Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1988

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. Isslslanl Veil Leader When Johnny was born he was so surprised lie didn't say a word lor a year and a half, but he sure made up for it when he got into high school. Johnny came to Santa Fe for his lungs and now he's giving them to S. F . H . S. AND H O W !

Students i Continue A Rich &

Inherited H i s t o r y

LOVE AT FAST DTTE. Sharing watermelon or the annual German Oub picnic, senior exchange student, Manuel Krous and sophomore, Martha Cookson enjoy o day in the

ON THE SIDELINES. During arigorousgome against Valley High, Coaches Green, Bradley, and Martinez anxiously await the results of a phy.

FLYIN' UGH. For right, soaring through the at. senior Greg Smith gets "tossed around" or the German Oub Picnic. DEMON SPffVTI During the Homecoming gome, cheerleoders Angela Montoya and Andrea Leybo cheer on the Demons.

A CONTEMPORARY LOOK AT*. THE ONE & ONLY ^"Tfign xnool, Se lore 1900's, hove ars full of friendship, sorrow, exciremenr, ond rears. Urrle has changed since rhe days when rhe graduating doss of 1920 hod only thirteen srudenrs. For w e hove kepr whor rhe posr has given us and grown wirh its memories. SFH5 still carries all rhe laughter, happiness and spiir rodoy as ir did when rhe doors ro rhe schoolhouse opened in 1860. The love and care for one onorher will always linger. The anriciparion of winning rhe 1987-88 Homecoming football game againsr Oovis, ond againsr all odds, remains forever in our rhoughrs. And rhe rrusr w e learned ro give ro our friends and ourselves continues ro shine. SFHS was as dassic in 1860 as ir is rodoy. And as w e reflect back upon rhe years w e see rhe extraordinary individuals rhor make this school rhe unique school ir is. For SFHS, rhis year is o rime for change. Ir Is a year ro shore whor rhe school, for one-hundred and rwenry years, has hod only for itself. Ir's a rime ro broaden and expand and with this rhoughr in mind, w e welcome Villa Real High School ro be rhe second public high school Sonro Fe has ever hod. No longer will Santo Fe High School be rhe only public high school in Sonro Fe, but as we move on w e will keep wirh us all rhe fabulous memories of our years or rhe "One and Only" Santa Fe High •PAIGE CONOVER

Seniors ONLY THE " BEST FOR LAST Through Changes And Challenges, Seniors Stand Proud


senior has a lor ro look forward ro - college plans, moving our, careers, bSs, paying raxes and gerring in debr. A lor has happened in rhe pasr four years. In 1984 Ronald Reagan was re-eteaed as Presktenr of rhe Unired Srares; Asrronour Druce McCondless Jerred unrerhered in space,- ond one-million Erhiopians srarved ro dearh. In 1985, a TWA flighr our of Arhens, Greece was hjacked; rhe "Cosby Show" was number one; rhe R.M.S. Tiranic was found 2Vi miles benearh rhe ocean surface; a huge earrhquake left 7,000 dead and 00,000 homeless in Mexico Ory, Mexico; and Sir Dob Geldof helped rhe starving world-wide by produting "LiveAid." In 1986 rhe space shurrle Challenger exploded sevenry-one seconds after lift-off killing rhe seven person crew; Chernobyl Nuclear Ptanr in rhe Soviet Union exploded; Corazon Aquino won presidency in rhe Phillippines; and the Statue of Liberty rurned 100. The Constitution of rhe Unired States of America rurned 200 years old in 1987; U2 went world-wide on one of rhe biggest rock concert tours of oil time; the stock marker fed over 500 points creating fear of onorher recession; rhe AIDS virus hit closer ond closer ro home; the airline industry hod o horrible year with more "neor-misses" ond mid-air collisions rfion ever; ond more and more information about "Iron-Gore" was revealed ro rhe surprise of rhe American people. 1988 broughr obour /he line-up of the presidential condidores and rhe winrer Olympic Gomes held in Calgary, Alberto, Conodo. Next monrh will start the summer Olympic Games held in Seoul, Korea. Also, o new President of rhe Unired Stares w f be elected *\ rhe foil When you look at it, o tot of things reoly did happen during those four yeors Although the changes and events that rook place world-wide out-weigh those that took place here at home, they sri count

In 1984-1985, our freshman year, rhe campus was being renovared. Two amphitheatres were added near rhe administration building. Resrtooms were odded in E-buOding and the campus was landscaped; all ar o cost of about $120,000. In oddirion to the outer campus, the inner campus was also going through some changes. Attendance policies were" changed ro be stricter and grading policies were mode ro cause us ro work harder ro keep rhose grades up. Amy Koch was homecoming queen. Sophomore year didn'r bring very many changes excepr rhe attendance policy and a proposal ro dose the campus which was both praised and disputed by students, reochers, parents and the School Board. Queen was Renee Saiz. Junior year, 1986-1987, broughr a new administration which was heoded by Prindpal, Rose Fidel. New orrendonce pofcies were odded in oddirion ro having rhe honors program enhanced ond everybody. Including reochers, hod ro leorn a new set of rules and regulations. The srudenr driving policy was revised ro ban freshmen and sophomores from driving ro school ond shorts were nor allowed ar all. However, rNs was changed ro ollow for knee-length shorts. Parry Romero was homecoming queen This year, senior year 1987-1988, has showed us even more changes Lunch was shortened by five minures, school time was lengrhened by five minutes ond the advisory period was introduced. In addition to rhe changes raking place righr now, o big change rhar influences us w l rake place nexr year. A new high school w i open in Sonra Fe, New Mexico. This means, ro the graduating doss of 1987-1988, rhar we ore definorely "rhe one and only!" JOHN FREEDMAN

Seniors Of '88

Seniors Cope With Last Year Pressures


upport and unoersronding from family ond friends proved ro be o valuable asser ro the prevenrion of rhe expected "senioritis". Wirh all rhe added pressures of living up ro rhe expeaorions. every weekend eoxh and every one of us ser our ro ler go of all the anxieties, frusrrarions, and all around tiredness of school life. Ir was a good time to forger ir oil, be with our friends, do wild things, go crazy, andjusr have unlimired fun. It always helped ro see that face, that certain expression, that helped the day go smoother ond end quicker. And ir helped ro have the families and friends

who pushed us. helped us gain our confidence, achieve our gools, ond inspworions. So, for this we musr thank those who were so helpful when they didn't even know rhor rhey were. This question was asked of four seniors. Below are rheir answers.

•the many colege apptcarions I hod ro « our and the wot for acceptance and the choice of w t * h colege I wanred 10 artend." Kirk MocGivory

"Ptayhg Vasty foorbal hfrontof d m y friends or Home fooibal games ^ ^ f^g^

"Nor beng able ro stock during my senior year. Keeping up my grades ond preparing for colege" Teresa Martinez

"What would you say was the biggest pressure you faced your senior year?" •TRICIA LOPEZ

"My biggest pressure was molnrumnu, penpec five for what was and wasn't mportanr regarding my high school classes and colege planning." John Freedman

Helen Oenovidez Dennis Dernol G w e n d o Dernol FHA. HERO. SADC James Dlbb ROTC Done. Oose-Up. Srorters.Srudenr Cound Doryle Diddle Anrhro . Chess. Germon. ROTC

John Dindel Daseban. Foorboll. Key Club.Srudenr Cound. OasKerbaS Sarah Dlalr r>omc Jr Cass Pres Soccc Sice's Swtn-vvng. Vo'ieyool' Sheryl Doggs Qoskerboll. Troo*. VoUeyool Laura Doles W a d e Doynton BasKeroa!

Seniors Don Chains Of Slavery W

ar is ir like ro be "ensloved"? The seniors who porricipared in Slave Day, a new Homecoming ocriviry sponsored by rhe senior class, had rhe chonce ro find our. During Homecoming week rhe senior doss ser up o bidding roble every doy or lunch. A lisr of rwenry-seven seniors willing ro be slaves was available ro anyone who wished ro bid. Offers ranged from $1.50 ro $36.00 On rhe Thursday before Homecoming rhe highesr bidders were announced ond Friday afrer rhe assembly rhe slaves donned rheir choins in rhe form of various cosrumes ond ser our ro serve rheir mosre's' every whim. Reactions ro servirude varied from Srocy Miller who said, "I had o biosr." ro Neil Miller who said rhere were o few fun momenrs bur odmirred. "I kind of

Ashandl Dromon Cyrus Drown Dcsxe'sot Co-we* 1 . F'enc\ Wresting Gloria Drown FBLA. OEA BOTJ Jeremy Drowj Sean Buckley



doubr I'd do ir again." Purchased by German reacher Allen Pearson for $36.00, Neil •managed ro bring in rhe highesr bid. He jokingly said, "Ir was Pearson's chance ro ger bock ar me for oil rhe rhings I've done ro him over rhe losr four years." Darr Doriry felr lucky ro be purchased by arr reacher Phil Karshis because, "he saved me from rhe hideous rorrure of being Mr. Pearson's Slave, a fare I'm afraid my good friend Neil did suffer rhrough. However, Dorr claims he didn'r particularly enjoy his slavery eirher. Dressed in full ski gear from skis rojacker ro goggles, he had ro subsrirure Korshis's doss. When asked why he boughr Darr, Karshis replied, "ro make a donation ro rhe senior doss." Slave driver Chris Nordsrrum made Kelly Whirrleron "dress in o clown cosrume wirh a purple

wig. For lunch she sang o duer wirh Jeff Guyer on rhe library sreps." He also mode her sing for each of his classes and made her rake nores and give him bock rubs. How could Chris rorrure a good friend like Kelly? He said, "She has a greor sense of humor so I knew she'd rake everyrhing well." Joel Spoonheim said Slave Day was, "rhe besr fundraiser I've ever been in." He is obviously o good sporr considering rhar his masrer Kristin Morgan dressed him in o gross skirr ond made him do rhe hulo while singing "Oh I Wish I Were an Oscar Meyer Wiener." Larer, he and fellow slave Chris Levy song "You Lighr Up My Life" ro Ms. Fidel under rhe duress of rheir mosrers. All in all, Slave Doy was a success ond helped rhe senior doss raise money for rheir senior rrip. - LYNN RICHARDSON

Ethan Ourdeou Oorble Ourgetr Oond. Key Oub, PonAm, Para Monona. Soccer. Trodt Kono Durnom Derek Durton Oond. Dromo, German, Soccer. Troch Tereso Dustos Snjdenr Cound

D a n i e l l e Duller DESEKEL Decol Carlson An. LA, French, Siudenr Cound Korhryn Caron DasherboB, FDLA. FHA, SADD Siudenr Cound, Voteybol Sean Carpenter BFA. Who's Who ~LCostellono I Key Oub, Poro Monona. fCounol, Senor Ctoss Pres

JStoOub GaiTCotanoch DESEKEL. FDLA. Srudera Cound Erin Chambers Art. Drama. German. Junior Oast Secretory. Studenr Cound Cassandra C h a p m a n An. Softool Cathy C h o v e z Dasherbot. Softool

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Germoine C h o v e z Patrice C h a v e z Doskerboll. FDLA, Softball. Track, Voteybol

Tinh Chung Art Lester Ray Cisneros Shonno Clark DESEKEL, Drama. FDLA, French. Golf, SADO. Student Council, Tennis. Voteybol

David Clough Michael Collins Art, Dond Stacey Colson Paige Conovei Anthro., DESEKEL, Key dub, Urerory Magazine, Para Monona Edirortn-CNef. Srudenr Council, Track Kristen Conroy

Craig Copel Staters, Swimming Rozello Cordova Blue Joy CJn FHA-HEROl Michelle Coriz FOLA FFA, OEA, SADD. Softixfl Paul Cortez Anrhro. Germon, (VOTC

Richard Costello FDLA Nicole Curtis nrhro., Dond, Dromo. French Qub. Key >. PonAm. Soccer, Swimming, Thespian Dorothy D'Agostino Sonio Dean Kern DeLeon Dond. French Oub. PonAm, VCA

A n n a De| Dond. Srorers W i m Deruyter Trtda Dimos Anthro., Key Oub, Student Cagnd ' Carmichael Domlnguez Computer. FDLA. Foorbat, SADO. Srudenr Cound. Wresting Michelle Dominick Art, Sophomore Attendenr



Dan Dorily Vernon Doss Chess Oub. Computer. Demon Tarter. Uerory Magazine. Poro Monona. Soccer. Track. Wresrtng John Dunwoody Anrhro., FDLA. Golf. Motional Honor Sodery, Soccer. Track Annette Dupre Drama. Key Oub. Student Cound Audtey Duron Oasfcetbot. DESEKa. French Oub. Key Oub Student Cound

Chris Duron Oosebd. OdsKerboi. Footbol Marcella Duron AIT

Dustin Duty Oaskerbal. Footbol Tom Dvorak Gallo Eisenhotdt Anrhro.. Arr. French Oub

Yvonne Encinios FHA-HERO Clayton Farrow Bond. Computer. DESEKa Edwin Fernandez An. DcseboJ. BashetboJ. Computer. FooitxiCQproJn

Michelle Ferron Anihro., An, Oase-up. French. Key Quo, Bridget Finney Anihro.. Drama. Key dub. Model UN. Student Cound. Swimming

Aaron Fischer AIT

Elizabeth Florence Arr. Computer. Drama. Fiendi, SADO Janice Floies FHA+CRO. SADD Bradford Fowler Computer. Poro Monono John Freedtnan Demon Tarter, Drcmo, Freoct fc Key

Maureen Fresquez Bond, IMrary Magazine, RewAm. SADO, Senior Class Treasurer. Student Cound. Voteytx* Gilbert Fuentes

ibo Fukuda DESEKa. Dramo. French. Key Oub, Uterory Mogaane. NHS. Who's Who Gregory Gollegos FoorboJ. Tiock Klmbetly Gollegos

Right: SPIRITED SENIOR: Geoff Thompson cheers during rhe Homecoming assembly. Far Right: WORLDLY: Seniors Man Martinez. Lodd Lucero. and Gary 3sr) sopfusricored smiles

Mario Gollegos Art, Computer Stephanie Gollegos DECA. FFA Terl Gollegos Antoinette G a t d a An. Computer, Demon Toiler, Demon Oourique, OEA, 5AD0 Belinda Gorcio

Jose Gorcio Julie G a t d a Ooskerboll, Softball. Vofleyool Linda Gorcio DECA Lotetto Gorcio SADO. Srudenr Council, Swimming, TrocH Lydlo Gorcio FHA-HERO. Wresrling Cheerteoder

Martha Garcia Mary Garcia Melissa Gorcio Rudy Garcia hpurer. Football. OEA. SADD Judl Garduno FHA-HERO. SADD. Wresrtng Cheerleader

Daniel Gehred Anrhro, Computer, German Quo Jason Gerber Anrhro., Demon Totter. DESEKEL. Urerory Mogozine, Poro Monona, Swimming M a t t h e w Gerzanlch Julie Geichell Dond.FDLA.FHA

Wendl Gllbreth

Craig Gilcreose Peter Gillert Key Oub. Para Monona. Shi Oub Mark Golden Rhonda G o m e z FHA, PonAm Angela Gonzales Anitvo. Dond, Srudenr CounoX Swmvrmg, Terms. VoSeyboll

George Gonzales Josephine Gonzales Kimberly Gonzales Mario Gonzales uono, uosnetoo-i, jorroo>. vofleybol Stephen Gonzales Oasketbal

Steven Gonzales Chomisa Gordon Michaela Granlro Drama. PonAm. (too Monona. SAOD. Srudenr Coonc Joe Greofhouse Anthro.. Dond. German. Model UN. Srudenr Cound Susan Gregory dose-up. GAPP. German Oub. Honors

Dono Griego Art. Ftench Club Francine Guillen FDLA « . .


Yvette Guillen FDLA. FHA-HEftO. NHS, SADD. Senior Oos Lynette Gutule Jeffrey Guyer Demon Tarter. Fooibal. French Oub. Key Oub. Siudenr Counal, Swimmng

James Hadley French Oub. Go* A m y Hollquist German Oub. Key Oub. Para Atanano Tenr*. Track Kristin Hansen Anrtvo. An. Drama. German Oub. Key Oub. NHS. Studenr Counal. Thespian Karen Hote Oilly Harris An. Basket DOS. Computer, fooibal


Klrsten Morris Thomas Hart VCA Diane Hasson Phaedra H a y w o o d Sandra Helberger

Jacqueline Heiss French. Key Oub, PonAm. SAOD Elizabeth Hendren DaskerboD. Junior Ooss Vlceflres.. Sophomore Ooss Treasurer, Srudenr Cound, VoBeybot-Teom Captain Laura Hendrickson Anrhro , Dond, French. SofTool K y l e Henson Art, Key Oub. Urerary Magazine, Colette Herrera Cheerleader, Freshman Ooss Pres. Key Oub. Lirerory Magazine. PonAm, Paro tanano, SAOO. Senior Class Sec . Srudenr

John Herrero Pauline Herrero Monica HoeK Basketball, Demon Tarter. Drama. Swimmog Korrine Holen Swimming Robert Hoover An

Ronald Hoover An, Para Monano A n g e l Hopkins Cornpurer. DECA. FFA A r n a u d Hubert French Oub. urerary Magazine. Chess Oub. German Oub Thomas Hudson Drendo Iverson DESEKEL. Drama

Deeonce Jackson FHA. SADD. Srudenr Cound Jerri James Demon Tarter, PonAm. Terms Anthony Joromillo Eileen Jimenez FHA+ERO Irene Jimenez

Patrick Jimenez Thomas Jimenez FoorboH, Student Cound Sarah Joseph John Kelly Pablo Kelly Computer Oromo

Kellle Kenny French dub, Model UN. Student Cound. Swimming Renee Kern Band. Key Out). Swimming Kyle Key FDLA. FFA. Student Cound Undo King DECA, FFA. FHA Judson Klnkade Anthro.. Cross Country, Drama. Gymnastics, SADO. Track

So rah K l a b u n d e Dromo, Key Qub. Senior doss Sec. Staters. Student Counol, Swimming M a n u e l Krous Cefmon, Porci Monona. Soccer. Swimming Richard K u e g e m o n Mark Larranaga Air. Football. NHS Eric L a y d e n FHA-HERO, FoorboB

Dating . . . It's Only A Gome

Above: PASSMG THE TIME. Jeff Guyer relaxes whle toHng ro o Mend.

"We saved rhe besr for lasr" proclaimed senior Jeff Guyer, referring ro Sanra Fe's lasr srand as rhe only public high school in Sanra Fe. Jeff srares rhar he has really enjoyed rhe many differenr people he gor ro know rhrough rhe pasr years, bur mosr imporranrly — rhe gins! Jeff nor only believes rhar daring is a game, bur a procedure. "The process in which I undergo is very simple and relaxed. The sreps are as follows; 1. A brief exchange of daily greetings. 2. A planned luncheon eirher on a Tuesday or Wednesday (rhts gives me rime ro rhink abour rhe upcoming weekend.) 3. If lunch wenr well, I rhen ask her, "Whar are you doing rhis weekend?" 4. If she has no plans for rhe weekend, I rhen proceed by casually asking her ro o movie or a parry. 5. If rhe dare goes wel,

I conrinue rhis elemenrary process." Alrhough he spends much of his spare rime parrying wirh friends, Jeff was also involved in many exrra-curricular activiries. He parria'pared in rrack his freshman year, compering in rhe 400 yard dash and rhe long jump. He was also a member of rhe Key dub. As a sophomore, Jeff switched gears and joined rhe foorball ream, bur an Injured knee cur shorr his career as a spiir end. He was a member of rhe swim ream and Srudenr council borh as a junior and senior. As Jeff enrers rhe realm of rhe real world, his four years or Sanra Fe High glows warmly in rhe friendly lighr of nosrolgia. •STEVE PHILLIPS



Steve L e m a y German Oub. Golf. SM Club. Soccer Valerie Lerma Dond. Dramo. PonAm, SADO, Who's Who M o n a Lerouae Christopher Levy Somsunshine Levy

Emily Ley Monico Ley bo FHA. FHA HERO Lee Lierz Doeniko Lilienthol Dond. French Oub A n n e t t e Lopez FHA-HERO. SADO

Dorboro Lopez Duone Lopez Oose-vjp Juanita Lopez Anrrvopotogy. FDLA Mario Lopez Foorbal Trlclo Lopez Anrhro, FDLA, Poro Monono, Sophomore Arrendenr. Sophomore Class Seaerary, Senior Arrendenr, Srudenr Council, Who's

Y v o n n e Lopez Cynthia Lovato Renee Lovato An. FFA Ladd Lucero OosKerboB Dernadette Lujan FHA-HERO

Carolyn Lujan FFA Lisa Lujan Tamica Luna Lean Lyons Kirk MacGllllvroy Anrhro. Dramo, Got. Model legetarure Para Monona Soccer. Srarers. Swtmmng

Kathleen Moese Kenneth Moestas Awhro. Ait. Dond Matte Mams DKA.FFA Frank Matquez Foorbof Kelly Matquez Anrtvo.. Dond. SADO

Martin Matquez Qoss Country, Poro Monono Amy Martin An, Dramo. Key Oub Adrion Martinez Oond Alicia Morhez A n g e l o Martinez

Anthony Martinez FFA Claudine Martinez Donald Martinez Georgia Martinez Gilbert Martinez

Joe Martinez Laity Martinez DaseboJ. SADO. Wrestng Lorenzo Martinez M a t t h e w Martinez Oasebol, Dosherbol, Fooioa'i. Track Rebecca Martinez

Tammy Martinez FHA-fCRO. SADO

Teresa Martinez Cheerleader Vadra Martinez DECA. OEA. Student Couno) Robert Mascoienas Foorbof. Track Travis Mascoienas OaskerboJ. Dramo

Heather Masters Josh Masterson Dromo

Maurice McAllster FFA A n d r e w McGregor Art. Dand. Key Qub Joel McHorse

Dorene Medina Sonla Medina Stephanie Meek DESEKEL, FDLA, Student Cound Martin M e n a Dasebd, DoshetboJ. Foorbal Gianna Mendozo Dand, Dromo

James Mexia An. German, Iniernanonol Srudenrs, Key IV' Qub, SW Club, Soccer, Swimming Thomas Miera Anrhro., Key Club, NHS., Srorers, Soccer Carl Miles Jeff Miller Neil Miller Anrhro., Dromo, 6ermon, Key Quo, Model Legislarure. Pora Monona. Soccer. Swimming

Stacy Miller nrhra, Germon, Model UN, NHS., Para Monona, Soccer, Student Cound. Swimming J Debbie Montane DECA, FFA, Student Cound, VKA Debbie Montano Maria Montano DESEKEL, French, Student C o u n d

Sam Montano

Arthur Montoya

Jessica Montoya FDLA Phillip Montoya FFA



Robert Montoya Daskeibal. Computer, Foortx*. Track Shirley Montoya DECA. FFA. OEA. SADD

Tammy Montoya Billy Moore FHAHERO. SADO Mellndo Morales Cross Country, French. Soccer. Srudenr Cound, Track

Donna Morelos French. SADD Todd Molt Computer, Key dub. Para Monona. SM dub. Soccer. Tennis Sherfi Moyet French. Key dub. NHS., flora Monona, Srudenr Cound Daniel Mulholland Chess dub, German, NHS., 5W dub. Track

Taking On Pressures Of Higher Education When d high school srudenr becomes d senidr, he or she is suddenly hir wirh rons df Things rd ger done. Gradudiion arrdngemenrs, aedir dnd rransaipr checking dnd cdllege selections oil hdve rd be mode. Wirh rhe college selecrions come cdllege opplicorions. Everyrhing turns inrd d big hassle! This con be on enjdydble, bur grueling rdsk. The some infdrmdifon hds rd be filled dur dver dnd dver - name, address, GPA, doss rank, rentarive mqjdr dnd mindr dnd rhe lisr goes on ond on. After all rhe essenriol informorion is wrirren dur, rhe dppliCdnr comes ro dne df rhe mosr imporranr parrs af rhe applicorion, rhe essay. The essay is designed ra endble rhe reviewers rd ger o complere vision df whdr kind df person rhe oppliconr is. On top df rhe dpplicdridn, srudenrs ask emptoyers, friends ond reachers rd wrire our recommendarions for rhem. If rhe lorrer is rrue, rhe srudenr musr moke sure rhar rhe recommendarions ore senr dn rime ro rhe righr oddress Along wirh oil this, srudenrs

Aldng wirh oil rhis, srudenrs musr roke rhe ACT and/or rhe SAT ond make sure rheir official scores ore senr ro rhe colleges specified. All rhis hds ro be complered ond senr in by rhe rime rhe senidrs send in rheir opplicorions. After you've filled our applications, roken rests and received recommendations, you musr hdve rhe school send on dfficidl rranscripr rd rhe selected colleges. Before rhis cdn be done, rhe senior hds rdfilldur d fdrm, hdnd ir in wirh rhe supplied names and addresses and check rhe rransaipr rd make sure everyrhing is complere ond correcr. If there is one slighr error in anything senr ">. colleges cdn delay admissK.. notices which may impair rhe senior's chdnce df gerring inro rhar college. All in all, ir is a very difficult reek rd ger ydur submissions ro colleges ready and senr in on rime. However, in rhe end when youfinallyger rhe lerrer from the college of your choice notifying you rhar you hove been occepred, ydu realize rhar ir was all worth Ir. •JOHN FREEDMAN

Roberta Muniz Computer, French Oub Paula Naranjo FHA-HERO Joseph Narvalz Zoe Nauman Anrhro., Dromo, French, Para Mariana. Soccer, Srudenr Cound Jason Nelson Anrhro., German, Model Legjslarure. Soccer, Staters

Jose Nino Monica Node I Oond, Demon Tatter. Student Cound Joe Olivas Cheryl Ortega OEA Daniel Ortega

Martlno Ortega Student Counal Sonjo Ortega Daskerbol Yolanda Ortega Anrhro, Qose-up, Drama, Key Oub. Literary Magazine, Student Cound Charlene Ortiz John Ortiz Anrhro., Art, Computer, German

Joseph Ortiz Louise Ortiz Martin Ortiz eiDo... FFA, Track Me I iton Ortiz i. FoorboU, Track Phyllis Ortiz VCA - President

Ann Pocheco DECA. FDLA, FFA Russell Pack Drama, Wresting Denise Podllla Joseph Padllla Melanle Padllla Hand, French. Key Club



Tamoro Padlllo Oond. OEA Timothy Padllla Air. Computer. FFA Shelley Pafford Crosscountry. Track Judy Pagel FHA-HERO. Key Club. PonAm Ruben Porga Ait. Oosebal. DoskerboS. Foorbol, Golf. hrernortonal Studies. NHS.. Rodeo. SADD. Wresting

Trod Paris Anihro.. An. Bond, Drama, French. Key Club. Uerory Magazine. NHS., Srudenr Cound Patricia Porta OEA Brian Pearson FHA-HERO. Soccer Kevin Pearson Joshua Peinado Foorbol. Track

Justin Plant* OasebaB Oaskerbot. Foorbol Carta Pollat DE5EKEL. Sophomore Qoss Pres. Student Council Sarah Pozel Anrhro, Oond. French. Key Oub. Soccer. Tennis Carl Prother FDLA. SADD Becky Qulntona DECA

Q Mathew Quintana Ramona Quinfana Zone Rea FHA. FHAHERO. French Krlstina Regan Anihro.. Demon Toller, French. Junior Anendenr. Key dub, PonAm, too Monona, Soccer. Tennis

Donna Reld Key Oub. Para Monona, Tennis Chris Reinert Drama. German. Got, Key Oub. NHS. Para Monona. Track

Jeromy Row Computer, Wresting Jeffrey Reynolds FHAHERO. Key Oub. PbnAm



Lynn Richardson Anrhro., Dane). French, NHS., Para Monona, Srudenr Council Presdenr Nell Richardson Dand, Denton Tarter, German, Para Monona Julie Riddle Robert Ringer An, Computer, NHS , Poro Manana, SH Club Terms Rachel Ritch FHA

Klmberly Rivera OEA.SADC

Wayne Rlvere Foorbat. Trad Yvette Rivera Jason Robert; Dand, French, Key Qui Marc Roblnsor Art, Daskerba

Karen Rodelc Debra Rodrigue

m Jessica Rodrigue DE5EKEL, FOLA. FHA-HERC Lauro Rodrigue Daskerba'i. Trod Manuel Rodrigue Anrhro.. Chess Quo, Compurer, NHS., 5

HAVING A DLAST. Above Donald Chavez slapping a high five. FRIENDSHIP. Righr Alson Warren. Gonna Mendozo. Sarah Klabunde and Kristin Hansen show met comrodery. MODERN FLAGOEARER. Far righr Arrno DeLovaro or the ^ Fiesta parade



It's Not All Fun And Games Oh, the glorious Sfe of a senior; they ore so dose to breaking the chains thor hold them. They live o year long pony! Contrary ro rhis popular opinion, being o senior is nor all fun ond gomes. As explained by John Alejandro, "IT'S probably o lor harder rhon any orher year because you're worrying obour college applications, GPA, ond college boards. There's also a lor of pressure on you ro get inro a good college. Thar jusr odds ro rhe srress." "I rhink rhor going ro doss rhis year is more of o challenge because we know rhar if we don'r, rhen rhe possibiliry of us nor graduating increases," explained Roberr Warren. Don'r ger rhem wrong! Seniors are happy ro be seniors. Ir jusr isn'r rhe parry life ir seems ro be. -STEVE PHILLIPS

WE WW Edde Fernandez Hashes a "1" as Demons and fans re/ace in Homecoming victory over Oovis. STARRYEYED Above cenrer, Joe Romero. football manoger, wots far the winning score SHEER ELEGANCE. Cenrer left. Amy Martin shows off a on thar has been m every home football gome in the lost seven years ANXKXB. Center M e m b e r s of the SFHS "earn wot for the homecoming gome

James Rolbol Aft. Chess Oub. Foorbol. Srorers. Student Council Ann Rojos French. Freshman Ocas Vice-Pres.. German. Key dub. NHS.. Sophomore Ooss Acs., Staters. Student Cound. Swtmrmna Tro*. Voteybol Dorboro Romero Carlos Romero Cristino Romero Bond. DESEKa. French Srudenr Cound

Donelie Romero FHA. f H M W O . Gyrnoosila Debbie Romero Arr. Oond, Compuer. FHA. FHAHERO. SADO

Elizabeth Romero Gabriel Romero Arr. FFA. FHA-HERO, SADO Gary Romero DoseboS. Ooskerbol


Henry Romero Terns Jason Romero Joseph Romero Laura Romero Swimming Lucille Romero

Michelle Romero FDLA. FHA-HERO, SAOO Rhonda Romero Art, Dromo, Key dub. Student Counol Jason Roybol An. FFA Rebecca Roybol Bond. Cheerleader. Poro Monona Richard Roybol Dromo

Roberto Roybol Paul Rupp Sebastian Ruta Anrhro. Chess Qub, Compurer. Dromo. German, t+6 Janalyn Soger Cheerleader. FHA. FHA+CRO. Freshman Class Sec . Key Qub. PonAm. SADD. SW Qub, Srudenr Counol Nancy Salz

Renee Boros Proves To Be A Reol Friend Renee Dpros has been a very-hoppy and enrhusiosric senior in high school She loved being with people and oil she ever looks for in anyone ore rhe good poinrs. PersonoKry and loyalry ore considered qualities in someone spedal. Staying happy is imporranr ro Renee, even when rimes ger rough. "I can be happy even when I'm sad. I like ro live every day ro rhe fullesr", is her favorite saying.



Renee was never involved in any sports or exrra-curricular activities. When asked if she could change one thing she replied, "I would remake rhe school moscor in my rasre." Renee is a really near person. She always knows how ro cure rhe wound and make everyrhing okay again. Renee makes everyone around her rhe happiesr rhey can be. •REBECCA RODRIGUEZ

CAUGHT OFF GUARD. Rene's humorous and friendly personality shines through. She always has a smle for the camera

Eric Solozor Oasebd. Dromo. Track Rosemorie Solozor AdeloSalgodo Demon Dcuique. FHA4CRO. Swtmmng Darbara Sanchez Computer. Demon Boutique Daniel Sanchez Cross County, SADD. TrocK

M a n u e l Sanchez FFA. VCA. Vresrtng Monica Sanchez Jennifer Sandoval French, Uerory Mogaone Deborah Schwartz Oand. Drama. PonAm Kimberley Scott

Melissa Seehorn French. Uerory Mogcar* Marco Seguro Dromo. FHA >tAO Celene Seno Christine Seno James Sena

Jeannie Seno FHA FHAHEKO. Para Monono Maria Sean Renee Sena Donn Serna Computer. Dromo. FOLA. German. Oub. Swimming. Troch. Voteybal Anita Sertono

Carl Slltalo Troch Sota Slnghas Frances Slsneros Chris Smith Foorbol Greg Smith Anrhro. Art. Oand. Chen Oub. Damon Toiler. French. Gof. Key Oub. Poro Monono. Soccer. Terns


Mark Smith Theresa Smith Tracy Smlthpeter German. Key Club. PonAm. SADO Melissa Solano SAOO Steve Sontgerath

David Soveranez Bosherbol Nicholas Spencer Computer. Dromo. French. Germon, Key Oub. Para Monona, Thespian. Soccer. Swimming, Tennis Joel Spoonheim Bond, Chess Oub, Germon. International Students. Key Club, Srudenr Cound Raney St. Peter Ted Stenzhorn An. Hand, Computer, Dromo. Golf. Germon. NHS.. Soccer

Todd Stewart Qand Computer French, Para Monona. SWOub Greg Stone Foorba'lCopion. Wresting Druce Summets Cross Country. French. NHS, Track Holly Tallant Key dub Annette Topio

Daniel Topio Kellie Topio Dond Melissa Taylor bal. FDLA. Swimming. Tennis. Track. VoDeybol Michael Thomas Dond. Footbo" Geoffery Thompson Art. Dond. Ooseball, Foorbol. Track, Wresting

Bonnie Totter Demon Boutique. FDLA, Key Oub, SADD, Softball, Student Cound Christopher Trujlllo Leigh Trujlllo Dasketball. Softbcfl



Leo Matthew Trujlllo An. Demon Tarter, Para Monono Patricia Trujillo Oond. Swimming Steve Trujlllo Foorbol. Wresting Tommy Trujlllo Oaskerbol. German. Model UN Tommy Trujlllo Foorbol. Wresting

Yvette Trujlllo FHA. FHA+CRO. Para Monono Mate Turley Arr Genise Turpen Arr. Dand |des Uitts FHA+EVD fllza Ullbatri FHA-HERO

Ronald Ullbarrl FHA-HERO. Foorbol Sophia Ullbarrl DECA. OEA. Srudenr Cound, Paula Urban Christine Voldez Cheerleoder. Poro Monono John Voldez German, Student Cound

Leslie Voldez Robert Voldez French, Swimming Johnny Valdlvlezo Arr, Oashetbol Michael Valencia Dasebol, Foorbol Rochel Valencia Arr. FHA-HERO. Srudenr

Foorbol, OEA. Wresrtng

Eric Vance Demon Tarter. FHA-HERO, French. Key Adrian Velasquez Track. Wresting



Class Song "Here I Go Again"

Class Flower Forget-Me-Not

Class Color Silver 6 Emerald

Denise Vigil FHA-HERO Donna Vigil

MEETING THE DEADLINE Left. Vddsi WQCk on rhe year

oaqutn Doco pnd Christine i_l&rv James tries

Georgia Vigil Senior Arrendenr, Senior doss VcePresidenr, Voleybol Lee A n n Vigil DECA, SADO, Student Cound

Leroy Vigil DECA. FHA-HERO. SADO. Track Philip Vigil An Trlsh Vigil DECA. SADO

LOOKIN'GOOO Wghr, Lauren Wilson and Chris Sena pose for rhe camera. THE • HIGH COURT Center right. Homecoming Queen, Conressa Arogon, and am donrs Trida Lopez and Georgia Vigil encouroge rhe Demons ro "victory" over OovB

SENIOR CLASS MOTTO "You see us as you wanr ro see us, in rhe simplesr rerms, in rhe mosr convenienr definitions. Dur whor w e really found our is rhor each one of us Is a brain, an arhlere, o princess, a baskercase, and a criminal." When w e came here w e were srrangers bur now we're friends. Sincerely The Dreokfasr Club

V I I I Voorhees

M a n Ward Anrhro. Foorbol. German dub Jored Ward

Alison Warren Air. Drama, French. German Robert Warren Oand, Key Oub, Para Monona

Jason Woskey Anrhto. An. Ooievp. French. German, Hemanonot Students, Key Oub. Student Gound Dan V o t e t m o n FOLA. FFA Gregor Wells r*fi. Para Monona. SM Oub

Kelly Whlttleton Dond, Key Qub. Poro Monona, Swimming. Troth Corlene Wlckhom Arr, Computer. Dromo Lauren Wilson An, Dromo

Reece Wilson Winona Wilson DESEKEL. Drama, French, Urerary Magazine, PonAm, Thespian

A d a m Wiltsie German Qub Heather Wolf Anthro. Dond, NHS. Mariso Wolf Arr, Dromo, Key Oub, Voteybal Joserte Worst Dond, C o s Country, Drama, German, Para Monona, Track

Peter Yesley Diana Yngsdohl Anthro. FDLA Sarony Young Anthro.. DESEKa. Key Oub, Model UN., Poro Monona, Soccer, Srorers. Student Cound, Swimming, Track

Mori Zalewski Mario Zamora

Michael Zunlga FHA-HERO

The End Is Only The Beginning


he 1987-1988 school y e a was o very special one. Afl of rhe dosses helped ro moke rhis year memorable, bur especially rhe SENIOR5! Their leadership, spirir, and desire ro be the besr senior doss ever, combined wirh rhe closeness and support rhe senior class shared will remain in all of our minds rhroughour our lives. One quoliry rhar made rhe seniors of 1987-1988 srond high above rhe resr is rhar rhey were rhe "One and Only". Nexr year rhere will be rwo public high schools in Sanra Fe and rhe dass of 1988 is rhe lasr fuH class groduoring from Sanra Fe High School. To basically sum up rhese pasr four years is ro soy rhar whor we've learned and gained, forgorren andtosrore only rhe begin-

nings ro o never ending challenge of Sfe. Sanra Fe High School has prepored us for rhar challenge and rhe doss of 1988 occeprs rhar challenge. Now w e con ger on wirh our lives. We will oJways know in our minds rhar w e can use our high school experiences ro help us ger through borh rhe good and rhe bod rimes ohead, wirh success! We'd never live through ir again, so we've mode rhe besr of ir rhis year. Those four years rhar jusr passed us by will always be rhe highlighr of ir all! The memories w e shared will be held in our heorrs forever. Good luck ro rhe class of 1988 seniors!!!!! -SARAH BLAIR

WORKING TOGETHER Topleft. Nick Torres and OorOe Durgerr pause on rhe steps and discuss sohnon roaproblem ALL SMILES Lefr. Shonno Oork ond Cheryl Doggs rake rime our during rhe Homecoming assembly ro flash rher pearly whres UNDER THE GUN Dorrom left. Erindo Ocompo ond Knsren Hansen ore coughr doing some lost nurture studying before a major test. WAKE UP. Bottom right, senior exchange student Manuel Kraus tries to soy awoke after a rough soccer game the day before.





ohn's most memorable experience has been all four years of high school.

"I suppose rhe one experience rhar comes fo mind is rhe UNM rhearre comperirion. I was chosen ro be rhe rechnicol director of our ploy, ond when rhe producrion rook "besr ploy' honors, I was ecsroric ro soy rhe leosr. I'll never forger rhar momenr." His plans for rhe furure seem ser. "I'll probably be living in California where I'll be a doctor. Of course, I'll be driving a jer black Saab 900, single, and living in a beach fronr condo. My elecrric guirar will be purring our some nice jazz licks in my spare rime." Lasr bur nor leosr, he leaves rhb to posreriry: "Remember, wherever you go rhere you are. Enjoy your life because you only ger one shor ar ir. Hasra!"

John Alejandro


Camille Armijo

Accompbhmenrs: A l Srare Girl's Ooskerbol, Ai Osrrta Daskeibai, NMSU Honor Scholar, Copra* Varsiry Daskeibai

amille's mosr memorable experience is one she hopes will come rrue. "I'm hoping rhe girl's boskerball ream will go ro srare. We jusr missed ir lasr year by rwo poinrs, so I'm hoping ro make up for ir rhis year." As for her plans for rhe furure, she sees herself working as an orrhopedic surgeon wirh arhleric rehabilirarion. "I will have my own home in Malibu and have a Jeep and a Porsche. I would like ro rravel ro Australia and rhen down rhe Amazon," she says. Camille has rhis bir of advice, "Be who you wonr ro be and don'r worry abour whar orhers rhink." She has followed rhis advice herself and has proven ro be quire successful.

Acoompfchmems: NAA5U Honor Scholar, Boys Store, Key Oub Sgr. or Arms, Honor Soaery, Drama Oub Treasurer, JV Soccer, Coproin Varsiry Tennis, Who's Who, Anrhro Oub

hen asked whar his mosr memorable experience of high school was, Paul replied, "The everyday rrauma experienced when rrying ro ger our of rhe high school parking br. I learned a grearer number of colorful expressions in rhe parking br Than I ever learned in English cbss." Paul sees himself in ren to fifreen years, "Srill single and jusr srarring my rhird novel. I'm driving a blue converrible TR-6 ro Californta where I will pby rennis for some charily. Ir will be rhe firsr rime I've ever been ro rhe beach." For oil freshmen Paul leaves a philosophy rhar he believes has worked for him, "Love whar you wonr ro, nor whar you should."


Aaompfchmenis: Varsiry Terms Coprari 3 years, Bond presidenr. Honor Sodery Treasurer, Key a * Seaerary, Varsiry Soccer, Voteybol

\ w


Sarah Dlair Accomplshmenrs GtTs Srare. Jr. Ooss Render*. Swimming Coprari. Who's Who, Freshman Volleybol Captain, Freshman Trock Copran, Soccer, Bon Am, Key Oub. Srudenr Counat

arah speculares rhar ren years from now she'll marry a millionaire. Wirh her hubby, retire ar age 40 and rhey will move ro a desotare istand. For rhar 25rh wedding anniversary they'll fly rwo thousand of rheir dosesr friends in for an istand bosh. Their only susrenance will be tropical fruits ond fish caughr in rheir sparkling sapphire sea. Monthly a arare of escorgor will be shipped in ro satisfy rheir fetish. Her advice ro freshmen is, "Don'r rel anyone you're a freshman! Bur, if word leaks our don'r fry ro ocr roo mature ond don'r jump off walls. These ore dead giveaways."

i y mosr memorable ex| V \ perience rhroughour high school was probably in my firsr year as a member of German Oub. We accomplished many things and srill hod brs of fun. From rhere I wenr on ro become rreasurer rhe nexr yeor." Fifteen years from now, she sees herself srill snuggling ro ger rhar big house in Beverly Hills and making payments on her new BMW. Erin also odds, "My advice to someone jusr entering high school would be ro balance school and your social life. One bad year, and you can ruin your whole record. Then again, you can never have roo much fun!"

Paul Armsrrong

Erin Chambers

Accomplshmenrs German Oub Treasurer, denr Count). Junior doss Seaerary, Who's 1 Hosted Foreign Exchange Srudenr


PAIGE CONOVER Edtor-mChief of Annual, Vice Ares., Key Quo, iSrudenr Commissioner for Communlry Development, Camp Counselor In Colorado, Srudenr Council, Jr. Oass.

DART DORITY Accomplishments German Oub, Annual, Drama Oub, Self owned computer software company, friend of Net Atter

aige's parridporion In dubs and school activities ore indeed numerous, yer her experience os o summer camp counselor left o losring memory for her. "As a counselor I was nor only given rhe opporruniry ro work with children, bur I learned more abour myself and how ro try ro undersrand and work wirh other people." In ren ro fifteen years, Paige sees herself in many places. She soys, "Perhaps I'll be an Anrhropologisr living in onorher counrry, a psychologisr or maybe a readier. I do know rhar I wonr ro be enjoying whorever I'm doing, wherever I am, or every momenr." As for her advice ro upcoming srudenrs, "Don'r follow rhe crowd. March ro rhe bear of your own drum."

fter graduation Michelle will be on o srudenr work exchange program in Japan. When she returns, she plans ro groduore from NMSU and receive a Bachelor's degree in Accounting. Michelle's mosr memorable experience was when she placed first place or srore competition wirh rhe Furure Farmers of America. Ir raughr her ro be a leader and how important ir was ro ger involved wirh activities ond achieve self confidence. "My advice ro freshmen is ro make rhe mosr of high school and ro partidpare in as many activities as possible. Ir gives you a chance ro ger our and meer new people and learn new things. Remember ro always reach for rhe srors."



arr seems ro hove big and rather adventurous plans ren rofifteenyears from now. He sees himself os o bachelor living in eirher Los Angeles or New York Gry, worching Blind Dare, Nerds, Tuff Turf and Toxic Avenger, having a brewsky and lisrening ro his old Bauhaus records. "I'll probably land some cushy job, working for o big company wirh an even bigger budger. Besides rrying our for rhe lead role In Evil Dead 12, I'll rake off rhe rhird weekend of every month to fly to Minneapolis to join Soul Asylum on stage and play base for rhe Spearal Tarsiers. I'll spend my summers in rhe wasteland of Anromca searching for my guru, who is . . . Bob Mould." Barr's rather interesting advice to freshmen is ro ger involved so you don'r ger bored.


thletics have provided Vernon w i r h numerous "memorable experiences." "I con'r pinpoint any specific siruarion, bur traveling all over rhe state and meeting people may be pur rogether as "my mosr memorable experience." "Being selected for Royal Blues will always be remembered. Mrs. Beverly Friedman and journalism have also offered a tremendous amount of 'educational experiences' I will never forger." Ten ro fifteen years from now, he envisions himself os a certified photographer from Brooks Insrirure. He will hove his own fashion studio in California. Success will be well earned. Vernon's advice rofreshmenis ro be yourself and always morivate yourself ro succeed in whorever you ser our ro do.


ohn's mosr stimulating classes have been in morh. He says, "I had fun figuring our a hard problem rhar no one else could ger. The people in my math classes were rhe besr. We had so much fun in rrig ond Algebra 2 and a tor of ir had absolutely nothing ro do wirh marh." Infifteenyears John sees himself with o PHD in science or engineering. He hopes ro hove his own home, a family, and be earning enough money ro keep him moreriaUy happy. John's advice ro freshmen is "don'r waste time with friends who'l keep you from partidparing in some group or activity. Ir's a lor of fun when you ger involved and con contribute something ro a group."


Accompkhmeras SM Oub. Anthropology Oub. Varsty Soccer. FDLA

MICHELLE CORIZ Accompfehmenrs: Notional Fkxtcuture/Nursery Landscape Competitions. FDLA. OEA. FFA Officer. DECA Officer

VERNON DOSS Accompfchmenrs: Four years of photography workshops on scholarship. Photography Eotor of Demon Toiler and Paro Monona, Journofcm. Demon Tarter, Annual, Wresting. Track Desehd Oub. Computer dub.


EDDIE FERNANDEZ Accornpfchmenrs.- KOO Chomel 4 pbyer of rhe week, four years foorbol. Team Copron. AJdsma second ream defensive bock. Honorable Mennon, Qoonerbock, Number two passer in rhe stare.

or Michelle, the mosr srimularing dasses have been Mr. John Zinn's Anthropology and Mrs. Jane Zinn's U.S. history dosses. Michelle explains, "The dasses were hard ond many times I wanred ro forger ir, bur I stayed with ir ond learned a lor." As for her future, in ren ro fifreen years, she says she could be in a number of situations. "Ar one rime I had dreamed of becoming a Vererinarian, ar others o buyer for o lorge rerol srore. Who knows whor the future holds?" she commenred. Michelle leaves this ro rhe freshmen: "Don'r give up. The easiest thing ro do in school is become lazy and let rhings side. Live up ro your expecrarions ond hold on ro your dreams."

hroughour her career or Sanra Fe High School no one could ever accuse Dridger of nor "being herself." With such inreresring hobbies such as lisrening ro David Dowie music ond belly-dancing, ir's dear rhar this girl is nor one ro follow the crowd. Dridger is an energetic member of whor she chooses ro parricipare in. According ro Dridger her mosr stimulating experience in the pasr four years was her nip ro Nicaragua in January, 1987. "I was exposed ro o people, o nation who, through their country, was in a pathetic srore of avi war," explains Dridger. So whor is in the furure for this energetic young woman? "I have no idea as ro where I will be in 1015 years from now," she says. "I con only Sve day by day and moke each day rhe besr I can moke ir!"

* * I cannor sire one mosr | memorable experience throughour high school, bur I con say that high school itself has been a very memorable experience as a whole," Drod explained "Many people see themselves doing things in the future rhor rhey have always dreamed abour. I, on the other hand, am looking or this future thing with very high hopes, bur also with many questions. I have no idea what I will be doing, or where I w i be." Drad's advice is very typical. He encourages them ro "ger involved". "Aaivfties are very imporronr" Drod said. "I really wish I had joined more of them." Drod odvises freshmen to nor always wish thar high school would end, because ir goes fasr, and he feels rhar you should moke the best of whatever situation you ore exposed ro.


BRIDGET FINNEY Aooomptshmem Soccer. Swimmng. Student Cound. Model U N . (Ddy dandng). Drama Club.


Throughour my years in | high school, I've hod many memorable experiences. One of rhese would hove ro be my junior year. I was srarring as a defensive back in foorball with a ream rhar was district runners up and srare semi finalisrs. I mode all disrrio second ream defensive bock and was o part-time starrer on offense. Foorbal has roughr me many things abour Ife. Nor giving up, respeo for orhers, and ro be rough and handle the siruartons rhe besr rhar you con." Eddie's advice is ro ger involved in everyrNng possible. Keep your grades up, bur don'r only srudy; go our with your friends a lot, because before you know ir, you w i be going separare ways and mighr nor see each other again.


aureen has been in so many activities rhor ir would seem impossible ro pick one memorable experience, bur nor for her. "My mosr memorable experiences hove mainly ro do with bond. When I was a freshman I had the pleasure ro travel ro Munich, Germany ond ro Salzberg, Austria. Two years later I traveled with rhe band ro Deijing, China and Hong Kong." In ren years from now. Mo hopes ro be healthy ond happy. She imagines herself being a mechanical engineer living in Dosron or New York ond being single. She leaves this odvice ro freshmen, "Starr now, because those grodes really do mean o lor. With a little effort now, ir won't be as hard brer."


Accomptshmenrs Senor Ooss Treasurer. Voiey bd. Honors Dand. Honors Program. Who's Who. notary leodershp Award. NM5U Honor Sdwkr. Soence Oub. Key Oub. ftetgous Educonon Irv srruoor

AAICHELLE FERRAN Acodemic Al-Amencan, Who's Who, New Het co Scholar, Anrhropology dub Treasurer. Ami Secron Edrar. rerisnrured SfHS Mcscor n 198M


Accomptehmenrs Computer Club Pora I Index Editor, for three years


t seems rhar Ibo will never forger her mosr srimuloring classes. "Drama I and II taken during my freshman and sophomore years were my mosr memorable dasses. Diane Keyson inspired me ro audirton for plays and succeeded in winning me ro rhe stage." In rhe future, Iba sees herself living in a small chalet in Swirzerland leading a leisurely, unrroubled life. "If nor rhor, rhen I will be dancing professionally wirh a jazz or modern dance company in one of rhe major dries of rhe U.S." As for advice ro rhe upcoming freshmen, ir's shorr, sweer, and ro rhe point. "Don'r ler life pass you by."


ulie has been very involved in orhlerics during her high school years. She looks back and feels her mosr memorable experience was being selected as one of rhe caprains of rhe volleyball ream. After nor playing volleyball for rwo years, she felr honored for her ream ro hove so much confidence in her. "In fifteen years from now, I see myself in a cabin in Colorado, kicking back warching rhe sunser over rhe mounrains." When asked whar her advice ro freshmen would be, she soys, "My advice ro freshmen is ro be your own person and do wharever ir is rhar makes you happy. Wharever you decide ro do, never regret ir."



Accomplishments Voteybof, Daskerbal, Softool. Who's Who, Vofeybcfl Captain.

ason's mind is ser on rhe doss rhor has srimulared and will remain in his memory for a long rime ro come. "Anthropology has opened new doors into new and differenr places beyond "home". Mr. John Zinn is a coprivoring reocher who never ceases ro amaze me," he srares. For rhe furure, Jason envisions himself as being a "nor shor, young lawyer" who drives o very fasr red Porsche 911 rurbo. Lastly, his odvice for posreriry is the odvice that he has lived his high school career by. "Ger in, ger ir done quickly, and rhen ger our." Jason believes this is rhe key ro sraying sane rhroughour rhe pressures of high school.



Accomphhmenrs Annual soft photogtoptiei. Newspaper staff. Anthropology Oub. Urerary Magazine

Selection Process


he seWcnort process for Royal Oues is quire o^rnprehensve Teachers may nominore r w o \ u d e n t s who (hey feel hove demonstrated superior odnevemenr in oca demies, dub parriopttfion. and/or orhlerics To quoify. nominored sruoenrs musr hove orrended SFHS for or leasr r w o \ e o r s and momroned a grade poor overoge o f \ r least 3 0 0 After being nominored. srudenrs ark mrerviewed by o eommrfee of reochers. pcXnrs. o school board member, and Prmapol. M V C IX Fidel After quesnonrig rhe nomnees obOyt various 'jubjeas. rhe comrmrree makes their selections On these pages, ore the achieve\enrs. memories, and hopes for rhe furure srudenrs who hove been selected for rhe 196 8 6 Royal Dues.


anny's mosr memorable experience during high school was parritiparing in GAPP. During rhe spring of his junior year he hosred Thomas Vienes from Germany. Then, in rhe summer of '87, Danny rroveled ro Dayreuth, West Germany and lived wirh Thomas' family. He says, "Living and learning rhe German culrure and rradirion was wonderfully enriching. The whole exchange was an incredibly fun and educational experience which will be rough ro rop for a long rime." Danny sees himself in ren years wirh a Masrers degree in compurer engineering and serried down wirh profiroble employmenr and a new family. His advice ro freshmen is rhor rhey should ger involved and cultivate deep and lasting friendships.

DANIEL GEHRED Accompfehmenrs Dramo Oub. Honor Society. Anthropology Oub. Desekei Oub. French Oub. Who's Who Accomptshments GAPP. Computer. German, Anrhro. Soence Natl. Honor Society. Honors Program, Who's Who. 93% Natl German rest level twelve


osephine's experiences in Mr. Fabian Chavez's class has helped guide her inro rhe career of her choice: horriculrure. She was happy ro have o reocher like Chavez becouse, "He was always there for me when I felr I couldn'r accomplish a certain goal and . . . when I JUST needed a friend " She knows rhar in rhe furure she'll be. "involved in a career dealing wirh planr genetics and/or research . . . " To oS incoming freshmen, she odvises rhem ro ger rhe mosr out of their yeors in school and ro ger involved in dubs or sporrs She says rhor one musr learn ro apply one's knowledge, study hord, and keep grades high. "Mosr imporranrty, just be yourself."


Accompfchmenrj FFA Treasurer. Vce Prev dent/President. SHrer a Notional Fkmcuture Compennon. Sfcer at National Nursery/landscape

U Âť

he dosses rhor srimulared me rhe mosr were my Spanish courses. I've had Spanish I, II, and III wirh Mr. Walrer Archulero. Mr. Archulero has nor only raughr me Spanish, bur srudy skills, how ro be on rime, and ro be rhe besr person I can be or all rimes. Mr. Archulero is an excellenr readier and I'm really glad I had rhe opporruniry ro be in his dasses and ger ro know him. I also wanr ro rhank my parenrs for all rheir help and encouragemenr rhroughour my four years of high school," says Michealo. In ren ro fifreen years from now, Michoela sees herself our of college wirh a Masrers degree in medidne. Michaelo's advice ro freshmen is, "Your high school years go by fasr, so rake advonrage of all rhar is offered ro you."


oe's mosr memorable momenr in high school is rhe day he found our rhar he had won rhe A.A.T.G. Srudy Trip Award. "I had rhe experience of a liferime in Germany. One really doesn'r fully appredare whar rhe wesrern world has until one sees rhe Berlin Wall," says Joe. In ren ro fifreen years Joe sees himself in a large dry as an engineer or physicisr. Joe replied, "I actually like marh and sdence, and I nope ro pursue a career in one of rhese areas." Joe's advice ro freshmen is, "Don'r ger roo wrapped up in school. Try ro give yourself rime ro do school work as well as rime ro do rhe rhings you enjoy."


JOE GREATHOUSE Accomplishments: Wind Ensemble, A.A.T.G. Srudy Trip Award, Model U.N. president. Model U.N. third delegate in stare.



Accomptshmem FOLA Presidenr. FDLA Stare Secretory, R e a p e r * of the NMSU Academic Award, SADO. FHA-HERO

he mosr memorable experience for Yverre Guillen was being selecred ro Royal Blues. "I feel rhar Royal Blues is a very high honor, and ir shows people rhar you can be involved in many acriviries and still keep up wirh your srudies," daims Yverre. Yverre plans on going ro rhe NMSU School of Business. She loves working wirh people, and would like ro inregrore her career so rhar she can associore wirh all types of people. "The besr way ro do rhis is ro go inro Business Adminisrrarion," says Yverre. When she serrles down, she plans ro ger married. The only advice she gives ro freshmen is ro have a positive arrirude roward your school work. Yverre warns, "These are some of rhe besr years of your We, and rhey are going very quickly!"

Accomplishments: Oursronding High School Students of America; Sophomore, Junior, Senior Ooss, Annual, Top Spanish I Student in 1987, Pan American Club, Student Council, Guitar, Softball.


racy's mosr memorable experience rhroughour her four years of high school was porria'paring in rhe GAPP exchange program. "Afrer traveling ro Germany, living wirh a family, and arrending school rhere, I was able ro berrer undersrand rhe German culture." Ir was an experience rhar I wouldn'r rrade for anything." Sracy sees herself in ren ro fifreen years as presidenr of o large corporation wirh a happy family of rwo ro rhree kids. Her advice ro freshmen would be, "Hong in rhere! The mosr imporranr parr of making ir, is esrablishing who you are." Wirh such enrhusiasm and an oprimisric ourlook for rhe furure, ir appears rhar Sracey hos her goals well in hand.

STACEY GREGORY Accomplishments: Honor Sodery Presidenr, G Âť m a n d u b Presidenr, German Qub 5eaetor]|| Flute section leader.


my feels rhar her mosr rew a r d i n g experience rhroughour high school was her nip ro Germany wirh rhe GAPP exchange program. The highlighr of her rrip was her four week long sroy in rhe rown of Bayreurh in Bavaria. As Amy purs ir, "The hosr school was fanrasric and rhe srudenrs, reachers, and parenrs were so willing, helpful and really cared obour rhe program." In 10 ro 15 years, Amy picrures herself wirh a degree in psychology and her own esrabfehied privare procrice. To freshmen. Amy advises, "Take school seriously if you decide ro use your high school career ro go ro college or ger a job. You're allowed ro have fun, bur it's also o responsibility ro do your besr and make rhe mosr of educorton."


