Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1956

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Santa Fe ffifii School Libran

CAFETERIA ASSISTANTS Mable L. Mullen Marguerite McDonald

Ora Stout Alice Brandenburg


SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME Fcld, Assistant Secretarj'.

Dorothy Powell, Secretary.


Principal Thomas B. Walsh

Mr. Raymond Arias

Mr. Elcutcrio J. Martinez


EDUCATION Supt. T. C. Bird

Dr. G. L. Renfro

Mr. Guy P. Harrington

Mrs. Grace Gutierrez

n ,ViHJlÂŁ

Marcelino Padilla

Isidor Ortega

Joe Gallegos

Max Ortega

Rudolpho Fernandez








Mr. ÂŁapshaw

Mr. Burgess

Mr Httnt


GLORIA INES ALMEIDA "Big Charge" 3, 4: F. T. A.; 2, 4: Pan-American Club. CARMEN ANAYA Cookie "Que feo te da." 1, 2: F. H. A.; 3: Pan-American: 3: Safety Driving Club.

FRANK ANDREWS Frankie 2, 3: Fly Tying Club; 4: Student Council; 2, 4: Ski Club; 2: Chess Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 2: Pan-American Club; 3, 4 :Traffic Safety Club; 4: Ss Club. LYDIA ARMENTA Clown "Oh! Gads." 4: Commerical Club; 3, 4: Latin Club; 2: President, French Club; Transfer

CAROL ANN ARRIGHI Kawo "Can I go, too> Fagan?" 2: Vice-President, Fly Tying Club; 3, 4: Commercial Club; 3, 4: F. T. A.; 3, 4: Student Councilr 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 3: Safety Driving Club. TED CRUZ BACA Lolo "Quieres la Vacha, Joe Ortiz." 3, 4: Pan American Club. CANDIDO BARELA Candie "Dig it man." 2: Football; 2: Basketball; 4: Pan-American Club. Transfer FRANCES ELIZABETH BARROW "Nuts!" 4: Chess Club: 3, 4: Band; 4: Ss Club.

RICHARD DWAYN BELIAN DICKIE "I say, old fruit." 4: Photography; 2: Band; 3, 4: Operetta. DOROTHY ANN BELL D. BELL "What I do now!" 2: Student Council: 2, 3, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Library Club.

CARMEN ROBERTO BENAVIDEZ SARDINES "Your daddy" JOE BENAVIDEZ SHAGGY "Opale, ay embustero" 2: Craftsman Club; 2: Pan-American Club.

FRED BENTLEY FREDDIE 4: Letter "S" Club; 3, 4: A. L. L.; 2: Football; 3, 4 :Track; 3: Boys' State; 4: S. S. Club. BARBARA BERGERE BARBIE "You're so dumb!" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 3, 4: Commercial Club; 3: Annual, Crew member: 2: Ski Club; 2: Operetta; 2, 3: Cantata; 2, 3: Chorus; 3, 4: Safety Club.

GEORGE THOMAS BARNARD "Oh! Fish" 4: Photography Club SHIRLEY ANN BICE SUD1E "No, guy. You're kidding." 4: Student Council; 2: Chess Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Safety Club: 3: Greek Club; 4: Library.

CHARLES FRANKLYN BOATRIGHT CHAS "Lord, love a duck" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 3, 4: Thespian Club; 3, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society: 2, 3, 4: Band: 2, 3: Operetta; 3: Boys' State; 4: Safety Club; 3, 4; All State Band; 2: Swing Band; 4: President, Thespians; 4: President Safety Club. PAT BORLAND BLOOD "Oh! Madre." 3, 4; Letter "S" Club: 2, 3, 4; Football: 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 3, 4: Track; 2: Baseball; 3; Boys' State Alternate; 4: S. S. Club, OY Chapter

JOHN STERLING BRADFORD 2 ,3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 3, 4: A. L. L.; 2, 3: Student Council; 2, 3, 4: Football; JONETTE LOUISE BRIMER Jody 4: Latin Club; 4: Annual Staff; 3: Demon Taller Staff; 2, 3, 4: F. T. A.; 4: Drama Club; 3: Girls' State Alternate; 3: Office helper; 4: Library Club.


Jo 3, 4: A, L. L.; 2: Fly Tying Club; 3, 4: Student Council; 3: D<?OTOH r*//<?r Staff; 2, 3, 4: F. T. A.; 3, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3: Operetta; 2, 3: Cantata; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club. GEORGE BRENT BROOME Hondo 3, 4: A. L. L.; 3: Football; 3: Track:

INEZ BROWN Babe "Oh, brother!" 4: Commercial Club; 4: Pan-American Club; 2: Annual Crew Member. CHARLES PAUL BRYANT

GLORIA C. DE BACA Glorine "How come?" 4: Commercial dub

NAOMI KAY CAMPBELL Katie "Just a minute, id jit." 3: Safety Driving Club; 3: Library Club Secretary; 4: Demon Tatler Staff. STUART LEE CARLSON Swede "Hey, you dirty guy!" 2-3-4: Band; 2-3-4: Square Dancing; 3: Fireflies; 4: Commercial Club; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society, V. P. of Lo Fi chapter; 4: Ski Club.

KENNETH MEDRAY CARPENTER Casey "Bum my buttons?' 4: Fly Tying Club; 2-3: Football, B squad; 2-3: Track; 4: Drama Club: 2: Operetta; 2-3 Cantata; 3-4: Safety Driving Club. THOMAS JACKSON CARR

r. /• 3: Student Council; 2: Band; 2-3-4: Thespian Club; 2-3-4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 3-4: Safety Driving Club; 4: O Y chapter of Ss Club.

CORRINE MARY CARRILLO Shorty "Oh, well, such is life." 2: F. H. A. CAYETANO LAWRENCE CASADOS Larry "Go drown yourself!" 2: Basketball; 2: Track; 2: Baseball; 3: PanAmerican Club, 4: O Y chapter of Ss Club

PATRICIA LOU CATOR Pat "Come on Y a l l - Y e l l ! " 3-4: Commercial Club; 3-4: Annual Staff; 2: Class Officer, Secretary; 2, 4: Cheerleader; 3: Para Manana, Assistant Editor; 4: Para Manana, Editor-in-Chief; 4: Para Manana Crew Member; 4: Pep Club; 4: A. LL. MARIE DOLORES CHARLEY Charley "All Righty" 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Chess Club; 4: F. T. A.; 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Indian Club; 3: Indian Club, Secretary; 3, 4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Senior Girls' Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Art Club; 3, 4: Chorus and Madrigal Accompanist; 3, 4: F. H. A:

SARA MARY CHAVEZ Sahara "Oh! Dance with me, Henry!" 4: Chorus VICKIE VIRGINIA CHAVEZ

CHARLES KEITH CHILDERS Transfer Keith "Howdy, Slim." 4: Student Council; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Baseball; 2, 3, 4: Band; BARBARA LA NELL CHRISTIAN Barby Baptist 4: Commercial Club; 2, 3: F. H. A; 2, 3: Chorus; 4: Pep Squad:

JO ANN CLARK Jody "They come and they go!" 3: Demon Tatler Staff; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Chorus; 2: Library Assistant: MARY FLORENCE CONNERY Connery "Do you know?" ~^ 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 2: All State Band; 4: Office Helper; 4: Fire Flies; 4: SS Club:

MARGARET JO COOK Full Back "I'm not so dumb!" 2: Fly Tying Club; 4: Thespian Club; 3-4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society, Gamma Chapter; 2, 3: Band; 3: Girls" State, Alternate; 2: Chorus; 2: Art Club. CLARENCE CORIZ Indian "They do make it nice!" 3: Indian Club President; 3: Para Manana Crew Member. ERNEST CORIZ Cochise "Where's my tomahawk, Blood?" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2: Fly Tying Club; 4: Student Council; 2: Treasurer, Sophomore Class; 2, 3, 4: Football; 2: Basketball, 3, 4: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Tennis; 3: Boys' State, alternate; 4: O Y Chapter of Ss Club. HELEN ELAINE CORNETT Queenie "Cut that out" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Annual Staff; 2: Treasurer, Sophomore Class 4; Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Homecoming Queen; 2, 3: Homecoming Attendant; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 2, 3, 4: Majorette; 4: Pep Club.

DOROTHY CRUZ PATRICK HANLON DA VIES Pat "How about that?" 2, 3, 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Photography Club; 2, 3, 4: Chess Club; 3, 4: Ski Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3: Operetta;

WINIFRED DIREEN DAVIES Direen 4: Commercial Club: 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta, Orchestra; 2, 4: All State Band; 3: All State Orchestra. MARILYN JEAN DAVIS Jeanie "Hi, Man!" 4: Commercial Club; 3, 4: Annual Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Lo Fi Chapter; 2: Cantata; 4: Safety Driving Club; 4: Pep Club; 3,- 4: Para Manana Crew Member.


JOHN HOGE DENDAHL Johnny "Ya Buehl" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 2, 4: Student Council; 4: Track; 4: Tennis; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Ski Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: All State Band; 4: O Y Chapter of Ss Club. JACK HAROLD DENNIS Jackson "Indubitably" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Student Council;3, 4: Thespian Club; 3, 4: Drama Club; 3, 4: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society 3, 4: Forensics.

TOM DOMINGUEZ Sunday "Why" 3, 4: Fly Tying Club; 3: Football; B squad; 4: Track. 4: Baseball; 3, 4: Pan American Club. DEANNA P. DONOHOE Dee Dee "Chip Chip, Man" 3: Latin Club; 4: Annual Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4 Homecoming Attendant; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3, 4 Safety Driving Club; 2, 3: All-State band; 4 Majorette; 4: O Y Chapter of Ss Club.

TED ALLEN DRENNAN "Don't Cry" 2: Demon Tatler Staff; 3, 4: Driving Safety Club. THOMAS COULTER DUKER Duke 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Student Council 2: Chess Club; 4: Football Track; 4: Drama Club; 2: Chorus; 4: Safety Driving.

DORATHEA ALICE DUNAKIN Tort "I hope it snows!" 3, 4: Drama Club; 2: Ski Club; 2, 3: Chorus; 4: O Y Chapter of Ss Club 3, 4: Art Club. BERNARD ANTHONY DURAN


TONY THOMAS DURAN Mono "Cbale" 3, 4: Letter "S" Club 2, 3. 4: Football; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 3, 4: Track; 4: Pan American Club. CAROLE LOUISE EAGAN Eagan 2: Fly Tying Club- 3, 4: Student Council; 4: D*OTOW Td//er Staff; 3, 4: F. T. A.; 4: Secretary; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 4: Pan-American Club; President: 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 3: Librarian; 4: Pep Club; 4: Youth Conference.

TERRY CARMEN ENCINIAS Ten "Aye, Dios" 4: Commercial Club; 4 :Craftsman Club. RAQUEL SOCORRO ESPINOSA Rachel "Bueno" 2, 3: Commercial Club.

EDNA ANN FAULK Edna "Really" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Commercial Club; 3, 4: Operetta; 3, 4: Chorus; 3: Assistant Librarian; 3, 4: Cantata. BOBBY GILBERT FELIX The Cat "Dig it Dad-e-o" 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 4: Pan American Club, Vice President.

|J8i''JnB MANUELITA FERNANDEZ "Oh, shoots." 2: Pan-American Club. DORIS FLORES Dorie "You're not even nice." 4: Commercial Club; 3: Latin Club; 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan-American Club.

PAULINE LOUISE FRITZGES Polly "Quit cussing. Mary Florence." 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4 Gavel Society; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 2, 3, 4 Library Club; 2, 3, 4: Para Manana Crew Member 4: SS Club; 3: Classic's Club; 3 : 3 : Vice-President Library Club. GEORGE FRANCIS GALLEGOS Buzzard "Don touche de tings." 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 3, 4: A. L. L.; 2, 3, 4: Student Council; 2: Vice-President of class; 3: Class Treasurer: 4: Class President; 2: Baseball; 3, 4: Tennis; 3: Boys' State; 2: PanAmerican.

JERRY GALLEGOS LUPE RUBY GALLEGOS Ludu "Oh! Let me tell you guy!" 4: Commercial Club; 1, 4-H Club. Transfer

TOBY GALLEGOS " / / you ain't loving, you ain't living." 3, 4: Pan-American Club HAROLD GARCIA "Hi, doll." 4: Photography Club; 2: Pan-American Club.

NATE GARCIA Nat King Cole "Watcha gonna do now?" 1; Baseball; 1; Basketball; Transfer TONY GARCIA Motcben "Ese Shortie" 3: Baseball; 3: Chorus

CHRIS ROBIN GAUL Disoliver "Jolly good show" 4: Chess Club; 4: Baseball;


BARBARA SUE GLENN B. Sue "Great Hat!" 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: F. T. A.; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Chorus; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 2, 3, 4: Madrigalj 3: Senior Girls Ensemble; 3, 4: All State Chorus.

CHRISTELLA LUCILLE GOMEZ Chris "Let me tell you! 4: Commercial Club: 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan-American; 2, 3, 4: Tipica. ELNORA MARY INEZ GONZALES Elite "Poor darling." 4: F. H. A.; 2, 3, 4: Tipica

HENRIETTA GONZALES Henrie "Holy mackerel!" 4: Photography; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2, 3: Operetta; 2, 3: Cantata; 2, 3: Chorus; Pan-American Club. LOUISE DORA GONZALES Negra "How enchanting." L 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan-American; 2: Photo and Annual Club. Transfer

LUCILA IRENE GONZALES Lucifer "Santo Pinnichio" MARIE BENIGNA GONZALES Bennie "Big Charge" 3: F. H. A.; 3: Pan-American.

JUDITH ANN GREEN Bugs "Godfrey" 4: Thespians; 4: Para Manana Staff; 2: Vice-President; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir 4: Gavel Society, 2, 3: Band; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 4: Ss Club. MARCELLA DOROTHY GRIEGO Chicken "Hep shore, choo, honey" 3, 4: Commercial Club.

