Santa Fe High School Yearbook - 1960

Page 1


nineteen hundned Aifty

Prior to the opening of school on August 31, Seth Hall was the scene of student registration. Things seem fairly calm compared to the usual bedlam.

The annual Homecoming activities begin with the Demon Bonfire at Mager's Field on the night before the game.

'Twas a Banner Year 1959-1960 was a year like all school years. But it was different too! Demons started school in August . . . welcomed their first American Field Service exchange student . . . changed the Homecoming float plan . . . went all out on yearbook sales . . . experienced parking lot changes . . . sold the Demon Tatler bi-weekly . . . had activity cards with photographs . . . added French II to the curriculum . . . adjusted to new class schedules . . . changed publishers for the annual . . . had three

Early in the year, the seniors are busy filling out college inquiry forms at a senior assembly in Sweeney Gym.

Fascinated by stories of life in Nigeria, students listen eagerly Delirious Demons carry Coach McDonald off the field to Stephen N. Iweanya, visiting Nigerian newspaperman, who after their victory over the Albuquerque High Bulldogs came to Santa Fe to work on the city newspaper. for the first time in sixteen years.

for Santa Fe High School students who were semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Examination . . . had a larger number of students eating at the cafeteria even though the enrollment remained status quo . . . were compelled by state law to be immunized against tetanus, smallpox, and polio. All these things helped to make 1960 a Banner Year.

Steve Wardlaw finds out, at the expense of a few gray hairs on Mr. Sena's bead, the results of dropping a piece of potassium into some bromine.

. . . So We Are Especially Proud to Show You . . . 4

Foreword I Do you remember . . . the tests, the lectures, and the experiments we did in class . . . the time we lost Homecoming, but beat our crosstown rival, St. Michael's, in basketball in their own gym . . . somebody leaned against the trophy case and broke the glass . . . Mr. Murphy dismissed school because our football team beat Albuquerque High School for the first time in JL6 years . . . the Santa Fe High School Band played at the East-West Junior College football game . . . the faculty played volleyball against the students . . . the Commerce Club had a bake sale the same morning the Demon Tatler was on sale, and all of the kids bought candy instead of the paper . . . the time the theme of the Snowball Formal was "The First Snowfall of the Winter?" Because of these many memories, we chose "What We Did in '60" as the theme of our annual.

The SFHS English department will suffer a great loss at the end of the 1960 school year with the retirement of Miss Allene Work, who has served the students of Santa Fe for twenty-two years.

. . . WHAT Decisive Demons Daily Demons Diligent Demons Debonair Demons Daring Demons Dizzy Demons Dealing Demons

Mr. Harold Fresmey, who was chosen to be teacher-of-the-year for 1960 by the American Legion, has been in the teaching profession for twenty-five years. Because of their service to the school, the students, and the community of Santa Fe, we take great pleasure in dedicating the 61960 Para Manana to them.

Demon Dictionary

We Did In . . . (Administration and Faculty) m



(Clubs and Organizations)













. . They Made Rules and Regulations . . .

Experience Assists and Guides Our school board consists of a group of men and women, elected to serve without pay, as the governing body of our school system. Such items as finances and policies for the school are handled by this group. Also, all decisions concerning teachers' contracts, deciding on the teaching of new subjects, and planning the expansion of the school system are made by the school board. The residents of Santa Fe are, through this board, able to participate actively in educational matters. SFHS is very fortunate in having as its administrative heads personnel who are well qualified in all facets of school work. The superintendent of the Santa Fe City Schools has the greatest over-all responsibility of handling all major school affairs. In our own school building, our principal and assistant principal have their work well cut out for them. The principal is in charge of the school as a whole, doing everything frdm welcoming new sophomores in the fall to addressing the graduating seniors in the spring. The assistant principal is mostly concerned with supervising the students and checking the attendance, but he still finds time to act as one of the student council sponsors.

At the top is Superintendent Pat Murphy, directly above, Principal Thomas Walsh, and Assistant Principal John Gairey.


Students at Santa Fe High

Checking grades, registering students, checking attendance, counting money, and sending transcripts are just a few of the jobs of Mrs. Helen Wheeler, registrar, pictured at left, and Mrs. Kay Hamilton, secretary, pictured at right.

Superintendent Irvin P. Murphy, Edward Medina, Lewis Martinez, Ralph Digneo, and James Slezak discuss the 1959-60 school enrollment.


School Board Well Qualified

"This is the way to do it," says Bill Gill, left, to Reynaldo Dinkle, teacher, and ÂŁ. J. Martinez, school board member.

Mrs. Belina Ramirez, school board secretary, looks over a report with Lyle Teutsch, school board member.

Left to right: Fred Trussell, Allan MacGillivray, Arlene Escobar, BUI Baca, and Eugene Allen discuss the business at a Classroom Teachers Association meeting.


Languages Prepare Students for College

Marjory Carr Speech, English

Mart Hart Dempsey English

English plays an important part in our lives as students and as adults. In English grammar, where we are taught the correct usage, mechanics, and composition of the language, many students learn to express their ideas logically and concisely on paper. In literature, we read and study the great works of writers. Reading the compositions of some of the world's finest authors not only provides a basis for all study, but provides enjoyment for students of literature. Whether written by Shakespeare, Chekov, or Emerson, literature touches on every phase in the literary growth of America, England, and other national literatures. Journalism and speech supplement SFHS's English department. Both play an important part in the school's activities for the journalism class publishes the DEMON TATLER, while the annual class publishes the PARA MA^ANA, and the speech classes furnish our representatives at debate and speech meets. Although English, speech, and journalism are important, our foreign language department is equally important. French, Spanish, and Latin offer at least two years of study in each. The classes are conducted in such a manner as to allow the students a look into the life and customs of the lands whose language they study. All these subjects add up to an excellent language department for SFHS. A good knowledge of English and of a foreign language aids students and adult life.

Bill Gill English

Mrs. Carr, SFHS speech teacher, discusses the debate assignment with her fifth period class.

Catherine Horsey English

Lillian Kidder Latin, English


'Readin' 'Ritin' and 'Rithmeticl

James Lynch English

AUene Work English

Marie Armengaud French

John Morford English

Robert Saam English, Journalism

Miss Work never knows exactly who will show up for class!

Reynalda Dinkel Spanish

Salvador Perez Spanish, Athletics

Work Hand in Hand

"This is what's-commonly known as a slide rule," explains Mr. Thomas to one of his Algebra II classes.

Robert Michaelson Math, Science

Max Middleton Mathematics

Eugene Allen Mathematics

One of the largest and most popular courses offered at SFHS is math. SFHS's mathematical department consists of eight courses and six teachers. Among the courses offered are business math, general math, and high school arithmetic. Also offered are algebra, math through the use of symbols; geometry, that branch of mathematics which investigates the relations, properties, and measurement of solids, surfaces, lines, and angles; and trigonometry, the branch of math having to do with the relations holding between sides and angles of triangles. Formulas, graphs, and frustrating problems are solved during the 70-minute classes with the help of rulers, protractors, compasses, and instructors. The future of our country, community, and citizens depend upon a basically sound mathematical background which can be obtained only through an up to date math department. The necessity of math is realized in everything from adding a cup of flour to your home cooking recipe to finding the cube root of an unknown quantity while on your way to the moon. Math is a vital factor in any field a student wishes to pursue.

Elaine Reed Mathematics

Charles Thomas Mathematics


^ ^ ^ ^ H Vocational Training Is Useful Penetrating the halls from the Commercial Department are the sounds of clacking typewriters, swishing mimeograph machines, voices dictating letters, and the adding of rows of numbers. The Commercial Department is made up of two Shorthand I classes, one three-hour Secretarial Training course consisting of one hour of each of the following: Office Practice, Advanced Typing and Advanced Shorthand, eight Typing I classes, one Typing II class, one Clerical Practice class, four Bookkeeping I classes, and one Bookkeeping II class. One full vocational unit or credit is given for each of the courses taught by the Commercial Department except for the Secretarial Training course which gives three vocational units or credits. Commercial courses are those taken by students who either plan to go on to college and use this training while in college or those who do not plan to go on to college and need these courses to prepare for a job immediately upon graduation from high school. Out of the Home Economics Department comes the aroma of baking cakes, the sound of whirring sewing machines, and the banging of pots and pans. Sewing, cooking, and family life are just a few of the many items taught by the Home Economics Department. One full vocational unit or credit is given for each of the Home Economics courses. These courses serve to make wellrounded home economists of the students taking them.

Margery Aldridge Commercial

Gladys Blaine Commercial

Christine Click Commercial

Frances Garrison Home Economics

Kathleen Thorwaldsen Home Economics

Dan Peterson Bookkeeping

Chorus, Band Occupy Many Hours

Tom Braeuer Band

Joaquin Fernandez Chorus, Spanish

During school, music occupies much of the time spent by many of the students at SFHS. The band and the chorus give more than one hundred students a chance to study music and perform at numerous shows. Football season offers members of the band an opportunity to show their skill both ih playing and marching in complex formations. Those who attend the football games in Santa Fe are not the only ones who are able to enjoy SFHS's band, for each year the band goes on several trips to perform for other schools. Singing at the annual Christmas program in December and at graduation are two of the major activities of SFHS's choral group. Besides the many fine presentations given, the chorus offers students an opportunity to try out for the All-State Chorus.

SFHS Band shows off formation for Homecoming Queen, Beatrice Chavez, at half-time.


Variety of Science Studies

Clyde Faucett Physics, Mathematics

Max Norwood English, Science, Athletics

Steve Wardlaw, Louis Richey, and Mr. Sena, sponsor, perform an experiment for the Science Club at one of the regular meetings.

During the last few years, science has received considerable attention in our secondary schools, and SFHS has kept pace with the progress made in this field. With seven instructors either teaching full or part time, approximately one half of the students receive' training in this field. As biology is a requirement for graduation, most students take it in their sophomore year. Involved with the study of life, biology gives students a knowledge of plants and animals and how to work with them in the laboratory. Although the more advanced scientific courses are not required, they still attract enough interest to warrant a full, or partially full, class schedule. Chemistry is taught every day during all five periods. Primarily a study of the elements, chemistry encourages students to experiment with the elements, study their reactions, and work out problems concerning them. Because of the comparatively new laboratory, the chemistry students have excellent equipment to work with.

Line coach Max Norwood shakes hands with co-captain Jimmy Wilcoxson after a victory.


Harold Freshly Science, Athletic Director

Offered to S.F.H.S. Students

Mr. Freshley explains the basic phyla of animals to his fifth period biology class. Still more advanced study is available in the physics classes. One of the most involved sciences its students study matter, motion, mechanics, heat, electricity, light, sound, and the branches of science devoted to the study of radiation. Physical science is offered for the students who enjoy science but do not necessarily intend to continue studying it after school. The study of physical science provides an interesting look into the science of the earth including geology, atmosphere, electricity, and gases. The science that was taught to us in '60 will be the backbone for the future scientific studies we pursue.

James Sena Chemistry

"So that little blade of grass over there caused you to fumble?' said backfield coach Porky Leyva during football practice one day last fall.

Mildred Wynne Biology

Porfirio Leyva Science. Athletics


^ ^ K | | H Vocational Arts Insure Future "Oh, darn it," or stronger such statements might have been heard as one passed by the drafting room. It was probably someone spilling ink on his freshly finished plate that had taken a week to draw. SFHS offers two years in mechanical drawing; four periods of first year courses and one period of the second year course. The first year is the basic beginning and fundamental background of pre-engineering. The second year course is a review of the first year course with an emphasis on advanced engineering. To look in on the woodshop classes, one would see students busily at work cutting wood, running a sander, or painting a chair. There are two years of woodshop offered at SFHS. The first year course is for students who have had no previous training in the course, while the second year course is advanced woodwork. The first year students work on smaller projects than the second year students who undertake larger projects. Most students at SFHS are dismissed at 3:25 in the afternoon, but there are some unfortunates who stay until 4:00窶馬amely those who take the afternoon class of auto mechanics. Auto mechanics at SFHS is a three-hour course which offers two and a half vocational credits. The morning class is from nine to twelve noon, and the afternoon class is from one to four.

Jack Boulton Auto Mechanics

This complicated machinery seems to present no problem to these eager students.

Marin Mier Machine Shop

Grant Reel Mechanical Drawing

William Robinson Woodshop

History Department Expanded in '60

The movies shown to history classes are obviously relaxing.

Don Casados Counselor, U. S. History

Bess McKennan Social Studies

Frederick Trussed Social Studies

Jerry West Social Studies

The addition of more World History classes this year was part of the change in the schedule at SFHS. By adding a new teacher, the classes were expanded to allow sophomores and juniors to take the course along with the seniors. Because it is a requirement for graduation, United States History, the primary history course, involves every student at one tinie or another. Dealing with the history of our country from before the European settlers up to the present, U. S. History gives students a knowledge of not only the historical facts pertinent to our country, but it offers an explanation of our monetary, political, and social life as well. Related to U. S. History is the course in American Problems which discusses every problem concerning the American way of life. World History has its offshoot in World Geography. Working in much the same manner as the American Problems class, World Geography students also discuss problems but generally those affecting the whole world. Through interviews and tests given by the Guidance Department counselors, students are able to plan a three-year course of study towards either college or vocational preparation.


Training Can Be Fun,

Ronald Coss Distributive Education

Mary Lane Girls' P.B.

Lavon McDonald P.E., Athletics

Troy Gann Driver Education This P.E. Class takes a short break after a strenuous work-out on the trampoline in Seth Hall.

The students in the Distributive Education course, a work experience program, must work at least fifteen hours per week. All positions for Distributive Education students are qualified as being either in buying or selling of goods or services. Students receive two credits, one hour of which is for classwork. The other hour of credit is composed of teacher ratings of the student on the job and of employer rating of the student's ability to progress from starting position to his final position. Good driving and good sportsmanship in driving are the two main factors taught in Driver Education. Driver's Training or Education is a one semester course carrying one half a credit. After completing the course, a student may get his license at the age of fifteen, one year under the New Mexico age limit. A required course for all sophomores and an elective for juniors and seniors is Physical Education. Among the sports offered for boys are basketball, volleyball, Softball, tumbling, trampoline, weight lifting, badminton, and table-tennis. For girls, the sports offered are basketball, volleyball, Softball, soccerball, tumbling, trampoline, badminton, and table-tennis. Besides learning sports, the girls are taught health and modern and square dancing. 22

Educational and Exciting

Iris Laycook Librarian

Billie C. Hendrix and Patricia Corcoran Nurses

Holding one of the most responsible positions of SFHS is the school nurse. Dressing minor injuries and determining between various aches and pains and "schoolitis" are a few of the responsibilities which face the school nurse each day. This year the nurse made home calls to students having an extended absence from school. Another time-consuming task was handed to the nurse this year — that of seeing that each student had immunization shots, now required by state law. The librarian is kept busy with the multitude of requests from many aspiring students who come to the library each day in search of material for study, research, or entertainment. She also instructs each new sophomore class in the proper use of the library, and how to take advantage of its many resources. An active art department enables any student to take part in the field of his interest and talents, whether it be the art class or the arts and crafts class of SFHS. The members of the art class strive to develop talents and gain a better and more specialized understanding of art. All different mediums are offered including the use of charcoal, oil paints, water colors, tempera, and various other mediums. The arts and crafts class keeps busy with projects by lettering, poster-making, weaving, metal working, and sculptoring. Josef Bakos Art

Reuben Rose Arts and Crafts


Besides planning the meals at SFHS, the cafeteria workers often came to school at 7:00 in the morning and worked until 2:00 in the afternoon preparing the meals and feeding the students from the high school and Harvey Junior High, which is across the street from the high school. The six custodians at SFHS work every day taking care of the classrooms, Seth Hall, Sweeney Gym, and Magers' Field. Whether it be a holiday or not, they work—mopping and waxing floors, cleaning the desks, washing the blackboards, fixing the shades, and replacing burned out lights. Aside from all this our custodians do a million and one other things concerning everyone in the school.

Students help the cafeteria force serve the food.

Custodians and Cafeteria Workers

This year, for the first time, each school planned its own meals to meet the needs of the student body. Because of this, the number of SFHS students who eat in the cafeteria has increased greatly.


Mrs. Brandenburg, SFHS cafeteria dietitian, is busy preparing lunch.

Students help wash dishes and clean up the kitchen.

Have Million and One Jobs

Marjane Ryals gathers information for the school newspaper from school custodians. Left to right: Joe Gallegos, Isidor Ortega, Rudy Fernandez, Max Ortega, and Marcel ino Padilla.


Student Council Sponsors As the governing body of Santa Fe High School, the Student Council plays a most vital part in the life of our school. With a membership consisting of homeroom and club representatives elected by the students, the Student Council serves as a student government for the problems of school welfare and as a means of cooperation between faculty and students. During the year, the Student Council sponsors Homecoming, the sale of activity tickets, the Snowball Formal, and a Christmas project for the needy. This year as a Christmas project, the Student Council assisted in the management of the Community Store for needy children which is sponsored by the community service organizations. Homecoming at Santa Fe High includes the Demon Bonfire, a pep rally the night before the game, a parade composed of floats decorated by the clubs, and the game which climaxes the Homecoming activities. The sale of activity tickets is the Student Council's largest fund raising project. Every student is required to have an activity ticket in order to be admitted to school functions. This year, for the first time, the activity tickets had the students' pictures on them. Advised by John Gairey and James Lynch, Student Council President, Carl Henderson, conducted the meetings in the library every Friday during the noon hour. Carl Henderson Student Council President

Student Council members eat their lunch and hash over the morning's happenings while waiting for the regular noon meeting to begin.



Variety of Activities at S.F.H.S.

Marjane Ryals, chairman of the Special Events Committee, one of the three standing Student Council committees, starts her committee working on the Snowball Formal. Mike Walker, vice-president; Dickie Auten, reporter; Mr. Gairey, sponsor; and Margery Lazar, corresponding secretary, look up Student Council rules in the Blue and Gold Handbook.

Mr. Gairey, Student Council sponsor, explains the budget to Student Council members.


Student Council Citizenship Committee—Left to right, back row: Sarah Carr, Nancy Egenhofer, Susan Lowndes, Dolores Romero, Margery Lazar, Tito Campos; Front row: Charles Steen, Eddie Burkhardt, Mike Walker, Tim Bennett, Pat Malone, and Neel Storr.

Student Council Membership Is| The Student Council membership was divided into three standing committees. This year, the Citizenship Committee, whose job it is to promote good citizenship among the student body, strived to prevent vandalism in the school. *The Special Events Committee, which handles all the special activities sponsored by the Student Council, undertook the annual Snowball Formal, the theme of which was "The First Snowfall of the Winter" ; and the Ways and Means Committee, whose job it is to manage the S t u d e n t Council's money-making projects, handled the sale of activity tickets.

"The meeting was called to order . . . ," says Student Council Secretary, Carol Wyss, as she reads the minutes at a regular meeting in the library.


Although it looks like a game of cards, Mr. Gairey, left, and Mr. Lynch, right, are counting rotes at a Student Council meeting. '•HELP, Mr. Gairey!" Apparently a questiqn has arisen in Student Council business.

Divided Into Three Committees

Student Council Ways and Means Committee—Left to right, first row: Jennifer Lind, Carole Darr, Suzan Ballew, Phyllis Bain, Laine Renfro, Donna Clauser, Maureen Flynn; Second row: Renee Glenn, Sandra Taylor, Susan Reeder, Linda Stamm, Maya Fernandez, Margie Green, Evangeline Pacheco, Diego Rivera; Back row: Fred Phelps, Carol Wyss, Nan Burroughs.


Students Assist Authorities

Walking to and from the SFHS parking lot (pictured above) provides the students with their daily exercise.

The Traffic Court and their sponsors are busy drawing up parking lot rules.


With Traffic Regulations New at Santa Fe High this year was a set of traffic rules and regulations, enforced by the Traffic Court. The members of the Traffic Court, four seniors and four juniors, were responsible not only for enforcing the rules but for installing in the students a spirit of cooperation. The organization of the Court involved a revolving judgeship, jury, and fact finders. John Gairey sponsored the Traffic Court. The Traffic Court greatly affected what we did in 1960. It cleared up the parking problems which had been present in past years. There were four judges and eight others who found the facts and sat in as the jury. The four judges this past year were Jim Sanchez, senior; Neel Storr, senior; Mary Irene Montoya, junior; and Jerry Castellano, junior. These four served on the Traffic Court for the whole year. At the end of each semester, the student body elected a new jury of four. Mr. Gairey called the meetings when necessary or when trials were heard.

Principal Thomas Walsh reads the traffic code to the newly organized traffic court, the sponsors, and Superintendent Murphy.


.. . We Tried to Obey Them . . .


Class of '60

Senior class officers Beatrice Chavez, Tito Campos, Jo-Ann Tapia, and Carole Darr, left to right, laugh at one of Carole's jokes. Naturally, Carole is laughing the hardest . . .


Left to right: Beatrice Chavez, senior class treasurer, Mr. McDonald and Mr. Gann, sponsors, check the calendar for the date of the Senior Prom.




Tito Campos, senior class president, Jo-Ann Tapia, secretary, and Mrs. Dinkel, sponsor, wait for the senior class representatives to arrive for a class meeting.

Left to right: Miss Aldridge, sponsor, Carole Darr, chairman of class events, and Miss Kidder, sponsor, try to make a choice of graduation announcements.


Seniors . . . Class of '60

Homecoming Queen and Senior Attendants were elected at the senior assembly in September.

Corrine Alarid


Teddy Henry Alarid

Ignacio Anaya

Maria Rae Anderson

*41* Larry G. Anstey Judith Ann Apodaca Valentina Archuleta

Joseph Eugene Ashton Daryl Lee Ayers Charles Baca

Jake Baca Maxine Baca Phyllis Bain

Susan Ringer Ballew Josephine C. Benavidez Sylvia Dolores Benavidez


Mary Jo Bennett Thomas LeRoy Bennett, Jr. Walter Daniel Bentley

Seniors... Charles Boggs

Helen Frances Benton Virginia Ann Boshen

Barbara Ann Bouche

Elizabeth Regina Bradshaw


Pamela Ruth Brashears

Sharlotte Diane Brito

Charles Alexander Brassey

Jeannie Mae Brock

. Class of '60

Cristopher Lee Brown School photographer, Mr. Sperry, right, and his assistant, are busy taking pictures of SFHS students for the annual.

Edward Burkhardt


Nan Burroughs Carolyn Cahalen Tito Campos Jackie Cantu

Harold Thomas Carlton Sarah Didama Carr Marcella Edwina Casados Beatrice Cecilia Chavez


From the smirks on their faces, it looks like David Downs, Mr. Sena, and Tim Bennett are planning to blow up the chemistry lab. Faustin Chavez . ™ Manuel Chavez

Geneva Mary Irene Chavez Mercy Erlinda Chavez


James Lynn Outturn Donna Margaret Clauser Priscilla Mary Clokey

Carol Lee Colwes Kathy Cooper Susan Marion Coppola

. . Class of '60

Roy Charles Cowell Alex Bauer Crocker Peggy Sue Croshaw

Adele Rae Croucher John B. Curtis Ronna Dee D'Arcy

Seniors. . . Carole Ann Darr Joan Barbara Davidson

Frank William Davis Gail Marie Davis Manuel Michael DeAguerro Fabiola Dean

David Sullivan Downs Kathleen Juanita Duran Steven Edger Earnest Nancy Egenhofer

Josephine Adele Eide John Charles Elizondo Apolonio Florencio Espinosa Lorraine Mae Esquibel

Carl Clyde Ewing

"Demon mem" relax while waiting for the bell to ring.

Maureen Mary Flynn Alma Jennine Fritzges Martin Fry Celine Mary Gabaldon

Clarence Sal Gallegos David Joe Gallegos

. . . Class of '60

Maria Magdelena Fernandez

SFHS Cheerleaders lead the student body at a pep rally in front of the school during the noon hour. Mary Ann Gallegos Ruby Garcia

Fernando Garcia, Jr. Toby P. Garcia

Vicente Alfonso Garcia Albert Martin Gonzales

Donald Frank Gonzales Gilbert Joseph Gonzales

Seniors . . I

Jerry Gregorio Gonzales Jessica Herlinda Gonzales

Lourdes Helen Gonzales Mariono Emilio Gonzales

Class of '60

Myra Grace Gonzales Patricia Elizabeth Gonzales

Ralph Emilio Gonzales

Rosarita Lourdez Gonzales


Sandra Carol Gonzales Paul Edwin Goodspeed William Marshall

Katherine Ann Graham Michael Anthony Granito Eligio Claudio Griego

Pablo Francisco Griego Peter Daniel Griego

Seniors . . .