AccompBshmenrs: German American Pannenhp Program. German Club, Key Club, Track. TenriC' Annual Editor, Choir Treasurer


eing a cheerleader for rhree years has been Colerre's grearesr experience. "Cheering provided me with some of rhe mosr memorable evenrs during high school because every evenr or game was an experience. I mer many people and learned o lor abour myself and orhers." Colerre believes freshmen should ger involved in dubs and school acriviries, yer mainrain a balance berween rhe rwo. "I would rell a freshman ro have fun, enjoy their four years, and ger as much our of high school as rhey possibly can, because ir will be over before they know ir." As for her future plans, she sees herself as a partner in a successful accounting firm. With her optimism, she should have no problem achieving her goals.




arah's mosr srimularing dass has been Mr. Den Reel's English course. "Mr. Rael raughr me rhe absurdity of inrellecrual snobbery and was a model of grace," she commenred. In ren ro fifteen years from now, Sarah would like ro be exploring rhe field of asrronomy whle Svhg in a space srarion. She would be researching each planer Earth came inro conracr with. Sarah would like ro leave rhis advice ro rhe future upperdassmen, "Paranoia will desrroy ya'!" Ir seems rhar Sarah has everything wed in hand and should have no trouble in attaining her goals.

Accompfehrnen* Worer SWng. Snow SMng, Travdng, OH ambmg, TrompoWng. Dely Dancing.



AcoanrvAshmervs Captain of Vorsty Swim team. President of Key Oub, Who's Who. Honor Sooety. Ooy's Stare Rugby Team. USAF 5 Program

hris Levy's mosr memorable experience during his four years of high school was arrending rhe 1986 New Mexico Stare Synchronized Swimming Championships. He and Kirk MocGillivary were selecred ro arrend rhe evenr and Chris soys of rhe experience, "We rrained hard, sacrificed a lor, and rook rhe gold home." When asked where he sees himself ren ro fifteen years from now, Chris answered, "behind rhe wheel of a large automobile with a beautiful house and a beautiful wife. I also see myself as rhe presidenr and chief pilot of Trans World Airlines and a mulri-billionaire." Chris' advice ro freshmen is, "If you wont to work hard, then work hard. If you wonr ro parry, then go for ir. Out rhe mosr imporronr rhing or al rimes, is ro hove fun."

Accomptshments Senior Oass Secretary, Cheerleader. SmaenrCound. Who's Who, NMSU Honor Scholar. Academic A l Amertoan. Annual Freshman Oass Redder*. Science Oub. Key Oub.


udson's list of most srimularing classes would certainly rake up mosr of rhis space, yer he has chosen only one. "The one dass rhar I have really learned from is Spanish I, I, • with Senor Walrer Archulera. He has raughr me a lor, nor jusr obour Spanish, bur abour respect for myself and orhers. He has raughr me obour self discipline and responsibility. In ren ro fifteen years he sees himself, "working ar a job I really enjoy rhar pays very well. I don'r know rhe job, where I'D be living, or who I'l be living with." As for Judson's advice for future high school srudenrs, he says rhis, "Ger involved. Don'r be a scholastic hermir and wait until your junior and senior years ro ger Involved in new things. Try new things because you mighr surprise yourself — I did."

JUDSON KINKADE AoMmpfchmenrs: Two years Vorsty Track, 1 year Vcrsty C m Country. 1 years Speech Team. Who's Who Among American Hah School Stum, Tap Spanish I student, 1967.


he doss rhar has srimutared Lee rhe mosr has been Physics. "It has srimutared my mind ro rhe world of Physics and engineering. Ir has srimutared my mind with 01 the work involved rhrough dass,tabs,or projects." Physics has been one of rhe few dosses where he had ro rhink obour how a problem mighr be solved insreod of jusr plugging numbers inro o formula. "This has caused me to become more inreresred in whor I am doing, rather than jusr doing rhe work I have ro do." In ren ro fifteen years, Lee hopes ro be our of college and working as on engineer or possibly as on occounranr for o big accounting firm. "If I major in engineering, I mighr go on ro groduore school ro ger my Mosrers, in order ro obrain o berrer job once I am our in rhe working world."


Accompehmenrs Band. Wind 6 e m t i o . Honor Soaety. German Oub. French Oub. Who's Who. Model O N . Eagle Scout

irk MocGillivroy has dealr his own cards rhrough his four years of high school. "Everyone has been dealr rheir cards in life. Each rime ir's your turn ro lay down o card, don'r pur in rhe rwo of hearrs, pur down rhe ace of spades!" Kirk's accomplishment show rhe ace of spades more rhan once. Kirk parria'pared in Varsiry soccer, Varsiry swimming, qualified for srare swim meers rhree years in a row, Sanro Fe Rugby Club Caprain and Presidenr Honor Roll, Boy's Srare, Who's Who Among High School Srudenrs and Key Club. Kirk's mosr memorable experience occurred when Chris Levy and he rook rhe 1986 and 1987 synchronized Championship in Albuquerque. By a unanimous vore rhey were rhe champs and awarded rhe gold medals.

aria rhinks rhe class and reacher rhar have srimulared her rhe mosr would be Accounring and Mr. Mike Vialpondo. The reason being rhar rhe class made her rhink and really apply her skills. "Mr. Vialpondo really has helped me, because he was always rhere ro push me when I gor down or when I didn'r rhink I could accomplish somerhing." Throughour her four years of high school, Mario has been involved in FA, DECA, and 5ADD. "My advice ro freshmen is rhar rhey should have fun here in high school, bur rhey should also realize how imporranr gerring on educarion really is. They have ro see rhar ir's nor rhe fun and crazy rimes rhar are going ro help you succeed, rorher ir's rhe knowledge rhar you gain in high school."





Varsiry Soccer Coproin, Rugby Club Capran and Presidenr, Honor Rol, Doys S w e . Who's W h o . Key Quo, Drama dub.


AccompfchmeniS: Who's Who. Dasketbal cooch or Keorney FJemeniory School. Honor Rol. Officer for FHA/HERO.

he dass rhar has srimulared Donald rhe mosr has been Psychology wirh Mrs. June Burke. "In rhar class I learned abour humans since rhey were born. The dass gave me an open mind on experiences rhar people mighr have been going rhrough and whar makes us acr certain ways. Mrs. Burke inrroduced us ro different ways kids ore broughr up. The one rhing rhar sricks in my mind is rhar people are broughr up differenrly and ore individuals wirh rheir own personality, goals, and morals. The dass helped me during high school by giving me an open mind and lerring people do whar rhey wanr ro do." Donald sees himself in an office doing an accounronr job in ren ro fifteen years. He will have received his CPA and srarred his own business.


hroughour his four years of high school, one of rhe experiences rhar sricks our rhe mosr in Roberr's mind is being selecred by rhe Leading Businessman ro receive rhe Rorary Yourh Leadership Award. Roberr enjoys making up his own songs and jusr messing around wirh his guirar. So narurally guirar has been his favorire and mosr memorable class rhese pasr 4 years. In rhe furure, Roberr sees himself our of college ond working as an innovaror for a leading engineering firm. He has hopes of owning his own home and car wirh a sizeable income ro supporr rhe luxurious lifestyle he has ser for himself. Roberr's advice ro freshmen is ro have a good arrirude, be parienr, and like yourself.

* *T

he mosr memorable experience for me rhroughour my high school years," commenrs Martin, "has ro be when we defeared Clovis rhis year. The reason for rhis is rhar I ployed rhe whole gome and recovered a fumble rhar evenrually helped us win rhe game." In ren ro fifreen years from now, Martin sees himself as a well respected businessman with a family. He will be living in a small communiry, such as Sanra Fe. He hopes ro have a successful life and ro be happy in wharever he is doing. When asked whar his advice ro freshmen would be, he replied, "I would rell rhem ro work hard in school ond ro remember academics comes before orhlerics. Enjoy all four years of high school, because rhey only come once."


AccompfchmeniS: notary Youth Leadership Award. NMSU Academe Achievement Award. Academic A l American. Teom Caprain Foorbol


Accomplishments: NMSU Honor Scholar. Who'; Who, FFA, 2nd place Srare Flower Show, Dยฃ0ยง S.A.D.D.






Award, Football 4 years. Team captain Footbc. j Track 4 years, guitar 6 years.


NEIL MILLER omptehments Vorsiry Soccer, Varsity Swimyg Captain, Two Who's Who Awards. Junior rDlosrk: Al-Amerlcon Aword, Annual German 5, German Honor Society, Drama Oub. GAPP.

eil's mosr memorable experience by far in high school was his GAPP rrip ro Germany rhor occurred between his renrh and eleventh grade years. "I gor ro experience a new culture firsr hand, learned a new language and mer a friend, who ar rhis rime is living wirh me for a year os an exchange srudenr." NeO says rhar he really doesn'r see himself in ren ro fifreen years due ro rhe focr rhar his furure is prerry wide open ar rhis rime. "I hope rhar I'll be doing somerhing producrive. "I don'r wanr ro make ir sound as if I'm really planning for rhe furure. I'll jusr rake ir as ir comes. If somerhing inreresrs me, rhen I'll go from rhere."

om, alias Julian, envisions his furure os rhis, "I'll hove finished my graduare srudies in aeronauricol engineering and will be working for some aero-space company." As for his greoresr experience, he responded wirh "My rrip ro China. Ir gave me a chance ro see o culture rhar was complerely differenr rhan anyrhing I'd ever experienced." From Tom comes rhis porring piece of advice for rhe up-andcoming dosses: "High school is o learning experience; ler rhem figure ir our rhemselves." Afrer all, he says, "I had to go rhrough rhe same exacr Things They're going ro go rhrough." h* seems rhar Tom has his prioriries in line and knows whar he wanrs our of life.


TOMMY MIERA :comptshmenrs: Key Oub. Anrhro Club. SM Jb. Not'l Honor Society. JV Soccer, Sonto Fe wth Rugby Team. Not'l Merit Fmobt. Honors



racy's mosr srimmaring doss rhroughour her four years of high school has been Srudies in Lirerarure wirh Mr. Deniro Roel. She says, "Mr. Rael has opened up a new world of lirerarure, knowledge, and foscinarion. He's a wonderful person who is very wise and o privilege ro lisren ro. IT'S he who mokes rhe doss whar ir is, and ir mokes rhe school o pleasure ro go ro." Srocy sees herself in fifreen years married ro a millionaire wirh rwo kids, living in California or Germany and driving a sporrs car. She hopes ro be working os an anrhropotogisr, digging somewhere in Africa or reaching German ro high school srudenrs. "My advice ro freshmen is ro rake high school seriously and choose classes which srimulare rhe mind and help one ro become a berrer person."

* * TT ake advanrage of any | opponuniries; rhey only come by once." Daniel Mulhollond srared as his advice ro incoming freshmen. Daniel rook odvanroge of his opporruniry and had a memorable experience in porriciporing in rhe German-American Parrnership Program as an exchange srudenr. The rrip gove him a new sense of individualiry and charocrer. "I'd like ro rhonk all my friends who wenr wirh me and rhe program who helped me build qualiries and self-confidence." In ren ro fifreen years Daniel envisions himself having a creorive career and being ser for life wirh plenry of rime for recrearion and exoric vocorions.


y experience as a Girls Srore Delegare has been my mosr memorable experience," says Laurisso. "In jusr seven short days, I mer people ond mode friends I w i never forger. The people I mer were from all over rhe srore of New Mexico ond rowns I've never even heard of. I learned ro oppretiare rhe difference in orhers, and whar rhey hod ro offer. I also learned how rhe governmenr of rhe Unired Srores serves and prorecrs rhe righrs of ol people. In ren rofifreenyears Laurisso sees herself jusr srorring ro esrobfeh her career as a child psychdogisr. She hopes she will sri be able ro find rime ro rake parr in local polirics. She wanrs ro be a chid psychdogisr so rhar she may help rhe children who will soon be our furure.


AccomphrvTwnrs Who's Who. Grk Store Dele gote. Student Couno) ViceAendenr. New Mexico Vote Unwerary Honor Scholar. Academe AI-

STACY MILLER Accornpfahrnenrs Frsr ream AI Store Soccer ' 6 5 '87. Frsr Team AI Dsmo Soccer '84 '87. 93% Nonond German Test '85. ftegond Camp Soccer. MVP 1987. AI Amencon Soccer 67. Who's Who. Nonond. Annual. Honor Society. Nonond German Honor Society. Swmmng

DAN MULHOLLAND Accompfchmems German Amencan Pormershf Proo/om. 5hÂť Oub. Honor Sooery. and T r a *



Accomplishments: Honor Society. Anthropology Oub, Drama Club, Bond, Literary Magazine, Student Coundl, Who's Who.

he mosr memorable doss for Traci was crearive writing. "All my life I hove rhoughr of myself as a wrirer,- yer I never wrore anything. Crearive writing inspired me and suddenly the words came easily. With the help of Mr. Deniro Rael, I submitted my work for publication," says Trad. She doesn't think that would have happened if she hadn't taken the class. In fen to fifteen years Trad sees herself, "Living on a small island off the coast of California." She would like ro have a small cottage on the beach. Her only advice ro freshmen is ro, "Go out and make things happen. Thinking thar life will really begin when you ore an upperclassman, our of high school, just means you ore wasting time." It sounds like Traci will make things happen for herself.


CHRIS REINERT Accomplishments: National Honor Society, Germ a n Oub, Golf Team, Who's Who. Chemistry Olympiad and Science Competition, Key Oub, Annual.

hris may have had many memorable classes, bur when asked what the most memorable doss was, his heart was set on his German doss. "A second language was hard for me ro grasp. I was determined ro learn some thing and plodded along for three years." He srared that Mr. Allan Pearson is a dynamic readier and never gave up on him. "Even though my grades were nor the highest in the class (or even dose), I felt reworded for my efforrs." In ten to fifteen years from now Chris hopes ro see himself as the owner of his own engineering consuming firm. "My firm will be so financially successful rhar I will have made business conracrs rhroughour the world." Unforrunarely, he says rhar rhe" "boss" will hove ro do exrensive rraveling.

ynrhia believes that her mosr srimuloring dass in high school was comperirive speech. "Before, public speaking was a horrifying experience, bur now I bve the challenge of if," she says. In 10 ro 15 years, Cynrhia pictures herself as a public relations represenrorive in England or France in addition ro discovering young music bands in her spare rime. As she describes ir, rhough, "My ulrimore goal is ro be an ambassador ro France." Cynrhia's advice ro freshmen is ro have confidence. She believes rhar her misrake in high school was underestimating her abilities and potential. She sums ir up in rhis way, "Never ler anything come between you and your dreams, because anyrhing is possible."


Accomplishments: Speech and Debate Tejffi Symphonic Bond, Flog Corps, Accomplishment h French Award, Key Oub, French dub.


ynn's mosr memorable high school experience is one she'd rarher forger. "I will always remember rhe firsr day of my senior year when, over rhe loud speaker for rhe whole school, I pledged my allegiance to the United States of New Mexico. If was one of the most embarrassing evenrs of my life." Lynn's secrer ambition is ro become a grear wrirer, bur she is more practically considering a career as an English readier or a magazine edjror. She says she's glad she isn'r sure whor rhe future holds because, "knowing would spoil half rhe fun of getting to wherever ir is I'm going." Lynn hos rhe following words of wisdom, "Ir helps ro hear orher people's advice, bur ir's usually besr ro rrusr your own insrincrs."


onuel's mosr enjoyable experience during high school years was his involvemenr in Regional, Srare, and Inrernarionol Sa'ence Fairs. He enjoyed complering a successful projecr and rraveling ro Wesr Poinr and Son Juan, Puerto Rico. Fifteen years from now, Manuel sees himself working as a posr docrorial molecular biologisr in a research lab, conducting some rype of generic engineering ro benefir mankind. His advice ro freshmen is that they should apply rhemselves and ger involved in acriviries ro keep rheir lives in perspective.



Accomplishments: Internorional Science and Engineering fmalisr. Notional Constitution Essay wnner, Douche and Lombe science award, Chess Oub Pres, Who's Who Among ttgh School Students.

LYNN RICHARDSON Accomplishments: Student Council President, Hon- • or Society Secretory, Para Monona Section Edict French d u b , Anthropology Oub, Sophomore doss, Junior doss, Who's Who, Notional Met j Scholar Flnofet, School Board Curriculum C o m * tee.


n ren ro fifteen years, Ann FAqjas sees herself as a nurririonisr. She plans ro rravel through Latin America ro berrer earing habirs of people. If possible, she would go through oO the communiries ond improve their diet. Language is one of Ann's interests. She has studied German, French, ond Spanish. German has srimulored her mosr. "French ond Spanish are very much alike," says Ann. "German is complereiy cSfferenr from onyrNng I have studied." Arm's advice ro freshmen is, "Don't woit until your senior year ro plan for college. If you pur it off now, you'll be sorry lorer."



SEBASTIAN RUTA Accomphhmenrs: Nortond Honor Sooety. Notional German Honor Sooety, Redolent of Austrian Dooh Mze Award, Nononal Menr Rnafer

ebastian, alias 'Daschi', is considered by his peers ro be a wacky, jovial kind of guy wirh o zealous personality. Daschi's mosr memorable learning experience was during rhe summer of '87 when he hod rhe luck ro explore rhe world of mear packing wirh a gourmer veal producer in New York Gry. Daschi says, "In fifteen years I will be working extremely hard so that I will be able to terire o mulrimillionaire ar rhe age of 40." KB advice ro freshmen is "Don'r underesrimare yourself or talk to strange bears." Wirh all Sebasrion has going for him, ir appears rhar he should hove no trouble in achieving his goals and plans for whatever he wanrs ro do.


Accomptohmero Drama Oub '86-'87. German Oub. Vasty Soccer '8S-'67. Key Oub 'SS-'S6. Annual

ick's fovorire rimes were spenr wirh rhe soccer ream. "The nighr trips with rhe girls ream were especially fun." Nick stated rhar graduating wirh his fellow dassmares will definitely prove ro be o greor memory for rhe future years ro come. Nick sees himself in fifteen years arriving ar his dass reunion in an up ro date British sporrscar as a partner of holf rhe srock firms in the notion ond accompanied by o lovely wife and o few kids. "My advice to the doss of '89 would be ro keep up the good grades from rhefirsrday you srorr school, because believe me, when ir comes to college applications, you'll be glad trior you've got rhar one major advantage, rhe grades."

AoGompfehmenis: GkfcSrate. Studenr Council Secretary, fresh Soph. FVesdenr. French Oub FVes. JoporvUS Senate Scholarship Sern-Flnofsr. troch. Swimming. Vcteybol.


aniel is a very forrunare individual who has experienced the feeling of being o winner. His mosr memorable experience was winning hisfirsrCross Country race. "Knowing rhar I was in rhe rop of rhe Srore of New Mexico, this is o memory rhar feels good and will always feel good." Alrhough Daniel has strong feelings for his running he also has strong feelings for animals. "I see myself as a vererinorian, helping all kinds of animals, and giving all of my friends free per rreormenrs. I will also be running, maybe only in local races, bur I will enjoy ir!" Daniel' srrong feelings don'r end wirh his future because he also gives this odvice ro freshmen . . . "Never give up. Success will only come with o positive ortirude."

* * I I ave open eyes, open I ears, be open ro new ideas, and rake advanroge of every opportunity available." This is Joel's odvice ro freshmen. He derived this from his mosr memorable experience of being a foreign exchonge studenr in Norway. "While abroad I learned a new language and o great deal about another culture." Ten ro fifteen years from now Joel hopes ro be working,m foreign countries wirh people from oil over rhe world. "There ore so many drfferenr kinds of people, with different ideas, there's no way I'l ever stop learning." Joel should have no unforeseen problems in his venture ro achieve his goals for he plans ro work hard ond pur al his energy into whor he wanrs ro occompfeh

DANIEL SANCHEZ Accomplshmenrs Ooss Country, track. Rotary Oub, SAD D Top Runner on Ooy's Varsty Cms Country Team


AccompWvnenrj SFHS Oond. German Oub. For • g n Exchange Student (6667)

ed shows wirh his many inreresrs and acriviries rhar rhere is more ro him rhan meers rhe eye. Afrer discovering his passion for art classes, he arrempred rhem wirh vigor and enrhusiasm. "Porrery and Jewelry wirh Mr. Phil Karshis has challenged rhe crearive side of my brain more rhan any orher dass ar Sanra Fe High." Anorher reacher who challenged Ted as well as leaving a deep impression on him, wos Mr. John Davidson, his Algebra II insrrucror. "I liked him", Ted commenred, "Because of his blended spirir of aurhoriry, compassion, humor, and pracricaliry rhar always kepr me inreresred." Ted's advice ro freshmen is ro, "Take school seriously, bur nor roo seriously." He srresses rhe imporronce of weekends and, "I don'r mean ro work!"


Accomplishments.- Varsity Soccer, National Merir


Lerrer, Top 5 %

NarionoJ G e r m a n

Tesr Level

Three, 5W Quo Vice President, Academic All American, ond Who's W h o .


GREG STONE Accompbhrnenrs: Vorsry Football Coproin. Who's W h o , First r e a m a l dferriar TocWe 1986, Academic AH-Americon, Second teom ol disrria tockle 1987


Accomptshmenrs Oaskerbol. German Club, del U N . Who's W h o . Chess d u b .

y mosr memorable experience in high school is my involvemenr in sporrs. Sporrs have raughr me many rhings, such as sportsmanship and how ro be parr of a whole insread of jusr an individual. Sporrs have also raughr me ro follow as well as lead." Ten ro fifreen years from now Greg isn'r sure whar he'll be doing bur he says, "I see myself working in rhe field of engineering." He hopes ro have a good job and lead a producrive life. Greg has some serious advice for freshmen. He rells rhem, "There's a price ro pay for your educorion. If you ger inro drugs and alcohol, your educarion will suffer. So jusr sray away from rhem."

* * T here is no one exper| ience I'd like ro menrion because rhere were many things borh in and our of doss rhar I'll never forger. I'd like ro rhonk my friends and oil rhe reochers I've hod." This is whar Tommy replied when asked ro describe a mosr memorable experience. In rhe future. Tommy sees himself doing whor he decides ro do, where he wonrs ro do ir, and as well as he possibly con. "I mighr jusr win rhe lorrery and do norhing while working hard ar ir." Lastly, Tommy leaves this bit of advice, "Just be yourself. There are so many phoneys in this world, and it's refreshing ro see someone who is real."

ifreen years from now, Leigh sees herself pursuing a field of sporrs ond educorion, working wirh young people, and direcring rhem inro a posirive way of life. "My inrenr is ro help kids replace socieral pressures, like substance abuse, wirh posirive educorion ond good dean parria'parion in sporrs," Leigh commenrs. Leigh states she has a hard rime finding one mosr memorable experience in high school, so she has chosen her enrire four years of high school as memorable as well as srimularing. Her deporring advice ro furure high school srudenrs is rhis, "Learn quickly ro disdpline yourself in rhe areas of academic study, sporrs, ond friendships."


LEIGH TRUJILLO Accompfchmenrs: Varsity Softool, 4 years, \ t y basketball, 4 years, First Team A l j T . years, ream captain, offensive player of year.


hen asked which classes she liked mosr, Donna replied, "The mosr srimularing dosses hove been Markering, Business morh. Accounting, and English. Each of rhe dasses have helped me learn more obour my chosen career and given me an opportuniry ro practice human relorions ond communicorion skills." In ren ro fifreen years, Donno expecrs ro be employed by a local accounting firm as a certified public accounranr. She hopes ro be married and hove one child. Donna leaves rhis advice ro freshmen. "Pur o solid effort Into your education. There are many opportuniries here in school if you jusr work and learn from everyrhing you do."





A w a r d from NMSU Alumni Assodarton.' mg Srudenr A w a r d , Who's Who. OGCA Tn


y yn see myself being rhe psyI chotogist of the srars. I'D have offices in Beverly Hills. New York, London, and Paris. My dienrs will be biggies like David Bowie, Eddy Van HoJen, and Howard rhe Duck. I would be invired ro orrend all of their social ger rogerhers and in appreciation of my work, I would be offered their beach houses for rhose long weekends on rhe French Riviera." Heather's mosr memorable moment during high school was band. Ir gave her the chance to go to Germany and see what their culture was like. Ir also showed her how important each person is in rhe group. Heather would like to give speaal thanks to her grandmother for helping her see that she could do anything she put her mind ro. Heather's grandmother always gave her the support she needed.



•comptshmenrs: Amateur llkjsrroror. Close Up, vrrran Oub, Arr Show.

oson is expressive about his mosr memorable experiences in rhe bsr four years. "My full four years of high school have been memorable as well as stimulating. Dur ro choose any secrion of rhar rime, ir would hove ro be rhe year I spenr in Scorland. Thar year has shaped my outlook on life and has stimulared me for rhe furure." Jason envisions himself in ren years, "Definitely in rhe Bahamas wirh my secrerary or ar leasr ar my ren year high school reunion. Hopefully rhough, I'll be a successful illusrraror, bur hey, who knows?" His advice ro freshmen has a hinr of sarcasm: "Don'r srond under a rree during o lighrning srorm."

iccomptshmenrs: Cross Cowry Team undefeard five years, four far places. Ftrsr and second loce or state, Flrsr and tnW ploce m nationals. dMduaty rhlrd and fourrh in srore and nlnrh m oflanok

eter is definitely one studenr ar Santa Fe High who is ahead of his time. He has partidpoted in many extra-curricular programs both at Santo Fe High and at U.N.M. Peter is very interested with activities at Los Alamos Notional Laboratories as well. His mosr imporranr accomplishment was probably building his 3-foor roUroborfrom sararch. The cost of the robor totaled more than $2,000 and was a rime consuming project: When giving advice ro freshmen, Perer says; "Life is like rodng a car. You only ger ro start once . . . then you drive . . . and then you srop . . . ro ger more gas. Be sure ro pick rhe road that you won't foJ asleep on." Peter says that he is always eager ro learn more, because he "does nor know it all just yet."

s you can see, Joserre has been very active in aoss country and track. "Cross counrry hos been my mosr memorable experience throughout my four years of high school. The ream was and still is dose, and some of my dearesr friends are from rhe aoss counrry ream. I have had countless experiences, and I hove learned and grown from rhem." Ten ro fifreen years from now, she sees herself as a morher of rhree children, an owner of a successful business chain, or maybe even a journalisr, wriring in some exotic place like Sourh America, Africa, or rhe Middle Easr. Who knows? Perhaps she'll be all rhree of these or else nor any of rhem and go on ro do something rorolly differenr. Dur for now, rhar's whar she dreams her furure will be.

utstanding is the word rhar comes to mind when one rNnks of Sorony Gaylin Young. She is an incredible athlete and a thoughf provoking srudenr. Her mosr stimulating experience was her summer trip ro Israel. I learned a tor about myself as o person and obour my heritage. The knowledge I gained there is indelible." So what does the future hold for this young women? "I wonr ro make o viable contribution to sodery; somehow improve the welfare of the


otOOGT "

Her advice tofreshmenis, "Make the most of your education, take the difficult teachers, and the challenging c a j r a . Do secerning for your bran." These ore nor only Sorony's advice rofreshmen,but the rules she hos ived by.


Accornpishmem: Who's Who. Honor Scholar Award. Honor Sodery. Dond Secnon Leoder





Accomptahments Vorsty Track. Soccer, and Swvnmng Studenr Caund. Model ON Co-dxr Oft Slow. Who's Who. Betel wt Anthropology (\l\



Accomptshmenrs Los Alomos Student Program. Concurrenr Enrolment or untvenfy of New Mudco. Swim ream. Men's and Youth Rugby. Construction of a Robor.


ow could o srudenr foce ir? Afrer o short summer of fun ond frolic, school wos ogoin on ir's way. The warning signals came early. The back-ro-school dorhing sales, rhe consranr reminder rhor rhere were only a few more weeks lefr of vacarion served ro enhance rhe dread of rhe upcoming school year. Of course, ir wasn'r all rhar bod. Ir was exciring ro see old friends, and rhe firsr few days weren'r really rhar hard. Dur when rhe srudenrs gor inro rhe swing of rhings, rhey dreamed of summer. Regisrrarion began on rhe lasr rwo days before rhe summer break, and believe ir, ir was hecric! Thousands of screaming srudenrs rushed inro rhe gym wirh rhe same goal, which was ro run in, ger rhar "perfecr" schedule ond rhen ger our and celebrare rhe summer vacarion. Hours larer, srudenrs rrudged our of rhe gym, wirh less rhan a perfecr schedule. Celebraring was far from rheir minds. The "good" classes and reachers were raken quickly and mosr of rhe srudenrs dkJn'r ger all of rhe dasses or reachers rhey had previously planned on. The summer began as srudenrs rook off for vacarions in rhe North,

V&7~&A4K-43 SCHOOL

Sourh, Easr, and Wesr, (or even in fronr of rheir Television sers.) There was so much ro be done ond nor enough rime ro do ir. Some srudenrs worked rhrough rhe summer and saved rheir money for rhings such as college. Orhers saved rheir hard earned money for rhor upcoming weekend. Some srudenrs jusr srayed home and relaxed all summer long. Unforrunarely, reality hir everyone righr off of cloud nine. School had begun and ir wos rime again ro pick up I.D. cards and dass schedules. Of course, srudenrs were relucranr ro come back ro school and leave rheir fun-filled summers behind, bur we all know rhor summer will be here again. There will always be summer and rhere will always be srudenrs who love summer ond rhe cycle conrinues. •KELLY WHITTLETON

HEAD 'EM UP, MOVE 'EM OUT! Afrer a long ond relaxing summer, srudenrs arrive or school ro srorr off anorher year.

I'M SORRY, IT'S FULL! A common response srudenrs hear or regisrrarion in rhe spring.

UH, EXCUSE ME!! filled rhe gym ro ger l "perfecr" schedules, a hard day'

HEY DUDE! WHAT'S UP? Summer is over and t's rime ro ger both inro the swing of rhinos. Amy Morrin comes bock ro see her old buddies and ro moke new friends before anyrhlng else. LONG TIME NO SEE. The besr rhing about coming back ro school is seeing everybody again. Cody Keetng and Chris Trusnovk ore glod to see one another after rhe long vocation. HOMEWORK? IT'S rime ro hlr the books again, which means there is going ro be homework to ger done. Lynn Richardson cardies some rays whle doing her last minute homework. THE DEST CLASS OF THE DAY-LUNCH! Fmofy some time ro relax after a rough morning. Joel Spoonheim enjoys his Sprire during rhe lunch hour before heading back ro his afternoon dosses TIME TO TURN ON THE DRAW, unfortunately, John Alejandro has ro buckle down and ger ready ro work. There's no more fre&monrhs for another year N A HURRY? Already, kids ore anxious as ever rogohome. Afrer school is what most people look forward to al day. They can go home, worch TV, grab a snack, and Just relax.


iesro is one of the most unique and exciting celebrations. Ir is also one of rhe oldesr traditions carried on annually since 1712. People parriapare in the festivities to celebrare rhe reconquesr of Sanra Fe by rhe Spaniards. The festivities begin early in September, rhe Sunday before rhe burning of Zozobro or Old Man Gloom, wirh rhe reconquesr procession and continue rhroughour the week. Srudenrs help rhe Downrown Kiwanis Oub stuff rhe 50 foor paper pupper and srudenrs also make plans for rhe weekend. The burning of Zozobro is rhe high point of rhe weekend for most people. The pupper is burned in rhe hope of banishing all rhe sorrow and gloom rhroughour rhe dry and filling hearts with hap piness. The burning is only the beginning of on exuberant evening for many people. "It's the one rime of rhe yeor when onyrhing is jusrified." said junior Morr Hilgendorf. After the burning, rhe plaza quickly fills wirh o rush of people reveling in rhe exciremenr of rhe night. "I Ike seeing 50,000 people

in rhe some place or one rime," commented senior Paige Conover. Festivities ore corned our rhe remainder of rhe weekend, wirh plaza food booths, "The food is rhe besr," says senior Maureen Fresquez; fiesta parades, "The parades are great," says senior Chris Levy,- and parries, "It's a giant parry where rhe whole dry con go," says senior Mindy Morales. Every yeor, band srudenrs and cheerleaders parriapare in rhe Per Parade rhe Saturday morning ofrer Zozobra, and rhe HysrericalHystorical Porode Sunday afternoon. The Pet Porode is always o fun porode. The bond srudenrs always dress up in funky costumes. "I rhink rhe Per Parade is fun. I think rhe kids rhink so too", comments band direcror Clark Ponrsler. The weekend ended in o condie light procession after Mass, commemorating rhe Spanish reconquesr of rhe copiroi in 1962. Sanra Feon's rhen pocked up rheir memories, awaiting rhe nexr Fiesra.

GOO00YE GLOOM! Here Is Zozobro himself, woiring to be burned, banishing gloom from SonroFe After he is stuffed by rhe Kiwona and the Key Oub or the high school he Is dromoncaty burned to ashes in o morrer of minutes. This event is witnessed by thousands of cheerIng and shouting Santo Feans The burning of Zozobra gets Fiesro weekend's many parries rotng and continuing through the right.

-KELLY WHITTLETON THS FOOD ONLY COMES ONCE A YEAR. Ptoza food booths are popular tor fkxfng traditional (and nor so rroctnonaO New Mexican food during Fiesro weekend. Nei Mter and Manuel Knots enjoy their Navajo Tocos after watching the parade. People also ate cotton candy, com dogs, and caramel apples whle browsing through the Plaza and warding parades.

ICE CREAM! 7qp fefr. After sranctng around in the hot sun watching the Fiesta oaivihes. junior Jennifer Trujto bites into a cold ice cream bar. Earing was also a popular thing to do (besides parry) on hesro weekend PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Tophghr. Whie waiting for the Sunday Hsroricai/Hysrericol parade to begin, the SFHS drum tne practices a few beats. The bond pornopates in both Fiesta parades- the Hstorical/Hysrerical and the Per Parade EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE. Mdde. The SFHS marching band does is thing in Saturday morning's Per Parade. Instead of wearing uniforms the band dresses in wld costumes the ol of the children and their pets who are in the parade. TOOPOOPEDTOPAtWf. Donomrighr, Afterrwodoys of marching in Fiesta parades (and playing at a foorbal gome on Friday night) Krisren Curtis and Evelyn Cosrel bno take a much needed break outside of Be Vargas Mai, the endhg place of rhe parades.


n celebration of rhe losr year as rhe only public high school in Sonro Fe, this year's Homecoming rheme was rhe "One and Only Homecoming." The week was filled wirh acn'viries including dress up days, a senior slave sale ro raise money for rhe senior dass, an assembly, rhe football game, and a dance. Comperin'on began ar rhe beginning of Seprember, as hopeful candidares began ro plasrer rhe campus walls wirh posrers. Fourreen senior girls ran for Queen, and five senior boys ran for rhe rirle of King. Seven juniors, eleven sophomores, and seven freshmen ran for dass attendants. Voting was done ar lunch and afrer school on Friday, Seprember 25. Three Queen finalisrs, rhe King and arrendanrs were announced the following Monday, Seprember 28. The Queen was announced Friday Oaober 2 ar rhe Homecoming assembly. A new acrfviry during rhe week was rhe selling of senior slaves for an afrernoon. Twenry-seven seniors wenr for bid bringing in sums from $1.50 ro $36.00. a ridy profir on behalf of rhe senior dass. Dress up days during rhe week

induded Hor Day, Tacky Tourist Day, Hollywood Day, Hero Day, Backwards Day, and Spirir Day. The memorable Homecoming assembly consisred of a variety of entertainment. Thefirsrevenr was J rhe onnouncemenr of rhe Home- * coming courr. Senior artendanrs waired anxiously for rhe name of rhe Queen ro be announced. Each arrendanr was escorred by a senior boy who had been selected by rhe Varsity Foorball coach, Jim Bradley. Borh rhe band and chorus performed for rhe students, breal Houghton was once again a great hit singing a soto at rhe assembly for the second year in a row. The Norma Tell Trio performed several upbear jazzy runes for rhe Homecoming courr and srudenrs. Afrer rhe assembly senior slaves wenr inro servirude, and srudenrs spenr rheir afrernoon classes making plans for rhe evening. The Homecoming Game was an extiting upset vicrory for rhe Demons. Their skillful play made rhe game exa'ting, and rheir win added ro rhe success of rhe Homecoming fesrivities. -KELLY WHITTLETON

AT THEPOLLS. Voting for the Homecoming courr took ploce afrer one week of heavy campaigning by the concWores Juniors and seniors voted in the A V room and the freshmen and sophomores voted in the Otology Audfroriumot lunch Hereisajunior voting for her favorite conddotes for King, Queen, and dass anendanr.

NERVE RACKING. While waiting in o coach's office before rhe assembly, seniors Georgia Vigil. Trish Lopez, and Contesso Arogon wonder who w l b e crowned Homecoming Queen. They didn't know who would win unrl their names were announced.

THE ROYAL COUPLE. Srondrig proudy is rhe King and Queen for Homecoming 1987, Donald Chavez and Conressa Arogon. Conressa was crowned the Queen by tasr year's Queen, Parry Romero. Donald caprured rhe rirle our of four seniors. ONE AND OM.Y. Fronr row seared: Sherry Daymon, Lisa Rivera, Sharon Sanchez, Trish Lopez, Conressa Arogon, Georgia VigS, Angelo Joromillo. Carolyn Aguilor. and Comie Arogon Escorrs are foorbol players.

PICTURE PERFECT Above: Senior orrendonrs Tnsh Lopez and George V o l Above far lefr Freshmen Sherry Dayman and Comie Arogon. Above nghr Sophomores Lso Rivera and Carolyn Algutar. Left: Ardors Angelo Jaromio and Sharon Sanchez




he Homecoming spirir srorred during rhe losr couple of weeks in Seprember. Meeiings were held by Srudenr Council ro make oil rhe necessary plans for rhe upcoming fesriviries, such as dress up days, campaigning and elections for rhe court, and rhe assembly which is pur on by rhe sophomore class. Srudenrs who wanred ro parridpare in rhe selecrion process for rhe court had ro rurn in signed peririons and meer special requirements before srarring rhar campaigns. Elecrion posrers were pur up and hand ours were issued all over rhe campus. On Seprember 23, freshmen and sophomores were found voting in rhe Biology Auditorium while juniors and seniors were casring rheir bailors in rhe AV room. On Ocrober 2nd, srudenrs crowded rhe Toby fAoybal Gym anxiously awoiring rhe announcemenr of rhe new Homecoming courr. Besides rhe crowning of rhe new King and Queen, srudenrs were privileged ro have rhe Norma TeH Trio come and perform for rhem. The -SFHS A capella Choir also joined in rhe celebration wirh a variety of songs and solos. Larer rhar evening rhe Homecoming gome rook place, where rhe Demons were victorious over rhe Clovis Wildcats wirh a dose

score of 24-21. Immediarely following rhe game srudenrs filled rhe Activity Cenrer for rhe Homecoming Dance. Homecoming acriviries were planned rhroughour rhe enrire week. On Monday, Seprember 28, srudenrs wore exoric hars for "Hor Day," and Tuesday was "Tacky Tourisr Day." Thar Wednesday was reserved for "Hollywood Hero Day," Thursday was considered "Backwards Day," and ro show rhe spirir of Homecoming, srudenrs dressed in our school colors for "Spirir Day." Also in rhe aaiviries rhe rrodirion of kidnapping conrinued. Srudenrs would norify rhe parenrs before hand and ask rhem if rhey were able ro kidnap rheir son or daughrer for a good portion of rhar particular evening. The kidnappers rook rheir vicrims ro srrange places and made rhem do even srranger rhings, such as wear diapers inro Dunkin' Donurs, roiler paper neighborhoods, and wear srrange outfits all over town. " Homecoming 1987-88 was rhe best! All rhe hard work of Srudenr Council and rhe sophomore doss really paid off! Mosr importantly srudenrs are left wirh fanrasric memories for years ro come!! -TIFFANY

TOUCHDOWN, At the Homecoming gome on Ocrober 2nd. the Sonro Fe Demons bear rhe Clovis Victors by o very dose score of 24-21. Here rhe referee finolzes rhe rouch down mode by the Demons. GREGORY The foorbol game was rhe losr evenr of homecoming with rhe exception of rhe Homecoming Dance which was held immeoTarely after rhe game in the Aaiviry Center.

HE BITES! ted Srenzhorn and Sreve Lamay our ond obour during "Slave Day." Srudenrs who wanred ro be a stove for a day signed up and dowed other srudenrs to rry and buy eoch other our. the srudenr or readier who offered rhe mosr money gor rhar particular srudenr for on enrire doy as o stove you had ro do whatever your master wanred you ro do.

AT n£HOMECOMNG GAME Above rhe new Queen, Conresso Arogon. and the new Mng, Donald Chavez, pose for a piaure during the half time preservation on Oaober 2nd. The Class arrendoms of rhe Homecoming Court were also recognized during rhe special hof rime show. WHAT A VOCE Left. Norma Tel of Norma Tel Trio Joined in rhe celebration or rhe assembly on October 2nd. Her songs and sprit enighrened the crowd to rhe poinr where everyone was rappin' their feet. Homecoming would nor have been rhe some without her! WHERE'S THE BEACH? Mkkfe left. Heather Ingram flashes o crazy pose in her costume for "Tacky Tourist Day." Throughout the Homecoming week of rhe days were special dress up days. Monday was "Hot Day," Tuesday was "Tacky Tourist Day," Wednesday was "Hotywood Hero Day," Thursday, "Oockwords day," and Friday was "Sprir Day." WHO APE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DONG HERE? Middle right, Ashley Gross woMng up ro And 10 people srandrig around her bed reody to kidnap her during Homecoming week. Unforrunotely Ashley ddn'r have to do as many strange and exotic things as other students hod ro do. • AND YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE NORMAL Oorrom left, Eric Morgan Oeft), Chris Nordsrrum, and Adam Ferrary were rhe unforrunore ones ro be kidnapped during homecoming by Srocey and Tiffany Gregory. They were forced to wear diapers and sing "Good Sh|p Loipop" in DunMn' Donurs whle doing rhe poiko and eating loipops AND YOU THOUGHT THAT YOU LOOKED DAD H THE MORNNG Oorrom right, Decky Boco attempts ro kidnap Krisren Curris, in rhe middte of rhe night, bur poor Krisren would rather stay home and sleep.


TECH? EVERYTHING! usr down rhe hill from the • * crowded Sonro Fe High School compus lies Sonro Fe Technical High School. 5FTH5 is a rechnicol-vocarional school, bur ir also offers rradirional dasses such os English, Hisrory, and Marh courses. Sanra Fe Tech is much smaller rhan Sanra Fe High wirh only a lirrle over 500 srudenrs arrending. Mosr srudenrs are full day srudenrs yer some who wanr ro learn a rrade also have classes or rhe main high school and split rhe doy berween rhe rwo. Tech is quire unique because of rhe vocational classes raughr rhere. Srudenrs con rake a variery of dasses ranging from Horticulture ro Welding ro Markxtii Dand. By raking rhese types of courses, plus rhe rradirional ones, srudenrs ger a well-rounded view of school and rhe working world. In rhe rrades classes, srudenrs are rroined wirh firsthand experience and some srudenrs srarr working in rhese rrade areas directly out of high school. Student organizations are also a very importanr parr of the school.

These organizations let the students be involved with their rrode in a peer group. Many orgonizorions compere in state and national competitions. One such group is FFA, Furure Farmers of America. They keep busy by selling flowers and arrangement for spedal occasions and holidays rhroughour rhe year ro raise money for rheir differenr ocriviries. Orher organizarions do rhe same sorr of rhings. Manual Sanchez, a senior or SFTHS is very happy wirh rhe school and looks forward ro a career wirh rhe skills he has acquired. Manual said, "I had many learning experiences which helped me become a more confidenr person." His arrirude reflecrs on many of rhe srudenrs or Tech. Sanra Fe Tech is the right learning environmenr for many srudenrs' needs. Ir is an alternative ro rhe rradirional high school ormosphere and ir rurns our brighr and eager srudenrs who ore ready ro continue rheir educarion or join rhe work force. JUSTINE


DURRIED IN PAPERWORK. Working in on office con involve o lor of redious organizing as rNs office aide found our.

FUN AND FRAMEWORK. The Sanra Fe Tech Building Trades class works tarn gerher consrrvaing rhe frame for *.. house.

CLASS TODAY, CAREER TOMORROW. Students or Sonro Fe Technical ore offered courses such os computers. HUNT AND PECK. After rohng rhis Typing course, freshman Scar Glosby won't hunt and peck when he's or rhe ryoewrter. Typing Is o useful skt in many jobs. VAfTNG FOR WORK, (mlddte) Three wood lathes stand sti In rhe woodshop wotlng ro be used by the shtful wood worhng students FUTURE AROflECTS Drafting (Joss Is an Introduction mo the world of arcHrecrure. Senior Carlos Gordo warns ro develop h& merest In design through drafting.



woy from rhe husrle ond lorge campus of Sonro Fe High, srudenrs or Sonro Fe Technical High enjoy o quierer and friendlier atmosphere. Many of rhese srudenrs chose Sanra Fe Tech nor only for rhe vocarionol courses, bur ro be in a smaller school. One Srudenr commenred, "Decause of rhe small size, I feel rhere is more srudenr-reocher communicarion. As a resulr, rhe srudenrs seem ro feel like a big family." Two major differences, size and curriculum, accounr for varying inreresrs and acriviries in borh high schools. Exrrocurricular acriviries for Tech srudenrs srem from rhe cocurricular classes rhey rake and from rhe dubs in which rhey porriapare. Because Tech has so many dubs, parriaparion is high. Many of rhe dubs rravel so rhis sports even more inreresr. From rhe skills rhey learn in a dass like "Word Processing," srudenrs can ger an afrer-school job working wirh compurers. Many srudenrs also go ro school in rhe morning ond work in rhe ofrernoon for course credfr. Sophomore Porricia Garcia commenred on rhis progrom saying, "Ir's almosr like gerring paid ro go ro school!" a




As for as orher school sponsored acriviries go, SFTHS srudenrs ore always porridporing. From dances ro selling rhe "Demon Torler" on Tech's campus, rhey are ocrive and having fun being a parr of rhe ocrion. One new ocriviry for Tech srudenrs is rheir own newspaper, "The Tech Times." h" was begun as a dass prqjecr in on English dass. Being involved is very imporronr ro rhe mojoriry of rhe srudenrs. Again, many of rhem srress rhe imporrance of rhe small school size ro rheir success ar Tech. "After being here, where I aaually know everyone, I would never leave," said sophomore Denise Gollegos. Srudenrs who arrend Sanra Fe Tech obviously enjoy rhe easygoing armosphere, friendry arrirudes, and rhe value of rhe dasses rhey rake. In rhe furure, graduores of SFTHS will look back on rheir high school years wirh sorisfocrion of rheir achievemenrs. .TIFFANY GREGORY

HARD WORK ...The ouro-shop or Santo Fe Vocational school requires rhor srudenrs work ro achieve rhe besr resuts. These srudenrs examine their next assignmenr ro see what has ro be done.

WHAT A CHOICE . . . The rootbench s almosr always rut wirh a large seiecnon for the students of the ouro-shop ro choose from. These students ore filching the besr tool for rhe Job

Outstanding Student Is Recognized.


I COOL CARS During Auto Cotsion Ooss, senior Robert I Abeyro works on o teacher's car for o smoi fee.


WVEAK TIME! After hours of dosses, seniors Kothy Arogon . and Oecky Martinez char during break.


FRESH STMT! As semester rob around. Joke Archuleta deons out his locker to moke room for new work

onro Fe Technfcd High school is filled wirh mony brighr and ralenred srudenrs. One of rhese srudenrs is Manuel 5anchez, a senior who has been orrending Tech for rhe lasr four years. Manuel chose Sonro Fe Tech so he could learn a rrode. He has hod rhe chance ro rry cSfferenr rrodes and has decided ro go inro Auro Dody Repair and Pointing. Afrer

High School he will or rend anorher specialized school, Denver Auro morive and Diesel College. Manuel is glad he chose Sonro Fe Tech, because of rhe small srudenr populorion and more personal srudenrreocher relationship He commenred on his years or Tech saying, "The many skills I acquired or SHTHS w i benefit me nor

only vocationally, bur also in Irving a more enjoyable and productive






or roo mony people know abour Sierra Visro High, rhe alrernarive high school jusr off of Sr. Francis Drive. SVHS is o school for srudenrs who did nor complere enough credits for high school, bur rhey con make rhem up and receive aedirs for rhem by attending school rhere. The easy-going armosphere helps rhe srudenrs ger back on rrack before going ro rhe high school next year. SVHS also offers programs for rhe devetopmenrally disabled. The curriculum or SVHS is designed ro meer rhe needs of rhe srudenrs. Courses indude Basic Skills which enables rhem ro earn high school credir. Living Skills is ser up for rhe disabled. Srudenrs who arrend Sierra Visra enjoy rheir high school and rhe serring ir is in. Ir allows for more learning ro occur because rhey are more relaxed. SVH5 is a small school which mosr of rhe srudenrs really like a lor. One srudenr said, "All of rhe srudenrs and reachers feel like one big family." Nexr year wirh the arrival of Copiral Ory high, Sierra Visro sru-

denrs will be transferred ro rhe high school campus. Mosr believe ir will be better, bur will miss the smallness of their presenr school. "Everyone knows everyone here", another srudenr commenred. Some srudenrs rhink rhe transition ro rhe high school will bring many opportunities, espedolly rhe chance ro go ro Sanro Fe Tech. As for os exrro auricular activities go rhere are nor many affiliared wirh the school.-There is o boy's baskerball ream which plays for rhe dry league. This seems ro attract many of rhe mole srudenrs. The elecrives rhar are offered in rhe school provide for some of rhe orher things srudenrs are inreresred in such as art and home economics. Everyday life ar Sierra Visra is fun and filled wirh many learning experiences rhar are sure ro benefir rhe srudenrs there. All of rhe rime rhey spenr with their dose friends will provide lots of grear memories. JUSTINE HEBRON

LONG AND LONaY. Two HELP. Michele Monroya has srudenrs rahe up trrlespoce her counselor help her our. h Sierra Visro holwoy

TEENAGERS AND P H O ÂŤ No marrer where ya^M rhere's o phone.

THAT COOL REFRESHNG FEEUNG. Juan Mectna cook the pipes wth o swig from the water fountain between dosses. HEY. DO THE TEACHER LEAVE? Sorry, she's right behind you. A student teacher assists doner's Engtsh doss. TEACHERS CAN DE FRIENDLY TOO. Ms. Carter takes time out of a busy reading schedule to give the camera a cheerful smle. FAMLY PHOTO. Students or Sierra veto seem to be real dose and consider themselves to be one "big happy fomty." WHERE ARE THE SECURITY GUARDS? Though wotrooming Isn't an ckxttve these students found the time and posed for a picture. PAPERS, PAPERS, AND MORE PAPERS. Although grading papers Isn't Ms. Carter's favorite thing, she seems to smle whle doing t. TELL ME ALL YOUR TROUBLES. Counselor and students Interact Xmd try to break at of the barriers of their misunderstandings



he alarm dock reads 6:29 a.m. In jusr one short minute this dock will break the silence of rhe still morning air with a shrill pierdng noise meant ro awaken snoozing students. The horrible noise will nor sound for long, because rhe experienced and half asleep hand still knows where ro find the "snooze" burton. When rhe silence returns, the weary body usually falls bock ro sleep undet cozy, worm covers only ro find ir has ro rake an ice cold shower due ro laziness. Yes, ir's jusr another school day morning, rushed and running lore. Mosr srudenrsfindrhemselves hurring our rhe door wirh roast in their mouths trying to get to school on rime, which is five minutes earlier rhan lasr year. Classes officially begin ar 8:10 a.m. Srudenrs who ride buses usually have ro get up even earlier rhan students who drive, because rhe average bus pick-up rime is 7:15 a.m. Once ar school, on rime or nor, ir's rime for doss. Homework rhar was done ar two o'clock in rhe morning must be turned in. The resr you forgor ro study for has ro


be raken, bur all you can rhink abour is lunch and having some rime ro yourself ond wirh good friends. A shorter lunch hour by ren minures sometimes mode ir hard gerring off campus, yer somehow srudenrs still made ir. Srudenrs in dubs srayed on campus for rheir meerings and some jusr srayed on ro hang our and enjoy rhe sun. Of course lunch has ro end, bur looking on rhe brighr side of rhings, rhere were only rhree classes ro go! Depending on rhe srudenr, rhe afternoon con drag on slowly or fly by unnoriced. Classes basically follow rhe same routine except at 3:15 p.m., it'srimero head home, go ro work, or pracrice for rhe seasonal sport. For rhe srudenrs wirh work or practice, homework rime can lasr inro rhe morning hours before rhey can hir rhe sack. Afrer a day of school, work, play and a lirrle bir of family ond friends squeezed in, ir's easy ro be sorired.Somerimes rhe besr thing ro do was ser a goal on Monday. The goal? Why of course, ir's colled Friday! •JUSTINE HEBRON

PURSUING PEARLY WITES. Before N THE CLOSET. Searching in her sisrer's heading our rhe door on his way ro closer, senior Stocey Gregory hopes ro school, freshman Julian Hebron furious-find something near ro- wear, b rhe ly brushes his reerh. Darhrooms rend ro morning, srudents spend almosr roo be rhe busiesr rooms in rhe house on mudi time figuring our what ro wear. school day mornings.

YOU LEARN SOMETHNG NEW EVERY DAY! Junky Paul Montoyo explain the complexity of a chemistry problem ro sophomore Arwen West before the lunch hour.

MEETINGS AT LUNCH. SFHS dubs kept members interested and occupied with many activities. Ski Oub Vice-President TedSrenzhorn makes sure everyone is present or their organizational meetings at lunch

CATCHING THE OUS. Srudents run to their buses after school so they con get home as soon as possible to hong our, word) T. V., or get some homework done early.

READY TO G O HOME After school the tries at the bus stop ore long and crowded. Students wot anywhere from five to 30 minutes for their buses to pick them up and take them safely home.





inding rime ro work and work during rhe school year, have fun is parr of rhe high some srudenrs find rhor rhere are school experience. ways of successfully using rheir Joanne Torres, o sophomore, rime. "I don'r find ir hard ro work feels rhor her job os o life guard and go ro school, because I ger ar an area pool is a rewording breaks or work ro do my homeexperience. "You have ro be work," Joanne Torres revealed willing ro pur our rhe efforr ro One definire plus ro working is advance your chorocrer devel- having extra money ro spend. "I opment" Joanne srared. . work because I need rhe money Senior Amy Hollquisr feels rhar ro survive rhrough rhe week. Ir rhe experience of her job ar Har- buys me lunch everyday, and all ry's dorhing srore is somerhing rhe lirrle rhings I need like clorhes, rhor will help her in rhe furure. "I gas, ond orher necessities," said rhink my job will help me ro ger sophomore Dorry Landua. a berrer job while I'm in college There are many differenr and in rhe furure," Amy said. rhings ro help spend rhar hard When Peggy Rodriguez, a ju- earned paycheck. "All my monnior, was asked if she rhoughr ey seems ro go so fasr," Joanne her job ar Fino Dourique was a Torres said. "I buy rhings rhor good experience she replied, carch my eye. I also rry ro save, "IT'S definirely a real experience. bur I've been unsuccessful." One rime," Peggy conrinued, "a Peggy Rodriguez finds a few lady was in rhe dressing room rhings ro do with her money. and she hod rried on a skiff rhor Peggy srared," I spend my monwas roo small. I don'r know how ey on Burger King, burriros or she gor ir on, bur she did. She Taco Dell for my-friends, and I couldn'r ger ir off so I had ro help buy beverages ro consume on pull ir over her head I was rrying rhe weekends. I also buy ports really hard nor ro lough, bur ir for my cor, car air fresheners, was a prerry funny siruarion. I and new fish for my fish bowl, was pracricolly anchoring my because mine keep dying." foor againsr rhe wall pulling ar It might be a lirrle bir hard for rhe skirr. Finally we gor ir off and some ro work and maintain luckily norhing happened ro rhe good grades, bur ir can also be a skirr! Prerry funny, huh?" lot of fun! Alrhough, ir is often hard ro •MELINDA DELGADO


SEARCHNG FOR SOMETHNG. Ousy at WORNNG UP A STEAM. Snomrig Oshman's, Tommy Miero has fhaly domes s o frequent parr of Amy Hoifound rhe merdTonctse he's looting quisr's offer-school job ar Horry's. Far for. Tommy spends many hours or Amy, working Is somerhing rhor occuOshman's ond yer alwoys heeps up or pies iole rime, school.

HAVNG FUN. (rap left) Most people work or ther jobs, bur tor Dean Gonides and Tyler Shout, rhere's always rime ro ploy. Musidond seems ro be the place ro work

THUMBS UP. (borrom left) Is Darren Lopez realy working? It doesn't appear SO. Our the e port of ha job Darren so DJ. for GH06. There's norhing fte having o Me run.

DUKED H THE OOOKS (rop righr) Ir seems rhar Joe Greahouse jusr con'r leave the books alone. Aauoly, it's jusr on after-school job or D. Dolrons rhar occupies some of Joe's five rime.

HAVNG A DIWK? (borrom righr) Joanne Torres Is nor realy ready ro rake a sjp. She's oauoty doing her job. Demg a tfe-guord en'ras easy as most people thnk, espeaafy when the water needs ro be rested

IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY, SO . . . BRING ON THE WEEKEND! erring our of rhe srudenr parking tor always seemed ro rake longer on Friday afternoons rhan any orher day. Alrhough everyone was in a rush ro leave, rhe lines moved slower ond srrerched farrher from rhe exir rhor led ro rhe weekend. For every srudenr ar 5FHS rhe weekend was greered wirh relaxed smiles and laughrer and rhe feeling rhar rhey hod rwo full days ro do wherever rhey wanred. "I like rhe weekend because I can sleep unril rhe afternoon", said senior Nick Spencer. Sleeping was very popular wirhtorsof srudenrs as far as weekend ocriviries wenr. On rhe more active side, Friday nighrs were filled wirh many enrenoining rhings ro do. If srudenrs weren'r ar a Demon foorboll game cheering rhe ream on, rhey could be found ar rhe movies or going our ro dinner, hanging our downrown looking for a parry or ar home wirh friends warding movies. Sroying home on Friday was used as a nighr of resr before sporrs comperirtons for rhe many arhleres ar SFHS. There were of course rhe "grounded" weekends when you sroyed home for punishmenr for coming home pasr curfewtosrweekend! Saturdays were usually rhe bu-


sier of rhe rwo days of rhe weekend. Srudenrs worked, wenr ro games or meers, rook SAT's or even wenr shopping wirh friends. Larer in rhe day plans were made for rhe evenings evenrs, much like rhar of Friday nighrs, excepr a lor less relaxing. More srudenrs could be found our or parries and being social wirh all of rheir friends. After atorenighr everyone wenr home and fell inro bed for atareSunday morning sleep in. Waking up ar an overage rime of 11:00 am, srudenrs slowly arose ro have an exrremely relaxing day ar home wirh rhe family. There was srill homework ro do, so ir was lazily worked on unril parenrs were satisfied. If rhere was «* no school scheduled for Monday morning, counrless numbers of srudenrs traveled ro Albuquerque ro go dandng ar L'Parc. Ir became quire popular ro frequenr the Under 21 dubs rhis year. Everyone knows weekends go by roo quickly, bur rhey do hove ro end somerime. Weekends provided for so many grear rimes wirh friends and family. The besr rhing ro do was wair parienrly for rhe nexr one ro come along and j§ sooner rhan you rhink ir did! •JUSTINE HEBRON CHEERING ON THE TEAM, i HONEY THE HORSE. Ar a READY FOR THE / Ata Friday night game, M ranch in Colorado, Wany WEEKEND. Longfriesof 1 SFHS Cheerleaders rouse cars moke ir hard to get Gregory enjoys weekend the crowd. riding home on Friday.

