Santa Fe High School Yearbook-1969

Page 1



Para Mariana Staff Santa Fe Senior High School Santa Fe, New Mexico,

If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and

blaming it on you

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make

allowance for their doubting too .

. . . If you can wait and not be tired by waiting


If you can dream and not make dreams your master


If you can think and not make thoughts your aim

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men

count with you, But none too much .


If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds

worth of distance run

As editors of the 1969 Para Mariana we hope that we have captured a few memories of this past year. Through the efforts and hard work of our staff and sponsor this has been made possible.

. . . And yours is the earth and everything in it.

If for just one moment this book has brought a smile or pleasant memory, satisfaction is ours. For most of us this past year has been one of many memories, from homecoming to graduation. Now, from yesterday's decisions come tomorrow's aspirations. This book is our contribution to a year's memories. Success is our hope for your future. Sincerely Yours,

The lines used are from Rudyard Kipling's poem "If" XVI

















PARA MANANA STAFF editors Co-Editors

Judy Reed Micki Gregory Tom Dixon Rudy Duran Mike Thompson Robert Roibal Allen Dooley Nanci Buchholz Su McCauley Rick Narvaiz Gary Myers Bonnie Pint

Business Manager Photographers

Advertisements Junior Class Senior Class Sports Activities

staff Carla Duran Judy Enders Linda Gordon Jerri Hanna Kathy Kornegay

Terry Pound Betsy Piatt Patti Pompeo Linda Romero Patsy Waite



Mr. Joseph Casados


Mr. Robert Cooper

We are about to complete another year at Santa Fe High School. This year has been one of the most pleasant and productive years for me. The student body has been extremely cooperative and sincere in any and all endeavors attempted. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students of Santa Fe High School for making the 1968 - 69 school year such a pleasant and happy one. You have encountered many changes, challenges, and hardships, throughout your years as students, in most cases you have been able to face the problems, evaluate them, and solve them. The road to a happy and productive life will continue to be full of challenges and hardships, I hope we have been successful in helping each of you to succeed in your own way.


JA &~^-Ă‚JL


Mrs. Evelyn Pacheco

Miss Dolores Rios

Mrs. Annie Urban

Mrs. Dolores Fidel



Roland Atencio Albert Catanach Benito Gonzales

c u s Tony Lopez Ernest Ortiz John Pad ilia

Willie Roybal Alex Salazar Solamon Solono


Socorro Aragon: BA, New Mexico Highlands Univ. MA, Univ. of N.M. HOME ECONOMICS, Co - sponsor of F.H.A

Frances Armijo: BA, CSF, ENGLISH, Sponsor of DEMON TATLER.

Orlando Arrellano: BA, NM Highlands Univ. SPECIAL ED.

Austin Basham: BS, NM Highlands Univ. CURRENT EVENTS. Head Football Coach, ' spon.


Gladys Black: East Central St. Teachers College MS NM Highlands Univ.; TYPING

Brenda Br an nan: BA W. NM Univ. PSYCHOLOGY

Lee Armstrong: BA, Univ. of NM, MA Highlands Univ. ENG. ANTHROPOLOGY Key Club Sponsor

Marjorie Carr: BS, W. Texas St. College, MA, NM Univ. ENGLISH

Ernest Badynski: BA, NMW. Univ. ARTS AND CRAFTS

Eugene Carrol: Univ. Of Arizona READING

Mel Chapman: BA, Univ. of NM FRENCH

Lois Franke: BA Univ. of Colo. ENGLISH, ANNUAL SPONSOR

Christine Click: BS, NM Highlands Univ. MA S.E. Oklahoma State; BUSINESS EDUCATION

Troy Gann: BS, McMurry College-, DRIVERS ED. Baseball coach.

Edward Cole: BA, Phillips Univ. Ma, E. NM Univ; MATH

Alfredo Garcia: BA, CSF; SPEECH, ENGLISH; Gavel Society Sponsor

Reynalda Dinkel: BA, MA, Univ. of NM; SPANISH

Dorothy Fitch: BS, Cornell Univ. HOME ECONOMICS

Mr. Chapman quotes Neuman, "What, me worry?"

Robert Gordon: BS, Minot State College; CLERICAL PRACTICE, TYPING

Iris Laycook: BA, Univ. of Colo. MA, NM Highlands Univ. LIBRARIAN

John Gunn: AB, MA, NM Highlands Univ. U.S. HIST. CIVICS, tennis coach

Margaret Long: Teaching Assistant

Leo Hosenfeld: BS, NY State College of Forestry, U.S. HISTORY

Lavera Loyd: BA, CSF; ENGLISH, FTA Sponsor

Wendy Hummel: BA, Knox College ENGLISH

Alice Johnson: BS, Univ. of Minn. ENGLISH

Casanova Ramirez cracks a smile.

Frank Montoya: BA, MA, NM Highlands Univ. MATH

Joseph Maes: BA, CSF; Voc. Rehabilitation

Ramon Martinez: BA, CSF; MA NM Highlands Univ. MATH

Juanita McGrew: Colorado State TYPING


Janet Naumer: BA, Univ. of Penn. MA, Univ. of Denver. ASST. LIBRARIAN

Peter Ortega: BA, CSF; LATIN

Bertha Mefford : BA, BS, NM State Univ. MA, Colo. State College. P.E.

Robert Ortiz: BA, CSF; MA, Highlands Univ. P.E.

Robert Michaeison: BS, Neb. State Teachers College; BS, CSF, MS, Okl. St. Univ. PHYSICAL SCIENCE

Caroline Padilla: BA, W. NM Univ. BUSINESS LAW, TYPING

Hazel Parker: BA, MA, E. Central College of Okl. ENGLISH

Salvador Perez: MA, Univ. of NM SPANISH

Edwin Reel: BS, Univ. of Albuquerque U.S. HISTORY

William Richardson: Univ. of Omaha TYPING

Clark Pontsler: BS, MS, 111. Univ. BAND

Frank Romero: BA, MA, NM Highlands Univ. BUSINESS ED.

Fernando Ramirez: BUILDING TRADES Cross - Country Coach

Capt. Sanderson: NROTC

Don Rea: BA, CSF, ENGUSH SOCIOLOGY; Student Council Sponsor

James Starr: BA, MA, Highlands Univ. MECHANICAL DRAWING


Arthur Newfield: A.B. Loyola Univ. M.A. Univ. of N.M. COUNSELOR

Fredrick Trussell: Ba.MA, Columbia U. N.E. Mo. St. HISTORY

Jesse Vise: B.A. W. N.M. U. M.A. Bowdoin MATH

Mary Lane B.S. N. Texas St. M.A. Univ. of N.M. COUNSELOR

Mr. Mier planning to conquer the world!

Matt Adair

Robert Allen

Irene Angel

Sally Angle

Joyce Anglin

Jo Ann Apodaca

Marilyn Apodaca

Carol Archuleta


John Allgood

Vernon Anaya

Reed Slingerland is lost in his thoughts??

Linda Archuleta

Mary Archuleta

Bobby Armijo

Shelma Ă‚rmijo

Nick Atkinson

Steve Atwell

Bernadette Baca

Chris Baca

Danny Baca

Dolores Baca

Jacob Baca

Jo Ann Baca

Larry Baca

Leroy Baca

Louie Baca

Marvin Baca

Raymond Baca

Barbara Barela 13

Charles Barnes

Ann Barton

Judy Bates

Beatrice Benavidez

Bernice Benavidez

Dominguita Benavidez

Ernest Benavidez

Pat Benavidez

Bill Beacham

Tony Bitz

Jim Black

Judy Blum

Tom Board

Nancy Bodelson

James Borrego

Mike Brainard

Linda Branch

Eric Brandebury

Teddy Peperas addresses his fans.

Mark Cohenzli

Aunes Carson

Celia Bransford

Gilbert Bransford

Philip Bransford

Julia Brito

Dee Brunk

Daryl Busch


Emma Cantu 15

Margaret Campos

Chris Capron

As the world turns, so does Chuck Barnes stomach.

Coleen Carrières

Steve Chaparro

Donald Chavez

Joe Chavez

Patsy Chavez

Ted Chavez

Tony Chavez

Jim Cihlar

Ray Cisneros

Kordel Clayworth


Mike Cochran

Irma Contreras

Sue Cook

Cynthia Cooper

Pam Corazzi

Silvan Corazzi

Alice Cordova

Doris Cordova

Johnny Cordova

Shirley Cordova

David Copeland

David Coxon

Carol Crane

Pat Cruz

Larry Cry e

Susan Darling 17

Chris Davis

Jess Davis

Molly Davis

Marcella Dean

Kenneth De Lapp

Pat Delgado

Bill Denninger

Allen Devendorf

Bobby Dimas

Darrell Dragoo

Allen Dooley

Michèle Dumrose

Cheryl Duenkler

Dennis Dunbar

Carla Duran

Celeste Duran

Mark Duran

Ruben Duran

Karen Dworkin

Freemont Elis

Jo Ann Encinas

Jacque Engstrom

Debbie Erickson

John Felix

Sam Feltman

Philip Fernandez

Mike Fink

Charles Frank

David will get that "silly wabbit" yet! 1Âť

Adrian Fry

Philip Gallegos

Charolette Galvon

Abie Gallegos

Fredda Gallegos

Georgia Galvez

Joe Gandert

Carolyn Garcia 20

Fred Gallegos

The Annual Staff plans their trip to Mexico with the money.

