Back Forty
June, 2019 ISSUE No. 87
Pest monitoring in They’re Back!! Footprints the Peace Region, 2019 Summer staff SARDA’s Self 2019 Guided Tours A collaboration of many participants Page 3
Who are they?
Where there’s a Weir, There’s a Way
Visit the research sites on your own time Page 7
Page 9
The history of the weir on the Beaverlodge River Page 16
Page 2
June, 2019
Table of Contents Pest Monitoring in the Peace Region, 2019
Page 3
They’re Back!! 2019 Summer staff
Page 7
Footprints, SARDA’s Self Guided Tours
Page 9
SARDA Ag Research will closely monitor 3 insect pests; Bertha Armyworms (Berthas), wheat midge, and diamondback moths (diamondbacks). The summer staff describe who they are, what they are studying and why they like working at SARDA Ag Research We encourage producers or anyone interested in agriculture to visit during the summer months.
“Let Soil Temp, not the calendar be your guide”
Page 14
Where there’s a WEIR, there’s a way`
Page 16
Falling Number and deoxynivalenol (DON) ...
Page 20
Don’t Let it Loose!!
Page 21
Run in with a Powerline
Page 22
Fatigue Management
Page 23
SARDA Ag Research started seeding especially early this year, with the “Ultra Early Wheat” trial. The weir was established to withdraw drinking water for the town of Beaverlodge. Canada is known around the world for the quality, consistency, and reliability of its grain and grain products. Help prevent the spread of Prussian Carp, and other harmful aquatic invasive species: Bill got a new high-clearance sprayer on his farm. If you have been awake for 21 hours or more, the equivalent blood alcohol content is 0.08 (which is the legal limit in Canada).
May 18, 2019 SARDA summer staff got a shock when the hitch on the seed drill broke and the front of the drill dug into the dirt. Fortunately, SARDA was able to get a welder to repair the drill and were back seeding on Tuesday, May 21
Page 3 June, 2019 SARDA News
Pest monitoring in the Peace Region, 2019 Prepared by Joe Sylvain, Summer Crop Technition Information taken from and provided by Jennifer Otani, AAFC in Beaverlodge
SARDA Ag Research will closely monitor 3 insect pests; Bertha Armyworms (Berthas), wheat midge, and diamondback moths (diamondbacks). Diamondbacks, Berthas and Wheat midge have been monitored closely for the past three years according to the protocols provided to us by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry. Bertha Armyworms, are important pests of canola in the Prairie Provinces. They belong to a group of insects known as the climbing cutworm and are native to the peace region. SARDA will again set up traps in the municipalities of Big Lakes, Greenview, Northern Sunrise and Smoky
River to monitor the likelihood of infestations. These traps will be checked weekly; moths counted and tallies entered into the provincial live maps. High counts will be flagged red Bertha Armyworm Trap indicating that people should diligently scout for Berthas as the risk of infestations is high. Although it takes a count of about 900 – 1200 for a moderate risk level, and 1200 – 1500 for a high risk level, traps recording anywhere from 0-300 have been reported to have damage if the larvae tend to cluster in one field. Berthas begin as small green worms but darken as they grow until they become velvety black. They only cause damage to crops when in the larval stage and they feed on canola plants. Despite only causing damage during the larval stage, we monitor berthas at the moth stage which allows us to predict the risk of infestation. Bertha traps are green barrel shaped traps with pheromones which lure the moths in. A pesticide strip inside the trap kills the moths once they enter the trap allowing them to easily be counted. Overall, the degree of damage that can occur from Bertha Armyworms varies substantially between years, as cold weather conditions as well as the levels of parasites and diseases can drastically impact their numbers, making it essential to monitor the moths each year. Last year many farmers had to spray in order to keep these pests under control.
June, 2019
Page 4
Wheat midge pheromone trap
Top: canola seed Bottom: Wheat midge cocoons The second type of pest monitoring that SARDA is doing this year is for wheat midge. Over the last 3 years SARDA has set up pheromone sticky traps in three different locations across the MD of Smoky River. The pheromone traps, we most frequently use, are checked 2-3 times a week.
