Taarangan September 2015

Page 1

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal September, 2015


yeQkeÀ Dee@]HeÀ Fbef[³ee keÀer efleceener ie=nHeef$ekeÀe efmelebyej, 2015

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal September, 2015

You said it...


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Printed, Published and Edited by S. M. Shakeel on behalf of Bank of India, Published from Head Office : Star House, G-5, 'G' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 067 and printed at SAP Print Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 28, Lakshmi Industrial Estate, S.N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400 013.

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CAPTIVATING The June 2015 issue of TAARANGAN is fabulous carrying articles on range of issues to make a deeply engrossed reading. I particularly enjoyed reading, “How good are our letters” that contains few essential tips to make the write-ups appealing and presentable so as to create an impression on the people who get them. Effective communication is a thing that would stay relevant at all times. Since the time of early nineties when GDLP (Globalization, Deregulation, Liberalization & privatization) was put into motion, the market scenario has changed dramatically. There is an intense competition all around. There are more players/more outlets available and choices wide open for customers. It is buyers' market all the way and customer can dictate terms rather he is the king. Today, it is all about how you equip and present yourselves and hence effective communication has assumed even greater importance and one will require to consistently sharpening this skill, to gain the competitive edge. A successful business is one that is able to read the market well, lend a definite direction to growth, design products that touch the emotional chord of customers and convert the situation to its advantage. That makes the entire process wholly responsive and a win-win situation for all concerned. CONGRATULATIONS. Srinivasan Umashankar Bank of Maharashtra, Nagpur

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal June, 2015

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My dear colleagues,

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t the outset, let me take this opportunity to extend my ‰™¼}°y™€™ €™à eÂ?™ d‰™Â?™„ }™„ l™Â?ĂŽ}™ƒ‘™jΪ CĂ˜Â™Â™Â„Â™ l™–™ jžŒ Â?™ã™Û }™™ujŒ™ jΪ Ă‚z‚™ warm greetings to all the readers of our In-house Â?™ž dÂƒĂŁÂ™|™ z|™ jÂŚÂ„Ă˜Â™Â™ ĂŽÂœ x €™›r™ž eÂ?™ Â?™ o™™„ €™™{‚™€™ Â?™ž d™}™Â?™ž d}™|™ž ƒ‰™o™™„ i‰™ Journal ‘Taarangan’. I am delighted to share my thoughts „™‚™ Â?™™r™™ jŒ„|™ž €™ dĂ˜Â‚Â™ Ă˜Â™ }°Â?™||Â™Ă˜Â™Â™ ɞ „ÎÛ ĂŽÂ&#x; ƒq™Â?™€™ ΀™™„ž …™à jÂŚ jžŒ and views through this communication medium which also Â?™ž‰™™ƒ|™‰™Â?Ă?™ Â?tÂ™ĂœÂŚ ã™Û Š™™ƒ€™†™ ĂŽĂ x includes our retired staff members.

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You all are aware of the performance of our bank which is not at par with the requisite standards of the industry. I know that this is a very challenging time for the bank. But it has equally given us the opportunity to introspect on the strengths and weaknesses of our bank. However, after analyzing the banks’ balance sheet and performance overview of the last few quarters, I am of the view that the challenges our Bank is currently facing will be squarely met by each one of you and together we shall restore the glory of this great Bank over the next couple of quarters.

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'XULQJ P\ UHFHQW WRZQ KDOO PHHWLQJV DW +HDG 2IĂ€FH DQG YDULRXV NBGs and Zones, I have already outlined and shared with you all the strengths and weaknesses of the bank. I have also clearly spelt out the immediate priorities and targets of the bank for HQVXLQJ TXDUWHUV )RU WKH EHQHĂ€W RI DOO UHDGHUV , UHLWHUDWH WKH three main focus areas to be targeted along with our regular banking targets.

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The cost control under austerity drive is also important. Data cleansing is an ongoing exercise which requires correct data entry. Please provide good customer service to reduce customer complaints. Effective cross selling is required to improve the products per customer ratio which is 1.4 at present against 3 to 5 of peer banks.

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I have already urged each individual employee working across RIĂ€FHV WR SOD\ WKHLU SDUW E\ SURYLGLQJ EXVLQHVV OHDGV DQG QHZ accounts to the branches at their respective working place. I would also request our retired staff members to contribute in garnering new business for the bank. I am sure that we BOI 3$5,9$5 DV D ZKROH ZLOO VWDQG XQLWHG DW WKLV GLIĂ€FXOW MXQFWXUH and will emerge as a WINNER.

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In recent times, we have come across the news of some big frauds happening in the Banks. Frauds can only be averted by being aware and alert. I urge upon you to do your work FRQĂ€GHQWO\ EXW DOZD\V UHPDLQ FDUHIXO DQG YLJLODQW DQG QHYHU compromise on KYC and AML compliance. I am sure you all will take care of this aspect. Moreover, we must share strong relations with our customers and provide them with best of VHUYLFHV ZKLFK LQ WXUQ ZLOO EHQHĂ€W RXU %DQN DQG LWV VWDNHKROGHUV At the close, I once again wish you all readers a very happy

