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Worship & Music Ministry
Members of the Worship and Music Committee represent all three worship services, Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Wittman Ringers bell choir, Orchestra, Gallery Committee, welcome table, sanctuary decorators, flower decorators, ushers, and includes leadership team members Pastor Pete Seiferth, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Arlene Sturm. The committee met eight times in 2022 using a hybrid virtual/in-person format.
In 2022, St. Andrew’s continued to bring back preCOVID worship elements. In early March 2022, inperson communion was resumed, and in November the ushers once again began passing the offering plates during the Sunday services. The church also continued to offer online Sunday services, both live stream and recorded for later viewing for those unable to meet in person. Special thanks go to our staff and all the volunteers that have made the resumption of in-person worship a smooth transition.
In addition to continuing three different worship services each week (7:30 am Communion, 9:00 am Contemporary, 10:45 am Traditional) worship activities of the church this year included:
• Lenten services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy
Thursday, and Good Friday; an Easter Day outdoor
Sunrise Service and a Palm Sunday orchestra/choir concert • A Service of Healing and Wholeness on
All Saints Day in acknowledgement of ongoing corporate and personal grief • Thanksgiving Eve service • The 14th Annual Christmas Concert • The St. Andrew’s Sisters brought holiday cheer in person to four care centers for the first time since 2019 • Christmas Eve Family Service &
Christmas Play and Contemporary and
Traditional Candlelight Worship services • Blue Christmas Service - a time to be honest about all the emotions that
Christmastime may provoke
During this year we have been blessed with the wisdom and inspired leadership shown by Interim Pastor Pete Seiferth, Pastor Mat Grover, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Matt Gulley. We are grateful for the many volunteers – the bell choir and many other musicians who have added to our Sunday services, flower designers, artists, decorators, welcome table volunteers, greeters, ushers, and many others whose contributions have enhanced our worship experience. And special thanks to the entire Church Staff who serve us in ways we don’t always even realize.