COMPARING CUSTOMS Sarahí Campos Huízar
It's okay to care and feed to rats and
It's disgusting to watch rats have a temple for they
You should respect the transit rules and
It's common to the few traffic lights exist
traffic lights
don't work
It's okay to enter any place if you are
You should never enter a temple if you
are menstruating
It's stranger to watch two friends men
It's common to watch two men hand in
hold hands
hand for friendship
MEXICAN CUSTOMS It's common to eat meat of beef
INDIAN CUSTOMS It's normal to watch of cow like sacred, they are worth more alive how dead
It's not typical to paint to
It's normal to paint the eyes to
kids for take care of "hacerle ojo"
You should never take off your
I you should take off your shoes
shoes when entering a house or
when you visit a temple or
a public building.
sacred place
It's normal to watch couples show
You not should show love of your
love in public
couple in public
It's not common that men they paint
It's normal that men they paint their
hair and beard the color red
You should move the head side to
You should move the head side to
side for say "no"
side for say "yes"