Jack Sturgeon, Carl Henderson, and David Stephenson are hoping that "practice makes perfect."

Richard Edward Griego Juanita Dora Gurule Manuel Gurule

Frank E. Gutierrez

Jan Hamilton

, . . Class of '60

Vicki Hanna

Rufinia Louise Harris Linda Fay Harrison Charlotte Ann Hartsfield

Seniors Carl Wallace Henderson Isidro Rosenaldo Herrera Ronald B. Hester

Mary Ann Hoover Ramona Horst

Anne Lorraine Hughes Cecilia Elizabeth Jaramillo

Carol Ann Jarrell Isidro Audenoise Jimenez Frank Jones

Patti Renee Louise Jordon Richard Alan Kalk Richard Raymond Keach

Gordon Franklin Keahbone

Georgia Kaye Kelly

"David Downs, you snoopy thing! Just what is it you're looking for?"

Lothar Kuehn Larry LaBeau

. . . Class of '60

Barbara Jean Lange Joe Louis Larribas Anna Marie Lavario

Bill Raymond Layden Wanda Jewell Lawrence Margery Joy Lazar

Rebecca Lerma Margaret B. Leslie Karen Yvette L'Heureux

Seniors... Jennifer Mina Lind


Carolyn Jean Loomis Donna Belen Lopez Ethel Pauline Lopez

Eugene Joseph Lopez George Lopez Linda Marie Lopez

Manuel Alfonso Lopez

. Class of '60 "Fidel" (David Downs) orders SFHS students to attend Sadie Hawkins.


Seniors... Ruth Lopez Sonj a Christine Lopez Patsy Ann Lovato

Ruby Mary Lena Loveless

It looks like someone (in the upper left hand corner) is beginning to wish he'd studied! Joanne Lowe

Susan Lowndes Michael Jerome Lucero


. . . Class of '60

Maim Janetta Macafee

Thomas Luis Maes Marilynn Kay Malloy J. B. Martin, III

Arturo Pablo Martinez Dolores Celia Martinez Jake Mike Martinez

James Martinez John Theodore Martinez Marcella Dolores Martinez


Margaret Martinez Martin Alfredo Martinez Mary Cecilia Martinez

Seniors... Nancy Martinez Ruby Frances Martinez Manuel Manzanares

Arthur David Mascarenas Nancy Colleen McCrary Lester Jerome McDonald

Gregory James McGuffin Ann Miller


Class of '60

Mrs. Burwick (Maya Fernandez) shows her handpainted ties to Margery Lazar and her two daughters, Joanne Wafer and Suzan Ballew, in the play, "The Tie That Blinds," given as part of the Christmas program.

Albino Montano

Angie Mary Frances Montoya Frances Martha Montoya Joyce Montoya

Katherine Mary Montoya Larry Joseph Montoya Reyes Montoya


Robert Arthur Montoya Robert Leroy Montoya

Seniors. . .

Michael Naumer

Leslie Alan Neel

William Henry North

Dudley O'Dell Margaret Hope Odom

Angie Ortega Joe Ramon Ortega Luis Charles Ortega


. . . Class of '60

Sophie Ortega

Pam Brashears holds Tom Dooley, who symbolized what would happen to SFHS students if they failed to buy an annual, as he is raised to his hanging position for an assembly.

Gene Ortiz Marshall Sidney Ortiz

Olivia Ortiz Raymond Arthur Ortiz Rosina Docha Ortiz

Frank Padilla

Dolores Marie Padilla

Burton Eugene Pearson

Bernie Perez

Seniors . . .

George Henry Perez

Could this be a high and mighty senior? Well, let's just say it's Eddie Burkhardt.

Paul Pompeo


Mary Jane Porter Edwina Marie Quintana Katherine Louise Quintana

Qass of '60 Stella Trinidad Quintana

Olivia Jeanette Quintana Victoria Aurelia Quintana

Joann Kay Ratliff

Leroy Ramirez


Suzan Reeder

Cathy Louise Reich

Homecoming Queen Beatrice Chavez is chauffeured to the crowning at the Homecoming game.

Lewis Lee Richey Dolores Rios Frances C. Rios Diego Carlos Rivera

Joseph Arthur Rivera Rosabelle Rivera



Troy Austin Roberts Sarah Ann Robertson

Arthur Edward Rodriguez Marie Susan Rodriguez Philip Rogers Alice I. Romero

Eufemio Romero Horace Romero Mary Alice Romero Pat Romero

Robert John Romero Thelma Marie Romero Thomas Orlando Romero Diane Rountree

. . . Qass of 960

Ml in,ran

tm'u w *<*

David Frank Roybal Rachel Roybal Marjane Ryals Eddie Saiz

Agapita Mary Sanchez Cecilia A. Sanchez Dennis Edward Sanchez Esther Sanchez

Florence Sanchez James Arthur Sanchez Mary Louise Sanchez Herman Sandoval

Seniors.. .


Yolanda Mary Sandoval Bertha Melba Schmitt

Michel Jean Scorsone

The Student Council clean-up committee rides along behind the Homecoming Parade picking up students and papers that have fallen from the floats.

Patricia Katherine Shaw Nancy Julienne Sherwood

John Wayne Siltala Antonio Albert Sisneros Julio Benjamin Sisneros Cindy" Lou Smith

Norman Ray Smith Richard Bates Smith

. . . Qass of '60


Sandra Lee Smith Lari Mia Sorenson Tanya Le Sorenson

Linda Lee Stamm

Seniors.. Charles R. Steen

David Allen Stephenson Lloyd Neel Storr Rose Marie Stuart

This is a display of the confusion present in the halls of SFHS before the bell beginning the afternoon classes.

Lucy Jane Sullivan

, . . Class of '60

Jo-Ann Tapia

Rebecca Gloria Tapia Winifred Louise Thiele Jerry Ann Thomen


Leroy Joseph Trujillo Philip Trujillo Rosemary Trujillo


Fred Urban

1960 "Don't get canary!" says Steve Earnest to Jane Porter on one of the busier days in annual class.

Frank Tony Valdez Dolores Genevieve Valencia


Mary Lou Valencia Dolores Mary Vigil


. . Class of '60

Jerry Ronnie Vigil Joanne Wafer Alice Olivia Warder

Stephen Clark Wardlow Betty Lou Watts James Harold Webb

James Wilcoxson Carol Kathryn Wyss Sylvia Eleen Yardman


Juniors . . . Class of '61

Left to right: Johnny Fowler, president; Margie Green, secretary; Peggy Bronnenkant, chairman of class events; and Mr. GUI, sponsor, begin plans for the Junior-Senior Prom.


Margie Green, junior class secretary, reads the minutes at a class meeting while class president Johnny Fowler, right, and sponsor, Mr. Gill, left, listen.

Junior class sponsors, Mr. Peterson, left, and Mr. Robinson, right, keep tabs on a junior class meeting.


Juniors Elect Princesses

During Homecoming week in early September, the Junior Class met in Sweeney Gym to nominate Homecoming attendants.


Julia Abreau Diana Airla Pauline Alarid Carol Albin

Elvera Anaya Gilbert Anaya Rose Ann Anaya Beatrice Apodaca

Esther Apodaca Nancy Apodaca

Virginia Apodaca Ben Archuleta

Betty Archuleta Ignacita Archuleta Mary Archuleta Elfino Armijo

Dickie Faye Auten Joe Babcock George Baca Gloria Baca


6 1 On November 25, the Ski Club initiates, as- part of their initiation, sing to the tune of "Three Jolly Coachmen" in front of the school during the noon hour.

James Baca Maggie Baca Victor Baca Georgia Barela Gloria Barela

Melita Barela Sophie Barela Isabelle Barker Tommy Barker Leise Bass

Pat Bean Carmen Berardinelli Gilbert Blea Gerald Bone Weslie Bonham

Bill Bowldes Georgia Brito Peggy Bronnenkant Bradley Brown Diana Brymer


Margie Bustos Henry Bynan Alice Cahalan David Carlson Evelyn Carlton

John Carnes Pat Carson Martha Jane Case Jerry Castellano Nester C de Baca

Buddy Chamberlain Claretta Chavez Corrine Chavez Diana Chavez Isabel Chavez

Joe A. Chavez Paul Chavez Priscilla Chavez Rosina Chavez Barbara Coleman

Walter Cook Ray Coriz

Carol Cornell Elaine Cowell

Four Demon players enter the locker room before the Demon-Los Alamos game, the first game of the season, which was played in Los Alamos.

Tom Crook Beth Croshaw Clifford Danielson Allan Demninger Fred Dennis

Jean Alice Dolgner Francis Dominguez Ginny Duker Horace Duran Leonard Duran

Gary Emblem Rosalie Encinias Mike Espinosa Johnny Fowler Karen Fowler


Billy Gallegoes Freddie Gallegoes Angie Garcia

6 Cecelia Garcia Frank Garcia Lucy Garcia

1 Rose Lydia Garcia Rose Marie Garcia Gay Gerhart Marie Gomez Gilbert Gonzales

Guadalupe Gonzales Jerry Gonzales Michael Gonzales Richard Gonzales Richard Gonzales

Robert Gonzales Carl Graham Robert Grant Margie Green Celia Griego

Jimmy Griego Jan Griffith Albert Gurule Victor Gurule David Gusdorf


Richard Hall John Hallack Craig Hammond Celeste Hargis

Philip Haseltine Sandra Hatcher Tommy Herberger Gabriel Hernandez

Rosemary Hernandez Steve Hill Alfred Hobday Nada Hoerner

Lenora Holmes Bill Holt Patsy Hovey Lee Roy Huckabee

Loretta Hull Barbara Jean Inman Clement Jackson Josie Jaramillo

Roy Jaramillo Wendell Johnson Roy Jones Libby Larranaga

6 1 Juniors work on the Science Club float which won third prize in the Homecoming Parade.

Ben LeFevre Julie Lemo Celina LeRouge Sue Lewis Roy Leyba

Betty Linford Dick Littleton Barbara Livingston Connie Lopez Gus Lopez

Olinda Lopez Lydia Lopez Robert Lyon Paul Mackel Marie Madrid

Rosella Maes Pat Malone Barbara Martinez Dennis Martinez Elmer Martinez


6 1 Cheerleaders Suzan Reeder and Bunny Lange jump for joy as the Demons gain a five-point lead over the Clayton Yellow jackets.

Evelyn Martinez Freddie Martinez Joe Martinez Linda Martinez Pala Martinez

Frank Manzanares Bonnie Mares Ann Mauzy Mary Ann McConvery Margaret McCullough

Richard McEuen John McGuffin David McMillin Floyd McMillin Kenneth McMillin


Byron Meyer Madaline Miller Rosemary Morales

6 1

Ed Montablo Rose Montano Rudy Montano

Viola Montano Nicolas Montgomery Cecilia Montoya

Gilbert Montoya Gilbert Montoya Katherine Montoya Mary Irene Montoya Michael Montoya

Nancy Montoya Sophie Montoya Clyde Moore Maxine Moore Sarge Moore

Viola Mora Mike Mouchette Mary Muniz Marilea Muralter Ricky Nahl


Barbara Jean Naranjo Evangeline Naranjo Annie Narvaiz Sam Nerano Keeton Nohl

Jan Nohrn Betty Norine Charlotte O'Bannon Albert Ochoa Robert Ochoa

Eddie Ortega Max Ortega Anne Rita Ortiz Judy Ortiz Margie Ortiz

Mary Helen Ortiz Tony B. Ortiz

Jerry Overlock Ramon Padilla Roger Padilla

Joe Parker Isabel Perea Dolores Perez


Richard Pflueger Fred Phelps Rito Pino Janina Piotroeoski Mary Jean Piotrowski

Kay Poling Frank Quintana Henry Quintana Ida Quintana Lillian Quintana

Henry Rael Suzie Rael Barbara Ramirez Charles Ramsey Joel Redding

Introduced by Maxine Baca, Fred Phelps, "the Virtuoso of the Glockenspiel," with the assistance of the SFHS Band, entertains the student body in an assembly.


Tim Reed Joane Reid Art Reust Ike Rivera

Seferino Rivera Elaine Roberts Richard Robinson Cecilia Rodriguez


1 Junior boys sign up for Algebra II with Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Reed during registration before the opening of school.

Jerry Rodriguez Tessie Rodriguez Diana Romero Dolores Romero

Eddie Romero Geraldine Romero Helen Romero Jerry J. Romero


Leroy Romero Prescylla Romero Robert Romero Virginia Romero

Angie Roybal Kathy Roybal Priscilla Roybal Eloy Salazar

Joe Salazar Lucy Saiz Eleanor Sanchez

6 Isabel Sanchez Phil Sanchez Christine Sandoval Jack Sargent


Bill Scanlon Joe Sedillo Connie Sena Socorra Sena

Tony Sena Elbert Shelton Alice Silva Dorothy Ann Silva


Lupe Silva Vicky Silva

Sue Sleeper Georgia Smith

Mary Ellen Smith Amadeo Solano

During the half of the Demon-Rio Grande game] snake dance on the field

'61 Gay Soper Dale Sorenson Helen Speratos H. C. Stanford Alan Stoker

Jackie Sturgeon Beatrice Sutton Ben Tapia Evangeline Tapia Sandra Taylor

Edward Temple Joanna Thomason Beth Thomas Ronald Thomas David Tiano


Beverly Todd Edward Trujillo

Josephine Trujillo Mary Lou Trujillo

Rosalie Trujillo Vianes Trujillo

on October 31, SFHS students kept warm by doing a

'61 Becky Valdez Cecilia Valdez Eugene Valdez Gloria Valencia Lena Belle Valencia

Lee Van Buskirk Judy Varley Dolores Vigil Leroy Vigil Leroy Vigil

Louella Vigil Olivia Vigil Richard Vigil Louise Wade Mike Walker


Bill Watkins Delia Watson Janell Watson Bill Wheeler

Mary Ann Wheeler Dorothy White Jerry Wiewandt Caroline Willard

Barbara Wright Mary Lou Wright Tony Wright Andy York

Greg Young Zoe Ann Zimmer


1 Mixed expressions are seen on the faces of the SFHS cheering section as they watch a football game.


Junior Homecoming Princesses, Beverly Todd and Georgia Smith, smile at spectators during the Homecoming Parade.

"D-E-M-O-N-S!" yells Pat Bean, Santa Fe High's junior cheerleader.


SFHS Cheerleaders are leading the crowd while the Demon Bonfire, which burns on the night before Homecoming, rages in the background.

Sophomores . . . . . . Class of '62

Joyce McDonald, left, Mr. Sena, sponsor, and John Hovey, right, look over the list of sophomore class favorite nominees. (Not pictured are Miss Click and Mr. Coss, sophomore class sponsors.)

Sophomores Go for MAD

Left to right: Mrs. Carr, Gloria Lawrence, Louise Ortiz, Susan Gans, and Mr. Thomas read one of the great literary works at a class meeting.


Glass of '62

Sophomores assemble in Seth Hall to nominate girls for sophomore Homecoming attendants.

•ammmmHHHnW Bobby Abeta Lucy Abeyta Silvia Abeyta Jerry Alano Daniel Almeida Era Anaya George Anaya

Johnny Anaya Gilbert Angel Pamela Angle Frances Apodaca Margie Apodaca Abraham Archuleta Elfa Archuleta





^ a ^








jj if


Helen Archuleta Kenny Archuleta Stephen Arias Dorothy Auten Bertha Baca Peggy Barickman Madelyn Bain

Billy Baird Barbara Baker Suzie Barela Tom Bell Blanche Berardinellie Caroline Benevidez Leroy Benavidez

Odean Bennett Rick Bennett Mary Bermudez Bonny Berry Lucille Blea Mieheal Blea Martha Bliss

Walter Boynton James Bransford Marilyn Brassey Faye Burttram Gaither Bynum

6 2

Carolyn Cantu Sharon Caraway Lito Carillo Viola Carrillo Helen Carson

Alex Castellano Joe Castellano Joe Catanach Augie C. de Baca Bemadette C. de Baca

Reyna Cebada David Chavez Fermin Chavez Mieheal Chavez Suzie Chavez Lee Clodfelter Gale Corazzi

Donald Coppock Richard Cordova Rita Corriz Kay Crumley Lorraine Calles Joe Cruz Sophie Cruz

Richard Dalton David Dawley Joyce Duran Mary Ann Dominguez Edwina Duran Edwina Duran Gilbert Duran


Sherry Dunn David Earnest Barbara Ely Angie Encinias Ramon Encinias Arthur Espinosa Sonia Espinosa

Irene Esquibel Lucy Everett Mike Fairchild Roland Ferguson Edward Fenandez Sharon Finch Janet Franz

Alice Gallegos Georgia Gallegos Helen Gallegos Martha Gallegos Mary Ann Gallegos Petra Gallegos Philip Gallegos

Sylvia Galleds Susan Gans Arlene Garcia Barbara Garcia Billy Garcia Julian Garcia Peter Garcia

Raymond Garcia Richard Garcia Rosemarie Garcia Rufus Garcia Tonie Garcia Dorothy Gard Rey Garduno

Scott Garrison Margo Dawn Gerber Charles Gilcrease Robert Gilliam Renee Glenn Helen Gomes Cipe Gonzales

David Gonzales Eldridge Gonzales Erma Gonzales Fernie Gonzales Gilbert Gonzales

6 2

Helen Gonzales Henry Gonzales Hilario Gonzales Lorenzo Gonzales Mary Lyn Gonzales

Ruben Gonzales Rufino Gonzales Sandra Gonzales Tina Gonzales Tom Gonzales


6 2 Sophomores work on their class float at Magers' Field on Homecoming Day.

Jerry Goodwin Mary Grimes Lee Gnmle Olivia Gnmle Rosella Gutierrez John Gutting* II Melvin Hag-men

Janette Hall Hugo Hamilton Billy Hernandez Florence Herrera Jose Hernandez Lydia Herrera Rudy Herrera

Victor Herrera Bruce Hewitt Peggy Hill Jimmy Hipp Christina Holmes Jerry Honnell John Hovey

Charles Hughes Harold Humes Charles Igalo Harlene Jackson Joe Jaffa Diane James Patty Jenson

Nellie Jaramillo Consnelo Jenks Ben Jensen Larry Jones Robert Jeaea Greg Johnson Tom Johnson

Linda Johnston Wendy Kadlec Mimi Kaufman Margaret Keesing Richard Kennedy Chris Kersting Berry Kite

Lucy Koroneas Clifford LaMonda Paul Lange Frank Larranaga Connie Lawrence Gloria Jean Lawrence Isaac Lerma

Gloria Lerma Mary Leyba Richard Leyba Judith L'Heureaux Joe Linford Kenneth Litton Dennis Lobley

A n n a Belle Lopez Josina Lopez Louie Lopez Mary Lopez Nancy Lopez Olivia Lopez Roberta Lopez

Delfin Lovato Ruben Lovato Michael Luby Audrey Lucero Eddie Lucero John Lucero Mary Lou Lucero

Max Lucero Olivia Lucere Edward Lujan Juanita Lujan Minerva Lujan Abel Lama A n n Lunsford

Laurie MacDonald Gloria Maestas John MacKay Jerry Mallews Dixie Maninger

Phyliss Mannon Barbara Martin Richard Martin Arthur Martinez Connie Martinez

Ester Martinez Fannie Martinez Gertrude Martinez Gloria Martinez Gloria Martinez


6 2



It looks as though there is a lion loose in the band room. Watch out! Jake Martinez Jerry Martinez

Jimmy May Lorencita Martinez Lucille Martinez Rita Rose Martinez

Socorro Martinez Tony Martinez Tony Martinez John Mattocks Tommy Maxwell Larry McCarty Lola McCorquodale

Joyce McDonald Larry McGee Sandra McGuffin Greg McKay Jim McClond Grace Mendez Sylvia Medley

Louie Medrano Billy Mee Raymond Mier James M i l d Jermy Mile* Carolyn Miller Margaret Millican

Arthur Montano Dolores C. Montoya Dolores Montoya Gen* Montoya George Montoya Harold Moya Lnis Montoya

Manuel Montoya Pete Montoya Ruben Montoya Virginia Montoya Georgia Moore Evelyn Mora Bobby Mora


'62 Sophomore girls chat while they eat their lunch on the lawn.

Rosabel Muniz Mark Mnth Ophelia Navanjo Angela Narvaiz Faye Neely Tom Northup Mamie Jo O'Bryan

Pauline Orosco Mary A n n Ortega Jenny Otero Alferd Ortiz Celia Ortiz Leroy Ortiz Louie Ortiz

Louise Ortiz Mary Ortiz Otocha Ortiz Ralph Ortiz Rose Ortiz Rudy Ortiz Evangeline Pacheco

Andree Padilla Cleo Padilla Gertrude Padilla Gilbert Padilla Yolanda Padilla Chris Park Vicki Park

Marilyn Patterson Patsy Payne Judy Pena Nordella Pena Estella Perea James Perez Ray Piatt

Robert Pineda Seferino Pino Jean Ponce Linda Pope Darlene Popp Lisa Pratt Salem Prouty


Stanley Quintans Linda Ratliff Gay Renf ro James Richardson Richard Riley Leopoldo Rios Mary Rios

Camilo Rivera Earnest Rocha Floyd Rodriguez Frances Rodriguez Frances Rodriguez Margaret Rodriguez Arlene Romero

Dolores Romero Eloy Romero Fidel Romero George Romero Gilbert Romero Leonard Romero Mary Romero

Eddie Ronsh Johnny Roybal Kathie Roybal Sam Roybal Surelio Roybal Glenna Rupard Jake Ruvolo

'62 Rita Saiz Connie Salazar Delia Salazar Joanna Salazar Leroy Salazar Christine Sanchez Joe Sanchez

Mary Sanchez Teresa Sanchez Anoy Sandoval Dorothy Scobee Hey Selph Agneda Sena Diego Sena

Robert Sena Rosalia Silva Rudy Sisneros Patsy Smathers Christina Smith Joe Smith Marsha Smith

David Soveranez Ricky Spitz Marietta Summa Louise Swcney Jimmy Tafoya Martha Tafoya Stella Tafoya

6 The Demon football team rests before the Las Cruces game on October 17.

Dolores Tapia Dolores Tapia Mike Tapia Olivia Tapia Pauline Tapia Curtis Taylor Doug Taylor

Regina Tenorio Carla Thomas Richard Thomas Donny Tiano Tommy Torres Javenie Trachier Estella Trujillo

David Trujillo Pauline Trujillo Rita Urban Olivia Vigil Martha Vigil Margie Vigil Judy Vigil

Jennie Vigil Euf rusina Vigil Cecilia Vigil Atilano Vigil Arthur Vigil Carl Vasquez Sue Ann Valencia

Rudy Valdez Isaac Valdez Vida Mae Wauneka Christine Wallace Margaret West Mary Linda Westcott Thomas Wheeler

Dwain Willingham Donald Wilson Cathy Wisner Marie Wright Billie Yarbrough Mary A n n Yardman Carla Mitchell



Olivia Zamora Thomas Zimmerman

Diana Zinn Kathryn Bynum



"B-E-A-T, Beat those Vikings!" yell Olivia Lopez, Margaret West, and Margie Apodaca, SFHS Imp Cheerleaders, as they ride in the Homecoming Parade.


. . . They Played a I Great Part in I Our Busy Year . .

German Names Given to

GAVEL SOCIETY — Sixth row: Henderson. Fifth row: Pearson, Burckhardt, Porter, Perez. Fourth row: Siltala, Odom, Sleeper, Brock, Curtis, Ortiz. Third row: LaBeau, Stephenson, Watson, Bass, Hughes, Brashears, Cooper. Second row: Nohrn. First row: Kelly, White, Bronnenkant.

German has come to Santa Fe High School through the names of the three chapters of Gavel Society. The three chapters, each of which is composed of one of Mrs. Marjory Carr's three speech classes, have the names this year of VORSITZENDER, SPRECHER, and GESETZPRUFER. Each chapter of the Gavel Society has its own constitution, set of officers, and each chapter is also allowed a representative to Student Council and the Drama Club Advisory Board. Gavel Society is supported by the Drama Club and its primary purpose is to study and practice the laws of parliamentary procedure. The Gavel Society Chapter's names were acquired from Lothar Kuehns, the German Exchange Student. VORSITZENDER means Chairman, SPRECHER means Speaker, and GESETZPRUFER means Commoner.

