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#IDAREYOU to live a life worthy of the cause

21 Days 21 Dares


Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. Theodore Roosevelt Too often we find ourselves settling for the mediocre when it comes to God; with peaks in our life with the next SoulSurvivor album being released or a book by one of our favourite preachers. However, when we read our Bible it doesn’t offer us a picture of settling down; whether it’s from Egypt to the Promised Land, from exile to rebuilding the Temple, from Christ to the cross and from the Church to Christ, there is always a sense of progression. The point is, we’re not meant to settle for ‘the now’ but keep moving forward in what God has for us. That’s why we, the Student Team decided to write this, because we wanted to dare to dream that God has more for us. We have written ‘#IDAREYOU’ as an aid for us to move. You see, following Jesus is daring because the journey is exciting and absolutely petrifying at the same time, it’s unsafe yet secure, and it’s exhausting yet completely exhilarating. Following Jesus isn’t easy, and what’s coming up is not going to be easy either. We’re not going it alone though. The journey is done together – The Israelites journeyed together through the desert to the Promised Land, Nehemiah journeyed with others to rebuild the Temple and even Jesus had 12 close friends with whom he shared his life with. The Church is all about journeying together, and that is what we as a student community will be doing whilst we anticipate what God has in store. There are 21 dares in this book, which are all meant to be done in succession over a short time frame. Doing it together means that we can keep each other accountable, but also means we can share our struggles and successes with each other. So we as a team encourage you to blog/vlog your experiences and post them on the Facebook page as a way of us moving and growing together. Before embarking on this – take some time out and flick through the pages of this book. Make practical arrangements, look through dates and ensure you have adequate time to complete each dare. Most of all pray and fast. Ask God to take you on a journey, to transform you as you move out and be excited for what’s in store. Step out of the boat and throw yourself fully in. Go on – #IDAREYOU! With love The Student Team


21 Days 21 Dares Days 1 – 8: ME & GOD 1. Dare to Create a Spiritual Heartbeat 2. Dare to Arm Yourself 3. Dare to Know Forgiveness 4. Dare to Know What God Thinks of You 5. Dare to Remember 6. Dare to Be Vulnerable 7. Dare to Be Family 8. Dare to Disciple Days 9 – 21: ME & THE WORLD 9. Dare to Meet 10. Dare to Pray Adventurously 11. Dare to Journey Together 12. Dare to Share 13. Dare to Give Generously 14. Dare to Love Extravagantly 15. Dare to Serve 16. Dare to Create Community 17. Dare to Speak Blessing 18. Dare to Tell 19. Dare to Do Wonders 20. Dare to Stand 21. Dare to Finish Well


Part One: Me and God We have broken up the dares into two parts; ‘Me and God’ and ‘Me and The World’. Journeys often happen in stages and battles don’t begin with fighting. It is important to realise that preparation is needed. Normally we want to jump straight in to the bits that give us the best thrills, however, if you’re heading off on a long journey in the Amazon with just hairspray, you might have nice hair but without any food, water or place to sleep – you’ll be pretty stumped. Therefore, this section is all about preparation. If you think it’s going to be easy, by jove you’re in for a surprise but also a treat! This is all about removing the hindrances in our life and focusing on Jesus. “Lord build revival, but start in me”.



The Dare Each day we have a routine, whether it’s as simple as shower before breakfast, or breakfast before shower, we have routines. We can be creatures of habit. Routines can be a bad thing, but also a good thing. It is healthy to create a regular spiritual routine. In Matthew 6, Jesus talks about prayer, fasting and giving as if it is a given that they’re a natural part of our lives; “when you pray”, “when you fast”, “when you give”. These spiritual practices are meant to be part of the heartbeat of our devotion to the Father. So before we look on to what’s next, #IDAREYOU to create a healthy spiritual routine.

The Reading Matthew 6 The Action Look at your week. Come up with a rough timetable. When are you going to fast? When are you going to pray? When are you going to give? Make it as frequent as you can. And then let someone know so they can keep you accountable to it.



