Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1979

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Santa Fe High School Santa Fe. New Mexico Enrollment: 3900 Senior High Vo-Tech Alternative Opened: September 1896


Demon Country Is High! High In Our Aims High In Our Achievements

Demon Country Is Wide: Wide In Our Diversity, Wide In Our Interests

Demon Country Is Handsome: Handsome In Our Setting, Handsome In Our People.

Demon Country IS Big: Big In Our Athletics. Big In Our Numbers.

Demon Country Is Bold:


Bold In Our Ideas, Bold In Our Actions.

Demon Country Is Beautiful: Beautiful In Our Friends, Beautiful In Our Experience.

Demon Country Is Wonderful!

HIGH. WIDE. AND HANDSOME are the activities at Santa Fe High School. The high-spirited students keep Demon Country in a state of excitement with Sports events,-dances, dinners, assemblies. There is always something more to anticipate right up to the final night of Graduation. Activities give us the opportunity to socialize and have fun. Memorable events break up the daily routine, giving us happiness to look back on and joyful expectations for the future.

Activities 17


Demon Homecoming was handsomely done. Set against the backdrop of falling leaves and first frost, the festivity was an exhuberant exercise in SFHS spirit. Balloting for the queen and her court, building floats, securing dates, and trying to get a pass to Magers Field dominated the preparations. Prohibition of the traditional pre-game bonfire by the local fire department in no way dampened the I flaming spirit of Demon Pride. The parade, led by Boss Pontsler's finest i and enlivened by outstanding floats wound its way around the Plaza ! in the autumn afternoon. Later came a satisfying win on the football i field and the final windup of glittering Homecoming ball.



There was frantic activity on campus as the desperate man-hunting Daisy Maes snatched up their favorite Lil' Abners for the Sadie Hawkins Dance. The annual hoedown was held at the activity "barn" on the night of November 17, from nine until midnight. Straw flew and couples stomped to the music of "The City Different" band. Marryin' Sam was on hand to unite couples in "matrimony" for a nominal fee. The Kissing Booth did lively business thoughout the evening. As the hour grew late, the line for "Cheapskate" divorces lengthened. Finally, at midnight, the tired but happy Dogpatch couples headed homeward.


It was a chilly day in November, and the scene was straight from the pages of history. There, around the table sat Pilgrims and Indians; feathers and beadwork mingled with bonnets and britches. Following Grace by "Father" Juan Rios who presided over the table, the assembled company of the Student Council stalwarts settled down to their Thanksgiving feast. Amid the curious stares and comments from lunch-break onlookers, Mrs. Gillis' mimi-historical society peasefully consumed their bountiful meal of Turkey T*V dinners and apple cider. Then, as quietly as they had come, the group disappeared from the front of the Administration Building, bringing an end to Santa Fe High's "first" Thanksgiving.


Pearl Harbor Day is observed nationally to honor those who died in the attack at Pearl Harbor. Hawaii on December 7,1941. Ceremonies were held at SFHS under the sponsorship of the American Legion again this year. Governmental and military dignitaries participated, with Gov. Bruce King delivering the key-note speech. The memorial assembly was organized by Staters Club with the help of NJROTC. Afterwards, a reception was held by the Staters for the visiting notables, administration and faculty.


The 1978-1979 Junior Miss Competition was held December 15 and 16 at 7:30 P.M. at Greer Garson Theater at the College of Santa Fe. Twenty-four girls from Santa Fe High School entered the contest. The girls were judged on the basis of youth, fitness, poise, and appearance, creative and performing arts, scholastic achievement and a ten minute judges interview. This years' winner was SFHS' own Leslie Romero. Several runners-up were also from our school.


Demon Christmas "Under the Stars" was a special way of starting out the Christmas Season. Different clubs, under the sponsorship of Student Council, worked hard setting up the nighttime wonderland of glimmering ferolitos. Good tidings and warm spirits were obvious to those who attended the- program held inside the SFHS gym. The entertainment opened with the introduction of Kelly Hunt and Mike Segura. For the first act the audience listened to George Anaya. Next, was Kiki Trujillo and friends entertaining the crowd with their mellow songs. The Crowd roared the approval of the Hee-Haws by the Freshman Class and the debut of "Saphire." Ending the evening was "Twas the Night Before Christmas" by the Senior Class. It was a beautiful introduction to i the Christmas vacation that followed two days later.



In Demon Country, Snowball marks the glittering introduction to the holiday season. Held just before the start of Christmas break, the dance is a pre-view of Yuletide festivities. For this event, the Activity Center was beautifully decorated in a winter motif. Formally dressed couples enjoyed an elegant and extended evening by first going out to dinner at one or another of Santa Fe's distinguished restaurants and then socializing and dancing with their friends and classmates until the band played the last post-midnight number that ended the dance. Snowball was over, but the memories lived on.


SFHS roundball greats from the years past, and their alumni cheerleaders'donned, blue and gold uniforms one more time for a clash with their counterparts from St. Michael's High School. The Kazoo band played and the crowd roared. Spirits ran high as the two teams battled out the hotly contested match. In the end, the Demon basketball alums fell at the hands of their traditional cross-town rivals. But it was all for a good cause I Under the sponsorship of the SFHS and St. Mikes Student Councils, all proceeds from the game were donated to the March of Dimes so everyone really came out a winner.


Red hearts and red and white streamers provided the decorative backdrop for the school years' most sentimental occasion, Sweetheart Ball. The Valentine atmosphere of the February event was matched by soft and sentimental music from the band. A radiant queen, with her king and court, presided over the festivities and ruled the fun for a night. Senior Class could take credit for another delightful Demon doing.


Marylinda Gutierrez' and her talented young musicians scored many triumphs during the year but none was more enthusiastically received than the original and fun-filed Variety Show. Under Ms. Gutierrez expert direction, music, song and dancing filled the evening for a capacity crowd. Another event that gave SFHS talent a chance to shine was the annual guitar concert where everyone from the rankest beginner to the most accomplished virtuoso had a chance to get into the act.



With acts varying from disco dancing to comedy routines and songs. Demon Vaudeville '79 was a smashing success. Well-organized and fast-paced, the show was a hit from beginning to end. Tim Dill out danced Fred Astaire and Terry Bohannon had the audience rolling in the aisles. Kerry Li led a troupe through a choreographed karate dance assisted by Wonder Woman Suzanne Gallegos. Other performances kept up the excitement until the program was wound up with "Let It Be" by Leslie Romero and Cres Montano. The music stopped, but the melody lingered on.


The Drama department, under the direction of Gary Tydings, gave SFHS students, parents and faculty various plays throughout the year. Directing, putting on plays and further development of their acting talents were in store for the beginning thespians who put a lot of effort into their top of the line performances. Among the notable productions of the year were: the Greek Tragedy "Medea" and Neil Simon's "Come Blow Your Horn." Talented seniors whose acting enhanced the plays were Eileen Kingsbury whose "Medea" won her a scholarship to Eastern, and the versatile Peter Komis who could handle any role.


T'was the first balmy day in May, At the hilltop school in Santa Fe, With revelry and cheer, they held a fair, And lords and ladies all were gathered there, And 'round the Maypole merrymakers pranced, To celebrate the springtime they all danced. And strumming troubadors strolled all around, And filled the azure skies with lovely sound. The costumes, they were rich and very fine, Fairgoers feasted on good food and "wine". Among the crowds the peddlers sold their wares, And everyone forgot their classroom cares.


In keeping with the Navy tradition of outstanding trips, to California, and exciting-new experiences, the SFHS NJROTC sailed out of town to the Officer's Club at Kirtland in Albuquerque for their spectacular Navy Ball. Gold braid and glitter marked the evening of fun. Under an arch of crossed sabres, the queen was presented to the crowd. A professional photographer recorded highlights of the evening, as the hours progressed from gourmet dinner served under crystal chandaliers on to dancing until the early morning hours, when the tired but exhilarated Demons and dates came back to Santa Fe after a real night out on the town.


The Annual SFHS Awards Assembly was held on May 7 in the Activity Center to honor outstanding Demons for academic excellence, and other achievements. Leaders in Student Council, Publications staffers, and recipients of scholarships and other awards were all given recognition. Lisa Ortiz received the coveted Manuel Lujan Congressional Award and the Barney Petchesky Award was given to Harold Dixon and Mary Alarid. Other honors and scholarships were awarded in nearly every major field of study as well as for top grade point average at graduation. These seniors are a credit to Demon Country, leaving records for others to challenge.


Class Night at SFHS is a robust and rowdy evening of slapstick and spoofery. put on by the Seniors for their own amusement. The result is an evening of uninhibited fun for an appreciative crowd and the performers. A hokey version of the "Dating Game" show, stand-up comic routines, songs and naming of various dubious award winners contributed to the hilarity. As a matter of policy, the Junior class was routinely put down while Senior superiority was strongly emphasized. Everyone had a wonderful time and not too many inferiority complexes resulted.


The evening of May 18 brought the most beautiful, the gladdest, the saddest, the most meaningful dance of the year. Junior-Senior Prom was held at Sweeney Convention Center, where a capacity crowd enjoyed the music and appointments of the last big evening before Graduation. Elegantly dressed couples arrived after dinner out and lost the hours until the night was done. Elaborate decorations and excellent music gave a special feeling to the affair. It was the last Demon dance for some and the best dance for all.

1979 PROM


Baccalaureate was different this year. Unseasonal and heavy rains required a move from the traditional outdoor setting at the IAIA Ampitheater into the gymnasium. From there, the program proceeded as usual. The graduates to be sat solemnly in their blue robes, there was music, there were speeches, there were prayers. Hometown family and friends gather to wish the Class of '79 the best of all futures, wherever they went, and to let them know that they would be loved, and supported, and missed


Baccalaureate was different this year. Unseasonal and heavy rains required a move from the traditional outdoor setting at the IAIA Ampitheater into the gymnasium. From there, the program proceeded as usual. The graduates to be sat solemnly in their blue robes, there was music, there were speeches, there were prayers. Hometown family and friends gather to wish the Class of '79 the best of all futures, wherever they went, and to let them know that they would be loved, and supported, and missed when they went.


Graduation - the end of twelve years of school, of being a student, of having to fulfill someone elses' requirements. Graduation - the beginning of the rest of a lifetime on your own, choosing your course, paying the consequences. Graduation is waited for, dreamed of, and when it comes, it is a big day, but it is just one more day. From this changepoint, the class of '79 will scatter, will move, will go forward. May the future be as high, wide, and handsome as the Demon Country that is being left behind.




Academics is what Demon Country is all about. Other activities are more exciting, other occupations give more immediate reward. But if you don't know it, you aren't going anywhere. And if you don't know you don't know it, you are in real trouble. This is where teachers and classrooms come in; they help you to know. 1978-79 was a high, wide, wonderful year for those who recognized why school kept and made the most of it.


Administration I have been asked many times, "What is a principal of a High School?" I usually answer this in a general manner. A Principal is a Cafeteria Manager, a Detective, a Latrine Orderly, a Nurse, a Counselor, a Teacher, a Marriage Counselor, a Father, a Mother, a Traffic Cop. a Parking Lot Attendant, a Curriculum Expert, a Trouble Shooter for students, parents, and teachers, and if there is time, an Administrator. Pictured clockwiseÂť J. Casados. L. Lloyd, R. Vigil, J. Sena, and D. Casados.

You have completed phase one in preparing yourself for the future. After graduation many of you will join the world of work while others will continue your formal education. Regardless of which road you choose, the end result is to become successful and to have a happy, productive life. This can be attained by each person in the class of 1979 if you set one goal, "be the best in the field of your choice whether it be a laborer or a scientist." Best wishes to each and every graduate. God Bless You. Joseph Casador

School Board The Santa Fe City School Board, assisted by Superintendent of Schools, Dr. James Miller, is seriously involved in all phases of planning and providing public education to the citizens of our community. New school facilities, maintenance and upkeep of existing schools, anticipation of future needs, bond issues. budgets, contracts, curriculum, all demand continual attention. Both the Board meetings and Dr. Miller's Superintendents day in are open to any interested citizen. Dr. Miller as the Number One

Demon Fan, keeps close contact with each school in the system and manages to show up and cheer for any and all SFHS teams, winning or losing! The conscientious service rendered by the Board and Superintendent contributes greatly to the excellence of Santa Fe High. Shown above left to right are: Superintendent Miller and School Board Members. J. Miller. R. Sweeney. R. Padilla. E. Martinez, and A. Johnson,


Math The department of Mathematics consists of General Math, Consumer Math. Introductory Algebra I and II, Geometry, trigonometry-Math Analysis, Calculus, and Computer and Problem Solving I and II. The purpose of the department is to improve computation and problem solving, extending all the way to using computer science as an aid. Introductory classes are offered to students who have trouble keeping up with the usual pace in regular Algebra classes. These classes cover the same curriculum, but at a slower more thorough pace. Consumer Math places emphasis on

applying math to practical situations. Algebra is a study of the real number system. Geometric topics include Euclidian geometry, basic trigonometry, and co-ordinate geometry. TrigonometryMath Analysis includes the topics usually found in first-year college mathematics and Calculus is designed to help seniors for advanced standing in college mathematics. Computer and Problem Solving is a course in finding the numerical solutions of a variety of problems. Methods to be used are computer programmingÂŤ logarithms, algorithms, math tables, and calculators.

Members of the Math Department are: Ron Black, Thor Christensen, David Church, Florence Hammond, Harry Houtz, C. McPartland, Jose E. Martinez, G. O'Keefe, Muriel Osborn, George Perfors, James Rael, Bobbie O'Chesky, Randall Smith, Ernest Tafoya, Ron Talaske, Jesse Vise, and Norma Wright.




Business Education


The Business Education Department consists of Typing I and II. Accounting I and II, Shorthand I and II, Marketing, Credit Union. Management, Business Math, Business Law, Principles and Applications of Economics. General Business. Introduction to Business-Careers (rotation). Office Procedures. Business Communications, and Retail Merchandising. This department deals with an understanding of the nature and functions of business used

in everyday living as well as in a career. It is designed to meet the needs of the student who plans to enter the business or professional world. Santa Fe High Business Education teachers are: Orlando Baca, Priscilla Blea. Louis Martinez, Caroline Peralta, Patricia Rodriguez. Cecelia Romero. Elaine Royer. Pat Velarde. Barbara Vigil, and Jane Visic.


English The English Department consists of English I, II, III, and IV. Electives are: Annual, Drama I, II, and III, Creative Writing, Humanities, Journalism, Studies in Literature, Speech I and II, Communications. Reading, Science Fiction, and Fantasy. English II, III, and IV are divided into different courses of study, one for college bound students and one for students who do not plan to attend college after graduation. Both courses of study at each level include work to improve the basic skills of reading, writing.

thinking, listening, and speaking. The two courses of study will differ in materials and skills used. Public and Competitive speaking, publishing the school paper, use of media centers, communicating in the written language, and producing the school yearbook are just some of the things besides the usual basics covered in this department. Special English classes for exchange students are also offered.

IN MEMORIAM Mildred Shattuck devoted her studies and her life to Santa Fe High School, teaching her students the gift of greater reason to be educated, to know the literary world, to understand and use the language she knew and taught so well to others. Her long career in the classroom will be remembered, not only in the hearts of her students and fellow faculty members but in the very sound of all our school days for years to come. "Time himself came with heaven in his hand . . And all Earth's meadowed hills piled to his Feet and life and death here loved each Other as One. caressing the humming-bird and Blessing the gullÂť and over all was such a Quietude as windless space conceals between The stars at early dawn, and then . . . Time came and too suddenly was gonel"

E.R. Hesthal

The Language Arts faculty includes: Miriam Barck, Mary Cornish, Elizabeth Ethelbah, Lois Franke, Bill Gill, Candace Gillis, Beth Hancock, Mary Rita Haufman, Gloria Haws, Marilyn Huber, Judy Johnson, Frank Lembo, Beverley McCrary, Diane McEvilly, Tony Padilla, Clifton Parker, Hazel Parker, Ben Rael, Jean Rehorn, Fernando Rodriguez, Diane Kennedy, Gary Tydings, Sally Walkiewicz, Barbara Ortiz and Egle Germanas



Industrial Arts Courses offered in this department are Drafting I and II, Wood Working, Mechanical Drawing, and Pre-Vocational Metals. Drafting, the universal graphic language, is of the greatest importance in such areas as engineering, construction, manufacturing, and industrial processing. Drafting skills are used extensively in a variety of occupationsÂť Architecture, engineering, designing, and technical illustrations. Woodworking provides up to date information about wood and wood products, and instruction


in the use of brand and power tools in the woodworking field. Pre-Vocational Metals deals in the basic of modern welding practices. Furthermore, students gain an understanding of metal work in the various shop areas. General shop math is also covered. Mechanical Drawing and Industrial Arts teachers are: Pete Aguilar and Mark Ewing, Mechanical Drawing, and Gene Baca and Carlos Trujillo, Industrial Arts.

Librarians The library offers a place where students can study, do research, or just read for pleasure. In addition to a large book collection, the library provides magazines, pamphlets, and a full range of audio-visual materials. The librarians are on hand to assist students in finding the books and materials they need to successfully complete assignments, and to recommend books for pleasure reading. SFHS Librarians are: Donna Shoemaker, Head ..Librarian. Milton Sternberg. AV Section, Dolores Borgrink, Linda Duran, and Dora Gomez.

Science Biology I and il. Chemistry I and II. Physics. Physical Science, General Science, and Earth Science make up our Science Department. This department introduces various disciplines of science, dealing with both life and physical science. In Biology, attention is given to molecular, the cellular, and the organismal aspects of science. Chemistry students study the composition of substances and the changes that take place in them. The subjects studied in Physics can be divided into seven main groups: (I)

Mechanics. (2) Heat. (3) Light. (4) Electricity, (5) Sound, (6) Atoms and Nuclear Physics, and (7) Solid State Physics. Physical Science is a study of physics and chemistry. Earth Science is a new science composed of three specific fields affecting our existence. The Science Department Faculty are: Avelardo Armendariz. Christopher Clemens. Clyde Faucett. Helen Foster. Mike Mares, Robert Michaelson. Joe Mier. Correen Mae Najjar. Kathy Reynolds. Shirley Roberts. James Sena and Harold Stacy.


Foreign Language The Foreign Language department offers SFHS students a choice of French, German. Latin, and Spanish, from beginning to advanced classes where the groups are required to talk in the language being studied. Additional enrichment and insights concerning the cultures represented by these languages are gained through weekend foreign language seminars which are attended by groups from throughout the state and trips that involve getting better acquainted with the language and people. Instructors in the Foreign Language Department are.- Alfredo Esquibel. Theresa Gallegos. Judy Greaves. Charlie Lopez, Eddie Quintana and Kathryn Stapleton. 78

Home Economics The home economic classes at Santa Fe High School deal with subject matter to approach the broad concepts involved in successful independent living. These concepts are taught through the following areas: family economics-, home management! foods ÂŁ nutrition; housing; furnishings & equipment! and textiles and clothing. Cooperative classes have also been included in the curriculum to train the upper-class students in entrance-level skills in Home Economics related occupations. These cooperation classes represent a working relationship between the student; community and public school system. They will give the student actual job experience while still under the supervision of the high school administration. It is intended that these programs will become suppliers of

well-trained employees who have been directed by faculty & community advisors to meet the needs of local business & industry. Besides providing entry-level skills necessary for employment, home economics classes seek to provide a better quality of life through exposure to concepts of values, interpersonal relationships and management. The teachers are being responsive to the changing needs of society by recognizing the impact of women in the work force, shifting role and career patterns and social, economic, intellectual and Cultural needs. The Home Economics teachers are: Nora Lovato. Tomasita Montoya, Elizabeth Pacheco. Mary Helen Romero, and Ronnie Snaveley. 79


Driver Education


The Department of Drivers Education is uniquely qualified to prepare young people for entrance into the traffic system as operators, and as responsible participants in programs that sharpen skills and performance. At this level of education, youth reach legal driving age while learning under professional guidance. Activities consist of instruction and practice in performing the various maneuvers necessary for safe efficient use of a motorcycle and

automobile. Motorcycle-safety Education and Driver EducationTraffic Safety, and First Aid are offered separately by this department. Driver Education was set up to create good drivers and to put meaning into many concepts and values in general education. Instructors in Driver Education are: Troy Gann, Bob Martinez. Joe J. Martinez, and Wayne Sanders.

Counselors and Nurses The SFHS Counselors are in charge of registration, career guidance, college and financial assistance applications, scholarships and grants, and the maintenance of up to date records for all students. They provide assistance in necessary schedule changes and are available for advice and help in solving academic and personal problems. In addition, the exchange program which brings foreign students to Santa Fe and sends Demon students abroad are handled through the counselors.

