Santa fe high school literary magazine 2016

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Santa Fe High School Art & Literary Magazine 2016

Art & Literary Magazine 2016

Santa Fe High School Santa Fe, New Mexico

All content created by Santa Fe High School students With thanks to Lori Andrews, Troy Kavanagh, and Barbara Gerber Paid for with Student Activity Funds Designed by Ryan Miller Printed by Paper Tiger

Diego Romero


Trey Silva, Waco Horne,Torin Sammeth


Oh, Stupid Old Memory Jennifer Campos

Hiding in the closet in my parents’ room The only room you won’t allow me in at night All so dark and quiet with only the TV on Oh how the static plays that scary song I hate Too scared to move and only peeking out of the little gap The tears begin to come and the pain is all over All the snow gear comes falling down on top of me I hear screaming and slapping I don’t understand what’s going on Mommy is crying and I think I see blood The shadow that hurt her is coming my way He opens the door and everything goes black Blue and red light are all around and I’m afraid The shadow is nowhere in sight and Mommy has a bandage on her nose Sis has brother in her arms with fear in her eyes One by one we walk through the dark room Another shadow comes but not the same shadow I saw before It keeps moving its mouth I think it’s saying: “You’re going to be all right, just hold on tight” He closed the doors then I opened my eyes and saw my room A giggle came out and I covered my eyes Tears wanted to come out but all I did was giggle It was only 4 in the morning and that nightmare had woken me up again “Oh stupid old memory, don’t you know I don’t want to remember anymore?”


Mercy Jones

Logan Monroe



Katalina Ullibari

Alexandria Sanchez


Ariel Gonzales 8

Brianna Talachy 9

Carmen Carrelero 10

Haleigh Sanderson


Jacob Hunter 12

Drifting Jacob Hunter

Heart upon my sleeve write out all of my pain Ink is in my blood Flowing from my brain

In this haunted tomb Thoughts upon a slug Judgment is impaired Sipping poison from a mug

Put two and two together Line up all the lies But I want to like you I won’t even say goodbye

Lying in this dark room I just can’t seem to see The angels up above And the devil sitting next to me

No feeling when it heals No feeling when it rips I don’t want to kiss Death upon the lips

He whispers loving words Sweet melodies are spoken Only sung to me When I am close to broken

Content with whatever comes Heaven or hell Dreamt of dying since eleven Chest rises as the music swells

I understand what’s wrong I am much too aware As my mind slowly drifts Can you tell I’m not all there?

Lord let me keep living Don’t know why you would I’ll just keep sinning Never doing what I should

Gentle words are said Lovely little lullaby Close my eyes and drift To that lovely little lie


Antonio Gonzales


Miki Duvoisin


Writer Profiles Sierra Sweeney

What is the most influential book you’ve read? If I had to pick a series, it would be Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling’s characters, and Hermione specifically, have helped me find myself in the literature I read. If I had to pick a single book it would be Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, by Benjamin Alire Saenz. I love the meaning and brutal truth behind his writing and it’s an amazing example of Latino/Hispanic literature, something I’m always looking for. How do you want to use writing in the future? I hope to someday become an author, hopefully in Young Adult literature. I just want to do what Hannah Dobbertin

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What is the most influential book you’ve read? The one book that completely enchanted me was Inkheart. I was so obsessed with it that I made a map of its world out of papier mâché and wood. How do you want to use

writing in the future? I want to write scripts and direct because I think that words, pictures, and music combined are the most powerful thing on Earth and can change lives. What influences your writing? I would say that the books or articles you’ve read in your life definitely have a great impact on your personal writing style—it isn’t called “steal like an artist” for nothing. What is the most relevant use of writing today? You can either write for yourself, or you can write with a bigger picture in mind and change the world. 16

(See pages 17 and 19 for Hannah’s work.)

other authors have done for me—provide an escape into a world where one can feel that they are not alone. What influences your writing? The world around me and the interesting people that are a part of it are big influences for my writing…. I usually end up writing what I know or see. If you could meet any author, who would it be? I’d love to meet J.K. Rowling, Sarah J. Maas, Jennifer A. Nielsen, and many others. There are just so many! What is the most relevant use of creative writing today? To me, it’s always been about writing stories and poems that entertain people, evoke thoughts and feelings, and speak out about what matters. Writing is for the writers themselves as well as the reader. It’s a form of expression. (See page 36 for a poem by Sierra.)

Trey Silva

What is the most influential book you’ve read? I’ll Give You The Sun. The way Jandy Nelson weaves her words into individual paintings is like nothing else. The message of using your talent to shape your world is something I’ve kept with me since I read it. How do you want to use writing in the future? Though it may seem clichéd, I want to use writing to change the world. Whether that is with books or film is something I have yet to decide. What influences your writing? The things I feel, the things I read, the things that happen in my life—they all make me want to write. What’s the most relevant use of writing today? The most important part of creative writing is to change the world and not be totally boring while doing it. The magic is to hide the message underneath a magical story. (See pages 17 & 25 for Trey’s work.)

