17 minute read
Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film Competition Programme – Documentary Film
Hrvatska, 2005. Tvornicu alatnih strojeva zauzimaju njeni uposlenici i postavljaju jedini primjer uspjele radničke okupacije u postsocijalističkoj Evropi. Deceniju nakon tog prelomnog događaja, buntovni radnik koji je predvodio radničku okupaciju pokušava spriječiti gašenje proizvodnje u okupiranoj tvornici. Održavanje proizvodnje zavisi od spremnosti radnika da se žrtvuju kako bi zaštitili svoja radna mjesta od prijetnji bešćutne ekonomije. Reditelj Srđan Kovačević pet godina je dokumentovao lične priče radnika koji se bore da svoju nekada prestižnu tvornicu održe na životu. Pitanje da li slogan “tvornice radnicima” može zadržati aktuelnost ili se radi o čistoj utopiji ostaje otvoreno i čitavu deceniju nakon okupacije tvornice.
Tokom svoje prve misije u Afghanistanu, rumunski vojnik nailazi na ranjenu afghanistansku djevojčicu i njihovi se životi od tog trenutka prepliću. Film, zasnovan na istinitom događaju, na granici je između dokumentarnog i igranog žanra, a priča priču o vojniku pogođenom brutalnošću rata i djevojčici koja se zatekla na pogrešnom mjestu u pogrešno vrijeme. Reditelj u filmu kombinuje arhivske snimke najrecentnijeg oružanog sukoba u Afghanistanu sa video zapisima iz ličnog arhiva kako bi ispričao priču o okrutnosti rata i iz perspektive osvajača i iz perspektive civila zarobljenih u ratnim uslovima. E A Romanian soldier during his first mission in Afghanistan comes across a wounded Afghan girl and their lives become intertwined from that moment forward. This film, based on a true story, bordering between documentary and fiction, tells the story of a soldier struck by the brutality of war and that of a young girl who found herself in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The director combines archival footage from the most recent war in Afghanistan with videos from his personal archive, in a film about the cruelty of war from the perspective of both the invaders and that of the civilians trapped within.
Tvornice radnicima / Factory to The Workers
Croatia, 2021, Colour, 105 min, Croatian Režija / Director: Srđan Kovačević Scenarij / Screenplay: Srđan Kovačević
E Croatia, 2005. A machine tool plant is taken over by its workers. The incident becomes the only successful example of a factory occupation in post-socialist Europe. Ten years after this revolutionary turning point, the rebellious employee behind the occupation now strives to prevent a production shutdown. Sustainability depends on the sacrifices of the workers protecting their livelihood from the threats of a ruthless economy. For five years, director Srđan Kovačević follows the inside story of the people who struggle to keep the once prestigious factory running. A decade later, the question remains: can the slogan “Factory to the Workers” be kept alive, or is it just a utopian dream?
Isti san / The Same Dream
Romania, 2021, Black and white, 29 min, English, Romanian Režija / Director: Vlad Petri Scenarij / Screenplay: Vlad Petri
Mjesto u tišini na kojem je prošlost zarobila sadašnjost. Korak po korak, kolektivna bol preuzima pejzaž, prostor, grad. Na kraju, ulazi u nas. Srebrenica postaje stvarnost današnjice, i naša vlastita stvarnost. E A space in silence, where past has captured present. Taking over, layer by layer, collective pain enters the landscape, the space, the city. Eventually, it enters us. Srebrenica becomes a reality of today, and our own reality.
