Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1982

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Friendship became the utmost priority in the lives of high school students and academics often, in some cases, took a back seat to the individual's social life. This was justfied to parents by the fact that the key to the future is found in people, not books. Parents often gave us the argument that

2 On The Right Track

we would have no future if we didn't start spending a little more time studying. As it was social suicide to miss a party or game, we, nevertheless still found time to do plenty of socializing and formed friendships that would shape the rest of our lives.

Opening 7

Pressure is a part of student life and something we all have to cope with. The heat is on to get good grades, to have a winning season in your particular sport, to get or keep a job. and to set a good example for younger brothers and sisters. Everyone is involved in extra curricular activities and there were times when we all found ourselves on the verge of a nervous breakdown-like when meeting a yearbook deadline. It is on just such occasions that being with friends and relaxing together can be exactly what is needed to help us hold ourselves together.

Santa Fe High is a big place, and with a few thousand people wandering over the campus daily, it seemed impersonal and threatening to those of us struggling with our identities. Being a part of such a huge student body was a little mindboggling at first, but by the end of our high school careers, each of us had found friends, organizations, and hobbies that made the most of our abilities and prepared us for the future.


16 On The Righ


One Of The Few One Of The Finest . J o e CasadOS "He's a disciplinarian, but underneath the rough tone, there's a very understanding, very adaptable, very flexible man" Ben Esquibel After 16 years as the head man at S.F.H.S.. Joe Casados. lovingly known as "Papa Joe." retired with 35 years of service. Behind him go many memories such as '1 will not repeat this again." "John Padilla to the office," and other important messages that echo through the ears of S.F.H.S. students. Orginally from Gallup. Mr. Casados was part of the 1937 Gallup football team, which won the State Championship. He held an athletic scholarship at New Mexico State University and later transferred to Arizona State College, where he met Nick Raygus, a great influence in his life. After serving time in World War I. Casados received his degree in 1947. The name "Papa Joe" came from his early coaching days where he often gave his team advice-ike a dad. The name has since remained with him. Papa Joe started with the Santa Fe Public School system in 1958, and he was involved with both coaching and administration. As an administrator, he was responsible for the expansion of the humanities cur-

"He's definitely one of my favorite people" Lenny Roybal. riculum as wet as the addition of many new buildings at S.F.H.S. The S.F.H.S. faculty and staff roasted Papa Joe on April 16 at the Elks Lodge. Among the "roasters" were Eddie Ortiz, Bob Sweeney, Lenny Roybal. Porky Leyba. John Gunn, and Brother Luke. Tlta Stasny presented Papa Joe with a scrapbook and Evelyn Pacheco presented him several gifts from the staff. A slide show was directed by Ben Esquibel, and a skit, led by Michelle Montano, Peggy Stevens, and Tita Stasny. "stole the show" with their version of "Chicharones."

"He has inspired me during all these years" Evelyn Pacheco.

Joe Casados receives congratulations after Bob Sweeney, board member, roasts him.

Michelle Montano. Mrs. Stevenson and Tita Stasny do their version of Chicharones.

Eddie Ortiz, Personnel Director, tells the audience about the real Joe Casados.

Evelyn Pacheco, secretary, presents Mr. Casados with a gift from the | faculty and staff.

The SFHS Demon "Rejects" perform for Joe Casados.

Mr and Mrs. Casados capture the fun spirit at the Eks on the evening of April 16. 1982.

Joe Casados

Dreams Come True For Those Who Wish

This year's 1981-82 Homecoming court was well chosen by their respective class. All classes voted on one Queen! Eleanor Trujillo was the lucky young lady to represent S.F.H.S. as Homecoming Queen. Eleanor's senior princesses were Catherine Boldelson and Carmen Romero.

20 Homecoming

This year the Junior princesses were selected and the fortunate young ladies were Joy Haslam and Stephanie Trujillo. Joy and Stephanie were very proud to be chosen to represent the Juniors and to take part in all the festivities!

The Sophomores elected Cindy C de Baca and Sara Romero for their choices of attendants. These girls were very flattered that the Sophomore class was behind them in suppcrtl

The elected Freshmen for princesses were Paula C de Baca and Angela Lovato. These young ladies were very pleased, being it was theirfirstyear up here at S.F.H.S. Also they were proud to represent the Freshmen class in Homecoming.

Imagine It! Theme For '81 The 1981-82 Homecoming got underway on October 16, with the Homecoming assembly held at Toby Roybal Gymnasium. The audience anxiously awaited the announcement of the Homecoming Queen. Once all of the eight attendants and their escorts had taken their place on the stage, the Homecoming Queen was annouced and it was Eleanor Trujillo. As the guitar class and band class entertained, spirited members of the audience danced with enthusiam. "We'd like to thank the sophomore class of "84" for their well-put together assembly," said Tracy Hilley, Junior.

t) Nine beautiful members of Royalty and their handsome escorts pose for the Homecoming assembly. 2) Juniors are enthused about the Homecoming assembly. 3) Nine escorts await the great moment with flowers fit for a Queen! 4) Eleanor Trujillo is overjoyed to be crowned Homecoming Queen! 5) Junior attendant Stephanie Trujillo escorted by David Trujillo glide with excitement on the red carpet. 6) A trio is caught by surprise. 7) Paul Baca and Max Baca express their enthusiasm and joy during the assembly.


Homecoming 23

Floating And Partying Preparations for the 1981-82 Homecoming parade began to take place weeks before the celebration. The day of the parade was full of confusion and last minute preparations. After all the floats were ot Fort Marcy the judging began. Then the floats lined up and marched out. This year's prize winning float was the German Clubs. There was a variety of floats from hot-tubs to rainbows. It was a terrific float and everyone put a lot of work into it, said Loti Kopp, secretary of the German Club. "It was fun and hard work but everyone enjoyed themselves," replied lone Williams, a member of the German Club. Stacy Pearce another member of the German Club said, "It was an enjoyable experience, and we are very proud of the float." This year's Homecoming dance was October 17, in the Acitivity center. All the young ladies and men came spified out in their casual evening wear. "It was a memorable experience for all the couples, dancing the night away," concluded Vikki Gatewood.

1) It's a bird, it's a plane, it's supermouse — one of the various floats in the Homecoming parade. 2) S.F.H.S. Homecoming court crusing around the plaza on their float. 3) J.V. cheerleaders Vikky O'Cheskey and Diane Quintana get in the mood for the Homecoming parade. 4) Scott McCosland and Joy Haslam await for their gorgeous picture to be snapped. 5) Talk about picture perfect? Kathleen Lopez and Dean Houlistin have a ball! 6) Captured by the photographer are Joey Mitchell and date Christine Parker. O.K Joey, what are you up to now? 7) Scoot over John Travolta and make way for Tim Honnelil 8) S.F.H.S. students, dance the night away. Ain't we got fun!? 9) Chris Pardington and Teresa Getchell, hold each other close and mellow out to the music.

24 Homecoming

Homecoming 25

Punk Rockers Go- Go All Night Long!!! I "This years' Punk Rock Dance was held November 30th. 1981 in the Activity Center. The Punk Rock dance this year was considerably smaller than last years. This dance seemed to mark the end to an era. The people who went were just a handfull of "Punk loyalists." They seemed a bit more shallow in dress than in the previous year. "The auality of the dance, though, wasn't far off the mark. Music by David Bowie, the B-52's, and other new wave groups aided in the reminiscing of a once popular fashion." commented junior Kenny Humphreys. Heidi Allyn commented, "The Punk Rock dance was loads of fun and everyone showed lots of Punk spirit in their types of costumes." Thanks to the Ski Club the Punk Rock dance was a real bizarre experience.

1) Punk Rockers, (teachers and kids), show their seriousness of being a Punkerl! 2) A threesome of Punk Rockers give a sly look to the camera. 3) A line up of Punk rockers stand seductively. 1) All right, three cheers for the Punk Rock dance. 2) A couple take center stage to show their punk costumes. 3) Later on in the evening everyone started getting in one the fun. 4) A so long and a farewell, and a last dance for the Punk Rockers.

26 Punk Rock Dance

Punk Rock Dance



Harvey Goes Hollywood

This year the Drama ill class members put on the performance of the play Harvey. The play Harvey written by Mary Chase. The three-act comedy revolves around the relationship of a forty-seven year old man Elwood P. Dowl. and Harvey, a six foot tall white rabbit that only Elwood can see. The cast in their order of appearance were: Myrtle Mae Simmons . Rebecca Shoenfeld Veta Louise Simmons . Lesley Spring Elwood P. Dowl .. Brad Sherwood Maid-Miss Johnson . ^ . Cass Wadleigh Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet .. Trish Jimenez Nurse Kelly . Leann Braevtigen Duane Wilson .. Dave Carrell Lyman Sanderson M.D. . Scott McCauseland William Chumley M.D. . Walter Leyba Betty Chumley .. Kathy Barsuaskas Judge Omar Gaffney .. Sam Seig Mr. Lofgren-Cab driver . David Bush While all performed admirably, Rebecca Shoenfield stole the audiences hearts with her portrayal of the hymphomanic Myrtyl Mae Due to the great performance of Rebecca and all the other hard working actors and actresses, Harvey was a success.

1) Walter Leyba, Scott McCauseland, and Brad Sherwood try to carry on an intellectual conversation, but look confused. 2) Leann Braevtigen looks into the distance waiting for her phone to ring. 3) Leann Braevtigen and Scott McCauseland go over their days work with a smile. 1) Dave Carrel takes a glimpse at his doctor book. 2) Kathy Barsuaskas and Brad Sherwood get into a deep discussion over a piece of paper. 3) Scott McCauseland, Leann Braeutigan and Brad Sherwood have one more group photo taken before Harvey ends. 4) Kathy Barsuaskas and Walter Leyba have an overwelming kiss) Get psyched Walterllll

28 Harvey Play

Harvey Play 29

Students Enjoy This Masquerade' This yea- the Key Club sponsored the Masquerade dance. This dance was felt by many people to be one of a kind and to be one of the more successful dances of the year. Key Club sponsors to be thanked are: Pat Kramer, Chairman of the Committee, and Charfle Montgomery the president. People had a fantastic time at the dance, but many people disapproved of the President's costume. The band SEARCH played for the dance. SEARCH Is one of the most outstanding rock groups In Santa Fe. There were people dressed in every kind of costume imaginable. The Statue of Liberty was seen walking around as well as Dr. Abortion. Various punkers danced the night away. All in all everyone danced and partied the night away. 3*3



Andy Fowler's forte was science and he exhibited his intelligence in the area in many ways. He participated in the Regional Science Fair, the State Science Fair, Science and Humanities Synposium, and was awarded the Bausch and Lomb Scholarship, which will help him in his pursuit of a medical occupation. Aside

from science, Andy was a member of Key Club, National Honor Society, Model UN, and Suenos De Esperanza. Photography, swimming, tennis, backpacking, and skiing round out his interests. Andy feels real good about what he has done throughout his years at S.F.H.A.

Melissa Fresquez was involved in a variety of activities while attending SFHA including JV and varsity sports. National Honor Society, Pan American Club, Who's Who Among American High School Students, People to People, and USNMLA. She enjoys the outdoors and likes to go camp-

ing, fishing, horseback riding, and swimming. Because she likes to help people, her goals in life include attending the College of Nursing at UNM to become a nurse. She has enjoyed her high school years here at S.F.H.A. and wishes luck to everyone.

Maxine Garcia was active in the Key Club for two years, French Club for two years, and in the Pan American Club. Her hobbies include telegraphy, tennis, playing video games, and getting involved with activities and people. She plans to attend the Univer-

sity of California at San Diego and major in Computer Science or Engineering. She includes getting an Honorable Mention in the National French Exam as a big honor, and she is looking forward to going to college and furthering her education.

Kevin Geiger made a name for himself in the athletic department because of his four years of football and tennis and City League basketball, but his interests include more than his notorious footwork and passing on the football field. Kevin was a member of Key Club and active in his church youth group, as well as squeezing in a weekend of skiing

whenever possible. Kevin was named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, and he is especially proud of his 3.56 GPA, which enabled him to be ranked 46th in his class. He plans to study Computer Engineering at Rice University and earn his Master's Degree in this field.

Royal Blues

Laura Gonzales led a busy and varied life while in high school, participating In Girls Varsity Track. Girls State, Wind Ensemble. Marching Band, as well as being elected president of the National Honor Society. Her hobbies Include writing, singing, and playing the flute and guitar. Laura wants to study either Law. Psycohology.

or Engineering in college and go into one of these fields professionally. She hopes the future finds her wiser, but still eager to learn, and pursue new interests. Laura is very active young lady and is determined to go far in life. She is a bright young lady and has high goals.

Marcella Gonzales finds variety is the spice of life, and this Is obvious when looking at her busy schedule of activities which includes Pan American Club. National Honor Society. FHA. People to People, and tutoring. She was awarded #>e USNMLA. named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, as well as

finding time to do some cooking and sewing. Marcella would like to pursue a career in Nursing after attending UNM and receiving her degree in this field. She has found her grades to be a source of personal pride and intends to strive for Ngh quality in all aspects of her future life.

Michael Gonzales left his legacy to the high school in the good rapport he built up among his teachers and many friends, and he claims he wiH take their support and friendship with him into the job world, which he sees as his immediate future. He plans to attend college eventually and major in Library Science. While in high school. Michael participated In the Chess Club and was a member of the Para Manana staff, but It was his many awards that were

most memorable. Among them were being nominated to People to People, winning the Optomist Clubs' Boy of the Year Award, and being a member of the Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Michael is especially proud of the fact that his being handicapped has not kept him from accomplishing anything he wants to and intends to carry over this persevering attitude into later life.

Anthony Harkins was a busy student at the high school and got involved in National Honor Society. High School Band. Model UN. Key Club. Siring Quartet. Boys State, and the soccer team. His rare moments of spare time were filled with playing the violin, tennis, and birdwatching. Anthony sees himslef h college and possi-

bly graduate school, and pursuing a career in either law or some aspect of Foreign Affairs. Anthony feels that his varied interests will be an asset in later life and that having participated in ail the activities he did has helped him grow as a person. In both dealing with other people and himself.

Royal Blues

^ee prepared for her career in Army ife throughout high school. She was a member of NJROTC and held the following positions in that organization: Girls Drill Team Commander, Color Guard Company, Patrol Team Company, Executive Officer, Commanding Officer, and participated in the Physical Fitness nnd Rifle Team. Aside from Army

life. Patty enjoys water skiing and reading. Her most recent accomplishment towards furthering her career was enlisting in the Delayed Entry Program for the U.S. Army. Patty says that Army life fe good for instilling pride and discipline in a person for what they are and helps them develop their potential for what they can be.

gory Jackson was an avid skier while at the high school and loves to ski downhill, cross country, and on water. This explains his enthusiastic membership in the Ski Club. Aside from this, Gregory was a member of the National Honor Society, German Club, and the track team. He wants to attend college and major in Astrophysics and upon earning his doc-

torate in this field, pursue a Physics or Astronomy oriented Career. Gregory feels his outstanding academic standings will be of help in his higher future aspirations, and he intends to strive for excellence throughout his life, in whatever aspect interests him. His perserverance an but guaran: tees his surefire success.

Brenda Jarvis achieved high standards of athletic excellence during high school and her record is truly one of a star. She earned letters in freshman, JV, and varsity volleyball, and was given the An District Player A ward as a senior. She was a track District champion for two years and went on to place 3rd at the State level in 75 and 100 meter hurdles. Brenda was a member of the Santa Fe

and was first runner-up to the 1980 Rodeo Queen. Sports also fill her spare time, and during which she water skis, swims, hikes, and rides horses. Brenda intends to pursue athletics through college and major in Physical Therapy, because she sees a real need for work in this field and it concerns a subject she knows well and can identify with, that of athletics and its injuries.

Thane Kenny found his niche in writing, as Is obvious from his being published h Contours and his intentions to major h fiction Writing in college, mhorin Art. He was a member of Key Club, the track and Cross Country teams, and occasionally the Honor Roll. Thane enjoys such rigorous phys'tivity as inner tubing in win-

ter, frisbee in summer, and spending money frivolously all year round. He believes that having been alive 18 years and never having regretted a moment of It is definitely something to be proud of, and he says he win pursue his goals of happiness throughout We in whatever that entails.

Royal Blues

Kathleen Lopez was a familiar face at sporting events throughout high school, as she was a freshman, JV. and varsity cheerleader. She was also busy with less visual activities as wet. such as co-editing Para Mariana, being a representative on her parish council, being named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, and maintaining

a 3.48 GPA. which enabled her to graduate in the top 10% of her class. Kathleen has plans to attend NMSU with a major in Mass Communications and on a more personal level, learn to speak Spanish fluently. Kathleen is a Joy to have around, with a smile always on her face.

LeAnn Loutensock made a habit of excelling in everything she undertook, and this is evident in her athletic record. She lettered in varsity basketball, volleyball, and track, as well as involving herself in FHA and being named to Who's Who Among American High School Students. Honor Roll, and USVBA, volleyball. When not on the court or track.

LeAnn enjoys sewing, reading. and cooking. She Is exceptionally proud of having made the volleyball team at BYU. where she will be going to school and majoring In Special Education. LeAm should be very proud of at of her accomplishments and activities. Her high school career in athletics will probably always make her proud.

Carta Lucero has high hopes for her future and began laying the foundation for these plans during high school when she participated in FHA. Pan American Club, and National Honor Society. She was presented with such distinguished honors as USNMLA, and Who's Who Among American

High School Students A way from school. Carta was a CCP teacher, a member of the St. Anne s Choir, and enjoys such hobbies as cooking, reading, camping, and softball. Carta hopes to make all her hard work pay off h the future when she attends UNM and majors in Computer Engineering.

Johnny Madril was on the JV and varsity football teams, the Speech Team, a member of National Honor Society. Staters Club, and named to Who's Who Among American High School Students. Outside school Johnny was a member of Civil Air Patrol., and enjoyed such pastimes as karate, coin-collecting, drawing, astronomy, hiking, and playing

the guitar. Johnny was nominal ed to the Air Force Academy ant would like to become a pilot professionally. He is also interested in Computer Science andMetereotogy. Johnny has to be extremely honored to be accepted to the Air Force Academy. His life will be very rewarding later on In his years.

Royal Blues

~mm Louie Maes was on the gymnastics team at the high school level for four years, a Demon latter Editor, and named to Who's Who Among American High School Students. He enjoyed chess, tennis, and creative writing, but his real love lies in drawing and painting, on the practical side. Louie wants to enter the field of Computer Science, but

he would also like to make his obsession with art into an occupation, such as Commerical Art. Louie intends to be successful at both and evenutally, make artistry his one and only career. Louie such a good artist as he is will go very very far. He may already have a great start seeing as what an artistic town Santa Fe is. He just may be discovered.

John Marquez was an extremely art-oriented person and exhibited tremondous ability and potential in the field when he won the General Store Logo Contest. beating out over 3,000 other entries, many of which were done by professional commercial artists. When not at the drawing

board John likes to run and tiff weights, but art is truly his forte and he intends to pursue it professionally. John wants a vocation in commercial art. namely #lustration because it will give him an opportunity to show off his freelancing abilities.

Ray Martinez was a student of many talents, although sports was his most obvious. Ray ran varsity cross country, played four years of basketball and tennis, and comprised half of the state winning double Tennis combo in 1981. He worked part time at Tiano's. was a member of CYO. National Honor Society. Key Club,

Class Club, and the summer USTA. Ray intends to go to college at either Stanford or Notre Dame, and major in Journalism/Communications, yet continue playing tennis on the side. He plans to publish short stories and novels alongside his chosen career, Techical writing.

Kurt Meyers was active in National Honor Society. Key Club. Acapella choir, and People to People, while at the high school. He was named to Who's Who Among American High School Students and took part in the production of "Godspell" as well. Kurt is in terested in art of all types, swimming, and plans to make a career of his interest in garden-

ing. He intends to go to college and major in Ornamental Horticulture, ofrer which he hopes to own his own greenhouse and nursery. On the same level Kurt is especially proud of having landscaped his parents home by himself and feels this has given him experience that will prove valuable later on.

40 Royal Blues

Joey Mitchell was nominated to Royal Blues because of achievements h several areas, most notably sports. He lettered four years in football, two in track. and was a member of such organizations as Rodeo dub. Key Club, Letterman Club, and held office of Senior Class Secretary. His hobbies are sports oriented as

wen. and his spare time is filled with tennis, skiing, swimming, and weight lifting. Joey has plans to attend either University of Arkansas or Texas A&M and major in Petroleum Engineering. He attributes his many successes to his friendships and maintains that through these relationships, he can do anything.

Charlie Montgomery is a very ambitious person, as & evident from his involvement in Key Club as both president and vice president, three years h Honor Sociely, two years h varsity soccer, two years in Model UN.N, Staters Club, and Wind Ensemble. He was selected as a National Merit Finalist as well and still finds time for such hobbies as hiking, skiing, and

running. Charlie feels that. hg up in Santa Fe in it's u combinations of cultural and educational opportunities was an invaluable asset, and believes his experiences will pay off while attending Princeton University and majoring In philosophy or English Literature. He hopes to pursue a career as a journalist, lawyer or diplomat.

Marcus Montoya's interests were wide-spread and encompassed a variety of activities 'mcuding F.B.L.A. State President. N.J.R.O.T.C, Rifle Team, Orienteering Team, Golden Forces Physical Fitness Team, Mock Trial, Pan Am, Senior Class representatives, S.F. Bicycle Club, and modeling in "A taste of Seasons." Marcus has very little free time but what he does have is filled

with bicycling, model rocketry, and listening to rock music, especially Rush. His future plans find him attending college studying Prelaw and eventually becoming an attorney. Marcus feels that having survived two years with Mr. Gill is definitely an acheivement and has helped prepare him for what is sure to be the rough road to success.

Betsy McClutchey was involved h several organizations, including German Qub. Key Club, Staters Club. Speech Team, and Senior Class. She was recognized in Who's Who Among American High School Students, and not only placed 3rd Runner up in the Junior Miss Pageant, but she was

Achievement Award. Betsy enjoys playing the guitar, singing, skiing, reading, and most of all. eating She has plans to attend MNSU and ultimately major in Aerospace Engineering. Betsy wants to pursue music as well, as It holds great value for her.

Royal Blues

Alexander Neumann was active in several organizations, among them are Honor Society, Model U.N., Model Legislature, Key Club, and Boy's State 1981. He also spent a lot of his time drawing, and playing tennis, but he Is especially proud of his musi-

cal skills. Alexander played in several recitals and is well known for his advanced piano playing, a skill in which he has invested much time and hard work. Alexander intends to pursue a career in architecture or law.

Francis Ortega was active in Soccer, in Basketball for four years, swimming, hiking, camping, and being in the wilderness. Her hobbies include painting and

water colors. She is not thinking about college, but she has an outward bound experience in mind.

Sonja Ortiz was one of those seniors who achieved that status by skipping her junior year and taking on a heavy academic load in order to graduate a year early. In addition, she took eight classes just to meet the 21 credit requirements. Sonya found time to take partin other school activities such as gymnastics, student council. National Honor Society, and cheer-

leading. Aside from school, Sonya was a member of Parish Council, played tennis, and coached gymnastics. She has high aspirations and her persevering attitude should come in handy during her pursuit of a medical career at UNM. Sonya is especially proud of all the hard work she has put into early graduation and coming out in the top 10% of her class.

Carmella Padilla was a member of National Honor Society, four years of class clubs, and three years acapella choir. She is especially proud of her grade point average which has enabled her to be named to Who's Who Among American High School Students. Carmella enjoys skiing, swimming and singing, as well as

playing the guitar. After graduation Carmella plans to attend college at either U.N.M. or the University of Colorado at Boulder and major in either Pediatrics, or Physical Therapy. Carmella feels that high school has prepared her for life in the real world and she is looking forward to the challenges of the future.

Royal Blues

Dan Pflaster spent his highSchool years involved in several activities, hcluding German Qub. Key Club, National Honor Society. Varsity Tennis and JV and Varsity soccer. Off campus Dan played for the City League Soccer Club, taught racquetball, soccer and tennis clinics, and enjoyed such passtimes as skiing, hiking, swimming, bke touring, and camping.

Dan is especially proud of having been nominated to the Air Force Academy by two Congressmen, and is looking forward to being accepted to these institution. He believes that this is proof of his ability to succeed in life as the Academy Is very competitive and he looks upon it as a great honor.

Tommy Pino is indeed musicolty inclined which is e vident h his participation in wind ensemble and his passion for rock concerts, but it is his athletic ability that is especially notable. Tommy swam on the Varsity Swim Team and the City of Santa Fe Swim Team and has won various awards including; American High School Athlete National Swimming Top 25

Award. 23rd h the nation for the 100 yd breaststroke; 24th in the nation for the 200 yd. High School State swimming Championship. 5 A.A.U. state swimming records and qualified for the Junior National Olympics. Tommy plans to attend NMSU on both an athletic and Academic scholarship with major In Engineering and later t swim in the 1984 Olympics.

Anna Marie Romero was active in National Honor Society. National Forensic League. Speech Team, Pan American Club. FBLA. Journalism club, and the basketball team. She held such offices as 10th grade treasurer. Junior class president, and Senior program Chairman, as well as being active in all four years of class organizations. She enjoys buying re-

and just having a good time i general whenever she gets file chance. Anna Marie Is proud of the fact that she /ts actually ready for graduation. When the time comes she hopes her future is as bright as the past has been. She plans to attend NMSU and major in Low with a minor in Journalism, and then go on to the University of New Mexico Law School.

Bryce Romig mode Ns four years at SFHS highly productive by being Involved in such organizations as Key Club. Honor Society. Staters, and all class clubs. He ran freshman track and was also on the gymnastics team. Bryce fills his spare time with mu$lc. jogging, raising livestock and

his many friends, which he says have helped him gain direction for his future. Among his many aspirations and lofty goals can be found attending University of Utah with a major in Forestry, getting rich, and successfully evading the draft.

Royal Blues 43

Brian Sanchez played for the Demon basketball and softball teams, was a reporter and photographer for the Demon Tatler, and'president of the staters club. His spare tone is filled with fishing, hunting. bicycBng, racquetball and swimming. Of his many

is most proud of having been named Who's Who Among American High School Students. His future plans include going to college and majoring in either engineering or computer science.

Tony Schoepke overcame the transition between the Midwest and Southwest when he moved to Santa Fe and he feels that having to move while in high school has given him confidence and flexibility that wi& be useful throughout life. Tony played Varsity golf and wrestled on the Varsity team, as well as taking part in

intramural tennis and racquetball. He wants to go on to college and major in mathematics and make practical use of it in some field of computers or teaching. Tony is also proud of his valuable record and magazine collections which he has spent years putting together.

Julie Segura was active in many aspects of student Hfe at the high school, including volleyball, basketball. Pan American Out. Junior Class, FHA Club, Marching band. Symphonic Band, and the Junior Miss Pageant. She enjoys such hobbies as biking, camping, sewing, playing volleyball, and reading. For the future.

Julie has plans to go to college and earn her degree in either Sociology or Fashion Merchandizing. She says that Santa Fe High gave her the opportunity to develop a sense of direction for her life and make it more meaningful, as well. Julie is especially proud to have been named to Royal Blues and considers this a great honor.

Rebecca Sena was a very active girl around Santa Fe High. She was involved fa Key Club, Ecumans, and was a member of Who's Who Among American High School Students. Rebecca was musically inclined as wet. She was a member of the S.F.H.S. Marching Band, and in the Wind Ensembles. Rebecca has quite a few hobbies and some of these

are: bowling, cross counrry swing, hiking, biking and on occasion a match of tennis. Ms. Sens's personal goal is to attend the University of Bolder fa Colorado, and major in computer science and hopefully to become a computer programmer. Rebecca feels one of her greatest achievements is to be recognized among the seniors of Santa Fe High Royal Blues.

Royal Blues

James Sobien has kept up h his activities, mainly h the NJROTC program here at Santa Fe High School. But this has not stopped James from participating in four years of football. He has been on the Rifle Team, and a member of the CMAk Patrol. James enjoys a few hobbies; one of them Is models (not the female ones) He Is also interested in car work and

cribbage. James plans to ati\ the University of New Mexico an will hopefully major In Electrical Engineering. Or he may take the rout in the NJRO TC program (Marine Option) as a career being a officer for the United Marines Corps. James feels his greatest achievement Is being a finatist h the NJROTC Scholarship Competition.

five fellow in clubs around the high school. He is a member of the Wind Ensemble and the Santa Fe High School Marching Band. He was also a member of the Model United Nations Club, and a Boys' Stater which kept him busy. Model Legislature was one of the many activities Alan participated in and he put h hard work on the tennis team. Alan is a very htellegent young man and this has

school career at Santa Fe High. Alan will, continue his education at either Yale, or the University of CaVfomia-Berkley and he plans to major In Chemistry. Alan is very proud of all his accomplishments but one that always comes to mind is that he has been selected for the past three years to play trombone in the New Mexico AllStale Orchestra.

By looking at Ann vorite activity It seen very musically inclined. She has participated in Treble and Acapella chot and St. Anne's guitar choir. Other activities include Demon Jailer. Who's Who in American High School Students, making honor roll, and being a C.C.D. teacher at St. Anne's. Anna has a talent for free writing, composing music, and to conclude, herhob-

bies. she plays tennis and enjoys camping. Anna's goal is to attend C.S.F. to become a registered nurse, then she'd Ike to further her career in music. She feels she has developed a very positive attitude towards life; and towards other people, also herself Anna feels that satisfying other people is most rewarding to her life.

Chris Tiano Is a very active and athletic boy at the high school or out at the country dub. Chris spent two years on the varsity soccer team, and one year on the gymnastics team, helping the Demons on to victories. But Chris's real love lies on the golf course where he spent four years on the varsity golf team. Chris Is an outdoor person and he enjoys such

things as swimming or a round of golf, but he also repairs old golf clubs. Chris has set a high goal for himself: he would enjoy it most If he would make the P.6.A. Tour, but ambitious as Chris is. he would like to become a professional soccer player. Mr. Tiano feels he has acheived much from life but one thing he is very proud of is making the All-State soccer.

Royal Blues 45

Laurie Trimmer was a member of Acapella chor. Treble Chorale, Drama Club, Starters Club Treasurer, and named to Who's Who Among American High School Students. She enjoys cooking, water skiing, reading and sewing in her spare time. She has a pas-

tion for math, which she plans to major in at NMSU. Laurie enjoyed living in Sante Fe because she feels that it offered her many unique cultural experiences, but she is looking forward to the chance to go to school away from home. f'-

sentdtives, making honor roll, and placing second in N.M. poetry society. Bea was also in the Regional Junior Olympics. For two years she was on the speech team and her senior year was Vice- President. Her sports career at 3.F.H.S. consisted of volleyball, 9th and 10th grades, and track, 9th and 10th grades.-Bea was in student council for two years and was

She also served as Jr. and Sr. class representatives. Ms. Varos enjoys writing short stories and poems, reading and cooking various meals. Bea wishes to continue in the writing field and have a career related to speech. She is very honored to be a Royal Blue and is extremely proud of her writing and being on the speech team. ISsS&b, " '•

Valerie Trujillo's honors, awards, nd achievements could go on and on because of her musical talents sfte has established for herself. Being a member of the National Honor Society and Key Club has also kept her busy. She was a member of the SFHS band 4 yrs.. and SFHS choir 4 yrs. in NM Allstate girls and mixed choirs 2 yrs. and a member of NM AS State symphonic Band 2 yrs, a Member of NM American High School Students 2 yrs; Who's Who h Music 2 yrs; united States Na-

tional Band Awards Recipient 1 yr. Also Valerie traveled with the band to Athens, Greece and Malaga, Spain. Valerie spends her hobbie time playing clarinet, piano, flute and saxophone. She enjoys singing, and is very active in community plays and musicals. Her leisure time is also spent reading books, bowling and swimming. Trujillo plans to attend ENMU and pursue a degree in musical education. Eventually she plans on transferring to North Texas State Unh

jiian TrujiHos interests ran more h the academic direction and high school found hkn with not only an excellent GPA, but involved h the Chess Club and erman Ctub as well. He managed to hold down a port-time job and play tournament Chess

whUe making time for such hobbies as running basketball, hiking, and playing the banjo. In the future Julian sees himself attending NMSU with a major in Electronical Engineering and working towards his Masters Degree h this Held.

Royal Blues

Kevin Lynn Wildenstein has been gifted with many honors during his high school career. He was a member of the Varsity football team. Varsity golf, a Sophomore Class President, and Boy's State and in the Stater's Club. He was also joined in the letter' 'S" Club along with being in National Honor Society. Other activities include. Region K Criminal Justice Youth Board, Model Legislature, Key Club. Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation, and finally the

United States Senate Youth Program. Kevin plans to study Computer Science or AERO space Engineering with a possible minor In political Science. Kevin will attend either NMSU, Air Force Academy, or West Point. He was also named to Who's Who Among American High School Students, America's Outstanding Names and Faces, and being the recipient of a Hearst Foundation Scholarship.

Leah Wilson was one of those students whose intense academic perseverence paid off in the form of graduating a year early, and she is especially proud of having achieved this goal. After graduation she has plans to major in Business Administration at NMSU and eventually move to Boulder, Colorado. Leah spends her free time involved in photograpy, writing poetry, reading

music, and cooking, among other hobbles. Another source of personal pride for Leah was being an editor for the 80-81 Para Manama and surviving to tell about it. Leah is very happy to have achieved graduation early. She hopes to continue to find her life very rewarding and fulfilling. Leah Is also honored to be a Royal Blue at Santa Fe High School.

Stacy Woodard is an active member of the club Hosa (Health Occupations Students of America) and was honored to be state treasurer and local treasurer. Stacy has also participated in Key Club and sang in treble choir. In her 9th grade year she was named head cheerleader. Stacy enjoys ice skating, hiking and

swimming in her spare time. Ms. Woodard plans on majoring In Hygiene. She has prepared herself by taking the Dental Assistant Class at the Vo-Tech. Stacy Is extremely proud of herself getting into "Who's Who Among American High School Students," plus the fact she was picked as a Royal Blue at SFHS.

Paul Witt has been a very active member in the Key Club since his Sophomore year. Junior year Paul was elected Key Club President, and this year he Is active as it. Governor of Division I. Paul enjoys acting and to show his talents he has been in three theatre productions, two of these were with the Santa Fe Community Theatre and one with the teenage Performing Arts Corn-

pany. Paul takes a liking to the outdoor sports such as skiing, hking. and tennis. Reading Is also an enjoyment to his hobbles. Paul hopes his future plans in college will lead him Into the engineering world. His achievements in Key Club have made him very proud. Paul feels these were very worth while goals and is proud to have attained them.

Royal Blues

Diane Herrera has been very active in organizations at S.F.H.S. She served as a FBLA Representative, a HUSA Vice President and a member of the CYO (Christian Youth Organization). Diane was also on the Club Council at VoTech and was a member of the tennis and gymnastics JV teams. Diane has a few hobbies such as

tennis, swimming, and a game of softball. Diane hopes to pursue a career by going to college to become a certified Dental Hygeniest. Miss Herrera is very proud to be nominated to Royal Blues and feels she worked very hard to attain this goal.

Carmen Romero achieved many things through her high school years. Among them were her academic achievements. She was in the top ten percent of her class and she was a Homecoming attendant. Also, she par-

ticipated on the schools golf and soccer teams and she was in "Who's Who". Her future plans are to go to college, and she plans to attend U.N.M. or Eastern New Mexico University.

Senior Awards Assembly Honors 60 Students! 1982 JOSEPH CASADOS OUTSTAND- SPEECH TEAM AWARDS ING SENIOR SERVICE AWARD Bea Varos-Degree of Distinction Kevin Wildenstein Rebecca Cowen-Degree of Honor Byron Piatt-Degree of Excellence YEARBOOK EDITOR AWARD Tammy Harkins-Degree of Merit Kathleen Lopez FRENCH VI AWARDS STUDENT COUNCIL AWARDS Tammy Harkins Deanna Archuleta Alex Neumann Teresa Lopez Sonya Daw Marcus Montoya Deanna Padilla HOME ECONOMICS A WARDS Bea Varos Lara Aragon-lndependent Clothing Julie Segura-lndependent Clothing BAUSCH AND LOMB AWARD Awarded to Santa Fe High School's STATE MODEL UNITED NATIONS Outstanding Science Student. AWARDS Andrew Fowler Best Delegate, Russian, Alexander Neumann. Outstanding Member, ART DEPARTMENTAWARD Alan Stein. Second Runner up for George Rivera

Royal Blues Senior Awards

best delegation of Model UN Ses sion, Andrew Fowler, Charlie MonM gomery, Anthony Harkins. 1

REGIONAL AND STATE SCIEN AWARDS 2nd place in Regional Science Fa and 2nd place in State Science Fa in Behavioral Science: Renee R deck!. Renee also received honorable mention for her science project from the New Mexico Psycho logical Association.

NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP Charlie Montgomery Certificate ( Merit Jennifer Current Certificate of Merit and National Merit Scholarship 1 $1600 per year


A Touch Of Class Salute To 1982

The Class of 1982 had their night to shine on May 111n Toby Roybal Gym. Spirited Seniors making their last debut before graduation. Giving awards to their favorite Senior or their favorite snob. Musical's were performed by various seniors such as the Go Go's, The Charlie Daniels Band, and Alice Cooper. Mary Viera and Carmella Padiila sang "Friends" dedicated to all the Seniors of "82". Class Night went over very well except for a few mishaps with egg throwing. But the evening was still a great salute to "THE CLASS OF "1982" . . . 1.) Patsy Lerma and George Anaya sing a duet for the doss of 1982. 2.) Tammy Harkins announces that Kathy Keever has Just won "Best Tush" award. 3.) Lisa Wledner gives the audience a humerous skit of Xelda. 4.) Brad Sherwood. M.C. of Class Mght, gives out another award. 5.) Rosemary Padiila and Suzanne Roth leave center stage after receiving "Best Couple" of the year.

Play By Play The Drama Department out did itself in the student directed production of the hit Broadway musical "Godspell". The show opened to a full house on March 3 and continued to play sell outs through the final performance on March 7, each one a memorable experience in high school theatre. As director, Becca Shoenfeld had the responsibility of turning an excellent script. Exceptional musical score, and a stage full of enthusiastic, if not experienced, actors into a production. And she did, with impressive results. The musical aspects of the show were directed by Valerie Trujillo, who along with members of the band Search, turned every song into a celebration of the events at hand. Valerie's pianlstic abilities and all-around musicality saw the performers through learning and singing the difficult pieces. Luke Doles had the starring role of Stephen in the show, and his portrayal was nothing short of fantastic. His sense of humor as well as sensitivity lent a very human understanding to the part, and no one who wit1.) "The gang's all here . . . " Cast, chorus, directors, and band take a family photo. 2.) Luke entertains us with his ventriloquist routine.

52 Drama

nessed it will soon forget the Last Supper or Crucifixion scenes. Also starring was Walter Leyba as David, and he turned in an impressive performance as well. Between these two fine actors and directors and the contributions of the others actor in the show, "Godspell" was a major success. Other actors included Stacey Amorous, Dan Forrest, Sara Esparza, Joy Haslam, Kenny Lowry, Suzette Montoya, Sam Sieg, and Allyson Steinman. The chorus also had its moments and helped keep the energy level high with its enthusiastic support of those on stage. While "Godspell" was not one of your average everyday musicals and many people were surprised by its humor and realism, it was a huge success. The show was one of the highlights of an otherwise long and uneventful winter season and helped keep student spirits high with its talented cast and fine performances. 3.) Walter and Luke share a moment of friendship while Luke is baptized. 4.) Luke tests Walter with a slap across the face while the cast awaits his reaction. 5.) Special lighting makes Lukes' solo "God Save the People" a memorable experience. 6.) Heaven and Hell as pictured by the "Godspell" cast. 7.) Walter baptized Kenny as Allyson watches and waits her turn.

Drama 63

Medieval Mayfair Big Success On May 14th the 4th annual Medieval Mayfair celebration got underway, with a host of dragons, knights, wizards and fair damsels in distress enjoying the festivities. There was much to enjoy too, from the pretzels on sale in the German club booth to the tugof-wars going on in the stadium. The afternoon was warm and sunny and as the campus was transformed into a Medieval festival, it actually began to take on the feeling of old England.

The Mayfair is the product of history teacher Robert Ertmer's brainstorming and has been successful from the first year it has been in production. This year Ertmer estimates close to 400 students participated in the action, which was inspired by Ertmer's western civilization class. Summing up the feelings of all the participants, Trecia Veit said, "It was a lot of fun and should be continued, but a lot more students should get involved."

Seniors Agree To Live, l o v e , And Lough 'Of! Sunday, May 23rd, the long awaited dream of graduation became reality when the 700 members of p ยง class of 1962 w&& donned m blue caps and gowns. The graduates marched onto Ivon Head Stadium while the band played "Pomp and Circumstance" and the choir sung the national


athem. Addresses were given by Seniors Bea Varos and Elizabeth McClutchey, and Principal Joe Casados said his last farewell to the class of 1982. The ceremony ended with the benediction, and finally, ceremony ended with the benediction, and finally, a cloud of helium balloons in the at.

Staff Dedcates Book To Don Casados, New SFHS Principal

"Mr. Casados Is the most competent efficient administrator for whom I have ever worked. He is also congenial, fat and openminded. He inspires people to do their best because he always does and expects others to do the same," commented Mary Cornish, English teacher. The 1982 staff dedicated the book to Mr. Casados because he Inspires trust and respect. Others admire him for his great sense of humor, and Business teacher Pat Rodriguez added, "Don is a real fine person and a proven administrator, highly dedicated to his job." As a 32-year employee of the school district, he started as a seventh grade social studies and physical education teacher at Harvey Junior High. He alternately worked as a Junior high teacher and testing coordinator for the district and then became a high school guidance counselor. In 1960, he assumed the post of assistant principal at the high school and In 1965, he was named Principal of Santa Fe MidHigh School. He returned to the high school as associate principal and director of the summer school program in 1976.

Faculty Strives To Improve Campus.

Left to Rlght-Eluid Martinez, Secretary of the School Board; Arthur Johnson, President; Dr. Miller, Superintendent of Schools; Richard Padilla, Vice-President; Henry Gallegos, Member; Robert Sweeney

Joseph Casandos Principal

Dr. James Miller Superintendent of Schools

1 Fernando Ramirez Prtndpal-Vo-Tech

Oon Casados Associate Principal

Robert Vigl Assistant Principal

John Sena Assistant Principal

Dr. Lavera Lloyd Assistant Principal

Harold Martinez Prindpal-AJtemative

Martin Jocobson Counselor

Rosemary Vmarreal Counselor

BenEsquibel Head Counselor

Carol Jones Counselor

Evelyn VaUez Counselor

Evelyn Pocheco Secretary

Mchele Montana Secretary

Peggy Steven Secretary

tone Aranda Secretary


Administration Conducts S.F.H.S.

SueUoyd Nurse-Vo-Tech

Dora Gomez Utxory

Flora Moya PBX Operator

AMceMontoya Sectotory-VoTech

Marian McDonald Cotriseio/-Alternative

Carol Kelermon Head Ubrartan

Dolores Borgrtr* Ubrahan

Harold Maam Security Officer

Louise Ramirez Secretary-Vo-Tech

Josephine Garcia Ubronan

Ttn Jrufto Security OMcer

Academics 67

68 Faculty

Faculty 69

72 Academics

Academics 73

Ms Dalton, Discusses Algebraic problems during

As a math teacher, Ms. Larcombe speaks on the normal subject of angles and sides.

Mr. Tafoya. teacher-student conference about daily Geometry Mathematics.

"Math is one of my favorite subjects," says Lisa Shook. "I like the mathematical work." The Math department at Santa Fe High School offers many courses. For the student who finds it hard in Math, there is General Math, or Consumer Math. These subjects are for those who do not


plan to have a career in high-level mathematics. Algebra 1, Trigonometry/Math Analysis, and Calculus are for those who plan to go into the fields of engineering, science, etc. There are also Computer and Problem Solving Courses at the VoTech that are also offered to the students. James

On The Record H

Rubik's Cube Hits Campus

One of the newest attractions in Demon Territory is the amazing Rubik's Cube. Suddenly the Rubik's Cube was one of the most popular games in the year '81. It was almost impossible to see one student without a cube in their hands. TG&Y. K-mart, Grand Central, Skaggs. and many different stores were sold out just as soon as the cube became noticed. Ron Lucero commented. "I like it because it's challenging." "It's challenging but I can do it," commented Sharon Cornell. Daniel Edwards replied, "It's like playing a computer game." "It gives you an extremely difficult challenge, but it does have it's patterns," said Chris Vedeler. Tim Parrott stated, "I enjoy it because it is a great challenge, but boggeling, and if it takes me more than 3.5 minutes, I'll smash ft against the wall." "It makes me sick," siad Sean Brogan. "It's really frustrating, but I got It," said Lisa Tapia. Joseph Cantu added, "It's pretty neat, and it's fun to make designs with It." Glen Cotten stated, "It's neat but hard to do." "It's challenging, fun to try, causes headaches, and it's cheap," said David Carman. Becky Miller, concluded "I Just don't like it."

Dimas stated that he takes math t o learn more for his college years. James Rael said. "It's a challenge t o t e a c h new students every year and w a t c h them progress towards graduation."

Academics ||

"I like Biology because I have a lot of fun in there and I'm still passing," says Diane Bustamante. Labs, microscopes, and chemicals

76 Academics

are just some of the ingredients that have to do with science, it helps students to gain knowledge of other worlds. Whether they are through a

microscope or telescope, science is becoming advanced. Students have many classes to choose from such as: Chemistry. Biology, Physics.

On The Record • • •

Fences Provide Security It was four or five years ago before the student parking lot was fenced in. But then and beyond It brings nothing but unpleasant memories to Principal Joseph Casados. He recalls getting tons of complaints everyday from students that their tires were slashed, or that their windows were broken. To top it off the parking was completely unorganized, students were parked randomly. But now that the fence Is here, there has been a 98% decrease in the theft and vandalism that went on before. "Just last year the faculty parking lot fence was installed. And it too has proven to be effective In the cutting down of vandalism and theft to almost zilch," said Mr. Casados, "although it was a fight to get these fences where they are. It has showed to be well worth it."

or Physical Science. Science mainly lets the students know more about the advance of technology and research in our

world today. "Lisa Tapia says she likes taking Biology to learn a lot more about ourselves, and nature.

Weekend Hang-Outs Of SFHS Students Santa Fe High students lead a very active weekend life; doing such things as Saturday night cruising of the town, working, and hanging out at the De Vargas MaH. Of the students that were interviewed, here are their favorite hang-outs. Lisa Vigil spends some of her weekend time at the mall, and does a lot of shopping there. Becky Martinez says on weekends she goes out to check out the parties, cruising, and look around the plaza. "The Fun Store and playing the video games at Grand Central is where you'll find me." says Chris Vedeler. Alex Martinez spends his weekends working at Albertsons. as does Alyn Martinez at Godfathers. Hanging around downtown, checking out the parks, and occasionally taking a cruise to Albuquerque with some friends is what Lisa Parker does. Patricia Duran does things like going to the movies, checking out the parties, and cruising about the town.

78 Academics

Clothing; a natural advancement toward a inable living.

The Home Economics classes are engaged in the school system to teach students how to manage a home and family. Traditional courses, cooking and sewing, give the students a chance to produce fashionable clothing out of old pieces of material. The class contains many techniques in producing a better way of life for the SFHS students. These techniques involve: Floral Culture, Everyday Living. Tourism and Hospitality, Bakery I. Clothing, Foods and Sewing. Some classes are available for advanced students in Human Rela-



tions to be better acquainted with their environment. Elizabeth Pacheco commented, "I enjoyed cooking and being able to teach the students. I mainly liked working with them." "I took Bakery because I thought it was fun," says Debbie Lujan. Jennifer Martinez stated, "I liked Human Relations because it was educational and really fun! "You can leam things in Home Economics that you can use when you grow up. I enjoyed it, it's fun"replied Brenda Mario.

Close-Up Observes Government

On The Record The Close Up Foundation is 12 years old since president Steve Janger started it in the late sixties. He saw that many students were not cooperative and confident in their government. So he decided to take a group of students to Washington O.C. to show them what really goes on daily in the Nation's capital. With his own money and the help of his brother, he was able to do this. Since the birth of this program, the capital has seen over 100.000 students, whom all return home with an unforgettable experience of their, government. Ray Valdez, a member of the Close Up Program, tells us about the program. "It's an extremely indepth look at our Nation's government, wherein students travel to Washington DC. for one week of the format. They attend seminars with Lobbyists, reporters. Congressmen, and government matters in and out of the Washington area and study all they have learned in daily workshops. This is the opportunity for students-to familiarize themselves with the government on how it works and what goes on daily."

82 Physical Education

With the red light came the gym shorts and tennis shoes, as approximately thirty students per period filed onto the gym floor. Groups were known by the last name of their teachers: Casados, Hogan, Lumpkins, Sanchez, Ortiz, Whittemore. and Alire. Some students walked into P.E. laughing, but this required class was no easy "A". Both boys and girls struggled through various exercises and took tests that affected their grade. Their attitudes, attendance, and dressing out were just as important to pass the course. They ran cross-country, played volleyball, played basketball, went swimming, learned gymnastics, and even did weight-lifting. Some grumbled, others laughed, and some cared less. Carlos Cardenas commented, "There was never a dull moment in P.E." Another co-ed added, "I tried to think up excuses for getting out of class, but usually I felt better when I went out and exercised." There were fun assignments, such as gymnastics and Softball. The breast stroke, spectacular spike, and the last basket were all part of this regiment known as P.E.

Music is the art of producing meaningful arrangements of sound, usually with reference to rhythm. pitch, and tone color. Music is also an art of expressing thoughts, emotions, and moods that are put together In words and rhythm. It can be performed by voice. Instruments, and for dancing. These classes were available for the Demons as of "81-82": Beginning Choir, Acapella Choir, Treble Choir. Swing Choir. Music and Theory, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band. Dance Band. Concert Band, and Advanced Guitar. Music classes are somewhat of an entertainment for the students, but at the same time they learn about


reading music and playing it. The list of the teachers of these classes are: MaryLlnda Gutierrez, Dorothy Kincaid. Clark Pontsler, Richard Snider, and David Ziems. "The reason I like choir is because I enjoy singing and also have an appreciation for music," says Carmilita Garcia. Cindy Berma took choir because she enjoys singing. Dorothy Kincaid stated, "Mainly I enjoy teaching guitar because I like music and I like sharing this with the students. I also feel that the students can somehow relate to music better than their academics." I enjoy it because of the trips," added Charles Brighton. Diane Bustamante comments," I like band because of the trips included in the course." *

On The Record Students Conception Of A Good Teacher George Anaya stated, "A teacher that explains everything, but doesn't push it on you." "One that takes the time to help you," replies, Monica Martinez. "A teacher that works with you individually and at your own pace," says Becky Martinez. Martha Valdez stated, "one that doesn't give too much Homework, doesn't get mad when you don't turn in work and that gives you more time to hand in homework." Giving an example of a good teacher is Lisa Parker, "I think Mr. Mier." Also giving an example is Victor Montoya, "Talaske." "Teaches you a lot and makes you work," commented Joe Segura. Richard Edwards (Senior) replies, "A teacher that explains everything and lets you do what you want." Chris Vedeler stated, "Ms. Foster, she has fun while teaching and makes it enjoyable."

One of the annual class members asked students around the campus what their conception of a good teacher was. Paula Ortiz, senior, gives her opinion: "A teacher that's willing to listen and help you with your problems." "One who can get through to the class, can communicate, and makes the subject interesting," stated Yvonne Gomez. The following three students

believe in the same conception of a good teacher: Ron Lucero commented, "A teacher that is considerate and doesn't believe in Homework. "One that doesn't give homework," says Alex Martinez. "One that doesn't give homework," replies Joyce Baros. Many other students commented on a way how a good teacher must teach and some examples are:

Using many varied mediums to work from, the Art department filled a year with different forms of artistic abilities. This ability could be seen from the state fair to the classroom displays and annual art shows. Art classes situated in the fine arts building and J-building carried on projects throughout the year. Mr. Gary Myers was the head of this creative de-


partment and lends us his views as to the year. "The artist creates and is himself created; the art department Is the soul of the SFHS school body." "The students, in my view, are the most talented in the state. This is apparent by the high quality of artwork at the Sweeney Convention Art Show. Christmas Show, and in the face of school In murals," sculpture, and displays," added Mr. Myers.

On The Record Students Offer Excuses For Tardiness Do you remember when you would stay talking away to friends and loose track of the time and you were late for class? What were some of the quickest, good reasons for being late? Here are a few ideas you might have used: "My locker got jammed." "I lost my shoe" "I forgot my books and I had to go back for them" "I had a flat tire." "I was talking to the counselor in the office." "I had to go to the restroom" "I couldn't remember my locker combination" "I had a doctor's appointment" "I Just arrived" "I ran out of gas" "My alarm didn't go off" "My teacher last period kept me late" "I missed the bus." "I had to make up a test" "They wouldn't let me out of the library".

Social Studies on the whole, represents man's past, present, and future. It represents mans past because ft studies in grave detail, men like Napoiean, Ivan the Terrible, and studies empires such as the Roman Empire, and others. Social Studies past reviews such invasions as the Moslems into Africa, the Vikings into France and England, as well as the invasion of the Turks into Czechoslovakia. Social Studies affects the present because we are constantly comparing the past to the present. Such


reasons are; to further understand mans changes; thus answering questions like: Why didn't man learn from past mistakes? What caused the downfalls of strong empires? Social Studies links future with the present and past. It does this by enabling present man, with the studies of past man. to predict future man, thus allowing us to harrow down the many paths future man will take. Doing this will better prepare us for the future years to come

On The Record •

Falkland Stirs Controversy What started out to be a simple repossession of the islands, turned out to be a world awakening Crisis, between the pride of Britain and desperation of Argentina. Haig as the peacemaker? Haig talked but was not heard. Americas involvement was because of treaties made with both parties. The treaty with Argentina was made because it was part of the American states. The treaty with Britain had been with established sooner than the treaty with Argentina. What it boils down to is what the treaties read .. The treaty with Argentina requires the U. S. to back them politically, not from the military point. Where as the treaty with Britain requires the U.S. to support them from an military aspect. Although we support Britain, the U.S.S.R. supports Argentina, to a point. So we ask you, is it a battle for freedom or involvement of the two major powers of the world?

Sock* Studies

Business is a competitive field, but the business department prepares the SFHS well. The classes help the students to "mind their own business." They learn everything from skills in typing, shorthand, accounting, to teaming how to understand the stock market and manage their own business. Also, students learn to handle many real siutatlons and role play various business set-ups. In Mrs. Rodriguez's class, for example, students participate in a simulation game wherein a marketplace is provided with a common set of experiences dealing with the dynamics of our economics system. Mr. Baca comments. "I enjoy Accounting and I like teaching it to the students." "I like to type because it

Business Education

keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of things." says David Webb. "I like to see the students progress from not knowing anything about a typewriter, and by May being able to use the machine with confidence and skHI," replies Mrs. Rodriguez, "I took Accounting because I want to be an Accountant," says Abie Montoya. Business Education is a subject that can give many different advances In dally living. Subjects taught at SFHS include Business Education, Business communication. Business Law/Economics, Introductory to Business Careers, Marketing, Store Trainee, Human Relations, Office Procedures, Typing 1 and 2, Accounting, and even secretarial work.

On The Record Teachers Reveal Hobbies, Personalties One of the questions we asked teachers was what do they do after 3:00? These are just some of the answers we received: Ms. Stasny told us she goes to school, and she's finishing work on her Masters Degree. She's also a mother of two. so with this schedule her only pleasure at the time is just relaxing in her hot tub and listening to her stereo. She says she also enjoys gardening and uses it as therapy. Mr. Baca, on the other hand, goes home and works on his own business. He used to own a liquor store but now he's into marketing. He said he likes it because he can visit places like Denver and Dallas. Although he is extremely busy, he finds time to have a little dinner and visit with his mother. Mr. Christensen told us he leaves work and picks up his daughter. Then he goes home and plays basketball with his son. Mr. Christensen said he does something different every day. Mrs. Martinez, up at Vo-Tech. said she teaches Adults Basic Computer Programming at the New Mexico Community College. Mr. Armendariz told us that he goes home and then he goes out to feed his horses. He said his horses are his hobby. Mr. Perfors day goes just Ice clockwork. He goes home and gets ready for dinner. After dinner he plays cards and takes a walk. Then he gets ready for bed. and relaxes until 10:00 Mr. Velarde replied he goes home and spends time with his family. He also works for the Adult Basic Education Program

"I love my Job and I find It stimulating to work with this age group." expresses Dolores Fidel, head nurse. "We're always very busy in here seeing kids for all kinds of problems that come up." This is just one comment, of the many, from people at our school who are helping other people. The majority of these people are the secretaries who manage to get all kinds of work done for everyone. They not only help the students but they also help the principals, and work on attendance with various other jobs they do all day.


We can't forget counselors who do all our bothersome schedule changes and the librarians who kept the library going even while it was under construction. Though some students relied on teachers, librarians. or nurses for help m various matters, the majority of the student body depended on counselors. Counselors not only offered educational guidance. but also aided students with personal problems. This section honors the "People Helpers," at Santa Fe High School.

On The Record Teachers Reveal Pre-Colege Jobs Jobs of the teaching staff here on the Demon Country Campus are everything from aids and custodians, to secretaries and directors. All of the following are jobs these teachers had before college and during high school. Mr. Velarde, typing teacher, has previously worked in a grocery store, project NEWGATE, and as the director of the summer recreation program for the city of Santa Fe. Working in a Jewelry store, and working for a radio station in Lubbock. Texas are two jobs Ms. Hancock has had. Math teacher, Mr. Christensen, had a variety of jobs, doing such things as packing ice cream, doing electronics at Grummans Aircraft in Long Island, and was a teacher's assistant at Highlands University. Mr. Rodriquez, English teacher, has also had an assortment of jobs. He's been a paper boy, utility man, a custodian, and even a cab driver. Ms. Tit a Stasny has worked at the Governor's Office here in Santa Fe, and as a writer for the Tourist Division, Dept. of Development. As one can see, many different jobs have been held by our teachers.


Drafting abilities are always in demand. In taking a drafting course you get experience working with plans, tools, and materials. Drafting can be used in different areas such as engineering, construction, manufacturing and industry. The student enrolled in drafting understands different drawings, thoughts, and principles.

Pre- vocational metals shows students welding practices, which one may need as soon as they get a job in that field. Woodworking is another area where the mechanics of common products are gained. Students in drafting have to not only construct their products, but also finish them.

On The Record Fashion Enhances Year This year many things have gone in and out of style and fashion. Everything from leg warmers, knickers, and mini-skirts to headbands, ear cuffs, and walk mans ear phones. Styles went in as easily as they went out. And the majority of the people kept up with all the latest fashions. Some people "got into" their own style. Some went punk style and wore red and orange sneakers, got a G.I. haircut and dyed their hair various colors. Others went preppie and wore plaid skirts, dexters or topsiders and alligator shirts. So say the very least the styles of this year will never be forgotten! How could they?

When you're out on the road, a car can be very dangerous without the proper experience. Young drivers can be hazardous to themselves, as well as to other drivers. That is mainly why a driver's education class is offered here at Santa Fe High. In this, young drivers are taught traffic regulations and basic driving skills.

Drivers Educa

Students can learn what It means to be a defensive driver and see what happens to those who fool around behind the wheel. Driver education helps bring back the true meaning of the automobile, despite our complex society's modifications.

On the Record Students Turn To Video Games Much of all the manual games that professors seem to come up with can't match the professional computerists that invent video games. The booming, splitting sounds, charge the air as Santa Fe Demons drop their quarters into the slots and begin to play video games. Throughout the United States, according to recent articles, players of all ages dropped $5 billion worth of quarters into video games last year. In Santa Fe. about 250 video games of different styles are available. Many people find that video games are relaxing. Most players, though, are teenagers who arrive at 3 p.m. after school. Young players spend as much as $3.00 a day on the games. Their money may come out of lunch funds or salaries from afterschool jobs. Some adults may drop up to $20.00 daily in the games. What lures these players. Is the addictive challenge to win enough high points to prolong a game for hours or to win a free game. A lot of practice, a good eye. and manual dexterity help players to win and achieve a sense of accomplishment. Santa Fe has most of the popular video games. Including Tempest, Space Fury, Defender, Centipede, Pac-Man, Missile Command, Battle Zone and Star Sastle. Newest and most popular locally Is Tempest, an abstract, geometric shape Inside of which are darting geometric objects scrambling to get out. the object is to shoot them down before they exit.

1.) Oh No. I don't want my picture taken. 2.) A familiar hallway to all the Alternative students. 3.) A picture pose one couldn't forget. 4.) What will school require of me next? 5.) A unique front view of the Alternative High School.

102 Alternative

Vo-Tech Offers Opportunities

1. Vikky and Nikky work hard on their processing of data 2. Bernadette Hernandez types away. 3. Mr. Harris directs a student to the board. 4. Auto Mechanics keeps busy with the many cars they fix. 5. Mr. Fernando Ramirez. Vo-Tech principal. 6 Boy does this frog stink! comment some biology students

104 Vo-Tech

"Our library is one where you go to study, check out books, and learn about different subjects." says Sherry Casados. There are many different magazines, encyclopedias, and newspapers as well as books. Carol Kellerman. who is the head librarian, has been at Santa Fe High School two years. Josephine Duran. Nancy Mexia, Dora Gomez, and Dolores Borgrink are assistants. Carol Keller-

man commented. The thing I like the best is helping books find people, and helping people find books." This year there was an elevator built for the handicapped. There was a mural painted this year also by a senior. Dale Garcia. Also, there was a ramp built between the A.V. room and the resource room for the handicapped.

SFHS Library Gets New Look Student Attend Concerts One of the many attractions for young people today is concerts. Most of the groups who come to Albuquerque and Santa Fe are rock groups, although some are country. 50% of the students at Santa Fe High School go to concerts even with the high ticket prices and the crowds. The concerts this year included: Brian Adams, Pat Benatar, The Allman Brothers. Jackson Brown, The Cars, The Commodores, Blye-Oyster-Cult, Foghat, Foreigner, Crystal Gayle. Van Halen, Molly Hatchet, Joan Jett, Journey, The Kinks, Kool and the Gang, Loverboy, Willie Nelson, Aldo Nova. Ted Nugent, Ozzy Osbom, The Outlaws, The Philistines. Linda Ronstadt, Black Sabbath, Santana, 38-Special. Jefferson Starship, Rod Stewart, Joe Walsh, Wish, and U.F.O

Many think that a custodian's duty is not a glamorous one. This may be so. but Santa Fe High School would not operate smoothly without It. We do not often examine a custodian's never-ending job. Custodians are always first to arrive and last to leave the school. Far too many times we overlook the tedious tasks they under go. For example, when facilities fail, custodians immediatly attack the situation in a very productive manner. Though many of us feel that our job ends with the end of school year, a custodian's job is annual. After school ends, they repaint, replan, redo, and rearrange the school. Those on the custodian staff are: Head custodan;



John Padilla. under him come Donald Duran, Max Maes. Florenclo Muniz, Martin Ortega, David Padilla, Jose Padilla. Vincent Padilla, Manuel Romero, Willie Roybal, William Ryan. Robert Trijilio, Albaro Vigil, and Tom Vigil. For both lunch hours, you can find hundreds of SFHS students lined up in the cafeteria for a good square meal at the lowest price you can find in town. As the carousel slowly turns around, each can choose what they want. For instance hamburgers, tacos. pizza, roast turkey, chefs salad, home made rolls, chocolate milk, and ice cream. The only limit is capacity! The good cooks of the cafeteria arrive early in the morning and begin their already-planned meals.

On The Record SFHS Students

Say It All Many students around campus were asked what their favorite saying was or a phrase they use very often. Of the following students, here's what was gathered: Rosa Marie Kiaz, "O La Lai; Chris Vedeler, "ARG;" Jeff HO, "Ted Nuggent Kicks;" Lance Bell, "I can't give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is try to please everyone." Carrie Summers, "Yowza;" Christy Shuck, "Cosmic and Serene;" Susan Clark "whatever makes your heart go pitter pat;" Theresa Lopez, says "Go For It;" Gloria Blea. "Shut It," Paula Sanchez, "Essche" and "well I never;" Gloria Rivera, "I don't wanna;" Valerie Ortega, "Oh dear." Marsha Ortiz, "Get with the program," Carmen Garcia, "how darling;" Lisa Romero, "Can it;" Robyn Frankalucci, "I'm psyched;" Pauline Ortiz, "How rude," Barbra Hernandez. "Spooky," Becky Martinez, "Oh man;" Monica T. Martinez, "I don't know;" Henery Watkins, "Yah," Patsy Jaramillo "I can't see," Maria Gallegos, "Hey man;" Mark Yilek, "punk is Junk;" Maura Oldknow, "We are dead, we are not here. If we were here we would be here, but we're not cause were dead." Of the many students that were asked what their favorite saying was "Oh man!" and "Go For It" were by far the most popular.

Custodians/Cafeteria 113

A Look At The Administration

James P. Milter Superintendent of Schools

Arthur Johnson President

Henry Gallegos Member

Robert Sweeney Member

Amos Melendez Super, for Secondary Education

Over 1,200 employees and 10,900 students are a part of the Santa Fe Pubic School District. Santa Fe Public Schools ran as the third largest district in New Mexico. To cope with this, a 26,985 million dollar budget was tentatively approved for 1982-83. This is strictly the operational budget, which covers the regular program, except the cafe-

114 Administration

teria. In addition to this, there are also various federal programs which are distributed among the 18 elementaries. 3 junior high, and 1 high school (there campuses) in Santa Fe. Heading these 1,200 emplyeees are 5 Board members and the following personnel: Dr. James P. Miller, Superintendent of Schools, Waiter

Burke, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Service, Amos Melendez. Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, Edward Ortiz, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel. Carl Whittemore, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, and Dr. Walter T. Wier. Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education.

Administration 115

118 Demon J after

Demon Tatler: A Journalism II Endeavor I H With the passing of the 1981-82 school year, another volume of the Demon Tatler was added t o those years past as records of goings-on as seen by members of the SFHS student body. The Demon Tatter's forty-fifth volume was not produced without each and every staff member's dedication and total effort. Many days of hurried writing and re-writing went Into putting the Demon Tatler together. This was not to mention the deadlines, the Interviews with the all but cooperative newsmakers, the broken appointments, the finicky co-workers, and those bothersome onthe-blitz typewriters. Being a journalist for the school newspaper places much responsibility on staff workers. This added responsibility, better prepared members for whatever obstacles placed before them. Santa Fe Hlgh-llghts was a solely student run, full-length page that appeared in each Friday edition of "The New Mexican." Stories were written by the Demon Tatler staff who produced the page as well.

Two of Tattler's staff are shown at work on stories. Editorial Staff Santa Fe High-Lights staff are busy at work. Advisor meets with beginning Journalists. Sponsor Jean Rehom Photographer: Erik and Reporter: Vianney.

Row 1: Louie Maes. Nicole Touchon. Eric HaBqulst. Alan Uttrell. Ray vaidez. Steve Gallegos. Row 2: Jessica Tatro. Donna Martinez, Kathy Baca. Sandra Saiz, Vianney Rodriguez. Joe McGuire. Jeff Miller, Barbara

Shaffer. Mtohael Armbruster. Tim Baros. Jean Rehom. Row 3: Monica Gonzales. Teresa Sisneros Mfeslng: Byse Els.

Demon Tatler 119

U M I Prepares Students For Future

Row 1: vianney Rodnquez. Tim Baros. Kathy Baca. Joyce Armijo. Apr! Starner. Arthur Podia. Maria Romero. Cammy Brtto, Rosemary Cardenas. Row 2: Margaret Rivera. Marie Fox. Patty Martin. Michelle Buchecker. Susan Clark, Linda Rodriguez. Btanca Mares, Carrie Summers.

120 F.B.L.A.

Linda Dominguez. Shirley Hurtado. Row 3: Christy Pittman, Cindy Cha-i vez. Valerie Pacheco, Kim Severlson, Jeanlne Romero, Renee Gange Jane Rodriquez, Chief Gonzales, Chartene Lopez, Barbara Rael. Row 4; Marcus Montoya. Mark Ortega.*

Row 1: Angela Romero. Row 2: Michelle Lucero, Michele Riviera, Patty Huckabee, JoAnn Baldonado. Row 3: Shawn Vigil, Nancy Moore, Brooke Thompson. Anna Garcia. Row 4: Lisa Anaya, Kathy Leyba, Lisa Serrano.

Rowl: Patty Huckabee, Marcus Montoya. Michele Rivera. Row 2: James Sobien, Uoyd Reynolds.


ROTC Does It In Step

Photo 1. Row 1: Angela Romero, Laura Lujan. Row 2: Nancy Moore. Lisa Sorrono, Patty Huckabee. Gloria Rivera. Kathy Leyba. victor Ortega. Row 3: Michelle Lucero. Anita Vigil, Lea Gonzales. Anna Garcia. Lisa Anaya. JoAm Baldonado. Row 4: Vincent Bancra. Mark Flook. Paul Clifford. Yvette Garcia, Liz Baca. Michelle Fivera. Row 5: Stanley Sandoval, Tommy Podia. Marcus Montoya. Billy HHI. Charles Hattoway. Brooke Thompson. Sean Vigil. David Segura. James Sobien. Lloyd Reynolds. Mike Gonzales. Robert Baca. Rodney MocRae. Row 6: Chris King. W l a m PadÂŤa. Ace Two Crow. Caption 2: R.O.T.C. students participate In Graduation ceremonies. Caption 3: Time for Inspection everybody! Caption 4: R.O.T.C. girls march in style during the parade.

ROTC 123

124 F.F.A.

F.F.A. Prepares Students For Varied Jobs The Future Farmers of 1981-82 ted a very busy year with Fabian Chavez as the advisor. The F.F.A. members worked together throughout the year and improved the outdoor environment. AH sixty-seven members achieved their goals by practicing brotherhood, responsibilities, and combined aesthetics, such as landscape design. Projects that were carried out by the club were raffles, in which a pig was given away, planting all kinds of vegetation, selling plants on holidays, and numerous trips to Albuquerque for conventions. Each year the Horticulture classes pack up their gear and travel to the Mora Wilderness and 1981-82 was no exception. F.F.A. members collected trees and other foliage under the supervision of Mr. Chavez. They concluded their trip by returning with many different kinds of plants which they replanted and sold around Santa Fe. The 1981-82 officers were; President-Arnold De Aguero; Vice-President-Brian Lee; Secretary-Ruben Aragon; Treasurer-Joe De Aguero; ReporterGwen Garcia; and Sentenial-Adam Gonzales.

1. Gwen Garcia poses with Governor Bruce King during the Vocational week 2. F.F.A. members display their plants on Vocational week at De Vargas Mo* 3. An F.F.A. member works In the greenhouse to produce healthy and beautiful plants. 4. Donald Serrano prourjy shows off the Horticulture's six week old calf. 5. KartmFattah enjoys the break between the two Horticulture classes. 6. Vo-Tech. principal. Mr. Ramirez, cartes off a healthy palmetto. 7. Gwen Garcia. Ray Montoya. and Rose Angle work hard transplanting f e r n . 8. Donald Serrano. Arnold De Aguero. Mark Martinez, and Joe Aguero ore pictured with Dr. Wldemoyer of the Horticulture Department at N.M. State University 1982 State Nursery/Landscope Team Winners

New Mexico Delegates to the National F.F.A. Convention In Kansas Ctty. Mtesour. Pictures (L-R) Joe De Aguero. Chuck Sandoval. Ubby Butter, Patty VtcMund. Gwen Garcia. Pom VoJdez. Adam Gonzales. FFA


The Santa Fe Hgh School Ski club Is an organization devoted to skiing. During the year, the club went on two skiing trips, one to the Santa Fe Ski Basin and the other to the Taos Ski Valley. Two of their fund raising projects were the selling of candy and the other, a Punk Rock dance. "The 1981-1982 ski club was very exciting and fun. You get a great clean feeling going down the slopes, and it's a great experience. You feel free!" replied Sean Brogan. The sponsor of the club was John Davidson. The officers were President, Daren Haas, Vice President; Donald Gorman and Treasurer; Cindy Gonzales

1. Glen Cotten falls after coming down Columnbine, a very narrow slope.

128 German Club

The German Club was very active In the 1981-82 school year. An Aspen pot-luck "Picknick" and the prize winning Homecoming float, "Grind the Buldogs" were some of the highlights. The German film "Lili Marieen" and German Christmas Caroling were also a big treat. The Christmas pot-luck luncheon was enjoyed by all. The SFHS Campus was invaded by Tobler Swiss Chocolate bars which were being sold as a fund raiser. Skitag was also a lot of fun. "Deutsches Wochenende" (German Weekend) was spent at the Sacrament Methodist Assembly near Cloudcroft. The annual Medevil May Fair was an event looked forward to by all. Recht Vielen Dank! Mimi Forsyth, photographer; Bobbi Culbert, designer and hostess; Colony Materials, flatbed for float; and the Parents of the German Club Students.

1. The German Club Flag. 2. German Club's prize-winning Homecoming Float. 3. Greg Jackson has his cake and eats it too. 4. Daren Haas and Patrick Trujto decorate "Wetmachtsbaum" for the Christmas pot-luck luncheon. 5. Herr Pearson. Loii Kopp and Michelle Parra discuss German Christmas Customs. 6. Randy Davis and Greg Jackson discuss the Homecoming float design. 7. German Club's officers and sponsor worked hard throughout the year. 8. Club members go Christmas Caroling.

Row 1: Secretary; Lori Kopp, President; Liz Ulrich. Treasurer; Steven RoyboJ. Row 2: Dennis Snyder. Diana Freeork. Rebecca Lillich. Stacy Pearce. Trecia Veit, Tim Bajema. Vlce-Pres.; Michelle Parra, Angle Johnson. Barbara Serna, Yvette Gonzales. Kim Fullwood. Unda Domfnguez. Shirley Hurtado. Row 3: Sponsor; Allan Pearson, Lee Ann Braeutigom. Trina Witter. Karol Garley. Terrie Wharton. Lynn Welch. Chris Ginocchlo. Charles Penny. Jeff Mter. Henry Watkins. Tom Gystvai.

