Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1973

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Table of Contents Theme Campus Life Activities Academics Sports Royal Blues Classes Exchange Students Organizations Advertising Santa Fe Senior High School Santa Fe, New Mexico

'Open Up Your

And Wake Up...

Time Goes By In Such A Hurry

Why'd You Sit Around

And Worry

So You've Been Living Your Life In A Shell

Now The Time Has Come

To Break The Spell

m Everybody's Got To Shine


It's Just A Matter Of Time You Know

There's A Whole

New World

For You To Discover—-

Wake Up


Life Is Just A

Book Of P ages You've Still Got So Many To Fill In...


We were there... filling in another page during the year 1972—73. Twenty-three hundred students came each morning to the 200 acre Santa Fe Senior High Campus. They attended classes, met their friends, went to meetings, ate lunch in the cafeteria or at a drive-in on Cerrillos Road, and went away again at three. Some drove too fast on Siringo Road and heard the long, sad sound of the patrolman's siren. Some ditched classes, some smoked outside the smoking area, some waited on the bench outside Mr. Casados' office, some were suspended, some never went to school functions, some wrote on the bathroom walls. Some wondered why they had to go at all

But many more rode the faithful yellow busses, made new friends, learned new things, cheered for the team, were proud of the growing beauty of the campus. Many more joined clubs, won scholarships and trophies, found life interesting, helped with Demon Christmas, wrote for the Tatler, qualified for part-time jobs, grew in confidence and made school a fun place to be.


This was the year of: mud in the parking lot, the smell evacuation of C Building, the opening of the new Fine Arts complex, Mr. Rael's predicted 31 snowstorms that came true, Mrs. Loyd's car finding a new parking slot, Snowball coming late. This was the year of: The P.O. W. 's coming home and maybe peace at last. . . shorter haircuts on boys, longer skirts on girls, disappointment in football, triumph in gymnastics, the band working for Mexico City in May, traffic jams on snowy mornings— there were so many!— and the computer card attendance system. This is how it was . . . Our days and our lives were shaped and influenced by our school. The opportunity was there . . . what we made of it, only time will tell. The wind blew on our hill, and we were young and free to write another page.



An annual is a year ... a year in time and- a year in memories. An annual tries to show where we are now, in hopes it will inspire a wish to go further. This year raised many questions and provided few answers... life, as usual, was up to the individual. Underclassmen could procrastinate until tomorrow... or next semester ... or next year. But the seniors had to act, even though frequently they were not sure of the decision: service, jobs, college, marriage... drop out and think about it some other time? Each year poses a three-fold challenge in finding answers to 'the questions: where do I go? what will I do? who will I be?

The challenge to each individual is to use fully his talent, time and imagination to achieve his own standard of self-realization. Each year says: Go Somewhere! Do Something/ Be Somebody! Annual staff tried in the year 1972-73 and found the joy of doing! We hope you did, too.. t.J



Around the roaring flames of the Sophomore's bonfire, Homecoming activities were ignited in a flurry of excitement. Our annual Homecoming was ruled over by queen Caria Aragon and her court. Under the clear Thursday night sky, Juniors and Seniors joined in the traditional tug-of-war, exhibiting our school spirit and eagerness to win. Weeks had been spent building colorful floats and the Homecoming spirit refused to be dampened when rain fell on the Friday afternoon pre-game parade through the downtown.

Queen Caria Aragon

That evening the Demons smashed to a victory over the Albuquerque Academy Chargers 22—6. Following this success, Sweeney gym was the final stop for the annual Homecoming dance with music by "The Other Half" Band. Pride in our school and our team made the whole array of festivities a great event.


HOMECOMING COURT AND ESCORTS L to R - Liz Vigil, sophomore attendent, Tony Marquez, Phyllis Jordan, junior attendent, Ro Burttram, Tracy Barrett, senior attendent, Greg Salvo, Caria Aragon, Queen, Danny Bustos, Gloria Broadnax, senior attendent, Pete Trujil Lein, Junior attendent, Gregg Robinson, Cindy Alarid, sophomore attendent, Joe Salazar.

They got it in the end.

Fiesta Day

In accordance with the traditional Labor Day Santa Fe Fiesta com memorating the Spanish conquest of New Mexico, a Fiesta Day was spo sored at S.F.H.S. Mrs. Can and her fifth period English class staged t event, encouraging the whole student body and faculty to dress for Fiesta Many turned out in colorful and traditional costumes reflecting Santa Fe cultural history. Competition in several divisions was held with the winn of each receiving a prize, and a fun day was had by all the participants.

Fashion Show Seldom is S.F.H.S. treated to the grace and beauty displayed in a fashion show, but this year we had the pleasure of attending such an event. The staff of the Demon Tatler newspaper produced the late fall fashion show, using student body members as models. Local merchants furnished the apparel for the girls and the show was held in the newly constructed Fine Arts Building which provides excellent stage facilities. The successful show was under the direction of Mrs. Miriam Barck, sponsor of the Tatler.

20 . ÂŁ ÂŁ =


Gettin' hitched

Sadie Hawkins

In the


Each year a Junior Miss competition is staged in late November at Greer Garson Theatre on the College of Santa Fe campus. This contest is open to all high school senior girls throughout the city of Santa Fe. The judging is based on scholarship, beauty, poise, talent and an individual interview. This year, Miss Penny Ellis became the 1973 Junior Miss from the Santa Fe district. Miss Ellis, who attended Santa Fe High went on to compete for the title of New Mexico State Junior Miss.

Junior Miss, Penny Ellis

Junior Miss

Junior Miss Contestants

Queen Loretta Velasquez

Pan American Dinner Pan American Court, L to R, Vicki DeCastro, Theresa Gramajo, Loretta Velasquez, Donna Gonzales, Kim DeCastro.

A/r. Perez accepts an award.


This year's Snow Ball, sponsored by Santa Fe High School's Key Club, was held in Sweeney Gym. Multicolored streamers brightened the atmosphere and added a decorative background to the dance. Music was furnished by Brown Blood, one of the local bands. The 1973 Snow Ball Queen was senior, Cheryl Beaty. This festive event provided a welcome break in the midwinter snows. Queen Cheryl Beaty

Snow Ball

"73 skidoo! 24

Color my world happy


Was the music bad?

The magic of the holiday season came alive in our traditional Demon Christmas, held the evening before vacation began, and brought the best turnout ever. The celebration opened with flickering farolitos placed on walls and sidewalks by the decorating crew. The whole campus was a blazing array of lights which produced an enchanting spirit for all who attended. A student talent show was presented, using the library as the setting. Mike Ortega and Mary Shaw, the two main organizors of Demon Christmas, served as masters of ceremonies for the show. They were assisted by the timely arrival of Santa Claus. "I left the North Pole about 2 AM. "

Student Council sponsors this activity, encouraging all school clubs to participate. The entire student body is invited to attend and be active in the preparations. Demon Christmas provided a memorable opening for the holiday season and attracted favorable attention from the whole community and the news media.

Demon Christmas


A rejected angel.

A very demanding audience.

Womens Lib?

The Santa Fe High School Girls' Basketball Team, composed of sophomores, juniors and seniors was coached by Bertha Mefford. They had an almost undefeated season, losing to only Highland High School and Espanola. They participated m a sports day at Santa Cruz and received a third place. They also participated in St. Mikes' Rotation Tournament. All in all, the girls basketball team had a very rewarding season.

GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM, L to R: Back row, Socorro Mondragon, Peggy Hayden, Coach Bertha Mefford, Patty Bodelson, Penny Ellis. Front row-Cathy Martinez, Loretta Sosoya, Janice Kempenich.

Throughout the school year. Student Council sponsors many activitĂŠs for the benefit and interest of S.F.H.S. One of these activities is the homeroom basketball tournament. This year each homeroom that wished to try its luck organized a team. No junior varsity or varsity player was permitted to join a homeroom team. After weeks of keen competition and a playoff with Mr. Gill's room. Miss McCrary's homeroom came out ahead, defeating all other teams and winning the trophy.

HOMEROOM BASKETBALL CHAMPS, L to R: Steve Alire, Tony Marquez, Richard Burton, Gilbert Sosoya


CHEERLEADER TEAM L to R back row, Cindy Williams, Deaun Williams, Erin Duran, front row, Angela Alarid, Evelyn Garcia, Margaret Ragle.

Cheerleaders vs. Faculty Can you imagine one of your teachers playing basketball? Well, it happened at Santa Fe High! The six varsity cheerleaders challenged all women faculty to a game of basketball. The challenge was accepted and a team of faculty members was organized. The game was held in Sweeny Gymnasium on April 3. What a sight! Never were so many teachers and students seen on the floor at one time! After two hours of exhausting play, the cheerleaders defeated the faculty in an overtime.

Conine Najjar Instructs the faculty team.


We come to praise Caesar, not to bury him.

Roman Banquet Caesar Cardenas ruled over the Roman Banquet in splendor with his wife and all the royal office holders. Latin club sponsers this banquet in honor of many ancient Roman holidays celebrated in much the same way. The festivities opened with the sacrificial offering always observed at Roman celebrations. Slaves served food to the guests and high officials, while they enjoyed the splendid entertainment furnished by the wrestlers, gymnasts and several individual performers. The annual Roman holiday, run, as usual by Mr. Ortega, was an enjoyable event.

United Nations?

The Three Fates.

Serving nectar and ambrosia.



Queen Joyce Atkins

Naval Ball The 1973 annual Naval Ball and dinner was held at the Officers Club, Kirtland Air Force Base, East, on April 13. After dinner there was. dancing with a band until midnight. During the evening, the Navy Queen, a senior and two attendents, a sophomore and a junior were elected. The 1973 Navy Queen was Joyce Atkins, the junior attendent ChĂŠrie Koch and sophomore attendent Alice Vaidez. Captain Sanderson and Chief Wright were in command.

Just like Annapolis.

Kilkenny plays the Cookie Monster.

n Everybody loves to polka.

Hang in there Peter!

Varsity Ball Varsity Ball was held on a beautiful spring evening, April 28, at the new Hilton Inn Ballroom. Sponsored by Letter "S" Club, varsity atheletes, cheerleaders and their dates dined in style and danced into the early morning hours. In the elegant surroundings, this year's ball was one of the most successful and enjoyable in recent years.

Posed for the photographer.


A nd the band played on.

Why don't they bring the desert?

Well behaved chaperones.


Getting cinched up tight

This was a joy fui year for the wives and children of prisoners of war. Ex-prisoners were brought back to their loved ones after the peace treaty was signed. We were honored with the day-long visit of Colonel James Lindberg Hughes to Santa Fe High this year. He had been a prisoner of war for the last seven years. Colonel Hughes spoke to us on his beliefs and experiences while being kept captive as a prisoner and the strength that allowed him to endure the ordeal. He expressed his faith and pride in the United States and today's young people. We are all glad to see Colonel Hughes home. He is a symbol of the great courage exhibited by all prisoners of war. Welcome home Colonel Hughes!

Colonel Hughes Visits SFHS

Margaret interviews Col. Hughes.

Col Hughes speaks to the student body.


Juggling or imitating a dancer?


I feel great.

As a going away present to the seniors, junior class sponsored the annualJunior — Senior Prom, on May 4, 1973. This years prom theme was "Color My World". Sweeney Gym was the background for the fabulous dance with Red Weather West supplying the music. Beautiful multicolored streamers swept across the gym roof with a large blue and gold backdrop behind the band. Balloons in the form of a tunnel led the way to the dance. In view of all the laughter and smiles, the 1973 Junior-Senior Prom was the biggest, most successful dance of the school year.

Junior-Senior is a good place to see all your friends.

Where's the punch bowl?

Couldn 't they play it a little louder?

Emily wins the Barney Petchesky Award

Awards Assembly


Mr. Houtz gives an award.

To be or not to be?

Variety '73

Poor little me.

Class Night

The three stooges.

The Kenwood players were brought to us straight from Kenwood, Texas, thanks to our Student Council who made it possible for them to be here. The Kenwood players is a theatrical group designed to bring out the different levels of our American society, to foster understanding and respect. The student body responded enthusiastically to their skits and singing.

That old yearning and burning inside- no more chili for lunc


Pla yers

Take itfromthose who know.

The audience listened attentively.


The 1973 Baccalaureate Service was held on the windy afternoon of May 27 in the dramatic setting of the Indian Art Institute ampitheater. Invocation was given by the Rev. Paul Maughan and the Santa Fe High Choir led in the anthem. Speakers from the senior class gave the readings, with the sermon delivered by Fr. John Dennet and benediction by the Rev. Bernard Dougharty. The service was sponsored by the Santa Fe Ministerial Alliance and attracted a large crowd of graduates, parents and friends.

Senior week got to Glen

Picking up caps and gowns.

Give me cuts.

Mr. Sweeney gives a diploma.


They couldn 't wait.

Mr. Casados and Mr. Sweeney say farewell

On May 30, the graduating class of 1973 bid their last farewell to Santa Fe High. Commencement was held at eight P.M. in Sweeney Gymnasium. The class motto was: "Some men see things that are and ask why; I dream of things that never were and ask why not. " The chosen class song was: "You 've Got a Friend. " Class colors were: Turquoise and silver and last but not least class flower: White Rose. Speakers were graduating seniors, Jacquelyn Archuleta, Cynthia Steinhoff Robert Tachau and Gerald Dixon. President of the Student Council, Jerry Dixon presented Joseph Casados, Principal of Santa Fe Senior High. Ben Rael announced each individual graduate while Robert M. Sweeney, president of School Board gave out diplomas. The Santa Fe High School Band, dir ected by Clark Pontsler, played the processional and recessional. Seniors graduating in the upper ten percent were honored by wearing red tassels. The pride of each and every parent was seen in the many faces as sons and daughters marched up to receive their diplomas. The choir, under Marylinda Gutierrez, also performed at the graduation ceremonies.

A relieved graduate.

Oh no, it's my turn.

Mr. Casados and happy graduates.

Ushers at graduation.

Speakers and Dignitaries.

Seniors wait their turn.

Turning in caps and gowns.


Administration Yesterday you were a mere child and most of your problems were solved for you. As you grew older, under the careful supervision of your parents and teachers you gradually took on more responsibility as you laid the educational foundation of your life. Today you are a youth — young; eager to grasp opportunities; to give service; to think through problems with intelligence and wisdom; and to face life with courage and hope. Tomorrow? Who can say? Who can predict your impact on tomorrow's world? Come fame, come fortune, come what may, guard well your name and reputation because they are priceless. Best wishes to each and every GRADUATE and Santa Fe High student. Vaya Con Dios, JOSEPH CASADOS-PRINCIPAL JOSEPH CASADOS



Superintendant of Schools Phillip Bebo and the five members of the Board of Education carry the responsibility of curriculum, operation and financial management for the city's public schools. School Board members are, from left to right: Phillip Bebo, Superintendant, Joe Hernandez, Alice Daum, Robert Sweeney, President, and Gregory Salinas. Gilbert Martinez is not included in the picture.




Secretaries The never ending task of handling the bookwork, finances and attendance of the school is proficiently handled by Santa Fe High's staff of excellent secretaries.



Mrs. Wheeler trying to find where that penny went.

Counselors Emotional counselling as well as educational guidance is provided by the counselors. The guidance staff aids in registration of students as well, and administers the college board exams.





Language Arts

MIRIAM BARCK English, Journalism


LOIS FRANKE English, Annual EGLE GERMANAS English BILL GILL English, Humanities, Literature JANE GREY English, Speech

The English department, the largest department in the school, includes English II, III and IV, Drama, Reading, Humanities Speech, Studies in Literature, Journalism. Creative Writing and Annual. Students explore man's ideas through a survey of world literature and develop skills in the areas of writing, reading, speaking and research. Humanities classes persue the thematic units of Man and Justice, Man and Beauty, and Man and God. The drama classes produced a number of highly successful performances and the Santa Fe High School speech team won honors in state competition. The Journalism class publishes THE DEMON TATLER, and the Annual staff compiles PARA M AN AN A.


S.F.H.S. teachers stand out in the crowd.



ROBERT MICHAELSON Physical Science, English


In a "Grey " mood.




Congratulations were in order for Mr. Costin. CLIFTON PARKER English


BENRAEL English, Creative Writing


What would we do without substitutes?




JUNE BURKE Psycology

MASON COSTIN U.S., New Mexico and Southwest History



Social Sciences Man, his history and his relationship to the world around him are the major themes of the Social Sciences Department. U.S. History, American Government and Problems, Geography, World Affairs, New Mexican and Southwestern History, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology are included in this area of study. National and International affairs, and American national government are studied, as well as man's history in America from prehistoric times to present. In Psycology and Sociology students gain an understanding of human behavior and current social conditions.