These traps are used to indicate the time wheat midge males begin flying which are always 3-4 days ahead of the female “egg laying� midge. The larvae damage the crop by feeding directly on the seeds of growing wheat kernels. Pheromone traps only catch male Midge. Therefore, the traps only give us a rough estimate of when an outbreak could occur. Last year male counts were only 30 or less per week, whereas in the past there have been counts up to 700 in years of extreme infestation. However, counts of about 70 midges have caused small losses in the past. Wheat midge larvae drop to the soil and form cocoons, which can remain dormant for a number of years, until the ideal weather conditions occur and the larvae pupate. This is why continuous monitoring is important and is also why SARDA does fall soil sampling in addition to trap monitoring. SARDA soil samples 12 fields per year across the peace region. The samples collected are sent to Lacombe, where the cocoons are washed from the soil and counted. Counts are used to help predict where higher populations of wheat midge may occur. The third kind of pest monitoring that SARDA does is for Diamondback Moths. Diamondbacks were introduced into the peace region about 150 years ago from Europe and now occur throughout North American wherever its host plants are grown.
Diamondback Moth Trap
June, 2019
Page 5
up from the United States. If counts appear then crop scouting will be required.
The diamondbacks feeds on all types of plants in the mustard family which includes Canola. Diamondbacks can cause millions of dollars of damage and may devour entire plants if larvae are large enough and the population is substantial. Despite the possible dangers associated with Diamondback moths, infestations are relatively rare. Diamondbacks usually die during the harsh winters in Alberta and only occur if south winds carry the moths up from the United States. At SARDA we begin setting out pheromone traps at the beginning of May and check them weekly till mid-June to help us anticipate if any moths are being brought
WireWorms and Click Beetles
Recently, attention has been drawn towards monitoring wireworms. Wireworms are predicted to become a bigger problem heading forward, and because of new regulations on seed treatments, which eliminates specific active ingredients, seed may become more susceptible to both wireworms and cutworms damage. Despite the general notion of the imminent threat of wireworms in the prairies, there is currently no hard evidence to support this. Studies are being done regarding the effects of crop rotation on wireworm populations. SARDA is watching the development of this research and participated by collecting samples in 2018. Another insect that has made its way to the Peace Region is the pea leaf weevil. A notched or scalloped appearance in pea and faba bean leaf is an indication that the pest is present. Entomologists from the provincial and federal governments and the University of Alberta will be monitoring this insect pest in the Peace Region in 2019 and SARDA Ag Research will forward the results of this activity. Just a note, the Pea Leaf Weevil was positively identified in the MD of Smoky River in 2018, although levels were below economic thresholds.
Pea leaf weevil
June, 2019
Page 6
As a demonstration, SARDA will also set up two types of bumblebee houses to encourage native pollinators to our plots. Native Bee populations have been declining and bumblebee houses may be an excellent way to increase the number of native pollinators and help improve yields. The IPM Program at the Beaverlodge Research Farm is working on several research activities for the 2019-2020 research year. Recently approved Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) Cluster and Project Activities include: 1. monitoring and support of the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network (diamondback moth, Bertha armyworm, lygus, swede midge, pea leaf weevil pests); 2. alfalfa seed monitoring for pest and beneficial insects; 3. investigating incidence and causal agents associated with silvertop in fescue seed production; 4. validating an economic threshold for flea beetles in canola but there is a landscape component and characterization of predators and parasitoids component. Additionally, the program is 5. part of new three-year natural enemy project (PI: Catton); 6. is continuing insect pest monitoring in perennial grass and legume seed production (endemic and introduced insect species); and 7. is wrapping up wheat midge field research examining monitoring and natural enemies in wheat production in the Peace River region. A long list of principal investigators and collaborators are involved in all these activities.
The past year has been significant and exciting for the Beaverlodge program: two full-time technicians were hired (S. Dufton and A. Jorgensen) and J. Otani was reclassified from a Biologist to Research Scientiist. Most importantly, the Beaverlodge staff thanks all its producer cooperators! Almost 75% of their field work takes place in commercial fields and they are grateful for the ongoing grower support! It enables them to continue to investigate insect pest management in field crops grown across the entire Peace River region. The Agricultural Fieldmen will continue to complete the grasshopper surveys in 2019. This survy is used to predict the potential levels of grasshoppers for the next year. Although the accuracy of these predictions in the Peace Region has been dismal in the past, new reseach has revealed that the main species of concern in the ares is unique and has very different life cycles. The results of the 2019 Grasshopper style will be pivotal in the accuracy of this monitoring program. Pest studies and monitoring is important in the Peace Region. A successful, inclusive program relies on the cooperation, communication and collaboration of many participants. Participants include representatives from the Federal Government, Provincial Government, Local Governments, Research Associations, agricultural indusry representatives and the many producers who allow access to fields and report results of pest traps.