Gavel Society Chapters

GAVEL SOCIETY — Third row: Tixier, Ortiz. Second row: Lawerence, Archuleta, Harris, Gornell, Montoya, Mrs. Carr. First row: Piotrowski, Campos, Monroe, Padilla, Montano, Croucher, Quintana.

Gavel Society meetings are often quite hectic, as is evident above. Everyone in second period speech class seems to have ideas.


Parliamentary Procedure Studied

GAVEL SOCIETY OFFICERS — Sixth row: Croucher, Nohrn, Cooper, Perez, Stephenson. Fifth row: Watson, Wafer, Campos, Bronnnenkant. Fourth row: Cornell, Curtis, Monroe, Brock, Burckhardt. Third row: Hughes, White, Mauzy, Quintana, Odom. Second row: Montoya, Brown, Petrosky, LaBeau. First row: Storr, Brassey, Pearson.

Eddie Burckhardt, Carl Henderson, and David Stephenson present their debate while the other students keep "crit sheets."


One Hundred Hours Required Thespis, a sixth century B. C. Greek tragedian, could not have realized the effect his work was to have in the following years and in the present century. In high schools across the nation, there are many branches of the National Thespian Society, composed of speech and drama students. In Santa Fe High the Thespians, which received their charter in 1949, are the honor group from Drama Club. Eligibility for membership requires onehundred hours of dramatic service, which includes just about everything— acting, producing, cleaning, lighting, and participating in Forensic events. The initiation of new members, in April each year, is traditionally the most formal of SFHS' organizational initiations.

Thespian members are more select than the officers because there are fewer of them! Sarah Carr, Marjane Ryals, Charlie Steen, and David Downs wave at the photographer.

THESPIAN Officers — Standing: Karen L'Heureux, Student Council representative; Carole Darr, treasurer; Marjory Carr, sponsor. Seated: Diane Rountree, chairman of Thespian events; Nan Burroughs, vice-president; Joanne Lowe, president; Carolyn Loomis, secretary. 105

Club Presents Comedies, Remember Sadie Hawkins? Sure you do. This is" just one of the manyactivities that Drama Club sponsors throughout the year. A number of plays are presented including comedies, tragedies, and melodramas. Also sponsored by the Drama Club are assemblies for the student body, the Christmas program, and the All School Show. The Drama Club is sponsored by Mrs. Marjory Carr, and is one of the most active and interesting clubs in Santa Fe High School. To become a member of Drama Club requires working on the All School Show, or helping with one of the plays, or participating in any one of the many activities that Drama Club sponsors. DRAMA CLUB Officers — Maya Fernandez, secretary-treasurer; Sarah Carr, president; Marjory Carr, sponsor; Sue Sleeper, vice-president.

Joann Wafer, Margery Lazar, Maya Fernandez, and Suzan Ballew act in "The Tie That Blinds" pre' sented as part of the Christmas program.

Tragedies, and Melodramas

DRAMA CLUB — Fifth row: Keuhn, Steen, Burckhardt, Storr, Fry, Smith, Martin, Bell, Downs, Phelps. Fourth row: Mauzy, Montoya, Burroughs. Third row: Sorensen, Coppola, Clauser, Rountree, Darr, Harrison, McDonald, Barickman, Warder, L'Heureux, Ballew, Ryals. Second row: Brock, Loomis, Wafer, White, Nohrn, Lowndes, Bliss, Johnston, Davidson, Colwes, Romero, Willard, Mrs. Carr. First row: Glenn, Watson, Sleeper, Jackson, MacDonald, Sorenson, Stamm, McCorquodale, Baca, Carr, Jordan, Fernandez.

Lothar Keuhn, SFHS' German exchange student, plays the lead in the Christmas play.

Alice Warder plays in "Dark Brown," the first presentation of the year.


Band Sparks Students Wearing bright new blue, gray, and gold uniforms, the 64-member SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND gave various interesting and delightful performances at each of the home football games this year. Often the marching band gave the little spark of enthusiasm necessary to get the student body really into the feeling of school spirit. On invitation from the Los Alamos Band, the marching band went to Los Alamos for the annual Demon-Hilltopper game. Also, the marching band took trips to Las Vegas for Highland's Homecoming and Band Day and to Albuquerque for the Shrine East-West Junior College football game. "Left — right, left — right." SFHS Band marches in the Homecoming Parade.

SFHS BAND — Fifth row: Bynum, Richey, Keahbone, Malone, Phelps, Dennis, Cahalan. Fourth row: Caraway, Smith, Martinez, Mattox, Muth, McEuen, Hovey, Stephenson, Storr, Yzaguirre, Littleton, Henderson, White, Burckhardt. Third row: Valdez, Keesing, Payne, Trujillo, Sturgeon, Mouchette, Mee, Kersting, Reust, Kite, Lucero, Chavez, Wheeler,


With High Enthusiasm The close of the marching season saw concert music going home in the Concert Band members' folios. Much practice and hard work resulted in fine concerts during the rest of the '59'60 school year. The band proudly hosted the Band Festival which was held in Santa Fe in April. Mr. Thomas Braeuer, our band teacher, is greatly admired by his students for his patience. Through co-operation of all concerned, the Santa Fe High School Band produced an organization greatly appreciated by the community and Santa Fe High School as a whole.

"All together now — one, two, three

Lunsford, Bynum, Duran, Boynton, Downs, Rupard. Second row: Wyss, Cahalan, Franz, Northup, Lange, McGuffin, Jaramillo, Hill, Berry, Mcquodale, Garrison, Varley. First row: Clauser, Baca, Williard, Pope, Mitchell, Romero, Scorsone.


Dance Band Performs Passing the Band Room on a Monday night, one can hear the melodious Santa Fe High School Dance Band practicing for its performances. The Dance Band plays annually for Sadie Hawkins dance and the junior high school proms. This year, the group also attended the University of New Mexico's "stage band" festival in March, which is open for competition to all high school dance bands in the state. Under the direction of Mr. Thomas Braeuer, the musicians, all members of the SFHS Band, have developed into one of the most professional groups in the city. Just like the "big time," our artists had their own singers, MaurSFHS DANCE BAND — Fourth row: Richey, Malone, Stephenson. Third row: Stur- een Flynn and Dottie geon, Mouchette, Mee, Kite. Second row: White, Burckhardt, Johnson. First row: White. SFHS is justly Garrison, Storr, Downs, Boynton, Bennett. proud of its high quality DANCE BAND.

The Santa Fe High School Dance Band plays for the Sadie Hawkins dance on November 20.


Similar to "Big Time"

Those endless hours of practice paid off when the SFHS Band was invited to perform at the Shrine East-West Junior College All-Star game in Albuquerque on December 12.

SFHS Band performs at half-time.


Paddle Rules Members Comprised of boys who have earned varsity letters in any of the major sports at Santa Fe High, the Letter "S" Club is one of the largest self-supported clubs at S.F.H.S. To gain membership into the club, one must go through the formal initiation which consists of wearing a suit, white shirt, and a tie for one week, being privileged to carry Letter "S" Club members' books to class, addressing the members as "sirs," and carrying a small notebook around their necks in which they must obtain the signatures of the superintendent of schools, the principal, the assistant principal, and ten teachers, in that order. Failure to comply with these simple rules results in the use of the most dreaded weapon in school,.the Letter "S" paddle, a pine paddle 2 LETTER " S " CLUB — Top row: Tixier, Granito, Haseltine, inches thick and 2 ^ feet long. When the paddle is Curtis. S eventh row: Goodspeed, Webb, Roybal, North. Sixth row: Jones, Perez. Fifth row: Martinez, Ortiz, Maxused, no mercy is shown; this is how the paddle well, York. Fourth row: Sanchez, Keach, Hughes, Gurule. Third row: Willingham, Sanchez. Second row: Robinson, gained its fame.

Coriz, Smith, Espinosa. Bottom row: Earnest, Ferguson, Ortiz, Trujillo.

LETTER " S " CLUB basketball players — Top row: Granito, Espinosa, Coriz. Bottom row: Martinez, Webb, Perez.


LETTER " S " CLUB sophomore and junior football players — Top row: Ortiz, Trujillo, Roybal, Haseltine. Second row: Robinson, Hughes, Ferguson, Willingham. Bottom row: Maxwell, Johnson, Coriz, Sanchez.

LETTER " S " CLUB Officers — Porfirio Leyva, sponsor; Neel Storr, secretarytreasurer; Jimmy Wilcoxson, president; Ray Coriz, vice-president; John Sena, sponsor.

of Letter "S" Club

As part of their initiation this year, the Letter "S" Club initiates were required to do a cheer before the student body. Don't they make wonderful cheerleaders?

Each year the club sponsors two main events. The first is the Letter "S" Follies, a show put on by the members who offer their so-called, talent; the second is the Varsity Ball which climaxes the year's events. The Varsity Ball is a formal dinner-dance combination held at a local restaurant with live orchestra playing the music and the Letter "S" Club picking up the tab. At this dance, trophies are awarded to the lettermen of the year in each of Santa Fe High's major sports. The names of those who win these awards are engraved on the trophies which are displayed in the library. Sponsoring the club are Porfirio "Porky" Leyva and John Sena.

LETTER "S" CLUB senior football players - - Top row: Smith, Gurule, Jones, Martinez, Tixier. Bottom row: Sanchez, Ortiz, Keach, Curtis, Earnest.

LETTER "S" CLUB trackmen — Top row: Ortiz, Coriz. Bottom row: Gurule, Maxwell, Curtis.

LETTER "S" CLUB baseball players — Top row: Martinez, Webb, Granite Bottom row: Robinson, Earnest, Goodspeed.


Skiers Yodel Through What was that madness of kids yodeling in Norwegian dress for the student body? Why, that was the Ski Club initiates, of course. Ski Club members could also be found at the Santa Fe Ski Basin on week-ends, digging themselves out of snow drifts and unpredictable predicaments, or at a ski party, dancing in front of a blazing fire, thawing out after one of the Ski Clubs' excursions to Red River, Taos, or Santa Fe Ski Basins. Sponsored by Jerry West, the club also featured ski demonstration movies at noon, sack lunch style. To maintain membership, ski club members could not miss two meetings in sequence and were required to go skiing at least once a month. Although the students were not excused on Friday afternoons as in previous years, the skiers were not discouraged from week-end skiing. In conclusion of their eventful year in 1960, ski club members held a feast and dance. Are Fred Tixier and Marshall Ortiz trying to do a "kick-turn" or just showing off?

Yum-Yum! Patsy Hovey, Laine Renfro, Sandy Bertram and Ginny Duker take time out for some fried chicken.

The Ski Club enjoys an afternoon of skiing in Hyde Park.


S4ngre de Cristo Mountains

SKI CLUB — Standing: Curtis, Northup, Tixier, Montgomery, Ortiz, Spitz, Clauser, Burroughs, Bynum. Seated: Gerber, Patterson, Rountree, Stamm, Renfro, Darr, Lind, Malone.

SKI CLUB — Standing: Jones, Jerry West, sponsor; Hamilton, McGuffin, Smith, Lowndes, Duker, Cornell, Ballew, Quintana, Keuhu. Seated: Orosco, Bynum, Montoya, Nohrn, Boshen.

SKI CLUB Officers: Jennifer Lind, president; Nicky Montgomery, vice-president; Linda Stamm, secretary-treasurer.


DECA CLUB — First row: Ronald Coss, sponsor; Anderson, Vigil, Cantu, D'Arcy, Davis. Second row: Phuyesna, Levario, Ratliff, Hanna, Lerma, Leslie. Third row: Siltala, Martinez, Neil, O'Dell, Calk.

Fifteen Hour-a-Week Jobs The active program of Distributive Education Club of America is a cooperative work-study plan between school and businesses. It is designed for all qualified high school students enrolled in part-time Distributive Education classes. DECA trains students in being efficient as both buyers and sellers, and it trains them in the efficient distribution of goods and services under the enterprise system. Ronald Coss, sponsor and teacher, encourages as well as trains his students to be active in social, civic, and professional activities. Forty-one students of Santa Fe High School belong to DECA, which is a requirement for all Distributive Education students. The students work for various business establishments in the city. Holding a 15 hour-a-week job is a requirement for each student, and the student must also earn at least $500 during the school term.

Joann Ratliff, left, and Phyllis Bain, right, admire the DECA Club display in the showcase in the front hall.


DECA students sponsor a coat check for school activities, and- a Christmas present wrapping booth.

Help Train D.E. Members This year the DECA club of Santa Fe High School handled many projects. Among these were the corsage sale for Sadie Hawkins; the concession stand for the students working on Homecoming floats; the coat and hat check for all school dances; the Christmas gift wrapping for Sears Roebuck and Co.; Christmas tree sales; candy sales; and the window display for Hubbard's Department Store. As another project, the members put up displays in the halls of SFHS, the articles having been furnished by the students' employers. Each member of DECA entered district contests in sales demonstrations, window display judging, club activities, public speaking and various other contests. The winners of these contests went to the state contests. DECA CLUB — First row: Bain, Quintans, Jaramillo, Apodaca, Sanchez, Loveless. Second row: Ronald Coss, sponsor; Jarrell, Harris, Hamilton, Chavez, Smith, Gibson. Third row: Graham, Keahbone, Montoya, Tiano, Aland.


Reporters Jot Notes of Majpr When a Nigerian journalist visited Santa Fe Higfy when the gals danced with the guys at the traditional Sadie Hawkins Dance, when a traffic court was organized at SFHS to curb the traffic problem around school, or when the queen reigned at Homecoming, a reporter from THE DEMON TATLER, the school newspapef, was there jotting down the facts for the story he would write. After being written, the story was sent to thje copyreaders, to the editor, to the printer, and appeared in the paper the following publication. The DEMON TATLER staff is made up of the first period journalism class under the direction of Robert Saam. The staff is divided into three parts: the editorial staff, the advertising staff, and the exchange staff. The editorial staff is composed of the editor, the copy editor, the layout editor, and the writers worked on their assignments for the paper during class time. The advertising played an important part in financing the DEMON TATLER. The exchange department as its Jo-Ann Tapia and Raymond Ortiz make posters to title implies, had the job of arranging the exchange <Jf boost Demon Tatler sales. the DEMON TATLER with the newspapers of other schools throughout the U. S. The purpose of such sjn exchange was to study the journalistic style and general layout of various newspapers; and thus, by observing the mistakes and good qualities of the other papers, the DEMON TATLER staff was able to improve SFHSj's newspaper. This year, the newspaper staff strived to cover all of the worthy news. Not only were the major events written up, but more sports news such as girls' P. E. and the intramural games were reported. More news about the activities of the clubs in SFHS was covered. The editors and reporters of the DEMON TATLER feel that by having had coverage, the paper interested more students.

Margaret Odom and Karen L'Heureux check the exchange paper list.

Joanne Lowe, member of the advertising staff shows Mr. Saam the layont while Marjane Ryals looks on.


and Minor Events at SFHS

Ruth Lopez, layout editor, and Peggy Croshaw look for a place to squeeze in one more story.

Students relax before "Nikita" Saam enters the classroom.

Busy, aren't they? I

Jimmy Sanchez peeks at Steve Earnest's homework which he always managed to save to do during Journalism.

Nan Burroughs, general editor; Robert Saam, sponsor; and Marjane Ryals, copy editor; discuss the mistakes in one issue of the paper.


Pan American Day Sponsored by Reynalda Dinkel, Salvador Perez, and Joaquin Fernandez, the Pan American Club started off the new year by choosing a queen plus her attendants. On Pan American day, which is held in April, the queen was crowned and she reigned throughout the day. The club entertained her with a colorful and festive play, featuring talent from the club. A dance was also sponsored to complete the day's celebration. During regular meetings, the club had guest speakers who entertained them with lectures on neighboring Latin American countries. They were Dr. Jose Maldagron, Mr. Edward Medina, and Mr. David Chavez. This year, both active members and any high school student who was interested could take a trip to Mexico. This helped to increase their understanding of PAN AMERICAN CLUB — Top row: Fernandez, Quintana. Third our Latin American neighbors.

row: Ortiz, Alarid, Duran, Graham, Smith. Second row: Diane James, Angela Narvais, Sanchez, Gurule, Bradshaw. Bottom row: Rios, Benavidez.

Attendants to the Pan American Queen are Kathy-Montoya, Pauline Alarid, Gloria Leyba, Beatrice Chavez.

PAN AMERICAN CLUB OFFICERS — Louise Ortiz, vice-president; Kathy Graham, treasurer; Reynalda* Dinkel, sponsor; Adele Croucher, program chairman; Kathy Duran, Student Council representative.


Highlights Activities

PAN AMERICAN CLUB — Top row: Croucher, Valencia, Chavez, Lopez, Alarid, Clokey, Gonzales. Second row: Benavidez, Rios, Montoya, Gonzales, Martinez. Third row: Bradshaw, Gurule, Sanchez. Bottom row: Smith.

PAN AMERICAN CLUB — Angels Narvais, secretary; Beatrice Chavez, president; Salvador Perez, sponsor.

Geneva Chavez, Pan American Queen, and Salvador Perez, sponsor, plan for the Pan American Assembly.


Objective of Chorus,

SFHS Chorus — First row: Apodaca, Cowell, Lowndes, Hoemer, Flynn, Brashears, Cooper, Eide, White, Cantrell. Second raw: Bios, Schmidt, Scorsone, Willard, Romero, Dean, Gerber, Bynum, Payne, Valencia. Third row: Salazar, Yarbrough, Barker, Popp, Thomas, Hill, Lunsford, Dalton, Gard, Lawrence, Lopez. Fourth row: Joaquin Fernandez S f W ! ^avez. C ™ * * Sanchez, Lopez, Gonzales, Rivera, Rivera, Duran, Bradley, Martinez. Fifth row: Crook, Phelps, Hovey, Storr, Wheeler, Jones, Bynum, Lopez.

SFHS CHORUS—Mouchette, Hovey, Storr, Wheeler, Wheeler, McGuffin, Phelps, Bynum. Second row: Payne, Charlotte Hartsfield practices her solo for the Christmas programs


Musical Appreciation Directed by Joaquin J. Fernandez, the Santa Fe High Chorus, a fifty-eight voice choral group whose main purpose is to derive satisfaction from musical experience through study, practice, and peformance. The Chorus worked in preparation for the big annual Christmas program, for which various beautiful festive carols were sung. This benefited the choral members, their fellow students, and the general public. The chorus, which welcomes any high school student, met in the choral room of the Bataan Building first and fourth periods every day and had special meetings on Monday afternoons. The future objective of this group is to develop its musical knowledge along with greater musical appreciation. Outstanding students were chosen through state-wide competition for the All-State Chorus.

With the help of the chorus, Dottie White practices her Christmas program solo.

Lowndes, Dean, Rivera, Gonzales, Romero. Third row: Barker, Gard, Valdez, Willard, Clauser, Valencia. First row: Chavez, Hartsfield, Rael, Sanchez, Eide, Lawrence, Barker. At the piano is Mr. Fernandez, Director.

Music students who made All-State Chorus, pictured with their instructor, Joaquin Fernandez, are: Dorothy Gard, Margie Apodaca, Dolores Rios, Neel Storr, Dolores Valencia, Jackie Eide, Dottie White, and Patsy Payne.


Brains Do More Than Study To become a member of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools is one of the highest honors a high school student can achieve. Elected by the teachers on the basis of scholarship, character, leadership, and service, the new members, all of whom must have at least a B average, were initiated this year into the A. L. L. Chapter at the beginning of the second semester. This organization, sponsored by Miss Bess McKennan, helps many members to receive scholarship aid. This year kept the A. L. L. pretty busy. Together with the Library Club, they sponsored the first dance of the year, a sock hop after the first home football game. The members participated in the Homecoming parade with a car-float, "Cut 'Em Up." At mid-term, HONOR SOCIETY — Last row: Brock, Loomis, Webb. Third row: there was the initiation and election Macafee, Fernandez, Wardlaw, Goodspeed. Second row: Boshen, Ryals, of second semester officers. To finish Wafer. First row: Wyss, Cahalen. off the scholastic year, A. L. L. had its annual picnic at Hyde Park. Santa Fe High's brains do more than study!

"Let me check my notes," says President Jim Webb as plans are made for the initiation of new members.


HONOR SOCIETY Officers: Ann Boshen, secretary; Bess McKennan, sponsor; Jim Webb, president; Joan Wafer, vice-president; Carolyn Cahalan, Student Council representative.

Safer Driving-Goal of Club Working to create safer driving through a state-wide campaign of the New Mexico Traffic Safety Association has been Santa Fe High's Traffic Safety Club's main project this year. The members took an active part in the state business and selected a candidate to go to the safe-driving rodeo in Silver City. This yearly rodeo, in itself, teaches safe road habits and offers college scholarships to the highest-scoring boy or girl on the written and driving tests. This year, the Traffic Safety Club sold the programs at the home district basketball games. Under the sponsorship of Mr. Troy Gann, the organization took in new members at the start of the second semester. These "hot-rodders" really crammed the accelerator in the interest of traffic safety! TRAFFIC SAFETY CLUB Officers — Martin Fry, sergeant-atarms; Kathy Cooper, vice-president; Marilea Muralter, treasurer; Jan Hamilton, president.

TRAFFIC SAFETY CLUB — Third row: Lovato, Bain, Bain, Miles, Sorenson. Second row: Robertson, Griffith, Bouche, Schmidt, Robertson, Zimmer, Hamilton. First row: Mr. Gann, Duker, Muralter, Brock, Brashears, Porter, Hanna, Davidson, Harrison.


Twenty-three Initiated Into F.T.A. Encouraging and attracting interested and qualified students to enter the teaching profession is the purpose of the Future Teachers of America Club at Santa Fe High School. This year F.T.A. sponsored a bake sale and several open houses at which New Mexico Education Association films were shown. They also attended the State Future Teachers of America Convention in Albuquerque in the fall and the spring district convention in Las Vegas. This year, the Santa Fe High chapter of F.T.A. was honored to have one of their members, Adele Croucher, elected to the office of State Treasurer.

FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA — Back row: White, Davidson, Auten, Eide, Mannon, Cooper, Hughes. Second row: Willard, Pope, Mauzey, Montoya, MacDonald, Lopez, Warder, Apodaca, Robertson. First row: Barikman, Lawrence, McDonald, Pacheco, Ratliff, Burroughs.

FT A OFFICERS — Back row: Cathy Reich, treasurer; Judy Varley, constitution chairman. Second row: Zoe Zimmer, librarian; Karen Fowler, historian; Carolyn Cahalan, clerk. First row: Jean Scorsone, reporter; Adele Croucher, program chairman.

"Who'd like to serve on this committee?" asks Carolyn Loomis, president, at an F.T.A. meeting.

FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA — First row: Hughes, Cooper, John Morford, sponsor. S e c o n d row: White, Reich, Darr, Benton. Third row: Warder, Croucher, MacDonald, Fowler, Zimmer. First row: Varley, Scorsone.

D.L.S. Chapter Brings Rome to life at SFHS

LATIN CLUB Officers — Lillian Kidder, sponsor; Margery Lazar, program chairman; Mike Walker, president; Patsy Lovato, secretary; Timothy Beed, treasurer.

Holding regular meetings on the first Monday of the month, the D.L.S. Chapter, commonly known as the Latin Club, is in its second year at Santa Fe High School. Boasting over thirty members, the Chapter is a branch of the National Junior Classical League. To be eligible for membership, a candidate must either currently be taking Latin or have had all that the school has to offer. The Roman Banquet, given this year on February 24, was the third annual dinner. Bringing to life the customs, costumes, and cuisine of ancient Rome, the Banquet gave each member a chance to see the customs and life he so industriously studied. Under the sponsorship of Lillian Kidder, this active group found that Latin is still very much alive.

LATIN CLUB — First row: Fernandez, Cahalan, Lazar, Thomas, Wheeler. Second row: Jackson, Hoerner. Third row: Lopez, Berry, Franz, Mcdonald, Bynum, Caraway. Fourth row: Patterson. Pope, Mannon. Fifth row: Hill, Phelps, Denninger, Young, Fry, Thomas.