Our nurses are in charge of the health and physical well-being of all students. They maintain a small, well-equipped infirmary and are available when students are ill or injured. Health education information is presented to individuals and groups and records are kept for immunizations and other medical data, SFHS Counselors are: Ben Esquibel, Martin Jacobsen, Carol Jones, Keaton Johnson. Miraim McDonald and Ms. Villarael.


NJ.R.O.T.C. The curriculum in use for Naval Science (NJROTC) was designed with the valuable assistance of secondary school administrators, teachers, curriculum experts, education advisors and civic leaders. It was designed especially to assist the student in becoming a better citizen. By emphasising physical fitness, orderly appearance, respectful conduct and individual responsibility, in addition to


classroom instruction, the NJROTC program seeks to develop informed leaders with a strong sense of self reliance, a personal knowledge of the responsibilities of citizenship in a democratic society and an appreciation of the Navy's role in national defense. The unit is commanded by Captain J. J. Herrick, USN, who is assisted by Chief Petty Officer George Wright.

Music The Music Department includes Glee Club, Acapella Chorale, Music Theory, Treble Chorale, Jazz Choir. Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Guitar, Symphonic band, Concert Band, and Dance Band I and II. In Glee Club mainly popular and show-type music will be sung, while in Acapella ยง Treble Choir the student studies voice production, sightreading. musical styles, and advanced musical literature. Music theory is a valuable course for students who wish to major in music at the College Level. Jazz choir students study choral jazz techniques and styles. Beginning Guitar students starts with chords, scales, etc. and goes into all styles of playing the guitar. Usually a student is in concert band one year, and then

moves up by audition his second year to Symphonic Band. The Symphonic Band sets a goal for a National Music Festival in the spring. Dance Bands I and II are for the most experienced player. Instructors in the Music Department are: Marylinda Gutierrez, Dorothy Kincaid. Bob Myers, Clark Pontsler. Richard Sinider, David Trujillo. and David Ziems. These talented teachers provided an exciting year for music students, with highlights the Christmas Concert, singing in the Capitol Rotunda, and Variety show for the voice students, the spring guitar festival, and the bands' trip to Greece.


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Physical Education


The Physical Education department has the job of taking students and building them into happy, healthy individuals. P.E. classes do many different things during the year. Students run a cross country course, play volleyball and basketball. They go swimming and learn some of the fundamentals of gymnastics. These are but a few of the things that the classes do. To list them all it would take forever, but let it suffice to say that one is never bored in P.E. Physical Educaton instructors at SFHS are: John Alire, Bertha

Hogan, Markley Lumpkins, Florence Millington, Hoyt Mutz, Roberto Ortiz, Leonard Roybal, and Randy Whittemore. In addition to their teaching duties, most of these instructors are involved in coaching varsity sports where they have taken a number of Demon teams into playoff competition and on to State Championships. Whether a student aspires to be a sports professional or simply to develop physical fitness or personal skills, the opportunity exists in the SFHS P.E. program.


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Social Sciences This department contains World History/Civics, U.S. History, Anthropology, Sociology, Southwest History, Our Living World, World Politics, N.M. History, Psychology I and II, Introduction to Human Behavior, Western Civilization and Political Science. This department goal is to make students aware of current social conditions as well as past. This is done through discussions, projects, reports, books and through the exchange of ideas. It offers a well-balanced program of contemporary local, national, and international events. The department is also designed to acquaint

the student with cultures and life styles of people throughout the ages and to help the student to better understand today's world. Students are also introduced to major forms of government found in the world today. Teachers in the Social Studies Department are: Clarence Allen, Barbara Begelspiker, June Burke, W. C. Carter, Dennis Casados. John J. Gallegos. Jack Hopkins, Hylah Joly, Peter Ortega. Bruce Paul, Donna Ringer, Jose A. Romero, Gwen Watson, John Zern, Jane Zinn and Robert Ertmer.


Arts and Crafts The art department consists of Crafts I and II, Jewelry and Sculpture, Ceramics and Jewelry, Art and Crafts Survey. Drawing and Painting I and II. Art (Design) I and II. and Direct Studies I and II. Teachers in this department are geared to teach the student who is interested in a variety of approaches to both art and crafts. A wide range of techniques can be covered, emphasis is placed on representing subjects through designed approaches, as well as through realism. Throughout the year several sales are held by this department. Courses such as Direct Studies are based on individual instruction. Projects and schedules are determined in conference by instructor and student. Faculty members in the Art Department are-, Ernest Badynski, Samuel Blea. Phil Karshis. Gary Myers. Jackie Nelson and Connie Quick.

Secretaries The never ending task of keeping up with an ever increasing amount of record keeping and paper work falls on the hardworking secretarial staff of SFHS. Included in their duties are keeping inventories, ordering supplies, equipment and textbooks, student records, administrative correspondence, cash accounts for the various organizations, attendance, and the daily bulletin and announcements. They also are in charge of the Xerox machines and assist the Counselling Department. The Demon Secretaries are: Patricia Montoya, who was replaced late in the year by Michelle Montano, Flora Moya, Margaret Stevens, Evelyn Pacheco, Irene Aranda, Ann Patty, and Bertha Garcia.

Custodians and Cafeteria The Santa Fe High Cafeteria remains the chief attraction at noontime for hundreds of hungry Demons. Thanks to the skilled cooks in the foods department, a palate-pleasing assortment of food is always available on the carousal. With a double lunch hour, there is never crowding or pressure. Diners sit together in friendly groups enjoying a leisurely break from the classroom. Under the direction of John Pad ilia, the Custodial Staff keeps SFHS clean and in good repair. These men work long hours attending to everything from changing broken light bulbs to dealing with plumbing emergencies and a balky heating system. They take their place at after-hours school functions and the snow that makes the skiers cheer is just one more problem that must be solved by these hard-working men.



The Santa Fe Vocational Technical School is a part of Santa Fe High School and has been in existence since August 1971. The Vo-Tech strives to provide each student with the opportunity to gain insight, experience and training in a chosen field so he or she may enter the job market successfully. In addition to a variety of Vocational and Pre-vocational courses offered. Vo-Tech houses classes in English. Math and the Social Sciences for students who need them to complete graduation requirements. While students are aquiring the technical skills and knowledge needed to pursue their interests as careers, Vo-Tech encourages student participation in various work-study programs. The work-study program provides the student with classroom instruction along with on-the-job training.


Assistant Principal Orlando Romero

Principal Fernando Ramirez

Santa Fe Vo-Tech is headed by Principal Fernando Ramirez and Assistant Principal Orlando Romero. Under their friendly but firm direction, Vo-Tech has grown and developed, continually offering a wider range of studies and job training opportunities, as well as keeping up with current trends and new needs in vocational and technical education. The efficient functioning of the school, and the enthusiasm and dedication of the students is a tribute to the leadership qualities of these men.


Connie Martinez - Secretary

Lou Ramrez - Secretary

Mary Lane - Counselor

Doug Enloe - Counselor

Students are constantly being confronted with a wide variety of personal and academic problems. Vo-Tech counselors help students make decisions, provide them with information and try to help out whenever needed. The Vo-Tech secretaries are also on hand to help the school function efficiently and keep the office and classroom work coordinated.

Alice Romero - Secretary


Deryl Averitt - Accounting

Business oriented studies may choose from several different business courses offered at Vo-Tech. Typing, Shorthand, Business Communications, Accounting, Office Procedures, Data Processing and Marketing courses introduce students to the business world. The ICT and Co-Op programs at Vo-Tech combine work and study so that students may earn money while they fulfill their educational requirements/and gain experience.

Tom Gardner • Marketing

Mabel Vigil - Secretarial Proc.

Jerilyn Thornton - Marketing



Loretta Pacheco - Shorthand

Mike Vialpando - Typing


Barbara Sayre - Special Education

Connie Johnson - Pre-School

Pre-School education is offered in two levels. Pre-School I gives the student the basic training needed in the home or the job. A lab is included for in-service training and is run by the student. Pre-School II offers in-depth training in this field of interest along with on-the-job training. The Special Education department incorporates a work-study program which presents a realistic approach to the education of students who need help in certain areas of study. This is offered at the high school level in terms of experiences encountered by the student while working in the community.

Jeff Trujillo - Special Education


Bertha Martinez - Aide

Leroy Martinez - Special Education


Violet Archuleta - Dental Asst.

The Dental and Nursing assistant courses at Vo-Tech offer students the basic technical and vocabulary skills and training needed for a student planning to enter one of these fields as a career.


Floyd Gonzalez - Auto Mechanic*

Courses like Electronics. Architecture, Building Trades, Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision. Welding, and Machine Shop, not to mention Horticulture, are not only challenging experiences but are interesting and rewarding as well. Vo-Tech offers training in each of these fields so that the student upon graduation will have the opportunity to make a career of his interest.

John Schmeltz - Architectural Drawing


Marin Mier - Machine Lab

Larry Salganek - Electronics


Angie Martinez - Data Processing

Carlo* Vigil - Pre-Voc. Woods


Courses in English are offered at Vo-Tech for the student attending who must complete this graduation requirement. A course in Journalism is part of an English class offered and is responsible for publishing the official "Vo-Tech Tongues." The Learning Center at the Vo-Tech assists students who have difficulty in reading or are falling behind in class work. This is especially for students whose records indicate they are capable of a significantly higher level of achievement than they are presently accomplishing in the classroom.

Hank Snow - English


Lynn Field - Aide

Linda Romero • English


Olivia Romero - Media Aide


Jerry Isaacs - Math

Math is not a neglected subject at Vo-Tech. Mathematical reasoning can help students to logically analize nearly any given situation. Therefore, the math needs at Vo-Tech are met with sufficient courses available. The courses are individualized and flexible to the student's schedule demands.

Thad Harris - Math


Ernest Gonzales - U.S. History

Paul TrujiBo - U.S. History

U.S. History is included in the basic academic courses offered at Vo-Tech. By studying our nation's history, we can get to know and understand why the things around us are the way they are. Emphasis is put on the development of institutions within the country and their effects on the present day American society.


As stated in its handbook, Santa Fe Alternative High School is a school for students who are turned off to traditional education but turned on to learning. Alternative offers a diploma through Santa Fe High School and provides courses for the student who wants a non-traditional approach to learning. Basic philosophy of the school is a belief in the worth of the individual. Courses are designed to meet individual needs. Each strives to do as much for himself as possible and to turn to others as helpers in attaining goals. No one attempts to do for others what they can do for themselves.





Demon Country has a corner on sports in the state. Some seventeen varsity sports present a high, wide and handsome range of individual achievement and team skills. We took on the best and were not bested, we played on anyone's ground and claimed the turf. Remarkable young men and women athletes make SFHS the power to be reckoned with.

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FOOTBALL TEAM 1st Row (L to R) Kelsey Geiger. Steve Baca. Robert Romero. Paul Buteirrez. Lenny Vigil. Jeff Apodaca, Mike Maldonado. Paul Montoya. Ricky Beaver*. 2nd Row Paul Ortiz. Raymond Rodriguez. Chuck Romero. Clark Salvo. Tom Marquez, Jimmy Duncan. Joel Baca. Frank Lucero. Mike Saladen. Paul Medina. John Callahan. 3rd Row Alfred Sena, Richard Tenoria. Mark Salvo. Danny Ortiz. John Mitchell. David Lucero, Mario Pad ilia. Terri Tiner. Mike Vargas. Pierre Gibbons, Louise Briones. Gabe Romero. James Duran, Bob Meyers. Robert Tapia, Chris Evans. 4th Row Alan Clark. Aurther Gallegos. Garth Faucet t. Pat Kelly. Bill Layden. Eric Bond. John Gonzalez. Randy Bertram. Mark Martinez. Ferbie Montano. Clay Burton, Frank Vigil. William Aland. Manuel Lucero, David Staszewski, Carlos Padilla. Sam Charley.

COACHES First Row (Left to Right) Mike Mares, Hoyt Mutz. Second Row Bob Martinez. David Church. Randy Wittermore.

The 78-79 Demon Football Team started the year with sweet revenge. A 12-10 victory over the Cibola Cougers triggering off an II game winning streak. This included a 48-6 romp over the city rivals St. Micheals Horsemen. The team was well rounded with 53 different players seeing action. Some of the teams achievements were: 1st Demon team to win II games. 1st undefeated season since 1935. Most points ever scored in a season. Led the state in points allowed 82. Never behind in a regular season game. Largest point spread over St. Mikes ever. Beat Los Alamos in Los Alamos for the first time in 12 years. Beat Manzano 1st time in history. Past three years regular season record is 28-4. 3rd year in a row district champions. The Demons concluded the regular season with a victory over the Farmington Scorpions capturing the District IAAAA title. The Demons named to the all-District team were: Jeff Apodaca - running back* David Staszewski - offensive guard Jimmy Duncan - offensive gaurd Chris Evans - tight end Mike Saladen - defensive linebacker Ferbie Montano - defensive halfback Mike Maldonado - defensive halfback Alfred Sena - defensive end Mark Martinez - kicker and punter


The Demons entered the first round of the State Playoffs playing agaist the Las Cruces Bull Dogs. Severe rain and thick mud attributed to a heart breaking 14-12 defeat, throwing the Demons out of the State Playoffs but leaving them with the best record made by any team at Santa Fe High in more than 40 years. The Demons utilized 15 different running backs. Leading rushers were Jeff Apodaca, 841 yards for a 8.7 yard average, Mike Saladen 698 yards for a 6.7 average, Ferbie Montano and Mark Martinez with a 507 and 472 yards respectively. Not all of the Demon Offense was just rushing, the Demons displayed a fine passing game. There were 8 different receivers contributing 728 yards and 15 touchdowns, on passes. Leading the receivers was Chris Evans pulling down 16 receptions for 208 yards, 4 touchdowns, and 4 extra points. Not far behind was Randy Bertram with 10 receptions for 302 yards, 6 touchdowns, and I extra point. All of this was made possible by a small but explosive interior line consisting of center Clay Burton, David Staszewski, Jimmy Duncan; tackles, Carlos Padilia and Willian Alarid. The Demon defense was second in the state during the regular season. Only permitting 68 points. The Demon defense only allowed 48 points for a 4.4 average per game. The remainder of the points came on I kickoff return and the rest on Demon tournovers. The Demon defense only gave up an average of 2.8 yards per run and 4.4 per pass. The defense recovered 19 fumbles and intercepted 19 passes. Jeff Apodaca and Steve Baca lead the team with 3 recoveries. Leading the team in pass interceptions was Ferbie Montano, who caught 7, while Mike Saladen had 3 to his credit. The Demons will be returning 33 let termen, 16 of them who started at least one game and II who started every game.


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The Santa Fe High School Cross Country Team ran a perfect 18-0 season, taking District, State, and National Titles. With the Coaching of John Alire, the Demon Harriers went undefeated throughout the season. The largest meet in which the Demon Harriers ran was at Manzano, where 24 teams were competeing. The weather was rainy and the course a little muddy, but the Demons came through taking the first place trophy. At District here in Santa Fe, the Demons ran into some more foul weather. It was rain, snow, and heavy winds, but the Demons pulled through with the J.V. making an almost perfect score of 16, (a perfect score is 15). The Varsity took first place with 33 points. Grants took second and Los Alamos placed third. The Demons then went to State and regained the State Crown that they had lost to Grants last year. The Demons compiled 41 points to take the State Title. Right behind them was Manzano with 76 points, and Los Alamos third with 103 points. This gave the Demons their 4th State Championship in 5 years under Coach Alire's supervision. Richard Romero placed second among the Demons at State. Tommy Romero came in third. Other Demon runners placing were Peter Graham 6, Larry Romero 12, Everett Gonzales 18, and Gilbert Montoya 25. The State Champions then went to the National AAU Cross Country Meet in Alb., November 7, 1978, taking first place with 52 points. Zuni came in second with 72 points and defending National Champions Elmherst, III. with 100 points taking third. Richard Romero placed 4th among the Demon Thinclads with Peter Graham 5. Tommy Romero 7, Everett Gonzales II. Larry Romero 25, and Gilbert Montoya 27. Richard Romero was Varsity Team Captain, leading the Demons to State. Tommy Romero was the District Champion. He was also named this years most improved runner by Coach John Alire. Coach Alire looks forward to a good season next year. Returning Varsity runners are Peter Graham, Everett Gonzales, and Larry Romero. Cross Country 1st row (left to right) Gilbert Montoya. Richard Romero. Gilbert Prince. Joe Garcia. Kenny Romero. Ted Romero. Larry Romero. Darryle Fong. 2nd row Anthony Benevidas. Tommy Gomez, Greg Hoover. Harold Stacy. Wayne Braunton. Peter Graham. Tommy Romero, Brian Catanch, Jamie Graham, Denise Sonne. Coach John Alire. (missing Everette Gonzales.)


Cross Country-State 1st row (left to right) Anna Quintana, Coleen Wilson. 2nd row Asst. Coach James Rael. Larry Romero. Peter Graham, Tommy Romero, Everette Gonzalez, Gilbert Montoya, Richard Romero, Coach John Alire.

Top Row (left to right) Coach Roybal. Row: Loretta Sequra, Val Montoya,

First year Coach Lenny Roybal showed his coaching ability by taking the Demonettes to their first State Championship. The Varsity finished the regular season at 14-0. Their only loss came in the second round of the Cibola Tournament where Cibola defeated them 11-15,1-15. They came back to defeat Farmington 15-11,16-14 to take the third place trophy. In their District Title matchup against Los Alamos, the Demonettes tied it up at 15-5,13-15 then rallied to win the crown with 15-10. Selected to the six-player squad of the All-District Team were Deanna Duran, Loretta Segura, Ann Bodelson, Theresa Gomez, and Cammie Walrath.


o Leslie Chavez. Theresa Gomez, Marsha Fresquez, Cammie Walreth. Ann Bodelson, P Âť Salazer. Renee Martinez. Bottom Suzette Topia, Nettie Romero. Deanna Duran.


The 1978 4AAAA State Tournament was held in Roswell where they defeated Cibola 15-10.8-15. and Goddard 15-12,15-5. In the championship game against Roswell the Demonettes rallied a first set 15-3, fell behind in the second 7-15, and came on strong 15-5 to give Santa Fe High its first Volleyball State Championship. Deanna Duran and Loretta Sequra were the twosome selected to the All State Team. U5

s o c c E R




The Santa Fe High School Soccer Team had one of its best seasons this year a 10-1-3 record. Fabian the Varsity Soccer Team for his first time and did an excellent job, taking them to State where they won second place. The Soccer Team had one exchange student playing on the varsity. Jean Piere from Peru. Scott Connelly and Aaron Rhodes, the top offensive and defensive men of the team, lead the Soccer Team to a District Championship, and then a second place title in the State playoffs. At the State Tournament the Demons played Sandia Prep, and won 5-0. Their second opponent was Albuquerque High who lost to the Demons 5-3. The Demons then lost 2-6 to Albuquerque Academy in the final round of the championships, giving them a second place at state. This was the best record for the Sante Fe High Demons ever made at the State play offs. Coach Chavez was well pleased with his soccer players this year. He feels that they performed well and had a good attitude. Next year Coach Jacobson will return and coach the varsity team. The Soccer Team is losing three Sr. Varsity players. Returning Varsity Players are Thomas Angelo, Aaron Rhodes, John Jameson, Davey Pitcher, Jo Jo Montoya, Ian Louler, and Jean Pierre. Top (left to right) Coach Fabian Chavez, Scott Comely, Tom Fitch, Eric Witt, Tom Angelo, John Jameson, Laurence Baca. Craig Ferraro, Klayton Jones, Aaron Rhodes, Bill Chapman. Betsy O'Neil. Bottom Bobby Powll. Joe Montoya, Ian Lawlor. Jean Pierre, Ron Elis, John Wheeler, Eddie Armbrooster, Charles Monteque.


The Demons started the year with one starter returning from the "78" State Championship team and four lettermen. The team consisted of five seniors, four juniors, and one 6'6" sopmore. The team started off slow by beating Taos 40 to 37 but came back strong after losing an upset to Del Norte to win 14 out of 15 games. As the year went on the basketball team slumped into a two game losing streak. The longest losing streak in three years, then hitting the top off there game rallying to the District Championship, overpowering Espanoia 54 to 50, Los Alamos 65 to 51, and in the Championships beat Albaquerque High 51-43. During the year Coach Lenny Roybal (5th year as head coach and 1978 coach of the Year) took the team to its third consecutive Capital City Championship beating Robertson in a magnificent 110-41 triumph. Then beating Los Alamos 65-58 in the semi-finals. Then in the championships SantĂŠ Fe beat number one ranked AAA Portales 65-47. The all tournament team consisted of three Demons. Junior forward Brian Huffins, Senior guard Steve Nuanes, and Senior center and MVP of the tournament Robby Wren. The team was also in the State Tournament for the third straight year in a row. Basketball Team (L to R) Greg Baca, Steve Nuanes. Brian Huffhines. Frank Gonzales, Robby Wren, Robert Von Amelunxen. Alfred Sena, Steve Trujillo. David Rodriguez, Ernie Padilla.

