Santa Fe High School Yarbook- 1972

Page 1

Those Were

The Days




We Thought

They'd Never End

We'd sing and dance

Forever and a day

We'd Live the Life We Choose

For We

Were Young

and Sure to Have Our Way



GOOD LUCK The 1971-72 school year is about to come to an end. Some students have accomplished a great deal in their journey thru school, others have accomplished little. You are about to face the second phase of your journey thru life, for some it means a continuation of your education, for others it means the world of work. Regardless of the road you may take, you will encounter numerous problems, some will succeed in solving such problems others will fail. At this time I want to extend my best wishes to all graduates and the rest of the student body. Good Luck.

School Board Superintendent of schools Phiilip Bebo and the five members of the Board of Education carry the heavy responsibility of curriculum, operation and financial management for all the city's public schools.



Santa Fe High School

When completed the school will encompass facilities for all major sports. Total cost of the vast complex is several million. Estimated date of completion is in the near future.

Santa Fe Senior High School has a total student body enrollment of 2317. The campus style arrangement of the school consists of 17 buildings spread over approximately 200 acres. There is a total of 102 faculty members.

JOSEPH CASADOS—PRINCIPAL As an organization reflects its leadership; Santa Fe Senior High School, by its firmness of purpose, flexibility of methods, and creative dedication to high goals for the school, its students and faculty, shows that it is fortunate in the men who have been selected to lead it. ROBERT VIGIL—ASST PRINCIPAL





An efficient office staff in the Administration Building attends to the myriad details which are necessary to keep the school in operation. Attendance is recorded, money is received and disbursed, telephone messages are delivered, the daily bulletin is printed and distributed, and grades, credits and schedules are kept up to date, alphabetized, and available, as a part of the tasks p e r f o r m e d by these hard-working individuals.




Not Pictured

SUSAN VENDERLY 4 yrs counseling B.A., M.A., W.N.M.U. COUNSELOR

ARTHUR NEWFIELD 7 yrs teaching B.A. Loyola University, Chicago, M.A. U.N.M., Ed.S. N.M.S.U. COUNSELOR

Counselors Questions and problems are a major part of the every-day life of our counselors. Students with personal difficulties, scheduling conflicts, or in need of vocational or college guidance find ready help in their offices. Additionally, the department administers placement tests and supervises correspondence work. If you need a friend, just knock on the door.

JACOB OLIVAS 14 yrs counseling B.A. C.S.F., M.S., University of Southern California COUNSELOR

HENRY HAND 6 yrs counseling B.Ă€. Oklahoma State Univ. M.Ed. West Texas State Univ. COUNSELOR 21

MARJORY CARR 26 yrs. teaching B.A. West Texas St., M.A. U.N.M., Univ. of Georgia. ENGLISH

Language Arts

LOIS FRANKE 5 yrs. teaching B.S. University of Colorado, St. John's College ENGLISH ANNUAL

EGLE GERMANAS 4 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A. Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Munich ENGLISH

BILL GILL 19 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A. Boston Univ. Univ. of Hawaii, ENGLISH HUMANITIES LITERATURE

Man, his ideas and deeds, his hopes and his language are all examined in the Language Arts Department. Students explore their own identities through literature, drama and poetry, and develop increased abilities in communicating with their fellow men. Among courses offered are English, Drama, Speech, Humanities, Literature, Publications, and Creative Writing. Acting, speaking, writing and listening sharpen the sensibilities and hone the skills of students. Several students won recognition in locally and nationally sponsored writing and speech contests. Speech Club compiled an outstanding record in inter-school competition and excellent public reception was given student plays presented by Drama Club.


BETH HANCOCK 7 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A., M.S. E.N.M.U. ENGLISH

WENDY HILL 4 yrs. teaching B.A. Knox College, ILL. M.A. Univ. of Wisconsin ENGLISH

Dedicated teachers have complete control over their class. 22


LOUISE HUBER 8 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A., Univ. of Colorado, U.N.M. READING ENGLISH

WENDY GRAY 5 yrs. teaching B.S. Kansas St. Univ. M.A. St. Johns' College DRAMA

ROBERT MICHAELSON 20 yrs. teaching B.S. Peru State Teachers College, B.S. C.S.F., B.S. Okla. St. Univ. PHYSICAL SCIENCE ENGLISH

LA VERA LOYD 7 yrs. teaching B.A. C.S.F., M.A. St. Johns' College, Park Junior College Tex. ENGLISH Mr. Rael presented Teacher of the Year by the Senior Class. BEVERLY MC CRARY 3 yrs. teaching B.A. C.S.F., N.M.S.U. ENGLISH CREATIVE WRITING


GLORIA MIER 4 yrs. teaching B.A., U.N.M., St. Johns' College ENGLISH

Some kids will do anything for a grade. 23




CLIFTON PARKER 16 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A. East Central State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma Univ. ENGLISH DRIVER ED.


HAZEL PARKER 15 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A. East Central State, Oklahoma ENGLISH


Not Pictured

Foreign Language To broaden the student culturally and contribute to his understanding and appreciation of the world around him, and to make him aware of the validity of all cultures, the Language Department offers courses in Latin, Spanish, French, and German. Students are required to read, write, speak, and hopefully, to

even think, with increasing skill in these languages. Records, tapes and other equipment of a modern speech lab extend the learning experiences. Spanish language students, through Pan American Club, annually travel to Mexico for enriching firsthand experience and application of what they have studied.

REYNADA DINKEL 35 yrs teaching B.A., M.A. U.N.M. SPANISH




CHARLES LOPEZ 36 yrs teaching B.A., M.A. N.M.H.U., University of Denver SPANISH


Music Department Melody, harmony, instruments or voices, the music department offers and advanced musicians a choice of band, orchestra or chorus in which to develop their individual talents. The awards gathered in regional competitions testify to the department's professional excellence. A highlight of the year was an inter-department presentation of the musical, "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown," by Miss Gutierrez Chorus and Mrs. Gray's Drama Class. CLARK PONSTLER B.S. Western Illinois University, M.S. University of Illinois BAND

Not Pictured


KIRK ROEHM 1 yr. teaching B.M. N.M.S.U. ORCHESTRA





Qocial Qcience

Social studies offered a wide range of study programs to students this past year. Man and his society, the interrelation of people and events, the organizations, problems and goals of groups, were examined by students in History, Psychology, Sociology, and Current Events classes. Additionally, special drug education programs were regularly presented through this department. Social studies students debated, made surveys, researched attitudes, listened to outside s p e a k e r s , and broadened their perspectives with outside reading.



JOHN GUNN 42 yrs teaching H.B., M.A. Highlands N.M. University of Michigan U.S. HISTORY

HYLAH LAMB 15 yrs teaching B.A. San Francisco St., Friends University Oklahoma U. SOCIOLOGY


FREDERICK TRUSSEL 40 yrs teaching B.S. North East Missouri St., M.A. Columbia University U.S. HISTORY

"Sternberg conducts a stifling discussion"


GWENDOLYN WATSON 5 yrs teaching B.S. University of,Arizona University of Southern Cal. AMERICAN HISTORY WORLD AFFAIRS

Not Pictured

FLOYD W. SNYDER 11 yrs teaching B.A. Geneva College, Pa. M.A., P.H.D. U.N.M. ANTHROPOLOGY U.S. HISTORY

EUGENE ALLEN 31 yrs teaching B.A. East Central State, M.A. Oklahoma State, Kansas Univ. MATHEMATICS

THOR CHRISTENSON B.S. College of Advanced Science, M.S. Highlands Univ. MATHEMATICS

DIANE DITRAPINI 1 yr teaching B.A. Stanford University, San Francisco St. College GEOMETRY


MUHAMMED GANNAS 4 yrs teaching B.S. Cairo University, Syracuse University MATHEMATICS



Monday morning aftermath


JESSE VISE 13 yrs teaching B.A. W.N.M.U., M.A. Bowdoin College University of Oklahoma CALCULUS, TRIGONOMETRY, GENERAL MATH NORMA WRIGHT 4 yrs teaching B.S. Purdue University M.A. U.N.M. MATH

Mr. Vise gets his point across. General Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Mathematical Functions are pursued with mind-bending exactness in the Mathematics Department. Theorems, equations, and old fashion figures are the daily grist of students who study these courses. Patience and concentration are virtues in a field where error is not tolerated.






New frontiers are explored by the scientifically minded, and a broader understanding of the world and its natural laws is imparted to students less talented in this field. Classes are offered in Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Science Department aims to assist students in developing the habit of observation and investigation, the interpretation of scientific data, appreciation of the environment, distinguishing between fact and belief, and in understanding themselves.


CORREEN NAJJAR 9 yrs teaching Loretto Heights College, Denver, M.A. St. Johns College BIOLOGY


LEO RIOS 1 yrs teaching B.S. N.M.S.U. BIOLOGY

Biology Teachers Lounge 30


SHIRLEY ROBERTS 3 yrs. teaching B.A. Carleton College, Minn., M.S. N.M.H.U. BIOLOGY

Not Pictured

HELEN FOSTER 8 yrs. teaching B.S., M.A. Whitworth College M.S., N.M.H.U., BIOLOGY JAMES SENA B.S., M.S. N.M.H.U. CHEMISTRY

MILDRED WYNNE 27 yrs. teaching B.A. University of Iowa. M.A. N.M.H.U., U.C.I BIOLOGY

Mrs. Najjar makes a point.

Personal Enrichment

PHIL KARSHISH ARTS AND CRAFTS JACQUELINE NELSON 2 yrs. teaching B.A. Smith College, Mass. Temple Univ. Pa. ART



ART DEPARTMENT Creativity in the student is developed and enhanced through carefully directed courses in Art. A wide range of techniques and mediums is explored to enable the student to become acquainted with the methods and possibilities available for self-expression. One highlight of the year was a display of dazzling wall hangings produced by the students and hung in the Library for everyone's pleasure.

JAMES STARR 9 yrs. teaching B.A., M.A. Highlands, Concord College MECHANICAL DRAWING



DRAFTING Under the guidance of Mr. Jim Staff, drafting students are taught the intricacies and precision of mechanical drawing. Long hours over the drawing board produce workable machine designs and house plans that are a clear pattern for construction of the finished product. Sharp pencils and a Steady hand are requirements in this class.

Not Pictured

INDUSTRIAL ARTS Mr. Gene Baca's Industrial Arts classes are taught mechanical skills which will enable the student to perform his own minor repairs and learn the mechanical details of automobiles. A knowledge of tools and their use and care is also gained in this valuable class.

Special Skills

ORLANDO BACA 3 yrs. teaching B.A. College of Santa Fe TYPING

Practical skills for application in daily living and job holding are offered through Typing classes. Beginning students are taught competence which will enable them to write proper business letters, type their themes and do other nontechnical work. Advanced typing classes practice accuracy and speed which are necessary in the business world.

CAROLINA PERALTA 7 yrs teaching B.A., M.A. Western New Mexico

Foods, Clothing, and Family Living courses offered in the Home Economics Department teach the student practical skills which will enable them to manage a home and family with more assurance and competence. Budgeting and the complexities of family personal relationships are important facets of study.

DOROTHY FITCH 6 yrs teaching B.S. Cornell University M.A.T. U.N.M. FOODS, HOME ARTS, CLOTHING

GLENDA HOPPER 4 yrs. teaching B.S. E.N.M.U., Texas Tech FOODS, HOME ARTS, CLOTHING


ROBERTO ORTIZ 20 yrs teaching B.A. C.S.F., M.A. Highlands Univ. PHYSICAL EDUCATION

One of the most continuously popular departments is Physical Education, where twice the existing facilities would scarcely fill the demand for course. Here students happily work for the fine coordination of mind and body which makes an athlete. Fun and fitness is the end product of P.E. games and other muscle-stretching exercises, and results in life-long satisfactions. Department objectives include: Physical fitness, physical skills, social competence and skills, enthusiasm, and rich resources for leisure time activities.


Mr. Ortiz lays it on.

Physical Education

Meff's girls at play.

NJ.R.O.T.C. GEORGE WRIGHT 4 years teaching U. of Maryland, College of Santa Fe, NJ.R.O.T.C.

Futures, stressing responsibility, leadership, and indepth education, are offered to ambitious young men by NJROTC who are willing to accept the challenge of work and discipline in striving for their goals. The objectives of NJROTC are: to develop informed citizens, strengthen character, promote an understanding of the military responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society, and to develop an appreciation of the U.S. Navy and the role of seapower in national defense.

E. G. SANDERSON 10 yrs teaching B.S. U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis M.S. Roosevelt University, Chicago NAVAL SCIENCE

Future Rear Admirals 35

Driver Education


TROY GANN B.S. McMurry College DRIVERS EDUCATION Recognizing t h e pressures of ever-increasing use of cars and an ever-soaring accident rate for drivers, the Driver's Education Department teaches fundamentals of safety, defensive driving practice, and a basic knowledge of the mechanics and operation of motor vehicles. Behind the wheel instruction is carried out by men with nerves of steel.







All encouragement to learning is offered by the Library and its dedicated staff. Books, periodicals and newspapers for reading, audio-visual materials of a wide variety, lectures and meetings, all offer intellectual stimulation to the students. The individual or groups can explore the widest range of information and reference, browse or study as they choose, in uniquely pleasant surroundings. Periodic displays of paintings, sculptory, arts and crafts and other collections of interest give public recognition to student achievement.

MAX WILCOXEN 4 yrs teaching B.S. U.N.M., Fresno St. Teachers College DRIVERS EDUCATION


Dolores Fidel

Student Health Services are under the able direction of Mrs. Dolores Fidel, assisted by Mrs. Scholtz, who take care of schooltime illnesses, sight and hearing testing, and voluntary immunization programs.

The Endless Job

John Padilla

Willie Roybal So nice and empty!

Custodial and Cafeteria Staff The Custodians and Cafeteria Staff of Santa Fe High are dedicated to the day after day necessities of keeping the school fed and functioning. Breakfast and substantial, energy-producing hot lunches are prepared and served week in and week out by the cafeteria, while never a day goes by without some crisis in heating, lighting, ventilation or plumbing to add to the regular duties of the custodians. Pictures of the remainder of these staffs not available.

The faithful crew 37

Vocational-Technical School

Many students in advanced courses at Vo-Tech have the satisfaction of learning and earning at the same time, either through the coordinated work-study programs, or simply by selling a prospective employer on their individual capabilities to do the job right and making their own work arrangements. This school fills a long-standing community need for usable job training, and also functions as a night school for adults who wish to qualify in new fields or improve their present skills. All of Santa Fe High School takes pride and satisfaction in Vo-Tech.

