yeQJ‡â Dee@]Heâ Fbef[Ùee Jeâ‡r efleceener ie=nHeef$ekeâe efmelebyej, 2013
Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal September, 2013
Proudly Celebrating... th
keâneB - keäÙee ? 08
108th Foundation Day Celebrations
CASA Star of the Month ............ 13 New Initiative............................... 14 Caterpiller to Buttery................ 15
mebheeokeâerÙe ceb[ue hegef<heboj efmebn
Editorial Board
yeer. Jeer. GheeOÙes
B. V. Upadhye
mebheeokeâerÙe oue mebheeokeâ Sme. Sce. Mekeâerue
Editorial Team Editor S. M. Shakeel
ceneØeyebOekeâ ceneØeyebOekeâ
Letter to DROs ............................ 16
Pushpinder Singh General Manager
yeQefkeâbie ceW meerOeer Yeleea DeefOekeâejer ([erDeejDees) keâer Dence Yetefcekeâe ........
General Manager
efJeÛeejeW mes jesie cegefkeäle ...................... 21 AWARDS ..................................... 22 Empowering Internal
Shri Pawan Kumar Bajaj GM (HR) as Chairman of Editorial Board.
Customers ................................... 24
vesMeveue yeQefkebâie mecetn (Gòej) ........... 26 Hon’ble Union Finance Minister at Coimbatore
National Banking Group (East)............................................ 27
yeQefkeâbie keâejesyeej ceW ceeref[Ùee mes YeeJeveelcekeâ efjMlee : peerJeble DevegYeJe .... 28
Shri R.C. Baliarsingh GM (Publicity & PR) Member
We look forward to their valuable guidance for developing ‘Taarangan’ into more vibrant House journal.
We are thankful to:
International Activities
Shri A.P. Ghugal, CGM (HR) & Chairman Editorial Board ‘Taarangan’. During his tenure, ‘Taarangan’ improved by leaps and bounds to win many laurels. He was able to bring out the best in Taarangan with his enthusiasm and innovativeness. Shri Rakesh Sinha, DGM (Retd.), Learning & Development, played two innings rst as Editor and Second as an active member of Editorial Board. He extended wholehearted support during his tenure with Taarangan.
Ùen DeeJeMÙekeâ veneR efkeâ heef$ekeâe ceW Úhes uesKeeW ceW JÙeòeâ efJeÛeej yeQkeâ kesâ neW.
Opinions expressed in Articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reect the views of the Bank. Contact : The Editor, Taarangan, Bank of India, Head Ofce, HR Dept., 9th oor, Star House, C-5, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051 You can send your contributions by e-mail at
DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ keâe mebosMe ...................................... 4 Editorial .................................... 6 Hearty Welcome EDs ................ 7
Keeme - Keeme ...............................10 Printed, Published and Edited by S. M. Shakeel on behalf of Bank of India, published from Head Ofce : Star House, C-5, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051 and printed at Magna Graphics (India) Ltd., Kandivali (W), Mumbai-400 067.
GösMÙe Øeeefhle .................................. 29 Foundation Day Activities...................................... 30
(Yeejle mejkeâej keâe Ghe›eâce) Debkeâ 18 ›eâceebkeâ 12 - efmelebyej, 2013 yewkeâ Dee@]Heâ Fbef[Ùee keâer efÉYee<eer efleceener ie=nheef$ekeâe
efnboer efoJeme 2013 - ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb
Ùen keâece efmeHe&â Skeâ yeQkeâj ner keâj mekeâlee nw .................... 43
(A Government of India Undertaking) Volume 18 No.12 - Septembesr, 2013 A Quarterly Bilingual House Journal of Bank of India
Ganesh Festival and its impact on Goan Society and Economy .......................................44
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (oef#eCe) ............ 46 National Banking Group (Central) .........................................47 Disaster in Kedarnath Horrific Tale ..................................48
keâeJÙeebpeefue.................................... 49
mJeleb$elee efoJeme meceejesn ................... 50
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (heefMÛece)
keâeJÙeebpeefue.................................... 51 Real Service to Mankind ..............56
Other Activities
Chain of Responsibility ..............57
New Branches
efnboer efoJeme 2013 kesâ DeJemej hej ceneceefnce je°^heefle kesâ efJeÛeej .............. 33
veece ceW keäÙee jKee nw? ....................... 60 Training ..........................................62
jepeYee<ee mebkeâuhe ............................. 34
keâeJÙeebpeefue..................................... 63
yetBo-yetBo mes IeÌ[e Yejlee nw - efJeòeerÙe meceeJesMeve ...................................... 38 efkeâmeeve efoJeme ................................. 39 Knowing Bar Code based Passbook printing Kiosks ............40
GheueefyOeÙeeb ..................................... 64 veS SšerSce .................................... 58 Foods That Cleanse the Liver ...............................................59
Jeen yeÛÛees N
Wah Bachho ............66
efJeefJeOe .......................................... 68
DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ keâe mebosMe efheÇÙe meeefLeÙees,
Dear Colleagues,
nceves neue ner cesb efmelebyej 2013 keâes meceehle otmejer efleceener hetCe& keâer nw~ nceejs heefjCeece heÇeslmeeeefnle keâjves keeues nQ~ nceeje efleceener kesâ Deble cesb kegâue keâjesyeej efceße `770000 jne pees heÇLece efleceener kesâ cegkeâeyeues `46,463 keâjesÌ[ DeefOekeâ nw~
We have just concluded our Second Quarter ended September, 2013. The results have been encouraging. We have closed the quarter with total business mix of `770000 crores an increase of `46,463 crores over the first quarter.
efve:mebosn nceves pees ke=efæ neefmeue keâer nw Gmes osKeles ngS KegMeer Skeb meblegef<š keâe Denmeeme neslee nw~ yeerDeesDeeF& heefjkeej kesâ heÇlÙesskeâ meomÙe keâes cesjer Deesj mes neefo&keâ yeOeeF&~ Fme ke=efæ keâes ienjeF& mes osKeves mes Ùen heÇkeâš neslee nw efkeâ:
Certainly there is a sense of joy and fulfillment looking at the decent growth we could together deliver. My congratulations to every BOl member. A deeper look at the trend of growth reveal the following:
• efleceener kesâ oewjeve keâejesyeej cesb ke=efæ mLeeF& venerb nw~ nceves efheÚues 15 efoveesb cesb `40,450 keâjesÌ[ keâe keâjesyeej peesÌ[e nw efpemecesb mes `12,000 keâjesÌ[ keâe keâjesyeej efleceener kesâ Debeflece efove DeLee&led
• Growth of business has not been consistent during the quarter. We have added business of `40,450 crores during the last fortnight of which `12,000 crores added on last day i.e. 30th September, 2013.
30 efmelebyej, 2013 keâes peesÌ[e ieÙee nw~ • keâes<eeieej heefjÛeeueve mes heÇkeâš FbHeâuees Skeb DeeTšHeâuees kesâ
Devegmeej Debeflece efove cesb ope& ke=efæ kesâ mece™he venerb nw~ Ùen Fme leLÙe keâes cepeyetle keâjlee nw efkeâ keâF& DebÛeue DeYeer Yeer efkeb[es [^sefmebie keâj jns nQ- pewmes DeheÇÙegòeâ meerceeDeesb keâes [sefyeš keâjkesâ yeÛele Ùee Ûeeuet Keeleesb cesb ›eâsef[š keâjvee~ ceQves kÙeefòeâiele oewjesb Deewj Sveyeerpeer heÇcegKeesb mes ngF& yeeleÛeerle cesb ncesMee Fme yeele keâes oesnjeÙee efkeâ efkeb[es [^efmebie mes yeÛesb keäÙeesbeefkeâ Fmemes efkeâmeer keâes ueeYe venerb hengbÛelee- mebmLee keâes lees efyeukegâue venerb~ neueebefkeâ keâejheesjsš keâeÙee&ueÙe Deheves efkeMues<eCe 4
efmelebyej 2013
• Inflow and outflow of funds as revealed from Treasury operations is not proportional to the growth recorded on the last day. This strengthens the fact apparently quite a few zones may have resorted to window dressing — such as debiting unutilized limits and crediting savings or current accounts. During my personal visit and communication with NBG heads, I have always reiterated not to resort to the temptation of window dressing as it confers no benefit to any — least to the Institution. While the analysis at Corporate Office would throw open the Zones who have
Chairperson & Managing Director's Message cesb Ssmes DebÛeueesb keâe helee ueiee uesiee, cesje Ssmes DebÛeueesb keâes efveosMe nw efkeâ kes Deheves heÇÙeemeesb keâes oesiegvee keâjsb Deesj Ùen megefveefMÛele keâjsb efkeâ Deeves keeues mehleen cesb pees efiejekeš nesieer Gmes ceen Yej cesb "erkeâ keâjsb ~
resorted to this, it is my direction to such Zones to redouble their efforts and ensure the fall in business during the following weeks is made good within a reasonable time of a month.
efleceener kesâ oewjeve keâemee cesb ke=efæ Yeer efvejeMeepevekeâ nw~ peyeefkeâ nceves ceeÛe& kesâ yeeo yeÛele cesb kesâkeue 4.22% keâer ke=efæ keâer nw, nceves keâjbš ef[heesefmešdme cesb 4.33% keâer vekeâejelcekeâ ke=efæ ope& keâer nw~ Ùen mhe<š efoKelee nw efkeâ DebÛeueesb kesâ heeme keâemee DeefYeÙeeve kesâ efueS keâesF& keâeÙe&veerefle Skeb mhe<šlee venerb nw~ DeeÛebefuekeâ heÇyebOekeâesb keâes ÛeeefnS efkeâ kes Deieueer oes efleceeefnÙeesb kesâ efueS DeYeer mes keâemee cesb megOeej keâjves kesâ efueS mhe<š ™hejsKee lewÙeej keâjsb~
The CASA growth during the quarter is disappointing. While we have registered growth of only 4.22% in savings after March, we have recorded negative growth of 4.33% in current deposits. This clearly shows Zones have no clear focus and strategy to drive CASA. The Zonal Manager should forthwith reorient themselves to draw a clear road map to improve the CASA significantly during the subsequent two quarters.
hetkee&vegmeej, efmuehespe efvejblej yeÌ{ jne nw~ neueebefkeâ, ceQ Deeieeceer efoveesb cesb keemleefkekeâ efmuehespe Deewj SveheerS kesâ yeejs cesb Deehe meYeer kesâ meeLe ÛeÛee& keâ™bieer, hejbleg $e+Ce heefjmebheefòeÙeesb keâer efmuehespe keâes jeskeâves keâer efpeccesskeejer nce meYeer keâer nw Deewj Fmecesb nceeje mšskeâ Yeer nw~ ceQ Deehe meYeer keâes Ùeeo efoueevee Ûeenleer ntb efkeâ SveheerS Skeâ oes Oeejer leuekeej nw~ Skeâ lejHeâ, Ùen nceejer yÙeepe DeeÙe keâes jeskeâleer nw Deewj otmejer lejHeâ Ùen heÇekeOeeve jKes peeves kesâ keâejCe nceejs ueeYe keâes Yeer keâce keâj osleer nw~ nceejs $e+Ce heefjmebheefòeÙeeW keâer iegCekeòee Skeâ yeej keâer heÇef›eâÙee venerb nw, Ùen efvejblej Ûeueves keeueer heÇef›eâÙee nw pees efvejblej OÙeeve Deewj megÂÌ{ kÙeglheefòe Skeb peebÛe heÇCeeueer keâe Devegheeueve ceebieleer nw~ ke=âheÙee veesš keâjsb efkeâ nceejer efjkeâkejer Deesj Dehe«es[sMeve ncesMee nceejer efmuehespe mes DeefOekeâ nesvee ÛeeefnS~ Dele: ncesb Deheveer ieefleefkeefOeÙeesb keâer ieefle cesb megOeej keâjves keâer DeheefjneÙe& DeekeMÙekeâlee nw efkeMes<ekeâjs Ûeeuet Skeb yeÛele Keeles mebieÇefnle keâjvee s efjšsue, SmeSceF& Skeb ke=âef<e cesb efvejblej mLeeÙeer ke=efæ keâes heÇehle keâjvee s efmuehespe keâes jeskeâves kesâ efueS keâ"esj Âef<škeâesCe Skeb kemetefueÙeesb cesb megOeej GheÙe&gòeâ GheeÙe DeÛÚs heefjÛeeueve Skeb efvekeue ueeYe keâes ope& keâjves nsleg DeefveJeeÙe& Mele&sb- nQ~ nce meYeer keâes kele&ceeve efkeòeerÙe ke<e& keâer leermejer Deewj Debeflece efleceener kesâ oewjeve cepeyetle legueve-he$e ueeves nsleg Deheves Yejmekeâ heÇÙeeme keâjves ÛeeefnS~
The slippage, as in the past is growing unabated. While I will share in due course about the exact slippage and NPA, all of us have a stake and responsibility in arresting deterioration in our loan assets. Let me remind you that a non performing asset is a double-edged sword. On the one side, it ceases to give interest income and on the other it drains away the profitability on account of provisions to be made. Ensuring quality of our loan assets is not a one time process, but an ongoing exercise requiring constant attention and adherence to sound origination and monitoring system. Kindly note that our recovery and up gradation should always be more than our slippages. There is thus, an inevitable need to improve the pace of our activities especially —
s In mobilizing current and savings account s In achieving continuous sustainable growth
in Retail,
SME and Agriculture
diehard approach in arresting the slippages and improving the recoveries
The above measures are sine-qua-non for posting good Operating and Net Profits. We all should strive our optimum to bring forth a very strong balance-sheet during the 3rd and last quarter of the current financial year. With Greetings and warm regards,
MegYekeâeceveeDeeW meefnle,
(Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej)
(V. R. Iyer)
efmelebyej 2013
Editorial Dear Readers,
efheÇÙe hee"keâes, cegPes Deehe meYeer keâes Ùen yeleeles ngS DelÙeble n<e& keâe DevegYeke nes jne nw efkeâ nceejer ie=nheef$ekeâe ves henueer yeej ‘Debleje<š^erÙe hegjmkeâej’ heÇehle keâjles ngS Skeâ DelÙeble cenlkehetCe& GheueefyOe neefmeue keâer nw~ Ùen hegjmkeâej ‘ie=nheef$ekeâeDeesb cesb yeÇeb[ Glke=â<šlee’kesâ efueS ogyeF& cesb DeeÙeesefpele DelÙeble Meeveoej meceejesn cesb heÇoeve efkeâÙee ieÙee~ cegPes ceneheÇyebOekeâ (ceeveke mebmeeOeve) ßeer hekeve yepeepe kesâ meeLe Fme hegjmkeâej meceejesn cesb meefcceefuele nesves keâe meewYeeiÙe Yeer heÇehle ngDee~ Fme meceejesn cesb 33 osMeesb keâer yengje<š^erÙe keâbheefveÙeesb ves Deheveer GheefmLeefle ope& keâer~ Yeejle mes kesâkeue nceejs yeQkeâ keâes hegjmkeâej kesâ efueS ÛeÙeefvele efkeâÙee ieÙee~ efve:meosn, nceves Ùen GheueefyOe Deheves Meer<e& heÇyebOeve cegKÙele: ceeveveerÙee meerSce[er kesâ cepeyetle menÙeesie kesâ heefjCeece mke™he Deefpe&le keâer nw~ nce Ùen hegjmkeâej hetjs mecceeve kesâ meeLe Deheves hee"keâesb keâes meceefhe&le keâjles nQ~ meeLe ner, Deehe meYeer kesâ efvejblej menÙeesie Deewj mejenvee kesâ efueS yengleyengle OevÙekeeo Yeer osles nQ~ nce Deeieeceer ke<eeX cesb keâF& Deewj GheueefyOeÙeeb neefmeue keâjves kesâ efueS heÇÙeemejle jnsbies~ ceQ Fme Dekemej keâe ueeYe G"eles ngS Deehe meYeer keâes yeQkeâ kesâ 108kesb mLeehevee efokeme hej yeOeeF& Skeb MegYekeâeceveeSb heÇsef<ele keâjlee ntb~ mLeehevee efokeme ncesb nceejs ieewjkehetCe& Fefleneme keâer Ùeeo lees efoueelee ner nw meeLe ner ncesb nceejs hetke& efve…ekeeve ueesieesb keâer Yeer Ùeeo efoueelee nw efpevekesâ lÙeeie Deewj mebkeâuhe mes Deepe yeQkeâ kele&ceeve cegkeâece hej hengbÛee nw~ Ùen keânves keâer DeekeMÙekeâlee venerb efkeâ yeQkeâ kesâ efJekeâeme ceW veerÛes mes Thej lekeâ nce meYeer keâe Ùeesieoeve cenlkehetCe& Deewj DelÙeble cenòee keâe nw~ nceeje Ùen heÇÙeeme nesvee ÛeeefnS efkeâ nce yeQkeâ kesâ efkekeâeme cesb Dehevee ßes‰lece menÙeesie osb~ Ùeneb cegPes Skeâ keâneveer Ùeeo Deeleer nw - uebkeâe hej Dee›eâceCe keâjves mes hetke& Yeiekeeve ßeerjece hegue yevee jns Les~ Skeâ efieuenjer ueieeleej Deheves Mejerj hej jsle {es keâj uee jner Leer~ ken Deheves Mejerj hej uee jner jsle keâes meeLe ner Fkeâúe jsle hej [eue jner Leer~ Yeiekeeve ßeerjece kesâ mewefvekeâ, yebojesb ves, Ùen Iešvee Gvnsb yeleeF&~ Yeiekeeve ßeerjece efieuenjer kesâ heeme ieS Deewj keâne efkeâ ken Ssmee keäÙeesb keâj jner nw? Gmeves Gòej efoÙee ‘uebkeâe hej efkepeÙe heÇeefhle nsleg’~ Yeiekeeve ßeerjece yeesues efkeâ Ùen jsle kesâ Úesšs keâCe kewâmes ceooieej nesbies? ken yeesueer Yeiekeeve ‘ ceQ #ecee Ûeenleer ntb~ jsle kesâ keâCe heÙee&hle nw Ùee venerb, Fmehes ceQ ieewj venerb keâj jner hej ceQ Flevee peeveleer ntb efkeâ ceQ Deheveer hetjer Tpee& mes, Dehevee ßes…lece menÙeesie keâjves keâe heÇÙeeme keâj jner ntb~ ßeerjece Ùen megvekeâj yengle heÇmeVe ngS ~ Gvnesbves hÙeej mes Gmekeâer heer" hej neLe Heâsje~ Ùeneb mebosMe efyeukegâue meeHeâ nw efkeâ Fmemes keâesF& Heâke&â venerb heÌ[lee efkeâ keâeÙe& Úesše nw Ùee yeÌ[e~ ceeÙeves jKelee nw efkeâ Deehe Fmes hetCe& mecehe&Ce Deewj peesMe kesâ meeLe keâjW~ Deehe cesb Glmeen nw, Deehekesâ heeme kees peesMe nw, Deewj Deehe Glmeener nQ lees Deehekeâes keâesF& venerb jeskeâ mekeâlee~ Deehekeâes meeQhes ieS veS Debkeâ cesb efkeMes<e ™he mes veS Yeleer& [erDeejDees keâes OÙeeve cesb jKeles ngS keâeHeâer ceveesjbpekeâ, %eeveJeæ&keâ Skeb metÛeveeheÇo DeeuesKe Meeefceue efkeâS ieS nQ~ nce menùoÙe Fme Debkeâ cesb menÙeesie osves keeues uesKekeâesb keâe cegKÙe ™he mes Deheves keefj… keâeÙe&heeuekeâesb keâe Deheves peerkeve kesâ DevegYekeesb keâes nceejs meeLe yeebšves kesâ efueS OevÙekeeo keâjles nQ~ heÌ{ves keâe Deevebo G"eSb~ ncesb hej Deehekesâ megPeekeesb keâe Fblepeej jnsiee~
(mejleepe ceesncceo Mekeâerue
efmelebyej 2013
I am very delighted to share with you all that our In-House Journal has achieved one of its most significant milestones by getting its ‘First International Award for Brand Excellence in House Magazine’ at a glittering function held at Dubai. I was fortunate to attend the award ceremony along with GM (HR) Shri Pawan Bajaj held on 24 September 2013 at Dubai. The event witnessed representation of big multinational companies from 33 countries. We were the only bank from India chosen for the award. Undoubtedly, we have achieved this milestone due to the strong support of our Top Management particularly of our worthy CMD. We humbly dedicate this award to you ‘readers’ and a big thank you for your continuous support and contributions. We will strive to achieve many more milestones in coming years. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate and wish you on banks 108th foundation day. The foundation day indeed reminds us of our glorious past and the contributions made by our stalwarts in making the bank where it has reached today. Needless to say, that the contributions of each one of us right from the bottom to top is significant and is of utmost importance for the growth of the Bank. It should be our endeavor to contribute in the growth of bank to our optimum best. Here I remember a story; Lord Rama was building a bridge before attacking Lanka. One squirrel would roll on and off the banks and bring sand on its body. It would dump the sand clinging on its body on to the heap already there. The monkeys, Lord Rama’s sentinels, and soldiers described this incident to him. He went to the squirrel and asked why she was doing that. The reply was, “To win over Lanka!”The Lord said, “What will these miniscule grains of sand do by way of help?”The squirrel replied, “I beg your forgiveness, Lord, the grains of sand are enough or less, I cannot fathom that, but all I know is that I’m trying my level best to contribute, pulling up all my energies. “This overwhelmed Rama. He lovingly patted her back. The message is clear ‘it does not matter whether the assignment is big or small. What matters is that one should do it with total surrender and enthusiasm. If you are eager, you have that zeal and you are enthusiastic then no one can stop you. The new edition in your hands comprises of very interesting, enlightening and informative articles with special focus on our newly recruited DROs. We sincerely thank our contributors of this edition mainly our Senior Most Executives who have shared their real life experiences with all of us. Enjoy reading! Please feel free to write to us at HeadOffice.Taarangan@
Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)
nee|okeâ DeefYevebove
Shri Arun Shrivastava took over as Executive Director of the Bank w.e.f. 5th August, 2013. Prior to this assignment, Shri Srivastava was General Manager, Bank of Baroda from September 02, 2010 till he joined Bank of India. He has done M.Sc. and professional qualifications of CAIIB, AIBM. He Joined Bank of Baroda in January 1979 as Direct Recruit Officer. Worked in almost all key segments of Banking, in various capacities at Branches, Zonal Office, and Corporate Office. Before joining our Bank he was working as General Manager, (Large Corporate Banking), BCC Mumbai. He also worked in overseas Centre as Managing Director of Bank’s subsidiary in Kenya and as Director on the Board of Bank’s subsidiary in Uganda and Tanzania. During his tenure, Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd was awarded with “Most Efficient Bank” and the “Best Bank” in Kenya.
Welcome Newly Promoted GMs
Shri V. A. Gondhalekar
Shri M.V. Venketeswaran
Shri Ajit Korde
Shri Sugali Venkateshwarlu
Shri B.V. Upadhye
Shri K. K. Nair
HEARTY WELCOME Shri R. Koteeswaran took over as Executive Director of the Bank w.e.f. 5th August, 2013. Prior to this assignment, Shri Koteeswaran was General Manager, Bank of Baroda from December 01, 2010 till he joined Bank of India. Shri Koteeswaran joined Bank of Baroda in 1976 as clerk, after completing graduation in Commerce in Loyola College, Madras. After promotion to officer’s cadre in 1981, he worked in various branches in different centers, mostly in credit. He was also heading Kisumu Branch in Kenya for 4 years. After returning from overseas in 1999, he had worked in an Administrative (Zonal) Office for 3 years. He was elevated to Chief Manager Cadre in 2002 and worked at Central IT Department, where several innovative ideas were implemented. When the Bank embarked on its journey to Technology led Business Transformation, he was inducted into the core team for its implementation in May 2005. Thereafter, he discharged duties as Data Centre Manager for 4 years from Nov, 2006 before becoming the Head of IT & Projects Department in 2010 as General Manager. From May 2013, he was made in charge of Data Warehousing Project & CRM, Resources Mobilization, Marketing, Wealth Management and Official Language Department. Several daily dash boards for the Top Management were released some of them even on mobile devices, for the Regional/Zonal Heads and Corporate Functional Heads from Data Ware House, during this period.
Shri P. S. Rawat On his appointment as Executive Director of Canara Bank w.e.f. 5 August, 2013
Shri B.B.Joshi On his appointment as Executive Director of Bank of Baroda w.e.f. 5 August, 2013
Shri Rakesh Sethi On his appointment as Executive Director of Union Bank of India w.e.f. 5 August, 2013
Shri Sanjay Pawar
efmelebyej 2013
mLeehevee efoJeme meceejesn
he bank celebrated its 108th foundation day with full zeal and enthusiasm. The Head Office and all NBGs, Zones, Branches and foreign branches celebrated the day by organizing various social, economic and welfare activities. At Head Office, the two musical events were organized first at NCPA auditorium, Mumbai for customers where renowned singers Shankar, Ehasan & Loy and their troupe entertained our customers and their family members second one at Shanmukhanand Hall, Mumbai for staff members and their family members where everyone enjoyed their evening fully loaded with entertainment with live performances of popular marathi film actress and dancer Sonali Kulkarni,
efmelebyej 2013
108th Foundation Day Celebrations
stand up comedian Naveen Prabhakar and live musical show by celebrated Singer Shaan and his troupe. The event became memorable for some employees who were felicitated at the hands of Chairperson & Managing Director for their outstanding work in different walks of life. Shri Kersi Engineer, NBG (South), Smt. Shraddha Yogesh Mandrekar & Smt. Pushpa Subramanian, Navi Mumbai Zone and Shri Prashant Eknath Devsthali, Ghatkopal (East) Branch were felicitated during foundation day celebration at Shanmukhanand Hall, Mumbai. Both the events were successful as it made a mark on the minds of everyone and filled their hearts with joy. The event became memorable for our customers as well as for our staff members.
The passion of foundation day was also high at our NBGs, Zones/Branches, and foreign branches. To mark the occasion, they also conducted/organized various programmes and activities like customer meet, honored valued customers, welfare initiatives for deprived people of society, loan melas & sanction of loans under various schemes, opening of new Branches, ATMs, Ultra Small Branches, programmes for poor students and people, free health checkup camps, tree plantation, cultural programme of local artists & felicitating social activist & musical events for staff members and their families. Branches distributed cakes amongst the staff. (Glimpse at page 30, 31 & 32)
Hon'ble union finance minister shri p. chidambaram inaugurated Medagupatti ATM at Coimbatore Hon’ble Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram inaugurating Medagupatti ATM at Coimbatore Zone in the presence of CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer, ZM Shri K. Rajaraman, DGM (Publicity & PR) Shri N.Venkatachalam.
Hon’ble Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram addressing the gathering. (On dias L-R ) ZM Shri K. Rajaraman, CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer, GM NBG (S) Shri Charan Singh and Br. Mgr. Madagupatti Branch Shri Satishkumar.
release of ‘Vigilance Manual’ by chairperson & Managing director at head office
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer, EDs Shri B.P. Sharma, Shri Arun Shrivastava, Shri R. Koteeswaran, CVO Shri Vivekananda Das, GM Shri A.B. Rane along with other officers during the release of ‘Vigilance Manual’ at Head Office.
efmelebyej 2013
Gppewve DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej mšeHeâ meomÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjleer ngFË. cebÛe hej Deeb.Øe. ßeer Sme.kesâ. DeieÇJeeue SJeb ce.Øe. ßeer efJekeâeme heeb[s.
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue Deeieceve hej DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej keâe mJeeiele keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe. meeLe ner, mšeHeâ meomÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjleer ngFË DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej. cebÛeemeerve ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn, Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe SJeb ef[efJepeveue ØeyebOekeâ (Gòej) ßeer Sue. Deej. efyemeesF&.
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej efkeâmeeve efoJeme kesâ DeJemej hej ‘efkeâmeeve [eÙejer’ keâe efJeceesÛeve keâjles ngS. meeLe ceW, ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn, Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe SJeb ef[efJepeveue ØeyebOekeâ (Gòej) ßeer Sue. Deej. efyemeesF&.
efmelebyej 2013
nwojeyeeo DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej mšeHeâ meomÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjleer ngFË. cebÛe hej Dee.Øe. ßeer Deej.Sme. Ûeewneve, meerpeerSce ßeer Sme. kesâ oòee SJeb ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (o.) ßeer ÛejCe efmebn.
veJeer cegbyeF& DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej, ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (he.) ßeer Jeer.peer. keâeceLe, Deeb.Øe. ßeer yeer.kesâ. ceesnbleer SJeb Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer Jeso ØekeâeMe peesMeer keâer GheefmLeefle ceW mšeHeâ meomÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjleer ngF&b.
veF& efouueer DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej mšeHeâ momÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjleer ngFË. cebÛeemeerve ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn, efveosMekeâ SJeb cenemeefÛeJe yeerDeesDeeF& DeefOekeâejer mebIe ßeer njefJeboj efmebn SJeb cenemeefÛeJe, yeerDeesDeeF& keâce&Ûeejer mebIe ßeer efJekeäkeâj yeneogj.