Mrs. Joly with all the class projects graded.

DONNA RINGER U.S. New Mexico and Southwest History

FLOYD SNYDER Anthropology, U.S. History


FRED TRUSSELL U.S. History, Geography

GWENWATSON U.S. History, American Problems, World Affairs

Was it 1778 or 1877?


FIT emaf/cs

EUGENE ALLEN Business Math, General Math

THOR CHRISTENSEN Algebra, Geometry

ANTHONY DEINES Algebra, Geometry General Math DIANA DITRAPANI Algebra, General Math HARRY HOUTZ Math Analysis Trigonometry, Algebra, Geometry INEZ LOPEZ Geometry, General Math

Courses in Mathematics are offered in two broad areas. The first course of study is mathematics for every day living, and occupational oriented mathematics. The classes included a two year General Mathematics program. Business Mathematics and Shop Mathematics. The second area is college preparatory. This area includes Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Mathematical Analysis and Calculus. The mathematics department offers a variety of courses to cover a wide range of enrichment and callings.


Miss Ditrapani has a lot to smile about!

DONNA MCNAMARA Algebra, Geometry, General Math


BOBBIE O'CHESKY (Not Pictured) Algebra, Geometry, General Math

GEORGE PERFORS Algebra, Geometry, General Math

JESSE VISE Calculus, Trigonometry, Algebra, General Math

NORMA WRIGHT Algebra, Geometry, General Math


Science CLYDE FAUCETT Physics

HELEN FOSTER Biology, Advanced Biology


JOE M 1ER Biology

Yourfroghas TWO sets of intestines, not THREE!

No longer important only to those who plan to become laboratory scientists, the study of science concepts and processes is essential for all students, if they are to become effective citizens in today's world. Santa Fe High School's Science Department offers courses in Biology, Advanced Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics.


Registration is a real headache.

CORRINE NAJJAR Biology, Chemistry


JIM SENA Chemistry


As the world is brought closer together by today's rapid systems of transportation and communication, a knowledge of foreign languages is essential to an understanding of international attitudes and events. Spanish, Latin, German and French classes develop skills in the reading, speaking and writing of languages other than their native tongue, and obtain a knowledge of other cultures through the reading of literature from around the world. The active Pan American, Latin, French and German Clubs supplement classroom work. Pan American Club also takes an annual study and fun trip to Mexico.

Foreign Languages


GAYLEFOSS German, French

JUDITH GREAVES French U.S. History


PEDRO ORTEGA Latin, Cultural Awareness



Mr. Ortega thinks the Romans did it better.

Arts and Crafts




(Not pictured) PHIL KARSHISH Crafts


Self expression through different mediums and techniques is the basis for study in the arts and crafts classes. Carefully directed courses enhance creativity and acquaint the student with the wide range of methods and possibilities available to the artist. The displays of work from the Arts and Crafts classes are a pleasure for the entire school. Beginning artists obtain skilled instruction which, for the more talented, can lead on to a career in professional art work.

Maybe we should try Chorus instead? 65

Music ERNIE MYERS Dance Band

CLARK PONTSLER Dance, Symphonic and Concert Band

KIRK ROEHM Orchestra

Instrumental and vocal music enrich the lives of students at Santa Fe High School. Voice production, the theory of music and various musical styles are studied by the Chorus I, II and HI classes, and Solo and Ensemble. The choirs perform in numerous concerts, the highlight of the year being the annual Christmas concert. The band courses offered are: Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Dance Band and Orchestra. This year the band attended a music festival in Mexico City, where they took a first place in competition. The band also appeared on state-wide television. Both the choir and the band attended the All-State Music Festivals, where they won individual and group honors. Choir also won high honors at the Durango, Colorado festival and produced the hit musical Variety '73 show.

And a-one, and a-two


BEVERLY COOKE Foods, Clothing

GLENDA HOPPER Family Living, Clothing

ELENA SANDOVAL Foods, Clothing

Home Economics

Courses in Home Economics are divided into five parts: Home, Arts, Clothing, Foods, Human Development and Family Living. Students involved in these courses learn the skills necessary to running a home as well as skills that can be used in the world of business today. The course of study includes instruction in sewing, cooking, interior design, cosmetics, human relationships and consumer education.

Broccoli spears in cheese sauce, I can hardly wait!



Physical Education is a subject in which the student participates in team and individual activities involving physical effort and control. The student's active participation involves the learning of skills, fundamental rules, and a basic knowledge, understanding and appreciation of each activity. Baseball, basketball, track, volleyball and gymnastics are some of the sports participated in by these classes which provide physical fitness and playing competency to enjoy leisure time.

Physical Education



Miss Mefford spots Beverly.



The girls won another drill competition.

The course content of Naval Science includes: Naval Orientation, Navigation, Leadership, Seamanship, Naval History, Drills, Electronics, Gunnery, Oceanography, Meteorology and Naval Vessels. This year for the first time at S.F.H.S. Naval Science classes were opened to include girls. The girls' drill team won top honors in state drill competition. The NJ.R.O.T.C. II and III classes traveled to San Diego where they participated in training operations at the San Diego U.S. Naval Base. The annual Parade and Review was held May 3rd. with Admiral Swanson as the reviewing officer and Col. James L. Hughes as speaker and guest of honor.

ROTC presents the colors for Pearl Harbor Day.

Mechanical Drawing JIM STARR Mechanical Drawing

Workable machine designs and house plans are the final product of long hours over the drawing board in Mr. Starr's Drafting classes. Students learn the intricacies involved in creating a clear pattern for construction of a finished product. Additionally, in long hours over the drawing board, they learn the patience and discipline necessary for success in any technical field. Coach Starr "draws" up the football plays.

industrial Arts

Skills which will enable the student to perform minor repairs and to learn the mechanical details of automobiles are taught in Mr. Gene Baca's Industrial Arts classes. A knowledge of tools and their care is also gained from this instruction.

GENE BACA Industrial Arts

Business Education

ORLANDO BACA Typing, Bookkeeping, Record Keeping

CAROLINA PERALTA Shorthand, Typing

Students in typing classes learn the basic typewriting skills: building speed and establishing continuity, proper business procedures, letters and composition at the typewriter. Advanced classes improve the skills necessary in the world of business. Shorthand classes learn the basic shorthand alphabet, forms, and skills necessary for dictation and transcription. Business Education prepares the student for employment in afield where jobs are always available.

Business Machines are complex.

Here's Joe Cool hanging around the Ad Building.

Driver Education

TROY GANN Driver Education

JOE J. MARTINEZ Driver Education

JOHN WARFIELD Driver Education

MAX WILCOXEN Driver Education

The Driver's Education classes are broken up into two phases of study: driver and traffic safety education, and first aid. Students gain experience driving, and learn the New Mexico traffic rules as well as traffic safety procedure. During the second semester students learn valuable first aid techniques.

Faculty dance school left, one two three, ba one two three.

But Mr. Martinez, I didn 't mean to drive through the wall of the Biology Building.



The vast S.F.H.S. Library provides a storehouse of knowledge in every conceivable subject. The dedicated staff, under the direction of Miss Iris Laycook, make the library an excellent place for study and research. The many beautiful displays in the library during the year are an enjoyable addition to school life. The library also provides audio-visual material for use in the classroom, as well as in the AudioVisual Room.


IRIS LAYCOOK Head Librarian

You owe a grand total of $49.36,

The S.F.H.S. Library.



The head custodians and a promising apprentice.

Dolores Fidel, serving as the head nurse for Santa Fe Public Schools, has one of the hardest fobs. This devoted, hardworking woman provides for the needs of students who become ill during school hours as well as administering the eye and hearing tests.

Providing hot breakfasts and lunches each day for the student body of S.F.H.S. is a difficult task. This job is excellently handled by the cafeteria staff who provide delicious meals for an extremely reasonable price. The staff also helps in providing meals for such school functions as Pan American Dinner. The able custodial staff at our high school keep the buildings and grounds clean and attractive. Added to the regular upkeep of the grounds and buildings, the custodians must also take care of crisis in plumbing, heating and numerous other systems essential to the school. Without their efforts the school would not be able to function. The cheerful, dedicated cafeteria staff.


The Santa Fe High Vocational—Technical School offers vocational and pre-professional training to students to provide them with the necessary skills to find and hold a job. A wide range of courses are offered through a dedicated staff of expert teachers who instruct in both theoretical and practical work procedures. Many students have the satisfaction of learning and earning at the same time through either coordinated work study programs, or simply obtaining a job on the basis of their individual capabilities. This school fills a long standing need for usable job training as well as functioning as a night school for adults who wish to acquire new skills or improve their present ones. The entire school takes pride in the acomplishments of the Santa Fe High VocationalTechnical School.


The Vo-Tech secretaries take a well deserved break.

MARY LANE Counselor "Ă

Business Academics EUGENE ALLEN (Not pictured) Business, General Math




Academic courses designed to be of maximum help to the technically oriented student are offered in this department. These classes include Business Mathematics, Business English, English III and IV, and U.S. History. These courses improve the prospective job seekers' abilities to communicate, evaluate relevant ideas and trends, and to be aware of legal rights and responsibilities.

Mrs. Oliver explains fundamentals.

Technical Assistants VIOLET ARCHULETA Dental Assistant

LILLIAN TENNYSON Nursing Assistant

CONNIE JOHNSON Preschool Education, Industrial Sewing

Introduction to Nursing exposes the student to basic nursing procedures such as taking blood pressure, temperature and pulse. This course also studies bed making, anatomy and vocabulary of medical terminology. In Dental Assistant courses the student goes into advanced laboratory and x-ray techniques and the basic business office procedures expected of a nurse.

After the registration rush.

Pre-School Education is for the student who feels he may be interested in the teaching field. Students are also trained for work in day care centers and other areas that involve the care of young children.


Business Education PRISCILLA BLEA Business Law, Office Machines

MABEL LUCERO Business Communications, Office Machines, Typing

JUDITH MAR TINEZ Shorthand, Bookkeeping

CHRISTINE CLICK Business Communications, Secretarial Procedures, Shorthand

TOM GARDNER Marketing, Co-op

All aspects of study for a career in the business world are included in the Business Education department. Courses included are: typing, bookkeeping, accounting and number processing, shorthand, business law and communications, clerical and secretarial office procedures, and office occupations co-op.

Business Education is fun.1


BILL Y RICHARDSON ORLANDO ROMERO Bookkeeping, Data Processing Typing Computer Programing

(Not pictured)

JAMES BRAD Y-Marketing, Co-op JACK WILSON-Office Occupations, Co-op

Dreaming of next year?

Also included in the Business Education Department is Marketing. Marketing classes study retail sales, the handling of merchandise and keeping inventories. Lend me the correction fluid. 79

Trade and Industry

Trade and Industry courses include: Auto Collision, Auto Mechanics, Building Trades, Dra Electronics, Graphic Arts, Horticulture, Industrial Cooperative Training, Machine Labor and Welding. These courses are designed to provide the student with skills necessary for com tition in business. Training is offered in a variety of fields to cover the interests and vocation students. Auto Collision classes learn the techniques of repairing a car-simple dents, spot p ing, upholstry, body maintenance and many others. Auto Mechanics cuisses learn the ba repairs and upkeep of a car. This course is for the student who has some intention of earning living in auto mechanics. Drawing classes are divided into three courses of study: Technical drawing, which teaches use of fundamental drawing instruments, Precision drawing which emphasizes advanced dra of surveys, etc. and Machine drawing which is a study of architectural detailsin homeplanni Electronics courses train students in electrical circuitry, resistance, capacitance, inducta voltage and current as well as the use of electronics in the fields of television, computers a circuit construction. Graphic arts classes learn the techniques of offset and letterpress prin line and halftone photography. Horticulture classes offer agricultural knowledge not only f those who plan to make agriculture their career, but also for those who enjoy gardening as hobby or just want to know how to take care of their lawn and gardens.

AL DIAL Welding

EDWARD FINE Horticulture


JOHNSCHMELZ Architectural Drawing Precision Drawing

(Not pictured)

BOBBY ANAYA-Graphic Arts OLIVER HOLMES-Auto Collision RICHARD MARANO-BuUding Trades MARIN MIER-Machine Lab POLO SENA —Auto Mechanics MARTYZELLMAN'-Electronics

Vo-Tech faculty turns out for registration.

ICT is a program providing vocational training on a part time basis for the high school student. This program consists of a combination of occupationally related classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Machine Laboratory prepares a student in the processes of machining mechanica parts. Welding classes study oxcetylene and arc welding. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to make sound welds in the different positions on all types of welding joints.

I wonder if he could build a house.

Building classes study the principles involved in blueprint reading, foundation work, framing, masonry, cabinetry, and an overview of related areas such as plumbing and electricity. Mr. Marano 's building class constructed an entire house this year. The open-house held in May was one of the highlights of the school year. g1



Below, a Demon displays his defensive skill while executing a tackle. At right is the football coaching staff, headed by Jim Starr, center, who is assisted by coaches Joe Martinez and John Warfield. An important factor in producing a noteworthy ball team is the coaching given, and Santa Fe High is lucky to have the services of these men.


Top Row: Ken Hastey. Dan Clay, James Ollien. Robert Southerland, Gabe Roybal, Cliff Tsosie, Pete Trujillo, Robert Burttram, Phil Bradford, Paul Mcintosh, Max Meyers, Steve Hare, Mike White, Peter Gurule. Second Row: George Theragood, David Mathews. Charles Dalton, David Romero. Mike Ogas, John Chavez, Dan Bustos, Dave Padilla, James Garcia, Gregg Robinson. Mike Ortega. Henry Anaya, Ralph Ortiz, Ray Rosales, Jim Sullivan, Third Row: Joe Salazar, Ben Sikkink, Jerry Armijo. Jeff Chavez, Tony Marquez, Greg Salvo, Joe Dean, Ray Gallegos, Charles Padilla, Dan Chavez, Mike Quintana, Allen Kossman. Phil Garcia.

7bp JĂŽovv: CoacA Mares, Mike Naylor, Chris Gonzales, Ben Sikkink, Max Myers, Ralph Ortiz, Peter Gurule, Mark Brown, Mike White, and C Wilcoxen. Second Row: George Theragood, Sam Gallegos, Alfred Quintana, Tom Padilla, Joe Maestas, Charles Anaya, Jeff Chavez, Ray O Shaw, Edward Duran, Jim Sullivan. Third Row: Dale Bohannon, Mgr. Bill Lockhart, John Hughs, Jeff Williams, Eppie Baca, Joe Maes, Tom Kim Ellerd, Joseph Dean, Arsenio Gallegos and Mariano Romero.

The Junior Varsity defeated every opponent they met to come up with an admirable 9-0 season record. The J. V. team, led by quarterback Jeff Chavez, played aggressively and competently to attain their perfect record. Above, Mike Ogas, No. 12, punts as Charlie Dalton, No. 22, prepares to block a rusher.

The undefeated season can be attributed, in part, to the hard work and long hours put out by the two devoted coaches. Max Wilcoxen and Mike Mares, above. At left a Junior Varsity player faces a three man tackle, with the aid of Mark Valerio 's blocking.


When Pete Trujillo was out for injuries Mike Ogas, No. 15, came through as a dependable backup quarterback.

The Demons ran up against a tough defence when they met ElDorado. Joe Salazar, No. 34, was a hard hitting tackle. His favorite victims were pass receivers. Gregg Robinson was quick on defensive plays.

The highlight of the season was on a cold, rainy night when the Demons out-maneuvered the Academy Chargers for a 21-6 Homecoming victory. The Deming Wildcats fell prey to the Demons early in the season and the Las Vegas Cardinals were defeated by a score of 56-0. The Demons lost to Farmington by a 60—0 margin.

The Boys Gymnastics Team came up with some outstanding gymnasts this year, four of whom placed in state competition. The able coaching of Chris Trujillo sparked the team to over-come some strong competition. To the left is Chuck Baca, the Demon's ring man, who placed 6th in state competition.


To the right: Roman Duran who won 4th in state on the parallel bars. At far right: Damon Zinn, the free exercise man, took 6th place in state.

Boys Gymnastics Team, left to right: Chris Cardenas, George Romero, Damon Zinn, Rick Romero, Mario Griego, Roman Duran, David Barke Kelly and Charles Baca.

Gymnastics is growing in popularity at S.F.H.S. and is enjoying an increasing amount of enthusiasts. The girls beat 12 of the 18 teams they competed against and took 3rd place in the regional meet. The girls' coach, Bertha Mefford, worked diligently with the team.

Girls Gymnastics team, left to right: Conch Griego, Gina Federici, Mgr. Carolyn Silver, Debbie Allen, Susie Perry. Back: Kerry Allen, Connie Keeran, Jackie Taylor, Cathy Ortega, Beverly Bruce, Jodie Lusk and Betsy Ellis.