Page 7 June, 2019 SARDA News
They’re Back!!!
2019 Summer Staff Hello again. My name is Dave Cloutier, eldest son of Jean Cloutier and Suzelle Brault. I am married and have two brothers. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Sciences with a major in biology and minor in chemistry from Campus Saint-Jean/University of Alberta. I currently attend Grande Prairie Regional College nursing program and will be entering my third year in September. I am an outdoor fanatic with my favorite hobbies being
fishing, hunting, hiking, mountain biking and archery. It is my fourth summer working for SARDA and I continue to appreciate the work that is being done. From data collection to down on our knees pulling out weeds from our research plots, it is work that I enjoy and in return, is beneficial to Alberta’s farmers. On top of that, I get to spend time outside which is a good change from the secluded student life. Wishing everyone a good summer! My name is Joseph Sylvain and my parents are Jean and Valerie Sylvain. I grew up on a farm outside
Left to right: Dave Cloutier, Nouy Gauthier holding Daisy, the resident rodenticide, Joe Sylvain, Tyler Yoder, Josh Sylvain
June, 2019
Page 8
of Girouxville. I’m entering my fourth year at Trinity Western University studying for a Bachelor of business administration with a specialization in Finance. This is my third summer working for SARDA. The main reason I like working at SARDA is because I have always been interested in plants and I have a passion for Gardening and Agriculture. I also like working at SARDA is because of the variety of tasks that we do. Each week there different things that need to be done based on the crop stage which is nice because I never have to do a less favourable job for too long. Working with SARDA is interesting because I get to work outside and see how all of the different kinds of crops grow. It also teaches me a lot of things about plants that I otherwise would not know anything about. I have had the responsibility of all of the pest monitoring at SARDA for the last few years. This includes setting up bug traps and checking them weekly. This has been a unique opportunity which has given me the opportunity of learning a lot about pests and beneficial insects. Hello. My name is Josh Sylvain and this will be my second year working for SARDA as a summer student. My parents are Jean and Valerie Sylvain. I grew up on a grain farm just west of Girouxville. I will be heading back to the Vancouver area for my second year of university at Trinity Western in the fall. I’m planning to continue to stay in the school of business. When I’m not studying I’m playing hockey for the university Trinity Western Spartans. Other hobbies include fishing, hiking, playing sports and spending time outdoors. I like working at SARDA because it allows me to be outside and I’m able to learn about farming and all the different kinds of trials and unique crops that they grow. I’m looking forward to another great summer working with SARDA.
Hi, my name is Nuoy Gauthier and this will be my third summer working at SARDA. I am the daughter of Victor and Ying Gauthier. I grew up on a farm just south of Donnelly. This fall will be my third year in a Bachelor of Education taken in Grande Prairie through the University of Alberta, in a collaborative program with GPRC, called the Teachers Education North. In my spare time I like to hang out with friends and family spending time outdoors and doing various activities. Other favorite pastimes include napping, Netflix, petting puppies and lots of snacking. I like working at SARDA because I get to work outdoors and am always learning something new, whether that be about agriculture or how different machinery works. The past summers I worked for SARDA have been female dominated so it will be quite a change this summer with all male coworkers but despite that change, I can already tell that it’ll be a great summer. My name is Tyler Yoder and this is my second summer working at SARDA. I am the son of Calvin and Jeanne Yoder. I grew up on acreage near Spirit River. I just recently completed my second year at the University of Alberta working towards a Crop Science Degree. Most of my spare time is spent being outside fishing and enjoying nature. My favorite part of working at SARDA is being able to watch all the different crops grow and applying what I learned in school in the field. I’m looking forward for another great summer with the SARDA crew!
Page 9
June, 2019
SARDA’s Self Guided Tours June 15 Would you like to see of our research firsthand? Feel like you need to stretch your legs after a long drive down our prairie roads? Why not stop by the SARDA’s research sites?