Fboewj efpeuee cesb DeeÙeesefpele efJeòeerÙe meceeJesMeve keâeÙe&›eâce keâe GodIeešve keâjleer ngFË DeOÙe#e SJeb øeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej~ meeLe cesb lelkeâeueerve ieJeve&j ßeer [er.megyyeejeJe SJeb #es$eerÙe efveosMekeâ ßeer Heer.Deej.jefJeceesnve SJeb DevÙe GÛÛeeefOekeâejerieCe~
Fboewj DebÛeue cesb DeOÙe#e SJeb øeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej, YeejleerÙe efjpeJe& yeQkeâ kesâ lelkeâeueerve ieJeve&j ßeer [er.megyyeejeJe keâe mJeeiele keâjles ngS~
Fboewj DebÛeue cesb DeOÙe#e SJeb øeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej mšeHeâ meomÙeesb keâes mebyeseefOele keâjles ngS~
efmelebyej 2013
veeiehegj-~ DebÛeue kesâ oewjs hej ieS keâe.efve. ßeer yeer.heer.Mecee&, ce.Øe. ßeer efJekeâeme heeb[s SJeb Sveyeerpeer (he.) kesâ ce.Øe. ßeer Jeer.peer.keâeceLe, DebÛeue kesâ keâejesyeej keâer meceer#ee keâjles nS. yew"keâ ceW GheefmLele Deeb.Øe. veeiehegj-~ ßeer efceefuebo JewÅe, Deeb. Øe. keâesunehegj ßeer heer. peer. YeieJeleJeej SJeb DevÙe DebÛeueeW kesâ DeebÛeefuekeâ ØeyebOekeâieCe.
ED Shri Arun Shrivastava inaugurating the new premises of New Delhi Large Corporate Branch along with GM, NBG-North Shri Tarlochan Singh and then DGM, Shri N. K. Sood, GS AIBOC & Director on Board BOI Shri Harvinder Singh
jepÙe mlejerÙe yeQkeâme& meefceefle, PeejKeb[ keâer 47 JeeR yew"keâ ceW PeejKeb[ kesâ cegKÙeceb$eer ßeer nsceble meesjsve, efJeòeceb$eer, ßeer Deej.heer.efmebn SJeb DevÙe ieCeceevÙe JÙeefkeäleÙeeW keâer GheefmLeefle ceW GodIeešve keâjles ngS keâe.efve. ßeer De¤Ce ßeerJeemleJe.
BOI Shareholding Ltd paid a dividend Cheque of `1.02 crores for the year 2012-13. GM Shri Gopal M. Bhagat handing over the cheque to ED Shri R. Koteeswaran along with MD BOI shareholding Ltd. Shri Nageswara Rao Varanasi.
jepemLeeve DebÛeue kesâ oewjs hej ieS ßeer Deej.keâesšermJejve keâe mJeeiele keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer Sve.Yeeie&Je SJeb mšeHeâ meomÙe
ED Shri R. Koteeswaran being warmly welcomed at MDI by GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty during his maiden visit to MDI Belapur.
efmelebyej 2013
veF& henue Khas-Khas New Initiative
“CASA STAR OF THE MONTH” KEY POINTS OF BOI CASA SUPER STAR CAMPAIGN 1. This campaign encourages branches to capitalize on business development in any segment of CASA where they are strong enough and where the potential for them to grow is higher. The campaign is set to mobilize CASA deposits which are the thrust area of the Bank.
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer addressing the staff members at head office during the launch of "CASA star of the month" initiative in the presence of ED's Shri B. P. Sharma, Shri Arun Shrivastava & GM (RM) Shri M. V. Venketeswaran.
With a little effort and focus you can be CASA STAR OF THE MONTH 1. All Staff members at branch can join hands together right from Sub-Staff, Clerical Staff to Officers to pave the way to make their Branch a CASA STAR. 2. The branch should register highest % growth in CASA over the previous month. 3. Branch should also achieve its SB & CD budget for the month. CASA STAR OF THE QUARTERThe recognition does not rest at the Monthly milestone, you can add a topping on the Monthly Milestone with a crown of CASA STAR for the Quarter. Three prizes await under different categories for the Real Winners 1. Top 10, 10, 12 & 18 branches under the Metro, Urban, Semi-Urban & Rural category respectively will be recognized as CASA Star of the Quarter at the end of the Quarter if they achieve their budget for CASA for the Quarter end. 2. The branches should fulfill the following Criteria: a. Quarterly % Budget Over Achievement in CASA over 31st March 2013 b. Quarterly Savings Bank growth - % Budget Over Achievement , simultaneously CASA Budget to be achieved c. Quarterly Current Deposits growth - % Budget Over Achievement, simultaneously CASA Budget to be achieved.
2. Under the campaign Incentives will be payable at end of the FY on the basis of eligibility Criteria. The campaign will also reward top branches under Metro, Urban, Semi Urban & Rural Category achieving their Monthly and Quarterly Budgets. 3. All Business departments and Support departments have been involved in the campaign. Each of them have been given specific deliverable and responsibility for the campaign. 4. Challenging targets for mobilizing CASA have been given to Large Corporate, Mid Corporate, International Banking, Government Business, Rural departments for mobilising CASA. 5. Incentives will be awarded on the basis of 95% of CASA achievement (Month End Balance) for Branches and 100% for Zones and NBG. The targets for the campaign will be the same as those given at the beginning of the year by Head Office and/or Zones. 6. Incentives will be awarded to all Head Office departments subject to the Bank achieving at least 95% of Bank’s CASA target and specific deliverable expected from them. 7. Incentive pay outs will be directly linked to CASA achievement. Higher the over-achievement; higher will be the incentives up to 150% of Base Incentive. 8. All new joinees and retiring employees will be part of this Campaign and shall be paid on the pro rata basis, subject to their being a part of the winning team for at least 90 days. 9. All Branches which have been allocated CASA Budgets are eligible for Annual CASA Incentive Plan. However, the new branches (ie branches opened on or after 01.04.2012) are excluded from the Monthly and Quarterly CASA Star Contests. 10. There are three categories of awards: CASA Star of the Month, CASA Star of the Quarter and CASA Super Star for FY 14. 11. BOI CASA Super Stars Campaign shall culminate with a grand Annual function where in the select qualifiers and achievers shall be felicitated based on the parameters set by the Bank. t
efmelebyej 2013
veF& henue
New Initiative
BOI- MOGS Co-Branded Platinum Credit Card Launched Bank launched a co-branded Platinum Credit Card for members of Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynecologists Society, the oldest such organization in the country. Bank has one of the largest Card bases amongst PSU Banks. Speaking on the occasion, CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer acknowledged the role of the Doctors and elaborated the multifarious products that the Bank has made available to them. Smt. Iyer also launched BOI Star Doctor Plus Credit Scheme, which has been specially designed to meet the business and individual needs of the Doctor community.
“Launch of Chip based EMV Credit Card” Chip based EMV Credit Card was launched at the hands of renowned actor Shri Boman K. Irani in the presence of CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer & ED Shri Arun Shrivastava. (L-R) GMs Shri A.B.Rane, Shri R.C. Baliarsingh, CGM Shri S.K.Datta, ED Shri Arun Shrivastava, CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, renowned actor Shri Boman K. Irani, GM NBG (W) Shri V.G Kamath, ZM MSZ Shri D.K. Garg, DGM Shri Guldeep Bhatia & ZM MNZ Shri T.Sudhakar.
Golden CASA Shining like a guiding star Goal of us is not too far.
All the staff members should do CASA campaign should tell too.
We all should see customer They are always not too far.
It is the resource base of Bank It will increase profit tank.
When they come to Bank for stay We should show them humble fray.
It will enhance dealing base It is preferred for all case.
Bank of India has done a lot Each one gets a golden pot.
CASA deposit’s foundation Praise came from whole nation.
Ritish Chakravarty Ex-Staff Officer, Kolkata
efmelebyej 2013
It is launched with twin object Augmenting low cost prospect.
CASA gives a golden ball Think CASA, gain for all.
Caterpiller to Butterfly... CMD's visit to Ludhiana
e a champion, Be a Leader. Have self-confidence. Identify your potentials and Perform to Potential…..” Our Chairperson’s words were reverberating in the auditorium and in the hearts of all the staff members present there. The hall was jam-packed and everybody was assimilating her words of wisdom as she went on to add .."Every officer staff member should get at least `75 lacs deposits and other staff members to get `50 lacs of deposit in the remainder of this financial year…”
On her maiden visit to Ludhiana on 12.09.2013, our Chairperson and Managing Director Smt. V. R. Iyer was addressing a large gathering of staff members assembled in the auditorium, which was beautifully decorated to mark the occasion. As everybody heard with apt attention, she added.. “the Bank has a strong technology platform for e products such as Service Tax, Central Excise, Customs, PPF & E-freight etc. We need to generate awareness among our staff members and the customers to popularize these products to maximize our non-fund based income..”.
Dr. Om Prakash Lal AGM, MCB, Ludhiana email As the economy of Punjab is primarily driven by agriculture, to mark our presence in the Kisan Mela in a very befitting manner, she launched “Kisan Diary”. This step has been widely applauded by the local electronic and print media by providing extensive coverage as the Diary is very useful for the local agriculturists in noting and referring for their day to day activities. Since most of our products and useful information pertaining to our Bank are printed in the diary, this is being construed as a very effective advertising tool in the local circles. CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer during visit to Ludhiana Zone. Team Ludhiana Zone welcoming CMD on her arrival at venue.
GM NBG (North) Shri Tarlochan Singh emphatically stressed the need for augmenting the CASA and non fund based business. Divisional Manager Shri L. R. Bisoi welcomed Shri Singh by presenting a floral bouquet to grace the occasion. The Zonal Manager Shri Anant Upadhyay in his motivating welcome address stated .. It was in the form of a beautiful creator known as Caterpillar. Madam has injected the chemical known as Catalyst to transform the organization into beautiful Butterfly. She really walks the talk. In one of her communications, she mentioned “Keep your customers happy, they will keep you in business”. And an innovation in the form of “Star Sampark” was created to receive valuable feedback and suggestions from customers. Similarly for the staff members to send ideas for betterment of the bank directly to the top management, “Starnivaran” was launched. The aim was to strengthen our management information system and in turn, tremendously benefit our decision making process. For our staff members to become effective marketing personnel to cross sell our products and services, they need to have the product knowledge, skill in marketing our products & services and a determination to achieve the goals. To hone this skill, all the zones were authorized to conduct locational training programmes… Earlier during the day, addressing the review meeting of senior functionaries of the zone, Smt. Iyer emphasized the need for achieving all the budgets on monthly basis and focusing on the growth of our bottom line at it is more important than top line growth. For the purpose, she exhorted for cross selling and popularizing our Third Party products and IT enabled services besides focusing on CASA growth.
While addressing the SME customers of the zone on Business Lunch, she highlighted Bank’s pivotal role in nurturing and supporting their businesses and solicited their support in augmenting bank’s business by providing quality leads. Similarly during the Business Dinner with the Mid corporate and Large Corporate customers, she outlined Bank’s achievements vis-à-vis peer Banks and extensively dealt with the benefits of opening of salary accounts of all their staff members and CD account of all their sister concerns in respective branches. As the sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, into deeper and deeper shades of night, the staff members returned home with Madam’s words echoing in their minds - Move out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself beyond your conditioned thinking to get the Best out of you. Contribute to realize the corporate Plan to reach `8.1 Lakh Cr. global business mix by 31.03.2014. Own the budgets and achieve them on monthly basis… Acknowledgement: The contents sourced from the speech of our Chairperson as also from the address of the Zonal Manager are gratefully acknowledged. t
efmelebyej 2013
Letter to DROs My Dear DROs, I am addressing this letter to all those officers who have joined this great institution recently. Actually this is addressed to all those who would care to read it and more importantly find it worthwhile to act on it. So here it goes!
et me begin by complimenting each and every one of you on having made two great decisions – the first,choosing the profession of banking and the second, of choosing a great bank i.e. BOI. While you can contribute to society in whatever profession you choose, very few professions come close to banking. Having worked in four organizations in the private sector, government sector and public sector, I can say with confidence that the profession of banking is not only fulfilling emotionally (what you call job satisfaction) but also materially. You can work out the numbers at your own leisure and discover how you are placed materially; go on to balance it with the job satisfaction and see for yourself the merits of your decision. But more on that some other time. I also compliment you on the institution you chose to join from amongst the various options available to you. Bank of India is a great Bank! One of the reasons Bank of India enjoys its privileged position is because it is the most secular Bank in the country. It does not owe its
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existence to any one particular community but has been founded by a group of visionary Indian businessmen who represented the best qualities found in the diversity of our nation. All of you must know the history of the Bank by now. You must be aware that it is over 107 years old, has withstood the test of time, survived all the crises that the world has seen over more than a century and has been voted as the most trusted Bank amongst public sector banks more than once. We have published the history of Bank of India to mark the 100 years of our existence in 2006. If you can get hold of a copy, read it. The history of your professional heritage will make you proud. It is also one of the three truly international banks from India, with a global presence in all time zones. From San Francisco to Japan, from the early day break to the late twilight, as the world goes to work so does the Bank. For the past 108 years in over 50 branches and offices in 21 countries, Bank of India has been as tireless in its service to its customers as they have been in pursuing their
Munir Alam Chief General Manager, (Retd.) Head Office livelihood. We are only as good as the relationships we forge, and we have been blessed with millions across the world. But that’s enough institutional pride for now! Allow me to come to the basic purpose of writing this letter to you. I want to talk to you about three things at the very beginning of your career – relationships, health and money. As you embark on your career path, you may begin with the belief that you have not joined this profession out of any special desire to serve the society and the country. In all probability, this was one of the many options available to you and you chose it after taking into account pragmatic factors such as the amount of money you can make vis a vis other offers, the job security and the respect that the job offers. My
apologies to all those who are the exception to my assumptions. But all of you will soon realize that the job is all consuming. It makes great demands on your time, your life and your relationships. How you handle these demands will determine how your future in the organization will turn out. It is also true that you will be spending half your waking hours in the Bank and will be spending more time with your colleagues and fellow workers than with your family members. They will become part of your extended family and will be with you when you need them. As you connect with your batch mates, you will come across wonderful colleagues wherever you are posted. Some of them will go on to become your mentors and role models in the days to come. And in time, you too will go on to become mentors and role models for others. It is a rich tradition of learning and sharing that forms the foundation of our professional ethic. And now you are part of this tradition as well. Your colleagues will be the first ones you will turn to in times of crisis and it is important that you nurture these relationships. They will last you a life time. But remember that these need not be at the cost of your family and friends from another era. Pause a moment and think about it and you will realize that nothing comes close to the bonds that you have with your parents, siblings, spouse, children, anything. They are the support system that will see you through in times of crisis. They are there 24x7 – undemanding and understanding. You should not take them for granted. Invest in these relationships, and only then can you reap the dividends.
The belief that your work and relationships cannot go together is incorrect. With a little bit of understanding and adjustment, you can nourish both. While you have a responsibility towards your job, you have the same if not more responsibility towards your relationships. A healthy and pleasant relationship will ensure that you remain emotionally fit to carry on your job responsibilities with full vigor. There is no magic formula for this. Each one of you will have to work it out for yourself. Do that. The effort will be well worth it. The all consuming passion for excelling at your job will also make demands on your body. It’s no brainer that to discharge your responsibilities, you need a healthy body. After all it is the medium you use for performance. Design and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take time out for your daily physical exercise regime. No day should be so busy that you can’t spare time for physical exercise. Eat healthy and do not skip meals. In metros, life seems to be very busy with constant running for catching the train/ bus in the mornings and evenings. During the day work or meetings may inundate you and you may think of stealing time by sacrificing your meal. It is not necessary or desirable. Plan your day in such a manner that you have time to take care of your body. You expect it to take care of you for your whole life, don’t you? If it entails leaving the comfort of your bed earlier than usual, do that. And finally comes the money part. It will be ironic if you – the banker – who advise the whole world about how to invest money, do not do it for yourself. Most of us are not from very affluent class. In the early part of your career you will find that the demands on your finances are
many. After allocating it to the essentials and after taking care of your multiple responsibilities, you may find there is hardly anything left to save. Let me share with you the definition of ‘savings’ as told to me by Babu Deep Narayan Singh – Head Master of the local school at one of the rural places where I was posted. He said, and I have read it many times elsewhere, that savings is the amount of money you take out before you start spending. Save regularly. Believe in the power of compounding. A little amount saved regularly over a period of time is always better than saving a bulk amount once in a while. I was recently reading the interview of one of the youngest billionaire in the world from China. He mentioned that, in early part of his career he used to save 80% of his salary and still, with a family he saves 40% of his earnings regularly. So take inspiration and start that SIP you have been postponing so far. Start that Recurring Deposit or whatever it is that catches your fancy. Be wise with your money and keep away from those too good to be true schemes. You will soon realize that with a nice little nest egg safely tucked away in your investments, life becomes so much easier and you are able to focus better on your career. The journey you are about to embark on is part adventure, part duty. A bright future awaits you all and all of you are deserving of it. There are no favored travellers on this journey. The ones who succeed will be the ones who find balance in life, through managing of their relationships, health and money. All the best to each one of you,
efmelebyej 2013
Jeelee&ueehe mebJeeo Interaction Interaction
yeQefkeâbie ceW meerOeer Yeleea DeefOekeâejer ([erDeejDees)
keâer Dence Yetefcekeâe
keâesF& Yeer mebmLee FËš, ieejs, heòej mes veneR yeveleer yeefukeâ GmeceW keâeÙe& keâjves Jeeues keâce&Ûeejer ner Gmekeâe efvecee&Ce keâjles nw, Ssmes ner pegPee¤ Deewj keâce&" keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâer yeoewuele keâesF& Yeer mebmLee Dehevee efveOee&e&fjle ue#Ùe DeLeJee cegkeâece neefmeue keâj mekeâleer nw DeLee&le FvneR keâer Jepen mes keâesF& Yeer mebmLee HeâMe& mes DeMe& lekeâ hengBÛe mekeâleer nw Deewj FvneR keâce&" keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâer yeoewuele Deepe keâF& mebmLeeSb Deheves Meer<e& hej nQ. efkeâmeer Yeer mebmLee kesâ efJeefvecee&Ce DeLeJee GlLeeve ceW Fvekeâe cenlJehetCe& Ùeesieoeve neslee nw. yeQkeâ Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee keâes 108 Je<e& hetCe& nes Ûegkesâ nQ. Deepe nce yeQkeâ Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee keâes Fme cegkeâece hej heeles nQ lees efve§eÙe ner nceW Gvekeâer Ùeeo Dee peeleer nQ efpevneWves Deheveer F&ceeveoejer Deewj keâef"ve ØeÙeeme mes yeQkeâ Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee keâer veeRJe keâes meeRÛee nw. GvneR keâer yeoewuele Deepe nce Meer<e& hej nQ. FmeceW yeQkeâ Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee kesâ pegPee¤ Deewj keâce&" DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW/keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW keâer ner Dence Yetefcekeâe nw. 18
efmelebyej 2013
jepeerJe kegâceej ieghlee DeebÛeefuekeâ ØeyebOekeâ, Yeesheeue DebÛeue
efkebâie meskeäšj keâe ÛeewcegKeer efJekeâeme mJeeYeeefJekeâ nw, keäÙeeWefkeâ osMe keâer DeeefLe&keâ JÙeJemLee Fmemes meerOeer pegÌ[er ngF& nw Deewj Deepe hetje osMe yeQkeâeW hej efveYe&j nw. yeQkeâ ner Skeâcee$e Ssmee meskeäšj nw pees ueesieeW kesâ yeerÛe mJeÙeb Oejeleue hej peekeâj meerOes hengBÛe yevee jne nw. Ùen ØeceeefCele nes Ûegkeâe nw efkeâ Ùeefo mejkeâejer ueeYe, Devegoeve Ùee heWMeve keâesves-keâesves ceW ueeYeeLeer& keâes hengBÛeeveer nw lees osMe ceW 2000 mes keâce Deeyeeoer Jeeues ieeBJe ceW yeQefkeâbie megefJeOee hengBÛeeves nsleg yeQkeâ keâer GheefmLeefle pe¤jer nw Deewj Fmeer keâejCe Deepe yeQefkeâbie meskeäšj ceW DelÙeeefOekeâ jespeieej kesâ DeJemej hewoe nes jns nQ. Ùener Skeâcee$e Ssmee meskeäšj nw pees yeer.S. mes ueskeâj meer.S. lekeâ leLee FbpeerefveÙej mes ueskeâj Sce.yeer.S. lekeâ meYeer efMe#ee OeejkeâeW keâes jespeieej Øeoeve keâjlee nw. Meg®Deele ceW kegâÚ efJeefÛe$e mee ueielee nw efkeâ keâe@ceme& efJe<eÙe mes pegÌ[e yeQefkeâbie jespeieej keâwmee DeLeen mecegboj nw pees meyekeâes Deheves DeeieesMe ceW ues ueslee nw. meYeer veS Yeleer& DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW keâes ueve& mes Deve-ueve& keâjvee pe¤jer neslee nw. keäÙeeWefkeâ efpeme ef[ieÇer kesâ ceeOÙece mes nce jespeieej Øeehle keâjles nQ Jen ef[ieÇer ncesMee keâece ceW veneR Deeleer, nceW Dehevee oeÙeje yeÌ{evee heÌ[lee nw Deewj veF& ÛeerpeeW keâes mLeeve osvee neslee nw Deewj Gmemes Yeer keâneR DeefOekeâ nceW JÙeJeneefjkeâ %eeve keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw. Skeâcee$e yeQefkeâbie #es$e ner Ssmee #es$e nw peneB keâce meceÙe ceW yeQefkeâbie %eeve kesâ ceeOÙece mes DeefOekeâ heefjßece kesâ meeLe mebmLee kesâ GÛÛelece efMeKej hej hengBÛeves keâe mehevee meÛe neslee nw. yeQefkeâbie #es$e ceW pJeeFve keâjves Jeeues meerOeer Yeleer& DeefOekeâejer keâes yengle keâce meceÙe ceW meerKes ieS yeQefkeâbie keâeÙe&ØeCeeueer, efveÙece, DeefOeefveÙece FlÙeeefo keâes
Deheves menÙeesieer DeLee&le efueefhekeâ Éeje efkeâS ieS keâeÙe& keâes peebÛeves kesâ efueS lewÙeej nesvee neslee nw. peye Yeer efkeâmeer yeQkeâ ceW keâesF& DeefOekeâejer pegÌ[lee nw lees meyemes henues Gme mebmLee kesâ yeejs ceW mecePeves keâer keâesefMeMe keâjlee nw, keâeÙe& keâjves keâe Ì{bie, Øeef›eâÙee, FlÙeeefo. Deye meyemes yeÌ[er efpeccesoejer Gme mebmLee ceW keâeÙe&jle Jeefj‰peveeW keâer nesleer nw efkeâ Jes Deeles ner Gme DeefOekeâejer/ keâce&Ûeejer kesâ meccegKe Deheveer mebmLee kesâ yeejs ceW efkeâme lejn keâer ¤hejsKee jKeles nQ. keânles nQ efkeâ henuee ØeYeeJe ner JÙeefòeâ keâes ncesMee Ùeeo jnlee nw, efpeboieer ceW pees efØeÙe/DeefØeÙe Iešvee pees meyemes henues Iešleer nw Gmes JÙeefòeâ keâYeer veneR Yetuelee DeLee&le DeÛÚer yeele ncesMee DeÛÚer ner nesleer nw Ùeefo henuee FcØesMeve ner "erkeâ veneR nesiee lees JÙeefòeâ Yeer Gmes keâYeer ve keâYeer Ùeeo pe¤j keâjsiee. FmeerefueS veS Deeves Jeeues DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW SJeb keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW kesâ meeLe yelee&Je efkeâme lejn keâe keâjvee ÛeeefnS? keäÙee yeleevee Deewj keäÙee veneR Ùen meye cenlJehetCe& nw. DevegYeJe keâer hee"Meeuee ceW pees hee" meerKes peeles nQ Jes efkeâmeer efJeÕeefJeÅeeueÙe SJeb efkeâleeyeeW ceW veneR efceueles...... Ùes keâLeve efyeukegâue melÙe nw keäÙeeWefkeâ yeQefkeâbie meskeäšj ceW Deeves Jeeuee [erDeejDees keâeuespe SJeb efkeâmeer Yeer Mew#eefCekeâ mebmLeeve mes ef[ieÇer DeeOeeefjle mewæebeflekeâ %eeve ueskeâj Deelee nw Gmekesâ heeme DevegYeJe veneR neslee. DevegYeJe kesâJeue keâeÙe& keâjves mes ner Deelee nw Deewj DevÙe keâesF& lejerkeâe veneR nw. FmeefueS [erDeejDees keâes yengle ner mecePeoejer mes keâece uesvee neslee nw. Gvekesâ heeme ef[ieÇer lees nw uesefkeâve yeQefkeâbie peiele mes DeveefYe%e nQ, keäÙeeWefkeâ yeQefkeâbie meskeäšj meefJe&me Fb[mš^er nw, ÙeneB meyemes cenlJehetCe& ieÇenkeâ mesJee nw, Ùen efkeâmeer Yeer lejn mes ØeYeeefJele veneR nesveer ÛeeefnS. ieÇenkeâeW kesâ meeLe kegâMeuelee mes JÙeJenej keâjvee, Deewj otmeje meyemes cenlJehetCe& keâeÙe& nw OewÙe& yeveeS jKevee keäÙeeWefkeâ keâYeer Ssmeer efmLeefle Deeleer nw efkeâ nce efÛeÌ[efÛeÌ[s nesves ueieles nQ uesefkeâve yengle ner kegâMeuelee mes efpeme lejn DevegYeJeer ueesie OewÙe& kesâ meeLe keâece uesles nQ Jewmes ner veS [erDeejDees keâes OewÙe& mes keâece uesvee nw. ncesMee Skeâ yeele keâe OÙeeve jKevee ÛeeefnS efkeâ veÙee Deeves Jeeuee JÙeefòeâ efyeukegâue veS efMeMeg kesâ meceeve neslee nw efpeme lejn nce efMeMeg keâer osKeYeeue keâjles nQ Gmeer lejn [erDeejDees keâer osKeYeeue keâjveer ÛeeefnS pees nceejer mebmLee mes henueer yeej pegÌ[ jne nw. Gmekesâ DeÛÚs keâece keâer leejerHeâ SJeb Gmekeâe ceveesyeue yeÌ{eles jnvee ÛeeefnS. keäÙeeWefkeâ Jen nceejs heefjJeej keâe efnmmee yeve Ûegkeâe nw. nceeje yeQkeâ Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee heefjJeej meJeexheefj nw. Ùen nceW keâYeer veneR Yetuevee ÛeeefnS. Ùeefo DeeJeMkeâlee heÌ[ves hej Iej ceW Dehevee ner keâesF& yeÛÛee keâesF& ieuele keâece keâjlee nw lees Gmes [ebšvee Yeer heÌ[lee nw Gmeer cebMee kesâ meeLe veS Deeves Jeeues [erDeejDees keâes mecePeevee/[ebšvee Yeer ÛeeefnS. Deepe cegPes Ùen osKekeâj DelÙeble Øemevvelee nesleer nw efkeâ nceejs yeQkeâ ceW Skeâ veF& heerÌ{er keâe Deeieceve nes Ûegkeâe nw ÛeejeW Deesj veS Ûesnjs efoKeeF& os jns nQ. uesefkeâve keâneR ve keâneR cegPes ueielee nw veS ueesie YeškeâeJe keâer jen hej nw. Ssmes ceW ceve efKevve neslee nw Deewj Gvekesâ GppeJeue YeefJe<Ùe kesâ yeejs ceW meesÛelee ntB efkeâ nce Fvekesâ efueS keäÙee keâjW leeefkeâ Ùen nceejer mebmLee mes leve, ceve mes pegÌ[s peeSb. Deepe Yeer kegâÚ Jeefj‰peve Ùes meesÛeles nQ efkeâ cesje keâeÙe&keâeue "erkeâ mes iegpej peeS yeekeâer otmeje Deeves Jeeuee osKesiee, Ùen keâefleheÙe "erkeâ
cesje DevegYeJe- Skeâ mebmcejCe kesâ ¤he ceW meeefLeÙeeW, ceQves Yeer Skeâ [erDeejDees (meerOeer Yeleer& DeefOekeâejer) kesâ ¤he ceW yeQkeâ pJeeFve efkeâÙee Lee. cegPes ueielee Lee efkeâ cesjs Jeefj‰ DeefOekeâejer cegPe mes kegâÚ pÙeeoe ner keâece ues jns nQ, ceQ pewmes ner Dehevee keâece meceehle keâjlee lees cegPemes DevÙe otmejs keâece keâjves kesâ efueS Yeer keâne peelee. Deewj peye mehleen kesâ Deble ceW Úgóer keâe meceÙe Deelee ceQ yengle KegMe neslee, uesefkeâve DeÛeevekeâ Deboj mes Keyej DeeF&, cegKÙe ØeyebOekeâ meenye Ùeeo keâj jns nQ. cewves pewmes ner kesâefyeve ceW ØeJesMe efkeâÙee. cewvespej meenye yeesues, DeeDees ÛeeÙe heerles nQ. ceQves keâne "erkeâ mej, cevee lees keâj ner veneR mekeâles Les, uesefkeâve Jees Skeâ efceveš keâer ÛeeÙe cegPes yengle Yeejer heÌ[leer Leer. Gme Skeâ ÛeeÙe mes, cesjer hetjer meceer#ee nes peeleer Leer efkeâ ceQves hetjs nHeäles keäÙee efkeâÙee Deewj keäÙee veÙee meerKee Deewj Gmekesâ yeeo GvneWves keâne - keâue Úgóer nw, keäÙee hueeve nw, ceQves keâne keâesF& Keeme veneR yeme Iej kesâ ner keâece keâjves nQ, leYeer DeÛeevekeâ Skeâ efuešjsÛej efoÙee keâne Fmes heÌ{vee Deewj Fmekesâ yeejs ceW yeeo ceW ÛeÛee& keâjWies. yeme cesje hetje meb[s Kejeye nes ieÙee. ceQ meesÛelee efkeâ cegPe hej kegâÚ pÙeeoe ner pÙeeoleer nes jner nw. uesefkeâve meeefLeÙees Jees Skeâ efceveš keâer ÛeeÙe Deepe Yeer cegPes Ùeeo Deeleer nw efkeâ Gme meceÙe efpeve neLeeW ves cegPes mebYeeuee Deewj yeQefkeâbie %eeve ceW ›eâceyeæ lejerkesâ mes Deeies yeÌ{eÙee. ceQ Gvekeâe OevÙeJeeo keâjvee keâYeer veneR Yetue mekeâlee keäÙeeWefkeâ Jeefj‰ Éeje efmeKeeF& ieF& yeeleW Deepe keâece Deeleer nQ. Ssmeer ve peeves efkeâleveer ÛeeÙe heerkeâj yengle kegâÚ meerKee nw. keânles nQ Deepe kegâÚ ÛeerpeW nceW hejsMeeve keâjleer nw uesefkeâve Ùen uebyes meceÙe lekeâ HeâeÙeoe hengBÛeeleer nw. Ùeeo jKevee Deepe nceW keâesF& keâece kesâ efueS keânlee nw Ùee kegâÚ efmeKeelee nw lees nceW yeÌ[s ner OewÙe& kesâ meeLe keâece uesvee ÛeeefnS. -jepeerJe ieghlee vener nQ. nce meyekeâes efceuekeâj Ùen mebkeâuhe uesvee nesiee efkeâ keäÙee mener nw Deewj keäÙee ieuele nw Fmekeâer peevekeâejer veS Deeves Jeeues keâes DeJeMÙe oW. cegPes Ùen keânves ceW keâesF& DeefleMÙeesefòeâ veneR nesieer efkeâ Deepe keâe ÙegJee lekeâveerkeâer mesJeer nw yesnlej {bie mes keâeÙe& keâjves keâer kegâMeuelee jKelee nw. nj veÙee Yeleer& DeefOekeâejer Skeâ ieerueer efceóer keâe ueeQoe neslee nw, Ùeefo meceÙe kesâ Devegmeej Gme efceóer kesâ ueeQos keâes mener Deekeâej ceW veneR {euee peeS lees Ssmeer DeJemLee ceW Jen "esme JÙeLe& heòej keâe ¤he ues ueslee nw. peye keâesF& kegâcnej keâesF& ceškeâe yeveelee nw, lees yeenj mes Gmes heeršlee nw hejbleg Deboj neLe ueieeS jKelee nw "erkeâ Fmeer Øekeâej mes nceW Yeer Deheves veS Deeves Jeeues meeefLeÙeeW keâes mebYeeue keâj jKevee nw. Ùener Jes ueesie nw pees Deeies Ûeuekeâj yeQefkeâbie keâer ÚefJe efvecee&Ce ceW meneÙekeâ yeveWies. t leejebieCe
efmelebyej 2013
Deblejje°^erÙe ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB International Activities
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer along with the then CEO (Singapore Br.) & now GM (HR) Shri Pawan Bajaj, GM (Intl.) Shri R.A. Sankara Narayanan, GM (Treasury) Shri G.M. Bhagat and other staff members of our Singapore branch during her visit to Singapore.
