Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1975

Page 1

Para Mariana Santa Fe Senior High Santa Fe, New Mexico


Page Theme




Senior Class


Junior Class


Sophomore Class . . .111 foreign Students . . . 126 Activities 130 Royal Blues




178 I

Organizations 224 I Advertisements.... 260 I

To Everything There is A Season

And A Time To Every Purpose Under The Heaven.


A Time To Work

And A Time To Play.

A Time To Be Together

And A Time To Be Alone

A Time To Win

And A Time To Lose

A Time To Be Sad

And A Time To Be Happy

A Time To Be Careful

And A Time To Be Bold

A Time To Be Silent

And A Time To Speak

A Time To Come

A Time To Go. Ecclesiastes 3ff-9

This theme section is the result of dedicated hard work by the editor and her photography staff in re-doing and replacing vital pictures of the theme idea which were destroyed by the fire in the Administration'building. Many of the photographs represented special events and as such, were impossible to recreate But we did our best!



Administration at SFHS begins and ends with "Pappa Joe" Casados' concern for what is best for each individual student. He is never too busy I to encourage those around him, and his positive view of life is reflected in 1 everything he does. Students, parents and faculty, alike, find him fair, friendly, firm, flexible and farsighted. Smaller men might have been dis-1 accommodated by the destructive Administration Building fire窶馬ot Pappa Joe. He fitted himself happily and efficiently into a corner of the Media Center and the education process went on, uninterrupted. The School Board gives of its times, energy, and ideas to the betterment of the entire school system. Mr. Sena and Mr. Vigil exhibit humanity, humor and courage in the face of endless problems in attendance and activities. But one man, alone, really makes SFHS a place where new ideas compliment solid tradition and where honesty banishes expediency. He is the Principal, Joseph P. Casados, and they don't come any better. JOSEPH CASADOS-PRINCIPAL



(L to R), Superintendent: Dr. James Miller, School Board Members: Richard Padilla, Alice Daum, Dr. Joe Hernandez, Robert Sweeney, and Jay Miller.

Secretaries An efficient office staff in the Administration Building attends to many details which are necessary to keep the school in operation. The never ending task of handling the bookwork, alphabetizing, attendance and finances of the school is performed by these hard-working secretaries.

Mrs. Pacheco was always busy.








The Counseling department at Santa Fe High School is being constantly confronted with questions and answers as a daily part of their lives Students with scheduling conflicts, personal difficulties or questions concerning grades, and colleges find help in their offices. If you need someone to talk to, come in and they are ready to listen or help in any way possible.



With four librarians, Santa Fe High School Library is equipped for anything. Research work or pleasure reading can both be taken care of there. Plenty of table space is available for students. Magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals are ready for instant reference. The octagon also encompasses the media center with a spacious AV room, tape recorders, projectors, movie cameras, and other equipment for extending the learning experience. Since the unfortunate fire in the Administration Building, school policy, attendance and activities have all originated in the "Library"









LANGUAGE ARTS The Language Arts Department not only consists of English but has many other courses as well. Communications of all kinds and the medias are examined in many different classes. Literature, Linguistics and Mass Media are just a few of these courses to which can be added Journalism, Television, Yearbook publication, Creative Writing, Drama, Speech, and the Novel. The curriculum of the Language Arts Department strives for flexibility to meet the changing needs in Communication. Outstanding drama productions were staged for the student body and the general public, including the difficult " J . B . " The speech team provided worthy competition in all meets and won individual honors while publication of the "Demon Tatler" and televising of the "Demon Spotlight" gave students practical experience in news reporting and writing.




Mrs. Gillis, Susan, and Edward hard at work.










To broaden the students appreciation of the world around them, the language department offers a wide variety of foreign language courses. Among these are French, Latin, German and Spanish. With the help of records and tapes and other modern equipment, students are able to read, write, speak and hopefully, to even think with increasing skill in these languages. The active Pan American, Latin, French, and German Clubs help students enhance their studies even further. Pan American Club also takes an annual trip to Mexico for firsthand experience and application of what they have studied.













Whether you want to be an Einstein or just add two and two and get four, Santa Fe High Math Dept. can accommodate you. From Calculus to General Math, there is a class for every interest and ability. To this is added the highly individualistic personalities of the instructors, ranging from the acid wit of Jesse Vise to the coolly intellectual discipline of Thor Christensen. The Chess Club flourishes under the benign smile of Norma Wright, and a few perceive that the mathematical basis of life exists, whether it is recognized by the average student or not.



BOBBIE O'CHESKEY ALGEBRA GENERAL M A T H There's nothing like taking it easy 28






SOCIAL SCIENCE National and International affairs and American government are studied in Social Studies classes, as well as man's history in America. These classes include: U.S. History, World Affairs, American Problems, Sociology, Psychology, American Government, South West History, New Mexico History and Archeology. Miss Watson's personal experience at Nuremberg during the War Crimes trials, as well as her service experience in the Far East give perspective to persons and events of history. Archeological field trips, psychological experiments and investigations into sociological patterns, all contribute to the student's understanding of himself in relation to the cultural background in which he lives.





Grading tests sure kept us busy 30



Student's aren't the only ones with homework!





Will she write a history of the Demon Debs?






Mr. Sena signing up student's for chemistry. Three major areas of science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics are well represented in our curriculum. Laboratory facilities for these are adequate, and even when supplies are short, teachers fill in the gap, using the natural emi.onment and local conditions for class projects. The < nthusiasm of department head Mae Najjar is rejected in the dedication and creativity of the entire department staff. Mr. Sena's " I s n ' t it A M A Z I N G ! " aptly catches the spirit of science and involves the students in the wonder of it .-all.


Two scientists at work.








Business Education consists of Bookkeeping, Shorthand, and Typing I and II. Students in shorthand classes learn the basic shorthand alphabet forms and skills necessary for dictation and transcription. Bookkeeping consists of a one year study of elementary accounting. Typing I and II students learn the basic speed and proper business procedures in typing letters and compositions. Learning from the experts. 34




Drafting is the exacting art of giving precise, tangible form to ideas. Actual house plans and machine designs take shape on paper during the long hours spent over drawing boards in Mr. Starr's Drafting Classes. Students create the fine details necessary for the construction of finished products and are made aware of the controlling mathematical principles involved in design.

From nailing boards together to constructing a dining room table, the Industrial Arts staff is fully experienced. Woodworking and carpentry are the main interests, but there is another facet to this department. Home mechanics is open to both boys and girls and includes many of the basic skills needed around the house.





MUSIC Vocal and instrumental music enrich the lives of students at SFHS. Chorus classes I, II, and III and Solo and Ensemble study various musical styles, voice production and music theory. The choirs perform in many concerts during the year beginning with the annual Christmas concert. The band courses offered are: Concert Band, Symphonic, Dance Band, and Orchestra. This year the band attended a music festival and tour in Rome. Both the choir and band attended music festivals where they won individual and group honors.

" N o more sour notes"








JACKIE NELSON ART Hours at the easel are needed for one painting.

Self expression through different mediums and techniques is the basis for study in the arts and crafts classes. Carefully directed courses enhance creativity and acquaint the student with the wide range of methods and possibilities available to the artist. Beginning artists obtain skills which can lead to a career in professional work. Painting, pottery, jewelry making and sculpture projects fill classes to overflowing, and new art approaches are explored. A highlight of the year was the spring arts and crafts sale which was successfully held in the Fine Arts Building.





One essential, practical course given at SFHS is Driver Education. To teach students to drive without being a danger to others or to themselves is the first priority of the program which is divided into two phases of study: operation of the vehicle and traffic safety education combined with first aid. Students are given behind-the-wheel experience on the school's driving range and on streets and highways, as well as being required to learn New Mexico traffic regulations. The effectiveness of the course is underscored by lowered insurance rates for all drivers who have successfully completed it. How not to drive.



R.O.T.C. exhibits their rifle talents.


The curriculum of NJROTC includes such subjects as: Naval Orientation, Navigation, Seamanship, Naval History, Drills, Electronics, Gunnery, Oceanography, Meteorology and Naval Vessels. Besides these complex courses the Naval ROTC Program teaches it's members to become leaders and administrators. The NJROTC II and III classes traveled to San Diego where they participated in training operations on the San Diego U.S. Naval Base.




Physical Education is a course which j includes the participation of students in team and individual activities involving physical effort and control. Besides physical activities students are also challenged mentally by being required to learn the rules and disciplines in the various games and sports. Baseball, basketball, track, volleyball and gymnastics are some of the sports participaed in by these classes. 40

Courses in Home Economics include, Home Arts, Clothing, Foods, Human Development and Family Living. Students involved in these courses practice skills which will enable them to manage a home and family with more assurance and competence. The course of study includes instruction in cooking, sewing, cosmetics, interior design, human relationships and consumer education.




Everyone enjoyed the opening of the shop. 41


Health care services for all- Santa Fe Public Schools rest in the capable hands of Dolores Fidel, R.N. Ms. Fidel and her staff are always available to help the student who becomes ill at school or has a miss-hap on campus. Her office keeps cumulative health records on all students at SFHS and arranges referrals for specific health needs. Additionally, she is in charge of T.B. tests for teachers, voluntary tests for students and sight and hearing checks.

Two meals a day, a basic breakfast and a substantial lunch, are served by the cafeteria staff of SFHS. Fighting the battle of inflation, the dietitian and staff produce well-balanced, tasty menus for a hungry student-body of twenty-five hundred. For special occasions, they are also ready and able to whip up elaborately decorated cakes, cookies, punch or hot chocolate, as the event requires.

The SFHS cafeteria staff.

Custodians: Eustacio Roybal and Willie Roybal.

Head Custodian: John Padilla


The intercom call for "John Padilla wanted in the office" or anywhere else on campus promptly produces a versatile trouble-shooter who carries the responsibility of keeping the sprawling physical plant of SFHS operating smoothly. It is not an easy job, and John Padilla and his staff of custodians put in long hours above and beyond the call of duty to keep the campus clean, comfortable and attractive, and classes uninterrupted by black outs, freeze outs or whatever other crisis may arise.



A scenic corner of the Vo-Tech.

Service with a smile.

The Santa Fe High Vocational-Technical school under the leadership of principal Fernando Ramirez offers vocational and pre-professional training to students to provide them with the necessary skills to find and hold a job. A wide range of courses are offered through a trained professional staff who instruct in both theoretical and practical work procedures. Many students have the satisfaction of learning and earning at the same time through either coordinated work-study programs, or simply obtaining a job on the basis of their training. The school fills the need for usable job training as well as functioning as a night school for adults who wish to acquire new skills or improve their present ones. 43




The academic courses at Vo-Tech are geared toward aiding the technically oriented student. Business English and Mathematics give these students the necessary skills for competing in the job market. English III and English IV, as well as U.S. History help the individual to examine, understand and evaluate problems and situations—a skill necessary not only in the work-a-day world, but in all facets of life. Vo-Tech students found a new creative outlet this year with the founding of a school newspaper "Tongues".



Technical Assistant

Technical Assistants in nursing and dentistry, expose the student to basic nursing procedures, dental techniques and vocabulary. Preschool education prepares students to work in day care centers and other areas that involve the care of young children, while the nursing and dental training prepare the student to take his or her place, working with professionals in these fields. These courses, which include care of the young and physical care of all ages, lack only a course in geriatric techniques to qualify Vo-Tech students to render service to all ages of man. Only the dedicated need apply.








" I think I've got it'




The proudest achievement of the Building Trades classes is the construction of a house—not a doll house, not a scale model, but a full-sized, honest-to-gosh, live-in house, all done under the professional eye of instructor Richard Marano. This, as well as courses in auto repair, mechanics, welding, horticulture and architecture, provide students with skills needed to qualify for existing jobs. Vo-Tech provides a technically qualified manpower—and womenpower pool to serve industry in Northern New Mexico, or benefit the student wherever he may choose to go. Many on-going projects give students practical experience in their chosen field, among which are included the activities of the Future Farmers and sale of sturdy bedding plants by the Horticulture classes each spring. Welding and automotive classes work in practical job situations, gaining insights into the requirements of their chosen fields.





All aspects of study for a career in the business world are included in the Business Education department. Secretarial-procedures prepares a student for employment in the stenographic-secretarial field. Office occupations is a senior level course, students receive two units of credit for classroom work and employment in an office related job. Marketing is concerned with the study of retail sales and merchandising. These classes help students study for jobs later on in life.

Mr. Romero demonstrates how computers work.





Sandra Abeyta Cindee Alarid Reina Alarid Bruce Allen

Charlie Anaya Danny Anaya Dolores Anaya Henry Anaya

Class Of 75. Joe Anaya Ricky Anaya Debbie Anderson Nick Apodaca

Robert Apodaca Michelle Aragon Yvonne Aragon Connie Archuleta

Diana Archuleta Jeannette Archuleta John Paul Archuleta Vincent Archuleta


Mike Arellanes Priscilla Arellano

Clara Armijo Lily Armijo

Karen Armstrong Mike Arzola

We Always Had Carol Austin Marget Azmark Ed Baca Elias Baca

Cail Baca Gilbert Baca Manuel Baca Marcel la Baca


Theresa Baca Carol Bachicha Debbie Badsgard Laura Bailey

Tracy Bailey Gregg Baird Joe Barela Julia Barela

Somewhere Else To Go.

Raymond Barela Carol Baros

Donna Basham Robert Bassett

Dale Beevers Barbara Benavidez

Raymond Benavidez Wendy Blagg

Cindy Bloyed Dale Bohannon

Shawn Bond Anita Bookless Edward Bookless Barbara Bookwalter

We Always Had Amy Bowen John Brandt Carmella Bransford Beth Brin

Joyce-Broadnax Luanne Bromrner Robert Brooks Brenda Broome


Mark Brown

Charles Brunn

Something Else To Do. Karla Buchholz Cheryl Buchwald Dennis BuFalry David Burns

Tracy Burrell Sherry Burton

Anne Burttram Becky Bushrow

Guadalupe Bustamante Mary Bustos Olivia Bustos Gerald Byers

And Sometimes We Mike Byrnes Rebbecca Campos Betty Candelaria George Carrion

Ellen Casados Nancy Cass Dane Castlebury Carmella Catanach

Mike Catanach

Sam Catanach


David C de Baca

Joseph C de Baca

Virginia C de Baca Cregg Chaparro Beverly Chapman Selah Chavet

Donna Chavez Jeff Chavez Joey Chavez Pauline Chavez

Had Nothing To Do. Vicki Chavez Greg Christner Pat Cisneros Cathy Clark


Fred Clifton Cindy Culberson Linda Cole Allen Cooke

Lillian Contreras David Cordova Diane Cordova Laurie Cordova

Lawrence Cordova Tom Cordova Alex Correa Sid Craig

Leisure And Schoolwork

Florence Cruz

Patty Cruz

Debi Curtis

Paul Darmitzel

Shared OunTime. Jill Daum Donna Davis Joe Dean Linda Dean

Jim Deaton Kim DeCastro Brian Deets Julia Deets

Robert Dein Richard DeLao Donna DeLayo Frank DesGeorges


Robert De Vargas Jae Diamond Leslie Diehl Debbie Doolittie

Danny Dougharty Charlie Drysdale Alfonso Duran Chuck Duran

Seniors Believe Dolores Duran Edward Duran Calen Duran Lizzy Duran

Virginia Duran Debbie Ellenburg Antoinette Elliot Mike Ellis

Steve Encinias Bernadette Espinosa Vanessa Farrar Joe Feather


Phillip Felix Cris FitzCerald Jill Fleig Louie Flores

Tony Flores Wendy Fowler Diane Fulgenzi Maurice Cabaldon

Paula Cage Arsenio Callegos Danny Callegos Gloria Callegos

n Togetherness.