We encourage producers or anyone interested in agriculture to visit during the summer months. We have some really interesting trials running this year, and we’d be glad to have you check them out. Sites will open to the public on June 15th.
At the sites, each trial is labeled with a sign that describes breifly what the trial is researching. At each location is a green mailbox with an information booklet with more detailed information to guide you, including, detailed maps, objectives of the trials, and a seeding map so that you can find the treatments you’re most interested in. We ask all visitors to comply with biosecurity measures at the sites and prevent the spread of crop diseases. Disposable booties are available in the mailboxes as well. If you can gather five or more people to accompany you, call us at 780-837-2900 to arrange for a guided tour with one of our staff. We hope to see you there!
Smoky River Sites NW 1-77-20W5th (Gordon’s)
• Novel Crops Sequence Year 2 • FHB Crops Sequence Year 2 • Faba Herbicide Trial • RVT- CWRS & CWHWS Wheat • RVT - CPSR & CNHR
Page 10 June, 2019 SARDA News • • • • • • • •
Wheat RVT - CWSP & CWSWS Wheat SARVT-Wheat SARVT-Oats Wheat Protein Ultra Early Wheat RVT- Row Barley RVT - Oats Oat varieties - Industry
NE 6-77-20 W5th (Garant West) • Deep Banding
NW 9-77-20 W5th Canola and Pulses (Dion’s) • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
RVT Flax RVT Faba Beans Faba Beans Fungicide Novel Crops Sequence Year 1 CPT - Canola Standard Cut CPT - Canola Straight Cut Canola Industry Trials Hemp Variety for seed production Hemp Variety for fibre and seed production Hemp seeding date and rate Hemp Fertility Hemp Variety Quinoa herbicide Quinoa fertility
Big Lakes Sites NW 25-74-17 W5th • • • • •
RVT - Yellow Peas RVT - Green Peas SARVT Peas SARVT Oats Regional Silage Wheat & Trticale
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SARVT Wheat RVT- CWRS & CWHWS Wheat RVT - CPSR & CNHR Wheat RVT - CWSP & CWSWS Wheat Wheat Protein RVT-Row Barley Regional Silage Barleys RVT RVT - Oats Regional Silage oats RVT Cereals Peas mixture RVT silage annual crop mixtures (cocktails) forage type cereals forage type legumes brassica boradleaf Intercropping of cereals with legumes existing perennial forages (longevity trial)
June, 2019
Teepee Creek Sites Site of Wheat Stalks (Aug. 8) SW 3-74-03 W6th
• SARVT Wheat • SARVT CWHWS • Intercropping (barley, oats and triticale) • Seed Treatment • Fungicide timing on barley and wheat varieties • Dean Spaner Breeding Program varieties
SE 4-74-03 W6th
• Seeding rate calculator • Canola Demo • Seed-placed phosphorous canola demo • cleavers control canola demo • SARVT Peas
Page 11
June, 2019
Event Name
SARDA’s FootPrint Tours
South of
Soltice Collaborative Forage Tour
Lesser Slave Watershed Council Annual General Meeting
Boreal C Conserv 16 km N
Lacomb Develop Lacomb
Grazing School with Dr. Allen Williams
Lac Card Grounds
SARDA’s Summer Field School
SARDA Falher
Wheat Stalks
TeePee C
Argentina Ag & Siteseeing Tour
Western Canada Conference on Soil Health & Grazing
Couble T Edmont
Pages 12-13
Self Guided
June 15 August 25
Visit research plots at your own convenience. Call 780-837-2900 for more information
f Donnelly
odge Area
June 20
Please see poster for transportaiton options, and costs.