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer inaugurating Singapore branch new premises along with with the then CEO (Singapore Br.) & now GM (HR) Shri Pawan Bajaj, GM (Intl.) Shri R.A. Sankara Narayanan, GM (Treasury) Shri G.M. Bhagat and other staff members at Singapore Branch.
ED Shri R. Koteeswaran visited our Tokyo Branch. Seen in photo GMs, HO Shri R.C. Baliarsingh, Shri Gopal Bhagat, CE, Japan Branches Shri S. S. Banik, ED Shri R. Koteeswaran, Dy. CEO & CFO, SUD Shri Masakazu Nakamura, MD & CEO SUD Shri Girish R. Kulkarni, Independent Director SUD Shri Thumparambil C. Nair & Shri Atul Kumar Shukla, CM Tokyo Branch Shri M. Subramaniam.
ED Shri R. Koteeswaran along with staff members of Tokyo Branch.
efmelebyej 2013
‘Alone no Longer” is the message of ‘Mother’s Choice’ to the community of single women. Bank of India, Hong Kong team led by Shri D. B. Mohapatra, Chief Executive paid a visit to the institution to support their endeavours to humanity at large. Seen in the picture are Shri D.B. Mohapatra, Ms Purviz Shroff, Shris. Alia Eyres and Shri J M Nair and other staff of 301, Hong Kong Branch.
felicitation of Valued Customer AT Hong Kong Branch
Bank of India, Hong Kong Branch felicitated one of our valued patrons who are banking with us for five generations together spanning over a period of 50 years during our foundation day celebrations. Shri Nandkumar Lachmandas is the eldest of the generation and a prominent figure in the social circles in Hong Kong as President of India Club and as Ex-President of the India Association. Seen in the picture are (from left to right) Shri Bhavishya N. Lachmandas, Shri Nandkumar Lachmandas, CE Hong Kong Centre, Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra, Manager, Kowloon Shri K. M. Nagarajan and Chief Manager, Hong Kong Branch Shri J. M. Nair.
Ryan Adit, S/o Shri Animesh Arua, Assitant Vice President, New York Branch, won the 1st Prize in 'Annual Student Art Competition' held at Queens, New York in May 2013, where various school of New York City participated. On this occasion, New York State Assembly Member Ms. Nily Rozic and Congress Member at U.S. House of Representatives Ms. Grace Meng felicitated Ryan for his achievement.
Knowledge Plus
efJeÛeejeW mes jesie cegefkeäle
yeerceejer (jesie) keâes Deb«espeer ceW Disease keânles nw. Fmekeâe mebefOe efJeÛÚso nw Dis+Ease, Ùee Disturbance in ease. eEnoer ceW Fmekeâe DeLe& nw 'Deejece ceW Keueue’. DevÙe Meyoesb ceW yeerceejer kesâJeue nceejs Mejerj megKe-megefJeOeeDeesb ceW ®keâeJeš nw.
jepeerJe YeeefšÙee, kebâHeveer meefÛeJe
ceejs efoceeie ceW nj meceÙe keâesF& ve keâesF& efJeÛeej Ûeuelee jnlee nw. Fme 3. efkeâmeer meypeer efJeMes<e kesâ Keeves Hej nce ceeve uesles nQ efkeâ Deepe yeonpeceer pe¤j nesieer. meceÙe Fme uesKe HeÌ{les meceÙe Yeer Fmekeâer meÛÛeeF& keâer leguevee ceve ceW Ûeue jner nw. efoveYej ceW ceve ceW ueeKeesb efJeÛeej Dee keâj iegpej peeles nQ. megefJeÛeej 4. Skeâ efJeMes<e efoMee ceW nJee Ûeueves Hej kegâÚ ueesieeW keâer ceevÙelee nw keâer Deepe nceW Meefkeäle, KegMeer, Glmeen Je meeceLÙe& osles nQ, Jener DevÙe efJeÛeej nceW peesÌ[es ceW oo& nesiee. efvejeMee, ogKe Je keâceer keâe yeesOe keâjJeeles nQ. Ùen Yeer DeepeceeÙee ngDee melÙe Deewj lees Deewj, Hejer#ee keâer Ì[sš Meerš Deeles ner, efJeÅeeefLe&ÙeeW Je ceelee efHelee nw efkeâ ceve ceW DeefOekeâebMe ¤He mes vekeâejelcekeâ (Negative) efJeÛeej pÙeeoe keâe jkeäle ÛeeHe (Blood pressure) yeÌ{vee Meg¤ nes peelee nw Je HeÌ{eF& Deewj uebyes meceÙe lekeâ Deeles nQ. efpemekesâ keâe mlej yeÌ{ peelee nw. HeefjCeecemJe¤He nce Mebefkeâle, ogKeer Je efvejeMe keäÙee nce DeHeveer DeJeebÚveerÙe ceevÙeleeDeesb peje efJeÛeej keâjsb, nce yeerceej keäÙeesb nesles nQ jnles nQ. Hej jes keâ ueiee mekeâles nQ, pees nceejs peerJeve nce Ùen Yeer peeveles nQ efkeâ nceejs Mejerj keâ. ieuele Keeve-Heeve mes keâes yejyeeoer keâer Deewj ues pee jns nQ, Je ceve keâe meerOee mebyebOe nw. ceve KegMe nes lees Ke. ieuele jnve-menve mes Fmekeâe peJeeye nw neB pe¤j Mejerj Yeer nukeâe Hegâukeâe jnlee nw. ceve ceW ie. ceewmece kesâ yeoueves mes Ie. DeHeves ef J eÛeejes b Deew j ceevÙeleeDees b mes Fmekesâ efueS nceW efvecve yeeleesb keâes ceve mes HejsMeeveer nes, lees Mejerj ceW Yeer keâneR oo& Ùee *. THej ef o Ùes meYeer keâejCees b mes keânvee Je keâjvee nesiee, Deewj Ùekeâerve ceeefveÙes eEKeÛeeJe neslee nw. keâF& yeej nce Yeer keânles nQ, Deye Fvekes â GHeÛeej Hej ef J eÛeej keâjles nQ Ùen nes peeSiee. Deepe kegâÚ uneasyness ueie jne nw, keâ. ieuele Keeve-Heeve keâes nce meg H eeÛÙe Je Hees e f m škeâ Yees p eve 1. ceQ pewmee Yeer ntB DeHeves keâes mJeerkeâej keâjlee Fmekeâe meerOee mee DeLe& nw efkeâ ceve ceW keâesF& ntB Deo=MÙe YeÙe Iegme Ûegkeâe nw. Ùeefo keâesF& Hetjer mes megOeej mekeâles nQ. Ùeeefve DeHeves neLe ceW nw. lejn mes mJemLe JÙeefkeäle Yeer keânvee Je cenmetme Ke. ieuele jnve-menve keâes nce øeele: mewj keâjkesâ Je Ùeesie Deye Ùen ve meesÛesb keâer cegPes lees ceesše / keâjvee Meg¤ keâj os, efkeâ Deepe kegâÚ leyeerÙele keâjkesâ megOeej mekeâles nw. Ùeeefve Ùen Yeer DeHeves neLe ceW nw. Heleuee nesvee ÛeeefnS Lee Ùee Gmekeâer lejn Kejeye ueie jner nw, lees efveefMÛele ¤He mes kegâÚ ie. ceewmece kesâ yeoueves Hej nce GHeÙegkeäle keâHeÌÌ[s Henvekeâj nesvee ÛeeefnS Lee. Iebšs ceW Jen DeHeves keâes yeerceej HeeSiee. Fmekesâ DeHeveer j#ee keâj mekeâles nQ, Deewj nce keâjles Yeer nQ. 2. ceQ DeHeves keâes #ecee keâjlee ntB efJeHejerle Yeer meÛe nw. Ùeeefve keâYeer Mejerj ceW Ie. DeHeves efJeÛeej Deewj ceevÙeleeDeesb ceW HeefjJele&ve, efkeâleves Deye Ùen ve meesÛesb efkeâ Skeâ Úesšer mes ieueleer yeerceejer Dee Yeer peeS lees Yeer Gmes ceve mes ueesie meceÙe jnles keâj mekeâles nQ? DeeDees kegâÚ efJeÛeej keâjsb. ves ceWjer eEpeoieer leyeen keâj oer. Ùee keâeMe ceQves mJeerkeâej ve keâjsb. Ùen efkeâÙee neslee, Ùee Ùen ve efkeâÙee neslee, lees Deye øeMve Ùen nw efkeâ efJeÛeejesb keâes yeoueves keâe Ùee vekeâejelceYekeâ efJeÛeejesb Deepe ceQ keäÙee mes keäÙee neslee. mes cegefkeäle Heeves keâe keäÙee GHeeÙe nw. keäÙee Ùen positive thought (mekeâejelce 3. ceQ DeHeves keâes Ketye HÙeej keâjlee ntB. keâ efJeÛeej) keâer Hegmlekeâ HeÌ{keâj Ùee kesâJeue megefJeÛeej megvekeâj yeoue peeSbies, Ùee kegâÚ Deewj Yeer keâjvee nesiee. ojDemeue, nceejs efJeÛeej nceejer ceevÙeleeDeesb Je Deye Ùen ve meesÛesb efkeâ cegPes keâesF& HÙeej veneR keâjlee, keäÙeeWefkeâ mebmeej Yeer Gmes HÙeej keâjlee nw, pees Kego keâes HÙeej keâjlee nw. peceevee Gmekeâer Fppele DevegYeJeesb mes efJeMes<e ¤He mes øeYeeefJele nesles nQ , pees nceves yeÛeHeve mes DeHeves ceve keâjlee nw, pees DeHeveer Fppele mJeÙeb keâjlee nw. ceW efye"e jKes nQ. 4. cesjs peerJeve ceW pees ueesie Yeer DeeS nw, Jees pewmes Yeer nw, ceQ Gvekeâes mJeerkeâej ¤me kesâ Skeâ Jew%eeefvekeâ ves efvecve Keespe (efjmeÛe&) keâer. keâjlee ntB. Gmeves kegâÚ kegâòeesb keâes kegâÚ meceÙe lekeâ YetKee jKee, yeeo ceW Yeespeve efoÙee Deye Ùen veneR meesÛevee ve ner efkeâmeer mes keânvee, keâer meejer cegmeeryele legcnejer lees meeLe mes Iebšer yepee oer. Ssmee kegâÚ efove ueieeleej efkeâÙee, lees kegâòeesb kesâ ceve ner Hewoe keâer ngF& nw Ùee legceves cesje peerJeve vejkeâ yevee efoÙee. ceW yew" ieÙee, Iebšer keâe yepevee Ùeeefve, Yeespeve keâe Deevee. Skeâ efove Gmeves, kesâJeue Iebšer yepeeF& Hej Yeespeve veneR efoÙee, Hej osKee ieÙee, efkeâ kesâJeue Iebšer 5. ceQ meyekeâes #ecee keâjlee ntB. yepeves Hej ner kegâòeesb ves ueej šHekeâevee Meg¤ keâj efoÙee. Gvekesâ ceve ves DeHeveer Deye ceve ceW efkeâmeer kesâ øeefle yeoues keâer Je Demeblees<e keâer YeeJevee ve jKesb YetKe keâes Iebšer keâer DeeJeepe mes eEuekeâ keâj efueÙee Lee. 6. ceQ meyekeâes HÙeej keâjlee ntB. Ùekeâerve ceeves, nce ceveg<Ùeesb kesâ ceve Hej Yeer Ùener efveÙece ueeiet nesles nQ. Fmemes nceeje ceve nukeâe jnsiee. 1. efkeâmeer JÙeefkeäle efJeMes<e Ùee peien keâes osKe nj nceeje cetÌ[ Kejeye nes peelee meyemes cenlJeHetCe& nj HeefjefmLeefle ceW KegMe jnves keâer keâesF& ve keâesF& Jepen nw, Deewj nce veJe&me cenmetme keâjles nQ, keäÙeesbefkeâ Gmekesâ meeLe nceejer Ì{tbÌ{ uesb. Yetlekeâeue keâer yegjer Ùeeosb Ùee DevegYeJe pegÌ[s nQ. Fve efJeÛeejesb keâes peerJeve ceW DeHeveekeâj nceejer ceve keâer meesÛe nceejs efveÙeb$eCe 2. efkeâmeer ceewmece efJeMes<e kesâ Deeves Hej nce ceeve uesles nw, keâer Deye lees meoer& ceW jns ieer Je ‘Disturbance in Ease’ = disease mes yeÛes jnsbies. t pegkeâece nes keâj jnsiee.
efmelebyej 2013
leejebieCe keâes Je<e& 2011-12 nsleg YeejleerÙe efj]peJe& yeQkeâ mes hegjmkeâej
YeejleerÙe efjpeJe& yeQkeâ kesâ lelkeâeueerve ieJeve&j ßeer [er.megyyejeJe mes `leejebieCe' ie=nheef$ekeâe nsleg Je<e& 2011-12 nsleg kesâ efueS hegjmkeâej «enCe keâjleer ngFË DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej~ meeLe ceW, ceneØeyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee) Øe. keâe. ßeer Sme. meer. DejesÌ[e SJeb mebheeokeâ ßeer Sme. Sce. Mekeâerue.
YeejleerÙe efj]peJe& yeQkeâ Éeje DeeÙeesefpele efveyebOe ØeefleÙeesefielee ceW ``ØeLece hegjmkeâej''
YeejleerÙe efjpeJe& yeQkeâ kesâ lelkeâeueerve ieJeve&j ßeer [er.megyyejeJe mes ‘Ke #es$e’ kesâ Debleie&le DeeÙeesefpele efveyebOe ØeefleÙeesefielee ceW ØeLece hegjmkeâej Øeehle keâjles ngS Sveyeerpeer (ceOÙe) kesâ ØeyebOekeâ ßeer efJeveeso meer. oeref#ele.
efmelebyej 2013
TO TAARANGAN AT 3 Asian Leadership Awards 2013 IN DUBAI rd
Our In- House Journal ‘Taarangan’ has been conferred with award for Brand Excellence in House Magazine by Asian Confederation of Business during 3rd Asian Leadership Awards 2013 held at Movenpick Hotel, Jumeirah Beach, Dubai on 24th September 2013. The Award was received by General Manager (Human Resource) Shri Pawan Bajaj and Editor Shri S M Shakeel at the hands of President, Apeejay Stya Group & Svrán Group Mrs. Sushma Berlia & Vice -President, Environmental Business & Corporate Affairs, United Phosphorus Ltd. Shri Sunder Balasubramanian. The representatives from 33 countries across Asia participated in this Award function and Bank of India was the only bank from India to be conferred with the Award. The Asian Leadership Awards is given to Achievers, Super Achievers and Future Business Leaders. This glamorous event attracts the best of the best from Asia and highlight, recognize and reward the leaders across Asia.
A big thanks to our Readers
hegjmkeâej AWARDS
Yeesheeue DebÛeue, meg[ueeFHeâ mšej ÙetefveÙeve [eF&Ûeer kesâ Je<e& 2012-13 kesâ keâejesyeej ceW ØeLece efJepeslee jne. Fme DeJemej hej Deeb.Øe. ßeer jepeerJe kegâceej ieghlee SJeb DevÙe DeefOekeâejerieCe GlmeenhetJe& š^eHeâer kesâ meeLe.
vejekeâeme, Yeesheeue mes Je<e& 2012 kesâ efueS jepeYee<ee ceW meJeexlke=â<š keâeÙe&efve<heeove keâjves kesâ efueS ‘ØeLece hegjmkeâej’ ieÇnCe keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer jepeerJe kegâceej ieghlee SJeb Jeefj. ØeyebOekeâ (je.) ßeer DecejerMe kegâceej.
yeeskeâejes DebÛeue keâes Je<e& 2012-13 kesâ oewjeve jepeYee<ee keâeÙee&vJeÙeve kesâ #es$e ceW GuuesKeveerÙe keâeÙe& kesâ efueS mšerue Dee@@Leeefjšer Dee@@Heâ Fbef[Ùee efueefcešs[ Éeje ‘Ûeue yewpeÙebleer jepeYee<ee DeOÙe#eerÙe Meeru[’ Øeoeve keâer ieF&. mesue–yeer.Sme.Sue. kesâ cegKÙe keâeÙe&heeuekeâ DeefOekeâejer ßeer Deveglees<e cew$ee mes Meeru[ Øeehle keâjles ngS Deeb. Øe. ßeer efMeefMej Ûevõ efceße, Ghe Deeb. Øe. ßeer Sue.pes.kesâ.Sve. MeenosJe, ØeyebOekeâ (je.) ßeer Jeerjsvõ kegâceej.
Sveyeerpeer kesâ cegKÙe øeyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee) ßeer pes. Heer. cetCe keâes HeefjJele&ve pevekeâuÙeeCe meefceefle, veF& efouueer Éeje jepeYee<ee eEnoer Deewj DevÙe YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeesb kesâ øeÛeej-øemeej cesb efoS ieS meef›eâÙe Ùeesieoeve kesâ efueS mecceeefvele efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Ùen mecceeve HetJe&-ieJe&vej ßeer Yeer<ce veejeÙeCe eEmen SJeb HetJe& cegKÙe ÛegveeJe DeefOekeâejer ßeer peer.Jeer.peer ke=â<Ceecetefle& Éeje ceeveveerÙe meebmeo ßeer cegKeleej Deyyeeme vekeäJeer SJeb ßeer keâceue efkeâMeesj SJeb meeefnlÙe SJeb DevÙe peiele efJeÉeveesb keâer GHeefmLeefle cesb øeoeve efkeâÙee ieÙee~
vejekeâeme, yeeskeâejes Éeje jepeYee<ee ceW Glke=â<š keâeÙe&efve<heeove nsleg nceejs yeQkeâ keâes efÉleerÙe hegjmkeâej mes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee ieÙee. vejekeâeme, yeeskeâejes kesâ DeOÙe#e mes hegjmkeâej Øeehle keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer efMeefMej Ûevõ efceße SJeb ØeyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee) ßeer Jeerjsvõ kegâceej.
ØeOeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe Éeje jepeYee<ee Meeru[ Ùeespevee kesâ Debleie&le keâesunehegj DebÛeue keâes ØeLece hegjmkeâej Øeoeve efkeâÙee ieÙee. mebÙegkeäle meefÛeJe, ie=n ceb$eeueÙe, jepeYee<ee efJeYeeie ßeerceleer hegvece pegvespee mes hegjmkeâej ieÇnCe keâjleer ngFË ØeyebOekeâ (je.) ßeerceleer nepeje mewÙÙeo. meeLe ceW, ceneØeyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee) Øe. keâe. ßeer Sme. meer. DejesÌ[e Je ie=n ceb$eeueÙe ØeewÅeesefiekeâer mes ßeer kesâJeue ke=â<Ce.
efmelebyej 2013
yeQeEkeâie hueme
Banking Plus
ur worthy Executive Director, Shri B. P. Sharma, during one of his addresses to the staff-members of our Bank last year, had impressed upon the need and importance of serving and taking care of our Internal Customers. It is really an important requirement for any organization. The mindset that “the customer is always right” underscores the value we place on our customers. We speak of, not only customer satisfaction but even of customer delight. Yet there’s another customer that often doesn’t get as much attention: the internal customer. Better known as “staff-members” or “employees”, these internal customers are the most important ingredient of an organization. However, their performance is often judged by what they can deliver to the organisation. Due to this perception, many times, these valuable internal customers lack the care and importance, they actually deserve.
Mrityunjay Gupta Zonal Manager Lucknow Zone
It is a fact that during the eighties-nineties, employee engagement was completely overlooked. Most of the public sector organizations, which include Public sector Banks, were overstaffed. It resulted in loss of proper connectivity of the employees with the management. However, with the arrival of the 21st century, it was realized that human resource is a very valuable asset, which is required to be taken optimum care. Needless to mention, in any organization, the Internal Customers are the vital source of growth of the organization. Shri Anil Khandelwal, ex CMD of Bank of Baroda has very correctly written in his book, “Dare to Lead” that “Employees directly affect the
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accomplishment of business results. Quality and capabilities of employees hold key to the success of an organization and in meeting its mission. Best of strategy and technology cannot help achieve business goals unless human resources are continuously rejuvenated through new skills and mental mode required by the changing times.” Especially in today’s scenario, most companies recognise that their existence largely depends on how well they can engage and service customers and offer them the products or services that they need. Shri Vineet Nayyar, ex-CEO of HCL, in his book, Employees First, Customers Second, he very clearly explains: “In any services business, the true value is created by the interface between the customer and the employee. So by putting the employees first, you bring about fundamental change in the way company creates and delivers unique values for its customers and differentiates itself from its competitors. Through a combination of engaged employees and accountable management, a company can create extraordinary value for itself, its customer, and the individuals involved in both companies.” Banking is a service-oriented business where the entire thrust is on people. Today, we view our internal staff members as being just as valuable to our success as our external customers. We realize that they are the ambassadors of our Bank, and that happy, motivated internal customers, in turn create happy external customers. So what can we do to engage, motivate and inspire our internal staff members? Let us share some practical tips for engaging and empowering our Internal Customers:v Communication is key – Communication raises awareness, increases participation and boosts performance. Why not start by listening to them. Communication connects the employees to the Bank. It also makes the management visible and accessible. If you are heading a Branch, walk around the office and speak with your team members informally. Take their feedback and listen to their suggestions for improving the workplace. Then work to implement them as best you can. v Appreciation – Why not build a culture of appreciation. Recognise and reward the employees, who are doing good work. It’s amazing how valued team members will feel when they are commended and recognized in front of their peers. Appreciation helps in creating a highly motivated and dedicated team. v Recognition – Arrange a 5 minutes Get-together to wish an employee “Happy Birthday”. Such Get-
togethers can also be arranged on special occasions also such as the Bank’s Foundation day, Branch Anniversaries etc. This aligns the entire team, develops team spirit and produces positive results. v Create progressive, family-friendly environment. Since everyone has to take on more work now, try to make sure that staff members don’t feel too overwhelmed or stressed. Also try to help them in their professional development goals and needs. v Create a feeling of ownership. Ownership is the essence of engagement. It really means empowerment. When an employee says, “Mera or Hamara” Bank, it speaks of their commitment towards the Bank. v Encourage – Encouragement means supporting team members and eliminating unnecessary frustrations. Support employees in their work and growth. Engagement means winning the hearts – as well as the minds of employees. A successful internal customer environment depends on the mutual respect and consideration of all team members towards each other. By supporting and valuing internal customers, we create a happier and more productive workplace that, in turn, promotes positive interactions with customers. And in our Bank, when we are recruiting both Officers and Clerks, in large numbers, Employee engagement may act as the driving factor for employee retention and productivity. t
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ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb Activities
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (Gòej) O National Banking Group (North)
keâevehegj DebÛeue Deeieceve hej Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) kesâ ce.Øe. ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn keâe mJeeiele keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer heer.kesâ.efmebieuee. meeLe ceW, Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer megjsvõ ceunes$ee SJeb ceg.Øe. ßeer S.heer.efmebn
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue ceW DeeÙeesefpele keâejesyeejer meceer#ee yew"keâ ceW mebyeesefOele keâjles ngS Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) kesâ ce.Øe. ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn. meeLe ceW, Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe, Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deej.kesâ. ßeerJeemleJe SJeb [erSce efce[ keâejheesjsš ßeer Sue.Deej. efyemeesF&.
jepemLeeve DebÛeue ceW Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) kesâ ce.Øe. ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn mecemle mšeHeâ meomÙeeW keâes mebyeesefOele keâjles ngS. meeLe ceW, Deeb.Øe. ßeer efveKeuesMe Yeeie&Je, Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer Jeer.Sve. ceeLegj, me.ce.Øe. ßeer efkeâjCe hešsue SJeb ßeer ef$eJesoer SJeb keâce&Ûeejer ÙetefveÙeve kesâ cenemeefÛeJe ßeer jeceieesheeue Mecee&.
ueKeveT DebÛeue kesâ Deeb.Øe. ßeer ce=lÙegbpeÙe kegâceej ieghlee ‘Jeeef<e&keâ meerDeeF&DeeF&SceSmeSceF& keâe@vekeäuesJe 2013’ ceW meYee keâes mebyeesefOele keâjles ngS. cebÛeemeerve ØeOeeve meefÛeJe, SmeSmeDeeF& Sb[ Skeämeheesš&, G.Øe. mejkeâej ßeer cegkegâue efmebIeue, Jeerheer, šeše efcešme& efueefcešs[ ßeer Deeueeskeâ mekeämesvee, #es$eerÙe ØecegKe, yeerSmeF& ßeer njefyeboj meesKeer, Deewj ceneØeyebOekeâ SJeb #es$eerÙe ØecegKe, meer[yeer ßeer efJeveÙe efn[eT.
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue keâer megveece MeeKee keâe GodIeešve keâjles ngS hebpeeye kesâ efJeòeceb$eer ßeer heer.Sme. {eR[mee. meeLe ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe.
ueKeveT DeÛebue ceW heOeejeR je°^erÙe meHeâeF& keâce&Ûeejer DeeÙeesie keâer DeOÙe#ee ßeerceleer keâceuee iegpe&j keâe DeebÛeefuekeâ keâeÙee&ueÙe ceW mJeeiele keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer ce=lÙegbpeÙe kegâceej ieghlee.
efmelebyej 2013
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (hetJe&) O
National Banking Group (East)
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue ceW mšej DeefleefLe ie=n keâe GodIeešve keâjles ngS ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (Gòej) ßeer lejueesÛeve efmebn. meeLe ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deveble GheeOÙeeÙe SJeb mšeHeâ meomÙeieCe.
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer along with the then GM NBG (E) Shri Prem Kumar and ZM Shri Sudipta Kumar Mukherjee during the review meeting of the Guwahati Zone.
GS AIBOC & Director on Board BOI Shri Harvinder Singh visited Chandigarh Zone. ZM Shri K.L. Sharma welcomed Shri Harvinder Singh along with President BOI Officer’s association NW Unit Shri N.K. Sharma.
jebÛeer DebÛeue ceW KeeÅe, meeJe&peefvekeâ efJelejCe SJeb GheYeeskeälee ceeceues, PeejKeb[ mejkeâej Éeje DeeÙeesefpele peve efJelejCe ØeCeeueer JÙeJemLee megÂÌ{erkeâjCe SJeb Fueskeäš^eefvekeâ Heâb[ š^ebmeHeâj Ùeespevee kesâ Debleie&le ceeveveerÙe ceb$eer ßeer mšerHeâve cejeb[er SJeb ceneØeyebOekeâ ßeer pewve Yet<eCe keâer GheefmLeefle ceW mecePeewlee %eeheve hej nmlee#ej keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer DeeF&.Sce. ceefuekeâ.
ueKeveT efce[ keâejsheesjsš MeeKee kesâ ceb[ueerÙe ØeyebOekeâ-Gòej ßeer heJeve kegâceej DeieÇJeeue SJeb me.ce.Øe. ßeer Sme.Sme.oemeF&MJej ÛeeFu[ JesuHeâÙej HeâeTb[sMeve, ueKeveT kesâ ceeOÙece mes jeMve menÙeesie efMeefJej ceW keWâmej mes heeref[le ueesieeW kesâ efueS Skeâ ceen keâe jeMve Øeoeve keâjles ngS.