JOHN COLLIE: PRINCIPAL The new Santa Fe High Vocational-Technical School opened with the fall term of the 1972 school year. This modern facility offers vocational and pre-professional training to students to equip them with the skills required to go out and hold a job. A wide range of fields is offered through a competent staff of teaching experts who instruct in both theory and practical work procedures. 38


Counseling One of the most challenging jobs at Vo-Tech is that of guiding the students so they may properly evaluate their own preferences and abilities in order to choose the vocational or technical field in which they can make the most satisfying career. Testing, personal interviews and an intimate knowledge of present-day job requirements and opportunities enables Miss Lane to help students reach life-shaping decisions. Many of tomorrow's productive adult citizens are being formed today in the busy Counseling Office at Vo-Tec.

MARY LANE 14 yrs. teaching B.S. North Texas St. Univ., M.A. U.N.M. GUIDANCE COUNSELOR

Office Staff





DONALD DIX 11 yrs. teaching B.S. Oklahoma State University ENGLISH


Business Academics Academic Courses designed to be of maximum help to the Vocational-Technical student are offered. These classes include Business Mathematics, Business English, English III and IV, U.S. History and Business Law. These courses improve the prospective job-seekers abilities to communicate, evaluate relevant ideas and trends, and to be aware of legal rights and responsibilities.




Not Pictured

Technical Assistants

In answer to the on-going need for technical assistants in the fields of health and education, Vo-Tech offers training as Dental Assistant, Nursing Assistant, and Pre-School Teaching Assistant. For the student who wants to give service to his fellow men, these fields offer real opportunity for a rewarding career in medical or dental offices and laboratories, and in the care and training of pre-school children.

VIOLET ARCHULETA 1 yr. teaching R.N. Charity Hospital School of Nursing, U.N.M. DENTAL ASSISTANT

LILLIAN TENNYSON 1 yr. teaching R.N. St. Vincent School of Nursing, U.N.M. NURSING ASSISTANT


Not Pictured




CHRISTINE CLICK B.A. Southeastern State, M.A. Highlands Univ. Denver Univ. TYPING, BUSINESS ENGLISH

Mr. Richardson signs up for next year.

Business TOM GARDNER 3 yrs teaching B.S. Western Michigan Univ., M.A. Michigan State Univ. DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION

JUDITH MARTINEZ 4 yrs teaching B.A. North Georgia College SHORTHAND

BILL RICHARDSON 3 yrs teaching B.G.E. University of Nebraska, Tri-State College, North Dakota BOOKKEEPING

PATRICIA RIVES 7 yrs teaching B.S., M.S. University of Oklahoma SECRETARIAL, OFFICE PROCEDURES

Jack Wilson supervises senior announcements.

Education Job preparation for positions of secretarial, clerical, bookkeeping, office machines, typing, computer programming, keypunch operations, data processing, business communication, distributive occupations and positions relating to these fields of work, is the vocational objective of the Business Education course offering at the Santa Fe Vocational Technical School and the Santa Fe Senior High School. The business curriculum also affords opportunity to all students to learn facts and skills for personal use and opportunity to acquire information upon sound business judgement in matters concerning every-day living.

Brady finds the going a bit rough.




Not Pictured


S.F.H.S. and Vo-Tec faculty combine athletic resources to edge out St. Mikes faculty. 43


Industrial Training

Training for skilled positions with higher earnings is given through courses in Welding, basic and advanced Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision Repair, Building Trades and Machine Laboratory. Young men, particularly, are attracted to these courses which require a high degree of competence with machines and tools and take long hours of real work to master properly.




Technical Courses

Other pre-professional training given at Vo-tech includes Electronics, Architectural Drawing, Precision Drawing and Horticulture. These courses allow the individual to pursue his personal work preferences, whether they be in the advanced science of Electronics, the precise delineation of accurate drawing, or satisfying work out-of-doors making things grow.


See how they grow.


Not Pictured


Cross Country

Football N.M.M.I. Eldorado Robertson Portales St. Mikes Farmington Gallup Academy Grants Los Alamos

0 36 14 16 6 30 6 6 6 42

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

28 12 25 34 42 6 53 21 21 18

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

ULLA. Alamosa Bernalillo Capital City Santa Cruz Los Alamos St. Catherines Roswell West Mesa District

3rd 2nd 4th 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 6th 5th 2nd

Basketball Taos Del Norte Goddard Roswell St. Mikes Los Alamos Farmington St. Mikes Gallup

71 65 74 79 68 75 63 72 67

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

69 57 72 63 65 73 69 58 64

Espanola Academy Los Alamos Academy Grants Robertson Espanola Farmington

55 71 72 60 59 69 83 66

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

68 77 71 65 66 57 101 59

Capital City Robertson Portales St. Mikes

73 88 59

Demons Demons Demons

75 62 71

Wrestling Robertson Valley St. Mikes Taos Belen Grants Sandia Los Alamos Rio Grande

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

win loss loss win win loss loss win loss

Eldorado St. Mikes Belen Goddard Roswell Taos Gallup Academy Del Norte

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

loss loss win loss loss win loss loss loss


The 1972 Demons football season got off to a good start with a win over N.M.M.I. at Roswell. Then seesawed with a loss to Eldorado and a win over Robertson. On Sept. 24, Santa Fe High had a surprising win over Portales and went on to beat a rival. A three game winning streak came after a suffered loss to Farmington. The wins were over Gallup at homecoming, Academy, and Grants. The last game was a disappointment as they lost to Los Alamos.

In on the tackle.

First row left to right; Ted Abeyta, Dan Alire, Henry Anaya, Gary Apodaca, Waldo Armijo, Phil Bradford, Robert Burttram, Dan Bustos, Charles Ewing, Gary Folz, William Logue, Second Row; Tony Marquez, Bob Keeran, Steve Hare, Steve Dunn,

Richard Gonzales, Mike Garcia, Mike Liverani, Ray Gallegos, Phil Scharder, Pete Trujillo, Third Row; Mike Ortega, Buddy Palmer, Joe Perkins, Greg Robinson, Robert Romero, Joe Salazar, Greg Salvo, Pat Tsoie, Donald Urioste, Orlando Vieira.

F o o f b a

I I Waldo giving 100%.

Left to Right: Coach John Warfield, Coach Al Armendariz, and Head Coach Jim Starr.


Corning through.

Up for grabs.

Plugging the hole.


Demon end sweep.

Coming through.


Waldo and Bob on the run.

Coach Starr talking to the Ref.




Coming up the home stretch.


c r o s s DEMON CROSS COUNTRY TEAM Top Row Left to Right: Kurt Klemmer, Dan Garcia, Mike Burton, Kenny Kossman, Robert Trujillo, Assistant Coach Jeff Donaldson. Middle Row: Pat Segura, Gilbert Vigil, Tony Ortiz, Martin

Medina. 1st Row: Coach Fernando Ramirez, Jerry Herrera, Mathew Segura, Ronnie Klemmer, Missing from picture: David Sandoval.

C o u n

Coaches Fernando Ramirez and Jeff Donaldson


Coach Ramirez making plans.


S Left to Right: Bob Romero, Leonard Ortega, Steve Herrera, Leonard Baca, Bob Keeran, Paul Romero, Joe Villa, Quentin Quintana, Tony Montano, Paul Roybal, Paul Romero, Marty

Sweeney, Mark Valdez, and Bob Ortiz. Front row; 1 to r; Charlie Ewing, Coach Roybal, Coach Ortiz, and Eddie Romero.

k e b a I I

Coach Lenny Roybal and Head Coach Bob Ortiz.


Romaro for two

Attempted block


Jump ball.

Up for the shot

Scramble for the ball


Jump shot

'Hmmm, tasty" 60

"Really, where?"

For two


Stretching for two

Reach for the ball

Outstanding Bob Romero. 61


Carry out service

Bottom left to right: Chuck Lujan, Bob Jones, Dan Mares, Dan Noel, Greg Arzola, Louis Sandival. Top left to right: Paul Hutchinson, Bob Southerland, Larry Williams, Ted

Abeyta, Dan Valerio, Ray Rosaley. Managers: left to right: Marcus Medina, Stanley Jones.

e s t

I i


ĂŠ A good start off.

Head Coach Gilbert Mier.

The girls start off.

The lonely diver

Back flop with front turn outside.


Boy's Team: First row 1 to r: John Lautenslager, Fred Betts, Robin Glas, Second row: Greg Baca, Mike Ortiz, Bran Leeian, Step Dobyns, Donny Mcintosh, Third row: Coach Amos

Melendez, Bill Wright, Jay Winter, Peter Betts, Bret Daniels, Steve Betts.





Girl's Team : First row 1. to r. Chérie Koch, Diane Garcia, Wanda Sloman, Anne Burttman, Judy Kloeppel, Second row:

Francie Copeland, Babs Rochford, Coach Miss Lumpkins, Patty Clan ton, Karla Bucholz.

Coach Rios doing his thing

Ramon on the high bar

Mario Griego, David Barker, Ramon Duran, George Romero, Bob Kelly, Damon Zinn, Chuck Baca, Jim Biava, Brent Graham.

G y m n a s i TOP; Linda Martinez, Marian Padilla; L. to R.: Consuelo Griego, Susi Perry, Debbie Allen, Kerry Allen, Mary Lou Hopkins, Beverly Bruce, Gina Federici, Ginger Lein, Betsy Ellis.

Coach Mef spotting Linda.

c s


Tim Higgins—Junior

Lynn Perrin—Senior

Kirk Mosher—Junior

Rendal Tucker—Freshman Harold Martinez—Junior 68

The Santa Fe High tennis team had a successful year finishing second in district. After starting off strong the team was plagued with injuries and conflicting activity schedules of team members. After beating the States number one doubles team in regular competition, SFHS's dual failed to qualify for State, taking third in district.

Captain Larry Abrahams—Senior

First Row left to right: Jim Higgins, Evan Ela, Harold Martinez, Hugh Bream, Paul Franke, 2nd row Tim Higgins, Mark

Miller, Larry Abraham, Lynn Perrin, Rendal Tucker, and Coach John Gunn.



Gaby's third out

A head first slide for home


Ready to swing

Top Row, Left to Right: Coach Tony Salas, Marty Sweeney, Quinten Quintana, Joe Villa, Bruce Haase, Paul Romero, Paul Martinez, Steve Hare, Franio Chavez, Coach Martinez. Mid. Row, L. to R. Joe Salazar, Alan Kossman, Bobby Ortiz, Mike

Dam, I missed again.

Ogas, Greg Salvo, Tom Gonzolas, John Chavez, Gaby Cardenas. Managers, Bobby DeVargas, David Martinez, Fernando Zapata.

B a s e b a I I

Coach showing how to bat.


Coaches Martinez and Salas

Paul Romero at first.

Managers Fernando Zapata, Bobby DeVargas, David Martinez.


Quinten Quintana in action.

T r a c k

Coach, Gilbert Meir and Headcoach, Salvador Perez

Manager, Demois Klonis

First row L to R: Coach Donaldson, Mike Klemmer, Robert Gonzales, Joe Garcia, Kenny Cossman, Bill Micheals, Jerry Martinez, Leon Segura, George Rodriguez, Matthew Segura, Floyd Day, Pat Segura, Greg Robinson, Coach Meir, second row: Mike Peina, Dan Garcia, George Theragood, Mark Medina, James Garcia, Joe Osina, Nick Home, Donald Urioste,

Willie Logue, Dan Acouna, Mike Ortega, Nick Klonis, Eddie Romero, Charlie Ewing, Demois Klonis, Third row; Mark Pacheco, Bonnie Griego, Coach Perez, Orlando Vieira, Leonard Ortega, Waldo Armijo, Richard Gonzales, Mike Burton, Steven Knotts, Peter Doles, Joe Banks, Pete Trujillo, Donald Mcintosh, Robert Romero.


Waldo Armijo hurdles.

Leonard Ortega, pole vault.

Start of 100 yard dash. Mathew Segura, Mile medley. 74

Robert Romero going ahead in 220.

"I have to do it, Greg.'

Enjoying the practice.

Nick Klonis b-r-o-a-d jumping.


Eyeing the ball

Putting for par

Every young dedicated golfer someday hopes to become a Trevino or Nicklaus. Pictured here are those future pros. Out of each group of golfers there is a star. Out of this bunch, the star was Carl Jarvis. A most likely future pro. So the 1972 Demon Golfers had a year of great experience.

Teeing off


Demon Golfers: from L to R; Eddie Peck, Jim Biava, Carl Jarvis, Mark Valdez, Dennis Millington.

G o

I f

Coach Lenny Roybal


Holding class

Skiing is one of the fastest growing sports at Santa Fe High. Many of these pictured may find that they are the first skiers to be in the book. But through greater interest in the sport they wouldn't be the last.


Getting high

All sports must have their 101 percenters, their muscle men, their heroes, their outstanding players. These men represent those few. From football to boxing they are outstanding in their favorite sport. And deserve their awards.

D e m o n s

Danny Ray Theragood—Golden Gloves Champion.

First row 1 to r Peter Betts—swimming, Bob Romero— basketball, Matthew Segura—cross country, Second row Larry Williams—wrestling, Richard Gonzales—track,

Bob Keeran—football—Demon of the Year, Larry Abraham—tennis. 79

Gymnastic Boys 86.10 159.58 22.83 81.30 18.61 92.00 47.32 75.35 126.45 99.85 79.58

Farmington Eldorado Gallup Roswell Pojoaque Carlsbad Gallup Farmington Eldorado Lovington Clovis District State

Girls 46.35

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

48.61 70.00 48.32 84.38 45.10 76.68 52.09 58.89

Tennis Espanola Robertson Los Alamos Del Norte Farmington Gallup Grants Academy Farmington Robertson Los Alamos Grants Espanola Del Norte Academy Gallup Los Alamos Inv.

0 1 3 7 5 0 0 6 2 6 4 1 0 0 5 3

2 3 2 2 13 5 0 3 1 0 0 1

Girls 53.50 50.35 66.63 50.35 56.20 55.38 71.80 53.09 53.09 1st 6th

Track Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

9 8 6 2 4 9 9 3 7 3 5 8 9 9 4 6 3rd

Albuquerque Belen Los Alamos Las Vegas Alamosa Capital City Gallup Manzanno District

Baseball West Mesa Del Norte Alb. Academy Roswell Goddard Espanola Los Alamos Los Lunas Grants Bernalillo Gallup Farmington

Boys 83.22 116.37 88.51 67.70 88.51 78.92 71.00 71.08 65.85 65.85 65.85 2nd 6th

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

2nd 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd

Golf Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

5 8 16 1 3 8 13 6 14 10 5 3

Socorro Inv. Academy -St. Pius Inv. Robertson Inv. Los Alamos Capitol City Paradise Hills Inv. Raton Inv. Los Alamos Inv. District

Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons Demons

4th 2nd 3rd 6th 2nd 4th 5th 1st 4th 2nd


Debbie Berridge

Santa Fe High's Homecoming Festivities were a huge success. The Homecoming game resulted in our victory over Gallup. The Homecoming dance was enjoyed by everyone who attended. The bonfire, built by our sophomores made the Homecoming for 1971 a flaming success.