The Dare Scripture is a powerful resource. We hold dynamite in our hands - a message that can change the world. Members of the Persecuted Church who have no Bible weep when they receive one, or if they have to hide it out of fear of getting caught, travel for hours just to read what it contains. Yet I bet for most of us our Bibles sit on our bedside table and are picked up every other day when we have the time. Scripture isn’t a nice fairytale it is described as a sword. When we say yes to Jesus, we find ourselves on a battlefield, and one of the best weapons we have are the words contained in the Bible. As we journey through this resource it is most likely that attack will come and you’ll need to stand upon what you know God has told you by what has been revealed in scripture. So with this in mind, #IDAREYOU to delve into the scriptures, know them, wield them, and cling to them. The Readings Psalm 107:19-21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Action Today, find some ‘sword scriptures’ – particular promises of God that you can use to arm yourself. Write these up, stick them on your wall and then share them with people so we can stand together.


The Dare At the core of our relationship with God is one word that separates the true God from all other imitations: Grace. Grace is free, undeserved, unmerited favour; we have been given eternal life in place of the death we deserve. Yet so often we hesitate to accept this gift that God has given us. We wear each mistake made as though it were a badge to remind us of our shame and the forgiveness we cannot accept from ourselves or from God. God has promised in his word that forgiveness is ours if we ask for it. The ultimate sacrifice has been made. Father God paid the debt once and for all with the blood of his precious, perfect son: Jesus. In light of this, how we can continue to resist his forgiveness? Are our standards higher than his? Who made us the greater judge? It’s so important that we humble ourselves and submit to God’s grace; we are nowhere without it. So, go on, #IDAREYOU to know forgiveness. And let’s go one step more: God’s word states that if we are to allow grace over judgement for ourselves, we have to distribute that same grace to others. For us to be forgiven, we must forgive others. That’s the deal. So #IDAREYOU to forgive.

The Readings Luke 6:37, Ephesians 1:7 The Action Set aside some time with God this week and write out the grudges you’ve been harbouring against yourself. Then spend time soaking in his presence so you can receive his forgiveness and know his love for you. Now think about the people in your life who have hurt you and ask God to show you if you need to forgive anyone. Talk to God about each one, giving them to him and declaring him as the gracious Father that he is. Release them all into his hands. Give each person the same gift that was so freely given to you. Talk it through with someone older and wiser if you need to.



The Dare How often do we dare to ask God what he really thinks of us? In all honesty with all the baggage we carry through life… our past hurts, mistakes, regrets, immovable mountains… it’s easy to second guess the answer before we even give God a chance. In truth, we often expect his response to echo what we really think of ourselves. Countless times in the Bible we are described as children of God. We are his creation, his pride and joy. There is a deep security and confidence that comes from truly understanding this. Wherever you are right now put down whatever you are holding and close your eyes. Invite him to come and speak. Jesus knows you better than you even know yourself. He knows exactly what YOU his child need to hear today, right now. He has intimate and personal words of love and affirmation stored up in heavenly places we could only dream about here on earth. This should be our first port of call. Knowing how the father sees you will give you strength to do all that he asks of his beloved child, and deal with all that life throws at you. Jesus made this a priority in the wilderness and in the garden, he gave space to meet the father one on one. There is power in our patience. It’s time to unlock that, it’s time to press in and spend some time with your heavenly Dad, He has SO much for you. Invite him in, the response you get will surprise you I’m sure… go on #IDAREYOU. The Reading Psalm 37:7, Romans 8:15-17 The Action If sitting on your own listening to God for these words of love feels daunting, then why not ask a couple of friends doing #IDAREYOU to pray with you and listen to God with you?



The Dare We are often fickle and forgetful people. God does something amazing for us and the next week we are already moaning about the next thing. But the Bible asks us to do it differently. Throughout the Old Testament people in the Bible built altars to remember God’s works. The Bible also includes examples of people forgetting The Lord and trusting in their own strength instead. These stories never end prettily and there is a very clear call throughout the Bible to remember the things God has done and promised. So how does this look for us today? Well this dare won’t be building altars. But we should take the time to remember exactly what God has done in our lives. Go on #IDAREYOU The Reading Deuteronomy 7: 17-19, 1 Chronicles 16:12. The Action Grab a piece of paper. Draw a line on it and start mapping out a timeline of your life. Where are the places that God has intervened? How did he speak to you in those times? Write down the times when you have felt far from God. Often this exercise brings to light ways that God has worked in your life without you even knowing it. Put in place a space where you can continue these memories. Keep a file on your laptop or a notebook somewhere where you can write down the miracles God performs in your life and the ways God has spoken to you.