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Melwyn Rego




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Dear Readers,

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e are extremely happy to present you the new edition (September 2015) of our In-house Journal ‘Taarangan’. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your continuous support, contributions and regular feedback which has enabled us to improve our In-house Journal better HDFK TXDUWHU <RX ZLOO EH KDSS\ WR NQRZ WKDW RQFH DJDLQ RXU MRXUQDO KDV been conferred with International Award of ‘Best In-House Journal’ during 6th CMO Asia Awards held at Singapore on 11th August 2015. It really makes us proud to share that from the last four years, our House Journal has been recognized and awarded every quarter by one or other UHSXWHG RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ WKH Ă€HOG RI FRPPXQLFDWLRQ :H KDYH DFKLHYHG these milestones only due to your valuable contributions to the house MRXUQDO :H IXOO\ GHGLFDWH WKHVH DOO DZDUGV WR WKH 5($'(56 Recently, our Bank announced its quarterly results for quarter ended September 2015. The performance of the bank is well known to all. Our MD & CEO has clearly spelt out the strategies for ensuing quarters to improve the performance of the bank. Now, the time has arrived where we have to reenergize ourselves to achieve the business targets given by the top management. We must recognize the fact that each individual working in the bank from top to low level is equally important in terms of business growth in the bank. We have to be more proactive in our business areas and must ensure workable strategies for the business growth. We call upon our Managers who have been successful in their branches in terms of business growth to share their knowledge, experiences or VWUDWHJLHV WKURXJK RXU +RXVH -RXUQDO RU DQ\ RWKHU PHGLXP IRU WKH EHQHĂ€W of other branches. The staff members can also contribute to Bank’s strategy by sending their ideas, information or analysis to the House Journal. Our valuable asset i.e. retired staff can contribute immensely towards this initiative. ‘Collective Effort is Call of the Day’ and should UHĂ HFW LQ RXU ZRUN The edition in your hands is full of informative articles, interesting poetry & stories, rich experiences and accomplishments of staff and their family members. We have also covered various activities, achievements and programmes conducted across NBGs, Zones and Foreign Branches. We hope that you all will like this edition. (QMR\ 5HDGLQJ DQG VHQG \RXU VXJJHVWLRQV DQG IHHGEDFNV DW +HDG2IĂ€FH 7DDUDQJDQ#EDQNRĂ€QGLD FR LQ



(Žš…™ššqš  ÂšĂš Ă?  Âš{ ‹šj ĂœÂ‡Âš Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)






SKILL LOAN SCHEME 2XU %DQN ÀUVW WR 6DQFWLRQ Skill Loans to aspiring trainees. The Skill Loan Scheme was launched by our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 15th July 2015 on account of International Skill Day. The loan scheme is under the aegis of Ministry of Skill Development. Our Bank is accredited banker of the Ministry. The occasion was also graced by the Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitly, Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar, Railway Minister Shri Suresh Prabhu to name a few. 19 Chief Ministers and 20 Cabinet

Ms Ankgita Rabha receiving BOI Sanction letter at the hands of Hon’ble PM Shri Narendra Modi along with Cabinet 0LQLVWHU ² 0 R 6NLOO 'HYHORSPHQW 6KUL 5DMLY 3UDWDS 5XG\ Secretary Shri Sunil Arora.

0LQLVWHUV ZLWK ÁHHW RI HPLQHQW Industrialists, Diplomats, Bankers & State & Central Government Top bureaucrats have attended the function. Our Bank was represented by our ED Shri R P Marathe along with the Executives from New Delhi Zone and NBG.

The Skill Development Loan Scheme (herein after called ‘Skilling Loan’) aims at providing a loan facility from the banking system to individuals who intend to take up skill development courses ranging from `5,000/- to `1,50,000/- for a period of 3 years to 7 years.

Bank Launches ‘Mudra Card’ under PMMY Bank’s MUDRA Card was launched at the hands of MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego at +HDG 2IÀFH LQ WKH SUHVHQFH RI (' 6KUL 5 3 Marathe, GM, SME Shri B K Mohanty and RWKHU VHQLRU RIÀFLDOV ,W V 5X3D\ 'HELW FXP $70 FDUG IRU 300< EHQHÀFLDULHV 300< FDWHUV WR non–farm enterprises whose credit need are below `10 lacs. Bank has already sanctioned ` &URUHV FRYHULQJ EHQHÀFLDULHV

Bank Implements Fraud Risk Management Solution on Cards Bank has started Fraud Risk Management Solution (FRM) for all its card related business. Speaking on this occasion, ED Shri R P Marathe said “The security of ÀQDQFLDO WUDQVDFWLRQV LV EHFRPLQJ D FKDOOHQJH IRU WKH banking industry. Looking at the fraud trends for the last 3-4 years, controlling of such fraudulent transactions (LtoR) AGM Shri Pradeep Kumar Bajpai from BOI, is one of the top priorities of the Bank”. The FRM Shri Deepak Chandnani from M/s World line, ED Shri R P Marathe GM Anil K. Bhalla and DGM Shri Surinder K Agrawal solution offered by M/S World line is an ideal choice.





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MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego addressing staff meeting during his visit to Kolkata Zone. ZM Smt. Binata Sengupta, GM NBG (East) Shri Dinabandhu Mohapatra & ZM Howrah Zone Shri S K Mishra are seen on the dais.

Mumbai South Zone ZM Shri R P Gupta welcoming MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego DORQJ ZLWK RWKHU RIÀFLDOV GXULQJ KLV YLVLW WR WKH Zone.

MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego observing some rare LQLWLDWLYHV DW %DQN V 0XVHXP DORQJ ZLWK =0 Shri R P Gupta & AGM, CMD Secretariat Shri Abhijit Bose at Mumbai South Zone.



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ED Shri B P Sharma LQDXJXUDWLQJ 1%* : 3XQH 2IÀFH LQ the presence of GM NBG (W-2) Shri R S Chouhan & DGM Shri Milind Vaidya, Smt. Kusum Tiwari, ZM Shri Prasad Joshi and other staff members.

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ED Shri R P Marathe GLVWULEXWHG 5X3D\ FDUG WR ZRPHQ EHQHÀFLDULHV under PMMY at Kolkata and Howrah Zone. GM NBG (E) Shri Dinabandhu Mahapatra, ZM Howrah Zone Shri S K Mishra, CM Bowbazar branch Shri Antaryani Sarangi, ZM Shri Binata Sengupta and DGM Shri Purshottam Panda and ED Shri R P Marathe ZLWK ZRPHQ EHQHÀFLDULHV

ED Shri R A Sankara Narayanan LQDXJXUDWHG $QDHVWKHVLD 0DFKLQH SURYLGHG WR 5DPNULVKQD 6DUDGD 0LVVLRQ 0DWUL Bhawan, Kolkata under CSR activities. Secretary Shri Pravrajika Anirvanaprana appraising ED about their activities.