Chess Qub Attracts Girl Members

CHESS CLUB — First row: Jackson, Wardlaw, Richey. Second row: Barker, Smith, Reed. Third row: Thomas, Hoerner, Cahalan. Fourth row: Stanford, Thomason, Park, Phelps. Fifth row: Rivera, Brassey, Cahalan.

The ancient game of knights, castles, and kings is the modern pursuit of members of the Chess Club of S.F.H.S. Aside from just playing chess one noon hour every week, the club studies various offensive and defensive games and the theories behind them. Often they have guest speakers from the city chess club to give them game tips and pointers. Having Mr. Sena as sponsor for the second year, this year the chess club was larger and more active than it has been for some years at S.F.H.S. Among the contributing factors is the fact that for the first time there were several girl members. According to the boys, some of the girls are excellent players. Many of the members attended city chess club meetings as honStanding: John Sena, sponsor; Bill North, vice-president. Seated: orary members and reported their Steve Hill, secretary-treasurer; Fred Phelps, Student Council representative. experiences to their own club. 128

Spring Renews Science Fair Annually The main activity of the Science Club was their participation in the school science fair each spring. Each member contributed a project or demonstration, which determined the winners of the senior division. These winners were sent to the State Science Fair in Socorro, New Mexico. Likewise, the few honored winners of the State Science Fair traveled on to the National Science Fair in Washington, D. C. This club, sponsored by James H. Sena, strove to promote interest in the sciences. This purpose was carried out by the demonstration teams consisting of a master of ceremonies and seven members from the club who presented chemistry demonstrations to the junior high and elementary schools throughout the school year. Lectures on various scientific topics were presented to the club each week Members of the Demonstration Team, which travels to the grade by a different member. schools and junior highs, are David Gusdorf, Paul Goodspeed, Diego Rivera, Stephen Wardlaw, and Andy York. ____^

SCIENCE CLUB OFFICERS — Diego Rivera, Student Council representative; Bonnie Mares, secretary; Steve Wardlaw, president; Paul Goodspeed, vice-president.

SCIENCE CLUB — Keuhn, Garrison, Smith, Thomas, Mares, Barker, Ashton, Stanford, Phelps, Jackson, North, Hill, Gusdorf. 129

Exploring Medical Field Aim of H.C.C. Composed of girls who are interested in various types of medical careers, the Health Careers Club is a member of the New Mexico State Para-Medical Careers Association. The aims of the club are to give the members a chance to hear noted authorities in different fields of medicine, and to further explore the medical field by means of various trips, conventions, and lectures. Meetings were held once a week at noon in the nurse's office, and were conducted by the president, Nada Hoerner, and sponsors Mary Lane, and Pat Corcoran, school nurse. The club had many projects this year; many lectures were given by noted authorities in the medical field to help familiarize the members of the club with the different phases of the medical field. The club's Christmas project was a Christmas party given for the geriatric patients in a nursing home here in Santa Fe. The club also sponsored several bake sales. Officers for the past year included: Nada Hoerner, junior, president; Donna Clauser, senior, vice-president; Carolyn Willard, junior, secretary-treasurer; and Charlotte Hartsfield, senior, student council representative. Sponsors were Pat Corcoran, school nurse, and Mary Lane, physical education teacher. Health Careers Club Officers — Charlotte Hartsfield, treasurer; Donna Clauser, vice-president; Carolyn Willard, secretary; Mary Lane, sponsor; and Nada Hoerner, president. Seated is Pat Corcoran, sponsor. Health Careers Club — Top row: Lunsford, Hill, Naranjo, Naranjo, Hartsfield. Bottom row: Cowell, Bean, Clauser, Cahalan, Hoerner, Willard, Romero, Hull, Varley.

Library Used as Meeting House

Worn books are repaired by Sanchez, Gonzales, Salazar, Robertson, Gonzales, and Romero.

Dominguez, Thomas, Ely, Smith, and Trachier alphabetize the books.

Giving a Valentine Coke Party for the student librarians in the three junior highs, co-sponsoring the first dance of the year with A.L.L., and helping Miss Iris Laycook, SFHS' librarian, with the sophomore library orientation were among the activities of this year's twenty-six library assistants. A half-class, half-club organization, library assistance carries a full elective credit for the year, giving the knowledge of library resources. Often the experience leads to a college job, and some take up library as a vocation. The Santa Fe High School library supplements its own collection with books from the State Extension and the Santa Fe Public Libraries. Having charge of the school's textbooks and working with the counselor's office for the college catalogues and vocational files keeps the library busy in itself. The library is also used as a general "meeting house" for gatherings from all over the school system and, this year, was open for study at noon. Working on the circulation desk, processing library books and textbooks, and keeping the library in usable order has kept our assistant librarians on their toes.

Cecilia Montoya, Rick Riley, Miss Iris Laycook, librarian, Paul Goodspeed, Phyllis Bain, and John Mattocks are busy keeping the library in order. 131

Physical Education Club — Fifth row: Blea, Espinosa, Hartsfield, Darr. Fourth row: Martinez, Warder. Third row: Rodriguez, Martinez, Yardman, Chavez, Norvaiz. Second row: Leyba, Bain. First row: Gonzales, Avila, Padilla.

Members Receive Membership Pins

One of the newest clubs at Santa Fe High, the Girls' Physical Education Club was organized in the fall of 1959 for the purpose of creating interest in girls' sports. "Under the direction of Miss Mary Lane, Girls' Physical Education instructor, the club sponsored intramural basketball and volleyball t o u r n a m e n t s for girls. Membership consisted of any girl interested in sports; every member received a membership pin. The club met on Monday afternoons from 3:30 to 4:30 in the girls' P. E. room.

P.E. CLUB Volleyball Teams — Standing: Padilla, Norvaiz, Rodriguez, Yardman, Leyba, Orosco. Seated: Espinosa, Blea, Ortega, Tapiz, Martinez.


Club Aims High Promoting good relationship between the business people of Santa Fe and senior business students and creating a professional interest within these students for business careers is the purpose of the Senior Commerce Club. The club, sponsored by Christine Click, strives to develop skills within the members, instilling knowledge and promoting the most desirable business practices. The club's pink float "Rocking to Victory," took first place in the Homecoming parade. Members of this active club visited business houses and offices to increase their knowledge of current business practices and equipment. The 25 senior members also took the State Employment Test, merit exams, and the Civil Service Exam. COMMERCE CLUB OFFICERS — Sarah Carr, Student Council representative; Cathy Reich, Christine Click, sponsor; Beatrice Chavez, president; Yolanda Sandoval, secretary-treasurer.

Qub Promotes Good Relations

STATE COMMERCE CLUB OFFICERS — Pat Gallegos, president; Christine Click, sponsor; Mike Walker, vice-president. STATE COMMERCE CLUB OFFICERS — Left to right: Mary Ann Hoover, Student Council representative; Rose Stuart, treasurer; Lorraine Esquibel, secretary; Marilyn Malloy, record keeper.

With S.F. Business People

To promote interest in business education, Highlands University in Las Vegas, New Mexico, sponsors the State Commerce Club throughout the high schools of New Mexico. Any student participating in business courses is eligible for membership. Members take tests sent by Highlands in the various business subjects. The members' goal is to earn points awarded according to the score made on these tests. Traveling to Highlands University in the spring, members participate in Highlands Day, where they compete in tests with State Commerce members from other schools of New Mexico. If the members pass these tests given by the University, additional points are added to those they accumulate throughout the year. At a banquet, the highlight of Highlands Day, pennants, medals, and certificates are awarded to members according to the number of points they have received during the year. The aim of all chapters is to earn an Excellence Award which is the highest honor presented to any school.

STATE COMMERCE CLUB — Seventh row: Garcia, Lyon, Archuleta, Tapia, Shelton, Fry, Livingston, Rodriguez, Walker. Sixth row: Ash ton, Salazar, Jiminez, Montano, Sullivan, McCrary, Sherwood, Hoerner, Gallegos, Gonzales, Gonzales, Clokey, Lewis, Muralter, Taylor. Fifth row: Wade, Ortiz, Archuleta, Duker. Fourth row: Clauser, Todd, White, Watson, Warder, Colwes, Schmidt, Robertson, Benavidez, Sleeper. Third row: Sanchez, Hoover, Flynn, Wyss, Mares, Padilla, Archuleta, Yardman, Gurule, Madrid, Croshaw, Auten, Bean Brown, Case. Second row: Garcia, Thomen, Chavez, Sandoval, Malloy, Griffith, Roberts, Casados, Quintans, L'Heureux, Croshaw, Brock, Chavez, Martinez, Mrs. Aldridge. First row: Duran, Carr, Trujillo, Montoya, Ortiz, Lerma, Apodaca, Hanna, Reid, Cowell, Vigil, Martinez, Martinez, ChaveS, Martinez, Mrs. Blaine.


. . . These Were the Ones We Favored Most . . .

Favorites of '60 In the favorites section this year, we, the Para Manana staff of 1959-60, present two new queens, New Mexico's Junior Miss and the Pan American Queen. In this section of Demon Debutants, we have included the Royal Blues, seniors who were chosen by the faculty on the basis of cooperation, service to the school, attitude toward fellow students, school spirit, scholarship, and willingness to work; the Student Council President, New Mexico's Junior Miss, a senior girl chosen by the Santa Fe Junior Chamber of Commerce to represent New Mexico at the Junior Miss Pageant in Mobile, Alabama, during March; the Homecoming Queen and attendants; the Snowball Queen, the favorite of our annual Christmas formal; the Varsity Queen, the favorite of the Letter "S" Club; the Pan American Queen and attendants, the queen and runners-up of the Spanish class and the Pan American Club; Senior, Junior, and Sophomore Class Favorites and their runners up; Girls and Boys Staters who attended the Girls' and Boys' State Workshops last summer; and the Santa Fe High School cheerleaders.


Royal Blues For the two years that TIM BENNETT has attended Santa Fe High, he has become a favorite around school. Playing the saxophone in the high school band and dance band, being treasurer of Student Council, being a member of the Science Club, and wrestling on the Demon's squad are just a few of Tim's many activities here at SFHS. Because of his wide variety of interests and school spirit, he has taken his place in the Royal Blues.

With her ever present smile, ANN BOSHEN is a charming, capable and cooperative leader in the community as well as the school. Her fine scholastic ability has been awarded by her membership in the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society. Attending all of the school affairs she possibly could, Ann is known for her loyalty to the Blue and Gold. Participation in the Ski Club rounds out her many school activities.

Coming to SFHS as a junior, NAN BURROUGHS quickly became one of the most liked and respected girls here. Whenever possible she always attended athletic events. If not cheering the teams on to victory, Nan was probably working on the Demon Tatler trying to meet deadlines and get the paper out on time as she was the editor this year. Being active in Student Council and Drama Club, Nan has served her fellow students and her teachers to the best of her ability.

Royal Blues One of Santa Fe High's School's favorite personalities is BEATRICE CHAVEZ. Her popularity is shown by her being elected Homecoming Queen and Pan American princess this year. Always active in school affairs, Beatrice was active in Student Council, F.H.A., F.T.A., and Commercial Club. Because of her popularity with her fellow students and teachers, and because of her contribution to SFHS, Beatrice has been selected to be among the Royal Blues for 1960.

CAROLE DARR is one of SFHS's most respected and well-liked personalities. Her joyous sense of honor and all-around personality have helped to erase the every day dullness around SFHS. An avid ski fan, Carole participates heartily in the Ski Club. When not skiing, she is probably getting advertisements for the Demon Tatler. One of Carole's most valuable contributions to SFHS is her part in forming a bowling club exclusively for SFHS students.

The never-dying spirit and friendly attitude toward her fellow students have gained NANCY EGENHOFER a spot among the Royal Blues. Her popularity was shown by her election to the Homecoming Court in her junior year and her election to be a cheerleader in her senior year. Through her activity in Student Council, her membership on the Demon Tatler and Para Manana staffs, and her initiation into the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society, Nancy has shown her loyalty to SFHS.

Royal Blues Outstanding contributions in the fields of drama and dancing have placed MAYA FERNANDEZ in this section. She has always volunteered her services for school shows, as she is an excellent Spanish dancer. In drama she has played some of the most difficult roles for high school students to play. Also an excellent student, Maya is a member of the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society. In her junior year she was a delegate to Girls' State.

If you should ask this avid chess player, PAUL GOODSPEED, about Chess, no doubt you would receive a longwinded lecture on the finer points of the game. Although this is one of Paul's main interests at SFHS, he also has an acute interest in physics and plans to make a career of it. He belongs to the Letter "S" Club, A.L.L. National Honor Society, and played baseball for SFHS. Paul was one of the two SFHS students who won the National Merit Scholarship and qualified for the semi-finals.

As Student Council president, CARL HENDERSON proved himself a valuable asset to SFHS. Carl, with his well-rounded personality, is well-liked by both students and teachers. Being an active member of the A.L.L. National Honor Society has proved his fine scholastic ability and as a player on the varsity basketball team for two years, he showed his sportsmanship and competitive spirit. His participation in many school plays showed his interest in student affairs. All this has placed Carl in the Royal Blues.


Blues The friendly personality and leadership ability of BARBARA LAN6E or "Bunny" as she is called by her friends at SPHS, have been truly admired by her many friends as well as by her teachers. Leading the student body as a cheerleader, and serving the school the best that she knows how, Bunny was one of SFHS' most loyal supporters.

One of Santa Fe High's most brilliant students is MARGERY LAZAR. A member of the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society, Margery always maintains an "A" average. But, the thing that her friends admire most about her is that she doesn't let her studies dominate her school life. For instance, she played in the first violin section of the All-State Orchestra for three years. She took parts in many school plays, bowled every Tuesday night with the Bowling Club, and was an active member in the Latin Club.

Quiet, efficient, considerate and friendly are the words that describe JOANNE LOWE. She is perhaps best known for her outstanding scholastic ability as shown by her membership in the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society. Being popular with her fellow students, Joanne was chosen to be in the Homecoming Court in her senior year and was selected to go to Girls' State in her junior year.

Royal Blues Because of her quiet and friendly personality, CAROLYN LOOMIS is one of Santa Fe High's favorite students. A fine scholastic student, Carolyn is a member of the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society. Participating in Gaves Society, Student Council, and F. T. A., she has unselfishly given her time and efforts. Because of her willingness to help SFHS in any way, Carolyn has been chosen to be in the Royal Blues.

MIKE LUCERO'S biggest contribution to Santa Fe High has been his athletic ability in basketball. In his junior year, he played on the first string. In his senior year, he became the state's leading scorer with an average of 25 points per game and was named captain. While basketball is his favorite sport, Mike also excels on the track team.

An ideal high school student would be none other than the very attractive MARJANE RYALS. To illustrate this, she was selected to represent New Mexico in the Junior Miss America Pageant in Alabama. She always attended the athletic events, was in several school plays, danced in many school shows, served three years in Student Council, was a. delegate to Girls' State, and worked diligently on the Demon Tatler and Para Manana staffs.

Taking his place among the Royal Blues may be attributed to JIMMY SANCHEZ'S willingness to help, his outstanding school spirit and his personality. An industrious worker for the Demon Tatler, first string guard on the football team, member of Student Council, and member of Letter "S" Club reveal Jimmy's many interests and participation in school affairs.

Royal Blues

Every high school student should have NEEL STORK'S school spirit. His friendship has been felt not only by students but by his teachers. An avid sports fan as well as a fine scholastic student round out Neel's interests. Neel played varsity football tackle two years and wrestled for SFHS in his senior year.

Owing to his all-around personality and genuine congeniality, JIM WEBB has won his place among the Royal Blues. He played varsity baseball for three years, and varsity basketball for one yeai;, illustrating his athletic ability. Being president of A.L.L. National Honor Society illustrates his excellent scholastic standing. Although these things assist in his being well-liked by fellow students, the trait most admired is his happy personality and his willingness to help.

One of the best liked seniors at SFHS is JIM WILCOXSON. He has shown school spirit in all of his activities. An all-around athlete, Jim played football, basketball, and baseball, and was outstanding in all three. His desire to win and to show good sportsmanship are the reasons why Jim was chosen to be co-captain of the football team and received honorable mention for the AllState football team.

A p e r s o n a l i t y unmatched in i n t e g r i t y , friendliness, and helpfulness is that of CAROL WYSS. Being c h o s e n Snowball Queen shows that her personality radiates to both students and teachers. Being chosen to Girls' State and to the All-State Band are just a couple of items that illustrate her many civic awards. A member of A.L.L. National Honor Society and Student Council, Carol has given much of her time and efforts to SFHS. 145


Carl Henderson


Marjane Ryals



Beatrice Chavez

Neel Storr and Jimmy Wilcoxson escort Beatrice at Homecoming.


Patsy Gonzales Senior Princess

Martin Martinez and Patsy

Joanne and Fred Tixier

Joanne Lowe Senior Princess

HOME Georgia Smith Junior Princess

Jerome McDonald and Georgia

Beverly and Marshall Ortiz

Beverly Todd Junior Princess

COMING Audrey Lucero Sophomore Princess

Audrey and Jimmy Martinez

Steve Earnest and Louise

Louise Ortiz Sophomore Princess



Carol Wyss


Marjane Ryals



Geneva Chavez

Kathy Montoya

Beatrice Chavez



PRINCESSES Pauline Aland Junior

Gloria Leyba Sophomore


Joanne Lowe


Tito Campos



Pat Bean


Jerry Castellano



Louise Ortiz



" i^fiH^M ^*" ** ""^

Gardun o




Jim Wilcoxson

Marjane Ryals


Gordon Keahbone 162

Phyllis Bain

Patsy Hovey

Ray Coriz


Margie Green

Vic Gurule

Tommy Maxwell

Joyce McDonald


David Gonzales 164

Dorothy Auten

GIRLS' STATERS, L. to R.: Marjane Ryals, Joanne Lowe, Linda Harrison, Carol Wyss, Maya Fernandez.


BOYS' STATERS, L. to R.: Jim Webb, Jim Wilcoxson, Charlie Steen, Tito Campos, Carl Henderson, Neel Storr.


Cheerleaders Host

Head Cheerleader

This year in addition to the hours of practicing new routines, the planning of pep assemblies, the games, the out-of-town trips to Farmington and Las Cruces, and the selling of pom-poms, the SFHS Cheerleaders hosted the Seventh Annual State Cheerleaders Convention at Santa Fe High. Cheerleaders from all over the state attended and exchanged ideas. The cheerleaders for the North-South All-Star football game, were chosen by try-outs.

Jo-Ann Tapia Senior

Demon Cheerleaders lead students in cheers at the Demon Bonfire.

Suzan Reeder Senior

Nancy Egenhofer Senior 166

Bunnie Lange Senior

Pat Bean Junior

State Convention

Sophomore cheerleaders give a yell for the Imps. Margie Apodaca Sophomore

Cheerleaders jump for joy when the Demons make a touchdown.

Margaret West Sophomore

"We can beat the Horsemen — Easy, easy!" 167

. . . They Were Our Heroes . . . We Were Their Encouragement .. .

New Offense Adopted

Coaches Sena, McDonald, Leyva, and Norwood watch the Demon defensive team hold back the Highland Hornets.

"I'm, by all means, not discouraged with the results of the 1959-1960 football season," said Lavon McDonald, coach of the Demon grid team. "Our great lack of experience was balanced by determination, condition, and ability to improve with every game. This year's team should prove to be an important factor in the expected success of the next two years." The Demon squad, which consisted of ten





sophomores, and a freshman who all saw plenty of action, built a reputation as one of the hardest hitting teams in the state. Jimmy Wilcoxson Quarterback

Marshall Ortiz Center

Steve Earnest Halfback

at Santa Fe High In the opening game the Demons got off on the wrong foot by losing to Los Alamos 14-12, in the final minutes of play. The following week they took a 13-6 loss to cross-town rival, St. Mike's. In the annual Homecoming game, the Demon's played one of their finest games. A nullified touchdown turned out to be the difference between victory and defeat as the Valley Vikings took a close 14-13 victory. The Demons' fourth outing was the charm. A 19-7 victory over the Albuquerque Bulldogs broke a sixteen year losing streak. This feat was rewarded by a half-day vacation from school. In their fifth week of action, the Demons met the Farmington Scorpions, one of the top-ranking AA schools in the state. Though the Demons lost by a 33-12 margin, they were highly praised by the Farmington coaches, players, and sportswriters for their great determination and sportsmanship. The following week-end, the Demons traveled to Las Cruces to take on the powerful Bulldogs, who on November 26, took the state championship for the second straight year. The trip-weary Demons played their hearts out.but were unable to stop the mighty Cruces' team which placed eight players on the South All-Star Team. In the two weeks that followed, the Demons bounced back to defeat Las Vegas and Rio Grande for their last two victories of the season.

"You backs, hit that hole hard!!" say Coach Leyva and Coach Sena. Ray Coriz Quarterback

Richard Robinson Halfback

Tommy Maxwell Halfback

Fred Tixier End

Jerome McDonald Tackle Neel Storr Tackle

Jimmy Martinez End

The Demons ran up a score of 43-12 while beating the Cardinals of Las Vegas Robertson. This was the only game that the Demons operated the controls from the very beginning. The following week, on a mud-soaked turf, the Demons took their third and last victory of the season. The condition of the field slowed the backfield running ability, but the Demons wouldn't be denied as they took a well-deserved 19-7 victory. With only two weeks remaining in the season, the Demons looked forward to their last contest with the Highland Hornets, a team they have never beaten. The Demons succeeded in giving the highly ranked Hornets a tough game but ended up on the short end of a 27-7 score. The Demons went into their final game discouraged but still willing. The team traveled to Albuquerque on November 14, to face the Sandia Matadors, a new but improved team. On this cold night, the Demons faced their greatest disappointment of the season as they were shut out for the only time during 1959, 23-0.

Captains Marshall Ortiz, Steve Earnest, and Jimmy Wilcoxson discuss strategy used against Albuquerque High with Coach McDonald. 172

Celestino Apodaca Fullback

Jerry Castellano Guard

The Demons hardest blow of the season came after the season was over when they-announced their withdrawal from the AA Football Conference. The conference, which Santa Fe High believes to be improperly set up, gives a great disadvantage to the Demons. Under the present conference divisions and because of a lack of funds, the Demons were forced to travel 320 miles to Las Cruces, play their roughest game of the season and return to Santa Fe after the game. This, turned out to be a 24-hour trip. Santa Fe High will not be eligible for the New Mexico State Championship next year, though they are expected to field one of their finest teams. The 60-61 Demons will schedule a few new teams next year including Tucumcari, Durango, Grants, and St. Mary's of Albuquerque. Though the 1959-60 Santa Fe High Football Team was not a success in the record books, their importance will be discovered in the years to follow. The Demons produced one honorable mention All-State candidate in Jerome MacDonald, who had a real good season.

Ramon Encinas Guard Jimmy Sanchez Guard

"D — E — M — O — N — S" players warm up at a night practice.


Graduating seniors on the Demon line-up — Back row: Rivera, Wilcoxson, Earnest. Front row: Tixier, Storr, Sisneros, Ortiz, Sanchez, McDonald, Martinez.

Demons Down Bulldogs for First Time in 16 Years

Demons are "ready and rarin' to go" as they arrive at Milne Stadium for the Highland game.


OPPONENTS DEMONS Los Alamos St. Mikes Valley Albuquerque High Farmington Las Cruces Las Vegas Rio Grande Highland Sandia


14 13 14 7 34 39 12 7 27 23

12 6 13 19 14 7 43 19 7 0

DEMON FOOTBALL SQUAD — Top row: Bowlds, Linford, Martinez, Fairchild, Martinez. Second row: Maes, Sedillo, Chavez, Hughes, Ferguson, Hazeltine, Sisneros, Gallegos, Quintana, Rivera, Hovey. Third row: Maxwell, Coriz, Sanchez, Burtram, Trujillo, Willingham, Castellano, Johnson, Roybal, Ortiz, Romero. Bottom row: Earnest, Wilcoxson, Tixier, Storr, Encinias, Ortiz, Sanchez, McDonald, Martinez, Apodaca, Robinson.

Ray Coriz evades a Sandia tackier.


Demons swarm over the Highland Hornets.

A Demon blocks a Rio Grande Raven.

"Does this hurt, Ramon?" asks Dr. Pickle, the team doctor.

Cheerleaders lead the players out on the field, but they get a 20yard head start for safety's sake.