Jerry Callegos

Margie Callegos


Rosemary Callegos Sam Callegos Therese Callegos Alfred Garcia

Cecilia Garcia Dennis Garcia. Ferdinand Garcia Herman Garcia

But This Is Ridiculous,

Florence Garcia Lorraine Garcia

Phillip Garcia Shelia Garcia

Sylvia Garcia Tricia Garcia Vicente Garcia Scott Garnand


David Geiger Karen George Kim Gerhart Gail Gibbs

Kathleen Gill Jeff Cladfelter Karla Gomez Dolores Gomez

Even For Seniors!

J immy Gomez Lucy Gomez

Andy Gonzales Angie Gonzales

Anthony Gonzales Chris Gonzales Danny Gonzales Debbie Gonzales


Diane Gonzales Donna Gonzales

Frank Gonzales Isabelle Gonzales

Sports Was A High

Jap Gonzales John Gonzales Judy Gonzales Kathy Gonzales

Lorretta Gonzales Luanne Gonzales Martin Gonzales Raymond Gonzales

Robert Gonzales Rosemarie Gonzales Tommy Gonzales Vivian Gonzales


Joseph Gorman Peggy Gorman Herman Grace Martha Graham

Jeff Greene Steve Gress Bernice Griego Denice Griego

Point During The Year. Dorothy Griego Ferdinand Griego Frank Griego Larry Griego

Maria Griego Patrice Griffin Keith Grossman Susan Gunn

Peter Gurule Cornelio Gutierrez Gilbert Gutierrez Jaymie Gutierrez


Philbert Gutierrez Hal Hanna Jean Hamilton David Hare

Roxy Harris Peggy Hayden Joey Hay dock Elizabeth Hayes

Winona Hedding Calvin Hedgecooke Louie Heidel Greg Heltman

But Then, So Karol Hendricks Joseph Herrera Larry Herrera Lupita Herrera

Kathleen Hilly Larry Holgerson Glen Holmes Cindy Hopping


Becky Horton John Hughes Bryant Ingram Mike J acques

Clifford Jaramillo

Susan Jasper

Was Goofing Off. Sarah Jensen Suki John Paul Johnston Johanna Johnson

Douglas Jones Mark Jordon Leroy Kahn Henry Kavanaugh



Teresa Kesler James Kilough Karen Kimsey Greg Kirby

Bunnie Kitchens Ray Kloth • Steve Kopp Charles Koroneos

We Even Had Some Kathryn Koroneos

Charlette Kossman

Karen Kuhr Frank Kuziel Delia Lara John Lautenschlager


Liz Ledoux Brian Lee Patrick Legitts Robert Legitts

Theresa Leyba Tammy Lindsey Bill Lockhart | Jolene Lockhart

Rosie Logue Roger Longacre Anita Lopez Corrine Lopez

Time To Be Serious. Judy Lopez Jose Lopez Richard Lopez^ Pat Lord

Eddie Lorrencg Theresa Lovato Anna Lucero Caroline Lucero


Daniel Lucero Deeann Lucero Eileen Lucero Joe Lucero

Louella Lucero Maryann Lucero Maureen Lucero Mike Lucero

Contrary To Popular Belief, Ronnie Lucero Cindy Lujan Daniel Lujan Debbie Lujan

Patty Lujan Stella Lujan Dolores Madrid J oe Maes

Christine Maestas Joe Maestas Mercedes Maestas Scott Makela


Joe Manges Lawrence Manzanares Dennis Mares

Dolan Mares Linda Mares Leopold Mares Philip Mares

Seniors DO Study. Alice Martinez Andrea Martinez Anthony Martinez Arlene Martinez

Cathy David Jackie Kathy

Martinez Martinez Martinez Martinez


Leandro Martinez Louise Martinez Lydia Martinez Mike Martinez

And We Worked,

Pete Martinez

Sandra Martinez

Susan Martinez Tony Martinez Shelly Mason Bonnie May

Jeff Mayer Cheri Mayfield Mitch Mayhon Gary McCabe

Pat McCachren Pam McCrickard Jess McFarland Linda McFarland

Jody Medina Monica Medina Joseph Miller Ralph Miller

Chester Moore Robert Moore Arthur Montano Jose Montano

Belinda Montoya Del Montoya Jerry Montoya J immy Montoya

Though Not Too Hard Nora Montoya Orlando Montoya Theresa Montoya Yolanda Moreno


Gertrude Moya David Mulberry Max Myers Norma Najjar

Helping Out Around The Danny Narvaiz

David Neidorf

Margaret Nelson Marilyn Neilsen Christine Nieto Steve Nix

Veronica Oglethorpe Danny Olguin Mark Olivas Virginia Olivas


Paul Oliver James O'Neill Barbara Ortega Danny Ortega

Campus Was Always Fun. Debbie Ortega Donald Ortega Harold Ortega Kathy Ortega

Marylou Ortega Andy Ortiz Belinda Ortiz Charles Ortiz

Imogene Ortiz Ray Ortiz Roberta Ortiz Nancy Owens

Frank Pacheco Theresa Pacheco Rosemary Padilla Tom Padilla


Charles Payne Julie Payne Anne Peacocke Margie Pena

Lynn Penner Robert Perea Tom Perron Fritz Peters

And We could always find something to do. Pam Piatt Marcel la Paiz Bobby Pond Tom Portillo

Mel Prada Barbara Prosch Al Quintana Elizabeth Quintana

Lawrence Quintana Leonard Quintana Linda Quintana Maria Rael

Cathy Randolph Dar Reed Sandy Richmond Christine Rivera

Dave Rivera Donna Rivera Elaine Rivera George Rivera

Roque Rivera Steve Rivera Vivian Rivera Robert Rocha


Barbara Rodriquez

Bernadette Rodriquez

Berta Rodriquez

Even Though We Like To Leonard Rodriquez Melinda Rodriquez Milton Rodriquez Rebecca Rodriquez

Cindy Rogers Caroline Romero Cindy Romero Dave Romero


Debbie Romero Fernando Romero Fonda Romero James Romero

Jeanenne Romero John Romero Joyce Romero Kathy Romero

Do A Lot Of Showing Off.

Kathy Romero

Linda Romero

Mike Romero

Patsy Romero Phillip Romero Steve Romero John Rose

Debbie Roybal Melvin Roybal Mike Roybal Tom Roybal

We Still Had Time For Eddy Saavedra Tim Saladen Ben Salazar Mike Salazar

Richard Salazar Robert Salazar Cathy Salvo Alfonso Sanchez

Joanne Sanchez Victoria Sanchez Dave Sandoval Eddie Sandoval


Martha Sandoval Martina Sandoval Tricia Sandoval Naomi Saraiva

Mark Schaumberg Tracy Scrafford Janet Scribner Debbie Segura

Our Favorite Girl Or Guy.

Floyd Sena

Joe Serrano

Julia Servis Helen Sewell David Shaw Kathleen Shelley


Jodeane Sisneros Mary Sloan Wanda Sloman Pancho Sobien

From The Kick Of The Football,

Loretta Sosaya Darby Spring Dale Stahl Georgia Staszweski

Renee Storey Jim Sullivan Joy Surber Paul Tachau


Bernie Tapia Diane Tapia Ruben Tapia Mary Ann Tauche

To The Crack Of The Bat. Jacque Taylor Kirk Taylor Toby Tercero Bill Thomas

Britt Thomas Marsha Thompson Lauren Tierney Kathy Trujillo

Lawrence Trujillo Phillip Trujillo Robert Trujillo Tom Trujillo

Rendal Tucker Ted Urban Alice Valdez David Valdez


Henry Valdez Alan Valente Peggy Vasquez Jim Vaughn

Jerry Velarde Nerida Velasquez Patty Velasquez Becky Valenzuela

Rosella Vialpando Mark Vieira Adam Vigil Geri Vigil

We're The Greatest Class Alive, Janet Vigil Judy Vigil Kathy Vigil Leonard Vigil

Liz Vigil Phillip Vigil Robin Vigil Victor Vigil

Lonyta Vicklund Melody Ward Wayne Ward Hollie Watson

Katie Weil Mike White Mary Whitlock Liz Wickham

We're The Class Of "75". Robert Wickham James Williams Jeff Williams Judy Williams

Melinda Wilson Kathy Woods Bill Wright Esther Yaeger

Andy Yzaguire Helen Zapata Robert Zone David Zuniga




Delora Acosta Orlando Alarid Phillip Alarid Yolanda Alarid Arthur Alire Teri Allison

Carolyn Alvarado Roberto Alvarez Carmen Anaya David Anaya JoAnn Anaya Joe Anaya

Liz Anaya Mike Anaya Vickie Anderson Jennifer Anstey Caryn Apodaca Eric Apodoca

SPIRIT OF 76 Patricia Apodoca Theresa Apodoca Anna Archuleta Danny Archuleta Debbie Archuleta Rhonda Archuleta

Lucille Arguello Ellen Armbruster David Armijo Mary Armijo Paul Armijo Steve Armijo

Paul Arteche Anna Marie Baca Benileigh Baca Bernard Baca Brenda Baca Danny Baca 87

Edmund Baca Emily Baca Leonard Baca Mike Baca Sylvia Baca Kim Baird

Glena Baker Pam Balthrop Anthony Barela Christine Barela Herman Barela Kathy Barela

Lisa Barela Mike Barela

Van Beacham Terry Beard

Ginn Beasley George Benavidez

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Henry Benavidez JoAnne Benavidez Deborah Berry Jake Berry Fred Betts Sandy Bickett

Martha Blea Susan Bodelson Karen Bond Renee Borrego David Boton Alice Boulton 88

Peter Bowen Todd Boyers Wayne Braeutigan Alex Branch Denise Branch Rick Bransford

Douglas Broadnax Gene Brommer Jim Brown John Brown Vicki Brunch Loretta Buchannan

Toni Bufalry Elizabeth Bunker Frank Bustamante Beth Bustos Jim Burch Danny Byrnes

uniors Have Quiet Moments Kathy Byrnes Loretta Campos Tina Campos J une Cardenas Carol Carr Anna Carrillo

Barbara Carter Andrew Catanach Art Catanach Danny Catanach Liz Catanach Robert Catanach

Yolette Catanach Eloy C de Baca Theresa C de Baca Charles Chambers Beth Chavet Dolores Chavez 89

Dorothy Chavez John Chavez Nanse Chavez Raymond Chavez Richard Chavez Ronnie Chavez

BIG DECISIONS Robert Clanton Sarah Clark Herman Clokey Deedee Clubine Pamela Combs Arietta Cordell

Amanda Cordova Michael Cordova Stella Cordova Eloise Corn Mike Cornelius Charles Corriz

Julie Corriz Terry Creek Josie Cross David Crossman Wayne Dalton Bob Davis

Jeffry Davis Jan Day Diane Dean Barbara Deaton Edwin Deets Valerie De La O

Dianne Delayo Leslie DeLong John Dennis Carrie Dieringer Cathie Dieringer Kay Dietz

Joel Dixon Robert Dixon Guy Dominguez Mary Jane Dominguez ohn Doolittle oseph Doolittle

Greg Dotson Beth Doutt Abby Dowis Tom Dunham Michelle Duran

Bill cleans up a club project.

Robert Duran Teresa Duran Cindy Eager Kim Earwood Carla Eddleman Karen Evers

Theresa Felter Ralph Flores Buddy Florey Dale Fox Steve Fresquez Sally Fry 91

Dave Cabaldon Linda Gage Billy Gallagher Corrine Callegos Doris Callegos Margaret Gal legos

Orlando Gallegos Robert Gallegos Victor Gallegos Cindy Garcia Anthony Garcia Arthur Garcia

A FRIEND WAS ALWAYS THERE Cynthia Garcia Debbie Garcia Debbie A. Garcia Elaine Garcia Eugenio Garcia James Garcia

Jennie Garcia JoAnn Garcia JoAnna Garcia Joseph Garcia Lenor Garcia Margaret Garcia

Maria Garcia Mary Gacia Mary Ann Garcia Pat Garcia Pauline Garcia Robert Garcia

Rose Garcia Tom Garcia Paul Getz Paula Getz Lisa Gianardi Lucy Glover 92

Jerome Gomez Arthur Gonzales Charlie Gonzales Danny Gonzales George Gonzales Geraldine Gonzales

Joey Gonzales John Gonzales Louie Gonzales Rick Gonzales Shirley Gonzales Steve Gonzales

Tom Gonzales SabrRiella Good Laurie Gordon Jim Gore Clark Graham Jose Granillo

Joseph Mario Granito Joey Greenwood Anna Griego Bernadette Griego Diane Griego Joe Griego

Tom Grossman Greg Gundzik Theresa Grubbs

Linda Gurule Bill Guthrie Sandy Gutierrez

Michelle Haas Vikkie Halford Greg Harris

Diane Hare Melody Hargis Ingrid Hayden Cindy Head Tom Hennessy Leslie Hernandez

Maria Hernandez Caylen Herrera Mary Ann Herrera Roberta Herrera Saree Herzog Clyde Hill

Ann Hilley Kim Hollen Chris Hollis

Cindy Hopkins Vince Howard Gloria Hull

Loretta Hutchinson Valerie Hyde Jaima Jackson

Ronnie Jacobs James Jaramillo Kimo Jaramillo

M M , M M , GOOD

Amy Jasper Dolores Jimenez Chipper Johnson Eric Johnson Joe Jund Pat Jury 94

Kenneth Kahn Yvonne Kahn Kenny Keelin Susan Keller Ken Kepler Brian Kidman

Robin Kilough Anthony King Sarah Kivela Robin Kleinder Jan Kloss Denise Kolbe

Jeanette Koroneos Lyndell Koski Lisa Lacy Shawn Lang Jose Larranaga Roberta Larranaga

We tried our hardest.. Steve Larranaga Gerald Lawless Kathy Lein Janice Lerma Yolanda Le Rouge Cynthia Lewis

Joan Lineberry Mark Lopez Barbara Lopez Greg Lopez Karen Lopez Laverne Lopez

Liz Lopez Loretta Lopez Pat Lopez Tim Lopez Antonio Lovato Michelle Lowell


Billy Lucero David Lucero Debbie Lucero

Dina Lucero Elizabeth Lucero Gloria Lucero

Leroy Lucero Manuel Lucero Vickie Lucero


Peggy Ludi Susan Ludy John Lujan Peggy Lujan JoAnn Maestas Margie Maestas

Joyce Maez Brian Maier Dennis Mares Bernie Marquez Cathy Marquez Alex Martinez

Sometimes Idle Arseneo MartinezCindy Bird Martinez Bridgette Martinez Carol Martinez Christine Martinez Donald Martinez

Donald Martinez Elizabeth Martinez Elora Martinez Esther Martinez Gerald Martinez Gerard Martinez

Sometimes Busy JoAn Martinez JoAnn J Martinez Joe Martinez John Martinez Kathleen Martinez Kathy Martinez

Larry Martinez Leonard Martinez Merced Martinez Mary Martinez Michael Martinez Michael Martinez

Nora Martinez Paul Martinez Ralph Martinez

Raymond Martinez Roberta Martinez Rose Martinez

Sandra Martine Tom Martinez Tony Martinez

V^j&i Ifc^Q

Veronica Martinez Victor Martinez Yolanda Martinez Amy Mascarenas Janice Mascarenas Tommy Matthews

Bill May Anthony Mayfield Deborah McBeth Mike McCord Don McDaniel Carmalee McGuinnes

Susan McLaughlin Ed McQuiston Andrienne Mechem Steve Medina Tony Medina Tommy Medina

Charles Mendonca Nancy Michaelson

Gene Mier Howard Mier

Kenny Miera Marril Miller

Craig Mims Nadine Mondragon


juniors are the TOUGHEST!!!

Debbie Montano J udy Montano

Anna- Montoya' Anna Montoya!

Billy Montoya>Charles Montoya

Debbie.Montoya J eanet;te Montoya Look at those muscles.

