Master thesis in Urban Planning - University of Ferrara, Italy.
Cartagena de Indias is UNESCO city from 1984 thanks to the richness of its historical-architectural heritage. The wild urban growth in the XIX-XX centuries, the building speculation, and the tourism boom, have led to the formation of a disarticulated, deficient and congested urban structure and to a "tourism gentrification".
The project proposal of this thesis starts from the protection and valorization of the historical patrimony as a fundamental resource to improve the urban quality of the whole city. The aim is to re-establish a relationship between the historical and the contemporary city. The project is based on the use and appropriation of the patrimonial spaces through the requalification of the areas along the walls and around the Castillo of San Felipe and the improvement of the accessibility to the city center and between its neighborhoods, favoring the soft mobility.
Edited by: Sara Ferri, Chiara Savini, Raimondo De Donno