WORKNG WOMAN, (for lefr) Toting a short break from work, senior Amy Hakfjsr stands outside Horry's for some fresh at on Saturday. A FORMAL AFFAJR Al dressed up and looting great, senior Fefsho Anderson donees the night away at the Senior Formal Dance. SNOW DUNNES ON 5 K B (miao)e left) On o weekend ski tip to Purgatory Colorado. Chombkx Duty and Justin Show ride up for their next run. SUNDAY RITUALS. Every Sunday morning, these SFHS seniors learn about themselves through meetings with a psy&ic RUDE AVAKENNG. On Sundays Oris Nordsrrum usuaty toes to sleep in. but this time he was caught by friends wth a camera.

SLIDING AWAY (lower left) Undent Count? members en/oyed ther weekend convention trip in twisted ways! NOOO" STOP IT! After o had day shrtg Paige Conover. Chits Levy, and Srocey Gregory do nor fed toe horsing around. SUNDAY PCNC. After a Me organizing this senior group went pKTuang at Tsankawi. a short drive north of S. F.

EXCUSES! EXCUSES! I Don't Know" The Dog Ate It" It's Due TODAY?rv 11

he Excuse," rhor nifry lirrle I piece of discrete deceprion, has evolved inro on orr form. From rhe beginnings of consciousness, rhe humon being seeks alfois. From rhe baby's firsr plea of "I didn'r know!" ro rhe mosr elaborare and creative alibi able ro be conjured by rhe humon mind, rhe excuse has become a specialty of rhe species known as Homo Sapien. Schoolchildren have particularly masrered rhe art, second only ro politicians. One of rhe mosr ancient grade school excuses for missing homework rhar has srood rhe resr of rime and srffl may be used in a dire emergency is, "The dog ore it." As one enrers high school, however, the need for more imaginarive alibis increases as rhe reachers and principals corch on ro rhe old srondoys. The key ro jesring o quick-witted schoolmaster is ro pur on rhe false prerexr of intelligence. For example, if one is late for dass, he or she could use rhis insightful explanation "In rhese troubled rimes of

ours, it is important to stop and smell rhe flowers." This excuse gives an air of wisdom and mokes rhe readier feel philosophically inferior. An inrelligenr "no homework excuse" rhar could be used is "I rhought abour doing ir, bur if I did, everyone would wonr ro copy from me and we wouldn't want rhar, would we?" A reverse of rhe above mentioned psychology is ro pull rhe old "Guess whor stupid rhing I did!" rourine. If you are late to firsr period, try rhis one our. "I woke up this morning and ya know, I could have sworn ir was Saturday!" Of course, you can dwoys blame rhe ever-blameful parents. "I did my homework, but my mom acddentally lined rhe birdcage wirh ir." Every srudenr hos developed and refined rheir own style of excuse making. Praoicolly any story will work. Jusr don'r use, "I missed my bus." They'll never beieve you . . . even if ir's rrue. STEVE


ADD 'EM UP A M ) COUNT EM DOWN Martin Meno has no otherchokeburro do his accounting homework. Having been o or mischievous rhis week, he has used up at of his excuses.

MY DOG ATE IT! This comverou ous erne pooch looks Ike he could eor you •ourighrm our of chemistry. Hey Me guy, I would you tke some algebra? HsraryflB Accounting? Speech? French?

"Our school bus hit a kid on o bike, but he's okay." Mindy MacCarter, junior

QUICK! I NEED AN EXCUSE!! (rap) RJck Romero uses Abea Martinez's desk to perform rhe rosk of lasr rmnure forgery. Sure you were sick, Rick V/e believe you I WASN'T DITCHNG, I WAS JUST LATE, (mWde left) Uh, excuse me feto, bur ir's seventhperiod. ffcerry, burgerbackrodoss. You'd rhink a person could get a pinch creative. WAY TO GO GUYS! (rrtdde right) THsiso look or what students rkfoJous and blame shifting excuses do ro those wonderful people in rhe front office. What fun it is! THN< ON YOUR FEET, (borrom) Peter Yesley tries to wattz his way around rhe facts, but It's not fooSng Ms. M. Rito Houfmon who tries ro show patience wirh rhe young man.

"I couldn't get my alarm to shut up so I hit it and broke my finger." Anthony Delian, senior



'It's Cool Dude!" T

his year 5FH5 srudenrs really enjoyed "dressing for success" when rhey came ro school. Sanra Fe High remained ro be a fashion haven for all of rhis year's laresr sryles. Everyone seemed ro ger inro a very clean-cur, neo-preppy sorr of look Learher jackets kepr everyone warm and looking good. Under rhe learher jackets neutral colors or red, black and white were worn. Girls really got inro rhe preppy mode sporting big wool swearers with scarfs swarhed around rheir necks, a nice pair of khaki panrs and a "musf+rave" pair of lace up ankle boors. Guys wore Glen plaid slacks from Denneton with a crisp white shirr and sometimes suspenders. A big swearer and learher penny loafers finished rheir look. When it was rime ro be casual, jeans and corton rops or r-shirrs dorred rhe campus. Srone washed, bleached, distressed or

add washed denim hir Sanra Fe High early in rhe year, bur began ro "fade" after firsr semester. Hair sryles ranged from ourrageous to conservative girls were known ro have "grown rheir hair our" or ro wear ir exrremely shorr. Shorr hair for guys remained from lasr year's look. Accessories for both guys and girls were an imporrcnr parr of any ourfir. Srudenrs really gor inro wearing a variety of shoes and boors ro go wirh rheir ourfirs, espedally rhe ever popular cowboy boors. Red, black, ran, or pink, people love rhem and will wear rhem wirh anyrhing. As usual srudenrs were up ro rhe minure wirh sryles and looking good all over rhe campus. When Spring is here ir's rime ro break our rhe shorts crop-fops, and minis, bur of course very stylish looks will still adorn all rhe srudenrs at Santa Fe High. JUSTINE HEBRON

A l l SMILES. The straw hat odds the final DRESS UP TIME! Enjoying an evening m roudi to Kelly WNtrleton's look. Hats seem pin-stiped tux, Chris Keesing dance to be making quire o strong comeback. nighr away at the Senior Formal donae

CAUGHT DY SURPRISE. Hearing her name, GLAD TO DE IN THE USA! Exchange stud Dena Dyers glances back, only to find that Wm DePuyrer from Holland relaxes on a picture has been raken. French braids are steps for a few minutes sharing his hie really in style! ness. Adjusting to Santa Fe's Sfe style t no problem for Wim.

IOOKNG GOOD! Sherri Mayer is unaware of the camera raking a picture of her unique style. SLEERNG OEAUTY. 77* sleepy student shows off her srytsh mini asleep in the sun during lunch STANONG A L O E . 77* student shows o srytsh leather jacket, with worn our Levi's in a casual way.

The Main Issue At SFHS


FASHON FEET. Which way ore these feet headed? To the ptoza — I D their owner's skateboard, or to the Held! COMPUTERIZED TIME AT SANTA FE UGH Anyone know the time in New York. London, or Tokyo? O N THBR WAY OUT . . . Tom Hudson and Steve Sonraerath take o mrtute to pose for the camera before the Senior far-

onro Fe High students have always been involved in a number of controversies throughout the years. Rules like no smoking on campus and no shorts usually went over ike a lead balloon Although students ore srill nor allowed to smoke, they loudly voiced their opinions and con wear shorts again. This year in early November many students

were surprised to find that the vending machines hod been taken away This happened because a decision was mode in the Junior high schools and it carried over to SFHS. "What happened to the Coke Machines?", many students asked each other. When it finally hit home that they were gone, students protested. Heated dossroom discussions, visits to

Ms. Fidel's office ro ask "why", ond a srory in rhe Torler ro pubidze and finally solve rhe problem. Wirhin rwo weeks of their removal, all of rhe vending mochines were repkxed and resrocked. SFHS srudenrs love a good fight. JUSTINE


We Are Definitely One In the Crowd! T

he 1987-68 school year has come ro o close. For some ir is jusr rhe some as ir has always been ar rhe end of any orher school year. Bur for orhers ir is jusr rhe beginning of somerhing enrirely new. This year is rhe final year rhor Sonra Fe High is going ro be rhe "One and Only" public high school in rown, so srudenrs here have mode rNs year one ro remember. We have been rogerher for an enrire year and we've stuck by one anorher in all rhe good and rhe bod rimes. We have laughed rogerher, and we have cried rogerher. We hove loved, and we have grieved rogerher. This nexr year some of rhe srudenrs will be rronsferred ro Copirol High School and will be embarking on a new advenrure. Our being separared from each orher is nor going ro srop us from spreading friendship and happiness. Throughour rhe year we have learned many new and differenr rhings in our dosses, bur we tried


nor ro allow rhe "homework blues" ro sertle in and ger us down. We oil would jusr sir bock and relax during our own rime and ler rhe fun begin wirh old and new friends. Each and everyone of us is growing up and we all have changed rremendously. Ir reveals ro everyone rhar we ore our own person and hove our own uniqueness. Srudenrs were able ro laugh and acrually enjoy school. Ir's rhe many differenr varieties of people and events rhar moke up our school, rhor allows us ro relish oil our Ngh school years. During rhe year ar Sanra Fe High School, srudenrs hove combined ro be rhe "One and Only" high school rhar is disrinquished from all rhe resr. When we look back ar these years we will be able ro appreciate all rhe rimes rhor we have shared wirh many differenr people. All rhe odvenrures and all rhe happenings of 1987 and 1988 will remain wirh us OH, forever. •TIFFANY GREGORY

V Doss

WHAT STUDS! Seniors, Motrin Morquez and SIT DACK-RELAX! Ms. Sromes bens atenShone Thomas show rheir style. lively ro o student's report. SINGLE RLE, EVERYONE! Students try hard DREAK TIMET SFHS Oris Varsity Soccer ro ger home after school as soon as possi- pby around during practice rime. Uel

There were o lot of pressures, but it was Q fob year!"


' '

MODERN DAY IXOOIN HOOD. V/afrev vleiro gives o trie push ro a stranded motorist. HEY. WHO'S THAT? why. fs Rusry Sena, looking book ro give us ol a worm smle. STUDY HAN). LOST mhure study rime for rhor forgotten rest. Dusrin Duty, senior, aomsforan A. YO. DADY. To show off her unique dress. Sonjo Medha, poses for the camera. OCCK IT OUT. Senior. Pete Gterr. attempts to amuse us with a large wad of bubble gum.

V Das iHOVEM Comle Amyo and Me Gordo show their jackets LOOK. Cleat Gonzales checks trough Ns annual OKS

GET D O W N . Srudenrs dance to at the latest his HASTA School our tor roday and ihey headed home.


5wprNT LIFE ^ y

Photo of o 1929 typing doss at S.F.H.S.

CREATIVE TEACHERS/MEET ENTHUSIASTIC STUDENTS ; M r rhe menrion of rhe word academics many srudenrs X I conjure up visions of books, rests, and monoranous lecf • rures. Afrer all, academics is school minus rhe fun parrs, righr? Well, nor necessarily. Creative reachers and enrhusiasric srudenrs found a variety of ways ro bring rheir subjecrs to life. From rhe Anrhropology classes rhar lisrened ro lectures from hypnotists, ocupunrurisrs and various scienrisrs ro rhe horriculrure class rhar rraveled ro El Paso for a comperirion, rhe srudenrs discovered rhat learning exrends beyond books and lecrures. Dy providing programs ro meer rhe needs of a hererogenous srudenr body, rhe rhree campuses which make up Sanra Fe High encourage all srudenrs ro be acrively involved in rhe learning process. The main campus offers classes ranging from advanced placemenr ro rhe remedial level, while rhe Sanra Fe Technical High prepares srudenrs for specific careers wirh courses like marketing and engineering. Individual arrenrion for srudenrs wirh special needs is offered ar Sierra Visra. Each of rhese schools has courses which challenge srudenrs and make learning interesting. The Academics secrion conrains picrures and srories abour some of rhese classes as well as special inreresr srories and rhe results of o survey of one hundred srudenrs. The following pages are an indication of whar ir is like ro be a srudenr ar Sanra Fe High. While nor everyday of rhe school year is filled wirh exdring dossroom acriviries, rhere are some experiences which make school memorable for rhese srudenrs. Ir is rhese experiences which help morivare reen-agers ro rake an acrive parr in rheir own education. Sanra Fe High will conrinue ro modify irs academic programs wirh rhe opening of Cap'ral High nexr year and rhe influence of ideas from rhe School Improvemenr Program. However, ir is imporranr rhar rhe school system never loses sire of rhe focr rhar rhe dasses which make learning more rhan reading from a rexr book are rhe classes which insure rhat rhe word academics means more rhon "school minus rhe fun social parrs." -LYNN RICHARDSON

4.0 SENIORS "Getting a 4.0 starts out easy with simple studying and hard work, bur mainrahing ir is the difficult parr. Motivation is whar matters rhe most. Gerring involved in orher aoivifies are just as imporronr as having on excellenr academic standing." -Daniel Gehred

J± TEEN WOLF: Dorbie Durgett performs o monologue for the ralenr port of the pageant.

** STANDING TALL: Darbie models o dress at Jr. Miss,

Barbie Burgett Represents SFHS In Jr. Miss Pageant r. Miss has been an annual pageanr in years passed. This year rhere was no local conresr. After an extensive inrerview, Darbie Drugerr was chosen ro represent SFHS. Dorbie says, "I gor in by warcNng orher people do ir in previous years."


Darbie spenr a week in Albuquerque preparing for rhe pageant. During that week the contestants danced seven hours a day ro learn the routine, srayed with host parents, and visited many different places or night.

"Many rimes I've wondered if working for o 4.0 is worth rhe trouble. Bur when I realized I didn'r have ro sacrifice oil rhe good lime ro keep up my grade I figured ir wouldn'r hurr or be roo painful ro rry for o 4.0." ' ^ -Paul Armstrong

"Easy guide to dassify stience: If it stinks, it's chemistry. If ir's green and wriggles, ir's biology, tf ir doesn't work, ir's physics, and If it's confusing, it's something else." -Manuel Rodriguez


Staters Gain Insight


hat exactly are Doys and Girts Srare? Doys and Girts State are ser up ro reach high school students all around New Mexico obour country, dry, and state government. The students who parridpare ore divided into dries. Once in rhe cities, rhey ore encouraged ro try out for every goverrv menr position ond office possible. To ger elected ro offices, students musr campaign and give speeches. From their performances, rhey are elected ro an office. Ar this poinr ir is up ro rhe

srudenrs ro moke and create their own governmenr. Doys ond Girts Srare are held during rhe summer for students who have compteted rheir junior year. Among rhe girts who attended were Anno DeLovaro, Laurissa Orriz, Sarah Dlair, Sarony Young, Annie Rojas, and Sarah Klabunde. John Alejandro, Kirk MacGillivary, Tommy Miero, James Dibb, Chris Levy, and James Roibol made up rhe boys group

GKLS STATE TEAM: Ftom top — Anne DOY5 STATE TEAM: Top row — Tommy Miero, Paul ArmRajas, Sarah Klabunde, Sarony Young, strong, James Robot. James abb Dorrom row — Kirk MocG Anno DeLovoro, Sarah Dlair, and Lourvary, ond Chris Levy. •^ eso Ortiz.

GIU5 W U 0E QRLS' Arme Hojas, Sarah Kiobunde, and Sarah Dior rake rime our for a QUKH pose during Grt State ^

Manuel Rodriguez Beats Competition To Receive The Prestigious

WESTINGHOUSE AWARD very year rhe Wesringhouse Corpororion awards a select group of outstanding science students the prestigious title of "Rnofet" in its nationwide contest. Senior Manuel Rodriguez, was one of rhe 300 selected as Notional Finalists. To enter the contest Manuel hod to submit his transcript, ACT/SAT test scores.


• ^ A DWGHT FUTURE Manuel plans to go ro college. MIT, Nee. Stanford, and Princeton are among his choices.

essays and a research paper. The essays are used ro determine scientific innovative and creative obities Manuel's research paper investigated HoJophytic Plant Cefc, plant eels rhor rolerore salt. For this outstanding achievement Manuel may receive scholarships offers from schools he has appfed ro. •JOEL SPOONHEIM

j*. A FAMUAR FACE Pout Armstrong's hard work and revolvement hove rented in a great deal of recogntion

Armstrong is A

GOOD CITIZEN Students Have Varied Reactions to Becoming


"It's a simple award; nothing I hod ro srudy for or anything. I rhink I jusr gor lucky. I hope I don't look like rhe "over srudtous rype."



LYNN RKXARDSON " I was surprised and excited when I found out I was a finalist. While wriring essays and raking rhe srondordized resrs I wondered if fr was really worth if, but now I know it was."


"I didn't expect it - it was just lucky guessing. I feel that rhe work is more important rhon rhe award, drhough it is on honor."


aul Armstrong was nominored from SFHS a s a Doughrers of rhe American Revolution good arizen and then proceeded to win rhe state-wide contesr. For rhe contest Paul wrore for t w o hours on his American Heriroge and duty ro preserve it, and provided a list of his activities and honors. Paul feels his high school years hove been busy yer fun. "Up to this point I rhink maybe I've raken Fife much too seriously, bur when fr leads ro this kind of resulr, I find myself having a good rime in spire of my efforts."



or the 14th year. SFHS was represented or the Southwest Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. Sponsored by the US. Army and UNM. rhe Symposium was creored to reach the value of science and humanities combined with an emphasis on ther importance ro the Ire and growth of rhe Southwest. One hundred and fifty students

and reochers attended from New Mexico, Arizona, and Southwest Texas. From SFHS were Manuel Rodriguez. Mario Ley. M Mter. and thet sponsor, biology teachers Ms. Helen Foster, fix/i of the students prepared a research paper on a topic of their choice thot related to the theme of the symposium. -JOEL SPOONHEIM

STAND OUTS Mono Ley. M Mter. one Manuel Rodriguez *vtked hard an ther essays

ADSORDED IN HER WORK: English I srudenr Him Chavez reads from her • ^ r Irerarure book.

TWO HEADS ARE DETTER THAN ONE Srudenrs broinsrorm for essay ropics y

•A GETTING THE WORK DONE. Almost all teachers assign homework, bur many give rheir srudenrs the opporruniry ro do some of rhe work during doss.

"Usually, I do TWO hours of homework. I would need or leosr three hours ro do everything I am ossigned." -Joe Greathouse "I would have a br of homework. Ir would rake me oil nighr ro do ir." Ahnna Martinez How many total hours of homework do you do each night?

Homework done Homework assigned



^ k . TEAM WORK Fnends work rogerher on an assignment for their Engksh doss

Requirements Beneficial For Language And Communication

BACK TO THE DOOKS: After a one year ach srudenr is required leoveMs Mary Cornish has returned ro SfHS hof-hme to teach Engish and Huro rake four years of manities, h the afternoon she works Engish. in order ro receive his for rhe School Improvement Program diploma. This year o new Lanand prepares for her new position as • ^ r Assistant Principal or Capiat Ugh guage Arrs requiremenr has


been added. Ir's called, communicarions. This new course was mandared by rhe New Mexico Srare Legislature and oil srudenrs, beginning wirh rhe doss of 1990, will be required ro roke ir. Communications is designed ro help students become more proficient in moss media, speaking and expressing themselves. Kevin Amorous, o freshman, said, "I like communicorions class because ir is a mix of drama and English". Wirhin Engish l-TV and communicofions, there ore different levels to meet rhe needs of a

variety of students. Levels range from lob to enriched and o n advanced placement course is offered in English IV. All courses must meet guidelines set by rhe New Mexico State Departmenr of Educorion Writing Tasks. The years of English raken at the high school, are geared to help improve rhe srudenr and get them ready for college, if rhey choose ro go. Nick Spencer, o senior, said, "My Engish classes were there bur ir was my fourth year rhor truly prepared me for college" From oral reports and being able ro use manuscript form in English I, ro wriring essays and research papers in English IV; ir's all ro benefit rhe srudenr in his or her future life. -&ICH KUEGEMAN

^ AS ASSKjftD: Jose Angel and Lorry Martinez read an assignment for Ms Huber's doss, whle Lorenzo Momnez (far left) smles for the comera

^ k . RNER PONTS Ms Derh Hancock gives a pup* some advice on how to improve her paper


ACTWG UP Sarah Klobunde and John Undel improvise a duo drama in Competitive speech. k PLAYNG IT COOL Annual adviser Beverly Friedman manages ro stay calm, even under the pressure of deodSnes for both the Para Manano and the Demon Toiler. She con usually be found readhg over stories and chedang pictures before they are sent V for publication, as she is doing here. SEE, IT SAYS RIGHT HERE Leornng ro bock up statements wirh support is rrpononr ro be successful in Humanities Ir seems Russel Dicherson has mastered rhe technique as he refers ro evidence m order to prove a point ro study group members ^ (clockwise from left) Micheoi Doudourts, Jocque Zucol, Triad Dimos, and Kety Morquez

English Electives Provide Challenge


ome of rhe mosr challenging courses offered ar Sanra Fe High are parr of rhe language arrs deporrmenr. They are nor rhe English classes which are required, bur etecrives which srudenrs choose ro rake. The Srudies in Lirerarure doss roughr by Mr. Deniro Roel proved ro be a favorire among seniors. Lirerarure read by rhe srudenrs induded modern ond medieval plays, poerry ond works by classical ourhors. The dass required a lor of reading, bur nor all of rhe Srerarure was whor mjghr be rermed dassicd. One assignmenr was for rhe srudenrs ro read a Harlequin Romance so rhey mighr berrer undersrond rhe wide appeal of rhese books. The Studies in Lirerarure dass enjoyed rhe chance for some Ighrer reading and can cerroinfy say they've covered rhe speorum of world lirerarure. Several Srudies in Lirerarure srudenrs didn'r hove far ro walk for rhe nexr class. They merely crossed rhe hoi ro Ms. Mary

Cornish's room for humaniries. Every day before rhe dass began many srudenrs rook rhe opporruniry ro srudy rhe bullerin boards which were always filled wirh picrures perraining ro rhe currenr era being srudied wherher ir was andenr Egypr or rhe Renaissance. In addirion ro learning from lecrures by Ms. Cornish, slides, and dass discussions, srudenrs also helped reach one another. Every person was required ro give a presenrarion on an arrisr. Each week a nervous srudenr srood in front of the room ro insrrucr his peers on rhe life and Techniques of an artist he had chosen. The Humaniries course gave an overview of arr and philosophy of differenr a'vilizarions from oncienr times to rhe present. A number of rhoughr provoking quesrtons were raised ond discussed when rhe doss read rhe works of philosophers including Ploro and Soaores. The doss encouraged srudenrs ro form their own opinions ond be able ro back up rhose opinions wirh evidence.

"Ms. Cornish knows rhe sub- don'r do o good job, it's nor jusr ject well and has greatly en- your grade rhar suffers, bur rhe hanced my nonzons for orr, his- whole, yearbook," said Chris rory, and rhe narure of man- Reinerr of his experience in rhe kind," commenred Josie Wursr. annual dass. Journalism dasses offered c While rhe publications sroffs variery of opporruniries indud- were busy meeting deadlines, ing rhe chance to wrire, rake rhe competitive speech dass photos, design lay-outs, prac- was orrending meers around rice phorography ond learn rhe srare. Srudenrs could abour currenr evenrs. The an- choose a variery of forms rangnual classes ser our rhis year ro ing from exremporaneous produce rhe mosr specracular speaking ro Lincoln Douglas deyearbook in SFHS's hisrory. This bore. Sarah Klabunde found was quire a rask and in the rhe class challenging, "especialprocess srudenrs learned ro be ly debare because ir requires a responsible and well-organized grear deal of research. You in order ro meer rheir dead- have ro be able ro rhink on lines. your feer. I'm really glad I rook The newspaper sroff also rhe class because I'd like ro be hod a goal for rhe year. They o lawyer and rhe speech class wanred rhe Demon Tarier ro is an excellenr way ro prepare be rhe voice of rhe students myself." and consequenrly began adWhile all of rhese language dressing some of rhe more con- arrs electives require a lor of troversial issues which faced hard work ond dedication, ir rhe students rhis year. seems rhar rhe srudenrs who "As a member of rhe Para hove roken rhe classes found Manano staff I learned o lor them well worrh rhe efforr. abour journalism. I've also beThese srudenrs will continue to come more responsible. Everyreap rhe benefirs of rhese one is counting on you ro do courses in college and beyond. your pages righr and if you •LYNN RICHARDSON



LAYWG OUT: Metndo Detgooo carefuly measures a story ro make sureirwi rr into rhe space she has chosen on rhe Demon Tatter lay our. Meinoa's face is a famiar sight in rhe pubkonons room during deoctne weeks for rhe Demon •^rTatier.

> Âť WAKE ME UP H AN HOUV MOM Somehmes t's o bit dtfkxJr to get in gear early m rhe morning as Sebastian Rura and Jason Getter wM testify However, a good doss discussion In their first period Studies m Literature doss s always enough ro keep them den.



SCIENCE FAft: The local science fair took place ogam this year. Mario Ley researched different designs that would reduce the number of deaths that occur when people foi nro dramoge ctrches. This working scale model was bulr ro rest ~^her design.

Experimenting To Learn


good science program should be concerned with more than technology. Too many science programs place undue emphasis upon how science helps us in our daily Bfe and nor enough emphasis upon underlying science concepts. The results is that sometimes our future adult citizens, acquire a distorted image of science. They rend ro view science primarily as an agent for developing useful gadgets and appliances and lose sight of the fact rhar science is a way of life. At SFHS w e have a group of dedicared teachers who provide opporruniries for students ro explore regularly in each of the three major areas; biology, chemistry, and physics. In biology students are exposed ro a variety of subjecrs from celutor biology ro ecological and behavioral biology. Chemistry investigates aromic srrucrures, their physical characteristics and how they react with each other. The nature of chemical reactions and most of the factors that affect them are also studied. Everything in no rure is made up of atoms or elements, living or nor, and their structure con be better understood by raking chemistry. Physics deals with the physical properties of morrer and includes rhe study of such subjects as forces and morion, en-


ergy, kinetic theory, wave motion, elecrria'ry, magnetism, atomic and nudear structure, and quantum physics. There are also AP courses offered in all rhree subjecrs for a more specialized study in rhar field. The specific course offerings allow each ropic ro be explored in greater depth and more satisfying derail. For srudenrs wanring a brooder based concept of sdence, rhere ore courses offered r Earrh Science and Physical Science. This allows science ro be broad enough in scope while offering srudenrs ample opporruniry ro learn major concepts and basic prindples rhar effecr all rhe primary aspects of rheir environmenr. In oil rhe science dasses, students do experiments and labs ro ger hands on experience in rhe subjecr they are dealing with. The science fair is also held for srudenrs who do an in depth research projecr and experimenr on a specific topic. This high school exposure ro such a wide array of course offerings sets rhe srage for furure scientific experiences. Srudenrs hove learned rhar sdence is an exdring, open ended process rhar man uses ro explain rhe natural phenomena of the world in which he Ives. •CHRIS REINERT

4 ^ASY D O B IT Students n the Riysics classes but model bridges to tea whxti deagns hold up to the most stress.

DCW N Me* Mler and Jusm Zbtnck deea o pg n Otology AP Students get o chance to see how the dfferent • w body systems work

Intro to Biology

^ FOOUN AROUW): Gteg Golegos shows off his results. Chemerry AP ol tows students to hove a lot of hands on experience

Biology Biology AP Chemistry i

Chemistry AP Physics Physics AP Earth Science Physical Science General Science

~" DEEPNTHOUGHT Mrs HeienFbster goes over some details before set mg up o bb for her Oology students

A 0 £ A M 4 G I P Maureen Frespuez and Colette Hetrera fineh up a bb n Chemerry Major pmapies con be demonstrated n the bb so that sru dents an see fot themselves what « teoty hoppenro



A DETTm UMJERSTANONG: Mr. Wayne A HELPING HAND: Mr. Thor Chrisrensen Cholewo helps his smdenrs undersrond explore a problem ro sophomore Lake geometry Mr Cholewo also reaches Srronghearr in Algebra K. ^ T consumer man and Calculus AP. W

* 1

Math" Obsolete?


he word "morh" seems obsolere in high school. Insreod we use such labels as Algebra I parr 1, Algebra I, and geometry. Current juniors and seniors are required ro rake rwo years of marh, while freshmen and sophomores are required ro rake three years of marh. Some srudenrs would rather quir afrer the required years. "The next step was calculus, and I didn't think I was ready for that," said Neil Miller. Others go on to Algebra II, trigonometry, and the dreaded calculus. The majority of the people who rake the higher math classes plan to continue on in a math or science related field; but why would someone who was nor going on ro a related field take a higher marh doss? According ro Mr. Ernie Tafoya, marh teacher, "Ir really helps when applying ro colleges. A person is going ro have a hard rime with just Algebra I." He does comment rhar some srudenrs do nor

need the higher level courses. "Obviously, someone who is going ro be a cashier is never going ro use trig." Calculus AP is rhe highest marh doss at the high school. Taking calculus in high school is berrer than waiting until college according ro teacher Mr. Wayne Cholewo because, "They (rhe students) get more personal orrention than in a college dass." Many students shy away from calculus because rhey feel ir will be too difficult. Mr. Thor Chrisrensen, reacher, said, "I admir I'm hard . . . I expect a tot from my students." Senior Jason Gerber commented, "He's tough, but you do learn." Although she is nor going into a math or sdence related field, Lynn Richardson, senior, is raking trigonometry. "I will need ro rake higher marh in college, so I want practice while I'm still in high school . . . Besides, everybody rold me ro take trig!" •ZOE NAUMAN


Basic Math Consumer Math Introduction to Algebra Elementary Algebra Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Trigonometry/Analysis Calculus AP

Cheating Not Always Smart


he eosiesr way ro ger our of studying for o resr, ir would seem, is ro cheor. Cheating is nor alwayys rhor easy, rhough. There ore simple ways of cheoring, like cheor sheers ahiddenin rhe sleeve or wriring on one's hond. Wrirtng *„on one's shoe can ger a Irrle more rechnical. This involves .'dropping one's pen ar rhe right rime in order ro lean

down and look ar rhe shoe. Looking over a friend's shoulder also involves riming and a srrong neck. Of course, cheating does nor always pay off. Chris Trusnovic commenred, "Sure everyone chears, bur whar do you accomplish from ir? You may pass rhe resr, bur you don'r learn anyrhing." -ZOE

ITS SIMPLE, REALLY Mr George Perfors mokes moth simpler for his geometry srudenrs


TE5T5 CAN DE EASY: Angela Lemon reviews material for a resr wth o friends. Studying mokes rests easy.

J*. NOT SO LUCKY NUMDER Sofyn Mueler checks o student's ID. card in the torary. Students must show their ID cords to died* out books. If their I.D. number shows up on the fine 1st. they cannot check out the book, and must poy the fine So some students find that I.D numbers ore anything but lucky.

"Ever since I was o kid, eighr has been my lucky number because I was born in rhe eighrh monrh of rhe year. I lflÂŤe rhe way eighr looks because ir symbolizes infiniry. My luckiesr years hove been when I was eighr and when I was in eighrh grade, so I om looking forward ro being eighreen."Trad Paris What's your lucky number?


SEE. irSEASY Korhy Moore does a problem on rhe board ri Ms Ann Dowries general mam ck3si Ms Downes also reocnet

Algebra I and Compum I.



A SALUTE TO THE DICENTENNIAL Sophomore Rick Dtender helps our in rhe LET THEM EAT CAKE. Mkhett Wise pre- celebration of our Conshrurion's Dicenpares to cur a Dicenrenniol coke mode renniol in September. Srudenrs cetebrorby srudenrs in Mr. Dob Errmer's Worlded by ringing bets and wearing red, write, and blue k Hsrory doss • ^

A LESSON IN GEOGRAPHY Carl Smih works digenrly on o mop in Mrs Jane Zmn's Conremporory US Hsrory doss Conremporory Hsrory gave srudenrs a more ndeprh look or rhe recenr post beginning with rhe end of WW II and continuing ro the present, "yp

Alive And Kicking


agazines say rhor history is suffering in high schools roday. Dur history seems ro be alive and kicking at Santa Fe High School. U.S. History and World History are parr of our curriculum and have special projects ro extend learning beyond rhe book. During a study of Greek history, Mrs. Shirley Cruse's World Hisrory classes pur on a Greek Symposium. Srudenrs dressed up as choracrers in Greek myrhs and ocred our skits with characters such as Pan, Plaro, Arisrorle, and Medusa. "Ir was fun. We not only learned abour whar w e studied, but whar others srudied as well," said Laina Reynolds. Mrs. Jane Zinn's Conremporory U.S. Hisrory doss hod simulation games and differenr speakers. A representative from rhe Seeds of Peace organization spoke to rhe dass abour global reduction of nuclear arms. Then a pro SrorWors speaker came in. Mrs.



Zinn wanted ro open her srudenrs' minds ro new ideas. "My purpose was ro reach my srudenrs to respecr each orher's opinions," she commenred. The U.S. Hisrory classes also parricipared in projects rhar involved rhe srudenrs. They did simulation gomes like on Indusrrial Revolurion simularion gome where srudenrs owned businesses and rried ro keep from going bankrupr. Inrerprerarion and opinions are a big parr of hisrory. "The dass has a lor ro do wirh expressing opinions, so ir makes hisrory seem like real evenrs insread of jusr names and dares," explained Robbin Sanger. Whar is rhe imporronce of doing projects wirh the doss? "Dook learning inrerprers history in a ser perspecrive. When one is allowed ro hear rhe facts from more rhan one source, a personal inrerprerarion can be formed," said Sallyn Mueller. •ZOl


Z Maunan ^ . IT S ALL GREEK TO ME Rochet Herr. nick Dtender. David Hotonder. and Jason Prokopriof perform for students during the Greek Symposium presented by Mrs. Shtley Cruse's World Hsrory classes. The Symposium was held In the Horary AV room and Nghighred Greek costumes, food and presentations


Jk. ON THE CAMPAIGN TftAL Vicepresidenr George Dush visited Sonro Fe h his campaign to become the nepubtcon presidential nominee In a pd token by the "Demon Toiler", George Dush was second to Robert Dole.

John F. Kennedy"anyone who con hove o beautiful wife ond hove Monroe on rhe side has ro hove rhe ability ro do something right." -WAV6 MASCARENAS John F. Kennedy"Mosr of rhe people were for his opinions. He gor us our of rhe Day of Pigs (Cuba)." EVELYN CASTELLANO

Who do you think has been the best President?


TAKE THE PEPSI CHALLENGE: Advanced Psychology srudenr Kim Gonzales cholenges Theo Krvpp in o rosre resr between Pepsi. OossicCoke. and Jolt ^

A . THE OLD MEETS THE NEW: Nesried in rhe middle of the relatively modern buktngs of Rome, rhe Ponrheon stands where ir has stood for centuries. One of rhe main tourist attractions in Pome, The Pantheon has the largest dome in dt ometer in the Holy Ory.

"After seeing "Our of Africa", I really wanr ro go ro Kenya. Ir seems so romantic and beauriful." -Justine Hebron

Embarrassments Not Deadly

"I would like ro Travel ro Europe so rhar I could learn abour orher culrures." -Joe Greorhouse

When a person rhinks back ro an embarrassing momenr, he or she would probably prefer ro forger ir. Bur jusr abour everyone has had ro deal wirh embarrassing momenrs. Some of rhe mosr common embarrassments are tripping on srairs, a crack in rhe sidewalk, or one's own

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 52%

feer and discovering you are ralking ro yourself when you rhoughr you were ralking ro a friend nexr ro you. One can always live rhrough rhese embarrassing momenrs by consoling himself wirh rhe facr rhar everyone has rhem. -Zoe Nauman

• A . HORSE IS A HORSE OF COURSE OF COURSE: Kkvtoerty Scorr visits with rhe horses or Delancey Sneer.

Ausrroko Jarraco Afnco Switzerland tdiy

Jk. WOOPS!: Dean Gonzales embarrasses himself while "watting' down the srairs behind G bukSng.

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Gtario Drown speaks ro her seventh period Sociology doss • ^ roughr by Mrs. Hyiah Jory

Man Studied Thoroughly


here ore rhree major aspects of man rhar can be studied. Anrhropotogy encompasses man in general, his evolution physically and culturally. Sociology studies man's culture and how he acts in groups of any kind. Psychology narrows the study down ro the individual person, studying the reasons for a person's actions. The three dosses study man rhrough experiments, speakers, and field nips. Mrs. June Durke's Advanced Psychology dass prepared a taste test between Pepsi, Classic Coke, and Jolt, which was presented to the firsr year Psychology dosses. The Sociology dasses, taught by AAs. Hybh Jory, don't do as many experimenrs as rhe Psychology dasses. Instead, students bring in speakers or give their own presentations. One speaker brought in was psychic Cheryl Hauser. Studenrs had ro dedde for themselves wherher rhey believed her or nor. "Her experiences and ideas were very inreresring. I feel rhar shar-

A LESSON N CULTURE: Accupunaxjrisr Skyo Gardner prepares to needle GregSmth during on accupunaure demonstration in Mr. John Zinn's Anthropology das.

ing her experience wirh us realty helped open our minds ro new ideas," said Melissa Seehorn. The Sociology II dass visited the Delancey Srreer Rehabilitation Center. This trip raughr rhe students a valuable lesson. "Dekmcy Srreer raughr me rhat it is possible to reive a life rhat has almost been lost," said Andrea Montalbano. The Anrhropology classes had first hand experience wirh cultural differences wirh speakers ranging from an accupuncrurisr to a born-ogain Christian. Mr. John Zinn's purpose mainly was "ro expose the srudenrs to different ideas and areas of interest." The study of ourselves and how we developed into what we are is probably one of rhe more important areas of srudy in our school. "Ir's helpfulk to have an understanding of how we developed in order ro understand rhe people of our society and orher societies," said Richard Kuegeman. •Zoe Noumon



Business Skills L e a d To Success


har does ir rake ro succeed in rhe increasingly comperirive business world? Srudenrs raking business courses are finding our and in rhe process are acquiring knowledge rhar will benefir rhem when rhey're on rheir own in rhe working communiry. The courses are pracrical and benefir srudenrs wherher rhey plan ro enrer rhe work force immediarely after graduarion, or go on ro college before becoming employed. Many srudenrs do go on ro college. A very high percenrage of rhese college srudenrs eirher major or minor in business. The srudenrs who rook business courses in high school con eirher resr our of rhese dasses in college, or remain in rhe classes and excel more easily because of rheir prior knowledge. Pracrical skills learned in business may lead ro berrer jobs which can defray college expenses.

The courses offered by rhe business deparrmenr span from ryping ro business law and economics. Typing srudenrs leorn rhe basics - ryping lerrers, rabies, and manuscriprs and composing ar rhe rypewrirer. Merhods of applying general marh ro everyday life are raughr in business marh. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors learn human relarions, business English, ryping, Transcribing, filing, and operaring calculators and copy machines in rhe office procedures doss. Learning abour rhe prindples, conceprs, and procedures of accounring, journalizing business rransacrions, and preparing financial sroremenrs ore among rhe skills rhar srudenrs acquire in accounring. The compurer accounring course is designed ro reach srudenrs how ro use a compurer for rhe abiliries rhey obrained in accounring. The rheory and

prindples of rhe Gregg Shorthand Alphaber and Forms are raughr in rhe Shorrhond class. Law is a very imporranr parr of our sodery roday. Why? Srudenrs in business law and economics are finding our. Because of rhe voriery of courses rhar rhe Business Deparrmenr provides, anyone con benefir from irs offerings. The courses and reachers supply rhe opportunity for an individual ro acquire pracrical business knowledge which enables rhem ro perform successfully in rhe business world. If a srudenr is willing ro leorn, rhe opporruniries are available in rhe Business Deparrmenr. •JENNI STORK

IT TAKES CONCENTRATION: MeUssa Gonzales recalls shorrhond symbols while rolling o resr in Ms. Priscilla Dlea's shonhand doss. Shorrhond is a v e y v useful skill in rhe business world. 7

Typing I, II Business Morh Office Procedures Accounting Computer Accounting Shorthand Business Low a n d Economics Store Trainee General Business



A . SrttD DEMONS: Kely Whirrleron and Kono Durnom practice rheir ryping skills through rime writings These rimed writings ore o root used ro reach proficiency and accuracy whle ryping.

From Storage Shed To Shop


he Demon Depor represents rhe hard work and accomplishmenrs of Sanra Fe High School business srudenrs from rhe posr eleven years. FDLA members rransformed rhe srorage area inro a "hands on" working situation which is enjoyed by rhe entire school. Candy, soda, ramales, burriros, friro pies, and cup-o-soup were marketed through rhe Depor. However, due ro a decision by rhe Assisranr Superinrendenr of Secondary Education, the Depot is no longer allowed to sell "junk food."

Store trainee srudenrs are entirely responsible for rhe operorion of rhe Demon Depor. They perform every rask, from waiting on cusromers and ordering merchandise, ro figuring rhe doily deposits. Through experience in rhe Depor, srudenrs gain knowledge in orher areas such as cash regisrer operorion, advertising, and effecrive display Techniques. All of rhese rrairs are beneficial in the business community. "Ir (rhe Demon Depot) is an example of free-enrerprise in action," says Mr. Orlando

Baca, a reocher who has overseen rhe Depor from rhe beginning. "I commend rhe kids for keeping ir going." Unforrunorely, business in rhe Depor has deceased due to the ban on "junk food." If rhe Depor is forced ro dose, srudenrs will lose rheir "hands on" learning and will have ro go back ro reading obour srore operorions rarher than experiendng rhem. JENNI STORK

WAVE OF THE FUTURE: Computers ore becoming more common. They reach everything from reading and spelling on rhe elemenrary level ro Compurer Accounring or rhe high school level. ' 'Compurer Accounting is great if you enjoy computers ond accounting. It's a good field to get into because the money is excetenr," comments Holly Takmt.

> t MAY I HELP YOU?: Michele Ferran is one of many students who work parr-time. She helps cusromers ond ereores displays or Dps 'n' Downs in rhe Vta Undo Mai.

Thiny percenr of students surveyed have jobs. Srudenrs earn berween $20 and $230 each week working as few as 5 hours or as many as 32. The mojoriry of rhem are employed by resrauranrs, bur orhers work in grocery stores, retail shops, and movie rhearers. Many of those surveyed who do nor work said they would like ro, bur some say they ore roo busy wirh school ro have a job, roo.



WRUNG FURIOUSLY: Dernoderre Romero takes notes in her Spanish I doss. "I've never roken Spanish before." says Dernodene, "IT'S on inreresring new exper^F ience."

Say Again, Please





use sayings which when taken literally are very odd. Because w e know their acrlidl meanings, w e think nothing of rhem. To a foreigner, these phrases can be very confusjng. Here's what some foreign exchange students thought these soyings meant: KICK THE BUCKET: You're really mad so you go and kick the bucket. KNOCK 'EM DEAD: If there is someone you don't like,

*> EXPLAINING: Mr. Marcos Lucero speaks with Spanish student Michele Archuleta.

PREPARING TO HELP: Ms. Diane • McEvty begins to assist French I student Amy Men.







"Knock 'em dead." BREAK A LEG: When you make a big mistake, SHOOT THE BREEZE: Go for it! HIT THE SACK: Get what you wanr. O F THE WALL: You're rolking to somebody, and you forger what you're saying. You say something that doesn't make any sense or all. You're "off the wall" -JENNI STORK


"SONNE": Laura Romero enjoys completing the assignmenr in Ms. Teresino ^Lucero's Spanish I doss.

Almost As Good As Being There iver 170 different coun' tries occupy rhe work). In each country different cultures, traditions, and languages exist. The foreign language department is helping students to learn about some of rhese diverse countries through the Spanish, French, German, and Latin dosses. The teaching technique varies with each teacher, bur every srudenr learns ro speak, read, and wrire rhe language he is studying. In the beginning, a student learns a wide variety of nouns and basic grammar. As rhe srudenr progresses, verb renses and conjugation are stressed until rhe srudent becomes profidenr in rhe language. "Taking a foreign language proved ro be interesting and

educarionoJ," soys Justin Zlornick. "Nor only did I learn French, I also leorned abour rhe culture of rhe counrry itself." Every year several French srudenrs arrend French weekend. This is an acriviry aeared by UNM. The week-end stay in Gtoriero provides an excellenr opportunity for srudenrs ro be immersed in rhe French longuoge. The Spanish deparrmenr has rhe greoresr number of srudenrs enrolled. Rve reochers insrrucr rhe rwenry-rwo classes of Spanish ranging from 1sr ro 3rd year. The German Program ar SFHS is very srrong wirh four complere years of German offered, incjuding on Advanced Placemenr course. German is rhe only language program ar

rhe high school ro parridpare In an annual exchange program wirh a Wesr German high school. Every summer, increasing numbers of Sanra Fe srudenrs go ro Germany ro study. Also, remarkaoly high numbers of German srudenrs score in rhe rop ren percent in rhe entire narion on rhe National High School German Tesr. Taking a foreign language provides many opportunities in rhe presenr, bur also proves beneficial in rhe future. For some jobs, individuals wirh backgrounds in foreign language are preferred ro a person who speaks only one language. "If you rake the righr language and rhe righr reacher," says Kyle Henson a two year Spanish srudenr, "you can gerabrourofir.'jfWW/jrawf

A . "ETUDEX" N FRENCH: Ob Kine. sophomore, snides her textbook In Ms. Judth Booth's first period Fmedt I doss.



From Vision To Reality


rank Lloyd Wrighr is, by now, o household name He is respeaed as an eccenrric genius whose design-consoous use of marerials gave rhis counrry's landscape unique srrucrures. Mosr imporranr ro remember is rhar each of his mosrerpieces began wirh a derailed ser of plans. Learning ro draw rhose plans is parr of rhe rosk of srudenrs in drafring, one of rhe indusrrial Arts courses ar SFHS. In drafring, srudenrs begin ro aeare rhe Transition from ideas ro rediry. This is done by graphically describing rhe idea on paper. The Drafring I course begins wirh mulri-view drawings. The srudenrs work rheir way up ro simple archireourol drawings induding floor plans, elevations, elecrrical plans, and perspectives. Drafting II focuses mainly on archireourol drawing. Srudenrs go rhrough every srep in drawing up a complere ser of plans for a house. They learn some of rhe basic skills ro prepare rhem for on orchirecrural career. Drafting III and IV are dosses for rhose who are very inreresred in rhe field of archirec-


rure. Srudenrs prepare derailed plans for homes and buildings and rhen make models of rhe finished producr. As drafring srudenr. Sam Levy says, "Drafring will be used exrensively in my career os an Aeronautical Engineer. The dass reaches rhe basic fundomenrals of all drafring and gives me hands-on experience wirh rhe rools and Techniques." Almosr everyrhing w e use in our everyday life srarrs wirh a drown plan, from roorhbrushes, ro cars, ro srereos, ro highways. A picrure is worth a Thousand words and a draftsman is needed before any new producr can become o reality. The drafring courses or SFHS give students basic insight to whor is involved in drawing up a ser of plans for o block of wood or an entire house. Ir seems reasonable rhar in our furure, design problems assodared wirh rhe informarion age will grearly increase rhe demand for drafring services. So, srudenrs diligenrly drafring away in J building may jusr be getting o jump on rhe furure. X:HMS REINERT

Jbk. F\AM#*3ITOUTMark Ewng helps Aaron Comzdraw up some plans Many srudenrs nwood*o* rig oto roke drofmg Dy rating rhe rwo dosses or rhe some rime, srudenrs con first draw a plan of ***> they wont to moke and then produce t In wood.

FNSHNG TOUCH: Cortes Dueno prepares a denied model of his plot of land to help wth vsuoizng the drofrng process. Students dso mohe models of wot sections and their finished house ro see how rhey wยง oauoty look once ^ they ore produced.

CREATIVE NSTNCTS In Mark Ewmgs Drafting dosses, students me Keith DAngetco get hands-on experience. Using professional roots they produce drawings neces" ^ say ro complete a residenhol home.

JL> EXPRESS YOURSELF Joel takes o moment away from the group during a fal field rip wih the Sociology dosses to Debncy Street rehobtranon center. Opporrunmes tie these field trips make Sociology one of the more popular dosses.

"I reolly don'r like ony of my required dosses, bur I do like orr because I love ro draw." - Jill Brennand

What Is your favorite doss?

. โ ข . FNSHNG TOUCHES Metsso Taylor odds the final derois ro o set of house plans Drofmg students draw up a complete set of plans from Hoar plans ro eievonons



INTENSE CONCENTRATION: Sreve LeMoy works diligently on the computer ro creore o graphic design in rhe new Computer Graphics course taught by Mr. PN KorshisPERFECTION GUARANTEED: Chris Montoyo works on Ns sculpture in Mr. Lee Allen's Jewety/SaJpfog doss. He is sculpting rhe plosrer into o drde conraintng his bosketbol number.-^

A Class For Individuals eing on individual is rhe only criteria for o srudenr ro be in rhe arr program. Perhaps rhis chance ro be aeorive is whar makes arr classes popular. Qass begins wirh rhe readier describing rhar day's prqjecr. Srudenrs receive rheir marerials and proceed ro work on rhe assignmenr. The prqjecr can be anyrhing from drawing ro jewelry making. Some fovorire activities include painring, glass erching, ceramics, sraining glass, prinr making, and sculpring. Many arr srudenrs share rheir ralenrs wirh rhe community. They help furure orrisrs by reaching ar rhe elemenrary schools. A ream of rwo srudenrs per dassroom assisrs rhe children wirh differenr arr projeas and aoiviries. Children arrending Rnon Elemenrary will be reminded daily of Sanra Fe High School arrisrs because an eagle is going ro be painred on rhe wall of rheir gymnasium by arr srudenrs from Mr. Gary Myer's doss. During rhe Chrisrmas season, rhe windows ar K-Marr were


decorared by 5FHS arr srudenrs. An upcoming prqjecr is a mural which will be painred on a wall in rhe library. Arr srudenrs showed off rheir ralenrs during rhe dism'a arr show on April 23. "The arr show is a good experience for srudenrs ro show rheir work and see fellow srudenr's arr so rhey can ger new ideas,"says arr srudenr Dill Whirmore. This year a new dass called Compurer Graphics was offered. Srudenrs learned ro undersrand basic compurer skills rhrough arr. The complered designs from rhese srudenrs were used by orher deparrmenrs and some srare agendes. Fashion lllusrrarion is anorher arr relared doss. Here, srudenrs duplicore fashion from human figures and models. "The arr program helps srudenrs realize a more crearive, viral and aesrheric life. Ir reaches rhem ro be a crearor and a consumer," soys arr reacher Mr. Gory Myers. "Through arr, srudenrs become more aware of rhemselves and rhe world." JENNI STORK

^ CAREFUL PLACEMENT: fleese McCotsrer places the hammer In rhe precise kxonon m order to successMy soJpr a Phoenix.



More Than A Mural I

HANGING AROUND: Cassandra Chopman enjoys a break while working on the Dicenrenniol mural. She and rwetve other on students created the mural on rhe side wot of the library.y^

n rhe Spring of 1987 rhe 5FHS Library gor o "face lifr" when Mr. Gory Myers' Advanced Art students poinred a mural depicting the spirit of "We rhe People." The mural was in honor of rhe Dicenrenniol celebrorion of rhe Constitution and was funded by rhe Dicenrenniol Commirree. Srudenrs designed rhe painring ro symbolize rhe different people of New Mexico. The church in rhe background signifies rhe Spanish popularion and rhe pueblos illustrate rhe Indian way of life. The school represents Anglo customs. The people talking symbolize communication between rhe culrures over the years. The weeks of planning, and rhe two weeks of painting were an excellent experience for the students involved "The

most memorable thing about working on rhe mural was being with a great group of people. I'll never forger the people I worked with or rhe experience," soys Cassandra Chapman. The twelve people who were involved in mural project were Chris Ingram, David Hanner, Brock Srernberg, Jessica Masrerson, Krisro Casodos, Cassandra Chapman, Drian Van Mason, Judy Pino, Kristina Martinez, Larry Tolle, Shone Miller, and Diane. After the mural was complered, each student "signed" the work with a handprint. In future years, Santa Fe Hgh srudenrs will see rhe mural arid be reminded of the diverse populations which have come together here in New Mexico. JENNISTORK

Jewelry Sculpture Pottery Arts and Crofts Computer Graphics Art Studio Drawing and Painting Commercial Art/Fashion

- A . AFTER A FASHON David Hotger son studies rhe photograph of a model, whle Jocaue Zucolproceeds to drow t Ink ond brush were used In this project for Fashion tusrronon.

CAST AND CREW. Delow: Members of rhe Dromo IH/IV Class produced "Voices From rhe High School" in rhe fan Cost ond crew members Induce, on rop: Chris Trujlo, Holly Tollonr, Morcio Cushing, Susan Srennis, Peggy Lyle, Somsunshine Levy, yp John Freedman, Soro Singhous, ond Richard Roybol.

PLAYING TIME: Right: Guiror student Diedre Hal plays quietly after dass. ^

- A . "IT COMES NATURALLY". Above: One would expea Mcole Cosrellono ro be nervous before her halfrime performance as a drum majorerre. bur she says ir Isn'r necessary ro psyche herself up, she is noruroly composed.

"If ir's somerhing non-orhleric, I psych myself by being well prepared. For sporrs I rely on post training." •Russell Dickerson "I relax by deep brearhing. Ir's very calming and ir helps me ro focus on whar I'm doing." -Kristin Howard How do you psych yourself up for a performance? 20%

Drama Students Abandon Reality


rama, in a way, is an abandonment of reality. A person can acquire a personality from rhe character he is porrraying and completely disregard who he really is. This enables him ro see rhe way anorher person mighr rhink or reacr ro certain situations. It allows acrors and actresses to undersrand view points differenr from their own, as well as understand themselves better. Drama is an expressive art;

through acting, one can express himself any way he chooses. The drama dasses ar SFHS do this in differenr ways. In Drama I and II, students can selea a scene ro perform, which relates to themselves, or rhey can stretch rheir imaginations by portraying a character radically differenr from themselves. Drama lll/IV dass performed the fal production, Voices From The High School. This play con-

tained characters from students in high school relating their feelings on subjects such as; suicide, teen pregnancy, and love. SFHS drama dasses offer many aspects of thearre. Some are; performing, writing, play analyzing, sound, lighting, and set design. Wharever aspecr a srudenr is interested in, Mrs. Carol Maddock, SFHS drama teacher, can help further rhe skill. JOHN FREEDMAN KEY TO SUCCESS. Wghr: The Aco• pelo Choir members Dorine Medina, Johnno Christian, Dinah Sorrley, and Flower McGregor practice rheir songs repearedry ro insure an excellent performance.

vTsuoize doing wet


Oon'r it** abour t



Music Courses Hit Strong Note


or students rolenred in music, SFHS hits o strong note by offering o variety of courses. These range from Acopello Choir and Advonced Guiror ro Symphonic ond Mariachi Bond. Acopello Choir is taught by Ms. Cora Harms. Although on acopello choir does nor usually use additional instrumental music, this one does. The reason for this is that there is only one chorus dass at SFHS and all aspects of rhe art have ro be

ncorpofored in one hour a Degmmng Guiror, Advanced day. Guiror and Inrermediore Guiror The Dond Deporrmenr offers ore roughr by Ms. Moroa different band classes Among Worwrarh ond Ms Dorothy Kinthese ore: Wind Ensemble, coid. Each dass deals with dtfConcert Dond, ond Symphonic ferenr levels of learning how ro Dond Each dass is based on ptoy the guiror induding music one porriculor subjecr and indireoding and performing solo viduol aspects of the specific The performing arrs seem ro band insrrucrion. This depart- be thriving or SFHS. All that is ment is led by Mr. Clork necessory ro become porr of Ponrsler ond Mr. Gary Ponrsler. rhe action is to get involved. Moriochi Dond, roughr by Mr. Ernie Gonzales, is offered ro stuJ FREEDMAN dents or rhe Technical High.

MUSIC MAJOR: Drum major Chris Nordstrum leads rhe SFH6 band during rhe hoÂť-rime performance or a home gome.

Participation Leads To Fitness


RAD OOARDNG: Skateboard ingison extracurricular aaMry for many Santa Fe Hah students and proved robe a very popular sport

Ricky Martinez enjoys ploying foorball because, "Ir's o good conracr sporr — exhileraring and challenging." As a specraror, Carlene Wickam enjoys rhe conracr, roo. "Ir's fun ro warch rhe players," she says. While Ricky and Carlene enjoy foorball for ir's fasr pace, Darr Doriry prefers a more relaxing sporr which he invenred himself. He calls ir "inrense wall sraring," bur will nor shore rhe rules unril he receives a copyrighr.

E. Mosr freshman shrink • away or rhe menrion of rhese rwo lerrers. Physical Education is a course designed ro help Sanra Fe High srudenrs maintain a maximum in physical firness, and ro demonsrrare, rhrough parriciparion, rhar sports can be fun. Freshman Brad Rensch, who has Mr. Tom Manning as his insrrucror, says, "I rhink P.E. is very imporranr. Ir helps keep your body in good shape." Lorinda Romero, a freshman in Dob Rodriguez's class, found P.E. ro be rrying or rimes, bur also rewarding. "Ir was a challenge, bur ir was a challenge rhar I didn'r mind accepting."

She also odds, "Ir helps me relieve rension, work wirh others, and learn new things." Vangie Trujilfo was worried obour P.E. as she came ro rhe high school, bur ir wasn'r as bad os she expecred. "Ir's helped me ger in berrer shape rhon I was." Anorher secrion of rhe P.E. deparrmenr is rhe sporrs P.E. classes. These dasses are for srudenrs who parria'pare in exrra-curriculor sporrs, such as baskerball, foorball, and volleyball. Junior Carl Marono parriapores in sports P.E. ond said, "I rhink ir really helps rhe coaches ro prepare rhar reams. Thar exrra hour is necessary." •AARON DROWN

NOT JUST FUN AND GAMES: Students in P.E. are required ro rake written exams os wel as porridpare in sporrs. They even have o textbook to consult for lessons on first aid ond the rules for many sports. W WARM UPS: P.E. students are required ro do calisthenics to loosen ond relax muscles before ploying. This prevenrs cramping and pub.