John Paul Montoya'd.,,. Liz Montoya MagdClen©.!Montoya i ; , : Paul Montoya;, Richard Montoya Robert. Montoya

Roberta. Montoya Susan Montoyaj Sylvia Montoya Susan Montes / Lupita Morales Mike Morenot •

Kevin Morris,Susan MosherAnthony MoyaFred Moya , ;? Robert Murry,-NancyjNjblick, • 9flr

Jerry Nieto Linda Nieto

Louis Noedel Julie Noyes

Ronnie Nutter Dow Olean

'The 3 Stooges"

Corky Ojinaga Pat Olguin Kevin Olson Walter Olson Charlene Ortega Lareen Ortega

Robert Ortega Artie Ortiz Danny Ortiz Danny Ortiz David Ortiz Eva Marie Ortiz Ken Ortiz

Leonard Ortiz Linda Marie Ortiz Liz Ortiz Magdalina Ortiz Margaret Ortiz Mike Ortiz

Patsy Ortiz Pauline Ortiz Sandra Ortiz Sylvia Ortiz Eddie Pacheco Georgia Pacheco 100

Ron Pacheco Yvonne Pacheco Bernice Padilla Lorretta Padilla Mary Padilla Olivia Padilla

Stephanie Padilla David Pearson Anglea Peinado Lilly Perea Patricia Perea Rose Anna Perea

Dolores Perea Nicki Perry Doug Peterson Lynn Petrey Cindy Philips Augustine Pincheira

Gabriel Pino Peter Pino Alex Pitcher Larry Pond Dana Porter Roger Portillo

Ernest Prada Willy Puckett

Debbie Quails Bernadette Quintana

David Quintana Diane Quintana

And did you hear about .



George Quintana Joaquin' Quintana Leo Quintana Margaret Quintana Mary Lou Quintana Kathy Rael

Linda Rael Angel Ramirez Helen Ramirez Sherri Ramsey Thenesa Randolph Laurie Rhodes

Stella Rios .<; Bern,adette Rios John Rivera; Linda..Rivera Mary, Jarje Rivera Pat Rivera

Richard Rivera Rick Rivera > , ••,. Rick Rivera Susan Rivera Karen Rqberts Bernadette Rodela

Carol Rodgers Sandi Rodgers

David Rodriguez George Rodriguez

Gerald Rodriguez Ivan Rodriguez Professor Mayfield at work


Marietta Rodriguez Mario Rodriguez

Randy Rodriguez Randy Rodriguez

Rebecca Rodrigue; Rose Rodriguez

Victor Rodriguez Bobby Romero Catherine Romero Cindy Romero Dan Romero Denise Romero

Diane Romero Diane Romero Diane Romero Elaine Romero Eleanor Romero Isabel Romero

John Romero Leonard Romero Loretta Romero Michelle Romero Nora Romero Renee Romero

Ricky Romero Roberta Romero Teresa Romero Tom Romero Toni Romero Vivian Romero 103

Judy Roybal Linda Roybal Margaret Roybal

Margaret Roybal Ruby Roybal Judy Saiz

Diane Saladen Aurella Salas David Salazar

Mona Salazar Phyllis Salazar Sylvia Salazar Cathy Sanchez David Sanchez Debbie Sanchez

Domingo Sanchez Elaine Sanchez Florence Sanchez Isabel Sanchez Johnny Sanchez Nella Sanchez

Roberta Sanchez Rose Sanchez Sol Sanchez Annette Sandoval Delia Sandoval Jane Sandoval

Melinda Sandoval Pat Sandoval Reyes Sandoval Scarlet Scarafiotti Susan Schmitt Mark Schneider 104

Tom Sedillo Angie Segura David Segura David Segura Carlos Sena Cheryl Sena

Kathleen Sena Marabella Sena Sylvia Sena Stepanie Sena Peter Serna Frank Serrano

Gilbert Serrano John Serrano Ruben Serrano Victor Serrano Christine Severston Barbara Shaw

Edmund Shelton Gloria Sieters Julian Silva Ruben Silva Pauline Simoni Mike Sisneros

Geraldine Sisneros Richard Sisneros Kenneth Skinner

Paul Smith Roy Snider Carol Soloman

_ ,

The haircut makes all the difference



Phil Soltero Roxanne Sosa Stacy Southerland


Benny Soveranez Jeff Stamets Donna Stazewski Luke Stiggins Sandy Stromberg Terry Stuart

Debbie Stump Pat Sweeny Helen Tafoya Beatrice Tapia Cathy Tapia Diana Tapia

John Tapia Pauline Tapia Ramona Tapia

Susie Tapia Leslie Tattershal Karen Tauche

Vickie Tenorio Norman Terry Ursula Tessen

Tari Tiano Eric Topp Betty Torres Debbie Townsind Cindy Trout Annette Trujillo

Celine Trujillo David Trujillo Eugene Trujillo Geraldine Trujillo Mark Trujillo Ray Frank Trujillo 106

Ruben Trujillo Steve Trujillo Sheryl Turner Billy Turney Sheryl Uitts Lisa Ulibarri

Ray Vaise Donna Velasquez Geri Valdez Margarita Valdez Mark Valdez Robert Valdez

Ronnie Valdez Toni Valdez Vickie Valdez

Laura Valentine Francis Vargas J udy Varoz

Anita Vasquez Susan Vasquez Tino Velarde

Fred Velasquez Greg Vialpondo Greg Vialpondo Frisco Vieira Angie Vigil Anthony Vigil

Cecilia Vigil Darlene Vigil Diane Vigil Diane Vigil Gerard Vigil James Vigil 107

Katheryn Vigil Liz Vigil Marcella Vigil Phyllis Vigil Ruben Vigil Sandy Vigil

Steve Vigil Wanda Vigil David VomLehn Kriss Waldrum John Walrath Cindy Warner

Kurt Watkins Marie Watson Karen Weidner Linda Weil Dorie White Roy White

Kip Whitlock Susan Wickham Debbie Wharton Penny Wilborn Nancy Williams Mark Wilson

Randy Wirson Linda Winkleman

David Winneberger Loretta Winters

Charles Wiseman

Tim Wolfe

I'm off to see the WIZARD!

Cindy Wood Janece Wood


Julie Wugalter Debbie Wuorinen

Barrett Wynn Diane Yardman

Holly Young Flora Zamora

Jo Anne Zamora Lu Lu Zamora


Jesse Lopez 1957-1975

Johnny Ramirez 1958-1975


Fernando Acevado Charlene Acuna Nick Adams Anna Agrnandez Theresa Ahover Ronnie Alano Heather Albright Leslie Allen Sarah Allen Adrianne Alvarez Carmen Alvarez Annette Anaya Anthony Anaya Darlene Anaya Douglas Anaya Elaine Anaya J o Anne Anaya Sandra Anaya Richard Anchando Rudy Anchando Dawn Andrews Damon Apodaca Georgia Apodaca Larry Apodaca Victor Apodaca Yvon Apodaca Madelyn Aragon John Aranda Clyde Archibeque Sharon Archie Debbie Archuleta Jerry Archuleta

Class of 77 Susie Archuleta Kenneth Aringdale David Armijo Fred Arquero Lori Aughenbaugh Dolly Avila Max Avila Betty Baca Dolores Baca Hilda Baca Jeff Baca Louis Baca Lydia Baca Martin Baca Paul Baca Paul Baca

Paula Baca Nick Bahr Darla Bailey Allan Barnbrick Danny Barber Danny Barela Richard Barela Rose Mary Barela Tommy Barela Patrick Barker Karrin Barrows Mary Bates Karen Baxter Lisa Bearden Paula Beaty Roger Beaubien


Kyle Beenhower Sheri Bell Victor Benacchzar Jeanette Benavidez Phyllis Benavidez Kenneth Bennett Debbie Bermudez Jasen Bettis Dolores Blea Paul Bloss Dawn Bodenner David Boggs Theresa Boling Ken Bonham Robert Bookwalter Denis Branch Loretta Branch Ronnie Bransford Laura Brewer Norman Bridgford Janice Briones Jeff Brown Ruth Brown Sabrina Brown Brenda Buckles Mark Bueno Mike Bufalory Shelly Burton Jeff Bustamante Juan Bustos Steve Byers Kathy Cardenas Mary Ann Carmazi Belinda Carrillo Diane Carrillo Edward Carrillo Jose Carrillo Virginia Carrillo Beverly Carter Sherrie Carter

Rick Cassidy Anthony Castor Evelyn Castor Claire Catanach

Leroy Catanach Richard Catanach Robert Catanach Julie Catron

Jo Ann C De Baca Elizabeth C De Baca Michael C De Baca Ricky C De Baca

Victor C De Baca Veronica Cerico James Chambers Carmen Chavez Chris Chavez Dona Chavez Elaine Chavez Laura Chavez


Leonard Chavez Manuel Chavez Mary Jo Chavez Michael Chavez

Molly Chavez Steve Chavez Linda Cisneros Lory Cisneros

Denise Clark Kent Clemmons Eddie Clokey James Clokey

Shirley Coca Shirley Cole Cathy Conners Steve Cooke

Arthur Cordova Louann Cordova Shirley Cordova Angela Corriz Arlene Corriz Patricia Corriz Kathy Correll Gwenanne Coss Sue Coultas Shelly Cowder Charlene Craig Madina Croce Lela Cross Barney Cruz Scot Cuca Richard Curtif Robert Curtis Dana Dale Margery Damm Joe Dangelico Jan Darmitzel Jack Daum Caylene Davis 1 =>net Davis Tom Davis David Dean Edwin Dean Evelyn Dean Clenda Dean Cayla Decker Mark Delao Liz Delgado Peter DeVargas Charlie Devine Donna Digliano Julie Dill Julie Dingus Marina Dipilato Jim Dixon John Dixon


Anthony Dofflemeyer Peggy Doles Richard Dominguez Boyd Dooley Dolly Dow Rose Mary Dunkin David Dunmar Bobby Duran Debbie Duran Lorie Duran Richard Duran Sandra Duran Stella Duran Melanie Dwier Lavar Egbert Kim Ellard

Pam Ellard Tom Ellis Arlene Encinias Vance Ervin

Dona Eckel les Rupert Espinoza Monica Estrada Mike Fair

Scott Farquhar Robert Feather David Felix Valarie Fexar

George Fernandez Toni Fidel Tim Filan Jodi Fleig

Together we make beautiful music. Cindy Flemming Joanna Flores Charlee Fowler Tim Franklin Kim Fransisco Debbie French Karen Gabaldon Johnny Gage Gene Gallegos Joe Gallegos John Gallegos Margie Gallegos Tommy Gallegos Susan Gandert Anthony Garcia Arthur Garcia Bernard Garcia Bobby Garcia Chris Garcia David Garcia Gabe Garcia Gerald Garcia Iris Garcia Jeanie Garcia


John Garcia Mabel Garcia Marie Garcia Mike Garcia Nathan Garcia Robert Garcia Robert Garcia Robert Garcia Roberta Garcia Rose Lynn Garcia Sammy Garcia Steve Garcia Toby Garcia Vicki Garcia Yolanda Garcia Leonard Gareuno Patty Garnard Merle Gates David Gee Renee Geiger Kurt Gerhart John Gianardi Cheryl Gilcrease Steve Gillette

Karen Goldburg Valarie Goldburg Leo Gomez Yvonne Gomez

Annette Gonzales Arthur Gonzales Bernadette Gonzales Clara Gonzales

David Gonzales Diane Gonzales Diane Gonzales Donny Gonzales

Eugene Gonzales Georgette Gonzales Liz Gonzales Lawrence Gonzales

Remember, we have tt nave all our classes together next /ear! Margie Gonzales Maria Gonzales Rick Gonzales Tina Gonzales William Gonzales Paul Graham Cynthia Greenwood Debbie Griego Dora Griego Elaine Griego Lisa Griego Louis Griego Martin Griego Raul Griego J ulie Grossman Robert Guiterrez


Alan Cunn Tom Cunther Mike Curule Robert Curule Ellen Hamilton Karen Haney Chuck Hare Larry Harklepad Lawrence Harms Lori Harrison Sharon Hays Susan Herman Chris Hernandez Doris Herrera James Herrera M i k e Herrera Rick Herrera Maureen Herrick Virginia Hewitt Kenny Hightower Danny Holder Tommy Holder Jeff Home M a t t Houseman Mark Hughes Shane Huineken Debbie Hutchinson Debbie Houston Eddie Hyde David Ireland Mark Jackson Eric Jaramillo John Jaramillo Ronnie Jaramillo Ronnie Jaramillo Wanda Jaramillo Carrie Jarvis Judy Jennks Bern ice J imenez G e o J imenez

James Jimenez Raymond J iron Billie Johnston Denice Jones

Mandee Jones Paul Jones Ruth Jones Scott Jones

Michael Kartas Mike Kaufman Peggy Keeran Lisa Keesing

Edith Keil Robert Kempenich Eric Kempter Ron Kennedy Donna King Kathy Kingsberry Ken Kirk Lisa Kirk


Theresa Kitchens Amy Kloth David Koppa Patsy Koroneos Linda Kuhn Tammy Kump Lynn Lacy Gail Larkin

Mark Larragoite Teresa Larragoite Robert Larranga David Lawrence

Mike Lazar Patty LeBow Sandra LeBow Judy LeFebre

Walter Legits Anita Lewis Donna Leyba Gene Leyba

Janice Leyba Ramona Leyba Sue Liebman Karen Lindsey Don Lobato Philip Loggains Vicky Longacre Charlene Lopez Danny Lopez Debbie Lopez Edmund Lopez Frances Lopez Jane Lopez Margaret Lopez Mark Lopez Martin Lopez Melinda Lopez Roberta Lopez Robin Lopez Rose Lopez Lawrence Lovato Terry Lovato Midge Lovelace Margaret Lowry Cale Loyd Ann Lucero Eddie Lucero Isabel Lucero Jimmy Lucero Loraine Lucero Michael Lucero Theresa Lucero Yolanda Lucero Eric Luchetti Carlos Lujan Gene Lujan Jackie Lujan Jennifer Lujan Larry Lujan Leroy Lujan


Patty Lujan Ronnie Lujan Mary Lynch Mike Madrid

Ted Madrid Josie Maes Barbara Maier Albert Mailczewsk

Leticia Manzanares Mark Manzanares Patricia Manzanares Yolanda Manzanares

Audrey Mares Betty Mares Brian Mares Dennis Mares Julie Mares Larry Mares Pat Marquez Carla Marsh Sharon Marsh Debbie Martin Ronnie Martin Adrian Martinez Andrea Martinez Ben Martinez Bernadette Martinez Carmela Martinez Christina Martinez Christine Martinez Darlene Martinez Debbie Martinez Dora Martinez Edward Martinez Edwina Martinez Elaine Martinez

We have a lot to live Emelda Martinez Evon Martinez Gale Martinez Gary Martinez Gilbert Martinez JoAnn Martinez Lawrence Martinez Loretta Martinez Lorraine Martinez Mary Martinez Patricia Martinez Sam Martinez Sylvia Martinez Terri Martinez Tony Martinez Linda Mayfield

Carrie McCabe Brett McDermott Mike McFadden Helen McCrew Myles McKinney Marcella Medina Norma Medina Liz Medrano Tom Medrano Monica Mendez Manuel Mendiola Matilda Mengis Cindy Meredith Scott Meister Mike Merell Janet Michalke

and have a lot to give. Maria Michalke Audrey Mier Edward Mier Doris Miera Melinda Miera Todd Miller Randy Mills Jay Mitchell Clem Montano Joanna Montano John Montano Liz Montano Ricky Montano Yolanda Montano Anna May Montoya Charles Montoya Florence Montoya Francis Montoya George Montoya Kathy Montoya Leroy Montoya Martha Montoya Paul Montoya Richard Montoya

Rick Montoya Robert Montoya Ronnie Montoya Raymond Montoya

Greg Moore Vicky Morales Michael Moulton Arnold Moya

Virginia Moya Jennifer Muller Delfia Muniz Rick Murray


Alan Myers Suzanne Naranjo David Neumann Annette Newberry Mark Nicholson Jeff Nieto Eddy Noriega Debbie Nuanes Chris Oakley Rose Olguin Nellie Olivas Ronnie Olivas Kerry Olson Kerry O'Neill Al Ortega Andy Ortega

Diane Ortega Everett Ortega Lale Ortega

Lori Ortega Louis Ortega Norma Ortega

Gerard Ortero Anna Ortiz Donna Ortiz

JoAnn Ortiz JoAnn Ortiz John Ortiz

Sophomores deserve a standing ovation!