The Dare If you are anything like me, you will have winced just a little bit when you read ‘vulnerable’. Sure, on a good day sharing secrets and building friendships sounds like a breeze, but on a bad day we can be frightened by the prospect of exposure and broken trust. We can fool ourselves into thinking that we don’t need to be vulnerable with people as long as we are vulnerable with God, or even sometimes doing away with both. As followers of Jesus we must be committed to doing just that: following him and his example. Jesus was an open book. Not only did he walk closely with his Father, sharing his most brutal questions in anguish, ‘Why have you forsaken me?’, but he also invited others to see him at his highs and his lows. His disciples watched him as he preached and healed, yet also when he died a bitter and humiliating death on the cross. Are we so precious about our reputation that we are reluctant to share our weakness with others? Do we present only the good and shun the bad and the ugly from others sight? Are we well rehearsed at giving shallow answers when people ask us how we are? If we are to be people who build community and live lives that point people to the Gospel, then we must be prepared to take a leap and choose to be vulnerable. Go on - #IDAREYOU The Reading Proverbs 28:13, Matthew 27:46 The Action The challenge today is in 2 parts. 1) Set aside time with God this week in which you decide to share with him the most shameful of secrets, the most painful memories, the most offensive question, even if that seems entirely out of line. 2) Once you’ve begun to face up to what is really going on and letting God into that, you can allow others to see. When people ask you how you are, TELL THEM. Practise genuine responses this week beyond the usual, ‘fine, thank you.’ Don’t tell every single person you’re life story but be real, to whatever degree that feels right with any given person.


The Dare In the days of the Early Church, the notion of family was more than just blood ties, it was a social metaphor used to describe the deep love which people had for one another, a love that went deeper than a superficial ‘how are you?’ on a Sunday. This was a group of people that lived together, and for some of them, died together. However, in the contemporary Western church we sometimes exchange a heartfelt conviction for a token mention. We have lost a feeling of family amongst us. Maybe it’s because we’re worried we’ll become ‘too Christianised’ or we simply just ‘don’t like Christians’. The Biblical picture though is inescapable – as part of following Jesus we have said yes to joining the family. That doesn’t mean we have to get on all the time, or that there won’t be disagreements, but we agree to love each other with a deep love that surpasses the normal daily emotions. After all, we’re in this together. So today turn your eyes to each other and welcome the family. Go on - #IDAREYOU The Reading Acts 4:32-37, Philippians 1:1-11

The Action Sometimes we can be part of such a big church family that we don’t get to meet people. Sometimes members of our church can feel isolated or excluded. Today, push yourself to extend the welcome to a member of the family of Christ you don’t know that well, or that seems on the periphery. Don’t just text your friends - use this as an opportunity to be inclusive and be family to one another.



The Dare Where does your worth come from? To what or whom do you devote the best of your time and energy? Our culture is full of disciples who do not realise what they are doing. We idolise people and things and believe if we could just have what “that” person has, or possess that thing then we would be fulfilled. However, this never lasts. True fulfilment comes only in the person of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is not about being like your friends or a celebrity, it’s about becoming more like God. We become disciples of the things we seek most. The first disciples were just like you and me - flawed. However it was by spending time with Jesus, getting to know the Father’s call and enjoying the company of the Holy Spirit that their hearts slowly changed. Jesus saw the potential in each one of them, even whilst they were still far off looking anything like a disciple – just look at Paul! Paul then does the same with Timothy, he adopts him as a spiritual son, giving him the opportunity to step up and grow rather than keeping his “ministry” to himself. Discipleship is about sharing with others what God has shared with you. Who can you come alongside and disciple in your life? You don’t need to be sorted, just willing and obedient. Who can you encourage and point towards Jesus today? Have a quick pray - I bet God has someone already in mind… go on, #IDAREYOU! The Reading Proverbs 27:17, Philippians 2:1-3 The Action Ask God to reveal someone that you could disciple. Or, if you are struggling to think of someone, have a chat with someone who knows you and your friends and talk about who you could point towards Jesus. Today, treat someone to coffee or a drink, or perhaps even make them dinner? Food is a great way of facilitating discipleship and getting rid of any awkwardness… just remember that it’s not a first date.