Connie Garcia

Irene Garcia

Judy Garcia

Luisa Garcia

Theresa Gaveldon

Rosemary Getz

Robert Giordani

David Gomez

Andy Gonzales

Dorothy Gonzales

Gerald Gonzales

Karen Gonzales

Maria Gonzales

Maria Gonzales

Theresa Gonzales

Vicki Gonzalez

Mary Graham

Diane Greer

Micki Gregory

Rafael Guerra

Modesto Gurule

Tony Gurule

Ann Hagman

Marilyn Hamilton

Jerry Hanion

Reina Hannahs

Kenneth Hanson

Mark Harmer

Chris Haydock

Lannie Healton

Tana Healton

Richard Hebert

Bill Heltman


Lee Hendrix

Harold Hernandez

A natural pose from Bill Beacham

Tom Hill

Oliver Holmes

Joe Hernandez

Allen Herrera

Dorothy Herrera

Laura Herrera

Debbie Hewitt

Kathy Hill

Elizabeth Hoover

Joseph Howland 23

Donna Hunt

Leonard Jacobs

President Davis, pushing around members of the "band."

Barbara Jaramillo

Delfino Jimenez

Louise Jimenez

Max Jimenez

John Jones

Robert Jorgenson

Nancy Kahn

Janice Kelly

Sheri Kennedy

Bruce Kingsolver


Cheryl Koski

Kathy Kornegay

John Kraemer

Gary Lain

Mike La Tour

John Law

Sandra Le Bow

Roberta Lerma

Larry Linford

Kathy Long

Anna Lopez

Dolly Lopez

Jean Lopez

Mary Jo Lopez

Pat Lopez

Cathi Lord 25

Jose Lovato

Melissa Luby

Anita Lucero

Annabelle Lucero

Jo Ann Lucero

Lucy Lucero

Ruth Lucero

Laura Lugton


1\ Irene Lujan

Mary Jo McCIenahan

Marge McCroy

Mikki McGraph

Gary McLarry

Gloria Maes

Betty Maestas

Elizabeth Maestas

Barbara Mais

Sharri Mar

Tom Marlar

Christine Marquez

Fred Marquez

Henry Marquez

Julio Marquez

Larry Marquez

Phillip Marquez

Phillip Marquez

Adrian Martinez

Alice Martinez

Nikki Scarafoitti applaudes her fellow classmates. 27

Anna Maria Martinez

Bernadette Martinez

Socorro Martinez

Gerry Martinez

Joe Martinez

Kathy Martinez

Leo Martinez

Dolores Martinez

George Martinez

Football players show their enthusiasm at a pep assembly.

Lucille Martinez

Margaret Martinez

Mark Martinez

Mark Martinez

Mary Martinez

Monica Martinez

Rita Martinez

Steve Martinez

Robin Mason

Robert Meade

Orlando Medina

David Medrano

Angela Mejia

John Mejia

Louise Melchor

Robert Mengis

Debbie Meyer

Calvin Miller 29

James Mitchell

Charles Montano

Christine Montano

Mary Kay Montano

Sal Montano

Christine Montoya

Geraldine Montoya

Mary Montoya

Mary Ann Montoya

Mercedes Montoya

Sammy Montoya

Bill Moore

Mike Moore

Pat Moore

Robert Moreno

Lawrence Muniz


Gwen Myers

Joseph Narvaiz

Steven Naranjo

David Noakes

Louella Ochoa

Greg O'Dell

James gets the "Treatment" in Letter 'S* initiation.

Patsy Olonia

Frank Orozco

GĂŠraldine Ortega

Gloria Ortega

Phillip Martinez

Gloria Ortega


Martin and Gilbert learning from the Great Books.

Sandra Ortega

Tony Ortega

Charlene Ortiz

Chris Ortiz

Christine Ortiz

David Ortiz

Don Ortiz

Josie Ortiz

Nora Ortiz

Oliver Ortiz

Tom Ortiz

Virginia Ortiz


Stella Otero

Vince Overfelt

Franklin Pacheco

Lawrence Pacheco

Raymond Padilla

David Paiz

Jane Parker

Joan Peck

Teddy Peperas

George Peterson

Mike Pfau

Betsy Piatt

Arthur Peneda

Patti Pompeo

Becky Post

Terry Pound 33

Mary Prada

Ruby Prada

Raymond Puckett

Carol Quintana

Joe Quintana

Karen Quintana

Kathy Ramirez

Susan Rascon

Judy Reed

Patricia Reid

Bill Revell

Rita Rios

Rosalina Rios

Dorothy Rivera

Mary Rivera

Rose Rivera


Cheryl Robins

Gary Robinson

Dolores Rodriguez

Dolores Rodriguez

Juanita Rodriguez

Leonard Rodriguez

Linda Rodriguez

Lupie Rodriguez

Mary Ellen Rodriguez

Robert Roibal

Diane Romero

Florence Romero

Down with anarchy! 35

Frank Romero

Gloria Romero

Linda D. Romero


Pat Romero

Carlos Roybal

Elaine Roybal

Irma Roybal


Irma Romero

Joe Ann Romero

The camera catches Vicki in a moment of concentration.

Rosemary Roybal

Teresa Roybal

Ann Ruoff

Steven Rushing

Sheila Ryan

Linda Saboe

Christine Saiz

Manuel Saiz

Rebecca Saiz

Tony Saiz

Eddie Salazar

Gerald Salazar

Lorenzo Sandoval

Sarah Salazar

Frank Sanchez

George Sanchez

Jerry Sanchez

Max Sanchez 37

Mary Sandoval

Mary Ann Sandoval

Raymond Sandoval

Robert Sandoval

Nikki Scarafiotti

Jean Schaumberg

Roger Scheuer

Nancy Schmitt

Phyllis Schroegler

Becky Seligman

Josephine Sena

La Verne Shelton

Eric Shockey

Louise Shoemaker

Mike Silva

Randy Simms

Cathy Trujillo

Dovie Jo Trujillo

Eloisa Trujillo

James Trijillo

Juanita Trujillo

Liz Trujillo

Mary Ann Trujillo

Teresa Trujillo

Charles Ulibarri

Joe Ulibarri

Robert Ulibarri

Eric Urban

Sally Urban

Dona ValeÂŤ

Diane Valdez

Lucille Valdez 41

Nick Vaidez

Patsy Valdez

Rose Valdez

Carrie Vail

Terry Valencia

Harvey Van Sickle

Barbara Vendetti

Diane Villa

Charles Vigil

Frank Vigil

Gloria Vigil

Martha Vigil

Mary Vigil

Mike Vigil

Nick Vigil

Salvador Vigil

Patsy Waite

Ernest Watson

Patty Weber

Nikki Weissenfluh

Cordelia Wheeler

Nancy Wheeler

Jin Wheelock

Buddy Williams

Theresa Williams

Vicki Wilson

Dan Wright

Linda Wright

Kathy Ramirez gives us one of her friendly smiles. 43

Dennis Yazza Valerie Yount Estella Sabada






The Senior Class officers for r\ p the school year 1968-1969 are, ^ ^ ••• from left to right, Robert Roibal, "D A T O T / ^ T A A;f T C D Treasurer;Mary Kay Montano, r A 1 i V l V>1 A JV1 l U l V Secretary; BUI Beacham, President; Pam Corrazi, Vice-President; Nikki 1 0 S1 1 0^8 Weisenfluh, ParliaL J L 1 / u o ' > mentarian.

Pinkie and company pose for the student body.

Mike and Ellen show their spirit at a Demon Game

Seniors make use of library facilities to study—and socialize

Eric "does his thing"! James laughs at Mr. Basham.

Mr. Basham laughs at James.


LOUIS BACĂ€ VICA Officer; Student Council; Basketball; Track.

VERNON ANAYA Two years Varsity Football; One year Varsity Basketball; Three years Track; New Mexico State University.

CHARLES BARNES Boy's State Delegate; Emcee of the Santa Fe Senior High School report; Alternate Boy's Nation; Gaval Society President.

JUDI BATES Varsity Cheerleader; Baton Twirler; Vice President of Student Council; Exchange Student to New York; New Mexico State University.


BILL BEACHAM President of Senior Class; Delegate to Boy's State; Three years Varsity Baseball; Two years Varsity Basketball; Eastern New Mexico University.

PAMELA CORAZZI Girl's State Delegate; Senior Class Vice President; University of New Mexico.




ALLEN DOOLEY Commanding Officer of NJROTC; Concert Band 4 years; Dance Band 3 years; Student Council; Photographer for Para Manaiia and Demon Tatler; Marching Band; Vice President of Camera Club; U.N.M.

CARLA DURAN Fourth Runner Up of Junior Miss; Business Manager of Para Manana.


JOANN ENCINIAS F.H.A.; Student Council; DECCA.

CHAROLETTE GALVAN Alternate Varsity Cheerleader; Student Council; F.T.A. President; Miss Congeniality in the local Junior Miss Pageant.

CHARLES FRANKE Varsity Football and Basketball; Letter " S " Club; Dixie College.

JOSEPH GANDERT Key Club; Chess Club; Demon Tatler Staff; Student Council; Boy's State; University of New Mexico.

CAROLYN GARCIA " B " Squad Cheerleader; Girl's State Delegate; Highlands University.

ROSEMARY GETZ Vice President of G.A.A.; Junior Senior Committee; U.N.M.