Lawrence Ortiz Lori Ortiz Mary Ann Ortiz Mike Ortiz Marcia Osterman Angela Pacheco Angela Pacheco Danny Pacheco Elaine Pacheco Joe Pacheco Lawrence Pacheco Lisa Pacheco Mary Pacheco Ricky Pacheco Wendy Pacheco Ana Padilla Carta Padilla Joe Padilla Larry Padilla Marty Padilla Roberta Padilla Ronnie Padilla Sandy Padilla Lori Panzer


Dennis Patty John Perea Leroy Perea M a r t i n Perea Victor Perez Steve Peters Becky Peterson Larry Petry Marc Pincheira Alice Pino Karla Pofvadore Tsenre Pompeo M i r a m Pope Perry Prather Jeff Puckett Tim Pulliam Debbie Quintana Eddie Quintana Gary Quintana Greg Quintana John Quintana Manuel Quintana M i k e Quintana Ronnie Quintan Ben Rael Debbie Rael Ernest Rael Joyce Rael Melissa Rael Nancy Rael Anthony Ramirez Roxanne Randall

Brian Reed Gloria Regensburg Penny Reynolds Kathleen Richards

Gwen Richardson Noel Richardson Susie Richardson Paul Richmond

Cindy Ridley Shirley Riggs John Ringer Christine Rivera

Josina Rivera Kathy Rivera Marco Rivera Pam Rivera

What did you say they put in this food?

Ron Rivera Steve Rivera Steven Rivera Pam Rodela Alice Rodriguez Anthony Rodriguez Carmen Rodriguez John Rodriguez


Rosalie Rodriguez Silvia Rodriguez Theresa Rodriguez

Theresa Rodriquez Lisa Ronningen Theresa Ronquillo

Anita Romero Beverly Romero Carla Romero

Sophomores have the spirit to move ahead.

David Romero Diane Romero Donald Romero Elroy Romero Gerald Romero Greg Romero Hazeldine Romero Isaac Romero James Romero Jan Romero JoAnn Romero Joe Romero Mark Romero Melvin Romero Mike Romero Nila Romero Patrick Romero Patsy Romero Pearla Romero Roberta Anne Romero Ronnie Romero Suzette Romero Sylvia Romero Valerie Romero

Debra Rose Angela Roybal Bernadette Roybal Emma Roybal Emily Roybal Geraldine Roybal Jack Roybal juanito Roybal Judy Roybal Julie Roybal Pauline Roybal Robert Ruiz Tina Ruiz Tom Ruiz Toni Ruiz Steve Russell Greg Rylee Craig Sadler Doreen Saiz Phillip Saiz Cindy Saladen Andrew Salazar Debra Salazar James Salazar

Karen Salazar Lawrence Salazar Mary Ann Salazar Mona Salazar Paul Salazar Roberta Salazar Ronnie Salazar Paul Salcido Susan Salgado Mary Salinas Danny Sanchez David Sanchez Diane Sanchez Diane Sanchez Debby Sanchez Floyd Sanchez Gilbert Sanchez Jerry Sanchez Lee Sanchez Chris Sanders Anna Sandoval Carlos Sandoval Cinger Sandoval John Sandoval

Joseph Sandoval Julie Sandoval Larry Sandoval Manuel Sandoval Margaret Sandoval Mark Sandoval Pam Sandoval Phillip Sandoval Ronnie Sandoval Susie Sandoval Sylvia Sandoval Tim Sandoval Yolanda Sandoval Maria Santana Dina Scarafiotti Rocco Scarafiotti James Schutz Malcolm Scott Elizabeth Segura Jerry Segura Lorraine Segura Phillip Segura Sandra Segura Bemadette Sena

Dolores Sena Martha Sena Pat Sena

Albert Serrano Chris Serrano John Serrano

Leonard Serrano LeAnn Sexton Sherry Sexton

Rainy days and Mondays are my downfall


Anthony Silva David Silva Terry Skinner Erick Slade Bridget Sloan

Robert Soveranez Barbara Stacy Craig Steinhoff Peri Sullens Janis Swanson

David Sweeney Cecilia Tapia Clara Tapia Peggy Tapia Pete Tapia Terri Tapia Vivian Tapia Caroline Thomson Diane Torres Cathy Trujillo Cheryl Trujillo Chris Trujillo Diane Trujillo Florence Trujillo Gerri Trujillo James Trujillo Joe Trujillo Karen Trujillo Leonard Trujillo Loretta Trujillo Louie Trujillo Norman Trujillo Robert Trujillo Sonny Trujillo

Times tells what to take Steve Trujillo Ted Trujillo Dinah Turrietta Dorothy Uranga Tom Urban Nora Urioste Robert Urioste Anna Marie Valdez Cindy Valdez Jerry Valdez JoAnn Valdez Larry Valdez Max Valdez Paul Valdez Robert Valdez Tim Valdez


Timothy Valdez Darlene Valencia Charles Varela Roberta Varela Johnny Vargas

Michael Vargas Phillip Velarde Arnold Velasquez Sandra Velasquez Theresa Velasquez

Mardelino Vialpondo Robert Vialpondo Andrew Vieira Phyllis Vieira Anna Marie Vigil

Billy Vigil Carol Vigil Diane Vigil Gary Vigil Henry Vigil Kathy Vigil Kenneth Vigil Maria Vigil Mary Vigil Ray Vigil Zianna Vigil Eddie Visarraga Cindy Walker Lizann Wallis Sandy Warner Kathy Wasson Erlinda Watson Grace Weseman Mark West Richard West Stephanie West Nancy Wharton Frank Wheeler Gloria Wheeler

or what to leave behind. Ronnie Wheeler Donna White Robert White Diane Weidner Joyce Williams Sandy Williams Brenda Wilmott Mike Wilson Tom Wilson Dale Winnmeberger Jim Womack Carol Woods Cindy Yarmoff Becky Young Lisa Young Dennette Zamora


EXCHANGE STUDENTS Making friends in a new town is fun, but how about in a new country? It doesn't seem to be a problem for the Exchange Students this year. Going to school and making friends in Santa Fe seems to be not only enjoyable, but a great learning opportunity. It is also a learning and culturally enriching experience for the Santa Fe High students whose lives are broadened to include these visitors. This mutual sharing of experience contributes in a small, but significant, way to better understanding in a troubled world.

Back (I to r): Jose Silveria (Brazil), Victor Benalcazar (Ecuador), Dardano Nunos de Melo (Brazil), Kenneth Ciraldo (Columbia), Herbert Silva (Brazil). Front (I to r): Annie Toft (Denmark), Margit Axmark (Sweden),

Cleone Pompei (Brazil), Ursula Tessen (Cermany), Noemi Saraiva (Brazil), Beth Louzada (Brazil)

Margit Axmark (Sweden)

Ricardo Fonesecc (Brazil), Leena Koivvmaki (Finland)

Herbert Silva (Brazil) Ursula Tessen (Germany)



Fiesta Day

The annual Fiesta Day was held on August 30, 1974 to coincide with the City's Labor Day fiesta celebration. Many students and teachers participated in the event, wearing various colorful and traditional costumes. The music celebration was provided by Mariachis, which helped make it a memorable day at school and gave focus to Santa Fe's cultural history.

Junior Miss

Talented young ladies from all of Santa Fe competed in this years Junior Miss Pageant. The talent ranged from dancing to singing and playing the guitar. Competition was held in the Creer Carson Theatre for the traditional two evenings. Emerging as winner, after all this, was Miss Kim De Castro. Also placing from Santa Fe High were Liz Hayes 2nd runner up, Julie Servis 3rd runner up, and Alice Valdez was named Miss Congeniality. Each of the Santa Fe High girls did well and placed high in the competition with all in the first twenty.

Queen, Liz Vigil

A Thursday of hard work and vigilant watch to be sure no one struck a match prematurely or stole the traditional outhouse all went into the blazing bonfire built by this years sophomores and which officially started the Homecoming activities. The next afternoon's parade which followed a morning of frantic last-minute effort, displayed many beautiful floats, with OEA winning in the awards from among some fifty original entries. A crisp October day, band music and boosters added color and variety to the procession around the Plaza. Homecoming evening brought a round of dressing-up, dinners out and enthusiastic school spirit as everyone assembled at Magers Field for the game against the Mustangs. Even though we did not win, the crowning of Queen Liz Vigil and the festive dance in Sweeney Gym with music by Atlantis made Homecoming a satisfying weekend.

Sophomore Attendant Margaret Sandoval, Junior Annette Sandoval, Senior Michelle Aragon, Queen Liz Vigil, Senior Carolyn Romero, Junior Yvonne Kahn, Sophomore Lisa Keesing




Plng-Pong The sound of ping-pong ball meeting the paddle echoed through the halls of J building again this year., Before school and every noon hour students practiced their lobs and smashes in anticipation of the " w a r of the paddles"—the annual Sangre de Cristo ping-pong Tournament. Held in J—7, the contest saw numerous challenges, fierce battles and resounding defeats. When the last ping had ponged, Danny Gonzales had triumphed as undefeated champion for the second year in a row.

School champion, Danny Gonzales, slams one.

Most people play it on the table??

Sadie Hawkins

Sadie Hawkins inspired the gals to catch their guys and haul them down to Sweeney's Barn for the annual November hoe-down. Onion and garlic corsages were available for a nominal fee. Marryin' Sam was on hand to splice eager couples at five cents for a cheapskate ceremony, ten cents for the "middle American" and twenty-five cents for the deluxe, society weddings. As the happy couples stomped in the straw until mid-night, cats and rabbits both were auctioned off to the highest bidders. Hard-boiled eggs were at a premium as the eager eaters of the Junior, Senior and Sophomore classes snatched them up. The Junior Class won the title for biggest mouth, the most coveted honor in Dogpatch, and with sighs of relief the miserable males saw Sadie Hawkins draw to a close.

Howdy ya'all sure glad there's a place to sit after stomp'n 'round Sweeny Barn I



Maybe if I close my eyes they won't see me.

December 19 opened with the hustle and bustle of students in preparation of the annual "Demon Christmas Under the Stars". The clubs and organizations under the sponsorship of Student Council worked hard setting up the farolitos and decorating the buildings to bring good tidings and warm spirit to those who attended the program that was held in the S.F.H.S. gym in the evening. The program opened with the introduction of Dennis Garcia, Cindy Trout, and Greg Heltman who served as Masters of ceremonies for the evening. Between the chuckles the audience listened intently to Cindy Bloyd as she did an impression of Elvis Presley singing "Here Comes Santa Claus". After the entertainment of songs and skits, there was open house in all classrooms. As a result, Demon Christmas was a special way to start off the Christmas season.



Queen Denise Creigo.

Snow Ball, the elegant winter formal dance, created a break in the post-Christmas, pre-semester doldrums that annually affect the student body at SFHS. Glittering decorations, elegant gowns for the girls and fashionable suits on the guys created a festive atmosphere in the lowered lighting of Sweeney gym. The band played from nine until twelve and light refreshments were served from a beautifully appointed table. Even the skiers deserted the slopes early to attend one of the most glamorous affairs of the year where students and faculty danced the evening away.


Teacher's enjoy dances too.


sne tickles me pink!


If I could only take a drink

Pearl Harbor Day

Pearl Harbor Day, observed nationally in honor of those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor which signalled the beginning of World War II for the United States, was observed with military ceremony at Santa Fe High. The Naval Junior Reserve platoons from SFHS, and government and military dignitaries participated in the December 7 flag-raising ceremonies under the sponsorship of Staters club and the American Legion.

Athletic Awards

The annual Athletic Awards banquet was held at Clorieta Assembly following the close of varsity sports in early May. Preceded by a sit-down dinner, the school's top athletes were honored for their participation in, and contributions to, Santa Fe High School sports. Certificates, letters and trophies were awarded and an outstanding boy and girl athlete chosen in each major sport. Mark Brown and Peggy Hayden respectively won the title of "Demon of the Year, 1975."

Naval Ball

Captain Herrick demonstrates the waltz.

Tommy sings out for Queen Alice and her escort.

The Navy Officer's Club at Sandia Base in Albuquerque was the scene of the N.J.R.O.T.C. annual dinner and ball. Military formality and tradition lent glitter and elegance to the occasion which was enjoyed by the Santa Fe High Cadets, their dates and Commanding Officers. Captain Herrick charted the course toward fun, and everyone found the sailing smooth. Queen Alice Valdez and her escort arrived under crossed sabers and to the applause of her fellow-officers. The gangplank was raised at midnight and everyone made the voyage back to Santa Fe, delighted with their social cruise.

Queen Alice Valdez

Variety Show

The annual Choir Variety Show, held the last of April, featured a variety of performances of a variety of talents on a variety of instruments by a variety of students under a variety of lighting effects. A variety of faculty, students and parents enjoyed the wide variety of entertainment, including songs, dances, monologues, instrumental solos, and group performances which added interesting variety to the year's activities at SFHA.


Here comes Mr. Cool himself.

I just love these slow dances.

Dance of the 50's

Slicked-down duck tails, bobby socks, rolled-up jeans and the bunny hop were much in evidence as SFHS students turned back the hands of time for the Dance of the 50's. Annette Sandoval and Tom Portillo were the "cat's meow" in the evening's winning costumes. A Deejay and authentic 50's music completed the transformation back to the Jitterbug Age.

Vo-Tech sponsored the most delicious activity of the year with the first and, according to the clean-up crew, last SFHS Pie Eating Contest. Surrounded by dozens of delectable pies and stop-watch holding officials, an eager field of hungry contestants fell to with the starting gun. At the end of five pies apiece, the competition began to narrow as groaning students fell by the wayside. When the meringue, cocoanut cream, lemon chiffon, cherry custard and pie-crust finally settled out of the air, all agreed that the school's hunger for something new had been satisfied.

Pie-Eating Contest

The Booster Bash turned fund raising into an enjoyable event this year. Refreshments and dancing were provided in the Gym for the students at a nominal cost. Dress for the evening was casual and attendance was large. Sponsored by the Boosters Club, the money raised went to help defray the expenses of the SFHS athletic program.

Booster Bash

To bad this doesn't last forever.

"They went that-a-way!

Demon Vaudeville


The Macho Street gang rides again.

Demon Vaudeville, the big show that kicked off the beginning of Senior activities, was held at Sweeney Gym where a large and enthusiastic crowd roared its approval. With Larry Holgerson and Joey Chavez emcee-ing, and several dozen SFHS students providing the entertainment, the show went off with a bang. Susan Jasper took first prize, second went to Ann Lucero, third to the great and glorious Garcias with Vickie Chavez and the Macho Street Gang receiving honorable mention.

Speech Banquet

La Cocina Restaurant again was the scene of the annual Speech Club banquet. Speech students and the speech team were in attendance to collect awards and trophies they earned during the year. Dinner, of course, was an added attraction. Joey Chavez was named Speech Student of the Year. Sponsor, Miss Jane Gray, received recognition as the "coach"


Pan-Am Dinner Queen Helen Tafoya

Pan American Club held its annual banquet in the SFHS Cafeteria which was gaily decorated for the occasion with flowers and streamers reflecting the colorful and dazzling art of Spain and Mexico. Food and music carried out the Latin theme for an evening of warmth and friendliness. Pan A M Queen Helen Tafoya, elegant in tiara and a ruffled and tiered gown, presided over the festivities.

