Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1985

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Filling The Shoes Of

anta Fe High



The 1985 Para Manana The annual publication of Santa Fe High School

The staff Editors in Chief: Joyce Baros Melinda Griego Kerry Harper Chief Photographers: Mike Montaho and Mike Lee

Section Editors: Sbawna Collins, James Delgado, Karyn Erickson, Shelle Ford, Kevin Garcia, Leonard Gonzales, Ann Hill, Jennifer Nelson, Mary Spirio Photographers: James Delgado, Nathan Duran, Tim Elsbrock,Janelle Haugbt, Mike Lee, Joe Wolff

Staff: Melissa Baca, Joseph Castellano, Deoise Chavez, Keri Eddy, Gerald Espiooza, Senia Evans, Amber Flounders, Shaana Fuentes, Laura Gallegos, Shannon Gilcrease, Jennifer Hopper, Jon Hughes, Margaret Jones, Beth Kramer, Bianca Mares, Arlene Martinez, Patricia Martinez, Tami Mitchell, Kelly Montoya, Danny Nowers, Carolyn Ortega, Christine Pacheco, Desta Pool, Helen Reed, Flora Romero, Gabriela Salinas, Lucille Sena, Karla Schultz.













be four years that had been offered to us at SFHS were fun filled and carefree because that's the way we had made them. We could take along with us memories as well as di-

plomas. Life's never easy. We get no guarantees but we are given the promise of love, life and happiness. In the class of '85 we did our best to take advantage of the promises given to us.

Above inset, Carlos Terrazas a good looking man in uniform breaks Demonettes' hearts. Above. Hill comforts Melinda Griego as her band marches by. Upper right, Ricky Jaramillo and Coach H Mutt- The picture speaks- for itself.


Left, Mike "Hawkeye" Let got bis picture in toe annual ... again. Center, Kelly Davenport, "HI J GUYS!" Right, Maria Martinez — Miss Photogenic/ I









s freshmen we tried to fill the shoes of tomorrow, as sophotpores we were learning to walk. In our junior year our soles began to wear-out and inlour senior year we earned a pew pair of shoes. Between all \ I of this we learned \how to survive. The relationships that had taken I place may have changed but they could j I never be\forgotten\ We had succeeded | in making all our dreams or" what high school should be like, reality.

Top, Hey German Club! Don't you know 8 is enough, but 17 is a crowd. Above, "Hey Mom, do you think when I go to S.F.H.S. I'll west shoes just like that?" Above Right, Amy Biehl, recipient of the Best Drum Major Award at Pageant.

Left, Kat -MM Rojas le irns the den tity of wane, Reltot, Sierra Vista—Uommeomimg Queen.

Abore, juniors selling caramel apples out of a truck/I Center, Anna, Amy, Roberta and Deann: all dressed up and no where to go.

Above, Patti Dukeminier, off to conquer!

Top, Amy Koch, Homecomiag Queen, a memorable moment during her senior year. Left, Eva Wo in a joyful date. Center, An unforgetable moment of victory. Right, Pancbo Montoya and Jr. Atten Shannon Brown have fun at the homecoming dance.

e experienced joys, sorrows, frustrations, satisfactions, bitterness and love, Doing this together as a class made it more of a learning experience. It was the kind of learning not taught in the classroom but involved having caring teachers to

guide us and save us if we got in over our beads. Our ambitions were not only set on academics but more often than not, the social status we might achieve. Our goals would only be footsteps away, and high school was our stepping stone toward these goals,

Above. Shane Romero and loo Hughes. He was only supposed to escort her. Upper Right. Louise Marine* and Steve Baca march down the aisle. Lower right, Barbara Romero - can you tell she s a freshman?

Top left, Becky Whined helped bring the Demoaeaes to the top. Top right, Donna Tanuz and John Blea enjoy Vo-tech. Lower right, Joaquin Gutierrez goofing off in physics.

Class Motto: Give the world the best you can and the Best will come back to you. Class Song: I'm Free by Kenny hoggins Class Colors: Rose and Periwinkle Class Flower: Bird of Paradise

Top, David Cannon taking a senior snooze. I Bottom, Sarah Stein warms up her flag before the i homecoming parade.

Victoria Alamillo: DECA Angelia Alire: Art Mary Allen Monica Alvarez Carta Anaya: Track, Tennis, Volleyball state champions Jobnette Anaya: DECA Vice President Katherine Anaya Richard Anaya

Joseph Anchondo: Football, Golf Lara Anderson: French Club Jeff Andrews: Track, Soccer, Ski Club, French Club, Model U.N. Randall Andrews: Golf Valerie Apodaca: Band, French Club, German Club Lisa Archuleta Rita Archuleta: Cross Country, Art James Armijo: Track

Chris Arrison: Band Danette Atencio: FHA Barbara Baca: Cheerleader, FHAHERO Cynthia Baca: Journalism, Art Elizabeth Baca: R.O.T.C. Drill Team Geraldine Baca Jonathan Baca: FHA Vice President Rodolfo Baca: Wrestling, Chorus

Steve Baca: Football,

All-District, Baseball William Bacon: Ski Racing, Journalism, Photography, Boys State Rachel Baeza: Pan Am Roberta Baird: Key Club, Honor Society, Student Council Bernard Balink: Art Turner Barbee: Art, Choir, Journalism Joyce Baros: Cheerleader, Para Manana Editor, Journalism, Spectrum Gary Barsuaskas: Art, French Club David Bans: Band, Soccer, Class Representative, Honor Society Marts Becbhoefer: Soccer, Track, Drama Club, French Club Kathleen Benavides: Senior Class Secretary, Band, Key Club, Model UN Robert Benavidez: French Club, Computer Club Katby Bennett: German Club, Key Club, Who's Who Stacey Berridge: Speech, Drama, Honor Society Julie Bern's Amy Biebl: Band, Swimming, Diving, Honor Society President


Heather Blake: Drama, Art John Blea: Spanish Club Treasurer Kim Block: FHA Secretary and Treasurer Judy Branch: Track, Art • Michael Brennand: Soccer, Math Club, German Club, Honor Society Dec-Ann Briceno: FBLA, OEA, Speech Shan Briggs: Art Charles Brighton: Soccer, Tennis, Band, Key Club


Top, a surprise quiz has Stephanie, Bruce, and Matt worried. Above, Carta and Sbawaa plot their next play. Right, senior class members: True patriots.



Daring Feats . . . Every morning at approximately eigbt-o'five there would be a phenomenal line of cars backed up anxiously awaiting to enter the parking lot with time to spare to talk to friends. As fate would have it, turns out that you made a mad dash for the closest available space to me stairs and ended up parking on me third level because some

joker had the exact same idea you had. After you finally gathered all the books that were scattered in the back of your car and climbed up the levels, you saw mat all of a sudden the swarm of people gathered around stud wall had vanished. Going into class late was always fun, especially when the whole class would stop what they were doing (in-

cluding the teacher) and watch you sit down. Hesitantly, following an angry grunt, the teacher would change your absence to a tardy depending upon how he felt that particular day. Being tardy was only the start of you problems; the bard part came when you had to rumble through your backpack to find the homework that you knew you didn't do, but you wanted to look like you actually did it and you just couldn't find it. Second and third period class seemed to just be there like the groans of hunger pains in your stomach. Lunch passed by in about ten minutes even though it actually was an hour. For fifth period class you wished you had ditched to get an extra hour of sleep. Thanks to your friends, you managed to make it through sixth and seventh with a smile. Once again you had to tackle the parking lot filled with busy beepers. Finally you passed the gates of a prison and became free.

Lower left, Danny Nowers shows expressions ofdetermination against the Bulldogs. Upper left. Hike Montana nod David Cannon in their show-stopping rendition of the tango.

Above, James Deigado, daring to break beans.

Seniors IS

Kindree Brownbridge Beth Burkhart: Key Club, FBLA, Drama Club, Journalism, Senior Class Patricia Bustamaote: FBLA, FHA, DECA, FFA Richard Campiglio: French Club Treasurer, National French Contest, Art, Soccer Elizabeth Candelaria: DECA, US Achievement Academy, DECA District Award David Cannon: German Club, Latin Club, Senior Class, Honor Society Greg Carrara Charmaine Carritlo: Junior Miss Elisabeth Casados: FBLA, Pan Am Secretary Judy Casados: OEA Vice-President Milan Case: Science Club Bonnie Catanach: Who's Who, Honor Roll, Choir David Chacon: Swimming, German Club, Band Bruce Charlton: Basketball, Track, Student Council Angela Chavez: FHA-HERO District Treasurer Cindy Chavez: FBLA, OEA, Choreography

Pamela Chavez: Basketball Tina Cbilds: German Club, Ski Club, Senior Class, Honor Society John Clifford Shawna Collins: Volleyball State Champions, Who's Who, Para Manana, Senior Class Lisa Consales: Rodeo Club Secretary, Drama Art Susie Console: Key Club, Senior Class, French Club, Journalism Loretta Corn: Art Sandra Cruz: FHA-HERO

John Curtis: Band Kelly Davenport: Honor Society, Key Club, Pan Am, Choir Brett Davis: Dance Band, Art, Guitar Stephanie Daw: Junior Class President, Honor Society, Volleyball Captain, NCTE Writing Award Richard Delezene: James Delgado: Ski Club President, Student Council President, German Club President, Honor Society Alex Dickinson Nathalie Dieumegard: French Club, Drama Club Ralph Dotson.Jazz Band Ryan Dougbman: Art Liza Drew: Gymnastics Captain, Band, Drama David Duck Patti Dukeminier: Cross Country, Honor Society, Secretary of Student Council, Track Diane Durao Doreen Durao: DECA Leon Durao: Junior Class, Senior Class, Pan Am, LASSP

Rose Durao: FHA-HERO Kimberly Ebenhoeh Amy Elder: Volleyball, Who's Who, Class Representative Sarah Ellis Tim Elsbrock: Para Manana Photographer, Key Club Arlene Encinias: FHA-HERO Michele Esparza: FBLA Senia Evans: Para Manana, Ski Club, Student Council Seniors 17

Carolyn Fava: DECA Joey Fernandez: Band, German Club Julie Fernandez: DECA, Who's Who Ronnie Fernandez: Band, Basketball, Baseball, FHA Historian

Raymond Finn: German Club Kevin Fitzgerald: Ski Club, Key Club Mark Flood: Andrew Flores: Speech, Track, Cross Country

Lucia Flores: DECA, FHA Ted Flores Daniel Forrest: Chorus, Drama Mark Forte

Linda Foster: Band, Drama, Speech Team Shelley Frament: Art Stephen Fresquez: DECA, FHA Greg Fulgenzi: Basketball, Tennis

Scot Furgason: Art, Demolay, Soccer Angela Gallegos Cynthia Gallegos: DECA, Rodeo Club Laura GaUegos: German Club, Para Manana, Key Club, Senior Class

Michelle Gallegos: Band, Track Christine Garcia Kevin Garcia: Key Club, Para Manana, Student Government, Gymnastics Patricia Garcia: Art, FHA, Student Council


Rebecca Garcia Veronica Garcia: OEA Treasurer Virginia Garcia

Yvette Garcia: DEC A Angela Garrison Glenna George: OEA Reporter

John Getcbell: Football, Track Shannon Gilcrease: Volleyball, Junior St Senior Class, Honor Society, Student council Sarah Gilntan: Soccer, Swimming, Track

Janet Glass: Math club, Honor Society, German Club, Key Club Jennifer Gomez: HERO, volleyball Yvette Gomez

Yes, seniors set an example for underclassmen, yet Anna didn't quite take it seriously (as the rest of us didn't). Keeping up the tradition of hassling the freshmen, as all upperclassmen do, we never let them forget who was in con-

A senior example trot (and who was not)! We had our laughs on the first day of school when the building signs had all been mysteriously changed, beh heb. What a great way to begin the school year, and we're sure the freshmen thought so, too!


Dolores Goazales: CYO Leah Gonzales: ROTC Drill Team, DECA Leonard Gonzales: Para Manana, Spectrum, Choir, FBLA Annette Gonzales: Tennis, Senior Class, AIASA

Timmy Gonzales Gregor Gordon: Track, Tennis Anthony Griego: Football Melinda Griego: Band, Honor Society, Para Manana Editor, French Club, Head Cheerleader

Joaquin Gutierrez: Basketball, Who's Who, Band Steve Gyetva: Soccer Kerry Harper: Para Manana Editor, Journalism, Cross Country, Spectrum Henry Harvey

Hope Haslam: Band, French Club, Honor Society, Junior Miss Lupe Hasselquist Janelle Haught: Basketball, Para Manana Photographer, Band Taylora Hendrickson: Chorus, Band, Honor Society, French Club

Joyce Hernandez Denise Herrera Joseph Herrera Martina Herrera

Barbara Hicks Chris Higgins Jimmy High: Jazz Band Ann Hill: Cheerleader, Gymnastics, Para Manana, Who's Who


Hey, guys, you've been found out! Well, at last someone is taking "prayer in schools" seriously, except it wasn't in the classroom, rather, in a locker. 1984-85 was our year to do our own thing. There were no upperclassmen to put up with-

Devil worshipping? only each other! We all had different interests, ideas, friends, and eccentricities, but we did have one thing in common, probably the most unforgetable characteristic that we shared: we, all 800 of us, composed the graduating class of 1985.

Tanda Holland Gregory Hooper Jennifer Hopper: Student Council, Pan Am, Pan Manama

Dam's Howe: Speech Craig Hubbanrd: Art, German Club Chris Huber

Jon Hughes: Football, All-District, All-State, Para Manana, Who's Who Lori Hurtado: Art, Pan Am, Upward Bound Sarah Hurtado: Art, Pan Am, Upward Bound

Valerie Ingram: Speech Team President, Band, Honor Society, Writing Awards Don Jackson: Demon Spodyt, Journalism I, Boys Club

Debra Jaramillo


June Jaramillo: Art, Cheerleader Angel* Jimenez Jonjochem: Art Margaret Jones: Tennis, Soccer, Swimming, Para



Karthryn Jordan: Speech Virginia Jusselin: German Club, Foreign Exchange Student Chris Kahn: Baseball John Kantner. Chorus, Photography, German Club President, Honor Society Treasurer

Kenneth Keahbone Tanya Keyes: Drama, Closeup, Anthropology Club Doreeo King: Honor Society, FBLA, Choreography Amy Koch: Homecoming Queen, Key Club, Guitar, Art Daniel Kovnat: Drama Club, Key Club, Honor Society, Who's Who Tom Kraus: Art, VICA Offices, VICA Contest Winner Becky Lawrence Mike Lee: Gymnastics, Student Council, Para Manana, Photography, German Club Agnes Leyba: Tennis, FBLA, Drama Club, Wrestling Cheerleader Deborah Leyba: Art, Senior Class, Track Kathryn Leyba Tammy Leyba Julie Lind: Chorus, Swim Team, DEC A Daryl Lithgow. Track, Football Theresa Lobato: HOSA, Dental Assisting Certificates Allan Lopez: Art Football Captain, Track

Alonzo Lopez: Basketball, ROTC, Tennis, Anna Lopez: Student Council, Golf, Soccer Captain, Honor Society Audry Lopez Donna Lopez: Speech Team, Cheerleader, Loans Lopez: DECA, Drillette Mike Lopez: Merit Roll, Freshman andJV Carol Lucero May Lucero

Golf Co-

Track, Football

Michelle Lucero: Mock Trial, NJROTC Commander and Distinguished Cadet, Honor Society, Who's Who Tina Lucero Yves Lucero Denise Luiso Frances Luj.m: CYO Lora Luj.m: DECA, Honor Society Daniel Madrid: Journalism I, Art, Demon Spotlyt Theresa Maes: Student Council, Junior Class Representative

Brian Maestas Gary Maestas Millie Maez: Track. Basketball Aaron Marcbi: Art Bianca Mares: Cheerleader, Soccer, Key Club, Para Manana Jaime Marrufo Tim Marts: Art, Mayfair Club Andrew Martinez: Speech, Swimming, Key Club, Student Council



Deep friendships made over the four years of high school are one of the hardest things to put on the shelf, or let go of completely, after graduation. It's not the same when it's dusted off and opened up again- those years of life were really the highlight of it all! In band, a

Band-aids sport, a club or simply in class we found that potential friend we never would have come across in the masses of the 3000+ students at Santa Fe High School. We'll never live through it again, so we've made the best of it this year!

Arlene Martinet: Drama, Junior Miss, Para Manana, LASSP Bert Martinet: Art, Basketball Donna Martinet: Speech, Art

Jacobo Martinet Janice Martinet Lisa Martinet

Louise Martinet: Senior Homecoming Attendant, Junior Miss Marcus Martinet Maria Martinet: Tennis, Chorus, Band, Model Legislature

Matt Martinet Monica Martinet Rebecca Martinet: Track, NJ.R.O.T.C.

24 Seniors

Sammy Martinez Yvette Martinez Daniel Mayfield Kathleen McCarthy: DECA

Julie McCleskey: DECA Slate Winner Debbie McDonald: Dance Band. FHA/HERO Diana Medrano: Pan American Gab, OEA Jim Medrano

Mary Mien DECA Reporter, Who's Who Ronald Mien Wrestling, Science Club, NJROTC Jenny Miller: FHA HERO, Choreography Wade Miller. Skier

Steven Mitchell Brit Momaday: Band, Honor Society Rose Monarque John Montano: Drama, Art, Chess Club, German Club

Michael Montano: Golf, Swimming, Ski Club, Para Manana Chief Photographer David Montoya Greg Montoya: Wrestling Priscilla Montoya

Mariko Nakamaru: Exchange Student Suzanne Nceley: Band, Junior Miss participant. Greg Neidermayen Art, Honor Society Danny Nowers: Football, AllDistrict and All-State, Track, Para Manana, German Club



Todd Nordby: Baud, Speech, Key Club,

Genua Club Lisa Nordstrum: Baud, Soever, Key Club, Honor Society, German Club Luxmarioa Ocampo: Drama, Junior Class, Track, Who's Who

Derm Oglesby. Drama Elaine Olguin: Art, Swimming, Basketball, Demon Spotlyt Anita Olirms: Student Council

Joann Olirax OEA, OEA Award Julie Olsen: German Club, Pan Am, Senior Class, Demon Tatter Editor Carolyn Ortega: Para Manana, Matmaid, Track, Art

Jeanette Onega: Drillette, FBLA Marilyn Onega: Journalism, Drama, An Viola Ortega: FHA/HERO

tt said in the right way, die right tone of voice, and widt me right expression, post a simple hello can make you break out into unabatable hysterics. Upon arriving at school in the emrfy hours of die morning, it always helps

Hi there to see that luce widt that certain expression that'll help yomr day to be smoother and end quicker. So, for this we must thank those who were so helpful when they didn't even know that they

26 States


Beraice Ortiz: FHA/HERO Deaise Aaaette Ortiz Deaise Marie Ortiz: Student Council. Speech, Band Drum Major, Honor Society Ellie Ortiz: Para Manana, Cheerleader, Drama, Gymnastics

Linda Ortiz: Basketball, Baseball Liz Ortiz Roberta Ortiz: FBLA. Rodeo Club Jason Ostrander. Ski Club, German Club, French Club, Senior Class

Deano Overcasb: Cheerleader, Speech, Band, French Club David Pacheco Cynthia PadiUa: Guitar, FHA/HERO, Who's Who Joseph PadiUa

Linda Palmer: German Club, OEA Susan Parks: Choir, Journalism, Drama Dana Paschal Bryan Patterson, Track, Chess Club. German Club

Melissa Payne: Track, Art Sberi Pearson Christine Perea: VtCA Officer, AIASA, Architectural Awards John Petting: Speech, Band, Swimming, Model U.N., Honor Society

Kevin Pledger Sandra Quintans: Journalism I. Art Naydene Ramirez: Dance Band Helen Reed: Para Manana, Journalism, Speech, Band



Brian Regan: Journalism, Basketball, Soccer, German Club Kirsten Regensberg: Model UN, French Club, Science Fair Maureen Reyen Student Council, German Club, Science Club Daniel Rios: Football, Baseball, Art Linda Rivera: OEA Lori Rivera: Choir, Band Lori Roberts: Basketball, Track, Golf, Soccer John Rodriguez: Student Council, Choir, Drama, FBLA Linda Rodriguez: Sophomoe Attendant, Basketball, Track, Gymnastics Robert Rodriguez: Student Council, Football, Basketball, Track Katrina Rojas: Track, Volleyball, Student Council, Honor Society Shelly Roland Angela Romero: Art, FHA/HERO Carol Romero Chris Romero: Art, Football, Baseball, Basketball Christina Romero: Rodeo Club Treasurer: Who's Who Damian Romero: Art Michelle Romero Mike Romero Monica Romero: Key Club, Art, Student Council Sharie Romero: Junior Class Secretary, Senior Homecoming Attendant, Ski Club, Student Council Suzie Romero: Cheerleader, Junior Homecoming Attendant Carol Roust Margaret Roybal

Matthew Roybal: Football, Basketball, Baseball Diane Rubino: Chorus, French Club Secretary, Junior Miss Nancy Ruiz: Cheerleader, Track, Volleyball, Softball Criston Ryals: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Softball Saiz Frederick Margaret Salazan Chorus, Basketball Gabriela Salinas: Para Manana. Gymnastics, Key Club, German Club Darrell Sanchez: Art Orlando Sanchez Annette Sandoval: DECA Bernadette Sandoval: Pan American Treasurer, Honor Society Christina Sandoval: Regina Sandoval: Art, FHA HERO Richard Sandoval: Soccer, Senior Class, Honor Society Lupita Scalise Chris Schneider: Band, Section Leader of Drumline

Karla Scbultz: Para Manana, Junior Miss, Drama, Art, Golf Mark Scoggins: Journalism, Chorus, Key Club Treasurer Joan Segura: FHA HERO Sam Seig: Chorus, T.V. Communications, Key Club, Drama Club Treasurer Frank Sena Joseph Sena Lucille Sena: Para Manana, Art Sandra Sena: Choir 28


Jacque Serrano: Speech, Drama, Art, Football, Wrestling Darren Smith: Soccer, Key Club Dennis Snyder: Chess Club, German Club, Model Legislature Marie Solano: Band, Student Council, Pan American, Senior Class

Mary Spirio: Para Manana, Gymnastics, Key Club Dina Starner: Key Club Sarah Stein: Band, Swimming, French Club, Honor Society Sherie Storr: Chorus, Drama, Speech

Ronnie Swartz: Art, Michelle Tague: Donna Andrea Taylor: Honor


DECA Guitar Tanuz Society

Suzanne Teal: Journalism, Rodeo Club, German Club, Senior Class Reid Thomas: Drama, Art, Computer Club William Tolen: Band Bernadette Trujitlo

Lecretia Trujillo: Student Council, FHA-HERO VicePresident, FBLA Yvette Trujillo John Tubbs: Chorus, Tennis, Golf, Student Council Paul Tucker: Guitar, Track, German Club

Chris Vanvalkenburgh: Track Jana Van Winkle: OEA President, Speech, Chorus Mary Varela Sophie Vialpando


Ahh, the weekends .. . Weekends proved to be a valuable asset to the prevention of die expected "senioritis." Every weekend eacb and every one of us set out to let go ofail the anxieties, frustrations, and all-aroundtirednessofschool life. It was a good time to be with friends, do wild things, and just have unlimited fun. In years to come we'll catch ourselves saying, "Hey, remember when ...?"

Elisabeth Vigil: Art

Lorenzo Vigil Aecelia Villa: DECA Jennifer Visen Track, Honor Society, German Club, Who's Who

Lisa Weber: Drama, Band, French Club, DECA Mark Weiler Pamela West: Band, Volleyball, FBLA, OEA Secretary

Ernie Whitmore Becky Whined: Drama, Volleyball Captain, Golf Gymnastics, Senior Class Edward Wilson

Jesse Winston: Drama, Art, Anthropology Club, German Club Eva Woody: Band, AU-State Band, Para Maaana Elizabeth Wurst: Band, Drama, Ski Club, Who's Who



At'the beginning of the year, four girls shared the number one spot in the senior class. The Sarah Stein, Janet Glass, Amy Biehl and Roberta Baird.

Royal Blues is a section in Para Manana in which recognition is given to those seniors who should be commended for their academic achievements and/or their participation in sports and school activities. Ballots are sent to teachers who then nominate two students who they feel deserve this honor. Although many students are nominated for Royal Blues, fewer than 10% are rewarded.

Junes Delgado served the school as Student , Council president.


WINK BACON, alias William, aspires in life to get a college degree and become a bum, also ski, scuba dive and sky dive. Wink's bobbies include photography, skiing and reading because they do not require the cooperation of anyone else. He likes money and power very much and stereotypes himself as die Jimmy Hoffa type. His most memorable moment during high school was when he was elected Senior Class vicepresident. He is also vice-president of Key Club. A good wife for Wink would have to% have a good body, personality and lots of money.

TAYLORA HENDRICKSON would love to become a brilliant concert pianist, but she doesn't see that in her future. She just hopes to feel good about herself in whatever she chooses to do with her life. Taylora's hobbies include skiing, hiking, cooking gourmet meals, travelling and of course, playing die piano. She plans on attending either Baylor or Vanderbilt University and majoring in computer engineering widx a minor in piano performance. She feels that humanities has taught her a lot about thinking for herself and understanding philosophical ideas.

loyal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues H HOPE HASL AM's most memorable moment during high school was being trapped in the dead center of a five car pile up die first day of school her junior year. Fortunately, this isn't die only SFHS activity ambitious Hope has been involved in. Others include French Club, me National Honor Society, wind en^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ™ ^ ™ " " " semble and serving as a Bag-girl in band. Hope plans on attending either Stanford University, the University of Puget Sound or California Baptist University.


MARK SCOGGINS' aspirations are to live long, make millions of dollars, and marry someone like Christie Brinkley. Mark, who describes himself as a Preppy W.A.S.P. says the legendary Robin Hood best fits bis own selfimage. "I like to help people and am able to deal with all kinds of people in a way that allows everyone to be happy. Also, Robin Hood is classy." Mark, whose hobbies include playing polo, going to die opera, and driving fast, plans on attending a liberal arts college. He hopes his future occupation will be one that will aUow him to bt\ among people and also travel.

LISA NORDSTRUM plans on becoming an extremely rich lawyer. She would like to attend Colorado College in Colorado Springs. "This liberal arts college is small and personal, which makes me very comfortable. I plan on majoring in business and going on to law school." Lisa's favorite hobby is spending money and she aspires to "own everything I want." She admires James Dean most because he was daring and did exactly what be wanted to do. If Lisa bad unlimited money, she would spend the summer flying around the world doing everything, everywhere in an airplane she'd buy with a hired pilot.

CHARLES BRIGHTON has a unique life ahead of him. He would like to be extremely wealthy, have a good marriage and good kids and play professional soccer, also attend the lÂŁ5. Air Force Academy and become a pilot for a major airline or be a high paid accountant. Not bad for a guy who claims to be a "degenerate W.A.S.P." Charles admires his mother most because "she always does all the housework, maintains a full time job and finds time to spend with me." Come summer, he'd go to Puerta Vallarta and spend all his time on the beach if he had unlimited money.

loyal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues DANIEL KOVNAT chose some unique advice to give an incoming freshman. "Never let school get in the way of your educa tion," be says. Daniel said if he could, be would like to change everything about himself except his eyebrows. He admires Tom Selleck and his good looks. If he had unlimited money, Daniel would spend it on taking the SA T test as many times as possible. When asked what he plans on doing after graduation, Daniel jokingly replied, "Rush home and watch General Hospital. Luke just found out about Laura's affair with Jim, you know?"

BRIT MOM ADA Y desires to be successful in her goals and most of all she wants to be happy. During high school her most memorable moment was walking on the beach in Hawaii at night. Brit says that die person she admires most is her grandmother Natacbee Scott. "She is a wonderful person and she knows many things," she said. Brit plans to attend the University of Arizona to major in either medicine or business. "Humanities has stimulated me the most," Brit said "I find it really exciting learning." She likes all kinds of music, depending on her mood, saying, "a cup of tea and "The Nutcracker" on the stereo is a relaxing evening for me."


DEANN OVERCASH would like to travel through Europe, the Far East and Australia, then come home and travel the U.S. If she could, Deann would like to change her financial status and become 20 million dollars richer! As for college, she plans to attend Brown University, but has yet to decide on a major. "I want to be someone that does something worthwhile," she said. Some of her high school activities have included Speech Team, Cbeerleading, Student Council, Girls State, Ger~ man Club, French Club and Honor Society. Deann admires people who take charge of their own lives.

JEANETTE ORTEGA builds her experience in the business world by putting information into computers on her job at the P.E.R.A. She enjoys working with computers and plans to go to business college in Phoenix, Arizona, to gain more knowledge about computers. Surprisingly, Jeanette's favorite course during high school was not a computer course. It was choreograpby. "I enjoy dancing, Choreography taught me that if you work your bar dest and do your best, the best will come back to you." Jeanette's bobby is exercising. Jeanette describes herself as an accomplisher and an achiever. "I do what's best for me."

Hoyal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blue SHERI PEARSON has no definite plans for the future although she has narrowed her choices down to a Held of psychology. She would like to attend UNM and possibly become a social worker or psychiatrist one day. A main influence on Sheri's choice of career has been Mrs. June Burke, SFHS psychology teacher. She says that although the class was challenging, Mrs. Burke made it easy to understand. No matter what Sberi chooses to do in the future, her aspirations remain the same. She hopes to be happy, prosperous and successful at all that she does.


CHRISTINA ROMERO says, "All the sciences I have taken have stimulated me we most. They show me how living things work audit interests me." Christina says she would like to attend NMSU for her undergraduate work and men major in veterinary medicine at Colorado State University. She wants to become a country veterinarian. Christina's care for others is extended into her friendships. Her most memorable moments during high school have been all that she has done with her friends. Christina says she would like to change her communication with people, explaining mat she wishes she could get to know people better.

JEFF ANDREWS pretty mucb bas bis life planned out. He plans to attend Colorado State University to major in electrical engineering and to make a lot of money. Jeff admires Jobn F. Kennedy because, "He had a lot of things to offer the U.S., but some could not see them."Jeff stereotypes himself as one of the "in crowd," but feels that be needs to organize bis time better and not procrastinate so mucb. Right after graduation, Jeff plans on sleeping late and staying out all night. To an incoming freshman, Jeff would say, "Choose your courses wisely and get involved."

KELLY DA VENPORThas a career in public relations in mind for ber future. She'd tike to work in a large company as their public relations manager. In order to achieve this, Kelly plans to take the summer off and relax and to attend NMSU in the fall. Her bobbies are dancing, singing and writing poetry. She says she tikes these things because they help ber to relax. Activities that Kelly enjoyed during high school were junior varsity basketball, National Honor Society, Pan-Am Club and Key Club. She backs up these choices with this advice to incoming freshmen: "Get involved in extra -curricula r activities."

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blue KATRINA ROJAS would tell an incoming freshmen to "set high goals for yourself and try to reach them. P.S. play volleyball" Katrina feels this same advice is what has helped ber make it through high school. Someday she would tike to be a foreign diplomat or work with

an interna -

tional corporation. Katrina'sgreatest memory during high school was winning the 1983 state volleyball championship. She admires her volleyball coach, Nancy Mike, ihe most because "I think she is a great coach and a woman able to do anything she wants to." Katrina also enjoyed English I, enriched, with Mrs. Haufmann.

BRIAN REGAN seems to have bis future pretty well planned out. He'd like to go to college at either USD, Santa Cruz, or Trinity and get a degree in economics or political science. After this be wants to marry a beautiful, intelligent, and fun person and have a large family. Brian loves the company of friends and says, "HI bad unlimited money I would put all my friends up in a hotel in the Bahamas and go wild!" Brian is the captain of the SFHS basketball team and also enjoys backpacking, and fishing. He feels his greatest accomplishment was beating Hobbs in 1984.


JAMES DELGADO was a hard worker during his four years of high school. He maintained a high grade point average and devoted much time to his school work. On die other band, James could be found skiing, playing basketball, tennis or biking. He held down a part time job and found time to be involved in many Clubs and extra-curricular activities including Honor Society, Junior Class, Senior Class, Ski Club, Close-up, and he also served as President of German Club and Student Council his senior year. James enjoys travelling and plans to go to Spain dtis summer to visit a good friend and explore Europe.

PATTIDUKEMINIER feels that the course in high school which has stimulated her the most is humanities, because she feels that everything she has studied in the class can be applied to all areas of her life. Her greatest aspiration is to find fulfillment in the pursuit of happiness. "I would tell an incoming freshman to stand up for what they believe and not to let others get them down." Patti, who admires Mahatma Gandhi for his fight for peace with peace, plans on attending Colorado State University.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blu& ANNA LOPEZ plain and simply wants to be a screen play writer. She feels that either Pomona College in California or the University of Virginia would benefit her most because they are both small to moderate sized liberal arts colleges and offer a wide variety of courses. Golf is Anna's life. She enjoys it because it allows her to spend time away from the toils of reality. Anna has been involved in Band, Student Council, Honor Society, Model U.N., class clubs, golf, gymnastics and soccer at SFHS. Immediately after graduation she hopes to go to the south of France to begin her journey in life.


DENISE ORTIZ dreams of someday playing her flute in Carnegie Hall, and feels her music is an important part of her life. Denise is very involved in band. Among her resume are Wind Ensemble, All State, Jazz and drum major for the Ambassador Marching band for 3 years. She has also been involved in Student Council, Speech Team and took first place at the Santa Fe Jr. Miss pageant. She plans on attending either the California Institute for the Arts or UNSi because both offer great music education. She would like to become a professional flutist, but realizing that musicians don't make a stable income, she will consider computer science.

GABRIELA SALINAS says she admires the Statue of Liberty because "she is so old and still doesn't ha ve a hunched back." Gabriela is very involved in gymnastics and says she loves the sport because she enjoys learning new tricks and overcoming her fear of them. "I would tell an incoming freshman to take everything slowly, don't get impatient or frustrated. Everything will work itself out. But don't take things too seriously窶馬othing lasts forever." Gabriela, who describes herself as a typical high school girl, wants to attend college at die University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado.

MARGARET JONES, who describes herself as a wild and crazy gal, feels her most memorable moment during high school was when Amy Koch was elected Homecoming Queen. According to Margaret, the whole school must have been in tears during mis special moment. "If I could, I'd change my inability to really excel in a sport or academic area," says Margaret. "I always fade out in sports and don't take advantage of learning the tilings offered to me." Margaret plans on attending Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colo.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blue DEBRA JARAMILLO is one person whose Spanish heritage really shines in her personality and likes. Her most impressive class has been Spanish for me past three years because she Wees to learn about her culture. "I also have a dream to become a Spanish singer," adds Debra. Debra's love of people is great, especially of those close to her. Her most memorable high school moments were spent with two people who turned out to be her best friends. "Now each has gone her own way," she says, "and I'm stuck here with good memories. Debra also has an 窶「dl consuming passion for purple.

YVETTE THIBODEAUX describes herself as "unstereotypable" and explains mat she enjoys all kinds of music because she's a "chameleon." Yvette works at St. Vincent's Hospital in the pediatrics department. Her job involves willingness to love, help and heal special children, she says. Yvette considers Ghandi her most admired person, describing him as an exalted radical pacifist. She hopes to attend law school at Stanford and plans to be a "rich and famous" lawyer. "A beautiful nose" is the quality she'd look for in a spouse.


DARREN SMITH has participated in soccer, tennis, Ski Club, Key Club as secretary and was chosen to attend Boys State. He says Ms. Cornish's humanities class has taught him an incredible amount of information. Other teachers with an impact on Darren were Mr. Cbristensen, Mr. Sternberg and Mrs. Zinn. He feels that John De Lorean would best fit his self-image because "he is an individual in his own field and would do anything to make his project successful." Darren's hobbies include skiing, soccer, backpacking, polo, team handball, and cat juggling.

SANDRA SENA describes herself as a person who tries to make people feel that they are at their best. She enjoys helping people feel good and comfortable about themselves which is a good attitude for someone who plans on becoming a teacher in the future. As for other teachers, Sandra feels Mr. Joe Mier and his ability to make friends with his students, has made the most impact on her. Sandra is very fond ofmusic and loves singing. "Music is special to me because it helps me to relax and reflect on my thoughts," she says.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blm LIZA DREW stereotypes herself as a "strange one." Her interests include collecting fish, BMXing, skiing, laughing and collecting dead flowers. "I enjoy all these because they bring me personal satisfaction and a good time," Liza stated. She is very interested in gymnastics. She has been on the SFHS team four years and recalls her most memorable moment: "at a triple meet against Cibola and Highlands, I placed second on the uneven bars with an 8.1. I was so excited!" For college she would like to go to a liberal arts college "out of New Mexico" and study theater arts.


CHRIS TOLEN has been seen wailing away on his trumpet for the past four years, blowing his creative energy into music. And a grand job he's done of it too. Admiring Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for his talent to compose beautiful music, Chris thinks his love of> music is understandable. He feels comfortable with any kind of music, "As long as it isn't Culture Club, Michael Jackson or breaking music." Looking to the future, Chris sees himself in San Diego, California, a highly paid architectural engineer with a wife and seven children. He plans to attend Brigham Young University.

KA THR YNJORDAN tells the incoming freshman, "Start preparing for college right away because your high school years pass quickly." Even though Kathryn has prepared well and kept her grades far above average, she has no definite college plans yet. She tells us she plans to take a year off from school to try and find a direction for herself. As of now, Kathryn is looking in the direction of being a travel agent or some other travel oriented job.

RICHARD "RICK" SANDOVAL feels that his merits in National Honor Society and Who's Who Among American High School Students, along with receiving the Rotary Youth Leadership Award, and the ability to push himself to get things done, have helped him achieve this honor. Leadership is a quality that those around Rick and even he himself can see clearly. He describes himself as a rock that only skips the top of the water, which fits bis attitude towards life and school as well. "All the teachers I've had have made some sort of impact on me, and it would be hard to compare them," says Rick.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blu IF CHRIS HUBER could have had her way, she would have been a child prodigy and never would have had to be a freshman. But, since she wasn't, she got as close as she could by working her hardest and achieving gradu.ition a year early. Chris feels she has benefitted from all of the classes and teachers she's had, but her most stimulating classes have been literature by and about women and contemporary U.S. history because, "Both have increased my awareness of the world tenfold. I chose them for purpose and they fulfilled it."