What is your favorite sport? 30%

^ k . SLAM!: A P.E. srudenr serves the winning point VoKeybal heps students learn cooperation and teamwork.



LAST MNUTE ADJJSTMENT: Commander Woodward heps Krisfoo Anaya with her Hag harness whle Cris Dennis looks on. " f r

ROTC Stands Toll * * T h e NJfAOTC is a rirle or on • acronynm rhor is srill misuo dersrood. We're nor o reserve componenr, nor on officer rroining unir of rhe Unired Srores Navy," srores Commander VBlom J. Woodward, insrrucror of rhe SFHS program. NJfAOTC is o joinrly sponsored program berween rhe Unired Srares Navy and rhe Sonro Fe Public Schools. The srudenrs are under no obligarion ro serve in rhe milirory now or any rime in rhe future. Ir is an elecrive course in rhe high school curriculum for grades nine through twelve. NJROTC does more than jusr srand ar arrenrion. A . typical week for on ROTC srudenr con-

Jk. ATTENTION: One day each week NIKOTC members wear dress uniforms ro school. Carlos Retro and Col Doca stand ready for the week's inspection.

sists of three days of academics and two days of leadership laboratory taught by Commander Woodward and Chief George Wright. The academics cover such topics as leadership, civics, naval Nsrory, astronomy, and oceanography. The other rwo days consist of marching, physical training, and athletics such as touch football and volleyball. Also, rhe members of ROTC can rake advoncemenr rests to achieve a higher position in rhe NJROTC. Why do rhe srudenrs choose ro roke rhe ROTC course? Commander Woodward plainly srared, "curiosiry." 0 Gonzales

M. GOING OY THE OOOK Adorn Medina, John Noel, Anthony Dowies. and Paul Roybol prepare for another day of instruction in Novo! Science '

4 THE WORK GOES ON AND ON: Commander WAom Woodward finishes up some paperwork in Ns office.


HOME ECONOMICS HELPS: Debbie Monrono deploys dob ourfirred wirh dorhes designed by Home Economia students. The • dots were donored ro noise money for the Solvation Army.


- A . GNGEnOREAD HOUSE Ms Liz Pa cheoo's Oakery dosses designed and baked rher own cakes for Christmas

A . SEVNG AWAY: Morto Zomoro sews o dot ourfir whkh she created,

Meeting Individual's Needs


anra Fe High provides an education for each srudenr, no marrer whor his needs in order ro prepare him for rhe future. Ir is appropriare rhor srudenrs who hove communicorion disorders, learning disabiliries, and physical disabiliries have on academic arena ro fulfill rheir special needs. From adaprarion of basic course materials ro help in occuparional areas special "education addresses these differences in people. Much is done ro strip away rhe barriers rhar keep srudenrs from reaching rheir full potential. Special education or S.F.H.S. is divided inro 4 levels. Level A has physical and speech language rherapy. These programs are designed ro help srudenrs career and overcome speech-language problems or physical disabilities rhar inrerfere wirh academic performance.


Level D deals wirh adaprarion of basic courses. Here a srudenr is given suplemenrary help in mosr academic areas. For rhose whose learning needs ore such rhar rhe conrenr merhods, and paa'ng of rhe regular classrooms ore inoppropriore, rhere is o rhird level. Level C. Ar rhis srage basic dasses are offered along wirh o reading course. There is also a program rhar helps srudenrs ro explore and find useful occupations. The fourth and final level (Level D), is set up for exrensive modificarion of insrrucrional conrenr. To help wirh disdpline rhere is Prqjecr Lighr. L.I.G.H.T. srands for: Learning Influenced by Guidance, Health and Training. Prqjea Lighr is a dropour prevenrton program, an in-house suspension sysrem, supervised noon derenrion, as well as sup-

porr for rhe chemically dependanr reen. We musr keep in mind rhor the "whole" person is composed of nor jusr your body bur your mind and spirir os well. The social workers in Prqjea Lighr nor only work wirh srudenrs spedficolly assigned ro rhe prqjea, rhey also work wirh many orher srudenrs having personal or family problems. Srudenrs will nor always be in rhe somewhat proreaed school environmenr. Education musr prepare young people ro make a life for rhemselves afrer graduation. Ir is everyone's hope ro become a productive member of rhis society and rhe special programs offered ro srudenrs furrher rhis goal.


FEED ME!: Students stop off at the vend- FROM CLASS TO CLASS: Sierra Vera sruing modiine between dosses to get a denrs gorher in the hots berween doss snodk. ^ r periods.

Sierra Vista Closes


his year marked the losr for Sierra Visro. Nexr year when Copiral High opens, students currently attending Sierra Vista will be divided among rhe two high schools. It seems appropriate at this rime ro explain rhe goals of rhe school before it closes its doors forever. Sierra Visra meets rhe needs of o group of students who require more individual orrenrion than rhey might receive ar rhe main campus. Members of rhe Dosic Skills classes ore students who haven'r yer compteted their 8rh grade skills. In order ro help them carch up, rhey are placed in small dosses. After a year ar Sierra Visra, rhey are able ro go on ro rhe main cam-

\ TEACHING WITH STYLE: Ms May Morion reaches soedd ed. dosses or SFHS

pus as freshmen. This program for drop-our prevention has achieved a 98% success rare-o facr rhar principal Mr. Harold Martinez can be quire proud of. Orher students offending Sierra Visra are students with physical or mental handicaps. Their four years ar Sierra Visra prepare them for life in a group home or enable rhem ro join rhe work force with the skills rhey have arrained. The programs ar Sierra Visra served rhe students well. The adminisrrarion and sroff helped insure rhat each srudenr was being helped. Ir is hoped rhar rhe programs developed ar rhe two high schools will be as successful.

^ k . JUST VETTING: A Sierra Visra srudenr has o conference wth a readier.



WORKING HARD: Srudenrs in rhe "VmeroJ shop.

Vocational Courses Are Added Plus


w o years ago Sonro Fe Technical High changed ir's name from Vocational Technical High A.K.A. Vo-Tech. Sanro Fe Tech has rhe main courses needed for grades nine through twelve as does 5.F.H.5. The moin difference between Tech and the main campus is the vocational classes. Courses indude Auto Collision, a course rhat reaches srudenrs ro repair body dents and orher damages due ro acddents, and building trades, where students are rrained and taught how ro build homes. Each year srudenrs have rhe project of building a complete house and rhen purring ir up for sale. There is also o welding course. This skill is used for many different fields from building frames for cars ro rhe structure of o skyscraper. Another popular course or Santa Fe Tech is woods. Sru-

dents learn ro properly use woodworking machines ro build home furnishings and orher rhings used by schools and businesses. One example of rhis is rhe signs ar rhe entrances of Sanro Fe Tech. They were mode by rhe woods srudenrs. One final course ar Sanra Fe Tech is auro mechanics. The students' projects are their own vehicles. These range from dismantling their transmissions to a simple oil change. A four year Sanro Fe Technical High srudenr, Geirge Gonzales Jr. srores, "When I firsr srarred going, I didn'r know whar ro expecr. Bur after rhe firsr initial weeks, rhings just fell into place. I liked it right away. I have raken several differenr vocational dasses, and rhey have helped me a lor. I can now do more rhings than I could four years ago." . DEAN GONZALES

DUZZ Laboring on the power


•yt IT TAKES A DEUCATE TOUCH: finishing a wood-working project.

4 DftEAKTIME Srudenrs roue break from working m rhe shop.


^ MAKMG (T (UJNi Srudenrs r\ ouro shop get hands-on experience

J*. SPARKS FLY: Sorting 6 mparronr IO the finished product



Scheduling By Computer


new sysrem which will greorly effect srudenrs will be pur inro place nexr year: computer scheduling. Srudenrs will pre-regisrer as rhey hove in rhe peer. However, rhey will nor see rheir schedules again until nexr foil when rhey will be \ handed a compurer prinrour relling rhem whor reochi ers rhey will have and when rhey will have rhem. Some adminisrrarors ore in favor of rhe sysrem because ! rhey see ir as o fair and effidenr way of regisrering srut denrs. These ore rhe reacrtons of several srudenrs ro rhe compurer regisrrarion issue: "Compurers are more capable rhon people for t mixing, marching and find• ing porrerns. Giving rhe job

of organization ro o machine rakes o real load off rhe backs of counselors and adminisrrarors." -Sollyn Mueller "Being able ro pick your own reachers insures rhar you will be placed in a doss rhar corresponds ro rhe kind of curriculum and armosphere rhar is besr for you. Compurerized regisrrarion is bod because ir rakes rhor assurance away." -Ten' Balkenendi "Being able ro choose your teacher and doss period makes you more eager ro do well in doss." -David Kavanaugh "Compurer regisrrarion? Ir's jusr onorher policy limiring rhe needs and desires of Sanra Fe High Srudenrs." • CARLENE •LYNN



JkJTS A PWVIEGE: In the past al that was necessary ro drive ro school was a license and a cor. Unfortunately for freshmen tie Kim McCorry os wel as mosr sophomores, this Is no longer rhe cose. As of rhis year only juniors, seniors, and tenth graders who work ofrer school or pamepare In sports ore allowed ro receive parking stickers.

• ADMNSTTVATORS CATCH THE WAVE: Alrhough students Rhonda Romero' ond Amy Matin don't seem ro have heard about the rule yet, cokes and candy have been banned from classrooms for the past two years. During December 1987 coke ond candy machines were removed from the campus entirely. After complaints from srudenrs a survey was taken by the Student CoundL Students voted overwhelmingly 576 to 11 In favor of bringing back cokes and candy Cenrral administrators "caughr rhe wove" of student opinion ond promptly returned the machines.




^ 1 PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE: With Senate Dt 106 come a lesson In CMCS for New Mexico srudenrs. The legslative decided that rhe pledge should be said each morning, mis year the advisory period was created ro hove rime for this. The fifteen minute oddnon ro first period s also used ro read the buterin ana ft our admit sips to excuse absences >&

S.I.P. Catalyzes Change


hanges or Sanra Fe High in recenr years seem ro have consisted of campus landscaping, cracking down on absences and rardies, and making new classroom regulations. This year, however, faculty, srudenrs, and adminisrrarors began ro ralk of more significant changes. People starred to ask how srudenr orrendance could be improved through positive changes in the classroom rather than by the thteat of negative consequences fot ditchers. More flexible schedules and reams of reachers working Together were some innovations suggested to enhance the education provided by SFHS.

These suggestions and many more were generated by the School Improvement Program. This was a new committee of faculty members formed with the sponsorship of the Matsushita Foundation. The group of reachers, selected by their peers and chaired by Ms. Consuelo Gonzales-Valdez, attended workshops and brain-stormed for ideas which could restructure and greatly improve the high school. The reachers became very enthusiastic about the possibilities for alrerarions in the curriculum and the methods by which it is presenred. Faculty members invol-

veo in S.I.P. held forums for srudenrs, teachers, custodians, administrators, and parents. At these forums ideas were exchanged, opinions voiced, and complaints aired. This enabled rhe S.I.P. group ro incorporare suggestions from everyone who would be ef fecred by any changes. The future of rhe S.I.P. ot SFHS is uncertain, but its members plan ro develop proposals ro submit to the school board. The hope of rhe group is that rhe board will approve changes necessary ro improve rhe high school's educational program. •LYNN RICHARDSON



yL, FACEUFT: The places where two orrphtheorers now sandIn front ofand besde rhe odrnir&rorionbiJdHg were some of rhe fot areas landscaped *> on effort ro tnprove rhe appearance of rhe SFHS campus These four shots of the areas ore on example of rhe improvement mode by rhe construction

J*. FOUR FOR THE ROAD: These drchers wt have ro be careful if ' rhey want ro ovoid being caughr. New rules require a doctor's rare offer five absences. Suspension may result It a srudenr occumutares more rhan eighr unexcused ob• sences. ArNeres must obo worch rhet absences. They ore excused ro orrend only ren away gomes. For those who have trouble making ir ro doss on rime a derennon • system has been estobtshed; offer three rardies a srudenr Is sent ro lunch derentton eoch rime he Is are.

Phoro of the 1928 S.F.H.S. Freshman doss reproduced by Vernon Doss

School Board Speoks "The dropout rare is very high. We musr find ways ro moke high risk students succeed so that rhey will remain in school. We need early intervention programs to minimize failure." -Don Baca

"The Board sets policy and direction for the school district. Ir oversees and sees that the schools are run well." -Rita Crespin

"Our biggest achievement in recent years was to ger Capital High School underway. The new high school will reduce the size of rhe student body at Santa Fe High and make for a more intimate setting which in turn will produce o more condua've environment for learning." -Michael Gross

" A good school sysrem is one that fulfills the mission of educating its students to their highest potential and prepares them to become law abiding and productive dtizens of society." -Arthur Johnson


uperintendent Edward Ortiz's job is ro direcr the operations of all schools, programs, and personnel of rhe Santa Fe Public School Disrricr in accordance ro federal laws, stare laws, ond school board policies. He is proud of rhe developmenr of a second high school and creation of the School Improvemenr Project. Orher major occomplishmenrs indude passage of a $12 million bond issue, capital outlay improvements, increase in rest scores, ond improvemenr of various School Board policies. His future plans indude building a new elementary school, revising curriculums, and addressing problems of high risk students.

Assistant Superinrendenr Amos Melendez has many responsibilities ond activities. He supervises secondary school prindpols, arrends student activities or all schools, evaluates sraff and supervises curriculum committee aafvifies. He is proud rhar he helped with the planning for Capiral High School. He feels rhar ir is definitely a plus for rhe Sanra Fe School Sysrem since dassroom sizes will be smaller. Future plans indude a successful opening ar Capiral High School and resrrucruring Sanra Fe High and Sanra Fe Tech, both athletically and instrucrionally. -CHRISTINE


"An ordinary citizen can become more involved and obroin more information if h e / she srays in rouch wirh issues which affecr a school and its needs. They should also rolk with board members and school administration to understand how rhe school disrrio as a whole operores." -John Malley

SUPPORT STAFF. Fry (tow Par Scarofiom. Edno Jimenez. Irene Arondo. Ceato Podia Second Row Condoce Hedemon. Ann Pony. FJeanore Sanchez. Oerrho Goroo. AWcheie Morvono, and Evelyn Pocheco

O C . TWO, TWEE. SMLE. Assistant Superintendent for elementary education Jean Read. Assistant Supeirvendenr for Spedot Services Frank NordSrrurn. and Business Monoger Dennis Luno prepare notes before a School Doord meeting.


JESSE VISE "I have raughr for 29 years, 20 ar SFHS, alrhough ir doesn'r seem rhar long. Each year of reaching has some successes and some failures. The successes are easier ro remember. I look forward ro a life of leisure!"


etiring rhis year is rhe ever popular AAs. Hylah Joly. Ms. Joly reaches Sociology, o subjecr rhar has been extremely well received by rhe srudenrs. Ms. Joly feels rhar her reaching career ar SFHS has been "rewarding". She is glad rhar her srudenrs are becoming more serious academically. She sees a for less "spaced-our srudenrs" in her dosses and she has also noriced rhey have become "more caring of each orher, rheir environmenr, and rheir world." Ms. Joly will be sorely missed by all, bur everyone wishes her good luck and a long, relaxing and fun life ourside of reaching!

MRS. ANN PATTY "I haven'r always been ar SFHS. I was or elemenrary, junior high, and even orher high schools before coming here. I was even in a war! I've gor a new grandson, ond I'll be 68 in July, so I'm jusr going ro enjoy life for awhile."


WHAT'S COOKJN? SFHS cofererio cooks run a huge kitchen ro feed many hungry srudenrs on campus. They are: Rosino Gollegos, Jennie Jiron, Porsy Martinez, Shirley Topio, Porrioo Segovio, and Morcello SSneros.

CUSTODIAL STAFF: Fronr row. Donoid Duron. Corlos Arogon. Lms Dean, Joe Medric, John Soiz Top row. 0/od Dedwel, Antony Duron, John Lucero, Nek Lovaro, Andrew Endnas, Charles Smith.


PAY ATTENTION! Mr Dento floe/ request! rhar his srudenrs pay onenrion whle he rakes rat THE IMITATION Above midde, original artwork done by Mr. Lee Men, on readier.

Ms. Pocheco Remembers .

How Would You Spend $1 Million In Education?


s. Evelyn Pocheco, who retired earlier this year, has been with the high school for 25 years. Looking bock, she commented, "The pasr 25 years in the Santa Fe Public School System have touched my life in many ways. I have witnessed changes dealing with faculty, students, and the campus itself." "I will always have fond memories of my years as secretary to former Principal, Joe Casodos. I remember students who were in the graduating classes of the Sixties, and now I see their children passing through our doors. I was parr of the transition from the downtown campus ro our present location today. All of these experiences hove enriched my life, and that of my family."

PREP PERIOD Gracing rests is a major pasrime for most reodiers during their prep period Mr. Cholewo gives his pen and cotaJotor a good workout as he anode a stock of freshly token tests.

FROM FOOTBALL TO H5TORY. fttt year's new vorsry footbal coach. Jrn Orodey enjoys reochrtg social studies

M THE MEDIA PIT Surrounded by fen whees. Nan- THE ONLY DATE HE COUD GET Trying to show off obout Ns "date" 10 his Trig cee MextoHx helps students find many valuable Oass. Mr John Davidson jokes about being o bachelor sources.



Teachers Comment On I Advisory


ne major change rhis year was advisory period which rook place afterfirsrperiod from 9:05 a.m. ro 9:20 a.m. "Ir was established so rhar srudenrs would feelfflserhey hod a home base ond feel like rhey are people, nor numbers," srared Carol Nickell, assisranr principal. Planning firsr began in January 1987 and a planning commirree gathered every orher week during rhe summer ro organize whar exactly was going ro rake place during rhis fifteen minure period. The commirree dedded rhe rime would be used ro wrire admir slips, read rhe bulletin, say rhe Pledge of Allegiance, discuss currenr evenrs, and do commirree prepared worksheers which improved srudy skills. In reality, there's only enough time for reochers ro wrire admir slips, read rhe bulletin, and say rhe Pledge of Allegiance. There doesn'r seem to be enough lime to do rhe worksheets. John Davidson, math readier, believes rhar odvisory would be more productive if if was only one day a week (preferably Friday). Hylah Joly, sociology teacher, believes rhar ir could be improved by limiting rhe rime period ro only ten minures. Den Rael, English readier, thinks advisory is very productive, and it gives srudenrs rime ro quesrion him abour college marrers. Rael has a spea'al bulletin for seniors in his classes. The bulletin conrains information on scholarships, cclege workshops, and ere. He believes rhar advisory should be continued next year because, "Ir gives srudejnrs a chance ro look into colleges." Other teachers approve of advisory being here next year ifirhe presenr formar is changed. •CHRISTINE VALDEZ

ABOUT LAST MGHT . . . Senior Mebme Podto ponders upon lost nights evenrs senior, Jason Gerber sruates for an upcoming test, during odvisory period.


L. Aland Nursing Sroff

C. Allen Social Studies

L. Allen Arr

'. Archulera Spanish

1. Daca Morhemarics

P. Daca Secretarial Staff

E. DodynsM

IV Dorela Counselor

T. Beckman Mathematics

D. Degebpiker Social Studies

P. Dlea Business

J. Boorh French

j . Drodley Physical Education

W. Drennon Marhemorics

J. Burke Social Studies

D Dusros Mathematics

L. Dyers Science

A . Cano Language AITS

0. C De Doca Nursing Sraff

C Chase Language Arts

W Cholewo Mathematics

A. Coins Special Education

M. Cornish Language A m

M. Aoghenbocegh Aide



Sierra Vista Closes At End Of Year

Variety Of Classes At Santa Fe-Tech

What Are Your Hopes For Your Senior Yeor?



Glberr lujan Jennifer A. Lujan Leon Lujon Peggy Lujon Mark Lujan Peggy Lyte Dion Lyons Mmdy MocCorrer Mark Madrid David Maes Christine Moesras Metsso Moesras Sreve Mofczewsk Zeroh M. Molone George Matoof Perer Hanogon Jono Monfredi Cart Morono Julie Marquez Maria Marquez Choriene Marsh Adran Martinez Albert Martinez Alex Martinez Delarmino Martinez Orion Marrinez Cynthia Martinez Danielle Martinez Dense Martinez Diego Marrinez Boy Morrinez Eric Marrinez Feix Marrinez Frank Morrinez Greg Marrinez Lawrence C. Mamnez Marvin Morrinez Maxine Marrinez Nena Marrinez Roberr Martinez Roberto Morrinez Samuel Marrinez Shawn Marrinez Vince Marrinez Vincenr 0 Morrinez Yverre M. Marrinez Mck Moryol Jeff Moscarenas Chorfe Moxwel Oiy M McAferer Hope McCarry Jennifer McDougoii Mikolo McGee Russ McGinns Laura McKinley Melisso McMlon Lorerro Medrano Marcos Mendolo Decky Mikkebon David Mler Justin Mler Kyle Mler Jessica Miner

"I think my senior yeor wfl be easier because I'm raking the classes I fce."-Steve Phillips, 11

Andrea Monralbono Alegre Monrano Detndo Monrano Eric Montgomery

Sean Montgomery Andna M. Monroyo Angela Monroyo Annerre Monroyo "My senior yeor w i be kind of hectic with picking colleges, school work and stuff."-Caleb Kulmon. 11

Dryon ft Monroyo Chris Monroyo



Gabriel Monroyo Joe J Monroyo Mehl Monroyo Paul A Monroyo Valerie Monroyo Veronico Monroyo Karhy Moore Mary Moore April Morris Peggy Ann Mosley David Mundis Porrick Muniz Sunny Myers Roberr Neer Rachel Newmon Lon Nichols Aoron Nohl Chris Nordsrrum Hugo Ojedo AIKW Onega Angelina Ortega Chrisrin Orrego Eddie Orrego Roberr Orrega Arlene Orriz David J. Orriz David Ortiz (\ay Orriz Shirley Ortiz Manuel Overby Michelle Pocheco Yvonne Pocneco Domion Podlllo Dororhy Podillo Lorme Podilb Pomad Podillo Paul PodiDa Suzie Podilla Troy Podillo Paul R Polmersron Sreve Pan Robert S. Porker Vicki Porker Danny Pel Audro Moe Pereo Michelle Pereo Yvonne Pereo Sreve Phillips Trey Poe Tomsin Poiese Sreve Porras Terrie Portillo Carlos Quinrono Genoa Quinrano Jacob Quinrono Kabrino Quinrono Jill Qumrers Jeonna Rodjenovich

MRoel Leroy Roel Mike Roel Rondall Roe) Cortos Ramirez Chico Romrez Drennan Rees Jesse Reinikamen Jenno Repa Ralph Riley Laura Rlneharr KoJen Rivera Lourdes Rivera Yotando Rivera

Lso M Roberts Ncde Robertson Ronald R. Rodgers Anno Rodriguez


Chris Rodriguez Michoel Rodriguez Peggy Rodriguez Rebecca Rodriguez Reyes Rodriguez Rhonda Rodriguez Renee Rodriguez Teresa Rodriguez Anno Roibal Roberra Roibal Sabra Romano Dorbora Romero Eddie Romero Edward Romero Jennifer Romero Jerome Romero Joseph Romero Josie Romero Lisa Romero Lisa M. Romero Mario Romero Maxine Romero Melissa Romero Monica Romero Roy Romero Raymond Romero Rich Romero Simon Rimero Dalron Ross Andrea Roybal Apryl Roybal Boy Roybal Jennifer Roybal Julione Roybal Mary Ann Roybal Ronnie Roybal Sreph Roybal Victor Ruybalid Christina Soiz Patrick Soiz Paul Soiz Manual Salinas Jerome Sanchez Juan Sanchez Louonn Sanchez Mercedes Sanchez Orlando Sanchez Paul Sanchez Richard Sanchez Sharon Sanchez Sherrie Sanchez Solar Sanchez Hillary Sanders Laura Sandoval Richard Sandoval Roberr SondovoJ Robbin Sanger Jeni Scarborough June Schoefer Qnron Schirard Sammye Schneider Lisa Schutz Spencer Schurz Kenneth Scorr Craig Seby Jose Sena Rick Serno Valerie Serrano Michoel Shanoberger Tyler Shauii Lee Shepherd Carol Sherman

Chuck Srtnhoter



Dryon ShocWey Dill Short Tiffany Shumon Merro Simons Diego Ssneros Marie Ssneros Karhryn Skinner Joe Sionsky A. Lyle Smirh Gndy A Smith Karl Smirh Chrsrma Snyder Mike Soderquisr Anrhony Solano Tim Soppirr Monica Soro Justin Sowers Avel Squoglo Erm J Sraffel Srocy Starr Susan Srenns Eric Stevenson A m y Srewort Jono Srokes A m y Srreck Kyle Srreck William Strong Dill Stuck John Sultivon W i c e Summers Rudy Tafoyo Daniel Topo Johnny Topio Michelle Topia Vanessa Taylor

Angel Torres Nek Torres Christine Trcader

Angelino UBborri Colette Uliborri Amber Von Mason Alan Valdez

Chris Trujdlo Diane M TrujiBo Jenmpher TrujiBo

Andrew Valdez Anronina Valdez A M n Voldez Arlene Voldez

Uzo Trujio Michete Trujio Renee Trujio

Chris V d d e z Danny Valdez Irene Valdez Kely Valdez

Rose Trujio Wes Trujio Chrisrme Trusnovic

Leonard Valdez Monica Voldez Shane Valdez Sonyo V d d e z

Stephen Tubbs Aaron Turner Mark Turner

Anthony Vatenoo Meteso Vatenoo Set Voteooo Veronica Votenzuela

Juniors Skate


kateboarding srarred our in rhe 1960"s as "sidewalk-surfing". Ir came back in rhe middle 1970's wirh barefeer, puka shells, ond skareboord parks. Now ir has come back again, bur rhis rime ir is bigger rhon ever. Juniors Danny Vaktez and Eric HI, along wirh sophomores Dill Owen, Jason HI, Josh Tirus, and Drenr Higbee, are doing rheir parr for rhe sporr of rhe 80's. They have a huge half-pipe ramp and have been skareboording on ir for nearly four monrhs. They have been seen doing moves like 180° aerials over rhe rop of rheir 10V4 foor rail ramp, hand planrs (aerials done while holding on ro rhe rop of rhe ramp), grinds (sliding across rhe rop edge of rheramp on parr of rhe board), and orher such undescribable nicks. Someday these ever-improving, daring, young skareboorders mighr end up in a wheelchair trying rricks on rheir monsrrous ramp, bur someday rhey mighr also end up on rhe cover of one of rhe skareboord magazines rhey read every monrh. For now rhough, rhey are only doing ir for rhe pure fun of ir. - TODD STEWART

LOFTING IT! Junior Danny Voldez's huge backyard half-pipe is rhe scene of many insane onria. This precarious move belongs ro sophomore Drenr Hgbee.

Cassi Vandersys Jerry Vargas Zack S. Varnodo Shannon Vecere Angie Verones Wolrer Vieira

/ because ir is a change from •s you are forced ro rake every JI, such as marh and English." -

Croig Vigil Debbie J Vigil Henry Vigl Undo Vigil Mark Vigd Marie Vigil

Roberr VigJ Roland VigJ Annerre M. Viltolpondo Srefen Wassermon Sadie Web Linda S. Whelan

Grer Whire Dill Wftrmore Kelly WJdensr em Jason Wiioms Paul Wftoms Wendy Wilson

Jonel Wmron Amy Womach Michael Worrhwc David Wnghr LoJeno Yanez Jusrn Ztotmck jro Motor. Treasurer; Jule Koch. V t e Preskjenr. v.- Coleen Bremen, Secretory.




Which of your required classes is most interesting?

he Hugh O'Drion Yourh Foundarion Award is given each year ro on excellenr sophomore srudenr in rhe area of leadership. This award is open ro all sophomores a in rhe nation and each srudenr chosen as represenrarive arrends a seminar rhe summer before rheir junior year. This year's Sanra Fe High represenrarive is Zachary Shandler. In order ro be nominared, Zachary had ro fill our an essay on leadership, and fhen he was inrerviewed J by a panel of judges on currenr events, s


"I like biology because I rhink ir is very inreresring ro learn abour systems of organisms and mosrly abour generics and DNA and how rhey affect us." - Brian Vaughan, 10.

"I enjoy World Hisrory because I am very inreresred in pasr dares and people." - Martin James, 10.

"I like world hisrory berrer rhan biology because ir is relevenr in our daily lives." - Carrie Roybal, 10.

"I like biology because I like learning abour rhe human body. I also like dissecting organisms." Drooke Madnnes, 10.

"I like biology because I like ro dissecr rhings like frogs, worms, and sheep eyes!" - James Deauchamp, 10.

"I like world hisrory because ir is a change from rhe same old dosses you are forced ro rake every year of high school, such as marh and English." Laura Dolron, 10.



he Sophomore dass has kepr up rhe rradirion of assisring rhe Srudenr Coundl wirh Homecoming acriviries. Among rhe many dances and gorherings, rhe mosr energetic and rime consuming of rhem all was rhe Homecoming assembly. Sophomore dass presidenr, Martha Cookson said, "We organized rhe Homecoming Assembly, decorared rhe gym, and raised money wirh bake sales and car washes. Overall rhe assembly rurned our well!" The sophomore dass feels rhar rheir dass is very srrong and will be

rhe besr senior dass ever. "Sophomores are rhe leaders now and in rhe furure," was rhe commenr of Marc Gallegos, a sophomore. Sophomore dass bonds rogerher ro help each orher our in rimes of need. DeAna Vejil says, "We are very unired and have a lor of porenriol for rhe furure." The sophomore dass of 1988 produced a wonderful Homecoming Assembly and parrkjpared in many Srudenr Coundl acriviries. They hope ro become a berrer and srronger dass wirh each passing year. SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS. Top row: Laura Mom, Treasurer; Jule Kodx Wee Presidenr. and Martha Cookson, Presidenr. Bottom row: Cdeen Dremon, Secretory.


Charlene Abeyro Joe Abeyro Roberto Abeyro Morlene Acosro

Nathan Adams Caroine Aguior Enedina Aguior Kathleen Aguior Frank Aland

Denise Alvarez Sreven Alvarez Diono Anayo GSberr Anayo

Lupe Anayo Marcos Anayo Pot Anoya Sharon Anchondo Casey Anderson

Mike Andrews Mart Angel Phil Angel Anthony Apodaco

Dorlene Apodoco Dorothy Apodaca Deborah Apro Anno Arogon Sandra Arogon

Krisrine Archulero Denise Aringron Cynrhlo Armstrong Obeo Arvlz

Rose Arencio Sandra Austin Andres Doca David Doca Emma Doca

Greg Doca Kenneth Daca Krisra Doca Raymond Doca

Robert Dochicha Wiirney Docon Paul Daker Amy Dole D'Arrognan Dolink

Rebecca Oorbo Noelle Darbe Dove Dorday Kim Dorney

Dobby Dorela Monica Dorela Luorioo Doros John Dareman Jennifer Dares

Off Campus At Lunch? irh rhe new driving regulations rhar were presented ro rhe srudenrs ar Sanra Fe High School rhis year, sophomores found Themselves nor being able ro enrer rhe campus in rheir own vehicles. Dur rhis did nor srop rhe sophomores from having rheir fun for rhe 55 minure lunch hour. Though many of rhem chose ro bring rheir own lunch, rhere were also some who didn'r mind earing in rhe school cafereria. There were options orher rhon jusr staying on campus. Wirhin walking disrance rhere was rhe meal mobile, Hardees, Safeway, Kmarr and Godfarhers. The meal mobile, o small van rhar srops on rhe corner of Yucca and Siringo Road is where many sophomores chose ro eor. Safeway and Kmarr carry various inexpensive snacks orher rhan junk food. As for Hardees and Godfarhers rhe majority wenr rhere. - MONICA RODELA



"Sophomores work jusr as hard as seniors and juniors do so rhey should be able ro drive ar lunch. We all need a break from rhis prison, including sophomores!" -Orlando Romero, 10

"I think it's sod because people around here get tired of seeing each others faces oil day and we need rhe little time that we hove for lunch ro GET OUT! M/el I do anyway." -NkW Sena, 10

"This potcy isn't reasonable. If sophomore parents alow their chid to drive, then they should be able ro drive off campus ar lunch." -Anno Apodoca, 10

Sophomores: Lunch Closed

Monica Daysinger James Oeauchomp Frances Dena videz Janel Dermudez Chris Derrg

Antonio CokJera Arruro Cddera Rufino Caniz Daniel Cannon

Eric Diddermon Scorr Oigbee Isiah DiUowitz VhMDobchak Louro Bolron

Heidi Carlisle Shela Carrier Dawn Carrara James Coniio

Maurice Oonal Eric Dornmon Srephon Doudouris A m y Dovis Duke Bradley

Maria Carlo Adam Casillas Alan Coronach LBO Caronoch

Shannon Drodtey Josh Drady Chris Dransford Jessie Dransford JiO Drennond

Orion Chavez Eddie Chavez Kumoerly Chavez Tmorhy Chavez

Colleen Dremon Aaron Droering Carlos Dueno Orion Durgerr Johanna Durke

Anrhony Oork Tommy dark Joe Cole Dawnyo Compron

Shely Durron Herb Gusset Mary Kay Dussei Ivy Dusramonre Dena Oyars

Tmorhy Conrreras Apr! Cook Aaron Corriz Diego Corriz


Sophomores: New Driving Rules


his years sophomores hod some unexpected rules given ro rhem concerning rher new driving policy. Many were angry, bur thankful rhar rhey would still be able ro drive ro school. The renrh grade srudenrs musr comply wirh rhe following rules ro obroin o parking slicker: 1. They musr be parridparing in extracurricular acriviry or have work immediarely after school. 2. Musr file applicarion wirh rhe princpal in charge of parking. 3. Parenr or guardian of srudenr musr return a complere form

ro the principal. Upon arriving in rhe parking tor in rhe morning, srudenrs will nor be allowed to drive their vehides our until complerion of dosses at 3:15 p.m. Security guards knew which cars belonged ro sophomores ond which belonged to Juniors and 5eniors. Since sophomores had oval shaped stickers and Juniors and Seniors hod triangle shaped stickers. So, rhe sophomores had no luck rrying ro sneak off campus at lunch. - MICHAELA GRANITO

PAIXKING LOT WOES. After a quick stop in the parking lor while trying to get out after school, Seomus McCorry winds up h on awkward posirion by driver David Gleoson. Obviously, he wosn'r wearing his seorbelt. Heovy traffic is nor uncommon during the first ten minutes after school lets our, because of the fact that there's only one exit.

Martha Cookson Patricia Cordova Chris Corlerr Robert Cortew

Caria Corriz Chad Craig Hillery Crawford Coryn Grist Sue'len Cuberrson

Drandon Cullison Tim Dobbs Heather Dalmy Michael Daniebon

Carolyn Da vies Khara Davis Mornie Davis Jason Deal Andrea Deon

James Delgodo Deverly Deon Rick Mender Debbie Dodge

Alexandria Dossey Michael Duncon Megan Dunwoody Crystal Duron Donald Duron

Michael Duron Michelle Duron Valerie Duron Jim Edwards

Kenneth Enrich Dridgerre Eicnelmonn Yvonne Endnias Haydn Engeke Sandra Esparzo

Qfcerr Espmoso Devm Esqmbel Jessica Field Robert Fine

Joe Fischer Rachel Fiance Chrisry Fox Chris Francisco Sofi Franco

Sarah Frank Mfce Franks Jeff Freeman Parrick French

Anrhony Fresquez Sreve Fuemes PhtpGoboldon Annette Golegos Druce Golegos


Dense Gotegos Jeff Gotegos More Golegos Rachoel Gotegos

Tonyo Gotegos Steve Gomez Angeb Goroo Carta Goroo

Doratynn Goroo Gabriel Gcrdo Gayrho Goroo George Goroo

tames Gordo Jessica Goroo Juan Gordo Lawrence Goroo

AMchod Goroo Par Gordo Patricio Goroo Raul Gordo

Renee Goroo Robert Gordo Robert A Goroo Srocy Gordo

Lynnefie Gentry Soroh Gerremy OradGtes Stephen Gtespe

Atano Giomer Oovta Gtaason Shod GSdweJ Dcamon Gtover

Toby Gomez Angefco Gonzales Janino Gonzales Jennfer Gonzales

Jessica Gonzales Jose Gonzales Lanec Gonzales

T h e APL rest is on idea rhar I do nor feel should b e o reguiremenr. I feel rhar f you con pass the needed number of dosses and ol of the rests rhar are given ro you. you should get o dptama and graduate." -D'Anogon OoSnk, 10

Shocked At New APL Rules: Sophomores

"I agree wsh rhe APL rest. If w e don't Know anything obour reodtag. Eng&h, math, sdence. and soaol sdence, then w e should nor graduate. How do w e e x p e a to get along in rhe world if w e con'r tetare to these simple subjects? Why waste twelve years of gong to school and nor beriefirirc) anything from o l our rime and hard work. So. I ogree with this reouiremenr.'' -Metanie Gronito, 10


he doss of 1990 was shoaled when rhey found our obour.the new APL resting requirements. Beginning wirh srudenrs enrering the ninrh grade in the 198687 school year, no srudenr shot receive o high school diploma who has nor passed o store competency examination in rhe subject areas of reading, English, moth, sdence and soool science. If o srudenr exits from the school system or the end of grade rwelve wirhour having passed a srore comperency exorninorion, he/she shol receive on appropiare srore cerrificore indicoring the number of credits earned in rhe grade comptered. Regardless of credits earned, a srudenr w i nor groduore unless he/she has passed rhe srore comperency exam. Across ore the views of sophomores on this issue. - MICHAELA GRANITO

"I do not think that having ro rake the APL rest is right V h y d t a they o l of a sudden just think of that when w e were just enrering Soma Fe Hgh School? Our,1 guess in a w a y r's good for us because n o w a d a y s the world is getting more stria on what w e should hove occomptshed in school" -Gerald VtgJ. O


Norolie Gonzales ftick Gonzales Vicror Gonzoles Vioor Gonzoles Melome P Graniro Kennerh Grasmick

T. Ptachele Green Charming Greene Jr. David A. Griego

Roberra Griego Terrle Griego T.J Grundter rVoberr Guillen Archie Gurule Comille M. Gurule

Sevastion Gurule Christine M. Gutierrez Srarla Hockler

Judirh Hands Den Hanelr Austin Hanson Hearher Hanson Robert Hanson Sara Horing

Holy Harris Tatia Horris Mary Hasselsrrom

Alberro Hayes Erhan H Heverr PhJHefrer Michelle Hemsing Frondne Henderson Gabriel Hendrix

Kara Hensinger Michael Hernandez Rachel Herr

Ernie Herrera Jeanerre Herrera Porrick Herreera Dren - Higbee Selena Hildebrand Jayson HOI

Sonja H I Olivia Hiro Jason Holbrook

David Holgerson David Hollander A m y Hollar Shelly Hollidoy Leroy O. Holmes Porrick Holmes

Sandy Holr Jason Hopper Kristin Howard

Dorleyne AA. Howtond Renee Hoyr Glenn Huckabee Sreve Hurchinson Glenn M Jockson James Jockson

KaWm Jaekel Martin James Anno Joromillo

Marry Jaromillo Linda M. Jarrerr Dryan Johnson John Jones Jonelle Julian Chris Kelly

Erica Kirchver Dk) Roel Kline Julie Koch

James Koroneos Morhew Krum Daniel Kurnir Chuck LaDombord Jon lallemonr Kim Landry

Carry Landua Chrisropher Larranaga Marrhew Lengyel

Aaron Lengyel Lisa Leyba Dennis Lirhgow Greg Lomayesvo A m y L. Lopez Andrew Lopez Roquel Lopez Santiago Lopez Shonrel Lopez Susan E. Lopez Gillian Lord Dobbi Lucero Noel Lucero Sharon Lucero Carmen Lujan Eddie Lujan Leo Lujan Shane MacDuffee


Chris Lopez Leland J. Lopez Marrhew Lopez

Gene Lucero Jerry Lucero Kayle Lucero

Ion Mac Qllivroy Brooke Modnnes Joseph Madrid

Morrhew Madrid Drendo Moew Jerome Maes Tonya L. Maes Adreon Moesras Diego Moesras

Nko Mogodini Blen Marchman Dernaderre Morquez

Sreve Morquez Carmen Marsh Joe Morrin Aaron Marrinez Ahnno Marrinez Andrew Marrinez

Angelo Mom'nez Den Martinez Dernice Marrinez

Chris Marrinez DarreU Marrinez Eric Martinez Fred Martinez Glberr Marrinez Heirh Marrinez

Jason Marrinez Jerome Marrinez John Marrinez

John Marrinez John Marrinez Lori A. Marrinez Maya Marrinez Perer Marrinez Ralph Marrinez

(Venee Marrinez Sean Marrinez Seforino Marrinez

Srephonie Marrinez Tomas Marrinez Derni Masse Die Jo Maxwell Shannon Maxwell Trad McCouley

Dloine McOesky Shonnon Mcdoskey Seomus McCorry

Flower McGregor Genny McGregor Michele McKinney Gerard Medina Tommy Medina Orwyn Meek

nay E. Mendez Audrey Mendonco Adan Mendoza

Lerido Mendoza Lisa Mendiolo Kelly Mier Paul Mikkelson Korin Mies Duncan Miller

George Miller Tonya Miller Laura Moffirr

Joey Monres Becky Monroyo Jacob Monroyo Johnny Monroyo Leroy Monroyo Louise Monroyo

Marie Monroyo Mark Monroyo Mike Monroyo

Mike Monroyo Sergio Monroyo Aniro Morales Kristin Morgan Lorenzen Morgan Chris Moyrono

Fidel Norvoiz Kevin Noshon

Lefr: "Hey, how do you work rhis thing?" Laura Moffirr. Morrha Cookson, Jl Drennand. Right: Dryon Thiel enjoying his "heorrhy lunch" consisting of o "Snickers" bor, ond a "Welch's" grope soda!



What Sophomores Think. . .

Alex Quolrire Andrew Quinrono Drendo Quinrono Rondy Quinrono

Angeta Roel Joner Roel Marry Roel Melissa Roel Rose Ramirez

Cydney Reo Jennifer Reed Loino Reynolds Leonard Richards

Lisa Rivera Ty Robbins Dylan Roberts Chris Robinson Tomi Rodgers

Arlene Rodriguez Carlos Rodriguez Denise Rodriguez Jolene Rodriguez

Mario Rodriguez Michelle Rodriguez Steve Rodriguez Tonya Rodriguez Tomos Rodriguez

Nick Rogowski Aaron Romero Alfred Romero Chris Romero

David Romero Debbie Romero Debbie L Romero Frank Romero Giberr Romero

Kevin Romero Laura Romero Leoh Romero Morrhew Romero

Mike Romero Michelle Romero Ortondo Romero Russell Romero Sreve Romero

Terrence Romero Ken Rommel Shannon Rosoles Domenick Roronno

Tracy Rorondo Adrian Roybol Den Roybol Carrie Roybol Chrisrello Roybol

o rhe overage high school srudenr, rhe word 'Freshman' is synonymous wirh 'nerd.' They're rhe ones everyone gives a hard rime. Juniors are looked upon as being 'cool,' and of course rhe seniors are rhe 'firsr class parry animals!' Dur whar abour rhe sophomores? Whar arrirude do rhey have rowards school? "Ir's fun because ar leosr I'm nor a Freshman anymore, now rhey look up ro me," answers Carrie Roybal. Anorher sophomore says, "Ir's nor much differenr rhan losr year, juniors and seniors srill look down on us." Sophomores ore rhe 'in berween' doss ar a high school. They're nor new anymore, yer rhey're nor ranked as being as 'cool' as rhe upperclassmen •LAURA DOLTON


LUNOHTIME LAUGHS. Sirring on rhe sreps near rhe Demon Depor. Mamie Dove. Juke Koch ond M Oremond lough or rher fetow studenn who ore enjoying lunch


David Roybal Floyd Roybal Rodney Roybal Ronokj RoyboJ

Srephome RoyboJ Chuck Rudolph Condoce Ruiz Mono Ruiz Mike RuyboW

Paul Ruybol Carlos Sotazor Leo Salazar Molly Salazar

Srephome SoJazor Trade Salazar Bizooerh Sanchez GobneBo Sanchez Jeonerre Sanchez

Michelle Sanchez Melissa Sanchez Omar Sanchez Perer Sanchez

Ramona Sanchez Roberro Sanchez Vernon Sanchez Anthony Sandoval Antonio Sondovol

Cynrhw Sandoval Kathy Sandoval Lisa Sandoval Michael Sandoval

Mike Sandoval Tora Sarher A d a m Soxron Annerre Schepps Michele Schoensrein

John Shulz Colerre Schwerm Kim Sedillo Carlos Sena

Jacob Sena Joe Sena Nikki Sena Sandra Sena Srephanie Sena

Modonna Serrano Par Serrano Zach Shondler Susan Shannon

Doug Shaw Heorher Sherrick Richard Shockley Rick Shuberr Kay Sierra

Kelly Sisneros Ana Siva Derek Siva Porrick Siva

Heorher Slaughter Austin Smart Angle Smith Danny Smith Keith Smith

John Sneesby Cris Smyrh Jean Solano faro Solano

Christina Soto Michael Soto Rosoly n Southard Toir Spoonheim John Stephenson

Takis Sroilis Davyd Srone Anthony Srorey Jennifer Srour

Denny Strawberry Shely Srrickler Lake Stronghearr Dezbah Srumpff Travis Swan

Sophomores Outlook On School " I h e rhe high school Everyone's really fnencty " -Carolyn Dovies. 10



"Cool people f a cool times." -Kely Sineros, 10

"Always follow Mueller, 10




Kelly Swonson Letand Sweirzer Oerry Jo Tafoyo Rubel Tafoyo Valerie Tafoyo

Pom ToHont Potrido Tollonr Beno Tongmon Angie Topio

Leonard Topio Rochoel Topio Sergio Topio Jesus Teles Carman Telle

Degory Temple Michelle Tenorlo Dryon Thiel Anctr Thomas

Carman Thompson Donna Tiznodo Josh Titus Nick Tolmon Jennifer Tomerich

Carlos Torres Joanne Torres Drendo Trujillo Grerchen Trujillo

Monica Trujillo Robert Trujillo Waldo Trujillo Shannon Uliborri Ryan Underwood

Donyele Voldes Anna Voldez Randy Voldez Stephanie Voldez

Randy Valejos Charles Valencia Grerchen Valencia Richard Valencia Marrhew Vance

Jerome Vorelo Helen Vargas Leo Voros Orion Voughon

DeAna VejD Angie Veranaso Lisa Velarde Porti Vidpando Carolyn Vigil

Cheryl Vigl George Vigl Gerald Vigl Henry Vigl

Joonn Vigl Jessica Vigl Justin Vigl Par Vigl Raymond Vigl

Andrew Vis Lorenzo Viromontes Paula Visorrogo SyMe Waffeloerr

AAotr Watson Sarah Way Jeff Wechster Casper Weiss Soly Welch

Arwen West Joy Wheeler Frank White Chris Whitman

Chris Williams Jennifer Wilson Oayron Wilson Lesie Wirkowski Lance Wolf


Kristin Wright Melissa Wright David Wyte Anne Yesley Katie Young

Reflects On Sophomores


onna Ringer has been reaching ar rhe high school for fourreen years. She is very active in sports. In rhe winrerrime she downhill skis, wirh Taos Ski Valley being her fovorire hangour. In rhe summertime she plays tennis. The past summer she played on the Santa Fe Womens Volvo Tennis Team that w o n the District Championship and gor as far os rhe semifinals in El Paso. She reaches World History and World Hisrory Lob for sophomores. She is involved wirh Model Legislature, Mock Trials, and Ski Club. "I rhink sophomores show a lirrle more enthusiasm for school than juniors and seniors. They seem much more willing ro porTidpate in dass discussions and activities." -





What's It Like To Be A Frosh?

Aberr Otazon DenJse Olozon Tracy Olea

Sreven Canto Consueb Cosodos

Damon Dower Anthony Dowles Naomi Driceno

Comae Cosrellono Evelyn Cosrellono

Rebecca Oriro Elzoberh Duchen Suzerre Durke

Keirh Cosrellono Eddie Castillo

Tara Comacho Aniro Corrilto Anroinerre CarrMo

Sean Casrner Joseph Coronach

Lawrence Carrillo Louie Com'llo Paul Carrillo

Manuel Caranoch Adam Care

Lisa Carron Alexander Carsis PoUC De Doco

Kali Chopping Kenneth Chrisrensen

Orion Davis Natasha Davis

Lukj Cebollos Art Chacon Mark Chandler

Jennifer Cisneros Alexis Coates

Sherri Daymon Michelle Def net

Angela Chavez Antonio Chavez Doreen Chavez

Thomas Codd Rick Compron

Andreo Delgodo Wendy Dickerson

Eduardo Chavez Jacob Chavez Leland Chavez

Andre Conde Michelle Conrreros

Lisa Chavez Manuel Chavez Margie Chavez

Orion Conway Jessica Cordova

Renel Dlenburg Rico Dmarzio

Michoel Chavez Ph*p Chavez Ray Chavez

Catherine Corterr CheoJseo Oenshaw

Leona Dimas Ayesha Dobyns

R*o Chavez Serena Chavez Tony Chavez

Eddie Crist Andreo Curran

NEBJNG TO THE FRESHMAN, Senior, Neil AAiler. mokes freshman, Morin Riner, feel comforrable obour her size by walking on his knees.

WiiiHDm Dickerson Srocey Dlord

fWoel Dodge Dense Donley



Susie Dvjnowoy Drondi Duron Carlos Duron Jeonetre Duron Trldo Durhom

Scorr Oosby Norhon Goefler Amy Gonzales Angela Gonzales

Chomblee Dury Lorry Ebsrein Stephen EKor Joe Esporzo Arthur Espinoso

Frandne Gonzales Manuel Gonzales Moriceto Gonzales. Melonie Gonzales

Diono Esqubel Donno Esqubel Krisrle Esqubel AAomque Esqubel Upron Erhebah

Jennifer Ewing Wtey FatrcnJd Cody Fosmochr David Fernandez Fernando Fernandez

Noncy Gonzales Pamela Gonzales Roland Gonzales Sean Gonzales

Thereso Gonzales Monico Gonzales Sebastian Gordon Leonardo Grondos

Lori Fernandez Carlos Fierro Matthew Fineberg Riesha Fiorina Vicky Fischer

RebeKah Greenlee Donald Griego Lori Griego Luana Griego

Poly Finer Dakota Firzer Andrea Fhss Luis Fkxes Dean Fox

Manuel Griego Manuel Griego Ronald Griego Shownie Griego

Morio Francisco Jason Fresques Ooucto Gobtadbn Amy Galegos Edward Galegos

Phi Guerro Miguel Guillen Judy Gurule Lupiro Gurule

Javier IV Galegos Kevin Galegos Monica Galegos Paul Galegos Sreve Galegos

Suzerre Gurule Amy Gutierrez Don Gutierrez Julianne Gutierrez

Valerie Galegos Andrew Garcia Anromerre Garcia Denjie Gordo Celeste Gordo

Vioorio Gutierrez Gerlinda HocUer Lori Hadley Joseph Hogewood

Chartotto Gordo Chris Gordo Gabriel Goroo Greg Gordo Jeonetre Gordo

Cameron R. Hoighr Dethony Hamlron Larry S. Hamlron Aaron Homre

Jimmy Gordo Mfchele Gordo Nathan Gordo Pont Gordo Paul Goroo

David S. Homo Somoranrhe Horing Paige D. Harris Micheol Hart

Ramon Goroo Ruben Goroo Tanya Gordo Pior Garofolo Edward Guana

Par Horr Rod J. Hasson Andy Hathaway Leon Hayes

Rebecca George MieheleGies Sarah Gierr Tanya G*on Nathan Glman

Jufcm D. Hebron Todd Heberger Katherine D. Heiss Lonnie Hendrick

Dobby Hendricks Juan C. Hermely Orenno Hernandez John Hernandez Mibgro Hernandez

Donno Lopez Feieda Lopez Gerald Lopez Jason Lopez

W a n Hernandez Jocquie Herrera Joseph Herrera Tina M. Herrera E * Wgerdr

Jeff Lopez John Lopez •Wan Lopez Karen Lopez

Ebon H i Chris HosWe Chris Houghton Gwendolyn Heubner Orondi Hughes

Manuel Lopez Meisso Lopez Mark Lovaro Matthew Lovaro

Chrisrino Huizor Anthony Hurrado Heorher Ingram Choriene Jackson Gndy Jaramlo

Paul Lovaro Naomi Lowe Duane Lozono David Lucero

V h c e P. Jaramlo Nfcky Jeffreys David Jenkins Janice Jenks Karen Jensen

David P. Lucero Dolores Lucero Motto Lucero Matthew Lucero

John Jimenez Ludo Jimenez Robert Jimenez Roman Jimenez Toro Jimenez

Cathy Lujan Joseph Lujan Mychoei Lujan Ryan Lujan

Oiy Joe Jiron Dawn Johnson Jenrtfer Johnson Tamio Johnson Christina Jones

Charles Lury Locrtan MocGCvroy Dovina Maes Veronica Maes

Jenifer Jones David Kavanaugh Kristin Kelohri Jesse Kester Guruboto Khobo

Leonard Moestos Noncy Moez Rachel Moez John Maguine

Jason Kiorsrrom Jord Kleiner Kevin Kloeppel Shane Knopp Comie Knight

Zoch Magute Jessica Mopes Richard Marono Trocy Mares

Rhonda Knight Chris Koroneos Tonyo Korzdorfer Tffony Krel NcoieLoFebre

Anselmo Moriscal Juio Marquez Pamela Marquez Jesus Martufo

David Lara Chris Lartonogo Eriko Lechuga Kin Lehi Kely Lerma

Chris Martin Andrew Martinez Anthony Martinez Barbara Martinez

Aleen Leyba Condfce Leybo Adam lobaro Doug Loney Marie Long

Orandon Martinez David Martinez Dominic Martinez Edrh Martmez

Andres Lopez Antoinerte Lopez Drendo Lopez Cassy Lopez Daniel Lopez

James Martinez Jeremy Martinez Jessie Martinez Joe Martinez



John Martinez John Martinez Kelley Martinez Lorraine Martinez Louis Martinez

Damian Miera Lesie Miera Michael Mler Rebecca Miner

Mathew Martinez Monica Martinez Ronald Martinez Ronnie Martinez Sonic Martinez

Terry Mlngron Andrea Monrono Helen Montono Leonard Monrono

Sonya Martinez Una Martinez Tony Martinez Carolyn Mascarenas Aerie Maymudes

Tres Monrono Amie Monroya Andy Monroya Angela Monroya

Trenr McCafeon Scorr McCarthy Kimberiy McCarthy Jennifer McQoskey Tare McCorrer

Angela Monroya Angela Monroya Darbara Monroya Carlos Monroya

Danetio McOary Jeormerre McDougoll Derrik McGnnis Adam Medina Adan Medino

Chris Monroya Dona Monroya Daniel Monroya Dion Monroya

Darbara Medina Oscar Medina Robert Medina Yverte Medina Guiermo Mejio

Jessica Monroya Johanna Monroya Julie Monroyo Manuel Monroya

Maurido Mena Ono Menapoce Roger Mendiolo Drenda Mendoca Oeou Mersereau

Mario Monroya Matthew Monroya Michelle Monroya Michelle Monroya

Roberta Monroyo Sammy Monroyo Theresa Monroya Valerie Monroya

Wanda Monroya Gino Morales John Morales Eric Morgan

Theresa Morgan Kim Morse Shot! Morr Matthew Moyle

Ramono Moyle Anne Muchmore Henry Muchmore Phlp Muriz

Ramon Munoz Scorr Murz Jesse Meyers Martin Naronjo



Gloria Norvaiz Dawn Nashan Miguel Norvor Xovier Nevarez James Noble John Noel Jimmy Nolosco Josie Noriego Julie Noriega Christopher Norris Monre Oirker Chris Oivas

Joseph Perez Morrhew Perez Julie Phillips

Diane Pfarr Daniel Plerponr Theresa Pino

John Oivas Dorothy Oppenheimer Luis Ordaz Angela Ortega Angelo Ortega Joseph Oaego

Ethan Polasky John Pool Lauren Powder

Mark Onega Loido Ortiz Andrew Orriz Dovid Ortiz Debbie Ortiz Marcia Ortiz

Eileen Proda Florion Prodo Croig Pre vosr

Morie Ortiz Michelle Orriz Parrido Ortiz Rosemarie Orriz W i a m Orriz Orion Oxley

Qlberr Quinrono Gregory Quinrono Lydio Quinrono

Floyd Pacheco Joonn Pocheco Michoel Pacheco AnrioneiTe Podilla Dorb Podilla Dismas Podilla Fred Podilla John Podillo Jason Pan Kondis Parker Margaret Pell Ruth Pereo

Drodford Rensch Felice Reynolds Porrick Riccords Aunha Rice Cedlia Ricklin Orion Ridgeway

Todd Rodjenovich Doniel Roel Elena Range!

Joonn Redd John Rehders Jodyn Reindorf

Jacqueline Romero Joseph Romero Kelly Romero

Marin Riner Rebecca Rirrmonn Abe Rivera Debbie Rivera Jennifer Rivera Shannon Rivera

Louis Romero Michoel Romero Pomelo Romero

Heather Robbins Den Roberts Carolyn Roberts Jennifer Roberts James Rocha Christopher Rodriguez

Rebecca Romero Vfcror Romero Jamie Rosingono

Juon Rodriguez Mary Rodriguez Rosino Rodriguez Sabrina Rodriguez Too Rodriguez FJeen Rojas

Amanda Ross Lone Roth Charles Rorhschid

Andrea Romero Angelo Romero Oernodette Romero Chnsropher Romero Dean Romero Dommc Romero

Jons Roybol Jeonerre Roybol Kormeto Roybol



Freshmen Take A Ride After School

Paul ftoybol Rondy Roybol Keisho RyoVi John Sachs Hoyly Soger

Angelica Soiz Dixie Soiz James Soiz Chris Salozor John Salazar

Joseph Salazor Phillip Salozor Renee Salozor Renee Salazar Shonie Solozar Showno Salozor Oscar Soigodo Agnes Sanchez Orion Sanchez Chris Sanchez Chris Sanchez Debbie Sanchez Ernesro Sanchez Greg Sanchez Rosorio Sanchez Theresa Sanchez Tina Sanchez Trace Sanchez Jim Sanchez Jim Sondo Carmen Sandoval Celino Sandoval

Gregg Sandoval James Sandoval Ray Sandoval Susan Sandoval Tina Sandoval

Dinah Sarrley Mike Schaefer Jordi Schirard John Schmelz Grace Sebesro Carlo Sedilto Chris Segura Narhon Segura Trisha Sellers Prisdo Sena

Roberr Sena John Serrano Oobby Shaw Jusrine Shaw Greg Shorr

JocMe Shumoker WlamShes Rochel Simpson Monica SBneros KevmSrrtrh

Mark Soderquisr NelSoice Angela Solano Truman Spencer Sara Spoonhelm




tor of hardships come along with being a freshman — gerring losr, being reased by upperdassmen, and . . . riding the bus. Oh yes, rhar dreaded bus. Nick Jeffreys does nor rhink rharridingrhe bus is so bod. "Ir's prerry fun and I ger ro meer o lor of new people." He said rhar even upperdossmen ride rhe bus and rhar usually everyone jusr ralks, and somerimes does homework, and rhar no one gets hasseled. Nick said rhar rhe bus driver makes ir inreresring roo. "He likes ro lisren ro music and plays rhe drums on rhe sreering wheel." Nick has soccer after school, so he jusr rides rhe bus in rhe morning. "I corch rhe bus ar abour 7:16 AM and ger ro school by 7:50 AM." So unlike people who drive ro school, people who ride rhe bus ger ro school on rime!

