Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1981

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"An extraodinary book about the life and spirit of Demon Country picturesque, touching, and alive." Josten's American Yearbook Co.

LA FIESTA lesta time means different things to our people, but most all like to be spectators during Plaza entertainment. Traditional songs and dances excite the many young and old who come and Join In this celebration. As part of the religious observance a colorful mass Is held In honor of New Mexico past and future. Throughout the city one can hear "Viva la Fiesta."



• 2 Opening


b<fl MUSIEfl

anta Fe Fiestas feature the traditional Mexican music performed by various marlaehl groups. Our city also associates Genoveva Chavei who has entertained Santa Feans for most of her life with Fiesta time. Dressed In colorful and symbolical dresses are the Spanish dancers who bring spirit to the oldest celebration In the United States. While most Santa Feans take part In this annual activity Santa Fe High students always I1 Join In with their own celeoration of Fiestas.

4 Opening


4 Opening



the fire dancers set a torch to the long chalky white gown of Zozobra, a cheer goes up. The crowd grows excited as Old Man Gloom, who symbol Izes their worries goes up In flames. Fire works start to explode beyond the moan ing giant, and the revellers cry "Viva La Flestal" Everyone from students to senior citizens get excited and Involved In this Friday night celebration.



10 Opening

Iving in a tricultural community, Santa Feans have different traditions, religions, and life styles. A few of these include the colorful and talented In* dlans from neighboring

areas, the historical Catholic churches, and the rich variety of cultural activities. A newcomer needs but a short time to discover the beauty of Santa Fe and wish to be a part of the "City Different."


ooklng Into the sky on a shimmering night, one can remember the clouds of a sunset, as the gold sun sneaks Into the rose-colored mountains. Add to this, the memorable

aspens, whose golden colors touch your heart with the feeling of New Mexico, and the solitary homes among the snow-capped mountains that suggest the peace In our "Land of Enchantment1


14 Opening



a • look back to the year S H 1980-81 remembering It all — from reglstraHon to football and finally graduation. We remember the whirl of activities and spirit of celebration. We remember the campus and all our friends.


STAFF DEDICATES B00K TO dQE EflSflDEJS he yearbook staff chose to dedicate the 1981 volume of Para MaAana to our principal, Mr. Joe Casados. With 35 years of service, Mr. Casados known as "Papa Joe" throughout the years, was selected for this honor because of his many contributions to SFHS, his sincere loyal* ty, and his humanistic understand* Ing of others. Mr. Casados was bom In Gallup, New Mexico and graduated from high school there. He played foot* ball In high school and was cap* tain of an undefeated team and selected an all-state fullback. He attended NMSU and graduated from Arizona State (Northern Arizona University). He was president of the Senior class and a football captain at the college level. He received his masters of science from the University of New Mexico. He has taught and coached at McNary, Arizona; St. Michael's College; Cathedral High School In El Paso, Texas; Pojoaque High School, and Harvey Junior High School. He has also served as as* slstant principal at SFHS and principal at De Vargas Jr. High. In 1966*67 he was appointed principal at Santa Fe High School. Since then, he has helped establish Vo Tech, and he was Involved In establishing the Alternative School. He added the following to the curriculum: Art Dept., NJROTC, Advanced Biology, Psychology, Sociology, Humanities, Remedial English courses, Advanced P.E., and he adopted the current system of registration. Mr. Casados has been Involved In the construction of many of the buildings on campus. Some of these include the Library, Biology building, Toby Roybal Gym, and Ivan Head Stadium. Other projects include the paving of student and faculty parking lots and landscaping of the campus. He has served on many commit* tees, advisory boards, and spoken at various conventions. For all of these accomplishments and re* sponslbllltles, w e proudly


this giant of a man, Mr. Joe Casados. 17

"Involvement is a major part of a school environment. Activities allow students to become involved and participate." Mr. John Sena Assistant Principal








here he is just standing in the brisk clean air. Large enough for all to see him in his misery. Hair of orange, lips of red forever knowing he'll soon be dead. Robe of white, sky of blue, he knows there's nothing he can do. Then crowds start gathering below, and they wonder "Does he really know?" Before the night is out he shall be "dead", and "does this thought fill him with dread?" The sun sets now in the horizon as more crowds gather down below him. The fire dancer come as In a dream, and leads Zozobra now to cream. He knows how frightening death can be. Now to his robe they light the fire, as the flames go higher and higher. The crowds below him scream and shout. Now his face grows solemly grim as his sight starts growing dim. For now we see him lying there, knowing of his return next year. Jim Cordova (Freshman)

Geneva Chavez sings for the fiesta celebration. Zozobra (Old Man Gloom) awaits his fiery death. Children dance to show fiesta spirits. The Plaza Is always crowded during Fiestas. The S.F.H.S. band participates in the Fiesta parade. The Mariachis entertain near-by tourists. Shown here are the Fiesta Queen and her court of Santa Fe in 1980-1981.

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FIRST ROW-Kathy Boldelson. Karen Mayfield, Peggy Baca. Anna Jimenez. Theresa Romero. SECOND ROW-Ellie Dendall, Bernadette Anaya. Donna Ortiz, Roxanne Lovato.

22 Activities

he students at Santa Fe High School chose nine girls to represent our homecoming festivities every year. This is a traditional event that features much activity among the students. 1) This is the 1980-1981 Homecoming Queen and Court. 2) Karen Mayfield and Anna Jimenez are the Senior Princesses. 3) Theresa Romero and Cathy Boldelson represented the junior class. 4) Senior. Peggy Baca, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Luciano Baca represented the whole school as the Homecoming Queen of 198081. 5) The Sophomore Princesses are Donna Ortiz and Bemadette Anaya. 6) Roxanne Lovato and Ellie Dendall represented the Freshman class. Both came from Capshaw Junior High.

Homecoming 23

DEMON PARADE HIGH his year's Homecoming parade took place on October 10, 1980. Crowds of people gathered around the plaza and nearby streets to watch the many colorful floats go by. The Santa Fe High School Marching Band participated as usual. Cheerleaders kept up their energy throughout the crowds who. by the end of the parade, were cheering on the Demons for a victory against the Mustangs.

1. Number 29 heads for a touchdown at the Homecoming game. 2. Varsity Cheerleaders keep the crowd going. 3. Smiling faces always bring out the best in Demon fans. 4. Homecoming Queen float-topped with smiling attendants. 5. "Rest in peace Mustangs." 6. Bringing back the good or days. 7. Annual students in standing position for the parade.





Sadie Hawkins-where girl meets boy; girl asks boy to dance; girl and boy have an ecstatic time on a November night. Santa Fe High School celebrates Sadie Hawkins by an assembly, and then a dance. Almost everyone participates in this annual event. The students dressed up in unusual costumes. Some of the costumes consisted of cut off shorts, ponytails, bandanas, painted on freckles, suspenders, and any thing else one could think of.

1. Jackie Bradly claps enthusiastically. 2. Phyllis Romero wonders when this assembly Is going to be over. 3. Enthusiastic crowd waits to cheer. 4. Jackie Bradly appears a little nervous. 5. Sophomore cheerleaders wait for the excitement to begin. 6. Sandra Jimenez looks into the crowd in hope of seeing some one she can identify. 7. SFHS Varsity football team await their announcement





Santa Fe High School senior Jeanne Gundzik was crowned New Mexico Junior Miss on Feb. 7 at Kiva Auditorium in Alburquerque. Miss Gundzik performed Chopin's Schezo, a classical piano solo for the talent part of the competition. Miss Gundzik's response for being chosen as Junior Miss was, 7 enjoyed meeting the girls, and my host family was great." In five different judged categories which were poise, appearance, talent, scholastic standing, youth, and fitness. Miss Gundzik won plaques in the first three. Jeanne will leave for Mobile, Alabama June 7 to represent New Mexico In the National Finals. She will be there for two weeks and during that time she will be sightseeing, rehearsing, and preparing for the nationally televised program. She will be competing against 52 other contestants on June 18, for the 1981 America Junior Miss title.

1. Jeanne and brother Greg smile proudly for the camera after being named New Mexico s junior Miss. 2. A UNM student escorts Jeanne during the poise and appearance competition. 3. Miss Gundzik shows her dancing talent to the song "Fame". 4. Jeanne receives a plaque for her good performances. 5. Competing for poise and appearance amidst an Impressive background. 6. Jeanne performs with and against another contestant for youth and fitness.

26 Junior M M


junior HUM 2 *


The Santa Fe High School Drama department put on some interesting plays this year. They started out with "Cabaret" which was a lot of hard work for everyone involved. Sally Boles was played by Julie Stephenson and also by Jill Momaday. Mary Kay Boatright Steve Earhart, and Brad Sherwood were just a few of the many other performers in the production. The second play, performed by Drama III. was "The In Group", directed by Ginny McClutchy. a senior. The play was excellent according to the critics at the Festival Of The Arts. "The In Group" cast consisted of the following people; Thaddeus Wadleigh, Ramona Nye, Faith Bragg. Evelyn Baca. Come Graves, Christina Boyce, Leslie Loggans, Tracy Lucas, Gabriel Danchik, Curtis Smith, and Dillan Thomas.

1) Ramona Nye. Thaddeus Wadleigh, and Leslie Loggans are in "The h Group". 2) Brad Sherwood and Mary Kay Boatright perform a duet in "Cabaret". 3) (Left to right) Michael Kovnat, Ginny McClutchy, and Jack Marsh are in "Dracula". put on by TPAC. (Teenage Performing Arts Company). 4) Carlos Vieira and Leslie Spring rehearse for the "Crucible"? 5) Rafield Benjamen and Darryl Picket in "Dracula". 6) Ramona Nye puts on make-up for "The In Group".

30 Drama




STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN VARIED EVENTS uring the past years at Santa Fe High School many students found that they could not show their talents during school hours. The Demon Vaudeville solved this problem; it is an annual talent show open to all the students at Santa Fe High. This year's show consisted of instrumental music, singing, dancing, and comedy acts. Fellow students were ecstatic with the performers, and showed this with their enthusiastic applauding. Student Council produces this activity for the Santa Fe High Students. Student Council also helped with other activities, such as elections, clean-up drives, and school assemblies.


1. Steve Erhart and Brad Sherwood show their talent in a comedy act In Demon Vaudeville. 2. Ms. Gillis and Student Council Members help students during school event. 3. A Demon coed escorts a conehead through campus. 4. Kevin Weldinstein shows his loving affection to Tim BaH.


CUSS NIGHT, COLLEGE NIGHT PROVE SUCCESSFUL nee every year the senior class puts on Class Night. The result Is an evening of fun and excitement for the performers as well as the audience. The seniors performed enthusiastic acts. The acts included singing, dancing, and also comedy skits, and the audience enjoyed the spring talent show. "They showed their approval by their enthusiastic applauding," saidFrankie Scalise, a senior at Santa Fe High School.

1. Students demonstrate a variety of talent. 2. Students ftock around the Eastern New Mexico University exhibit. 3. Grand Canyon College was one of the many institutions represented at College Night. 4. A student reviews literature from Comet University. 5. A Demon examines literature from Adams State College.




r. Robert trtmer and his western civilization class once again planned this year's Medieval Mayfair, which was held May 8, 81. This was the third consecutive year for the fair at Santa Fe High. This year's activities included a tug of war, a scavengers hunt and Shakesperean skits by the drama classes. A costume contest was also part of the action with both teacher and student participation. In old days of bold, when knights are old and the sorceror's had lost their zap and left us in technology's trap I had come to accept this unavoidable fate But then something caught my gaze A return into wizardry's invincible gate A return to Medieval Mayfair days As I sat munching on fine German rolls Drawing my fancy on exquisite French quisine I watched as monks, wizards and trolls All arrived to make the Medieval scene And suddenly from far beyond the horizon Came the possesor of the wild magic The wizard Ertmer of Demon's laison Casting spells of charm fantastic Back to the days of old, knights again are bold The sorcerors regain their magic ways Ah, take me back to stories untold Twined in Medieval Mayfair days. Mike Sterns 1. Alas Mr. Ertmer, you lady Zlnn beside you. 2. Mr. Jacobson. your everyday swashbuckler. 3. Mrs. Begelsplker and Ms. Cruse (Alternative) have a feeing of royalty. 4. Becca Shoenfeld sinks her teeth Into a piece of watermelon. 5. Next? Richard Edwards waits for his next victim. 6. Cassandra Wadleight show a mixture of emotions. 7. Mystical Beings enjoy the Mayfair. 8. Lisa Tanne, Is our Mayfair joker. 9. Students from Alternative also participate In the activities. 10. Corinne Graves and Natasha Hutchinson stop In the middle of things to have a friendly chat.


FOR TH6 CLASS OF "81" unior-Senior Prom was truly a night of fantasy" for the class of 81 and 82. Students awaited this night all year, and when It finally arrived, it swiftly passed through the night. Couples came wearing faces of excitement along with their prettiest gowns and most handsome tuxedos and their beautiful flowers. Sweeney Convention Center was turned into a glittering ballroom decorated with silver teardrops hanging from the ceiling and flowers galore making May 30, 1981 an evening of elegance and remembrance. This years Junior-class sponsors consisted of Gary Myers, Tita Stasny, Ernest Tafoya, and Glenda O'Keefe. Gary Myers and the help of the enthusiast'? junior class raised 3,000 dollars to put on 81's prom. They decorated days before, surely making it a room of "Fantasy" for everyone.

1 1981's prom shoots off with a great start. 2 1981. a great year, with many memories. 3 Glenn Urioste and Carol Romero take a moment to relax and enjoy the evening. 4 Jarry Hartrog and Franclne Larranaga the air with a touch of romance.

*9*1 *0.1.





ember when you dreamed of the day you'd leave the house and go your way? There were such wonderful plans; your dreams were so great; you were only a child who just could not wait. But as you grew older and time grew near, it seems hard to believe that the day was here. The world became larger, your plans became small, and you're all on your own with no help at all. All of a sudden reality is gone; you're only a baby awakening at dawn. You wish once again you were only a child near mother's touch so gentle and mild. Again you awaken to finally see you're now the person you've wanted to be. So children remember let childhood days last, for in no time at all they'll be days of the past. Leah Wilson Sophomore

raduationis the time to pack away the last twelve years and begin on the ones to come. Stepping out of your cap and gown you realize you now must prepare youself for the future. Many thoughts rush through your mind along with hopes and dreams of a good life. You stop and think about all the troubles that will come your way once your all alone; You sigh a moment and wish In some way you were still in school to share laughs and tears with those who grew up with you during your high school years. Graduation Is the time when you cry, but not because of sadness and not merely because of gladness, but because of both. Graduation obviously only comes once, making it the most memorable experience of your life. This year's graduation ceremony was quite a change of pace. Santa Fe High's seven hundred and fifty students accepted their honor in the newly constructed Ivan Head Stadium at 2:00 pm on May 31, this too making 1981 surely a memorable year.

1 Nester Romero prepares himself for his speech. 2 Accepting your diploma is something always to remember. 3 The feeling of pride is always overwhelming. 4 Ernie Thomas walks back to his seat after acepting his diploma. 5 Mr. Ponstler directs the SFHS band to aid in the spirit of Graduation. 6 Cathy Duran, proudly sneaks a smile after receiving he diploma. 7 The entrance of 1981'$ Graduates. 8 Only pan1 of the crowd who came to see the proud Graduates of SFHS.



Maria Armijo Maria Armijo has been involved in activities at the high school during her junior year, and senior years. As a junior, Maria was elected as a Junior Varsity Cheerleader and was a People to People Nominee. As a senior, she was on the Homecoming committee, a Jr. Miss contestant, was elected as a Varsity Cheerleader, and also for Who's Who among American High School Students. Shauna Allen Royal Blues according to Shauna Allen means a great deal of achievement. She is very proud and surprised about all the things she has accomplished in high school. Shauna says that she has had a lot of fun, but some disappointments. Her friends, activities, and school work are very important to her. Her free time is spent cheering at games, shopping, and spending time with her mother As for her hobbies, she sews, skis, swims, or plays tennis. In her senior year Shauna was Varsity cheerleader, and in her Junior year she was homecomhg attendant, Who's Who, and Junior class rep. among other things.

40 Royal Hues

Peggy Baca is interested in becd ing a pediatrician and plans to atl\ college to get her degree in this fiek Out of the little free time that she she spends it redding cr swimming, her favorite hobby is listening to mm One thing Peggy will never forge being elected homecoming queen 1980-81 year. As a senior, Peggy a "/ have learned to depend upon self and not to rely on my paren The important things in high school her were keeping up her good gr\ and being active in school actlvi Sally Walkiewicz, an English tead here at Santa Fe High, influenced R gy the most. Some of the acflvn that Peggy Baca was involved in eluded being head CheerlemT People to People Nominee, HonqE student, a National Honor Se| member, FBLA parlimentarian, Homecoming Queen. Peggy was elected for Who's Who among A can High School students.

Amongali sshe is alsi After high school she plans to attend the University of New Mexico - Albuquerque and major in Foreign itions or Journalism. When asked w .* two people influenced her most .-r high school, she replied, ' ^ two people which helped me alot in gh school, were coach John Aire and Mr. Charles Lopez. They gave me good thoughts and encouragement.

y Bootright Mary Kay was born in Denver Col\ rado, but has attended SFHS since 9f\ grade. Mary is very honored to be a Royal Blue and has worked hard for all the accomplishments she has made. Mary works as a lifeguard but also enjoys skiing, sewing, singing, dancing, reading, and just being with her Mends. She was in academics here at SFHS and has enjoyed her years here at the high school.

ngeia Holing has participated in Tina Boyce many activities in her four years of high school. They are Honor Roll, freshmen ' 'It may sound silly, but my main interHomecoming attendent, Student est in life is to be happy." Christine Council, a Junior and Senior Class Rep.,Boyce says her teachers and friends Junior Miss Contestant. Who's Who, here at SFHS have been helping her and People to People. She participat- meet this goal for the past four years. ed in J. V. and Varsity volleyball, bas-Other happiness is found in swimming, ketball, lettermen, and varsity softball, her aquarium fish, sewing, and cookAngela is very proud of her achieve- ing. Christine has proved to be an exments. Her main interest in life is to fulfill cellent student and extremely helpful her goals as high as possible. During her in her three year contribution to the free time she participated in extra cur- drama department. "I feel that most ricuiar activities and helping other of my achievements have led to a clubs and organizations. Angela's hob- great self-improvement and given me bies are running, drawing, and paint- confidence for myself and my Mure. ing. She feels her senior year has been My Fnglish and history teachers, and Mr. Tydings have helped me to see a challenging. different aspect of life. They had retravel and would like to try spect for me and confidence boating waterskiing and parachutabilities." How does she feel aboui ing.'' commented Mary Bodelson. In her spare time Mary enjoys cooking, Libby Butler is best known for her par- Santa Fe High? "A learnt so much arts and crafts, camphg. riding bikes, ticipation in the swimming team. She about myself and otht musical plays, and old movies. Mary was an assistant to Coach Joe Car- joyed it and despised it. was bom in Boulder. Colorado and penter on the Demon team, and she have missed it for anything." moved to Santa Fe. She has been ac- has placed well on me 1980-81 Swimtive in the Pan American dub. Junior ming meets. As the Demonette capyear she was vice-president, pep club, tain, she 'had a great deal of fe J.V. drill team, and the French Club. spirit," said Coach Carpenter.

Wade spends his free time swimming, bowling, and listening to music. His hobbies are reading and going to the movies. Wade feels that Royal Blues is a great honor because makes his hard work meaningful. Wade was born in Los Alamos, N.M., but has attended SFHS since 9th grade. When asked how he feels about the high school he quoted, "I'm sad I have to leave, but I'm happy to graduate and get on with my life.

Darlene Carrillo Santa Fe High School has built the foundation for senior Denise Carrillo's future education It has enriched her mind and has made her more mature. Darlene's main Interest in life is to be the best that she can be and always try something that seems impossible. She spends most of her time sketching or writing poetry. Her hobbies consist of art, designing clothes, and composing poetry. Darlene says, "Each time I accomplish something, I get closer to my goal. The closer I get to my goal, the more sure I am that I can succeed. Therefore, I have a positive attitude for certain achievements." Wade Carter Striving to be the best is important to Darlene in high school and also in life. Miss Center, an elementary school teacher, has influenced Darlene the Kathryn was born in Santa Fe and yDure most in school because she made has attended SFHS for four years. She learning more interesting. has been active in many activities such as. Varsity Swimming, Diving, and To Kathy Duron, Royal Blues ^ ^ Gymnastics, a Drama student, and a something of great value. "I have member of Key Club and the National ways felt that students in years befO were special because they were Honor Society. Kathryn's hobbies are just as exciting Royal Blues." Cathy added. She enp} as her activities. They are skiing, read- school and is proud of her acNevi ing, singing and cooking. When asked ments and active participation In vc what Royal Blues meant to her she ious clubs on campus. Cathy was nior Class Vice-President, Senior Cj said, "I feel honored." Representative, and Chairman forsq^ era! fund raising activities. She was > a Junior Miss Contestant. Cathy fe that her Senior year has been a gre challenge because of all the hard wc and decisions that come with being! senior. Her main interest in life is fb-Qm tain the highest education she cd~ possibly achieve. To sum it all upA Cathy said happily. ' 'It's great tbf be a senior."


Royal Blues

Francis Griego was born and raised in Santa Fe. When asked about her achievements at the High Behoof, she said. "I feel the achievements I have made have helped my life to be more whole. Experiencing different things helps me feel and think as others might." Francis' main interest in life is to try and help people who need help Francis spends her free time trying to better herself mentally and physically. er hobbies are skiing, skating, reading, playing softball. and volleyball, rands' achievements in school consisted of being a member of student council, in her first three years of high school and a cheerleader in her Freshmen year.

Chris Gonzales Francis Griego Jeanne Gundzik, Santa Fe's Junior born and raised Miss was chosen to be in Royal Blues. here h Santa Fe. Chris says that his Jeanne was a member of the Honor mah Interest hi life Is to have a good Manuel Gonzalez, a senior at S.F.H.S.Society. Concert Band. Wind essemcollege education and to settle down and be a good farray man. He has the past four years have been great. ble. and a J V Cheerleader Jeanne Gundzik had the honor to started out very well In high school by They have opened his eyes to many of represent New Mexico in the 1981 Julifes aspects. Manuel's greatest disachieving one of his goals, being chosen as a Royal Blue. Also, he is the leadcovery was the realization of his cultenor h the choir and In that role, went ture and what it has to offer to the ft) At-State Choir in 1979-80 and in world. Though by reading his achieve1960-81. He has been a member of the ments there at S.F.H.S. it would appear German Club for four years and this he himself has a lot to offer. He was a year is the club president. Chris was member of the National Honor Society elected Who's Who Among American has an outstanding academic record Hgh School Students. He spends most and was also a delegate at the Busiof lis tree tune hunting, fishing, singing,ness Week Seminar in Alburqurque. Some of Manuel's hobbies are coin and just laying back. collecting, fishing, bowling and playing ping-pong He Is very proud of being elected as a Royal Blue but is determined to pursue higher and more honorable heights.

her plans for her Mure. She plans to work frith the Financial Security. When asked about Royal Blues she replied, 7 have somethhg to be proud of. AH my achievements have been recogBeing nominated for Royal Blues is a nized" She has also been recognized by very prestlgous honor. Senior Janice Who's Who among American Ugh Kreuch admits "It was a lot of work, but It gave me a good feeling afterSchool Students. wards. " Janice has participated in the French Club & Junior Miss Pageant. Her lighest achievement Is a 4.0 GPA

Dierdre Love


"For me. Royal Blues is an honor because Its'members are only those who have achieved an exceptional high record." Said Kadra Knudson when asked what Royal Blues meant to her. Martha Krumtn Kadra spends her free time, reading, skating, and participating h sports, but "I feel honored to have been chomost of at shericesto spend her free sen for Royal Blues. It was quite a surtime with her family and friends. Kadra prise!" Says Martha Kruhmh. To Marfeels that her senior year was a very tha, school is very important. She is Important year during High School. It Is glad she has had the opportunity to a way to team, and branch out Into her attain ail her achievements. Martha young adult years. She was bom in participates in church youth groups Denver, Colorado, but for the past 8 and enjoys teaching children In Bible years she has lived here in Santa Fe. clubs. Her main interest in life is to find God's wiH for her.

This year Dierdre Love was one of the outstanding students nominated for Royal Blues. As a junior. Dierdre was selected outstanding junior for the "sneak preview of UNM" Dierdre considers this most important to her in her high school years. She feels her parents were very Influential to her. She says, "Achieving a Royal Blues title means I have reached a goal for myself and for Santa Fe High. It gives me honor and pride." Her main interest in life Is to serve God by helping people through her chosen career.

Janice Kreuch

Renee Smith enlevements in the past four years has helped Renee Smith grow and develop as a person and as a leader Renee is also been an all around achiever of volleyball, track. and academics. Renee feels education is most Important in life and her main r -'est fe to get a good education lybebeei^*ifj<") //")

thf* ft '

among American High School Students. David's main interest is to attain his goals through ambition and hard work. His hobbies include reading, swimming, tennis, and skiing. Royal Blues to David is very special and he feels he has enriched his education through his achievements.

Deanna Martinez Maintaining good grades, meeting people, and being involved in shcool activities has always been important to Deanna Martinez. Deanna was J. V. and Varsity Cheerleader, and hdd the honor to be a North-South All Star Cheerleader. She kept high grades attaining a position on the honor roll regularly. Her hobbies include mdinly summer sports. Her achievements led her to say. "I am Renee Martinez very happy. I have tried to do my best in them." Deanna's main goal in life is Royal Blues has distinguished itself as to complete college and attain a ca- one of the top honors for which Santa reer in accounting Fe High Senior can hope. "I am flattered to be a Royal Blue candidate." says Renee Martinez. Throughout her years here at Santa Fe High, Renee has always been active in athletic programs. She has involved herself in volAmyi leyball, tennis, soccer and basketball. She has been a member of the Key Amy Miller was born In El Paso, ft Club and National Honor Society. She is proud of her acNevemj When asked. "How do you feel about your Senior year here at high school and wants to A K W J M S.F.H.S. ?" Renee answered. "I feel thatreer in business or journalism. Her i I have grown as an individual. I have bies include playing the fluw& developed in physical and mental cling, reading, and writing poems* Amy feels her senior year ham~ awareness and my confidence has grown stronger." Renee feels she is the best year at SFHS. Amy n a | leaving the high school as a well round- Santa Fe Highlights Editor, a /fagg ed person and looks forward to a ca- co-captain in band, and a Nc Honor Society member. ToAm^k reer in the education field. honor to have been chosen wÂŁ Blues.

David Martinez feels his senior year at Santa Fe High has been enjoyable and exciting. David has been a member of FBLA. Key Club. National Honor Society, and worked in the Demon Depot. He was also elected as a People to People Nominee and for Who's Who AA

Royal Blue*

Laura Montoya In Laura's four years here at S.F.H.S. Lisa Mueller was born in Lynchburg, she feels she has grown up and ma- Virginia and raised in Santa Fe. Her tured by experiencing both good and main interest in life is to excel! in colbad times at school. lege and achieve in her goals. Lisa Laura toured Europe with the People spends her free time attending semito People Program, was an honor roll nars on various subjects, she enjoys student, a member of FBLA, and Girls drawing, painting, swimming, sailing jeame TJI&TO TTUS accomplished State. Laura was also elected for and hiking. Lisa participated in Who's many achievements while attending Who's Who Among American High Who. People to People, Demon Tatter Santa Fe High. staff, and she competed and won the School Students. Her main interest in life is to be happy "I feel proud each time I complete title of Miss New Mexico United Teen- and maintain a good attitude. She something." replied Laura, when ager. plans on majoring in Business Adminisasked of her feelings about her tration and Marketing. achievement. After high school, Laura Most of Jeanie's free time is spent plans to go to college and major in working as a bookkeeper. In addition Physical Therapy. to working, she also enjoys playing volleyball, basketball, listening to music, dancing, and playing the flute. When asked how she felt about her senior year at SFHS. she replied, "My senior year has been one of excitement, relief, and joy."


Bernadette Romero has been attending S.F.H. S since ninth grade and has enjoyed it very much. Bernadette has been active in the People to Pe pie High School Student Ambassador Program, and was a member of OB A. Janell Neely Band, and FHA. Bernadette's JanellNeely was born in Vernal. Utah teachers have been very influential but has lived in different places Her during her high set ;>/ years. main interest is to achieve a happy, fulfilling life and to strive for perfection. Janell spends her free time with her family, reading, running, and playing the flute. Janell feels good about her senior year here at S.F.H.S. She has accomplished a great deal and is now looking toward the future.

Lee Ann Qsborn was a member of the Santa Fe High School Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, FBLA, French Club, National Honor Society, Charter Club, and People to People Student Ambassador Program. She achieved a 3.9 grade average and her future plans are to become successful in a business career.

Kathleen Pe Being chosen for the Royal Bid means a great deal to Kathli Perea. Meeting new people and taining a 3.6 grade average selc leaves time to enjoy her hobbies [ include skiing, reading, sewing, cooking. Kathleen looks forward to a care, ounseling for schools. She is rewarc as outstanding In her achievement^ LeeAnn Osborn

Kathy Pack, a member of SFHS Wind Ensemble and Marching Band for four years, has also been a Baton Twirler, a member of FBLA, French club. National Honor Society, and participated in Girl's State. She was also elected for Monica Novis Who's Who among American High School Students. Monica Novis' achievements have "My senior year has been packed led her to a successful job. She feels with new and exciting experiences," secure and stable about herself. Her said Kathy. ' Tm proud of my achievemain interest in life is to obtain her op- ments, especially Royal Blues and Girls tometrists degree and open her own State. I don't intend to slack off now!" practice. Royal Blues is a great honor to her and she is proud to be chosen as one.


Royal Bluet

Wjps makes Patrick C. Segura 's ear a great deal of fun and . The importance in Pat's high years was the ability to gain \dence. direction, and confi_JPat later quotes. "There was no influence in continuing in high school

fe Suzanne Romero Born and raised here in Santa Fe, Suzanne Romero spends a lot of her spare time doing volunteer work at the Santa Fe Girl's Club as a member of the Board of Directors. Her hobbies include sewing, needlepoint and reading. Suzanne loves sports and tries to partlcpate whenever possible. "My senior year has been the most challenging." she says. Suzanne has been a Freshman Homecoming Attendant, Pep Club member, FBLA member. President of DEC A, Honor Role student, and National Honor Society member.

i most important thing to Doug Romig during high school was "Getting to know great people who will always hold a special place in my memory." Doug said. He takes an interest In school and has hobbies such as dramatics, panting, and backpacking. Royal Blues has given Doug an Incentive to strive for more. Doug feels that his senior year has been very worthwhile. He is very satisfied with the achievements he has made and feels he has done them to the best of his ability.


David Sisneros

To David Sisneros, Royal Blues is one of the greatest honors he has ever recieved He feels that during his senior year, he achieved what he had set out to do. David spends his free time participating in sports such as football and track, making friends, and listening to music. After finishing high school, he plans on attending college and eventually becoming a coach. He has attended Santa Fe High since ninth grade. During these years, David's classes and the sports he's Joined were most important to him. David commented, "My parents, teachers, and coaches have been most influential on me during my high school years."

Royal Blues

Penny was a People to People nominee, Who's Who among American High School Students, and was third runner- up in the Santa Fe Junior Mss Contest.

Betsy Wing

Susan Sharp Susan Sharp is one of our outstanding students at Santa Fe High. She enjoys such activities as golf, swimming and tennis.

Appreciating the opportunities that Santa Fe High School provides, Betsy Wing is a participant of many various clubs and activities at SFHS. She enjoys traveling because she feels that it will help her become sucPenny Tubbs cessful in a career and she will live a long and productive life. Miss Wing spends her spare time with friends and other school activities. But when she is busy doing a hobby of hirs such as swimming, snowskiing, tenth, hiking and she puts all her efforts into doing the best she can. Betsy feels that Royal Blues represents a goal that she has reached, and is honored to be a member.

Christine Solano

Felice Wilner Felice Wilner has been mvofved in many activities. In addition to being a J. V. Drillette and a member of Sophomore class, she was also a People to People Ambassador Program nominee and was chosen for Who's Who. Mark Valentto

Not pictured in '81 Royal Blues are Catherine Aland, Anthony Bahr, CoHa Basham, Caroline Romero, Lorry Rome ro. Richard Mariani 50

Royal Blues Photo* Courtesy of Arnal Studio


Virgo Aug. 23-Sep. 22

Ray Martinez'. Andrew Rivera'

Eileen Lopez'

Geri Salazar'

Michael Gonzales'

Schedule Pickup

Mr. Sena'

First Day of School, Carle Vieira' Orientation


Carrie Summers'

Ubra-Sep. 23-Oct. 22

Cheerleaders Dance

Labor Day

Brandy Hobster'


Cheerleader Clinic

AH Picnic

Angle Bams'

Marcus Montoya'

Pep Assembly. Mark A. Cafanach'

Debs Dance

Scorpio; Oct. 23-Nov. 22

Miguel Licona'

Open House

Report Cards

Columbus Day

LeiRae Ramirez'

Joe Arellano'

Monica Martinez'

Veterans Day. Janet Garcia'




Phillip Warfiela"

No School

College Night

Football Game Dance


Sagittarius; Nov. 23-Dec.

General Election Senior Orientation

Andrew Valencia'

10 Mark E. Salazar'

Air Force Concert



Report cards



Kris ChUders


Marching Band Contest Linda Dominguez'

Vo-Tech Orientation



14 State Chorus tryouts end of 2nd quarter Lisa Herd'

Joseph Velez'






15 Sadie Hawkings Dance Sean Brogan'







Gutamala Weavers art demonstration


Thanksgiving vacation

Tiffany Stasny'



Dramas Cabaret begins Chris Stasny'


Teresa Carman'

Blood drive

Chorus X-mas production

Holly Kriendler'


Teenage Performing Arts prod.


People to people croft sale

New Years

Vacation ends

April Starner'

Chris Rivera'

End of 1st semester

Greg Bybee'

Assembly Report Cards

People to people dance

Capitol City B.B. Tourney New Wave Dance

Capitol City B.B. Tourney


Bob Tcherneshoff Kristen Powell'

Stuart Stephenson'

Christy Shuch'

Capitol City B.B. Tourney



Pisces; Feb. 20-March 19



9 APL Tests-Soph.

John Bill'





10 APL Tests-Jrs. & Seniors. Michelle Buchecker'



12 Lincoln's Birthday

APL Test



Washington's Birthday. Band Camp •(22nd)



13 Sweetheart Dance C.C. Swim meet-

20 Band camp

23 Air Force Theater

24 Cap and Gown orders. End of 4th quarter

7 Junior Miss finalists

Crystal Cox'



Carol Romero' Judy Baldoni'

State Band Assembly



25 Cap and Gown orders


27 No School

14 C.C. Swim meet

21 Band camp


Aries; March 20-April 20




Youth Art Month. Report cards

8 Susan Lopez'


9 Spring Break begins










19 Vicki Gatewood'

26 BSCT-Juniors




A*. Joe Casados'

Benard Sanchez'

Chorus Spring Concert




6 Freshmen dance. Kim Hudson'

Lance Hobday'

Francine Romero'



Staters tryouts. Tim Parristf

Spring Break ends



20 Cp WWJ People. First Spring day. Frankie Scalise'

27 Concert Band. BSCT- Juniors. Theresa Gal/egos'

21 Kathleen Lopez' Mrs. O'Cheskey'


Science Fair

2 CTBS Test







Chorus Concert

Art Exhibition

19 Easter

26 Fashion show




Easter Vacation

Boc/f to School



Kiwanis Youth Day

15 5tfj quarters Ends. Freedom Jam-

22 Mus/c Festival. Report Cards


16 Half day

23 Helicopter visit


4 Chorus contest. Mr. John Blea'

CfflS 7esf

10 State Science Fair

Ms. Stasny



11 ^rt Exhibition



Easter Vacation

Athletic banquet



9th-Girls track invit.. 9th-Boys track Invlt. Chorus Festival, Demon Vaudeville

Gemini; May 22-June 22

Cheerleader Tryouts

10 Susan Clark', Guitar] Concert

11 Senior Awards Assembly. Class Night

17 Soco Invit.. Spring Band concert



12 Gene Tomero'. Headstart Grad.


Issue Graduation

13 APS Invit.


Athetotic Banquet, Senior exam week. Leah Wilson'


24 Boccalaureate Service


Memorial Day. Senior Week


27 Commencemen t. Acad. hvit.

Stuco. Elections




9th-Boys track invit. Boys tennis tour.

9th-Girls track toum.. Boys track tourWrestling Clinic

District track tour.. Medieval Fair

District track tour.



State track, tennis, State track, tennis, golf, and softball golf, and softball


Chorus Variety Show

Robert Rivera'


29 Last School Day. Mark Hill'


30 Jr. Sr. Prom


Graduation. Mr. Jacobson'


Cancer; June 22-July 22




Mrs. Padilla'. Dottle Holbrookes'

Anthony Sandoval'







5 Vikky O'Cheskey'. Deanne Mason"




13 Steve Gallegos'

Erik Fuentes'









Junior Miss Pageant, Delia C. DeBaca'-




24 Laurie Trimmer'


29 Paul Martinez'




Leo; July 23-Aug. 22



4 Independence Day








WH Stacy'

Richard Edwards'




















Tracy Uttrell'

26 Glenn Urioste'. Paul L. Gonzales'

Dolores Fidel'

Denise Robberson'



"Where there Is life, there Is hope; and In you- the graduates of Santa Fe High School- there Is the fulness of We. Your fellow citizens place the fullness of hope in you and on their behalf I wish you every success." Mr. Joseph Casados Principal



Left to Right: Eluid Martinez. Secretary of the School Board; Arthur Johnson, President; Dr. James P. Miller, Superintendent of Schools; Richard Padiila. Vice President; Henry Gallegos. Member; Robert Sweeney, Member.

Martin Jocobson Head Counselor- Twelfth Grade

Fernando Ramirez Principal-Vo-Tech

Don Casados Associate Principal

Robert Vigil Assistant Principal

John Sena Assistant Principal

Dr. LaVera Loyd Assistant Principal

Ben Esqulbel Counselor- Tenth Grade

Carol Jones Counselor-Beventh Grade

Rosemary VKerreal Counselor-Twelfth Grade

Evelyn Valdez Counselor-Ninth Grade Not Shown: Keaton Johnson Counselor-Ninth Grade and JohnBlea Counselor-Tenth Grade



Do/ores Fidel Head Nurse

Irene Aranda Secretary

Jane Kadlubek Secretary

Angie Martinez Data Processhg-VoTech

Evelyn Pacheco Secretary

CeceSa Padilla Secretary

Ann Patty Secretary

Carol Keterman HeadUbrarian

Josephine Duron Lbrarian

Gloria Boca librarian

Michelle Montano Secretary

Alee Romero Secretary

Dolores Borgrink Lbrarian

Martha Stump Nurse

Flora Moya Secretary

Margaret Stevens Secretary

Dora Gomez Librarian

Orlando Baca Business Education Ernest Badynski Arts and Crafts Miriam Barck Language Arts Barbara Begelspiker Social Studies

Clarence Alen Social Studies Nancy Armbruster Language Arts Deryt Averitt Office Applications Gene Baca Industrial Arts

Delia C De Baca Nurse Wayne Cholewa Math Chris Christenson Arts and Crafts Thor Cristensen Math

PriscUla Blea Business Education Samuel Blea Arts and Crafts June Burke Social Studies W. C. Carter Social Studies

David Church Math Mary Cornish Language Arts Debra Dalton Math Robert Ertmer Social Studies

Alfredo Esqulbel Foreign Language Elizabeth Ethelbah Language Arts Lots Frank Language Arts Helen Foster Science

FOUR PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOLS IN SANTA FF? In reality, there is one school, San- Santa Fe Public Schools Adult Basic ta Fe High School, but it is actually Education Division. This little known three separate High Schools called program has quietly and efficiently Santa Fe High School (Main Cam- helped an average of over 200 pus), the Vocational Technical High people a year earn a high school School, and the Alternative High diploma. The majority of these School. Each of these schools has its graduates each year are teenagers own campus with a separate ad- who simply chose a different way to ministration and its own teaching- graduate from high school. These counciling faculties and services. are our "Four Public High Schools", The fourth school is the ABE-GED our four ways made possible by the high school program (General Equi- support given us by the community valency Diploma), operated by the and by the State of New Mexico.

Juan Gallegos Social Studies Troy Gonn Drivers Education Egle Germanas Language Arts fif Gm Language Arts

GeroJdtne plays teacher for the period.

Mary Haufmann Language Arts Gloria Haws Language Arts Jack Herrick Navel Science Bertha Hogan Physical Education

Candace Gillis Language Arts Mike Gray Resource Judy Greaves Foreign Languages Betty Gunther Language Arts

Mary Gutierrez Music Florence Hammond Math Beth Hancock Language Arts Thad Harris Math


Barbara Kennedy Language Arts Hylah Joly Social Studies Claudia Larcombe Math Miguel Licona Science

Jack Hopkins Social Studies Marilyn Huber Language Arts Judy Johnson Language Arts Phillip Karshis Art

Mike Mares Science Joe Jerry Martinez Driver's Education Louis Martinez Business Education Robert Martinez Driver's Education

CONCERT BAND GDIS TO SPAIN his past year the Santa Fe The city of Mips, Nerja, and MarHigh School Concert Band bella Square. They left Malaga on containing 99 students, di- Monday, March 16, and arrived In rected by Mr. Clark Pontsler pro- Albuquerque at 8:00 P.M. vided their way for a trip to Spain. In Mr. Pontsler said, "I felt good past years a trip has been taken about the overall trip. Tours are set every other year. Mr. Pontsler says up for a number of reasons. The this was their last trip until the econ- Spanish people don't usually get to omy builds up. The band left on hear bands from different countries. Monday March 9 fromttieAlbuquer- Also, instead of the students just que International Airport via TIA learning and hearing about foreign Charter. They arrived in Malaga, countries In school, they get to see Spain, on Tuesday, March 10. TheyIt." performed in various places such as:

Frank Lembo Language Arts Lydia Loic Aide Nora Lovato Home Economics Markley Lumpklns Physical Education

Dolores Pack Language Arts Aide CKfton Parker Language Arts Hazel Parker Language Arts Caroline Peralta Business Education

Joe Mler Science Nancy Mike Physical Education Gary Myers Arts and Crafts Correen Najjar Science

Beverly LeMunyon Language Arts Diane McEvtty Language Arts Sharon Mecklum Language Arts Jan Meiendez

Bobbie O'Cheskey Math Peter Ortega Foreign Language Muriel Osbom Math Elizabeth Pacheco Home Economics

George Perfors Math Connie Quick-HM Art Eddie Quintana Foreign Language Robert Quintana Industrial Arts

James Rael Math Cathy Reynolds Science Donna Ringer Social Studies Pat Rivera Business Education

COUNSELORS, TEACHERS LISTEN TO HELP SOLVE PROBLEMS s the scheduling process began, students pondered unanswered questions. Two questions were "What classes should I take next year?" or "What are the college requirements?" Aid in answering these questions came from counselors, and teachers. "My yearbook adviser and I got to be good Mends. Sometimes I just went in and talked to her about anything. " said Tracey Littrell, Junior.