KATHY BENAVIDEZ describes herself as more of a leader than a follower. She says she has worked hard for her high grades and achievements and feels honored at being named a Royal Blue. Aiming to use her intelligence to its fullest, Katby would like to attend Purdue or CSU to pursue a career in environ' mental or petroleum engineering. Kathy plans to be successful at whatever she does and to have a lot of love and happiness throughout her long life. "However," says Kathy, "after graduation I plan to celebrate the present and then dunk about the future."


MELINDA GRIEGO would recommend to all freshmen to "take school seriously, yet have a great time." Her hobbies include playing the clarinet, "it's my joy," and cheerleading. She is head cheerleader of the varsity squad. She is also one of the editors-inchief of the annual. "I love annual because even though the work is very demanding, it's all worth it." Some of her fondest memories of school were eating McDonald's hamburgers in front of the Royal Hawaiian in Hawaii, and also serenading "Ynnhoj Acab" with her ukelele. She hopes to go to Stanford and pursue a medical degree.

JENNIFER VISER has chosen Mrs. Najjar's infamous chemistry class as the one with the most impact on her. She feels that Mrs. Najjar has impressed her with her dedication and professionalism. Jennifer says she feels that Mrs. Najjar makes her students work hard to appreciate their grades. Jennifer plans on attending Colorado State University where she would like to major in wildlife management. Jennifer would love to work in a wild animal park such as the one in San Diego, or in a job ph o tographing wild animals.

oyal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blut JOHN PETRIN G ' s most memorable moment during high school was receiving a telegram on Sept. 30, 1984, at 12:35 p.m. stating that he had made the McDonald's All-American Band. John plans to major in music or international relations while in college and predicts that his future occupation will be in either of these fields. John feels that his contemporary U.S. History class with Mrs. Jane Zinn will be helpful to him if he chooses a career in international relations, and he says Mrs. Zinn helps make the subject interesting.


AMY BIEHL, is that All-American-blonde hairblue eyed-freckled-girl, but remember, looks can be deceiving. At least that's what Amy claims. She is a very outgoing gal, and enjoys swimming and diving because "Swimming keeps me in good shape and diving because it is exciting and dangerous and incredibly scary!" As for college, she plans on a very prestigious college in California or on the east coast. Her future hubby will have to be "a good little cook know how to do laundry, have to do windows, but actually marriage is not in my future plans."

VALERIE APODACA is a truth-seeker. She claims she has to see things for herself and make her own judgments, and she doesn't like to believe things blindly. If there were anything she'd change about herself, it would be the fact that she's seen so little and that she knows so little about the world. An incoming freshman would receive her advice: "Strive to be yourself — to be an individual, because it is those willing to be different that learn that they aren't confined to earth and its resources, but that the whole universe is at their disposal. "College plans for Valerie include UNM or Stanford.

ROBERTA BAIRD's most memorable moment in high school was rather patriotic. Instead of remembering a light shining on herself and her achievements she chooses to favore the moment the Demon basketball team beat Hobbs in the Pit. She claims it was intense. Memorable moments, success, friends and love are what she wants most in life, "along with a beach bouse in California," she adds. Success will no doubt be a little problem to Roberta who plans to major in film studies at a California college. As for a career, she'd like to be an art director or location manager.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blut STEPHANIE DA W is quite an all-around girl. Her high school activities included volleyball, basketball, track, Student Council, Honor Society and Junior Class (president). She has always been an honor student and credits her nomination to Royal Blues for her "hard work and doing well." Stephanie loves sports because she loves to be active, feel competition and challenge herself. Her most memorable moment in school was taking state in volleyball in 1983. She plans to attend St.John's in Annapolis and to work in Berkeley.

SARAH STEIN has aspirations just like anyone else, "to achieve fame, happiness and wealth of course." She wants to go to college on the East Coast (maybe Brown) and follow her icterests which right now are biology and medicine and become a doctor or surgeon. She works, as she puts it as a Dazzer in Dai-Land. "My adventures in the land of Daz include scooping mounds of the most delicious ice cream made and making the world a fatter place." She is a member of the Marching Ambassadors Band, is on the swim team, in Honor Society and French Club.


MICHAEL BRENNAND's most memorable moment during high school was when someone mischievously cabled his car shut with aircraft cable on his birthday. Michael, who describes his life at SFHS as a mil-time job, says he admires his teachers for their ability to put up with the educational system. He regrets not applying to colleges sooner, but is considering at- ._ tending Stanford and majoring in mechanical engineering. "My aspirations are to excel in all that I try," he says.

JANELLE HA UGHT thinks, "Being nominated for Royal Blues is just great!" Enthusiastic Janelle's future will most likely include attending either UNM, Lake Forest, or Marquette College and she wants to get a degree in medicine. She plans on becoming a psychiatrist because of her fascination with mental illness and its capability of controlling people. Janelle says her most memorable moment in high school was when she passed Mrs. Najjar's chemistry class without developing ulcers, but thinks her most memorable teacher would have to be Mr. Feldberg. "Mr. Feldberg subtly showed his smdents be cared," said Janelle.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blm JOYCE HERNANDEZ spends her time after school being a lab technician at Clear Optics, learning to make bard contact lenses. However, major plans in this area are not seen in Joyce's future. Joyce is undecided as to what college she will attend, but she would like to pursue a career in either math or ^^ music. Joyce enjoys pop rock. "I like listening to music because it's relaxing. Pop rock music has meaning to me. I also like the "oldies but goodies." One of Joyce's most memorable moments in high school was singing and playing guitar in the 1983 Homecoming assembly.


RONDAJARVIS is an inspiration to her classmates. Despite a serious illness, she has made great strides in her life. Ronda expresses her feelings through everything she does. She would like to become a physical therapist because she feels that she could relate with a patient's feelings and understand his frustra^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jttion. Ronda has helped manage the volleyball team for three years. She recommends not taking things that mean much for granted. "You never know what you have until you lose it." Ronda's most memorable moment was returning to school and her friends after an illness which resulted in her missing half her freshman and all her sophomore years.

WADE MILLER is known by his friends as "the saxapbone wizard, bis sense of humor and funny personality have given him a bead start when it comes to knowing many people. Being an active person, Wade enjoys soccer, skiing, racquetball, and playing the saxaphone. He chooses these hobbies because they are different and expose him to newer things in life. Wade says he doesn't have any major plans right after high school. He'd tour colleges in northwestern U.S. though. Mr. Richard Snider made the biggest impact on Wade. "He reminds me of myself," be explained.

ANN MARIE HILL is a very determined young lady. She plans to go to UNM next year to take most of her basics and then to attend college in California. Whether her career is in advertising or as a detective, she wants to be successful, own a red Porsche 911 and be happy with what she's doing and who she is. Ann admires Mary Lou Retton mostly because she bad a goal and with lots of determination and talent, she achieved it. Ann is also interested in gymnastics, cbeerleading, skiing and dancing. Mrs. Germanas has made die biggest impact on Ann.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blu VALERIE INGRAM tells us, "There are two teachers I will always remember for helping me to learn to believe in myself-Be verly McCrary and Richard Snider. Through their faith in me, I've been able to develop my writing and musical abili" ties more fully." Valerie also enjoys singing and \_ calligraphy because they help her to relax, clear her mind and express her emotions, artistically. Valerie plans on attending a college on die east coast "to feed her insatiable mind." She plans to become a novelist whose books will carry an important message in them that will cause die reader to reflect upon him/herself and mankind.

DANNY NOWERSsays, "I would tell an incoming freshman to enjoy yourself and make die best of high school, because it passes very fast." Danny has participated in such SFHS activities as German Club, Junior Class, Annual, track, and football. He has received many football honors and feels this is the reason he was nominated for Royal Blues. In die future Danny plans on attending SMU and be wants to continue playing football. He would like to major in sports medicine and possibly become a trainer.


JOSEPH BARELA, a senior whose self-esteem carries him far, describes himself as a very positive, free-thinking, easy-to-get-along with guy. He says that even if he could, he wouldn't change a thing about himself. It is this pride in himself that other people feel. Joseph feels that it is his reputation for being a hard worker and an honest person that has earned him the honor of being a Royal Blue. Joseph would like to attend UNM and major in criminology. He hopes to become an FBI agent.

SHELLY FRAMENT moved to Santa Fe from Southern California when she was in the ninth grade. Here at SFHS she has been a member of the German Club and the French Club and she says that one of the most enjoyable things she did in high school was to be the skunk for the French Club's Homecoming float. Shelly also likes creative writing, working at La Posada and riding her horse, Juniper. She plans to take a year off and work before deciding on the rest of her life.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blue LINDA ORTIZ, an employee at Kentucky Fried Chicken, has many athletic hobbies such as Softball, volleyball and basketball. She feels her most memorable moment during high school was when she was chosen to play on die varsity baseball team. Linda, who stereotypes herself as an average, crazy teenager, plans on attending UNM or UTEP and major in computer. "Whether or not I go to college, I would like to be a computer engineer or maybe a coach."


TOM KRAUS describes himself as a fun-loving guy who thinks his family and friends are number one. Clearly, his favorite things in life are very important to him. He loves to be wim loved ones, having fun, and his aim in life is to be happy wim whatever he does. Tom would also like to be a rich architect. He plans to attend college in the east and to major in architecture. He has been training to go into wis field for three years at Voc-Tech. In fact, his architectural drawing teacher, Mr. Schmelz, has made me biggest impact on him in high school. Tom feels that Mr. Schmelz really cares about students.

JANET GLASS has managed to maintain a 4.0 average throughout high school. She has had many experiences in her school life. Her most treasured moments are cabling Mike Brennand's car doors together and going to prom her junior year in a Porsche 944, Janet's plans for the future are to go to DePauw U. in Indiana and major in biology and chemistry because she wants to go • into genetics and environmental science. Male, kind, a good sense of humor, fun to be with, intelligent, romantic and tolerant are die requirements for Janet's future husband.

JOHN KANTNER is a fun loving sort of person and is an avid skier. He has been a member of German Club for all four of his years at Santa Fe High School and served as its president his junior year and its vice-president during his senior year. John says he likes music that keeps him in touch with reality, jokingly citing circus monkeys playing Chinese church hymns as an example of what be means. One of John's interesting experiences was a summer at the Grand Teton Science School where he studied biology.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blu6 DAVID BATTS, who stereotypes himself as a "fun loving dude with a passion for life," says the person he admires most is a hermit he once knew who lived in die forest without a care in the world. When asked what his most memorable moment in high school was he replied, "When my friends and I changed all die school building signs around the night before the first day of school." David would like to obtain a PhD in college so mat he can someday become a professional Carribean beach bum.

AMY ELDER feels her desire to become a high school or college teacher could be credited to Miss Poster. Amy would like' to bold this occupation after attending college at NMSU and getting a B.A. in a biological field. She would men like to go to St. John's College in Santa Fe and achive a Liberal Arts degree. Another person who has made an impact on Amy's life is her grandmother. "She's got it all together! She is so giving and understanding! She loves everyone and everything! She'll do anything so mat everyone will get along," says Amy.


GREG FULGENZI is into physical fitness and spends his spare time playing tennis, skiing, playing racquetball and swimming. Greg has been active at school as well as on his own. He has participated in basketball, tennis and Honor Society. Although he seems to be terribly busy, Greg does find time to keep the high grade point average that helped him to attain a spot on the Royal Blue list. Stereotyping himself as ambitious and wellrounded, Greg tells us, "I don't feel I have made one mistake that stands out in my mind, but I do feel one can profit from mistakes."

SHANNON GILCREASE feels that her involvement in extra-curricular activities and student government at SFHS as well as her high grade point average have paid off in her nomination to Royal Blues. Shannon plans to major in communications in college and would like to be a journalist or work in public relations. She feels that she has necessary qualifications for such a field because of her enjoyment of working with different people. One of her biggest aspirations is to travel all over the world. Shannon's ultimate goal is success and happiness.

oyal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Bh JULIE OLSEN hopes to succeed in whatever she chooses to do. "I want to love what I do. I wish to lead a happy life and if it turns out how I plan, I mink I will." One thing Julie's sure of is that her future will include a certain Leon Duran, whom she describes as having everything. Julie is currently the co-editor of the Demon Tatler and plans on attending NMSU and majoring in journalism and mass communications. She hopes to some day go into radio and TV production.


MIKE MONTANO comments, "I really admire Ms. Stratton because she has more patience than any one I know." Mike says that if he had unlimited money this summer he'd like to travel the world, purchase a car and also buy a Big Mac for all the starving people in Asia, "to show them that real food isn't all that great." Mike, who says he would like to change his habit of arguing, wants to become an optometrist or x-ray technician in the future. A very active person, Mike has participated in such high school activities as golf, annual photography, journalism. Student Council and is co-founder of the M&M Company.

TINA PEREA has certainly aimed for and achieved high goals in high school, especially in what is most important in her future — her career. Being an active participant in VICA, Tina has made a lot of friends and memorable moments. Tina's favorite, however, is winning first place in the architectural drawing state competition for VICA. Without a doubt, Tina's favorite class was architectural drafting and the teacher, John Schmelz was the person who had the most impact on her during her high school career. "He gave me encouragement to give it my all and t o try new things," she said.

MICHELLE LUCERO's aspirations are as high as most of us dare to dream. She plans to attend the U.S. Naval Academy and major in aerospace engineering. Michelle would like to become a career officer in the Navy and after retiring as an admiral would like to join NASA and someday help colonize the moon. She hopes to someday be recognized for an outstanding achievement in aerospace design. Michelle feels that she can't be described as an a verage student because there is no "average" student. She's done above-average work and participated in ROTC, Mock Trial, Science Club, Math Club, Choir and Honor Society.

Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Blues Royal Bit TODDNORDBY says he admires bis parents more than anyone else because of the patience they've shown with him. "I feel that my parents are the greatest teachers I have or will ever have because they have taught me more than anyone else. They started teaching me before I even set foot in school." Todd, who wishes be could change his stubbornness, feels he would buy twin Ferraris and travel to California with some friends if he had unlimited money. After majoring in business at New Mexico State, Todd would like to go to law school.


Below left, Milissa Baca and Ms. Stratton go over a layout. Below right, Mark Urban studies notes. Right center, Mr. Badynski pinpoints the area.

For seniors there was a new rule in 1984*85, making a full day of classes mandatory unless one had a job. This was a completely unwanted surprise from the past when most seniors only had a half day. Many grinned and bore it while others found out real quick what it was to work.

Above, Time out for a picture.

Above, Mike supposedly prepares for the ACT.

Administrators fill big job

The 1984-85 Administration has worked hard in successfully moving the students up the ladder. Each principal undertook a specific area in which to work with the students and therefore got to know many students on a one-to-one basis. Often students forget this administration is comprised of humans who care and are preparing young adults for futures unknown. While dealing with a large student body, this staff has organized and put to action a system to discipline and encourage students.

Above right, Mr. Ben Esquibel, senior principal, doing what comes naturally. Dr. LaVera Leverett, attendance principal caught with a grin.

Above, Mr. Robert Vigil, assistant principal, looks up from his desk.

Below, Doa Casados, principal is tbe man ia charge of the whole administration. Right, Mr. John Sena, assistant principal, oversees one of the many activities.

Tbe Board ofEducation of tbe City of Santa Fe. Left to right, Edward A. Ortiz, Superiadeat of Schools; Henry L. Gallegos. Secretary; ArthurJ. Johnson, Vice-President; Eluid Levi Martinez, Presdieat; Richard M. Padilla, Member. Don R. Baca, Member. 53

Secretaries keep SFHS going

Secretaries keep the ball rolling at SFHS. They are in charge of everything from helping with attendance to helping out the counselors. Secretaries have one of the biggest jobs of the school. "I could retire, but J don't want to because the students keep me young." Mrs. Ann Patty said.

S e c r e t

a r i e 5

Right band corner are our fine secretaries. Top row, Cecilia Padillia. Joanne Ulibarri, Ana Patty, Michelle Montana, Laura Moreno, Gloria Coriz, Barabra Alba. Bottom row. Bertha Garcia, Peggy Stevens, Irene Aranda. Evelyn Pacheco. Center above Evelyn Pacbeco keeps attendance in order. Above Mrs. Stevens listens to another excuse. Above right Mr. Casados works side by side with bis secretary, Lynette Garcia.


Mrs. Garcia works on transcripts above. Right, Ann Patty is known around SFHS as a friend as well as helper.

Counselors help students handle future. The counselors at S.F.H.S. have a big job. They are there to help the students as much as possible. Counselors help students with problems ranging from home and academics to social problems and schedule changes. They are not there to give answers but to help the student find his own answer. The counselors stress that the discussion between student and

counselor is purely confidential.

Left, Mrs. Stasny gives a shy hello to her fans. Center. Mr. Johnson counsels Mr. Jacobson on bis cold. Below, Mrs. Jones takes a break for a smile.

Left. Mrs. Villarreal helps student smile again. Above, Evelyn Valdez studies students transcripts. Right, Mr. Jacobson in a joyful date.

Councelors 59

An Artist in the making "We have some of the most talented students in the state here at SFHS." This is just one of the ways Gary Myers describes the art students at the high school. He went on to say that many of the students are able to obtain scholarships to attend colleges all over the United States. There are several different kinds of art classes offered at the high school, ranging from jewelry to drawing and sculpturing to painting. The art classes have a Christmas show every year to show everyone the work they do. Students also enter in several art shows.

Top right, Greg showing off his prize-winning drawings. Above, A mystery drawing from a mystery artist.

Left, Another one of those days,rightMrMyers.' Above, A little help from Mr. Badynski.



Left, Another example of an artist's work. Below Left. Mr. Karshis showing James the structure of the face. Bottom. A creation in the making.

Left. Smile Carolyn, you're on candid camera. Above. Making more messes.



Science prepares students for college The Scieace Department has a lot of classes to offer high school kids. Glasses that are available are earth science, physical science, biology, and last, but definitely not least, chemistry. Taking a science class prepares people to live and work in society. New additions to the science department this year were Mr. Mike Walker who teaches physical science and Ms. Anne Dawnes who teaches biology and math. "If you are college bound, you should take as many science classes as possible", say department head Correen Najar. She suggests biology, physics and chemistry.

s c i e n c e

Ceoter Top, Ms. Dowaes was new ia the scieace department this year Above, Mr. Mier figures out the formula for a longer life. 50


Top, "This test is a hreete." Above, Hillary and Marie work hard ia tbei tory.

Left, Mrs. Najjar knows exactly what's going on in chemistry. Below, Don't laugh I think we blew up some' thing.

Center, "Don't bother me. I have papers that need to be graded", says Ms. Foster. Left, "It's fun playing doctor."



Computer students look toward the future With computers becoming a dominant factor in the business world, many courses have been established teaching basic computer skills. Megan Kenny, a junior, says, "I have no idea what my career plans are, but computers will probably be involved somehow." As well as computers, students have a wide variety of math classes to choose from to fill their required quota of two math units. Trigonometry, calculus, and geometry are some of the classes popular among the students. Basic math student Denise Catanacb-Romero sums up her opinion of math by saying, "Math keeps your brain from turning to slush." Right, Shannon Gilcrease and Joyce Baros, quit posing and get to work! Below, Mr. Tafoya tries to get his point across.

Above, Mr. Martinez captivates his students. Top right, Mrs. Houghtoa, Mr. Christensea take a coffee break. Right, Mr. Perfors programs bis class to learn.


Top left, Mr. Feldberg studies a student's homework. Top right, future mathematicians deep in thought. Above, a calculator sometimes helps.

Top left, Mr. Christensen drinking on the job. Left, Criston Ryals fools around asJoaquin Guiterrez and Joe Barela ponder their grades.



We set our goals and we reach them Left, Mr. Allea eajoys talking to students. Below, It's so frustrating!

The social studies department goal is to make students aware of current social conditions as well as past. This is done through discussions, projects, reports, books and through the exchange of ideas. It offers a well-balanced program of contemporary local, national and international events. The department is also designed to acquaint the students with cultures and life styles of people throughout the area and to help the students to better understand today's world. Students are also introduced to major forms of government found in the world today.

Left. Danica, keep your eyes on your paper. Above. Mr. Zero, the comedian.


Left. How it goes. Randy, is . .. Below, Mr. Carter reading the day's bulletin Center Left. Come on, Lori. stop looking at Jaime.

Left, Okay. David, smile. Center, Mrs. Zinn enjoying a day in class. Above. Rachel Garcia enthralled with class.

Social Studies


Students account for every moment

The SFHS business department offers a wide variety of classes to train students for the future. This is because the motivated staff pushes toward careers in business. "Business classes prepare you for a future," said senior Mike Montano. Suzanne Keever agreed, adding, "Although I don't plan to be an accountant, I'm sure it will be useful in any career I choose." Overall the students recognize the fact that business skill is useful in any career. As Leonard Gonzales said "Almost everything revolves around business."

Above right, Suzanne K. "I need * */?@! Above, "Mrs. Peralta A mechanic too?


Left, I hope he doesn't call on me. Above, "is this necessary."

Lett, Accounting classes work hard. Below left. Enjoyment is part of the class. Below right, Busy as a bee!

Middle, Friends make it easier. Above, It all adds up! Above middle. Caught in the act. Above, It figures, and adds up. Business 69

Not just books . . . but computers too Friendly faces can be found in the library. Many students go there to study and relax. This year the library is equipped with a GIS computer which gives students information on prospective colleges telling about tuition, financial aid, majors and scholarships. There is a separate file on the GIS computer which deals with listing various occupations, salaries, job opportunities in a particular field and areas where that occupation will be needed in the ten years. Mrs. Valeria Gregory says "Service to students comes first. We are here to help students with reference questions, research papers, book selection and other questions they may have."

Right. David Vialpando. keeps piling up!

The work just

Above. Nathan Duran. Blinded by the light Right, Daniel Kovnat. Do I fit in or what.


Left, Ya Mensah, One step closer and I'll bite you! Below, Jason Menke leans into the picture.

Left, And we thought Mr. Osborn only substituted. Above, David Reinikainen, Just moping around.


Knowledge from the arts At Santa Fe High there are eight different categories in the Language Arts Department. Creative writing, speech and drama provide students with the privilege to be themselves and the chance to get to know themselves better. English provides students with the opportunity to get to know their language better. They learn more about communication in our world. Not only can it be fun and challenging, but it can also be an educational experience. Being a part of the Tatler provides students the opportunity to interview and report. Just imagine! If our little, private world is fun, exciting and at times frightening, can you even begin to think of what the future journalists of our world have in store for them? Annual classes learn the meaning of cooperation. We all learn to get along and most important, we learn exactly what the term "deadline" means. Seeing our work on display, makes us proud and we can feel that our time-warping duties paid off. There is a new class being offered to students — literature by and about women. This class provides students the opportunity to learn more about womanhood. Humanities also allows students the challenge to know themselves. That in itself can be exciting and enticing. Someone once wrote, "Free Knowledge, bring your own container. Monday through Friday." Each of us has a container that needs to be filled. And the students that cared got their containers filled to the very rim! It was also these students that made 84-85 an unforgettable year!


Top, Richard Campiglio dreaming in humanities class. Above, Ms. Mc Crary comments on a student speech. Center, Mr. Parker grades papers. Above, Martin Candelaria gives a speech.

Top Left, Chad Holbrooks writing away. Bottom Left, Miss Hancock wishing Calgon would take her away.

Above Center. Mr. Rael • slave or teacher?? Above. Turner Barbee exhausted after meeting a deadline.

Language Arts


Language Arts Electives are fan!

Top, Student busy in English. (Tenter, Belly Dancer, in English? Above, Larry Toll pretending to work.

Top, Kerry Harper, A.K.A. Spacer!

Lett, Mark Urban taking notes.

Above center. Drama students create improvisations.

Above, Drama students map out action.

Top right, Karen Ericksoa. busy in annual class. Above, Mike Lee cheating away.

Center, Ms. Siratton busy as usual!

Top left. Cad Pratber Hashes his dimples.

Above, Student learns by listening carefully.

Language Arts


Foreign languages aid college-bound students Students at SFHS have an opportunity to learn four foreign languages; Spanish, Latin, French, and German. Department head, Mr. Alfredo Esquibel, stresses the importance of a second language. "The most important reason to learn a second language is because we live in a tri-cultural community," he said. Mr. Allan Pearson, German teacher, said he likes the school's she. "There is a greater variety of classes here than there would be at a smaller school," he stated. Mrs. Diane McEvilly explained why French is so popular. "French is the language of love, diplomacy, good living, good eating, and the Olympics." Latin teacher Mr. Pedro Ribera Ortega talked about basic Latin. "Latin is important. It is a structure language. If you take 1 or 2 years of Latin, you won't have any trouble with your English," he believes.

Above right, Melissa Cordova: Miss Photogenic 1985? Above, David Casados (left) and Phillip Garcia play Scrabble. Right, Mr. Ortega is hard at work.


Left, Duane Kopp and Max Turner hum it up for the camera as the rest of the class studies. Below. Mr. Pearson enjoys his job!

Far Left. When Mr. Esquibel talks, people listen! Left, Mrs. Gallegos grading papers. Above, students gather to hassle Mrs, McEvilly.

Foreign Language


Music to our ears The music department is one of the more popular departments among the students at SFHS. There is a wide variety of courses offered in band, choir and guitar classes. This year, the marching band went to Germany for spring break. They also participated in several different pageants. Michelle Gallegos summed up her years in band as "a lot of fun, a lot of work, and I'm going to miss it." The choir classes were very busy this year also. They put on several different shows, plus the ever-popular Christmas concert. Also, this year AllState was held in Santa Fe. Rodolfo Baca said that his first year in choir was "a lot of fun and very interesting." The guitar classes offer several different level classes, ranging from beginning to intermediate. The guitar classes also put on several concerts. "It was a lot of fun playing for the Homecoming assembly." said Joyce Hernandez.

Left, real 'sax' symbol. Above, Being a drummer can be a lot of fun. Topright,John Herrera posing for the camera. Above, Michelle Gallegos, showing her stuff.


Left, Listening very carefully. Center left, Helen and Denise taking a break.

Center above, practicing in the parking lot. Left, Pat Martinet and Desta Pool messing around again. Above, Artie Martinez playing the guitar.



Building blocks for the future

Industrial Arts teaches basic skills to prepare someone for a practical career. One could learn bow to make blueprints of bis favorite dreamhouse, or maybe even learn bow to build a model of one in woodworking class. Talcing an industrial class may give a person a better insight on what be wants to do as a career. The practical experience he receives can often give him a headstart on his chosen career. If no career has been chosen an industrial arts student always has experience in one of these classes to fall back on.

Left, tooling around in welding. Top, Hard at work in woodworking. Above: Art Garcia • "Hey dude."

Top, Mike Romero daydreaming of bis girlfriend. Above, Henry Cowen- Love that smile!

Top Left, Mark Ortiz drafting things into shape. Top Center, Carl Montoya showing bis skill in woodworking. Above, Julie Gallegos planning her dreambouse. Industrial Arts


Preparing for the future The Home Economics department is a very active one. There is a wide variety of classes offered in this area. One can take bakery, or sewing on different levels. Other courses offered are floral design and tourism and hospitality. This particular class is popular among seniors. In taking this class one is able to work during school hours and receive credits for working. When one takes tourism and hospitality, he or she has the opportunity to join a national organization known as the Future Homemakers of America /Home Economics Related Occupations. Individuals are elected to represent the school at district and state meetings. Anyone is eligible, and it's a great opportunity to meet new people.

Above, Joaguin sure is having fun. Top, Monica plans her project.

Above, Mario measures carefully. Below left. Chef Tell will show us how.


Top left, taking instructions from the teacher. Center left. Reading instructions on how to bake.

Above, showing them how it's done. Left. Hey, what are you taking pictures for?

Home Economics



P.E.- getting in shape for things to come.

All students have to take P.E. at least once, usually in the ninth grade. P.E. always seems to be a favorite, no matter what grade they're in. When asked what they liked best about P.E., students had a variety of responses. Some liked the fact that there was no class work and they needed no books. Others liked the variety of sports and the freedom of being able to run around. Still others were mainly interested in the boy's legs, the girl's lockerooms, and the senior T.A.'s. One ninth grader was quoted as saying, "We get to do more than JR. High P.E., and we can improve in sports."

Above, Paul Barela squeaks by Joaquin Gutierrez during practice. Top Right, Matthew Sundown, Cecil Chavez and Aaron Peinado have their minds on football while running track. Right, Orlando Sanchez gets caught off guard!

Above, Nancy Ruiz checks her pace while running track. Above Right, Anita Montoya jumps into action!

Left, Ron Ulibarri plays the star quarterback on the P.E. football field. Below, Wade Boynton, Bret Ellis, and Chris Barnes show the camera what P.E. is all about.

Above left, Camille Armijo leads the pack! Left, Oa the last leg of the race! Above, What? You're supposed to throw it that way!

Physical Educatioa 81

NJROTC - a new beginning Nival Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC) is a title or an acronym that is STILL MISUNDERSTOOD . ft?: "We are not a reserve component nor an officer training unit of the United States Armed Forces," says new unit Commander, William J. Woodward. He went on to say that NJROTC is a secondary school citizenship and leadership program, whose curriculum includes such topics as leadership, civics, astronomy, oceanography, international relations and much more. It is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Navy and the Santa Fe School District for students in grades 9 through 12. The P.E. requirement for graduation from SFHS will be waived after completion of three years of NJROTC.

Left, Is this the job or the adventure? Below, The Navy allows the Armys' Goldt Knights in the classroom

The students are under no obligation to serve in the military now or any time in the future. NJROTC encourages the formation of drill teams (both girls and boys), group athletics and marksmanship teams. They annually participate at "Mini-Boot Camp", and ship cruises in San Diego, Califronia. This year they also traveled to Albuquerque, El Paso, Texas, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Pensacola, Florida.

Center, Commander Woodward asks, "An fO* ready to enlist?" Left, Leading is our game. Above. Standing by for the Homecoming PanM


Steering in the right direction Below, "So you want to learn how to drive: asks Mr. Gann.

One essential, ptactical course given at SFHS is Drivers Education. To teach students to drive without being a danger to others or to themselves is the first priority. The program is divided into two phases of study: operation of the vehicle and traffic safety education. Students are given behind-thewheel experience on the school's driving range, streets, and highways, as well as being required to learn New Mexico traffic regulations. The effectiveness of the course is underscored by lowered insurance rates for all drivers who have successfully completed it.

Top, Drivers Ed. students hard at work. Above, When's the driving start? Right, John Warfield and Edward Wanek bargain for an A.


A skillful beginning Vo-Tech has a program of training a student with a skill which can be applied in a useful occupation. Most students project a positive attitude because the administration uses a straight-forward approach to learning a trade. Also, Principal, Fernando Ramirez, knows most students on a one to one basis and assists them with career decisions. Along with the vocational classes, the students actively take part in club activities which teach them leadership skills. This combination of students and staff working together prepares the students of Vo-Tech for independent lives.

Above; Mr. Mier and Benner Lopez discuss the process.


Right; "Good afternoon may I help you"

Below, Computer keeps the class busy. Below left. You break it, we fix it. Below, What's up! Below right, Ramona Rodriguez gets the picture.

Above, Watch the eyes. Right, I broke a nail! A hove. There's no place like home, a comfortable state of thought



Working together what it's all about!

V o

T e c h

Top, Mr. Schmelz, back to the drawing board. Center, Trying to get into it? Above, Interested in computers. Top, "Whoa! one at a time." Above. Always on the go!


Below, Tammy Tipton, a stern look.

Middle; It's been a hard day. Left, Did I hear my name? Below, Scott Furgason, stares in.

Above, Connie is Mr. Ramirez' secretary Right; What did you say?

Above; Computers offer good training. 87

Sierra Vista bringing out the best The Sierra Vista High School works to bring out the best in its students. The school serves as an alternative for students who prefer a smaller school. Sierra Vista also provides special attention with the help of a caring staff to aid the physically, handicapped to accomplish their goals. Another part of the school's atmosphere is created by the fact that the students get to know one another well and are able to help one another with problems.

Top right. Good friends work well together. Above, Making messes.

Above, Music from the heart by Mrs. Kincaid's students Right, what's cooking!

Left, Listening is half the job. Below, soup yet!

Above, three's company. Right, smile, you're on candid camera,

Sierra Vista 81

Clarence Alien, SFHS Eleanor Allen, Sierra Vista Bernice Anaya, Sierra Vista Mark Anthony, Sierra Vista Bernadette Apodaca, SFHS Ellen Armbruster, SFHS

Nancy Armbruster, SFHS Duane Barker, Sierra Vista Dody Beacham, SFHS Barbara BegelspUcer, SFHS Judy Booth, SFHS Dolores Borgrink, SFHS

Nancy Burleson, Health Educator Don Casados, Principal SFHS Martha Catanach Jane Chavez, Sierra Vista Wayne Cholewa. SFHS Shirley Cruse, Sierra Vista

Debra Dalton, SFHS Bob DetwUer, Sierra Vista Lorraine Dunn, Cafeteria Stella Duran, Sierra Vista Judith Duval, SFHS Robert Ertmer, SFHS

Ben Esquibel, SFHS Principal Helen Foster, SFHS Lois Franke, SFHS Beverly Friedman, SFHS Helen Fuentes, SFHS Tom Funk, Sierra Vista

Michelle Montano, business office secretary, fills in at the switch board.


Faculty St Staff

Faculty and staff keep things going Juan Gallegos, SFHS John J. Gallegos, Siena Vista Troy Gann, SFHS Aiteeo Garcia, SFHS Lynette Garcia, SFHS Candace Gillis, SFHS

Ernest Gonzales, Voc-Tech Michael Gray, SFHS Valeria Gregory, SFHS Dora Gomez, SFHS Ernestine Hagman, Voc-Tech Mary Rita Haufmann, SFHS

Sally Hobensack, SFHS Bertha Hogan, SFHS Florence Houghton, SFHS Marilyn Huber, SFHS Hylah July, SFHS Carol Kellerman, SFHS

Frank Lembo, SFHS Ramona Lope/, Sierra Visu VictoriaLucero,SFHS Marcos, Lucero, SFHS Markley Lumpkins, SFHS Mike Mares, SFHS

Angie Martinez, Voc-Tech Bobby Martinez, SFHS Delores Martinez, Sierra Vista Jessie Martinez, Sierra Vista Joe J. Martinez, SFHS Sallie Maxwell, Voc-Tech

Nancy Rogers headed Project Light in 1984-85

Faculty 8c Staff


Diane McEvilfy, SFHS Sharon Mecklem Malinda Menke, SFHS Nancee Mexia-Nix. SFHS Alice Montoya, Voc-Tech Hoyt Mutz, SFHS

Correen Najjar, SFHS Richard Ohvares. SFHS Muriel Osborn. SFHS Evelyn Pacheco, SFHS Cecilia Padilla, SFHS Clifton Parker. SFHS

Hazel Parker, SFHS Allan Pearson, SFHS Melvin Perez, SFHS Rick Powder, Sierra Vista Ben Rael. SFHS Fernando Ramirez, Priacipal Vo-Tech

Kathy Reynolds, SFHS Nancy Rogers, SFHS Jose A. Romero, SFHS Linda Roemero, SFHS Patricia Romero, SFHS Sharon Rubinstein, Voc-Tech

Wayne Sanders, SFHS John Schmelz, Voc-Tech Pauline Sluka, SFHS Randal Smith, SFHS Hank Snow, Voc-Tech Harold Stacy, SFHS

Mr. Olivares is happy, but busy.


Faculty St Staff

Faculty guides our

footsteps Milt Sternberg, SFHS Margaret Stevens, SFHS Jean Stratton, SFHS Paul Trujillo, Voc-Tecb Jon Twibell, SFHS Pat Velarde, SFHS

Josh Vigil, Sierra Vista Robert Vigil, Principal, SFHS Stella Webb, Sierra Vista Martha Window, Voc-Tech William Woodward, SFHS George Wright, SFHS

Joha Zero, SFHS Jane Zion, SFHS

Mr. Rotolo was the new choir director. Mr. Ewing helps a student in drafting class.

Top, Mrs. Huber raised quite a Jack-o-lantern this fall. Above. Stephanie Belmore was a teacher at Sierra Vista

Faculty St Staff 93

Left, Melinda Griego andjody Thomas, show their friendship. Center, Jennifer Nelson, organizing her annual duties. Right, Drama dub, one of many organizations that participated in Homecoming.

Clubs at SFHS provide many opportunities for students to be involved in extra activities in and out of school. The different clubs brought many enjoyable moments and memories for students who participated. The clubs range from musical to foreign language clubs and fit the tastes and interests of virtually every student. The clubs at SFHS formed new friendships and strengthened old ones while creating new memories.

Above-Mark Scoggins and Wink Bacon, ROCK!

Above, Demon Devil enjoys the Homecoming parade.

FHA/HERO revives Valentine dance FHA/HERO is one of the largest and most active clubs here at the High School. The club participated in several activities, some of which include state meetings and workshops. They also sponsored the Valentine dance. The club also won first prize in the Homecoming parade for their float "Toast the Demons". Bottom Group picture, bottom row left to right, Jenny Milter, Mary Ann Varela, Lisa Martinet, Mary Jo Moore, Bernadette Aragon, Lecretia Trujillo, Alexis Rodriguez, Joan Segura, Gina Sandoval, Second row, Mrs. Lovato, Junejaramillo, Mary Medina, Becky Lawrence, Paul Martinez, Senia Evans, Jennifer Gomez, Gina Sandoval, Marilyn Ortega. Third row, Ronnie Fernandez, Renee Saiz, LaVelle Lujan, Joseph Herrera, Monique LeFebre, Shannon Brumley, Cynthia Padilla, Rose Duran. Top row, Rodolfo Baca, Patricia Michaels, Ted Bolleter, Arthur Valencia, Tim Nix, Dennis Romero. Top, Group Picture, bottom row, left to right, Arlene Encinias, Dolores Gonzales, Monica Leyba.Janalyn Sager.Joan Segura, Gina Sandoval, Tina Sandoval, Lupita Scalise, Rum Pino, Mario Zamora, Danetee Atencio. Second row, Mrs. Kelty, Bernice Ortiz, Suzanne Jacquez, Ruby Martinez, Debbie, Patricia Garcia, Lucia Flores, Sandra Cruz, Renee Saiz, Cynthia Padilla, Margaret Quintana, Missie Payne, Marilyn Ortega, Geraldine Gonzales, Doreen King, Donna Martinez, Viola Ortega, Bernadette Trujillo, Evelyn Montoya, Mrs. Lovato. Third row, Heather Blake, Lydia Romero, Alexis Rodriquez, Vince Gallegos, Ronnie Fernandez, Jonathan Baca, Don Swartz, Lavelle Lujan, Richard Valdez, Lecretia Trujillo,Joseph Herrera, Senia Evans, Paul Martinez, Becky Lawrence, Louie Aland, Scott Farnham, Michael Hodges, Kevin Padilla, Carlos Martinez. Center, making a toast to the Demons. John, Bernadette, Don, Rodolfo. Joseph and Monica.