Siliguri Zone ZM Shri S.R. Meena and BDO, Raiganj Block, Jalpaiguri District Shri N.C. Sherpa during inauguration of First (Customer Service Point) KIOSK in Vill. Takimari under Raiganj Block, Dist. Jalpaiguri, (Linked to our Rangdhamali Branch) West Bengal.
Chief General Managers’ Shri Arjun Pandurang Ghugal Shri Naveen Chandra Khulbe Shri Munir Alam
General Managers’ keâevehegj DebÛeue kesâ Dee.Øe.ßeer heer.kesâ.efmebieuee, yew[efcebšve SmeesefmeSMeve Éeje DeeÙeesefpele keâevehegj ef[efmš^keäš petefveÙej yew[efcebšve ÛeQefheÙeveefMehe 2013 kesâ efJepesleeDeesb keâes hegjmkeâej efJelejCe keâjles ngS.
Happy Retirement
Shri Prem Kumar Shri Vinod Dinanath Nadkarni
We wish them a very happy and healthy retired life.
efmelebyej 2013
yeQefkeâbie keâejesyeej ceW ceeref[Ùee mes YeeJeveelcekeâ efjMlee :
peerJeble DevegYeJe Ùen meJe&efJeefole nw efkeâ ceeref[Ùee keâes meceepe kesâ ÛeewLes mlebYe kesâ ¤he ceW peevee peelee nw. meceepe kesâ Deecepeve keâer YeeJeveeDeesb keâes ØeYeeefJele keâjves ceW ceeref[Ùee keâer DeieÇCeer Yetefcekeâe nesleer nw. ceeref[Ùee kesâ heeme Jen leekeâle nw, efpemekesâ ceeOÙece mes Jen meceepe ceW efkeâmeer keâe Yeer Deheves {bie mes efÛe$eCe keâj mekeâlee nw. ceeref[Ùee Éeje G"eS ieS cegöeW keâe heefjCeece meejs meceepe ceW efoKeeF& heÌ[lee nw. leelheÙe& Ùen nw efkeâ ceeref[Ùee kesâ meeLe Ûeuekeâj nce Deecepeve lekeâ Deemeeveer mes pegÌ[ mekeâles nQ.
pes. kesâ. ßeerJeemleJe Ghe ceneØeyebOekeâ SJeb meueenkeâej, kesâvõerÙe meleke&âlee DeeÙeesie, veF& efouueer
veebkeâ 6 pegueeF& 2012 keâes peye ceQves cegpeHeäHeâjhegj DebÛeue keâe keâeÙe&Yeej ieÇnCe efkeâÙee lees Deieues efoveeW meceeÛeej he$eesb ceW Deheves keâeÙe&Yeej ieÇnCe keâjves keâer Keyej ØekeâeefMele osKekeâj ÛeeQkeâ ieÙee. peevekeâejer uesves hej Ùen helee Ûeuee efkeâ nceejs DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW ves ceeref[Ùee mes Deheves mebyebOeeW kesâ keâejCe Ùen meceeÛeej ØekeâeefMele keâjeÙee. Gmeer meceÙe cesjs ceve ceW efJeÛeej DeeÙee efkeâ keäÙeeW ve yeQkeâ kesâ GlheeoeW kesâ ØeÛeej SJeb ÚefJe efvecee&Ce nsleg Fme ceeOÙece keâe ØecegKelee mes GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peeS. Fmekesâ efueS ceQves lelkeâeue Skeâ Øesme keâevøeWâme keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee efpemeceW ceQves ceeref[Ùee mes pegÌ[s meYeer ØecegKe ueesieeW keâes Deecebef$ele efkeâÙee Deewj yeQkeâ Éeje efkeâS pee jns keâeÙeesË keâer peevekeâejer oer. ceQves meYeer ueesieeW keâes yeQkeâ keâer YeeJeer ÙeespeveeDeesb keâer peevekeâejer Yeer oer. Deieues efove meYeer meceeÛeej he$eesb ves Øesme keâevøeWâme keâes ØecegKelee mes ØekeâeefMele efkeâÙee SJeb cegPes Fve ØekeâeMeveeW keâer DeÛÚer Øeefleef›eâÙeeSB Yeer ieÇenkeâeW mes efceueer. Fmemes cesje Glmeen Deewj yeÌ{e Deewj ÙeneR mes cegPes yeQkeâ kesâ ØeÛeej SJeb ÚefJe efvecee&Ce keâer Skeâ Deewj jen efceue ieF&. cegPes Ùen Yeer Denmeeme ngDee efkeâ yeQkeâ kesâ ØeÛeej SJeb ÚefJe efvecee&Ce nsleg Fmemes meMeòeâ ceeOÙece keâesF& otmeje veneR nes mekeâlee. Oeerjs-Oeerjs ceQves Deewj cesjs menÙeesefieÙeeW ves ceeref[Ùee mes pegÌ[s meYeer mlej kesâ ueesieeW pewmes meceeÛeej he$eesb kesâ mebheeokeâ, yÙetjes ØecegKeeW, he$ekeâejeW SJeb HeâesšesieÇeHeâjeW mes JÙeefòeâiele mebheke&â yeveevee Meg¤ efkeâÙee Deewj Deheves keâeÙeesË Deewj ÙeespeveeDeesb keâes Gvekesâ ceeOÙece mes ØeÛeeefjle efkeâÙee efpemekesâ yengle megKeo heefjCeece meeceves DeeS. nceejs DebÛeue keâer efJeefYevve MeeKeeDeesb SJeb efJeefYevve keâeÙee&ueÙeeW ceW meceÙe-meceÙe hej peye-peye keâeÙe&›eâceeW keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee ieÙee, nceves ceeref[Ùee keâes efveef§ele ¤he mes Deecebef$ele efkeâÙee SJeb Gmeer efove Øesme efJe%eefhle meeQhe oer. heefjCeecele: meceeÛeej he$eesb
efmelebyej 2013
ves GvnW cenlJehetCe& mLeeve efoÙee. nceves DeeJeMÙekeâ efJe%eeheve Deeefo keâe ØekeâeMeve ceOÙemLeeW kesâ ceeOÙece mes ve keâjekeâj nceves mJeÙeb meceeÛeej he$eesb kesâ mLeeveerÙe ØeefleefveefOeÙeeW keâes efoS. MeeKeeDeesb Éeje ceeref[Ùee mes pegÌ[s SJeb Gvekesâ heefjpeveeW keâes yeQefkeâbie megefJeOeeSb SJeb mecceeve meefnle lJeefjle yeQefkeâbie mesJee Øeoeve keâj Gvemes Deewj ienjeF& mes efjMlee peesÌ[e. efjMleeW keâe oeÙeje ueieeleej yeÌ{lee ieÙee. otjoMe&ve kesâ mLeeveerÙe keWâõ mes pegÌ[keâj nceves DeeOes-DeeOes Iebšs kesâ oes keâeÙe&›eâce Øemeeefjle keâjeS. henuee keâeÙe&›eâce efMe#ee $e+Ce hej DeebÛeefuekeâ ØeyebOekeâ kesâ meeLe heefjÛeÛee& SJeb otmeje efkeâmeeveeW keâes yeQefkeâbie megefJeOeeSB efJe<eÙe hej Lee. Fvekeâe ØemeejCe Gòej efyenej kesâ meYeer efpeueeW ceW mLeeveerÙe otjoMe&ve keâWõ Éeje efkeâÙee ieÙee. efyenej jepÙe keâe mecceeefvele DeKeyeej owefvekeâ peeiejCe Éeje ØeMve Øenj keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ lenle Skeâ Iebšs keâe keâeÙe&›eâce DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee, efpemeceW nceW Gòej efyenej keâer pevelee mes Heâesve hej pegÌ[ves keâe DeJemej Øeehle ngDee, GvnW ve efmeHe&â yeQefkeâbie mes pegÌ[s ØeMveesb keâe peJeeye efoÙee ieÙee, yeefukeâ pe¤jlecebo ueesieeW keâes yeQefkeâbie megefJeOee Yeer lJeefjle ieefle mes cegnwÙee keâjJeeÙee ieÙee. ceeref[Ùee kesâ ceeOÙece mes nceves yeQkeâ keâer ÙeespeveeDeesb SJeb metÛeveeDeesb keâes DeecepeveeW lekeâ hengbÛeeÙee nw. veS SJeb hegjeves ieÇenkeâeW keâer yeQkeâ ceW Glmegkeâlee yeÌ{er nw, efpemekesâ otjieeceer meeLe&keâ heefjCeece efveef§ele ¤he mes efceueWies. Fmekesâ Deveskeâ megKeo heefjCeeceeW mes Skeâ cenlJehetCe& heefjCeece Ùen meeceves DeeÙee nw efkeâ nceejs mšeHeâ meomÙeeW ceW ieÇenkeâeW kesâ Øeefle Skeâ veS mekeâejelcekeâ meesÛe keâe efJekeâeme nes jne nw. Ùen keânves ceW keâesF& DeefleMeÙeesefòeâ veneR nesieer efkeâ Ùen meye mebYeJe ngDee nw, nceejer ceeref[Ùee kesâ meeLe efjMleeW keâer veF& peceehetbpeer mes. t
GösMÙe Øeeefhle
ceceW mes Ssmes yengle keâce ueesie nQ pees peerJeve keâe ue#Ùe peeveles nQ. nce Ùen peeveles nQ efkeâ Deepekeâue kesâ mketâueeW ceW Yeer efMe#ee kesâ yengle yeÌÌ[syeÌÌ[s oeJes efkeâS peeles nQ, hejvleg Ssmes mketâue Ùee efJeÅeeueÙe DeheJeeo ner nQ efpeveceW JÙeJeneefjkeâ ¤he ceW Ssmee keâneR efoKeeF& oslee nw. ceelee-efhelee Deheveer ieeÌÌ{er keâceeF& yeÌÌ[s-yeÌÌ[s mebmLeeveeW ceW ØeJesMe ceW ueiee osles uesefkeâve meHeâuelee kesâ mLeeve hej DeefOekeâlej keâes efvejeMee ner vemeerye nesleer nw. cesjer jeÙe ceW, peerJeve kesâ ue#Ùe keâes Øeehle keâjves keâe ØeLece ØeefMe#eCe Iej mes ner ØeejcYe nes peelee nw, lelheMÛeele mebmLeeveeW keâe efJeMes<e JÙeJeneefjkeâ Ùeesieoeve Gme ue#Ùe keâes Øeeefhle nsleg Skeâ mekeâejelcekeâ keâejkeâ yevelee nw.
peerJeve kesâ efMeKej hej hengBÛeves keâe megKe kesâJeue Jener JÙeefkeäle cenmetme keâj mekeâlee nw efpemeves meHeâuelee keâe JejCe efkeâÙee nes Deewj efpeve yeeOeeDeesb
DepeÙe keâhetj ueKeveT DeebÛeefuekeâ keâeÙee&ueÙe
ves Gmekeâes Deewj Gmekesâ ceeie& keâes yeej-yeej DeJe®æ efkeâÙee, Jener Gmekesâ Deevebo keâe keâejkeâ yeve peeleer nw. JÙeefkeäle FvneR yeeOeeDeesb keâe Deevebo uesles ngS Deheves meHeâuelee kesâ GösMÙe keâer Deesj Deeies yeÌÌ{lee jnlee nw Deewj Deheves ÂÌÌ{ mebkeâuhe kesâ meeLe GösMÙe Øeeefhle keâer meeOevee ceW ueiee jnlee nw. nceW Ssmeer efMe#ee keâer pe¤jle nw, pees GösMÙe Øeeefhle keâe cece& nceW mecePee mekesâ. GösMÙe Øeeefhle nsleg ÂÌÌ{ mebkeâuhe keâe nesvee yengle ner pe¤jer nw, Deiej efMeKej hej hengBÛeves keâe mebkeâuhe veneR jnsiee lees nj #es$e ceW Deeies yeÌÌ{ves keâe DeJemej meerefcele nes peeSiee. efkeâmeer Yeer #es$e ceW GÛÛelece mLeeve ncesMee Keeueer jnlee nw Deewj ÙeesiÙe JÙeefkeäle Deheves Deelce-efJeMJeeme kesâ menejs JeneB Dehevee mLeeve yevee ueslee nw. GoenjCe kesâ leewj hej osKee peelee nw efkeâ keâesF&-2 JÙeefkeäle Dehes#eeke=âle veÙes nesves hej Yeer hesMes ceW Dehevee mLeeve pecee ueslee nw Deewj hegjeves mLeeefhele hesMesJej Gmekeâer Deesj DeeMÛeÙe&Ûeefkeâle F&<Ùee&ueg Âef<š mes osKeles jnles nQ. peerJeve kesâ ØelÙeskeâ #es$e keâer Ùener keâneveer nw, veJeerve leLee veJe-mHetâefle& Yejs, ÂÌÌ{ mebkeâefuhele neskeâj efkeâS ieÙes veS ueesieeW kesâ ØeÙeeme Deewj keâeÙe& hegjeves efoiiepeeW keâes efJemce=efle kesâ ieYe& ceW Oekesâue osles nQ GoenjCe nce ef›eâkesâš kesâ #es$e ceW ner osKe mekeâles nQ peneB meefÛeve jcesMe lesboguekeâj pewmes efKeueeÌÌ[er ves leceece hegjeves ceneve efKeueeefÌ[ÙeeW kesâ ue#ÙeeW keâes Skeâ veÙee DeeÙeece Deheveer heefjYee<ee ceW efoÙee.
Knowledge Plus
JeemleJe ceW, yengle keâce keâeÙe& DeJÙeJeneefjkeâ DeLeJee DemecYeJe nesles nQ, Jemlegle: GÛÛe mlej hej ve hengBÛe mekeâves keâe keâejCe meeOeveeW keâer keâceer ve neskeâj, GheueyOe meeOeveeW keâe mecÙekeâ GheÙeesie ve keâj heeves keâer #ecelee mes neslee nw. Heâuele: Dekeâce&CÙe JÙeefkeäle kesâ efueS veerÛes KeÌÌ[e neskeâj Thej keâer Deesj šgkegâjšgkegâj osKeves kesâ efmeJee keâesF& Ûeeje veneR neslee nw. yeÌÌ[er-yeÌÌ[er TBÛeer ße=bKeueeSb ncesMee ÙegieeW-ÙegieeW mes ceeveJe keâes yeguee jner LeeR~ DeveskeâeW ves ØeÙelve efkeâS, efveefMÛele TBÛeeF& lekeâ hengBÛes Yeer, uesefkeâve SÌ[ceCÌ[ efnuesjer Deewj Mesjhee lesveefmebn Gve keâerefle&ceeveeW mes Deelebefkeâle veneR ngS Deewj GÛÛe efMeKej neefmeue keâj efueÙee. ÂÌÌ{ mebkeâefuhele JÙeefkeäle Ùen peevelee nw efkeâ Ùes veÙes keâerefle&ceeve mLeeefhele keâjves Jeeues JÙeefkeäle kesâ efueS Øeke=âefle kesâ Éej meowJe GheÙegkeäle jnles nQ. nceW ncesMee GÛÛe efMeKej keâes Øeehle keâjves mes henues hetJe& ØeÙeemeeW / keâerefle&ceeveeW leLee ieueefleÙeeW keâe efJeMues<eCe pe¤j keâjvee ÛeeefnS Deewj meJeexÛÛe efMeKej hej ve hengBÛeves kesâ keâejCe mes nceW yeÛekeâj Ûeuevee ÛeeefnS. Fme peerJeve ceW meHeâue nesves keâe efvecve melÙe keâLeve mce=efle ceW Deelee nw :“There are two ways of rising in the world, either by one’s own industry or profiting by foolishness of others.
DeLee&led 1) DeOÙeJemeeÙe Éeje, 2) DevÙe JÙeefkeäleÙeeW keâer cetKe&leeDeesb keâe ueeYe G"ekeâj ”. nceW mecePe uesvee ÛeeefnS efkeâ efpeme efove efMeKej hej hengBÛe keâj mLeeve Øeehle keâjves keâer FÛÚe meceehle nes peeÙesieer Gme efove ceeve keâe peerJeve Deewj ceeve meceepe hetCe&le: DeLe&nerve nes peeSbies. neB, Skeâ Ûeer]pe Deewj nw, pees Yeer ØeCe efkeâÙee peeS GmeceW F&ceeveoej ØeÙeeme keâe nesvee DelÙeble DeeJeMÙekeâ nw. t
ceveg<Ùe keâe peerJeve efkeâlevee Yeer efve<"gj SJeb keâ"esj keäÙeeW ve nes, Gmekeâer JewÛeeefjkeâ Øeyeuelee kesâ mece#e meye DemeneÙe nw. JÙeefkeäle Ùeefo efJeÛeej keâj ues efkeâ Gmes peerJeve kesâ meJeexÛÛe ue#Ùe keâes Øeehle keâjvee nw Ùee efHeâj meJeexÛÛe efMeKej hej hengBÛevee nw lees DeJeMÙe ner DemecYeJe ue#Ùe Yeer mecYeJe ue#Ùe ceW heefjCele nes peelee nw. leejebieCe
efmelebyej 2013
mLeehevee efoJeme ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb
veF& efouueer DebÛeue
ueKeveT DebÛeue
Deeieje DebÛeue
cesnotove MeeKee, uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue
jepemLeeve DebÛeue
Ûeb[erieÌ{ DebÛeue
cegpeHeäHeâjhegj DebÛeue
Yeeieuehegj DebÛeue
jebÛeer DebÛeue
GMenejve MeeKee, efmeueeriegÌ[er DebÛeue
yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ Fbef[Ùee keâe@ueesveer, (Sveyeerpeer-hetJe&)
YegJevesMJej DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
Foundation Day Activities
Kolkata Zone
Mumbai North Zone
Korti Branch, Solapur Zone
Goa Zone
Visakhapatnam Zone
Chennai Zone
Karnataka Zone
Pedavadalpudi Branch, Visakhapatnam Zone
Ujjain Zone
Kalwad Branch, Rajkot Zone
Shivaji Circle, Rajkot Zone
Raipur Zone
efmelebyej 2013
mLeehevee efoJeme ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb
Svepeeryeer (ceOÙe), Denceoeyeeo
Yeesheeue DebÛeue
Denceoeyeeo DebÛeue
Bank of India -
A Mother to Me
veeiehegj-1 DebÛeue
S. Kothandaraman GM (Retd.) My revered Bank, I bow my head, As you celebrate your 108th birthday, You gave me readily food and shelter, When I was running helter- skelter, Soon after I finished my graduation, And I needed no real persuasion, To come readily under your care, For after all you are " The Bank that Cares".
keWâogPej DebÛeue
yesn&cehegj MeeKee, efmeefueiegÌ[er DebÛeue
You gave me so much in life, Experiences, relationships and security, That I used to always tell my wife, There can be no better guarantee, To a happy and cheerful existence, Than the Bank's long term sustenance, For even after retirement I have no tension, As you are giving me adequate pension. I can never repay what you have done, But please help me to be a good citizen, Then I would really have done, What everyone yearns in this nation.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Deueeneyeeo MeeKeeSb, JeejeCemeer DebÛeue 32
efmelebyej 2013
efnboer efoJeme 2013
eEnoer efoJeme efJeMes<e
efnboer efoJeme 2013 kesâ DeJemej hej ceneceefnce je°^heefle kesâ efJeÛeej ner meceÙe hetke&, cegPes ceOÙe heÇosMe cesb Dešue efyenejer keepehesÙeer efnboer efkeMkeefkeodÙeeueÙe keâer DeeOeejefMeuee jKeves keâe megDekemej efceuee Lee~ cegPes efkeMkeeme nw efkeâ nceejs Ssmes efMe#ee mebmLeeve efnboer cesb meeefnlÙe Skeb MeesOe keâes yeÌ{ekee osbies~
ßeer ØeCeye cegKepeea, ceneceefnce je°^heefle
v Yeejle efkeefkeOeleeDeesb keâe osMe nw~ Ùeneb Deveskeâ Yee<eeSb Deewj yeesefueÙeeb yeesueer peeleer nQ~ efnboer Deece-Deeoceer keâer Yee<ee kesâ ™he cesb osMe keâer Skeâlee keâe met$e nw~ cenelcee ieebOeer, ueeskeâceevÙe efleuekeâ, megYee<eÛebõ yeesme, jepeieesheeueeÛeejer, hebef[le pekeenjueeue vesn™, ceewueevee Deepeeo, mejoej keueêYe YeeF& hešsue pewmes ceneve je<š^ efvecee&leeDeesb ves efnboer kesâ ceeOÙece mes DeeÌpeeoer keâer ueÌ[eF& ueÌ[er Leer~ ceneve mkeleb$elee mesveeveer, DeeÛeeÙe& kesâMekeÛevõ mesve ves meved De"ejn meew heÛenòej cesb ner ‘megueYe meceeÛeej’ cesb efueKee Lee—‘‘Deheveer yeele keâes Fme osMe cesb DeeefKejer kÙeefòeâ lekeâ hengbÛeeves keâe mejuelece ceeie& nw, efnboer~ keäÙeesbefkeâ efnboer Yeejle kesâ peve-meeceevÙe keâer Deelcee cesb yemeleer nw~’’ v osMe kesâ efkekeâeme kesâ efueS mejkeâej Éeje Deveskeâ keâeÙe&›eâce ÛeueeS pee jns nQ~ meeceeefpekeâ keâuÙeeCe Deewj efkekeâeme kesâ keâeÙe&›eâceesb keâer meHeâuelee Yee<ee hej efveYe&j keâjleer nw~ mejkeâej keâer ÙeespeveeDeesb keâe ueeYe Deece Deeoceer lekeâ hengbÛeeves cesb efnboer keâe efkeMes<e Ùeesieoeve nw~ FmeefueS, ncesb efnboer leLee #es$eerÙe Yee<eeDeesb keâes yeÌ{ekee osvee ÛeeefnS~ v efkeâmeer Yeer Yee<ee keâe efkekeâeme Gmekesâ meeefnlÙe hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ Fmekesâ efueS pe™jer nw efkeâ efnboer Skeb DevÙe YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeesb cesb GÛÛe keâesefš kesâ meeefnlÙe keâe me=peve efkeâÙee peeS~ lekeâveerkeâer efke<eÙeesb keâer hegmlekeâesb keâes Yeer mejue Skeb megiece Yee<ee cesb GheueyOe keâjevee nesiee leLee DebieÇspeer cesb heÇÛeefuele Fve hegmlekeâesb keâe efnboer leLee YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeesb cesb Devegkeeo keâjevee nesiee~ Fme efoMee cesb nceejs efkeMkeefkeodÙeeueÙe Denced Yetefcekeâe efveYee mekeâles nQ~ DeYeer kegâÚ
v Deepe keâe Ùegie metÛevee lekeâveerkeâ keâe Ùegie nw~ Fbšjvesš keâer meneÙelee mes metÛeveeDeesb keâe Deoeve-heÇoeve lespeer mes nes jne nw~ ncesb, Fbšjvesš cesb efnboer leLee DevÙe YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeesb kesâ heÇÙeesie keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS Skeâpegš neskeâj keâeÙe& keâjvee nesiee~ cegPes yeleeÙee ieÙee nw efkeâ jepeYee<ee efkeYeeie ves Fbšjvesš hej efnboer meerKeves leLee efnboer Devegkeeo keâer meskeeSb GheueyOe keâjeF& nQ~ cegPes KegMeer nw efkeâ Deye mejkeâejer efkeYeeieesb keâer kesyemeeFšsb efnboer cesb Yeer GheueyOe nQ~ cegPes Gcceero nw efkeâ Yeefke<Ùe cesb Fbšjvesš kesâ ceeOÙece mes efnboer keâes Deblejje<š^erÙe mlej hej yeÌ{ekee osves kesâ efueS nce Deewj DeefOekeâ heÇÙeeme keâjsbies~ v Yeejle ves Debleefj#e efke%eeve, cesef[keâue meeFbme, FbpeerefveÙejer Deeefo cesb Deblejje<š^erÙe mlej hej heÇefmeefæ heÇehle keâer nw~ ogefveÙee kesâ Úesšs-yeÌ[s Deveskeâ osMe Deye Yeejle mes Fve #es$eesb cesb menÙeesie ues jns nQ~ hejbleg Fve GheueefyOeÙeesb keâe DeefOekeâ ueeYe nceejs osMe kesâ otjieeceer #es$eesb lekeâ hengbÛeeves keâer pe™jle nw~ Fmemes DeefMe#ee leLee DebOeefkeMkeeme keâes efceševes cesb Deewj efkekeâeme keâes otjojepe kesâ Fueekeâesb lekeâ ues peeves cesb ceoo efceuesieer~ efnboer Deewj DevÙe #es$eerÙe Yee<eeDeesb keâe heÇÙeesie keâjles ngS Ùen keâeÙe& Deemeeveer mes nes mekeâlee nw~ v Yeejle mejkeâej Éeje efnboer keâes efkeMke-Yee<ee kesâ ™he cesb mLeeefhele keâjves keâe heÇÙeeme Yeer efkeâÙee pee jne nw~ keOee& cesb cenelcee ieebOeer Deblejje<š^erÙe efkeMkeefkeodÙeeueÙe leLee cee@jerMeme cesb efkeMke efnboer meefÛekeeueÙe keâer mLeehevee Ssmes ner kegâÚ heÇÙeeme nQ~ efkeosMeesb cesb yemes YeejleerÙe cetue kesâ heÇkeeefmeÙeesb Éeje Yeer efnboer keâes efkeMke-Yee<ee yeveeves keâer efoMee cesb menÙeesie efoÙee pee jne nw~ nce meYeer keâe Ùen heÇÙeeme nesvee ÛeeefnS efkeâ efnboer keâes mebÙegòeâ je<š^ keâer ceevÙe Yee<ee keâe opee& peuoer mes peuoer heÇehle nes~ ceQ, keâefke-ieg® jkeervõveeLe "ekegâj kesâ Meyoesb keâes oesnjeles ngS Deheveer yeele meceehle keâjvee Ûeentbiee~ ieg®oske ves keâne Lee, ‘‘Yeejle keâer meye heÇebleerÙe yeesefueÙeeb Deheves Iej cesb jeveer yeve keâj jnsb... Deewj DeeOegefvekeâ Yee<eeDeesb kesâ nej keâer ceOÙeceefCe efnboer Yeejle-Yeejleer neskeâj efkejepeleer jns~’’ t
efmelebyej 2013
efnboer efoJeme 2013 mebosMe : Skeâ ve]pej ceW...