Disturbed Earth
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, North Macedonia, 2021, Colour, 71 min, Bosnian, English Režija / Director: Kumjana Novakova, Guillermo Carreras-Candi Scenarij / Screenplay: Kumjana Novakova
Grupa kućnih pomoćnica sa Filipina na Kipru se priprema za natjecanje u ljepoti u organizaciji njihove lokalne zajednice. Za organizatore i učesnice natjecanja to je prilika da se redovno okupljaju tokom svog jedinog neradnog dana u sedmici, redefinišu svoj položaj migrantskih radnica u kiparskom društvu i obnove vlastiti individualizam. U međuvremenu, policija traga za serijskim ubicom čija su meta strane radnice i njihove kćeri. Budući da se među žrtvama ubistva nalaze i četiri Filipinke, zajednica se okuplja da im odaju počast. E A group of Filipina domestic workers in Cyprus are getting ready for a beauty pageant organised by their local community. The organisers and participants use it as an opportunity to gather once a week – on their only day off – as well as to redefine their position as migrant working women in Cypriot society and reclaim their individuality. Meanwhile, the unprecedented case of a serial killer who targets foreign female workers and their young daughters emerges. As four of the victims are Filipina, the community comes together to react to the crime and pay their respects to the victims.
Nedjeljom / Every Sunday
Cyprus, 2020, Colour, 24 min, English, Tagalog Režija / Director: Keti Papadema Scenarij / Screenplay: Keti Papadema
Ahmet je poslušni sin turskih imigranata, izdržljivi bokserski šampion i vjerni vojnik koji je posvetio život “služenju austrijskom narodu”. U životu se naučio prilagođavati i ispunjavati tuđa očekivanja. Želja da opet bude vjeran sebi navodi Ahmeta da ispuni svoj davnašnji san i počne pohađati časove glume gdje ga ohrabruju da istraži i ispolji vlastite slabosti. Ali to je lakše reći nego učiniti. Ahmet od djetinjstva nije plakao, a što se više trudi odbaciti tradicionalne rodne uloge, tim njegova borba sa samim sobom postaje sve teža. E Ahmet is the dutiful son of Turkish immigrants, a tough boxing champion and a diligent soldier, who has dedicated himself to “serving the people of Austria.” Throughout his life, he has learned to adapt and conform to other people’s expectations. The desire to feel like himself again pushes Ahmet to pursue an old dream and enrol in acting lessons, where he is encouraged to connect with his own vulnerability. But this is easier said than done. Ahmet hasn’t cried since he was a little boy. And the more he tries to break out of traditional gender roles, the stronger his internal battles become.
Soldat Ahmet
Austria, 2021, Colour, 76 min, German, Turkish Režija / Director: Jannis Lenz Scenarij / Screenplay: Jannis Lenz
Film PEJZAŽI OTPORA bilježi putovanje kroz sjećanja antifašističke borkinje Sonje (97), jedne od prvih partizanki u Jugoslaviji, koja je bila i među vođama pokreta otpora u Auschwitzu. Dok Sonja priča, putujemo kroz pejzaže njene revolucionarne mladosti – šume i planine Srbije i blatnjavi teren Auschwitza, zabilježene onako kako izgledaju danas – kao i kroz njen mali stan u centru Beograda, gdje živi s mužem i mačkom. Kao sjajna pripovjedačica, Sonja je u stanju da priča o događajima iz prošlosti bez “naknadne pameti”, čime nas direktno prenosi u tu specifičnu atmosferu i način razmišljanja koji su iznjedrili antifašistički otpor u Jugoslaviji. E LANDSCAPES OF RESISTANCE traces a journey through the memories of ninety-seven-year-old anti-fascist fighter Sonja, one of the first female partisans in Yugoslavia, who was also among the leaders of the resistance at Auschwitz. As Sonja speaks, we travel through the landscapes of her revolutionary youth as they exist in the present – the Serbian forests and mountains and the muddy terrain of Auschwitz – as well as her tiny Belgrade home, where she lives with her husband and cat. Since Sonja is a great storyteller, capable of telling about past events without hindsight, she brings us directly into the singular atmosphere and mindset that gave birth to anti-fascist resistance.