DECA students hold afternoon


Santa Fe Vocational Technical School's DECA Club is a business organization for young people who are interested in careers in marketing. Activities included Club Luncheons, and Christmas Caroling at St. Vincent's Hospital. Club members compete in district, State and National competitions for scholarships and trophies. National Competitions will be held in San Francisco. The Club sponsors are Tom Gardner and Mike Vialpando.

Top, left to tight. Kathleen McCarthy, Donna Above, Club Officers left to right, Marlene SeTanuz, John Blea, Doreen Ortiz and Annette gura. Reporter; LoriLujan, Parlimentariao; AgGarcia having a great luncheon talking about nes Fernandez, Secretary; Sally Villa, President; their careers. Above, DECA members. Top left Bottom left to right Patricia Bustamante, Histoto right. Bob Ciaione, Angela Gallegos, Vicki rian and Mary Mier, Treasurer. Not shown is Alamio, Ron Swam. Second row, Darlene Ro- Debbie Chavez, Vice President. "Cheers!" Salmero, Doreen Duran, Denise Herrera, Donna ly, Marlene, and Mary enjoying the party. Left Tanuz,John Blea, Kathleen McCarthy, Annette "It's a Food Fight!" Julie M., Julie P., Julie ÂŁ., Garcia, Lisa Webber, Liz Candelario. Julie Fer-and Vicki all having a great time. nandez,Julie McClesky. Third Row, Tom Gardner, advisor, Ramona Rodriguez. Mary Mier, Sally Villa, Patricia Bustamante, and Agnes Fernandez.


Honor Society works for school Honor Society began the 1984-85 school year with plans for projects to benefit the school. Amy Biehl, president, passed out an agenda to all members with a list of activities for Honor Society to work on. The first of the year Honor Society held a trash pick-up day on SFHS campus and had a barbecue at Amy's house afterward. During the Christmas holidays the club decorated D Building, in which their sponsor, Mr. Sternberg has his classroom, and had a picture-taking session with Santa and his elves on campus to raise money for the future. January and February were busy months for the officers and members as they were selecting new applicants to be installed in May. In the spring Honor Society sponsored a major fund raiser in order to make a donation useful to the school. Honor Society, once passive, is coming out of its shell and making the officers and members proud of their achievements at SFHS.

Top, President Amy Biebl and Vice President Margaret Jones try to took studious. Middle, Secretary David Bans and Treasurer John Kantner enjoy Mrs. Zinn's Contemporary U.S. History Class. Above, Sponsor Milt Sternberg shows bis enthusiasm.


Above, Group Picture, First row, left to right, Taylora Hendrickson, Shannon Gilcrease, Laur Preston,Jtnet Glass, Anna Lopez, Roberta Baird, Deann Overcash, Tatiana Masters, Miranda M ly, Dierdre Balliett, Suzanne Reindorf. Second Row, MiqueUa Ortiz, Bernadette Sandoval, Ly Archuleta, Kari Haaland, Stephanie Delgado, Margaret Jones, Amy Hiehl, David Bans, Mika Fu Michelle Poe, LuAnne Baca, Melissa Miller, Sabrina Monies, Phaedra West. Third row, Meliam Griego, Taltie Pardue, Lisa Nordstrum, Sarah Stein, BritMomaday, Skip Wise, Hope Haslam, K Davenport, Mary Allen, Racbelle Howell, Michelle Lucero, Jody Thomas, Michelle Tanner, Go Hoessler, HeidiJocbem, Paul Schwendimann. Fourth Row, Mark Scoggins, Valerie Ingram, Mk Esquibel, James Compton, Greg Fulgenzi, John Petring, Jeff Andrews, Brian Regan, David Cann Michael Brennand. Dana T. S. Burgess, James Delgado, Katrina Rojas, Daniel Kovnat, DavidJon Marcia Warren, Marie Sluka, Hillary Campbell, Darren Smith, Wink Bacon.

Close Up students visit capital Top hit. Close Up members plan trip.

Each year students from Santa Fe Bottom left, Mr. Brtmer was this year's High participate in the Close Up pro- sponsor. gram. It is designed to let nigh school Below, Row I, Bob Brtmer, sponsor, Virginie Jusselin, Beth Plummer, Shannon students see first hand how the govern- Brown, Melissa Miller, Elisa Blair, Mia ment functions. Students spend a week Garcia. Row 2, Paul Scbwendimann, James in Washington D.C. observing the leg- Huckabee, Michelle Tanner, DeLisa Palombi, islative process and meeting with dig- Kerri Osborne, Donna Gonzales, Shunnae Love. Row 3, James Delgado,Jobn Boggs, nitaries. Ingela Lind, Karen Taulbee, Racbelie Howell, Dana Burgess.

Journalism I creates reporters TheJournalism I class is designed to prepare students for future positions on the Demon Tader staff. They learn to write news stories, features and editorials and to make headlines fit property. During die year, as dtey begin to understand journalistic style, their stories sometimes appear in die newspaper.

Above, kneeling, Amy Consols and Christine Gutierrez. Second Row, Angela Garrison, Mandy Paschal, Cindy von Hoffman, Joanna Brooks. Top Row, Don Jackson, Gardner Finney, Craig Huuchcn, Gregor


Right, Christine Pacheco and Denise Chare* check on deadline.

Close Up


Vive le Club Francais! The goal oAthe French Club is* to get together in a smaller group, the students who are most enthusiastic about their French \tudies r S g t f to indulge in Activities which • JSttn*the done in class or in large^ ? groifns. They aim to prbtffote'thi • jjKSfbdy^jaf' French by - goijffg to *g&bepch films, plays and opera, as %2JKB8,J&; to French restaurants. They also inform studetttSlgTjpjp-^ portunities for travel and<mork abroad as well as exchange prop1, grams, jljjjfl J^^njOMHl The French club began the year with an excursion to the State Fair. A pot luck lunch at school was enjoyed by all in October. &^mvAt Christmas we ate cheese fondue all day long, then caroled * at school and around town. Afterwards, we had a party with many delicious treats including the French Buche de Noel. This year, Mrs. McEvilly and Mrs. Booth are oflfj&Paris with several students for the spring


Top, back row, P. King, Y. Lucero, C. Lee, R. Casius. Standing, R. Rogers, S. Solano, S. Bunting, —, L.Center, Pepe le Pew poses with club preside* Anderson, S. Zytnik, M. Becbhoefer, C. Penny, G. Sbandter. Kneeling, C. Pozel, D. Madero, R. Madero, N. Stacey Ward. Above, French club members •* DieumgardJ. Nginitang, S. Ward. Sitting, A. Arkell, S. Hill, L. Langlitz, --.-, K. Rojas Center, SFHS French all out on their costumes for Mavfair. students at French weekend in Glorieta. Above, French III students enjoy cheese fondue at Christmas.


French Club

Below, Christmas Yule Log — The Buche de Noel, 1984. Lower right, John Preedmaa enjoys every bit of the fondue.

Congratulations to French students who placed in the National French Exam in 1984 Sarah Herr, 2nd place level 1 Marie Dreonan, 6th place level 1 Patti Dukeminier, 2nd place level 3 Valerie Dieumegard, 3rd place level 3

. 4 ^ " ' DmaM Mader° designed the beautiful Christmas door tor Breach Club. / >ove ^ - Mrs. Booth Christmas caroling with Paul King. Daniel Madero, RodgerMadero.Jeaa Pierre Ngirutang, Ray Casius, Amy Arkell, Nathalie Dieumegard, Stacy Ward, Swan Zytoik and Melanie West. Above Center. French Club float for the Homecoming parade. French Club



FBLA-Hard working and working hard . . . . Below right, FBLA officers Virginia Garcia, Monica Solano, Mark Saiz and Janice Martinez conduct a meeting. Below, Priscilla Bleu, the proud sponsor of this year's FBLA.

Above left, Carol Torres, Historian, takes a quick picture with Mary White. Above, Yvette Guillen and Mary White pose with confidence.



Middle, members attend a meeting. Above, Virginia Garcia, President. Her too*\ memorable event in her four years as a member (t FBLA was attending a conference at UNM in 19& Virginia plans to major in Computer Business.

Left, members take a break and wait for refreshments. Below, Mark Saiz and Veronica Valdez present Mr. Casados with an apple during National Education Week.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization founded at SFHS in 1976. Since it was started there has been a new sponsor every year. This year's sponsor, Ms. Priscilla Blea, has assisted FBLA since it began. FBLA is one of the most active clubs here on campus. As well as entering a float in the Homecoming Parade, FBLA also runs the Demon Depot, helps with senior announcements, blood and food drives, and finally, members attend state and regional conventions. When asked as to the best thing about this year's members, Ms. Blea replied, "We have a small group that are for the most part hardworking." The bard workers this year include Virginia Garcia, president; Mark Saiz, vice-president; Monica Solano, secretary and Carol Torres, historian.

Above, Mark Saiz, Vice-President has been a mem- Above left, Ms. Sass from McCurdy talks with ber of FBLA for two year's. He plans to attend the SFHS sponsors. Ms. Blea and Mr. Baca. National Gemological Institute and major in Ge- Above, Chris Sandoval and Mark Saiz use their mofoj*y. His most mcfrjom hit- moment was attend- education acquired from FBLA experiences. ing the 1985 conference at XJNM. FBLA 103

ROTC unit is *oldest and best' One of29 high schools in the Southwest area and one of 230 schools nationwide which have a Naval Junior ROTC unit, our SFHS unit is the oldest and best. Established in the school year 1968-69, the unit has had continued success in academic and military areas. Already this year the unit has received accolades from both Army and Navy activities. Commander Woodward, who joined die faculty this year as Naval Science Instructor and Head of Department, looks forward to. academic improvements and upgrading all aspects of program. In addition to its academic activities which take up about 65% of school time, the unit encourages and provides for physical training and practical leadership training.

Top, top row, (1 to r) Tommy David Bibb, Manuel C. de Baca, Ralph Manzaoares, John Duran, Matbew Soper, Diandro Sena, Arturo Ojeda, Yvette Garcia. Middle row, Lawrence Martinez, Antonio Anaya, Josh Maddalone, Carl Berghofer, Elizabeth Baca, Waldo Baca, Kathryn Leyba. Bottom row. Jack Sparks, Dennis Davenport, Andrew Martinez, Ron Mier, Leah Gonzales, Michelle E. Lucero, Victor Ortega. Middle, top row, Tom Bibb, Andrew Martinez, Dennis Davenport, Josh Maddalone, Josh Sparks, Matthew Soper, James Bibb, Kathryn Leyba, David Trujillo, Victor Ortega, Ron Mier. Second row from top, Ralph Manzanares, Toney Anaya, Manuel C de Baca, John Duran, Elizabeth Baca, Diandro Sena, Kendall Richardson, Michelle E. Lucero, Carl Berghofer, Jose Salazar. Third row from top, Commander W.J. Woodward, Leon Lyons, Michael Archuleta, Eric Lujan, Richard Sheperd, John Kelly, Dion Lyons, Yvette Garcia, Angela Fleming, Arturo Ojeda, Lawrence Martinez, Master Chief George Wright, Front row, David Sbapland, Brenda Iverson, Jennifer Harvey, John Gonzales, Jennifer Wright, Monica Sanchez, Richard Roybal, Waldo Baca, Bennie Baca, Tie! Guerrara, Leah Gonzales.

Above Top Row- Dennis Davenport, Andrew Martinez.Jack Sparks,James Bibb, Kendall Richards David Trujillo. Middle row, Leon Lyons, Michael Archuleta, Eric Lujan, Richard Sheperd. Ang Fleming, John Kelly, Jose Salazar, Dion Lyons. First row, David Shapland, Brenda Iverson, Jen Harvey, John Gonzales, Jennifer Wright, Monica Sanchez, Richard Roybal, Bennie Baca, Ttel C rara. 104


Lett, Commander Woodward explains Navy Heritage. Below, Color Guard daring "Fiesta Assembly" Left to right: Ralph Manzanares, Bennie Baca, Diandro Sena, and Larry Martinez.

Top, Physical Training "We like it, we love it, want more of it!" Left to right: Ralph Manzanares, Dennis Dai port, Matbew So per. Josh Maddalone Center, Another great lecture!

Left, Master Chief Wright during a class lecture Above Rifle Teams Front row: Toney Anaya, Dennis Davenport, Leon Lyons, Back Row: David Rubino, David Runyan



Drama Club supports the arts This year the Drama club went on a picnic and attended some spring plays. They had their own annual haunted house which was their first good fund raiser, along with the money from candy sales, to pay for the musical "Bye, Bye, Birdie," produced in the spring.

Front row, L. to R. Miranda McEvilly, Iba Fukuda, Caroline Brown, Zoe Nautnan, John Freedman, Lisa Harless, Brandie Mansfield. Second Row, Sara Bunting, Jessica Masterson, Ke Carlisle (secretary), Myke Ortega (vice-president), Susan Parks (president), Mike Flaherty (treasurer), Felisba Anderson, Diane Stanley, Georgia Totonis, Melissa Dominguez. Third Row, Phaedra West, Kevin Garcia, Denise Pacbeco, Eileen Leyba, Karen Apodaca, Josie Worst, Desiree Downing, Melanie West, June Brown, Cody Keeling, Darin Robertson, Daniel von Briesen. Fourth Row, Dianne Keyson, Reed Stanley, Winona Wilson, Amy Frankel, David Reinikainen, Kim Bindel, Shonna Clark, Christina Greene, Maria Sandoval, Josh Maddalone, Tom Hogan. Left, Drama Club members discuss plans at lunch time meeting.

Model U.N. studies world affairs

John Petring and Wink Bacon study the issues. First row left to right Deeann Overcash, Mariko Nakamara,John Petring, Rodger Madero, Yick M Hung, Dana Burgess, Jeff W. Andrews, Lori Wright, Francisco Benitez, Marvin Ngirutnag, P Schwendimann, Wink Bacon, Kathy Benavidez, Roberta Baird.


Drama Club/Model U.N. m

Freshman cheerleaders aim high Starting at the bottom is a sure way to reach the top. This year's freshmen cheerleaders showed both enthusiasm and excitement about this year as well as the years to come. This young squad was strong and determined. There was no doubt these dedicated girls enjoyed supporting the Demons.

Left, freshman cheerleaders: Racquet Baca, Becky Ortiz. JuliAnna Werner, Colette Herrera, Janalyn Sager, Christine Valdez, and Kathy Maez. Not pictured Theresa Martinet.

Far left. The assembly keeps the cheerleaders content. Left, cheerleaders cheer on the freshmen.

ogetherness defines J. V. cheerleaders Leading the life ofaJV cheerleader is both hard and demanding, but this year's cheerleaders made the job look easy. The JV squad consisted of Lisa Roybal, Donna Gonzales, Monique LeFebre, Yvonne Ortiz, Dorine Montoya, and Cindy Davenport. They practiced after school everyday until 5:00. They also devoted many weekends and other spare time to support the Demons! Left, JV cheerleaders: Lisa Roybal, Dorine Montoya, Monique Lefebre, Donna Gonzales, Yvonne Ortiz, and Cindy Davenport. Below far left.JV cheerleaders show their versatility. Below left. Cheerleaders stand.

hit an




Smile, you're on Demon

Top row: Don Jackson, Sean McGarrity, Sam Seig, Middle row: Mrs. Mexia-Nix, Dan Madrid, Tim Thane, Missy Whitehead, Dave Meyer, Jeff Erhart, Frank Succardi. Bottom Row: Amber Flounders, Joyce Baros, Beth Burkhart, Pat Martinez, Desta Pool, Gabe Gonzales.

The Demon Spottyt organization is that which produces the T. V. show by students at S. F. H. S. The students involved in Demon Spottyt take the T. V. communications class offered at school. In class students learn basic skills in camera operation, video production and editing. They learn how to use T. V. to promote whatever they are working on. It can be used as an advantage or disadvantage. Those involved in the class feel that it is a rewarding experience.

ill Right, Beth Burkhart confused as always. Far Right, Sam Seig, Oh is this my T. V. class? Center right. It's Demon Spotlyt's turn to pose tor the camera.

Demon Spotlyt


Left, Missy Whitehead looks for a lucky break. Right, Don Jackson is nervous for an interview. Middle left, T. V. class busy with production.

Middle right, Mrs. Mexia-Nix ia the midst of confusion. Below left, Gabe Gonzales refuses to answer May questions until he can see a lawyer. Below right, Sean McGarrity on stand by audio. Demon Spotlyt


SFHS Key Club serves the community Kiwanis Educate Youth, KEY Club, is the high school division of the Kiwaais Club. The main goal is to prepare students to become concerned community leaders and participate actively in the improvement of their communities. Right, officers Wink, Lisa and Darren help Charles. Below, Kerry Anne and Beth help stuff Zozobra!

Above, KEY ROCKERS stick with it. Tiffany St. Peter, Paul Schwendimann, Darren Smith, Gabriela Salinas, Stacie Hamm, Wink Bacon, Kevin Garcia, Mark Scoggins, Michele Gitomer, Mary Allen, Katby Benavidez and Roberta Baird all rocked to raise money for Santa Fe Group Homes. Right, an avid Key Clubber helps to stuff Zozobra for Fiestas.


Key Club

This years' theme was "Manhours for Mankind" and the SFHS Key Club donated many hours to its community. Members were busy with a Rock-athon to raise money for Santa Fe Group Homes, helping the Kiwaais build Zozobra, Christmas decorating, and designing and distributing the Key Club Calendar. These were just a few of the many ways Key Club members donated their time and care to the Santa Fe Community.

l i e yearly Key Club Convention, held at Inn of die Mountain Gods in Ruidoso, was the highlight of die year. The get-away weekend in April was another activity members raised money for with dteir "Manhours for Mankind." Left, Row I: Phaedra Vest, Todd Nordbyjaaet Glass, Kareo GaJlegos, Melissa Miller, Stacy Miller, Linda Glass, Tallie Purdue. Row 2: Amy Biebt, Charles Brighton, Gaby Salinas, Mike Witt, Beth Burkbart, Wink Bacon, Lisa Nordstrum, Susan Parks, David Ginocchio, Roberta Baird, Sarah Bunting. Row 3: Darren Smith, HeidiJocbem, Margaret Jones, Katby Benavidee, Brit Momaday, Jeff Andrews, Kelley Davenport, Shannon Brown, Gogi Hoessler, Elisa Blair, Michelle Tanner. Row 4: Paul Scbwendimaun, Mark Scoggins, Yvette Tbibodeaux, Sam Seig, Mary Allen, Mike Lee, Mike Montano, Alex Dickinson, Brett Wendt, Laura Gallegos, Kevin Garcia, Hillary Campbell, David Bans.

Officers Lisa Nordstrum, president; Wink Bacon, vice-president; Darren smith, secretary; and Mark Scoggins, treasurer, were busy all year organizing, keeping order and spreading dteir enthusiasm to club members. Convention made die hard work pay off!

Top. Megan Kenney, Amy Consola, Susan Parks and Jill Slansky discuss a joke. Above, Santa Feans gather around die Key Club-Kiwanis food booth at Zozobra. Top, Charles tad Dsrrea rest before working in the booth. Above, Stracie and Sarah Hi mm: Sibling Staffers.

Key Club 111

Left, German sticker, "Freedom for the Gummi-bears! Get rid of the bags!" Below, club officers: secretary, Danica Shaw, faculty sponsor, Allan Pearson. Second row. Vice President, John Kantner and President James Delgado. Missing • Treasurer Jonathan Dunnum. Below center, freshman Erin Finney at Aspen Meadows.

Bottom left, Linda Glass gazes at Mark Miller. Below center, senior Mary Allen and junior Danica Shaw at die picnic. Below center, senior Mary Allen and junior Danica Shaw at the picnic. Bottom right, Ellen Kantner, Sarah Blair, Stacy Miller and Tom Trusnovic enjoy the Christmas potluck luncheon.


German Club's membership again reached the 150 mark during die 1984-85 academic year, making the club again die largest, most active club on campus. This year die club began sponsoring school dances for dte first time, widt an Oktoberfest dance and a revival of dte Christmas Snowball. Bom dances featured live bands, "The Marbles" and "Starving Cool." Close to 600 people attended dte Oktoberfest, eating German sausages and pretzels and drinking root beer. We hope to make tins dance an annual event. A major academic highlight of the year occurred widt die 1985 National High School German Test. Twelve German students, more than ever before, scored in the top 10% nationally. Their names and scores are as fiatlows: German TV • Teresa Angulo - 99%, Margaret Jones - 96%, Virginie Jusselin 90%; German HI - Craig Hubbard - 95%, James Delgado - 94%, Maria TrujUlo - 91 %; German II - Ian Wengs - 98%, Eric Sont-GeRath - 98%, Duane Kopp - 92%, Caidin Gannon • 91 %, Paul Schwendimann - 91 %, Geoffrey Wise - 90%. This year's Royal Blues included 23 seniors who are or have been German Club members, again die highest representation ever. Many band members, varsity soccer and basketball players, swimmers, cross country runners, track team members, and even a few football players were active members of die club. The club sponsored two annual picnics, one in die fall at Aspen Meaows, attended by over 100 members, and one in die spring. Club members attended a showing of die Academy Award winning film on Mozart's We, "Amadeus," as a group. They sang German and Austrian Christmas carols, and went ice skating in Los Alamos. The club's 4th annual Christmas Poduck Luncheon was a well-attended, warm and spirited seasonal event. The second semester found 35 club members avidly preparing tor die State German Language Weekend at die Sacramento Methodist Assembly near Cloudcroft. But even more important; die club sponsored its own German Weekend, die Second German Weekend tor die Norm, at Ghost Ranch norm of Abiquiu. Major fundraisers for die club were die sale of German Advent calendars, "gummibaeren," Swiss Tobler chocolate, and pretzels, as well as the printing and sale of an original 1985 international calendar, "Szenen aus Santa Fe," featuring photographs by Kerry Kanmer, to whom members are grateful. The dub closed out its active year with an Awards Dinner/Dance, featuring Dunn's Dancing Machine, complete widt a catered German Feast. Top, Cover of German Club's 1985 International Calendar, photographs by Kerry Kanmer. Center, Seniors Alex Dickinson, Chris Tolen, Wade Miller, David Bans share time widt David Toko, Stephanie Delgado and JeffZlomkk at picnic. Bottom, sophomore Rudi Moatoya balances club members in pyramid attempt. German Club 115

Der Deutsche Verein ist

Left, Sophomore Daniel yon Briesen. Below, left, James Delgado, John Kantner an Herr Pearson get ready for Homecoming. Below, Treasurer Jon Dunnum helps decorate Snowball Dance.

Above, SeniorsJanet Gloss and Bryan Patterson order German sausages at Oktoberfest Dance. Below, Club members assemble at Aspen Meadows for September "Picknick."

immer noch Nummer eins!!! Top left, juniors Jeff Erhart and Eric Sontgerath enjoy picnic. Top right. Preach exchange student Virginie Jusselin spends tune with James Delgado and Patti Dukeminier. Middle, Snowball Dance ticket

German Club Book Award To the senior who best combines academic excellence with outstanding participation in the German Club. 1981-82 Greg Jackson 1982-83 Lori Kopp 1983-84 Diana Freeark 1984-85 John Kantner German Club Membership 1984-85: Mary Allen, Desira Amiday, Teresa Angulo, Beth A Valerie Apodaca, Edie Baldinger, David Bans, Karen & Katby Bennett, Madena Bennett, Jim Berger, Daryle Biddle, Sarah Blair, Michael Brennand, Kelly Carlisle, Melissa Casebolt, Tina Childs, Shawn Cody, Jim Compton, Paul Cortex, Richard Delezene, James A Stephanie Delgado, Dirk De Ridder, Alex A Anne Dickinson, Debbie Doubleday, David Duck, Patti Dukeminier, Jonathan Dunnum, Mike Ehrlich, Gretchen Eichelmann, Jeffery Erbart, Chris Faebl, Joey Fernandez, Raymond Finn, Erin Finney, Tina Flood,Justin Freeark, Laura Gallegos, Caitlin Gannon, Leonid Gershanok, Tim Glasgow, Janet Glass, Lisa Gonzalez, Joe Greathouse, Stacey Gregory, Miki Griego, Erik at Kari Haaland, Amy Hallquist, Margie Hendricksoo, Gogi Hoessler, Diana Hollis, Craig Hubbard, Chris Ingram, Heidi Jochem, Margaret Jones, Virginie Jusselin, Ellen A John Kantner, Suzanne Keever, Duane Kopp, Daniel Kovnat, Alix Krakowski, Mike Lee, Holly Leer, Lee Lien, Ingela Lind, Lisa Lohr, Sbunnae Love, Matt Luchycky, Laurine Lujan, Carlos Lux, Leon Lyons, David Marten, Ruby Martinez, Sean McGarrity, Dee McNamara, James Mexia, John Miller. Mark A Wade Miller, Man Miller, Melissa Miller, Neil Miller, Shane Miller, Stacy Miller, John Montano, Mike Montano, David Montgomery, Rudi Mootoya, Daniel Mullbol1and, Jason Nelsen, Ford Nelson, Sandra Nelson, Lisa Nordstrum, Nico Ortiz, Kerri Osborne, Jason Ostrander, Deann Overcash, Bryan Patterson, Allan Pearson, Charles Penny, Beth Plummer, Brenda Portzline, Jay Price, Brian Regan, Chris Reinert, Jonathan Repa, Neil Richardson, Josh Rippel, Steve Romero, Kate Romig, Janette Rupp, Sebastian Rum, Emilie Sandoval, Donna Serna, Danica Shaw, Juno Sisneros,Jill Slansky, Dennis Snyder, Eric A Steve Sontgerath, Ted Stenzboro, Brock Sternberg, Christina Swartwout, David Thomson, Chris A David Tolen, Edward Trimmer, Geralyn Trujillo, Maria Trujillo, Thomas Trusnovic, Paul Tucker, Jamie Vigil, Daniel Von Briesen, Brian Ward, Jason Waskey, Steffanie Watkins, John Weinmeister, Todd Welch, Ian Wengs, Phaedra West, Cynthia Whitney, Jay Winton, Geoffrey Wise, Margie Wurst, Peter Yesley, and Jeff Zlotnick Christmas Gingerbread Village by Gretchen Eichelmann and Maria TrojiUo. German Club


Demon Tatler keeps students clicking Below, Brian Regan getting ready to do some work.

Click, click, click the typewriters clang as stories are invented. "Ms. Stratton, Ms. Stratton," can be heard during the entire class. Laughter from the students and "deadline, deadline, deadline," were what made up this year's witty Demon Tatler staff. The Demon Tatler staff has worked quite hard this year to publish many issues of the school newspaper. Each staffer has a special job and is expected to do it. It takes teamwork to be successful. Editor Julie Olsen expressed, "I love being editor, but it's a big challenge." Below, JEAN STRATTON, sponsor. Goal: to be Patient of the Month at the funny farm.

Above, VICKISAIZ, sports editor. Goat to marry a football player. Above, SUSIE CONSOLA, photographer. Goal: to be head photographer at Ptaygid.


Demon Tatler

Top, JULIE OLSEN, editor. Goat to succeed in everything and marry Leon A. Duran. Middle, KEVIN GARCIA, layout. Goal: to marry Christie Brinkley and have six kids. Bottom, TURNER BARBEE, artist Goal: to be the next Pablo Picasso.

Top, STACEY WARD, editor. Goal: to be Lois Lane and be taken away by Superman. Middle, WINK BACON, photographer. Goals to be a nuclear physicist that no one understands. Bottom, TIM RICKLEFS, business manager. Goal: to be an inspector at an album factory.

Below, BETH BURKHART, Garni: to owa Hardees and get a decern ACT score. Center, STACIE HAMM. Goal: to be president of Wilson Ham, lac. Bottom, DIANE SANDOVAL. Goal: to be Carol Brady (from the Brady Buoch).

Below, SHAANA FUENTES. Goal: to get mar- Below, ROBYN GOULD. Goal: to rock 'til she tied to a certain sophomore. drops. Center, KERRY ANNE HARPER. Goal: a one- Center, SUSAN PARKS. Goal: to be the next way ticket to Greece. Katherioe Hepburn. Bottom, MARK SCOGGINS. Goal: to turn Bottom. SHANNON GILCREASE Goal: to be Mexico into a resort hotel. an actress in a soap opera.

Upper left, BRIAN REGAN. Goat to become a member of the Ronald McDonald An dab. Left, Shiek Mark Scoggins bard at work. First row, Tim Ricklefs, Sucey Ward, Vicki Saiz, Diaae Sandoval, Bern Burkhart. Kerry Harper. Second row, Wink Bacon, Susie Consols, Shannon Gilcrease, Robyn Gould, Mark Scoggins, Susan Parks, Sbaana Fueates. Third row. Turner Barbee, Kevin Garcia, Tim Elsbrock, Mike Mootano, Mike Lee, Brian Regan. 117

Our band, always on their toes Wind Ensemble, Front Row-Geralyn Trujillo, Sarah Stein, Margie Worst, Hope Haslam, Taylora Hendricksen, Karen Taulbee, Valerie Ingram, Shannon Brown, Holly Leer, Amy Biehl, HeidiJochem, Denise Ortiz. Second Row-Becky Madrid, Cathy Benivedez, Brit Momaday, Stephanie Delgado, Derick Berton, Katelyn Gannon, Tina Childs, Wanda Shaner, Lori Rivera, Anne Dickinson, Valerie Ingram, Bern Apodaca, Jason Roberts, Suzanne Reindorf, Delisa Palombi, Michelle Gallegos, Sarah Herr Third Row-Wade Miller, Liz Wurst, Kate Pittard, Renee Kern.Jenise Freark, Ken Rivera, Sara Pozel, David Baas, Carlos Lux, Robert Warren, Paul Armstrong, Doenika Nodell, Paul Baca, Anthony Sisneros, Margie Hendrickson, Claudia Pozel,Jay Turley.John Petring. Fourth Row-Danny Trujillo, James Compton, Chris Schneider, Chris Ball, David Tolen, Chris Purington, Guy Wright, Mike Sandoval, Eddie Baldinger, James Brown, Eva Woody. Absent Chris Huber, Chris Tolen, Larry Sanders, Sandra Nelson.

The world famous Santa Fe High School band has a lot to be spoken for it. Within this elite group are found many talented and outstanding students. The most outstanding of these students are forever challenging themselves in the Wind Ensemble. The members of the Symphonic Band are always at the heels of the "Wind" members, striving to step in front These two groups combined their talents to bring out an always spectacular half-time show and fill the crowded Demon stadium with spirit and support. Their efforts brought them into top standings in the many competitions they attended during their marching season. They came together once again after their concert performances to take their always memorable overseas trip. This year the band went to Germany over spring break. Two other bands come out of this group and perform another type of music. They are the Jazz Bands and, as before, the top students are excelling in Jazz Band I while the members of Jazz Band II get the experience needed to become as good as the best.

118 Band

Jazz Band I, Front Row-Denise Ortiz, Valerie Ingram, Wade Miller, Becky Madrid, Eva Woody, Miller, Rich Delezene,James Brown, Paul Baca. Second Row-Skip Wise, Rich Anaya, Ralph Dots Chris Purington, Chris Schneider, Carlos Lux, Justin Freark, Ken Rivera. Absent, Chris Toleo Dancers- Rosemary Visarraga, Rosemary Segovia, Yevette Price, Donna Martinez, Jeanette Orte Veronica Peaa, TerriNino,Joanna Brooks, Danette Martinez, Antonia Rosasco. Absent- Lisa Gu Debbie McDonald, Nadine Ramirez.

The Concert Band is an important part of the Santa Fe High School Band program. They may not be recognized as the other bands are but they bare the talent and drive to push their way up. There is a special group that deserves recognition that has no real connection with the high school band. These are the Ail-Staters. They competed in tryouts with other students around the state. These students were Rich Anaya,James Brown, Eva Woody, Sarah Stein, Lori Rivera, Chris Tolen, Holly Leer, Denise Ortiz and John Petting. The terrific directors of all of this are Dr. Clark "Boss" Ponts/er, who conducts the Wind Ensemble and Richard Snider, who handles the Symphonic Band and die Jazz Bands with help from Doug Hoover.

Jazz Band H, Front Row, Larry Sanders, Shannon Brown, Sarah Herr, Regina Pogne, Gerald Ortiz, Claudia Pozel, Gay Wright. Second Row, James Compton, Paula Gonzales, David Huckabee, Daniel Ellis, John Curtis, Gerald Garcia, Philip Beck. Absent, Gina Tapia, Brett Davis, Robert Warren. Top Left, Chris Ball keeps the beat while staring into space. Top Middle-Stephanie Delgado plays the bells.

Symphonic Band, Front Row - Elaine Seam, Tiffany St. Peter, MonicaPaula Ortiz, Carlo Vogel, Laura Heodrickson, Charles Brighton, Kelly Whittleton, Mary Jane Charlton, Kerri Osborne, Nicole Cmstellmno, DebNoedel, Racbael Can, Louisa Lupin, Molly Biehl, Julie GaUegos, Maureen Fresquez, Nicole Curtis, Kan Haaland, Paula Gonzales. Second Row • bie Schwartz, Marie Sluka, Fidel Montoya, Juno Sisneros, Trad Paris, Dirk Mewes, Stephanie Constantine, Lot Romero, Tom Kelly, Heather Emilie Sandoval. Last Row • Marie Gonzales, Heather Wolf, Gerald GarPolasky, Anna Delova to, Alice RoybaL Latum Boies, Kara Gavrila, Kerricm, Viace Martinez, Mike Esquibel, Mike Mootez, Matt Chavez, Chris Arrison, Greg Hooper, Mike Collins, Rich Anaya, Phil Watkins, John Temple, Rmquel Baca, Coatess* Angon, Anna Medrano,Jerusha Rodgers, Lawrence, Neil Richardson, Salvador Rodriguez, Barbie Burgett, Todd Yolanda Ortegm, Susan Zytnick, Hillary Cmmpbetl. Third Row • Gianna Mendoza, Valerie Lerma, Karen Bennett, Ana Rael, Regina Pogue.JoeyNordby, Skip Wise, Mark Miller, Rich Delezene. Absent • Eric Haaland, Jennifer Golden, Lee Lien. Fernandez, Lynn Greatbouse,Joanne Vigil, Wendy Abeyta, Tommy Mien,

Band 119

Seniors have fun in the sun!

This year Senior Class's main goal was that of previous senior classes, raising money for their spring break trip. After careful planning, the group decided that Puerto Vallarta was the place for them. This year's senior class also showed their talents in the float-making department. The Senior Class tied for first in the originality category in the Homecoming Parade and once again the Class of '85 had the longest float. The class officers for the Seniors were Patricia Garcia as president, and Wink Bacon as vice-president. The secretary was Kathy Benivides and the treasurer was Anna Lopez. Along with the great representation from the class, it all came out a fierce year.

Top, members of Senior Class display pride in float. Above, Group Picture, 1st row, left to right, Salome Solano, Kelly Da venport, Monica Romero. Glass, DeAnn Overcash, Arlene Martinez, Melissa Payne, Carolyn Ortega, Susie Consols. Kem Garcia, Second Row, left to right, June Jaramillo, Bianca Mares, Kerry Harper, Brit Momaday. Andrews, Julie Olson, Roberta Baird, Patti Dukemenier, Shannon Gilcrease, Louise Martinez, orah Leyba, Laura Lohr, Laura Gallegos. Third Row, left to right, Lecretia Trujillo, Sarah Gil Ann Hill, Mike Brennand, David Bans, Christine Romero, Beth Burkhart, Maria Martinez. A Gonzales, Shara Briggs, Agnes Leyba, Shawna Collins, Carla Anaya, Caro I Roush, Thane Pa Katrina Rojas. Fourth Row, left to right, Jennifer Gomez, Don Swam, Margaret Roybal. Be Martinez, Ed Wilson, Alex Dickinson, Jason Ostrander, Elite Ortiz, Patricia Garcia, (Presiden Wink Bacon, (Vice-President), Mike Lee, Mike Montano, Kathleen Benavides, (Secretary). A Lopez, (Treasurer), Rick Sandoval, David Cannon, Brian Regan.


Top left, Patricia Garcia, President, looks on with anticipation. Top middle. Wink Bacon, Vice-President, studies future plans. Above, Kathy Benavides, Secretary, and Brit Momaday make a cute couple.

Middle left, Mike Montano and Shawns Collins explain what the float will eventually look like. Bottom left, Deann, Roberta, Anna and Katrina pose willingly.


Cheerleaders' enthusiasm


This year's varsity squad was very dedicated and hard working which showed in each performance. They practiced everyday after school from 3:30 to 5:30. They also practiced during the summer from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The squad attended a clinic in Albuquerque for a week. There they received many awards and three superior ribbons. "The most rewarding aspect of being a varsity cheerleader is the close bonding friendship that will last a lifetime," said Ann Hill. Top right, Ann Hill, Susie Romero, L Baca. Middle left, Bianca Mares, Melinda Griego. Bottom Center, Jody Thomas.

Above left, Jody Thomas, junior. Above, cheerleaders show poise. Left, Ann Marie Hill, senior


Varsity Cheerleaders

Far left, LuAnne Baca, junior. Left, Squad performs a creative stunt. Below, Ann Hill yells to Demon fans.

Above left. Suae Romero, senior. Above, Meliada Griego tells LuAnne Baca a joke during the Homecoming Parade. Left, Melinda Griego, senior.