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After winning the District, the Demons went down to Las Cruces to defend their State Crown. The Demons met Alb. Eldorado in the first round coming away with a 79-63 victory. In the next round the Demons met #1 ranked Clovis Wildcats. In the game, at the end of the first quarter, half time and third quarter, the game was dead locked. But in the fourth and final quarter the Demons came up a basket short of making it to the 2nd State Championship game. Clovis had beaten the defending State Champs 70-69. Clovis went on to beat Mayfeild by 15 points for the State Championship. The Demons went on but after a demoralyzing loss to Alb. High 66-65. The Demons brought home a 4th place for the town of Santa Fe. "The year was a great one," Coach Roybal commented. He was right. It was also a great year for Robby Wren and Steve Nuanes. Wren and Nuanes were the only two who made the ALLDISTRICT TEAM. They also made ALL-STATE Tournament Team and the ALL-STATE Team. Junior guard Ernest Pad ilia made Honorable Mention ALL-STATE Team. Wren and Nuanes were also invited to the BCI Basketball Classic Game and the Wendy's Classic. These are basketball games that the best high school players in the Nation are invited to. It is no wonder that Wren and Nuanes had great years, with Wren averaging 7.3% rebounds and 14.2% points per game. Nuanes came next hitting 11.0% from the floor. But let's not leave out the rest of the 1979 District Champs. All were good Seniors Robby Wren Steve Nuanes Greg Baca David Rodriguez Steve Trujillo


6'3" 6'0 6'0 5'Ky 5'ir

Juniors Frank Gonzales Brian Huffines Ernest Padilla Alfred Sena

6'3" 6T 5'ir 6'2"

Sophomore Robert Von Amelunxen


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Coach Gilbert Mier and the 1979 Demon Wrestlers had one of their best years ever. With the talented Seniors that Coach Mier had worked with since they were sophomores, the dedicated Juniors, and the few tough Sophmores, they all worked together to compile a 10-6 record, a fourth place district finish, and a seventh place in the State Competition. With only six returning lettermen, Coach Mier studied the personal he had, the weights in which he needed and put together a very strong team. Through their first seven dual meets, they didn't have a full team due to injury, sickness, and other problems, they still managed to better their win mark to a 4-3 record. Then getting their team to a near full potential, to just miss a win in the Cibola Classic, in which over 10 teams were present. Coming on to win their next five out of eight meets, the Demons knew they were ready for the District Tournament. WRESTLING TEAM 1st Row (L to R) Steve Mier, Larry Phyfe, Benny Martinez, Charlie Fitch, Anthony Ortiz. 2nd Row Ted Olivas. Mike Reed Ray Coatdos, Andy Montgomery, Mark Martinez.

At District Meet, four Demon Graplers found their way to a gold medals Andy Montgomery a 167 lb. Senior, Larry Phyfe a 112 lb. Senior, Charley Fitch a 136 lb. Senior, who wrestled the last two matches with a severely sprained ankle, and Paul Ortiz, the 98 lb. lightweight of the team, also a Senior. A close decision just edged out Steve Mier for a gold, for a second place finish. All five of the Senior District qualifiers have been offered scholarships to very good wrestling colleges. In the State Meet, Charley Fitch reinjured his ankle and had to withdraw from the tournament. The other four Demons combined a fourth place effort from Larry Phyfe, two thirds from Paul Ortiz and Andy Montgomery, and a very impressive second place rally from Steve Mier. These four totals gave the Demons enough points to overcome seventh place, ending one of the best years ever for Coach Mier and the Santa Fe High Demons!!!



Girls Basketball 1st Row (L to R) Deanna Duran. Nettie Romero. " • V " 1 5 , ^ ' M ?T s h a ^ " T ^ " ? * ! £ " • * * Coach Ernie Gonzales. Cindy Romero. JoAnna Ortiz. Mary Keeran. Angela Cammie Walrath. Rachael Herrera.


Girls Basketball Team 1979 Coach Gonzales once again took the girls basketball team to another great year. With a winning season 17-9 and a district stand at 9-5. The girls played real hard all year long. Coach Gonzales commented In District competition the girls had a hard time handling Farmington giving up three losses, but what do you expect when you play the State Champs. Overall, the girls played good, but going into the District Tournament as underdogs the girls played great. The first game was against Alq, and West Mesa, which the team shipped by four points 56 to 34. In the second round the team met up with Gallup. The Basketball team was looking poor, pulverized and demolished Gallup 73-34 The team finally, once again met foes Farmington in the district championship, but the girls had to settle for second, losing 64 to 59. The.girls then traveled to Albq. to meet the defending State Champs and undefeated Eldorado Eagles. The girls battled right down to the wire going into over time, coming up short 67 to 62. Once again the year was still great with Cindy Romero and Deanna Duran making the All-District team and Johanna Ortiz making the AK-State Tournament team. Romero was the only 1st team member on the All-State team and Loretta Segura and Duran made the Honor Mention Squad.


B O Y S Row (L to R) Mark Koning. Ron Layden. 2nd Row Mitch Hagman, Chri* Tiano, Brice Romique. Jimmy Sanchez. Lewis Hagman.

The Santa Fe High School Boys Gymnastics Team consisted of mostly juniors, had a good season towards the middle of the year despite their slow start. The Demons competed against some of the toughest teams in the state throughout the entire season. One of their best meets was against their arch rivals Eldorado, where they took the first place honors with 91-81 At District Eugene Tanuse and Jimmy Sanchez brought in the best results with Eugene placing fourth on the high bars, and Jimmy taking fifth place in all-round competition. Lewis Hagman suffered an injury at district, and was unable to compete in Regional Competition. At Regionals Eugene turned in the only results by placing fifth on the vault. Their season record was 6-4.




First Row (Left to Right) Lei Rae Rameriz, Laura Lange, Patty Mayes, Audrea Lopez, Dominique Nugent. Second Row Lan Kelsie Tiano Chris Jones, Sara Sheffer, Krizti Fehevery, Ruth Lange, Catherine Bodelson.

Chris Trujillo coached the girls Gymnastics Team this year taking them to District and State. With tough competition from all over the, State, they did an excellent job, commented Coach Trujillo. At District Santa Fe took 2nd place with 172.67 points, Los Alamos taking 3rd with 161.65, and Cibola 1st with 176.34. Sara Sheffer turned in the best results,] taking a 1st in all-round competition. Individual honors went to Sara Sheffer taking 1st on Floor and bars, and 3rd on the vault. Chris Jones took 2nd on vault, Kriszti Fehervary 2nd on beam, Kelsie Tiano 4th on beam and 6th on vault, and Laura Lange 6th on Floor. Sara Sheffer was the only one that placed at The State Gymnastics Meet, taking 6th m all-round competition with a 4th on Floor and a 5th on bars.

s w I M M I N G


Team: 1st Row (L-R) - Libby Butler, Johann Trujillo, Luke Doles, Amy Winter, Rob Roy. Susan Sharp, Bobby Spring. Paul Dooley. 2nd Row - Karen Kruhm, Trisha Boatright, Virginia Zamora, Susie Zamora. Gloria Zamera, Robert Lopez. 3rd Row - Clay Cash, David Pelletier. Kathy Dixon, Kenny Pino, MaryCay Boatright. Mary Gilbert, Kelley Hunt, Elaine Catanach. 4th Row - Karla Kruhm, Steven Kidman, Tommy Pino

The 1978-79 Santa Fe High School Swimming Team had one of it's best seasons ever. The girls team brought home 4th place in state with Amy Winter breaking records in the 200 individual medley and 100 breaststroke. The Girls Freestyle relay team also broke the state record. They were Amy Winter, Kathy Dixon, Karla Kruhm, and Elaine Catanach. Boys who went to state were Tommy Pino, Steven Kidmin, Robert Lopez, David Pelletier, Paul Dooley, Luke Doles, and Bobby Spring. The boys did respectively good bringing a second place in Capital City and 7th in state. Because of her remarkable record to date in swimming for the Santa Fe Demons and also in the Santa Fe Dolphins swimming club, Amy Winter is seen, and being trained, as a major contender for a place on the next USA Women's Olympic Swimming Team. She is nationally ranked at present and is improving all the time.









Mid-winter found the «annual Sangre de Cristo Ü Table Tennis Tournament in full swing. W i t h killer topspin and sizzling backhands, the top Demon «competitors manned their «paddles for a chance at the «trophy. When the final set had been finished, Harold Stacy was first place wininer, having bested close «contenders Tom Gallegos iwho was runner-up, and Rick Trujillo in third place. Other strong players who made it to the finals were Ralph Schantz, Alex Kalangi». David Ortega. Juan Rios, Steve Archibeque, and Richard Cruz.




The baseball team started off the season slow, losing 7 games in a row then coming back strong winning 4 games straight. As in all sports at Santa Fe High this year, the baseball team defeated St. Mikes twice; (7.0) and (9-1). The 1st game was played at Fort Marcy, where the Demons went to work. With the pitching of Anthony Martinez and Mike Martinez, and the hitting of Terry Tiner, and Joe Farrell, Richard Cruz, the team breezed to an easy 7-0 victory and once again proved that Demons can beat Horsemen any time. The 2nd game came just as easy with Tiner on the mound and the great hitting of Steve Baca and Farrell. With Baca and Farrell having the greatest day of the season, together having 3 singles, 2 doubles, and I triple, with both hitting home runs. Again the Demons showed the city of Santa Fe who was the King of Sports. BasebaB 1st Row (L to R) Charlie Montoya, Delbert Tateishall. Warren Jones, Marvin Regensberg, Steve Baca. Andrew Trujillo, John Garcia, Paul Baca, Mark Salazar. 2nd Row Coach Martinez, Ernie Pad ilia, Tom Angelo. Richard Cruz, Anthony Martinez, Mike Martinez. Joe Ferren, Terry Tiner, Jeff Varela. Garth Faucett. Coach Casados.


Even though the team beat St. Mikes, the year was more or less disappointing. With a 9 and 13 record, the team had its 2nd losing season in a row after winning State in "77". The losing season was mainly because of too many errors, a total of 68. As Coach Martinez said, "any time you make an error in any sport, it could cost you the game.". He also said that many times this season we were ahead early in the games, but errors later would cost us the game. Even with the errors, the batting came through with 2nd baseman Richard Cruz leading the way with a batting average of .447, a nose behind 1st baseman Joe Farrell with .446. The team also had its share of homeruns with 12. Terry Tiner had 4 and Anthony Martinez with i. The team did good overall and for the playing, it was very much better than the team was credited for. There will be 7 starting juniors returning next year, and the team will look pretty good.


s o F T B A L L



(Top Left Hand Page) 1st Row (L to R) Monica Lucero. Berna Trujillo. Dru Chacon, Caria Lucero. Vanessa Baca. Pam Womack. Val Montoya, Marano's Son. 2nd Row Coach Marano, Anna Garcia. Nancy Bushrow. Rachael Herrera, Phyllis Roybal. Marsha Frecques. JoAnna Ortiz, Theresa Gomez, Sue Quintana, Connie Franco, Doug Enlove. Hoyt Mutz. Not Pictured! Kattie Casidy. Manager. Brenda Ortiz, Cammie Walrath.

Coach Marano and the 1978-79 Demonettes were one of the greatest teams to ever play Softball at Santa Fe High. The team was so devastating that over the regular season 18 girls saw many innings of action. With the power hittings and expert fielding the Demonettes won eight games that ended in the 10 run rule. Through the regular season the Demonettes started off by beating Rio Grande 18-6, El Dorado 9-5. and then just blowing St. Kates away 39-5. The closest any team came to them was 4 points, except a poor officiated game in Espanola which saw the Demonettes sneak by 13-12. Out of 13 regular season games, the total runs scored was 221 and they held their opponents to a mere 69. The many runs scored, according to Coach Marano, is due to the excessive hitters on this years team. II out of the 18 girls, every other time they reached the plate. The 3 top hitters are, Val Montoya .666, Vanesa Baca .645. and JoAnn Ortiz .619 who also leads the team in homeruns. Going into the State Tournaments the Demonettes were 13-0 and actually in very good shape. The quarterfinal game was against El Dorado, which in Coach Morano's opinion was the 2nd best team in the state. The team was ready for the game which saw them fall 6-0 to end a wonderful season.


The Santa Fe High Girls Tennii Team started off well this year. With the coaching of Mrs. Martinez the Demonettes sent off three qualifier» to the State Tennis Tournament. At District Sisters Valerie and Renee Martinez took the District Doubles Championship. In the Girl« Singles Division Leslie Chavez took second place honors. At the State Tournament held this year in Hobbs Valerie and Renee I Martinez overcame a 6-1 thrashing ^ the first set to win the doubles » I championship in the Class AAAA. This? giving the Girls Tennis team and unofficial tie with Albuquerque. High for the team title.



Girls Tennis Ist Row (L to R) Monica Barela, Kristen Kalangis, Nina Alarid, Debbie Romero, Beth Nichols. 2nd Row Diana Nesslinger. Mary Keeran, Roberta Gallegos, Valerie Martinez, Marta Balen, Renee Martinez, Leslie Chavez. Ninah Simms. Coach Mrs. Martinez.

Boys Tenm$ 1st Row (L to R) Ramon Martinez, Ernest Verdugo, Kevin Geiger. Dan Pflaster, James Martinez. 2nd Row Brian Denman, Alex Kalangis, Larry Chavez. Joe Brandt. Darryie Mechem, Craig Ferraro.


The Santa Fe High Boys Tennis Team coached by Ramon Martinez had an excellent season sending 5 netters to the State Tournament. At District the Demons played well with Daryl Mechem taking the singles crown while the doubles team took first Jnd second. Santa Fe's No. I doubles duo of Michael Bachicha and Alex Kalangis • t dueled team mates Joe Brandt and Ramon Martinez for the District Crown. At State the Demons took second and third honors in the doubles competition. The Demons No. I team of Michael Bachicha and Alex Kalangis took second while the No. 2 team of Joe Brandt and Ramon Martinez took third. giving Santa Fe the Boys State Tennis Jtwwn with 4 points.

tat Row (L to R) Vince Lithgow, David Sisneros, Mark Garcia, Larry Romero, Gilbert Montoya, Louise Briones. Anthony Benavidas. Tommy Romero, Richard Mariani. 2nd Row Coach Robert Ortiz, Mike Saladen, Mike Maldonado, Richard Romero, Robert Rivera, George Lopez. Peter Graham, Scott Stacy. Ruben Gonzales, Doug Lowry. Coach John Allre. 3rd Row Carl Horton. Darryle Fong, Alvin Papenquit, Wayne Braunson. Eric Bond. Ernie Quintana. Mark Martinez, Manuel Lucero, Mario Jimenez, Harold Stacy.

The Santa Fe Demon Boys Track Team coached by Robert Ortiz and John Alire ended their season taking 1st place 4 out of 9 track meets, and sending 7 tracksters to the State Track Meet in Albuquerque this year. At District Santa Fe settled for a 4th place with 52 points. Alb. High and Farmington tied for 1st place with 79 points and West Mesa finished 3rd with 59 points. Taking first's at District were Mike Saladen in the pole vault, and the mile medley relay team consisting of Mike Saladen, Robert Rivera, David Sisneros. and Ernie Quintana. Taking seconds were Mark Martinez in the discus and shot put. Peter Graham in the 2 mile run, and Richard Mariani in the 220-yard dash. Santa Fe suffered their biggest disappointment when Richard Romero the returning state mile champion cramped up in the I mile run missing qualifying time by 9/10 of a second. At State the Santa Fe Demons placed 13th with II points. Scoring came from Peter Graham taking 3rd in the 2 mile run with a time of 9:40.06. and Mike Saladen in the pole vault taking 3rd with a vault of I3'6". Also placing was the mile medley relay team taking 3rd with a time of 3:35.81. Mark Martinez also placed 4th in the discus.

Girls Track Ist Row (L to R) Roslind Grace. Ger Martinez. Jeannette Garcia. Kristi Pearson. Rebecca Garza. Nancy Rivera. Carol Steinhoff. Prisilla Lucero. Jeanne Gunszik. Maggie Mae*. Ramona Nye. 2nd Row Katrina Overcash. Bridget Archuleta. Carol Bates. Kim Caseres. Nettie Romero. Anna Cde Baca. Joann Smith. Carla Koppa. Kathy McQuire, DeloreÂť Duran. Loretta Segura. Jackie Gonzales. Mary Leyba. 3rd Row Molly Blair. Julie Barber. Diane Gonzales. Renee Smith, Sharon Honnell. Yolanda Valdez. Karen Small. Janell Neeley. Cheryal Steinhoff. Gretchen Lowrie. Pauline Lucero. Mary Bodelson.

The Santa Fe Demonette Track Team coached by Gary Tydings ended their season with a 7-3 record. At District the Demonettes wound up taking a 2nd place with 76 points, losing to Farmington with 89 points. Santa Fe sent ten qualifiers to the State Trackmeet in Albuquerque this year. Of those ten only five managed to place giving Santa Fe a 12th place finish with II points. Janell Neeley turned in the best results by winning the Class AAAA one mile run. stopping the clock at 5:18.03. and taking a fifth place finish in the 880-yard run with a time of 2.24.58. Santa Fe's 880-yard relay team consisting of Wendy Nichols. Roslind Grace. Kathy McQuire. and Carla Koppa. also placed at the State Track Meet, taking a fourth place with a time of 1:47.22.





Sports Banquet award winners were as follows: Baseball Anthony Martinez Basketball (Girls) Cindy Romero Basketball (Boys) Steve Nuanes Cross Country Richard Romero Football (Offense) David Staszewski (Defense) Ferbie Montano Golf (Boys) Jay Shantes Gymnastics (Girls) Sarah Sheffer Soccer Scott Connelly Softball Vanessa Baca Swimming (Girls) Virgina Zamora Swimming (Boys) Clay Cash Tennis (Girls) Valerie Martinez Tennis (Boys) Mick Bachicha Track (Girls) Rosline Grace Track (Boys) Richard Romero Volleyball Loretta Sequra Wrestling Andy Montyomery Demonette of the year Loretta Sequra Demon of the year Richard Romero



Boys Golf (L to R) Rick Tnijillo. Joe Tiano, Steve Archibeque and Ralph Schantz. Rest of team not pictured.

Girl* Golf; let Row (L to R) Lisa Coriz, Anita Soltero. Kelsie Tiano. 2nd Row Maryann Walraven. Don Bingham.

The Santa Fe High Boys Golf Team started the season off right with a win in the 16 team Soccoro Invitational. The second largest meet in the state. The following week the boys and girls both placed second in the Belen Invitational. The girls had a rough time this year only having 8 meets to start off with, then having Los Alamos snowed out and not having a full team for the Albuquerque Invitational and the Belen Dual Meet. Both the boys and girls qualified their teams to state by meeting the required score. The girls were consistent in having 5 2nd place finishers and the boys having more meets finished the regular season with 4 Ist's, 2 2nd's, and 3 3rd's. in Santa Fe's own Capital City Invitational, the girls compiled a low score of 366, from top efforts of Lisa Coriz with a 3rd place individual score of 87, Anita Soltero not far behind, at 89, and Kelsie Tiano with 90. The boys team placed 2 in the' top 5 with Ralph and Jay Shantz shooting 73 and 1 respectively. The State Meet was held in Albuquerque with both teamsj excited for play. The boys were tied for 1st at the end of the 1st round and girls were in 3rd. But at the end of the 2nd day the boys dropped down to finish 3rd and the girls stayed the same. Individual honors went to Senior Jay Shantz who shot 75-77, the best of the rest of the field by two shots.

Royal Blues are the special people of Demon Country. They work and they do, higher, wider, and handsomer than the people around them. They are the achievers in their studies, their activities, their sports. They try harder and they stay at it longer; they concentrate on the job at hand, and they succeed. This is a formula for winning, not only in Demon Country, but anywhere in the world. Here's to the high, wide, and handsome Royal Blues!