Systemizing The Thought Process For Effective Management


Planning in banking had a vital role in the past and concepts like performance budgeting, business expansion–both geographical and quantum–centered around the strength of planning.With the advent of MIS, EDP, Corporate communication and so on, the core planning lost its pivotal position in Top Management. With the emergence of the focus on data (however important it is) planners in banking have become ‘analysts’ and consequently the thought process is lost. How do you analyze the situation? Shri Ravindra P. Marathe: That’s a great question.I would love to answer that in great detail. Planning per se is an integral part of our lives, be it for individual success or organizational survival. If planning without action is daydreaming, action without planning can be a nightmare. Hence, planning is universal, organization neutral and time invariant; which means it cannot become irrelevant with the changing canvass of banking environment. I would say Planning is more relevant in a dynamic situation as compared to a sheltered monopolistic, administered interest rate regime which the Indian public sector EDQNV HQMR\HG IURP WR PLG QLQHWLHV


geographies and verticals. With the interest rates on deposits and advances regulated by RBI as also the guidance provided on the banking system aggregates like aggregate deposits, net credit and money supply through its “Busy Seasonâ€? and “Slack 6HDVRQÂľ &UHGLW 3ROLFLHV 3ODQQLQJ LQ EDQNV ZDV FRQĂ€QHG WR number crunching. And in the absence of core banking, Data :DUHKRXVH DQG 06 2IĂ€FH WRROV D JRRG DPRXQW RI WLPH FRVW and energy was spent in collecting and collating the numbers. Planners and Bank Economists were commanding respect due to the secrecy of numbers which they used to churn out and feed to Top Management. Analysis of Union Budget, RBI Monetary Policies and participating in Annual Bank Economist Conferences “BECONâ€? were the Planners’ paradise and they used to bask in the glory of ghost writing for their CMDs. You are saying that with the advent of MIS, EDP, corporate communication and so on, core planning has lost its pivotal position in Top Management.

I will say that while planning is still important for Top 0DQDJHPHQW LW LV WKH SODQQHU RU SODQQLQJ RIĂ€FHU ZKR KDV ORVW its pivotal position. The advent of MIS, EDP & CC did not spring up in isolation but it also co-emerged with some other However, as rightly stated by you, planning in the past was very important changes like the banking reforms on capital PRVWO\ LGHQWLĂ€HG ZLWK FRQFHSWV OLNH SHUIRUPDQFH EXGJHWLQJ¡ adequacy and IRAC norms, entry of new generation private business expansion plans, performance review across sector banks, deregulation of interest rates, implementation of




risk management principles, liberalization of branch licensing policy, introduction of quarterly/bi-monthly monetary policies and core banking solution. All these changes in quick succession shook the apple cart of planning. Along with the disappearance of monopolistic position of public sector banks, the exclusivity of planning was also lost. I have seen this disintegration process in one large public sector bank. Once upon a time, Planning was handling policy making, risk management (read ALM & ALCO), investor relations, dealing with rating agencies like Moody’s and S&P, KDQGOLQJ 3DUOLDPHQWDU\ &RPPLWWHHV DQG DOO RWKHU VXQGU\ MREV veering around MIS, submission of returns etc. Now the Chief Economist is no more a part of Planning, interest rates are decided by ALCO which is managed by Risk Management. Bank (FRQRPLVWV¡ &RQIHUHQFH ´%(&21Âľ LWVHOI KDV EHHQ KLMDFNHG E\ top executives of the banks under its new garb “BANCONâ€?. The bottom-up planning process is now replaced with top down planning. Planners do not have to burn midnight oil to collect and collate huge amount of data. The yesterday’s business Ă€JXUHV DUH KLWWLQJ WKH PDLOER[ EHIRUH WKH WRS H[HFXWLYH UHDFKHV RIĂ€FH 3ODQQLQJ WKHUHIRUH KDV ORVW LWV SLYRWDO UROH LQ DV PXFK DV the planning capability has moved from the hands of planning functionaries (the so called coveted planning department) to the line functionary or the top executives. And this change has been greatly facilitated by technology i.e. Core banking, Data warehouse, 24x7 internet, video conferencing, Dash Boards and FRQWLQXRXV IHHG RI HFRQRP\ LQGXVWU\ DQG Ă€QDQFLDO PDUNHWV data (directly pushed through the smart phones) to the top functionaries. I will say that in the new environment, planning assumes a bigger role, much beyond translating numbers into words. In a dynamic environment, Planning has to focus upon capturing the emerging trends and prepare the organization to face those

FKDOOHQJHV DQG WKLV QHHGV WKH VR FDOOHG WKLQN WDQN WR GR WKLV MRE Do you think that conventional planning is still important for banks; if ‘yes’ how to put it in the right track considering the challenges faced by the present new era banking? Since planning is always for the future, there is nothing like conventional planning. But the process of planning has to be FRQYHQWLRQDO RU XQLYHUVDO 9LVLRQ 0LVVLRQ 2EMHFWLYHV WDUJHWV budgeting, scheduling, monitoring, review, reporting, analysis, scenario building etc will continue to be the core elements of planning. As I mentioned earlier, in a competitive and ever changing operating environment, planning function cannot UHPDLQ FRQĂ€QHG WR EURDG PDFUR OHYHO EXVLQHVV SODQQLQJ EDVHG RQ trend analysis or market share analysis. Planning has to be more granular and not only focused on top line business numbers. The challenges faced by banks today are multifold including, but not limited to, capital planning, Technology Planning, 0DQSRZHU 3ODQQLQJ FRVW EHQHĂ€W DQDO\VLV RI GLIIHUHQW SURGXFWV geographies, verticals; planning for physical infrastructure, tax planning, balance sheet management and resource planning. One may say that many banks are in fact doing all these kinds of planning but in my opinion, there is a lack of coordination amongst different areas. Each department is working in a silo. The planning function has to enlarge its scope beyond number crunching. In this sense I think, the conventional planning has to evolve into an all-comprehensive integrated planning. Planning is vital for every component of business. What, in your view, is the role of planning in modern banking? As I mentioned earlier, planning is vital for every component of EXVLQHVV DQG LW FDQQRW UHPDLQ FRQĂ€QHG WR RQO\ EURDG EXVLQHVV parameters like CASA, total deposits, advances, Priority Sector DGYDQFHV DQG RSHUDWLQJ SURĂ€W &DSLWDO DQG UHVRXUFH SODQQLQJ is very critical for balance sheet management. In the light of