Speech team accumulates


The 1984-85 SFHS Speech Team attended over tea meets and accumulated a vast number of trophies and certificates. Seventeen Speech Team members will be awarded degrees from the National Forensic League for their work this year. Veteran team member Deaaa Overcash closed out her senior year successfully placing first at die UNM Debate Scrimmage and second in Humorous Interpretation at die Pojoaque speech meet. Newcomers Tallie Pardue and Jackie Balkeaeade showed weir speaking skills as Tallie placed fourth in Oral Interpretation and Jackie placed third in Humorous Interpretation at the Pojoaque meet. President Valerie Ingram placed fourth in Oral Interpretation at the Valley speech meet. Vice-President Chris Tolen was the force behind the candy sales mat provided money to pay for die team's hotel rooms. Secretary Yvette Thibodeaux kept tabs on the 35 meetings held by the team. Yvette stated mat being a member of die team bad been bom a valuable and enjoyable experience for her. The Speech Team gave SFHS another exciting Sadie Hawkins Dance in November. The Roaring 20's decor was alive with jazz happy flappers and zoot suiters. Treasurer Rich Delezene reported mat the Sadie Hawkins Dance was a financial success. President Valerie Ingram said mat much of the success of the 1984-85 Speech Team must be attributed to the dedication of Coach Beverly McCrary.

Top Pboto, Back row. left to right, Roger Madero, John Peering. Sberie Storr, Valerie Ingram, Chris Tolen, Kevin Garcia, Marjorie Hendrickson. Second row, Chris /Tuber, Phaedra West, Karen Taulbee, Deann Overcasb, Kara Graviia, Tallie Pardue, Beth Apodaca, Christina Greene, Deirdre Balliet. Third row, Amy ArkeU, Jackie Balkeaeade. Shannon Wells, Marie Drennan, Linda Glass, Stacy Miller, Sarah Bunting, ToddNordby, Grant Fowler.

Above Center, Valerie Ingram was Speech Team president two years in a row. Above, Deann Overcasb munching away.

124 speech team

Center, Deirdre Balliet wonders what her fello* Speech Team members are sayiag about her notAbove, Ms. McCrary coaches her Speech Team on.

Student Council stays busy . . . Left, Katrina Rojas enthusiastically accepts Roll Above left, "California Girls" Sharon Brown Call Award at State Convention. and Becky Madrid. Below left, Maria Martinez finds the support she needs. Below, Matt Martinez takes time out of bis busy schedule to play a game.

Sandoval, James Delgado (President), Patti Dukeminier (Secretary), 18-1-85 Student Council Members, 1. to r. Laura Gallegos, Roberta Baird, ft Andrews, Matt Martinez, Roseann Gonzales, David Cannon, Brian Katrina Rojas (Vice-President), Maria Martinez (Treasurer), Mike Lee egan. Darren "Big D" Smith, Kevin Garcia, Ellie Ortiz, Anna Lopez, and Mike Montano, (M A M Sergeants at Arms), Roxanne Roybal, athy Beoavidez, Monica Garcia, Salome Solano, Lecretia Trujillo, Pa-Patricia Gomez, Janalyn Sager, Theresa Armijo, Anne Rojas, Stacy MillKin Garcia, Marrgaret Jones, Gahriela Salinas, Wink Bacon, Shannon er, Sharon Brown and last, but not least, Melissa Miller. Gilcreaae, Monica Romero, Deann Overcash, Colette Herrera, Diane Student Council 12$

Students find the key Below, Sponsor, Mr. Rodriguez secures the luggage before departure. Center, "leadership: The Key to Success" was the year's theme for NMASC. Right, Sponsor, Mrs. Rodriguez is all dressed up for Fiestas.

Above center, Roxanne relaxes before loog journey to Roswell. Above, Roxanne Roybal, Anne Rojas, Sharon Brown and Melissa Miller — late again!


Student Council

Above center, SFHS entry for the Banner Contest on Valentine's Day. Above, There were four girls to a room. What a mess! Right, Although the group protested, the sponsors were determined not to speed.

Top crater. Council members enjoy the final evening of dance. Roitom. Sharon Brown dreams of the boys at N.M.M.I.

The 1984-85 SFHS Student Council started out the year by getting into the Fiesta spirit. All the members wore Fiesta attire for the Fiesta Assembly, which was emceed by Student Council President James Delgado. Then, they took on the Homecoming activities. The opening festivity was the assembly, which was handled by the Sophomore Class. Later that afternoon, Freshman Class took charge of the parade. The Homecoming dance was held on Friday night following the football game. The dance was put on by members of die Student Council who formed a dance committee. During Christmas week, Student Council did its best to revive an old fashioned Christmas spirit on the campus. They urged various clubs to become more involved by sponsoring decoration of the campus with various areas assigned to different clubs and groups. They also sponsored a canned food drive to aid needy Santa Feans and urged other clubs to become involved in die Christmas activities. German club sponsored a door decoration contest and various groups sold different types of food during the week. Much of the time after die Christmas vacation was spent in raising money and making plans for the New Mexico Association of Student Councils convention in Roswell in February. Ten students and their sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Rodriguez attended die three day convention. The Santa Fe group won the roll call chant competition with an adaptation of the David Lee Roth hit, "California Girls." Student Council members Roxanne Roy bal and Diane Sandoval wrote the words for die Santa Fe version. Student Council Officers for the year were James Delgado, president; Katrina Rojas, vice-president; Patti Dukeminier, secretary and Maria Martinez, treasurer. "We really appreciated the bard work and dedication of our sponsors, Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez," said James Delgado, Student Council president.

Student Council 127

A page in time

Right, Margaret and Mark wrapped up in one another. Below, Karla Schultz. Junior Miss hopeful. Below center, Nathan Duran shoots while being shot.

Right, Jay Turley, is it real or is it Memorex?! Far right, Robert and Rick play football for kicks.



Left center, Leonard Gonzales practices for Spectrum. Left, Todd Nordby spaces oat in Humanities. Below, Becky Whined poses in "The Ride" at lunch.

Above, Kriston, Dennis and Tina have Spring Fever all year long! Left, "Just call me "Greg Stud"!

Candids 129

Where the footwork


Below, Annual staffers pass the time away. Right, Kerry and Roaald Harper, a great team. Above, Karla A. Schultz says, "Hey, is this for real?!"

Above right, Ellie Ortiz, pateintly awaiting graduation.

130 Annual

Left Carolyn Ortega, another hard working member. Above, Presenting Miss Laura Gallegos. 1

Below, Jennifer Hopper takes a break from cropping pictures. .Below right, Ms. Stratton dreaming of the day the annual will be published.

Below, Gaby Salinas and Mike Montano, work hard to finish a deadline.

Above, Kelly Montoya, listens to instructions. 131

Creative staff aims high Confusion reigned, papers were flying, pictures were underfoot and a dependable few of the staff were ah ways goofing off. Yet, throughout dozens of layouts, cropping pictures and five hard deadlines, the staff on Para Manana managed to record, in pictures and words, what the year 1984-85 was like for Santa Fe High School students. We bad a very new staff this year who all learned and adapted very quickly how to put together a yearbook. Each person on staff was assigned a certain part of the yearbook. Para Manana is divided into seven sections which are under the direction of section editors. Each staff member is responsible for designing a layout, writing copy, choosing and cropping pictures and having the whole page ready to be sent. For those who made the effort, putting together Para Manana was a very rewarding experience. "As a whole, the staff was very eager, determined and took pride in their work. We bad a lot of fun working together," commented Joyce Baros.

Top, first row. Amber Flounders, Kelly Montoya, Deaise Chavez, Christ inc Pacheco, Keri Eddy.Joyce Baros, Melinda Griego, Kerry Harper, Bianca Mares, Elite Ortiz, Can tlyn Ortega, Arlenc Maninci and Laura Gallegos. Second row, Mrs. Stratum, Advisor,Jennifer Hopper, Jennifer Nelson, Ann HB Mike Montano, Mike Lee, Shawna Collins, Shannon Gilcrease and Mike Benavidez. Third row.M Wolff, Flora Romero, Shelte Ford, Karla Sbultz, James Delgado, Karyo Erikson, Susie ConsokM Kevin Garcia. Fourth row, Margaret Jones, Danny Nowers, Gabriela Salinas, Tim Elsbrock, Nam Duran.JaNelle Haught, Leonard Gonzales andJon Hughes. Above, Mrs. Stratum helps MILISSA Bant on her Layout. 132

Para Mahana

Abate, tbe photographers on staff always want' iag to get iato tbe picture, even oa snowy days. Lett to right, Nathaa Dana, Mike Moataao, James Delgado Mike Lee and Joe Wolff. Left, Danny Nowen caa't deckle which picture to use. Right, Tami Mitchell spacing out before a deadline.

PUB Mmbmmt


Filling the shoes of Para Manana The responsibilities of editors and section editors are quite large tasks to take on. The work consists of setting rules, choosing styles, assigning pages and making sure that deadlines are met Each section editor made his own rules, designed his own layouts and added his own special touches to make his section a little different from the others. The editor-in-chief position included making die general rules to be used throughout die entire yearbook. Decisions concerning what die theme would be, how die cover should look and what type of print to use had to be made early in die year. Editors also had to check each and every page before being sent to die printer. Throughout die year, die work was often tedious yet within die class, friends were made and a book of memories was put together. For those fortunate enough to work on Para Manana, it proved to be a great experience and well worth it.

Above, Pbotogtapbers-in-Cbief,


Para Manama

Mike Moataao and Mike Lee

Upper left, Joyce Baros, Editor-in-Chief Top, Kerry Harper, Editor-in-Chief Above, Melinda Griego, Editor-in-Chief

Lower left, Ann Hill and Man Spiriofiports editors Center, Kevin Garcia, Honors editor Below, Karyn Erikson and Sha u na Collins, Index editors

Top, Mike Beaavidez, Organizations editor Above, Leonard Gonzales, Academics editor Left, James Delgado, Activities editor


Below left, Michelle Gallegos tap dances for Junior Miss. Upper right, Chris Tolen, SFHS Bugle Boy. Lower right, SFHS celebrates Fiestas.

Activities at SFHS always gave us something to look forward to. Junior Miss, dances, games and assemblies were things that the Para Manana staff tried to capture verbally and picturesquely.

Opposite left, Girb enjoy the game. Above, Just a little old time fun.



1984-1985 "I love you guys!" — Amy Koch, Homecoming Queen

Excitement filled the gym as Santa Fe High students awaited the announcement of the 1984-85 Homecoming queen. The three Senior candidates grew anxious. The Freshman attendants, Antoinette Griego and Yvette Valdez, walked to the stage with proud expressions on their faces. The Sophomore attendants, Margaret Quintana and Patty Romero, were extremely happy to he representing their class. Juniors attendants were Shannon Brown and Renee Saiz. Then the moment came for the announcement by Steve Stucker of Q-106 for the 1984-85 Homecoming queen. Sharie Romero mwas announced Senior attendant followed by Louise Martinez. They were escorted to their places on stage. Then the suspense ended and the crowd came to a standing ovation as Amy Koch was crowned 1984-85 Homecoming queen by last year's queen Mary High. Above left: Amy Koch 1984-85 Homecoming Queen. Above right: Amy Koch escorted by Danny Nowers and Maty High. 1983-84 Homecoming Queen. Right: Senior Homecoming Attendants Louise Martinet and Sharie Romero. 138


Abo\c: Junior Attendants Shannon Brown and Renee Sait. Center: Sophomore Attendants Patty Romero and Margaret Quintana. Right: Freshman Attendants Yvette Valdez and Antoinette Griego.



Homecoming goes

All the stars were out for this gala event. The pressure was on and the activities were numerous. What was this event? The 1984-85 Homecoming. Homecoming was held on Oct. 12, and the theme was "Hollywood." It proved to be very successful and everyone who participated felt the true spirit of the theme. The day began with a traditional assembly, announcing the Queen and her court. All the girls were dressed in elegant attire and paraded down the red carpet while the lights shone brightly upon them. Amy Koch turned out to be the main attraction as she was announced the 1984-85 Homecoming Queen. Later that afternoon the parade made its way down the streets. It was a big hit! Many floats were entered and displayed hard work and determination. Senior Class with "M*A*S*H THE SCORPS" and Chorus with "FLATTEN THE SCORPS" tied for originality. The teachers from the math

140 Homecoming


department won for humor with their float of "INDIANAJONES AND THE CLASSROOM OF DOOM." FHAHERO won in the category of beauty with "A Toast to the DEMONS." Finally, the moment of truth came when the SFHS DEMONS faced the Farmington Scorpions for the Homecoming game. The Demons took the lead early in the game and continued to dominate. The crowd was ecstatic despite the weather. At half-time the band played and the 1984-85 Homecoming court was presented to the spectators. The Demons kept their lead in the second half and defeated third ranked Farmington with a final score of 6-0. It was a feeling the team and the supporters hadn't felt in three years. The dance followed the game, and was described by those in attendance as one of the best in years. The "HOLLYWOOD" theme prevailed throughout die day and into the night as the couples danced the night away.

Top, Senior class is finally finished. Middle, Q-106's Steve Stacker, M.C oftl Above, Shannon Gilcrease and John throw some steps.

"It was a whole new experience?" — Brian Regan and David Cannon. i f — — — — ^ p — — —

Above left, Chris Roybal gains yards. Above, Rah!!!!

Upper left. Drum line looking good. Above left. Crowd psyched for a winning game! Above, The star attractions. 141


. | . a big success at SFHS

After making your way through aa interminable line of people, you received, along with your ticket, a bright orange program. The next step was to find a vacant seat in the packed bouse. This you accomplished by shuffling through die aisles tapping people on die shoulder, saying repeatedly, "Excuse me, excuse me," only to find that die seat you wanted was reserved. However, not all hope was lost, for mere were die wing seats that filled up last because of their poorer angle. Finally settled, as you scanned through die program, you noticed die play was written after die movie, and not die television show, which accounted for some of die unfamiliar characters. The stage was dimly lit, decorated with hanging tents, distinguishing die different sections. Among these sections was die nurse's tent, which bad a few cots, pictures of male movie stars and an improvised vanity (remember this was war time). Of course there was die ever-present mess consisting of a long table with papers and coffee cups scattered across it. Let us not forget the popular swamp. It contained the usual martini glasses and collective liquor bottles, a few cots and a foot locker that posed as die communal party table. Oriental music set die mood as you leaned back in your chair and as the M*A*S*H* theme began, you prepared yourself for an altogether enjoyable experience—the drama department's production of Tim Kelly's Korean War play.

• Top, Col. Blake reads Hawkeye and Duke's FINAL farewell. Above, Dianne Keyson gives directions. Right, Darren Robinson listens intently to directions.


"It was a great experience working with different people." Kerry Harper I Center left, Kim Bindel and Kerry Harper- two nurses talking about men. I Left, Hawkeye and Duke look over their


Left Sam Seig tells Liza Drew about his imaginary adventures. Above, Nurse's intimidate the Boa Wit* girls. Above center, Sam Seig and Mike Witt playing doctor on George C de Baca.



Sadie Hawkins goes to the speakeasy

Above- Pete, Tallie, Linda, and Jeff pose for the camera. Right- Ms. McCnry and Amy Arkell collect tickets.

This year's Sadie Hawkins wasn't quite die same as the theme of previous dances. This year's theme was "Sadie goes to a Speakeasy." There were flappers and gangsters from the roaring twenties who attended the dance. Everyone danced the night away to the music of Dunn's Dancing Machine. This year's Sadie Hawkins was sponsored by the high school's speech team. Prizes were awarded to Elizabeth Worst and Jeff Zlotnick for best costumes. All in all it was quite a successful dance.

Lett- Greg Hooper and Rich Anaya waiting j be asked to dance. Above- Chris Tolen ready for d night out


Sadie Hawkins

Above left. Michelle and Robert a regular Boonie and Clyde. Above. George and Mikala keep in step.

'//, Sadie Hawkins a night to remember. Above David Bans looks for his date.

Sadie Hawkins


Junior Miss reaches for the gold. Volunteers, careful preparations, two months of tedious, but fun practices, and thirty-nine girls with high hopes all led up to one event- the 1984 Junior Miss Pageant held on November 23-24 at Sweeney Center. The theme was Olympics '84 which added to die enthusiasm of the opening number. It was evident the girls had spent a long time perfecting the routine. The pageant consisted of the usual events: the opening number, talent, interviews, and poise and appearance. The girls performed a variety of talents. Our own Taylora Hendrickson was the recipient of the talent award for her superior piano playing. The pageant came to an end as Mary Spirio, from SFHS, was announced as the Spirit of Junior Miss. For the finale, Denise Ortiz, also from SFHS was named the SFHS Junior Miss and the overall Junior Miss of 1984.

"J was surprised and excited all at the same time." Denise Ortiz

Top, Denise Ortiz's reaction to capturing the tide of the SFHSJunior Miss. Above, all thirty-nine girls display their gratitude as the tension rises. 1


Junior Miss

Left, the girls prepare for the ripple routine.

Middle left, Valerie Ingram disguised as a man. Middle right, Hope Haslam is radiant Aho\e, die 1984 Junior Miss representatives of each school

Top, Shannon Gilcrease and Yvene Thibodeaux present gifts Middle, Mary Spirio beams with excitement. Above, Kelly Davenport in the spotlight

Ambassador Band marches to Deutschland. I

Above, Amy Biehl stepping high. Above, right, Denise Ortiz plans next move. It bas been a successful year for the 1984-85 Ambassadors. The marching season brought fun and excitement for all. Friday night balftimes, the Ambassadors showed their colorfulflags,and spirited dancers as they marched to the music. During competitions they almost never failed to bring home an award. At the Parade of Champions in Las Cruces, they placed fifth overall and it was the first year SFHS had ever ma die finals. At Pageant, in Albuquerqi they were first runner up, which was also a first and die drum majorettes and auxiliary (flag girls and dancers) received honors. At Zia, also in Albuquerque, they put on a great show. In die concert season, they carried on their tradition of excellence. The band went to Germany and performed highlights from "The Sound of Music" and other songs. Every other year die band travels to other countries on good will tours. According to band members it was a great experience. Our world famous Ambassador band truly is a big part of SFHS!!!


Above, Michelle Gallegos and Hope Has- Center,James Brown and Linda Foster solo J* lam try to concentrate. the moonlight. Above right, Taylora Hendrickson watches out for bugs.

Top, Amy Biehl takes five. Above, Clarinet players couldn't pass up a pose. Top. The trumpets shine throughout the auxiliary. Center, The drum line shows its stuff. Above, How do they know where they're going?


Gotta cut loose . . . This year the German club sponsored two dances. They introduced the Oktoberfest and brought back the Snowball dance. Each of the dances had a different live band that played all night long. Both dances had big crowds which danced the night away. There were decorations, lights and of course refreshments such as German sausages and German pretzels. Both dances were equally enjoyable and had a great turnout. Again the German club had a successful year.

Right, Dee, Suzanne, and Josh take a break to chat.



Top, everyone moves to the beat. Left, Wiok Bacon, a breakdaaciag fool. Right, Joa Skiaaer and Heidi Jocbem show their moves.


Fiestas unique to Santa Fe. Fiestas is a part of Santa Fe that everyone looks forward to. It exists to celebrate the peace-re-entry of the Spaniards into Santa Fe. Fiestas is a long time tradition and will probably continue for generations. Fiestas took place in September as it has for years and people not only from Santa Fe but from all over participated in the festivities. It begins with the burning of Zozobra which represents the destroying of sadness and creation of happiness. People dance and sing on the Plaza until the wee hours. Again on Saturday day and night people continue to bang out at the many booths around the Plaza, observing traditions and above all partying. Fiestas ends on Sunday evening as the crowds dwindle and the Plaza clears, only to be stored away in memory until the next year.

Top tight, Zozobra before ... Right, Zozobra after ... Above, Festive dancers perform on the Plaza.

152 Fiestas

Top left, Don Diego De Vargas and Fiesta Queen entertain at Fiesta assembly. Top right. Students participate in the traditional dances.

Above right, Mariachis, always a part of Fiestas. Above, James Delgado, Student Council President, conducted the Fiesta assembly. Right, Anna Maria Ortiz, a former SFHS student was Fiesta Queen.



Breakin' at lunch Breakin' at lunch time was a popular activity among many of the students at Same Fe High. Breakin' takes a lot of dedication and countless hours of practice. Once factor holding back the breakers was finding a place where they could legally break. Many of the breakers spent most of their time at home practicing, but they had no place where they could show their stuff. Midway through the year, breakin' was banned from the buildings on campus where they would get together to dance.

Right, a breaker draws an audience. Far right, SFHS students can use their heads. Right, Everyone gets in on the act. Above, top, A one-handed spin.

Above, Hood ornaments? Above, watch your nose!



Sweetheart — a night to remember The 1984-85 Sweetheart Dance proved to be one to remember. The queen and king and their court were radiant as their names were announced to the audience. The queen was Renee Saiz and Ronnie Fernandez was the king. Prince and princess were Matt Garcia and Bernadette Aragon and duke and duchess wereJoseph Herrera and Paula Rodriguez. The lady was Monica Alvarez and the Lord was Joe Barela. Coming in as alternates were Richard Martinez and Senia Evans and Fred Bermudez and Kim Rivera.

Left, dressed up dancers enjoy Sweetheart. Bottom left, Mr. Martinez goes footloose.

Above center, Darlene Jacquez and Chris Gonzales take a rest and talk. Left, Kelly Davenport, cutting a rug. Above, Pant and David Chavez chat with a friend.

Sweetheart Dance 199

Cuttin* loose at lunchtime Santa Fe High School students spend their lunch breaks in a variety of ways but it is usually spent eating! Whether it is spent in the library, the cafeteria, a restaurant, at home or simply outside with the fresh air, students and teachers alike always seem to hesitate at going back to class. Lunch time highlights the day as it breaks from the monotonous schedule. That hour brings a new adventure each day as shakes fall from trays, keys are locked in cars and the unexpected can occasionally be expected. Thus ends another lunch time at Santa Fe High School.

Right, Elite, John, and Biaaca have lunch at a popular hangout Below, Vince catches up in Computer during lunch.

Above, students enjoy cafeteria food? Right, Ann Hill breaks her diet.


Lunch Tune

Above left, hacky sack, another lunch time activity. Above right, Lucille takes a quick drink. Above, Creed looks forward to lunch. w laughing at, Hugh and Steve? Lunch Time 157

Vocational Education is real learning Every year students and faculty at Vo-Tech celebrate Vocational Education Week. This year it was the week of February 11 through 15 and students and club members worked hard to make it a big success. There were assemblies, various contests and teacher appreciation day. The different clubs hosted on the various days and every day during die week was dress up day for all clubs. On Wednesday there was an open house from 6:00 until 8HX). Winners in the essay contest were Josephine Gonzales, first place, John Martinez, second place, Martha Garcia, third place and Mark Anaya honorable mention. Darlene Martinez won both first and second places in die poster contest and David Harris took third. Honorable mentions went to Martha Garcia and Tina Perea. In the Bulletin Board contest, Mr. Vialpando's typing classess took first, Mrs. Garcia's FHA took second and Mr. Schmelz's drafting students were third. Mr. Anaya's and Ms. Martinez's students received honorable mentions.

Top, Winners of the essay contest, Mark Anaya, Martha Garcia, John Martinez Josephine Gonzales. Above, one of the posters. Right, students learn to use computers. 158

Vocational Education



Essay Winner My vocational education class is a very interesting class because it gives me an opportunity to learn new ideas and skills that are not ordinarily found in basic electives. For example, in horticulture, I have learned to identify a variety ofplants and trees. These skills can help me if I would apply for a job at a local greenhouse or nursery. If I would be interested in agriculture or environmental science, horticulture can prepare me for majoring in these fields in college. Also, if I would desire to enter a working field oflandscape design, landscape construction, greenhouse operations or horticulture maintenance, this course can prepare me for the requirements that would have to be met. I think vocational education can be valuable to all students whether they want to enter the job market or go on to college. The reason is that it gives students an opportunity to learn various skills. by Josephine Gonzales, Grade 9

Top, Poster Contest Warners were left to right, Darlene Martinet, first and second, David Harris and Martha Garcia. Not pictured Tina Perea. Left, Models were a part of the colorful displays. Above, One of the many attractive bulletin boards which illustrated the theme.

Vocational Education Week


Below left, Chuck Alford, a whiz with a soccer ball. Below Right, Lori Sanchez races toward the finish.

The Classes section of our book is where we find all the different faces at SFHS. Along with all the different faces we found many different personalities that accompany them. For these reasons Santa Fe High School never had a dull moment. There was always the opportunity to see a fresh new face everyday.

Above, RickyJaramillo looks for an open receiver.

Above, Demoaene, Caryla Aoaya, jumps to block a spike.


Girls take state once more Anyone who's ever jogged across country, hiked Mt. Everest or swum across the Atlantic Ocean can truly appreciate the grueling sport of cross country. A sport where conditioning is synonomous with pain and ecstacy. Although high school cross country in New Mexico remains somewhat esoteric, it is still considered one of the best programs in die United States. Competition within New Mexico has been consistently superior. Although it is overshadowed by die major sports, cross country has been to New Mexico, what high school football has been to Texas. According to Sports Outlook magazine, Coach John Alire is"quite possibly a legend in bis own time.

"Being National Coach of the Year is a dream every coach has. It's really something very special" Coach John Alire 162

Oirls A-Cross Country

Top. State Champs; 1 to r, standing. Coach John Alire, Margie Wurst, Ana Rael, Mary Lee White, Josie Wurst. Kneeling. Lucia Rivera, Anne Dickinson, Lori Sanchez.

Left, Patti Dukeminier gets set Above, Lori Sanchez, on the right track.

Below, The girls block everything oat and concentrate. Right, Anne Dickinson looks strong at the Valley Meet.

4 Above, the team rests after taking first at Capital City.

Above, Margie Wurst shows her form. Right, Josie Wurst struggles at state.

Girls X-Country


Practice pays off Below, Patti Dukeminier nears the fiaisb Right, Lucia Rivera gets a team cheer

Left, fashions flare at Capitol City Above, Demonettes strive to win!!




Le/r, running buddies (district) Above, Coach Alire points out strategies

District Champs, Back row, left to right. Assistant Coach Dan Bustos, Louisa Lujan, Anne Dickinson, Mary Lee White, Margie Wurst, Ana Rael. Coach Alire. Front, Patti Dukeminier, Lori Sanchez, Josie Wurst, Lucia Rivera.

Cross Country Photos by June Dickinson

Girls X-Country


Boys have impressive


Above, Ramon Larranaga and Guy Wright striding for an impressive finish.

Top, Sammy Maniaez and Andrew Flores grasping for victory. Above, Teammates give a welcome, "Hello."


Boys X-Country

Left, Demons get set for a challenging nee. Below, Ramon Larranaga paces himself.

Left, John Miller races towards the finish. Above, kneeling Guy Wright, John Miller, Ronald Gallegos. Standing I to r. Asst. Coach Dan Bustos, Sammy Martinez, Ramon Larranaga, Vince Rodriquez, Andrew Flores, and Coach John Alire.

Boys X-Country


Demonettes, having fun

THE PROUD 16-3 RECORD Highland WWLW Hot Springs LWWLW Eldorado WWLW Los Alamos WLWLW St. Michael's WLWW West Mesa LWWLW Sandia WWLW Espanola WWW Farmington LWLL CAPITAL CITY TOURNAMENT Cibola WWW Estancia LWWW West Mesa LLWWL Espanola WWW Gallup LWWW Los Alamos WWLW DISTRICT Los Alamos WWW Farmington WWLW STATE TOURNAMENT Highland LWLL



Top left, RondaJarvis,Demonette's inspiration. Above, The shirt goes up, but the bail goes down!

Top right, Carla and Wendy roof that ball. Above, Mario lets Angle know she's behind m the way.

Top left. The calm sit before the tense game. Above, That's not how we do it, Shawna. Ob well it worked.

The Demonettes were on their way and doing better than the public thought possible. However, in the hearts and minds of the players and the always striving Nancy Mike, the Demonettes knew they had what it took and how to use it. Practices turned out to be strictly a team affair, and not only did they sharpen the skills of the players and team, not only did they sharpen the goals, trust, confidence and unity of the players and team, but they sharpened the overall outlook on life. The Demonettes agree, being a Demonette has changed their views, helped their confidence and improved their attitudes toward the long life ahead of them. It was everyone that made the 1984 Demonettes the team they were. One missing part and things would've been different. The difference probably would have been worse because it would be hard to improve the movements and memories that were made. Of course being knocked out of the state finals was hard to accept, but knowing they played well and accomplished their goals was great cause for Middle left. Wait, stop the play, I see a peony. Middle right, Raquel and Carta bring the unity out satisfaction.

| Above, Katrina knows, "There's no substitution for guts."



Below, The traditional Santa Fe huddle. Right, The Demonenes, in perfect formation, Bottom left, Hiya, big boy.

"Push when you get tired." Team Motto Left, Sbawna Collins makes a pass?! Above, Hit her in the face, Annie.




push to pass, set, hit

The Demonettes, Rondajarvis seated, (J to r), Vicki Whitted, Shawaa Collins, Raquel Garcia, Becky Whitted, Carta Anaya, Anita Lucero, Katrina Rojas, Mario Francke, Sharon Brown, Wendy Abeyta, Stephanie Daw, and Angela Lovato.



The 1984 Demonettes started out their season with a name to live up to. They were this year's defending state champs. This and the fact that Santa Fe has a reputation known state wide brought Coach Nancy Mike and her players to realize, "Santa Fe is the team to beat." Nancy, the 1983 number one rated coach, had her first child at the opening of the 1983 season and was pregnant through most of the 1984 season. She explained her sticking to coaching simply, "When you're good at something, why not keep it up." The team knew they were a different team than last year's, but this team had the same ability and desire to take the title again. The season took off strong, with an 8-0 record, but slipped that ninth game to Farmington, a team that came up and was somehow overlooked. The Demonettes came back PUSHING, and beat that team when it most counted. In the district championship game they met Farmington and Farmington they knocked down to take the district title. To state they went, and again overlooked their opponent, the Highland Hornets, who went to place second. West Mesa took the 1984 title with a record of 20-1. Their one loss was to the Santa Fe Demonettes. Top right, All right guys, I feel a win! Above, We all know it's a dink, Steph. Shut your mouth.

Volleyball 171

"Rise to the challenge!" 1984 junior varsity volleyball team


Right, Margaret's put one up. Far right, That's it, Hope. We're with you. Below, Andrea and Donna whisper to Gina, "Careful, Nancy's watching."

The Freshmen. (I to r) Angela Gonzales, Annie Rojas, Melissa Taylor, Mary Alice Barron, CherylAbove middle, Karen watch it, you'll step on that Boggs, Maria Gonzales, Patrice Chavez, Suzanne Carmignani, Kirsten Harris, Maureen Fresquez, bug. Julie Garcia, Tammi Duran, Sarah Blair. Above, Chella tells freshman Julie the plan.



J.V, following



TheJ.V. Demonettes, (I to r) Francine Barron, Gina Sandoval, Hope Chavez, Diana Ronquillo, Margaret Bustamante, Andrea Chavez, Shelly Willeford, Donna Lopez, Roxanne Roybal, Karen Bennett, Karen Hernandez and Liz Martinez.

Top, is there a holdup in the back row, Roxanne.' Above, from the looks on your faces, it was well deserved. Right, it's game point, Diane, don't sit down!

It's the joining together that makes a team, it's the unity that makes a person worthwhile, and it's the hard work and determination that carry you through. This 1984 season the Demonette freshmen ended with an accomplished season behind them and a 10-2 record. Stephanie Belmore guided them through and gave them that extra push when they thought they were out. Chella Butler did this for the J.V. team. They had a little more drive because they bad a little more to go for. Taking second place in the Capital City Tournament and ending their season with a record of 11-5 is something they can look back on and be proud of. These younger Demonettes are following the footsteps and sometime will find themselves in front and going for it all.



Left, referee watches Richard Below, command performance

Campiglio, by Steve Dixon.

SCOREBOARD SFHS 2 St. Pius SFHS 2 Prep SFHS 1 Cibola SFHS OAlb. Academy SFHS 2 Alb. High SFHS 3 Los Alamos SFHS 4 Highland SFHS 3 NMMI SFHS - Sandia SFHS 3 West Mesa SFHS 8 Manzaoo SFHS 3 Eldorado SFHS 2 Valley SFHS 0 Los Alamos *District Games

174 174 Boys'Soccer

3 2 2 4 1 (OT) * 2(OT) 6 1* default 0* 3 5* 3* 4* Left to right, standing: Jeff Zlotnick, Peter Kovnat, Jonathan Jochem, Darren Smith, Brian Regan David Thomson, Chad Holbrooks, Richard Herd, Coach Olakunle Ojikutu. Kneeling: Geoff Shander, Charles Brighton, Chuck Alford, Wade Miller, Jim Carr, Jason Holloway, Richard Campiglio. Jose Sandin. Sitting: Scott Queiroz, Mark Miller, Steve Gyetvai, Rick Sandoval, Henry Cowen.

Demon goals that just won't stop

The 1984-85 Boys Varsity Soccer Team was comprised of many extremely talented atheletes. With a new coach, Olakunle Ojikutu, originally from Nigeria, the boys seemed to show a new kind of enthusiasm. They dedicated time to hard practices, scrimmaging to strengthen their skill and long distance running to build up their endurance. For the most part, they were out there to have as much fun as possible doing what they liked most. They were also there to win which they knew they bad the potential to do. They all had confidence in themselves and each other. The only thing left was teamwork, that in the end, would pay off.

Above left, Faithful fans tolerated the cold all season. Center, Jose Sandin looks for open teammate. Below, Chuck Alford fights for possession of the ball.

"We improved a lot this year due to new coaching. Next year we'll probably take things further and maybe even take State." Henry Cowen

Boys Soccer


Demons plagued by dangerous play

Throughout the season there were some injuries to important players that led to unfortunate consequences. Richard Herd, a key defensive player, suffered the worst injury which left him to watch his team play from the sidelines. Also absent from various games were Rick Sandoval, Jim Carr and Richard Campiglio. Goalie Steve Dixon was very deprived in that the officials denied him the right to play due to metal knee braces Steve had to wear. Toward the end of the season the Demons remained 3-0 in district play. From then on, they suffered the hardest blow of their entire season. They realized they needed all their players to help them uphold their perfect record. But the wounds hadn't healed and the Demons fell 3-3 in district matches — knocking them out of state tournaments.

Top left. Chuck Alford slides past Sandia. Top tight, Richard takes a dive after heading the ball. Right, Scott Queiroz drives the ball past opponent.

Left, Steve Gyetvai, determined to get the bal Above, Coach Ojikutu speaking to the official


Boys Soccer

Top right, fullback, Darren Smith, defending the goal. Above, Jonathan, Steve and Richard confer about team dexterity.

Top left, Chuck Alford demonstrates dangerous play. Above, Josh Ripple about to make bis more.

"It was just like a tasty wave. We were riding high on the crest but near the end of our ride we took a face-plant in the sands of district piny." Charles Brighton and Darren Smith

Below, the J. V. soccer team directs their attention to the game. Right, shooting for the goat. Josh Ripple.

Above, intense concentration is shown on John Alejandro's face, as he plans his next more. Right, Derwyn Harris takes a moment for a quick picture.

178 J.V. Soccer


J. V. Soccer, The team of

tomorrow "There's lots of good talent, and with a little more experience we'll have a strong team." Matt Hilgendorf

Left, Dale Eagly and J. V. soccer players give the team some words of encouragement. Left center, Matthew Preston display fancy footwork during the game.

TheJ. V. soccer team is definitely an asset to the future. The team coasisted of mainly ninth and tenth graders, as well as four eighth graders. This young team was coached under the skills and determination of Dale Bagly. At many games the J. V. soccer team was assisted by varsity players. This allowed them to work on their skills and gain experience. The overall season was a success. Many games were played for the challenge and excitement rather than on a high competitive level. "The team was kind of inexperienced, but we still had a good team," quoted Taylor Pardue. Although many victories were accomplished the most remembered ones were their two wins over Santa Fe Prep. Their toughest competitor was Albuquerque Academy. Being on the 1984-85 J.V. soccer team taught everyone how to learn from each other and the importance of team work.

Right center, Steve Dixon helps both the varsity and J.V. teams with his expertise. Left, Matthew Preston struggles with the opponent for the ball.

J.V. Soccer


"The team was much closer* this year which helped us come up and beat Los Alamos, 1 defending state champions!\ Sandra Nelson

Left, Lori Roberts with everything under control. Below, Coach Gray emphasizes a haUtime strategy.


5 St. Pius X 7 S.F. Prep 4 Cibola 1 Academy 12 Alb. High 4 Highland 2 Los Alamos • 1 Sandia 3 West Mesa 6 Manzano I Eldorado 2 S.F. Prep 4 Valley 1 Los Alamos State Tournament SFHS 3 St. Pius X SFHS 0 Eldorado SFHS 1 West Mesa *District Games


Girls Soccer

6 1 2 5 0* 2 5 5 4* 2 8* 0* 0* O* 0 4 4

Front row, left to right, Stacy Miller, Heidi Jochem, Anna Lopez, Lisa Nordstrum. Barbie Burgta, Maria Trujillo. Middle row, Sandra Nelson, Rachael Carr, Patty Montoya, Wendy Gettemy, Socom Montoya, Lori Roberts, Bonnie Carlisle. Back row: Coach Mike Gray, Chantal Van Ongevalle Christina Swartom, Margo Curgus, Margaret Jones, Alicia Ortiz, Tracy Vance, Sara Pozel, Leone Lucero, Assistant Coach Bobbe Besold.


explode with goal fury

The Santa Fe High School Demonettes strode into state competition with confident smiles, as a main goal of the season had already been achieved. In district play, Santa Fe High revealed their best talent with never-ending persistence and a magnificent game ending in a 1-0 victory over Los Alamos. The goal was scored in the fourth quarter by Santa Fe's Most Valuable Player Socorro Montoya. This state-champion defending team, never been beaten by Santa Fe, thus entered the State tournament as fourth in the district, and Santa Fe third.

Top, beauties of the bench Middle, Socorro Montoya takes the ball upheld. Below, As Stacy Miller fights, team members support.

Middle left, fullback Anna Lope* never let anyone \past her. Above, Rachael Carr in action.

