It's Happening Summer 2014

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It’s Happening

Summer 2014














Healing on the Streets


Cells and community



Trustee talk

welcome Hello everyone and welcome to the summer edition of It’s Happening. It’s always lovely to look forward in this edition to the summer ahead which happily is forecast to be long and warm this year!

Our students have been stepping out with exciting new initiatives. Their project #I Dare You has been met with great enthusiasm both in our church and beyond. Read about it on page 7.

We’re excited that God’s at work in so many areas of church life and this magazine is designed to give you a flavour of the many different things that are happening across the different areas of our community.

We are so proud of the numerous ways in which so many of you continue to serve the needs of our city. Inside you will find articles about City Pastors (p10), Healing on the Streets (p11) and some new developments with Food Bank (p16).

The Vineyard is a church that is growing in numbers and we also want to grow practically and spiritually, so that we can do life well. This is why we are launching the first of our Training Months. Check out pages 12 - 13 to see how you can sign up for exciting courses throughout the month of June. These courses will be great for anyone to come along to, as will many of the events that you can find on pages 18 and 19.

Our youth are heading out on 2 different camping adventures this summer. Find out how to pray for them on p9. Looking forward to a great term ahead.

Andrew & Rosie

Andrew & Rosie McNeil and Simon & Keely Bateson [Senior Leadership Team]




find out more We aim to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and find their way in at their own pace. Our desire is that everyone can experience God’s life and love and find a place to belong. Our Welcome Dinners are a great opportunity for anyone new, or relatively new to the Vineyard, to ask your questions and hear more about the church. The evening is hosted by Andrew and Rosie and Simon and Keely, and is an ideal way to get connected, meet other new people and find out more about who we are and the sort of church that we’re trying to build here in Birmingham. First, come and introduce yourself at the welcome desk at the end of any one of our services. Second, fill in a connect form on an ipad at the welcome desk or by following this link:

Third, come along. You’ll receive an email invitation with details of the next Welcome Dinner. These usually happen in Andrew & Rosie’s home.

informal y r e v is r e n in A welcome d introducing f o y a w r u o - it is simply urch you to our ch osie

Andrew & R


baptism Baptism has been described as ‘an outward sign of an inward faith’. When we choose to get baptised we show people what they cannot see; that our faith is in Jesus Christ.

The next baptism service is on Sunday 29 June p6

Baptism basically involves two things:telling your story and getting completely wet! The submersion in the water is a symbol of the inner change that has taken place in our lives through following Jesus. In baptism we identify with Jesus in His three great acts that secured our salvation - His death, burial and resurrection. Going into and out of the water symbolically demonstrates these things. We encourage everyone who wants to get baptised to share some of how Jesus has changed their lives. People love listening to personal stories and there is nothing as special as hearing how God has wonderfully worked in someone’s life. Telling our story helps to encourage others and show that God is personal and works uniquely in every individual. If you want to get baptised chat to your cell group leader. They will help you prepare and get the most out of this fantastic occasion.

Discovery Zone is the children’s ministry at Vineyard Network Church. As a church family we believe that children are the church of today as well as the church of tomorrow and are immensely important to us. The vision of Discovery Zone is: Putting Jesus first (Point up) Getting to know God better together (Thumbs up) Showing our friends how to live God’s way (Open hands) Living a life full of God’s power (Jazz hands) The 4-11s have age related groups at all 3 of our services and there are groups for the under 4s at both morning services. In the morning there are four different age groups and in the evening there is one group for those of Primary School age. In Discovery Zone we want to partner with parents to raise a generation that doesn’t just know about God. We want kids to have a personal relationship with Jesus and talk to him about everything and anything. We are very aware that parents and carers have the privilege and responsibility of raising their children in such a way, that they will actively follow Jesus. We want to partner with parents in encouraging this to happen however we can. Therefore, we commit to: • Pray for parents and their children • Practically follow the vision of Discovery Zone • Personally treat the children as individuals and learn about their needs, desires and gifts • Praise God and the children

Last term we bought bible reading notes for all the 4-11 year olds to help parents disciple their children. It’s been really exciting to hear about all they are learning and how much they are enjoying this resource. Our prayer is that every child chooses to follow Jesus and that they never turn back on that decision. We ask parents to: • Pray for us • Practically find out what has happened for your child(ren) in Discovery Zone • Personally let us know the ups and downs of your children’s lives • Praise God for the blessing your children are There is an African proverb that says “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” As a church we are that village, so together, let’s all partner with the parents to raise the next generation. Do join us in praying!


