor is Santa Fe High's drama teacher, Dianne Keyson. The president for 1985-86 is Kelly Carlisle and the vice-president is Mark Garcia. For the fall play, Drama Club proudly presented "Madwoman of Chaillot." Among Drama Club's various activities this year were the annual haunted house, the fall play, Christmas caroling, and a hayride. Drama Club is for anyone who is interested in drama, not only for people in the drama classes. Row 1, from left to right: Sarony Young, Bridget Finney. Kelly Carlisle and Mark Garcia. Row 2: John Freedman. Sarah Joseph, Dianna Stanley, Vicki Holgerson, Angela Lemon, Gwen Heidamann, Tiffany Shuman and Jenny Rose. Row 3: Tim Beaver, Richard Roybal, Annette Apodaca, Regina Catanach, Peggy Rodriguiz, Sarah Crossman, Jenna Repa, Melony West and Iba Fukuda. Row 4: Camilla Sandling, Kristin Hanson, Felisha Anderson, Derek Burton, Nathan Suntry, Darin Robertson, Burton Heiss, Debbie Schwartz, Justine Hebron. Felisha Shulte, Patrick Hendricks, and Craig Selby. Row 5: Marco Segura, Jason Heyman, John Alajandro, Allison Warren, Lucas Paz and Dianne Keyson. Top left: Jessica Cavalli playing the role of Countess Aurelia and Benoit DeChamps playing the role of Pierre in "The Madwoman of Chaillot."

Being a scholar is an honor Honor Society is a special club at SFHS. It is based on ideals of leadership, scholarship, citizenship and service. A student must have a 3.5 GPA or better and recomendations from his/her teachers on the student's leadership abilities to join the club. The 1985-86 officers are President Ken Joseph, Vice-President Linda Glass, Secretary Lauren Preston and Treasurer Stephanie Delgado. "I think that Honor Society was very promising this year because of an increased awareness in the importance of active paraticipation," said Ken Joseph. Row 1. from left to right: Linda Glass, Ken Joseph and Lauren Preston. Row 2: Paul Armstrong, Stacey Gregory, Karen Apodaca, Tanya Erickson, Chris Levy, Stacy Miller, Vicki Saiz, Jay Price, Sarah Herr and Miquela Ortiz. Row 3: Tract Paris, Michelle Ferran. Tommy Miera, John Alejandro, Jason Heyman, Annie Rojas. Jess Masterson, Dana Romero, Chris Reinert. Suzanne Reindorf and Diedre Bailllett. Row 4: Melissa Miller, Sherri Moyer. Unknown, David Ginoccio, Ellen Roots. Michelle Tanner, Marcia Warren, Niko Ortiz. Curtis Garcia, John Dunwoody. Mike Esquibel. Geoff Chandler, Karl Haaland and Ms. Rouse. Lower left: President of Honor Society, Ken Joseph.

Santa Fe Vocational Technical High School's DECA Club has certainly put forth an excellent example during its years. It is an organization devoted to marketing careers and business. The group has contended in district, state and national competitions for scholarships and trophies. Club sponsors Mike Vialpando and Tom Gardner arranged activities for the club members such as Christmas caroling at St. Vincent's Hospital and club luncheons. The group and its sponsors look forward to many bright and busy years to come.

Group, left to right. Row 1: Rachel Gonzales, Loretta Bowker, Debbie Maestas, Leonard Salazar, Paula Viera, Janet Lopez, Patricia Padilla and Renee Chavez. Row 2: Mike Vialpando, Barbara Walters, Ana Mendoza, Rose Esparza, Elena Garcia, Teresa Sullivan, Kelly Wilson, Missy Jaffa, Darlene Martinez, James Padilla and Aaron Marchi. Row 3: Randy Begayne, Madilane Leyba, Liz Lovato, Danielle Esquibel, Mary Baldondo, Angel Hopkins, Jim Wilcoxen, John Lopez, Tommy Garcia and Tom Gardner.

Group, left to right, row 1: John Paul Neville. Michael Saucedo, Valerie Almanzor, Joey Dunaway and Lisa Kasper. Row 2: David Bradford. Kate Hamilton, Jenea Jaramillo, Marcey Hess. Ann Shurbert, Ashlynne Padilla and Stephen Maze. Row 3: Sandra Salazar, Evan Montoya, Jenifer Brewer, Karen Hare, Donna Cordova, Karen Sena, Joyce Garcia, Patricia Gallegos, Melissa Cordova, Yolanda Gurule, Yevette Martinez and Aileen Garcia.

FHA/HERO is a great contributer to SFHS and has earned a prestigious name amongst the organizations here. The group not only holds their own promotional events, such as a catered reception at the Governor's Mansion for the New Mexico Organization on Adolesent Pregnancy and Parenting, but it also sponsors another club called SADD (students against drunk driving). SADD, sponsored by Nora Lavato, who also sponsors FHA/HERO. is an organization dedicated to the prevention of drunk driving. The newly founded group has already taken steps toward enforcing its purpose through sponsoring awareness programs and offering "Contracts for Life." These contracts are between teenagers and parents agreeing not to drive drunk. SADD is quickly rising toward success and with the help of FHA/HERO, it will udoubtedly achieve its goal. Top group, left to right, row 1: Tina Ortiz. Renee Koroneos. Shirley Garcia. Antoinette Montgomery. Cathy Smith. Lora Tape. Addy Sanzhez. Melissa Gallegos. Georgia Ortiz and Angela Ortiz, Row 2: Evelyn Anchondo. Bernadette Aragon. Yvonne Ouintana. Susan Sanchez. Sarah Ortiz. Margret Pena, Joanna Garcia. Rose Sandaval and Bob Pacheco. Row 3: Laura Morales, Jennifer Garcia. Larry Vigil, Paul Big bee. Joseph Biea. Philip Montoya. Chris Probst, Jude Vigil. Earnest Romero and Mark Atchison. Row 4: Mrs. Lavato-sponsor. Cindy Romero. John Garcia. Angelo Montoya. Anthony Gunter, Danny Segura. Lyle Johnson and Damian Jiminez. Middle group, left to right, row 1: Lisa Apodaca. Angela Rivera, Yvonne Perea, Pamela Syron, Tina Ortiz, Renee Koroneos. Shirley Gallegos, Antoinette Montoya. Cathy Smith, Lora Tapia. Addy Sanchez. Melissa Gallegos, Georgia Ortiz and Angela Ortiz. Row 2: Janice Flores. Sandra Estrada. Joann Arellano. Evelynn Anchondo. Bernadette Aragon. Yvonne Quintana, Susan Sanchez, Sarah Ortiz. Margaret Pena, Joanne Garcia, Rose Sandoval and Bob Pacheco. Row 3: Gwendal Bernal, Janalyn Sager, Cindy Romero, Laura Moualese. Jennier Garcia. Larry Vigil. Ernest Romero and Mark Atchinson. Row 4: Mrs. Lavato-sponsor. Stephanie Sanchez. Beau Heiss. Rosemary Salazar. Kelly. Lydia Romero. Paul Bigbee. Angela Montoya. Anthony Gunter, Danny Segura, Lyle Johnson and Damien Jiminez. Row 5: Samantha Elite. Celina Miera. Bonnie Torres, Jennifer Romero. Daria Ortiz, Valerie Montoya, Sanny Myers. Alysa Carson, Kristina Regan, Tracy Smith-peter.

Top row: Ean Wangs, David Ginochio, Marvin Nrigtung, Ms. Hancock. Bottom row: Mika Fukuda, Miranda McEvily, Karen Gallegos. Below: Members of club pause for a picture. Middle Right: "The Thinker." Bottom: Ms. Hancock gives a piece of advice.

Club Desekel is a club of nine students from Ms. Hancocks Junior Eng. Ill enriched class last year. They grew close to one another during their junior year. They were afraid of becomming strangers, so they created their own club. During lunch they discuss anything they want, and usually watch movies on their own T.V.-VCR. The name "Desekel" is a Palauan (Palau, South Pacific) word for meeting place. They all agreed that this should be their clubs name because it's unique. They hope to be mutual friends to the end of time, and they are planning to have a reunion either in Santa Fe or Palau in the year 2000.

Top row: John Bendil. Mark Doles. Mike Spring. Middle row: Shelly Ford. Ellen Roots. Anna Griffen. Stacy Coleson. Wendy Wilson, Colleen Drennan, Kim Bindel. Bottom row: Cindy Davenport. Melissa Seahorn, Amy Halquest. Julie Roybal, Jeni Sandoval. Hope McCardy, Kirsten Harris.

Choir Can Be Fun Acapella Choir is a fun filled class that does a few extra-curricular activities. Through the year they have had several performances. Their biggest event of the year was over Christmas. They went to perform at the Cathedral on the Thursday before Christmas break. There are only three boys in the class. These boys feel out of place at times. "I feel uncomfortable when one or both of the other guys are absent," states John Bindel. The choir worked hard all year and had fun in the process. Upper left: Amy Halquest tries to remember the words. Above: Ms. Rotolo leads the singing. Left: John Bindel (eels out of place among all girls.

First row: Monica Sanchez. Michelle Archuleta. Wenden Petty, James Bibb, Andrew Martinez, Jack Spark, Jennifer Harvey, Toney Anaya, Thomas Dooley, D.T. Bibb, Richard Terrazas, Peter Biel. Second row: Commander Woodward, Amy Brown, Yvette Martinez, Edward Medina, Jackie Martinez, Chris VanDusen, Larry Martinez, Adrian Velasquez, Leon Lyons, Jose Tarrazas, Jason Armijo, Cesar Holt, Chief Wright. Third row: Vernon DeArquero, Yvette Price, Linda Whelan, Angelina Ortega, Michelle Trujillo, Mark Duran, Craig Selby, Benny Baca, Laura Curtis, George Maloof, Waldo Baca, Brenda Eiverson, Lisa Roberts, Jose Salazar, Thomas Moody, Kindell Richardson, Eric Friedman, Brian Gilligan, Mike Archuleta. Top row: Carlos Quintana, Debra Johnson. Troy Harman, Robert Simmons, Mike Burkoffer, John Aragon, Paul Cortez, Diandro Sena, Carl Burkoffer, Chris Dennis, Vince Duquette, Daril Biddel, Joe Bisely, .Carl King, Robert Newman, James Corzine, Richard Garcia, Bill Stuck, Ford Nelson.

Above, the Color Guard kicks off Homecoming festivities. Upper right. Commander Woodward. Right. Chief Wright.

NJROTC Teaches Leadership, Skills The Santa Fe High School NJROTC Program offers a class, which teaches students about Naval history, navigating situations, and Navy training. Within these classes, there are certain teams which compete with 30 different schools in New Mexico. There are four competing teams. They are the color guard, girls' drill team, boys' drill team, and the rifle team. They have two competitions every year in Albuquerque against other Navy, Air Force, Army and Marines high school ROTC teams. The color guard has three separate levels, The blue, gold, and red team that carry the flags before the football and basketball games and at assemblies. This team consists of five members. Three carry flags, (the Navy, the United States, and the New Mexico flags), and two carry rifles. This team participated in four parades from August to November. The rifle team consists of twelve members, but only the top five compete at one time. They shoot 22 caliber rifles. They have a target area in the ROTC room. When they compete, they shoot in the room and then report their scores to the sponsor of that competition. In the first week of December, all these teams traveled to El Paso to receive training on a military base. Part of this training consists of training in a ship simulator. These trainees have to react to a situation when a ship is hit. Parts of walls begin to leak and collapse and they must stop the leaks. There is so much confusion and screaming when the water starts to pour in. People have to react and work fast. "It is really a lot of fun," stated Commander Woodward. The teams had a great year, worked hard, and had a lot of fun in the process of accomplishing their goals. Top, the Rifle team shows skills and precision. Middle, ROTC team prepares for Inspection. Left, Chief Wright enlightens class on naval history. Right, the class follows a well organized lecture.

Administration Sculpts Education System The foundation of Santa Fe High School is its administration. Within the administration the Board of Education is the main policy making group. These people sculpt the institution by making the rules and regulations. It is the duty of these members to organize the education system for the betterment of students and learning. Before, however, the policies proposed by the board become rules they must be implemented by the superintendent, Eddie Ortiz. Amos Melendez is assistant superintendent for secondary

schools. One major problem that the School Board has been faced with this year is the decision to make the campus at Santa Fe High a closed one. Committees, comprised of students, teachers, parents, and administrators, spent many hours discussing the issue. This administration has also spent a great deal of time with the planning of the new high school which will be built in the year 1986.

Upper right; superintendent for Santa Fe high schools Eddie Ortiz. Middle left; Board of Education from left to right; Richard Padilla. Henry Gallegos. Arthur Johnson, Michael Gross, and Don Baca.. Middle right; Amos Melendez, superintendent for Santa Fe secondary schools. Bottom right; the Board of Education meets to discuss school policies.

Because Santa Fe High School is such a big school, five principals are needed to control the campus. In order to even out their responsibilities each of the principals is assigned to a class (freshmen, sophomore, etc.). Mr. Don Casados, however, has the responsibility for running the entire school being the main principal. Dr. LaVera Leverett is principal of the freshmen class, Robert Vigil principal of the sophomore class, John Sena principal of the junior class and Ben Esquibel is the principal of the senior class. As principal, the duty of each of these people is to evaluate and assist the faculty as well as monitor and discipline the students on campus. These people are disciplinarians and counselors. They enforce rules on campus and punish those who don't carry them out. They are also available to help students understand school policies. Basically the principal's job is to make sure SFHS is kept in order. Santa Fe High School principals; Don Casados, top left, John Sena, top right, Ben Esquibel. middle left, Robert Vigil, middle right. Or. LaVera Leverett, bottom left.

Administrators And Counselors Work To Help Students Not only did Santa Fe Technical School undergo a name change this year, but their administration was also altered. Dr. Joan Paul who was the assistant principal at Santa Fe Vo-Tech last year is now the principal. Gil Sena, a former principal in Las Vegas, N.M. helps Dr. Paul as he is now the assistant principal. Sierra Vista, another extended part of Santa Fe High School, also has two very competent leaders. Harold Martinez (principal) and Rexie Baca (assistant principal) have both been faithful to this administration for many years.

Top right: Gil Sena and Dr. Joan Paul take time out pose. Bottom left: Harold Martinez, principal at Sierra Vista (Not pictured is Rexie Baca, the assistant principal) Bottom right: Left to right, Joan Warner and Doug Enloe counsel students at Santa Fe Technical School, while Marcia Moya school nurse, assists in need.

At SFHS students have a great resource in the guidance or counseling staff. The people who provide these things for the students are the counselors. The head of the counseling department is Carol Jones. As counselors Carol Jones, Keaton Johnson, Rosemarie Villa Rael, Tita Stasny, Roque Barela, Joan Warner, and Doug Enloe help students adjust their schedules to be satisfying, give assistance in future planning, and aid students with personal problems. Aside from the regular duties of the counselors, they have brought together a system used in helping students plan for their future. A Career Information Center has been organized to assist students with the development of career plans. This center helps students in choosing a career and the right college for them to attend. It also assists in planning high school curriculums, choosing and applying for Post-Secondary training, and obtaining financial aid. Mr. Keaton Johnson is in charge of the center. He stated that the new center will aid in students many needs. "I know it will help many students and answer several questions to the future." he said.

Counselors: Top left: Carol Jones Middle left: Rosemarie Villa Rael Middle Right: Keaton Johnson Bottom left: Roque Barela Bottom right: Tita Stasny

Students keep Ms. Garcia busy

SFHS Secretaries Help Students

Bertha Garcia is responsible for both juniors' and seniors' records, the APL reports, which determine the gold seals on the diplomas, the graduation list, the microfiche records and transcripts of students from 1935 to the current juniors, and consolidates all three schools for diplomas. She is also a Notary for official documents. True, she has a very detailed job, "and I enjoy it immensely, I am very impressed with the student body. Students are the driving force behind the job. You must enjoy your job to be in it, and if you enjoy your job, you will perform," Ms. Garcia states with a smile on her face.

Secretaries are working together as the backbone of the school. They support teachers and students, and are always willing to help them resolve questions and problems. "Most of us are mothers. We'd appreciate it if our kids were treated as students are here," says Michelle Montano.

Top: top row. Bertha Garcia, Registrar; Barbara Alba, Mr. Esquibel's secretary; Gloria Corriz, Data Processor, Cecilia Padilla, Mr. Sena's secretary; Helen Fuentes, Special Education secretary; Elenor Sanchez, Dr. Leverett's secretary; Irene Arranda, Mr. Vigil's secretary. Bottom row: Laura Moreno, Switchboard Operator; Ann Patty, Secretary

for the Counseling Department; Peggy Stevens, Secretary for the Counseling Department. Bottom: left to right, Secretaries for Santa Fe Technical, Alice Montoya, Gloria Mendoza. and Gleda Burch. Bottom left: Bertha Garcia poses for a candid.

Nurses' duties not restricted to emergencies SFHS nurses' main duty is to aid students when they are ill and/or, injured. However, they do not administer any medication. The nurses are responsible for vision, hearing, blood pressure, and scoliosis screenings. They counsel students in nutrition, family planning, drugs, alcohol, and birth control. If a matter is too serious, they refer students to family physicians. An important matter that takes place every year in the nurses' station is the enforcement of the New Mexico State laws concerning innoculations. The most common shot that students need in order to comply with the laws is the DPT booster. The nurses at SFHS are Dolores Fidel, Martha Stump, Delia C de Baca, and Lenore Alarid.

Spectrum improvisationai group helps teenagers Top left picture, left to right: Nurses, Lenore Alarid, Dolores Fidel, and Delia C de Baca pose for a quick picture. Center: Spectrum members rehearse a scene in preparation for a performance. Bottom left: Nancy Burleson, Health Counselor, shares her knowledge with somebody.

Spectrum is an improvisationai theatre group dealing with teenagers' problems directed by Nancy Burleson, SFHS Health Counselor. Sharon McClinton, former Health Counselor, organized the theatre troupe the fall of 1982. It has been quite successful throughout Northern New Mexico ever since. Spectrum members for 1985-1986 include Amy Arkel. Ruby Martinez, Derek Burton, Jennifer Rose, Tim Beaver, and Michael Shanaberger.

History Department Offers A Lot To SFHS Students The History Department at Santa Fe High School is a very extensive one. While it offers regular required history classes, it also rewards students with other courses and clubs related to the social science field. To meet graduation requirements, high school students must complete a semester of New Mexico History, two semesters of U.S. History, and a year consisting of a semester of European History and a semester of Civics. The History Department also offers elective courses that pertain to the history of the world, Southwestern Studies, which is the study of the Southwest (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California) and Contemporary U.S. History- the study of U.S. History from 1945 to the present. Through the History Department at SFHS students have an opportunity to study other aspects of society. Psychology, the study of human behavior, sociology, the study of current social conditions, and anthropology, the study of "man's behavior and the global relationships that exist today," are some examples of elective courses available. In connection with the History Department there are also several clubs and programs. Students may become a part of People to People which is a chosen group of students who participate in a tour and home stay programs in different countries in Europe as U.S. Ambassadors. Bob Ertmer, a history teacher, sponsors another program called Close-Up in which students raise money to travel to Washington D.C. to get a real look at our nations government. The members also spend time at the New Mexico Capital. Finally, E.S.P. (European Studies Program) is a program where the members raise money through bake sales, candy sales, etc. to travel at the end of the year to selected places in Europe. Social Studies teachers from left to right: Clarence Allen, Shirley Cruse, and Paul Trujillo. Middle right: Bob Ertmer, Social Studies department Chairman, sits in a state of concentration during a school board meeting.

Top left: Bruce Paul responds spontaneously to students. Middle left: Barbara Begelspiker poses at the podium. Middle right: John Zinn lectures on the cultural and social aspects of anthropology. Bottom left: June Burke uses child psychology on her students to get them to do their psychology homework. Bottom right: W.C. Carter glances at his watch after a long day.

Computers Enhance Math

The math department at SFHS offers many different courses such as calculus, trigonometry, and math analysis classes. There are also classes such as geometry, algebra, basic math, general math and consumer math. The class of 1986 will need two math credits to graduate. The math department also has two computer rooms, each having twelve computers. There are twelve Apple computers and twelve Franklin computers. Students taking the basic math class said they enjoyed it. "This is one of my easiest classes," said Kevin Martinez. Mrs. Houghton, head of the department said "I like all my classes; they're all different and exciting."

Lett page- upper left: Mrs. Houghton on a witch's night out. Upper right: Mike Bradley tests his skills on the computer. Lower right: Mr. Smith gives a student extra help. Right page- upper left: Mr. Davidson smiles for the camera. Upper right: Mr. Bustos helps a student with a problem. Lower left: Matthew Soper shows a friend his computer technique. Above: teachers from left to right: Ira Baca. Thad Harris, and Joe J. Martinez.

Teachers from left to right: Albert Cano. Loren Byers, Helen Foster, and Mike Mares. Center Lawrence Osborn and Chris Faehl demonstrate experiment during physics class. Bottom right: Correen Najjar explains the process of chemical reactions.

Teachers Create Chemical Reaction The Science Department is very active within the school as well as in the science community. For instance, in the last three years, chosen students participated in the Los Alamos Science Student Program. Through this program students took a course in some field of science or technology. They gained knowledge by working on projects and experiments that pertained to the field of study they were interested in. Twice a week the bus left school at 2:00 to carry these science-oriented people to Los Alamos. Many students were also involved in local, state, and national science fairs. While these students put together projects outside of school, teachers like Helen Foster spent generous amounts of time encouraging their work. Jeff Zlotnik, a Biology AP student admires this particular teacher "for her encouragement in participating and succeeding that she faithfully gave students," Because of all the science teachers and the department, classwork has also interested students. Students in biology disected frogs and worms while chemistry students were provided with chemicals to experiment and learn. Mr. Lauitson demonstrated to his students the launching of rockets at Ivan Head Stadium in order to teach the meaning of velocity and excelleration. Students have become so interested in science that Santa Fe High School also provides AP courses in Biology and Chemistry.

Top left: Don Lauritson displays Demon spirit by selling hats. Top right: Joe J. Martinez describes his next lab to Kathy Reynolds. Center left: Fabian Chavez shows student the nature of plants. Center right: James Sena takes a look at his notes while teaching his chemistry class. Bottom right: Helen Foster experiments with chemicals. Teachers from left to right: Michael Mayor Feidberg. Joe Mier. and Kathy Reynolds.

The Language Arts Dept. Has Class In '86 The Language Arts Department at Santa Fe High is by far the largest, offering a great variety of required and elected courses including English, Humanities, Annual Creative writing, Studies in Literature, Literature By and About Women, Speech, Drama, and Journalism. The Language Arts Department has something for everyone. For example, the journalism class produces the Demon Tatler and the drama classes put on several plays a year. Enjoy debating? Try Ms. McCrary's speech course. Students are certainly able to express themselves in many forms with all the different choices of classes. The list is endless. English classes at SFHS range from remedial to enriched. Seniors can even take an AP (Advanced Placement) course from English IV, giving a freshman college credit.

Top Ms. Egle Germanes teaches students what can be done with the English language. Bottom, Mrs. Alice Cano teaches her freshmen class.

Top row. left to right: Ms. A. Cano. Ms. E. Ethelbah. Ms. L. Franke, Ms. B. Friedman. Ms. C. Gillis and Ms. E.B. Hagman. Second row: Ms. B. Hancock. Ms. M.R. Haufmann. Ms. G. Haws. Ms. J. Huber. Ms. M. Huber and Ms. D. Keyson. Bottom row: Ms. B. McCrary, Ms. S. Mechlem. Ms. M. Menke. Mr. C. Parker, Ms. H. Parker and Mr. H. Snow. Bottom left: Mr. Lembo smiles for the camera. Bottom right: Jeff ZIotnick. Rudy Parga and Brian Gallegos work hard in Mr. Reel's class.

Language Art Electives Step Up A Beat

Top left: David Gmocchio breaks Dawn Cambron's concentration. Top right: Mr. Benito Rael takes a moments rest from teaching his English classes. Bottom left: Ms. Duval and son Chris share literary interests. Bottom right: Chris Anaya prepares tor his speech.

Top left: Ms. Germanes has her English class thinking hard. Top right: Amy Consola gets questioned during annual class. Middle left: Jay Turley plays a part in the Drama Departments "Madwoman of Chaillot". Middle right: Ms. Gillis and Gretchen Eichelman let out their frustrations from school over Thanksgiving break. Bottom left: Humanities intern makes a point.

Top left: Ms. Germanes has her English class thinking hard. Top right: Amy Consola gels questioned during annual class. Middle left: Jay Turley plays a Part in the Drama Departments "Madwoman of Chaillot". Middle right: Ms. Gillis and Gretchen Eichelman let out their frustrations from school over Thanksgiving break. Bottom left: Humanities intern makes a point.

Foreign Language At SFHS Offers Great Opportunities . . . The Foreign Language Department at Santa Fe High offers French, German, Spanish, and Latin. Each language ranges in levels one through four with the exception of Latin which only offers two years. Studies advance from basic grammar to the study of cultures and literature. What is a better way to practice what you are learning than to participate in a club of the language of your choice? The French, German and Spanish (Pan-Am) are clubs very active on and off the SFHS campus. Foreign language classes give students a chance to expand their understanding, culture, and even history of the language they choose to study. Learning another language can be a lot of fun!

Top left: Ms Lucero speaks Spanish to her students. Top right: Ms. McEvilly smiles pretty. Bottom left: French class listens attentively. Bottom middle: Ms. Booth teaches students how to conjugate French verbs. Bottom right: Mr. Pearson reads Michael Fruch a German story.

Top middle: Mr. Lucero takes time out to sponsor S.F.H.S. dance. Gretchen Elchelman and Maria Trujillo are all smiles at German Club banquet. Top right: Mr. Pearson listens carefully at school board meeting. Bottom left: Mr. Ortega helps his student Jeremy with Latin. Bottom right: Heidi and Maria, German Club members, help with annual Octoberfest Dance.