Center or Bird vation North of Slave Lake
2:00 - 5:30
June 20
FREE Includes supper
be Research & pment Centre, be
9:30 -3:30
June 26
Visit for moinformation and to register
dinal Hall and s
July 22-23
Visit for more informaiton or call 780-835-6799
July 25
9:00 - 3:00
Tree West ton Hotel, Edmonton
Visit for more information and to register
FREE Tour Visit for more information $20/BBQ and to register or call 780-837-2900
August 8
Visit wheatstalk-tickets-60756061014 to register and for more information
Nov 21-Dec 3
Contact for the full itinerary and more details
Dec 10-12
Visit for more informaiton or call 780-835-6799
To view a complete list of events
Page 14 June, 2019 SARDA News
“Let the soil temp, not the calendar be your guide” By Megan Snell June 6, 2019
SARDA Ag Research started seeding especially early this year, with the “Ultra Early Wheat” trial. The objective of this project is to determine if, seeding early or at the regular time affects the overall yield and protein potential of the crop. There has been plenty of research done on seeding early, but not all of them explore how it affects the protein content of the crop. In addition, we used 3 seeding rates to determine if heavier seeding can overcome reductions in yield and quality if so, how is it affected by the earlier seeding dates. By seeding early there are risk factors that we have to keep in mind. One especially being the risk of early spring frost damage. Early season frost can put the plant under a great deal of stress, which can result in making the tips and margins of the leaves to become brown and brittle. However seeding slightly over the recommended soil temperature of 5 degrees, with adequate soil moisture at the proper seeding depth, As well, as avoiding fields with large quantities of crop residue, can be essential to germination and plant emergence. Another important factor to account for when seeding early is ensuring that you are using the proper seed treatment and using high quality seed with an optimum vigor and germination. This helps maintain plant populations if the early season frost. event occurs By utilizing these factors you can reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases and infestation of other pathogens or pests that detrimentally affect the crop. On the other hand there are advantages to seeding early. One particularly is having a wider
window of herbicide application, as a pre-seed or pre-emergent application is recommended when seeding earlier. Early seeded crops avoid heat stress in mid-July and may ensure that your crop is able to set its seed. Some crops are more
Figure 1a: Seeding date was April 23, this photo was taken May 22, around 4 weeks after seeding the crop is at the 2nd leaf stage.
Figure 1b: Seeding date was April 23, this photo was taken June 4, a little over 6 weeks after seeding the crop is at the 1st tiller.
Page 15 June, 2019 SARDA News
sensitive to the heat particularly canola during flowering. Seeding early can also result in early harvest during late August to September, which is a more favorable time to start and often means a higher grade when delivering to the seed buyer.
Figure 2a: Seeding date was May 8, this photo was taken May 22, after 2 weeks the crop is at the 1st leaf stage.
Figure 2b: Seeding date was May 8, this photo was taken June 4, 4 weeks after seeding the crop is at the 1st tiller.
For the “Ultra Early Wheat” trial we based it on two different seeding dates and soil temperatures. We had found that by April 23 (Figure 1a) was the optimum time to start seeding, because at one inch the soil temperature was at 6 degrees. Exactly 15 days later we seeded our second seeding date on May 8 (Figure 2a) with a soil temperature of 6 degrees. Originally the soil temperature was to ideally be around 10 to 12 degrees. The weather changes throughout the week prior to seeding may have been the reason the low soil temperature rating. It was fascinating to see that the staging of the later seeded crop is still around the same as the first seeding date (Figure 2b & 3b). Although the warm weather we have been having for the past few weeks may be the culprit for the plant’s rapid growth. Although our seeding temperatures did not go as we had planned. It will be interesting to see how it affects the yield and the protein content of the crop. Over the years studies have shown that seeding early does have benefits when it comes to yield. The seed quality is high and the seed is relatively heavier. But does it also have noticeable benefits when it comes to protein? By utilizing the protein tester that we have at SARDA Ag Research, we will be able to assess this data further.
• • •
Page 16
June, 2019
Where there's a WEIR there’s a Way The history of the weir on the Beaverlodge River (near Grande Prairie) goes back to 1981, when the weir was established to withdraw drinking water for the town of Beaverlodge. A weir is a barrier across the width of a river; it is used to hold the water in a reservoir. It has a slope on the downstream side where water flows over once the reservoir is full. Although the Beaverlodge weir secured drinking water, it was observed that fish were having difficulty moving upstream which kept them from their spawning grounds. Likewise, the weir was also limiting them from returning to their wintering grounds.
Beaverlodge River is a part. Land use in the watershed has reduced water retention and subsurface recharge, resulting in flows greater and earlier than normal, and allowed cattle in waterbodies, leading to erosion and pollution issues. ACA has been working with landowners in this and other watersheds Photos to improve riparian Top, ACA, Garret McKen health. Examples Bottom: ACA, Mikita include moving cattle Lebedynski away from streams by providing alternate watering sources and then fencing them out, as well as planting trees to reduce erosion and stabilize stream banks.