Youth cell happens twice a month during our Sunday night service and once a month on a Friday night. There are also groups for our younger youth during week 2 and 3 on a Sunday morning. Being a young person has many challenges and today’s culture tells us that life is all about us. Our vision reflects our desire for the youth to be counter cultural. The answer to all our problems isn’t found in searching the depths of ourselves but in looking up to Jesus and looking out and serving our world. We are thrilled that this is the way that many of our young people are choosing to live.

Network Youth is our vibrant youth group for those of secondary school age. The youth are a vital part of our church family and you’ll see them involved in worship, Discovery Zone, hospitality, PA, media and many other areas of church life. Our vision for the youth is: Micah 6:8: Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with our God Looking Up: 100% reliance and devotion to God Looking Out: Making a difference in the world


Often you hear people complaining about young people but we love the fact that this is not the culture in our church. Our young people are championed by many of you and we are so grateful for that. The plan for this term: »» Sunday mornings: “Horrible Histories” – Looking at some of the more gruesome Old Testament stories and how God can be found in them. »» Years 7&8 youth cell – Looking at the importance of our personal relationship with God and how the bible can help us in that. »» Years 9&10 and 11+ youth cell - We will be continuing our series ‘Freedom in Christ.’ This term we have two camping trips. We are taking some of the young people to the Vineyard youth camp in Lincoln, Dreaming The Impossible, from 23-26 May and some of our older youth are going to Soul Survivor A in Stafford from 25-29 July. We are really excited to be able to camp, hang out and meet with God together and look forward to sharing stories with you about all that He does.

students The students have had a whirlwind couple of months; our student weekend away, the #IDAREYOU resource and 3 whole sets of CU mission weeks.

Urban Camp Urban camp is our student weekend in. This year we had around 40 students over the duration of the weekend. Some braved staying on the floor, whilst others opted for their own bed and a shower. Regardless of sleeping arrangements it is safe to say that God definitely showed up! We were looking at how to live a life worthy of the call that we have in Christ, knowing that when we said yes to the Gospel, we were ultimately saying yes to more than filling a seat on a Sunday. The weekend consisted of talks, worship, food, practical application, and some time to give people space to meet with God for themselves.

#IDAREYOU Over the weekend, we launched our #IDAREYOU resource. This was an invitation to go on a journey, beginning from a place of intimacy with the Father and from that place, leading us out into

the world. It lasted 21 days, and the purpose was that we did it together, not alone, progressing forward as a collective community. The response was great and the students had some fantastic conversations and hopefully began to journey to real depths with Jesus. Now that part of the journey has come to an end for us, but looking forward I am very excited about where the Lord will take us next! Christian Union Mission weeks 3 out of 6 Universities in the city have had Christian Union (CU) events weeks. These are times where the members of the CU reach out to their campuses and their friends. In the three Universities collectively, over 2500 people have heard the Gospel, and some have given their lives to Jesus. It all goes to show that God is moving on a massive scale across the student world, and I cannot wait to see how we can partner with Him in the next steps of what He is doing.

James Lee Pickin



city pastors A friendly face, a listening ear and a caring heart City Pastors is celebrating it’s three year anniversary in May. Since our initial launch in 2011, the project has gone from strength to strength. We have trained seven generations of pastors and invested over 6000 hours into the Broad Street and Southside district. During that time we’ve helped hundreds of people get home safely and removed thousands of disgarded bottles and glasses from the street.