The Senior Awards Assembly, held in early May, honored the outstanding graduating seniors of SFHS. Awards, scholarships and recognition for achievements were given in categories as varied as Congressional appointments and editing the Yearbook. Dennis Garcia and Donna Delayo presided over the proceedings with administration and faculty members presenting the awards.

Senior Awards

Susan and Vince win the coveted Barney Petchesky Award

Class Night

Sometime daddy spanks me. I don't know why.

Every year, seniors get a chance to "get things off their chests." This year, the Santa Fe High Jock Club all showed up. Of course, it was the girls who dressed up as the boys. Special awards were given to many of the seniors. An unexpected exhibition halfway through the program was provided by an unidentified male streaker. There were also other acts, including a couple of wacky birds.

Elvis alias Cindy Bloyd really knows how to swing.

Junior — Senior

Junior-Senior Prom was held on the night of May 16, the gala farewell gift of the Junior Class to the graduating Seniors. Sweeney Gym, decorated with yellow, orange arid red streamers and large photoposters of campus scenes, was transformed into an elegant ball room. Couples, arriving after the traditional pre-dance dinners, entered through a decorative tunnel archway and spent the evening dancing to the country music of an all-girl band which carried a distinctive rural twang. Convenient to the dance floor was a rustic wishing well where dancers could pause to toss in a coin for a secret hope. Sponsors visited on the sidelines and punch was served from a silver bowl. Beautiful girls in long, floating gowns and handsome young men in suits and tuxes brought into focus the timeless enchantment of the end of the school year myth.

"Gee, dances turn

me on.'

" D o n ' t get any ideas"

Rocking around the clock

Caps and Gowns

Baccalaureate, the traditional solemn religious ceremony preceding graduation, was held the afternoon of May 25th, at the amphitheater of the Institute of American Indian Art. An address by Fr. LaVoie and music by the SFHS Choir highlighted the service. A slight breeze ruffled tassles and gowns as the service closed with Susan Jasper leading the graduates in the class song " I m a g i n e "

The first step on the long walk.


Darby and Greg saying last farewells.



How do you work the zipper?

Last minute turmoil before the procession.

Twelve years of education were culminated Wednesday, May 28, for the Senior Class of 1975. The floor of Sweeny Gym was a sea of blue as the Graduates waited impatiently for their diplomas. The program progressed with the three speakers and Dr. Miller, Superintendent of Schools. Then, Mr. Joe Casados ("Papa Joe"), and Dr. Joe L. Hernandez passed out diplomas and congratulations. As the last name was called, the entire gym floor burst into shouts, applause and general chaos! Proud parents, happy teachers and fellow students all watched and applauded as the "Class of 7 5 " marched out of the gym as " f o r m e r " students of Santa Fe High School. 161

When you switch the tassel, you have actually graduated.

Returning caps and gowns


REINA ALARID Student Council VicePresident, National Honor Society Pres:, Riot Squad Secretary, Pan Am Club, Varsity Tennis Team, Who's Who. CHARLIE ANAYA Varsity Football, Letter " S " Secy-Treas., Demon Boosters, Stater's Club

MICHELLE ARAGON Sophomore Class President, Youth Council, Jr. Varsity Cheerleader, Demon Boosters, Keyettes, Senior Homecoming Attendant. JEANETTE ARCHULETA Vice-Pres. District & Vice-Pres. State Projects F.H.A., Secy-Treas. & Vice-Pres. Junior Civitans, Capt. Demon Debs, Kiwanis Youth Day, UNICEF Chairman.

LAURA BAILEY Girl's State, Keyettes Club Secy., Junior Civitan. BARBARA BENAVIDEZ Asst. Vice-Pres. Health Occupations, Nursing.


BETH BRIN Kiwanis Youth Day, National Honor Society, National Merit Semifinalist, Gymnastics, Bausch & Lomb Science & Mathematics Award, Who's Who. JOHN BROWN Demon Tatler, National Honor Society, Who's Who, Pres. Anthropology Club, Bicycle Club.

MARK BROWN Varsity Track, Football, Soccer, Vice-Pres. Stater's Club, Demon Boosters, Kiwanis Football Award. ANNE BURTTRAM Marching, Symphonic, & Dance Bands, Secy. National Honor Society, Varsity Swimming Team, Letter " S " Club, Keyettes, Stater's Club, N.M. All-State Band, Who's Who, Ski d u b .

M I K E BYRNES Pan Am Club, Riot Squad, Video-tape Film Crew, Sports, Asst. Editor Para Manana, Speech Team, Track, Key Club, Ski Club, Bicycle Club. REBECCA CAMPOS Keyettes, Stater's Club, Treas. Senior Class, Jr. Civitans, Who's Who.


ELLEN CASADOS National Honor Society, Kiwanis Youth Day, Who's Who, Editor Para Manana. JOEY CHAVEZ Drama Club, Pres. Speech Club, Swimming Team, Who's Who, FFA Vice-Pres.

CATHY CLARK FFA President. PAUL DARMITZEL Varsity Cross-Country, Varsity Swimming, Stater's Club, National Honor Society, Key Club Kiwanis Youth Day, Who's Who.

JOE DEAN K I M DE CASTRO Demon Boosters, Keyettes, Stater's Club, Pan Am Club Princess, Santa Fe Junior Miss, Drama Club, Who's Who.


DONNA DELAYO Demon Boosters, VicePres., Keyettes, Stater's Club, President Senior Class, Treas. Student Council, Who's Who. CHUCK DURAN President Key Club, Demon Spotlight, Stater's Club, Soccer.

JOSEPH FEATHER Chess Club, Speech Team, Demon Tatler, R.O.T.C. Color Guard & Rifle Team. JOHN FLORES Varsity Football, Who's Who, Anthropology Club, Weightlifting.

ALFREDO GARCIA Stater's Club, Key Club, Who's Who DENNIS GARCIA President Student Council, State's Club, Demon Boosters, Key Club, Who's Who, Vice-Pres. Riot Squad.


VICENTE GARCIA Sgt.-At-Arms Student Council, Key Club, Stater's Club. THELMA KATHLEEN GILL First, Jr. American Citizens Contest, Concert and Marching Bands, N.J.R.O.T.C.Who's Who.

TOMMY GONZALES National Honor Society, Vice-Pres. Junior Class, Riot Squad, Secy-Treas. French Club, Civitan Youth Science Award, Who's Who, N.J.R.O. T.C. HAL HANNA Orchestra, Madrigal & Jazz Choirs, N.J.R.O. T.C. Platoon Leader, Who's Who.

PEGGY HAYDEN German Club, Who's Who, Demon Debs, Varsity Girls Basketball & Track, Phi Beta Kappa Award, Letter " S " Club. ELIZABETH HAYES Speech Team, Stater's Club, Ski Club, Santa Fe Jr. Miss Runner Up, Symphonic & Marching Bands, All-American Youth Honor Musician.


LARRY HOLGERSON Vice-Pres. Speech Club, Drama Club, Editor Demon Tatler, Quill & Scroll, State Duo-Drama, Thespians. JOHN HUGHES

ELAINE RIVERA National Honor Society, Choir, Para Manana Photography, Who's Who. BILL LONG

JOSE LOPEZ Symphonic, Marching & Dance Bands, Band President, Demon Tatler, Outstanding Teenagers of America, Co-Chief Photographer Para Manana. JOE MANCES National Honor Society, Key Club, Who's Who, Soccer Team, Gymnastics, Roadrunners & Ski Club.


ANTHONY MARTINEZ Key Club, Speech Team, Stater's Club, Optimist Speech Winner, Key Club Speech Contest, First, Varsity Crosscountry, Demon Spotlight. DAVID MARTINEZ Varsity Baseball, Varsity Football, Varsity Basketball, National Honor Society, Staters Club.

National Honor Society, Vice-Pres. Junior Class, Riot Squad, Secy-Treas. French Club, Civitan Youth Science Award, Whn'r MAX MYERS Varsity Football, Varsity Track, Vice-Pres. Band, Stater's Club, Demon Spotlight, Key Club Lt. Gov.

NORMA NAJJAR French Club President, National Honor Society, National Poetry Contest: State, First; National, Third, Civitans Youth Seminar, Kiwanis Youth Day, Who's Who. NANCY OWENS Demon Boosters, Keyettes, Soccer Team Mgr., Who's Who.


ROSEMARY PADILLA Keyettes, Demon Boosters, Pan Am Club, National Honor Society, O.E.A. Matmaids, Optimist Award, Who's Who. MARIA RAEL President S.F.H.S. Choir, Madrigal & Jazz Choirs, F.H.A., Drama Club.

ELAINE RIVERA National Honor Society, French Club. KATHLEEN ROMERO

LINDA ROMERO National Honor Society, Who's Who, Matmaids, Pan Am Club, Junior Boosters, Keyettes. TOM ROYBAL Pan Am Secretary, Speech Team, Riot Squad, Art Club, Who's Who.


JULIE SERVIS President Junior Civitans, Stater's Club, Santa Fe Jr. Miss Runner-Up, Who's Who. MARY SLOAN Pan Am Club, National Honor Society, Who's Who.

JACQUE TAYLOR Marching & Symphonic Bands, All-American Youth Honor Band, Twirler, Varsity Gymnastics, Demon Boosters, Keyettes. ALICE VALDEZ N.J.R.O.T.C. Soph. & Jr. Naval Ball Attendant, N. J.R.O.T.C. Drill Team Commander, N.J.R.O.T. C. Executive Officer, Miss Congeniality, Santa Fe Jr. Miss, Who's Who.

ROSELLA VIALPANDO National Honor Society, French Club, Santa Fe Tutors. MICHAEL WHITE Varsity Football, N.J.R. O.T.C. Commanding Officer, Concert Band, Key Club, Letter " S " Club, Who's Who.


Class Flower: Black Rose

ESTHER YEACER Photos courtesy of David's Studio.

IMAGINE Imagine there's no heaven it's easy if you try no hell below us above us only sky imagine all the people living for today. Imagine there's no countries it isn't hard to do nothing to kill or die for and no religion too imagine all the people living life in peace. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can no need for greed or hunger a brotherhood of man imagine all the people sharing all the world. You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us and the world will be as one.

Class Colors: Burgundy and Creme Class Motto: I am not afraid of tomorrow; for I have seen yesterday and I love today.



New Coaching Staff I

Leads Demons

Coach Church

The 1974—1975 Demon Football season got under way with a new head coach Dave Church and a staff selected by him, to carry out his plans for a new football program. Mr. Church started his football training with a summer weightlifting program which lasted until the season opener. Coach Church called for determined young men with a desire to play ball. The turn out was strong and only the best made it through the conditioning program to join the varsity team. The first year for a new coaching staff is one of trial and error, planning and coordination, to build a strong foundation on which a team may stand. In spite of intensive training the season was plagued by errors; still for the first year at Santa Fe High, Mr. Church put his program together to produce a respectable 4—5—1 season.

I to r. Don Stravio, Frank Cortez, Bob Thomas, Bob Botone, Hoyt Mutz.

Strategy From The Boss

L to R. Top Row: Steve Vigil, Paul Armijo, Max Myers, Bob Davis, Mike White, Peter Gurule, John Rose, Poncho Sobien, John Hughes, Mark Brown, Jim Sullivan. 2nd Row: Tom Padilla, Tom Mares, Robert Vigil, Rocco Scarafiotti, Sam Gallegos, Tony Flores, Charles Anaya, Mike Martinez, Bobby De Vargas, Kimo Jaramillo, John Mantano. 3rd Row: Roberto Rocha, Paul

The Demons under a new coaching staff headed by Dave Church opened the season with a rushing record of 320 yards, to over power Albuquerque Academy 12—6. The Demons then went against Highland High, a state championship contendor, and were shut out 49—0. Traveling to Grants the Demons pushed a strong second half defense to edge out the Pirates 14—6. The Demons cross-town rival game against St. Mikes attracted over 3000 Santa Feans who saw the Demons trample the Horsemen 14—9. A week later with strong defensive plays by both Portales and Santa Fe, the game ended in Santa Fe's only tie score of the season.

Montoya, George Rodriquez, Gerard Martinez, Joe Dean, David Ortiz, Norman Trujillo, Eppie Baca, Ben Martinez, Manuel Jacquez, Toby Tercero, Joey Gonzales. 4th Row: Steve Larranaga, Anthony King, Bryant Ingram, Eddie Jacquez, Jose Larranaga, Tim Lopez, Steve Trujillo, John Romero, Ed McQuiston.

John Rose evades a tackier. 181


Bryant Ingram leads the Demon Offense

J.V. Team. L to R. Top Row: Coach Frank Cortez, Richard Dominquez, Don Lovato, Juan Bustos, Barney Cruz, Lavar Egbert, Lale Ortega, Pat Barker, Tommy Holder, Jim Womack, Lawrence Gonzales, Danny 122 Barela, John Ringer, Coach Don Stravlo. 2nd Row: Ray

Vigil, Ronnie Sandoval, Raul Griego, Tim Sandoval, Edmund Lopez, Oswald Soveranes, Robert Soveranes, Fernando Acevedo, Gabe Garcia, Jay Mitchell, Martin Baca, Danny Holder, Don Gonzales, Robert Catanach.

In Santa Fe's first district game, the Demons fell to a strong Gallup offense 26—6. A 35—22 Los Alamos win showed the strong determination of both quad A teams. In the Duke City, Santa Fe smashed the Albuquerque High Bull Dogs 2 7 - 6 , for the last Demon win of the season. The final two games found the Santa Fe High Demons scoreless, while West Mesa scored 26 and Farmington scored 25, ending the Demons first season under Dave Church with 4 wins, 5 losses, and 1 tie.

Pre Homecoming Came rally.

Defense stops West Mesa's attack. Anaya leads offensive play at Highlands.


Varsity. Back Row, L to R: Melvin Roybal, Tony Medina, Richard Chavez, Rick Anaya, David Martinez, Doug Jones, David Mathews, Danny Gonzales, Doug Broadnax, Jim

Gomez, Arthur Montano, Jeff Chavez. Front Row. Coach Al Armendariz, Joe Chavez, Kennith Skinner, Pat Romero, Coach Dennis Casados.

The 1974—75 Demon Basketball Season was one of great disappointment. The team showed strength at different points in the season and fell apart at others. The final win loss record was 7 - 1 8 over all. The Demon strong points came during the Capital City Tournaments, where the Demons took second to the St. Michaels Horsemen, and in the first round of district competition, where the Demons broke a sixth place tie by beating Gallup.

Rick Anaya was the high point man with a 12 point average per game and Jim Gomez behind him with 10.5 per game. Doug Jones was the leading rebounder and Jeff Chavez was the Demon assist man.

Senior Dave Martinez rebounds for Demon control.

The Junior Varsity showed unity and strength by the end of the season with a record of 15—6, a first in the Cimmarron Christmas Tournament, and a second in the Bernalillo Tournament. The team was lead by Donald Martinez, who scored 17.5 points per game. In district competition, the Junior Varsity out-scored all of their district rivals except Albuquerque High.

Divided effort and errors plagued the season.

J .V. showed hard work and unity.

J.V. Team. Back Row L to R: Gerard Martinez, David Sweeney, Mark Romero, Edmund Shelton, Dow Olien, Ruben Silvia, Ben Salazar, Donald Martinez, Gerald

Martinez, John Quintana. Front Row: Ralph Flores, Rick Gonzales, Johnny Vargas, Pat Romero, Eric Apodaca, Rick Gonzales, Goach Denis Gasados.