One species affected by this is the Arctic grayling, a Species of Special Concern in Alberta and an indicator of good watershed health. The Beaverlodge River once recorded the largest run of Arctic grayling in Alberta. In 1981, numbers began to decline and they have “The Completion of the fish passage not been found there since 1994. at the Beaverlodge weir was a big
In 2013, the Redwillow Watershed Restoration Project Team was milestone for the team, connectiong fi sh Various techniques formed, spearheaded to their historical spawning grounds” were implemented to by the Mighty Peace try to facilitate passage Watershed Alliance. Lenore Seward over the weir. Provincial The alliance brought Fish and Wildlife staff first moved fish using nets together a number of partners, including ACA, and buckets. Fish ladders were later installed, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource and initially worked well. However, maintenance Development (now Alberta Environment and Parks was challenging and the fish ladders enabling fish [AEP]), the County of Grande Prairie, the Town of passage soon became a seasonal barrier—fish Beaverlodge, Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension could not navigate past the weir at lower flows and Society, West County Watershed Society, and Cows generally later in summer. A longer-term solution and Fish. This collaboration blends several was needed. different perspectives, increases opportunities for funding, and allows for coordination of a number of Allowing fish to travel to their spawning grounds important efforts. Partners working together is the is one part of the larger fish habitat issue within best approach to safeguarding a range of interests, the Redwillow River watershed, of which the values, and uses of the landscape.
June, 2019 One of the team’s first tasks was to complete a restoration plan for 2015–2040, the goal of which is to restore fish habitat in the Redwillow watershed. Part of this goal is the improvement of fish passage and habitat connectivity. The Beaverlodge River has been identified as a “priority drainage” by both AEP and ACA. “Therefore,” says Lenore Seward, a biologist with ACA in Peace River, “the completion of the fish passage at the Beaverlodge weir was a big milestone for the team, connecting fish to their historical spawning grounds.”
photos: fish ladder: ACA, Lenore Seward; riffles: ACA, Garret McKen;
Page 17 In order to avoid any changes to the weir itself and protect the municipal drinking water, a natural rock passage design was used. The channel was sculpted so that it narrows at the level of the weir to sustain a passable depth at low flows, and two riffle sections (a rocky part of the river) were established so that fish could move up and down the height of the weir. This is a lowmaintenance ap proach that is designed to accommodate multiple fish species at a range of flow levels. The fish passage construction was finished in September 2018, and for the next five years there will be a monitoring plan that includes sonar
willow stakes: County of Grande Prairie, Kolby Peterson; background: ACA, Nikita Lebedynski
Page 18
June, 2019 videography upstream of the weir to document fish successfully swimming through the passage. Adam Norris, Watershed Coordinator with the Mighty Peace Water Alliance, notes that the establishment of the fish passage is one piece of the puzzle. Land use issues in the watershed have resulted in deterioration in water quality—low
dissolved oxygen, high water temperatures—to the point that Arctic grayling would not be supported. So while the establishment of the fish passage is an exciting first step, watershed improvement is an ongoing endeavour, one which the Redwillow Watershed Restoration Team is committed to work on into the foreseeable future.
Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils The Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance is one of 11 Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils (WPACs) established under the Government of Alberta’s Water for Life Strategy. This strategy has three main goals: • healthy aquatic ecosystems • reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy • safe, secure drinking water The WPACs, as partners in this strategy, support multi-stakeholder collaboration and community engagement at the watershed level, in the areas of education and outreach, environmental stewardship, watershed evaluation and reporting, and watershed management planning. WPACs, representing the major river basins of Alberta are: • Athabasca Watershed Council • Battle River Watershed Alliance
• • • • • • • • •
Bow River Basin Council Lesser Slave Watershed Council LICA-Beaver River Watershed Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance Milk River Watershed Council Canada North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Oldman Watershed Council Red Deer River Watershed Alliance South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
They are independent, not-for-profit organizations that bring a variety of activities and approaches to the management of watersheds. They work to achieve consensus on land and water management strategies among key stakeholders, including various levels of government, industrial sectors, conservation groups, aboriginal communities, academia, and the public. This strengthens collaborative action and shared ownership in the management of Alberta’s major watersheds.