"Next years band at this years Homecoming" 82

Homecoming Court L to R ; Felicia Lopez, Carla Trout, Phyllis Jordon, Queen Debbie -Berridge, Nancy Long, Penny Ellis, Cindy East

Demons? 83

Satan's place.


Demon Parade

President Mike and Queen Patsy

Pan American Sinner

The Pan American Club crowned Patsy Sisneros at its annua] dinner. 85

Qadie Hawkins

The 1971 Sadie Hawkins dance was another successful event for Santa Fe High this year. Everyone enjoyed the music provided by Heavy Side Road Traffic. The dance and group were sponsored by the Speech Club.


Hillbillies love to dance.


Santa Fe Highs annual Snowball dance was a huge success with Christopher supplying the music and Anna Montoya as queen. Anna Montoya


Enjoying refreshments.

I hope you're having fun.


Junior Miss

Michelle belts out a song. 90

Junior Miss was very successful for Santa Fe High. Debbie Berridge was crowned New Mexico Junior Miss, and later went to compete in Mobile, Alabama. Michèle Holt was 3rd runner up and Linda Salvo was 4th in the local show. King of the Blues

Shelle takes a bow.


Roman Banquet

Hmmm, I'm still hungry.

Bring on the gladiator.

Caesar Ortega's better mood.


Homeroom Basketball Champs

L to R. Paul Martinez, Karl Jarvis, Robert Burttram, Mike Padilla, and Paul Franke.


John, my girdle is killing me !

Navy Ball

Navy Ball was held at Sandia Base in Albuquerque at the officers club. June Owens was crowned queen and the dance and dinner was enjoyed by everyone.

Enjoying a slow dance.


Dance to the music.


Varsity Ball |

Senior Class Night

Barbara modestly receives her award


David's camera broke down Waldo better watch it!


Imagine all the people


Junior-Senior turned out to be the best dance of the school year. The band Christopher, helped to make it a big hit. The dance was given for the Seniors from the Juniors.


Awards Assembly

My first award! 103

What a guy !

ne? How come it wasn' tt ime


Where did I go wrong?

Senior* Week


The Baccalaureate Service.



CheUe does her speech.


I finally made it!

Santa Fe Highs graduation was the last and biggest event of the 1972 school year. There were over five hundred graduates, who will always remember the night on May 31, 1972.


Oh Gee, That's me!

I'm scared!


I can hardly wait!

Its hot in here!




Abeyta, Ted Abraham, Larry Aguilar, Luis Alano, Pat

Alarid, Karla

Alarid, Robert

Seniors stand out in a crowd

Alire, Dan Allen, Don Almanzar, Connie Anaya, Alex

Anaya, Evelyn Anaya, Francis Angel, Anita Apodaca, Celine


Apodaca, Gary Apodaca, Mark Archuleta, Clara Archuleta, Kathy

Armijo, Chuck Arimjo, Rose Marie Armijo, Waldo Armijo, Yolanda

Armstrong, David Atkins, Gail Baca, Bobby Baca, Connie

Kam lead us through

Baca, Diana Baca, Dorothy Baca, Ernest Baca, Helen

Baca, Marie Baca, Patty Baca, Rose Marie Badsgard, Richard


Bangs, David Barela, GĂŠraldine

Barela, Rosemary Bartlett, Linda

Bates, Lisa Bauer, Laura

a wonderful year

Beaumont, Phil Bell, Gary Benavidez, Christine Benavidez, Diego

Berridge, Debbie Betts, Peter Biava, J-im Black, Dan


Blagg, David Blakeney, Judy Blankenburg, Jenny Bodenner, Julie

Bohn,Tim Borrego, Rick Bradshaw, Richard Brady, Shirley

VC1 • Sometimes it's nice

Brennan, Tim Brewer, Debbie

Brewer, Don Broadnax, Cleo

Burrows, Janelle Burton, Mike


Byers, John Campbell, Lori Cardenas, Christine Carter, Linda

to be alone

Castaneda, Mary Castner, Ron Castillo, Kathy Catanach, Mark

Chapman, David Chapman, Scott Chavez, Francis Chavez, Mary

Chavez, Mary Ann Chavez, Tom Childers, Karen Christner, Louis

Collins, Nancy Cook, Kyle Cordova, Jesse Cordova, Raymond


Cordova, Vangie Coriz, Anthony Coriz, Ruben Coss, David

Cowder, Kathy Craig, Joyce

Crunine, Pat Cruz, Roselyn

"I though I saw a pussycat."

Everybody likes

Cummings, Carol Dale, Doyle Davies, Dave Davis, Kenneth

deGruyter, Pat DeLapp, Wyn Delgado, Ronnie DesGeorges, Robert


Dominguez, Anna Dominguez, Larry Douglas, Kenny Drennan, Linda

a senior!

Druktenis, Debbie Dubel, Chris Dunaway, Joe Dunham, Becki

Dunham, Stewart Dunn, Steve

Duran, Manuel East, Cindy

'Oh darn, it's rated X.'

Edmunston, Stacy Eisenbarth, Dori Eisenbarth, Lori Ellenburg, Diane


Espinosa, Mona Eubank, Jeff Ewing, Charles Ewing, Chase

Memories are compounded

Fairchild, Karen Fairchild, Sharon Farrell, Mike Feiner, Susan

Ferran, Mike Flores, Ray

Folz, Gary Fowler, Susan

Fox, Karen Fry, Gwen Gabaldon, Gloria Gallegos, Anthony


Gallegos, Mark Gallegos, Rita Gallegos, Sandra Garcia, Carlos

Garcia, George Garcia, Judy

Garcia, Mike Garcia, Monica

for years to come

Garcia, Phillip Garcia, Vanessa Gaskin, Jamie Gee, Carol

Gee, William Gentry, Jolene Getz, Barbara Gibson, Brian


Gladfelter, Ralph Glass, Nancy Goldsborough, Debby Goleman, David

Gomez, Patty Gonzales, Alfred Gonzales, Angela Gonzales, Edward

Gonzales, Gary Gonzales, Gerry Gonzales, Helen Gonzales, Joe

Gonzales, Kenneth Gonzales, Mable Gonzales, Olivia Gonzales, Phil

Gonzales, Richard Gonzales, Richard Gonzales, Roberta Gonzales, Tom


Gonzales, Yolanda Gordon, Karen Gorman, Richard Goslee, Terry

Grace, Kathy Graham, Bret Graham, Tim Griego, Bonifacio

Griego, Cliff Griego, Leota Grosvenor, Tom Gurule, Arthur

Guitierrez, Carmen Haase, Jerry

Hansen, Chelle Harris, Doug

Waiting to see Papa Joe.

Hathaway, Tiger Haubner, Chris

Hernandez, Doris Herrera, Tony

Hickey, Theresa Hildalgo, Larry Hillyer, Bobbie Jo Hipskind, Jim

Hocker, Sally Holt, Michelle Hopkins, Tony Hopping, Kenneth

Horn, Jim Horton, David Hunt, Baxanne Hutchinson, Paul

Class of 7 2

Jackson, Celia Jacobs, Gloria Jacques, Georgia Jaramillo, Mary

Jaramillo, Mike Jimenez, Stella Jojola, Sammy Jolly, Ginger

Jones, Stanley Jordan, Judy Jordan, Vivian Kahn, Steve

Kane, Bill Katona, Robert

Kaundart, Jeana Keeran, Bob

gets sized up 125

Kepler, Elizabeth King, Ruth King, Vicki Kirkpatrick, Eileen

Klemmer, Eric Klonis, Devmosthenis Klonis, Nick Kolb, Chuck

Kossman, Aileen

Kraul, Walter

Assemblies are always

Kreuch, John Lamoreaux, Becky Lang, Pat Laughlin, Ronnie


Lautenshlager, Terry LaVadie, Larry LeBow, Kathy LeDoux, Christine

Lee, Curtis Lefevre, Martha Leifeste, Raelyn Lerma, JoAnn

Leyba, Patricia Leyba, Tony Lineberry, Susan Liverani, Mike

Logue, Willy Lopez, Ernest Lopez, Felicia Lopez, Geneva

a source of amusement. . .

Lopez, Pat Lopez, Steve Lord, Mark Love, Teresa


Lovelace, Leslie Lawrenson, Lorrie Lucero, Ava Lucero, Felix

Lucero, Fred Ludi, Celia Lugton, Karen Lujan, David

MacGillivray, Janet Madrid, Debbie Maes, Anthony Maes, Claudia

Maes, Cora Maes, Janet Maes, Sandra Maestas, Anita

But also a time

Maestas, Robert Maestas, Yolanda Maldonado, Julia Manos, Terry


Manzanares, David Mares, Daniel Mares, Adella Martinez, Camilla

Martinez, Carmella Martinez, Cathy Martinez, Charlie Martinez, Florida

Martinez, Jerry Martinez, Jesse

for serious thinking

Martinez, Linda Martinez, Lynette Martinez, Max Martinez, Melanie


Max-tinez, Michael Martinez, Michael Martinez, Pat Martinez, Pauline

Martinez, Ray Martinez, Robert Martinez, Rosalie Martinez, Sharon

Martinez, Steve Martinez, Tom Marquez, Steve Mason, Kathy

Masters, John Mayer, Pam Maxwell, Connie McClenmahan, John

Seniors prove fo

• McDermot, Joan Mead, Lydia Medina, Charles Medina, Gary


Medina, Martin Medina, Richard Mendonca, Tony Miller, Becky

Miller, David Miller, Glen Miller, Rick Miller, Susan

be go-getters

Mitchell, Robin Mondragon, Theresa Montano, Tony Montoya, Anna

Montoya, Debbie Montoya, Gerald

Montoya, Joseph Montoya, Mike


Montez, Theresa Mora, Geraldine Morales, Leroy Muniz, Sylvia

Mustian, Lynn Naylor, Kathy Nutter, Harvey Olgnin, Ramon

Olivas, Albert Ordinez, Dwain Ortega, Gilbert Ortega, Jake

Seniors were first

Ortega, Jody Ortega, Mary Wanda Ortega, Mike Ortiz, Andrew

Ortiz, Benjamin Ortiz, Cecilia Ortiz, Jerry Ortiz, Lina


Ortiz, Pauline Ortiz, Vivian Otero, Barbara Owens, June

Pacheco, Eileen Pacheco, David Pacheco, Loretta Padilla, Dolores

Padilla, Don Padilla, Doris Padilla, Kathy Padilla, Marian

Sophomores at SFHS

Padilla, Steve Paiz, Elmer Palmer, Buddy Palmer, Dave

Parker, Carol Peck, David Pena, Paul Perea, Kathy


Perea, Pete Perez, Lourdes

Perrin, Lynn Perry, Terry

You name i t . . .

Peters, Lee Petropoulas, Diane Petry, Kathy Phillips, Wendy

Piatt, Bruce Plateo, Keith Pompeo, John Pontsler, Gary

Poitillo, Manuel Poitillo, Pat Prada, Louana Puckett, Carolyn


Puckett, Rita Purtyman, Ann

Quick, Jennifer Quintan, Alice

we have it!

Quintana, Lucille Quintana, Marie Quintana, Quentin Quintana, Theresa

Rael, Leonard Rael, Mary Ann Rael, Mary Ann Rael, Mike

Rael, Raymond Ramirez, Mary Jane Ramirez, Mike Regensburg, Sharon


Ricketts, Mark Ritch, Randy

Robertson, Robert Robbins, Becky

Robins, Patty Rodriguez, Fred Rodriguez, George Rodriguez, Grace

Some seniors are

Rodriguez, Helen Rodriguez, Louis Rodriguez, Marty Rodriguez, Patricia

Rodriguez, Rick Romero, Doris Romero, Eddie Romero, Edward Leroy


Romero, Ernie Romero, Lorraine Romero, Marcella Romero, Marian

Romero, Pearl Romero, Ray Romero, Robert Romero, Robert

Romero, Ron Romero, Virginia Romero, Yvonne Rosacker, Mark

heavy intellectuals

Roybal, Agnes Roybal, Donald Roybal, Edward Roybal, Linda

Roybal, Magdalena Roybal, Steve Rubunno, Steve Runer, Barbara

Salazar, Colinda Salazar, Maria Salazar, Theresa Salvo, Linda

Sanchez, Bernadette Sanchez, Eileen Sanchez, Lorraine Sanchez, Marian

Sanchez, Richard Sanchez, Rose Sandell, Mike Sandoval, Filemon

Toki enjoys

Sandoval, Fred Sandoval, Jean

Savage, Donna Schneider, Gretchen


Scoggins, Charles Scrafford, Randy Segura, Dennis Segura, Leon

American customs

Segura, Mathew Sena, Don Sena, Elaine Sena, Mark

Seright, Debbie Serna, Eva Silva, Jeanette Slade, Mike

Smith, Gordon Smith, Sara Solano, Judy Southerland, Connie

Spring, Debbie Stahrke, Martha Stands, Levi Stephenson, Bruce


Stevens, Cindy Stone, Wayne Storch, Dave Strachan, Duna

Seniors are such a

Stroman, Vicki Strong, Patty Stuart, Donna Stumpff, Bill

Swanson, Paul Sweeney, Patty

Tapia, Anna Tapia, Joe S.

Tapia, Mary Tapia, Robert Tapia, Yvonne Tattershall, Lori


Terrell, Edwin Thurmond, Jill Trigg, Jack Trout, Robert

versatile bunch

Trujillo, Bob Trujillo, Helen Trujillo, Josephine Trujillo, Lourdes

Trujillo, Theresa Tucker, Brian

Turney, Helen Marie Ulibarri, Ronnie

That teacher drives me up the wall.