The highlight of the season occured when the girls team, suffering from the loss of senior Kerry Allen due to injury, rallied to take first place in an invitational meet in Gallup. Several team members participated in the state: Beverly Bruce and Connie Keeran performed on the uneven parallel bars and Conch Griego competed in floor Exercise, balance beam and trampoline.

Demon wrestlers saw a lot of action this season, and distinguished themselves with consistent effort. To right is Greg Arzola, Shelly award and 138 division state winner. Below is Noel wrestling down his opponent. Below right is Marcus Medina.

Demon throws his man.


The Demon Grapplers, after only a relatively fair season, rallied to win 2nd place trophy in the district. Ken Hasty, Alex Correa, and Dan Valerio all took 2nd individually in this match. Greg Arzola, the team's star wrestler, took a first in this match and repeated his performance to win the state title in the 138 weight division. He was selected Wrestler of the Year for his outstanding ability and sportsmanship. Other top notch wrestlers include Ray Rosales and Marcus Medina. Marcus took a 3rd in district and 4th in state in his weight division.

Top Row: Greg Arzola, Ray Rosales, Paul Mcintosh, Kenny Roberts, Robert Sutherland, James Garcia. Front Row: Frisco Viera, Medina, Robert Jones. Dan Nod, Louie Sandoval. 95



This year's Demon eagers started the season with a win over Taos. The team began the season with a new coach. A greatly improved team took 2nd place in the Capital City Tournament in January.

A near block.

Gaby Cardenas, Bob Ortiz, Danny Bustos, Mike Padilla, Ray Gonzales, Pete Trujillo, John Montoya, Robert Burttram, Paul Romero, Paul M Gregg Robinson, Arthur Soveranes, Benny Chavez, Vince Gonzales. Front Row: Mgr. Kirk Mosher, Coach Al Armendariz, Mgr. Steve Alire.

The star of this year's basketball team was Bob Ortiz, No. 12. He made the all tournament team with his ability to score as much as 31 points in one game. Below, Bob shows his winning form.

Demons Take 2nd This year the Santa Fe High Demon Team displayed unusual strength in the Capital City Tournament. The Demons won in the first round, only to face a rugged Los Alamos team in the semi-finals. A high scoring second half led the Demons to victory. The Demons were awarded a second place trophy after being edged out by the Port창tes Rams in the finals.

The team's defence remained tough during the traditional Demon-Horsemen rivalry. To the left is the Demon defense at work against St. Mikes. Below left is Paul Martinez (No. II), fouled while going up for a layup.

Clear Shot for Bob. 101

The boys swimming team, lacking in manpower, was forced to enter each individual in numerous events. The swimmers, led by Coach Schmeltz, took a 3rd place at the Santa Fe Invitational Meet. Senior Steve Betts, who was encouraged by teammates Bret Daniels, Peter Doles and Robert Vail, proved to be a star swimmer. The boys won 5 meets while losing to 9 teams in dual competition. They took 3rd places at both the Sandia and Albuquerque Academy Invitationals. In the State competition at Portales, the team won 5th place.

Babs Rochford comes up for air.

Our girls' team, short on members this year, worked doubly hard and came through to win six out of twelve meets. The coach, Markley Lump/tins, drilled and encouraged the girls into a first class competitive team. Babs Rochford earned her Senior of the Year title as the team's top swimmer. Sophomores Wanda Sloman and Anne Burttram were also outstanding competitors. Patty Clanton, Chérie Koch, Mar/cay Popp and Patty Bodelson formed the diving team.

Markay pops one off the board.

Chérie shows diving form.

FTont row left to right: Carol Solomon, Theresa Grubbs, Cindy Mullings, Patty Clanton, Leticia Rhodes. 2nd row: Audrey Quint ana. Chérie Markay Popp, Diane Garcia, Wanda Sloman, Carlo Buchholz, Patty Lit/an. 3rd row: Anne Burttram, Patty Bodelson, Steve Betts, Bret Dan Chipper Johnson, Carl Spencer, Francie Copeland. Babs Rochford, Miss Markley Lumpkins. 4th row: Mr. John Schmeltz. Peter Doles, Robe Greg Baca, John Lautenschlager, Bill Wright. 103

TEAM Back row: Tim Higgins, Harold Martinez, Paul Franke, and coach Gunn. Front row:Randall Tucker, Terri Waite, Jill Harenburg, and Mark Miller.

Jill Harenburg, a Junior was this tennis team's top scorer. Jill, ceded first in state womens competition, lost only two matches of twelve the entire year. The coach, John Gunn, alternated Terri Waite and Tim Higgins for the No. 2 and No. 3 positions on the team. Paul Franke and Terri Waite were a tough doubles partnership to beat. Harold and Tim also were an efficient doubles team. The tennis season was wrapped up as the team fought it's way into the semi-finals, both the doubles and singles division in the district playoffs. The team won ten of 12 matches for an excellent season record.

The Demon Track team placed 4th in the District Meet, behind Los Alamos, Farmington, and Gallup. At the state meet. Sophomore David Sandoval ran the two-mile race in an excellant time of 10 minutes, six seconds. The Demon thinclads ended their season with a 4—4 record in individual meets.


Pete Trujillo, the workhorse of the team, was selected Senior of the Year in track. He excelled in long and short distance running. Mark Brown, a sophomore, ran the hurdles. George Theragood and Doug Jones high jumped. George jumped 5'8" in the Capitol City Meet to capture 1st place in that event. David Sandoval and Jerry Herrera, both cross-country recruits, ran long distance races, and Nick Home and Melvin Roybal ran the fast sprints.

TEAM Front row, L to R: Michael Gibbs, Pete Trujillo, Dan Garcia. Gary Wickham. Nick Home. Melvin RoybaL 2nd: Jack McDowel, Peter Gurule, Doug Jones, Jimmy Hambriel, George Theragood, Mark Brown. 3rd: Mike Smalling. Jeff Gladfelter, Jerry Herrera. Ricky Anaya. Kenny Kossman, Coach Slavador Perez. 4th: David Sandoval. Gregg Robinson. Phil Bradford, Joe Maes, Pat Segura. David Romero. Top row: Coach Roberto Ortiz. 109

The 1972 Santa Fe High Cross country team capped off a good season by taking second place in the state meet. Under new head coach, Salvador Perez, the Demons did a better job than expected. Led by junior, Jerry Herrera, and sophomore, David Sandoval, the Demons varsity averaged second place per meet. The Demons upset Gallup for the Dist.-IAAAA title, and went on to finish second only to Las Cruces in the state meet.

Nick Home, Kenny Kossman, Russet Ward, Marcus Garcia, David Sandoval, Kurt Klemmer, Dan Garcia, Paul Darmitzel, Gilbert Vigil, Scot Jerry Herrera.


WHEREAS, Salvador Perez has brought honor to the City of Santa Fe through his citizenship and his coaching activities; and

WHEREAS, Salvador Perez has distinguished himself by his sportsmanship both personally and through his teams; and WHEREAS, the youth of Santa Fe have benefitedfromthe teaching career of Salvador Perez; and WHEREAS, both Santa Fe High School and St. Michael's High School have been blessed with the presence of Salvador Perez,

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joseph E. Valdes, Mayor of the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico DO HEREBY PROCLAIM January 13, 1973 as: "SAL VADOR PEREZ DA Y" in Santa Fe and both St. Michael's High School and Santa Fe High School dedicate this Horsemen-Demon Game in honor of said Salvador Perez.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused t be affixed the official seal of the city of Santa Fe this 12th day January 1973. JOSEPH E. VALDES. MA i OR BONNIE LOPEZ, MUNICIPAL CLERK



Skiing, although not a school sponsored sport, is growing in popularity. More and more Santa Fe High students are flocking to the slopes every year, and this year was no exception as record crowds swamped the Santa Fe basin. Skiing's growing popularity at Santa Fe High can be credited, in part, to the school ski program which is organized through the public schools in cooperation with the Santa Fe Basin. Also, the extraordinary amount of snowfall, reaching a depth of 12 feet, attracted many new skiing enthusiasts. Jose Sena won skiing honors for Santa Fe High in competition.

Golfing developes skill and accuracy. James Oellien, a careful golfer contemplates his easy putt with the knowledge that comes with experience. To the right is KarlJarvis, the school's outstanding golfer, demonstrating his winning form.

The Demon Golf season was hindered by a long winter. Yet, despite setbacks, the team produced state golfers. Juniors Dennis Millington and James Oellien, and Senior Karl Jarvis were the backbone of the team, which was coached by Lenny Roybal. Golf is a sport that requires a good eye, a steady hand and long hours of practice.

Back Row, L to R: Coach Lenny Roybal. Ralph Ortiz, Karl Jarvis, James Oellien, Anthony Tapia. Dennis Millington. Danny Pomonls, Steve Belts.



The Demon Baseball players took a second in the district to Farmington. The Team won 17 of 23 games for a good overall season. Paul Romero played first base and pitched. Steve Fresquez, Steve Hare and Mike Ogas completed the pitching team. John Chavez held the teams top batting position with better than a .450 average.

Back row L to R: Coach Martinez, Greg Salvo, Steve Hare, Marty Sweeney, Paul Romero. Steve Fresquez. John Chavez, David erio. Coach Tony Salas. Front row L to R: Gaby Cardenas, Mike Ogas, Dale Bohannan, Jeff Chavez, Ramond Gonzales, Ivy Agui

Above: Gabe rounds the bases. To the right shows the dugout before the game.

To the left is Romero on the catch. Below left is Marty Sweeney during time out.



KERRY ALLEN Gymnastics, Student Council, Junior Gvitans Senior Class Treasurer.

CARLA ARAGON Band, Student Council, Sr. Class President, Jr. Class Vice President Homecoming Queen, District Student Council.

HELEN ARCHULETA Concert Band, Pan American Club, G.A.A., O.E.A.

JACQUE ARCHULETA D.A.R. "Good Citizen Award", Student Council, Junior Civitan, Junior Class President, Demon Tatler Co-Editor, Girls State.


GREGARZOLA Varsity Wrestling 3 Years, District Captain and State Champion, Junior Civitan.


STEVE BETTS Swimming Team 4 years, Letter S President, Swimming Team Captain, Student Council, Demon Tatler Sports Editor.


WANDA CATANACH Pan American Club, Honor Society, Science Club, Vice President O.E.A., Band, Who's Who in American High Schools.

VICKIE DAVIS Chorus, Latin Club, Grass Club.

JERRY DIXON Student Council President, State Treasurer N.M'. Assn., of Student Councils, Boys State, Kiwanis Youth Day Band.




SUSAN EDWARDS V.I.C.A., Madrigal Choir, All State Choir 12, 13.

MA UREEN FARRELL Kiwana 's Youth Day, Who's Who in American High Schools.

EMILY FRANKE Honor Society, Varsity Swimming Team, Pan American Club, Annual, Outstanding Teenagers Award, D.A.R. Award, Barney Petchesky Award.

BOB FREDRICKSON Symphonic, Marching, Dance Band I, All American Youth Honor Band.



DEBBIE GEIGER Who's Who in American High Schools, Symphonic Band, S.F.H.S. Twirler.

MIKER. GONZALES United States Senate Youth Program Delegate, National Honor Society, Boys State, Student Council, Band, N.J.R.O. T.C. Platoon Commander

TRISHA GRUBESIC F.F.A. Secretary Jr. & Sr. Years.

TIMHIGGINS Ragmisers, Key Club, Merit Finalist, Who's Who in American High Schools, "Ability Counts"Award, Tennis Team.


PAMELA HOLLEN Rodeo Club, V.I.C.A. Vice-President, I.C.T. & Dental Asst. Chapter.


GLENHUBER N.J.R.O.T.C. 3 Years, Junior Varsity Basketball, Annual Photography Staff, Chess Club.


BOYD MANGES National Merit Finalist.

SAM MARES Baseball, V.I.C.A. Sergeant at Arms, Student Council.

MARK MARTINEZ Key Club, Ski Club, Ragmisers.

PAUL MARTINEZ Basketball 2 Years, all Tournament Team, Varsity Baseball 2 Years, NJJLO.T.C 3 Yean, Annual Photography Staff.


CYNTHIA MAXWELL F.H.A. Treasurer,F.H.A. District Secretary, O.E.A.


DONMcINTOSH Swimming Team, Tennis Team, Key Club, Dance Band I, Symphonic, Marching Band.

KIRK MOS HER Band President, Marching, Stage, Symphonic Band, Boys State, Student Council, Varsity Tennis Team.

VICTOR NAJJAR Vice-President Key Club, French Club, Speech Club, Ragmisers.

JOHN ORTEGA Kiwanis Youth Day


VINCENT PACHECO Barney Petchesky Award D.E.CA. President

MARIA PENA Chorus, Ski Club, Foreign Student from Dominican Republic.

KEITH PIATT Key Club, Ragmisers.

MARGARETRAGLE Student Council, Varsity Head Cheerleader, J. V. Cheerleader, Editor Demon Tatler, Girls State, Honorary Letter S Member.

GREG ROBINSON Varsity Football, Basketball, Track, Boys State, President Staters Club, Letter S Club

BARBARA ROCHFORD Varsity Swimming Team 4 Years, German Club.



JOHNRUPARD Commanding Officer N.J.R. O. T. C., President Speech Team.

PA TTY R UTHERFORD Varsity Cheerleader, Girls State, Junior Civitans Secretary, Junior Miss-Miss Congeniality.

GREG SALVO Football Co-Captain 3 Years, Letter S Qub, Boys State, Ragmisers, Track.

MARGARET SIL VER Girls State, Marching, Symphonic Bands, Junior Civitans, Annual Staff, Student Council,


KA THLEEN SULLIVAN F.H.A. President, F.H.A. District Vice-President.

ROBERT TACHAU National Merit Finalist, Key Club President, Boys State, Honor Society, Valedictorian.

HEIDI TOPP Honor Society, Student Council, Girls State.

DOLORES TRA VIS Editor Para Manana.

KAREN TRUJILLO Speech Club, Student Council,



JUDY VIGIL F.H.A., O.E.A. President, O.E.A. Regional President.

SUE VIGIL Student Council, Annual Staff.


VALERIE WHITTED Phi Beta Kappa Awardtied First Place, Who's Who in American High Schools, Piano Scholarship from Muench Studios.


You 've Got a Friend When you 're down and troubled and you need some love and care and no thin ', no thin ' is goin ' right, close your eyes and think of me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night. You just call out my name and you know wherever I am III come runnin ' to see you again. Winter, spring, summer or fall all you have to do is call and I'll be there. You \e got a friend. Words and Music by Carole King Copyright 1971 by Colgems Music Corp.




y*. t .

» V - 4... J ,»<• . » . J ; , <•


Classes id*.



A bey ta, Jessica Acuna, Mike Adler, Tom Aland, Angela

It Was Our Year

Aland, Bernadette

Alejandro, Sandra

Alexander, Jeff

Alire, Linda Alire, Steve Allen, Debbie Allen, Kerry


Allgood.Jim Alvarez, Cathy Alvarez, Linda Anaya, Charles

Anaya, Debbie Anaya, Henry Anaya, Veronica Anderson, Shanon

O f what we leorn

Antuna, Tim

Apodaca, Anthony

Apodaca, Gilbert

Mr. Houtz gives a calculated answer 136

Apodaca, Irene Apodaca, Pauline Aragon, Caria Aragon, Judy

Aranda, Richard Archuleta, Helen Archuleta, Jacque Archuleta, Leroy

A lot is forgotten

Archuleta, Rita Archuleta, Yolanda Aringdale, Sherry Aringdale, Terry

Armijo, Jerry Armijo, Mark Armijo, Rachel Armijo, Theresa

Arellano, Louis Arrowsmith, Mark Arzola, Greg Atkins, Joyce


Atkins, Lynn Atmore, Willard Austin, Kirby Baca, Charles

Baca, Darlene Baca, Diana Baca, Kathy Baca, Kenny

Baca, Louis Baca, Mary Baca, Steve Bachicha, Delia

We hoped they'd close

Bailey, Patty Barbero, Dodie Barela, Charlotte Barrera, Theresa

Barrett, Tracy Barros, Ernest Bear, Jan Beaty, Cheryl



Beevers, Deanna Beiley, Cindy Bell, Larry Benavidez, Judy

Betts, Steve Blair, Bonnie Bliven, Anita Boulton, Mary Kay

Bowker, Robert Boyd, Malcolm Boydstun, Linda Braeutigam, Chris


Bransford, Ben Bransford, Helen

Bransford, Patty Brittain, Robert

Broadnax, Gloria Brown, Georgia Brown, Joe Buchholz, Judy

Bueno, Irma Burton, John Burttram, Robert Bustamente, Edward

Co/le ge night made us realize

Bustos. Danny Butcher, Richard Campbell, John Campos, Sandra


Cannon, Belinda Cardenas, Gaby

Carmen, Kit Carrillo, Fidel

Carrillo, Stella Carrion, Marion Carroll, Phillip Casados, Donna

Cata, Carol Catanach, Wanda C de Baca, Marian C de Baca, Paul

ow close we were

C de Baca, Ester Chacon, Cordy Chapparo, James Chavez, Benny


Chavez, Felix Chavez, Margaret Chavez, Shirley Chavez, Ted

ere ore many

Chism, Bobby Claussen, Joe Clay, Dan Coca, Linda

Conner, Mark

Copeland, Kay

Corazzi, Greg


Correa, Juan Correa, Maria Cross, Jerry Daeschel, Joel


among us.