Sean Kenny. Mark Flood. John Kantner. Row 4: Greg Jackson. Greg Sneed. Juian Trujto. Brian Reagan, Donny Nowers. James Martinez. Patrick Trujto. Scott Oteen. Jamie Thomson, Wolfgang Rettberg. Roger Lacy, Fred Abousleman. Mtesmg: Trisha Cutoert. Stev Gyetvd. Bryan Patterson. Tanya Perea, Mefcsa Weber. Heidi Alyn, Randy Davis. Paul Siuka. Daren Haas. Chris Hannemann. Alexander Neumann, Uoyd Reynolds. Betsy McOutchey. David Duck. Ken Lowrie.

German Club 129

J.V. Cheerleaders Jump Into Season With Enthusiasm

Monica Gffego loved being a J.V. cheerleader this year. She got along great with the other cheerleaders. She said. "Cheerleading is a lot of hard work. It's not all fun and play, but in the end it's all worth it." Her favorite sport to cheer for is basketbafl because it Is much warmer than football and the games are easier to understand. She plans on trying out again in the future.

When asked. "How did you enjoy the season?" Sandra Jimenez replied. "I had a reaBy great year. I feel It brought our squad closer and made us one big happy family." Sandra enjoyed meeting other cheerleaders from different schools. She feels being a cheerleader Is a great honor and a learning experience for any girl who wishes to try out for ft.

132 J.V. Cheerleaders

"I liked cheering because we promoted school spirit while having a good time" replied Vikky O'Chesky. We worked together like a team and we got to know each other. Being a cheerleader kept me very busy and made me more responsible. Besides cheering Vikky also enjoys skiing, swimming, track and raquetball.

Diane Quintana enjoyed cheerleading this year. She had lots of fun. Diane likes cheering for all the sports, and believes they are all just as exciting. She plans on trying out for cheerleader again because she feels cheerleading is very important and is a fun responsibility that she would like to have.

Ready O-kay Poise, excellence, enthusiam, grades, personality, and getting high with school spirit is what it takes to be a Santa Fe High Varsity Cheerleader. Every summer the Varsity Cheerleaders attend the N.C.A. clinic (National Cheerieading Association). This summer the girls attended the clinic and were chosen as one of the top five squads for excellence They also brought home a spirit stick for showing a lot of spirit throughout the clinic, Selling megaphones and working the summer concession stand were some of the ways the girls raised money for out of town trips. The squad worked together in other activities such as judging elementary cheerleaders and helping out for muscular distrophy. The girls picked to moke up a cheerieading squad are not only chosen for their ability to cheer, but as representatives of the whole student body. Your 1981-82 Varsity Cheerleaders were: Seniors Captain, Jackie Bradley, Patsi Lerma, Kathleen Lopez, and Juniors Kelley Dukeminer, Nikki Montoya, and Phyllis


i) lop to bottom: Nlkkl Montoya. Kathleen Lopez, Phyllis Romero. Kelley Dukeminer, Jackie Bradley, and Patsi Lerma. 2) Jackie Bradley 3) Kelley Dukeminer 4) Patsi Lerma 5) The Varsity Cheerleaders hold up run throughs for the Varsity Basketball team during the St. Mike's game. 6) Using flags In a cheer helped show their perfection. 7) What did he say? 8) Kathleen Lopez 9) Nlkkl Montoya 10) Phyllis Romero 11) One of many difficult stunts the cheerleaders do. 12) Jackie Bradley looking back during the Fiesta Parade. 13) Practice makes perfect.

Dedication explains the freshman cheerleaders in one word. Monday through Thursday from 3:305:00. they practiced to cheer the Demons on to victory. During all of the freshmen football and basketball games, they were there, cheering them on to victory and uplifting their spirits. Each one of the cheerleaders expressed their spirits daily, often wearing demon shirts and pens showing our school the spirit they display. They have all earned the slogan demon pride, displaying it on the fields on the courts and in the classroom. Mrs. Larcombe sponsored the cheerleaders and although she worked them hard they were rewarded In the end.

1. A m Hi. 2. Bianco Mares. 3. EHie Ortiz. 4. Donna Lopez. 5. DeAnn Overcash. 6. Grace Lucero. 7. Parti Dukemenler.

Demon Spotlight deals with students who want to learn all about the world of television and broadcasting. They learn technical parts of camera and recording equipment lighting, and camera techniques, and special camera effects. They cover ail school activities throughout the year on Cablevision every Wednesday from 4:00 to 4:30. During the year, the Demon Spotlight received new equipment for the class. They had many plans on how to use It. They added new shows to the original. Nancee Mexia. sponsor, says. "The future plans for the Demon Spotlight are a bit vague with the equipment we have. The students are confined to unimaginative filming, It's hard to do anything on a budget of 0." 1. Phillip Meed listens for instructions. 2. Reyes Naranjo reads the instructions. 3 Kevin Llebert and Chris Pardlngton set up the equipment 4 Demon spollght dramatic shot. 5 Bottom Row: Kevin Llebert. (Me Lynch. Row 2: Chris Pardlngton. Gloria Kartas. Alan Llttrell. PhWrp Meek, Reyes Naranjo, Scott McCausland. Top Row: Gilbert Gonzales. Matthew Sanchez.



Key Club Helps Children, Elderly The Key Club is a youth service organization, and has about eighty members. As an international organization, the Key Club has over 10.000 members. It is divided into districts, and then into divisions. The Sante Fe High School Key Club belongs to Division 1 in the Great Southwest District, which includes Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Key Club works together to help others. Last year's single service project was to make the children at St. Vincent's Hospital feel less lonesome. In the past they have also helped the elderly, and enjoyed doing it. Each year the Key Club works together to put a calendar together, and it includes photographs of the Santa Fe High "Sweethearts." The Key Club members don't think of Service Projects as something they have to do because they're in the club, but they think of it as an opportunity to help someone in time of need. They enjoy everything they do throughout the year. To become a member you must (1) fill out an application (2) regularly attend meetings on Thursdays at 7:30 and (3) pay a due of $7.50. Being a member includes helping others and meeting others.

Key Club members are: Paul Witt, David Johnson, Charlie Montgomery. Lisa i gen, Dominque Nugent, Tom Ortiz. Keith Bybee, Bryce Romig, Cheryl Moore, Kel Jeff Babb. Thane Kenny. Kevin Wildersteln. Rachel Boatright, Estele Garza, Paul] ford. Eleanor Trujillo, Kurt Meyers. Greg Knudson, Matt Levin, Dan Pflaster, Ann! Maxine Garcia, Elizabeth Mfer. Liz Kafir. Cary Virtue. Joe Ortiz, Peter Bumnan. Chris < Alex Neumann, Tiffany Smith, Nkkl Montoya, Kim Blehl, Andy Manges, Wolfgang \ berg. Marie Fox. Max Baca, Tony Harklns, Sonya Daw. Terrie Maestas, TheresaC" Katharine Nelson. Mark Ortega. Pat Garcia, Russ Moore, and Greg Segura.

138 Key Club

Team Speaks With Style And Ease think the Speech Team is a very beneficial organization to be used In my later years," sakj Terry Martinez. Speech Team is a team, not a dub. that competes throughout the year at various meets in New Mexico. At the end of each year an awards banquet is held In order to honor those who have done wet. The requirements for the Speech Team are to try out. maintain a "B" grade average, and to attend practices for competition. Students participate In events such as debate, extempt. oratory, oral Interpretation, dramatic and humorous Interpretation, and serious and duo drama By competing, a student gets National Forensic points which might lead to getting scholarships. B. J. Krum, junior replied. T d Bee the team to get the recognition we deserve because we are a hard working team." For yearly activities, they sponsor the Sadie Hawkins Dance, compete in meets throughout the year, and go to an awards banquet held in April. "It has helped me to be able to talk In front of people and has helped me gain confidence." said Jennifer Herrera."

Row 1; B.J Krum, Bea Varos Jennifer Herrera. Row 2; Byron Piatt. Judy Greaves sponsor. Row 3: Terry Martinez, Rachel Boatright. Chris Watt.

Ruth Ann Costellano. Row 4; Elyse Ob. Ron Fried. Mke Kovnat. Mark Ortega. Mark Catanach. and Tammy Harkins.

Speech Team 139


Godspell," A Drama Endeavor

In 1981-1982 Drama cBd quite a few activities. On January 14-16 they had the U.N.M. Theatre Festival from Albuqurque come up. They held various work shops which every one had a chance to take part In this festival. Drama III students performed a one act play cated "Crawlling Arnold." by Jutes Fleffer. In February. Drama held a musical. Auditions were open to all Santa Fe High School students. The musical "Godspell" was a set out every performance. "Godspet" was directed by Becca ShoenfekJ'Becca was a senior in 1982 and a Drama IK student. Also in March. Drama had another workshop for the drama I students. Ten players from the N.M.S.U. Story Theatre came to help the students in story theatrics. The players cated themselves the Rainbow Fantasy Flayers. InMay. Drama I students gave a few performances in which they Invited chtdren from elementary schools to watch. Drama I students aid a one-act play which was held during school hours and at night. In late May. Drama It aid two short plays for everyone who wanted to come and watch. For the Medieval Mayfak. Drama contributed booths with Medieval games and traveling minstrels. They also put on some plays for people who attended the May-Fair.

1. Sara Romero. Loueha Arguello and Cindy Cde Baca watch a play practice in their Drama I class. 2. Michael Armbruster and Kim Fullwood play a dramatic scene. 3. Stacey Amorous on a swing made for the ptay"Godspell." 4. Rebecca TrujKo and Adrienne Romero show their idea of a love scene. 5. Students from the play "GodspeK" play their part. 6. "Godspel" actors capture a solemn mood.

140 Drama

First Row: L-R Llbby Green, John Clifford. DeAnn Overcash. Stacy Berridge. DeAnna Archuleta. Amy SchwenaTman. Second Row: Kevin Garda. Katherine Nelson. Russ Moore. Danette Hamilton. Riel Sbar. Rachael Boatright. Third Row: Tammy Barnette. Cassandra Wadleigh. NikkiMontoya, Mark Ortega, Keith Bybee. Margarette Gonzalez. Michael Kovnat

Row 1; Diane McEvDIy. Kris Carlson, Cheryl Moore, Brooke Dowlen. Row 2; Horrellette Love, Lynn Taulbee, Becky Barck, Gretchen Carr, Anne-Marie Coffins. Row 3: John Cannon, Jeff Miller, Chris Hahnemann

Cest la vie du Club Francois means this is the life of the French Club and according to club members the club Is just that. "The French Club is a chance or rather an opportunity to meet people with similar interests," says club president Gretchen Carr. Sponsor and French teacher Diane McEvilly explains, "In French Club, students meet French Students from other classes and levels. We have time for activities which we can't do in class such as going off campus to concerts, movies and cafes." While having many meetings throughout the year, the club did such activities as holding luncheons, caroling, in French at Christmas, attending the French weekend at Glorieta N.M., and participating in Medieval May Fair activities Gretchen Carr further comments about her club, "It opens you up to a new culture, new friends and new viewpoints. But most important, it's a chance to enrich yourself."

1.) Club officers Lynn Taulbee, Gretchen Carr, and Horrellette Love discuss club news during lunch meeting. 2.) Male club members take part In Medieval fun at May Fair. 3.) Cheryl Moore and Anne-Marie Collins find French activities amusing.

142 French Club

DEC A -Distributive Education dubs Of America

Row 1: Wanda Gonzales. Merlene Gurule, Teresa Gallegos, Denise Salazar. Carmen Alverico, Gloria Vigil. Cynthia Sandoval. Renee Linson. Annette Sanchez. Dolores Valentine. Row 2; Gloria Zamora. Barbara Trujillo. Shirley Casias, Angela Martinez, Roberta Portillo. Renee Apodaca. Diane Rodarte. Row 3; Cynthia Garcia, Susan Creten, Valerie

Mascarenas. Margie Martinez. Tammy Milligan. Sonya Mares, Carmella Trujillo. Yolanda Kneeland. Annette Portillo. JoAnn Martinez. Theresa Sandoval, Nadine Romero. Gina Enrtquez. Row 4; Irene Jimenez. Emily Barck. Annette Sisneros.

OEA-Office Education Association

Row 1; Kathryn Mascarenas, Carmella Trujillo. Denise Salazar. Lori Gallegos. Suzanne Salazar. Liz Valdez. Hole Sate. Donna Ortiz. Gllda Rotunno. Edwma Rodriguez. Nikkie Cardenas. Sara Lucero. Row 2; Matt Rael. Frank Montoya. Johanna Garcia. Terrte Pena. Mary Louise Romero, Renee Swartz. Denise Varela. Donna Trupo, Emily Romero. Matt Flores.

Row 3; Elena Archuleta. Yvonne Vlgl. Debbie Montoya. Debbie Anaya. Resale Coriz. Chatlene Sanchez. Valerie Gomez. Renee Ortiz. Renee Apodoca. Diane Perea. Betty Saymour. Theresa Trujto. Lorraine Romero. Row 4; Mr. Gardener. Kathy Perem. Anna Lucero.


Pan American Club Takes Trip To Mexico The Pan-American Club is a club that contributes to the education of foreign countries and knowledge of other cultures. The club takes trips to different cities and countries for an enjoyment and learning experience. They raise money by having car washes, bake sales, and selling candies. In "81-82". the members took an exciting trip t o Acapulco, Mexico) President Angela Quintana stated, "I think the Pan-American Club is fun and I enjoy helping the members." The following students represent the SFHS PanAmerican Club Officers. President, Angela Quintana; Vice-President, Anna Ortiz; Secretary, Annette Quintana; Treasurer, Gina Baca. Others members include: Anna Romero. Ruth Montoya, Greg Mondragon, Yvonne Gomez. Chuck Mondragon, Brenda Dominguez, Andrew Lopez, JoAnn Romero. James Donmick, Ann Garcia, Marcella Gonzales, Patricia Leyba, Milissa Fesquez, Carla Lucero, Ron Lucero, Yvonne Quintana, Veronica Valdez, Celine Martinez. Loretta Gurule. Chris Lucero, and Michelle MascareOas "I think Pan Am is an exciting club. It's fun to participate in the fund-raising activities during the year which contribute to our trip to Mexico at the end of the year. All our work is rewarded at the end of the year by going on this trip," stated Carla Lucero. "Pan Am is a challenge to me. All year long I strive to raise lots of money, then at the end of the year I am able to go to Acapulco. I consider that a challenge," commented Milissa Fresquez. "Being in Pan Am gives me a chance to experience new things and learn about the people of Mexico while visiting Mexico for a week or so. The whole school year is devoted to earning money for the trip in June." replied Marcella Gonzales.

Row 1: Anna Maria Ortiz; Angela Quintana. President; Annette Quintana; Treasurer. Row 2: Yvonne Gomez. Patricia Leybe. Loretta Gurule. Row 3: Andrew Lopez. Ron Lucero. Veronica VoJdez and Chris Lucero.

Pan American

Band Marches Into A New Season

Row 1: Jill Bertram. Regina Winslow, Terry Martinez, Susan Ball, Pat Tapia. Jackie Romero. Janet Corpio, Denise Ortiz. Wade Miller. Row 2: Randy Davis, John Baca. Steve Trujiiio. JaNelle Haught, Chris Rea. Row 3:

Sandra Bybee. Roger Brooks, Carlos Vasquez, Chris Pardington, Eddie Garcia, Bill Nelson, Danny Duran, John Petrlng, Linda Foster, Don Rehom, Cheryl Rodriguez, Richard Anaya, and Timothy Ball.

Row 1: Valerie Trupo. Lynn Taubee. Sarah Stein. Nikki Montoya. Gretchen Carr. J I Bertram. Regina Winslow, Laura Gonzales, and Trina Witter. Row 2: Diane Freear. Nona Benavidez, Katherine Nelson. Kim Medrano. Diana Trupo. Lisa Martinez. Teresa Ulibarrl, Vol Ingram. Rachael Boatright.Beinda Anaya. JoAnn Neeley, Paul Dein. Carey Johnson. John Petrlng. Maxme Herrera. Amy Biehl. B.J. Krum. and Denise Ortiz.

Row 3: Becky Barck. Raymond Valdez. Jackie Romero, Liz Wurst. Terry Martinez. Janet Carpio, Wade Miller. Trish Maxwell, Chuck Kellogg David Batts. Charles Brighton, Chris Tolen. Linda Foster, Veronica Garza. Don Rehorn, Cheryl Rodriguez, Steve Trujiiio, JaNelle Haught. and Greg Snead. Row 4: Roger Brooks, Sandra Bybee, Eddie Garcia. Carlos Vasquez. Vlnce Chavez. Danny Duran. and Dr. Clark Pontsler. Director.

146 Band

Row 1: Laurel Smith. Maria Martinez. Melinda Griego, Suzanne Neeiey. Renee RoyboJ. Louella Garcia, Odette DesGeorges. Sarah Esparsen. Diane Dinan, Manuel Mandel, Diane Bustamante. Helen Reed, Becky Lilllch. Beth Farley. Heather Wood. Row 2: Anita Ortega. Audrey Lopez, Britt Momaday, Agnes Leyba. Chris King, Chuck Hathaway, Anthony Sisneros. Scott Smith, Grant Fisher, Ernie Whittmore, Robert Baca, Anna Pacheco, Joey Fernandez, Cindy Catanach, Tricia Culvert, Geraldine

Baca, Berna Martinez, Salama Solano. Row 3: Pam Jensen. Lea Gonzales, JoLynn Arguello. Gardner Finney, Tommy Padilia. Jon Jochem. Robert Radeckl. Todd Nordby, Will Stacey. Lisa Weber. Andrew Marchi, Stella Trujillo. Scott Foimer. Row 4: Mike Garcia, David Collins. Lawrence Rivera. Jim Engle, Maureen Reyer. Liza Drew. Kate Shappiin. Peter (Bongo) Aragon. Dr. Clark Ponstler. Director.

Row 1 Michelle Gonzales, Pam Henry, Robin Collins. Angle Bames, Amy Gonzales. Katrina Rojas. Donna Lujan, Carol Baca. Angie Johnson. Row 2 Kathy Benavides. Hope Haslam. Deanna Sacoman. Gina Armljo. David Johnson. Saroh Esparsen, Laurel Smith. Jock West. Nina Shoenfetd. Rob Bergman. Pat Tapia. Valerie Apodaca. Manuel Mandel. Marie Herrera. Anna Lopez. Mary Allen. Lori Rivers. Row 3: Sandra Jimenez. Phyllis Vigil. Don Moya. Sara Gilman, Lisa Nordstrum, Reglna Stoffels.

Victor Ortega. Patrick Trtpo. Sean (verson. Carmela Jasso. Paula Romero. Row 4: RorxMFenx>r^z.Rk*K*dArKjyo.Mc<ik^NWo. Ramon Ortega. Anita Sanchez. Paul Stuka. John Robd. Bruce Charteton. Chris Rea. Rick Smith. John Baca. Eva Woody. Bema Romero. Lora Benson. Susan Bo'i. Greg Knudson. Row 5: Jim Engle. Lawrence Rivera. David CoSns. John Curtis. Greg Hooper. Chris Schneider. Chris Arrison. Chris Pardngton. Mr. Richard Snider. Director

Band 147

\8 Annual

Para Manana: Staffers Take On Marathon "Yearbook" "Deadlines are fun when everyone is working together although they are hectic/' said Ms. Tita stasny, Para Manana Advisor. "They bring the staff closer together." Deadline is the one word Para Manana staffers learned quickly as the monthly deadlines were sent off. There was, however, life after deadlines. Working to improve their skills, some staffers attended workshops and seminars. Staffers hung out at the most different places. Some at G building, others at stud row and still others in front of F building. in addition to deadlines and workshops, staff members sold Demon T-Shirts They used the funds to help finance the book. At the first of the year, advisor Ms. Tita Stasny lectured to the staffers about the yearbook. "Being on the staff gave me a sense of responsibility and involvement.", commented Carrie Summers.

Staffers Snap Back: Deadline After Deadline Many long days and weekends were spent carefully planning each and every page of the 1981-1982 Para Manana. Annual staffers struggled to prepare layouts and find pictures to meet the five deadlines during the year. "It's everyone's book and everyone should be covered," stated Pam Henry. Photographers and staff tried to capture every event and feelings in each area. "I feel that the staff matured through each deadline — some through their efforts and some through their mistakes. I think that we improved on our main weakness-photography. We certainly tired." stated Tita Stasny, Para Manana advisor. "Annual is a lot of fun. but a lot of work." stated Susan Clark, ads and index editor. "It gave me a sense of involvement, and responsibility." The editors in chief were Kathleen Lopez and Carrie Summers; organization editor-Monica Martinez; sports editor-Nicole Roth; activities editor-Vicki Jo Gatewood; aademic editor-Carlos Vierra. and ads-index editor-Susan Clark.

Para Mandha

Demon Kickers On The Go! The boys varsity soccer team had an extremely good season, which they finished with a 9-4 overall record and 5-1 district 4AAAA. They went on to the state finals but were defeated by the Albuquerque Eldorado. Some of this year's top players were senior Chris Tlano, and senior Atli Atlason, and the magnificent Job of our Golie's Scott McCauseland and Richard Boyce. In the opening game, the Demons shut out Santa Fe Prep with the scores of Robby Lee and Chris Tiano who made two goals a piece, while senior Atli Atlason added another one to make the score 5-0. There were a few injuries this season especially to center forward Chris Tiano. In the game against Albuquerque Cibola, Chris was put out of the game when he collided with another player. He was rushed to the hospital for x-rays. He suffered a broken nose which lead to two black eyes. In the game against Los Alamos, Chris suffered a cut over his eye and returned to the game with fresh stitches. With the help of Chris Tiano and the great saves of Richard Boyce, the Demons went on to beat Los Alamos 2-1. This year's team consisted of nine seniors, eleven juniors, and one sophomore. Coach Martin Jacobson commented; "I felt this year's team had an outstanding season; giving a lot of credit to the seniors. Overall the team worked hard all season which made it a successful year. It was one of the better teams to come out this year." Coach Jacobson has coached for a total of twentyone years, and has enjoyed every year of it. He has coached seven years here at Santa Fe High and fourteen years elsewhere. "Santa Fe has always had a winning season with a total record of 68-22-4." Jacobson concluded.

1. Atli Atlason runs to get the ball. 2. Chris Tiano puts it in for a goal. 3. Team Picture from left to right: Coach Martin Jacobson, Charles Montgomery. Atli Atlason, Kenny Humphries, Martin Welch, Greg Bybee, Mark Delgado, Peter Drypolcher, and Coach Fabian Chavez. 2nd Row: Keith Bybee, Scott McClusand, Dan Pflaster, Chris Tiano, Roger Miller, Robby Lee, Andrew Campbell. 3rd Row: Brian Baca, Chris Thompson, Tim Honnel. Richard Boyce, James Thompson, Erik Malmstrom, and Gary Silverman. 4. Good save by golie Richard Boyce. 5. Kenny Humphries dribbles down the field for a score.

boys Varsity Soccer

156 Varsity Soccer

1. Being within goal distance. Robby Lee moves in for the kill. 2. Chris Thompson looks back at his players with pleasure. 3. Atii Atlason on the ball again. 4. Coach Jacobson says "good game guys". 5. The Demons get psyched for the game. 6. Dan Pflaster booting it In for a goat. 7. Eric Malmstrom sets up for the kick.

Boy's Varsity Soccer 157

J.V. Soccer Reaches

158 J.V. Soccer

Its Goals The boys Jr. Varsity Soccer team knows how to play when it comes to competing in a game. They had a good season defeating teams such as Santa Fe Prep, and Albuquerque Academy. The team was build up of mostly sophomores and freshmen which made the team do alot more effort in a game. What made the Demons Jr. Varsity boys such a good team was it's players, which consisted of mostly sophomores and freshmen and a couple Juniors. Although they lost two games at the beginning of the season to Pojoaque and Los Alamos. They worked hard and went on to beat both teams an at the end of the season. Coach Fabian Chavez quoted: "I had fun coaching the Junior Varsity Soccer Team and it's showed me that I can take the Demons to a winning season". 1. Team Picture from left to right: Coach Martin Jacobson. Wade Miller, Heraldo Valdia, Tony Masters, Henry Watkins, Nate Bowditch, Mike Lee, Jeff Miller, Zach Drew, Andy Lyons, Brian Boddy. and Coach Fabian Chavez. 2nd Row: Chris Gincchio, Mark Masters, Jason Hale, Doug Wilson, Troy Houtman, Ron Pino, Reuben Ita, Rick Smith, Bob Vigil, and Jeff Andrews. 3rd Row: Russ Moore, Steve Lythgow, Rick Sandoval, Jimmy Powers, Ray Belian, Charles Brighton, Darren Smith, John Petrie, and Peter Steadman. 2. Brian Boddy takes a break. 3. Doug Wilson does fancy footwork. 1. "Now how do I get down"? 2. Bob Vigil concentrates on heading the ball.

J.V. Soccer 159

Demonettes Strive

Girts Varsity Soccer Cbtoa Academy S.F. Prep Los Alamos highland Sanda West Mesa Manzano Eldorado Los Alamos Valey

160 Girls Soccer

12-0 5-2 3-1 1-2 2-1 4-4 9-1 7-0 0-4 2-3 6-2

For Best Season The girls Varsity Soccer team had an exceptionally good season, which also took them to the state finals, but were defeated by the Los Alamos Hilltoppers, beating them 4-1. The girls welcomed a new soccer coach, Mike Grey who began coaching this year. He commented: "They were a good group of girls that worked hard all season which made it a good year. This years team consisted of 7 seniors, 8 Juniors, 4 sophomores, and 3 freshmen. Despite losing the seven seniors to graduation. Grey hopes to make it a successful season next year. The girls always have a good year because of their great amount of teamwork, they produced in all their games which made it a successful season for the Demonettes. The girls finished the season with an overall of 8-3-1, and 4-1 in District 4AAAA finishing in 2nd place. Next year the girls will strive for another excellent year. 1) Sandl Dean staying in step. 2) Team Picture: Top Row: Shannon Hale, Sheri Dean, Beata Baca, Marv Greene, Kathi Kramer, Sarah Gilman, Becky Barck, Frances Ortega, Carta Garrett, Coach Mike Grey. Bottom Row: Gretchen Carr, Karyn Boyce, Leslie Russel. Unda Daves, Becky Berghofer, Jennifer Wenrick, Sandi Dean, Michelle Parra, Anna Lopez, Erin Powers, Lisa Nordstrum. 3) Sara Gilman says "heads Up". 4) Jennifer Wenrick boots the ball.

Demons Have Enthusiastic Season The boys varsity Cross-Country came to a climax November 7 with a fourth place finish at the district meet held at West Mesa. Mike Gonzalez paced the Demons by pacing fifth. Even though the team did well, they didn't make it to state because of the fourth place finish. The runners started the season at the end of the summer by lifting weights and averaged running 7-9 miles a day. "We had a real outstanding season" said coach John Alire. The teams season consisted of 6 first places. 1 second, and two thirds. "At each meet there were at least fifteen teams were were participating, so we did real well." said coach Alire. The J.V. Cross-Country team had a promising season of 1 first place and 5 second places. The most outstanding J.V. runner for this season was Brad Catanach who kept the team going. "The four top runners were underclassmen so we're planning on having a good season next year," said Coach John Alire. Cross-country Espanola Bernalillo St. Catherine Highlands Santa Fe-CC Los Alamos Indian School Alb Academy District 1-AAAA

Varsity 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 3rd 3rd

Jr. Varsity 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd

1. L-R Andrew Flores. Ray Martinez, Tim Bajima, John Martinez, Mike Gonzales, Chris Britt, Steve Gallegos. Steve Fong, Ray Ortega 2. Coach Alire times the runners 3. Practice at dusk 4. Keeping together keeps everyone going.

Cross Country


Demonettes ... Run For A Victory For most people, running a mile is outrageous but when it comes to cross-country, SFHS keeps on running. The girls varsity team had a superb season of 61 being defeated by Los Alamos. They took second In district 1-AAAA losing to Los Alamos. Then they went on to take second at state, barely missing Los Alamos. Deborah Bigbee won the race In 19:32 and right behind her was her team mate Louise Chavez with a time of 19:41. "Winning state was the greatest honor. The whole team worked hard all season to do well at state and it was fun," commented Bigbee. Although Los Alamos won state it was really a tie. "The way they came in we beat them and there's no two ways about it. We're state champs and that's all I have to say," said coach John Alire. Most improved runner was Tina Lujan, who also made All-District with Bigbee and Chavez. These three wonderful runners competed at Nationals in California. Bigbee took fourth, Chavez took seventh, and Lujan took ninth. 1. Chavez and Bigbee lead the pack. 2. Theresa Lopez nears the finish. 3. Coach Alire after a big win. 4. They're off and victory bound. 5. Melissa Salazar "moves out."

Cross-Country 165


Demonettes ... Running Across The Country Girts Cross-Country Espanola Bernalillo Highlands Santa Fe-CC Los Alamos Indian School Alb. Academy District 1-AAAA State Nationals

1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 1st

1. Demonettes share the joy of a victory. 2. The Demonettes get a good start. 3. Louise Chavez keeps ahead of her competition. 4. Lorie Kopp paces herself. 5. Tina Lujan gets ready for a big finish. 6. The team has a conference.

•Country 167

Demon Gridiron Sees

The varsity Demon football team started off the season on the wrong foot with a shut out. On September 5th the Santa Fe Demons traveled to Albuquerque to play the defending state champs, the Eldorado Eagles. Robert Alire led the Demons In rushing with 69 yards in 16 carries. The Demons lost 0-21. On September 12th the Demons went on to play Del Norte at Wilson Stadium and lost 13-7. The Demons had an open week after the Del Norte game. When they returned to play on September 25th, it was no ordinary game. It was the the traditional Demon-Horsemen game and as always, it was a highly emotional, competitive contest. The Demons had two controversial touchdowns called back. The first one was called back when Paul Roesl, an offensive lineman, was downfield on a touchdown pass. The second one was called back when Louie Soveronez returned a punt all the way to the end zone, but the Demons were penalized for having 12 men on the field. The final score was 7-6 our loss.

Varsity Football Eldorado Del norte St. Mkes Los Alamos West Mesa Abu. Hgh GoJup Grants Esponola FarmJnaton

21 13 7 0 7 13 49 14 0 38

S.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. S.F. SJ=. S.F. S.F. S.F. S.F.

Atamogordo playoff 14 0

Varsity Football

0 7 6 14 24 16 6 21 18 6

1) Gilbert C de Baca taking a rest while the offense Is In action. 2) Mickey Armijo didn't let the opponents scare him from tackling the ball. 3) Coach Mike Mares leads his team to yet another VICTORYI 4 i Eddie Padflla displays his patriotic attitude. 5) Team Picture, 1st row L-R Mar. Edward Gonzales, Vince Fernandez, Tommy Brown, Charlie Smith, John Rodriguez, Eddie Padilla. Joey Mitchell. Robert Alire, Joe Barela, Jerome Gonzales. Eddie Gomez, Max Baca, Kevin Geiger, Mgr. Matt Flores. 2nd row L-R. Coach Steve Trujillo. Adolph Cata, Eric Hanratty, Mike Tapla, Mike Ortiz, Gilbert C de Baca, John Pacheco, Chris Rodrlquez. Paul Baca. Scott Young, David Truljillo, Kevin Wildstein, Rick Belian. Coach Bob Martinez, 3rd row L-R. Coach Randy WNttemore, Alan Romero. Phillip Warfleld. Mickey Armijo, Paul Roesier. Frank Gonzales, Terry Nowers, James Sobiens. Tony Lux, Roy Smith. Gitoert Ortega, Mark Haber, Chris Ortiz, Pat Robinson, Angelo Trulo. Coach Mikes Mares, Back Row L-R. Matt Torres. Ian Longacre. DelfkSo Anaya, Gary Johnson, Danny Esquibel. Monte Kennedy. Louie Soveronez, Leroy Chama, Steve Gurule. Bobby Benevtdez.

Much Action In 1981-82

Varsity Football 169

October 10th, the Demons met the West Mesa Mustangs, at Milne Stadium, with a new game plan. Quarterback Kevin Geiger gave one of his best performances and connected twice with Scott Young and once with Paul Baca to clinch a decisive 27-7 victory. The Los Alamos Hilltoppers were no match for the determined Demons. Tired of their 3 game losing streak, they set their minds on victory and gave first-year coach Mike Mares hisfirstexample of what the Demons could do once inspired. The Demons went on to shut out the Hilltoppers, 14-0. Albuquerque High was a bit more of a chal• lenge and the Demons had to struggle to come out on top. They came through though | with a 16-13 victory over the Bulldogs. 1 The Demons winning formula was not consistent however and their next match, the Gallup Bengals, proved to be too much. Robert Alire was injured during the first quarter and had to be carried off the field with a knee injury which kept him out of the next few games. The Demons fell to the Bengals, 49-6. The Demons managed to put together quite a come back effort the following week, when they went on to beat the Pirates of Grants with a score of 21-14. Paul Baca and quarterback Kevin Geiger turned in excellent performances to lead the team to yet another well deserved victory.

1) Paul Baca kicks another field goal. 2) #16 Kevin Geiger faking out the other team. 3) These Demons didn't let the opponent gain yardage. 4) No sweat! says Pat Robinson. 5) During a time out. coaches talk to the quarterback about new plans. 6) Louie Soveranez stopping the opponent from making a touchdown. 7) Offense! Offense! Yells Coach Mares during the game.

170 Varsity Football

Speak Private Slang

Varsity Football 171

Demons End Successful Season

172 Football

With A Play-off Birth

Football 173

Demon Spirit Soars With Scores

1) Demons get psyched for district game. 2) Charlie Smith gets ready for a touchdown. 3) Demons cheer the team on. 4) Demon Kevin Geiger looks Inside for a pass. 5) Paul Baca takes a break during half time.

174 Varsity Football

J. W Team Shows Talent The Santa Fe High J. V. football team started off the season slow. Theytostthe first three games, although they put a great effort and lost by a few points. The Demons won the next five games, and they improved more and more each game. Danny Daris, Johnny Sandoval, and Steve Romero were outstanding players. The most exciting game was against St. Mikes, where the Demons hadn 't received a victory over St. Mike's for four years. It was a thrilling game, and the J. V. came out on top once again. The high point of the season was when they beat Highland High who went undefeated until they met up with us, beating them 7-6. Beating Highland High gave the J.V. football team great confidence and from that point on, they knew they could rise up and soar. Another exciting game was against Las Vegas Robertson, scoring for the Demons were Randy Stotts with a 25-yard run, Frank Lucero added a 10-yard TD run, and Danny Darris 64yarder, and Andras Rios kicked all three extra points. The Demons lost their last game after a good effort to the Eldorado Eagles. They finished the season with a 5-4 record. Danny Bustos enjoyed coaching this year. It was his first year coaching J. V. football, along with Tom Manning and Ron Shirley.

Back Row: Mike Herrera. Xavier Tapla. John Sandoval, Coach Don Bustos, Richard Martinez, Andres Rios. Mike Quintana. Antonio Castillo, and Coach Tom Manning. 3rd Row: Daniel Romero. Poncho Medina. John Fernandez, Scott Prttchard, Richard Reynolds. Eddie Lujan. Martin Pacheco. Randy Stotts, and Frank Lucero. 2nd Row: Joaquin Chavez, Pat Lovato, Robert Sedillo, Randy Montoya. Carlos Sandoval, Steve Romero. Steve J. Romero, Lawrence Casados. and Danny Dorras. 1st Row: Joe Salazar. John Mora. Paul Ortiz. Pat Soveranez. Danny VakJez. Bobby Sanchez. Jeff Sanchez, and John Acuna.