Umholtz, Ann Urioste, Donald Valdez, Carlos Valdez, Christine


Valdez, Mark Valdez, Maria

Valdez, Mike Valente, Valerie

Vanderford, Lynn VanDeValde,Wes Vasquez, Max Velarde, Alex

Talented ones are

Vendetti, Shelly Vieira, Orlando Vigil, Bobby Vigil, Delfina

Vigil, Evangeline Vigil, Gloria Vigil, Jo Ann Vigil, Lucinda


Vigil, Margaret Vigil, Mary Vigil, Patricia Vigil, Virgil

Villa, Joe Villa, Roland Wallen, Alec Walton, Mike

Ward, Nathan Warren, Leon Watson, Nancy Watts, Glen

awarded honors

Weidner, Bernice Welsh, Jim Welsh, Orion Wheaton, Ted

Wheeler, Bernadette Wheeler, Loretta Wheeler, Nadine Wheeler, Sharon


Whitcomb, Gaytha White, Teresa Wilkerson, Chuck Williams, Larry

It's been a short year

Wilson, Debbie Wilson, Joe

Wilson, Larry Wilson, Rick Witcher, Maria Wyloge, Carol

Yamada, Tokihito Yzaguirre, Rachel Zamora, Rene


Royal Blues

LARRY ABRAHAM Boys State, Freshman Class President, Varsity Tennis, Key Club, Para Mariana CoEditor.

KATHY ARCHULETA Junior Varsity Cheerleader, Speech Team, Student Council President, Kiwanis Youth Day.


WALDO ARMIJO Varsity Football and Track, Football Co-Captain, Letter "S", All-State Football, Student Council.

JENNY BLANKENBURG Honor Society, German Club, University of New Mexico.

TIM BRENNAN Ski Gub, D r a m a Club, Speech Team.


CINDY EAST Junior and Senior Homecoming Attendant, Rodeo Club Secretary, National D.A.R., Achievement Award Bookkeeping I.

DIANA ELLENBURG F.H.A., Reporter and Historian.

CHARLES EWING Varsity Football and Track, Key Club, Letter "S", Boys State, S t u d e n t Council, NJ.R.O.T.C.

CHASE EWING NJ.R.O.T.C, Leo Club, Riot Squad, Drama Club, Speech Team.

KAREN FOX Junior Miss "Miss Congeniality", Speech Team, Drama Club.

GWEN FRY Drama Club, Young Voters Information Committee. University of New Mexico.

MIKE GARCIA Student Council, Co-Chairman Demon Christmas, Letter "S", Varsity Football.

CAROL GEE O.E.A., Speech Team.

GERALD GONZALES Speech Team, NJ.R.O.T.C, Honor Society, S t u d e n t Council, Leo Club.

RICHARD GONZALES Captain Football and Track Team, All-State Football, Junior Civitan President, Letter "S" Secretary-Treasurer, Student Council.

TOM GONZALES Varsity Baseball, Letter "S".

MICHELLE HANSEN Demon Debs, U.N.I.C.E.F. Chairman, Speech Team, Santa Fe Voice of Democracy, Junior Miss Runner-up.


DAVID HERMAN N.J.R.O.T.C., College of Santa Fe.

THERESA HICKEY Honor Society, Pan American Club, A.F.S.

MICHELLE HOLT Speech Team, Junior Miss Contest, Student Council.


STEVE KAHN A.F.S. President, Boys State, Student Council, Key Club, Mathematics Award.

ROBERT KEERAN Varsity Football, Basketball, and Track, Honor Society, Boys State, Letter "S" President.


JOHN KREUCH Student Council, Homecoming Chairman, Junior Civitan, Speech Team, Boys State.

BECKY LAMAREOUX Gymnastics. Eastern New Mexico University.

TERRY LAUTENSCHLAGER Drama Club, Grass Club, Latin Club.

TONY LEYBA Para Manana Photographer, Roybal Blues Editor.

FELICIA LOPEZ Homecoming Attendant, Senior Class Treasurer, Student Council, G.A.A.

PAT LOPEZ Junior Class President, Senior C l a s s Vice-President, Speech Team, Boys State, Student Council.


STEPHEN LOPEZ Mixed Choir President, Madrigal Choir, All-State Choir, Speech Team, Drama Gub.

CAMILLE MARTINEZ Senior Class President, Student Council, G.A.A., Pan American Club, Junior Class Treasurer.

ROBERT MARTINEZ NJ.R.O.T.C, Key Club Secretary, Marching Band.

JO ANN McDERMOTT Madrigal Choir, G e r m a n Club, All-State Choir. College of Santa Fe.

LYDIA MEAD Madrigal C h o i r , All-State Choir.

RICK MILLER NJ.R.O.T.C, Honor Society, Key Club, Sophomore Class Vice-President, Search and Rescue.


ROBIN MITCHELL Honor Society President, National Merit Letter of Commendation, Baush and Lomb Science Award.

HARVEY NUTTER N.J.R.O.T.C., Company Executive Officer.

WANDA ORTEGA Student Council, Junior Miss Contest. Highlands University.

MARIAN PADILLA Gymnastics, F.H.A., G.A.A., Girls State, Speech Team.

BRUCE PIATT Speech Team, Student Council, Key Club, Boys State, Junior Class Vice-President.

JOHN POMPEO Riot Squad Treasurer, Student Bowling Coach, Varsity Baseball.


GARY PONTSLER Concert B a n d , Marching Band, Stage Band, Symphonic Band, All-American Band.

EDDIE ROMERO Key Club President, Boys State, Student Council, Honor Society, Varsity Track.

MARY AGNES ROYBAL Pan American Club. University of Colorado.


DONNA SAVAGE Head Cheerleader, L e t t e r "S", Girls State, Demon Debs.



MATTHEW Antliropology dent, Letter Cross-Country

SEGURA C l u b Presi"S", Varsity and Track.

ELAINE SENA Demon Debs, Pep Club. Highlands University.

PATRICIA STRONG Grass Club, Latin Club, French Club.

MARIE TURNEY F.H.A., Grass Club, Student Council. New Mexico State University.

MARK VALDEZ Varsity Basketball and Baseball, Letter "S".

ORLANDO VIERA Para Mariana Editor, Varsity Football and Track, Letter "S".


LARRY WILLIAMS 4-H C l u b Vice-President, Varsity Wrestling. New Mexico State University.

The honor of Royal Blues is conferred, by their teachers, on a number of graduating seniors each year. These students are selected for their excellence in exemplifying those qualities which contribute most to Santa Fe High School and to their own character and development. These seniors are rated as outstanding in one or more of the following classifications: leadership, sports, clubs, activities, initiative, and scholarship.

Pat, Kathy, and Mr. Casados in Homecoming parade.

"We've Only Just

Begun" We've only just begun to live— White lace and promises, A kiss for luck, and we're on our way ; And yes we've just begun. Sharing horizons that are new to us, Watching the signs along the way, Talking it over just the two of us, Working together day to day. Together. And when the evening comes to smile; So much of life ahead. We'll find a place where there's room to grow, And yes we've just begun to live. Before the rising sun we fly— So many roads to choose, We start out walking and learn to run; And yes we've just begun. Jerry addresses his fans?



Abeyta, Jessica ; Acuna, Mike; Alarid, Angela ; Alarid, Bernadette ; Alejandro, Sandra; Alexander, Jeff

Alire, Linda ; Alire, Steve ; Allen, Karen ; Allen, Kerry ; Allgood, Jim ; Alverez, Cathy

Alverez, Linda ; Anaya, Charles; Anaya, Debbie ; Anaya, Delia ; Anaya, Henry; Anaya, Veronica

Anderson, Shannon

Apodaca, Florence

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Apodaca, Gilbert; Apodaca, Irene; Apodaca, Pauline ; Aragon, Carla; Aragon, Judy; Aranda, Richard

Archuleta, Helen ; Archuleta, Jacque ; Archuleta, Jane ; Archuleta, Yolanda ; Arellanes, Kathy ; Arellano, Ella


Arellano, Lewis ; Aringdale, Sherry Aringdale, Terry

Armijo, Jerry; Armijo, Mark ; Armijo, Rachel

Armijo, Theresa ; Arrowsmith, Mark; Arzola, Greg

Atkins, Joyce ; Atkins, Lyn ; Austin, Kirby

momentarily interrupted

Autuna, Tim ; Baca, Barbara; Baca, Cathy; Baca, Charles; Baca, Darlene ; Baca, Diane

Baca, Genny ; Baca, Gloria; Baca, John ; Baca, Kenny ; Baca, Leonard ; Baca, Lewis

Baca, Mary ; Baca, Stephen ; Bachicha, Delia; Barbero, Dodie ; Barela, Charlotte ; Barela, David


Barrera, Theresa ; Barrett, Tracy ; Bear, Jan ; Beaty, Cheryl ; Beckham, Ramona; Beevers, Deanna

Bell, Larry; Benavidez, Joseph; Benavidez, Judy; Betts, Steve ; Blair, Bonnie; Blea, Danny

Bodelson, Mike ; Boulton, Mary Kay ; Bowker, Bobby; Boyd, Malcomb ; Boydstun, Linda; Bradshaw, Lisa

Qanta Fe High girls have class!

Braeutigam, Chris; Brainard, Larry; Bransford, Ben ; Bransford, Helen; Bransford, Patty ; Brinegar, Boyd

Brittan, Robert; Brow, Marie; Brown, Georgia ; Buchholz, Judy; Bueno, Irma; Burttram, Robert

Bustemante, Edward; Bustos, Danny; Byers, Roxanne; Campos, Sandra; Cannon, Belinda.; Cardenas, Gaby


Carrillo, Stella ; Carlisle, Rick ; Carmen, Kit ; Casados, Donna ; Castillo, Diane ; Cata, Carol

Catanach, Wanda; Cde Baca, Ester ; Cde Baca, Maryann; Chacon, Cordy; Chappero, Mark; Chavez, Benny

Chavez, Margaret; Chavez, Shirly; Chavez, Ted; Chism, Bobby; Clan ton, Clara ; Clark, Lydia

Juniors have rythym.

Claussen, Joe ; Clay, Dan ; Cole, Randy; Conner, Mark; Copeland, Kay ; Corrazzi, Greg

Crossno, Ann ; Daeschel, Joe; Dalton, Jesse ; Daniels, Sheryl ; Davis, Vicky; Day, Judy

Dean, Nora; Delgado, Kenny ; Denniger, Cindy; Deveraux, David ; Dimas, Nina ; Dinan, Annette


Dixon, Jerry; Ducaj, Cathy; Dunbar, Mark ; Duran, Adrian ; Duran, Angela ; Duran, Gloria

Duran, Patricia ; Duran, Waldo ; Dworkin, Steve ; Edwards, Susan ; Egbert, George ; Ela, Evan

Ellard, Cherll; Ellis, Penny; Enos, Cecila

Escudero, Michelle ; Espinosa, Evonne ; Fauteck, Terry

Feind, Theresa ; Felix, Ricky; Fernandos, Mike

Fielding, David ; Finch, Leslie ; Fisher, Frank Patsy, the future Beethoven

Fitzgerald, Scott; Flores, Laura ; Foss, Tammy; Fowler, Anthony; Franke, Emily; Fredrickson, Bob


Fresquez, Elizabeth ; Fry, Cathy

Fuller, Van ; Gallegos, Angelo

Gallegos, Art ; Gallegos, Diana

I should have ditched this period.

Gallegos, Geneva; Gallegos, Gilbert; Gallegos, Lena ; Gallegos, Patsy; Gallegos, Pedro ; Gallegos, Ray

Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia.

Bernadette; Daniel; Debbie; Diana; Diane; Elizabeth

Garcia, Ernie; Garcia, Evelyn ; Garcia, Jaunita ; Garcia, John ; Garcia, Larwrence ; Garcia, Leonard

Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia,


Linda ; Loretta ; Lucille ; Phillip; Ruben; Theresa

Garcia, Viola; Garnard, Nancy ; Garrett, Roger ; Gatellum, Richard ; Gentry, Lyn ; Giarrusso, Mike

Gieger, Joyce ; Giron, Gary ; Giron, Gloria ; Gomez, Joyce ; Gomez, Phyllis; Gomez, Ron

Gomez, Theresa ; Gonzales, Donna; Gonzales, Doris; Gonzales, Edith; Gonzales, Edwin ; Gonzales, Gary

Juniors never ditch.

Gonzales, Gary ; Gonzales, Gerard ; Gonzales, Laura ; Gonzales, Melinda ; Gonzales, Mike ; Gonzales, Paul

Gonzales, Pepper ; Gonzales, Ray; Gonzales, Robert; Gonzales, Rosemarie; Gonzales, Rosemary; Gonzales, Theresa

Gonzales, Theresa; Goodnight, Charlene; Gordon, Linda; Gorman, Robert; Gosling, Craig; Graham, Kelly


Gravel, Greg; Gray, Bobby; Griego, Barbra; Griego, Consuelo; Griego, Dolores; Griego, Eddie

Griego, Mike ; Griego, Orlando ; Griego, Peter; Griego, Robert; Griego, Rosalie ; Griego, Vicky

Gurule, Helen ; Guiterrez, Josie ; Guiterrez, Marie; Haas, Claudia; Haase, Bruce; Hamlton, Cynthia

Juniors brush with crest!

Hansen, Bob; Hare, Steve ; Harrgis, Michael; Hawthorn, Robert; Hayes, Judi ; Heer; Lindsy

Henderson, Sarah ; Hicks, Kern ; Higgins, Tim; Hogsett, Debbie ; Hollen, Pamala ; Hollins, Francis

Holmes, Shelly; Holmes, Wilbert; Horton, Ken nth; Horton, Monica; Huber, Glen ; Immel, Roxanne


James, Debbie; Jaramillo, Barbara; Jaramillo, Elaine ; Jar vis, Karl ; Jenks, Mary Helen ; Jimenez, Dorothy

Jimenez, Irene; Johnson, Bernethia; Jones, Jan ; Katz, Leo; Kempnich, Janice ; Kennedy, Peggy

KilKenny, Gerald ; Kimbrell, Anita; King, Debbie

Kirby, Mike; Kittle, Jerry ; Klemmer, Kurt

Kleoppel, Judy ; Kossman, Alan ; Kossman, Kenny

Hey, guys, no cavities!

Kroen, Andrew; Kraul, Edward; Kurz, Tom ; Kuziel, Martin ; Lailes, Martin ; Larwence, Linda

Lasater, Wayne; Lee, Dennis; Legits, John ; Lepard, Jamey ; Leyba, JoAnn ; Leyendecker, Joe


Lineberry, David ; Loftis, Theresa ; Long, Robert

Longshore, Joe; Logue, Bernie; Loomis, David

Loomis, Susan ; Lopez, Anna Marie ; Lopez, Chris

Lopez, David ; Lopez, Peggy ; Lopez, Robert

I told you it was eleven and a half inches.