Dalton, Jesse Daniels, Cheryl Davis, Vickie Day, Judy

Denninger, Cindy Devendorf, George Deveraux, David Dimas, Nina

Dinan, Annette Dixon, Diane Dixon, Jerry Dominguez, Helen

Dow, Flora Ducaj, Cathy Dunbar, Mark Duran, Adrienne


Duran, Angela Duran, Gloria Duran, Manuel Duran, Patricia

Duran, Rose Marie Dworkin, Steve Edwards, Susan Egbert, George

We oil were

Ela, Evan Ellard, Cheryl Ellis, Penny Enos, Cecelia

Escudero, Michelle Espinosa, Patsy Espinosa, Yvonne Farrell, Maureen

Feind. Theresa Felix, Ricky Fernandez, Mike Fielding, David



Fowler, Anthony Franke, Emily Fredrickson, Bob Fresquez, Elizabeth

in our own ways.

Frettem, Trudy Fry, Cathy

Gal legos, Angelo Gallegos. Art

Gallegos, Carlos Gallegos, Charles

Gallegos, Diana

Gallegos, Geneva

Gallegos, Gilbert

This seems

Gallegos, Lena Gallegos, Ray Garcia, Angela Garcia, Bernadette

Garcia, Dan Garcia, Debbie Garcia, Elizabeth Garcia, Ernest


Garcia, Evelyn Garcia, Juan ita Garcia, Lawrence Garcia, Leonard

Garcia, Linda Garcia, Lorretta Garcia, Phil Garcia, Steve

Garcia, Teresa Garcia, Viola Garnand, Nanci Garrett, Roger

like only


Gastellum, Richard Geiger, Debby Gentry, Lynn Gomez, Ron

Gomez, Theresa Gonzales, Cathy Gonzales, Dennis Gonzales, Donna


Gonzales, Doris Gonzales, Edie Gonzales, Gary Gonzales, Gerald

Gonzales, Gilroy Gonzales, Joe Gonzales, Melinda Gonzales, Mercedes

Gonzales, Michael Gonzales, Mike Gonzales, Paul Gonzales, Ray

Gonzales, Robert Gonzales, Rosa Gonzales, Rose Marie Gonzales, Theresa

Snowy trees

Goodnight, Owrlene Gordon, Linda Gorman, Robert Gosling, Craig


Graham, Kelly Gravel, Greg Griego, Barbara Griego, Conch

Griego, Dolores Griego, Eddie Griego, Mike Griego, Robert

Griego, Rosalie Griego, Rosanna Griego, Vickie Gruebesic, Thrisha

Gurule, Freddie

The '72-73


Gurule, Helen


Gurule, Patricia Gutierrez, Josie Gutierrez, Louis Gutierrez, Marie

Memories of Snowballs

Haas, Bruce Haase, Claudia Hamilton, Cindy Hansen, Bob

Hare, Steve Hawthorne, Robert Hays, Judi Heatherly, Mike

Heer, Lindsay Henderson, Sarah Hiatt, Steve Hicks. Kent

Higgins, Ten Hoffman, Brooks Hogsett, Debbie Hollen. Pom


Hollins, Frances

linger on.

Holmes, Shelly

Holmes, Wilbert Hoops, Pam Horton, Kenny Horton, Monica

Huber, Glen Hulse, Judy Immel, Roxanne Jacobson, Kathy

James, Debbie Jaramillo, Barbara Jaramillo, Elaine Jarvis, Karl


Jenks, Mary Jimenez, Irene Johnson, Bemethea Jones, Jan

Katz, Leo Kempenich, Janice Kennedy, Peggy Kerwin, Kathy

We thought the day

Kilkenny, Gerald Kilkenny, Richard

Kimbell, Anita Kirby, Mike

Kit tell, Jerry Klemmer, Kurt

Kossman, Allan Kossman, Kenny Kraut, Edward Kurz, Tom

Kuziel, Martin Lattes, Martin Lasater, Wayne Lee, Dennis

would never come.

Legits, John Lepard, Jameson Leyba, JoAnn Leyba, Ronnie

Lockwood, Bob Loftis, Teresa Logue, Bernie Long, Robert

Longshore, Joe Loomis, Susie Lopez, Anna Marie Lopez, Chris


Lopez, Peggy Lopez, Peggy Lorence, Linda Lovato, Andy

Lovato, Angela Lovato, Lorretta Loyd, Richard Lucero, Abel

Lucero, Bernadette Lucero, John Lucero, Lee Lucero, Mike

Tomorrow would

Lucero. Pat

Lujan, Joe

Madrid, Denise

Madrid, Mike

Madrid, Rosella Maes, Chenny Maes, Sandra Manges, Boyd

a beautiful


Manzanares, Rosalie Marcus, Mary Mares, Doris Mares, Marlene

Mares, Sam Marley, Walter Marquez, Beatrice Marquez, Joe


Marquez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Tony Arnold Celia Christine

Martinez, David Martinez, Dennis Martinez, Dolores Mercer, Frank

Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Fred Harold Jake James

Martinez, Jesse Martinez, Judy Martinez, Mark Martinez, Mary

Our parents supported us

Martinez, Mary Linda Martinez, Paul Martinez, Pete Martinez, Renee


Martinez, Richard

Martinez, Rick

Martinez, Robert

Martinez, Robert Martinez, Roberta Martinez, Ronnie Martinez, Rosina

to do our best.

Martinez, Rudy Martinez, Sophia Massey, Eddie Mattingly, Charlotte


Maughan, Denny Maxwell, Gndy McCauley, Peggy McDermot, Lois

It wasn't easy to choose

Mcintosh, Don McKay, Mary McKenrick, Keith Mead, David

Meador, Louis Meek, Kathy

Medrano, Richard Mendonca, Rocky

Michael, Barbara Miera, Michelle Miller, Mark Moberly, Sherry


Mondragon, Marty Montano, Angelina Montano, James Montano, Richard

our homecoming


Montez, David Montoya, Anna Montoya, Anthony Montoya, Barbara

Montoya, Beatrice Montoya, Frank

Montoya, James Montoya, Jerry

Montoya, Joan Montoya, John Montoya, Johnny Montoya, Johnny


Sen /or assemblies

Montoya, Judy Montoya, Judy Montoya, Leonard Montoya, Manuel

Montoya, Tom Moore, Karen Moore, Rick Mosher, Kirk

Moya, Stephanie Mueller, Jan Muniz, Floyd Muniz. Rick


Najjar, Victor Narvaiz, John Neel, Tracy Noakes, Janice

Noriega, Gilbert Old, David Olguin, David Olivas, Anna

were always


Olivas, Kathy Oliver, John Olson, Roy Ortega, Edwina

Ortega, John Ortega, Mike Ortega, Ramona Ortega, Raymond

Ortega. Rose Ortega, Tina Ortega, Viola Ortiz, Annabelle


Ortiz, Bobby Ortiz, Dariene Ortiz, Erlinda Ortiz, Jerry

Ortiz, Mardell Ortiz, Marie Ortiz, Pat Ortiz, Sally

Pacheco, Joe Pacheco, Mark Pacheco, Paul Pacheco, Roslyn

We tried to capture

Pacheco, Vince Padilla, Evelyn Padilla, Mary Padilla, Mike

Padilla, Mike Palermo, J.R. Peck, Eddie Peck, Phil


Peinado, Ernest

Pew, Maria

Perea, Dorothy

moments in time.

Perez, Marian Peterson, Steve Petry, Lee Piatt, Keith

Pttley, Cynthia Pinchera, Lya Pinchera, Olivia Pino, Dino


Poteet, Bonnie Praia, Margaret Quails. Audrey Quesenberry, Nancy

Quintana, Ester Quintana, Steve Rael, Bob Rael, Cecelia

Rael, Gilbert Rael, Virginia Ragle, Margaret Ramirez, Loy

Ramirez, Pamela

Once in a while...

Reed, Mike


Richards, Bart Rivera, Jude Robinson, Gregg Rochford, Babs

Rodriguez, Bobby Rodriguez, Dave Rodriguez, Julian Rodriguez, Marty

Rodriguez, Peter Rogers, Linda Romero, Christine Romero, Dorothy

Romero, Elaine Romero, Ernest Romero, Felix Romero, Georgette

we wan fed to be a/one.

Romero, Gilbert Romero, Gina Romero, Jo Ann Romero, Johnny


Caria lea1 us

Romero, Leonard Romero, John Romero, Lucille Romero, Lucille

Romero, Marian Romero, Mike Romero, Nina Romero, Pat

Romero, Patricia Romero, Paul Romero, Rick Romero, Rick

Rosales, Ray Rose, Paul Roy bal. Dennis Roybal, Frances

Roybal, Jimmy Roybal, Larry Roybal, Lillian Roybal, Ralph


throughout the year.

Rupard, John

Rutherford, Patty

Saiz, Kathy

Saiz, Martha Salazar, Joe Salazar, Patricia Salas, Debbie

Salvo, Greg Sanchez, Anthony Sanchez, Barbara Sanchez, Corine


Sanchez, Jeanette

Sanchez, Joe

Cap and gown

Sanchez, Kenny Sanchez, Liz Sanchez, Theresa Sandoval, Anna

Sandoval, Anthony Sandoval, Gerald Sandoval, Jenny Sandoval, Liz

Sandoval, Nina Sandoval, Ralph Sandoval, Rebecca Scham, Suzanne



Schaumberg, Peggy Scott, Mark Scott, Mike Sedlar, John

Segura, Pat Sellers, Gary Sena, Alice Sena, Cassandra



Sena, Felix Sena, Gil Sena, Jose Sena, Mario

Sena, Mike

Sena, Richard


Schafer, Debbie Silver, Margaret Simmons, Alicia Simpson, Janice

Slade, Leslie Smith, Lincoln Soltero, Julie Sosoya, Gilbert

Soto, Polo Sowers, Nancy Spencer, Elaine Spencer, Paul

Seniors were proud

Spillers, Valerie

Stands, Levi


Steele, Jackie Steinhoff, Cynthia Street, Heather Sullivan, Kathleen

Summers, Kathy Swartz, Patty Tachau, Robert Tafoya, Agnes

Tapia, Delfinio Tapia, Helen Tapia, Mike Tapia, Patricia

of their


Tapia, Tony Taylor, Pamela Tena, Linda Tercero, Susan

Terrell, Jack Topp, Heidi Torres, Judy Travis, Dolores


Trejo, Anna Trembley, Eddie Trigg, Linda Trout, Carlo

Trujillo, Antoinette Trujillo, Bernadette Trujillo, Crystella Trujillo, Eddie

Trujillo, George Trujillo, Karen Trujillo, Margaret Trujillo, Nestor

Trujillo, Paul Trujillo, Pete Trujillo, Phillip Ulibarri, Gilbert

We were always

Ulibarri, Kathy Urban, Dora Valdez, Gerald Valdez, Jimmy



Valdez, Joe Valdez, Margaret Valdez, Paul Valdez, Rose

Valenzuela, Veronica Vasquez, Anna Velarde, Gloria Velarde, Larry

Velasquez, Loretta Velasquez, Yvonne Vialpando, Loyd Vigil, Alma

Vigil, Dennis

in homework.

Vigil, Eileen


Vigil, Harry Vigil, Helen Vigil, Jessica Baca, John

Lost minute problems

Vigil, Judy Vigil, Larry Vigil, Marie Vigil, Sue

Vigil, Yolanda

Vomlehn, Peter

Waite, Terri

Weigand, Susan Whined, Valerie Williams, Debbie Williams, Jesse

Wilmott, Alice Wilson, Keith Wilson, Laura Winneberger, Chris

Wolfe, Nick Wood, Robert Wright, Terry Wylie, David

Yount, David

then we were gone ...


Abeyta, Adriene A beyta, Patty Abhold, Andy Addington, Terry Aguilar, Ivan Alarid, Marsha

Alarid. Paula Alexander, Dwayne A lire, Cathy Allen, Scott Alvarez, Diane Alvarez, Joe

Alvarez, Manuel Amadeo, Lisa

A nay a, Barbara Anaya, Diana

Anaya, Diane Annon, Timi

Juniors deliver school spirit

Apodoca, Debbie Apodoca, Florence Aragon, David Aragon, Selma Archibeque. Polly Archuleta, Agnes

Archuleta, Grace Archuleta, Pat Archuleta, Rebecca Archuleta, Rick Arm i/o. Rachael Baca, Angie


Baca, Cynthia Baca, Dennis Baca, Irene Baca, Jerry Baca, Linda Baca, Randy

Baca, Roberta Baldine, Jim Bangs, Brian Barela. David Barela. Johnny Barela. Ronnie

Barker, David Bauer, Warren Baxter, Anita Beach, Scott Beadles, Cindy Beard, Steve

Juniors are the best.

Beavers, Kim Beenhower, Cora Benevidez, Terry Blair, Sue Ann Bodelson, Patty Bodenner, Denise

Boissiere, Mary Borgrink, Cathy Borgrink, Chris Borrego, Bobby Boulton, Rita Bowen. Scott

Bowles, Joe Bradford, Philip Bran s ford. Henrietta Brewer, Clifford Brito. Eileen Brough, Anne


Brown, Paul Brown, Tim Brown, William

Bunting, Carta Burton, Ed Bustos, Jamie

i Byrnes, Scott Cardenas, Chris Cardenas, Eloy

A beautiful morning on campus.

Cardenas, John Carlisle. Debbie Carmen, Gene Carpenter, Kim Carrillo, Martha Catanach, David

Cericola, Sharon Chapman, Sandra Chappell, Dan Chavez, Arthur Chavez, Donald Chavez, John

Chavez, Joyce Chavez, Lupe Chavez, Mary A lice Chavez, Mike Chavez, Mike Chavez, Susan

Chavez, Walter Christianson, James Clanton, Patty Closson, Mark Cooke, Debbie Cooper. Doug


Cordova, Loyola Cordova, Stephen Corriz, Ernestine Corriz, Mark Cowder, Gary Cowder, Mike

Craig. Sid Croche, Daniela Daniels, Bret Darras, Frank Davis, Jimmie de Castro, Vickie

Dendy, Jeff Dietz, Howard Dill. Becky Dobyns, Step Dofflemeyer, Donna Doles, Peter

Dominguez, Bernadette Donnelly, Patty Dunham, Lori Duran, Erin Duran, Marian Duran, Pearl

Duran, Roman Duran, Sylvia

Earp, Carol Egan, Michelle

Ellis, Betsy Espinoza, Harry

Meet Metal Man.


Evans, Liz Farrell, Beth

Federici, Gina Fergus, Cory

Fernandez, Patsy Fly, Sherida

Three for the road.

Flynn, Bernard Foutz, Marie Fowler, Leslie Franke, Paul French, Janice Fresquez, Steve

Fry, Joann Fulgenzi, Charmaine Gage, Patricia Gallagher, Mark Gallegos, Benny Gallegos, Jerry

Gallegos, Marcus Gallegos, Patty Gallegos, Theresa Garcia, Cathy Garcia, Donald Garcia, Eileen

Garcia, Frances Garcia, Irene • Garcia, James Garcia, Jo Ann Garcia, Kathy • Garcia, Leah


Garcia, Leonard Garcia, Liz Marie Garcia, Lori Garcia, Marcus Garcia, Philip Garcia, Rita

Garcia, Susie Garcia, Tino Gatson, Lillian Gee, Dennis Getz, Mardi Gierat, Judy

We're number one.