Planning has to focus upon capturing the emerging trends and prepare the organization to face challenges and this needs the so called think tank to do this job.




new Basel guidelines, the business growth has to be linked to the availability and cost of capital. Banks will need to assess the capital raising options and then move ahead with the business planning. The physical infrastructure, IT platform and outsourcing of non-core functions are the important ingredients of planning. Branch expansion, ATM expansion and proliferation of alternate delivery channels are going to KDYH D GLUHFW LPSDFW RQ WKH EXVLQHVV JURZWK DQG SURĂ€WDELOLW\ of banks. A detailed exercise is required to decide the locations, size and timing of these infrastructure inputs. Similarly technology is playing a key role in every aspect of banking including transaction processing, service delivery, communications, business analytics, decision support system, compliance, AML etc. Therefore planning for the right technology is very important. The success of new generation banks can be largely ascribed to their capacity to leverage the information and communication technology. Technology planning cannot be done by IT people alone. Planning has to take care of the business requirements, assessment of opportunity cost etc.

The second challenge I see is the lack of analytical skills to derive proper inferences and lessons from the emerging trends. The planning function as it has evolved over the years in public VHFWRU EDQNV KDV EHHQ FRQĂ€QHG WR RQO\ GDWD FRPSLODWLRQ DQG reporting to higher authorities or external agencies. The data needs to be converted into information which needs deeper insights into customer behavior and knowledge of emerging market trends. The role of planning in modern banking is more of an innovator and R&D exercise as compared to mere statistical reporting. It is generally viewed that the planning arm in banks remain self-isolated and stay away from challenges in modern banking like fast development task, competitive strategies, proper ideation process to make forward leap in marketing and imaginative adoption of technology to bring in products and services to reach out to the gen next customers. What in your view should be the ‘new planning pattern’ for large banks?

This is what we discussed in previous question. The banking environment is changing fast. The planning function has to evolve and keep pace with the changing environment. The new trends (disruptive technologies) have to be understood fast and got integrated in the banking model. The line staff need to be kept abreast of the latest trends and in this area, planning Government business and third party products have emerged as functionaries can play an important role as a facilitator by an important source of fee based income. However in traditional DQDO\VLQJ WKH QHZ WUHQGV SROLFLHV DQG JXLGHOLQHV Ă RZLQJ IURP SODQQLQJ IXQFWLRQ WKHUH DUH DUHDV ZKLFK GLG QRW Ă€QG DQ\ SODFH different sources and rolling out suitable products or processes except putting a broad number on income to be generated by IRU Ă€HOG VWDII WR DGRSW these verticals. A more granular analysis of the potential of these income streams can lead to better planning and committing ‘Long-term planning’ is often prescribed for organizations to create and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage resources to these functions for achieving optimum results. over the long term. Do you think that large banks would Thus every component of business needs planning inputs EHQHĂ€W E\ UHVRUWLQJ WR ORQJ WHUP SODQQLQJ VWUDWHJ\" :KDW and if it is handled by Planning functionary, it will be easy for are the major gains of long-term perspective? synthesizing the entire business plan and carve out the strategy for execution of this plan. Long term planning or strategic planning is very much required What, in your view, are the major challenges in present day for achieving long term strategic goals. Long term planning allows the organization to make structural changes in the planning exercises in banks? business models like moving from a wholesale focus to retail 0DMRU FKDOOHQJHV ZKLFK , VHH LQ SUHVHQW GD\ SODQQLQJ H[HUFLVH focus or from a niche bank to a universal bank. Subsidiarisation are two-fold. One is the availability of clean and consistent data into ventures like Insurance, Mutual Funds, Factoring, Cards in the desired platform and analysis of the data to draw right etc can be planned through long term plans involving higher inferences. Most of the public sector banks have moved to capital outlay, developing suitable manpower cadre, acquiring core banking solution in last 15 years but even today there are business partners etc. However long term planning also calls challenges in getting very clean and granular data on various aspects of business. The CBS unfortunately captures only for long term commitment of the Top Management which was OLPLWHG DVSHFWV RI FXVWRPHU LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG DOO WKH Ă€HOGV DUH QRW DYDLODEOH WR SXEOLF VHFWRU EDQNV VR IDU LQ PDMRULW\ RI FDVHV not populated. Customer Relationship Management, Business with the tenure of CMD, EDs being less than 3 years. With Analytics, Predictive Analysis are data dependent tools and the implementation of P J Nayak Committee recommendations unless such detailed information is available, Banks will not be and new set of MD & CEOs having at least three years’ time, in a position to analyse the potential of various products and we can expect the banks to go for long term plans for achieving the critical mass. business verticals. Outsourcing of non-core activities and vendor management is another area where I see lot of scope for planning interventions. %DQNV ZLOO QHHG WR FOHDUO\ GHĂ€QH WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI RXWVRXUFLQJ vis-a-vis proprietary machinery for handling various non-core activities.




