LearningCommunityMigration&Minorities: Platform for Teachers and Teacher Educators
Photos from the meeting Φωτογραφίεσ από τη ςυνάντηςη
NEWSLetter - Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο October – November 2014 - Οκτ- Νοεμβ. 2014
LeaCoMM 3rd Partner Meeting Thessaloniki, Greece 27-28 October 2014 η 3 Σσνάντηση των εταίρων στη Θες/κη.
The 3rd LeaCoMM project meeting took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 27-28 October 2014. It was hosted by the Greek partner P2: DESMOS NGO. During this meeting the host organization of Desmos, by his representative Mrs. Sofia Argyropoulou (DESMOS, WP3 leader http://desmosgr.blogspot.gr/), presented the remarks after finalization of the SAR and showed the end version of it in a e-book form and in paper form a well. Mrs. Argyropoulou presented also the final version of the Need Analysis Report. She explained the approach DESMOS used to develop the Analysis and in which way this results could help the LeaCoMM partners to decide on the right topics that the teachers actually need and what kind of materials should be put on the official LeaCoMM platform. Η 3ε ζπλάληεζε ηωλ εηαίξωλ πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ζηε Θεο/θε ζηηο 27-28 Οθηωβξίνπ 2014 θαη νξγαλώζεθε από ηνλ ΜΚΟ «Δεζκόο», κέινο ηεο θνηλνπξαμίαο LeaCoMM. Καηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο ζπλάληεζεο ν Δεζκόο ΜΚΟ κέζω ηεο εθπξνζώπνπ ηνπ Σνθίαο Αξγπξνπνύινπ παξνπζίαζε ηα απνηειέζκαηα ηεο έξεπλαο αλαγθώλ θαζώο θαη ηελ ηειηθή έθδνζε ηεο επηθαηξνπνηεκέλεο Αλαθνξάο ηωλ θξαηώλ – κειώλ ηεο θνηλνπξαμίαο. Έγηλε επεμήγεζε ηεο πξνζέγγηζεο πνπ αθνινπζήζεθε γηα ηελ έξεπλα αλαγθώλ θαη θαηά πνην ηξόπν ηα απνηειέζκαηα ηεο ζα κπνξνύζαλ λα βνεζήζνπλ ηνπο εθπαηδεπηηθνύο ζε ζέκαηα επηκόξθωζεο θαη εθπαηδεπηηθνύ πιηθνύ πνπ πξόθεηηαη αλαξηεζνύλ ζηελ επίζεκε πιαηθόξκα LeaCoMM.
Project Number: 538562-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
NEWSLetter – Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο
Presentation of the 1st draft version of the platform (WP4) The Slovenian partners (ZAMS, WP4 leader) presented the working address for the LeaCoMM platform. A sub-domain of Leacomm.eu domain will be created for the platform. A panel discussion moderated by the representatives of the Slovenian Organization took place on tasks and decisions about the content and appearance of the platform. Many decisions have been taken and many ideas and suggestions have been submitted during this workshop. Καηά ηελ 3ε ζπλάληεζε νη ζινβέλνη εηαίξνη παξνπζίαζαλ ην πξνζρέδην ηεο επίζεκεο πιαηθόξκαο ηνπ Πξνγξάκκαηνο. Έγηλε ζπδήηεζε γηα ην πεξηερόκελν θαη ηελ εκθάληζε ηεο πιαηθόξκαο. Πάξζεθαλ απνθάζεηο θαη πξνηάζεθαλ πνιιέο ηδέεο εθαξκνγήο θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηωλ workshops πνπ δηεμήρζεζαλ.
State of Art Report and Need Analysiis
http://issuu.com/sarges16/docs/report?e=6402923 /9832166
Contact: Desmos NDO 11, Kapodistriou Street 60100 Katerini Greece +30 6951 848872 http://desmosgr.blogspot.gr/. desmosgr@gmail.com
http://issuu.com/sarges16/docs/leacomm_final_an alysis_report/1
Project Number: 538562-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.