eEnoer efoJeme efJeMes<e
ßeer megMeeruekegâceej efMebos
ßeer heer] efÛeocyejce keWâõerÙe efJeòeceb$eer
ieJeve&j, YeejleerÙe efj]peJe& yeQkeâ
[e@. jIegjece peer. jepeve
ßeerceleer Jeer. Deej. DeÙÙej
Yeejle keâer meYÙelee Deewj Yee<eeÙeer mebmke=âefle keâer peÌ[s ienjer nQ Deewj Ùes efJeefJeOe mebmke=âefleÙeeW kesâ meefcceßeCe mes iegpejkeâj meefoÙeeW mes efJekeâefmele ngF& nw~ osMe Deewj meceepe kesâ JÙeehekeâ efnle ceW jepeYee<ee efnboer kesâ Øeefle pevelee Deewj mejkeâejer leb$e oesveeW keâes DeefOekeâ mes DeefOekeâ mebJesoveMeerue Deewj meef›eâÙe yeveeS peeves keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw~ JeemleefJekeâlee ceW efnboer ceW keâece keâjves kesâ efueS Ùen megefveef§ele keâjvee cenlJehetCe& nesiee efkeâ Yee<ee keâes mejue SJeb menpe ¤he mes efueKee peeS leeefkeâ efnboer peeveves Jeeues leLee efnboer ve peeveves Jeeues keâce&ÛeeefjÙeeW Éeje Ùen Deemeeveer mes mecePeer pee mekesâ leLee DeheveeF& pee mekesâ~
nce meyekeâes Skeâ yengYee<eer osMe keâe veeieefjkeâ nesves hej ieJe& nw~ efnboer efJeÕe keâer meJeee&fOekeâ ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeueer Yee<eeDeeW ceW mes Skeâ nw~ meeLe ner meeLe Skeâ mebheke&â Yee<ee keâer Yetefcekeâe efveYeeles ngS efnboer nceejs efJeefJeOeleehetCe& osMe keâes Skeâmet$e ceW yeebOeleer nw~ efnboer Deewj mecemle YeejleerÙe Yee<eeSb Meemeve-leb$e Deewj pevelee kesâ yeerÛe mesleg keâe keâece keâjles ngS DeefOekeâeefOekeâ peve-Yeeieeroejer megefveef§ele keâjleer nw~
yeQefkebâie Skeâ mesJee GÅeesie nw Deewj efkeâmeer Yeer mesJee GÅeesie ceW «eenkeâ keâer Yee<ee keâe cenlJe yengle DeefOekeâ neslee nw~ yeQkeâeW ceW efnboer keâe ØeÙeesie yeÌ{evee ve efme]He&â Skeâ meebefJeefOekeâ oeefÙelJe nw, yeefukeâ Fmemes yeQefkebâie keâe keâeÙe& peve-peve lekeâ hengbÛeeves ceW keâeHeâer ceoo efceuesieer Deewj heefjCeecemJe¤he yeQefkebâie keâejesyeej ceW keâeHeâer yeÌ{esòejer Yeer nes mekeâleer nw~ meeceeefpekeâ yeQefkebâie kesâ Fme Ùegie ceW pevelee keâer Yee<ee efnboer ceW keâece keâjvee yeQkeâeW ceW yesnlej «eenkeâ mesJee keâe DeefYeVe Debie yeve ieÙee nw~ metÛevee ØeewÅeesefiekeâer kesâ Fme Ùegie ceW efnboer kesâ ØeÙeesie keâes DeefOekeâ yeÌ{eves nsleg leYeer mebYeJe nesiee peye yeQkeâ ceW vesceer keâeÙeeX kesâ efueS ØeÙegòeâ keâchÙetšj ShueerkesâMeveeW ceW jepeYee<ee veerefle kesâ Devegketâue efnboer/efÉYee<eer ¤he ceW keâjves keâer megefJeOee nes Deewj Gme megefJeOee kesâ GheÙeesie kesâ efueS meYeer DeefOekeâejer/keâce&Ûeejer ØeefMeef#ele neW~
efnboer efJeÕe keâer Yee<eeDeeW ceW otmejs mLeeve hej nw FmeefueS efnboer Yee<ee Skeâ JÙeehekeâ Deewj menpe Yee<ee nw~ jepeYee<ee heÇÛeej ke heÇmeej cesb nceejs yeQkeâ keâer Yetefcekeâe mekeâejelcekeâ Skeb DevegheeuevehetCe& nw efkeâbleg Ùen leLÙe jepeYee<ee keâes heÇYeekeMeeueer ieefle osves cesb efkeâlevee meceLe& nes mekeâlee nw Ùen nceejs yeQkeâ kesâ DebÛeueiele Yeeef<ekeâ keie& hej efveYe&j keâjlee nw~ efkeâmeer Yeer Yee<ee kesâ Meyoesb keâer Skeâ Ùee$ee nesleer nw efpemecesb kegâÚ Meyo GlheVe nesves kesâ kegâÚ meceÙe yeeo ner ueghle nes peeles nQ~ jepeYee<ee kesâ Yeer keâF& Meyo heÇÙeesie cesb venerb nQ~ Fmekeâe Skeâ heÇcegKe keâejCe Ùen nw efkeâ jepeYee<ee kesâ Ssmes Meyoesb keâe heÇÙeesie yeQkeâkeâceer& keâce keâj jns nQ Deewj Fve Meyoesb kesâ mLeeve hej yeQefkeâbie cesb DelÙeefOekeâ heÇÙegòeâ DebieÇspeer kesâ Meyoesb keâe GheÙeesie nes jne nw~ Yee<ee kesâ efkekeâeme keâer Ùen Skeâ mkeeYeeefkekeâ heÇef›eâÙee nw~ Ùetefvekeâes[ kesâ heÇÛeej-heÇmeej kesâ efueS MeeKee mlej lekeâ megefveÙeesefpele keâeÙe& efkeâÙee peevee DeekeMÙekeâ nw~ Fme efoMee cesb efkeMes<e OÙeeve efoÙee peevee ÛeeefnS~ nceW jepeYee<ee kesâ ceeOÙece mes ÙeLeemebYeke kÙekemeeÙe keâe efkekeâeme keâjvee ÛeeefnS~
keWâõerÙe ie=nceb$eer
Ùen megefveef§ele efkeâÙee peevee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw efkeâ meYeer kebâhÙetšj GhekeâjCeeW ceW efnboer ceW keâece keâjves keâer megefJeOee nes~
DeeFS, efnboer efoJeme kesâ DeJemej hej nce Deepe Ùen mebkeâuhe ueW efkeâ meYeer YeejleerÙe Yee<eeDeeW keâe mecceeve keâjves kesâ meeLe-meeLe nce efnboer Yee<ee keâe Øemeej yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS ØeÙeeme keâjWies~
DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ
(œeesle : efnboer efoJeme 2013 hej peejer mebosMeeW mes mebkeâefuele.)
jepeYee<ee mebkeâuhe keâjves eEno osMe keâer efnboer Gvvele, veJeebkeâeb#eer oerHe peues jepeYee<ee kesâ øeieeceer HeLe Hej, meowJe efvele veJe Heg<He efKeues
je°^ keâes yeveeves eEnoceÙe, nce meye efceuekeâj meeLe ÛeueW Skeâpegš neW je°^Yee<ee kesâ efueS, DeeDees nce meye Ùen mebkeâuHe ueW
pees Yeer DeeS kebâškeâ Ùee ogefJeOee, Skeâpegš nes Gmes Kelce keâjW Deheveer FÛÚe Meefkeäle mes, nj ÜoÙe ceW Ùes KJeeye Heues 34
ceve nes øeefleHeue DeefÌ[ie Ûeóeve, nj efvejeMee nes Hewjesb leues Hewâuesieer meJe&$e eEnoer, Deewj efvele vetleve me=peve efmeueefmeues~ leejebieCe
efmelebyej 2013
meesefveÙee meeJeble jepeYee<ee DeefOekeâejer, jeÙeHegj DebÛeue
eEnoer efoJeme efJeMes<e
efnboer efoJeme 2013 - ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb
yeQkeâ cesb hetCe& Yee<eeÙeer meodYeeke Skeb n<eexuueeme mes DeeÙeesefpele ngDee efnboer efokeme
Oeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe, Sveyeerpeer, DeebÛeefuekeâ keâeÙee&ueÙeesb leLee Gvekesâ efveÙeb$eCeeOeerve MeeKeeDeesb cesb efnboer efokeme hetCe& Yee<eeÙeer meoYeeke Skeb n<ee&suueeme kesâ meeLe DeeÙeesefpele efkeâÙee ieÙee~ Fme Dekemej hej 16 Deiemle, 2013 mes 14 efmelebyej, 2013 keâer DekeefOe keâes efnboer efokeme kesâ ™he cesb ceveeÙee ieÙee~ heÇOeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe cesb 14 efmelebyej keâes efnboer efokeme kesâ Dekemej hej DeOÙe#e Skeb heÇyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer keer. Deej. DeÙÙej ves keâeÙe&heeuekeâ efveosMekeâieCe, ßeer De™Ce ßeerkeemleke Skeb ßeer Deej.keâesšermkejve SJeb ceneØeyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee) ßeer Sme.meer. DejesÌ[e keâer GheefmLeefle cesb ceenYej DeeÙeesefpele heÇefleÙeesefieleeDeesb kesâ efkepeslee heÇefleYeeefieÙeesb keâes hegjmkeâej heÇoeve efkeâS~ Fme Dekemej hej meerSce[er cenesoÙee ves mecemle mšeHeâ meomÙeesb mes Dehevee yeQefkeâie keâeÙe& efnboer cesb DeefOekeâeefOekeâ keâjves keâer Deheerue keâer~ GvneWves keâne efkeâ ‘efnboer efkeMke cesb yeesueves keeueesb keâer mebKÙeevegmeej otmejs vebyej hej Deeleer nw Dele: efnboer keâer kÙeehekeâlee Skeb mejuelee keâes osKeles ngS ncesb Deheves owefvekeâ keâeÙeeX cesb efnboer keâes GefÛele mLeeve osles ngS Kegues ceve mes efnboer keâes Deheveevee ÛeeefnS~ efnboer ceen kesâ oewjeve jepeYee<ee efkeYeeie Éeje DeeÙeesefpele ‘’Deblej yeQkeâ ueeskeâieerle
heÇefleÙeesefielee, keâefke meccesueve’’ efkeMes<e Deekeâ<e&Ce jns~ DeebÛeefuekeâ keâeÙee&ueÙeesb cesb efnboer ceen kesâ oewjeve efkeefYev>e heÇefleÙeesefieleeDeesb keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee ieÙee~ efnboer efokeme kesâ Dekemej hej heÇefleÙeesefielee kesâ efkepeslee heÇefleYeeefieÙeesb keâes Deeb.heÇ. Éeje hegjmkeâej heÇoeve efkeâS ieS~ Fme oewjeve DeebÛeefuekeâ heÇyebOekeâesb ves DehevesDeheves DebÛeueesb cesb efnboer cesb keâecekeâepe keâer heÇieefle keâes yeÌ{eves kesâ efueS mecemle mšeHeâ meomÙeesb keâe Dee£eve efkeâÙee~ mecemle mšeHeâ meomÙeesbs ves heÇefleÙeesefieleeDeesb cesb yeÌ{ÛeÌ{ keâj Yeeie efueÙee Deewj efnboer cesb
ØeOeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe
Sveyeerpeer (Gòej), veF& efouueer
DeefOekeâeefOekeâ keâeÙe& keâjves keâe mebkeâuhe Yeer efueÙee~ Fve DeeÙeespeveesb cesb Keeme yeele Ùen jner efkeâ keâF& DeebÛeefuekeâ keâeÙee&ueÙeesb cesb jepeYee<ee DeefOekeâeefjÙeesb ves veF& henue keâjles ngS mketâyeueer yeÛÛeeW kesâ efueS efnboer keâeÙe&›eâce Deewj ceneefkeÅeeueÙeesb cesb peekeâj efnboer cesb GÛÛe Debkeâ uesves keeues efkeÅeeefLe&Ùeesb keâes vekeâo hegjmkeâej heÇeslmeednve kesâ ™he cesb heÇoeve efkeâS~ keâF& Deeb.keâe. ves efnboer meskeer efkeÉeveesb keâes mecceeefvele efkeâÙee Deewj vejekeâeme kesâ meomÙe keâeÙee&ueÙeesb kesâ efueS Yeer heÇefleÙeesefieleeDeesb keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee~ t
veF& efouueer DebÛeue
Sveyeerpeer (ceOÙe), Denceoeyeeo
efmelebyej 2013
eEnoer efoJeme efJeMes<e
efnboer efoJeme 2013 - ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb
cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue
Yeesheeue DebÛeue
uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue
veeiehegj-~ DebÛeue
Ûeb[erieÌ{ DebÛeue
ueKeveT DebÛeue
Dece=lemej DebÛeue
Deeieje DebÛeue
keâevehegj DebÛeue
jepemLeeve DebÛeue
Oeveyeeo DebÛeue
keâesunehegj DebÛeue
Gppewve DebÛeue
Keb[Jee DebÛeue
Yeeieuehegj DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
eEnoer efoJeme efJeMes<e
efnboer efoJeme 2013 - ieefleefJeefOeÙeeb JeejeCemeer DebÛeue
jeÙehegj DebÛeue
jlveeefiejer DebÛeue
YegJevesMJej DebÛeue
peceMesohegj DebÛeue
keâesuekeâelee DebÛeue
ueepe& keâe@heexjsš MeeKee, keâesuekeâelee
efce[ keâe@heexjsš ef[efJe., keâesuekeâelee
Smešermeer, Yeesheeue
Smešermeer keâesuekeâelee
Sveyeerpeer (ceOÙe)/Denceoeyeeo DebÛeue
jepeYee<ee HeÇÛeej-HeÇmeej Sveyeerpeer (ceOÙe) ceW jepeYee<ee kesâ HeÇÛeej Deewj HeÇmeej kesâ efueS Skeâ Ùeespevee ieÇeceerCe kesâvõeW keâer MeeKeeDeesb kesâ efueS keâeÙee&efvJele keâer ieF& nw efpemekesâ Devleie&le nceejer MeeKeeDeesb ceW Keelee jKeves Jeeues mejkeâejer efJeÅeeueÙeeW kesâ 10JeeR/12JeeR keâ#ee, efnboer ceW meJeee&fOekeâ Debkeâ kesâ meeLe GòeerCe& keâjves Jeeues Úe$e/ Úe$ee keâes Hegjmke=âle keâjves keâe HeÇeJeOeeve efkeâÙee ieÙee nw~ HeÇmlegle efÛe$e YeesHeeue DebÛeue keâer leejemesJeefveÙee MeeKee kesâ MeemekeâerÙe GÛÛelej efJeÅeeueÙe kesâ Úe$e ßeer keâefHeue meerleejece Ûeewkeâmes keâe nw~ FvneWves 92 HeÇefleMele Debkeâ HeÇeHle keâj keâ#ee 10JeeR yees[& Hejer#ee GòeerCe& keâer nw Deewj efnboer efJe<eÙe ceW 85 HeÇefleMele Debkeâ Deefpe&le efkeâS nQ~ efÛe$e ceW MeeKee HeÇyebOekeâ ßeer jepeieesHeeue Úe$e ßeer keâefHeue meerleejece Ûeewkeâmes keâes Hegjmke=âle keâjles ngS~ Fme DeJemej Hej yeQkeâ kesâ efJeefYevve GlHeeoeW keâer peevekeâejer Yeer Úe$e Úe$eeDeesb Deewj efMe#ekeâJe=bo keâes HeÇoeve keâer ieF&~ yeQkeâ kesâ Fme keâeÙe& keâer meJe&$e HeÇMebmee keâer ieF& nw~ t
efmelebyej 2013
yeQeEkeâie hueme
Banking Plus
yetBo-yetBo mes IeÌ[e Yejlee nw - efJeòeerÙe meceeJesMeve Sme. Deej. ceerCee DeebÛeefuekeâ øeyebOekeâ efmeefueiegefÌ[ DebÛeue
Deøewue 2013 ceW Skeâ øeesbpeer FveMÙeesjsbme kebâHeveer (Meejoe «egHe) kesâ yeÌ[s Ieesšeues ves cegPes kegâÚ meesÛeves Hej cepeyetj keâj efoÙee. Ssmee keäÙee nw efkeâ Fme lejn keâer øeesbpeer FveMÙeesjsbMe kebâHeefveÙeeb yengle ner keâce meceÙe ceW Skeâ efJeMeeue efÌ[Hee@efpeš KeÌ[e keâj Heeleer nQ. Fme yeejs ceW ceQves kegâÚ mebHeke&â kesâ ueesieesb mes HetÚe pees Fme lejn kesâ øeesbpeer FveMÙeesjsbme kebâHeefveÙeesb kesâ efMekeâej nes Ûegkesâ Les. FveceW mes DeefOekeâebMe (Úesšs) «eenkeâ efpevekeâe yeQkeâesb ceW HengBÛe ve nesves Ùee mesJeeDeesb mes mebleg° ve nesves kesâ keâejCe otmejs efJekeâuHeesb ceW ieÙes Deewj otmejs efJekeâuHeesb ves Fmekeâe HeâeÙeoe G"eÙee.
mekesâ efJeHejerle Ùeefo nce DeHeves mšeHeâ meomÙeesb keâes øesefjle keâjsb Deewj Gvemes menÙeesie uesb lees yeQkeâ keâe efÌ[Hee@efpeš Deewj Yeer yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw. øelÙeskeâ mšeHeâ DeHeves peeveves Jeeueesb keâes yeQkeâ kesâ mebHeke&â ceW ueeS lees Skeâ lejHeâ Gvnsb yeQeEkeâie ueeYe efceuesiee Deewj otmejer Deesj yeQkeâ keâer HengBÛe Yeer pÙeeoe #es$eesb lekeâ HengÛesbieer. keâF& yeej nce yeÌ[s efÌ[Hee@efpeš kesâ ner yeejs ceW meesÛeles nQ Deewj Úesšs-Úesšs yeÛeleesb keâer DeveosKeer keâj osles nQ. efpeme øekeâej yetBo-yetBo mes IeÌ[e Yejlee nw, Gmeer øekeâej «eenkeâesb Éeje Úesšs-Úesšs yeÛeleesb Éeje Skeâ efJeMeeue efÌ[Hee@efpeš Yeer yeÌ{eÙee pee mekeâlee nw. Fme øekeâej Skeâ lejHeâ nce efJeòeerÙe meceeJesMeve lees otmejer lejHeâ nce keâejesyeej Yeer ceesefyeueeFpe keâj mekeWâies. DeYeer neue ner ceW kegâÚ øeesbpeer (efÛeš HebâÌ[ kebâHeefveÙeesb yebieeue ceW) kebâHeefveÙeesb Éeje ueieYeie ` 4000/- keâjesÌ[ mes Yeer DeefOekeâ kesâ IeHeues-Ieesšeues efkeâÙes ieÙes. Fve efveJesMekeâesb ceW mes DeefOekeâebMele: Úesšs-Úesšs efveJesMekeâ Les efpevemes ¤HeS pecee keâjJeekeâj Fleveer yeÌ[er OevejeefMe Skeâef$ele keâer ieÙeer.
efmelebyej 2013
efo. 18.07.2013 keâes efo Fkeâvee@efcekeâ šeFcme (øeLece He=…) ves Yeer Fme yeele keâer Hegef° keâer efkeâ øeesbpeer kebâHeefveÙeesb kesâ OeesKeeOeÌ[er kesâ yeeo mes Ì[ekeâIej (mejkeâejer efJeYeeie) kesâ HeefMÛece yebieeue meefke&âue ceW ner keâjesÌ[esb kesâ efÌ[Hee@efpešesb keâe Debyeej ueie ieÙee nw. peneB efHeÚues Hetjs Je<e& 2012-13 ceW ` 1,789 keâjesÌ[ keâe efÌ[Hee@efpeš ngDee Lee JeneR kesâJeue Fme efleceener Deøewue-petve 2013 ceW ner ` 560 keâjesÌ[ efÌ[Hee@efpešdme Dee Ûegkesâ nQ. DeLee&le GHeÙeg&keäle GoenjCe mes Fme yeele keâer Hegef° nesleer nw efkeâ nceW Deye Skeâ keâoce Deeies yeÌ{keâj meYeer «eenkeâesb keâes ÚesšsÚesšs yeÛeleesb kesâ efueÙes øesefjle keâjvee ÛeeefnS Deewj Gve lekeâ yeQeEkeâie mesJeeSb HeejoMeer& ¤He mes HengBÛeeveer ÛeeefnS. FmeceW nce meYeer yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ FbefÌ[Ùee HeefjJeej meomÙeesb kesâ menÙeesie keâer Yeer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nw efkeâ Úesšs yeÛeleeW pewmes Deej.[er, SHeâ[er, Sce.Deej.meer, keäÙet.Deej.meer Deeefo pewmeer mesJeeDeesb kesâ yeejs ceW meyekeâes peeie¤keâ SJeb DeJeiele keâjeÙesb Deewj yeQkeâ kesâ HengBÛe keâes meYeer Úesšs-Úesšs «eenkeâesb kesâ efueÙes Yeer megueYe yeveeÙesb. yeQkeâ ceW pecee kesâ yeoues $e+Ce (ueesve Deiesbmš efÌ[Hee@efpeš) Yeer Deemeeveer mes GHeueyOe nw pees yeQkeâ efÌ[Hee@efpeš keâes [ekeâIej keâer leguevee ceW Deewj uegYeeJevee SJeb Deekeâ<e&keâ yeveelee nw. Ùeefo yeQkeâ keâer efJeefYevve efÌ[Hee@efpeš mkeâerce «eenkeâesb keâes megueYe ¤He mes GHeueyOe keâjeF& peeS DeHesef#ele Kegoje peceejeefMe meb«en keâjvee menpe Deewj mejue nesiee leLee DeHevee yeQkeâ meeJe&peefvekeâ #es$e kesâ yeQkeâesb ceW meJees&ÛÛe mLeeve øeeHle keâj mekesâiee. t
efkeâmeeve efoJeme
Farmer's Day
Gppewve DebÛeue
Yeesheeue DebÛeue
keâesunehegj DebÛeue
veeiehegj - ~ DebÛeue
ueeKeebotj MeeKee, veeiehegj-~ DebÛeue
jepemLeeve DebÛeue
heeefueÙee MeeKee, Fboewj DebÛeue
veeiehegj -~ DebÛeue
veeiehegj – ~~ DebÛeue
veeÙeKes[e GVeJe MeeKee, keâevehegj DebÛeue
jepekeâesš DebÛeue
ceguLeeve MeeKee, Fboewj DebÛeue
jbieOeceeueer MeeKee, efmeefueiegÌ[er DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
yeQeEke창ie hueme
Banking Plus
Knowing Bar Code based Passbook printing Kiosks Ganesh Chittoor IT Department, Head Office
Savings Bank customers are one of the most important and major segment of entire Banking. The satisfied Savings Bank customers build the foundation of good banking business for any Bank and its branches. One of the primary service requirements of Savings Bank customers in INDIA is maintaining their Passbooks with up to date transactions. Updation of Passbooks during Manual Banking Working in a branch, one noticed many customers, especially aged pensioners, getting their passbook updated, first to know the balance in their accounts after the credit of their pension amount, and then rushing to make a withdrawal. After depositing / withdrawal of the cash, most of the customers require immediate confirmation that the amount is credited / debited to the account correctly. Therefore, such customer will again stand in the queue passbook updation to get the entry of their deposit / withdrawal updated in his / her passbook. Therefore, in order to keep the Savings Bank customers happy and also to reduce the huge cost of deployment of one dedicated employee of the Bank only for updating Passbooks, there was some thinking that jobs, which are routine in nature and do not need any manual verification or human intervention, should be automated.
Updation of Passbook in Computerized environment The introduction of automation along with passbook printers at the counters helped in mitigating the work of manual entries, as the system would automatically update the account of the customer on authorization and the passbook could be printed immediately. However, engagement of at least one operator for passbook printing at every branch was unavoidable. Even after the transition to Core Banking, one person had to man the passbook printer throughout the day to ensure that all the passbooks tendered are updated and returned to the customers. Heavy branches still needed two persons with two passbook printers to complete this task on a daily basis.
efmelebyej 2013
Challenges faced before deployment and specific problems sought to be addressed Keeping in mind the large customer base, which includes illiterate customers, it was felt that maintenance of magnetic stripe in the passbook would be a difficult task. The cost of the passbook would be high. In case the magnetic stripe get folded or bent, the system would not be able to read the magnetic stripe. Swiping of ATM cards was out of question, as most of the illiterate customers were not having ATM cards. Manual entering of account number was also not feasible, as while entering 15 digit account number, the customer could punch in wrong number and this could result in printing of transactions for the wrong account. The biggest challenge was to make even the illiterate customer use the electronic system to update his / her passbook. The system had to be user friendly with minimum or better still, no input from the customer. The proposed solution needed to meet the following criteria: 1. Savings Bank Customers should be able to update their passbooks themselves through passbook printing Kiosks. 2. Should be simple and easy to use Kiosks for all types of customers irrespective of their literacy levels. 3. Kiosks should be user friendly, with voice and display support for easy use of the Kiosk 4. The customers need not stand in long queue in front of counters 5. The customers should be happy to visit branch any time during Banking hours and update the passbook by themselves. 6. Branches need not deploy one dedicated resource only for passbook updation and increase productivity of the Branch by redeployment of the employees in a better way 7. Extended corporate brand image of Bank
Bar Coding as the best available option Considering that use of magnetic stripe or swiping of ATM cards would not be practicable, as an alternate solution, it was decided to go for bar code printing, as they could be printed on the front cover of the passbooks. These bar codes could be printed using the normal passbook printer through our Core Banking System. The account number of the customer is incorporated in the bar code. These bar codes had to be printed on a white background, which would make them easily readable by the system. The vendor was, therefore, asked to provide white stickers to be stuck on the face of the passbook for printing the bar codes. Since these bar codes could get smudged easily immediately after printing or get faded, it was decided that a transparent sticker should be stuck on the bar code printed to protect the same. The bar code based passbook printing kiosks were designed having passbook printer with dual scanner, so that when the passbook is inserted into the kiosk, the scanner could read the bar code printed on the cover of the passbook, validate the same from the Core Banking System and then display the name of the account holder on the screen for confirmation by the customer. This validation of account number is mandatory whenever the passbook is inserted, even when one page is printed and the system requires the next page to be opened and reinserted for continuation of printing of transactions. This ensured that the transactions pertaining to one account is not printed on passbook of any other account. The system has the facility of displaying the instructions in three languages â&#x20AC;&#x201C; English, Hindi and the local language. The voice guidance for customers is available in English. In case of dormant accounts, the customers are advised through display that their account is marked as dormant and they should contact the branch in that regard. The Kiosk is also used for display for various schemes of the Bank, whenever the system is in sleep mode, so it also acts as an advertising media for the Bank. Presently, 512 Bar Code based kiosks have been already installed in branches all over the country and it has been observed that the total usage have crossed 45000 passbook on a single day. Considering that one staff was able to print about 150 passbooks per day, these kiosks have been doing the work of more than 300 staff members per day!
Benefits derived post implementation 1. The customers are able to get their passbook printed by themselves, without waiting for updation of passbooks on the counter. They are able to ensure that the transactions printed pertain to their account, by confirming their name, which is displayed on the screen before printing of transactions. 2. The facility of passbook printing on Kiosks can be extended for longer hours as there is no need to man the kiosk.
3. Even an illiterate customer can easily get the passbook printed, as there is no need for any input from the customer. This has been observed in one instance, wherein one aged illiterate lady was seen getting about 5 to 6 passbooks updated, without assistance from any one. 4. The maximum number of passbooks printed on a Kiosk at articular branch is around 750 to 800 passbooks per day, which is equivalent to the work done by at least 2 to 3 operators per day. The average number of passbooks printed on a kiosk on articular day is around 300. 5. These Bar Code based Passbook printing Kiosks enable the branches to have the luxury of deploying the staff, who were previously handling passbook updation counters, for more important work. 6. The customers having their account in any branch can print their passbooks in any of the Kiosks located in any other branch. 7. The passbooks printed on the kiosks can be seamlessly printed on the passbook counters any time and viceversa.
Difference from similar projects undertaken by peers in similar areas The printing of bar code on the passbook does not need any special printer. It is being done using our Core Banking Solution menu option, using the normal passbook printer at the counter. Once the bar code is printed and protected by pasting of transparent sticker on it, the passbook is ready for being printed on the kiosk. The most important thing about Bar Code based Passbook printing Kiosks is that there is no need for any customer input â&#x20AC;&#x201C; neither any PIN or account number. Since the bar code has the account number of the customer in built, the system validates the same with the Core Banking System and flashes the name of the customer on the screen for verification by the customer. This verification of account number happens every time the passbook is inserted in the kiosk, even when the page is full and the customer has to turn the page and re-insert the passbook for further printing. This eliminates the possibility of printing transactions of one account in the passbook pertaining to another account. Bank of India is very proud to have pioneered such product which makes the life easy for the customer by enabling him to print his / her passbook himself / herself. The best reward is the look and smile of satisfaction on the face of the customer, after getting the passbook on the kiosk by himself / herself. The important benefit to the Bank is that the staff members working on passbook updation counters can be redeployed for other important work, which is a big boon considering that most of the branches are short of staff. t
efmelebyej 2013
ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB Activities
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (heefMÛece) O National Banking Group (West)
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer during her visit to FIBAC 2013 whereby stall of bank was installed by Mumbai South Zone. GM NBG (W) Shri V.G. Kamath, ZM Shri D.K.Garg, GM, HO Shri G.B. Kakade, GM (Treasury) Shri G.M. Bhagat, ZM Navi Mumbai Shri B.K. Mohanty & other officers of the bank with the CMD on the occasion.
ED RBI Smt. Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi inaugurating LDM Office in majestic presence of our CMD Smt. V R Iyer, GM NBG (W) Shri V.G Kamath and ZM MSZ Shri D.K Garg.
MSZ ZM Shri D.K. Garg along with Inspector Shri Sharad Naik, Colaba police & DZM Shri J. M. Padia during the free medical check-up camp organized at NRI Branch, Mumbai.
keâesunehegj DebÛeue ceW Sveyeerpeer (he.) Éeje DeeÙeesefpele mesefceveej ceW ce.Øe. Sveyeerpeer (he.) ßeer yeer.peer. keâecele ke=âef<e DeefOekeâeefjÙeeW keâes Glke=â<š keâeÙe& nsleg mecceeefvele keâjles ngS. meeLe ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer YeieJeleJeej.
veeiehegj 1 DebÛeue keâer JeOee& MeeKee ceW DeeÙeesefpele efMe#ekeâ efoJeme kesâ DeJemej hej yeQkeâ kesâ ieÇenkeâeW Je efMe#ekeâ ßeer oeceesoj jeTle keâes Hetâue kesâ iegueomlee kesâ yeoues heewOes mes Gvekeâe mecceeve keâjles ngS Deeb.Øe. ßeer efceefuebo JewÅe. meeLe ceW, veeiehegj SmeSceF& efmešer meWšj kesâ me.ce.Øe. ßeer Deefcele jeÙe SJeb keâmletjyee nsuLe meesmeeF&šer kesâ efveosefMekeâe [e@. (ßeerceleer) Sme. Úeyeje Yeer GheefmLele nQ.
veeiehegj-~/~~ Éeje efnboer efoJeme kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW jwueer keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee ieÙee efpemeceW vejekeâeme, veeiehegj kesâ meomÙe keâeÙee&ueÙeeW ves mebÙegkeäle ¤he mes jwueer efvekeâeueer. Deeb.Øe. ßeer efceefuebo JewÅe kesâ meeLe DevÙe DeefOekeâejer ceeÛe& keâjles ngS.
Ratnagiri Zone ZM Shri V.V. Buche handing over the keys of school bus and truck financed by Ratnagiri Zone.
Ratnagiri Zone ZM Shri V.V. Buche along with Ex.MLA Shri Bal Mane at BOI stall during the Education Loan Fair organized by Ratnagiri Zone.
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vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (heefMÛece) O National Banking Group (West)
Goa Zone ZM Shri Sudhir S. Jade delivering Credit Card to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa Shri Manohar G. Parrikar.