CHRISTINE LUCILLE HAGMAN Chris "No lie Dick Tracy?" 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Band; 4: Safety Driving Club. ELIZABETH JANE HALL Liz "The South shall rise again." 4: Fly Tying Club 4: F. T. A. 4: Chorus

LOIS IRENE HALL Blondie "Huh?" 4: Thespians; 3, 4: Drama Club 4: Para Manana Staff; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2: Operetta; 4: Cantata; 2: Chorus; 4: Ss Club.


DON HANSEN Spider "Too much trouble" 3, 4: Basketball.

BILLY ALVIN HARKLEROAD Bill "Good Morning." CLARON WARREN HAWKINS Clancy "You laugh, but!" 3, 4: Safety Driving Club:

RICHARD W. HENDERSON Richie "Love a duck." 3, 4: A.. L. L; 2, 3: Student Council; 2, 3: Basketball; 3, 4: Track; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 4: Ski Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3: Safety Driving Club; 4: S. S. Club; PHILLIP GORDON HERKENHOFF Herky Jerkinoff "Good-bye in Russian." 2: Fly Tying Club; 4: Chess Club:

TONI ANN HERRMANN Crisco "You want to bet?" 4: Latin Club; 3, 4: Student Council; 3, 4: Thespian Club; o, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Girls' State, Alternate; 3, 4: Traffic Safety: LEMALVA HOLMES Skeeter "Line it up, Horns." 3, 4: A. L. L.; Secretary; 4: Commercial Club, President; 4: Annual Staff; 2 3: Class Secretary; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3: Girls' State; 3: Operetta, Orchestra; 2: Chorus; 3, 4: Madrigal; 2: Cantata; 3: Traffic Safety; 2: All State Chorus; 3: All State Band:

CAROL ANN HUFFAKER Dinny "Do Tell!" 3: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3: Operetta; 2, 3: Cantata; 2, 3: Chorus; 2, 3: Safety Driving Club: EDWARD NICK IGALO Peecheequatt 3, 4: Band: 2: Water Polo:


DIXIE ANN JACKSON Shorty "I'm gonna hit you." 4: Fly Tying Club; 2: Student Council; 4: Thespian Club; 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2: Pan American Club. LYNDEL DEEN JENNINGS Clem "Whoo!! Country!!" 2, 3: Band; 2: Football;


VIANNE RUTH JOHNSON 7W/ /ÂŤ the saddle "You wanna bet!" 3, 4: A. L. L; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3: Chorus; 2, 3: Operetta; 4: S. S. Club; 4: Madrigal; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble. IDA MAE JONES Blackie "Oh, Few" 4: Para Manana; 4: S. S. Club; 4: Cheerleader.

PAT JONES Jonesy "Lock the doors and roll the windows down." 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Commercial Club; 4: Para Manana; 3, 4: Corresponding Secretary, F. T. A; 3: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Safety Driving Club: BARBARA JOYCE JUAREZ TRANSFER Juarez "That's about the size of if 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Pep Club.

PATRICIA ANN KELL Kelly "C'est Si Bon" 4: Safety Driving Club; 4: Para Manana Crew Member. MARY ISABEL KOZLOWSKI Bella "Oh, great" 2: Chorus.


CARL WILLARD KRUGER Pickle "O. K., man, lets go." 1, 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 1, 2, 3, 4: Track; 3: Gavel Society; 3: Speech Choir. SHIRLEY ANN LA MONDA Shorty "Oh! Brother" 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus.

PHILLIP WARREN LAPP Peanuts "Oh! Go smoke a pickle." ALFONSO R. LARRAGOITE Ponchie "Hey Man" 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: Ss Club.

SYLVIA YORK LEAKEY Syl 3: Fly Tying Club; 4: Student Council; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Chess Club; 2: Ski Club; 3, 4: Safety Club; 3, 4: Operetta; 3, 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Cantata; 4: Madrigal 4: All State Chorus; 3: Office Helper. WILFRED LERMA Goose "Oh, 1 don't give a care.'1 3: Letter "S" Club; 4: Student Council; 2, 3: Basketball; 2: Tipica; 2, 4: Track; 2, 3, 4: Pan-American.

CLAUDINE LESLIE Dene "Ya'll" 3: Safety Driving Club; 2: F. H. A. ANTONIA LEYBA Tonie "Well—well" 2, 3, 4: Pan-American Club.


TANIS JANE LINFORD Tanis "Holy Cow " 4; Para Manana Staff; 4: Demon Taller Staff; 1, 2, 3: Band; 3: Band, Secretary; 1, 2, 3: Chorus; 1, 2, 3: Pep Club; 2: Operetta; Transfer CLARENCE VINCENT LITHGOW Porky "Anybody doesn't want theirs?" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3: Fly Tying Club; 4: Craftsman Club; 2: Basketball; 2, 4: Tennis.

HARRIET ANNE LOKEN Hattie "Gobs" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 4: Commercial Club; 4: Speech Choir; 3: Demon Toiler Staff; 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble; 3, 4: Madrigal; 4: Office helper; 2, 3, 4: Fireflies. STEPHEN WESLEY LONG Huey "I'll tell you judge." 4: Demon Taller Staff.

DAVE ROBERT LONGACRE Boba "Watcha doing?" 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2: Football; 3: Football manager; 3: Track manager. CORDELIA LOPEZ Cordy "...but that's beside the point." 4: F. H. A.; 4: Student Council; 4: Drama Club; 3: Girls' State Alternate; 3, 4: Operetta; 3, 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Cantata; 2: Library; 4: Madrigal; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble.

DOLORES JOSEPHINE LOPEZ Dodo "Are you kidding?" 4: Photography Club. MARY DORA LOPEZ Dodo "Honesty, Sertamente." 4: Commercial Club.

JACOB LOPEZ 2: Craftsman Club 2: Photography Club THEODORE RALPH LOPEZ

CORNELIA STOCKTON LOWNDES Cornie "I'm just a little kid; don't do me a dirty trick." 3, 4: A. L. L; 4: Student Council; Corresponding Secretary; 3, 4: Thespian Club; 4: Para Manana Staff 4: Demon Taller Staff 2, 3, 4: Cheerleader; 4: Head Cheerleader: 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society, Timekeeper; 4: Operetta; 2, 4: Cantata; 3, 4: Safety Driving Club; 4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble; 4: Youth Conference; 4: Pep Club; 3: Office Helper; 2: Math Award; LIDA UGGEN LUCERO Lydia "Well, tell me." 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A; 2, 4: Student Council; 4: Treasurer, Student Council; 3: Camera Club; Transfer

VIRGINIA LUCERO Gina "What a Blast." 3, 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A; 3, 4: Student Council; 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: P<<f<a Manana Crew Member; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; WYLIE ROBERT LUCERO Gizmo 4: Pan-American Club; 3, 4: Art Club; 4: Para Manana Crew Member; 4: A. L. L.