S.F.H.S. Library Has It

From books on deep sea diving, to books on the life of Queen Elizabeth, you name it, the Santa Fe High School library has it. Not only does the library have books on almost every subject, it is also equipped with eight different computers, to help students in various situations. The library has four microfiche readers which contain thirty different magazine titles and articles. One microfiche printer can be used to make copies at ten cents apiece, one computer which contains the library program, (fines, overdues, etc ...) and a G.I.S.- Guidance Information Service Computer. This has information about two and four year colleges and universities, financial aid to students, occupations, and armed services. The library also has resource classes to help increase ones motivation in certain skills. The three librarians, Mrs. Kellerman, Mrs. Gregory, and Mrs. Mexia-Nix, are always available to the students anytime of the day, Library aides Dora Gomez and Dolores Borgrink assist with library tasks. Whether you have research to do, or you want to kick back and read a book, the Santa Fe High library is one place to go.

Top left: Nancee Mexia- Nix makes an important phone call. Top right: Carol Kellerman enjoys dressing up on Halloween. Jtfiddle left: Valeria Gregory uses computer to show student her library fines. Middle right Bridgette Finney scopes S.F.H.S's library's wide variety of books. Bottom right: Student uses library's facilities to do last minute homework.

NJROTC The Beginning Of Success

People who are successful in life, who succeed in business, industry and education have often developed a strong self discipline and an ability to lead and motivate others. "NJROTC at Santa Fe High School teaches self-dicsipline, self-confidence and leadership skills that can help the student sucessfully meet life's challenges," according to Commander Woodward. The Santa Fe High School NJROTC competes in meets with other schools throughout a six state area, with their Color Guard and girls and boys drill teams. An annual inspection, and pass and review is conducted by an area Navy captain whose headquarters are located in San Diego, California. The NJROTC's Color Guard presents the colors before every home football and basketball game at S.F.H.S. They even participate in some junior high school games. Various field trips are taken both in and out of the state to bases in California and Florida. The big event of the year is the Formal Military Ball. Another big event takes place at the end of the year. Two or three cadets are sent to Leadership School in San Diego, California.

Top left: ROTC Color Guard present colors at assemblies and parades. Top right: Commander Woodward looks up in the midst of some busy work. Middle left: Chief Wright helps to perfect the look of SFHS cadets. Middle right Chief Wright talks with his cadets. Bottom left Cadets march in Homecoming parade.

Art Department Offers Variety The Art Department at Santa Fe High School has many classes to offer students interested in art. The student can choose from jewelry, pottery, sculpture, drawing, painting, printmaking or take classes where a mixture of these things can be learned. For example, there is Crafts I where jewelry making and sculpture are learned. In Jewelry, which is one semester, projects include making a ring and a bracelet. The other semester, which is sculpture, three-demensional projects include mask making, wire mobiles, plaster carving, and metal-tooling. Crafts II, III, and IV offer jewelry making and sculpture with complex projects. Basic introduction is offered in techniques and tools used in drawing, painting, and composition in Art I. Here, students are introduced to different media such as ink, chalk, charcoal, watercolor, and tempra. Art history is incorporated into this class. Art II, III, and IV consist of a more in depth approach to drawing and painting made up of subjects such as the human figure, landscapes and portraits. Arts and Crafts Survey I is offered to the student who is interested in a variety of approaches to both art and crafts. Drawing, jewelry, sculpture, ring making, and ceramics are taught. Arts and Crafts II, III, and IV are more advanced classes. Top right: Phillip Karshis has some fun with art student Andy Romero. Bottom left: Student practices art skills on his school folder.

Top left: Chris Christensen reviews planbook for future art projects. Top right: Gilbert Encinias prepares clay for pottery making. Center left: Darla Ortiz watches Gary Myers as he critiques an art project. Center right: Mr. Karshls demonstrates technique for students benefit. Bottom left: Mr. Blea explains the meaning of art and its beauty. Bottom right: Larry Vigil designs a bowl on a pottery wheel.

The Music Classes Get The Beat In '86 Music courses are some of the most popular electives offered at the high school. The reason is that there are so many classes to choose from. Symphonic Band, Dance Band, Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Wind Ensemble are some of the courses available. Also offered are beginning and advanced guitar. Dorothy Kinkaid teaches the guitar clss at SFHS. Choir is also a part of the department at SFHS. It includes Beginning Choir, and Show Choir. In addition, a class in which the students are prepared for a college major called Music Theory is offered. Marcia Walrath and Karen Simmons teach the choir classes at SFHS. Clark Ponstler is the head of the department. He teaches Symphonic Band and coaches the Marching Band. Most of his students call him "Boss" for this reason. Doug Hoover teaches Symphonic Band while Richard Snider assists him. Richard Snider teaches Jazz band. They perform at a variety of functions during the year.

Top right: Debbie Baca and Roxanne Roybal practice before performing at assembly. Middle left: Choir students sing in harmony. Middle right: Students practice out of the classroom. Above: Mr. Ponstler directs the Marching Band. Teachers from left to right: Dorothy Kincaid and Marcia Walrath.

The Home Economics department at SFHS isn't any typical Home Ec. The department has been stereotyped as a "stitchingsewing" class. Well, that's far from the opportunities our Home Ec. department offers. In addition to the traditional Home Ec. classes SFHS students run a preschool for children from the community, operate a self sustaining bakery and also find and hold a job in the tourist industry. Family relation and the community family are emphasized. Childbearing and the responsibilities are one of the main focuses. Boys as well as girls are enrolling in Home Ec. year after year because they are discovering what fullfilling classes they are. Anyone is free to enroll in Home Ec. and it's agreat opportunity to meet new people and to learn new skills.

Top left; Yolanda Ortega sews away at her project. Left middle; Melissa Esquibel holds baby with care. Right middle; Students sew in syncronicity. Bottom top; Home economics student shows how to make a cake. Bottom right; Elizebeth Pacheco examines the student's cookies. Bottom; Once the pies are made, a student puts them in the oven.

Enhances Physical

To some, P.E. is a drag, but to others, it's agreat class. That's why it's not surprising to see not only freshmen but upper classmen in these classes. Physical Education at S.F.H.S. offers a wide variety of activities, allowing the students to break away from book work, reports, equations, and everything else associated with regular classes. Some of the activities offered are track, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and swimming. The swimming is a treat because this allows students to get away from the campus for awhile, even if it is only across the street to the Llano Swimming Pool. First Aid is offered in P.E. Sports P.E. is offered for the athletes. It allows them more time to practice and improve their sports skill. With all that the Santa Fe High School P.E. course offers, it's hard not to get enthused in athletics.

Top right: Gerald Lopez shows his strength on the parallel bars. Middle right: P.E student shows her ability In gymnastics. Bottom left: Sandy Tapia gives Mrs. Hogan a treat while Ms. Lumpkins looks on. Bottom right: Student runs laps around the SFHS track.

Abilities Of Students Top: Shane Miller cranking out those weights. Middle: Students enjoy a game of field hockey. Bottom left: Freshmen basketball team works on improving their game. Bottom right: Matthew and Dennis concentrate on the rim. Below Left to Right: Top Row: Bertha Hogan, Markley Lumpkins, Bottom Row: Stephanie Belmore, and Frank Garcia.


The Industrial Arts Department of Santa Fe High helps to generate the field of architecture as well as engineering. These classes prepare students who are interested in engineering as a career or as a hobby. The Industrial Arts Department is broken up into four different classes. Available classes are Drafting I, which teaches just the basics of the department; Drafting II, a class of architecture; Drafting III, where a student will review architecture and also be taught mechanical drawing and Drafting IV, a basic review of what the student has learned from taking the other three classes. Woodworking I deals with the principles and concepts of industrial procedures. This class includes actual involvement of tools and materials. Woodworking II is an advanced woods course that deals with the extension of the principles and concepts used in industrial manufactu'ing. The main emphasis in this class is for the student to experience the modern production of quality furniture using machine tools, processes and wood technology. Each student designs, plans, and builds his/her own type of furniture. Finally, Pre-Vocational Metals deals in the basics of modern welding practices. An understanding of metal work in the various shop areas will be gained by students who take this class. After taking Industrial Arts, and if a student has not chosen a career, his experience from taking these classes can be used.

Pictured Irom left to right: M. A. Madrid. John Schmelz. David Twitty. Stephen J. Vargas, John Waterman.


Opposite Page Top: Paul Mata instructs a fellow classmate on the proper technique on the use of a welding tool. Opposite Page Bottom: Mr. Ewing reacts to a humorous statement from one of his students. Top left: A trio of students in Architectural and Mechanical Drawing class work dilegently on a class project. Top right: "I thought you knew how to use it!" Bottom left: Deeance Jackson gets help from Mr. Quintana. Bottom Right: Paul Herrera shows us he's learned something in his class with Mr. Quintana.

Business Gives Insight

The Business Department is broken down into three different divisions. There is Clerical and Secretarial, which includes Typing I and Typing It, Office Procedures, Business English, and Shorthand. The second division is Business Math. Here, Accounting, Record Keeping, Advanced Accounting (Computer Accounting), Introduction to Marketing, Computer Accounting Management, Business Law and Economics are offered. The third division, offers general classes like General Business and Introduction Business Careers. These courses, however, are offered only to freshmen. The Business Department here at Santa Fe High School has a lot to offer students who wish to enter the business world by giving them insight and education.

Pictured above are Judith Cooper, and Pat Velarde. On the second row is Jane Visic.

And Education

Educators Work Together With Students !

In the Special Education Department educators like Sue VanBuskirk (head of the dept.) coach students who need special help for various reasons. This special department is made up of four levels- each containing courses that count as graduating credits. Students working within the special education program work on an individual basis with a teacher, allowing the student more attention, which may be what he or she needs. Sierra Vista is an extended portion of Santa Fe High School located downtown. Within this school students are also worked with very closely. Not only does the school host special educators, but it also has available many basic classes that may influence special case students better.

Top right: Sue VanBuskirk Bottom left: Nancy Rogers. Bottom right Mike Gray.

Teachers from left to right: C. Mark Anthony, Joan Barrera, Lena Espenoza. and John J. Gallegos. Second row: Phil Lewert. Charlotte Lucero. Victoria Lucero, and Delores Martinez. Third row; Eileen M. Pacheco, Francella Perea, Frank O. Price, and Patti Woods Revell. Fourth row: Patricia A. Rubin, Kerri Sedillo. Pauline Sluka. and Patsy Tafoya. Bottom left: Ms. Lucero works busily. Bottom right: Bob Detwiler reviews progress reports.

Officers Lead Classes To A Class Officers 1985 - 1986 Freshman At Santa Fe High School class officers are a very big part of our school's personality. Classes stage many functions such as Homecoming and Prom. They also organize fund raisers and booster clubs. Freshmen class officers are Ralph Riley, president; Arlene Valdez, vice-president; and Jennifer Roybal, secretary. Immediately after elections these students start learning about how to raise money, and hold functions. They also learn about our student government called Student Council. They help with various things during Homecoming for Student Council. The Freshman sponsors are Judy Beal, Coren Byers, Victoria Lucero, Melvin Perez, and Patsy Tafoya. Together these students and sponsors work toward helping our school and bettering our studems.

Sophomore Sophomore class is a step above the freshman class. In this stage of student government the officers start learning about leadership. The class officers are: Annie Rojas, president; Rob Wood, vicepresident; Trish Lopez, secretary, and Liz Hendren, treasurer. This is where most leadership and organizational skills are developed. Our sophomores began by being very active in functions such as Homecoming. They set up the entire Homecoming assembly. Sophomore class sponsors are Ira Baca, Ann Dowries, Ernest Rodriguez, Michael Walker, Marcos Lucero, and Pauline Sluka.

Memorable Year Juniors Junior class is probably the class with the largest responsiblity. The juniors put on the 1985-86 Prom. Prom is a very expensive function. The junior officers have to create numerous fund raisers in order to pay for such an extravagent affair. While the neverending money need goes on, the officers still had to take care of getting a good band, catering, and decorations. The junior class officers are Matt Martinez, president; Stephanie Delgado, vice-president; Roxanne Roybal, secretary; and Diane Sandoval, treasurer. They also play a large role in Homecoming and contribute to the State Student Council Convention. Our junior class has turned out to be a group of responsible leaders. Sponsors for the junior class are Walter Archuleta, Judy Beal, Loren Byers, Victoria Lucero, Melvin Perez, and Patsy Tafoya.

In Memory Of Friends

Pamela Vigil

John Lucero

Elaine Pacheco

Paul Wheeler

Juniors Abeyta, Berta Abeyta, Melanie Abeyta, Wendy Alexander, Mark Alvarez, Elaine Anaya, Antonio Anaya, Billy

Anaya, Chris Anaya. Juanita Anaya, Robert Apodaca, Beth Apodaca, Daniel Apodaca, Lisa Apodaca, Ray

Apodaca, Ray Apodaca, Tony Aragon, William Archuleta, Angela Archuleta, Brenda Archuleta, Carl Archuleta, Jake

Archuleta, Lynette Archuleta, Michael Armijo, Anthony Armijo, Teresa Armstrong, Paul Aronson, Jamie Baca, Deborah

Baca, Elaine Baca, Gary Baca, Joseph Baca, Michelle Baca, Ruth Baca, Waldo Balkende, Jackie

Ball, Chris Balliett, Deirdre Barela. Chris Barela. Danny Baril, Robert Barron, Pancha Barron, Paul

Bearden. Jaye Benavidez. Bobby Benavidez. Carlos Benavidez. Joseph Benavidez, Yvonne Bennett, lanne-Kath Bennett. Karen

Class Of 1987 Bennington, Robbie Berghofer. Cart Bermudez. Gene Blea, Marc Blea. Mark Blogg. Brefni Blood. Annabetle

Salazar, Dennis Catanach, Phillip Boggs. John Bornman. Fred Boylan. Steve Bradley, Mike Brewer, Jennifer

Brooks, Carolyn Brown, Jennifer Brown, June Bunting, Sarah Bustamante, Margaret Campos, Sean Carinci. Carmen

Carlisle. Kelly Carmichael, Theresa Carmignani, Craig Carrillo, Roberta Carter, Chris Casados, David Casados. Christa

Casados, Melissa Casaus, Joaquin Casias. Ray Castetlano. Rick Castillo. David Catanach. Denise Catanach, Jimmy

Cavalli. Jessica Charlton, Mary Jane Chaves. Bernadette Chavez. Dartene Chavez. Dennis Chavez, Hope Chavez, Joann

Chavez. Martin Chavez. Yotenda Christian. Matt Clum. Tristan Clum. Troy Coca, Alex Cohen. Elizabeth

Juniors Compton, James Constantine, Stephanie Consola, Amy Corbalau, Manuel Cordell. Lisa Cordova, Paul Coriz, Diane

Cosma, Brian Craighead, Steve Crawford, Colli Davenport, Cindy Davis, Letrisha Dean, Matthew Dean, Michael

Delgado, Stephanie Denlpah, Daniel Jiron, Richard Dobek, Tony Doles, Mark Dority, Celina Doubleday, Debbie

Dunlap, Rachel Dunn, Ron Duran, Nanette Duran, Roberta Easton, Amal Eichelmann, Fred Ellis, Daniel

Cross, Elmer Enclnias, Andrew Encinias, Charles Enclnias, Tony Enriquez, Lee Ann Escudero, Diana Esparza, Rose

Esquibel, Melissa Esquibel. Michael Farnham, Mike Fastnacht, Jason Facteau, Michael Fernandez, Andrea Fernandez, Joann

Fernandez. Michelle Flgueroa, Joey Fischer, Melissa Foutz. Holly Fowler. Grant Fox, Karltn Francisco, Patricia

Class Of 1987 Freeark, Justin Freeman, Eric Fullerton. Gia Gallegos. Angela Gallegos. Camile Gallegos, Franclne Gallegos, James

Gallegos, Judy Gallegos. Mario Gallegos, Patricia Gannon, Caitlin Garcia, Cora Garcia. Curtis Garcia, Diane

Garcia, Eddie Garcia, Elena Garcia, Gerald Garcia, Harold Garcia, John Garcia, Larry Garcia, Mark

Garcia. Monica Garcia, Phil Garcia, Raquel Garcia, Sherry Gavrila, Kara Geekie. John Gehred, John

Geoffrion, Dustene George, Gerald George, Michelle George, Robert George, Ron George, Vicky Gershanok. Leonid

Gettemy. Glen Giron, Alicia Glasgow. Tim Glass. Linda Gondeck. Kathy Gonzales, Andrew Gonzales, Chris

Gonzales, Christopher Gonzales, Donna Gonzales, Eddie Gonzales. Elizabeth Gonzales, Manuel Gonzales, Marie Gonzales, Oscar

Juniors Gonzales. Phillip Gonzales. Rebecca Gonzales. Victor Gonzales. William Gordon. Dale Greene, Cristina Greenfield. Cami

Greenlee. Debbie Griego, Miki Griego, Peter Griego. Renee Griego, Roger Griego. Rose Griego. Vanessa

Griffin, Jerry Griffith. Eden Guerrera. Teil Gurule, Dina Gutierrez, Christine Guzman, Leo Haaland, Kari

Harper, Ron Harris, David Harvey, Jennifer Hathaway, Donna Haozous, Sam Harkleroad, Glenn Harper, Francis

Hawkins, Liz Hayes, Henry Heiss, Burton Hendrickson, Marjorie Hernandez, Karen Herr, Sarah Herrera, Camille

Herrera, Lisa Herrera, Margaret Heyman, Jason Hickey, Greg Hill, Margaret Hill, Suzanne Hilley, Patricia

Holloway, Jason Holt, Susan Hurtado, Brenda Iddings, Vic Jackson, Cathy Jaramillo. Albert Jaramillo, Anthony

Class Of 1987 Jaramillo. John Jasper, Julie Jensen, Jessie Jetar, Wanda Jochem, Heidi Jones, Wayne Keefe, Mike

Kessing, John Keever, Suzanne Kelly, Tom Kidby, Donna Kim, Coreena King, Daniel Kinsolving. Wendy

Kitagawa, Chikako Kloeppel, Steven Knee, Andy

Kopp, Duane Kortis, Paul Krakowski, Alix

Kuhlen, Gary Laemmle, Debbi LaFebre, Monlque

Laine, Karen Lamonoa, Frank Landau, Orion LaPlante. Carl Larranaga, Christina Larranaga, Dennis Larranaga, Ernestina

Larranaga, Loretta Larranaga, Nlchol Romero, Mike Cordova, Jeff Leyba, Robert Lindberg, Chris Long. Carrie

Juniors Lopez, Charles Lopez, Chris Lopez, Donna Lopez, Gezelle Lopez. Jeannette Lopez, Mark Lopez, Mary

Lopez. Michelle Lopez, Valerie Lovato, Elizabeth Lovato, Richard Lucas, Paz Lucero, Cindy Lucero, James

Lucero. Lora Lucero, Luis Lucero. Paul Lucero, Randy Lucero, Sandra Lucero, Zelda Lujan, Connie

Lujan, Gloria Lujan, Laura Lujan, Laurene Lujan, Randy Lujan, Richard Lund, Angle Lux, Carlos

Lynn, Dave Lyon, Alynna Macias, Javier Maes, Anna Maes, Paul Maes, Roman Maez, Raymond

Maestas, Ken Maestas, Lisa Shook, Jason Mares, Paula Marls, Piatt Marquez, Jimmy Marquez. Mark

Marsh, Danny Marsh, Lora Marten, David Martin, Amy Guillen, Martin Martinez, Adrian Martinez. Anthony

Class Of 1987 Martinez, Apryl Martinez, Charmaine Martinez, Cindy Martinez, Elizabeth Martinez, George Martinez, Jacqueline Martinez, Jennifer

Martinez, Joe Martinez, Juliet Martinez, Karen Martinez, Kristina Martinez, Larry Martinez, Laurie Martinez, Linda

Martinez, Louise Martinez, Manuel Martinez, Matthew Martinez, Mike Martinez, Richard Martinez, Rita Martinez, Tamara

Martinez, Terry Masterson, Jessica McCown, Kevin McKinley. Tim Medina, Edward Medina, Fernando Medina, Maria

Medrano, Anna Mendoza, Ana Miller, John Miller, Mark Miller, Matt Miller, Shane Mitchell, Tarn!

Montano, Delia Montano, Matias Montoya, Alex Montoya, Anita Montoya, Bernadette Montoya. Carl Montoya, Fidel

Montoya, Jonelle Montoya, Karl Montoya, Keith Montoya, Kelly Montoya, Melissa Montoya, Phillip

Juniors Montoya, Randy Montoya, Randy, S. Montoya, Royce Montoya, Rudy Montoya, Samantha Montoya, Socorro Montano, John

Montano, Judy Montano, Karen Montano, Theresa Mora, Monica Mora, Steve Morales, Rosemary Muniz, John

Muniz, Roberta Nacion, Ben Narvaiz, Michelle Nelson, Ford Newman, Todd Nolasco, Ana Nye, Ashley

Ojeda, Arturo Olivas, Randy Olivas, Samantha Ortega, Alex Ortega, Frank Ortega, Norma Ortiz, Alicia

Ortiz, Emelda Ortiz, Gilbert Ortiz, Joe Ortiz, Miquela Ortiz, Nico Ortiz. Paula Ortiz, Theresa

Ortiz, Yvonne Oswald, Lee Overmyer, Patricia Owen, Dean Pacheco, Christine Pacheco. Gabriel Padllla. Michelle

Padilla. Richard Padllla, Tina Pardue, Tallie Paschal, Amanda Payne, Pam Pena, Veronica Pera, Andy

Perea, Charlie Perea. Roxanne Pino. Judy Pittard, Kate Polan, Christie Polasky. Heather Porras, Danny

Portzline. Brenda Posa, Antonio Preston, Lauren Price, Jay Price, Yevette Quintana, Margaret Quintana Matthew

Quintana, Rodina Quintana, Stacey Rael, Debbie Rael, Mike Riner, Dax Redden, Kevin Reindorf, Suzanne

Repa, Jonathan Rettberg, Anke Richardson, Kendall Rippel. Eric Rivera, Angela Rivera, Gerald Rivera, Lucia

Rivera, Lucinda Robek, Tony Rodriguez, Armando Rodriguez, Debra Rodriguez, Mark Rodriguez, Salvador Roibal, Ramona

Romero, Andrew Romero, Elizabeth Romero. Elizabeth Romero, Flora Romero. Nathanial Romero, Pam Romero. Patty

Romero, Regina Romero, Richard Romero, Ronald Romig, Kate Ronquilk), Diana Ingram, Chris Thomson. David

Juniors Roots, Ellen Rosasco, Josette Roybal, Bernie Roybal, Judy Roybal. Robert Roybal, Roxanne Rubino, David

Rubino-Boitel, Jorge Ruiz. Paul Salazar, Gene Salazar, Henry Salazar. Judy Salazar, Reuben Salazar. Veronica

Salinas. Relda Sanchez, Alan Sanchez, Anita Sanchez, Lori Sanchez, Sofia Sanchez. Stephanie Sandoval, Angela

Sandoval, Chris Sandoval, Diane Sandoval, Emilie Sandoval, Gabriel Sandoval, Gina Sandoval, Mike Sandoval, Ray

Sandoval. Rose Sandoval, Suzanne Sandoval, Theresa Stark, Eric Saulnier, Kevin Sawyer. Mark Schneider. Scot

Schnitker, Rebecca Schaner, Wanda Segovia, Bernadette Segura, Danny Segura, Darlene Seitzinger, Miranda Sena, Amy

Sena, Antoinette Sena, Diandro Sena, Joseph Sena, Karen Serna, Danny Shanaberger. Mark Shandler, Geoffrey L.