Solapur Zone DZM Shri N.S. Doijad offering Bouquet & Car Keys to customer Shri. V. V. Rampurkar along with Mktg. Exe. Shri Manish Pathak during car loan mela organized by Railway Lines Branch, Solapur Zone.
jeÙeieÌ{ DebÛeue kesâ Deeb.øe. ßeer Meerefj<e kegâuekeâCeer& mšej mJejespeieej øeefMe#eCe mebmLeeve kesâ keâeÙe&›eâce kesâ oewjeve mebyeesefOele keâjles ngS~
Raigad Zone ZM Shri Shirish Kulkarni with the delegates from Micro Energy Credit of Branches visited Choundi Branch to study the functioning of BC’s on sale of greenway stores.
veJeer cegbyeF& keâer keâuÙeeCe (HetJe&) MeeKee cesb efnboer SJeb ceje"er efmevescee kesâ øeefmeæ DeefYeveslee ßeer efkeâMeesj veboueemekeâj ves yeÛele Keelee Keesuee~ Heâesšes cesb Gvekesâ meeLe MeeKee øeyebOekeâ ßeer efkeâMeesj šešeryebOeveJeeues Deewj meYeer mšeHeâ-meomÙe~
veJeer cegbyeF& keâer efYeJeb[er MeeKee Éeje DeeÙeesefpele FHeäleej heešer& kesâ oewjeve GheefmLele cenevegYeeJe (oeSB mes) Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer Jeso ØekeâeMe peesMeer, ceg.Øe. ßeer MÙeeceue kegâceej oeme SJeb DeefOekeâejer ßeer Mekeâerj ngmesve SJeb yeQkeâ kesâ mecceeveerÙe ieÇenkeâ.
Ùen keâece efmeHe&â Skeâ yeQkeâj ner keâj mekeâlee nw
Leefcekeâ efMe#ee kesâ «eer<ceeJekeâeMe (ueieYeie oes cenerves keâe DeJekeâeMe) ceW cegPes meeJe&peefvekeâ HegmlekeâeueÙe mes efMe#eeøeo keâneefveÙeesb keâer Hegmlekesbâ ueekeâj HeÌ{ves keâer Deeole Leer. GvneR ceW mes cegPes Skeâ keâneveer Deepe Yeer Ùeeo nw. Gme keâneveer keâes ceQ keâeHeâer LeesÌ[s Meyoesb ceW JÙekeäle keâj jne ntB. Skeâ yeej Skeâ Úesše mee ueÌ[keâe keâjeryeve Gceü 10 Je<e& jner nesieer. meÌ[keâ Hej meYeer Deeves-peeves Jeeueesb mes YeerKe ceebie jne Lee. meYeer JÙeefkeäleÙeesb mes Jen keân jne Lee, yeeyet peer Skeâ Hewmee os oes, Skeâ Hewmee...... uesefkeâve keâesF& Yeer JÙeefkeäle Gme iejerye yeÛÛes keâes Skeâ Hewmee veneR os jne Lee. Deble ceW Skeâ meppeve Heg®<e ves Gmemes HetÚe efkeâ yeÛÛes DeeHe Skeâ Hewmee keäÙeesb ceeBie jns nes? Skeâ Hewmes keâe keäÙee keâjesies? Gme yeÛÛes ves peJeeye efoÙee efkeâ ceQ Skeâ Hewmes mes kegâÚ Ûeves ueeTBiee Deewj Gvekeâes oes Hewmes ceW yesÛetbiee Deewj efHeâj oes Hewmes kesâ Ûeves ueeTBiee Deewj Gmekeâes
Ûeej Hewmeesb ceW yesÛetbiee. Fme lejn ceQ DeHevee JÙeeHeej yeÌ{elee peeTbiee. Jen meppeve Heg®<e Gme iejerye ueÌ[kesâ kesâ efJeÛeejesb mes keâeHeâer øeYeeefJele ngDee Deewj Gmeves KegMe neskeâj Gmes Skeâ Hewmes kesâ yepeeS Skeâ ®HeÙee efoÙee Deewj keâne efkeâ Fme Skeâ ®HeÙes mes DeeHe Ûeves Kejeroes Deewj Gmes oes ®HeÙeesb ceW yesÛees Deewj DeHeves Ûeves yesÛeves kesâ JÙeeHeej keâes Flevee yeÌ{eDees efkeâ keâYeer efkeâmeer mes legcekeâes YeerKe ceebieves keâer pe¤jle ve HeÌ[s. Fme lejn mes Jen ueÌ[keâe Deeies peekeâj Skeâ øeefleef…le JÙeeHeejer yevee. Fme keâneveer kesâ ceeOÙece mes ceQ Ùen keânvee Ûeenlee ntB efkeâ Skeâ yeQkeâj nesves kesâ veeles nce ueesie keâeHeâer ueesieesb kesâ peerJeve ceW KegefMeÙeeB uee mekeâles nQ. Ùeefo nce pe¤jlecebo ueesieesb keâes Gvekeâer JeemleefJekeâlee kesâ DeeOeej Hej $e+Ce osb lees nceeje osMe/meceepe keâeHeâer yegjeFÙeesb mes yeÛe mekeâlee nw. Ùen keâece efmeHe&â Skeâ yeQkeâj ner keâj mekeâlee nw. - Éejkeâe øemeeo, mebkeâeÙe met.øees.øe.kesâ., HegCes
efmelebyej 2013
veF& henue
New Initiative
- Gajanan Keni Goa Zonal Office
Unlike rest of India, Ganesh festival is celebrated in Goa and Konkan area of Maharashtra by individual households rather than as a community based celebration (Sarvajanik Ganesh Festival). However in recent past urban areas of Goa are also witnessing cultural change and Ganesh celebrations are being held as a community celebrations lasting for eleven to twenty one days.
Ganesh Festival and its impact on Goan Society and Economy G
oing back to history, Ganesh Festival popularly known in Goa as Ganesh Chaturthy is a yearly family ritual and a get together. It is celebrated at the ancestral house and each and every family member makes it point to participate in two days function. As said above, it is a yearly occasion for family get together and also platform for bounding of relationships and conciliation of family disputes, if any. Many of joint family problems, sour relations are ironed /sorted out during these two days. It is said that it is a good occasion for a Banker to bind his relationship further with their clients by paying them a visit when entire family is together in a joyous festive mood. Further, celebrations are also an occasion for communal harmony as brethren from other religions visit their Hindu brothers for wishing them on the occasion and relish on various vegetarian dishes served on the occasion. The celebration is normally a two day affair, however by some families same is celebrated for five, seven, nine, eleven or twenty one days. These celebrations beyond two days are normally held if any favours sought from Lord Ganesh are realized and function is celebrated beyond two days to fulfill vows made. The day earlier to Ganesh Chaturthy is a day for honouring his mother, Goddess Parvathi, the day is called as “Taai”. Special prayers are held on the day in her praise and seeking her divine blessings for a successful completion of ensuing Ganesh
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Chaturthy. It is also the day normally many families bring Ganesh idol at home duly wrapped in aper covering from shop selling idols called “ Chitra Shalas”. In the evening, all elderly households assist youngsters in installation of “Matoli” (i.e. a rectangular board made wooden frames affixed atop roof in front of Ganesh idol with variety of fruits, vegetables and wild barriers hanging thereon) and “Makhar” (a decorative pandal with colourful paper foils which houses the idol of Lord Ganesh during the festival). The next two days are of Ganesh Chaturthy and traditionally called “Chavath” and “Pancham” respectively in Goa. The day one i.e “Chavath”, is the day on which idol of Lord Ganesh is installed with all festivities and offered prayers in the morning, afternoon and at night with offering of traditional sweets like “Modak” and “Nevri” to the Lord Ganesh as prasad. In the evening youngsters burst firecrackers and perform traditional dances like “Fugdyo’’ before Lord Ganesh. The next day begins with offering of puja and prayers to Lord at family paddy field for wonderful harvest. A small quantity of new paddy crop is cut as a token of harvesting and brought home by elderly person. The harvested crop is welcomed at home by offering Aarti by ladies and worshipped with special prayers on the occasion. Variety of sweet dishes are prepared from these first rice crop of season and is served as a “Prasad” to Lord Ganesh. With urbanization and neglect of agriculture, today’s irony is that even for religious requirement families have to rely on market for purchasing even small quantities of new crop instead of harvesting the same from their own paddy field. The day follows with prayers in the afternoon and visits by relatives and friends during the day. Truly, it is an event for
communal harmony with brethren from other religions visiting their Hindu friends for wishing them on occasion and same is reciprocated by offering them with special dishes prepared for the occasion. After the sunset, it is a time to pay bidding adios to Lord Ganesh by offering prayers and thereafter the idol is carried in procession to a nearby family well or river for immersion. The Ganesh celebrations provide a good opportunity to traditional village and cottage industry for marketing their products. Making of Ganesh idol from clay is an age old industry however over the period with advent of idols made from plaster of Paris and other synthetic material, the industry has been slowly on verge of closure. With awareness created by NGOs, environmental bodies about the pollution created by these synthetic materials after immersion and its effect thereafter on marine life, the selling of such idols have been banned by Government in recent past. These measures along with subsidies provided by Government to these traditional artists and concern shown by population at large in purchasing only idols made from natural materials has shown a new ray of hope of survival to this fast fading industry. These artists mostly exist in hinterlands of Goa, both on North and South of Goa and adjourning areas of Konkan in Maharashtra and Karwar in Karnataka. Idols prepared by them are thereafter displayed at various shops in cities and towns for marketing and these shops are called “Chitra Shalas”. Another traditional cottage industry engaged in preparation of materials used during Ganesh festival is the one engaged in manufacturing of wooden seating platform used during the holy ritual/ Puja and locally called as “Paat”. These stools are hand crafted and nicely painted with vibrant red, yellow and green colors. This traditional art is mastered by artisans from Cuncolim village located in South Goa ( We do have a branch at Cuncolim village). As a tradition, it is a ritual to send a basket made from bamboos with vegetables, fruits called “Ojje” along with the wooden stool “Paat”, traditional sweets and other Puja material to the house of in-laws by parents of the daughter during the first year after the wedding of their daughter. The tradition is continued in subsequent years by sending “Ojje” to their daughter’s house. Satisfying these customers, who visit their villages in search for purchasing these wooden platforms called “Paat” and other pooja material before Ganesh festival thrives this Industry till date. The Government is encouraging these artisans by providing subsidy and window for marketing their products through outlets of handicraft emporiums of State Government spread across Pan India. Government also encourages these artisans to diversify products being offered for sale which includes manufacturing of wooden toys, tricycles and variety of fruit models for display purpose. Ganesh event also gives a boost to slowly fading agriculture/
plantations along hill tops of Goa by farmers. The variety of these agriculture produce required for “Ojje” can be cultivated only on hill tops since these crops are destroyed due to water logging during heavy rains in low-lying areas and also since fields are used for paddy cultivation during monsoon. Similarly wild barriers fetched from mountains for “Matoli” by farmers also provides an alternate livelihood to them during monsoon. Households and Self help groups engaged in preparation of traditional sweets like Laddos, Shev, Chivda, Chakries and other sweets and namkeen items thrive during this festive season. Our Mapuca Branch has pioneered in financing such women run Self Help Groups engaged in preparation and marketing of traditional sweet items. These efforts of Branch have been lauded by Lead Bank and RBI at various SLBC meetings and now forms model for financing such units by other Banks. In past, these dishes were prepared at home by hiring services of specialist cooks called “Khajekars”. However with slow disintegration of joint families and migration of population to cities their services are taken over by Self Help groups and professional caterers who provide readymade products to their clients. As saying goes, Lord Ganesh is a “Sukhkarta Dukhharta” meaning a Lord who bestows happiness on all his followers and relieves them of unhappiness/ pain & sufferings. Lives in all villages of Goa come alive and are full of festivity during these two days while most of the cities wear a deserted look with population migrating to their ancestral villages for Ganesh celebrations. It is a occasion of sharing and receiving of joy with youngsters looking forward for new clothes, firecrackers, variety of sweets to relish on and elderly people wishing to bind family and social relationship further and sort out any issues of discomfort. For village and cottage industries it is a good occasion for beginning business season after slow down of business activities in monsoons and for agriculturist an opportunity to supplement income. Needless to say the Bankers have ample opportunity to finance the artisans, SHGs and farmers during the festival. Thus Lord Ganesh blesses every citizen of State with joy and happiness during Ganesh Chaturthy. t
efmelebyej 2013
ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB Activities
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (oef#eCe) O National Banking Group (South)
nwojeyeeo DebÛeue ceW jeceehegjce MeeKee kesâ GodIeešve DeJemej hej DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej ceefnuee ueeYeYeesefieÙeeW Deewj mJeÙeb meneÙelee mecetneW keâes $e+Ce he$e meeQheles ngS. meeLe ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer Deej.Sme. Ûeewneve SJeb ceneØeyebOekeâ (›esâef[š) ßeer Sve. vejefmecnve.
Coimbatore Zone participated in the ‘Education Loan Campaign’ conducted at Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram handing over Education loan Cheque to one of the beneficiary along with ZM Shri Rajaraman K. Chairman, IOB Bank Shri M. Narendra.
Chennai Zone ZM Shri Kulbhushan Jain giving away memento to Shri Anil Sarogi, M/s. Natural Products - Manufacturing of decorative artifitial flowers during SME meet held at Chennai.
Chennai Zone GM NBG (S) Shri Charan Singh along with ZM Shri Kulbhushan Jain donating Ultra Sound Scan machine to FPAI, Chennai as art of welfare activity.
A ‘Coin dispenser machine’ was installed at Bangalore Main Branch, Karnataka Zone. GM, RBI Smt. Nisha Nambiar inaugurating the same along with ZM Shri A.K. Azad & AGM Shri Arsekar.
kesâjue DebÛeue ceW DeeÙeesefpele efnboer keâeÙe&Meeuee ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer ceveespe keâhetj, me.efve. (#es.keâe.keâ.) ßeer heer. efJepeÙe kegâceej SJeb ceg.Øe. ßeer Deej. efJeMJeveeLe.
Visakhapatnam zone, Gajuwaka Branch organised customer Meet. One of the Women MSME Entrepreneur is seen interacting during the Meeting. At the Dias DZM Shri Susil Kumar Agrawal & Chief Manager Shri. A. K. Vijayan.
Kerala Zone Ladies Staff Members during celebrations of Onam Festival at Zonal Office, Kerala.
efmelebyej 2013
vesMeveue yeQeEkeâie mecetn (ceOÙe) O National Banking Group (Central)
Gppewve DebÛeue ceW DeOÙe#e SJeb ØeyebOe efveosMekeâ ßeerceleer Jeer.Deej. DeÙÙej cenekeâeuesMJej cebefoj heefjmej ceW Mes[ efvecee&Ce nsleg ` 10 ueeKe keâes Ûeskeâ keâueskeäšj ßeer Mecee& keâes YeWš keâjleer ngFË. meeLe ceW ce.Øe. ßeer efJekeâeme heeb[s SJeb Deeb.Øe. ßeer Sme.kesâ. DeieÇJeeue.
Yeesheeue ceW DeeÙeesefpele Skeâ keâeÙe&›eâce ceW ceeveveerÙe cegKÙeceb$eer, ce.Øe. ßeer efMeJejepe efmebn Ûeewneve, Keb[Jee DebÛeue, Ûevesje MeeKee Éeje ieÇece melejer kesâ efveJeemeer ßeer Meebefle ueeue DeMjefHeâueeue keâes cegKÙeceb$eer ÙegJee mJejespeieej Ùeespevee kesâ Debleie&le efJeòeheesef<ele yeesuesjes yeenve keâer Ûeeyeer meeWheles ngS.
Rajkot Zone ZM Shri Bhupendra Singh, DZM Shri Chandji Pandit releasing Green CD (a guide to Agriculture credit) on KisanDiwas at Zonal Office along with other officers.
Denceoeyeeo DebÛeue ceW heOeejs Yeejle mejkeâej ie=n ceb$eeueÙe je.efJe. #es.keâe.keâe. heef§ece (cegbyeF&) kesâ Ghe-efveosMekeâ ßeer efJeveeso Mecee& keâe mJeeiele keâjles ngS Ghe Deeb.Øe. ßeer jepeerJe hee"keâ. meeLe ceW cegKÙe ØeyebOekeâ (je.) ßeer Mewues<e ceeueJeerÙe.
Fboewj DebÛeue keâer cegKÙe MeeKee Éeje jcepeeve kesâ Gheue#Ùe ceW Deheves ieÇenkeâeW nsleg jespee FHeâleej heešer& keâe DeeÙeespeve efkeâÙee ieÙee. Fme DeJemej hej Deeb.Øe. ßeer Sce.Sue. ieesÙeue Skeâ ieÇenkeâ keâes leesnHeâe YeWš keâjles ngS. meeLe ceW ceg.Øe. ßeer ceesjÙee.
Rajkot Zone ZM Shri Bhupendra Singh, DZM Shri Chandji Pandit with the players of BOI Rajkot & Dena Bank. Cricket match was played between both the teams at Rajkot.
efmelebyej 2013
Disaster in arnath Ked horrific tale
K. V. Ravana Branch Manager Cherlapally Branch Hyderabad Zone
We had started for CHARDHAM yatra on 09.06.2013 by booking tickets in Southern Travels. The travels had left us at Gouri Kund at about 4.00 P.M. on 15.06.2013. It was raining. We wanted to take two Dolies for my wife and daughter for going to Kedarnath which is 14 K.M.s from Gourikund. Due to non availability of labour we were denied of the Doly service. Because of back ache we did not hire pony. And we started to Kedarnath by walk at about 4.30 P.M. We were six persons from our Bus, myself, my wife, daughter, son, one co passenger and one of the guides of Southern Travels. We could reach Rambada, which was 7 K.M.s from Gourikund at 7.30 p.m. It was heavily raining. We decided to stay at Rambada in the night and take shelter in a hut.
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n 16.06.2013 also heavy rain did not stop. At around 10.00 A.M a group of pilgrims came from Kedarnath and informed that the route to Kedarnath was disrupted due to a landslide, which had broken one Culvert. The hut owner forced us to vacate and there was an official guest house nearby. We approached the Manager for a room. He informed that there was no vacancy but was kind enough to allow us to sit in the dining room till the rain stopped. The guest house was just by the side of river (which was shown being washed away in the T.V. news). At about 12.00 noon we were informed that the route to Gourikund was also disrupted. At that point of time we were struck at the place due to route disruption on either side. We had no choice but to wait for stopping of rain and to have alternate arrangement for opening of route. At about 5.30 P.M. water started to come inside the guest house from the river. There was an alarm call to vacate the place and run out of Rambada for survival. Everybody was in panic for saving lives. We also started running towards the Kedarnath route. Everywhere there was water up to knee level. We ran for 2
and just looked back to know the situation. We could see that water has entered in the village and the guest house. Fortunately the Manager of the guest house was also with us at that time. I asked him to guide us where to go for survival at that juncture. He rightly advised us to climb up the hills so that we can be above water level. Around 150 people started climbing the near by hill at 6.30 p.m. We do not know where we were going but we climbed the hill in the rains for about 2 to 3 kms, up to 10.30 p.m. on 16.06.2013. Along with us around 170 horses with the local trainers also climbed the hills. There, on the hills we sat on a rock. Throughout the night it was raining. We had no choice but to chant prayers to God to save us. At about 11.30 p.m. there was a big bomb sound. Either that was a big land slide or a Cloud burst. People with us were in panic and again started running here and there for lives. But I advised people around me not to panic as we had survived from river water, if something is to happen then that can happen where we were sitting. We should not run here and there without knowing anything. That way we may unknowingly even go to the landslide
keâeJÙeebpeefue and get into troubles. We decided to sit at that place only. There was yet another landslide in the night at around 2.00 a.m. The rain did not stop. On 17.06.2013 we were sitting throughout the day on the same rock and all along there was continuous rains. We sat there for 38 hours in the open and in rains on the hill top without food and water. There was a small relief on 18.06.2013 when rain stopped. We did not know where we were and how to come down of the hills. We could see some helicopters over us. We shouted for help but in vain. Fortunately the horse trainers started moving with their horses. We decided to follow them but we could not catch up to their speed due to slippery area in the hills. We had no choice but to climb down the hill. We could see that unfortunately at least 30 people died on the hill top because of hunger and panic. There were around 50 persons with us. Myself and the bus guide led them all to reach the river bank. We could notice that the entire Rambada village along with the roads had drowned in the river. Nothing was available at that time. There were around 70 dead bodies lying on the river bed. All buildings, huts and small stalls had collapsed and got washed away. My son and the guide searched the collapsed stalls and they could find some10-15 biscuit packets and 3 frooti bottles. All of us shared 3-4 biscuits each and drank the stream water for the first time after 45 hours. There was no way to come out of that river bank. We started shouting to attract the attention of the rescue helicopters flying over us seeking help. At around 11.00 A.M on 18.06.2013 one defence helicopter landed. They wanted to take all the children, ladies and old persons first. And Per trip they could carry 6 persons only. The helicopter could not land at the river bank. It has to be one feet over ground level. There was heavy wind which was throwing the persons out. My self and another two persons escorted each one of the 50 persons and
physically lifted them into the Helicopter. That way we could reach the Fata helipad at 4.30 p.m. on 18.06.2013. There was no communication to any place from there and there was no net work for telephone. Our clothes were torn and dirty. Some volunteers donated some clothes and two chapatti to each on of us that night. All the money I had with me was `6500/-. We took a room at that helipad for a rent of `1400/- per day and stayed there for two days. We came to know that there was telephone network at Guptakashi, which was around 14 kms. We started for Guptkashi. Knowing that we had survived, my younger brother came to Haridwar to escort us. He informed me that Guptkashi had been made a dump yard for dead bodies and it was very dangerous to stay there. All road communications were disrupted. But we somehow wanted to come out of the place even by walking, in spite of all the exhaustion. Fortunately, one Innova taxi accepted to take us back to Haridwar but the driver demanded `3000/- per head which was too high, but for survival I we had to accept the offer and we started our journey to Haridwar at about 8.30 A.M. To my astonishment though the roads were very rough and temporary the villagers whom we came across throughout our journey were very kind and provided us with food, water & snacks. But another tragedy was waiting for us there. My brother who came all along from Hyderabad to escort us was not allowed beyond Haridwar. He booked a room at Haridwar for us. While we were approaching the room from the taxi, a thief snatched my wife’s MANGALA SUTRA WITH CHAIN, which led all of us into a state of shock. We hired another vehicle for New Delhi and booked our tickets to Hyderabad by air and reached Hyderabad on 24.06.2013 at about 10.30 A.M. We are all considering the life which we are leading now is a BONUS with God’s Mercy. t
kesâoejYetefce Yetefce Hej
kesâoejveeLe ceW peye nes jner Leer leyeener, leYeer cegPes YeesuesMebkeâj kesâ [ce¤ keâer DeeJeepe DeeF&, ceQ yeesueer Mebkeâjpeer DeeHeves nceejer Hetpee DeÛe&vee ceW keäÙee keâceer HeeF&, pees GòejebÛeue keâes efnueekeâj Fleveer yeÌ[er leyeener ceÛeeF&~ øeYeg yeesues legceves pees cesjs pebieuees Deewj HeneÌ[esb keâes keâeš keâj yeÌ[er yeÌ[er Fceejlesb yeveeF&, Gme meceÙe legcnW cesjs Iej, DeeBieve Deewj Skeâeble keâer leefvekeâ Yeer Ùeeo veneR DeeF&, ceeveJe legcneR HeeHeer Deewj keâHešer nes, leYeer ceboeefkeâveer Deewj YeeieerjLeer Yeer iegmmes ceW DeeFË~ ceQ jcee keânleer ntB, ns ceeveJe! Deye lees peeie peeDees øeke=âefle keâer Oejesnj keâes yeÛeeves kesâ efueS keâefšyeæ nes peeDees. DeHeves pevceefove, efJeJeen efleefLe Deewj MegYe DeJemejesb Hej HeeBÛe-HeeBÛe Je=#e ueieeDees, Fme megboj Oeje Deewj HeÙee&JejCe keâes otef<ele nesves mes yeÛeeDees~ jcee Helveer ßeer DeMeeskeâ iegHlee GHe ceneøeyebOekeâ, øeOeeve keâeÙee&ueÙe
efmelebyej 2013
mJeleb$elee efoJeme meceejesn
veeiehegj-I efmelebyej 2013
Independence Day Celebrations
Jebos ceelejce
peueleer ceeveJelee, És<e keâer Deeie, keäÙee Ùener nw Jebos ceejlece keâe jeie? Skeâ-otmejs kesâ Ketve keâer ueeie, MeeÙeo Ùener nw Jebos ceelejce keâe jeie~ DebÛeue
cegbyeF& oef#eCe
Deefveue kegâceej ÛeewOejer meuescehegj MeeKee ueKeveT DebÛeue nesueer jbieeW keâer veneR, Ketve keâer nesleer nw Deye, oerheeJeueer DebOekeâej ceW, Kego hes jesleer nw Deye, ueghle nes ieÙee Deye Gme meÆeJe keâe DeefmlelJe, meÆeJevee meecØeoeefÙekeâlee keâe yeesPe {esleer nw Deye, ieebOeer kesâ meheveeW kesâ Ketve kesâ oeie, MeeÙeo Ùener nw Jebos ceelejce keâe jeie~ DeesPeue nes Ûegkeâer Deye FbmeeefveÙele Ùeneb hej, mej G"eleer nw Deye MewleeefveÙele Ùeneb hej, YeeF&Ûeeje efkeâmeer keâesves ceW oce leesÌ[lee, peÌ[ peceeleer nw Deye nwJeeefveÙele Ùeneb hej, kegbâ[ueer ceejs yew"e nw jbefpeMe keâe veeie, Ùes veneR nw Jebos ceelejce keâe jeie, Ùes veneR nw Jebos ceelejce keâe jeie~
ßeæebpeueer keâesuekeâelee
IeeJe nes peeles nQ, Yej peeles nQ, Hej efveMeeve veneR peeles Hetâue efKeueles nQ, cegjPee peeles nQ, Hej KegMeyet veneR peeleer cejles lees meYeer nw, oes iepe keâHeâve kesâ efueS cejvee Gvekeâe ner pees cejles nw, Jeleve kesâ efueS! Jeerjesb legcnejer Ùeeo ceW meeje eEnogmleeb jeslee nw peceerve lees keäÙee Deemeceeb Yeer legcnejer Meneole keâes meueece keâjlee nw!
keâceuepeerle eEmen veeje oesjene MeeKee uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
keâeJÙeebpeefue Poetry
iee cesje legcemes keeoe venerb efkeâ cesjs heeme jns legcnejer meYeer hejsMeeefveÙeesb keâe nue~ hej Ùen keeoe pe™j nw efkeâ mejue~~ nce oesveesb efceuekeâj keâjsbies nj cegefMkeâue cesjer legcemes Ùen DeeMee venerb peye Yeer cesjs keâoce ueÌ[KeÌ[eSb ~ legce Deheves keâoce Yeer cesjs mebie Peesbkeâ oes hej Fleveer DeeMee pe™j nw efkeâ ~~ neLe hekeâÌ[keâj cegPes efiejves mes jeskeâ uees e jnkeâj legcekeâes cesje legcemes Ùen keÛeve venerb efkeâ cesjs mebi venerb megveeF& osieer og:Ke keâer Deenš ~ hej Ùen keeoe pe™j nw efkeâ efkeâmeer lejn kegâjenš~~ legcnejs Ûesnjs hej ncesMee yeveer jnsieer cegm cesjer legcemes Ùen keâecevee venerb efkeâ keâjes vemeerye~ peerkeve kesâ meHeâj cesb nj KegMeer legce cegPes hej Ùen DeeMee pe™j nw efkeâ nj heue nj keòeâ legce jnes cesjs keâjerye~~
- hetpee keâesueer jepeYee<ee DeefOekeâejer Deeieje DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw efJeJeskeâ øemeeo kesâjue DebÛeue
TBÛeeF& lekeâ nw HengBÛevee, Útvee cegPes DeekeâeMe nw~ TBÛeeF& mes veneR IeyejeTBiee, cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw~ jemlee nw keâef"veeF&Ùeesb mes Yeje, Hej HengBÛevee cegPes cesjs ue#Ùe kesâ Heeme nw~ jemles keâer ®keâeJešesb mes Ì[škeâj ueÌ[tBiee, cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw~ ueesieesb keâer mesJee keâjves keâe øeCe nw, Gvekesâ efueS keâjvee cegPes kegâÚ Keeme nw~ leve-ceve mes Fme keâece keâes keâ®Biee, cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw~ keâYeer veneR LeketBâiee ceQ, cegPes lees ue#Ùe øeeefHle keâer Deeme nw~ cebefpeue HengBÛeves lekeâ veneR ®ketBâiee ceQ, cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw~ ue#Ùe keâer Deesj yeÌ{vee nw cegPes, peye lekeâ cesjer meeBme nw, ue#Ùe lekeâ HengBÛe keâj ner LecetBiee ceQ, cegPes cesjer peerle Hej efJeMJeeme nw~
lesjer ieeso heg¤<eesòece kegâceej ieyesue jeÙehegj DebÛeue
ceeB keâer ieeso meneje osleer, ieeso keäÙeeW lesjer mejkeâ jner? keäÙee ueeueeW mes Yetue ngF& pees let Oeerjs-Oeerjs ojkeâ jner~ keâue-keâue keâjleer osJe-Yetefce let, meyekeâe ceve yenueeleer Leer~ lesjer ieeso ceW Deeves nsleg, ceve keâes jeskeâ ve heeleer Leer~ keäÙee lesjs Deblej ceW ogKe nw? Deble ngDee keäÙee lesje megKe nw? ieeso keäÙeeW lesjer mejkeâ jner? keäÙeeW Oeerjs-Oeerjs ojkeâ jner? Oejleer keâe ogŠKe kegâÚ Ssmes ner, keäÙee ceve mes yeenj Deelee nw? ye»eheele nes, yeeoue keâšles, peuehueeJeve nes peelee nw~ Ûeslees-Ûeslees ueeueeW legce Deye, ceelee keâes ve kegâefhele keâjes~ hesÌ[ Gieekeâj oeceve ceeB keâe, nefjÙeeueer mes Ketye Yejes~ nef<e&le ceve mes leye ceelee Yeer, keâesefš-keâesefš DeeMeer<e osieer~ meyekesâ efueS oesveeW neLeeW mes, efJehegue mece=efæ Je megKe osieer~
The Silent Sob Meena Murali Kurunthil Vigilance Unit South Chennai (It is a sad state of affairs that even in the 21st Century, certain sects of people get ostracized in the society. The inhuman treatment meted out to this small group, even today. When will the change take place ? “We” are waiting to watch the “Change”). In the name of rituals and customs, Why are widows, widowers ill treated? When they are called to partake in ceremonies And not allowed to bless one’s own loved child Whom they nurtured from childhood till their prime. Is it their mistake that they lost their partners To Nature’s fury, ailments or accidents? In the name of rituals and customs, Why do people invite and ill treat a divorcee? Least knowing the trauma he or she has undergone For reasons best known to him or her to get parted Which is least understood by the on-looker. Why torment the sufferer’s heart further That’s already writhing under tremendous pain? In the name of rituals and customs, A spinster, an old bachelor is looked down upon As though they are the earth’s unfortunate misfits, When it is his or her own personal choice to live A colorful, delightful and virtuous life to its brim. Have they no right to live their lives to the full And benevolently contribute to the society’s good? In the name of rituals and customs, Why mercilessly insult an issueless couple? When they are asked to grace a social occasion What disturbs the inquisitive beholder in the throng, To pry into others affairs that is totally wrong? When in fact, they are the innocent child to each other Who live a meaningful , treasured life together. In the name of rituals and customs, Why are the differently abled treated without empathy? The autistic, the sick and the eccentrics, Why treat them like mannequins in glass cases Are they not God’s own innocent children? Is God gratified with all these inhuman rituals That hurts and bleeds further the broken hearts assembled?