MARKLEY JANETTE LUMPKINS Marki "Holy Cow" 3, 4: Fly Tying Club; 2, 3, 4: F. T. A; 4: P<wvÂť Manana Crew Member; 2: Art Club. ROCKNE LUNA Rock "Dumb Sophomores" 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3: Fly Tying Club; 4: Craftsman Club; 2, 3: Football; 2, 3: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Tennis; 2, 3: Band; 3: Math Club; 2, 3: Pan-American Club;

JESSIE LAMBERT MACGILLIVRAY Jess "Maybe, tomorrow I'll have a '56' Ford.1" 2: Latin Club: 4: Student Council; 3, 4: Thespian Club; 3, 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 3, 4: Drama Club: 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3: Chorus: 3: Traffic Safety Club; 4: Traffic Safety Club, President; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 4: Drama Club Advisory Board: 4: Youth Conference. JOE FREDDIE MAES Freddie "Lo que sera, sera." 4: A. L. L; 4: Chess Club; 4: Track; 4: PapAmerican Club; 4: S. S. Club; 2, 3: Track; 2, 3: Leitermen's Club; 3: Boys' State; 3: Student Council, Treasurer: 3: Honor Society; 2, 3: Science Club; 2, 3: Spanish Club; 2, 3: Key Club Transfer. RUDY MAESTAS Sweetpea "Say man, I roll around like a big wheel." 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 4: Baseball; 4: Pan-American Club. GEORGIA ANN MAGERS George "What a Blast!" 3, 4: A. L. L; 2, 3: Student Council; 4: Class Officer, Secretary; 4: Drama Club; 3: Girls' State; 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus; 3, 4: Traffic Safety Club; 4: S. S. Club; 2: Cantata. SUSAN FRANCES MAGUIRE Susie "Sure you do." 3, 4: A. L L: 3, 4: Thespian Club; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Chojr; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus; 3: Cantata. NANCY AMALIA MANN Red "Does anybody have a stamp?" 3, 4: A. L. L; 3, 4: Latin Club; 4: Student Council; 4: Annual Staff; 3: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Class Officer, Treasurer; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society, President; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3: Girls' State; 4: S. S. Club; 2, 3, 4: All State Band; 3, 4: Traffic Safety, Treasurer; 4: Pep Club.

PAULA JO MANNON Aluap "He's a peach!" 4: S. S. Club: 2-3: Homeroom President: Ariz. Social Committee: Student Council: F. H. A: Girls' League: Transfer MARY MARGARET MANZANARES Hope Big Charge."

BEATRICE BETTY MARQUES Twitter "I'm so thrilled I" 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A, 4: Student Council; 2: Annual; 2, 3: Pan-Amercian-Club; 2, 3: Tipica Orchestra. ALFONSO ROGUE MARTINEZ Jungie "Ah. Marano" 4: Pan-America Club; 2, 3: Track; Basketball; Annual Staff. Transfer.

ANNE MARIE MARTINEZ Nannie "Don't do anything I would't do" 3, 4: Commercial Club; 2, 3, 4: F. H. A; 4: F. T. A; 4: Pan-American Club; 4: Chorus; 4: Numistamatic Club. EDWARD VINCENT MARTINEZ "Fish" "How's your liver?" 3, 4: Letter "S ,: Club; 4: Basketball; 3: Track; 2: Pan-American Club.

HELEN DORILLA MARTINEZ Lena "How do you think I feel?" 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Commercial Club; 2, 3: F. H. A.; 2: Student Council; 2: F. T. A.; 4: Chorus; 4: Pan-American Club; 2: Prfra Manana Crew Member 3: Nurses' Club; 3: Pianottes; 3: Commercial Club, Transfer. RAY GEORGE MARTINEZ "Ah! Forget It" 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 4: Football; 3, 4: Baseball; 1-2: Letter "M" Club; 1-2: Baseball, Transfer.

WILLIAM W. MASON Messm' 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2: President, Sophomore Class; 3, 4: Football; 3, 4: Basketball; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gauel Society; 3: Boys' State; S. S. Club. DAN McCOLLUM

ROBERT MARTIN McCOLM Mac "Let's go, Swede." 4: Fly Tying Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 4: Ski Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: S. S. Club: JERALD McDANIEL Chickee "It's been real." 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Baseball; 2: Operetta; 2: Cantata; 2: Chorus:

DONALD GENE McGEE Dedge "Ya better don't." 2, 3: Fly Tying Club; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 3: Pan American Club: BARTON CAMPBELL McGUFFIN Bart "Forget it." 2: Chess Club; 2: Chorus:

SHARON ESTHER MEYER Dia "You want to get bashed?" 3-4: A. L. L: 3: Fly Tying Club; Secretary: 4: Annual Staff; 3-4: DÂťmon Tatler Staff: 4: Demon Tatler Editor: 4: F. T. A; 4: Drama Club; 2; 3: Operetta; 2, 3: Chorus; 3, 4: Art Club; 3: Classics Club; Senior Girls' Ensemble: LEWIS M. MIDDLETON Mickey "Howdy, Fats." 4: Letter "S" Club; 3, 4: Track; 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: S. S. Club:

STUART BEAUCHAMP MILAM Skinny "Forget it." 4: Photography Club: KATHERINE DEHAVEN MILLIGAN Butch "You tell 'em, sweet smellin'." 3, 4: A. L. L; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2, 3, 4: F. T. A; 4: Drama Club; 3, 4: Operetta 3, 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Cantata; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble; 3, 4: Traffic Safety Club; 2, 3: Tipica Orchestra; 4: Pep Club; 4: Madrigal:

ANNIE LAURIE MILLS Dimples "Shoot the gun." DONALD RUSSELL MINICH Minich "Why are you so stupid, Torbert?" 3: Latin Club; 3: Chess Club; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 3, 4: All State Chorus; 3, 4: Madrigal.

MACEDONIA MONTANO Mercy "Who me?" 4: F. H. A.; 4: Demon Taller Staff; 1: Chorus; 2, 3: Tipica. ADRIANNA RAMONA MONTOYA Drana "Oh, come on, Daddio, don't give me a hard time." 4: F. H. A.; 4 Vara Manana Staff; 4: Drama Club; 2: Pan-American Club; Ticketeers; 2: Transfer 4: Pep Club.

CHARLES EDWARD MONTOYA Chick "Yep, Conchie!" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 4: Class Vice President; 2, 3X 4: Football; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Baseball. DICKIE ANTHONY MONTOYA "Crazylegs" "Sure you will. Crazy!" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Football; 3, 4: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Track; 3: Baseball.

FLORA MARIE MONTOYA Daniels "Cosas de neverP' 3: Commercial Club: 2; F. H. A. FRANKIE ALLEN MONTOYA Cerrillos "Ain't it nice?" 4: Track; 4: Pan-American Club.

