Sustainable Aquaculture Bioremediation
Sustainable Aquaculture Bioremediation Nouran Mohamed and Sarah Hany
Abstract Resilience lies on strengthening the cities systems by creating a practical tool to increase livability, ensure the safety of inhabitants, and improve the economic status (Dreiling and Mahayni, 2018). In Egypt, Dakahlia, Matarya lies on the lake of Al-Manzala coast. Most of the population (90%) of Matarya’s users depend mainly on fishing and almost 10% depend on the manufacture of boats, ships, and fishing nets (Hiza, 2017). Water pollution is considered a critical problem in Al-Matarya, as fishing is starting to extinct due to the deterioration of the lake (Hiza, 2017). Contaminated water has not led to sustainable, healthy nor resilient pathways for the community or users. A crisis is often a catalyst for innovation and a call to cities to enable strategic responses (Sperling, Josh, and Sarni, 2019). This paper aims to solve the problem of water pollution by adopting the idea of innovative water bioremediation to reduce water contamination. Nitrogen affects water purification so drawing seawater from a great barrier reef requires removal of organic and inorganic nitrogen, and sand filters can be used too (Kidgell, de Nys, Hu, Paul, and Roberts, 2014). This challenge will provide investment in agriculture industry for AlMatarya users, and a greater future potential instead of becoming an environmental hazard. Therefore, this will help in solving the problem of water pollution by the creation of sand filters and reefs so the nutrient wastewater will be bioremediated into clean water that can be used for food, fertilizers, or synthetic crude oil for transport fuels.
Keywords: resilience, nitrogen, microalgae, catalyst, sustainable, wastewater,
freshwater, urban, and ecosystem.
Sustainable Aquaculture Bioremediation
Introduction Lawson (2017), conducted that “the world’s population is growing rapidly, and consequently, the demand for nutritious aquaculture products and clean water will grow just as fast.” The United Nations (UN) provided studies that inform that by 2050, sixty-eight percent (68%) of the world’s population will be concentrated in urban centers; therefore, cities are expected to face significant challenges since water and sanitation access are usually higher in urban areas (Dreiling and Mahayni, 2018). As a result, access and delivery to water and sanitation is higher. Therefore, cities are expected to face significant challenges managing, operating, and developing critical infrastructure, as well as ensuring financial and environmental sustainability considering water services for users. These challenges are at the core of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) the sixth. Achieving proper and unlimited access to drinking water, and hygiene, while trying to improve ecosystem resilience in the upcoming years, will be one of the greatest development challenges.
Necessity for Sustainable Urbanization Due to the growing populations, the world’s aquifers are being consumed at rapid rates which lead to an increase in water and energy resource demands that place the planet resources in a risk for the upcoming generations. According to Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019), studies have estimated that about 400 million people in cities, have been living with water shortages, and thirty-six percent (36%) of cities are expected to face water crisis by 2050, and by 2040 more than sixty-six percent (66%) of the world’s populations could suffer from sever water shortage. Inadequate maintenance and infrastructure in urban areas lead to a twenty-five percent (25%) of water lost before being used and only ten percent (10%) of wastewater is treated before returning to water bodies in developing countries (Sperling J. and Sarni W., 2019). Since high levels of pollution as a factor will continue to affect water reliable supply and quality of services and health, sustainable approaches that deliver consistent basic 2
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water, food, energy and waste management services should be taken into consideration by users and the governance for a refined urban sustainable planet.
Water Stressed Cities Civilizations and cities have primarily located where water is abundant along coastlines, rivers, lakes and mountains and cities without water are a catalyst for many forms of instability according the economic, social, agricultural, and political fields. This is an increasing challenge for many mega-cities and mid-size cities (Sperling J. and Sarni W., 2019). According to Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019), studies have shown that between 2000 and 2025, it is expected that the number of mega-cities will roughly double globally and that urban populations of 1 million, will reach 2 million in timeframes as short as eight to twelve years. This will result in significant difficulties and challenges to maintain sustainable water services (Figures 1 and 2).
Figure (1): representing Cairo, Matarya population in 2000 with respect to other countries worldwide. (Reference: Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019). “Sustainable and Resilient Water and Energy Futures: From New Ethics and Choices to Urban Nexus Strategies.�)
Sustainable Aquaculture Bioremediation
Figure (2): representing Cairo, Matarya population in 2025 with respect to other countries worldwide. (Reference: Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019). “Sustainable and Resilient Water and Energy Futures: From New Ethics and Choices to Urban Nexus Strategies.”)
Mega-cities in 2000 versus 2025. Today mega-cities represent ten percent of world urban population, with smaller to mid-size cities usually having more limited sources to adapt to change. According to Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019), studies were also made in terms of water to analyze the water insecurity risk type, level of severity, and the temporal nature of these risks (Figure 3).
Figure (3): representing urban risk timescales, magnitude, and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) cities water security database. (Reference: Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019). “Sustainable and Resilient Water and Energy Futures: From New Ethics and Choices to Urban Nexus Strategies.”)
Sustainable Aquaculture Bioremediation
Further analysis was also made to analyze the risk factors for urban water insecurity (Figure 4).
Figure (4): representing the risk factors for urban water insecurity. (Reference: Sperling J. and Sarni W. (2019). “Sustainable and Resilient Water and Energy Futures: From New Ethics and Choices to Urban Nexus Strategies.”)
Conclusion: populations increase rapidly and water insecurity is present and will affect the coming generations; therefore, it is required to spread awareness among citizens for the importance of providing clean water and sanitation for the upcoming generations.