Lovato, Andy; Lovato, Angela; Lovato, Lorretta ; Lowe, Pat; Lucero, Abel ; Lucero, Bernadett

Lucero, Diana ; Lucero, Jerry ; Lucero, John ; Lucero, Larwence ; Lucero, Lee ; Lucero, Lee

Lucero, Mike ; Lucero, Patrick; Lujan, Joe ; Lujan, Joe Jr. ; Lynch, Cindy; Madrid, Denise


Madrid, Mike; Madrid, Rosella; Maes, Elvenia ; Maestas, Robert; Maez, Sandra; Manges, Boyd

Marcus, Mary ; Mares, Marlene ; Mares, Sam ; Marquez, Beatrice ; Martinez, Carmen; Martinez, Cathy

Martinez, Cecilia; Martinez, Christine; Martinez, David ; Martinez, Dennis ; Martinez, Dolores; Martinez, Fred

Juniors have good measure

Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Harold ; Jake; James ; Johnny; Judy; Mark

Martinez, Mary; Martinez, Mary ; Martinez, Maryann; Martinez, Paul ; Martinez, Pete ; Martinez, Renee

Martinez, Richard ; Martinez, Rickey; Martinez, Robert; Martinez, Robert; Martinez, Ronnie ; Martinez, Rosina


Martinez, Rudy; Martinez, Sophia; Marquez, Tony ; Massey, Eddy ; Mattingly, Charlotte; Maughan, Denny

Maxwell, Cindy : McCauley, Peggy ; McDermott, Lois ; Mcintosh, Don ; McKay, Mary; McKenrick, Keith

McNutt, Renee; Meador, Lewis; Medina, Kathy; Medrano, Richard ; Meek, Kathy; Mendiola, GĂŠraldine

Juniors never play around.

Mercer, Frank ; Micheal, Barbara; Miera, Michelle ; Miller, John; Miller, Mark; Moberly, Sherry

Mondragon, Martin; Montano, James ; Montano, Richard; Montez, David ; Montoya, Anna; Montoya, Barbara

Montoya, Beatrice; Montoya, Frank ; Montoya, James ; Montoya, Jerry ; Montoya, John ; Montoya, John

Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya,

Johnny ; Johnny ; Judy ; Judy C. ; Joan ; Larry

Montoya, Leonard; Montoya, Manuel ; Montoya, Marianne ; Montoya, Tom; Monzenares, Rosellie; Moore, Karen

Moore, Rick ; Mosher, Kirk ; Moya, Stephanie

Muller, Jan ; Muniz, Floyd ; Muniz, Manuel

Najjar, Victor ; Narvaiz, Ben ; Narvaiz, Dolores

Narvaiz, John ; Narvaiz, Paul ; Neal, Tracy

I'm glad I'm not in his shoes.

Olguin, David ; Olivas, Anna ; Ol ivas, Kathy; Olsen, Roy ; Ortega, John ; Ortega, Mike


Ortega, Raymond ; Ortega. Rosemary; Ortega, Sandra ; Ortega, Tina ; Ortega, Viola ; Ortiz, Annebelle

Ortiz, Bobby ; Ortiz, Darlene ; Ortiz, Mardell ; Ortiz. Marie; Ortiz, Mary ; Ortiz, Pat

Pacheco, Paul ; Pacheco, Vincent ; Padilla, Evelyn ; Padilla,Mary; Padilla, Mike; Palermo, J. R.

Peck, Eddie

Peck, Patty

When is the parade?

Peck, Phillip; Peinado, Ernest; Perera, Alex ; Perera, Dorothy; Perez, Alice; Peterson, Steve

Petry, Lee ; Piatt, Keith ; Pilley, Cynthia; Pincheria, Olivia; Pincheria, Lya ; Pino, Dino


Pompeo, Jerry ; Pond, Bambi; Poteet, Bonnie ; Prada, Margaret ; Quails, Audrey; Quintana, Esther

Quintana, Steve; Quesenberry, Nancy; Rael, Cecilia; Rael, Gerard; Rael, Virginia; Ragle, Margaret

Ramirez, Pam ; Richards, Bart; Rivera, Eugene ; Rivera, Jimmy ; Rivera, Jude ; Rivera, Priscillia

Juniors deserve a rest.

Robinson, Gregg; Rochford, Babs; Rodriquez, Bobby; Rodriguez, Dave ; Rodriquez, Julian ; Rodriquez, Robert

Rodgers, Linda ; Rosales, Ray; Rose, Paul ; Romero, Anthony ; Romero, Charlene; Romero, Christene

Romero, Connie; Romero, Felix ; Romero, Georgette ; Romero, Gilbert ; Romero, Gina ; Romero, Johnny


Romero, Leonard ; Romero, Lucille ; Romero, Lucille; Romero, Marianne ; Romero, Martin; Romero, Mike

Romero, Nina; Romero, Patricia; Romero, Paul ; Romero, Rick; Romero, Robert; Roybal, Candy

Roy bal, Debbie ; Roybal, Dennis; Roybal, Gabriel ; Roybal, Leonard; Roybal, Lillian ; Roybal, Jim

Juniors know it all.

Roybal, John ; Roybal, Ralph ; Rupard, John; Rutherford, Patty; Sacoman, Elaine ; Saiz, Frank

Saiz, Kathy; Salazar, Joe; Salazar, Patricia; Salvo, Greg; Sandoval, Anna; Sandoval, Anthony

Sandoval, Gerald ; Sandoval, Jennie ; Sandoval, Liz ; Sandoval, Nina ; Sandoval, Rebecca ; Sanchez, Anthony


Sanchez, Barbara; Sanchez, Corine ; Sanchez, Evelyn ; Sanchez, Joe ; Sanchez, Kenny ; Sanchez, Louise

Schaffer, Debbie; Scharn, Susanne; Schaumberg, Peggy; Schnieder, Emily; Schrader, Phill ; Scott, Karen

Scott, Mark ; Scott, Mike; Sedillo, Patricia; Segura, Pat; Sellers, Gary; Sena, Cassandra

Sena, Felix ; Sena, Jose ; Sena, Mike ; Sena, Richard; Sieters, Debbie ; Silver, Margaret

Simmons, Alicia; Simpson, Charlene

Simpson, Janice ; Slade, Leslie

Smith, Lincoln ; Solotero, Julie

Now back to Einsteins theory . 173

Sosoya, Gilbert; Soto, Polo; Sowers, Nancy ; Smythe, Wayne ; Spillers, Valerie ; Stauffer, Patty

Steele, Jackie ; Stienhoff, Cynthia ; Stoddard, Debbie; Stone, Ellen ; Sullivan, Kathleen; Summers, Kathy

Sweeney, Marty ; Tachau, Robert

Tafoya, Agnes ; Tafoya, Larry

Tapia, Dale ; Tapia, Helen

Snowball! Duck!

Tapia, Mike ; Tapia, Patricia; Tena, Linda ; Tercero, Susan; Terell, Jack ; Teutsch, Ellen

Topp, Heidi ; Torres, Joe; Torres, Judy; Travis, Dolores; Trejo, Anna ; Trembley, Eddie


Trigg, Linda; Trout, Carla ; Trujillo, Bernadette; Trujillo, Christella ; Trujillo, Eddie; Trujillo, Karen

Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo,

Margaret; Paul ; Pete; Rosemary; Toni ; Virginia

Tumbeaugh, Vicky; Ulibarri, Cathy; Ulibarri, Robert; Umholtz, Adam ; Valdez, Darlene ; Valdez, Darlene

Suspension doesn't stop juniors!

Valdez, Gerald ; Valdez, Jimmy ; Valdez, Joseph; Valdez, Joseph; Valdez, Margaret; Valdez, Paul Ray

Valdez, Rose; Vasquez, Anna; Velarde, Gloria ; Velarde, Larry; Velasquez, Evonne; Velasquez, Loretta

Vialipando, Floyd; Viera, Priscillia ; Vigil, David ; Vigil, Eileen ; Vigil, Elma ; Vigil, Helen


Vigil, Judy; Vigil, Marie ; Vigil, Sue ; Vigil, Yolanda ; VomLehn, Peter ; Warrener, Mary Lyn

Waite, Terry ; Watson, Robert Weignd, Susan ; Whitted, Valerie; William, Debbie ; Williams, Jesse

Willmott, Alice ; Wilson, Keith ; Wilson, Laura; Winneberger, Chris; Wood, Robert; Wright, Terry

Wright, Rick; Yount, David; Montoya, James

Just wait till next year!



Abeyta, Adrienne Abeyta, Francis Abeyta, Patricia Abhold, Diane Addington, Terry Aguilar, Ivan Alarid, Marsha Alarid, Paula Alexander, Dwayne Alire, Cathy Allen, Debbie Allen, Scott Alvarado, Rosemary Alvarez, Angie Alvarez, Diane Alvarez, Joe Alvarez, Manuel Amadeo, Lisa Anaya, Barbra Anaya, Diane Anaya, Diane Anderson, Bob Apodaca, Debbie Apodaca, Robert Aragon, David Aragon, Selma Archibeque, Polly Archuleta, Agnes Archuleta, Becky Archuleta, Gracie Archuleta, Pat Archuleta, Rick

Just think, only two Arellano, Paul Armijo, Candido Armijo, Patty

Armijo, Phillip Armijo, Rachel Armstrong, Blane

Baca, Angie Baca, Cynthia Baca, Dennis

Baca, Irene Baca, Jerry Baca, Randy

"Hi there"


Baca, Roberta Baldoni, Jim Ballard, Anne Bangs, Brian Barclift, Bill Barela, Johnnie Barela, Ronnie Barker, David Bauer, Warren Baxter, Anita Beach, Scott Beadles, Cindy Beard, Steve Beavers, Kim Benavidez, Bobby Benavidez, Jerry Benavidez, Terry Bennett, Tom Blair, Sue Ann Bodelson, Patty Bodenner, Denise Boissierre, Mary Borgrink, Cathy Borgrink, Chris Borrego, Bobby Boulton, Rita Bown, Bill Bowen, Scott Bowles, Joseph Bradford, Phillip Bransford, Henrietta Bream, Hugh

more years to go? Brewer, Clifford Brito, Eileen Broadnax, Gloria Brown, Kenny Brown, Paul Brown, Tim Bruce, Beverly Burch, Willis Buresch, Alexandra Burton, Edwin Bustos, Diane Bustos, Jamie Byrnes, Scott Canon, Sinda Cardenas, Chris Cardenas, Eloy Cardenas, Johnny Carlisle, Debbie Carmon, Gene Carpenter, Kim Carillo, Jerry Carrol, Phillip Catanach, David Cericola, Sharon Chamberlain, Angus Chapman, Sandra Chappell, Danny Chavez, Arthur Chavez, Donald Chavez, John Chavez, Lupe Chavez, Mary Alice


Chavez, Mike Chavez, Mike Chavez, Susan

Chavez, Walter Christensen, James Clanton, Patty

Cole, Kim Cooke, Debbie Cooper, Doug

Hello Mr. Sena! Cordova, Fidel Cordova, Gina Cordova, Loyola Cordova, Steve Coriz, Ernestine Coriz, Mark Coriz, Mary Cowder, Gary

H Cowder, Michael Craine, Sam Croce, Daniela Dalton, Charley Daniels, Bret Darras, Frank Darras, Linda deCastro, Vicky deGruyter, Michèle Dendy, Jeff Dietz, Howard Dill, Becky Dillenschneider, Leo Dobyns, Step Dofflemeyer, Donna Doles, Peter Dominguez, Bernadette Donnelly, Patrick Donnelly, Patty Dow, Flora Dunham, Lori Duran, Erin Duran, Marian Duran, Pearl Duran, Roman Duran, Sylvia Dure, Marie Dyer, Tammy Earp, Carole Egan, Michelle Ellis, Betsy Evans, Liz


Qophomores are the future

Farrell, Beth Federici, Gina Fergus, Cory Fernandez, Ricky Fidel, Giselle Fiske, Marcie Fly, Sherida Fowler, Leslie Franke, Paul Frettem, Trudy Fry, Joann Fulgenzi, Cliarniaine Gabulsen, David Gage, Patricia Gallagher, Mark Gallegos, Benny

Gallegos, Jerry Gallegos, Katliy Gallegos, Patty Gallegos, Theresa Garcia, Cathy Garcia, Chuck Garcia, Donald Garcia, Eileen Garcia, Francis Garcia, James Garcia, JoAnn Garcia, JoAnn H. Garcia, Joanne L. Garcia, Kathy Garcia, Leah Garcia, Liz Garcia, Lori Garcia, Marcus Garcia, Philip Garcia, Rita Garcia, Susie Garcia, Tino Gee, Dennis Gentry, Scott Geiz, Martha Gibbs, Susan Gierat, Judy Gilmer, Will Glass, Richard Glass, Robin Gomez, Daniel Gomez, Mike

Gomez, Theresa Gonzales, Dorothy Gonzales, Doug

Gonzales, Gerri Gonzales, Gilroy Gonzales, Lorraine

Gonzales, LouAnn Gonzales, Mary Jane Gonzales, Peggy One and a two and a-a-a


Gonzales, Phillip Gonzales, Pita Gonzales, Rosalie Gonzales, Tanya

Gonzales, Vincent Gordon, Cindy Gore, Roy Gose, Donald

Goslee, Linda Graham, Gary Graham, Liz Graham, Wanda

Sophomores hard at work Gramajo, Theresa Granger, Shirley Granillo, Annie Gravel, Joyce Greer, Nanette Griego, Bernardo Griego, Frankie Griego, Phylis Griego, Ruben Grimm, Janet Griss, Barb Gurule, Edwin Gutierrez, Leah Hambrick, Jimmy Harenburg, Jill Harris, Celia Hastey, Kenneth Hawthorne, David Hefferman, Bryan Heidel, Kathy Henderson, Chris Hendrix, Jana Hernandez, Andy Hernandez, Patty Herrera, Jerry Herrera, Ted Hickey, Janice Higgins, Jim Hightower, Debbie Hill, Janice Hobday, Rodger Holcomb, Gary Holder, April Hopkins, Harold Hopkins, Mary Lou Hopping, Lyn Home, Nick Hutchison, Vikki Ireland, Betty Jackson, Greg Jackson, Susie Jarmillo, Sal Jenkins, Valli Jasper, Kimberly Jimenez, Peggy Jiron, Connie Johnson, Cynthia Jones, Gini


Jones, Robert Jordon, Phyllis Jorgensen, Mike Jourdon, Jennie Justice, Pat Kane, Candy Karmazin, Jim Keeran, Connie Kelly, Bob Kepler, Diane Kilkenny, Richard Kingsbury, Leonard Kitchens, Robert Klemmer, Ronald Kloss, Peggy Kluesner, Karla Koch, ChĂŠrie Kosoneos, Steve Kristler, Beverly Landers, Lori Lasater, Bruce Leal, Mary LeBow, Viel Legits, Diane Lein, Ginger Lerma, Lorraine Leyba, Cindy Leyba, Gilbert Leyba, Priscilla Leyba, Ronnie Lineberry, Paul Linson, Terry Lombari, Debbie Long, Kathy Long, Kenneth Long, Nancy Lopez, Anita Lopez, Bobby Lopez, Crissie Lopez, Eva Lopez, Jerome Lopez, John Lopez, Joseph Lopez, Katrina Lopez, Leroy Lopez, Linda Lopez, Marie Lopez, Patrick

Lorey, Richard Lovato, Carmella Lucero, Debbie Lucero, David

Lucero, Eileen Lucero, Jeanette Lucero, Lorraine Lucero, Monica

Lucero, Rebecca Lucero, Stella Lucero, Yvonne Ludi, Phyllis

The revival of the Charleston.