Pejzaži otpora / Landscapes of Resistance
Serbia, France, Germany, 2021, Colour, 95 min, Serbian Režija / Director: Marta Popivoda Scenarij / Screenplay: Ana Vujanović, Marta Popivoda
Intimna ispovijest reditelja o gubitku brata koji je svirepo ubijen u tuči ispred jednog beogradskog splava. Kroz ovaj i druge slične slučajeve u kojima su na razne načine, bez ikakvog razloga, stradali ljudi, reditelj istražuje korijene tog bezrazložnog nasilja. Potreba za mržnjom je dokumentarac o tome kako se stvara i širi mržnja i kako smo, kao društvo, lako pristali na nasilje koje nas okružuje. E RECIPE FOR HATE is director Filip Čolović’s intimate story about the loss of his younger brother, who was killed in a brutal fight in front of one of Belgrade’s bars along the river. Through this and several similar incidents, in which people lost their lives for no reason, Čolović searches for the roots of violence and hate in our society. A documentary about the process of creating and spreading the hate and how we, as a society, have complied easily with the violence that surrounds us.
Potreba za mržnjom / Recipe for Hate
Serbia, 2020, Colour, 81 min, Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croatian Režija / Director: Filip Čolović Scenarij / Screenplay: Filip Čolović
Intimna priča o moru u doba ekološke krize. U kolektivnoj imaginaciji morska pučina i daleki izolirani otoci mjesta su čežnje, kontemplacije, bijega, pa i spasa. No, mogu li ona još uvijek ponuditi bijeg u vremenu globalnog zatopljenja i zagađenja? Ovaj filmski esej, snimljen na najudaljenijem izoliranom otoku Jadrana, posmatra praiskonski morski pejzaž i slojevite ekološke promjene mora koje ga okružuje. E An intimate story about the sea in the midst of an ecological crisis. In the collective imagination, the open sea and its isolated islands have always been a place of longing, contemplation, escape, even salvation. But can these places still provide escape in a time of global warming and pollution? Shot on the remotest and most isolated island in the Adriatic, this film essay observes the primordial seascape and the layered environmental changes that surround it.
Croatia, 2021, Colour, 25 min, English Režija / Director: Tanja Deman Scenarij / Screenplay: Tanja Deman
Osamnaestogodišnja djevojka ubijena je u ogorčenoj porodičnoj svađi u planinama Albanije. Njen ožalošćeni otac izložen je pritisku lokalnog biskupa i predsjednika jedne nevladine organizacije iz glavnog grada ne samo da uhapšenom ubici i njegovoj porodici ponudi hrišćanski oprost već i da se, u skladu s Kanunom, vjekovnim plemenskim kodom ponašanja, izmiri s njima. E An eighteen-year-old woman is killed in a bitter family feud in the Albanian highlands. Her bereaved father is torn by pressure – on the one hand from a local bishop and on the other from an NGO chairman from the capital – not only to forgive the imprisoned killer and his family, as a Christian, but to reconcile with them, as Kanun, the age-old tribal code, once required.
Pomirenje / Reconciliation
Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, 2021, Colour, 82 min, Albanian Režija / Director: Marija Zidar Scenarij / Screenplay: Marija Zidar
Szani, Tina i Emese, ili “dive”, kako same sebe vole nazivati, dvadesetogodišnjakinje su koje satima mogu pričati o kozmetičkim preparatima, odjeći i profilnim fotografijama. Mladi reditelj Máté odluči ih pratiti svojom kamerom dok ne diplomiraju kako bi otkrio šta se krije ispod njihove savršene šminke. Učeći jedna od druge, one počinju sazrijevati i ponašati se kao odrasle osobe. E Szani, Tina and Emese – or, as they call themselves, the Divas – are three twenty-year-old women who can talk for hours about make-up, clothes or profile pictures. Máté, a young director, enters the scene, following them with his camera until their graduation, to find out what is hidden behind their perfect make-up. Meanwhile, they learn from each other, all taking steps towards adulthood.