Page 19 June, 2019
Peace Region Clubroot Soil Sample Survey by Normand Boulet, CCA, Agricultural Fieldman M.D. of Smoky River 780-837-0043
though we have tentative approval, with the change of government we are not 100% positive that the funding is in place for us to go ahead with the project.
The thirteen rural municipalities of the Peace Region have co-operatively applied for Canada Agricultural Partnership (CAP) funding to undertake a comprehensive soil survey of the agricultural lands in the Peace to look for the clubroot. CAP is a Federal/Provincial funding initiative which replaced the Growing Forward programs.
This project could provide a significantly clearer picture of the current “state of the union” when it comes to clubroot in the Peace Region.
The Peace Region Counties and M.D.s would survey two fields from each of their agricultural townships (not the green area), collect soil and send the samples to one lab for analysis. The lab would do a Qualitative (yes or no) DNA test for clubroot, and if the soil tests positive, follow up with a quantitative (spore levels) test. I refer to maybe and would in this article because
All 13 Peace Region Municipalities will participate (if funding actually comes through) and most will be focussing on canola fields – not because clubroot would only be found in canola fields, because it is soil borne and long lived so if it’s present it would still be found despite the crop type. Doing canola fields and checking roots at the same time could give further information on the co-relationship (if any) between soil test results and symptoms on roots. Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is very interested in this survey and the information to be gleaned and they will assist the Municipalities with statistical analysis and any research paper writing that may result. In 2017 Clubroot was found for the first time in the Peace Region, both in Big Lakes County and the M.D. of Greenview. In 2018 more infected fields were found in Big Lakes and Greenview and clubroot infected plants were found in Northern Sunrise County & Birch Hills County and a positive soil test for clubroot was found in the M.D. of Peace. Should you have any questions about this CAP funded project or your Municipality’s clubroot inspection program, please contact your local Agricultural Fieldman.
Page 20 June, 2019
Falling Number and deoxynivalenol (DON) as potential official grain grading factors Canada is known around the world for the quality, consistency, and reliability of its grain and grain products. The Canadian Grain Commission is committed to a grain grading system that reflects the needs and concerns of all parts of Canada’s grain sector, from grain producers to exporters and processors, while maintaining the standard of excellence for Canadian grain Advances in technology and analytical testing now provide the opportunity for grain buyers to purchase grain based on specific quality characteristics that can be verified through analytical testing in addition to, or rather than, through visual grading. Many transactions now include payment or discount based on specifications that are important to grain buyers and customers. These specifications are either in lieu of, or in addition to, the grain grading factors detailed in Schedule III of the Canada Grain Regulations and the Official Grain Grading Guide. Specifically, the importance of Falling Number and deoxynivalenol (DON) testing has escalated due to increasing buyer demand for wheat purchases by specification. Currently, Falling Number and DON are not official grading factors in the statutory Canadian grading system for any type of crop, including wheat. However, they increasingly play a critical role in grain contracts and the assessment and price that grain sector participants, including producers, receive for their grain. While Falling Number and DON are two prominent examples of the importance of objective specifications in the grain sector, it is likely that other specifications will be introduced and that the reliance on analytical testing will continue to grow as grain quality science advances. To the extent
these quality specifications are also assessed by visual inspection, this trend presents the question of whether analytical assessments should be incorporated into the official grading system, or even replace the associated visual factors altogether. While the accuracy of analytical tests is better than that of visual inspection, other considerations (for example, . speed, cost, and availability of tests) need to be fully understood prior to making broad-based changes to the grading system. A key priority for the Canadian Grain Commission is to provide relevant, efficient and innovative programs and services. Given our long-term commitment to modernizing the grain grading system and improving producer protection, we are considering changes to the grading system that will better reflect the operational realities of grain trading. Specifically, we are looking at whether to provide more efficient and precise assessments of grain quality and how best to address Falling Number and DON specifications in the context of the Canadian grain grading system.