Class Of 1987 Silva, Anthony Simms, Morrison Sisneros, Lawrence Smith, Kelly Smith, Luis Spencer, Jerry Solano, Monica

Soto, Belky Stalie, John Sternberg, Michael Stone, Ashley Sultan, Ivan Swartwout, Chris Swisher, Monique

Synder, Russel Tafoya, Ronnie Tanuz, John Tapia, Annette Tapia, Jerry Tapia, Lenore Tapia, Marcella

Tapia, Sandra Brooks, Tequila Terrazas, Ricky Thiel, Steve Tolen, David Tolle, Larry Torres, Carol

Tripp, Michelle Trujillo, Dorothy Trujillo, Ginger Trujillo, Ivan Trujillo, Jerry Trujillo, Lara Trujillo, Louise

Trujillo, Mike Trujillo, Randy Trusnovic. Tom Turner, Max Ulibarri, Demecio Valdez, Anna Valdez. Becky

Valdez, Benjie Valdez, Kathleen B. Valdez, Matthew Valdez, Theresa Valencia, Art Valencia, Frances Van Briesen, Daniel

Juniors Vance, Tracy Van Mason. Brian Van Ongevalle, Chantal Velasquez, Lori Vialpando. Dollie Vialpondo, Joseph Vieira, Leslie

Vigil, Donald Vigil, Geraldine Vigil, Ivie Vigil, Joanne Vigil, Randy Virgilio, Dani Vogel, Carlo

Wanek, Edward Warren, Alvin Weatherford, Scarlett Webb, Steve Weber, Leslie Webster. Kelly Wells, Dorothy

Wengs, Ian Weston, Mike Weston, Stephanie White, Mary Leee Whrtfill. Jeff Whitney, Cynthia Whitted, Vicky

Wickham, Carlene Wiegardt, Lorna Willeford, Shelley Williams, Andrew Winton, Jay Wise, Geoffrey Wolf. Peter

Wolff, Joe Wright. Guy Wright, Lory Wright, Shane Wurst, Margie Yngsdahl, Donna Zafarano, Virginia

Zamora. Joe Zuniga. Lori Zytnick, Susan

The Best Is Yet To Come

SOPHOMORES Abeyta. Rudy Ahenson, Kyle Alamillo. Patricia Alberico, Paul Alejandro, John Alire. Beto Almanzar, Charles Alvarez, Joe Anaya, Christina Anaya, Dolores Anaya, Eliza Anaya, Marcos Anaya, Mike Anchondo, Ray Anderson, Felisha Anderson, Steven Angel, Jim Angel, Jose Apodaca, Annette Apodaca, Karen Apodaca, Vince Aragon, Contessa Aragon, Katherine Aranda, Paul Archuleta, Antonio Archuleta, Darlene Archuleta, Eddie Archuleta, Emest Archuleta, Pat Archuleta, Phil Armijo, Camllle Armijo. Michelle

Armijo, Tony Armstrong, Paul Arnal, Barbara

Baca, Becky Baca. Ben Baca, Billy

Baca. Carolyn Baca, Charles Baca. Fred

Baca, Joaquin Baca, Margaret Baca. Mike Above: Paige Conover- flashes a warm smile


Class Of 1988 Baca, Nancy Baca. Raquel Baeza, Antoinette Baker, Brent Baldinger. Edith Balleter, Tony Barberousse, Doug Baldonado, Mary Barela, Albert Barela, Chris Barnes, Chris Baros, Renee Barrett, Richard Basden, Erik Beacham, Cheryl Beaver, Tim Beck, Philip Beil, Peter Belian. Anthony Benavidez, Pam Bennett, Madena Bermudez, Fred Bernal, Dennis Bernal, Gwenda Bernstein, Adam Bibb, Jim Biddle, Daryle Bindel. John Blair, Sarah Blea. Phillip g Boggs, Sheryl Boies, Laura Boling. Maria Boudouris. Michael Boynton, Wade Bradford, Ken Braman, Ashandi Braasch, Eric Brown. Carolynn Brown, Cyrus Brown, Jeremy Brown. Sherri Burgett, Barbie Burnman, Kana Burton, Derek Bynon. R.J. Campos, Frank Carden, Jennifer Carmignani, Suzanne Carpenter. Sean Carrara, Richard Carrier, Wayne Carrillo. Marvini Castellano. Nicole Castillo. Jody Catanach. Gail Catanach, Regina C de Baca, Manuel C de Baca, Maria Cebada. Richard Chambers. Erin Chavez. Alfred Chavez. Cathy Chavez. Donald

SOPHOMORES Chavez, Max Chavez, Patrice Chavez, Steve Churchill, Heather Cisneros, Lester Clark. Shonna Clokey, Bety Clough, David Cohen, Rachel Collins. Ken Collins, Mike Colson, Stacey Conover, Paige Cook, Sharie Gurule, Frank Cordova, Donna Cordova, Melissa Cordova, Rozella Coriz, Blue Jay Coriz. Michelle Cosma. Melissa Costello, Richard Coyle. Kevin Crawford, Sonya Craycraft. Sean Crosby. Lori Crowley, Mister Crowley, Michael Curgus. Andrew Curtis, Nicole Curtis, Lara Dale. Robert Danielson. Melony Dawson, Brian DeLovato, Anna Dillingham, Travis Dimas, Tricia Dobbins, Vielica Dominguez, Carmichael Dominguez, Melissa Dority, Bart Doss, Vernon Downard. Eric Downing, Desiree Duarte, Anita Dunwoody, John Dupre, Annette Duquette. Marty Duran, Audrey Duran. Chris Duran, Joe Duran, Marcella Duran, Tammie Duty. Dustin Ehrlich. Michael Ellis. Bret Encinias, Yvonne Erickson, Tanya Esidro. Loren Espinosa, Frank Esquibel. Danielle Farrow, Clayton Fernandez, Eddie Ferran. Michelle


Class Of 1988 Finn. Tara Finney, Bridget Finney, Erin Fischer, Aaron Fischer, Lisa Fitzgerald, Cammy Fleetwood. Lisa Flores. Janice Flores, Janice Flores, Jesse Florence, Liz Ford, Gayle Fowler. Brad Freedman, John Fresquez, Maureen Fuentes, Tommy

Fukuda, Iba Furgason, Sammi

Gabaldon, Anita Gallegos, David

Gallegos, Kim Gallegos, Joaquin

Gallegos. Paul Gallegos, Robert

Gallegos, Stephanie Gallegos, Teri Garcia, Carlos Garcia, Dawn Garcia, Eddie Garcia, Jerry A. Garcia, Jerry Garcia, Joe Garcia, Joyce Garcia, Julie Garcia, Kathy Garcia, Linda Garcia, Loretto Garcia, Lydia Garcia, Mary Garcia, Melissa

SOPHOMORES Garcia. Priscilla Garcia, Richard Garcia, Rudy Garcia, Tom Garduno, Judi Gam, John Garner, Jeff Gehred, Daniel Gerber, Jason Gerber, Jessica Gerzanich, Matthew Getchell, Julie Gettemy, Wendy Giezentanner. Brad Gilcrease, Craig Gilcrease. Robert Gillert, Pete Gillespie, Greg Golden, Jennifer Golden, Mark Gomez, Rhonda Gondeck, Susan Gonzales, Alex Gonzales, Angela Gonzales, Balleri Gonzales, Donna Gonzales, Eric Gonzales, George Gonzales, Helen Gonzales, JoAnn Gonzales, John Gonzales, John Gonzales, Josephine Gonzales, Kimberiy Gonzales, Loretta Gonzales. Maria Gonzales, Stephen Gonzales, Tina Granlto, Michaela Greathouse, Joe

Gregory, Stacey Griego, Antoinette Griego. Barbara

Griego. Dana Griego. Gina Griego. Mark

Guerrera, Shane Gurule. Cynthia Gurule. Debbie Sarah Hamm helps stuff Zozobra for fiestas.

Class Of 1988 Gurule. Gilbert Gurule, Lynette Gurule, Yolanda Guyer, Jeff Isaacs, Greg Ita, David Iverson, Brenda Hadley, Jim Hallquist, Amy Harkleroad. Jeff Hanneman, Jeff Hansen, Kristin Hare, Karen Hamm, Sarah Harmon, Troy Harper, Tammy Harris, Billy Harris, Kirsten Hart, Thomas Hassen, Renee Haywood, Phaedra Heiss, Jacqueline Hendren, Liz Hendrickson, Laura Herrera, Colette Herrera. Frank Herrera, Michael Herrera, Mike Herrera, Paul Herrera, Pauline Hoover, Robert Hoover, Ron Horton, Cheach Horton, Neehala Hudson, Tom Humber, Melissa Jackson, Deeancee Jackson, Tammy James, Jerry Jaramillo, Anthony Below-Gina Valencia and Patricia Martinez display their friendship. Travis Mascarenas-"! wear my sunglasses."

SOPHOMORES Jaramillo, Ken Jaramillo. Larry Jeffreys, Jeff Jenks. Jennifer Jensen, Jessie Jimenez, Eileen Jimenez, Irene Jimenez, Pat Jimenez, Thomas Johnson, Erik Johnson, Kenneth Johnstone, Lucy Jones. Victoria Keeling, Cody Kantner, Ellen Kelly, John Kelly. Pablo Kenny, Kellie Kern, Renee Keyes, Paul Kindell, Tina King, Linda Kinkade, Judson Kirby, Mary Klabunde. Sarah Koroneos, Dorin Kost, Richard Lacasella. Billy Larranaga. Daniel Larranaga, Mark Lawrence, Josh Layden, Etc Lefevre, Blaine Lerma, Valerie Levis, Yancy Levy. Chris Ley, Emily Leyba. Maria Leyba, Monica Leyba, Sam Lilienthal, Doenika Lind. James Lint, Denise Little, Denise Logle, Dana Lopez, Annette Lopez, Bert Lopez, Corrine Lopez, Daydra Lopez, Duane Lopez, Juanita Lopez. Leonard Lopez. Lisa Lopez. Mario Lopez. Tricia Lopez. Yvonne Loshbough. Brian Long. Kim Lovato. Cynthia Lovato. James Lovato. Michelle Lovato. Renee Lovato. Renee Lucas, Paz

Class Of 1988 Lucero, Abraham Lucero, Arlene Lucero, Darlene Lucero, Eva Lucero, Yvonne Lucero, Ladd Lujan. Bernadette Lujan. Carolyn Lujan, Eric Lujan, Leon Lujan, Lisa Lujan, Robert Je. Lyons, Leon ' Martin, Amy Martinez, Adrian Martinez, Adrian M. Martinez, Alicia Martinez, Angela Martinez, Anthony Martinez, Arthur Martinez, Becky Martinez, Benny Martinez, Brenda Martinez, Brian Martinez. Chris Martinez, Dina Martinez, Donald Martinez, Eric Martinez, Gilbert Martinez, Joe Martinez, John Martinez, Lorenzo Martinez, Marsha Martinez, Matthew Martinez, Patricia Martinez, Richard Martinez. Sandra Martinez, Tammy Martinez, Teresa Martinez, Vadra MacGillivary, Kirk Maese. Kathy R. Makzewski, Fabian Manley, Chad Mares, Anthony Mares, Maria G. Marquez, Frank Marquez, Kelly Marquez, Martin Mascarenas. Daren O. Mascarenas, Robert Mascarenas, Travis Masters, Heather Masterson. Josh McAlister. Maurice McGregor, Andrew W. Medina, Dorene Medina. Sonia Mejla. Ana Mello. Sunshine Mena, Martin Mendiola. Alex Mendoza, Gianna Mewes. Dirk

SOPHOMORES Melton, Kasey Miera, Ray Miera. Tommy Miller, Jeff Miller. Stacy Mills, Joel Miranda, Albert Montano, Daniel F. Montano, Oanial Montano, Debbie Montano, Debbie J. Montano, Maria Montano, Micca Montano, Philip Montano, Sam Montano, Steven Montoya, Adrian J. Montoya, Adrian Montoya, Becky Montoya, Christopher Montoya, Damian Montoya. George Montoya, Jeanette Montoya, Jessica Montoya, Jose Montoya. Paul Montoya, Phillip Montoya. Robert Montoya, Roy Montoya. Shirley Montoya, Tammy Moore, Billy

Moore, Landon Morales, Melinda Mott. Todd

Moyer, Sherri Mulkolland. Daniel Nathanson, George

Naranjo. Paula Narvaiz, Joseph Nauman, Zoe

Nelsen. Jason Nevarez. Leonore Nino, Danny

Class Of 1988 Noedel, Monica Oakland, Luke Ocampo, Erlinda Oken. Eric Olivas, Alex Ortega, Daniel Ortega, Martino Ortega, Yolanda Ortega, Yolanda R. Ortiz, Carmen Ortiz, Charlene Ortiz, Jeannette Ortiz, John Ortiz, Joesph Ortiz, Lorraine Ortiz, Martin Ortiz, Mel Ortiz, Phyllis Osborn, Sandy Overby, Damian Overby, Daniel Pacheco, Ann Marie Pack, Russell Padilla, Denise Padilla, Frank Padilla, George Padilla, Joseph Padilla, Melanie Padilla, Ray Padilla, Steve Padilla, Tamara Padilla, Tim Padra, Patricia Paget, Judy Parga, Ruben Paris, Traci Parker, Shannon Pearson, Kevin Pearson, Lori Peinado, Joshua Perea, Eric Pfister, Deidre Pleshaw, Gregory Prada, Ben Prather, Carl Preston, Matthew Quintana, Cabrina Qulntana, Gerald Quintana, Joseph Quintana, Judy Quintana, Martin Quintana, Matt Quintana, Mona Quintana. Rebecca Rabasa, Mary Rael, Robb Ramirez, Cynthia Rappe, Ben Rea, Zane Reece, Wilson Regan, Kristlna Reid, Donna Rempel, Brian Reinert, Chris

SOPHOMORES Rew. Jeremy Reynolds. Jeff Richardson, Lynn Richardson. Neil Ringer, Robert Ritch, Rachel Rivera, Joel Rivera. Kimberly Rivera, Laura Rivera, Wayne Rivera. Yvette Robbing, Jon Roberts, Jason Robinson, Mark Rodela, Monica Rodriguez, Annette Rodriguez, Chris Rodriguez, Jessica Rodriguez, Laura Rodriguez, Leonard Rodriguez, Manuel Rodriguez, Marcial Rodriguez, Michael Rodriguez, Rachel Roibal, James Roja, Ann Roland, Alarid Romero, Barbara Romero, Carlos Romero. Chris Romero, Dannette Romero, Debbie Romero, Eloy Romero. Gabriel Romero, Gary Romero. George Romero, Henry Romero, Jason Romero, Joseph Romero, Kevin Romero, Liz Romero, Lucille Romero, Judith Romero, Michelle Romero, Rhonda Roybal. Alice Roybal. Becky Roybal. Ben James Roybal. Jason Roybal, Richard Roybal, Ronnie Rouge, Mona Ruta, Sebastian Trujillo, Cecilia Sager, Janalyn Saiz. Mike Salazar. Candace Salazar, Eric Salazar, Ernie Salazar, Jesse Salazar. Jose Salazar. Matthew Salazar, Rosemane Salgado. Adeia

Class Of 88 Sanchez. Barbara Snachez. Daniel Sanchez. Maunel Sanchez. Marlene Sanchez. Monica Sanchez. Ralph Sandoval. Jeni Sandoval. Jennifer Sandoval. Liz Sandoval. Maria Sandoval. Martin Sandoval. Pam Sandoval. Suzanne Santry. Nathan Sawchuk. John Scalise. John Schwartz. Debbie Scott. Kimberley Scutt. Jason Seehorn. Melissa Sena. Chris Sena. James Sena. Jeannie Sena. Marvin Sena, Melinda Sena. Regina Sena. Renee Serna. Donna Serna, Johnny Serrano. Anita Shapland. David Shaw. Jentry Siltala. Carl Sisneros, Jennifer Slayer. John Smith. Chris Smith, Greg Smith. Hank Smith. Jessica Smith. Theresa Smithpeter, Tracy Snow, Mary Solano. Melissa Solano, Tim Sontgerath, Steve Soveranez. Allen Soveranez. David Sowle, Scott Spencer. Nicholas Spoonheim, Joel Stanley. Dianna St. Peter. Raney Stenzhorn. Ted Stewart. Todd Stone. Greg Strauss. Bryson Struck. Steve Syron. Pamela Tangman. Sharon Tapia. Daniel Tapia. Gina Tapia. Keiiie Tapia. Pat Tapia. Tommy


Upper left: Hey guys! Bottom left: Yvonne Lopez checks attendance. Right: Matt Fernandez Escorts Trisha Lopez

Taylor, Melissa Taylor, Robert Taylor, Monika Temple, Kerri Terrazas, Jose Thomas, Shane Thompson, Jeff Tootle. Deana Torrez, Bonnie Trujillo, Bernie Trujillo, Christopher Trujillo, Cynthia Trujillo, David Trujillo, Leigh Trujillo, Leo Trujillo. Leroy Trujillo, Patricia Trujillo, Steve Trujillo, Tommy Trujillo, Vanessa Trujillo. Yvette Turley, Marc Turpen, Genlse Uitts, Charles

Class Of 1988 Ulibarri Meliza Ulibarri Sophia Urban, Paula Valdez, Christine Valdez. John Valdez, Leslie Valdez. Michael Valdez, Yvette Valdiviezo, Johnny Valencia, Glna Valencia, Michael Valencia, Rachel Valencia, Set Valenzuela, Tommy Vance, Eric Varela, Jeannie Vargas, Jerry Velasquez, Adrian Velasquez, Henrietta Vigil, Bernadette Vigil, Carmella Vigil, Chris Vigil, Debbie Vigil, Denise Vigil, Donna Vigil, Jannel Vigil, Lee ann Vigil, Leroy Vigil, Mark Vigil, Patricia Vigil. Phil Villegas, Lori Visic, Eloy Vogel, Carlo Warner, Mike Warner, Tici Warren, Alison Warren, Robert Waterman. Danny Watkins, Phil Wells, Greg Werner, Juliana West, Melanie Whittleton, Kelly Wiese, Billy Williams, Mark Wilson, Winona Woerrlein, Shawn Wolf, Heather Wolf, Missy Wood, Rob Woods, Gary Wurst, Josie Yesley. Peter Yngsdahl, Diana Young, Sarony

Yuphln, Jomsuan Zamora, Mario Zamora, Shawn

FRESHMAN Abeyta. Robert Aguilar. James Aley, Fred Alire, Brian Allocca. Christina Anaya, Diana Anaya, Gabriel Anaya, Greg Anaya, Kenny Anaya, Lupe Anaya, Miguela Anderson, Colin Anderson, Kirsten Anton, Shawn Apodaca, Anthony Apodaca, Laura Apodaca, Mark Apodaca, Theresa Aranda, Jessica Archuleta, Anthony Archuleta, David Archuleta, Michelle Auchuleta. Rudy Archuleta, Michelle Arlington. Viza Armijo, Cherelle Armijo, Jason Armijo, Karen Armijo, Lawrence Atkinson, David Atwell, Crystal Auzbun, Paul

Baca. Adrian Baca, Carrie Baca, Donna Baca, Eddie Baca. Greg Baca, Herman Baca. Merlette Baca, Sandra Baca. Seve Bachicha, David Bachicha. Emma Baldonado, Sean Balkenende, Teri Balitzley. Cliff Barbero. Gloria Barela, Steve Baribeau. Nataline Barnes, Jeremy Barrera. Brigitte Basham, Karie Beasley, Aaron Bell. Kimberly Benavidez. Brenda Bennett, Marian Bennington, Krista Berghofer. Mike Bernal, James Bernstein, Josh Berry, Booraatee Berry, Debbi Best. Candy Biscamp. Lewis

Class Of 1989 Blackwell, Stephanie Boies. Anneliese Borrego. Stephanie Braasch, Aaron Brady, Avenelle Bransford. Michelle Brauer, Shannon Briscoe. James Brito. Andrea Brown. Aaron Buchanan, Danny Budwine, Greg Bums, Josh Caldwell, Caitilin Camacho, Martin Carlberg, Aimee Carpenter, Gina Carson, Alyssa Carswell, Kristen Casados, Robert Catanach, Allan Cawley, Michael C'De Baca, Anne C'De Bace, Matthew Chacon, Lee Chacon, Pamela Kim, Chad Chang, Lara Chavez, Carmella Chavez, Chris Chavez, Mario Chavez. Tom Chavez. Tracy Chavez, Vanessa Chesmore. Angle Christensen, Eric Christiansen, Michael Ciddio, Diego Coleman, Stacy Collins, Nancy Cook, Julie Cordova, Felicia Cordova, Jerry Cordova, Pauline Cordova. Tom Corriz, Gilbert Corriz, Pat Cortez. Yolanda Craighead, Kim Crespin, Erika Crossman. Sara Davidson, Ardrej Davis. Aaron Davis, Brian Daymon, Donna Deangelo, Nicolo Debaca. John Deaguero, Vernon Degruyter, Kristina Delgado. Matthew Delgado. Melinda Delmar, Dawn Dennis, Chris Dennis, Gina

FRESHMAN Deprlest, Rick Diercks, Kether Dorman, April Doubel. Jacque Dowdy, Eric Drennan, Colleen Drennon, Deborah Dunlap, Bronwyn Duran, Angela Duran, Chris Duran, Mark Duval, Chris Ellis, Samantha Encinias, Able Encinias, Michael Encinias, Richard Ennenga, Chris Esquivele, Karla Estrada, Sandra Estes, Tricia Ewin, Leroy Faehl, Rachel Falance, Chris Federici, Eric Felix. Philip Fellows, Robert Ferguson, Lydia Ferrary, Adam Forbess, Darla Fordham, Jeff Fowler, Gena Franzoy, Pam French, Jay Gabatdon, Glenn Gallegos, Brad Gallegos, Stephanie Garcia, Adela Garcia, Angela Garcia, Angela Garcia, Danny Garcia, Denise Garcia, George Garcia, Gilbert Garcia, Gilbert Garcia, Ooedy Garcia, James Garcia, Jane Garcia, Jennifer Garcia, Jessica Garcia, Jimmie Garcia, Karmela Garcia, Keith Garcia, Paula Garcia, Phillip Garcia, Rebecca Garcia, Ricky Garcia, Ruben Garcia, Tim Gaskin, Doug Gaul, Bruce Gentry, Jennifer Getchell, Amy Gilligan, Brian Gilman. Melissa

Class Of 1989 Gladfelter, Sharon Golden, Amy Gomez, Mario Gonzales, Dean Gonzales, Eloisa Gomzalez, Jeanette Gonzales. Jose Gonzales, Liz Gonzales, Marcos Gonzales, Michelle Gonzales, Victor Boyd, Ian Graham Grant, Alex Gregory, Peter Gregory, Tiffany Griego, Anna Griego, Melinda Griego, Orenda Griego, Stephanie Gross, Ashley Guillen, Matias Guillen, Melanie Gurule. Mark Gutierrez, Rick Hagerman, Mike Halford, James Hanagan, Peter Hands, James Hanks, Benjamin Harvey, Chris Hatch, Greg Hayes, Robert Hebron, Justine Heidemann, Gwen Hendricks, Patrick Henzie, Billy Hernandez, Johnny Hemes, Shauna Herrera, Peter Hess, Rachel Hilgendorf, Matthew Hoffman, Dawn Holgerson, Vicki Hoilanger. Kate Holloway, Preston Holmes, Kecia Holt, Cesar Montalbano. Andrea Hoskie, Alden Houghton, Israel Howe, Yolanda Hubbard, Crisulla Hussey. Mark Ingram, Carolyn Jackson, James Jacobi. Carrie Jaramillo. Amy Jaramillo. Angela Jaramillo, Julia Jaramillo, Julia M. Jaramillo, Marshall Johnson, Deborah Kaltenbach. Jacob Kavanaugh, Billy

FRESHMAN Kelly. Aprille Kesler, Cody Kilian, Stacy King, Ann King, Cecilia King, Kara Knowles, Lisa Koczka. Jacek Kosaka, Yoko Kullman. Caleb Larranaga, Audrey Larranga, Ralph Le Blanc. Gabriel Lee. Cadir Lee. Louise Levis, Ty Ley. Maria Leyba. Aundrea Leyba, Linda Leyba, Rachel Leyesu, Ray Ling, Benjamin Lobato. Ben Long, Jody Lopez, Andy Lopez. Arthur Lopez, Brenda Lopez, Darren Lopez, Francella Lopez, Josephine Lopez, Luann Lopez, Lucinda Lopez, Michelle Lopez, Phillip Lopez, Rachel Lopez, Randy Lopez, Tommy Lovato, Anna Marie Lovato, Jessica Lovato, Joseph Lovato. Leo Lovato, Vanessa Lucas, Marc Lucero, Chris Lucero, Frances Lucero, Michael Lucero, Vicki Lujan, Anthony Lujan, Dolly Lujan, Gilbert Lujan, Jennifer Lujan, Mark Lujan. Peggy Lujan, Ruby Lyle. Peggy Maccarer, Mindy Machecek, Heidi Madrid, Mark Maes, Annamarie Maes, David Maestas. Christine Maestas. Melissa Malool. George Maloy. Dawn

I |

FRESHMAN Manion. Sol Marano. Carl Mares. Michelle Marino. Michelle Mariscal. Efren Marquez. Jeff Marquez. Maria Marquez. Monica Marsh. Charlanne Marsh. Eva Martinez. Albert Martinez. Art Martinez. Byrd Martinez. Cynthia Martinez. Danielle Martinez. Denise Martinez. Diego Martinez. Dewaine Martinez. Eric Martinez. Ernest Martinez, Felix Martinez. Frank Martinez, Kevin Martinez. Marvin Martinez, Maxine Martinez. Nena Martinez. Rebecca Martinez. Robert Martinez. Roberta Martinez. Valerie Martinez. Vince Martinez. Wayne Martinez. Yvette Martinez. Yvette Mascarenas. Jeff Maxwell. Charlie McCarty. Hope Mclean. Wes McGinnis, Russell McKinley. Laura Medrano. Loretta Mendonca. Barbara Miera. Celine Miller. David Miller. George Miller. Jill Miller. Justin Miller. Kyle Milligan, Kimberly Miner. Jessica Mitchell. Jade Montano. Alegre Montano. Belinda Montano. Rose Montgomery. Eric Montgomery. Sean Montoya. Andrea Montoya. Angela Montoya. Angelica Montoya. Annette Montoya. Bryan Montoya. Chris Montoya. Gabriel Montoya. Joe

FRESHMAN Montoya, Lahoma Montoya, Marty Montoya, Mehl Motoya, Monica Montoya, Paul Montoya, Troy Montoya, Valerie Montoya, Veronica Moody, Tom Moore, Kathy Moore, Mary Morris, April Mosley, Peggy Mullings, Lorie Munoz, Jesse Munoz, Mario Myers, Sunny Naranjo, Shannon Neuman, Athena Neumann, Robert Maryol. Nick Nicholson, Casey Nino, Laura Nohl, Aaron Noltie, Jennifer Nordstrum, Chris Northway. Mike Ochoa, Pauline Ojeda, Hugo Orenshaw, Darcy Ortega, Alicia Ortega, Angelina Ortega, Cheryl Ortega, Christin Ortega, Dorothy Ortega, Eddie Ortega, Margi Ortega, Robert Ortiz. Andrew Ortiz, Arlene Ortiz. Darla Ortiz, David Ortiz, David Ortiz, Lawrence Ortiz, Ray Ortiz, Shirley Ortiz. Steve Ortiz, Tim Otero, Trina Overby, Manuel Owen, Andrea Pacheco. Beverly Pacheco. Chris Pacheco, Michelle Pacheco, Yvonne Padilla. Alisia Padllla, Dorothy Padilla, Lorlne Padilla. Michelle Padilla. Patricia Padilla. Paul Padilla. Suzle Padilla, Troy Palmerston. Paul

Class Of 1989 Parker, Robert Pearson, Brian Pell, Danny Pena. Ray Pena, Shada Perea, Audra Perea, Yvonne Persson, Erik Phillips, Steve Poe, Trey Polese, Tamsin Poola, Charlene Porras, Steve Quintana, Jacob Quintana, Carlos Quintana, Celistino Quintana, Celestino Quintana, Dennis Quintana, Jerry Rael, Jerry Rael, Carmella Rael, Diego Rael, Eddy Rael, Marty Rael, Randall Ramirez, Carlos Ramirez, Chico Ramirez, Marta Raznick, Jennifer Riley, Ralph Reinikainen, Jesse Repa, Jenna Rivera, Elisa Rivera, Kalene Rivera, Lourdes Rivera, Yolanda Roberts, Lisa Robertson, Kellie Rodgers, Ronald Rodgers, Tami Rodriguez, Ann Rodriguez, Peggy Rodriguez, Rebecca Rodriguez, Renee Rodriguez, Reyes Rodriguez, Teresa Roibal, Rebecca Roibal, Roberta Romero, Aaron Romero, Barbara Romero, Cristina Romero, Edward Romero, Gave Romero, Gene Romero, Jennifer Roybal Gerald Romero, Jerome Romero. Joseph Romero, Josle Romero, Lauriann Romero, Lisa Romero, Lisa M. Romero, Maxine Romero, Melissa