Under the direction of Coach Gilbert Mier, the Santa Fe High Varsity wrestling team had an outstanding year However, they ran into difficulties at State tournament where they were able to take only a third place which was credited to Larry Lujan, a sophomore. Coach Mier anticipates that completion of the new P.E. Complex will produce real advantages for the team which it now lacks, and will, stimulate greater interest in the sport.

Shall we dance?

The confidence of a winner

Wrestling Team. L to r. Top Row: Clyde Hill, Steve Nix, Kirk Taylor, Lavar Egbert, Jose Larranaga, Frisco Vieira.

Second Row: Jerry Callegos, John Serrano, Alex Correa, Cene Mier, Larry Lujan, Steve Trujillo. 1g1


Oops! Who threw the banana peel?

One down and two to go.

Which part belongs to who?

Head Coach Gil Mier watches the action

This isn't the wheelbarrow races.

Safe at home


Coach Joe Martinez summarized his baseball season in simple terms: bad weather and errors. However, the season was not nearly all bad. Santa Fe resoundingly trounced their traditional cross-town rivals, the Horsemen, twice and were strong contenders in the district race. Final results in District saw the game demons fall to a strong West Mesa team.




We are sorry photo identification was not furnished by the photographer.

Fast throw from the outfield


For the second year under coach Cwen Watson, the girls tennis team had their second undefeated season 10—0. In district competition, Adrienne Mechem placed first in singles, Carol Bachicha placed second in singles and Laura Chavez and Andrea Martinez placed first in doubles competition. At State Adrienne won first in singles, Carol placed fifth in singles and Laura and Andrea placed second in doubles. Despite a bad weather season, the girls stayed on top of the state title.


Team Members: Reina Alarid, Carol Bachicha, Laura Chavez, Andrea Martinez, Adrienne Mechem, Susie

Mosher, Julie Wugalter, and Coach Cwen Watson.

Team: John Brandt, Daryl Mechem, David Gonzales, Alex Martinez, David Salazar, Paul Tachau, Kip Whitlock

Swimming Team. Top Row L to R: Kent Clements, Robert Montoya, Bret McDermitt, Brian Kidman, Steve Kidmen. Second Row: Doug White, Walter Catanach, Mark Larragoite, Bill Wright, John Lautenschlager, Pam Roy, Paul Darmitzel, Joey Chavez, Robert Callegos.

The SFHS Swimming Teamsgot off to an uninspiring start of the 1974—75 season when both the boys and girls dropped their meets with Eldorado and Farmington. The boys team went on to defeat Albuquerque High, and St. Pius while losing to Sandia and Del Norte. The girls team defeated Albuquerque High but lost to St.. Pius, Sandia and Del Norte. The season ended with the team placing twelfth at State.


Third Row: Coach John Schmeltz, Manager Bill Long, Theresa Grubbs, Carla Bucholz, Carol Vigil, Shelle Koch, Linda Olien, Claire Catanach. Fourth Row: Patty Wolf, Ellen Garcia, Liv Sverve, Michelle Tercero.


Darmitzel and his rubber click. First to the finish.


RODEO 1975 Under the experienced and expert leadership of sponsor Ben Rael, the SFHS Rodeo Club prepared for and held the highly successful SFHS spring rodeo. Boys and girls from many areas of the state entered to compete in the exacting and dangerous events of the two-day competition. Bull riding, roping and bronc riding were the headline events. Ten gallon hats, high heeled boots and range lingo brought home the fact that this is still very much the WEST!


The Santa Fe High School Volleyball Team started the season off strong and ended the season with a 13 — 1 record, despite the loss of last years seniors. This being Bertha Mefford's second season as coach, she could move away from the basics of the game and build up power in spiking and serving. The girls put the new techniques to work and placed second in district and fourth in State. Despite some end of the season problems the girls also were undefeated on their own court.


Peggy and Loretta set up for a spike.

Back row: Coach Bertha Mefford, Carmella, Peggy, Berna, Ingrid, Val, Diana, Gail Kathy. Front row: Vicky, Suzanne, Loretta, Hilda, Pauline.

Ready to smash it over the net.

Being alert and working as a team.



The second year for Coach Gonzales' Girls Basketball Team was one of hard work and determination. This year's program was a concentration on pattern based on last year's drills in the basics of basketball. The season started off slow but the girls put the new program to work to be undefeated on their home court, place 4th in district competition and have a season record of 12 wins and 6 losses.

L to R. Back Row: Gail Martinez, Stephani Sena, Laura Chavez, Dolores Sena, Rosana Perea, Julie Wugalter, Karen Baxter, Ingrid Hayden, Susan Keller, Peggy

Fast break puts points on the board.

Hayden, Valarie Romero, Pearla Romero, Coach Ernest Gonzales. Front Row: Lorraine Segura, Jane Sandoval, Lorretta Sosaya, Yvonne Gomez, Lila Cross.

Team work made the Demons strong. Loretta reaching for the rebound.



Mark comes in first as usual.

The SFHS Track Team, while weak in some field events, had a powerhouse in Senior Mark Brown who was named Demon of the Year for his superior performance in the hurdles. Competition in the Capitol City Meet was strong, but Demon determination carried the team through to finish second to Los Alamos.

OVER THE HURDLES Off the starting block

Coach Alire gives some free advice.

Eight runners from the 1975 Class AAAA champion Santa Fe Demons made All-State in cross-country. Making first team All-State were senior David Sandoval, junior David Segura, and sophomore Paul Graham. Second team honors went to senior Philip Vigil, Senior Paul Darmitzel and sophomores Johnny Gage, Dennis Mares and Gene Fulgenzi received honorable mention. Coach of the Year went to Demon mentor John Alire for his first year as cross country coach.

Headed toward the finish line


Cross country Team. Top Row. L to R: Coach john Alire, Harold Jimenez, Frank Koppa, Mark Bueno, Gene Fulgenzi, Kerry Olson, Ralph Schmitt, Bill Ritch, Edward

Martinez, Johnny Gage, Frank Serrano. Bottom Row. Denis Mares, Paul Darmitzel, David Segura, David Sandoval, Paul Graham, Philip Vigil. 213


Girls track had an outstanding year under the coaching of Markley Lumpkins. Outstanding individual performance marked each meet. Team members (partial list): Valerie Romero, Matilda Mengis, Peggy Hayden, Susan Home,

Ann Segura, Dolores Abeyta, Emily Roybal, Barbara Malchesky, Victoria Sanchez, Jo Ann Anaya, Marlene Romero, Jo Ann Baca, Nancy Wharton, Diane Bryant, Beth Chavet, Elizabeth Hayden, Ingrid Hayden.





Sharon performs her routine.

Expert coaching and long hours of work were vital ingredients in the successful year experienced by the SFHS Gymnastics team. The parallel bars, the rings and the balance beam tested the agility and form of team members. Year after year, our gymnasts win significant honors for SFHS.

Photo identification not furnished by photographer.

Photo identification not available from photographer.


Lining up a putt.


"Demon of the Year" is the outstanding individual athlete in one sport at SFHS. Each year this person is selected from among all the team members of each individual sport. The honor for this achievement is bestowed at the annual Athletic Awards banquet held in •May at the end of the sports season. There are always many to choose from and those who win are recognized as the best of the best. This year, twelve exceptional

athletes were selected as "Demons of the Year" and Santa Fe High salutes them with pride: it couldn't have gone to a greater bunch! They are as follows in the Photo above: Back row: Rick Anaya, Jim Gomez, Jim Sullivan, David Martinez, Paul Tachau and David Sandoval. Standing second row: Alex Correa. Seated: Loretta Sosoya, Carol Bachicha, Karla Buchholz and Peggy Hayden.



The classic skiers stance!

He floats through the air with the greatest of ease.

Skiing continues to be one of the most popular sports at Santa Fe Senior High, as more and more students take to the slopes every year. The thrills of spread eagles, mogul crashing, or simply gliding down the mountainside through fresh powder snow, enticed enthusiasts up to the Basin from late November through early April. Even for the beginner, the sport is an exciting one, and the Basin provides classes in techniques as well as slopes suited to every level of ability.



O. E. A. O.E.A. is a national organization for students who. are majoring ,,in office occupations. Club goals, which.. involve the active participation of club members, are what make this group one pf the hardest working organizations af VoTech. The club members also participate in state and regional office occupations competition.

O.E.A. —(I to r)—first row: Pam Velarde, Sylvia Garcia, Judy Gonzales, Debbie Vargas, Louella Lucero, Delia Lara,-Debbie Perea, Monica Medina, Mrs. Mabel Vigil, Sponsor. Second row: Esther Yaeger, Shawn Bond, Rosemary Padilla, Jackie Martinez, Cathy Randolph, Yvonne Aragon, Margaret Nelson, Lizzy Duran, Imo Gene Ortiz, Maria Quintana. Third row: James Romero, Bunnie Kitchens, Julie Deets, Sylvia Duran, Percy Rivera, Gerald Lawless, Nick Apodaca, Cheri Mayfield, Lilly Armijo, Dianna Ipiotis, Peggy Hayden. . -

O.E.A. OFFICERS-(l to r) —first row. Judy Gonzales, Reporter; Cathy Randolph, Treasurer. Second row: Sylvia Garcia, Vice-President; Jackie Martinez, Parliamentarian. Third row: Julie Deets, Historian; Kathy Romero, President; Peggy Hayden, Secretary.

O.E.A. SPONSORS-(l to r ) - M r . Romero, Mrs. Vigil, Mr. Wilson.

JUNIOR O.E.A. OFFICERS-(l to r ) first row: Judy Martinez,. Sol Sanchez, Kathy Martinez, Deryll Averitt. Second row: Michael Vialpando, Renee Romero, Yvonne. Kahn, Anna Marie Baca, Charline Ortega.

JR. O.E A JUNIOR O . E . A . - ( I to r)—first row: Doris Gallegos, Sol Sanchez, Kathy Martinez, Margaret Garcia, Ruby Roybal, Rose Garcia, JoAnn Zamora. Second row: Karen Bond, Debbie Stump, Sylvia Salazar, Cindy Romero, Berna Griego, Leonor Garcia, Anna Marie Baca. Third row: Yvonne Kahn, Debbie Archuleta, Charline Ortega, Jennie Garcia, Renee Romero.

HONOR S O C I E T Y - 0 to r)—first row: Vicki Bruch, Laurie Cordon, Debbie Wharton, Norma Najjar, Beth Doutt, Judy Varoz, Selah Chavet, Louella Lucero, Linda Romero, Ms. McCrary. Second row: Kim Cerhart, Ellen Armbruster, Ellen Cassados, Beth Brin, Jerry Valdes, Linda Weil, Tim Wolfe, Tommy Gonzales, Greg Gundzik, Joyce Romero, John Brown, Lisa Lacey. Third row: Anne Burtram, Mary Sloan,

Paul Darmitzel, Karen Bond, Berta Montoya, Sandi Rodgers, Sarah Clark, Rosemary Padilla, Debbie Macbeth, Linda Winkelman, Brian Kidman. Fourth row: Julie Wugalter, Sylvia Sena, Susan Keller, Marvi Padilla, Nancy Williams, Carol Solomon, Rendel Tucker, Joe Manges, John Hughes, Jeff Gladfelter, Cindy Warner, Marsha Thompson, Elaine Rivera.

HONOR SOCIETY The A.L.L. Chapter members of National Honor Society seek to fulfill society requirements of scholarship, service and leadership. The individuals accept the responsibility of maintaining a high scholastic average while contributing to the ideas and objectives of school and community betterment. An important project is their on-going book sale this year.

HONOR SOCIETY OFFICERS-(I to r)—first row: Brian Kidman, Treasurer; Anna Marie Baca, Vice-President; Reina Alarid, President; Greg Gundzik, Secretary.


STATERS CLUB—(I to Garcia, Julie Servis, Becca Second row: Laura Bailey, Burtram, Donna Delayo, Watson. Third row: Chuck

r) —first row: Vicente Campos, Susan Jasper. Linda McFarland, Anne David Sandoval, Miss Duran, Karla Buchholz,

STATER'S CLUB Girls and Boys Staters are outstanding students from throughout the state, who are selected on a competitive basis, to participate in a week of intensive study of the structure and functioning of government. This postschool experience for next year's seniors is sponsored by the American Legion to promote understanding and respect for our democratic society and the way it is run. It is a fun-filled week and a highly valuable experience for those who earn the right to participate.

Rosie Logue, Paul Darmitzel, Charlie Anaya, Liz Hayes. Fourth row: Patty Cruz, Anthony Martinez, Mark Brown, Doug Jones, Dennis Garcia, Pancho Sobien, Rick Anaya.

The Senior Class provides leadership, guidance, and style for the rest of the school and the 1975 Seniors were a fine example of this function. The Senior Class contributed to the beautification of our high school by donating a large sum of money and a commemorative plaque to Mr. Ortega, sponsor of the Crass Club.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS-(l to r ) first row: Mr. Perfors, Sponsor; Becca Campos, Treasurer; Helen Foster, Head

Sponsor. Second row: Donna Delayo, President; Liz Vigil, Vice-President; Carla Buchholz, Secretary.


Para Manana is produced by the Annual Staff. The book tries to give a perspective view of the year 1974—75 at Santa Fe Senior High School, that will be of lasting value as a history of this place and this time Hopefully, each reader will find in its pages a nostalgic view of himself and his friends, and a better understanding of what it was all about.


Ellen Casados, Editor Arlene Martinez, Business Manager Jose Lopez, Photographer Howard Mier, Photographer Max Myers, Advertisement Photography Susan Jasper, Darkroom Edward Mier, Darkroom Steve Medina, Darkroom Cathy Byrnes, Academics Pancho Sobien, Senior Class, Advertisements Reina Alarid, Senior Class, Activities Tom Perron, Senior Class, Advertisements Bill Turney, Junior Class, Sports Helen Tafoya, Junior Class, Activities Lisa Kirk, Sophomore Class, Organizations Becky Peterson, Sophomore Class, Organizations Sylvia Martinez, Sophomore Class Cindy Trout, Activities Mike Byrnes, Sports Chuck Duran, Organizations, Senior Class Ed Baca, Advertisements Senior Class Head Photographers: Jose Lopez and Howard Mier

Back (I to r): Susan Jasper, Howard Mier, Jose Lopez, Max Myers, Bill Turney, Pancho Sobien, Reina Alarid, Ellen Casados, Cindy Trout, Arlene Martinez. Center (I to r) Mike Byrnes, Chuck Duran, Becky Peterson, Tom

Perron, Ed Baca, Ed Mier. Front (I to r): Mrs. Franke, Helen Tafoya, Sylvia Martinez, Lisa Kirk, Cathy Byrnes, Steve Medina.

Editor in Chief: Ellen Casados



SOCCER C L U B - 0 to r)—first row: Bill Lockhart, Chuck Duran, Dardano Nunes de Melo, Paul Tachau, Robert Bookwalter, Malcolm Scott, Kay Dietz. Second row: Anthony Martinez, Joe Manges, Rendal Tucker, Jeff

Also new at this school, in its second year, was the sport of soccer. The Soccer Club acclaimed much popularity this year and during the fall season played many teams from around the state and went on to form a city team with St. Mike's and Santa Fe Prep. For people who like a rugged sport that can be played almost anywhere, soccer is the answer.

Williams, Peter Bowen, Jeff Home, Ronnie Nutter, Mr. Karshis. Third row: Bret McDermott, Dave Dunmar, Dow Ollien, Joe Maestas, Tommy Mathews, Pat Barker, Mike McFadden.

GERENCH CLUB The German Club and French Club combined this year to form the all new Cerench Club. The club members took place in competition and participated in a French and German festival in Glorietta this year. As always the clubs produced one of the most intricate and attractive floats in the Homecoming parade, and will be holding an annual French and German dinner focusing on their native foods.