Victorious Demons carry Coach McDonald from the field after defeating Albuquerque High for the first time in sixteen years.

The Demons battle the Highland Hornets 'til the end, but it was all in vain.

Coach Norwood picks up the pieces of a Demon and puts him back together.

DEMON BASKETBALL SQUAD — Third row: Trujillo, Martinez, Gurule. Second row: Coriz, Romero, Wilcoxson, Pfleuger, Padilla, Fowler. First row: Perez, Vigil, Lucero, Henderson, Bone.

Mike Lucero drives past three Las Vegas players for two points. 178

Roundballers Vie for State STATISTICS Total points for Santa Fe Total points for opponents Average points per game Average points per quarter Top Scorer Top rebounder Won Lost

1391 1281 55.64 13.91 Mike Lucero Mike Lucero 22 7

Three SFHS Demons look on as a West Las Vegas Don chases the ball out of bounds.

SFHS basketball coaches, left to right, John Sena, Salvador Perez, Clyde Faucett. 179

H Ronnie Vigil, Guard

S.F.H.S. Cagers Round Out SEASON RECORD DEMONS St. Catherines 38 53 Menaul 42 45 St. Mike's 42 49 Sandia 47 40 El Rito 56 77 Clayton 53 57 Portales 43 59 Pojoaque 43 45 Roswell 48 62 Los Alamos 50 49 West Las Vegas .40 58 St. Mike's 50 62 Las Vegas 31 62 Tucumcari 38 54 Raton 52 67 Valley 47 76 Los Alamos 41 51 Albuquerque High 51 53 St. Mary's 49 45 Highland 60 55 Taos ...52 69 Farmington 55 47 CAPITAL CITY TOURNAMENT Valley 51 61 Clayton 50 54 Albuquerque High 52 41 Highland 60 55 DISTRICT TOURNAMENT DEMONS Los Alamos 45 63 West Las Vegas 52 63 Clayton 49 50 STATE TOURNAMENT DEMONS Lovington 55 43

Ray Coriz, Guard

Three Demons fight for the ball while a Las Vegas player looks on.

• an Jimmy Wilcoxson, Guard

Carl Henderson, Forward

With 22-7 Season Record

The Santa Fe High School Demon basketball team faced a terrific job of rebuilding this year after losing four players from last year's first string and a large majority of substitutes. By hard work and patience, this job was accomplished with a great deal of success as Coach Salvador Perez again produced one of the Demons' best teams. The '60 Demons, with only four returning lettermen, ended the season with a well deserved 19-6 record which included nine wins against no losses in the district. On December 4th, the Demons made history by defeating St. Michael's in their own gym, a feat which was many years in the making. The following night, the Demons dropped their first game of the season to a strong Sandia team, a game which the Demons were never able to avenge.

Johnny Fowler and Mike Lucero try to block a St. Catherine's shot as Romero and Vigil of SFHS move in.

Jimmy Martinez Guard

Tommy Romero Forward

Johnny Fowler Guard

On January 5, 1960, the Demons started the new year off on the right foot by taking five straight district games from West Las Vegas, St. Michael's, Las Vegas Robertson, Tucumcari, and Raton. Santa Fe High continued their winning ways by defeating Valley in a non-district game. On February 6, the Demons returned to the district and avenged an earlier loss by defeating the Los Alamos Hilltoppers 50-49 and increasing their district lead to seven wins against no losses. On the following weekend, the Demons of Santa Fe High split a pair of games, beating Albuquerque High 53-51 and losing to St. Mary's Cougars 49-45.

Mike Lucero hits for two points against the St. Mike's Horsemen. 182

The Demons rounded out the final two weeks of the '59-60 season by dropping games to both Highland High and Farmington, while defeating Taos, Espanola, and Rio Grande. On March 5, the Demons won the district tournament for the third straight year by downing Los Alamos, West Las Vegas and Clayton. The following week the Demons traveled to Johnson's Gym in Albuquerque where they dropped their first game in the state tournament to a hot Lovington squad, which ended the 59-60 season. The Santa Fe High School "B" team, coached by Clyde Faucett, again roared to a fine season as they built a 13-6 season record. The inexperienced "Imps" started nearly from scratch but improved with every game. Among the Imps who are strong favorites to land a position on next year's "A" squad are Henry Rael, Mike Chavez, Charles Hughes, Roland Ferguson, Stanley Quintana, Suzano Leyva, and Sammy Roybal. Also, a very important part in the development of the SFHS basketball teams are the Sophomores, coached by John Sena. This team plays a full season without much recognition, but they play a vital part in the future of the Demons.

George Perez, Guard

"Big Mike" grabs another rebound from two West Las Vegas players.

Vic Gurule, Forward

Mike Lucero, Center

IMP BASKETBALL SQUAD—Back row: Ortiz, Gonzales, Gonzales, Leyba, Vigil, Sargent, Meyer, Espinosa, Roybal, Lovato, Martinez, Ortiz, Valdez. Front row: Lopez, manager, Ferguson, Hughes, Chavez, Rael, Quintana.

IMP Squad

Santa Fe High Imps battle the Ojo Caliente A-squad. At the left, Stanley Quintana attempts a steal; center: Ray Garduno fights for a rebound; at the right, Mike Chavez hides the ball.


SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL SQUAD — Third row: Gonzales, Fernandez, Lerma, Gonzales, Mullins, Sorveranez, Lerma. Second row: Martinez, Romero, Arias, Kersting, Kennedy, Roybal. First row: Gonzales, Richardson, Torres, Prouty, McCarty, Gastellano.

Sophomores Hands, hands, hands. Everyone wants the ball! Two Imp players, Garduno and Ferguson, go up for the rebound.

Variety Headlines

Miss Lane watches her students as they play volleyball in the yearly volleyball tournament.

The Girls' Physical Education Department proved itself a very versatile organization during '59 and '60. Miss Mary Lane, instructor, began the fall season with baseball and tennis. As the winter weather moved in, the girls retreated to Sweeney Gym or Seth Hall where they take up acrobatics on the trampoline, dancing, line-soccer, table-tennis, basketball, and roller skating. Many of these sports were set up in a tournament style and the girls competed for a championship. Suzan Reeder, Frances Bustos.



Student assistants: Geclia Vigil, Annie Narvaiz, Dolores Romero, Margaret Rodriquez, and Pauline Trujillo.

Girls9 Physical Ed.

Introduced this year in SFHS Girls' P. E. department, Roller Skating is tried by some of the students.

In the spring, the girls take to the outdoors again to play tennis, run relays, or practice their* archery. Besides playing games, the girls are required to attend health classes which are held once a week.

These students from Miss Lane's P. E. classes seem to be enjoying a fast game of volleyball.

Baseball and Track This year under its new head coach, P. R. Leyva, Santa Fe High boasted one of the most experienced teams in Demon baseball history. Leading the thirteen returning lettermen were Jim Wilcoxson, Steve Earnest, Mike Granito, Jim Webb, Vic Gurule, and Johnny Fowler. Among the sophomores who showed promise were Stan Quintana, Dwain Willingham, Roland Ferguson, and Charles Hughes. Changes were in order as the Demons introduced the "A" and "B" squad systems into Santa Fe High's baseball program. The Demons also added Roswell, Carlsbad, Highland, and Valley to an already heavy schedule.

Top: Jim Wilcoxson—Pitcher Bottom: Steve Earnest—Outfielder

Top: Mike Granito—Outfield Jim Webb—Outfield

Bottom: Johnny Fowler—2nd Base

DEMON BASEBALL SQUAD—Top row: Shelton, Goodspeed, Wilcoxson, Fowler, Hughes, Granito, Romero, Encinias. Bottom row: Keach, Hall, Webb, Earnest, Rivera, Quintana. 188

Spark Spring Sports

Sandy Bertram Field Events

Johnny Curtis Track Events

Mike Lucero Field Events

Greg Johnson Track Events

Tommy Maxwell Track Events

Ray Coriz, Carl Henderson Javeline Johnny Curtis, Tommy Maxwell, Sandy most v e r s a t i l e in many years. Under many incoming sophomores showed great High's track teams considerably for the

This year's track squad, led by veterans Bertram, and Carl Henderson, was one of the Coaches Salvador Perez and Clyde Faucett, promise and are expected to help Santa Fe next few years. Among the meets attended by the 1960 squad were the Albuquerque Relays, a triangular meet with Los Alamos and Saint Michaels, and the district meet which is held annually in Santa Fe. Santa Fe also hosted teams from all'over the state in the Capitol City Relays. This meet, held annually in Santa Fe, hosted some of the state's best field and track men in New Mexico.

DEMON TRACK TEAM — Maxwell, Johnson, Curtis, Henderson, Com, Lucero. 189

Back row: Coach Norwood, Moore, Tixier, Storr, Fry, Bennet, Gonzales. Second row: Burckhardt, Stephenson, Trujillo, Gonzales, Watkins. Front row: Walker, Barker, Trujillo, Gallegos.

SFHS Adds Wrestling Santa Fe High School tried a new sport during 1960 and decided they liked it. The new Demons wrestling team, coached by Max Norwood, created a lot of enthusiasm around Santa Fe High and will probably become a very popular sport in the near future. The team was headed this year by little Bobby Gonzales who won six out of eight matches, all by pins. Teammate Eddie Trujillo was second high on the team with five wins and three losses.

Martin Fry

Bobby Gonzales

Steve Hill

SFHS wrestlers practice holds and talk over the night's match with the Los Alamos team.

to Sports Program A match consists of three, two-minute rounds in which the contestants receive points for takedowns, escapes, and riding time. At the end of the match, the wrestler with the most points wins the match and his team receives three points. When a contestant wins by a pin, his team is given five points. Some of the other top wrestlers at SFHS who scored in the State Wrestling Match were Martin Fry, Ralph Gonzales, and Neel Storr.

Neel Storr

Eddie Trujillo


. . . Something Was Always Cooking


School days again and we're back to work. The familiar halls and familiar faces make school a friendly place in which to be.

Registration Marks School

"Would you please sign my schedule?" This is a common question during registration.


Spanish, Latin, or French? That is the question of these students.

Several changes marked the beginning of the 1959-60 school year. New classes were added to take care of the increased enrollment, 1083 students—121 more than list year. Registration took place in Seth Hall during the last part of August, with everyone anxious to get as many classes as possible with friends. This system has always sfeemed to work with SFHS students and faculty, the "mutual admiration society" helping classroom relations. This was the first year that Santa Fe High participated in the American Field Service's exchange student program. Lothar Kuehn, from Hanover, West Germany, attended classes with us while living with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Meyer and their son Byron, a junior at SFHS. From the start of school, the week before Fiesta, until graduation on May 26, "B-E-A-T! Beat those Toppers!" Cheerleaders lead the students at the year was "what we did in '60." the first pep assembly.


Juniors line up to register for English with Miss Work and Mr. Saam.

Lothar Kuehn, Crerman exchange student, shows off his Western wear to his American "brother," Byron Meyer. 195

All seniors fill out college informational blanks in Sweeney Gym for the legislative council.

Assemblies H Enliven H School Days

The United States Air Force Band plays at an assembly for the benefit of the SFHS Band. The S i n g i n g Sergeants sang several favorites to the delight of the students.

The SFHS Band, under the direction of Mr. Thomas Braeuer, entertains at an assembly.

Everybody enjoys get-togethers, or so it would seem. And we at Santa Fe High are no exception in our appreciation of the assemblies and talks presented by students and professional people. Wide-eyed and completely captured by the charming perStephen Nwobuora Iweanya, a Nigerian newspaperman, talks to Miss MeKennan's world sonality of Mr. Steven Iweanya, a lucky few of the students geography class. listened intently as, on Wednesday, November 11, in the school library, the Nigerian newspaperman gave a brief resume of his country's history and present-day prospects. Sweeney Gymnasium was the scene for a matinee and an evening concert on October 5 of the United States Air Force Band and the Singing Sergeants. Colonel George S. Howard, the conductor, invited Donna Clauser, Carol Wyss, Gordon Keahbone, Jack Sturgeon, Mike Mouchette, and Eddie Buckhardt of the SFHS Band to sit with the Air Force Band during the school matinee. Our band members sat up even prouder when their own director, Mr. Thomas Braeuer, took the podium for a guest number.

Principal Walsh explains how things work in high school to the sophomores.

In an assembly, members of the band and the annual class picket for the promotion of annual sales. 197

The Demon Bonfire, which marks the beginning of the Homecoming celebration, burns brightly at Magers' Field.

Homecoming Highlights Fall Season It all officially started with the huge Demon Bonfire, given by the sophomore class, the night before the game with Valley High of Albuquerque. Homecoming, '59, continued the biggest tradition of SFHS with the bonfire, parade, and game, all climaxed by the dance afterwards. Friday morning, September 24, saw assorted clubs and classes busily assembling floats and the band drilling for the night's game.

The team has its last practice the night of the bonfire.

"What does tomorrow hold?" wonder Demons. But the fire keeps its secret!! 198


Our senior princesses, Joanne Lowe and Patsy Gonzales, smile as they leave Magers' Field for the parade.

The F.H.A. float in the Homecoming Parade catches everyone's eye with its bright colors.

This float expresses Demons' sentiments with its sinking Viking ship.

What will they think of next? The DECA Club float is one of the most original ones with its beatnik theme.

The chemistry department is adamant that we blow up the Vikings with its "Formula for Victory."



Queen Beatrice Chavez leads the Homecoming Parade Beverly Todd and Georgia Smith, junior princesses, add beauty to the parade.

Sophomore Princesses Louise Ortiz and Audrey Lucero relax at the parade's end.

The parade wouldn't have been complete without an alumni float.

The winning float, entered by the Commercial Club, is decorated all in pink

Rules Festivities

"Boy, these flowers are heavy!" Beatrice Chavez struggles to stand up with her arms full.

Starting promptly thirty minutes late, the parade wound its way from Mager's Field through the downtown area and past large crowds of Santa Feans. This year the Valley High Band and cheerleaders participated along with our own groups. The floats were preceded by the Queen and her attendants, who rode on gorgeous convertibles. The winning float was the pink and white "Rock to Victory." The DECA "Beatniks" placed second, and "Formula for Victory" received third prize. Some of the best spirit displayed by the spectators and players was evidenced throughout the evening. Rolling out the carpet for the pre-game coronation were tumblers Susie Lowndes and Phyllis Bain. The Homecoming court, escorted by members of the football team, walked onto the field where the SFHS Band played "Girl of My Dreams." It was a thrilling moment for Beatrice Chavez as Mr. Thomas Walsh, principal, took the crown from pretty little Chris Williams and declared her Queen of the '59 Homecoming.

The team came on the field after the coronation to play a rough, tough, exciting game that thrilled the spectators in both bleachers. All this hard playing did not yield the hoped-for results; we lost by a margin of 14-13 but won a moral victory. The semiformal dance followed the game, bringing Homecoming, '59, to a climactic finish.

We played Valley High of Albuquerque in a smashing game, but we lost by a score of

As the last shipment of the annual is ready to be mailed, Susan Coppola, Steve Earnest, Paul Pompeo, Peggy Croshaw, and Ruth Lopez trudge to the post office—tired, but happy.


"You what??" Mr. Braeuer exclaims over a flutist's decision not to march during the half because of some mud.

Everybody Enjoys Football The Santa Fe High Band played the Demon victory song, and Demon rooters stood up and cheered for their favorite football team. If it were a home game, sophomores could be seen working with the concessions, selling to starving Demons. If it were away, cheerleaders and cheerers swarmed into buses and cars and broke the sonic barrier, yelling their way from Santa Fe to "there." Our school was proud of its smartly uniformed band, too. And as they goosestepped and double-timed across the field at the half, the spectators cheered loudly. When the gun went off at the end of each game, Demon yellers could still be heard with "Whether we win, or whether we lose, we're Demons just the same." The dads talk over the Rio Grande-Demon game during the half on Dad's Night.

'Round and 'round we go. It's the Rio Grande game and we won!


Dances Sparkle the Year

Students enjoy the music of the Continentals at a dance sponsored by the FHA Club.

"Let's go to the hop, oh, baby, let's go to the hop . . . " This year Santa Fe High School students attended a sock hop, harvest dance, a real "beat pad," among others. Seth Hall has seen many dances in its day, but this year's were probably the most imaginative. An artificial yellow harvest moon, a tree with falling leaves, and yellow, orange and brown crepe paper and the F.H.A.'ers had transformed Seth Hall into a barn dance for October. Santa Fe's own Continental band played their own records and top hits. Later, on November 6, students went "beat" in Tio Thomas' Cabana (alias Seth Hall) eating pretzels at checkered tables, the cats watched the entertainment and then danced on that real "cool" night.

Steve Earnest, Donna Clauser, Jerry Castellano, and Beverly Todd find the DECA check room to be a big help.

These couples discuss the practical applications of Zen philosophy in their "angry" lives.

•Man, like crazy," can best describe the music played by Pat Malone, Mike Mouchette, and Lewis Richey at the Beatnik Dance. Peering from behind is M.C. Mike Inlow. 203

As part of a project to become acquainted with neighboring countries, Mary Ann Yardman and Myra Gonzales model costumes brought from home.

The Future Homemakers of America is a national organization in which girls plan and carry out activities related to homemaking. The club promotes a satisfaction in homemaking, emphasizes the importance of worthy home membership, and encourages democracy in home and community life. Any girl who has had one year of homemaking or is enrolled in homemaking is eligible for membership. Red and white are the colors for the two PHA Chapters of Santa Fe High School. The White Chapter of FHA has 110 members in five sub-chapters. The officers of this chapter are Joanne Lowe, president; Christine Sanchez, vice-president; Diana Brymer, secretary-treasurer; Marilea Muralter, reporter; Martha Vigil, parliamentarian; Dolly Padilla, historian; Thelmarie Romero, song leader. The advisor is Mrs. Frances Garrison. Mr. and Mrs. Trinidad Perez are the Chapter Parents. The Red Chapter of FHA also has 110 members in five sub-chapters. The officers of this chapter are Jo-Ann Tapia, president; Myra Gonzales, vice-1 president; Sylvia Yardman, secretary; Joann Salazar, treasurer; Maria Rios, historian; Pauline Alarid, reporter; Dolores Montoya, song leader; Nancy Martinez, parliamentarian; and Cathy Reich, Student Council Representative. The advisor is Mrs. Kathleen Thorwaldsen.

Red and White Are Kathy Graham, Rose Montano, Cindy Smith, and Kathy Duran taste snacks.

F.H.A. members have a tasting party for the purpose of planning more wholesome snacks.


F.H.A. sold pizza in the hall at noon to raise money.

Everyone's busy making the pizza pies.

Symbolic of Youth

F.H.A. CLUB — Standing: Apodaca, Muralter, Lowe, Sanchez, Vigil. Seated: Gonzales, Salazar, Rios, Martinez, Yardman. 205

Valley of the Shmoos

Many students attend a Sadie Hawkins' Day jam-session in Seth Hall.

In "The Valley of the Shmoos" at Seth Hall, Friday, November 20, student Dogpatchers celebrated a successful Sadie Hawkins. This was turn-about time, according to Li'l Abner's author and originator, Al Capp, and the girls invited the boys. Prizes of Dogpatch ham were awarded for the most authentic costumes. Highlighting the dance and acting as a break for the waltzes, jitterbugs, and a knock-down, drag-out polka, the floor show, emceed by Chester Thurston, provided the entertainment. The Teen Kings led off with their version of "Tequila" and "Red River Rock." The tale of one unfortunate girl was told by the Dogpatch girls to the tune of "Standing on the Corner."

Dasie Mae, alias Sarah Carr, invites everyone to attend the Sadie Hawkins' Dance sponsored by Drama Club.

"1 — 2 — 3 — 4"

Chester Thurston reminds us that on Sadie Hawkins the girls escort the boys.

Back forward, crash! How we love to do the polka!

Sets Sadie Hawkins Mood


The Shmoos came to life, giving the dancers a chance to see some real dancing. With "Seven Little Girls" sitting in the back seat, Mike Mouchette sang of his plight, driving all alone up front. More songs were sung by the Dogpatch Three and the girls who told the "Tale of Li'l Abner." As a signal that the time had come for Dogpatch girls to reluctantly take their boys, adorned with vegetable corsages, homeward, the Santa Fe High School Dance Band played its last tune, "Goodnight Ladies."

Winners of the best costume award were Tom Northrup and Bonnie Berry, the dancing flour sacks.

There's Pappy Yokum himself!

The Shmoos seem to be very interested in the SFHS dance band.

We Relax, We Act,

Larry Montoya was the winner of the book, AUTOMOTIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA, from Goodheart-Wilcox Publishing Company for having the highest score on a test of the basic fundamentals of electricity in a car.

The Ski Club certainly goes all-out for initiating new members.

There is always a non-conformist. 208

Did you bake it yourself, Suzan?

Solid geometry must be a swinging

and We Compete

"Yes, it is all very strange," says the mysterious aunt, Maya Fernandez, to the bewildered Alice Warder. The cast of DARK BROWN gathers for a family portrait.

Mysterious lighting emphasizing the area of the audience's attention was the dramatic characteristic of the first play of the season. Presented by the drama class under the direction of Mrs. Marjory Carr, it gave an eerie sensation, watching the mind of a young wife whose husband makes inexplicable out of town trips. Battling it out on the volleyball court in a special basketball team vs. teachers game on December 16 were Sal's Pals and Tom's Katz. Donations from students were contributed to the Community Chest. The game was full of exciting moments, but Sal's Pals felt things weren't quite right (could it be because a teacher kept score?) when the game ended 21-11 in favor of the Katz. Tails held high and fur all fluffy, Tom's Katz left the court. Strangely enough, it was Sal's Pals who were bristling. Charlie Steen gets "painted" by Mrs. Carr, drama sponsor.

Tom's Katz (the faculty) versus Sal's Pals (the basketball team) play in Sweeney Gym to the delight of the student body and teachers.


Christmas Plays Set Spirit

"On earth, peace; to men, good will." Eddie Burckhardt narrates the moving Christmas play, HOW THE GREAT GUEST CAME.

Two one-act plays, songs by the SFHS Chorus, and a tableau comprised the Christmas program presented bv the Drama Club on Wednesday, December 9, in Seth Hall. THE TIE THAT BLINDS showed the humorous situation resulting when the Palmer women give their men wild Christmas ties. The mood turned to the true Christmas spirit with HOW THE GREAT GUEST CAME. This touching and beautiful poem tells the story of a shoemaker promised a visit by the Lord. The program closed with a tableau of the Christmas storv as the chorus sang "Alleluja."

In THE TIE THAT BLINDS. Margery Lazar likes the tie she bought her husband. Martin Frv. But from the look on his face —

"In unity there is strength!" says David Downs to the other boyfriend, Fred Phelps, and father, Martin Fry.

Dick Littleton and Sue Sleeper dance to the "jitterbug" music furnished by the Faculty Orchestra at the Snowball Formal.

These handsome couples seem to blend in well with the theme colors of green and silver. In the foreground are Suzan Reeder and Mike Mouchette.

Carol Reigns Over Snowball Decorated in green and silver, Seth Hall was transformed into the THE FIRST SNOWFALL OF THE WINTER for the Snowball Formal on Friday, December 18. Attending were approximately 225 couples who danced to the music of Faculty Orchestra. Snowball favors were sold as souvenirs of the dance, and there was entertainment in the exhibition dance by Kaye Kelley and Rocky Pearson. Carol Wyss was crowned "Queen of the Snowball" by Mr. Thomas Walsh, principal, and was presented with a dozen white roses by her escort, Eddie Burckhardt, after which refreshments were served in the school library. The formal was a lovely Christmas present from the Student Council.

Pretty Miss Carol Wyss is chosen to reign over the Snowball Formal as Mr. Walsh, principal of SFHS, places the crown on her head.

After the queen is crowned, she and her escort, Eddie Burckhardt, begin the dancing.


"God help us," says Carl Henderson, the skipper, in a moving moment from the play MINOR MIRACLE. It is a garden in Verona, and WHEN SHAKESPEARE'S LADIES MEET, there is no telling what may happen.

Students Direct Activities

Dottie White and Margie Green seem to be very efficient about the basketball concessions.

Many students thought the fashion show presented by the DECA Club was interesting and helpfuL


A Night to Be Remembered La Fonda was the beautiful setting for the unseasonable Senior Prom on Friday, February 5. The dance was preceded by many dinner parties, and afterwards, there were casual breakfasts. The girls in their lovely formals and the handsome male contingent danced to the music of the Faculty Orchestra. MOONLIGHT AND ROSES was the theme with the decorations carrying out the class colors of lavender and white. It was a night to be remembered by the seniors of 1960.