VICKI GONZALEZ Head Varsity Cheerleader; Snowball Queen; First Runner Up in the Junior Miss Pageant; Student Council four years.

RAY ANN HANNAHS Student Council; New Mexico State University English.

MICKI GREGORY Editor of the Para Manana.

LIZ HOOVER Varsity Cheerleader; Senior Snowball Princess; Vice President of O.E.A.; Highlands University.

NANCY KAHN New Mexico State University

SHARIKENNEDY Pep Club; Choir; University of Casper.

JERRY KLOEPPEL Captain Football Team; Lettered in Varsity Football, Basketball, Baseball 3 years; Letter " S " ; Dixie College.

JOHN KRAEMER Student Council President; National Honor Society; Football; Tennis; Key Club; Anthropology; Boy's State.


LEA MARTINEZ Student Council; Saint Mary's University.


MONICA MARTINEZ Senior Homecoming Attendant; Student Council; F.H.A.; Deca Club Secretary; Eastern New Mexico University.

ROBERT MEADE Student Council; Golf Team; Honor Society; Texas Christian University.


MARY KAY MONTAftO Senior Class Secretary; National Honor Society; Pan American Club; Student Council; Pep Club; D.A.R. Citizenship Award Santa Fe High; New Mexico State University.


TEDDY PEPERAS Football Team Captain; Lettered in Football; Basketball; Track; Letter "S" Club.

GLORIA ORTEGA O.E.A. Club; Highlands University


BETSY PIATT Varsity Swimmer; O.E.A. President; Kiwanis Youth Day.

TERRYPOUND Varsity Swimmer; Journalism.

DAVID QUENSEBURY National Honor Society President; National Merit Semifinalist; Key Club; Anthropology Club; Student Council; Tennis; W.N.M.U.; Computer Science Fair; Boy's State.

KATHI RAMIREZ Marching Band; Concert Band; Stage Band; Student Council; University of New Mexico.

SUSAN RASCON Gymnastics Team 3 years; University of New Mexico.

JUDY REED Editor of Para Manana; Eastern New Mexico University.

ANN RUOFF Student Council; Band; A.F.S. Secretary; U.N.M. Nursing.




NIKKISCARAFIOTTI Twirler; Choir; Band; Student Council; March of Dimes Chairman; Eastern New Mexico University.

JEAN SCHAUMBERG Highlands University

BOB STARK Varsity Football; Boy's State Delegate; Letter "S" Club.

LOUISE SHOEMAKER Honor Society; F.H.A.; Top two per cent of class.

DAVID TAPIA Basketball; Track Teams.

ADRIENNE THOMPSON Marching; Concert, and Stage Band; Honor Society; French Club.

JUDY TOMICH Pep Club; F.H.A.; Western New Mexico University.

NELDA TOOMBS Girl's State Delegate; Student Council; Senior High Radio Program; G.A.A.; Eastern New Mexico University.

JAMES TRUJILLO Captain of the Football and Wrestling Team; Track; President of the Letter "S" Club.

ERIC URBAN University of New Mexico.

NICK VALDEZ New Mexico State University

CARRIE VAIL Treasurer of Honor Society; Girls Swim Team.


NIKKI WEISSENFLUH Student Council; Honor Society; Girls State Delegate; Band; Senior Class Parliamentarian.


Please Purchase our Pleasing Pepperoni Pizza.

After Saturday night comes The Monday Morning Blahs.

Royal Blues

Karla, lost in the Dirt Jungle of our parking lot.

Robert's gig is Trigg.


Robert Abeyta Frank Alarid Jackie Alarid Steve Alarid Robert Anderman Toby Anderson

Dolores Angel Belinda Apodaca Roberta Apodaca Yolanda Apodaca Andrew Aragon Pat Aragon

Elmer Archuleta Larry Archuleta Margaret Archuleta Mary Consuelo Archuleta Bernadette Armijo Dolores Armijo

Dolores Armijo Pete Armijo Bruce Atkins David Baca Edward Baca Raymond Baca

Rebecca Baca Susan Bailey

Lois Ballen Lee Bandy

Barbara Barela Carla Barela

Pun Pfau and Sandy Shaw await the first opening moment of school. 68

Gertrude Barela Gloria Barela Lorraine Barela Regina Barela John Barker Bill Basham

Darlene Basher Mike Beall Mike Beard Rita Beimfohr Margaret Bendley Mark Bennet

Ricky Berardenelli Danny Berry Christine Bethel Ted Bilberry Richard Bird Evelyn Blea

Judy Boles Tommy Boles Eddie Bolin Allen Bollinger Sherie Borgrink Linda Borrego

Martha Boulton Thelma Bowles Theresa Bowles Martin Bradley Jimmy Brainard Gary Brandee

Arthur Bransford Debbie Brennon Keven Brennon Linda Bridgford Steve Brinegar Betty Brines

Peggy Brito Larry Brown Paula Brumley Nanci Buckholz Rita Bueno Robert Buffington


Theresa Bustos Charlet Byers Christy Campbell Frank Candelaria Raymond Candelaria Theresa Cantu

Gloria Cardenas Dolores Carion Dolores Carillo Rosalie Carillo Mary Ann Carier Fat Casados

Pat Castellano Barbara Catanach Ida Catanach Contessa C de Baca Robert C de Baca Yolanda C de Baca

Lucille Cebada Lorena Chapel Anthony Chavez Bernadette Chavez Evangeline Chavez Gene Chavez

Larry Chavez Manuel Chavez

Michael Chavez Ralph Chavez

Tim Chavez Mary Chism

Gayla Gray takes a break during a rough hour of art class. 70

Arlene Cisneros Kathy Clay

Jim Colegrove Martin Compton

Bertha Cordova Priscilla Coriz

A typical junior using his studying abilities.

BUI CornĂŠliens Jan Coxon Bobby Crosno BiU Darmitzel Sam Davalos Charles Davies

Mike Davies Pat Davis Randy Davis Rae Lynn Davlin Elena Dean Gloria Dean

Julia Devendorf Doug Dill Tom Dixon David Doles Bobby Dominguez Marty Dobyns

Doug Doran Bonnie Dougharty Jackie Dragoo Margie Duran Ramona Duran Rudy Duran


Richard Easley Jimmy Edwards Barbara Egan Glynis Eisenbarth Yolanda Ellenburg Ricky Elliot

Patsy Encinias Judy Enders Diana Erdahl Arthur Esquibel Paul Evans Lorraine Eyman

Marcia Fairchild Susan Farrell Clyde Faucett Larry Federici Harvey Feldman Maria Felix

Loretta Fernandez Tom Fernandez Melissa Fly Margaret Fortado Sharon Fox Henry Frank

Barbara Frettem Rhonda Gabehart Albertina Gallegos Cynthia Gallegos Donna Gallegos Gloria Gallegos

Pat Gandert Debi Gann Anita Garcia Bernadette Garcia Consuelo Garcia Gloria Garcia

Ignacio Garcia Karen Garcia Linda Garcia Marlene Garcia Martha Garcia Pauline Garcia


Priscilla Garcia Raymond Garcia Angela Garley

Brian George Greg Gibbs Kathy Girby

Eugene Giron Andrew Gomez Eloy Gomez

Robert Kahn delivers his campaign speech for Student Council Vice President. He serves in that office now.

Anthony Gonzales Beatrice Gonzales Billy Gonzales Christine Gonzales Clara Gonzales Daniel Gonzales

Delfie Gonzales Dolores Gonzales Frank Gonzales Linda Gonzales Loretta Gonzales Prop Gonzales

Victor Gonzales Linda Gordon David Graham George Graham Loretta Graham Gayla Gray

Correne Griego Judy Griego Martha Griego Steve Griego Virginia Griego David Grimes


Christina Grubesic Noe Ouerra Martha Guellea Georgia Guiterrez Robert Guiterrez Rosina Guiterrez

Modesto Gurule Shirley Gurule Diane Hale JeriHanna Jean Hannahs Steve Hannahs

Janice Hansen Leldon Hawkins Ann Head Francis Hefferman Martha Herrera Virgil Herrera

Carl Herrera Victor Hogsett Gary Hoke John Hoke Bill Home Gene Hunt

Carrie Jackson Donna Jacobs

Jerry Jaramillo Jeanie Jenkins

Kathie Jensen George Jimenez

Juniors bonfire burns high as part of the Homecoming activities. 74

Margie Jimenez Raymond Jimenez

Heather Johnstone Carol Jones


Steve Jordan Rita Jorgenson

Gary Myers cuts off Diana Erdahl's head while making a Homecoming float.