TREE QJMOER. MioV Jeffreys gets acrobatic and climbs a tree for morning exdremenr whUe waiting for the bus. Debw, anxious freshmen board the bus and head home for rhe day. Freshman students seem ro be enrhralled with

the day's lesson as they sir attentive in doss, k ir red or jusr an act ro look good on camera??

Bizaberh Sporteder Chris Stanley April Starr Roberta Srewarr Nicole Srirr

Jeml Srork Katie Srreck Kevin Struck Colleen Summers Michelle Tafoyo

Chortene Tolamonre Sean Tonner Anrhony Topio Oecky Topio John Topio

Nicole Taylor MarceDo Telez Kevin Teri Dana Thomas Jodi Thomas

Pepa Tiano Chris Tobey Mario Torricelti Chioi Townsend Debora Trujillo

Gerald Truflo Jenifer Trujillo Jennifer Trujillo KeHy Trujillo Michael Trujillo

Mike Trujillo Monica Trulillo Romona Trujillo Seon Trujillo

Chad Vecere Rusrie Veif Anna Velarde Angela Vigil Denni Vigil

Vongie Trujillo Yveten Trujillo Loren Tupter Brian Turner

Krisrine Vigil Pom Vigil Sreven Vigil Nel Vinrue Midxiel Visorrogo

Michael Ulibarri Dreman Underwood Pool Urban Chrisrine Urfosre

Alysso Walker Sheta Waterman Jonathan Watson Steven Weler Chrisrine Welnmeisrer

Susan Urfosre Sean Vandersys Nicholas Van Dyk Garerh Von Dyk

Qzoberh Weds Amon Werthmon Mole Wesr Jason Wheeler Debbie Wlams

Jonine Vollejos Greg Valencia Roy Vokjivia Yverre Valdez

Leah WHorrts Leevl WJHoms Ronnie Wloms George WJson Par Winkler

Margaret Valdez Jesse Valdez Dominic Valdez Angek Valdez

Mfcheine Wise Kory Yondo Paul Yruarte Gocormo Zofarano Korio Zomora


FRESHMAN RETAKES Eddie Armjo Aimee Alen Sreve Doco Dominic Cosrenodo

D e m l o OonlCQ JuRe Dormon Morrhew Draper Lee Diukrenls Abel Endnias

Tlmorhy Harris Vicki Holgerson Amy Hoiar Mario Jocoby

Apr! Mendez Mely nda Montono Chris Monroya Ana Morekx S. Quinrana

Angela Rugan O x i vela Solas Donny Solozor Frank Sanchez

SHOWNG THEIR PEARLY WHITES Above right. Jusrm Ztornck, bone Roth, Caleb Kulman, ond Morm liner garner around to see who has rhe best smle SATGFYNG THFJTV HUNGER PAKS Above. Norm Qguerer and Diego Moesras enjoy rhe fresh or ond died* our the scene, whle they ear their nourishing lunch. DENG PUT TO THE TEST. Right. Hick Podto goes over his nores before raking hi exam. IT'S nor uncommon for srudenrs to cram before a rest.



Dennis Chavez Johm Chrisrion Joe Dougherty Adam Davis ftenel Dlenburg

Jessica Fleming Korhy Gordo Dean Gonzales Melissa Gonzales

Carlos Jocquez W ÂŤ a m a Jim David Llamas Audro LucWe Camle Martinez

Shawn Roymer Gilbert Rodriguez Adam Romero Lorinda Romero

Morri Sanchez Forest Schumacker Leslie Siegel Drion Tomer James VokJez

SOPHOMORE RETAKES Morgoriro Aragon Onron Dunker Ceon Coffee Jute Cook Amy Gone

Sheia Devirr Marry Duquerre Apr! Fox Michoelene Garcia

Joyce Gurule Morfhew Gutierrez Krtsrino Lopez Jon Monzonores Denise McGhee

Fidel McMurray Solonae Mena James Rivera

Richard Sandoval Margaret Sisneros Jusrln Torrey Waldo Trujillo Ryon Underwood

Lisa Velarde Morrhew Vance Deana Vejil Roberr Word

JUNIOR RETAKES Gabriel Anaya Greg Anaya Carrie Doca Sara Chapman Chris Duval

Zeroh Malone Angelica Monroyo Chris Pocheco Monica Sanchez Jocelyn Schall

GATHERED TOGETHER FOR DRUNCH Above, srudenrs assemble outside n the omfOheorer for the latest gossip and a audi tore to eot CHECKING OUT THE PROOFS night. Geno Fowler exdredly (bote over the negatives trying to meet yearbook deodhes

Melissa Gilmon Ashley Gross Israel Houghron Eva Lucero

Sammye Lyn Schnedier Tiffany Shumon

The People Section Wouldn't De Complete Without

Staff Photographers: The Image-makers For The "One & Only"

BARRY LANDUA, sophomore, srarred raking picrures for rhe PARA MANANA this year. "I think mosr people use phorography ro capture images for memories. I enjoy ir as an artistic ourler."

JASON GERDER, senior, has been on the PARA MANANA staff for three years. "Participating in photography for rhe annual has provided me with skills necessary in pursuing a hobby I enjoy. The pressure also has given me grearer patience."






DEDICATED TO INVOLVEMENT f\ rgonizarions provided many opportunities for srudenrs ro be involved in exrro m J oaiviries in and our of school. ^^r "Clubs are a good way ro spend lunch hours and a good way ro meer people," says senior Chris Levy. A wide range of inreresrs and activities ore offered rhar fir rhe rasres of virually every srudenr. A variety of dubs conrribure significonrly ro rhe makings of an organized school community. When asked whar dubs mean ro her, junior Melinda Degado replied, "Partidparing in dubs gives me rhe satisfaction of being a parr of my school." Working closely wirh irs sponsor each dub sers goals and works many long hours ro accomplish rhem. Members invesr rheir rime and ralenr ro help wirh fundraisers and other dub oaiviries. "Clubs add a lor of life and variety of oaiviries ro a campus which would otherwise be inaedibly boring," says senior Krisrin Hansen. Organizarions play an imporranr pair in rhe lives of srudenrs because each dub conrribures ro rhe "One and Only." Many organizarions have become a rrodirion ar Sanra Fe High School such as Dand, Choir, Drama, Honor Sodery, and Furure Homemakers. They have been carried on since rhe early 1째20's. Esrablished dubs provide rhe means for srudenrs ro work rogerher, ro support their school, explore new direaions, and cooperare in helping to improve the school community. Organizations reflea rhe spirir of borh facurly and srudenrs. Beyond rhe events of o group or dub is rhe promise for rhe furure and for rhe sodery in which we live. -AMY


V. Doss

Firsr row: Tiffany Gregory, Jusrine Hebron, Leo Trujto, Joaquin Doco, John Alejandro, Srocy Mier, Amy Hdqufcf, Donno Reid, Poige Conover, Sherri Moyer. Lynn Richardson, Drod Fowler, Trish Lopez, Sorony Young, Vernon Doss. Second row: Melincta Detgodo, Monica Rodeto, Sarah Oloir, Sreve Phillips, Greg Srrwh, Kely WHntefon, Nfck Spencer, Aaron Drown. John Freedmon, Zoe Newman, Korlo Esquival, Nei Mier, Jason Gerber. Third row: Parrida TaOanr, Mlchaelo Groniro, Sam Techier, Nicole Cosrellono, Evelyn Casretano. Jennifer Stork. Pepa Tono, Saly Welch, Chris Reinerr. Manuel Krous, Kirk MocGKvray, Deverly Friedman, sponsor, Justin ZIornick, Tom Hudson. Top row: Richard Kuegeman, Roberr Fowler, Neil Richardson, Robert Warren.

Firsr row: John Zinn, sponsor. Michele Tarpley, John Dunwoody, Srocy Miller, Krisrin Hansen, Sorony Young, Michelle Ferron, Greg Smirh, Ovis Nordsrrum, Paul Armstrong. Second row: JiH Miller, Strawberry Lemon, Karla Esquivel, Kim Dell, Mindy McCarrer, Lisa Knomles, Tiffany Shumon, Mart Hlgendorf, Jennifer WJson, Chris Duval, Carol Sherman, Lynn Richardson, John Alejandro. Third row: Laura Oois, Diana Yngsdahl, Sreve Deales, Melissa Glmon, Roberr Neer, Kely Morquez, Zoe Nouman, Sebasrion Rura, Dronwyn Dunlop, Paige Conover, Chris Levy, Kyle Miller, Manuel Rodriguez, Winona Wilson, Jason Gerber. Top row: Lauren Wfeon, Dana Griego, Sarah Joseph. Jason Nelson, Daniel Gehred, Pere Hanogan, Judson Kmkode, Heather Wolf, Joe Grearhouse, Parrick French, Joe Stonsky. Lucas Paz, Juliana Werner.

First row: Sunny Myers, Marie Sisneros, Drenr Daker. Meba Utoarri, Arlene Valdez. Kely Widensrem. Phodra Haywood. Second row: Robert Hoover. Chris Pocheco, Ernie Herrero. Third row: Lester Gsneros. Roy Monroyo. James Rofod, Mr Korshis. sponsor, James Mexla, David Soveronez, Reese McCafcrer, Mark Lorronoga Top row: Lyte Smth. Ted Srenzhorn. Jody Cosrio, Steve LeMay. Todd Mart


Q^q/mzc^s(<i First Row: Ashley Gross, Downya Compron, Moureen Fresquez, Michelean Vise, Sracy Gregory, Yoko Kosoko. Second Row: Jason Roberts, Anno DeLovoro, Ooy Ferro, Ken Qvisrenson, Maria Chovez, Adam Ferrary, Valerie Lerma, Cynthia Armsrrong, Chris Nordsrrum, Kim Eusron, Susan Perring, Rick Compron. Third Row Danny Pell. Andy Primm, Derek Durron, Sarah Thomas. Den Roberrs, Joe Grearhouse, Mart Krum, Paul Armsrrong, Doeniko Ltenrhd, Roberr Near, Casey Anderson, Charles Lopez, Greg Anaya, Hearher Wolf, Oork Ponrsler, sponsor. Top Row: Chris Monroyo, Veronica Monroya, Kelly Whirrleron, Racheal Herr, Melissa Wright, Chris Kelly, Koleb Coleman, Mariah Dennerre, Lee Lierz, John Sullivan.

Rrsr Row: Cindy Ramirez. Karie Young, Loino Reynolds, Down Noshon, Krisren Morgan, Modonno Serrano, Karie Heiss, Chrisrina Weinmeisrer, Tricio Sellers, Conresso Arogon. Second Row: Kenny Moesras, Ano Morekx, Chelsea Crenshaw, Short Morr, Chris Norrts, Elizabeth Veils, Krisren Curris, Missy Oenjamin, Jennifer Roberrs, Debbie Drennon, Stephanie OtockweU, Srephanle Marrinez. Third Row: Erica Kerchner, Brian Turner, Evelyn Casrilbno, Carmen Tellez, Kevin Washon, Craig Prevosr, Adam CosiHos, Joyce Gurule, Sreve Marquez, Koren Jenson, Camille Arogon, David Holgerson. Fourrh Row: Roland Villa, Noella Dorbee, Eric Morgan, Miguel Navrpr, Jennifer Trujillo, Lauren Powder, Felice Reynolds, Roberr Warren, Joel Spoonheim, Carmen Thompson, Kelly Trujillo, Cameron Hoighr, Korhleen Aguilar, Alfred Romero, Heather Anderson, Roberta Steworr, Gary Ponrcler, sponsor Top Row: FJeno Rongel, Tommy Miero, Elaine Pino, Erhan Polasky, Rico Dlmorzio, Neil Richardson, Orian Gilligon, Takis Sroilis, Larry Ebstein, Katie Yanda, Xovier Anderson, Laura Ooise.

Flrsr row: Alido Regan, Shannon Snrson, Corrle Roybol, Tracy Mares, Wendy Dickerson, Pamela Vigi, Jennifer , Gsneros. Angela Vigil, Leono Dimos, Moroa Ortiz. Second row: Tina Sanchez. Vangil Trujillo, Helen Monrono, Pom Tallanr, Monica Sfeneros, Bobbie Lucero, Eric Kuhn, Cossonoro Lopez, Karto Zamaro, Tracy Dtea. TNrd row: Jeanerte Otvas, Anthony Storey. Jenl Trujllo, Valerie Monroya, Ebon Hill, Roberr Guflen, Morcy Tellez, Gerald TrujiBo, Ooyron Wilson Top row-. Ken Moesteas, Dilly Sikes, DiUe Jo Maxwel, MoeUe Dorbee, Jeret Fleetwood, Philip Muniz, Abel Madrid. Michele Schoen-



Rrsr Row: Andreo Monrono, Julie Royboi. Georgio Vigil, Dllly Moore, Israel Houghron, Rick Mender, Drendo Iverson, Jodyn Reindorf,, Stephanie Worren, Dense Alvarez. Morgorer Arog6n, Second Row: Ann Marrinez, Mindy Moroles, Amy HoJIquisr, Kely Moore. Hoyly Soger, Tmo May, Morio Monrono, Angela Medina, Karrino Hiskey. Kirsren Harris. Dinah Sorrley. Top Row: Ms. Horms, sponsor, Wendy Wilson, Audrey Duron. Lea Coronach, Jessica Mopes, Jeonerre Monroya. Sonia Otvos, Dorene Medina, Yolondo Rivers. Alysso Woker, Sheila Carrier, Sherrie Sanchez.

Firsr Row: Korrlne Holen, Heorher Ddmy. Roberr Errmer, sponsor, Arnoud Huberr, Joonne Torres. Top Row: Srocey Gregory, Jennifer Onegto. Midielle Schoensrein, Morhew Krum.

Rrsr row: Debt Monrono. Undo King, Liza Anoyo. Decky Qumrono. Paulo Urbon. Emma Doco. Second row: Cetne Sena. LeeArm VigjL Trish VKJI. Mirhclt- Cunz. Parriad Morquez. Lonann Soncnez, Debbie Sanchez, Voter ie Momnez. Top row: Arm Pocheco. Tom Gardner. sponsor. Germain Chavez. Armerre Topto. Shirley Morv roya, Vadfip Marrinez, Jennifer Jenks, Terrel WBom son, Sreve Vigl.



Fronr row: Morr HSgendorf. Carl Morono, Jennifer Roybol. Knsnno Reagan, Jenno Repo. Melindo Deigodo, Vernon Doss Second row: Lori Mortlnez, Erico Kirchner, Jennifer Tomerich, Tonyo Moes, Shonnon Resales, Monica Noedel Third row: CBnr Bunker, Walrer Vteiro, Leo Marrhew Trujillo. Richard Romero. Aaron Drown, Neil Richardson. Top row: Jeff Guyer, Thomas Hudson, Beverly Friedman, sponsor, Oryan Madnnes.

First row.- Crisrine Romero, MicheOe Duron, Maria Montana Srephonie Meek. Second row: Parri Tallonr. Daniel Kurnir. Drendo Iverson, Derh Hancock, sponsor. Top row:' Cynrhia Martinez, Angela Orifiz, Paige Conover, Arnold Huberr, Sorony Young.

fhw rR^-^ffoncine Guillen;, Stocy MOiari Je^sjfea.'MOTroyo. Drion Dovfs, Yvefrefuillen, Darren Lopez. Jerome Morrlnez. Cori Agios, Second.f<iw: Drendo Lopez, Richard Cosrello, Tracy DIM, Rebecca Rodriguez, Gabriel Monroyo, DeCol Carbon. John Jone$,_TjTird'f0W: Lynerre Genrry, Debbie Orriz, Michelle' Ortiz. Jessico Aronda. Chenele Armijo, Ebon Hit, John1 Ounwoodv Top row: Orlando Doca. sponsor, Drendo Trujillo, Paul Vbarrogor, Michelle Tenorjcji1:/;


First Row: Yvene Peno, Rene Trujto, Zendo Pena. AngelQ Quinrono, Terrf Quinrono, Metorae Doco. Apryl Roybol, MoriJo Lopez, Trod Lopez, Dryon ShocWey. Heather Sherrick, Susan Doldonodo, Mcole Ooco. CeJne Miera, Julie Marquez. Second Row: Jm Edwards, John Pod, Adelo Gordo, Evonge Sandoval, Phyis Orriz, Melonie Gonzales, Donna Cde Ooco, Apr! Mendez. Susie Dunoway, Vickie Gonzales, Roberto Gnego Third Row: Pom Voldes, Sponsor, Dense Womock. Mary Roybol. Sreven Monrano, Anthony Lujon, Dryon Aire. Carlos Romero, Germome Choves, Dtno Gurerrez, Donno Vigil, Raymond Romero, Meteso McMin, Srocy Anderson, Victor Gonzales, Dion Lyons, Vernon DeAuguero, Colerre Uliborri, Anrhony Gonzales. Kety Voldez, Chris Norvoiz, Diane Guirerrez, Par Saiz, Kimberty Gonzoles. Louise Orriz, Jessie Kesler, Fobon Chovez. Sponsor. Top Row: Josephine Gonzoles, Koiene Rivera, Monico Soro, Shone MacDuffe, Chris Corlerre, Aberr Hayes, Robert TrujiUo, Leo Sokizar, Anronio Sondovoi, Gabriel Gordo, Gene Romero, D9 Henzie. Chuck LoDombord, Rosie TrujJIo, Michelle Lopez, Monko Romero, Carlos Quinrono, Marrhew Madrid, Lawrence Ortiz. Rick Cosrillono, Gilbert Lujan.

Fry row: AAichele Hemsing, Cossi Vondersys, Debbie Monrano, Mario Zomoro, Valerie Galegos, Jeonnerre Roybol Second row: Jeonerre Garcia, Metony Danielson, Mary Kelry, sponsor, Gabriel Monroya. Amy Womock.

Flrsr Row-. Ooudine Martinez, Luoo Gordo. Yverre Guillen, Micheie Romero, Debbie Romero. Diy Moore. Nora Lovaro, sponsor, Marrhew E. Monroyo. Jeonnerre Monroya. Donerre Romero, Janalyn Soger, Lynerre Gurule. Second Row: Tommy Martinez. Donna Moretos. Eieen Jimenez, Oerna Lujon, Paula Noranjo, Judi Garduno, Jeonrte Seno, Yverre Trujlo. Dense PodiUo, Gwendo Dernal, Janice Flores. Third Row: Heorher Masters, Lorenzo Martinez, Pat Archuleta. Annette Lopez, Eric Vance, Dom Koroneos. Drion Pearson, Gerddne Endmas, Adelo Sdgodo, Donald Martinez. Top Row Kyle Henson, Fetsho Anderson, Jay Gsriz, Zone Rea, Marco Segura. Any Martinez, M*w Zuniga. Eric Morrmez. Darbara Lopez.

Firsr Row: Jennifer Reed, Cean Coffee. Second Row: Ms. McEvUy, sponsor, Rachel Herr, Alono Giromer, Debbie Dodge, Heorher Dolmy. Top Row: Joanne Torres, Arnoud Huberr, Beno Tongmon, P a n Tollonr, Sherrl Moyer

Firsr row; GAPP I (summer of '86) John Sullivon, Amy HoOquisr, Krisrln Honsen, Srocey Gregory, Sracy Mler, Nei Miller, Manuel Krous, Daniel AAuhoKand Second row; GAPP II (summer of '87) Rachel Hess, Ashley Gross, Ann Rqjos, April Morris, Russell Dickerson, Daniel Gehred, Joson Nelsen, Justin MiHer, Caleb Kulman, JiB Miller, (missing- Mark Frueh). Third row,- GAPP II (summer of '88) D'Arrognon Delink, Robert Neer, Chris Nordsrrum, Amy Gerchell, Down Hoffman, Audro Luckie, Cameron Hoighr, David Honno, Laura Moffirr. Top row; GAPP ID continued (summer of '88) German Teacher Allan Peorson, Darcy Crenshaw, Judirh Hands, Marrha Cookson, Robert Fellows. Kyle Miller, Par Oris coe, George Raymond, (missing' Dovid Porrerson, Shannon Culberrson, Rebecca Rirrmonn, Torn! Johnson)

Frst row: Oub Reporter Russel OKkerson. Treasurer Kyle AAler. Secretary Stacy Gregory, Preskfenr John Sufeon. Vee-presidenr Pot Dnscoe Second row. Ten Daeienende. Heather DaVny. Louro Moffln. Nm Del. AAjchele Torpley, Jeff Vechsler. Dovid Honno, Down Carrara. Ashley Gross. Jl AAler, Stocy Mler. Wfany Gregory. Stephen Sot. Ovtsme Wenmester Trwd row Down Hoffman. Ann Rajas. Ovs Nordstrom. Aprl Atoms. Amy Getdiel. Robert Neer, Kane Young. Rochel Hess, Darcy Crenshow. Erin Chambers. Tom Johnson, Casey Anderson, Debbie Drermon Fourth raw Daniel Rerponr, Lee Uerz Morhew Krum, AAndy AAocCarrer. Dena Oyars, Caleb Kulmon, JuaWi Hands. Audro Ludve. Rebecca Rttmonn, Mart Wgen dorf. Justin AAler Fifth row Louro Doles. Sebastian Ruto, Krisrln Honsen, D'Arrognon Oatnk. Steven Somgerorh. Nehotas Spencer, Oryan Johnson, Comeron Hoighr. Robert Cortew. Robert Fetows. Joel Spoonheim Sooh row George Raymond, Dovid Porrerson, Stephen Tubbs. Daniel AAuthotond. Andrew Pnmm. Atorrho Cootaon, John Stephenson. Take Srofe. Robert Hansen, Joseph Greothouse Top row Dome) Gehred. Tommy Ttyjto, Net AAier. Ted Srenzhom, Jason Nelson. Atanuel Krous. Tom Hudson. Adam Wirse AAssng from photo Jenrrfer Dotes. Heid Garble. AAles Cobon. Catherine Gotten*, Shonnon Cubcrrson. Ovs Derma. Ondgette Eshelmon. AAork Ftueh. AAetsso Glmon, Gertndo HocHer, Den Hone*. Robert Hone*. Leon Lyons, Tres Atonrono. AAork Penmgron. AAetsso nod. Donna Serno. Dovyd Stone. John VaWez. Dovrf Wyle

French Qob. GAPP. Germon Club


Firsr Row: Jason Fresques, Trenr McCafcon. Jessica Monroya, Audrey Duron, Morio Monrono. Michela Groniro, Gerok) Vigil. Second Row: Orion Davis, Greg Shorr, Perer HosenfekJ, Daniel Gehred, Anrhony Sandoval, Leonord Voldez, readier Mrs. Moroo Wdrarh Third rVow: Jomol Voldez-Allen, D'Arrognon Duink, Deverty Mendoca, Audrey Mendoca, Lorerro Garcia. John Morrinez, Greg Whire, Frank Romero Top Row Lisa Lujon, Robert Moscoenos, Rubel Tafoyo, Kenny Anayo, Jason Romero, Arlan Morrinez.

First row: Yoko Kosaka, Srocey Gregory. Lynn Richardson, Paul Armstrong. Second row: Adam CasiBos, Heather Wolf, Ashley Gross, Lisa Knowles, J9 Miller. Chris Nordsrrum, Cynthia Armstrong, Dawnya Compton, Alona Giromer, Rachel Herr. Third row: Priallo Rouse, sponsor, Eric Diderman, Andy Primm, Radiel Hess, Kristin Hansen, Michelle Ferran,tooFukuda, Sracy Miller, Ann Rojas, Carolyn Ingram, Susan Petring, Ana Moretos. Top row: Soroh Joseph. Chris Levy, Manuel Rodriguez, John Alejandro. Tommy Miera, Ted Srenzhorn, Sebastian Ruto, Chris Retnerr, Lee Uerz, Mike Monroya, Zock Shondler

Rrsr Row: Adorn Ferrary, Greg Smith, Paul Armstrong, Hotz Levy, John Alejandro Second Row: Debbie Dodge. Downyo Compton, Anne Yesley. Cynthio Armstrong, Tommy Miero, Ted Srenzhorn. Third Row: Michele Tenorio. Midtele Jaromlo. Alano Otomer, Cynthia Morrinez, Holy Tolenr, Jennifer Red. Michele Ferran, Paige Conover, MeSnda Deigodo. Jason Roberts Top Row Heather Dolmy, Pony Talent, Justin ZtorrKk. Sherri Mayer, Annie Rojas, Dorty Londeu, John Freedman.


Guitar,Itonor Society. Key Club

Firsr row: Arnoud Hubert, Alono Qromer, Anne Yesley, Rochel Herr Top row: Poige Conover, Chrisry Troxler, Jessico Heming, Debbie Dodge, Dovid Honno. Soroh Way.

Mr. Ernie Gonzales, sponsor, Lisa Roberts, Mel Ortiz, Mario Gonzoles, Annerre Vtalpando, Jennifer Gonzales, Phd Guerrero, Joey Jlron, ond Mr. Paul Trujillo, sponsor.

Fry Row: Eric Didermon, Andy Primm, Zock ShonoTer, Jason Neben, Ms Donna Ringer, sponsor Second Row Jeff Wechsler, Eric FoUngsrod. Ji Mler, M/Hrney Oocon Top Row: Ooyron Wfcon, Sieve Sonrgerorh, Chris Levy, John Alejandro, Justin Ztornfck, Tom Hudson.

Literary Magazine Club. Moriochi Dond, Model Legislature


BAND MEMBERS WORK HARD! Above left; Students show what they have learned throughout the year to a large audience. DIRECTOR SHOWS HE CARES! Above,- "You mean you at can't play this thing?" DRUM MAJOR STANDS TALL! For left; htcole Casrekmo, Drum Major, leads the band. STUDENT LISTENS! Left; Neil Richardson watts for the down beat. DAND STRUTS THEIR STUFF! Oelow; Band students perform offlcut manuevers for football game audience's half-time show.



VARSITY CHEERLEADERS or their best-, (left to right): Lisa Pomero. Theresa Martinez. Jonolyn Soger. Angela Monroya and Dedty ftoybol.

KEEPING WE CROWS ALIV Varsity Cheerleaders Maintain High Enthusiasm


he six girls on rhe vorsiry cheerleoding squod ore rhe chompions of cheerleoding because rhey keep rhe enrhusiosm high wirh rheir rousing cheers. In order ro become o vorsiry cheerleader each girl musr excel in confidence, appearance, voice control, jumping ond rhe ability ro make up and perform routines. Once rhey made rhe squad, pracrice is rhe key ro perfecrion. During school, procrice was held four days a week, 3:30 ro 5:00. Summer practices were also held every morning or 6:30 and somerimes in rhe afremoon. As well os procrices ond games, anorher obligorion of rhe vorsiry


cheerleaders was ro raise money for our of rown rrips. During rhe Chrisrmos season rhey worked as Sanra's helpers or Villa Linda Mall bringing smiles ro rhe faces of young and old alike. They hove also sold Demon rarros and parriopared in orher acriviries or rhe mall. One of rhe main jobs of rhe cheerleaders was ro relare rheir cheering ro rhe ocrions of rhe gome. Ir was imporronr ro choose cheers carefully, and ir was helpful for rhe cheerleaders ro undersrand rhe gome-rules and be able ro follow rhe plays. The varsiry squad mode sure ro rake every iniriarive ro ensure rop-qualiry cheering.

When asked abour rhe mosr rewarding aspecr of cheerleoding, Becky Roybal, a member of rhe varsiry squad said, "For me, rhe mosr rewarding aspecr is cheering rhe Demons ro vicrories ond feeling rhe sadness when there is a loss. I've mer many people, and rhese memories will always sray wirh me." The varsiry squod cheered ar nearly every rype of sporring evenr offered ar SFHS. Among rhese were foorboll, basketball (girls and boys), volleyball, cross counrry and baseball. A true sign of good cheering was ro keep in high spirirs or al rimes. Every member of rhe

squad realized how imporronr ir was ro pur their personal life behind rhem when cheering ar a game. No marrer how difficult ir may have been, rhey rried ro never ler rhe specrarors know if i somerhing was borhering rhem. The vivacity, vigor and spirir of \ rhe varsiry cheerleoding squod is exdring and impressing. They have done a grear job in supporting rhe Demons and will hopefuly do rhe same for years ro come! The 1987/88 varsiry cheerleaders were: Theresa Martinez,] Decky Roybal, Lisa Romero, Jonolyn Soger, Neno Martinez, Angela Monroya and Aundreo Leybo. •6REGOR WELLS

V Doss

SPREADING THE CHEER. Detow, Wendy Dickerson, Jenni Stark, Kelli Lucero and Nicole LaFeb cheering the Demons to victory. SMUNG DROADLY: rtcole LoFebre middle, and Kelly Lucero pose for the camera.

Freshmen Cheerleaders


edication, enthusiasm and spirir. These rhree words mosr accurarely describe this years freshman cheerleoding squod. As an imporranr parr of rhis school's sparing system, rhese six girls helped ro cheer rhe Demons ro victory and promote school spirir. Freshman cheerleaders are kept busy all year, with freshman football, basketball, wrestling, and sophomore basketball games to cheer at. They practice four days a week, and devote much of their spare rime to other cheerleoding activities. So far this year, they hove had activities at the Villa Linda Mall, cheeted at the AIRCOA

hotel managers convention, and sold Demon tattoos. Freshman cheerleaders gained respecr, loyalty and admiration from their fans. Their energy and support on the sidelines help the Demons to play better, and the fans to cheer louder. Freshman cheerleaders make up many of their cheers themselves. They must moke each cheer fun, easy ro soy, and easy to understand, as well as set them into motion consistent to the style of the cheer. Whatever it takes to become qualify cheerleaders, rhe freshman squad certainly has it! •GREGOR



FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS STACK UP FOR THE DIG CHEER. Top ro borrom, Dernodette Romero, Jenni Stork. Kety Lucero, Wendy Dickerson, Katie Hess and Ncole LoFebre.

WORKNG TOWARDS THE PERFORMANCE top-. Net Richardson. Krsten Harris, and Donne Medina add the finishing touches to o song before the public performance PRAGKI T l i PERFECTION middle left: Students h choir doss develop their sight reading skills whle sngmg SINGING THE OLUES! middleright:Multitalented Israel Houghton belts out o song for everyone to hear.

ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER SONG Above Rehearsal 6 a major factor in how smoothly o perterwiune wt run, thereto* everyday e spent weefy n char doss



CLOSE UP MEMBERS. With the Copirol Building in the background Marhew Krum, Srace Gregory. Katie Young, Tom Hudson, Robert Errmer, Michelle Schoensrein, Sara Singh Steven Sonrgerarh pose for pictures. Sirring are Joanne Torres, Zachary Shondler, and K Holen.

Learning A Lesson


he Close-Up trip ro Washingron, D.C. rook place in February during Educarional Week. Srudenrs parraking in rhis nip were readier Roberr Errmer, Sracey Gregory, Karrine Holen, Thomas Hudson, Marhew Krum, Michelle Schoensrein, Zachary Shondler, Sara Singhos, Sreven Sonrgerarh, Joanne Torres, and Karhrine Young. The week commenced with a rour of Woshingron, D.C, which induded rhe Whire House, rhe Jefferson Memorial, rhe Copirol Duilding, rhe Iwo Jima Memorial, ere. Subsequenr ro rhe rour, parriapanrs mer wirh professionals in rhe field of economics for seminars rhar permirred srudenrs ro ask questions. On Capirol Hill Day parridpanrs were able ro worch rhe Senare and House of Represenrarives in session, os well as, meer and speak wirh rhe Represenrarives of their srare. Parridpanrs from N.M. mer and spoke wirh Senarors Pere Dominid and Jeff Dingaman, and Represenrarive Dill Richardson.

Friday was o free day and srudenrs were allowed ro travel rhroughour D.C. Some of rhe places were rhe F.D.I. Headquarrers, Georgerown and Georgerown University, National Air and Space Museum, rhe Old Posr Office, rhe Smirhsonian, rhe Woshingron Memorial, and rhe Agarha Crisrie play, "Ten Lirrle Indians". The week concluded wirh a banquer, a ralenr show and larer a dance. Close-Up would like ro rhonk their sponsors for wirhour rheir supporr rhe rrip could nor have happened: The American Fire and £ Burglar Alarm, Davis & Assoc., Gar-* denswarrz Sporrz, L & P Supply Co., Mounrain Dell, rhe New Mexican, R & R Pharmacy, Margarer Sims, Mr. James Snead, Sunwesr Dank, Unired New Mexico Dank, Sanra Fe X-ray Lob, Wilson Moving and Sroroge, Sangre de Crisro Water Co., Drewer Oil, Lincoln Mercury and Toyoro, and Sanro Fe Rorary. •TIFFANY SHUMAN

NATIONAL LBRARY. Top, rhe Library of Congress is rhe setting for Joanne Torres, Michele Schoensrein, and Sara Singhos. back row. Center row.-Katie Young. Karrtno Holen, Sreven 5 Sonrgerarh, andMathew Krum. Front tow: Srocey Gregory, Robert Errmer, Tom Hudson, <n and Zachary Sharx/er. FORMAL DINNER Posing before dinner ore Marhew Krum, Tom Hudson, Steven Sonrgerarh, and Zachary Shondler back row. Front row: Katrine Holen, USTEMNG TO AGENDA. Center, Joanne Torres, Karrine Holen, Sara Singhos, Katie Young Kotie Young, Srocey Gregory, Robert Ertmer, Joanne Torres, Michelle Schoensrein,Michele and Schoensrein bten ro plans for rhe day In Woshingron. LINCOLN MEMORIAL "h (/* Sara Singhos temple os in rhe hearts ofthe Peopleforwhom he savedthe Lhion, rhe memory ofAbraham Lincoln is enshrived forever." An impressive sight for Close-up srudenrs who visited Washin DC



SKI CLUB OFFICERS. Todd Mm, treasurer: CedErvh, president; TedStenzhom, and Xstine Hebron, seaetary are enthusiastic about skiing.

Ski Club



ki dub is a new dub rhor began lasr year. This year, ski dub is more of a "foundarion for nexr year", srared Ced Ervin rhe presidenr of rhe dub rhis year. The sponsors are Mr. Phil Karshis and Ms. Donna Ringer. This year 55 people joined. They wanred ro rake a rrip ro jj Crested Durre, bur while in rhe process of planning, liability problems obsrrucred rhe rrip and rhey were

•<(. SKI POWDER. Senior Todd Matt Whizzes by!


M COSTUME DAY. Easter Dunny Skis too!

unable ro rake any orher trips for rhe enrire year. Hopefully, rhey will be able ro overcome rhese complicarions and rake nips nexr year. Insread of ski rrips, rhey had a friro pie sale ar lunch and a car wash during a weekend. The money rhey made wenr inro rheir accounr for nexr years dub. •TIFFANY



• ^ PRACTICING OLYMPIC FORM, haang down the slopes.

htistorion Cindy Seguero.

VICA Drafting his year's VICA drafting par- present ar rhe Vocarional Educaria'panrs were busy attending rion Governor's Legislarive Breakcontests, conferences and helping fasr. Nexr rhey compered in rhe rhe community. New Mexico Skill Olympics on April A few of rhe rhings rhey have 8rh and 9rh. Coming up on June <5 raken parr in have been rhe Lead- 24rh rhrough rhe 29rh rhey will be £ ership Conference in Albuquerque in rhe Narional Skill Olympics in | which was held in September on Wichita, Kansas. For rhe lasr elevrhe 18rh and 19th. For Thanksgiv- en years rhey have been in rhe ing and Chrisrmas rhey helped rop 5 in rhe nation. needy families. They were also •TIFFANY SHUMAN



VICA AWARDS. Left, trophies and medals won or state copitots NTIATNG ACTMTES. President of VICA Phyts Ortiz.

VICA LEADERS. Adekt Garoo and Dion Cosae pose in




Expanding Wirh Knowledge


he Disrrubirive Education Gubs of America (DECA) is o cocurricutar dub or rhe VocortonolTechnicol School. In DECA, many srudenrs learn skills such as running a business, and markering. Each year disrria ond srore comperirions ore held ro resr rhe skills of each individual. Dorh of rhese comperirions were held in Albuquerque, New Mexico. DECA is sponsored by Mr. Tom Gardner, who also reaches rhe dosses rhar ore required for DECA members. These dosses are Markering I, Markering II, and Fashion

Merchandising. The seven officers, who ore aB seniors, work rogerher in running rhe meetings ond special events. The officers ore: Sophia Ulibarri, President; Mono Quinrana, VicePreskjenr; LeeAnn Vigil, Treasurer; Michelle Corix, Seaerory; Debi Monrono, Hisrorion; Donna Vigfl, Porfiamenrarion; ond Vadra Martinez, Reporter. The DECA dub also runs rhe small food srore or school which gives rhem rhe chance ro work wirh orher srudenrs ond improve rheir skills. - REBECCA GEORGE

OFFICERS LINE UP (Detow) First now: LeeAnn Vtgi, Vadra Lopez, Donno VTgl, Top flow: i, Debi Monrono. These young kxtes do their ÂŁ Mkhele Coriz. Sophia UWberri, Mono GMnrono. best to represent DECA everyday.

TIME TO LEARN. (left)DECA S sponsor. Mr Gardner ondstudent sit together ro exchange Idea ond thoughts for the flyer hondedout to ol Technical Ugh School students to complete. DEVELOPNG LEADERS (Above) DECA members ond officers gather around rodbcuss the nex year's ream. Eodi ofthe students, as welas Mr. Gardner, take rime ro give information ond to hep out their fetow members In becoming the best leaders they con posstly be.



his year was a rransirional year for rhe Demon Tarler. Ir was rhe lasr year rhar rhe Tarler had rhe disrincrion of being rhe only public high school newspaper in Sanra Fe. With rhe opening of rhe new "orher" public high school nexr year, rhe Tarler will have a compering school paper. Capiral High School will rake away a lor of srudenrs, bur ir will also make Sanra Fe High a more personal school. Hence, ir will be easier for rhe Tarler sraff ro reporr on more people and evenrs. When rhe Hazelwood Decision concerning censorship of high school publicarions went rhrough rhe U.S. Supreme Courr, ir seemed like ir was going ro severely cramp rhe sryle of rhe edirors. Dur as AAs. Deverly Friedman, journalism

reacher, pur ir, "Ir hasn'r changed anyrhing here." As long as a srory didn'r use profoniry, slander anyone, or was wrirren in poor rosre ir was run in rhe paper. The Tarler managed ro cover such conrroversial ropics as scamming, parrying, and AIDS while srill sraying in rhe boundaries of decency. Once again, as usual, rhe Demon Tarler has delivered a yearful of hardcore journalisric efforrs, while ar rhe same rime conforming ro rhe guidelines of proper newspaper eriquerre. Only rime will rell if rhis year was rhe end of an era rhar had a plerhora of ralenr and creariviry or rhe beginning (or conrinuing) of rhe level of excellence rhar is synonymous wirh rhe Demon Tarler. - TODD STEWART

DEMON TATLER EDITORS: Front: Mart HBgendorf and Carl Morano Second row-. Krisrina Regan Third Row: Jennifer Roybal and Met'ndo Delgado Top row: Vernon Doss and Jenna Repo

JUGGUNG ORANGES' Middle left: Or/an Modrmes juggles oranges ar rhe Journalism Christmas breakfast OREAKFAST ANYONE? Dorrom left: Jennifer Roybal cooks up a hearty breakfast whle Walter Viero looks on. DARKROOM EXPERT Above Vernon Doss develops another porennoly award wrmhg photo ALL WORK AND NO PLAY? Middle Knsma Regan smies for a shot whle Lai Martinez works busty an her deooYie. TAH DAHIII Lefr The Demon Toiler staff gamers together for a group shot.




he FFA is o National Yourh Organization of srudenrs enrolled in Horriculrure Science. The FFA is an inregrol port of rhe curriculum of Agriculture/Agribusiness deparrmenrs in rhe public schools. Through rhe FFA, srudenrs obtain leadership skills such os: public speaking, parliamentary procedure, and responsibiliry. Wirh rhese skills and hands on experience of working in o horriculrure relared job, srudenrs ore able ro prepare for a career. The advanced dosses ore college prepararory, and many field rrips are offered ro reach a wide srudenr inreresr such os rours, ski rrips, sodals, and judging competitions. The FFA encourages srudenrs ro ger involved wirh school activities, helping other dubs and

assodarions ro berrer rhemselves in gerring along wirh orhers. Ir also allows srudenrs ro rake parr in projeers ro berrer our community. Each chapter develops on annual program of activities. Chapter activities are designed ro give every member o chance for meaningful participation. Every member N carries our a Supervised Occupo-J rional Experience program a s " preparation for an agriculrurol career. They work hard, bur rhey also play hard, as recreation is also a parr of each year's program activities. Fund raisers are also induded in FFA. One of rhe fund raisers was rhe cirrus fruir sale and rhe selling of carnations ond roses ar rheir planr sale. -MICHAELA GRANITO & TIFFANY SHUMAN

Top for right: FFA OFFICERS 1987-88. Lefr ro right: Sentinel-Suzanne Sandoval, ReporrerOrenda Rodriguez, Treasurer-Michelle Armjo, Seaerary-Oryan ShoWey, Vice-Presidenr-Kely VoJdez, Presidenr-Josephine Gonzales Cenrer for left: rtorricurrure contest wirh schools from New Mexico ond Southern Texas in B Paso, Texas Oorrom: F A NATIONAL CONVENTION. Students compere in rhe Nursery/landscape Contest and placed a strong second. Left ro Si right: Mike Oroker, Moureen Nfchok, Lyle Cordle, Michelle Coriz, Johnny Hernandez, 9 Andrew VJlioms, ond Fabian Chavez. .


F A VICTORS CELEBRATE. Top L Fr row Drendo Rodriguez, Josephine GonzoJes, Adelo Gordo, Michelle Coriz, Jomno Gonzales. Ok row Suzanne Sandoval, Andy Wiioms, John Hernandez, Bryan ShocMey, Phyllis Ortiz, Rich CosreDono, Carlos Quinrana, Paul Sandoval, Vernon DeAugero, Lawrence Sisneros. F A CHAPTER/STATE FARMERS. Top R: Fr row Anthony Martinez, Carlos Quinrana, John Hernandez, Vernon DeAugero, Rick Casrelano. Ok row Michelle Lopez, Michelle Armjo, Orenda Rodriguez, Kelly VoJdez, Leslie Votdez, Josephine Gonzales, Suzanne Sandoval, Orenda Denavidez. F A GREENHAND MEMBERS. Cenrer L Fr row Eddie Martinez, Vickie Porker, Jennifer Jenks, Roy Romero, Jennifer Lujan, Etoy Roybd, Phyllis Ortiz, Vick Gonzales, John Pool. Ok row Laurence Ortiz, Germojne Chavez, Tom Cardenas, Carlos Romero, Ann Pocheco, Colette Ubbarri, Adelo Gordo, Kim Gonzales, Evonge Sondovd. F A NATIONAL CONVENTION Lower: Doug Duller, Drendo Rodriguez, Michelle Armjo, Suzanne Sandoval. Paul Sandoval.




he purpose of FHA is ro promore leodership, ro reoch rrades and ro give o berrer understanding of the family. Students at the high school join FHA and work on life situations such as acting out problems like alcoholism and drug abuse. This all leads ro school year activities which were Cluster Meetings in Denver where students from all of the 50 stares get together and

participate in workshops involving money managemenr, suicide prevention and more. Other acriviries were the district meetings in Taos and the State Leodership Meeting in Gloriera where new state officers were pur inro office. Overall FHA proved ro be a very rewarding experience rhar will help students in their furure lives. - ROBERT WARREN

SMILE! Above fight: The orb h the FHA show off rheir map of New Mexico. HELLO? Right: Motto Zamoto folks to Debbie Montano dating o dub meeting.


his organization is ser up ro prepare sfudenrs in any career in hospitality. Things rhar the students work on in doss ore food service, lodging, travel, recreation and entertainmentThe young men and women who join this doss do lean hospiraliry rrades, but they are olso required ro have a job after school. This is where the students not only work for their own money, bur for a partial grade in rheir dass. The grade comes from the amounr of hours worked and how •well the job is performed. One such activity that the students

were involved in was rhe Hospiraliry Trade Show in Albuquerque rhar was sponsored by rhe New Mexico Resrauranr and Hotel/Motel Assodation. Students around rhe srare compere in the area of Culinary Arrs rhor indudes appetizers, baked goods, artistic decoration ond more. When sponsor Mrs. Nora Lovaro was asked if the students still worked in these areas after graduation, she said, "I do a follow up reporr on rhe students every year, and I still find out that 85% are working in hospiroJify careers." - ROBERT WARREN CLASS OFFICERS Detow-. Frst row. Tommy Martinez, Lydto Ooroo, Judy Gotduno. Second tow. Eleen Jmenez. Third row. Donald Martinez. Jonotyn Soger. Gerakfne Encrvos Fourth law. Lorenzo Martinez. Kyle Hereon, Mtcheie Romero.


he music of o Moriochi bond is like no other. Ir has o unique sound rhor comes from rrodirionol insrrumenrs and dossic songs broughr ro life by srudenrs who orrend Sonro Fe Tech and ore enrolled in Mr. Ernie Gonzales' doss. These srudenrs work very hard or ploying rheir insrrumenrs. They hove performed or several functions rhis year such as rhe Sanro Fe Communiry College, rhe Sanra Fe Resro, and ar privare, a'vic, and

school functions. Besides learning how ro play rhe music, rhe srudenrs learn six differenr styles. Mr. Gonzales believes rhar rhe Sonsip sryle is rhe hardesr because ir gives rhe srudenr a challenge, while rhe Ranchero is the easiesr ro ploy. So how do you become qualified ro join rhe Mariachi Dana? Ir's simple, you jusr hove ro have rhe desire ro plov rhe mariachi music. -


CASUAL PLAY. Left: Joey Grion demonstrates the techniques of playing rhe guitar HAN) WORK. Left Middle. Annette Violpondo shows off her talent. WATCH OUT! Dottom left: Mel Ortiz and Randal Roel our pby the doss. STUDYING PAYS OFF. Dottom right. Phi Guerrero works on his music ARRIOA! Detow. The Mariachi Bond ploys for the Santa Fe Resro.



Le club fanrasrique


he French Oub is on outstanding dub rhor gives rhe srudenrs rhe chance ro spend rime rogerher borh on and off campus. The members porricipare in many acriviries. Some of rhe mosr memorable acriviries rhor broughr abour borh enrerrainmenT and laughrer were rhe Fall picnic or Hyde Park, and rhe weekend m Gloriera. Friendship and respecr for rhe French customs and for each other grew in parricipofing in rhese evenrs. The French Oub needs rime and cooperation ro succeed in rheir fundraising.The French program consists of dedicated students working rogerher year after

year ro mainrain a grear atmosphere and a grear organization. They have many rraditional acriviries such as rhe Chrisrmas party and caroling. The after school trips to o pastry shop and an end of rhe year banquer are cusromary evenrs for rhe French Club. A common answer ro why rhey joined rhe French Club Ts rhar rhe exposure ro borh a new culture, and rhe companionship you experience wirh rhe group as a whole. The French Oub has srrived ro become more than a simple "dub". Their goals are aimed high for unity•MIA BACA AND YODEL CATANCH

THE WARMTH OF RELAXATION. Ann Rqjas at right, enjoys the French dub presidency, whle relaxing wirh a book. At for righr. Heather Ingram, Beenftqjos.Dalron Ross, Kyle Miller, and Aaron Davis lean on each orher, exhousred, at the annual 60's dance.

SOPHISTICATED GLANCES. Pictured from lefr THE 60S ARE DACK. At forright.Knsm to right. Do Ktne, Aprl Fox, and Mis. Judy 'toward, Jennifer Reed. Arnoud Hubert. Ooorh, Frerxh readier, pose before the mdBena Tangman enjoy the company of Mends or the 60's dance. camera as they wat for rher meal.



THE ULTIMATE DANQUET. Taking rime off to as the cameras pop our to capture each relax, rhe French Oub begins their banquer enduring momenr rhe French Oub experor Chez Edouord. The exdremenr mounts iences.

CREPES N THE MANNG. To rhe left: The exaremenr of baking s eryoyed by Perer Hamogh. Jem Scorbough. and Mercedes Chavez. Dreaty below Peaceful picture indeed Front row: Akmo Gromer, Beno Tongmon. Amoud Hubert. Heorher Datnay. Mkkterow Michete IXodnguez, Chns Lorranogo. Amy Dove. Wony Kiel. Debbe Dodge. KyteMJer Top row: Marie Chavez, Pom Tatonr. AmRojas. ShemeMoyer. AoronDovs. Caen Coffee. Pobn Sanger. Sotyn Mueler. Shoknge Mena, Jennifer IXeed. Heorher Ingram

PEACEFUL TOAES TO REMEMBER Dreaty above Heorher hgram. Adam Ferrom. Shem Mover. Ann nojas. and Eleen Rojas love the wormrh of rhe sun or Hyde Pork The compononshp of fnends 6 atwoys a

FREND5HP GROWS Cenrer left Arm Yesfy and Alano Qromer have great times together or Chez Edouord Warm rekmonshp 6 growing Ann and Akmo wi afwoys remember these nmes

cheerful moment



CHRISTMAS PARTY SPWT. Top left; Sherri Mayer. Ann IKojos. Eileen IKojos. Arnaud Hubert. Srefen V/osserman, Jesse Klemmer. Undo Whehn, Ceon Coffee, Debbie Dodge, and Rachel Herr sir around rhe table. FRENCH CLUO DANQUET. Top Righr,Jenny Reed. FrerKh Club Treasurer, says, "being In rhe Frerxh Oub was an experience ro remember!" REFLECTION. Above; ftcole Cunts. Jem Sandoval, Zone Ray, Ann Rajas. Sytvie Woffeheorr, and Todd Stewon surround rhe roble or rhe Swiss Pokxe Oakery. BRIGHT SUNSHINE SM1ES. Middle right; Lake Srrongheon admires someone from afar whle Sotyn Mueier finds a companion from Toos or rhe French Oub weekend. RELAXATION Righr; Eteen Rojas, Sherri Mayer, and Ann Rajas munch on chips as rhey sir book and warch the others. Sherri says, "French Oub Is more than simply a dub, i is a place ro experience and feel the true Frerxh customs and oJnjresll"

CHRISTMAS CAROUNG Above, Stefen Wassermon, Arnaud Huberr, Undo Vhelon, Sherie Moyer, Eleen Rojas, and Annie IKqjos enjoy the compony of friends as they moke use of their voices, harmonizing to "Stent Mghr". CHEERFUL TIMES Forright,Cynthia SKomtez and Gna Caronech share their summer experiences and joke about their upcomingyeor The rol iced tea's ore sipped with defberarion as rhey think of the summer's warm weather. THE POSE, mghr, Susan Srenrus. Lisa Knowles. Debbie Gordo, and Stacy Coleman enjoy time In French doss room, taking a bit of time to shine for the camera.


German-American Partnership Program Doyreuth, West Germany & Santa Fe, New Mexico Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum & Santa Fe High School Hans Karpinski & Allan Pearson

PARTNERS: Danny Gehred and Thomas Viewegh pose in Doyreuth.


he German-American Partnership Program has been in existence since 1972. Ir is adminisrered by Goerhe House of New York and is parrially funded by born rhe German and American governments. Over 600 partnerships exisr between German and American high schools. In 1986, Santa Fe High School become the first school in rhe entire state of New Mexico to enter into such o parrnership. Shortly thereafter, three other New Mexican high schools followed suit. Our partnership wirh Gymnasium Oitisrian-Ernesrinum in Doyreuth, West Germany is currently In preparation for its third exchange wirh rhe visit of 18 German students from March 25 ro April 20,1988 and rhe rerurn visit of 19 SFHS students from June 4 ro July 3,1988. These pages documenr rhe second exchange

visir of 17 SFHS srudenrs ro Doyreuth during rhe summet of 1987. "Gappies" host their parrners in rheir respecrive families and visir each others schools for four weeks. They share each orher's doily lives and parria'pore in a school sysrem very differenr from rheir own. During rhe month-long exchange, parridpants ofren form lifelong friendships. At SFHS, for example, GCE student Manuel Kraus has returned offer his initial exchange to spend a full academic year wirh his partner Neil Miller. American srudenrs parria'paring in GAPP musr demonsrrare o sincere interest in learning rhe German language and have ar leasr one year of German srudy behind rhem. While in Germany, rheir responsibility is ro orrend classes and all planned acriviries. •MANUEL KRAUS

FTUENDS, FOREVER Gobi Groener and Anne IKojas hod one of the best porrnershps in ths year's exchange.



DEMONSTRATNG GOOD PARTNERSHIP: "V/asrf" Wuendisch and Justin Miter give us o smle.

THESPMT Of GAPP Caleb Kuknon. HeidiLoutner. UtHorrung, Morion Gebhordr, andShem Oorges demonstrate international understanding.


Promotes Internotionol Understanding

FGHTNG FEARS. Arm Rojos nervously dunhes o stuffed animal whle womng ro donore blood.

DONT FUNCH! Stocey Gregory looks away as o technician from United Oood Services pride her arm ro draw blood.

HELPFUL REMHXRS (above left) A butetmboard on campus deploys a posrer temrxlng students ro donore blood- NO PROOLEAA. (above nghr) Ted Stem homjokes with friends whle wooing for his blood robe drown SHOW "EM THE ROPES. DeVatgos Junior Hgh School students look on as Maureen Ftesquez explons some school rules LUNOfTIME MEETNG (above) Honor Society ttens to Preda Rouse, sponsor of 1*6. discuss the week's acnvnes



RELAXING: Paul Armstrong, Mark Frueh, Wendy Wfeon and Sorp HU relax after a game of bounry hunter or the annual Key Club Picnic.

With A Productive Year


he Sanra Fe High Key Gub starred rhe year with five new officers, Presidenr Chris Levy, Vice-Presidenr Adam Ferrary, Secrerary Paul Armstrong, Treasurer Greg Smith and John Alejandro Sergeanr of Arms. The dub's purpose is to provide community services through Sanra Fe High Key Qubbers. The major service project that the Key Qub attends is the stuffing of Zozobra. The fiesro celebration is rhe best time for rhe dub. The stuffing and annual Hor Dog stand is set up on Forr Marcy Field. The Qub usually earns $1000 during fiesta. The fall season is the rime for

rhe Key Club picnic and is usually a big hit. For rhe first rime this year rhe Key Club had a Cor Dash after school. The chance to" release frustrations and school pressures with a sledge hammer on an old car is a true winner among students. The club earns irs service hours so Key Club Convenrion can be represenred by Sanra Fe High School. The main objective of convention is to elect new officers of local and srare districts. This convenrion marks rhe beginning of new dubs and projects throughour rhe Key Clubs around rhe world. -GREG SMITH

UP N SMOKE Zozobro. the Old Man Gloom, goes up h flames as Fiesro beans The Weekend parry is the Key dub's best tun our



TALLYING THE PROFIT Key Qub sponsor Tim Deckmon cokxilares rhe profit from the Key Oub Hot Dog Doom. The Ha Dog Doom s rhe dub's besr money mokrrg event

Working Towands The, Future


he Office Education Association (OEA) is a co-curricular dub ar Sanra Fe Vocational Technical School. The dub is sponsored by Jack Wilson, who rhe students find to be "very cooperative". The only requirements to be in OEA is that you ore partitiparing in the business program ar SFTHS. Although there are no age or sex requirements thirty-two out of rhirry-four members were seniors ond all of the members were females. There are seven officers in rhe dub. These officers are presidenr, VicW Gonzales; vice presidenr, Mary Garcia; secretary, Rozello Cordova; treasurer, Becky Martinez, reporter, Joy Srickney,- historian, Charlene Ortiz; and parliamentarian, Tabitha Page. The process by which a person becomes on officer is first, you must have the desire ro be an officer, then the other dub members vote on rhe people rhey wish ro lead them. OEA parridpared in three mqjor events in rhe past year. On November 5, New Mexico Governor Garrey Carrurhers, installed rhe newly elected officers in a formal ceremony in front of over 200 onlookers which included parents and employers. Also in December, a Christmas parry was given for the elderly and their families at Lo

Familia Nursing home. February 6, OEA hosred rhe regional conference. Ar this conference they competed with several other dries in office skills. First, second, ond third place winners went to the state competition in Alburquerque. "In OEA w e get to meet a lot of new people and make a lot of new friends," said Joy Srickney. ALL of the members of OEA were employed in office jobs. Decause of rhe business dasses which these students had taken, they had a greater chance ar getting the position than a student who did not fake rhe course," said Wilson. Some of rhe people rhe stu-G denrs meer rhrough rheir jobs, lend an ear ro hear student's problems and give rhem advice. The dass offers srudenrs rhe opportunity to improve rheir skills in areas such as: organization, office techniques, and essential job skills. VicW Gonzales said, "In OEA I have gained responsibility ond have really learned o tor." "I have really become more organized rhrough OEA." said Rozella Cordova. One hour a week, out of rhe rwo hour a day dass, is devored ro rhe dub and rheir activities. .REBECCA GEORGE^ I





A WINNING VOTE: Srudenr Council's sponsor Denine Mores moderates voring for Senior Atrendent during Homecoming elections. Senior Jason Gerber checks a ooUot number before costing his vote.