Lujan, Anne Lujan, Bernie Lujan, Jeanette Lujan, John Lujan, Larry Lujan, Lillian Luna, Coral Luna, Sandy Lury, Francie Madrid, Patty Maes, Lawrence Maestas, Basilio Maestas, Dolores Maestas, Neddie Maestas, Rita Malchezewski, John Manzanares, Gloria Mares, Doris Marlin, Eric Marquez, Elizabeth Marquez, Joe Marquez, John Martinez, Albert Martinez, Anna

Onward we go! Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Barbara Bernadette Cecilia Dale Daniel Danny David Dennis

Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Erma Francis JoAnn Joseph Lilly Linda Magdalene Mike

Martinez, Patrick Martinez, Patty Martinez, Richard Martinez, Teddy Martinez, Theresa Martinez, Tommy Mascarenas, Carmelina Masters, John Mathews, David Mathis, Lucretia Mattingly, Phillip Maxwell, Charles Mazuti, Mike McBride, Regina McDermott, Dirk Mcintosh, Paul McMillen, Bob McMillen, Roberta Medina, Don Medina, Marcus Melchor, Debbie Mendoza, Valerie Men gis, Mimi Mercer, John


Merker, Lisa Merrill, John Mier, Marilyn Miera, Robert Miller, JoAnn Miller, Nancy Milligan, Marci Millington, Dennis Moberly, Julie Mondragon, Socorro Montez, John Montez, Patty Montoya, Angie Montoya, Belinda Montoya, Emily Montoya, Frank Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya,

Fred Liz Beth Louie Marcella Martha Martin Mike Patrick

Moore, Kieth Moore, Sherry Mora, Andy Morales, David Morfin, Mary Morris, Michelle Moulton, Joe Moya, Veronica

Mullin, Janet Mullings, Gndy

Musgrave, Liz Mustian, JoAnn

Naranjo, Robert Naylor, Mike

You've got to be kidding Newbury, Patty Nielson, Janet Noel, Danny Noriega, Larry Norris, Tom Oellien, James Ogas, Mike Olivas, Robert Ordonez, Giselle Ortega, Elena Ortega, Geraldine Ortega, Kathy Ortega, Margaret Ortega, Martha Ortega, Mike Ortega, Polly


Ortega, Tammy Ortiz, Debbie Ortiz, Denise Ortiz, Jane

Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz,

Jim Joe Lucille Merlene

Ortiz, Mike Ortiz, Ralph Ortiz, Tony Pacheco, Anna

Pacheco, Pacheco, Pacheco, Packard,

Charles Joe Roslyn Patsy Ginger and Gina off to Biology

Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla, Padilla,

Charles Dave Jackie Jenny Joanne Liz Peter Tino

Parr, Bob Partin, Jerry Payne, Judy Payne, Trudy Peck, Bill Pelaccio, Daria Pena, Andy Pena, Dollie Pena, Harold Pena, Jane Pena, Maria Perea, Albert Perea, Polly Perez, Diane Perez, Loretta Perkins, Joe Perry, Susie Peters, Kate Phillips, Debbie Pierce, Fred Pino, GĂŠraldine Poehler, Sandra Pollard, Jim Pomonis, Danny Pontsler, Melody Porter, Loren Portillo, Anthony Prada, David Price, Eddie Quijada, Jose Quintana, Audrey Quintana, Donald



Quintana, Grace Quintana, Jeanette Quintana, Kathy Quintana, Mike Quintana, Rikki Quintana, Robert Rael, Adella Rael, Cindy Rael, Paul Ramirez, Delia Reys, Robin Rhodes, Chris Richardson, Jan Richmond, Don Rider, Tom Ritch, Cathy Rivera, Christine Rivera, Eddie Rivera, Ernest Rivera, Joseph Rivera, Larry Robins, Kristen Roberts, Kenneth Roberts, Richard Rodela, Tito • Rodriguez, Debbie Rodriguez, Francis Rodriguez, Lou Ann Rodriguez, Louise Rodriguez, Olivia Rodriguez, Ruben Rodriguez, Ruben Rodriguez, Thomas Rogers, Stewart Romero, Augustus Romero, Chris Romero, Cynthia Romero, David Romero, David Romero, Diana

Romero, Eloy Romero, George Romero, Geri

Romero, Kenny Romero, Liz Romero, Lorraine

Romero, Mariano Romero, Maxine Romero, Patricia

Romero, Randy Romero, Steve Roybal, Debbie

Sophomores don't know which end is up


Roybai, Francis Roybai, Gaby Roybai, Joseph Roybai, Larry Ruiz, Leslie Runer, Gary Salas, Debbie Salazar, Joyce Salazar, Michael Sanchez, Anna Sanchez, Dolores Sanchez, Edward Sanchez, Ernie Sanchez, Gene Sanchez,.Paul Sanchez,, Rachel Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval, Sandoval,

Betty Debbie Diane Fabricio Maria Patty Timothy Vicki

Scott, David Segura, Jeanette Sena, Albert Sena, Lorraine Sena, Louie Senteney, Wayne Serrano, Cecilia Serrano, Richard Sewell, Amy Shaw, Mary Sheldon, Cynthia Silva, Debbie Silva, Joe Silver, Carolyn Simoni, Rosina Sisneros, Patty Slade, Dean Slade, Rosemary Smith, Romona Snow, Art Snyder, Monica Solano, Terri Sosa, Regina Sosaya, Eugene

Southerland, Robert Soveranez, Arthur Spencer, Scott

Stacy, David Stamets, Steve Stewart, Sandy

Street, Heather Stromberg, Barbie Stumpff, John

On their way to the Big Time


Tapia, Anita Tapia, Anthony Tapia, Jimmy

Tapia, Joaquine Tapia, Mary Ellen Tapia, Tommy

Taylor, Eric Taylor, Pam Thompson, Norman

Silver's men Tierney, Robyn Torres, Melinda Trautman, Hank Trujillo, Albert Trujillo, Arlene Trujillo, Diane Trujillo, Joe Trujillo, Micheal

All in a days work Trujillo, Phillip Trujillo, Rickie Trujillo, Rosemary Trujillo, Theresa Ullibarri, Anna Ullibarri, David Ullibarri, Gina Ulrog, Eric Urioste, Carmen Urioste, Lorraine Vail, Robert Valdez, Arthur Valdez, Barbara Valdez, Debbie Valdez, Mary Valdez, Rosalie Valdez, Sandra Valencia, Lupe Valencia, Orlando Valencia, Ronald Valerio, Danny Vanderford, Cathy Vargas, Elizabeth Vasquez, Margaret Velarde, Charles Velarde, Mary Velasquez, Diana Velasquez, Roberta Vegara, Roger Verhines, Scott Viera, Joe Vigil, Annette


Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil,

Arlene Barbara Chris Debbie

Vigil, Debbie Vigil, Donna Vigil, Gilbert Vigil, John

Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil,

Larry Lonnie Shirley Tommy

Vigil, Victor Viladgas, Dominic Villa, Dorthea Villa, Lawrence

See Spot run! Walker, Phyllis Wallace, Venia Walraven, Becky Ward, Annabelle Ward, Peggy Ward, R端ssel Watson, Gilbert Weidner, Marie Werner, Larry Werner, Mary Lynn Wheeler, Betty Wheeler, Michael Wheelock, Bernadette Wickham, Gary Wier, Pat Williams, Cynthia Williams, De Aun Williams, Donna Williams, Phil Williams, Tom Wilson, Blake Wilson, Charles Wilson, Deanna Wilson, Kevin Wilson, Jackie Winter, Jay Wisenteiner, Cari Womach, Maggie Wood, Elaine Wuoriner, Carolyn Wright, Debbie Wright, John

Wright, Mike Zaemglein, Barbara Zinn, Damon Zinns, Jennifer Zoltai, John Zuniga, Teofilo


'Around Campus"


Ricardo Marchiani Ricardo Marchiana was born in Valencia, Venezuela. He joined us at S.F.H.S. for second semester as a senior. Being an only child in his family, Ricardo likes all sports, especially golf. Ricardo is staying with the Gibbs. His favorite foods are steak and yellow rice. Ricardo plans to be a mechanical engineer.

Tokihito Yamada Tokihito Yamada is Japanese. He is the oldest in his family having one sister. Toki is 18 years old and a senior at S.F.H.S. Besides eating his favorite foods which are osushi (rice and fish) and enchiladas, he likes skiing, ping pong and fencing. During his visit here at S.F.H.S., Toki participated in A.F.S., Key Club, Pan American club, Honor Society and Speech Club. Toki attended the 71-72 school term at S.F.H.S. while staying with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Moloney. When Toki finishes college in Japan, he plans to be in the diplomatic service.

Merid Zewd Merid Zewd is from Ethiopia. He comes from a family of eleven with eight sisters and two brothers of which he is the youngest. He is presently staying with his cousins Getachw and Iasc who attend the college of Santa Fe. Merid was here for second semester and will stay for 6 more years. His plans for the future are to attend college in San Francisco and become a doctor. He makes A's in school and his favorite sport is soccer. Merid enjoys Italian foods and Pizza best of all.


from L. to R. Tokihito Yamada, Jesse James, Ricardo Marchiana

Foreign Exchange Students

Jesse James Jesse James visited us during second semster. Jesee was from the Apache reservation in Arizona, he came as an exchange for Toki who stayed on the reservation for two weeks.



AHS American Field Service is a national organization dedicated to increasing understanding and goodwill b e t w e e n nations through the exchange of students with other countries. Clubs raise money to pay the expenses of the exchange student sent and find a host family for the one who comes here in return. Miss Greaves sponsored AFS, which this year brought Tokihito Yamada from Japan to our school.

AFS Members: 1st row, Margaret Silver, Betsy Ellis, Toki Yamada, Penny Ellis, Steve Kahn. 2nd row, Miss Greaves, Carolyn Silver, Cheryl

Beaty, Margaret Ragle, Janice Kempemich. 3rd row, Anna Marie Lopez, Boyd Manges, Belinda Cannon, Peggy Schaumberg, Emily Schneider.


Boys State Girls State I

Girls and Boys Staters are outstanding students selected to participate in a week of intensive study of the structure and functioning of government. This valuable experience instills an understanding and respect for the governmental process in a democratic society. It is also rumored that everyone has a wonderful time.

Boys and Girls Staters: 1st row, Sally Hocker, Marian Padilla, Roselyn Cruz, Becky Miller, Donna Savage. 2nd row, Ted Wheaton, Pat Lo-

pez, Eddie Romero, Bruce Piatt, John Kreuch, Steve Kahn. 3rd row, Bob Keeran, Larry Abraham, Charles Ewing, Mike Farrell, Jack Trigg.


Anthropology Club Anthropology Club is organized around the scientific discipline of collecting and studying the artifacts, habitations, and other evidence of early man in order to establish additional facts as to his life and culture. The club, led by Dr. F. W. Snyder took field trips to archテゥological sites and participated in excavations.

The Anthropology Club hard at work.

ANTHROPOLOGY CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Dr. Synder, Theresa Hickey, Becky Dill, Martin Kuziel, Valerie Mendoza, Mr. Costin. Second Row, Patricia Salazar, Janette Segura, Nancy Quesenberry,


Theresa Loftis, Mary Lynn Werner, Robert Troute, Becky Archuleta. Third Row, Tony Marquez.

Santa Fe High School's Bands

MARCHING BAND—Twirlers (left to right), Anne Graniner, Debbie Spring, Karla Kluesner, Debby Geiger. First Row, Becky Dill, Sherida Fly, Chérie Koch, Lydia Clark, Chris Borgrink, Lindsay Heer, Cynthia Steinhoff, Donna Gonzales, Nanci Garnand, Margaret Silver. Second Row, Jenny Jones, Suzanne Scharn, Kathi Heidel, Erin Duran, Diane Legits, Sandra Valdez, Tammy Ortega, Debbie Baca, Annette Dinan, Lynn Vanderford, Harold Fuller, Deanna Beevers, Warren Bauer, Cathy Borgrink. Third Row, Charlene Romero, Carla Aragon, Susie Farner, Maria Trujillo, Diana Romero, Cecilia Martinez, Patsy Sisneros, Scott Bowen, Valli Jenkins, Patty Madrid, Dorthea Villa, Beverly Bruce, Debbie Vigil, Cindy Hamilton, Mary Shaw, Sally Hocker. Fourth Row, Raelyn Leifeste, Diane Petropoulos, Janice Simpson, Rikki Quintana, Phyllis Jordan, Paul Hutchenson, Dennis Baca, Boyd Brin-

Santa Fe High School Bands have long been noted for their excellence. This year was no exception. They marched and played at Demon games, in parades and at community functions. Each public appearance was a pleasure of precision and control to watch and a musical delight to hear. Recognition and honors continue to be accorded these well-disciplined and technically competent performers and the lives of each musician are enhanced by the experience.

inger, Cynthia Sheldon, Ricky Montano, Larry Bell, Mike Gomez, Géraldine Pino, Melody Pontsler, Lori Velasquez, Marie Ortiz. Kirk Mosher. Fifth Row, Rose Valdez, Bob Fredrickson, Don Mcintosh, Garry Bell, Cynthia Johnson, Michael Ortega, Mike Gonzales, Kim Carpenter, Robert Martinez, Richard Gastellum, Patty Gomez, Gary Giron, David Romero, Gary Gonzales, Wayen Smyth, Jeff Alexander, Robert Tachau, Ken Sanchez. Sixth Row, Dan Black, Don Allen, Stanley Jones, Jerry Dixon, John Masters, John Oliver, Ken Roberts, Henry Borgrink, Mike Madrid, Buddy Palmer, Bill Peck, Lorenz Villa, Eric Ulzog, Steve Hiatt. Seventh Row, Gary Pontsler, Tony Montano, Gene Krupa, George Egbert, John Vigil, Keith McKenrick, Ken Davis, Don Brewer, Damon Zinn, Peter Doles, Bart Richards, Steve Stamets, David Deveraux, Sal Jaramillo, Phil Williams.