SPECIAL INTERVIEW Technology is a change propeller. What kind of changes/ transformations you visualize in planning and strategic management through the channel of technology? While there is no substitute for human thinking process and ideation, technology has emerged as a great enabler. The computing and processing power of the machine has made it possible to test the hypothesis with huge amount of data in a fast and accurate manner. Planning functionaries should make use of Data Warehouse and business analytics tools extensively. Experts in strategic management insist that planners should move out of the desk and look beyond research papers to understand the real world. For example, to understand customer experience in banking it is important to interact than to interpret the data. Comment.

minds to higher cadre at a lateral level. We can also think of devising a steady career path for them. Another reason for PDQ\ DUH QRW MRLQLQJ LQ ELJ QXPEHUV LV ZH GR QRW IROORZ WKH CTC system of compensation. Advertisement provides only the salary picture and monetized value of perks are not disclosed. If DZDUHQHVV LV FUHDWHG DERXW WKH IULQJH EHQHÀWV D JRRG QXPEHU ZLOO FRPH WR WKLV ÀHOG +DYLQJ VDLG WKLV WKHUH KDV EHHQ D VHD FKDQJH RYHU WKH \HDUV ZLWK JRRG FDQGLGDWHV MRLQLQJ WKHVH streams in PSBs. Actually, if you look at it dispassionately; the scope to do something is huge in PSBs due to the sheer size. Lack of awareness is a problem here. We can begin by offering LQWHUQVKLSV HWF DQG EULGJH WKH DZDUHQHVV GHÀFLW LQ WKLV UHJDUG

As an expert in strategic planning, how do you visualize the planning exercises in Indian banks in 5-7 years from now-what kind of transformations are likely to take place , IXOO\ DJUHH ZLWK \RX , P\VHOI ZDV D GHVN SODQQHU IRU Ă€UVW to make planning in banks more future-targeting ? \HDUV RI P\ FDUHHU EXW DIWHU VRLOLQJ P\ KDQGV LQ WKH Ă€HOG DV The following transformations are probable. branch manager I gained a 360° perspective. Any plan or policy KDV WR EH DFWLRQDEOH DQG LQWHUDFWLRQ ZLWK FXVWRPHUV DQG Ă€HOG 1. Adoption of analytics platform and cloud in a bigger way staff provide the insights into the total perspective of the issue. 2. Increasing stress on bottom-line rather than top line The planning functionaries working in banks are mostly drawn from the market having specialization in economics / statistics 3. Prominence for sectoral research due to ongoing asset quality problems or Finance etc. However at senior levels, people with knowledge of practical banking make successful planners. 3ODQQLQJ SHUVRQQHO WR FRQVLVW RI H[SHUWV IURP Ă€HOGV VXFK DV ULVN PDQDJHPHQW WUHDVXU\ SURMHFW Ă€QDQFH HWF The forward movement in modern business has competition planning and competition management 5. Fierce competitor analysis and competition management as an essential aspect. Do you see a challenging role for 6. Long term planning as opposed to short term focus. planning experts in banks in this sphere? Yes. Competitor analysis is essentially a planning function. The differentiator is how it is done and its results utilized to advice and aid the Top Management. Let me emphasize one aspect here. Planning need not be restricted to a particular department RU ZLQJ DW WKH KHDGTXDUWHUV RU =RQDO 2IĂ€FHV (YHQ D %UDQFK Head can be a planner. He can map the strategy of competitor banks in his area and adopt strategies accordingly. I feel this is a more apt sort of planning and if such practices are ingrained DFURVV Ă€HOG IXQFWLRQDULHV DV ZHOO WKHUH ZLOO EH D KXJH LPSDFW (QWU\ RI QHZ DQG QLFKH SOD\HUV KDYH PDGH WKH Ă€HOG FKDOOHQJLQJ and now competition management and competitor analysis is an imperative. One more aspect needs emphasis. Sound competition management is not possible unless we do a SWOT DQDO\VLV RI RZQ LQVWLWXWLRQ DQG WKH Ă€UVW WKLQJ LV WR XQGHUVWDQG own institution very well. Best economists and planning experts coming out of our reputed universities and institutions are not joining banks in big numbers. Is there a case for banks to work out ways and means to attract them?

The country is poised for a new higher growth era and banks naturally are likely to have a dynamic role in the task. What, in your view, should be the contribution of the planning wings in banks towards this new opportunity? When the economy is poised for higher growth, banking system will see improvement in asset quality and to that extent WKH VWUHVV RQ SURĂ€WDELOLW\ ZLOO UHGXFH +RZHYHU WKH EDQNLQJ industry is likely to witness a shake up with public sector banks H[SHULHQFLQJ SUHVVXUH IRU HLWKHU LPSURYLQJ WKHLU HIĂ€FLHQF\ RU be ready for consolidation. The planning wings in public sector banks can play a pro-active role by suggesting strategies to the Top Management as to how to salvage the sinking ships. Which core functions banks should focus upon? Which noncore assets banks should get rid of? What strategy be adopted WR LPSURYH WKH HPSOR\HH HIĂ€FLHQF\" +RZ WR UHWDLQ FXVWRPHU" How to improve the cross sell ratio? How to optimize the capital by rebalancing the loan book in favour of lower risk weighted assets? These are some of the areas planning department in PSB will be or should be looking at in the next few years.

It is true that banks are unable to attract the best brains in WKHVH ÀHOGV %XW WKH SUREOHP LV PRUH FUXFLDO IRU 36%V 2QH obvious issue is the pay structure about which little can be done at present. However, we can think of ways to recruit bright

Interview published in BOI Corporate Thought Magazine BOI Guiding Star, Vol. 2, No.4.