Though some students relied on teachers for scheduling, the majority of the student body depended on counselors. Counselors not only offered educational guidance, but also aided students with personal problems. "Every once in a while, kids needed a sympathetic ear where they could say anything they wanted," added Keaton Johnson, counselor.


Cecilia Romero Business Education Jose A. Romero Social Studies Undo Romero Language Arts Elaine Royer Business Education

Jean Reborn Language Arts Shirley Roberts Science Fernando Rodriguez Language Arts Patricia Rodriguez Business Education

Tita Stasny Language Arts Milton Sternberg Social Studies Sue Ann Stous Resource Ernest Tafoya Math

Waty Sanchez Physical Education Wayne Sanders Driver Education Randal Smith Math Hank Snow Business Education

Ronald Talaske Math Carlos 7Vu///o Industrial Arts Jon Twlbell Special Education Gory Tydlngs Language Arts



Pat Velarde Business Education Jesse Vise Math Jane Visic Business Education Randy Whittemore Physical Education

Jane Zinn Social Studies


Last year 306 Santa Fe high students took the American College Test (ACT). Here are the Santa Fe High scores compared to the scores of the entire nation. h English. Santa Fe's score was 18.1 compared to the national score of 17.9. In math. Santa Fe was 17.4 in which national was also 17.4. In Social Studies, Santa Fe-17.0, and national-17.2. Santa Fe's score in Natural Science was 21.2 compared to 21.1. The composite scores were 18.6 compared to the national-18.5. S.F.H.S. is proud of their students.

Mr. Romero Is slightly interrrupted during one of his lectures. Martha Winslow DECA Chief George Wright Navel Science John Zem Social Studies David Zierns Music


i oil



These are some of the many indivi- total enrollment of 3,569, is actually duals involved in performing various composed of three campuses-the administrative duties for the 18 ele- Main. VO-Tech, and the Alternative mentary schools, 3 junior high schools, High School. Each of these three Camand 1 high school In the Santa Fe Public puses has Its own administration and Its Schools. Santa Fe High Schools, with aown teaching- counseling facWes.

The Santa Fe Public Schools also offers an Adult Basic Education Division. This program had helped an average of over 200 people a year earn a high school diploma.

f. 2. 3. 4. &

Dr. James MMer. Superintendent Arthur Johnson. School Board Member Buld Martinez School Board Member Henry Goiiegos. School Board Member Walter Burke. Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services 6. Carl Whlttemore. Assistant Superintendent tor Business Affairs

7. Amos Melendez. Assistant Superintendent tor Secondary Education 8. Connie CastMo. Co-oroTnator of Personnel Records 9. Mark] Smith. Secretary to the Board and Superintendent 10. Marge Copetond. Business Office 11. Bemadette Martinez. Personnel Office

12a. Martha MWer. Payroi Division 12b. Aerial View of S.F.H.S. 13. Vicky Gonzales. Curriculum 14. Jo hmyer. Accounting 15. Jose Martinez. Data ProcesstTg 16. Sue Rogers. Receptionist 17. Terry Martinez. Data Processng

SfPxkHtc School



English Deportment

English Is the only four-year course here at the Ugh School. English prepares the college bound student as well as the vocational student. The English Department requires two tests manditory by the New Mexico State Board of Education. The An, given to Sophomores, must be passed in order to receive a gold seal on each diploma. The CTBS Is administered to all Juniors. Under the direction of Marilyn Huber, the English Department also provides a Reading Lab to help students who need remedial help. The English Department is also responsible for producing a yearbook, publishing a biweekly newspaper, producing a one-hour weekly television report, and giving special needed attention to foreign exchange students. The English Department has etrrinated at "B" classes effective 1981-1982. Instead, the department will offer English I A. * A. IV A: Regular English I, M. IV. and also Remedial EngHsh The "A" classes are for enriched students who foHow a larger and more exacting workload, and who are recommended by an English teacher.

FROM CELLS. TO THE MIND The students at Santa Fe High are required to take one year of ('lab') science during their sophomore year. Students may choose either Biology, Chemistry. Physical Science, or Physics. Other courses available through the Science Department include Biology II, Advanced Chemistry, and AnthropologyThe main purpose of the Science Department, headed by Helen Foster, is to introduce students to the technology of the future, to get students to work together, and to introduce them to research.

Mr. Mares grades papers with a constant vigil over the students.

Mr. Stacy returns to the Science department for second semester.

CHALLENGE WITH THE NUMBERS . . Math Department at Santa Fe High School has many courses that are essential for every student. For the student who has trouble In computation. there Is General Math. Fromt there he may advance to Consumer Math. This teaches the student to cope with

everyday Mathematics. These courses are geared to give practical knowledge to the students who do not plan a career in highlevel Mathematics. For those who are planning a career In high-level Mathematics and Technology, there are classes for these people too. Santa Fe High school offiers Algebra I and Geometry for the beginning Technologist. For our future Albert Einsteins, there Is Algebra I. Calculus and Trigonometry/Math Analysis. These at build a solid foundation for the colelge-bound students. Computer and Problem Solving I and I concentrates on finding the numerical solutions to any number of problems. These problems are taken from the fields of Science and Business. Computer Programming and calculators are used.

There is always time for a smle from Ms. Dotton


Girls plan strategy far a volleyball game In P.E.


Physical fducatton

Physical Education at the High School has the largest enrollment of all classes. This year's comple* tlon of the Sports Complex (Foot* ball Stadium, Baseball Field and Track as well as the TIno Griego Pool); gives great convenience to teaching Physical Education. Next year, proposed tennis courts will add to this convenience.

Enthusiasm sparks off girl's fcltW—I In basket


Students participating In P.E. activities.

Physical Education


"THE DEVELOPING WORLD THROUGHOUT THE • AGES". Social Studies, under the direction of Barbara Begelsplker, offers courses such as World History, Civics, and United States History. The student Is acquainted with global, political, and cultural development through the ages, and the shaping of today's world. Civics takes a look at national, local, and state government, related to the economy, current, national, and foreign policy. U.S. History gives students a grounding of their heritage, and traces the chronological development of our government and society. Anthropology and the Southwest go together like beans and chin. Hew Mexico has one of the richest heritages of the U.S., and Santa Fe High Is fortunate to have a course which views modem culture here, through the civilizations

of the past. This course gives students, who Inquire, Information on methods of archaeology, excavation, Identification of artifacts, site location, and report writing. Additionally, the course explores Prlmatology, which deals with early mankind to the present.

Mr. Paul ponders hit lore Of geography.

M n . State works diligently during her prep period.

Ms. Begelsplker explain* the conflict of World War ll.

Mr. Ertmer makes his way to the parking tot tor lunch.

Mr. Carter teaches his class the more Interesting aspects of History.

Pat Sequra uses his hands to explain his ideas.



Mr. Charles Lopez, retired aftaf 4 3 years of service In #0110011011, Is seen accepting a retirement gift from Mr. Joe Casados, on behalf of the S.F.H.S. staff.

Spanish at Santa Fe High Is taught to help students who live In Santa Fe's rich Hispanic society. Latin Is offered to those students who want a foundation to Western European languages. German Mil as well as French l-IV are also taught. The students, as well as learning the language, are Intro* duced to the specific culture. Highlights for foreign language students are: The Pan-American Club trip to Mexico, Ethnic dinner parties, and a Foreign Language weekend at Glorletta.

/f you vvonf to team tfie theory and practice of the business community. Business Education Is for you. The fundimentals of Typing. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, and Accounting are taught. in addition to these courses, they may elect to take Marketing where you can learn about marketing, sales, promotion, and advertising. General Business. Principles and Application of Economics. Business Math and Business law are also offered. Students gain practical experience through Credit Union Management. A working Credit Union Is run for the Students of Santa Fe High by the class members. The FBLA Club (Future Business Leaders of America) learn through the working technique. They run the Demon Depot the noon-time campus shop where tickets to activities, school supplies and snacks are sold to students.

Ms. Romero extends a friendly smie.

Ms. Blea looks determined to finish grading papers.

Mr. Martinez views the students passing by m the corridor.


Ms. Montoya gets ready to begin doss.

he Home Economics Department teaches students how to manage a home and family. Individual problem solving has first priority. The more traditional courses of cooking and sewing are also offered. The advanced students learn more complicated sewing methods and how to recycle old clothes into new fashions. They also are challenged by Comidas de Nuevo Mexico and Gourmet Cooking.

Ms. Lovato thinks of a wonderful idea.

Home Economics students express their creativity.

2. Some members ofH.E.R.O. watt for the lesson.

3. Students gather for informal discussion.


Mr. Badynski solves a conflict with a student.

Ms. Quick gives a ante of relet at the end of a busy day.


anta Fe High School offers a wide variety of arts and crafts classes from which to choose. Arts and crafts survey covers a wide variety of approaches to arts and crafts, and is ideal for the beginning artist. Other offerings are: jewelery, sculpture, ceramics, drawing and painting and commercial and Poster Art. Every class has an advanced second year course, where larger and more complex works are attempted. Stone setting, complex tuff a casting, lost wax casting and intricate working of silver are attempted in jewelry. Ceramics uses more advanced methods at the wheel. Sculpture works with wood and alabaster, the human figure, textures, and block printing II. Individualized work is available in the Direct Studies courses for excelerated students. The student and teacher agree and work together on a specific project in this course.

Danny Gonzales prepares for his art project.

Students get organized for the art show.

Mr. CMstenson andShannon Hale hold Shannon's picture.

Arthur Lujan. George Rivera, and Jeff Bel prepare tor the art show.



music department at Santa Fe High School ex presses musical motivations and development. The Glee Club popularized In show-type music while the Aeapella and Treble Chorale study voice, sight read* Ing, musical styles, and advanced musical literatures. Music Theory Is for the student planning to major In music. J O B Choir studies tech* nlques and the styles of J a s . So* ginning, Intermediate and Advanced Guitar classes express musical talent In the spring, Christ* mas, and other concerts through*

out the year. Symphonic and Dance Band I and II have helped to Improve the 1980*81 year.

M i . Gutierrez expressei her musical talent.

Mr. Ponsttor keepln" the beat.

In Spain, the band played lor many listeners at the festival

Mr. Ziems has a tittle fun during class.

Band students prepare far festival in Spain.

Steve and Laura practice their duet.

kits m Witt [a;

n uÂĽi

n unusual opportunity for personal growth and experience is Naval Science. Travel, leadership and public appearances are an integral part of the course. Highlights included an annual trip to San Diego and a cruise at sea topped off by the yearly Navy Ball Navigation. Leadership and Management. American Democracy. Seamanship, maritime history, electronics, oceanography, meterology and other basic course lay a solid foundation for a future


military career. This training is a strong recommendation for success.

NJROTC involves time, effort, and hard work.

Assignment appears to be confusing to ROTC students.




Chief Wright goes over some Important points.

Brook* worries about the upcoming test.

Chief Wright lectures Ms class.

Hall, Hall; the gang's all herel'


ractical experience in working with tools, plans, and materials is given in Industrial Art courses. This universal language of drafting Is used in engineering, construction, manufacturing and industry. These skills are always in demand. Drafting courses also improve the ability to read and understand drawings for assembly and operation. The mechanics of common products is gained through woodworking. The student is involved In the construction and finishing of wood products. Pre-vocational metals instructs the student in

modem welding practices, metal work in various shop areas and general shop math.

Henry Wadkins Is studying the ethics of industrial Arts.

The use of tools Is strongly emphasized in Industrial Arts.


Working with the hands is use as much as the mind in indusfr

Mr Karshis, creates a masterpiece.

Mr. Baca watches over his class as they work on their projects.

Lunchtlme around the Industrial Arts Building is Mot activity.


he Santa Fe High School library serves as the center of study for students. As well as books, students read encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers. Carol Kellerman, head librarian, was a welcomed addition to this year's library staff. Assisting Mrs. Kellerman, were Jose-

phine Duran, Gloria Baca, Dora Gomez, and Dolores Borgrlnk.

Ms. Duron Is always there to help on* In the library.

Ms. Kellerman tries to keep the shelves In order.


Students catching up on their homework In the library.

PoPTi n ip gTm y . EniiNiiflTinN Piiif nnAiii=Mii

o matter how many times teachers have "said, "class dismissed", or "Good morning", participation In fields of education are awesome. Interests in fields that shape our lives are on a constant flow from a melting pot fusing ideas and energies. Anticipation for experience Is on the level and striving Into greater heights. You can never lose the process of learning.



Students work on getting Hie answer right.

Hard work Is the key to success.

or the Santa Fe High School student who needs special help, there is the Special Education department. There are two programs designed to tit these needs. One is the Resource Center, There the students receive aid on basic classroom work. Students with physical or mental handicaps may be diagnosed and placed in a class geared to their needs. Pre-Vocational Is the other Special Education program. The student works in a work-study program that fills the individuals needs and abilities. There are always fresh, young minds eager to learn.


Students work towards their objective.


Josie Romero is busy at work preparing lunch.

Dorthy Bemal gets the shakes ready for the carousel.

or both lunch hours, you can find hundreds of SFHS students lined up In the cafeteria for a good square meal at the lowest price you can find in town. As the carousel slowly turns around, each can choose what they want. For instance: hamburgers, tacos, pizza, roast turkey, chef's salad, home made rolls, chocolate milk. Ice cream, the only limit is capacity! The good cooks of the cafeteria arrive early In the morning and begin the morning appetites. Director of Custodians, John Padilla and his hard working staff, cope with things around campus such as burned out light bubs, broken water Ones, stuck locker doors, over-flowing wastebaskets. balky furnaces, broken hinges and Icy sidewalks. They open the gym for basketball games and close It when they are over. They take care of hundreds of classrooms and keep the Activity Center in good clean order. Then they even set up for dances and dean up when they are over. They doit all and they never Interrupt anybody. 105


Mrs. Romero gives help to one of the students at the Alternative.

Mrs. Mason sits at her desk while giving an English assignment.


The old Harrington Jr. High School is now the Alternative Campus.

Students at the Alternative are busy at work.

Alternative offers a variety of courses such as guitar.

Cindy Gallegos working hard towards the end of the school year.

Students take a quick break In between classes.

Iternative High School Is a branch of Santa Fe High School that gives students a new approach in learning. Teachers work with the student as an Individual and set a pace for student's individual needs. Alternative High School provided five courses to meet students needs. Program 1 is a Basic Skills Program. Program 2 is a Block Progress which offers all credit courses towards graduation. Program 3 is the Apprenticeship Program which Is for students who assist in planning their own program. There is a unique program. Program 4 which Is the Home Study Program. It is for parents, expectant parents, and couples. Program 5 Is the Side-By-Side Program for handicapped and retarded students. Alternative offers a diploma through Santa Fe High School.



Students are diSgently working on a test.

Vo- Tech classes are in a relaxed environment.

ccording to statistics. Santa Fe leads the way in Vocational Technical education in New Mexico. In 1980-81 there were 18 such programs with a total of 400 students enrolled. The success of Vo-Tech is accredited to the freedom of choice tor the students. For example, a student can attend the main campus for the basics and still attend class at Vo-Tech and viceversa. Sergio Esporza take a break during his class work.

A*. Wilson gives objectives of Office Procedures. .

1M L

Students are distracted by camera in Ms. Melendez's room.

Auto Mechanics class keeps busy with many cars.

Football Is a favorite during lunch time at Vo-Tech.

Mr. TrujBo speaking to his U.S.Hstory class.


1. Mr. Sena's always fixing cars.

2. Auto Mechanics provides students with facts about cars.

3. David works on the lathe In mechanics.

110 VoTÂŤeh

4. Vo-Tech's DEC A store has

Vo-Tech girls anxious to start computing.

Mr. Mler Instructs a student on machines.

Products of the Horticulture


I 1

Vo*Taeh 111

Ms. Villarreal councils a senior a problem.

Ms. Pacheco always greets the public with a friendly smile.


Ms. Fidel talks with a student who is ill.

Ms. Montano works on purchase orders for various dubs.

Ms. Alarid assists In the Nurse's office and answers the everringing telephone.

Mrs. Jones clearing her desk, pauses tor a picture.

Mr. Johnson listens to a students problem, offering help.

Dove Hoover maintains school grounds for students safety.

"Students, teachers, and administrators share in therightsand responsibilities of a school community. A variety of organizations representing students' needs and interests contribute very significantly to making the community work. At Santa Fe High School, organizations reflect the spirit of both faculty and students." Ms. Candace Gillis Student Council Sponser



NGGOTIM1NG IS L O W E D BY MODCL I M odel United Nations club projects a phototype of the United Nations and its accomplishments. Faculty sponsor, June Burke, prepares and guides the participants of the club to produce solutions to world problems. These solutions are presented and debated at the Model United Nations session each Spring.

June Burke

Janet Garcia practices a scene from the play.


First Row: Carta Basham, Suzanne Gallegos. Mary Bodelson. LeeAnn Osborn, Kathy Pack Second Row: Andy Fowler. Tony Harklns, Dane Meyers. Charlie Montgomery Third Row: Matia Sisneros. Alan Stein. Alex Neuman. David Johnson, Vince Digneo Not Shown: Kathy Lawrence, Don Ortiz


Judy Greaves

Row1:PhH Ahrenkiel, Byron Piatt, Johnny Madril. Row 2: Sponsor Judy Greaves. Jennifer Herrera. Bea Varos. Byse Ellis. Row 3: Chris Hatt. Lisa Tanen. BJ Krum.


Ms. Fran Crane

Loft to Right 1st Row: Carrie Summers. Lori Kopp. Terri Wharton. Barbara Shaffer. Ktndy Amorous, Mtehele Para. Karol Gartey. Monica Gonzales. 2nd Row: Fran Crane. Becky Berghofer. Johann Trujto. Chris Gonzales. Bobby Spring. Stewart Stevenson. Matt Satey. Kathy Kramer. 3rd Row: Chris Ginnocrio. Roger MWer. Eric Malmstrom. John Moore. Christina Boyce. Terry Nowers. Randy Ptummer. Trina Whitter. Karen Boyce



Front Row- Maggie Maes. Kamnella Borrego. Betty Martinez, Sponsor Mrs. Kadelubek, Anna Sandoval, Manager Geraidine Salazar. Second Row- Barbara Romero, Celeste Miller. Tina Rodriquez, Missy Roybal. Third Row- Margie Montano, Loretta Ortiz. Fourth Row- Cheri Martinez. Patricia Rodriquez. Michelle Buchecker. Fifth Row- Marcella Salazar. Dolores Garcia. Sixth Row-Patricia Sena, Brendd Green, Katherlne Watson.

he Santa Fe High Demon Debs danced their way to the top in 1980. In performance with the band at the football games they gave the halftime show a touch of charm, and provided pep and spirit at our assemblies and basketball games.


2. Trish Rodriguez sends out a smile. 3. A few of the girls strike a pretty pose. 4. The girls get ready for state competition in Albuquerque.

= r | he All. National IpE Honor Society Is an d=U organization in which enthusiasm of scholarly conduct Is achieved. Elaine Royer. sponser; Alexander Newmann, president; Jeanne Gundzik, vice presidentJackie Gonzales, treasurer, and secretary, were the officers that made this club a success.

National Honor Society sponsor Elaine Royer discusses business with club members. Club officers. Alex Neuman. Jeanne Gundzik and Jackie Gonzales worked hard to produce a successful organization. National Honor Society was a popular club on campus.


Row 1: Roger Miller Alan Stem. Tony Hawkins. Cindy Grtego. Scot McDermote. Dan PHaster. Bryce Romkj. Diana Gonzales. Scott Chariton, Charlie Montgomery. Kyndy Amorous. Row 2 Sonja Ortiz. Michelle Parra. Katharine Nelson. Sfacey Amorous. PhiAtvenkiel, PamMoore. Jeanne Gundzik. Alex Neuma-n. Jackie Gonzales. Ramona Nye. Amy Miller. Chris Ginocchio. Luke Doles. Row 3: Mrs. Royer. Doug Romig. Elaine Alarid. Traceylairo Valerie Trujto. Cheryl Steinhoff. Gretchen Lowrie. Laura Gonzales. TrinaNitter. Laurie Trimmer. Scott Olsen. Vincent Digneo. Jane Fieig Row 4- Emily Barck. Karen Maxwet. Joe McGuire. Carta Basham. Melissa West. Russ Moore. Manuel Gonzales. Lacy Wykert. Renee Smith, Harrelette Love. Janice Kreuch. Liz Brackenstow. Row 5: David Martinez. Betsy Wing. Johann TrujKo. Sherri Bearden. Nancy Pontsier. LeeAnn Osborne. Renee Martinez. Kathy Pack. Diane NessSnger. Sandra Garcia. Judy Romero


he 1980 Varsity Mat Maids were sponsored by the varsity wrestling coach Mr. Lujan. The head Mat Maid is Yvette Pacheco and the other members were Loretta Roybal, Adrienne Branch, Brenda Gutierrez, Trade Hamm, and Becky Berghoffer. The girls traveled with the team around the state and cheered them on.

1. The Santa Fe High Varsity Mat Maids cheer for wrestlers. 2. The girls get ready for the homecoming parade. 3. Adrienne Branch tricked into being photographed.

Row 1: Loretta Roybal. Adrienne Branch. Brenda Gutierrez, Trade Hamm. Row 2: Becky Berghoffer. Row 3: Yvette Pacheco



Row 1: Elaine Aland. Clyde Steadman. Anthony Bahr. Kathy Dixon. Mary Cay Boatnght, Johann Trujillo, Krista De La Harpe. Jeanne Gundzik. Row 2: Kathy Pack. John Bookwalter. S. Cargo. Bobby Spring. Jay Cone. Heffer Muggleston. Caroline Clairbome. Row 3: Carta Basham, Kadra Knudson. Vince Digneo. Doug Romig, Marty Esquivel. Victor Goler, Liz Backenstow. Renee Smith.


Valerie Alarid

Vikky O'Cheskey

PhyHs Romero

Stephanie Trujto


Carmella Garcia

Sandra Jimenez

Kathleen Lopez


1. The JV Cheerleaders poise and personality was shown around the campus. 2. Sitting western style during the homecoming parade. 3. The girls prove their steady skill 4. Valerie Alar id passes a smBe on to the crowd. 5. Valerie. PhyWs, and Stephanie wait to cheer at a pep assembly.



The Demon Tatler Staff Front Row- Monica Gonzales, Ramona Nye. Barbara Shaffer, Lisa Feind, Mary Bodelson, Pam Moore, Irene Dorman. Amy Miller. Mary Ronquillo. Second Row- Dennis O'Donnell, Louie Maes, Many Esquivel, Brian Sanchez, Janice Kreuch. Joe McGuire. Bret Moffett. Ray Valdez. Not shown is Lisa Mueller. Anna Tapia, Tina Scalise.

THE DEMON TA TLER EDITORS Amy Miller (Santa Fe High-lights editor). Marty Esquivel (sports editor). Lisa Feind (co-editor DEMON TA TLER). Bret Moffett (Editor DEMON TATLER). Irene Dorman (Santa Fe High-lights assistant editor).


he Demon Tatler staff started the new year off by thinking In advance, what stories they would want to cover. They do stories Involving controversial issues, sports and academics. They now have their own page in the New Mexican, which is entitled ' 'Demon Highlights." The Demon Tatler Staff consists of: Editor. Bret Mbffet, Co-editors Irene Dorman. Marty Esquivel and Lisa Feind. Photographers, Ramona Nye and Brian Sanchez. The Supervisor is Jean Rehorn

1. The Sante Fe High School Demon latter staff. 2. Demon Tatter editors stick close together. 3. Sponsor. Mrs. Rehorn and Highlights editor Amy Miller look over the final copy. 4. Ray Valdez works on paste 5. Editor, BretMoffet, answers a question regarding the next issue. 6. Sponsor, Jean Rehorn. Is heavy in thought over the coming issue.

NINM s\m


Front Row: Crystal dark. Carlos Viera. Ms. Stasny. Tracey Littrell. Carrie Summers. Michael Gonzales. Second Row: Shannon Hale. Geraldine Salazar. Carol Romero. Renee Linson. Julie Baldoni. Robert Rivera. Back Row: Susan Clark. Vicky O'Chesky. Leah Wilson. Scott Olsen. Valerie Aland. Monica Novis. PaulaLopez. Kim Hudson, and Andrew Rivera. Ones not present for picture were Janet Garcia Ponch Ortega and Monica Berry.

Front Row: Wt Stacy. Afc. Stasny. Carrie Summers. Anna C ae Baca. Mfchael Gonzales. Second Row: Susan Clark. Monica Martinez. Scheie Buchecker. Angelica Chacon. Kris ChKaers, Natasha Hutchinson. Crystal Cox. Kathleen Lopez. Kristin Kalangls. Tony Lux. Pablo Gutierrez.


DUCG QUALITY YEARBOOK. he Para Manana staff classes quickly discovered the responsibilities, hard work. and pressure Involved with putting out a good book. Through the year staffers often stayed during lunch hours and after school to work on the various sections. Some features of this book include a special cover and a 16 page color section. A student Index was added for quick reference. The one significant difference is in the layout styles and use of graphics/Modular and hang line layouts dominate Into the yearbooks style. There are many popular graphic elements such as tool line dropped initials, and masking. Ms. Stasny supervised editors and staff to be definite that all layouts, photographs, and copy were consistent in style, and yet creative and original.

1. The third period Para Manana annual staff worked primarily on layouts and copy. 2. The fourth period Para Manana staff worked on photography and advertising. 3. The annual staff shows their spirit In the homecoming parade. 4. Working in the concession stand was hard and tedious during homecoming. 5. Patricia Casaus takes a picture while being photographed. 6. Lei Roe Ramirez learns how to handle a camera in Photography class.




1st row: Michelle Gunther, Jackie Romero. Anita Ortega, Vlnce Martinez. Donald Gomez, Susie Higgins. Karen Mayfield. Angela Boling, Angela Quintana. Dorothy Archuleta. Anna Sandoval. 2nd row: Sponsor: CANDACE GILLIS, Rosemarie Marquez, Dolores Gonzales, Karmella Borrego. Beth Ferry. Theresa Romero. Sonya Garcia. Rosebelle Salazar, Elizabeth Ortega, Anna Gallegos, Ruth Montoya, Barbara Rodriquez. Trm Baros. 3rd row: JoAnn Chavez. Valerie Garcia. Chuck Mondragon, Ken Romig, Kathy Perea, Susan Padilla, Reyes Aguilar. Monica Chavez. Bea Varos, Therese Lopez. Tim Gallegos. Edna Leyba. Michelle Kenner. 4th row: Debbie Chavez. Maria Gonzales. CamUe Wheeler. Roberta Sena. Charlene Lopez. Shirley Carrillo. Dina Archuleta, Wanda Cardenas, Janet Perea, Theresa Sena. Yvette Gonzales. Kevin Kenner.


KEEPS CAMPUS ALIVE the Council definite limit between the students, teachers and administrators. They coordinate all student activities and they provide a means of expression for the student body. The Student Councils sponsors are Candace Gillis and Orlando Baca. The officers are Debbie Chavez - President, JoAnn Chavez - Vice President, Monica Chavez - corresponding secretary, Bea Varos - recording secretary, and Rosemarie Marquez - treasurer. The SFHS Student Council provided great leadership.

1. Student Council discusses plans and prob lems. Members "ham if up" at the student council convention in Santa Rosa. New 'Mexico. 3. Student Council officers produced a sue cessful organization. 4. Working hard can often get you down. 5. A student thinks hard about new Ideas. 6-Members listen as Mrs. Gillis explains th situation.




Business is GON. o f F.B.IA BLA: Future Business Leaders of America, specialize in the business world of today. Operations of the organizations are stimulated so as to allow the participant to experience the sense of organized business, and to prepare them for future business goals. Orlando Baca and Carolina Peralt a are sponsers to this excellent ideal organization. Officers for 1980-1981 year were President David Martinez, Vice John Hutchinson, Secretary Maggie Maes, Treasurer Nestor Romero, Parliamentarian Peggy Baca, and Historian Lisa Romero. F.B.L.A. has sponsored the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon for the past two years. It also operates the Demon Depot.

1. FBI.A. float drives on during the homecoming parade. 2. Margaret Rivera uses her talent to make flowers for the homecoming parade. 3. David Martinez and Virginia Chavez are proud to be photographed. 4. FBLA held d pot-luck dinner for Its members. 5. Brothers, nm and Ben Baros. eat their dinner together. 6. Richard Gonzales sits happily at the Installation dinner.



NJROTC UNIT STAFF: Front row; Michelle Rivera Richard Vigil, Phittfo Griego (do), Marty Sena (x.o.) Richard Mendoza, Lori Young. Back row: Patt Huckabee. Bart Hodges. Andrew Sanchez, Alfred Vigil. William Gindel. Ron Lucero. Patty Maiztin.

NAVAL SOENCEI Front Row: Karen Van Soelen. Todd Wilson. Peter PadiUa. Earl Hardy. Richard Edwards. Back row: Ron Lucero. Ell Boxberger Rodney Macrae. Marcus Montoya. Robert Baca. Pat Luckychy



1st row: J. Johnson. R. Martinez. WM. Hunt. M. Maestas, M. Gonzales. W. Stacey. C. Lucero. B. Birdel (LTXJG). 2nd row: J. Payne. M. Lykhs, B. Hill. J. Monfoya, M. Humble. D. Bailey. B. Thompson, D. Lujan; 3rd row: M. Valdez. A. Montoya, T. Perea. D. Edwards. T. Byer. R. Quintana. L. Reynolds. A. Ortega, T. Griggo



he Santa Fe High School Band' was willing to open their musical talent to a more learning experfence. In building their learning ability they traveled onward to participate in festivals and other activities. The Concert Band went to Durango's Fine Arts Festival In Dur-


ango, Colorado, also to the F i n e Arrs Festival in Grand Junction, Colorado. The Concert Festivals won first division ratings ond were also invited to go to Spain on a Goodwill Concert tour. The Marching Band participates in the New Mexico Pageant of Banks, in which they received

third place and the Zia Marching Band Festival, In which, they received third runner up. They were nominated by New Mexico Band directors to receive the National High School Band Achievement Award for 1981. The SFHS Band kept with their musical talent and with other bands, and new music.

SfflS mt) K€€PS D€MOMS N TUN€

1. The band livened up halflime with a Itfle bit of Pink Panther fever. 2. The girls await to go out on the field. 3. Flog girls march In the Fiesta parade. 4. Mr. Ponstler directs the band in the Fiesta parade. 5. Trisha Maxwet starts off the shawl & Mr. Ponstler has time for a picture before the parade begins. 7. Two band members practice for the next concert. 8. Richard and Eric practice met talents. 9. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Bands prepare for that concert In Spain

Band Members: Desnda Anaya. Susan Bat. Abel Benavkiez. Robert Bergman. Daniel Edwards. Beth retry. Harold fisher. Vetomca Garza. Marie Henern Greg Knudson. Matthew Levin. Penny Leyba. Mm Medrano. Tom Parks. Amy Schteendmann. Jackie Romero. PoJa Romero. John Shapiand. Richard Smith, Lynn TaJbee. Diana Trufto. Bin Bockenstow. Becky Bank. Lora Benson. Rochoei Boatnght. Keith Bybee. Robin Coins. Dandy Dave. Paul Den. Jrn Engte Sarah Csparsen. Edde Garcia. Kevin Slwm\M Marine Herrera. Chris Halt. Camera Jasso B.J. Kiwi David Levin. Andy Lopez. Terry Martinez. Trisha Maxwet Nkkt Montoya. Joanne Neeiey. BB Nelson. Katheme Neman. Monque Heto. Peter PacMa. Don Rehom. Cheryl Roohgub.. Logan Roots. PaJ SkJco. Regno Stottest. Theresa Usberrl. LB (Mich. Cartas Vosquez. Cathy Wtey. Regno \Mnsk>w. Gna Armt/o. Carol Baca. Tin BoM. Nona BenavUez. M Bertram. Roger Branks. Sandra Bybee. Janet Carpto. Scott Chariton, vince Chavez. Letmo remandez. Carlo Fatter. Cynthia Garcia. Laura Gemotes. Tammy Harkns. Chuck Ketogg. Donna Lu/an. Charles Montgomery. Don Maya. Dane Myers. Sara Myers. Jenny Porta. Vkkl Payne. Tern Prto. C M Rea. PautRoybd. Omenta Saccomon. Jute Segura. tfrfiecrti Sana Greg Snood. Alan Sien. Pal Tapa. Valerie Tru/to. Roy Vatdez. Trina Witter. Bane Aland. Lon Apodaca. Margaret Boca. Uz Bockenstow. ShemBeoraen. Mark Chacon. James Cots. Joe Engl*. Suzanne Camtgai. Jackie Gonzokm. Cynthia Gnego. Jeanne Gunazk. Bemadettm Gurterrez. Margaret Jacoby. Kodra Knudson. Janice Kreuch. Kathy Lawrence. Doug lotus*. David Mormez. Amy KMer. Pom Moore. Janet Heeiey. LeeAm Osbome. AM) Pcbntfjt. Yvette Pacheco. Kathy Pack. Nancy Pontmmr. Ron Rehom. Koreen Reyer. Clyde Smith, Cheryl Stmnhott. Johann Trufto. Randy Trufto. Pat Voder. Peter Wkrd Drectar Oark Ponhter Ant Drmctor Dorothy Knead




Domon Spotlight

CHOCS THG &CTION IN1980-81 emon Spotlight is a class for students who want to learn about the world of television and broadcasting. The students write news stories, read about television, interview guests, and cover many of the sports, music, and drama activities happening on campus. This enables them to learn to run television equipment. Demon Spotlight has a weekly television show which lasts one hour. It airs throughout the school year every Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:00p.m. onKABL TV. Channel 2. Marilyn Huber conducts and sponsors the class.

1. Sponsor Marilyn Huber explains the correct procedure to Doug McCarthy. 2. Jennifer Jasper is photographed in action. 3. Lars and Lisa practice their interviewing techniques. 4. Lisa is seen filming the weekly television show. 5. Lisa Feind takes control of the camera. 6. Mrs. Huber smiles after a good performance.

D*mon Spotlight


IMSITY CH€€RL€N)€RS heerleading requires magnificent talent and a steady skill, or at least that is what we have learned by watching the 1980-81 Varsity Cheerleaders here at Santa Fe High. Their excellent performances have, by ail means, shown the dedication and long hours of practice the girls have put in. The effort

138 Varalty Ch*«ri*ad«ri

put forth by the cheerleaders not only fired up the crowds, but let each team know that they were behind them every step of the way. Out of the many girls who tried out, there were seven who showed a particular charm, poise, and talent to gain a cheerieading position. This year's cheer-

leaders were, seniors, Peggy Baca (Head Cheerleader). Deanna Martinez, Shauna Allen, and Maria Armijo and juniors, Sally Zucal. Eleanor TrufiUo. and Jackie Bradley. This year's sponsor was Carol Kellerman. and she added. "The girls have provided a sense of leadership for the student body."


1. One of the many complex routines practiced by the arts 2. Jackie Bradley 3. Maria Armijo 4. Deanna Martinez 5. Shauna Allen 6. Sally Zucal 7. Peggy Baca 8. Eleanor Trujillo

Vartlty CtWllloJTTt


L€C€RCL€ D€ fltoNCNS€

French Club: Front row: Roarke Doroughty, Janice Kreuch, Pom Reynolds. Matt Nixon, Yvette Hill. Sharon Humphreys, Lee Ann Osborne. Michelle Hill, Torka Poet. Leslie Spring and Paul Rochford. Second row: Judy Greaves, David Levin, Cory Virtue. Kadra Knudson. Kathy Pack, Bobby Spring, Mary Cay Boatright, Victor Goler, Kelly Dukeminier. Robin Collins, and Diane McEvilly. Back Row: Tim Parrott. Michelle Buchecker. Kathy Lawerence. Mary Bodelson. Lisa Tanin, Lee Ann Braeutlgam. Sue Nix. Joe McGuire. Holy Krenler, Holy Knapp. Rachel Boatright, and Dominique Nugent.

eCercle de Francaise. (Trench Club) heps its members to learn about France and its many cultures. The French Club sponsors a great deal of activities. They have many activities away from school such as French Christmas caroling on the Plaza and at the Four Seasons Nursing Home. On campus, the dub partici-


pates in the Medevlal Mayfair and holds French luncheons for its members. Sponsor Diane McEvilly helps make learning the French language more fun. 1. Kathy Pack gets a good view of the stage during skit night at French Weekend. 2. Paul Rochford grabs a quick bite after a long day at French Weekend.


uture Homemakers of America Is an organization which Is established to help promote leadership, responsibility, and give students a sense of belonging. Sponsor, Mrs. Montoya. helps members get interested In learning about Home Economics.

Row 1: Louella Garcia. Carolyn Garcia. Jeanne Taffoya, Rita Bhakta and Karen Martinez. Row 2: Ms. Montoya. Martha Jiminez. Susie Ortega and Barbara Travis. Not Included: Francess Lujan, Margaret Marquez. Marie Serrano and Debra Bohannon.


.E.R.O., Home Economics Related Occupations Is an organization established to help its members assume the roles in society through home economics education, it heps prepare them for future experiences and community involvement. The organization is sponsored by Mrs. Lovato.

Row 1: Diane Corriz. Beatrice Anaya. Margaret Martinez and Yvonne Martinez Row 2: Robert Mtera. Elena Pena. Fran Barela. Ruby Roman. Angela Baca. Susan Humkle and Mrs. Nora Lovato. Row 3: Carlos Gonzales. Bennie VTgl, Arthur Martinez. Undo Underwood. Marcos Herrera. Alex Satazor and Stove Rivera.





Row 1: David Anderson, Tim Sandy. Sean Murphy, Robbie Engstrom. Richard Kingsbury. Row 2: Greg Veet. Court Alexander. Steve Edwards.

Rodeo Club



ponsored by Mrs. LuJan. the 1980-81 Junior Varsity Mat Maids busily worked on many wrestling events during the season. The girls cheered out of town as well as at home matches and provided strong spirit for the wrestling team. This year's JV Mat Maids were Valerie Montoya. (head mat maid) Kelley Dukeminier (assistant), Chris Hiat, Lena Gomez, Maxine Herrera, Eva Romero, and Suzanne Rotuno. The girls helped cheer the Junior Varsity Wresting team on to victory.

1. Chris Hat gets Into the spirit of things. 2. JV Mat Maids take a break from cheering during the homecoming parade. 3. The girts show their Mat Maid spirit and pride.


FRONT ROW: Lena Gomez ROW 2: Eva Romero. Suzanne Rotuno, Maxine Herrera and Valerie Montoya. Back Row: ChrisHiatand Kelley Dukeminler


D€0> &CH€I/€S HIGH GOfcLS N 1980-81

Row 1: Mr. Micheal Vialpando. Charlene Sanchez. Lucille Montoya. Carol Duran, Roderick Montoya. Paulette Ulibarri. Renee Apodaca. Loretta Velarde, Irene Ortega. Veronica Quintana, Deri Gonzales. Denise Garcia. JoAnn Garcia. Felicia Martinez and Mr. Thomas Gardner. Row 2: Patricia Montoya. Janet Valdez. Pattl Allison. Suzanne Romero. Jayne Brown. Rick Segura. Margie Ortiz. Mary Gomez. Debbie Chavez, Laura Baca, Beth Ferkovlch. Corrina Martinez. Bema Gonzales and Jerri Pena.


Mr. Sena. Sponsor

Row 1: Chuck Mondragon. Angela Quintana. Anna Romero. Leroy Baca. Ruth Montoya and Greg Monaragon. Row 2: Andrew Rivera. Jeana Baca. Michelle Hill. Brenda Dominguez. Annette Quintana. Rosabell Saiazar and Eddi Sandoval. Back Row: Kristy Thomas. Jackie Romero. Yvette Hill. Anna Ortiz and Andrew Lopez.


"Today's society revolves around athletics, likewise, I feel that athletics at the high school level contributes to the spirit and pride of the whole student body. At Santa Fe High School, it involves more than the student body, it also Includes the community." Mr. Wally Sanchez Coach



r. Martin Jacobson, varsity soccer coach at SFHS, chose Kenny Humphreys and Charlie Montgomery as captains of the varsity team this year. Jacobson hoped mat they could provide leadership, one thing last year's team lacked. Humphreys, a sophomore, was on varsity soccer the year before, and enjoyed being co-captain this year. Montgomery, a Junior, also liked being co-captain, but he didn't think It made any difference In the way the team performed.

f. Vine* going tor Htm savel 2. Qreg Bybee Is waiting for the charge. J. Rick Craig and Martin Welsh pass the ball around. 4. Dan Pilaster movin' It right alongl



X V . §®<§<s<§tf


r. Fabian Chavez has bean coaching soccer for five yean, enjoying every year. Overall he feel* mat last season was very good, especially with teorot like 9-0. hfr. Chavez found hit team a challenge because It wot built up with ffothmon. Ho managed to train thorn Into good high tehOOl players quite fast. He felt that tho gomo against Alb. Academy were tho toughest and moot exciting. Tho moot valuable players were Brian Baca (defense) a sophomore, and Roble Lee (defense) also a sophomore. He toft positive about next year's team but says, "It all depends on how well they progress over the oft season".

1. 2. $. 4. 5.

Team pie (no caption) Our demons can get around anything. We'll boat anybody to tho balll Giving the bat a lime practice kick. Chris Thompson, and teammate getting psyched tor the game. 6. The team getting ready tor some action.


