A book of books.

Page 1

A book of books. 1


table of contents design brief




sketches, layouts, notes






final solution



design brief

quote notes

project overvie w

& background Throughout my academic career, I have found incredible joy in studying literature. And, as much as I have grown to love design as well, it is the combination of both disciplines that I am the most excited about. As I have collected my favorite books and pieces of design throughout the past few years, I have also been collecting memories. Like any pack rat, I have collections of movie stubs, play bills, notes scratched on post it notes, shoe boxes filled with birthday cards stuffed under my bed, drawings from friends, photos, etc. At home, I have a three-bin collection of academic work; organized by institution, grade, semester, and then the time of day the class was taken. Essentially, I collect everything I learn from and experience.

But the ones I can’t share as easily are the memories and thoughts I hold on

to. The final design will consist of a collection of books that collects my favorite passages from some of my favorite books and the memories/thoughts/people I associate with them. These stories and passages will be limited to a two page typographic spread (each) and will be accompanied by “catalog pages” that identify which book each quote is from and the memories I have associated with each book. Other imagery included will be photographs of the books.

The narrative of the book will be contained within each “passage” or “chap-

ter,” with developed design elements to convey each subsequent passage together, and as more than a documentation of ideas and instead as actual books someone might pickup and read.


target audience This project is a way for me to reflect upon how much I have gained from literature and the people around me. Simultaneously, I am able to combine two things I love: writing and design. Since this is primarily a reflective project, the target audience is myself and my education as a designer and writer, then those I have connected my memories too, and then those who share my love of books.. Just as this project serves as a culmination of studies in both fields, it will serve as a way for me to evaluate and reflect on the progress I have made.

budget Remaining print quota: $_______ Book binding supplies: $ ______

project scope The final design will consist of four perfect bound books. The books will be a combination of memories/thoughts that I associate with cretain passages from literature and short stories, respectively. The final books will consist of approximately 60 “stories� total. The literature passages will be found/collected, and I will create a system of typographic layouts the quotes. 10

business objectives

& str ategies

Advance typographic skills, style.

Take risks. Embrace the unexpected layout AND composition.

Solidify basic understanding of typog- Create a grid structure that is multi-funcraphy and accepted practices.

tional and can also be broken.

Further develop integrating

Work with new elements, such as cut

type and image.

paper, water color, paint, etc.

Challenge current aesthetic style.

Experiment with only using black & white, or a monochromatic color scheme. Design intriguing visuals and typo-

Connect with the audience.

graphic compositions that reflect the content on the page.

timeline 10.22 — design brief due

11.17 | 11.19 — critique A / B

10.27 | 10.29 — rounds

12.1 | 12.3 — critique / one on one

11.3 | 11. 5 — critique A / B

12.8 | 12.10 — final critique, rounds

11.10 | 11.12 — rounds

12.19 — final




quote e xplor ation

t ypeset ting




quote e xplor ation

l ayouts





notes, sketches, layouts

quote e xplor ation

notes ide ation , process




india ink e xplor ation



india ink e xplor ation

l ayouts modified , finals

With No One As Witness 736 | “Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.�


with no on as witness elizabeth george

“O f all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always look ing for t he r ight way to behave, so c onc er ne d you might ma ke a mis t a ke. B u t, d a r l i n g, t h e re a re n o m i s t a k e s.


wit hno onas witn ess


T here are only our wishes, our act ions, and t he consequences t hat follow bot h. There are only events, how we cope with t hem, a nd w hat we le a r n f rom c oping.”

“Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.” — 736

with no one as witness “Of all of my children, you were always the no mistakes. There are only our aboth. There hardest on yourself. You were always looking

are only events, how we cope with them, and

for the right way to behave, so concerned you what we learn from coping.” might make a mistake. But, darling, there are

with no one as witness

eliz abe t h george

“Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.”


with no on as witness

“Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always

eliz abeth george looking for the right way to behave, so

736 / 775 detective lynley






concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.”

with no on as witness

“Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always

eliz abe t h george looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.”


WITH NO ONE AS WITNESS “Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking 736

for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.”


WITH NO ONE AS WITNESS “Of all of my children, you were always the hardest on yourself. You were always looking for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.”



“ “Of

all Of my children, yOu were al-

with no one as witness

ways the hardest On yOurself.


were always lOOking fOr the right way tO behave , sO cOncerned yOu might make a mistake . mistakes.


darling , there are nO


are Only Our wishes ,

Our actiOns , and the cOnsequences that fOllOw bOth.


are Only events ,

hOw we cOpe with them , and what we learn frOm cOping .”


with no one as witnesss

elizabeth geOrge

“ “of all of my children , you were always the hardest on yourself. you were always looking for the right way to behave , so concerned you might make a mistake . but, darling , there are no mistakes . there are only our wishes , our actions , and the consequences that follow both . there are only events , how we cope with them , and what we learn


from coping .” eliz a beth george


“ f all of my children, you were always the hardest

on yourself. You were always looking for the right

way to behave, so concerned you might make a mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only our wishes, our

actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and what we learn from coping.

WITH NO ONE AS WITNESS eliz abe th george



“ f all of my children, you were always the

hardest on yourself. You were always looking

for the right way to behave, so concerned you might make a

mistake. But, darling, there are no mistakes. There are only

our wishes, our actions, and the consequences that follow both. There are only events, how we cope with them, and

what we learn from coping.

WITH NO ONE A S WITNE SS eliz abe th george



colors & typefaces

quote notes

colors with varying opacities

t ypefaces copy


Garamond Italic

Minion Pro •

layouts (in order of appearance)

Garamond Italic

Helvetica Neue 87 Bold Condensed

Univers 47 Light Condensed

Helvetica Neue 37 Thin Condensed

Didot Regular

Helvetica Neue 57 Condensed

Adobe Caslon Pro Italic

Didot Bold

Meta OT Light, Book

Scotch Medium

Didot Italic

Myriad Light Pro Condensed

Myriad Pro Light Bembo Regular Helvetica Neue 77 Bold Condensed



so, this is my life

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