Dive / Divas
Hungary, 2021, Colour, 80 min, Hungarian Režija / Director: Máté Kőrösi Scenarij / Screenplay: Máté Kőrösi, Eszter Angyalosy, Alexandra Láng, Gelléri Pál Gáspár
Šesnaest mladih glumaca odabrano je učestvovati u brodvejskom mjuziklu koji etablirani američki umjetnici postavljaju u Bosni i Hercegovini. Mnogi od njih sanjaju o karijeri izvan ovih prostora i svi kreću u probe s velikim entuzijazmom i očekivanjima. Međutim, kako se bliži premijera, njihovo raspoloženje se mijenja jer postaju svjesni da ih čeka povratak u “običan” život. E Sixteen young actors have been selected to participate in the Broadway musical that established American artists are putting on in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many of them dream of a career outside this region and all of them begin rehearsals with great enthusiasm and expectations. As the premiere approaches, however, their mood begins to change as they become aware that they will soon return to their “regular“ lives.
SVJETSKA PREMIJERA / WORLD PREMIERE Bosanski Brodvej / Bosnian Broadway
Croatia, 2021, Colour, 30 min, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Režija / Director: Jasmina Beširević Scenarij / Screenplay: Jasmina Beširević
Bivša nastavnica Sunny za život zarađuje intervjuišući ljude za potrebe različitih društvenih istraživanja, a taj posao jedino je što je spašava od potpune samoće i omogućava joj da ima kakav-takav društveni život. Sunny nas vodi kroz uske ulice ružnih dijelova Tbilisija, pokazuje nam različite stanove, kuće i druge stambene objekte i omogućava nam da čujemo mišljenja Gruzijaca o aktuelnim političkim i društvenim temama i saznamo čemu se oni nadaju. E Sunny is a former teacher who now makes her living as an interviewer for sociological studies. This job is her only way of overcoming total solitude and having a social life. She leads us into the narrow streets of Tbilisi, ugly sleeping districts, showing us a variety of flats, houses and other living structures, and lets us listen to Georgian citizens’ thoughts and hopes on urgeny political and civic issues.
Georgia, 2021, Colour, 67 min, Georgian Režija / Director: Keti Machavariani Scenarij / Screenplay: Keti Machavariani, Tsisana Khundadze
U jednom selu na sjeveroistoku Turske Mahmut se želi razvesti od svoje tek vjenčane supruge. Istovremeno, njegova sestra Zeynep upisuje javnu srednju školu i zapošljava se u fabrici. Protivno željama njihovog oca, Zeynep želi otići iz sela i upisati fakultet. Njihove želje postat će okosnica sukoba u njihovoj konzervativnoj porodici, ali i zajednici koja nije navikla da ljudi žele ono što žele Mahmut i Zeynep. Intiman film njihovog starijeg brata Ahmeta Necdeta Çupura, koji je napustio selo prije dvadeset godina kako bi upisao studij, LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES je priča o međugeneracijskom sukobu, kao i sukobu između prošlosti i sadašnjosti. E In a village in the south east of Turkey, Mahmut wants to divorce his new wife. At the same time, his sister Zeynep enrols in an open high school and takes a job in a factory. Against her father’s wishes, Zeynep wants to leave the village and eventually attend university. The siblings’ demands become the centre of conflict in their conservative family and community, who are not used to what Mahmut and Zeynep strive for. Intimately captured by their elder brother Ahmet Necdet Çupur, who left the village twenty years ago to pursue his studies, LES ENFANTS TERRIBLES is a story of clashes among generations and between the past and the present.