1 1 3 5 7 2 2 3 2


Season RecordLos Alamos Prep Prep Academy Academy Highlands Los Alamos Cibola Sandla

7 0 1 2 1 3 4 1 5

he girls' soccer team did borne, Michelle Olmstead, Lacy outstanding success was tht exceptionaly? well this sea- Wykert, Liz Backenstow, Joan great amount of teamwork. An one observing could see ho son. "They worked hard Montoya, and Jane Flelg. and It natty showed In their perThe remaining girls will manage much each girt retted on one a formance," said coaeh Darin thought since they are so willing toother. Even though next seasc McGlaphlln. The team Will, howev- make Santa Fe High's team the will be minus many good player er, be starting out the next season beet In the state. They placed third the girts' soccer team would hat no problem being as great as the with fewer girls. Graduation will be at state tor the 80-81 season. taking Kathy Dixon, Caroline ClalThe main reason tor the girls' were mis yearl


o n t o Fe hosted Cross Country

the State moot this

year. Tho varsity boys and girls loams captured state cross country titles on Saturday Nov. 15 at Mager's Hold. The boys and girts finished with a perfect ton and 0 record. This Is tho third straight season In which the boys have been undotooted and the seventh title the boys have won In the past eight years.

1) Larry Romero enjoying hit run through the course.

2) Gilbert Bonqulllo making a good ottort towards mo tlnlth line. 3) Kevin, Larry, frank and Brian are feeling

gnat with the s t a t e Championship all mobs. 4) Scott stacey rounds tho last bond. 3) Sweating It out, Is what IP* all about. 6) Brian Catanach In tho load.

Season Record MEET Sept. Sept. Sept. I Sept.


6 Scrimmage 11 Espanola 20 Bernalillo 27 las Vegas

PLAGE 1st 1st 1st 1st


/»/* y«o«ftoystCroM Country's Staters an Larry Romero a senior, and Hector Martinez. The boy* nation A.A.U. Cross Country meet was In Albuquer quo. The boys have taken district eight tunes and state seven times. The most valuable boys HUB year were: Brian Catanach, Darren fong, Mute Gonzales, Hector Martinez, Larry Romero, Gilbert Ronquiilo, and Frank Sandoval. Mr. John Alire Is really proud of his cross country teams, and has been coaching cross country tor eight year*. 1) The cold weather does net keep these cross country runners from going on. 2} The Demons beginning a long nee. 3) Cress Country teams display this years trophies. 4) Job dene well, and with good effort by Larry Romero. 5) Brian Catanach making every step count.

Season Record MEET Oct. 11 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15


PLACE Capital City 1st Lo* Alamos 1st Taos 1st Valley 1st Grants 1st STATE MEET 1st

i@y§ C(T©§§ Qmfifitfj



/!• Demonettes streaked to their second state title In as many trios and also finished with a 10-0 record. The Demonettes have taken District two times and State twice. The girl AM Staters arm Money Rivera and Janell Neeley tor the 1980-81 school year. Demon Coach John Allre, never once held back from a challenge, and was pleased with the outcome. "These Cross Country teams fought hard all season long", said Coach Allre. This year the girls cross country teams found out what a true state championship Is with the rough course and weather. The most valuable gins this year were: Deborah Blgbee, Mary Bodelson, Louise Chavez, Karla Kruhm, Theresa Lopez, Janell Neeley, and Money Rivera. 1) Runner Ann Garcia struggles lor me lead. 2) Deborah Blgbee, Louise Chaves, and Mary Bodelson anticipate a record-breaking finish. 3) Coach Allre and Cross Country Girls are seen with Stale trophies. 4) Mary Bodelson strides tor a strong record breaking finish. 5) Deborah Blgbee helps the team come In met. 6) Nancy Rivera comes In first.

Season Record MEET Sept. 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 22 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. B Nov. 15

PLACE Scrimmage 1st Bernalillo 1st Las Begas 1st St. Kates 1st Capital City 1st Los Alamos 1st Taos 1st Valley 1st Grants 1st STATE MEET 1st


rlday night football garnet became a major part of the high school students living, as masses of Demon tans Hooded Into Ivan Head Stadium. It was the hosting of a rematch of the 1979 State Championship and the beginning of a season tor the Eldorado Eagles and the Defending State Champs, the Santa Fe Demons. It was a big strain on the Demons, tor they wanted to begin the history ot a new stadium with a 11 straight winning streak. The Demons previously held a 23 straight District win with tour previous District first places and defended the State Tine. With a lew adding records, they opened a big game with a young team. A team which was made up with one starter and nine part-time starters. The night started great on the

Demons' 2nd hold position. The Demons took It In to score, but by the tune the bathe was over the Demons took a lose 35-14. Their next trip was down the road to compete against the long Unto compedltor, the Sandla Club. The Demons looked like a "bom again" ball dub on that Saturday afternoon, according to the New Mexican. The Demons scorched Sandla with a 27-0 win. Marco LuGOTO lead the scoring with three touchdowns and 110 yards. Their next meet was against the fine ball club, Highland Hornets. The Demons coming In with a 1-1 record, didn't overlook Highland, but the Hornets defeated the Demons with a score of 27-6. After finding that 1-2 record was bitter, the Demons came back strong with a win over long time

with the first win In the Ivan Head Stadium. The Demons began District competition Journey to Los Alamos on Oct. 4, 1980. The Demons went In and ended the afternoon's play with a score of 16-9 Marco Lucero had two touchdowns and 171 yards for the day The Demons then returned to their home field on October 10, 1980 to defeat Albuquerques West Mesa. It was a tine performance by the Demons with an easy 38-0 win. The team was helped by the fine running of Marco Lucero, Robert Allre, and a tine passing game by Quarterback, Pat Segura.

Season record Coaches on left fop: Manager: Charlie Monfoya, Bob Martinez Head Coach: Davld Church. Coaches on right top: Mike

Mares, Randy whittemore. BOTTOM ROW: Ron Baca, Phillip Warfleld, Max Baca, Pat Segura, John Ounthmr, Martin tsquibel, Jam Klrven, Robert Allre, Marco Lucero. SECOND RO W: Perry Lopez, Leroy Chama. Angelo

Trujlllo, Aaron Vigil,

Mark Lopei, Joey Mitchell, David Slsneros, Vlnce Llthgow, Kevin Wlldensteln, John Gonzales. Greg Lucero, Mike Dlmas, Mark Lopez THIRD ROW: Delbert Tatter shall, OR. bert Masm, Roy Smith, Reyes Aguilar, OR.

bert Ortega, Pat Robinson, Marco Tapta, Audi Miranda, Kevin Oarty, David Rruch,

Vlnce Martinez, Oabe Martinez. FOURTH ROW: John MadrtI, James Soblen, John Mcgulre, Frank Gonzales, Chris Rodriguez, Thomas Qriego, Kevin Oelger, DougLowrie, Pat Ortiz, Chris Ortiz, Frank larranaga, Oary Oarcta, Randy Vigil, Danny Esqulbel, Joe Barela, John Gonzales. 1. David Church, Head coach. 2. Mine Mares, Defensive co-ordlnaior. 3. Randy Whittemore, Assistant coach. 4. Robert Martinez, assistant coach. 6. Phillip WarHeld holds a 23 yard fleldgoal by David Slsneros. 7. John Gonzales and Frank larranaga show their wounded support. 8. Joe Klrven showing fine running ability.

Eldorado Sandla Highland St. Michaels Lot Alamos West Mesa Albuquerque High Gallup Grants Espanola Farmlngton Manzano Clovls

35-14 0-27 27- 6 6-27 9-16 0-38 22-16 21-28 12- 28 0-35 27-28 15-22 51-0


fter six games and a 4-2 record, Demon* went Info Albuquerque High underestimating the Bulldog*. Albuquerque High a tine bat dub, ran away In the last few minute* with a 22-16 win. Marco Lucero added 107 yard* to hi* seasons and Joe KIrven added 99 yard*. The lot* broke the 24 District winning streak. It wa* a dark Halloween night In Grants when the Demon*tilledthe Grant'* candy bag with a 28-12 defeat. The Individual leader* were Joe KIrven with three touchdown* and 74 yard*, Marco lucero with one touchdown and 90 yard*. The Demon* were helped with the patting attack of eight completion*, one touchdown pa** and 123 yard* by Quarterback Pat Segura. The Demons had an afternoon of fun and playing experience a* they struted away with a 35-0 win over Espanola. Leaders were Marco Lucero with two touchdown* and 208 yard*, Joe KIrven, eecond leading rusher, with 150 yard*, and Pat Segura completing 10 out of 17 passes for 145 yard* and two touchdown passes to David SIsneros and Gary Garcia. Our final District and crucial ball game came with Farmlngton Scorpion*. It wa* an exciting game held In Ivan Head Stadium on November 14. The Demon* were going for their tilth straight District tint place. The Demon* made It a sixth straight District tint place with the clo*e score of 28-27.


1) Joe Sareta getting ready for game kick-


2) Team cheer. 5) Marco Lucero dodges around. St. Michaels Norsemen. 4) A usual Damon Gang tackle. 8) Coach David Church thinks strategy. 6) Joe KIrven escaping Horsemen.


ndlvldual leaders wen Joe Klrven with two touchdowns and 207 yard* tor the night. Marco Lueoro also added one touchdown and 80 yards. David SIsneros had a 26 yard touchdown pass reception thrown front quarter back Pat Segura. Pat Segura had 26 yards passing for the night.

It was playoff time with the Demons hosting Albuquerque's Manxano Monarch's. The Demons came Into this game anxious to play football, and play football they did! Coach David Church took the Demons to defeat the Monarch's 22-15. Outstanding leaders wore Joe Klrven with two touchdowns and 130 yards. Marco Lueoro contributed one touchdown and 59 yards, while Pat Segura came on strong with one touchdown pass the three out of 10 for 58 yards passing. It was getflng toucher now, Demons were up next to long time tough compedltor, Clovls Wildcats. It was a cold night In Clovls, while It seemed even a colder night tor our Demons. Clovls Wildcat's melted the Ice on the Held, scorching the Demons with a score of 51-0. Individual leaders were Joe Klrven with 13 yards and Pat Segura with passing 10 out of 20 with 115 yards and two interceptions. The Demons ended their long season with a record of 9-4 and a fifth consecutive District win and a trip to the State soml-flnals. 1) Junior Robert Allrm gains yardage en play. 2} Martin isqulbol passe* blocking. t) Injured Tom Baca takes part In crucial moments. 4) Frank larranaga shews Demon ability. 5) Joe Kkvon takes a break oner scoring. 7) masking. 6) AM tor one and one tor all- The Demon troop runs mo told before mo game.



Ms year's J.V. Football loam had a now coach, Ron Shirley, and assistant, Tom Manning. The team consisting of forty-seven players, oil sophomores, opened against Aztec In a scrimmage. Coach Shirley sold "The team played well although they had only five or six day* of practice."He also said, "John Rodriguez, a right guard; Eddie Gomez, a quarterback; Mickey Armljo, Brian Delgado, Nick Lovato, Mike Ortiz, and Andrew Qulntana played exceptionally woM." Ac* cording to Coach Shirley. "The ball club had a good team effort and everyone played." He stressed unity, pride, and discipline as a large part of the training program. (1) Andrew (SUGS) Qulntana prove* Demon ability to score. (2) Jerome Gonzales strides tor extra yardage. (3) FIRST BOW- Archie Lopez, Eddie Gomez, Bobby Senavldez, Steve Trujlllo, Jerome Gonzales, Xavler Pacheco, David Trujlllo, Larry Gurule, Arthur Baca, and Brie Handraddy. SECOND BOW- Mark Vigil, Mike Orttz, Mike Tapla, Ian Longaere, Pat Chaves, John Rodriguez, David Vigil, Pat Calles, Phil Ahrenklel, Bobert Anaya, Gary Johnson, and Bandy Plumber, THIRD BOW- Andrew Qulntana, Gilbert Tones, Mark Haber, John Dettz, Randy Gonzales, Joseph Sarros, Randy Stotts, Hick Lovato, James Dlmas, km Longaere, AJolf Cata, and Edward Gonzales. FOURTH BOW. Assistant Coach Tom Manning, Mike Martinez, Bobby Montoya, Terry Howers, David Gomez, Pochard Lucero, Logan Roots, Mickey Armljo, John Arguello, Brain Delgado, Carey Martinez, Steve Gonzales, and Coach Ben Shirley. (LEFT TO BIGHT) (4) Demon tackier throws Las vegas back, up, and away.

(5) Players listen to Coach Shirley's pep talk.


Gold Season Record 3-4 Beten Robertson Taos Pueblo


St. Michaels Cumbres Blue

nder the guidance of Michael A. Vlapando this years' Freshman Odd Football loam ended up leaming as well as enjoying their tint year of high school football. The season opened with the team winning their tint game against Belen. Through the season the team managed to win only three out of seven games. Vial* pando stated tha their playoff against St. Mike's was their most exciting game. St. Mikes kicked a field goal with only 58 seconds left in the game to win 15-13. Mr. Vlalpando concluded, "Over-all the season went well with each player doing hisJobas part of the team. Each player proved to be Invaluable." Coach Dan Bustos, a new but experienced coach, has been coaching one year at S.F.H.S. and tour years elsewhere. He likes working with kids and the exclt. ment of the games. This year's freshmen Hue foam ended the season with a 3-4 record. Upon being asked about the season, Coach Bustos said, "The team never gave up even when the going got tough." It was Just a matter of time before the team would come together. The foam had a good attitude and that Is what helped them for the last three games of the season." 1) Blue 1st Row: Danny Valdez, Albert Montana, Albert Vlmra, Carlo* Sandoval, Lawroneo Casados, Bobby Sanchez 2nd Sow: Paul Ortiz, Hainan Oallegos, Ronnie Trujlllo, Martin Fochoeo, Chris Rivera, Manual Valdo*, Steve Romero. 3rd Sow John Aeuna, Bdward Oallegos, Tommy Brown, Andres Rlos, John Carlo Fernando*, Robert Aragon, Orlando Romero, Johnny Sandoval, Joe Arellano. 2} Gold 1st Row: Steve Valdez, Tad Lovato, Loo Werner, Danny Dams, Jolt Sanchez, Ryan Wlckard, Alex Sandoval, John Fairchild 2nd Daw: Coach Apodaea, Joe Cantu, Harold Moya, Bryan Oonzales, Jose Medina, Lauren Banter, Ruben Monro*, Danny Romero, Don Padllfa Sid Row: Joquln ChtlVOM, Anthony Oeorge, Dean Madrid, Ricky Trujlllo, Mark Lound, Richard Martinez, Mike Herrera, Jason Jimenez, Dareln Tapfa, Eddie Lujan, Oreg Carrera, Marty Lujan. JL Ilk* Ootd Ham I* Inspired after half-time pep talk. 4. Freshman quarterback throws tho ball Just before getting sacked. 5. Blue and Qoid scrimmage as varsity players look on.



th a 20-3 season Nancy Mike, Vanity coach says, "It was a very satisfying and successful season overall. I enjoyed coaching this particular group of girts. I had a lot of support from the players, fans, friends, football team and parents." AH the girls feel the increasing Involvement In the sport has added to the already strong team spirit. When asked about most valuable players her reply was, "Mo one was more valuable than any* one else." The team members were Angela Bollng, Dolores Duron, Holly Fleming, Brenda JarVis, LeAnn Loutensork, Emily Lucere, Paulino Lucero, Renee Martinez, Vdda Mlera, Diana Nesslinger, Mettle Romero and Julie So* gura.

Season Record Cibola 15- 6 11-15 St. Michaels 15. 3 15-12 Eldorado 15-10 15-11 Los Alamos 15- 9 7-15 SI. MlchaoU 15- 4 11-15 Albuquerque 15-10 16-14 WosfMosa 15- 4 15-17 Etpanokj 7-15 15-4 Grant* 15-5 15-6 Cibola Classic Gallup 15-9 15-6 Farmlngton 5-15 13-16 Highland 15-12 15- 4 Espanola 15-11 5-15 District Tournament Albuquorquo 12-15 15-2 Los Alamos 15- 2 12-16 fannlngton 15- 5 16-16 District Champions State Tournament Carlsbad


15- 2 15-11 15- 5 15-12 15-2

15-0 15- S

9 15

1. Team Pietism 2. Emily Lucero sett the ball.

3 Angela Bowling "Pm proud to be a De monetiel"

4 Diana Hessllng spikes a mean bas\ 5 Team members rest up lor game.



Irst year coach John Davidson has high hopes for next year's team. He want* to match this year's great 15-0 teason. The cinching game against Los Alamos was said to bo the most exciting game, but the whole season was a thriller. Ram Moffett advanced to play In the state tournament, but every imam member was considered the most valuable player. The other team members ware Robert Duron, Lisa Jaramlllo, Laurie Kruhmln, Robin Collins, Kathy Hardman, Phyllis Bustamante, Jackie Corlz, Terrl Wharton, Georgia Urloste and Nicole Roth J.V. Season Record Cibola 15-12 15-4 St. Michael's 15-11 15-17 Eldorado 15-1115-9 Los Alamos 15-8 15-5 St. Michael's 15-7 15-11 AHS 15-2 1503 WMHS 15-3 15-6 Bspanola 15-6 15-12 HHS 15-11 15-9 EspaTiola 15-1 15-8 Los Alamos 15-11 15-9 f. Team PIcture-bottomQelt toright)Laurie Kruhmln, Nicole Roth, Roberta Duron, Teal Wharton, Tap Qott toright)Phyllis Sustamante, Jocklo Corlz, Georgia Carlotto, John Davldson(coach), Usa Jaramlllo, Pom Mottot, Robin Collins. 2. Getting ready-Roberta Duron It getting ready tor another big game. S. Spike 'em-Angela Sollngfvarslty) at. tempts to spike the ball to the opposing team.

4. Smile-J. V. Volleyball team clowns around. 5. Surprise-Georgia Urloste caught by the camera.


n December 5, 1980, the opening game of the seaton was an upset for the team. If was more of a nightmare tor Coach Watty Sanchez. "We need to develop the little things", said Watty Sanchez. The little things he was referring to were rebounds, turnovers, and tree throws. They're not that little when It comes right down to It. These little things cost the Demons a win or loss. Overall, Sanchez said, "We made a lot of mistakes, but they're correctable. You've got to


play Hie best to be the best." The Demons were lucky to get out of Manzano alive. On December 6, 1980. "We weren't executing as a team. Two or three guys would do their Job, but the rest weren't cutting In," said Sanchez. During the Santa fe vs. West Mesa game on January 23, 1981, both teams hustled to the last few seconds until Santa Fe was down by one point with three seconds left. Mike MalczewskI was called on a reaching foul and West Mesa

got a one In one but was called for a lane violation which gave Santa Fe possession. Junior Mike Anaya was fouled at the last second of the game and made two crucial free throws to give Santa Fe the one point edge over the Mustangs. The score was 56-55. On January 24, the Demons paved their way over the Grants Pirates on their way to another shot at the Capital City Tournament. Led by Robert VonAmelunzen's game high of 34 points, the Demons enrouted Grants 68-48.

Despite committing 22 turnovers and blowing more than half of a 22 point load midway through the final quarter, Santa Fe continued its domination over St. Michael's with a 64-92 victory at Toby Roybal Gym Friday night, tho 16th of January. "If people knew what was going on With this team, I think they'd respect mem a little bit mora," Sanchez said as ho relaxed In his office desk chair following tho contest. "Wo played without two of our starters most Of the time."

Cibola Momano Eldorado St. Michael's Los Alamos Espanola Albuquerque St. Mlcheal's West Mesa Grants

Down by 1 point the Demons made a last effort Intentional foul and Farmlngton made both shots to seal up the game 47-44. On their second road game with Gallup, the Demons tell short of a win. A close game ail the way through, until H hod at 49-49 with a tew seconds on the dock. Demon center, Robert VonAmehmxen pulled down a rebound and called a timeout. At the end, Gallup won Hie game 52-49. Santa Fe Demons came back tor a win on February 21. Santa Fe led the slow paced game by a narrow edge of four points, until late In the third quarter, the Pirates took the lead for the first time. The lead men was a back and fourth struggle by both teams, until Robert Oallegos' Jumpshot with 26 seconds left put the Pirates behind for good. The Santa Fe Demons' hopes for the runner up, shot In the regular season District 1 AAAA standings, ended February 27, Friday night In the Toby Qoybal Gym. The Farmlngton Scorpions held off a late Demon change and posted a 48-46 victory. With 64 senior Mike Malczewskl out of the line up with an Injury, the Demons relied heavily on 6-6 senior, Robert VonAmehmxen, to get valuable rebounds. with a 12-10 record In season and 7-7 In league play, they tied 1 AAAA.

1. A Jump ball flatting the game against Farmlngton. 2. Robert VonAmelunxen gives a surprised look. 3. Robert Oallegos shoots from mo corner ot the court. 4. Varsity Basketball team: Coaches: Leo Pa cheep, Lonnle Hurley, Wally Sanchez, Bon tstraaa. Players: Sam Romero, Ray Star, tines. Been Houllston, Mike Anaya, Joey Sowker, Mike Malczewskl, Robert VonAmolunxen, James Martinez, Leland Casados, Albert PadIHa, Robert Oallegos, Tom Oallegos.



Varsity •otkatboll


Robert VonAmelunxen was out over half the game with tout trouble and In the warmup, Dean Houllston pulled a muscle and wasn't able to play. "But with the other thro we had out there we really hit the boards. We even had to pull Mike Malezewski out tor awhile because of fouls and we still beat St. Michael's on the boards. We were a smaller team than the Horsemen In the second quarter. But I think the kids did a great Job. Before the game I told them that we were not getting ready tor St. Mike's, but we were going to use this game as stepping stone. What we want to do Is be consistent," stated Watty Sanchez. This years Capital City Tournament was definitely on of the best and one of the toughest In the last 24 years of play. Santa Fe played great In the opening round of play against Albuquerque Rio Grande with a 5647 win and then went on to lose a heart breaker to city rival St. Mikes. Having to take a 3rd place shot with an easy 65-57 win over Bernalillo was not exactly where coach Watty Sanchez thought his team would be In the outcome of the tourney. St. Mikes went on to lose the final to Albuquerque Manzano who took first place. On February 6 Farmlngton beat the Demons. The Demons knew It was going to be tough when they left to go on two road games, but they were stopped a bit short of their goal by the Farmlngton Scorpions. The Demons managed to stay In shooting range all game long and with 10 seconds left and the ball they failed to converge.

1. Coach Wally Sanchez looks on as the Demons ploy. 2. Albert Padtlla about to pass the ball to Mlkm Malcxmwikl. 3. Demon* using their defensive sklllt to stop the Spartans from scoring. 4. John Martinet stays alert while the ball travels down the court. 5. Robert Von Amelunxen swishes ajumpshot over opponents.

i@yยง JJoYo he Demons lost their first three games to Cibola, teamano, and Eldorado. They then dished out their first win to the St. Mlcheal's Horsemen by one. The team went on to loose their next three games to Questa, Bloom field, and Toas. The Demons then eame out ahead with wine over both lee Alamos and Espanola. In the following game they fell short of a victory to Albuquerque High, by two points m overtime. Again, In the next two games they fell to St. Mlcheals and West Mesa. The Demons eame up with their fourth win of the season over Grants by a bucket, and dropped their next three under Farmlngton, Gallup, and then to Albuquerque High. They then got things together tor a ten point win over Espanola only to toll shorttoLos Alamos In their next game, things were going back and forth, when they beat West Mesa and then tell to Grants. They then beat Farmington by 21 points and lost the tost one to Gallup to close out their season 7* 15 regular season and 6S In district play.

1. JV Squad: Coach: Son Estrada Players: Sam Romero, John Martinet, Mario Moyle, James Martinez, Leland Casados, Dean Houllston, Tom Gallegos, Able Montoya, not pictured, Joey Sowker, Say Anaya. Team Manager, David Say Gonzales. 2. Joey Sowker takes advantage of being left alone with this lump that from the free throw. 3. Demon* guard, Sam Romero, hustles while bringing the ball down court while his opponents seem to be quite contused with his ball handling. 4. Tom Gallegos shoots over a farmlngton player while everyone rushes the boards for a chance at a rebound. 5. Mario Moyle watts for the outlet pass to start the fast break. 6. Able Montoya races down court In order to score another bucket for the Demons.

Season Record 7.18 SF OPPONENT 61 Cibola 66 86 Maniano 68 70 Eldorado S3 49 St. Mike's 48 89 Questa S3 89 Sioomtleld 43 40 Taos 77 84 Los Alamos 46 43 Espanola 43 30 AJbuq. High 38

48 81 49 31 34 49 71 86 83 48 73 63

St. Mike's West Mesa Grants Farmlngton Gallup Albuq. High Espanola Los Alamos West Mesa Grants Farmlngton Gallup

Beys J.V. Sasketball

88 61 47 83 43 67 61 64 60 56 81 78


© @ y § §®(p)[h)©infi)®{f'®

he Demons



started the season with three straight loses. First they lost to Santa Fa School tor Deaf (SFSD) by twelve

points, then to Ber-

nailio by mix, then to Taos by eleven. Their Unit win was over SFSD who dished out the sophomores tint loss; and their next game and win was over St. Catharine's with the Demons winning by sixteen. The Demons played Santa Fe Prep their next game and lost by twenty-three. Then faced with Eidarado, they Impressively won by twenty points. Their next two games were against Pojoaque and SF. Prep which the Demons both lost.

The Demons got the ball rolling their way for the next two games. against

Los Alamos




they beat LA. by three and St. Kates by four In two dose games to the win. The sophomores suffered two more straight losses to Eldorado and Taos, to EHS by seven and Taos by one, a real grey hair rush tor coach John Davidson. Their next game was won by a forfeit against Pojoaque. They lost the next game against Bernalllo by eleven and then came back to beat Santa Fe Indian School by seven. They ended the season with an overall record of 7-10. 1. The tap It easily controlled by Allen Deem 2. Kevin

Has set shoots

a Jump

shot from


comer 3. Possible thro* pointer by Allen Doom 4. trie Maistrom adding 2points to tho seoro 5. trie Matttrom concentrating on tho troo throw lino. 6. Coach Davidson gMng Instructions to playOr John


Season Record 7-10 49 SFDS 61 51 Bernalllo 57 57 Taos 55 43 SFDS 40 45 St. Catherine 29 46 SF Prep 69 75 BIS 55 52 Pojoaque 65 59 St Prep 61 62 LA. 59 59 St. Kates 55 75 EHS 52 59 Taos 50 Fort Pojoaqua forfft 46 Bernalllo 57 67 SFIS 60 46 LA. 55

184 toy* Sophomof* toskstbafl



Fr«»hm«n lo«k«tt>oM

his year's freshmen basketball Imam completed an Impressive 11-2 record, under the direction of Stove Dllg, who has boon coaching for 7 years. Coach Dllg commented "Wo lost two gomes by one point each. Wo wore able to play one of the teams wo lost and boat them by ton points. The Kids made Improvements m areas they were weak In, and I think It's a real good group of players going up to JV for next year." The team was Invited to a tournament that had boon cancelled, but the school was never notified about It. As a result, they never got Into the tournament at the end of the year. Coach Dllg said, "The most exciting game was when wo boat Espanola by ton points. Wo had lost to thorn earlier In the year by one point and wo wont on to beat them by ton points at their place."

Pago 1S6 # 1 Richard Martinez warming up for gam* against Espanola #2 Lonnle martinet and Peter Sandoval at Capshaw practicing before a game. # 3 team plcturo* top Row Chris Srett, Pater Sandoval, Orlando Watson, Cecil Chavoz, Jail flschlva and Richard Martinez. 2nd Raw Soppy Anaya, Ed Lujan, Mlko Qulntana, Lonnle Martinez, Missing-David Archuleta, Mike Sanchez and Ryan Wttcher.

Page 1S7 #4 Damons VS Espanola, opening tip off with Orlando Watson, Richard Martinez, Lonnle Martinez, David Archuleta and Eddie Lujan. # 5 Time out Coach Dllg gives last minute Instructions to the team.

Santa Fe-60 Bspanolo(red)-43 Santa Fe-SO Espartola(gold)-51 Santa Fe-61 Cumbres-38 Santa Fo-47 St. Michaels-38 Santa Fe-61 Bernallllo-49 Santa Fo-75 Puoblo-60 Santa Fo-59 St. Mlchaels-52 Santa Fe-69 Taos-70 Santa Fo-59 Pueblo-46 Santa Fe-58 Espanola(gold)-48 Santa Fe-55 Cumbres-42 Santa Fe-71 Espdhbla(red}-57 Santa Fe-63 PoJaquo-41

freshmen tas**tball


Iter winning only a dismal 5 of 7 games In the tint hall of the season, the Demonettes changed their stylo and have swept two district games employing their now tactics of defense. On January 24, they traveled to Albuquerque, to play West Mesa High School. The Demoneties beat the Mustangs 46-33. The following evening they challenged Grants at Toby Roybal Memorial Gym and won that contest 36-32. The Demonettes had their seven • game winning shook broken by Farmlngton 49-71 m fhe second round of the District 1 A AAA Tournament, which was held In Gallup February 27-28. Though losing to Farmlngton was a great upset, the Demonettes didn't let that get them down. They advanced to second place by thrashing Grants 62-30. The Demonettes finished the season at a respectable 15-9. Coach Tom MaiHnoxconcluded, "We're going to have a mummer program for the first time this year. AH the other strong teams do. Wo will win the district. To go out and take It; that's aH our goal Is."

f J Benee Mart\n*z took* to * • • where the action 1*1 2.) Susan Qulntana guards against a Far' mlngton player as Frances Onega looks onl 3.) Kathy Ortiz saving the ball from going out of bounds! 4.) Girls Varsity Basketball Team; From lett to right Coach Tom Martinoz, Carol Oartoy, mono Martin*!, moHoa Frmsquoz, Kathy Ortti, Susan Qulntana, Carta Oarrott, Angola Soling, Karta Baca, North Bomoro, Francos Ortoga, Anne Otwela, Vmlda Mlora and Jo ft Bryant. S.) Kathy Ortiz attompts to mako hor troo throw! 6.) BMUsso Frosquoz shooting tho ball tor 2 polntsl

188 Olrlt Vanity tatkatbail


5.) The Demonettes planning their next

strategy. 6.) Coach Tom Martinez enjoying hi* Job. 7.) Angela Bollng and Susan Qulntana;

closeness I* a great teams success.

SEASON RECORD 4-6 SF 21 3B 29 41 29 21 34 28 34 28


Front Row from loll to nght; Louise Oomez, Diana Montoya, Jackie Romero and Debbie Lujan Back Bow from left to right, Kathrkte Vardmen, Brenda Marlow, Nicole Roth and Veronica Garza.



/though the JV Girls had a successful season of 16-2, some of the players folt the team could have done a Utile better and could hove had a 180 season turnout. The Demonettes were Hod with the Los Alamo* Hill Toppers for 1st m district. When they came faeo to face, the Demonette confidence was up, which load to a overwhelming victory. Having too much confidence can bo a problem when winning 1$ necessary. This was true when the Demonettes met up with Espanola. Coach Rodgers was very satisfied with the Demonettes ability. As for now, Coach Rodgers keeps In mind his next year's strategy.

J.V. OUs Basketball 1. First Sow: Left to Sight Barbara Rodriguez, Holly Fleming, Jaalah sierra, Coach Rodgers, Una Valdei, Carta Garret, Olna Baca, Second Sow: Carol Oartoy, Connie franco, Roberta Duran, Brands Oallegos, Phylllt Bu$tamante, Monica Rivera, Carol Falance. 2. Monica Rivera thaws her talent In dribbling. 3. Taking It to the top. 4. Hard practice lead to a satisfying "Season Turnout" 5. Tight Games; stir crowd to fever. 6. Connie Franco leapt to discourage shooting opponent.

Season Record 17-2 SF S3 39 91 42 34 42 6S 44 51 67 59 SS 47 31 44 47 70

El Dorado Valley St. Mikes Farmlngton Gallup Espanola Albuquerque Los Alamos West Mesa Grants Manxano Gallup Espanola Albuquerque Los Alamos West Mesa Grants

Opponent 44 33 11 32 26 SO 23 33 31 20 46 34 36 20 36 46 23


he boys gymnastic team mostly competed as Individuals. They won one meet against West Mesa. "The team had Its setbacks," according to the coach, Mark Bobbins. "But SFHS has the potential to

produce excellent competitive gymnastics," he added. Ronnie Lay den and Louie Maes competed In the state gymnastic meet. Mark Koenlg was not able to compete due to an Injury. Ronnie Lay den placed 4th In state on Hie rings. The 1980-1981 boys gymnastic team consisted of Paul Baca, Rick Bellan, Pat Garcia, Mark Koenlg, Ronnie Lay den, and Louie Maes. "We should have a good year next year1' Rick Bellan remarked. 1. Bonnie layden executing the "cross" during a home meet. 2. nick Bellan works on keeping his body straight whBe on me rings. 3. Paul Baca holds on tight as he swings around the bar. 4. BJck Bellan goo is off during practice. 5. Oymnasts watch Bonnie Layden during a meet. 6. Bonnie Layden doe* a handstand on the parallel bars.


y t T M ^ f e Stofkote (U)p C@mfflldl©ini€®



Ms year's girls gymnastic* was coachod by Laura Lange; mis was her first year and she enjoyed It. The gymnastics nam couldn't natty compete as a team. They placed mostly am Individuals, and the team had a lot of Injuries. "This year was more or less a framing time. Next year they an going to be hard to boat. They've started out young and now have matured In every way," stated the coach. The 1980-1981 girls gymnastic team consisted of Sonya Ortli, Flora Archuleta, Bllle Ortiz, Linda Rodriguez (from Capshaw) and Barnadette Montoya (8th grade exhibitionist).

1. Hera Is working on hot book walkover. 2. eillo Ortti and flora Arehulota watching other gymnasts. S. Sonya Orttx If doing her floor routine. 4. A kick In tho air dono by Flora Arehulota. 5. Sonya Ortb smllo* while doing a walkover. 6. Blllo Ortiz ttrotcho* boforo tumbling.


his year's swimming imam dlvod off with a splashing season. Starting practice In early September, the team worked out everyto day alter school from four-thirty six-thirty. Three days a week the swimming team did calisthenics for one hour, and the remaining hours and days were reserved for swimming. This year's captain of the boys swimming team was Bobby Spring and the Demonetis captain was Libby Butler. "Both had a great deal of team spoil," said coach Joe Carpenter. Ubby Butler Is also an assistant Dolphin coach to Joe Carpenter, dedicating much of her time. Many of last year's lettermen returned adding victory for this year. They are: Luke Doles, K a thy Dixon, Bryant Blgbee, Rachel Boatrlght, Andy Lyons, Karia Kruhm, Bobby Springs, Karen Kruhm, Victor Butler, Ubby Butler, and newcomers are: Oliver C de Baca, Leslie Spring, Rick Craig, tavern Lopez, Qary Virtue, Gloria Zamora, James Thompson, Rosle Zamora, Stuart Hamilton, Tim Baros, Paul


Roc h ford, Rick Smith, Sara Romero and SFHS diver Jeff Whltrldge. Kathy Dixon was SFH's "Big

Swimming Mews" wis year. Kathy qualified for the Jr. Nationals this past summer, and holds the state record In A.A.U. Kathy has one of the fastest times in state for the 100 butterfly. Kathy was a favorable addition fo the team this year. Another big name for SFHS's team was Jeff Whltrldge. SFHS's only diver, Jeff, placed 2nd In stale competition last year and qualified for state this year placing 2nd. Overall, the SFHS Demonaits placed fifth in state and the boys placed tenth.

f. Me* "the frog" Craig takes a another between fap$. 2. Jamei Thompson coma* up for air. X Luke Dole* says nil 4 Dmmoru make soma record Hmas. 8. Swimmers gat ready for same serious laps. 4. Kathy Dixon gives us a quick smile Ma our camera.





hl$ yean Vanity Wrestling Improved 100% from last year. "They started oft slow but they did an outstanding lob at the end", replied Coach Mike Lujan. Mike Lujan has been coaching for 4 yean, five J. V. and one Vanity. Their most exciting match woe St. Mike's. It was a dose match between two old rivals. The large crowd made It oven more exciting. Eddie Gomez felt St. Mikes was his most exciting match because It was his second time wrestling on Vanity and he wanted to Impress Santa Feans, and he did Just that. Senior John McGuIre felt this year's team Improved a lot since 1st year. John McGuIre had 24 wins out of SO, 18 were pins. Phil Anaya, Lawerence Flores, Gilbert Prince, Louie Soverenez, Ivan Martinez, John McGuIre, Eddie Gomez, and Orlando Romero were the wrestlers who advanced to state. Pnll Anaya and lawerence flores did an excellentJob at state. Senior Phil Anaya won his first state title and sophomore Lawerence Flores took third as Santa Fe High School finished 10Th at the Class AAAA state state wrestling tournament. Phil Anaya wrestling at 105 pounds, won by decision over Abe Tafoya 15-11 In the championship. This year's most valuable players were Phil Anaya, Gilbert Prince, John McGuIre, and Lawerence Hores.


Captions 1. Gilbert Prince walks on Iho mat to finish his match. 2. Wan Martinez Is soon brooking down St. Mike's wrestler. 9. Team Picture: LB: Bow-1: Lawrence Harms, Phil Anaya, Eddie Oomez, Ivan marUnas. Bow-2: Soger Catados, John maidon ado, John McOuIro, Orlando Romero, Louie Soveranz and Gilbert Prince. 4. John ImcOuIre shakos hands with his opponent. 5. Unidentified wrestler Is pinned down by his man.



ant a Fe High Schools J.V. had some real talent. They started their season with an Impressive win over St. Mikes. The J. V. had an almost full loam at the beginning of the sea son. They lost most of their match' es duo to forfeits. At the end of the season the team had four members. One at 98 pounds, one at 112, another at 119 pounds, and ono at 132 pounds. The Coach, Mike Salazar, thinks that he had a good team Insplte of the number of wrestlers and the

number of forfeits duo to Injuries. "Wo should novo an unbeatable Varsity In a couple of years." zar said.


1. Phil Anaya puts a three quarter nelson on St. Mike's wrestler. 2. Bddie Oomex attempts a eraddle. 3. Phil Anaya pinning his opponent. 4. Demon wrestler doing his best to pin his man. 5. Demon wrestler wrestles It out with a St. IMker. 6. A Demon giving It all he has.

anta Fe High School* baseball program Is coached by J.J. Marttnos, who hat been coaching tor 12 yean. We emphasized that a good attitude Is one of the most Important assets that ho wants his team to have. The only thing ho stresses more than attitude are good grades. He expects his team members to keep a good grade point average, to be eligible to play. Tho season bogon with las Alamo* defeating tho Demons with a score of 9.4. (A quick comeback against Eldorado, with a score of 6-2 and 9-1, put the Demons back on their toot.) Their next two encounters wore played In Albuquerque, whoro they were defeated 81 and 9-0 by Del Norte High School. The final gamo against Farmlngton was split with a score of 10-0, 12-1. 1. An obvious Demon victory for the i bail teen.

2. Shown are me basebaS coaches, J.J. Martinez and Don Lauritt*n, and their man-

agon, SSke Femandos and Matthew Marline*. 5. The loam members are, 0eflto right) 1st row- Eddie Padiiia, Coach Den laurttton, Joo Pat Oomoro, Anthony Rodriguez, Mark Salazar, David Wllleterd, Jamoy Qraham, frank Catadot, Paul Bocat, David Alvarez, Steve Luc0ro, Coach J. JL Martinez. 2nd ROW-Rlchard Chavez, Otenn Urlotte, Paul

Be Heiiera, Paul Orttt, Oono marttnox, Cee S Chaves, 3rd Row- Mlko Fernando*, statthem SkuHnoi 4. stove Lucere ohms David mWotetil the ball to begin tho game.

b\ Cecil Chaves smSos alter another net. 6. Jamoy Oraham comes In from another run.

Santa Fe 4 6 9 1 0 10 IB 1 1 12 2 11 16 2 14 11 4 1 12 0 12

Season Record Opponent las Alamos El Dorado DelMorte las Alamos West Mesa Albuquerque St. Michaels Qallup Grants St. Michaels tspanota Farmlngton

Score 9 2 1 $ 9 6 7 7 2 2 1 1 14 2 2 1 2 2 4 10 1






1) Demon playen congratulate each other after a well done lob. X) Paul Baca warms up before the game. 3) Joe Pat Romero bring* In a point for the Demon*. 4) Demon player look* at hi* teammate* on baem. 5) Demon player goe* out to play the new Inning.


ilFIHS ®<Mn)©fi)§ g t e y t a ® U t e i<§>y Ms year's JV baseball team had a smashing season with a 9-3 record. Don LawItsen, has coached the JV team for two years and he felt this years Demons did well, the JV team practiced from 3:30 to 5:30 every day. Monday* and Wednesdays the Demons worked on batting and ran about 3 miles. Tuesdays and Thursdays were reserved tor calestenlcs and Infield and outfield workouts. Questa was the most exciting game played. "It made the J V team play hard and well," statedHynn Ripley. The team positions were Mark Pierce, catcher; Steve Trujlllo, pitcher; David Oomez, 1st baseman; Ted Lovato, 1st baseman; James Bobchek, short stop; Able Montoya, 2nd baseman; Eddie Gomez, 3rd baseman; Hynn Ripley, Center Held; Richard Alverez, left Held; Ian Longacre, right Held; and Harold Moya, Alien L opez alternated the Held. When the JV Demons were behind and down, the team stuck together, cheering each other on, until they pulled to Victory. The most valuable players this year were Able Montoya and Eddie Gomez.

Santa Fe 5 2 6 IS 4 11 4 11 7 7 7 0


Season Record Opponent Poaloaque St. Catherine's Cspanola Pecos Questa


Pecos Indian school Questa

sm sets

0 0 0


1. Front row: Attn lopoz, Harold Moya, Ted Lovato, Janre* Bobchak, Ian Longaero. Second row: Bddle Oomoz, Richard AI van*, David Oomoz, Mark Plorco, Flynn Ripley, Able Montoya, Coach Don Laurttton. 2. Flynn Ripley ttopt all motion tor the annual cameraman. 3. Eddie Oomoz prepare* himself tor a smashing hit.

4. James Bobchak, "DM ho catch W'l 5. Coach Don Laurttten make* hit debut tor SFHt. 6. thy and timid Flynn Ripley look* Into our Comoro. 7. Tod lovato I* on the run again. 8. Allen Lopoz work* on bateball itatttHct.


