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Adult Ministry
Adult Discipleship Ministry
The guiding Scripture verse for the Adult Discipleship Ministry is Ephesians 4:11-13 which means our main purpose and goal as a ministry team is to equip the people of St. Andrew’s to grow in their faith and fulfill their God given purpose. Preparing, encouraging and preparing through His Holy Spirit.
We do this by working together as a team by praying and discerning what would be the best ways to make this happen. Our current dynamic team is Susan Cochran, Steve Herzog, Sandra Kovacs, and soon to be added Diane Olsen.
Here are some of ways discipleship has happened in the year 2022:
JANUARY SERIES We started out January 2022 with the January Series which is a 15 week award winning lecture series that takes place a Calvin University. The series aims to cultivate deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day and inspire cultural renewal and make us better global citizens in God’s world. St. Andrew’s hosted again by providing virtual online access as we did in 2021. Again many men and women at St. Andrew’s were encouraged and empowered through this series.
ALPHA This year we discerned that we would put Alpha on hold until the fall due to St. Andrew’s being in the process of the mission study. We were invited by OVCN to participate with them for their in person Alpha on Tuesday nights. Our team helped with the leadership and led a table with guests from St. Andrew’s and OVCN. There were guests who did not know Jesus before Alpha who made a decision to be one of His followers, praise the Lord.
HUGS “Happily Under God’s Supervision,” Senior Ministry. This ministry is back in person this year with growing numbers each week. There is also a new cook who provides a delicious lunch each week. There are many from St. Andrew’s who attend as well as many from our surrounding communities here in Tucson and Oro Valley. Each week has a theme with hymns, devotion, guests speakers, and once a month birthday celebrations! FAITH UNCORKED Faith Uncorked continues to be a monthly fellowship for women that is well attended and has made a big difference in each of the women’s lives. There is food, fellowship, and time for a gathering together at the end of each night for a devotional led by Connie or one of the participants from Scripture for encouragement for ongoing daily life as a woman of faith! Many have shared how this is their highlight for the month and they feel so encouraged to keep on keepin’ on. Many of the meetings have several generations attending!
SUNDAY AND WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES Our Family of God Adult Sunday School Class continues to meet weekly and has been back meeting in person. This class meets at 10:30 am and has a dedicated group of about 7 to 15 people every week.
Sunday Morning Connecting Group – this group was starting by Karin Fiore and Lori Seiferth on the NE Campus to provide Bible Study together while the Youth School Sunday School is meeting.
Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study continues each week now all meeting in person an average of 20 men each week.
Saturday Morning Men’s Group continues to meet twice a month at Dave Schmidt’s home with an average of 4-5 men each week. Dave leads this time together with scripture, discussion and prayer.

Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study is now fully back meeting in person with 50 plus women each week studying and praying God’s Word!
MOMS Group is now meeting on Thursday mornings and back in person with an average of 15 women.
Bible Study Fellowship Satellite Group continues to meet here at St. Andrew’s and now meeting in person on Wednesday Mornings. This year they are studying the Kingdom of Promise, a new BSF Study, and this year the attendance has grown to an average of 5060 women each week. Connie continues to participate in the monthly leadership prayer group praying for growth to a full daytime class.
Conversation Groups, Life Groups, Book Discussion Groups, Spiritual Direction, and Tuesday Women’s Conversation Group
Spiritual Direction Group This is the second year of this group and continues to read ahead of time a spiritual direction book and shares insights and growth in faith with sharing from the heart and praying together. They continue to meet on zoom once a week on Monday’s. Conversation Groups These groups continue to be a weekly need of studying together and praying together with food and fellowship.
BEYOND SUNDAY WORKSHOP On October 8, we held our first Beyond Sunday Workshop after COVID! The morning was led by Pastor Joe Johnson who has been with us before. His teaching was empowering to each one who attended. There was table discussion with personal sharing on what transitions each person has been through and how God helped through those times. There were 50 men and women there, and we began with breakfast by Fran Tuell.
3RD ANNUAL WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Our ADM team along with an amazing volunteer team began planning this 3rd Annual Event on December 3, 2022 in September. We had Café a la Carte as our caterer again, and as usual the food was delicious. Women came on the Friday before to decorate tables and Friendship Hall! There were 130 women who came! We had three speakers, Connie Randall, Kathy Lokale, and Logan Schmidt each from a different generation, who gave us encouragement on the Peace of Christ (Philippians 4:7). The morning was a joyful time together with time for connecting, being blessed by the Flute Choir and being together in fellowship. Fun and laughter were provided by our MC, RuthAnn Smithrud, and her uplifting closing prayers with a blessing from Connie. A big WOW for the ways our Lord showed up to bless others through an amazing team!!
COLLEGE/YOUNG ADULT REUNION On December 19, ADM and YDM provided time for all who have been involved with St. Andrew’s Youth Group over the years from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm for dinner and hangin’ out! This event was held at the Randall’s, catered by La Hacienda Restaurant. Always good to get this amazing group of youth, who are now young adults, together.
Our Adult Discipleship Team is so very grateful to be together in discerning and providing ways for all adults to grow in their faith.