SECRET 7” Elbow’s ‘Grounds For Divorce’ was the most interesting option for Secret 7” due to an existing interest in the music they make. The design was chosen based on it’s simplicity and relevence to the song itself.
SECRET 7” All of the designs created were based on the lyrics reference to a ‘compass’. Varied interpretations of the same image have been made, showing how different the one image can be made to look, allowing for the best option to be chosen from them.
SECRET 7� The chosen design was the first one created, and works well in the format it’s inteded for.
SECRET 7” Jake Bugg was a second artist chosen from the selection and his song ‘Strange Creatures’. One of his main identifiers is his guitar playing, so an image based on this was created to embody the acoustic nature of his music.
SECRET 7� The chosen image combines linear and digital imagery and was chosen based on the different, more green colours, as it seemed these had an endearing boyish quality that the artist himself has.