This year the girls' sottball team was under a new direction which took them near to becoming district champs. Under new and dedl cated coaches, Mr. Doug Enloe and Mr. Bill Beachman, the team succestully became excellent competitor* and a solid team as a whole. Winning meet of their games, the team became successful while closing In on Hielr goal of becomming the district champs. The team's spirit reached its peak at closing season and win more man likely take them to state. Mr. Enloe quoted, "We have a team that plays realty well with great defence, no real superstars, hist a team mat really believes In winning."

Caption*: 1. Team Picture Top Sow: loft to Right Ann Garcia, Velda Mlera, Linda LoNOUO, Trlnl Martinez. Center: Left to Bight Katie Cassidy, Money Wutans, Hotly Fleming, Roberta Duron, J ami Sanchez. Bottom: Lett to Right Kathryn Yardman, Janet Carpto, Connie franco, Hand Bu$hrow, Barbara Soling, Phytllu Roybai. St. Coaches: Mr. Doug Enloe and Bill Beachman. $. Velda Ml era made It conect and COUM. 4. Enloe

coaching a player on what to do. 8. Ann Garcia ready to hit. o\ Run to the bate before you are out. 7. The other side H ready

Opponent Reogrand Borado Highlands Monzano Espanola Los Alamos

Alb. High St. Kates Slbola W. Mesa

Espanola Los Alamos Farmlngton

Score 2 4 11 9 4 7 3 2 5 0 $ 2 0



o tor the Demons have placed a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 9th plaeo In their

meets. The Demons lacked the shot and Javelin power this year, and the overall number of athletes trying out for the team. As for state, Larry Romero, (for the 1500 meter) Richard Marlanl, (for Hie 200 meter) and the 1600 meter relay, are heavily favored to qualify. The Demons hope to have more participate In the track program next season, and to continue the school's spirit and winning tradition.

1. Demon runner head* tor the flnlth line. 2. Demon Hurdler out In front ot a Manzano runner. 3. Doug Lowrle take* the tope, with a look of strain thawing In hi* face. 4. Mike Anaya clear* the bar with ease. 5. Demon runner sprint* for the flnlth line. 6. Richard Marlanl In route to an easy win In the 200 meter run. 7. Sammy Romero glide* In tor third place.


he Girls Vanlly Track Team began training In January and continued to work until the and of the season. "Wo startOd


$IOW, but



strongl" explained the team's coach, Mr. Gary Tydlngs. The team finished their season with tour tint places, Including District, two second placet and one third place. The members of the '81 varsity track nam wore Cheryl Steinholt, Carol Stomhoff, JanoH Neely, Nancy Rivera, Gretchen Lowrle, Mary Bodeison, Paulino Lucoro, Re nee Smith, Diane Gonzales, Tina Lujan, Dolores Duron, Brenda Jar* iris, loam Loutensock, Bea Varos, Teresa Getchell, Vlkky O'Cheskey, Melissa Sakaar, Laurie Kruhmln, Suzette Montoya, Jo Ann Neely, Amber Dob son, Louise Chavez, Carol Fa I a nee, Bernede tte A nay a, Irish Maxwell, Jackie Jenkins, Br Igette tol, Kyndy Amorous, Amy Hoffman, Deborah Blgboe, Theresa lozez, and Carta Oarett. The state qualifiers Include Car la Garett, Theresa Loez, Deborah Blgboe, Jackie Jenkins, Trtsha Maxwell, Carol Palanse, Louise Chavez, Pauline Lucero, Mary Bodeison, Nancy Rivera, Brenda Jarvis and JanoH Neely. 1. Perfect Leapt 2. Carol Falanee win* In Capital City Tourney. 3. Brigette and Jackie at the starting Hne. 4. Eleanor Trujlllo prepares herself mentally. 5. "I've got the VictoryI"say Mary Oreen. 6. The struggle to leap means much practice. 7. Dolores Duron stretches out across the huraJe 8. Season crowd watches wins.

Season Record Clbola/Hlghland/West Mansano Relays

Mesa 1st Place 2nd Place


Capital City Lobo Invltaional Cibola Classic

3rd 2nd 1st 1st

Place Place Place Place

Los Alamos Invitational

1st Place


1st Place


Olrts Captions (1.) Becky TruJIHo keeping In good


(2.) The look Ot "sureness" shows on this hurdUott. (3.) The Demons always In the leadl (4.) Anita Ortega runs with groat tpktti



his year's Girls Freshmen track team consisted of: Pauline Ortiz, Undo Montoya, Bath Ferry, Jackie Romero, Bema Portlllo, Nicole Rom, Sharon Cornell, Angela Grelly, Becky Parga, Diana TruJIHo, Brenda Solano, Lisa Shock, Sara Romero, Michelle Gunter, Diana Montoya, Jolone Gallegos, Rebecca TruJIHo, Carmen De Herrera, Patricia Bustamante, Yvonne Gome*, Brenda Baca, Mary Hasted, Anita Segura, Anita Ortega, Angle Barnes, Diana Bustamante and Cindy Catanach (Manager).

The Boys Freshmen Track Team had an excellent year. They went undefeated In the season. "I think overall everybody did a real good Job," Demon coach Randy whi tie more said. "There was a lot of competition. Through all the meets the boys always had the lead, and not by Just 10 points but by 40 points," he added. The team worked together and gave It everything they had. At practice they'd work for two hows, sweating It out, but It at paid oil by having a 6 and 0 record, Whlttemore concluded.

%@J$> ®(fi)d) <§fi(fl]§ F(T(ig[hlfl!nl®ini Rain or shine the Demons always routed all other schools competing and never gave them a chance. The most valuable team members this year were: Tommy Brown, Jeff Miller, J o h n S a n d o v a l ,

Orlando Romero, Robert Vigil, Andreas Rios, Martin Pachoco, John Maldonado and Danny Darras. Team members Included: Tommy Brown, Nathan Gallegos, Ed* ward Gallegos, Chris Lucero, John Maldonado, Robert Ortiz, Andreas Rios, Steve Romero, Ken Romig, Carlos Sandoval, Dion Tenorio, Chris Vedeler, Robert Vigil, Henry Watklns, Jeff Miller, Chris Rivera, Reuben Montes, Richard Martinez,


John Sandoval, Orlando Romero, JonCarlo Fernandez, Martin Pa* checo, Steve Valdez, Lawrence Casados, Michael Herrera, Chris Brltt, Danny Carras and Jacquln Chavez.

(5.) Poll Vaulting Is easy, as this freshmen vaulter clears It with no sweat! (6.) John Sandoval flys through the air with the greatest of ease. (7.) The hurdles Is tough, but not tough enough for the freshmen Demon runner! (8.) JonCarlo Fernandez reaches for that extra energy.

Boys Season Record W-6 L-0 S.F.•6B W.L.V.-23 Robertson 26 S.F.•67 S.F.•S3 Cumbres 36 Capital City Tournament Cumbres-S2 S.F.•166 Las Vegas S.F. 94 W.L.V.-42 Los Alamos S.F.•157 Cumbres-120


]*&&$& •««


rte demon ne tiers this year had a very successful and undefeated year, under the coaching of Ramon Martinez. The boys were led by the strong players. Ray Martinez-Junior, John Mar tlnezfreshman,



nlor, James Martinez Sophomore, Joe Slsneros Junior, and Don Ortizsenior. A memorable event of the sea son was the Capital City in vita tlonal. It was the first team tournament oyer, and the Demons were proud to be the hosts. Coach Mar' tinez founded this event. The Demons have a very young team and win only be losing one player to graduation. There are also many upcoming eighth and ninth graders, which should contribute greatly to the team. 1) Team Picture- Front row, left to right. Oreg Fulgeral, Mike Gaiiegos, Chris Qlnnoehh Sack Sow loft to right. Say Martinez, Don Ortiz, John Martinez, Coach Ramon Mar. tlnez, Joe Slsneros, James Martinez, and Dan Pilaster. 2) Joe Slsnerous-Showlng expertise Pons' hand Pom 3) John Martinez, "You can open your eyes now!" 4) Say Martinez ready to return a smashing forehand. 5) Say Martinez stretching hard tor a backhand. 6) James Martinez takes a full swing for a cross-court winner. 7) Dan Pilaster directs the boll with a confident follow through.



he Santa Fe High Demonettes wen undefeated in season and district play this year, under the coaching of Exiida Martinez, leading the guts was the number one player and only senior of the bunch, Renee Martinez. Next In line were Bern Nickels-sophomore, Roberta Gallegos-Junior, Kristin


omore, Monica Bareiajunior, and Edna


The girls had a very strong team attitude, and each one gave the other much support and Mendship; this helped In pulling the team through tough matches. The team will be losing their Mo. 1 player to graduation, this Is a great loss, but the team has great depth and Is very young. # 1 Phyllis Bustamante on her tipple toot tor an ace. #2 Monica Bareia concentralng hard tor a tare winner. #3 team Picture-Front How, loft to right. Monica Bareia, Bernadette A nay a, Edna Leyba Back Row, letl to right, Re nee UStMftliei, Kristin Kalangls, Roberta Gallegos, Phyllis Bustamante, Beth Ml-

keis. Coach ixllda Martinet. #4 Kristin Kalangls returns a backhand during match with Grants. #8 Renee Martinet bends low to return a tricky volley. #6 Sornadotto Anaya turns sideways for a down-the-llne backhand. # 7 Sefh Nlkels hustles to return a tough backhand.


1. Chris Ttano hi action. 2 Brad Dry measure* the distance to the hots 3. The 1980 a 1 Boys Got! Team 4. Chris Ttano ready for a game.


Ms year's Varsity golf did an excellent Job. They had a very successful season. The Demons hosted the Capital City Tournament on Friday, April 24. They took second place. Marty Sanchez, Chris Tlano, Brad Dry and Dean Houllston were the top scorers, it qualified them to com* pete in the state tournament. Richard Marano coach, hopes Ms team next year will be as good as this year. Brad Dry felt he had a

excellent season. Chris Tlano said, "I think this year we all had lots of fun and we had a good season." Overall the gold team had a very challenging season. This year's team members were: Brad Dry, Chris Tlano, Marty San* chez, Dean Houllston, Ray Carter and Tony Shoepke. The most valuable players were: Brad Dry, Chris Tlano, Marty San* chez, and Dean Houllston.

his year's golf team started off roughly. Only two girls ^ ^ were on the team but coach Wally Sanchez recruited additional girls and they really helped out the team. This year's team didn't make it to state as a team but Anita Sol* tero, a senior, qualified. AN In all, Wally Saneoz felt the team really enjoyed themselves and they did the best they could. Anita Soltero felt she had a good and exciting


yoar playing golf for the Demons. Cathryn Alarid said, "I think the season wont well over all." Most of tho girls are seniors and Wally Sanchez will be loosing them so he hopes more talented girls will go out for the sport next year. The team members were Anita Soltero, Susan Sharp, Uz Ulrlch, Cathryn Alarid, and Marian Walraven.

1. Cathryn Alarid watches her team mates. 2. Susan Sharp plays the best she can. 3. Girl's Golf team members* Marian Walrawen, Susan Sharp, Anita Soltero, Cathryn Alarid, Uz Ulrlch. 4. Cathryn Alarid keeps her eye on the ball after a long drive. 5. Susan Sharp



0©fl11§ >1


!=ii] /ie annual sports awards j J J : banquet was hold May 18, i=dl 1981 at the Activity Cent0r. Special awards were given to these athletes for Melr excellence In their senior year. Demon of the year-David Slsneros, Demonette Of the year-Janelle Neeley, Football Otlense-Marcos Lucero, football Defense David Slsneros, Volleyball-Velda Mlera, Cross Country•Larry Romero and Money Rivera, Swimming-Cathy Dixon and Bryant Big bee, Wrestling-Lawrence Anaya, Tennls-Renee Martinet, Baseball-Anthony Rodrlauez, The Jay Greer Outstanding Award-David Wllletord, Golf-Mike Carter, Boys Track-Larry Romero, Girls Track-Nancy Rivera, Soccer Brad Alford, and Jone Montoya, Basketball-Kathy Ortiz and Robert VonAmelunxen 1 Awaiting your award Is always overwhelming. 2 Joe KIrving dittraett hit attenlon to have hit picture taken. S A One of SFHS't glrtt await their athletic award. 4 Mr. Tydlngt It teen awarding track students. 5 Smile Reyes and Vlnce. 6 David Slsneros- Demon of the year. 7 Janelle Heeley-Demonette of the Year.


"A real friend is one who helps us to think our nobelest thoughts and put forth our best efforts. The attitude of friends towards each other molds their attitude forever towards the world and its future, for through our friends, we learn!" Debbie Chavez Student Body President

Ilain* AbhoM, Christa Abrams, Allison Adams, UahM Alarid, irad AHord

Seniors gather In the library for a discussion.

Shauna Alton, Franchesca VonnAmelanxon, Barbara Anaya, Andrew Lars, Suzanno Androws

Joseph Annan, Lorl Apodaeca, Dartono Archuleta, M a r y Anne A r c h u l e t a , M a r i e A r m l Jo

Patricia Areola, trian Ashbough, MailuiHtO Baca,


eggy Baca, Ronald Baca



Tammy Baca, Tom Boca, Alton* Barola, Debblo •arola, Francis Borate

Ran** Barlcor, Carta BaÂťham, Carol Bates Mary Baylor, Sherrl Bearden

Scott Ball, Martha Barry, Monica Barry, Mary Kay Boatrlght, Mary Bodelson

Some senior* congregoto at the stair* during lunch time.

Angela Bollng, Carmella Borrego, Christine Boyce.

Krtota Brito, Jayne Brown

Santora 22*

Mwifrft8 ttap aimd Štint Nancy Buihrow, Camllle Bustamante, Robert Bustamante, Linda Busies, Llbby Butter

Jackie Carplo, lama Car* rile, Denlse Carrlllo, Wad* Carter, Angola Castas

Seniors- John Hutchinson and J o * Luecro show their enthui-

stasm during the Homecoming parade

Billy Castas, Mary Cassldy, Jooanno Catonoch. Anna C. DoBaca, Carta Chambers

Dana Chambers, Mlchello Chaparro, Barbara Chavez, Anna Chavez, Beatrice Chavez


Dabble Chavez, Elaine Chavez, Joanne Chavez, Jane Chlrness, Fred CIsnerot

Caroline Clalrbome, Sandra Coca, Diane Corriz, Vicky Craig, Georgia Dean

Rebecca Dellsa, Marie Des George, Vincent Dlgneo, Kathy Dixon, Terrt Donnelly

Senior* put hard work Into their float

Irene Dorman, Julie Duck, •ernadet Duran, Carol Duran, Kathy Duran


Sandra Ivors, Donna Maria Famularo, Greg Fernandez, Jan* Flelg, William Flald

The band chows Demon pride during Fiesta festivities.

Emily Folk, Liz Frank, Diana Friday, Antoinette Gabaldon, Liz Gabaldon

Uz Gabaldon, Anna Gallegos, Donna Gallegos, Lorraine Gallegos.

Susanna Qallegos

tranda Garcia, DonUo Garcia, Dorrhy Garcia, Janatta Garcia, Imelda Garcia



Andy and Vine* clown around between classes.

JoÂŤ*ph Oarcla, Sonya Oarela, Theresa Oarcla, D*nls* Gentry, Chris Gonzales

Diana Gonzales, Jackl* Gonzales, J o * Gonzales, John Gonzales, Manu*l


Virginia Gorman, Corrlnna Graves, Rebecca Greene,

Deris Oriego, Frances Grelgo

Thomas Oriego, Glna Gorman, Vlekl Grill, Steve Grossman, Unda Orundler

Seniors 233

Joonno Qundzlk, Russell Ounn, Ann* Qurule, •ernadetto Qutuerro, Marcos Herrera

Christina Hicks, Susan Hlgglns, John High, Margot Hill, Yvotto Hill

Two seniors stroll a c r o s s c a m p u s o n

a snowy day.

Tammy Holyk, Sharon Humphreys, Billy Hunt, John Hutchinson, Anthony Hycta

M a r g a r e t J a C O b y , JonntfOT

Jasper, Karon Kooshan, Jonnltor Kolly, thaun Konnody

234 Soniors

Jeanne Gundzik S.F 1980 Junior Miss

rocetvoe praises from other contestants.

Kadra Knudson, Cheryl Koppa, Martha Kruhmln, Marey Lee, Lorle Leyba

Artan Llndsey, Vine* Uthgow, Ann Ljulng, Aaron Lopez, Joseph Lopez

Maria Lopez, Undo Lopez, Mark Lopez, Perry Lopez, Ruth Lopez

Eileen Lovato, Dlerdre Love, Doug Lowrle, ttretchen Lowrie, Karen Maxwell



Elizabeth lucaro, Monica Lucaro, J O M Lucaro, Valentine Lucero, Alicia Lujan

Andy lujan, Arthur Lufan, Tereta Maclat, Brenda Maret, Kbit Maestas

Maggie Maes, Donald M a i l , Jack March, Andy Martinet, Carta Martinez

Corrtna Martinez, David Martinez, Deanna Mmnhei

Dor It Martinez, Geraldlne

Martinez. Cecilia Matchett

Karen Maylleld, U M

McAiiiiter, JÂŤnny Mcciutchay



Shauna Allen owoH> to do a C t W f for the Sadie Hawkins assembly.

Doris Martinez, Evonne Martin*!, Unda Martin*!, lorl Martln*z, Mary Martin*!

Mary Ann Martin*:, Paul M a H i l l , B*n*e Martin*!, Ricky Martinez, T*rrl Martin*!

Tina Martini, V*m*n Martinez, Martha Medina, Josephine Medrano, Kathy


Damon football ptayan get ready to be Introduced.

Celesta Miller, Audi Miranda, Carrnella Montano, Chart** Montoya, Flamlno Montoya


Laura Montoya, Peter Montoya, Yvonne Montoya, temadotto Montoya, Ron Montoya

Sandra Montoya, Pam Moore, Lisa Meya, Lisa Mueller, Bona Murphy

Janette Neoloy, Jeanette Nieto, Diana Nossllnoor, Ramona Nye, Kathy O'Connor

Lynotte Olguin, Michelle Olmsted, Iron* Ortega, Patsy Ortega, Susie Ortega

Donald Ortiz, Felicia Ortiz, Gilbert Ortiz, Olenda Orttz, Kathy Ortiz

238 Seniors

Patrick Ortiz. Paul Ortli, Sabrlna Ortiz, Jerry Ortiz, Theresla Ortiz

Leann Of bom*, Alvln Pablngutt, Yvette Pocheco, Kathy Pack, Patricia Padllla

Cheerleaders dress up tor Sadie


Carolyn Palaco, Ian Parratt, Eileen Paul, Eileen Pedea, Kathryn Pelco



Elena Pena. Ollbert Prince. Vvette Piatt, Nancy P*"Âť*sler, Dolores Rael

Kim Rael, Ren Rehom, John Rernaty, Uea Rlvat Caroline Rivera

Frank Padliia relaxes between classes to write a note.

Olna Rivera, Nancy Rivera, Tony Rivera, Vivian Rodela, Anthony Rodriguez

Patricia Rodriguez, Ruby Romax, Anna Romero, Angela Romero, Remodette Romero

340 Senior*

David Romero, Elizabeth Romero, Joseph Romero, Judy Romero, Nestor Romero

Phillip Romoro, Doug Roming, Mary Ronqulllo, Michelle Roth, Annette Roybal

Phyllis Roybal, Undo Roybal, Renee Ruiz, Wesley Rumpel, Cathy Sanchez

Debra Sanchez

Koran Keethan gets with photographer.

Impatient Angel Sandoval

Anna Sandoval, loretta Sandoval, Rosaie Sandoval, Snarl Sandoval, Tim Sandy Sandoval, Shad Sandoval, Tim Sandy



Lucrtcla Sandoval, Frank Sandoval, Tammy Samuolton, Mlrllnda Sedlllo, Pat Sogura

Angola Sena

Tom Sona

Koran Mayfleld helps out with the homecoming floats.

lead ftke w a y Angola Sona, Sunll Sothl, Susan Sharp, Mark ShoHon, David Sltnorot

•rod Slsnoroa, Aldon Smith, Butch Smith, Chrto Smith, Benee Smith

Koto Snydor, Anita SottOTO, Elaine S p a n a r k e l ,

Robert Spring, Scott Stacy



Clyde Steadman, Carol Stelnhoft, ShyrI Stelnhoft, Julie Stephenson, Mark Suazo

Louanna Tanuz, Andrea Tate, Date Tattershall, Ricky Thompson, Jay Trujlllo

Pamela Trujlllo, Penny Tubba, Mark Valentine, Janet Vaides, Denlse Valdei

Tammy Valdez, Michelle Valdez, Karen Velarde, Mellnda Velasquez, Deana Vlapando

We demons (tick together.

Band members charm the audi

ence during the Santa Fe • Eldorado gam*.

Martta Vlalpondo, V i n e * Vleira, Aaron Vigil, Benny Vigil, Carol Vigil

Elalno Villa, Karon Vigil, M a f i a Vigil, Michael Vigil, Dolores Vigil

Cindy Villa, Bemadlne Vlllegat, Katja Walt, Canio Wamor, Seat! Wilton

Betty Wing, Margaret WaMnar, Lacy Wykort, Colleen Yates



Vine* Martinez Pretldent

Reyes Agullar Vice-President

Karmella Borrego Secretary

Anna Gallegot Treasurer

Greg Segura • Jr. Class President

Front Row: Patricia Jimenez, Debbie Chavez, Susan Tompkins, Becky Guerrero, Sally Zucal and Carmella Garcia Middle Row: Paul Boca, Greg Segura, Kothy Keever, Tracy Bertram, Mike Dlmas, Jer-

ome Vlapando, Clarissa Block, Ricky Bellan, Ronnie Ldyderi, Teresa Gallefos, Mary Green, Gilbert C de Baca, Carmella Padllla and Rosemary Padllla Third Bow: Sponsor-Gary Myers


Paul Abayta, Regon Ahlgrln, Laura Baca, Carol


Chris leek, Jay Cone, James Coss, Lisa Felnd

Berta Felix, Robert Qallegos, Cythia Grlego, Alex Hamlll

took toward ir&cgw h速ffiz速m

The shimmering snow highlights the Santa Fe High Campus.

Dariene Jimenez, Debbie Lao, Oarreft Lopez, Richard Marianl

Jonathon Martinez, Nadlne Moreno, Monica Novls, Carl Ortiz

Joe, John, Gary and Marco watch another exciting assembly.

Alwln PabinquH, Yvette Pacheco, David Padllla, Vincent Padllla

Kevin Payne, David Pelleton, Veronica CUilntana, Robert L. Rivera

Susanne Romero, Marcella Salazar, Harris Slsnerot, Felice Wllner



Crystal Clark ploys down during the Fleita Parade

CarrrMn Alberlco, Steve AI bee, Robert Allre, Valerie Atarid, Cathy Almazar

Stacy Amorous, Beatrice Anaya, Debbie Anaya, Qeorgo Anaya, Mike Anaya

Deiinda Anderman, Judy Apodaca, Melissa Apodaca, R e n e e Apodaca, Lara Aragon

•eter Araaon, Dsjanna Archuleta, Bona Archuleta, flora Archuleta, Pat Archuleta



Patricia Archuleta, Theresa Arellano, OIna Armljo, Ken Armljo, Phillip Armljo

Roberta Armljo, Ron Armljo, Iruno Baca, Bernadette • a c a , Carol Baca

Olenn Baca, Karla l a c a , Kenneth Baca, Lawrence Baca, Leroy Baca

Max l a c a , Paul t a c a , Julie •aldonl, Joe B arela, Monica tarela

Alex Bartow, t e n t a r e s , Kim Beacham, Rick Rellan, John


Nona lenavldat, Joseph Benavkkw, Oliver Renavldoe. •• f e n n e l , Linda Rer* nard



John tarry, Dal* iortola, Tracy Milium, Bryant Blgboo, Donnls Make

Veronica I l e a , Clarissa Meek, Cathcrlna oodolson, Dabra Bohannon, larbara Bollng

JIill Momady and Tracey Lucas

share soma happy moments to* gether.

Ross Bood, toutal lorrogo* Jooy l o w k t f , Jackie Bradley, Adrlanne Bronch, Jackie Branch

Stovo Branch, K d Braun, Chrit Bnggt, Fran Brlggs, Boger Brook

2*0 Juniors

Tim •all. O'Jay Barb**, Dal* Barola, Emily Barck, Bronda Brown

DavM Brueh, Peter Burman, Bobby Burnett, Corel Bur roll, DavM BiMh

Erie Buttamanto, Jerri Bus* tamanto, Sandra Byboo, Janet Carplo, David Car* rlllo

Richard Carrlllo, Willie Car* rlllo, Davie CarreM, Bhonda Castas, Brad Casper

Kathy Keovor filet high In ttW tklet of Mazatlan.

Juniors 2S1

Roger Casados, M a n Catanach, Chariot Catanach, Vine* Catbagan, Mark Catanach

OMbort C do Baca, Prank C de Baca, Choryl Chabot, Thereto C h a c o n , Loroy Gnomo

Scott Charlton, ton Chave z

"Where am IV" Kevin Gel9 * r *ayÂť.

CaillMlU Chavoi



Dobblo Cha vez, Honmtotto Chavoi, Joteph Chavez, John C h a v o i ; Vince c h a vez

Chris C h l l d e r t , Cyrstal Clark, velma Coca, Mark Cole, sue Curtis

Cimord Crough, Mek Craig, CyratoJ Cox, Yvotto Cortos, Botallo Corto



Casey Cook, Steve Cordova. Louise Corrht, Sonya Dow, Arnold DoAguoro

Shori Dean, Julie DoLoo, Ann D e n m a n, Eva D e V a r g a t , Marco Dtol

Max Baca looks on to another school day.

Michael Dlmas, Luko Doles, Louis Domlnguez, Tom Do mlnguez, Charles Doyle




DUfOn, Rose Ellis, Andrew Enclnlas, Glna Enrlquei

ttava Erhart Anthony Esporza, Jessie fsparza, Jeft Isplnoza, Danny Esqulbel





ilmd school a clhaMeiiMfe Richards Edwards, UHHa Femandot, Michael remondei. Vine* Femandex, Victor Fidel

Carta Fischer, Andy Fowler, Marl* Fax, Connie Franco, Mlllssa Fresquei

Ralph Fresquoz, Ren Fried, Melanle Fulgenil, Jenny Oagan, Jeff Gallagher

Charles Oallegos, Deborah Gallegos, Frank Gallegos, Louis Gaiiegos, Pat Oallegos

Rita Oallegos

xoberta Gallegos

254 Juniors

Renee Linson and Tracy LIitire ll discuss a yearbook problem.

Roto Gallegot, Steve Gall*got, Tereta Gallegot, Tom Gallegot, Ann Garcia

Carmolla Oarcla, Cynthia Garcia, M a m a Oarcla, Do* lores Oarcla, Dorothy Oarda

Gary Garcia, Owon Oarcla,

John Oarcla, Johanna Oard a , Joseph Oarcla

Joyce Oarcla, Maxlno Oar* cia, Mono Oarcla, Pam Oard a , SMrtoy Garcia

KOVln Garley

Ettella Garza Junior coodt count profits In solos of bolloont.



Kevin Oelger, Janet Šlbbeta, C M * Olbbont, Mark Olatgow, Joseph Oomti

Theresa Romero a n d C a t h y Bodelson look o n In ecstasy, during Homecoming festivities.

Valarle GomM, Adam Oonzalet, lemard Gonzales, Carles Oonzalet, Carrie Oonzalet




Gonzales, Oeerpo Oonzalet, Laura Oonzalet, MarCOlla Gonzales

MikeGonzales,Martin Gon zalet,



Patricia Gonzales, Paul Oonzalet



Paul Gonzales, Raquel Šonzales, Wanda Gonzales, Willi* G o n i a l * * , David Gould


J a m * * Graham, Mary O r * * n * , Andy Orlogo, Frank Orlogo, Phillip Orlogo

Victor Orlogo, Bocky Guerroro, Pablo Outlorroz, Orog Hagman, Mike Hall

ir^^pcDir^snfeflHftnes eoinr^e to & Stuart Hamilton, Tammy Harklns, Tony Harkln*, Ianele Haught, Mike Helmorlch

Lisa Hard, Monica rtoman* dez, Diana Herrera, Paul Horrora, Usa H*rr*ro

Sandra Horrora, Mark Hill, Lance Hobday, Monica Hippauf, AndriÂť Helm**

Junior* 287

ifiMW® on "with ©pMH: Mem Holmos, Patty Huckaboo. Natasha Hutchinson, Darlono Jacquoz, Bronda Jarvas

Androw Jlmonoz, Anthony Jlmonoz, David Jlmonoz, Irono Jlmonoz, Trlsh Jlmonoz

AnriM John, Phillip John, David Johnson, Tim John* son, Dottle Johnson

Charles J o r d a n , Ron Jowors, Holdl Judd. Coraldlno Kayo, Kathy Koover

Chuck Kollogg

NJROTC boys have a ball as they try to learn how to play the SOX. JoflKorn

^ '1

258 Juniors



jMiiMOirs do It wifclk styles Richard King, Miles Knudson, Mark Koertlg, Nobuakl KoJIma, Donald Koppa

Pat Kramer, Karon Krumb, Roger Lacey, BllHl Lange, MellHO Laragolte

Stephen Laragolte, Mike Larranga, Ronnie Laydon, Bryan J Lee, Mull Leader

Keith LOWto, David Leyba, JdMI Leyba, Mike Leyba, Pence Union

Juniors 280

Trocey Llttrell, Stephanie Long, Linda Longacre, An* gela Lopez, Annette Lopez

•Illy Lopez, Carol Lopez, Charlene Lopez, Kathleen Lopez, Maria Lopez

Marie Lopes, Mary Lopez, Roy Lopez, Theresa Lopez, Tom Lott

LeAnn Loutenaeek, Irod Loyd, Albert Lucero, Andrew Lucero, Anna Lueero

Carta Lucero, Debbie Lit* eero, Oreg Lucero, Leroy Lucero, Randy Lucero

MO Junior*

Steve Lucero, Donna Lujan, Paula Lujan, Rotanne lujan, Tina Lujan

Tony Lux, Marie Lykens, Jo* Madrid, Kenny Madrid, Phil Madrid



V ^

. ©flfcte moir® s t e p to g©

Students enjoy being to* gather during their free time.

Johnny Madrll, Gilbert Maes, Arte no Maestas, Sam Moestos, Andy Mangos

Henry Manzanaret, Mark Mores, Mitch Marin, Prank Marina, Angoi Markottoyn

Juniors 201

John Marques, Kirk Marrows, Jamie Marrt, Patricia Martin, Alan Martinez


Angela Martinez, Cherl Martinez, Consuelo Martlnez, Felicia Martinez, Oene Martinez

Gilbert Martinez, ŠIna Martinez, Ivan Martinez, Johnny Martinez, Karon Martlnez

Linda Murtlnoi, Margaret Martinez, Margie Martinez,

Patrick Martinez, Pete Martinez




class keeps s p M t g<QÂŤtaj

"Howdle P a r t n e r i , " Âťays Joyce and Maty.

Ruby Martinez, Ray Martinez, Rita Martinez, Sharon Martinez, Tommy Masceranas

Dabble Me Cardell, Scott McCattland, Betty McClutchey, Scott Mcdermatt, Lea McFartand

Martha Medina, Gene Medrano, Phillip Meek, Kurt Mayors, Oaven Melr

Robert MJorra, Dak* Miller, Eliza both Millar, Kelly Miller, Tammy MMHgan

Valerie Miranda, Joey Mitchell, Sret Moffat, Oreg Mondragon, Olorla Mantana



Com* fly with me. Orlando Padllla doeÂŤ the funky chicken over Ms report card.

Mary Montane, Thomas Montano, Conrad Montaya, Oorald Montoya, Gerard Montoya

Lucille Montoya, tarry Montoya, Mareut Montoya, Mark Montoya, Paula Montoya

Phil Montoya, Ruth Montoya, Sandl Montoya, Vvetto Montoya, Yvette Montoya

Down Moore, Chariio Mont* gomery,



Mario Movie, Bronda Moya

Denny Moya, Susan Murphy, Dan* Myers, Sara Myers, Keith twos



§I 0 SM

Tfl&e JIUUM<



Michelle Novls, David Orgeta, Elizabeth Ortega, Gil

bert Ortega, Mark Ortega

Melissa Ortega, Nadlne Or

teg a, Pat Ortega, Paul Orte ga, Scott Ortega

Chris Ortiz, Elena Ortli, John Ortiz, Joseph Ortiz, Martin Orib

Paula Ortiz, Paula Ortiz, Valerie Ortiz, Geoff Ostrander, Paul Overcash

John Pocheco, Kenneth Pacheco, Carmella Padllla, Eddie Padllla, Mark Padllla

Juniors 265

piraw n&oltMiAg Is Impossible Maryanne Padllla, Nina Pa

dlla, Pam Padllla, Peter Pa dllla, •ooomary Padllla

Joe Lopez, Cary Palvadore, Chrli Pardlngton, Bruce Park*, Jenny Park!

Bobby Parson, Cathy Pattartan, Hoary Payno, Vlkkl Pauno, Janot Poroa

Robert P a m , Terrl Pena,

Dan Ptiaiter, Karomo Photon, •ryon Piatt

Tommle Pino

• *

Roberta Portlllo

David Bruech shows a smile before the homecoming game.




&wsdt ttkeibr Š<mkMr ^e&ir Matt Powell, Angela Quintana, Berna Quintana, Jet* •lea Quintana, Rene* Quintana

Robert Quintana, Yvonne Quintana, Ranee Rodeckl, Sylvia Raybon, Leonard Ratatot

Chris Rea, Veronica Rema ly, Alex Richard*, Barbara Rivera, David Rivera

Jim Rivera, Michelle Rivera, Mike Rivera, Sherrll Roberta, Eric Robeson

Patrick Robinson

Diane Redarte

Raul smiling In the sun, enjoys d o w n t o w n activities.



'exMbntt ffiMaltiplte Dodle Rogers, ChrU Rodriguez, Anna Roosalor, AMrod Romero, Alien Romero

Anna R om•ro, Anthony Romere, Carman Comoro, Corel Romoro, Chttetlno Romero

Eddlo Romoro, Edward Rome r o, Evelyn Romero, Fran cine Romero, Jamei BomO'


Joyce Romero, Karol Rome ro, Kenny Romero, Loralne

Romero, LorlAnn Romero

Mike Romero, Nadlne Ro

mere. Nancy lemere, Nora befh Romero, Pat Romero

Robert Romero, Robert Ro mero, Ronnie Romoro, The reia Romero, Trith Romoro



Ht9© tih& spirit <o>§ 4k@ tkmg n s a y

The bands flag girls show Demor spirit In Fiesta Parade.

Yolanda Romero, I r y c o Romlg, Gilbert Ronqulllo, Nathaniel Rots, Stove R O M

>> Suzanne Roth, Cindy Roybal, Patricia Roybal, Paul Roybal, Relna Roybal




p 11

Stove Roybal, Terry Roybal, Troy © Roybal, Peonna Sacoman, Prank Salz

Jose Solas, Denlse Salazar, Margaret Salazar, Ratty Salazar, Annette Sanchez

Juniors 269

Irian Sanchez, Charlln* Sanchez, Eric Sanchez, Jo* Sanchez, Mario Sanchez

Richard Sanchez, Pomona Sanchez, Zolla Sanchez, Anthony Sandoval, Cynthia Sandoval

Hi? VI

MM <mAtiflSii&©ffiffl. slta<s>ws m a i n i ^ Sac®*

Mary Ann Sandoval, There• a Sandoval, Pietero Schaafsma, J e a n e t t e Scherttt, Tony Schoepko

Tori Schoelmor, K • 11 y Schwartz, AnrtoHo Sogura, Gregory Segura, Julie So* aura

270 Juniors

John Sena, Manuel Sena, Pat Sena, Rebecca Sena, Klmberiy Severaton

Brad Sherwood, Rebecca Shoenfeld, Michael Sllva, Steven Sllva, Gary Silver


Jaby Slsnerot, Patty Skinner, Charles Smith, Charlie Smith, Cheryl Smith

Curtis Smith, toy Smith, TH> fany Smith, Greg Snead, Jamei Soblen

Alan Stein, Susan Strahs, Gilbert Suazo, Reyei Nor

anje, Anna Ta pi a



Lisa Taulbee, Robert Tcherneshoff, Krlstle Thomas, James Thomson, Chris Tlano

,,V%. ÂŤ

Peter Trovers, Laurie Trimmer, Angolo Trujlllo, Aft TruJlllo, Barbara Trujlllo

Carmella Trujlllo, DavM Trujlllo, Eleanor Trujlllo, Julian Trujlllo, Phillip Trujlllo

Valerie Trujlllo, Richard Tru Jlllo, Glenn Urioste, Barbara Urioste, Alicia VaMez

Joseph Valdez, Mark Vatdez, Raymond Valdez, Verna VaMez, Dolores Valentine

Karen Van Soelen, l e a Varos, Orlando Vasquez, Benny Vlalpando, Jerome Vlalpando

Ivett* Vicente, Mary Vlelra. Daniel VIJII, GIorla Vigil, Isabel Vigil

272 Juniors

John Vigil

echinus; O


Jo»«ph Vigil, Leonard vigii, Randy Vigil, Trlsh Vigil, Wayne Vigil

Paul Vlsarraga, Thaddeus Wadlelgh, Reesa Wallls, Phillip Wartieid, Catherine Watson

John Wafts, Lisa Woldnor, Traey Wolfhaunt, Linda Weston, Aloxantor Weumann

William Wheeler, Kovln Wlldonstoln, April Willum, Jolt Winkler, Paul Witt

Trlna Witter, Laura Wefford, Joycs Womack, Stacy Woodard, Catherine York

Angus Young, Lori Young, Gloria Zamora, tally Zucal

Juniors 273

@© ptmft ftk(snir lb@®1t foot foirw&irdl t a m A b e y t a , Phil A h r e n l Kiel, Stella A l b e r l c o , J o h n Allerton, M c h O f d A l v e r e i ,

Cyndy Amorous




dette Anaya, Janus An* aya, Loo Anaya, Annotta Apodaco, Mko Apodaca

Natallo Aragon, Lute Araulo

Clarissa Archuleta, Joeklo Archuleta

Tom Archuleta, John Arguollo

U s a Arml|o, M o t t o Armljo, M i c k e y Armljo, R i c h a r d Ar ml|o, Susie A r m l j o , A M A h a -


B a r b a r a A t c h i s o n , Bernard A t e n c l o , D o u g A t w e l l , Paul B a b c o c k , A m y B a c a , Arthur Baca



>(S)plhi<0)m<D)iF®s t a e k l e ftkenir ©(second ycaur

ft 1


Ben Baca, Brian B a c a , Jeana Baca, Johnny Baca, Kafhy Baca, Monica Baca




Robert Baca, Terry L Baca, Valerie C do Baca, Gono Bachlcha, Erin Backentto w, Becky Barck

Diana Barcolla, Tim Barot

Kafhy Borsuatkadk, Marcoa Bock, Btakl Bollavlc, Bobby Bonavldoi, Amy Bender, Lara Bonson

Ruben Berry, Muketh Bhakta, Kim Blehl, Too Ble MglBld, Julia Billing*, Da mien Blake



s s ©Umir® irnew foelneSs &i&d idea®. Todd Btovlns, Leonn BroouMgom, Rachel luullltflil. HI Boxberger, Richard Boyct), O l i v i a B r 11 o

f a n




Mark Brumley, Danny Bry ant,



Suzann* Bu»»ard

V i c t o r B u t l e r , C a r o l Bu v l n g h a u s e n , Keith B y b e e , Pat Collet, Normen C a m p ,

Barbara Cardanas

A Sophomore takes one peek the k e y * .

M k k l C a r d e n a s , AI d e n C a r rl llo, Jerry C a r r 111 o, Shirley C a r r 11 lo, Rick C a rte r, L e I a n d CaiadoJ

C h r U C a s k W , Joe C a t t e n a d a , Ruth A M I C a s t e l l a n o , A do I p h C a t a , G i o v a n n i C a

tanoch, Kbn C de Baca

276 Sophomore*



Mark C d e Baca, Rick Cde Baca, Rosella Cde Baca,

Rebecca Chavez, Claudia Chavez, Kim Chavez

•nIS itudent* participate In winter tun.

Louise Chavez,


Chavez, Virginia Chavez, Tina Clallano, U n a Coca,

Robin Collin*

Cella Cooper, Angela Cordova, Uea Cordova, Ernie Corrlz, Jackie Corrlz, Rob ert Corrlz

Lacey Courtney, Jove Cutting, JIM Da vlei, Bar bra Da vl», Barrlloi Davit, Randy




w)©JpllM5)Ififii Joe Do Aguero, Paul 0 * H w m a , Alan Dawn, Paul Doln, Irian Delgado, Hark Delgado

John Demny, Lisa Dendahl, Stephanie Donnto, Kenny D l a i , John Dletz, James Di mat

Amber Dodson, Jo Anna Do mlnguez, Linda Domlnguez, Thomas Domlnguez. Greg Donnally, Roarfc Dority

A sophomore awaits the a n d of the day*

C o l i n D o w , Peter Oruducher, Brad Dry, Kelley Dukomanlor, Matthow Dunn, Dana Dunyan

Arey Duran, Danny Duran, Luanna Duran, Ellis Elyse, Shawn E m » w e I ler. Jim Engle



kas^les aewir <md

Shelley Enger, Sara Esparsen, Yvette Facteau, Bobby Ferkovleh, Gene Fernandez, Mike Fernandez

Chuck Ferren, Loreen Flnllnson, Michelle Fischer, Nolle Flaming, Andrew Florae, Lawrence Floras

Tina Floras


Steve Fong, Richard Fox, Adam Frederick

Erie Fuentes, David Galleg o t , Cindy Gallegos, Dolo ret Gallegos, Ernie Galle

got, Francis Šaliegoi

Mike Gallegoe, Nadlna Gai legos, Phillip Gallegos, Roy Gallegoe, Sandra Gallegos, Tim Oaliegot



fienee Ganzel, Angela Gard a , Carlo* Oarcia, Carolyn Oarcia, Eddie Oarcia, Keith Oarcia

Jito A

LouElla Oarcia, Mike Gar d a , Michael Garcia, Patrl d a Oarcia, Patrick Oarcia, Phillip Oarcia


.If* •

V™ A

a t Mglhi levels off

i Demon band shows performs during the pat parade.

r Stan Oarcia, Danny Oarren, Karol Oarley, Vlekl G a t e w o o d , Teresa Get chell, M a Gibbons

Chris Glnocchlo, Eddie Go m e t , Judy Gomez, l e n o Go mei, Angela Gonzales, An* nabell Gonzales

Carlo* Oonzales, David Bay Gonzales. Edward Gon z a l e s , Frank O o n z a l e s , Gene Gonzales, Gilbert Gonzales

^ fm





Jerome Gonzales, Margaret Gonzales, Mike Gonzales, Monica Gonzales, Paul Gonzales, Randy Gonzales

Richard Gonzales, Stove Gonzales, Steve Gonzales, Tom Gonzales, Yvette Gon zales, Darrin Goodwin

Sophomore coeds have fun during lunch time.