FRESHMAN Romero, Michael Romero, Monica Romero, Ray Romero, Raymond Romero, Ricky Romero, Roxanne Romero, Xavier Rose, Jennifer Ross, Dalton Rotunno, Domenick Roybal, Andrea Roybal, Eloy Roybal, Floyd Roybal, Jennifer Roybal, Jennifer Roybal, Juliane Roybal, Laura Roybal, Maryann Roybal, Patricia Rubinstein, Jacob Rusnovic, Christy Garance, Ruth Sachs, Ruth Saffel, Erin Saiz, Christina Saiz. Paul Salazar, Dan Salinas, Manuel Sams, Steve Sanchez, Clarisa Sanchez, Jerome Sanchez, Laura Sanchez, Louann Sanchez. Mercedes Sanchez, Orlando Sanchez. Richard Sanchez. Sharon Sanchez, Sherrie Sandoval, Beatrice Sandoval, Eric Sandoval, Evalige Sandoval, Laura Sandoval, Micheal Sandoval, Richard Sandoval. Robert Sanger, Bobbin Savceda, Jeff Scarborough, Jeni Schaefer, June Schirard, Clinton Schulee, Felicia Schultz, Spencer Scott, Kenneth Segura, Cindy Segura. Denise Segura. Kathy Selby, Craig Sena, Marina Sena. Jose Serna. Anita Serna. Rick Serrano, Debbie Serrano, Valerie Sanchez. Joard

Class Of 1989 Shanaberger, Michael Shaull. Tyler Shaw, Gabe Shinholser, Charles Shockley, Bryan Shook, Aaron Shuman, Tiffany Simms, Jessica Simons, Metta Sisneros, Diego Sisneros. Diego Sisneros. Fran Slansky, Joe Smith, Lyle Smith, Karl Smith, Shelley Soderquist. Mike Solano, Anthony Solano, Roman Soto, Monica Sowers, Justin Squaglia, Avel Srodiman. Kathy Starr, Stacey Stennis. Susan Stevenson, Erik Stewart, Amy Stitt, Brian Stokes, Jana Storr, Ronald Stransky, Tom Streck, Amy Streck, Kyle Stuck, Billy Sullivan, John Swisher. Daphne Swofford. John Tafoya, Rudy Tafoya, Wayne Talamante, Charlene Tapia, Daniel Tapia. Johnny Taylor, Pardue Taylor, Vanessa Tischler. Sam Torres, Nicholas Trappe, Michaela Trujlllo. Carl Trujillo. Chris Trujlllo, Diane Trujillo, Jennifer Trujillo, Lisa Trujlllo, Michele Trujillo, Rosie Trujillo. Wes Tubbs. Stephen Turner. Aaron Turner, Mark Uhl, Soren Ulibarri. Angelina Ulibarri. Collette Valdez. Alan Valdez. AMn Valdez. Andrew

FRESHMAN Valdez. Antonina Valdez. Arlene Valdez, Danny Valdez. Kelly Valdez. Leonard Valdez. Monica Valdez, Shane Valdez, Sonya Valencia. Anthony Valencia. Melissa Valenzuela. Eric Vandersys. Cassi VanDeuseng, Mark Vanmason. Amber Varela, Patrick Varnado, Zack Varvaiz, Chris Verones. Angie Vialpando, Annette Vieira, Walter Vigil. Annette Vigil. Craig Vigil, Henry Vigil, Kevin Vigil. Marc Vigil, Robert Warden, Randy Wasserman, Stefen Watson, Michelle Webb. Mat Whelan, Linda White. Greg Whitmore, Billy Whitney, Alice Wildenstein, Kelly Wilder, Laura Willett. Chris Williams, Jason Wilson, Wendy Winton, Jonell Wolf. Tara Wolfe, Renate Wood, Dalles Wright, Cory Wright, David Wylie, Clare Yoder. Lara Zlmin, Daniel

Zlotnick, Justin Zuniga. Mike


Class Of 1987 Anaya, Bea Armijo. Teresa Ball, Chris Ballielt. Deirdre Barron, Pancha Benavidez. Yvonne Bransford. Frank Carinci. Carmen

Cansle. Bonnie Casados. Melissa Charlton, Mary Chavez, Andrea Chavez. Michelle Childs, Mark Clum. Tristan Cordeil. Lisa

Cordora, Melissa Dean, Michael Oepriest, Rick Escudero. Diana Esquibel, Melissa Foutz, Holly Francisco, Patricia Gallardo. Glna Gallegos. Judy Gallegos. Priscilla Gallegos. Paticia Garcia. Monica Gaskin. Sherri Glasgow, Tim Griego. Vanessa Griffin. Jerry

Halford. Raquel Hathaway, Donna Jones, Forrest Kashavi. Angelina Kelly. Tom Kim. Coreena Larranaga, Nichol Leyba. Madeleine

Lopez, Janet Lopez, Kathleen Lucero, Donna Lucero, Paulette Mares, Paula Marten, David Martinez, Jacqueline M. Martinez, Jacqueline

Martinez, Joe Martinez, John Martinez, Kenneth Martinez, Linda Ortega. Norma Padilla. Michelle Peinado, Aaron Pino, Ruth Pozel. Claudia Price. Jay Ouintana, Angie Ramm, John Rinquiili. Diana Rivera, Larry Roberts. Zack Robertson, Charles

Romero. Linda Romig. Kate Roosen. Charles Rudolph. Michelle Salazar. Gene Saiazar. Veronica Sanchez, Manuel Sandaval. Gina

Slsneros. Vanessa Snow. Melissa Solano. Monica Summers. Monika Tapia, Annette Tapia. Sandi Trimborn. Phillip Tripp. Michelle


Class Of 1987

Juniors Trujlllo. Blue Trujillo, Tommy Valdez. Kathleen Velasquez. Lori Vleira, Leslie Vigil. Ivie Watermen, Danny Webster. Kelly

Wells, Shannon Weston, Stephanie Whitney. Cynthia Whltted. Vicky Wolff. Joe

Class Of 1988

Sophomores Alamlllo, Patricia Andermann, Sherry Aragon, Katherine Boggs. Sheryt Boylan, Michelle Carden, Jenrffer Carlson, DeCol Dominlck, Michelle

Doss, Vernon Duran, Angela Duran, Marcella Gabaldon, Anyta Gallegos, Joaquin Gonzales, Maria Gonzales. Steve Gonzales, Steve

Gurule, Albert Ford. Gayle Hendren, Liz Herrera, John Herrera, Pauline Jenks, Jennifer Jimenez, Ellen Ley. Emily

Lopez. Corrlne Lopez, Daydra Lovato, Vanessa Martinez, Alicia Martinez, Yvette Matthew, Stephanie Medina, Sonia Mexla. James Montoya. Adrian Montoya, Tammy Mott. Todd Ortega. Mary Ortiz, Louise Padilla. Veronica Pozel, Sarah Ramerez. Cynthia

Reynolds, Jeff Riddle. Julie Romero. Barbara Romero, Cnstina Romero, Sknon Roybai. Ronnie Sargent. Wilia Schuartz. Deborah Segura. Marco Sena. Diego Sema, Donna Shepherd. Lee Smithpete. Tracy Somsuan. Yuphin Soveranez. David Trufllto. Cecilia

Toombs. Michael Urban, Paula Valdez. Yvette Valencia. Set Warfleld. John


Class Of 1989 Aliocca. Christina Anderson, Kirsten Anton, Shawn Apodaca. Theresa Archuleta, Michelle Arellano, JoAnn Armijo. Jason Armijo. Judi

Armijo. Karen Arungton. Viza Baca. Andrea Barnes. Jeremy Carnllo. Okeemah Cook, Joshua Clausen. Kristen Craighead. Kim

Oiehl. Story Anne Oorman. April Estrada. Sandra Fargen. Ray Fellows. Robert Garcia. Angila Garcia. Danny Garcia, Jessica Giliman, Melissa Girard. Michelle Gonzales. Victoria Gurule. Mark Halford. James Heidemann, Gwen Hicks. Steven Holgerson. Vicki

Howe. Yolanda Hussey. Mark Lasota. John Ley. Maria Lopez. Francella Lopez. Phillip Lopez. Tommy Lovato. Joseph

Lujan. Peggy Lyle, Peggy Maestas. Christine Marquez, Julie Martinez. Denise Martinez, Lenora Martinez. Samuel McAlister. Billy Montoya. Andrea Muniz. Patrick Neer. Robert Ortiz, Darla Pacheco. Chris Padilla. Alisla Parker, Robert Parker, Vickie Perea, Audra Rael. Diego Rivera, Kalene Rivera, Laura Rodriguez. Reyes Rodriguez. Teresa Romero, Lisa Romo, Eligio

Roybal. Mary Roybal, Patricia Salazar. Tracie Sanchez. Louann Scarborough. Jeni Serrano. Debbie Sisneros. Liz Soderquist. Mike Swollord. John Tapia. Daniel Taylor. Vanessa Valdez. Antonina Valencia. Melissa Vigil. Henry Vigil. Leroy Vigil. Marc

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Alameda Jr. High School Remembers



Steven Anderson

Armando Rodriguez

As we look back on the school year some of our fondest memories are the most painful. The loss of these two iellow students is sad but we can be grateful to hold a few loving'memories of each persons life. Both of these boys were very well loved, and trfe-wietnory of them will be forever in our

Abeita, Edward (88) Abeyla. Bertha (87) 228 Abeyla. Kalhy (86) 11 Abeyla, Melanie (87) 228 Abeyla. Robert (89) 258 Abeyta. Rudy (88) 242 Abeyla. Wendy (87) 92. 93. 94. 95. 130. 228 Acuna, Anthony (86) Adams, Caroline (86) 11 Aguilar. Edward (89) Aguilar, Jama* (89) 2S6 Alamlllo. Patricia (89) 242 Alarld. Louie (86) 11 Aland. Roland (88) 251 Alarid. Tina (86) 11. 168. 169 Alberico, Paul (89) 242 Alejandro. John (88) 66. 127. 134. 242 Alejo. Paul (69) Alexander. Mark (87) 228 Aley. Fred (89) 266 Agra, Brian (89) 242, 256 Aire, Eumberto (89) Altocca. CrisMna (89) 152. 256. 269 Allyn, Gregory (66) 11 Aknanzar. Charles (68) 242 Alvarez. Annette (88) 228 Alvarez. Arthur (88) 11 Alvarez, Elaine (87) Alvarez. Joseph (88) 108. 242 Amendartz, Esteban (86) Amlday. Oeslra (66) 11. 157 Armljo. Karen (89) Anaya, Antonio (87) 228 Anaya, Beatrice (87) 267 Anaya, Brenda *66) Anaya, Chris (87) 228 Anaya. Christina (88) 242 Anaya, Christopher (89) 206 Anaya. Diana (89) 256 Anaya. Dolores (88) 167, 169. 242 Anaya. Elba (88) Anaya, Gabriel (89) 256 Anaya. Gregory (89) 152, 153. 256 Anaya, Juanlta (87) 228 Anaya, Kenny (89) 258 Anaya. Lupe (69) 256 Anaya, Marcos (68) 242 Anaya, Michael (88) 167 Anaya. Michelle (86) 11 Anaya, Mike (88) Anaya, Miquela (69) 256 Anaya. Robert (67) 228 Ancnondo. Evelyn (86) 11, 185 Anchondo, Ray (88) 242 Andermann, Charles (87) Andermann, Sherry (88) 268 Anderson, Coin (89) 256 Anderson. Felisha (89) 183. 242 Anderson, Judith (87) Anderson, Klrsten (89) 256. 269 Anderson, Steven (88) 242 Angel. Jim (88) 242 Angel. Jose (88) 242 Anton, Joseph (86) 256. 269 Apodaca. Annette (88) 183, 242 Apodaca, Anthony (89) 256 Apodaca. Bobby (88) Apodaca, Cynthia (86) Apodaca, Elizabeth (87) 152, 157. 228 Apodaca. Ellen (87) Apodaca, Fred (87) 228 Apodaca. Karen (88) 183, 171. 175, 183, 242 Apodaca, Laura (89) 256 Apodaca. Lisa (87) 228 Apodaca, Lours (89) Apodaca, Mark (89) 256 Apodaca, Ray (87) 228 Apodaca, Ray J. (87) 228 Apodaca, Theresa (89) 269 Apodaca. Vincent (88) 242 Apodaca, Darnel (87) 228 Apodaca. Marceea (86) 11 Aragon, Anthony (86) 11 Aragon. Bernadette (86) 11, 185 Aragon. Carlos (88) Aragon, Contessa (88) 152. 242 Aragon. Katharine (89) 242, 268 Aragon. waaam (87) 173, 228 Aranda. James (88) Aranda. Jessicalynn (89) 180. 256 Aranda. Paul (88) 242 Archuleta. Angela (88) 228 Archuleta. Anthony (89) 256 Archuleta. Antonio (88) 242 Archuleta. Beverly (87) Archuleta. Brenda (87) 228 Archuleta. Carl (87) 187. 173. 228 Archuleta. Ovale (86) Archuleta. Christina (86) 11 Archuleta. Dartene (68) 152, 242 Archuleta. DavM (89) 256 Archuleta. Eddie (88) 242 Archuleta. Ernesto (88) 242 Archuleta. Eugene (88) 228 Archuleta. Joseph (87) Archuleta. Kararyrm (86) Archuleta. Lydra (86) Archuleta. Lynette (87) 228 Archuleta. Michael (87) 100. 188. 228 Archuleta. Mlrhaaa (89) 119. 188. 256 Archuleta. Mfchsta M (89) 256 Archuleta. Pat (88) 242 Archuleta. PnMp (88) 242 Archuleta. Rudy (89) 258 Archuleta, vines (86) 11. 14 Areaano. Ernest (89) Areaano. Joarm (89) 185. 269 Argueso. Ruben (88) Arken. Amy (86) 11. 196 Arlington. Vlza (89) 256. 269

Armljo, Anthony (87) 228 Armljo. camille (88) 116. 117. 242 Armljo. Chreee (89) 256 Armljo, Jason (89) 188. 256, 269 Armljo, Judi (89) 269 Armljo. Lawrence (89) 256 Armojo. Michelle (88) 242 Armijo. Theresa (87) 228, 267 Armojo, Tony (88) 242 Armstrong, Paul (88) 152. 153. 183. 228. 242 Arnal. Barbara (88) 242 Aronson. Jamie (87) 154. 228 Atchison, Mark (86) 11 Atllano, Robert (89) Atkinson. David (89) 152. 256 Atwell. Crystal (89) 256 Ausbun, Paul (89) Baca, Adrian (89) 256 Baca, Andrea (69) 269 Baca, Annette (86) Baca, Becky (88) 242 Baca, Bennle (88) Baca. Bialquin (68) 242 Baca, Brian (89) Baca, Carlos (86) 11 Baca, Carolyn (88) 242 Baca, Carrie (89) 256 Baca, Charles (88) 242 Baca. Deborah (87) 149. 214. 228 Baca, Denise (86) 11 Baca, Donna (89) 256 Baca. Eddie (89) 256 Baca, Elaine (87) 228 Baca, Fred (88) 242 Baca, Gary (87) 228 Baca, Greg (89) 256 Baca, Herman (89) 256 Baca, Joaquin (88) 242, 312 Baca, Joseph (87) 228 Baca. Luanne (86) 11, 19, 178, 179 Baca, Madelyn (86) 11 Baca, Margaret (88) 168, 169. 242 Baca. Mark (86) Baca. Marlette (89) 256 Baca. Michael (88) 108. 242 Baca, Michelle (87) 99. 228 Baca, Milissa (86) 4, 11, 26, 164 Baca, Nancy (88) 243 Baca, Paul (86) 11. 148. 152 Baca, Raquel (88) 152. 243 Baca. Raymond (89) Baca, Rohald (86) 11. 30 Baca, Ruth (87) 171, 228 Baca, Sandra (89) 256 Baca, Steve (89) 256 Baca. Waldo (89) 188. 228 Bachlcha, David (89) 256 Bachicha. Emma (88) 256 Bachlcha, Georgia (87) Backstrom. Debbie (86) Baker. Brent (88) 243 Baldinger. Edith (88) 152, 243 Baldonado. Mary (88) 169, 184, 243 Baldonado, Michael (86) Baldonado. Phillip (69) 256 Balkenende, Jacquline (87) 152. 157, 150, 152, 157, 228, 256 Balkenende, Teresa (89) 97, 130, 256 Ball. Christopher (87) 152, 153, 228, 267 Balden. Dafrdre (87) 154. 163. 174, 183, 228, 267 Baltzley. Clifford (89) 256 Barbero. Gloria (89) 256 Barberousse, Douglas (88) 243 Barela. Albert (88) 243 Barela. Albert (88) 243 Barela, Barbara (88) 243 Barela. Chris (87) 228 Barela. Christina (86) 12 Barela, Christopher (88) Barela. Daniel (86) Barela. Deanna (86) 12 Barela. Freddy (88) Barela. George (88) Barela, Josette (88) Barela. Steve (89) 258 Barela, victoria (86) 12 Baribeau. Nalaline (89) 157. 256 BarH. Robert (87) 228 Barker. Terry (87) Barnes. Chris (88) 134. 243 Bamea. Jeremy (89) 256. 269 Baros. Regina (86) 12. 31 Baros, Renee (88) 243 Barratt, Richard (88) Barrera. Brigttte (89) 256 Barron. FrancJne (87) 92. 95. 228. 267 Barron, Paul (86) 228 Basdsn, Erik )88) (88) 183. 292 Basham. Karie (89) 256 Beecham, Cheryl (88) 243 Beardan, Jaye (87) 228 Beardsley. Sharon (86) Baastoy. Joseph (89) 256 Bealty. Fred (86) 28 Beaver. Timothy (88) 142, 143. 183. 195, 243. 312 Beck. Philip (88) 243 Bagay, Anthony (89) Begay. Randy (86) 184 Bat. Peter (88) 108, 188, 243 Beiian. Anthony (88) 243 Bel, Klmberty (89) 256 Baa. Lauren (88) Bel, Merit (88) Benavtdez, Bobby (87) 228 Benavidez. Brenda (89) 258 Benavtdez. Carlos (87) 228 Benavidez, Helen (88) Benavidez. Joseph (87) 228 Benavidez. Pam (88) 243 Benavidez. Yvonne (87) 228, 267

Bennett, Karen (88) 228 Bennett, Janne (87) 228 Bennett, Madena (88) 159 Bennett, Mariah (89) 152, 256 Bennington, Krista (89) 256 Bennington, Robbie (87) 229 Berger. Jim (86) 12, 157 Berghofer, Carl (87) 229 Berghofer, Mike (89) Bermudez. Eugene (87) 229 Bermudez, Red (88) 243 Bernal. Dennis (88) 243 Bemal. Gwenda (88) 185, 243 Bernal, James (89) 256 Bemal, Joseph (86) 12 Bemal, Josephine (86) Bernstein, Adam (68) 243 Bernstein, Josh )89) 256 Berry, Booraatee (89) 256 Berry. Debbie (89) 256 Best. Candy (89) Bhakta. Prakash (86) 12 Bibb. David (87) 188 Bibb, James (88) 168. 243 Biddle. Daryle (88) 157. 188, 243 Bigbee. Paul (86) 12, 185 Bindle. John (88) 187, 243 Bindle. Kimberty (86) 12. 73. 187 Biscamp, Lewis (89) 256 Blackwell. Stephanie (89) 152, 257 Blair. ENsa (86) 12. 49. 70 Blair. Sarah (88) 96. 97. 99, 243 Btea. Anna (87) Blea. Chrislianne (86) 12 Blea. Donald (88) Blea, Joseph (86) Blea. Mark Anthoney (87) 229 Blea, Mark Thomas (87) 229 Btea. Phillip (87) 243 Btogg, Brefnl (87) Blood. Annabelte (87) Bobchak. Mark (86) Boggs. John (87) 6. 175, 229 Boggs. Sheryl (88) 96. 243, 268 Botes. Anneliese (89) 257 Botes. Laura (86) 152. 157, 243 Boling. Maria (88) 243 Bolteter, Tony (88) Bond, Frank (88) Bonnell, Sheryl (89) Bomman. Fred (88) 229 Borrego. Stephanie (69) 257 Bess. Dados (89) Boudouris, Michael (88) 243 Bowker. Loretta (86) 12, 184 Boyd, Ian (89) 157 Boyian. Michelle (88) 268 Boylan, Steve (87) 229 Boynton. Wade (88) 243 Braasch. Aaron (89) 257 Braasch, Eric (88) Bradford. Kenneth (88) 100, 243 Bradley, Mike (87) 201 Brady. Avenelle (89) 257 Braman. Ashandl (88) 108, 243 Branslord. Frank (87) 267 Bransford. Michelle (89) 267 Branslord. Michelle (89) 257 Brasel. Michael (86) 12 Brauer, Shannon (89) 152, 257 Brennand, Almee (86) 12 Brewer, Jennifer (87) 164, 229 Briscoe. James (89) 157, 257 Brito. Andrea (69) 257 Brtto. Ftenada (86) Broadnax. Troy (86) 12, 27, 149 Brooks, Carolyn (87) 227 Brooks, Joanna (86) 12 Brooks, Sharon (87) Brooks, Tequllta (87) 152, 174, 239 Brown, Aaron (89) 257 Brown, Cyrus (88) 243 Brown, Dancia (86) Brown, James (86) 12, 148, 152, 163 Brown, Jennifer (87) 229 Brown, Jeremy (88) 243 Brown, June (87) Brown. Shannon (86) 12, 70, 152 Brown, Sharon (86) 12. 55, 92, 93, 94, 95, 143, 144, 145. 177, 176, 312 Brown. Sherri (88) 243 Brown. Vines (88) Buchanan, Daniel (69) 134, 257 Budwine. Greg (87) 152, 257 Bunting, Sarah (87) 229 Burgess, Dana (86) Burgett, Barbie (88) 133, 243 Burkhart, Michael (88) 188 Burnam, Kana (88) Bums, Josh (89) 257 Burton, Derek (88) 152, 153. 157. 183, 195. 243 Burton, Obte (89) Bustamante, Margaret (87) 229 Bynon. Robert (89) Byrd. Daniel (88) 172, 173 Cabrera, Calalina (86) 50. 51 Cagte. Wana (88) Caldwell. Caitilin (89) 257 Camacho, Martin (89) 257 Cambron. Dawn (86) 187. 206 Campbell. Hilary (86) 12, 18. 144, 312 Campos, Anthony (88) 243 Campos, Paul (86) 12 Campos, Sean (87) 229 Candelaria. Christopher (88) Cardan, Jennifer (88) 243, 268 Carina. Carmen (87) 229. 267 Cartberg. Almee (89) 257 Carlisle. Bonnie (87) 146, 287 Carlisle. Kelly (87) 66. 156, 157, 175. 183. 229

Carlisle, Nathan (86) Carlson, Decol (88) 288 Carmlchael, Theresa (67) 229 Carmlgnani, Craig (87) 229 Carmlgnanl, Suzanne (88) 92, 243 Carpenter. Anthony (86) Carpenter, Reglna (89) 257 Carpenter, Sean (88) 243 Carr, Rachael (66) 12 Carrara. Richard (88) 243 Can-Ilk), Oarlene (88) Carrlllo, Geraldine (87) Carrlllo. Marvin (86) 243 Carrlllo, Okeemah (89) Carrlllo, Pauline (69) Carrlllo. Roberta (87) 229 Carson, Allca (89) 257 Carswell, Krlsten (89) 257 Carter, Christopher (67) 229 Casados, Chrlsta (87) 126, 229 Casados, David (87) 229 Casados, Melissa (87) 229, 267 Casados, Robert (69) 257 Casaus. Joaquin (87) 229 Casaus. Phoebe (88) Casaus, Mary (88) 152 Caslas, Joe (87) Caslas, Ray (87) 229 Castellano, Clifford (67) Castellano, Joseph (87) Castellano, Nichole (86) 152. 243 Castellano, Ricky (67) 229 Castillo, Anthony (88) 134, 243 Castillo, David (87) Calanach, Allan (89) 257 Catanach, Denlse (87) 229 Catanach, Gall (88) 243 Catanach, Jimmy (67) 229 Catanach, Phillip (87) Catanach, Reglna (88) 123, 243 Cavalli. Jessica (67) 66, 67. 163. 165, 183, 229. 312 Cawley, Michael (89) 257 Cde, Baca Anne (89) 257 Cde baca, Manuel (88) 243 Cde Baca, Maria (86) 13 Cde Baca. Maria (88) 243 Cde Baca, Matthew (89) 257 Cebada, Richard (88) 243 Chacon, Lee (89) 257 Chacon, Pamela (89) 257 Chambers, Erin (88) 157, 243 Chandler, Tara (86) Chang, Lara (89) Chapman, Cassandra (88) Chapman, Sarah (89) 56, 59, 119, 121 Charlton, Mary Jane (67) 152. 229. 267 Chavez. Alfred (66) 243 Chavez, Andrea (88) 118, 267 Chavez, Anthony (88) 173 Chavez, Bemadette (87) 229 Chavez, Bobby (88) Chavez, Carlota (66) 146, 147 Chavez, Carmela (89) 257 Chavez, Cathy (88) 116. 118. 243 Chavez, Chris (89) 257 Chavez, Darlene (87) 221 Chavez, David (86) 13 Chavez, Debbie (69) Chavez, Dennis (87) Chavez, Diana (86) Chavez, Donald (86) 243 Chavez, Gilbert (89) Chavez, Hope (87) 229 Chavez, James (87) 146, 147 Chavez, Joann (87) 229 Chavez, Johnny (66) 13 Chavez, Maria (89) 152, 257 Chavez. Marie (89) 97. 119 Chavez, Mark (86) Chavez, Martin (87) 229 Chavez, Max (88) 244 Chavez, Michelle (87) 267 Chavez, Patrice (88) 92. 94, 116, 244 Chavez, Peter (86) 13, 167 Chavez, Renee (66) 184 Chavez, Richard (89) Chavez, Steven (66) 244 Chavez, Tom (69) 257 Chavez, Tracy (89) 257 Chavez, Vicky (86) 13 Chavez, Yolanda (87) 29 Chesko, Ian (86) Chesmore, Stephanie (86) Chllds. Mark (67) 267 Chlpman, Michael (86) Chrlslensen. Eric (89) 257 Christian, Laura (86) Christian, Matt (87) Christiansen, Michael (89) Chronlnger, Wade (86) Churchill, Heather (88) 157. 244 Clalone. Robert (86) Clddlo, Diego (69) 257 Claneros, Lester (88) 244 Clark, Shonna (86) 96, 244 Clausen, Krlsten (69) 266 Clokey, Betty (66) Clough, David (88) 244 Clum, Tristan (87) 174. 229. 267 Clum. Troy (87) 229 Cobb. John (86) Coca. Alexander (87) 229 Cohen. Elizabeth (67) 229 Cohen. Mlkala (66) Cohen, Rachel (66) 69. 244 Coleman, Stacy (69) 257 Collins. Kenneth (68) 167. 173. 244 Collins. Michael (66) 244 Collins. Nancy (69) 96. 119. 152, 257 Cohon, Stacey (88) 187, 244

