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Personnel Ministry


The Members of the Personnel Committee have the administrative responsibility to assist the Pastors and Director of Business Operations in managing personnel-related concerns, including equal employment opportunity of staff; fair employment practices; replacement of staff; personnel policies; position descriptions; annual reviews; professional development; adequacy of compensation for all staff; and the personnel budget and benefit costs.


Ron Allen, Luke Bultman, Charlie Carroll, and Vickie Palmer serve on the committee along with Jon Woodard as chair and they supported the pastors and staff with personnel-related issues as they faced the continued challenges coming out of the COVID pandemic and new opportunities faced in 2022.

The Rev. Dr. Pete Seiferth continued in his role as the Interim Pastor and Head of Staff for St. Andrew’s and Moderator of Session. He has continued to be a stable and guiding force for helping manage personnel issues this past year and there were several important staff transitions with which the Personnel Committee was involved.

Several staff members were hired or promoted during 2022 and they have filled key leadership roles to enable and deliver critical aspects of our ministries.

Jennifer Bultman - Director, St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten Heather Brannock - Director, Children’s Discipleship Ministry Logan Schmidt - Assistant Director, Youth Discipleship Ministry Clint Zamora - Facilities Manager

We said goodbye to several long-standing members of the SAPC Staff who have moved on to other opportunities - Shelly Akins, Children’s Ministry Director, and Matt Gulley, Facilities and IT Director. They have been faithful servants and will be missed but we wish them well in their new chapters of life.

The Personnel Committee partnered with the Trustees and Brad Engel via the SAPC Budget Committee to approve a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all Staff to help keep pace with rising inflation costs. After not being able to provide this over the past several years due to the pandemic, the groups were united in supporting our staff with this important salary increase.

The Personnel Committee also supported the work of the Congregational Mission Study Team, led by Kevin Oxnam, to prepare the Mission Study report that will help guide the next phase of the Pastor Nominating process as required by Presbyterian polity. Jennifer Bultman

Heather Brannock

Logan Schmidt

Clint Zamora

Administrative Support

Some of our volunteers have a specific day and time that they faithfully show up each for each week, others support the ministry by being on a substitute list, and some just show up and help until the job is done. Each person takes their duties and tasks seriously and contribute their skills, love and wisdom. This year their hours totaled just under 1000. We consider each of them not just a volunteer, but a co-worker.

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