James Gorman, Brenda Green, Chris tana Green, Cedrlc Grlego, Clara Grlego, Lawrence Grlego

Steven G r l e g o , Thomas Grlego, Gall Grirf In, Brenda Gurule, Greg Gurule, Larry Gurule

Mark Haber, Tina Hacker, David Had, Erik Hallqulst, l i t e Hanratty, Sari Hardy



Susan Hark*, Deana Harkteroad, Kevin Hassef, Ser> nadette Hernandez, Laura Hernandez, Horbert Hernandez

Christine Herrera, Jennifer Herrera, Maxlne Herrera, Chris Matt, Michel* Hill, lobby Hodge*

KDplkoifi^oire; liviimga latmgkfliRigcj growing

Troubled Kristin Kalangis Just passed her English test.

Amy Hoffman, Russell Hoi* brOOk,




Shannon Halo, Ernest Holmes, Richard Hoover

Dean Houllsfon, Tim How* well, Kim Hudson, Kenny Humphreys, Shirley Hur* fado, Suzanne Isaacs

\ TrJll

wz *JS






f Wsl

Maria SImms takes a breather e n the stairs.

Jeff Jackson, Ken Jackson, Daniel Jaramlllo, Lisa Jaramlllo, Carmella Jasso, Albert Jenks

Jackie Jenkins, Anthony Jemlnlz, Maria Jlmenlz, Sandra Jlmenlz, Gary Johnson, Ted Jones

Kritten Kalanals, Monica Keity, Marie Ketterman, Shawn KMald, Lorl Kopp, Kathy Kramer

Holly Krlendler, Laurie Kruhmm, Blllle Jo Krum, Kim La Cuosta, Martine La Forge, Mark La Londe

Lorenzo Larranaga, Anthony Leal, Linda Le Novo, David Levin, Andrew Leyba, Patricia Leyba

Sophomores 283

Walter Leyba, Kevin Uobort, Paul Ullleh, Allan Littroll, Mercy Long, Ian Longacre

$ tip Richard Lucero thinks happy thoughts.

Robert Lopez, Andy Lopez

Archie Lopez, Dorothy LoP*i

Marcot Lopez, Martin Lopez, Eileen Lopez, Monica Lopez, Paula Lopez, Valerie

VlCky Lopez, Brenda LoVOtO, Lorle Lovato, Harrel lotto Love, Ken lowrte, Stuart Loucka




remember ewsimtt© ffirom a y e a r

>(Q)2^(g fey John Loutontock, Emily Lucere, John Lucero mile* Lucare, Monica Lucero, Patrick Lucero

Phil LuCOfO, Richard Lucero, Sara Lucero, Cleopatra LuIan, Mike Lynch, Andy Ly era

Robert Macintosh, Rodney MacRae, Cynthia Madrid, Lionel Madrid, LoreMa Madrid, David Maes

OrlandoMa»»,TerrleMaes tas, Patricia M o o i t a i , Jim MaQottori, Eric Malmstrom, Darlene Manzanares

Andrew Marchl, Antta Mar tlnoi, I f m l e . Martinez, Con' nle Martinez, Cynthia Mar tlnoz, Damtan Martinez

Geraldlne Salazar cheers o n the Demon Debs.



m&iifttt&iuft mftair^gfllble podÂŽ. Danny Martlnoz, Danlol Martlnoz, Darren Martinez, Denlse Martinez

Dolores Martinez, Donna Martinez, Geraidlne Martinez, James Martinez

James Martinez, Kelly Martinez, Lisa Martinez, Martha Martinez

Martin Martinez, MIkŠ Mar* tlnez, Paul Martinez, Roger Martinet, Sandy Martinez, Stacy Martinez

Steve Mm linen, Terry Mar tines, Theresa Marlines, Kathryn Mascarenna, Jeny Masters, Michelle Matcher)

Alex McDowel, Mike McDowel, Joe McGuire, Carol Medrano, Laura Me* drano, John Meibaum

WMy Mejia, Carina Mendoza, Lisa Meyer, Marcella Mlera, Roger Miller, Monica Miranda



*<£S ll&&iftg aurotuui&dl; dlsŠ<o>wir M < m d s Vickie Mitchell

Deanna Montano

Manual Montano, Michael Montano

Parly Montano, Able Men* toya,



Frank Montoya, Own* Montoya, Georgo Montoya


Students take a break from their studies In the library.

Louella Montoya, Margie Montoya, Marina Montoya, Nikkl Montoya, Paul Montoya, Robbie Montoya

Samual Montoya, Ted Montoya, Valerie Montoya, Cheryl Moore, Doug Moore, Russell Moore

Ed Moreno, John Morales, Dennis Morten, Cheryl Mugleston, Mike Murphy, Jo Ann Keety

MM Nelson, Irian Nelson, Katharine Nelson, Debra Newson, Beth Nlkels, Monlque Nieto

288 Sophomores


moires to @@l<gfeir&tii<o>ini

Robert Nllburn, Tarry Nowers, Dominique Nugent, • rue* Oakeley, Vlkky O'Cheskey, Patricia Olivia*

Rita Ollvas, Greg Olmzted, Scott Olsen, Fred Ortega, Iran* Ortega. Louie Ortega

Tony Ortega, Adrian Ortiz, Alan Ortli, Donna Ortiz, Oilbert Ortiz, Jerry Ortiz

Leah Wilson a n d Leann Braeutl gam enjoy the snow walking


Louis Ortiz, Manna Ortiz, Michael Ortiz, Pat Ortiz, Paul Ortiz, Reneo Ortiz

Roma Ortiz, Borate Ortiz, Tom Ortiz, Oeorge Pa checo, Mary Pacheeo, Oreg Pack



Al Padilla, David Padilla, Frances Padilla, Lynn* Padilla, Peter Padilla, Susan Padilla

•renda Parker, Chris Parks

KMcheee Parra, Tim Parrott

David Paul, Steve Paul, Steven Pelletter, Draw Pen nlngton, Kathy Perea, Kathy Perea

John Perez, P a l Perez, Mark Pierce. D o I o r e » Pino. John Pino, Randy Plummer

John Poet, Kerry Potvadore, Kristin Powell, Andrew Quintan a. Soiliam Qulrtana, Brenda Qulntana

MO Sophomores

Chris Oulntana, Darlene Qulntana, Jimmy CUilntana, Tina Qulntana, Barbara Roel, Gerald Rael

glettnagg ŠIdteiTg w i s e rflfoir<^jmibii\g y e a r s

Mia Gibbons and Jerry Rivera enJoy walking to class together.

Barabra Romero



Jo* Raol, Martin Raol, Den Rehom, Veronica Remaly, Veronica Remenar, Corey Ripley

Flynn Ripley, Daniel Riot, Andrew Rivera, Kim Rivera, Lee Rivera, Lisa Rivera

Monica Rivera, Sam Rivera, Kathi Roberts, Andrew Rodrlquez, Anna Rodrlquez, Cheryl Rodrlquez

Deborah Rodrlquez, Edwlna Rodrlquez, John Rodrlquez, Mark Rodrlquez, Tina Rodrlquez, Alfonso Romero

Sophomores 291

Cindy Romero, Danny Re* m m , Emily Romero, Eva Romero, Frank Romero, Qene Romero

Harold Romero, Jeanlne Romero, Kelly Romero

Krlstel Romero, Lesley Romero, Undo Romero

Maria Romero, Mary Louise Romero, Nora Romero

Sammy Romero, Sandra Romero, Logan Roots, Suzanne Rotunno, Lisa Roy baJ, Loretta Roybal

Marlssa Roybal, Melissa Roybal, Peggy Roybal, Ray Roybal, Yvette RoyboJ, Leslie Russell

Tom Ryan, Rlelturd Ryiee, Klndyl Soger, Fred Saiazar, Reiuldbis Soknor, Šoraldine Saiazar



M&ift^MWirs doir^ft w w k umtll

dŠ Mark Salazar, Melissa Salazar, Suzanne Salazar, Matthaw Salley, Virginia Somanlego, Albert Sanchez

Bema Sanchez

Joaquin Sanchez

Mark Sanchez, Mathew Sanchez

Valerie Sanchez, Cecelia Sandoval, Debbie Sandoval, D a n e t t a Sandoval,

George Sandoval, Paul Sandoval

TereÂťa Sandoval, Robert Santana, Rodney Sawyer, Barbara Sehaffar, Patti Schulti, Lea Sedllla

Leonard Segura, Barbara Sana, James Sana, Patricia Sana, Orlando Sena, An drea Soma

SophomonM 293

movin^tf on to foJggteir ItMimg速 Donald Serrano, I r i a n Shannon, India Sharpo, Jaaiah Sloror, Chris Siva, Maria Slmms

Carrie Summer* It busy typing in Annual Cla*s.

Paul Skika, Oary tlsnfos, Marias Slsnoros, Stanley Slsnoros, Theresa Slsnoros

Julio Smith, Annette Smith, Vaho Solomon, David Span* ear, Leslie Spring, Cindy Stacy, April Sterner




Reglno Stoffelt, Randy Stotts, Trey Strader, Sean Strel, Annette Srugeon, Renne Swartz

Carrie Summers, Jeanne Tafoya, Jessica Tatro, Mike Tapla, Gilbert Tome




Chris Thompson, Debbie Thorton, Dan TruJIIIo, Tammy Triable, Arthur TruJIIIo, Donna TruJIIIo

§Ik<g)W vsuriiedl p@r©©fls\&lliitii<Bs Donald TruJIIIo, Eileen TruJIllo, Tina TruJIIIo, Kim TruJIIIo, Lloyd TruJIIIo, Michael TruJI. llo

Mark TruJIIIo, Pat TruJIIIo, Stephanie TruJIIIo, Steve TruJIIIo, Theresa TruJIIIo, PhilUp Ulbarri

Theresa Ulbarri, tlz Urleh, Steve Vattano, Andrew Valdez, Evelyn Valdez, June Valdez

Liz Valdez, lorl Valdez, Larry Valdez, Martha Valdez, Ray Valdez, Tom Valencia

Sophomores 295

D M I I M Varela, Debra Var-

•la, Steve Vargas, Joseph Varoz, Carlo* Vasquez, Jo Ann Vigil

Yolanda Velasquez, Danny Valenzuela, Barbara Vlana n d o, Mek V a r r I a I, LoulÂť VIcentl, Ben Vigil

Cindy Vigil, Diana Vigil, Flora Vigil, Mike Vigil, Phillip Vigil, Yvonne Vigil

Orlando Vlsarraga, Cos sandra Wadlelgh

Heike Watt, Karron Warron


Wast, Mollssa

W a t t , Debbie Wheat, Kan Wilder, Cathy Wiley, Leah


Todd Wilson, Beglna Winslow, McheNs Wlrtel, Ricky Worden, Missy Yardborough, Danny lamora

296 Sophomores

fl&JŠytaaekttlme aettiMtnej


Suiott* M o n t o y a - S o p h o m o r * Pnwldtnl

S w a n Padllla-Sophomor* Staildml


Shirloy CarrtlloSophomor* Socrolory

Yvotlo OonzalotSophomoro Troauiror


Yolanda Abeyta, Shlela Abhold, John Acuna, Henry Acuna, Richard Alartd, Judy Alllgood, Heidi Allyn 1

Belinda Anaya, lobby Anaya, Danny Anaya, David M Anaya, Lisa Anaya, Steve Anaya, Amy Andrea*

Rooiifi Annon, Carmella Apodaca, Robert Arogon, David Archuleta, Thereea Archuleta, Elaine Arellano, Joe Arellano







Michael Armbruster, Elsa Ar. mljo, Louettd Arguolio, Wendy Arrnljo, Brenda Atenclo, DenIse Atw e 11, Angela Boca

•renda Baca, Carlo Baca, Laurie Baca, Ilea Baca, Molssa Baca, Ronnie Baca, Teresa L Baca

Daven Bailey, Joann Romero

I .** *

Susan Ball, Cathy Barela


Deborah Blgbee run* with determination.



JLi lTC&va) iiii.iliHiV&itli

a d j u s t to a e w ŠtuurirotuimdlSii^ Patsy Barela, Naomi Berela, Vincent larela, Angelyn Barnes, Michelle Barton, Robert Bergman, Curtis Belcher

Lance Bell, Able Benauldei, Rose A Bermder, Doris Ber Hal, Deborah BlgbOO, Florla

Blea, James Bobchock

Marlce BonOIO, Nathaniel

Bowoitch, Sharon Brewer, Cammy Brlto, Gene Brito, Tammy Brlto, Chris Brttt




Brown, Tommy Brown, BUI Bryant, Joseph Buckley, Kirk Buehaman, David Bumes

Tim Bush, Dlanne Busta m a n t e , P a t r i c i a Busta-

manto, PhyHs Bustomonle, Tim Byres, Andrew Campbell, John Cannon



Joseph Cantor, Rosomary Cardenas, John Carle, Oretchen Carr, Robert Carroll, Andy Carter, Sherry Casados

An unidentified Freshman gives a sign of friendship, a *mlle

Lawrence Casados, Lawrence Casados, Robin Cathey, irad Catanach, Cindy Catanach, Chris Catanach, Catanach


Ronald C a t a n a c h , Cindy Cde Baca, Oliver C'dO i d e a , A n n e C ha s t a i n , J o s h

Chaudet, Angola Chavez, Audrey Chavez

Cecil C h a v o i , Daniel Chavez, Darin Chavoi, Deldre Chavez, Donald Chavez, James Chavez, Joaquin Chavez

Linda C h a v e s , M a r i a Chavez. Robert ChUders, Wendy Chrlsman, vary Clark, Jerry Clark, Susan Clark



•^ f*s ft ft *?sfi»l

P f%• @

Paul Clifford, Tim Clokoy, Aim Marl* Collins, David Collins, Ricky Conway, Jama* Cordova, David Corn;

Joroma Cortz, Sharon Cor-

Alan Cortoz, Morrlly Crawford

Doug Dalo, Danny Darras

Geogla Uriotte toys "Hey, d e n t

toko my plcturei"


Sandl Doan, Carman Do-


Horrora, EIII DondaN, Mark Deako, Odette g e o r g o s , Beverly

Diane Dlnan

f> faffing


Det Diaz,

Brenda Domlnquoz, Jame» Domlnlck, Zachary Drew, Michael Dukemlnler, Dab'

bie Duron, Julian Duran, Laura Durham



Bib i E J



Daniel Edward*, Elizabeth Enclnlai, David Eiplnoza, Cheryl ftqilttrtf. John Fair

child, lath Parlay, Chrto Pi* •char



Šrant Fisher, Tom Fisher, Joseph Floras, Tina Floret, Scott Follmer, AnJo Foster, Paula Frank

Robyn Frankaluccl, Robert Fresquez

Ana Fuentes. Ayame Fukuda

Johnny Gabaidon, Debra Gabaldon, Angela Gallsgas, David Gallegos, Eddie Oallegos, Edith Oallegos,

Jerry Oalleges

Jolynn* Oallegos, Lori Oafleges, Lucia Ootegos, Maria OoJtogos, Mark Oalleges, Murium Oallegos, Pau lette Oalleges

James Oaliett. Alee Oard a , Alfred Garcia, Anna Garcia, Anna Garcia, Antonio Garcia, Anthony Garcia

Amanda Garcia, Appolonlo Garcia, C a r m e t t a Garcia, Carmen Garcia, Frank Oar-

da. Jay Garcia. Joseph Garcia




L M Francisco, Leslie Garcia, Michelle Garcia, Rose Aim Garcia, Stephanie Garcia, Valerie Garcia, Carta Garrett

Veronica Garza, Gabriel Gavla, Velora Geoffrton, Anthony George, Garrett Qerber, Robert Gibson, Keltoy Glasgow

Louise Gomez, Yvonne Gomoz, Annette Gonzales, B r I a n Gonzales, Christine Gonzales, Danny Gonzales, El* ton Gonzales



WeVe Onlj dJttast Exggtuum


Esperana Gonzales, Javier Gonzales

Jeff Gonzales, Gonzales


Geraldlne Gonzales, JeSUS Gonzales, Larry Gonzales, M a r g a r e t Gonzales, Michael Gonzales, Ray Gon zales, Robert Gonzales



Sharon Gonzales, Theron Gore, Lisa Gostet, Martha Greene, Cindy Greenlee, Jennifer Green, Paul Grelgo

Danny Griego, Monica Griego, Mylee Griego, Paula Griego, Ruby Griego, Angola Grllly, Ray Gutierrez

Beverly Ounn, Michelle Gunter, Diana Gurule, Melissa Gurule, Loretta Gurule, Ronnie Gurule, Adella Gutierrez

!Af• P rt fi rea^ek for a e w goad;

Angola Gutierrez, Joe Gutierrez, Jeanette Hurtado, Mary Kay Hunt, Mike Humble, Gilbert Holmes, Tracey Hllley

Jeffory Hill, Billy Hill, Aaron Hill, Mary High, Steve Herrera, Roberta Horrora, Rebecca Herrera

Michael Horrora, Mario Horrora, Martina Homon, Barbara Hernandez, Theresa Henzle, Ram Henry, Kevin Honson

Sandra So»a, a Freshman, grlnt during English cla*t.

Scott Haws, Lourie Hawkins, Karen Hatton


m Sarah Hasted, Mary Hatted, Fred Hartsflaid, Chris Hennenan, Martin Hamshire, Zoe Hammer, Patrick Hall

Felicia Halford, Ralph Irwin, Diana Ita, Ruben Ita, Sean Iverson, Alice Jacquei, CattHn Jasper



Edna Jimenez, Jason Jimenez, Ronnie Jimenez, Jonl Johnson, Jimmy Johnson, Katherlne Yardman, Karen King

Michael Kovnat, Michelle Kenner, Paul Klnsky, Greg Knudson, Damon loemmle, Mark Lalne, Susan Laird

Jim La Pierre, Damlan Lar ranaga, Ml»iy Larranaga, Jimmy Lausenchlager, Cindy Lerma, MaMhew Levin, Ooria Lewis



Penny Leyba, Edward L'heureux, MaryAnn Lomayesua, David Lopez, Dottle Lopez, Greg Lopez, LaVeme Lopez

Loretta Lopez, Paul Lopez, Thereto Lopez, Yvette Lopez, Angela Lovato, Debra Lovato, Mormon Lovato

Pat Lovato, Peter Lovato, Roxanne Lovato, Ted Lovato, Charlie Lucero, Ctuta Lucero, Chris Lucero

Prank Lucero, Bon Lucero, Debbie Lu|an, Eddie Lujan, Lontoo Lu)an, Martte Lujan, Daniel Lury

Dorothy Lynch, Joann MaCallster, Beth Madrid, Dean Madrid, Richard Madrid, Mary ModrU, Larry Mooitoe

306 Freshmen

Mark Maestas, John Maidonado, Suzanne Manlen, Alan Manzanares, C a r t a Manzanares, Christina M a r a t , Jamas Maraz

•renda Mariow, f m a s t quest, Leo Marquoz, Marquez, Stephany reel Sephanle Martin, Martinez

MarLucy MarAble

Alax Martlnai, Andraw Martinez, Anthony Martinez, Babbara Martinez, Benceslado Martinez, iernice Martinez, t a r t Martinez

Freshmen (g^ptoire bellieff© &ad Idlest

Taking a cold winter's walk, freshmen realize the distance from building to building.

Celine Mantlnez, Christine Martinez, Danny Martinez, David Martinez, David Martinez, Donna Martinez, Eldy Martinez

Elizabeth Martinez, Jean Martinez, Jeff Martinez, Jenifer Martinez, John • Martinez, John R Martinez, Katrlna Martinez

freshman 307

Londy Mori I n t . Mark Martlnwz, Marian Martinez, Michelle Martina*. Mike Martinez, Mike Martinez, Pat Martinez

Ray Martinez, Remljo Martinez, Richard Martinez, Richard Mm linen, Roslna Martinez, Shona Martinez, Theresa Martinez

Veronica Martinez, Michelle Mascarenas, ARiort Montano, Dennis Matthews. Kenny Max wall. Drew McDermott, Kathleen McDonald

* ^1W:

r. i" JS W-

dnscsowir IDemŠ^ C<s>tLainilfcirsr quickly

Michael Dukemlnler and Robert Ortiz wait outside the Library for their next class.

Craig McOurn, Rod Mechem. Donna Medina, Jose Medina, Kim Medrano, Valerie Medrano, Mara Melr

Michael Mendoca, Ray Mindanao, Pam Moreno, Rocky Miller, Jeff Miller, Charles Mondragon, Erie Mantes



Snow can be t o depressing some


Loretta Montano, Reuben Montes, Angela Montoya, Benny Montoya, Bridget Montoya. Coroon Montoya, Diana Montoya

Doreen Montoya, Eva Men* toya, Frank Montoya, Jeff Montoya, Linda Montoya, Randy Montoya, Steve Montoya


| 1 Ilfelfe

Nancy Moore, Oeorge Moreios, Pamela Moreno, Harold MoyOf Joe Munis, Marty Munlz, Sean Murphy

Michael Helton, Judy Nickel*, Sue NIX, Matt Nixon, Maura OMknpw, Krto Olson, Awlck Olmstead

Anita Ortega, Jose Ortega, LetOy Ortega, Mark Ortega,

Ray Ortega, Ray Ortega, Valarle Ortega

Alex Ortiz, Maxlne Ortiz, Marvin Ortiz, Mark Ortiz, Letter Ortiz, Reeky Ortiz, Anna Marie Ortiz



Patricia Ortiz, Paul Ortiz, Paulina Ortta, Robert Ortta, Felix Otero, Anna Pacheco, David Pacheco

Martin Pacheco, Valerie Pacheco, Brenda Padllla, Danny Padllla, Don Padllla, ŠIna Padllla, Joseph Padllla

Paige Pardlngton, Becky Parga, Lisa Parker, Scott Parks, Tom Paries, Shaun Pauletear, Curtis Pauno

Doug Payne, Joey Payne, Louise Perea

Pauline Perea, Perea, Tina Poroa


Ron Pino

Christy Plttman

Tracy Poena, Torka Poet, Keil Pope, Berna Portlllo,

Prank Partite, Irtn Powers, Jimmy Powers

ftoy Prada, Sylvia Prada, Scott Prttchard, Kevin Purtyman, Armotta Outntana, Christine Qulntana, Curtis Cuilntana

S10 Freshmen

Freshmsu^ m o w Mp to Mgg<gir gymd b e t t e r ttMinugs

Danny CUiintana, George Culntana, Jack CUiintana,

Mike Ctulntana, Diane CUiintana, Renee Qulnones

Anthony Rael, Georgia Roel, Michael Rael

Theresa Rael, Adam Read, Deborah Relnhart, Tom Remlnar, Carina Reyborn, Roee Reyes, Pom Reynolds

Rick Reynold*, Andres Rlos, Chris Rivera, Elaine Rivera, Joe Rivera, Manual Rivera, Margaret Rivera

Terry Rivera, Diane Roache, Paul Rochlord, Linda Rodriguez, Martin Rodriguos, Steve Rodriguez, Vkanney Rodriguez

0 0 MFÂť

Adrienno Romero, Angela Romero, Anthony Romero, Daniel Romero, Danny Romero, Dolores Romero, Eric Rotated

Freshmen >1t

attempt to


Jackie Romero, Jerry Romero, Joed Romero, John Romero, Kathy Romero, Lawrene Romero,

Leroy Romero, Lisa Romero, Mike Romero, Monica Bo mero, Orlando Romero, Paul Romero, Paula Romero

m. it HO,

Paula Romero, Rhonda Romoro, Richard Romero

Rodney Romero

Stephanie Martin and Angela Sandoval 90 to Library for an English assignment.

Sara Romero

MOVO R o m e r o , T h e r e t o Ro m o r a , Theresa Romero, Thereto Romero, Valarle

Romero, Kan Roming, More Kondeau

Nicole Roth, Mike Roy, All eta Roybai, lontadette Roybal,




etoemeo, eoei


Elaine Roybai, Gloria Roybai

Reglna Roybai, Ranee Roy bal, Scott Roybai, Yolonda Roybai, Sandra Saiz, Tommy Sab, Mike Sakntar

J12 Prethmen




awsMitt ttlhus


y<gsun Popsle Salazar, Praxedet Salazar, RoSabell Salazar, Abdad Sanchez, lobby Sanchez, Chrli Sanchez, Ernest Sanchez

Pedra Sanchez, Jeff San* chez, Kerry Sanchez, Marty Sanchez, Mary Lena Sanchez, Miguel Sanchez, Orlando Sanchez

Ralph Sanchez, Roy Sanchez, Alex Sandoval, Angela Sandoval, Angela Sandoval, Angela Sandoval, Carlos Sandoval

Eddlo Sandoval, James Sandoval

Jerry Sandoval, John San* doval

An unidentified froehmon appears frustrated with school work.

Usa Sandoval, Roto Sandoval Rotor Sandoval, Phillip Son* doval, Sandra Sandoval, Rael Sbar, Peggy Schummora, Mike Schwartz, Amy Schwendlmann

Lei Sedlllo, Robert Sedlllo, Anita Segura, Joe Selg, Sam Sdlg, Fernando Sena, Robert Sena

' m 4;- u freshmen StS

Roberta Soma, larbara lama, Monlka Soma, Angle Shockel, John Shapland, Nina Shoonneld, Lisa Shook

WmF-fm) Tarry Sllvorman, Joa Sisnoros

Stephen Sloan, Addison Smith

Kan Smith, Junws Smith, Rich Smith, Vlnco Smith, Rranda Solano, Sandra Sosa, Mark Souk*

lobby Sovoranoz, Rat Sovoranoz, Chris Spagnola, Joseph Spanarkol, Sam Spark*, Will Stacy, Tiffany Starr

Tina Stevenson, Stove Slowart, Freddie Soazo, Joseph Suaio, Poem Swontzol, Lisa Tanon, Steve Tanner

Carol Tapki, Danny Tapla, Diane Tapta, John Tapta, Lisa Tapta, Marny Tapta, Xavtor Tapta





Lynn T a u l b e e , M a l l l n a Tauenner, Nancy Tcheknethotl, Irook Thompson, Jeff Tlchaua, Denlse Tipton, Tlmmy Trlmbom

Andrte Trujlllo, Carta TruJIdo, Diana Trujlllo, Joan Trujlllo, Kathy Trujlllo, Konnoth Trujlllo, Kenny Trujlllo

Matthew Trujlllo, Randy Trujlllo, Rebecca Trujlllo, Rick Trujlllo, Ronnie Trujlllo, Steve Trujlllo, Diane Urban

ML bribing® girowninigtexp@ri@fli\<cte©Jfawr F r o s h

Student M M to remember her answers.


Georgia Urlo»te, Ramie Valdoi

Danny Valdez, Dalvd Val dot


John Valdez, Manuel Valdot, Sandra V a l d a i , ttova Valdoz, Vol Vaidex, Andrew Valencia, Marjorlo Valencia



Robert Valencia, l a m Van Valkonburgh, Join Vargas, Victor Vargas, Chris Va> dolor, Michael Velarde, Paul Vlalpando,

Ren Vlalpando, Anthony Vigil, Cynthia Vigii, Detflno


V i g i l , U t a V i g i l . Loron Vigil

Monica Vigil

P a t s y V i g i l , Paul Vigil, Phyl I S V i g i l , Robert Vigil, S h a w n

vigii. Theresa vigii. victor Vigil

Amando Villa, Matthew V I ' la, Cary Virtue, David Walght, Donna Wanek, Henery WatVIn*. Orlando Watson

Chris Watts, Melissa Weber, Chritta Woldner, Tom Wleler, Lydki w • i c h, ttath* eryn Wolis, tea Werner






Trey Wsisman. Ryan wickard, lone Williams

Doug wii»on, Jodie Wilson, Rochelle W o l l a r d

Janice Woitie, Nina Wright, Denito lamora

Rosle Zamora Ray Mendonlca gets acquainted with his new friend.

316 Preshmon


|| he spicy aroma of pizza combined with a friendly atmosphere makes =u the setting for Godfamor's Pizza, a favorite restaurant of this year's freshmen, the CLASS OF 1984. Godfather's, according to a recent Para Manana survey, offers a variety of tasty combinations to top their thick and chewy crust. The food is excellent and the electronic games are exciting; these art a few of the reasons that the restaurant Is so popular. According to Mary Lena Sanchez, "Godfather's has excellent food and service, Is a good place to meet your friends, and the prices are reasonable." Anna Pacheco added, "Godfather's is a neat place to eat and the pizza is the best In town." The other favorite restaurants Include

Long John Sliver's, McDonalds, Taco Bell and Hardees. When the freshmen want* ed food, other than pizza, these restau* rants were common places to go. Also named In the survey were some of Santa Pe's more exclusive restaurants in* eluding The Captain's Table, Steaksmith, and La Tertullia. The Captains Table, according to Curtis Cuitntana, "has seafood that Is dellclous, and they have the beet salad bar. The atmosphere is also great." Another favorite The Steaksmith, was noted by Kim Medrano as "being great ... It's quiet, dark and has a relaxing atmosphere; it Is really a nice place to go." Jeff Miller stated, "I like the Steaksmith because everything Is so classy and snobby. The atmosphere Is terrific."

Jackie Romero President


Marie OoHegos Vice-President

Ayame Fukuda Secretory

Rebecca Herrera Treasurer


Irene Alamlllo, lori AWrich, Fat Alton, David Alvarez, Valerie Anaya, Tammy Anderson

Ruben Aragon, Dorothy Archuleta, Lldea Archuleta. John Armljo,

Rudy Armlto, Esther Raca

Tes^ek^irSc, tosfcs @<o>im<g to aim <&nd

Keeping warm means regard Ing the library pass rule.

Evelyn toco. Norma Raca, Tereta Baca, MlcheRe Barela, Linda Benton, Becky Bergholer

Matt Bertram, Bill Blndel,

Mary Routton, Larl Boyd, Jackie Bradty. Ray Brito






BeffiftoiA® Smd SIFMS a gim&t plaee ft© be Trtoha Bybee, Marie Chacon, Patrtcla Casuas, David Curtis, Lawrence Chavez, Ymelda Catanaeh

Barbara Cavlness, Cyrstal Cox, Melissa Clayton, Vol erte c de Baca, Angelica Chacon, Undo Dave*

Vanessa Dooley, Carol Palance, Lynne Ferry

Carl Callegoj

Annette Oarcla, Cartes Garcia,



Donald Garcia, Joanna Garcia, Pat Oarcla

Retakes S19

Sylvia Garcia, Tim Garcia, Valerie Gomes, Den Oar* man, Garrett Gra velle, Margarita Ortega

Traeay Hamm, Yolanda Harris, Joy Haslam, Chuck Hattaway, Tommy Jacob*. Nancy Jaramlllo

Anna Jlmonox, Becky Jlmonoz, Ana Kelly, Yalanda Kneeland

Kathy Koroneos, Theresa Kornoeos, Karla Kruhm, Edna Leyba

Deanne Lopez, Doris Lopez, Glna Lopez, Ben Lopez, Susan Lopez, Tracy Lucas

320 Retakes


Victor Lucero, Anna Lujan, France* Lujan, Nadlne Marino, Margaret Marquez, Vo* ronlca Marquez

Bernadetle Martinez, Betty Martinez, Debra Martinez, Dolores Martlnez, Eric Mar*

tlnez, Janlc e Martinez

Mary Martinez, Monica Martinez, Rita Martinez.

Xanat Mujllnoi, Kattiy Mascoronas. MIchoHo Mascar•no*

Retakes Âť21

HoJoy McCultough, J.i. Medina, Audrey Moor*, Jill Momocoy, Catm*Ba Montoya, Donlca Montoya

ID)@m<o>i&ยง <m|<o>sr ffi&5M w m t e i r

John Montoya, Arty Ortta

J*rry Ortta, John Ortiz, ttovo Ortta, Frank Padllla, Usa Parker, Patty Payno

Rhonda Payno, Randy Paul, Agnes PorOO, K*n Gina Pino, Tim Pino

322 totak*t


Rosalia P r a d a , Kevin Probst, Stove Probst

•abort CUilntana, Karon Reyensberg, Kareen Reyer

Cindy Reynolds, Mlcl >le Moo, Allan Rivera

Diane Rivera, Us Rivera, Pamela Rivera

Susan Roosslor, Barbara Rodriguez, Trish Rodriguez

Vtekl Rodriguez, Barbara Romero, Sonny Romero, Debbie Romero, Diane Romero, Ron Romero

Ron Romero, Susamo Roth, Earnest Roybal, Marcella Salazar, Mark Salazar, Atoyno Samuelson

Retakes 329

Andrew Sanchez, Sadie Sanchez, Steve Sanchez, Charles Sandoval! John Sena, Marry Sena


Theresa Sena* lofty Seymour, Denis• SNptett, Joey Shook, Greg Solano, Clyde Steodman

Stewart Stevenson, Joe To> lamante, Patricia Topta

Susan Tompkins, Antra TruJIHo. Joe Trujlllo

Pauline Valdez, Olorta Vareta, Anthony Vigil

IBtemon® ©k<o>w SIFHS to foe #1 Carol Vigil, Mark Vigil, Robert Von Ameluxen, Usa VanKuegelan, Denlse Waller, Marian Walraven

Donna Wanek, Errie Wharton, Camllle Wheeler, Don Williams, Karen Yardmen, Stephanie Yardmen

324 Betakes

M M(ginM5>iriiaifim from Kahll Glbran The Prophet or what Is It to die but to melt Into the sun? And what is It to cease breathing, but to free the breath from Its restless tides, that It may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered? Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you Indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then you shall truly dance." Lucille Rue Nov. 19, 1921 - Feb. 20, 1981 Mrs. Rue attended Louisiana Mrs. Lucille Rue was a fine dediState and had taught at Louisiana cated teacher In the Math DepartUniversity and In California. One of ment. She taught for seventeen Mrs. Rue's hobble was collecting years with the Santa Fe Public antiques. She died of a stroke on Schools, five of which were at SanFebruary 20, 1981. ta Fe High.

Flamlnlo " H u e v o " M o n t o y a

Dee. 14,1962 • Feb. 11,1981

Andrew Villa Sep. 30, 1964 • May 22, 1980


"Demon Depot Is the school store which is the money making project ot F.B.L.A. The students participate in the entire operation of this small retail business, therefore preparing them for future careers in the business world, which includes advertising." Carol Peralta Co-Sponser of Demon Depot

•nes & INDEX

















Pontiac • Buick • GMC












































ROW 1: Trish Arzola. Anna Jimenez, Gabriel Martinez. Unda Martinez, Annette Garcia. Row 2: Anne Gurule. Anita TrujKo. LuAnne Tanuz. Kay Snyder. Linda Roybal, Mary Baca, Eileen Lovato. Rebecca Sena. Annette Rodriguez. Valerie Anaya. Sabrina Ortiz. Dorothy Garcia. ROW 3: Donald Garcia. Martha Medina. Imelda Garcia. MaryAnne Martinez. Linda Bustos. Teresa Macias, Carmella Montano. Terri Donnelly.

OEA Club Officers




Row 1: Tina Lujan, Stacey Amorous. Ken Lowrie, Andrew Campbell. Marco Lucero. Robert Qulntana, Joe Ortiz. Valerie TrujWo. Barbara Shaffer. Melinda Velasquez and Jennifer Herrera. Row 2: Suzette Montoya, Anita Sanchez. Elizabeth Miller, Mary Kay Boatright. Chris Gonzales. Waller Leyba and B.J. Krum. Row 3: Nancy Jaramlllo. Catherine Sanchez. Regina Winslow. Jenny Parker. Mark Laine. Cary Virtue, Tom Parks. Luke Doles, Abel Benevidez. Penny Tubbs. Laurie Trimmer and Patricia Gonzales. Row 4: Debra Bohannon, Lisa Martinez, Sarah Steadman, Jennifer Jasper, George Anaya, Roy Smith, John High. John Lucero; Chris Oritz, Rachel Barker, Anita Soltero, Martha Kruhmin and Carmella Padilla.