Ronald Jose Robert Kahn Terry Kahn Linda Kapteina Paula Kartas Danny Keelin

Robert Kegel Sharon Kilkenny Rusty Kirby Steve Kirkpatrick Edward Kissler Richard Kittel]

Karen Klemmer Dan Kossman Sandra Kraul Fat Kwasek Mark Lailes Elmer La Moda

Jo Ann Leyba Ted Legits Jan Lamoreux Socorro Leyba Leticia Lincon Arlene Lopez


Billy Lopez Dollie Lopez Gloria Lopez James Lopez John Lopez Priscilla Lopez

Thomas Lopez Walter Lopez Mary F. Loretto Beverly Lucero Dennis Lucero Frank Lucero

Gilbert Lucero Larry Lucero Alex Lovato Dan Lujan Elaine Lujan Emma Lujan

Lee Lujan Yolanda Lujan Larry Lynch Shirley Lyon Su McCauley Barbie Mcintosh

David Mcintosh Debbie McKee Pam MacCullach Donald MacGillivray Helen Macias Mike Maddox

GĂŠraldine Maes Gilbert Maes Diana Maestas Trawin Malone Anita Montano Kathy Montano

Sandra Montano Edward Mares George Mares James Mares Robin Marlowe Dorothy Marquez


John Marquez Andy Martinez Angelo Martinez

Bennie Martinez Catherine Martinez Clara Martinez

Dennis Martinez Dolores Martinez Dorothy Martinez

Brian RĂŠveil, Ricky Berardinelli, and Victor Gonzales are members of NROTC which displayed our flag at half times

Elvira Martinez Evelyn Martinez Glenn Martinez Gilbert Martinez Isabel Martinez Joe Martinez

Mae Martinez Marcella Martinez Margaret Martinez Richard Martinez Robert Martinez Roberta Martinez

Sharon Martinez Tommy 0 . Martinez Veronica Martinez Janet Mathews Tim Maxwell Vickie Medrano

Linda Mendona Michelle Meyers Mike Mier Scott Mignardot Harry Mondragon Theresa Montez

Leonila Montiel Thelma Montiel Anna Montoya Anthony Montoya Beckey Montoya Bill Montoya

Bobby Montoya Jane Montoya Janice Montoya Jim Montoya Mary Montoya Tomacita Montoya

Phil Moore Ron Moore Carmen Mora Sylvia Norales Jan Morford Christine Morris

Bill Mulberry Gary Myers Lisa Myers Robina Myers Danny Najjar Rick Narvaiz

Marshai Neel Carol Nelson

Phyllis Nieto Anne Noble

Ted Noedel Clara Olguin

Junior Mikefifliw**Âť1stands among his fellow team mates before an assembly. 78

Dianne Olson Gary Olson

Ellen Orosco Dianna Ortega

Dolores Ortega Gilbert Ortega

The junior powderpuff football team leads a gossip section during practice.

Michael Ortega Pete Ortega Richard Ortega Roy Ortega Celina Ortiz Danny Ortiz

Delia Ortiz Diana Ortiz Eddie Ortiz Elaine Ortiz Maria Ortiz Richard Ortiz

Roberta Ortiz Sophia Ortiz Jose Ortiz y Pino Charles Padilla Leonard Padilla Mark Padilla

Mary Lou Padilla Raymond Padilla Pam Paiz Steve Parmer Buster Patty Dale Pease


Ray Pena Patricia Perea Arnold Perkins Lynn Peters PamPfau Donna Piatt

Debbie Pino Leroy Pino Bonnie Pint Denise Pomonis David Post Elizabeth Quintana

Lawrence Quintana Louise Quintana Pauline Quintana Frank Rael Jeri Rael Rosemary Rael

Victor Rael y Vasquez Marilyn Reed Brian Revell Susan Rice Pam Riddle Camille Rivera

Mary Lou Rivera Judy Rockie

Bertha Rodriquez Dan Rodriquez

Gloria Rodriquez Mary S. Rodriquez

Diane Hale twtwÂŤ it up for the annual photographer. Diane is a varsity Cheerleader. 80

Mike Rodriquez Pat Rodriquez

Gerald Roibal Andrew Romero

Arlene Romero Ben Romero

Pat Casados breaks the Demon poster after half-time during the Homecoming game.

Bernadette Romero Bernadette Romero Cordy Romero Dolores Romero Florence Romero Gio Romero

Gloria Romero Hazel Romero Jerry Romero Kathy Romero Kathy Romero Mary Ida Romero

Mike Romero Richard Romero Ronnie Romero Rosina Romero Stella Romero Diana Roybal

Isabelle Roy bal Joe A. Roybai Mary F. Roybai Pattie Roybai Reina Roybai Tito Roybai


Trudy Roybal PÂŤggy Ruoff Jessica Saiz Jim Saiz Mary Saiz Hyacinth Salas

Dolores Salazar Mike Salazar Sandra Salazar Christine Sanchez Dolores Sanchez Don Sanchez

Frances Sanchez George Sanchez Gloria Sanchez Jackie Sanchez Leo Sanchez Margaret Sanchez

Patsy Sanchez Barbara Sandoval Chris Sandoval James Sandoval Jimmy Sandoval Jo Ann Sandoval

Mary Sandoval Charles Schmitt Pam Schribner Jo Ann Segura Joyce Segura Tommy Segura

Wade Sellers Elizabeth Sena Gene Sena Joe Sena Myra Sena Mable Sena

Richard Sena Stella Serrano Sandy Shaw Jone Shockey Mark Short Vicki Sidoli


Margaret SUva John Silver Bruce Simpson

Jerry Simms Sue Smith Tam Smith

Larry Smyth Bill Sobien Guy Stanke

Iris Stone Marie Strain Jackie Strong Ralph Stumpff Larry Svalberg Anthony Tafoya

Connie Tapia Lorraine Tapia Olivia Tapia Pam Tapia Thomas Tapia Sue Terrell

Michelle Thayer Pete Theodore Lucy Thompson Nina Tubis Mary Trevino Alfred TrujiUo

Francis TrujiUo Irene TrujiUo Marcia TrujiUo Marcia TrujiUo Carol Tustin Linda Ulibarri


Jo Jo Uranga Ida Urban Vickie Vaisa Frank Valdez John Valdez Mike Valdez

Felix Valencia Lucille Valencia Gary VanBuskirk Agnes Varoz Carl Vecere Elizabeth Velarde

Bennie Velasquez Loren Vicenti Carlos Vigil Chris Vigil Clarence Vigil Clyde Vigil

Harold Vigil Joe Vigil Kathy Vigil Margaret Vigil Mary Ann Vigil Tommy Vigil

Kathy Villa Diane Walker

Gene Walker Louis Walker

Patty Wallace Pam Walsh

Toby Anderson gives his campaign speech for Junior Class president. 84

Joseph Ward Danny Warren

Sara Warren Eddie Watson

Craig Watts Debbie Weidner

Andy Trujillo dances with Phil Martinez as a part of letter S initiation.

Susan Weil Diane Welch Mary Wheeless Patricia Wheelock Dick White Priscilla White

Danny Williams Kathy Williams Terri Willingham Melissa Woodruff Debbie Worrick Bernadette Wright

Steve Wyloge Doug Zinn Ernest Zapata Frank Zippel


Class officers are John Silver, Treasurer; Mario Martinez, Vice-President; Toby Anderson, President; Pat Gandert, Secretary; and Bobby Dominguez Director of Activities.

Marcella Martinez studies hard during class. 86

Rudy Duran is absorbed in French homework.

Juniors Linda Gordon, Rudy Duran, and Michelle Meyers are exhausted after working hard on the bonfire.


The Class of '70 shows spirit at the Demon vs. Sandia football game. 87


Tommy and date at Homecoming.

Sally and Bob living it up.

HOMECOMING 68. Prizes were awarded to the following floats: The most Original Float went to NROTC, with the theme of "Sail to Victory." The Most Beautiful,float went to no other than the Secretarial Class, with the theme "A Fountain of Victory." And last, but not least, the

Most Humorous float went to Miss Brannon's homeroom who carried the theme "Pray for Roswell's Babies." The winning of the game added to the success of Homecoming.

Homecoming proved t o be a success.

The final activities of Homecoming '68 were followed up by the crowning of the Queen, Bernadette Garcia, by one of the football captains, Jerry Kloeppel. The traditional dance immediately followed the game, and was, of course, a great success. Queen Bernadette Garcia.


Left: Homecoming Court from left t o right; Monica Martinez, Nikki Scarfiotti, Bernadette Garcia, Rita Bueno and Gala Gray. Above : Diane Hale flamingos, while everyone else just dances.

Most Humorous Float.

Bonnie and Clyde and "life" to our parade.

BERNADETTE GARCIA REIGNS The 1968 - 69 Homecoming at Santa Fe High School proved to be an enjoyable event. Activities started with the voting of the Queen and her court. Those serving on the court were: Bernadette Garcia, Queen; Monica Martinez and Nikki Scarfiotti, Senior Attendents; Gala Gray and Rita Bueno, Junior Attendents. Thanks to our court, Homecoming '68 was a very beautiful event! KEY Club provided the car for the annual car-bash, which was later towed through the parade. The bonfire was an outstanding success, provided by the Junior Class. They claimed to have a 71-foot bonfire, topping last years' Juniors by one foot. Our next major event was the Homecoming Parade. Hard work on the floats, followed by rain didn't discourage the students at all. This parade was the most colorful along with WET parades we've ever had.

Robina works hard on a float.


One of the smaller floats. Juniors added FUN to their work.

SFSHS PLACES SEVEN IN Santa Fe High School placed seven girls in the annual J.C. Junior Miss Pageant. They were: Liz Hoover, Nicki Scarfiotti, (and runner ups); Nikki Weisenfluh; Pam Corrazi; Carla Duran (4th runner up); and Charlotte Galvan (Miss Congeniality). Vicki Gonzales walked off with top honors from Santa Fe High as 1st runner up. Congratulations to Vicki for a job well done.

Vicki Gonzales, First Runner-up.

Nikki Weissenfluh models formal wear.

Charlotte Galvan does her talent.

Pam Corrazi modeling formal wear.

Nikki Scarfiotti receiving her trophy.

