A Little Bit About Little Me

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Excerpts from the cookbook and holiday cards can be found on my portfolio.


Don’t you just love how perfect this imperfect little circle is?

With an H.

My name is Sarah Rocco and I have baby hands and baby feet (okay, not really, but I have size 6 feet and my hands do a great impression of a young child’s...); I love books more than people; and, the only thing better than staring at beautifully set type all day long is creating it.

The last 3+ years I have been working as a graphic designer for Synapse Group, Inc. in Stamford, CT. As a member of the Sales Strategy & Development team, I’ve worn two hats in this role: one, to support the sales team with marketing materials, sales collateral, ad-hoc requests, and cultivated a design liaison relationship with our sister company; and two, to create visually compelling and effective materials for internal employee development programs, fun committee events (wohoo!), and various communique and logos required for internal office use. In college, I was a full-time DIII Cross Country/T&F athlete (hey, look! me!), and I have the tan lines to prove it. The work ethic and discipline it required to compete in three varsity seasons, and ultimately graduate summa cum laude with two college degrees, has stuck with me well past graduation. I use black & white more than I should, given that I’m a graphic designer (re: cover image). But I can’t deny my obses infatuation with its simplicity. And, my love for InDesign is almost as great as my love for PB&J, dark chocolate, and Spotify. also me.

In my current position I’ve also (individually) created an internal cookbook distributed throughout the office after one of our fall potlucks, redesigned both my company and our sister company’s business cards, redesigned our entire suite of sales collateral, helped redesign our sister company’s website, and I design our annual holiday cards and e-cards.

Name: Sarah Rocco Degrees: B.A. English | B.F.A Graphic Design, Summa Cum Laude Experience: 3+ years as corporate communications designer, 4+ years as book designer apprentice Essay: A Little Bit About Little Me

Suffice to say, it’s been a busy 3 years. But I’m looking for more. The second hat for my job is by far my favorite, but I fear I spend too much time staring longingly at it on its shelf. I crave the knowledge and experience that comes with a well-worn hat.

(Feat.: Minion Pro) Adobe Caslon has been my favorite typeface for quite some time. But I’ve always wondered if it was above-grade to mix and match typefaces when glyphs are absent. What say you?

Okay, the nitty gritty. Books are my passion. Caslon is my favorite typeface. The ampersand is my favorite character. Writing is, and always will be, my first love. My 15 year-old puppy, Cocoa, is my everyday obsession. Creative problem solving is what I live for day-to-day. My past 3 years with Synapse has given me unique experience within the marketing side of graphic design. I’ve learned how to better communicate information with strict style guidelines and limited resources while retaining my creative style. I’ve been able to juggle multiple projects and turn them around on tight deadlines.

To my dismay, he lives at home in Rochester, NY. #letsgobuffalo #billsmafia

I believe this has provided me the necessary skills and building blocks to be successful and instrumental to your design team. I have been creating books and small editorial pieces since I discovered type. I have a folder on my desktop at work labeled, Type_Musings which I turn to whenever I am creatively stumped or need a break. My most recent project has been the final poem from The Shape of Water (*spoilers ahead, and if you haven’t seen it, I recommend simply for the music alone). The composition’s not quite there yet, but that moment when type, words, and my Completed Type_Musings connection to the piece connect is indescribable. Somehow, these words are still escaping me. Incomplete Type_Musings

“ Unable to perceive the shape of  You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere ↙

I have just returned from the dubbing studio where I spoke into a microphone as Severus Snape for absolutely the last time. On the screen were some flashback shots of Daniel, Emma, and Rupert from ten years ago. They were 12. I have also recently returned from New York, and while I was there, I saw Daniel singing and dancing (brilliantly) on Broadway. A lifetime seems to have passed in minutes. Three children have become adults since a phone call with Jo Rowling, containing one small clue, persuaded me that there was more to Snape than an unchanging costume, and that even though only three of the books were out at that time, she held the entire massive but delicate narrative in the surest of hands.

A lifetime seems to have passed in minutes.

It is an ancient need to be told in stories. But the story needs a great storyteller. Thanks for all of it, Jo.

Alan Rickman.

(Can also be seen on my portfolio)

I am beyond excited by the possibility to advance and refine these skills. You will be hard-pressed to find a better, more dedicated, student than I. And with experience in both the written and visual, I would be a strong addition to your team.













I have a quirky background filled with ‘50s & ‘60s music, Mary Poppins reruns, and the soundtrack to Mammia Mia practically memorized without having seen the Broadway show or movie. My favorite soundtrack of all time is the one for the movie Big Night . I haven’t seen this either. I have an obsession with delectable typography and the potential of a block of text to be as illustrative as a photograph. I believe there is a holy grail of justification settings. I am a proud introvert. Few things irk me more than drivers who don’t use their turn signals and designers who don’t fit frame to content for text boxes. My favorite pastime with my roommate from college was to leave snarky post-it notes hidden around our dorm room (and then house) for each other. Winning best-in-show for my senior capstone project, a three volume memoir of my life in books, is my proudest achievement.

A Little Bit About Little Me — Sarah Rocco 3

A page from my senior capstone project exploring books and their affect on my life: So, This Is My Life.

Please feel free to look around at my other projects on Issuu. Thank you for reading!

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