Compton, James (87) 152, 153. 157, 230 Conover, Paige (88) 18. 131. 142, 162, 163, 242, 244 Conroy, Dawn (86) Consols, Amy (87) 142. 160. 161. 207. 230. 312 Constantino. Stephanie (87) 152. 230 Conway. Joseph (86) 13 Cook. Joshua (67) 269 Cook, Julie (87) 257 Cook, Shari (86) 244 Cordell, Lisa (67) 30, 267 Cordova, Donna (89) 244 Cordova. Felicia (89) 69, 257 Cordova, Jerry (89) 257 Cordova, Melissa (86) 267 Cordova, Patricia (88) Cordova, Paul (87) Cordova, Pauline (69) 257 Cordova, Rozella (68) 244 Cordova, Tom (69) 257 Cordova, victoria (66) Cordova, Jennifer (69) Corlz, Blue Jay (68) 244 Coriz, Diane (87) 230 Corlz, Michelle (86) 167, 244 Cornell, Cindy (86) 13 Corrlz, Christine (86) 13 Corriz, Gilbert (89) 257 Corrlz, Pat (89) 257 Corrlz, Steve (86) 13 Cortez. Paul (89) 159, 188 Cortez, Yolanda (89) 257 Cosma, Brian (87) 230 Cosma, Melissa (88) 244 Costello. Richard (86) 244 Coughlln, Mitch (87) Coyle. Kevin (86) Craig. Kenneth (86) 13 Craighead, Donald (86) 13 Craighead, Kimberty (89) 257. 269 Craighead, Steve (87) 230 Crawford, Ceili (86) 230 Crawford, Sonya (68) 244 Craycraft, Sean (88) 244 Crenshaw, Darcy (89) Crespin, Erlka (89) 257 Crocker, Christopher (87) Crosby, Lor! (88) Cross, Elmer )87) Crossman, Rebecca (86) 13 Crossman, Sara (89) 183, 257 Crowley, Michael (88) 244 Culberson, Charla (88) Curgus, Andrew (88) 244 Curgus, Mar jo (86) 13. 292 Curtis. Lara (89) 166. 244 Curtis, Nicole (88) 69. 99. 153. 152. 163, 244 Curtis, Paul (87) Dale, Palmer (88) Dale, Robert (86) 244 Dalton, Herman (86) 13 Dalton, Roberta (86) Danielson. Melony (66) Davenport, Cynthia (67) 187, 230 Davenport, Dennis (86) 13 Davidson, Andrej (69) 257 Davis. Aaron (89) 134. 182. 257 Davis. Brian (69) 257 Davis. Letrisha (67) 230 Davis, Donna (87) 13 Dawson, Brian (86) 244 Daymon, Donna (69) 257. 152 Deaguero, Vernon (89) 168, 257 Dean, Martin (89) Dean. Matthew (67) 230 Dean, Melissa (88) 13 Dean, Michael (87) 230, 267 Dean, Raymond (69) Deangelo. Nicolo (89) 257 DeBaca. John (89) 257 DeChamps. Benoit (86) 4. 50. 5 1 . 66. 154. 156. 183 Deer, Jennifer (86) 13, 163 Degruyter, Krislina (89) 257 Del Mar. Dawn (89) 152. 257 Deleon. Kern (88) 153 Delgado, Mark (88) Delgado. Matthew (89) 257 Deigado. Melinda (89) 121, 133. 257 Delgado, Stephanie (67) 152. 157. 182. 227, 230 Delovato. Anna (88) 150. 152. 244 Delovato. Pamela (86) 13. 84. 142 Dembo. Arinn (87) Denipah. Daniel (87) Denning, Monica (86) Dennis, Chris (89) 168, 257 Dennis. Glna (89) 257 Dennis, Lisa (86) 56. 60, 144, 154. 176. 210 Depriest. Ricky (89) 167 Deubel. Jackie (89) Diaz, Yolanda (87) Dickinson. Anne (86) 13. 23. 90. 152 Diehl, Story (89) 154. 269 Diercks. Kether (69) 258 Dieumegard, Valerie (87) Dillingham. Travis (88) 244 Dimas, Tricia (88) 244 Dixon, Steve (86) 13 Dobbins, Vielica (88) Dobek. Anthony (67) 230 Doles. Mark (87) 187. 230 Domlnick. Michelle (613) Domlnquez. Carmicnael (88) 108. 244 Domlnquez, Melissa (88) Dooley. Thomas (86) 14. 157. 168 Dority. Celina (67) 230 Dority. Bart (88) 157. 188 Dorman, April (89) 258, 269 Doss, Ronald (68) 100, 244. 268 Doubleday. Debbie (87) 230 Dowdy. Eric (86) 258 Downard. Eric (88) 244

Drennan, Colleen (89) 167 Drennon. Debbie (89) 258 Duarle. Anita (86) 244 Dubios. Carrie (89) Duck. Kenneth (87) Duncan. Casey (89) Dunlap. Bronwyn (69) 256 Dunlap. Rachel (87) 123. 230 Dunn. Ron (87) 2 3 0 Dunnum. Jonathan (86) 14. 134. 157 Dunwoody. John (06) 183. 244 Dupre. Annette (88) 74. 244 Duquette, Marty (89) 244 Duquette. Vincent (86) 14, 168 Duran. Angela (89) 256. 288 Duran. Audrey (86) 244 Duran. Chris (88) 108. 244. 258 Duran. Isabelle (89) Duran. Jeff (86) Duran. Joe (89) Duran. John (86) Duran. Joseph (68) 244 Duran. Lee (87) Duran. Marcelia (88) 244. 266 Duran. Mark (89) 109. 188. 238 Duran, Mary (87) Duran, Monica (86) 14 Duran, Nanette (87) 230 Duran. Nathan (87) 163 Duran. Paul (89) Duran. Rebecca (86) Duran. Roberta (88) 230 Duran. Russell (86) Duran. Tammy (88) 96. 97. 130, 244 Duty. Oustin (68) 244 Duval. Chris (89) 134. 154. 256 Eastern. Amal (87) 230 Eddy, Ken (86) 14 EhrOch. Mice (88) 157. 244 Eichelmann. Grelchen (86) 14. 142. 143. 145. 157. 207. 209 Eichelmann. John (87) 76. 157. 230 Ellis. Aaron (89) Ellis. Bret (88) 108. 244 Ellis. Clyde (69) Ellis. Daniel (67) 148. 230 Elhs. Samantha (89) 258 Encinias. Abel (89) 258 Encinias. Albert (86) Encinias, Andrew (87) Encinias. Charles (87) Encinias. Flavio (86) Encinias. Gilbert (66) 14, 213 Encinias, Manuel (86) Encinias. Michael (89) 258 Encinias. Richard (89) Encinias. Tony (87) 230 Encinias. Yvonne (88) 244 Ennenga. Christopher (89) 152. 256 Enriquez, Lee Ann (87) 130. 230 Erhart. Jettery (66) 14. 157 Enckson. Tanya (68) 98. 99. 163. 171. 163. 244 Erwin. Leroy (89) Escudero. Diana (87) 267 Esisdro. Loren (88) 244 Esparza. Rose (88) 184. 269 Espinosa. Frank* (88) 244 Espinosa. Sean (87) Espinoza. Barbara (87) Esquibel. Danielle (68) 164. 244 Esquibel. Melissa (66) 215. 230. 267 Esquibel. Michael (67) 183. 230 Esquwele. Karia (89) 258 Estes. Patricia (69)

Eslrada. Sandra (89) 258 Ewmg. Curtis (86) Facteau. Michael (87) Faehl. Christopher (86) 157 Faehl. Rachel (89) 258 Falance. Chris (89) 258 Fargen. Ray (89) 269 Farley. Margaret (86) 14. 166 Farnham. Michael (87) 2 3 0 Farrow. Clayton (88) 244 Faslnachi. Jason (87) 173. 2 3 0 Fava Robert (89) Fedenci. Eric (89) 258 Fehx. Philip (89) 258 Fellows. Robert (89) 258. 2 6 9 Ferguson. Lydia (89) Fernandez. Andrea (88) 2 3 0 Fernandez. Brenda (86) Fernandez. Edwin (88) 108. 2 4 4 Fernandez. Joann (87) 144. 2 3 0 Fernandez. Malhew (86) 14. 104 Fernandez. Michelle (87) 2 3 0 Ferran. Michelle (88) 183. 244. 3 1 2 Ferrary. Adam(87) 152. 2 5 8 Figueroa. Gilbert (89) Finn. Kathleen (89) 245 Finn. Raymond (86) 14. 157 Finney. Bridget (88) 99. 183. 2 4 5 Finney. Erin (88) 245 Fiore. Ritalynn (89) Fischer. Aaron (88) Fischer. Melissa (87) 2 3 0 Fischer. Monica (86) Fisher. Lisa (88) 245 Fitzgerald. Cammy (88) 2 4 5 Flannery. David (89) Flood. Tina (88) Florence. Elizabeth (88) 2 4 5 Flores. Glenn (86) 14 Flores. Janice (88) 2 4 5 Flores. Jesse (88) 2 4 5 Flores. Linda (87) Forbess. Darla (89) 142. 2 5 8 . 3 1 2 Ford. Gayle (89) 245. 2 6 8 Ford. Shelle (86) 15. 142. 1 4 a 145. 187 Fordham. Jeff (89) 2 5 8 Foutz. Holly (87) 230. 2 6 7 Fowler. Brad (88) 142. 245. 3 1 2 Fowler. Gena (89) 2 5 8 * Fowler. Grant (87) 230 Fox. Karlin (87) Francisco. Patricia (87) 230. 267 Francke. Mario (86) 14. 9 2 . 9 3 Frankalucci. Karol (86) 6. 15 Franzoy. Greg (86) 15. 8 3 Franzoy. Pamela (89) 248 Frazier. Gillian (68) Frazier. Wendy (86) Freeark. Justin (87) 148. 152. 157. 159. 2 3 0 Freedman. John (88) 14. 183. 144. 245. 3 1 2 Freeman. Eric (87) 188. 2 3 0 Fresquez. Maureen (88) 9 5 . 150. 152. 2 4 5 Fuentes. Gilbert (88) 2 4 5 Fuentes. Shaana (86) 6. I S Fukuda. Iba (88) 183. 2 4 5 Fukuda. Mika (86) 15. 68. 163. 186 Furgason. Samaniha (89) 2 4 5 Gabaldon. Anyta (88) Gabaldon. Felicia (86) 169. 2 6 9 Gabaldon. Glenn (89) 2 5 8 Gallagher. Trace (86) 146 Gallardo. Gina (87) 169. 2 6 7 Gallegos. Angela (87) 2 3 1 Gallegos. Brad (89) 2 5 8 Gallegos. Brian D (88) Gallegos. Brian G (86) I S , 58. 104 Gallegos. David (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Donna (86) 168. 169 Gallegos. Francine (88) 2 3 1 Gallegos. Gregory (88) Gallegos. James (87) Gallegos. Judy (87) 169. 2 3 1 . 267 Gallegos. Julie (86) 19. 76. 162 Gallegos. Karen (86) I S . 30. 3 1 . 186 Gallegos. Kimberly (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Leslie (88) Gallegos. Lynetle (86) I S . 173 Gallegos. Mario F (87) 231 Gallegos. Mario J (89) 245. 268 Gallegos. Melissa (86) 15. 152 Gallegos. Michael (86) 15. 142 Gallegos. Patricia (87) 184. 2 3 1 . 2 6 7 Gallegos. Paul (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Paula (86) IS. 70 Gallegos. Prisolla (87) 267 Gallegos. Robert (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Shirley (86) 15 Gallegos. Sophia (89) Gallegos. Stephanie (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Stephanie (89) Gallegos. Ten (88) 2 4 5 Gallegos. Vincent (87) Gannon. Caillin (87) 148. 150. 152. 157. 159. 231 Garcia. Adeia (89) 258 Garcia. Angela (89) Garcia. Antionette (88) Garcia. Audrey (89) Garcia. Belinda (88) Garcia. Brenda (89) Garcia. Carlos (88) 245 Garcia. Cora (88) 2 3 1 Garcia. Curtis (87) 183. 2 3 1 Garcia. Danny (89) Garcia. Dawn (88) 2 4 5 Garcia. Debra (89) 154. 175 Garcia. Dense (89) 238 Garcia. Diane (87) 132 Garcia. Eddie J (89) 2 3 1 Garcia. Eddie V (88) 2 4 5 Garcia. Eva (89)

Garcia. Flor (88) Garcia. George (89) 2 5 8 Garcia. Gerald (87) 148. 152. 153. 2 3 1 Garcia. Gilbert G (89) 258 Garcia. Gilbert H. (89) Garcia. Gloria ( 8 9 ) Garcia. Harold (87) 2 3 1 Garcia. James (89) 2 5 8 Garcia, Jefl (86) Garcia, Jennifer (89) 2 5 8 Garcia. Jenmler G . (86) 15 Garcia, Jerry (86) 245 Garcia. Jessica (89) 258. 269 Garcia. Jimmie (89) 2 5 8 Garcia, Joanna ( 8 6 ) 16 Garcia, Joanne (86) 16 Garcia, Joe (88) 2 4 5 Garcia, Joedy ( 8 9 ) Garcia. John L. (87) 2 3 1 Garcia. John R. (86) Garcia, Johnny (87) Garcia, Jose (88) Garcia, Joyce (87) 184. 2 4 5 Garcia. Julie (88) 116. 117 Garcia. Juniper (89) Garcia, Karmela (89) 80. 2 5 8 Garcia. Kathy (88) 2 4 5 Garcia. Keith (89) 2 5 8 Garcia. Lawrence (87) 2 3 1 Garcia. Linda (89) 2 4 5 Garcia, Lorretto (88) 128 Garcia, Lydia (88) 2 4 5 Garcia, Maria (87) Garcia. Mark (87) 183. 231 Garcia. Mark A "86) 16. 66. 128 Garcia, Martha (86) 116. 168. 168 Garcia, Mary (88) 146 Garcia, Melissa (89) Garcia. Melissa M. (88) Garcia. Mia (86) 14. 16. 7 1 Garcia. Michael (86) 16. 102 Garcia. Michael Sean (86) Garcia. Monica (87) 146. 2 3 1 . 2 6 7 Garcia. Paul (88) Garcia, Phillip A. (87) 163, 182. 2 3 1 Garcia. Phillip D. (89) 258 Garcia, Priscilla (88) 246 Garcia, Rachel (87) 171 Garcia. Rebecca (89) 231 Garcia. Rebecca P. (86) 2 5 8 Garcia. Reynaldo (86) Garcia, Richard (88) 188. 2 4 6 Garcia. Ricky (89) 2 5 8 Garcia, Ruben (89) 2 5 8 Garcia, Rudy (88) 2 4 6 Garcia, Sharon (87) Garcia. Sherry (87) 231 Garcia. Steve (87) Garcia. Thomas J. (88) 2 4 6 Garcia. Thomas L. (86) 16 Garcia. Tim (89) 258 Garcia. Tommy (86) 184 Garcia/Herrera. Cindie (87) Garduno. Johnny (86) 16. 246 Garduno, Judy (88) Gam, John (88) 246 Gamer, Jeffry (88) Gaskm. Ralph (89) 2 5 8 Gaskm. Shannon (86) 16 Gaskm. Sherri (87) 167. 173. 2 6 7 Gaul. Bruce (89) 2 5 8 Gavnia. Kara (88) 152. 153. 2 3 1 Geekie. John (87) 156. 157 Gehred. Daniel (88) 157 Gehred. John (87) 2S7 Gentry. Jenmler (89) 142. 143, 180. 258 GeoHnon. Dustene (87) 2 3 1 George. Gerald (87) 231 George. Michelle (67) 2 3 1 George. Robert (87) 2 3 1 George. Vicky (87) 2 3 1 Gerber, Jason (88) 2 4 6 Garber. Jessica (88) 2 4 6 Gershanok. Leonid (87) 9 9 . 2 3 1 Gerzanich. Matthew (88) 154. 2 4 6 Getchell. Amy (89) 152, 2 5 8 Getchell. Jute (88) 2 4 6 Geltemy. Glen (87) 231 Gettemy. Wendy (88) 132. 133. 2 4 6 Glezentanner. Brad (88) 2 4 6 GKcrease, Craig (88) 2 4 6 Gilcrease. Robert (88) 2 4 6 Giles, Julie (86) 16. 142. 3 1 2 Giiespie. Greg (88) 173. 2 4 6 Gillert. Pete (88) 2 4 6 Gilligan. Brian (89) 152. 188. 2 5 8 Gllman. Melissa (89) 152. 157, 169, 2 5 8 Ginocchio. David (86) 16. 163. 183, 186. 206 Girard. Michelle (89) 2 6 9 Glron, Alicia (87) 2 3 1 Gitomer, Mlchele (87) 16 Gladletter, Sharon (89) 2 5 9 Glasgow. Tim (87) 2 3 1 . 267 Glass. Linda (67) 163. 165. 175. 183. 2 3 1 Golden. Amy (89) 2 5 9 Golden, Jenmler (88) 2 4 6 Golden, Mark (88) 2 4 6 Gomez. Mano (89) 2 5 9 Gomez. Paul (86) Gomez. Rhonda (88) 2 4 6 Gondeck. Kalhryn (87) 2 3 1 Gondeck. Susan (88) 2 4 6 Gonzales. Alex (88) 2 4 6 Gonzales. Andrew (87) 2 3 1 Gonzales. Angela (68) 92. 2 4 6 Gonzales. Arlene (86) 16. 170. 171 Gonzales. Ballen (88) 2 4 6 Gonzales. Chris (87) 170. 2 3 1 Gonzales. Christopher (87) 2 3 1 Gonzales, Dean (89) 2 5 9

Gonzales Donna (87) 181. 246 Gonzales Donna (88) 231 Gonzales Eddie (87) 128, 231 Gonzales Elizabeth A. (89) Gonzales Elizabeth R (87) 231 Gonzales Etosa (89) 97. 259 Gonzales George (88) 246 Gonzales Gerald (89) Gonzales Helen (86) 246 Gonzales, Joann (88) 246 Gonzales John (88) 246 Gonzales Jose (89) Gonzales, Joseph (86) 246 Gonzales, Josephine (88) 167 Gonzales, Kimberly (68) 246 Gonzales, Lisa (86) Gonzales, Loretta (88) 246 Gonzales Manuel (87) 231 Gonzales. Marcos (89) 259 Gonzales, Maria (88) 118. 246, 268 Gonzales. Mane (87) 152. 153. 231 Gonzales. Mario (86) 16 Gonzales. Melissa (86) 82 Gonzales, Michelle (89) 259 Gonzales, Oscar (87) 231 Gonzales. Paula (86) 16. 70, 148, 152 Gonzales. Phillip (87) 106. 232 Gonzales. Rachel (86) 184 Gonzales. Rebecca (87) 142, 232. 312 Gonzales. Rodney (86) 16 Gonzales. Rose (86) 16. 74 Gonzales, Sisto (89) Gonzales, Stephen (88) 246, 268 Gonzales. Steve (88) Gonzales. Steven (88) 268 Gonzales. Tina (88) 246 Gonzales. Victor C. (69) 232 Gonzales, Victor M. (89) 259 Gonzales. Victoria (87) 269 Gonzales. William (87) 232 Gonzalez. Eric (88) Gonzalez. Jeanette (89) 259

Gonzalez. Lisa (66) 16 Gosling, Donna (86) Grace. Michelle (86) 16 Graham, Scott (86) 16 Granito. Mlchaella (88) 246 Grant, Alex (89) 259 Greathouse. Joe (88) 152, 157. 159. 246 Greene. Crlslina (87) 232 Greenlield. Caml (87) 232 Greenlee. Cathy (86) 16, 130. 170, 177 Greenlee, Deborah (87) 232 Gregory. Peter (89) 259 Gregory, Susan (88) Gregory. Tiffany (89) 157. 259 Griego. Anna J. (89) 259 Grlego, Anna M. (86) 16, 169 Griego, Anthony (89) Grlego. Antoinette (88) 246 Griego. Barbara (88) 246 Grlego, Carrie (89) Grlego. Chris (88) Grlego, Christine (86) 169 Grlego. Dana (88) 246 Grlego. Denlece (86) 16 Grlego, Eileen (88) 246 Grlego, Isaac (86) Grlego. Leo (67) Grlego, Letitla (89) Grlego. Lisa (88) Grlego. Mark (88) 246 Grlego. MeHnda (89) 154. 259 Grlego. Mlki (87) 157 Greigo, Orenda (89) 259 Grlego. Peter (67) 232 Greigo, Ralph (89) Grlego. Renee (89) 169. 232 Greigo, Roger (87) 232 Grlego, Rose (87) 232 Grlego, Stephanie (89) 259 Grlego, Vanessa (87) 232 Griffin, Anna (87) 187 Griffin. Jerry (87) 232. 267 Griffith, Eden (87) 232 Gross. Ashley (89) 152. 163. 259 Guarriello. Charles (87) Guillen. Martin (87) 100. 104, 232. 234 Guillen, Matlas (69) 109. 259 Guillen, Melanie (89) 259 Guillen, Yvette (88) 146. 147 Gulnn. Michael (86) Gunter. Anthony (86) Gurule, Albert (88) 266 Gurule. Cynthia (88) 246 Gurule. Dina (87) 232 Gurule, Frank (89) Gurule, Liza (86) 76 Gurule. Lynette (88) 247 Gurule. Mark (89) 259, 269 Gurule, Ronald (86) Gurule, Yotanda (88) 247 Gutierrez, Attarah (88) Gutierrez. Christina (87) 160, 163. 232 Gutierrez, Gloria (86) Gutierrez. Hope (87) Gutierrez, John (86) Gutierrez, Richard (89) 259 Guyer. Jeff (88) 247 Guzman, Leo (87) 232 Gyelvai. Hugh (86) 4, 17. 23, 30. 160. 163. 165 Haaland. Erik (86) 17. 152, 157 Haaland. Karl (87) 152. 159. 183. 232 Haber, Glenn (86) 17 Hadley. James (88) 120 Hagerman, Michael (89) Harford, James (89) 247. 259, 269 Hallord. Raquel (87) 267 Hallord. Richard (86) Haller. Michelle (86) 259 Hallquist. Amy (86) 147, 187, 247 Hamm. Sarah (88) 246. 247 Hamm. Steele (86) 17. 70. 142. 144, 145. 312 Hanagan, Pete (89) 174. 259 Hanberry, Judd (89) Hands, James(89) 259 Hanell. Martin (86) Hanks, Benjamin (89) 259 Hanson, Kristin (88) 99. 98, 157. 183. 247 Haozous. Sam (87) 232 Hare, Christopher (86) Hare. Karen (68) 184. 247 Harkleroad. Glen (87) Harkleroad. Jeffrey (88) 232, 247 Harmon. Troy (88) 157, 182, 188, 241 Harper, Francis (87) 232 Harper. Mareen (86) Harper. Ronald (87) 163 Harper, Tammy (88) 47 Harris. Billy (88) 108. 247 Harris. David (87) 232 Harris. Krlsten (88) 96. 247 Harris. Mark (88) Hart. Thomas (88) 247 Harvey. Angela (89) Harvey. Chris (89) 259 Harvey. Jennifer (87) 188. 232 Hasson. Diane (88) 247 Hatch. Gregory (89) 259 Hathaway. Donna L (86) 17 Hathaway, Donna M. (87) 232. 267 Hawkins. Elizabeth (87) 232 Hayes. Henry (88) 232 Hayes. Robert (69) 259 Haywood. Phaedra (88) 247 Hebron. Justine (89) 142, 183. 259 Heidemann. Gwen (89) 183. 259. 269 Heiss. Burton (97) 55. 163. 183. 232 Hetss. Jacqueline (88) 171. 247 Hendren. Liz (88) 97. 177. 226, 2*7. 268 Hendren. Rosatyn (86) 17 Hendricks. Patrick (89) 259