These couples take time from the dancing for the "pause that refreshes" beside the beautifully appointed refreshment table.

The Senior Prom is the perfect setting for friends to reminisce.

Sometimes seniors just relax, enjoy the music, and talk.

"I could have danced all night" seems to be the thought of these seniors.


Back through time to Rome, B. C? Not quite — it's the annual Latin Banquet.

Romans Come to Life Seth Hall was transformed into old Rome when the Latin department presented thf third annual banquet on Wednesday, February 17. Mike Walker, D.L.S. President, ana Tessie Rodriguez were the official host and hostess for the occasion. Other Latin students represented Roman senators and generals and their families who enjoyed a dinner of chicken and baked potatoes, served by tunic-clad slaves. Entertainment was provided by dancing girls, slave musicians, and wrestlers. The guests were seated at a u-shaped table. Miniature shields and tiny chariots were made for nut cup favors. Scrolls inscribed in Latin were the menus which marked each guest's place. Adorning the walls of the banquet hall were large murals capturing the spirit of Rome.

The test is in the taste." A good-taster is often invaluable to the Roman household.

Maya Fernandez is a dancing slave girl from Greece!


Second Semester Sees Enterprise Never say that SFHS students don't fly high. Neel Storr and Jim Webb have been nominated by Congressional Representative Joe Montoya for the United States Air Force Academy — passing the tests is up to them. (Jim is also first alternate to Annapolis.) Among 10,000 students throughout the country selected as semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's program were Paul Goodspeed and David Stephenson. Ann Boshen, Margery Lazar, Sarah Robertson, Charlie Steen, and Stephen Wardlaw received letters of commendation on the basis of their test scores.

Paul Goodspeed and David Stephenson talk over the next test in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation's program with Don Casados, SFHS guidance counselor.

Neel Storr excitedly shows Jim Webb his telegram from Representative Joe Montoya. The two seniors will take tests which may qualify them to attend the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

Student Council discusses plans for the candy sale which will benefit the Demon Tatler.


. . . They Helped Support Us . . . .. Let's All Support

Sill Them

Peggy Barickman, Kathy Cooper, and Joyce McDonald say, "Clean your clothes the new way at NU-WAY CLEANERS, 626 CERRILLOS ROAD and 2107 CERRILLOS ROAD."

"Really, Johnny Fowler, Gerald Bone's feet couldn't be that big — or could they?" wonders Richard Pflueger, shown shopping at PFLUEGER'S SHOE STORE, l06l/2 W. SAN FRANCISCO


"Watch the little birdie!" the familiar saying at SPERRY-TYLER DINGEE, PEN ROAD, is heard once again by Margaret Keesing. Taking the picture are Mr. Sperry and Mr. Dingee.

Dudley O'Dell enthusiastically shows dubious Patsy Payne and Beth Croshaw the motor of one of the classy cars from CHERRY MOTOR COMPANY, 607 CERRILLOS ROAD.

Maim Macafee and Donna Clauser go for the latest fashions from ANNABELLA'S, 114 E. PALACE AVE.

"Beautiful pictures!" comments Marilyn Malloy about the portraits from DAVID'S STUDIO, 544 CERRILLOS ROAD. Showing the portraits is Mr. David.

"All who need information about hobbies will find books from SANTA FE BOOK & STATIONERY, 100 W. SAN FRANCISCO, helpful to them," agree Diego Rivera, Roberta Lopez, and Jerry Castellano.

"Wow!" comments Richard Castellano as Carolyn Loomis shows him around the model kitchen at CARTW R 1 6 H T HARDWARE COMPANY, 120 LINCOLN AVE.

Charles Hightower keeps a close eye on the gas pump while Mary Irene Montoya watches him skillfully fill her car's gas tank at FRED'S TEXACO STATION. 1229 CERRILLOS ROAD.

Smiling Kay Kelly offers to all readers a Big Coke from COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY, 323 GUADALUPE.

Phyllis Mannon and David Earnest smile happily after snacking at FREE FRASER'S PHARMACY, 501 COLLEGE.

These girls know the way to a guy's heart — via his car. Pictured left to right: Renee Glenn, Johnny Lucero, Pauline Alarid, and Rudy Yzaguirre. Cars courtesy of SANTA FE MOTOR COMPANY, 418 CERRILLOS ROAD.

"Just what I need!" Michael Granito explains to Paul Goodspeed while looking at equipment at STAR LUMBER COMPANY, 400 GRIFFIN.

It's everyone's business — the superior courses offered by SANTA FE BUSINESS COLLEGE, 215 W A S H I N G T O N AVE. Pictured- left to right: Mrs. Shirley Villa, Manager, Jessie Valencia, Pat Martinez, Carta Mitchell and Carole Darr.

Always the right size — never too small or large, at the GUARANTEE SHOE DEPARTMENT, ON THE PLAZA, 53 SHELBY. Trying shoes for size are Maureen Flynn, Gay Gerhart, and Patty Shaw.

Fred Dennis looks on while Mary Linda Westcott and Pat Malone inspect the interior of a Ford from SANCO FORD COMPANY, 205 MONTEZUMA AVE.

Ginny Duker and Georgia Smith are not really fighting, just having a good time testing the stretchability of the ski pants from TIANO'S SPORTING GOODS, 228 GALISTEO.

Take a stroll to BERT'S BURGER BOWL, 235 ROSARIO, for the best in food. Pictured left to right: Florence Sanchez, Richard Hall, Dolores Martinez, Ray Coriz, and Cecilia Sanchez.

Joe Ashton and Maya Fernandez inspect the machinery at FOREMOST DAIRIES, INC., 1107 PEN RD.

Lari Sorencon and Richard Kennedy go "Washershopping" at FIRESTONE, 119 LINCOLN AVE.

Charles Hughes and Patsy Hovey find a large selection of top record albums at the HOUSE OF MUSIC, 73 W. MARCY.

Tim Bennett, Ann Boshen, and Dwaine Willingham tried very hard to convince Mrs. Pullman, Jr. to give them the combination to the vault at FIRST NATIONAL BANK on the PLAZA.

"Is there really room for two?" wonders Gloria Lawrence as Larry Montoya reassures her. Car courtesy of MOTORSPORT, 218 MONTEZUMA.

There is always a good show at IN, CERRILLOS RD. Pictured Shelton, Richard Rob inson, Charles Ramsey, Jim Sanchez,

the YUCCA DRIVEleft to right: Elbert Nick Montgomery, and Joe Sedillo.

Four cheers for the shoes from KAHN'S, 120 W . SAN FRANCISCO. Herman Sandoval waits on Susan Reeder while Nancy Egenhofer, B a r b a r a Lange, and Pat Bean watch.

Bonnie Berry and Mark Muth look slightly confused at this point in their tour of WHITE S W A N LAUNDRY, 1368 CERRILLOS RD.

Ruby Martinez, carhop, happily serves Billy Watkins and David Tiano at the A & W ROOT BEER, 3050 CERRILLOS ROAD.

Diane Zinn and Larry McCarthy found that the MUSIC BOX, 109 E. SAN FRANCISCO carries all sizes of transistor radios.

Buzzy Bainbridge, New Mexico's top junior racer, enjoys skiing at RED RIVER SKI AREA, RED RIVER, NEW MEXICO.

Laine Renfro and Sandy Burtram hopefully look at the beautiful rings at HALL'S JEWELRY STORE, 212 GALISTEO, shown them by Mr. Hall.

Ronnie Hester points out various facts about the pin-setters at CORONADO BOWLING LANES, 504 W. CORDOVA RD., to interested Cindy Smith, Margery Lazar, and Richard Keach.

Dorothy Auten tells Gordon Keahbone how undecided she is about the color of the Buick from CAMPBELL'S PONTIAC AND BUICK, 463 COLLEGE.

Tom Romero and Jeanne Brock watch Pauline Lujan at the drive-in window at SANTA FE NATIONAL BANK, WASHINGTON AVE.


Fine clothes for men and boys at GOODMAN'S on the PLAZA.

Joan Davidson says to Roland Ferguson, "Be a sport and buy yqur gas at SHERWOOD CHEVRON STATION, 135 W. PALACE AVE.

Shutterbugs, Robert Montoya and Diane Rountree, examine the latest in cameras shown them by Dennis Martinez at the CAMERA SHOP, 109 E. SAN FRANCISCO.

Carol Wyss, Snowball royalty, steps out in fashions fit for a queen from NINA'S, 143 LINCOLN AVE.

Patsy Lovato and Wende! Johnson stop to look first before going in to buy what they need at SEARS, 130 LINCOLN AVE.

FACULTY INDEX WALSH, THOMAS AB, MA, University of New Mexico; Principal

FAUCETT, CLYDE BS, St. Michael's College; MA, Highlands University; Science

MORFORD, JOHN AB, University of West Virginia; English; F.T.A. Sponsor

6AIREY, JOHN BA, University of Notre Dame; Assistant Principal; Student Council Sponsor

FERNANDEZ, JOAQUIN BM, MM, Texas College of Arts and Industries; Music; Spanish Chorus Sponsor

NORWOOD, MAX BA, Texas Western College; Science; English; Assistant Football Coach

ALDRIDGE, MARGERY BA, San Francisco State Teachers College; MA, University of New Mexico; Commercial; Commerce Club Sponsor, Senior Class Sponsor

FRESHLEY, HAROLD BA, Indiana Central College; MA, University of New Mexico; Science

PEREZ, SALVADOR BA, Highlands University; MA, University of New Mexico; Spanish; Athletics; Pan American Club Sponsor; Head Basketball Coach

ALLEN, EUGENE BA, East Central Oklahoma Teachers College; MA, Oklahoma State University; Mathematics ARMENGAUD, ELIZABETH PhB, University of Chicago; University of Montpellier; French BAKOS, JOSEF Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York; Johnny Thompson at Denver, Colorado; Art; Art Club Sponsor BLAINE, GLADYS BS, East Central Oklahoma Teachers College; MA, Highlands University; Commercial; Commerce Club Sponsor BOULTON, JACK Technical Training; Auto Mechanics BRAUEUR, THOMAS BM, Jordan Music Conservatory of Butler University; MM, Columbia University; Band CARR, MARJORIE BA, West Texas University; MA, University of New Mexico; English, Speech; Thespian Sponsor; Drama Club Sponsor; Gavel Society Sponsor; Sophomore Class Sponsor CASADOS, DON BA, MA, Highlands Guidance; History


CLICK, CHRISTINE BS, Southeastern State College; Commercial Club Sponsor; Commercial Sophomore Class Sponsor CORCORAN, PATRICIA RN, Jersey City Medical Center; AB, Hunter College of the City of New York, Health Careers Club Sponsor COSS, RONALD BS, Southern Illinois University; Distributive Education; D.E.C.A. Sponsor; Sophomore Class Sponsor DEMPSEY, MART H. AB, Oklahoma College for Women; English; Junior Class Sponsor DINKEL, REYNALDA BA, MA, University of New Mexico; Spanish; Senior Class Sponsor; Pan American Club Sponsor

GANN, TROY BS, McMurry University; Driver Education; Traffic Safety Club Sponsor; Senior Class Sponsor

PETERSON, DAN BA, Bethany College of Kansas; Commercial; Junior Class Sponsor

GARRISON, FRANCES BS, University of New Mexico; Home Economics; F.H.A. Sponsor

REED, ELAINE W. BS, MS, University of New Mexico; Mathematics

GILL, BILL BA, Oklahoma University; MA, Boston University; English; Junior Class Sponsor

REEL, GRANT AB, MA, Colorado State University; Mechanical Drawing

HORSEY, CATHERINE BA, Santa Barbara State College; MA, Stanford University; English

ROBINSON, WILLIAM BA, Colorado State University; MA, Colorado University; Wood Shop; Junior Class Sponsor

KIDDER, LILLIAN AB, Marymount College; MA, University of Nebraska, English; Latin; Latin Club Sponsor; Senior Class Sponsor

ROSE, REUBEN BA, MA, Highlands University; Arts and Crafts

LANE, MARY BS, North Texas State College; Physical Education; P.E. Club Sponsor; Junior Class Sponsor

RUMOLD, EMILY BA, Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences; MA, Iowa State University; Orchestra

LAYCOOK, IRIS BS, University of Colorado; MA, Highlands University; Librarian

SAAM, ROBERT BA, Texas Christian University; MFA, Yale University; English; Demon Tatler Sponsor; Para Manana Sponsor

LEYBA, PORFIRIO BS, University of New Mexico; Science, Athletics; Assistant Football Coach; Letter " S " Club Sponsor

SENA, JAMES BS, Highlands University; Chemistry; Sophomore Class Sponsor

LYNCH, JAMES BA, St. Michaels College; English, Social Studies; Student Council Sponsor MCDONALD, LAVON BA, MA, University of New Mexico; Physical Education; Athletics; Head Football Coach; Senior Class Sponsor McKENNAN, BESS AB, MA, University of Colorado; Social Studies; Honor Society Sponsor MICHAELSON, ROBERT BS, Nebraska State College; BS, St. Michael's College; MS, Oklahoma State Teachers College, Mathematics MIDDLETON, MAX BA, Indiana Central College; MA, University of New Mexico; Math MIER, MARIN Technical Training; Machine Shop

THOMAS, CHARLES BS, Ohio State University; Mathematics; Sophomore Class Sponsor THORWALDSEN, KATHLEEN BS, Kansas State Teachers College; MS, Kansas State College; Home Economics; F.H.A. Sponsor TRUSSELL, FREDERICK BS, Northeast Missouri State; MA, Columbia University; Social Studies WORK, ALLENE BA, University of Texas; MA, Southern Methodist University; English WEST, JERRY BS, Colorado A&M; MS, University of New Mexico; Ski Club Sponsor; History WYNNE, MILDRED BA, University of Iowa; MA, Highlands University; Science


SENIOR INDEX A Alarid, Corrine F.T.A., 4; Pan American Club, 2; Para Manana Staff, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2; G.A.A., 2 Anderson, Maria Chess Club, Secretary, 2; D.E.C.A., 3, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2 Apodaca, Judy State Commerce Club, 4; Commerce Club, 4; Traffic Safety, 4; F.TA., 4


Baca, Maxine Band, 2, 3, 4; Chorus, 2; Gavel Society, 3; Drama Club, 3, 4 Bain, Phyllis Art Club, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A., Treasurer, 2; Classics Club, 3, 4, Vice-President, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; D.E.CA. Club, 4; Student Council, 4; P.E. Club, 4, Vice-President; Senior Class Rep. Ballew, Susan Ski Club, 2, 3, 4; Student Council, 4; Gavel Society, 3; Drama Club, 4; Chorus, 2; G.A.A., 3 Bennett, Tim Student Council, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4; Science Club, 2, 3, 4; Secretary, 3; Dance Band, 3, 4; Latin Club, 2, 3 Boshen, Ann F.T.A., 2; Ski Club, 2, 3, 4; Honor Society, 3, 4, Secretary, 4; Square Dance Club, 2; G.A.A., 2, 3 Brashears, Pamela Band, 2; Traffic Safety, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Chorus, 4; Gavel Society, 4 Brock, Jeannie National Honor Society, 4; Drama Club, 2, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; Gavel Society, 4; G.A.A., 3; Library Club, 2; State Commercial Club, 4 Burckhardt, Eddie Student Council, 4; Gavel Society, 4; Drama Club, 4; Dance Band, 3, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4; Junior Class Rep.; Senior Class Rep. Burroughs, Nan F.T.A., 2, 3, 4; Ski Club, 4; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; Thespians, 3, 4; P.E. Club, 4; Student Council, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 3, 4, Editor, 4


Cantu, Jackie F.H.A., 2; D.E.C.A., 4; Library Club, 8 Carr, Sarah Student Council, 3, 4; Thespians, 3, 4, President 4; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3, President, 4; Art Club, 2, 3, 4; Gavel Society, 3; State


Commerce Club, 4; Commercial Club, 4; Forensics, 3, 4 Chavez, Beatrice Student Council, 4; F.H.A., 3, Secretary, 3; Pan American Club, 2, 3, 4, President, 4; Senior Class Treasurer; Commercial Club, 4, President, 4; G.A.A., 3; Junior Class Favorite; Homecoming Queen, 4; State Commerce Club, 4 Chavez, Geneva G.A.A., 2; State Commerce Club, 4; Commercial Club, 4; Pan American Club, 4; Student Council, 3; Library Club, 2; F.H.A., 2, 4; Pan American Queen, 4 Chavez, Isabel D.E.C.A., 4 Clauser, Donna F.H.A., 2; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4; Health Career Club, 4, VicePresident, 4; All-State Orchestra, 2; All-State Band, 2, 3, 4; All-State Chorus, 4; Student Council, 4; Traffic Court, 4 Colwes, Carole G.A.A., 2; Library Club, 2; Drama Club, 4; Junior Class Rep.; Commercial Club, 4; Ski Club, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2 Cooper, Kathy Gavel Society, 4; Drama Club, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4, Vice-President, 4; Chorus, 4; F.T.A., 3; Art Club, 4; Student Council, 4 Coppola, Susan Marion Demon Tatler Staff, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Latin Club, 3, 4; F.T.A., 3; G.A.A., 2, 3; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4 Croshaw, Peggy G.A.A., 2, 3; Demon Tatler Staff, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4, Editor, 4; Letter " S " Queen, 3; Commerce Club, 4 Croucher, Adele Rae Traffic Safety Club, 2; Pan American Club, 3, 4; F.T.A., 3, 4; State F.T.A., 4, Treasurer, 4 Curtis, Johnny Track, 3, 4; Student Council, 3, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4; Football, 3; G.A.A., 2, 3, 4

Band, 2, 3, 4; Dance Band, 4; Drama Club, 3, 4; Chess Club, 3; Science Club, 4; Thespian, 3, 4; Band Manager, 4 Duran, Kathy Pan American Club, 3, 4; F.H.A., 3, 4, President, 4; Ski Club, 3; Chorus, 3; G.A.A., 3; Student Council, 4


Earnest, Steve Baseball, 2, 3, 4; Football, 4, CoCaptain, 4; Letter " S " Club, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 4 Egenhofer, Nancy Sophomore Class President; Student Council, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club, 2; Cheerleader, 4; Drama Club, 3; Homecoming Princess, 3; Demon Tatler Staff, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4 Eide, Jacqueline Ski Club, 2, 4; F.T.A, 4; Chorus, 4; Band, 2 Esquibel, Lorraine State Commerce Club, 4; F.H.A., 3, 4; Pan American Club, 2, 3; Para Manana Rep., 3; Commercial Club, 4


Fernandez, Maria Magdalena Student Council, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3; Pan American Club, 2, 4; Latin Club, 3, 4; Thespians, 4; Drama Club, 3, 4; Honor Society, 3, 4; Gavel Society, 3, President, 3; Girls' State; Traffic Safety Club, 4 Flynn, Maureen Student Council, 2; All-State Band, 2; Dance Band, 2; Band, 3; Chorus, 2; Chess Club, 2 Fritzges, Jeannine F.H.A., 4

D G Darr, Carole Junior Class Treasurer; Student Council, 4; G.A.A., 3, President, 4; P.E. Club, 4; Ski Club, 2, 3, 4; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; Thespians, 3, 4; F.T.A., 3, 4; Chairman of Senior Class Events; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Gavel Society, 3; Demon Tatler Staff, 4 D'Arcy, Ronna D.E.CA.., 4 Davidson, Joan Drama Club, 4; P.E. Club, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3; F.T.A, 4; Ski Club, 2, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2, 4 Davis, Gail D.E.CA., 4 Downs, David

Gonzales, Jessie Pan American Club, 2, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; Chorus, 4 Gurule, Juanita Pan American Club, 2; French Club; Commercial Club, 4 Gonzales, Myra F.H.A., 4, Vice-President, 4; Science Club, 4, Secretary, 4 Gonzales, Sandra F.H.A., 2; Pan American Club, 2, 3, 4; Junior Class Secretary Goodspeed, Paul Science Club, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3, 4; Chess Club, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3, President, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4; Base-

ball, 3, 4 Graham, Kathi F.H.A., 2, 4; Pan American, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3 ; F.T.A., 2 Granito, Micheal Basketball, 4; Baseball, 3, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4


Hanna, Vicki Commercial Club, 4; D.E.C.A., 4, Secretary, 4; State Commercial Club, 4 Harris, Louise F.H.A., 3, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2; Student Council, 2; D.E.C.A., 4; Gavel Society, 4 Harrison, Linda Chorus, 2; Girls' State, 3 ; Ski Club, 2, 4; Drama Club, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 2, 4 Hartsfield, Charlotte Student Council, 4; Health Career Club, 4 Henderson, Carl Wally Student Council, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3, President, 4; Band, 2, 4; Dance Band, 2, 4; Band Manager, 2; Basketball, 3, 4; Track, 3, 4; Science Club, 4; Ski Club, 2 Hoover, Mary Ann Pan American Club, 3; Commercial Club, 4; Athletic Club, 2; State Commerce Club, 4; G.A.A., 3 ; Student Council, 4 Hughes, Anne F.T.A., 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; Gavel Society, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 3


Jaramillo, Cecilia F.H.A., 2; Library Club, 2 Jarrell, Carol Ann D.E.C.A., 4


Keach, Richard Band, 2; Football Manager, 4; Baseball Manager, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4 Keahbone, Gordon Chicago Band, 3 ; Student Council, 3; Science Club, 3 ; D.E.C.A., 4, President, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4, President, 4; Ski Club, 3, 4; All-State Band, 3, 4; Dance Band, 2, 3, 4 Kuehn, Lothar Science Club, 4; Chess Club, 4; Ski Club, 4; Student Council, 4; Gavel


Society, 4


La Beau, Larry Gavel Society, 4 Lange, Barbara Pan American Club, 2; Band, 2, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3; Ski Club, 3; F.T.A., 4; Cheerleader, 4 Lavato, Patsy Student Council, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club, 3, 4, Secretary, 3, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 3, 4; Chorus, 2 Lazar, Margery Student Council, 3, 4; Latin Club, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4, Treasurer, 4; Ski Club, 3; Traffic Safety Club, 2; P a r a Manana Rep., 3 Lerma, Rebecca Pan American Club, 3; D.E.C.A., 3, 4; Senior Class Rep., 3 Leslie, Margaret Traffic Safety Club, 2, 3 ; D.E.C.A., 4 L'Heureux, Karen Speech Choir, 3; Gavel Society, 3; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; State Commerce Club, 4; Square Dance Club, 2; Traffic Safety Club, 2; Demon Tatler Staff, 4; F.H.A., 4, Secretary, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3; Thespian, 3, 4 Lind, Jennifer Ski Club, 2, 3, 4, Secretary, 3, President, 4; Drama Club, 3, 4; Gavel Society, 4; Student Council, 4; A r t Club, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3, 4, Secretary, 4 Loomis, Carolyn Student Council, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Drama Club, 3, 4; F.T.A., 2, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3, President, 4; Square Dance Club, 2; Gavel Society, 3, Secretary, 3 ; Forensics, 3, 4 Lopez, Christine Pan American Club, 3, Vice-President, 3 Lopez, Donna F.H.A., 2 Lopez, George Student Council, 4 Lopez, Linda F.H.A., 4; Pan American Club, 2; P a r a Manana Rep., 4 Lopez, Ruth Commerce Club, 4; F.H.A., 2; Pan American Club, 3, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 3, 4, Layout Editor, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; P a r a Manana Staff, 3, 4, P a r a Manana Rep., 2, 4; Commercial Mirror, 4, Editor, 4 Lowe, Joanne Traffic Safety Club, 2; G.A.A., 2, 3; Speech Choir, 3; Gavel Society, 3 ; Drama Club, 3; Thespians, 3, 4; Girls' State, 3; Homecoming Attendant, 4; F.H.A., 3, 4, President, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4, Vice-President, 3 ; Demon Tatler Staff, 4; P a r a Manana Rep., 3, 4 Lowndes, Susan F.H.A., 4; Ski Club, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader, 2 ; G.A.A., 2, 3 ; Pep Club, 2; Chorus, 4; Drama Club, 4; Senior Class Rep.; P.E. Club, 4

Macafee, Mairn National Honor Society, 3, 4; Drama Club, 3, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 4; Gavel Society, 3 ; Speech Choir, 3 Malloy, Marilynn Chorus, 2; Traffic Safety Club, 2; Student Council, 2; G.A.A., 3; Commercial Club, 4; State Commerce Club, 4 Martinez, Dolores Commercial, 4; State Commerce, 4; Junior Class Rep. Martinez, Marcella F.H.A., 3; Pan American Club, 3; Commercial Club, 4; Homecoming Attendant, 3 Martinez, Margaret F.H.A. McCrary, Nancy Traffic Safety Club, 2; Gavel Society, 3; Commercial Club, 4; State Commerce Club, 4 McDonald, Jerome Gavel Society, 4, Vice-President, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4, Treasurer, 4; Football, 2, 3, 4 Miller, Ann Traffic Safety Club, 2; Square Dance Club, 2; G.A.A., 2; Drama Club, 3 ; Speech Choir, 3; Gavel Society, 3; Para Manana Staff, 4 Montoya, Larry Pan American Club, 2


North, Bill Chess Club, 2, 3, 4; Science Club, 4

0 O'Dell, Dudley D.E.C.A., 4; Track, 2, 3 Ortiz, Marshall Football, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain, 4; Basketball, 2; Track, 3 ; Gavel Society, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4, 3, Sergeantat-Arms, 4; Senior Class Rep., 4; Ski Club, 2, 4 Ortiz, Olivia D.E.C.A., 3 ; F.H.A., 2 ; State Commercial Club, 4


Padilla, Dolly


Gavel Society, 4; F.H.A., 4; Pan American Club, 4 Pearson, Burton Gavel Society, 4 Perez, George Football, 2; Basketball, 2, 3, 4; Junior Class President; Student Council, 3; Gavel Society, 4, President, 4; Letter " S " Club, 3, 4 Pompeo, Paul Para Manana Staff, 4; G.A.A., VicePresident, 5 Porter, Jane Para Manana Representative, 2, 3; Traffic Safety Club, 2, 4; Gavel Society, 4; Para Manana Staff, 3, 4; Square Dancing Club, 2 Puhyesva, Ramona D.E.C.A., 4; Student Council, 3; G.A.A., 3; Pan American Club, 2


Quintana, Edwina F.H.A., 4, Parliamentarian, 4; Pan American Club, 3, 4 Quintana, Katherine F.H.A., 2; Pan American Club, 3; D.E.C.A., 4; Library Club, 2; Senior Class Rep.


