
5 minute read
Dan ljudskih prava Human Rights Day Programme
Utorak / Tuesday, 17. august Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day
Uz podršku Ambasade Holandije / Supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands
12:00 – 14:00 // Cineplexx 5
Otvorenje programa Dan ljudskih prava / Programme Opening Human Rights Day
Projekcija filma / Screening of the Film COLECTIV / COLLECTIV, Alexander Nanau
14:10h – 15:10h // Cineplexx 5
Panel diskusija / Panel Discussion
Ljubazno Vas molimo da svoju ulaznicu nabavite u Box Office-u / Please secure your ticket at the Box Office
13. Dan ljudskih prava
Pod pokroviteljstvom Kraljevine Nizozemske, ove godine će se održati 13. izdanje Dana ljudskih prava u sklopu 27. Sarajevo Film Festivala. U okviru programa, u utorak, 17.08.2021. u multipleksu Cineplexx Sarajevo bit će održana projekcija filma COLECTIV u režiji Alexandera Nanaua, koja će poslužiti kao osnova za paneldiskusiju nakon projekcije filma. Panel-diskusija će staviti fokus na temu “Društvo i pojedinac – odgovornost koja nestaje?”, a moderator panela će biti Robert Zuber, novinar i reditelj. Film će biti dostupan i u verziji prilagođenoj slijepoj i slabovidnoj publici uz audio deskripciju na B/H/S jeziku koju je festival obezbijedio u saradnji sa udruženjem “Novis”.
Film COLLECTIVE Alexandera Nanaua – koji će publici Sarajevo Film Fest-ivala biti predstavljen u okviru programa Dan ljudskih prava – postavlja pitanje na koje je sve teže pronaći odgovor. U kojoj mjeri se društva odgovorno odnose prema pojedincima kao konstituentima zajednica, naročito u situacijama u kojima se, usljed korupcije ili odbacivanja odgovornosti onih koji imaju moć da ih zaštite, nekom pojedincu nanosi nepravda?
Slučaj predstavljen u Nanauovom filmu lako se može označiti kao jedna od onih stvari koje se dešavaju u zemljama Istočne Evrope s kratkom demokratskom tradicijom. Međutim, slični slučajevi mogu se pronaći i širom zapadnoevropskih demokratija u primjerima beskrupuloznog ponašanja bogatih i moćnih pojedinaca koji su spremni na sve kako bi ostvarili ličnu dobit. Život sam po sebi, u ovom slučaju izgubljen, postaje predmet matematičke kalkulacije kolateralne štete koja se, u poređenju s ličnim profitom, često smatra prihvatljivom. Dakle, u kojem tačno trenutku smo postali društvo sa globalnim problemima, u kojem je sudbina pojedinaca, kao i odgovornost za nepravdu koja im je nanesena, postala manje bitna? I da li je uopće moguće usredsrediti pažnju na sudbinu pojedinaca bez kojih društvena zajednica ne bi postojala?
13th Human Rights Day
E Under the auspices of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the 2021 Sarajevo Film Festival will organize its 13th consecutive Human Rights Day programme. The programme will include a screening on 17 August 2021 of Alexander Nanau’s COLLECTIVE. The screening at multiplex Cineplexx Sarajevo will be followed by a panel discussion centered on the topic ‘’Society and the individual - a perishing responsibility?’’. The discussion will be moderated by journalist and director Robert Zuber. The film will be accessible to visually impaired audience. Audio description in B/H/S will be provided in collaboration with Association “Novis”.
Presented to Sarajevo Film Festival audiences as part of this year’s Human Rights Day programme, Alexander Nanau’s COLLECTIVE raises an increasingly urgent question that remains unanswered: To what extent do societies as collectives in fact act responsibly towards the individuals who comprise them – particularly when it comes to forms of injustice or accident caused by non-action on the part of those who should be in control of such incidents, or as a result of their corrupt actions?
The case presented in Nanau’s film might easily be labelled as “one of those things” that happen in the new Eastern European democracies, with their few years of democratic tradition. Similar cases can be found, however, across the Western European democracies, in examples of the unscrupulous behaviour of the rich and powerful who stop at nothing in the quest for personal profit. In such cases, life becomes no more than a mathematical calculation of collateral damage in the pursuit of profit – and it would seem that, measured against profit levels, such “damage” is very often deemed acceptable. When did we become a society – indeed a global society with what has become a global problem – in which the fate of the individual has become so insignificant, and the responsibility for the injustice done to those individuals so diminished? And is it even possible to switch the focus back to the fate of individuals in a society that would not exist without them?
Robert Zuber
U požaru koji je 2015. godine izbio u bukureštanskom noćnom klubu Colectiv poginulo je 27, a povrijeđeno 180 osoba. Mnogi od povrijeđenih naknadno su umrli u bolnicama iako njihove povrede nisu bile opasne po život. Jedan doktor otkriva istinu timu istraživačkih novinara koji postepeno počnu razotkrivati široko rasprostranjenu korupciju u zdravstvu. Kada novi ministar zdravstva preuzme funkciju, on novinarima nudi neuobičajeno dobar pristup i uvid u vlastite napore da reformira korumpirani sistem i probleme s kojima se pri tome suočava. E In 2015, a fire at Bucharest’s Colectiv club leaves 27 dead and 180 injured. Soon, more burn victims begin dying in hospitals from wounds that were not life-threatening. Then a doctor blows the whistle to a team of investigative journalists. One revelation leads to another as the journalists start to uncover vast health care fraud. When a new health minister is appointed, he offers unprecedented access to his efforts to reform the corrupt system but also to the obstacles he faces. Following journalists, whistle-blowers, burn victims, and government officials, COLLECTIVE is an uncompromising look at the impact of investigative journalism at its best.
Colectiv / Collective
Romania, Luxembourg, 2019, Colour, 109 min, Romanian, English Režija / Director: Alexander Nanau Scenarij / Screenplay: Alexander Nanau, Antoaneta Opris
Film je prilagođen slijepoj i slabovidnoj publici. Audio deskripciju na B/H/S jeziku Sarajevo Film Festival je obezbijedio u saradnji sa udruženjem “Novis”. / The film is accessible to visually impaired audience. Audio description in B/H/S is provided in collaboration with Association “Novis”.