J. V. Football 175

Freshmen Blue And Gold Sp The 1981-82 Blue and Gold teams were out on the field everyday, running, blocking, running pass plays, and completing a round of calisthenics. Doing this everyday, really made a difference for the Gold team, when they started off their season with a shut out to Belen 6-0. Allen Lopez ran 62 yards for the only score of the game. Lopez wound up with 90 yards rushing to go with team mate Chris Roybal's 89 yards. The Blue also started off with a win against Los Alamos Cumbres 16-12, and continued the rest of the year with a trying season. 1) During half time freshmen football team learns new strategy2) Eager football players watt on sideline. 3) The football team stop their opponent at the line. 4) Bright Saturday mornings were great days for the football team to be playing. 5) Blue Team: 1st row L-R. Art Garcia, Fred Montano, Tom Jimenez, David Tru|llo. 2nd row- Mark Brown, Joe Segovia, Richard Martinez, Ben Roybal, Mike Martinez. 3rd row- Anthony Griego. Julian Ortiz, Joaquin Gutierrez, David Cannon, Mike Lopez, Mathew Roybal. 4th row- Coach Dan Martinez, Michael Martinez. John Hughes, Scott Quinters, Matt Garcia, Coach Joe Mier. 6) Gold Team: 1st row L-R. Chris Romero, Richard Prada, Danny Miranda. Danny Nowers. Lorenzo Vigil, Andrew Martinez. 2nd row- Chris Roybal, Mike Romero, Brett Wheeler, Vivian Archuleta, Alex Valdivia, Ron Johnson, Mark Lerma. 3rd row- Frank Maconda, Ernest Prada. Kenny Keybone, Joe Montoya, Joe Anchondo, James Delgado, John Getchell, David Berry. 4th row- Coach Michael Viapando, Steve Baca, Allen Lopez. Lonnie Dominivich, Ted Rael, Randy Moya. Coach Fred Apodaca. Gold Scores Santa Fe Gold 6 42 18 -012 35 33

Belen Robertson Taos Pueblo St. Michael's Cumbres Blue

Santa Fe Blue 12 16 20 12 6 18 6

Pueblo Cumbres Las Vegas St. Michael's Belen Taos Gold

Blue Scores

Opponent -0-0-016 6 -06 Opponeni 14 14 14 14 30 14 33

tears And Scores-Floored

Football 177



Volleyball After being volleyed around, the season was terrific. They lost their first game to Cibola. That didn't stop them though when they outlasted rivalry St. Micheal's Horsemen. They were led by Brenda Jarvis and LeAnn Loutensock with their Outstanding Hitting ability, not to mention Terrie Wharton's serving. The girls recovered from what Coach Nancy Mike described as a "mental lapse" and came back defeating Farmington. We got tired because of the long trip and the homecoming traditions." Emily served 15 points, 12 straight in the first game, while Brenda Jarvis was strong on defense. They then went on to another victory against Albuquerque West Mesa. They couldn't have done without Phyllis Bustamante serving and Jackie Coriz with her defense. what's a game without a setter? All setters need to have a personality, and sure enough they had one. Dolores Duran led the Demonettes with her setting potential. For the past years, the team to beat was Santa Fe. No one accomplished. The Demonettes went on taking the District Tournament with a perfect record of 8-0. The season was fun because "Volleyball is fun." "All the girls were interesting to work with. All of them improved their volleyball skills," said Coach Mike. There were no valuable players since volleyball is a team sport. The Demonettes went on to state and were defeated in the first round against Del Norte. Overall, they had a season record of 16-3.

Varsity Volleyball Ctoola 11-15 10-15 St. Michael 15-6 15-17 1511 Eldorado 15-3 15-13 Los Alamos 15-8 5-15 15-11 St. Michael 15-8 5-15 15-10 Albuquerque 15-10 15-6 Hghtand 15-4 10-15 15-7 Grants 15-11 15-3 Espanola 15-7 15-8 Cibola Classic: Rio Grande 15-5 10-15 15-7 Goddard 15-12 8-15 15-9 Cibola 15-8 8-15 13-15 Gallup 15-12 11-15 15-9 Farmington 15-4 0-15 15-13 West Mesa 15-5 11-15 16-4 Espanola 15-11 15-6 Los Alamos 15-1 15-12 DISTRICT CHAMPIONS State Tournament Del Norte 13-15 7-15

1) Team Picture- top row: JuBe Segura, Phyllis Bustamante, Dolores Duran. Middle row: Nicole Roth, Holly Fleming, Terrie Wharton, Sharon Cornell. Bottom row: Emily Lucero, Kathryn Yardmen, LeAnn Loutensock, Brenda Jarvis, Jackie Coriz 2) Kathryn Yardman dishes the ball. 3) Sharon Cornell serves to put the Demonettes ahead. 4) Nicole Roth puts the ball away. 5) Nancy Mike tells John Davidson about the play. 6) Phyllis Bustamante strikes the ball.

1) Brenda and LeAnn congratulate each other. 2) Emily Lucero stuffing the ban. 3) Dolores Duran setting the ball for a hit. Masking-Brenda Jarvis slamming the ball

Varsity Volleyball 179

Bump, Set, Spike It

J.V. Volleyball Cibota 15-5 11-5 5-15 St. Michael 14-16 15-9 15-6 Eldorado 15-13 8-15 14-16 Los Alamos 10-15 7-15 St. Michael 15-6 15-8 Abuquerque 13-15 15-2 15-7 Highland 15-2 15-6 Espanola 15-3 15-7 Grants 15-6 15-9 GoJup 15-4 9-15 16-14 Farmington 15-11 6-15 15-11 West Mesa 14-16 16-14 9-15 Espanola 15-4 15-4 Los Alamos 8-15 5-15


The Way J.V. Likes It I With a 9-5 record. Coach John Davidson said the season was successful. "We acomplished all our goals. They were to go back to basics, learn to hit and play a 6-2. The games we lost we were playing a 6-2. At that time it didn't matter if we won or lost. It was how we played as a team." The toughest competition was Los Alamos and West Mesa. Being on J.V. last year and this year, Georgia Urioste says she enjoyed this year better. Martha Green says, the year was fine. She had alot of fun setting. The returning players from last year were: Ellie Dendahl, Melissa Baca, Becky Parga, Linda Montoya, Veronica Garza, Jackie Romero, Rosabelle Salazar, Anita Ortega, And Georgia Urioste. The newcomers were Penny Leyba, Martha Green, and Stephanie Daw. "The J.V. volleyball team is well prepared to play Varsity next year," concluded John Davidson. V) Anita Ortega and Georgia Urioste sky for a block 2) Concentration is intense as Martha Greene eyes up a serve. 3) A stretching team effort is made on a block.

JV Volleyball 181

Demons On The Rebound Have patience. Demon basketball fans, and get out your seat cushions. Santa Fe High's formula for success this season was to take them slowly. The home opening game this year was spoiled by Vince Gross a Cibola basketball player who hit a basket with less than three minutes in the final quarter. "As I predicted we had trouble on the boards," said Sanchez, in his second year as the Demon head coach. We played perfect basketball in the first half, but they came out pressing we couldn't handle It." The Demons were led by forward Mike Anaya who scored 18 pts. and Ray Anaya, who added 13 pts. The final score was Santa Fe 47, Cibola 53. December 5th the Demons beat Manzano 44-36. The Demons took control of the game from the start. The Monarchs might have been taller, but the Demons seemed to work the ball around them letting Ray Anaya score 15 pts. and Mike Anaya 14. Mike Anaya was the only one able to score in double figures against the Eldorado Eagles which was 15 pts. The rest of his team mates couldn't break into double figures. December 15, 1982 was the 89th match up be-

182 Varsity Basketball

tween the Demons and Horsemen. Both teams went all the way before it was decided. In the fourth quarter alone, the game was tied on three occasions and the lead changed hands four times. First St. Mike's pulled away with the lead 51-47. Joey Bowker and Abie Montoya hit a pair of baskets to put the Demons ahead 53-51. With both teams under pressure, no one seemed to score. Both teams were missing easy layups, then Arias, the most experienced player on the St. Mike's team took charge, which in turn made St. Mike's take the lead 54-53. St. Mikes finally put in the last basket to win the game, 56-53. 1) Mickey Armijo uses finger-tip control. 2) The winning Demon basketball. 3) Joby Sisneros uses his size to get in between the offense. 4) Joey Bowker doesn't let anyone stop him from scoring two points. 5) Demon Ray Anaya uses his talent to save the ball. 6) Team photo: back row L-R. Ray Martinez, Ray Anaya, Sammy Romero, Barry Bushman, Orlando Watson, James Martinez, Mickey Armijo, Joey Bowker, Mike Anaya, Dean Houliston, John Martinez, Abie Montoya and Joby Sisneros. front row L-R. John Fairchild, Coach Wally Sanchez, Assistant Steve Dilg, Paul Vlsarraga.

Varsity Basketball 183

Demons Experience Uphill Battle VARSITY BASKETBALL SFHS

47 44 40 53 75 63 57 84 62 62 78 66 57 76 64 38 73 61 59 57 70 55 62 54

Cibola Manzano Eldorado St. M k e s Los Alamos Espanola Albuquerque High St. Mkes West Mesa Grants Capital City Tournament Espanola

Valey Los Alamos Farmington Gallup Albuquerque High Espanola Los Alamos West Mesa Grants Farmington Gaflup District Tournament Gallup Albuquerque

184 Varsity Basketball

OPP 53 36 56 56 69 76 70 58 64 55 62 63 58 103 55 41 56 75 56 60 102 57 51 61

After Christmas vacation the Demons came back to beat the Los Alamos Hilltoppers. Los Alamos led 12-11 after the first quarter, but in the second period the Demons converted numerous Hilltopper turnovers to Joey Bowker and Mike Anaya. The lead changed hands six times midway through the fourth quarter but starting center Mickey Armijo, better known for his football skills, began to take advantage of his bulk. He muscled in six points and wrestled away key rebounds on both ends of the floor, and the Demons pulled away for the win. On January 8th the Demons traveled to Espanola. The opportunistic Sundevils took advantage of a flurry of Sante Fe High mistakes and stunned the Demons 76-63. Santa Fe's hope for a home victory after losing to the Sundevils was dimmed when the Albuquerque Bulldogs came and defeated the Demons 70-57. 1) Up and over for two by Dean Houliston. 2) Mike Anaya pulls up for two. 3) Dean Houliston keeps the ball under control. 4) Ray Anaya steals the ball from his opponent. 5) Mickey Armijo uses his size under the basket. 6) Joey Bowker dribbles down the court to put it in the goal.

Varsity Basketball 185

186 Varstiy Basketball

Lack Of Defense Hurts Boys Varsity Don't make the Demons mad. You wouldn't like them if you make them mad. That's what St. Michael's found out January 15th when the Demons came out spitting fire, destined from the opening tip to avenge their previous loss to the Horsemen, 56-53. "The only difference is this time our kids came out ready to play! We played some defense and took them out of their game." said Demon Coach Wally Sanchez. The Demons beat St. Mikes 84-58. This year's Capital City Tournaments were held January 28, 29 and 30th. The Demons opened the tournaments with a rousing 78-62 romp over Espanola Valley and went on Friday night to beat Albuquerque Valley 66-63. The championship game was between the Demons and the Hiiltoppers, and the f Hllltoppers beat the Demons 57-58. Mike Anaya and , Joey Bowker made the All-Tournament Team. The Farmington Scorpions shocked the heck out of the Santa Fe Demons in the first quarter, of the game by a 42-16 score. In the fourth quarter shooting guard Dean Houliston hit a pair with 1:14 left, to knock the lead down 57-42 which was the closest the Demons came. Dean Houliston was the high point man with 22 pts. followed by Joey Bowker with 21 pts. The Demons lost 76-103. 1) Out jumping the defense, John Martinez goes for two. 2) Mike Anaya puts in a lay up. 3) Two more points by Dean Houliston. 4) Joey Bowker with his unique form. 5) Sandwiched in between, is a tough Demon offense Dean Houliston. 6) Dean Houliston and Mike Anaya look on as the opponent goes for two.

Varsity Basketball 187

JV Shows Zeal And Determination


J.V. Basketball Displays Zeal And Determination In all sports it doesn't matter whether you win or lose it's how you play the game. J.V. got off to a slow start, but they played the fundamentals and basic skills well. In their first game they lost to Cibola 51-53. It was a close game throughout and the Demons were ahead at the half. Londy Martinez scored 16 points, Eddie Lujan with 14, and Paul Martinez with 11. Their second game was against the Manzano Monarchs when they lost 49-51 in overtime. It too was a close game throughout, with Manzano ahead at halftime 27-29. There were times when the Demons found themselves behind 6 or 7 points, but they hung there. The high scorers for that game were Paul Martinez with 18 points and Londy Martinez with 14. A little later in the season, they went up against the West Mesa Mustangs and lost 49-52, Orlando scored 15 points. Farmington's J.V. was as tough as their Varsity. Demons lost 4767, Paul Martinez scored 11 points Londy Martinez added 10. They went up against rivalry St. Mikes and lost 54-75. The J.V. team was young this year; they were all sophomores except Alan Deam whose only had one years playing experience.

Scores SFHS

51 49 27 59 33 51 43 54 49 49 47 39 45 59 36 49 44 58 32

Cibola Manzano Eldorado St. Michael's Los Alamos Espanola Albuqueraue St. Michael's West Mesa Grants Farmington Gallup Albuqueraue Espanola Los Alamos West Mesa Grants Farmington Gallup

OPP 53 51 53 40 42 59 77 75 53 45 67 45 69 63 52 52 57 66 59

1. Jerry Vialpando a n d Alan Deem fight t o k e e p the ball. 2. Richard Martinez jumps up t o reach the rebound. 3. Londy Martinez looks inside for the pass. ÂŤ 4. Jeff Tichauva looks around for a pass. 5. Back Row: Chris Lucero, Eddie Lujan, Jerry Vialpando, Richard Martinez, Alan Deem, Jeff Tichava, John Martinez, Michael Sanchez, Londy Martinez, a n d Paul Martinez. Front Row: Joe Canter, C o a c h Ron Estrada, John Fairchild.

J.V. Basketball


Sophomore Boys Put

190 Sophomore

Two For The Seoson The Sophomore Boys Basketball Team had an Interesting season. They practiced mostly at Capshaw. and all their home games were played there The team consisted of seven Freshmen and five Sophomores. Coach Davidson said, "Our season record of 3 wins and 13 losses is not indicative of our progress. The boys gave 100% of their efforts at practice and the games. They are a competitive bunch with loads of potential. If they continue to play at SFHS, they will contribute strongly to the Demon Basketball Program." 1 C o a c h John Davidson. Paul Barela. David Canon. Bruce Charlton, Randy Davis, Brian Regan. Front Row: Danny Padilla. Fred Hartsfield, Benny Martinez, Devin Oglesby, Reuben Montes. Not Pictured: Steve Sanchez. 2. Benny Martinez plays undoutable defense. 3. David Canon puts in t w o for the t e a m . 4. Brian Regan tries for t w o . 5. Paul Barela shoots t o put the Demons a h e a d . 6. David Canon recovers from a block. 7. Bruce Charlton wis the g a m e b y a shot.

Sophomore Basketball SFHS NMSD Bernalillo Taos NMSD St. (Catherine's Prep EVHS Pojoaque Prep Los Alamos St. Kates EVHS Taos Bernallio SFTS Los Alamos

45 54 61 42 46 30 52 48 40 29 54 51 49 54 63 32

62 58 67 35 50 61 54 44 84 44 24 52 83 65 64

Sophomore Basketball

Roundballers Experienc


Uphill Battle On January 23, the Freshmen blue team met Its first defeat of the season against the St. Plus Spartans. "The blue team played well, but the Spartans had a lot of tall players," said one of the freshmen cheerleaders. The Demons kept up with St. Plus until the fourth quarter. High scorer from the gold team was Chris Roybal. High scorer from the blue team was Joe Barela. The Demon blue team became the champions of the St. Mike's tournament on January 7. After winning over Espanola and St. Mike's, they advanced to the tournament finals, where they beat Taos 81-57. Coach Bill Garcia said of his gold team, "They were very dedicated young men." Coach Andy Macias said that members of his blue team were also dedicated, and added, "They played hard." Blue Team Picture: Coach Andy Macias. Chris Kahn, Albert Salazar, Brian Russel. Ronnie Fernandez, Joaquin Guiterrez. Fred Montana. Gean Sargent. Andrew Flores. and Joe Barela Gold Team Picture: Coach Bill Garcia. Alonzo Lopez. Mike Saiz. Akin Lopez. Mike Martinez. Chris Roybal, Art Ortega and Chris Romero.

1. Gean Sargent jumps high. 2. Ronnie Fernandez puts into his shooting. 3. Gean Sargent goes for two.

Freshmen Basketball

Demonettes Bounce

194 Girls Varsity Basketball

Into Action The Varsity Demonettes played an excellent roll this season. They had excellent defense at times, such as when they played against Grants, Barbara Rodriguez lifted the team to a 59-20 with her outstanding defense technique. The 5-6 Rodriguez was responsible for nine rebounds, six blocked shots, seven steals, and six assists in what Coach Martinez called "an amazing performance." The Grants Pirates failed to score until two minutes before the end of the second period. "Our full court press bothered them and forced them to commit 37 turnovers," Martinez said. "I can't say enough about our defense, it was excellent," he added. Carta Garrett led the Demonettes In scoring with 18 points. Melissa Fresquez' nine points were high. Then the Demonettes fast break wore down the Sun Devils with a 65-51 victory. "We played really well," Coach Martinez said. "We played excellent team defense and we only pressed in the first quarter. Our press was effective at times, when we decided to concentrate on our fast break. We ran our fast break and by the middle of the third quarter, they were tired of running.' Against Farmington the Demonettes won at the buzzer. Trailing by one point 51-50. with five seconds left in the game. Carta Garrett grabbed a rebound, took the ball down the court and sank a 25-footer at the buzzer to give the Demonettes a 52-51 District 1AAAA victory. "It was a complete team effort," Martinez said. "Eight of our girls scored, led by Carta Garrett with 19 points, and Jaalah Sierer gave us her best game with 21 rebounds, four blocked shots, and nine points." The girls lost In the second round In the District Tourney against Farmington. The girls finished up their season with a 15-10 record.

Scores SFHS

49 36 58 43 32 59 42 35 58 59 70 53 46 68 70 43 75 86 42 47 68 48 48

Eldorado Valley St. Mikes Farmington Gallup Espanola Albuquerque Los Almos Manzano Grants West Mesa Farmington Gallup Albuquerque Espanola Los Alamos West Mesa Grants Cibola Classic Estancla Farmington Cibola District 1 A A A A Grants Farmington

OPP 62 41 23 47 33 42 33 37 28 20 43 52 53 36 53 58 48 40

40 55 38 41 60

1. Back Row: Gena Baca, Ana Garcia, Carta Garrett, Jaalah Sierer, Frances Ortega, Melissa Baca, and Coach Martinez. Front Row: Monica Rivera, Roberta Duran, Carol Falance, Barbara Rodriguez, and Katheryn Yardmen. 2. Barbara Rodriguez places a shot. 3. Kathryn Yardmen moves for two. 4. Carol Falance puts Demonettes ahead. 5. Kathryn Yardmen shoots inside.

Girts Varsity Basketball 195

Demonettes Jump For High Season

1. Barbara Rodriguez goes for two more points 2. Carta Garrett. "Cm open. I'm open" 3. Roberta Duron sinks in two. 4. Frances Ortega loops in a shot.


Freshmen Have Tip-Off Season The Freshman Girls'Basketball team came out on fop. This year's team consisted of 12 potential players. They are Pam Chavez, Margaret Salazar, 9th grade Girls Basketball Yvette Gomez, Patsy Jaramillo, Janelle Haught, Katrina Rojas, Carol Roush, Annette 31 Espanda 24 Sandavol, Criston Ryals, Diana Forrest, Angle 34 St. Catherine 22 Johnson, and Angle Lovato. 31 Cumbres 20 32 Taos 50 On Jan. 23, the Demonettes defeated 24 Santa Fe Prep. 50 Robertson 51-23. This was their highest scor42 Pueblo 38 ing game of the season, and their biggest 26 Santa Fe Prep. 33 lead with 28 points. 26 St. Plus 17 31 Pueble 33 Their toughest competition was against Taos 45 43 Santa Fe Prep and Taos, and Coach Shirley felt 42 Cumbres 32 they played well against them. Thefirsttime St. Catherine 31 30 they played Taos, they were beaten by 18 Robertson 51 23 Espanola points. But when they hosted Taos, they won by 16 a score of 45-43. Taos was ahead until the last 14 seconds and Jaramillo made two free throws and led the Demonettes to victory. Coach Shirley said of his team, "This team was very competitive and ambitious. They worked very hard." The Demonettes wound up their season with Back Row: Coach Ron Shirley, Margaret Salazar, Pam Chavez. Yvette Gomez, Katrina Rojas, Criston Ryals, Janelle Haught, Ana 10-4 record. gle Johnson. Front Row: Angle Lovato. Patsy Jaramillo. Diana Forrest, and Carol Roush.

Girts Freshmen Basketball


Roundballers Have

1. Back Row: Coach John Zinn. Veronica Garza. Jennifer Wenrick, Patricia Chavez, Janele Haught, Stephanie Daw, Olivia Brito. Front Row: Jeana Baca, Patsy Jaramillo, Monica Rivera, Sandi Dean, and Kathryn Yardman. 2. Jennifer Winrick captures the rebound. 3. Patricia Chavez sides in two. 4. Stephanie Daw hopes for two. 5. Kathryn Yardman swishes in two.

198 Junior Varsity Girls Basketball

When Mr. John Zinn wasfirstasked to coach junior varsity girls basketball, he declined the offer because of other plans. 7 simply didn't have the time."He stated. Under Zinn's leadership, the girls' record came out 13-5. Their first game was against Los Alamos, which was lost in the last seconds, and the second game was lost to Farmlngton by 3 points. The Demonetises outplayed Farmington girls the entire game, but the ball just wouldn't go in. The team consisted of three juniors, four sophomores, and four freshmen. This is Zinn's fifth year coaching basketball, but he has also coached baseball in Michigan. 7 love both sports, but baseball is my favorite." Mr. Zinn concluded, 7 really wish the student body would get out and support the girls basketball program."

Good Season

Demons Get IntoThe Swing Of Things

Varsity Gymnastics


Del Norte Highland West Mesa Sandia District


Won Won Won Won Lost 3rd

Boys Varsity Gymnastics

After a year of rebuilding a new team, the SFHS Demons were set back by the lack of a coach and parctices over the summer. Luckily five members from the years before retumed keeping the team going with valuable experience. Being undefeated as the Demons went into the Sandia Invitational, SFHS took fourth place. The season went real well until Sandia came along defeating the Demons, which kept them back from a perfect season record. In the District meet the Demons took third place out of seven teams. Qualifying for state were Louie Maes on floor. Ronnie Layden on rings, and Mark Koenig on high bar, floor, and parallel bars. Koenig was the only one who placed. He took second on floor. Coach Mark Robins stated, "The team did an exceptional job this year, placing behind the number one and two teams in the District competition. 1. Louie Maes gets ready to begin his routine. 2. Ronnie Layden shows his ability. 3. Top row Ray Belian. Mice Lee. Jock West, and Britt Herring, middle row Coach Mark Robins. Cliff Crouch, Danny Nowers. James Delgado. and Reuben Berry, bottom row Ronnie Layden, Rick Belian, Louie Maes, and Mark Koenig. 4. The team stretches before practice. .5. Ray Belian is taken by surprise. 6. Tony Castillo approaches the vault. 7. Rick Belian holds a handstand on the high bar.

Demonettes Flip Over Gymnastics

Varsity Gymnastics Highland Lost Del Norte Won West Mesa Won Los Alamos Lost Los Alamos Won 3rd District


Girts Gymnastics

Strength and flexibility are very Important for gymnastics but it also requires poise, grace, ability, and dedication. This year's team was a very young team. It consisted of three eighth graders, five freshmen, two seniors. Coach Ortiz and assistant Sue Stouse. The season started against Highland defeating the Demonettes by a score of 68.85 to 44.50. Then the Demonettes took on Del Norte winning by a score of 57.85 to 46.15. After that great win the Demonettes defeated West Mesa. It was going real well until Los Alamos came along defeating the Demonettes only by 1.55 but the Demonettes came back in the second meet against Los Alamos winning with a score of 69.85 to 56.05. In the District meet the Demonettes took third place keeping them back from State. Members of the 1981-82 team dedicated the season to seniors Flora Archuleta and Sonya Ortiz.

1. Bottom row Becky Whitted. Valerie Apodaca. Sonya Ortiz, Maria Trujillo, Carta Anaya, top row Molly Blehl. Lori Lujan, Amy Biehl, Ellle Ortiz, Anna Lopez, and Cindy Cornel, not shown are Linda Rodriguez and Flora Archuleta. 2. Sonya Ortiz demonstrates her flexibility. 3. Amy Blehl concentrates on her beam work. 4. Becky Whitted spots Elite Ortiz on a standing back flip. 5. Amy Biehl has fun on the uneven bars.

Varsity Gymnastics 203

Swimmers Make Waves For SFHS

Varsity Swimming Meet #1 Santa Fe Sandia Meet #2 Santa Fe Manzano St. Plus Meet #3 Santa Fe Academy Meet #4 Santa Fe Del Norte West Mesa Meet #5 Santa Fe Eldorado St. Pius Meet #6 (Academy Relays) Santa Fe Meet #7 (Capitol City Tour.) Santa Fe Farmington Los Alamos Meet #8 (State Meet) Santa Fe

Boys 82 86

Girls 52 11

2nd 1st 3rd

3rd 2nd 1st

69 93

48 144

1st 2nd 3rd

2nd 3rd 3rd

2nd 1st 3rd

3rd 1st 2nd 6th

6th Girls 3rd 1st 2nd

3rd 1st 2nd



204 Varsity Swimming

Santa Fe High School's swim team dove into the thick of things and came up winners. On January 16, 1982 at Salvador Perez Pool, both the girls and the boys splashed to victory out-lasting their opponents, Del Norte and West Mesa throughout the meet. The boys scored 129 points, Tom Pino placed two firsts, and so did Ron Pino in the 100 butterfly and 200 free style, while Andy Lyons gave Santj a first in the 50 freestyle. A big name for the " was Jeff Whitridge; not only did he place good in all events, but he also came up on top in the Diving Competition. Captain for the Demons was Tom Pino. In the girls division, the Demonettes scored 109 points. Karen Kruhm earned firsts in the 100 butterfly and the 200 medley, while Rachel Boatright came in third in the 200 medley relay. Captain for the Demonettes was Gina Pino. The team welcomed Coach Mike Feldberg, who is a math teacher here at SFHS. He commented, "Overall, the team did very well and they were a joy to coach". The second coach was Theresa Grubbs, and Tom Pino stated, "Our season was exceptionally good due to our coaches." Boys: bottom row from left to right: Tom Pino, Paul Rochford, Drew Magner, Ron Pino. Tim Bares, John Petrlng, Mark Forte, Top Row: Apdy Lyons, Rick Smith, Mark Carlson, Randy Plummer, David Levin, Luke Doles, and Cary Virtue. Girls: bottom row from left to right: Rosie Zamora, Missy Roybal, Gina Pino, Rachaei Boatright and Sara Romero. Top Row: Gloria Zamora, Karen Kruhm, Molly Luscher. Carrie Johnson, and Emily Lucero. 1. Karen Kruhm strives to make a good lap. 2. Team Coaches and Captains: Coach Theresa Grubbs, Tpm Pino, Gina Ping, and Coach Mike Feldberg. 3. Sara Romero in the leadl 4. "Hey guys wait for me"!l says Ron Pino

Varsity Swimming 205

Demoneftes Play

9 7 15 9 9 11 10 12 10 9 8 9

Varsity Tennis Farmington Los Alamos Mora West Mesa Raton Albqu. High Gallup Espanola Grants Capitol City West Las Vegas Farmington Raton

206 Girts Varsity Tennis

1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

love Matches' The girls had another successful season, by going undefeated once again. The girls had no problems what-so-ever. The top six were rearranged throughout the season. It finally came out to this: Monica Barela at # 1 Robby Gallegos at #2, Kristin Kalangis at #3, Sonya Daw at #4, Melissa Baca at #5, and Edna Leyba at #6. Kristin and Edna went as #1 and #2 in singles, Monica and Robby, Melissa and Sonya went as #1 and #2 doubles. Monica and Robby took second in district. They advanced to state losing in the second round. Three seniors are leaving the team Monica Barela, Robby Gallegos, and Sonya Daw. Monica went on and took the senior player award. It was a tough decision to decide who was the best but it had to be done between Monica and Robby. The tennis team has a lot of talent moving up, they hope to see some more of the students try out. 1. Standing L-R Geralyn Trujilto, Annette Gonzales, Carol Trujillo, Coach Exllda Martinez. Karen Baca, Cheryl Rodriguez, Michelle Parra. Kneeling, L-R Edna Leyba, Agnes Leyba, Ellie Dendahl, Sonya Daw, Melissa Baca, Kristin Kalangis. Seating, L-R Roberta Gallegos, Monica Barela not pictured: Nicole Roth. 2. Top six: Edna Leyba, Kristin Kalangis, Sonya Daw, Coach Exllda Martinez, Robby Gallegos, Melissa Baca, Monica Barela. 3. Sonya Daw places a shot. 4. Melissa Baca is ready for a return .. 5. Monica Barela ready to serve an ace.

Going For


Varsity Baseball

The Fence ... The Demons had their hearts set on taking district, but had a few complications. The team had eleven lettermen returning for the season, seven of those men Include: Paul Baca catcher; James Graham, first base; Steve Lucero. left fielder; Gene Martinez, out fielder and pitcher; Joe Pat Romero, infielder and pitcher; Eddie Padilla infielder and pitcher; Glenn Urloste, outfielder; Max Baca, outfielder and pitcher; Richard Chavez, infielder; and. Cecil Chavez, outfielder and pitcher. The Demons spilt with Toppers 6-3, 3-7. The starting pitcher Joe Pat Romero was No. 1 In the first inning massacre. The senior right hander faced seven batters, retired two. walked four, threw three wild pitches and allowed five runs. Cecil Chavez wasn't much improvement, facing four batters, walking all of them, and extending the Hilltoppers' lead to 6-0. Coach Martinez finally found an answer at second base with Paul Ortiz. Ortiz promptly got the 12th batter in the Inning to fly out. He proceeded to retire 14 toopers' in succession, striking out six of them in a streak, before a pair of Demons* errors in the sixth gave L. A. its final run. In that same game 1st basemen James Graham darted toward 2nd base in attempt to steal the base, but was cut down by catcher Donny Casias. But while making his slide into the bag, Graham's right shoe accidently caught Chris Jalbert on the forehead causing him to receive 12 stitches. The Team went on to win the second game 6-3. The Demons went on another split with the Mustangs losing the first game 5-14, winning the second game 13-6. The Demons never once let their spirits spilt when they swept off the Espanola's Sun Devils 10-0, 8-1. 1) 1st row L-R Steve Lucero. Able Montoya, Paul Baca, Jamey Graham, Cecil Chavez, Mark Pierce, Joe Pat Romero, Eddie Padilla. Coach Joe Martinez. 2nd row: Glenn Urloste, Paul De Hererra, Londy Martinez, Rick Chavez, Russ Moore. Paul Ortiz and Gene Martinez. 2) Demons celebrate their victory. 3) Rick Chavez finally gets his share. 4) Demon puts In a single. 5) Eddie Padilla gets ready to bat. 6) Joe Pat Romero smiles for the camera.


And Almost rThe team wasn't going to let the Horsemen slip pass them. Demon Paul Ortiz fired a two-hitter without a scrap from the Horsemen batters, who struck out seven times. "I threw mostly curves," said Ortiz with two straight wins of 4-2. "It was getting too hot to get it in." The Horsemen had the lead ... Not for long! With two swings the Demons had tied it when Joe Pat Romero laced a screamer down third base line that bounced over the fence for a ground-rule double. The Demons went on beating the Horsemen 3-1 The Demons went on defeating the Grants Pirates 9-7,20-6. The Demons split with Gallup losing the first game 5-7 winning the second 9-3. Well, Prom came along and it just so happened that they had to meet up the next day against Farmington and Ward. The game was for district playoffs. They lost both games 0-6,6-11 "It was very disappointing to finish that way. You just can't stay out that late, and play ball against the top pitcher the next day." Explains Coach Martinez. The Demons finished 13-8 over-all, and 9-5 in district.

1. "Get out of here," said Abie Montoya. 2. Paul Ortiz pitches a curve ball. 3. Demon bats in a homerun. 4. "No, I don't have time for a picture," shouts Joe Pat Romero. 5. "Okay just one picture," said Gene Martinez. 6. Theres no way your safe! 7. Mark Pierce is getting ready to go in.

Making If

3 14 4 0 8 10 6 3 5 13 6 7 2 5 9 9 20 3 10 8 0 6

Varsity Baseball Belen Los Alamos Eldorado Eldorado Del Norte Del Norte Los Alomos Los Alamos West Mesa West Mesa Albuq. High Abuq. high St Michoel Gallup Gallup Grants Grants St. Mchael Espanola Espanola Forrmngton Farming! on

3 4 6 10 4 13 3 7 14 6 0 4 0 8 3 7 6 1 0 1 6 11

Varsity Baseball 213

Slamming Home In '82 9 7 5 3 12 6 8 12

J.V. Baseball St. Kathrines Espanola Pecos Questas Questas Espanola Pecos Pecos

18 3 15 2 0 12 5 20

Junior Varsity baseball is only one of Santa Fe High's many teams, it is comprised of many of our young men who have devoted their time and energy to support SFHS. The boys played eight games this season and won four of them. The Demons put forth their best effort only to have it torn to shreds by the competition. Coach Laurentson worked our boys hard and had confidence in their ability to play, but fate just didn't play with the Demons this season. With much work and so much ability on the team, the boys are sure to bounce back, only a lot harder this time. Running for the base after hitting it way out. It's our turn to bat guys. Sitting It out in the dugout. Hey guys. Ifs my turn. Ground ball and run for It. 6. What next, boy's 7. Coach goes for the gold.

214 Junior Varsity Baseball



Demonetfes Slide Into Action Varsity Softball 7 3 11 2 12 7 18 2 8 11 7 17 18 6 5 1 9

Rio Grande Eldorado Highland Manzano Espanola Los Alamos Alb.High Hobbs Hobbs Bernalillo Cibola St.Catherines West Mesa Espanola Los Alamos Farmington Farmington

10 11 4 12 9 8 3 12 7 10 10 0 3 5 6 12 12

The season began slowly for the Demonettes with two losses right at the beginning. Although the girls tried their hardest, the breaks just wouldn't come. The first game was against Rio Grande and unfortunately for the Demonettes, they capitalized on six of the girls errors. By the seventh inning the Rio Grande Ravens lead the Demonettes 10-5. Our girls only went on to add two more points to the final score making It 10-7. The rest of the season the Demonettes were but one game away to braking even or possibly pulling ahead. Their last chance to go to state was against Farmington in a doubleheader. If the girls had won the first game, they would have gone to state, but to their dismay they lost 12-1. Star players of the year were Roberta Duran, Anna Garcia, and Barbara Bowling. Duran was the star pitcher and luckily for the girls, she'll return next year. Garcia and Bowling are seniors and unfortunately for the team will not return. According to Coach Whittemore first year ; coach, the girls tried hard but it just wasn't their ' year for state. 1. Kathy Yardman hits hard to get the ball in the outfield. 2. Monica Rivera in good form and waiting her turn at bat. 3.Carmella Montoya waits for ball to tag opponent. 4. Kathy Yardman hits the ball for a base hit. 5. Back row: I. to r.- Asst. Coach Shirley, Anna Garcia, Janet Carpio, Barbara Boling, Monica Rivera, Roberta Duran, Sana! Dean, Olivia Brito. Torka Poet, Coach Whittemore. Front row: I. to r.- Linda LeNove, Lois Amador. Kathy Yardman. Linda Montoya, Carmella Montoya, Karen Yardman. 6. Roberta Duran displays feelings by socking glove. 7. Coaches Shirley and Whittemore view players from the sidelines. 8. Carmella Montoya and Monica Rivera await ball and opponents. 9. Linda LeNoue sets up in anticipation of her pitch.

Demon Tracksters Show Zip For SFHS The 1982 Boys Varsity Track team had a very slow but good season. The 400 meter relay team composed of R. Stotts, J. Sandoval, M. Anaya, and G. Ford, who all came in with a time of 44.8 qualifying all of them for State. Brian Catanach came in first in the 3,000 meter run with a time of 9:29.48 also qualifying him for State. The team consisted of 22 members, sprinters are: J. Sisneros, R. Stotts, M. Anaya, J. Sandoval, L. Gurule, S. Romero, G. Ford, and R. Vigil. Distance runners include: T. Bajema, B. Catanach, D. Vigil, R. Ortiz, B. Catanach, A. Flores, R. Ortega, and T. Romero. Hurdlers include: R. Stotts, K. Romig, H. Watkins, G. Johnson. Field competitors are: S. Young, G. CdeBaca. J. Sisneros, R. Stots, M. Anaya, R. Vigil. "We had the dedication, but we didn't have the speed" said Robert Ortiz, the boys varsity track coach. The Demons finished up their regular season with high hopes for another good year. 1) Team picture. Top Row: Henry Watkins, Gilbert CdeBaca, Mike Anaya, David Vigil, Bob Vigil. Bottom Row: Robert Ortiz, and John Sandoval. 2) The guys take a break. 3) Mr. Ortiz caught by surprise. 4) While taking a break Sam Romero poses for a candid. 5) "Hey wait for usl" says Henry Watkins & Ken Roming. 6) A Demon going to line up for his next race. 7) Sam Romero strives to make his best run.