Reeder, Suzan Pan American Club, 2; G.A.A., 2, 3, Vice-President, 3; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Drama Club, 3; Student Council, 4 Reich, Cathy Ski Club, 3, 4; G.A.A., 3; F.T.A., 3, 4, Treasurer, 4; F.H.A., 4; Commercial Club, 4; Student Council, 4 Rios, Dolores Pan American Club, 4; Chorus, 4; Library Club, 4 Rivera, Diego Band, 2; Science Club, 3, 4; Chess Club, 4; Student Council, 4 Robertson, Sarah , Library Club, 3, 4; Senior Class Representative; Square Dance Club, 2; G.A.A., 3; F.T.A., 4; Traffic Safety, 4; Commerce Club, 4 Rodriquez, Suzan Chorus, 4 Romero, Alice Student Council, 2; Health Career Club, 2; G.A.A., 4 Romero, Thelma Chorus, 2; Band, 2, 3; F.H.A., 2, 4; Dance Band, 3; Square Dance Club, 2; Chicago Band, 2; Student Council,. 3; Ski Club, 4; Science Club, 4 Roundtree, Diane Science Club, 2; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; Thespian, 3, 4; Ski Club, 2, 3, 4;


Gavel Society, 3; G.A.A., 2, 3; F.T.A., 3, 4; P.E. Club, 4 Ryals, Marjane Chairman of Junior Class Events; Junior Class Representative; Student Council, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Demon Tatler Staff, 3, 4; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; G.A.A., 2, 3; Thespians, 3, 4; Speech Choir, 3; Gavel Society, 3; Girls' State, 3; Ski Club, 3


Sanchez, Agapita Pan American Club, 2, 3; French Club, 3; Gavel Society, 3; Traffic Safety Club, 4; F.H.A., 4 Sanchez, Esther D.E.C.A., 4 Sanchez, Jimmy Student Council, 3, 4; Junior Class Vice-President; Gavel Society, 4; Football, 4; Letter " S " Club, 4; Traffic Court, 4 Sanchez, Mary Louise Band, 2; Pan American Club, 2; Traffic Safety Club, 4; F.H.A., 4 Sandoval, Yolanda F.H.A., 4; Commercial Club, 4, Secretary-Treasurer, 4; State Commercial Club, 4 Schmit, Melba Student Council, 4; F.H.A., 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; State Commercial Club, 4; Commercial Club, 4 Scorsone, Michele Jean F.T.A., 3, 4; Band, 2, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4, Business Manager, 4; Chorus, 4 Sena, Christina Commercial Club, 4; State Commercial Club, 4 Siltala, John D.E.C.A., 4 Sherwood, Nancy Commercial Club, 4; Traffic Safety Club, 4; F.H.A., 2; State Commercial Club, 4; Junior Class Rep. Smith, Cindy G.A.A., 2, 3; Junior Class Rep.; Student Council, 3, 4; F.H.A., 3, 4; Traffic Safety, 4; Demon Tatler, 4 Smith, Norman G.A.A., 2, 3; Junior Class Rep.; Student Council, 3, 4; Chorus, 2; Band, 2 Smith, Sandra Lee D.E.C.A., 4; Senior Class Rep.; G.A.A., 3 Smith, Richard Science Club, 3, 4; Letter " S " Club, 3, 4; Chess Club, 4 Sorenson, Lari Traffic Safety Club, 2, 4; Drama Club, 4; GJLA., 2 Sorenson, Tanya Drama Club, 4; Gavel Society, 3; Band, 2; Chorus, 2; F.H.A., 4; Ski Club, 4 Steen, Charles Boys' State, 3; Student Council, 3, 4; Parliamentarian, 4; Gavel Society, 3; Drama Club, 2, 3, 4; Thespians, 2, 3, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4; Debate

Team, 3, 4; State Forensics, 3, 4 Stuart, Rose Traffic Safety, 2; Student Council, 2; Commercial Club, 4; State Commercial Club, 4

T Thomen, Jerri Ami Commercial Club, 4; F.H.A., 4; G.A.A., 3; Square Dance Club, 2; State Commercial Club, 4 Tixier, Fred Letter " S " Club, 4; Football, 2, 4; Gavel Society, 4; Ski Club, 4

V Valencia, Dolores Pan American Club, 3, 4, President, 4; Chorus, 4; Junior Class Representative; Student Council, 4 Valencia, Mary Lou Band, 2; Pan American Club, 2, 3; French Club, 3; Gavel Society, 3; Traffic Safety Club, 4; F.H.A., 4 Vigil, Dolores Pan American Club, 2; G.A.A., 2, 3; F.H.A., 3; Commercial Club, 4; State Commercial Club, 4; P.E. Club, 4

W Wafer, Joanne Classics Club, 3; F.T.A., 3, 4, Secretary, 4; National Honor Society, 4, Vice-President, 4; Student Council, 4; Drama Club, 4; Gavel Society, 4 Warder, Alice P.E. Club, 4, Treasurer, 4; Art, 4; Drama Club, 4; F.T.A., 4 Webb, Jim Basketball, 2, 4; Baseball, 2, 3, 4; Letter " S " Club, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 4, President, 4; Boys' State, 3 Wilcoxson, Jim Basketball, 2, 4; Baseball, 2, 3, 4; Football, 3, 4, Co-Captain, 4; Letter " S " Club, 3, 4, President, 4; Para Manana Staff, 4 Wyss, Carol Student Council, 2, 3, 4, Secretary, 3, 4; Girls' State, 3; Drama Club, 2, 4; Square Dance Club, 2; F.H.A., 2; German Band, 3, 4; All-State Band, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society, 3, 4

Y Yardman, Sylvia Eileen Pan American Club, 2, 4; Commercial Club, 4; Library Club, 4; F.H.A., 4, Secretary, 4

PHOTOGRAPHY INDEX 90 Abeyta, Robert .90 Abeyta, Lucy ... 90 Abeyta, Sylvia . .71 Abreau, Julia ... 90 Alano, J e r r y Alan Alarid, Corrine 36, 240 Alarid, Pauline 71, 115, 121, 155 223 Alarid, Teddy .„ 36, 117 Albin, Carol Lorene _. 71 Almeida, Daniel ...90 Anaya, Elvera 71 Anaya, Eva 90 Anaya, Francis 90 Anaya, George 90 Anaya, Gilbert —71 Anaya, Ignacio , 36 Anaya, Johnny 90 Anaya, Rose Ann 71 Anderson, Maria 36, 116 Angel, Gilbert 90 Angle, Pamela f§§| ....90 Anstey, L a r r y 37 Apodaca, Beatrice 71,135 Apodaca, Celestino 172,176 Apodaca, Esther Yolanda ..1-....I. 71 Apodaca, Frances i§£~~-90 Apodaca, Judy 37, 133, 126 Apodaca, Margie 90, 99, 123, 122 167 Apodaca, Nancy 71, 117 Apodaca, Virginia 71, 135 Archuleta, Abraham .;.-„>.......... 90 Archuleta, Ben ....** 71 Archuleta, Betty . . . . . . 4 ^ ^ ^ i * l - . . 7 1 Archuleta, Elfa Albertina. 90 Archuleta, Ignacita Loyola 71 Archuleta, Kenny Leroy 90 Archuleta, Mary 71, 135 Archuleta, Helen £^' ...91, 135 Archuleta, Toni Viola ..m 103 Archuleta, Valentina 37 Arias, Stephen Ray 91,185 Armijo, Elfino 71 Ashton, Joseph Eugene ....37, 129, 135 226 Auten, Dickie Faye 71, 27, 135 Auten, Dorothy 91, 126, 164, 226 Avila, Diane 132 Ayers, Daryl 37 Babcock, Joe Ray 71 Baca, Bertha 91 Baca, Charlie 37 Baca, George Gilbert ., 71 Baca, Gloria 71 Baca, Jake 37 Baca, James Micheal 72 Baca, Maxine 37, 81, 109 Baca, Margie 71 Baca, Victor 71 Bain, Madlyn 91, 125 Bain, Phyllis 37, 29, 117, 116, 131 125,132,162 Baird, Billy — 91 Baker, Barbara Jo i-;,"...„—91 Ballew, Suzan Jfc. 37, 29, 55, 115 Barela, Melita 72 Barela, Georgia 72 Barela, Gloria 72 Barela, Sophie 72 Barela, Susie 91 Barickman, Peggy 91, 126, 218 Barker, Isabel 72, 122 Barker, Tommy 72, 128, 129, 190 Bass, Lisa 72, 102 Bean, P a t __.;...72, 8 7 , 1 3 0 , 1 3 5 , 1 5 8 166,167,228 Bell, Tom ...._91

Benavidez, Josephine ....5, 37, 120, 121 Benavidez, Leroy 91 Benavidez, Sylvia 1 37, 135 Benavidez, Caroline ._ 91 Bennet, Rick . 91 Bennett, Mary J o ...38 Bennett, Odean _ 91 Bennett, Tim 38, 28, 40, 110, 139, 227,190 Bentley, Dan 38 Benton, Helen 38, 126 Berardinelli, Blanche 91 Berardenelli, Carmen 72 Bermudez, Mary 91 Berry, Bonnie 91, 127, 109, 227 Bertram, Sandy 114,189, 176, 230 Blea, Gilbert 72 Blea, Lucille '. 91, 132 Blea, Michael „ 91 Blisa, Martha _ 91 Bone, Gerald 72, 229, 178 Bonham, Wesley 72 Boggs, Charles _ 38 Boshen, Ann ....38, 115, 124, 139, 227 Bouche, Barbara Ann 38, 125 Bowlds, Bill 72, 176, 231 Boynton, Walter 91, 108, 110 Bradley, Lillie 122 Bradshaw, Elizabeth 38, 120, 121 Bransford, James 91 Brashears, Pam 39, 57, 102, 122, 125, 241 Brassey, Charles 39, 104 Brassey, Marilyn 91, 128 Brito, Georgia 72 Brito, Sharlotte 39 Brock, Jeannie 39, 102, 104, 124 125,135, 231 Bronnenkant, Peggy Louise 68, 72 102, 104 Brown, Christopher 39 Brown, Bradley Lorie 72,104,135 Brymer, Diana „ 72 Burckhardt, Eddie 28, 39, 58, 102 104, 108,110 Burroughs, Nan 29, 40, 105, 115 119,126, 139 Burttram, Faye 91 Bustos, Margie 73 Bynon, Henry 73 Bynum, Diana Kathryn 109, 115, 122 127 Bynum, Gaither 91, 108, 115,' 122 Cahalan, Alice 73, 108, 127, 128 Cahalan, Carolyn 40,108,124, 126 128,130 Calk, Allen 116 Calles, Lorraine 91 Campos, Tito 40, 28, 34, 103, 104 157,165 Cantrell, Kary Ann 122 Cantu, Caroline .. ...-. 91 Cantu, Jackie 40, 116 Caraway, Sharron 91, 109, 127 Carlson, David 73 Carlton, Evelyn Frances _ 73 Carlton, Harold Thomas 40 Carnes, John Ethan 73 Carr, Sarah Didama 40, 28, 105 133, 135 Carrillo, Lito 91 Carrillo, Viola ..........v91 Carson, Helen 91 Carson, P a t 73 Casados, Marcella Edwina ...133, 135 Case, Martha Jane 73, 135 Castellano, Alex 91 Castellano, J e r r y .......73,159,172,176 185, 221

Castellano, Joe 91 Castellano, Richard .. 221 Catanach, Joe 91 C de Baca, Angie ...91 C de Baca, Bemadette 91 C de Baca, Nestor Gilbert 73 Cabada, Reyna 91 Chamberlain, Buddy ....73 Chavez, Beatrice 40, 34, 60, 120 121,133,140,155 Chavez, Claretta ...73 Chavez, Corrine Mary ....73 Chavez, David ....91 Chavez, Diana ....73, 135 Chavez, Faustin ...40 Chavez, Fermin ....91 Chavez, Geneva 40, 121, 133, 135 154 Chavez, Isabel 73, 117, 135 Chavez, Joe Andy 73, 176 Chavez, Manuel 40 Chavez, Susie 50, 91, 122 Chavez, Mercy 40, 122, 132 Chavez, Mike 184 Chavez, Paul ...73 Chittum, James 41 Clauser, Donna 41, 29, 130, 109 115, 135, 220 Clodfelter, Lee 50, 91 Clokey, Pricilla 41,121,135 Coleman, Barbara ^ 73 Colwes, Carol 41, 133, 135 Cook, Walter , 73 Cooper, Kathy 41, 126, 102, 104 122, 125, 218 Coppock, Don 50, 91 Coppola, Susan 41, 241, 107 Corazzi, Gale 50, 91 Cordova, Richard 50, 91 Coriz, Ray 73, 112, 113, 163, 189 225,171,176,178 Cornell, Carol 73, 103, 104, 115 Corriz, Rita 50, 91 Cowell, Elaine 73, 130, 122, 135 Cowell, Roy 41 Crocker, Alex 41 Crook, Tom 74, 122 Croshaw, Beth 74, 135, 220 Croshaw, Peggy 41, 119, 135, 240 241 Croucher, Adele Rae 41, 103, 104, 126,120,121 Crumley, Kay Ann 50, 91 Cruz, Joe 91 Curtis, Johnny B 41, 102, 104 112,113,115,189 Dalton, Dolores J. 122 Dalton, Richard ....91 Danielson, Elifford Alan 74 D'Arcy, Ronna Dee 41, 116 Darr, Carole Ann 42, 29, 35, 34 105,126,115,132,140, 223 Davidson, Joan 42, 126, 125, 231 Davis, Frank William „ ....42 Davis, Gail Marie 52, 116 Dawley, David 91 DeAgverro, Manuel ....42 Dean, Fabiola 42, 122 Denninger, Allan 74, 127 Dennis, Fred „..„ 74, 108, 224 Dominguez, Mary Ann 91 Downs, David 42, 40, 49, 51, 105 108,110 Duker, Ginny 74, 114, 115, 125 135, 224 Dunn, Sheryl 92 Duran, Edwina ... 91 Duran, Horace ...74


Duran, Joyce . 91, 108 Duran, Kathleen Juanita ....... 42, 120 Duran, Leonard 74 Duran, Mary Elizabeth 122 Duran, Socorro 135 David, Earnest .. . 9 2 , 222 Earnest, Steve E d g a r 42, 66, 112, 113,119,142, 118,176,174 172, 170, 151 Egenhofer, Nancy 42, 28, 166 167, 140, 240 Eide, Jackie 42, 126, 134, 122 Elizondo, John 42 Ely, Barbara 92 Emblem, Gary John 73 Encinias, Angie 92 Encinias, Ramon 92, 172, 176, 188 Encinias, Rosalie 73, 132 Espinosa, Apolonio 42, 112 Espinosa, A r t h u r 92 Espinosa, Sonia Bonnie 92 Espinoza, Mike 73, 184 Esquibel, Irene .. 92 Esquibel, Lorraine 42, 133, 134 Everett, Lucy 92 Ewing, Carl 43 Fairchild, Mike 92, 176 Ferguson, Roland ...92, 112, 176, 184 Fernandez, Edwin . 92, 185 Fernandez, Maria Magdalena. 43, 29 55,124,127,120,165, 226,141 Finch, Sarah Lee 92 Flynn, Maureen 43, 29, 122, 135 224 Fowler, Johnny 74, 68, 69, 229 188, 178, 181 Fowler, Karen Sue 74, 126 Franz, Janet 92, 127, 108 Fritzges, Alma Jeannine 43 Fry, Martin 43, 127, 125, 135, 190 Gabaldon, Celine Mary 43 Gallegos, Alice 92 Gallegos, Billy _... 75 Gallegos, Clarence 43 Gallegos, David 43 .Gallegos, Freddie 75 Gallegos, Georgia .....92 Gallegos, Helen 92 Gallegos, Martha 92 Gallegos, Mary Ann 44 Gallegos, Mary Ann ... 92 Gallegos, Petra 92 Gallegos, Phillip 92, 190 Gallegos, Sylvia 92, 135 Ganns, Susan 89 Garcia, Angie .. ... 57, 45 Garcia, Arlene . 92 Garcia, Billy 92 Garcia, Barbara .. 92 Garcia, Cecilia . 75 Garcia, Fernando .. 44 Garcia, Frank 75 Garcia, Julian 92 Garcia, Lucy .... 795 Garcia, Pete 92 Garcia, Raymond 92 Garcia, Richard .92 Garcia, Rosie 75, 135 Garcia, Rose Marie .. 795 Garcia, Rose Marie 92 Garcia, Ruby ... 44,133 Garcia, Rufus .. 92 Garcia, Toby 44 Garcia, Tonie . 92 Garcia, Vicente 44 Gard, Dorthy Ann .. 92, 123, 122 Garduno, Ray . 92, 161 Garrison, Scott ...92, 129, 109, 110


Gerber, Dawn .. .... 92, 115, 122 Gerhart, Gay . 76, 224 Gibson, Vicki . ...117 Gilcrease, Charles 92 Gilliam, Robert Lee ...92 Glenn, Renee 92, 29, 223 Gomez, Marie 75 Gomez, Helen '^..:: 92 Gonzales, Albert Martin 44 Gonzales, Cepe 92, 185 Gonzales, David 44, 164 Gonzales, David 92 Gonzales, Eldridge ...92, 185 Gonzales, E r m a 92 Gonzales, Fernie .92 Gonzales, Gilbert Johnny 75 Gonzales, Gilbert Joseph 44 Gonzales, Gilbert 92 Gonzales Guadalupe 75,121 Gonzales, Hilario 92 Gonzales, Helen 92 Gonzales, Henry 92 Gonzales, Isabelle Mary 132 Gonzales, Jessie 44, 121, 122 Gonzales, J e r r y 45 Gonzales, J e r r y .....:.... 75 Gonzales, Lorenzo 92 Gonzales, Lourdes Helen 45,121 Gonzales, Mariano 45 Gonzales, Mary Lynn 92 Gonzales, Mike 75 Gonzales, Myra 45 Gonzales, Patricia ....45, 134, 135, 149 Gonzales, Ralph 45, 190 Gonzales, Richard 75 Gonzales, Richard Manuel 75, 184 Gonzales, Robert 75, 190 Gonzales, Rosarita 45, 121 Gonzales, Rufino 92 Gonzales, Ruben ..........92 Gonzales, Sandra 46 Gonzales, Sandra 92 Gonzales, Thomas 92,184 Gonzales, Tina 92 Goodspeed, Paul 46, 124, 131, 129 112,113, 223,141,188 Goodwin, Bill ..:.... 46 Goodwin, J e r r y 93 Graham, Carl . ............^75, 117 Graham, Kathy 46, 120 Granito, Michael 46, 112, 113, 223 188 Grant, Robert 75 Green, Mary Margaret 75, 29, 68 69, 163 Griego, Celia 75 Griego, Jimmy .. 75 Griego, Pablo 46 Griego, Pete .....46 Griego, Richard 47 Griffith, Jan ......._ 75, 125, 135 Grimes, Mary 93 Gurule, Albert 75 Gurule, Juanita 47, 133, 120, 121 Gurule, Leo 93 Gurule, Manuel 47, 112, 113 Gurule, Olivia 93, 135 Gurule, Victor 75, 163, 178, 183 Gusdorf, David ...„.*..-*«««;-----75, 129 Gutierrez, F r a n k 47 Gutierrez, Rosella ..... ^ 93 Gutting, John „....93 Hagman, Melvin 93 Hall, Janette 93 Hall, Richard .„ „ 76, 225, 188 Hallock, John .„ 76 Hamilton, Hugo 93, 115 Hamilton, Jan 47, 117, 125

Hammond, Grail 76 Hanna, Vicki ...47, 116, 133, 125, 135 Hargis, Celeste 76 Harris, Louise 47, 117, 103 Harrison, Linda 47, 125, 165 Hartsfield, Charlotte 47, 130, 122 132 Hazeltine, Phillip 75, 112, 176 Henderson, Carl 26, 46, 48, 102 104,108,141,146,165,178,189 Herburger, Thomas 76 Herrera, Florence 93 Herrera, Isidro 48 Herrera, Lydia 93 Herrera, Rudy ...J^ 93 Herrera, Victor i^ 93 Hernandez, Billy 93 Hernandez, Gabriel ...„..........* 76 Hernandez, R o s e m a r y 76 Hester, Ronald 48, 230 Hewitt, Bruce 93 Hill, Margaret 122, 130 Hill, Steven 76, 128, 129, 27, 109 190 Hipp, Jimmy 93 Hobday, Alfred 76 Hoerner, Nada 76, 130, 128, 127 122,135 Holmes, Christina 93 Holmes, Lenora Jean 76 Holt, Bill 76 Honnell, J e r r y 93 Hoover, Mary Ann ... 48, 133, 134, 135 Horst, Ramona 48 Hovey, John 93, 88, 109, 122 Hovey, Patsy 76, 114, 163, 226 Huckabee, Lee 76 Hughes, Anne 48, 126, 102, 104 Hughes, Charles 93, 112, 226, 176 188, 184 Hull, Loretta 76, 130 Humes, Harold 93 Igalo, Charles ...1J; 93 Inman, Barbara 76 Jackson, Clement 76,128,129, 127 Jackson, Marlene 93 Jaffa, Joe 93 James, Diana ,. 93, 120 Jansen, P a t t y 93 Jaramillo, Cecilia 48, 117 Jaramillo, Josie 76, 109 Jaramillo, Nellie 93 Jaramillo, Roy „ 76 Jarrell, Carol ... 48, 117 Jenks, Consuelo „..93 Jensen, Ben 93 Jimenez, Isidro 48, 135 Johnson, Greg 93, 110, 112, 189 176 Johnson, Wendell 76, 232 Johnson, Tom ...........; „ 93 Johnson, Linda ...... 94 Jones, Frankie .. ...84, 112, 113 Jones, L a r r y ...., .'..,,.*>„ 93, 115 Jones, Robert ...,ii:.^i-. 93 Jones, Roy ........ J_9™^ 76 Jones, Travis .,..„„,.... ...122 Jordan, Patti „„.,,*„;,.'. „..49 Kadlec, Wendy .......r...L'.S. „...94 Kalk, Richard 49 Kaufman, Mimi 94 Keahbone, Gordon „...49, 117, 108 162, 226 Keach, Richard 49, 112, 113, 188 230 Keesing, Margaret 94, 108, 219 Kelly, Kaye 49, 102, 222 Kennedy, Richard 94, 230, 185