Symphonic Band

First Row (left to right), Becky Dill, Sherida Fly, ChĂŠrie Koch, Lydia Clark, Chris Borgrink, Lindsay Heer, Cynthia Stanhoff, Donna Gonzales, Nanci Garnand, Margaret Silver, Annette Dinan. Second Row, Tony Montano, Mary Shaw, Debbie Spring, Sally Hocker, Susie Loorais, Cathy Aragon, Lynn Vanderford, Warren Bauer, Raelyn Leifeste, Diane Petropoulos, Debby Geiger, Rikki Quintana, Janice Simpson. Third Row, Robert Martinez, Mike Gonzales, Michael Ortega, Garry Bell, Cynthia Johnson, Don Mcintosh, Bob Fredrickson, Rose Sanchez, Boyd Brinegar, Larry

Bell, Ricky Montano, Loretta Velasquez, Eileen Kirkpatrick, Mary Werner, Hal Fielding, Phyllis Jordon, Paul Hutchinson. Fourth Row, Ken Davis, Keith McKenrick, Gene Krupa, Kenny Sanchez, Don Brewer, George Egbert, Jerry Dixon, Stanley Jones, Dan Black, Joe Longshore, Donn Allen, Buddy Palmer, Roland Villa, Mike Madrid, Robert Tachau, Steve Peterson, Steve Hiat, Kirk Mosher, Gary Pontsler. Fifth Row, Mr. Pontsler, Phil Williams, David Deveraux.

Dance Band II

First Row (left to right), Joe Longshore, Dan Black, Don Allen, Jerry Dixon, Boyd Brinegar, Larry Bell, Ricky Montano, Eileen Kirkpatrick, Debbie Spring, Tony Montano. Second Row, Mike Gonzales, Michael Ortega, Cynthia Johnson, Garry Bell, Bob Fredrickson, Rose Sanchez, 198

Don Mcintosh, Sal Jaramillo, Richard Sanchez, George Egbert, Sally Hocker, Lydia Clark. Third Row, Gary Pontsler, Roland Villa, Buddy Palmer, Mr. Pontsler.

Dance Band I

First Row (left to right), John Masters, Lorenz Villa, Henry Borgrink, Cynthia Sheldon, Warren Bauer, Charlene Romero, Melody Pontsler, Carla Aragon, Dennis Baca. Second Row, Ken Davis,

Peter Doles, John Vigil, Sherida Fly, Kim Carpenter, Richard Castellano, Gary Giron, Gary Gonzales, David Romero.

Concert Band

First Row (left to right), Charlene Romero, Bart Richards, Debby ApO' doca, Tammy Ortega, Sandra Valdez, Diane Legitx, Erin Duran, Kathi Heidef, Suzanne Scham, Jenny Jones. Second Row, Deanna Beevers, John Mercer, Scott Bowen, Patsy Sisneros, Cecelia Martinez, Patty Ma drid, Annie Granillo, Valli Jenkins, Karla Klusner, Diana Romero, Maria Trujillo, Dorothy Villa, Beverly Bruce, Debbie Vigil. Third Row!

Lorenz Villa, Jeff Alexander, Bill Peck, Jerry Giron, Patty Gomez, Richard Gastellum, Kim Carpenter, Gary Gonzales, David Romero, Wayne Smyth, Eric Ulzog, Cynthia Sheldon, Mike Gomez, GĂŠraldine Pino, Melody Pons tier. Fourth Row, Mr. Pontsler, John Vigil, Peter Doles, Damon Zinn, John Masters, Robert Vail, John Oliver, Mike Ortiz, Ken Roberts, Henry Borgrink, Steve Stameds.

Varsity Cheerleaders Varsity Cheerleaders exemplify school spirit by going wherever the teams go; turning out in any kind of weather and cheering as whole-heartedly in defeat as in victory. This vivacious squad of dedicated, hard-working, and attractive girls inspire all Demon fans to support our team.

Karla Aland Donna Savage


Patty Rutherford

Judy Buchholz JoAnne Vigil

Margaret Ragle

Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders

Junior Varsity Cheerleaders give encouragement and support for the Junior Varsity teams. They devote time and energy to develop spirit routines, and spend hours in front of the bleachers leading the cheers. Frequently these girls go on to become next year's Varsity Cheerleaders.

JR. VARSITY CHEERLEADERS—Left (top), Erin Duran; (front), Evelyn Garcia. Center (top), Cindy Beadles; (front), Cindy Williams. Right (top), Terri Waite; (front), Angela Aland.

The Varsity Cheerleaders and their fan. 201

N I S.F.H.S. CHOIR: 1 to r, 1st row: Susan Edwards, Mary Kay Boulton, Vickie Davis, Cynthia Pilley, Gloria Velarde, Tammy Foss, Patricia Salazar, Carolyn Parker, Donna Gonzales. 2nd row: Bonnie Blair, Lydia Mead, Connie Maxwell, Barbara

Michael, Cheryl Ellard, Karen Fox, Leslie Lovelace, Jackie Steele. 3rd row: Lee Peters, Grant Granger, Pete Von Lehm, Tollis Pompeo, John Oliver, Bruce Haase, Rolland Villa, Boyd Brinegar, Richard Sanchez, Paul Brown.

Choir and Madrigal Singers

Miss Gutierrez hears a flat note. 202

Outstanding blending of voices is heard in the Santa Fe High School Choir under the direction of Miss Marylinda Gutierrez. The Choir and the advanced Madrigal Singers present frequent public performances during the year to gain stage experience. A solid hit this year was "Charlie Brown". The group's technical excellence is shown through honors received in state and regional competition, reflecting the dedication and skill of both the singers and their director.

OFFICERS: Richard Sanchez, Vice-president, Lydia Mead, Secretary, Cynthia Pilley, Treasurer, Stephen Lopez, President, Miss Gutierrez, Sponsor.

"Singing Is Joy"

"The last song at Graduation" 203

Senior Class Officers and Powderpuff Led by the Senior Gass officers, the Class of 1972 had a memorable year. Their legacy to S.F.H.S. is a new sprinkler system for the newly landscaped areas of the campus. Senior class also fielded a highscoring, high-spirited powderpuff team.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS—(left to right), Kam Martinez, President; Pat Lopez, VicePresident; Felicia Lopez, Secretary; Rose Sanchez, Treasurer.

SENIOR POWDERPUFF AND COACHES—First Row (left to right), Lynette Martinez, Carmella Martinez, Debbie Lincoln, Kathy Martinez, Lourdes Perez, Felicia Lopez. Second Row, Lourdes Gomez, Patty


Gomez, Coach Tom Gonzales, Kam Martinez, Coach Richard Gonzales, Lori Tattershall, Marian Padilla.

Junior Class Officers Under the leadership of the Junior Class Officers, the Class of 1973 devoted its year to raising money for and putting on the Junior-Senior Prom. Concession stands, raffles, and effort paid off with "Imagine", a dance to remember.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS—Penny Ellis, Secretary; Karla Aragon, Vice-President; Janice Kempenich, Treasurer; Jacque Archuleta, President.

Student Council

Student Council, elected by their fellow classmates, works to broaden student participation in activities, provide a voice in campus affairs, and contribute to better communications and understanding between the administration, faculty, and student body. Student Council works continuously to help improve the school.

STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS—First Row (left to right) Conch Griego, Géraldine Pino, Nancy Long, Patty Bodolson, Margaret Silver, Kam Martinez, Rosa Gonzales, Kathy Archuleta, Bob Kelly, Ruben Griego. Second Row, Gina Fedcrici, Connie Keeran, Penny Ellis, Ginger Lein, Cheryl Beaty, Kerry Allen, Jacque Archuleta, Caroline Silver, Susie Gibbs, Pat Lopez, Blake Wilson. Third Row, Eddie Romero,

Audrey Quintana, Chérie Koch, Leslie Finch, John Kruech, Margaret Ragle, Bruce Piatt, Ella Arellano, Cindy Beadles, Karla Aragon, Eileen Vigil, Danny Pomonis. Fourth Row, Kirk Moscher, Steve Kahn. Emily Schneider, Jim Home, Patty Rutherford, Jerry Dixon, Tim Craham, Mike Farrell, Mike Ortega, Robert Tachau. Fifth Row, Larry Abraham, Paul Franke.




Class ^ ^ ^ H Sophomore officers and the Class of 1974 undertook the responsibility of building the biggest-ever Homecoming bonfire, topped with a unique architectural f e a t u r e . The scrappy Soph's Powderpuff team made a strong showing in the fall games.

CLASS OFFICERS: 1 to r: GĂŠraldine Pino, Mike Ortega, Carolyn Silver, Betsy Ellis.

SOPHOMORE POWDER PUFF AND CAPTAINS: 1 to r; 1st row, Connie Keeran, Cindy Beadles, Susie Gibbs, Carolyn Silver, Betsy Ellis, Aron Duran, Ginger Lien. 2nd row, Barbara Valdez, Leslie Ruiz, Gina Federici, Lisa Amedeo, Patty Bodel-


son, Leah Gutierrez. 3rd row, Dennis Millington, Jill Harenberg, Selma Aragon, Jo Ann Mustian, Nanette Greer, Nancy Long, Danny Pomonis.

Demons Tatler Staff Publishing the school newspaper is a major challenge to its staff, who seek to report the news, promote school spirit, establish community support, and foster creativity. The devoted Tader staff, sponsored by Mrs. Frances Ortiz, worked hard, long hours for this year's school paper; reporting the fortunes of Demon athletic teams, exploring trends in campus life, and generally keeping S.F.H.S. students informed.

DEMON TATLER STAFF窶認irst Row (left to right), Jennifer Zinn, Debbie Lincoln, Janice Kempenich, Jacque Archuleta. Second Row (left

to right), Margaret Ragle, Bernard Flhru, Patty


Junior Civitan

JUNIOR CIVITAN窶認irst Row (left to right), Debbie Allen, Susan Wcigand, Deanna Beavers, Damon Zinn, Cheryl Beaty, Roger Vergara, Karla Klucsncr, Leah Gutierrez, Patty Rutherford, Nanette Greer.

Junior Civitan, a student branch of the Civitans Club, has been busy in school projects and has assisted Civitans in many of die Club's community activities. Mr. Orlando Baca is the sponsor of the group on campus.

Second Row, Gregg Robinson, Mike Ogas, Waldo Armijo, Richard Gonzales, Joe Perkins, James Garcia, JoAnne Mustian, Mr. Baca.


"Of Cabbages and Kings" 208

The Drama Department's First Presentation: "Blood Wedding"

Theatrical productions under the direction of Mrs. Wendy Gray, found an enthusiastic audience at S.F.H.S. From "Blood Wedding", followed by "Charlie Brown", "Winnie The Pooh", "A Night of Experimental Theater" to the final "Of Cabbages and Kings", the Whimsical Players provided versatility, variety, and outstanding theater performance.


Demon Debs Pulchritude and precision maneuvers enliven Santa Fe High School activities and Demon games all year long through the close drill formations and presentations of the Demon Debs. This group of hardworking young ladies add to school spirit and p r o v i d e excellent entertainment.

OFFICERS AND SPONSOR—(left to right), Theresa Mondragon, Miss Begelspiker, Barbara Runer.

DEMON DEBS—First Row (left to right), Mary Jaramillo, Geri Romero, Shelley Vendetti. Second Row, Maria Witcher, Socorro Mondragon, Linda Salvo. Third Row, Anna Montoya, Arlene Tnijillo, Debbie Phillips, Chelle Hansen. Fourth Row, Carm


Mascareiias, Theresa Mondragon, Theresa Quintana, Sandra Maes, Franci Lury. Fifth Row, Elaine Sena, Barbara Runer, Ann Umholtz, Barbara Griego.


D.E.C.A.窶認irst Row (left to right), Margaret Chavez, Donna Casados, Vickie Turnbeugh, Theresa Garcia, Mary Quintana, Mary Anaya, Elvina Maes, Laura Flores. Second Row, Pedro Gallegos, Irene Jemez,


F.H.A.窶認irst Row (left to right), Eileen Garcia, Lucille Romero, Mary Ruth Marlines, Diane Garcia, Marie Lopez, Martha Ortega, Margaret Valdez, Doris Mares, l i s Sandoval. Second Row, Helen Vigil, Diane Vigil, Giselle Ordonez, Lorraine Sena, Cathy Alire, Kas Sullivan, Nora

D.E.C.A. is a National organization of students who combine learning and actual work on the job during their school time. D.E.C.A. students learn practical methods and gain experience toward their vocational goals in this valuable program. The active D.E.C.A. group at Vo-Tech is sponsored by Mr. Tom Gardiner.

Patsy Sandoval, Ramona Beckan, Mark Dunbar, Vince Pacheco, Patty Sweeney, Christine Valdez, Karen Childers. Future Homemakers of America at Santa Fe High sets worthy objectives for its members: to encourage a growing appreciation of the joys and satisfactions of homemaking, to encourage democracy in home and community, and to further interest in the field of Home Economics. Club sponsors are Miss Sandoval, Mrs. Hopper, and Mrs. Fitch.

Dean, Georgette Romero, Patty Sandoval. Third Row, Miss Sandoval, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Hopper, Kathy Alvarez, Bernadette Garcia, Denise Madrid, Cindy Maxwell, Diana Ellenburg, Crystal Trujillo, Cathy Gonzales.


French Club The life, language, and culture of France are the special area of interest for the French Club members, who broaden their understanding and increase their appreciation of this country and its people with the dream of someday visiting it.

FRENCH CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Kathy Long, Steve Dworkin, Lauren Porter, Debbie Ortiz, Roberta McMillen. Second Row, Miss Greaves, Daria Placcio, Daniella Croce,


G.A.A.窶認irst Row (left to right), Carmelina Mascarenas, Magdalen Martinez, Michelle Miera, Carmella Martinez, Margaret Silver, Wanda Graham, Lou Anne Rodriguez, Gina Federici, Janice Kempenich. Second Row, Leah Gutierrez, Jana Hendrix, Olivia Pincheria, Audrey 212

Selma Aragon, Cindy Beadles. Third Row, Phil Williams, Victor Najjar, Boyd Mengis, Ernie Sanchez.