The Conference of Chief Executives of Foreign Branches was held at London. (Sitting LtoR) CE Europe Centre Shri Sanjay Pawar, GM (Int.) Shri P K Vartak, MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego, CE US Centre Shri P K Pattanaik. 6WDQGLQJ /WR5 &0 /RQGRQ &( 2IÀFH Shri Vijay M Parlikar, AGM London Branch Shri P K Dwibedi, AGM (Int.) Shri Bikas Chakrabarti, CE Kenya Centre Shri A K Azad, CE Singapore Centre Shri C G Chaitanya, CE Hong Kong Centre Shri SK Verma & SM London CE Shri R P Singh, CE Japan Shri S S Banik, CM London Shri S K Satapathy.

MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego is meeting with local staff of RXU /RQGRQ 2IÀFH %UDQFK

CE European Branches Shri Sanjay Pawar and UK Branch Managers standing in front of the historic building of `Bank RI (QJODQG GXULQJ %XVLQHVV &RQIHUHQFH RI 8. %UDQFK Managers.




Hon. Minister of State for External Affairs General V K Singh was in Nairobi to meet the Indian society; The programme was organized by High commission of India. Mr. Singh interacting with the then CGM & CE Kenya Centre Shri Raj Kamal Verma along with CM Nairobi Branch Shri Manoj Srivastava.

Ø Ø z j ¦ d } q Î | l ¥ « e v v j¦ ¥¨¦ « àj¦ ¸ l i t « | | Û foo §Ø ã Ø j¦ Ü Ù Ü o m } d j¦ f q | Ü | Ü q i àj¦ d { j¦ Ûl x

ED Shri R A Sankara Narayanan, the then CGM & CE Kenya Centre Shri Raj Kamal Verma, CGM (HR) Shri R N Kar, MD BOITL Shri Sanjib Sarkar, Local Directors, IBOs during Board Meet of BOI (Tanzania) Ltd. at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

,QDXJXUDWLRQ FHUHPRQ\ RI RXU C1HZ %UDQFK DW +DPLOWRQ (LtoR) Director, BOI, New Zealand Ltd., Shri Sameer Handa, MP, Ms. Barbara Stewart, MP, Ms. Paramjeet Parmar, MD BOI (New Zealand) Ltd., Shri R A Jha and High Comm. of India to New Zealand Shri Ravi Thapar.

CE European Branches Shri Sanjay Pawar & Manager (AGM) London Branch Shri Pramod Kumar Dwibedi during FHOHEUDWLRQV RI *ORULRXV \HDUV LQ 8. ZLWK 6WDII RI &( RIÀFH and London Branch.

Welcome New General Managers

Retired General Managers Varanasi Nageswara Rao Srimathi Kodumudi Ramaswamy

Mrityunjay Kumar Gupta

Ram Krishna Sinha

We wish them successful career ahead..

m We wish the and a very happy Contended ͘ ƌĞƟƌĞĚ ůŝĨĞ͘​͘ Taarangan




Understanding Security System In The Bank In conversation with The Chief Security 2IĂ€FHU





hri L K Singh, Deputy General Manager & Chief Security 2IÀFHU MRLQHG WKH EDQN RQ +DYLQJ DURXQG \HDUV RI H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH ÀHOG 6KUL 6LQJK ZLWK KLV H[HPSODU\ leadership has done notable works in the Security Department. At present, his responsibilities include the development, implementation and management of the bank’s corporate security vision, strategy and programs alongside strategizing to direct staff in identifying, developing, implementing and maintaining security processes across the bank to reduce risks & respond to incidents etc. To understand the overall security aspects of our bank, we had a small conversation with 6KUL / . 6LQJK &KLHI 6HFXULW\ 2IÀFHU KHUH DUH WKH H[FHUSWV RI WKH interview: Q. 6LU ÀUVWO\ WKDQN \RX IRU \RXU WLPH )RU WKH EHQHÀW RI RXU readers, can you please elaborate on the security aspects of the %DQN LQFOXGLQJ GLVDVWHU DQG ÀUH VDIHW\ PDQDJHPHQW DORQJ ZLWK manpower requirement etc.? A. Our Bank has very robust security arrangements at our branches/ RIÀFHV $OO QHFHVVDU\ VHFXULW\ HTXLSPHQWV KDYH EHHQ SURYLGHG 7RS Management of the Bank is aware of the need and very proactively provides all necessary guidelines and support to the department. 2XU %DQN LV WKH ÀUVW %DQN WR DSSRLQW 'LVDVWHU 0DQDJHUV WDNLQJ LQWR FRQVLGHUDWLRQ WKH ORFDWLRQ RI EUDQFKHV RIÀFHV ZKLFK DUH SURQH WR DOO kinds of disaster. $W SUHVHQW RXU %DQN KDV ÀYH 'LVDVWHU 0DQDJHUV SRVWHG DW +HDG 2IÀFH and NBGs. They proactively advise the zones/branches about disaster SUHSDUHGQHVV %DQN KDV DSSRLQWHG D )LUH 2IÀFHU DQG KH LV SRVWHG DW +HDG 2IÀFH +H ORRNV DIWHU WKH ÀUHÀJKWLQJ DUUDQJHPHQWV RI DOO WKH KLJK ULVH EXLOGLQJV RI WKH %DQN +H YLVLWV DQG DGYLVHV WKH ]RQHV DERXW ÀUH safety preparedness. $V RQ GDWH WKH %DQN KDV JRW 6HFXULW\ 2IÀFHUV 'LVDVWHU 0DQDJHUV DQG )LUH 2IÀFHU ZKR DUH ORRNLQJ DIWHU WKH VHFXULW\ GLVDVWHU ÀUH UHTXLUHPHQW RI WKH %DQN *HWWLQJ H[SHULHQFHG PDQSRZHU LV GLIÀFXOW EXW WKHQ LW LV RXU HQGHDYRU WR DSSRLQW PRUH PHPEHUV RI VHFXULW\ RIÀFHUV VR WKDW DOO WKH ]RQHV DUH SURYLGHG ZLWK RQH VHFXULW\ RIÀFHU +5 GHSDUWPHQW of the Bank is appraised of the shortage and they are taking necessary VWHSV WR UHFUXLW PRUH VHFXULW\ RIÀFHUV Q. What, in your, view are the present issues in Banks security management? A. The main security issue to my mind is the security awareness amongst our Bank staff. It has been seen that Bank has lost considerable amount of money due to sheer negligence of our staff e.g. There are clear cut guidelines that the Bank cashier when he/she is inside the cash cabin, he/she must keep the door of the cabin always locked and he/she should not indulge in unnecessary conversation with any customer. But it is still not being followed. Q. How security management is important in Banks at various levels? Is security a key element in measuring a Banks competence level? A. Since Banks deal in cash in physical form, security management at branches is very important in Banks. There are anti-social elements waiting to attack a bank branch which is weak in security, therefore, Bank Management have to give due importance to Bank security. Increase of any physical crime occurring against a Bank apart from the cash going to wrong hands, the reputation of the Bank