Varsity Boys Track

rack zi\

Demonettes Maintain One Track' Minds

Santa Fe High School's girls varsity track and field team had an excellent year, despite the flu and some untimely injuries. For the Demonettes, Brenda Jarvis and Carta Garrett were the big names for SFHS. ^ * Brenda who captured the 75 meter hurdles ^ r with a time of 11:4 at the quadrangular track and field meet at Wilson Stadium, along with Carta at the shot put (40-9) and the discus (134-8). Deborah Bigbee who ran her seasonal record to 4-0 in the 3,000-meter run completed the course in 11.09, while teammates Tina Lujan and Louise Chavez finished second and third respectively. The Demonettes sprint medley relay team consisted of Jackie Jenkins, Jennifer Weinrick, Carol Falance, and Tricia Maxwell who placed first with a time of 1:52.2 at the Cibola Classic, the fastest time in the state this year. Overall the Demonettes showed great spirit and enthusiasm towards winning. \) Team picture from left to right: Top Row: Lorl Kopp, Carol Falance. Barbara Rodriguez, Carta Garrett, Eleanor Trujlllo, Angela Grilly, Jackie Jenkins, and Geraldine Kaye. 2nd Row: JoAnne Neely, Stephanie Daw. Jennifer Weinrick, Marl Hastead, Alicia Valdez. Patty Dukeminier. Vicky O'Chesky, and Tricia Maxwell. Bottom Row: Deborah Bigbee, Louise Chavez, Tina Lujan, and Beth Ferry. 2) Happiness is being together! 3) Vicki O'Chesky takes a walk down Main Street. 4) Social time for the girls. 5) The girls take a quick jog before practice starts.


Girls Varsity Track

Girts Track


Freshmen Truck Around The Trac

Girls Freshmen Track Taos-St. Michaels Los Alamos Invitational Cumbres-Pueblo Capital City Meadow City Invitational

Boys Freshmen Track Santa Fe Invitational West Las Vegas invitational Cumbres-Pueblo Capital City Los Alamos Invitational

222 Freshmen Track

1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st

1st 1st 1st 1st 1st

The Freshmen girls track team did an outstanding Job this year. With the help of Katrina Rojas, Stephanie Daw, Sarah Gilman, Shauna Collins, and Donna Lopez the team was really inspired. "They only lost one invitational finishing second but otherwise had a perfect season. "I had a Wast," commented Amy Biehl. "It was challenging, but I learned a lot about myself." The team really proved deserving when they stole the Capital City Invitational. It was the major event of the whole season. Coach Nancy Mike expressed her enthusiasm about leading the team In this year's successful season. "We have a small team in numbers," she said, "but they're very talented individuals." Running towards the finish line and working against time became an old routine to the Boys Freshmen track team. Their incentive to succeed proved well when they showed a perfect undefeated season. "This team was loaded with talented individuals yet these fellows were able to express a great amount of team work and mature behavior. Their undefeated record could be an Indication of great things in store for Santa Fe High in the next few years," quoted Coach Mike Feldberg. 1. Team picture from left to right. Top row: Donna Lopez, Linda Rodrlquez. Sarah Gilman, Stephanie Daw, Criston Ryals, Jennifer Vlser, and Monica Alvarez. Middle row: Katrina Rojas, Angie Johnson, Patty Dukeminler, Crls VanValkenburgh, and manager Rosa Rodriguez. Bottom row: Shawna Collins, Amy Biehl, Caroline Ortega, and Missy Payne. 2. Team picture from left to right. Top row: Jeff Andrews, Scott Qulnters, Mark Lerma, Danny Nowers, David Cannon, Paul Barela, and Paul Tucker Bottom row: Ramon Larranaga, Steve Baca, Vivian Archuleta, Allen Lopez, and Luis Sanchez. 3. Stephanie Daw - maybe another Carta Garrett. 4. A Demon strives for a record mark. 5. The Demons keep in the lead. 6. Freshmen girls have a chat on starting.

Golf Teams Drive To Perfection


Girts Golf Belen Invitational Socorro inv. Academy Inv. Los Alamos Inv. Capital City Inv. A.P.S. Inv.

Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost

Boys Golf Belen Invitational Roswell Inv. A.P.S. Inv. Los Altos Capital City Inv. Academy inv. Ladera Academy State

1st 6th 2nd 4th 3rd 5th 2nd 1st 6th

Varsity Golf

Although the girls golf team only had four members which were all new to the sport they did an exceptional job. Coach Mike Weston quoted. "The girls really improved a great deal. They tried hard and we all had fun. This new team should have a better season next year." The members included Anna Lopez, Becky Whitted, Liz Ulrich. and Carmen Romero. The boys varsity golf team had another successful season this year under Coach Rich Marano. The Demons placed third in their own Capital City Tournament and qualified for state. Coach Rick Marano quoted, "Our main goal was to qualify for state and we did." Team members included Brad Dry, Marty Sanchez, Chris Tiano, . Kevin Wildenstein, Dean Houliston, Gene Gonzalez, Doug Wilson, and Mike Montano. At state. Brad Dry placed second. 1. Team picture from left to right Anna Lopez. Becky Whitted, Carmen Romero, and Liz Ulrich. 2. Team picture from left to right Gene Gonzalez, Dean Houllson, Brad Dry, Marty Sanchez, and Mike Montano. 3. Brad Dry shows off his ability. 4. Liz Ulrich and Becky Whitted humorously study the green. 5. Marty Sanchez gets ready to hit the ball onto the green. 6. Anna Lopez takes a practice swing.

Wrestlers Show Steady Improveme

226 Wrestling

228 Sports Banquet

Jarvis, Anaya, Chosen Athletes Of The Year The 1982 Sports Banquet was on May 17th at the Activity Center from 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. The banquet began with a chicken and roast beef dinner followed by awards. The awards were given to outstanding seniors in sports. Cross Country Boys- Mike Gonzales Cross Country Girls- Tina Lujan Swimming Boys- Tommy Pino Swimming Girls- Karla Kruhm Track Boys- Mike Anaya Track Girls- Brenda Jarvis Tennis Boys- Ray Martinez Tennis Girls- Monica Barela Softball- Anna Garcia Baseball- Paul Baca Basketball Boys- Mike Anaya Basketball Girls- Melissa Fresquez Football Defense- Pat Robinson Football Offense- Tony Lux Golf-Boys- Chris Tiano Golf Girls- Carmen Romero Soccer Boys- Chris Tiano Soccer Girls- Francis Ortega Gymnastics Boys-Mark Koenig Gymnastics Girls- Sonya Ortiz Wrestling- Louie Soveranez Volleyball- LeAnn Loutensock Demonette of the year- Brenda Jarvis Demon of the year-Mike Anaya

1) Nicole Roth watches the Demon jocks come In. 2) ExSda Martinez recognizes her team. 3) Demon of the year Mike Anaya flashes his victory smile after being presented the award. 4) Brenda Jarvis receives her Demonette of the year award with a smle.

Sports Banquet 229

"It took tots of hard work but It really paid off." -Brenda Jarvls

1) Coach Robert Aire presents his cross country senior award. 2) LeAnn Loutensock turns around to get a better view of the football players In the back row. 3) Coach Ramon Martinez talks about the tennis record, while getting ready to present the senior award. 4) Joe Casodos gives thanks for receiving the special award.

230 Sports Banquet

"The Demon athlete award was a surprise and I was honored to receive this award." -Mike Anaya

Sports Banquet 231

Leonard Abeyta

Valerie Alarid

Steve Albee

Carmen Alberlco

Robert Allre

Jean Alton

Lois Amador

Stacey Amorous

Beatrice Anaya

Debbie Anaya

Ray Anaya

Delinda Andermann

Judy Apodaca

George Anaya

Mike Anaya

Renee Apodaca

Lara Aragon

Bena Archuleta

234 Seniors

Flora Archuleta

Peter Aragon

Deanna Archuleta

Dorthy Archuleta

Pat Archuleta

Theresa Arellano

George Armijo

Seniors ... Remember The Good Old Days Of High School

Memories, what's left of memories standing side by side, taking pictures, smiling for everyone of them? But yet, when we look back In time, it seems to have been an experience to remember. We always had our moms and dads to lean on for school and we had each other to turn to, no matter what life had to offer. We had our friends to turn to. but out of them there was always a special one. Now we're leaving that comfort and yes It's a frightful feeling. All the decisions that have to be made, it's time to stand on our own two feet. We always knew that the day would come when we would be the ones to

say good-bye. but never really cared because we thought It was too far away to really matter. We always had the worry of what people thought of us or how we were supposed to act. Now, it's a new world out there, and all the money that was spent on going to lunch everyday becomes more important to you.

Kenneth Armijo

Louise Armijo

PhMp Armijo

Roberta Armijo

Brian Baca

Bono Baca

Carol Baca

Glen Baca

Rudy Armijo

Karia Baca

Seniors 235

Leroy Baca

Marcos Baca

Max Baca

Paul Baca


Jute Baldoni

Tim Ball

O'Jay Barbee

Joe Bareia

Monica Bareia

Alec Barlow

Ben Baros

Jeff Beck

Ronnie Layden

Jon Bell

Amy Bender

236 Seniors

Kim Berridge

John Berry

Joseph Benavidez

Reuben Berry

Wanda Baca

Emily Barck

Nona Benavidez

Faith Bragg

And you thought the cafeteria food was bad! Luke Dotes, Geoff Ostrander. and Pat Krammer are shown during their lunch hour. Lunchflme the exciting hour of socializing and as the picture shows. CRAZYA/ESS/ Most Seniors go home, to work, or out to Burger King, or some fast food place's

Jill Bertram

Hltesh Bhakta

Jagdlsh Bhakta

Rita Bhakta

Clarissa Block

Suzan Blotter


Louie Borregg

Tracy Bertram

Dennis Blake

Veronica Blea

Catherine Bodelson

Barbara Boling

Debra Bohannon

Joey Bowker

Jackie Bradley

Marcta Bramhal

Seniors 237

Station '82 Is Last Stop For Seniors

Adrianne Branch

Jackie Branch

Chris Briggs

Brenda Brown

Stephen Branch

Keibran Braun

Peter Burman

David Bush

Veronica Bustamante

Greg Bybee

Sandra Bybee

Randy Byrnes


Cynthia Cardenas

Wanda Cardenas

Dave Carrell

238 Seniors

David Bruch

David Carrillo

Richard Carrtllo

Willie Carrillo

John Casados

Patricia Casaus

Rhonda Castas

Shirley Castas

Brian Catanach

Charles Catanach

Jo Ann Catanach

Mark Catanach

Vincent Catbagan

Alfonzo Efas Cazares

Anjelica Chacon

Theresa Chacon

Leroy Chama

Ben Chavez

Carmelia Chavez

Cindy Chavez

Frank Cde Baca

Joseph Chavorria

Gilbert Cae Baca

Barbara Chavez

David Carman

Janet Carpio

Seniors 239

Debbie Chavez

Henrietta Chavez

Lawrence Chavez

Lorraine Chavez

Sandra Chavez

Kris Childens

Chris Clark

Crystal Clark

Velma Coca

Joseph Comer

Casey Cook

JuHe Cook

Andress Cosmen

Jennifer Current

240 Seniors

Jose Cosmen


Rosalie Coriz

Bema Corriz

Rebecca Cowen

Susan Creten

Suzanne Curtis

Sonya Daw

Yvetta Cortez

Cliff Crouch

Lisa Darrow

Seniors ... Jump Track From High School M To College H Card and Thane enpy a romantic kffich hour on the porch of F Building Annette does some heavyduty paperwork. Whether seniors are in class or out of class, they are always looking forward to the future.

\ ft Donna Davis

Arnold Deaguero

Cheryl Dean

Jullle Delao

Ann Denman

Michael Dimas

Luke Doles

Tom Dominguez

Delores Dow

Kevin Duckworth

Dolores Duron

Edwin Duran

Jema Duron

Steven Duran

David Edwards

Seniors 241

Rick Edwards

Rosa Mae Ellis

Andrew Encinias

Robert Engstrom

Gina Enriquez

Karim Fattah

Letltla Fernandez

\ Steve Erhart

Jessie Esparza

Michael Fernandez

Victor Fidel

Ralph Fresquez

Milissa Fresquez

Steve Goboidon

242 Seniors

Danny Esquibei

Carta Fisher

Ron Fried

Debbie Gategos


Connie Franco

Marie Fox

Deborah Gategos

Vlckl Flores

Dolores Gaiiegos

Seniors ... Head Around The Last Bend To Graduation

Roger Casados. Pat Kramer, both seniors, and Glen Cotton, a junior, are only a few of the many students from Santa Fe High that can be

Roberta Gallegos

Rose Marie Gallegos

Ann Garcia

Cornelia Garica

Dolores Garcia

Donald Garcia

Teresa Gallegos

Cynthia Garcia

Dorothy Garcia

Teresa Gallegos

Dale Garcia

Gwen Garcia

found enjoying their lunch hour. The seniors of 1982 worked hard to reach this point of completing their high school years, and are now enpylng it to the tat. Most seniors had access to a car and could be found at the many fast food restaurants enjoying a variety of hamburgers, pizzas, tacos, and hot dogs. Many of them also went home or to their friends house for lunch. There was always the brown bagers who hung out on the steps in good weather and hid out in the library or F-building once it got cold.

Jenny Garcia

Deanna Garcia


Seniors 243

Sandra Garcia

Shirley Garcia

Sylvia Garcia

Kevin Garley

Ronald George

Mark Glasgow

Joseph Gomez

Valerie Gomez

Bernard Gonzales

Carlos Gonzales

Carrie Gonzales

Cyndi Gonzales

From Gonzales

Laura Gonzales

Michael Gonzales

Mike Gonzales

Patricia Gonzales

Marcela Gonzales

244 Seniors

Martin Gonzales

KeWn Geiger

Steve Gurule

David Gutierrez

Victor Griego

Becky Guerro

Merlene Gurule

Debbie Gutierrez

Pablo Gutierrez

Greg Hagman

Mike HaS

Alex Hamlll

Stuart Hamilton

John Harris

Mike Heimerich

Lisa Herd

John Hernandez

Monica Hernandez

Andrew Herrera

Carlos Herrera

Paul Herrera

Sancfe Herrera

Ted Herrera

246 Seniors

Diane Herrera

usa Herrera

Janet Hibbetts

Usa Hickman

Natasha Hutchftson

Michele Jackson

Darlene Jacquez

Brenda Jarvis

Cynthia Jenks

^natrei^ Jimenez

Irene Jimenez

Trlsh Jimenez

David Johnson

Dottie Johnson

Tim Johnson

Charles Jordan

Rome Jowers

Heidi Judd

Gloria Kartas

Kathleen Keever

Ana Kelley

Chuck Kellogg

Richard King

Mark Koenlg

ESzabeth Kohr

Donald Koppa

Patrica Kramer

Laura Kreutzer

Karen Kruhm

248 Seniors

Good AtTimes H

I I Santa Fe High Schoo We will always remember the exciting moments during the lunch hour. Seeing friends and meeting new faces, always brings a good feeling inside. The best year for most students is their senior year. In which there is always a lot to prepare for. Graduation announcements, senior portraits, cap and gown fitting, college orientation, and deciding what to do when you got out of high school, were just a few of the tNngs seniors thought about during their last year. Memories, good memories. Is what we will have from the best.

Santa Fe high There were always ba< days, but usually we forgot them. People made those four years ones we will remember Papa Joe's friendliness, teachers with patience and good

fellow students. At the end of the year there was always something going on. "I always looked forward to parting,-* said Karen Regansburg. We the Class of '82 can reminisce about those school years.


Mark Hill

Monica Hippauf

Cathy Hodgin

Kande Holland

Andrie Holmes

Usa Homing

Donna Houston

Steve Howe

Patty Huckabee

Seniors 249

Tracey Uttret


Stephani Long

Linda Longacre

Carol Lopez

Charlene Lopez

Deanna Lopez

Kathleen Lopez

Maria Lopez

Roy Lopez

Therese Lopez

Regma Lucero

250 Seniors

Thomas Lott

Stephanie Lucero

Leann Loutensock

Steve Lucero

Brad Loyd

Donna Lujan

Tracey Lucas


Seniors ... Fulfill Requirements With Relief

Seniors, the class of 1982, comprising Santa Fe High, Santa Fe Vo-Tech. and the Alterntlve High School, spent the past four years working hard preparing themselves for the coming commencement, graduation! Remember %.. your ninth grade year as a new experience, that you were still below the summit of your growth ... your tenth grade year as a further platform in your education ... your eleventh year as a confidence growth towards a different plan for the future. It is a progressive step in develop-

ing one's own interests, individuality and indentity. You are no longer so conscious of being accepted or having to fit in with the crowd... your twetth year was the most Important of them all. Preparing for the

big day, when all the goodbyes had to be said, but not forever.

Paula Lujan

Rosanne Lujan

Tina Lujan

Gabe Larranaga

Tony Lux

Johnny Madrt

Kenny Madrid

PMKp Madrid

Gilbert Maes

Louie Maes

Seniors 251


Track Down Their You know you've had a bad day when: You hear your license plate number over the intercom You mistake someone someone else

Henry Malczewski

Andy Manges

Henry Manzanares

Mark Mares

Sonya Mares

Mitchell Marin

Angel Markesteyn

John Marquez

Margaret Marquez

Jamie Man

Patricia Martin

Alyn Martinez

Consueto Martinez

David Martinez

Donna Martinez

San Maestos


The sensitizer In the library goes off while going through it You trip down the stairs in front of the library Other people are wearing the same clothes as you


Bridget Martinez

Esther Martinez

Chert Martinez

Esther Martinez

Goals To Success You laugh and accidentaty make a hog sound You raise your hand and then forget what you were going to say You find your boyfriend out

Felicia Martinez

Glna M

Margaret Martinez

Margie Martinez

Ray Martinez

Rita Martinez

with your best friend You start to type and there Is no tape in the typewriter A private note to a friend ends up in the teacher's hands instead.

Ivan Martinez

Mark Martinez

Ruby Martinez

Johnny Martinez

Monica Martinez

Karen Mart tnez

Pete Martinez

Sharon Martinez

Sharon Martinez

Betsy McClutchey

Haley McCutough

W/ Tom Mascarenas

Valerie Mascarenas

Scott McCausknd

Seniors 253

Scot McDermott

Robert Miero

Lee McFarland

kirin Mier

Erin McGonagle

Kurt Meyers

Jason Medina

Elizabeth Miller

Tammy Milligan

Annette Mirabel

Valerie Miranda

Joey Mitchell

Bret Moffett

Jill Momaday

Greg Mondragon

Thomas Montano

Gloria Montano

Charlie Montgomery

Bonnie Montoya

Gerard Montoya

Larry Montoya

Lucie Montoya

Marcus Montoya

Mark Montoya

Mike Montoya

254 Seniors

Seniors ... Steering Towards Graduation Phil Montoya

Ruth Montoya

Sandi Montoya

Stacey Morris

Brenda Moya

Donnie Moya

Dane Myers

Mario Moyle

Reyes Naranjo

Alexander Neumann

Michelle Novis

Bonita Oliver

Joseph Oliver

Elizabeth Ortega

Gilbert Ortega

Melissa Ortega

Nadlne Ortega

Patrick Ortega

PhBp Ortega

Scott Ortega

Chris Ortiz

Elena Ortiz

Hopy Ortiz

Seniors 255

Paula Ortiz

Paula Ortiz


John Ortiz

Joseph Ortiz

Martin Ortiz

Steve Ortiz

Valerie Ortiz

Geoff Ostrander

4 H M

GerrakJ Pacheco

John Pacheco

Kenneth Pacheco

Eddie Padilla

Mark Padilla

Rosemary Padilla

Chris Pardington

Jenny Parks

Charlene Patterson

Pat Patterson

Terrie Pena

Valentine Pena

r&jz*k Vkki Payne

256 Seniors

Daniel Pflaster

David Pena

Janet Perea

Byron Piatt

Ken Piatt

Tommy Pino

Annette Portillo

Roberta Portlllo

Matt Powell

Rosalie Prada

Jenny Prince

Mary Prince

Katie Probst

Kim Quiiana

Angela Quintana

Bernadette Quintana

Joe Quintana

Robert Quintana

Susan Quintana

Yvonne Quintana

Renee Radecki

Levi Rael

Matt Rael

Rod Ramirez

Leonard Razatos

Chris Rea

Karen Regonsberg

Seniors 257

Senior Year Doesn't M Come Cheap Michelle Rice

Julie Riggs

Allan Rivera

Barbara Rivera

Dina Rivera

George Rivera

Jim Rivera

Marc Rivera

Michelle Rivera

Pamela Rivera

Denise Roberson

Sherril Roberts

Jake Robertson

Pat Robinson

Rochelle Robinson

Anna Roessler

Diane Rodarte

Carol Rodriguez

Chris Rodriguez

Emia Rodriguez

Patricia Rodriguez

Gtoert Ronquillo

Nathaniel Ross

268 Seniors

Allen Romero

Anna Romero

Anthony Romero

Becky Romero

Carmen Romero

Carol Romero

Christine Romero

Danny Romero

Diane Romero

Eddie Romero

Edward Romero

Evelyn Romero

Francine Romero

Joe Pat Romero

Joyce Romero

Karol Romero

Kenneth Romero

Lortann Romero

Lorraine Romero

Michael Romero

Nodme Romero

Nancy Romero

Norabeth Romero

Pat Romero

Patricia Romero

Seniors 259

Robert Romero

Robert Romero

Ron Romero

Theresa Romero

Tom Romero

Yolanda Romero

Suzanne Roth

Cindy Roybal

Kenny Roybal

Patricia Roybal

Paul Roybal

Reina Roybal

Steve Roybal

Terry Roybal

Troy Roybal

Deanna Sacoman

Frank Saiz

Denise Salazar

Marcella Salazar

Margaret Salazar

Patricia Salazar

Tammy Salazar

Atayne Samueison

Annette Sanchez

Brian Sanchez

260 Seniors

Seniors Fly To Freedom Charlene Sanchez

Eric Sanchez

Ernest Sanchez

Joe Sanchez

Lawrence Sanchez

Ramona Sanchez

Rick Sanchez

Steve Sanchez

Zoila Sanchez

Angel Sandoval

Anthony Sandoval

Becky Sandoval

Charles Sandoval

Cynthia Sandoval

Mary Ann Sandoval

Norman Sandoval

Theresa Sandoval

Tina Scalise

Terry Schtoemer

Anthony Schoepke

Pieter Schaafsma

Christy Shuck

Seniors 261

Annette Segura

Greg Segura

Juliana Segura

Danette Sellers

Jeanette Sena

Pat Sena

Rebecca Sena

Marie Serrano

Kimberly Severtson

Cheryl Shaw

Brad Sherwood

Denise Shlplett

Rebecca Shoenfeld

Joey Shook

Michael Siiva

Patrick Siva

Daniel Silverman

Annette Sisneros

Jerry Sisneros

Joby Sisneros

Ronald Sisneros

Patty Skinner

Charles Smith

Cheryl Smith

Christine Smith

262 Seniors

Seniors Search For Perpetual Identity Chuck Smith

Curtis Smith

Denise Smith

Roy Smith

Tiffany Smith

Gregory Snead

James Sobien

Louie Soveranez

Alan Stein

Sarah Steadman

Alyson Steinman

Stuart Stephenson

Gilbert Suazo

Anthony Tapla

Patricia Tapia

Raymond Taruc

Robert Tchemeshoff

Thane Kenny

Kristie Thomas

Jamie Thomson

Robert Trasp

Loun© Trimrn©r

Angelo Trupo


Seniors 263

Seniors ... Explore 1 Career I H Choices

David Trujillo

Eleanor Trujillo

Art Trujillo

Barabara Trujillo

Carmella Trujillo

Phillip Trujillo

Richard Trujillo

Valerie Trujillo

\ Adam Turner

Clayton Turner

Ann Urioste

Glenn Urioste

Tony Urban

AicKJ Valdez

Andrew Valdez

Elizabeth Valdez

Joseph Valdez

Lorraine Valdez

Mark Valdez

Martha Valdez

Paufne Valdez

Raymond Valdez

Dale Varela

264 Seniors


Steve Valencia

Tom Valencia

Dolores Valentine

Danny Valenzuela

Lucixla Van Holte

Karen Vansoeien

Dea Varos

VineŠ Varela

Orlando Vasquez

Bennie Vialpando

Mary Viera

John Vigil

Joseph Vigil

Leonard Vigil

Patricia Vigil

Randy Vigil

Thaddeus Wadleigh

Rich Wakemon

Pn.*p Wartield

KatherinŠ Watson

John Watts

Lisa Wetder

Seniors 265

Gloria Vigil

Paul Visarraga

Isabel! Vigil

Lisa Kuegelgen

Richard Vigil

Tracy Weishaupt

Wayne Vigil

Yvonne Vigil

Martin Welch

Linda Weston

wmmiA William Wheeler

Jeff Winkler

vlcky Work

266 Seniors

Nancy Whan

Kevin Lynn Wildensfein

April Wilburn

Trina Witter

Laura Wofford

Joyce Womack

Karen Yardman

Cart Zamora

Gloria Zamora

Donald WMams

Stacy Woodard

Diane Zapata

The Pressure Is On . . . What Are You Going To Do? Your high school years have ended, but your Me has Just begun. Each and everyone of us has dreams and high hopes that will lead us through the tuture. The future will bring new experiences and goals that plan to be accomplished. But, what are you going to do with your life? Your parents want you to continue your education at college, but somewhere close to home. Even your friends are talking about going to college for more edu-

cation with an exception of a few friends. Some are settling with a Job or even stoning to settle down with someone special. Maybe they will even join the arm forces and help Undo Sam get this country into shape. What ever the case the decision is yours to make. Nobody realizes that not all seniors have their lives planned before graduation. Yet everyone still asks you the same question, "What are you going to do when you graduate?"

Crystal Clark

Mettssa Clayton

Scott Charlton

Letitla Fernandez

Dawn Moore

Raul Ortega

Carmela Poctta

Yvonne Quintana

Theresa Varela

Lot! Young

Seniors 267

Juniors ...

Kyndy Amorous Bemadette Anaya

Detfido Anaya

Leo Anaya Robert Anaya Denise Anstey Annette Apodaca

MtKe Apodaca Natalie Aragon Ctonssa Archuleta Jackie Archuleta

Mickey Armijo Marie Armijo Lisa Armijo CharSe Armijo

Make Tracks In '82

Class Of '83 Takes A Joy Ride

Juniors . . . Party Hardy But Still Make It To Class

Juniors . . . ride first class

Gass Of '83 Keeps Tooth' Along

Juniors... Work Hard To Get To The To

Class Of '83 Takes Weekend Detour

Juniors ... On Schedule For Blight Futur

Juniors ... Making Tracks To Graduation

Juniors ... Begin Third Departure For School

Juniors . . . Shoveling Coal Into The engine

Juniors ... Look Forward To '8

Await One More Year


Juniors ... Loading For One More Year

Juniors ... Ride First Class

288 Juniors

Demons Stand Proud

Juniors ... Work

For Achievements

Juniors 291

Juniors ...

Work For Goals

Styles Attract Juniors

The class of W is made up of many kinds of people; studs, jocks, brains, and preppies to name a few. But the most predominant group has shown itself to be the partiers. Juniors look forward to the weekend as far in advance as Monday morning andplan each moment carefully so as not to waste a single precious moment. "There haven't been all that many parties this year, but my friends and I always manage to throw something together," says junior Vikky O'Chesky. Academically, juniors who took the PS AT scored remarkably high and several were cited as national merit scholars. Many fads and fashions throughout the Junior class included; hackysac, knickers, metaffc everything, moose head, ear cuffs, and punk Just to name a few. Juniors were always up on the latest and kept the rest of the school informed as to what was what vogue.

Sophomores ... Easing On Down The Rail Of Success

James Domnick Zachary Drew Michael Dukeminier Julian Duron Patricia Duron Laura Durham

Terri Eastham Daniel Edwards

Method Edwards Elizabeth Encinas

Cargo For The Sophomores Sffl Fatly Heavy But Slowly Getting Lighter Ralph Erwin Cheryl Esquibel David Espinoza Beth Farley John Fairchild Karin Farthing

Karla Felix Mark Felix Joncarlo Fernandez Kenneth Fernandez Lizabeth Ferry Charles Fisher

Tom Fisher Tina Flores Scott Foknen Les Francisco Paula Frank Robin Frankahjcci

David Friedman Julia Fuentesa Ayame Fukuda Gerald Gallegos Lori Gaiiegos Maria Gallegos

Debra GabokJon Johnny Gabaldon Angela Gategos David Gategos Edward Gategos Eugene Gategos

Nadhe Gategos

Sophomores ... On The Right Track To A Successful Future

Nathan Gategos James Gatette Alee Garcia Amanda Garcia Anne Garcia Annie Garcia

AntoNa Garcia Apotonio Garcia Audrey Gordo CarmeSta Garcia Carmen Garcia Lawrence Garcia

Leslie Garcia Michelle Garcia Valerie Garcia Carta Garrett Veronica Garza Gabrioi Garvia

Vetora Gnoftrion Anthony George Garrett Gerber Martina Giron Martha Greene Ondy Greenlee

Danny Ghego Mtee Greigo Monica Griego Paul Ghego Ruby Griego Angela Gnty

Louise Gomez Yvonne Gomez Adam Gonzales Annabete Gonzales Annette Gonzales Brian Gonzales

298 Sophomores

Edtth Gonzales Ellen Gonzales Esperanza Gonzales GerakMne Gonzales Jeff Gonzales Jesbs Gonzales

Margaret Gonzales Michael Gonzales

Sharon Gonzales Theron Gore

Don Gorman Lisa Gossett Beverly Gunn Michelle Gunter Diana Gurule Loretta Gurule

Melissa Gurule Adeila Gutierrez Joseph Gutierrez Randy Godfrey Matthew Hatbert Felicia Hatford

TimHatt Danette Hamilton Chris Hannerman Ellen Hannermon AUson Hartman Fred Hartsfield

Mori Hasted Sarah Hasted Karen Hatton Laurie Hawkins Rebecca Herrera Marie Herrera

Michael Herrera Steve Herrera Kevin Henson Pamela Henry Theresa Henae Laura Hernandez


Chuck Hattaway Mary Ugh Aaron HM BtyHM JeffHM Tracy Hey

Gilbert Holmes Joseph Hotyk Mary Kay Hunt Jeanetfe Hurtado Diana Ita Ruben Ita

Sean Iverson

Sophomore Train ... Half Way To Its Planned Destination

Mark Keen Mtchete Kenner Sean Kenny MBceKesler Karen King PautKinsky

Kathy Koroneos Michael Kovnat GregKnudson Alee Jacquez Pom Jensen Becky Jtnenez

Edna Jimenez GerokMne Jmenez Mtehael Jtnenez

Ronnie Jtnenez Rudy Jtnenez StnonJton

Jtnmy Johnson Joni Johnson SyMa Johnson

300 Sophomores

Mark Lame Susan Laird Man Lane JmLapierre Metssa Larraraga Roxanne Lovato

Ted Lovato Cindy Lerma Matthew Levin PennyLeyba Edward L 'Heureux Andrew Lopez

The Whistle Still Blows For Sophomores Dottie Lopez Gina Lopez Laveme Lopez Loretta Lopez Manny Lopez Paul Lopez

Susan Lopez Theresa Lopez Jm Cordova Debra Lovato Norman Lovato Pat Lovato

Peter Lovato Charlie Lucero Chris Lucero Chris Lucero Frank Lucero Mike Lucero

Patrick Lucero Ron Lucero Eddie Lujan Lenise Lujan Marly Lujan Danny Lury

Moty Luscher JoAnn MacAMster Beth Madrid Cindy Madrid Dean Madrid Richard Madrid

Sophomores 301

MaryMacU Larry Moestas Mark Maestas Orlando Maez John Mafaonaao Manuel Manaei

Alan Mamanares Carta Maraanares Christine Mares BrenaaMariow Leo Marquez Luanda Morquez

Laura Maez Abel Martinez Alex Martinez Angela Martinez Aubela Martinez Anthony Martinez

Sophomores .. .Climbing Up

The Roil To A Great Future Barbara Martinez Benceskxto Martinez Benny Martinez Bemaaette Martinez Bernice Martinez Bert Martinez

Cefne Martinez Christine Martinez Danny Martinez

Slzabeth Martinez Ploy Martinez Jettery Martinez

Jennifer Martinez John Martinez John Martinez

302 Sophomores

Katrina Martinez Londy Martinez Mark Martinez

Michete Martinez Mke Martinez Patrick Martinez

Paul Martinez Ray Martinez Remijio Martinez

Richard Martinez Richard Martinez Rostna Martinez Ruben Martinez Theresa Martinez Theresa Martinez

Veronica Martinez David Mascarenas Michelle Mascarenas Dennis Mathews Kenny Maxwell Drew McDermott

Kathleen McDonald Craig McGurn Rod Mechem DomaMedha Jose Medina KimMedrano

Valerie Medrano Marc Mler Becky Miller Jeff Miller Daun Mohr Chuck Mondragon

Abort Montana Loretta Montano Eric Monies Reuben Monies Angela Montoya Bridget Montoya

Sophomores 303

Ccxrine Montoya Diana Montoya

Doreen Montoya Eva Montoya

Frank Montoya

Jeff Montoya John Montoya Johnny Montoya Unaa Montoya Randy Montoya victor Montoya

Cheryl Moore Nancy Moore KeSy Mora George Morales

Pom Moreno Peter Morris

Harold Moya Joe Muniz Marty Muniz Sean Murphy Mke Nelson Juan Nteto

Sue Nix Matt Nixon Maura Okknow Kristine Otsen Anita Ortega Frank Ortega

Loisa Ortega Mark Ortega RamonOrtego Raymond Ortega ThaOrtega Votane Ortega

304 Sophomores

Sophomores Persist In School Activities

Alex Ortiz Anna Maria Ortiz Anthony Ortiz GtbertOrtiz Jerry Ortiz Lester Ortiz

Marc Ortiz PatOrttz Patricia Ortiz Pauline Ortiz Rebecca Ortiz Robert Ortiz

Roma Ortiz Febc Otero Anna Pacheco David Pacheco Martin Pacheco Votorie Pacheco

Gina Padilla Tommy PaoMa Paige Partington

Rebecca Par go Lisa Parker Tom Parks Danny Parras Curtis Payne Doug Payne

Joey Payne Potty Payne

Stacy Pearce Martin Perea

Tonya Perea Mkhele Perklno JmPhetps Kathy Piatt Ronnie Pino Christy Pittmon

Sophomores 305

Tracye Poche TotkaPoet Kan Pope Frankie Portto Jm Powers BoyPtada

Theresa Prada Scott Pritchard

Kevin Purtymun Annette Quintana Curtis Quintona ,, Diane Quintana Jack Quintana Michael Quintana

Mike Quintana Renee Quintana Robert Quintona Renee Quintana Anthony Raei

Conine Roybon Adam Read Thomas Remenar Rose Reyes Pom Reynolds Richard Reynolds

Richard Reynolds Sean Richardson Jose Rios

Colette Rivera Elaine Rivera Manuel Rivero

Margaret Rivera Pauta Rivera Norman Rivera

306 Sophomores

Sophomores ... Still Movin On Down The Track

Matthew Rivera Diann Rocha Paul Rochford Linda Rodriguez Ray Rodriguez Steve Rodriguez

Vianney Rodriguez Erik Rots tad Adrienne Romero Anthony Romero Bennie Romero •. Harold Romero

Daniel Romero Dolores Romero Jacqueline Romero J&ffV


Mike Romero Monico Romero

Rondo Romero Robert Romero Rodney Romero Sara Romero Stephen Romero

Steve Romero Theresa Romero Valerie Romero Ken Rnmlg Annette Romo Nicole Roth

Alicia Roybal Bemadette Roybal Ray Roybal Renee Roybal Scott Roybal Yolanda Roybal

Sandra Sab Tommy Sab Amadeo Sanchez Bobby Sanchez Jeff Sanchez Kerry Sanchez


Sophomores ... Go Through The Locomotion At The High School Usa Sanchez Marth Sanchez Mary Lena Sanchez Orlando Sanchez Paulo Sanchez Ralph Sanchez

Stephanie Sanders Alex Sandoval Angela Sandoval Angela Sandoval Carlos Sandoval Ed Sandoval

Rank Sandoval James Sandoval John Sandoval Usa Sandoval Maxlne Sandoval Pete Sandoval

Prop Sandoval Margaret Salazar Michael Salazar Praxedes Salazar Rosa Beie Salazar ShantaSavara

RielSbar Peggy Schummers Amy Schwendtnann Robert SedBo Bemadette Segura JoeSekj

SamSeig Fernando Sena Roberta Sena Barbara Sema Monica Sema Usa Serrano

John Shapiand Sonyo She/ton NhoShoenfeld Usa Shook JoeStsneros



JoeSsneros Ken Smith Rick Smith Vlnce Smith Brenda Solano Sandra Sosa

Bobby Soveranez Pat Soveranez Mark Sowle Chris SpagnokJ Will Stacy Christine Stahnke

Tiffany Starr Chris Ann Stephenson Steve Stewart Fred Suazo Joseph Suazo Michael Syron

Diane Tapia John Tapia Xavior Tapia Lynn Taulbee Nancy Tchemeshoff Dion Tenorio

Vanessa Thompson Jeff Tichava

Matt Torres Nichole Touchon

Timmy Trimbom Andrie Trujiito Becky Trujiito Carta Trujfflo Dermis TrujKo Diana TrujKo

Matthew TrujKo Randy TrujKo Rick TrujKo Ronnie TrujKo Ronnie TrujKo


Georgia Urioste Andrew Valencia Robert Valencia Bemle VakJez Danny VakJez David VakJez

Sophomores ... Continue Traff O John VakJez Manuel VakJez Sandra VakJez Steve VakJez Valerie VakJez Kenneth Van Hottz

Tom Van Vakenburgh John Vargas Victor Vargas Chris Vedeler Michael Velarde Jerry VkMpando

Ron Via'pondo Abort Viera

Amando VKa MathewVWa

Anthony VTgl Anthony Vgl BMyVigl CJndyVlgt DebbieVigi UsaVkjl

Loren Vkjg Patricia VTgl PaJVlgl Phymvigl Robert VTgl Shawn VTgl

The life of a Sophomore Sophomores at Santa Fe High lead interesting, but typically tenth grade lives. They are very sociable and many of them are invovled in school activities. Nicole Roth says "The class of '84 Is very close. We 're like a family." Ellie Dendahl agrees, "It's alot of fun to be part of such a close class. We have a blast now but just wait until we're seniors!" Mr. Sena has very high hopes for the sophomores.