The Girl's Athletic Association members promote interest and actively participate in organized sports. Sponsored by Mrs. Bertha Mefford, the G.A.A. basketball team won the city championship, as well as defeating most other competition in G.A.A. events. These girls had an outstanding year of enjoyment and increased their physical fitness as a bonus.

Quintana, Felicia Lopez, Penny Ellis, Betsy Ellis, Cathy Martinez, Socorro Mondragon. Third Row, Kathy Garcia, Mardi Getz, Caroline Silver, Kam Martinez, Jill Harenburg, Anita Baxter, Lori Tatershall, Patty Gomez, Barbara Getz.

Grass Club Grass Club is Mr. Pedro Ortega's ongoing, one-man response to the need to landscape and beautify the S.F.H.S. campus. Grass Club members spend countless work hours laying brick, pouring concrete, spading dirt, in addition to planting trees, shrubs, grass, and flowers that encourage student relaxation and socializing between classes and the lunch hour. S.F.H.S. now and in years to come is indebted to this group and Mr. Ortega who cared enough to get busy.

GRASS CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Albert Olivas, Manuel Portillo, Gaby Cardenas, Tony Marquez, Gilbert Sosaya, J. F. Palermo, Richard Sena. Second Row, Ronny Delgado, Gilbert Ortega, Mark Scott,

John Miller, Charlie Martinez, Richard Bradshaw, Bob Benevidez. Third Row, Paul Romero, Anthony Sanchez, Mike Farrell, Bruce Stevenson, Martin Kuziel, Tim Graham, Dan Clay, Mr. Ortega.

German Club

German language students form the membership of the German Club, which focuses its attention on all things "Deutsch". Through effort and ingenuity, the German Club has won a prize for its Homecoming float the past two years. The club also won honors in language competition at Highlands University this spring.

GERMAN CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Carol Gee, Connie Maxwell, Lois McDermott, Linda Gordon, Stuart Rogers. Second Row, Jesse Williams, Ann Purtyman, Lydia Mead, Shannon Anderson, Robert

Tachau, Jan Mueller, Miss Foss. Third Row, Jerry Gonzales, Claudia Haas, Jenny Blankenburg, Jack Trigg, Babs Rochford, Jeff Dendy. 213

Key Club

KEY CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Steve Kahn, Steve Dworking, June Owens, Sherida Fly, Toki Yamada, Steve Pererson. Second Row, Jim Biava, Mark Miller, Victor Najjar, Robert Martinez, Cynthia

Honor Society


HONOR SOCIETY窶認irst Row (left to right), Lynn Vanderford, Theresa Hickey, Kathy Summers, Heidi Topp, Diane Petropoulos, Roselyn Cruz, Linda Salvo. Second Row, Nancy Quesenberry, Theresa Loftis, Eddie Romero, Jenny Blankenburg, Debbie Druktenis, Anna Marie

Key Club functions to help produce civic minded, responsible young men by requiring members to give of themselves in community _ improvment projects and helping others. On campus, Key Club provided the blue and gold painted trash recepticles. Faithfully sponsored by Mr. Arthur Newfield, character building is encouraged through positive effort.

Johnson, Bruce Piatt, Robert Tachau. Third Row, Brian Tucker, Don Mcintosh, Tony Montano, Mark Martinez, Charles Ewing, Richard Badsgard, Larry Abraham, Tim Graham, Eddie Romero, Mr. Newfield.

Scholarship, service, and leadership are the aim of the A.L.L. Chapter of National Honor Society members. Individuals accept the responsibility to maintain a high scholastic level while actively contributing to the ideas and objectives of school and community progress. The club's major social function was a membership picnic at Hude Park.

Lopez, Emily Franke, Tim Higgins. Third Row, Toki Yamada, Raelyn Leifeste, Phillip Runge, Bob Keeran, Mike Burton, Richard Badsgard, Robin Mitchell, Mark Martinez, Robert Tachau, Mrs. Germanas.

LETTER "S" MEMBERS—First Row (left to right), Tom Gonzales, Orly Viera, Greg Salvo, Donald Uroiste, Tony Marquez, George Rodriguez. Second Row, Peter Doles, Charles Ewing, Gregg Robinson, Robert Romero, Peter Betts, Mike Ogas, Henry Anaya. Third Row, Fran-

cis Chavez, Marty Sweeney, Richard Gonzales, Bonnie Griego, Waldo Armijo, Bob Keeran, Joe Perkins, Mike Garcia, Leonard Ortega. Not pictured, Buddy Palmer.

Letter "8" Santa Fe High's finest athletes, in a wide variety of sports, make up the lettermen of the Letter " S " Club, which is sponsored by Coach Jim Starr. Fund raising for worthy causes is a major activity of Letter "S". The club also holds the annual Varsity Ball in late spring for members and their dates. The members are joined by the Varsity Cheerleaders to make up one of the many active clubs on campus.

OFFICERS—Leonard Ortega, Vice-President; Richard Gonzales, Secretary-Treasurer; President; Bonnie Griego, Sergeant at Arms.

Bob Keeran,



NAVAL SCIENCE III窶認irst Row (left to right), Robert Martinez, Donnie Padilla, Fred Lucero, Gary Mulberry, Kenneth Davis. Second

NAVAL SCIENCE I窶認irst Row (left to right), Kenneth Davis, Charles Ewing, Blane Armstrong, John Zoltai, Frank Martinez, Jerry Gonzales, Steve Baca, Charles Maxwell, Jack Garcia. Second Row, Bill Peck, Ernie Sanchez, James Chriatianson, Gary Cowder, Ken Brown, Dwayne Alexander,


Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps not only work hard academically, but represents the school in inter-school drill competition, marches in parades, provides color guard for Demon games, and give the school a glimpse of the pride and discipline of Navy service in its annual Pass and Review ceremony.

Row, Rick Miller, Charles Ewing, Jack Trigg, Chase Ewing, Harvey Nutter, Jerry Gonzales.

Harvey Nutter. Third Row, Robert Kitchens, Florentino Garcia, Edward Hernandez, Donald Medina, Larry Vigil, Mickey Cowder, Joe Martinez, Leonard Montoya, Roger Garett, Pat Lopez, Robert Miera, David Scott, Brian Hefferman, Rick Miller.

NAVAL SCIENCE II窶認irst Row (left to right), Jerry Gonzales, Michael Gonzales, Chris Lopez, Lee Petry, Joe Valdez, Glen Hu-

NAVAL SCIENCE 1窶認irst Row (left to right), Kenny Brown, David Scott, Dwayne Alexander, Andrew Hernandez, Florentino Garcia, Robert Kitchens. Second Row, Harvey Nutter, Brian Hefferman, Jack Garcia,

ber, John Rupard. Second Row, Gary Gonzales, Paul Martinez, John Miller, Jim Algood, Karl Jarvis.

Charles Maxwell, Robert Miera, Don Medina, William Peck, Charles Ewing. Third Row, Leonard Montoya, Roger Garrett, Ernie Sanchez, Blane Armstrong, Kenneth Davis, Chief Wright.


PAN AMERICAN CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Susan Tereco, Pam Ramirez, Sandra Maes. Second Row, Mrs. Dinkel, Anna Lopez, Mike Ortega, Angie Albacez, Joan Montoya, Audrey Quintana, Patty Donnelly, Lilly Martinez, Rosemary Trujillo, Patty Newbury, Mr. Perez. Third Row, Mr. Lopez, Cindy Hamilton, Veronica Anaya, Debbie Apodoca, Patsy Leyba, Rosalie Martinez, Gloria Manzanares, Laurie Garcia, Helen Archuleta. Fourth Row,

OFFICERS AND SPONSORS窶認ront, Toki Yamada, Mike Ortega, Peter VonLehm, Patsy Sisneros, Laurie Garcia. Back, Mrs. Dinkel, Mr. Perez.


Anna Pacheco, Agnes Roybal, Lori Velasquez, Pat Gallegos, Angela Lovato, Toki Yamada, Sara Smith, Patsy Sisneros, Jeanette Muller, Marie Ortiz, Nanci Garnand. Fifth Row, Jan Bear, Wanda Catanach, Louis Aguilar, Peter VonLehm, Marcus Garcia, Maria Pena, Mimi Mengis, Diana Ellenburg, Emily Franke, Theresa Hickey, Gerald Gonzales, Rikki Quintana, Cindy Gordon.

Toki gives Cindy a pat!

Pan I American



Pan American Club, whose members are students in Spanish language classes, seek to broaden understanding and deepen cultural ties with Spanish speaking countries of the world. Highlight of the year is the annual trip to Mexico where classroom abstractions become a rewarding reality. Mr. Perez, Mrs. Dinkel, and Mr. Lopez are sponsors of the active group, which hosted a colorful Mexican dinner this spring.

Pan American Club members enjoy their Mexican dinner. 219

Para Manana Editors, Photographers, & Staff

Para Manana staff is responsible for photography, layouts, copy, and business management for die publication of the school annual. This book presents a unified, factual picture history of a year at S.F.H.S. that will provide memories and lasting pleasure. It is a year-long challenge where fun and frustration are the day to day experience of the staff.

PHOTOGRAPHERS—Larry LaVadie, Gina Federici, Paul Franke, Tony Leyba.

PARA MANANA STAFF—First Row (left to right), Orly Vieira, Adella Rael, Bernadette Sanchez, Michelle deGruyter, Leslie Fowler, Gina Federici, Paul Franke. Second Row, Sara Smith, Celia Harris,


Judy Montoya, Dolores Travis, Duna Strachan, Marilyn Mier, Sue Vigil. Third Row, Larry Rivera, Gary Graham, Tony Leyba, Larry Abraham, Mrs. Lois Franke (sponsor).

Para M a nana Staff Co-Editors Business Managers


Academics Sports Activities Senior Class Royal Blues Junior Class Sophomore Class

Organizations Advertisements


Orly works diligently at his typewriter. Larry enjoys a sucker while rummaging through contacts.


RODEO CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Lynda Valdez, Leslie Slade, Deana Wilson, Kenny Douglas, Candy Kane, Kathy Summers, Pam Hollen, Rosemary Slade. Second Row, Willis Burch, Danny Noel, Ken222

neth Horton, Robert Kitchens, Dave Morelos. Third Row, Mr. Rael, Larry Hidalgo, Mike Scott, Louie Meador, Larry Wilson, Charlie Scoggin, Steve Berghofer.

Never a Dull Moment for Rodeo Club!

The risks of competitive bronco busting, bull riding, steer roping, and barrel racing are the events for which Rodeo Club members train. Under Mr. Ben Rael, this group has won trophies across the state and held their own successful Rodeo here in Santa Fe. Strong, mutual interest in the club activities keeps these cowboys and cowgirls busy, and provides an additional area in school spirit.

SPEECH CLUB窶認irst Row (left to right), Steve Lopez, Toki Yamada, Dean Slade Amiday, Barbara Grossi, Kathy Archuleta, Michelle Holt, Debby Madrid. Second Row, Cindy Gordon, Roselyn Cruz, Chelle


Hansen, Bruce Piatt, Susie Gibbs, Pat Lopez, Mrs Hansen. Third Row, Joe Claussen, John Rupard, Jim Home, John Kreuch.

Mr. Olivas congratulates Chelle Hansen, first place winner in the Santa Fe Voice of Democracy Oratory Contest.

Speech Team

Santa Fe High School Speech Team has won numerous honors throughout the year. Speech Team members participated in tournaments at Taos, Los Alamos, Albuquerque, Hobbs and Cortez. Under the sponsorship of Mrs. Donna Hansen, the speech team this year was accepted for chapter membership in the National Forensics League and competed in the N.F.L. Tournament. The team also won the sweepstakes trophy at the Cortez tournament. H i g h e s t individual honors in the club were carried off by Chelle Hansen.

"Speech Qubbers Aren't Always Formal'


Candidates unfold their ideas to future voters.

Students consider views expressed.


Young Voters Assembly

A meet-the-candidates assembly for the 18 and over group of young voters at Santa Fe High was sponsored by Mr. Parker's senior English class. This information assembly explored the issues and brought thought-provoking questions and ideas out for students to consider. An overflow crowd indicated serious dedications to re' sponsible citizenship.

Serious discussions?

I'll vote a straight ticket.





Santa Fe High School Orchestra is a versatile group of talented instrumentalists, who have won high honors in music festival competition and high praise from audiences. Long hours of practice and the understanding and encouragement of the director enable the orchestra members to gain greater skill and builds increasing confidence with each successful performance.

ORCHESTRA MEMBERS窶認irst Row (left to right), Lynn Vanderford, Kathy Long, Bobbie Sue Gray, Daria

Placcio. Second Row, Ricky Loyd, Joe Clausen, Lawrence Garcia, Robert Jones, Mr. Kirk Roehm.




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Compliments of a

Demon Booster

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Star Lumber Co, The Building Center Griffin Santa Fe

Valley Gold Freshest taste from our New Mexico Farms 1404 Maclovia Santa Fe

Eberline Instrument Corp. P.O. Box 2108

Congratulations Class of '72 Santa Fe


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Sears Emergency Appliance Service Nights 130 Lincoln Avenue Santa Fe

KmtiidcM fried Ikiifon. 'Visit The Colonel' 1227 Cerrillos Rd.


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Bridals—Bridesmaids—Formais—Veils—Bridesmaids' Hats—Mother of the Bride 533 W. Cordova Rd. — Santa Fe

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Prescriptions—Sick room supplies—Cosmetics—CandyMagazines—Perfumes 501 College

Cutting—tinting—Permanents—Frosting 324 S. Galisteo — Santa Fe

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Party Supplies and Cards for any occasion—gifts, and Russell Stover Candies Coronado Shopping Center

Unusual imports—Gourmet Cookware—Museum Replica Jewelry San Francisco and JeffersonSanta Fe

Commonwealth Theaters Coronado Twins—El Paseo—Lensic—Pueblo

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"SINCE 1946"




Rebecca and Frank at a local shop

Santa Fe High Students Are Our Advertisers Best Customers"

Special Credits: New Mexican David's Studio

for generous use of photographs

Larry LaVadie Tony Leyba

for advertising photography

Larry Abraham

for Divider page design

Orly Vieira

for J. P. Casados Snow Sports Award


Wasn't It A Great Year?






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