Girls Soccer


Top, Goalie Chantal Van Oagevalle burls the ball after an unsuccessful snot. Above, A naif-time huddle discussing any difficulties.

"A key to the season was the high level of team play. Each individual player improved a lot, in skills and attitude." Coach Mike Gray


Girls Soccer

Top, halftime goof-off, thirsty consoler and vengeful Stopper! Middle, Anna Lopez using her head. Above, Stacy Miller rescuing the boll.


kick their way to state The Demoaettes met St. Pius in the first round of state with avenging eyes, as thefirstgame of the season had been a battled-out 6-5 loss to the Sartans in overtime. Santa Fe took revenge with a well-played 3-0 victory and advanced on to the second round. The Eldorado Eagles beat the Demonettes 4-0 and went oa to easily take the state championship title. Santa Fe ended their season in fourth place after losing to West Mesa 4-1.

Lett, Socorro Montoya keeps it away from that Preppie. Middle, Maria, Patty and Rachael keep watch of the action. Left corner, coaches observe with scrutinizing eyes. Below, varsity goal-achieving "feats."

Right. Tracy Vance clears the ball with a Booted Eldorado forward out of the way.

Girls Soccer


Demons take third in state The Saata Fe Demons of 1984 had a great year. The Demons were runners' up in their district with a 4-1 record. In the first round of die state playoffs the Demons soundly beat Cibola High 23-12. Then came the Clovis Wildcats, three times defending state champs. Santa Fe led, surprisingly to most, at the half time, 7-0, although on a few lucky plays, the Wildcats defeated the Demons 20-7. The Demons started off badly with two losses, but bounced back to win seven of me next nine games, ending with a 7-5 record. This football team surprised everyone. Not very many people ever expected them to do so well. The Demons finished tied for third in the state. The start of the turnaround for this team was a very impressive stomp of rival St. Mike's, 18-0. For Homecoming, Farmington came to town. They were 5-0, ranked third in the state. Many figured the Demons would be blown out. The scoreboard at me end of the game read 6-0 in favor of the Demons. The Santa Fe Demons captured the attention of this city as well as the entire state. Demon football is for real!


SCOREBOARD 6 Highland 8 Albuguerque 18 St. Michael's 14 Gnats 14 Alamogordo 6 Farmington 14 Del Norte 26 Gallup 36 Los Alamos 61 Espaaola STATE 23 Cibola 7 Clovis

27 27 O O 28 O 17 15 14 0 12 20 Top, the defensive tine awaits die offense. Above, Chris Roybal (26) looks for a block by Vivian Archuleta (67).


Varsity Football

Above, Danny Nowers (74) and Jon Hughes (64) lead the Demons on to the Held. Bottom Row, i-r, Coach Rodriguez, Lyle Johnson, Joe Anchondo, Doug Tucker, Ray Sanchez, Gus Wiley, Ron Trujiilo, Anthony Griego, Brian Gallegos, Mark Martinez, John Van Damme, Ben Pino, Coach Hauck. Second row, Rodney Gonzales, Shane Wright, Allen Lopez, Chris Roybal, Art Garcia, Lorenzo Vigil, Robert Lopez, Steve Romero, Gerald Ortiz, Ronald Baca, Mark Ortiz. Third Row, Manager Ray Anchondo, Craig Carmignani, Danny Mayiield, Vivian Archuleta, Richard Martinez, Rick Jaramillo, John Jacquez. Max Turner, Gene Salazar, Paul Rodriguez, John Thomas, Dan Saladen, Dennie Rivera, Mike Brasil, Coach Apodaca, Trainer Bill Henry. Fourth Row, Coach Walker, Steve Baca, Leo Guzman, Kenny Keabbooe, Martin Guillen, Esteban Armendariz, Vince Archuleta, Rudy Parga, Antonio Rios, Jon Hughes, Danny Nowers. Top row. Coaches, Dan Martinez, Steve Warfield, Richard Olivares, Hoyt Mutz, Bob Martinez, Mike Vialpando.

Varsity Football


Demons are District runners-up The Santa Fe Demons captured the District 1-AAAA runner up slot and a berth in the state playoffs. The Demons fell 3 points short of the District Championship, losing to top ranked Del Norte 17-14. It was a second half kickoff return that die Demons never recovered from. After barely losing to the number one ranked team in the state everyone finally knew just how tough these guys were. The Demons went on to win the rest of their district games including a 61-0 romp over hapless Espanola. The Demons placed more players on the AllDistrict team man any other school in

their district. On the first team Danny Nowers was picked for three positions which were offensive guard, defensive end and punter. Brian Gallegos was chosen as a defensive down lineman and Vivian Archuleta was chosen as linebacker. On the second team Rick Jaramillo was chosen as quarterback and Jon Hughes was picked for a tackle spot. Chris Roybal was selected as a cornerback on the second team defense.

Below, Doug Tucker makes a great catch. Below right, RickJaramillo (I) and Chris Roybal have a lot to smile about.


Above left, The "bogs" ready to explode offtbe line. Below left, JOB Hugbes aad Coach Mao talk over offensive strategy. Above, The defense ready for action.

"Talent will take you so far, but hard work, determination and team unity will make you a winner." Danny Nowers

Vanity Football


Demons strut their stuff to state Below, excited Demons run off the Geld. Right, the quarterback looks for room to run,

"We're Agile, mobile and definitely hostile." Coach Olivares


Varsity Football

Far left, A satisfied Coach Mutt. Left, Craig Carmignani on the punt return. Above, Shane Wright stands by.

Top left, Brian Gallegos in deep concentration. Middle left, Jon Hughes goes to make the block. Bottom left, coaches celebrate a Demon victory.

Top, Demon players in the lockeroom at half time. Above, Rick Jaramiilo ready to pitch the ball.

Varsity Football


Freshmen go undefeated Right, Gerald Rivera gets tackled. Far right, Steve Ramirez punts the halt.

Freshman Football. Bottom Row, 1-r, Elizabeth Cohen, Mark Larranaga, Chris Duran, Steve Trujillo, Mike Valencia, John Sawchuck, Donald Martinez, John BindeL Ken Collins, Matt Martinez, Johnny Howe, Second Row, Jeff Duran, Eddie Fernandez, Ronnie Roybal, Dustin Duty, John Warfield, Mike Martinez, Shawn Zamora, Sam Leyba, TroyPadilla, David Soveranez. Third Row, Robert Mascarenas, Joshua Peinado, Brett Ellis, Greg Some, Martin Mena, Daniel Ortega, Paul Gonzales, Mario Lopez, Shawn Bartlett, Colin Tuley, Michelle Anaya. Fourth Row, Adrian Martinez, James Roibal, Anthony Wylie, Dennis Ronal, George Montoya, Robert Montoya, Leroy Trujillo, Frank Campos, Danny Martinez, Carmicbael Dominguez. Top Row, Coaches Ernie Rodriguez, Dan Martinez, Kevin Hauck.

Left, theJV offensive line Above,JV and freshman coaches, Apodaca, Rodriguez, Walker, Martinez, Viaipando, ami Hauck.

190 JV/Fresbman Football


Top, Alex Romero hustles. Above, Gerald Riven slips a tackle. Top right, J.V. player returns punt.

Varsity on their way

Junior Varsity Football Team. Front Row, (I to r) Paul Cordova, David Martinez, Alex Romero, Randy Montoya, Andrew Romero, Steve Garcia, Lawrence Olguin, Tommy Trujillo. Second Row, George Griego, manager, Joaquin Casaus, Joey Suazo, David Tichava, Joe Corriz, Mark Urban, Gerald Rivera, Joe Zamora, Mike Dean, Matias Montano, Flavio Encinias, manager. Third Row, Coach Apodaca, Joe Ortiz, Vince Dominguez, Jay Winton, Rudy Montoya, Chris Ingram, Randy Olivas, Charlie Perea, Mike Sanchez, John Geikie, Steve Kloppel, Coach Vialpando. Fourth Row, Coach Walker, Chris Anaya, Reynaldo Garcia, Gabriel Pacbeco, Mike Real, James Galiegos, Roger Griego, Anthony Silva, Frank Bransford, Ashley Nye, Allen Sanchez. Back Row, Darren C de Baca, Ray Maes, Todd Newman, Ronnie Tafoya, Shane Milter, Sean Tooley, Kevin Casebolt, Richard Barrett, Steve Ramirez, Arturo Ojeda, John Tanuz.

JV/Freshman Football


Boy gymnasts demand The 1984-85 boys varsity gymnastics team was full of both dedication and determination. Hard work was nothing new to this group of talented boys. The team consisted of Ronald Harper, Brian Roybal, Ben Ortiz, John Clifford, Richard Kershner, Chris Lee, Ernie Spencer, Michael Lee, Larry Tolle, and

Above, Ronald Harper is a real swinger. Upper right, Chris Lee prays to almighty coach, Alfred Trujillo. Team Photo, 1. to r., first row, Ronald Harper, Brian Roybal, Sean Trujillo, Ben Ortiz, John Clifford. Second Row, Richard Kershner, Chris Lee, Ernie Spencer, Michael Lee, Larry Tolle.

^We gymnasts are really together like a family. Our season will show it!" "Michael Lee


was coached by former SFHS gymnast, Alfred Trujillo. Ben Ortiz was team captain. Although the regular season didn't actually start until February 1, they began practice October 1. Their time and efforts were devoted to making up and perfecting challenging routines as well as learning new moves.


Top, Michael Lee performing a difficult back lever oo rings. Left, Ernie Spencer sanding upside down on pbars. Middle, Mr. and Mrs. Photogenic gymnasts. Right, Brian Roybal shows good form on rings.


Demonettes tumble with style Although the official gymnastics season of 1985 did not commence until early February, the girls began practicing in early September to ready themselves for the upcoming season. The team consisted mainly ofpreviously experienced gymnasts with few newcomers. Ages varied from girls in the 7th grade to the four seniors who "wanted to go out with a bang!" The girls worked intensively during preseason preparing themselves for competition physically and mentally. The fear of tricks on each event had to be overcome along with nerves that dwelled within. Chris Trujillo, a former gymnastics coach at SFHS, returned to lead the girls to a successful season not only statistically but also personally. Top center. Ana Hill performs with undeniable grace. Right, Mia Garcia takes a break on the bars.

Center, loam Drew watches teammate with concern. Above, Gabriela Salinas shows flexibility on Top clockwise, Liza Drew, Ellie Ortiz, Danette Romero, Karen Miles, Sabra Row a no. Bernadtm beam. Montoya, Cathy Jackson, Lori Lujan, Mia Garcia, Gabriela Salinas, Ann Hill.

194 Gymnastics

Left, EUie aad Chris work toward perfection. Below, Gabriela helps put away equipment after practice.

Above left. Another one of Chris' pep talks? Above, Stacie Hamm displays grace on beam. Left, Bernadette performs for the crowd.

"I'll tumble for ya." Boy George

Gymnastics 195

Basketball picks up through

A win over Espanola brought the Demons to a 3-1 standing in district play. Los Alamos had an identical record at that point and they were to meet in Santa Fe on February 15. Tension was high as the two district contenders prepared to meet. The Demons emerged from the fray victorious and brought their district record to 4-1 with five games to go. The Demons dropped their next two games against Farmington and Gallup to fall to 4-3 in district play. The Demons got on the winning track the following weekend as they beat Del Norte and Espanola. At 6-3 they went up against die Los Alamos Hilltoppers in a game that would decide who would be seeded second in the district tournament. The importance of the game was evident as it went into five overtimes, but unfortunately the Hilltoppers won and die Demons had to play Espanola in die first round of the district tournament. Espanola won in overtime to bring die very up and down season of the Demons to its end. Brian Regan, the team's leading scorer and rebounder, was the only Demon to make the 1-AAAA first district team.

Top, Paul Barela gets ready to move on Los Alamos Team picture. 1 to r, Mark Rodriguez, Robert Aoaya, Paul Barela, David Montgomery, David Cannon, Brian Regan, David Thompson, Vince Martinez, Greg Hickey, George Martinez, John Montano. Not pictured, 6' 5" Bruce Charleton.


Vanity Basketball


Upper left, Greg Hickey explodes up for two. Upper right, David Thomson looks to pass inside.

Middle left, Coach Rodriguez plans a second half strategy. Above, David Cannon rips down a board. Left, Brian Regan (40) readies to pick for David Cannon (34).


Demons take second in Capital City The Demons showed how they could truly play in the final quarter of a district game against Gallup. They won the game 51-39 behind Brian Regan's 22 points and 16 rebounds. In the first round of the Capital City Tournament which started on January 31, the Demons played St. Mikes for the city championship and doubled the score on the Horsemen 72'36! All but one player scored for the Demons who went on to play the tenth ranked West Mesa Mustangs in die semi-finals. The Demons upset die Mustangs by a score of 61-51. Regan bad 33 points and John Montano added 11 points. The final game matched me Demons against the number one ranked St. Pius Saltans. Pius won the game but die Demons, placing second, played well throughout most of the game and Players and fans alike left with a good feeling mat now the 5-9 Demons were going to make some noise in district 1-AAAA. Team captain Brian Regan and co-captain Paul Barela were named to the All-Tournament team.

Top, Brian Regan powers up for two as Z5JÂťK/ Montgomery looks on. Above, Regan, Montgomery, and Montano bos* out for a rebound. Left, John Montano eats up St. Mikes.


Varsity Basketball

Far left, David Thomson shoots over the Horsemen. Left, George Martinez drives past a screaming Horseman. Below, Co-captain, Paul Barela, looks to pass inside.

Left, Captains Regan and Barela discuss the officiating. Above, Vince Martinez goes strong to the basket.

Varsity Basketball


Young Demons gain


Left, Coach Rodriguez and his players at the end of the half. Below, left, Bruce Charlton goes for two! 1 Below, Brian Regan shows determination.

Above, David Thomson fights for the rebound.


Vanity Basketball


Top, David Montgomery receives inbound pass. Btove, Greg Hie key goes up for the shot.

Top, Bruce Charlton and Greg Hickey crunch the opponent. Above left. The TIP OFF! Above right, David Cannon flies over the opponent for the shot.

Varsity Basketball


ni^^ "We've suffered a lot of adversity but when we come together, we'll be tough!" George & Leo

Top right, freshman Daniel Ortega goes up for a big rebound. Far right, freshman Ladd Lucero setting up the offense. Right, freshman Mania Ortiz puts up a jump shot while team mate Daniel Ortega looks on.

Above, Pancho Montoya throws a jump shot. JV Team. Back row, left to right, Ivan Trujillo, Ronnie Tafoya, Phil Catanach, Leo Guzman, Slew Garica, Paul Curtis, Pancho Montoya, Brett Wendt, Javier Mendoza, Gene Salazar, Ricky Romero. Front, Glenn Gettemy, Bobby Benavidez.

202 J.V. Boys Basketball

Junior varsity full of


Junior Varsity basketball players in 1984-85 were spirited and enthusiastic. TbeJV team is a team that helps prepare players for the varsity team. The junior varsity had a lot of drive and determination. Drilled by coaches who care, they worked hard to become the best that they could be.

Top left, Javier Mendoza patiently looks for an open team mate. Above, Freshman Mark Robertson goes up for a block.

Freshman team. Back row, left to right, Travis Mascarenas, Dustin Duty, John Bindel, Bret Ellis, Martin Ortiz, Tom Trujillo, Mark Robinson, Shaw Woerrlein, Wade Boynton, Chris Barela, Matthew Martinez, Shawn Zamora, Robert Montoya. Front row, Eddie Fernandez, Gary Romero, Johnny Valdiviezo, David Soveranez.

JV Boys Basketball


Demonettes About third way through their sea' son the 1984-85 girls varsity basketball team had a record of 3-5. Their wins were against Cibola, St. Mike's and Valley. The varsity team consisted of three seniors,JaNelle Haught, Criston Ryals, and Patricia Chavez. There were no juniors. The sophomores were Alicia Ortiz, Soccorro Montoya, Michelle Lopez and Gina Sandoval. The freshman were Lee Trujillo, Julie Garcia and Camille Amijo. The head coach of the girls Demonette Basketball was Tommy Martinez. He had high hopes for the team, and felt they could do well through the rest of the season. Coach Martinez commented "The girls have a lot of team spirit and team unity. The team needs to perfect the fundamentals and to work bard." Coach Martinez added, "I would like to see more students going to the games." Top right, JaNelle Haught aad Patricia Chavez defend against the opposing team. Right, JaNelle Haught asking for the ball.


Girls Basketball

dribble to destiny

"The team is real young, but willing to work hard and make a run in district." JaNelle Haught

Top left, Patricia Chare* takes a jumper from the outside. Above, Julie Garcia looks to dish off to Soccorro Montoya.

Top Leigh Trujillo drives in for two points. Above, A common shoe amongst the players.

Girls JV Basketball 209

Varsity girls work to win

Top, The sky is falling! The sky is Ailing! Girls's varsity team, left to right, Gina Sandoval, Leigh Trujillo, Julie Garcia, Soccorro Montoya, Above, Leigh Trujillo shows skill at dribbling. Patricia Chavez, Criston Ryals, JaNelle Haught, Wendy Gettemy, Wendy Abeyta, Camille Arntijo, Michelle Lopez, Veronica Baca. Front, Coach Tom Martinez. Not pictured, Alicia Ortiz.


Girls Varsity Basketball

Top, Criston Ryals doesn't want her concentration I spoiled. > Above, Patricia Cbavet tosses one up at the free throw line.

Patricia Chavez jumps to shoot white Alicia Ortiz looks on. Socorro Montoya passes the ball to Leigh Trujillo

Girls Vanity Basketball


J, V. team shows talent Back, Coach Walker. Left to right: Leigh Trujillo, Julie Garcia, Annette Garcia, Leslie Vieira, Cueva Hernandez, Wendy Geaemy, Laura Rodriquez, Wendy Abeyta, Camille Armijo, and Michelle Lopez.

Top Right, Mary Lee White blocks out for the rebound. Middle the team gathers for some words of encouragement. Above Cueva Hernandez shoots a perfect free


208 JV Girls Basketball

"Being a part of the J. V. team was both challenging and rewarding. " Wendy Gettemy This year's junior varsity girls' basketball team consisted mainly of freshmen. "Under first year coach Mike Walker, the girls showed a great amount of potential," stated varsity coach Tom Martinez. The majority of the opposing teams they played were upperclasssmen, yet the girls were able to beat many of these teams. Four of the girls who were freshmen, Leigh Tujillo, Camille Armijo, Julie Garcia, and Patricia Chavez not only played on the junior varsity team, yet also saw limited playing time on the varsity team.

Above Laura Rodriquez aims for the hoop. Below left Demonettes regain control of the ball.

Freshman Team, left to right: Tammy Montoya, manager, Cathy Chavez, Mary Alice Casaus, Liz Hendren, Maria Gonzales, Patricia Chavez, Audrey Dunn, Sheryl Boggs, Barbara Arnal, Barbara Romero, and Coach Ric Gonzales Opposite page left, Leigh Trujillo plans her strategy. Opposite page right, Wendy Gettemy and Camille Armijo go for the ball.

JV Girls Basketball


Swim team splashes toward State! The Demons and Demoaenes had much to say about their 1985 swimming and diving seasons. At the beginning of their season, optimism peaked as the first meets approached. Anticipation soared as more and more members of both girls and boys teams qualified for the state meet. Many members qualifying included Amy Biehl, Marie Sluka, Mike Pell, John Weinmeister, Jake Martinez, Jeff Zlotnick, Gogi Hoessler, Rob Wood and Liz Romero. The Demons were led by team captain Jake Martinez and the Demonettes were led by Sarah Stein. The swim team also had a new coaching staff which seemed to contribute to their successful season. Mary Ellen Butler was head coach and John Murphy served as assistant coach. The diving team in 1985 consisted of one member, Amy Biehl. Amy's superb diving skills helped her capture many titles in several meets throughout the season and qualified her for state competition. The Demon's potential, determination and skill, sparked new enthusiasm toward swimming and diving at Santa • Fe High School in 1985.

Above, Who could it be behind die kickboard?!

Top, Rob Wood finds time between laps to pose for bis fans. Above, John Weinmeister breast strokes past bis teammates.



Team photo, first row, Mike Pell, Jeff Zlotnik. Second row, assistant coach, John Murphy, bead coach, Mary Ellen Butler, David Torres, Stacy Mlller, Marie Sluka, Sarah Stein, Meagan Kenny, manager. Third row, Gogi Hoessler, Tanya Erikson, Felicia Schulte, Matthew C. de Baca, Sarah Blair, Rob Wood, andJohn Weinmeister.

Center, Gogi Hoessler perfects the breast stroke at practice. Left, John Weinmeister finds his new found career hair raising! Above, Demonette team captain, Sarah Stein, caught in motion.



Swim team endures endless stroking Left, Swimmers never stop. Left middle, "Perk up and keep going!" Below, Weinmeister has nothing better to do.

Above middle, "There's a floatie in my sou Above, Kick and pull, kick pull ... Left, Coaches Mary Ellen Butler and John Murp

Right, Timers Below, Sarah takia' a breather Below middle, SPLASH!

Right, Diver Amy Biehl, State-title hungry, upon catty into me water. Above, Mathew C de Baca goggle-eyed and fish mouthed



Wrestlers pin their way toward state The Santa Fe High School Demon Wrestlers are a very devoted team. They support each other one way or tbe other. Win or lose, they always provide each other with a pat on tbe back and a big wide grin. When Rudy Parga was asked what be tbougbt about tbe team, be simply stated, "We're called a team and not many times can a group of guys be called that, especially when we all have our opinions, differences and beliefs." While Rudy wrestles for the junior varsity team, Carmichael Dominguez, a freshman wrestler, weighing 136 lbs., said, "Even though we win or lose, we're always pleased as a team. When a wresder loses, he might feel really low, but as a team, we're always there to give each other support." Wrestling is a sport that requires a lot of bard work, dedication, and self dicipline. Often wrestlers have to go long periods of time with little to eat and still work out two hours a day to make weight. A good team has to have a lot of desire and this year's team has plenty of that. When football was over tbe Demons took a full squad to St. Mikes and clobbered tbe Horsemen 55-9. The final margin of victory was tbe largest in tbe city rivalry's history.

Team Picture, Varsity, back row. Coach Mike Lujaa, Jacque Serrano, Rudy Parga, Dan Saladen. Mania Guillen. Gilbert Encinias, Trainer Bill Henry, Coach Hank Snow. Front Row, Danny Trujillo, Eric Perea, Mike Archuleta, Ken Joseph, Manager Manuel Sanchez. Above, Demon wrestlers, pinning their way to state. Right, Demon wrestlers have all the right moves.


'7 feel that we were weak at first, but we got better. Hopefully we will be fantastic for state." Jacques Serrano

Left, Rudy Parga, showing his moves. Middle, caught in the act.

Above, Jacques on top of the action Left, Estevan with another victory.


Wrestlers have all the right moves Team picture. Junior Varsity Back row, Albert Encinias, Todd Newman, Ray Sanchez, Esteban Armendariz, Ted Rael, Coach Hank Snow. Front row, Jeff Montoya, Steve Trujillo, Steve Boylan, Tommy Trujillo

Above, Martia is the load of guy no one wants to mess with!!



. . . Below, Ouch, Dan, don t hurt htm too much!

Above, Mania ready for a battle against a Del None knight.

Top, Hurdle stretches promote flexibility. Left, Warming up for the match.

Team Picture, Freshmen, Back row. Coach Al Null.Jared Ward, John Warfield, Ruben Parga, Greg me > Peter Bill Vernon Doss, Hank Smith. Front row, Ken Bradford, Tony Armijo, Troy ScozzaIn, Manager, Rose Hendren, Danny Nino, Russell Pack, Adrian Martinez.

Wrestling 217

Demons swing into their season

The 1984 New Mexico Baseball Coach of the Year, Joe Jerry Martinez looked forward to the 1985 season. The team had three returning lettermen in the senior class, five juniors and one sophomore. They were, however, sorry to hear that they would have to play without outstanding 1984 player Cecil Chavez, who lost a year of play due to an injury in 1983. Although he only played in one scrimmage prior to die injury, according to New Mexico Activities Association rules, twenty days in one semester constitutes the use of a year's eligibility. Martinez expressed regret at this loss as the season began. During die first weeks of die season practice the boys worked hard on running, fielding, hitting and especially, according to die coach on being able to think. They opened die season on March 16 against die Belen Eagles which were coached by former Demon baseball player, Mike Ogas.

Top, Chris Romero gets ready to pitch at practice. Right, Rick Janmillo and Cecil Chavez take the field. Above, Demon baseball is HOT!!!


Below, Cecil Chavez, first round draft hopeful for the Dodgers.

"We have the drive, determination and potential to do great!" Chris Romero

Above, Steve Romero giving us his radiant smile while batting.

Above, Chris Kahn and Coach Lauritsen discuss Above, Demons warm up before practice. pre-game strategies.


Basehallers have high Below, Coach Martinez was optimistic.

Above, Baseball players head for the field. Right, A Demon waits for the ball. Far right, Cecil Chares at bat.




Below, Chris Kahn and Cesar Ribero get ready to play.

Demons battle net to net Bottom, Jones in between shots. Middle, Smith puts energy into his return. Below, Adrian, "It's like this, you see?"

Top, Kiko Torres, Michelle Baca and Celina Dority wait patiently. Above, Greg Smith at his tennis talent's height.

Tennis 221

The ace controls the court Tennis team hits the courts . . .

Left, Celina Dority at practice. Below, Madelyn Baca ends her day of play.

The Santa Fe High School tennis team for the spring of 1985 started out their season with snow on the courts! Practices got rolling once the weather got better. Both boys and girls teams were assigned new coaches again, Adrian Mecbem and Mike Walker were asked to coach this year. Out of die players who scrambled together in mid-February for preseason meetings, few were familiar faces among the boys, while all die girls present had played die previous year. Nothing except a winning season could be forseen for this potentially inspirted team! This, however, was up to them.

Chuck Altord bits with ease after bis day at the beach, playing soccer and spraining bis knee. Above, John Tubbs unhappy and unwilling, as always, to play tennis



Right, Darren Smith pounds bis " cringing secvice. Below, Margaret Jones prepares to play.

"The tennis season is going to end my year with a bang!" Margaret Jones Above left. Waiting for Adrian ... Above, SFHS Tennis Coach Adrian Mecbem.



And, they're off and running

The 1985 boys varsity track team consisted largely of members from last year's team. There are also many underclassmen contributing to the team's goals. Sophomore sprinters along with juniors rank among the best in the state. The sprinters were Aaron Peinado, Craig Carmignani, Vince Martinez, Javier Mendoza and the senior David Cannon. Runners Andrew Flores, Sam Martinez and'Arthur Sandoval were strong contributors in die distance events. Danny Nowers and Bruce Charleton threw their weight around in die strength events, while David Mont-

Top Right, "Cute tights, 'Flowers,' observes Coach Robert Ortiz to Andrew Flores. Above, Esteban Armendariz on bis way to track practice Right, Demon vaulter charges to the pit.

224 Boys' Track

gomery, Paul Barela,John Thomas and Vince Martinez used their leaping ability in other Geld events. Del Norte, Sandia and Farmington proved to be some of the team's toughest competition throughout the season. The team's goals were to be district champions, and work their way to a strong showing at state. The team's main goal was to be a strongly unified unit working together to win friendship, respect, and success. The 1985 track team was a team to remember under the leadership of Coach Bobby Ortiz. Best wishes to all of them in the future.

Left, Whoa, Danny Nowers! Bottom row, left to right, Andrew Flores, Ramon Larranaga, Arthur Sandoval, David Ginocchio, David Trujillo, Sam Martinez. Top, John Gam, Danny Nowers, Larry Rodriguez, Aaron Peinado, Coach Robert Ortiz.

Left center, David Cannon and Brian Regan joking around before first track meet. Above, David Trujillo and Aaron Peinado warm up the legs. Left, Mighty Dan Nowers thrusts bis trusty disc.

Boys Track


Demonettes strut their stuff The bad weather this year forced the girls track team to practice ia the gym in the beginning of their season. But this discouragement didn't stop the Wurst sisters in having a very prominent season. Margie Wurst proved herself as a good distance runner while her younger sister, Josie's best accomplishment was in cross country. ALL the girls are hoping to capture another state tide.

Top right, Christina Larranaga completes a lap. Above, Louisa Rivera on the good side of L Coach Alice. Above, The girls take a breather. Right, Coach Danny Bustos ready to start prac


Girls Track

Far left, Mario Franke and Cathy Greenlee practice makes perfect. Left, Socializing during practice.

Left, No pain, no gain Above, Roxanne and Katrina battle the cold weather.

Girts Track


Softball team makes run in district Although the Demonette sofiball team returned only two seniors from last year's team, it promised to be a tough contender in district AAAA play. There were several returning lettermen from last year's team including Kelly Amiday who was to start on the pitcher's mound. "The team was young since the majority of die girls are freshmen and sophomores, but we all play on teams in die summer, so we were ready to give a run for district," stated senior Criston Ryals, who played catcher. Randy, Whittemore was back as coach and he looked forward to an optimistic season. Early in die season, even before they were able to practice outside, die coach started die girls on preseason workouts and as soon as die weather cleared, they had regular afternoon practice after school at Ragle Park. Top, Coach Olivares instructs the girls. Right, Diane helps to warm up the pitcher.



Above left, practice makes perfect for Linda. Above, Kelly warms up on the pitcher's mound. Left, team members listen intently to their coach.



Demons tee up for spring season With four out of fire returning lettermen, the Demons looked toward a successful season. Under the guidance of Coach Hoyt Mutz, the Demons were swinging away as soon as the weather permitted. The boys opened up their season in Belen and looked toward die state tournament with anticipation. The team wishes to thankjoe Tiano and die rest of die Santa Fe Country Club for die use of their wonderful facilities.

Right, Mike Mootaoo in winning form. Below, Demon golfers get in * little practice.

Above center, Tom Kelly gives putting I Above, top Demon golfers, 1. to r„ Tom Kelly.Ji Hadley and Mike Montano of M A M Co. j


Boys Golf

Demonette golfers drive for state With a second place title in state last year aad all the same team members for 1985, the Demonette golfers bad nothing but optimism as their season began. Team members, Becky Wbitted, Lori Roberts, Anna Lopez and Vicky Whitted, have played together for the last three years and all agreed that the state title was well within reach. They are coached by Mike Weston, golf pro at the Country Club.

Left, Demonettes make a toast to a successful season Below, Becky Wbitted rips a drive.

"The midget with the mustache thinks the girls are gonna win it all." Coach Mike Weston

Above center, Lori Roberts keeps her eyes on tin ball Above, Vicky Whined anticipates a putt.

Girls Golf




The year in sports . . .



Below left, Leon Duran learns to use drafting utensils Below, Some girls stop for between-class gossip. Bottom, Janet Glass tells us about ber weekend.

The Classes section of our book is where we find all the different faces at SFHS. Along with all the different faces we found many different personalities that accompany them. For these reasons Santa Fe High School never had a dull moment. There was always the opportunity to see a fresh new face everyday.

Across, ROTC builds up endurance. Above, Where's his off-campus pass?

Juniors rock and can't be stopped Once more step and we'll be on top It's bard to believe, and no, we won't stop! We won't stop having parties and having our fun. Yes, we can do it. Yes, it will be done. If you think we're great now. Wait 'till our senior year It'll be better than ever. We have nothing to fear. The class of '86 has got to be the best yet No one can replace us and no one can forget. by Shaana Fuentes

Above, Troy Broadaax says juniors got the beat. Right, Tom Hogaa aad Jordon Kaufman wishing it was a better day.

Katby Abeyta Caroline Adams Louie Alarid Tina Alarid Charles Alford Greg Allyn

Arthur Alvarez Bobby Alvarez Desira Amiday Hrenda Anaya Michelle Anaya Evelyn Anchondc

Leslie Angel Teresa Angulo Charles Anstey Cynthia Apodaca Karen Apodaca Bernadecte Arago

256 Juniors

Left, Buffy Herd and Steve Dixoo gossip for lunch. Below, Freddy Barela jumps to the top.

Trinidad Aragon Kimhcrh

Arc hi he que

Christ* Archnietn Christina Archuleta Matt Archuleta Vince Archuleta

Rolando Arnal Esteban Armendariz Mark Atchison Dee Dee Avery Carlos Baca Denise Baca

I.uAnnc Baca Mark Baca MadehmBaca Milissa Baca Paul Baca Ronald Baca

Christine Barela Freddie Barela Jimmy Barela Victoria Barela Rebekah Barker Regina Baros

Juniors 257

Sharon Beardsley Mike Benavidez Roseanoe Benavidez Jim Bergcr Joe Bernal Josephine Bernal

Prakasb Bhakta Paul Bigbee Kim Bindel Elisa Blair Kristi Blea Marc Blea

Mark Bobcbak Loretta Bowker Michael W. Brasel Troy Broadnax Joanna Brooks James Brown

Shannon Brown Sharon Brown Dana Burgess Dawn Cambron Hillary Campbell Paul Campos

Martin Candetaria Vernon Cardenas Nathan Carlisle Rachael Can Melissa Casebolt Joe Castellano

George C de Baca Maria C de Baca Jonathan Chance Carlota Chavez David Chavez Diane Chavez

James Chavez Peter Chavez Phil Chavez Renee Chavez Vicki P. Chavez Laura Christian



Juniors jazz up SFHS Bob Chlonc Mikola Cohen William Collins Joe Conway Cindy Cornell Tina Corriz

Steve Corriz Henry Cowen Donald Craighead Marjo Curgus Dennis Davenport Kelly Decker

Pamela De Lovato Lisa Marie Dennis Paul D Anno Anne Dickinson Thomas Diets Jerome Mackey

Steve Dixon Vince Dominguez Vincent Dutjuette Michelle Dunnill Lorcn Dumas Jeff Duran

John Duran Lee Duran Monica Duran Rebecca Duran Russell Duran Keri Eddy



Albert Encinias Gilbert A. Encinias Jeff Erhart Gerald Espinoza Renee Espinoza

Curtis L. Ewing Maggie Parley Chris Faehl John Fenol Bill) Flores Shelle Ford



Juniors have a touch of class. Mario Francke Karol Frankalucci Greg Franzoy Wendy Frazier Sbaana Fuentes a Fukuda

Monica Galiodo Trace Gallagher Donna Galtegos Julie Gallegos Karen Galtegos Lynette Gallegos

Melissa Gallegos Mike Gallegos Paula Gallegos Shirley Gallegos Annette Garcia Daniel J. Garcia

Jennifer Garcia Joanna Garcia Joanne Garcia John Garcia Kathy Garcia Mark Garcia.

Martha Garcia Mia Garcia Mike Garcia RaiquelGarcia Thomas Garcia Yvette Garcia

Yvonne Garcia Johnny Garduno Shannon Gaskin Julie Giles David Ginocchio Arlene Gonzales

Lisa Gonzales Mario Gonzales Paula Gonzales Pete A. Gonzales Rachel Gonzales Rodney Gonzales

240 Juniors

Rose Ann Gonzales Sunshine Gonzales Michelle Grace Scott Graham Cathy Greenlee Anna Griego

Christine Griego Isaac Griego Charles Guarriello Anthony Gunter Liza Gurule Steve Gurule

Erik Haaland Richard Halford Stacie Hamm Derwyn Harris J. D. Hasenstab Leigh Hathaway

Left. Creed Strever and Tiffany St. Peter wondering why they're getting their picture taken. Top, Jeff Zlotaick, look at those legs. Above, Steve Dixon, what a smile.

Juniors 241

Rosalyn Hendren Richard Herd Antonia Hernandez Randy Herrera Sandy Herrera Gogi Hoessler

Thomas Hogan David Holt Rachelle Howell David Hackabee James Huckabee Betsy Hughes

Cesar Ita Da rlene Jacquez John Jacquez Richard Jacquez Suzanne Jacquez Missy Jaffa

Top, Mario Fraocke and Anita Lucero, what good friends. Above, Julie Gallegos trying to be warm on a cold day. Left, Julie Moatoya relaxing in class.



Juniors went footloose in '85 Barbara Jaramill lira Jaramillo Angela Jimenez Damian Jimenez Lisa Johnson Steve Jojola Nanette Jordan

Jordan Kaufman Mark Keil Joel Kelley Megan Kenny Richard Kershaer Sharon Khan

John Kirchner Renee Koroneos Bern Kramer Steve Kuhl Denise Lamonda Dennis Larranaga

Annie Lavina Vincent Leal Holly Leer Mark Lerma Danny Lesch Becky Leyba

Eileen Leyba Robert Leyba Sandra Leyba Ingela Lind Steve Lithgow Andrew Lopez

Bennett Lopez Gerald Lopez Janet Lopez Jerome Lopez John Lopez Manuel Lopez

Michelle Lopez Robert Lopez David Lovato Rick Lovato Sbunnae Love David Lovelady



Juniors are one step closer Lori Loyd Anita Lucero David Lucero Joyce Locero Michelle Lucero Nadioe Lucero

Michele Luchycky Lori Lujan Louisa Lujan Leann Lury Terry Lutz Jennifer Lyons

Jim MacAllister Heather Macbacek Josh Maddalone Roger Madero Becky Madrid David Madrid

Gino Madrid Angela Madril Deborah Maestas Brandie Mansfield Ralph Manzanares Aaron Martinez

Alicia Martinez Andrew J. Martinez Annette Martinez Chris Martinez Darlene Martinez David Martinez

Denise Martinez Gina Martinez Kenney Martinez Leroy Martinez Mark Martinez Melisa Martinez

Patricia Martinez Priscilla Martinez Rosina Martinez Ruby Martinez Tres Martinez Vince Martinez



Robert Mascarenas Zeke Mass Michelle M. Mazulis Miranda McEvilly Kenneth McFaul Sean McGarrity

Chris McLean Maty Medina Joyce Medrano Javier Mendoza Marcia Mendoza Jason Menke

Nyarkoa Mensab Melissa Miller Bryan Minogue Marc Moffett Gina Montalbano Albert Montano

Gene Montano Philip Montano Sabrina Monies David Montgomery Angela Montoya Angelo Montoya

What are friends for but to discuss problems/

Vince Martinez thinks be's got it all.