Part Two: Me and the World We now turn to those around us. We look with hearts transformed. When Peter stepped out of the boat, when he did something daring, he found that he could only do it by looking at Jesus. The moment he stopped doing that however, is the moment he began to sink. We have spent the past 8 days gazing at our saviour and looking to each other to dare each other to step up to our calling. As we move on to look outwards to ‘do daring things’ let us not forget the lessons we have already learnt. Let’s keep doing them. Let us, together, press on towards the goal.



The Dare Imagine this: walking down the street your footsteps are being watched, your phone is tapped and mail seems to have been tampered with when it arrives at your house. You are constantly on edge. Never is there a moment, awake or asleep, where you feel completely safe. Your ‘crime’: you follow Jesus. Your simple declaration of faith in Jesus has distanced family members, out casted you from your friendship group and has left neighbours staring. For many of our worldwide family this is a daily reality. However, they have counted up the cost to follow Jesus and declared that he is worth it over and above whatever life throws at them. We can learn so much from our persecuted family that can help us deal with our apathy and sometimes lukewarm faith. We share the same faith in Jesus, but not the same freedom to worship him. We are free to speak of and worship Jesus without fear of imprisonment or even death. We are free to meet and free to be. Be thankful for your freedom to follow Jesus. Today let’s look at the world through their eyes. Today #IDAREYOU to meet.

The Readings 1 Corinthians 12 (v26-27), Hebrews 13:3 The Action Today be thankful for the freedom that you have. Come to the Secret Church meeting. These details will be organised and sent out later. You must follow them to the dot.


The Dare “Our prayers go where we cannot”. Those are the words of a Christian called Brother Andrew who had seen many signs and wonders, many great works of faith. Our prayers can enter the heavenly realms because of the great high priest who petitions the Father on our behalf – Jesus Christ. In fact we are told that because of this fact we can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence. We can pray courageously because of the cross. It is by, and through, that same cross that the power of salvation has been released. That means that when we come before God, we can ask for the things that scare us but that we know are in his will – actively seeking Him to interrupt our days and actively looking for how he is doing that. As we begin to challenge ourselves to act in our world, let us draw near to the throne of grace and pray boldly for our colleagues, our course mates and our friends. Pray adventurous prayers! God’s resources are boundless and he wants those around you to enter into a relationship with Him. So today #IDAREYOU to pray adventurously. The Readings Acts 4:23-31, Romans 12: 11-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22, Hebrews 4:14-16 The Action Today, pray that you will do something that normally scares you, for example try asking God for deep conversations about Jesus with your friends or maybe offer to pray for a stranger. Pray those adventurous prayers. Then tell others what you are praying for so people can celebrate together when it is answered!



The Dare Some say life is a journey. Sometimes it’s pretty easy going, steady terrain, mild weather conditions; sometimes it’s pretty hard, with mountains to climb and the wind beating against us. Journeys are much better when they’re shared – when you have a travelling companion or two. Paul writes that we are called to share our lives as well as the Gospel. If we don’t share part of ourselves as well as the Good News, our message seems forced and void of relationship. Our lives should be accessible. I don’t mean that we need to tell everyone our darkest secrets, however we do need to let them journey with us. It might be an inconvenience at times, having your door always open, inviting them to do tasks with you which means they might take twice as long. From the mundane to the dramas of life, from the valleys to the mountain top experiences – #IDAREYOU to journey together.

The Reading 1 Thessalonians 2:8 The Action Look through your day. With at least one task today make sure you bring people along with you. Whether this is going for a coffee or doing the food shopping - gather people and journey together.