INDEX Iways an Inter* esting day at S.F.H.S. — Leah Wilson Abeyta, Andrew Paul (12) Abeyta, l«>nord(11) Abeyla, Lercy (11) Umfta. Luanna (11) Abeyta, Sam Marfln (10) Hlwyftl. roianda ML (9) 290 Abhoid. M M Pamoki (12) 220 Abhold, Sheila (9) 290 Abovtleman. Fred (9) Abrami, Chrltla (12) 220 Aeuna, John (<>) 20$ Aeuna, Lorraine (11) Adam; Allison (12) 220 Agullar, fanchlla (9) Agullar. Beyos Jr. (12) 120, 10$, 240 Ahlgrlm. Began (12) Ahrenklel, 0. Philip (10) HI, 119, 109 U l l l t f t l . Irene (10)

jHUIHBq 11m (10) Alarld, Cathryn Mart* (12) Alarld, mains) Tor— (12) 20, 119, 121, 133 Aland, Richard (9) 290 Alarld, Valor* (11) 127, 122 Albee. Sieve Edward (11) i f i w f r n . CtMiitoBhi (11) 240 <twrtnnt Mario sieila (10) Alexander. Curt (12) 143 Alexander. Robert (9) All or d. Brad Bo tt (12) 220, 100 Aiire. Stances (io) Aiire. Joan Marls) (12) Ailre. Robert Matthew (11) 240, 100 AUon. Shauna Joan (12) 40, 129, 220, 220 Allen. JOSS (10) H w f t m . John (10) Allgood. Joe (10)

" H m f . Judy (9)290 Alllion. Colorel Weldy (11) Aiiiion. Raw Kayo (12) 140 Allyn, Heidi (9) 298 Almaniar. Catherine Joan (11) 240 AhraroM, Ootid (12) 310 Alvarei. Thomas Richard (10) 209 Amelunxen, Franchetca (12) 220 Amorous, KyndaB tano (10) 117, 119 Am$ief. Ciimon Wayno (11) Arml/o, Maria (12) Anaya. OtMltata Ann (12) 220 Anaya. BOUhht (11) 240, 141 Anaya. Sellnda (9) 133, 29$ imam Botiiodorre (90) 22, 22 Anayg, Ornnndotto (10) 221' Anaya, Bobby (9) 1$7, 290 Anaya, David (9) 290 Anaya, A Debbie (11) 240 Anaya, Debbie (9)

Anaya, Ooorgo Oommle (11) 240, 200 Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya, Anaya,

J a met (10) Joyce (12) BMhy(99) Loo James (99) Usa c (9) Mike Daks (11) 170, 240 Ph$ kjnod (12) 209 Bay ML (11) Ricky Loult (12)

Anaya, sieve (9) 29s Anaya, Bobert Michael (10) 1t9 Anaya, Sylvia Ann ( 12) Anaya. Valerie JuttO (12) 910, M S Anaya. WRRO Martin (1 1) Andermann. Dellnda Ann (11) 240 Anderton. John Ollbert (10) Anderton, Lenefe (9) Andrea,. Amy (9) Andren, Lar, (12) Andrew,, iuianne (12) 22$ Anderton. Tammy fuglna (12) 210 Annon, JOSSfln MordOlO (12) 220 Annon. Bobert S (9) Annan, RooRH r (9) 290 Apodaca. Annette (10) Apodaca. Catmelo (9) 29$ Apodaca, tori (12) 135, 220 Apodaca. Judy Marie (11) 240 Apodaca. Melttta Deanne (11) 244 Apodaca. Michael Jerome (10) Apodaca. Oonoo Carta (11) 240, 900

Aragon, Carlos Chuck (12) Aragon, Lara (11) 240 Aragon, Nathalie Ann (10) Aragon, Bobert (9) 290 Aragon, Bubon (11) 210 Aragon, Sandra (9) Aragon, Vtckl Helen (10) Aroujo, Luis Armando (10) Archulota, Clarissa (10) Archuleta, Dariono Candy (12) 220 Archulota, OavU (9) 290, 107 Archulota, Doanna (11) 240 Archulota, Dorthy (11) 210, 120 Archulota, mono Anna (11) 240 Archulota, M a r a A. (11) 240 Archulota, Orog Rat (11) Archulota, Jackie (10) Archulota, lydla L (9) 919 Archulota, Mario (9) Archulota, Mary Arm (12) 229 Archulota, Patricia (11) 249 Archulota, Bobort Joo (10) Archuleta, Thereto (9) 290 Archuleta, Thomas (10) Arclero, Denlso (9) Arellano, Balne K. (9) 290 Arellano, JOO (9) 290, 171 AroOano, Thorosa StoHa (11) 249 ArguoOo, John David (10) 169 ArguoOo, Joseph Paul (11) Arguotto, lousoBa(9) Arias, Teresa Mario (11) Armbrustor, hVchaol (9) 290 ArmUo, Bsa Christina (9) 290 Armtto, Ooorgo (11) ArmUo, Olna (11) 249, 138 ArmUo, Konnoth (11) 249 Armtto, Ida Usa (10) Armtto, loulso Margaret (11) ArmUo, Maria Antoinette (12) 220,

Baca, Ivoryn


199 ArmOo, Mario (10) ArmUo, Phillip Mathew (11) 249 ArmOo, Mickey Konnoth (10) 109 ArmOo, Oonoo (9) ArmUo, Richard Anthony (10) ArmOo, Bobort Dean (12) ArmUo, Ronnie James (11) 249, 12 ArmUo, Rudy (11) 210 ArmUo, Ousso Joan (10) ArmOo, Wendy J. (9) 191, 290 Armstrong, David (12) Aruotto, Margrot (9) Arzoia, Patricia lleno (12) 909 Ashbaugh, Rryan (12) 220 Atondo, Bernard (10) Atondo, Brenda (9) 290 Atwoll, Denlso M. (9) Atchison, Barbara (10) Aharon, AM Stdrtarr (10) Atwoll, Donald Eugene (12) Atwoll, Douglas AUon (10)

ecause I met a lot of nice people, I like It here at S.F.H.S. — Tina Flores. Boob, Jottroy Bryan (11) Oabcock, Angola (12) Bobcock, Paul Robert (10) Sac a Angela (11) 141 Boca, Amy Dolores (10) Sac a. Angela (9) 29B Saca. An/a (11) saca. Arthur David(10) 109 Saca, Seala (11) 100 Boca, $on/amln 0. (10) 270 Boca, BemodstH (11) 249 Baca, Brenda (10) 290 Boca, Brian Aaron (10) 270 Boca, Brian Aaron (10) 270 Bmoa, Orion losris (11) Boca, Bruno (11) 249 Boca, Carta (9) 29$ Baca, Carol Buo (11) 130, 249 Boca, Christopher Max (11) Baca, Delia (9) Boca, Bawosd Filbert (11) Baca, limer (ovinia (10) BOCa. I 111 a be lh (9)

Joanono (12)


Boca, ORborl M. (12) Boca, SMon Oaklan (If) 249 Boca. Joana Marie (10) 270 Baca, Johnny Paul (10) 273, 240, 104 Baca, Karta Stophle (11) 240 Baca, Kathy Mario (10) 270, 333 Boca, Kenneth (If) 240 Bona, Laura Bane (12) 190 Boca, Laurie (9) 293 Boca. lawtSMHm (11) 249 Boca, Margaret Susan (12) 190 Baca, Mary Ann (12) 220 Boca, MoRssa (9) 290 Boca, Monica Mary (10) 270 Boca, Norma Joan (10) 919 Odea, PhRRp James (10) Boca, Paul Martin (11) 249, 200 Baca, Ricky David (12) Boca, Ronald Marvin (12) 220 Boca, Robert Lust (10) 270 Boca, Bormlo (9) 290, 169 Boca. Sandy Ann (9) Boca, Sharon (9) Baca, Tammy Denlso (12) 229 Baca, Terri Lynn (10) 270 Baca, Teresa (9) 293 Baca, Tom Henry (12) 119, 121, 130, 100 Bachlcha, tugeno John (10) 270 Backonstow, Bbubolh (12) 119, 121, 190, 183 Backonstow.trin Money (10) 180, 100, 278 Bohr, Anthony MBte (12) 121 Botoy, Davtn (9) 293 Betoonode, Joann (9) 293 Bctdonl, Julio (11) 127, 249 BaB, Susan (9) 198, 293 BaB, Tun Allen (11) 190, 281 Band, 134, 138 Barbae, O'Jay (11) 281 Borck, Emily Susan (11) 119, 281 Barck, Rebecca Ann (10) 198, 278 Barola, Arieno lydla (12) 229 Barola, Cathy (9) 290 Bare la, Dobbk) Carol (12) Barola, Diana Mario (10) 270 Barola, Pran Joann (12) 299 Barola, Joo toward (11) 109, 164, 249 Ommkt, Kenneth (12) Barola, MlcheOe (11) 313 Barola, Monica Marie (11) 249, 221 Barola, Mooml (9) 299 Barola, Patsy (9) 299 Barola, Tommy (10) Barola, Vincent J. (9) 299 Barola, VTnce (11) Barker, Rachaol Susan (12) 986 Bartow, Alex Charles (11) Barnes, Anglyn Lucia (9) 299 Bane, Ben (11) 249 Boras, Tmt Darnel (10) 121, 270 Barrows, Kkk (11) Barsuoskas, Katharine S. (10) 273 Barton, Michael Richard (11) Barton, SMchsBs D. (9) 299 Basham, Carta Yvonne (12) 119, 121, 299 Bates, CArol Mario (12) 41, 299 Boochomp, Beardon, Shorrl Lynn (12) 119, 190, 229 Boare, BBty (9) 299 Bobout. WBBam (12) Bock, Chris (12) Book, Marceo (10) 270 Belcher. Curtis (9) 299 I — o n . Richard Marcus (11) 249, 240, 194 BoO, Jet/ (12) 229 BeB, Jon Oman (11) 249 Sen. Lance (9) 299 BsRcrla, Stool (10) 270 Bormudoz, Rose (9) 299 • o M i l f q Stocl (10) 270 Remodel, Rose (9) 299 Bonavtdoi, Abel (9) 138, 299, 306 Bonavtdoi, Arthur (10) BonavtdeM, Bobby (10) 270 Bonavtdoi. Prank (12) Bonavldes, Joseph Prank (10) Bonavtdoi. Mono Maxme (11) 133, 249 Bonavtaei, OBvor(11)249 Oonavsauw, Steve tdalo (12) % John (12) , Amy T. (10) 270 , Lara (10) 138, 270 Ronton, Undo (10) 919 Bmgrnan, Bobort W. (9) 133, 200 Borghotor, Becky Buo (10) 117, 120,


Oomot, Doris (9) 299 Berry, John Patrick (11) 230 bony, Monica Ann (12) 229 Bony, Reuben A. (10) 270 Bortola. Dceo toward (12) Bertram, Matt (10) 919 Bmhum, Tracy D. (19) 180, 200, 240 Bettts, Jolt Boyd (10) Bhakta, Hltosm (11) Bhakta, Mukesh (10) 270 Bhakta, Rita (11) 141 M o n t Kknberiy A. (10) 278 MotoMML, Too Clalrmont (10) 270 Bkjboo. Bryant toward (11) 200 Btgbts, Deborah (9) 161, 299 Sitting i, JuRa 0. (10) 270 M o d * / , William Ougono (12) 210 Bloke, Dennis (9) 299 Blackwood, Kathertne (10) Make J amlan (10) 270 Moo, Veronica (11) 280 Block, Clarissa Mario (11) 280, 248 Blevtns, John Todd (10) 274 Boahkjht, Mary Kay (12) 90, 121, 229, 386, 140 Ooiihlght. Bachel Ann (10) 198, 276, 140 Bobchok, James ABon (9) 299, 209 Boddson, 9. Catherine (11) 22, 22, 200 Bodolson, Mary Cortrme (12) 41, 116, 128, 161, 229 Beggs, Bobort (12) Bohannon, Debra Bum (11) 280, 900 BoBng, Joo Armond (10) BoOng, Anglo Marie (12) 41, 120, 171, 178, 100, 191, 229 BoHng, Barbara Joan (11) 280, 211 Bond, Boss tugeno (11) 200 Bookwaltor, John 3d (12) 121 Borrego, CarmoRa Ann (12) 113, 129, 229,248 Borrego, Louie Richard (11) 280 Barrage, Marico Ann (9) 299 Borrego, Monica Juantla (12) Boulton, Mary (12) 213 Bowkor, Joey (11) 200, 109, 179 Oawkor, Pat Harold (12) Boyco, Christine (12) 229 Boyd, lori (11) 210 Oaytan, Mario Lillian (12) Boyco, Karon Rebecca (10) 117 Boyco, Richard Pyto (10) 276 Bradoty, Jackie Leann (11) 129, 280 Braouhgam, Leann (10) 276, 239, 140 Branch, Adriarme (11) 119, 280 Branch, Steve (11) 280 Broun, Kol (11) 230 Briggs, L Pranessca (11) Brno, Commy (9)299 Brtto, Oene (9) 299 Brito, John (9) 299 Brtto, Kristy Diane (12) 299 Brito, ORvIa Mary (10) 276 Brito, Raymond (12) 219 Brito, Tammy (9)299 Britt, Bob (12) Brill, Chris (9) 299 Brogan, Boon Klncald (10) 276 Brothers, Tommle (9) 299 Brown, Brenda Leo (11) 280 Brown, Usa (10) 276 Brown, Jayne Boneo (12) 229, 143 Brown, Susan (9) 299 Brown, Tommy (9) 171, 299 Buckley, Anne Loulso (12) Buckley, D. Joseph (9) 299 Buckmon, KUk (9) 299 Burmon, Peter (11) 231 Brumkty, Mark SMS (10) 270 Bryant, Daniel (10) 270 Buchocker, BMohoBe (10) 110, 127, 276, 140 Bumetto. Bobby (11) 201 Buroll, Carol (11) 201 Bush, David Srmrman (11) 201 Bush, Tim 3. (9) 299 Bushrow, Money Jo (12) 290, 211 $ussord, Siaanno (10) 270 Bustamonto, Camilla (12) 220 Buslamanlo, Oksnno (9) 299 BushmnmiM, Omt (11) 201 Bustamonto, Patricia (9) 299 tustamorrlo, Phytts (9) $4, 170, 299,

221 Boston Is, Bobort (12) 230 tuMlamanto. Vorortco (19) Bustos, Marta Undo (12) 230, 333 Butter, Ubby Kay (12) 230, 333 Butler, Victor Sugeno (10) $wrtnghauson. Cord (10) 270 Byboo, Orog (11) 149, 100


Byboe, Keith Jamot (10) 128, 180, 276 Byboe, Sandra (11) 128, 281 9yrot, Tkn(9)299 l y i l l M , David (9) 299 Byrne; Bandy (11)

ute guys roaming the cam* pus a l w a y s made me happy I • Michelle Buchecker. CoBe; Patrick (10) 189, 27* CambeB, Andrew (9) 299, 286 C a m Carl Bay (12) Canrtt, Hoiman Fraaclt (99) 276 Cmtdolarta, Larry (9) 299 Candelaria, Bay Bobert (10) Cannon, John D. (9) 299 Cantu, Jopoph (9) $00 Caraway, Maria (10) Cardonat, Barbara Aim (99) 278 Cardonat, Cynthia Pamela (10) Caroonat, Ollbert Balph (12) Cardonat, Mary Mlkkle (10) 276 Caramnat, Wanda Joan (11) 123 Carman, David (11) Carman, Lucy (11) Corpto. Jock* (12) 229 Carpfo, Janot (11) 291, 129, 911 Can, Oretchon (9) $00, 188 Carrmo, Aldan Jama* (10) 978 CarriBo, Bama (12) 299 CtMiOkt, Chary! (10) CarriBo, Dartono (12) 42 Carrmo, David laanard (11) 991 CarriBo, Imatl (12) CarriBo, Jarry (19) 97* CarriBo, Btchard (11) 991 CiMlBkt, Sandra (10) Carrillo, Shlriay Paige (10) 128, 276, 9*7 Carrillo, Willi* toward (11) 281 Carrion, Loul$a (12) Carrol. Bobart (9) SOO Conor, Andy (9) $00 CanOr, Brando Mono (99) Conor, Wado (12) 229 Conor, OJck law (99) 97* Catadot, John (It) Caoado; Bodgor loo (11) Cataao; lawionea (0) 171, $00 Catadot, lolond (10) 177, 179, 189, 276 Caoadeo, Shorry (9) SOO Cotau; Patricia (11) 197, 919 Coda*. Angola (19) 299 Catta; Chrit B. (10) Capiat, Bhonda lynn (11) 991 Capiat, Chlriey Ann (11) Capiat, William (12) Cattldy, Mary (12) 2SO CapfoBono, Bum Aim (99) 276 COPIWO. Vmce Fit* van (12) Cattaneda, Jaw (10) 276 Content) Ju, StapharoO (10) Cola, Adotph Bobart (10) 1*9, 97* Cafanoch, Brad (9) $00 Calanoch, Orion Kenneth (11) Catanoch, Chariot (11) 282 Calanoch, Chrit (9) $00 Catanoch, Chritttno (11) Catanoch, Cindy (9) $00 Catanoch, Giovanni (10) 276 Catanoch, Joarm (11) Catanoch, Jotynno (9) $00 Catanovh, Mark (11) 292 eotanoch, 9onatd(9)$00 Catanoch, Ymakta (It) 919 Catbogan, Vincent (It) 999, 9$ Camay, Boom (V) Cavtnott, taJDum (11) 919 Cavktoti, Jana (19) Cda Baca, Anna (12) 299, 197 COO Boca. Chritttno (12) Cda Baca, Cindy (9) $00 Cda Baca, Prank (11) Cda Boca. OBborl (11) 949 Cam Boca, John (12) Cda tana; larl Kkn (10) Cda Boca, OBvar (9) $00 Cda Boca, Mar* (10) 977 Com Boca, Ma* (10) 977 Cda Boca, BotaBa (10) 277 Cda Voca, Vatarta (10) $99 Chabet, Chary! lynn (11) 282 Chacon, AngaBca (10) 127, 919 Chacon, Mark (12) 999, 1$8 Chacon, Tmwe*a (11) 292 ChaBangm. Joth Andraw (99) Choma, laroy (11) 282, 16$


Chambort, Carta Deann (12) 229 Chambort. Dana (12) 129 Chapano, Mlcholla Lao (19) 299 Charlton. Scott (11) 119, 129, 999 Chottoki, Amy Diana (19) Chattam, Anno (9) 299 Choudot, Joth (9) $00 Chavoz, Angola (9) $00 Chavez. Anna Maria (19) 999 Chavoz, Ann Virginia (19) Chavtt, Audroy (9) 990 Chavoi, Barbara Joan (19) 999 Chavoz, Barbara Bobocca (10) 977 Chavoz. Beatrice (19) 220 Chavoz, tan (11) 292 Chavoz, CarmoBa (11) 299 Chavoz, CocU(9)$00, 197, 208 Chavoz, Claudia Joan (10) 277 Chavoz, Dabble Loult* (12) 129, 221, 949, 148 Chavoz, Doborah Donlpo (11) 999 Chavoz, Dodrio (9) $00 Chavoz, Donald (9) $00 Chavoz, Elaine (12) 221 Chavoz, Qary Allan (10) Chavoz, Honrtotta (11) 292 Chavoz. Joann (11) 129 Chavoz, Joanna (12) 291 Chavoz, Jamot (9) $00 Chavoz, Joaquin (9) $00 Chavoz, Jotoph MoBn (11) 932 Chavoz, Kathy (10) Chavoz, Kkn Ann (10) 277 Chavoi, lawronco (11) 919 Chavoz, laroy Johnny (11) Chavoz, Undo (9) $00 Chavoz, Lorraine V. (11) Chavoz, Loulto (10) 161, 277 Chavoz, 9. Maria (9) $00 Chavoz, Mariano (10) 277 Chavoz, 9at (11) 169 Chavoz, Patrick John (12) Chavoz, Btchard (10) 208 Chavoz, Bum Vanotta (12) Chavoz, Sandra Kay (11) Chavoz, Vktco Matthow (11) ChBdert, KriPttan (11) 127 ChBdorp, Bobart (9) 200 Choir $86 Chritman. Wondy (9) $00 ChriPtan, Soon Jay (11) ClgUano, Tina Loult* (10) 277 Cttnorot, Trod Andraw (12) 921 Claiborne, Carolina (12) 221, 121, 188 Clark, Crystal Kay (11) 127, 249, 232 Clark, Qary (9) $00 Clark, Oerald(9)$00 Clark, Supon (9) $00, 197 Clay, John Fitzgerald (12) Clayton, MoBtta (11) 919 COttard, Paul (9) 201 Cktkay, 8. Tkn (9) $01 Coca, Sandra Oraco (19) 991 Coca, Tina Satan (10) 277 Coca, Vekna (11) 232 Colo, Mark Anthony (11) 282 Coleman, Jennifer Clair* (12) Collin; Anno Mario (9) 291 Collin; David (9) 201 Collin; Bobln Leigh (10) 128, 178, 277, 140 Con*. Jay Wayn* (12) 121 Conway, Btcky laroy (9) 901 Cook, Wlnton Catoy (11) 232 Cooper, Catta Anno (10) 188, 277 Cordova, Angola (10) 277 Cordova, Boy (11) Cordova, Jamot (9) $01 Cordova, Uoa Christina (10) 977 Cordova, Pom (9) Cordova, M m * (11) 932, $88 Cortz, OBbart Joe (10) Cortz, tola Anglo (10) Cortz. Lou (11) Coriz, Mary Jane (10) Cortz. Bobart (19) 977 Cortz, David (9) $01 Cortz, Jerome (9)201 Cortz, J. Baymond (11) Cortz, BcooBo Annette (11) 989 Corrtz, tamo (11) Corrtz, Diana (12) 291, 141 Corrtz, Brnkt (10) 977 Corrtz, Oeorge (19) Corrtz, Jackie Annette (19) 173, 977 Corrtz, Margert (12) Cornea. Sharon (9) $01 Cone; ABen (9) $01 Conor, Aeon (9) $01 Cartas, Pamela (11) Cartoz. yvetto (11) 282 Cot*. Jamot Prodrtok (19) 123 Courtney, Lacey (19) 977 Com, Cryttal (It) 127, 999 Craig, Btck (11) 999, 199, 149, 180 Crawtutd, Merrily (9) $01 Cretan, rial (9)

Crouch, C9mMd (11) 999 Cruz, Vicky (19) Cunningham, tan (9) Cunan, Larry (19) Cmimtl, Jennifer (11) Curt!*, David (11) 910 Curttt, Suzanne (11) 999 Cutting, Java (10) 977

ays are inter e s 11n g a t S.F.H.S. — Pablo Gutierrez Dale, Douglas (9) 991 Dalton, Pat Frank (12) Dan, Sonya (11) Danchlck, wobrioBO (12) D'AngoBco, Christopher (19) Dana*, Danny (9) 171, 991 Dana; Monica FtantJna (11) Davit, Bonnie low (10) Davit, Bandy John (10) 123, 277 DoAguoro, Arnold Polo (11) 233 DeAguoro, Joa Chariot (10) 999 Dean, Ooorgta (12) 291 Dean, Sandl (9) 188, $01 Dean, Short (11) 939 Deaf on, Mike Chariot (12)

DECA 143 Doom, Alan Michael (10) 279

Degruyter, Kevin (12) Do Itorrora, Carman (9) $01 Do Herrera, Paul (10) 193, 279 Da la Harp*, Krlpfa (12) 121 Dolao, Julio Aletla (11) 232 Oaigado. Brian Chrit (10) 1*9, 279 Ootgada, Mark Edmund (10) 979

Oaigado, Tkn (12) Demny. John Patrick (19) 279 Damon Dobs 118, 119 Daman Spotlight 198, 197 Dendal, till (9) 22. 2$. $01 Dendahl, Uta (10) 979 Denko, Mark (9) $01 Donnlt, Stephanie Joan (10) 279 Donman, Ann (11) 289 Denman, Cathy (11) DetOeorget, Mario Yvetto (12) 291 DopOorgop, Odette (9) 991 Do Vargop, Eva (11) 239 DeVargat, John Diego (10) DeVarga; Blcky 99 (10) Diaz, Kenneth William (10) 979 Diaz, Marco (11) 939 Okttz, John ford (10) Die; Beverly (9) $01 LVgn*o, Vincent (12) 118, 119, 149, 190, 191, 221 Dknop, Jamoe Bay (10) 16$, 1*9, 279 Dknat, Michael Arnold (11) 28$, 248 Oman, Diane (9) $01 Dixon, Kathryn 99on (19) 191, 199, 133, 231 Dodpon, Amber Baa (10) 279 Doom, Sabrino (11) Dolhomyer, Darren (9) Baku, Bobart Luke (11) 119, 1*9, 239, $86 Domlnguez, Angola Mate (9) Domlnguoz, Tom Anthony (11) 939 Domlnguez, Johanna M. (10) 979 Domlnguoz, Louie X. (10) Domlnguez, Thomas Itldo (10) 279 Donnelly, Oreg L (10) 279, 999 Domlnlck, Jamot (9) 991 Dookyy, Vanotta Andrea (11) 919 Dortty, Boark Patrick (10) 279, 140 Dorman, Florence kora (19) 193, 991 Dougtot, John cotton (19) Daw, CoBn (10) 279 Dow, Doloret Maria (11) Daw, Dykm (12) Doyle, Chariot (11) 299 Doyle, Mary Piimwot (19) Draw, laehary (9) $91 Dry, Brad ABen (99) 979, 299 Otypakshor, Polar (19) 199, 979 Ouch, Julie (12) Dukomlnler, John David (11) Dukemlner, Michael (9) 991 Dukomlnler, KeBey (10) 278, 149, 144 Dunn, Coren Leo (12) Dunn, Matthow Bobart (10) 979 Duron, Any Joa (99) 279 Duron, Semodefto (12) 291 Duron, Carol Loult* (19) 991, 149 Duron, Ctonontkui Jama (11) Duron, Danny BoWBi (99) 979 Duron, Davtda (9) Duron, Debbie (9) $01 Duron, Doloret Thereto (11) 999

Duron, Judy (10) Duron, Julian (9) $01 Duron, luanna (19) 979 Duron. Kathy Mario (19) 42, 991 Duron, Lucille (19) Duron, Matt (11) Duron, Boborta lynn (10) 179, 199, 211 Duron, Patricia (9) Duron, Steven (11) 992 Durham, Laura (9) $01

x t r a Credit boosted my grade. — Susan Clark Edward; Daniel (9) 199, 991 Edwards, Btchard Thomas (11) 192 Edward*, Bobart Stove (12) 149 EHI; Elypo (10) 117, 279 EMP, Bon (12) Mat, BOPO (12) 292

EmtwoBer, Shawn loo (10) 279 Enclnla; Joe (10) Enclntat, Elizabeth (9) 201 Eager, Shelley M. (10) 279 Engle, Jim (10) 123, 279 Engle, Joa (12) 123 Engptrom, Bobart Milton (11) 149 Erwtouoz, Beglna Mario (11) 289 Erhart, Steve Craig (11) 299 Erwln, Balph (9) Etarta, Anthony (11) 299 Eickoat, Andraw (11) Etporton, Sarah Anna (10) 199, 27* Etparza, Jolt (11) 239 Etparza, Sergio (19) Etpinozo, David (9) $01 itpmoza, Julkm (12) Etqulbal, Cheryl (9) $01 tpqulbol, Debbie (9) Etqulvel, Martin (12) 121, 128, 182, 1*8 Eptrada, Jamot Bobart (19) Even, Sandra Oall (12) 222

.B.L.A. has helped me out the most this year. It has helped me to take on more responsibilities and to be a more rounded person. — Cheryl Esqulbel foctoau, Yvetto Maria (10) 979 PakchBd, John (9) 171, 901 Fakmco, Carol (10) 199, 919 Fanulare, Donna Maria (12) Parley, Both (9) 991 fattam, Karin (11) Pava, Mary Alice (12) Fava, Mary Helen (12) F.S.L.A. 120-121 Poind, Uta Mario (19) 129, 197 FOBx, Mark (9) Ferguson, Tommy (11) Forkovtch. Elizabeth (19) 149 Porkovteh, Bobart (10) 279 Fernandez, Eugene (10) 279, 80 Fernandez, Drag (12) 222 Fernandez, Michael Anthony (10) 279 Fernandez, Jon Carlo (*) 171, 217 Fernandez, Kenneth (9) Parian, loo Chariot (19) 279 Fernandas, lama (11) 199, 994 Fernandez, Mlchool (11) 994, 999 Fernandez, Herbert PeHz (10) Fomandoz, Vktco (11) 994 Ferraro, Kkn Elizabeth (19) Pony. Uta Both (*) 199, 199 Parry, lynne Mario (19) 191, 219 FFA884, $88 Fidel, Victor (11) 284 Hold, JudPon(9f Hold, William (12) 299 Plgvaraa, Anna Mario (10) Flnlayton, Band! loo (12) Flnllnton. laroon (10) 979 Pitcher, Carta (12) Pitcher, Chrit (9) $01 Fttrter, Carta (11) 128, 234 Ftphtr, wrant(9)999

WMT, Tom (9) Its, 802 Meter, Mefteee (10) 279 PHA 141 ftdg, Jano (It) 119, 100, 222 Homing, Holly (10) 199,179,111 Horot, Androw t. (10) 279 Hon*, Chriitme Donlto (10) Horn, Lawrence (10) 201, 279 Horn, Martin Pete (9) Horot, Pam (11) Hon**. Tina (9) 302 Horot, Vlcko (12) Fol. trlgltlo CorlnnO (10) 279 folk, Imtty WUdt (12) 222 fottmor. leotl (9) 202 fdmar, Oman Leigh (12) fang, Darroll Pone (12) 279 foreman, Haydoo $. (10) totter, Ada (9) 302 fowler, Androw (11) 110, 204 fen, Richard Oorald (10) 279 rax, Mario Torota (11) Ptandtco, let (9) franco. Connlo (11) 192, 204, 211 franco, Idlka (11) frank, Duano (12)

frank, La (12) 222 frank, Paula (9) 202 frankalueel, Robyn (9) 202 frodoriek, Adam V. (10) 279 frooman, Sara (11) French Club 140 frotquoi, M U M (11) 100, 284 frotquoi, Ralph Chariot (11) 204 frotquoi, Ralph Chariot (11) 204 Pretquex, Robort (9)303 frotquoi, toon Ruby (12) friday, Olana Tmno (12) 232 friod, Ron (11) 204 friodman, David (9) fuontot, Ana Julia (9) 202 fuonfot, trie Orion (10) 279 fukuda, Ayano (9) 302, 217 fulgonzl, Mokmlo (11) 204, 219

:i| Iris at SFHS can ; do anything =" boys can do but better-Krlsten Powell Oabaidon, Claroneo (12) Oabaidon, Dobra (9) 301 Oalbaldon, J. Jonny (9) 302 Oabaidon, Ut Mario (12) 222 Oabaidon, Roberta (10) Oabaidon, Sfovo (12) Oagan, Jonlo Mario (11) 204 OaHaghor, Jolt David (11) 204 Oatogot, Albort Manual (12) Oallogot, Androw (9) Oallogot, Angola (9) 302 OaHogot, M. Anna (12) 120 OaHogot, Anna Mario (12) 232, 240 OaHogot, Carl Jamot (11) 319 OaHogot, Chariot (11) 204 OaOtgot, Cynthia L (10) 279 Oallogot, David (9) 302 Oallogot, David Oman (10) 279 OaOtgot, David rim (10) 279 Oallogot, Dobbtt Aim (11) 204 OaHogot, Donkm(12) Oatogot, Dolorot Maria (10) 279 Oallogot, Donna AnnoHo (12) 222 OaHogot, tddkt (9) 302 Oallogot. fdwaid (9) 171 OaHogot, ORtaboth (12) Oallogot, Crnio (90) 279 Oallogot. tugono (9) Oallogot. Francot L (10) 193, 279 Oallogot, frank (12) Oallogot, frank (11) 204 Oallogot. Ooorgo(12) Oallogot, Jonny (9) 202 Oaliogo: Korutoy (9) Oallogot, Jolfory (10) Oallogot, Jdono (9) 202 Oallogot, Karon Suianno (12) Oallogot, Lorl (9) 302 Oallogot, lorralno (12) 222 Oallogot, ioult Id ward (11) 204 Oallogot, Lucia (9) 302, 217 Oallogot, Maria (9) 302 Oallogot, Mark (9) 302 Oatogot, MRm (10) 279, 219 Oallogot, Nad I no (10) 279 OaHogot, Nathan (9) 171, 202 Oallogot. Pal Allrod (11) 204 Oallogot, Paula Suianno (11) Oallogot, Paulotlo (9) 302 Oattgti, Phillip P. (10) 279

Pomgae, Rita Mao (11) 204, 300 Oatogot, Robort (12) 177, 170 OaHogot, Roberta Loo (11) 202, 221 Pategot, Rata Maria (11) 200, 388 OaHogot, Roy Donnlt (10) 279 OaHogot, Sandra (10) 279 OaHogot, Sfovo (11) 288 OaOoget, Torota (11) 288 OaOogot, Torota Ann (11) 200, 248 OaOogot, M. Thorota (10) OaOoget, Tim Thadlout (12) 120 OaOoget, Tommy R. (11) 170, 102, 288 OaOogot, Valentino (12) Oatotfe, Jamot (9) 302 Pangd, franc/no Ranaa (10) 131, 200 Oarda, AHco (9) 302 Oarda, Alfrod (9) 302 Oarda, Amanda Mario (9) Oarda, Androa Mariano (10) Oarda, Angola (10) 200 Oarda, Anna (9) 302 Oarda, Anno (9) 161, 100, 202, 211 Oarda, Anthony (9) 302 Oarda, Antonio (9) 302 Oarda, Appollno (9) 302 Oarda, Audroy (9) Oarda, Oomadotto (10) Oarda, Oronda Kay (12) 222 Oarda, Orion (11) Oarda, Cariot (10) 200 Oarda, Cariot (12) 319 Oarda, CamoIHa (9) 302 Oarda, CarmoOa (11) 123, 200, 248 Oarda, Carman (9) 302 Oarda, Carolyn Ida (10) 200, 141 Oarda, Chuck (10) Oarda, Cythla Joan (11) 130, 288 Oarda, Dalo Anthony (11) Oarda, Danny (11) Oarda, David Ton (10) Oarda, Dlanna Maria (11) 288 Oarda, Donald (11) 319, 383 Oarda, Dorothy (11) 280, 383 Oarda, Eddie Jamot (10) 138, 200 Oarda, Eleanor I. (10) Oarda, Oary Marvin (11) 103, 288 Oarda, Owon (11) 288, 388 Oarda, Jamot (9) Oarda, Jay (9) 302 Oarda, Joanna (9) 319, 148 Oarda, Johanna (11) 288 Oarda, John (11) 288 Oarda, Joto J. Jr. (10) Oarda, Jotoph loo (10) Oarda, Joyea Mario (11) 288 Oarda, Kolth John (10) 200 Oarda, Lawronco (9) Oarda, too (10) Oarda, Lotto (9) 303 Oarda, Lorio (10) Oarda, Louotta Potra (10) 280, 141 Oarda, Maxino (11) 288 Oarda, Mkshad (9) 303 Oarda, Mlchaol R. (10) 200 Oarda, Mono (11) 280 Oarda, Pamda Ann (11) 288 Oarda, Patricia (10) 210 Oarda, Patricia (9) 119 Oarda, Patrick John (10) 200 Oarda, Paul Richard (10) Oarda, PhllUp (10) 200 Oarda, Rotoann (9) 303 Oarda, Sandra (11) 119 Oarda, Shlrtey Ann (11) 288 Oarda, Stan Oomot (10) 200 Oarda, Stophanlo (9) 303 Oarda, Sylvia (11) 220 Oarda, Torrio AHco (11) Oarda, Valorio (9) 120, 303 Oarioy, Ann Hard (10) 117, 100, 19t, 200,303 Oarioy, Kavtn (11) 163, 200 Oarrott, Carta (9) 100, 190, 303 Oarta. tttoto Yvonno (11) 200 Pana, Veronica (9) 91, 138, 191, 303 Oatt, Marti (11) Oatawaod, Vlckl Jo (10) 210 Oavatdon, Antonotto (12) Oetfrton, Lynn Vdora (9) 303 Ootgor, Kovin (11) 103, 200 Ooorgo, Anthony (9) 171, 303 Ooorgo, Ranald tugono (11) Oorbor, Parrot (9) 303 Oorbor, Jotoph (11) Oetchet, Torota Mario (10) 200 OOtbont, Chrtt (11) 286

OOtbont, Ma J. (10) 200, 291 Olbton. Robort (9) 303 Olnocchlo, Chrtt Jotoph (10) 117, 119, 200,219 Olron, Martina (9/ Okagow, Kotoy (9)303 Okagow, Mark (11) 286 Oomox, Aon Virginia (• 1) Oamtm, David Oman (10) 109, 309 Oomox, Debbie Annette (11)

Oomot. Donald (11) 120 Oomox, toward Stophon (10) 109, 201, 203,200,209 Oomox, Jotoph Ubatda (11) 200 Oomot, Lana Jano (10) 200, 144 Oomox, Loutto (9) 91, 191, 202 Oomox, Mogdatono (11) Oomox, Valorio (11) 286 Oomot, Yvonno (9) 303 Oonxalot. Angola P. (10) 200 Oonxatet, Annabollo Mao (10) 200 Oonxalot, Annotfo (9) 303 Oontattt, Anthony R. (10) Oonralot, ton (9) Oonxalot, Oomard Pat (11) 286 Oonxalot, Orion (9) 171, 302 Oonxalot, Cariot Ray (10) 200 Oonxalot, Canto (11) 200 Oonxalot, Cariot (11) 280, 141 Oeruatot, Chrtthno (9) 117, 202 Ootaalo*, Cyndto (11) Oonxattt, Danny (9) 303, 94 Oonxalot, David Ray (10) 200 Oonxaltt. Dolorot (11) 120, 200 Oonxalot, Bam (9) Oonxalot, toward David (10) 169, 200 Oonxalot, Eton (9) 303 Oonxalot, M e (10) Oonxalot, ttperanxa (9) 303 Oonxalot, Prank (11) 163, 286 Oonxalot, frankkt O. (10) 200 Oonxalot, Oana Manuel (10) 2t0, 148 Oonxalot, Ooorgo (11) 286 Oonxalot, Ooraldlno (9) 303 Oonxalot, Ollbort 0. (10) 300 Oonxalot, Oktria (11) Oonxalot, Jamot (11) Oonxalot, Javtor (9) 303 Oonxalot, Jottroy (9) 303 Oonxalot, Joromo A. (10) 169, 201 Oonxalot, Jorry William (10) Oonxalot, Jotut (9) 303 Oonxalot, Jotoph Adam (11) Oonxalot, Karl (12) Oonxalot, Karia M. (10) Oonxalot, Larry (9)303 Oonxalot, Jorry (9) Oonxalot, Laura (11) 119, 138, 286 Oonxalot, Manud frank (12) 43, 119, 233 Oonxalot, Mareata (11) 286 Oonxalot, Margate! Joan (9) 303 Oonxalot, Margarot K. (10) 200 Oonxalot, Marti Paul (11) 286 Oonxalot, Mkshad (11) 127, 286 Oonxalot, Mlchaol (9) 303 Oonxalot, Mtko Wayno (10) 200 Oonxalot, Mlchaol Joromo (11) 286 Oonxalot, Mlroya (10) Oonxalot, Monica (10) 117, 128, 201 Oonxalot, Patricia (11) 286, 336 Oonxalot, Paul (11) 286 Oonxalot, Paul (11) 287 Oonxalot, R. Rotor (12) Oonxalot, Philip Ralph (12) Oonxalot, PritdHa (12) Oonxalot, Rachd (12) Oonxalot, Randy Robort (10) 169, 201 Oonxalot, Ray (9) 303 Oonxalot, Richard John (10) 201 Oonxalot, Robort (9) 303 Oonxalot, Robort Richard (10) Oonxalot, Sharon (9) 304 Oonxalot, Sfovo Lawronco (10) 201 Oonxalot, Stovon P. (10) 169, 201 Oonxalot, Tori (12) Oonxalot, Tom Edward (10) 211 Oonxalot, Vktco toward (12) Oonxaltt. Wanda Mario (11) 207 Oonxalot, WHHO Patrick (11) 207 Oonxalot, Yvotto Oktria (10) 120, 201, 297 OuaOmn, Damn tryan (10) 201 Oordon, Erica loo (11) Ooro, Thoron (9) 304 Potman, Don (9) 320 Potman, Jamot P. (10) 201 Oorman, Vorgmia Ann (12) 233 Ootng, Scott Mark (It) Ootang, Sutan (12) Oottott. Uto (9) 304 Ooukt David Alton (11) 207 Oroco, Dolorot Cheryl (12) Oraharn, tdeto (12) Praham. Jamot Mark (11) 207, 200 PrathnHU, Richard tugono (11) OravoMo. Oarrott (9) 330 Pravee, Corkma (12) 191, 222 Oravot, Robort (If) preen, Oronda Kay (10) 110, 201 Oroon, Chrtttfno Maria (10) 201 Oroon, JOnnOor (9) 304 Oroono. Uto (12) Oroono, Martha Anno (9) 304 Oroono, Mary Ooro (It) 207, 240 Oroono, Robocca (12) 233 Oroontoo, CynttUa (9) sot

Otoontot, Shorry (11) Oroor, RandaH Scoff (12) Oriogo, Andy Sammy (11) 207 Orlogo, Codric David (10) 281 Oriogo. Clara Paulino (10) 201 Oriogo, Cynthia Elaine (12) 119, 120 Oriogo, Danny (9) 304 Oriogo. Debbie Looms (12)

Oriogo, Oontto MHoo (9)204 Oriogo, Dora Anno (13)

Oriogo, Boy (10) Oriogo. francot (12) 43, 201 Oriogo. frank David (11) 207 Oriogo, Margarita (12) 320 Oriogo. Maria Patricia (12) Oriogo. Mohrtn Lodt (11) Oriogo. Monica too (9) 304 Oriogo, Pad (9) 004 Oriogo. Pada(9)304 Oriogo, Phillip Martin (12) 122

Oriogo, Ruby (9)204 Oriogo, Sfovo Thomot (10) 201 Oriogo, Stovon A. (10) 201 Oriogo, Thomot (11) 102 Oriogo, Tommy John (10) Oriogo, Victor Martin (11) 207 Ortthn, OaH Oontto (10) 201 Orit, Vlckl (12) 23S Ortlly, Angola Ranaa (9) 304 Orottman, Stovo M a r t (12) 233 Ouorroro, Robocca Ann (11) 207, 240 OuUkm, Mario Alfredo (12) Pundxte, Joanna Ann (12) 119, 121, 220, 234, 338, 228 Ounn, tovorty (9) 304 ©win, RuttoO toward (12) 234 Ountor, John Vamon (12) 163 Ountor, Mlchote (9) 12t, 304 Ourulo, Anno fotda (12) 224 Outdo, Oronda L (10) 201 Ourulo, Diana (9) 304 Ourulo, Orog (10) 201 Ourulo, Larry Jea (10) 109, 201 Ourulo, Leonard (9) Ourulo, Lorotfa (9) 304 Ourulo. Molltta (9) 304 Ourulo, Ronnlo (9) 304 Ourulo, Scott Mathow (12) Panda, Stophanlo (10) Ourulo, Stovo tugono (11) Ouhorrox, Adota (9) 304 Ouhorrox, Oomadotto (12) 224, 120 Ouhorrox, Dovra (11) Ouhorrox, Jotoph (9) 304 Ouhorrox, Pablo Jotoph (11) 287, 127 OuHoorrox, Ray (9) 304 eck of a way j?|j t o spend 1 '' twelve yearsKim Hudson Habor, Mark A. (10) 201, 169 Hackor, Tina Mario (10) 201 Haddor, Jaton (9) Hagman, Don MltchoH (13) Hagman, Prog (11) 287 Height, Karon Ann (12) Hotter!, Matt (10) Hdbort, Mlchaol (11) Hatrig, Dana (12) Halo, Chariot (10) Halo, Shannon (10) 122, 127, 98 Hattord, tollcla (9) 308 Hat, Mtka (11) 207 Hat, Patrick (9) 308 Hat, Tim (10) HaUqultf, Erik Jamot (10) 201 HomlU, Alo* (12) Hamtfon, Stuart Raymond (11) 207 Hamm. Trada lava (10) 220, 119

Hununot, Zoo (9) 308 Hmnthko, Martin (9) 300 Hannomann, Chrtt (9) tot Hannomann, Eton (9)

Hwuutty, trio (10) 201, 109 Hardy, tart Kofth (10) 201, lit Harito, tutan Juloon (10) 202 Harklnt, Tamdo (11) 207, lit Harktoroad, Doana Loo (10) 202 Harrit, Jimmy (11) Harrit, TrocyofO) Harrit, Yokmda (9) 330 HmttteU, Carolyn (11) llartttold. Prod (9) 308 Hmtiou, Ralph (19) ttaotmn. Jay Mkutida (10) 220 Hattetl, Kavtn Uam (10) 303. 104, HO Hatted, John (10) Hatted, Mary (9) 106 Hotted, Sarah (9) SOS naffaway. Chuck (9) 220