Cary Virtue Atony/ Wade David Wagftt Dense Waller Mike Wallner Dona Wanek

Education One Step At A Time Mr. Sena said, "As a whole, they're better than average."He is really pleased about the sophomores attitude about things, and that they did a good Job on the Homecoming Assembly. Being a sophomore means being in the second year of success, with only half of high school left. It means eating at Burger King and McDonald's, going to JV sport events and hanging out at GodFathers. The class of '84 still has a lot to learn about life, but they still have two years to prove what Lynda Rodriguez claims, "We are the greatest!"

Karen Washington Orlando Watson

Chris Watts Melissa Weber

Christa Weidner Tom Weiler Lydia Welch Katie Wets Jennifer Wenrick Lee Warner

Troy Weseman Pete Wiord lone Williams Billy Williams

Doug Wilson Jodie Wilson

Rochelie Woolard Henry Watklns

Mark Yilek Rosie Zamora

Detnda Acosta Vickie AlamMo Mary Alen Angela Aire Jeanette Aire Monica Alvarez Beatrice Anaya Carlo Anaya Kathy Anaya Mark Anaya Richard Anaya Steve Anaya Joseph Anchondo

Anthony Archuleta Cathy Archuleta Greta Archuleta Rita Archuleta TheresaArchuleta VivianArchuleta TheresaAnderson

Jeff Andrews Randal Andrews Jotynn Arguelo James Arm/jo Joyce Armijo Learn Arrvijp

DavkJ Apodaca Valerie Apoaaca Chris Arrison Danette Atendo Mtahael Attberts Adotoh Baca Art Baca Barbara Baca Chris Boca Cindy Baca Elzabeth Boca Emly Boca GerdaTne Baca

Gloria Baca Jonathan Baca Robert Baca Steve Baca Rachel Baeza Roberta Bard Bernard Batik

Galen Barbee Joseph Bareta John Barfoot Joyce Boros Gary Barsuoskas DavkJBatts Mtehete Beocham Ray Betan Bobby Bendavtaez Kathy Bendavtaez Vincent Bendavtaez Kathy Bonnet Francisco Bentez

Freshmen... ease on


the right track to success

Stacy Berridge Julie Bettis

Amy Bechl ChristeHa Bitz Heather Bake Joe Blea John Blea Ted Bolleter

Phil Belton Tom Bradford Judy Branch Dee Ann Briceno Shara Briggs Charles Brighton James Brito

Steve Brito Eric Brancho John Brown Michael Brown Jime Brewet Elizabeth Canderlaria

David Cannon Teresa Carmen Cartas Cardenas Marc Carlson Bemadette Carrtllo Charma CarlHo Elizabeth Casados

Judy Casados Joe Castaneda Bonnie Catanach Dena Catanach Rente Catanach April Cde Baca George Cde Baca Ronald Cde Baca David Chacon Bruce Chariton Angle Chavez Anthony Chavez Cindy Chavez

Students scon for friends on the way t o a seat . . .

Freshmen 313

Debra Chavez Mary Chavez Pom Chavez Patricia Chavez Theresa Chavez Kevin Cherry Jeffery Chino Carlos Cidcfo JohnCWord ChrisCoSns Shawna CoMns JM Combo Susie Consota

Lisa Gonzales PhiKp Contreras Loretta Com David Crutcher Sandra Cruz Sandra Cruz Tricks Cutoert

John Curtis Debbie Datton Randy Davis Stephanie Daw Pamela Dean Robert Doctor

Mark De Gruyter James Detgado Alex Dickinson Angkjue Dinas Chris Dominovich Lonnie Dominovich Ralph Dotson Lisa Drew David Duck Melissa Puente Patrida Dukemimer Diane Duron Doreen Duron

Leon Duron UsaDuran

Mark Duron

Rose Duron Amy Elder

314 Freshmen

Robert Elsbrook Ariene Encinias Flavio Encinias Michelle Esparza Senia Evans-Stark Scott Farnham Carolyn Fawa

Freshmen Face Many Mies To Their Destinations

Mark FeBows

Cory Fender Agnes Fernandez Anthony Fernandez Joey Fernandez Jute Fernandez Ronnie Fernandez Crlsty Fields

Raymond Finn Gardener Finney Raymond Fisher Andrew Flores Lucia Flores Tony Flores

Mark Flood Amber Flounders Rochelle Follmer Dan Forrest Diana Forrest Mark Forte Linda Foster

Shelly Frament Linda Fraser Diana Freeark Andrew Fresquez Steve Fresquez Greg Fulgenzi

Klmfulwood Cynthia Gallegos Laura Gallegos

Mario Gallegos Mark Gallegos

Michelle Gallegos Ronald Gallegos Sheila Gallegos

Sherry Gagan lYnGategos Vincent Gategos Alfred Garcia Art Garcia Edale Garcia Christine Garcia Gha Garcia Jason Garcia Kevin Garcia Marcos Garcia Martha Garcia Matt Garcia

Michael Garcia Patricia Garcia Rebecca Garcia Robert Garcia Steve Garcia Veronica Garcia Yvette Garcia

Michael Gardenas Lisa Gorman

Cafenna George John GetcheH Sarah Gmnan

Janet Glass Louisa Gomez

NatoMe Gomez Yvette Gomez Annette Gonzales Daniel Gonzales Danny Gonzales Emiy Gonzales Gabriel Gonzales

Leah Gonzales Leonard Gonzales Lisa Gonzales Loretta Gonzales Monica Gonzales Susan Gonzales Annette GrarWo Ubby Green Anthony Griego Johnny Ghego Liz Griego Metnda Ghego

Pete Griego

Freshmen.. .Findng Their Way Through High School Gloria Gutierrez

Joaquin Gutierrez Pnan Gutting Glenn Haber Lisa Hager James Height Jason Hale Lynn Hambright

Kit Hare Kerry Harper Hope Haslam Janelle Haught Taylora Hendhckson Eddie Hernandez

Joyce Hernandez Denise Herrera Joseph Herrera Martina Herrera Sharon Herrera Sonia Herrera Barbara neks

Jimmy Hah Ann Hill Lavissa HiK Brandy Hobster Tanda Holland Greg Hooper

Michael Hopday Jennifer Hooper Brian Hoskie

Craig Houchen Troy Houtman

Craig Hubbard Jonathon Hughes Lorri Huriodoo

Freshmen 317

Sarah Hurtaao Valerie Ingram Don Jackson Jenifer Jackson Debra Jarmto Patsy JarmMo Ronda Jarvis Creta Jensen JacQue Jerrano Nancy Jtnenez Steven Jimenez JonJochem Angle Johnson

Carey Johnson Eric Johnson Ronnie Johnson Kathryn Jordan Chris Kahn John Kontner Jessica Kaufman

ShUey Kavanaugh Kenny Keobone Charles Kerry Steve Kennedy Todd Kennedy Tanya Keyes

Doreen King Amy Kock Daniel Kovnat Brian L'aeurey Theresa Lane Tim Lane Ramon Larranaga James Laughiin Roger Lovato Joseph Leos MkeLee Jeff Lefeure Mark Lerma

AgnesLeyba Debbie Leyba Kathryn Leyba

Rebecca Latch Pout Unson

Daryi Uthgow Theresa Lovato Audrey Lomayasva

318 Freshmen

Shano Longacre Alan Lopez Atonzo Lopez Anna Lopez Audrey Lopez Donna Lopez Mike Lopez

Freshmen ... In For Rude Awakenings Suzanne Lopez Ted Lopez Angela Lovato Gina Lovato Dylan Love Carol Lucero Grace Lucero

May Lucero Michelle Lucero Nadhe Lucero Theresa Lucero Yves Lucero Frances Lujan

Lavelle Lujan Rosemary Lujan Hallis Maddalone Daniel Madrid David Madrid Anthony Maes Bianca Mares

Theresa Maes Bryan Maestas Gary Maestas Joyce Maestas Millie Maez Frances Mares

Maria Mares Tim Mares

Laemmie Maria

Mark Masters Andrew Martinez

Art Marques Ariene Martinez &\ris Martinez Donna Martinez Boy Martinez Frido Martinez Ernestine Martinez George Martinez Grace Martinez Janice Martinez Jessica Martinez Lisa Martinez Louise Martinez

Maria Martinez Mark Martinez Michael Martinez Michael Martinez Michael Martinez Monica Martinez Rachel Martinez

Richard Martinez Ricky Martinez Sammy Martinez Valerie Martinez Jm May Danny Maytield David McCarthy Kathleen McCarthy Dorothy McKennor Doreen McKinnon Frank Medha Diana Medrano Jm Medrano

Paul Melendez Danny Melton Kim Melton Jerry Mendoca OriandoMendoca Patricia Michaels

Mary Mier Ronnie Mier Terry Miner

WadeMWer Dan Miranda

Steve Mtchel Britt Momaday Freddy Montana

John Montano Michael Montano Vandora Montoya Ben Montoya Benny Montoya Elaine Montoya Esther Montoya Evelyn Montoya Greg Montoya Joey Montoya Kathle Montoya Louie Montoya Method Montoya

Freshmen... On The Right Train Towards A Great Future

Mike Montoya

Tammy Montoya Jessie Moore Laura Moore RandyMoya Dwayne Muniz Lisa Muniz

David Muzundar Suzanne Neeley Greg Neidermayer Tim Nix Kevin Nagar Lisa Nordstrum Todd Norby

Danny Nowers Luz Ocampo Richard Oellien Missy Old Anita Olivas JoAnn Oh/as

Jute Olsen Anthony Ortega Arthur Ortega Carolyn Ortega Yvonne Ortega Jeanette Ortega Leonard Ortega

Marilyn Ortega Victor Ortega Bernice Ortiz Denise Ortiz Elizabeth Ortiz

Em Ortiz Ginger Ortiz Julian Ortiz Martin Ortiz Roberta Ortiz Tom Ortiz Yoianda Ortiz

Freshmen 321

Charles Osuna Jason Ostrander Deann Overcast) BMPodMa Chris Padiiia Cynthia Podiiio Doriel Podiiia DtamaPaata Gary PaaWa JoePadHa Kevin PocUia UzPadHa Thane Podiiio

ArthurPacheco James Palmar Linda Palmar Christine Parker Susan Parks Jotym Porqueto Dana Paschal

Bryan Patterson Mefssa Payne Rhonda Payne Short Pearson EMzer Pena Charles Penny

Michael Peralia Christine Perea Gary Perea Pom Perkins John Petting Lonnie Petry Node Powder

David Prado

Richard ProOa Gena Prince

Chris Purrington

Quang Quoch Thanh Quoch Connie Quhones Ahene Quhtana Donna Quhtana Patricia Quhtana Shon Quhtana

322 Freshmen

Sandra Quintana Yvonne Quintana James Ouhters Robert Radeckl Ekxne Rael Mike Rael TedRael

Freshmen... Preparing For Their First Year

Edward Ramirez

Monica Ramirez Naydene Ramirez

Robert Ramirez

Patricia Rearsley Helen Reed

Brian Regan Kirsten Regensberg Maureen Reyer Shelley Riley Martin Rios Ben Rivera

Gloria Rivera Leonard Rivera Linda Rivera Lori Rivera Martin Rivera Melissa Rivera Ron Rodella

Eva Rodriguez Frank Rodriguez John Rodriguez Unda Rodriguez Ramona Rodriguez Rosa Rodriguez TeddyRodriquez Verna Rodriquez Katrina Rojos Angela Romero Bemadette Romero Bemadette Romero Chris Romero

Chris Romero ChristinaRomero Damian Romero DorteneRomero Jackie Romero James Romero LindaRomero Martin Romero Marty Romero Michele Romero Mke Romero Monica Romero Robert Romero

Sharie Romero Susie Romero Theresa Romero Tony Romero Rolando Rotumo Carol Roush John Rovolo

Ron Roy Benny Roybol Brenda Roybal Chris Roybol John Roybal Leonard Roybal

Margaret Roybal Matthew Roybal Steven Roybal SyMa Roybal Diana Rubino Bryan Russell CristonRyals

MkeSiaz Abort Salazar Georgia Salazar Margaret Salazar Michelle Salazar Gabriela Saunas

Mary Helen Samaniego Catarina Sanchez Javier Sanchez

Joe Sanchez Luis Sanchez Mary Sanchez

Mke Sanchez Rick Sanchez Vanessa Sanchez

Annette Sandoval Bernadette Sandoval Christina Sandoval Frankie Sandoval Regina Sandoval Richard Sandoval Stan Sandoval

The Road Is Long But Bright For Frosh

George Santibanez

Gene Sargent Louann Scalise Chris Schneider Karla Schulty Joe Segovia Carlos Segura David Segura

Joan Segura

Marlene Segura Andy Sena

Frank Sena

Joe Sena Lucille Sena Sandra Sena Thomas Sena Katie Shapland Charles Slmbola Anthony Slsneros

FredSisneros John Skinner Darren Smith Jeremy Smith Scott Smith Stacl Smith

Dennis Snyder Russel Snyder Salome Solano Eugene Soto Lori Soto Sam Sparks Mary Spto

Freshmen 325

Track To Future Is Laid Out For Freshmen Dina Stamer Sherie Starr Peter Steadman Sarah Stein Heki Strickler Matthew Sundown Stridor Sundown

Don Swartz Ronnie Swartz

Richard Tafoya Mchele Tague Stella Tekxnante

Donna Tanuz Suzanne Teal

WMam Tolen Brett Torres Cecilia Trejo Sean Trasp Bemadette Trufto Carol Trufto David Trufto

Eric Trufto EsteHa Trufto Greg Trufto Joe Trufto LecreHa Trufto Paul Tucker

Karotynn Utter Abort Vctoez Angela VoJdez Kathy VoJdez Mathew VoJdez Veronica Vctoez Alejandro Vakumo

Gerardo Vaktvia Sheia Valencia Frank VanaTver Shawn VanGrudy Victor Vargas Ronnie Vasques

326 Freshmen

Freshmen.. .Rock, Don't Walk Laurie Vatsco Jay Velarde Marcie Vialpando Sophie Vialpando Anita Vigil Elizabeth Vigil Lorenzo Vigil Arcelia VMa Andrew ViSaneva Jennifer Viser Chris Von Volkenbergh Drew Wagner Kathy Ward

Charlie Watson Phillip Watts David Webb Lisa Weber Aaron Wells Mark Weier Jack West

Marilee Weston Brett Wheller Ernie Whitmore Becky Whitted Robert Wtleford Bill Williams

Ryan Wilson Jesse Max Winston

David Wood

Eva Woody Elizabeth Wurst

Jute Zamora

Alternative provides efficient and complete education. They receive the same material as that of the High School, but on a more personal level. The students feel they are less pressured at Alterna- • five than at the High School, and as a result, they adapt readily to the learning process. The students have many activities going for them such as basketball, soccer, volleyball and others. The teachers are

Kathy. Anaya Richard Anaya Eva Anchando Petunia Arguek Gloria Baca

Trinidad Blea PhMpBlea Peter Brown Albert Catanach Cathy Catanach

Patricia Chacon Jerry Cordova Patty Durham Cmdy GaUegos Damey Garcia

Diane Garcia Gerard Gonzales Sevan Griego LeoGriego Lucille Gurule

Dede Hernandez Ernie Hernandez Jasper Branham Rudy Maes

very co-operative with students, and fullfill the student personal, as well as academic needs. "I feel that students come here to get away from the pressures that they feel in bigger surroundings", stated Polly Montoya. Concluded Harold Martinez, "feeling very positive about the school, never looking back always towards the future."

Alternative Offers Good Incentives Manuel Martinez Paula Martinez Vangeine Martinez Damette Miller

George Montoya Larry Montoya Poly Montoya Gregg Nieto ReghaOrtega

Cynthia PadUa Judy Pena Kathy Perea Ernest Quinfana Georgia Rael

Josh Rodriguez Nancy Rotunno Gloria Roybal Stella Roybal Anthony Sena

Peter Shuck Sylvia Tapia Marcella Trujillo Walter Turner Dariene Walizo

Shannon White Karin Williams Ray Wiggins Willie Wiggins

Letter 'S' Club Gets It Together

1st Row- Phillip Warfield. Monica Barela. Roberta Gallagos, Kevin Wildensteln 2nd Row- Ray'Anaya, Max Baca. Laura Gonzales, Brian Catanach, Chris Ortiz, Jeff Miller 3rd Row-Charlie Montgomery, Kevin Gei-

ger. Jamey Graham, Roy Smith, Wolfgang Rettberg 4th RowAnaya, Pat Robinson, Joey Mitchell, James Thompson, Sonyo Dav Row- Paul Baca. Gilbert Cde Baca

Model UN Club Gains Experience

1st row. Paul Utah. Katharine Nelson. Amy SchwenaVnam. Rochel Boatrtght. 2nd. Andy Fowler. Keith Bybee. Else Else. Members not pictured: Wndyl Shayler. Gene Romero. Estete Garza. DomWaue Nugent. Mafias Stsneros. Tony Harklns. Chorte Montgomery, Kathy Coleman. Jacob

330 Letter


S'/Model U.N.

Sandoval. Mark Ortega Alex Newman. Alan Stein. Officers: Chairperson; Alex Newman, Co-chairperson Alan Stein Sec.-Tres.- Dominique Nugent Info. Officer-Tony Harkins Part-Paul Lillich

Rhonda Jarvis .. ^ A Fighter, A Winner "It could never happen to me " But what do you do when it does? Strength. Endurance, Perserverance. Sounds like a coach in the lockerroom. But after all life is a game and the plays aren't always fair. Happiness is elusive justice, nearly nonexistent. The trick is survival and it's easier to talk about than to do To rise above the immediate the trivial the petty to look into a person to find friendship. at my side companionship and I am invincible. If there is anyone who has gained the respect of everyone she's come in contact with at Santa Fe High, it is Rhonda Jarvis. During the year, Rhonda became ill with severe spinal cancer. For months and months

she fought for her life. In those long trying months, she has proved to all that she is not only a fighter, but a winner! Her remarkable show of courage, strength and endurance fills us with a strong sense of admira-

tion that truly enables us to say, "Rhonda, you're one in a million!" The poem written above was Just a way to say "We love you Rhondal" May 28, 1982 The Para Manana Staff

Mat Maids Show Enthusiasm

Mot maids were left toright,ftstRow: Lena Gomez and LarettaRovbal. second Row: Chris Watt and Eva Romero, standing: Marine Herrera.


334 It All Adds Up

SANTA FE VILLAGE Betty's Class Act

Geranium Slip


Korean Tiger


La Querencla

E&B Buffalo Trading Company

Little Chief

Father Sky-Mother Earth

Metz Originals

Mother Hubbard's Cupboard

The Shop

Old West Photography

Silver Eagle


Soap Opera


Tesoros Espana

Santa Fe Indian Rugs

Turauoise Tepee



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David's Studio "Specializing In Senior Portraits" 811 Cerrillios Rd. Santa Fe. New Mexico 982-3546


It All Adds Up


Alex Saftey Lane 950 Cordova Rd.. Santa Fe. NM 87501 9835577

Alamo Lodge 1842 Cerrillos Road. Santa Fe. NM 87501 9821841

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HoWay Beauty Salon First Northern Plaza, Santa Fe. NM 87501 983-7594 Pizazz Hair Design 500 Comino Solano. Santa Fe. NM 87501 Superior Auto Parts 125 Calle La Resolana. Santa Fe. NM 87501 471-1464

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Demons Are #11 Tastee Freez 2865 Cerrillos Rd. Santa Fe NM 87501 471-9825

Ads 349

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354 S0

FRED'S DRIVE-IN hood The Way You Like It Foot Long Hot Dogs Chili Dog* - Fries Burger* (5 different kinds) Drive in for service 3601 Cerrillos Rd

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THE BREADWORKS Specializing In Sandwiches. Soups & Salads, Specialty Sandwiches 102 E. Water Street Take-Out Orders 982-8269

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Ads 357

Messages Add Personal Touch Congratulations. Carrie Gonzales (Class of 82). Congratulations to a very special friend, thanks for your friendship, love, and understanding this past year. Best wishes to you in the future. The past year has been fun, maybe again this year. Hope you get what you want out of ife. (Remember me In 83) Friends Always. Stacey Martinez

Congratulations to Ms. Tita Stasny and a great Para Manana Staff. We are all honored by the outstanding annual and the high caliber and workmanship of the fine young ladies and gentlemen involved in the production of this masterpiece. Thank you for the great honor paid to me in the 1980-81 issue of Para Manana. God Bless you and best wishes to you Ms. Stasny and your students. Joseph Casados, Principal SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL

To Bertha Garcia: Thanks a mUion Mrs. G. for your help and consideration. I hope you have had a great year. By the way, Mrs. Garcia, do you know what ever happened to Rachelle? (You gave her another name though ...) Remember, when you meet a person by the name of Michael J. Gonzales, pretend you don't know him. — Rachelle's Companion Fifth period, 1980

Special thanks to Matt Flores and his father for the use of their residence for the homecoming party and to Crystal Clark for the use of pictures not wanted. (Crystal, did you sell your hot pink car? Boy. what an eyesore!) Thanks, Ramon, Bundy, Cettne Lisa, Kathleen, and Becky for your help. Curtis and Celine recieve my special thanks. Ms. Stasny, thank for your help and consideration.

Thanks to Mrs. Rodriguez for letting us spend so much time In her office just to talk. LR.

358 Personal Ads

Students Offer Thanks, Best Wishes I would like to thank all of the staff and faculty members for all of the help and assistance they gave me throughout the year, ft was of vital Importance. I enjoyed being In annual this year and learning the procedures of making the book. I want to monk Mrs.

Stasny for letting me be In the annual class. Last. I would like to thank Carlos Vieira for all of his help In making layouts and other things, and Diane Bustamante and Lisa Tapia for their help. Robyn Frankalucci

I would like to thank the faculty and staff for all their Influence and help they have given me throughout the years. I would also like to say that this is the greatest school a person could attend. My experience and interests during these years have helped a great deal. Special thanks to Mrs. Rodriguez for making my business classes easier. Mrs. Ethalbah and all the gang in 4th period. Matt, Jennifer, Debbie, Sharon, and Ellen for making English enjoyable! I (HI and THANKS GUYSI) To my special friends good luck Diane, Lisa Tapia, Robyn, Carlos, David W., Lisa Romero, Loretta Gurule

and especially, Curtis. Most of all, lots of thanks and appreciation to my twin Carmelita Garcia for selling candy, being friends and all consideration and support!!! (Always a Brol!) Oh. "84" RULESII P.S. I'm proud to be a Santa Fe Demonl Thanks a million guys!!!! Celine Martinez Bonnie C. To the lucky sister of the best looking guy In town, thanks for everything. Carmelita G.

The thing that I will remember most about Annual Is the wild and crazy people in Academics. Carlos Vieira was one of the worst. Carlos & the only guy I know that can trip on table-trim. Knowing him, he could drown in a water fountain. No, I don't stand in front of a mirror and find out things about myself that I never knew. And I don't stand in front of Albertson's and yen obscene things to people driving by either! So sit on itl I'm glad that you got the torture of being Editor instead of

mel Well Curtis, you're next. You always sat In the comer and acted like you were hard at work. But you didn't fool me. I will never forget Chris's car, will you? Boy. I thought we were goners! Celine. I'm really glad that I got to know you. I'm pretty disappointed In myself. I can't think of anything really nasty to say. That ft so out of character! Christy Shuck

I would like to thank Alan Pearson for the use of pictures in Academics; Michelle Montano, Bertha Garda, Cecelia Padllla, and all Guidance Office staff for the use of rubberbands, pens, folders, etc. — anaf for general Information. Special thanks to Joseph and Don Casados for their Invaluable assistance with resource connections and general Information. Congratulations to Jan Eklund for STA Award; to "Benedict" Vialpondo for Buchman

Road-Rider Award; and to Kathy Anaya because I thought I'd have to wait another year to see her tassle. Scott and Anna. It was terrific giving you hassle, but I pity you because of next year! (You can breathe a little, easier now.) Thanks Lisa and Diane for your help in sixth. NAUR AN EDRAITH AMMEN "Class of 82" C.V. Academics Editor

I would like to congratulate all graduating seniors of 1982.1 wish you the very best of kick and know you will succeed in life and In everything you do. I would especially like to congratulate Monica Martinez, Valerie Trujillo, Carlos Vieira, Angelica Chacon, Kathleen Lo-

pez. Steve Granch. Cindy Gonzales. Patricia Salazar. Rosalie Prada. Joe Chavez, Lawrence Baca. David Gould, and George Anaya. CONGRATULATIONS. Becky Martinez

Thisis to Mm and Lynn, my dose friends this year. We hod the best times doing things we shouldn't have. Thanks for being there when I needed you. Remember our saying. " , we do what we want?" Just Ihe thought of all the messes we've gotten ourselves pjto . . . This year, in a whole, has been a good one. although there have been days when Me was Just not

worth living. If I had to do it all over I would change some things but I couldn't make It any better. I hope next year proves to be better. Always. Bundy

Personal Ads


I A I Amtrack A M Victoria Abeyta Etzabeth Mane Mary Ann M Leonard 236 Sam Martin Votanda294 Abhdd Shew Marino Abourieman Fred 294.129 Abrams Jesstea Acevedo Martin 270 Acoita Chris Delncta Theresa 312 Aetna John P 476.294 AlamWoRene 270 Aionsto Victorta 312 Atarid Richard 294 Valerie Bode 32. 236 Atoee Steve Edvard 236 Abertoo Cormelta 445. 236 Stela Mark 270 Alexander Bi Aire Angela Mfchete 342 Frances Christine 270 Jeanette Marie 342 Robert Mathew 468. 473. 236 Alen Mary Etzabeth 147. 342 Patrick Joseph 294 Alyn Hex) Patrick] 129. 294 Alton Jean 236 Alvarez Monica Ann 312.223 Alvarez Richard 270 Amador Lad 236. 276 Amorous Kyndal lane 270 Stacey Lea 427. 440. 236 Anaya Beatrice D 342 Beatrice Loutae 236 Belnda Leonor 146. 294 Benadette 270. 30 Bobby Alan 294 Brenda Carlo Jean 203. 342 Damy 294 David Mfchael Debbie 236. 445 Debble236 Debbie A. 236 DeffIdo 270. 16B. 294

Bahe Ernest Richard George 236 George DomMc 236.49 James Benjamh 270 Katherine Monica 312 KathyP328 Lisa Christine 122.294. 123 Leo James 270 Mark Baseeo 312 Mke 32. 182.184. 187. 236. 220. 214. 229.330 Peter Paul Ray Mathew 182. 184. 330.184. 236 Richard David 146. 447. 34Z 320.328 Robert Mfcheal 270 Steve 342 Ray Mathew 482. 484. 330. 484. 236 Richard David 446. 447. 312. 320. 328 Robert Mfcheal 270 Steve 342 WBe Anchando. Eva 328 Anchondo Anthony 342 Artene Anderman Desndo Am 236 Anderson John Anthony Theresa J 312 Andrew Amy Lynn Andrews Jeffrey Wctoce 312. 223 Andrew Randal Keflh 312 Angel Rose Marie 126 Anstey Demse 270 Apodaca Annette Suzanne 270 Carmela Suzanne 294 David Frank 312 Judy Marie 426.236 Mfchael Jerome 270 Renee Carta 446.236 Valerie L 447.203.342 Aqutre Anno Marie Aragon Lara R 32.236 Nat ate Ann 270 Peter 447.236 RubenR SandroN2v4

360 Demons

Vfckl Helen Arauk) Louis 270 Archie Cheryl Lynn 294 Archuleta Anthony 342 Catherine Lyn 342 Clortssa 270. 294 David Greg 294 Dearma A 141. 236 Dorothy 236 Elena Anita 145. 236. 294 Flora Adete 236 Grela 312 Greg Pat 236 Jackie 270 Josephine Lydta Maria Rita Etzabeth 312 Robert Theresa L 342. 236 Tommy 270 Vivian Ray 342. 223. 156 Arelano Elaine K 294 Joe 294 Theresa Stela 230 Argueto John Jolynn Suzanne 147. 312, 322 LoueSe Marie 140 Margaret Mke Petunia 328 Armbruster Mfchael 119. 140. 294 ArmJJo Charts 270 Eba Christine 294 Frank George 236 Gma Louise 147 Ida Lisa 270 James Edward 312 Joyce Una 312. 120 Kenneth Mfchael 237 Leann C 312 Louise Margaret 237 Marie 270 Mfcky Kenneth 270. 166. 173. 182. 184 Phlp Mathew 237 Richard Anthony 269. 270 Roberta Glynn 237 Ron James Rudy H 237 Susie Jean 269. 270 Wendy Justine 294 Arrtoon Chris Alen 147. 312 Atchison Barbara 270. 269 Atenclo Bernard 271. 269 Brendo Jeanette 294 Danette Pamela 312 Attason Aril Stelnarr 154. 157 Attbetts Mfchael Atwel Denbe Mtehele 294 Douglass Alen 271. 269 Avla Martin Ayres Daniel Scott 294

B Box Cars Babb Jeffrey Bryan 238 Babcock Paul Robert 271. 269 Baca Adabh 312 Amy Dekxes 269 Amy 271 Angela Anta Angle Juantta Arthur David 271. 269 Arthur Lewis 312 Barbara Marie 312 Benjamin Samuel 271. 269 Bernadette Bobby 271. 269 Brenda Denbe Brian Aaron 237. 154. 269. 271 Brian Lewis 237 Bruno 237 Carta Carol Sue 147. 237 Chris James 312 Cynthia Ann 312 Daniel Mfchael Daren 267 Don Etzabeth 274. 294 Etzabeth Ann 312 Ely Joyce 312 Ernly 312

Ernie Esther LavHo 269. 271 Frandne 160 GerakJne 147. 312 Glenn Damtan 237 Gloria 312. 32B Jeana Marie 271. 269. 298. 195.198. 271 Johnny Paul 271. 422. 269. 446. 447. 274 Jonathan Burt 342 Karia Arm 294 Karta Stephanie 32. 237. 40 Karen Lynn 271. 269. 227 Kcrfhy 269 Kothy Marie 271. 119, 269. 120. 296 Laurie Ann 294 Lawrence Phi Leroy Anthony 238 Lisa 294 Uz 123 Marcos 238 Max Christopher 22, 168. 238. 330 Melssa Terese 195. 294. 227 Monica Mary 271. 269 Norma 269 Paul Martin 22. 168. 238. 330. 211. 194 Phlp James 271. 269 Robert 147. 312. 123 Robert Luis 271. 269 Ronnie 294 Ronnie 294 Sandy Ann 294 Steve Chris 312. 223. 176 Terese Lucia 144. 294 Trinidad Wanda 271. 269. 238 Bachtaha Eugene John 271. 269 Baeza Rachel Made 312 Baiy Davin Danny 294 Batrd Roberta Marie 312 Bajema Tim 271. 129. 269 Baldonado Joann 122. 294, 123 Baktonl Jute 238 Batnk Bernard 312 Henery Bat Susan Etzabeth 146. 147. 294 Tim Alen 146. 238 Baratas Mfchete 271. 269 Barbae Galen Turner 312 Barck Becky 142. 270. 146. 127. 271 Ernly Susan 127. 145, 238. 253 Rebecca Ann 271. 270. 127. 146. 160 Bareta Cathy 294 Diana Marie 271. 270 Joseph Lorenzo 193. 312. 168. 238 Monica Marie 236. 330. 227 Naomi Marie 294 Patsy 294 Paul Christopher 191. 223. 191 Borfoot John Matthew 312 Barlow Alec Charles 238 Bancra Vincent 123 Barnes Angelyn Lucia 147. 110. 294 Bamett Tamara 141 Barrera Vincent J. 294 Bare* Ben G. 238 Joyce Suzanne 312 Tim Daniel 271. 270. 229. 120 Barron Esther 270. 271 Tammy L. Barsuzsdas Gary Wbon 312 Barsuaskas Katherine 271. 270. 28 Barto Don Lee Barton Mfchael Richard Mfchete Dawn 294 Bafts David Charles 312. 146 Beacham Mfchete Suzanne 312 Bears Beverly Beck Chris 238 Jeff 238 Marea Beian Ray Dawayne 201. 312 Richard Marcus 238. 168. 201 Belcher Curtis Bel John Ethan 238 Lance Belton Phi 313 Bendavldsz Abel John Arthur Bobby Lee 312.168 Carta Joseph 238 Kathleen Ann 147.312 Melssa CtverPhl Tomas Robert 270. 272. 238 Thomas Vincent 312 Bender Amy Thereto 270.272.238 Benevldez Nona 146. 238 Benltez Franstsco 312

Bennet Kathy Lynn 312 Benson Lora Kristlne 270. 272.147 Benton Joe Berghoffer Becky Sue 160 Bergman Robert William 147 Bermudez Roseann Bemai Doris Berrtdge Klmberly 238 Stacey Annette 141. 313 John Patrick 238 Monica Ann Ruben 238. 201 Berry John 238 Ruben 238 Bertram Jin Klmberly 239. 145.146 Matt Lee 270. 272 Trocy Deanne 239 Bettls Jute 313 Bhakta httesh 239 Mukesh 270. 272 Jockdlsh Bhal 239 Rltaben Dlaa 239 Blehl Amy 146. 203. 313. 223 Klmberly Arm 270. 272 Bielefeld Teo Clalrmont 270. 272. 288 Blgbee Deborah Ann 160. 220. 165 BI Anna Katerina 144 Bier Mfchete 270, 272 Bltz Chrlstella 313 Blake Dennis 239 Erin Hsathsr 313 Krtsta Blsa Gloria Jean John Anthony 313 Joseph Daniel 313 Phillip 328 Trinidad 328 Veronica Renee 239 Blevlns John Todd 270. 272 Block Clarrlsa Marie 239 Blotter Susan Elizabeth 239 Boatrlght Rachel Ann 270. 272. 127. 141. 139. 146. 330 Bobchack Allen James Boddy Brian 158 Bodelson Catherine 239 Boggs Lou Ray Bohannon Debra Sue 239 Boling Barbara Jsan 239. 216 Boteter James Ted 313 Bolton Philip Gene Bond Ross Egene 239 Borrego Louie Richard 239 Marlce Arm Bowdltch Nathaniel Bowker Josy 239. 182. 284. 187. 51. 184 Boxberger Elbert 270. 272 Boylan Betty Boyce Karyn Rebecca 270. 272. 160 Richard Fyfe 270. 272. 254. 154 Bradford Tom 313 Bradley Jackie Leahann 239, 135 Broeutigan Lee Ann 270. 272, 28. 129. 65 Bragg Faith Ann BramhaO Marcla 239 Branch Adrlanne Marie 240 Eric 313 Jacqueline Gall 240 Jodl Diane Judy 313 Steve 240 Branham Jasper 328 Braun Kel Benjamin 240 Brennand Michael Brewer Tim Alan 313 Briceno Deeann Marie 313 Brlggs Christopher Paul 240 Fran Brlggs Shara Lynn 313 Brighton Charles 146, 313 Brlto Cammy 120 Gene James Rodney 313 John Oflvla Mary 270, 272, 28. 216 Stephen Kenneth 313 Tammy Angela Britt Chris Pakxna Brogan Sean Khcald 270, 272.126 Bronelo Eric 313 Brooks Roger Alan 270, 272. 146 Brothers Tammle Dae Brown Brenda Lee 240 John Justin 313 Mobio Ann Mfchael 313 Peter 328 Stephanie Jean 270. 272 Susan Lee 126. 159 Tommy 168 Bruch Frank In David 240 Brumery Mark Eb 270, 272

Shannon Brunette Stona Bryant H Bruce 130 Dartei Edwdn 270. 272. 130 Bucnecker Margaret MIchele 279. 272. 120.270 Buckley Joseph WararyMe Burman Peter 240 Burrel Carol Elzabeth Bush David Sherman 240

Cathy 328 Charles 241 Chris Paul Christine Ondy Valentine 147 Dena 313 Giovanni 271 Jo Ann 241 Joryrme Marie Mark Andrew 241. 139


Ronald Ymelda Catbagan Vincent 241 Cathey Robin Denbe 296 Cazares Alfonso 241 Cde Baca April Paula 21. 313 Ondy 21. 140, 296 Frank Dave