Gilmer, Will Gibbs, Mike Gibbs, Sue Gomez, Daniel Gomez, Mike Gomez, Theresa

Gonzales, Dorothy Gonzales, Doug Gonzales, Gerry Gonzales, Laura Gonzales, Lorraine Gonzales, Lu Anna

Gonzales, Mary Jane Gonzales, Nancy Gonzales, Pita Gonzales, Philip Gonzales, Rosalie Gonzales, Tanya

Gonzales, Vincent Gordon, Cindy Gore, Roy Gose, Donald Graham, Gary Graham, Liz


Graham, Wanda Grama jo. Teresa Granillo, Annie Gravel, Joyce Greer, Nanette Griego, Bernardo

Griego, Frankie Griego, Phyllis Griego, Ruben Grimm, Janet Guillen, Michael Gunther, Steve

Gurule, Edwin Gutierrez, Consuelo Gutierrez, Leah Hale, John Hambrick, Jim Harenberg, Jill

Harms, Lise Harris, Celia Hastey, Ken Hawthorne, David Hays, Pat Hefferman, Brian

Heidel, Kathy Henderson, Chris Hendricks, J ana

Hernandez, Andy Herrera, Jerry Herrera, Larry

Herrera, Ted Hickey, Janice Hickey, Thecla

Higgins. Jim High tower, Debbie Hill, Janice Hobday, Roger Holder, April Hopping, Lyn

Home, Nick Housean, Fred Houston, Ralph Hutchison, Vickie Ireland, Betty Jackson. Greg

James, Vicki Jaramillo, Patty

Jaramillo, Sal Jasper, Kimberly

Jenkins, Valli Jimenez, Peggy

Juniors have that get up and go!

Johnson, Cynthia Jones, Gini Jones, Robert Jordan, Jenny Jordan, Phyllis Jungblut, Pam

Keeran, Connie Kelly, Bob Kepler, Diane Kerudly, Herman Kingsberry. Leonard Kitchens, Robert


Kloss, Peggy Kluesner, Karla Koch, ChĂŠrie Koroneos, Steve Lamb. Bill Landers, Lori

Lasater, Bruce Leal, Mary Le Bow, Vicki Legits, Diane Lein, Ginger Lerma, Lorraine

Leyba, Cindy Leyba, Precilla Lineberry, Paul Long, Kathy Long, Kenneth Long, Nancy

New year — new challenges.

Lopez, Anita Lopez, Crissie Lopez, Edward Lopez, Eva Lopez, John Lopez, Joseph

Lopez, Katrina Lopez, Leroy Lopez, Linda Lopez, Marie Lopez, Patrick Lovato, Carmella

Lucero, David Lucero, Debbie Lucero, Eileen Lucero, Karleen Lucero, Yvonne Ludi, Phyllis


Lujan, Ann Lujan. Bernie Lujan, John

Lujan, Larry Lujan, Lillian Luna, Coral

Luna, Sandra Lury, Francie Lusk, Lisa

Angie takes a break.

Madrid, Patty Maes, Lawrence Maestas, Dolores Maestas, Neddie Maestas, Rita Maez, Elvinia

Malczewski, John Manzanares. Gloria Marcus, John Martin. Eric Marquez, Elizabeth Martinez, Albert

Martinez, Anna Martinez, Annette Martinez, Arnold Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Bernadette Martinez, Cecilia

Martinez, Dale Martinez, Danny Martinez, David Martinez, Erie Martinez, Frances Martinez, Herb


Martinez, Irma Martinez, Lilly Martinez, Linda Martinez, Magdalen Martinez, Mike Martinez, Patrick

Martinez, Patty Martinez, Richard Martinez, Theresa Martinez, Tommy Mascarenas, Carmelina Masters, John

Mathews, David Mattingly, Philip Maxwell, Charles Mayer, Billy McBride, Regina McCormick, John

McCrory, Sue McDermott, Dirk McDowell, Jack Mcintosh, Paul McMillen, Robert McMillen, Roberta

Medina, Don Medina, Marcus Medina, Roxanne

Melchor, Debbie Mendoza, Valerie Mengis, Mimi

Mercer, John Merker, Lisa Merrill, John

Registration for next year seems to take a lot out of students. 187

Metcalf, Mike Mier. Marilyn Miera, Robert

Mignardo, Tony Miller, Joanne Millington, Dennis

Mais, Ken Moberly, Julie Mondragon, Socorro

Gee! Next year it will be us!

Montano, James Montes, John Montes, Patty Montoya, Belinda Montoya, Elizabeth Montoya, Emily

Montoya, Larry Montoya, Louie Montoya, Martha Montoya, Martin Montoya, Mike Montoya, Patrick

Moore, Keith Moore, Tom Mora, Andy Morelos, Dave Morris, Michelle Moulton, Joe

Moya, Veronica Mutter, Jeanette Mailings. Cindy Musgrave, Liz Mustian, Jo Ann Naranjo. Robert


Narvaiz, Dolores Nava, Debbie Naylor, Mike Newberry, Patty Nielson, Janet Nieto, Susan

Noel, Danny Noriega, Larry Norris, Tom Oellien, James Ogas, Mike Ordonez, Giselle

Friends -something



Ortega, Cathy Ortega, Elena Ortega, GĂŠraldine Ortega, Margaret Ortega, Martha Ortega, Mike

Ortega, Polly Ortega, Tammy Ortiz, Debbie Ortiz, Denise Ortiz, Jane Ortiz, Jimmy

Ortiz, Joe Ortiz, Lucille Ortiz, Merlyne Ortiz, Mike Ortiz, Mike C. Ortiz, Ralph

Ortiz, Tony Pacheco, Anna Pacheco, Charles Padilla, Charles Padilla, Dave Padilla, Genny


Padilla, Jackie Padilla. Joann Padilla, Tino Parr. Bob Payne, Judy Peck, Bill

Pelaccio, Daria Pena, Andy Pena, Harold Perea, Albert Perez, Loretta Perry, Susie

Time went by quickly.

Peters, Kate Phillips. Debbie Pino, GĂŠraldine Poehler, Sandra Polk, Melanie Polke, Patricia

Pollard, Jim Pomonis, Danny Pompeo, Jerry Pontsler, Melody Porter, Lauren Portillo. Anthony

Prada, David Quijada. Jose Quintana, Audrey Quintana, Cathy Quintana, Don Quintana, Grace

Quintana, Jeanelte Quintana, Mike Quintana, Rikki Quintana, Robert Rael, Adela Rael, Carole


Rael, Cindy Rael, Paul

Ramirez, Delia Richardson, Jan

Rios, Peter Ritch, Kathy

A couple of late comers.

Rivera, Christine Rivera, Eddie Rivera, Ernie Rivera, Jesse Rivera, Larry Rivera, Rosemarie

Roberts, Ken Roberts, Richard Robertson, Marilyn Robbins, Kricket Rodela, Tito Rogers, Stuart

Rodriguez, Debbie Rodriguez, Frances Rodriguez, Lou Ann Rodriguez, Lu Lu Rodriguez, Ruben Rodriguez, Thomas

Romero, Chris Romero, Cynthia Romero, Cynthia Romero. David Romero, David Romero, Diana


Romero, Eloy Romero, George Romero, GĂŠraldine Romero, Kenny Romero, Liz Romero, Mariano

Romero, Maxine Romero, Tricia Romero, Randy Romero, Steve Roybal, Debbie Roybal, Gabriel

Roybal, Gaby Roybal, Joseph Roybal, Larry Roybal, Leonard Ruiz, Leslie Runner, Gary

Salazar, Michael Salazar, Michael Salgado. Herb Sanchez, Carmen Sanchez, Dolores Sanchez, Edward

Sanchez, Ernie Sanchez, Gene Sanchez, Paul

Sanchez, Rachael Sandoval, Betty Sandoval, Debbie

Sandoval, Diana Sandoval, Jerry Sandoval, Maria

Phyllis, full of new ideas.


Sandoval, Patty Sandoval, Tim Sandoval, Vickie Scott, David Segura, Jeanette Segura, Lorraine

Sena, Albert Sena, David Sena, Debbie Sena, Lorraine Sena, Louis Senutovich, Brian

Juniors have the spirit.

Serrano, Cecilia Serrano, Rick Sewell, Amy Shaw, Mary Sieters, Debbie Silva, Debra

Silva, Joe Silver, Carolyn Simoni, Rosina Sisneros, Janet Sisneros, Oracio Sisneros, Patsy

Slade, Dean Slade, Rosemarie Smalling, Mike Snyder, Monica Spencer, Scott Solano, Terry

Sosa, Regina Sosaya, Eugene Southcrland, Robert Stamets, Steve Standaford, Debbie Stromberg, Barbara


Stumpff, John Swedenborg, Sigrid Tapia, Anita Tapia. Anthony Tapia, Joaquin Tapia, Mary Ellen

Taylor, Eric Theragood, Donald Thompson, Norman Tiemy, Robin Torres, Joe Torres, Melinda

'Secondsemester blues.'

Trujillo, Albert Trujillo, Arlene Tru/illo, Diana Trujillo, Joe ' Trujillo, Maria Trujillo, Mike

Trujillo, Phillip Trujillo, Rosemary Trujillo, Theresa Tsosie, Clifford Ulibarri, Anna Ulvog, Eric

Urioste, Carmen Urloste, Lorraine Vail, Robert Valdez, Arthur Valiez, Barbra Valdez, Debbie

Valdez, Mary Valdez, Rosalie Valdez, Sandra Valencia, Ronald Vanderford, Cathy Vargas, Liz


Vasquez, Margaret Velarde, Charles

Velarde, Mary Velasquez, Diana

Vergara, Roger Vieira, Joe

One of those days.

Villegas, Dominic Vigil, Annette Vigil, Debbie Vigil, Donna Vigil, Gilbert Vigil, John

Vigil, Lonnie Vigil, Marlene Vigil, Shirley Vigil, Victor Vigil, Dorothea Villa, Lorenz

Walker, Phyllis Walraven, Becky Ward, Peggy Ward, Russell Warner, Mary Lynn Watson, Leroy

Weidner, Marie Wheeler, Betty Wheeler, Mike Wheelock, Bernadette Wickham, Gary Wier. Pat


Williams, Cynthia Williams, De A un Williams, Donna Williams, Geri Williams. Phil Williams, Tom

Wilson, Blake Wilson, Charles Wilson, Deanna Wisenitner, Cari Woods, Elaine Wright. Debbie

Happiness, V3

Wright, John Wright, Mike Wuorien, Carolyn Yarmoff, Jory Yother, Susan Young, Alum

Zaenglien, Barbara Zinn, Damon Zinns, Jennifer Zoltai. John Zuniga. Teofllo

S.F.H.S. classes worked together

To Make 1972-73 a better year


A bey la, Sandra Alano. Ricky Aland, Cindeé Aland. Reina Alvarado, Carlos Anaya, Charles Anaya, Danny Anaya, Dolores

Anaya. Henry Anaya, Joe Anaya, Ricky Anderson, Debbie A podoca. Bob Apodoca, Nick Apodoca, Robert Aragon, Michelle

Aragon, Yvonne Archuleta, Connie Archuleta, Diane Archuleta, Jeanette Archuleta, Rick Archuleta, Vincent Arellano, Pricilla Armijo, Betty

Armijo, Çileen Armijo, Lilly Armstrong, Karen Armstrong, Steve Arzola, Mike Ashbaugh, Bill Austin, Carol Avilia.Jim Baca, Charlene Baca, Elias Baca, Eppie Baca, Gail Baca, Gilbert Baca, Gloria, Baca, Joseph Baca, Manuel

Baca, Mike Baca, Theresa Bachicha, Carol

Badsgard, Debbie Bailey, Laura Bailey, Tracey

Baird. Gregg Ballard, Charles Ban ta, Brooke

Barela, David Barela, Joe Barela, Julia

So this is Santa Fe High,


Barela, Mike Barela, Raymond Baros, Carol Basham. Donna Basset. Robert Beevers, Dale Benavidez, Barbara Benavidez. Raymond

Bewley, Shauna Bigelow. David Bisbee. Cathy Blagg, Wendy Blea. Ruby Bohannon, Dale Bond, Shawn Bookwalter. Barbara

Bowen, Amy Bowker, Shirley Boyd, Laura Branch, Caria Bransford, Carmella Bransford, Henry Bridge, Bunny Brito, Kathi

Broadnax, Joyce Bronner, Luanne Brooks, Bobby Broome. Brenda Brown, Carole Brown, Didi Brown, Mark Buchly, Shara

Buchholz, Caria Buchser, Christine Buchwald, Cheryl Bums, David B urrage, Pat Burrell, Tracy Burtram, Ann Bushrow, Becky

Bustemente, Guadalupe Bustos, Mary Bustos, Olivia

Byers, Gerald Byrnes, Mike Campos, Rebecca

Cannon, Sindy Carrillo, Marianne Carrillo, Martha

Carillo, Ruby Carrion, George Casados, Ellen

Monday morning blahs.


Cassidy, Debbie Catanach, Carmella Catanach, Mike

C de Baca, Joe C de Baca, Leonard C de Baca, Louie

C de Baca, Virginia Chambers, Charles Chaparro, Gregg

Chapman, Beverly Chavet, Selah Chavez, Debbie

Sophomores show Seniors the way. Chavez, Eliza Chavez, Jeff Chavez, Joey Chavez, Lawrence Chavez, Lawrence Chavez, Madaline Chavez, Melvin Chavez, Pat Chavez, Rudy Chavez, Vicki Chavez, Yolanda Christner, Gregg Cisneros, Jackie Clark, Cathy Contreras, Anthony Contreras, Lillian Cook, Allan Copeland, Francie Cordova, Clarita Cordova, David Cordova, Diane Cordova, Lawrence Cordova, Tommy Correa.Alex

Cruz, Florence Cruz, Patty Culberson, Cindy Darmitzel, Paul Daunt, Jill Davis, Donna Day, Andy Day, Diane Day, Jenny Dean, Joseph Dean, Linda deCastro, Kim Decker, Glenda Debt, Robert Delayo, Donna Delgado, Gary


Des Georges, Frank De Vargas, Bobby Diehl, Lesley Dietz, Julie Dixon, John Dixon, Rachel Dominick, Jodeane Doolittle, Debbie

Doty, Jan Dougharty, Danny Duran, Alfonso Duran, Anthony Duran, Chuck Duran, Edward Duran, Galen Duran, Lizzy

Duran, Virginia Edwards, Scott Ellerd. Kim Ellenburg, Debbie

Elliot, Antoinette Ellis, Chris Ellis, Mike Emert, Lanny

Enders, Jan Ernest, Beth Evers, Cindy Fallang, Vicki

Farrar, Vanessa Faus, Rachel Feather, Joe Felix, Phillip

Fergus, Richard Fielding, Robert Fitzgerald, Crispin Fleig.Jill

They stole our what? Flores, Louie Flores, Tony Flynn, James Foss, Gregg Fowler, Wendy Fulgenzi. Diane Gabaldon, Maurice Gage, Paula

Gallegos, Arsenio Gattegos, Danny Gallegos, Jerry Gallegos, Kathy Gallegos, Marcia Gallegos, Margie Gallegos, Robert Gallegos, Rosemary


Gallegos. Sam Gallegos, Theresa Garcia, Alfred Garcia, A rie ne Garcia, Atoclia Garcia, Becky Garcia, Cecilia Garcia, Darlene

Garcia, Dennis Garcia, Diane Garcia, Ferdinand Garcia, Floyd Garcia, Herman Garcia, Joann Garcia, Joann Mary Garcia, Judy Garcia, Lawrence Garcia, Lorraine Garcia, Patricia Garcia, Phil Garcia, Richard Garcia, Sylvia Garcia, Trina Garcia, Vincente Garnand, Scott Garret, Walter Gates, Sarah Geiger, David Gerhart, Kim Gibbs, Gail Gill, Kathleen Gill, Russel



Involved! Gladfelter. Jeff Glidewell, Rory Goldberg, Audrey Gomez, Carta Gomez, Dolores Gomez, Greg Gomez, Joyce Gonzales, Andrew

Gonzales, Angie Gonzales, Anita Gonzales, Anthony Gonzales, Chris Gonzales, Danny Gonzales. Dianne Gonzales, Frank Gonzales, Isabel Gonzales, John Gonzales, Judy Gonzales, Kathy Gonzales, Leonard Gonzales, Loretta Gonzales, Martin Gonzales, Patsy Gonzales, Raymond

Gonzales, Richard Gonzales, Rosemary Gonzales, Tom Gonzales, Vivian Gorman, Joseph Gorman, Peggy Gosling, Roland Grace, Herman


Graham, Martha Granito, Mariano Gregory, Kelly Gress, Steve Griego. Fernando Griego. Frank Griego, Larry Griego, Maria

Griego, Ray Grossman, Keith Gunn, Susan Gurule, Lawrence Gurule, Peter Gutierrez. Gilbert Gutierrez. Philbert Gutierrez, Richard

Gutterson, Clea Haase, Karen Haase, Scott Hamilton, Jean Hanna, Hal Hardy, Cheryl Hare, David Harmes, Leon

Harris, Roxy Hathaway, Karen Haydock, Joey Haydon, Peggy Hayes, Elizabeth Hedgecoke, Calvin Hiedel, Louie Heltman. Gregg Hendricks, Karaite Herbect, Theresa Herrera, Anthony Herrera, Danny Herrera, Joe Herrera, Larry Herrera, Loretta Herrera, Lupita

Herrera, Monica Hilly, Kathy Holgerson, Larry

Holmes, Gary Holmes, Glenn Honnycut, Kathy

Hoops, Martin Home, Cosme Home, Damian

Horton, Becky Hughes, John Ipiotis, Diane

Eat your heart out!