SANTA'S HELPERS Above, assistantsforpictures taking and sefng Santa grams J Zkxnick. 2nd row M mgendorf. C. Voldez. D. Finney. Soma, C Nordstrum. OrdrowK Mter. S. Welch, M Cookson. and 5 Young hove their pictures token wth Santo. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR OHNSTMAS. Right. Ms Clous. Paige Conover. gives Santo. Tom Hudson, some Chnsrmos oft ideas FUTURE STARS For right. Israel Houghton and Pick Dienger. perform "Doby Grand" or the Talent Show.


dresses up for DANONG TO THE DEAT: Homecoming Court enjoys rhe music or rhe Assembly.

ftudent Council Strives To Achieve Gools


his year's Student Council had rhe ability not only to envision but ro achieve irs objectives. Under rhe leadership of Lynn Richardson as Presidenr, Sarah Klabunde as Secretary, Laurissa Orriz as VicePresident, Chris Nordsrrum as Treasurer, and Jusrin ZIornick as Sergeonr-ar-Arms, rhe Council flourished. Council members worked hard ro pur on aaiviries rhar rhe whole srudenr body could enjoy. These evenrs helped elevare school spirir rhroughour rhe year. Among rhese on-campus aaiviries, Homecoming ropped rhe lisr. Homecoming came early rhis year and Srudenr Council members were kepr very busy during September trying ro organize evenrs for rhe week of rhe "One and Only" homecoming which began on Seprember 28. During rhe week of Homecoming rhere were dress up days like Hollywood Hero and Tacky Tourisr Day. Adding ro rhe fesriviries was rhe annual Homecoming Assembly on Friday morning presenred by rhe Sophomore Class and rhe sale of senior slaves by rhe Senior Class. This eventful week was followed by rhe Homecoming football game, a spectacular half-rime fireworks display and dance on Friday

nighr. The Demons won rhe game 24 ro 21 over Clovis. In December, The Srudenr Council helped revive rhe old "Demon Christmas" rradirion by sponsoring a Winter Festival. From December 14 ro December 18, srudenrs had rhe opporruniry ro have rheir picrures raken wirh Sanra (Tom Hudson) and Mrs. Qaus (Paige Conover) during lunch. On Tuesday, French Club sponsored a door decorating conresr. Mr. Deniro Rael's Srudies in Lirerarure class won rhe prize for rhe mosr original door. Mrs. Beverly Friedman's Journalism I clcss rook first prize for rhe funniesr door. To srarr off rhe busy Friday, Sanrograms were passed our ro srudenrs. The week culminared wirh a srudenr ralenr assembly during seventh period on Friday. Students had the chance to perform in fronr of rheir peers displaying ralenrs such os singing, dancing, and acting. The 1987-88 Srudenr Council was an example for all rhe orher council's in rhe future. The ability ro pur rhe needs of rhe srudenrs firsr, rempered wirh rheir rapporr wirh administrators made for a successful school year. •JUSTIN


"MAY I HAVE TH6 DANCE?": Sam Crossmon and Steve Muler preform a baler from the "NuKrocker "



STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS: Lynn Richardson, president; Laurissa Ortiz, vice president; Sarah Klobunde, secretory. Mrs. Denhe Mares, sponsor; Justin Ztotnick, sergeant at


he Srudenr Council odopred an eager arrirude for Spring Semester. They continued rhe high spirits of rhe firsr semesrer wirh acriviries such os selling spirir mugs ro raise money ro sponsor a needy child in o third world counrry. They also met their dvic responsibility by having on open discussion wirh senior citizens about the differences berween posr and presenr generarions. To insure rhar rhe SFHS Counal continues ro rhrive, active members attended a State Convention in Gallup, N.M. one weekend in February. Ar this convention other

schools shared ideas for projects and ways to raise school spirir. Laura Moffit, one of the orrending members had this to say about her experience, "I heard a tor of good ideas, and I hope rhey will help us create even more enthusiasm within the Student Counal next year." In April rhe elections for rhe '88'89 Srudenr Coundl and dass officers were held in order ro preserve and build upon rhe long sronding rradirion of a well organized srudenr governmenr. JUSTIN ZLOTNICK.

MONKEYING AROUND: Clockwise from left: Trod Paris, Morrha Cookson, Laura Mofft, Jennifer need, Colleen Drennon, Lynn Richardson, and Jute Koch stop for a bire to eat on their way back from State Convention ono hove a few minutes ro play on monkey bars.

WHAT'S NEXT: Atarrtw, Cafeen. Laura, Jule, and Jennifer check their schedule for the next oaiviry or Srudenr Counal Convennon




GRIN AN'DEAR IT: Top: Lynn and Justin anxiously await rhe culmination of weefc of worff QJ rhey pin on rhet corsages before rhe homecoming assemay MAKNG PLANS. Above: Sarah and Lourissa rati obout upcoming Srudenr Counal oatvtles.


MAKING FRIENDS. Delegores show Sonro Fe's spirt or rhe convenrion's dosing assembly.

SITTING PRETTY. Lourisso snftes o thoughtful pose.

PEARLY WHITE Srudenr Council sponsor Mrs. Denine Mores shows how much fun ir is ro be sponsor.

ALWAYS HVOLVED: Detow, The energetic Bridget Finney volunteers her rime andefforts to make a successful Student Council.

ON TOP OF IT ALL. The young members ottheirudenr the future of SFHS.

Cound, Martha and Coleen cony the hopes for

STUDENT-COUNCIL 221%. RIGHT. Prestdenr Lynn Richardson gets some rest offer a busy day.


THE SECOND PLACE SOCCER TEAM: The Cornish Gome Hen sponsored by Ms. Mary Cornish: Joel MoHorse, Jeff Guyer, Gr Smith, wlm de Ruyrer, Sean Ellior ond Jo Ash.

SOCCER AND FOOTBALL WtMRS. Dorrom row: Tommy Lee, Jomes Mexio, Ernie Herrero, Aaron Deny, Clyde Orrego. Top row: Chris Pocheco, Todd Motr, Ted Srenzhom, Sreve Lemoy, Lyle Smirh, Roberr Hoover, Aaron Davis, PhS Karshis. Al won inrromural soccer ond foorbol chompioriship gomes. The gome ended wirh o goal shoor-our ond Mr. Korshis's reom finolly won after two days of ploy.

^SPNKW&4^ihniw/Md*sÂŤv*wyiri*itfirjTO^ Edward Romero



THROWWG IT ALL AWAY. Freshman Gregg Short, forwadfo the Sdinelbodiers sponsored by Alan Peorson, tosses the from our^-bounds to ha reommotes. The 'Dockets suffered 2-1 loss In this matchup.

Inframurals At Lunchtime Add Variety To The Day


HUP5TEP. DU. Underdassman travels down the court and makes lay-up in ptk-up game.

he second yeor of inrromurols broughr again rhe arrenrion rhor ir had in ir's firy yeor of exisrence. The Inrramur d program offered rhe kjnchrime reaearion many srudenrs looked forward ro, wherher ir be playing on an organized ream or jusr for fun. The games began wirh foil sporrs such as soccer ond rouch foorboll. Each sporr was supported by as many as fifry people a day, be rhey passive porriapanrs or rrue orhleres. The soccer ond foorboll championship rirtes were won by Mr. Phi Karshis's homeroom ream. The ream was named "Phi's Dudes" oppropriorely and proved ro have definire orhleric ratenr. Each member was awarded an individual gold medal and Mr. Karshis was awarded a rrophy for his supporr.

The cold winrer come fasr ond rhe inrromurol oaiviries resumed in rhe Toby fAoybol Gym. The gym held many drf ferenr winrer sporrs in srore for rhe srudenrs. One had rhe choice ro ploy baskerbai. volleybol, bodminron, or pingpong. Leagues were organized for borh volleyboll and baskerbofl. for rhose inreresred Physical Educorion insrruaor Tom Manning cooched and refereed rhe baskerbal games while rhe girts P.E. reacher and coach Maureen Nelson rook care of volleyball. Some of rhe creorive ream names were rhe Vofleypeprides and rhe Disseaors. sponsored by Helen Fosrer, Biology AP; The Anrhropods ond rhe Neanderthals, sponsored by John Zrm, Anrhropotogy, ond many more.

STNJGGIKS FOR POSSESSION Seniors Err^ Herrero and Narhon Jones borrle for the bal dunng rhe socaer intramtab fnfs Dudes wan 2-1 oganst the Comeh Game Hens.

For rhose who enjoyed rhe non-organized ream sporrs ping-pong was available. Aor on Drown, an avid player, soid "Even though I enjoy basker ball very much, I play ptng pong ro forger some of rhe or ganizarion of rhe school day.' The srudenrs who rook parr in rhe grear inrramural program rhis yeor should give Nelson and Manning a par on rhe bock for a yeor of sporrs w e l done. The large rurnour of srudenrs daily demonsrrared rhe success of rhe program. So, as rhe end of rhe year roDs around, rhe arhleres who should be considered champions won'r only be rhose wirh varsity lerrers. Anyone can be a champion if rhey have rhe will ond a fun-loving orrirude, jusr Use rhose who parridpared in rhe InrramuroJs. -TOM HUDSON

Ihal YOU KNOW VERN? Getters buddy Vernon Doss mes to put the ream together to w n



CONCENTRATION. Poncho Gonzales being pursued, by on opposing player.

Other Sports Attract Students


any srudenrs ploy sporrs while in high school. Mosr of rhese ore ployed or o varsiry level ond con be played from freshman ro senior years. These sporrs ger an incredible amounr of publiciry. There are also many sporrs rhar are played in Sanra Fe rhar no one hears about. These ore exrra-curricular sporrs, ond many srudenrs ar Sanra Fe High School parria'pare in rhese as well. Some of rhese exrra-curricular sporrs rhar srudenrs play are indoor-soccer, rugby, skiing, ond BMX. Indoor soccer is ployed by srudenrs ond adulrs ar Sanra Fe Prep. The sradium or arena in which indoor-soccer is ployed is o srandord baskerball courr. A ream consisrs of five people on

rhe floor; rwo women, rwo men and a goalie. The only equipmenr needed ro play is a pair of indoor-soccer shoes. A few srudenrs who play indoorsoccer are Sarony Young, Greg Smirh, Jusrin Miller, and Sarah Pozel. Rugby on rhe orher hand is a bir more rough and rhere ore 7-11 players. A rugby gome has no rules, and hirring kicking, and fighring are all acceprable pracrices. There are only mole players in rugby and rhese boys attend Sanra Fe High School. They ore Greg Smirh, Kirk MocGillivray, Tom Hudson, and Caleb Kullman. Skiing is o very popular sporr around Sanra Fe, and many srudenrs hir rhe slopes on rhe weekend. The only prerequisite for skiing is o love of rhe

outdoors and rhe cold. Ir is always besr ro ski wirh a group of friends, no marrer how good you are. Dicyde Moror Cross (DMX) was invenred by a few reerv age kids in California. These kids srarred doing rricks and jumps, and ir was given rhe name "freesryle". Tricks are done on rhe ground and in rhe air or on rrick ramps. A Vi or V* pipe (resembling a Vi a'rde) are rhe favorires, because grear amounrs of "air" can be gained, and wirh lors of "air" one can achieve "gnarly sryle". Some srudenrs who parria'pare in DMX ore Todd Srewart, Neil Soice, Greg Sandoval, and David Clough. - TODD MOTT

CROSSED UP. Todd Stewart doing what he does best, riding his bike in his bad* yard Todd defies gravity on his half-pipe.

ft Sena SNOWBOUND. Todd Mott Wcte up his heeb m on effort to "show off" for the comero.

DALL CONTROL. Shown Alejandro opples o M e pressure an o plover from the other team.


^ ALL ALONE Todd Stewart ends o hard day or sdiooi wth o Me rebxarion



ANXIOUSLY AWAITING THE WHISTLE. Ms. Chela Durler determined ro win, waits for the whistle while Ms. Maureen Nelson and Nancy Collins show their Demonerre spirit.

PROUD TO DE A DEMON: Seniors Shonno OorU and Georgia Vigil ger psyched for the Esponob home game. The Demonertes rook charge of rhe march, winning rhe firsr gome 15-10. Esponolo came bock with somestrong serves ro wh the secondgame by Just a few. The Demonetres had lots of trouble and Espanoto won rhe third game 15-9.

AJLE GARCIA, "Deing porr of Demonerre voleybol I learned whor "Demonerre Pride"'was al about."

SHERYL OOGGS. T l never forger rhe one ream meeting thar brought us our closest."

PATRICE CHAVEZ, "Demonerte VoHey-Right, First Row: Jufe Gordo, Second Row: Sheryl boltoughr me o lor of imporranr values Doggs, Georgia Peach Vigl. Top Paw. Shonno Clark, that w i help me in my life " Parrice Chavez



UP. UP. AND AWAY. Parrice Chavez goes up for o * * e o\xing practice drUs before rhe Wesr Meso Invirotional.

Butler Boosts Demonette's Spirit


he new coaching of Chela Durler srrengrhened rhe varsiry ream, even rhough rheir record doesn'r reflea trior arrirude. Her coaching was a big change for rhe ream. "Her closeness ro all rhe players made rhe season one of my mosr memorable," said Sheryl Doggs. The emphasis on skills and srraregies helped rhe players find a new meaning ro rhe game. This year's ream consisted of many seniors, including 5honna Clark and Georgia Vigil. Throughour rhe season rhe Demonerres won and losr many games. They ofren were plagued wirh injuries and jusr some plain bad luck which caused rhem ro lose ro Highland, Hor Springs, Wesr Mesa and only ro rake rhird in rhe

F*y Row Vonesso Chavez, Jessica Minor. Second Row Pomce Chavez, Noncy Coins. Shonoo Ctark, Third Row Juie Gordo. Uso Nowers. George Vigl, Sheryl Doggs. Top Row Dorio Omz.

Roswell Invirarional. The highlight of rhe tournament was rhar Patrice Chavez rhe six foor one senior received rhe AllTourney award The Demonerres wanred ro ger a couple of wins before rhe Wesr Mesa Invirarional. Unfortunately, they suffered two disappointing losses to West Mesa and Farmingron. Following Formingron's big win, rhe Demonerres feared rhar rhis loss would affect rheir pride. Alrhough rhe ream practiced vigorously before rhe rournamenr, rhey losr ro Roswell. Under Georgia Vigil's leadership and rhe serving power of Jessica Minor, rhe Demonerres had one lasr chance. In rhe fifth game of five, against the Roswell Coyotes, Jessica's service

ace brought rhe ream ro rheir feer They barely losr the fifth game 15-12. Late in the season the team surfaced ro bear Del Norre and Gallup in consecurive days. Lisa "Nower Power" Nowers gave rhe ream rhe exrra kick rhey needed ro win. The Demonerres rook rhe advanrage by having a srrong bench, made up of Dorla Ortiz, Juliane Roybol, Vanessa Chavez, and Nancy Collins. Ir was rhese players' exrra energy rhar gave rhe team's srarrers a resr. The Demonerres ended rhe season 68 bur rheir record did nor reflect rhe ream's closeness, spirir, and arhleric abiliry. • GREG SMITH

REACHNG FOR THE SKY Shomo Oorh sets rhe oafro Pomce Chavez hopng for o successful spite




J.V. Is Ready To Move On T he Sanro Fe High School

girlsjunior vorsiry volleyball ream was led ro a viaorious year of 9-5 by Coach Maureen Nelson. Losr year Nelson rrained freshmen volleyball in oddirion ro girls varsiry rennis. This was her firsr year reaching J.V. volleyball and she had " a very spirired ream." MOST of her players were rhe same ones she had had rhe previous year in freshmen volleyball. The enrire ream consisred of

LET'S GET (T STRAIGHT: Referees, coaches, and teammates have a conference before starting the nnme

nine sophomores excepr for Eileen Rojas, rhe only freshman ptoyer. Coach Nelson said rhe main objective of rhis pasr year was ro ger rhe girls ready for varsity. Two of her players, Cynrhia Armsrrong and Lisa Rivera, were moved ro vorsiry by rhe end of rhe season. Cynrhia said, "My ream-mares helped a lor and supporred me rhroughour rhe entire season." | J . RICH KUEGEMAN *

FIRST ROW: Terrie Griego. DeAna Vejl. SECC ROW: Tonya Rodriguez, Mamie Davis, Cyni Armstrong, Jolene Rodriguez. Been Rqjas, T ROW: Megan Dunwoody, Tonya Mler, Lisa vera. Jute Koch

TAKE FIVE: Atarme Davis. Lisa Rivera and Tanya Rodriguez ore taking a few minutes to catch the* breath.

I'VE GOT IT bone Hath returns rhe ball with ease

THINK FAST Janice Jenks observes a quick return

Successful Year For Freshmen


fflST ROW Lone Rorh. Atone Monroyo. Dense Dlozon. SECOND ROW Rebecca Driro. Poly Firrer. Jonce JenKs. Debbie Hussey. Jennifer McOosky. Tonya G * o m . Angeio Monroyo. Edrh Martinez NOT SHOWN Moroo Ortiz

his was Dolores Monrono's


firsr yeor coaching or Sonro Angeio Monroyo, Denise Fe High School, and she said Dlozon, and Jennifer McClosky she "loved working here and were rorared inro junior vorsiry had an excellenr group of by season's end. Angeio said, girls." In regards ro adopring ro "Everyone worked rogerher ro rhe change she said, "All rhe make rhis a good year. "Coach coaches worked rogerher and Monrano agreed and exor rhe same rime we hod our pressed her feelings rhor, "rhey independence." Cooch Mon- oil worked hard ond had a rano rrained rhe freshmen girls good arrirude. They were a volleyball ream and, wirh a very rolenred group of freshgreor deal of ream-work, were men." led ro an 8 2 roral for rhe sea - MCH KUEGEMAN



A PAT ON THE BACK is always comforting after a tough race. Vanessa Taylor, nicknamed "The Little One" by Coach Aire, is consoled by teammate, Laura Romero, after tunning in the Santa Fe Indian School Invitational.

FIRST AD. Coach John Aire gives LWe Joe Maxwell special attention for a leg injury. Coach Alire always showed a father-Mie love for each individual and was always concerned for rhe well-being of the ream. Everyone cored a hr for him as well, and when he was unable ro coach for o period of tine because of ulcers, his presence was missed and ir greatly affecred rhe ream.

"This yeor seemed o lor longer rhon losr year I worried a lor when Coach wos sick and wos glad when he came back." -LAURA ROMERO

"I ctdn'r do as well as I had hoped I would, and second place is kind of upserring ofrer winning Srore fee four years, bur all rhe good rimes I've hod being on rhe ream easily mokes up for ir:" JOSIE WURST

"The grls hod a rremendous season and ro go undefeared for so long is wonderful. They bod on outsronding season and second place is nor bod." -COACH AURE

KEEPING CLOSE, Karen Jensen and Kathy Sandoval near the finish Ineot the Sanro Fe Indian School Invitational. One th Coach Ate always encouraged was keeping dose in a race s rhor if someone fel bock, rhere would always be someone to take their place.


Girls Take Second At State


fter four consecurive un defeored seasons, a firsr and rhird place in National comperirion, and a fifth, almosr perfecr season, ir was quire an upser or rhe Srare comperirion when rhe girl's cross country ream was derhroned and srood in rhe shadow of irs firsr second place since 1983. Due ro rerrible ulcers. Coach John Alire was unable ro coach for a portion of rhe season, which hurt rhe ream a greor deal. Bur one main irem kepr rhe ream going — rhe doseness shared by each ream member. Nor only were rhe girls a ream, bur a family as well. Wirh rhis, rhe ream repeated irs winning srreak and made ir as far as Srare, where La Cueva drove rhem ro rheir firsr second place in five years. Even rhough rhe girl's second place ar Srare was a dominanr facror, rhe season meers cannor be dismissed.

"The girls worked hard and ir wasn'r an easy season," said Coach John Alire. The girls sweared ir up sreep dirr hills or Sr. Corherine's Indian School, plowed rhrough sofr arroyo sand ar Mora, and, mosr memorable, roughed ir our or Disrricr in Espanola in biting wer cold over sreep rolling hills. Though some of rhe courses were very difficulr, forrunarely rhe compeiirion faired mildly for all bur Valley and Srare where rhe girls were faced with some of rhe rough Albuquerque schools. Valley was quire a scare when Manzano rook rhe lead ar rhe beginning of rhe race due ro rhe posirioning of reams on rhe line. The course rurned left abour 25 yards after rhe srarr and rhe girls were placed on rhe far left of rhe srarring line. This caused a difficulry in gerring inro rhe pack. Luckily, they were able ro make up a

br of losr disrance and barely bear Manzano. Laura Romero, the individual srandour on rhe ream, won every race excepr for Capirol Ciry where rhe flu pulled her ro third place. Afrer Srare, she continued her season by competing in national competirions in New York and Norrh Carolina. In New York she rook rhird among approximorely 175 runners who were mosrly college freshmen. In Norrh Carolina she rook fifth in a race wirh 250 runners in wearher wirh a wind chill facror of rwo-below-zero. Overall, ir was a good season, and even rhough ir ended wirh rhe firsr defear in five years, hopefully nexr year rhe girls will earn rhe tirle once again. JOSIE WURST

LFTNG WEIGHTS 6/tsr one ofrhe many dafy exerases ar cross country practice. Ms, curt, halves, Ms, swttgs. squois. andbench press were done alternatelyforeoch hrerval Here. Sandy Hot pauses before completing a kft

WITH ALL THBR AWARDS: floured above 6 S * g t flfc Joe Mac**; ^ ^ ^ ^ Z ^ Taylor. Korhy Sandoval. Sandy Hot. Thtd row: Joste WUsr, Laura Romero, and Karen Jensen



EVEN WHEN IT HURTS. It is important ro keep going and never quit in a race, despite the pain. The ream was smol and needed every runner to push his hardest. Ar the Santa Fe Indian School. Martin Morquez pushes ro keep a good pace.

STRONG FINISH. Daniel Sanchez proudly aosses the finish Ine ar the Santo Fe Indian School Invitational where he received third place.

"The ream was a lor closer rhan other reams I've been o n . " JUDSON KINKADE

"My goal was ro sray with Daniel. Store was my dream." MARTH MARQUEZ

"The girl's ream pushed us, more rhan anything, because rhey ddn'r lose. W e wanted ro < march them, bur our ream was a M e too young." DAtC SANCHEZ

"The ream was realy young rhis year and ir rakes rime ro develop. Hopefully w e ' l do berrer next year since rhe boys will be a little more experienced." COACH DANNY DUSTOS AFTER THE MEET. It's nice to joke around. Jerry Lucero. Oit looey. Daniel Sanchez, and Jay O'Dell stand together ÂŤ Daniel shows the place he would hove tied to receive



NJNNNG HARD-fifc Morgan and Chris Smythe give a final push of energy as they near the finish InearrheSFB hvtre.

Boys Strive For Excellence


oy after day, rwo familiar phrases could be heard ar Fr. Marcy Park being yelled by Coach Dan Dusros: "Hir ir!" and "Ger ar ir!" Looking over ro rhe baseball field one could see a group of boys doing sir-ups, push-ups, weighrs, jump rope, leg lifts, sprinrs, and numerous orher exercises. Cross counrry is nor an easy sport and rhe work ours were rough. Ir rook a tor of energy and endurance ro make ir rhrough a riring seven-inrerval pracrice lasting until six to sixthirty each day after school. Whar made rhe workours even harder was rhe coaching of Dan Dusros. Coach Dusros demanded a grear deal of effort from each individual and worked hard ro morivare rhe

boys ro give rheir besr perfor- was like rrock and rhey could jusr wair until rheir evenr," said mance. Ar rhe beginning of rhe sea- Daniel Sanchez. Coach Dusros also agreed son, rhe boys were running srrong and received a second rhar rhe ream was a lirrle place ar rhe Wesr Las Vegas young. "Ir rakes rime ro develhvirartonal — a good srarr ro op," and also added rhor rhey rhe season. Ir looked like ir were in rhe roughesr disrricr in would be a promising season, rhe srore Ir would rake atorof olrhough rhe reom tosr many determinarion ro make ir ro good runners ro injuries and Srore. "In rhe end, ir comes perhaps a lack of inreresr in rhe down ro wherher you wanr ir sport, and rhereafter didn'r do or nor." so well. High ream spirir and friendDaniel Sanchez and Marrin ship mode up for rhe tow reom Marquez, rhe rwo rop runners srandings and all-in-oll, ir was on on rhe ream, rried ro morivare enjoyable season. As Chris rhe boys because rhey felr rhe Smyrhe said, "Everybody was guys needed some guidance prerry cool — a big family, sorr being young and inexperi- of like rhe Walrons ar Fr. Marcy Park." enced wirh rhe sport. "We rried ro convince rhem JOSIE WURST whar ir would be like, bur rhey seemed ro rhink cross counrry

GOOD R\EM&o smot team was special because everyone knew each otter and everyone was dose ftaured obove Eric Morgan and Dmo Maes kneeing Mamn Marquez, Daniel Sanchez and Judson Knhode thrd row: Joy O'Del. and Chns Tobey

GO FOR IT. Damien Padilb races down the sideline for the zone.

PSYCHED. At the '87 Homecoming game, rhe Demons pie onto each other with excfremenr. otter defeating the rNrd ranked g Cbvs t/ildcors 3

GEOFF THOMPSON. "Deing o senior reoly mode o difference m rhe woy I played rhis yeor. I tried horder. ond I w j remember my lost high school yeor os my besr one "

EDOE FERNANDEZ. T l remember when we were Osrncr fAunners Up ond Srate semi-finotsrs when I was a Jr I wonr ro play in coiege, bur I don'r Know since rhere oren'r roo many 5 7 " coiege quarterbacks" * This year's Demon Seniors were: Standing, Carmichoel Domirv GREG STONE. "I love footballguez. Orris Duron. Ashondi Dromon. Oly Harris, Josh Penodo. ond since rhs was my last yeor. Ron UHborri, Tom Jimenez. Ooig Gfcrease, Robert Monroyo, I tried ro pby every play as Dusrin Dury, Frank Morquez ond John Oindel. Kneeling, Mike though it were my lost I intend Ooca, Robert Mascorenas, Mike Anaya, Marrin Meno. and TO play m coiege ond I'l reGeorge Monroyo. Sirring. Greg Stone. Eddie Fernandez, and member this yeor especially Geoff Thompson. since I was coptom "

SENIORS Ashondi Dromon stumbles over o Monzano Monarch to nOT o flrsr down.



GO DEMONS! Mhe Anaya. from rhe sidefnes. cheers his reammares on against rhe Govts WOdcars

Demons Find Wins Scarce But Energy Continued Throughout The Season


he 1987 foorboll season gave rhis year's Demons a rough challenge. First year head coach, Jim Bradley, Jr. nor only had ro learn how each player performed, bur rhe players rhemselves had ro ger used ro a differenr coach and his merhods of insrrucrion. Senior Ashondi Draman said, "This year all of rhe ream nied rheir besr, bur for rhe seniors ir was more difficult. We had ro srarr over wirh rhe differenr coaching and practices." This year was probably rhe ~=lasr year for a big Demon foorball ream, considering rhar nexr i. year ir will be cur in half due ro f Capiral High School. Ir won'r af! j | fecr rhe Demon ream direcrly S rhough, since Capiral High is in 1 rriple A division. | The season highlights were

rhe rhree vicrories. Ar rhe beginning of rhe season rhe Demons overwhelmed rhe Manzano Monarchs in rhe Monarch's home rerrirory. Lorer on in rhe fall, rhe Demons gave rheir fans an unexpected vfcrory. Ir was Ocrober 2nd, and rhe fans were on rheir feer cheering so loud rhar even rhe Demons couldn'r hear quarterback Eddie Fernandez call some of rhe ploys. The Demons surprised rhemselves when rhey ended up bearing third ranked Clovis. Senior Martin Mena wirh exdremenr said, "I rhink we all played our besr, because everyone of us has wonred ro bear rhe WikJcars from rhe rime we've been playing." Ar rhe Demon's losr game rhey hosred rhe Espanola Sun

Center Left. SMASHED! Wolrer Viero (22) and Tommy Trufto (37) crush a Voley Vtdng wirh fullforce.

Cooch Jim Oradey Jr.

YOU CALL THE PLAY,- Passing inrerference or nor? Near rhe 45 yard Ine Robert Monroyo reaches for rhe pass

Devils. The Demons ployed very well rogerher, scoring more than four rouchdowns. In rhe middle of rheir season, rhe Demons also came dose ro bearing rhe number one ranked Del Norte Phanrom Knighrs. Throughour rhe home gome ogainsr rhe Phanrom Knighrs rhe Demons kepr rhe score even, excepr for rhe tost seven minutes in rhe fourth quarrer when rhe Knighrs managed ro break loose of rhe Demon's hold, and win rhe game. Many individuals worked hard ro keep rhe ream going. The coaches held rhe ream rogerher rhrough rhe rough rimes and rhe berrer rimes. In rhe eyes of rheir fans rhe Demons foughr hard. - NICOLE CASTELLANO

HERE WE COME,- As a Vftmg receives rhe bol. Demons' Reyes Rodriguez (34) ond Aaron Mamnez (12) ger ready ro sandwich him.

Coach Dob Martinez

Cooch Larray Jones

Cooch Woley Green



Above, DEMONS STRIVE FOR THE '87 SEASON First Row: Aaron Martinez. Pod Monroyo, Geoff Thompson, My Harris, Joe Alvarez, Edde Fernandez, Reyes Rodriguez, Roland Vigil, Ova Duron, Ganrttxti Domriguez and Joe Romero. SecorxJ Row Greg Gonzales. MortinMena, Joey Man, Donel Ortega, Ron Ufborri, Tommy Truflo, LyleSmirh, and Robert Porker. ThtdRow: Walter Vfero, Diego Martinez, Josh Penodo, Rueben Porgo, Mike Anaya, Robert Moxorenos. Robert Montoyo, George Monroyo, Mark Duron, Ooig Gkrease, Tim Jimenez, and Hugo Qjedo. Fourth Row: Mark Turner, GregSrone. Javier Posa. Atfte Doco. John Ondet, Frank Marquez, Chorfe Moxwel, Dusrin Duty, and Eddie Rod. Fifth Row: Coach Lotroi Jones, Coach Walter Green. Coach Jim Drodey Jr. and Coach Robert Martinez.

Western Photography GO DEMONS GO1 Ashond Dromon sprints pay a Voley VHng ro narrow the margri of rhe READY OR NOT, HERE I COME. Mhe Doca and Domien PodiHo worch their Demon defe VHng's lead as quarterback Edde Fernandez worms up on rhe sidelines.



Detow: MO... THEY'RE OFF!!! George Monroyo holds bock Marvin Martinez during o defensive drl. Detow: HOW DOES IT FEEL? After being soaked by a Demon worerbucker, coach Jim Dractey Jr. is interviewed by o Channel 7 newscaster Delow Center: OVER HERE'!! Walter Viero mokes it clear that he is open and ready ro receive a pass

ftm G fowler Above SKY HGH1 Ar on afternoon practice. Demon kicker Hugo Qedo works Above KICKNG OAOA From rhe sidetnes. Javier Poso and Joe Alvarez watch their reommores practice under on improving he field goal kicks bearing sun.



JV Has Tough And Rough Season 4-3-1

SELUNG RAFFLE TICKETS. At rhe gomes rhe JV sold raffle rioters for rhe Vorsiry Foorbol ream. They raised money ro go reward ream equipment.


unior Vorsiry Foorboll hod a rough season rNs year. They srarred off rhe season wirh o loss ro rhe Delen Tigers 21-20. Ir was a close gome, bur in rhe fourrh quarrer Delen rallied back ro bear rhe Demons. Afrer rhar firsrtoss,rhe ream spirir was tow. The Demons bounced back wirh a vicrory over Los Alamos 24-0, followed by rhe shur-our of Granrs or rheir firsr home game wirh a score of 18-0. Espanola was rhe nexr viatfn of rhe Demon's rough defense. Once again, rhe Demons came our on rop or 24-21. Confidence was high until JV suffered a menrol blow wirh rhe loss of rheir coach, Mike Vialpondo. Afrer his resignorion, ream spirir dropped tremendously and players had a difficulr rime accepting his re-

placement, La Trai Jones. The transition was slow. The firsr gome under coach Jones was tosr 59-0 ro Farmingron. Coach Jones was rhrown our of rhe Gallup game due ro o rhird quarrer penalty against him. Assistant coach McCraken rook over, bur could nor break rhe final score of a 7-7 rie. The Junior Varsity's firsr artificial rurf game was hard foughr, ending wirh a score of 40-6, a toss ro rhe Del Norte Knighrs. The JV Demon foorboll ream finished strong, shurring our Taos. They finished rhe season wirh a 4-3-1 record under rheir belr. "I rhink w e had a good ream. We jusr losr a lor of motivation with rhe loss of our coach," said Jeff Gallegos. - T.J. GRUNDLER

JUMOR VARSITY SQUAD. Fhr row Anrhony Apodoco. Joey Monres, Dovid Doco, John Londuo, Jomes Rivera, Phi Angel, TJ. Grundler. Phi Hefrer. Second row: Cooch MJ<e Volpondo. Dovid Skes. Joe Arjeyro. Roberro Sanchez. Oryan Johnson, Rick Mender, Jerome M ^ Vlramonres, Jeff Galeae* Third row: Adon Mendoso. Donald Romero, Roy Mendez, Vernon Sonchez, Abe) Madrid, Monhew Lopez, Corl Morrtnez. Founh row: Perer Martinez. Par Siva, Chris Soozor. Joshua Pernondez, More RUz, Rick Paolo, Cooch McCraken.



COMMNED PRACTICE: JV player TJ. Grundler ant Vorsiry member Jeff Thompson prove rhar rhe vorsiry ond JV reams can proaice rogerher effec ttvety.

TEAM PHOTO. First row: Sean Gonzales, Scorr Murz, Sean Trujto, Mark Angel. Adam Corr, Alberr Dlozon. Paul. Genj Goroa Second row: Levi Warns, Floyd Pocheco. Gtoerr Rodriguez, Roger Mendota, Robert Gonzalez, Nathan Seguro, Dwayn Lonzo. Chris Sanchez, Troce Sanchez. Oez Podta Third row: Coach Jeff Gfobs, Mar Moyie. Andrew Morrinez, Lois Martinez, Rod Hasson. Kevin Smth. Randy Monroya. Eddte Casrio, Rehy Martinez, Kevin Ktoppei. Coach Jeff Paso. Top row: John Raiders, Gregg Gordo. Miguel Guien, Sean VanderSys, Lowren Tuppler, Chris Romero, Greg Quintano, Anthony. Edcte Crist.

THROwHG THE DALL Floyd Pocheco threw many posses this yeor including this one to on open receiver in the endzone for a touch down.

Freshman Football Has Impressive 5-2 Season


reshmen football starred slowly this season losing rheir firsr rwo games ro Espandkt and Vesr Las Vegas, bur winning rheir nexr five games. They ended rheir season wirh an impressive 5-2 record. After rhe firsr rwo losses rhe new coaching sraff of Jeff Gobs and Jeff Posa were nor discouraged. They came back wirh a new and improved ream. Coaches Gobs and Posa did very well leading rhe ream ro a victorious season for rheir firsr year of coaching. The ream did o lor ro help rhe coaches by cooperating and listening Togerher rhey created o good season. The swear and determination pur our by rhe freshmen paid off by molding rhem inro

good hirrers and smarr players. They nicked and overpowered rheir opponents ro bear rhem. "Our defense was excellenr," said defensive caprain Marr Moyle. "The offense was exciting roo. Ir's made up of fasr and powerful players conrv plimenred by a srrong hirring offensive fine. We were able ro pur some points on rhe board," said Floyd Pacheco. The players from rhis ream in rhe future win look back on rhis season, whether ploying here or somewhere else. They will remember rhe fun rhey had rheir freshman yeor playing Demon foorboll and rhe success rhey hod ar ir. T.J. 6RUNDLER

OLOCKNG THE DEFEWE. Here Greg Qumrono ยง54 blocks o Los Alamos defender from getting into the quatterbodi Floyd Pocheco The freshman toottxl bodrfield hod very good protection this yeor. FRESHMAN FOOTBALL


CELEBRATING THE GOAL: Sarony Young, a senior, expresses her exubera about a goal against Afo. Academy High School. Sarony got honorabl mention for the AH State Team.

DIVING FOR THE OALL Goate Coleen Orennan has been a sokl member of the SFHS team throughout two seasons. Her talent, dedication, and hard work make her o great hope for the future.

"Thanks ro Coach Mike Gray and rhe ream for making my senior year rhe besr ever.!' • •OARDE OURGETT

, "Ploying on o reom rhb dose was one of rhe besr experiences I've ever hod " SARAH POZEL

"Our ream is proof rhor dreams, along with dererminarton and rogerherness, do come rrue. We ployed as reammares and friends digging down inro our hearts, aiming for rhe ulrimare god: success." MEUNDA MORALES

First row: Sarony Young, Krisrino Regan, Sarah Pozel, Melindo Morales. Second row: Oorbie Durgerr, Srocy Miller. Top: Sarah Dior.



ATTACKING THE OPPONENT: 5e«br Oorbie Durgerr sho*S aggressiveness against a player from Valley Ugh SdvaL

Girls Push Past Early Season Slump To Reach State Competition UP, AND AWAY: Sarah Pozel throws the bat in over her oonenrs in a game against rhe Stare Champions, B Dorado.


he Sonro Fe High girls soccer reom con look bock on o vicrorious season rhor hod irs high-lighr in rhe porriciporion in rhe Srare Tournomenr in Albuquerque. After meering difficulties and losing some gomes or rhe season srorr, rhey came back and caprured a second place hold in rheir disrricr. One of rhe season's srrong poinrs was rhe disrricr game agoinsr Albuquerque Academy. The reom pulled irself rogerher as a unir and, after being down by rhree poinrs, came back 4-3 ro win in double overtime. Orher fine performances rhor accenruored rhe 1987 season were rhe games ployed

agoinsr rhe presenr Srare Champions, rhe Eldorado Eo gles and rhe Los Alomos Hillroppers. Sanro Fe's ream was defeared in borh gomes, however rhe Demonerres showed rheir copabiliry ro ploy excellenr soccer. Coach Mike Gray congrorulored rhe girls for showing reom spirir rhroughour rhe season: " A good parr of our success," he remarked, "resulred from rhe facr rhar w e peaked ar rhe righr rime. Ir didn'r marrer rhar w e losr early on in rhe seoson as bng as w e won rhe big disrricr gomes ar rhe end." Under rhe leadership of rhe experienced seniors like Sarony Young, Dorbie Durgerr, and

PREPARING FOR THE COMPETITION: Senior Stacy Miller ployed o dominant role in oil the gomes and become the top-scoring player with 11 goals

Sracy Miller, rhe many young players became an imporronr facror in rhe comperirive spirir of rhe reom. Colleen Drennan, Marrha Cookson, Joanne Torres and Sally Welch all represenr grear hopes for rhe furure of girl's varsiry soccer. Team vereran Sracy Miller was honored wirh posirions on rhe All-Srore and All-Dtsrricr Teams olong wirh being appointed ro rhe New Mexico Srare Selecr Team. Orher honors inducted goalie Colleen Drennan and Melindo Morales, who were placed on rhe All Disrricr Firsr Team and honorable menrioned for All-Srore •MANUEL KRAUS

PROTECTNG THE BALL Suson Petting 6 one of the many sophomores who ployed on important role on rhe teom this year.

Firsr row. Barbie Burgerr. Sracy M i e r Second row Sarah Btoir. Mefcndo Morales. Sarony Young. Knsrmo Regan. Sarah Pozel Top row Colleen Drennan. Joanne Torres. Heather Ingram. Jujme Hebron. Marrho Cookson. Suson Pemng. SaJy Welch. Terry Balhenende. Amra Morales. Carolyn Ingram. Coach Mike Gray



JAMMING ON THE FIELD. Senior Neil Miller prepares rosend boldownfieid ho gome ogoinsrVoSey High School or thel HeodSrodkjm.


Fronr row: Kyle Miller (mkjfield). Nfck Torres (fufcock). Cher Ponruoi (midfield. fullbock), Zoch Shonder Oefr wing), Nfck Spencer (midfield), Morr Hilgendorf (nghr wing). Jusrin Mler (midfielcD. Greg Smirh (midfield forward). Second row: Srefan Wossermon (fullbock), Donny Duchonon (goalie), Ted Srenzhorn (gooie). John Dunwoody (forward), Net Miller (forward). Kirk MocGCvroy (fullbock), Manuel Krous (midfield), Jason Nelsen (Mback). Stephen Tubes (fullbock, midfield), Erin Davidson (midfield).

"The year rumed our better rhan I had expected due ro rhe exrroordmory coaching of Mike Moloney The ream was greet, rhe effort was there, but. there were no serious hopes of being srote bound. The seniors did their parr, but if the team consist ed of only seniors, you'd be looking ot o 1AAAA soccer champ " -WK MACGLUVRAY "In myfirstyear of competitive soccer, I'm glad ro have found o ream on which I hod a red chance to improve my soccer sMs. I realy enjoyed playing this year's season in o foreign country. Manny sagr Fussbal kickt Arsch." ,MANUEL NKAUS. German exchange srudenr. "Rrst of oJ I wont to thank my felow seniors. Ktk for helping me in being rhe backbone of on no-edible defensive team. Nel for his great soccer talent, and Ted far he super goOke hands. Lastly I wont ro thank the rest of the seniors who, in spire of our injuries, were one of rhe best teams in rhe srote of New Mexico." -VA50N NELSEN.

•Fist row Greg Smirh, Nicholas Spencer, John Dunwoody. Second row Ted Srenzhorn, Kirk MocGKvroy, Ned Miller, Manuel Krous. Jason Nelsen.



WITH THE GREATEST OF EASE. Goole Donny Buchanan mokes a cruool airborne save in rhe march ogohsr Hghlands Hgh School. After a double overtime, the Demons and rhe Hornets ended with a 1-1 tie.

Scores Misrepresent Soccer Team's Spirit


he boys varsiry soccer ream, under rhe new combined leodership of Hugo Ojedo 5r. ond Mike Moloney, wenr back on rhe winning rrack rhis year. Although rheir record didn'r improve greorly from previous years, rhe ream felr posirive obour rhe season. "We've really improved rhis yeor ond we feel rhar we're playing 100% berrer," remarked Mfce Moloney, assisranr coach. The ream was plagued by injuries rhroughour rhe season, and rhe loss of players like Jason Nelsen, Poul Armsrrong and Jusrin Miller made a critical difference in games such as against Manzano when five of rhe Demon srorrers were on rhe bench. Even wirh the loss of players, steady progress was made throughout olmosr every gome. There were several

factors in this rejuvenation, but rhe largest was rhe coaching of Hugo Ojedo Sr. In his firsr yeor of leodership ar Sonro Fe High, Ojeda introduced several new philosophies ro rhe orhleres. The firsr priority was ro ger rhe players in good physical shape through inrense conditioning. "Once we get you in shape, it is much easier ro mainrain rhar level of firness," Ojedo often said during pre-season practice. Afrer numerous windsprinrs, ball drills, and taps around rhe field or Villa Undo Moll, most of rhe players felr os if rhey were ready ro ploy. "I'm probably in rhe besr shape I've been in in my life," commented Jusrin Miller on rhe amounr of running. Ojedo also srressed rhe importance of good boll control, aggressiveness on rhe field and hustling. Wirh rhe hardesr disrricr in

rhe srore, rhe Demons still had o good represenrorion ro AllDistria wirh Hugo Ojedo jr. on rhe firsr ream ond Zach Shondler, Jusrin Miller, ond Srefon Wasserman receiving honorable menrions. Ojedo and Wasserman also received honorable menrions ar All-Srare. The highlighr of rhe yeor came wirh rhe defear of Formingron 1-0 for rhe first disrria win in three years. "We bear rhe refs, we bear rhetangbus ride, and mosr importantly, we beat the ream," commenred Greg Smith on rhe gome. The Demons dosed rhe season wirh a record of 6-8-1 wirh wins againsr Valley, Sonra Fe Prep, West Mesa, Manzano, Wo Grande, Farmingron and a tie against Highlands 1-1. - NEIL MILLER

RLt*MG WITH THE QALL Lefr Mbock Paul Armstrong struggles ogansr hs opponent from La 5H0OTHG FOR THE SCORE. Junxx, Stephen Tubbs prepares ro pur In a goal or o home gome Cuevo Ugh School The Demons were defeared afrer a highly compennve and rremendousty Amg the fd season Tubbs is expeaed n be o commanding influence In the coming season. oWaJT march. The ream felr rhe loss of Paul deeply when he lefr early in the season offer susromg on onUe injury.



Boys Leap Into Action


anro Fe High School's boys junior vorsiry soccer ream hod o "Prerry good season" under head coach, Sreve Vargas' supervision. "The players had posirive orrirudes rowords improving rheir soccer skills ond experience," replies Sreve Vargas, accomplishing his second year wirh rhe J.V. ream. Wirh rhe help of day ro day pracrice, scrimmages againsr differenr reams, and o rourine of various soccer drills conducted by coach Vargas, rhe Demons hove definirely bolsrered rheir confidence, ream cooperorion, and communicarion. "Pass" and "Cross" have been rwo of rhe mosr imporranr key words rowords rhis

l<EEPING IT W PLAY: flhon Ourge/r uses his ska to head the boll bock h to phy againsr Sonra Fe Wgh's well known compenror. Sanro Fe Preporarory School. The march resulred in a 2-1 vicrory for rhe Demons.

year's ream performance. The ream rhis year has hod o prerry sready record wirh a few wins ond losses, and no ries rhe whole season. The Demons srorred off rhe season wirh rwo losses againsr rough Albuquerque High School, bur rerurned wirh rwo impressive vioories againsr Sonra Fe Preporarory School. The season was carried Through wirh similar ups and downs, bur yer "Our scores have Thoroughly improved." Hoping ro see Sreve Vargas and his ream in acrion for a rhird year in a row, w e once again wish rhe Demons good W


SHOOTING FOP. A SCORE Center hdf-bock. Adorn CasOas. boors the act cross-field, into rhe god. This was Adam's second goal during rhe season ogonsr Sonto Fe Preparatory School The firsr match against rhe Prep School was a mognfceni rriumph for rhe Demons, as they crushed their soccer team wth a score of 7-0.



Uufgerr oreohs rnrough for o clear shor on goal.

Firsr row: Lewis Ordos. Adorn Casks. Drion Durgerr, Chris Kelly, Lochlon MocGillvory, John Topio, Doniel Pierporr. Top row: Joson Hoibrooks. Mark Chancier. AAorr Fineberg. Poul AAkkteson, Chris Vhirrmon, Gioc Zoforono, Ken Uriick. Nel Jeffreys. Sreve Vargas, Nei Virtue.

Fnr row: Katie Heiss, Jennifer Roberts. Second row: Christine Weinmeisrer, Page Harris, Marin Rrier, Loro Moffirr, Roberto Stewart. Top row: Kim Eusron, Soro Spoooheim. Shelo Devir, Solange Mena, Ovisrin, Hearher Ingram, Ame Muchmore, Chortes Weber, coach.

STEALING THE BALL Zoe Netsen. Demonerre forward, snarches the bat from a Los Alamos player. The march resulred in loss for rhe Sanro Fe Demons, which only botsrered rheir confidence and experience.

Girls Complete Tough Seoson


he girls J.V. soccer ream's skill under rhe new coaching of Charles Webber definirely increased borh menrally and physically. The girls did however have some minor serbacks. Their ream did nor srarr off wirh a boosr of successful marches, bur wirh a lirrle more experience and communication rhey will win. "Our pby has sreadily improved," says coach Webber, who led his ream from o rough srarr ro o sready seoson. The ream's firsr game ogainsr rough Albuquerque Academy led ro quire a downfall. Larer ogainsr HJSTUNG FOR THE DALL Cenrer-Mbodi. Roberro Sreworr borties one-on-one for the bal wth a Sana Fe Sanra Fe Prepararory School Aep player. This was a successful march for the Demons as rhey bear Prep wth a score of 3-2.

rhough, rhey did show more improvemenr. They losr againsr rhem, bur larer defeared rhem in a second march. "We hope ro be seeing more improvemenr in borh our skill and control rowards rhe near furure," Weber replied. Despire rhe facr rhar rhe girls' soccer ream ended rhe season wirh a weak record, wirh a lirrle more experience, backed up by Charles Webber's second year of coaching, rhey should rurn up wirh a better season nexr year. - NICHOLAS SPENCER


GOING FOR THE HN: Tommy Trujto. who wrestles or 132 pounds, ployed o dominant role in the Vorsiry Wresting ream throughout the season.

SLAM AND JAM: Santo Fe Wresting wizard Damy Hno pounds Formingron opponent Into

11 I hove rried to prove myself in rhe sporr of wresrlng rhis year. Dur none of rhe occomplishmenrs of rhe year w i mean anyrhing if I don'r do good ar Srare. -GREG STONE

" As o freshman I hod o dream, bur I considered ir roo for our of reach or rhe rime: To be a Sore Oxmpion in wresrtng I have rhe roots for t now. I jusr hope rhor they're working or rhe righr rime. -TOMMY TRUJLLO

" Defore Ovisrmas I wresrled hungry. I redy wanred ir. After rhe hotdays I feir bock on rhe borrom Now I have ro drnb back ro rhor hunger for Srare OANNYNNO

THE SENIOR TRIO: Greg Stone, Tommy Trujilo and Dormy Nho


SQUARING OFF: Junior Glberr Gordo is getting ready ro expe rhe ortodi from his opponent.

Strength And Determination Proved Key To Success


he Sonro Fe Varsiry Wrestling ream showed greor performances rhis season after starring inro rhe year wirh problems. The Demons opened rhe comperirion ar rhe Formingron Invirarional Tournamenr, which induded eighr reams from New Mexico and Colorado. The enrire Sanra Fe ream ended up fifth in rhe rournamenr, and rhey had a couple of oursranding individual performances. Tommy Trujillo, a senior who wresrles ar 138 pounds, and sophomore Javier Posa, a heavy-weighrer, rook firsr and second places in rheir weight dosses.

While rhis opening meer already showed rhe dominaring players of this season, rhe rest of rhe ream felr rhor improvemenr had ro be made. Learning new skills, berrer Techniques and perseverance became rhe main goals in rhe pracrices. Coach Mike Lujan srressed rhe imporrance of rhe hard work. Necessary improvemenr was mode in rhe hard workours as well as rhrough experience in rough comperirion. Whoever ortended one of rhe SFHS Varsiry Wrestling ream's pracrices could see rhe arhlere's dedicarion and will ro improve rhor go along wirh rhe

player's natural ralenrs. Since wresrling is a sporr rhar requires inrense physical and dier regimens, many wrestlers were seen running around in rhe gym in heavy sweorsuirs rrying ro moinroin weighr for rheir nexr comperirion. Hard work, self-disdpline and dererminarion are whor makes the 1987/88 Wresrling Team champions by all standards. Wirh all rhese favorable arrribures going for rhem, several fine performances by rhe Demon wresrlers ar rhe Srare Tournamenr were exhibired. -MANUEL KRAUS

MOVING UP: Sophomore Steve Romero fries ro relax before his first moKh on the Varsity Team.

Oorrom row: Laura Dolron, Adrian Velasquez, Randall Real. Orion Darelto, Danny Nino, Gilberr Goroo, Vernon Doss, Scorr Gtasby, Top row: Marcos Mendiota, David Sikes, Reyes Rodriguez, Greg Srone, Javier Posa, Tommy Trujilo, Manuel Salinas

CONCENTRATNG FOR THE DIG EVENT: Heavyweightet Jovier Posa and Scott Qosby before an important match.

STAYNG TOUGH Danny A*io, oSFHS senior, resists the force of his opponent in a match ogonsr Formngron






. . 0 ...

Pti. Chod Manning drops a Farmingron wrestler to the groundand


ream victory

MOMENTUM AND WINS he Junior Varsity Wresrlers starred off rhe season wirh lirrle hope. They had nor placed well ar any of rhe early meers. The wrestlers then picked up rhe pace and begon ro do well. Their mosr important win was againsr Los Alamos. The Demon wresrlers placed first wirh an overwhelming 100 poinrs above any ream. The nexr best ream only had scored 35 poinrs. Coach Hank Snow soys, "The wresrlers opened rhe year off wirh a slow srarr. They rhen realized rhar in order ro do well in Varsiry, rhey musr prove ir ro Themselves now. A wresrter who does well from rhe srarr wiH win in rhe end." The good pace continued wirh a grear rhird place in a home march againsr rhe rough


Farmingron Scorpions. The march was in rhe Tony Royba! Gym and rhe crowd helped rhe vicrory. Junior wresrler Lance Wolf says, "Our ream enrered some of rhe early marches wirh rhe wrong arrirude. We were ready ro win although we were nor ready ro rake on rhe challenge. Ir rook a lor of work borh menrally and physically ro achieve our goal and win. Once rhe ream pulled rogerher rheir was nor an opponenr who could srop us." The season ended wirh a win over Gallup and Los Alamos. Their were many supersrars rhar proved ro do well as individuals, bur rhis year's ream showed rhar no morrer how a ream srarrs our, in rhe end, rhey can always come bock. •TOM



TEAM PICTURE. Front Row. Paul Michealson, Sreve Romero, Fred Marrin, and Mario Ruiz. Second Row: Ray Mendez. David Skes, Ralph Herrero, Kyle Miller, Chonrdng Greene, and Lance Wolf. IOONNG FOR Ttâ‚Ź TAKEDOWN. Junior Vasty wresrler Jeff Lopez struggles ro overturn Farmingron wrestler AVte Rodriguez


RELAXING AFTER WW. Freshman Greg Sanchez rakes ir easy ofrer a win or the Taos Tournament. IEAM PICTURE. Firsr Row: UnidenrifiedStudent. Greg Sanchez, Unidenrified Srudenr, David Kavanaugh. Second Row: Jeff ijooez, Jmmy Qobcoch, Rob Hosson, Miguel GuMen, Joe Romero, Eddie Crist, and Shone Knopp.

Individuals Contribute To Success Of Team


he Freshman wrestlers, under rhe new coaching of Mr. Walrer Greene, wrapped up rhe yeor wirh a record of 12-3 in dual meets. They placed well wirh a fifth place ar rhe Taos meer and a second ar rhe Grants Tournomenr. Three of the ream wresrters who did well were Jimmy Dabcock with a perfect 19-0 record ond an award of Oursranding Wrestler, Eddie Qisr wirh a 19-0 perfecr record, and Rod Hosson

wirh o near perfecr 18-1 record. Greene says "Nexr year all of these kids will do very well in borh Varsiry or Junior Varsity. They have all tried very hard." Wirh every new school year changes musr come. For nexr yeor new arhleres will move inro rhe slots rhar rhese fine wresrters occupy, and these freshman wrestlers will move inro rhe Junior Varsiry and Varsiry reams. •TOM HUDSON

STRUGGLING FOR THE ADVANTAGE. Freshman Joe Romero pushes and put a Farmingron wrestler io the mat for his second win.


SWIMMNG TO SHORE: Sophomore Anne Yesley and freshman Eke fXojos shore a lough os rhey near rhe completion of a ho\ set Monotonous long-dsronce tiding sets were common place os fy Demons strove ro be the best in the stare.

GETnNG A HEADST'ARTSenior Chris Levy shows offhis winning start as Anne Yesley and Lachlon AAocGSvroy look on. & In he lost year of high school competition, Chris was a valuable osser ro rhe ream, often giving frsr-pkxe performances -s In rhe 50 and 100 yard freesryle evenrs os wet os providing leadership tor rhe underclassmen.

"The ream really worked hard rhe year and despite o few unavoidable social setbacks, rhs has been rhe bey ream I've ever seen or SFHS'-Ovs Levy

"We old really wel rhs year and for once, we won a lor of meets This season, I flnoly got inro •." -Nei Mler

"This year's ream was composed of a kx of young roJenred swimmers which definirely helped ro put the grl's ream ro viaory" - Sarah Dior

Rrsr row- Srocy Miller, Annie Rqjos, Sarah Dlair. second row- Neil Miller, Chris Levy, Unidenrified Horz, Kirk MacGfflivroy, nor shown-Craig Copelin, Kelly Vhirrieron.



Firsr Row, Chelsea.Oenshow, Anronino Voldez, Suson Norhnogle. Kim McCorry, Elorie Pino, Craig Prevosr; Second row, Chrisrine Weinmeisrer, Srocy Mler, Comie Casreflono, Eileen Rojas, Derh Homilron, Tonyo Gfflom; Third row, Debby Dodge, Anne Yesley, Krisren Curtis, Robert [Xjron, Keith Cosreflono, Ty Levb; Fourrh row, Don Pel, Anne Rojos, Kely Whlrrleron, Jennifer Roberts, Chris Smyrhe. Rico DiMorzio, Wim DeRuyrer, Lochlon MocGBvray, John Dior, Fifrh Row, Neil Miller, Chico Ramirez, Ion MocGifvray, Croig Copetn, Kirk MocGKvray. Chris Levy.

Swimmers Make A Splash At

I State I he boys and girls swimming reams had rhe besr season in recenr memory after coach Jan Hickman rook over rhe leadership rhis year. Several valuable vererans in addirion ro a large population of new swimmers gave rhe Demons rhe much needed deprh rhar conrribured largely ro victories like rhe one poinr win over Farmingron in rhe opening meer of rhe season. Ar rhe srare meer in Albuquerque rhe season's exdremenr came ro a peak with several swimmers qualifying for competition. The boys ream finished sixth overall, wirh Chico Ramirez reaching rhe finol round and raking sixrh place Chris Levy won rhe second place medal along wirh Kirk MocGllivray'sfifthplacefinishin the 50 free and a fourrh pkxe in rhe 100 free. Ty Lewis


wound up rhe boy's individual vicrories wirh a seventh place finish in rhe 100 back. The 200 medley relay, made up of Levis, Ramirez, Levy, and MacGillivray swam ro fourrh place while rhe 400 free relay of Craig Prevosr, Neil Miller, Levis and Ramirezfinishedeighrh. Eighth grader Susan Norhnogle led rhe girts, who finished fifrh overall, wirh a second place victory in rhe 100 breast ond o fifth in rhe 200 IM. Arv tonio Valdez received an eighrh place in rhe 100 burrerfly, while Elaine Pino won the renrh place in rhe 200 IM and o twelfth place in the 500 free. Chelsea Crenshaw swam rhe 100 breast and rhe 100 free, whle Jennifer Roberts swam the 500 free. The girl's medley relay of Norhnogle, Crenshaw, Voldez and Roberts received a third place medal while the

A TEAM EFFORT Sophomore Debbie Dodge and senior Dutch Foreign exchange student V m DeRuyrer rake a break from afternoon workout as he genriemonly helps her our wth the nrorvonce of a troublesome par of goggles

^^1 400 free relay mode up of Roberts, Valdez, Pino, and Camille Casrellano made an eighrh place finish. In addirion ro rhe largesr number of swimmers ever, rhere was also a large diving ream rhis year. Mosr of rhe divers were freshmen who also swam for rhe ream. The divers were Kim McCorry, Eileen Rqjas, Christine Weinmelsrer, Debbie Dodge, and Lachlan MacGillivray. Librarian Jan Hickman was pleased wirh rhe results of her firsr year of coaching ar Sanra Fe High, remarking, "Both reams did really well, ond I was proud of rhe kids ar rhe state meer." Overall, rhe Speed Demons had a successful season, and wirh theft- youth, they wffl be a power ro be reckoned wirh in rhe future.

GET READY, HERE I COME! Dnbbing solo down the courr. Cathy Chovez makes a break for on unprotected basket * i enemy territory.

TEAM PICTURE. Fur now: Mefssa Moesras. Jute Roybol. Jute Gordo, Cathy Chavez, and Leigh Tru0o. Top Row: Cooch Lorray Jones, Comae Armjo, Lisa Nowers, Nancy Coins, Patrice Chavez. Vanessa Chovez, Carolyn lngram,\ Laura Rodriguez and Cooch Mke V/aker.

Senior Corhy Chovez said, "My mosr memorable experience was rotting rhe Formingron Tournomenr The besr thing obour being o senior on the team is that w e ger certain advonroges.

Senior Louro Rodriguez said, "The thing I I remember most about my senior year w i be winning rhe Formingron Toumomenr. One good thing obour being o senior on rhe team is rhot we're d leaders.

