Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Grandparents’ Day currently has very low public awareness and our brief to you is to create an integrated campaign for Grandparents’ Day 2015, gaining exposure for Interflora and driving brand awareness amongst younger consumers. We want the campaign to engage with younger consumers, specifically young adults who have disposable income available to spend on a bouquet of flowers for their grandparents.
'Thank you for' is a campaign that aims to reach out to young adults, a very different audience for Interflora whilst still moulding to the Interflora brand. Though a selection of 3 short stories, the campaign pushes young adults to reminisce of memories with their granparents old or new, and thank them for something special in their relationship - however big or small.
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Research was specifically undertaken to solidify a successful theme and purpose of the campaign, asking the demographic audience what they would like to say 'thank you for'. Thorough consideration of the Brand USP's, was undertaken to ensure that the company relates to the points brought forward by the demographic audience. Colour schemes developed from the brand pallet, where type has been experimented with and implented to add a personal touch.
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Evironmental posters
The environmental posters will be placed in locations used frequently by young adults such as bus stops, inner city billboards and within train stations and subways. The designs stay true to the Interflora brand but are created with a difference to attract a younger audience, illustrations are incorporated as the main source of imagery and an extra font is integrated for a more personal touch (details on last page).
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Magazine Advertisements
The magazine advertisements incorporate the same designs as the environmental posters on a small scale for brand consistency and reiterationof the message. The advertisementts, through a range of small stories initiate thoughts about small and important memories between young adults and their grandparents. The story is then contextually linked with both Interflora's brand values and one of its imporant USP's - As shown above the idea of designing personalised fancy dress is linked with giving the gift of something personalised in return, via one of Interflora's beautiful, personalised made to order floral arrangements.
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Social Media
The social media presence follows the same campaign aesthetic established, but calls upon the young adults being targeted to become involved with the campaign and the event of Grandparent's Day itself. The designs pose a clear and literal question; What do you want you thank your grandaparent's for? The audience are drawn in by a special offer, asking them to upload a picture of themselves with their grandparents on either or both Facebook and Instagram with the hashtag #Thankyoufor and a caption as to what they would like to thank their grandaparent's for, for the chance to win a bouquet for them created by Interflora.
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Online Advertising
Online advertising takes place as a sliding banner on the Interflora website, used by Interflora to promote current events. As the website is heavily photograph based, In the moment photography, as seen across other Interflora web advertising is incorporated into the design. When viewing the website we can assume that potential customers have been drawn in by the campaign and so the web banner has a simple function - to direct customers to the Granparent's day gifts they are looking for, and provide a reminder of the date etc. The campaign stories are removed as they are no longer necessary, however the campaign aesthetic is continued for consistency.
Sarah Goldthorpe
Interflora YCN
Animated Poster
The animated poster echoes the aesthetic of all still environemental posters but is availible for use in locations with moving billlboards. It tells the three stories and is another touchpoint where the audience is asked 'What are you thankful for?' and told to 'Say thank you with Interflora'. The video aims to act as an overall, and more interactive reiteration of the overall campaign message.