FRED ROBERT MONTOYA Transfer Rawhide 1, 2: Basketball; 1: Sodality; 1: Newpaper Staff; 2: Annual Staff; 1: Band, 1, 2: 4-H; 2: Science Club; 1: Treasurer: MARGARITA MONTOYA Margie "Y no que." 3: Craftsman Club; 3, 4: F. H. A., State Delegate; 2: Pan American Club:

DONALD DAN MOYA Don Let's go, men." 2: Basketball; 3: Track; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Pan-American Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3: Boys' State Alternate: LORRAINE AGNES NARANJO Lori "Good Gravy!" 3: Student Council; 3: Demon Tatler Staff, Art Editor; 2, 3, 4: F. T. A; 4: Pan-American Club; 3: Girls' State; 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Indian Club; 4: Indian Club, President:

BETTY LOU O'DELL Beterica "Haree Feathers." 4: Craftsman Club; 2, 3: F. H. A; 3, 4: Demon Tatler Staff: NELDA MARIE ODOM No»/V "How could I ever forget?" 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Operetta; 4: Chorus: FRANK JOSEPH OLIVAS Gunnie "You know what I mean." 4: Latin Club; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 4: Drama Club: JERRY ROBERT OLIVAS "Is that right? How about that?" 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Football; 2, 3, 4: Track:

< ^ § ^ j

MARY CAROLINE ORTEGA Charoline "Yo Quirild" 2: Pan American Club. DELIA P. ORTIZ REALLY? Don't be funny!!" 3, 4: Commercial Club.

DOROTHY ANN ORTIZ Repeal "Ob, Beans" 3, 4: Commercial Club; Treasurer: 2, 3, 4: Band; 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus; 2: Cantata. IMELDA ORTIZ "Stupid" "Sure you are" 3: Pan American Club; 4: Chorus; 4: Traffic Safety Club.

JOE FRANK ORTIZ "Don't tell me your troubles; I ain't no preacher." 2: Pan American Club. JOSE MARINO ORTIZ Joby 3, 4: Baseball; 4: Pan American Club.

LORENCITA ORTIZ Lorrie "I got a letter" 3, 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A. President; 2, 3: Pan American Club. THERESA MARIE ORTIZ Tree 3: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A.; 2: Student Council.

TONIE ANN ORTIZ Little Lulu "Mas Vida Mi Carlos" 4: Craftsman; 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan American Club; 2: Chorus; 3: Para Manana Crew Member. EMILIE GENE OVERLOCK Red "Going riding tonite?" 4: Demon Tatler Staff.

ESTER MARTHA PACHECO Marty "Que, no" 4: Drama Club; 2: Pan American Club; 3, 4: All School Show. NELLIE ISABEL PENNER Sm&key "Gee Whiz guy!" 3, 4: Commercial Club; 3, 4: F. H. A.; 2: Pan American Club; 2, 3: Tipica Orchestra.

JOHN PEREA Transfer Hawkeye "Just don't cry!" 2, 3: Baseball; 2; 3: Basketball; ARLENE PEREZ "You do that." 3: Commercial Club; 3: Pan American Club; 2, 3: Indian Club; 2: Traffic Safety; 2: i V d Manana Crew Member.

DOROTHY JEAN PIATT Dottie "Why" 3, 4: Latin Club; 3: Student Council; 2, 3, 4: Librarian; 3-4: Traffic Safety Club. PATRICIA IRENE PICK Patty "That's fabulous" 3, 4: Student Council; 3, 4: A. L. L.; 3: Demon Tatler Staff; 2-3: F. T. A.: 3, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2: Pan American Club, 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus: 2, 3- 4: Cantata: 4: Senior Girls' Chorus; 3, 4: Traffic Safety Club.

CRE6CENTA ANN PINO Chris Ann "Ain't that a shame." 4: Pan American Club; 3, 4: Indian Club; 4: Cantata. OLIVIA MAGDALENA PORTHJLO Liba 4: Commercial Club; 2, 3, 4: F. H. A.

SUSAN GAIL POWELL "Snail" "Sure I won't." 2: Student Council; 4: Annual Staff; 4: F. T. A; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus; 2: Cantata; 2: Girls' Chorus; 3, 4: Traffic Safety; 4: Office Helper; 4: Pep Club. LORENZITA MARTINA QUINT ANA

MARCELLA HELEN RAEL "You're for the birds." 4: F. H. A. 4: Pan American Club; 4: P<w<i Manana Crew Member. DAVID STARR REINHARDT Sir Cumference "How about that!" 3, 4: A. L. L; 2, 3, 4: Chess Club; 4: Chess Club, President; 3: Math Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3, 4: Band Manager: 2, 3, 4: Operetta, Orchestra; 2, 4: Chorus; 4: S. S. Club; 2: All State Orchestra; 3, 4: All State Band; 2, 4: Cantata; 3: Cantata Orchestra; 4: Madrigal; 2, 3, 4: Swing Band.

WENDEL RAY REYNOLDS Ray Boy 4: Track; 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 4: Ski Club; 2, 3, 4: Band; 3, 4: All State Band; 2, 3: Swing Band; 4: S. S. Club. LAVINIA ANN RIFE Vmgie "Thunder" 3, 4: Fly Tying Club; President; 3, 4: Latin Club; 3: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2: Ski Club; 2: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Girls' Chorus; 2, 3 ,4: Art Club.

ANTONIA MARIA RIVERA Peewee "Hay esta ves." Para Manana Crew Member. LUCY RIVERA "Jeepers!" 3, 4; A. L. L.; 2, 3: Pan-American Club; 3: Girls' State.


"Oh, about ten." LARRY ROBERTS Daddy-oh "Oh, scrounge." 4: Demon Ttaler Staff; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 2, 3, 4: Madrigals; 2: 3, 4: Tipica, 4: Senior Boys' Quartet.


CHRIS ROMERO HELEN ROMERO "Okay, you guys." 4; Commercial Club

JAMES MARTIN ROMERO Romeo "Fred, Did you see that?" 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 3, 4: A. L. L.; 2, 3, 4: Student Council; 3: Vice President; 4: President; State Student Council Secretary; 2, 3, 4: Track; 3: Boys' State; 4: OY Chapter of the SS Club; 4: Pan-American Club. JUAN ANDRESS ROMERO

JUANITA VIOLA ROMERO Jenny "You mean you didn't know?" 2: Demon Tatler Staff: 2: Pan-American Club. MARY CORNELIA ROMERO "/ don't dig your jive." 2: Pan-American Club.

ROSINA MERIE ROMERO Rosie "Gorgeous!" 3, 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A.; 4: Pan-American Club. TONY PATRICK ROMERO Ton "Hey, Dad!" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2: Student Council: 3: Latin Club; 3, 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Football; 2; Track; 2 ,3, 4: Baseball 2: PanAmerican Club.

VIRGINIA ANTONIA ROMERO Ginger "Gads!" 4: F. H. A.; 2: Pan-American Club. TOMMY SAM SALAZAR Sunshine Sam "Hardy." 4: Photography Club; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 2: Pan- American Club.

CONSUELO SANCHEZ Connie "Can I go, Charles?" 4: F. H. A.; 2: Student Council; 2, 4: Pan-American Club; 3: Homecoming Attendant. RICHARD ALFONSO SANDOVAL Skip "Lefs eat." 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Football; 2: Basketball; 2, 3: Baseball; 4: Pan-American Club.

WILLIAM L. SAUTER Bill "Lefs drag, John." 2: Fly Tying Club; 4: Chess Club; 2, 3, 4: Band. MARY TO SEIBERT Beetso Hot Dingy-Dongys 3, 4: A. L. L.: 3: D^zow Tatler Staff; 3, 4: Drama Club: 4: Sneech Choir; 4 :Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2: Operetta; 2: Chorus.