December 2013 - Part of the Temporary Minor Injuries Partnership with the West Midlands Ambulance Service, the Red Cross and West Midlands Police. The Birmingham Post recently wrote this article about City Pastors:“Vistors to the Southside business district are being offered support and assistance by a team of helpers working to keep the area’s streets safe and welcoming. The City Pastors, who first began patrolling Southside last December alongside the district’s street wardens, have been well received by the public by offering advice and support to Saturday night visitors and party-goers. Set up by local churches in Birmingham, the scheme is run by volunteers who give up their time to assit anyone who might need help with anything from directions to getting

a taxi home. Julia Chance, Southside BID manager, said: “The hours of effort that the City Pastors have invested into supporting South side’s night-time economy has created an increasingly secure and welcoming environment” If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to citypastors@ and we’ll send you a link to our online application form. If you just want a chat to find out more, catch me on a Sunday and I’ll be happy to share a few stories.

Simon Bateson on behalf of City Pastors Steering Team

City Pastors is a project involving volunteers from local churches working together with other night time services to ensure everyone who visits Broad Street or Southside encounters a safe vibrant environment. p10

healing on the streets

“ But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (Romans 10: 14-15) Our lovely city of Birmingham is filled with lost, hurting and broken people, who have yet to know that there is a God who is steadfastly pursuing them with His love….. And how does He choose to show them this love? Through ordinary individuals who love Jesus and have a heart for the lost. On the third Saturday of every month a group of Christians from various churches in the Birmingham area meet outside St Philips Cathedral @ Pigeon Park in the city centre, to create a space and opportunity for individuals to meet the love of Jesus. As a team, we offer to pray for people who pass through the park area and we are continually amazed at the way He lovingly draws individuals to himself. For many, this is the first time they have encountered Jesus as a reality. We recently prayed with ‘R’, who was brought along by his daughter ‘A’, who has gradually been befriended by the team over the past 4/5 years we have been offering healing prayer in the park. He was experiencing a lot of pain in his lower back. He also complained that he had one leg

slightly longer than the other and, as we prayed, the hips realigned and the legs became the same length. However, more importantly than this, ‘R’ was then able to move around and bend with no pain! We have also prayed with ‘J’, who had pain in her arms, especially her right arm. After prayer, she was able to raise her right arm high above her head, with no pain!! These are just two stories of the exciting stuff Jesus does when we step out and offer to pray for people. However more important than the healing stories, our vision is that as individuals on the streets encounter Jesus in this way, they will desire to surrender their lives to Him. This is the greatest miracle of all!! Fairly recently, a young man, who had been watching us for some time as we were praying with people, came across to talk to us. He was a ‘backslidden’ Christian who felt called to come back to Jesus. Members of the team were able to talk to and pray with him. This is the kind of thing we long to see more and more of. Ian Maxwell, who has been a faithful member of the team for many years, says: “I enjoy doing Healing on the Streets because it is great seeing people simply being blessed as they are prayed for.”

Sandra Eagle

Sandra Eagle: or Jackie Tearle:

p13 p11

training month June sees the start of an exciting new project in church - it’s the first of our new Training Months. During the month all small groups will be taking a break so that you can attend training courses on a range of subjects that there simply isn’t time to cover in depth on a Sunday. Below you will see the plan for the 4 weeks. There will be 6 courses running across the month, each of 2 weeks duration, and each course will be run twice. This will mean that you can access several courses over the course of the month should you want to. On each evening there will be one specific issue course and one more generic course so that there is always an option to suit everyone. The courses will aim to strengthen life skills and are perfect environments to invite friends to. There will be tea and coffee served from 7.30pm in G1 so that you can meet people who you might not otherwise see because they come to different services on a Sunday. At 8pm we will split into 2 different rooms and begin the teaching content. The courses will run from 8pm until 9.30 or 9.45pm. You can see the full course details on the back of this flyer.