The Dare We all have a story. Each and every one of us has come from somewhere and is on our way to somewhere else. Our story is unique and beautiful, and we can all point to clear moments where God has intervened and taught us lessons. Stories are meant to be told. Our own personal testimonies are no different. Stories from the Bible teach and encourage us and we can teach and encourage others by sharing our experiences. In Acts 26, Paul uses his story to proclaim the differences Jesus made in his life. But he also intertwines his personal story with the Gospel message: that everyone can be saved. So today, share your story of God’s faithfulness. Go on #IDAREYOU The Reading Acts 26 The Action Take some time out to think about your story. When were the pivotal moments that God intervened and changed something inside you? Write these down and think about how they relate to the bigger picture. Write out all of this on one side of paper. Go back over this and underline any “buzz” words (words that may look alien to a non-Christian) and change the sentences to simpler vocabulary that anyone could understand. You now have your basic testimony... Now you just have to find someone to share it with...


The Dare Now before we begin, I just want to clarify that generosity is not merely of monetary value. Of course the challenge to be generous does cover our finances. But it also includes our time, our skills and our energy. Throughout the Bible God reminds us of the poor and the needy, revealing his heart for those who are helpless and His desire for His bride, the church, to step up and be his hands and feet to them. We are so good at excusing ourselves out of this, whether those excuses are because we’re students and have tight budgets or whether our time constraints don’t allow for others. It’s within these excuses that we find the sense of entitlement that’s so embedded in our culture. Wouldn’t our attitude change dramatically if it wasn’t our time, our money, our skills, but God’s? Wasn’t it God who breathed life into us, rescued us and provided for us in the first place? Out of the overflow of grace and mercy shown to us by our heavenly father we are called to not just preach the Good News but to live out the Good News in the day to day, loving people with the same lavish expression which God bestows on us so relentlessly. Be reckless in how you bless God’s children, and do it with a heart of joy and gratitude. #IDAREYOU to give generously. The Readings Deuteronomy 15:11, Proverbs 19:17, Matthew 25:32-40 The Action Look at your circumstance with open eyes and make note of the ways in which you can make generosity a part of your daily life. Budget for spontaneous acts of financial blessing. Book a regular slot in your diary where you can pray for those in need or meet up with that difficult person who no one has time for. Take the thing you are gifted in and use it to make someone else’s day.


The Dare Love is the broadest and most revolutionary theme that runs through the Bible. God’s primary motivation throughout mankind’s existence has always been centred on love. Love is powerful and can accomplish the most impossible of tasks! Jesus is the ultimate expression of love. In His life and in His death He gave us the best example of how impacting extravagant love can be. Love is spoken about so much in church circles that it can easily become a well discussed but poorly executed action. Rather than becoming an everyday practical expression we can become paralysed by the size of the task that lies before us. However, what we see in Jesus is a love that encompassed every aspect, every experience and every encounter that he faced. Love marked Jesus’s life in a very physical way through the scars of the cross. In a similar way love should mark our lives in an undeniable and obvious way. Now this may seem like a great deal of pressure. How am I meant to live up to such high standards? How can I love that person that just annoys me or hurts me repeatedly? It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to love (Rom 5:5). The spirit transforms our minds (Rom 12:2) to a new way of thinking, to a new way of loving. It is never through our own strength, but through the realisation that we love because He first loved us. Jesus loved people extravagantly by meeting them in their desperation. Lepers, beggars, prostitutes, marginalised men and women were loved in exactly the way they needed. Today #IDAREYOU to love extravagantly. How this looks is completely unique to God and you. The challenge is to integrate this loving intention into your day, into your experiences, your conversations and even your thoughts. May I encourage you to start in prayer, consider the unending extravagant love that your Father has for you. Ask the spirit to enable you to love someone or a group of people extravagantly today. The Reading Matthew 22:37-40, Matthew 25:40, 1 Corinthians 13 The Action Is there anyone you know that needs God’s love in a practical way today? Jot down some names on some paper. Pray for them and then show them love, whether it be creating time for them, listening to them or simply doing something for them.