efmelebyej 2013
veF& MeeKeeSb
New Branches
ueeueyeeie MeeKee cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue
peer.Sme. jes[, ceefnuee MeeKee iegJeenešer DebÛeue
meerleeceebOeÇe ceefnuee MeeKee efJeMeeKeeheóCece DebÛeue
DeKejer MeeKee JeejeCemeer DebÛeue
ceeueJeCeer, ceuee[ (he.) MeeKee cegbyeF& Gòej DebÛeue
Deevebohegj MeeKee peceMesohegj DebÛeue
peebef[Ùee MeeKee Yeeieuehegj DebÛeue
keâesueeskegâmegcee MeeKee Oeveyeeo DebÛeue
De[esveer MeeKee nwojeyeeo DebÛeue
meermeeceT MeeKee keâevehegj DebÛeue
Ûekeâjhegj ceb[er MeeKee keâevehegj DebÛeue
Mebkeâjhegj mejeÙe MeeKee keâevehegj DebÛeue
efJeuespe Kego& MeeKee Fboewj DebÛeue
keâÛÛeer hekeäkeâer MeeKee (veJeefveefce&le YeJeve) cegpeHeäHeâjhegj DebÛeue
FÛÚeJeej MeeKee Yeesheeue DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
veF& MeeKeeSb
New Branches
efveÙeeceeyeeo MeeKee (veÙee heefjmej) nwojeyeeo DebÛeue
heeb[smeje MeeKee Je[esoje DebÛeue
yebyeesefueve MeeKee ieesJee DebÛeue
ÛenefvebÙee MeeKee JeejeCemeer DebÛeue
ueeueÛeewkeâer ceefnuee MeeKee Keb[Jee DebÛeue
ieg®Jeej hes" ceefnuee MeeKee keâesunehegj DebÛeue
SmeSceF& MeeKee, yeWieueg¤ keâvee&škeâ DebÛeue
šeb[e MeeKee JeejeCemeer DebÛeue
[gceefjÙeeiebpe MeeKee JeejeCemeer DebÛeue
DevÙe ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB Other Activities
veeyee[& keâer 31Jeerb Je<e&ieeb" kesâ DeJemej Hej Fboewj cesb DeeÙeesefpele efJeòeerÙe meceeJesMeve keâeÙe&›eâce cesb yeerDeesDeeF& kesâ #es.efve. ßeer Heer. Deej. jefJeceesnve mJeÙeb meneÙelee mecet=n kesâ efnle«eeefnÙeesb keâes SSÛepeer efkeâš osles ngS~ meeLe cesb ce.øe. vece&oe PeyegDee ieÇeceerCe yeQkeâ ßeer SÛe.pes.Jemegkeâj, DeOÙe#e vece&oe PeyegDee ieÇeceerCe yeQkeâ ßeer kesâ.Jeer. jeIeJesvõ SJeb ce.øe. veeyee[& ßeer Sce.Sce. yeensleer.
GM (Retd.)Shri P.A. Kalyansundar along with the then Governor of RBI, Shri D.Subba Rao, ED RBI Shri G. Padmanabhan, Director, IDRBT, Shri B. Sambamurhtyduring the Release of the book “Framework on Social Media for Banks”. Shri Kalyansundar was part of the team, which prepared the document.
efmelebyej 2013
Social Service
Aruna Agnihotri CMO, Head Office
went..I saw..I heard..I waited..I shared...I sang... and I left...with few tears touching my cheeks & dropping down. By now we all are grown up & matured to know what the life is! It can take us very high perhaps up to unknown heights; it may also show certain unbelievable ugly facts. We, still canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep ourselves away from greed, ego, jealousy & what not? We excuse ourselves by saying that we are human being after all. Few moments in life, however force us to rethink about life itself. We have a family friend who has passion to help to all those who are in need. Folks, what is more important are that without disclosing the identity or craving for any publicity. This time, I had an opportunity to accompany my friend while visiting one such place called Home for ailing senior citizens. Around 40 + senior citizens are attended here by a team of doctor, nurses and attendants. There are around 10 rooms each with 4 to 5 beds. All of them were having some or other sickness or were suffering due to old age. Some of them were well educated & had held good positions before retiring. Why are they here then? Why nobody of their own blood relation not ready to take care of them at their respective homes? We could read on their faces that they were badly missing their close relatives. Will they be happy to find some happy people,who are unknown, visiting them? All sorts of disturbing questions were bothering me. We met them individually. Spoke to few who were able to talk. Some were cursing life. A few cried. Some were looking totally indifferent & some were found as if they have lost feelings. One of our friends who accompanied us, plays a mouth organ well. He always performs with his musical instruments, which is loved by all of them. We gave him company by singing few songs which
efmelebyej 2013
he played on mouth organ. They enjoyed, at least we thought so. He also distributed few eatables, gave some books. He is a regular visitor and I am sure they all are looking forward for his visit very eagerly. We met the Doctor family who takes care of them. Hats off to them. In Mumbai, if they sell this property they can make crores of rupees but they have opted for this social cause without any advertisement. A question disturbs me... parents who make us strong to stay in this world & who would always think of our best despite all odds, is it so difficult to take care of them when they grow old and need our support? My friend, whom I had accompanied, consoled me. She said we do not know problems of individuals who are unable to take care of their parents. There could be many reasons like financial problems, space problems or anything else forcing them to take such step. Interpersonal relationship is too difficult to understand. One can never know what the other person must have faced in his /her youth. Moreover who are we to question? I concluded with great regret, that we have to accept the circumstances. Non-acceptance will only result in more sorrow, in some foreign countries, things are different. They have social security arrangements whereby senior citizens need not depend on anybody. Will that be possible in our country? I pray to God that every family should be capable of taking care of their parents/senior citizens and our society to have more and more people like my friend who can work for the cause of these senior citizens. I also appeal God to give us energy to do little what we can for senior citizens & get their blessings. t
y t i l i b si
on atch thanking p s e of R f 2013 b
n from an IPS ois life) i a h C f thanks ole in h sr ter o for it A I (A let D N OF I BANK
he other day I was reading ‘The Sense of an Ending’ (winner of the Man Booker Prize 2011) by Julian Barnes, there the protagonist realizes in the end – “I looked at the chain of responsibility. I saw my initial in there.” That forced me to ponder upon the ‘chain of responsibility’ responsible for my success (qualifying UPSC-2012), and I find many initials in there and it would indeed be a treachery if I don’t take out a moment to thank them. Among many such initials there is one institution that stands tall as it believes in ‘Relationship beyond banking’. So before leaving for my training I take this opportunity to thank this magnanimous institution which has directly as well as indirectly impacted my life in multiple ways, ways which are beyond comprehension in this short letter of thanks. So talking of many such indirect impacts that BANK OF INDIA had on my life the significant ones that I recall are discussed here as follows: • My father has been an employee of the bank since 1985, and I was born in 1988. And throughout my life I have seen how this institution has provided security and cover to our family. • Decent wages and perks offered by the bank allowed my father to cater to all our needs and ensure that our needs were adequately addressed so that our minds do not wander much and we focus on our studies. • The working culture of the bank allowed ample amount of time to my father to spend time with the family and stay updated with our progress. • The health cover extended by the bank to its employees has many a times taken care of my father’s serious and non-serious ailments that otherwise disrupt the peaceful fabric of any family. • As St. Augustine has said that –“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”, so BANK OF INDIA through its LTC’s ensure that the employees (along with their families) here read the whole book not just one page. Apart from these indirect impacts which any institution can have on the life of its employees, the direct ones that have left a lasting imprint on me are as follows: • When I was in 7th standard, at that time computer was more a thing of luxury than necessity (as considered today) and it almost cost a fortune to get one. But my
Vishal Sharma (S/o Shri S.N.Sharma Chief Manager, Andheri MCB, MUMBAI)
father on seeing my desire for computer and curiosity to learn and explore new things, got approved a loan from the bank. And thus came my 1st PC which changed my life in ways I can’t even express and allowed me to learn so many things and was both a source of entertainment and learning for me. The bank made it possible to get the PC. • It was the foresight of my father and the support extended by the bank (in the form of Housing Loan) that we saw our own house which provided a foundation for our crucial years of schooling and ensured that we got all our schooling from the same place, without the need to move around every time our father got a transfer. • After my intermediate I got selected in prestigious engineering college (IIT-BHU) and then I received a letter of appreciation and some gifts from the bank. And this appreciation was a great moral booster for a young child of 17 years. • Thereafter came my higher education for which I had to leave for Varanasi, and the times ahead seemed very tough as my father was posted in Mumbai, whereas my younger brother and mother were in Lucknow. So to handle the monthly expenses at three places seemed a daunting task for a middle class family like ours. Therefore, my father applied for my education loan which was approved in no time, and the loan not only ensured that I got my higher education without being much of a burden on the family but it also made sure that I do not have to depend on others for my necessary needs (like books, laptops etc.). As it’s said that “If you wish to make an impact for one year, plant corn; if you wish to make an impact for a generation, plant a tree; if you wish to make an impact for an eternity, educate a child.” So looking at the above ‘initials’ in the ‘chain of responsibility’ that made me, that moulded me into the man that I am today, one can comprehend the tremendous impact that this institution had on my life. In the end, I take this opportunity to thank BANK OF INDIA from the very bottom of my heart for always being there like a silent guardian to me. So I call upon BANK OF INDIA to take a share in my success which I and my family have enjoyed so much and the foundation of which was built by the bricks from the kiln of BANK OF INDIA. t
efmelebyej 2013
veS SšerSce
veS SšerSce New ATMs
New ATMs
Yetueer MeeKee, Oeveyeeo DebÛeue
Deueeryeeie MeeKee, jeÙeieÌ{ DebÛeue
ueesne MeeKee, meesueehegj DebÛeue
peeie& MeeKee, uegefOeÙeevee DebÛeue
efšu[e vesJeje MeeKee, jeÙehegj DebÛeue
leeoeWie ieWiešeskeâ MeeKee, efmeefueiegÌ[er DebÛeue
keâejJeebÛeerJee[er MeeKee, jlveeefiejer DebÛeue
efMejeuee MeeKee, keâesunehegj DebÛeue
peÙeeEmeiehegj MeeKee, keâesunehegj DebÛeue
efceLevehegje MeeKee, cegpeHeäHeâjhegj DebÛeue
ceerjpe MeeKee, keâesunehegj DebÛeue
Ûeboesj MeeKee, ieesJee DebÛeue
ieesOegj MeeKee, Oeveyeeo DebÛeue
cee®leer cebefoj MeeKee, jlveeefiejer DebÛeue
ceeueJeCe MeeKee, jlveeefiejer DebÛeue
meeJebleJee[er MeeKee, jlveeefiejer DebÛeue
mebiecesÕej MeeKee, jlveeefiejer DebÛeue BOI launches New Products
peecepegjer MeeKee, iegJeenešer DebÛeue
efmelebyej 2013
Gvnsue MeeKee, Gppewve DebÛeue
GURUKUL ACCOUNT (For details, see website)
mJeemLÙe hueme
Foods That Cleanse the Liver
Health Plus
hen we overeat or eat processed or fried foods and anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is taxed, it can’t process toxins and fat in an efficient way. There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating its natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body. I was badly suffering from liver disease and now there is total fitness due to change in life hence thought it fit to share among our friends. I have experienced that these items help in improving the position of liver. Eating the following foods is the best way to keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it to. I would encourage you to incorporate these liver cleanse foods into your diet.
Anil Kishore (Retired AGM)
Turmeric Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens. Take ¼ tea spoon turmeric with warm milk at night. Whole Grains Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins which are nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white flour, instead try eating whole wheat alternatives added with black gram and barley. Walnuts Holding high amounts of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the 4-5 nuts daily well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing. Lemons & Limes These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver. 1 spoon honey with I lemon juice gives better results. Cruciferous Vegetables Eating broccoli (This is not easily available in local markets) and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which may significantly lower risks associated with cancer. Cabbage Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Apples High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents necessary for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.
Flax seeds (Use it small quantity after heating in an and grinding) Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp seed (Not easily available) and flax-seed (Alsi) are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload many of us suffer from. Avocados (This is easily not available in local market but it is one of the best fruit) This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, a compound that is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Leafy Green Vegetables Try incorporating leafy greens (can be eaten raw,cooked or juiced) such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet(Many of these items are not easily available hence what is available easily that should be used) This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood. Beets and Carrots Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene; eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function. Its juice with apple juice is excellent for your health. Grapefruit (Chikotara) High in vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins. Garlic Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing. Note: I have taken photographs and some references from website and after experiencing the use of various food items I am sharing this article.
efmelebyej 2013
yeQeEkeâie hueme
Banking Plus
ceOegkeâj mesef"Ùee Smešermeer, YeesHeeue
veece ceW keäÙee jKee nw ? 'veece ceW keäÙee jKee nw?’ Jewmes lees Ùen pegceuee jespeceje& keâer yeeleÛeerle ceW Dekeämej megveves keâes efceue peeÙee keâjlee nw, Hej Fmes keânves kesâ HeerÚs DeÛÚs keâece mes HenÛeeve yeveeves keâer vemeernle ÚgHeer nesleer nw. veece Meyo mes leelHeÙe& efkeâmeer keâer HenÛeeve mes nw, ogefveÙee ceW meYeer JÙeefkeäle, mLeeve, GlHeeo Deeefo veece mes ner peeves peeles nQ. ojDemeue veece mecetnJeeÛekeâ meb%ee keâes JÙeefkeäleJeeÛekeâ meb%ee ceW yeoue oslee nw, Deewj ÙeneR mes Gmes Skeâ Deueie HenÛeeve neefmeue nes peeleer nw. peye Ùener HenÛeeve Glke=â°lee kesâ efMeKej Hej HengBÛeleer nw leye Jen 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ yeve peelee nw, ÙeneB veece mes nceeje leelHeÙe& Fmeer veece mes nw. 60
efmelebyej 2013
C[ vesce’ keâe efnboer ceW Jewmes lees keâesF& "erkeâ-"ekeâ DeLe& veneR efceuelee Hej yeesueÛeeue ceW Yeer Ùen 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ kesâ ¤He ceW ner øeÛeueve ceW nw. eEnoer MeyokeâesMe ceW yeÇeC[ keâe Skeâ DeLe& 'leHle ueesns Éeje yeveeÙee ieÙee efveMeeve’ Yeer nw.'yeÇeC[ vesce’ keâes ceesšs leewj Hej GlHeeoesb Deewj mesJeeDeesb kesâ efueÙes øeÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw Hej LeesÌ[e efJemle=le ¤He ceW osKesb lees 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ keâF& lejn keâe nes mekeâlee nw, pewmes JÙeefkeäleiele mlej Hej, JÙeeJemeeefÙekeâ mlej Hej, je°^erÙe mlej Hej Deeefo. DeewÅeesieerkeâjCe keâer Meg®Deele ceW yeÇeC[-veece yeveeves keâer Jewmes keâesF& Deueie mes Henue veneR keâer ieÙeer, Hej kebâHeefveÙeesb kesâ GlHeeoesb keâer DeeHemeer nesÌ[ ceW kebâHeefveÙeesb ves «eenkeâesb lekeâ HengBÛeves kesâ efueS efpeve Ûeerpeesb keâe meneje efueÙee, GveceW efJe%eeHeve keâer Yetefcekeâe lees yeeo ceW Dence ngF&, Hej keâce keâercele ceW GÛÛe iegCeJeòee øeoeve keâjvee ner Henues cenlJeHetCe& ngDee keâjlee Lee, Fmeer mes kebâHeveer efJeMes<e kesâ GlHeeo pevelee keâer Hemebo yeve ieS Deewj ueesie GlHeeo keâes Gmekesâ efJeMes<e veece Ùee kebâHeveer kesâ veece mes ceebieves ueies, pewmes yues[ keâer peien '7-Dees keäuee@keâ’ Ùee 'šesHeepe’ Deewj meeyegve keâer peien ueeFHeâyee@Ùe Ùee uekeäme, pevelee keâer Fme Hemebo ves pevce efoÙee 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ keâes. Deepe Yeer keâF& 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ Jener nQ pees HeÛeeme Je<e& HetJe& Les. 'yeÇeC[ vesce’ Meyo øeÛeueve ceW Deeves mes meYeer DeewÅeesefiekeâ kebâHeefveÙeeb, efJeMes<e ¤He mes GlHeeo mes pegÌ[er ngF&, ves Fme Deewj keâoce yeÌ{e efoÙes, meYeer Ûeenles Les efkeâ ueesie Gvekesâ GlHeeoesb keâes Gvekesâ veece mes ceebies. efJeMJe-mlej Hej efJekeâefmele je°^esb keâer Deveskeâesb kebâHeefveÙeesb ves Ùen cegkeâece neefmeue efkeâÙee, kegâÚ ves efkeâmeer Skeâ osMe ceW lees kegâÚ ves otmejs osMeesb ceW. Meg®Deele ceW DeewÅeesefiekeâ GlHeeove kegâÚ efJekeâefmele osMeesb lekeâ meerefcele Lee, peneB GlHeeove keâj Gmekeâe efJe›eâÙe DevÙe osMeesb ceW efkeâÙee peelee Lee, JeneB keâer pevelee ves DeHeveer pe¤jle Deewj Hemebo mes Fvnsb yeÇeC[ yeveeÙee. Oeerjs-Oeerjs Ùen mesJee #es$e ceW Yeer Hew" keâj ieÙee, efJeefYevve mlej Hej Glke=â° mesJee øeoeve keâjves Jeeueer mebmLeeÙeW, keâcHeefveÙeeB ueesieesb keâer Hemebo yeveleer Ûeueer ieÙeeR. Deepe kesâ oewj ceW keâF& ueesieesb ves JÙeefkeäleiele mlej Hej DeHeveer cesnvele Deewj ueieve mes DeHeves DeeHekeâes yeÇeC[ yevee efoÙee nw, pewmes Hegâšyeeue keâer yeele keâjsb lees Hewues, ef›eâkesâš keâer yeele keâjsb lees mej Ì[e@ve yeÇw[cesve, keäueeFJe ueeÙeÌ[, Yeejle ceW megveerue ieeJemkeâj, keâefHeue osJe, meefÛeve lesboguekeâj, efnboer efmevescee ceW DeefceleeYe yeÛÛeve, GÅeefceÙeesb ceW jleve šeše, JÙeJemeeÙe ceW Oeer®YeeF& Debyeeveer Deewj mesJee ceW cegcyeF& kesâ ef[yyesJeeues. Fve
ueesieesb Éeje mJeÙeb keâes ueesns keâer lejn leHle yeveekeâj, DeHeveer efJeOee ceW cenejle neefmeue keâj DeHeves #es$eesb ceW Ùen ÚeHe ÚesÌ[er ieF& nw. Fmemes Helee Ûeuelee nw efkeâ keäÙeesb yeÇeC[-vesce Meyo keâer GlHeefòe 'yeÇeC[’ Meyo mes ngF& nw. Fvekeâer ÚefJe ueesieesb Hej Fme lejn øeYeeJeer nw efkeâ Jes Skeäšj yevevee Ûeenles nQ lees DeefceleeYe yeÛÛeve efkeâ lejn, ef›eâkesâšj yevevee Ûeenles nQ lees meefÛeve lesboguekeâj efkeâ lejn, Deewj GÅeceer yevevee Ûeenles nQ lees jleve šeše efkeâ lejn. Ùes JÙeefkeäleiele yeÇeC[ peneB keâF& keâcHeefveÙeesb kesâ efueÙes yeÇeC[-ScyesmesÌ[j yevekeâj Gvns yeÇeC[-vesce yeveves ceW ceoo keâj jns nQ, lees keâF& osMe kesâ efueÙes meebmke=âeflekeâ-meeceeefpekeâ #es$eesb ceW mejkeâej efkeâ Deewj mes yeÇeC[-ScyesmesÌ[j yevekeâj osMe keâer ÚefJe efvecee&Ce ceW Ùeesieoeve keâj jns nQ. yeÇebeE[ie efkeâmeer osMe keâer efveÙeefle Yeer yeoue mekeâleer nw, Skeâ meceÙe ceW peye Decesefjkeâe DeHeves DeeHekeâes efJeMJe ceW mLeeefHele keâjves keâe øeÙeeme keâj jne Lee, leYeer 'yeÇeC[-vesce’ kesâ ¤He ceW Gmes Skeâ GHeeÙe efceue ieÙee, Gmeves ogefveÙee kesâ Gve leceece øeefleYeeJeeveesb kesâ efueÙes DeHeves osMe kesâ ojJeepes Keesue efoÙes pees DeÛÚe Hewmee, veece, Deewj DeÛÚe peerJeve peerves keâer Ûeen jKeles Les, Deewj GvnW JeneB Jes leceece veeieefjkeâ DeefOekeâej, cetueYetle megefJeOeeÙesb, HeefjJesMe SJeb megj#ee cegnwÙee keâjeÙeer efpememes Jes Hetjs ceveesÙeesie mes DeHeveer øeefleYee keâe øeoMe&ve keâj mekesbâ. Fmekeâe veleerpee Ùen ngDee efkeâ osKeles-ner-osKeles, efJe%eeve, MeesOe, efÛeefkeâlmee, GlHeeove, mesJeeÙesb, efMe#ee, Debleefj#e nj #es$e ceW osMe ves DeYetleHetJe& GHeueefyOeÙeeB neefmeue keâer, keâF& veesyesue-Hegjmkeâej efJepeslee, efJeMJemlejerÙe efKeueeÌ[er, efÛeefkeâlmekeâ, Jew%eeefvekeâ, DeLe&Meem$eer, efMe#eeefJeoesb kesâ veece mes, Gvekesâ keâeÙeesË mes ogefveÙee ¤ye¤ ngF&. Fve JÙeefkeäleiele yeÇeC[esb ves Gve leceece keâcHeefveÙeesb SJeb mebmLeeDeesb keâes yeÇeC[-vesce yeveves ceW Ùeesieoeve efoÙee efpevemes Jes pegÌ[s Les, Deewj Ssmeer meQkeâÌ[esb keâcHeefveÙeesb SJeb mebmLeeDeesb ves pees yeÇeC[-vesce neefmeue keâj Ûegkeâer Leer, ves osMe keâes Skeâ yeÇeC[-vesce efoueeÙee 'Ùet.Sme.’ Fmeer yeÇeC[-vesce 'Ùet.Sme.’ ves Decesefjkeâe keâes megHej-HeeJej, DeeefLe&keâ leekeâle Deewj meeOeve mecHevve efJekeâefmele je°^ yeveeÙee. 'Ùet.Sme.’ keâe DeLe& yeve ieÙee 'Glke=â° SJeb meJe&ßes…’. Hetjer ogefveÙee ceW Ùet.Sme. yeÇeC[-veece keâer Ûeenle meYeer keâes nw, ogefveÙee kesâ nj JÙeefkeäle kesâ ceve ceW Ùet.Sme. ceW HeÌ{ves, veewkeâjer keâjves, yemeves, JÙeJemeeÙe keâjves kesâ meHeves ceve kesâ efkeâmeer-vee-efkeâmeer keâesves ceW DeHevee Iej yeveeÙes ngS nQ. ÙeneB lekeâ keâer meYeer osMe Yeer efkeâmeer vee efkeâmeer ¤He ceW Fme yeÇeC[ mes pegÌ[s jnvee Ûeenles nQ. yeÇeC[-vesce yeveves keâer Meg®Deele efvepeer mlej mes ner nesleer nw, JÙeefkeäle keâe Glke=â° keâeÙe& Gmes HenÛeeve efoueelee nw, Glke=â°lee Gmekeâer mebmLee Hej ÚeHe ÚesÌ[leer nw, keâF& ueesieesb keâe Glke=â° keâeÙe& mebmLee Ùee kebâHeveer keâer Deewj ueesieesb keâe OÙeeve KeerbÛelee nw, Deewj Skeâ yeej ueesieesb keâe Fmemes pegÌ[les Ûeues peevee ner Fmes Deeies peekeâj 'yeÇeC[-vesce’ yeveelee nw. yeÇeC[-vesce yeveves ceW efpeleveer ueieve SJeb øeÙeemeesb keâer DeeJeMÙekeâlee nesleer nw, Gmemes keâneR pÙeeoe Fmes yeveeÙes jKeves ceW nesleer nw, ueieeleej øeeflemHeOee& kesâ Fme Ùegie ceW nj keâesF& DeeHekeâes HeÚeÌ[ves kesâ efvele veÙes-veÙes øeÙeesie keâj jne nw, veesefkeâÙee ceesyeeFue keâcHeveer keâe GoenjCe nce meyekesâ meeceves nw, Ssmes ceW «eenkeâesb keâe efJeMJeeme efmeHe&â Deewj efmeHe&â DeeHeceQ yevee jns Fmekesâ efueÙes Gve Ûeerpeesb, efpeve Hej «eenkeâesb ves efJeMJeeme peleeÙee, keâe meowJe yeves jnvee, Deewj meceÙe kesâ yeoueeJeesb kesâ meeLe Gvekeâe «eenkeâesb kesâ efJeMJeeme Hej Keje Glejvee DeeJeMÙekeâ nw. 7 efmelebyej 1906 keâes mLeeefHele yeQkeâ ves Deepe 107 Je<eesË keâe meHeâj Hetje keâj efueÙee nw, meQkeâÌ[esb keâce&ÛeeefjÙeesb ves Fme oewj ceW DeHevee meJe&ßes… SJeb Glke=â°
keâeÙe& keâjles ngS Fmes Deepe ÙeneB lekeâ HengbÛeeÙee nw, Deepe Ùen nj YeejleerÙe kesâ efueS Skeâ peevee-HenÛeevee yeQkeâ nw, meve 1997 ceW peye yeQkeâ ves Henueer yeej Heefyuekeâ-FMÙet efvekeâeuee Deewj Deece pevelee kesâ efueÙes 15 keâjesÌ[ MesÙej 21 HeâjJejer 1997 keâes peejer efkeâS leye ome ®HeÙes kesâ MesÙej kesâ efueÙes yeQkeâ ves HeQleerme ®HeÙes øeerefceÙece kesâ ¤He ceW ceebies, yeepeej-meceer#ekeâesb keâes mebosn Lee efkeâ MeeÙeo ner Ùen ome ®HeÙes keâe MesÙej ueesie HeQleeueerme ®HeÙeesb ceW Kejerosbies, Hej Gvnsb leye yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ FbefÌ[Ùee kesâ yeÇeC[-vesce nesves keâe Helee Ûeuee peye 28 HeâjJejer 1997 kesâ leÙe meceÙe mes keâeHeâer Henues ner Ùen DeesJej-meyme›eâeFye nes ieÙee. Deepe Yeer yeQkeâ «eenkeâesb keâer Gcceeroesb Hej Gmeer efJeMJeeme kesâ meeLe KeÌ[e nw, pees Jes FmeceW yeveeÙes ngÙes nQ. leieÌ[er øeeflemHeOee& kesâ yeerÛe Skeâ Meleeyoer mes DeHeves DeeHekeâes JÙeJemeeÙe ceW mLeeefHele jKevee yeleelee nw efkeâ 'veece ceW yengle kegâÚ nw’. «eenkeâ Fme veece mes pegÌ[vee Ûeenles nQ, keäÙeesbefkeâ ßes… keâes ner meye Hemebo keâjles nQ. Ùen veece nceW ieJe& mes efmej G"ekeâj keânves keâe mecyeue oslee nw efkeâ nce 'yeQkeâ Dee@]Heâ Fbef[Ùee’ kesâ keâce&Ûeejer nQ. efJeMJe-mlej Hej Yeer yeQkeâ DeHeveer MeeKeeDeesb kesâ ceeOÙece mes DeHeves Glke=â° keâeÙe& efve<Heeove Éeje 'Yeejle’ keâes yeÇeC[-vesce yeveeves ceW De«eCeer nw. DeeFÙes nce meye yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ FbefÌ[Ùee HeefjJeej DeHeves DeeHekeâes leHle ueesns keâer lejn oiOe keâj Fmes Glke=â° yeveeves ceW DeHevee Deefceš efveMeeve ÚesÌ[sb.