Carla Duran performing during the Junior Miss Pageant.

Liz Hoover answering her final question.


A Santa Fe High School Student shows his Artistic Ability

I Now Pronounce You Man and Wife


The Gruesome Threesome

School Spirit at a Basketball Game

John and Robert at the Fred Astaire Dancing Classes

Pat Gives One of his Sexiest Looks

The annual Snowball formal at Santa Fe High was a great success. The Student Council sponsored dance came up with a most original theme: "Noche de Paz." Music was provided by the "Motifs." The gym was decorated Mexico-style, with lumenarios and a Spanish-style fountain. The Grand March was led by John Kraemer, President of Student Council; during this time Vicki Gonzales was voted by an all teacher panel as Snowball Queen. She was escorted by Jimmy Trujillo who, like the rest of us, was very proud of her.

Queen Vicki Gonzales.

VICKISGONZALES REIGNS AS Jennifer Stamm stops Jerry Kloeppel before his "great escape.'1

John Kraemer and Liz Hoover leading the Grand March.

"Settle down, Joe."


Snowball Court from left to right: Jerry Leyba, Jone Ulibarri, Jimmy Trujillo, Vicki Gonzales, Liz Hoover, John Kraemer, 103 John Wheeler, Roberta Apodaca, Bonnie Pint and Joe Quintana.

Sitting: Diane Hale, Elizabeth Hoover. Standing: Patsy Sanchez, Vicki Gonzalez, (head) and Judi Bates.


Charolette Galvon, Theresa Bustos


CHEERLEADERS BRING HONORS TO S.F.S.H.S. This year the Varsity Cheerleaders brought many honors to Santa Fe Senior High. During the N.C.A. Clinic this summer, they won five ribbons in competition with other class AA schools. At North-South try outs, held in Carlsbad, they won a plaque for being selected as alternates for the North-South games. In addition to this, their scrapbook was awarded second place for being one of the most outstanding. During the year the cheerleaders were busy planning many activities. They sponsored the Homecoming Dance in conjunction with the Letter " S " Club. In order to raise money to pay for their new uniforms; they worked concessions at the Capital City Basketball Tournaments. They also raised school spirit by having pep assemblies. Last but not least, they cheered for all the sports activities at Santa Fe High. Senior Members: Judi Bates, Vicki Gonzalez (HEAD), Liz Hoover. Junior Members: Diane Hale, Patsy Sanchez. Alternates: Theresa Bustos, Charolette Galvan.

The camera catches the cheerleaders clowning around.

CHEERLEADERS Back row: Su McCauley, Marlene Garcia, Diane Villa, Delores Romero. Sitting: Rita Bueno, and Linda Borrego.

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Charlotte Galvon stands for a "royal" picture with her court.

SWEETHEART DANCE IS A BIG SUCCESS... I SWEETHEART DANCE A first, the Sweetheart Dance was a real success. Sponsored by FHA, the queen was selected by collecting donations from the students for the club. Decorated for the occasion, the gym was done in the traditional red and white with valentines for the "sweethearts". The guests were entertained by "The Legendary Sound", a local band. We can look forward to the Sweetheart Dance to be an annual event.

Charlotte received her title by collecting donations for FHA.

The Grand March.

A 'Captured Secret'.


Shame—holding hands is against the rules!

And The Beat goes on. . .

DEMON TATLER The responsibility of any journalism class is to produce a newspaper—the best possible newspaper, on time. This is an easy statement to make; but the finished product is something else. The efforts of the staff and sponsor have to work together to get the paper out on time. Their purpose is accomplished when a paper comes out, which is noteworthy or of special interest. The staff includes; Editor-in-chief—Andy Smith; Advertising ManagerJoe Gandert; Exchange EditorKaren Dworkin. 1st row: Jim Colgrove, Kathy Lord, Loretta Fernandez, Diane Erdahl, Gayla Gray, Sharlet Byers. 2nd row: Robert Roibal, Joe Gandert, Patsy Sanchez, Karen Dworkin, Allen Dooley. 3rd row: John Silver, Andy Smith, Ronald Moore, Tim Alton.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Marty Dobyns, Bill Thompson, Robert Roibal, Robert Kahn, Billy Darmitzel. 2nd row: Andy Smith, Joe Gandert, John Barker, John Silver, Pogo Mengis. 3rd row: David Quesenbury, Rickey Narvaiz, Danny Najjar, Chuck Barnes, Larry Svalberg.

KEY CLUB The boys who eminently hail the name "Key Clubber" do so for a good reason. The Key Club builds character in a boy and after two or three years of becoming involved in such projects as helping a person attend college by providing a scholarship, collecting funds to help finance a new arthritis foundation, helping with the March of Dimes Drive, and setting up farrolitos around the Plaza. One can truly see the characteristics of men emerging from these boys. Each member has an opportunity to learn that in order to receive, he must first give of himself...something known by few and practiced by fewer. BECOME A PART OF KEY CLUB...YOU MAY FIND YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS...

1st row: Vicki Gonzalez, Charlotte Galvan, Liz Hoover, Patsy Sanchez, Judi Bates, Diane Hale. 2nd row: James Trujillo, Teddy Peperas, Vernon Anaya, Jerry Kloeppel. 3rd row: Philip Martinez, Bill Haynie, Robert Kahn, Eddie Bolin, George Jimenez, Leon Lebow. 4th row: Calvin Miller, David Doles, Harry Mondragon, Bob Stark, Toby Anderson, Bill Darmitzel. 5th row: Greg Gibbs, Jim Edwards, Danny Williams, James Borrego, Bill Home, Andy Trujillo. 6th row: David Grimes, Bill Beacham, Marty Dobyns.

ORGANIZATIONS A Letter S initiate receives his swats.


The Letter "S" Club consists of Santa Fe High's outstanding lettermen. They sponsored many fund raising activities during the year one of which was the managing of concession-stands during both the football and basketball seasons. They also had their initiation which everyone found very amusing and interesting.




Auto Machanics: 1st row: Mr. Sena, Elmer Archuleta, Richard Ortiz, Richard Sena, Ralph Chavez, Mike Romero, Tom Segura. 2nd row: Danny Keelin, Gilbert Lucero, Robert C de Baca, Joseph Martinez, Joe Sena, Juan Gonzales. 3rd row: Gilbert Maez, Carlos Vigil, Mike Griego, Roy Ortega, Pete Ortega, Tito Roy bal. 4th row: Andrew Gomez, Max Jimenez.

ORGANIZATIONS Auto Machanics: 1st row: Mr. Sena, Marty Brito, Don Wheeler, Steve At well, Tony Saiz, Bobby Dimas, Toby Lobato. 2nd row: Anthony Montoya, David Gonzales, Floyd Gonzales, Albert Jaramillo, Marty Ortiz, Ronald Jose. 3rd row: Raymond Pena, Gary Brandie, Gilbert Ortega, George Jimenez, Jimmy Sandoval, Victor Gonzales. 4th row: Nick Vigil, Ray Valdez, Eloy Gomez, Manuel Lucero, Louis Garcia, John Marquez. 5th row: Gene Chavez, Arthur Esquibel.

FTA The purpose of FTA is to interest the best young men and women to consider teaching as a career. They gain practical experience in working together in a democractic way on the problems of the profession and the community. Sponsored by Mrs. Loyd, Miss Armijo and Mr. Carroll, the club has visited other schools to observe teaching techniques and have also started a tutoring program.

Row 1: Theresa Gonzales, Lucille Martinez, Hyacinth Salas, Kathy Villa. Row 2: Bonnie Pint, Charlotte Galvan, Donna Piatt, Roberta Apodoca, Sara Warren. Row 3: Gerry Martinez, Miss Armijo, Mrs. Loyd.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Barbara Egan, Margaret Campos, Terry Kahn, Denise Pomonis, Donna Piatt, Kim Standley, Mrs. Loyd. 2nd row: Ann Barton, Maria Cecilia Gonzales, Kathy Villa, Lucille Martinez, Bonnie Pint, Karen Klemmer. 3rd row: Theresa Gonzales, Shelma Armijo, Hyacinth Salas, Cathi Lord, Sharlet Byers, Debbie Erickson. 4th row: Mabel Sena, Karen Gonzales, Gerry Martinez, Robert Apodoca, Charlotte Galvan, Chris Bethel, Sara Warren.

FRENCH CLUB A new club on campus, French Club was formed by sponsor Mr. Chapman to broaden understanding and increase appreciation of French. All the members try to increase their vocabulary of the French language by attending lectures and movies on the culture of the French language.

1st row: Mr. Chapman, Linda Wright, Nina Tubis, Susan Dein, Peggy Ruoff, Yolanda C de Baca. 2nd row: Roberta Apodaca, Charlotte Galvan, Adrienne Thompson, Laura Lugton, Susan Farrell. 3rd row: Marshall Neel, David Graham, David Post, Bobby Crossno, Bruce Atkins. 4th row: Chris Grubesic, Theresa Bowles, (not pictured) Thelma Bowles.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Christine Montano, Diane Trevino, Nelda Toombs, Mary Prado, Kathy Romero, Ellen Orosco. 2nd row: Alice Jaramillo, Marcella Martinez, Shari Kennedy, Peggy Brito, Sara Warren, Loretta Gonzales. 3rd row: Jerri Rael, Sheila Ryan, Vangie Chavez, Becca Saiz, Pam Paiz, Rosemary Getz.