GERENCH C L U B - 0 to r) —first row: Vicki Bruch, Pam Sandoval, Susan Wickham, Linda Winkelman, Brenda Wilmott, Gayle Foss, Sponsor. Second row. Barbara Maier,

Terri Creek, Debbie McBeth, Sandi Rogers. Third row: Elizabeth Martinez, Nancy Williams, Scott Smith, Todd Boyers, Susan McLaughlin.

DEMON DEBS The action and spirit of the Demon Debs mark them as one of the most energetic and dedicated groups on campus. Their precision formations lend interest to sports events and the hard working girls practice long hours to make sure each appearance is perfect. Their attractive presence on campus is an active source of Demon pride.

DEMON DEBS OFFICERS-0 to r) —first row: Theresa Lovato, Assistant Head; Cindy Lujan, Treasurer; Miss Begelspiker, Sponsor; Jeannette Archuleta, Head.

DEMON DEBS—(I to r)—first row: Bridgett Sloan, Sandra LeBow, Debbie Nuanes, Jane Lopez, Liz Catanach, Cindy Lujan, Dolores Madrid. Second row: Jeannette Archuleta, Debbie Archuleta, Roberta Martinez, Theresa Rodriguez,

Edwina Martinez, Debbie Montoya, Christine Nieto. Third row: Theresa Lovato, Kathy Cardenas, Debbie Ellenburg, Theresa Montoya, Gloria Regensburg, Gina C De Baca, Kathy Romero. 231

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS School spirit that keeps on cheering even when there may not be that much to cheer about, and a willingness to follow the team through its triumphs and disappointments, marks the girls who cheer for S.F.H.S. Ready smiles and pleasant personalities make them outstanding ambassadors of friendliness for the Demons.

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-(I to r) —first row: Marcella Baca, Eleanor Romero, Cindy Hopkins. Second row: Berta Rodriguez, Annette Sandoval, Donna Basham.

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-0 to r) —first row: Eleanor Romero, Second row: Berta Rodriguez, Donna Basham. Third row: Cindy Hopkins, Marcella Baca, Annette Sandoval.

Uhf%if JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-(I to r) —first row: Judy Varos, Martinez, Doris Gallegos, Anita Romero, Dorothy Uranga.




CHEERLEADERS Junior Varsity teams have their own special support in the JV Cheerleaders who enthusiastically pull for the team whether winning or losing. The high spirits and polished routines of these girls provide a treat for the fans who turn out to watch JV games. Their contribution to Demon morale is a major one.

JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-(bottom to top): Sylvia Martinez, Anita Romero, Doris Callegos, Judy Varos, Dorothy Uranga. 233


KEY CLUB—(I to r)—first row: Lawrence Martinez, Malcolm Scott, Mike Kartas, Sam Garcia, Joe Padilla, Leo Gomez. Second row: Chuck Duran, Julie Catron, Brian Kidman, Vicente Garcia, Mark Wilson, Paul Darmitzel, Bill Lockhart, Peter Bowen, Kay Dietz. Third row: James Schutz, Damon Apodaca, Jeff Williams, Kirt Watkins,


Darbi Spring, Rendal Tucker, Doug Peterson, Paul Tachau, Anthony Martinez, Joe Manges, Joe Maestas. Fourth row: Nick Bahr, Gerald Rodriguez, Robert Zone, Max Meyers, Art Catanach, Mike White, Doug Jones, Dennis Garcia, Mike McFadden, Craig Mims, Mike Ellis, Mark Brown.

KEY CLUB Key Club works to encourage the development of civic-minded, responsible young people by requiring members to personally participate in community improvement projects and assistance to individuals. One. of the-mast active groups on campus,-."the. club.' members involve; themselves in school projects as well. Each,year a few lucky girls are selected as Key Club Sweethearts.

KEY CLUB OFFICERS-0 to r ) - f i r s t row: Paul Tachau, Chuck Duran. Second row: Kay Dietz, Julie Catron, Darby Spring. Third row: Mark Brown, Max Meyers, Doug Peterson.

LETTER S Lettermen from all sports, together with the Varsity Cheerleaders make up the Letter S. Club. The club raises money to provide scholarships to athletic camps for young athletes.

Each year the Letter S. Club carries out its initiation of new members and it often turns out to be a very funny event. The incoming members must partake in various stunts and pranks.

LETTER S C L U B - 0 to r ) - f i r s t row: Liz Vigil, Suzanne Naranjo, Cindy Hopkins, Berta Rodriguez, Donna Basham, Eleanor Romero, Loretta Sosaya, Dianne Saladen. Second row: Charlie Anaya, Annette Sandoval, Marcella Baca,

Karla Bucholz, Laura Chavez, Andrea Martinez, Joann Anaya, David Sandoval. Third row: Sam Callegos, Max Myers, Rick Anaya, Mike White, Kirk Taylor, Ingrid Hayden, Jeff Chavez. ^35

RODEO CLUB—(I to r)—first row: Jan Day, Debbie Montoya, Annette Anaya, Luanne Brommer. Second row: Debbie French, Sally Fry, Debbie Townsend, Peri Sullens, Cynthia Walker. Third row: Bill May, David Boggs, Rick

RODEO CLUB! The risks of competitive bronco busting, bull riding, steer roping, and barrel racing are the events for which Rodeo Club members train. Under Mr. Ben Rael, this group has won trophies across the state and held their own successful Rodeo here in Santa Fe. Strong, mutual interest in the club activities keeps cowboys and cowgirls busy, and provides an additional area in school spirit.


Dale, Larry Harkleroad, Tom Wilson, Vicente Archuleta. Fourth row: Ben Rael, Jess McFarland, John Gonzales, Randy Wilson, Mark Tipton, Ken Bennett.

JR. CIVITANS Junior Civitans, a high school student branch of the Civitans Club, keeps busy in school projects and works actively with the parent club in many of its community activities. Citizenship and the responsibility of each individual as a citizen in his community is stressed by the organization.

JUNIOR CIVITAN OFFICERS-0 to r) —first row: Cathy Sanchez, Treasurer; Jeannette Archuleta, Vice-President; Debbie Archuleta, Chaplain. Roxanne Sosa, Treasurer; Mrs. Cora Archuleta, Sponsor; Julie Servis, President.


JUNIOR C I V I T A N S - 0 to r)—first row: Debbie Archuleta, Gloria RegensbeFg, Margaret Sandoval, Theresa Montoya, Debbie Ellenburg. Second row: Jeannette Archuleta, Liz Vigil, Dolores Madrid, Susie Richardson, Cina C De Baca, Rose Sanchez. Third row: Sandra Le-

Bow, Kathy Sanchez, Julie Servis, Cindy Lujan, Brenda Broome, Cwenanne Coss, Laura Bailey. Fourth row: Kay Deitz, Roxanne Sosa, Bridget Sloan, Doug Jones, Douglas Broadnax, Donald Martinez, Lori Ortega.

SOPHOMORE C L A S S - 0 to r) —first row: Adrenne Alvarez, Sylvia Romero, Clara Gonzales, Gloria Regensberg, Debbie Archuleta. Second row: Mrs. Zinn, Helen McGrew, Dorothy Uranga, Lisa Keesing, Andrea Martinez, Anita Romero, Shirley Cordova. Third row: Johnny Vargas, Janice


SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS-0 to r)—first row: Debbie Archuleta, Peggy Doles. Second row: Mrs. Zinn, Bridget Sloan, Tim Filan.

Briones, Bridget Sloan, Toni Ruiz, Carla Marsh, Carol Vigil, Sandra LeBow. Fourth row: Lawrence Martinez, Peggy Doles, David Sweeney, Tim Filan, Juan Bustos, Jay Mitchell, Norman Trujillo, Barney Cruz, Ronnie Sandoval. The Sophomore Class, after getting familiar with the sprawling Santa Fe Senior High Campus, set to work to gain recognition from the upperclassmen. The first project was the successful construction and burning of the traditional Homecoming bonfire. During the rest of the year, they furnished cheerful participation in school projects and clubs, contributed good ideas and outstanding school spirit to the Demon environment.

DEMON SPOTLIGHT An exciting program in its second year at Santa Fe High this year was the "Demon Spotlight". The spotlight focused on activities, issues and people related to the school and was televised each Tuesday evening on Cable T-V. Marilyn Huber, faculty advisor, and her staff of neophyte telecasters met and triumphed over many complications. The staff included Chuck Duran, Max Meyers, Susan Jasper, Bill Thomas, Tracy Burrell, Paul Darmitzel, Anthony Martinez, and Arlene Martinez. The result was an excellent learning experience for those who participated and an informative show.

JR. CLASS In their middle year at S.F.H.S., Juniors lead an active life, rising to prominence in sports, clubs and activities and planning and raising money for the Junior Senior Prom, the Junior's annual gift to the graduating Seniors. This dance, the most elaborate and formal of the year, occupies much time in planning and arranging decorations and music and paying for this. Each May, an elegant evening testifies to the success of their efforts.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS- (I Magdalene Monto 240







JUNIOR BOOSTERS—(I to r) —first row: Sylvia Romero, Charlee Fowler, Eleanor Romero, Berta Rodriguez, Debbie Ortega, Donna Basham, Margaret Sandoval, Anita Romero. Second row: Lydia Martinez, Liz Vigil, Donna Delayo, Dorothy Uranga, Lisa Keesing, Annette Sandoval, Carol Vigil, Andrea Martinez, Shirley Cordova, Norman Trujillo. Third row: Kathy Sanchez, Helen Mc-

Junior Boosters is a pep club formed to provide spirit and greater student and community involvement in S.F.H.S. sports. This enthusiastic new group is already making a major contribution in strongly backing our teams.

Grew, Peggy Doles, Anita Lopez, Mandee Jones, Scarlet Scarafiotti, Toni Ruiz, Cindy Hopkins, David Sandoval, Tim Filan, Charlie Anaya. Fourth row: Linda McFarland, Roxann Sosa, Cathy Martinez, Bobby DeVargas, Ricky Anaya, John Rose, Sam Callegos, Dennis Garcia, Ed McQuistin, David Sweeney, Juan Bustos, Roco Scarafiotti.

CHESS TEAM For those who do not believe in hasty action, the Chess Club is the perfect group. The mental calculation and complicated maneuvers required to win demand total concentration. The S.F.H.S. team has bested all local competition and placed in state meets which is reward enough for those who worry over their rooks and pawns. The serious intellectual need look no further for a happy way to spend the noon hour.

CHESS C L U B - 0 to r)-first row: Robert Clanton, Pam Piatt, Cheryl Buchwald. Second row: David Dunmar, Jeff Davis, Erik Johnson.


NJ.R.O.T.C NJROTC works to master the academic skills of seamanship and represents the school in inter-school drill competition, marches units in parades, provides a color guard for Demon games and school activities, and presents the school with a view of the pride and discipline of Navy service in the annual Pass and Review ceremony. This year, advanced cadets participated in a spring training program at the U.S. Naval Base in San Diego. This trip provided a taste of real Navy life and a week of new and exciting experience for the lucky participants.

N.J.R.O.T.C. OFFICERS —(I to r) —first row: Mike White, Second row: Alice Valdez, Tommy Gonzales. Third row: Jess McFarland, Robert Moore, Jim Williams.

BOYS DRILL TEAM—(I to r)—first row: Fernando Romero, John Chavez, Andrew Salazar, Paul Salazar. Second row: Kurt Watkins, Leonard Rodriguez, Mark Larragoite, Robert Valdez, John Rodriguez, Ben Salazar.

Third row: Anthony Velasquez, Eloy Romero, Joseph Doolittle, Manuel Lucero. Fourth row: Norman Terry, Martin Perea, David Silva, Joe Miller.

NJ.R.O.T. C.

N.J.R.O.T.C. COLOR C U A R D - ( I to r) —first row: Ronnie Padilla, Greg Rylee, John Rodriguez, Fernando Romero, Mark Larragoite, Charles Varela. Second row: Rose Mary

Gonzales. Third row: Joe Feather, Larry Herrera, Hal Hanna, Robert Bassett, David Mulberry, Al Sanchez.

N.J.R.O.T.C —(I to r)—first row: Mike White, Leonard Rodriguez, Ben Salazar, Rosemary Gonzales, Alice Valdez, Caroline Lucero, David Mulberry, Fernando Romero. Second row: Larry Herrera, Al Sanchez, Robert Bassett,

Arlene Sisneros, Debbie Lujan, Robert Wickham, Jess McFarland, Anthony Velasquez. Third row: Chester Moore, Jim Williams, Robert Moore, Hal Hanna, Tommy Gonzales, George Carrion, Mike Lucero, John Hughes.


N.J.R.O.T.C —(I to r)—first row: Al Sanchez, John Sanchez, Robert Valdez, Terri Creek, Cindy Garcia, JoAnn Zamora, Victoria Valdez, JoAnn Garcia,. Robert Wickham. Second row: Todd Boyers, Joseph Doolittle, Manuel

Lucero, Nancy Williams, Paul Montoya, Susan Keller. Third row: Norman Terry, Brian Maier, Walter Olson, Antonio Lovato, Jeff Davis, Robert Vigil, Kurt Watkins, Joe Miller.

GIRLS N.J R.O.T.C. —(I to r)—first row: Debbie Lujan, Randy Mills, Maureen Herrick, JoAnn Zamora, Caroline Lucero, Rosemary Gonzales. Second row: Florence Mon-

toya, Shelly Cowder, Bernadette Martinez, JoAnn Garcia, Victoria Valdez. Third row: Barbara Maier, Kathleen Kingsbury, Cindy Garcia, Betty Jean Baca, Susan Keller.


N.J.R.O.T.C —(I to r)—first row: Robert Bassett, Randy Mills, Maureen Herrick, Barbara Maier, Patsy Romero, Mary Jo Chavez, Elaine Criego, John Hughes. Second row: Fernando Romero, Cris Oakeley, Mark Sandoval, Bernadette Martinez, Martha Montoya, Debbie Lujan,

Betty Baca. Third row: Lonnie Martin, Eugene Hardy, John Aranda, Tim Pulliam, Mike Kaufman, Anthony Velasquez. Fourth row: Martin Perea, David Silva, Kenneth Vigil, Mark Hughes, Greg Rylee, Kenneth Bonham.

N.J.R.O.T.C —(I to r)—first row: Hal Hanna, Norma Ortega, Shelley Cowder, Florence Montoya, Rosemary Gonzales, Leonard Rodriguez. Second row: John Rodri-

guez, Kent Clemmons, Andrew Salazar, Roger Beaubien, Kathleen Kingsbury. Third row: Eloy Romero, Mark Larragoite, Ronnie Padilla, Charles Varela. 245

F.HA The age-old, ever new, creative skills that go to make the home a place of security, warmth and renewal are stressed in .the Future Homemakers of America Club. The state convention of FHA clubs in Albuquerque provides competition and new experience to the members. The girls raise funds for club projects and provide needed help in worthwhile activities.

F.H.A. —(I to r)—first row: Jeri Trujillo, JoAnna Garcia, Teresa Randolph, Diane Rodriguez, Veronica Griego. Second row: Brenda Baca, Maria Garcia, Yolanda Manzanares, Mary Ann Garcia, Liz Catanach, Eva Marie Ortiz. Third row: Miss Sandoval, Mrs. Hopper, Kathleen Sena, Mary Armijo, Liz Medrano.

GRASS CLUB No one has talked less, nor done more for Santa Fe High School than Mr. Pedro Ribera Ortega and his Grass Club. The continually growing beauty of the campus and- the ongoing •- expansion of landscaping reflects the vision and dedication of Mr. Ortega who worked with what was there instead of Jamenting what wasn't. This club and its sponsor deserve the support apd respect of all whose lives • touch the S.F.H.S. campus.