Juniors 243

Juniors leave their marks Antoinette Moatoya Eddie Moatoya Jeffrey A. Moatoya Julie Evette Moatoya Karen Moatoya Lawrence Moatoya

Michelle Moatoya Pancho Montoya Patricia Moatoya Santantha Moatoya Tom Moatoya Yvonne Moatoya

Mary Jo Moore Steve Mora Laura Morales Manda Morris Rick Muniz John Narvaiz

Jennifer A. Nelson Jennifer L. Nelson Sandra Nelson Marvin Ngirutang Terri Nino Tina Other

Abel Ortega Michael Ortega Angela Ortiz Ben Ortiz Charles Ortiz Georgia Ortiz

Gerald Ortiz Liza Ortiz Lynn Ortiz Marco Ortiz Matthew Ortiz Sarah Ortiz

Sheila Ortiz Tina M. Ortiz Kerri Osborne Bobby Pacbeco Elaine Pacbeco Denise Pacbeco



Lee Pack Angel* PadUla James Padilla Patricia Padilla DeLisa Palombi Carol Payne

Erin Peck MikePell Jo Anne Pena Margaret Pena Phillip Pennington Jude Perez

Marvin Perea Michelle Perea Steve Perea Katby Phillips Ben Pino Elizabeth Plummer

Michelle Poe Regina Pogue Gene PortUlo Michael PortUlo Patrick Powers Dino Quintana

PoUy Quintana Sbon Quintana Yvonne Quintana David E. Rael David Reinikainen Tim Ricklefs

Michelle Riley Antonio Rios Dennis Rivera Karen Rivera Ken Rivera Susan Rivera

Darin Robertson Danny Rodarte Jerusna Rodgers Racbael Rodgers Larry Vincent Rodriguex Lisa Rodriguex



Juniors go a Paul Rodriguez Paula D. Rodriguez Ron Rodriguez Ramona Roibal Bobby Romero Carta Romero

Cindy Romero Dana Romero Ernie Romero Janet Romero Jennifer C Romero Lee Romero

Lydia Romero Reena Romero Steve Romero Adrienne Rommel Brian Roybal Karen Roybal

Leonard Roybal Lisa A, Roybal David Runyan Janette Rupp Robert Rylee Mark B. Saiz

Above}, Angelo Montoya is seductive to the camera. Right, Doug Segura goes footloose for Homecoming parade. 248 Juniors


Jason Menke saying cheers to all and party hearty.

Renee Saiz Vicki Saiz Vincent P. Saa Dan Saladen Garline Salazar Gilbert Salazar

Jeanette Salazar Sandra Salazar Tina Salazar Vincent M. Salazar Jose A. Sandin Adelina V. Sanchez

Ismael E. Sanchez Raymond Sanchez Susan J. Sanchez Larry Sanders Monica Sandmeier Ralph San Miguel

Arthur Sandoval Beverly Sandoval Kevin Saulnier Rocky Scordia Robert Scott Audra Sena



Juniors footsteps lead the way. David Sena Elaine Sena Nat Sena Theresa Sena Steve Sepeda Frances Serna

Frank L. Seymour Danica Shaw Sbaun Oakeley Kathy Shinn Dong Simmons Juno Sisneros

Mark Sartin JiUSIansky Marie Sluka Lisa Small Catherine Smith David Smith

Ernie Spencer Jack Sparks Mike Spring Eric Sontgeratb Adlai Sudborougb Matthew Soper

Above, Elisa Blair gets ber cheeks pinched by Missy. Right, Jose Sandin, "Look at that face."

250 Juniors

Junior Class atteadents Renee Saiz and Shannon Brown looking good.



Alan Stotts Jim Street Creed Strever Phil Strickler Tiffany St. Peter

Teresa M. Sullivan LeRoy


Richard Tafoya Michelle Tanner Ernest Tapia Lora Tapia

Mark Tapia Michelle Tapia Karen Taulbee Jody Lee Thomas John Thomas David Torres

Edward Trimmer Chris Trujillo Danny Trujillo Geralyn Trujillo Maria Trujillo Maureen Trujillo

Juniors 291

Patrick Trujillo Ray Trujillo Ronnie Trujillo Idly Ulibarri Tony Urban Bernard Valdeez

Patricia Valdez Veronica Valdez Gerardo Valdivia Art Valencia John Van Damme Alan VanOngevalle

Deaa Varos Joyce Velarde Emily Velasquez Pola Vieira Ernestine Vigil Jamie Vigil

David Montgomery making a basket.

252 Juniors

Catby Greenlee speaking her mind.

Juniors led the trails to good

times Jade Vigil Larry Vigil Lisa Vigil Matthew Vigil


Stacey Ward Marcia Warren Todd Welch Phaedra West Robert Wheeler Jim Wilcoxen

Kelly Wilson Jeanette Wimmermark Vicki Winans Brian Witt Michael Witt June Wright

Eric Wyly Rodney Yilek JeffZlotnick

Above, People cheer daring assembly. Top, Jim Berger posed for camera. Left, Juniors boogy down.



It was your sophomore year. Your hardest one yet. You had good times Some you'll never forget. You went to our games And had lots of fun. You congratulated our teams For the games we won So remember the good times And forget the bad, Hold your bead up And remember what you had. Be proud of yourself And reach for the heaven You're the mighty class of nineteen-eighty-seven. by Shaana Fuentes

Bertha Abeyta Melanie Abeyta Dawn Aley DeAma AUocca Billy Amy* Chris Anaya Ju.initj


Michael Anaya Robert Anaya Toner Anaya Charles Andermann Leslie Angtitw Elizabeth Apodaca Lisa Apodaca Ray Apodaca

Tony Apodaca William Aragon Angela Archuleta Beverly Archuleta Brenda Archuleta Carl Archuleta Jake E. Archuleta Lynette Archuleta

Michael Archuleta Amy Arkell Anthony Axmijo Teresa A rmi jo Debbie Baca Elaine Baca John Baca Joseph A. Baca

254 Sophomores

Lower left. Sophomore attendants show off their looks in Homecom parade. Below, Kari Haaland has a pretty smile.

Sophomores show their pride J.V. Cheerleaders throw candy at Homecoming parade.

Lisa Baca Michelle Baca Ruth Baca Jackie Balkenende Chris Ball Deirdre Balliett Dong Barberouse Danny Barela Chris Barela Dcaaoa Barela Robert Baril Richard Barrett Jaye Beardea Bobby Benavides Carlos Beoavida Yvonne Beearidet

Karen Bennett Robbie Bennington Carl BerghoBer Gene Bermuda John Berry Anna Blea Mark Blea Leeanna Blood

John Boggs Frank Bond Fred Borman Steve Boylan Mike Bradley Frank Bransford Amy Btiogburst Carolyn Brooks

Sophomores 255

Sophomores got the spirit Jennifer Brown June Brown Malcolm Brown Sarah Bunting Lisa Burkhalter Michael Burkhart Margaret Bustsmsnte Greg Caldwell

Sean Campos Carmen Cariacl Bonnie Carlisle Craig Carmignani James Carr Christa Casados David Casados Melissa Casados

Joaquin Casaus Kevin Casebolt Dion Castas Joe Ray Casias Bay Casias Kick Castellano David Castillo Jimmy Catanach

Phillip Catanacb Jessica Cavalli Mary Jane Charlton Andrea Chavez Bemadette Chavez Darlene Chavez Denise Chavez Dennis Chavez

Hope Chavez Martin Chavez Michelle Chavez Yolanda Yvon Chavez Mark Chihb Michelle Cisneros Sandra Clark

Alex Coca Elizabeth Cohen James Compton Amy Consols Stephanie Constantine Lisa Cordell Jeff Cordova Paul Cordova

Celli Crawford Steve Craighead Michael Crowley Cbarla Culberson Rainia Culver Paul Curtis Cesca Daubek Cindy Davenport

Letrisba Davis Matthew Dean Melissa Dean Michael Dean Stephanie Delgado Bruce Dickesoo Valerie Dieumegard Mark Doles



Arwen Donahue Cetina Dority Debbie Doubleday Marie Drennan Maty Duran Roberta Durao Wanda Edmonds Bred Bicbelmaoo

Sean Elgin Daniel Ellis Andrew Encinias Charles Encinias LeeAnn Enriquez Katyn Erickson Diana Escudero Rose Esparza

Barbara Espinoza Melissa Esquibel Michel Esquibel Michael Factean Mike Farnham Jason Fastnacht Joann Fernandez Michelle Fernandez

Melissa Fischer Shine Fitzner Holly Foutz Grant Fowler Patricia Francisco Justin Freeark Eric Freeman Gia Fullertoo

Sergio Galindo Gioa Gallardo Angela Gallegos Brian Gallegos James Gallegos Joaquin Gallegos Judy Gallegos Mario Gallegos

Patricia Ann Gallegos Priscilla Gallegos Caitlin Gannon Cora Garcia Curtis Garcia Dawn Garcia Dean Garcia Gerald Garcia

John Garcia John Garcia Larry Garcia Maria Garcia Mark Garcia Monica Garcia Nadine Garcia Phil Garcia

Rachel Garcia Richard Garcia Sharon Garcia Sherry Garcia Steve Garcia Tommy Garcia Sherri Gatkin Kara Gavrila




take one step up

Guy Gebert John Geekie John Gehred Dustene Geoffrion Gerald George Joyce George Michelle George Vicky George

Leonid Gersbanok Glen Gettemy Brad Giezentanner Alicia Giron Michele Gitomer Linda Glass Tim Glasgow Kathryn Gondeck

Andrew Gonzales Balleri Gonzales Chris R. Gnonzales Chris Gonzales Eddie Gonzales Elizabeth Gonzales J.J. Gonzales Manuel Gonzales

Marie Gonzales Oscar Gonzales Phillip Gonzales Rebecca Gonzales Saige Gonzales Victor Gonzales William Gonzales Rebecca Gordon

Above, Carrie and Amy draw for art Top, Rowdy crowd at Demon Country. Above, Students take time out to --ialize. 258


Hobyn Gould Christina Greene Debbie Greenlee Deniece Griego Mild Griego Roger Griego Vanessa Griego Ann Griffin

Eden Griffith Tell Guerrero Martin Guillen Connie Gurule Dine Gurule Christine Gutierrez Leo Guzman Raquel Hattord

Rob Halford Lisa Harless Ron Harper David Harris Jennifer Harvey Donna Hathaway Liz Hawkins Henry Hayes

Burton Heist Margie Hendrickson Ritchy Henson Bill Herbert Vince Herman Karen Hernandez Sara Herr Camille Herrera

Lisa Herrera Margaret Herrera Greg Hickey Holly Hill Suzanne Hill Mickey Hoessler Jay Hogao Regina Holden

Jason Hotloway Susan Holt Stephanie Iddings Vic Iddings Chris Ingram David ha Kathy Jackson Patriot James

Above, Jimbo gives the camera a happy smile.

Claudia hangs out at the stairs for lunch.



Sophomores footloose and fancy free A ntbony Jaramillo Julie Jasper Gene Jimines Marianne Johnson Vayne Jones Mike Keek John Keesiog Suzanne Keerer

Tom Kelly Donna Kidby Coreena Kim Daniel King Steve Kloeppel Andy Knee Randy Koller Duane Kopp

Peter Kovnat Alix Krakowski Moniqne Lynn LaFebre Karen Latum Frank Lamonda Debbie Laemmle Ernestina Larranaga

Loretta Larranaga Chris Lindberg Carrie Lynn Long Charles Lopez Chris Lopet Donna Lopez Gezelle Lopes Jeannette Lopes

Kathleen Lopes Mark Lopes Steve Lopes Valerie Lopes Elisabeth Lovato Richard Lotato Catmella Lucero Cindy Lucero

Above, Sophomore oa her way to class.



Above, Michelle Baca being wild.

James Lucero John Lucero Lore Lucero Luis Lucero PMUI Lucero Paulette Lucero Randy Lucero Sandy Lucero

Zelda Lucero Matt Lucbycky Laura Lujan Laurene Lujan Carlos Lux Daniel Madero Sarah Madrid Anna Maes

Paul Maes Ray Maes Kenneth R. Maestas Lisa Maestas Raymond Mae* Eben MacParlane Natasha Mares Jimmy Marque*

Top, Suzanne Keever studying for Above, Students reading in class.


Above, Mandy Paschal, sophomore, school dropouts.

mad freshman Emily Ley • beauty



Sophomores know their way around Djvid Marten Aoissa Manioc* Diane Martinez Elizabeth Martinez Ernest Martinez Florence Martioez George Martinez Jeff Martinez

Jennifer Martioez John Martinez Karen Martinez Kristine Martinez Laurie Martinez Lawrence Martinez Linda Martinez Louise Martinez

Matt Martinez Mike Martinez Richard Martioez Rita Martinez Toman Martinez Danny Marsh Lota Marsh Daren Mascareaas

Jessica Mastersoo John McDonald Flora McFarlood Maroada McKenney Timothy McKinley Deirdre McNamara Travis McQaarie Edward Medina

Sandra Medina Anna Medraoo Am) Mendoza Store M. Mayer John Miller Marc Miller Shane Miller Tami Mitchell

John Montano Josette Montano Judy Montano Karen Monnno Marias Montano Adrian Montoya Alex Mootoya Bernadette Mootoya

Carl Montoya Carol Mootoya Fidel Montoya Jackie Momoya Keith Montoya Kelly Momoya Melissa Montoya Phillip Momoya

Randy Momoya Randy Momoya Royce Mootoya Rudy Momoya Samamba Momoya Socorro Momoya Monica Mora Rosemary Morales



Maria Moreno Bill Morgan Fred Moore John Muni/ Eric Narvaiz Michelle Narvaiz Brick Nelson Cecilia Nevarez

Todd Newman Michelle Newson Brian Newton Anita Nolaaco Ashley Nye Artaro Ojeda Samantha Oliraa Alex Ortega

Prank Ortega Chris Ortiz Joe Ortiz Miqnela Ortiz Paula Ortiz Raymond Ortiz Theresa Ortiz Yvette Ortiz

Yvonne Ortiz Todd Osborne Dean Owen D. Douglas Owen Christine Pacheco Gabriel Pacheco Kim Pacheco Becky Padilla

Michelle Padilla Richard Padilla Tina C. Padilla Tallie Perdue Amanda Pachal Pam Payne Warren Payne Aaron Peinado

Jo Anne Pent Veronica Pena Andy Perea Charlie Perea Roxann Perea Maya Perry Brenda Piatt Mark Piatt

Judy Pino Ruth Pino Kate Pittard Heather Polasky Brenda Portrlinc Claudia Pozel Jay Price Chris Probst

Johnny Quintana Margaret Quintana Stacey Quintana Ana Maria Rael Debbie Rael Mike Rael Mike Rael Monica Ramirez Steve Ramirez



Below, Ronald Harper and Julie Jasper being cool friends.

Kevin Redden Derek Reid Suzanne Reiadorf Jon Repa Randy Rboads Kendal Richardson Angela Rivera Cindy Riven

Gerald Rivera Larry Rivera Lucia Rivera Mathew Rivera Lisa Rives Armando Rodriguez Debra Rodriguez Mark Rodriguez

Salvador Rodriguez Andrew Romero Chris Romero Denise Romero Elaine Romero Elizabeth Romero Elizabeth Romero Michael Romero

Pamela Romero Regina Romero Richard Romero Ricky Romero Patty Romero William Romero Yvonne Romero Kate Romig

Lisa Romo Diana Ronquillo Charles Roosen Antonia Rosasco Greg Roth Judy Roybal Michelle Roybal Roxanne Roybal



Below, Left to Right Sophia, Cathy, Carrie and Amy • Blondes attack S.F.H.S,

Sophomores getting close to the top David Rubino Michelle Rudolph Paul Rub Bridgett Russell Mike Ryan Bobby Salazar Donna Salatar Brie Salaxar

Gene Salatar Henry Salatar Judy Salatar Reuben Salatar Veronica Salatar Relda Salinas Veronica Saltan Alan Sanchez

Anita Sanchez Kevin Sanchez tori Sanchez Mike Sanchez Sofia Sanchez Stephanie Sanchez Angela Sandoval Chris Sandoval

Diane Sandoval Emiliana Sandoval Gabriel Sandoval Gina Sandoval Mike Sandoval Ray Sandoval Theresa Sandoval Mark Sawyer

Scot Schneider Steven Scholt Bemadette Segovia Rosemary Segovia Danny Segura Darlene Segura Amy Sena Antoinette Sena

Students on their way back from lunch.

Bobby Benavidez saying, "Do I have to go to class again?"




take it easy

Joseph Sena Karen Sena Mark Shanaberger Geoff Steadier Anthony Silva Mormon Simms Lawrence Sisaeros Kelly Smith

Melissa Snow Monica Solano Becky Soto Jaime Soma Jerry Spencer Eric Stark Ashley Stone Mark Street

Joey Suazo Christina Swartoot Deidra Swisher Moniquc Swisher Ronnie Tafoya Annette Tapia Jerry Tapia Mike Tapia

Ricky Terrazas Marcella Thai* Stere Thiel David Ticban Glen Tipton David Totem Larry Toll Melissa Tonsing

Michael Toombs Carol Torres franca Tomes Phillip Trimborn Bine Ttujillo Dorothy Ttujillo Ginger Ttujillo Ivan Tmjillo

Above students show their friendship at stud wall.



Peter Kovoat showing off bis personality.

Jerry Tru/illo John Tru/illo Lata Tru/illo Lob Tru/illo Michael Tru/illo Randy Tru/illo Tommy Tru/illo Tom Trusnovic

Sean Tuley Ala* Turner Demecio Ulibarri John Ulibarri Marc Urban Anna Valdez Fred Valdez Joe Valdez

Kathleen Valdex Matthew Valdez Teresa Valdez Brian Van Mason tori Velasquez Margarito Velasquez Joe B. Vialpando Leslie Vieira

Above, George Martinez poses for the camera.

Above, Studeats kick back.



What's a


Cathy Vigil Donald Vigil Gate Vigil JoAnn Vigil Michelle Villa Data Vitgilio Daniel Von Briesen Cindy Von Hoffman

Jason Valmack Edward Vanek Mitchell Ward Mike Warner AIvia Warren Steffanie Watkins Coburn Watson Scarlett Weatherford

Top, Student pretending to study in class. Abort), Cnig, another injured jock.



Above top, Mrs. Gillis' English class pose for picture Above, It's Mr. Goodrich

Dorothy Veils Shannon Veils Brett Wcndt Ian Vengs Stephanie Veston Mary Lee Vhite Jeff Whit nil Cynthia Whitney

Vicky Whined Carlene Wickham Andy Williams Shelley Villeford Dwayne Window John Vinton Geoffrey Wise Guy Wright

Lory Wright Shane Wright Margie Wurst Amy Yatsco Donna Yngsdahl Christian Young Joe Zamora Lori Zuniga

Sysan Zytnik Lauren Preston

Above. Bren Wendi, a coot dude. Above, Alix and Chris . . . Wbat a cine couple. Sophomores


Freshmen step into new


Rudy Abeyta Patricia Alamillo Lorie Aland Roland Aland Paul Alberico John Alejandro Charles Almazar Joe Alvarez

Chris Anny Dolores Anaya Eliza Anaya Mike Anaya Ray Anchondo Sherry Aodermann Felisba Anderson Jose Angel

Annette Apodaca Bobby Apodaca Daniel Apodaca Karen Apodaca Vince Apodaca Comessa Aragon James Annada Pawl Aranda

Antonia Archuleta Darlene Archuleta Eddie Archuleta Ernest Archuleta Pat Archuleta Phillip Archuleta Ruben Arguello Camille Annijo

As One Freshman Saw It "It was the scariest things of my life." My first day at high school everybody was staring and I felt like going back home to my mom. Well, that was six months ago, and I feel lots better now. Nobody seems to be pushing and shoving me around any more. I have friends, and am lots happier. There is just one thing bothering me. I just wish I was an upperclassman.

Freshman cheerleaders throw candy at Homecoming parade.

270 Freshmen

Michelle Armijo Tony Armijo Paul Armstrong Barbara Anal Vanessa Auclair Nancy Baca Maria Baca Joaquin Baca

Fred Baca Bennie Baca Raquel Baca Mary Baeza Edit Baldiager Mary Baldonado Albert Barela Barbara Barela

Josette Barela Chris Barnes Melissa Baros Renee Baros Sean Bartlett Cheryl Beacham Tim Bearer Dean Beck

Anthony Belian Lauren Bell Helen Benaridcx Pam Benarider Madena Bennett Chris Barela Dennis Bernal Gwendt Bernal

Adam Bernstein Jim Bibb Molly Biehl John Bindel Sarah Blair Sberyl Boggs Laura Boies Maria Boling

Tony Bolleter Michael Boadouris Michelly Boylan Wade Boynton Brie Braasch Ken Bradford Brent Baker Pam Bricklow

Carolynn Brown Cyrus Brown Jeremy Brown Ethan Burdemu Barbie Burgett Derek Burton Danny Byrd Frank Campos

De Col Carlson Suzanne Carmignani Richard Carrara Aaron Carter Mary Alice Casaus Mike Cassidy Nicole Castellano Jody Castillo



Regina Catanach Richard Cebada Erin Chamners Cassandra Chapman Wayne Cbavarillo Adrian Chain Jr. Alfred Chaw Cathy Chavez Debbie Chavez Donald Chavez May Chavez Patrice Cham Udella Chavez Michael Christiansen Heather Churchill Rex Clark

Shonna Clark Shawn Cody Rachel Cohen Ken Collins Mike Collins Paige Cooover Kristi Conroy Sbari Cook

Donna Cordova Jerry Cordova Melissa Cordova Rozella Cordova Victoria Cordova Btuejay Coriz Michelle Coriz Paul Coma

Julie Costantein Richard Costello Sonya Crawford Sean CraycraA tori Crosby Andrew Carom Nicole Curtis Julie Dannucci

Brian Damon Anna Delouato Bruce Dickenson Tricia Dimas Ronnie Dit Bruce Dixison Cartnicael Domingucz Melissa Domingucz

Michelle Dominick Bart Dority Vernon Doss Desiree Downing John Duowoddy Audrey Duran Joe Duran Marcella Duran

Tammi Duran Dustm Duty Bret Otis Yvonne Encinias Tanya Erickson Danielle Esquibel Bread* Eyman Eddie Fernandez



Freshmen look toward future Michelle Ferran Erin Finney Alton Fischer Angela Fleming Tint Flood Elizabeth Florence Janice Floret Jesse Flores

Brad Fowler Amy Frankel John Freedman Maureen Fresqvez Tommy Fuentes Iba Fukuda Samantba Furgason Francine Gallegos

Kimberly Gallegos Leslie Gallegos Robert Gallegos Stephanie Gallegos Jeri Gallegos Susan Gandeck Anthony Garcia Andrew Garcia

Audey Garcia Carlos Garcia Garcia Eddie Flora Garcia Joe Garcia Julie Garcia Linda Garcia Loretto Garcia

Mary Garcia Melissa Garcia Priscilla Garcia Rudy Garcia Tom Garcia Judi Garduno John Gam Michelle Gebert

Danny Gehred Jason Gerber Malt Gerznich Julie Getchell Wendy Gettemy Pete Gilbert Craig Gilcrease Robert Gilcrease

Chris GlassVhitfill Jennifer Golden Rhonda Gomez Alex Gonzales Angela Gonzales Donna Gonzales Eric Gonzales George Gonzales

Helen Gonzales Joaon Gonzales John Gonzales John Gonzales Josephine Gonzales Maria Gonzales Paul Gonzales Sisto Gonzales

Freshmen 273

Julie Dannucci and Marcie Saow, rwo typical fresbmea.

Sieve Gonzales Steven Gonzales Tina Gonzales Victor Conzales Mark Golden Micheala Gamut Joe Greatbouse Stacey Gregory

Barbara Griego Dan* Griego Eileen Griego Mark Griego Shmae Guerrera Yreae Guillen Cindy Gurak Lynette Garale

Yohnd.t Gunk Attarab Gutierrez Jimmy Hadley Amy HeUquist Sarah Hamm Tanya Hammond Kristen Hanson Karen Hare

Jeff Hackleford Troy Harmon Billy Harris Kinten Harris Thomas Hut Renee Hassea Jacqueline Hiess Li* Hendreo



Campus life fun for a freshman. L.iur.t Hendrickson Kyle A. Hcnson (Meat Herrera truth Herrera Joseph Herrera Herrera Paul Herrera Pauline Herrera

De-Ana Hichey Donul Holland Robert Hooter Ronald Hooter Angel Hopkins Tim Hopkins Jonncy Howe Melissa Humber

Greg Isacs Brenda hereon Deancee Jackson Jerry James Anthony Jaramillo Kenny Jaramillo LaronneJarosz Jason Roberts

Jeff Jeffreys JenniferJenks Jessie Jensen Donna Jerna Vanda Jeter Eileen Jimenez Irene Jimenet Pat Jimenez

Two students talking on a cold day.

Freshmen show their class.

Freshmen 275

High school is a big step for Pablo Kelly Keltic Kenny Rente Kern Paul Keyes Tina Kindell Linda King Judson Kinkade Mary Kirby

Sarah Klabunde Dorin Koroneous Nicky Lambert Daniel Larraoaga Mark Larraoaga Brian Lashboogb Josh Lawrence Eric Layden

Blaine LeFerre Valerie Lerma Yancy Levis Emily Ley Maria Leyba Monica Letba Sam Leyba Lee Lien

Tata Lihme Doenika Lilientbal James Lind Bert Lopez Conine Lopez Daydra Lopez Duane Lopez Juanita Lopez

Leonard Lopez Maria Lopez Bandy Lopez Valerie Lopez Yuonne Lopez Cindy Lotato James Lotato Rente Lotato

Rente Lotato Vanessa Lotato Ladd Lncero Liz Lncero Bemadette Lujan Carol Lajan Eric Lujan Leon Lujan

Lisa Lujan Robert Lujan Sheila Lujan Leon Lyons Dion Lyons Kirk Macgiilitary Heidi Machacek Kathleen Maese

Chad Manltf Team Maribel Anthony Mares Maria Mares Kelly Maroutz Frank Maroutz Martin Maroutz Adrian Martiotz

276 Freshmen


Adrian Marriott Angela Martintt Art Marriott Brtoda Marriott Chris Marriott Claudia Marriott Donald Marriott Gilbert Marriott

Joe Marriott John Marriott Jose Marriott Martha Marriott Matthew Marriott Mike Martinet Patricia Martinet Pablo Marriott

Rebecca Martinet Sandra Marriott Tammy Marriott Teresa Marrioet Thomas Marrioet Vadra Marrioet Vincent Marriott ]rt Mascartoas

Tram Mascarenas Heather Marten Maurice McAlitter Joel McHorse Doreoe Medina Sonia Medina Sunshine Melio Kasey Melton

Mania Meaa Alex Mendiola Giaooa Meodota Dirk Mewes Tommy Mierm Carl Milts Heath Miller Keith Miller

Lurte Miller Neil Miller Stacy Miller Daniel Moomno Daniel Mooooo Debbie Montaoo Debbie Mootaoo Debbie Montaoo

Maria Mootaoo Sam Mootaoo Stereo Mootaoo Michael Mooter Adrtao Montoya Becky Mootoya Quit Mootoya Damian Mootoya

Fabian Mootoya George Mootoya Git Mootoya Jessica Mootoya Phillip Mootoya Robert Mootoya Roy Mootoya Shirley Mootoya

Freshmen 277

Upperclassmen freak out on freshmen Tammy Montoya Tammy Montoya Melinda Monies Billy Moon Lsodoo Moore Zack Moore Donnj Morelos Frank Moya

Sberri Mayer Shannon Narenjo Joseph Narraiz George Natbanson Zoe Mamma Jason Nehea Leanore Nerarez Talon Newton

Danny Nino Monica Noedel Barbara Nun Luke Oakland Erlinda Ocampo Alex Olhas Cheryl Onega Daniel Ortega

Martino Onega Yolaoda Onega Becky Ortiz Carmen Oriii John Ortiz Joseph Ortiz Laurissa Ortiz Louise Ortiz

Mania Ortiz Phyllis Ortiz Damian Orerby Albert Pacheco Anna Pacheco Russell Pack Frank Padilla Gene Padilla

George Padilla Joseph Padilla Meiame Padilla Rebecca Padilla Sane Padilla Tama n Padilla Veronica Padilla


Ruben Parga Had Pans Shannon Parker Lucas Paz Kerin Pearson Lori Pearson Adam Peck Joshua Peusdo

MrAm Deidrt Pfaicr Sum Parel BtaPnub Ctrl Pnibcr Mitthe* Proton Scott Quatot Judy Qaiaaaa



Mania Quintana Matthew Quintana Mona Quintana Rebecca Quintana Robbie Rael Enrique Ramirez Luis Rascon Zane Rea

Heather Reid Chris Reinert Brian Rempel Jeff Reynolds Neil Richardson Chris Ricklefs Darryle Riddle Robbie Ringer

Rachel Ritch Donald Rivera Jennifer Rivera Joel Rivera Kimberly Rhera Laura Rivera Yvette Rivera Jon Robbins

Man Robinson Monica Rodela Brend* Rodriguez Chris Rodriguei Laur* Rodriguez Manuel Rodriguez Marcial Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez

Rachel Rodriguez James Roibal Ann Renee Ro/as Barbara Romero Carlos Romero Christina Romero Christina Romero Danette Romero

Debbie Romero Eloy Romero Gabriel Romero dry Romero George Romero Jason Romero Joseph Romero Lena Romero

Lit Romero Michelle Romero ' Michelle J. Romero Rhonda Romero Ricky Romero Simon Romero Alice Roybal Becky Roybal


John Roybal Richard Roybal Roberta Roybal Ronnie Roybal Janeiro Sager Canaan Salazar Eric Selaaar


Freshmen awed by upper classmen Strut Salan" Jesse Salazar Jose Salazar Matthew Sahzzr Rosemarie Salazar Adela J. Salgado Anthony Sancht i Barbara Sanchez

Daniel Sanchez Manuel Sanchez Monica Sanchez Ralph Sanchez Maim Sandoval A m Sandoval Martin Sandoval Mike Sandoval

Pant Sandoval Suzanne Sandoval Nancy Sua John Sawchuk John Scalise Vanda Schaner Debbie Schwartz Troy Scozzaiava

Rata Sebastian Melissa Seehom Marco Segura Celine Seaa Jeaanie Sena Louis Sena Marvin Seam Melinda Sena

Renee Seam Rusty Seam Donna Sena Johnny Serna Anita Serrano Kay Serotta David Sh.iphr.d Sharon Griego

Jentty Shaw Ronald Shaw NedSiltaJa David Smith Greg Smith Hank ÂŁ Smith Theresa Smith Matcv Snow

Melissa Solano Tarn Solano Steve Sontgetath Atvaro Soto Jesse Soma Allen Soveranez David Soveraoez Scott Sowle



Stacy Miller going to library to study.

Cathy and Collette banding out programs.

Joe Spoonheim Dunnj Stanley Ted Steazbora Todd Stewart Brian Stitt Greg Stone Jason Streeb Stere Struck

Pamela Syron Darnel Tapia KGina Tapia Katrina tapia Keltic Tapia Pat Tapia Tommy Tapia Michelle Tarpley

Melissa Taylor Mooika Taylor Kerri Temple Shape Thomas William Tiaaey Georgia Tiioais James Titus Matt Todd

Bonnie Toraeg Bonnie Tones Cecilia Trujillo Chris Trujillo Cynthia Trujillo David Trujillo Gina Trujillo 'Leah Trujillo

Leo Trujillo Leroy Trujillo Patricia Trujillo Tommy Trujillo Vanessa Trujillo Yvette Trujillo Colin Tuley Marc Turley

Freshmen 281

Genise Turpen Charles Vittf Sophia Ulibarri Joey Urban R u b Urban Christine Valdez Dennis Valdez John Valdez

Leslie Valdez Michael Valdez Yrette Valdez ÂŤ Jonny Valdiviezo Michael Valencia Raqvel Valencia Sharon Valencia Tommy Valenzaela

Eric Vance Jerry Vargas Adrian Velasquez Bemadene Vigil CarmelU Vigil Chris Vigil Dennis Vigil Donna Vigil

teeaaa Vigil tetoy Vigil Marcos Vigil Pam Vigil Philip Vigil loretta Villegts Carb Vogel Brian Ward

Student going to locker between classes

282 Fresbmen

Freshman on bis way to class.

Freshmen bring spirit to SFHS Jami Want Jared Ward John Warfield Allison Varna Robert Warren Jason Waskey Danny Waterman Paul Watkins

Steve Webb Greg Well* Juliana Werner James West Melanie West Mark Williams Winona Wilson Shawn Woerrlein

Heather Wolf Joe Wolff Rob Wood Gary Woods Jennifer Wright Josette Wurst Anthony Wylie Peter Yesley

Diana Yngsdabl Mario Zamora Shawn Zamora

Freshmen on their way to class. INichole and Paige showing that they're budCrowd going wild at game. Freshmen 285

Juniors rock Santa Fe High Kelly Angel Marcella Apodaca Chris Baca Aimee Brennand Michelle Cisneros Kenneth Craig

Ron Dunn Jonathan Dunnum Nathan Duran Monica Fischer Reynaldo Garcia Mark Harris

Cueva Hernandez Cindi Herrera Chad Holbrooks Carin Hundley Richard Jaramillo Lyte Johnson

Kami Kiesov Wendel Lopez Linda Martinez Tatiana Masters Dorine Montoya Aaron Miller

Randy Moya Jennifer L. Nelson Dee Dee Ortiz Rudy Parga Desta Pool Debbie Rogers

Shelle Ford and Jennifer Nelson messing around in the snow.



Students gossip in drafting class.

Viol* Romero Lisa Homo Mark Sanchez Charles Saadoval Paul Scbweadimaan Tom Sbaull

Tonya Solomon Bob Stafford Thane St. Peter Frank Succardi Arturo Valadez Kim Van Valkeaburgh

Paul Wheeler Melissa Whitehead


rolling to the top Lone Aland DeAnza Allocca Benny Archuleta Jake Archuleta Michael Archuleta Vivian Archuleta Pancha Barron Joe A. Benavidez

Jessica Caralli Bonnie Carlisle Bobby Chavez Joann Cham Elizabeth Cohen Steve Crajghead Roberta Duran Tony Bndnias

Jason Fastnacht Eric Freeman Melvin Foster Eddie Gonzales tint Griego Rose Gringo Vanessa Griego Glen Harkelroad

Suzanne Hill Breada Hurtado Julie Jasper Heidijochem Karen Laloe Nicbol Larranaga Donna topez Alynna Lyon



Theresa Lucero Javier Macias Cindy Martinez Joe Hike Martinet Linda Martinet Mike Martinet Paul Mam Lupe Medina

Ana Mendoza Matt Miller Karen Montano Theresa Montano Pat Montoya Roberta Muniz Norma Ortega Alicia Orris

Chris Ortiz Dean Owen Christine Pacheco Gabriel Pacheco Rebecca Padillt Tina Padilla Yvette Price Angle Quintans

Derek Raid Kendall Richardson Armando Rodriguez Debra Rodriguez Michael Romero Michelle Roybal Jerry Samara Kevin J. Sanchez

Theresa Sandoval Steven Schultz Wanda Sensorr Kelly Smith Michael Sandoval Diedra Swisher Sandy Tenia Janise Trees

Melissa Tonsing Kathleen Valdez Maty Vialpando Cbantal Van Oogeralle Leslie Vieira Robert Vigil Dani Virgilio Carlo Vogel

Geoffrey Vise Gins Zafarano Susan Zytnik

Far Right, Basketball players work out at practice. Right. Leslie gives a fuaay look to the camera.

286 Makeups

Freshmen have a way to go Christina Anaya Lize Anaya Margaret Baca Mary Baldonado John Campiglio Manuel C de Baca Letter Cisneros Kristi Marya Conroy

Melony Daniebon Anna Delonio Chris Duran Mike Bbrlicb Barbara Esouibel Lydia Ferguson Tare Finn Gillian Frazier

lydia Garcia Victoria Gonaalea Antionene Griego Jeff Gayer Jimmy Medley Amy Hattquist Pauline Hannon LarryJaamWo

Nina Lumas Annette Lopez Tricia Lopex Brian Loshbougb Darlene Lucero Bra Lucero Alicia Martina Dine Martinez

Andrew McGregor Kasey Melton James Mexia Jeannette Montoya Tom Otahal James Onega Denise Padttta Tim Padilla

Joseph Quintana Wayne Rivera Annette Rodriguez Cristina Romero Henry Romero Lucille Romero Jeremy Rew RaneySt. Peter

Elena Tapia Deana Tooth Janet Trujilllo Gina Valencia Charleoe Vigil Kelly Whitueton Jonney Howe

Far Left. Students examine something in Lab. Left. Hey look guys. I got myself a girlfriend.



Sierra Vista provides many needs Paul Alejo Mathew Allen Lope Aoaya Ray Apodaca Simon Apodaca Carlos Aragon

Lydia Archuleta Juliette Arellano Judy Armijo Billy Baca Gary Baca Greg Baca

Raymond Baca Phillip Blea Quiotana Cabrina Marvin CarrUlo Kristen Carswell Richard Cebach

Krystal Chavez Micheal Chavez Julie Cook Jerry Cordova Laura Cordova John Cornell

Gilbert Corriz Michael Cowlew Donna Davis Mark Delgado Matthew Delgado Yolanda Diaz

Lett, Mr. Powder prepares the lecture. Right, Dennis Gutierrez, why die glasses?


Sierra Vista t-shins was only one form of school spirit.

Marty Duquette Barbara Ellis Richard Gallegt Judy Garauuo Brenda Garcia Diana Garcia

Jimmy Garcia Tim Gonzales Renee Griego Frank Gunile LftdUe (rurulc Tammy Harper

Greg Hatch Desiree Hayes Wendy Cucta

Hayes Hernandez

Lisa Horning Julia J a ramillo

Anna Jimenez Paul Jimenez Bill) I.Ji a sella

Mona LeRouge Kimherly Long Carol Lujan


Sierra Visa High School is a public secondary school which serves a variety of students. Presently, diplomas are obtained through Santa Fe High School but the independent status is the goal for the future. "We are a school serving a variety of needs for a variety of students. Some of our students are developmentally disabled, some are young parents, some like the atmosphere of a small campus, some attend because they have been unable to adjust to a 'traditional' education."