Jackson, Charles Jacquez, Mike James, Ellen

Jaramillo, Clifford Jasper, Susan Jimenez, Olivia

Johnston, Paul Jones, Doug Jones, Karen

Jorden, Mark Jowers, Loretta Kahn, Leroy

Just sign on the dotted line. Kavanaugh, Henry Kesler, Theresa Kiesov, Melanie Kingsolver, John Kirkpatrick, Mark Kirsten, Boots Kirsten, Dave Kitchens, Bunnie

Klemmer, Bobby Kloth, Ray Koroneos, Charles Koroneos, Katherine Kossman, Charlotte Kurz, Bob Kuziel, Frank Lake, Tammy Lara, Delia Laughlin, Debbie Lautenschlager, John Lawrence, Dee Dee Le Doux, Liz Lee, Brian Legits, Patrick Legits, Robert

LeRouge, Anthony Letcher, Anna Clare Leyba, Andy Leyba, Jeanie Leyba, Theresa Lin, Charles Lindsey, Donna Lobell, Norma

Lockhart, Bill Lockhart, Jolene Logue, Rosie Long, Bill Long, Pam Longacre, Roger Lopez, Anita Lopez, Dale


Lopez. Lopez, Lopez, Lopez, Lopez, Lopez, Lopez, Lopez,

Doris Frank Jose Judy Ralph Ray Richard Sandra

Lord, Pat Lorence, Eddie Lovato, Mary Lovato, Theresa Lucero, Anna Lucero, Caroline Lucero, Daniel Lucero, Darlene


Lucero, DeAnn Lucero, Eileen Lucero, Lorraine Lucero, Louella Lucero, Martin

Lucero, Mary Ann Lucero, Maureen Lucero, Michael Lucero, Ronnie Lujan, Cindy

Lujan, Daniel Luian. Debbie Lujan, Laura Lujan, Patty Lujan, Ronnie

Lusk, Jodie Macias, Dorothy Macias, Tammy Madrid, Dolores Maes, Joseph Maes, Mary Maestas, Joseph Maestas, Melvin

Maestas, Mercedes Maez, Leopaldo Mahonev. Vickie Mahon, Mitch Malone, Billie Manzanares, Lawrence Mares, April Mares, Clara

Mares, Denis Mares, Dolan Mares, Linda Mares, Philip Marquez, Richard Martin, Vivian Martinez, Alice Martinez, Andrea



Martine. , Andrew Martine: , Anthony Martinez, Arlene Martinez Barbra Martinez CathyMartinez Charles Martinez David Martinez, Francis

Martinez, Gene Martinez, Josie Martinez, Kathy Martinez, Leandro Martinez, Louise Martinez, Lydia Martinez, Mike Martinez, Mike R. Martinez, Pete Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Robert Martinez, Sandra Martinez, Susan Martinez, Victor Mason, Shelly

Maughan, Becky Mayer, Jeff Mayfield, Cheri McCraw, Pam McFarland, Jesse

McFarland, Linda Medina, Monica Medrano, Liz Melton, Kerry Manges, Joe

Meyer, Joni Miller, Ralph Montano, Arthur Montano, Joe Montano, Kathy

is a

ore course Montano, Yvonne Montez, Sharon Montoya, Andy Montoya, Dave Montoya, Jerry Montoya, Jimmy Montoya, Nora Montoya, Sam

Montoya, Theresa Montoya, Viola Moore, Chester Moore, Dale Moore, Robert Morelos, Maxine Morris, Pancho Moya, Gertrude


Moya, James Mulberry, David Munoz, Bobby Myers, Max Najjar, Norma Narvaiz, Daniel Neil, Kate Nelson, Margaret

Nielson, Marilyn Nieto, Christine Nix, Stephen Noel, Wayne Nutter, Kae Oguin, Danny Ojinaga, John Olivas, Mark

Oliver, Jerry O'Neil, James Orosco, Mary Jane Ortega, Barbra Ortega, Chris Ortega, Danny Ortega, Debbie Ortega, Donald

Ortega, Kathy Ortega, Mary Ortega, Steve Ortiz, Alfred Ortiz, Bobbi Ortiz, Charles Ortiz, Imogene Ortiz, Lorraine Ortiz, Pat Ortiz, Pete Ortiz, Ray Ortiz, Rumaldo Ortiz, Vivian Owen, Nancy Pacheco, Anna Pacheco, Eddie

Pacheco, Theresa Padilla, Anthony Padilla, Kathy

Padilla, Elena Padilla, Richard Padilla. Ricky

Padilla, Rosemary Padilla, Sue Padilla, Tommy

Paul Mike Payne, Charles Payne, Julie

Kim and Beverly at Demon Christmas


Pearce, Lynn Pearson, Tracy Pena, Dollie

Penner, Lynn Perea, Daniel Perea, Debbie

Perea, Gilbert Perea, Jerry Perea, Patricia

Perron, Tom Peters, Fritz Piatt, Pamela

Pond, Robert Popp, Markay Portillo, Tom Poteet, Patty Prada, Mel Press, Page Prosch, Barbra Quijada, Sara

Quintana, Alfred Quintana, Elizabeth Quintana, Lawrence Quintana, Leonard Quintana, Linda Rael, Anthony Rael, Ida Rael, Maria Randolf, Cathy Regensburg, Sheryl Richards, Dana Richmond, Sandy Rivera, Dave Rivera, Donna Rivera, Elaine Rivera, George

Rivera, Lucille Rivera, Pat Rivera, Steve Rivera, Vivian Rocha, Robert Rodriguez, Barbara Rodriguez, Bernadette Rodriguez, Berta

Rodriguez, Donna Rodriguez, Leonard Rodriguez, Melinda Rodriguez, Milton Rodriguez, Rudy Rogers, Cindy Romero, Carolyn Romero, David


Romero, David Romero, Debbie Romero, Elaine

Romero, Eleanor Romero, Fernando Romero, Fonda

Romero, James Romero, Jeanene Romero, John

Romero, Joyce Romero. Kathleen Romero, Kathy Romero, Linda Romero, Liz Romero, Louana Romero, Marshal Romero, Mike

Romero, Patsy Romero, Philip Romero, Ramon Romero, Ronald Romero, Steve Romero, Veronica Romero, Vivian Ronquillo, Donald Ross, Randy Roush, Kathy Roybal, Debbie Roybal, Melvin Roybal, Michael Roybal, Mike Roybal, Tom Russell, Leslie Saiz, Anna Saiz, Lucy Saiz, Paul Salazar, Ben Salazar, Linda Salazar, Mike Salazar, Richard Salazar, Ronnie Salvo, Cathy Sanchez, AI Sanchez, Alicia Sanchez, Diane Sanchez, Delia Sanchez. Lucille Sanchez, Robert Sanchez, Victoria Sandoval, Antonia Sandoval, David Sandoval, Louie Sandoval, Martha Sandoval, Martina Sandoval, Patricia Schaumberg, Mark Scrafford, Tracy

Saibner, Janet Segura, Debbie Sena, Christal Sena, Floyd Serrano, Joseph Serrano, Laverne Servis, Julie Sewell, Helen

Shaw, David Sikkink, Amie Sikkink, Bennie Sisneros, Arlene Sisneros, Patricia Sloan, Mary Sloman, Wanda Sobien, Pancho

Sosaya, Loretta Spencer, Carl

Spring, Darby Stacey, David

Staszewski, Georgia Stephens, Eddie

Sturgeon, Edward Sullivan, Jim

Surber, Joy Tachau, Paul

Tapia. Bernie Tapia, Ralph

Follow me boys.

Tapia, Ruben Tauche, Marie Anne Taylor. Debra Taylor, Greg Taylor, Jacque Taylor, Kirk Tercero, Tobv Theragood, George

SNOWSTORM NUMBER 83. Thomas, Bill Thomas, Britt Thompson, Marcia

Tierney, Lauren Trujillo, Ernestine Trujillo, Kathy

Trujillo, Lawrence Trujillo, Phillip Trujillo, Robert Trujillo, Thomas Tucker, Rendal Turner, Cindy Urban, Ted Valenzuela, Rebecca Valdez, Alice Valdez, David Valdez, Dolores Valdez, Henry Valdez, Joanna Valdez, Kathy Valdez, Yolanda Valente, Alan Valerio, Lucy Valeria, Mark Valerio, Patricia Vance, Billy Velarde, Jerry Velarde, Sandra Velasquez, Anthony Velasquez, Patty

Vieira, Mark Vigil, Adam Vigil, Beatrice

Vigil, Janet Vigil, John Vigil, Judy

Vigil, Kathy Vigil, Leonard


Vigil. Liz Vigil, Philip Vigil, Robert Vigil, Robin Vigil, Victor Viklund, Lonyta Visarraga, Richard Ward, Melody Ward, Wayne Warren, Scott Watson, Irene Weignand, Dana West, Margaret Wheeler, Melinda Wheelock, Mike White, Mike Whitehead, LaDean Whitlock, Mary Wickham, Liz Wickham, Robert Wilkerson, Mark Williams, Jeff Williams, Jeff Williams, Jimmy

It was over foo soon Williams, Judy Wilson, Melinda Wilson, Paula Wood, Debbie Woods, Kathy Worrick, Kathy Wright, Bill Wuoriner, James Yaager, Esther Yardmen, George Young, Jesse Yzaguirre, Andy Zafarano, Marcus Zapata, Helen Zone, Robert Zuniga, David



Joseph Francis Frank



^ H Exchange From Brazil Cleone Lopes Pompeu is a twenty-year-old exchange student from Fortaleza, Brazil. For the six months that she was in Santa Fe, Cleone stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Roybal. Cleone was a senior here, but in Brazil she goes to Normal School, an equivilant to our college, where she is studying to be a teacher. For Cleone, Santa Fe was quite different from Fortaleza. Fortaleza is much larger and has more skyscrapers and industry. School in Brazil is also different. Students attend school only half-days, and vacation is during July, December, January and February. Cleone has two sisters and one brother; Hilda, 26, Diana, 25, and Randal, 24. In an interview for the Demon Tatler, Cleone was asked "What do you like best about Santa Fe and the high school?" She replied, "I like the snow, because in Brazil I don't have any. At school J like the students because they are very friendly and the boys are nice. " Cleone was a positive addition to our campus while she was here and we wish her well.

1972-1973 Had Variety




Student Council Student Council functions to provide a forum where student wishes can be officially recognized and acted on. Council members, elected by the student body each fall, work to better communications with the administration and increase student participation in activities. Student Councils biggest event this year was hosting the state convention of student councils. Student Council consisted of roughly 60 members, a number of whom participated in exchange days with students from other state schools, and sponsored the traditional "Demon Christmas Under the Stars. " Sponsors were Mr. Sternberg, Mr. SchmeltzMiss McCrary, Mr. Baca and Mrs. Johnson.

STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS AND SPONSORS-First Row (left to right), Rosa Gonzales, Phyllis Jordan, Caria Aragon, Carolyn Silver. Second Row. Robert Tachau, Jerry Dixon, Kirk Mosher, Peter Doles, Sam Mares. Third Row, Mr. Sternburg, Miss McCrary, Miss Johnson, Mr. Schmelz, Mr. Baca.

STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS-First Row (left to right), Gina Federici. Laura Bailey, Margaret Silver, Diane Garcia, Patty Montes, Leslie Russell, Roberta McMiUen Norma Naf/ar, Michelle Egan. Debbie Cooke, Debbie Ortiz, ChĂŠrie Koch. Second Row, Robert Gallegos, Steve Quintana, Heidi Topp, Jodie Lusk, Reina Alarid. Lizzy Dunn, Maria Coma, Liz Vigil, Chrystal Sena, Penny Ellis, Margaret Ragle, Cassandra Sena, Janice Kempenich, Nancy Long, Debbie Ortega, Anita Lopez, Conch Grlego Rosa Gonzales. Third Row, Jill Flag, Kathleen Hilley, Donald Quintana, Cheryl Beaty. Erin Duran, Patty Rutherford, Mike Ogas, Jacque Archuleta, Peter Doles, Carta Aragon, Susie Gihbs. Mike Ortega, Donna Delayo, Carolyn Silver, Chuck Duran. Fourth Row, Blake Wilson, Robert Tachau, Ginger Lein, Bob Kelly, Anne Burttram, Kar Buchholz. Judy Buchholz, Tracy Barrett, Leah Gutierrez, Donna Williams, Mary Shaw, Dean Slade, Mary Lou Hopkins, Sue Vigil, Jerry Dixon, Rebecca Campos, Sam Mares. Fifth Row. Kirk Mosher, Ray Ortiz, Steve Peterson, Mike Ortega, Joe Salazar, Ernie Sanchez, James Garcia, Cindy Beadles, Patty Bodelson, Steve Bens, Celia Harris, Danny Pomonis, Step Dobyns.


G. A. A., sponsored by Miss Bertha Mefford, is one of the most popular clubs at Santa Fe High. Nearly all girls enjoy participation in sports and Girl's Athletic Association offers them a chance to practice and compete against other girls teams. Basketball and volleyball matches were arranged with other schools in the area, with G.A.A. girls winning top honors in the competition.

GAA.-First Row (left to right), Gina Federici, Magdalen Martinez, Audrey Quintana, Janice Kempenich, Carol Bachicha, Julie Payne, Theresa Pacheco, LouAnne Rodriguez, Olivia Pincheira. Second Row, Carolyn Silver, Connie Keeran, Phyllis Griego, Cathy Martinez, Penny Ellis, Peggy Hayden, Wanda Graham, Michelle Miera. Third Row, Rachael Dixon, Socorro Mondragon, Jill Harenburg, Terry Waite, Patty Bodelson, Caria Aragon, Helen Archuleta, ReginaSo/A sa, Cindy Beadles.

Ski Club With the finest snow conditions in decades, Santa Fe High Ski Club had an active year under the sponsorship of Mrs. June Burke. Strengthened by increased membership, the club practiced hard and participate in regional competitive ski events.

SKI CLUB-First Row (left to right). Bill Thomas Steve Dworkin, Diane Garcia, Cindy Hamilton, Nanci Garnand, Debbie Cooke, Anna Pacheco, Kathy Garcia. Second Row, Paul Tachau, John Kingsolver, Jeff Alexander, Phyllis Ludi, Joe Manges, Jeff Williams, Donald Quintana. Third Row. David Deveraux, Richard Gastellum, Keith McKenrick. Robert Tachau, Bob McMillen, Mike Byrnes, Mike Wright.


Organized or not, S.F.H.S. students had fun!

Ragmisers During the school year of 1972- 73 a group of senior boys joined together to form the Ragmiser Club. They appear at school functions and activities wearing their Ragmiser T-shirts for recognition. Their sponsor is Mr. Gill.

RAGMISERS-First Row (left to right): Steve Peterson, Tim Higgins, Keith Piatt, Mark Miller, Jim Higgins, Greg Salvo. Second Row: Don Mcintosh, Scott Fitzgerald, Joe Claussen, Victor Najjar, Mark Martinez, Gregg Robinson, Robert Tachau.

Senior Class Officers Senior Class elected officers for the 19 72- 73 year early in September. Those taking office were: Carla Aragon, President; Joe Salazar, Vice-President; Coach Griego, Secretary; Kerry Allen, Treasurer. As the official class gift to S.F.H.S., the seniors voted to replace with a larger, more easily visible set, the class change lights on the Library roof. This will assist students in not being tardy to class.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS-fleft to right): Joe Salazar, Vice-President; Carla Aragon, President; Conch Griego, Secretary; Kerry Allen, Treasurer.