What is the Falling Number Test 9.13 minutes watch?v=YMjhdSskXP0
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June, 2019
DON’T LET IT LOOSE! Here’s how you can help prevent the spread of Prussian Carp, and other harmful aquatic invasive species: 1. Never release aquarium or domestic pond water, plants, dead or live animals into water bodies. 2. If you catch a Prussian Carp while angling, please kill it and either take it home to eat or properly dispose of the carcass. 3. Know the law! It is illegal to use live bait fish in Alberta. It is also illegal to move live fish from one water body to another. Penalties for illegally transferring fish can be up to $100,000 and/or a year in prison. Many invasive carp were imported as pond or aquarium species or sold in Asian food markets. So far, Alberta is the only jurisdiction in North America known to have an invasive Prussian Carp. Prussian Carp is an extremely hardy and rapidly reproducing fish. They have been found in aquatic environments with low oxygen and high pollution: places like dugouts and drainage ditches, where less tolerant, native fish would not survive. The species has established breeding populations across the province in several ponds and lakes, and in main stem and tributaries of the Bow, Rosebud, Red Deer and South Saskatchewan rivers.
Aquatic invasive species are non-native animals or plants that can cause economic or environmental harm in waterways where they are introduced. Prussian Carp, a type of wild goldfish, is a harmful aquatic invasive species and has recently been found in Alberta. The species invades aquatic ecosystems and poses severe threats to aquatic habitats and native fish populations.
Prussian Carp pose threats to native fish populations by outcompeting native species for food and habitat, as well as spreading new diseases and pathogens. They have been shown to easily spread from one water body to another, and it is extremely costly and difficult to try and manage, contain and destroy them once they have become established.
June, 2019
Run-in with a Powerline reprinted from the AgSafe newsletter May, 2019
Bill got a new high-clearance sprayer on his farm. The previous sprayer that he owned had a separate control for unfolding each side of the sprayer. Their new sprayer had a single button that launched both sides to unfold at the same time. One day when Bill was setting up to spray, he pressed what he thought was the left side unfold button and he was watching the left side unfold from the driver’s seat. But actually both sides were unfolding at the same time. The right side of the sprayer, that Bill was not watching, unfolded upwards and contacted a power line. Bill saw that the line had been contacted and was going to hop out of the cab. Before touching the cab, he checked to see if the tires were still inflated and the equipment was grounded, or if the contact with the power line caused the tires to pop. He was planning to climb along the sprayer and jump off the back of the sprayer, knowing he would need to try to jump and clear the sprayer by 30 feet. Rather than risking the jump Bill tried to rock the sprayer arm back and forth and free the sprayer from the power
Page 22 line. He was successful at freeing the sprayer arm from the power line. There were burn mark grooves on all of the tires on the sprayer from the electrical connection. Bill considers himself lucky to be alive. After the incident, Bill realized: • he should have checked the area better and been aware of his surroundings before unfolding the sprayer • circle your equipment before start-up and operation • he should have been more familiar with his new equipment with the one button unfold command • he also approached the equipment manufacturer and requested that the sprayer arms unfold horizontally rather than vertically to reduce the chance of contacting overhead power lines. One manufacturer listened to his suggestion and have modified how the arms open. Bill indicated that this event changed his life forever. This was a close call but Bill now approaches all of his tasks in a different manner.
June, 2019
Managing Fatigue
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21 hours with no sleep = impaired
reprinted from the AgSafe newsletter June, 2019
Did you know that the number of hours you are awake can be compared to blood alcohol levels? If you have been awake for 21 hours or more, the equivalent blood alcohol content is 0.08 (which is the legal limit in Canada).
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Get a good night’s rest Eat a healthy, balanced diet Avoid excessive alcohol or caffeine Avoid operating equipment or vehicles if tired, or take rest breaks if needed
In agriculture, becoming fatigued often seems unavoidable. Long hours are needed to make the farm and ranch successful. Working long hours is just one of many causes of fatigue. Other work factors like activity levels and break time between shifts play a role. Factors outside of work such as sleep routines, diet and medical history can also contribute.
If you’re an owner or manager, make sure you know how to recognize the signs of fatigue. If you notice a worker or family member showing these signs, it’s time for a rest break. Signs may include: • Micro-sleeping while operating equipment • Irritable mood swings, short tempered • Upset stomach, headaches, dizziness, blurry vision • Reflexes are slow and poor concentration • Feeling distracted and tired
Everyone has a role to play in managing fatigue. Some simple things you can do to prevent or manage fatigue are:
A little planning can go a long way when it comes to managing fatigue. Check out some of our other resources for help on managing fatigue:
June, 2019
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