Tues 3rd, 10th Anxiety1

Wed 4th, 11th Parenting1

Thurs 5th, 12th Money1




Tues 17th, 24th Parenting2 Relationships2

Wed 18th, 25th Money2 BigStory2

Thurs 19th, 26th Anxiety2 Questions2

To register text Vineyard and the name of the course e.g. Parenting1 or Money2 (with no space) and your name to 07786 202250. So it might look like this “Vineyard Strengths1 Jo Smith” p12

Money The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

Big Questions

God’s Big Story

Simon &Keely Bateson Mark & Stella Doggett Jamie & Helen Whitehouse Ann Wolf

Parenting 0-11 years

Joel Goodlet & Fred O’Loughlin

Handling Stress and Anxiety

Adam Pipe

Handling Relationships Well

We all have unique strengths and perspectives. Because we are wired differently we don’t always see eye to eye and we can find ourselves at odds with someone else. This course will give insight into the different ways we approach conflict and will help you appreciate and embrace differences in yourself and others. This will be a practical workshop considering the 21st century epidemic that is stress and anxiety. We will look at the physical effects of stress on our bodies, the way we are affected by the culture we live in and how our thinking patterns influence our bodies stress response. We will provide plenty of practical tools to help you tackle stress and anxiety on a day to day basis and how to practically manage the demands of everyday life. Are you a parent of a child/children 0-10 years? How do we bring up children in the 21st century when our lives our busier than ever and there is so much pressure to be a perfect parent? Come along and explore what God thinks about our children and about parenting, and how our family values influence our parenting. These will be practical sessions with time to ask questions.

Money is a God-given tool which none of us can live without but to handle money well we need to understand God’s money management plan. That includes understanding God’s Kingdom perspectives on money and budgeting and if my budget doesn’t balance, exploring what needs to change. Debt is a huge growing problem, as much in the church as outside. Shame and guilt can prevent us talking about it until our backs are against the wall, but as part of this course we will explore what to do if debt is at your door and also how to avoid it.

What do you say when your friend, your family member or your colleague asks you one of those big questions you dread trying to answer? In this track we’ll be looking at how to speak gospel truth with clarity, coherence and compassion. We’ll look at some introductory biblical pointers as well as giving space to capture and begin to address some of the key questions surrounding us in our every day lives. There will be space for practice and prayer as well as principles to take away. In this course we will look at the Big Story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Knowing The Big Story will help you make sense of the Bible and discover what part you have to play in the ongoing drama of salvation. This course will also equip you with skills to read and interpret the Bible. This course is not just for egg-heads, but is suitable for everyone from new believers to old timers! Come along and have your passion for God’s word reinvigorated.


cells & community On the 4th Sunday in each month we have Community Sunday. We don’t meet in one location but we gather in many spaces across our city (currently 9 communities across Birmingham). It’s all about building and extending community. We build community so everyone has a place to belong and can forge great friendships. We extend our community by inviting friends and neighbours to experience the life of our church. We do this through our cell groups coming together to host social events, community church with lunches, projects that serve others, family activities, prayer gatherings and many more expressions of God’s love in action. Community events are great to invite friends to and are a unique way to make a difference. Our vision is to touch every part of our city with new cell groups and cell communities.


we have cells that meet in all the following locations

Stirchley West Brom Halesowen

Solihull QuintonNorthfield Harborne


Perry Common


Selly Oak

Jewellery Quarter

Cotteridge Kings Norton Digbeth Moseley Bearwood Bournville Cell groups are core to our church vision as they help us live out what Jesus said. They are an ideal place to discover more of what it practically means to follow Jesus. Meals together, serving one another, growing in our faith and ‘being Christ’ to the people we meet all helps create a sense of community with a purpose. All of our groups have a slightly different flavour but the same values run through all of them:

We know that Jesus led by example in serving others and showing God’s love to the world. He is the one we follow as we learn to serve our friends and neighbours. All our cells are open and love to welcome new people. Feel free to call, e-mail or visit a group near to you. Alternatively ask our Sunday Welcome Team to introduce you to our cell leaders.