Turkey, France, Germany, 2021, Colour, 93 min, Turkish, Arabic Režija / Director: Ahmet Necdet Çupur Scenarij / Screenplay: Ahmet Necdet Çupur
LOOKING FOR HORSES film je o prijateljstvu između filmskog autora i ribara koji je izgubio sluh tokom rata u Bosni i Hercegovini nakon čega se povukao na jezero gdje vodi usamljenički život. Filmski autor, čiji su roditelji porijeklom iz BiH, s mukom govori maternji jezik zbog toga što izraženo muca. Uprkos njihovim govornim i slušnim ograničenjima, dok dijele život kraj jezera punog velikih somova, okruženog divljim konjima, tišinom i opasnim olujama sa grmljavinom, između mladića i ratnog veterana razvija se snažna veza. Dok za ribara jezero simbolizira bijeg od podijeljene zemlje, zemlje rata, za filmskog autora ono predstavlja povratak tom razorenom mjestu, domovini njegovih roditelja. E LOOKING FOR HORSES is about a friendship between the filmmaker and a fisherman who lost his hearing during the Bosnian War and retreated to a lake to live in solitude. The filmmaker, the son of Bosnian parents, struggles to communicate as he lost his mother tongue due to a heavy stutter. Despite their speech and hearing limitations, a bond develops between the young man and the veteran as he shares his world of the lake: full of large catfish, wild horses, vast silences and dangerous thunderstorms. Whereas for the fisherman the lake stands for a withdrawal from a fractured country, a land of war, for the filmmaker it means precisely a return to that broken place – the land of his parents.
Looking for Horses
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, France, 2021, Colour, 88 min, Bosnian, English Režija / Director: Stefan Pavlović Scenarij / Screenplay: Stefan Pavlović
Okruženi minskim poljima i ruševinama, zaostalim iz rata u Bosni i Hercegovini, hiljade migranata zaglavljeno je u sjevernom dijelu te ratom razorene zemlje. Šatori koje podižu u šumama ili napuštenim zgradama iz socijalističkog perioda ne mogu ih zaštititi od oštre bosanske zime. Teško dolaze do hrane, odjeće, ogrjevnog drveta i sredstava za komunikaciju, ali ništa nije tako teško kao svakodnevno kršenje njihovih ljudskih prava. U ovom vizuelnocentričnom filmu, Danis Tanović i Damir Šagolj prikazuju svu brutalnost i nehumanost života ljudi “u pokretu” koji pokušavaju doći do Evropske unije u nadi da će tamo ostvariti bolji život. Postavlja se pitanje: da li se sjećamo vremena kad smo mi bili oni? E Surrounded by minefields and destruction from the Bosnian war and not welcome by everyone, thousands of migrants are still stranded in the northern part of the war-torn country. Their flimsy tents set up in the woods or abandoned socialist era buildings offer no protection from the harsh Bosnian winter. The food, clothes, firewood and communication are problems but nothing compared to the serious and constant violation of basic human rights these migrants are subjected to on a daily basis. In this visually driven film, Danis Tanović and Damir Šagolj show the brutality and inhumanity of the everlasting story of people “on the move” trying to reach the EU, where they are hoping for a better life. The question “do we remember “when we were them” is asked.
Road movie dokumentarac kroz poluvjekovnu filmografiju Želimira Žilnika. Ali i putovanje kroz historiju Jugoslavije, zemlje koje više nema. Specifičnim stilom dokudrame koji je godinama gradio, Žilnik je snimajući niskobudžetne filmove decenijama uspio da ostane angažovan i hrabar ali iznad svega slobodan. Pratimo napore njegove ekipe da završe film SLOBODA ILI STRIP koji je prije 50 godina cenzura zaplijenila a koji je nedavno slučajno pronađen. E A road movie documentary through half-a-century of filmmaking by Želimir Žilnik, ŽŽŽ (JOURNAL ABOUT ŽELIMIR ŽILNIK) is also a journey through the history of Yugoslavia, a country that no longer exists. With the specific style of docudrama that he built over the course of his work, Žilnik managed to remain engaged, brave and above all free by making low-budget films for decades. We follow the efforts of his team to finish the film FREEDOM OR COMICS, which was seized by censors fifty years ago and was recently discovered.
Kad smo mi bili oni / When We Were Them
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2021, Colour, 15 min, Bosnian, English, French Režija / Director: Danis Tanović, Damir Šagolj Scenarij / Screenplay: Danis Tanović, Damir Šagolj
ŽŽŽ (Žurnal o Želimiru Žilniku) / ŽŽŽ (Journal about Želimir Žilnik)
Serbia, 2021, Colour and B&W, 90 min, Serbian Režija / Director: Janko Baljak Scenarij / Screenplay: Janko Baljak