Kersting, Chris Kite, Berry . Korones, Lucy Kuehn, Lothar La Beau, Larry LaMonda, Clifford Lange, Barbara

94,185 ...94, 109, 110 .,. 94 ...49, 129, 115 49, 102, 104 ....94 50, 78, 166, 167 229, 142 Lange, Paul .. ... 94, 108 Larranaga, Frank .:_»:.. 94 Larra'naga, Libby 76 Larribas, Joe ;~Jl.-.^ ........50 Lawrence, Connie 122 Lawrence, Gloria 89, 126, 227 Lawrence, Wanda ....... i .i_i..^. 103 Layden, Bill .................. 50 Laycook, Iris 131 Lazar, Margery 27, 28, 55, 127 142, 230 LeFevre, Benny 77 Lemo, Julie 77 Lerma, Gloria 116 Lerma, Isacc 185 Lerma, Rebecca ......&..135 LeRouge, Mary .. 77 Leslie, Margaret 116 Levario, Anna 116 Lewis, Sue „ 77,135 Leyba, Gloria 120, 132, 155 Leyba, Ray 77, 134 L'Heureux, Karen .50, 118, 105, 135 Lind, Jennifer 50, 29, 115 Linford, Bettie 77 Linford, Joe 176 Littleton, Dickie 77, 108 Livingston, Barbara 77, 135 Loomis, Carolyn 51„ 124, 126, 108 143, 221 Lopez, Connie 77 Lopez, Donna 51 Lopez, Ethel 51 Lopez, Eugene 51, 122 Lopez, George 51 Lopez, Gus 5, 77 Lopez, Josina ...^....~ 94, 122 Lopez, Linda 51 Lopez, Louis ~ 94, 184 Lopez, Manuel —51 Lopez, Mary _~. 94 Lopez, Olinda 77 Lopez, Olvia 94, 99, 127, 126 Lopez, Lydia 77 Lopez, Roberta 94, 122, 221 Lopez, Ruth ....5, 52, 119,121, 240, 241 Lopez, Sonja 52 Lowndes, Susie 52, 28, 115, 122 Lovato, Delfin „ 94 Lovato, Patsy 52, 127, 125, 232 Lovato, Ruben . .94, 184 Loveless, Ruby 52, 117 Lowe, Joanne 52, 118, 105, 156 165,149,142 Luby, Michael 94 Lucero, Audrey 84, 151 Lucero, Eddie ~ 94 Lucero, John . - . 9 4 , 223 Lucero, Mary Lou 94 Lucero, Max 94 Lucero, Michael Jerome .. 52, 189, 143 178, 181, 183 Lucero, Olivia ...94 Lujan, Pauline . 231 Lujan, Minerva . .94 Lujan, Edward .. ... 94 Lujan, Juanita ... 94 Lunsford, Ann 130, 109, 122 Lyon, Robert Eugene .. .77 Luma, Able .. ....94

Macafee, Maim J a n e t t a ... 53, 124, 220 MacDonald, Laurie 94, 127, 126 Mackay, John ; 94 Mackel, Paul ...77 Madrid, Marie ...77, 135 Maez, Rosella .77 Maes, Tommy Louis 53, 176 Malloy, Marilynn ... 53, 133, 134, 135 220 Malone, P a t 77, 28, 108, 110, 115 224 Mallews, J e r r y „„„ 94 Maninger, Dixie ^ 94 Mannon, Phyllis 94, 127, 126, 222 Manzanares, Manuel 54 Mares, Bonnie ,. 129, 135 Martin, Barbara Jane 77, 132 Martin, Barbara 94 Martin, J. B. I l l 53 Martin, Richard , 94 Martinez, A r t h u r 53, 176 Martinez, Arturro 94 Martinez, Connie 94, 132 Martinez, Dhlia 135 Martinez, Dennis 77, 116, 135, 232 Martinez, Dola 78 Martinez, Dolores 53, 132, 138 Martinez, Elmer 77, 184 Martinez, Esther 94, 132 Martinez, Evelyn 78 Martinez, Ferminia 135 Martinez, Frannie 94, 132 Martinez, Freddie 78 Martinez, Gertrude 94 Martinez, Gloria 94 Martinez, Gloria 94 Martinez, Jake 53 Martinez, Jake 94 Martinez, J e r r y 95 Martinez, Jimmie 112, 113, 151 172, 174,176,178, 227 Martinez, Joe 78 Martinez, John 53, 176 Martinez, Linda 78, 122 Martinez, Lorencita 95 Maes, Bonnie. 78 Mauzy, Ann ...,„ 77, 126, 104 Martinez, Lucille 95 Martinez, Marcella 35, 133 Martinez, Margaret 54 Martinez, Martin 54, 149 Martinez, Mary Ann 78 Martinez, Mary 54 Martinez, Nancy ..» , 54 Martinez, Rita i... 94 Martinez, Ruby .. .54, 219 Martinez, Socorro ~ .95 Martinez, Tony ...95 Mascarenas, Arthur David 54 Mattocks, John 95, 131, 109 Maxwell, Tommie 95, 112, 113 164,189,171 May, Jimmie 95 McCarty, Larry 95, 229, 185 McConvery, Mary Ann 78 McCorquedale, Lola ^._...95, 109 McCrary, Nancy Colleen 54, 133 135 McCullough, Margaret 78 McDonald, Joyce 95, 88, 126, 164 218 McDonald, Jerome 54, 150, 172 174, 176 McEuen, Richard 78, 169 McGee, L a r r y . .„..._..^,>»..„..95 McGuffin, Gregory 54 McGuffin, John 78, 109, 115, 123 McGuffin, Sandra . 95

McKay, Greg 95 McLeod, James ...95 McMillin, David ...78 McMillin, Floyd .... ...78 McMillin, Kenneth ...78 Medrano, Louie ...95 Mee, William ...95, 109, 110 Mendez, Grace 95 Meyer, Byron ....79 Mier, Raymond Joe .. ....95 Miller, Ann 54, 241 Miller, Carolyn _ ,... 95 Miller, Madaline ...78 Millican, Margaret . ...95 Mills, James Lee ... 95, 125 Mitchell, Carla Cookie 108, 223 Monroe, Cynthia (Cindy) 103, 104 Montabalo, Ed 79 Montano, Albino 55 Montano, Arthur .-. 95 Montano, Rose 79, 103, 135 Montano, Rudy .. 79 Montano, Viola 79 Montgomery, Nicholas 79, 115 Montoya, Angie 55 Montoya, Cecilia ..„ 79, 131 Montoya, Dolores :95, 225 Montoya, Frances 55, 135 Montoya, Gene 95 Montoya, George 95 Montoya, Gilbert ...79 Montoya, Gilbert ....79, 117 Montoya, Joyce 55 Montoya, Katherine 55, 120, 121 155 Montoya, Katherine 79 Montoya, Larry „ 55, 227 Montoya, Luis 95 Montoya, Manuel ....95 Montoya, Mary Irene 79, 126, 115 222 Montoya, Michael 79 Montoya, Nancy ..79, 103, 104 Montoya, Pete ....95 Montoya, Reyes :.......^.,...... 55 Montoya, Robert Arthur . 55, 232 Montoya, Robert Leroy 55, 232 Montoya, Ruben 95 Montoya, Sophie 79 Montoya, Virginia 95 Moore, Clyde 79 Moore, Georgia 95 Moore, Maxine Margie ...79 Moore, Sarge ...79, 190 Mora, Viola ....79 Morales, Rosemary 78 Mouchette, Mike Woody 79, 109, 110, 122 Moya, Harold 95 Mullen, J e r r y „ 185 Muniz, Mary 79 Muniz, Rosabell 96 Muralter, Marilee Ann . 7 9 , 125, 135 Muth, Mark 96, 109, 228 Myers, Byron 184 Naranjo, Barbara Jean 80, 130 Naranjo, Evangeline 80, 130 Naranjo, Ophelia Marie .._ 96 Narvaiz, Angela 96, 120, 121 Narvais, Annie 80, 132 Naumer, Michael ... .. 56 Nerano, Sam . 80 Neel, Leslie Alan 56, 116 Neeley, Faye 80 Nohrn, Judith Ann ... 80, 102, 104 115 Nohl, Koeton 80 Nohl, Rickey 79 North, William Henry ... 56, 128, 129 112


Northup, Tom 96, 108, 115 O'Bannon, Charlotte 80 O'Bryan, Mamie Jo 96 Ochoa, Albert 80 Ochoa, Robert . 80 O'Dell, Dudley Lee 56, 116, 220 Odom, Margaret 56, 118, 102, 104 Orosco, Pauline 96, 115, 132 Ortega, Angie 56, 132 Ortega, Eddie 80 Ortega, Joe 56 Ortega, Luis 56 Ortega, Max 80 Ortega, Mary Ann .. 96 Ortega, Sophie 567, 132 Ortiz, Alfred 96 Ortiz, Anne Rita 80 Ortiz, Celia Tina 96 Ortiz, Gene 577 Ortiz, Judy 580 Ortiz, Leroy 96, 184 Ortiz, Louie 96 Ortiz, Louise 96, 89, 120, 160, 151 Ortiz, Margie 80, 135 Ortiz, Marshall 57, 114, 102, 103, 112,113,115,150,170,172,174,176 Ortiz, Mary 96 Ortiz, Mary Helen 80, 120 Ortiz, Olivia 567, 135 Ortiz, Otocha : 96 Ortiz, Ralph 96, 176, 184 Ortiz, Raymond 57, 118 Ortiz, Rosie , 96 Ortiz, Rosina :• 57 Ortiz, Rudy „.. 96 Ortiz, Tony B :. ._ 80 Overlook, Jerry Paul 80 Pacheco, Evangeline 96, 29, 126 Padilla, Andree ;... 96 Padilla, Clea 96 Padilla, Dolores Marie -.58, 103, 132 135 Padilla, Frank 58, 178 Padilla, Gertrude 96, 132 Padilla, Gilbert 96 Padilla, Ramon 80 Padilla, Yolanda . 96 Park, Chris 96 Park, Vicki 96, 128 Parker, Joe .. 80 Patterson, Marilyn 96, 127, 115 Payne, Patsy ... 96, 108, 123, 122, 220 Pearson, Burton Eugene ... 58,102,104 Pena, Judy 96 Pena, Nordella 96 Perea, Isabel 80 Perez, Dolores 80 Perez, George Henry 58, 102, 104 112, 178, 183 Perez, James 96 Perea, Mary Estella 96 Pflueger, Richard 81, 229, 178 Phelps, Fred 81, 29, 130, 129, 127 108,122 Piatt, Ray „ 96 Pineda, Robert „ 96 Pino, Rita .. ~..„ 81 Pino, Seferino 96 Piotowski.'Mary Jean 81, 103, 104 Poling, Kay 81 Pompeo, Paul 58, 241 Ponce, Jean . 96 Pope, Linda . , 96, 127, 126, 108 Popp, Darlene 96, 122 Porter, Mary Jane .59, 66, 102, 125 241 Pratt, Lisa Page 96 Prouty, Salem .._ 96


Puhyesva, Quintana, Quintana, Quintana, Quintana, Quintana,

Ramona Edwina Frank Henry Ida _ Katherine

116 59, 120, 135 81 81 81 59, 117, 103 104 Quintana, Lillian . 81 Quintana, Olivia 59, 115 Quintana, Stanley 97,. 188, 184 Quintana, Stella 59 Quintana, Victoria 59 Rail, Henry 81, 184 Rael, Susie ~ 81 Ramirez, Barbara 81 Ramirez, Leroy 59 Ratliff, Linda 97, 126 Ratliff, Joann 59, 116 Reeder, Suzan 60, 29, 78, 166, 167 228 Redding, Joel 81 Reed, Tim 82, 128, 127 Reich, Cathy .. 60, 133, 126 Reid, Joan 82, 135 Renfro, Gay 97, 230 Renfro, Laine 29, 114, 115 Reust, Arthur 582, 109, 174 Richardson, James 97, 185 Riechey, Lewis ...60, 18, 128, 108, 110 Riley, Rick 97, 131 Rios, Dolores 60, 120, 123, 122 Rios, Frances 60 Rios, Leopoldo 97 Rios, Mary 97 Rivera, Camilo 97, 122 Rivera, Diego 60, 29,128, 129, 221 Rivera, Joe , 60, 188 Rivera, Ikie 5, 82 Rivera, Rosabelle 60, 122 Rivera, Seferino 5, 82 Roberts, Elaine 5, 82, 135 Roberts, Troy 61 Robertson, Sarah 61, 126, 125, 135 Robinson, Richard ...82, 112, 113, 125 171, 176, 227 Rocha, Ernest John 97 Rodriguez, Arthur 61 Rodriguez, Frances 97, 132 Rodriguez, Frances 97 Rodriguez, Jerry 82 Rodriguez, Margaret 96, 132 Rodriguez, Marie 61, 135 Roger, Phillip ;.„..:;..... 61 Rodriguez, Tessie 82 Romero, Alice '. „ 61, 133 Romero, Arlene „ 96 Romero, Diana 82 Romero, Dolores 82, 28 Romero, Dolores Barbara 96 Romero, Eddie 82 Romero, Eloy 97 Romero, Eufenio 61 Romero, Fidel 97 Romero, George 97 Romero, Geraldina 82 Romero, Gilbert 97, 176 Romero, Horace 61 Romero, Jerry _......* . 82 Romero, Leonard 97, 185 Romero, Leroy 83 Romero, Mary 97 Romero, Mary Alice 61 Romero, Helen 82 Romero, Pat 61 Romero, Prescylla Ann 83 Romero, Robert 83 Romero, Robert John . 61 Romero, Thelma . ..„. 61

Romero, Tommy ....61, 188, 178, 181 231 Romero, Virginia 83, 108, 122 Rountree, Dianne 61, 105, 232 Roush, Eddie .-i., 97 Roybal, Angie 83 Roybal, David 62 Roybal, Johnny _.....jS£ ^7 Roybal, Kathryn IS--83 Roybal, Katty 97 Roybal, Priscilla 83 Roybal, Rachel 62 Roybal, Sammy 97, 112, 176, 184 Roybal, Surelia 97 Rupard, Glenna 97, 108 Ruvolo, Jake 97 Ryals, Marjane 62, 25, 27, 118, 124 105,119,162,165, 147,143 240, 241 Saiz, Eddie 62 Saiz, Lucy 83 Saiz, Rita 97 Salazar, Connie 97 Salazar, Delia 97 Salazar, Eloy 83 Salazar, Joanne 97, 122 Salazar, Leroy 97 Sanchez, Agapita 62 Sanchez, Cecilia 62, 120, 121, 135, 232 Sanchez, Christine 97 Sanchez, Dennis 62 Sanchez, Eleanor 83 Sanchez, Esther 62, 135 Sanchez, Florence ^ 62, 225 Sanchez, Jimmy 62, 112, 113, 119 172,174,176 Sanchez, Joe 97 Sanchez, Isabel 83 Sanchez, Mary Alice 97 Sanchez, Mary Louise 62 Sanchez, Philbert 83, 176 Sanchez, Teresa 97 Sandoval, Andy 97 Sandoval, Christine 83 Sandoval, Herman 62 Sandoval, Yolanda 62, 133, 135 Sargent, Jack Phillip 83 Schmitt, Melba 62, 122, 125, 135 Scobee, Dorthy 97 Scorsone, Jean ...63,126, 108,122, 241 Scanlon, Bill 83 Sedillo, Joe 83, 176, 227 Selph, Iley 97 Sena, Agneda 97 Sena, Diego %$Ml .'. 97 Sena, Maria Christina MajL 133 Sena, Connie "§111 ^3 Sena, Socorra ~.'r..* i* .-.. 83 Sena, Tony 4ssSSl.J.....S3 Shaw, Patricia „.„=......63, 224 Shelton, Elbert 83, 135, 188, 227 Sherwood, Nancy 63, 133, 135 Siltala, John 63, 116, 106 Silva, Alice Mary '„;„'. 83 Silva, Dorthy ...,„.....,. i ..^J„88 Silva, Lupe .-.:•£ 84 Silva, Rosalie ..... 97 Silva, Vicky ^ . „U 84 Sisneros, Julio ....„„„„„..,..„...„; 63 Sisneros, Rudy ;w „ 97 Sisneros, Tony :^. 174,176 Sleeper, Sue 84, 102, 136 Smahters, Patsy 97 Smith, Christine 97 Smith, Cindy Lou 63, 120, 121, 130 Smith, Georgia ....84, 87, 115, 150, 224 Smith, Joe 97

Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

Marsha „.. Mary :•*.• .. Norman Richard Bates

97 84 63, 109 63, 128, 129 113,112 Smith, Sandra Lee .. ...64, 117 Solano, Amdedeo * 84 Soper, Gay 84 Sorensen, Dale 84 Sorensen, Lari 64, 125, 230 Sorensen, Tanya .„.. „ 64 Sorensen, Tanya 64 Soveranez, Davie „ ....97 Speratos, Helen .,£. 84 Spitz, Ricky 97, 115 Stamm, Linda 64, 29, 115 Stanford, H. C 84, 128, 129 Steen, Charles 64, 28, 105, 165 Stephenson, David 46, 64, 102, 104 109,110, 190 Stoker, Alan 84, 241 Storr, Neel .28, 64, 109,110, 112,122 123,144,148,165,172,174 176, 190,191 Sturgeon, Jackie 46, 84, 109, 110 Stuart, Rose .. .64, 133, 134 Sullivan, Lucy 65, 135 Summa, Marietta Andry 97 Sutton, Beatrice 84 Sweeney, Mary Louise 97 Tafoya, Jimmie 97 Tafoya, Martha :. 97 Tafoya, Stella 97 Tapia, Ben 84, 135 Tapia, Dolores 98, 132 Tapia, Dolores .. 98 Tapia, Evangeline 84 Tapia, Jo-Ann 34, 35, 65, 118, 166 167 Tapia, Mike 98 Tapia, Oliva 98 Tapia, Pauline %,-.„ 98 Tapia, Rebeeca 65 Taylor, Curtis 98 Taylor, Doug 98 Taylor, Sandie 29, 84, 135 Temple, Edward 84 Tenoria, Regina 98 Thiele, Winifred 65

Thomas, Beth 84, 122 Thomas, Carla ....: 98 Thomas, Richard 98, 127 Thomas, Ronald 84, 127, 128, 129 Thomason, Joanna ...: 84, 128 Thoman, J e r r y Ann 65, 133, 135 Tiano, David ... 84, 117, 219 Tiano, Donny 98 Tixer, Fred Foch ...113, 114, 115, 119 172,174,176,190,103 Todd, Beverly 85, 87, 135, 150 Torres, Tommy 98, 185 Trachier, Jarenie 98 Trujillo, David 98 Trujillo, Edward 85, 176, 190, 191 Trujillo, Estella 98, 108 Trujillo, Josephine 85 Trujillo, Leroy 66, 112, 178 Trujillo, Pauline 98 Trujillo, Phillip 66 Trujillo, Rosalie 85 Trujillo, Rosemary 66, 133, 135 Trujillo, Vianes 85, 190 Urban, Freddie ... 66 Urban, Rita 98 Valdez, Becky 85 Valdez, Cecilia 85, 108 Valdez, Frank 66 Valdez, Ikie ... 84, 98 Valdez, Rudy 98 Valencia, Dolores ...67, 121, 123, 122 Valencia, Lena Belle 85 Valencia, Mary Lou 67 Van Buskirk, Ree 85 Varley, Judy 85, 130, 126, 109 Vasquez, Carl 98 Vigil, Arthur „ 98 Vigil, Atilano 98 Vigil, Erfrusina 98 Vigil, Jennie 98 Vigil, J e r r y *. 67 Vigil, Judy 98 Vigil, Leroy 85, 135 Vigil, Leroy 98 Vigil, Margie 98 Vigil, Martha 98 Vigil, Richard 85, 184 Vigil, Ronnie .,, .......178, 181 Wade, Louise 85, 135

Wafer, Joanne Walker, Mike

67, 55, 124, 104 85, 27, 127, 134, 135 190 Wallace, Christine _ 98 Warder, Alice 67, 126, 132, 135 Wardlow, Stephan . ...67, 3 , 1 8 , 1 2 8 , 124 129 Watkins, Billy : 86, 219, 190 Watson, Delia 86, 135 Watson, Janell 86, 102, 104 Watts, Betty Lou 67 Webb, Jim 67, 112, 113, 124, 145 165,188, 241 West, Margaret 98, 99, 167 Westcott, Mary Linda 98, 224 Wheeler, Mary Ann 86 Wheeler, Thomas . .98, 127, 109, 123 Wheeler, Bill 86, 123 White, Dorthy ... 86, 102, 104, 108, 123 122, 126,135 Wiewandt, J e r r y 86 Wilcoxen, Jim Rollin 18, 67, 112, 145,162,165,170,171 174,176,178,188, 240 Willard, Carolyn 86, 130, 126, 108 123 122 Willinghan, Dwain ... 98, 112, 176,' 227 Wilson, Donald 98 Wisner, Catherine 98 Wright, Barbara 86 Wright, Marie 98 Wright, Mary 98 Wright, Tony 86 Wyss, Carol . ...67, 28, 29, 108, 124, 135 145,152,165, 232 Vigil, Cecilia 98 Vigil, Dolores Irene 116 Vigil, Dolores Mary 67 Yarbrough, Billie 98, 122 Yardman, Mary Ann 98, 132, 135 Yardman, Sylvia 67 York, Andy 86, 129, 112 Young, Gregory 86, 127 Yzaguirre, Rudy 109, 223 Zamora, Oliva 99 Zimmer, Zoe Ann 86, 126 Zimmerman, Tom 99, 125 Zinn, Diane 99, 229













__ ...224








222 231





























NINA ...»






















This Was Our

"Don't tell Mr. Saam, but let's go bowling!! says industrious Jimmy Wilcoxson to smiling Nancy Egenhofer.

Without Alan Stoker, Charlie Steen and their "close to two thousand dollars worth of equipment," onr annual would have been a blank!

During the last period of the day, room 123 came alive with the annual staff scurrying to and fro, gathering information, selling advertising, and meeting deadlines. The staff was divided into two sections, the business group and the editorial group. The business group was in charge of subscriptions and advertising while the editorial group planned the book in terms of layout, copy, pictures, indexes, and the general sequence of the book. There are people who think that the annual class is a play period but it is far from that. True, some of the staff did run up and down the halls like headless chickens, but these people were gathering information, or weird sounds might have been heard coming from room 123 but it was only Mr. Saam blowing his top. The annual class had to go through many extra hours of painstaking work to make this year's annual the best ever.

"Marjane! Let go of my necktie!!" screams Mr. Saam. Peggy and Ruth just go on working.

School Year

"Don't look now, but someone's taking our picture . . . " Jane Porter warns Steve Earnest.

The 1960 Para Manana Staff Peggy Croshaw, Corrine Alarid, Paul Pompeo, Jean Lopez hunt for mistakes in last year's annual.

"Darn this typewriter!!" gripes Ann Miller to Pam Brashears.

Scorsone, and Ruth

Editor—Peggy Croshaw Business Manager—Jean Scorsone Assistant Editor—Ruth Lopez Copy Editor—Marjane Ryals Staff Assistans—Joan Davidson, Nancy Egenhof er Classes and Activities Co-Editors— Susan Coppola and Georgia Smith Staff Assistants—Corrine Alarid, Ginny Duker Photographer—Alan Stoker Staff Assistant—Charlie Steen Sports Editors— Steve Earnest, Jim Webb, Jim Wilcoxson Index Editors—Pam Brashears. Jane Porter Advertising Staff—Joan Davidson, Ann Miller, Paul Pompeo, Jim Wilcoxson Faculty Advisor—Robert Saam Class Photographer—Sperry-Tyler Dingee Publisher—Taylor Publishing Company

Everyone's busy — as usual? ?

TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY "The World's Best Yearbooks Are Taylor-made"



Library Para Manana 1960

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