Hendnckson. Laura (88) 152. 154. 247 Hendrickson. Marjorie (87) 152. 157. 232 Henry. Shannon (86) 17. 146 Henson, Kyle (68) Henzie. William (89) 259 Hernandez, Johnny (89) 259 Hernandez, Karen (87) 171. 232 Hernandez. Larry (68) Hernandez, Larry (88) Hernandez, Marie (86) Hemes, Shauna (89) 85. 259 Herr, Sarah (67) 152. 154. 174. 175. 183 Herrera. Camille (87) 232 Herrera. Colette (88) 181. 247 Herrera, Frank (88) 247 Herrera, John (88) 268 Herrera, Joseph (88) Herrera, Lisa (87) 232 Herrera, Margaret (87) 232 Herrera, Michael (69) Herrera, Michael L. (88) 247 Herrera, Paul (88) 219. 247 Herrera. Pauline (68) 247. 268 Herrera. Peter (89) 109. 259 Herrera, Raymond (86) 17 Herring, Brit (86) 4, 66. 68 Hess, Rachel (89) 157. 164. 259 Heyman, Jason (87) 68. 127. 134. 183. 232 Hickey. Deann (88) Hlckey. Greg (87) 232 Hicks, Richard (89) Hicks. Steven (89) 269 Hilgendorf. Matthew (89) 134. 136. 259 Hill. Allyson (86) 17. 31. 92. 93. 94. 145 Hill. Margarat (87) 232 Hill. Suzanne (87) 55, 146, 154, 232 Hilley. Patricia (87) 232 Hiessler. Loretta (86) 17, 133. 157 Hoessler. Mickey (67) 49 Hoffman. Dawn (89) 259 Hogan, Jay (88) Hogan, Tammi (87) Hogan. Thomas (86) 17. 163 Holbrooks. Chad (86) 17. 72. 142. 143. 163. 312 Hokjerson, Vicki (89) 152. 180. 183. 259. 269 Hollander, Catherine (69) 259 Holloway, Jason (87) 120 Holloway. Preston (89) 120. 259 Holmes. Gina (89) Holmes, Kecia (89) Holt. Cesar (89) 188. 259 Holt. Stanley (86) Holt. Susan (87) 152. 232 Hoover, Robert (86) 247 Hoover, Ronald (88) 142. 247 Hopkins, Angel (88) 184 Horton. Cheewio (88) Horton. Neehala (89) 247 Hoskle, Alden (89) 259 Houghton, Israel (89) 148, 152. 259 Howe. Yolanda (89) 259. 269 Howell, Anne (86) 149 Hubbard, Crisulla (89) 259 Huckabee. David (86) 17 Huckabee, James (86) 17 Hudson. Thomas (88) 126. 142. 247. 312 Hughes, Betsy (86) 17. 142 Humber, Melissa (88) 247 Hurtado, Brenda (87) 232 Hussey. Mark (89) 109. 259. 259 Iddlngs. Robert (87) 232 Ingram. Carolyn (89) 119. 133. 152. 153. 259 Ingram. Chris (67) 125 Isaacs. Greg (88) 247 Isono. Yoko )86) 15. 17, 51 Ha. David (88) 247 Iverson. Brenda (88) 247 Ivey. Jaime (89) Jackson. Catherine (87) 232 Jackson. Deeance (88) 219, 247 Jackson. James (89) 259 Jackson, Tammy (88) 247 Jacob!. Carrie (89) 259 Jacquez. Darlene (86) 17, 169, 169 Jacquez. John (86) 17. 104 Jacquez. Richard (86) 107 Jacquez. Suzanne (86) 17, 149. 178. 179 Jaala. Melissa (86) 17. 81. 184 James. Blue (89) James. Jerry (88) 247 Jaramilla. Angela (89) 97. 259 Jaramillo. Albert (88) 108. 232 Jaramillo. Amy (89) 259 Jaramillo. Anthony A (88) 247 Jaramillo. Anthony J. (87) 232 Jaramillo. Barbara (86) 17. 149 Jaramillo. John (87) 233 Jaramillo. Julia (89) 259 Jaramillo. Kenny (88) 199. 248 Jaramillo. Larry (88) 248 Jaramillo. Marshal (89) 259 Jaramillo. Richard (88) 18. 60. 61. 104 Jaramillo. William (86) 18. 104 Jasper. June (87) 4. 164. 233 Jeffreys. Jeff (88) 246 Jenks. Jennifer (88) 248. 268 Jensen. Jessie (88) 66. 233. 248 Jeter. Wanda (88) 233 Jimenez. Angela (86) Jimenez. Damian (86) 18. 185 Jimenez. Eileen (88) 248. 266 Jimenez. Gene (88) Jimenez. Irene (88) 169. 248. 269 Jimenez. Patrick (88) 247 Jimenez. Thomas (88) 108. 248 Jiron. Joey (89) 109 Jiron. Mark (88) Jiron. Richard (88) Jochem. Heidi (87) 133. 157. 233 Johnson, Deborah (88) 188. 259

Johnson. Erik (88) 248 Johnson. John (88) Johnson. Kenneth (88) 108. 248 Johnson. Lisa (86) 18 Johnson. Lyte (86) 18. 185 Johnstone. Lucy (SB) 248 Joioia. Steve (88) Jones. Forrest (87) 157. 267 Jones. Victoria (88) 248 Jones. Wayne (87) 233 Jordan. Nanette (86) 18 Joseph. Kenneth (86) 18. 64. 100. 183 Joseph. Sarah (88) 183 Katlenbach. Jacob (89) 157. 160. 174. 259 Kantner. Ellen (88) 157. 248 Kashani. Angelina (87) 50. 51, 267 Kavanaugh. Billy (89) 259 Keefe. Michael (87) 233 Keeling. Cody (88) 157. 248 Keesing. John (87) 233 Keever. Suzanne (87) 72. 163. 164. 233 Keil. Mark (86) 18 Kelly. Apnlle (89) Kelly. John (88) 248 Kelly. Pablo (88) 248 Kelly. Thomas (87) 120. 152. 166, 233. 267 Kenny. Kellie (88) 248 Kenny. Megan (86) 18. 70. 176. 177 Kern. Renee (68) 152. 248 Kershner. Richard (86) 18 Kesler. Cody (89) Keyes. Paul (88) 157. 248 Kidby. Donna (87) 233 Kilian. Stacy (89) Killian. Jennifer (89) Kim. Chad (89) Kim. Coreena (87) 99. 233. 267 Kmdeii. Tina (88) King. Ann (89) King. Cecilia (89) King. Daniel (87) 152. 153. 233 King. Kara (89) King. Linda (68) 248 King. Paul (86) 18. 149. 154 Kmkade. Judson (88) 248 Kinsolving. Wendy (87) 233 Kirby. Mary (88) 248 Kirchner. John (86) 18 Knagawa. Chikako (87) 50. 51. 233 Kitchen. Dana (86) Klabunde. Sarah (88) 171. 248 KloeppeL Steve (87) 233 Knee. Andrew (87) 127. 233 Knowles. Lisa (89) 154 Koczka. Jacek (89) 51 Kohl. James (88) Koller. Randy (88) Kopp. Duane (87) 157. 159. 233 Koroneos. Dorin (68) 248 Koroneos. Renee (86) 18 Kosaka. Yoko (89) 152 Kost. Jaylene (67) Kost. Richard (88) 108. 248 Krakowski. Aim (87) 152. 157. 233 Kramer. Catherine (69) Kramer. Elizabeth (86) 18. 27 Kuhi. Steven (66) Kuhten. Gary (87) 233 Kukrnan. Caleb (89) 134. 152 L'heureux. Bnan(87) La Febre. Monique (87) 133. 176. 179 Lacasella. William (88) Laemmle. Debbi (87) Laine. Karen (87) 126. 133 Lambert. Nlcolie (88) Lamonda. Dense (86) Lamonda. Frank (88) 133 Landau. Onon (87) 66. 133 Laplante. Carl (87) 133 Larranaga. Audrey (89) 260 Larranaga. Cristlna (87) 54. 130. 233 Larranaga. Daniel (88) 248 Larranaga. Dennis (87) 173. 233 Larranaga. Ernestine. (87) 233 Larranaga. Loretta (67) 233 Larranaga. Markey (88) 248 Larranaga. Nichol (87) 233. 267 Larranaga. Nick (89) Lawrence. John (86) 18. 152 Lawrence. Joshua (88) 248 Layden. Eric (88) 248 Le Blanc. Gabriel (89) 260 Leal. Vincent (67) Lee. Cadir (89) 182. 260 Lee. Chris (87) 30. 134 Lee. Julie (89) Lee. Louise (89) 260 Leer. Holly (86) 152. 157 Lefevre. Blaine (88) 248 Lemon. Angela (89) 183 Lerma. Mark (86) 22 Lerma. Valerie (88) 152. 248 Lerouge. Mona (88) Leach. Daniel (86) 19 Lews. Ty (89) 99. 260 Levis. Yancey (88) 99. 248 Levy. Christopher (88) 99. 183. 248 Ley. Maria (89) 260. 269 Leyba. Aundrea (89) 260 Leyba. Eileen (86) 19 Leyba. Kalhryn (86) 168. 169 Leyba. Linda (89) 260 Leyba. Madetame (87) 184. 267 Leyba. Maria (88) 248. 260 Leyba. Monica (88) 248 Leyba. Rachel (89) Leyba Rebecca (86) Leyba. Robert H (87) 233 Leyba. Robert P. (89) Leyba. Sam (88) 248

Leyba, Timmy (88) Leyba. Walter (86) Lierz. Lea (88) 152, 157 Lind. James (88) Llndberg, Chris (87) 133 Ling. Beniamm (89) 260 Lithgow, Slave (86) 19 Utile. Linda (88) Lobato, Benice (89) 260 Lobato, Carmela (88) Lomayesva. Greg (89) Long. Carrie (87) 163. 233 Long. Jody (89) 260 Long. Kim (87) 248 Lopez, Andrew (86) 260 Lopez, Andy (89) Lopez, Annette (88) 248 Lopez, Arthur (89) 260 Lopez, Bert (88) 240 Lopez. BrenrJe (89) 146. 260 Lopez, Charles A (87) 234 Lopez, Charles 8. (89) Lopez, Chris (87) 234 Lopez, Corrine (88) 248. 268 Lopez, Darren (89) 260 Lopez. Oaydra (88) 248 Lopez, Donna (87) 234 Lopez. Duane (86) 248 Lopez. Elizabeth (87) Lopez. France"* (86) 260. 269 Lopez. Gene (68) Lopez, Gerald (86) 216 Lopez. Gezelle (87) 234 Lopez, Janet (87) 184, 267 Lopez. Jeannelte (87) 146, 147. 234 Lopez. Jerome (86) Lopez. John (86) 19. 184 Lopez. Josephine (89) 260 Lopez, Juanita (88) 248 Lopez. Kathleen (87) 267 Lopez. Leonard (88) 248 Lopez. Leonard L (89) Lopez, Lrsa (86) 248 Lopez. Luann (89) 260 Lopez. Luanda (89) 260 Lopez. Manuel (86) 19 Lopez. Mario (88) 106. 248 Lopez, Mark a (87) 234 Lopez. Mark J. (87) Lopez. Michelle (87) 90. 116. 117. 143. 234 Lopez. Michelle (69) 2 6 0 Lopez. Phillip (89) 260. 269 Lopez. Rachel (89) 260 Lopez, Robert (86) 19. 120 Lopez. Roberta (86) 19 Lopez. Sean (87) Lopez. Steve (88)

Lopez. Tommy (89) 260. 269 Lopez. Trlda (68) 58. 59. 177. 226. 248. 254 Lopez. Valerie (88) 234 Lopez, Yvonne (88) 246. 254. 258 Loshbough. Brian (-8) 248 Lovalo. Anna (881 260 Lovale Cynthia (88) 248 Lovalo. Elizabeth (87) 184. 234 Lovalo. James (89) 248 Lovalo. Jessica (89) 260 Lovalo. Joseph (89) 260. 269

Lovalo, Leo )89) 64. 260 Lovalo, Michelle (88) 248 Lovalo. Renee J. (88) 248 Lovalo. Renee T. (88) 248 Lovalo. Richard (87) 234 Lovalo. Vanessa (89) 260. 268 Love. Shunnae (86) 16. 35. 58. 60. 176. 177 Loyd. Lon (86) Lucas, Marc (89) 260 Lucero, Abraham (88) 249 Lucero. Anita (86) 95. 130. 131 Lucero. Arlene (88) 249 Lucero. Carlos (89) Lucero. Chris (89) 260 Lucero, Cynthia (87) 234 Lucero. Darlene (88) 249 Lucero. David A (86) 19. 142 Lucero. David E. (87) 170. 171 Lucero. Donna (87) 267 Lucero, Donovan (87) Lucero, Eva (88) 249 Lucero. Frances (89) 2 6 0 Lucero. James (67) 149, 234 Lucero, Joyce (86) 19 Lucero, Ladd (88) 249 Lucero, Liz (88) Lucero, Lora (87) 234 Lucero, Luis (87) 234 Lucero, Michelle (86) Lucero, Paul (88) 234 Lucero, Paulelte (87) 267 Lucero, Randy (87) 149, 234 Lucero. Sandra (87) 234 Lucero. Victoria (89) 260 Lucero. Yvonne (88) Lucero. Zelda (87) 234 Lujan, Amelia (88) Lujan, Anthony (89) 260 Lujan, Bernadelle (88) 249 Lujan, Carolyn (88) 249 Lujan. Connie (87) 234 Lujan, Dolly (89) 260 Lujan. Eric (88) 108. 249 Lujan. Gilbert (89) 260 Lujan. Gloria (87) 234 Lujan, Jennifer (89) 260 Lujan, John (87) Lujan, Laura (87) 234 Lujan. Laurene (87) 234 Lujao. Leon (88) 249 Lujan. Lisa (88) 70. 249 Lujan, Lori (86) 19 Lujan. Louisa (86) 19. 177 Lujan. Paul (89) 260 Lujan. Peggy (89) 260. 269 Lujan, Randy (87) 234 Lujan. Richard (87) Lujan. Robert (88) 249 Lujan, Rosemarie (86) Lujan, Ruby (89) 260 Lund. Angle (87) 234 Lury. Leenn (86) 19 Lutz. Terry (66) 19. 146. 147 Lux. Carlos (87) 4. 152. 157. 198, 234 Lyle. Peggy (89) 66. 260. 269 Lynn. David (68) 234 Lyon. Alynna (87) 234 Lyons, Dion (88) 157 Lyons, Jennifer (86) 19 Lyons. Leon (88) 159. 188. 249 Macallister. Jimmy (86) Maccarter. Mindy (89) 157. 260 Macfartane. Eben (87) Macgillrvray. Kirk (88) 98. 134. 249. 312 Machacek. Heidi (89) 260 Macias. Javier (87) 234 Mackey. Jerome (86) 20 Mackey. Kimberly (89) Maddatone. Josh (86) 20. 166 Madero. Daniel (86) 20, 65. 142. 146. 312 Madero. Roger (86) 20. 63. 154, 166, 174 Madrid, Gino (87) Madrid, Mark (89) 260 Madrid. Rebecca (86) 14, 20. 176. 177. 70, 146. 49. 166. 150. 163, 152 Madni. Angela (86) Maes. Abel (89) Maes. Anna (87) 154. 234 Maes. Annamane (89) 260 Maes. David (89) 260 Maes. Paul (87) 234 Maes. Roman (87) 234 Maese. Kathleen (88) 249 Maeslas. Christine (89) 260. 269 Maestas. Deborah (86) 20. 167. 184 Maeslas. Kenneth (87) 152. 153. 234 Maeslas. Lisa (87) 234 Maeslas. Melissa (89) Maez. Raymond (87) 234 Malczewski. Fabian (88) 249 Matezewski. Stave (89) MaJoof, George (89) 188. 260 Maloy. Dawn (86) 260 Manion. Sol (89) 261 Manley. Chaowlck (88) 240 Manslwkf. Brand* (86) 2 0 Manzanares. Ralph (87) Manzanares. Stephanie (89) Maiano. Carl (89) 261 Marchi, Aaron (86) 184 Mares. Anthony (88) 249 Mares. Mana (88) 249 Mares. Mlchele (89) 261 Mares. Paula (87) 171. 234, 267 Marino, Mchene (86) 152, 261 Manscal. Elren (89) 261 Macquez. Beth (86) Marquez. Diana (89) Merojuaz. Frank (88) 2 4 9 Marquez. Jeff (89) 261

Marquez, Jimmy (87) 234 Marquez. Joe )87) Marquez. Julie (89) 269 Marquez, Kelly (88) 249 Marquez, Manuel (88) Marquez. Maria (89) 261 Marquez. Mark (87) 234 Marquez, Martin (87) 88. 89. 128, 142, 249 Marsh. Charlanne (89) 119, 261 Marsh, Danny (87) 234 Marsh, Eva (89) 261 Marsh. Lora (87) 234 Marshall. Neil (87) Marten. David (87) 182, 234, 234, 267 Martinez, Heidi (89) Martin. Amy (86) 234. 249 Martin. Mark (86) 20. 30 Martinez, Aaron (86) Martinez. Ace (87) Martinez, Adrian (86) 249 Martinez. Adrian R. (87) 102. 234 Martinez. Adrian M. (88) 249 Martinez. Albert (89) 261 Martinez. Alicia (88) 249. 268 Martinez. Alicia L (86) Martinez. Andrew (86) 20, 188 Martinez, Angela (88) 249 Martinez, Annette G. (86) 169, 220 Martinez. Annette V. (88) 169 Martinez. Anthony E. (86) 63, 234 Martinez, Anthony R. (88) 249 Martinez. Apryl (87) 168. 166, 169, 169, 235 Martinez. Arthur (89) 249. 261 Martinez. Arturo (88) Martinez Belinda (87) Martinez. Benny (88) 88. 128, 249 Martinez. Bobby (86) Martinez. Brenda (88) 249 Martinez. Brian (88) 249 Martinez. Byrd (89) 261 Martinez. Charmaine (87) 234 Martinez. Christopher (88) 249 Martinez. Cindy (87) 171. 235 Martinez, Claudine (88) Martinez. Cynthia (89) 261 Martinez. Danette (87) Martinez, Danielle (89) 261 Martinez, Danny (87) Martinez, Darlene (86) 20, 184 Martinez, David B. (87) Martinez. David J. (86) Martinez, David R. (86) Martinez. Dentse E. (89) 97. 169. 261 Martinez. Denise M. (86) 130 Martinez. Dewaine (89) 261 Martinez, Diego (89) 109. 261 Martinez. Dina (88) 99, 249 Martinez, Donald (88) 249 Martinez, Eddie (89) 167 Martinez. Elizabeth A. (87) 96, 235 Martinez. Elizabeth M. (86) 20 Martinez. Boy (89) Martinez. Eric A. (88) 249 Martinez. Eric M. (88) Martinez. Eric T. (89) 261 Martinez. Ernest (87) Martinez. Ernest J. (89) 261 Martinez. Eunice (69) Martinez. Felix (89) 261 Martinez. Florence (87) Martinez. Fracisco (89) 261 Martinez. Frido (86) Marintaz, George (87) 235 Martinez, Gilbert (88) 249 Martinez. Gina (86) 20, 142, 312 Martinez. Jacqueline (87) 188. 188. 235. 267 Martinez. Jennifer (87) 142, 235, 312 Martinez. Joe (88) 203. 235, 249, 267 Martinez. John D. (88) 167. 249 Martinez, John H. (87) 267, 267 Martinez, Jose (88) Martinez, Karen (87) 235 Martinez, Kenney (88) 267 Martinez. Kevin (89) 200. 261 Martinez, Krtstine (87) 235 Martinez, Laurie (87) 235 Martinez, Lawrence (87) 186, 235 Martinez. Lenora (89) 269 Martinez, Leroy (86) Martinez, Linda (87) 235, 267 Martinez. Lorenzo (88) 249 Martinez. Louise (87) 235 Martinez, Manual (87) 50, 5 1 , 235 Martinez. Mark (86) 2 0 Martinez. Marsha (88) 249 Martinez, Marvin (89) 109, 261 Martinez. Matthew J. (88) 125, 249 Martinez, Matthew Joe (87) 115, 177. 227, 235 Martinez. Maxine (89) 261 Martinez, Mease (86) 20. 247 Martinez. MeMn (89) Martinez, Michael (87) 104. 235 Martinez. Mena (89) 261 Martinez, Pablo (88) Martinez. Patricia (86) 312 Martinez, Patricia (88) 147, 248. 312 Martinez, Pnsciila (86) Martinez, Rebecca D. (89) 177, 261 Mamnez. Rebecca J. (88) Martinez. Richard F. (87) 236 Martinez. Richard P. (86) 248 Martinez. Rita (87) 236 Martinez. Robert (89) 261 Martinez. Roberta (89) 167, 261 Martinez. Ruby (86) 20. 196 Martinez. Samuel (89) 269 Martinez. Sandra (68) 167, 249 Martinez, Steve (89) Martinez. Tamare (88) 235 Martinez. Tammy (88) 249

Martinez, Teresa (88) 181, 249 Martinez, Terry (87) 235 Martinez, Thomas (89) Martinez, Vadra (88) 249 Martinez, Valerie (89) 261 Martinez, Vlnce (89) 103, 109. 261 Martinez, Vincent (88) Martinez, Yvette M. (89) 188, 261 Martinez, Yvette S. (89) 168, 261 Maryol. Nick (89) Mascarenas, Daren (87) 249 Mascarenas, Jett (89) 261 Mascarenas, Robert (87) 108 Mascarenas, Robert (88) 149. 249 Mascarenas, Travis (88) 115. 247. 249 Mass, Zeke (86) Masters, Heather (88) 249 Masters, Tatlana (86) 2 0 Masterson, Jessica (87) 235 Masterson. Josh (88) 183, 249 Mala, Paul (87) 80, 219 Matthew, Stephanie (88) 268 Maxwell. Charlie (89) 109. 128. 261 Mayden, Andrea (88) Mayrant, David (86) 2 0 Mays, Teresa (86) 2 0 Mazulis, Michelle (86) 20 Mcalister, Billy (89) 249, 269 Mcallster, Maurice (68) Mccarty. Hope (89) 66, 187. 261 McCown, Kevin (87) 235 McDonald, Klmberly (86) 2 0 Mcevilly, Miranda (86) 20, 34, 163, 166, 186 McFaul, Kenneth (86) 20 McGarrity, Sean (86) McGlnnis, Russell (89) 109, 261 McGregor. Andrew (88) 249 McHenry, Robert (86) McHorse. Joel (88) McKIm, Sean (86) McKinley, Laura (89) 180, 261 McKinley. Timothy (87) 235 McLean, Wesley (89) Medina, Dorene (88) 249 Medina, Edward (87) 188. 235 Medina, Fernando (88) 235 Medina, Francisco (86) 21 Medina, Luke (89) Medina, Lupe (88) 235 Medina. Sandra (88) 169. 169 Medina. Sonla (88) 249. 268 Medina, Yolanda (89) Medrano, Anna (87) 150, 152, 235 Medrano, Joyce (86) 2 1 . 168, 169 Medrano. Loretta (89) 77. 261 Medrano, Michael (66) 21 Melnlng, Alexander (86) 50. 5 1 . 148. 149. 157. 158. 174 Mejla, Ana (88) 249 Mello. Sunshine (88) 249 Melton, Kasay (88) 250 Mena, Martin (86) 108, 115, 125, 249 Mendiola, Alexander (88) 249 Mendonca, Barbara (89) 261 Mendoza, Ana (87) 184, 235 Mendoza, Glanna (88) 152. 249 Mendoza, Javier (86) 146 Mendoza, Marcla (86) Menke. Jason (66) 2 1 . 66, 67, 142, 145, 162. 163, 312 Mensah, Nyarkoa (86) 21 MerrlO, Shannon (86) Mewes, Dirk (88) 134. 152, 157, 249 Mexla, James (88) 157, 268 Meyers, Robert (89) Mlera, Cellna (89) 261 Mlera, Raymond (88) 250 Mlera, Thomas (88) 152, 183. 250 Miller, Aaron (86) Miller. Annadeere (87) 172, 173 Miner, David (89) 261 Miller. George (89) 261 Miller, Heath (88) 173 Miller, Jefl (88) 157. 250 Miller, Jill (89) 66, 261 Miller, John (87) 89, 88. 128. 142. 144. 235. 312 Miller, Justin (89) 134, 157. 261 Miller, Keith (88) Miller. Kyle (89) 34, 157, 174, 182, 261 Miller. Mark (87) 6, 125. 146. 152. 157, 235 Miller. Matt (87) 157, 161. 235 Miller. Melissa (86) 6. 2 1 , 49, 157. 176. 177. 183 Milter. Neil (SB) 134, 145, 157, 159 Miller. Shane (87) 145, 157, 217. 235 Miner, Stacy (88) 72, 99.132, 133. 142, 144. 145. 157. 158. 169. 183. 260. 312 Mllllgan. Klmberly (88) 121, 261 Mllllngton. Stephanie (86) Mills. Joel (89) 250 Miner, Jessica (89) 97. 261 Mlnogue. Bryon (86) 4, 18, 2 1 , 183 Miranda, Albert (88) Mitchell, Arnold (88) Mitchell. Jade (89) 261 Mitchell. Steven (86) Mitchell, Tami (87) 235 Mohr. Jennifer (89) Montalbano, Andrea (69) 66 Montalbano, Gina (86) Montano. Albert (86) 21 Montano, Alegre (89) 261 Montano, Belinda 189) 281 Montano. Daniel F. (88) 250 Montana Daniel M (88) 250 Montano. Debbie L 88) 250 Montano, Debbie J. (88) 250 Montano. Delia (87) 235 Montano. Gene (88) Montano, John (67) 30. 236 Montano. Judy (87) 2 3 8 Montano. Karen (87) 236 Montano. Matias (87)

Montano. Mlcca (88) 250 Montano, Phllup (88) 250 Montano, Rose (89) 261 Montano, Sam (88) 250 Montano, Stevan (88) 250 Montano, Theresa (87) 236 Montgomery. David (86) 2 1 , 4 9 Montgomery, Eric (89) 281 Montgomery. Sean (89) 158. 182. 261 Montoya, Adrian (88) 250 Montoya, Adrian R. (88) 250. 268 Montoya, Alex (87) 235 Montoya, Andrea (89) 169 Montoya, Angela A. (86) 2 1 , 103, 171 Montoya, Angela M. (89) 119 Montoya, Angelica (89) Montoya, Angelo (86) Montoya, Anita (87) 235 Montoya, Annette (89) Montoya, Antionette (88) Montoya, Arthur (88) Montoya, Becky (88) 250 Montoya, Bernadette (87) 235 Montoya, Bryan (89) Montoya. Carl (87) 235 Montoya, Chris (87) 152 Montoya, Christopher (88) 85, 2 5 0 Montoya, Christopher P. (89) Montoya, Damlan (88) 250 Montoya, Eddie (86) 21 Montoya, Fidel (87) 152, 235 Montoya, Gabriel (89) Montoya, George (88) 108. 250 Montoya, Gordon (861 21 Montoya, Jeanette (88) 250 Montoya. Jeff (86) 21 Montoya, Jessica (68) 149, 250 Montoya. Joe (89) Montoya, Jonelle (87) 235 Montoya, Jose (89) Montoya, Joseph A. (89) Montoya, Joseph E. (88) 250 Montoya. Julie (86) 2 1 . 178. 179 Montoya. Karen (86) 21 Montoya, Karl (87) 235 Montoya, Keith (87) 235 Montoya. Kelly (87) 142, 235. 312 Montoya. Lahoma (89) 267 Montoya. Lawrence (89) Montoya. Leo (89) Montoya, Linda (87) Montoya, Lisa (87) Montoya, Marty (89) 262 Montoya, Matthew (89) Montoya, Mehl (89) 262 Montoya, Melinda (86) Montoya, Melissa (87) 235 Montoya, Michelle (86) 21 Montoya. Monica (89) 262 Montoya, Pancho (86) 2 1 . 142, 144, 145, 312 Montoya, Patricia (86) 21 Montoya, Patrick (87) Montoya, Paul (89) 250 Montoya, Paul A. (89) 109. 262 Montoya, Phillip A. (87) 235 Montoya, Phillip L. (88) 250 Montoya, Phillip P. (86) 21 Montoya, Randy A. (87) 236 Montoya, Randy S. *87) 236 Montoya. Robert (88) 115. 250 Montoya, Royce (87) 236 Montoya, Rudy (87) 157, 160, 236 Montoya, Samantha (87) 236 Montoya, Shirley (88) 250 Montoya, Socorro (87) 132, 133, 236 Montoya, Tammy (88) 250, 268 Montoya, Theresa (88) Montoya, Valerie J. (89) 262 Montoya, Valerie M. (67) Montoya, Veronica (89) 152, 262 Montoya, Yvonne (86) Moody. Thomas (89) 188. 262 Moore. Billy (88) 172, 173. 250 Moore, Kathy (86) 262 Moore, Landon (88) 250 Moore, Laura (88) Moore. Mary (89) 169. 262 Moore. Mary Jo (86) 2 1 . 169 Moore, Zackery (88) 172, 173 Mora, Monica (87) 236 Mora, Steve (87) 236 Morales, Laura (86) Morales, Melinda (68) 130, 133, 250 Morales, Rosemary (87) 236 Moreios. Donna (88) Morris, April (89) 157. 232 Morris, Manda (86) 21 Mostey. Manda (86) 2 1 Mosley, Peggy (89) 262 Mott, Todd (88) 260, 260 Moya. Michael (87) Mover, Sherry (88) 183. 250 Muiholland. Daniel (88) 157. 182. 250 Mullings. Lone (89) 262 Munlz. Dwayne (86) 21 Muniz. John (87) 236 Munlz, Patrick (89) 269 Munlz, Richard (86) 21 Munlz. Roberta (87) 236 Munoz. Jesse (88) Munoz. Mario (89) Murdock. Fred (86) 2 1 . 124, 142, 3 1 2 Murphy. Kathleen (89) Myers. Sunny (89) 262 Nacion, Benjamin (87) 236 Naranjo. Paula (88) 250 Naranjo. Shannon (89) 262 Narvaiz, Chris 1891 Narvaiz. Fidel (89) Narvaiz. John (86)