The Dare When the disciples were having their last meal with Jesus, the last thing they expected was to have him wash their feet. The King of the universe demonstrated one of the lowliest tasks in an act of love. If we are to do what Jesus did, this means we have to look past ourselves and to those around us. We are to be the people to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, stand with the broken. This isn’t something we should look at lightly either. In fact, Jesus gives us very stark words in Matthew, saying that to not serve is to deny part of our calling. It is not so much as who we can serve either, but rather when. We should look eagerly to serve, actively seeking opportunities throughout our day. Not only should we serve those who physically need food and clothing but also those around us: our friends, course mates, housemates etc. We don’t know people’s needs. The hungriest person in your sphere might be someone close to you who hungers for more than food. So let service be something that flows naturally, as when we serve, we show Christ, and that simple act of service might just be the one thing someone needs. So today #IDAREYOU to serve. The Reading Matthew 25:31-46 The Dare Today make a conscious effort to serve – and think BIG! ‘Go hard or go home.’ Have you met your neighbours? Course mates? If not, now would be a good time to ask what they need. See the need and then fill it, and then share what you have done to spur one another on to go bigger.


The Dare In today’s world we can go days without having to see or interact with another person. With social media & mobile phones, we no longer have to visit friends to see what they have been up to, and online shopping means we don’t even need to go to the local shop for our milk. But we were created for community and are called to live our faith in and with a community. Isolation and independence are a contradiction to Christianity. In community we are to make Christ real. Love is to be the characteristic of the Christian community. Jesus was the perfect example of creating community. He didn’t just call one disciple – he called a group of disciples. He developed a personal relationship with each of them, but he also worked with them as a group. He discipled them in the context of community. He taught them together, he prayed with them together, they ate together. He developed them as individuals by forming them into a team. Their mission? To make Jesus known on the earth. The point? Community and mission are not separate; in fact they are essential together – you would find it exceedingly difficult to do one well without the other. Without a missional focus, Christian community equates to a ‘holy huddle’ - an inward looking clique. Without a community focus, mission becomes harder and less effective. We can create this community of love and grace and bring it to a world which seems completely outside of community. So today #IDAREYOU to bring community where there is not. The Reading Matthew 18:20, Hebrews 10:24-25 The Action Intentionally create a community – you and another Christian friend host a group of people (course mates etc) for dinner, organise a bowling trip or another social gathering. Do it with the intention of regularity.


The Dare Words like “bless” and “blessing” occur over 400 times in the Bible. On top of that, there are many places where God’s blessings are being described where these words are not actually used. It is true to say that blessing is one of the great themes of scripture. God’s purpose is that His people should be the means of bringing blessing to the world; that, as we receive his blessings into our lives, those blessings should touch others. But “bless” is a word that we often use without really thinking what it means. If I sneeze, the chances are someone will say, “Bless you!”. At the end of a service in church, we will probably hear “the blessing”. But what do we mean? Blessing is a statement of good will and happiness said to another person. Throughout the Bible, God pours out His blessing, on Abraham, Joseph, Moses, the list can go on. But guess what? God never intends his blessings to stop with the recipients. It is a scriptural principle that those who freely receive should also freely give (Matthew 10:8). Whatever blessing we receive, we are commanded and empowered, to bless others. This has obvious implications for us. Whether it is in our university, or in our home, or with our wider families, the clubs and classes we attend – wherever it is, if we are keeping a walk with God and enjoying his blessings, then we need to be looking for ways in which we can bring blessing to others, and making an effort to do so. So today speak blessing to others go on, #IDAREYOU.


The Reading 2 Corinthians 9:11 The Action We’ve all heard of ‘random acts of kindness’, so the action is ‘random acts of blessing’. Ask God for a word of encouragement or blessing for a complete stranger.


The Dare Chrissy was on a week-long retreat with her work colleagues for a training event. After the training in the day, some of the work colleagues would sit and chat at the bar. There was one woman in particular that Chrissy would sit and chat with who she felt a prompting to share the Gospel with. The time came and went and Chrissy, like many of us do, backed out of speaking about Jesus. However, two weeks after the training event the woman died suddenly from a heart attack. The opportunity to talk about Jesus had slipped away indefinitely. We have all backed out of conversations about Jesus, whether it is from fear of rejection or not knowing the answers to people’s questions, I bet everyone reading this has chickened out at some point. But life is frail those around us won’t always be here. There must be a sense of urgency to our mission, not apathy. Fear shouldn’t be a motivation for sharing the Gospel though - it should be love. Love for Christ and love for those around us, so much so that we cannot help but tell them. It is a disservice to those around us not to share such good news. And it is good news, the best in fact. So today #IDAREYOU to tell of the one who first loved you, the King of the universe who hung on a cross to save you, the one who has set you free - Jesus. The Readings Acts 4:13-22, Acts 5:40-42 The Action Who are you telling about Jesus? If there is no-one then ask God to bring someone into your life. Today, tell someone the Gospel.