Class Officers Junior Class began the 1972—73 year with the election of officers Gina Federici, President; Bob Kelly, Vice-President; Ginger Lein, Secretary; Mike Ortega, Treasurer. The Junior class sponsors, Mrs. Najjar, Mr. Mier, Mr. Karshish, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. McKee, and Mr. Wilcoxen, put much time and effort in fund raising and planning for the Junior—Senior Prom. As a result of efficient teamwork, the Class of '74 put on the beautiful formal dance, "Colour My World" in Sweeney Gym on the night of May 4. Graduating seniors and their dates were the honored guests at this affair.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS-First Row (left to right). Ginger Lein, Secretary; Federici, President. Second Row, Bob Kelly, Vice-President; Mike Ortega, Tre

Juniors decorate for Junior-Senior Prom.


I Class Officers New officers elected by the Sophomore Class for the 1972- 73 year were: Michelle Aragon, President; Ralph Lopez, Vice-President, Riena Alarid, Secretary, Liz Vigil, Treasurer. In October, the Sophomores put up the traditional Homecoming bonfire and also built a float for the Homecoming parade. Getting a head start, the Sophomores began selling candy as a fund raising project for the 1974 Junior—Senior Prom. Sponsor this year was Mr. Schmeltz.

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS-(left to right), Reina Alarid, Secretary; Michelle Aragon, PresidentLiz Vigil, Treasurer; Ralph Lopez, Vice-President.

Honor Society Honor Society had an active year. Formal and informal initiations were held for new members. The members held a book drive for the inmate's library at the penitentiary and made teaching aids for handicapped children's classes in SantaFe. Asa fund raising project, Honor Society worked the concession stand at the S.F.H.S. Rodeo. The club this year established a scholarship to be given to one of the Society's graduating seniors.

HONOR SOCIETY-First Row (left to right). Patty Clanton. Roberta McMillen. Debbie Ortiz, Conch Griego. Debbie Cooke. Trudy Frettem, Cynthia Johnson, ChĂŠrie Koch. Leah Gutierrez, Cynthia Steinhoff. Cathy Borgrink, Gina FedericL Second Row. Liz Graham. Robert Tachau, Cathy Ortega. Lisa Amedeo, Kathy Summers. Kathy Long. Heidi Topp, Mary Shaw, Nancy Long, Donna Williams. Mary Lynn Werner. Third Row. Nancy Quesenberry. Terese Lof lis. Bob Kelly. Keith McKenrick. Janet Neilson. Lynn Atkins, Becky Dill. RUM Qumtana, Susie Gtbbs. Fourth Row, Dirk McDermott. Scott Bowen. Robert Naranio. Bob McMillen, Ernie Sanchez. Gary Cowder, MuniMengis, Emily Franke. Phil Williams.


Junior Civiton Junior Civitan was one of the most active clubs on campus. With a wide variety of community activities accomplished for the Civitan Club of Santa Fe, Junior Civitan members rang bells for the Salvation Army money drive at Christmas time. They also put on two talent shows with the members performing at the hospital in Las Vegas and for the Civitans Club in Santa Fe. The club was invited to attend a Civitan convention, which was held in Scotsdale, Arizona in May.

JUNIOR CIVITAN OFFICERS-First Row (left toright),Patty Rutherfor Secretary; Debbie Allen, Treasurer; Cheryl Beaty, President. Second Row Ogas, Vice-President; Steve Baca, Chaplain; James Garcia, Sergeant at A


JUNIOR Cn'lTAiW-First Row (left to right), Jeannette Archuleta, Janice Kempenich, Karia Buchholz. Penny Ellis, Patty Rutherford, Debbie Allen, Delia Bachicha. Second Row, Karia Kluesner. Kerry Allen, Deanna Beeven, Jacque Archuleta, Greg Arzola, Cheryl Beaty, Margaret Saver. Third Row, Belinda Cannon, Robert Burttram, Judy Buchholz, Heidi Topp, James Garcia, Mike Ogas, Steve Baca, Dak Beevers.

Key Club

Key Club functions to help produce civic minded, responsible young men by urging members to give of themselves in community improvement projects and helping others. Key Club members, under President Robert Tachau, had a very busy year. They elected Key Club Sweethearts Karen Moore, Gina Federici and Barbara Bookwalter. Club members cleaned up the farolitos after Demon Christmas and organized the Snowball Dance which was held in January after numerous postponements due to conflicts with other activities. Under the sponsorship of Mr. Newfield, the Key Club ended the year with a trip to the regional Key Club convention in Arizona,

KEY CLUB OFFICERS AND SWEETHEARTS-First Row (left toright),Gina Federici, Karen Moore, Barbara Bookwalter. Second Row, StepDobyns, Robert Tachau, Victor Najjar, Steve Dworkin. KEY CLUB SWEETHEARTS-fleft to right), Gina Federici, Junior; Karen Moore, Senior; Barbara Bookwalter, Sophomore.

KEY CLUB-FPU Row (left to right), Dennis Garcia, Joe Afengis, Gina Federici. Barbara Bookwalter, Paul Tachau, Anthony Martinez. Second Row. Mr. Newfield. Damon Zinn, Chris Fitzgerald. Donald Quinlana. Peter Doles, Step Dobyns. Jim Higgins, Mark Brown. Third Row, Chuck Duran. Robert Tachau. Ernie Sanchez. Max Myers. Bob Kelly. Tim Higgins, Keith Piatt. Fourth Row, Keith McKenrick, Don Mcintosh, Mark Miller, Scott Fitzgerald. Victor Najjar. Mark Martinez. Steve Peterson, Joe Cuussen.


French Club French Club activities on campus this year included building a float for Homecoming and putting on a dramatic skit as part of the entertainment for "Demon Christmas. " French Club is dedicated to increasing awareness of the French culture and improving proficiency in the language. Funds for various projects were raised through candy and bake sales. Sponsors for the clubs' busy year were Mrs. Storrs and Miss Greaves.

FRENCH CLUB-First Row (left to right), Debbie Ortiz, Ginger Lein, Norma Najjar, Roberta McMttlen, Susie Perry Leslie Diehl. Second Row, Lisa Amedeo, Liz Graham, Elain Rivera, Carole Brown, Cindy Beadles, Janet Neilson. Thud Row, Gary Runer, Phil Williams, Ernie Sanchez, Dennis Baca, Bob McMttlen.

Chess Club

Chess Club members practiced continually against each other and any other opponents they could find during lunch or spare time The resulting skill enabled club members to win a majority of the matches they entered and place high in State competition. Faculty sponsors, Mrs. Norma Wright and Mr. Jim Sena played with and encouraged their group throughout the year.

CHESS CLUB-First Row (left to right), John Mercer, Ruben Griego, Bill Long, Larry Griego, Robert Fielding, Bob McMttlen. Second Row, Brooks Hoffman, Dale Martinez, Joe Feather, Chester Moore, Fritz Peters, Caff Brewer. Third Row, Robert Dein. Anthony Fowler. David Hawthorne, Caraig Gosling, Joe Valdez, Scott Bowen, John McCormick. David Kirsten.



The N.J.R.O.T.C. 's purpose is to teach students about the Navy and the military's role in a democratic society, to develop responsible citizens. To do this there is a coordinated three year academic program along with military drills. Besides the study program there are other activities such as a boy's and girl's drill team, the Annual Parade and Review, and the Naval Ball. The girl's drill team took first place in competition with all Albuquerque schools. A trip was taken to the San Diego area to observe naval life and operations at first hand.

NJ.R.O.T.C. OFFICERS-First Row (left to right), Phyllis Walker, John Rupard, Mike Gonzales, Jerry Kilkenny. Second Row, Glen Huber, Steve Baca, James Allgood, Gary Gonzales, Karl Jarvis.

NJ.R.O.T.C, 1st Platoon-First Row (left to right). Joe Valdez, Mike Gonzales. Johnny Romero, Chris Lopez, Patrick Lopez, Jerry Kilkenny. Second Row, Glen Huber, Captain Sanderson, Roger Garnit, Leonard Montoya, John Rupard, Karl Jarvis. Third Row, Lawrence Lucero, David Gurule, James A llgood. Steve Bac Gary Gonzales, Chief Wright


N.J.R.O.T.C., 2nd Platoon-First Row (left to right), Johnny Romero, Robert Kitchens, James Christiansen, Albert Perea, Patrick Lopez. Second Row, Robert Miera, Ernie Sanchez, John Zoltai, Roger Garrett, Steven Baca. Third Row, Don Medina, Leonard Montoya, Gary Cowder, Mike Cowder.

NJ.R.O.T.C, 3rd Platoon-First Row (left to right), Rosella Vialpando, Phyllis Walker, Carol Austin, Linda Gordon, Mary Valdez, Alice Valdez, Carolyn Lucero, Second Row, Debbie Williams, Charlott Kossman, Leonard Rodriguez, Judy Garcia, Eileen Lucero, Olivia Bustos. Third Row, Robert Bassett, Dale Martinez, Ruben Tapia, Tom Gonzales, John Hughes. Michael Lucero. Fourth Row, diaries Chambers, Frank Gonzales, George Carrion, Jesse McFarland, David Gurulejoe Valdez.


NJ.R.O.T.C, 4th Platoon窶認irst Row (left to right), Gerry Gonzales, Debbie Shaffer, Jenette Segura, Rachel Faus, Bunnie Kitchens, Cheryl Daniels, Elizabeth Quintana, Johnny Romero. Second Row, Diane Michalke, Debbie Lujan, Joyce Atkins, David Mulberry, Lynne Atkins, Susi Martinez, Anna Lucero, Jimmy Williams, Third Row, Walter Garrett, Charles Payne, Alfonso Sanchez, Robert Moore, David Shaw, Alfred Quintana, Greg Chaparro.

N.J.R.O.T.C.. 5th Platoon-First Row (left to right), Greg Taylor, Yolanda Valdez. Debbie Roybal, Janet Sisneros. Karen Haase. Vicki Chavez, David Rivera. Second Row. Frank Des Georges, Arleen Sisneros. Bunny Bridge, JiB Fleig, Judy Williams, Kathleen GUI, Robert Wickham, Glen Huber. Third Row Jimmy Montoy, Chester Moore. Poncho Sobien, Joe Feather, Clifford Jaramillo, Hal Hanna.


N.J.R.O.T.C, 6th Platoon-First Row (left to right), Vivian Ortiz, Rosemarie Gonzales, Maxine Romero, Lyn Hopping. Second Row, Fernando Romero, Scott Haase, Brian Lee, Larry Herrera, Gery Kilkenny. Third Row, Anthony Velasquez, Mike Ellis, David Geiger, Rodger Longacre, John Lautenschlager, Ray Ortiz.

F.F.A. The Santa Fe Future Farmers of America Horticulture chapter met the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month during the school year. Members of F.F.A. participated in the district and state F.F.A. judging competition in the horticulture section. Santa Fe's chapter placed seventh out of fourteen teams. Two members of the judging team placed as six and twelfth highest scoring individuals out of 42 people competing. The chapter operates a Ford tractor for hire to do farm and garden work to earn money for the organization. Members also wear official F.F.A. jackets to gain public interest and recognition for the club. F.F.A. members, with the help of their advisor Mr. Fine, plan to restore and beautify The Old Pecos Road park donated to the city of Santa Fe by the late Miss Amelia Elizabeth White.


F.F.A.-First Row (left to right), Larry Griego, Susan Weigand, Sarah Henderson, Trisha Grubesic, Frankie Griega. Second Row, Scott Haase, Ralph Roybal, John Hale, Steve Garcia, Mr. Fine.

Letter \\r+n "S S.F.H.S. athletes who have earned their varsity letter in a sport are eligible for membership in Letter "S" Club. Also included in the club, as honorary members, are the Varsity Cheerleaders. Letter "S" held fund raising projects, including raffling off the football used in the DemonHorseman game, with all proceeds going for football camp expenses. The annual Varsity Ball was held at the Hilton Inn in late April.

LETTER "S" OFFICERS-First Row (left to right), Gregg Robinson, Margaret Ragle, Greg Salvo. Second Row, Henry Anaya, Steve Betts.

LETTER "S "-First Row (left toright),Margaret Ragle, Jeff Chavez, Greg Salvo, Paul Darmitzel, Evelyn Garcia. Second Row, Erin Duran, Bemie Lujan, Steve Betts, Ben Sikkink, Charlie Dalton, Angela Alarid, Third Row, De'Aun Williams, Gregg Robinson, Mike Ogas, Max Myers, Cindy Williams. Fourth Row, Henry Anaya, Joe Salazar. 231

Choir Talent, hard work, concentration, and practice is what makes a topnotch choir. Miss Gutierrez, choir director, worked long hours with members of the choir to produce such fine entertainment in music as Variety Show '73, and the Choir recital assemblies in May. Choir combines fun with work and mixed both to travel to Durango, Colorado in April where they took highest honors at the regional music festival.


GIRLS' CHOIR-First Row (left to right). Bonnie Blair, Nina Dimas, Maureen Lucero, Patricia Salazar, Dorthea Villa. Secon Gloria Broadnax, Sandra Martinez, Rita Boulton, Kimberly Jaspar, Judy Montoya, Cathy Clark, Margaret West. Third Row, Blair, Debbie Romero, Melinda Torres, De 'Aun Williams, Tracy Burrell, Kathi Heidel.

CHOIR-First Row (left to right), Nina Dimas, Dorthea Villa, Bonnie Blair, Gloria Velarde, Susan Edwards, Cathy Fry, Tricia Salazar, Judy Montoya, Cathy Clark, Rita Boulton, Mary Kay Boulton, Cheryl Ellard, Amy Sewell, Melinda Torres. Second Row, Mary Ann Lucero, Linda Rodgers, Maureen Lucero, Kimberly Jasper, Gloria Broadnax, Kathi Heidel, Michelle Morris, Sue Ann Blair, Tracy Burrell, Debbie Romero, De'Aun Williams, Margaret West, Sandra Martinez, Cindy Culberson, Julie Service, Diane Trujillo. Third Row, Dolores Gomez, Doris Lopez, Veronica Moya, Adrienne Abeyta, Merlyne Ortiz, Lori Dengis, Cindy Evers, Martha Graham, Kathy Vigil, Manny Gonzales, Lolly Cordova, Mercedes Maestas, Janice Hill, Pearl Duma, Theresa Trujillo. Fourth Row, Karen Haase, Carmen Sanchez, Maria Pena, Nancy Owens, Anita Baxter, Chrispin Fitzgerald, Paul Brown, Peter VomLehn, Patrick Donnelly, Sandy Richmond, Tammy Lake, Anna Pacheco, Maria Rael, Becky Valenzuela. Fifth Row, Joseph Roybal, Brooks Hoffman, Mark Wilkerson, Stephen Linke, Larry Herrera, Joe Herrera, Danny Doughafty, Michael Metcaif, Jim Baldoni, Fritz Peters, Ralph Lopez, Steve Stamets.

MADRIGAL CHOIR-First Row (left to right). Miss Gutierrez, Susan Edwards, Peter VomLehn, Gloria Velarde, Paul Brown, Nina Dimas, Brooks Hoffman. Amy Sewell. Second Row, Mary Kay Boulton, Ralph Lopez, Michelle Morris, Steve Stamets, Cheryl Ellard, Michael Metcaif, Cathy Fry, Patrick Donnelly.


Destination: Durongo

(Photographs this page courtesy ofOtoir)

Variety Show 1973

ParoManono Photographers,


^ ^ 1

Confusion, papers flying, pictures underfoot, and a dependable few of the staff always goofing off But through layouts, type sizes and deadlines; the staff members who really cared worked overtime to record in pictures and words what the year 1972—73 was like for Santa Fe High School. For those willing to make the effort to get into it, putting the book together right was a challenging and rewarding experience.

EDITOR, Dolores Travis; Business Manager, Marilyn Mier; Photographer-in-Chief, Paul Fra

PARA MANANA STAFF-First Row (left to right), Ellen Casados, Adella Rael, Audrey Goldburg, Debbie Ortiz, Marilyn Mier, Carta Bunting, Vigil. Second Row, Mrs. Franke (sponsor), Dolores Travis, Gina Federici. Margaret Silver, Emily Franke, Leslie Fowler, Cindy Beadles, Cel Third Row, Paul Franke, Britt Thomas. Larry Rivera, Danny Pomonis, Mike Byrnes, Blake Wilson, Denis Mares, Glen Huber, Paul Martinez. N tured, Roger Vergara.

Para Ma nana I Staff 1973 Editor Business Managers Photographer-in-Chief Advertisement Photography Photography and Darkroom

Activities Academics Sports Royal Blues Senior Class Junior Class

Sophomore Class



PHOTOGRAPHERS AND DARKROOM ASSISTANTS-fleft to right). Paul Martinez, Paul Franke, Gina 1 Federici, Danny Pomonis, Glen Huber, Cindy Beadles. Not pictured, Roger Vergara.