NINA ALARiD: Sym. t Marching Band, Highlands Bussiness Awards. Varsity Tennis 5yrs. Junior Miss

BECKY BARBER: Sym. S Wind Ensemble Bands. Exchange Student. All-American Youth Honor Band

M A U D BEENHOWER Exchange Student. Treble 6 Acapella Choir. Honor Society, Variety Show

TRACY BOYDSTUN: National Honor Socie

JOE BRANDT V a r s i t y Tennis Championship Tennis Team

Ăœ hoirs

4 y r s . State

ERIC BURMAS' B o y s State. Student Council. Speech Team. Republican Page. U.S. House of Representatives


BRETT CARTER. Commander S Rifle Team, ROTC KIM CHAPARRO: State Business Awards Program BILLY CHAPMAN: Freshman 6 J.V. Football. Key Swamp Training S Sea Cruises. J.V. Cross Country, Shorthand Award. Typing Certificate of Award & Club. Tennis, Varsity Soccer. Boy'* State Alternate Varsity Track a Tennis. Honor Roll Typing Certificate of Proficiency

DIANNA CHAVEZ Honor Society. Girls State Delegate. Student Council 4 yrs. State Delegate 2 yrs Governor'Âť Exchange Program. Junior Miss Contestant. Junior Class Treasurer. Soph. Class President. Youth & Government Delegate 3 yrs. LARRY CHAVEZ Varsity Tennis 4 yrs. Staters Club. Pan Am Club. French Club. Soph. Class Representative. Freshman Basketball. Who's Who Honor Roll

PATRICIA CHAVEZ. Freshman. J.V. f Varsity Cheerleader. Senior Homecoming Attendant. National Junior Honor Society. Who's Who. Student Council. Concert Band. E H.A.. I B.L A 19}

BRENDA DEVINE: Para Manana Staff 2 yrs. Business Manager Senior yr. Honor Roll People For People Tutoring Program. Who's Who Royal Blues Editor

DEBBIE ANN DIMAS. Student Council Treasurer. Honor Society. State Student Council Delegate Women's Recreation Club, Que Pasa Newspaper staff

HAROLD DI AV*!V r.b.L.A. r r e s i d e n t . Muncnf , Council, Boy's State Delegate. Ktwanis Youth Day, Optimist Club A R M A N D O ENRIOUtZ Para Manana Vo Tech Editor. Who's Who. Table Tennis Tournament


CRAIG A . FERRARO: Varsity Soccer 2 yr*. Capt. 1978. Varsity Tennis. Key Club. Board of Directors S Chairman Publicity Committee

CHARLIE FITCH: Wrestling. All Star Team 77. A A U Champion 77, All American Wrestling 78. District Champion 78, Soccer. State M a t h Finalist, Staters Club-Treasurer, Chess Club. Honor Society.

T O M GALLEGOS: Who's Who, Para Manana Sr. Class Editor. Table Tennis Runner-up, Chemistry Club Bowling, 3rd Individual, State 79.1st Doubles. City. 1st Team, City. JO ANNE GONZALES.- Acapclla I Madrigal Choirs. Jr. Class l Sr. Class Secretary. Student Council Secretary. Top 10% of Class

18 i

STEVE GONZALES: F.B.L.A. Historian. Vice President. Student Council. Boy's State Alt. Demon Depot-Manager MEGAN JACKSON:

KEVIN JOHNSON: Who's Who. Para Manana Staff. Honor Roll. Runner-up New Mexico State Bowling Tournament. Finalist. New Mexico State Math Contest

MARK L'HEUREUX* FBLAPresident. Demon Depot Manager, Student Council President. Boys State

KERRY M. LI: Co-editor. C Dance Club. Honor SocleÂŤ Fiction Club. March of Pi


tr. President flub. Science liser Award.

PETER B. KOMIS.- Who's Who. Drama Club. Para Manana Organization Editor, National Honor Society, People to People Student Ambassador

ANTHONY LEGITS.- Honor Roll. F.8.L.A. 2 yrs. Student Council Senator. O.E.A.


CINDY LONG: Kiwanis Youth Day Senior Class

Pep Squad.

POLA LUCERO Honor Society, FBLA. PanAmerican Club. FHA. People to People nominee

SANDRA LUCERO: Honor Society. Freshmen. J.V.. and Varsity Cheerleader. Tennis. Girls State. FBLA, FHA, International Optimist A w a r d , Who's W h o . Student Council. Pan-American Club. Jr. and Sr. Class MIKE M A L D O N A D O : T r a c k . FBLA

VALERIE MARTINEZ; National Honor Society. Key Club, Varsity Tennis State Championship. Student Council. Y M C A Youth and Government




A N P R t U M O N T G O M E R Y : State W r e s t l i n g Champion. JV Football. Soccer. Honor Society. Pres., Chess Key Clubs. Stater's French Club. '

SIMÂŤ Math Contest Finallit. National Merit 185

KAV MOORE: Honor Roll, Hugh O'Brien award n o m i n e e . P e o p l e - t o - P e o p l e N J R O T C Honor Guard-Rifle Team-Patrol Team-Color Guard-Girls Drill Team Commander-5th Platoon Commander, San Diego Boot Camp. Leadership School

KERRI KATHLEEN MORRIS: Co-Editor of Demon Ta tier. Treble Chorale. A cappella Choir. Honor Society, Theatre Productions. Choir Variety Show, Quill and Scroll Honorary Society.

LINDA M O Y A : Honor Society. Symphonic Wind Ensemble. All-State Bands, Marching and Pep Bands, Advanced Chorus, Junior Miss Runner-up, Freshmen Cheerleader. Key Club Sweetheart, People- to-People nominee

LESLIE MUGLESTON: Speech Team President. Honor Society, Student Council. M o d e l U N , Forensic League. BEVERLY ORTIZ: Honor Society. Key Club. Wind Ensemble-President and vice-President. Dance Band. All-State Symphonic Band. Tours to Spain and G r e e c e . People-to-People nominee. Santa Fe Concert Association member

MARY HELEN QUINTANA: Kiwams Club- Chairman the Parole Board. Track. Library Science. Office Aide


BRUCE PAYNE: Who's Who, Kiwanis Official for a Day. Para Manana Photographer

A N N A ROMERO: Student Council. Pan American Club. National Honor Society. Sophomore Class Secretary. Junior Class President, OEA VicePresident. OEA Regional Secretary

ROBIN RODRIGUEZ: JEANETTE ROMERO Treas. of Credit Union. E.B.L.A. Committee Head. National Honor Soc Student Council Representative

JOSONA ROMERO: National Honor* Society Symphonic, Wind. Marching, % Pep Band*. Sec.-Treas. Symphonie Wind Ensemble, Girls Soccer, Key Club, People To People Nominee

LESLIE ROMERO: Varsity Cheerleader. Honor Society. Sec.-Pres. S.F.H.S. Band. E.B.L.A. Homecoming Queen, Santa Fe Jr. Miss, 3rd Runner-up State Jr. Miss S Spirit of Jr. Miss Award


TOMMY ROMERO: MORA ROTHENBERG: Alt. High Student. Newspaper Editor, Drama. Honor Roll. English Award

ALLEN ROYBAL President Credit Union. F.8.L.A. Asst. Treas. 1978 National Credit Union Youth C o n f e r e n c e . Delegate M U . V C o m m i t t e e Head M I K t SALADEN:

J U D I T H M . SALAZAR F reshman D r i l l T e a m , Student Council 3 yrs. Jr. Class Sec. Sr. Class President. State Student Council Delegate 2 yrs. Y M C A Youth t Government Delegate. Snowball Queen

PAMELA SNYDER: Library Science. Kiwanis Youth Day. Para Manana Staff. U n i t e d W a y Youth A w a r d HAROLI JV Cros


• Wh n i p loi


LORETTA SEGURA: Girls Volleyball-All D i s t r i c t 2 yrs. All State Team. V a r s i t y Basketball, Varsity T r a c k , Symphonic 6 W i n d ensembles, Curandose en Salud, People to People Nominee


ANNETTE MARIE TRUJILLO: National Honor Society

BERNADETTE TRUJILLO: Stater* Club President. Band. National Honor Society. Basketball. Track, Volleyball. Softball. Athlete of the Year. 1976. Who's Who

ROLAND VALDEZ: NJROTC Color Guard, FBLA Officer, Demon Depot Manager. Student Council. Band, Assembly Committee MICHAEL VARGAS: FBLA. Varsity Football, Track. Junior and Senior Class

CAMMIE WALRATH Honor Society. Commended National Merit Scholarship. Hugh O'Brien Award. All-State Mixed. A cappella and Madrigal Choirs. Varsity Volleyball, Basketball, and Softball, Pan American Club.

PAMELA WEICH Wind Ensemble. AK-State Band * Solo Awards. America'ÂŤ Youth In Concert 77 Flag Person. Who's Who. People to People. Key Club Sweetheart. Snowball Princess. Para Mariana Jr. Miss. ST. Class Rep.. Varsity Track


DEBBIE WILDENSTEIN. Student Council. F.B.L.A Freshman. J.V. S Varsitv Cheerleader. J.V. Demor Dobs. People to People. Honor Roll DANAYA WRIGHT German Club Pres. National Honor Soc. Wind Ensemble, Marching, S Pep Bands Flag Corp. Staters Club. National Merit Commended Scholar. Finalist State Math Contest. All-State

Class Motto: I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it. For I shall not pass this way again.

LOURDEZ ZAMORA: Staters Club. Drama. Speech Student of the yr. 78. Pan Am. French Club, Speech Team Sec. i Très. People to People. Honor Roll.

Class Colors: Sea Blue and Pearl

Class F lower.- Yellow Rose with Baby's Breath Class Song: "This Day Belongs to M e " This is the way to freedom. I've only dreamed of. These are the wings I was never allowed to fly. Come closer and hear me, there's a world out there to see. I say, this day belongs to me. This is the day I've been given the room to breathe. A chance of a life time and my name is on key. I say this day belongs to me. I believe itl If the stars are in our corners, I'll have love and laughter. THIS DAY BELONGS TO ME! —by Seals è Crofts



Demon Country classes are as high as their goals, as high as personal achievement demands, as high as the wanted tomorrow. Demon Country Classes are as wide as the field of study, as wide as the range of interest, as wide as the magination can roam. Demon Country classes are handsome in the respect that each has for the other, handsome in the effort to excel, and handsome in return to the person who is willing to work. High. Wide, and Handsome are the classes of '79. '80. '81. and '82.




Greg Baca Jod Baca Martha Baca Ron Baca

Swan Baca Vanesa Baca Wanda Baca Mike Bachicha

Maud Beenhower Julie Billing« Brad Bingham Jolene Blackman

Becky Barber

Julie Barber U n Barda Kevin Barrows

Knut Bay Elaine Beard Mike Beardsly Ricky Beaver«

Angela Block Ann Bodelson Terry Bohannon Peter Boi»«iere

Eric Bond Tony Bonham Tracy Boydstun Chris Bradley

Donna Bradley Carol Branch Joe Brandt Carlo* Briceno

Paul Brighton Erik Briones Jennifer Brown Kris Brown

Mona Brunch Melinda Bryant Ian Bürget« Eric Burman

Debbie Carrillo Denise Carrillo Lupita Carrion Brett Carter

Clay Burton Sutan Bustamante Cindy Busto* Jimmy Butler

Adam Byrd Chris Byres Robin Byrnes Aaron CarriBo

Anna Casado* Ray Casado* Yolanda Casado* Stephanie Casaus

Debra Chavez Diane Chavez Diane Chavez Diane Chavez

Clay Cash Paul Castillo John Catanach Steve Catanach Mark C de Baca

Vicki C de Baca Dmana Chacon Donna Chambers Kim Chaparro Billy Chapman

Larry Chavez Lupe Chavez Patricia Chavez Renee Chavez

Sandra Chavez Bobby Childers Marie Clgliano

Alan Clark Wendell Clark Corine Coca

Scott Connelly Kathryn Cook Nancy Cooper Arlene Cordova Loretta Cordova

Mary Corriz Ferbie Cortex Becky Cox Jackie Craig Elizabeth Cretpin

Grace Crespin Frances Crow Chay Cullin Jason Dale Sophia Dalton

Bruce Damm Mary Jane Darrat Julie Day Elen Dean Dawn Decker

Gina Decker John De Lapp Zandra Deleon Elizabeth Delora

CharteÂŤ de Monutgu* Kathy Dendahl Peter De Vargat Brenda Devine

Carolyn Dukeminier Corrine Duran Michelle Duran Sandra Duran David Dye

Diane Dietrich Timothy DID Debbie Dimat Harold Dixon

Brenda Eager Todd East Ellater Ella Annette Elmore Armando Enriquez

Ralph Enriquez Sherry Ervin Dina Etpinota Sandra Espinoca

Mike Espy Chris Evan* Angela Felter Cathrine Fernandez

Craig Ferraro Vivian Fine Rick Finlinson Karmella Fisher

CharteÂŤ Filch Oliver Flood Irvin Fresojuez Martha Fretquez

Andrew Garcia Carolynn Garcia Cindy Garcia Debbie Garcia

Sreg Friday 'ÂŤrick Gabaldon lorn Gage ^ndy Galagher

Joann Gallegos M m Gallegos Liz Gallego* Tom GaUegoÂŤ

Ddores Garcia Donna Garcia Erma Garcia Jackie Garcia

Joe Garcia Joe Garcia John Garcia Paul Garcia

Suzanne Garcia Kenneth Gariey Joseph Gee Kelsie Geiger

Cindy Gentry Andrea Genutovitch Alan Guette Kurt Gleichauf

Meg Goldberg Maria Goier Bernie Gomez Dianne Gomez

Guillermo Gomez Diane Gonzales Frances Gonzales Jackie Gonzales

Jim Gonzales Jo Anne Gonzales John Gonzales Maria Gonzales

Margie Gonzales Miche» Gonzaie» Ruben Gonzaie« Sandra Gonzaie»

Steve Gonzaie» Steve Gern ale» Juanita Grace Rocalind Grace »7

Pammela Hale Edith Hammock Ellen Hansen

Megaih Gramlech Barbara Green Annette Griego Antonio Grlego Bernice Griego

Ramona Griego Larry Gurule Paul Gutierrez Rick Gutierrez Eric Haggard

William Hardy Kevin Hare Denise Harenburg

illy Hartzog yra Hatley larold Haws aura Heer

Victor Hendren Jennifer Hensolt Henry Hernandez Liza Hernandez

Rachael Herrera Renee Hick* Brian Hill Kim Hill Shane HiHyer

Tonya Hogrebe Karen HoRif Toni HolmeÂŤ Sharon Honnell Tonya Houston

Paul Huckabee Juanita Huff Kelly Hunt Diane Hurtado Maureen Hyde

Megan Jackson Annette Jacquez Sarah Jameson Elaine Jaramilo Kris Jensen

Nancie Jimenez Victoria Jimenez Denise Johnson Kevin Johnson

Kirsten Johnson Tootie Johnstone Carolyn Jones Kleyton Jones

Kevin Kneer Peter Komi* Kim Koomoa Karla Koppa Tracy Kuntaz

Tim Jordan Sophia Kallch Ernest Kavanaugh Gary Kavanaugh

Ann Kelly Rick Kenner Kenneth Kimble Eileen Kingsberry

Ruth Lacy Jean Lambert Krif ten Lambert Brian Lawlc»» Alan LeBow

Tracée LeBow Anthony Legit* Joy Levine Anthony Leyba

Larry Leyba Mark L'Heureux Kerry Li CarmeUa Linda

Jan Lineberry Margaret Limon Joseph Lobato Steve Loggain*

Robert Lohbeck Cindy Long Marian Loom» Alan Lopez

Ray Lopez Delia Lovaio Leonard Lovato Ben Lucero

jCarmela Lopez Delfina Lopez frnie Lopez rrtd Lopez

George Lopez Louise Lopez Margaret Lopez Pam Lopez

David Lucero Gloria Lucero Joe Lucero Manuel Lucero

Sebie Lujan Sophie Lujan Theresa Lujan Tommy Lynch

PoJa Lucero Ronnie Lucero Sandra Lucero Carolyn Luchetti 314

Alvin Lujan Anita Lujan Dennis Lujan Lori Lujan

Joe Madrid Patricia Maes Lucia Maestas Ted Maestas

Anthony Martinez Connie Martinez Dariene Martinez Florence Martinez

face Maier M e Maldonado ÂŤÂŤan Manges larbara Mares

Christine Mares Karen Marquez Adrian Martinez Anthony Martinez

Georgia Martinez John Martinez Kenny Martinez Lawrence Martinez

Loretta Martinez Mary Jo Martinez Melinda Martinez

Mike Martinez Pam Martinez Raul Martinez

Sarah Martinez Valerie Martinez Yvonne Martinez Eddie Maxwell Lisa Maxwell

Michèle Maxwell Parti McClutchey i Patricia McHugh Daryl Mechem Ray Medina

David Montano Ferbie Montano Gilbert Montano Jeana Montano

ROM Medrano Kathy Middleton Steve Mier Melissa Miera Loren Miller

Peter Miller Brenda Montano Carlos Montano Chris Montano Crescenciano Montano

Andy Montgomery Angela Montoya Frieda Montoya Gilbert Montoya

Gloria Montoya Jantee Montoya Johnette Montoya La Neue Montoya Lois Montoya

Robin Montoya Theresa Montoya Valeri Montoya Cynthia Moore Dorothy Moore



Kay Moore Floyd Morelos Kerri Morrii Diane Moya

Linda Moya Rudy Moya Maya Moyle Leslie Muglesion

Suzanne Ogard John Olmsted [ Mike Olson Bernadette Ortega Carla Ortega

Susan Myars ! Rene Narvaiz ! Wendy Nichols Julie Niedorf

Yvette Nieto Watasha Nix Starr Nowak Steve Nuanes

Emily Ortega Martha Ortega Mary Ortega Morry Ortega Beverly Ortiz

Lisa Ortiz Paul Ortiz Ray Ortiz Ron Ortiz

Steve Ortiz Patty O'Tooie Larry Pacheco Patricia Pacheco

Bob Padilla Irene Padilla Jeff Padilla John Padilla

Luz Padilla Ray Padilla Donna Parker Dariene Parra

Julie Perea Larry Phyfe Liz Qualle* Belle Quintana

Bruce Payne Krttty Pearson •lohn Peden Gilbert Per*

Julie Pen» Anna Peres Anthony Perea John Perea

Ernte Quintana Liz Quintana Mary Helen Quintana Sandra Quintana

Maxine Reece Julie Reynolds Brenda Riggs Juan Rios

Theresa Quintana Tracy Quintana Kris Radecki Beverly Rad 333

Carol Rael Dora Rael Jennifer Ramey Ernest Ramos

Anthony Rivera Bernadette Rivera Frances Rivera Gilbert Rivera

Joe Rivera Mark Rivera Pauline Rivera Phil Rivera

Robert Rivera Sigfred Rivera Susan Rivera Theresa Rivera

Francis Robinson Sita Rodke David Rodriguez Gilbert Rodriguez

Raymond Rodriguez Robert Rodriguez Robin Rodriguez Xavier Rodriguez 233

AlbeÂŤ Romero Anita Romero Anna Marie Romero Brian Romero Chuck Romero

Cindy Romero Debbie Romero Delores Romero Jeanette Romero Jotina Romero

Karen Romero Laura Romero Leslie Romero

Lisa Romero Marvin Romero Richard Romero

Gloria Roybal Lorraine Roybal Patricia Roybal Roy Roybal Maria Ruiz

Rleky Romero fcnile Romero i^ote Am Romero Ted Romero

Tommy Romero Pete RonquiMo ABen Roybal David Roybal

Warren Rumpel Mike Saladin Judi Salazar Laura Salazar Pauline Salazar

Ray Saiazar Theresa Saiazar Raymond Salcedo Mark Salvo Louie Sanchez

Margaret Sanchez Marie Sanchez Andy Sandoval Carol Sandoval Chris Sandoval

David Sandoval Diane Sandoval Donna Sandoval Gerald Sandoval

Loretta Sandoval Yolanda Sandoval Christi Schackd Jay Schantz

Kathy Serrano Zelma Serrano Karen Schaffer Sara Scheffer Lori Seiters

Robert Schultz fandy Scott Loretta Segura MkeSegura

David Sera Diane Sena Tema Sena Theresa Sera

Carlos Sitnero* Sandra Sitnero* Tommy Sisneros Gay Skinner David Smith

Darret Smith Thomas Smith Pamela Snyder Tom Springer

Sylvia Spencer Harold Stacy David Staszewski Mike Stems

Suzette Tapia Kyle Taylor Kevin Thomas Lawrence Thoma*

Anne Thomson Trina Topp David Torres Alice Terrez

Gladys Trujillo Michael Trujillo Michael Trujillo Mike Trujillo

Minor Torud Tina Tribble Anette Trufillo Bernadette Trujillo

Bernadette Trujillo Brenda Trujillo Brenda Trujillo France* Trujillo

Patricia Trujillo Paula Trujillo Pauline Trujillo Ruth Trujillo

Louise Valdez Maria Valdez Marvin Valdez Richard Valdez Roland Valdez

Stephanie Tnijillo Susie Trujillo Carol Tubbs

Angela Tullos Debbie Valdez Elizabeth Valdez

Virginia Valdez Yolanda Valdez Kenny Valencia Anna Valente Adam Varela

Jeff Varela Mike Vargas Cathy Vasquez Barbara Verlarde Joey Velarde

Ernesto Verdugo Andrew Vialpando Alberta Vieira Adrian Vigil Charlie Vigil

Frank Vigil Kenny Vigil Leonard Vigil Lorraine Vigil

Matthew Vigil Rosalie Vigil Vincent Vigil Elaine Vila

Sylvia Villa Margaret von Brieson Mark Wall Cammie Walrath David Ward

Kaihy Warnock Sheri Warren Charles Watson Ruth Weidner Robert Weil

Pam Welch Terri Werner Annette Weseman Deborah Wildenstien Annette Wilder

Michelle W f t n M Charlene W t t w * Dave WiBiamf 1 Mercy Window 1 Roby Wren

Virgina Zamora

Mike Lury


Levine (May 4. 1962 - July 10, 1979) Just My Thoughts Behind locked doors. My life consists of feelings I cannot explain. I experience both love and pain. In the world right now, I still have more to learn. More feelings to feel And acceptance to earn. If I had one wish, I would wish the world free And see how much happier Life would be. I would throw away violence And everything cruel. And I would make love The number one rule. —poem written by Joy Levine

(Ponaya Wright .'•«••nl.i Wright l g « * ! Yardman /"•y Yardman ?*iy Young

Benny Zamora Lorenzo Zamora Lorenzo Zamora Lourdez Zamora Tony Zamora

Love, light, life.- the promise unfulfilled. Lovely, creative, sensitive, independent Joy -on the threshold of everything we are here for. Unfulfilled: this is the unthinkable, the unacceptable, the unbearable. This is Joy Levine's brief epitaph. Who can think the unthinkable of a life cut off, not ever to be any more? Who can accept the unacceptable that denies one valid, brave and beautiful living human the right to love, light, and life? Who can bear the unbearable for those who love each other, of going on without the living and the love? These are the uns that cannot be undone. One second of being too unaware, too unresponsible, too unfeeling wipes out another's right to exist in the living world. The pretty machinery of a citation, an examination, a judgement, a feeling sorry about it, are a farce and a desecration when weighed against the value of one beautiful, hopeful, irreplaceable life. What can be made from this desolating waste? Nothing, unless we learn, and really learn. to deal gently with life around us. Everyone has a right, everyone has a gift, everyone has a love. Life should be held lovingly, carefully: cherished so that no promise is cut off unfulfilled. This is all Joy Levine ever wanted -and never had.