The Dare Jesus demonstrated the good news of the Kingdom with signs and wonders. He has called and empowered us to do the same - heal the sick and mend the broken hearted. We do this through the power of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to minister in Kingdom power on a regular basis. Being “naturally supernatural” combines God’s power with our ordinary lives. It should become a normal part of our daily walk as we respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Signs and wonders are meant to be a regular occurrence for us – not so that we have cool stories to tell but so that we can point people to the author of the stories. We should be turning our ears to the Father and hearing what He wants to do through us. So today, #IDAREYOU to do wonders – to use God’s resources to allow the Kingdom to break in. The Reading Matthew 10:5-15, Mark 16:17-20, Luke 10:1-12, 10:17-20 The Action This morning pray and ask the Lord to prompt you to pray for someone. Ask if there is anyone in particular you should pray for. It might be a stranger – so be open to Him giving you distinguishable features, clothing or a place to look out for. Then, go and pray for that person.


Dare In the 1780s, a politician called William Wilberforce made a radical decision to spend his life working towards the abolition of the slave trade. His change of heart was sparked by his conversion to Christianity, and the rest of his life was shaped by his fight for the freedom of others. There are things in the world today that aren’t right. We all know them. And they are difficult to stomach, or even to acknowledge most of the time. It’s horrible to think about it, so we often try to ignore the things that make us uncomfortable. We do it with everything: ignoring that difficult essay that needs to be written, putting off replying to that awkward text… But with matters of justice, we - as followers of Jesus - are called not to simply ignore difficult situations, but to stand up against them. “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” - William Wilberforce. What has God been putting on your heart? Does modern day slavery tug at your heart? Does homelessness stir up anger inside? Do poor factory conditions make you want to change something? Whatever it is, we are all called to make a difference in this world. No matter how small it may seem to us, God has a huge plan that we are all a part of. He knows how many people across the world are passionate about the same things as you and He will lead you all into action at the same time. The Reading Proverbs 31:8-9, Isaiah 1:17 The Action Sign up to the ‘IF Campaign’ and tell people about it. http://enoughfoodif.org Have a look at the website and see the change that it is making right now. Then tell people about it! Your online voice is powerful- tweets and posts make people think. Consider using them to stir up support for the movement. Pray while you read the news. Find something that moves you and pray about how you can get involved. And do some research. We are called to stand for something. Make sure you do! Keep up to date with the things that you are passionate about. Keep your eyes open to issues around you and prayerfully think about how you can make a difference.



The Dare We are told to run to win! But running to win takes a lot of effort. T. Alan Armstrong writes: “Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character.” We have victory in Jesus, that is true, but are we going to run to win? Are we setting ourselves up to finish this race at all? At the end of your life, would you look back and say you have finished well? You have made it to DAY 21 and if you have managed to complete all the dares then it has been quite a feat. However, it doesn’t stop now. These past 20 days have been for you to equip and train yourself to have a champion character. There are many dares left to explore, and part of the ongoing adventure for all of us is discovering what they are. Today think and plan about how you are going to use what you have learnt over these past few weeks? How are you going to make them into regular occurrences in your day? Don’t forget – run to win. The Reading 1 Corinthians 9:24-26, 1 Timothy 6:11-16 The Action Today, look over what you have done. How are you going to train yourself to finish well? Write a record of all that the Lord has told you and pray about how you can go on in the future. Make sure you get someone to keep you accountable to your plans and challenge and spur one another on to complete them. Go on – #IDAREYOU.

Thank you for taking part in this #IDAREYOU challenge. We encourage you to carry on living your life in a DARING way.

21 Days 21 Dares


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