also takes a beating and it has been observed that due to such reasons about 5% business by customers is closed in the branch.

Q. What are going to be the ‘challenge areas’ in Bank's security LQ WKH QH[W Ă€YH \HDUV " $ 0DMRU FKDOOHQJHV ZKLFK , IRUHVHH LQ FRPLQJ \HDUV LQ %DQN V VHFXULW\ DUH a) Sophistication of weapons and tools being used by criminals to attack a bank branch and Bank not being able to match them. b) Lack of alertness on the part of branch staff towards security. Which will nullify the preparedness at branch level? c) Non upgradation of security equipment like safe strong room door by the Bank which are out dated. This will increase the cases of burglary attempt of cutting of safes, locker in Bank branches etc. d) Banks being complicit that cash of Bank is ensured not bothering for the repel loss of the bank. Q. What kind of conceptual and administrative awakening is required to cope up with the future security challenges in Bank? How much equipped is our Bank for future challenges. A. Security should be taken as a support system which augments the main function of the Bank and not as a hindrance, it provides a safe working condition to Bank staff and customer to transact their business without fear in a branch of the Bank. I must say that Top Management in our Bank is very receptive to the security needs and has been approving the upgradation of security infrastructure on regular basis. I feel proud to state that security arrangements in our Bank are one of the best amongst all Banks in the Banking industry. Q. How to make security measures in Banks more employee friendly and customer reaching?

A. Some of the security points, which will help the bank staff and customer, are:a) Security should been seen as a friend and not foe. b) It should be brought to the knowledge of bank staff and customer that security arrangement in a branch is for their protection and not obstacle in the functioning of the branch. c) Security equipment installed in the branches should always work and should be user friendly which a bank staff may XVH ZLWKRXW PXFK GLIĂ€FXOW\ d) Correct use of security practices by EDQN VWDII ZLOO UHGXFH FULPH LQ %DQN V branches. Q. Generally speaking security management in Banks remains somewhat isolated apparently because of its secluded nature. How to make it an integral part of management? A. Somehow I do not agree to the term isolated. Banks Top Management is very much aware about the importance of security in Banks and they have supported the security department whether it has EHHQ SURFXUHPHQW RI MXVWLĂ€HG VHFXULW\ equipment or conduct of training programme and seminars. They have been addressing the participants showing their support in strengthening of security arrangements in the Bank. Q. Sir, you are retiring in January, as a senior executive with an admirable track record of service in many aspects of security management, can you tell something on your experience in WKLV VSKHUH IRU WKH EHQHĂ€W RI VHFXULW\ RIĂ€FHUV LQ WKH %DQN" A. Having worked from grass root level i.e from zone and then to Head 2IĂ€FH GXULQJ P\ \HDUV SOXV VHUYLFH , PXVW VD\ WKDW VHFXULW\ RIĂ€FHUV VKRXOG endeavor to be accepted by the Zonal/ Regional Managers as part of their team and they should not keep themselves DORRI 6HFXULW\ 2IĂ€FHU VKRXOG EH UHDG\ WR take on any other responsibility given by the Zonal/Regional Manager depending upon the nature of urgency. Thus they will be accepted by the Zonal/Regional Manager and not isolated.

Security should be taken as a support system which augments the main function of the Bank and not as a hindrance, it provides a safe working condition to Bank staff and customer to transact their business without fear in a branch of the Bank. I will narrate three incidents, which established the creditability of Security 2IÀFHUV LQ RXU %DQN 'XULQJ HDUWKTXDNH LQ %KXM LQ -DQXDU\ D WHDP RI VHFXULW\ RIÀFHUV ZDV GLVSDWFKHG WR %KXM QH[W GD\ IURP +HDG 2IÀFH WR VXSHUYLVH the rescue operations and to ensure safety of the entire Bank staff and their family and property of the Bank. Our %DQN EUDQFKHV ZHUH ÀUVW WR VWDUW VNHOHWRQ operations within a week and all staff and their families were provided all help needed. 'XULQJ à RRGV LQ 6ULQDJDU 6HFXULW\ 2IÀFHU RI WKH FRQFHUQHG ]RQH ZDV ÀUVW to reach the affected area for supervising à RRG UHVFXH RSHUDWLRQV During cyclone in Eastern/Southern part RI WKH FRXQWU\ 6HFXULW\ 2IÀFHU 'LVDVWHU Managers have reached to the affected zone and provided all necessary help to branches as required. Whenever there has been an urgent UHTXLUHPHQW RXU VHFXULW\ RIÀFHUV KDYH risen to the occasion and helped the Bank in overcoming the situation. :KHQ , OD\ GRZQ P\ RIÀFH LQ -DQXDU\ , VKDOO EH OHDYLQJ DV D VDWLVÀHG man and having a satisfaction that I could contribute towards improvement of security and safety of the Bank and its staff/customers with full support and FRRSHUDWLRQ IURP P\ VHFXULW\ RIÀFHUV GLVDVWHU PDQDJHUV ÀUH RIÀFHU Interviewed by: SM Shakeel, Editor




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}™›„�jŒ™„ AWARDS

Bank’s Star House-2 conferred with LEED Indian for NC Gold AWARD 2015 (LtoR) CM Shri K S Varadarajan, DGM Shri V H Karandikar, SM Shri Deepak Awasthi, MD & CEO Shri Melwyn Rego, ED Shri B P Sharma, GM Shri S K Kasliwal, CM Shri S K Pal, GM Shri S N Salian, AGM Shri P K Sharma, SM Shri Amit Diwedi.