G.A.A. The Girl's Athletic Association tries to promote an interest in Athletic Activities. They try to keep themselves physically fit and encourage recreation among the girls. Led by their president Diane Trevino the G.A.A.'s main drive is to promote sportsmanship and to improve interschool relations. The officers are: President, Diane Trevino, Vice-President, Rosemary Getz, Secretary, Rebecca Saiz, Treasurer, Rose Rivera, Student Council Representative, Nelda Toombs, Alternate Sheila Ryan.


Machine Shop: 1st row: Billy Gonzales, Michael Ortega, Robert Abeyta, Roger Contreras, Frank Valdez, Rudy Prada. 2nd row: Virgil Herrera, Richard Ortega, Billy Lopez, Gary Hoke, David Ortiz, Leonard Rodriguez. 3rd row: Jerry Romero, Charles Schmitt, Raymond Jimenez, Edward Kassier, Charles Carillo, Tony Romero. 4th row: Frank Vigil, Tom Bales, Joe Ward, Mike Rodriguez, Elmer La Monda.

ORGANIZATIONS Building Trades (woodwork) 1st row: Mr. Ramirez, Greg Ortiz, Benny Coriz, Sal Alverez, Steve Naranjo, Edward Baca, Frank Alarid. 2nd row: Charlie Vigil, Julio Marquez, Florentino Gonzales, Manuel Chavez, Alfred Trujillo, Lee Lujan. 3rd row: Richard Mendiola, Carl Herrera, Mike Valdez, Larry Lucero, Author Duran. 4th row: Ramon Romero, Eddie Armijo, Jerry Jarmillo, Raymond Garcia, Dennis Martinez, Ernest Zapata. 5th row: Andrew Romero, Roy Medina. 6th row: Max Jimenez, Delfio Gonzales, Tommy Vigil.

1st row: Nelda Toombs. 2nd row: Pam Corazzi, Sally Angle. 3rd row: Nikki Scarafiotti, Nikki Weissenfluh, Joyce Anglin.

1st row: David Chang, Robert Roibal, Joe Gandert. 2nd row: Bob Stark, James Borrego, BiU Thompson, Andy Smith. 3rd row: John Kraemer, David Copeland, David Quesenberry. 4th row: Bill Beacham, Chuck Barnes.

ORGANIZATIONS Girl's and Boy's Stater's The Boy's State is sponsored by different clubs and individuals as is the Girl's State. In June members from all over the state go to the Military Institute in Roswell and the University of New Mexico. During this time they are taught government and elect officers who serve their appointed offices the last day they are there. The purpose of this organization is to educate members on government and broaden their ideas about it so they may be more aware of things around them.

SKI CLUB The Ski Club sponsored by Mr. Hosenfeld has had a bit of trouble getting started because of the lack of snow. Late snows are hoped for.

1st row: Pat Gandert, Chis Grubesic, Kathy Villa, Susan Rice, Kathy Lord, Marty Dobyns. 2nd row: John Silver, Bruce Kingsolver, Robert Kahn, Bill Thompson, Roger Scheuer, Larry Federici. 3rd row: Randy Davis, Kathy Komegay, Andy Smith, David Quesenberry, Debby Wiedner,^ Roberta Apodaca, not pictured: Debbie Erickson, Nancy Bodelson, Sam Davalos, and Dan ' Wright.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Duke Booker, Paula Brumley, Janice Kelly, Colleen Carrières, Chris Haydock, John Kraemer. 2nd row: Mike Vigil, Charles Barnes, Robert Roibal, Debbie Brennan, George Graham, John Jones. 3rd row: Andy Smith, David Quesenberry.

ANTHROPOLOGY Anthropology Club is sponsored by Mr. Armstrong and Dr. Snyder. The purpose of this new club on campus is to arrange and decide upon ruins to be excavated for field trips. The two major trips this year were to Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde. The club also went to Canyon Dechelly in Arizona. The officers are President, Boyd Morris; Vice President Chris Haydock; Secretary, Colleen Carrières; Treasurer, David Quesenberry.


Pep Club 1st row: Donna Hunt, Donna Piatt, Karen Gonzalez, Mary Kay Montano, Diane Trevino. 2nd row: Phyllis Nieto, Carmen Mora, Shari Kennedy, Charlotte Galvan. 3rd row: Chris Bethel, Patsy Chavez, Gerry Martinez, Rae Lynn Davlin.

ORGANIZATIONS Pep Club members rally at one of the home games.

PEP CLUB To foster school spirit, to promote sportsmanship and interest in athletic activities is the main drive of Pep Club. Sponsoring Money-Making projects throughout the year brought enough funds in order to buy new uniforms. The officers are: President—Karen Gonzales; VicePresident—Donna Piatt; Secretary—Donna Hunt; Treasurer—Patsy Vaidez; Student Council Representative—Mary Kay Montano; Student Council Alternate—Polly Hefferman.

1st row: Brian RĂŠveil, Don Ortiz, Ricky Berardinelli, Leldon Hawkins, Glen Pine. 2nd row: Clyde Vigil, Gerald Gonzales, Raymond Baca, Dennis Dunbar. 3rd row: Chris Davis, James Borrego, Jerry Martinez, Phil Bransford. 4th row: Richard Ulibarri, Clyde Faucett, John Barker, Bill Denninger, Larry Crye.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Bill Home, Victor Gonzales, Charles Frank, Bruce Simpson, Louis Walker. 2nd row: Jim Stricklin, Ray Valdez, Gene Giron, Steven Rushing, Gary Myers, Eddie Rios. 3rd row: Edward Abeyta, Eddie Allen, Toby Anderson, Anthony Gonzales. 4th row: Robert Gallegos, Gerald Roibal, Tim Maxwell, Tony Ortega, Jim Lujan.

1st row: Alan Quintana, Richard Hebert, Robert Roibal, Tom Ortiz, Chris Ortiz, Mike Vigil. 2nd row: Charles Padilla, Pat Moore, Ken Hanson, Joe Gandert, John Moore, Max Jimenez. 3rd row: Ted Billberry, Jess Davis, Gene Hunt, Rudy Prada, Jerry Kloeppel. 4th row: Alan Dooley, Mark Harmer, Larry Linford, Jim Cihlar, Lanny Healton, Edward Montoya.

ORGANIZATIONS Captain Sanderson, Chief Wright. Captain Sanderson is Commander in Chief of the N.J.R.O.T.C. Chief Wright is the drill Commander.

N.J.R.O.T.C. N.J.R.O.T.C. is the high school program of the regular N.R.O.T.C. which is found at college. The purpose of the N.J.R.O.T.C. is to teach young men in high school about different aspects of Naval Science. This training program is headed by Captain Sanderson. Chief Wright is the drill instructor. Students taking three years of N.J.R.O.T.C. in high school will need only three instead of four years of this in college.


PAN AMERICAN CLUB The Pan American Club strives to foster a better relationship between the Spanish peoplenot only in our school but throughout our city. One of their many projects is to invite representatives from all other Santa Fe Pan American Clubs for conferences. Other club sponsored activities are the annual Pan American Fiesta, which includes the selection of a Pan American Queen by penny votes, bake sales, and candy sales. They also present a scholarship to a worthy student at the end of the school year. Officers serving for the current year are: President, Josie Ulibarri; Secretary, Mary Kay Montano; and Treasurer, Tony Ortega. The club sponsors are Mr. Perez and Mrs. Dinkel, Spanish teachers at Santa Fe High School. A Pan American member seems to be dreaming about the club's trip to Mexico.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Becky Montoya, Terri Kahn, Josie Ulibarri, Rosina Gutierrez, Kathy Roybal, Arlene Romero. 2nd row: Jo Ann Leyba, Evelyn Blea, Mary Ann Vigil, Martha Griego, Agnes Varoz, Contesa C De Baca. 3rd row: Barbara Catanach, Bumadette Romero, Terry Valencia, Dolores Baca, Cathy Romero, Anita Garcia, Liz Montoya. 4th row: Roberta Martinez, Rosemary Baca, Ellen Orosco, Gloria Martinez, Louise Valdez. 5th row: Clara Olguin, Maria Catalina Gonzales, Jo Ann Romero, Robina Myers, Shelma Armijo. 6th row: Bernadette Garcia, Greg Martinez, Karen Gonzales, Phil Gallegos, Delfino Jimenez. 7th row: Mr. Salavador Perez, Sam Davalos, Danny Gonzales, Robert Anderman, Tony Ortega, Gerald Gonzales.

SECRETARIAL CLUB The Secretarial Club, sponsored by Mrs. Trujillo, was started to further the knowledge of its members concerning the office fields. They sponsor many money-making projects in order to be able to buy needed supplies for the various rooms.

1st row: Ginger Ortiz, Jean Lopez, Theresa Roibal, Christine Ortiz, Liz Hoover. 2nd row: Theresa Gonzales, Betsy Piatt, Loretta Ochoa, Carolyn Garcia, Diane Villa, Joan Peck.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Gloria Borela, Mercedes Montoya, Robert Sandoval, Loretta Graham, Bernadette Romero, Diane Romero. 2nd row: Pat Garcia, Gloria Romero, Terry Pound, Carolyn Garcia, Beverly Boydstun, Janis Kelly, Charleen Ortiz. 3rd row: Kathy Komegay, Betsy Piatt, Debbie Worrick, Terry Valencia, Bernadette Garcia, Lucille Cebada. 4th row: Roberta Martinez, Kathy Ramirez, Kathi Lord, Gayla Gray, Elizabeth Velarde. 5th row: Maria Gonzales, Mary Archuleta, Dovie Jo Trujillo, Catherine Gray. 6th row: Patsy Waite, Jo Anne Romero, Patti Pompeo, Jean Schaumberg

OFFICE GIRLS The office girls have aided Santa Fe Senior High School in many ways this year. Their duties include such things as recording absences, filing, and running errands for Mr. Cooper and Mr. Casados. Thanks to the office girls the office seems to run a little smoother.


ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Melissa Fly, Jan Lameroux, Nina Tubis, Kathy Villa, Robin Mason, Adrienne Thompson. 2nd row: Nikki Scarafiotti, Roberta Apodaca, Doug Dill, Valerie Yount, Bill Heltman, Martin Compton, Jimmy Montoya. 3rd row: Bonnie Pint, Loretta Graham, Celina Ortiz, Denise Pomonis, Mark Padilla, Sherrian Borgrink, Kathy Gonzales. 4th row: Beverly Lucero, Jeannie Jenkins, Pat Capshaw, Peggy Ruoff, Kathi Ramirez, Jackie Dragoo. 5th row: Bill Cornelius, Paula Kartas, Bernadette Chavez, Frances Sanchez, Sylvia Brown, Sheila Ryan. 6th row: Derrell Busch, Allan Dooley, Sylvin Corazzi, Margaret Archuleta, Ann Ruoff. 7th row: Doug Zinn, Steve Brinegar, Robert Allan, Trawin Malone, Gwen Myers, Mike Beall. 8th row: Judi Bates, Sal Montano, Buster Patty, Bonnie Dougharty, Fred Marquez, David Baca. 9th row: Gary McLarry, Dave Copeland, Nikki Weissenfluh, Ace Fry, Gary Lain, John Felix. 10th Row: Nick Valdez, Mark Short, Larry Federici, Frank Gonzales, Daniel Gonzales, Bob Giordani. 11th row: Jim Black, Guy Stanke, Bruce Atkins, Max Sanchez, Pete Theodore, Ray Candelaria, Jim Colegrove, Frank Zippel. 12th row: Dave Mcintosh, Jess Davis, David Doles, Ricky Berardnelli.


DANCE BAND: 1st row: Valerie Yount, Kathy Ramirez, Allen Dooley, Adrienne Thompson, Doug Zinn, Derrell Busch. 2nd row: Larry Baca, Max Sanchez, Jim Black, Guy Stanke, David Mcintosh, Trawin Malone. 3rd row: Nikki Weissenfluh, Dave Copeland, Gary McLarry, Gary Lain, Steve Brinegar, Jess Davis, Doug Dill.

ORGANIZATIONS BAND Sponsored by Mr. Pontsler, the Dance Band and the Concert Band's main purpose is to entertain and they seem to have accomplished this task to a superior degree. Included among their varying activities are such things as playing at the Governor's Inauguaral Ball, the Fireman's Ball, Santa Fe Junior Miss Activities, and The Annual Teachers' Convention. Also a new for the two bands is the addition of Twirlers, who lead their band in marching festivities. The Officers are: Jess Davis, President; Steve Brinegar, Vice President; Nikki Weissenfluh, Secretary; David Macintosh and Sal Montano, Sgt. at Arms; and Daryl Busch, Librarian.

TWIRLERS: Bonnie Pint, Nikki Scarfiotti, Jeannie Jenkins, Kathy Villa.



CHESS CLUB Chess Club is a new club on campus this year. It is sponsored by Mr. Sena, who is the State Chess Director. The club dedicated itself to learning to play chess to compete in Regional Competition and then in State Competition. Its Officers are: Co-Presidents, Andy Smith and Bill Thompson.

1st row: Robert Roibal, Nancy Bodelson, Bill Thompson. 2nd row: Andy Smith, Joseph Gandert, Chuck Barnes.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Adrienne Thompson, Susan Dein, Joyce Anglin, Judy Blum, Carrie Vail. 2nd row: Robert Meade, David Quesenberry, Robert Allen, Andy Smith, Bui Thompson, John Kraemer.

HONOR SOCIETY The A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society dedicated itself to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in the pupils of Santa Fe Senior High School. Its Officers are: Pres. David Quesenberry; V. Pres. Robert Allen; Secretary, Mary Kay Montano; Treasurer, Carrie Vail. Honor Society was sponsored this year by Mrs. Franke and Mrs. McKennan.


1st row: Mrs. Trujillo, Donna Hunt, Lucille Martinez, Liz Hoover, Terry Kahn, Dorothy Herrera, Marguerite Montoya. 2nd row: Bernadette Garcia, Christine Ortiz, Gloria Ortega, Mary Ann Vigil, Dominguita Benavidez, Anna Lopez. 3rd row: Joanne Apodaca, Theresa Gonzales, Louella Ochoa, Theresa Roy bal, Ginger Ortiz, Susan Solano.

ORGANIZATIONS O.E.A. requires a great amount of concentration. However there are exceptions to the rule.

O.E.A. One of the newer organizations on campus, Office Educational Association, is sponsored by Robert Gordon. It's purpose is to provide its members with an increased knowledge of the business fields. The officers for the 68-69 school year are: President, Betsy Piatt; Vice President, Liz Hoover; Secretary, Diane Villa, Treasurer, Nancy Kahn.


CHORUS The Santa Fe High School Chorus sponsored by Mary Guiterrez served as the singing backbone of the music department. Giving concerts and sponsoring fund-raising activities were the major chorus events.

Miss Gutierrez leads one of the many sessions of chorus.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Bonnie Dougharty, Robin Mason, Barbara Vendetti, Pam McCulloch, Susan Farrall, Sherry Borgrink. 2nd row: Susan Weir, Cordelia Wheeler, Shari Kennedy, Vicki Medrano, Mary Jane Parker. 3rd row: Sue Cook, Diane Walker, Anne Head, Kathy Smith, Nikki Scarafiotti, Pamela Riddle. 4th row: Stella Otero, La Verne Shelton, Martha Guillen, Paula Kartas, Vicki Sedoli. 5th row: Susan Rodrigues, Consuelo Garcia, Jennifer Stamn, Leonila Monteil, Patty Weber. 6th row: Donald Chavez, John Kramer, Steve Brinegar, Toby Tobato. 7th row: John Algood, Pete Theodore.

l\ '


THE LATIN CLUB The Latin Club sponsored by Peter Ribera Ortega was organized to study the Romans, their language and their culture. The President of the club is Gilbert Martinez.

1st row: David Baca, Paula Brumley, Melissa Fly, Doug Zinn, Trawin Malone, Brian George. 2nd row: Roberta Ortiz, Bill Mulberry, Eddie Salazar, Gilbert Martinez, David Grimes, David Doles. 3rd row: Joanne Bridgeford, Greg Gibbs, Danny Williams.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Rudy Duran, Carla Duran, Angela Garley, Melissa Fly, Barbara Egan, Susan Rice. 2nd row: Jess Davis, Robert Allen, Robert Kahn, Francine Trujillo, Nelda Toombs, Chuck Barnes. 3rd row: Clyde "Vigil, Gene Giron, Andy Smith, David Quesenberry, Mike Vigil, Dan Wright. 4th row: Lawrence Quintana, Greg Gibbs, Silvan Corazzi, Roy Higgens.

SPEECH CLUB The Santa Fe High School Speech Club carried out many difficult tasks this year. The club represented Santa Fe High School in several meets, they excelled in such events as oratory, debate, dramatic interpretation, and extemporanious speaking. They also sponsored the annual Sadie Hawkins Dance, which was a big success.


MODEL UNITED NATIONS The purpose of the Model United Nations Club is to enable its members to gain practical experience in the understanding of world affairs. Also, they gain a valuable knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Members participated in model sessions with other schools such as Manzano, Loretto, and Los Alamos High Schools. The club does not elect officers but is represented in Student Council by one of their members. They are sponsored by Leo Hosenfelt.

1st row: Lois Ballen, Kathy Clay, Kathy Williams, Pat Gandert, Kathy Kamegay, Colleen Carrieaes. 2nd row: Martha Garcia, Chris Grubesic, Bruce Kingsolver, George Graham, Bonnie Pint, Greg Martinez. 3rd row: Andy Smith, Adrienne Thompson, Bill Revell, Charles Padilla, Gene Hunt, Charles Barnes.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Visla Ortiz, Terry Valencia, Doris Vigil, Cordy Wheeler, Henry Marquez. 2nd row: Rose Gonzales, Christina Marquez, Doris Cordova, Dolores Rodriquez, Louise Vigil, Henry Garcia. 3rd row: Jo Ann Lucero, Rose Divera, Ceilia Salazar, Frank Paceco, Louise Valdez, Chris Tercero.