Narvaiz. Joseph (88) 250 Narvaiz. Michelle (87) 236 Nathanson. George (88) 250 Nauman. Zoe (88) 250 Neat. Jaime (86) Neer. Robert (89) 152. 174. 269 Neisen, Jason (88) 134, 158. 167. 250 Nelson. Ertck (87) 157. 166. 236 Nelson. Jennifer (86) 22 Nelson. Sandra (86) 22. 132, 157 Neumann. Robert (89) 2 6 2 Nevarez. Cecilia (88) Nevarez, Leonora (88) 250 Newman. Athena (89) 262 Newman. Todd (87) 236 Ngirutang. Marvin (86) 22, 50. 5 1 . 145. 166. 186 Nicholson. Casey (89) 262 Nieto. Dorothy (89) Nino. Jose (88) 102. 250 Nino. Maria (89) 262 Nino. Teri (86) 2 2 Noedel. Monica (86) 152, 251 Now. Aaron (89) 2 6 2 Nolasco. Anita (87) 236 Nolle, Jennifer (89) 282 Nordstrum. Christopher (89) 134. 152, 262 Northway. Michael (89) 109, 262 Nye. Ashley (87) 128, 236 Oakeley. Shaun (86) Oakland. Luke (88) 251 Ocampo. Erlinda (SB) 251 Ochoa. Pauline (89) 262 Ojeda. Arturo (87) 236 Ojeda. Hugo (89) 109. 262 Oken. Eric (88) 251 CHguin. Lawrence (66) 22, 120 Olivas. Joe (88) 251 Ollvas. Randy (87) 152, 236 divas. Samanatha (87) 169. 169. 236 Ortega. Abel (86) 22. 64. 124. 125 Ortega. Alex (67) 236 Ortega. Alicia (89) 262 Ortega. Angelina (89) 186. 262 Ortega. Cheryl (88) 262 Ortega. Christtn (89) 262 Ortega. Clyde (89) Ortega. Daniel (86) 108. 250 Ortega, Dorothy (89) 262 Ortega, Eddie (89) 262 Ortega, Florence (88) Onega. Frankle (87) 236 Ortega. Joaquin (87) Ortega. Margie (89) 262. 268 Ortega. Martlno (88) 251 Ortega. Norma (87) 236. 287 Ortega. Robert (89) 262 Ortega, Solomon (86) Ortega. Yolanda B (88) 215, 251 Ortega. Yolanda R. (88) 251 Ortiz. Alicia (87) 74, 133. 170. 171. 238 Ortiz, Andrew (89) 262 Ortiz. Angel (89) Ortiz. Angea ' 8 8 ) 22 Ortiz. Arlene (89) 262 Ortiz. Ben (86) 22 Ortiz. Brenda (88) Ortiz. Carmen (88) 251 Ortiz. Cathy (88) Ortiz. Chartene (88) 251 Ortiz. Charles (66) 22 Ortiz. Oaria (89) 58, 59, 97, 121. 130, 213. 262. 269 Ortiz. David J. (89) 262 Ortiz. David M. (89) 262 Ortiz. Dorene (86) Ortiz. Emeida (87) 238 Ortiz. Georgia (86) 22. 154 Ortiz. Gerald (86) 22 Ortiz. Gilbert (87) 236 Ortiz. Jeanette (88) 251 Ortiz: John A. (87) 236 Ortiz, John E (SB) 251 Ortiz. John M. (87) Ortiz. Joseph (88) 251 Ortiz. Joseph M. (88) Ortiz. Laurissa (88) Ortiz. Lawrence (89) 262 Ortiz, Liza (88) Ortiz, Lorraine (88) 251 Ortiz, Louise (88) 268 Ortiz. Lynn (87) Ortiz. Mark (86) 22 Ortiz. Martin (88) 251 Ortiz. Matthew (86) Ortiz. Meition (88) 108, 115, 251 Ortiz. Miquela (87) 183, 236 Ortiz. Paula (87) 152, 236 Ortiz. Phyllis (88) 251 Ortiz. Raymond (89) 262 Ortiz. Sarah (88) 22 Ortiz. Sheila (86) 22 Ortiz, Shirley (89) 119. 262 Ortiz. Steve (89) 262 Ortiz. Theresa (88) 236 Ortiz. Timothy (89) 262 Ortiz, Tina (86) 22. 185 Ortiz. Yvonne (87) 236 Osbom. Alexandria (88) Osborne. Kern (86) 23. 3 1 . 70 Osbom. Lawrence (86) 23. 149. 251 Olahal. Tom (88) Otero, Triny (89) 262 Overby. Daman (88) 173. 251 Overby. Manual (89) 262 Ovarmyer. Darnel (88) 251 Overmyer. Patricia (87) 162. 236 Owen. Andrea (69) 262 Owen. Dean (87) 236 Owen. Douglass (87) Pachec. Chrstal (89) Pacheco. Anne (88)

Pacheco. Beverly (89) 262 Pacheco. Bobby (86) 149 Pacheco. Chris (89) 262. 269 Pacheco. Chrislall (89) Pacheco. Christine (87) 236 Pacheco. Denise (86) 23 Pacheco. Elaine (86) Pacheco. Gabriel (88) 236 Pacheco. John (86) Pacheco. Michelle (89) 262 Pack. Lee (86) Pack. Russell (88) 251 Padilla. Alisia (89) 85, 262. 269 Padllla. Denise (88) 251 Padilla. Dorothy (89) 262 Padilla, Frank (88) 251 Padilla, George (88) 251 Padilla, James (86) 23, 184 Padilla, Joseph (86) Padilla, Joseph A. (88) 251 Padilla, Lorine (89) 262 Padilla, Melanie (88) 251 Padilla, Michelle A. (87) Padilla, Michelle D. (89) 262. 267 Padilla, Patricia D. (89) 262 Padilla, Patricia I. (86) 184 Padilla, Paul (89) 261 Padilla. Ray (88) 251 Padilla, Rebecca L. (89) Padilla, Rebecca R. (87) Padilla, Richard (87) 236 Padilla, Steve (88) 251 Padilla, Suzie (89) 262 Padilla, Tamara(88) 149. 251 Padilla, Timothy (88) 167. 251 Padilla, Tina (87) 236 Padilla. Troy (89) 262 Padilla, Veronica (88) 268 Paget, Judy (88) 251 Palmerton. Paul (89) 262 Palombi. Delisa (86) 23, 70 Pardue, Ben (89) Pardue. Tattle (87) 162. 163. 164. 236 Parga, Ruben (88) 102. 108. 145. 261 Parga. Rudy (86) 23. 6 1 . 64. 100. 102. 104 Paris, Traci (88) 109. 152. 183. 251 Parker, Robert (89) 263. 269 Parker. Shannon (88) 251 Parker. Vicki (89) 269 Parks. Susan (86) 4. 23. 142. 312 Parra, Patricia (88) Partee. Dana (86) Paschel. Amanda (87) 236 Payne. Melanie (89) Payne. Michelle (88) Payne. Pam (88) 236 Payne, Warren (87) Paz. Lucas (88) 66. 183. 243 Pearson. Brian (89) 263 Pearson. Kevin (88) 251 Pearson. Lori (88) 251 Peck. Adam (88) Pemado, Aaron (87) 128. 129. 267 Peinado. Joshua (88) 251 PeB. Daniel (89) 99. 152. 153. 263 PeU. Mike (86) Pena. Joe (89) 283 Pena, Judy (86) Pena, Margaret (86) 23 Pena. Shada (89) 263 Pena. Veronica (87) Pennington. Philip (86) Perea. Andrew (87) 236 Perea. Audra (89) 263. 269 Perea. Charlie (87) 237 Perea. Eric (88) 251 Perea. Francine (86) Perea. Gary (86) Perea. Jude (86) Perea. Marvin (86) 223 Perea. Michelle (86) Perea. Roxann (87) 2 3 Perea. Seteren (89) Perea, Steve (86) 23. 8 2 Perea, Yvonne (89) 185, 263 Persson. Erik (89) 157. 263 Petersen, Cathy (87) 163 Petree, Kyle (86) 2 3 Petty. Wendon (87) 188 Plister. Deidre (88) 251 Phillips. Katherlne (86) 23. 182 Phillips. Ryan (88) Phillips. Steve (89) 263 Piatt. Brenda (87) Piatt. Mark (87) Pino. Benedict (87) Pino. Garrath (88) Pino. Judy (87) 237 Pino. Michelle (89) Pino. Ruth (87) 146. 267 Piltard. Kate (87) 148. 152. 166. 237 Plante. Justin (88) Pleshaw, Gregory (88) 251 Plummer. Elizabeth (86) 2 3 Poblador. Nanette (88) 74 Pee, Michelle (86) 24 Poe. Trey (89) 263 Pogue. Regina (86) 24. 148. 152 Polan, Christie (87) 237 Poiasky. Heather (87) 152. 237 Potose. Tamefci (89) 2 6 3 Poms. Daniel (87) 237 Porras, Steve (89) 109. 263 Portito. Gene (86) Portiilo. Michael (87) Portzline. Brenda (87) 157. 237 Posa. Antonio (87) 102. 237 Powers. Patrick (86) 24 Pozel. Claudia (87) 148. 152. 154. 174. 267 Pozel. Sarah (88) 7 a 133. 148. 152. 268

Prada. Benjamin (88) 251 Prattler. Carl (88) 251 Preston, Lauren (87) 163, 183. 237 Preston, Matthew (88) 128, 134, 136. 251 Price. Jay (87) 157. 166, 174, 183, 237, 267 Price. Yevette (87) 188. 237 Probst. Chris (87) Proteau. Hattie (88) Ouinones, David (87) Ouinones. Ruben (87) Ouintana. Angela (88) Ouintana. Cabrina (88) Ouintana, Carlos (89) 188, 263 Ouintana, Cetestino (89) 263 Ouintana, Darren (88) Ouintana, David (88) Ouintana. Dennis (89) 263 Ouintana. Dino (86) Ouintana. Gene (86) 24 Ouintana. Gerald (88) 251 Ouintana. Jacob (69) 263 Ouintana. Jerry (89) 263 Ouintana. Joseph (88) 251 Ouintana. Judy (88) 251 Ouintana. Margaret (87) 58. 59, 6 1 , 237 Ouintana, Martin (88) 251 Ouintana. Matthew (87) 237 Ouintana. Matthew (88) 251 Ouintana. Michael (89) Ouintana. Pauline (86) 24 Ouintana. Ramona (88) 158, 169, 251 Ouintana. Rebecca (88) 251 Ouintana. Rodina (87) 237 Ouintana. Stacy (87) 237 Ouintana. Terry (88) Ouintana. Tony (88) Ouintana. Yvonne (86) 24 Rabasa. Mary (88) 251 Rael. Ana (87) 9 0 Rael. CarmeUa (89) 263 Rael. Debbie (87) 237 Rael. Diego (89) 263. 269 Rael. Elaine (87) Rael. Georgia (86) Rael. Leroy (89) 263 Rael. Marty (89) 263 Rael. Michael (87) Rael, Mike (87) 237

Rael. Randal (89) 103, 263 Rael. Robbie (88) 251 Rael. Tom (86) Rael. William (89) 283 Ramirez, Carlos (89) 109. 263 Ramirez. Chico (89) 98. 134, 263 Ramirez, Cynthia (88) 2 5 1 , 268 Ramirez, Danny (88) Ramirez, Felipe (88) Ramirez, Maria (89) 263 Ramirez, Steve (86) 24 Raznick. Jenny (89) 263 Rea. Zane (88) 251 Redden, Kevin (87) 239 Regan, Krishna (88) 163, 169. 185 Reid. Donna (88) 251 Reid. Robert (86) Reid. Robert (86) Reindort. Suzanne (87) 152, 154, 183, 237 Reinert. Chris (88) 157, 183, 251 Reinikainer, Jesse (89) 263 Rempel. Brian (88) 251 Repa, Jenna (89) 183, 263 Repa. Jonathan (88) 62, 65, 237 Rellberg. Anke (87) 7. 15. 50. 5 1 . 154. 158. 237 Rew. Jeromy (88) 252 Reynolds. Jettrey (88) 252. 268 Richardson. Kendall (67) 188, 237 Richardson. Lynn (88) 252 Richardson, Neil (88) 152, 157, 188. 252 Rteklels. Chris (89) Ricklels. Tim (86) 24. 160 Riddle. Julie (88) 268 Riel. Dougtas(86) Riley. Ralph (89) 226 Riner. Dax (87) 134, 239 Ringer, Robert (88) 252 Rtos. Antonio (86) 24 Rippel. Eric (87) 65, 157, 237 Ritch. Rachel (88) 252 Rivera. Angela (87) 237 Rivera. Dennis (87) Rivera. Elisa (89) 263 Rivera. Frank (86) 24. 104 Rivera. Gerald(87) 237 Rivera. Geraldine (88) Rivera. Jenniler (89) Rivera, Joel (88) 252 Rivera. Katone (89) 263. 269 Rivera. Kenneth (86) 24. 152 Rivera. Kimberly ( 8 8 ) 2 5 2 Rivera. Larry (88) 267 Rivera. Laura (89) 252. 269 Rivera. Lourdes (89) 263 Rivera. Lucia (87) Rivera. Lucinda (87) 237 Rivera. Martin (87) Rivera. Ralph (88) Rivera. Wayne (88) 252 Rivera. Yoianda (89) 263 Rivera. Yvetle (88) 252 Robbins. Jon (88) 252 Roberts. Jason (88) 152, 252 Roberts. Lisa (89) 188. 283 Robertson. Darin (86) 24, 66, 67. 68. 183 Robertson. Kenie (89) 283 Robinson. Mare (88) 252 Rodarte. Daniel (86) Rodeta. Karen (88) 252 Rodgers. Jerusha (88) 24, 35. 150. 152 Rodgers. Rachael (86) 182 Rodgers. Taml (89) 265

Rodill. Paul (66) 24 Rodriguez, Ann (89) 263 Rodriguez. Annette (68) 232 Rodriguez. Armando (88) 237 Rodriguez, Brenda (88) 167 Rodriguez. Chris (88) 252 Rodriguez. Oebra (87) 237 Rodriguez. Donald (86) Rodriguez. Jessica (88) 252 Rodriguez, Laura (68) 116. 118, 252 Rodriguez. Leonard (89) Rodriguez. Manuel (88) 182. 252 Rodriguez, Marclal (88) 173, 252 Rodriguez. Mark (87) 237 Rodriguez, Melissa (89) Rodriguez, Michael (88) 252 Rodriguez, Paul (86) 24 Rodriguez, Paula (86) 24, 70 Rodriguez. Peggy (89) 121. 163. 263 Rodriguez. Rachel (88) 252 Rodriguez, Rebecca (89) 2 6 3 Rodriguez, Renee (89) 263 Rodriguez. Reyes (89) 103. 109, 263 Rodriguez, Reyez (89) Rodriguez, Salvador (87) 152. 237 Rodriguez, Teresa (89) 97, 263, 269 Rogers, Ronald (89) 263 Rolbal, James (86) 106, 252 Roibal, Ramona (88) Rolbal, Rebecca (89) 263 Rolbal, Roberta (89) 263 Rojas. Ann (88) 96, 99, 183, 226, 252 Romero, Aaron (89) 263 Romero. Andrew (87) 202. 212. 212. 239 Romero, Anna (86) 24. 177 Romero, Barbara J. (89) 252, 268 Romero. Barbara Y. (89) 118. 2 6 3 Romero, Bobby (86) Romero. Carlos (88) 252 Romero. Chris (88) 252 Romero, Christina (86) 152, 268 Romero, Cindy (86) 24 Romero, Crisllna (88) 263 Romero. Dana (86) 24. 152. 154, 183 Romero, Danette (86) 252 Romero. Debbie (86) 252 Romero, Dennis (86) 24 Romero, Elizabeth A. (87) 237 Romero, Elizabeth Ann (88) 252 Romero. Elizabeth Lisa (87) 90, 9 1 , 130. 237 Romero. Eloy (88) 252 Romero, Ernest (86) 24 Romero, Flora (87) 237 Romero. Gabe (89) 263 Romero. Gabriel (68) 252 Romero, Gary (88) 113, 252 Romero. Gene (89) 263 Romero, George (88) 252 Romero, Henry (88) 252 Romero. Herman (89) 263 Romero, Janet (86) 24. 168, 169 Romero, Jason (86) 103, 149, 2 5 2 Romero, Jennifer C. (86) 24 Romero, Jennifer M. (89) 185, 263 Romero, Jerome (89) 263 Romero, John (86) Romero. Joseph C. (88) 103, 108. 252 Romero. Joseph F. (89) 263 Romero, Josephine (89) 263 Romero, Kevin (88) 252 Romero, Larry (88) Romero. Larry M. (86) Romero, Laura (88) 9 9 Romero. Laurlann (89) 263 Romero. Lee (66) 24 Romero, Lenny (87) Romero, Lisa K. (89) 121, 180, 263 Romero. Lisa M. (69) 263, 2 6 9 Romero, Lorraine (88) Romero, Lucille (88) 252 Romero, Lydla (86) Romero, Martin (89) Romero, Maxlne (89) 263 Romero, Melissa (89) 263 Romero. Michael (87) 264 Romero, Michael K. (89) Romero. Michelle J. (88) 125. 252 Romero. Michelle L. (88) Romero, Monica (89) 264 Romero, Nathanlal (87) 237 Romero, Pamela (87) 237 Romero. Patricia (87) 163, 237 Romero, Ralph (88) Romero. Raynaldo (89) 264 Romero, Regina (87) 237 Romero, Rena (66) Romero, Rhonda (88) 252 Romero. Ricardo (89) 109, 264 Romero, Richard A. (69) 264 Romero, Richard R. (87) 237 Romero. Ronald (87) 237 Romero, Roxanne (89) 264 Romero, Simon (88) Romero, Steve (86) 104, 125, 266 Romero. Viola (86) Romero. Yvonne (87) Romlg. Kathryn (87) 157, 267 Rommel. Adnenne (66) 4, 24, 70, 71 Romo. Elkjlo (89) Romo, Lisa (88) 25, 269 RonquWo. Diana (87) 9 2 , 93, 237, 267 Roosen. Charles (87) 167. 267 Roots, Elan (87) 154, 163. 187. 238 Rosasco. Antonia (87) 238 Rose. Jennifer (89) 183, 165, 264 Ross, Oallon (89) 182. 264 Roth, Greg (87) Roturwo. DomenK* (89) 264 Alice (86) 252 Roybal. Andrea (89) 264

Roybal. Angela (86) 25 Roybal. Ben (86) Roybal, Bemle (67) 238 Roybal, Brian (66) 25 Roybal. Eloy (89) 264 Roybal. Eugene (89) 263 Roybal, Floyd (89) 264 Roybal, Jason (88) 252 Roybal. Jennifer J. (89) 226, 264 Roybal, Jennifer L (89) 264 Roybal, John (89) 264 Roybal, Judy (87) 116. 119. 167. 238 Roybal, Laura (89) 264 Roybal, Lisa (86) 17 Roybal. Lucille (89) Roybal, Marie (89) 97, 269 Roybal, Maryann (89) 119. 264 Roybal. Michael (87) Roybal, Michelle (87) 149 Roybal. Patricia (89) 264, 269 Roybal, Rebecca (68) 142. 152. 252. 3 1 2 Roybal. Richard (88) 183 Roybal, Robert (67) 238 Roybal, Ronnie (88) 252, 268 Roybal, Roxanne (87) 75, 94, 96, 214, 227. 238 Roybal, Trlcla (89) Rubino, David (87) 55, 154. 238 Rubino-Borlel, Jorge (87) 238 Rubinstein, Jacob (89) 264 Rudolph, Michelle (87) 267 Ruiz, Nickolas (87) 236 Runyan, David (86) Rupp, Janette (86) 25. 157 Ruta. Garance (89) 157, 174 Rula, Sebastian (88) 69. 157. 158, 179, 182. 252 Rylee. Robert (86) Sachs. Ruth (89) 96 Sager, Janalyn (88) 171, 181 Sainas, Manuel (89) Saiz, Christina (69) 119, 264 Saiz, Michael (88) 252 Saiz, Nancy (88) Saiz. Paul (89) 264 Saiz, Renee (86) 3 1 , 25. 58. 176 Saiz. Vicki (86) 25, 74. 142. 144. 160. 161. 183. 312 Saiz, Vincent (86) 25, 157 Saladen, Daniel (86) 100 Salazar, Bernadine (86) 169 Salazar. Candace (89) 252 Salazar. Danny (89) 264 Salazar, Dennis (87) Salazar, Donna (89) Salazar, Eric (88) 252 Salazar, Ernie (88) 252 Salazar, Garline (86) 25. 169 Salazar, Gene (87) 104, 105. 142. 238. 267. 312 Salazar. Gilbert (86) 25 Salazar, Henry (87) 238 Salazar, Jeanette (86) 25 Salazar, Jesse (88) 252 Salazar, Joe (86) Salazar, Jose (68) 252 Salazar, Juan (89) Salazar, Judy (87) 238 Salazar, Leonard (86) 25. 184 Salazar. Matthew (88) 238. 252 Salazar, Reuben (87) Salazar. Robert (67) Salazar. Rosemarie (88) 252 Salazar. Sandra (86) Salazar. Steve (86) Salazar, Tina (86) Salazar. Trade (89) 269 Salazar, Veronica A. (87) 238. 267 Salazar, Veronica B. (87) Salazar, Vincent (86) Salgado, Adela (88) 252 Salinas, Relda (87) 70, 7 1 , 238 Sams, Stevan (89) 264 Sanchez, Adeline (86) 25, 185 Sanchez, Alan (87) 238 Sanchez, Alichia (86) 25 Sanchez, Anita (87) 238 Sanchez, Anthony (86) Sanchez. Barbara (88) 253 Sanchez. Chris (88) Sanchez. Clarrisa (89) 264 Sanchez, Daniel (86) 88. 128. 253 Sanchez, Ismael (86) Sanchez, Jerome (88) 264 Sanchez, Joard (89) 284 Sanchez, Laura (89) 284 Sanchez. Lon (87) 58, 59. 90. 9 1 . 118. 130. 160. 238 Sanchez, louann (89) 264, 269 Sanchez, Manual (88) 253 Sanchez, Marcos (87) Sanchez, Mariene (88) 253 Sanchez, Mercedes (89) 264 Sanchez, Michael (87) Sanchez. Monica B (86) 168. 253 Sanchez, Monica F. (89) 188 Sanchez. Orlando (89) 264 Sanchez. Patrick (87) Sanchez. Ralph (89) Sanchez. Raymond (86) 25. 104 Sanchez, Richard (89) 264 Sanchez, Sharon (69) 264 Sanchez, Sherrie (89) 264 Sanchez. Soda (67) 163. 238 Sanchez, Stephanie (87) 238 Sanchez, Susan (86) 25 Sanchez. Sylvia (86) Sanders, Larry (86) 25, 152 Sandling. Camilla (86) 25. 50. 66. 67. 72. 157. 170. 171. 183 Sandmeier. Monica (86) 25 Sandoval. Angela (68) 238 Sandoval. Arthur (86) 25, 88. 128 Sandoval. Bemadelte (87) Sandoval. Beverly (86)