Right, Marvin shows his business Left, where is Constantinople?

Efren Mariscal Ernest Martinez Daniel Martinez Karth Martinez Lorenzo Martinez Michael Martinez

Theresa Martinez Raymond Miera Jennifer Mohr Jaunita Montoya Marty Montoya Paul Montoya

Theresa Montoya Joseph Pacheco Jennifer Pack May Pena Francine Perea Marty Puqnette

Darrell Quimana Terry Quintana Felipe Ramirez Marta Ramirez Bryan Reynolds Carol Rodriguez


Sierra Vista


Sierra Vista soon to be independent Leonard Rodriguez Bobby Romero Gabe Romero "toy Romero Nancy Rotunno Janice Roybal

Mike Safe Mariano Saado Mark Sanchez Eddie Scott Shawn Scarlott Juniper Silva

Brian Sibreli Russell Snyder Bertha Soliz Jeremiah Sundown Gerald Tapia

Si I Mil


Ctrl Tmjillo Jeff Tru/ilh, Lloyd Tmjillo Rachel TrujUIo Murk Velasquez

StelU Webb Lucy Wolf

•ft Students busy at work Middle, Ramona Lopes helps students get through School R'gh'. Mrs. McGrew poses for the camera. Sierra Vina


Below left, Margaret Jones models (or The Guarantee. Below right, Nike a popular brand among students. Bottom, Yvette Thibodeaux and Tim Elsbrock sample Juste Desse.

Ads and Index is a part of our book that is one of the most difficult. This is where we raise some of the funds to produce Para Manana. We thank our advertisers.

Karen Erickson puts the index together.

Below, Anna enjoys the guitar. Bottom, Paul Tucker and Robert Radecki soak up some rays.

A Brabm Kuky Mcfaaw P*ay

234 236 2U



Wtmdjr ..

.. 2U.


AtCamm DtUrnrn

Acwas Aatkomw Adams Cmrolimt



AUmiUo Patricia VUf


. . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 1197

Alutf Lorit Lair Aadi XafW Tiaa Alberico Paul Akjaodro John 4Mb All

270. 2ti 2Jtf 270 236 270 270, I Tt 2M


Dawn 234 AUord Cbmrlcs . 160. 174. 17% 174. 177, 236 Ailra An/alia 12 Jtmmam AOaa Maty » M 114 111 Manor2M Patrick 234 Allocca Otua 219 Attjm Gragoiy ............. 236 Almanrar Charita 270 Ahum Anbml 236 Bobkj 236 Joaapm 270 MoaJca


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Ads St Index

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Ads * Index 299

Bottom, Hey, Man, Look! Below, Richard shows his teacher bow excited he is about bis typing class.

AMdm Hector Ami Lorea


thmira A—Jim Qmmtint Atara To=rv B,Ur Bread. Ctrl, Cbris r t l imam Christopher



l04.IOf.2U 254 236 . . 12. 161. J 71 191. 2*4. 270 297

EMU Dotora* Urn .. Jaton i Jaaairm Kmtheriae Lape

. . 270. .—


Mictuel Michelle

279 Mr 12 234 12 29*

234. 270 190. 239


MJcmud Koberr Aachoodo Eethm Jot Kir Amttrmmaa Chart— Sherrr A ode not FeUtbm Urm . .


11144 294

236 12.193 270


294 270 270 U

JetT RmadmU .. Stewart Aagel Jem KtUf Lethe AataJo There** Aaatey Chmrtt* Apodac* Ami Aaoettt ....... Bobby .. Omit* ., Dtattt Omit klimabeth .. BMm 'red Ktnm Lamm Urn MmrceU. BMJ Simoa I » a o W Vmlmait Vmcam Armgoa Btraadette Carta* Coateam Kmabaraaw Traaidad WUhmm Armada Jama* Pmai Archmbeoae Kimbtrtf Aretmmm


Ill 12

270 294 236. 294 236 236 .........

279 270 236 270 234

254 236.270 234 .. 294 234.299 290 12.43 270 236 299 270 257 234 ..

270 270 237



Amman Aatboaj Aaroajo Btatttf

234 254,295

Cmrl .. Cmmvma



(mlmiti rhrtaaa bmbt Bait* Eratma Jmkc .. Jeaeam Lmm* Lrattm Htm Michael Mr Phdbp Urn .. Vmct . Vtema .. Aramaao • M Jam** Jorram Kabca Arat


297 237 270 270


Ads A lode*

Chris Archiaoa Mar* Ateacio Daasttt Arkiasoa Eeria Am Jcmaaoea Amxaear Vaaessa Asmy Daara Ajtaa Mark

10*. 237 234 01.204,270 12 200 271 234 27J 272 271 ..237 u . . 237 12

. . 272 2*7

270 ..234.295 299 99.294 237 194.234.295 270 270 12 193. 237 I M 195. 295 299 270

frrr * ArbaB Amy

Estebaa Amijo Ammm) Caaaille James Jam Michelle Therem Too, Araastroag Paal Armal Barbara tolaadn

101. 144. 294

Aadree Barbara Beaaie Btelouia

. . 12 104. 10*. 210

am, Carlos Charles Chria Craitua Deborah Deaise Elaiat Elizabeth tram Oar, Oeraldiae Greg

200 .. ..

237 234 204 12 234 . . . . . . . . . 2J7 . . 234 .12,104 asm ..200 JJ 200

Below. Vo-Tech students seem happy. Bottom. James Detgado is amused by his teacher.

Heanry Joaaaia

Jooatbaa .. Joseph Lisa LuAnne M Madeira S. Margaret Maria Mark Michael Michelle Melissa .. Monica Natter .


..12 234 233 98. 122. 123, 237 . . 237 .. 297 271 .. 237 .. 233, 260 132.30. 237 271


Paul .. 237 Raowel . ..271 Raymond 2U Robert Rodolfo 12,74 Ronald .. .. lti. 237 Rath , 233 Sent 9. 12. 113 Mela WaUo 104 Bacbicha Georgia Bacoa Tfiek 34.91.110. Ill Beere Jeaaifee Maty 271 Rachel . ..12 Beird

Roberta .... 12. 32. 43. 9*. 110. Ill Baker Bteat 271 Baldiagcr Edith .... 271 Baldonado Half 271,2*7 Michael Baliak Bernard .. 12 'Henry Balkeneode Jacouliae 233 Ball Christopher 233 Ballietl Dierdre 9*. 233

Ads * Index 297

Below, Let's see wbo can catch the rabbit first. Middle, Maggie Farley stares at a Baocrolt Kenny Barbee Turner Barber Mike Barberousse Dnwfles Bard, Danny Barels Albert .. Berber* Chris . Cbrtsline Christopher Deniel Deenne Doreeo Freddy Joseph Josette List Loreneo Pmml .. Victoria Bsnl Robert Barker Kebekah Banes Otis .. Barm Jam . Melissa Monica Begins Renee . . Barrett Richard Barron Franctne Mary Pancha Banuatkas Gary Bartlett Sean Banian

12. A



233 133

271 . . 271 . . 233. 771 237 .. ..


234,237 .. 237 46. 61 271

m 237 253 237 • 1 , 271 12. 60. 132, 134 .. 271 237 . . . . 271

173 .. 172 .. 2BS 12 190, 271


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Ads & Index

SINCE 1926





Ads A Index


Daitd Bechazm Cheryl


12. 143, 47. M, 111





Beardsley Sharoo Beany Fred


. . 171 12 ..

BeUmorr Stephanie 99. Bell Lauren Merrrn Bena.ide* Katby 12. 41. Bobby .. Cartas Helen Jet .. Mike . 132. Pam Robert Roseanna Yronne. Beaiter Francisco Bennett lame Karen .. .. Kadty . Modem Benntngton Babbie Beaton Jeeeph Berger Jim . .. Berghofer Oct .. .. Bermmda Eugene Fred Burnt Dennis ...„ Gweods Jompk .. Josephtoe Bernstein Admm Berridge StMcej .. .. Berry John Beats Jalie Bheka Prekash . Bibb Darid James Saddle Darrle Biehl Amy . 6. 12. 52. 42. 99. Ill, Molly Bigbee Pan! Btodel John . Km .. Baa Chmteua Blair Boa .. Ill, Sum . . Blake fhiliil

173. .


ft 271

110. Ill 23X263 2ft .. 271 291 133, 23$ .. 271 12 239 235

233. 173 ..12 .. 271 ..


231,233 233, 104 755 271 . . 271 .. 239 .. 239 ..

271 U 233 12 239

104 271, 104

149, 149 .. 271 239 190. 271 ..14X23*

239, 230 172, 271 12


Ama Cumy DmaM John .. Joseph Mark .. Phillip Block Kim

Laura . . ummng Mum Bolleter Ted Tony Bumm Phdhp


Ads tt Index

.233 ..233 ..271 . . 239



Timotbr Bechhocfer Mum Back Philip Begay Anthony Bclimn Anthony

Anmbelle ftititil Mm* .. Boegs John LmMey Sberyl ..

Bond Frank . Bornman Fred . Boodouris Michael .. Bowker Loretta BoyUn

. ..


.233 239 1X97

239. 233 299 12 ..


233 239 23$

172. 271 . . 271 27i .


Michelle . . . 271 Sucre ... ..233 Boynton Wttle . . ..91, 271 Braascb Eric ..271 Bradford Kenneth .. 271 Bradley Mike .. ..233 Branch Jndy . 12 Bransford Frank . .. 191, 233 Brand Mike .. .. 193. 239 Brennand Aimee .. 294 Michael .. 12. 44. 99 Briceno DeeAnn 12 Brings Share .. 12 Brighton Charles .. ..IX 174, 177, 351 111 Bringhnrst Amy . .. 233 Brinklou Pern 271 Brno Junes Phillip Stephen Britton Douglas Broadnas Troy 236.239 Brooks Carolyn .. 233 Joanna . 239 Sharon Brown Carolyoo 271 Cyrus Ross 271 Denies James . 140, 239 Jennifer 236 Jeremy 271 John Justin June Elaine . . . H . 236 Malcolm .. .. 236 Shannon . . X 13X 139. 23X 131, III Sharon 171,239 Vmct Broumbridge Kmdwf 17 Bromley Shannan Bunting Sarah ..,..236,100.111 Burdeau George 271 Burgess Dana .. .. 23X 99 Burgen Barbie Ragene .. 271, 190 Burkhalter Urn 236 Burkhart Beth 17. Ill, 117 Michael .. 236 Burton Dunk . . 271 Bustamante Margaret 236, 173 Patricia .. 17,97 Byrd Daniel .. ..271


CaldweU Greg 25tf Cambroa Dawn 239 Campbell IBBmit 9X111.239 Campiglio Johm . . . . 2*7 Richard .17.6X174.176 Campos Frank Anthony 190.271 Paul 239 Sean .. 236 Candelaria Lis 17,97 Junta . .6X239 Cannon Darid .. .. 11, 15, 17, 9X 141, 201 Cardenas Carlos Michael Vernon 239 Cannci Carmen Carlisle

Go Demons! TlieNew


SantaFes , daily rrxxning newspaper 202 EiMarcy St.-983-3303

Ads & Index


Below, Ads Editors Shelle Ford and Jennifer Nelson smile when their job is done. Bonnie Kelly Nathan Garlso Decol Carmigasai Craig Suranne Carr Jim .. Out *Ktmti Gumm Gn Bkiard . Ouriu Waymt Curium Caarmstoe


256. MS .. 1M 271 . . IBS, IML 2 * f . . 173. m lT4.IH.ti6 in


17 m



Gttmldioe Mama CanmaU Kraeea Outat Aatoa Catados Cknma DnU .. Hiaabeth Jady . . Mtlimajtaa tumid Boy Joaoaia Mary Cam MilaaC




299 . - 299 •• 171


2*6 72. 236 .. 17 . . 17 . . 2*6

. . 191. 2*6 . . . 271 .


Ktriajeme* Camma OHM E Mat .

. . 191. 2*6 2*6 100. 101. 2*6

Miguel M i m a Camaatda DomiBc B. Catrellaao



Nicole Beae Cemlkj Dtnd D. Jody A Cataaacb

am ..



2*6 271

AJbtn Jimmy A. . Karta Mkbtlle Phillip Daniel Mamma V. GnaW Jamka T. Cawmy Michael L Oat Mum DantaWajat George D Maaatl Mammal Maria MiemtUe Beaee Boaald Cabaca Bicbard . Cabada Bicbard Crnanm Dend Cbambert Brim d a n Joaaihaa . Cbepmao Caamodn .. Cmrltoa Bract Mary Chanrillo Wayae


2*6 2*6 ..272 2*6. 2**

191 .. 143,236 . . 104. 2*7 2 »

2m . . 272 -IT 271 239 — 272 17,200.201 2*6 271

Adriaa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 Alfrtd 272 Audita .. 173.2*6 Aagit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — 17 Aatboay Bamadette .... 2*6 BtVf Bobby 291 Carton 239 Cathy 272 Cedl ; . . . 90

Omit Daritmt Derid Dtbbie Debit Dam Detail

J7 236 239 97,272 236,152 2*6


Congratulations Class of '85


Ads *


Diana T. . . u Donald Gina Hope James James Paul Joann Johnny Krystal LociUe Hark Antbooy Mania Half Matthew Max May Michelle Mike Pamela Patrice Patricia Peter Pail . . . Hence Stereo Udella : Vicky Yolaoda ChUds Marquis . riot Christian Laura Christisosoo Michael . . Churchill Heather Cialooe Carol Bob .. Ciaoeroa Lester Michelle dark Ren ... Saodra Shoooa CliBord Johm Coca Alexander .. Code Shawm

238 272 236, 173 2)8 21) 288


212 2)6 288 17 112,212 204. 20) 2)8 2M 2)8 2)6 212 236 ..2)6 236 11 238 212 212 239,91 281 236,264 212 236 212 11, 192 ..




Cohen Elizabeth 2)6. 190. 263 Mikala .... 239 Rachel 212 Colhlan Aldous CoUioa Ken 212, 190 Michael .. 212 Shawns 11,132, 13), 110, 111 William 239 Colmeoeto felipe Comptoo Jama* . 236.98 Cooorer Paige . .. 210, 212 Cooroy Dawn Kriiti . .. 212, 267 Cooaalea Lisa M. .. ..11 Consols Amy J. 111,236 Saum Karl, 11, 116. Ill, 132 Consiaotioe Stephanie 2 36 Cootreras Philip Lewis Conway Joe A. •• 239 Cook Julie .. ..26$ Shan Lyon 312 Cordell Lisa Rene .. •. 236 Cordon Donna Bernice . . 212 Jeffrey Paul . ..236 Jerry S. 212, 266 Laura •• 266 Melissa M. .. ..12,272 Particia R Paul Mike . ..191,236 Robert RoaeUa •• 172 Victoria . .272 Corks Blue Jay .. 273 Michelle A •• 272 Cotrn Loretta Bemadine •• 17 Cornell

Ads & Index


Ciody Othcl 219 Joho . i n Corrit w I h i M . U9 GilbtrtJ. tm Jot J*ny .. ..191 Steve Mtnhtll . . 299 Conn Pmul • • . . 272 Cotttotto Jolit Aoo . . 272 CotttUo RtcktrdM. . . . 272 Q m i Htory A. . . 77. 1 7 < 175. 239 Cowiew hlichtel lot CojOH Atroo Stttrtrt Crtig Ktootth Qui .. 234 Crtimbttd DootML. 239 Sunt V. 236. 2*3 Crtwtord Ctlli Pttrict .. . . 23S Sam/* A a . . 272 Crotbj Lori A. . . . . 272 Crowhy McbttlJ. .. 236 Cnm Statin Mtric .. 17 Culbtrtoa Cbtrltjtttt 236 Cmtrtr Rtiait .. . . 236 Cmrgm Andrew Keren . . . . 272 Mtrjo Aoot . . 190. 239 Curat John Bdtrtrd 17 Nicole H. . . 270, 272 PtmlW. .. . . . . 236

D Dtlt Ptlmtr Gordon Dtltoo Dtbbit Ana Robtm Ditoe Dtnieltoo Mtloay M D'Aaoo Ptml Dtmutxi JmUtM. ...»*..„.. Dtrctngtlo Gum Merit Dtmbtk Frtacttct C. Dmm


297 239 272,274


V 236 .104.103.239 5. 17. 37. 93. Ill, 147

Scon Ootid Gtllmnm Dtrit Doaot Dorothy Lttritkm Dm Sttphtoit Dtwtoa Brum .. Dmm Mtruo Mtnhtw Mtlittt Michttl PtmtU

299 236 17.43,171 272 236 236 191.236

Attar KtUy .. Dmm Swum Degrmyter Mtjt Dmunm *oy Dmmm Kmtti thhtoot Rtcutrd. rrh-fJtmtt Mtrk .. Mwrtaw Stenhtom Dtlowo Ammt .. PtmtU Dtumtto Ammt Dnmit Urn .. Dmm YoUndt Dickttoo Bmm . rtitmmu 9km Ammt


Ads & Index

239 17. 100, 101 216


Ronnie . . . . . • • . . . 272 Dimat Trici* 272 Mmlio DoJotm Dinieon Bruce 272 Dinon Stere . . . 174 tit, 179. til, 239. Ml Do Cermo Jane* Dole* Mark 216 Dominguet Camkheel 272. 190 Melin* 272 Raymond Viae* 191.239 Dominick Michelle 272 Donahue Arwen -j..H 2*7 Dorhy But .'it 212 Celine ..,., 257 Don Ronald 272 Douon

Ralph Doubledey Deborah Dougbmaa Ryan Downing Detlne Drennea Merle Drew . . . . . . . Lite Driggen Rachel Dock

17 257 17 272 257 17, 143.40


Mr Dtreopon Cynthit Dtaait Kelly

OtaH Tboeaat Dieumgard Nathalie Vi/rric


Kenneth Dukeminier Peal Duma* Loren Duncan Canty Dunlep Rachel


7, 17.162, 164, 16$, 39 239


Ron 204 Fmnttt Michelle ..;;..... 239 Dunnuw Jonathan 204 Duowoody John 272 Duquette Matty 299,290 Vincent 230 Dnrnn Anton Angela Audrey 272 Chria 150.2*7 Diane ....17 Doreen 17,07 Bdwattl laabelle Jet 150,255 John . 1. 104,239 Joaeph ,, 272 Lee 239 Loom ...'. 11,234 Mercelle ".. 202 Mark Maty 257 Michelle Monte* ..,...-..•-. 25* Nathan . . . . . . . 66, 132. 155, 2*4 Rebecca 239 Roberta 257,2*5 JtoM


Rutaell Tanuny Duty Dentin ..


.297 239 ...

272 239 199




17. i l l 162,163,163,239

190. 272



11,13,17,39,99,132,133,133 299 299,236 99,236

239 112,212

Ehenhoeb Kimberly Eddy Ken . Fdmunda Wanda .. Edwardt Monica Blttcb Mike .. gichetmann Gretchen John Bdet Amy angle, Seen . . . . . . . Elgreaba

'... 17 152,259 .. 231

. . . . . . . . 2*7 . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . 239 *». 257 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,47 257

Meet Our Musician of Note

JohnPetring Santa Fe Hgh School

A Member off the 1984 McDonald's All-American High School Band速

Ads & Index


Mary Bus Barabara Bret Daniel Sarah . . Eslbrock Tim


. . 299 61. 190. 272 .. 257 ..17

. . 17. 117. 132,




frank FlOIIIII 4 1 M


Andrew Arteae .. Charles Flario . Gilbert Joaaa, mmaam Toay... rmmoe .. Eariqnes LmAmm U


2)9 297 .17 217 191 239


291 272

.. . ..



JetT Erickaaa KBIT*

299 ....

71. J 52,

I 55. 2S7.

Tanajr . Escadero Diana Esparts Michele Rose Eanaaom Frankie Sam





297 17 237


htibum Gerald Bnuft Etmamal Bmibum mnirBr Dasid Melissa Michael Scam Estrada Chock Mmma Mobett Seam

257 239 239 2W7 172 237 99,237


JMaf Cards Eyssan Bread,

239 272


Lydia Femaades Agnmt \\mkm Breads Eddie Joaam Jf/ •• Joaa Jama Michelle Koaam futiaa Miiifli Immm Chnsty Fegaeroa Gsmart

257 259 255* . . 257 237.291 it

239 2t7 ..

Ads & Index


190.272 257 U 19,97 297 It



1mm Raymaad Fmmey torn Gerdaer Fmcher Aaron .'.'ci.v Mamma Fnsnersld M l . Ftamer Shame . . Flaherty •mmU Ftsanary tmmai Fleauag Aagtlt


2*7 It 275


275 257 2t4 It

. . 257


104. 275

..It 275 ,

275 It,

166, 167 25» .V.- 275



Linda Lade It Tod I* Floaaders Amber 152 Ford SheUe 152, 239. 264. S02 Forrest Daniel It Font Mark M Foster Linda It, I4t Mehin 293 roan Holly 257 Fowler Bradford .... 275 Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Frament Shelley 16. *6 Francisco Pmtrica 257 Framdte Mario 171. 240, 242 Franco Connie Frankalacci Karol ttt Frankel Amy 275 Franaoy Greg 240 Ftaarr Linda tsaasar Gillian 2*7 Wendy 240 Freeark Jason ».... ..257 Freedmso John 275.101 Freemao Eric . . . . . 257.255 Kolle Fresoae* Andrew Maareea 275,172


Fmcumm Micharl Faehl Chris Fumy Maggie Fmrabam Scorn Michael Fasmacbt Jasoo rawa Carolyn FeUowt mmrm Foaol Jama


HBW Mark . . Tias flomcr Elisabeth Floret Andrew Billy .... Janice .


Foentes Gilbert Shaam Faked, mm Mika Falgensi Crag Fallertoo Gia .... Fargasoo Robert Seamarks

fillMMin Monica Sergio

1» 275 117,240


275 240.99

It. 46. 99 257 It.

17 275

G 249 257

MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED: Z»ki • Mi»t«fCird VISA • Aawrkaa Eajrat • Carte BUncht • Dinc-ra d a * • MuatritiMii cnbiftd Coronsdo Ctr. SX Cordova toad 9U-X50

Dnargat Mat 9$$i9St

Below, Claudia smiles big for the camera Middle, Kevin tries to look busy as always. Bottom, Mr. Cbolewa watches class bam it up.

Gallagher Kcody Timet Gallardo Gina Gallegos Angela Brtsn Cynthia Donna Eugene Francine Gut Gerald James Jen Judf Jul* Karen Kimberly Laura Leslie . Loti Lyneoe . Mmtio . Joaquin Mario Mania Melon ... Hike ..

240 237 It, 257,97 217, lit, 100 iff 240 273 2*7,191 237 2S7 77, 240, 242 240. Ill 27$ It, 1)2. Ill 273 240 2*7 2*7 240 .. 240

Michelle .. IS. 74, 136, 14$ Pmtricm , . 237 Paula .. 240 Priscilla Richard 299 Robert . . 273 Ronald .. 167 Sheila Siltler 240 Stephanie . . 273 Tali Vioceot Galloway Mooica Gaoooo Caidin .. 237 Garcia Atbtd Annette 240, 97 Anthony 273 Apia .. 237 An 76. U* Audrey 273 Audrey Belinda Brenda 299 Carlos 273 Christine 19 Cora 2*7 Cant* 2)7 Dawn 2*7 Oeaa 2*7 Diane 299 Eddie 273 Sea Hot 273 Gerald 2*7 Harold Daniel 240 Jenifer 240 Junmie 299 Joanna 240 Joanne 240 Joe 273 John 237,240 Johnny Jose Joyce Julie 273, 172, 204, 203 Kathy 240 Keria . . . 18, 117. 132, 133, 110, 111 Lawrence 247 Linda 273 Lonetto 273 Lydia 297 Marcos Marie 237 Mark 2*7, 240 Martha 240 Mary 273 Matbew Melissa 273 Mia 240 Philp Mike 239 Monica 247 Pauida IB Phillip 72,237 Prisclla 273 Rachel 63,2*7 Kaqnal 171, 230 Rebecca Reyoaldo 191. 294 Richard 237 Rudy 273 Sbaroa 237 Sherry 2*7 Stephanie Stere 2*7, 191 Thomas 27), 240 Tommy 237 Veronica Virgiais Yvette 104, 240 Yronne 240 Garduoo Johnny 240 Judy 273,299 Gara John 273 Garrison Angels Gaskla Shannon 240 Sherri 237 Geune Deryl Gavrila Kara .. ..237 Gabett Gary ., 239 Michael Michelle .. ..273 Geekie John .. 191. 239 Gehred Daniel 273 John ..239 Geoffrion DuMteoe .. 239 George Joyce ... 239 Gerald .. 2*9 Glenna Michelle 2*9 Vicky . .. 239 Getter

Ads t* laden


Jason . . 273 Gershanok Leonid .. 23$ Genunicb Mutlhew . . 273 Getchell John Julie .. .273 Gettemy Glen 23* Wendy .. 1*0,273 Gieientanoer Bad . .. 23$ Gilbert A n .. .273 Gilcrease Craig .. 273 Robert .. 273 Shannon 48,60.9$. 117. 132. 140. 147 Gila Julie 240 Gilltn A w Gilnsan Sunk Ginocchio David 111. 240 Ggnm Alici* . .. 23$ Gitomer Micbele . lift 23$ Glasgow Tim .... 23$ Ghat Janet .. ..32.47.9$. 234. I l l Linda .. 111. 23$ Glass-wnidiU Ora .. 273 Go$r Shannon Goldeo Jennifer .. 273 Murk ..274 Gomet Jeffrey Jennifer Michael Nuelie Pmul Rboodm ..273 Ynmt Gondeck Kmtbryn 23$ Stun 273 Goneules Alex .. 273 AUem Andrew .. 23$ Angelu . . . 172. 273 Arlene .. 140 Belleri .. .. 23$ Brendu Chris .. 23$ Christopher Dumfel Dolores 20 Doom .. .. 273 Eddie . .. 23$. 2$3 Bumbetb .. 23$ Ellen BrnOf Eric 2T3 Emu* Gubriel George . . , . . 273 GenUine Gilbert Helen 273 Jouan 273 John 104. 273 Joseph Josephine . 273 Juen . . 23$ Jumnitm Leek 104.20 Leonurd 20, 64. 132. 133 Urn 240 Lotetm I f f if 23$ Hum . . 172. 273 Hum . .. 23$ Hum .. 240 Huron Melbse mtcmkm Omu .. 23$ Punt 190. 273 Pumm 240 Pete 240 Phillip .. 23$ Rodney .. l$3, 240 Mam . ..241 Seife .. ., 23$ Sendrt .. 20 Sisto .. 273 Steven .. 274 Smnmme .. 241 Timmy 20. 289 Tin* .. 274 Vkmr .. .. 23$. 274 Victoeiu 2$7 Villium 23$ Goneules Mot Urn Gordon

SOS Ads&Index

Gregor Rebeccs Gould Robm Gnet Michelle Gnbam Scott Grsnillo Annette Grenito Micbuelu Greetbouse Joe Gnuo Jericho Greene Cristine Greenlee Cuhy Debtuuh Gregory

...20 23$ 117,239 23$ 241

274 274

239 241,232 239



Susun Griego Ann* 241 Anthony ML l$3 Antionette 13$, 139. 2*7 Benbers . 274 Chris Christine 241 Dun* 274 Deaise 239 Eileen 27* George 191 ls**c 241 Johnny Leo Lit* 283 Lis Muk 274 Melinds ., 122,123,132, 134 Miki 239 Peter Rente 289 Roger 191. 239 Rose 285 Sharon 280 Vuness* -..259.283 Griffin Ann* 239


GrifBth Eden Erin Gusrriello Chirk* Guerrert Shine TeU

239 241 274 104,239

Gweeu* Ckwi*

Guillen Minin Yrette Gunter Anthony Gunue Albert Connie Cynthil Din* Flunk

183.239 274 241 239 274 239 2$9



Lot**** Lucille Lyoette ...................... Steee Vickie Yolend* Guoerrea Attnrtb Christine rUmnk Gloria Hope HmeUe Joaouin John Maria Micbele Ntehm* Guyu JerT Gasman Inn GytteaJ Steee

289 274 241 274 274 . . 239 288

10, 20, SI, 80

2*7 I$i. 239 20. 274. 276

H Bnaland Erik Kui Hadley Jimmy Height James Helmed Racjuel Richard Rob .. Hajlquist Amy . Hamm

241 98.234 274. 2*7

239 241 .. 239 274. 2*7


Below, what an exciting game!

It is our pleasure to congratulate all the students at Santa Fe High School for their many achievements, and to send our continuing best wishes for the years ahead. From the Staff and Board of Trustees of St. Vincent Hospital in Santa Fe

Ads * Index


O.J. Sarah's Sank ..111,274 SkKk 110. I I I . IJ7. 241 Hsmmoad Tanya 274 Hannan Pamela Pmaline . . 217 Hansen Kristin . . 274 Hard Crhistopner Karen . . 274 Harkleroad Gkm 3tS Jetlrey 274 Hmrlos Lisa 239 Harmon Troy 274 Harper Kerry . . . . 20. 69. 117. 132. 134, 143 RoBMld 192.239.264 Tammy . . 299 Harris BiUy 274 Darid 239 Derwyn 179. 241 Kirsten .. 172, 274 Lycia Mark .. .294 Han Thomas 274 Hantaan Vutctnri Harvey Barbara trad 20 Jennifer . . 104. 239 Hasenstab JJX 241 Hasiam Hope 20,34.99.147,149 Hasselquist Guadalupe 20 Hassan Dunne 274 Haras Gregory 289 Hathaway Donna Leigh 241,239 Hattaway Darid Haugbr JaNelle 20. 44. 132. 204. 203 Hawkins Elisabeth 239 Kai Hayta Desire* 299 Henry 239 Wendy 219 Haim Burton 239 Jacqueline 274 Hendenom Anna Hendren Lis 274 Rosalym 242 Hmiliktrnm Laura 273 Marjorie . . . 239 Tayiora 20, 34. 99. 146. 143 Henson James 239 Kyle 273 Herbert William . . . . 239 Hard Richard 174. 176. 237. 242 Herman ismxtor Vine* 239 thfmmmdn Batmadrttr Cam . 294. 299 Eddie Joyce 20.44.7} Karen .. 173.234 trntty Aatooia . . . . 242 Heir Sarah .. 239 Herrera Camille 239 Colette .. 273 Cindi .. 294 Demise 20.97 Frank . . . 273 Jama 74 Joseph .. .. 20.273 Lisa ... .. 239 Margaret 239 Hsrtima .. 20 Michael . . 273 Paul .. .. 273 Paalme .. ..273 Handy 242 Richard hammy . . . 242 Sharon Sonia

106 Guadalupe

984-1675 Los Alamos Auto Body Repair, Inc.

195 Knecbt St. Los Alamos, N.M.


Senor Murphy Candymaker De Vargas Center

Sena Plaza 9*1-9243


La Fonda Hotel 982-0461

House and Table Sena Plaza

982-5265 Santa Fe Vogue College

219 W. San Francisco

983-7322 Nicholas Potter, Bookseller

203 East Palace Ave.

Hotkey Desna Greg Shannon Hicks Barbara Richard Higgias Christopher High Jimmy


273 201, 239 20 20 20

mil Ana 4,20,43, HoUy Smmaoe Hobster Brsndywine Hodges hEthatl Hoessler Gogi Mickey Hogsn JV Thomas Holbrooks Chad Holden Regins Holland Dooul Toads ... Hollowsy Jason Holmes Beverly Hoot David Sussn Hooper Gtag Hoover Rohan Ronald Hopkins Angel Tim Hopper HennUer Horning Urn Hoskie Brian Houcben Craig

122, 123, 132, 1)3 239 239,283

98, 111, 242 239 ZS9 236,242 69, 174, 284 239 273 ..21

Houston Donah How Derris 21 Howe Jonoey 190. 273, 297 Howell Rmcbelle d99. 242 Hubbard Creig 21,144 Hmber Com 21,41 Hwdubee Dmrid 242 Jsmes 242 Hughes Sean 242 Hughes Jon ...9, 21, 1)2, 183, 196. 197, 199 Humber Milissa 275 Hundley Curia . . . . . . . . . 284 Hung Ykk Hurtmdo Breads 29S tori 21 Sunt 21

Hydride Heidi




242 299

21, 144 ..

273 273 273 275


lddiags Robert Stepheaie iagrum Chris Vmlerie turners Greg la Cesar David iverson Breads

2S9 239 191,239 21. 43. 99. 147 273 ....242 . . 239 104,273

289 Jsckson Ceshetim Deeeate

eJ ...

.... ..

299 273

Top, John Curtis jamming out. Above, Greg Hooper - blinded by the light!


Ada & Index

Don Inola Jacques Darlene John Ricbmrd Suzanne Jaffa Missy James Jerry Patrick Jaramillo Anthony Barbara Dtbra John Jnhm




242 IBS, 242 . 242 242 242 273 239 260, 273 243 21,39 239

Kenny Larry Patsy Kick Jamas Laronne Junes Roods Jasper Julie Jeffreys Jeff Jenks Jennifer Jensen J"** Jema Donna Jeter Wanda Jimenez Angela Anna Damian Eileen Gene Irene Patrick Paul Steren Thomas Jinn David Richard Vicki Jochem Heidi Jonathan Johnson Eric John Kenneth Lisa Lyle Marianne Ronald


* 160, 183. 186, 189, 284 273 168, 171, 44 260. 264, 283 273 273 273 273 273 23,243 289 243 273 260 273 273 289 275 273

ISA 283, 98, III 23, 174

273 273 243 183, 284 260

Megan sToto React Kersaoer Richard Keyes M .. Taoya Khsa Sharon, Kidbj Donas Kiesor Kami . . Killiao Jennifer Kim Cone* Kindell Craig ran King Ann Daniel Doreen Linda Pan! Kinknde Jassoa Kirby Mare Kircbner John Richard KUrnade Sarah KloeppeJ Stereo Knee Andrew Koch Awe Koller Maade Kopp Duaoe Korooeos Charmaiae Dorm Renee Koeoat Daniel Peter Krakowski Ala Kramer Both Kraam Tom Kohl Stete Kahlen Gary



111, 132,180,

98 292 260 23,41 243 23

K Kameb Met Know Chris Katuer Ellen John Kasper Scott Kaufman Jordan Karanaugh Leonard Shirley Kazbe

273 23 23,47,

273 98. 333


Joseph Keabbooe Kenny Keek Michael Keeling Cody Keesing John Keeeer Suzanne .. Kest Mark . . Keller Joel John Pablo Thomas Kennedy 5km Kenny Keltic

23. 183 260 273 260 64, 260, 261 ••


243 04,273 276 -• 260








276 23 24) 260 2*4

. 260

..TI6 m

260 2) 276 100,101 276 276 24) 19) 276 260, 191 160 A 2). 13*. 140 260 73, 260

276 24) 23, 66. 33. 9*. ))t 174,260,266 260 243 23,46 243


Jojola Sam Jones David Margaret Wayne Jordan Kathryn Nanette Jusselin Virginie

. . 60. 24).

L'Hemreia Brim* UFtbre Moaiquc ^



WitlUm LttemmJe


Ibfffa f ihff LKana LMmben Nkatiu LsmoadM Denis* Fnak LimodMrrnxo TmVti lam Jmm Theresa Langlia Lmlie Larinoa Tiffany Larrsasgs Aotooar Christins Daniel Dennis Eroestins Loreaa Mart NicholG Nick Ramon Lashbomgb Brian Laaao Heleo Larios Annie Lawrence Becky Josh— Lnyden Eric Leal Vincent


260. 299 276 249 260

276 24) 260 260 90,276 20) 166, 167 ..










Ads A lode*


Let Chris 10O, 192. Mike . 3, 23, 71, 111, 117, lit. lit, 192. 193. 328. Leer Holly .. Letter*

260 134, 301 243

M Leo* Joseph Lerma Mark . . Valerie ... Lerougbe Mona Lesch Danay Levis Ymacey . Emily Leyb* ApgJ* Deborah .. Eileen ... Kuhtyn Madeleine Merit Maty Mania Becky Robert Robert Smm Sandra Tammy . Liar* Lee . Libme Ten . Lilieatbel Doenika Liod Ingele Jeraee Julie Lindberg Christopher Lithgow Deryl Stere Lobmro Camel* There** Lohr Elizabeth Lome, Ooawa Lomayesta Audrey Long Carrie Kim Lope* Allan Aloneo Andrew Anna Annette .. Audrey Bennett Bert Cherlet Chris Corrine Daydra Dolores Donna Dmtem Elena Erie (Saw* GenU Getelle Janet Jeaonette Jerome

.. ..

2fl9 ..


.. . . 261.

276 276

..23 . . 243 23, 104 ..


Ads & Index


. . 276 .243 243


. . 190. 276 . . 243 ..23 .. ..

276 276 276 243 276 23


260 23 243 23

260 289 23, 163 23 243 23. 3$. 90, 180, 161. 162 287 23 84,243 276 260 260 276 276 .,

260 276

249 260 243 260 243


John Juanita Kathleen Leonard Leonard Lisa Loeoa Lorerm Haunt Mario .. Stalk Michelle Michelle Stunt .. Rachel Randy Raymond Robert .. Robena Sean Stere Samanne ami Trieia Valerie .. Weodel ... Ytonne Loahbomgh Brian .. Lovato

243 276

243 276 260 276

Angela M Cynthia 276 Darid 243 Diana 276 Diane Elinbelh 260 Juan 276 Laura Michelle Renn Richard 260 Rick 24} Roger Lore Moo Shuntue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '263 Lorelady Darid 24$ Loyd Lori 244 Lucero Anita 171, 242, 244 Canada 260 Cmrol 23 Cynthia 260 Danny Darlene 287 Darid 244 En 2S7 James 261 John 261 Joyce 244 Ledd 276 Leane 260 Lbs 276 Lore 261 Luis 261 Mey 23 Michelle 23.49.96. 104.244 Nedine 244 Paul 261 Paulene 261 Randy 261 Richard Sandy 261 Theresa 266 Tina 23 Yrea 23 Yeonne Zelda 261 Lychycky Matthew 261 Micbele 244 Laiao Denise 23 Lujan Anthony Bemadette 276 Carol 276. 289 Deborah Eric 104, 276 Franca 23 Laura 261 Laurene 261 Larclle Leon 276 Lisa 276 Lor* 23 Lori 97. 244 Louisa 163, 244 Randy Robert 276 Rosemarie Sheila 276 Lunula Nina 276 Lury Leann 244 Lua Terry 244 Lux Carlos 261 Lynn Darid Lyon Alynna 289 Lyon* Dion 104. 276 Jennifer 244 Keith Leon 104, 103,276

23 243 190. 276 . . 260 204.243 23 ..