GRASS C L U B - ( I to r)—first row: Patricia Perea, Cherryl Sena, Flora Zamora, Robert Kempenich, David Vigil, Diane Vigil, Edwin Dean. Second row: Jeff Brown, Mike Kartas, MaryLou Ortega, Stella Cordova, Frank Rivera, Mike Cordova, Donald Ronquillo, Mr. Ortega. Third row:

Mike Arzola, Kip Whitlock, Jake Berry Ruben Vigil, Victor Rodriquez, Ricky Romero, Lawrence Martinez. Fourth row: Mike Duran, Gerald Rodriguez, Tony Medina, Fritz Peters, Victor* Perez, Lawrence Gurule, Danny Olguin, Tom Gunther, Victor Apodaca, Ed McQuinston.

KEYETTETES This year, for the second time, Key Club was broadened to include a girl's group called the Keyettes. These girls meet with Key Club and share the same goals and responsibilities. Although fairly new, Keyettes appears firmly established already as another worth-while campus club.

KEYETTES OFFICERS-0 to r)—first row: Debbie Ortega, Treasurer; Donna Delayo, Vice-President. Second row: Laura Bailey, Secretary; Linda McFarland, President; Barbara Vigil, Sponsor.

KEYETTES—(I to r)—first row: Becca Campos, Berta Rodriguez, Dina Scarafiotti, Debbie Archuleta, Charlee Fowler, Margaret Sandoval, Vivian Gonzales. Second row: Donna Basham, Debbie Ortega, Susi Richardson, Denise Jones, Beverly Chapman, Cindy Bloyeld, Linda Romero, Joy Surber, Karen Weidner. Third row: Patty LeBow, Liz

Vigil, Kathy Sanchez, Mandee Jones, Annette Sandoval, Jacque Taylor, Andrea Martinez, Carla Marsh, Laura Bailey. Fourth row: Linda McFarland, Donna Delayo, Ann Burtram, Kate Martinez, Lori Ortega, Cwenanne Coss, Bridget Sloan, Beth Bustos, Roxanne Sosa, Rosemary Padilla, Barbara Vigil.

CHOIR Under the gifted direction of Miss Marylinda Gutierrez, Santa Fe High School Choir won awards in area and regional competition and delighted all audiences who heard them. A high point of the season was their choir tour, and other public appearances in the community included performing at both baccalaureate and graduation, and other civic events. Discipline and dedication mark these outstanding young singers.

MADRIGAL CHOIR—(I to r(—first row: Maureen Lucero, Dolores Gomez, Tracy MacPhail Burrell, Liza Rael, Maria Rael. Cris Fitzgerald, Danny Daughartis, Fritz Peters, Jeff Stamets, Hal Hanna.

JAZZ CHOIR—(I to r)—first row: Dolores Gomez, Delora Acosta, Maureen Lucero, Tracy MacPhail Burrell, Anna Marie Baca, Liza Rael, Maria Rael. Second row: Terry

Skinner, Tommy Mendez, Fritz Peters, Danny Daughartis, Mike Ortiz, Cris Fitzgerald, Hal Hanna, Dana Porter.

GIRLS C H O I R - ( l to r)—first row: Donna Chavez, Maureen Lucero, Terry O'Neill, Dina Scarafiotti, Debbie Lopez, Denise Jones, Sharon Marsh. Second row: Lisa Lacy, Brenda Buckles, Jan Day, Susan Jasper, Kim Ellard, Barbara Maier, Roberta Garcia, Susie Archuleta, Annette

Newbury. Third row: Nancy Michaelson, Pam Balthrop, Lisa Ronningen, JoAnn Anaya, Julie Dingus, Jodi Fleig, Gwenanne Coss, Tracy MacPhail Burrell, Brenda Wilmott, Renee Geiger.

ADVANCED MIXED C H O I R - 0 to r)—first row: Bridget Martinez, Lori Dingus, Maureen Lucero, Dana Porter, Terry Skinner, Dolores Gomez, Maria Rael, Cindy Culberson, Benileigh Baca, Kathy Woods. Second row: Becky Valenzuela, Susan McLaughlin, Rose Sanchez,

Delora Acosta, Bill Guthrie, David Vomlenn, Tommy Mendez, Liza Rael, Anna Marie Baca, Pam Sandoval. Third row: Tracy Burrell, Danny Daugharty, Jim Brown, Jeff Stamets, Fritz Peters, Cris Fitzgerald, Mike Ortiz, Hal Hanna. 049


This year again the Demon Tatler staff enlarged and improved their excellent publication for in-depth coverage of campus events and personalities. This able group, led by the professional know-how of sponsor, Miriam Barck, gives students and faculty vivid and timely information on what is going on at our school. Undaunted by deadlines and unfazed by foul-ups, these young journalists show commendable dedication to their craft.

DEMON TATLER —(I to r) —first row: Delfie Muniz, Ruth Brown, Beti Martinez, Ken Ortiz. Second row: Tim Wolfe, Richard Salazar, Linda McFarland, Dianne Delayo, John Brown, Mrs. Barck. Third row: Jaima Jackson, Bill Long, Larry Holgerson, Alix Pitcher, Barbara Shaw, Jose Lopez.

GRAPHIC ARTS In its second year on the campus of S.F.H.S. is the Craphic Arts Club. They are responsible for the actual printing of the Demon Tatler. The excellent job they have done is to be commended.

GRAPHIC A R T S - 0 to r)—first row: Tim Wolfe, John Brown. Second row: Larry Holgerson. 250

DEMON TATLER OFFICERS-(l to r)—first row: Linda McFarland, Tim Wolfe, Jaima Jackson, Mrs. Barck. Second row: Richard Salazar, Bill Long, Larry Holgerson, John Brown.

SPEECH CLUB People who like to talk while other people listen have a happy outlet for their ambition in the S.F.H.S. Speech Club. Debate, dramatic interpretation, impromptu and formal speeches, all give training in the ability to speak easily and effectively in public. Hard work and tension mark preparation for and participation in state and regional speech meets. The Santa Fe Club ranked high in this competition and gained many individual and team honors.

SPEECH C L U B - 0 to r ) - f i r s t row: Carol Carr, Joey Chavez, Susan Jasper. Second row: Miss Grey, Johanna Johnson, Larry Holgerson, Edith Keil, Rosella Vialpando,

Alix Pitcher, Tom Roybal. Third row: Liz Hayes, Joe Feather, Anthony Martinez, Ronnie Nutter, Pancho Sobien. 251


STUDENT C O U N C I L - ( l to r)—first row: Debbie Archuleta, Valerie Hyde, Helen Tafoya, Sylvia Romero, Clara Gonzales, Berta Rodriguez, Eleanor Romero, Kathy Byrnes, Dorenn Saiz, Gloria Regensburg, Anita Romero, Margaret Sandoval. Second row: Beth Doutt, Susie Mosher, Laura Bailey, Joanne 'Maestas, Debbie Ortega, Peggy Doles, Adrienne Alvarez, Kathy Vigil, Karen Weidner, Johnny Vargas. Third row: Cathy Salvo, Kathy Lien, Lisa Gianardi, Liz Vigil, Donna Basham, Cindy Hopkins, Dave Sandoval, Yolanda Alarid, Lupita Morales, Lisa Keesing, Andrea Martinez, Shirley Cordova, Linda Weil, Magdalene Montoya. Fourth row: Vicente Garcia, Anita Lopez, Linda McFarland, Karla Bucholz, Diane

Student Council, elected by the student body, works to broaden student participation in activities, to provide a voice in campus affairs, and to contribute to improve understanding and communications between the student body, the faculty and the administration. The hours are long and the rewards are few, but the undaunted student council works on for the betterment of everyone at S.F.H.S.

DeLayo, Julie Servis, Kathleen Sena, Toni Ruiz, Carol Vigil, Normal Trujillo, Lizanne Wallis, Helen McGrew, Michelle Aragon, Janice Briones. Fifth row: David Rodriguez, Tommy Gonzales, Barbara Shaw, Liz Hayes, Paul Darmitzel, Ann Burtram, Nancy Williams, Bridget Sloan, Sandra LeBow, Tim Filan, Liza Rael, Cindy Trout, Girard Martinez, Carla Marsh, Tina Ruiz, Mandy Jones. Sixth row: Jill Fleig, Darby Spring, Peter Bowen, Greg Heltman, Doug Peterson, Craig Mims, Dennis Garcia, Dennis Bufalory, Barney Cruz, Juan Bustos, Jay Mitchell, Larry Pond, Alfredo Garcia, Ronnie Sandoval, Jeff Nieto, Bill Thomas, Jaima Jackson.

STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS—(I to r)—first row, Dianne Delayo, Treasurer; Judy Wilson, Sponsor. Second row: Jack Hopkins, Sponsor; Paul Darmitzel, Parlementarian; Carla Marsh, Secretary. Third row. Cindy Trout, Vice-President; Dennis Garcia, President; Candace Cillis, Sponsor.



Organized to provide support and spirit for the wrestling team, the cheerful Mat Maids have already made their mark on campus. The strong showing of the team is cause for rejoicing and a set-back only makes the Mat Maids more certain that the next one will be a win.

M A T MAIDS —(I to r) —first row: Amy Kloth, Rosie Logue, Andrea Martinez, Sandy Gutierrez, Sue Coultas. Second row: Kathy Byrnes, Audrey Mier, Linda Romero.

BIKE CLUB A newly formed club this year on the S.F.H.S. campus is the Bike Club, organized by Mr. Johnson. If you like the out-of-doors and good exercise this club is certainly for you. The club is quickly gaining in popularity and support.


BIKE CLUB—(I to r)—first row: Laurie Cordon, Sharon Marsh, Sherri Sexton, Ruth Brown, Kathy Byrnes. Second row: Mr. Keaton Johnson, Ellen Armbruster, John Brown, Laura Chavez, Tim Wolfe, Lisa Lacy, Sarah Kivela. Third row: Mike Byrnes, David Vomlenn, Jeff Stamets, Scott Smith, Cindy Warner.




The spring trip to Chihauhua and Mochis, Mexico was the highlight of the school year for members of Pan American Club and sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hopkins and Mr. and Mrs. John Zinn. This trip, to foster appreciation for the Mexican culture and the practical opportunity to use language skills was an exciting blend of fun and learning. Another special event sponsored by the club was the annual Pan American Dinner which featured an authentic Mexican menu and colorful decorations with a guest speaker and Mexican guitarist to set the scene, all of which was preceded by the crowning of the Pan Am Queen, Helen Tafoya and her court. The inspiration given by Mr. Perez, Mrs. Dinkel, and Mr. Lopez as faculty sponsors, is responsible of the spirit and dedication of the club.

PAN AMERICAN CLUB—(I to r)—first row: Ruby Roybal, Carol Bachicha, Betty Trujillo, JoAnn Martinez, Patti Carnard, Kathy Cardenas, Gina Beasley, Sabrina Brown. Second row: Mr. Perez, Kathy Montoya, Vickie Bruch, Jeri Valdez, MaryAnn Salazar, Isabel Lucero, Josie Maes, Patty Jury, Leonor Garcia, Suzanne Narranjo, Sarah Clark, Mrs. Dinkel. Third row: Guadalupe Bustamante, Jeannene

Romero, Melinda Lopez, Debbie Wharton, Joanne Ortiz, Madalene Aragon, Georgette Gonzales, Diana Gonzales, Delfie Muniz, Ruth Jones, Marty Padilla. Fourth row: Helen Sobien, Scarlet Scarafiotti, Cindy Lewis, Tommy Roybal, David Rodriguez, Julie Wugalter, Carol Solomon, Jaima Jackson, Toni Bufalory, Joe Padilla, Jeff Brown, Debbie McBeth, Nick Bahr

SYMPHONIC BAND: (I to r) 1st row: Anne Burttram, Julie Dill, Margaret Roybal, Cathy Salvo, Diana Cordova, Janice Wood, Cecelia Carcia, Tsenre Pompeo, Katie Weil, Lisa Bearden, Cheryl Buchwald, Beverly Chapman, Pamela Piatt, Kerry O'Neill, Barbara Shaw. 2nd row: Darby Spring, Bail Gibbs, Carol Soloman, Valerie Romero, Anita Lopez, Emily Roybal, Amy Jasper, Jean Hamilton, Debbie Badsgard, Dolores Sena, Terese Callegos, Elizabeth Hayes, Susy Mosher, Jacque Taylor, Judy

Wiliams, Mark Wilson, Robert Aein, Joyce Williams, Tim Franklin, Jose Lopez. 3rd row: Craig Mims, Frank DesCeorges, David Horton, David Sanchez, David Neidorf, Paul Salazar, Edmund Baca, Max Myers, David Anaya, Henry Vigil, Louis Baca, Manuel Sandoval, Carmela Catanach, Liz Ortiz, Emily Baca, Brian Lee. 4th row: Bobby Brooks, Mike Sisneros, Rick Sisneros, Paul Cetz, Norman Bridgeford, Doug Peterson, Damon Apodaca.


CONCERT BAND: (I to r) 1st row: Midge Lovelace, Miriam Pope, Val DeLaO, Yvonne Gomez, Diane Rivera, Loretta Branch, Sandy Padilla, Mary Anne Tauche, Jose Lopez, Cindy Fleming, Patty Garnand, Roger Beaubein. 2nd row: Roberta Romero, Linda Gage, Eloise Montano, Loretta Hutchinson, Debbie Romero, Lela Cross, Leann Johnson, Gary Mier, Bernice Jeminez, Charlene Lopez, Jose Lopez, Lori Ortiz. 3rd row: Barbara Rodriguez, Charon Archie, Sammy Garcia, Robert Carcia, Alan


Myers, Jose Trujillo, David Walraven, Clem Montano, Gerald Martinez, Arthur Trujillo, Scott Ducaj, David Romero, Rick Catanach, Paul Oliver, George Gonzales, Craig Steinhoff, Lorraine Segura, David Silva, Robert Wickham, Gene Mier, Dolly Dow, Cindy Price, Karen Tauche, James Schultz. 4th row: Jeff Davis, Lonnie Martin, Mr. Pontsler, Kenny Kahn, Paul Baca, Martin Perea, Anthony King.

DANCE BAND—(I to r)—first row: Louis Baca, Carmela Catanach, Brian Lee, Darby Spring, Manny Sandoval, David Sanchez, David Neidorf, David Borton, Craig Mims, Frank DesCeorges. Second row: Ann Burtram, Mark

Wilson, Beverly Chapman, Rick Sisneros, Bobby Brooks, Jose Lopez, Mike Sisneros, David Anaya, Robert Zone, Henry Vigil, Edmund Baca.

The Ice-Cream Social was just one of the Band's fund-raising events to raise money for their trip to Rome, Italy.


TRIP TO ROME A special event for our S.F.H.S. Band this year was their trip to Rome, Italy for the International Italian Band Festival in March. In order to raise the money to go. Band members held fund-raising events which included an ice-cream social and raffling off a car. All of those who had the golden opportunity of going thoroughly enjoyed the trip and hope to go back someday.


BAND TWIRLERS Most people wonder how they ever do it, but the Band Twirlers are apt to smile and say its really easy. Not many people believe it though, as they watch these talented girls go through a complicated twirling routine at a football game. An exact sense of rhythm and timing is necessary for. this difficult art and the girls spend hours of time alone and with Band in order to have their skills at a peak of perfection. BAND TWIRLERS —(I to r) — first row: Beverly Chapman, Carmela Catanach, Judy Williams, Jacque Taylor, Tsenre Pompeo.


DECA is a national organization of students who combine classroom work and actual on-the-job experience during school hours. DECA students earn money, learn practical methods and gain experience toward their chosen vocational goals in this valuable program. This active group also runs its own store at Vo-Tech.

D.E.C.A. OFFICERS-(l to r)—first row: Louise Martinez, Secretary; Pam Bowker, Sergeant at Arms; Nick Apodaca, President; Vickie Mahoney, Sweetheart.



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