Dolores Travis Marilyn Mier Emily Franke Paul Franke Glen Huber Paul Martinez Gina Federici Danny Pomonis Roger Vergara Cindy Readies Debbie Ortiz Ellen Casados Emily Franke Blake Wilson Larry Rivera Denis Mares Margaret Silver Marilyn Mier Sue Vigil Dolores Travis Emily Franke Marilyn Mier Celia Harris Debbie Ortiz Blake Wilson Adella Rael Ellen Casados Mike Byrnes Audrey Goldburg Britt Thomas Carlo Bunting Sue Vigil Celia Harris Margaret Silver Leslie Fowler Craig Gosling

Demon Debs The Demon Debs are a number of dedicated girls working together to instill school spirit. This group puts forth an effort to support the Demons. The Debs, sponsored by Miss Begelspiker, have been very active this year performing at football and basketball games. They, along with the band, have marched in numerous parades, including the Fiesta Parade and Homecoming Parade.

DEMON DEB OFFICERS AND SPONSOR-fleft to right), Arlene TrufUlo, Miss Begelspiker, Barbara Griego.

DEMON DEBS-First Row (left to right). Jeannette Archuleta, Dolores Madrid, Anna Pacheco, Cindy Lujan, Geri Romero. Second Ritch, Linda Garcia, Krickett Robins, Debbie Phillips. Third Row, Jeanette Muller, Barbara Griego, Arlene Trujillo, Sylvia Garci Sandra Maes. 238


Matmaids, a new organization and a new addition to the sport of Wrestling at S.F.H.S., was formed to provide support for the team by having this group of girls take over responsibility for equipment and serve as aides at matches. The presence of these girls at competition gives spirit and encouragement to the varsity wrestlers and helps stimulate interest in the sport. Sponsor for the Matmaids is Mrs. Cora Archuleta.

MATMAIDS—(left to right), Stephanie Moya, Rosemary Padilla, Linda Romero, Donna Basham, Mrs. Archuleta (sponsor), Sandra Abeyta, Melinda Rodriguez, Loretta Garcia, Melinda Torres.

Demon Toiler Stoff

Writing, rewriting, editing, and layouts, these are the work assignments throughout the year for the Demon Tatler Staff. The Tatler is published an average of twice a month. Mrs. Barck, sponsor, and the staff have successfully put together a paper filled with news of today, reflecting the interest and concerns of the student body. Margaret Ragle was editor.

DEMON TATLER STAFF-Fint Row (left to right), Alex Correa, Judy Payne, Loretta Herrera, Margaret Ragle, Raymond Martinez. Herman Grace, Tracy Bailey, Mrs. Barck. Second Row, Elaine Rivera, Rachael Armijo, Phyllis Jordan, Lesley Deihl, Tanya Gonzales, Linda McFarland. Jerry Baca. Third Row, BUI Long, Joe Valdez, SteveBetts, Laurie Dunham, Boots Kirsten, Bobbv De Vargas. Larry Holgerson. 239

PAN AMERICAN CLUB-First Row (left to right), Cecelia Serrano, Helen Archuleta, Donna Gonzales, Barbara Martinez, Patty Newbu Trisha Gage, Roxanne Medina, Linda Lopez, Leslie Russell, Susan Jasper, Teresa Gramajo, Judy Gonzales, Dolores Maestas. Second Lopez, David Catanach, Joe Pacheco, Loretta Velasquez, Linda Rogers, Nanci Gamand, Cindy Rael, Veronica Moya, Cordy Chacon, Ortiz, Jeanette Segura, Kathy Gonzales, Jerry Herrera, Mr. Perez. Third Row, Denis Mares, LouAnn Gonzales, Maria Pena, Patsy Sis Suzanne Scham, Elizabeth Montoya, Melinda Rodriguez, Sandra Abeyta, Kimberly Jasper, Kim DeCastro, Shirley Granger, Sylvia Dura Martinez. Padilla, Lydia Martinez, Patty Lujan, Maria Rael, Jean Hamilton, Mary Sloan, Anna Lucero, Rose Marie Duran, Mike Ortega. F Wanda Sloman, Jacque Taylor, Carolyn Romero, Sophia Martinez, Vicki LeBow, Vicky DeCastro, Patty Velasquez, Anita Baxter, ThĂŠ Gallegos, Diana Cordova, Carlo Gomez, Emily Franke, Mike Byrnes.

Pan American Club


The primary aim of the Pan American club is to enhance the comprehension and appreciation of Spanish through education and recreational means. The Pan American club sponsored by Mr. Perez, Mrs. Dinkel, and Mr. Lopez held a Spanish dinner in the early spring to honor the Pan American Queen, Loretta Velasquez. President Mike Ortega and members of Pan American club went on a memorable trip to Monterrey, Mexico the last week of April.

PAN AMERICAN CLUB OFFICERS AND SPONSORS-fleft to rightJ, Mr. Lopez, Miss Dinkel, Loretta Velasquez, Thrisha Gage, Audrey Quintana, Bernethia Johnson, Mike Ortega, Mr. Perez.

The Pan American Dinner enjoyed by faculty members.

F.H.A. -First Row (left to tight), Louise Martinez, Jeannette Archuleta, Leslie Russell, Trudy Frettem, Roberta Rodriguez, Donna Basham, Julie Payne, Theresa Pacheco, Lizzy Duron. Second Row, Miss Sandoval, Barbara Rodriguez, Patty Lujan, Rosie Logue, Kathleen Sullivan, Pat Cisneros, Darlene Lucero. Third Row, Mrs. Hopper, Debbie Roybal, Olivia Bustos, Eileen Lucero, Ruby Blea, Maria Griego, Audrey Goldberg, Rosemarie Gonzales, Debbie Doolittle. Fourth Row, Dolores Gomez, Diane Gonzales, Maria Rael, Denise Madrid, Kathi Brito, Chrystal Sena, Arlene Martinez, Cathy Martinez, Vivian Rivera.

F.H.A. Future Homemakers of America is an organization working for better understanding of the home and family. F.H.A. started the school year with the election and installation of officers. At Christmas the girls collected small gifts, which were sent to the State Mental Hospital in Las Vegas. Their fund raising projects included selling candy and cook books. F.H.A. is sponsored by Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Fitch, and Miss Sandoval. F.H.A. girls won numerous awards in state competition.

F.H.A. OFFICERS-First Row (left to right), Cathy Baca, Louise Martinez. Patty Lujan, Maria Rael Second Row, Kathleen Sullivan, Denise Madrid, Rosie Logue, Cathy Alvarez.

Band Twirlers Talented baton twirlers, Karla Kluesner, Debby Geiger, and Annie Granillo, added sparkle and entertainment with their high-stepping routines at the S.F.H.S. fall football games and band parades during the year. The excellence of these young ladies denotes hours of practice and skillful coordination with the Marching Band, programmed by the Twirler's sponsor, Band Director Clark Pontsler.

1972 Homecoming Parade.

BAND TWIRLERS-(left to right), Karla Kluesner. Annie Granillo, Debby Gieger. 243

Speech Club The Speech Club is dedicated to those students interested in refining their speaking ability through debate, dramatic interpretation and speech delivery. This year they represented Santa Fe High by participation in eight tournaments, highlighted by the tournament in Phoenix, Arizona. Through their many hours of practice, speech team members such as Elizabeth Hayes, Anthony Martinez and Corry Thompson were rewarded with first and second places in district and city competition. Miss Gray sponsored Speech Club and devoted much time to encouraging the speech team members.

SPEECH CLUB-First Row (left to right), Cindy Gordon, Audrey Quintana, Anthony Martinez, Cynthia, Steinhoff, Miss Gray. Second Row. Ruben Griego, Susan Gibbs, Carolyn Silver, Sara Quijada, Dean Slade. Third Row, Mike Byrnes, John Rupard, Joe Claussen, Steve Peterson, Mike Cowder.

D. E. C. A .


D.E.C.A. is a national organization which gives students on-the-job training gain experience for their chosen occupations. The studems devote time and effort to vocational programs under the sponsorship of Mr. Tom Gardener D.E.C.A. is a valuable organization for the student who's future lies in office techniques and occupations.

D.E.C.A.-First Row (left to right), Irene Jimenez, Frances Garcia, Kit Carman, Lucille Romero, Giselle Ordonez, Roberta Martinez, Debbie Roybal, Eileen Brito. Peart Duron, Evonne Velasquez. Second Row, Johnny Martinez, Loretta Perez, Beatrice Quintana, Maxine Romero, Annabelle Ortiz, Eileen Garda, Cathy Garcia, Mardi Getz, Mark Armijo. Third Row, Viola Garcia, Patty Martinez, Cathy Arellanes, Loretta Lovato, Terry Addingion. Alex Velarde, Patt Abeyta. Vince Pacheco. Fourth Row, Edwin Gonzales, Cathy Gonzales. Peggy Kloss, Larry Roybal, Mariano Romero, Andy Abhold, Pat Archuleta, Willard A tmore. Joe Rivera. David Loom is. Walter Marley.

Germon Club

Under the direction of Miss Foss, the German Club has had a very busy year. They put together an outstanding Homecoming float, and they participated in "Demon Christmas. " German Club made on last show ing at the Senior Class Night, per forming their version of "Little Red Riding Hood. "

GERMAN CLUB-First Row (left to right), Linda Trigg, LynnPearce, Linda Gordon, Larry Griego. Second Row, Miss Foss, Thecla Hickey, Shannon Anderson, Phyllis Ludi. Third Row, James Chapparo, Rikki Quintana, Babs Rochford, Jan Mueller, Norman Thompson.

Grass Club

Mr. Ortega and his Grass Club worked hard throughout the year to continue beautifying the Sa Fe High campus. Their goal was to extend the landscaping and they did so by laying a brick area around entrance of the Fine Arts building, and more planting of trees and shrubs around campus. Santa Fe H is steadily gaining a more pleasant atmosphere through the Grass Club's efforts, which are led by M Ortega's dedicated direction. Without him, our campus would be nowhere.

GRASS CLUB-First Row (left toright),Steve Peterson, Jock Taril, Rosemary Slade, Bobby Ortiz, Mike Padilla, Patsy Sisneros. Secon Row, Cathy Ortega, Patty Bodelson. Gaby Cardenas, Jeff Chavez, David Martinez, Mr. Ortega.


Spirit-headaches and heartaches, victory and joy, the Varsity Cheerleaders are all for the Demons no matter how the game goes. Ribbons, banquets, new faces, old spirit; they work for the next game ahead. The Cheerleaders, sponsored by Miss Grieves, made fifteen out-of-town trips this year, taking them to all comers of the state where the Demons played. The Varsity Cheerleaders challenged Santa Fe High's woman faculty to a basketball game which netted around two hundred dollars for the cheerleaders' fund and brought an evening of fun to the spectators. In a spring baseball game against local disc jockies, the girls and their opponents contributed proceeds to the March of Dimes.

Varsity Cheerleaders

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-First Row (left to right), Evelyn Garcia, Margaret Ragle (head), Angela Aland. Second Ro De'Aun Williams, Cindy Williams, Erin Duran.

RIGHT: Demons, Smash 'em!

ABOVE: The Varsity Six in top form

JR. VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-First Row (left to right), Patty Montes (head), Antionette Elliot, Berta Rodriguez. Second Row, Lizzy Duran, Pat Hayes, Marsha Aland.

Jr. Varsity Cheerleaders "Hey, hey, hustle . . . "and. that's just what "B" squad did. These girls cheered whole heartedly in victory as well as defeat. Active in all school functions, J.V. cheerleaders promoted spirit at S.F.H.S. Their sponsor is Miss Grieves.

ABOVE: J.V. cheerleader tryouts. RIGHT: B squad forms a train.

Santa Fe High School's

CONCERT BAND-First Row (left to right), Beverly Chapman, Cheryl Buchwald, Wanda Sloman, Cecelia Garcia, Kate Weil, Kathy Heidel, Mary Anne Tauche, Karl Kluesner, Annie Granillo, Gregg, Baird, Jill Daum, Thérèse Gallegos, Kathleen Gill Second Row, Gail Gibbs, Dorthea Villa, Valli Jenkins, Jean Hamilton, Maria Trujillo, Karin Hathaway, Michelle Aragon, Tracy Pearson, Francie Copeland, Selah Chavet, Amy Bowen, Robert Dein, Jose Lopez, Carmella Catanach, Tom Trujillo, Henry Anaya Lawrence Trujillo, Bill Lockhart. Brian Lee. Third Row, Debbie Badsgard, Kathy Martinez, Patsy Sisnerso, Greg Chaparro, Elizabeth Wickham, Becky Bushrow, Cecilia Martinez, Patty Velasquez, Diana Cordova, Barbara Rodriguez, Sandra Poehler. Diana Romero, John Romero, David Romero, Shelly Mason, Mike Gonzales, Steve Deveraux, Max Myers, Mike Gibbs, Paul Oliver, Robert Wickham. Fourth Row, Mr. Pontsler, Bobby Brooks, Mike White, Robert Vail, Ben Salazar, Dale Beevers, Fernan Romero, Greg Taylor.

Roy DANCE *" *£!*? I-Ftnt i f,e^ '°> righ,l:J?y 9.?°".' Joe Longshore. Blaine Armstrong. John Masters, Cathy Borgrink. Larry Bell, Dennis Baca, Warren Bauer, Melody Pontsler, ?• R1CQ,M?!'!???L lS^Tm3^1L^SS Ily'. .0.renL[(!',?i Klrk Mother, Steve Peterson, Mike Gonzales, Sal Jaramillo, Bob Fredrickson, Mike Ortega, Greg Heltman. Cynthia Johnson, Don Mcintosh. Third Row, John Vigil, Mr. Pontsler.

Bands Band director Clark Pontsler did his usual incomparable job in guiding the various school bands through the„ Practice after practice, the bands prepared to play for school and community activities which includes assemblies, football and basketbalhgames, parades, concerts, and commencement exercises. All extra time and effort during the year was directed toward raising sufficient funds to accepts A invitation for] the band to fly to\ Mexico City and perform there. With the help of members, parents, and friends, the goalwas reached. Early in May, Mr. Ponttier 's Symphonic and Dance Band I won 1st place in the Mexico City competition, the highest honor among the ed by these musicians during the year. ' "_

SYMPHONIC BAND-First Row (left to right), Mary Shaw, Cathy Borgrink, Ann Burttram, Annette Dinan, Debby Geiger, Bart Richards, Hal Feilding, Chris Borgrin Chérie Koch, Suzanne Scham, Sherida Fly, Jenny Jones, Becky Dill. Second Row, Cindy Hamilton, Dennis Baca, Kathy Salvo, Mary Lynn Weirner, Deanna Beevers, Phyllis Jordan, Jacque, Taylor, Judy Williams, Karla Kluesner, Elizabeth Hayes, Carta Aragon, Ricky Montano, Larry Bell, Loretta Velasquez, Géraldine Pino, Melody Pontsler, Margaret Silver, Pam Piatt, Donna Jo Gonzales, Diane Legetts, Cynthia Steinhoff, Nanci Gamand. Third Row, Warren Bauer, Anita Lopez, Debbie Vigil, Bev Bruce, Bobby Brooks, John Vigil, Sal Jaramillo, Phill Williams, David Deveraux, Mr. Pontsler, Mike Gonzales, Richard Gastellum, Don Mcintosh, Cynthia Johnson, Gr Heltman, Bob Fredrickson, Lorenz Villa, Mike Ortega, Joe Longshore, Jerry Dixon, John Masters, Blaine Armstrong, Steve Peterson, Mike Connors, Kirk Mosher.

DANCE BAND H-First Row (left to right). Darby Spring. Géraldine Pino, Cheryl Buchwald, Brian Lee. Carmella Catanach, Anita Lopez. Kathy Martinez. Diane Lege Second Row, Greg Taylor, Steve Deveraux. Beverly Chapman, Bobby Brooks. Frank DesGeorges, Dale Beevers. Third Row. Mary Lynn Werner. Mr. Myers. Jose Lopez.

Sertoma Every year, the Sertoma Club of Santa Fe presents a "Service to Mankind Award". This year Mr. Pedro Ribera Ortega, a Latin teacher at S.F.H.S., was honored with this special award. Presentation of this award was made at the Sertoma annual dinner by Bobby Byrnes, Sertoma President, who commended Mr. Ortega for his outstanding work for the benefit of others. Mr. Ortega was honored for his work in community affairs, and above all, for his efforts to landscape the Santa Fe High School campus. He organized the S.F.H.S. Grass Club, planted trees, grass and flowers, installed benches for outdoor study and rest areas, and laid bricks to form walkways around the campus. Through Mr. Pedro Ortega's dedicated planning and labor, Santa Fe High School takes increasing pride in its campus.

Mr. Ortega around campus.

Mr. Ortega receives his award.


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