Bushman Barry 182 Buttamante Dtonne 7.147 GerakJne 240 Patricia Phyis Ann 179 BuMomante Veronica 240 Butler Victor Eugene 271 Bybee Greg 240. 146. 154 Keith James 270. 272. 141. 147. 330. 127. 154 Sandra 240. 146 Byrnes Randy 240 Byres Tin Patrick Byrnes David Sean


Caboose Cases Patrick Albert Cambel Andrew James 147. 154 Condelaria Elzabeth 313 Ray Robert 271, 272 Cannon David 191. 313. 223. 176 JohnDwayne 142 Cantu Joseph John 189 Cardenas Barbara Anne 271. 172. 272 Carlos 313 Cynthia 240 Cynthia Pamela Jerry 328 Mary Nkkle 271. 222. 145 Mfchael Ernest Rosemary Lynn 120 Vtode272 Wanda Jean 240 Carlson Kris 271, 272. 142 Marc 313 Mca 144 Carman David 241. 261 Carmen Teresa Arm 313 Carpto Janet 241. 146. 216 Carr Gretchen 146. 160. 142 Carrara Greg Carrel Dave Bradley 28. 240 Carlo AkJen James 271 Bemadette 313 Charmalne 313 Cheryl 271 David Leonard 241 Ernest Jerry Cruz 271 Lee Leroy Etoy 296

Lout Richard 241 Sandra Patsy 271 Shirley Paige 271 Theresa Maria W i e Edward 241 Carrol Robert Mark 296 Carter Andy Charles 296 Brenda Jeane 271 Rick Lee 271 Casados Elzabeth Ann 313 John 241 Judy Elzabeth 313 Lawrence David 175.296 Roger Lee 267 Sherry 296 Casares Frank 296 Casks Chris 164 Patricia 241 Rhonda Lynn 241 Shirley Ann 241. 145 Castanedo Andres Joe 313 Jose Castanedo Stephanie Ann 271 Costesano Ruth A m 271. 139 Castto Antonio 175. 121.201. 296 Cato Adokjh Robert 271.168 Coronach Assert 328 Abort Marie Brod Howard Brian Keith 241.330 Bonnie Mark* 313

George 313 Gsbert Lowren 241. 168, 313 Lorliam271 Mark John 271 Otver Arthur Ronald Andrew 313 Rick 271 Rosela271 Cde Vaca Valei Chacon Angelica 241 David Gerard 313 Patricia 328 Theresa 241 Chatenger Josh Andrew 271 Chama Leroy 241, 168 Chariton Bruce Herman 147. 191. 313 Scott 267 Chastaln Ann Chaudet Josh PeU Chavarria Joseph 241 Chaves Cecil 211. 296 Chavez Angela Destee 296 Angle Bean 313 Arm Virginia 272 Audrey Becky Ben 241 Barbara Rebecca 241 Carmela 241

Cheryl 271 Cindy 120. 313 aauda271 Debra 314. 242 Daniel 296 Dledre291 Donald 296 James 296 Joaquin 296 Kathy 271 Lawrence 242 Lawrence Lawrence Unda296 Louise Henrietta 271. 165, 167. 220. 242 Maria Rebecca 296 Marjorle 272 Mark Anthony Mary Sylvia 314 Monica 272 Mfchael Gene Pamela Ann 297. 314. 197 Patricia 198. 314 Richard Don 272. 211 Richard Joseph Roberta Sandra Kay 242 Theresa Mchete 314 vmce Matthew 146 Virginia 272 Cherry Fitzgerald Kevin 314 CUders Kristian 240. 242 CNno Jeffery 314 Odto Cartas 314 agjano Tima Louise 272 Clark Christopher 242 Crystal Kay 242. 245. 167. 267 Ronald Gary 130.296 Susan 296. 120 Clayton Laura 272 Molssa 267 afford John James 141. 296. 123. 314 Paul 144 Ctokey Tim Scott 296 Coca Tina Susan 272 Vekna242 Cohoe Jerry 296 Case Mark Anthony Coleman Katnryn 296 Coins Anne-Mane 144. 296. 142 Room Leigh 272. 147 CMS 314 David 147. 296 Showno Lynn 314. 223

Combs Jl Mmberty 314 Comer Joseph 242 Combs DMe Shan Consoles Lisa 314 Console Susie Karta 314 Confreres Ft*p Lewis 314 Cook Casey Winton 242 Jute 242 Cordova BeBrtdo Etoy Steve 125 James Victor Leo Usa Christine Pom Cortz David Leonard 296 Ernie 272 Roman Jackie Annette 272. 82. 87. 179 Jerome Anthony 296 John Edward Louise Katheran Mary Jane Rosale Annette 242.145 Bema Nancy 242 Com Loretta Bemaame 314 Cornel Sharon Herdb 179. 296. 203 Corrtz Bema 242 Cortez Alan Jay 296 Pamela Yvette 242 Cosman Jose 242. 271 Cosmen Andres 242 Cotlen Glen 272. 126. 245 Courtney Lacey 272 Cowder Dale Cowen Rebecca 242. 34 Cra^neod Beverly 296 Raymond Cretan Ho) Wayne 296 Susan 145. 242 Crockett Melody Cross Lena Crouch CHf 242. 201 Crutcher David Deane 314 Cruz Sandra Marie 314 Cubert Tricia 129. 147. 314 Current Jannifer Naomi 242. 34 Curtis David Alfred 242 John Edward 147. 314 Suzanne Louie 242

D Departure Dale Douglas Datton Debbie Arm 314 Doras Danny 175 Monica Frandne Darrow Usa 242 Daves Linda Josephine 272. 160 Davies Jl Marie Davis Bonnie Lee Mary Brett Emmett Donna 243 Gwendolyn Sue Randy John 272. 160. 146. 129. 191. 314 Daw Sanyo Kathleen 242. 34. 330. 227. 314 Stephanie 198. 314. 220. 223 DeAguero Joe Charles 272. 125 Dean Leonard Vincent Pamela 314 Sandl 158. 160. 198. 286. 216. 296 Deem Alan Mfchael 272.6.189 Degruyter Mark Chris 314 DeHerrera Carmen Marie Pod 272. 211 Dem Pout WBam 272. 146 Deiand Jeana Marie Deigodo Brian Chris 272 James 201. 314. 176 Mark Edmund 154 Patricia 272 Demny John Patrick 272 DendaN El Marie 181. 296. 309. 227 Usa 272. 30 Denko Mark 296 Dermis Stephanie Jean 272 Do Vargas Ricky El Eva John 242. 272 OeAnguero Arnold Pete 243. 125 Dean Cheyl Arm 243. 160 Sherl35. 243 Dekso Juki Alexia 243 Denmen A m Fulton 243. 35 Desgoorgos Marie Yvette

Odette Marie 147. 296 Diaz Beveriy Antoinette 296 Kenneth WBam 272 Rose Marie 272 Dickinson Alexander 314 Dietz John Ford 272. 288 Dksumegard NothoJe Dimas Angetque 314 James Ray 272 Mchael243 Dhan Dton 147. 296 Doctor Robert Morris 314 Doles Robert Luke 243. 239. 35. 110 Dose Scheie Domtnguez Angela Marie 296 Brenda Marie 296 Johanna 272 Linda Louisa 272. 129. 110. 120 Louis Zovler 273 Tom 243. 272 DomMck James Chris Dommovfch Chris Pete 314. 176 Lomle Gl 314. 176 Domely Greg 273 Donovan Betsy Hope 273 Dorrty Roark Patrick 273 Dotson Ralph Anthony 314 Dow Dolores Marie 243 Dowlen Loren Brooke 273. 142 Downing Angela Apr! Drew Liza 141. 314. 147 Zachary Dearborn Dry Brad Alen 273. 225. 229 Drypoteher Peter Mke 273. 154. 157 Duck David Anthony 129. 3 Duckworth Kevin 243 Duente Metssa 314 Dukemlnler Keley Diane 273. 135 Mfchoel 126 Patricia 314. 220. 223 Dum Matthew Robert 273 Duron Arcy Joe 273 Debbie Danny Edwin 273, 146 Debbie Dermis Diane Louise 314 Dolores Theresa 243. 171. 179 Doreen Yvette 314 Edwin 243 Guadalupe Jemo Clementina 243 Judy 273 JuBan Leon Anthony 314 Usa 314 LuarmaMae Mark Andrew 314 Matt Patricia Roberta Lym 273. 216. 195. 196 Rose 314 Steven Joseph 243 Durham Laura Patty 328

E Engineer Eastham Tern ^ ^ Edwards Daniel Xavler Edwors David James 243 Mesnda Richard Thomas 121. 244 Elder Amy Elzabeth 314 EH Etyse 273. 119. 139. 330 Rose Moe 244 Ebbrock Robert Tim 315 EncWas Andrew Chris 244 Arlene Deso 315 Flovto Fldencl 315 Joe 273 Engte Jm Edward 273. 146 Engstrom Robert MKon 244 EJmdy Valerie Erelquez Gino 145. 244 Erhart Steve Crdg 244 Esparsen Anthony 246. 247 Sarah A m 146. 147 Esparza Jessie Burgess 244 Mfchelo315 Espmoza David Jeff Louis Mfchael MfcheleManle E spnosa Steve Esaubel Anthony Darmy 244. 247. 168

On The Right Track 361

Cheryl l y m Dianne Ettrado Ronald 328 Event-Stark Senlo 316

F Freight Facto Vvette 273 FdrchM John Joseph 182. 189 Falance Cord 276.220.195. 275 Farley Beth Noreen 127.147 Famham Scott 315 Farthhg Karen Janele 244 Fatten Kartm 125.244 Fava Carolyn 315 FebKarta Feb Mark Anthony Felowj Mark 315 Fender Cory 315 Ferkovlch Robert 277. 273 Fernandez Agnes 315 Anthony 315 Joey 315 Joly 147 JoncartoEste 175 M a 316 Kenneth John Letttla 244. 267 Mchad Jerome 244.277 NorbertFeb Ronnie Burton 147.193.315 VTnce Thomas 168 Ferran Leo Charles 274. 276 Ferry Usbeth Kathleen 127. 220 Fidel Victor Joe 244. 125 Field Sarah Fields Crtsty Lym 315 Finn Raymond Michael 316 Finney Gardner James 147.315 Fischer Chris Mchete Beverly 274. 130 Fisher Carta Beth 244 Grant Charles 144. 147 Raymond Stanley 315 Thomas Harold Fitzgerald Kevin Fleming Holy 274.127.179 Flood Mark Anthony 129.315.123 Ftores Andrew 274 Andrew 193.315 Lawrence 274 Luda Inez 315 Matt 274. 168.145 Ted Anthony 315 Valentino Vtekl244 Flounders Amber 315.317 Fopjetcng Lourte Fol Brigttle Cortme 274 Folmer Rochele 315 Scott Paul 147 Fong Stephen Crdg 274 Fowler Andrew Clark 127. 36 Fox Marie Teresa 244. 120.330 Richard Gerald 274 Forrest Dortd Richard 315 Diana Lym 197. 316 Forte Mark Anthony 315 Foster Linda Bel 146.315 Fowler Andy 330.36.127 Frament Shotoy Chris 315 Francisco Les Alen Franco Conrte 244 Frank Paula Frankluccl Robyn A m Fraser Undo Lee 315. 317 Freeark Dwnan Marie 129. 146. 315 Freeman Sara 244 Fresquez Andrew Gregory 315 Metno Marie 127.244. 36 Ralph Charles 244 Stephen 315 Fried Ron 244. 139 Friedman David Zola Jane 274 Fuentes Ano Juta 274 Eric Brian 274 Fukudo Ayame 126.127 Fugenzl Greg Clem 315.225 Mekante 267.244 Fulwood Mm Ame 129. 130. 315.40

G Demons

Grand Central Station GaookJon Debra Am 298 Steve 244 Johnny James 298 Gadena Mchad 316 Gogan Jenny Marie Sherry Lynn 316 Gctagher Jeff David 244 Galegos Charles Cynthta328 Cynthia Louse 315 David Dean Galegos 298 David Peter 298 Dean 274 Debbie A m 244 Debbie Diane 244 Dolores 274. 244 EddeFeb 298 Edward Francis 130. 298 Emly 274 Ernest Gerald Eugene 298 France) 274 Jeff 274 Kenny Laura Ann 315 Lorl Celcla 145 Louis Deward Luda Marie Maria Mario Martin 315 Mark 315 Mchete Fay 315 Mke NodJne 274. 298 Nathan 298 PhÂŤp274 Ronald Robert 315 Roberta Lee 245. 330. 227 Ronald Robert 315 Rose Marie 245 Sandra Beatlez 274 Shela Arm 315 Steve 119 Teresa Am 245, 145 Teresa Am 245 Tim 316 Tommy Rudolf Vincent Adrian 316 Gdette James Valentin 298 Gonad Franclne Renee 274. 120 Garcia Alfred 316 Alee 298 Amanda Marie 298 Angela Lba 274 Anna 122. 298. 216. 123. 195 Anne 298 Antonio 298 Appotonlo Ferncn 298 Arthur James Audrey Renoo 298 Bernadette Brenda Brian Cartas 275 Carmelta 298 Cornels Marie 245 Carmen Marie 298 Carolyn Ida CeckJ Rose Christine 316 Cynthia Joan 245. 145 Dde Anthony 245 Danny 328 David David Dtanna Marie 245. 328 Dolores Diane Donald Doroth Am 245 Edde James 146 Gabriel 298 Goo Susona 316 Gwen 125. 245 Jason 316 Jay 72 Johanna Nadne 246. 145 Joyce Mane 246 Kathy 246 Keith John Kevin 141. 316 Lawrence 298 Loo Leonard lesle Arm 298 Lino Lone Loueto Petra 276.147 Marcos Mgud 316

Martha OfMa 316 Maryam 275 Matt 316 Maxhe Ebabeth 246 Mchod P.J. 147. 316 Mchad Roland 275.147 Mchele Jessica 298 Pomelo Am 246 Patricia Patricia Derflna 316 Patrick John 275 Paul Richard PhÂŤp275 Rebecca 316 Rebecca Paufne 316 Ricky Robert Andrew 316 Rosearm Sandra 246 Shirley A m 246 Stan Gones 275 Stephanie Georgi Steve Sylvia 246 Cosman Javier 245 Terrte Tim 275 Valerie Tarese 298 Veronica Joette 316 Yvette Suzanne 316. 123 Garduno Lode 275 Gartey Kard A m 285. 129. 275 Kevin Thadduse 246 Gorman Lisa 126. 316 Gamett Hd 275 Gardyn Carolyn 275 Garrett Sue Carta 160. 195. 196. 298. Gotewood Vied Jo 275. 2B5. 290. 30 Garza Estele Yvonne Verortca 127. 146. 181. 197, 298. 198 Gass Marti Geiger Kevin Todd 246. 168. 173.174. 225. 330. 309 Gds Dorothy Geoffrton Vetera Lym 298 George Anthony 298 Gtema Jean 316 Ronald Eugene 246 Gerber Garrett 298 Joseph Getchet John Richard 316, 176 Teresa Marie 24. 275. 55 Gbbons Chris Richard Ma Jullann 275 Glette Charles Gtcrease Shannon Glman Sarah 147. 316. 223 Ghocchlo Chris Joseph 127. 129. 275 Gkon Molina Louise 298 Glasgow Keley Mark James 246 Glass Janet 144. 316 Godfrey Randy Gomez Carlos David Dean 275 Debbie Annette Edward Steven 168. 275 Joseph Ubddo 246 Judy Lynn 275 Lena Jean 86, 275 Leonard Louise Dorothy 298 Louisa Mary 316 NataPe Jo 316 vderte 145. 246 Yvette Marlene 197. 316 Yvonne 145. 298 Gondek Barbara Jean Gonzales Adam 298 Amy 147 Angela 275 Angela 298 Annabele 298 Annette Marie 298. 227. 316 Anthony Artene Bernard Pat 246 Brian Keith 298 Carlos Ray 275. 246 Carrie Mate 246 Christine Cindy 246 Dank* 316 Damy 316 David Ray 275 Demorice 275 Demeen Dolores Edth Am Edward David 168.275.120 Eton Marie Emly Joyce 147. 316

Eric Ernest Esperanza Elaine Franke Gudd 168. 276. 246 Gabriel Foustlne 316 Gene Manuel 216. 225. 229, 276 Gerald 328 Gerddne Gerddne Ann Gilbert 276. 137 James 276 Jeffrey Eugene Jerome 168. 276 Jerry Andrew Jerry William Jesus Joseph Adam Karta Laura 127. 146. 246. 330, 37 Leah Michelle 147, 316, 123 Leonard 316 Usa Gall 316 Loretta 316 Lynde Lyonna 276 MarceHa 246. 37. 127 Margaret Jean Margaret Kathelne 141. 276 Martin Paul 246 Mtehad 245. 316 Michael Anthony 246 Michael Jerome 246 Mchelle 147 Mke Wayne 276. 123 Monica Andrea 119. 127. 276 Monica Carmen 316 P Carlos Patricia Maria 246. 316 Paul Paul Lawrence Randy Robert 276 Raquel Carmen Richard John 125, 276 Robert Richard 315 Sandra Sharon Steve Lawrence 276 Steven Gerrard 276 Susan Tina 316 Tom Edward 276. 288 Wanda Marie 145 Yvette Gloria 127. 129. 276. 316 Goodwin Darrln Bryan Gore Theron Howard Gorman Don Ernest 126 James 276 Gossen Julianne 276 Gosset Lisa Gould David Alen Graham James Mark 330, 211. 276 Mke Granillo Annette 316 Graves Roy Alden Green Brenda Kay 276 Christine Marie 276 Ubbl McKenzle 141. 316 Martha Ame 181,298 Mary Clare 160 Greenlee Cynthia 298 Griego Andrew Anthony Terence 316,176 Bevh328 Bryan Cedrlc 316. 276 Clara Pauine 126. 276 Damy Jonn 298 Debbie Frank David George Pat Johnny 316 Leo 328 Liz Am Undo 316 Mefnda 147. 316 MeMn Louis 328 Mtoe Deride 144. 298 Monica 132. 133. 298 Paul Victor 298 Paula Pete 316 Ronald Ruby 298 Steve 276 . Steve Thomas John 276 Victor Martin 248 Gdy Angela Rene 298. 220 Grossen Jutama Guerrero Rebecca Am 248,51 Gum Beverly Louise GunterMteheto 126 Guile Brenda 276 Diane Jennifer Greg 276

Larry Joe 276 Loretta 145 Lucie 328 Metoo Anita Meriene 145.248 Stephanie 276 Steve 168,248 Gutierrez David 248 Debra248 Gloria 317 Jooquln 317. 170 Pablo Joseph 248 Gutting Phan Marie 317 Gyetval Steve 129 Tom 129. 276

Hinge Haas Daren 126. 129. 277. 283 Haber Glenn 317 Hagen Greg Allen 248 HogerUsa 317 Hdght James Joseph 317 Habert Mathew Mate Jason Robert 317 Shannon Krtstlne 160. 277 Hdfdrd Fescla Chris HdMke Patrick Tim Richard Hdqutet Eric James 119. 277 Hornbrtght Lynn 317 Harm Alex 248 DeWre277 Hamlton Danette Lyme 141 Stuart Raymond 248 Hammer David Hampshire Martin Hanberry Apr! Irene 277 Harm Trade 277, 278 Hamemann Chris 129. 142 HanrattyErlc 168 Hansen Tom 317 Hardy Earl Keith 277 Hare Christopher Allan 317 Harke Susan 277 Harklns Tamela 139. 49 Tony Andrew Harkleroad Deana Lee 277 Harper Kerry 317 Harts James 248 John Yotanda Hartman Atoon Hartstleld Fred 191 Hasenstab Stacy Karen 277 Moslem Hope 147. 317 Joy Mrondo 21. 24. 30. 122. 277. 285 Hosted Anne Sarah Etzabeth Mary 220 John 277 HosselguSt Guadalupe Hattaway Chuck 147. 300. 123 Hotting Usa 247 Hotton Karen Markley Hought Janele Karta 197. 198. 317. 146 How* Steve 247 Hawkins Lourte Arm Hetterman Btakden Hsodren Diana Beano 277 Hsrtdlckson Taytora 317 Hs*nertch Mke Scott 248 Henry Pamela Ramona 147 Henson John Kevin HtntxenLeroy Henzle Theresa Lynn Herd Usa 248 Hernandez Barbara Jean Bemodette 277 Dede 277. 328 EcUe 317 Ernie 328

ima Joyce 317 Juan Enrique 248 Laura Ann 277 Monica 248 Rodney 277 Ursula Hsrrera Andrew 248 Carlos 248 Christina 277 Denlse 317 Diane 248 Gha277 Jennifer Annette 139.277 Joseph Conrad 317 Usa Irene 248


Paul Anthony 248 Marie Deame 147 Martina Louise 317 Maxlne Christy 277 Mchael John 175 Rebecca

Rbxorm Sandra 248 Sonla 317 Steve Loren Sharon Elaine 317 Ted 125. 248 Herring Brit 201 Htatt Christine 139. 277. 278 Hbbetts Janet 248 Mchael HckmanUsa Ann 248 Hcks Barbara 317 HJggjns Christopher Ugh Jmmy 317 Mary 300 Hkjerdt Usa Susan 247 Hi Aaron 300 Ann Marie 317 Bly 300. 123, 79 Earl 277. 278 Jeffrey Parker 300 Larissa Suzanne 317 Mark Anthony 247 Paul 277. 278 Spencer Hstey Tracey Dawn 300 Hppauf Monica 247 Hobday Lance Mchoel Trent 317 Hobster Brandy 317 Hodges Bobby Lee 277. 278 Hodgln Cathy 247 Hdbrods Dottl 277. 278 Hosand Kanlce Lee 247 Tanda317 Hoknes Andrea 247 Brian Ernest 277. 278 GStoert 300 Kristy 277. 278 Holyk Joseph James 300 Thomas Honnel Timothy Joe 24. 154. 277. 278 Hooper Greg 317 Jennifer 317 Hope Emmett Hopkins Darlene 277. 278 Lawrence 277, 278 Marvin Hostile Brian 317 Houchen Craig 317 Houbton Dean Alan 277. 24. 182. 184. 187. 278. 225. 229 Houston Donald Donna 247 Mary Kay Houtman Troy 317 Hubbard Craig 317 Hubbard Esen Vernon Huckabee Patty Ann 79. 122. 247. 123 Hudson Nm 277. 278. 51 Hughes Jonathan Clark 317. 176 Hutsey Rhonda Hunt Mary Kay 300 Hurtado Lort Ann 317 Jeanette 300 Sarah Denbe 318 Shirley 120. 129 Hutchinson Natasha 250 Robert Louis


Ice Cars mgram Valerie 146. 318 Isaacs Suzanne Ita Diana Luz 300 Ruben 300 Iverson Sean MttchsU 147. 300


Junction Jockson Don 318 Gregory 129. 127. 38 Jeffrey 278. 277

Jennifer 318 Kenneth James 278. 277 Mchele250 Jacobs Tommy Lawrence 278 Jacques Alee 300.278 Darlene Ann 250 Jankowski Robert Mke Jaramsto Daniel Robert 278 Debra Louise 318 Usa Theresa 278 Patsy 197. 198. 318 Jarvls Brenda Kay 250. 38. 171. 179. 230. 229 Rondo Jo 318. 223 Jasso CarmeSa 279. 55 Jends Abert Jenks Cynthia Marie 250 Jenkins Jackie 220.279 Jensen Crela Annette 318 Pamela 147. 300 Pomelo 147. 300 Jerrano Jacque 318 Jimenez Andrew 250 Anthony David 279 Anthony Manuel 279 Becky 330 Edna Lucie 300 Geraklne300 Irene Pita 250. 145 Jason Bryce Marie Elena 279 Martha esse Mchael 300 Nancy 318 Ronnie 300 Rudy 300 Sandra Lyoon 279. 133. 147. 51 Steve 318 Una Mane Tommy Trtsh250 Jkon, Simon 300 Jochem Jonathan Alan 147, 318 Johnson Angle Kay 129. 147. 197. 318. 223 Carey Lynn 146. 318 David Roger 250. 147 Dorothy Mae 250 Eric Brian 318 Gary Jude 279. 168 Jkrmy 300 Jonl Leeanne 300 Ronald Patlck 318 Sybsa Yvonne 300 Tim Bruce 250 Theodore Eaton 279 Jones. Theodore 279 Warren Jordan Charles 250 Katheryn 81. 316 Jowers Ronald Joe 250 Judd Kam Heal 250


Kansas Railroad Kahn Chris Anthony 193. 318 Katagls Kristin Mchele 279. 227 Kantner John Wood 129.318 Lartas Gloria 137.250 Kaufman Jessica Beth 318 Kavanaugh Schtley 318 Kaye Gerddme Yvette 220 Keahbome Kenneth Gerald 318 Kean Mark 300 Keever Kathleen Ann 250. 49 KeSogg Chuck Anthony 250. 146 Kely Ana Bingham 250 Keity Charles 318 Monica Lyn Kennedy Montgomery 168 Robert Steve Richard 318 Todd 318 Kermer Mchele GobrieoJ 300 Sean Patrick Kenny Sean Patrick 129. 300 Thane Patrick 38 Kem Jkfrey Forrest Keskv Mchael 300 Ketterman Denise 279. 125. 279 Marie 279 Keyes Tanya Carome 72. 318 KhQ Chris 147. 123 D o n * * : 279 Doreen 318 Karen Lynn 130. 300

Richard 250 Wnsky Paul 300 Knootand Vutando 145 Knudson Greg Charies 127. 147. 300 Mtos Alen Koch Amy 318 Koemg Mark 144. 250. 201 Kopp Lori Ebabeth 220 Koppa Robert Donald 250 Koronos Kathy Row 300 Kovnat Daniel 318 Mchoel Joshua 126. 141. 77. 127. 139.300 Kramer Kathryn Sue 279. 160 Pat Jo 239. 250.245 Kreutzer Lawra 250 Kruhm Karen Leigh 244. 250 Krum BsÂťe Jo A m 279.139.146 Krumm Lourte Kay 279

L Locomotive La Cuesta Mm Marie 279 Lacy Roger Edrnlnd 129. 144. 249 La Forge Martin 279 L"Heureux Brian Paul 318 Edward Alen Lame Mark Richard 127 Lorrd Susan Katherine LaLondeMark David 279 Lommte Maria Regno 319 Landavazo Terri Lane Brian Cindy 249 Jean Marie Theresa 318 Tim 318 Lange Ruth 249 Laplerre Jkn Christopher Larragolte Messsa Jo 249 Stephen 249 Larranagg Damson Louie Debbie 279 Gabe253 Lorrenzo 279 Melssa Anton Ramon Apdono 318 Mke node Loughsn James Tovart 318 Lauterschloger Jm Phi Law Dhana Ptar Layden Ronnie Torrance 249. 201.55 Leaf Marsha 279 Led Anthony 279 Lee Brian Jay 249.125 Mke 201. 318 Robby Edward 154. 157 Leader Matt WBam 249 LeFevre Jeff 318 Laffmgwel Robert Lenoue undo 279 216 leos Joseph Alfred 318 Lerma Qndy Lynn Mark Anthony 318.223. 156. 318 Patsy Anne 136, 247. 249.49 Levm David Mchael 279 Mathtew WBam 127 Lewis Gloria Leyba Agnes Keith Brooks 249 Leyba Agnes 147. 318. 227 Andrew Lee Angle David 249 Deborah Ann 318 Edna 279. 227 John Paul 125 Kathryn 122. 318. 123 Mary 249 Mercedes Ann (Penny) Mchael Roy 249 Potrida Ann 145 Patrick] Sophie 279 Paul 249 Walter Edward 279. 145. 28 Lebert Kevin Jon 137. 279 LBch Paul David 279. 330 Rebecca 129,147 Unsey Scott Link Cynthia Arm 280 Maria Sarah unson Paul Thomas Renee 145. 249 Uthgow Daryl Uttrel Awn 121 Tracy Ariene 280 Lomoyesua Audrey

On The Right Track 363

long Mercy Mane 260 Stephanl Rose Longocre Ian Matthew 280. 168 undo Potnco Shona 319 lopes Robert Bnan 280 Lopez Alan 223 Alarm 143.193 Andy lee 280. 145 Anita 51 Anna 147. 160. 203. 319. 225. 229 Annette Anthony Louis 280 Archie John 280 Audrey Mae 319.147 Chonsne Teresa 144. 120 Daniel Jacob Deam Emestne Donna 319. 223 Doris May Dorothy Angela

am Gabriel GmoMtehele Gregory Jari iei James Jtrnmy Joseph Kathleen Rote 24. 135. 247. 39 Laveme Loretta louome Mane Manrae Peter Marco* Lawrence Marie Louisa Mark Angeb Martin Dante) 280 Mary Aleen 280 Mke John 319.176 Monica Gloria 280 Paul Paul Leonard Paula Robert 279 Roy Dean Susan Aneen Suzanne Vvette 319 Ted Thomas 319 Therese Ann Theresa Peart 160. 165 Valerie 280 Vicky Evette Lortmar Joseph lott Tomm James Loucks Stuart Bb 280 Loutensock Jon 280 Leann 39. 179. 141 Lovoto Angela Louisa 21. 197. 319.230 Debra Donna G*na319 Joseph Mate Lone 280 Marlene Norman koac Pat 176 Peter Anthony Ray 318 Roger Raymond 318 Roxane Steve Ted Anthony Vs^snio Barbara Love Dylan 319 Harretete 280.127.142 Lowhe Ken Charles 129. 280 Loyd Brad Lucas Tracey Yvonne Lucero Alan 280 Abert Vincent Andrew Mark Anna Marie 145 Carlo Louise 127. 39 Carol Jane 319 Chris 145. 189 CMS Don 189 Chits Edward 145 David Paul Emly Jean 280. 171. 179 Grace Paula 319 Greg Matthew leroy Leonard Frank Joseph 117. 176 John Paul 280 John John Paul 280 Joseph Alan 280 Mae Jeone 319 Mfchoei Joseph 280. 281 llcnies Ermo 122. 319 123 M w Joe 281 Monica Fetz 280. 281 Monica Lyme 280.281



Nodne3i9 PhJ Vadd 280.281 Richard Victor 281.280. 126 Ron Anthony 186. 145 Sara Louise 280.145. 281 Steve Arthur 211 Theresa Mane 319 Victor Steven 280. 125. 281 Yves Carlos 319 Luchycky Patrick 280. 144, 281 Lu|an Anna 280 Annette 281 Christine Cteo 280. 261 Christina Dora Cleo 280. 281 David Debra Jean Donna Susan 147 Edcto Louis 175 Edde 175. 189 Emly Frances Pacha 319 Frances Florencla Lavele Leann 319 leniselols lora Lee 123. 203 Maria Anna 280. 281 Marty Greg Poula253 Rosanna Marie 253 Rosemarte Anna 319 Tina 253. 167. 220 lucher Moly Lury Daniel Lux Bradford Anthony 253. 168. 173 Lynch. Mke 90. 280. 281 Lyons Andrew Weter 280. 281 Kerth Keith

M Missing you . . . MocaSster Joarm Gauda Mackintosh Robert FMa 280. 281 Maclos Andy 193 Mocree Rodney Edson 280. 281. 123 Moddatone Hois 319 Madrid Beth Ann Cynthia Diane 280. 281 Daniel Robert 319 David Samuel 319 Dean Luis Kermey 253 Lionel Alfonso 281. 280 Loretta 283 PNsp263 Richard Louis Modr! Mary Etna 302 Johnny 263 Maes Anthony 319 Gfoert 120.253 Laura Louto Paul 119. 257. 201. 40. 253 Rudy 328 Theresa Agatha 319.82 Maestas 8eme Bryan Mfchoei 319 Gary Jeff 319 Joe Joyce 319 lOmberly Ann Larry Henry 302 Mark Paul 302 Mark Tom Patrick) Adele 281 Sam 252 Teme Carta 281. 126 MaezMJkÂť319 Orlando John 302 Matezewskl Henry 252 McSdonodo John Fitzgerald 302 Mctstrom Eric Eml 261. 164.157 Monde) Manuel 147. 302 Manges Andy 252 Manzonares Alan 302 Abort Carta 302 Dariene Bern 284 Henry 262 Lawrence March! Andrew Stephen 261. 147 Mares Anthony John Bianco 120 Christine Catherine 302 Frances Mane 319 James Martin

Laura 302 Marie Teresa 319 Marie Antoinette Mark Phep 252 Sonya Beverly 252. 145 Tim 319 Marian Suzanne Mam Mttchel 252 Marino Darcy 281 Markesteyn Angel 252 Martow Brenda Jean 307.302 Marmole)o Rudy Mar quez Arthur 320 John Anthony 252 Leo Fred 302 ludnda 302 Margaret 252 Rack) Guadalupe Rosemane 281 Veronica 281 Marrs James 252 Tim Andrew Martin Patricia 252. 120 Martinez Abel 302 Alyn Charles 252.. 302 Andres 176 Andrew 319 Angela Diane 145. 281. 302 Angela LyakJ 302 Anita Louise 281 Anthony 320 Arlene 320 Barbara 281 Barbara 302 Becky 281. 109 BencekxJo302 Benny 191. 302 Bemodette 302, 147 Bernice 281 Bert 302 Bridget 252 Carey 281 Ceine Victoria 109. 302 Chert Rubbi 252 Chris 282. 320 Chris Gerald Christine 302 Connie 282. 109 Connie Moe 282 Consuelo Marie 252 Cynthia Norine 282 Darman Daniel 302 Daniel Jacob 282 Danny Joseph 282. 302 Danny Santos 302 Dariene 282 Darrlen 282 David 252 David David Debra Jean 262 Dolores Marie 282 Donna 119. 252 Donna Lynn 320 Donna Marie 320 Donna Yvette 282 Elzobeth Marie 302 Etoy PhJ 302.320 Ernestine Esther 252 Esther 252 Felclo253 Fldo Juan 320 Gene Charles George Phi 320 Gilbert John Glna Fetz 253 Grace Rosale 320 Ivan Patrick 253 James Anthony 282. 127. 129. 182. 225 James Chris 282. 129. 127 Jarrtce Yvonne 320 Jeffrey Grant 302 Jennifer Ann 302 Jessica 320 Joarm Margaret 282. 127. 145 John 302 John Baptist 302 John Robert 182. 187. 203. 225. 189. 302 Johnny 253 Johnny Darin Jose Ramon 182.253 Joseph Paul 282 Karen Brenda 253 Katrtna 303 Kent Kety Marlene 282 Leandro Joseph 303 Leonard Chris Usa Dearmo 282. 146. 320

Use Rey 320 Londy 302. 211 Louise Denise 320 Manuel 329 Margaret 263. 145 Margaret Ann 253 Maria FJea 147. 320 Martyn282 Mark Anthony 253 Mark Edward 303 Mark Gerald 320 Martha Adela 282 Martin Ben 282 Marvin Roeheal Michael 303 Malchoel 193. 320 Mtehoei 193, 320 Mteheal 193, 320 Mtehele Pamela 303 Mke David 303. 176. 193 Monica Therese 253. 320 Pat Patrick WUIIam 303 Paul 189. 303 Paula 329. 253. 329 Pete Anthony 253 Rachel Ann 320 Ray 253 Ray 303 Remljo 303 Richard Andrew 319.176. 320 Richard 175. 303 Richard 175. 189. 303 Richard Ken 320 Richard Milton 320 Rita Ann 253 Robert Roger 282 Ron Michael Roslna 302 Ruben 302 Ruby Ann 253 Sammy 320 Sandy Moe 282 Sharon Freda 253 Sharon 253 Stacey 282 Steve Edward 283 Terry Edwod 283. 139. 146 Theresa 303 Theresa Ann 283, 303 Valerie 320 Vangle 329 Veronica 303 Xanl Xavlera 283 Mascarenas David 303 Kathryn 283. 145 Michelle Nic 303 Roger Oliver 283 Tommy Ray 253 Valerie 253. 145 Master Tony Orion 283 Mark Tom 319 Masterson Anna Marie Matthews Dennis Wayne 130. 303 Maxwell Kenny Lee 303. 146 Trlsha Dean 283. 146, 220 May Jim James 320 Mayfleld Daniel Wayne 320 McCarthy David Mathew 320 McCarthy Kathleen Ann 320 McClausland Scott 24. 28. 137. 163.164 McOutchey Elizabeth Les 122.253 McCultough Haley 253 McDermort Drew Edward 303 Scot WUard 127. 254 McDonald Darren Kathleen Lots 303 McDowel Alexander McFartond Lee 254 McGonogle Erin 130. 254 McGuke Joe Brooks 283. 119.127 McGum Grata Lewis 303 MctOh Sean Patrick 283 McKirmon Dale Joe Doreen Lee 320 Dorothy Lynn 320 Mechem Rod 303 Medina Francisco 175. 320 Jason Crus 254 Jose 303 Marie Donna 303 MedranoKIm 146 Loura Theresa 283 Valerie Jennifer 303 Meek Phep Anthony 283.137 Melendez Paul 320 Steve Anthony Melton Danny 320 Mena Angesna Mendez Berrse Mendonca Jerry 320 Orlando Steven 320 Mendoza Carina 283