Path Breaking Effort Sh. Shyam Gollakota, son of our Staff
Officer (Retd) Sh. G. V. Subramanyam, led a team of scientists at the University of Washington in developing a new technology that lets wireless devices communicate with each other without relying on batteries or wires for power. The new communication technique, called “ambient backscatter,” takes advantage of the TV and cellular transmissions that already surround us around the clock. This would pave the way for wearable computing, smart homes and selfsustaining sensor networks without requiring battery consumption. These battery free sensors could be installed, for instance, on a key chain that would communicate with your smartphone, so that if your keys fell out of your pocket and into the couch, the sensor would send you a text message after you walked away. Sensors can be installed in the walls of buildings and alert the building manager of any cracks or breaks in its structural integrity. The same could go for bridges, car parts and really anything you can think of. Since the sensors don’t require batteries, they can be very small and really can go anywhere. These small battery-free sensors could be the first of an entirely new class of autonomous devices that we spread out across our world to make our life easier. Economic Times/By PTI | 14 Aug, 2013, Times Of India Aug 14, 2013,
Congratulations from BOI Parivar
efmelebyej 2013
ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB Activities
During Ganesh Utsav , members of ‘Star Sakhi BOI ladies club’ visited MDI. GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty and resident officer Mr. Vilas Prabhakar Purohit along with Mrs. Deepa wife of Mr. Arun Shrivastava (ED) and other members of club.
Yeeieuehegj DebÛeue ceW efueefhekeâerÙe Jeie& kesâ efueS DeeÙeesefpele Fb[keäMeve keâeÙe&›eâce ceW Deeb.Øe. ßeer S.kesâ. efceße kesâ meeLe ØeefleYeeieerieCe.
STC Chennai organized “Induction Training Programme for DROs. Participants with faculty members at Tiger Cave of World Heritage site of Mahabalipuram near Chennai during study tour.
MDI Belapur conducted Training Programme for Central Bureau of Investigation Officers. GM & Principal Shri Debashish Chakraborty and GM, CBI Shri J. L. Negi along with participants.
STC Chennai conducted “Workshop on Forex’. GM (Intl.) Shri R. A. Sankara Narayanan, DGM (Treasury) Shri R. Ganesan and AGM (FBD) Shri N. Chandramouli being welcomed by Vice Principal Shri K V N N Namboodri.
STC Kolkatta conducted Workshop for Women Employees on ‘DEVELOPMENT SELF’. The then GM NBG (West) Shri Prem Kumar and AGM & Principal Shri R. K. Chaudhary along with the participants.
Visakhapatnam Zone conducted locational workshop on Retail Banking & Priority Sector. Guest faculties AGMs (Retd.) Shri PTSN Murthy, Shri I. Viswanath and Manager (HRD) Shri NVS Malleswara Rao along with participants.
efmelebyej 2013
keâeJÙeebpeefue Poetry
efjMleeW keâer peceehetbpeer
ieeBJe ieeBJe Deewj Menj Menj ceW nw Fmekesâ MeeKeeDeeW keâe efJemleej veneR nw efJemleej osMe ceW meerefcele keâF& MeeKeeSb mecegõheej~ pecee jeefMe keâer keâF& Ùeespevee KegMe efpemeves nj Iej Deewj heefjJeej, nj keâoce nw meneÙelee kesâ efueS lewÙeej Meg® keâjes Dehevee osMeer Ùee efJeosMeer keâejesyeej GheueyOe nw meesves kesâ efmekeäkesâ ceewkeâe nes KegMeer keâe Ùee keâesF& lÙeesnej G"eves peesKeerce Deehekeâer eEpeoieerYej Meg® efkeâÙee nw yeercee keâejesyeej nj keâce&Ûeejer ves ueer nw MeheLe Fme megvenjs ceewkesâ hej DeÛÚer mesJee keâjves Øeoeve jnWies meoe lewÙeej Deewj lelhej Skeâ heewOes keâe yeve ieÙee nw Deye nw Je=#e cene efJeMeeue osKeles osKeles ceneve mebmLee ves hetjs efkeâÙes Skeâ meew Dee" meeue efjMleeW keâer ÙeneB peceehetbefpeÙeeB veece nw Fmekeâe yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ Fbef[Ùee
peÙekegâceej iees[yeesues mše@keâ SkeämeÛeWpe MeeKee cegbyeF&
Abhinav Anand Technopark Branch Kerala Zone Almighty is there I believe to eradicate all worldly grieve, Saddened by human ways and perpetual decaying graves Amidst darkness and shimmering sun, humanity withering away in fun No time for introspection, fragile, feeble and hollow determination Forgotten soul, banished memory pursuing eternal rejuvenation. Eternity lost in oblivion Frozen mist and sublime time searching its identity mime, A ray of hope flickers somewhere, that a Divine grace ascending near As all worldly disaster will vanish with fear.
efmelebyej 2013
We are listening….. ‘Suggestion for Debit Cards and Internet Banking’ given by Shri Ashok Kumar M. Gandhi, Manager (IT), Nagpur-II Zone on STAR NIVARAN was appreciated & accepted by the Chairperson & Managing Director. Shri Gandhi was very happy and said that I sincerely thank from my heart & soul to see circular regarding ”Stopping of issuing PINs to customers from 22-07-2013” as suggested by me. The decision will surely bring down customer grievances to minimum besides all other benefits. This has now built confidence that views of staff member of any level are considered and can be implemented. We thank Shri Gandhi for his valuable suggestion and request all staff members to come out with their valuable suggestions.
Employee Achievement Shri Kersi Engineer was appointed as Welfare Officer and has many doctor friends and good liaison with all major hospitals. He has been a source of solace and comfort when our staff or their family members are hospitalized. He makes it a point to visit patients, travelling all the way to the suburbs even on Sunday/holidays. His presence boosts confidence, and as he explains the medical procedures, it helps to ease the doubts and tension, both for the patient as well as family members attending to the patient. Kersi has been helping staff for last over 35 years. More important, he has lot of medical knowledge that is acquired through his interaction with doctors over the years as well as selfstudy. He is well respected by doctors in our panel hospitals and is often invited in the cardiac lab when our staff may be undergoing angiography/ angioplasty. Thus, he has first hand view of the patient as the procedure is being conducted. To hear him discuss a case with doctors, one would wonder if he is really a banker or a doctor himself.
efmelebyej 2013
GheueefyOe ßeer meleerMe efJeªuejeJe hee"keâ, ØeyebOekeâ, ceeveJe mebmeeOeve efJeYeeie, Fboewj DebÛeue ves ßeer jepeve Keeve Éeje efueefKele ceje"er keâLee ‘‘Skeâe DešerÛee mebmeej’’ keâe veešŸe¤heeblejCe efkeâÙee~ Fme veeškeâ keâes Fme Je<e& ‘‘ceneje°^ jepÙe veešŸemheOee&’’ ceW, DecejeJeleer kesâvõ hej ØeLece hegjmkeâej Øeehle ngDee~
Congratulations Smt. Saswati Dutta of Kolkata Service Branch participated in the 89th Intra Association Annual Aquatic meet 2013 and secured 1st position in 50m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, 50m Breast Stroke and 2nd position in 50m Butterfly. Shri Vijay Kumar, Banglore LCB CAIIB with Highest Marks in Corporate Banking
Shri Yogesh M, Bangalore LCB Passed CAIIB with Forex association of India endowment prize “Bank of India prize” “Pranlal Devkaran Vanjee prize in JAIIB
peceejeefMe / Deposit
Smt. Jyoti B Shah Tardeo Road Branch MSZ ` 25 Cr
F&ceeveoejer / meleke&âlee
Shri Anil Rane Mumbai Service Branch MSZ GheÙegò& eâ mšeHeâ-meomÙe ves meesves/Ûeeboer kesâ DeeYet<eCe leLee vekeâoer/DevÙe cetuÙeJeeve meece«eer MeeKee heefjmej ceW heÌ[s ngS/Deefleefjòeâ heeS Deewj Fve cetuÙeJeeve JemlegDeeW keâes «eenkeâeW keâes ueewšekeâj Deheveer F&ceeveoejer keâe heefjÛeÙe efoÙee - mebheeokeâ
DevÙe ieefleefJeefOeÙeeB Other Activities
BOI Ladies Club Activity
Keep your Customers Happy; they will keep you in Business Feedback from our valued customer in Navhind Times dated 12.08.2013, a leading newspaper from Goa.
'Star Sakhi' - BOI Ladies Club with a copy of draft of `30,000/- (Rupees Thirty Thousand) sent to Prime Minister's Relief Fund for Uttarakhand.
STC Bhopal Celebrated its 39th Foundation Day.
Answering a journalist Question “ Most difficult period. How did you overcome it?” Shri N. Sriram, Director, Tulip group of Companies said “ As entrepreneurs, the first five/ six years of starting business were very tough and challenging. We had to keep our costs very low and yet keep pushing the business. Timely financial support from Bank Of India helped us considerably.” Shri N. Sriram is the Director of Tulip Group of companies engaged in product manufacturing, packed or traded in vitro diagnostic reagents and kits (medical devices). Their clients includes World Health Organization amongst others.
mšej mJejespeieej HeÇeMf e#eCe mebmLeeve - ieefleefJeefOe Staff Training College, Bhopal celebrated their 39th foundation day in a big way. To mark the occasion tree plantation and various other cultural and social welfare activities were conducted. ZM Shri Rajiv Kumar Gupta, DGM Shri M.N. Taneja congratulated the Principal Shri M.B. Rangari and other faculty members of STC. It is noteworthy that the college was established on 04.09.1975 and was inaugurated by Sri S.C. Verma, IAS and our erstwhile Chairman and Managing Director Shri J.N. Saxena. The College was shifted to its own premises (where it is now housed) at the newly constructed building at Jail Road, Arera Hill , Bhopal on 10.06.1991 and was renamed as Staff Training College w.e.f. 1/09/2002.
yeerDeesDeeF& ieÇeceerCe mJejespeieej HeÇeMf e#eCe mebmLeeve, ceesne[er ceW ‘efyeÙetšer Heeue&j cesvespeceWš keâesme&’ kesâ MegYeejbYe DeJemej Hej efpeueeefOekeâejer ßeer meefÛevõ HeÇleeHe efmebn kesâ meeLe cegKÙe keâeÙe&keâejer DeefOekeâejer efpeuee Heefj<eo Yeb[eje SJebb DeieÇCeer efpeuee HeÇyebOekeâ ßeer metyes efmebn, HeÇeps eskeäš [eÙesjks eäšj [erDeej[erS Yeb[eje ßeer pespetjkeâj Je yeer[erSce yeQkeâ Dee@H] eâ Fbe[f Ùee ßeer peer.[er. osJeguekeâj leejebieCe
efmelebyej 2013
Jeen yeÛÛees
N Wah Bachho
Sme.Sme.meer. S.S.C.
Nidhi, D/o Shri Srinivas N Kotian, Head Office, Financial Inclusion, 96.36%
Swathi, D/o Shri Satish V Kini, Shimoga Branch, 96%
efncee, megheg$eer ßeer megveerue ØeYeekeâj osJe, hegCes Deeb.keâe., 94.55%
oerhesMe, megheg$e ßeer.[er. Deej. meent, veeiehegj mesJee MeeKee, 93.64%
Sahil, S/o Shri Hitendra Rathod, BVL Hsg.& Pers.Fin. Br., 93.45%
Vishaka, D/o Smt. Bhagwanti Mohan, Virar (East) Br., 92.55%
SsMJeÙee&, megheg$eer ßeer megjsMe iee"eryeebOes, Sme.Sce.F& meeršer meWšj, 92.36%
Sairam, S/o Shri Anandrao Jujare, Head Office GOD, 86.36%
Yashoda, D/o Smt. Seema S. Sutar, Uttamnagar Br., 86.00%
Jemeg, megheg$e ßeer megveerue peieoerMe, DeieÇCeer efpeuee keâeÙee&ueÙe, 78.00%
Asema, D/o Shri Irfan M. Vohra, Satlasana Br., 94.20%
Sankalp, S/o Smt. KalpanaAkella, Navi Mumbai Zone
meeryeerSmeF&/DeeF&meerSmeF& CBSE/ICSE (X std)
Deces kegâceej jbie yeguuee, megheg$e ßeer DejefJevo kegâceej, keâesÛej ceeefkeâ&š MeeKee, ‘meer.peer.heer.S10’
DeJeveerMe, megheg$e ßeer ue#ceer keâeble jeÙe, yeeskeâejes mšerue efmešer MeeKee, ‘meer.peer.heer.S10’
veÙeve Deevebo, megheg$e ßeer veJeerve Ûevõ efceßee, yeeskeâejes Deeb.keâe., ‘meer.peer.heer.S10’
DeÅeemee, megheg$eer ßeer Sme. keâs. yemee, DeieÇCeer efpeuee keâeÙee&ueÙe veeiehegj DebÛeue, ‘meer.peer.heer.S10’
Rakshit, S/o Shri Mandish Gharat, Palghar Branch, ‘CGPA 10’
Preeti, D/o Shri Bijay Kumar Panda, Sambalpur Br., CGPA 10
Shreya, D/o Shri Sanjib Sarkar, Ludhiana CPC, CGPA 10
Naukhez Hena, D/o Shri M.E.Haque, Hotgi Road Br., CGPA 10
Shreyash, S/o Shri Niraj Kumar Dutta, Hazaribag Bazar Br., CGPA 10
DeefYeveJe, megheg$e ßeer MewueWõ kegâceej Pee, cegpeHeâHeâjhegj DebÛeue, ‘meer.peer.heer.S10’
MegYesÛÚe, megheg$eer ßeer ØeYeekeâj ie. efveKeejs, efmeleeye[er& MeeKee, ’meer.peer.heer.S10’
nerceeefve, megheg$eer ßeer Oeerjsvõ kegâceej ßeerJeemleJe, cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue, ’meer.peer.heer.S10’
Iyer Vaishnav Vignesh, S/o Shri Gomathi Sankaran B, H.O. Travel & Hospitality Deptt., ‘CGPA 9.8’
efmelebyej 2013
Debpeueer, megheg$eer ßeer he=LJeer jece, pevekeâhegjer MeeKee, ‘meer.peer.heer.S 9.6’
Nilaja, D/o Shri Ajanta Shrinivas Kulkarni, Uttamnagar Br., ‘CGPA 8.6’
Jitendra, S/o Shri Sunil S Sachwani, S.S.I.Andheri (E) Br., ICSE-93%
Jeen yeÛÛees
N Wah Bachho
SÛe.Sme.meer. H.S.C.
Omkar, S/o Shri Anant K Dige, SEEPZ Mid Corporate Br, Smt.Vedavathi A Dige MNZ, 91.17% selection for IIT-JEE
Mayuri, D/o Shri Uttam Thakare, Head Office, GOD, 86.33%
DeeefolÙe, megheg$e ßeerceleer ceveer<ee Jeer. ojyeej, Denceoeyeeo cegKÙe MeeKee, 77%
Meeta, D/o Smt. Komal S Soneji, NBG (West), 81.67%
efnvee, megheg$eer ßeer leeefjkeâ cemeto, cegieuemejeÙe MeeKee, 79.80%
ef[«eer Degree
meer.yeer.Sme.F&. CBSE (XII std)
ØeIeÙee, megheg$eer ßeer ØeMeeble Mecee&, Yeesheeue Deeb.keâ. meeryeerSmeF& 97.2%
Tanvi, D/o Shri Ramesh Rahate, Mahavir Nagar (Charkop) Br, 82.83%
Sayali, D/o Smt. Samata Chavan, Head Office, Mid Corporatecredit,
Pratik, S/o Smt. Priyanka Shinde, S.S.I. Andheri (East) Br,
Vyshnavi, D/o Shri AnandraoJujare, Head Office-GOD, 79.17%
DevÙe Others
Saurabh, S/o Shri Yuvraj Tembhurne, Karmanna Branch, M.Tech and has been selected for Phd (EPFC) Switzerland.
Vishwajit, S/o Shri Dilip K Dabade, Sangli Service Br, B.Tech, Has won gold medal & Best Student ward from TCS Ltd.
Vaishali, D/o Shri Santosh S Chavan, H.O.SME Deptt., Smt. Savita S Chavan, Shivaji Park Br, MSZ M.Sc
¤<eerkesâ<e, megheg$e ßeer mebpeerJe kegâuekeâCeea, jsuJes ueeF&ve MeeKee, Sce.Sme.meer.
Jew<CeJeer, megheg$eer ßeer efJeveeÙekeâ efJe. pegceUs, veeiehegj DebÛeue-1, yeer.F&.
Yekeäleer, megheg$eer ßeer efJepeÙe ke=â. efheUieebJekeâj, cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue, yeer.F&.
DeeefolÙe, megheg$e megßeer Je<ee& Deevebo oeceues, cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue, yeer.F&.
Bhakti, D/o Shri DigamberSatam, National Banking centre, B.E
efceleeueer, megheg$eer ßeer efceefuevo peesMeer, veJeer cegbyeF& Deeb.keâe., yeer.F&.
me=ef°, megheg$eer ßeer Devegjeie, yeeskeâejes Deeb.keâe., vesMeveue meeF&Jej Dee@uceefheÙee[ 2012-13 keâer hejer#ee GòeerCe& keâer.
Chaitanya, S/o Shri Pramod Shankar Bane, H.O. I.T Data center, Maharashtra Higher Secondary Scholarship (7th std).
Trusha, D/o Shri Ramesh Rahate, Mahavir Nagar (Charkop) Br, Maharashtra Higher Secondary Scholarship (4th std).
Vedhika, D/o Shri Vinay Verma, Bhopal Z. O, has recd 5 gold and 4 silver medals in National and State level Skipping competition.
Satya, S/o Smt. Nilamani Patra, Mumbai Service Branch, stood 1st in State Level & 9th in International Level in the Spell Bee International Exam held (in association with I.N.D.I.A Trust). (7th std).
ØeCeesleer, megheg$eer megßeer efielee kegâuekeâCeea, Fmueecehegj MeeKee, mebmke=âle Yee<ee hejer#ee ceW ØeLece mLeeve.
efmelebyej 2013
yewefkeâbie Meyo Jeie& hensueer
Meer<e&keâ heÇefleÙeesefielee-22 heefjCeece (petve, 2013 Debkeâ)
efØeÙe hee"keâes, Ùeneb nce yeQefkeâbie Meyo Jeie& hensueer Øemlegle keâj jns nw efpemekeâer efJeMes<elee Ùen nw efkeâ FmeceW yeveves Jeeues meYeer Meyo yeQefkeâbie ceW GheÙeesie nesves Jeeueer efnboer MeyoeJeueer kesâ nw. DeeFS, Deheveer yeQefkeâbie efnboer MeyoeJeueer keâer peebÛe keâjW leLee Fmeer Debkeâ ceW mener Gòej mes Deheves Gòej keâe efceueeve keâjW. kewâueeMe Ûevõ Mecee&, Gppewve DebÛeue
yewefkeâbie Meyo Jeie& hensueer
1. kegâue 11 MeyoeW keâer mebef#ehle yewefkeâbie Meyo Jeie& hensueer ceW Meyo yeveeSb. 2. Jeie& hensueer keâes Yejves kesâ efueS mebkesâle JeekeäÙe, meceeveeLeer& / DebieÇspeer Meyo efoS ieS nw. 3. mebkesâle JeekeäÙeeW kesâ Devle ceW keâes<šce ceW Gme Meyo keâer De#ej mebKÙee oMee&Ùeer ieÙeer nw. 4. DeeOee De#ej hetjs De#ej kesâ meeLe efceueekeâj Skeâ ner yeekeäme ceW efueKee peeSiee leLee Gmes Skeâ De#ej ner efievee peeSiee. 5. meYeer Meyo yeQefkeâbie ceW ØeÙeesie nesves Jeeues Meyo nw. 1
4 5
ke<e& 2007 mes heÇejbYe Meer<e&keâ heÇefleÙeesefielee kesâ Debleie&le ncesb Deheves hee"keâesb keâer heÇefleef›eâÙee heÇehle ngF& nw, Meer<e&keâ cetuÙeebkeâve ves meYeer heÇehle Meer<e&keâesb keâe DeOÙeÙeve efkeâÙee leodvegmeej heefjCeece efvec>eefueefKele nQ: øeLece Hegjmkeâej ` 300/kegâ. mvesne megjsMe nuÙeeue (yesóe nuemetj MeeKee, yesbieuet¤) `‘efmeHeâ& Mejerj keâe veehe ve uees, veehees lees cesje yeguebo Fjeoe, Ûegmleer, Hegâleer& Deewj efnccele kesâ meeLe, osMe keâer j#ee keâe keâjlee ntB keeoe~'' efÉleerÙe Hegjmkeâej ` 200/Deefoefle megheg$eer ßeer heer.kesâ. pewve (meskee MeeKee, Yeesheeue) Deiej nesbmeues nesb yeguebo, lees peerle uesbies keâesF& Yeer pebie, pe™jer venerb efkeâ cepeyetle nesb Yegpebie, yeme efoue cesb nesveer ÛeeefnS Gcebie’ Fvekesâ Meer<e&keâeW keâer mejenvee keâer ieF& ceOegkeâj mesef"Ùee- mšeHeâ heÇefMe#eCe Yeesheeue, ßeerceleer efkeodÙee jeveer- Deeb.keâe, jepemLeeve DebÛeue, ßeerceleer mebefielee efmebn- jeÙehegj DebÛeue, heÇYeekeâj Fueces- Yeb[eje MeeKee, veeiehegj 2 DebÛeue, ßeerceleer DeÛe&vee DeMeeskeâ osmeeF&- yesuee[& Fmšsš MeeKee cegbyeF& oef#eCe DebÛeue - mebheeokeâ
yeeÙeW mes oeÙeW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
efJeosMe mes meeceeve cebieeves Jeeuee, Fcheesjšj (4) vÙeeÙeeueÙe ceW Øemlegle DeeJesove, hesefšMeve (3) Fpeepele, Devegefcele, hejefceMeve (2) Øee¤he, DeeuesKe, [^eHeäš (3) šsueerieÇece, lebleg, JeeÙej (2) oes JÙeefkeäleÙeeW kesâ yeerÛe ngDee menceleer omleeJespe (3)
Ghej mes veerÛes 1. 3. 7. 8. 9.
yeQkeâ keâer DeeJeeme Ùeespevee keâe hetJe& veece (4) heeves Jeeuee, Øeehekeâ, hesÙeer (3) keâce&Ûeejer, cepeotj, Jeke&âcesve (4) Dee%ee GuuebOeve, Dee%ee veneR ceevevee, ef[meDeesyes (3) efvejmeve, nševee, efceševe, keWâmeue (2)
efmelebyej 2013
ØeYeg osmeeF& cegbyeF& meefJe&me yeÇebÛe
Deehe keânles nQ...
You said it...
Deehekesâ yeQkeâ keâer efleceener heef$ekeâe 'leejebieCe' keâe petve 2013 Debkeâ heÇehle ngDee. Ùes heef$ekeâe hetCe& ™he mes %eevekeæ&keâ peevekeâejer mes megmeefppele nw leLee Fmecesb heÇkeâeefMele jÛeveeSb meg™efÛehetCe& nQ. heef$ekeâe cesb heÇkeâeefMele uesKeesb 'e-commerce' 'CPI and its impact on market' 'Power of dreams' Éeje yeQefkeâbie kesâ meeLe–meeLe meeceeefpekeâ peevekeâeefjÙeeB Yeer efceueleer nQ. heef$ekeâe keâer meepe-meppee, Heâesšes Skeb hespeesb hej efkeâS ieS jbie-efyejbiesb yewkeäieÇeGb[ keâe lejerkeâe DelÙeefOekeâ Deekeâ<e&keâ nw. `cesjs heeme keòeâ venerb' leLee `kegâojle keâe keânj' keâer keâekÙe-hebefòeâÙeeB keâeHeâer ceveesjbpekeâ ueieerb efpemeves heef$ekeâe keâer megbojlee keâes Deewj DeefOekeâ yeÌ{e efoÙee nw. DeeMee nw efkeâ Yeefke<Ùe cesb Yeer Deehe Fme heÇkeâej keâer jesÛekeâ, %eevekeOe&keâ Skeb ceveesjbpekeâ peevekeâejer Deheveer heef$ekeâe kesâ ceeOÙece mes ncesb heÇsef<ele keâjles jnsbies. - Deej. meer. veejeÙeCe ceneheÇyebOekeâ, hebpeeye SC[ efmebOe yeQkeâ _ _ _ _ _ Deehekesâ Éeje heÇsef<ele yeQkeâ keâer odefkeYee<eer ie=nheef$ekeâe leejebieCe petve 2013 keâe keâueskej DeÛÚe ueiee. Fmecesb heÇkeâeefMele uesKe ke jÛeveeSb meejieefYe&le Deewj metÛeveehejkeâ ueieer. heef$ekeâe cesb heÇkeâeefMele uesKe `yeerDeesDeeF& mšej efkeMkeeme ves™jkeâj' yengle DeÛÚe ueiee. Gòeâ uesKe mes ßeer ves™jkeâj keâer me=peveMeeruelee kesâ yeejs cesb helee Ûeuee. heÇkeâeefMele keâefkeleeSb Skeb HeâesšesefÛe$e Yeer Deekeâ<e&keâ ueies. heef$ekeâe kesâ meHeâue mebheeove kesâ efueS mebheeokeâ ceb[ue keâes neefo&keâ yeOeeF&. MegYekeâeceveeDeesb meefnle. - meeFye hee$e cegKÙe heÇyebOekeâ, ÙegveeFšs[ yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ Fbef[Ùee _ _ _ _ _ Gòeâ heef$ekeâe cesb heÇkeâeefMele DeeuesKe ueepekeeye nw, yeQkeâ kesâ meYeer mšeHeâ meomÙeesb keâes Fvekeâe he"ve, ceveve keâjkesâ leovegmeej Kego keâes keâeÙee&efvkele keâjvee ÛeeefnS. yeQkeâ heefjkeej kesâ meYeer heefjpeve Deheves yeQkeâ kesâ efkekeâeme kesâ efueS me#ece nQ efmeHe&â ueieve Deewj Deheveer keâle&kÙe hejeÙeCelee mes keâeÙe& keâjW lees kegâÚ Yeer veecegceefkeâve venerb nQ. peneb Ûeen keneB jen. nceejer yeQkeâ kesâ Gòejesòej efkekeâeme Skece heÇieefle kesâ efueS neefo&keâ MegYekeâeceveeSb. - peer. yeer. okes efveke=òe DeefOekeâejer, keškee efkeueG MeeKee, Denceoeyeeo _ _ _ _ _
efheÚues Debkeâesb keâer lejn yeQkeâ keâer heÇefmeÉ ie=nheef$ekeâe leejebieCe keâe petve, 2013 Debkeâ efkeefkeOeleeDeesb mes heefjhetCe& nw. yeQkeâ keâes Skeâ heefjkeej kesâ met$e kesâ ™he cesb efhejesves kesâ efueS ie=nheef$ekeâe leejebieCe Deheveer efkeMes<e Yetefcekeâe efveYee jner nw. Gòeâ ie=nheef$ekeâe leejebieCe kesâ meHeâue mebheeove kesâ efueS mebhetCe& mebheeokeâerÙe ceb[ue keâes neefo&keâ yeOeeF&. - DeefceleeYe jmleesoieer Deeb.heÇ. keejeCemeer _ _ _ _ _ leejebieCe keâe petve 2013 Debkeâ osKekeâj ner ueiee efkeâ Deboj %eeve keâe Kepeevee Úghee nesiee Deewj ngDee Yeer Ùener keäÙeesbefkeâ cegKehe=<" ves ner Ùen Denmeeme keâje efoÙee Lee efkeâ Deheveer #ecelee keâer henÛeeve Skeb Gmekesâ yesnlejerve Fmlesceeue mes ner meke& ßes…lee keâer heÇeefhle mebYeke nw. Deboj kesâ he=‰eW keâes osKekeâj Ùen meeefyele nes ieÙee efkeâ Fme heef$ekeâe cesb nj Meyo Deewj GheueyOe nj peien keâe yesnlejerve Fmlesceeue efkeâÙee ieÙee nw Ùetb keânsb lees #ecelee mes yesnlej. - jepeerke jbpeve heÇkeâeMe heÇyebOekeâ (jepeYee<ee), mšsš yeQkeâ Dee@Heâ yeerkeâevesj SC[ peÙehegj _ _ _ _ _ I was really very glad to read issue of June 2013, it is excellent and very informative, I congratulate editor and writers, article on TDS and it's functions in Finacle. It is very useful to those who are in Bank service and also for those who retired from our Bank. It is suggested that one must keep it like useful and handy. - Shirish J. Buch Rajkot Zone
_ _ _ _ _
Gòej he$e
Dee efMe 2 Ùee vee 6
Ùee efÛe
le 7
keâe 4 ce iee j
keâ 3
Dee oe 5 lee
De Je %ee j odo
l, . Shakee r Shri S. M & o it d E j, ja n a Pawan B Shri S. Narasimha (HR) Shri t H.O. dit) (LtoR) GM . R. Iyer, GM (Cre kara Narayanan a V n a t. S CMD Sm hri R. A. ational) S GM (Intern
(LtoR) GM (HR) Sh & Director (ACB ri Pawan Bajaj,Editor Shri S. M. Shakeel ) Dr. R. L. Bhat ia at Dubai