We want to live life with Jesus at the centre not the edge of our lives. Everyone needs a place to belong, a community within their wider community. We want to become everything God has destined us for, in work, relationships, and in all of life. That process of growth is central to our groups.




a bag

Pick up a bag from church and take it home with you. Choose from the following - Asian, Caribbean, Meal, Instant, Breakfast, Toiletries or Baby Bag.

fill a

bag Remove the shopping list on the front of the bag and use it as a guide when you shop. Please supply all the basic needs and choose one “optional extra” item. This can be done individually or as part of a group.

give a bag

Please return your filled bags to Network House where they will be checked and stored. The bags will then be distributed through our partner organisations and to individuals known to us at Vineyard Network Church.


Church office 0121 622 1230

Our Foodbank started in 2008 when a vision from one of our small groups to gather and distribute food effectively, became a reality. Fiona Harding has led the project from the beginning, designing the bags, raising up teams and inspiring our church family to get behind the vision. After serving for so many years Fiona is stepping down from this role. We are hugely grateful to her for all her hard work and dedication with Foodbank and all she has given to it. In this new season, it is great news to be welcoming Helen Pipe who is coming on board to lead the project. Helen is married to Adam and has 2 beautiful girls. They have been part of our church for 15 years and have served in many ways.

“I’m really excited about taking on this role. Foodbank is a great way to give to people in need in our city and I’m looking forward to seeing it grow. “ Helen Pipe We have given out over 4000 bags so far but the need is still great. We want to thank all of you for your continued support and encourage everyone to keep filling bags so that the ministry can expand.

sozo “Sozo was unlike any prayer I’d experienced before. Being guided through prayer sounded like an odd idea, but I found it really helped me get to the heart of why I struggled to accept God’s view of me that I’m His son who He has forgiven and loves very much. I experienced some of the clearest words from God I’ve ever had and strangely also found it really difficult to listen at other moments. It hasn’t totally fixed me, but it was a brilliant time with God. So I would encourage anyone thinking of having a Sozo appointment to do so.” Tom Densham p16

Church office 0121 622 1230

“It’s like coming home to a place where curtains are drawn back, shutters and windows thrown open & light and fresh air come pouring in. Dust sheets removed and shaken, fire lit, flowers on the table .” Anon

Our church has always been passionate about helping people on their journey towards wholeness. We want people to have life-transforming experiences that help them know more of God’s love and enable them to live life to the full, in healthy relationship with God and with one another. A Sozo appointment facilitates a time of listening and responding to God, aiming to get to the root of problems and issues that may hinder our relationship with Him and others. If you would like to book a Sozo appointment with one of our team, then please pick up our Application pack from the Information Wall or download the forms from the website. Keely Bateson


events All events are at Network House unless stated.

an evening of worship and prayer as we seek God’s presence and blessing for our city

Friday 9 May Friday 5 September 7.30-10pm

training month starting 3 June

For more details visit our website:

17.5.14 Roaring 20’s Murder mystery

Saturday 17 May TIckets £12 or table of 10 £100 book online:



Baptism and Dedication services Sunday 29 June Mornings: 9.30am 11.15am Evening: 5.30pm

Ragley Hall

Sunday 24 August 11am - 4pm

A fun, action-packed event for children aged 4-11

BRIGHT PARTY Friday 31 October

7.30 - 9.00pm

Starts October 2014 p19

Phil James

Mike McMaster

Hilary Dougall

Bill Dixon

trustee talk

Ian Rogers

Andrew McNeil

Vineyard Network Church Birmingham is a registered charity and so has a board of trustees that volunteer their time and wisdom to serve the church. If you have any questions about church governance you can contact them at any time.

number of people in church

Our trustees are:- Phil James, Hilary Dougall, Ian Rogers, Bill Dixon, Mike McMaster, Andrew McNeil


