4 minute read

Mission Ministry




Our St. Andrew’s Mission Committee is committed to supporting mission opportunities that align with our church’s mission and vision, specifically reaching outward to journey beyond our walls to show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world.

We select mission partners and look for opportunities where those involved can be the hands and feet of Jesus, answering the call “Whom shall I send?” (Isaiah 6:8-9).

Our mission committee supports both local and international missions as we are commanded to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15).

Our focus is reaching out to those in need as we are reminded that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

In following these commandments, the Mission Committee:

Communicates mission opportunities to the congregation, Prioritizes and distributes available funds to these projects Encourages St Andrew’s congregation participation in local and international mission projects Carefully evaluates each mission partner annually to be sure they are sharing Jesus’ love as they state in their annual request and in a fiscally responsible way Encourage new mission requests which support areas we are not currently reaching

As we reflect on all the ways our congregation and mission partners were able to show the love of Jesus Christ to those they served throughout this year we are thankful to be a part of God’s Great Kingdom. We want to recognize all the St. Andrew’s members who have provided support to our mission partners. We know the value of your time and the life changing impact you each have on those you encounter. Thank you for continuing to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

We are grateful for the continued financial support from our St. Andrew’s members as well as the generous gift from Mary Kay Tompkins that allows the Mission Committee to distribute funds so we can continue to give back and glorify God. For 2022 Session set a Mission budget based on 8.0% (a reduction from 8.5% in 2019 and 9.5% in 2018) of the church pledge funds, non-pledges, and loose offerings to the mission committee. While the committee understands the financial challenges for the church, we are concerned that Mission continues to be reduced from its traditional 10% funding level. We are happy to report that for 2023 Mission funding has been increased to 8.4% and we are thankful for Session’s thoughtful consideration in moving Mission back towards its historical 10% funding.

Supported ministries are carefully evaluated annually and monitored as deemed necessary; to assure that the work being done is essential and effective.

42 individual missions are supported financially. We have divided these mission partners into 7 groups to be sure we are distributing our funds throughout all areas of mission priority.

Foreign Missions: 12% ($31,700) Education, housing and medical supplies in foreign countries Agape: Zambia; Hearts for the Children: Guatemala; Jesus to the Needy: South Africa; Alliance for Children Everywhere: Zambia; Frontera de Cristo: Mexico; Goshen Africa: Uganda; One Mission Rocky Point: Mexico; Our Lady Dispensary: Syria; Trinity Center for World Mission: Africa

Foreign Individual Missionaries: 16% ($51,000) Abdous: Spain; Baker: Afghanistan; Brown: India; Wright: worldwide; Smith: Greece; Bickford: worldwide; Koleski: Kenya

Local Church Plants: 14% ($27,000) Good News Community Church, Goshen International Church

Local Children and Youth: 6% ($12,782) Montlure, Young Life Capernaum, Youth Souper Bowl, NW Younglife

Hands On Opportunities: 3% ($11,600) Deacons Blessing Bags, Service Worship, Primavera, Sandwich Squad, Hygiene bags. Local Poor and Needy: 44% ($121,100) Interfaith Community Services (ICS), Tucson Refugee Ministry, Faith That Works, Community Renewal, Cross Streets Ministries, Gospel Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, More Than a Bed, Fost-Adopt, Eagle Wings of Grace, Young Adult Volunteers (YAVS), Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN). We are able to put so much money into this area due to the use of the Tompkins funds for this specifically designated for use in this specific area.

SPECIAL OFFERINGS: This year we were able to bless Tucson Refugee Ministry with our 2021 Christmas Offering. Our donation of $22,000 was used to pay rent and utilities for their new Building Bridges Community Center that opened in March. We are so thankful for the work TRM is doing and have seen their ministry continue to grow and bless so many refugees in our community.

We also came together to show our support to Ukraine with a special Easter Offering. $14,110 was given to Pantano Christian Church to support their team in Ukraine. Continued prayers go out to Ukraine and the relief efforts.

Finally, our 2022 Advent Offering Project, providing funds for local school district resource centers to purchase new shoes for local students has raised almost $9000 so far.

THE MISSIONS DIRECTORY — “A Guide to Support and

Involvement” – Was reviewed and updated in 2022. This is available online and in both narthexes and provides more information about the mission efforts supported by St. Andrew’s. We encourage you to pick one up, read it and pray for our Missions partners and determine how you might get involved.


Sandy Kreamer –Chair Karin Fiore – Session Elder Wayne Dawson Marianne Hadden Cindy Lange Sharon Lee Danielle Oxnam Don Parce Sandy Ricker Del Rieschick Jim Seymour Sandy Seymour RuthAnn Smithrud

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