Hatlon, Koran (9) 305 Nought, Carrie lanttt* (11) 257 Hawkins, Laurie (9) 305 Ham, icotl (9) 305 Hayos, ttahhio (12) Hoyden, Tom (11) HmMmmtan, Uatrdon loo (11} Heknorich, Danny Lynn (12) holmorich, Mike Scon (11) 257 Henderson, Frank (11) Hennlng. frank Orog (12) Horsy, Pdrnola (9) Honton, Kevin (9) Horulo, n w r t i a (9) Hord, Diane U§a (11) Homandot, Barbara (0) 304 Homandot, Bomadotto (10) 232 Homandot, Dool(11) llernandas, Imlo (11) Homandot, Laura Ann (10) Hmmandos, Monica (11) Homandot, Bodnoy (19) Homandot, Rams (12) Homandot. Urauto (12) H.l.B.O. 141 Hiram, R. Androw (11) Hanaro, Btava (9) 104 Hanaro, Brando (11) Hanaro, B. Carlo* (11) Hanaro, Christina L (10} 909 Hanaro, Diana Joan (11} Hanaro, Olna ML (10) Hanaro, JarmUar A. (10} 203), 356 Honora, Karon (0) Hanaro, Ufa (11) 207 Honora, Marco* (130 094, U1 Hanaro, Maxlne Christy (10) 144 Honora, Mario (9) 304 Hanaro, Michael (0) 17% 304 Horrora, Part Anthony (11} Hanaro, Rebecca (9) 304, 017 Marram, Rolsln Thoraaa (133 Horrora, Bonnlo Patrick (12) 300 Hanaro, Boxarmo (10} Horrora, tomuot Mark (12} Hanaro, Sandra (11) 207 Horrora, Too (11) Honing, Mark (12) roan, ChrltHno (10} 202, 117, 144 Hlbbottt, Janat (11} Hicks, Christina Lynn (12) 204 Hlgglnt, Sutan Maria (12) 204, 170 High, John David (12) 204, 006 High, Mary (9) 304 High, Paul Minor (11} HU, Aaron (9) 304 Hill, BlBy (9)304 MM, Jolt (9) 304 MM, Mongol kOchems (12) 204, 101 HOI, Manx Anthony (11) 207 Hill. Mtomto Danono (00} 200, 140, 140 Hill, J. Yvotto (10} 234, 140, 145 HIHoy, Scott (12) HWoy. Sutan (12} HlUoy, Tracoy (9) 304 mopaut, Mankaa (If) 257 Hobday, lonoa Altrod (11} 257 Hodges, Bat (12) 100 Hodgot, Booby Urn (90} 202 fftiiQlH. Cafhy (11) HotOnan, Amy 3. (10} 232 Holbrook, Joltror Butool (10) 232 HoSoroeks, Dottt J. (10) 202 Hotdor, 3haryt(12) Holland, Kondlco (11) Holmes, Andrla (11) OKI Homo*, Orion John (if) 200 Homo*. Bmott (10) 202 Homo*, ombort (9)304 Homo*, Krtsry (10) Hoonos, Sandra (12) Maana*. Shannon loo (9) Horyk, Jotoph (9) Horyk, Taml Arm (12) 234 Hotyk. Thomot Horbart (11} HarmaO, Timothy Joo (10) Hoover, Menard ABan (10} 202 HouOtton, Oman Alan (10) 202. 100, 170, 222 Houston, Becky (12) Houston, Mary Kay (90) HmtnMw. Path- Ann (If) 200, 100 Hulsoy. Bhonda (9) Humble, Susan (10) 141 HitHtmroy, Andy (10) Humphroyt, Konny Marttn (10) 203 Humphreys. Shoron (12) 234, 140 Mart, too WMUom (12) Hunt, Mary Kay (9) 304 Hun tor, Tommy (9) Hurtodo. Armaria (19) Hurtodo. JoonoHo (9) 304 Hurehonson, John (12) 131. 230, 234 Huthmson. Horaoha (It} 137. 0M0 Huthmson. Bobort Loan (11) Hydo. Anthony Maurlco (12) 234


liked the greatest tennis p l a y e r this year-Nancie

Swanke Ita, Diana lui (9) 303 Ita, Bubon(9)303 h/orson, Soan Mltchol (9) Isasact, Sutanno I. (10} 200 BUI, Katwy (9)

oeks give pleasures to many girlsCarrie Summers Jackson, Jotlory Don (10) 101, 200 Jackson, Konnoth Jama* (10) 200 Jackson, MhhoBo (11) Jacobs, Tommy lawronco (10) 320 Jacoby, Margorot Ann (12) 100, 204 Jacquot, Danono Ann (11) 200 Jacquot, Allco (9) 305 Jankowtkl, loron (11) Jaquot, MkshoBo(9) Jarmlllo, Androw Balph (12) Jaramlllo, Androw Ralph (12) Jarammo, Honey Maria (12) 006 Jaramlllo, Daniel Bobort (10) 200 Jarammo, Usa Thorosa (10) 170, 200 Jam*, Bronda (11) 200 Jospor, Jonnnor Lynn (12) 107, 204, 006 Jospor, KalHIn (9) 305 Jasso, Corona 0.(10) 100, 200 Jonklns, Arm OhoBa (12) Jonklns, Jacklo Donlso (10) 200 Jonks, Alborl T. (10) 203 Jonks, Cynthia (11) Jormtson, tmlly (9) Jlmonot, Androw (11) 200 Jlmonot, Anthony Manual (10) 200 Jlmonot, Anthony David (11) 200 Jlmonot, t. Oacky (9) 320 Jlmonot, David Sammy (11) 200 Jlmonot, Donnls (9) Jlmonot, tdna (9) 305 Jlmonot, bono Oho (11) 200 Jlmonot, Jason (9) 171, 305 Jlmonot, lana Danono (12) Jlmonot, loan (11) Jlmonot, Mario Okma (10) 200 Jlmonot, Martha tllso (11) 141 Jlmonot, Mlchaol(9) Jlmonot, Hadlno (10) Jlmonot, 0. Anna (12)22, 23, 320, 303 Jlmonot, Bonnlo (9) 000 Jlmonot, Bkry (9) Jlmonot. Sandra L 20. 123, 200 Jlmonot, Patricia (Tnch) (11) 240 Joo, Ariene (10) John, Annlo (11) 254 John, Phillip (11) 200 Johnson, David Bogor (11) 116, 200 Johnson, Oary Judo (10) 169, 233 Johnson, Jimmy (9) 200 Johnson, Jonl (9) 305 Johnson, Ton Orvoo (11) Johnson, Oorthy Mao (11) Jahola, Jim (11) Jonas, Bobby I. Jr. (9) Jena*, Donlso (9) Jonas, Thoadoro Baton (10) 200 Jordon. Chartos (11) 200 Jordan, Jim (11) Jawars, Bonald Joo (11) 200 Judd, Kam HakO (11) 200 JV Chaariaadan 102, 120 JV Mat Molds 142

oenlg has g r e a t legsPam Moore Kalangls, Kristin M. 233, 197, 909 Kayo, Ooraldmo yvotto (11) 900 Koeshan. Koran (12) 234 Koever, Kathleen Ann (11) 200 Kooog. Chuck Anthony (11) 253. 100 KoSy. Anna (11) 320 KoBy. Jonnnor (10) 904

•Mr/, Monica lyn (10) 200 Konnody, Bobort (9) Konnody. Soon (12) 004 Kortnor, Kavtn Mlchaal (12) 44, 120 Konnor, kOchoBo (9) 305, 120 Konny, Thano Patrick (11) Kam, Jotlory farrost (11) 250 Kottarman, Donlso (10) 203 Kottorman, Mario (10) 200 Kay Club 144 Kkttor, Oootl (11) KBa, Jan (10) Kmcotd, Shawn (10) 203 King, Christopher (9) King, Danny (10) King, Koran (9) 305 King, Btchard (11) 259 Kingsbury, Btchard (12) 140 Kktsky, Pool (9) 101, 306 Ktrkpamck, Jonnlo (10) Kkven, Joo Jackson Jr. (10) 100, 160, 167 Klonnor, Loo Patrick (11) Knapp, HoBy (11) 140 Knooiand, Bhonda Lynn (12) Knookmd. Yokmdo (11) 020 Knudton. Orog (9) 000, 100 Knudson, Kadra tana (12) 200, 119, 45, 135, 140 Knudson, MB** Annam (11) 009 Knovnat, Michael (9) 305 Koolng, Mark (11) 209, 999 Kojlm. Hobuakl (11) 209 Kopp, Orog Alan (12) Kopp, tori tUtabeth (10) 200, 117, 100 Koppo, Cheryl Ann (19) 900, 4 4 Kappa, Donald (11) 209 Koronoos, Kathy (9) 020 Koronoos, Thorosa (11) Kramor, Kathryn Sua (10) 200, 117, 150 Kramar, Pat Jo (11) 909 Krauch, Jamlco Kay (12) 119, 45, 125, 135, 140 KrioncBor, HoBy D. (10) 200, 140 Kruhm, Karia lynno (12) 320 Knmom. Martha Lu (19) 900, 45, 356 Krumn, Karon latch (11) 209 Krum, OOBo Jo Anna (10) 200, 117, 100, 356 Kucora, Ctoa (10) Krump. Todd (12)

toyba, mono L (90) 090, 991 lewis. Oloria (9) 000 loyba, John Paul (11) 209 toyba, Jo 19 (9) toyba, Karyn llalno (19) toyba, Bsary Dolores (19) toyba, Mlehaol Roy (11) 209 toyba, Patricia (9) loyba, Pamela Stophle (9) 23) toyba, Mercedes Ann (Penney) (9) 306, 190 Loyba, Slav (11) toyba, Thorosa Mary (12) toyba, Walter toward (10) 904, 900 fhauna, tdward (9) 306 tlobort, Kovln Jon (10) 204 LBBch, Paul David (10) 204 Undsoy, Allan trot (19) 290 Unman, David ABan (11) Unson, Sana* (11) 909, 197 tlthgow, Clarence Vlnca (11) 904, 169 unroll, Dale A. (10) Ltttrott, Tracy (11) 260, 127 Uung, Arm Charlotte (12) tabor, Adam (10) Loekhort, Julie (10) loggm*. lostto Karon (19) JO Lomayosua, tea Marttnoi (9) 306 long, Mercy ML (10) 2H tang, Otophonlo Rote (it) 200 longaero, Ian Mathow (10) 204, 169,

azy people go to class slowly and hatefullyDonald Serrano

209 longaero. Undo (11) 260 lopas, Bobort Orion (10) 204 lepot, Aaron Mare (12) 230 toper, ABan Data (10) 209 lepot, Androw Donnls (12) 140 lopoi, Androw too (9) lopot, Andy loo (10) 204, 130 lopot, Angola (11) 260 loom*, Annette Pranemo (11) 260 lopot. Anthony Louis (10) lopas, Archie John (10) 204, 169 lopas, Audrey Donlso (19) lopot, OOTy (11) 960 lopot, Carol (11) 26lopas, Chariono (11) 940, 120, 121 lopas, Daniel Jacob (10) lopot, Doann tamostmo (11) 090 tapes, Donlso Mario (19) lopot, Doris (11) 320 lopas, Dorothy Mao (9) 204 lopot. Bias (9) lopas, OarroH (12) lopas, Olna M. (9) 320 lopot, Orog (9) 306 lopas, Jamas (9) lopas, Jimmy Sammy (9) lopas, Joseph Fred (12) 290 lopas, Joseph Raymond (11) lopot, Kathleen Rosa (11) 260, 127,

la Cuosta, Kim Mario (10) 233 ta Forgo, Martina (10) 200 la Lounde. Mark David (10) 200 lacy, Bodgor fdmund (11) 909 laonnlo, Damon (9) 300 lam. Josophlno (11) lame, Mark (9) 305, 306 laird, Susan (9) 305 lead, Tracoy tlltaboth (19) 119 landavtto, Torrt (9) tonga, Rim (11) 209 lapHmo. Jim (9) 000 laptorro. Michael (11) larranaga, Bobble A (10) larranaga, Qllbort (10) Larranaga, loronto ML (10) 909 Imiugoho, MtBlta Jo (11) 209 Larragolto, Stephen (11) 909 Larranaga, Damlen (9) 000 larranaga, Qabo (11) larranaga. Jama* (ID larutorsehla, Jim (9) 305 luumuyu, John (19) larrangaa. Mlko (11) 909 larranaga, William (19) lormsn, tdwlna (11) lawranaeo, Kathleen (19) 100, 140 laydon, Ronnie (11) 209, 240, 194 last, Dabblo Ronoo (19) loot, Marsha (10) tool, Anthony Stovon (90) 900 Lear-Lambert (11) Um, Bryan Jay (11) 900, 355 Loo. Marey Jewel (19) 900 tea, Bobby (10) taadar, Man (11) 900 lo Pedro, Barmy (9) Lorma, MIchoBo (12) larma, Cindy (9) 305 lonouo. Undo (10) 203, 911 lewis. Konlth (11) 259 lovln, David Mlchaal (10) 203, 135, 140 levin, Matthew V. (9) 300, 100 toyba, Androw Martin (10) 203 Loyba, David (11) 259

129 tapes, Kelly (9) lopas, lavomo (9) 906 lopas, Unda Carmota (19) lopot, Loretta (9) 306 lopot, louanno (10) lopas, Marcos lawronco (10) M f Lopot, Maria tmmna (19) 990 lopas, Mark Anthony (19) 990 lopas, Mark Angoio (it) 260 lopas, Maria lousla (it) 260 •opot, Martin Danisi (10) 204 lopas, Mary AHoon (10) 904 lopas, Monica (10) 3 M lopas, Pamela Diane (19) lopas, Paula ML (10) 204, 127 lopas, Paul loaonard (9) 306 topes, Parry Paul (19) 990, 100 lopas, Pu(9) lopas, Blnnle (10) 990 lopas, Roy Dean (11) 960 lopas, Ruth Donna (12) 990 lopot, Thmrmsa (I) 000 lopes, Thmrmsa Mario (10) lopas, Thorosa Arm (11) 900, 190 lopas, Tony Ornno (12) lopas, Valerie Ann 200 topes, Vicky tvette (10) 904 lopas, Vvotto (9) JOO Ian, ram Jama* (11) loo leueks, Stuart (10) 204 Louie stock, loann (11) 900 Loutonsoek, Jon K. (10) 900 lovato, Angola (9) 000 lovato, Oronda too (10) 904 lovato, Dobro (9) JO0 lovato, OBoon Pianams (19) 990, 909 lovato, Joseph otogary (19) lovato, Mario lorio (10) J M Lovato, Norman (9) 30* lovato, Pat (9) 306 lovato, Boxanns (9) 306, 22. 23 lovato, Shona (9) lovato, Ted (9) 306, 171, 209 lava, DokSrot (10) 990, 4 5 tevw, HanvOafta (10) 904, 199

Lovlaii. Zmna Yvonne (12) lowrie, Douglas C. (12) 163, 238, 133 Lowrie. Orotchmn (12) 233, 119 lowrie. Ken Charles (10) 234, 336 toyd, trad (11) 260 Lucas, V. Tracy (11) Lueero, Albert (11) 260 lueero, Andrew Mark (11) 260 Lueero, Anna Marl* (11) 260 luemro, Anthony Thomas (10) lueero, Arthur Stmvo (11) luemro, Barnard (9) luemro, Cairo loulim (11) 260 luemro, Cathann (11) luemro, Charlie (9) 306 luemro, Ghrli (12) luemro, Chrlt (9) 306 luemro, Dsbble Mart* (11) 260 luemro, tllzabelh (12) 236 luemro, Emily Jman (10) 173, 239 luemro, Estmer lupm (11) Luemro, frank (9) 306 luemro, Ormg Matthew (11) 163, 260 luemro, Jeanmtte(9) luemro, John (12) Lucmrc. John Paul (10) 238 luemro, JOB* (12) 236 luemro, Joseph Alien (10) Luemro, Joseph Allan (12) 230 luemro, Leonard (11) 260 luemro, Marco VatmnHno (12) 236, 163, 168,386 Luemro, Mary Yolanda (10) Lueero, Michael (12) luemro, Michael Jotrnph (10) luemro, Mlkm Jem (10) 238 luemro, Mealed FOB* (10) 238 luemro, Mealed lynnm (10) 238 luemro, PauBnm Annmttm (12) luemro, Phil Weal (10) 238 luemro, Phillip (9) luemro, Bandy (12) 388 luemro, Bandy (11) 260 luemro, Blehard Victor (10) 169, 234, 238 luemro, Bodney Joseph (12) luemro, Sara loulem (10) 238 luemro, Valentine Anthony (12) luemro, Vector tleven (10) 321 LuehetH, Mlchall (10) luehyeky, Patrick M. (10) 132 Lilian, Alicia (12) 236 lujon, Annmttm (11) 320 Lulan, Arthur (12) 230 lujon, Christine Clmo (10) 238 Lulan, Cindy (12) lulan, David (9) lulan, Oebra (9) 306, 191, 91 lulan, Donna (11) 261, 138 lulan, ladle (9) 306, 167, 171 lulan, Prances Florencla (11) 320 lu/an, Prmddlm (12) Lu/an, Jo* (12) Lulan, Jut (9) lulan, Ionise (9) 306 lulan. Marty (9) 306, 171 lulan, Paula (11) 26 luian, Bemanna Marl* (11) 261 lulan, Una Dora (11) 261, 386 lury, Dankd (9) 306 lux, Bradford Tony (11) 127 lynch, Deanna (12) lynch, Dorthy (9) 306 lykens, Mark (11) 261 lynch, Mike Anthony K. (10) 238 Lyons, Andrew WmBmr (10) 238

edieval May* fair is mountains of funBecky Miller MoeaUlstmr, Joonn (9) 306 MoealHster, BJek (12) Maelas, Theresa (12) 236, 383 Mocker. Bonnie (12) Mackintosh, Robert (10) 238 Macrae, Bodney EcBson (10) 238, 132 Madrid, GynBMa Man* (10) 238 Madrid, Dean (9) 306, 171 Madrid. Joe (11) 261 Madrid, Kenny (11) 261, 388 Madrid, Lionel Alfonso (10) 238 Madrid, lermtta a t (10) 238 Madrid, Blehard (9) toe Madril, Johnny (11) 261 Madrll, Mary (9) 306 Madrino, Connie (12) Mams. OBbert Lee (11) 261 Bksme, lejura (9) Maes, Loute (11) Maes, Maggie Mains (12) 236

Uame, Manuel David (10) 238 Blame, Orlando John (10) 238 Mamstes, Ariene Dmnlsm (11) 361 Mamstas, Jam (10) Mametas, Joyce (9) Mamstas, Kim Ann (12) Mamstas, lorry (9 306 Mametas, Mark (9) 307 Mamstas, Patricia Adele (10) 238 Maestas, Bay (11) Mamstas, Tmrrim Carta (10) 238 Mao*, Donald Jeem (12) 236 Mogmttmrt, James (10) 238 Maleiewskl, Henery (11) Mdczowskl, Mike (12) Maldonodo, John (9) 307 Malmstrom, Eric Phil (10) 238, 117, 184, 180 Manges, Andy (11) 241, 261 Mantono, Thomas (10) 264 Maraanarms, Alan (9) 307 Manazanarms, Carta (9) 307 Manaznaros, Darlene B. (10) 288 Maraanarms, Hmnmry (11) 261 March!, Andrew Stephen (10) Mares, Mark (9) Harms, Sony a Beverly (11) Marian, Blehard David (12) Marion, Susanna (9) Marin, Mitch Armando (11) 261 Marine, Patrick Allen (12) Marine, Nadlnm (12) 321 Mario, Brenda (9) 307, 91 Marquee, luclda (9) 307 Marque*, trenst (9) 307 Marque*, John (11) 262 Marque*, lea (9) 307 Marque*, Margmrt (11) 321 Marque*. Base Marie B. (10) 128 Morquez, Veronica F. (10) 321 Mans, Jomle (11) 262 Marsh, Jack (12) 236, 388 Martin, Patricia (11) 262 Martin, Stephanie (9) 307 Alarms, J. Christine (9) 307 Moras, James (9) 307 Mans. Marie Antoinette (12) Mans, Mark Phillip (11) 261 Madrid, Beth (9) 306 Mardmstmyn, Angel (11) 261 Martinez, Abel (9) 307 Martinez, Alms (9) 307 Martinez, Alvo (11) 262 Martinez, Alyn (11) 262 Martinez, Angela (9) Martinez, Angela Diane (11) 262 Martina*. Anita Louise (10) 233 Martinez, Anthony (9) Marline*, Anthony Balph (10) Martinez, Arthur Jr. (12) Martinez, Arthur Paul (12) 141 Martinez, Barbara (9) 307 Martinez, Becky Jman (10) Martinez, Bmncmslado (9) 307 Martinez, Benito (9) Martina*. Bmmadette (11) 321 Martinez, Bemadette (9) 321 Martinet, Bernle Martin (10) 233 Martinez, Bernlce (9) 307 Martinez, Bert (9) 307 Martinez, Betty Jean (12) 321, 118 Mares, Brenda (12) 236 Martinez, Briget (11) Martina*. Carey B. (10) 169 Marline*, Carta Roberta (12) 236 Martinez, Celine (9) 307 Martinez, Chert Bubbm (11) 262 Martinez, Chris (10) Martinez, Christine (9) 307 Martinet, Cindy loa (12) Martina*, Consuelo Marie (11) 262 Martinez, Connie (10) 238 Martinez, Connie (10) Martina*. Cortina (12) 230, 148 Martina*. Cynthia Marie (12) Martinet, Cynthia M. (10) 238 Martinet, Darnran (10) 238 Martinez, Daniel (10) 236 Martinez. Daniel Jacob (10) 386 Martina*. Danny (9) 307 Martinet, Danny Joseph (10) 236 Martinez, David (11) 119, 131, 138 Martina*, David (9) 307 Martina*. David Shod (12) 236, 46 Martin**, Daze Hoyd (12) Martinet, Deanna Marie (12) 236, 46, 139,46 Martinet, Martinez, Martinet, Marttnei Martinet, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinet, Marline*,

Oebra Jman (10) 321 Dolores Marim (10) 286 Donna (11) Donna(9)307 Donna Yvette (10) 336 Darts Michelle (13) 236 Eamestlne (12) Edward Paul (10) Boy (9) 107 Elizabeth (9) 307

Martinet, Endro (9) Martinez, Brie (12) 321 Martinet, Esther A. (11) Marttnei, Oeraldlne (12) 236 Martinez, Oene Oabm (12) 208 Martinez. Oerald (12) Martinez, Ollbert John (10) Martinez, Olna M r (11) 262 Martinez, Hector (12) Martinez, Aran Patrick (11) 262, 201 Mcstktez, James Anthony (10) 286, 133, 179, 219 Martinez, Jamas Chris (10) 236 Martinez, Janice Theresa (12) 321 Martina*, Jettery (9) 307, 187 Marines, Jennifer (12) 336 Martin**, Jennifer (9) 307 Mostkiat, Jerry Don (12) Martinet, Jo Ann Margarmt (10) Martkiet, Esthmr S. (11) Mustkiot, Oabrial Pat(12) 163, 383 Martinez, Oene Charles (11) 262 Martinez, FeHckt (11) 262, 148 Martinez, John (9) 307 Martinez, John B. (9) 307. 133, 181, 176, 219 Martinez, Johnny (11) 262 Martinez, Johnriny Darin (10) Martinez, Jose Ramon (11) 179, 219 Martinez. Jotrnph Edward (12) Martinez, Jotrnph Paul (10) Martinez, Judith Ann (10) Martinez, Karen (11) 262, 141 Martina*, Katrina (9) 307 Martinez, Kelly Mariene (10) 286 Martinez, Laurie Ann (12) Martinez, Leonard C. (10) Martinez, Unda Mary (12) 237, 383 Martinez, Ilea (12) Marline*, Usa Deanna (10) 236, 380 Martinez, Margaret (11) 262 Martinez. Margaret Ann (11) 141 Martinez, Margarmt Mary (11) Martinez. A. Mark (11) 388 Martinez, Mark (9) 303 Martinez, Marilyn C. (10) Martinez, Martha A. (10) 286 Martina*. Martin Ben (10) 236 Martinet, Marvin (9) Martinet, Mary (9) 321 Martinet, Mary Oeneva (12) 237 Martinez, Mary Ann (12) 237, 383 Martinet, Michael (12) 169 Martinet, Michael Edward (10) 286 Martinet, Michelle (9) 306 Martinet, MBtm (9) 303 Martinet, Monica T. (10) 321, 127 Martinet, Money norms (10) Martinet, Patrick (9) 303 Martinet, Paul Raymond (12) 237 Martinez, Bout Orlando (11) Martina*. Bay (9) 308, 178 Martinez, Blehard D. (9) 308 Martinet, Blehard P. (9) 308 Martinet, Ricky (12) 237 Martinet. Bhnlfio (9) 303 Martinez, Rita Ann (11) 263 Martinez, Buby Ann (11) 263 Martinez. Boger (10) 286 Martinez, Boslna (9) 303 Martinez, Sam Rudy (12) Martinez, Sandy Mae (10) 286 Martinez, Seven Vlncm (12) Martina*, Sharon Freda (11) 263 Martinez, Sharon Theresa (11) 263 Martinez, Stacy (10) 286 Martinez, Steve Edward (10) 286 Martina*. Terry Edward (10) 286, 138 Martinez, Theresa (12) Martinez, Theresa (9) 303 Martinez. Theresa A. (9) Martinez, Theresa Ann (10) 336 Martinez, Vernon Clyee (12) 237 Martinez, Veronica (9) 333 Marttnms, Vincent (12) 128, 163, 248 Martinez, Xanat Xavlera (10) 321 Martinet, D. Yvonne (12) 141 Martinez, Yvonne Vivian (12) Mummmnas, Kathryn V. (10) 206 Mascorenas, Boger OBvmr (10) Mascoronas, Stuart (12) Masearenas. Sue Annette (12) Maetoiena; Tommy Bay (11) 263 Maeerenas, Valerie (11) Mooter. Tony Orion (10) 286 Mara, lee (9) Matchett, Cecilia (12) Matchett, Michelle (10) 236 Mathews. Dennis (9) 303 Mathews, Tammy Sue (9) Masearenas. David (9) Maxcaronos, BBcheBe (9) 308 MemwmB. Karen Denlce (12) 119 MtiAwmB, Kenny (9) 308 MaxwoM, Trieha Oman (10) MayteBd, Karen Diane (12) 128 SMuttuM. Chris Lloyd (10)

Mechen. Mechen, Medina, Medina, Medina, Medina,

Missy (12) Bod (9) JOB Donna Maria (9) 303 Japan Cruz (11) Jose (9) 303 Joseph (12) 237

Medina, H J I T M (12)


Mmdzna, Saul Matthaw (12) Madrono, Carol (10) 286 Medrana, Oene (11) ModiiMVJ, Hon T. (9) 138 Medtaio, Laura (10) 336 Medrana, La (10) Madrono, Josephine (12) Medrane, Valerie J. (9) 308 Meek, Phillip Anthony (10) Melbaum, John T. (10) 236 Mepa, WlUy (10) 236 Mmktnoies, Steve A. (10) Mendonea, Bay (9) Mendoza, Carina 3. (10) 286 Menooza, Blehard (12) Meyer, Usa (10) 286 Meyers, Kurt John (11) 263 Mleell, Kris (9) Michaels, Kathleen Lori (12) 237 Mler, Oavki lawence (11) 263 Mler, Marc (9) mora. Marcmta Annmttm (10) 286 Mora, Robert (11) 263, 141 Mora, Vmida Thereto (12) 133, 211 Mllbum, Robert (10) Meter, Amy (12) 119. 128, 138 Milter, Becky (9)303 Millar, Celeste Valerie (12) 237. 118 Miller, EBzabmth Ann (11) 263, 386 Keller, Howard Date (11) 263 Miller. Jeff (9) 303 Miner, John (11) Miller, Kelly (11) 263 Miller, Badger Michael (10) 117, 119, 286 MllUgan, Tammy lee (11) 263 Mkabal, Paula (11) Miranda, Monica Benee (10) 386 Miranda, Vezmrie Lynn (11) Miranda, Audi (12) 237 Mitchell, Don (9) MHcheBe, Joey Michael (11) 263. 163 Mitchell, Vlckl Arm (10) 367 Mock, Kim (9) Mohr, Evelyn Hymvm (11) Mottott, Pomelo Arm (10) 178 Momoday, Jill (11) Mondrogon, Charles (9) 308, 128, 148 Mamdragon, Oabrial Ormg (11) 263, 131, 148 Montana, Albert (9) 171 Montane, Cormmeo (12) 237, 383 Montana, Derma letch (10) 337 Montane, Oerald (11) Montana, Olorta (11) 363 Montana, Jotrnph E. (9) Montana, loretta L (9) 309 Montana, Louie Adolf (12) Montana, Manuel Sabodet (10) 287 Montane, Mary (11) 264 Mantono, Paul Michael (10) 287 Mantono, Parly (10) 287 Monies, Erie (9) Monies, Reuben (9) 171, 309 Montgomery, Charlie Hop* (11) 138, 180, 364 Montoya, Able Jo* (10) 183, 187, 209 Montoya, Angela (9) 309 Montoya, Barry (10) Montoya, Bonnie (9)309 Montoya, Bemadette (12) Montoya, Bridgett (9) 309 Montoya, CarmeUa Mario (10) 322 Montoya, Carol (9) Montoya, Charles (12) 237 Montoya, Conrad Pat (11) 264 Montoya, Corrln* (9) 309 Montoya, Debbie Marim (10) 237 Montoya, Do* (9) Montoya. Diana (9) 91, 191, 109 Montoya, Donnleo (9) 309 Montoya, llalne (9) Montoya, llalne V. (9) Montoya. tlerta (12) Montoya, timer Oerekt (12) Montoya, Elmo Pal (11) Montoya, Eva (9) 309 Montoya, tktmlno (12) 237 Montoya, Frank (9) 309 Montoya, Frank Andrew (10) 287 Montoya, Oene Arthur (10) 207 Montoya, Oerald (11) 268 Montoya, Oerald M. (11) Montoya, Oeorge Pete (10) 287 Montoya, Oeorge Vincent (10) 267 Montoya, John (9) 322 Montoya, Johnny (9) Montoya, Kenneth (12) Montoya, tarry (12) Montoya, O. lorry (11) 26

montoya, montoya, Montoya, Morrforo, montoya, Montoya, Montoya, montoya, Honloya. montoya, montoya, montoya, Montoya, montoya, montoya,

tours (12) 41, 2U Undo (9) 109 Immta Rowona f fO) M l lucin* ( f 1) 2*4, US MmtU* (11) 112, 2*4 mmgm Anna (lit '** Mary (12) marina Dawn (10) 204 Martina (12) Mtxe (12) Htkkl 0. (10) 130, 204 Pamela (11) 140 Paul Alfredo (10) 2*t Peter JWmiiy (12) too PoOy (11)

montoya, PUB (11) 2*4 montoya. Baton (9) montoya, Ralph P. (10) montoya, Ooymond (11) montoya, Richard (9) montoya, Booty Arthur (10) 1*9, 200 montoya, Robert Paul (10) montoya, Boderick Ooan (12) 145 montoya, Kvth (11) 120, 2*4, 145 Honloya, tanwol FoBx (10) 200 montoya, tonal (11) 2*4 montoya, Sandra (12) montoya, Sarah (10) montoya, tiaotto Sanaa (10)297, SO* montoya, Too (10) montoya, Thoodoro (10) SOS montoya, Tom (12) montoya, Valerie Lydra (10) 200, 144 montoya, Victor tteven (9) 209 montoya, Waldo (It) montoya, Yvotto (11) 2*4 moor*, Audrmy Joan (12) Moon, Cheryl (9) Mooro, Dawn Sanaa (11) 2*4, SOS mooro, Doug Darttn (10) 200 mooro, John Brian (12) 117 Moor*, Money (9) 209 mooro, Pamela (IS) 224, 119, 125, 125 Mora, Lorio (12) mooro, Buttell tmory (10) 200, 119 Mom, Bobort Jamot (12) mora, Oobrtol O. (10) MoraM/t, Carman (11) Mania*, Oeorge (9)209 Mora***, Orchard John (10) 204 manhood, Satan Hat (13) monno, toward Polo (10) SOS Moreno, Pom (9) 209 Morris, ttocoy (11) 2*4 Marlon, David (11) morion, Dennlt B. (10) SOS moya, Donald (11) 1S5 Maya, SMtabath Mamta (11) 2*4 Maya, Harold (9) 171, 209, 290 Moya, U$a (12) 32* Maylo, mono BSahaal (11) 1*3 Mugtotton, Charyl (10) 3*3 muoBor, Uta (13) 47, 220 Mugotton, JoH (12) mutar, John Jamot (13) Itutor, Stuart (12) Muntz, Joo A. (9) SOP Muntz, J. marry (9) Manet Horma (9) murphy, Andy (12) murphy. Bona (13) 33* Murphy, Luptta (12) murphy, MJk* Troy (10) 21* murphy, Stan P. (9) 142, 309 urphy, Satan (11) 2*4 Mutgrave, mart '13) Myert, Dana lerkely(11) 130, 3*4 Myert, Sara Ann (11) 135, 3*4 MuCuilftr. Dougrat David (12) 131 McCarkster, Uta (12) mcCouMland, Seatl (11) 150. 3*3 MeCrutehey, Btzabofh (11) MeCrutehey. Virginia (12) SO, S3* mcDarmoM, Draw (9) 30* MeOormon. Scott Wmard(ll) 199 McDonald. tdamd (12) MrffnwoMj KaSmttm (0) MM Ml rnw**; iMmnrtgr fWQ It* MtOewoB, Mkthael Adam (10) 20* MeOutaugh, Hotoy (11) 222 MePartond, lot (11) MePartond, Uta (9) ttcOuee, Jo* trookt (10) 190, 135, 20*, 140 McOuko. John (12) 1*1, 201 MeOum, Craig (9) *0* McMugh, CoBn(12)

Ice guy* finish last, I should

know-Chris Tlano


Haranjo, Beyet (11) Marvatz, Oeorge (10) Hoary, Chrit (12) Heetey, JanaS (13) 125, S3* Hooray, Joann (10) 3*3 Morton, till Keith (10) 125, 3*3 Holton, Brian David (10) 3*3 Norton, Frances Kamertne (10) 119, 3*3 Holton, MoUtta (12) Hottllngor, Diana (13) 119 Moumann, Alexander (11) 119 Howton, Dobra (10) 333 Mtckoton, John (10) taoto, Anna (11) Moto, Drag (13) Moto, lot** JoanM) (12) 220, 4* mala, Manlqua rvonno (10) 3*3 HBtolt, Sttabalh Lynn (10) 3*3, 331 HlktOt, Judy (9) 209 Mikoral, Curt P. (10) HBot, Kotrn (11) 264 Mx, too (9) 309, 131, 140 Mxon, Matthow (9) 309, 140 Magar, Dana Bobrnree (10) Hardqultt, Danny (10) Hovlt, Michelle mono (11) 3*5 Mart*, Monica Aim (12) 47, 12* Howort, Tony D. 117, 1*9, 309 Mugont, Dominique (10) 3*9, 140 Myo, Pomona loo (12) 230, 30, 119, 135

ctober was a great month for footballGary Garcia Oakotoy. true* A. (10) 309 Obrtant, Charmmo (12) O'Chetkey, VBtky Kay (10) 133, 131, 3*9 O'Connor, Kalhy (12) S3* O'Donnett, Donrttt (13) 135 Ordknow, Maura (9) 309 Orguln, Prank (11) Orguln, JuBo (13) Orguln, morgan! C h a ( i l l (10) OHvat, Patricia Arm (10) 3*9 Ohvot, Rtta Ooratasno (10) 3*9 Ormttod, Anrck (9) 309 Olmsted, Orory Patrick (10) 2*9 Ormttod, BSchoBo (12) 220, 15* Often, KrltHna (9) 309 Oltan, Richard Scott (10) 119, 121, 109 Ortoga, Angora (9) Ortoga, Anita (9) ISO, 309, 21* Ortoga, Anthony Oobrtel (10) 339 Ortoga, Senile tdward (10) Ortoga, David (11) 3*5 Ortoga, David (11) 3*3 Ortoga. toward Orchard (10) Ortoga, SBtubom (11) 120, 2*5 Ortoga, tnntt Prod (10) 3*9 ftrJtfu, tmott Prod (9) Ortoga, Pntnuat Thonta (11) 133, 191 Ortoga, OUbort (11) 1*3, 3*5 Ortoga, Bono Heron (12) 333, US Ortoga, Ban* Kathroon (10) 209 Ortoga, Jamot Polar (10) Ortoga, Joto(9)309 Ortoga, Jotoph (13) Otmgu, lownnco Chariot (10) Ortoga, Lao Pal (11) Ortoga, Lony (9)309 Ortoga, Lois (9) Ortoga, LouMt L (10) 3*9 Orltz, Margie (12) Ortoga, ttoBtta Carmola (11) 3*3 Ortoga, Hadlno lannoto (11) 2*5 Ortoga, mark (9) 309 Ortoga, Pamela (12) 235 Ortoga, Paul Andnwt (11) 2*5 Ortoga, Baymand (9) 309 Ortoga. Orchard (10) Ortoga, Scan (11) 3*5 Ortoga, Sort* Dobra (13) 335, 1*1 Ortoga, Tina (9) Ortoga, Trna (9) Ortoga, Valerie (9) 309 Ortoga, Yvormo (10) Ortiz, Adrian t. (10) 3*9 Ortiz, Alan Ooan (10) 3*9 Orltz, Alox (9)309 Orttt, Anna (99) OSS Orta, Anna (9) 209 Orltz. Arthur (13) Orltz. BomoOorto DoHta (13) Orttt, Carl Patrick (13) Orttt, Chrit OBvor(11) 1*3. 2*5, 35* Orltz. Don (13) 230, 319 Orltz, Donna Sonde* (10) 22. 22. 209

Orltz. Bona (11) 3** OrMz, Patera Veronica (13) 335 Orltz, OObort ABon (10) 309 Orttt, OObort Anthony (13) 131, 33* Orltz, Otenda Donlto (12) 23* Orttr, Oraco (9) Orttt, Hopy (10) Orltz. Jorty (9) 322 Orttt, Jarry Boyd (13) 339 Orta, Jorry Jay (10) 209 Ortiz, John (11) 2*5 Ortiz, Jotoph (11) 3*5, 356 Orttt, Jotoph (12) Orltz, Kalhy mono (13) 155, 191, 33* Orttt, Kevtn Pat (10) Orltz, Lottor (9) 309 Orttt, J. Lontta (11) lit, 3*5 Orttt, loult (10) 131, 3*9 Orttt, marc (9) 309 Orttt, manna Balno (10) 131, 3*9 Orltz, martin (11) 2*5 Orttt, Marvin (9) 309 Ortiz, maty loutto (10) Orltz, Michael Andnw (10) 1*9, 2*9 Orttt, miehaol Paul (10) 239 Ortiz, Pat Angara (10) 2*9 Orltz, Pamela (9) 310 Orta, Paul (9) 111, 310 Orttt, Paul (12) 239 Orrtz, Paul matthow (10) 239 Orltz, Paula Joan (11) 30* Ortiz, Paula mart* (11) 2** Orttt, Paulino (9) 310 Orttt, Bobocea (9) 309 Orttt, Bonoo Pamora (10) 2*9 Orttt, Bobort (9) 210 Orttt, Ron Albert (10) 2*9 Orltz, Sabrlna Lucille (12) 339, 3*3 OrMz, Sanyo Rama (10) 119 Orttt, Tarata Annotto (13) 339 Orttt, Thomat Richard (10) 3*9 Orttt, Varan* (11) 2*5 Orttt, Vincent (12) Otbomo, Loo Ann (12) 44, 116, 119, 131, 135, 229, 140 Ottorman, Donatio Ann (12) Ottrandor, OooH (11) 2*0 Otero, Chrit (10) Otoro, Potx (9) 310 Ovoreath, Paul Jacob (11) 2*5 Ovrodo, Chariot (11)

unk Rock Dance has a lot of Interest* ing costumes-Linda Rodriguez Pachoeo, Anna (9) 210 Poehoeo, Brando (9) Paehoco, CarmoBa monrco (10) Pachoeo, David (9) 310 Pachoeo, Diana (9) Paehoco, Donald Id (12) Pochaee, Ooorgo tttdon (1) 209 Paehoco, Oarard Raymond (11) Paehoco, H. John (11) 2*5 Paehoco, Joyeo (10) Pachoeo, Konnoth (11) 2*0 Pochaee, Mary Prance t T. (10) 3*9 Pachoeo, Monica Ivotto (13) Pachoeo, Paula Maria (10) Paehoco, D. Votone (9) 310 Paehoco, Vrekkt (11) Poehoeo, Vlnco (12) Paehoco, Xavtor OUbort (10) 1*9 Pablnqult, AMn BBehaot (12) 130, 339 Pace, John (11) Pack, Kalhy Ann (12) 11*, 339, 140 Pack, Dreg Chariot (10) 3*9 , Albert Loroy (12) 110, 101 , Altonto tenon (10) 290 Padtta. Alfred Oreg (12) a, Angara (13) , Anthony Lute (99) a, Arthur Patriot (IP) Padtta, Bronda (9) 310 Padtta, Cart (12) Padtta, CarmoBa maria (11) 2*5. 15*, 245 , Barmy (9) 399 DarronS (90) , David (13) Padtta. David rWchoel (10) 290 a, David Tina (10) , Don (9) 111, 310 a, toward (11) 2*5 Podrta, tdward Ralph (10) MM Padtta, Praneot (10) 390 Padtta, Prank Jr. (13) 333 Padtta, 00*0(9)310

PadUrO, Jearee (9) PadMa, Judy (13) PadWa, Lorraine (12) PadMa, Lyme Margaret (10) 390 PadMa. Mark (10) PadUa, Mark (11) 3*5 Padllla, Mary Ann (11) 20* PadUa, Mlna (11) 3*5 Padllla, Orlando (10) PodBrd, Pant (11) 3*6 PodBra. Polo (11) 3*5 PadMa, Pater Anthony (10) 133, 135, 390,391 PadtUa, Ralph Loroy (11) Padma, Rotomary (11) 360, 24* Padllla, tutan (10) 135, 390 PadMa, Tommy (0) PadUra, Tilth Aim (13) 339 PadMa, Yvotto (11) Panda*, tdwardo (13) Pott, Thonta (11) ParaTngton, Paige (9) 310 Panz, Robert (11) 3*6 Parga, Rebecca (9) 310 Parker, Uta (9) 310 Park*, Chrit (10) 290 Park*, Frank (9) Porta, Darren* (13) Porta, MlehoB* Jotophkte (10) 111, 119, 155, 390 Porrotf, John Sank (12) Parrolt, Ten John (10) 290, 140 Paul, David Matthow (10) 390 Paul, SSaan (12) 339 Paul, Bandy ABon (12) Paul, Stove Todd (10) 390 Payne, Curttt (9) 310 Payne, Doug (9) 310 Payne, Herb (13) Payne, Kevin (13) Payne, Patty (9) 222 Payne, Rhonda (9) 222 Payne, Sandra Hiw i|i*liÂŤ (12) Poeot, Walter (10) Pooohor, David (12) PoBoHor, Steven C. (10) 390 Pena, Alice (11) Porta, Andrew Polo (12) 3*8 Pena, Bona Mart* (13) 141 Pena, JuBo (12) Pana, ValonHna Mart* (10) Penner, C. David (12) Inrmmgton, Draw Bdwotd (10) 390 Pena, Charlotte (9) Poraa, Cheryl (9) Pena, Drone lout** (10) Poraa, BSeo Donlto (13) 340 Poraa, Janet (11) 123, 3*0 Poraa, Kathleen (13) Poraa, Kalhy (10) 123, 390 Poraa, Kalhy AdoBe (10) 390 Poraa, Loutto Mary (9) 310 Pena, Maria Bona (10) Poraa, Mary Agnot (10) Pena, M. Patrick (12) Poraa, Paula (9) 210 Poraa, Tanya (9) 310 Penz, John Art (10) 390 Parkin*, Karon MleheBe (10) Poterton, Scott (12) matter, Dan (11) 119, ISO, ** Phoktt, Cam (12) Photpt, JuBo (9) Piatt, Oyron (11) 111, 3*6 Pratt, Kathr (9) Halt, Kan (11) 333 Pratt, Mary Oori (12) Pierce, Mark Chrlttophor (10) 290, 309 MHO, Doront A. (10) 390 Una, John Herman (10) Pino, Regma (10) 333 Pino, BonnM) (9) 310 Pino, Tommy (11) ISO, 3*0 Ptttman, Chritty (9) 131, 310 Hummer. Randy John (10) 111, 109, 390 Ptunkott, Donald (11) Prunkett, Richard (9) Pool, John (10) 390 Pool, Torka Sua (9) 310, 140 Poraeo, Carahm (13) 339 Porvodon, Kerry tori (10) 290 Panterer, Money CM-MI (12) 119, 3*0 Pap*, Karl (9) 310 PortlBo, Soma (9) 310 PorrtBo, Prankle (9) 310 Porttto, Oeratd Andy (13) PortlBo, Roberto Leigh (11) 30* Paw**, Crkrfon (99) 290 Powell, Matt (11) 261 POW*JU, f*MchoM] ptt.