Development of Water Insecurity for the Future Cairo is one of the countries that will face challenges in the future due to the increase in population and the demand of clean water according to the analysis done previously in the above figures. In addition, problems related to water and sanitation in the current time in several places that struggle. In Egypt, Matarya is one of the poorest regions in the Dakahlia governorate. According to Hiza (2017), it has a population that exceeds a range of 750,000. Most of Matarya’s users depend mainly on fishing in the Manzala lake, but fishing started to decrease a long time ago due to the deterioration of the lake. Al-Manzala lake is considered one of the biggest lakes in Egypt, and on the shore of Al-Matarya. The lake is bounded by Al-Dakahlia, Port Said, Damietta, and Al-Sharqiyah (Hiza, 2017). The lake is contaminated due getting rid of industrial, sanitary, and agricultural drainage in the lake which deteriorates the cleanliness of the water due to the presence of pollutants that affect the marine creatures’ lives and humans’ lives. In addition, this affects fisher’s 5
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business since fish presence have decreased greatly in the lake. Matarya’s users depend mainly on fishing and almost ten percent depend on the manufacture of boats, ships, and fishing nets (Hiza, 2017). Safe and secure water future for health and creatures is essential for life. Current business in water have not led to sustainable, healthy nor resilient pathways for the community or users which faces water crisis.
Figure (5): representing the methodology chart. 6
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A crisis is often a catalyst for innovation and a call to cities to enable strategic responses. Urban planning should use fishing location areas in data and geographic information systems to allocate growth projection to decrease risks and find solutions. Improving financial issues for users by income enhancement through their skills development should be taken into consideration by constructing ideas and projects to help, as a result, more fish can be sold. Moreover, improving the conservation and health of freshwater ecosystems can be achieved by proposing a sustainable project that reduces water pollution and helps in recycling the wastes and providing an additional income from it. Bioremediation can be applied since it uses native green microalgae to naturally remove nitrogen and phosphorus from water. This has been applied in Queensland, Australia and other countries by the help of organizations to restore the marine fresh water to the environment. This is considered one of the smartest ways to manage wastewater. The technology uses microalgae to strip wastewater of environmentally harmful pollutants caused by animal waste. Also, nutrient rich products for plants and animals are being produced as a result. As populations and economies grow, demand for clean water, energy, and nutrition grow also. Providing investments with significant new market opportunity is essential. Sea food counts as the single source of protein worldwide. With ocean harvesting near its limits, the world should turn into a sustainable aquaculture to solve the gap caused by the populations demand. The challenge of meeting that fundamental standard of clean water free from toxins that kill the marine life and affects humans’ job and health is achieved by the great barrier reef marine park. Conventional land-based crops have been favored for some applications as substitutes for some applications for a portion of the fishmeal, but they can result in changes in the nutritional quality of the fish produced. Microalgae can be regarded as a promising alternative that can replace fishmeal and fish oil and ensure sustainability standards in aquaculture. They have a potential for use in aquaculture as they are sources of protein, pigments, lipid, vitamins, and minerals. Drawing seawater from the great barrier reef requires removal of organic and inorganic nitrogen from the contaminated lake water before returning it to the sea. Microalgae are one of the most promising feedstocks for the production of commodity and value-added products. Fast growing microalgae can be used. However, the use of microalgae as a feedstock is hampered by the process economics and sustainability. A combination of sand filters which remove organic nitrogen and high rated ponds with inorganic nitrogen can make the water cleaner, expel clean water, and at the same time produce large quantities of edible protein. A team of Engineers and scientists should work 7
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for sustainable new economic growth and a greater future potential while working with one of lives oldest simple forms in industry for our environment.
Results and Expected Outcomes The method previously illustrated serves for high value of human and animal nutrition through a form of the microalgae in water by the help of sunlight rays. Instead of having an environmental hazard, waste water is being bioremediated into clean water and abundant biomass that can be used for food, feed, fertilizers, or synthetic crude oil used for transport fuels. This method offers compelling financial advantages compared to conventional treatment systems, therefore; it is cost effective. The microalgae used to clean wastewater, can be converted into an effective bio-stimulant that is used to boost plant growth in agricultural field, therefore; it is regenerative. The systems used can be implemented through flexible service agreements with a fully financed build-ownoperate model, including maintenance and monitoring. This achieves bigger plans for growth of farmed seafood to serve users in the planet since the population have been exceedingly great. The technology removes nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater in aquafarms, treatment plants, and a range of industrial settings, therefore; bioremediation is achieved. Plant nutrition is achieved since organic matter for marine creatures are being planted. Animal nutrition is achieved since the algae can enrich the diets of poultry, cattle, prawns and fish with valuable nutrients. Nutraceuticals can be obtained from using freshwater microalgae, production, extraction and encapsulation of astaxanthin - a distinct antioxidant with compelling health benefits for people (Pacific Bio, 2019). Construction of a solution for a single problem can lead to solving several hazards and save the plant resources more and in an efficient method.
Conclusion Universal and equitable access to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene, while improving ecosystem resilience as a challenge will be achieved. In addition, addressing the global issues of water purification, and water purity using nature and science. Establishment of a low-cost bioremediation system that enables water to be discharged or lower the levels of phosphorus and nitrogen in the water. The system would be 8
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replicated over and over to provide sustainable algae-based water remediation services and to sell algal-based products markets through its specialist food and feed division. In addition, improvement in coastal water health due to zero-net discharge of nitrogen and phosphorous (reduction of eutrophication). Improvement of source water quality healthy water will improve fish productivity. Improved water quality has a positive impact on product quality (taste) with improved health and production rates.
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