Dokumentarni filmovi bave se relevantnim, često osjetljivim pitanjima i donose na dnevni red vrlo važne teme o kojima će se raspravljati u svakom društvu. Pored Q&A sesija, koje se odvijaju u kinima nakon projekcija, SFF već deset godina vodi posebnu platformu za debatu DOCU CORNER, koja se provodi u saradnji s Inicijativom mladih za ljudska prava Bosne i Hercegovine. Ova platforma pruža priliku za detaljne rasprave o svakom dokumentarnom filmu u našem takmičarskom segmentu. Oko 50 mladih iz regije i nekih drugih evropskih zemalja, zajedno sa znatiželjnim novinarima i drugim akreditiranim gostima festivala, imat će priliku sudjelovati u detaljnim sesijama sa svakom filmskom ekipom. Rasprave moderira SFF stručnjak. Svake godine naš DOCU CORNER posjećuje gotovo 100 mladih iz desetak različitih zemalja, ne samo iz regije, već i iz Zapadne Evrope, a ovaj put smo, zbog životnih okolnosti prouzrokovanim COVID-om, odlučili snimiti sve rasprave kako bismo ih prikazali na našoj festivalskoj platformi i učinili ih dostupnim onima koji ove godine nisu mogli doputovati u Sarajevo. Ove će se godine Docu Corner održati od 16. do 21. augusta 2020. godine.
E Documentaries tackle relevant, often sensitive issues, and bring to the table very important topics to be discussed in each society. Next to the Q&A sessions, done in cinema after the screenings, SFF runs for already ten years a very special debating platform DOCU CORNER, which is done in collaboration with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This platform gives an opportunity for in-depth debates about each documentary film in our Competition. Around 50 youngsters from the region as well as from several other European countries, to-gether with the curious journalists and other festival accredited guests, will have a chance to par-ticipate in the elaborate sessions with each film team. The discussions are moderated by the SFF professional. Every year, our DOCU CORNER is visited by almost 100 youngsters from around 10 different countries, not only from the Region but from Western Europe as well, and this time, due to the life circumstances caused by COVID, we have decided to record all debates in order to screen them at our Festival platform and make them available for those who couldn’t travel to Sarajevo this year. This year Docu Corner will take a place from 16th until 21st August 2020.