222 159 men


158 159 158

women children


people in church

East Birmingham & Solihull community

James & Kerry’s community Jamie & Helen’s community Northfield community


B76 9QH B23 5RH B71 1DA

3 cells group

Andrew & Rosie McNeil Tristan & Louise Mitchell

Solihull Yardley

B91 B26 1PR

2 cells group

Northfield Stirchley Bournville Kings Norton Kings Norton Kings Norton Moseley Selly Oak Stirchley

B31 5DP B30 2PH B30 1PA B30 1PB B30 1DB B30 1AP B13 9SB B29 4BU B30 2SA


James & Rachel Longmore Wishaw Sam & Hannah Miller Perry Common Colin & Ej and Mohinder West Brom

Steve & Jackie Philpott Chris, Alice & Suzie Jake Bateson & Kat Speirs Sue & Dewi Miles Mark & Louisa Skedgel Josh Stone & Lucy Mold Jamie & Helen Whitehouse James & Kerry Cullis Fred & Sally O’Loughlin



Bournville community

Paul & Joyce Matt & Jo Bullock Iain & Hilary Dougall

Halesowen B62 0HP Quinton B32 1DB Harborne B17 9LJ Joan Jennings & Sylvia Worton Halesowen B62

4 cells group


cell groups

North Birmingham community

Central community



Perry Common community

Andy & Elle Smith John & Barbara Wilkins Stuart & Anja Pawson

3 cells group

Edgbaston B16 9HR Digbeth B5 7EP Jewellery Quarter B3 1RD

9 cells group

21 cell groups p21


activities City Pastors is an initiative involving volunteers from local churches working in partnership with the Broad Street and Southside Business Improvement Districts to ensure that the city is a safe, vibrant environment for everyone who visits.

Simon Bateson

Every month a team of people go out onto the streets to show God’s love by praying for people who need healing. They meet outside St Phillip’s Cathedral and St Martins in the bullring Birmingham from 1-3.30pm.

Jackie Tearle Sandra Eagle

We aim to help young people find space to make friends, learn more about Jesus, serve the church and live the reality of the kingdom of God.

Zara Llewellyn

FOODBANK The focus of Sozo is to break the lies and heal the wounds in our lives. If you are in this church and in a cell group and would like a Sozo appointment then do pick up an information pack. Keely Bateson

Vineyard Bible Institue (VBI) is an accredited Bible study programme. Contact Adam Pipe for more details.

Foodbank reaches out to serve those in need by providing a bag of provisions in a time of crisis. Every bag has a card inside with a simple message from the church to express something of God’s love. Helen Pipe

Network Netball meets regularly on Monday evenings at Selly Park Technology College sports hall from 8pm. New players welcome.

Adam Pipe

Jo Bullock

Children’s ministry meeting during the morning and evening services: Sparks (0 - 2) Launch Pad (2 - 4) Rockets (4 - 7) Orbit (7 - 11)

Zara Llewellyn

Dalitso Trust works in partnership with rural villages in Malawi with its team based in Malingunde. Tom & Ali Husbands

Contact Addresses Pastors

Healing on the Streets Sozo

DZ / Youth




City Pastors

Netball Dalitso Trust

Vineyard Network Church

Sunday services 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sunday of every month: 9.30am 11.15am 5.30pm

Network House 174-178 Barford Street Birmingham B5 7EP0121 622 1230


get connected There are many ways you can connect with the church:Through Sundays: morning or evening services are a great way to experience the vibrancy of worship and ministry

Connect Events: if you are new and want to find out more, we hold regular welcome dinners – fill in a connect form and we’ll be in touch:

Through cells: the place to make friends and build community

Through communities: experience the synergy of cells working together to make a difference

Through facebook: join our facebook group vineyard network church birmingham

Through the web: download the latest Sunday talks and keep up to date Through e-bulletins: make sure we have your email on our database and you’ll receive a nice (short) reminder of key events

Follow us on twitter:

@VineyardBham Through It’s Happening: you are reading it! You can also read this magazine online on our website Through text-alerts: if you are on a Sunday serving team and we have your mobile number, you’ll get a nice text reminder to let you know when you are next on

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