Meyers Kurt John 40. 254 Mchoels Patricia Irene 320 Mtor Marc 303 Mary Sen 320 Gavin Lawrence 254 Ronald Alen 320 Marcela Annette 283 Robert 254 Mcher Susan Grace Mk* Becky Hen 303 Ode Dane tte 329 Ebabeth Ann 254 Jeftery 119. 129. 303. 142.330 Jenny Mane Roger Michael 283. 127. 154 Terry Marie 320 Wade Otis 146. 320 nmgan Tammy Lee 254. 145 MfeBda283 Mner Daniel 281 Mrabel Annette 254 Mranda Danny Ben 320. 176 vatarie Lynn 254 Michel Joey Michael 24. 254. 168. 330 Steve 320 Vlckl Ann 281. 283 Motfet Bret Alan 254 Pamela Ann 281. 283 MohrDaun303 Momaday Brit 146. 320.147 JI254 Mono. Gabriel 281 Moncoda Frank 176 Mondragon Charles Lee 303 Gabriel Greg 254 Mickey 281. 283 Montano Albert Joseph 303 Deana Leigh 283, 284 Freddy 320 Gerald Gloria Ann 254 James John Philip 321 Loretta 303 Manuel 281. 283 Mario Lee Mary Margaret Michael Edward 321. 225 Paul Michael 284 Porfy CWo 281. 284 Roberta Thomas 254 Vandora Mary 321 Vema Monies Eric 303 Ruben 191. 320 Montgomery Charlie Hope 254. 154. 330 Montoya Able Joe 182. 281. 284. 212. 211 Angela 303 Aurelo Barry BenJe 321 Benny 321 Bonnie 254 Bridget 303 Carmela Marie 281. 284. 216 Carol Conrad Pat Corrlne Elizabeth 304 Dartene David Debbie Marie 281. 284. 145 Oana Elaine 304 Doreen 304 Dyanne 281. 284 Elaine 321 Elaine Diane 321 Esther 321 Eva 304 Evelyn Patricia 321 Frank Andrew 145. 281. 284. 304 Gene Arthur 281,284. 212. 211 George Vincent 329 Gerald 254 Gerald 254 Gloria 254 Greg 321 Jefl 304 Joey 321 John 304 Johnny 304 Kathk»321 Larry 240. 254. 329 Undo 304 Louela Rowena 281. 284. 321 Luc»»254 Morcui 122. 254. 123. 120 Margie Anne 281. 284 Mark 264 Marina 281 Mart*

Memda32l Mke 254. 321 Nkkl Denise 127. 135. 141. 90. 146. 281.284 Paul Alfredo 281, 284 Phi 255 Poly 329 Randy 304 Raymond Mark 125 Robby Arthur Robert Paul 281. 284 Ruth 255 Samuel FeNx 281, 284 Sand Lee A m 255 Sarah Suzette Renee 264 Tammy 321 Theodore Valerie Lydla 284 Victor 304 Yvonne Moore Cheryl 142. 144. 304 Dawn Renee 267, 125 Jessie 321 Laura 321 Nancy 123. 122, 304 Russet Emory 127, 141, 281. 284. 211 Mora Kely 304 Gabriel 281. 284 Morales George 304 John 284 Moreno Edward 284 Pom 304 Morris Peter 304 Stacey Suzanne 255 Moya Brenda 255 Donald Don 255, 147 Harold 304 Randy 321 Moyle Marie Michael 255 Muaunder David 321 Mugjeston Cheryl 284 Muniz Dwayne 321

Joe 304 Lisa 321 Marty 304 Murphy Sean 304 Myers Dane Berkely 255

N Narrow Gauge Railroad Norvalz George 284 Naranjo Reyes C 137. 255 Navela Gloria 284 Neeley Joann 146. 284. 220 Suzanne 147. 321 Nelson Bl Keith 146, 284 Brian David 284 Frances Katharine 127. 141. 146. 284. 330 Mke 304 Neldermayer Greg 321 Neumann Alexander 129. 255 Newson Debra 284 Neyers Valerie Nchol Suzanne Meto Anna Greg 329 Juan 304 Leroy Monlque Yvonne 147. 284 Nkotal Craig Pierson Nix Sue Lorraine 304 Tim Argus 321 Mxon Matthew 127. 304. 284 Nogar Kevin Todd 321 Norby Todd Chris 83. 147. 321 Nordstnm Lisa 147. 160. 321 Novts Mchele Marie 255 Nowers Danny Alan 121. 129. 321. 223. 176. 201 Terry Dale 168. 285 Nugent Domhque 285



Oakley Bruce 285 Ocompo Luz Marina 321 Ochesky Vhky Kay 24. 132. 133. 285. 220

O'day Barbee 238 OeBen Richard Lee 321 Ogiesky Devh Larry 191 Old Mefesa Ives 321 Oldknow Maura 304 aguo Bryce 285 Margaret Charles 285 Olvas Anita Marie 321 Joann 321 Patricia Ann 285 Rita GerakJne 285 Olver Joseph 255 Zuka Bonlta 255 Olmsted Gregory Patrick 285 Otsen Jule Ann 321 Krtstine Marie 304 Richard Scott 127, 129. 282. 285 Ortega Angeto Cameo Anita 127. 147. 181. 304 Anthony Gabriel 285. 321 Arthur Jacinto 193. 321 Carolyn Lee 321. 223 David Ebabeth 255 Frank 304 Ranees Therese 160, 195, 196 Gfcert James 168. 255 Irene Kathleen 285 James James Peter Jeanette 321 Kevin 285 Lawrence Lee Pat 255 Leonard James 321 Leroy Lots Ann 304 Louie Mark James 139, 304. 120. 191 Martyn321 Martin Mefesa Carmela 255 Nadne Leannette 255 Patrick 255 Phlp255 Ramon Greg 147. 304 Raul Andrew 267 Raymond Rudolf 144. 304 Reglna 329

Scott 255 Tina 304 Valerie A m 304 Victor 47. 123. 321 Yvonne 321 Ortiz Adrian Eric 285 Alan Dean 285 Alez Anna Maria 145 Bemlce Janette 321 Chris Olver 168. 255. 330 Denise Annette 146. 321 Denise Marie 146. 321 Donna Bemlce 45. 285 Donna Rebecca 145 Elena 255 Ebabeth Maria 321 Ele 144. 203. 321 Ginger 321 Gfcert Alen Grace Hopy255 Jerry Anthony John 255 Joseph Matthew 256 Julan321 Loretta Jean Louis Mel 288. 285 Marc Marsha Elaine 285 Martin 256 Martin Tom 321 Mchoel Andrew 178. 285 Mfchael Paul 168. 285. 256 Mke Patricia Ann Pod Mark 175.212.211 Paul Matthew Paula Jean 256 Podo Marie 256 Poulne Maxine Renee Pamela 145. 285 Robert Arthur Richard Ricky Roberta A m 130. 321. 214 Renee 145 Ron Atoert 285 Santama SonyoReyne 203 Steve Beta 256 Thomas Richard 285. 321 Valerie 256 Vickie 285

Yotanda Mane 321 Osana Charles 322 Ottrander Geoff 239.256 Jason 322 Otero Andrew James Chris Feb Lesley Sandra Overcasn Doom Marie 141. 322 Paul Jacob


Passenger Pace John Pocheco Anna Meets 147 Arthur Fred 322 Arthur Gabriel Brenda Carmela Carmela Maria 267 David Edward David Edward George EskJoro 285 Gerald 256 Greg Charles 130. 285 Jennifer John 168.256 Kenneth 256 Mary Frances 285 Poda Marie 285 Raymond 285 Valerie Dolores 285 Xavier Gtoert 285 Pack. Greg 285 Podia Arthur 120 Carmela 269 Clara Chris RomoJo 322 .Cynthia Elaine 322. 329 Daniel Com 322. 191 Darren David Mcheal 285. 286 David Tino 285. 286 Diana Beverly 322 Don Ray Edward R. 168. 256. 211 Francis 285. 286 Frank 147. 123 Gary 322 Gha Joseph Joseph Alen 322 Kevin Salomon 322 Liz 322 Lyme Mary Etzabeth 322 Mark Anthony 256 Mno Jeanette Peter Anthony Rdph Susan 285 Rosemary E 256.49 Thane Mno 322 Tommy 123. 147 WBam Abort 123. 322 Yvette Palmar James 322 Pdmer Undo Lee 322 Pardngton Pdge Ebabeth Chris T 130. 137. 256. 24 Parga Rebecca Park Chrb 285. 286 Gregory Parker Christine 24. 322 Parks Chantet M Jenny Lym 256 Susan 322 Tom Alen Para Mchele Josephine 127. 129. 160. 275. 285. 286. 227 Parrott Tim John 126. 285. 286 Paschal Dana Lee 322 Patterson Bryan 322 Bryon Scott 129. 322 Pod David Matthew 285. 286 Steve Todd 286.286 Patterson Chartene L 256 Pat 256 Payne Doug Ben

Earns Joey Bonne Mefesa 322. 223 Patty Diane Sandra Jocqulne Rhonda Jean 322 VTcklL256 Pearce Jeff 285

On The Right Track

Stacy 129 Pearson Shell Kay* 322 P*cos David 285 Petotar Steven 285 Pena Alee T David 256 B u r 322 Joanne M Judy 329 Tent 266 Valentino 285 Valentine 256 Pennington Drew 286 Penny Charles 129. 322 Parana Mchael M*Mn 322 Perec Agnes 285 Christine 322 Gary 322 Janet E 267 Kathy 329 Kothy 285 Kurt Louise Mary Martin Paula Theresa Tanya M a 129.144 Perkins Brendo Lee Lisa Mchele PamKlm322 Petit Edde Petrtng John Chris 146. 322 Petry Lcmto 322 Pilaster Dan John Phelps James PhJJsps David Piatt Byron Edward 139.257 Kathy Ken R 257 Pierce Mark 21Z 211 Pineda Suzette 285 Pino John 285 Regma285 Ronnie Joseph Tommy Joseph 257. 43 Plttmon Christy Sue 120 Roche Tracy Lynn 306 Poet John 286 Torka Sue 127.306.216 Poknar James 322 Pope Karl Madetyn 306 Portto Annette J 145. 257 Frankle 306 Roberta Leigh 145.257 Powder Nchoie Regma 322 Powel Kristin 265 Matt 257 Powers Erin Ateon 160 James David 306 ProdoEloy 306 David 322 Richard 322 Rosas* A m 257 Theresa 306 Price Jenny 257 Mary Louise 257 Princ*G*na 322 Prttchard John Scott 175. 306 Pryor Katie 257 Probst Steve Puente Undo 265 Mekssa Anne Putoi Alexandrta Ann Puntngton Chris L 146.147. 322 PuTtyman Kevin David 306

Quickly Quoch Ouang Wen 32. Thanh Men 322 Qutkino Wm A 257 Qunones Connie M 322 Rene* 306 Quntano Andrew LUs 266 Angela Marine 145. 257 Annette Mchelo 146. 306 Bemodett* E 257 Brando Joseph Christopher 126. 286 Curtis Mchael 127.306 Darnel Gerald Debbie Ann* 286 Diane 24. 132. 133. 306 Donna AnHa 322 Jack 306 Jessica Jimmy Jo* Frank 257 Man* Dorian* 286

366 Demons

MJchoel A 175. 306 Mchael K 176.306 Patricia N 322 Richard Robert Angeto 257 Robert Ralph 306 Rose Marie Barbara 286 Sandra Alee 323 Shoo Joseph 322 Tho Marie 287. 323 Yvonne Evangel 267.257 Yvonne Kathleen 323


Railroad Rodeckl Renee Carolyn 257. 323 Robert D 147. 323 Rael Anthony Mark 306 Barbara Ann 266. 287. 120 Benito Teodore 323 Connie FJame Victoria 323 Georgia Ann 329 Gerald Edward 287 Jose Alfred Ludnda287 Levi 257 Martin Arthur 287 Matthew 145. 257 Mke323 Ted 323 Theresa 306 Ramirez Edward 323 Monica 323. 82 Naydene Yvonne 323 Robert Ted 323 Rod 257 Ramming Mrnberiy Randolph James Philip Raybon Mary 306 Sylvia I Razatos Leonard Ralph 257 Rea Chris Donald 146. 147 Read Adam Slddhartha 306 Rearsley Patricia 323 Red Ivan Reed Helen Marie 147. 323 Suzanne Regan Brian K 129. 191. 323 Regensberg Karen K Kksten323 Rehom Don Wayne 146. 287 Remary Charles Remenor Thomas 306 Veronica Marie 130. 267 Retterg Wolfgang H 129. 330 Reyes Maureen inger 147. 323 Reyes Rose Mam 306 Teresa D Reynolds Loyd 123. 122 Pamela 306 Richard D 175. 306 Richard G 306 Rhymes Ramon Rice Mchele R 258 Richardson Sean Eric 306 Rleley Carry 285 Rlely Finn 285 Rlggs Jul* Edna 258 Rley Sheley 323 Rlos Daniel 286 Martin 323 Rivera Alan 258 Barbara 256 Ben Edward 323 Chrtstela Bobby Colette 306 Dina Marie 258 Elaine Denis* 306 George Manuel 258 GeroJdne Gloria Marie 323. 123 he David 287 Jmmy J 258 Karen Angela Mm Suzanne 287 Lawrence Wlam 147. 287 Leo 287 Leonard 323 Linda Mchele 323 Usa Marie 287 Loci A m 147. 323 Lorraine C Manuel 306 Martin 323 Mark 256 Margaret 306. 120 Matthew 307

Molssa 323 MefcsaD323 Mchele 258 Mke J 287 Monica Usa 195. 198. 287. 216 Pamelas 258 Pauta63. 306 Stephanie M Terry Ann Thomas Rivers Norman 306 Roberts Sherri 258 Robertson. Dents* 258 Robinson Pat 330. 168. 258 Rochele25B Rocha Dtarm 307 Rochford Paul Vincent 127. 307 Rodarte. Diane 253. 258 Rodela Ron Louis 323 Rodriguez Andrew Joseph 287 AngeJo Anna Barbara Jean 195. 196. 287.220 Carol 258 Cheryl 146. 287. 227 Deborah Loret Edwlna L 145. 287 Eva Theresa 323 Frank 323 Jane Frances 120 John Gibert 323 John Jude 168. 287 John Mchael 168 Josh Latlgo 329 Undo 323. 223 Undo Jean 307. 120 Mark Steven 287 Patricia 258 Ramona Areten 323 Richard Paul 287 Rosa Paula 323 Savino Ray 307 Steve Jose 307 Sylvia E Teddy 323 ThaL Vtamey 119.307. 120 Vema 87. 323 Vickie Roesler Paul 247. 168. 287 Roessler Anna 258 Susan Darlene 287 Robot John Joseph 147 Rojas Katrina Marie 147. 197. 323. 223 Robtod Erik 144. 307 Romero Alfonso John 287 A Mke 259 Adrienne Velma 40. 307 Angela 122. 323 Angela Marie 122. 123. 144 Anthony Paul 307. 259 Barbara Jeanne 287 Benny Eugene 307 Bemodette 147. 323 Bobby Carmen 225. 229. 127. 259 Chris 193. 323. 176 Chris 193. 324. 258 Christine 324 Christine 259 Cynthia 287 Daman M 324 Daniel 175. 307 Danny Jerry 287. 259 Darlene Yvonne 324 Del Dolores 307 Don EmUo J 145. 287. 258 Eva Marie 288 Gene M Gene Ronald 288 Harold 307 Harold Wlfred 288 Jackie Marie 324.146. 127 Jocquelne Marie 127. 146. 307 James John 324 JeanJne Sylvia 288. 288. 120 Jerry 307 Joam 307 Joe 212. 211 Joete Angelne 307 Kathy R Kenneth 259 Kevin Khristel Lee 126 Lee Carol Leroy Linda Kathleen Undo M 324 Lisa Marie 93.307 Loren Edward 307 Lort Arm Marie 259

Lorraine A 145. 259 Maria Margarita 127. 288.120 Marty E 324 Mary Bemodette Mary Louise 145. 288 Mchael Frank 259 Mchele Mary 324 Mke 176. 307 Mke Antonio 324 Monica 307 Monica Usa 324. 307 Nadne Loyda 145.259 Nancy Catherine 259 Nora Elaine 288 NorabethM259 Orlando Brian Pat Edward 259 Pat Ronald 259 Patrick M Paul Julian 307 Paula J 147. 307 Phyllis Lorraine 135. 280 Rhonda 307 Robert 307. 260 Robert Alex 324 Robert 260. 307 Robert Dale 260 Rodney Charles 307 Ron 260. 319 Rose Ann B Sam Anthony 182. 288. 214 Sandra Lee Sara Jo 21. 120. 307.40 Short Lauri 324 Suzle Yvonne 324 Stephen Jerome 175. 307 Theresa 307 Theresa Ann 260 Theresa M324 Tom Gregory 260 Tony 324 Valerie 307 YotandaT260 Romlg Bryce Reed 43 Ken 307 Romo Annette 307 Ronqulllo Gilbert E 258 Roots Logan Mccook 288 Ross Nathaniel Oscar 258 Roth Nicole Monette 179. 307. 229 Suzanne Lazette 260.49 Rotunno GMa J 145. 288 Nancy 329 Roland 324 Suzanne Lyme 288 Roush Carol Marie 197.324 Rovolo John 324 Roy Mchael Rdph Ron Alen 324 Roybal Alicia Annette 307 Angela Marie 288 Bemle Triny 324.176 Bemodette 307 Brenda 324 Brenda Cynthia 324 Carta Cindy Marie 260 Chris Sammy 193.324.176 Ernest EstedaM Gloria 329 John 324 Kenny 260 Leonard Charles 324 Lisa Martene 288 Loretta 288 Margaret Am 324 Matthew Jerry 324.176 Pat Ray 307 Relna JoAm 147. 260 Reglna Frandne 144 Renee Claudia 307, 147 Scott Jeffery 307 Steve Louie 260.329 Steven Andrew 324.129 Sylvia Am 324 Terry Waiter 260 Troy 260 Yvette Renee 288 Rublno Diane J 324 Ruiz Raeame Danott* Russel Bryan Duone 193. 324 David Less* 160. 288 Ryds. Crlstan 324 Ryan Thomas L 288 Rylee Jimmy Richard 268 Rysonek Jakkl L 288



Socoman Deanna 147. 260 Soger Wndyl Qiinn 288 Soft Frank 260. 324 Frederick Holy Ann 146. 288 PaJM Mkel93 Sandra 119. 307 Tommy lee 307 Sattzar Albert 193. 324 Am Renee Creaendo Debbie 288 Denbe A 145. 263. 260 Diane SyMa Bzabeth Ann 289 Frederick F 289 Georgia 324 GerakJne DebW GerakSne Donna Joe Tony 175. 324 Moragret Lorrol 324. 197 MarcelaE260 Margaret babel 197. 260 Margaret Sophie 324 Mark 289 Martha Lee Mathew288 Mehsa Delores 165. 289 Mchael McheieY324 Patrlcla260 Patricia Praxedes Rick RosabeUe Nodine Sammy Suzanne Jeomene 145. 289 SyH Tommy 260 Sdgodo Andy 289 Somas Gabflela Louise 87. 324 Satoy Matthew 289 Samanlegp Mary Helen 324 Samoelego Virginia Bar 289 Samuek Algene 260 Sanchez Alberto Flavlo Amadeo 307 Anita Louisa 147 Annette 260 Anthony Manuel Bobby 307 Brian 44 CarkÂťJ289 Carolina RosaU 324 Charlene R 145. 261 Christopher Rick Eric Loute 261 Ernest Marie 261 Gene 324 Javier Max 324 Jeanette Jeff Arthur 175. 307 Joaquin Jerome 299. 289 Joseph Leroy 261 Kathleen Annette Kerry Marie 307 Lawrence 261. 289 Lawrence Jacob 289 Usa Annette Lull 324. 223 Marcos Orlando Mark Anthony Martin 225 Martin F Mary Lena Beth Mary Elizabeth 324 Matthew Andrew 137 Mchael Lee 189 MchaelP324 Orlando Carlos Pot Paula Ralph Andrew RamonaG 261 Richard P 261 Rfck J324 Ranald Brian 44 Roy Louis SarJe Elena 289 Steve Steve B Steve Erwh 261 Tho Todd 289. 291 voter* Marie 289 Vanessa Ann 324 Zola 261 Sonden Stephanie Sandoval Alex lub Angel B 261

Angela Marie Angola Rose Annette Marie 325 Anthony Adolph 261 Becky 261 Bemodette Arm 325 Carlos 175 C o d a 289 Charles Andrew 125. 261 Christina 325 Cynthia 145. 261 Danette Marie 289 David EdrJe Frank Wayne Frankie325 George Chce 289 Jacob Jacob Brian 289 James Anthon John Magdalena 175, 214 Usa Marie Usa Mary Arm 261 Maxhe Norman 261 Pete PNip Michael Regjna Arm 325 Richard 325 Stantey 325. 123 Becky Theresa Rose 145. 261 Tamas Veronica Santana Robert Larry 289 Santbanez Jorge 325 Sargent Gene Anthony 193. 325 Savara Shanta Sawyer Rodney Steven Soar Rael Renee 141 Scafse Luprta Ann 325 Tha261 Schaafsma Db Pleter SchenkGal Schieomer Teri Gene 261 Schneider Chris Edward 147. 325 Schoepke Anthony Joseph 44, 261 Schuttz Korta Arm 325 Patricia Marie 289 Schummers Margaret Schwedrnarm Amy Carol 127.141. 330 Scott Rebecca 261 Sedbd Edward Robert Lawrence 175 Lee 289 Segovia Joe 325 Segura Annette Carta 262 Bemodette Carlos Joseph 325 David Tony 325. 123 Gretory Paul 262 Joan 325 Jutana Louis 44. 179, 262 Leonard Victor 289 Martene Mtehele 325 Seters Dame ft e 262 Sena Anthony 325 Barbara 289 Fernando Eric Frank James 325 James Peter 289 Jeanette 262 Johnny Frank Joseph 325 Lucste CecHa 325 Orlando Patricia Arm 290 Patrick 262 Rebecca 44. 262 Rebecca Angela 44,262 Rtcardo Antonio Roberta Charlotte Sandra Suzarme 325 Theresa Angela 290 Thomas VWan 325 Sema Andrea 290 Barbara Darby 129 Monica 126. 144 Serrano Carole Arm 290 Donald Loub 125.290 JacqueDkm UsaMchele 123 Marie Etoyda 262 Richard Serven Gus 290 Soveistan nrberty Arm 262.120 Seymour Betty Arm 290. 145 Shaffer Barbara Jean 119. 290 Shannon Kety Brian ShapkjndJohn John Kathryn Page 147. 325

Shaw Cheryl 262 Shelton Sonya Marisa 353. 355 Sherwood Brad 252. 49. 28. 262 Shiptett Denbe Borne 262 ShoenfekJ Mna 147 Rebecca 94. 262 Shook Joe 262 LbaCeda Shuck Christy 261 Peter 329 Slerer Jaafbh 195. 290 Siva Mtehoel Fronk 262 Patrick Thomas 262 Steven Arthur SJverman Daniel Gary 154. 262 Terrel Sknbola Charles Duane 325 Simms Maria Christine 290 Slmonb Meal Sinclair Rhonda Jean 130. 290 Sbneros Andrew Carlos Annette 145.262 Anthony Ray 147. 325 Fred 325 Gory Loub Gerald 262 Joby Steve 182. 262 Joe Rudy 309 Jose Marias Zack 289. 290 Ronald Veraldo 262 Stanley Abert Teresa Elena 119.290 Skkmer John 325 Patricia 262 Skica Paul 129. 147. 290 Smith Annette Coteen 289 Charles Hdman 168. 174. 262. 263 Carter Richard 147. 309 Charley 168. 174 Cheryl Lyme 262 Christine M 262 Curtis Matthew 263 DarrenS 325 Denbe Paula 263 James Edward James Edward Jennifer Jeremy 325 Jeremy Jute 289. 290 Ken 309 Laurel 147 Rick 309 Roy Alan 130. 168. 330. 263 Scott Matthew 147. 325 Stod Am 325 Tiffany Jane 263 Vlnce Floyd 309 Sneod Greg Lawson 127. 129, 144. 146. 263 Snyder Dermb MJchael 129. 325 Joel Robert Russel325 Sobten James Mrtchel 122. 168. 263.123. 45 Sotoano Brenda Lee 309 Brenda Lee 309 Marie Salome 147. 325 Sosa Sandra 309 Soto Eugene Daniel 325 Loci 325 Soberanez Bobby 309 Soueranez Loute 263 Pat 309 SowieMark 309 Spagnoio Chris 309 Sparks Sam 326 Spencer David 290 Sprto Mary 325 Spring David Lesley Learn Stacy Cindy Marie 289. 290 W l Tomas 147. 309 Stotmke Christine Angel 309 Stamer Apr! A m 127. 289. 290. 120 Dina Jean 326 Starr TWfamy Moraque 309 Steadman Peter 326 Sarah 263.146 Stem Alan Dontel 263 Sarah 140.326 Stemman Atyson 203 Stephenson Chrb Arm 309 Stephenson Stuart 263 Stewart Steven Wayne 309 St off eb Regno Leigh 247 Storr Shene 326 Stotts Randy Joseph 175. 289. 291 Stroder Robert Junes Strei Sean Dylan 289. 290 Strever Sage Amanda Strickter Heidi Jo 326

Strugeon Annette D 289. 291 Suazo Dwayne Fredrick 309 Gsbert J 263 Joseph Anthony 309 Suggs Doug Summers Carte Ruth 289. 291. 120 Sundown Matthew 326 Stridor 326 Swartz Don Paul 326 Renee Row 145. 289. 291 Ramie 326 Syron Mched Edward 309



Tafoya Richard 326 Jeame Etoyda 290. 291 Tague Mchefte Lym 326 Takjmante Duane Joe 290. 291 Stela 326 Tangman Ruth Tanner Clayton Tanuz Dormo 326 Tapia Anna Elena Anthony 263 Diane 329. 309 Jeanette Joseph Juan Frank 309 Lorelei Am 290. 291 Marmy Marsha Mce 168. 290. 291 SyMa 329 Patricia Valerie 146.147. 263 Xavier Domonlc 144. 175. 309 Tonic Raymond 263 Tatro Jessica 119. 290. 291 Taufbee Carol Lym 146. 309,142 Taylor Todd Tchemeshoff Nancy Ann 309 Robert OoJ 263 Teal Suzanne 326 Tenorto Dion Anderson 309 Thane Kemy 263 Thomas Kristle Lee 263 Thompson James Ksjver 14. 129. 154, 263.330 Money M 290. 291 Vanessa Brooke 122. 309. 123 Chrb Kkrver 154. 167 Thornton Debbie 290.291 Tksno Chrb James 56.46. 164 Tfchava Jeff Steven 169. 309 Tipton Denbe Therese Toten VWam Chris 146. 326 Torres Brett 326 Gtoert 290 Matthew 168. 309 Touchon Mcote 119. 291. 309 Trasp Robert 154. 263 Jean Mchael 326 Teresa 291 Travis Barbara Rey 291 Treto Ctcfto Adetd 326 Lowrence 291 Leonard Leroy 291 Trfobte Tammy Sue 291 Trlmbom Tim 309 Trimmer Laurie Lyme 46. 127.263 TrufJo Andrte Kattte 309 Angeto 168. 263 Art Andrew 264 Arthur 291 Barbara Jean 145.264 Becky 309 Bemodette 326 Brenda Carta Marie 309 Carmeso 145,264 Card 326 Dontel Randy David Mchael 122. 22. 176. 326 David Eric 326. 168. 264 Dontel Carlos David 168.264 Dermb Martin 309 Diane 146.309 Donald Nek 291 Dormo Patricio 145. 291 Eieen Mule Eleanor Rose 20. 21. 264,220 Estelo 147. 326 Gary Georgia A m Greg Jude 326 Joan Undo Joe Andrew 326

On The Right Track 367

.Man 46. 429 Kathy Wmtoerty Dee 291 Lecoy Mark Lucenta tene 326 Marcelo329 Maria 203 MaryG Mathew 309 Mchoel Paul 291 Patrick Edward 129. 147. 294 PnfJtp Ruben 264 Dandy 309 Rebecca 40. 309 Richard 264 Rich Ronnie 309 Stephanie Ann 20.21. 291 Steve Edward 291.146 Steven Matthew 246. 309 Theresa P 146.291 Tina Am 291 Valerie M 127.146.46 Tsosie Theresa Mane 291 TubbtJohn Tucker Pod Brian 326. 223 Turner Adam 264 Clayton 264 Walter 329 Turrletlo Randal D Two Crow Asa) 123 Fronds James 291 Jm290


Underpass Ubcnt Becky Theresa Mane 292. 146 Urlch Liz Jane 129. 282. 292. 235. 229. 226 Underwood Undo A Urban Diane Tony 264 Urtoste Barbara A m 264 Georgia C 181.310 Glean Patrick 264.211 Utter Kara 326 Kely



Vddez Atoert N 326 Alclo Mario 220. 264 Andrew Leroy 264. 310 AngeloM326 BernleP 310 Danny R 17S. 310 DeneoK Elzabeth Am 264 Ernest David Evelyn Dense Gerrard Bemte Edward J

John Manual 310 John Paul 310 Joseph Gerald 264 Larry Atoert UzMamaa 145 Ion Ann Lorraine 264 Mark 264 Mark Anlhoney Martha Roberta 264 Martin A Mathew A 326 Poulne Mane 264 Raymond Atoert 146. 264 Raymond Jude 119. 264 Sandra Kay 310 Steve Paul 310 Theresoa Time Tina Mane Vatene Vvonne 310 Veronica L 145.326 VoJoTvto Aietondro 466.326 Gerardo 326 Valencia Andrew David 310 Manuel Tom Robert 309 SnetoM326

368 Demons

Marjorte Roberto Pat 309 Steve 265 Valentine Dolores Marie 145. 265 Vdenzuela Danny Alfred 265 Van Devatde Bl Vondlver Frank 326 Van Gund Shawn Mane 326 Van Hottz Kenneth 310 Louclnda R 265 Wendy Jean Van Soelen Karen 265 VanVotdenburgh Chris 223. 310. 327 Thomas E Van Vattenburg. Chris 327 Varela Dale 264 G Debra Ann Gloria Charlene Theresa 267 Victoria Dense Vincent J 265 Vargas John Alen 310 Steve J Tony Victor Eutokjo 310. 326 Varos Beatrice Bemice 139. 265 Joseph A Vasquez Carlos L 146 Cruz Ronnie 326 Orlando 265 Vedeler Chris Krone 310 Vert Treda Ann 129. 292 V e l Joana Velarde Jay Gabriel 326 Marian Mtehael Andy 109. 310 Velasquez Angel 126 Debbie Frank ie Yotanda VKapando Barbara 292 Bonnie A 265 Corrtne E Ekmne Helen Ron 310 Jerome P 265 Jerry Mke 189. 310 Marde327 Sophie J 327 Vlarrtol Theresa Vlncentl tvette Lynn 265 Louis E Viera Carlos Chris 265 John Atoert 310 Mary Virginia 265 Vlgi Andrew Mac 292 Anita Mane 125. 327 Anthony Carl 310 Anthony Joseph 310 Bty VlgJBob214 Christine Isabel 310 Cynthta Am 292 Cynthia Marie DarrylPheto David Mtehael Debbie A 310 Diana Jeanette 292 Elzabeth Elsie 327 Flora Marie Gloria Am 145. 266 sabela C 266 Jason John Nepe Jr 265 Joseph Martin 265 Leonard P 265 Lisa C 310 Lorenzo Ernest 310. 327 Marie Yvonne Mark Edward 292 Mark J Mtehael Chris Monica Y Partteia 265. 310 Patricia Marie 310 Paul Joseph Paul Loren 310 Paul Orlando PnlpRoy Phyte M 310 Randy 265 Ray Joe Richard Alvaro 266 Robert Mtehael 310 Robert Mtehael 310 Samuel Vincent Shawn K 123.122.310 Theresa A Wayne Joseph 266 Yvonne Poulne 145. 266 V i a Amando Joe 310 Areola Ntede 337 Mathew Thomas 310

Vlanueva Andy Felpe 327 Susan VkgaoGma Vtsarranga Nancy 292 Orlando Paul Kenneth 182. 266 Vser Jennifer 237. 223. 327 Mke David Vttrue Richard Bary 127. 311 Van Kuegelgen Lisa 266


Windows Wade Nond 311 Wadelgh Cassandra 141. 292 Thaddous Chris 265 Wagner Andrew 327 Waight David 311 Wokeman Rich 265 Waldo Darteno 329 Water Dense Kay 130. 311 Watier Mke 311 Walters Trad Ann Walton Chris Anne Wanek Donna Mane 311 Ward Sarah Kathl 327 Warden Ricky EI 292 WarfTeld Phlp 168. 265. 330. 51 Warren Karen Sue 292 Washington Karen 311 Watkhs Henry Charles 214. 129. 311 Watson Catherine Ann 265 Char*e327 Orlando 182. 311 Wart Cynthia Lorraine Watts Chris Earl 311 John William 265 Phlp 327 Webb David 327 Weber Usd 147. 327 Melissa Rose 129. 311 Weldner Christa 311 Lisa Marie 265. 49 WoterMark 327.311 Thomas Edward 211 Woshaupt Tracy Ann 266 Wets Aaron 327 Katie 311 White. Shannon 329 Wlech Lydta Lym 129. 311 Martin Stephen 154. 266. 292 Web Aaron 327 Katheryn 311 Wenrtek Jennifer 160. 198. 311. 220 Werner Lee 311 Weseman Troy Eberett 311 West Jennifer 292 Jock Peter 147. 201. 327 Weston Undo Ame 266 Marilee 327 West Melissa Judith 127. 292 Wharton Terrle Jean 127. 129. 179, 292 Wheat Debbie 292 WhoOor Brett 327 Gary Charles Camle Marie 292 White Shannon 329 Whltmore Ernie Charles 147. 237. 327 Wheeler wÂŤam Alfred 266 Whirled Becky Mae 203. 327. 225. 229 Whltrldgo Jeff 292. 225 Wlard Pete John 311 Wtehmarm Warren 292 Wiggins Frank Louie Raymond 329 Wile 329 WSbum Aprl266 Wide Am Elena 292 Wldonstein Kevin Lym 127. 16B. 266. 330.47 Wider Kenneth Scott 293 Wley Catherine 293 WBams Bl 293. 316. 327 Donald Anthont 266 Karen 329 tone Aleen 311 Louse Sandre Sandra 290 WBamson Robin Wleford Robert John 327 wison Doug Keith 158. 311 Jody311 Leah Goto 47 Ryan Ned 327 Todd 293 Whom Nancy 266

Winkler Jeffery 266 Winston Jesse May 327 Wlnslow Reglna Chrlstln 146. 293 Witt Paul Witter Trtna Fern 127. 129. 146, 266 Wofford Laura Elynne 266 Wollard Rochelle 127, 311 Womack Joyce Marie 266 Wood David Heather 147. 293 Wodard Stacy 266 Woody Eva Monica 147. 327 Wollard Mannon Work Victoria 266 Wurst Elizabeth 446. 327. 146

Y Yield

Yargorough Melissa Lym 293 Yardman Karen 266. 216 Kathryn Margaret 179. 195. 198. 216 Yaydman Stephanie Yatsco Laurie 327 Tim James 293 Yllek Mark James 311 Young Amy 293 Lon267 Scott 168, 173, 293



Zalma Ralph 77 Zamora Carl James 266 Card 266 Danny Thomas 293 Dense Diane Gloria Marcelo 145, 266 Juke 327 Rosle Shirley 311 Zapata Diane Dolores 266 Zucal Sally Terese 267



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Winter Magic In New Mexico

Winter is a time to dream. Like the snow it brings with it, Winter is a reflective timepiece, it represents a standstill, when you pause for a time of thinking thoughts that are frnportant to you and your future. The past is filed away in the archives of the mind, and is only to be dug out and re-savored in times of melancholy remembrance. This is just such a time. Winter also represents a clean break, a shift from what has been to what is to be now. It Is a clean pure beginning with the fresh vitality of an ley mountain morning. It is the dawn breaking on the new fallen snow, and the crisp white blanket waiting, indlsturbed. The future is your new snow-capped icy clear day. It is yours. In the shadow casttiy a solitary tree, on the smooth flawless sheen of snow, there is individuality. So may it be with your shadow.

Another school year behind us now, and for some It was the last. It's hard to imagine having attended the last pep assembly or witnessed the last Demon football game you will ever see as a member of the student body. There are many memories wrapped up in our high school years not the least of which Involves the spirit and zest for life so characteristic of Sant Fe High School students. Despite the fact that the class of '82 has graduated, never to return, the legacy of the high school will be continued for many years to come in each successive graduating class.

380 Closing

It took nine months and almost 400 pages to cover the 81-82 edition of the Para Manana. We treasured every moment spent working on the book whether it was after school, late deadlines or long weekends. We feel that the 1982 staff tried hard to put together a sensational book improving a lot on the photos. We want to give a warm memory-filled thank you to our staff and Joy Haslem for her creative writing in the opening and closing. Much credit is given to our dedicated advisor Ms. Tita Stasny for her guidance, moral suport, and endless cooperation and ideas. We will miss her.


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