Abeyta. Lorraine Acuna, Joanne Addington. Jennifer Alarid, Tina Allen. Lydia Allocca. Fran Almanzar. Ronnie

Alvarez. Annette Anaya. Margaret Anaya. Marvin Anaya. Ray Anaya. Steve Anaya. ThereM Anchondo. Arturo

Anderson. Cristal Angelo. Tom Apodaca. Jeff Apodaca. Louise Apodaca. Rosemary Aragon. William Aranda. Christine

Archuleta. Bridget Archuleta. Rosemary Arellano. Daniel ArreUno. Frank Armbruster. Eddie Armijo. Frank Armiio. Mike

Arzola. Lisa Avila. Cy Baca. Bob Baca. Carol Baca. Donald Baca. Gilbert Baca. Lawrence

Baca. Steve Bailey. Todd Baden. Maria Bangas. Pete Barberouss, Jennifer Barela. Kenneth Barela. Veronica

Barkelt. Stephen Barron. EDie Barron. Gloria Bechhoef er. Eric Beck. Julie Bcnavidez. Anthony Bcnavidez. Ronald


Benoit. John Bermudez. Manuel Bertram. Randy BeutÂť. Jennifer Beiiis. Jessica Bingham. Oede Blair. Moly

Blevins. Tim Boatright. Patricia Bonham. Kathy Booker. Bruce Borton, Dan Bradley. Gigi Brad thaw. Marc la

Branch, Elizabeth Branson, Wayne Breneiser, Barbara Brewer. Connie Briones. Louis Brown, Nela Bufalry. David

Burney. Marty Burt, Andy Burt. Swan Bybee. Bob Byers. Gale ByerÂŤ. Greg

Calle*. Monica Camp. Carl Cardenas. Gilbert Cardenas. Mark Cardenas. Roland Carter, Loretta Casados. Roger

Casaus. Margaret Catanach, Cindy Caianach. David Catanach, Elaine Catanach. JameÂŤ Catanach, Nick Catanach. Patty


Catanach. Steve C de Baca. Oliver Chacon. Nadine Chama. Loretta Charlie. Sam Chavez. Dtna Chavez. Donna


Chavez. Joan Chavez. Lawrence Chavez, Leslie Chavez. Marcia Chavez. W端he Christ. RacheUe Christner. Richard

Cisneros. Joey Clark. Anne Clark, Jackie Clifton. Brock Conley. Ginger Coppla. Becky Cora, Kathleen

Cordova, Lawrence Cortez, Bernadette Coriz, Lisa Cost. Amy Cowen. Laura Crespin. Lisa Crew. Andrew

Croyley. Terry Cruz. Richard Damron, Dean D'Angelico. Pasco Oaugherty. Ken Davit. Ken Daymon. Malt

Dean. Cindy DeHerrera. Carlos Delgado. Gene Delgado. Leanne Delgado. Robert Denman. Brian DeVargas. David

Dixon. James Doiton, Susie Dukeminier, Susan Duncan. Jimmy Dunn. Mark Duran. Deanna Duran. James

Duran. Philip Dutcher. Andria Dwire. Maria Eaves. Christie Elsbrock. Lynn Esparsen. Mark Esquibel. Pat

Evans. Patty Farrell. Joe Faucett. Garth Fehervary. Kristi Feind. Elena Felix. Laura Fellows. Jamie


Fergus. Todd Fernandez. Sandy Fine. Stephanie Fitch. Tom Ford. RusseD Fowler. John Francisco. John

Franco, Francisco Frank. Joe Franklin. Kim Fresquez. Carmella Fresquez. Kevan Fresquez. Theresa Fulgenzi. Jackie

Gabaldon, Robert Gagan. John Gallagher. Mary Ann Gallegos. Anna Gallegos. Anthony Gallegos. Arthur Gallegod, Carla

Gallegos. Lena Gallegos. Martha Gallegos. Michelle Gallegos. Mike Garcia. Chris Garcia. Dennis Garcia, Francis

Garcia. JoAnn Garcia. Joseph Garcia. Kathy Garcia. Liz Garcia. Suzanne Garcia. Mark Garcia. Marc

Garcia, Raymond Garcia. Tony Garza. Becky Gibson. David Gilbert. Mary Gilcrease. Donna Gillette. Denise

Gillette. Mary Giron. Phyllis Gladfeller. Heather Gogulski. Todd Gomez. Carlos Gomez. Tommy Gonzales. Agnes


Gonzales. Andrea Gonzales. Donna Gonzales. Edward Gonzales. Elizabeth Gonzales. Everett Gonzales. Frank Gonzales. James


Gonzales. James Gonzales. Johnny Gonzales. Lisa Gonzales. Loretta Gonzales. Mark Gonzales. Miquela Gonzales. Susan

Gonzales. Terri Gonzales. Theresa Gonzales, Tim Gonzales, Yvette Grace, Augustine Grace. Venus Graham. Peter

Griego. Andrew Griego. Christopher Griego. Jerry Griego, Liz Griego. Orlando Griego, Ramona Griego, Ray

Griffin. Shirley Griffith. Jeff Gutierrez. Fidel Hagerman. Anne Hagman. Lewi* Hall. Daniel Hamilton. Hollyce

Harke. Terri Harper. Karen Harris. Tom Harrison. Christine Hansfield. Kenneth Hayas. Beatrice Hendren. Patsy

Hernandez. Teresa Herrera. Anthony Herrera. Carta Harrera. Dewana Herrera. Mary Louise Herrera, Ricky Hesch. Vince


High, Laura Holder. Sherrie Hรถrne. Scot Horton. Carl Horton. Robert Howard, Dave Huff. Sue


Huffhines, Brian Hutchison. Kelli Hurtado. Anthony Imprescia. Gina Jacoby. Nan James. Sid Jameson. John

Jaramillo. Bernadette Jaramillo, Dede Jasso. Vicente Jenks, Angela Jennison. David Jimenez, Cordy Jimenez. Drucila

Jimenez, Mario J iron. James Jone*. Allen Jone*. Chry* Kalangis. Alex Keahbone, Kim Keeran. Mary

Kelly. Pal Kennedy. Cindy Kennedy. Donna Kenny. Tara Kepler. Randy Kessler. Jean-Pierre Kidman. Steven

Kiefer. Evelyn Kingsbury. David Kimbrell. Linda Korman. John Koroneos. Luana kruhmin. Nancy Kuhn, Mark

Lacatfagne. Diane Lacy. Paige Ladwig. Terry Laird. Jennifer Larranage. BiBy Larranage. Seiina Lawlor. Ian


Layden. Bill Lazelle. Bonnie Lee. Edward Legits. Kathy Lerma. Tim Leyba. Margaret Leyba. Virginia

LUI ich. James Lineberry. Lois Lohbeck. Roland Lopez. Belinda Lopez. Belinda Lopez. Billy Lopez. Carol

Lopez. Evelyn Lopez. Frank Lopez. Glenda Lopez. Jeanne Lopez. Margo Lopez. Melinda Lopez. Mike

Lopez. Monica Lopez. Palsy Lopez. Ralph Lopez. Robert Lopez. Sharmaine Loshbough. Cheryl Loti. Lee

Loutensock. Trent Lucero. Carla Lucero. David Lucero. Edward Lucero. Elaine Lucero. Frank Lucero. Frankie

Lucero. Mike Lucero. Priscilla Lucero. Renee Lucero. Ronald Lucero. Steve Lucero. Vivien Luchetti. Michèle


Lujan. Carol Lujan. Cindy Lujan. Darlene Lujan, Kathy Lujan. Nadine Lujan. Ricky Lynch, Liz


Madrid. Manuel Madrid, Rebecca Maestas. Juliette Maestas. Mona Maestas. Robert Maldonado, Joe Manzanares. Theresa

Mares, Bryana Mares, Joey Marien, Patrick Marino, Margaret Marquez, Margaret Marquez, Tom Martin, Patricia

Martin, Robert Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Ben Martinez, Benita Martinez, Beverly Martinez, Chris Martinez. David

Martinez, Martinez. Martinez. Martinez. Martinez. Martinez. Martinez.

Eli Elizabeth Eva Gerald GĂŠraldine Ikie Jack

Martinez. Joanne Martinez. Lisa Martinez. Loren Martinez. Margie Martinez. Mark Martinez. Michael Martinez. Paul

Martinez. Pauline Martinez, Richard Martinez. Ruth Martinez. Yvonne Mafcarena*. Paula Mascarenas. Stanley MafcarenaÂŤ. YoUnda


Matthews. Chris Maxwell. Christine Mayer, Judy Mays. Bob Meadows. Wanda Medina, Jan Medina. Jason


Medina, Paul Medrano. Cecilia Medrano, Larry Meister. Cyndie Mendwia. Angie Meyer. Robert Mier. Robert

MiUigan, Russell Mitchell, John Mohr, Myave Montano, Patricia Montano, Paul Montano, Ted Montoya, Arthur

Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya.

Bertha Brian Celeste Diana Elsie Elizabeth Jeff

Montoya. Monica Montoya. Paul Montoya. Tommy Montoya. Tommy Moore. Alice Moore. Lenetle Mora. Marie

Mouiton. Melanie Moya. Marcelino Moya. Paula Muniz. Ben Murphy. Caroline M y e r s . Noah Nelson. Melissa

Nugent. Robert Newberry. Cathy O'Cheskey. Keith O l e o t t . Ginny Oldknow. Michael Oldknow. Michèle Olivas. Sol er o


Olson. Marian O'Neill. Betsy Ortega. Anna Oretga. Carl Ortega. David Ortega, Gabriel Ortega. Mary Jo

Ortega, Morry Ortega, Rachel Ortega. Rose Ortega, Susie Ortiz, Anthony Ortiz. Anthony Ortiz. Bernadette

Ortiz. Ortiz. Ortiz, Ortiz. Ortiz. Ortiz, Ortiz,

Brenda Danny John Johnny Julie Paul Ralph

Ortiz. Ray Ortiz. Robert Overcash. Katrina Pabinquit. Karla Pacheco. Arlene Pacheco. Lloyd Pacheco, Lori

Pacheco. Rosemary Padila. Bernice Padiila. Carlo* Padiila. Cathy Padiila. Donna Padila. Joe Padiila. Stephanie

Padiila. Vincent Parker. Jeff Park*. Dan Payne. Randy Paynter. Chuck Pennington. Dave Perkins. Ralph

Peters. Charlie Pierce. Scott Pino. Kenneth Pino. Larry Pitcher. Randall Prada. Emily Probst. Gary

Pope. Leslie Powell. Bobby Quarles. Shawn Quintana. Alex Quintana. Aima Quintana. Anthony Quintana. Bernice


Quintana. Margaret Quintana. Ralph Radecki. Kerry Rael. Benedict Reece. Christine Regensberg. Marvin Rios. Patty


Rios. Rudy Rivera. Melinda Rivera. Richard Robeson. Pam Rodriguez. Gene Rodriguez. Gina Rodriguez. Helen

Rodriguez. Olivia Rodriguez. Paul Rodriguez. Veronica Romero. Carmella Romero. Charles Romero. Diane Romero. Donna

Romero. Dorie Romero. Edward Romero. Edwin Romero. Gaby Romero. GĂŠraldine Romero. Jackie Romero. John

Romero. Lawrence Romero. Lorann Romero. Loretta Romero. Martin Romero. Marl in Romero. Pal Romero. Robert

Romero. Veronica Romero. Yolanda Rose. Cynthia Roy. Rob Roybai. Chris Roybal. Francis Roybai. Jenise

Roybal. Kenneth Roybai. Randy Roybal. Rosela Sager. Kyle Salazar. Anthony Salazar. David Salazar. Denise


Salazar. Doris Salazar. Irene Salazar. Kalhy Salazar. Margo Salazar, Pal Salvo. Clark Samaniego. Rosalie


Sanchez. Anthony Sanchez. Diane Sanchez. Diane Sanchez. Don Sanchez. Gary Sanchez. Grace Sanchez. Jimmy

Sanchez. Lee Sanchez. Lisa Sanchez. Mike Sanchez, Robert Sanders. Audrey Sandoval. Barbara Sandoval. Barbara

Sandoval, Carol Sandoval, Patricia Sandoval, Yolanda Sandibanez. Swan Scham z. Ralph Schultz, Edwin Sena, Alfred

Sena. Donita Sena. Michèle Sena. Richard Sena. Theresa Sena. Theresa Sexton. Terry Shaw. Ricky

Silva. Steve Sisneros. Debbie Sisneros. Loretta Stade. Dirk Smith. Brad Smith, Carolyn Smith. Jo Anne

Smith. Shell Snead, James Snider. Kim Soltero. John Stacy. Jeanette Stark. Rich Staszewski. Michèle


Stein. Geoff Slollman. Jeff Sirell. Carrie Slrever. Jennifer Summers. Nancy Swartz. Ronnie Sweeney. Arlene


Swentzeli. Roxanne Tanuz. Gene Tapia. Gerald Tapia. Robert Tena. Mona Tenorio. Richard Thomas. Candy

Thomas. Randy Thomas. Shelby Tiano. Joe Tiano. Kelsie Tiner. Terry Torrez. Addie Torrez. Gina

Tribble. Kim Trimmer. Mark Trujillo. Andrew Trujillo. Andrew V. Trujillo. Diane Trujillo. Donald Trujillo. Donna

Trujillo. Tru|illo. Trujillo. Trujillo. Trujillo. Trujillo. Trujillo.

Frank Irene John Laura Richard Rosemary Sheila

Trujillo. Steve Trujillo. Tina Trupllo. Velma Trujillo. V i c k i T u * . MeliÂŤM Turner. Jim Ulibarne. John

Vaidez. Vaidez. Vaidez. Vaidez. Vaidez. Vaidez. Vaidez.

Anthony Brenda Caria Carolyn Karen louua Pam

Valdez. Ride Valdez. Vera Valentine. John Varela. Bernice Varela. Julian Varela. Matthew Vasquez. Lisa


Vedeler. Troger Velasquez. Lisa Velasquez. Theresa Vialpando. Loretta Vialpando. Noreen Vialpando. Sandra Vigil. Freddie

Vigil. Leonard Vigil. Lucy Vigil, Martha Vigil. Rosemary Vila. Sharon Wadleigh. Jason Wal. Steve

Warmuth, Bonnie Warnock. Kathy Warren. Denise Watson. Robert Watts. John Webb. Eddie Wei. Betsie

Weisheupt. Mike West. Sara West. Susan Wharton. Becky Wheeler. John Whitfield. Rody Wier. Claudia

Wilkieson. John Williams. Charles Williams. Steve Wilson, Colleen Winter, Amy Winters, Doris Woody. Donald

Vaeger. Alan Zamora. Denise Zamora. Susie Zapata. Joseph Zurrasty. Scott



* * » y u . Andrm» Ak*yi». L u i u u Afcrnm. Chrtti« *«whr. Rey*» * l * i d . Ctlharmt

Aland. flame AI*under. Cori Allord. Brad Alan. Shauna Aliaon. Pain

Alvares. David AHorado. lori Amekouen. rranchtica Anaya. Anthony Anaya. Barbara

Anaya. Phil Anaya. Rick Anaya. Sylvia Anaya. Valerie Anderson. Tommy

Anken» Sherry) Annan. Joteph Amir>- Cid! Apodaca. I o n Aragon. Amu

Aragon, Fötor Aragon. Kuben Aravjo. Mario Arehubjta. Mary Ann ArgMOlo. Mona

Ana*. Pater Ammo. A vary Armajo-Mana Amnio, l o t o n Amol, l o a n

Ar jota. Pal'Kie Ar tola. Traha Aihbaugh. Bryan Anna*. Donald Bibcock. Angola



liA. .. I ! , . -


lacs. O M J Bac«, tvdyn Baca. Jaeatc* lici.laara


Baca. Margann HC*. M » Bac*. M » , « m Beca.iKfcy Baca. Ronald

Baca. Tammy Baca. Tommy Baca. Trey Backen«our. Iix Bahr. Anthony

Barda. Barda. Barda. Barda. Barda.

Ararat Claud« Debtor Fran Vwceni

Barker. Rachd Barrow». David Ban». Slant Baaham. Carta Bale». Carol

Bearden. Sham Beare. Richard Beck. Chris Bei. Jell Benavldez. EdtfJt

Barry. Martha Berry. Monica Bariola. Date BkvJtt WaVam Boalrlghi. Mary Cay

Boddy. Mark Boddaon. Mary Bogg«. Bobby Boung. Angda BorndLTina

\ W/ HookwaJler. John Borrego. Karmdla Borrego. Monica Barton. Mary Je : ' - ' * M T . Pal

Boyce. Chrèallne Boyian. Marie Brno. Aurclla Brlle. Krtaly

Buahroa. Nancy Bttftamanle. CamaW Btanamame. Robert Buaioa. I d a BuflOf. Linda

Butler, libby Can«!» Dana CarrlBo. Oarlcnc Carrlto. David CarrHo. Ico

Carrion, lowwr Carier, lay Caaatdy. Karte C dr Bar». Anna

C dr Baca. Chrblhw C dr Baca. John Chaboi. Bruce Chacon. Mark Chanter*. Carta

.Dana Chaparro Mlchrlc Chapman. Lisa Chavez. Amu M Chavez. Barbara

Chavai. Beairice Chive:. Debbie Chavez. Joanne Chavei. Pafrtrfc d a n n . Bath


\ - , ' " J iot û » « * I»» Garcia. Ra>ama Garcia. Sony*


6«ckL T h a n ! Galcwood. Freddie Grniry. Danoe G * * r i . John

Gabon. Ruin Gofer. Vicior Gomel, k m , Gomel. Mary

Gomel. Mary Gonial«. A M U Gonial«. Chrtt Gonial«. Deri

Gonial«. D i m Gonial«. Donald Gonial«. Jackie Gonial«. Joe

Géniale*. Gonial«. Gonial«. Gonial«.

Jot John Karl Manuel

Gonial«. Manuel Gonial«. Michael Gonial«. Peler Gonial«. Philipp

Gsnufct. fan« Gonial«. T o r i Gonial«. I r r e « Gonial«. Vue»

Join The Fun


© v

Y/ G o * « . Scott GoAng. Suwn ^Kt.Ooknt

Graves, Co t > * * v e * . Carol Greer. Randal Griego. Cindy

GrMjgo. Griego. Griego. Griego.