Hannah Dobbertin and Trey Silva (excerpt from collaborative comic)


Hannah Witkowski Jarrod Carrillo (commercial design)


Ryan Miller (detail)

Hannah Dobbertin

Noah Sarkissian



Sarah Surprise

Artist Profiles Which artists are you most influenced by? My favorite impressionist is Edgar Degas, but I also really love Keith Haring and Andy Warhol.

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What is your favorite medium? I take inspiration from watercolor painting, but I like drawing in pen and ink. I think that’s when I’m most creative because it’s not erasable. What is your drawing style? I think I have a drawing style, but I don’t know how to explain it. It’s part of how I draw—I can’t really get rid of it.

Sarah Surprise Sarah will be attending Rhode Island School of Design in the fall. (See p. 20 for Sarah’s work.)

How do you feel when creating art? It’s a part of me, really. In order for me to be who I am, I have to keep drawing and creating. Since I’m an introvert, it allows me to communicate. How do you hope to use art in your future? I hope anything I do in the future includes art. I hope art school will give me the ability to have a creative job.

What is your favorite creative subject? Lately I’ve been focused on surrealistic eyes. What is your favorite medium? I like working with graphite and paper, and sometimes colored pencil. What events or people have affected you as an artist? Portfolios in art class have pushed me, and the Georgia O’Keeffe Annex show has helped me set goals for myself. Applying for college has also really pushed me. What is your drawing style? I like to use bright colors and creepy effects because you don’t often see them together, but they clash really well. Why do you continue to make art? At first it was a pastime, but then I started taking different classes and realizing what I could do with it in the future. If you could go back in time and meet any artist, who would you choose? Dr. Seuss, when he started out, to see what influenced him and his art.

Adam Lopez Adam will be attending The Art Institute of Colorado Denver in the fall. (See p. 26 for Adam’s work.) 21

Kasandra Anaya


Celia Raney 23


Cheyenne Herrera

The End Trey Silva

The world is ending pack up your things tell your family and friends you love them the earth has fallen out of orbit and all hope is lost Soon we will all be dead The sun will go dark Every earthquake that has ever shook the ground will seem like a massage chair Every river that has ever flooded will seem like a kiddy pool Every fire that has ever burned will be nothing but an electric blanket And it’s all our fault. There is no use in praying for things to be different because it’s already happening and every religion that has ever been formed will gather in their respective structures and beg their respective gods for forgiveness, acceptance, and maybe even a second chance what they don’t realize is that sometimes there are no second chances

What if we had done things differently? Used a little less water Drilled a little bit less holes Fought in a little less wars Maybe then we could have another 100 years Maybe then we could all learn that perhaps our differences are our strengths But it’s too late for that Remember world peace? We won’t survive long enough to see that. I can see the tidal wave coming That gigantic wall of white water Thirsty To erase something that once held so much potential Hungry To restore something that was once so beautiful It’s only a matter of time.

But what if?


Adam Lopez


Onofre Perez 27


Alexander Olivas

Diego Romero


Natalia Martinez 30

Destiny Rivera 31

Nick Rodriguez


Luke Gonzales 33

Sabrina Thomas


Hiroshi Sutter 35

For Frida Kahlo: The Puzzle Piece Woman Sierra Sweeney

What are you supposed to do when you fall apart in a world of progress? A world of coughing engines and green papers, green hands, green smiles. In a world that told you, you aren’t beautiful, how are you supposed to recover? Recovery seems so far away when I can’t run to it, dance with it, grasp it in hands that have now become my only window into a life that I cannot keep up with. Torn muscles grow back tougher and even bones can heal, but life’s car crashes and plot twists stay in my mind with schizophrenic frequency, and photographic clarity. I’ll have you know that these tears are not melancholy this anger is not overbearing they are justified. And I will tie my broken pieces together, with barbed wire, gentle hands, and tattered string. A crown of flowers will make me queen of all the broken things. Rich hues of Defiant yellows Angry reds and Warm, Familiar browns will set me free. And yet, no new life will ever come from me. In a world that told me “no,” 36

I will graffiti “yes” with the colors of my pain, the brushes of my misfortune, and the canvas of my comeback. You may see a tattered soul, a shattered being, I see possibilities. My culture will bind me. My beauty will not define me. Loved, I will take. Unloved, I will paint. I’ll shatter your porcelain skin and blemish-free privilege with what I think is Beautiful, With what I think is Power. Heartbroken, I will keep you on my mind, but not in my good faith. I will paint earthquakes and wildfires that will burn your judgments to ashes and crush your jealous thoughts. One day you will stare into these solemn eyes and see what I see. A tantalizing puzzle piece, a woman beyond repair but not beyond renovation. So, how do you recover in a backwards world? You embrace the broken, challenge the adversities, and you paint a new one.

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