Semor Leigh Trujfo sold, "ToWng the Formingron Toumomenr is something I I always remember. I would l i e ro ploy in on out-of-state colego bur om nor qure sure where

SENIOR GIRLS. Jute Gordo, Comille Armijo, Patrice Chovez, Corhy Chovez, Laura Rodriguez, ond Leigh TrujMo.

SENIORS UP. UP. AM) AWAY!! Jute Roybol sides post a HgHand Hornet and aims tot that basket to odd two more pons to the Demonettes lead.

UNROUNDED Deing enclosed by opponents XJte Gordo rust take o shot for rhe bosket.

Girls Jump To State Victory After Winning Season


his years girls Varsiry Basketball ream had an exciting season winning rhe srare basketball championship wirh a vicrory over rival Los Alamos in AAAA rournamenr. Winning almosr every game bur a few rhe girls pur all rheir effort and ability into each game. With seniors Cathy Chavez, Camille Armijo, Laura Rodriguez, Leigh Trujillo and Patrice Chavez rhe Demonettes were able ro hold an outstanding record. The Demonerres bear teams like Los Almos, Highlands and had an awesome season. Coach Mike Walker said, "The girls ream really worked well rogerher rhis season. Every

player put full effort into each game. We tried to stay in control most of the rime, which helped our." The quickness of rhe girls offense helped rhem score firsr in mosr of rheir games. Alrernaring players made ir easier for each player ro mainrain her sramina and srrengrh. Junior Julie Roybal said, "I really enjoyed rhis season, although my ankle did give me some trouble. We ployed as a ream and ir helped us win our mosr imporranr games." The games againsr Los Alamos reams usually rurn our ro be a heighr againsr quickness comperirion, bur rhis year rhe Demonerre's ream had heighr

of rheir own. Wirh Patrice and Vanessa Chavez, Carolyn Ingram and Lisa Nowers, and Nancy Collins rhe Demonerres marched rhe Los Alamos Hilltoppers heighr, and over powered rhem in srrengrh. Senior Patrice Chavez said, "I'm glad our season rurned our so well my senior year, because we'd worked so hard in preseason. I hope w e go ro srare." This year's varsiry girls ream srrived hard for all rheir vicrories and succeeded in gaining quire a few. All rhe girls showed spirir and gave all rhe 1-AAAA reams a rough challenge. •NICOLE CASTELLANO

OH NO YOU DON'T! Patrice Chavez keeps hold on rhe boll as a Highland Horner's hand tries ro sneak in and make a sreal.

LISTEN UP AND LISTEN GOOD. Coach Mhe Water rakes wire our to refresh his players memories on trier gome strategy. DON'T LEAVE ME NOW! Under the bosket and ready to score again, the bolslps out of the hands of Laura Rodriguez.



SKY UGH!!! As Esponoia defender's block fok short, Tonyo Mter puts up o rwo foot jumper

READY! AIM! The pressure is on as Demonerre Tanya Rodriguez prepares for o last sec free throw.

DE READY!!! Comte Gurule looks for an open player as she prepares ro throw rhe ball in from < of bounds.

JV Girls Utilize Their Talent To Win


his year's girls Junior Varsiry Basketball ream is one rhar will be remembered for irs ream spirit and rough playing ability. With players Comille Gurule and Susan Perring rhe Demonerres were one ream ro 'reckon with! Coach Alberr Gollegos had brs of young talent ro work wirh and he used their assets ro their maximum abilities. Srarrers Kara Davidson and Lisa Nowers led rhe young De monerres ro an impressive record. All rhe girls ready pur forth a tremendous effbrr and pulled rogerher ro win imporronr games like Del Norte. Los Alamos, ond Albuquerque High. With so many things going for a reom, ir's hard nor to ex


pea some fine seasons in rhe furure. Susan Perring said, "lr srarred our rough, bur as rhe season progressed w e learned ro srrengrhen our abiliries and play as a ream insread of os individuals." When rhe Demonerres played againsr rhe Los Alomos Hillroppers rhe difference in heighr was undoubredly noriceable. The game was a rough challenge for Sonra Fe and rhe vicrory was a nice addition ro rhe Demonerres record. The ralenr rhar all of rhese girls showed rhis year will surely benefir rhe school as well as themselves.



Rrsr Row: Susan Shannon. Comle Gurule. Second Row: Karherine Orrega, DeAnno Viol and Cooch Afeerr Golegos. Top Row: Jessico Gonzotes, Kim Chavez. Jennifer Tomerirch, Susan Pemng. Khoro Davis, Lisa Nowers, Tonyo Mier. Joleen Rodriguez, Maria CarMo. Korhleen Aguto. Tonya Rodriguez. -*—• i

Firs Row: Oenise Dlozon. MJchele Monroyo ond Comie Arogon. Top Row: Andreo Monrono, Rurh Pereo. Jenny Trufc. Jonice Jenks, Cooch Terry Tiner. Kondfe Porker, Heorher Abeto, Jolene Angel ond Michelle Gordo.

A Fresh Look I

r is hord ro be o freshman in highschool. The pressures ore enormous, bur when you ploy in a sporr ond ore o frosh, ir is rwice os difficulr ro ger used ro differenr ployers ond cooches. The sporr of baskerball becomes more comperirive in highschool compared ro junior high sporrs. However despire all this, rhe girls Freshman Boskerboll ream did well. Camille Arogon ond Michelle Garcia broughr rhe Demonene

ream ro o srrong record. All rhe Demonerres have received praise for rheir Technical skills. Alrhough oil rhe players on rhe freshman ream deserved recognirion, one ployer was oursronding, Camille Arogon Camille said, "I really had a fun season wirh rhe ream. Working rogerher and giving supporr ro each orher helped us o lor." This year's girls freshman ream showed efforr and spirir. 窶「EVELYN CASTELLANO

DTOVNG THE DASEUNE. Demonene. Jonice Jenks ourmoneuvers her defenders os she Shoos tor o basher to widen the margin of the Demonerre's lead.

GUARONG THE DASKET DeneeUazon ond Jonice Jenks look on as'rher feiow reommare Camle Amort shoots over on Esponob defender ro sink o short jump shot.

CATCH1" After o fast break, bringing rhe bol into enemy territory. Comie Arogon posses to her reommote Jonice Jenks, ond Dense Blazon to set up the next ptoy.


VARSITY SQUAD. Carl Morono. guard. Chuck Rudolf, guard, Lodd Lucero, guard or forward; Leonard Tapio, forward; Marc Golegos. cenrer; Leiond Sweirzer. cenrer; Andre Davidson; Morrin Ortiz, forward or center; Sean Herrera, forward or center; David Soveronez, guard. Aaron Martinez, Gary Romero, guard.

"There's something special abour this bunch of guys. Everyone works hard and never quits. There's no where else I would have rather played. And I leave here with nothing bur good memories." MARTN ORTIZ

"Playing boskerball has been a grear experience I'll never forger." GARY ROMERO

"We hod a small and young ream, bur our hard work and dedication paid off." LADD LUdRO

Rrst Row: Lodd Lucero. guard or forward; Martin Ortiz, forword or cenrer; Second Row: Gory Romero, guard; David Soveronez, guard.

SENIORS 3 PONT PLAY: Morrin Ortiz shot from rhe charity stripe to convert for 3 points Demons bear the Valey VMngs 54-40.



HOPNG FOR THREE: Coocti Rodriguez watxhes rhe Demons as rhey run o three point ptay ooorsr DemoWo in the Capird Ory RnaL

Demons Jam On Home

Court T

he Demons firsr game ogansr rhe #1 Albuquerque Duldogs was a chance for rhe vorsry ro ger recognized as a srore baskerbal power. The Demons came on strong beating rhe Duldogs 6663. Urrforrunarely rhe varsity hod rouble keeping on a rol ogorisr 2nd ranked Atamogordo The score ended in a Soma Fe defear ro the Tigers 100-80 On December 18m rhe Srh ranked Sanda Morodors hod rears in rheir eyes after the Demons explosive win Many three porwers by Gary Romero ond Lodd Lucero helped the Demons tie it up. Free throws by Marc Golegos puled rhe Demons to a 66-58 win. The Demons hod an oursrondrig win over # 6 Vesr Mesa Mustangs after aromas break. Marc Golegos, Lodd Lucero ond Martin Ortiz olfinehedwith double ctgirs. Soma Fe Nr rhe road playing Los

Alamos. Forrningron ond Golup. The Demons bear Los Alamos with a last second shot by Gory Romero ro win 5047. The Forrningron Scorpions found the Demons weak spor and won 92-74. The third matchup was ogomsr rhe Golup Bengals The varsity lead a fosrpoced game ro win rheir second Disrria 1AAAA game 82-73. Leonard Tapio and Sean Herrero lead the ream with over 15 points each. The Capital Gry Invirorionol aeored for rhe Pqjoque Els on embarossing loss ro Sonro Fe 11848. The folowing nighr Gorl Moreno and Martin Orriz shone when it came ro three poinrers. The Demons bear rhe Valey Wgngs 5440. The DernoBo Sporran/Demon rematch broughr many fans ro Toby Roybal Gym. The Demons fel behind in the 3rd period. Daskers by Martin

Ortiz kept the Demons ahead for rhe resr of rhe game. The strong sophomore center Marc Golegos handled OernoBo's big man, 6'8" center Manuel Ruiz with complere control. Marc's performance earned him MVP of the rournamenr Gary Romero, Lodd Lucero and Marc Golegos ol were nominated for the Al-rournomenr ream. Seniors Martin Ortiz, David Soveranez. Gory Romero ond Lodd Lucero ol were true leaders and lead rhe team to a remarkable season.


Âť CasHbno

SHOOTNG FOR TWO-. Senior Gary Pomero drives ro the basher OOXMG OUT: Lodd iucero (24) ami Seon Herrero (04) box our Vest Mesa i opponents. Demons won 71-62 ogansr the Mustangs ogorer Vest Mesa's big man.



Sophomores Take Control T

he varsity baskerbal ream neath, Leland Sweirzet, anconsisred of 4 seniors, 2 ju- other 6'2" sophomore, assistniors and 4 sophomores. Le- ed Sweirzer gave rhe team on lond Sweirzer, Leornord Topto, excellent 2nd srring forward or More Gollegos and Chuck Ru- center. dolf were all sophomores on Leonard Tapia recovered rhe varisry squod. from a broken foor at the beThe sophomores contributed ginning of rhe season. Tapia came on rhe court wirh oil rhe ro rhe Demons 2-1 District righr moves. He showed his 1AAAA gomes. The four sophbesr skills againsr Los Alamos. omores were producrive bur Leonard hir a key 3 poinrer More Gollegos learned rhe and made a sreal and sunk 2 most in such o short time. 6'2" center Marc Gollegos free throws ro lock up rhe victory. led the Demons in scoring and Alrhough Chuck Rudolf rebounding. He shot a 14 point overage and up ro 9 rebounds didn'r see much ploying rime per gome. Marc's besr game he is capable of ploying or rhe was against Alamagordo. He top of high school basketball. grabbed 16 rebounds and Chuck Rudolf, guard ploys o scored an exuberant 25 points. fast-paced game with a lot of passing and quick moves. When Gallegos, Ortiz, or Coach Dob Rodriguez said, Herrera needed help under-

"I'm sure rhey're nor playing as much as they would like bur 2 minures in o 1AAAA varsiry game is more exaring rhan any JV gome." The difference berween size qnd experience is a big facror that rhese four sophomores hoven'r seen. They've odjusred ro rhe type of play and hove made a goal ro beat rhe 1AAAA level of play. Even rhough rhe vorsiry will be losing four srarring seniors. Coach Rodriguez knows rhor rhe sophomores will be around onorher 2 years. •GREG SMITH

REDCXM) Senior Lodd Luosro strips the boi to get onorher two pom for the Demons SmETO*lG UP 6-2" sophomore LetondSweirzer puts m o bosket ogoinsr rhe #6 west Mesa Mustangs



POWER MOVE Oefr) Sophomore More GoJ/egos dnves ro the hoop ro score oganst the Volley Vhng's defense LOOKING FOR THE VM Chuck Rudolf scores from the Chonry srnpe while reommore Davit Soveranez looks on.

DREAKS AVAY Senior Lodd Lucero uses he heod and shoulder foke ogonsr rhe Albuquerque OuUogs. DfWNG Senior Morm Omz drives ro the basket ogonsr rhe Voley Vtangs



HELP! Oebw Sieve Rodriguez, bote for hep os Del None defender doses h. LEFT TO RIGHT. Center: Joe Cole. Sieve Rodriguez. Orion Chavez. Den Chavez. Shown Mormez. Javier Candaiena, Keith Smith, Ralph Lopez. Antonio Apodoca. MdieolSoto.


Anova. Chris Romero.

SOMEDODY HELP! Below. Steve Rodriguez looks for on outlet man during o Demon victory over Del Norte.

J.V. Prepares For Varsity S

onro Fe Ugh School's Junior v a s ty basketball team heoded through a roler coosrer rtde of o season i t * yeor The Demons showed promise as they prepared far ther vcrsry years The team, coached by David Rodriguez, took many surprising victories, but lost many games that they fe* they should nor hove The team was led through ther trial yeor of leamng by players such as Joe Cde. Steve Rodriguez, and Oms Romero These boys had a tough task as the vorsry took many Juniors and sophomores that would usuoty be playing for the J.V. AS the players showed promse os


they improved their consistency by the end of the season They rode the coosrer bock ro o high wkh three victories, lhese wire were espeaoly f i t f n g to the team thanks to the fact that they defeated such hqhly rated teams os Del None. Esponoio Voley. and Los Alamos These were ol reams sod to oe mprovmg over rhe past few years. The Del Notre gome in particular helped the teams sorts as they took a surpnsngfy easy 66-51 victory They dominoted Los Alamos by 2. ond squeaked post the Hfcoppets 47-46. The team showed that Santa Fe rtgh School's JV bosketbal team s one to be recognized n future years.



AIAAN' HIGH, Below. Javier Candoleno sea his sighrs on rhe basher during a Demon victory over Del Norte.

SWBH! Below Left: Teommare Orion Chavez warches Sreve Rodriguez no) o free throw OVER HERE! Below. Chris Romero rries TO get the boM whle he is open.


FAST PACED. Rico Marano shoos from the charity stripe as teammate John Tapia stops Pojooaue's tost break. NUMBER ONE!: Coach Ernie Martinez signals in the ploys during rhe fburh qvoner ogahsr Los Abmcs. KXWOMO^&PLCOE: Fhr How: Sannogo Lopez, flute* Tafoyo. Manuel Gonzales. Aaron Droering. Second Row: Head Coadi Ernie Gonzales, Edward Chavez. Kety AVer. Sannogo Morales, Chris Dransford, Frank whte. Gtoerr Espinosa. Sergio Tapia

Sophomores Improve Skills T

hroughour rhe sophomore boys baskerbol season, the players did a lor of changing Nor only did rhey improve rheir boskerboll sKfls. bur rhe marured menroly as wel. "I sow rhe ream pull rogerher and win rhe imporTonr games, espeadry ogcxnsr BernoJillo." said cheerleader Jenni Srork. The Demons were winners in many rnporranr gomes due ro rheir superior ski. Cooch Ernesr Gonzales prided himself on having on on

around sold offense and defense The ream hod many oursronding players who led a very balanced arrack ro an impressive season Many of rhe players will rerum nexr year as junior varsity and varsiry players. They have learned ro work Together as a group, and rhey hope ro moke nexr year a grear year for rhe Sanra Fe high School baskerbol reams. - GREG SMITH - AARON BROWN USNG THE CLOCK John Tapio passes bodi to his point guard so the Demons can hold St. Rus for the



THREE POJT5 Moo Moreno passes ro Scon Muz for a three port basher

FRESHMEN Hard Work Pays Off


ith o winning record! Thor's how the Demons mode o greor srorr inro rheir baskerball careers. The freshmen ptoyers aedir this moinly ro rhe determination ond hours of hard work they pur in. Cooch Randy WNrremore put the ream through many intensive drills and lots of running. Players Jerry Boca, Mart Rneberg, Chris Monroyo, Floyd Pocheco, ond John Ross helped shape rhe team into o top conrender. "The future Demons looked

rough. I expect to see some excellent basketball in Santa Fe nexr yeor," commenred an avid basketball fan after the Demons 52-44 victory over Taos. Cooch Whirremore's reom was a large group who were very eager ro improve their baskerbaH skills. Their hard work paid off especially in rhe rough win at Toos. They proved thar in a couple of years, they could dominare basketball in rhe srare of New Mexico. - GREG SMITH - AARON BROWN

FRESHMEN 10-4 Rrsr now. Eddie Casio, John Topa. Floyd Pocheco. Scot Motz. mco Marono. Ons Sanchez. Vnce Jorornio. Fernond Fernandez (Manager) Top now: Leonard Moesras (Manager), Jerry Ooca. Martin Nononjo. Man Fneberg, Oris Monroyo, Oen naberrs. Aimando Armendanz. Mark Onega, Joe Perez, Handy Monroyo, Cooch Randy Wheremore

ICX3KNG FOR TWO O B Monroyo loots tor ttte open man ond then hrs a basket ogarer Pojooque.



ROUNDING SECOND DASE. Lisa Rivera runs home after a pop hir to right field.

TEAM PICTURE. First Row: Tonya Rodriguez, Diana Oivas, Terrie Griego, Jennifer Tometidi. Second Row: Bonnie Torrez, De Anno Vigi. Down Carrara, Maya Martinez, Lisa Rivera, Christina Soto. Third Row: Laura Hendrkteon, Camile Gurule, Stacy Conon, Kathleen Agutor. Valerie Serrano. Not pictured are seniors who were at the State Basketball Championships, Cathy Chavez, Leigh Tn/k>. and Xte Goroa

Coihy Chavez:" As a senior, I am going ro give 110% to make ir a memorable year."

Leigh TrupUo "The ream has otorof rolenr, and I am sure we w i do wel."

Left ro Righr: Juie Gordo. Camle Armjo, Porrice Chavez. Cathy Chavez, Laura Rodriguez, and Leigh Trujto


Girls Rebuild Team On Past Experience And New Energy

YOU MUST HIT THE DALL. Terry Pierce explore ro ihe ream rhe imporrance of a good barring average.


he Varsiry and Junior Vorsiry Softball reams began rhe 1988 season wirh an unusual srarr. Many of rhe rerurning players were on rhe Srare Champion Girls Daskerball ream forcing rhem ro srarr rhe season lore. The new addirion ro rhe ream was coach Terry Pierce. Alrhough rhis is new rerrirory, he is nor new ro rhe game. Pierce has been coaching for years, and says he has been

looking forward ro coaching rhe girls ream. Pierce says, "I have no idea how rhe ream wiO do. I am hoping rhar w e will nor be plagued wirh rhe 316 losing record like bsr year." Wirh a 22 game schedule, rhe sofrball ream should have more rime ro pracrice along wirh more experience. Arv orher new aspecr for rhe girls ream ro improve is rhrough rhe new summer league. "In order ro have a winner ream in any

sporr, rhe arhleres musr pracrice aO year round. The rhree monrhs rhar I have wirh rhe girls should nor be rhe only rime rhar they play. They musr play all year." Some of rhe players rerurning wirh years of experience are Julie Garcia, Leigh Trujillo, and Carhy Chavez. •THOMAS HUDSON

THROWNG TO HOME. Maya Martinez retrieves ground bol and prepares ro throw ro the catcher.

ftAhNNG. Coach Terry Pierce gives rati to players about good in-field positioning RRMGAGULLH. Valerie Serrano dam a balm another player m a practice near Ragle Park.



LET EM ftp" Demon first basemen. V a r e r Viero. hurts the bot toocA I D rfie cotcher during a dm or an afternoon proence

GO TEAM GO! Frst (Kow. Marry Joromlo. Duke Drodey, Adam Ferrari, Marvin Martinez, Paul AAontoyo, Roland Vial, a Edde Fernandez. Top Row; Coach Terry Tner. Morrhew Martinez, Water Vfero, Daniel Denrly, Wes Tn0o, Hugo Qjeda Mark Lyon, Jason Vtoms and Qxxh Kdi Morono.

"I hope ro leave These guys o good example IT'S been my dream ro win store, as my rather and brother d d in W77." — MATT


"This year's ream could be srare champions, even though there are only two seniors. We are very ratenred. w t h good fiekSng, strong hiring." — EDOC FBWANXZ I ' m reofy exdred obour rhis year. Our boys have an excclerv chance tor srare. With hard work and good strategy w e w l be aiming for srare in al our games." — ASSISTANT COACH TBWY » £ R

Dynamic Duo: Eddie Fernandez and Mart Martinez

SENIORS IGOTiTI Wih his foot planted on 2nd base, junior Adorn Femr makes the put-out an a grounder.

GONG HOME! Jerry Doco /bote toward 3rd base for the oof as hesqumrs in the sun.

Ploying The Field T

his year's baseball ream srarred our rheir season wirh more rhon 50 individuals trying for positions on rhe ream. Their practices began early in rhe year due ro especially nice weorher in February, however as practices roughened, players were cur. During rhe firsr weeks of spring Training, rhe boys worked hard on running, fielding, and quick rhinWng. The ream had grear poren-

rial wirh each player purring our rorol effort. Rick Moreno is rhe head coach and wirh his assisranr coach Terri Tiner rhe push rhe players ro work hard. As rhe season srarred, rhe Demons hod rheir eyes ser on Wesr Mesa in Demon Counrry. The road ahead had a few bumps, bur rhe Demons were going ro rry ro overcome rhem. Wirh rerurning seniors Mart Martinez and Eddie Fernandez

rhe Demons hoped ro do well. To mosr of rhe players baseball was a lor of fun, bur ir also rakes hard work. "This year was grear because we had so much ralenr. Nexr year we will also be srrong because of our juniors," said Coach Morano. Like every year, rhe Demons aimed for srare. Above oil rhey showed rheir spirir and pride. -



TAKNGIT EASY! Xniors IXolond Vigl and Joson 'i/toms practice intensely whle fetow teammates take a break during practice.

WATCH TWII Coach Ndt Morano shows the ream what t rakes ro bar o thousand GET READY! Demons hod o far tutetd by catches from Mm Martinez.

the season as demonstrated


"GOFV'-WG AVAY: Junior Metnda Deigaoo displays her incredible swinging skis our on her "home on the range "

TEAM PICTURE. First row: Chris Kefy, Zoch Shonder. Duncan Mler. Second row: Eric FoKngsrod, Whitney Docon. Robert Corlew.

"We're nor as good as we have been in pasr seasons, bur we'l sri be o power ro be reckoned wirh " -Chris Reinerr

"Everybody's trying as hard as they can, bur I rhmk rhe most mnporranr thing is rojusr enjoy it and hove fun." - Sara Chopman

"As golfers, we go by the theory rhot there 6 a rime for everything, espeoaly for having fun in rhe sun." -Mekndo Detgodo

Melinda Delgodo and Peggy Rodriguez rake rime our of rheir busy pracrice schedule ro pose for a picrure.

GOLFERS PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Junior Eric Fotnqpad totes o procnce swing on the dmng range or the Country Oub during procnce

Golf Team Combines Experience With New Coaching


he boy's and girl's reams live under rhe shadow of arhleric obscuriry, bur rhey srill srrive for success in rhe world of high school sporrs. This year, rhe boy's ream will look ro vererans senior Chris Reinerr and junior Carl Marano, who borh enrer rheir rhird year of golfing rhis season, as well as newcomers like Maurice Donal, a sophomore, who now begins his firsr comperirive season wirh Sanra Fe High. The girl's ream will rurn ro rhird-year golfer Sara Chapman. Wirh rhe deparrure of srore-caliber swinger Vicki Whir-

red lasr year, Sara was pushed inro o posirion of leadership of rhe young ream. The Demons will surely face stiff comperirion on rhe greens from reams such as Hobbs and Albuquerque Academy who consisrenrly rurn our exceprional reams. Alrhough each player ploys rhe same courses in pracrice, rhey all have differenr reasons for playing on rhe ream. "Ir's unique and differenr from any orher varsiry sporr offered ar Sanra Fe High School," answered Chris Reinerr when quesrioned as ro his morives for

LOONNG FOR AN EAGLE: Above. On rtwierr remeves a ban after smhng a purr as Coach Dob Mamnezprocnces his form in rhe background AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE nighr.Xirw goffer f^ggynooftguez ana for tneholeinone as she hones her shooting skb to a razor-sharp edge.

joining rhe ream. Golf is a sporr which requires skill and finesse as opposed ro rhe pure arhleric srrengrh needed in orher sporrs. Daily, borh reams worked rheir skills on rhe course ar rhe Sanra Fe Counrry Club. Above all, rhis year's golf reams will srrive ro improve rhemselves and rheir own individual ralenrs. Wirh rhe dererminarion and willingness each player shows, rhey will definitely be "up ro par." •NEIL MILLER


ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. Senior Paige Conover strives for perfect hurdle form during her proaice for the 110m. race.

TEAM PHOTO. First row: Beverley Mendonca, Carmen Thompson, Maria Montoya, Korio Zamoro, Rhonda Knight, Carolyn Davies, Kothy Sandoval, Rebecca MWer, Pepa Vono, Coleen Mumers. Liz Romero. Second Row: Trisho Sellers, Sracy Alessio, Ben Rqjos, Annie Rqjas, Mindy Morales, Sandy Hot. Mario Ortiz, Hoyly Soger, Somoronrhe Haring. Top Row: Assistant Coach Roberta Chavez, Monica Trujto, Audry Mendonca, Kale Heiss, Jennifer Roberts, Lindsey Conover, Dte Jo Maxwell, Louro Romero, Sarony Young, Alexandria Dossey, Page Conover, Assistant Coach LatroJ Jones. (Nor pictured Head Coach Stephanie DeJmore)

"When you push yourself ro do wel. espedoly in rracK and you oooompfeh what you've ser our ro do ir's o grear feeling!" •PAIGE CONOVER

"Running is a major parr of my We. Anyone who has ever won anything in sporrs knows what I mean when I soy 'Ir's oddfcrfng ro win!'" •SARONY YOUNG


"Even though trod* is on InoV viduol sporr. ir reoly makes a oYferenoe when rhe ream is d i e e m g you on." -UZ ROMERO

LEFT TO RIGHT: Sarony Young, Page Conover, Anne Rqjos, Uz Romero and Metnda Morales.

SENIORS NTO OVERDRIVE. Senior Anne Rqjos gives It everything she's ga as she sprints the lost srroJght-owoy.



Keeping In Stride


or Santo Fe High School's Varsity Track ream, hopefully good things come in threes. "The Demonertes rook sixth place in 1986, third in 1987, so that should leave room for a first in 1988," says 3rd year head coach Stephanie Delmore. The reams grear hopes fell on many of the returning runners, who set dedicated examples for all ro follow. Dur with rhe majority of rhe girls partiaparing in High School Track for rhe first rime, many questioned wherher or nor rhe Demonertes would be a major factor

in Srare Comperirion. "Maybe rhere are a lor of underclassman running this year, however rhey are fasr and rhink rhey can be on asser ro rhe ream," says senior Annie Rqjas, a fourth year rrack parricipanr. Ms. Stephanie Belmore, wirh rhe invaluable help of assisranr coaches Ms. Roberta Chavez, and Mr. Larray Jones, made sure rhar all of rhe girls pur forth 110%. The Demonerres main comperirion was rhe Hillroppers of Los Alamos as well as rhe Highland Horner Track Team. Dur as always Sanra Fe High pulled ro-

gerher and lived up ro rhe respecr and good reputation rhey have commonded in years pasr. Despire rhe stow start rhe girls had towards rhe beginning of the season, pracrices srarted ro improve as rhe first meet came closer. The team divided into groups where one could work on individual events. The Demonerre ream carried a tor of ralenr and enthusiasm wirh ir, rhar rhe third rime was going ro be a CHARM! - SARONY YOUNG

THREE'S COMPANY. Running is always easier when you hove o friend ro encourage you on The year's Demonerre rrack ream showed lots of spur which was port of the girl's success DNNGING IT HOME. Team members dg in ro moke t ol the way to the fhisMhe.

KEWNG EM N UNE Coach Jones looks on os the reom • * w the* workout for rhe day.



STEPPMG UGH *• notes hard work and many hours of practice, ro master the "on of hurdling "

PUSHING YOUR LIMIT. Demon runners dive for the finis 400 merer race.

"I redly pushed myself rhis year, because rhere isn'r a 'nexr season'" Morrin Marquez

"Sporrs hove given me rhe obiliry ro reach goals I ser for myself." - Vernon Doss

"Track is greor, because rhe harder you work rhe more you ger our of ir!" -

Lefr ro Righr: Daniel Sanchez; Chris Smyrhe; Marrin Marquez.

Ashondi Brahman


STRDE IT OUT. A definite advantage a runner can hove o their opponent is a longer stride.

Making Tracks For State Competition T

he majority of sporrs this year were made up of mostly younger players and rhe Demon Boy's Track ream was no exceprion. Even with so few seniors ro assume rhe leadership posirions, rhe ream had many srrong underclassmen ro complere rhe ream. Sophomore T.J. Grundler, a 100 m. high hurdler felr that rhe Demons would have a rough season, "We always compere

wirh rhe Albuquerque schools and rhey are definirely our biggest comperirion." Highland High School and Manzano, as well as some of rhe sourhern reams should prove ro be rhe powerhouses in srare comperirion. Second year coach Ernie Rodriguez and Assisranr coach Tom Manning rrained rhe ream for srrengrh and endurance. On any given day rhe boy's

could be seen running counrless hills, arroyo runs, sprinr rraining on rhe neck, and in the Gym for weighr rraining. Mosr students ar Sanra Fe High really don'r know very much abour rhe sporr of track, bur wirh so many rhings going for rhe ream, one can only hope rhey will pur rhe Demon's name on rhe athletic mop! -5ARONY YOUNG

Lone SPNNTBV Top, Ashondi Orahmon works hard ro pur forth his besr effort TEAM PICTURE: 1ST Row- Keith Casrelano. 2nd row- Chris Smyth, Eric Morgan, Jason Lopez, Wayne Rivera, Les Vares, 3rd row- Floyd Pacheco, Vlnce Jaramlo, Jason Goeler, Jay O'DeS, Andrew Martinez. Tim Oobbs, 4th row- Travis Swan, Morr Fineberg, Rod Hasson, Miguel Guillen, Jesse Valdez. Joe Perez, Kevin Ktoppel, 5th row Varsity- Dustin Amy, Ernie Hen-ero, Russ McGinns. Motrin Marquez, Jeff GoUegos, Daniel Tapla, Fred Martinez, 6th row- Adam Mendozo, Sergio Tape. Judson Kinkode, Ethan Burdeou. Darnel Sanchez, Larry Coins. TJ. Grundter, Vernon Doss, Last Row- Chris Toley, Anthony Topic, Robert Mascorenos. Eddie Roel, Denny Chavez, Par Andrews, John Martinez, Nor pictured Keith Smith, Anthony Apodoco, Joe Cole. Gilbert Anoya, Leond Sweirzer, Chris Romero, Steve Rodriguez, Managers- Krtsra Ooco, Metonie Grorwo


Eric Chrisrensen, Trace Sonchez and Leon Apodoca form rhe boy's ream.

OVER THE TOP STRETCHNGOUT Oebw Tamsm Polese does a srrodole press on rhe beam The balance beam DeJow: Demonerre is Tomsn's best event, however she excels in ol of her exercises. Dorcy Crenshaw shows her skifc. Due to on ankle injury she was Imired to the bars as the only event.

"I feel o l rhe gymnasts, and I work hard which w l hopefully lead our ream rofirstor State " •M Dremond

" W e oVJn't hove seniors ro lead us. bur w e did have derermmonon ro pul us through rhe difficult siruonon of the team. Eric Chrisrensen

"Alrhough gymnastics rakes a lor of hard work and deter mination, rhe glory of winning is worth ol of the pain and struggle it took to moke it." -Sobra Romano

THE THREE LEADERS. Above Drennond, Sobra Romano, Eric Chrisrensen.

Leaders T282


FLEXBUTY Above Jennifer IXyboi demonstrates her ab* ties with a difficult exercise on rhe beam.

PRACTICING HER FORM fletovv. Girls Gymnastics coach helps Aimee Vitareal practice her door exercise.

Gymnastics Team Stretches To Meet Expectations


he Sonro Fe High School Gymnasrics Team experienced o very producrive season for 1987-88. The Demonerres had a young bur ralenred ream rhis year. The firsr two meers againsr Los Alamos and Eldorado saw rhe Demonerres as vicrors and rhe ream headed by coach Marc Robbins caprured a second place in rhe Highland Invitational. Robbins sees good chances for his Demonerres ro upser some of rhe esrablished "gymnasrics superpowers" ar rhe Stare Tournornenr. "Considering rhe upser w e pulled ar disrricrs and rhe individual resulrs, w e should have a much srronger ream rhis year," he says.

Wirh rhe cooperation of rhe Zio Gymnasrics Academy, whose head director is Robbins, rhe gymnasts have excellent training possibilities De cause gymnasrics requires not only strength and flexibiliry, bur also grace and poise, rhe ream works rogerher wirh choreographer Roger Monroya. The workload of Robbins and Monroya is shared by assisranr coaches Paula Mahn and Judirh Szanrho This ream of experienced coaches makes a greor efforr ro lead Sanro Fe ro one of rhe rop-ranked reams in the State. Jill Drennand, a sophomore, ond Sabra Romero, a junior, head rhe Demonerres wirh oursranding performances. The

rest of rhe ream consists of Darcy Crenshaw, Jennifer Roybal, Anroinerre Gara'a, Tamsin Polese, Aimee Villoreol ond Srephonie Martinez. The Demon's siruarion is nor as promising as rhe girl's. The last boy's high school team dates back to 1986 This year's ream was formed by Eric Chrisrensen. Trace Sanchez, Sean Tanner ond Leon Apodaca. "The boys ore going ro srruggle for o while before w e ger ir built back up. There is nor o strong feeder program, bur w e do have some good gymnasts," Marc Robbins commenrs on rhe boy's siruorion. •MANUEL KRAU5

THE GIRL'S TEAM. Dorrom right. Sabro Romano, Darcy Crenshaw, Aimee Villoreol, M Drennond, Jennifer Roybal, Stephanie Martinez and Tomsin Polese. SHOWING ELEGANCE Right: Sophomore Jill Drennond showed leadership throughout rhe season. M comperes for both the school and rhe US Gymnasrics Federation.

FLYNG UGH Above: Despite her young oge. VHoreoi showed some excelenr performances with her floor exercise ond goned statewide recognmon



TWO-HANDED BACKHAND. Senior Krishna Reagan stops a backhand during a practice da s Krishna's third year playing rennis for the Demonertes and wit try to keep on ploy throughout her college days.

FOLLOW THROUGH Lane Rah (blows through after whochng a forehand cross court For the future. Lone appears to be a strong player.

"This year's ream Is srrong ond has much rolenr We should go for" Terrel WiBiomson

"Being on rhe rennis ream has been a lor of fun, and has given me a fine sense of occompfchmenr." Donna Reid

"Playing on rhe rennis ream has broughr me a lor of experience and more self-confidence as a player The ream as a whole broughr me a lor of support, encourogemenr, and good rimes rhar I'D always remember." Krishna Regan

DEMONETTE NETTERS Senior girls Donna Reid. Ovisrtna Reagan, and Terrel WiSomson pose for a snapshot



TOPSPIN FOREHAND Donna Reid, senior, wnps o ropspf) f hand to her opponent. This is Donna's fourth year paying rennis for the Demonertes.

OACKHAND PREPARATION. Heorher Ingram prepares to debet a backhand an a cool afternoon practice.

Rood Trip Memories


here ore many things rhar a high school arhlere may remember abour his or her career in rheir sporr. Ir may be rhe thrill of winning a srare championship, being selected ro an Ail-American high school ream or pulling our a viaory afrer being rared an underdog. Yer, whar abour rhose rimes when rhe ream wenr on rhe road? Many of rhem remember a parricular road nip for wharever reasons. The girls rennis ream reflects upon rheir traveling memories. For girls coach Maureen Nelson, ir is quire easy ro remember her favorire road nip. "Ir would have ro be rhe m'p down ro rhe srare rennis finals

in Albuquerque. Thar was rhe year we placed third in doubles, and ir was great ro see our girls play ro rhar porenrial." She says this with a grin on her face. There are many great memories made on the road, such as coach Nelson's and some rhat are nor. Cynthia Armstrong, a sophomore and number one on the team, explains one instance that stands out in her mind. "My mosr memorable road rrip would have ro be when our ream wenr ro Farmingron my freshman year. I played one of rhe roughesr marches of my high school career . . . and losr. After eating dinner, my spirits

were lifted and the march was forgotten . . . almost." Whether or nor the memories are good or bad, they will remain in every athlete's mind for years ro come. For the future sportsmen of our school, ir can be safely assumed rhar rheir road rrips and remembrances rhar accompanies rhem will be just as vivid and colorful as in rhe post. These memories will be cherished and held cose ro heart, for rhey represenr a rime in each of our lives that was a good time: taking parr in a school sporr. JOHN ALEJANDRO

ORIS TENNB: Fist How, Donna Red, Krisrha Regan, Secondflow,Zoe Neben, Anno Losoda. Dawn Noshon, Amy Worchesrer, Last Row; Cynthia Armstrong, Uone Roth, Heather Ingram, Terrel WHamson. Colleen Drennan, Drigid Drennon. Anne Muchmore.

STRETCH SERVE. Cynrhio Armstrong, seeded number one lor her second year, smashes o devesting serve.

QUICK RETURN Jusm Zkxnck. ojurior. exrends himself ro rhe ourermosr amirs after a return of serve ro he backhand side. The s Justin's third year on the ream. ANOTHER DAY OF PRACTICE: Junior Justin Zbtnidi flashes a smile on Ns way ro rhe courts after school.

PASSED CALL. A bet escapes the racquet ofDolronRoss as he s silhouerred ogoinsr rhe ghre of rhe court on on overcast day.

"I trunk the ream this year Is very strong We should brave a very successful season." -John Alejandro


"I think this year we could conceivably become first or second In ctemct, and hove a good chance of going ro state " -Paul Armsrrong

CASUAL SENIORS. Left to right ore seniors John Alejandro and Paul Armstrong taking it easy after a gruetng workout.

TOUGH SHOT. Vince Martinez, junior, shows us some winn form after smashing a forehand. This is Vhce's third year o the team.



lÂŁT GAME. Adam Castas carefuty places a voley to his t wirh a smle on his face. Opponent


Netters Remember

here was once a rime where each arhlere hod ro firsr learn abour his or her sporr rhar rhey ore now involved in. In rhe sporr of rennis, ir is usually berrer ro srarr learning rhe basics of rhe gome when one is young. In rhis shorr srory, our very own vorsiry rennis ream will rell abour rheir humble beginnings. For Paul Armsrrong, who has been rhe number one seed on rhe ream for rhree years, rennis began or an early age. Paul picked up his firsr rennis racquer ar rhe young age of ren, and his firsr lesson was given ro him by rhe dry reaeorion program. He conrinued wirh rhe dry sponsored lessons for four years, then in rhe eighrh grade

he began privare lessons. Paul remembers rhe first tournament he won. "I was twelve years old, and I won my age division in rhe dry of Santa Fe Recreational Tournament." Ever since then, Paul has been on the courts always improving his game. Junior Jusrin Zlornick srarted the game of rennis ar rhe age of ten. Justin has been taking privare lessons ar various dubs here in rown. During his freshman year, he joined rhe team and Thoroughly enjoys rhe game and hopes ro continue playing in college. The tennis beginnings for John Alejandro srarted a few years larer rhon Paul's. John hir hisfirsrground srroke in rhe sev-

enth grade, and like Paul, his first lessons were wirh Santa Fe's Recreational Department. A couple of years larer, he began private lessons, and says they have helped him grearly on the team. As for hisfirsrTournament win, ir came at age twelve, one year after Paul's, in rhe College of Sonra Fe Tennis Tournomenr. "I'll never forger that day." remarks John. The beginnings of rhese rhree were small, yer with much pracrice and dedication ro their sporr, they have achieved rheir goals, proving that tennis is indeed a sporr of a lifetime. •JOHN


SMLE GUYS! The boys rennis ream shows us some style along with rheir prize-winning smles. Left to righr ore Danny Npatrick. Justin Zhrrick. Coach Mke V/oker, Paul Armstrong, and John Alejandro. HEAVEN.Y SERVE. Senior Paul Armstrong, seeded number one on the ream rhree years in a row, prepares ro aank a * * during proatce

IENNB- 287

TO THE RESCUE. Toprighr. Trainers are a large factor in the success of Sam Fe Hgh's sports program. STARTNG FRESH. Midde left. Many new coaches joined the staff tor 1987-88, Coach Oraaley, pictured here helped the Demon footbot team along by assuming Hoyt Mutz's former postion. UNDERDOGS ADVANCE. Midde. The 1967 Girl's Vasty soccer team advanced to Store competition. Team CaCoptoJn Barbie Durgerr provided the leadership needed, to make rhe ream a success. CHEATED. Midde bottom. Far rhe first time In live years, the gwl's CrossCourtry team was unsuccessful tor a first place or State. ALWAYS THERE Midde top. Crowd cheers Demons to victories. LOOKNG AHEAD. Midde IMght. The Demon Boy's Varsity Oaskerbal n was mode up of predomnonrly underdassmen, bur the team was nonetheless successful. Opposte page bottom left: ORNGNG IT HOME: STATE CHAMPS FOR 1968 Santa Fe's gtl's Vasty Basketbol team. ALL THE GLORY. Opposite page midde left: sophomore. Javier Posa earned a State Ttle In the heavy-weight doss tor wresting.


A Year To Remember W

hen you look bock on rhe year 1988 in sporrs, whor will be rhe most memorable moment that you want ro remember? Will ir be the World Series, or the Super BowP Will it be all of rhe records made or broken or rhe 1988 Olympic Games? Whatever your momenr will be, this past year is nor one that will be easily forgotten. For almosr all students, when rhey rhink of rhe year 1988 in sporrs, rhey will remember many seasons jam-packed with exdring, fasrpaced action proving once again rhar rhe Demons of Santa Fe are a major force in New Mexico sporrs comperirion. Students who partidpafe in sports while in high school, or ony exrra-curricular activity for rhar matter, roily are somerhing spedal. To be able ro excell in anything and still maintain academic standards, is a fear not accomplished often. Sporrs gives its parriapanrs a sense of integrity and accomplishmenr, as well as an ability ro perservere, which is o rrair rhar can be valuable foe rhe rest of one's life. So, as anorher school year draws ro o dose, one pauses ro reflecr on all the things that have come and gone, games won and losr, and the friends made along rhe way. Growing os people and as arhleres we have learned ro heed rhar small voice within each rhar urges us ro do our besr and nor ler ony obsrade loom insurmountable! SARONY YOUNG


Phoro of a 1920 collage reproduced byVerngaDoss


INNOVATIVE IDEAS SPARKS ADS ^ \ ince rtiis is rhe kasr year as rhe "one and only" public I high school in Sonro Fe our sraff felr o bir nosrolgic V * roword our posr high school years. Wirh rhis in mind w e decided ro do somerhing o bir differenr ro rhe ods secrion. Spedol inreresr srories ore rhroughour rhis secrion. Careful rime and hard work wenr inro reproducing and designing rhe ads as rhe businesses requesred. The srudenrs sold rhe ods and ser up rhe artwork. The selling was a good experience in rhar rhey approached businesses, received specific informarion and inrerprered rhar ro fir rhis book We'd like ro rhank rhose businesses in Sanra Fe who helped us. -STACY MILLER






We wish the graduating class of 1988 as much good luck as w e have had!

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WE'RE HERE TO SERVE Y O U , SANTA FE. 1973 GRADUATE: Danny Dusfos was in Varsity Foorball and Baskerball. He remembers rhe campus differenrly. For insrance, ir had no porrables, rhe buses would pick up rhe srudenrs from rhe faculry parking tor, rhe cafereria was in rhe Home Ec room, and baskerball reams would hove to pracrice ar Sweeney Cenrer.


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^ 9 6 7 GRADUATE Kathy Granito's favorire memories of her high school life were being Homecoming Queen and dass favorire. 5he partia'pared in Srudenr Council and was a member of rhe Drill Team. Karhy was in rhe rop 10% of her senior dass. In rhe academic porrion of her high school life her favorire dosses were biology, derical, and Spanish. She left us by saying, "My high school years were rhe besr of my life." -

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DOBS A TEST TICKLE? Wait, Wait, Yes ...


Nerrrrds! hroughour our high school yeors, we've all learned a lor. Our, one question rhar srill gnaws or our brains is who or whar colculored rhe derivative of rhe mulrinudeic, rorqued, double helix, parabolic, Mycenaean, global nuclear, centripetal force of o rotating oddic molecule, Traveling wirh o velociry of .4 x 1037 merers per second on a verricol plane in a vacuumed spoce. Was ir rhe "Demon"? TANG 'N TUNES MEGA DETH? JUDGE DORK? JUDGE GNSDURG? DESTRUCTION? Wei, after further considerorion, ond roWng Into occounr rhar ir was after rhe Pelopolynesion Wor, we decided rhor ir musr hove been GEPJVWRRRWWDEW!!!! (wirh Vern's help). Cor dead — Derails larer.




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IBT ONE IN THE CROWD. Al these spirired Demontonsare eoger for rhe gome ro resume afrer rhe haJf-rime performance.

IT'S A CLASSIC! If you roke o look In rhe parking lor after school there is a wide variety of cars oil rryhg ro be rhe first one our.

TEACHER 6 TACKY TOURIST! Left: Mrs. Shirley Cruse pamapared n Student Council Homecoming days by dressing up ro show spirit. TOUCH DOWN! Demons score six poinrs or one of oufol games ogahsr rhe Voley VHngs. OUt OF U*Om\ Parr rtne demon mascor, DavidDoco, showedspit throughout the year, by acting as the mascor and getting the crowd going.

: * f i t AND INDEX


Abello, Heather 148 Abeyro, Charlene 136 Donnie 124 Joe 136, 246 Roberto 136 Roman 148 Acosro, Marlene 136 Adorns. Norhon 136 Agins, Con 148, 165 AguJor, Coroine 52,136 Enedino136. 218 Kathleen 163 Aland, Frank 136 Roland 8 Aba. Jans 148 Abenco, Paul 8 Alejondro, John 8, 25. 49.112, 113.162. 232. 233 Alessio, Sfocy 223 Aire, Dnan 124, 166 Alvarez. Dense 136. 164 Joe 8, 244. 245 Steven 136 Amorous, Kevin 148 Anaya. Demoderre 148 Chris 148 Chrsrmo 8 Darlene 148 Diono 136 Dolores 8 Eton 8 Gtoerr 136 Greg 163 Jute 148 Kenny 124. 168 Krsrino K31. 218 Liza 164 Lupe 136 Marcos 136


Mike 9. 148. 242. 244 Anayo. Par 136 Anchondo, Roy 8 Sharon 136 Andermam, lanrhe 148, 216 Anderson, Casey 136, 163, 167 Coin 124 Felsha 8. 166 Heather 124,163,170 Srocy 166 Xavier 148, 163 Andrews, Mike 136 Patrick 148 Angel, Joiene 148 Jose 8 Mark 148. 247 Morhew 106. 218 Phi 136. 246 Anton, Shawn 124 Apoche, Chris 124 Apodoca, Anna 136, 148 Annette 8 Anthony 136, 246 Darlene 136 Dorothy 136 Jonme 8 Leon 148 Ray 8 Vmce 124 Apro, Deborah 106 Arogon. Anna 136 Camle 52. 148, 160 Conresso 8. 31. 52. 55. 163 Eva 148 Fernando 148 Korherine 8.170 Margaret 164 Renee 148 Sandra 106 VkM 148 Arando, James 8 Jessica 124. 165 Pod 8 Archulera, Archie 124 Chris 148 Darlene 8 Dovid 124

Ernesto 8 Joke 56 Krsrine 136 Michelle 124 Par 8. 166 Paul 148 Ronnie 148 Roslynd 148 Rueben 148 Arellano, ComBe 148 Jo Arm 124 Anngron, Dense 136 Anzmendi, Claudia 148 Armendariz, Armando 148 Armjo, Camille 8 ChereJe 165, 124 Jason 124 John 148 Karen Marie 124 Kord 124 Lawrence 124 Mario 148 Michelle 196, 197 Roberta 148 Soma 148 Armstrong, Cynthia 136, 163, 236 Paul 8, 162, 163. 180, 251 Arnal, Barbara 8 Arviz. Obeo 136 Asbury. Richard 124 Ash. Jo 230 Arencio, Gene 148 Rose 136 Ariono, Juanita 148 Atkrson, David 124, 219 Arwel. Crystal 124 Austin, Ruth 148 Sandra 136 Aurrey, Down 124

Dobcock, Jummey 148 Boca, Adrian 124 Andres 136 Decky 8, 55 Brian 124 Caaiie 124 Col 101, 146. 218 Carolyn 8 David 136. 246 Donna 124 Eddie 124 Emma 136, 164 Florence 148 Fred Ivo 124 Gerinda 148 Greg 136 Herman 124 Jerry 148, 171 Joaquin 8, 30. 162, 174 Kenneth 136 Marterte 124 Melonie 166 Mia 202 Michael 8 Mike 242, 244 Nicole 166 Phillip 148 Ron 124 Vonesso 148 Bochicho, Brian 148 David 124 Robert 136 Bacon, Whitney 136 Doezo, Kenneth 148 Baker, Brenr 8, 162 Paul 136 Robert 8 Oaktnger. Edie 206 Edith 205 OoJdonodo. Diana 148 Mary 170 Sean 124 Susan 166 Bole, Amy 136 Boknk, D' Artognon 136. 139. 167. 208 OoJke, Stephen 124

Dolkenende, Teri 124, 167, 208, 249 Ddrzefi, John 8, 223 Oolrzley, Cliff 124 Donnisrer, Jeremy 124,171, 223 Barba, Rebecca 136, 171 Darbee, Noelle 136, 163 Dorbero, Gloria 124 | Dardoy, Dave 136 Dorelo, Alberr 8 Dobby136 Drion 148, 255 Celine 148 Darlene 148 Joserre 124 Monica 136 Ronnie 148 Daribeau, Naraline 124 Domes, Chris 8 Jeremy 124 Darnerre, Porrido 148 Darney, Kim 136 Doros, Denise 148 Lucrida 136 Renee 8, 26 Doremon, John 136 Dares, Jennifer 136, 167 Doyne, Caroyln 148 Daysinger, Monica 137, 171 Dazza, Kennerh 171 Deole, Sreve 8, 162 Deauchamp, James 135, 137 Decker, Conron 148 Delian, Anrhony 8, 69 Dell. Adam 148 Kim 124, 162, 167 Delore, Diongo 148 Denally, Colverr 124 Denavidez, Dilly 148 Drenda 197 Dwayn 148 Frances 137 Helen 10 June 124 Noello 148 Denjamin, Melissa 148, 163 Dennerre, Mariah 124, 163 Denningron, Krisra 124 Denrley, Daniel 124 Dernol, Dennis 10 Gwendo 10, 166 James 124 Dernsrein, Josh 124 Derrg, Chris 137 Derry, Aaron 124, 230 Dibb, James 10, 219 Diddle, Daryle 10, 218. 219 Kirk 148 Diderman, Eric 137 Digbee, Scon 137 Dillowirz, Isaiah 137 Dimbaum, Rachel 124 Dinoel, John 10, 171, 222, 223, 242, 244 Dlnghom, Tracy 124 Dirges, Sherri 205 Discamp, Lewis 124 Bkxkwell, Srephanie 124, 163 Blair, Saroh 10, 37, 39.162, 222. 248, 249 Dlozon, Alberr 149, 247 Denise 149, 237 Dteo, Tracy 149,163, 165 Bobchak, Vikk 137 Doggs, Sheryl 10. 33. 234, 235 Dotes, AnneBese 125 Doise, Laura 10, 162.163. 167 Ddron, Lauro 135, 137,141.142. 255 Donol, Maurice 137

Dorges, Shorri 204 Dornman, Eric 137 Dorrego, Srephanie 125 Doudouris, Srephan 137 Dovis, Amy 137, 203 Dower, Damon 149 Dowles, Anrhony 101, 149 Doyron, Wade 10 Droosch, Aoron 125 Bradley, Duke 137 Shannon 137 Drody, Avenelle 124 Brady, Josh 137 Brahman, Ashandi 10 Broker, Mike 196 Braman, Ashandi 242, 244 Bransford, Chris 137 Jesse 137 Michelle 125, 170 Drouer, Shannon 125 Brennan, Colleen 134, 135, 137, 248, 249 Brennand, Jill 95, 137, 141, 143, 171 Briceno, Naomi 149 Briscoe, James 125 Par 167,171, 208 Briro, Rebecca 149, 237 Broering, Aaron 137 Brown, Aoron 100, 125, 162, 165, 230, 231 Cyrus 10 Gloria 10 Jeremy 10 Buchanan, Danny 125, 250 Buchane, Berh 148 Duchen, Elizabeth 149 Duck, Milwaukee 23 Duckley, Sean 10 Dudwine, Greg 125, 171, 223 Dueno, Carlos 95, 137 Dulink, D'Arragnan 168 Dunker, Oinr 165 Durdeou, Erhan 11 Durgerr, Darbie 11, 33, 248, 249 Drion 137, 252 Durke, Johanna 137 Suzerre 149 Burnam, Kano 11, 90 Burron, Derek 11, 163 Shelly 137 Bussell, Herb 137 Mary Kay 137 Busrananre, Ivy 137 Busros, Teresa 11 Burter, Danielle 11 Dyers, Dena 70, 137,167, 171

C De Boca, Donna 166 Paul 146,149 Cobbs, Tim 138 Coffee. Cean 167, 203 Coidera, Arruro 137 CokJera, Anronio 137 Caldwell, Cairdin 125 Comancho, Tora 149 Candelario, Javier 125 Coniz, Rufino 137 Cannon, Daniel 137 Cardenas, Tom 197 Carberg, Aimee 125

Carlisle, Heidi 137,167, 171 Carlson, Deed 11, 165 Caron, Korhryn 11 Carpenter, Sean 11 Carrara, Dawn 137, 167 Carrier, Sheilo 137, 164 CorrBto, Aniro 149 Anroinerre 149 James 137 Lawrence 149 Louie 149 Maria 137 Paul 149 Pauline 125 Steven 149 Corson, Allissa 125 Corswell, Krisren 125 Casados, Consuelo 149 Casilas, Adam 137, 163, 252 Castellono, Camille 149 Evelyn 152, 162 Nicole 11, 171, 162, 180 Rick 197 Evelyn 149, 163 Keith 149 Rick 166 Eddie 149, 171, 247 Castillo, Jody 11, 162, 171 Castner, Sean 149 Caranach, Allan 137 Gail 11 Joseph 149 Lisa 137, 164 Manuel 149 Yodel 202 Care, Adam 149 Carron, Lisa 149 Carsis, Alexander 149 Corr, Adam 247 Caussey, Mike 125 Ceballos, Lulu 149 Chacon, Art 149 Pamela 125 Chambers, Erin 11, 167, 205 Chandler, Mark 149, 252 Chapman, Cassandra 11 Chaves, Germaine 12, 166 Chavez, Angela 149 Anthony 125 Anronio 149 Brian 137 Cormela 125 Cathy 11 Dennis 125 Donald 24, 52, 55 Doreen 149 Eddie 137 Eduordo 149 Fobian 196 Germoine 197 Jacob 149 Kimberly 137 Lelond 149 Lisa 149 Manuel 149 Margie 149 Maria 125. 163 Marie 203 Michael 149 Porrlce 12, 234, 235 Ph*p 149 Ray 149 Rita 149 Serena 149 Timothy 137 Tony 149 Vonesso 125, 235 Chombing. Kali 149 Chrisrensen, Eric 125 Chrisrenson, Kenneth 149, 163

Chrisrin, Charlin 125 Chung, Tinh 12 Oddio. Diego 125 Cisneros, Jennifer 149, 163 Lester 162 Clark, Anrhony 137 Shonno 12, 33. 234. 235 Tommy 137, 218 Clausen, Krisren 125 Oft, Choris 125 dough, David 12, 223, 253 Coares, Alexis 149 Codd, Tom 218 Cole, Joe 137 Cotemen, Srocey 125 Collins, Lawrence 125 Michael 12 Nancy 125, 234, 235 Cofeon, Mites 167 Srocey 12, 21, 171. 223 Compron, Dawnya 137. 163 Dawnyo 137, 163 Rick 149, 163, 171 Concte, Andre 149 Conover, Paige 5, 12, 34, 162, 165, 174, 334, 335 Conray, Krisren 12 Conrreras, Michelle 149 Timorhy 137 Conway, Drian 149 Cook, April 137 Cookson, Martha 4, 135, 138, 143, 167, 171, 249 Copelin, Craig 12 Cordle, Lyle 196 Cordova, Jennifer 125 Jessica 149 Parrida 138 Pauline 125 Rozella 12, 170 Tom 125 Coriz, Dlue Joy 12, 162 Michelle 12, 35, 164, 170, 197 Corlerre, Catherine 149, 167 Chris 138, 166 Cortew, Roberr 138, 167 Corriz, Aaron 94, 137 Corio 138 Diego 137 Michelle 196 Correz, Paul 12, 219 Cosrelto, Richard 12, 165 Cowen, Srocy 125 Craig, Chad 138 Craighead, Kimberly 125 Crawford, Hillery 138, 171 Crenshaw, Chelsea 149, 163 Darcy 125, 167 Crespin, Erika 125 Crisr, Caryn 138 Eddie 149, 247 Crosby, Scott 150 Crossman, Sara 125,171 Culberrson, Shannon 126, 167 Sue Ellen 138, 218 Cullison, Drandon 138 Curran, Andrea 149 Curtis, Krisren 55, 163 Nicole 12, 21 Cushing, Marda 126. 171, 223

D'Angeteo. Keith 95 Odmy, Heorher 138.164.167, 168. 203 Donielson. Metony 166 Michael 138 Donn. Daniel 126 Davidson, Andre) 126. 264 Erm 250 Dovies, Carolyn 144 Davis, Aoron 126, 202. 203. 230. 232 Bron 126. 149, 165. 168 Carolyn 138 Kharo 138 Morme 138, 141, 142. 236 Narasha 149 ' Daymon. Sherri 52. 149 De Auguero, Vernon 166.197 Deagvero, Oobby 126 Deal. Jason 138 Deon. Andrea 138 Sonio 12 DeAngelo, Nick 126 DeOoca. John 126 Defher, Micheie 149 Dei Ma. Dawn 126 Deleon, Kerri 12 Delgodo, Andrea 149 Emundo 334 James 138 Melindo 69, 113. 126.162. 165. 168, 171, 335 DeLovaro, Anna 12, 21, 24. 163 Demonrigny, Edward 126 Dennis, Chris 126, 167. 218, 219 Gno 126 Deon, Beverly 138 DeRuyrer, Wim 12, 70. 230 Des Jartois, Lorry III 126 Deubel, Jacqueline 126 Dickerson, Russel 167. 205. 208. 209 Wendy 149,163 William 149 Dflard, Srocy 149 Dillenburg, Renell 149. 218 Dtender, Rick 138. 164. 246 Dimoas. Leona 149 Dtmorzio, Rfco 149. 163 Dimas, Leona 163 Trido 12 Dobyns, Ayesha 149 Dodge. Debbie 138. 167.168. 203 Rafael 149 Dommguez, Cdrrnichoel 12. 242, 244 Meteso 126, 171 DomWck. Micheie 12, 133 Donley, Dense 149 Doriry. Dorr 10. 13. 35 Dorman, Aprt 126 Doss, Vernon 13, 35.162.165. 174. 231. 255 Dossey. Alexandria 138 Drennon. Debbie 126.163. 167 Dunoway, Susie 150, 166 Duncan, Michael 138 Dunlop. Dronwyn 126, 162 Dunwoody. John 13. 35. 162. 165. 250 Megan 138, 236 Dupree. Annette 13 Duron. Audrey 13,164.168 Brondi 150 Carlos 150 Chris 13. 242. 244 Crystal 138 Donald 138 Jeonerre 150 Morcelo 13