Power*, Erin (9) 310 Powers, Jamot (9) Proda, Raymond (12) Prada, Rosalie Ann (11) 933 ,Sytrta(10)

Prada, Theresa lupo (9) Plica, Mary loulio (11) Prttchard, Scoff (9) $10 Prince, Gilbert (12) 101, MO Probst, Kevin (12) 222 Probst, Steve (10) 222 Putal, Mike (12) Pvttyman, Kevin (9) 210

ulte cute Is to name half the guys in this school, quite ugly is to name the other half.'Reglna Roybal Qulmomos, Benee (9) Qulntona, Angela Maxlne (11) 120, 267, 14$ Qulntona, Andrew lull (10) 1e9, 290 Qulntana, Annette (9) 210, 145 Qulntona, ternadette (11) 121, 207 Qulntona, Bertram Pete (10) 290 Qulntona, Brando J. (10) 290 Qulntona, Christopher 0. (10) 291 Qulntona, Curtis (9) 210 Qulntona, Darnel (9) 211 Qulntona, Devtn (9) Qulntona, Diane (9) 211 Qulntona, Dolores (11) Qulntona, Qeorge (9) 211 Qulntana, Jack (9) 211 Qulntona, Jack (9) 211 Qulntana, Jessica (11) Qulntana, Jessica (11) 207 Qulntana, Jimmy (10) 291 Qulntana, Joe Prank (11) Qulntana, Kenneth (11) Qulntana, Maria Tina (10) 291 Qulntana, Marie Dartene (10) Qulntana, Mellsa lean (12) Qulntana, Michael (9) 107, 211 Qulntana, Michael K. (9) Qulntana, Benee (11) 267 Qulntana, Benee (9) 211 Qulntana, Bobert (9) 222, 356 Qulntana, Roberta (10) Qulntana, Bobert Angela (11) Qulntana, Besemarie B. (10) Qulntana, Susan (11) 100, 191 Qulntana, Veronica (12) 140 Qulntana, Wanda (11) Qulntana, Yvonne (11) 267

lek and Ronnie are great gym* nasts-Ronnie Layden Badeckl, Benee (11) 267 Bool, Anna Marie (12) Boot, Anthony (9) 211 Bool. Barbara Am (10) 291 Bool, Dolores Semico (12) 240 Boot, Qeorgla Aim (9) 211 Boot, Qerald Edward (10) 291 Bool, Jose Alfred (10) Bool. Kkn Annette (12) 240 Bool, Levi (11) Bool, Martin Arthur (10) 291 Bool, Mary Qrace (12) Boot, Matthew (12) 200 Bool, MKte (9) 211 Bool, Theresa (9) 211 Bagenburg, Karen (11) 222 Bamlrei, Barbara Ann (12) Bamlrex, lei Boa (11) 127 Bamlrei, Vlnce (11) Batca, Chris (9) Bathko, lori Ann Dorthy (12) Bayban, Mary (9) Beivben, Sylvia (11) 267 Baxatos, Leonard (11) 267 Bead, Adams S. (9) 211 Reagan, Kathy (10) Bottom, Don Wayne (10) 291, 13$ Bottom, Bonnie Clarence (12) 240, 120 Belnhart, Debbie (9) 211 Bemaly, John (12) 240 Bemaly, Veronica Muriel (11) 267 Bemenar, Thomas (9) 311 Bemenar, Veronica Mario (10) 291 Beyer, Karen (12) 323, 13$ Beyes, Base Marie (9) 311 Reyes, Stephanie (10)

BoynokSs, Cindy (10) 222 Reynolds, loyd (11) Boynotds, Pamela (9) 211, 140 Boynolde, Menard (9) 211 Beynokts, Scott Wallace (12) Keg, Chris Donald (11) 267 Btce, Michelle (11) 323 Richards, Alec (12) Richardson, Sean (9) Btchoy, Chris Paul (12) Biggs, Julio Edna (11) BBey, Wanda Kay (12) Bios, Daniel (10) 291 Hoe, Jose Andres (9) 211 Bios, 0 . Bonnie (12) 171 Ripley, Corey Evelyn (10) 291 Ripley, Flynn Owen (10) 291, 209 Btvas, Lynn (12) Btvera, Allen Kirk (11) 323 Rivera, Anna Maria (10) M o r a . Barbara Joan (11) 207, 131 Btvera, Carlos Andrew (10) 291 Btvera, Carmolla (12) Btvera, CArollne Denlse (12) 240, 121 Btvera, Chris (11) Btvera, Chris (9) 211, 171 Btvera, David (11) 267 Btvera, Diane (12) 323 Btvera, Dlna Marie (11) Btvera, Edwin (12) Btvera, D. Elaine (9) 211 Btvera, Elizabeth (12) 222 Btvera, Eydle (9) Btvera, Qeorge Manuel (11) Btvera, Qlna (12) 240 Btvera, Ike David (11) Btvera, Jimmy (11) 267 Btvera, Joseph B. (10) Btvera, Karen A. (10) Btvera, Kkn (10) 291 Btvera, Lawrence William (11) Btvera, Lee Andrew (11) Btvera, Usa Mario (10) 291 Btvera, Usa Eileen (12) Btvera, Lorraine C. (10) Btvera, Manuel (9)211 Btvera, Margaret (9) 121, 211 Btvera, Melissa (10) Btvera, Mike J. (10) Btvera, Monica Usa (10) 193, 291 Btvera, Honey (12) 4$, 161, 240 Bhrora, Pamela (11) 323 Btvera, Bobert Louis (12) 127 Btvera, Stephanie (11) Btvera, Terry (9) 211 Btvera, Tony Avon (12) 240 Rivers, Norman (9) Roberts, Kathy (10) 291 Roberts, Sherill (11) 267 Bobeson, Brie lewis (11) 267 Robinson, Patrick (11) 162, 267 Rocha, Angela (12) Rochtord, Paul (9) 311, 140 Bodarte, Diane (11) 267 Bodela, Vivian Bose (12) 240 Bodriguex, Andrew J. (10) 291 Rodriguez, Anna (10) 291 Rodriguez, Annette (11) 333 Bodriguex, Anthony (12) 240, 20$ Bodriguex. Barbara Jean (10) 120, 143, 322 Bodriguex, Cheryl (10) 163, 260 Bodriguex, Chris (11) 162, 260 Bodriguex, Deborah L (10) 291 Bodriguex, Edwlna L (10) 291 Bodriguex, Qlna Benee (12) Bodriguex, Qreg (9) Bodriguex, Jane Prances (10) Bodriguex, John (10) 169, 104, 291 Bodriguex, John (11) Bodriguex, John Michael (10) Bodriguex, Josh laHgo (10) Bodriguex, Undo (9) 311 Bodriguex, Mark Steven (10) 291 Bodriguex, Martin (9) 211 Bodriguex, MoBssa Ann (12) Bodriguex, Michael Richard (12) Bodriguex, Patricia BBehoBe (11) Bodriguex, Paul (12) Bodriguex, Bobert (11) Rodriguez, Sablno Jr. (10) Rodriguez, Steve (9) 211 Rodriguez, Tela L (10) 110, 291 Bodriguex, Meto Lynn (12) 240 Bodriguex, Vksnney (9) 121, 211 Bodriguex, Vickie A. (10) 222 Besselsr, Anno Marie (11) 260 Bmeester, Susan Dartene (10) 222 Rogers, Dedte franclne (11) 260 I Uoyd W. (10) , Nicole Marie (10)

*m Romero, Adrienne (9) 211 fom"°AHonso John (10) 291 Romero, Alfred (12) ten (11)

Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, 14$

Angola franco* (12) 140 Angola Mario (11) 240 Angola (9) HI Anna Mono (11) 131. 164, 14$ Anthony (It) Anthony (1% Anthony (11) 164 Anthony (9) 111 Bmbma Joanna (10) 11$, 191 tomadotto (11) 41, 140 Brian Jako (11) Cimmon lorotta (11) 14$ L C Ami (11) 117, 164 Carolyn (10) ChrUtlno (11) Cynthia (10) 191 DarUol (9) 171,111 Danny (10) 191 Danny Jorry (9) 111 David (11) 141 •Qobbto (11) 122 Oobblo (11) US Oobblo Mono (10) 111 Dtano ChrlrHno (11) $11 Dotorot (9) 111, 311 Don (9) toward Pat (11) 164 A. Btzabom (12) 141 tmlHo J. (10) 191 Eva Harm (10) 191, 144 Bvotyn Bonoo (11) 14$ ftanckto J. (10) franelno (9) Franelno Mario (11) 16$ frank (10) 191 Oono Bonald (10) 191 Otorta (11) Harold (9) Harold WIHrod (10) 191 Jam— (11) 14$ Joantno Sylvia (10) 191 Joyco (11) 164 Kill (10) 191 KhrUtol Loo (10) 191 tarry Jamos (11) 104, 1$$ Loroy (9) 311 totloy Ann (10) 191 Undo Kathloon (10) 191 U$a (11) 111 Uta (9) 111 lorann (11) loron (9) 111 tori Arm Mario (11) 14$ torratno (11) 14$ Jacauotno (9) 11$, 111, 117,

Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, 191 Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, Bomoro, 14$

Jorry (9) 311 Joanno (9) Joo tddto (11) Joo Pat (11) 10$ Joo Bubon (11) 141 JooUo (9) 311 Judith Bloon (11) 141 Karoi (11) 16$ Kathy (11) Kathy (9) 111 Kolvln Jotoph (11) Konrtoth (11) 164 Konny Prank (11) KUto (9) Marelal (10) Maria Margarita (10) 111,191 Mary loulto (10) 191 BBchool Prank (11) 14$ Monica (9) 111 Hadlno (11) 164 Money Cathorlno (11) 14$ Hottot John (11) 111,141 Hottl Arm (11) 144, 191 Mora tlalno (10) 191 Moroboth (11) 14$ Orlando (9) 171,101, 111 Pat toward (11) 16$ Pat BonoM (11) 14$ Pohktla Arm (11) J. Paul (9) Paula (9) 13$, 311 Pautono (9) 311 Phi BonoM (11) 141 PhyWt torratno (10) 111,14 Bhonda (9) MeMrd (9) 111 Bobort (11) lot Bobort (9) Bobort (10) BoOnoy (9) $11 Bon (9) tarn Anthony (10) 17$, 1*3, Sandra too (10) 191 $awa (9) $11 ttovo (9) 171,111 Boom J. (10) Suxonno tonoro (11) 49, 149 Thorooa Ann (11) 23,13,14,

Romero, Theresa (9) 312 Romero, Theresa P. (9) 312 Romero, Tom (12) Romero, Tom Qeottery (11) Romero, Valerie (9) 213 Bomero, Yoksnda (11) 369 Romero, Yvonne Bornodetto (10) Roman, Ruby Ann (It) 240 Roming. Srice Reed (11) 119, 209 Roming, Dooglos Edward (13) 49, 119, 131, 241 Roming, Kan (B) 120, 212 Bandeau, Mare (9) 212 Rondoiph, James (9) Romo, Annette (9) BonquMo, Qllbert (11) 106, 269 RonqulHo, Mary (13) 120, 241 Boots, logon McCook (10) 135, 292 Busmumolu, Heal (11) Bees, Nuthmilel Oscar (11) 269 Boos, Steve Andrew (11) 100, 249 Rostra, Tarry (12) Both, kUcheSe (12) 241 Both, Nicole (9)91, 170, 191, 212 Bom, Suzanne (10) 292, 144 Boy, Michael (9) 212 Roybal, Alicia (9) 212 Roybal, Angela Marie (10) Boybal, Annette Louise (12) 241 Roybal, Semadette (9) 312 Boybal, Carta (10) Boybal, Cindy (11) 209 Boybal, Bkdno (9) 212 Boybal, Ernest (9)223 Boybal, Qlllle (12) Boybal, Oktria (9) 312 Boybal, Joanle laaana (12) Boybal, Julie (9) Boybal, Undo Marie (12) 241, 253 Boybal, Usa Mariene (10) 292 Boybal, loretta (10) 120, 292 Boybal, Marissa Benee (10) 110, 292 Roybal, Martha Lynn (10) Boybal, MoBssa (10) 292 Boybal, Patricia B. (10) Boybal, Peggy Ann (10) Boybal, Paul (11) 209 Boybal, Phyllis Ann (12) 241, 211 Boybal, Naxario Bay (10) 292 Boybal, Begkta (9) 312 Boybal, J. Bekta (11) 209 Boybal, Yvette Benee (10) 292 Boybal, Scott (9)312 Boybal, Steve Louie (11) 269 Boybal, Terry (11) 269 Boybal, Troy (11) 269 Boybal, Yokmda (9)312 Bub, Cathy (9) Butt, Elizabeth Ann (9) Butt, Bearme Danetfe (10) Ruiz, Benee Dektre (12) 241 Rumpel, Wesley Morris (12) 241 Runyon, Dana (10) Bullet, Leslie (10) 156, 292 Russell, Whitney Ann (12) By an, Thomas L (10) 292 Bylee, Jimmy Richard (10) 292

tasny has the best y e a r b o o k . Carol Romero Sacoman, T. Deonno (11) 13$, 269 Soger, Klndyl Quoin (10) 292 Sab, Prank James (11) 209 Salt, NoBy Ann (10) Salt, Joe (12) Salt, Sandra (9) 313 Bats, Tommy (9) 313 Sataden, tori Lynn (12) Solas, Jose (11) 209 Salazar, Alex Vincent (13) 2 Bataxar, Semle (12) Salazar, Curtis (9) Bataxar, Denleo (11) 209 Bataxar, Diane Sylvia (10) 93 Bataxar, Prodriek P. (10) 292 Sakaar, QerakMne Debbie (10) 110, 127,292 Bataxar, Oteratdkte Donna (10) 292 Salazar, Joe (9) Salazar, Lee Sammy (10) Salazar, MarceSa (11) 110, $23 Sakaar, Margaret (11) 209 Bataxar, Stark (10) 3*3, 4 f Salazar, Martha Lea (10) Salazar. MeSssa (10) 29$ Salazar, BBehosI (9) $1$ Sakaar, A. PahkQl (11) Bataxar, Pepsle (9) 31$ Salazar, Prossdes (9) $1$


takaar. Ricky (10) takaar, tout Bmn (9) Sit, 11*. US takaar, tiuarmm (10) 292 takaar, tybS (10) takaar, Tommy (11) taMmy. Matthew (10) 117, 29$ tamonlmgo. VorgJnJo B, (10) 29$ tanehmt, ABtmrto F. (10) 29$ l a t u m , Anodee Abad (9) $1$ tanehmt, K. Annette (11) 269 tencnea, Barnard (12) Sanehot, Carlo* J. (10) Sanehot, Cothotkm Ann (12) Ml, $56 tanehmt, Chartene (11) 220, US tanehmt, Chriitophmr (9) $12 Sanehot, Debra Juan (12) 241 Sanehot, toward (11) tanehmt, tdwtnaft) l d M * H trie LouHe (11) 2 7 0 tanenot. Small (11) tanehmt, Horman (11) BanrtwM. Imamtlm (It) tanehmt, Jen (9) $11 tanehmt, Joaukt Joromo (10) 29$ tanehmt, Jotrnph Lmroy (11) 270 tanehmt, Karon tornado tip (10) tanehmt, Kerry (9) 212 tanehmt. Manual (12) tanehmt. Hart Anthony (10) 29$ tanehmt, Martin (9) $1$ tanehmt, Mary Lmna (9) 212 tanehmt, Matmew Andrmw (10) 292 tanehmt, Mkshoml (9) 1S7 tanehmt, Miguel (9) $1$ tanehmt, Mkjuoi Abran (12) tanehmt, Orlando (9) 212 tanehmt, Paula (9) tanehmt, Ralph (9) $1$ tanehmt, Buinona (11) 2 7 0 tanehmt, Menard (11) 270 tanehmt, Bonakl Brian (11) tanehmt. Boy (9) $1$ tanehmt, todlm Bona (10) $24 tanehmt, ttmvm (11) 224 tanehmt, Steve (9) $24 tanehmt, Tine (11) tanehmt, Valerie Marim (92) 292 tanehmt, lota (11) 2 7 0 Sandoval, Alex (9) 171, 212 Sandoval, Andrmw (12) Sandoval, Angel Bmntta (12) 241 Sandoval. Angola (9) 121, 212 Sandoval, Angola (9) 212 Sandoval, Anna Marti (12) its, 120, 241 tandoval, Anthony Adebm (11) 2 7 0 tandovot, Arnold Thomat (12) tandoval, T. Smeky(ll) Sandoval. Carlo* (9) 111, 212 Sandoval, CoeMa S. (10)29$ tandoval. Chariot (11) 224, 2SS Sandoval, Cynthia (11) 2 7 0 Sandoval, Danmtte (10) 292 tandoval. Dmbblm Anno (90) 292 tandoval, Boom (9) 212, US Sandoval, tttabmlh (12) tandoval, frank (9) tandoval, Franmttco (12) Sandoval, trod (It) Sandoval, Oeerge V. (90) 292 tandoval, Hoary John (It) Sandoval, Jacob Irion (90) Sandoval, Jamm* (9) Sandoval, JoneHm (11) Sandoval. John (9) 171, 212, 217 tandoval, Uma (9) 212 tandovot, toraHa Joan (12) 241 tandovot, luwanla (12) 242 Sandoval, Mary Ann (11) 270 Sandoval, Maxkm(9) Sandoval, Paul Martin (10) 29$ Sandoval, Pete (9) 212 Sandoval, Peter (9) 21$, 927 tandoval, PhBBp (9) tandoval, • M a l a (12) 24)1 Imdaval, Short lynn (12) 241 Sandoval, Slave (11) tandovot, ttmvon (12) Sandoval, Thmrmta C. (10) 292 tandoval, Thmrmta Boom (It) 2 7 0 Sandy, Timothy Ouano (12) 142, 241 Sonhmto, Bobmrt lorry (10) 29$ SonHbonor. Almkmtdra (12) tammlten, Akrynm (11) 224 targont, Bryan (12) tawyor, Bodnor thtvon (90) 292 tehoaHa, Pierre (11) 2 7 0 tchab, MBtm (9) tehakot, Angola (9) 2U •CrleM ft, * W O n # r f f >


Sehmemor, Tort (11) 270 Seheopko, Anthony (11) tehroogtor, Bobki imo (12) thvhX Patricio Marim (10) 29$ tchummmrt, Margrmt (9) $1$ lehwarto, KoOty (11) 270 tehwenewnon. Amy (9) 920, 212

tmdUlo. toward Lmm (10) 292 SodMo, Morilnda (12) 242 Smgura, Anmttm (11) 270 tmgura. Anita (9) $1$ Imgura, Anthony toward (10) Smgura, Bmrnodmttm (9) Soma, Barbara (9) Smgura, Gregory (11) 270, 245 tegura, Jmrry (12) tmgura, JuBonna (11) 120, 270 Smgura, tmonard Victor (10) 292 tmgura, Patrick (12) 49, 162, 2 4 2 tmgura, Blek Bonald (12) 140 Soil, Sam (9) 212 Bono, Angola (12) 242 Bona, Anna Marim (12) Bono, tetbutu (10) 292 lmna. Donna Marim (12) Bona, Fernando (9) 212 Bono, Jamm* Polor (10) 292 Bona, Jmanmtto (11) Bono, John (11) 271 Bona, Johnny Prank (10) $24 Bono, Kathy (12) tana, Lawrence (11) Bona, Manual Ittoe (11) 271 Sane, Marty (12) 122, 224 Bona, Orlando (10) 292 tana, Pamela (10) lit, 292 Bona, Patrick (11) 271 Bona, Bmbmeea (11) 125, 271, 202 Bona, Rteardo, Antonio (10) Bona, Bobmrto (9) 120, 212 Bona, Thmrmta Angola (10) 224, 120 Bono, Thomat Manual (12) 242 Soma, Andrea (10) 292 Soma, Monica (9) $14 Serrano, Amk) Ftorda (11) BmWMio, Carole Arm (10) Serrano, Donald loot* (10) 294 Serrano, Otno toward (12) Smventon, Kknbmriy Ann (11) 271 Seymour, Sorry Ann (10) 224 Shatter, Barbara Joan (10) 117, 120, 292,206 Shannon, Brian (10) 294 Shannon, CM* (12) thopkmd. John (9) 125, $14 Sharp, tutan Kayo (12) 50, 242 tharpe, Biota (10) 294 Sharpe, John (10) thatton, Mark Theodora (12) 242 Sherwood, Brad (11) $0. 271 Shkriert. Dmnum (11) 224 Shoontmld, tana (9) $14 Shoontold, Bmbmeea (11) 271 Snook, Joe (11) 224 Shook, Uta (9) 214 tktrmr, Joakm (10) 192, 294 SBva, Chrtt (10) 294 tUva, Michael Prank (11) 271 tBvo, Patrick Thomat (11) SHva, Stovon Arthur (11) 271 SBvmrman, Daniel (11) 100, 271 tknmont, Jmtf B. (10) Sknmt, Maria ChritHne (10) 202, 294 Sknmt, lmna Marie (12) Sknmt, ShoBey (10) Hanaro i. Andrew Clark (12) Btmorot, Annmttm (11) tmnorea, David (12) 49, 162, 242 tltnorot, Oary tool* (10) 294 tltnorot, Ceroid (11) tUnoret, Han* (12) nmnmrea, Jamm* Bobmrt (11) tltnoroa, Joe (9) 214 tkmere*, Joe Pool (12) 219 tJmnoro*, Joby ttmvm (11) 27 tomato*, Motto* (10) 294 tltnorot, ttanlmy Amort (10) 294 tltnorot, Tmrmta Bona (10) 294 Skinner. Pamela (11) 271 tkton, ttmphmr (9) 214 Stuka, Paul J. (10) 125, 294 Smith, Akklton (9) $14 Smith, Aldmn (12) 241 •man, AnnoHo Co—an (10) Smith, Brian (12) Smith, Carter Richard (9) Smith, Chariot Hoknan (11) 271 •man, Chartto Smith (11) 271 •man, Cheryl (11) 271 Smith, Chrtt (12) 242 Smith, Clyde (12) 120 •man, Curttt Matmmm (11) 271 •man, Dmntto Paula (11) Smith, Jomot (9) $14 Smith, JuBo (10) 294 •man, Kenneth (9) $14 •man, Bmnmm (12) 46, 119, 121, 242 Smith, Bobmrt (12) •man. Day Akm (11) 271. 256 •man, Tmany Jane (11) 271 •man, vmcm(9)$U •nana, Dreg lawmen (11) 1$S, 271 Snyder, Katharine (12) 242, 102

I (11) 162, 271 Solomon, Vaho(10)294 Solano, Brando loo (9) $14 •Mane, ChritHnm (12) SO, 121 Solano. Oreg (11) 2*4 team, Sandra (12) Somen, AnHa (12) 242, $56 Soma, Sandra (9) $05. 214 teveronet, Louie (11201 Severanet, BtmByn (11) tewle, Mark (9) 214 Spognom, Chrtt (9) $14 tponarkot, Yvonne (12) Spark*. Sam (9) 214 Spencer, David Honory (10) 294 Spencer, JanoHo thkiey (12) Spring, tommy loom (10) 20, 294, 140 Spring, Robert (12) 117, 242, 121, 140 Bloomy, K. Seen (12) 242, fee, $55 Stacy. Cindy Mario (10) 294 Stacy, WW (9) 214, 127 Stonhky, ChritHnm (9) fronton, KritHn Mario (10) ttarner, April A. (10) 294, 121 Starr, THtany (9) $14 tteodman, Clyde (12) 121, 242 SHadmon, Borah (11) $56 Srom. Alan Daniel (11) ttokthort, Carol tUeen (12) 24$ ttmethott, Cheryl Ann (12) 242, 119, 125 Stophonton, JuBonno (12) 242 Stephenten, Stuart (11) 224 Stewart, Jame* (12) ttowort, Steven (9) $14 ttottolt, Leigh Regma (10) 295 ttoltt. Bandy Jotoph (10) 295, 169 Stout, Irvai MorOmtd (10) ttrodmr. Bobmrt Jamm* Troy (10) 295 •from*, tutan (11) Strauch, Jaton (12) StreL, Sean (10) 295 •never. Sage Mando (11) Stuart, Charlotte (10) Sturgeon, AnnoHo Dent** (10) 295 Suato, Fredrick (9) $14 Suato, J. Ollbert (11) 271 tuato, Jotoph (9) Suato, Mark Motvtn (12) 242 Sugg*. Doug (12) Summon, Carrie Bum (10) 295, 117, 127, 294 Sunt, Sam (12) Swortt, Joe Ceroid (10) twartt, Renoo Boom (10) 295 twenttot. Poem (9) $14 tybt, takaar Clarite (9) Byron. BBchool(9)

icmo's good, but I'm betterBrad Dry otoya, Jeanne Fktyda (10) 295, 141 "ctwnantm, Duane Joe (10) 224 'akmanto, Potmr (10) 'anut, luanne leulte (12) 242 'apta, Andrew Marco* (12) 'apta, Anna (11) 271 Anthony (12) 'apta, Carol Ann (10) 'apta, CecUla Laura (12) apm, Daniel (9) $14 apm, Diane (9) $14 'apta, tUtaboth (10) 'apta, tmmtl PNU (12) apm, Filbert Anthony (12) $55 'apm. Homy Pal (12) 'apm, JoanoHo (It) eipta. John (12) 'apm, Uta (9) $14 'apm, Lorelei Ann (90) 'apm, Manny (9) 214 'apta, Martha M. (10) apm, MBte P. (10) 295 •apm, Pamela (11) 120, 224 apm. Bay (12) apta, Raymond (9) 'apta, Betende Manuel (10) 290 apm, Xavmr (9) $U 'apta, Vomolea(S) Virginia Lonlo (10) 'amor, tlephon (9) tU 1, Uta m 314, SOB Andrea Maria (12)242 'ahnmhuB, DeBtori (12) 242, 162 'afro, Jmttlca (92) 290 C. Lynn (9) 210, 120 i, Uta Kay (11) 272 oMno(9)210 'chomoihott, Honey (9) 215 chmmoehott, Robert (11) 272 tsftofio, Dion {9}

Toteoro, Judo Conine (12) Thomat, David (12) Thomat, KimBO Lao (It) 272, 141 Thompton. Brook 0 (9) 21$ Thornton, Chri* Ktuvar(10) 112, 290 Thornton, Jmiie* Kluvmr (11) 272, 190, f s o Thompton, Ricky (12) 224 Themton, Doable (10) 295 Thornton, Sandra (12) none, Chrlt Jomot (11) 272, 149. 110, 222 Tehava, Jeff (9) 215 Tipton. Denlte (9) 215 Tipton, Mmo (92) Tompldnt, Butan (11) 224, 240 Torre*. OBbert v (10) 295, 169 Travlt, euriHjru Bay (10) 941 Trojo, Leonard Lmroy (10) Triable, Joe (12) Triable. Tammy Sue (10) Trimbom, Ten (9) 210 Trimmer, Laurie (11) 272, 119, 206 TruBBO, Andrte (9) 210 TrufBo, Angom (11) 272, 162 TruJBm. AnHa leulte (12) 224, 202 TruBte. Annette (10) TruJBm. Art Andrmw (11) 272 TruBBO, Arthur M. (10) 290 TrullUo, Barbara Joan (11) 272 TruMBo. Carta (9) 210 TruJBm. CarmoBa (11) 272 TruJHkt, Daniel C. (10) TruBBo, Daniel Donald (10) TrullUo, Dariene (12) TruJBm, David Michael (10) 169 TruJBm. David (11) 272 TruJBm. David lugene (12) TruJBm. Diane (9) 210, 120 TruJBm, Donald Wok (10) 290 TruJBte, Donna Pamela (10) 290 TruJBm, Bmen Mario (10) 295 TrullUo, Smarter Beta (11) 272, 129 TruJBm, Ivan (9) Trujmo, Oary (10) TruJBm, Jay (12) 242 TruJBm, Jean (9) 215 TruJBm, Joe (9) 224 TruJBm, Johann Thomat (12) 117, 119,121 TrullUo, Jen Prod (12) TruJBm, Julian (11) 272 TruJBm. Jotoph Bey (12) TruJBm, Kathy (9) 215 TruJUo, Kenny (9) 215 TruJBm, Klmbmrly S e e (10) 295 TruJBm. Larry John (10) TruJBm, Lawrence (10) TruJUo, lerey Mark (10) TruJBm, leyd (10) 290 TruJBm. Mark Dale (12) Trujmo, Mary lupleta (10) TruJBm. Matthew (9) 210 Trujmo, Michael Paul (10) 295 TruJUo, Pamela Ann (12) 242 TruJBm, Patrick toward (10) 290 Trujmo, Phillip Oubon (11) 272 Trujmo, Bandy trie (10) 1$B Trujmo, Bmbmeea (9) $1S, 216 Trujmo, Richard (11) 171 TruJBm, Roberta (11) Trujmo, Bonnie 0 TruJBm, ttophanle Ann (10) 290, 91, 122 TrullUo, Otovon (9) 21S TruJBm, Mara toward (10) 290, 169, 207 TrullUo, Thmrmta P. (10) 290 Trujmo, Tina Ann (10) Trujmo, Tony (9) TruJBm, Valerie (11) 272, 119, 120, 206 Tubb*, Penny Joanm (12) SO, 242, 206 Turrimtta, P. Michael (11)

nique, that's me-Dean Hou llston Ullbarrl. Phillip 290 UBbarro, Thmrmta Mario (92) 120,29$ Uktch, lb Jane (10) naerweod. Undo Leo (12) Ml Urban, Okme (9) tit Urtotte, Barbara Ann (11) 279 Uriotte, mmorglo (9) 201, 210 Urtotte, OMenn Patrick (It) 272, 290

ehicles were g r e a t transportation* Victor Butler

V old*i. Chrlt A, (10) Valdmi, J ana I (12) 243,


vaidmi, Alicia Maria (11) 272 VgtdOS. Andrew Leroy (10) 290 Valdai, Danny (9) 319, 171 Valdai, Dank* Cathy (12) 243 Vaid0i. J. Idward (9) Valdai, Biiabeth Ant (11) Valdmi, Crnmil David (9) 310 Valdmi. Ivmlyn Dmnlte (10) 295 Voldti Omrard Bqmle (9)

Valdai, Michelle Ann (13) 343 Valdai, John P. (9) 310 Vddei, John Manual (9) 310 vaidmi. Joseph (11) 272 Valdai. Juno (10) 290 Valdai, Koran Pamela (10)

Vddei, tarry Albart (10) 293 Valdai, Us Mlrlnda (10) 395 Valdai, ion Ann (10) 290 vaidri, Mark Anthony (11) 272 Valdmi, Martha (10) 290 Valdai, Martin A. (10) Valdai, Pom (12) Valdai, Patricia Karon (12) 135 Valdai, Paulina Maria (11) 324 Valdai. Raymond Albart (10) 125, 295 Valdai, Raymond Judo (11) 272, 135 Valdai, Bonnie Jama* (12) Valdai, Sandra (9) 313 Valdai, Steve (9) 171 Valdai, Tammy Jo (12) Valdai, Thoraaa (12) Valdai, Tina Mario (10) 193 Valdai, Valerie (9) Valdai, Varna (11) 372 Valdhra, Atafandro (9) Valencia, Andraw (9) Valencia, Manual Tarn (10) 295 Valencia, Marjoria (9) Valencia. Robert Pat (9) 310 Valencia, Stava (10) Valentine, Deforce Maria (11) 272 Valentine, Mark (12) Valemuela, Danny Alfred (11) Van da Valde, Sill (12) Vanioelen, Karon (11) 272 Van Volkenbeugh, Thomem (9) 310 Varlea, Debra Am (10) 290 Varela, Data (11) Varela, Victoria Benito (10) 290 Varda, Gloria (10) 324 Varela, Jamas (12) Varda, Vincent (11) Varga; Oeatrtca Semico (11) 272 Vargas, John (9) 310 Varga: Stava J. 290 Vargas, Victor (9) 310 Varot, Joseph Anthony (10) 290 Vatquai, Cartas L (10) 135, 290 Vatauei, Orlando Manud (11) 272 Vattano, Stava (10) Vlarreal, Oarald (12) Variolar, Chris (9) 310 Volt, Oregg (12) 143 VBs, Jaana (10) 290 Velarde, Koran Angola (12) 243

Velarde, loratta lynn '(12) 145 Velarde, Mhhad (9) 310 Vdatquei, Angola (10) Vdaiquai, Carlos (11) Vdatquei, Joann M. (10) Vdatquei, Mdlnda (12) 243, 350 Vdatquei, Stava (10) Vdatquei, rdanda (10) 390 Valet, Jotoph (12)

Voter, Catherine (10) mTakuuifto. Barbara J. (10) 290 W < I I I H * I Conine I. (10) viaipando. Daana Mario (12) 243 VkOiMUittii Dkmna Hellen (10) Vletpando, Jerome (11) 272, 245 wTatpando. Marietta (12) 244 Wi^innft1, Mike Jerry (9) VrntrrmrY, Benee (11) VkHpando, J. Ran (9) 310 Vtarrial, Ricky (10) 290 VIeantI, loult 3. (10) 290 Vidro, Caries Chris (11) SO, 127 Vidro, John Albert (9) Vidro, Mary (11) 272 Vidro, Vincent (12) 244 Vigil, Aaron Paul (12) 244, 103 Vigil, Alfred (11) 132 Vigil, Andraw Mae (10) Vigil, Jotoph Anthony (10) 324 VlgH, Anthony (9)310 Vigo. Barbara Mao (12) 144 Vigil. Bennla (10) 290, 141 VtgB. Barmy timer (12) 244 VkjB, Billy (9) VlgH, Carolina (12) 244 Vigil, Christina Itabal (10) VlgH, Cynthia Ann (10) VkjB, Cynthia (9) 310 Vigil, Daniel (11) 272 WgtT. David Mhhad (10) 109 VlgH, J. DetHne (9) 310 VlgH, Dewle (11) VkjB, Diana Jeanette (10) 296 Vigil, Ddorat (12) 244 VlgH, Emily Jean (12)

VlgH, Hera (10) 296 VlgH, Frank (10) Vigil, frank (11) VlgH, Vrank(12) VlgH, Fred Jotoph (12)

VlgH, Gloria Arm (11) 272 Vigil, Itabella (11) 272 VlgH, John Jr. (11) VlgH, Jotoph Martin (11) 273 VlgH, Karen (12) 244 VlgH, Leonard (11) 273 VlgH, Uta (9) 316 VlgH. Marie Yvonne (11) VlgH, Mark Sdward (12) VtgB, Mark J. (10) 324 VlgH, Michael Chris (10) 290 Vigil, Michael Jullut (12) 244 VlgH, Patricia (9) Vigil, Patricia Anna (12) VlgH, Patricia Carolina (12) 234 VlgH, Patricia Mario (11) Vigil, Paul (9) 316 Vigil, Paul Loren (9) VlgH, Pauline Yvonne (10) VlgH, PhlHIp (10) 296 VlgH, PhyUlt (9) 316 VlgH, Randy (11) 163, 273 VlgH, Ray Joa (10) VtgB, Richard (11) 132 VlgH, Robert (9) 316 VlgH, Robert Raymond (12) VlgH, Rotemary (12) 244 VtgB, Shawn (9) 310 Vigil, Sutan l o a d * (12) VlgH, Terata (9) 316 VtgB, Thereto (9) VlgH, Victor (9) 316 Vigil, Wayne Jotoph (11) 273 VtgB, William (12) Vlklund, Pattl (12)

Villa, Antncta (9) 310 Villa. Cindy (12) Villa. Mathew (9) 310 VIHanuava, Vomica (11) VIHagat, Bernaama (12) 244 VlUegat, France* (10) Vincent, tvetta Lynn (11) 272 Virtue, Cory (9) 316, 356, 140 Vltarraga, Money (10) Vltarraga, Orlando (10) 296 Vltarraga, Paul Kenneth (11) 273 Von Amdunxen, Robert (12) 324, 177, 131, 173

ilson has bet* ter legs than KoenlgScott

Wilson WaaSdgh, Cassandra D. (10) 296, 275 Wadtdgh, Thaddeut (11) 30, 233 Weight, David (9)310 Walt, Hdke Patra (10) 296 Walt, Katja (12) 244 Walker, Jimmy Murray (12) WaB, Scott Anthony (12) Warner, Denkto (9) 324 Wam*, Raaea (11) 273 Waaavan, Marion (12) 324 Wanak, Derma (9) 310 Warder, Ricky SB (10) WarOdd, Phillip (11) 273, 103 Work, O. Shannon (11) Warner, Carta (12) 244 Warren, Danld Patrick (10) Warren, Dawn Denlte (12) Warren, Karon Sua (10) 290 Warn, John William (11) 273 Watklnt, Henry (9) 316 WaHon, Chalherlne Ann (11) 273, 110, 131 Walton, Ken D. (10) Walton, Orlando (9) 310 Watte, Carolyn (12) Watts, Chrlt (9) 316 Want, Ooorgta (12) Weber, Mdltta (9) 310 Wddner, Chrltta (9) 316 Wddner, Ilea (11) 273 Wddner. Margaret (12) 244 WoBor, Thomas (9) 316 Wdthaupt, Tracey Arm (11) 273 Welch, Lynn (9) 310 Wdch, Martin Stephen (11) 149, 150 Watch, 0. Sherry (11) Well; Kathrin (9) 316 Warner, Lao (9) 316 Wetoman, Tray (9) 310 Waet, Jennifer (10) 290 Watt, MeBtta Judith (10) 119, 290 Wetton, Undo Ann (11) 155, 273 Wharton, Terrie Jean (10) 117, 175, 324 Wheat, Debbie (10) 296 Wheeler, Camlbe M. (10) 324, 125 Wheeler, Oary Chariot (10) Wheeler, Tim John (12) Wheeler. William Alfred (11) 273 Whlted, Jamet William (12) Whttridgo, Jolt (10) Whttridge, Mark (11) Wkthard, K. Ryan (9) 171, 310

Wlggint. Prank (11) Wlggint, Louie (11) Wlggint, Raymond (10) Wlggint, WUHo (11)

WUbum, AprB (It) 273 WBder, Kenneth Scott (10) 290 WBey. Catherine J. V. (10) 135, 294 wmeford. David ABan (12) 200 WUHamt, SM (10) WUHamt, Donald Anthony (11) 324 William t, lone (9) S16 Wttdenttdn, Kevm (11) 273 Wllnor, Felice (12) 50 Wilton, Doug (9) 310 WHton, Jaate (9) 310 WHton, Leah (10) 290, 127, 259 WHton, Scott (12)244 WHton, Todd (10) 190, 133 Wing, Batty Borne (12) Winkler. Jeftery hVchad (11) 273 Window, magma C. (10) 296, 135, 35* Wlrtd, MtcheBa (10) 290 Writ, Paul (11) 273 Witter, Trina Pom (11) 273, 117, 119 Woltord, Laura llama (11) 273 WoOard, RacheBe (9) 310 Wattle, Janice (9) 316 Womack. Joyce (11) 273 WoBard, Mormon (10) Wright, Mma (9) 316 Wykert. Lacy (12) 244, 119, 155

esterday was great, but tomorrow will be b e t t e r • Ho I l y Kriendler Yarbrough, MeBtta (10) 296 Yardman, Karen (11) 324 Yardman, M. Katheryn (9) 191, 91, 311 Yardman, Stephanie P. (10) 334 rota*, CaBeen (12) 344 Yatteo, Ten Jamet (10) fork, Chris (11) 373 Young, Amy (10) Young, tori Jaceudyn (11) 273, 132 Ydoviti, Jem (11)

ounds, We're glad this Is done-Annual Staff Zamora, Carl (11)

Zamora, Danny (10) 296 Zamora, Denlte (9) S16 Zamora, Oloria MareaBa (11) 273 Zamora, BJoaJo (9) 310 Zapata, Diane Dderee (10) 93 Zapata, Joeeph (13) Zucal, SoBy Terata (11) 373, 139, 245


lesta celebration Is -. something all Santa 1 Feans look forward to In late August and early September. The beauty and excitement of Fiesta Alls the hearts of both young and old. Living In New Mexico admiring the beautiful environment, gives one the feeling of tranquility and peace. New Mexico Is a place where one learns to appreciate traditions and culture; all this makes It truly the "Land of Enchantment."



Editor: Carol Romero WIBM Activities: Tracy Uttrell K Academics: Michael Gonzales Carlos Vtelra Organizations: Leah Wilson Sports: Kathleen Lopez Monica Novls Classes: Staff AdS a Index: Michelle Buchecker Susan Clark Carrie Summon Photographers: Pablo Gutierrez Scott Olsen Advisor: Ttta Stasny

s I close the book to the 19S1 Para Manana, I will always re' member this year and all the unique things that made to especially different. I win remember the disappointments, the encouragements, and the enthusiasm that It took to put together the 1981 edition of Para Manana. Also I wlH remember the people that worked diligently to make Para Manana 81 'capture the heritage and beauty of Now Mexico and Demon Country making It this year's "Bestseller". A special thanks also goes to Dave Ponton of Jo* mot Springs for the use of some photos In the opening section. If It wasn't for the dedicated staff, the fun and hard work would Of never been there; and so they have my warmest thanks. Most of all my memories, I will remember my Para Manana advisor, Ttta Stasny, for nor dedication, endless Ideas, a n d moral support. I know that all these wonderful memories will come back to me when m y kids ask me, "Mom, what was It like?" I c a n then look at my book and feel the pride and excitement, knowing that we put It together. Carol Romero Editor


Valeria Alarid John C-de-Baca Julie Baldonl Monica Sony Patricia Casaus Chris Chllders Angelica Chacon Crystal Clark Crystal Cox Lynn Ferry Eric Fuentos Theresa Gallegos Janet Garcia Shannon Hale Kim Hudson Natasha Hutchinson Kristin Kalangls Paula Lopez

Tony Lux Monica Martinez Vlkky O'Cheskoy Marsha Ortez Kristin Powell LolRae Ramirez Andrew Rivera Robert Rivera Michael Rodriguez Lisa Russel Geraldlne Salazar trie Sanchez Frankle Scalls Christie Shuck Will Stacy N a n d o Swanko Joe Velez Phillip Wartleld


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