Debbie Dora Frances Margarita

Griego. Philip Griego. ThomM Gril, Vlcki Grossman, Sieve

Guerrero, leben GuWen Man» GundisV Jeamr Gunn, Russet

Guruie. A m Gunse. Scott Gutierrex. Bernadette rtaoer. Jttnmy

l % i m Miictwt Mugtil. Har«n Hmntmin. Vincent Hnnartck. tan

Herrumdex. Peter Herrera- lame* Herrera. Mo/cos Kerrer*. Kennte


Luccro. luccro. Luccro. luccro,


Joseph lu lupe Marco

Luccro. Monica Luccro. Pauline Luccro. Randy luccro. Rtcfcy

Luccro. Rodney Luccro. Sandy Luccro. Tony luccro. Valent m

Lujan. lufan. lujan. l ujan.

Ahcta Annette Arthur Freddie

U n . Shatm Macias. Theresa Macmilan. Scott Madrid. Comte

M a x . Maggie Marstaa. K m M a « . Donald Makzewifcl. Mfcc

Mare«. Brenda Mares. Brenda Mariant. Richard Marino. Nadine

Marimei. Martin«. Martin«. Mat t i n « .

Arthur Arthur Betty Caria


! i Ä S 0 r fS ** K^k ^^k w£&< *r 1 J u

«1 â & S É. & l( Marlines. Cindy '•'"•im-:. Cindy Mvttof i . Con-tot Martern. DaW

Marline:. M» Ihm. Martinas. Marlines.

David Deareie Dorai Cdbd

Menâtes. Geraldaie Martinet fidliinl Mentors. Hector «

Marlines. Marl Inez. Martlnea. Marlines.

Janice Jerry Jodi Jewpli

Mannri Mart aiex. Mannes, Mannes,

tan Larry lenora ttoda

Manaait. Uaa Mart n r 1 . 1 « ' M a n n r i . tarai Marines. Mary

Mannas. MaTHeMi Marines. Marines,

Mary a faajy Paul lenea

Mariâtes. Mentors. Mannri. Mann«.

Sam Thama Vaman Vnre


Class Of '81


M i c a c a n . Saart Maletolt. COCBB M u « < i kanm


MaytuM. b r a n * > < « Can» McCarthy. Pnajlai McCarthy, laverait McCaachry. Vroaaa

MrGurr. lohn McGurr. Kaihy Mrdna. JoMph Mrdma. M a t h * Mrdma. Sad

MrdrJno. I l l Mellon. M m M r n d o u . tfclatd Micha**, lathy

Mina. Vrlda Marr. Amy Mian. C r i m e M r ante. Audi M o n i a » . Carmrla

Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya.

Ian Bernadriir Chair» Cwdy Dorm»

Montoya. irner Montoya. Flamtnio Montoya. Jeanette Montoya. Joan Montoya. Kmnelh

Montoya, Montoya. Montoya. Montoya. Montoya,

laara Uana M*» Prior •obm

Äu t Ä&

Montoya. Roderick Montoya. Sandra Montoya. Tin* Montoya. Yvonne « m . Aodnry

Moor*. John Moor*. Parnate Moreno. Vincent Moya. Abort Moyo.ll»

t t j o V n o i , Jrlf Maaaar. t a n • M a r . Jahn Neotry- Janal 'IllMânii f l a i l

Maital Chrk) Niicher. Pam M a . Jan Ny*. lamona O'Connor. Kalhy

Onaa«. Patty Onega. SMM* O n « . Anapa Ont». Arthur O n « , •ornaorttr

Ort«. Ort«. On«. Onn. Onn.

Carl Goorfl* Gaaart Gimd* Jarry

O r t « . Jonah O n « . kalhy O n « , Safer«* Orra. Toron Oeaom*. lee Ann

PataaaM. A h m Pachaea. Vaaw Pachfco, »valla Pact. Mthy P*<MV ABMTI


Pad*a. Mir.-.i PadHa. Angela Pad«». Cart Padüa. Klinken

PadtM. tandy Padata. Trtth Parrot. Ben PaaLHean

P a l . Randy Payne. Herben Payne. Kevin Payne. Sandra

Pana. Pana. Pena. Pena.

Andrew Elena Julie Marianne

P e r u . Elken Perea. Pal Perea. Ralph P u l l . Géraldine

Plan. Yvaii« Peler«. Kalhy Pledger. Robyn Portaler. Nancy

Powell. Jen Pertillo. Andy Prada. Raymond Prie«. O b e n

PufaL M h e Oufciiana. Makaa Oulnlana. Veronica taai A m

Li \ •Ml Maw Bari. Mary Grace »a». Manho* • * « ! * • . A m lart

Reagan. Gordan M H b Renom, tonnai

U .Sem

Riichcy. Chru Rivera. Carallnr Rivera. Dune

Rivera. Ingrid Rivera. Jerry Rivera. Jimmy Rivera. Liz

Rivera. U M RH* era. Nancy Rivera, toben Rivera. Sieve

Rivera. Tony Rivera. Caroane Rodeb Vivian Rodriguez

Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. Rodriguez.

Gtne John Marceta Michael

Rodriguez. Patricia Rodriguez, toben Rodriguez. Sdma


Roman, Ruby Romero. Alfred Romero. Angvta Romero. Anna Romero. Anthony Romero. Audrey Romero. Bori^deiie

tfliiwtt. tonwro. Romero. Bomrro. •omtro. Romero. Romrro.

Clorinda Ekubcfh Eloy Jackie Joam Judy K«my

Romero. Romero. Romero, Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero.

Larry Ne* tor Net lie Pat Phtl Sharon Suxamc

Romero. Tom Romig. Doug Ronqüflo. Mary Rofiro. Terry Roybai. Amarttc Roybai. F «wrt Roybai. Joanar

• o y M . ImdJ l o y M . Ptiyln ttmi. tone*

••HilWwtey Rundk Whitney Sali. Joe M M . Ekubeih

M u r . Ain b i n a r . Barme Salazar. Urry Satuar. Marcala Sabur. M i l Sabur. Sandra Satedm. U n

M e l d e . linde Sanchez. Andrew Sanchez. Bernard Sanchez. Dear* Sanchez. Ellzabeih Sanchez. Manual

Sanchex. Mlchcfr Stndm. Mif«* S.imlcr«. D m (MdMri. Angal Stndovat A m IndBMLOaaM

Sandoval h a * Sandoval, l a fcndova). loretta Sandoval, lucrciia Sandoval Shan Sandoval. Steve» taady. Taa

Santana. M a r n a i Samkann. A l m m t a Schwartz. Latda ScargaL Dan Sedate. Merfcnda Sagiaa. Jerry V f « , s«.-»

Pat Srfira Sana. Anna Sena. O r t t Sena. Donna Sana. Kalhy Sana. Marty Sai

Shannon. Chrw Sharp. Suaan Shah on. Mark Snvnoni. Mtcn»rt# Simrm. Nmha Snwroi. Andrew Stantros. David

i j - . - r Qam Smtik. Aldm Stntlh. Butch Sfraih. C h m Sntfrii. Kath*

Smith. Rrnrr Snyder. -Van Soba. Margv Solu, Buti Sortoro. Ann*

SpanarkcJ. Vvomf SpmCafr, Shirlry Sprtnf. Bobby Siacy. Scott Sirmholf. Card Slrmrwft. Cheryl

fin Svaio. Jacob Suaio Mart TajMia iHBm T«p*r AMhony Tap«. Andy Tapu. Ceciw


Freshman Class

Abeyla. Leonard Abcyta. teroy Alarld. Andy Aland. Valerie AJberico. Carmrn A t » . Joan Aanaiuar. Cathy Amoroufl. Slacy Anaya. Beatrice Anaya. Debbie

Anaya. George Anaya. Mike Anaya. Kay Anaya, Want Anchondo. Maria Anderman. laide Andereon. Richard

Apodaca. Judy Apodaca. Metoaa Apodaca. Renee Aragon. Lara Aragon. Peter Archuleta. De Ann Archuleta. Dorothy

Archuleta, flora Archuleta. Mark Archuleta. Pat

Areaano. There** Argueao. Joe Aria». Thereta

Armiio. Armifo. Armifo. Armljö. Arnn|o. ArmifO-

Gnu John Kennel h lout»* Phanp Rick

ArmHjO. Roberta ArmMo. Ron Armatrong. Patrick Atencw. Jerome Ave*. Angela Baca. Anfa

Baca. Beala Baca. Bernadette Baca. Bruno Baca. Carol Baca, f mar Baca. Glenn Baca. Karte Baca. Lawrence Baca. Leroy Baca. Ma*

Baca. Pat Baca. Paul Baca. Wanda Bafab. Je« Barbee. O'Jay Bat. Tan Barck. Irmly Bar ete. Joe Bareb. Joaephtnc


Bar H i . Michel» I n k . Monm Bamctl. Tammy • • r a t . 8«n h m w , Kirk Beck. Chr» M L Jen II.-I.VI. Rick I c i l y . John Berry Ruben


Bertram. M Bertram. M M Bertram. Tracy Blobao. Bryant Bnhop. Lyn Btake. Demur Blea. Veronica

Bknter. Suun Bodobon. Catherine Bohannon. Drbra Bolmg. Barbara Borrcgo. Uuht Borner. Robert Bourguet. Keith

Bowker. Joe Bradley. Jackie Branch. Adrlanne Branch. Jackie Braun, Kd Briggr. ChrM Brlggt. Francis

Brookr. Roger Brown. Brandt Bruech. David

Bryant. BJck Burnett. Bobby Barman. Peter

Burref. Card Bueh. David Butiamante. trie Buaiamanlr. Gerri Bybee. Greg Bybee. Sandra

Byrd. Jamn Cardenaa. Wanda Can-do. Adam CarrkV. Doreen CarrHo. Richard Can-no. Walle

Carter. Wade Catadot. Frank Catadet. Roger Cataut. Patrick) Caah. Johnny Carla«. Rhonda Catlaa. fltkiey Catanech. Brian Cat mach. Charit« CatanacK ChrM me

Catenech. Jotnn Calanach. Mark Catenech. Vmetda CdeBace. Frank CdeBaca. Guben Cdatack.Mii Chabot. Cheryl Chacon. There» Chanta. Leroy Chariton. Scott

Chavez. Chavez. Chav«. Chav«. Chavez» Chav«.

Cmmla Cmdy Oibhli Denn« Evelyn Henrietta

Chavez. Irene Chavez. Jimmy Chavez Jo Aim Chavez. Joeeph Chavez. Laurence Chavez Lawrence

Chavez. Chavez. Chavez. Chavez. Chavez. Chavez.

Leroy Lorraine Sandra Robert Vmce Yotanda

Chatten. Kra Chrltlon. laura

Clayton. M m u Coca. Vefcna Cote. Mark

Cordova. Sieve Cordova. Sieve Cdhng. Johnny Cortx. Jama* Cook. Caaey Carte. James Carte. louMe

Correa. Becky Comte. Berna Conte. Beadle Corlez. Pam C o n « . Yvette Cotton. Cathy Cowan. Bebecca

Cr.,,,:. Blck Creapm. Margaret Crowe. Paul Currant. Jennifer Dammon. Eric D a m e . Jerry D a m a . Monica Dougherty. John Davtdeon. Duane DrAgucro. Irene


D m , 9MM DcAucro. Arnold De l a O. Julie DeVargao. Eva Dknaa. M a e Dolet. lukr Oommguei. lou«


D a m m Tom Donmeky. Greg Donnety. Carolyn Doolry. M Doull. Brcnl Dow. Dolore« Doyle. Charte«

Dukcmtracr. John Durait. Jona Duran. Judy Daran. Mall Duran. Sieve Durham. Phaup Edward«. June

Edward«. Richard Elit. R O M Emirom. Robcri Enriquez. Rcgma Erfurt. Sieve E«quibel I I M Erparten. Anthony

E«quibel. Danny Evamion. Michad Even. Sandra Farquar. Matthew Fallen. Kann Fehevary. Andy Fernande:. I r i n a Fernandez. Machtet F e t t . Victor Father. Carle

Horn. Odor« Hort*. Pam Fowler. Andrew

Fo». Maafcw Franco* C o r « * f n i m n . Sara

rrcaqun. MalUM Frnquaz. Ralph Fried. Ron

Gabaldon. II« Gagan. Joiwiy Gala. Htm«

Galagher. Jeff flaJtegoa, Cari Galego«, Charit« C a l i f oi. Dabin« Galego«. Debbw GaBagoa. Pal Galego«. Pad« Galego«. Roberta Gattego«, Rot» Martr Galego«. There»

Galego«. Ttwrtaa Gattegos. Tommy G M da. Carlo« Garcta. Carmrla Garcia. Cynthia Garcia. Date

Garcta. Diana Garcta. Dolor«« Garda. Donald Garcta. Doroihy Garcia. Gary Garcta. Gwen

Garcia. Johanna Garcia. John Garcia. Joaaph Garcia. Joyce Garcta. Manne Garcia. Pamela

Garcia. Sandra Ann Garcia. Shirley

Garcia. Sylvta Garcia. Terrie

Gariey. Kevin Garza, f «tele Geiger. Kevin George. Ronald Gerber. Joseph GRjaon, Danny

Gerne«. Debbie Gomel. Magdalene Gomez. Patricia Gomez. Valerie Gomez. Virginia Gonzale«. Adam

Gentale«. Berna Gonzale*. Bernard Gonzale«. Came Gonzale«. Cris Gonzale« Cmdv Gonzale«. Detorea


Gonial«. Gonial«. Genuin. Gonial«. Gonial«. Gonial«, Gonial«.


Frank George Laura Marcelo Martin Michael Patricia

Gonial«. Paul Gonial«. Rachel Genialer. Regina Gonial«. Richard Gonial«. Wanda Gonial«. W IE lam Gordon. Erica

Godd. David Graham. Jam« Gratmick. Richard Greene. Mary Griego. Andy Griego. Frank Griego. MeJvki

Griego, Pal Gurule. Steve Guerrero. Becky Gutierrez. Debbie Gutierrez. Pablo Hagman, Greg Hamilton. Stuart

Hardy. Jack Harkins. Tammy Harkins. Tony Hurt*. Carolyn Haught. Lande Hay». Ted Hiemerick. M i t e

H e n . Brett Herburger. Dene Herd, lira

Hernandez. Anna Hernandez. Ernie Hernandez, Monica Ile»era, Andrew Herren. Carl» llarrora. Diane

Herrera. Lisa Herren. Paul Herrera. Sandra Herrera. Ted Hewitt. Eddie Hick». Jonette

High. Laura HU. Charte« Hippaul. Monica Hobday. Lance Holm«. Audrey Haan«. Brian

Horyk. Tommy Huckabee. Pally Hutchinaon. Nataaha Hutchimon. Robert Ui((. Kevin baaci. Suzanne Jackgon. Mlchde Jacobton. Chlnlne Jacquel. Parlent L Amy

Jarvla, Brenda Jcnka. CynlMa Jimenex. Andrew Jenen«. Irene Jlmenei. Nadine Jimenez. Patricia

JkiMiau. H w l i i J*wv Marti Jahraon. David Johnaon. Tan Jahneton. Parol hy Jane*. Warren

Joweri. Ronald Judde. Heidi Kaunderi. Sonnte Kayc. Gereldine Keever. Kathleen Ketogg. Chuck

Kennedy. Mom* Kenny. Thene Kent, Jeff

kcllarman. D*ntt* Kitfcr. Scefl King, Jimmy Kaig. Richard Klemmer. Laa knudaon. Charlra Kaarea,. Mark

Kopp«. Donald koroncoa. Tharaaa Kramar. Pat Kruhm. Kanm Kacara, Claa Labrack. Ian Udwtg. M

Lang. Ruth UPlarra. Michael Larragoite. MattfM tarragon«. Stephan Larranaga. Gebe Lananaaa. MaVa Laydcn. Ronma

Lrarlambcrl. Chandra Lac. Bryan Laadar. Malt Leonard. Jack Letcher. Amy Layba. Oavtd layba. John


l*vba. Mary lOyfaft, Michael Lmdtnau. Ron Lmson. Ronce luire*. T n c y Long. Stcpham lomjocro* Lynda l o p e : . Angela Lopes. Angela Lopez. Armctic


Lop«. Lop«. Lopez. lopei. Lopez. t o p * t. Lopes. lopes. Lopez, lopes.

B«y Charten« Deamc DorM Loo KofJoocn Un Mart toy Theresa

Loll. Tom Loutcmock. Icanne Lucas. Tracy L s c m . Andrew Luccro. Arma Luccro. Caria

L u e m . Cathy Luccro. Debbie luctro. Grog Luccro. Leroy luccro. Randy Luian. Bob

lujan. Dartrne luian. Donna

Luiin. Francis lujan. Paula

Lujan. R o w m e Lu|an. Ttna

Lujan. Tony Lynch. D o o m

Lynch. Pat Madrid. Comic

A JL& t S

Madrid, fallu Madrid. « v i » M a * * Johnny M m O i n

Marl in. Patricia Marquez. John Marquez. Margaret Marque i Zeke Marra. Jarma Merteiez. A l m M a r t l M i . Arajala Marimai. Angela Martinez. Bernadette Martinez. Bridget

Marinez. Martawz. Manmri. Marin«. Marinez.

Chan Commie Oarlana David Etlhrr

Martinez, Mannet. Marinez. Mannet. Martinez.

I encia Gene Gerladme Gne Ivan

Mannez. Marimez. Martinez. Martinez. Marinez.

fare*) Martinez. Pat Kent Martinez. Pete Margaret Martinez. Ray Margaret M. Martinez. Rita Mart Martinez. Ruby

w i . Sharon Wz. Sharon T. e n . Steve rena* Tom eenaa. Valerie

McCkitchey. Belay McCufough. Holy McDermotl. Scott McFarland. lee McKmeiry. David Medina. Jaaon Mflchor. Andrew MeWndez. Sieve Mondiale. Vergie Mier. Gavrn

Migel. Ivan MaVr. ibzabeth Meier. John MaVr. kety MaVgan. Tammy Miranda Valerie Mil chef. Joey Molten. Brett Memaday. i d Mondregon. Greg


Montane. Gloria Montane. U n t i l Moniano. Mary Momaiio. Thome» Monigontn y. Charlie Montoya. Anthony Montoya. Cathy Montoya. Conrad Montoya. David Montoya. Dana


Motoya. Darin« Montoya, ttuabeth Montoya. Gerald Montoya. Gerard Montoya. JotJ Montoya, fcmnrth Montoya, larry Montoya. Marco» Montoya. Patricia Montoya. P M

Montoya. Raymond Montoya. Ronme Montoya. Ruth Montoya. Yvonne Moore. Dann Morale». Carmen Mama. Stacy Moya. Rrenda Moya. Caran Moya. Don

Moya. Mary lou Moyle. Mario Myera. Dan* Myera. San Naran|o. Reyea Notaren. Alcunder Mate. Anna NikoUi.Curt Ortega. Carl Orel ga. David

Ortega. Ortega. Onega. Onega. Onega. Onega. Onega,

Elizabeth Franc« Geben Irene Jamet Meksu rtiinm

Onega. Ortega. Ortega. Onega.

Fat Raul Roberta Scott

Ortlx, Ortiz. Ortiz. Ortiz.

Orte John Joaeph Margie

Ortiz. Ortiz. Ortiz. O n Iz.

Martin Paula Paula Steve

Ollrander. Geoff OToofe. Katrlna' Overcaah. Paul Pacheco. Gerard

Pacnrco. M m Pachaco. Raymond

PadMCO. Vtckw PadOa. Andy

Pad«*. Anthony Pa t f c , f a m u l i

PadHa. Eddie Pädia. Nma

Padtta. Pari PaoWa. » I I W M H

ParadMo. Sabrina Pardmgion. Chr» Pana. Jenny Pallenuii. Chartern Paiieraon. P U Payne. Vieki

Pana. Terri* P a r « . Janet Patteraen. lan PflMicr, Don Plati. Bykn Pian. Ken Pmo. Tom PMo, Junior law Portio. Roberta Prada. Borate

Prada. San Prie«, ( t o r y O u X a m , Andy Oumani. Angela Oumiana. D u i l Oumiana. M o n * Quintana. Jeulca Oumiana. Js* ( • * • • • . Kenny Oubaaju. Patricia

O r a m « Bene* O l * M ma. Robert O I É H I M Suzanne Que* ana. Yvonne Rabecfci. Renée Rema-ei. l*i B i t Ray. SyMa t e a . Chr» f i l i a l • Lam Reaenebur*,. Kanm



JPfl*J|M£ ^*- e2 /*

Rice. Michdk Rtgg*. Julie River*. Alan River*. Barbara Rivera. Car meta Rivera. George Rivera. Hk*


RiverA. R»er a. Rtvera. Riverj. River«. Rivera.

