Mammoth magazine | November 2006

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MAMMOTH-MAGAZINE, Issue 2, November 13, 2006


The Centre for Studies on Human Stress is dedicated to improving the physical and mental health of individuals by empowering them with scient i fi c a l l y grounded information on the effects of stress on the brain and body.

So.....Why a Mammoth? By Tania Elaine Schramek, M.Sc.

Why did the Centre for Studies on Human Stress decide to use a mammoth as its official logo? Indeed, a tired man or woman would have conveyed a better view of the reality of our lives. And when you think of stress, is a mammoth the first thing that comes to mind? Probably not. Yet, if we consider evolution and the role that our stress response system played in ensuring our survival as a species, then our choice of logo becomes clearer. What do you think it would take to bring down a 4-6 ton mammoth? Some obvi-


ous choices are; strength, energy, speed, endurance, fearlessness, and good planning! Would it surprise you to know that our stress response system is behind most, if not all, of these requirements? The stress response is also known as the fight or flight response because when we are faced with stress or a threat, we can fight (bring down the mammoth) or flee (run away because the mammoth is too aggressive). So, how has our stress response helped to ensure our survival? What happens when we have a stress response?

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