PRISCILLA SENA CLARA LOURDES SERNA Fish "On! Man!" 4: Photography Club: 2: F. H. A.; 4: PanAmerican Club; 3: Chorus: 3: Drill Club;

DOROTHY MARIE SIKES Dot "There's a first time for everything!" 4; Photography Club: 4: Para Manana Staff; 3, 4: Demon Tatler Staff;3: Secretary; 4: Reporter. JAMES E. SIKES Seekas "Yer Cracked." 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: Ss Club; 3, 4: All State Band.


CECILIA MARIE SUVA CC "How darling" 4: Photography Club. JOHN JOEL SIMPSON Tootsie "Let's drag, Bill" 2, 3: Letter "S" Club; 2: Football; 3: Baseball.

JOE ABAD SISNEROS DON ALLEN SLOAN Butch "Censored" 2, 3, 4: Letter "S" Club; 2, 3, 4: Football; 4: Captain; 2, 3, 4: Basketball; 2, 3, 4: Track.

IRENE A. SMITH Ducky "Oh, go butter an egg" 4: Fly Tying Club; 4 Para Manana Staff, Art Editor; 3: Drama Club, Recording Clerk; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Art Club; 4: Coin Collectors Club; 4: Pdra Manana Crew Member JOSETTE KATHERINE SMITH Josie "{Said too low to be overheard)" 4: Latin Club; 4: Drama Club; 3, 4: Ski Club; 4: Ss Club; 3, 4: Office Helper.

KAREN ALLENE SMITH Speedy "I believe it too" 4: Student Council; 4: F. T. A.; 3, 4: Drama Club; 3: Speech Choir; 3: Gavel Society. PAUL LORING SPERRY Spans "By George" 3, 4: A. L. L; 2, 3, 4: Chess Club; Vice President; 2, 3, 4: Band; 4: Manager; 3, 4: Swing Band; 4: Ss Club; 4: Chess Cub; 3: Math Award.

/ / / /

JEANINE PATRICIA STARNES "Enchanting." 4: Commercial Club: 3, 4: F. T. A; 4: Chorus; 3, 4: Girls P. E. Assistant. JAMES EDWARD TODD Toad "Y&u bet your boots." 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 3, 4: Chess Club; 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Madrigal Singers; 4: Senior Boys' Quartet.

RONALD LOUIS TORBERT Ronnie "Viva La We Men" 3: Fly Tying Club; 3, 4: Chess Club; 3: Operetta; 3: Chorus; 2, 4: Cantata. MARY CLEO TRUJILLO Hi, ya doll! "Oh, sure!" 2, 4: Student Council; 2: Spanish Club President; 2: F. H. A., Treasurer. Transfer

TOMMY M. TRUJILLO -Bozo-"Scroungy" 4: Letter "S" Club; 3: Fly Tying Club; 2, 3, 4: Football; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Ss Club. LINDA JANE TURNER Cheetah "fust don't get me excited!" 4: Thespian Club; 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 4: Homecoming Attendant; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble; 3, 4: Madrigal; 4: Ss Club; 3, 4: Traffic Safety Club, 3, 4: All State Chorus.


"Do you really think so?'' 3, 4: Commercial Club; 4: F. H. A; 2: Band. CONSUELO ELISA VALDEZ Conchie "Don't be funny.'' 3, 4: Commercial Club.

MARY LOUISE VALDEZ Dora "Da me la cosa" 4: F. H. A. MARY ELIZABETH VALDEZ "You don't know, do you?" 3, 4: Commercial Club; 2: Pan-American Club.

SHARON LOIS VANDERSYS "What a blast" 3, 4: A. L. L.; 3, 4: Commercial Club; 4: Thespians; 4: Para Manana Staff; 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 2, 3, 4: Cantata; 3 Traffic Safety Club; 4: Senior Girls' Ensemble; 4 Treasurer of A. L. L.; 4: Square Dance Club; 3, 4 Fireflies. JOHN MANUEL VIGIL Besero "Te bajas tu" 4: Pan-American Club; 4: Numismatics Club.

MARY DOROTHY VIGIL Dorty "Que crazy, no?" 3: Commercial Club; 2: Student Council; 2: PanAmerican Club. DOUGLAS LOOMIS WATERMAN Watermelon "People that sit on a tack are better off 3, 4: Chess Club; 4: Baseball; 2, 3, 4: Band.

HARLAN ROSS WATSON Doodle bug "The key to a woman's heart is the same one to a Cadillac." 4: Chess Club; 4: Numismatics Club; 3: Art Club. ARCHIE WEST Itchy 3: Student Council; 4: Thespian Club; 3, 4: Drama Club; 4: Speech Choir; 4: Gavel Society, President; 2, 3: Class President; 2, 3, 4: Operetta; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 4: Senior Boys' Quartet; 3, 4 :Madrigal, Singers.

DIANE WEST Sorrell Top "How do you know?" 3: F. H. A.; 3; Annual, Para Manana Staff: 2, 3, 4: Art Club. CANDACE SYLVIA WILSON Candy "Hexa chloraphine." 3; Speech Choir: 3: Gavel Society; 2, 3, 4: Band; 2, 3, 4: Chorus; 4: OY Chapter Ss Club: 2, 3, 4: All State Chorus. •

BARBARA GORBET WOFFORD Pepe La Pew "Jest for chuckles." 3: Commercial Club; 3: Latin Club; 4: Demon Tatler Staff; 3: Chorus; 3, 4: Traffic Safety Club. NANCY AILEEN YEARGAIN Transfer "Thafs just the neatest." 4: Commercial Club; 4: Girls' Cabinet; 1 ,2, 3: Athenians; 2: French Club; Y-Teen, Roll Room Representative.

SUE FRANCES YOUNG Freckles "Pin a rose on you." 4: F. H. A.; 3: Para Manana Staff; 2: Demon Tatler Staff; 4: F. T. A.:






l> ft ff r


Bob Akin Lorenzo J. Alejandro Pete Alejandro

Bbbby Anaya Joan Apodaca Mary Apodaca

Ramona Anaya Pauline Apodaca Dolly Arellanos

Patsy Armijo Phillip Ashbou^h Jean Baca

Phillip Baca Linda Badgctt Carmen Barela

Roy Bcachani Elizabeth Ann Bigbec Carlee Boggess

Jess Bonner Sharon Bosicr Carol Bowerman

David Brcnnand Juan Bustos Roger Bybec

Erlinda C de Baca Cristella Cantu Cleve Carr

Silvia Carrillo James Casados Joaquin Casados

Rosaline Casados Dolores Castellano John Catanach

Shirley Chadderdon Frances Clark Wcndel Clark

Richard Contrcras Alan Cardova Ramona Coriz

Leila Crandall Ted Crouch Jonny Curtis

Dennis Davies Tom Dofflemycr Henry Dominik

Ann Downs Ida Duran Frances Dyett

Geraldine Escudero Pete Ettinger Dolores Ferguson

Dorothes Fritzges Tommy Fiorina Adolph Gallegos

Consulo Gallegos Tony Gallegos Bennie Garcia

Florinda Garcia Joseph Garcia Louise Garcia

Mary Ester Garcia Susie Garcia Tillie Garcia

Tony Garcia Ronnie Garcia Rosaura Garcia

Avcnildc Gonzales George Gonzales Iola Gonzales

Peggy Theresa Gonzales Vivion Gonzales Graie Griego

Josie Griego Elaine Hogman Linda Hollock

Billie Harris Denny Harrison Susan Harrison

Jon Henshaw Nadinc Hcrrington Edward Hobday

Buddy Holmes Judy Horn Roberta Howell

Darlcnc Hut laker Jimmie Jackson Stella Jaramillo

Johnny Johnson Celile Jordon Patricia Kennedy

Carla Sue Kingery Donna Kinnard Pieter Knight

Jay Kozekawski David Laemmle Richard Little

Marcia Lizer Jalienne Loomis Mary Loomis

Rose Livato Mary Lopez Ralph Lopez

Rosalie Lopez Thomas Lopez Consuelo Lucero

Jimmie Lucero Lola Lujan Arthur Maes

Elmer Maestas Edward Martinez Frank Martinez

Mary Ann Martinez William Martinez Cora Sue McLaughlin

Nedra Ann McLaughlin Robert Medina Arthur Melting

Dickie Moore Diana Montoya Fernic Montoya


Gilbert R. Montoya Lucille Montoya Romelia Montoya

Thomas Montoya Victoria Montoya Adolfo Mora

Jane Mullen Dotsie Myers Pat Norine

Adeline Ochoa Gloria Ochoa Ramona Ortega

Johnny Ortiz Juanita Ortiz Marcella Ortiz

Marcella Pacheco Marie Pacheco Mariann Padilla

Mike Padilla Jimmia Parker Penny Peterson

Margaret Ann Pick Socorro Pino Phyllis Ann Pompeo

Eleanor Pries Mary Pena Paul Piott

Barbara Quintano Robert Quintano Betty Rael

Priscilla Rael Diana Rogle Phyllis Riddle

Dolores Rivera Enrique Rivera Erlinda Rivera

Freddie Rios George Rivera Leo Rivera

Leroy Rivera Glynda Roach Lynda Roach

Judith Robinson Thomas Robinson Bertha Rodriquez

Lebroda Rodriquez Margaret Rodriquez Mary Rodriquez



Joe Romero Mary Romero Bill Root

Jo Anne Rosacker Elizebeth Rotunno Jimmy Roybal

Loretta Saiz Alice Sanchez Manuel Sena

Barbara Sanchez Delia Sanchez John Sandoval

Patsy Sandoval Eddie Scanafiotti Lynne Sender

Bill Schultc Clara Scott Frieda Sebastian

Judy Schwartz Charlotte Scgura Elmo Shelton

Barbara Short Patty Simms Gaylord Smith

Harry Smith Priscilla Stephens Bob Stewart

Billy Teal Bennie Todd Chere Torres

Bobbie Roy Tribble Mary Eileen Trujillo Isabel Ulibarri

Erlinda Uriste Bill Van Buskirt James Vander Sys

Dorothy Valdes Leon Valencia Jannie Valdez

Pat Valdez Rudolph Valencia Bill Vermon

Celine Vigil Conrad Young Jo Anne Youyetewa

Young And Foolish

as Mr. F. D. Trussell

Mildred Roberson

Joyce Nordstrum Mr. J. T. Gunn

Mr. C. S. Thomas

Nancy Lee Secretary

Albert Sanchez President

Hugh Thompson Vice President

Frances Medina Treasurer

Eppie Alameda Treasurer

Tony Sanchez President

Jerry Moore Vice President

Judy Dodge Secretary

Judy Dodge Secretary

Albert Sanchez President

Hugh Thompson Vice President

Eppie Alameda Treasurer

Angie Abeyta Mary Frances Abeyta Eppie Alameda Jon Anderson

Joe Anton Gloria Apodaca Connie Aragon Esther Aragon

Press Archuleta Ramona Argueta Sandra Arrighi Angie Baca

Dora Baca Anita Bachicha Juanita Bachicha Frances Barela

Socorro Barela Edwin Barker Robert Bartlett Charles Batts

Judith Carol Belian Jane Benavides Mike Berardinelli Peggy Berry

Helen Bishop Arthur R. Bliss Alix Bonnyman Steve Borland

Dan Brennand Mary Brown Richard Brown Alldyth Bynon

Gloria Cantu Florence Carrillo Dan C. de Baca Emily Chalan

Adela Chavez Isabel Chavez Viola Chaves Bill Clark

Jerry Clark Carolyn Cook Ann Croshaw Esther Curtis

Bob Cutler Donna Dennis Melvin Diem

Judy Dodge

Lita Dofflemyer Steve Doolittle Sherrill Dukeminier Lupita Duran

Robert Duran Jean Egenhofer Stanley Evans J. L. Faison

Clyde Faulk Tommie Mae Fowler Alfred Garcia Nancy Garcia

Rosina Garcia Orville Gay Tod Glen Priscilla Gomez

Joe Gonzales Dennis Green Dade Grimes Jeanette Gurule

Ken Hackema Judith Ann Harris Mary Alvina Herrera Gail Lee Hill

Richard Hoover Louise Hovey Sara Humes James Jackson

Sandra Jamellier Jeri Jones Rose Mary Jones Mary Dee Junge

Ken Kauffman Ada Mary Kersting Johnnie Kirk Charles Lamb

Frank Lawrence Nancy Lee Carl Langspecht Kathleen L' Heuriux

Bill Lopez Donald Lopez Jane Lopez Lida Lopez

Mary Ann Lopez Lynn Loriaux Georgia Lucero Mary Lucero

Vincent Lucero Maxine Lujan Nellie Lujan Frances Madrid

Lorraine Maestas Susan Magers Joe Maguire Mary Catherine Manzanares

Donald Manzanares Felisha Manzanares Rosina Manzanares Joe March

Annetta Martinez Cesaria Susie Martinez Connie Martinez Delores Martinez

Eleanor Martinez Felix Martinez Irene Martinez Irene B. Martinez

Josephine Martinez Rebecca Martinez Richard Martinez Erik Jensen Mason

Pat McCurry Cora McGrath Rose Mary McNeil Francis Medina

Orlando Medina Alvin Miller Johanna Minick Dewayne Mobley

Jerry Moore Celine Montoya Florence Montoya Louis Montoya

Mary Jane Montoya Orlando Montoya Robin Moore Corrine Mora

Nancy Moyers Diana Myers Glenn Neely Toni Nelson

Tom Olivas Amelia Ortiz Eleuterio Ortiz George Ortiz

Elaine Owens Maida Pacheco Pia Pacheco Annabell Padilla