F.H.A. The Future Homemakers of America Club, sponsored by Dorothy Fitch, and Sororro Aragon, has many purposes. These purposes are: to promote a growing appreciation of the joys and satisfactions of homemaking. To encourage democracy in home and community life. To work for good home and family life for all. To promote international good will. To provide wholesome individual and group recreation, and to further interest in home economics

1st row: Evelyn Blea, Liz Valade, Mary Ann Vigil, Terry Kahn, Arlene Romero. 2nd row: Rose Valdez, Anna Lopez, Freda Gallegos, Kathy Romero, Pam Paiz. 3rd row: Connie Garcia, Mary Ellen Rodriquez, Reina Roybal, Dolores Martinez, Liz Montoya, Ellen Orosco. 4th row: Josie Ortiz, Sandra Montano, Pat Cruz, Shelma Armijo. 5th row: Karen Gonzales, Robina Myers.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Theresa Bowles, Robert Kahn, Ann Ruoff, Pat Gandert, John Bolinger. 2nd row: David Doles, Lois Ballen, Kathy Williams, Dolores Gonzales, Martin Compton, Thelma Bowles. 3rd row: Chris Grubesic, Irma Ramirez, Roberta Apadaca, Greg Gibbs, Robert Roibal. 4th row: Mike Salazar, Rudy Duran.

A.F.S. CLUB The purpose of the American Field Service Club of Santa Fe Senior High School is to raise money toward the sponsorship of a foreign student at our school, and to serve as a "base of operation" once this student arrives. The officers are: PresidentRobert Kahn, Vice PresidentTheresa Bowles, Secretary—Ann Ruoff, Treasurer—Pat Gandert.


OFFICERS AND SPONSORS: John Kraemer, Theresa Gonzales, Allen Dooley, Nancy Wheeler, Robert Kahn, Miss Hummel, Mr. Sternberg.

ORGANIZATIONS 1st row: Cheryl Koski, Linda Borrego, Pat Gandert, Tam Smith, Kathy Williams, Jean Kline 2nd row: Nikki Weissenfluh, Lawrence Quintana, Robert Roibal, John Barker, Philip Martinez, Steve Kline, Sarah Warren.

WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE: John Silver, Marty Dobyns, Mark Duran, Susan Rascon, Joe Gandert, Charlie Ulibarri, Andy Smith.

ORGANIZATIONS NON-COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 1st row: Rayann Kline, Celeste Duran, Karen Dworkin, Bob Stark, 2nd row: David Maclntoch, Mary Kay Montano, Jacque Engstrom, Ray Garcia, Ricky Narvaiz.


1st row: Micki Gregory, Patsy Waite, Patty Pompeo, Linda Gordon, Judy Reed, Judy Enders. 2nd row: Bonnie Pint, Karla Duran, Kathy Kornegay, Terry Pound, Jerri Hanna, Betsy Piatt. 3rd row: Robert Roibal, Tom Dixon, Ricky Narvaiz, Gary Myers, Nanci Buchholz. 4th row: Allen Dooley, Rudy Duran.

ORGANIZATIONS Judy seems to be caught in the act of being herself. ANNUAL The purpose of this organization is to produce a yearbook worthy of the time and effort spent on it. Turning out a good book is not an easy accomplishment. It requires the help of all members of the staff. Although the yearbook is put out before the school year has ended, the whole year's amount of time is required to finish and prepare for the next year's staff.


After hours? for the band.

Several of the football players grant our photographer permission to take their picture.


Student Council seems to hold the attention of most of its members.

Kathy gives one of her fellow annual staff members a smile.


Jerry attempts to bring down a LA player at our first game.

THE DEMON SEASON STARTED WITH AN UPSET OF 23-24 AGAINST LOS Toby cast a spell on our opponents.

Jimmy halts the Hilltoppers.

Santa Fe 13 279 3 5

First downs Yards passing Yards passing Fumbles lost

Los Alamos 9 200 25 3

Score by quarters: Demons Hilltoppers

0 6

0 0

7 18

13-20 0-24

Santa Fe 9 204 83 287 10-20

First down Yards rushing Yards passing Total offense Passes completed

St. Mikes 8 39 21 60 3-12

Score by quarters: Demons Horsemen

0 0

6 0

7 0

19-32 0-0

Jimmy at work.


Three Demons on the move.

Jerry brings down a Bulldog player.

Score by quarters: Santa Fe 0 Albuquerque 7

6 0

0 0

8-14 7-14

V Vernon escapes the hands of his opponent.


Jimmy does it again.

Score by quarters: Santa Fe NMMI

0 0

14 7

7 14

7--28 6-27

Demon players attack NMMI player from both sides.


Bill goes for a touchdown.


Number 30 clinches the football as he fights his way through Demon territory.

Score by quarters: Santa Fe Farmington

7 0

0 6

0 0

0-7 6-13

Number 85 tries to anchor Jerry to the ground.

Santa Fe Gallup

7 0

26 9

12 14

Steve pushes a Gallup opponent back.

John waits for the ball.

14-29 0-23

Jerry pushes for six points.

Santa Fe Academy

0 0

0 1

6- 6 6-16

Toby is gifted with a football.

Jerry and Charles perform in front of their fans

Santa Fe Rio Grande

0 0

0 6

0 0

0-0 0-6

Demons and Chargers stew.


SH^ Charles tries to escape a tackle.

Jimmy prays for a tackle.

John attempts a tackle.

Jimmy Edwards helps his team mates.


Row 1 left to right: Jimmy Trujillo, Charles Frank, Jerry Kloeppel, Teddy Pepperas, Eric Brandenbury. 2nd Row: Philip Martinez, David Gomez, Vernon Anaya, Wade Sellers, Bill Haynie, Bob Stark. 3rd Row: Leon Lebow, Leonard Rodriquez, James Borrego, Bruce Simpson, John Kramer, Toby Anderson. 4th Row: Mike Salazar, Pat Casados, Andy Trujillo, Jim Edwards, Steve Palmer, Johnny Uranga. 5th Row: Bill Home, Pat Romero, Ricky Narvaiz, John Hayes, Gary VanBuskirk.



Austin Baaham, Al Armendariz, Jim Stair.




The Demon Wrestling Team

L. to R. Coach Mier, Jim Edwards, Ray Cisneros, Eddie Manzanares, Henry Salazar, Gary Van Buskirk, Mike Quintana, Bill Mcintosh, Coach Esquibel. 2nd Row: Tony Gonzales, Joe Padilla, Dickie Martinez, Anthony Lebow, Steve Edwards, Ben Herrera, Leon Lebow, James Trujillo.

One of our wilder dances at S.F.H.S.

Gary Van Buskirk riding to victory.

A good show against St. Mikes by Jim Edwards.

Two hams in a beef.


U.F.O.—unidentified fighting objects. James' opponent escapes a near fall.

The Demon girls' swimming team.

SPORTS Girls Team L. to R.: Susan Rogeford, Carmen Gonzales, Sally Duran, Susan Duran, Sue Van Buskirk, Joe Lynn Slingerland, Kathy Keran, Carrie Vail, Terry Pound, Mickey Ortis, Sally Tapia, Shelly Vail. Boys Team L. to R.: Robert Kahn, Tom Stevens, David Grimes, Bill Darmitzel, Bob Leith, Robert Darmitzel, Scott Paine, Andy Gonzales, Coach Melendez, Nute Mullings, Steve Smith, Joe Maez, Raymond Tapia, Buster Patty, Joe Martinez, Ken Barnes.

The Demon boys' swimming team.

A moment of indecision.

Sam Feltman deepÂŤ on the job.

A two point landing for a SPHS diver.

Student Council president exposed as big racketeer.

The Demon Tennis Team.


Bottom row L. to R.: Brian T端cher, Larry Abrahams, Coach John Gunn, Edwin Terrel, Frank Sosaya. Middle row: John Kraemer, David Quesenberry, John Silver, Eddy Bolin, Marty Dobyns, Kirk Waite. Top row: Bob Giordani, Andy Smith, Pogo Mengis.

Eddie Bolin exhibits his serving form.



Just hanging around !!!!

Mrs. Mefford assists a gymnist on the uneven bars.

GYMNASTICS The Demon gymnastic team.

L. to R.: Mike Chavez, Mike Montiel, Lucreitia Gray, Alfred Trujillo, Earnest Zapata, Mike Duran, Bill Michaelson, Douglas Zinn, Susan Rascon, Mike Skipper. Front row: Mrs. Medford, Cheryl Koski, Mary Jo MacLenahan, Linda Borrego, Sue Van Buskirk, Angie Baca.

Cover Up!!

Cherly Koski displaying her gymnastic form.


The results of throwing pennies on the gym floor.

A Horseman blockes a shot by Charles Frankes.

Jerry does his thing.

A Horseman player awes Charles.

An intense Demon croud watches David.

SPORTS Once again our Demon basketball team displayed their great sportsmanship and outstanding athletic ability throughout the whole of the season. They lost some games and they won some games, but what was more important, they represented our school proudly and we, in tum, were proud of them. "We'll fight for the blue and gold, Our victory's in sight!"

Coriz chalkes up two for the Demons.

Pepperas Power!

Arch Rivals bicker over ball.


A struggle for possession.

Franke's attempt for two is blocked.

A effort from all for two points. Ri-i-i-i-i-p-p-p-p!

Demons struggle to regain control of the ball. "You can try, but you can't beat Santa Fe High!'


All tied up.

Charlie unsuccessful in rebounding ball.

Two forego. . .go for two.

Charles in an effort to regain the ball.

SPORTS Curses, Pepperas foiled again!

Determination marks success.

DEMONS vs Toas Gallup Portales Robertson St. Mikes Espanola Los Alamos Farmington VaUey Manzano St. Mikes Del Norte Espanola Los Alamos Rio Grande Sandia PiusX Farmington West Mesa Gallup

won lost won won lost lost won lost lost won lost won won lost won won won won lost won


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Best Wishes to the Class of '69


^ H





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