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BA (Hons) Mobile, Web & Game Design


It isn’t just about the technology any more. The opportunities and problems that come along with the changes we are seeing in interactive TV, web products and systems, music production, interactive and networked art, content for wireless mobile platforms, architecture and games design industry for example, provide many opportunities for graduates. Aside from their technical abilities, the world is looking for creative graduates who can bring their imagination and strategic skills to understand the wider social and creative potentials of this new world.



The course is relevant, intuitive technical and creative. Our people and spaces provide everything we need to give students the chance to be better, more creative and flexible experts. By working alongside other students and with our tutor designers, technicians and researchers students develop a rich and speculative understanding of design, interactivity and new media that prepares them to lead and create within a changing economic, social and cultural environment. Studio practice is supported by seminars and lectures which explore a diverse range of philosophical and contextual ideas.

Students work together making the most of the projects and workshops as well as our fully BA (HONS) MOBILE, WEB & GAME DESIGN Campus: Llandaff Campus Course Length: Three years full-time

equipped laboratory and studio spaces. Wired and Wireless internet connectivity for all students, as well as the opportunity to use sound studios, art and performance spaces, editing facilities and most important of all - the inspiration of others.

Year one: We introduce students to the key skills that are needed for the media age. These include, visual communication, humantechnology interaction, radical thinking, game play as well as the means to develop technical solutions.

Year two: The second year builds on these skills with an emphasis on communication design, narrative strategies and production essentials. There is also more emphasis on more focused design methodologies and professional practice as students develop their evaluative and critical abilities.

Year three: In the final year the emphasis is placed upon students to define their own expertise and to locate themselves within a creative research and professional context. This selfdirected learning allows students to make full use of their creativity, strategic abilities and flexibility.

Transition from study to work is often sorted out long before graduation. For this reason, at every stage of the programme, we encourage students to work within a professional environment on ‘live' projects.

Graduates can take the ideas they have developed forward to become one of our postgraduate researchers.

This programme is also offered as a top-up third year. Please contact the programme leader for further information.


You are continually assessed throughout the programme through practical and written projects.



A levels considered dependent on portfolio. We have a very open mind to the qualifications you bring with you. We simply look to be convinced that you have the commitment to persue this degree and the skills to make it worthwhile. We may ask you to bring a portfolio of your work to show us.

FURTHER INFORMATION: csad.uwic.ac.uk/under www.dfim.uwic.ac.uk

Programme Leader: Stuart Neil - sneil@uwic.ac.uk

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