Ann Page Phyllis Parker Thomas Perez Jo Ann Phillips

Paula Pompeo Scott Powell Frances Prouty Alex Quintana

Allan Quintana Dennis Quintana Jose Quintana Theresa Quintana

Ronnie Reeder Thelma Reid Ruth Rios Carlota Rodriguez

Johnny Rodriguez Barbara Romero Barbara Romero Joe Romero

Pete Romero Ray Gene Romero Theresa Romero Bill Rouch

Billy Roybal Clara Roybal Donald Roybal Leonard Roybal

Priscilla Roybal Robert Ruiz Barbara Ryno Carmen Salazar

Mena Salazar Deanna May Sanborn Albert Sanchez Anthony Sanchez

Christine Sanchez Gilbert Sapien Yonthes Schmeltzer Manuel Serna

Magdalene Serrano Terry Shaffer Mary E. Shupla Bill Sikes

Joyce Marcelle Simmons Charlynne Smith Dan Smith Sandra Smith

Tom Smith Warren Leon Smith Sharon Snyder Alison Steen

Kathy Stephens Cindy Thomas Hugh Thompson Donald Tinkham

Norman Van Tubergen Charles Ulibarri Mary Valdez Dolores Valencia

Elizabeth Valencia Yolanda Varela Leo Vigil Linda Lou Wallace

Lynn Waterman Russel West Alma White Sylvia Williams

Joyce Winfrey Neal Woolman Robert Wright Kathy Zimmerman

Side By Side


George Gallegos Reporter

Donna Kinnard Treasurer

Buddy Holmes Veep

Mariana Padilla Sec.

Jimmy Romero Pres.

Cornelia Lowndes Corresponding Sec.

Oh! You Beautiful Doll




'P- mf a tempo

Lovely To Look At

Dear Mrs. Kegel:

Sincerely, Commercial Club Lemalva Holmes, President Olga Tzeranis, Vice-President Virginia Lucero, Secretary Dorothy Ortiz, Treasurer





J. Robinson S. Macguire P. Stephens J. Jackson T. Romero


B. Tribble


B. Ellis, P. Pick


T. Romero T. Drennen E. Pries


Winter Wonderland




Santa Fe High School Libran

PAN AMERICAN CLUB OFFICERS President: Carole Eagan Vice-President: Bobby Felix Secretary: Jean Baca Treasurer: Phil Santistavan Reporter: Mariana Padilla SPONSORS Mrs. Rcynalda Dinkel - Mr. Salvador Perez

Manual Training

Sponsor Mr. Charles S. Thomas

President David Reinhardt

J. Kirk

A. Kersting

P. Knight

D. McGee

W. Lucero

L. Waterman

H. Watson


F. Maes

G. Smith

C. Thomas

K. Stephens

D. Waterman

R. Torbert

J. Todd

B. Todd

E. J. Mason

B. Sauter .

D. Smith



B. Rouch

T. Montoya

D. Minich

T. Gallegos

F. Barrow

D. Grimes

Sec.-Treas Bill Root

D. Dennis

J. Curtis

M. Brown

A. Bachicha

Vice President Paul Sperry

S. Williams

S. VanDresser



Coant Every Star

C. J. Powell Athletic Director

John Gunn Head Football Coach

Salvador Perez Track "B" Football Assistant Varsity Basketball

Calvin Capshaw Varsity Basketball

Eddie Burgess Football "B" Basketball

Lavon McDonald Football Sophomore "A" Team

Bob Fink Baseball

Troy Gann Sophomore "B" Team


Donald Sloan Captain

Los Alamos Farmington St. Michael's Valley High Albuquerque High Las Cruces Las Vegas Durango Aztec Highland High

Donald Sloan Senior

Tony Duran Senior

Center 3 year lettcrman

End 3 year lettcrman

Charles Montoya Halfback Senior 3 year letterman

Robert Keahbone Fullback Senior 4 year letterman

Ernest Coriz Senior

John Bradford Senior

Quarterback 3 year letterman

Quarterback 3 year letterman

Pat Borland Senior

End 3 year lettcrman

Richard Sandoval Halfback Senior 3 year letterman

Rudy Valencia


Sam Gricco

Dickie Montoya Halfback Senior 3 year letterman

Johnny Ortiz Senior


Guard 2 year letterman

Dennis Wright

Tommy Trujillo TackleSenior 3 year lettcrman

Bill Mason Senior


Center 2 year lettcrman

Jim Roybal Jr.

Benny Garcia Jr.

Buddy Holmes Jr.

Neal Woolman Soph.

Wcndel Clark Jr.

Harry Smith Jr.

Tom Smith Soph.

Robert Duran Soph.

Ray Martinez • Sr.

Phil Santistcvan Jr.

Ralph Lopez Jr.

Leo Martinez Jr.

Jerry Clark Soph.

Arthur Melting Jr.

Terry Shaffer Soph.






U.S. Indian School Santa Cruz Las Cruces Menaul St. Mike's Clayton Durango Trinidad Espanola Raton St. Mike's Artesia Highland Tucumcari Las Vegas Silver City North Valley Albuquerque High Los Alamos Portales Clovis Taos Farmington

Jerry Moore

Wilfred Lerma

Carmen Bcnavidcz

Dickie Montoya

Pat Borland

Don Sloan Albert Sanchez

Bill Mason

Ernest Coriz

Richard Contreras

Carl Kruger

r Gilbert Montoya




OSIS 1 **

There's No Business Like Show Business

I Hear A Rhapsody

Song Without Words



G'*~\£ EftsewfcJt-



B«^s> Q>u.Arfe +

s]i£>rr NI^HT





Bass Section





OBOES David Reinhardt Judy Dodge Steven Van Dresser SAXOPHONES Susan Maguirc Denny Davies Candy Wilson Ramona Coriz Rudy Yardman Paul Sperry Mac Watson Billy Sikes


CORNETS Lynn Loriaux Bill Root Jonny Curtis Orlando Montoya Dan Smith Ken Harkema Press Archuleta Alfonso Larragoite Melvin Duran Bobby Felix Phillip Baca Horacio Manzanares Frances Barrow HORNS Lemalva Holmes Vianne Johnson Pat Davies Edwin Barker Esther Curtis Joe Jaramillo Rosina Manzanares Pat Valdez Billy Roybal BARITONES Mary Jo Seibert Richard Brown Edward Harris TROMBONES Charles Boatright Ray Reynolds Bob McColm Judy Robinson Peggy Berry Dan Brennand Charley Ulibarri Arthur Hyde

BASSES Jimmy Jackson Jimmy VanderSys Lee Carlson Steve Northup Jimmy Todd PERCUSSION Richard Henderson Donald Manzanares Edward Martinez Johnnie Kirk FLUTES Nancy Mann Deanna Donohoe Mary Florence Connery Sandra Jamellier Carolyn Cook Jean Egenhofer Carl Langspecht Mary Brown Shark Mason

CLARINETS Jimmy Sikes Sandra Nordstrum Nancy Lee Sharon VanderSys Bill Sauter Darlene Huffaker Sharon Poling Dorothy Ortiz Lois Hall Helen Cornett Cecile Jordan Douglas Waterman Judy Horn Diana Ragel Diane Ballard Jo Ann Rosaker Cora Sue McLaughlin Mary Helen Davies Caroline Mclntyre Conrad Young Gilbert Lopez Stanley Evans

BASSOONS Direen Davies Patty Lewis














Outstanding Musician — Direen Davies 1st chair All-State 3 years National recognition by Election to MENC Golden Anniversary Band, St. Louis, 1956

Student Director David Reinhardt














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