Mark 126. 244 Mlchoel 138 Micheie 138, 165 Valerie 138 Durham, Trida 150 Dusrin, Amy 126 Duty, Chombtee 150, 171 Dusrin 13. 242, 244 Duval, Chris 162, 171, 222 Dvorak, Tom 13

Ebsrein, Lorry 146, 150,163, 171 Edwards, Jim 166 Jum 138 Ehrfch, Kenneth 138 Bchelmonn, Dridgerre 138, 167 Eisenhordr, Gala 13 ESor, Sean 230 Srephon 150, 167 Encinias, GerakJine 166 Yvonne 13, 138 Engelke, Hyden 138 Ervin, Ceo 126. 171 Esoquibel. Diana 150 Esporzo, Joe 150, 218 Sondro 138, 218 Espinoso, Arthur 150 Glberr 138 Esquibel, Devin 138 Donna 150 Krisrie 150 Monique 150 Esquivel, Karto 126. 162 Esrrodo. Sandra 126 Erhelbah, Upton 150 Euston, Kim 126, 163 Ewing, Jennifer 150 Mark 94

Foehl, Rochel 126 FoircNd, Wiley 150 Foknce, Chris 126 Forrow, Oayron 13 Fasmocht, Cody 150 Federid, Eric 126 Fekx, Phillip 126 Felows. Robert 126, 162, 167 Fernandez, David 150 Eddte 13. 25. 242. 244 Fernando 150 Joshua 246 Lett 150 Ferran. Micheie 13, 91. 162 Ferrory. Adorn 55,126.163, 203 Ferrel. James E 126 Field. Elizabeth 126 Jessica 138 Fierro. Carlos 101.150 Fine. Robert 138 Fineberg, Marhew 150 Finney, Bridget 13. 170. 171 Fomo, Rlesho 150

F6cher, Aaron 13 Joe 138 Vicky 150 Fitter. Poly 150. 237 Ftzer, Dakota 150 Fitzgerald, Tim 126 Fiance, Rachel 138 Fleetwood, Jorer 163 Fleming, Jessico 171 Fiss, Andrea 150 Florence, FJzoberh 13 Flores, Janice 13, 166 Luis 150 Foingsrod, Eric 126 Forbees, Dorlo 126 Fordham, Jeff 126 Fosrer, Marcus 127 Fowler, Drod 13, 162,174 Geno 143 Fox, April 202 Christy 138 Dean 150 Frondsco, Chris 138 Maria 150 Franco, Sofi 13B Frank, Sarah 138 Franks. Mike 138 Franzoy. Pom 127 Free. Chuck 127 Freedmon. John 7, 9,162, 174 Fretxfri, Patrick 162 Fresquez, Jason 150, 168 Moureen 13, 163, 171 Frueh. Mark 127, 167, 205 Fuenres, Glberr 13 Fukuda. Iba 13

GobkxJon, Claudia 150 GoHegos, Amy 150 Denise 56. 139 Edward 150 Gregory 13 Jovier R. 150 Jeff 139, 246 Kevri 150 Kimberty 13 Marc 139, 266, 267 Mario 14 Michael 127 Monica 148 Paul 150 Rochoel 139 Stephanie 14,127 Steve 150 Tonya 139 Teri 14 Valerie 150 Valerie 166 Gordo, Adelo 127,197.166 Andrew 150 Angelo 139 Antoinette 150 Oeinda 14 Denjie 150. 247 Carlo 139 Celeste 150 Chorolerto 150 Chris 150 Danny 127

Debro127 Dorolynn 139 Fkx127 Gabriel 139,150, 166 Gaytha 139 George 139 Glberr 127, 254, 255 Greg 150 Gregg 150, 247 James 139 Joyson 127 Jeonerre 150, 166 Jennifer 127 Jessico 139 Jimmy 150 Joedy 127 Jose 14 Juan 139 Julie 14, 234, 235 Kormelo 127 Keith 127 Lawrence 139 Linda 14, 170 Lorerro 14, 168 Lucia 166 LycKa 14 Martha 14 Mary 14 Meisso 14 Michael 139 Michelle 150 Mike 127 Norhan 150 Par 139 Patricia 139 Parti 150 Paul 150 Ramon 150 Raul 139 Renee 139 Robert 139 Robert A. 139 Ruben 150 Rudy 14 Srocy 139 Tonya 150 Gardner, Tom 164 Gorduno, Judi 14, 166 Gorofalo, Pilar 150 Gorrerr, Daniel 14 Gebhardr, Marion 204 Gehred, Daniel 162, 167, 168, 204, 205. 208 John 208 Geiger, Paul 127 Gentry, Jennifer 124, 127 Lynnerre 139, 165 George, Rebecca 150 Gerber, Jason 14, 84, 162 Gerzonich, Marhew 14 Gerchel, Amy 127, 167 Julie 14 Gertemy, Sarah 139 Gifbrerh, Wendy 14 Gkrease, Craig 15, 242, 244 Giles, Brad 139, 171 Michelle 150 Gillerr, Peter 15 Sarah 150 Gillespie, Stephen 139 GOliom, Tanya 150, 237 Gilbgon, Brian 127, 163, 171, 219 Gimon, Melisso 162,167, 205 Nathan 150 Gitomer, Alono 139, 167, 168, 171, 203. 223 GkxJfelrer, Sharon 127 Glosby, Scorr 255 Gleoson, David 139 GWwel. Shod 139

Glover. Damon 139 Goeter. Nathan 150 Golden. Mork 15.171 Gomez, Rhonda 15 Sieve 139 Toby 139 Gonzales, Amy 150 Angela 15.150 Angelco 139 Anthony 166 Dean 65

into 127 Ftontine 150 George 15 Greg 244 Jonino139 Jenrifer139 Jessica 139 John 127 Jose 139 Josephine 15.166.196 Krnberly 15. 166 LonetoW Liz 127 Manuel 150 Morta15 Moriceta 150 Meter*? 150. 166 MeSssa 90 Monica 150 Nancy 150 Noraie140 Pamela 150 Rick 140 Robert 247 Roland 150 Sean 247 Srephen 15 Sreven 15 Theresea 150 VfcWe166 Viaor 140.166 Vfcrorio 170 Gonzalez. Janho 197 Jeonerfe 127 Josephine 197 Gonzeles. Jonathan 127 Gordon. Chamiso 15 Sebastian 150 Gozotes. Sean 150 Grondos, Leonardo 150 Granko. Melone 139.140 Michoelo 15. GrosmtaX, Kenneth 140 Gray. M k e 249 Grearnouse, Joe 15. 65. 162. 163. 167. 170. 208 Green. T Rochele 140 Greene, Chonning 218 Greentee. Rebekoh 150 Gregory. Peter 127 Stacy 15. 55. 168. 208 Tiffany 55. 167. 174 Gnego. Ann 127 Dana 15.162 David 127.140 Donald 150 Qna127 Lenta 127 Lisa 170 Lot 150 Luono 150 Manuel 150 Mark 127 Meinda 127 Roberto 140.166 Ronald 150 Shown* 150

Terrie 140. 236 Groener. Gobi 204 Gross. Ashley 55.127,163,167. 168, 205. 208 Grander. TJ. 140.142. 246 Guamo, Edward 150 Gobotaon, Glenn 127 Guerro. Phi 150 Gulen, Frantine 15, 165 Manas 127 Metonie 127 Miguel 150. 247 Robert 140.163 Yverre 15, 3 8 . 1 6 5 . 1 6 6 GUrerrez, Diane 166 O r e 166 Gufcert. Lesle 127 GunJe. Albert 127 Arcrie 140 CamJe M 140 Joyce 163 Judy 150 Lupira 150 Lynerre 166 Mark 127 Sevasttan 140 Suzerte 150 Yverre 15 Gurerrez, Victoria 150 Amy 150 Christine 140 Diana 127 Don 150 Jufcrme 150 Guyer. Jeff 10, 15,17. 6 9 . 1 4 2 . 165. 230. 335

HacMer. Gertndo 150.167

Starlo 140 Hodey. James 15 Lori150 Hogerman. Michael 127 Hogewood, Joseph 150 Haighr. Cameron 163. 167. 171 Cameron R. 150 HaVbrd. James 127 Halquist. Amy 15. 6 4 . 1 6 2 . 164. 167. 174 Hamton, Bethany 150 Larry S. 150 Hamre. Aaron 150 Honogon. Peter 129. 162. 203 Hands. Judrh 140. 167 Hone*. Den 140. 167. 208 Robert 127.167. 208 Harmo. David S. 150. 167 Hansen. Kristin 15. 24, 33. 162. 167. 168 Robert 167 Hanson. Austin 140 Heather 140 Robert 140 Hare. Karen 15 Horing. Samoronrhe 150 Soro 140 Harris. M y 15. 242. 244 Holy 140

ho to Krsten 16.164 Paige D. 150

Richard 127 Totta 140 Harrison. Sean 127 Hart, Miched 150 Pot 150 Thomas 16 Harrnug, ÂŤ 204 Harvey, Chris 127 Hasseterrom, Mary 140 Hosson, Diane 16 Rod 150. 247 Hathaway. Andy 150 Hayes. Aberro 140.166 Leon 150 Robert 127 Haywood. Phoedro 16, 162 Hebron. Juion 62. 150.171 Hebron. Justine 56. 60. 70. 71, 127,171,174, 249 Hefrer. Phi 140. 246 Hefoerger, Sandra 16. 170 Todd 150 Heiss, Jacqueine 16 Katie 163, 150.171 Heteon, Kevta 127 Hemsing. Michele 140, 166 Henderson, Fronane 140 Michele 127 Hendren. FJzoberh 16 Hendrick, Lormie 150 Hendrickson, Laura 16 Hendrix. Gabriel 140 Hensinger. Kara 140 Henson. Kyle 16. 166 Henzie. Di 127. 166 Hernandez, John 197 Johnny 127. 196 Michael 140 Suzerte 127 Hemes. Shauno 127 Herr. Rachel 140. 163, 167. 168 Herrero. Colette 16. 171 Ernie 140. 162. 230. 231 Jeonetre 140 John 16 Michoel 127 Patrick 140 Paul 127 Pouine 16 Peter 127 Sean 127. 264. 265 Hess. Rachel 127. 167.168. 205. 208 Heverr. Ethan 140 Hcks. Sreven 127 Htabee. Drent 133. 140 HMebrand. Selena 140 Mgendorf. Mart 113. 128. 162. 165. 167. 250 H i . Ebon 163. 165 Erie 133 Jayson 133. 140 Santa 140 Hskey. Korrino 164 Hta. Ofvia 140 Hoek. Monica 16 Hoffman. Dawn 128. 167 Hobrook. Jason 140. 252 Hcten, Katrine 16. 164. 171 Hotaerson, David 140, 163 HcJander. David 140. 218 Holor. Amy 140 Hoidoy. Shely 140 Holmes. Leroy 140 Patrick 140 Hot. Cesar 128. 218 Sandy 140. 239 Hooper. Jason 140 Hoover. Robert 16.162. 230 Ronald 16

Hopkns. Angel 16 Hosenfeld. Perer 168 Houghton, Israel 164 Howard, Krisren 140. 202 Howtand, Darleyene 140 Hoyr. Renee 140, 218 Hubbard. Cissy 128 Hubert, Amaud 16. 164,165.167. 202. 203 Hudson. Tom 16. 71.162,167. 170. 171. 231, 233 Hussey. Debbi 237 Hurcttnson, Sreve 140 hgrom, Corolyn 113. 128,171, 249 Hearher 55. 202. 203. 249. 253

Jackson, Deeonce 16 Glenn 140 James 140 Jacobi, Carrie 128 Joekel. KoWm 140 James. Jerry 16. 3 0 Morrin 135. 140 Joromlo, Angelo 52,128 Anno 140 Anthony 16 Lorry 128 Marry 140 Jarrert, Linda 140 Jeffreys. Nei 252 Nek 154 Jenks. Janice 237 Jennifer 164, 197 Jensen. Karen 238. 239 Heather 128 Karen 163 Jimenez. Eleen 16,166 Irene 16,170. Patrick 17 Tom 17, 242. 244 Jiron. Joey 244 Jo Moxwel. M y 163 Johnson, Dryan 140, 167. 246 Johnson, Deborah 128 Kerny 128 Tomi 167 Jones, John 140. 165 Nathan 231 Thomas 128 Joseph. Sarah 17, 162. 171 Julan. Jonele 140



Kolrenbach, Jacob 205 Kavonaugh, DiBy 128 Keeling, Cody 49 Keesing, Chris 70, 128 John 128 Kely, Chris 140. 163, 252 John 17 Potto 17 Kenny, KeHie 17 Kerchner, Ertoo 163 Kern, Renee 17 Kesler. Cody 128 Jessie 166 Key, Kyle 17 Keyson, Dione 37 Kim, Chad 128 King, Cecfla 128 Kara 128 Undo 17, 164 Kinkode, Judson 17,162,171, 240, 241 KJobunde, Sarah 17, 24,171, 222, 220 Kline, Dio Roel 140, 202 Ktoeppel, Kevm 171. 247 Knowles, Lisa 128, 162 Koch, Julie 105, 140, 141, 236 Koroneos, Dorln 166 Koroneos, James 140 Kosoko, Yoko 128, 163 Krous. Manuel 17, 33, 162, 167, 208, 250, 255 Krell. Tiffany 203 Krum, Matthew 140.164.167 Kuegmon, Richard 17, 162 Kuhn, Eric 163 Kullman, Caleb 126, 129.167, 204, 205, 208, 209



Kurr*, Doniel 140, 165 Kurrz. Nicholas 128. 171

Lo Oombord, Chuck 166 Lo Mondo, Evangeline 128 Loondus, John 246 laDombord, Chuck 140 Lollemonr, Jon 140 Landry, Kim 140 Londua, Darry 64 John 128, 171 Londus, Dorry 140 Loner, Phlp 128 Lanzo, Dwayn 247 Lorronogo, Audrey 128 Chris 203 Chrisropher 140 Work 17, 162 Ralph 128 Larson, Oobbi 128 Laurner, Heidi 204 Loyden, Eric 17 Lee, Lorraine 128 Lee, Tommy 230 Lemoy, Sreve 18, 54,162, 171, 230 Lemon, Srrowberry 128,133, 162 Lengyel, Aaron 140 Morrhew 140

Lerma, Valerie 18,163 Lerouge, Mono 18 Lerekro, Ronnie 128 Levis, Ty 128 Levy, Chris 18. 39, 40,162 Somsunshine 18, 171 Ley, Emly 16 Mario 128 Leybo, Aundreo 128 Lisa 140 Monica 18 Uerz, Lee 18, 21,163,167,166, 170 Lienrhd, Doeniko 16, 163 Lirhgow, Dennis 140 Loboro, Denjamin 128 Lomayesva, Greg 140 Lopez, Amy 140 Andrew 140 Andy 128, 148 Annerre 18,166 Anroinerre 171 Author 128 Dorboro 18, 166 Drendo 128,165 Cassonora 163 Charles 128.163 Chris 140 Dorren 65, 128. 165 Duane 18 Froncelo 128 Fronchesco 128 Josephine 128 Juonifa 18 Lebnd 140 Ludndo 128 Mori Jo 166 Mario 18 Morrhew 140, 246 Michelle 128. 166, 197 Phiip 128 Roauel 140 Santiago 140 Shonrel 140 Suson 140 Trod 166 TrWa 18, 31, 52,162, 174 Yvonne 18, 170 Lord, Gllian 140 Losodo, Ano 128 Lovoro, Anno Marie 128 Cynthia 18 James 128 Jessica 128 Renee 18 Loyo, Alino 128, 218 Lucero, Arlene 170 Oobbi 140. 163 Darlene 128 Gene 140 Gmo 128 Jerry 140, 240 Kayie 140 Lodd 14.18. 264. 265. 266. 267 Noel 140 Sharon 140 VM128 LucWe, Audro 167 Lugor. Shannon 128 Lujan, Anthony 166 Dernoderre 18. 166 Carmen 140 Cordyn 18 Ectte 140 QIC 128 Gfcerr 129.166 Jennifer 197 Jenrrfer A. 129 Leon 129 Lisa 18, 140, 168

Mark 129 Peggy 129 Luna, Tamica 16 Lux, Carlos 205 Lyons, Dion 129, 166 Leon 18, 167, 219

Mac Carter, Mlndy 69 Mac Duffe, Shane 166 Mac Qllivary, Ian 143 Mocarenas, Jeff 129 MocCorrer, Mlndy 129 MocDuffee, Shane 140 MocGillivray, Kirk 18, 40, 162, 250 Lochlan 155 MocGregor, Flower 171 Modnnes, Drion 165 Drooke 135, 143 Modrid, Abel 163, 246 Joseph 140 Mork 129 Matthew 143, 166 Maes, David 129 Dino 241 Jerome 143, 246 Tonya L. 165, 143 Moese, Kathleen 19, 170 Maestas, Adrian 143 Christine 129.171 Diego 143 Kenneth 19,163 Melissa 129 Moew, Drendo 143 Mogodini, Niko 140 Malczewski, Sreve 129 Mobne, Zerah M. 129 Maioof, George 129, 216 Monfredi, Jono 129 Mopes, Jessica 164 Morono, Carl 23, 100.129, 165, 264. 265 Morchmon, Elen 143 Mares, Maria 19 Tracy 163 Morinez, Felix 129 Sonyo 152 Marirnez, Danielle 129 Eloy 129 Louis 152 Morquez, Dernoderre 143 Frank 19, 242, 244 Julie 129, 166 Kely 19, 162 Maria 129 Martin 19, 240, 241 Patricia 164 Sreve 143, 163 Marsh. Carmen 143 Chortene 129 Martin, Amy 19, 25, 49 Joe 143 Martinez, Aaron 143, 244 Adrian 19, 129 Albert 69, 129 Alex 129 Aliao 19 Andrew 143, 247 Angela 19, 170 Angelo 140 Ann 164 Anthony 19, 197

Anon 166 Artie 147 Any 166 Decky 56.170 Detamnino 129 Den 143 Derrtce 143 Drion129 Col 246 Chris 143 Ooudme 19. 166 Cynrr*a129. 165 D a d 143 Denise129 Diego 129. 244 Dondd19, 166 Edde197 Edrh237 Eric 129.143.166 Frank 129 Fred 143 Georgia 19 Gfcert 19, 143 Greg 129 Heirh143 Jason 143 Jerome 143.165 Joe 19 John 143.152.166 Keley 152

las 247 Laenzo 166 Larry 19 Lawrence C. 129 Lorenzo 19 Lai A. 143 Lorraine 152 Marvin 129. 244. 245 Marhew 152 Mar 14 Matthew 19 Maxne 129 Mayo 143.171 Monica 152 Nena129 Peter 143, 246 Ralph 143 Rebecca 19 Renee 143 Ricky 100. 247 Robot 129. 171 Roberta 129 Ronald 152 Ronnie 152 Samuel 129,171 Sean 143 Seforino 143 Sate 152 Stephanie 143. 163 Tammy 19.166 Teresa 9, 19 Thomas 143 Tno152 Tony 152 Vodro 19. 164 Valerie 164 Voce 129 Vincent D. 129 YverteM. 129 Mayoi. Nek 129 Mascaenas, Caotyn 146, 152 Mascaenas. Robert 19. 168. 242. 244 Mascorenas. Travis 19 Masse. Demi 143 Masters. Heather 20.166 Masrerson. Josh 20 Marrhew Trujio. Leo 165 Moxwet. 0*e Jo 143. 236 Moxwel. Shannon 143

May, Tina 164 Maymudes, Aoerie 152 Mc Couley, Trod 218 Mc Guire, Mark 264 Mc Millin, Mefeso 166 McAisrer. Maurice 20 McCofcrer, Billy M. 129 Reese 162 McCafcon, Trenr 152 McCarrer, Mindy 162, 167 McCarthy, Kimberely 152 Scott 152 Hope 129,171, 223 McCouley. Trod 143 McOesky, Dlaine 140 McOoskey, Jennifer 152, 237 McOoskey, Shannon 143 McCofeon. Trenr 168 McCorry, Seamus 143 McCJotter, Tore 152 MoGay, Doneria 152 McDougall, Jeanerre 152 McDougall, Jennifer 129 McGee. Mikato 129 McGinnis, Derrik 152 Russ129 McGregor, Andrew 20 Flower 143 Germy 143 McHorse, Joel 20. 230 McKinley, Laura 129 McKinney. Mxhele 143 McMillan, Melissa 129 Medina, Adam 101. 152 Angela 164 Dorbao 152 Dorene 20, 164 Gerard 143 James 147 Juan 61 Osca152 Robert 152 Sonta20 Tommy 143 Yverte152 Medrono, Lorerro 129 Meek. Otwyn 143. 218 Stephanie 20, 165, 171 Mejia, Gulermo 152 Meno, Marrido 152 Martin 20. 68. 242. 244 Sholange 203 Menopoce. Ono 152, 171. 222. 223 Mendez. Apr! 166 Ray 143, 246 Mendiolo, Lisa 143 Marcos 129, 255 Roger 152, 247 Mendoca. Audrey 143. 166 Dorboro 152 Deverry 168 Adorn 246 Mendozo. Adon 140 Gianna 20. 24 Lemdo 143 Mersereeau, Deou 152 Mexia. James 20. 162. 171. 230 Meyers. Jesse 152 Mier. Kely 143 Ceine 166 Daman 152 Lesie 152 Tommy 20, 64. 163. 171 MMiefcon. Oecky 129 Paul 143. 252 Mies. Col 20 Karri 143 Mier. David 129 Duncan 143

George 143 Jeff 20 M 129, 162, 167. 166. 205. 206 Justin 113. 129. 167. 171, 204, 205, 208. 209. 231, 233, 250, 251 Kyle 129,162. 167, 202, 203, 208,250 Michoel 152 Nei ÂŤ , 11. 20. 84. 149, 162,167, 250 Rebecca 152 Srocy 20, 162, 167, 168, 170. 174. 248. 249 Tonya 143 Tonya 236 MBngron, Terry 152 Miner. Jessica 129. 147, 235 Moffirr. Louro 135, 143, 167 MonroJbano, Andrea 129 Monrano, Alegre 129 Andrea 152. 164 DeJnda 129 Debbie 20. 166 Debi 164 Helen 152, 163 Leonard 152 Mario 20, 164, 165, 166 Sam 20 Steven 166 Tres 152, 167 Monres. Joey 143, 246 Montgomery, Eric 129 Seen 129 Monroyo, Amie 152 Andy 152 Angelo 129, 152. 237 Annette 129 Arthur 20 Audrio M. 129 Dorbao 152 Decky 20. 143 Dryon R. 129 Cork* 147. 152 Chris 129. 152. 163 Dona 152 Daniel 152 Dion 152 Gabriel 130. 165. 166 Geage 20. 242. 244. 245 Jacob 143 Jeanerre 164 Jessica 20. 152. 165, 168 Joe J. 130 Johanna 152 Johnny 143 Jute 152 Leroy 143 Louise 140 Manuel 152 Maria 152 Marie 143. 237 Mark 143 Marrhew 152 Marrhew E. 163 Michele 152 Mke 143. 171 Paul 244 Paul A 130 Ph*p20 Randy 247 Robert 21. 242. 244 Roberta 152 Roy 162 Sammy 152 Srwtey 21. 164 Tommy 21.170 Theresa 152 Valerie 130. 152. 160 VerorKO 100. 160 Wondo 152

Moore, B*y 21, 164, 166 Karhy 85. 130 Kelly 164 Laura 170 May 130 Morales. Anita 249 Gno 152 John 152 Mebnda 21, 248, 249 Mindy 164 Morelos, Ano 163 Donna 21, 166 Morgan. Eric 55, 146,152, 163, 241 Kristin 10.163. 171. 222. 223 Theresa 152 Morris, April 130, 167. 171. 205 Morse. Kim 152 Mosley. Peggy Ann 130 Mat. Short 152. 163 Todd 21,120, 162. 171, 230, 232, 233. 253 Moyer, Sherri 21. 30, 71, 162, 167. 168, 171, 174, 203 Moyle, Marrhew 152. 171. 247 Romona 152 Muchmae, Anne 152 Henry 152 Mueller, SoDyn 203 Sreve 144 Mulhollond. Doniel 21, 41, 167, 171 Mundis, David 130 Muniz, Patrick 130 Phillip 152 Roberta 22 Munoz. Romon 152 Murz, Scott 152. 247 Myers, Sunny 130. 162

Noronjo, Martin 152 Noronjo, Paula 22, 166 Norvoiz, Chris 166 Narvoiz, Joseph 22 Nashon, Down 163 Nouman, Zoe 22, 162 Nova, Rosolie 142 Novror, Miguel 163 Neer. Robert 130. 162,163. 167. 208 Nefeen, Jason 22. 162. 167. 171, 205, 250. 251 Nespa. Jeff 142 Newman, Malcolm 142 Rachel 130 Nichols. Lori 130 Moureen 196 Nero, Else 142 Nno. Danny 22, 254, 255 Noedel. Momca 22. 165. 171 Noel. John 101 Nohl. Aaron 130 Ashley 142 Nadsrrum. Chris 10. 55,130.162. 163, 167. 171, 208 Norrts. Chris 163. 171 Nowers, Lisa 142. 235 Nui. Voughn 142



O'Det. Jay 240. 241 Ookeiey. Tim 142 Ocampo, Erlmdo 33 Ojeda. Hugo 130. 244. 245 Qguin, Tommie 142 Zeke 142 Oivos, Diona 142 Jeonerre 142.163 Joe 22 Max 142 Soruo 164 Oneglia, Jennifer 142, 164 Ordas, Lewis 252 Oao. LUs 142 Onega. Atda 130 Angelina 130 Catherine 142 Cheryl 22, 170 Chrisrin 130 Clyde 200 Daniel 22. 244 142 Eddie 130 Jessica 142 Marrino 22 Paulo 142 Roy 142 142 Nek 142 Roberr 130 Sonjo 22 Yotando 22 Orriz. Akio 152 Anerre 142 Angel 142 Angela 142. 165 Arlene 130 Chorssa 142 Darlo 235 David 130 David J. 130 Debbie 165.171 John 22 Joseph 22. 142 Kevin 142 Lourisso 171 Lawrence 166.197 Lion 142 Louise 22.166 Moroa 163. 237 Marin 22. 264. 265. 266. 267 Metron 22 Michele 142.153.165 Parnoa 153 Phyls 22. 166. 197 Roy 130 Posemone 153 Shirley 130 W l o m 153 Overby. Manuel 130 Owen, 0 i 133. 142 Oxley. Onon 153

Pocheco. Ann 22.164


Chris 162, 230 Floyd 153, 247 Joanne 153 Michoel 153 Michelle 130 William 142 Yvonne 130 Pock, Russell 22 Podillo, Anrtonerre 153 Carta 142 Domien 130, 242, 244 Denise 22, 166 Diez 247 Dismas 153 Dororhy 130 Fred 153 John 153 Joseph 22 Lorine 130 Melanie 22 Melissa 142 Michelle 142 Porricia 130 Paul 130 Richard 142 Rick 246 Suzie 130 Tamo/a 23, 170 Timorhy 23 Troy 130 Pofford, Shelley 23 Page), Judy 23 Poinrer, Lota 142 Palmer. Rachel 142 Polmersron, Paul R. 130 Pan, Jason 153 Sreve 130 Parga, Ruben 23, 244 Paris, Trod 23, 42, 85 Porker. Kondis 153 Robert 244 Roberr S. 130 V K M 1 3 0 . 197

Porra, Patricio 23, 170 Porree, Melinda 171 Porrerson, David 142, 167 Pom 142 Paxron, Cynrhta 142, 171 Paz, Lucas 162 Pearson, Drtan 23, 166 Kevin 23 Peinodo, Joshua 23 Marr 142 Pell, Danny 130. 163 Margaret 153 Pena. Yverre 142, 166 Zendo 142. 166 Penodo. Josh 242, 244 Pennington, Mork 142, 167 Pereo, Audra Moe 130 Durwin 142 Marcus 142 Michele 130 Ruth 153 Yvonne 130 Perez, Joseph 153 Marthew 153 Petrlng, Susan 142,163,170, 249 Phflps, Darryn 142 Juie153 Sreve 68.129, 130,162.171 Tom 142 Ptarr, Diane 153 Pierce. Autumn 142 Pierponr, Doniel 153, 167, 252 Pterrocd. Louie 142 Plneberg, Marr 252 Etame 142, 163 Thereso 153 Ptanre, Justin 23

Poe, Trey 130 Pogue, Doug 218 Polasky, Ethon 153, 163 Polese, Tomsin 130 Polo, Ccrta 23 Ponruoi, Cher 250 Pod, John 153,166. 197 Porros, Drenda 142 Sreve 130 Poaer, Asia 142 Porrillo, James 142, 147 Terrie 130 Portzlne, Drenda 205 Peso, Javier 142, 244, 245. 255 Pouge. Doug 142 Powder, Lauren 153, 163 Pozel, Sarah 23. 233. 248, 249 Proda, Adeline 142 Been 153 Ftorion 153 Prorher, Carl 23 Prentice, Angeleno 142 Prevosr, Croig 153, 163 Primm, Andrew 142, 163, 167 Prokopiof, Joson 142

Qualrire, Alex 141 Quintano, Andrew 141 Angeta 166 Oecky 23, 164 Drenda 141 Cartas 130, 166, 197 Gilbert 153 Glendo 130 Greg 247 Gregory 153 Jacob 130 Kobrina 130 Lydta 153 Marhew 23 Ramono 23 Rondy 141 Terri 166 Quinrers, Jill 130

Rodjenovich, Jeonno 130 Todd 153 Roel, Angela 141 Dill 130 Doniel 153 Eddie 244 Janet 141 Leroy 130 Marry 141 Melissa 141, 167 M t e 130 Randal 130 Raiders, John 247 Ramirez, Carlos 130 CNco 130 Cynrhta 23, 42,147.163,171,180 Jessica 147

Rose 141 Rangel, Elena 153, 163 Raymond, George 167 Rea, Cydney 141 Zone 166 Reagan, Krisrino 165 Real, Randall 255 Redd, Joann 153 Reed, Jennifer 141. 167, 171, 202, 203 Rees, Drennan 130 Regan, Bido 163 Krisrino 23, 248, 249 Rehders, John 153 Reid, Donna 23, 162, 174 Retadorf, Jodyn 153, 164 Reinerr, Chris 23, 42, 162 Reinikoinen, Jesse 130 Rencsh, Drad 100, 153 Repa, Jenno 113, 125,130, 165 Reveiz, Fuod 23 Rew, Jeromy 23 Reynolds, Ctayron 163 Felice 153, 163 Jeffrey 23 Lataa 141, 163,170, 171 Riccards, Patrick 153 Rice, Aunrta 153 Richards, Leonard 141 Richardson, Lynn 42, 49, 84, 162, 171, 174 Neil 24, 162, 163, 165 Ricklin, Cedlta 153 Riddle, Julie 24 Ridgewoy, Drtan 153 Riley, Ralph 130 Rineharr, Laura 130 Riner, Marin 149, 153 Ringer, Robert 24, 171 Rirch, Rachel 24 Rirrmann, Rebecca 153, 167 Rivera, Abe 153 Debbie 153 Gerald 334 James 246 Jennifer 153 Katene130, 166 Kimberly 24, T70 Lisa 52, 141. 171, 236 Lourdes 130 Shannon 153 Wayne 24 Yolanda 130, 164 Yverte 24, 170 Robbins, Heather 153 Ty 141 Roberts, Den 153, 163 Carolyn 153 Dylan 141 Joson 24, 163, 171 Jennifer 153, 163, 171 Lisa 130 Robertson, Nicole 130 Robinson, Chris 141 Marc 24 Rocho, tames 153 Rodeta, Karen 24 Monica 162 Rodgers, Ronald R. 130 Tami 141 Rodriguez, Anno 130 Arlene 141 Drenda 196, 197 Cartas 141 Chris 131 Christopher 153 Debra 24 Denise 141 Glberr 247 Jessica 24

Jcdene 141, 236 Juon 153 Laura 24 Manuel 24, 42,162,171 Mario 141 Mary 153 Micheal 131 Michelle 141. 203 Peggy 64, 112, 131, 171 Rachel 170 Rebecca 131,165 Renee 131 Reyes 131, 244, 255 Rhonda 131 Rosina 153 Sabrina 153 Steve 141 Tanya 141, 236 Teresa 131 Tisa153 Tomas 141 RogowsW, Nick 141 Roibol, Anno 131 James 25, 162 Roberta 131 Rojas, Arm 25, 43, 167, 171, 202, 203, 205, 206, 209 Eileen 153,171, 202, 203. 236 Romano, Sabra 131 Romero, Aaron 141 Alfred 137,141, 163 Andrea 153 Angela 153 Barbara 25 Darbro 131 Carlos 25,166, 197 Chris 141, 247 Chrisrine 165 Christopher 153 Crisrino 25 Danerte 25,166 David 141 Dean 153 Debbie 25,141, 166 Debbie L 141 Dominic 153 Donald 246 Eddie 131 Edward 131, 230 Elizabeth 25 Frank 141,168 Gabriel 25 Gary 14, 25, 264, 265 Gene 166 Gilbert 141 Henry 26 Jacqueline 153 Jason 26,168 Jennifer 125,131 Jerome 131 Joe 25, 244 Joseph 26,131, 153 Josle131 Julie 170 Kelly 153 Kevin 141 Louro 26, 141, 238, 239 Leah 141 Lisa 131 UsoM. 131 Lorindo 100 Louis 153 Lucie 26 Mario 131 Matthew 141 Maxine 131 Melissa 131 Michael 153 Michele 26. 141. 166 MKe141

Monica 131 Monika 166 Orlando 136, 141 Pamela 153 Ray 131, 197 Raymond 131,166 Rebecca 153 Rhonda 26 Richard 69, 131, 165, 171 Russell 141 Simon 131 Steve 141, 255 Terence 141 Victor 153 Rommel, Ken 141 Rosales, Shannon 141, 165 Rosingana, Jamie 153 Ross, Amanda 153 Ddron 112, 131, 202 Roth, Liane 153, 237 Rothschild, Charles 153 Rorondo, Tracy 141 Domenick 141 Roybol, Adrian 141 Andrea 131 Apryl131, 166 Den 141 Carrie 135,141, 163 Cristello 141 David 144, 218 Eloy 131, 197 Floyd 144 Jonis153 Jason 26 Jeannette 153, 166 Jennifer 131, 165 Juiane 131. 235 Jute 164 KarmeKa 153 Mary 166 Mary Ann 131 Paul 101. 154 Randy 154 Rebecca 26 Richard 26 Roberto 26 Rodney 144 Ronald 144 Ronnie 131 SrephlSI Stephanie 144 Rudolph, Chuck 144, 264, 266, 267 Ruiz, Candoce 144 Manuel 265 Mario 144, 246 Rupp, Paul 26 Rura, Geronce 133 Sebastian 26,162, 167 Ruybald, Mike 144 Victor 131 Ruybol, Paul 144 Rydin, Keisho 154

Sachs, John 154 Soger. Hoyly 154. 164 Jonalyn 26. 166 Saiz, Angelica 154. 163 Christina 131 Dixie 154 James 146, 154

Nancy 26 Par 166 Satozor, Carlos 144 Chris 154, 246 Eric 27 John 154 Joseph 154 Leo 144, 166 Molly 144 Phillip 154 Renee 154 Rosemorie 27 Shonie 154 Showno 154 Srephonie 144 Trade 144 SoJgodo, Adeto 27. 166 Oscar 154 Solinos, Manuel 131, 244, 255 Sanchez, Agnes 154 Barbara 27, 334 Brian 146, 154 Chris 154, 247 Daniel 11. 27, 240. 241 Debbie 154 Etzaberh 144 Ernesto 154 Gabnela 144 Greg 154 Jeanerte 144 Jerome 131 Juon 131 lononn 164 Louann 131 Manuel 27. 56 Metsso 144 Mercedes 131,171, 203, 223 Michele 144

Monica 27 Omar 144 Orlando 131 Paul 131 Peter 144 Ramona 144 Richard 131 Roberto 144, 246 Rosario 146. 147, 154 Sharon 52, 131 Sherrie 131, 164 Solar 131 Theresa 154 Tina 154. 163 Trace 154. 247 Vernon 144, 246 Sanders. Hatary 131 Sando, Jim 154. 218 Anthony 144, 168 Antonio 144, 166 Carmen 154 Celino 154 Cynthia 144 Evange 166 Greg 154, 253 James 154 Jennifer 27 Kothy 144, 238, 239 Louro 131 Lisa 144 Michael 144 Mte 144 Paul 197 Roy 154 Richard 131 Robert 131 Susan 154 Sondovol, Suzanne 196. 197

ADS AND INDHfci 029^

Una 154 Sanger. Robri 131. 203 Safer. Toro 144, 218 Santey, Dinah 154, 164 Soxron. Adam 144 Scarborough, Jert 131.171. 222 Schoefer. June 131 Mke 154 Schepps, Annette 144 SchJrard. Qnron 131 Jard 154 Schmelz, John 154 Schnieder, Sommye 131 Schoensrein, Michele 144. 163 Schurz, Lisa 131 Spencer 131 Schwarrz, Deborah 27 Schwenn, CoBerre 144 Scorr, Kennerh 131 Kfrnberry 27 Sebesro. Grace 154 Sedto. Carlo 154 Kim 144 Seehorn, Mefeso 27 Seguro, Chris 154 Mprco 27, 166 Nathan 154, 247 Seby, Oaig 131 Selers. Trido 154.163 Sena, Carlos 144 Celine 27, 164 Chrisrine 27, 31 Jacob 144 James 27 Jeormie 27, 166 Joe 144 Jose 131 Maria 27 NWe 136, 144 Piisalla 154 Renee 27 Robert 154 Sandra 144 Srephanle 144 Serna, Donno 27. 167 Rick 131 Serrano, Anira 27 John 154 Madonna 144, 163 for 144 Valerie 131 Shonoberger, Michael 131 Shondter, Zoch 136. 250 Shannon, Susan 144 Shoul. Tyler 65 Show. Dobby 154 Doug 144 Justin 154 Shepherd. Lee 131 Sherman, Carol Sherrick. Heorher 144, 166 Shinhoter, Chuck 131 ShocWey. Dryon 132. 166. 197 Richard 144 Short, 01 132 Greg 154.168. 230 Shuberr. Rick 144 Shut, John 144 Shumoker, Jackie 154 Shumon. Tlffbny 132.162 Sierra, Kay 144 Sties. My 163 David 246. 255 wVam 154 SftoJo. Carl 27 Srvo. Ano 144 Derek 144 Patrick 144. 246 Smarts. Metro 132 Simpson. Rachel 154


Smghas, Sobo 27 Sisneros, Diego 132 Frances 27, 170 Kely 144 Lawrence 197 Margaret 218 Marie 132.162 Monica 154. 163 SWnner, Korhryn 132 Stonsky, Joe 132, 162 Stoughtet, Heather 144 Smorr, Austin 144 Smith, Angie 144 Chris 27 (Jndy 132 Danny 144 Greg 4. 27. 162, 168,171. 230, 233, 250, 265 Karl 132 Keith 144 Kevin 154. 247 Lyle 132, 162. 230. 244 Mark 28 Theresa 28 Smirhperer, Tracy 28 Sneesby, John 144 Snyder. Christina 125, 132 Soderquisr, Mark 154 Soderquist, Mike 132 Soke, Neil 154. 253 Solano, Angela 154 Anthony 132 Jean 144 Mefeso 28 Rita 144 Sonrgeroth, Steve 28, 71,167, 170, 171, 209 Soppitt, Tim 132 Soto, Christina 144 Michael 144 Monica 132, 166 Southard, Rosolyn 144 Soveronez. David 28. 162, 264, 267 Sowers, Justin 132 Spencer, Nek 28, 162, 167, 208. 250 Truman 154 Spoonhelm, Joel 10, tl, 28, 49, 163, 167 Sara 154 Tait 144 Sporleder, ESzobeth 155 Squogho, Ave! 132 St. Peter, Raney 28 Sroffel. Erh 132 Stanley, Chris 155 Starr. April 155 Stocy 132, 165 Stent*. Susan 132 Srenzhorn. Ted 28, 44, 54. 162, 167, 168, 171, 209. 230, 25 0 Stephenson, John 144, 167 Stevenson, Erh 132 Stewart, Amy 132 Roberto 155, 171 Roberts 163 Todd 28, 232, 233. 253 Srickney, Joy 170 Sfirson. Shannon 163 Sfirr, Ncole 155 Stois. TaWs 144, 163. 167 Stokes. Jono 132 Stone, Davyd 144. 167 Greg 28, 44, 242, 244. 254. 255.266 Storey. Anthony 144. 163 Stork. Jennifer 162,171 Stout. Jennifer 144 Strawberry, Denny 144

Streck, Amy 132 Katie 155 Kyle 132 SrricMer, Shely 144 Strong, Vfcxn 132 Strongheorr, Lake 144 Struck, Kevin 155 Stuck. 09 132 Srumpff, Dezboh 144 Suivon. John 132,163,167. 208 Summers, Druce 28 Coleen 155 Vnce 132 Swan, Travis 144 Swonson, Kelly 145 Sweirzer, Lelond 145, 264. 266

Tofoya, Deny Jo 145 Michele 155 Rubel 145, 168 Rudy 132 Valerie 145 Talamanre, Chorlene 155 ToBonr, HoBy 28, 91 Pom 145, 163, 167, 203 Patricio 137, 145, 162, 165 Tongman, Bena 145, 167, 202, 203 Tanner, Sean 155 Topic, Angie 145 Annette 28, 164 Anthony 155 Decky 155 Daniel 28, 132 John 155, 252 Johnny 132 Kellie 28 Leonard 145, 264, 265, 266 Michelle 132 Rochel 142, 145 Sergio 145 Torpley, Michelle 162, 167 Toylor, Mefeso 28, 95 Mcole 155 Vanessa 132, 238 TeSez, Morcello 155 Telles, Jesus 145 Telez, Carmen 145, 163 Marcy 163 Temple, Degory 145 Tenorio, Michelle 145, 165 Teri, Kevin 155 TNel, Drion 135, 143, 145 Thomas, Anolr 145 Dana 155 JorJ155 Michael 28 Sorah 163 Thompson, Carmen 145, 163 Geoff 14, 28, 242, 244 Jeff 246 Tiano, Pepa 155,162,171 Techier, Sam 162 Titus, Josh 133, 145 Tiznodo, Donna 145 • Tobey, Chris 155, 240, 241 Tolmon, Nick 145 Tomerich. Jennifer 145, 165, 171 Torres, Angel 132 Carlos 145

Joanne 64, 65.145,164, 167, 249 Nek 33, 132, 250 Torrez, Donnie 28 Torricel, Mario 155 Townsend, Chiloi 218 Traxler, Chrisrine 132 TrujBo, Drendo 145, 165 Chris 132 Christopher 28 Deboro 155 Diane 132 Gerald 155,163 Grerchen 145 Jenifer 155 Kely 155, 163 Leigh 28, 44 Leo 29, 162, 174 Liza 132 Michael 155 Michele 132 Mike 146. 155 Monica 145,155 Patricia 29 Romona 155 Renee 132, 166 Robert 145, 166 Rosie 132, 166 Sean 155, 247 Steve 29 Tommy 29, 44, 167, 170, 244, 254, 255 Tommy C. 29 Vongfe XX), 155 Vangl 163 Waldo 145 Wes132 Yvelen 155 Yverre 29, 166 Trusnovic, Chris 49, 85, 132 Tubbs, Stephen 112,132,167, 250 Tupter, Loren 155 Turley, More 29 Turner, Aaron 132 Drion 155, 163 Mark 132, 244 Turpin, Genise 29

Uirrs, Charles 29 Ulibarri, Angelina 132 Colerre 132, 166 Meliza 29,162, 171 Michael 155 Ron 29, 242, 244 Shannon 145 Sophia 29 Underwood, Drennon 155 Ryan 145 Urban, Paul 155 Paula 29, 164 Uriosre, Chrisrine 155 Susan 155 Urtick, Ken 252

VoJdes, Donyede 145 Voldez, Allan 132 Angelic 155 Anno 145 Arlene 132, 162 Chris 132 Christine 29, 30,148 Danny 132,133 Dominic 155 Irene 132 Jesse 155 John 29, 167 Kelly 132, 166, 196, 197 Leonard 132, 168 Leslie 29, 197 Margarer 155 Monica 132, 171 Randy 145 Roberr 29 Shane 132 Sonya 132 Srephonie 145 Yverre 155,170 Valdez-Allen, Jamal 168 Vddivo, Roy 155 Vakjiviezo, Johnny 29 Valencia, Anrhony 132 Charles 145 Greg 155 Grerchen 145 Melissa 132 Michael 29 Rachel 29 Richard 145 Sef 132 Valenzuela, Veronica 132 Vallejos, Randy 145 Van Aken, Tim 218 Van Dyk, Gorerh 155 Dyk, Nicholas 155 Van Mason, Amber 132 Vance, Eric 166 Morrhew 145 Vondersys, Cossi 133, 166 Sean 155, 247 Vargas, Helen 145 Jerry 133 Sreve 252 Vornado, Jock S. 133 Voros, Leo 145 Vaughon, Drion 135 Vecere, Chad 155 Shannon 133,171, 223 Velr, Rusty 155 Vejl, DeAno 135. 236 Velarde, Anna 155 Lisa 145 Velasquez, Adrian 29, 255 Velenzuelo, Thomas 29 Veronoso, Angie 145 Verones, Angle 133 Violpondo, Parti 145 Vienes, Thomas 36 Vlero, Wolrer 127, 133, 165, 244 Viewegh, Thomas 204 Vigil, Angela 155. 163

Carolyn 145 Cheryl 145 Chrisropher 30 Croig 133 DeAna 171 Debbie J. 133 Dense 30. 218 Denni155 Donna 30. 44. 166 George 145 Georgia 30. 31, 52.164. 234, 235 Gerald 139.145.168 Henry 133. 145

Jessica 145 Joonn 145 Justin 145 Krisrine 155 LeeAnn 30 Leroy 30 Linda 133 Marie 133 Mark 133 Pom 155 Pamela 163 Par 145 Phlp30 Raymond 145 Roberr 133 Roland 133, 244 Sreve 164 Sreven 155 Trish30 V|L De Ana 145 Via, Andrew 145 Roland 163 vaiolpondo, Annette M. 133 Vromonres, Lorenzo 145, 246 Virtue. Neil 155, 163, 171. 252 Visorraga, Michael 155 Paul 165 Paula 145 Voorhees, W l 31

Waffelaerr, SyMe 145 Walker, Alysso 155, 164 Ward, Drion 31. 171, 223 Jared31 Worren, Afeon 24, 31 Robert 25, 31. 162, 163, 219 Srephonie 164 Washon, Kevin 163 Waskey, Jason 31 Wasserman, Srefen 133 Waterman, Don 31 Sheila 155 Watson, Jonathan 155 Marr 145 Way, Sarah 145 Wechsler, Jeff 145, 167 Weler, Sreven 155 Welnmeisrer, Christine 155, 167 Weise, Qilly 171 Weiss, Casper 145 Welch, Soly 145. 162, 171. 249 Wells. EHzaberh 155. 163 Gregor 31 Sodie 133 Werner, Jutona 162 Wenhmon, Amon 155 West, Arwen 145 Mole 155 Wheeler. Jason 155 Joy 145 Wheton. Linda 218 Whire, Frank 145 Greg 133, 168 Whireskunk, Deveriy 170 WNreskunk. Meredirh 170 Whitman, Chris 145 Wrwmore, U 133 WNrrteron. Kelly 10, 32. 48. 70. 90. 162, 163. 335 Kerne 335 Whtrrman, Chris 252

WioHom, Charlene 32, 100 WJdensrein, Kelly 133, 162 Wilioms, Andrew 196 Andy 197 Chris 145 Debbie 155.171 Jason 133 Leah 155 Leevi 155. 247 Paul 133 Ronnie 155 Wfcmson. Terrell 164 Wison. Ooyron 145 George 155 Jock 170 Jennifer 145. 162 Lauren 31, 32. 162 Reece 32 Wendy 133, 164 Winona 32. 162 Wlrsie. Adorn 32, 167 Winkler. Par 155 Winron, Jonell 133 Wise. Micheline 155. 163 Witkowski, Leslie 145 Wolf. Heorher 32, 45. 162, 163 Lonce 145 Moriso 32 Womack, Amy 133, 166 Denise 166 Worrhwoy, Michael 133 Wright, David 133 Kristin 145 Melissa 163 Wursr, Joserte 32 Josie 45, 238, 239, 241 Wylie, Dovid 145, 167, 218

Yondo, Kory 155, 163, 171 Yonez. Loleno 133 Yesley. Ann 145, 203 Peter 32. 45, 69 Yngsdohl, Diana 32, 162 Young. Katie 145, 163, 167 Sorony 32, 37, 45, 162. 165. 171. 174. 233, 248. 249 Yruorre. Paul 155

Zaforano, Giac 252 Zomoro, Karia 155 Zamoro, Mario 32, 166 Ztorrtck, Justin 112, 133, 162, 171 Zumgo. Micheol 32, 166

Ifauifa *7* *4Ct I mogine, if you con, o world of o mann, and Dorbie Durgetr for trying ro • million losr grease pendb and rons of find the consranrfy losr negorives and for losr negatives, overworked and under- purring up with numerous comploinrs paid photographers, frantic editors, and . . . ro Jason Gerber, Gena Fowler, Sam hundreds of wosred layout sheers rorn ro Techier, Julie Riddle, and Dorry Landau shreds because of mistakes. Pur all of this for their dedication to toWng needed inro one lirrle room, G-3, in one lirrle photos anytime, anywhere. Thonks ro corner of rhe Sonro Fe Ugh School cam- rhe anonymous graduates of Santo Fe pus, beared or 2100 Yucca M., and High who donated rhe 1920, 1928 and you'll have rhe riny communiry rhar pro- 1929 yearbooks. Thanks also ro Amy duces rhe Pora Monona— your year- Hallquisr and Donna Red, edirors of rhe book Organizations section, for remaining If you were ro srond near rhe door of calm despite all rhe complications in rheir G-3, perhaps you would hear, "We secrion . . . ro Sarony Young for her musr meer rhis deadline — no 'if's', demand for "excelenr copy" in rhe 'and's', or 'bur's'!!", or maybe, "Help! Sports secrion . . . ro SherriMoyer for her Where are rhose picrures?!" These are forcefulness and Joaquin Daca for his pasome of rhe many sroremenrs and ques- rience in rhe People Section. Thonks to tions rhe 63 srudenrs on rhe sraff of rhe John Alejandro for his areariveness in rhe Para Monona hove heard for 180 days. !r Royal Blues . . . to Drad Fowler for his rakes a greor deal of patience and efforr persisrence complering rhe index . . . to ro pur up wirh rhe stress and pressure rhe Sracy Miller for her speedy work in rhe sraff has experienced in reaching rhe Ad's secrion, and we can't forger Justine deadlines of rhe yearbook. The lunch Hebron and Wony Gregory for o grear hours and lore evenings spenr In rhe job in rhe continuation of rhe Student Life Annual room paid off in rhe end, secrion. A special rhanks ro Ms. Beverly rhough. Our reword is rhe publishing of o Friedman for being as patient and underwell-rhoughr our and timeless occounr of standing as an adviser of a yearbook can be in the midsr of organized chaos. rhe fabulous memories and unforgerroThe entire sraff dedicared long hours ble momenrs of rhe year, 1988. A grear many rhanks go our ro oil ro drawing layouts, losing copy keys, rhose who helped creare rhe 336 pages waiting for proofs and typing mounds of of rhe Para Mahana. Wirhour Lynn Ri- copy. They sacrificed many classes ro dhardson's, Academic ediror, extra hours help complere rhe Para Monona for which I'd like ro rhank oil rhe undersrandof patience and work, half rhe book ing teachers, parenrs and adminisrrarors. would probably still be sirring in rhe drawers of G-3. Wirhour Vernon Doss' Ir's been a fast-paced, but exdring and rewarding year rhar has helped make (head phorogrcpher) constant reminders this year and its yearbook "The One and obour phoro by's, 3/4's of rhe picrures would hove gone uncredired. Thanks ro Only". Thonks ro ol. 5reve Phillips for his ability ro pur rogerher •PAIGE CONOVER losr minure captions and find Touches on EDITOR-IN-CHIEF '07-'66 copy . . . ro Parti Tdonr, Dridgerre EJchel-

KICK DACK AND RELAX. TopJason Nelson. Justin MMer and Caleb KJman retaxinMr


Konhs'room duing a sh dub meeting.

The Staff Of The 1988

m/twn/t EDITORS PAGE CONOVEftEdfroMrvOtef JOHN ALEJANDAOCdtor Royal Dlues JOAQUN BACA-CO-Ediror People Secrion DRAD FOWLER-Edror Of Index TFFANY GREGORY-Caedror Srudenr Life 5eaton AMY HALLQUST-Co-ediror Organizations Section JUSTIC HCDRON-Co-ediror Srudenr Life Secrion TRIOA LOPEZ-Edror Senior Secrion STACY MLLER-Edror Ads Section,SHERRI MOYER-Co-ediror People Section DONNA RED-Co-ediror Organizations Section LYNN RICHARDSON-Edror Academics Section SARONY YOUNG-Ediror Sports Secrion

STAFF MIA DACA-Organizarions SARAH DLAIVSeniors/Organizarions LAURA DOLTON^^ople/Compurer AARON riROWN-Sporrs/Acoderriics OARBE DURGETTSeniors/Phorogrophy EVELYN CASTELLANO-Sporrs NKOLE CASTELLANO-Sporrs YODELL CATANAO+Orgonizations MEUNDA DELGADO-Srudenr Life VERNON DOSS+teod Phorogropher ORDGETTE QCHELMANN-Senkxs/Organlzations/ Phorogrophy ROBERT FELLOWS-People/lndex GENA FOWLER-Phorogrophy JOWJ FREEDMAN-Academics REDECCA GEORGESeniors/Orgonizorions JASON GERDER-Phorogrophy PETER GUfRT-Peopte DEAN GONZALES-Acoderrtcs MCHAELA GRAMTaPeopie/Organizarlons JACOB GRUNDLERSporrs/Orgonizarions TOM HUDSON-Sporrs ERICA KJRCHNER-Organizarions MANUEL KRAUS-Sporrs/Orgonizorlons RICHARD KUEGEMAN-Sporrs/Acodemics NBL MLLER-Sporrs TODD MOn-People/Sporrs ZOE NAUMAN-Acodemia/Phorogrophy STEVE PHILUPS-Seniors/Sruclenr Life CHRJSTA RAYMONDOrgortzorfons CHRIS RHNERT-Acodemte JENNA REPA-People REBECCA RODRIGUEZ-Senkxs/OrgcrtzoTlons TFFANY SHUMAN-Orgonizorions GREG SMnHSporrs/Orgonizorions NKX SPENCER-Sporrs/Organizorions TODD STEVART-Orgonizotlons JENNFER STORK-Acodemks PATH TALANT-Seniors/Phorogrophy PEPA TIANO-Ads/Compurer SAM T6CHLER-Phorogrophy LEO TRUJLLOBusiness Manager OWSTIC VALDEZ-People ROBERT WARRENOganizorions SALLY vaCH-Acoderrtcs/Ads ond index GREG WELI^Organizorions/People KELLY WHTrrifTONOgonizarions/Srudent Lite JU5TN ZLOTNO<<>gortzorions/Phorogrophy

HEY-HO! LET'S GO! Above left-. Varsiry cheerleaders, Lisa Romero, Becky Roybol ond Teresa Martinez leod a cheer h rhe Homecoming Parade. TOUCHDOWN! Center: Varsiry footbd players, Javier Posa ond John Dindel show their exdtement

of another Demon touchdown In the

Homecoming game. WHY DC I TAKE THB JOB!?! Below: Junior M MMer pauses for a momenr to Hash o desperate smle whle being overwhelmed


impatient students. During lunch hour, the German Oub sold pretzels and sodas for Okroberfesr. FUN IN THE SNOW? Defow left: In the celebration of a friend's birthday, seniors TedSrenzhorn ond Paul Armstrong enjoy a rowdy Friday nighr of moontghr sledding at the Santa Fe Ski Basin.

The 1987-88 Poro Monano, "The O n e ond Only"-, wos printed by Josren's Amertcon YeorbooK Compony of Topeko, Konsos. 66601 Josren's printed 1100 copies of rhe book A sroff of 61 students ond o n e odviser. Ate Deverly Friedmon. compled the 3 0 6 poges on 80-pound double-cooled enomel poper with a i m y r / i e sewn bmdng The cover wos o 4-coky Urho with custom bind embossed dyes. Ir also included o block hot foi ond sdk screen oppkcanon Body type consisted of various poinrs. bur o consrsronr sryle A l copy was Senf Gothic Oody Copy wos 10 or ond copnons were set in 8 pr. with o three to four word leod-in phrase in at coprol letters Photo-bys were Iratazed ond set in 7pt and copy Ines were italicized and bold ser in Opt capital lerrers Fok) robs were 10pr bold copitol letters ond poge numbers were 12pr Heodtnes for division poges were freestyle script Lerraser and ser between 48pt and 60pr Mam heodkies were set or Oopr ond sub-heooVies were set at 24pr Speoal effects included 12 poges of Tempo 5 4 0 Navy Due spot color as w e l as 3 2 pages of four color r> rhe senior section Every poge of rhe 3 2 fourcotor poges were merotc slver with vorneh Photographers 'ooh pioures on 24-exposure Kodak T Max f * n Dan Morgan of Western Phorogrophy rook a l senior, underclassmen, organisations and sports porno* and group pho fographs CXjr oreo represenrotrve from josren's was Roger Ordway and pur n plant representative wos Dove &ft in 1째87, rhe Poro Monono. "Coprure r(ie S o n " received a 2nd. ploce award in . the Columbio Scholastic Press Assoo onon contest and o 1st place award n rhe American Scholas nc Press Assoaorion contest '


Don't be dismayed at good byes A farewell is necessary before we can meet again And meeting again after moments or lifetime Is certain for those who are friends. -Richard Dach

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