Jury Umnci Michèle MAe Pamela Robert


R o d * ic. Dun» Rodrigue:. Amei te Rodrigue:. M y

Rodriguez. Chrli Rodriguez. Lori Rodriguez. Patricia Rodriguez, Tommy Roewler. Anna Roger«. Dedie

Roman. Ruby Romero. Alan Romero. A i m Romero. Anthony Romero. Brian Romero. Carmen

Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero.

Carolyn Charit« Chrtatme Daniel Debbie Del

Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero. Romero,

Diane Eddie Edward Evelyn Floyd frencine

Romero, James Romero. Jeanette Romero. Joe Romero. Joyce? Romero. Karo! Romero. Kotty Romero. Kenneth

Romero, Romero. Romero, Romtro, Romero. Romero, Romtro.

Kelvin Lor lam Lorraine Michael Nadine Nadine Nora Beth

Romero. Pat Romero. Patricia Romero. Philip Romero. Robert

Romero. Ronnie Romero. There«* Romero, tommy Romero. V invent

Romero. Votanda Romtg. Bryce Ronquelo. GRbert

R O M . Sieve Roybal. Cindy Roybal. Pair icu Roybal. Paul

Roybal. Rcme Roybal. Steve Roybal. Terry RoybaLTroy

Ruiz. Sanora Sacoman. Deanna Saez. Frank Salazar. Andrew Salazar. Derate Salazar. Marceta Salazar. Marceta

Salazar. Margaret Salazar Patricia Salazar. Pally Salazar. Tommy Sander«. Drew Sanchez. Annette Sanchez. Brian

Sanchez. Charten* Sanchez. Eric Sanchez. Evelyn Sanchez. Jeanette Sanchez. Jo*eph Sanchez. Joyce Sanchez, tawrence

Sanchez. Ramona Sanchez. Sieve Sanchez. Tine Sandoval. Anthony Sandoval. Charte« Sandoval. Consurto Sandoval. Cynthia


Sandoval. Fred Sandoval Henry Sandoval. Mary Ann» Sandoval. Thcreu Schab. Brad Scon. Rebecca Scgura Aimet le Segura, Greg Segura. June Segura. Rebecca


Sena. Annette Sena. Jeanette Sana. John Sena Manuel Sena. Pal Sena. Rebecca

Sena. Rebecca Serrano. Morta Seven »on. Ranbcrty Sheller. Rainy ShenMod. Brad SNaknt. B r i a n

Shook. Joe Silva. Michael Silva. Patrick Silva. Sloven Sttnerot. ARterl Sltneror. Amené

Staneroe. Joe Snneroe. Jooe Staneroe. Rianjil Stsneroe. Sylvia Skinner. Pally SmaR. Raren

Smilh. Arten Smith, Charlie Smith, Chruime Smith. Chuck Smith. Curl»

Smth. Denise Smth. John Smith. Roy Smith. Tiffany Snead. Greg

Sohlen. Jarno Solano. Greg Soveranez. Louie Soverane». Marilyn Spanarkef. Vvetle

Swarm. Jan Stain. Alan Storey. Frank Stout, b-vki Strever. Saga


S Sua». G * « i l Sudbcrough. I m t Tape«. Anna Tap«. Jeanette Tap«*. Jo* Tapt». M m Tapia. Karen Taufet«, law Taylor, l y n m Thomaa. Krtatle

ThamM. David Thomson. Jarnva Tlano. Chüe Trimmer. Laurfcf TnaJHo. Angela Trajan. A n Tru|ÉV>. Barbara

TrutaV). Carmrla Trajaaa. David Trajflo. Eleanor TnaJMo. Julian TnaJMo.PMRp TnajaJs. Richard Truffe. Sandra

Tni|Ho. Valerie Tachtraahoir. Room Uriotte. Cecilia Urmia. San Valdcz. Alicia Valdai. Gene

VaJdaz. VaMez. Valdai. Valdai. Vaktei.

Janrt Jotcph Mark Pautne tar

Valencia. Reyrnundo Valencia. Roben Valeniine. Deloraa Varda. Vmce Van». Bea

Vaaquez. Orlando Velarde. Doreen Vuapando. Benme Vuapando. Diame Vuapando. Jerome

Vlcentl. Ivel le Vieira. Carloa Varara. Mary Vlgl. Alfredo Vlgl. Benny

Vlg«. Vlg*. Vigil Vlg«. Vig«.

Carol Darnel Debbie Gloria babel


ft * &Ä » •

VU«. Vigil. Vigil. Vif«.


John Maiiy Monica Randy

Vajthchard V « C Teddy »<•* Tri*» V . , C Wayne

V f c . Andrew Vaarraga. Pad VonKuegdgon, Ilea WadWtfh. Thaddeua

Ward. Sharon Warmth. J«« Warnock. KrMcn Wataon. Catherine

Wall«. John Weidner. l u a Welfnhaun. Tracy Welch. Sherry W e « . Jarret

W e n . San We.ion.Lmd. Wheeler. William W i g g m . Frank Wdburn. April

Wldemictn. Karat W e t a m . Cary Waaaim. Donald W a u m . Sandra Wetter. Jeff

Whlor. Trim Wofford. Laura Wolf. Andrea Womack. Joyc« Young. Lorl

Yndovlu. Jfcn Zarnora. Gloria Zarnora. Marls Zapaia. Diane Zucal. Saty





HIGH. WIDE. AND HANDSOME at SFHS means Organizations. Established clubs provide the vehicle for students to work together to support their school, explore new directions, and cooperate in helping to improve their community. A wide range of interests and activities is open to all students and new ones are added yearly. From the band which goes around the world to the tutors who go across town, Demon Organizations are on the move!



National Honor Society, First row from left to right. Jeanne Gundzik. Jackie Gonzales. Lee Ann Osborne, Kadra Knudson. Heather Gladfelter. Susan Dukeminier, Mary Alarid, Rebecca Madrid, Helen Rodriguez, Orlando Griego. Katja Wait, Leslie Romero, Charlie Fitch. Second row. Elaine Catanach, Juliet Maestas, Bernadette Trujillo, Betsie Weil, Leslie Mugleston, Melisa EvangekÂť, Mary Cay Boatright, Kathy Dixon, Elaine Alarid, Frances Alloca. Melinda Lopez, Leslie Pope. Third row. Nancy Kruhmin, Bernadette Gutierrez, Martha Ballen, Susan Hilley. Cammie Walrath. Marsha Fresquez. Renee Martinez, Cindy Stranahan. Lea Ann Eaves, Ginny Alcott, Amy Winter, Kirsten Lambert. Fourth row. Alice Moore, Janice Krevch, Betsy Wing, Kathy Pack. Louise Lopez. Jeanette Romero. Josina Romero, Suzanne Romero, Linda Moya, Jim Dixon, Betsy O'Neill, Laura Cowen, Valerie Martinez, Beverly Ortiz. Fifth row. Robin Schraegler. Leanne Delgado, Renee Smith, Paul Apodaca. Steve Baca, Danaya Wright, Keith O'Cheskey, Tommy Gomez, Lois Lineberry, Richard Shaw, Mary Keeran, Jan Lineberry, Peter Komis, Christie Eaves, Andy Montgomery.



FRENCH CLUB Fcrst row from left to right. David Barrows. Laura Chrition. Judy Greaves. Tiffany Smith. Susan Dukeminier. Second row. Catherine Alarid. Tii Steve Grossman. Ginny Olcott. Christie Eaves. Maria Dwire.


Junior Classi First row from left to right. Carmen Romero. Gloria Barron, Veronica Barela. Dede Jaramillo. Katrina Overcash. Second row. Patsy Hendren. Sheila Trujillo. Loretta Romero. Sharmaine Lopez, Margaret Anaya, Yvette Gonzales, Joe Maldonado. Third row. Pat Velarde, Louis Martinez.


German Gut* First row from left to right, John Jameson. Becky Barter. Kathy Sheffcr. Carla Fisher, Katja Wait. Terri TrujUo. Elen Hansen. David Johnson, Brent Doutt. Second raw. Danaya Wright. Sarah Jameson. Maria Valdez. Trina Witter. Anna GaDegos. Christine Boyce. Kris Jensen, Jeff Winkler. Johann Trujillo. Edward Klnsky. Third row. Kathy Stapleton. Jay Cone. Betsy McOutchey. Jill Ladwig. Tammy Bamett. Brian Denman. Rachelle Christ. Steve Kidman. Bobby Spring. Doug Romig. GregSnead.




Student Council: First row from left to right. Dorothy Archuleta. JoAnn Chavez. Sharon Martinez. Debbie Chavez, Carmella Garcia, Becky Guerrero, Brenda Brown. Carmer Alberico. Second row. Patricia Quintana. Brenda Moya. Virginia Gonzales. Jennifer Laird. Jo Ann Martinez. Gloria Barron, Jo Ann Gallegos. Lucia Maestas, Yvette Nieto. Third row Dianna Chavez. Kathy Archuleta. Debbie Dimas. Kevin Kenner. Mike Segura, Joe Maldonado. Micheal Rodriguez, Joanne Gonzales, Kelly Hunt, Susan Bustamante.




People 1er People • Tutor«. Fkrst raw from left to right. Li*a Herren, Mary Montano. Danny Heimerich, Sutan Coding, Margot Hill. Second row. Mr*. Carol Jone«, Bernice Quintana. Tom Romero, Cindy Lujan. Brenda Devine.

Under the sponsorship of Carol Jones, the tutors at SFHS donate their time and effort to help educate local students who have difficulty in learning certain subjects. They were very successful in helping those with problems, aiding them with easing their learning blocks.



The Second Student Federal Credit Union at SFHS organizes and operates an actual business. The main purpose of this Credit Union is to provide a service to the students of SFHS, educating them in financial aspects of their future. Money can be saved at a regular 6% interest rate. Students can also borrow up to $500.00 at a \% monthly interest rate.

FHA-HERO FHA-HERO is something new at Santa Fe High School. The "HERO", which stands for Home Economics Resources Organization, was established to make this club coeducational. Under the sponsorship of Ms. Snavely, the group aimed to change the image of FHA — from that of the "happy housewife," to one that "perpetuates the necessity of HomeEconomics." This year, the group enjoyed horseback riding, and a field trip to Albuquerque. They also helped the local community by providing services to the elderly at nursing homes. The members also learned about future Educational Careers and other related aspects of Home-Economics.

FHA-HERO. First row left to right. Rosalie Coriz. Teresa Ara*, Annette Sanchez, Sonya Garcia. Fances Griego. Second row. Carta Lucuro. Yvonne Montoya, Nancy Rivera. Susie Sotson, Margaret Leyba. Third row. Valerie Montoya, Roland Lohbeck. Diana Montoya.


OEA. row I. L to Ri Erma Garcia. Theresa Quintana. Barbara Sandoval. Gerald Martinez. Morris Apodaca, Ralph Enriquez, Steve Lucero. Row 2-. Margaret Mendiola, Michèle Gonzales. Mary Louise Hen-era. Dewana Herrera. Anna Romero. Marcia Gonzales, Jennifer Bettis, Terri Montoya. Adrian Martinez. Row 3: Mary DeVargas, Edi Granillo, Nancy Jimene Roberta Abeyta, Gloria Montoya. Anna Jiminez. Alice Torrez, Sophie Lujan.

OEA is a club at Vo-Tech similar to FBLA. OEA helps members orientate themselves toward future professions, like legal, secretarial, or office work. OEA starts off with district competition, then regional, then state. This year OEA hosted the state convention that was held in Glorieta. 900 persons throughout the state attended the convention and it was a big success.


OEA Officers. L to R- Mrs. Martinez. Sponsor. Roberta Abeyta. Reporter. ThereÂť Quintana. Parliamentarian. Anna Romero. Vice President. Row 2- Loretta Pacheco. Sponsor. Barbara Sandoval. Treasurer. Maria Gonzales. Historian. Adrian Martinez. President. G W Montoya. Secretary.


HOSAi First row from left to right. Patricia Sandoval. Cathy Vasquez, Delfina Lopez. Kathy Serrano, Terri Donnelly. Second row. Arlene Pacheco. Evelyn Lopez, Sandy Fernandez, Liz Garcia, Debra Chavez, Melinda Bryant. Third row. Vicki Grill, Carmen Romero, Gloria Barron, Barbara Mares, Zandra Deleon, Freida Wright, Suzette Tapia, Georgia Martinez, Lillian Tennyson.

H.O.S.A. (Nursing) functions to promote Health Care for the individual. The members learn about administering first-aid and care in an emergency situation. H.O.S.A., sponsored by Lillian Tennyson, is located at the Vo-Tech. The members learned an important skill which they will always remember.

HOSA Officers. Kneeling down. Deborah Chavez. Delfina Lopez. Gloria Barron. Lilian Tennyson. Second row from left to right. Suzette Tapia, Barbara Mares. CarmelU Romero. Freida Wright. Georgia Martinez. Zandra De Leon.


Varsity Cheerleaders

Varsity Cheerleaders: Leslie Romero, Anna Quintana. Patricia Chavez. Susie Ortega, Colleen Wilson, Sandra Lucero, Debbie Wildenstein. The SFHS Cheerleaders first attended a clinic in Albuquerque during the summer where their learning experience began. At the clinic, they all won blue ribbons, and were nominated for the "Award of Excellence." Learning and working did continue. They supported the Santa Fe High School teams at regular sports events. They worked together throughout the year, and what a year it wasl These girls spent many long hours working in order to prepare for the games In which they proudly cheered for the DEMONS. CheeHeading is a tedious, but rewarding activity.

Freshmen Cheerleaders

Freshman CheerleaderÂŤ GOLD: Carmella Garcia, Pam Floret. Carol Baca, Jackie Bradley. Valerie Alarid. Evelyn Romero, Kathleen Lopez. Annette Sanchez.

Freshman Cheerleaders BLUE: Caryn Moya. Elenor TrujiBo. Lisa Weidner. Mary Greene. Clarissa Block. Patricia Casaus. Rosanne Lujan.



Naval Science III - Officers: First row from left to right. Kay Moore. Ray Casados. Bruce Maier, Chris Byres. Olivia Rodriguez. Second row. Mike Olson, Eugene Rodriguez, Brett Carter. Warren Rumpel. Roland Vaidez .

Naval Science II. First row from left to right. Alan Yeager. Phillip Griego. Lori Ann Rathke. Bertha Montoya. Ben Rael. Bobby Boggs. Second row. Robert Meyer, Paul Apodaca, Mike Vigil. Richard Kingsbury. Marty Sena. Robert Martin.


Naval Science I: First row from left to right. Olivia Rodriguez, Phillip Romero. Lori Young, Patty Huckabee, Jimmy King. Robert Noble. Mark Valdez. Second row. Kay Moore, Richard Vigil, Michèle Rivera, Patty Martin. Ervin Stout, Anthony Padilla, Chris Byres. Third row. Roy Lopez. Blairden Hefferman. John Daugherty, Andrew Sanchez. Mike Olson.

The Santa Fe High School NJROTC unit experienced a great year. Under the command of Captain Herrick, and Chief George Wright, the members learn about Navigation, Psychology, Trade-ofCommands, Knot-tying, and especially leadership. "Leadership" is very important in the NJROTC unit, as it determines one's rank and superiority. This year, certain NJROTC members experienced going on the annual trip to San Diego over the Spring break. Some members went to Boot Camp where they marched, learned about Deck-Seamanship, and were taught about Aircraft and Ship Identification. Others went on a Sea Cruiser where they experienced Physical Training. They also learned about different parts of a ship. The members enjoyed the year, as it was very challenging and exciting.

, Color Guard: First row from left to right. Jimmy King. Mark Valdez. Ervin Stout. Bobby Boggs. Second row. Richard Vigil. WtlPip Griego. Bruce Maler. Paul Apodaca. Roland Valdez.


Girl* Drill Team: From left to right. Olivia Rodriguez, Kay Moore. Michelle Rivera, Bertha Montoya. Lori Young, Lori Ann Rathke, Patty Huckabee.


Dance Club. First row from left to right. Liz Martinez, Ruth Lange, Laura Lange, Julie Pena, Theresa Macias. Diane Coriz. Second row. David De Vargas, Pat Griego, Lloyd Pacheco, Dewana Herrera, Brian Romero. Mary Louise Herrera, Nadine Chacon, Kerry Li. Third row. Bobby Childers. Myave Mohr. David Martinez. Mary Cornish, - Sponsori Dolores Garcia, Don Sanchez, Joy Levine Dance Club Officers: Kerri Li, Julie Pena, David Martinez.

DANCE CLUB got off the ground during the '78 - '79 school year. Under the direction of sponsors Ms. Mary Cornish and Ms. Judy McPartland. the club sponsored a large disco dance during the year, to raise money for their treasury and to buy a new stereo. They also received the March of Dimes Fundraiser Award for helping in the annual March of Dimes Haunted House. Members enjoy dancing and learning new steps, attending and performing at dance exhibitions, and supporting school and community activities.



Senior Class: First row from left to right. Cindy Bustos, Debbie Wildenstein. Johnette Montoya, Donna Segura, Bernice Griego, La Nelle Montoya. Second row. Juan Pios, Dianna Chavez, Angela Block. Yvette Nieto. Melissa Miera, Joann Gallegos. Debbie Dimas, JoAnne Gonzales. Third row. Brad Bingham, Mike Segura, Mike Maldonado, Maya Moyle, Nan Alarid, Karen HoUis. Pam Welch. Michael Vargas.



KEY Clubs First row from left to right. Suzanne Ogard. Chay Cullin, Tiffany Smith, Jill Ladwig, Ginny McClutchey, Carta Fisher. Stacey Amorous, Annette Wilder, Frances Robinson, Julie Neidorf, Anne Thompson, Maria Goler. Second row. Alice Moore, Sherry Welch, Todd Gogulski, Charles De Montaigue, Tom Fitch, Katrina Overcash, Pam Welch, Pam Hale, Pam McClutchey, Karen Mayfeild, Nancy Summers, Leslie Pope, Melinda Lopez. Third row. Sarah Jameson, Elizabeth Romero, Tim Sanders, Ernesto Verdugo, Robert Horten, Aaron Rhodes, Scott Connelly, Craig Ferraro, Betsy O'Neil, Laura Cowen, Paula Moya. Fourth row. Valerie Martinez, Robert Meyer, Terry Ladwig, Maria Valdez, John Jameson, Louis Briones, Ron Ells, Lawrence Baca, John Wheeler. John Valentine, Mrs. Kennedy.

KEY Club Officers: From left to right. Chuck Pavnter, Lt. Gov.i Pam McClutchey. Vice Presldenti Betty O'Neal. Treasurer, Tom Fitch. President.


Junior Varsity Cheerleaders: First row from left to right. Penny Tubbs. Oeanna Martinez, Shauna Allen. Second row. Margaret Anaya. Veronica Barela, Peggy Baca. Third row. Denise Salazar.

Sophomore Class "81"

Sophomore Class: First row from left to right. Marty Espuibel, Clorinda Romero, Glenda Ortiz, Karen Keahbone. Renee Martinez, Lea Arm Eaves, Karmella Borrego. Ger Martinez, Dana Chambers, David Alvorez. Second row. Catherine Alarid, Shanuna Allen. Penny Tubbs. Gina Gorman, Frances Griego, Cathy Dur an. Sonya Garcia, Nancy JaramiHo, Laura Montoya, Deanna Martinez. Third row. Elizabeth Romero, Linda Bustos, Anita Soltero, Felice Wilner, Suzanne Romero, Jenny Coleman, Bill Hunt, Carta Chambers, Dina Baca, Mike Rodriquez. Fourth row. Sponsor - Mr. Zern, Evelyn Baca, Anthony Anaya. Carlos Aragon, Sergio Esparzo, Anne Gurule. Vince Martinez. Lori Espy, Cheska Paiz, Avery Armljo.


VO-TECH TONGUES It a lively and independent minded newspaper published by the students of Vo-Tech for English Class credit. This paper has been influential in pressing ' Âť improvements and change on campus and reflects the opinions and innovative ideas of its staff. Vo-Tech Tongues is working journalism in a scholastic setting. 319


FFA. L to Rt Carta Ortega. Debby Romero. Erick Briones. Elizabeth Martinez. Floyd James. Melissa Nelson. Carlos Sisneros. Diane Sanchez. Loretta Garcia, Florence Hernandez, Lorraine Vigil. Melanie Moulton. Donna Kennedy. Row 3> Steve Buckles, John Pineda. Gilbert Baca, Mike Sanchez. David Ward. Mario Aiarid. Louie Sanchez. Caria Herrera, Theresa Gonzales. Donna Sarro. Margaret Marquez. Nancy Jimenez. Row 3i Louise Valdez. Marian Martinez. Darrell Smith, Adam Byrd. Clay Cash, Jill Stewart, Allen Lucero, Rene Narvaiz, Brian Dorais. Andrew Garcia. Eric Haggard. Rosemary Pacheco. Bernadette Jaramillo.