. . 183. 243 . . 260 . . 287 . . 260. 276 284 .. 276 ..


MacAllister Jim MacFarlaae Ebcn MacGillivary Kirk Itacbacek Hatha Heidi Made* Jailer Unify Joome Maddaloue Josh Madero Daniel Roger Madrid Daniel Darid Clno

M 244 261 276 244 276 286 238 104. lot. 244 101. 261 101,244 .. 23 .. 244 244

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Becky . Sara Madril Angela Maes Anna . . Denise Paul .. Ray Theresa . . Maese Kathleen .. Maestas Btyao Deborah Gary . Kenneth Lisa . Mae* Millie . Raymond Malcrewski Fabian Sieve Malonet Amy Mauley Chmdwick . . Mansfield Brandie Maniaomres Cum Ralph . Marchi Aaron Mares Anthony .. Biancm . Frances Maria Michelle Natasha Paula Theresa Marine! Team . . Marien Suzanne Mariscal Ffren .. Manjuei Arthur Frank Jimmy

244 26l 244 ..


..261 . . J9J, 261 . . 23 276 . . 23 . . 244 23 261 261 . 2 3 261


276 244

104, 103, 244 ..


276 23, 122. 132 ..

276 261


. . 290

276 . . 261


62 W. Marcy St. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 (505) 982-2181

Kelly . . Leo Manuel Mania .. Mem Tim .. Marrufo Jaime . . Marsh Danny Lore Marten Darid Martin Mark Maniaei Aatoa Adrian .. Alicia . Andre Tret Andrew . Angela '. Anissa Annette Anthony Arlene Arturo Belinda Benny Ben .. Brenda Carina Chris .. Christopher Cindy Clandine Danette Danny .. Darlene Darid Deaiae .. Diane Dim Donald Doona Daniel . . eiiaheth Brie Ernest Ernestine Florence Frido George Gilbert . Gina Jacobo .. Janice Jeffrey .. Jennifer .. Joe John Jose ..

276 276 23 23 262 262 . . 262

. . 244 190. 276. 277 .. 244, 287 244 23, 104, 244 . . 277 .. 262 244 ..24, 132 .. 73, 277


.. •.


24 277 244 277 2S6 277

190 244 191, 244 .244 .. 262 .. 2h~7 190, 277 24 290 173. 262 262. 290 262

262. 267 ..277 • • 244 24 24 ..262 262 . • 277. 2*6 . • 262. 277 .277

Karen Kathy Kenney Kristina Laurie .. Lawrence Leror Linda . Lisa Lorenro Louie Louise Manuel Marcus Maria Mark . Marsha .. Matthew .. Melisa . Michael Mike Monica Pablo Bsawela Patricia Patrick Paul PriacWa Rachel Hay Rebecca . Richard Richard Rita .. Rosina Ruby Sammy Sandra .. Steee Tamara . Tammy Teresa .. Terry Theresa Thomas Vadra .. Voce .. Vincent Yrene .. Maacareoas Daren Robert Travis ... Mass Zeke Masters Heather .. Tatiana . . Masterson Jessica Mara Arthur Paul May Jim Marfteld Danny .. Mayrant Darid Maaulis Michelle .. McAlister Maurice McCarthy Kathleen .. McCleskey Julie McCowo Kewin McCrady Shannon McDonald Debbie John McEvilly Miranda McFarland Flora .. McFaul Kenneth McGarhty Sean McGregor Andrew McHenry Robert McHorse Joel McKennky Maronda McKim Sean McKintey Timothy McLean Christopher McNamara Deirdre .. McQuarie Travis .. Medina Dome .. Edward .. Fernando Francisco Lupe Mary

262 290 .244 262 262 104. 103, 262 244 262, 264, 266 . . 24 290 9. 24, 139. 262 . . 24 .. 9, 24 IBS, 244 .. 277 24, 262, 277 244 290 190, 262, 277. 266 24 277 .


79, 244, 277

.24, 277 . . 189, 262 262 244 244 29. 166, 167 . 277 . . 262, 277 277, 290

.. 277 . . 277 244. 249. 277 23 . . 262 190, 249. 277 . 277 249 .. 277 98. 264 ..




249 277 29. 97 ..



29 262

98, 243 ..

262 249


243 267








262 262 277 262 ..

296 249

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Sandra . . Sonu . . Medrano Anna Diana Jim Joyce Melks Sunshine Melton Kasey MtMM Martin . Mendiola Mounter Mendooca Jerry Mendoia Am .. Gianna Jener .. Mutm Meake Juoa .. Health NyurkoM Ymm .. Mates Dirk Hem Jsmes Meyer Dmet Meyers Sun Mkmtb Pstricis Mier Muj .. Roosld .. Mien Rstmoad . Thomas .. Miles Cut .. MJHer Aaroo .. Heath .


. . 262 . 277 . . 262 . 29 21 241 . . 277 . . 277. 217 ..

190. 277 ..

.. 262. .. .. .. ..67.


266 277 241 24S

241. 249 ..241 ..


. . J97



.21.97 21. 104 290 . . 277 . . 277 .

284 277

Jenny 23 Job* 167. 262 Keith .. ..277 Lynette . . . 277 Mark .. 174. 262 Men .. 266 Melissa .. 90. 111. 241 Neil '.. ..277 Shane . 191. 262 Shannon Stacy III. 110. 161. 162. 277, 261 • M r .. .21. 41. 174 MHligma Kimberly Minnick Todd Mioogue Bryan . .241 Miranda Danielle Demy Mitchell Arnold Stereo .. 21 Tami .. .. 111. 262 Ward MoBttt Mark .241 Mohr Jennifer .. .. 290 Momaday Brit . • ..21. 31. 96. Ill Momroue Rose . . 2 1 Monutbano Gina . . 241 Mootano Atom .. 241 Chris Daniel .. .. 277 Debbie . .. 277 Eugene 241 Freddy John 21. 262 Joanne • 262 Judy .. 262 Jmella Karen .. .. 262. 266 Mara . ..277 Matias .. .. 191, 262 Micca Mike It. 2*41. III. 117. 112. lit. 114 Philip ... ..241 Sam . 277 Soma .. 277 Thereia .. .266 Vendors Monte* Michael 277 Sabrina .. .99.241 Montgomery David .. 201. 241, 212 Montoya Adrian 262, 277 Alex . .262 Angela .. 241 Angelo 241. 246 Anita 60

Top: Ted Raei studies a piece of paper. Above: Diane aod Diane show bow bappy tbey are to be in Mrs. Gillis' class.

Ads A Index


Bottom, Brian Regan shows his 85 % average free throw form. Middle below, students wait for assembly to start. Below. Gregor Gordon waves goodbye to the end of the year.

Below, Rick Jaramillo warms up on the sidelines Bottom, left to right, Heidi, Paul, Stacie, Chuck, Margaret andMarjo show their class at assem

This page donated by the


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. . 277 .. 262 . . 77. 262 . . 262 277 .. 277 ,,..

..29 , . 284 . . 246

. . 277 262 . . 190, 277 277 29 262

Jake Jeaacttc .. Jeffrey Jessica .. John Jose Joseph Juaoita Julie Kmreo Karl Keiih Kelly .. Lawrence Lisa Lloyd Lam Maria Socorro Marty . Matthew Melinda Melissa . . Michelle .. Paocho Pair, Pet Paul Phillip Priscilla Raody Randy Robert . Royce Rudolpbo .. Samaotha . Shirley . Tammy Ted Theresa Tom Valerie Vioce Ytonne Moore Billy Fred Jessie Laadoo Laura Mary Jo Zackery Mora Monica Rachel Stere Morales Laura Melioda . Rosemary Morelos Donna Moreno Maria Morgan BUI Morris Manda .. Tina Mori Todd Moya Frank . Michael Raody .. Meyer Sherri ... Mulholland Daniel Mania Dufsyut John Hick . Roberta . Munot Jesse Muzumdar Daeid Myers Benjamin

287 . . 246 .. 277

290 242. 246 246


262 132. 262 246

. ISO. 161.183,204, ..

262 290

262 246 8.246 ISO. 246 286 .. 290 262,277 23 191, 262 ..

.. 190, 277 262,277 . . 191, 262 246, 262 277 . . . . . . . . 278

Nakamaru Mariko ... ..23 Nakaya Al Narao/o Sharon 27$ Narrair John 246 Joseph .. .. 276 Michelle .. 263 Narvarii Eric . . 263 Nathansoo George . . 270 Nauman Zoe .. .278 Neeley Snjanne . . . . 23 Neidermaytr Greg .. .23,36 Nelaen Jason 276 Nelson Erick .. ..263 Jennifer Anne 246 Jennifer Leigh . 94, 132, 246. 284, 302 Sandra . . 180, 246 Nenrer Cecilia .. 263 Leonore 276 Newman Todd .. .. 191. 263 Newton Michelle . .263 Newton Brad 278 Brian 263 Ngirutang Jean Pierre .. .. 100, 101 Marvin Jnbn .. 246 Nieto Mary Nino Jose . . 276 Terri .. 246 Nix Tun Noedel Monica . 278 Nolasco Anita . . 263 Nordby Todd 26,49. Ill Nordstnun Lisa 26, 33. 96. III. ISO Nosrers Danny . 13, 23, 43, 132. 133,138, 183. 167 Null Barbara .. 278 Nye Ashley .. .. 191, 263

..290 . . 246

• • 246 278 263 278 246 278 262 246 246 ..277 • . 262 277 ..263 -263 246

•• • * ' » •• 164 I7*


*** 166


Oakeley Shaun Oakland Lake . Ocampo Erlinda .. Liu Ochot Donna Oelllen Richard Ogleiby Devin Ojeda Actum . Okea Eric OU Melissa Otguin Lawrence Merlinda Ottret Anita .. Joann Joe .. Randy Samanlba OUttr Tina Otsen Julie . Ortega Abel . Ales . Arthur Carolyn .. Cheryl .. Daniel .. Frank . James Jeanette Joaoutn John Leonard Marilyn .. Mentor* Michael Norma . Solomon Victor Viola

o 230 ..

276 278 26

..26 . . 104. 191, 263

.. 191 26 26 26 ..276 . • 191 . . 263 .


26, 48. 116 .246 .263 26. 132 ... 276 190. 276 .263 . . 267 26,36


26 • 276 246 266 104 26

Ads 8c Index 317

Yolands OrtU Alias Angela Beck? . Ben Berntce Breada Brian Carlo* f*n Mini . . Charles .. Chris .. DeeDee Dcaoc .. Donne Elite .


Georgia Gerald

. . 276 180, 204.

266 246 . 278 192, 246 27

.. .. 263, .. . . 27, 36, 146. .. 27.

246 . 161, 246


J*****John Joseph Julian Kasha Laurissa Leonard Linda Lii Lira .. Louise Lynn Ham . . Mark .. Martin . . Matthew Meliion Mrquela . Paula Phyllis .. Rsymond Kebetx* Roberta Sarah Sheila . Theresa Tins Yrene .. Yronne Osborne Kerri Todd Oursnder Jsson OaheJ Tom Otmrbf Danusn . . Overcssh Deann Owen Aadtam nostrum .. Dana ..

Pnchexo Aam Anna Art Bobby .. Christine . Deeid Demise Elaine ... Gabriel .. John Joseph Kiaibertf Path Jennifer .. Lee Russell PmeUUs AUsss Angela . Cynthia Deaden . . Diaona frank Gary Gene .. Geoggt . . James Joseph Kerm # Melanie . . Mkkelk .. Patricia nutemiq *V tlbut • Richard Steve Tsmara .. Thane Um .. Tim Troy . Veronica Paget Jndt .. Pakmnr Linda .. Paioaah,


Ads At Index

279 ..246 266 264 146 97 IS2

.. . . 191. 263.

276 276

278 ..27.46 .27 246 278 246 246 . . 77, 163 . - 276 246 .. .. ..

.96. ..

263 263 ..276 . 263

.. .. .. .. ..

..27 246 246 263 246 263 263 246 263

27.333 ..






263 266

P 278 .. 246 132,263.286 27 . . 246 . . 246 191. 263. 266 290 ..263 .. 290 247 . . 276

247 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 .. 267 ..


276 . . . . . . . . . 276 247 27. 278 276 ..263 . . 247

. . 263, 276, .. ..

266 263 276 278

.. 267 .. 263, 266 . . ISO . . 47* 276 27

Delias .. Pardee Tallie .. Taylor ..



98. III.

263 179


Ruben Rudy .. Paris Trad .. Parker Shannon Park* Susan Pure Patricia Paschal Amanda Dana Patterson Bryan Payne Carol Melissa .. Michelle Pam Warren Peyton Robert Pax Lacas Pearson Kevin Lori Sheri Peck Adam Erin .. Peinado Aaron Joshua Pell Mike Pens Biter Jacqueline Joanne Joe Judy Margaret Veronica Pennington Phillip Penny Charles Perea Andrew Charlie Christine . . . . . Eric Francine Gary Jade Maria Mania Michelle Roxann Seteren Stem Tina Perry Maya .. Petree Kyle Petting John Petty Lonnie Plister Diedre Phelps James Phillips Dylan Katay Piatt Bread* Mark Pilnock Jason Piao Ben Jaay Ruth Pinard Kate Pledger Kevin Plummer Elixabeth Pot Michelle Pogue Regina Polasky Heather Pool Dean Portillo Geae Michael Sandra Portxline Bread* Powers Patrick .. Posel

276 163.264 276 276 27,111,117

261. 263 27 27 247 27 263 263

276 276 276 27,36


278 247

60,263 190. 278 ..



263 290

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ao .. ••••*••••••*»*••»»«••

Pntm Chris Pryor Geneva Patau Ultima Paul Alexandria Paamm Many




Q Qatcb ^ Qaeag n u t Oaeitnt Scon 174,176,271 Qakk Karen Qmnooes Connie David Mmbaa Qaintana Annie . , • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . 296 Cenrina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Christelts Dentil 290 David Dino 247 Gate GenU Greg

to* Johnny Joseph Jady Margaret Mania Matthew Mont Ptttiem Polly Ptttine Ramoaa Rebecca Stadia Sbaa . , . . . . " Stacy . . . . Tarry Tony Yvonne

J 0 2B7 171 139. 1)9. 263 279 239 . . 279 t





279 27 247 263 290 247

R Radecki Robert Mat! Am Anthony Benito Dtrid Debbie Bnma Wfriiri Mike Robbie Tham Ramires Paaaj Edward Batiaat Felipe Maim Monica Neydeae Mohan 3arta Maam Naam Rascoa lam

162, 163. 263 247 263 191,263 279


279 290 290 263 27 190.191.263





Kesim Rant Helta "XL,

264 *7 26. 37. 99. Ua\ 117.

Kirsten MaH Dank .. Heather takmiif Samnae . Chris Reaatkaaeet


Ads & Index

141.176, 200 29 264.296 ....279 Ml 264 279

David . Remaly Catties Rempel Brian Rent Jonathan Rew Jeremy Mayer Maateen Reynolds Bryan Jeffrey Rboads Randy Richardson Kendall Neil Mlckleu Chris Tim Middle Darryle MBey Michelle Shelley Ring


279 264 297 20 290 279 264 104.264.296 279 279 116, 117, 247 279 247

tor Ringer Robert 279 RJos Antonio 193.247 Daniel 29 Rippel to* 177,17V RJtcb Rachel 279 Msvara Angela 264 Carol Cindy 264 Dennis 194. 247 Donald 279 Gerald 190, 191. 264 Geraldine Gloria Jennifer 279 Joel 279 Karen 247 Kenneth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Kimbtrly 279 Larry 264 Laura 279 Lcona Leonard Lindt 29 Lori 28, Lama 162. 164, 163,264 Mania Matthew 264 MtUam Ralph Wayne 267 Yrette .. 279 Misers : Susan . . i , j . 247 Mires List . . . . . ' ' . 264 Mobbina Jon 279 Roberts Jason 275 Lori 29, 190 Robertson Dana 142.247 Robinson Marc 279 Modem Danny .. 247 Models Karen .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Mom Rodgara Jerasha 247 Rtcbtel 247 Modrigaea Alexis Annette 297 Armando 264.296 Breadt 279 Canal 290 Chris ...279 Debit 264.296 Bra Tnak Jeasict /aim „ 29 Larry 167,247 Lamm 279 Leonard 291 Lindt 29 Lam , ';.' 247 Meemel 279 Mardel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Milk 264 Michael 279 ftaf 103,240 Paala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 * Rarhal . 279 Ramona 03,97 Rati Mohan 29.333 Mommy 249 Salvador 264 Teddy

Rogen Barky Debbie Mnebal James John Remtma Lorraine Ladlle Lydit Memm Michael Michelle Monica Nathaniel Orlando Pamela Patriot Ralph Region Reent Rhonda Richard Micky Moben Shari Simon A m Same Tiny Viola William Yronne Romig Kathryn Rommel Adrienne Momo Annette Lisa Monti Ifcnail Roooaillo Diana aXooam Charles Moot Fernanda Moataro Antonia Moth Greg Rotunno Nancy Month Carol May Michael Moa Mortal Alice tkamm Beraie Bream Brim Chris Braem Janice Jason John , Jady .. Karen Leonard Lisa Margaret Mtahew Michael Michelle Rebecca Richard Moben Roberta Ronnie Rosanne Stwra Rabino Dtrid Diana Radolpb Michelle Matt

294 190,279 24V 297 249 29, 77, 264, 206 29,279 29 264 139,139.264 ...264 249 279 264 264,279 9. 29, 139 279 105. 249, 334 29,122, 123,333 291 293 264 264 264 249 264,293 190 173, 264 264

264 264 290 29


192, 193, 249 141, 194. 193, 196 291 s'Vi. 279 . . J . . 279 . . . j ^ . 264 240 24V 249 29 2V 264,206 279 104,279


279 190,279 173,264

103,263 . . . . . . . . . . 29 ..


to Nancy Nicholas Raayan Dtrid Mmm Janette MaaaeU Bridgert Bryan Bam Sabtnian Myth Cristoa Bym Mike Myltt Roben Am Katrine .. Bemad Shelly Romero Aim

29,00 263 103.249 249263

29.61,204 ,*.


269 172. 779 7. 29, 37. 99, 171 29 ..191

Andrew Angela Aont Barbara Beroaderte Bobby Cane Carlos Carol Chris Christum Cindy Cristma Dtmitn Dana Dtnette Dtrlene Debbie Dentse Dennis Dolores Elaine Elisabeth Boy Ernie Flora Gabe Gabriel Gary Vti .i'.'ii, George Henry Jackie Jaaaea Janet Jason ,. Jennifer . . . . , . , , . , . . , , Jerry John Joseph

191,264 2V A 279 249, 291 249 279 29 20,254 29,36,279 249 297 20 240 279 97 279 60,264 264 204, 279 279 240 152 291 ....279 279 279 207 240 279 249 279

tor Kevin Larry Laart Lee Lenny Linda

Sager Jenalyn Ska Frederick Mark Michael Nancy Rente Vkki Vincent Seltden Dan Stltsar Alien Candtce Cresencio Denny Doom Brie...,. Ernie Gtrline Gam Gilben Henry Jetnette Jesse

279 240

s 279 20 240 , . . . 291 139, 139. 249, 231 116. 117, 249 , . . . . , , . 249 103,249 279 263 263,279 .....200 249 163,263 249 263 249 200

to Jom ...\. 104,200 Jady * ^ , . . . , . . . . . . . . . 263 Leonard Margaret . . * • . . . . . . . - 20 Matthew .*:;....,§....... 290 Michelle Migael Patricia Roben ....263 Moeemarie 299 Raebeo 263 Stadia ../S-" 249 Start Tim ip....... 249 Veronica . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . • • . » . > 293 Vincent 249 Salgado Adela 200 Salinas Gabriela 29, 39. 110. 111. 132 Malm Sent Janiper Stum Veronica ••..•...*1 . . 209 Tataon Jerry 296 Sea Migael Ralph ..J* 249 Sancnes Adelim .............. 249 Aim 191.263 Aaha 263 Anthony . .. 290 Barbara . . 299 Chris Daniel ..VU..JU 200 DarreU 29 David Isastal RBI

2018 Cerrillos Road For a quality well balanced meal at a sensible price, visit us at our conveniently located restaurant in the College Plaza.

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Joe Kev/n Lori Manor/ Harcot Hark Harkme

. . 2 0 . 286 160, I62. 161. 2 0 2m 201. 291


.. 191. 2 0

Hooka OH—do Ralph Ruy Mkk Sofia Stephuok Sieve Sutaa Sfhk Saaden Lurry Stadia Jam Saudmekr Hooka Saodoval Aagek Ammette Amlhooy Arthur Benudetie Beverly Charles CarlM Christina Diaae Bluebeth Fmtt'ran Gabriel Giam

. . 104. 2m .. HO 105. 249


Joaaihao Mikhail Hark .... ^frfaftff Hank . . Haake Hkhacl Pom Paul

. . 261 261 249 249 174, m, 249. 210 .. 249 mi m 249 2m. M 249 . . 201 . . 261 m 117.261 ,.»....

261 . . 261 173. 204. 26}

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2*0 . . . . . . . . . mi . . mo mi. 200. 2*6 2*0


Ray 210 Regina 2» Rick m4l.l74.l76 Root Smmiuir ...... . . . . 2m Thereat 261.209 Sank Hark 2*0 Saa Naocf 2m Saukkr Ktrk 249 Sawehak John 190.2m Sawyer Hark 263 Scalko Johaay 2m lupin m Sctrloa Shawa mi Schanar Wtada .... 200.2m Schoeider Crk m Scott 261 Sckoh Stevea . . mi Sthuku Kan* . . m. 111 A m .. . . zm Sckveuna Deborah 2m Scbmentlimsna Paul 90, 110. III. 261 Scoggins Hark . . 20. 14. 94. 90. 110, III. 117 Scotdit Rocky 249 Scan Eddie »l Kimbefky Mohan HP Socteuiuvt Troy 100 Sebastian Rata mo Seehon Helium ..2m Segovia Berotdette ................ 2)0 Joaeph Rosemary 261 Samara


Dummy Darleme Doug Pimmk Jotu Hum . . Heritor . Sum Soma


Ads A laden-

The office of Joseph E. Shattuck

20 20 20

Attorney at Law Congratulates the CLASS of '85

m 200 .. 97 20. III. 141

Top, Melissa Miller says, "Hey, What now?" Above, JOB Hughes struts his stuff. Middle, Mike stys "Ooo la la!"

Andy Annette Anthony Amy . Antoinette Andre . . Celene Derid Diandro Diego

Above, top. Look, here comes a storm. Above, I'm gonna get you! Left, Wrestling cheerleaders are amused at the assembly.

290 26* . . 265 ..249 290 2*0 104,10$

B U M 230 Frank 2$ Raof 2m Joseph 29,266 Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Loots . . . . . . . . 290 Lacille 29 tUrria 290 Maty 291 moused* 290 Nu 2*0 Petty Regit* Rene* 290 Mobera Seodr* 29,40 Sunk There** 230 Thomas Sepede Steer 230 Saw immn) Doanm 290 France* 290 Frank Johnny 290 Smrami Keli 290 Settmmo Anita . . . . . . . . . . 290 Jncoyee 30 Seymour Frank 230 Shanaherger Mark , 266 Skandler Geoffrey 174,266 Phftpad Daeid 104, 290 Shanll Tom 293 Skew Danica 230 Jentry 290 Ronald 290 Shepherd Richard 104 Skinn Katky 230 Shoeh Aaron Sibrel Brian 291 Slhal* Had . . . 290 Connie Site* Anthony 191,266 Jan/par . . . . . . . . , , » , . . . . , . . . . . 291 Simmons Dong 2*0 Simms Morrison .. 266 Singleton Jennifer Sisnetos Anthony Find GUbery Juno 230 Lawrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Stansky JM 111,230 Stake marie 99,2*0 Small Urn 2*0 Smith Catherine . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . 230 Damn .. SO. 40,99,110,111,174,177 Derid 2*0,290 Greg 290 Hank 290 Kelly . . .. 266, 296 Scott Therrm . . 290 Sneeshy Imam Snow Dtrld Marcie . . . 274, 290 Meiimt 266 Snyder Dennis . . 30 Rnwrell 291 Somno Gerald Salome SO. 100 Meliam 290 Monica .. .. 2ft Tim 290 Scut Albert Berthm 291 CkriseUts Solomon

Ads & Index


Amt Tonya .. Soatgtrath Brie .. Sopot Matbew Soto Alvaro . . . . . . .

285 .. 230 . . 200 104 tot, HO . . 200

Soma Jamie Jest* Soveranes Josephine Soman Allen David Sowlt Scon Spui* Jack Spencer Ernie Jerry . Spinas maty Spoooheim Joel Spring Mm* St. Peter Mommy Thene Tiffany Stafford Bob Sanity Dianna Stanton Joseph Stark Erie Sterner Dine Sana Sank Stetuhorn Ted Sauna Gmrtiek Sternberg Brock Starrest Kelly Stewart Todd Stht Brian Stoma Ashley Greg Storr Sherlt BOSOM Alan Snack Clemens Jim .' Hark .. Strtab Jaaoa Suatua Crtad Suickle'r PkU Strmck Steven Suato Jot Saccardl Fraak Sudboromgb AdU Sains

266 . . 200 251 . . 200 190.200 200 104.230 192. 193,230 .. 266 30. 133. 146, 147 201 230 207 219 110,241.231 203 201

2tt 30 II. 30. 32. 43. 90 201

201 201 266 190.201 30 231 231 .. 266 201 241,231 231 201 191.266 203 230


Sullivan Teresa Huadnua Jtttmmk Mettbrw ... Smrarrwom Christian Sumter Dam Lttay m Ronnie Batata Swisher Daidra lf«Wl)»i Syram Pamela

.. 231 291 00 100,266 231 30,97

266.206 .. 266 ....



Richard . BoaaJ* Tague Michelle .. Talamante Sihtnoo Mb Tangmmn


Ads & Index

.. 231 191.266 30

Sharon Tanner Michelle Tanus Donna John nam Annette Daniel Elena BUdoro Ernest Gerald Gins Jerry Katrina Kellie Lenore Lara Loam Marctlla Hark Michael Michelle Patrick Jama* Sandra Sandy Sylvia Tommy Tarpley Michelle C Tautbee Korea Taylor Andrea Melissa Monika Geyle Robert Derid Teal Sanaa* Temple Kerry Tama Lourdes Maribel Terraxas Carlos Jon RJcardo Tbala Marctlla TbibodeauM Yrettt Thiel Steven Thomas Forrest Jody John Shane Thomson David Tichava Derid Tinney William Tipton Tammy M Titonis Georgia That James Todd Matt Tolea David Bernard Chris Toll* larry Tonsing Melissa Toombs Michael Tootle Drana Torarg Bonnir Torres Carol David Francis Torres Bonni* Toy* Gas ammo Jaama . . . . Train Cecilia Trimborn Phillip Edward 1Mb Andrea Angtlo Btmadrtt* Rerun Bit* Cart Cecilia D Chris CM Cynthia Danny Darltaa

SB. til, 231 10, 30, 97 191 266 201 207 231 291 201 266 201 201 231 231 266 231 201 206 291 201 281 251 30 172,201 291 30 2*1

4 266 266 39, 111, 147, 292 266 30 94, 98, 122, 231 140, 103, 231 281 174 200 191, 266 281 87 281 201 281 266 30.40,136,144 69, 192. 266 266.206 266 287 281 266 251 266 . . 201


266 251 04 30 266 291 281 251 281 . . 281 .. 251

David Dennis Donald Dorothy Brie Gtrahm Gerard Gina Ginger . . Ivan James Jeffrey Jerry Jaaa

104,201 266 231 2»I 266 266 287 291 267


John 267 Lara 267 Lecretia 30 Leigh 204.203,201 Lao 281 Leroy 190.201 Lloyd ..........tftv.j, 291 Lois 267 Maria 100,231 Maureen 251 Mike 267 Patricia 281 Patrick 232 Rachel 291 Randolph 2*7 Ray 232 Ronnie 103,232 Sean . .;•..;-.:;;•£. ^•ilgfr.i 192 Stave :,',..'....*yS«sa 190 Tommy 191.267.201 Vanessa 201

Yvtm ..„..*...":.s,


Trusaovic Thomas Tsosie Ronald Tubbs Jama Tucker Daag Paul Tasty Colin Sean Turlty


30 185. 106 30 190,201 191. 267

Mr Marc Turner Mai Tartan Genisc Ttortxia Constantine

Vim Charles Uhbarri Drastrio John Lily Ronald Sophia Urban Angela Diane Joey Marc Nina Paula Tony Valades Arturo Valuta Albtrt Anna Btcky Ben/it Bernard Christine Dennis Brad asanm John Kathleta Katky Learnt MatOstw Michael .. Patricia .. Phillip Rayline Richard Sandra Theresa Veronica .. Ynrm Vaidtvia Bariaat Brie Ganrda Veldirirro Johnny Valencia Art Gina aunt .. Mamml . Sharon BaauBa

281 73,103,267 202

u 282 267 2*7 252 . Bl 202

-."i.'.l-ii.i ,


202 30, 69. 191. 267 282 252 203 267 252 202 202 2*7 267.202 2*7. 2 8 * i.^......... .. .. ..

282 2*7 202 232

267 .. 232 130, 139. 202

.. 232 2*2 252 .. 207 190,202 202 ,. 202

Valenruela Thomas Van Damnte John vna Ongevale Alan Chenml Vance Brie Tracy Vandiver Frank VanMasoa Brian Varna Johnethan VanValkenburgb Chris Kim Van Winkle Jaaa Varan Mary Vargas Jerry Vara* Herman Vaaaan Crat Velarde

282 185,252 252' ISO, 102,206 202 100, IBS


30 285 30 50 202 232

Jv Joyce 252 Michael Vclnaqucx Adrian 202 Debbie Easily 4 . . 252 Henrietta Loraiae margarito 267 Mark 291 Vialpando David , '.J.',... 66 Joe . . . . . ' ; ;..*..»ij 2*7 Mary ..'-. 28* Sophie ......ri........ 30 Vieira Leake 267.206 Pole ...» 252 Vigil Andy Antoinette Bernadette 202 Carmctta 282 Catherine 2*8 Charlene I',\ 287 Christopher 202 Cynthia David Denin Dennis ; ' . ; > . . . . . . . 2B2 Donald „^J 260 Donna * y . . • 202 Edward Elizabeth 51 Bloy Ernestine ..•'.•............ 232 Gabriel .,,.,............ 260 Geraldine Jamie 252 Joann . . ^ . i . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 260 John ','ii. 255 Jadt 233 Larry 255 Ln ,,,&..... 202 Leroy ..'.'i. 202 Lin 233 Lorenzo . . . , . . < , . . '.*•& 31,103 Manuel Marcos j;.^ 202 Matthew .^... 233 Monica Pamela 202 Paul Philip 282 Robam 206 Bedim Victor Villa Arcelia 51 Michelle 260 Sally 97 Vwuaaata Andy Villegas Cany 255 Loretta 202 VirgUio Deal 260.206 Vimrraga Roateaary Vint Jennifer 31.42 Vogal Casio .......... .202.206 Von Hoffmann Cynthia BOB Von-Briesen Daniel 260



lOaabuaa, Wannaa-M-Ck



Above Center, Couples at the Homecoming Dance dressed in their finest. Above, Tallie and Linda in the good old days. Left, Business Managers, Margaret Jones and Gabriela Salinas worked bard to help finance Para Manana.

Ada & Index 327

We wish aad hope the graduating class of 1985 has as much good "luck" as we have bad!


Ads * lodex

The 1983 Homecoming Queen Mary High congratulates 1984 queen. Amy Koch.

Ads &Index 329

Wtatk Edward 03. 260 War Emily Wmrd Brian 202 Jami 2S3 Mitchell .. 260 Stacey 100. 101, 116, 117, 233 WerOeU John .. 03, 190, 20) Warner Michael 260 TJri Warren Alison .. .. 203 Alvin .. 260 Mania . 90, 293 Panl Robert 203 Waakey Jaaon . 203 Watermen Daniel .. .. 203 Watkins Paul 203 Phillip Steffanie . . 260 Wauoo Coburn .. 260 Gilbert Watt Cynthia Warn Phillip Weatheriord Scarlett .. 260 Webb Stella 291 Steven . . . . . . . ;.. 203 Weber Lira ...31,97 Weeka Mara Weiler Mark .. 31 Weinmeister John Welch Todd 233 Welle Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Greg 203 Shannon . . . . . . . . .. 269 Wendt Brett . . . . . . . . .. 111. 269 Wenga ho . . 269 Werner Juliana 203 Weeeman Melitta Wen Jamea 203 Leon Melanie . .. 101, 203 Pam .. 31 Phaedra 90. III. 233 Weatoo Michael Stephanie ,. 269 Wettrick

Top, Chris Romero admins Robert Rodriguez from afar. Middle, Megan Kenny watches a guy pass by. Above, Coacb Mutz worries on the sidelines


Ads & Index

Bavasda Wheat Jerry Wheaioe


Wheeler Ootid Pant Robert Shannon While Mary Lee Whitehead Melissa WhitSll Jeffrey Whitmort Ernie .. Whitney Cynthia Whined Becky .. Vicky . Wbittleton Kelly .. Wickbam Carlene Weiae BLVy Wilcoaen Jim Mat Willeford Shelley Williams Andy Gladys Mark Wilson Edward Kelly .. Winona Wimmermark Jesmette Winans Vicki Winslow Dwayne Winston Jesse Winton Jay Wise Skip Win Brian Mike Woerrlein Shawn WoK Heather tmcy Wour Joe Womack Jason Wood Robert Woods Gary Woody Bra .

201 233 162.163.269 ....203 269

Wright Barrel Guy Shane June lory Want Elizabeth Josette . . , Margie Write Anthony Augustine

10. 31. 171 171,209 207 269


203 31 233 289 \

293 233 269 31 191.269 90. 269. 206 2)3 111,143,233 i

203 203 291

.....203 20) 0. 31

190. 28) 183

Stic Yetsco Amy Yetiey Peter Yilck Rodney Yngsdahl Diana Donna Young Christian Dark! Michelle

173.269 269

31,144 162,163,163,283 162


..31 269

166, 167, 269 US, 188, 269 104,133,283 269

Zafarano Gina Zasnora Joseph Mario Shawn ..,.:, Zlotnick Jeff Zuniga Loci Zytaik Susan


Y 269 263 233 283 269 269

z 286 191,269 283 190,283 144,174,241,233 269 269, 286


Ads & Index


Alire brings national


The 1985 Para Manana is dedicated to SFHS cross country coach John Alire because of his dedication and perseverance in producing consistently fine teams which have brought state, regional and national recognition to Santa Be High School Coach Alire was named National Coach of the Year for the second time during this school year, having also earned this honor in 1979. His teams have been state champions many times and several individuals have gained All-American honors. A lifelong resident of Santa Fe, Alire attended St. Michael's High School where he participated in basketball, baseball, track and football and was named to the football All Star team.

Top Right, Coach Rael and Coach Alire Center Right X-Couotry District 1-AAAA All State Champions, '82- '83- '84. Above, Coach Alire, X-Country coach '73-83, Harrier National Coach of the Year, 1979, 1984, Top Center, John Alire coaching in '79-80. Above, Debra Bigbee, State Champion '82, NationNM. Coach of the Year, '73, '74, '75, '79, '80, '83, '84, US District 8 '79- '80, '84- '85. al Champion '83

• f e w . left toright,Janelle Neeley, Nancy Rivera, CC all staters, all American Denise Sonne. Below center. Coaches first X-couatry team state champs '73, '74, '7$.


Below, Peter Gram, All State '78, '79, '80 All American '79 national champ. Below center. National Coach of the Year Sports Banquet.

Center right, Kerry Harper, Editor Above, Best CC team. District, state '-AAA Nat. Champa '79, '80, '81. Most outstanding girls X-country state and I dump. SHFS sports banquet Coach of the year •MM of the year. Gene Fulgenzi.

hose of us who had manxged to make it through 'he trials of another year of high school, expressed mixed feelings of rejoice and sorrow. We could finally remember our teachers, our classes and more importantly our homework and not worry about each as much. Term papers, book reports and everyday assignments often made us wonder if it was really worth it. It was a lot of hassle for a little tassle but in the end it proved to be a rewarding and memorable experience. Toward the beginning of each year, it seems that there is a part inside of us yearning to turn back the clock to summer vacation. We sit in classes in a daze remembering where we have gone and what we have done. When the snow comes, out thoughts turn toward the

warmer weather and we anxiously await the days when we are free for another summer. The school year 1984-85 was truly memorable. 1984 saw the Demonette Cross Country team take the state title once more and also saw the Demons take third in the state in football. The music in our school was not soon forgotten. Our Ambassadors fared well in marching contests throughout New Mexico and the band took a good-will tour to the country of Germany. For seniors, this year also meant letting go of the security we felt at Santa Fe High School. Juniors had taken a giant leap toward the top and sophomores were finally getting out of the middle of the ladder. As for freshmen, their reward was simply taking another step up. We, the three editors in chief of the

1985 Para Manana would like to ex press our gratitude to our staff. Their cooperation and enthusiasm made the job as editors much easier. Mrs. Jean Stratton, our advisor, was a great influence on us and without her our yearbook could have never been put together. Working together with the staff on Para Manana strengthened each of us and built upon our characters. Amidst endless layouts, lost pictures, sleepless nights and headaches over a close deadline, we managed to give to Para Manana our best efforts and in turn received ten-fold what we contributed to it. We learned that putting our best forward is enough because we really tried. Within us, we knew that all of our challenges, victories and upsets were all a part of filling the shoes of tomorrow.

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