Sandoval. Charles (86) 25 Sandoval, Chris (87) 146, 238 Sandoval. Diane (87) 149, 160. 227. 238 Sandoval, Elizabeth (88) 253 Sandoval. Emiliana (87) 152. 157. 238 Sandoval. Eric (89) 264 Sandoval. Evangelina (89) 264 Sandoval, Gabriel (87) 238 Sandoval. Gina (87) 90. 116. 117. 238. 267 Sandoval, Jennifer 0. (88) 253 'Sandoval. Jennifer L (88) 187. 253 Sandoval, Laura (89) 264 Sandoval. Louella (86) Sandoval, Margaret (86) Sandoval. Mariano (87) Sandoval. Martin (88) 253 Sandoval. Michael (89) 152, 264 Sandoval. Michael T. (87) 238 Sandoval. Pam (88) 253 Sandoval. Paul (86) 25. 167 Sandoval. Ray (88) 238 Sandoval, Richard (89) 264 Sandoval. Robbin (89) 238 Sandoval, Robert (89) 264 Sandoval. Rose (86) 25, 238 Sandoval. Suzanne E. (88) 253 Sandoval, Suzanne I. (87) 238 Sanger. Therese (87) 264 Santry. Nathan (88) 154. 175. 183, 253 Sargent. Willa (88) 268 Sauceda. Jeffrey (89) 184 Saulnier, Kevin (87) 238 Sawchuk, John (88) 253 Sawyer. Mark (87) 172. 173. 238 Scalise. Johnny (88) 253 Scarborough. Jenny (89) 264. 269 Scarloll. Shawn (88) Schaefer, June (89) 264 Schaner. Wanda (88) 152. 238 Schlrard, Clinton (89) 264 Schneider. Scot (87) 238 Schnitker. Rebecca (87) 238 Schufle. Felicia (89) 264 Schultz. Eric (86) 66 Schulz. Spencer (89) 264 Schwartz. Deborah (88) 183. 253. 268 Schwendimann, Paul (86) 4. 25. 29. 66, 67, 162 163 164, 165 Scordia, Rocky (86) Scott. Kenneth (89) 182. 264 Scott. Kimberly (88) 253 Scott. Robert (86) 25 Scutt, Amy (86) 26 Scutt. Michael (88) 253 Seehorn, Melissa (88) 187. 253 Segovia. Bemadette (87) 238 Segura. Cindy (89) 264 Segura, Danny (87) 238 Segura. Dariene (88) Segura, Denise (89) 264 Segura. Kathy (89) 264 Segura. Marco (88) 183. 268 Seitzinger. Miranda (87) 142. 143. 238, 312 Selby. Steven (89) 183. 188, 264 Sena, Anita (89) Sena. Anthony (87) Sena, Antoinette (87) 238 Sena. Audra (87) Sena. Celene (89) Sena, Christine (88) 253 Sena, David (86) 26 Sena, Diandro (87) 188. 238 Sena. Diego (88) 268 Sena. Elaine (86) 26. 71. 152 Sena, James (88) 203. 253 Sena. Jeannle (88) 253 Sena. Jose (89) 264 Sena. Joseph (87) Sena. Karen (87) 238 Sena. Martina (89) 264 Sena, Marvin (88) 253 Sena, Mary (86) 26. 84 Sena. Melinda (88) 253 Sena. Nat (86) 26. 163 Sena. Regina (88) 253 Sena, Renee (89) 253 Sena, Sarah (87) Sena, Theresa (86) 26 Serna. Danny (87) 238 Serna. Donna (88) 157, 253. 268 Serna, Johnny (88) 253 Serna. Ricky (89) 264 Serrano, Anita (SB) 253 Serrano. Debbie (89) 264. 269 Serrano. Valerie (89) 264 Shanaberger. Mark (87) 238 Shanaberger, Michael (89) 195. 265 Shandler. Geoffrey (87) 134. 183 Shapland. David (88) 253 Shaull. Tom (86) 26 Shaull. Tyler (89) 265 Shaw. Danica (86) 26. 36. 157. 163 Shaw. Gabriel (89) 285 Shaw, Jentry (88) 253 Shepherd, Richard (89) 268 Shinholser. Charles (89) 265 Shmn. Kathy (87) Shockley. Bryan (89) 265 Shook, Aaron (89) 265 Shook, Jason (87) 134, 142, 145 Shosh. Aaron (86) Shuman. Tiffany (89) 183. 265 Striata. Can (88) 253 Siltala. Connie (86) 26 Sllva. Anthony (86) 100. 239 Simmons, Doug (86) 26 Simms. Jessica (89) 97. 265 Simms. Morrison (87) Simons. Metta (89) 265 Ptawmoii. Vanessa (87)

Sisneros, Diego Joseph (89) 265 Sisneros. Diego Juan (89) 265 Sisneros, Frances (89) 265 Sisneros, Jennifer (88) 253 Sisneros, Juno (86) 26, 152 Sisneros, Lawrence (86) 167, 239 Sisneros, Marie (89) Slansky. Jill (86) Slansky, Joe (89) 265 Sluka. Marie (86) 26. 36, 98, 99 Smith, Arnet (89) Smith, Catherine (86) 26 Smith, Chris (88) 108, 253 Smith, Greg (88) 100, 127, 134, 152, 163, 253 Smith, Hank (88) 134, 253 Smith, Jessica (88) 253 Smith. Karl (89) 265 Smith. Kelly (87) 239 Smith. Luis (87) 239 Smith. Shelley (89) 265 Smith, Theresa (88) 253 SmHhpeter, Tracy (88) 157, 163, 253, 268 Smyth. Laura (87) Sneesby. Laura (87) Snow. Marcie (88) 253 Snow. Melissa (87) 267 Snyder. Russell (87) 239 Soano. Melissa (88) 253 Soderquist. Michael (89) 265, 269 Solano, Anthony (89) 149, 265 Solano. Monica (87) 130. 142, 160, 161, 239, 267, 312 Solano. Roman (89) 265 Solano. Tim (88) 173, 253 Solis. Tim (89) Soliz. Albert (88) Somsuan, Yuphin (88) 51, 268 Sontgerath, Eric (86) 26, 159 Sontgerath, Steven (88) 157, 159, 253 Soper, Matthew (86) 201 Soto, Afvaro (88) Soto, Becky (87) 239 Soto, Monica (89) 265 Soveranes, Josephina (86) 26 Soveranez. Allen (88) 253 Soveranez, Eavid (88) 253, 268 Sowers, Justin (89) 265 Sowle, Scott (88) 253 Sparks, Jack (87) 188 Spencer, Ernie (86) 27 Spencer, Jerry (87) 239 Spencer, Nicholas (89) 127, 134, 253 Spoonheim. Joel (88) 152, 157, 253 Spring, Mike (86) 152, 187 Squaglia, Avel (89) 265 St. Peter, Raney (88) St. Peter, Tiffany (86) 27, 66 Staffel. Erin (89) Stafford, Bob (86) Stalie, John (87) 239 Stanley, Dianna (68) 66, 68, 183, 253 Stark, Eric (87) Starr, Stacy (89) 265 Stennis. Susan (89) 265 Stenzhorn. Ted (88) 69, 134, 157, 253 Sternberg. Brock (87) 158, 239 Sterrett. Kelly (86) Stevenson, Erik (89) 134, 141, 265 Stewart, Amy (89) 265 Stewart, Todd (88) 253 Stockton, Cinnamon (89) Stokes, Janna (89) 152, 265 Stone. Ashley (87) 239 Stone. Greg (88) 102, 108, 253 Storr, Ronald (89) 157, .265 Stransky. Thomas (89) 265 Strauss, Bryson (88) 253 Streck. Amy (89) 265 Slreck. Kyle (89) 265 Streck, Mark (87) Strever. Creed (86) 27 Strickler. Phillip (86) 27 Strodtman, Kathy (89) Struck, Steven (88) Stuck, William (89) 188, 265 Suazo, Joe (87) Succardi, Frank (86) Sudeorough, Adlal (86) Sullivan, John (89) 157, 174, 265 Sullivan, Teresa (86) 27, 70, 81, 184 Sultan, Ivan (87) 239 Summers, Monlka (87) 267 Sundown, Jeremiah (89) 163 Swartwout, Christina (87) 4, 133, 157, 239 Swartzberg, Josh (86) Sweeney, Richie (89) Swisher. Daphne (89) Swisher, Monique (88) 172. 173, 239 Swottord. John (89) 265, 269 Syron. Pamela (88) 253 Tafoya. Ronnie (87) 239 Taloya. Rudy (89) 265 Tafoya. Wayne (89) 265 Talamante. Chariene (89) Tangman, Sharon (88) 253 Tanner, Michelle (86) 6, 27, 71, 175, 177, 183 Tanuz, John (87) 239 Tapia. Annette (87) 239, 267 Tapia. Daniel E. (89) 109, 265, 269 Tapia. Daniel F. (88) 253 Tapia, Elidoro (87) Tapia, Ernest (86) Tapia, Gerald (86) Tapia. Gina (88) 253 Tapia. Isabell (89) Tapia. Jerry (87) 239 Tapia. Johny (89) 109. 265 Tapia. Keiiie (88) 253 Tapia. Lenora (87) 239 Tapia. Lora (86) 27 Tapia, Lode (88)

Tapla. Marcella (87) 239 Tapla. Mark (86) Tapla, Michelle A. (89) Tapla, Michelle R. (86) 2 7 Tapla, Patrick (88) 253 Tapla, Richard (89) Tapla, Sandl (87) 216, 267 Tapla, Sandra (87) 239 Tapla, Sylvia (88) Tapla, Tommy (88) 253 Tarpley, Michelle (88) 171 Taulbee, Karen (86) 27, 70, 150, 152 Taylor, Melissa (68) 54, 116, 118, 130, 254 Taylor, Monlka (88) 254 Taylor, Robert (88) 85, 254 Tena, Marlbel (87) Terrazas, Jose (88) 188, 254 Terrazas, Rlcardo (87) 188, 239 Terrazaz, Carlos (86) Thiol. Steven (87) 239 Thomas, Jody (86) 6, 27, 34, 70, 7 1 , 178. 179 Thomas, John (86) 27, 49 Thomas, Michael (88) 254 Thompson, Jeffrey (88) Thomson, David (87) 134. 157 Tipton, Tammy (86) 169 Tlschler, Sam (89) 142, 265, 312 Tolen, David (87) 99, 152. 153. 2 3 9 Tolle. Lawrence (87) 239 Tensing, Melissa (87) Toombs, Michael (87) 268 Tootle, Deana (89) Torres, Carol (87) 90, 146. 147. 239 Torres, David (86) 27, 48, 98, 99 Torres, Nicholas (89) 134, 265 Torrez, Bonnie (88) 254 Trappe, Benjamin (88) Trappe. Mlchaela (89) 142, 265. 312 Treas, Janlse (88) Trlmborn, Phillip (87) 267 Trimmer, Edward (86) 27, 146, 157 Tripp, Michelle (67) 146, 239 Trost, Allsha (86) Trujlllo, Andrea (89) TruJIIIo. Bernle (88) 254 Trujlllo, Blue (87) 268 Trujlllo, Carl (89) 265 Trujlllo, Cecilia (88) 252, 266 Trujlllo. Chris J. (86) 27 Trujlllo. Chris M. (89) 285 Trujlllo, Christopher (88) 254 Trujlllo, Cynthia (88) 254 Trujlllo, Danny (86) 35. 73. 100, 153 Trujlllo. David E (86) Trujlllo, David J. (88) 254 Trujlllo, Diana (89) 265 Trujlllo, Donald (87) Trujlllo, Dorothy (87) 239 Trujlllo, Eric (86) Trujlllo. Geralyn (86) 27. 35, 152, 157, 163. 166 Trujlllo, Gerard (86) Trujlllo, Ginger (87) 239 Trujlllo, Ivan (87) 239 Trujlllo. Jennlpher (89) 97. 119. 121, 265 Trujlllo, Jerry (87) 239 Trujlllo, Lara (87) 239 Trujlllo, Leigh (88) 116. 254 Trujlllo, Leo (68) 254 Trujlllo. Leroy (88) 254 Trujlllo, Liza (89) Trujlllo, Lois (87) 239 Tru Ilk), Maria (86) 26, 3 1 , 133. 157, 158, 209 Trujlllo, Maureen (86) 28, 179, 179 Trujlllo, Mlchele (89) 188 Trujlllo, Mike (87) 22, 39 Trulllo. Patricia (88) 254 Trujlllo, Patrick (86) 2 8 Trujlllo, Rachel (86) Trujlllo, Randolph (87) Trujlllo, Ray (86) 28 Trujlllo, Ronnie (86) 28, 61 Trujlllo, Rosle (89) Tru Ilk), Steve (88) 100, 254 Trulllo, Tommy C. (88) 108. 254 Tru Ilk). Tommy F. (87) 149. 268 Trujlllo, Vanessa (88) 254

Trujlllo, Wes (89) 109 Trujlllo, Yvette (88) 142, 254, 312 Trusnovlc. Christine (69) 157 Trusnovlc, Thomas (87) 156, 157, 161, 239 Tubbs, Stephen (89) 134 Tucker. Doug (86) 28, 104 Turley. Jay (86) 28, 34, 66, 67. 207 Turley, Marc (88) 254 Turner, Aaron (89) Turner, Mark (89) 109 Turner. Max (87) 104. 239 Turpen, Genlse (88) 152, 254 Uhl, Loren (89) Ultts, Charles (88) 254 Ullbarrl. Angelina (89) Ullbarrl, Colette (89) 269 Ullbarrl. Demecio (87) 239 Ullbarrl, John (87) Ullbarrl, Lily (86) Ullbarrl, Metlza (88) 255 Ullbarrl. Ronald (87) Ullbarrl. Sophia (88) 158. 169. 255 Urban. Paula (88) 255. 268 Urban, Tony (89) Valdes. Shane (89) Valdez. Alan (89) Valdez. AMn (89) Valdez. AMn (89) Valdez. Andrew (89) Valdez. Anna (87) 62. 142. 239. 312 Valdez. Antonia (89) 97, 99, 266. 269 Valdez, Arlene (89) 266 Valdez. Becky (87) 167. 239 Valdez. BenJIe (87) 239

Valdez, Christine (88) 181. 255 Valdez. Danny (89) 266 Valdez, Donnie (89) Valdez. John (88) 255 Valdez. John M. (88) Valdez, Kathleen (87) 239 Valdez, Kelly (89) 152, 266 Valdez. Leonard (89) 266 Valdez, Leslie (88) 167. 255 Valdez, Matthew (87) 239 Valdez, Michael (88) 255 Valdez, Monica (89) 266 Valdez, Patricia (87) 28. 7 1 , 146 Valdez. Phillip (88) Valdez, Raul (87) Valdez, Rayllne (86) 2 8 Valdez. Sonya (89) 266 Valdez, Theresa (87) 239 Valdez, Veronica (86) 2 8 Valdez, Yvette (88) 255. 268 Valdez-Allen, Jarnal (89) ValdMa, Eric (88) Valdivlezo, Johnny (88) 28. 255 Valencia, Anthony (89) 266 Valencia, Arthur (87) 240 Valencia, Frances (88) 239 Valencia, Glna (88) 247, 255 Valencia, Kenn (88) Valencia, Melissa (69) 266, 269 Valencia, Michael (86) 108. 255 Valencia, Rachel (88) 255 Valencia. Set (88) 255, 268 Valenzuela, Eric (89) 266 Valenzuela, Thomas (68) 104. 108. 255 Van Busklrk, Marc (86) Van Damne, John (86) 104 Van Deusen. Mark (89) 157. 188, 266 Van Mason, Amber (89) 266 VanMason, Brian (87) 240 Van Ongevalle. Alan(B6) 2 8 Van Ongevalle, Chanlel (87) 133, 240 Van Slckel, Bryan (87) Vance, Eric (88) 163, 165, 255 Vance, Tracy (87) 240 Vandersys, Cassl (89) 266 Vanvalkenburgh, Kim (86) 28 Varela, Jeannle (86) 255 Varela. Patrick (89) 266 Vargas, Jerry (88) 255 Vamado, Zack (89) 266 Varos, Dean (66) 14 Vasquez, Franclne (86) 169 Vasquez. Xavier (69) Velarde, Joyce (86) 28, 167 Velarde. Nancy (89) Velasquez, Adrian (88) 188, 255 Velasquez, Henrietta (88) 255 Velasquez, Loralne (87) 169, 240, 268 Verones, Angela (89) 266 Vialpando. Annette (89) 266 Vlalpando, David (86) 184 Vialpando, Dollie (87) 168. 169. 240 Vlalpando. Joe (87) 240 Vlalpando, Mary (87) Vlelra, Leslie (87) 63. 116. 118, 145. 240, 268. 312 Vlelra, Paula (86) 184 Vlelra, Walter (89) 266 Vigil, Annette (89) 266 vigil, Antoinette (86) Vigil. Ben (86) Vigil, Bernadette (88) 255 Vigil, Catherine (88) vigil, Charlene (88) Vigil, Christopher (88) 255 Vigil, Craig (89) 109. 266 Vigil, Debra (88) 255 Vigil, Denlse (88) 255 Vigil, Donald (87) 240 Vigil. Donna (68) 255 Vigil. Edward (87) Vigil. Eloy (69) Vigil, Ernestine (87) Vigil, Gabriel (87) Vigil, Geraldine (87) 240 Vigil. Henry (89) 266 Vigil, M e (87) 240 Vigil. Jamie (86) 28, 35 Vigil. Jannel (88) Vigil. Joann (87) 152. 240 Vigil, John (86) Vigil, Jude (86) 29. 146 Vigil, Kevin (89) 266 Vigil, Larry (86) 29, 163. 213 Vigil, Lee Ann (88) 255 Vigil. Leroy John (88) 255 Vigil. Leroy Joseph (89) 269 Vigil. Lisa (86) 29, 168. 169 Vigil, Marcos (88) 166. 169 Vigil. Mark (89) 255. 266 Vigil, Matthew (86) 29, 147 Vigil, Monica (86) 146 vigil. Patricia (88) Vigil, Philip (88) 256 Vigil. Robert B. (89) 266 Vigil. Robert J. (87) 29 Vigil. Vicente (86) 263 Villa, Michelle (88) Vlllanueva. Andy (86) Villegas, Catherine (86) 29 Villegas. Loretta (86) 255 Vlrgilk). Danl (87) 240 Visarraga. Lisa (66) 29. 169 vlsarraga. Rosemary (86) 2 9 Vogel, Carlo (88) 66. 67. 66. 152. 163. 256 Von Briesen. Daniel (67) 156. 157. 158. 177 Von Hoffmann. Cynthia (87) Voytes. Iva (86) 29. 169 Walts. Brett (87) Wallace. Paula (88) Wabmith. Truly (68)

Wanek, Edward (87) 142, 240. 312 Ward. Brian (88) Ward. Jared (88) 102 Ward. Stacey (86) 34. 48. 160. 161 Warden. Randy (89) 266 Warfiekf. John (86) 106. 268 Warner. Michael (87) 255 Warner. Tic* (88) 255 Warren, Alison (88) 183. 256 Warren. AMn (87) 163, 2 4 0 Warren. Marcia (86) 2 9 Warren, Robert (88) 148, 152. 255 Waakey. Jason (88) Wasserman, Stolen (89) 134. 266 Waterman, Daniel (88) 255. 268 Walkins. Phillip (88) 134. 147. 255 Watson. Michelle (89) 266 Weatherford. Scarlett (87) 175. 240 Webb. Matthew (89) 266 Webb. Steven (88) 240 Weber, Leslie (87) 163. 240 Webester. Kelly (87) 240. 266 Weinmeisler. Carl (87) Welch. Todd (66) 29. 157 Wells. Dorothy (87) 240 Wees. Gregor (88) 256 Weds. Shannon (87) 146. 268 Wengs, Ian (87) 157, 159, 186, 2 4 0 Werner. Juliana (88) 181, 255 West. Melanie (88) 183. 255 West. Phaedra (86) 29, 66, 142, 157- 163, 312 Weston, Michael (86) 240 Weston. Stephanie (87) 240. 268 Wheeler. David (89) Whelan. Linda (89) 188. 266 White. Greg (89) 88. 89, 128, 149, 266 White. Mary (87) 90, 116, 116. 240 Whittill. Jeffrey (87) 130. 149. 240 Whitmore. Billy (89) 266 Whitney, Alica (89) 266 Whitney. Cynthia (87) 157. 174. 240. 268 Whitney. Pamela (88) Whirled. Vicky (87) 92. 93, 94, 95, 120. 121. 142. 160. 161. 240. 268. 312 WhttUeton. Kelly (88) 148. 152, 255 Whyte, Valerie (87) Wlckham. Carlene (87) 240 Wiegardt. Loma (87) 157. 240 Wiese. Billy (88) 255 WHcoxen. Jim (86) 184 Wildenstein, Kelly (89) 266 Wider, Laura (89) 164. 182. 266 Willelord. Shelley (87) 121. 240 Willet. Chris (89) 266 Williams, Andy (87) 167, 240 Williams. Jason (89) 266 Williams. Mark (88) 255 Wilson. Kelly (86) 29, 184 Wilson. Reece (88) Wilson. Wendy (89) 187. 266 Wilson. Winona (88) 154, 255 Wimmermark. Jeanette (86) Wlnton. John (87) 157, 240 Winton. Jone* (89) 266 Wise. Geoffrey (87) 157. 240 Witt. Brian (86) Witt. Michael (86) 18. 29, 49, 66, 162, 163. 164. 165 Woerrlein. Shawn (88) 255 Wolf. Heather (88) 152, 153, 255 Wolf, Marisa (88) 255 Wolf, Peter (87) 183, 240 Wolf. Tara (89) 266 Wolfe. Renate (89) 266 WoHf, Joseph (88) 142. 240. 250. 268, 312 Wood. Ceiena (89) Wood, Robert (88) 183, 226, 255 Wright. Anthony (89) Wright. Cory (89) 266 Wright. Darrell (87) 148, 162, 157, 240 Wright. Ernest (87) 104. 240 Wright, Lory (87) 240 Wurst. Josette (88) 90, 9 1 , 162, 255 Wurst. Margie (87) 90, 240 Wylie. Clare (89) 266 Yatsco. Amy (87) Yesley. Peter (88) 99. 255 Yngsdahl. Diana (88) 157, 255 Yngsdahi. Donna (87) Yoder. Laura (89) 266 Yohai. Keith (88) Young. Sarony (88) 77. 99, 183, 265 Youngbtood, Julee (86) Ytuarte. Gene (69) Zatarano. Virginia (87) 130, 133, 240 Zamora. Joseph (87) 240 Zamora. Mario (88) 255 Zamora. Shawn (88) 255 Zimm. Daniel (89) 288 Zlotnlck. Jeff (86) 29. 49. 98. 99, 134, 167. 163. 165. 202 Zlotmc*. Justin (89) 134. 266 Zumga. Lort (87) 2 4 0 Zumga. Michael (89) 266 Zytrtik. Susan (87) 152

Para Mariana Pays Tribute To Principal Casados "Live and let live, work and let work," is the kids," he said, adding, "I wouldn't be a philosophy that carried Principal Don R. here if I didn't like kids." Casados through 37 years in the Santa Fe When Casados took over the position Public School System. Like the graduat- of head principal from his predecessor ing class of 1986, Principal Casados left Joe Casados, he had many notions on Santa Fe High School at the end of this how to improve the school. During the year. course of his four years as principal, he Principal Casados began his career has effectively instituted programs such with the school system in 1949 when he as the drug and alcohol abuse policy and was hired as a seventh grade social stud- the smoking policy, systems to curb the ies and physical education teacher at use of damaging substances among the Harvey Junior High School. This position student body. Scholastically, Casados was only the beginning, as Principal Ca- has implemented the Honors Program sados held many other offices, including along with several advanced placement director of testing, testing coordinator, courses. He looks with pride upon the fact and guidance counselor. In 1964, Casa- that Santa Fe High has been the host of dos became assistant principal of SFHS the Southwestern Advanced Placement and shortly after became the principal of Conference for two consecutive years. Mid-High. When the school closed in With Casados as principal, SFHS has May, 1976, Casados was remembered by seen the advent of computerized report the faculty in "Evil Doings," the school's cards and attendance. SFHS has Casanewspaper. As Ms. Diane McEvilly, dos to thank for the face-lift given the French teacher at SFHS, said, "I have campus in 1986. observed that his calmness spreads a A World War II veteran, Casados was a sense of security to those around him. In member of the 312th Combat Engineer problem situations he is cool but never Battalion, 87th Infantry Division, 3rd cold. I appreciate his trust . . . he has Army, serving in the European Theater of seemed always accessible but never Operations and participating in the Rhinemeddling." This cool yet caring attitude land, Ardennes and Central Europe camof Casados is the reason for his favorable paigns and battles. Prior to his experrapport with teachers and students alike. iences in WWII he had intended to be"I've enjoyed being at SFHS," said come either a clinical psychologist or a Principal Casados, "working with stu- lawyer, but upon returning home, decided dents and personnel." His encouraging to go into education instead. Casados words, "Teachers are better qualified, also attributes his change of career plans better prepared, committed to the educa- to the fact that his mother as well as sevtion of our kids, doubtably proves that eral members of his family, worked in Casados's own dedication hasn't wai- education. "My mother was a teacher," vered since his days at Mid-High. Casa- he said. dos's positive attitude carries over to the Principal Casados did his graduate students as well, "I have a high regard for work at New Mexico Highlands Universi-

ty, Majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. He did undergraduate work at several universities including Highlands, New Mexico State and University of New Mexico. "Behind every good man is a good woman," said Casados, using the cliche to refer to his wife of close to 40 years, Katherine. Together they raised two children, Mark and Dennis. He spoke fondly of his wife, explaining how she was always there to talk to and how it was refreshing to have someone who wasn't involved with the school system. Casados spoke with great affection about his father, Don Casados, Sr., saying "He's been my greatest teacher." He added proudly that his father is 93 years young. Casados emphasized that the hardest thing about being an administrator wasn't dealing with fights or riots of parent conferences, but seeing healthy, young, vibrant people he knew die. In particular, Casados referred to the eight students who lost their lives during the 1985-86 school year. As an educator for more than half his life, Casados has tried to stress that learning not only deals with curriculum, but with life, advising, "Don't dwell on past mistakes. Take each day as it comes." A graduate of St. Michael's High School, Casados explained jokingly, "They forgave me and hired me In 1949." Little did he know, this was the start of something big. by Vicki Sqiz and Stacey Ward CO-Editors of the Demon Tatler


Top left, first grade. Top right. Casados in 1945. Middle left. Casados and his parents; Above, lower right, Casados. Lower left, Casados and his colleagues, left or right: Mr. Joe Romero. Mr. Alfredo Esquibel. Ms. K. Haughton. and Ms. Millington.

As the curtain draws to a close, the feeling of accomplishment fills the air. Once the curtains dropped, the excitement of a job well done bursts into frenzy as each actor and actress congratulates each other on a job well done. The approval of the audience emits a glowing smile on everyone's face. All the work, time, and energy has paid off as the final drama has turned out perfectly. As the year draws to a close, the feeling of completing another year fills the air. When the last day of school is finally over, the excitement of accomplishment bursts into energy as all the students recall the fun times, and the sad, to congratulate each other on making it through another year. The feeling of success puts a smile on everyone's face. All the time, work, and energy that had been put into school, really was worth it.

Para Manana Staff

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