Hor ,cul,u . l ' 5 "• \ l o * * C t o v Garcia. Darrell Smith.

Cash Flovd


James. Rene Narvaiz. Erick Briones. Jill Stewart. Louise Valdez. Row 2. Eric Haggard. Marian Martinez. Carla Ortega. Adam Byrd. Andre*

FFA Officers. L to R: Eric Briones. Andres Garcia. Carla Ortega, Eric Haggard, Adam Byrd. Louise Valdez.

' Horticulture I. L to Ri Debbie Romero. Margaret Marquez. Donna Kennedy, Melanie Moulton. Elizabeth Martinez. Melissa Nelson. Donna Sarro. Steve Buckles. Lorraine Vigil. Forence Hernandez. Carta Herrera. Row 3> Theresa Gonzales. Mike Sanchez. David Ward. Brian Davis. Mario Atarid. Nancie Jememez. Bernadette JaramMo. Diane Sanchez. Row '• Aim Lucero. Carlos Sisneros. Louie Sanchez. GĂœaert Baca. Rosemary Pacheco. John Pineda. Loretta Garcia. 331


Speech Team First row from left to right. Kathy Dendanl. Tammy Harkins, Peter Burman. Leslie Mugleston. Byron Piatt. David Kingsbury, Juanita Huff. Second row. Kenny Pino. Diane Chavez. Mark Valentine. Johnny Madril. Thaddeus Wadleigh. Chris Briggs. Third row. Diane McE villy, Sponsor. Kris Jensen. Lisa Barela, Lauar High, Richard Shaw, David Barrows. Lourdez Zamora. Rick Herrera.

The SFHS Speech Team, otherwise known as the "Firebreathers." talked and acted their ways to victory in the 1978-1979 season. The team traveled to Los Alamos. Albuquerque. Gallup. Portales, and Cortez, Colorado bringing home 16 trophies. The members participate in debate, oratory, humorous and dramatic interpretation, extemporaneous speaking, oral interpretation, and also duo dramas. The Speech Student of the year was Leslie Mugleston. while the most improved Speech student was Mark Valentine. 332

Speech Team Officers, First row from left to right. Juanita Huff. Secretary-Treasureri Lisa Barela. co-Vice President. Rick Herrera. co-Vice President, Leslie Mugleston. President.


A Cappella Choir: First Row from left to right. Kris Brown, Katrina Overcash. Laura Lange. Frances Crow. Bernadette Cortez, Julie Pena, Robert Quintana, Larry Montoya, Pat Griego, Keith Vanderford. Richard Vigil, Carol Tubbs, Karla Pabinquit, Carol Sandoval, Marcia Bradshaw, Rosemary Trujillo, Dede Jaramillo. Second row. Felicity Kuelthau, Kerri Morris, Dorothy Garcia, Claudia Wier. Catherine Sanchez, Maud Beenhouwer, Chris Ortiz, Richard Shaw, David Gibson,

AllStatc Choir. First row from left to right. Valerie Trujillo. Claudia Wier. Penny Tubbs. Karla Pabinquit. Laura High. KiKi Trujillo. Nan Jacoby. Second row. Richard Shaw. Catherine Sanchez. Brian Domman. lammte Wafa-ath. Steve Poison. Martha Kruhmin.

Ricky Herrera, Luke Doles, Penny Tubbs, Leslie Pope. Nancy Jaramillo. Jo Anne Gonzales, Gigi Bradley. MeLinda Velasquez. Third row. Nancy Kruhmin. Terry Kuntz. Cammie Walrath. Gay Skinner, Ruth Lacy, Bobby Childers, Rob Weil, Roy Smith, Brad Bingham, Brian Denman, Steve Dotton. Martha Kruhmin, Lisa Maxwell, Laura High, Jennifer Jasper, Nannette Jacoby.

Treble Chorale. First row from left to right. Catherine Watson. Lisa Moya, Tina Lujan. Stacey Amorous. Sandra Ever*. Gwen Garcia Patricia G ^ ! Ü I S ^ row. An|a Baca. Anita Trujillo. Debbie Lea. Liz Martinez. Pat Kramer. Stacy Woodard. Debbie Chavez. Dolores Gonzales. Laurie Trimmer. Th.rd row. ^ " b e ^ ™ - M a ™ ' Julie Baldoni. Sherry Welch. Mary Cay Boat right. Lori Saladen. Valeri Trujillo. Kim Beacham. Fourth row. Yvonne Quintana. Debra Bohannon. Jenny Park». Kacneai »amer, Loshbough. Carmella Padllla. Julie Stephenson. Libby Butler. Mary Vieira.

U ^ JJ**j vneryi 335


DEMON DEBS. Row I. L to R. Cheryl Koppa, Daiiene Lujan. Frances Garcia. Margie Gonzales. Celeste Miller. Row 1-. Selina Larranaga, Monica Montoya. Juliette Maestas, Gernade Ortiz, Loretta Sandoval. Row i> Kevan Fresquez, Carol Lujan, Marjie Solis. Wanda Baca, Frances Roybal.


Pan American: First row from left to right. Becky Garza, Patsy Rios. Carla Lucero. Val Montoya, Helen Rodriguez, Priscilla Lucero, Ramona Nye, Maggie Maes, Besty Wing. Second row. Carlos Vierra. Yolanda Mascaranes. Katrina Overcash. Judy Romero. Pola Lucero. Darleene Carrillo. Kay Snyder, Jeanette Sanchez. Third row. Mary Leyba, Margie SoliÂť, Mary Bodelson. Audrey Moore. Nancy Rivera. Dana Carrel, Kelsie Tiano, Anita Lujan, Maureen Hyde. Fourth row. Sponsor - Mrs. Haufman, Anna Romero, Pam Valdez, Lisa Gonzales Cammie Walrath. Marsha Fresquez. Alberta Vieira.


The Pan American Club is a club that promotes cultural growth and knowledge of foreign countries. The members of Pan] Am earn money throughout the year by selling candy, having] bake sales, and car washes. This year, on June 2, 27 lucky members and four sponsors boarded a plane and departed for Guadalajara, Mexico.

Pan American Officers Kneehng. Katrina Overcash. Treasurer. Sitting. Mary Bodelson. Co-Secretary. Maureen Hyde. President. Standing. Marsha Fresquez. Co-Treasurer. Lisa Gonzales. Secretary. Anita luun. Vice President.


FBLA (Seniors and Juniors): First row front left to right. Steve Gonzales, Becky Garza, Barbara Baca, Julie Beck, Juliette Maestas, Darlene Lujan, Rosemary TrujiDo. Second row. Vivian Lucero. Margaret Casaus. Loretta S isner os. Priscilla Lucero, Joseph Lobato, Jeanette Romero, Kenny Pino, Allen Roybal. Third row. Michelle Sena, Mike Maldonado, Starr Nowak, Sharon Honnell, Sheila TrujOo. Kyle Sager, Roland Valdez. Fourth row. Anthony Legits, Jenny Streaver, Steve Lucero. Harold Dixon. Robin Rodriguez, Brock Clifton, Joe Maldonado.

FBLA (Sophomores and Freshman). First raw from left to right. Maggie Maes. Carlos Vieira. Jo Ann Cataract*. Angela Martinez. Tammy MiOigan. Jay Sanchez. Kenny Quartana. Second raw. Lisa Moya. Marian Wakaven. Gienda Ortiz. Laura Montoya. Trish Rodriguez. Ramona Nye. David Ortega. Trisha Arzola. Kim Maestas. Third row. David Martinez. JÂť Gonzales. Dana Chambers. Mike Rodriguez. Carta Chambers. Shauna Allen. Penny Tubbs. Dolores Rael

FBLA SPONSORS. From left to right. Carolina Peralta, Louis Martinez, Jane Visic, Pat Velarde, Barbara Vigil


FBLA Officers. Steve Gonzales. Vice President. Dariene Lujan. Secretary. Roland Valdez. Treasurer. Vivien Lucero. Historian. Harold Dixon. President. 331


Demon Spotlight: First row from left to right. Annette Griego, Bernadette Ortega, Ellen Hamen, Jenny Coleman, Loretta Carter, Sharmaine Lopez, Katrina Overcash, Revecca Madrid, Pasco D'Angelico. Second row. Alberta Vieira, Marie Sanchez, Melinda Lopez, Eilenor Torud, Jennifer Addington. Susan Gonzales, Veronica Barela, Jenny Medina, Keith Vanderford, Kenny Pino, German Correa, Mike Davis, Norman Aragon. Tony Garcia. Tim Dill. Tracy Kuntz, Elister Elis. Shawn Quarls. Eric Burman. Mrs. Marilyn Huber.

Working cameras were only one part of the communications class work. The students wrote stories that they themselves read for the show. A fifty-five minute show was produced every school week for Channel 2 KABL cablevision. The students met people from different parts of the city and state as well as from other states and countries. The students also had the chance to direct and to produce their own shows. The class was a learning experience for those who wanted to go into film production as well as for those ÂŤho were interested in other phases of nedia work.


STAFF Editor - Harold Stacy Editor • Juan Rios Assoc. Ed. - Pam Welch Bus. Mgr. - Brenda Devine Darkroom - Robert Mier Photography - Juan Rio« Bruce Payne Harold Stacy Robert Mier Tim Blevins Scott Gosling Alberta Vieira Jeff Mugleston Ramona Nye Classes - Tom Gallegos Kevin Johnson Pam Snyder Kenny Valencia Juliette Maestas Bernadette Ortega Ben Rael Bernie Salazar Pablo Gutierrez Sports - Harold Stacy Jeff Apodada Jimmy Duncan Everett Gonzales Activities - Pam Welch Virginia McClutchey Organizations • Peter Komis Alberta Vieira Ramona Nye Ads - Brenda Devine Dave Rodriguez Stephen Riley Paul Huckabee Theme - Juan Rios Pam Welch Harold Stacy Academic - Doris Salazar Yvette Gonzales Vo-Tech - Armando Enriquez Bernadette Ortiz Honorary - Ernie Quintana




Freshman Class

Freshman Class: Front raw from left to right: Gina Armijo, Brenda Brown, Velma Coca. Charlene Lopez, Deanna Archuleta, Cheri Martinez, Jerome Vialpando, Joe Shook. Second row: Kevin Wildenstein. Dorothy Archuleta. Consuelo Martinez, Val Miranda, Becky Guerrero. Deborah Chavez. Jo Ann Chavez, Carmen Romero. Third row.- Tom Gallegos, Martha Jimenez. Orlando Vasquez. Larry Chavez. Bryce Romig. Ivan Migell. Janet Perea.

Freshman Class Officers: Joe Shook. Dorothy Archuleta. Velma Coca. I Archuleta.


Statersi First row from left to right. Kris Jensen, Frances Robinson. Lourdez Zamora, Dianna Chavez, Bernadette Trujillo. Charlie Fitch, Sarah Jameson. Second row. Danaya Wright, Suzanne Ogard, Phil A. Rivera, Billy Chapman. Timothy Dill, Andy Montgomery, Harold Dixon.


United Nations Club, First row from left to right. Alan Stein. Leslie Mugleston. Joey Cisneros. Second row. Paul Cisneros, James Snead, Keith O'Cheskey. G«o»f Stein. Î »


DRAMA CLUB: First row from left to right. Ruth Gilbert, Julie Barber. Chris Montano. Audrey Sanders. Terry Bohannon. Stacy Amorous, Peter Burman, Evelyn Kiefer. Jenny McChitchy. Second row. Wanda Meadows. Julie Pena, Lourdez Zamora, Christine Boyce, Donna Famolaire, Ramona Nye. Mary Cay Boatright, Liz Backenstow, Alberta Vieira. Third row. Anna Marie Armijo. Melissa Parra. Kirsten Johnson, Eileen Kingsbury, Kathy Dixon. John Dowle, Kim Koomoa, Steve Gann. Fourth row. Marian Olson, Cassius Kivela, Kevin Hare Peter Komis, Andrea Dut cher. Joe Flarshebn.

Under the leadership of M r . Gary Tydings, the Drama Club at SFHS participated in several plays. They also participated in a "Contest Play." held annually at the University of New Mexico. "Feiffer's People" the opening play of the season was a success. This years plays included "The Women." "Medea," and wrapping up the season was Niel Simon's comedy, "Come Blow Your Horn."




Demon Tatler O f f i c e r s : Kerri Morris. Kerry Li, Marie Sanchez. Ray Padila. Valeri Montoya.

The DEMON TATLER. the newspaper for Santa Fe High, is published every two weeks. Sponsor Mrs. Jean Rehorn, helps aspiring journalists learn the "ropes" of newspaper production. Students are involved in all the major facets of putting a newspaper together: news, sports, feature and editorial writing, proofreading, copy editing, layout, ad sales, and business management. The Demon Tatler has received a First Place Award for two years from the Quill and Scroll Society, and is supplemented by Demon Doings in the Sunday New Mexican, and two local radio shows.

f Demon Tatler, First row from left to right. Valeri Montoya. Annette Griego. Rebecca M a d r i d . Paula Moya. Nancy Krehmin. M a r y Ronquillo. Lisa Mueller. Second row. Marty Esquivel. Marie Sanchez. Nancy Summers. Audrey Sanders. Christie Eaves. Kerri M o r r i s . Suzanne Gallegos. T h i r d row. Lisa Barela. Kerri Li. Ray Padilla. Kelly Hunt. 341


One of the most rewarding programs at SFHS is the Exchange Program, whereby students from other countries are brought to Santa Fe and Santa Fe High students are sent abroad. These students live in host homes and attend school where differences in culture and language provide an exciting learning experience. Students from abroad at SFHS during the 1978-79 school year were: Knut Bay from Norway, Maria Arguello from South America. Katja Wait from West Germany, Ellen Hansen from Oslo, Norway. Eliinore Torud from Hamar, Norway. Carlos Garcia from Juarez. Mexico. German Correa from Armenia. Colombia. Marie-Aude Arie from Lucinges, France, Ernesto Verdugo Garcia from Cananea, Sonora. Mexico, Zolla Sanchez from South America and Sophia Karich whose home was not listed. These students are as individually varied as their geographical backgrounds, and they are in Santa Fe for a variety of reasons. Their career goals range from definite to "open". Marie-Aude plans to be a travel agent so she can fulfill her ambition to go around the world several times, but always go home to France. While living with the Beenhouwers in Santa Fe, she found people friendly and developed a taste for enchiladas. Ernesto Verdugo. whose father is a mĂŠtallurgie accountant for the Cananea Copper Company, plans to study medicine and specialize in cardiology. He was persuaded to come to SFHS on the Exchange Program because an older brother had been here and recommended. Ernesto particularly enjoyed all the sports. Ellen Hansen wanted an exchange school where she could ski and was sent to Santa Fe. She found SFHS "too big" and not as difficult as school in Norway, but more fun to attend. Ellen plans a career in business economics. German Correa is also interested in business and plans to major in Administration. German enjoyed Santa Fe food because it was so much like home, and had been talked into coming here by a friend. During his year with the Chapmans. he felt he gained much in language and social understandin Knut Bay did not come to Santa Fe under the exchange program, but arrived to spend a year with his uncle and aunt, the George Vedelers. whose son. Torger Vedeler had been in Norway to study. Ellinor Torud, however, came here because she had no choice. She simply applied to the program and was sent to Santa Fe. Ellinor also felt the school is too big. but that it offered a rare opportunity for fun and friendship. Her plans are to become a veterinarian. While all these students were packing to return to their own homes in other countries. Leslie Mugleston, who just graduated from SFHS. was also packing to leave home for a year abroad in Holland. The program travels in both directions and benefits each person who participates. 343



Demon Country has lots of great stores that have everything you could ever want or need. Demon Country has a selection of high, wide and handsome restaurants that can fill your hungry times. Demon Country has things to do and places to go that are exciting and fun. So. whatever you want to get. whatever you want to do. whatever you wish would happen, is probably right here in good old Santa re. Look around you. look through these pages, support our friends, and Enjoy. ENJOYI

FIRESTONE "The Radial Tire People" Firestone Stores Div of Firestone Tire ÂŁ Rubber 1015 St. Francis Dr.



983-7303 Santa Fe. N.M. "Serving Northern New Mexico"


Drive up for in Car - or Call in For Food Sunday Thru Thursday 10 A.M. - II P.M.


982-5400 3861 CerrOo* Road Santa Fe. New Mexico


Friday è Saturday 10 A.M. - I A.M.

SOUTHWEST REALTY Residential - Commercial Land - Property Management 1964 Cerrillos Rd. Ph 988-4491 Santa Fe. New Mexico


Coronado Shopping Center ilO Cordova Road


Santa Fe N.M.


Nationally Advertised Brandt Wrangler, Lee. American. Re«i*iol Bailey Hat*.

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DAVID'S STUDIO Portraits - Candids - Commercial Graduates - Family - Children First Communion - Weddings We Furnish Caps. Gown*. Drapes ÂŁ Tuxedos 544 Cerrillos Rd.

Santa Fe


JIM KASER MOTORS Subaru - B M W Sales 6 Service Cerrillos At Third Santa Fe 983-7341

MONTGOMERY WARD % CO. The Family Store De Vargas Mall Shopping Center

982-2681 Abo. Catalog Sales. De Vargas Center



PLAZA ORE HOUSE 50 Lincon Ave.

Restaurant ยง Lounge Cocktails. Beer 6 Wine Steak, Seafood. Lamb, Chicken Lobster, Fresh Vegetables Great Salads and Homemade Soup 983-8687


1234 St. Micheals Dr. 982-4431 North Branch Paseo De Peralto ยฃ St. Francis Dr. 988-4441 Santa Fe. N.M. "A full service Bank"

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"ALL THE GREAT LINES ARE AT NAN'S" Marklln Traira * Dinky * Corgi * Steif f Lego * Madame Alexander Dolls Also In Houston. Texas . . . 713-622-0760

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P.O. Box 1336 Santa Fe

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SHERATON - SANTA FE INN Nestled mountain high, overlooking old Santa Fe, the new Sheraton Inn offers guests the ultimate in accommodations and a breathtaking view of the surrounding Sangre de Cristo mountains. * * * * *

108 spacious guest rooms meeting, convention, banquet facilities Shalako Room Restaurant Top of the Hill Club heated pool 750 N. St. Francis Dr. Santa Fe

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College Plaza Shopping Center Santa Fe

ERNIE'S ROOFING SERVICE "For The Toughest Roofing You Can Get" Roofing: Commercial, Residential All Types of Roofs Free Estimates Ernest L. Vigil - Owner 122 Camino De Las Crucitas

983-0821 Santa Fe

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EMPIRE BUILDERS Lumber & Building Materials Since 1945 Doors - Bricks - Windows - Paints - Hardware - Cement - Roofing - Heaters And Much More 1802 Cerrillos Rd.

Ph 982-2646 Santa Fe, New Mexico

ANCIENT CITY JEWELRY SHOP "The Best Shop in Town" Located at 102 East Water

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GODFATHER'S PIZZA "A Pizza You Can't Refuse" Open Daily - Dine In • Carry Out Salad Bar - Sandwiches • Soft Drinks St Michaels Village West Santa Fe. New Mexico 371

DAIRY QUEEN "Live A Little" Complete Fast Food Service Dairy Queen Fountain Service Biggest Burger* • Thickest Shakes - Banana Splits Large Dining Room For Call In Orders 471-3400 Albuquerque Highway near Airport "Y" 3399 Cerrios Road Santa Fe


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Santa Fe. N. Mexico

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FRED'S DRIVE-IN Food The Way You Like It Foot Long Hot Dogs Chili Dogs - Fries Burgers (5 different kinds) Drive in for service 3601 Cerrillos Rd.

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P.O. BOX 8 3 7 3 1 0 D I FOURI SANTA FB. N.M. •7S01

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RODEWAY INN OF ;*ยง SANTA FE J j The happy place to stay Color TV All Rooms Sauna Baths & Therapy Pool Heated Swimming Pool Private Balconies & Terraces Restaurant - Tennis Courts Lounge Everything for your comfort Phone ahead for reservations 3011 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe. New Mexico


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Owners: Eva t Anna Griego 533 West Cordova Rd.


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MADALYN Of Santa Fe Fine Photography Portraits - Weddings Family Groups - Children Students - Outdoors 6 Home Commercial - Oil Paintings Copies 6 Restorations Caps 6 Gowns for Seniors 983-8147 On the Loop

For Appointment Call 600 Galisteo St. Santa Fe

The (nn FOR RESERVATIONS 1505)988-5531

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Youl Ever Need"


Ph 982-3666

310 Marcy St. Santa Fe, New Mexico

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HOUSTON LUMBER CO. Building Materlab - Paint Lumber - Sa*h ft Door* Rockwel Took) - Hardware - Roofing And Much More - Free Estimate«


75 CerrNkM Rd. Santa Fe. New Mexico


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