Bank conferred with the Best Bank Award under category “Use of Technology for Financial Inclusion among Large Banks for the year 2014-15�.

GM (Financial Inclusion) Shri S Palanivel receiving award and FHUWLĂ€FDWH DW WKH KDQGV RI *RYHUQHU 5%, Shri Raghuram Rajan

Bank’s Star House-2 at Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai has successfully achieved the Green Building Standards and has been conferred with LEED India for New Construction Gold Award 2015 under the leadership in Energy and Environment Design (IGBC’s LEED) for India Green Building Rating System.

BOI In-House Magazine `Taarangan' conferred with `Best In-House Magazine Award' by CMO Asia at Singapore

CGM (HR) Shri Radha Nath Kar receiving award from Founder, RGF Management Search, India Dr. Sanjay Muthal, at Singapore on 11th August, 2015.

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BOI Chandigarh Zone awarded in a event of BOI AXA Mutual Fund in 100 crores Business. In the pic left to Right, Sh. Ravinder Yadav (Sr. Manager, Marketing), Sh. Mukesh Kumar (Branch Head BOI AXA Chandigarh), Sh. Bhupinder Singh (Zonal Manager, Chandigarh), Sh. Kailash Nath Verma (Dy. Zonal Manager, Chandigarh).




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RRN DW DQ\ REMHFW EHIRUH \RX ,W will have some history. If you WUDFH WKH KLVWRU\ \RX¡OO Ă€QG WKDW it was somebody’s imagination which OHG WR GHYHORSPHQW RI WKH REMHFW The original product might have got PRGLĂ€HG VHYHUDO WLPHV WR WDNH WKH VKDSH LW LV KDYLQJ WRGD\ %XW WKH Ă€UVW FUHGLW should go to the person who conceived the idea. Somebody thought of a unit like bank and today we all are working in such organization. In the same way someone thought of electricity which has become part and parcel of our lives. All these examples can be related to creativity. In fact human creativity has been the driving force behind all the inventions and progress in the world. ,W LV LQGHHG GLIĂ€FXOW WR LPDJLQH KRZ the world would have been, if human beings were not endowed with the trait of creativity. Many people have the impression that the resource of creativity is not available to everyone. They think in terms of either or. Either one is creative or not creative. Such thinking leads them to believe that painters, artists, writers, PXVLFLDQV Ă€OP PDNHUV DQG RWKHU such people are the only examples of creative persons. But this belief needs to be examined. Of course artists and musicians etc. are perfect examples of creative people but it doesn’t mean that other people don’t possess creativity. Psychologists and behavioural scientists DUH RI WKH Ă€UP RSLQLRQ WKDW WKH WUDLW RI creativity is available with every human being on this earth. Like many other




personal qualities or traits some people may be more creative than others. It also matters how far one is ready to unleash her or his creative potential. So the element of creativity is within all of us. The need is to recognize it and use it wherever it can make meaningful and positive contribution for self and for the world surrounding us. Why our FUHDWLYLW\ GRHVQ¡W Ă RXULVK KDV D VLPSOH reason. In the childhood our curiosity makes us to explore things but instead of being encouraged we’re often told to stop our experiments and explorations. It is quite usual for parents to keep telling their children -don’t do this, don’t do that and restricting them in one or more ways. All this has a role in stopping us from thinking of and trying new things. Not all but few people overcome this to use their creativity to fullest. Even if you never thought of being creative now is the time to do so. When we use creativity,we create opportunities all around us. Creativity can be applied LQ VLPSOH WKLQJV OLNH KRZ WR Ă€QG PRUH time to spend with your family or how to upgrade the customer service standards of your branch, etc. When you start thinking such things, you’ll come across a number of solutions few of which can be implementable. Creative thinking takes you out of playing a passive role. It stimulates your mind to come out with new ideas. This activeness brings in you a strong sense of responsibility and you feel that you’re

In the childhood our curiosity makes us to explore things but instead of being encouraged we’re often told to stop our experiments and explorations. It is quite usual for parents to keep telling their children -don’t do this, don’t do that and restricting them in one or more ways. in control of your life. The strong sense of initiative helps you in becoming an optimist because with your creativity, \RX KDYH WKH FRQÀGHQFH RI ÀQGLQJ solutions to problems which come in your way. You make things happen. By making use of your creative faculty you open up a new space for yourself which is like a new world for you. You can invite other trusted people in this world WR PDNH WKLV MRXUQH\ LQWHUHVWLQJ DQG HQMR\DEOH <RX DOVR OHDUQ LQ WKH SURFHVV which makes you practical and mature. Creative thinking leads to constructive conversations and explorations. Your organization, society and the world PD\ EH WKH XOWLPDWH EHQHÀFLDU\ Like has been said before, creativity does not need to be imported. It is already within us. The need is to grow and nurture it. In order to make our FUHDWLYLW\ à RXULVK ZH DOVR QHHG WR overcome the obstacles which stops us from being creative. Some of these obstacles are – Fear of failure: Many people are afraid to use their creativity because they always want to be sure of success. Since coming out with a new idea is not the guarantee that it will always succeed, they don’t want to take a chance. Such people love to live and work on borrowed ideas. Not being ready to face ambiguity: Some people see the world and what happens in it as either being right or wrong, black or white. Going by this, for them a person is intelligent or

KNOWLEDGE PLUS foolish, happy or sad etc. In problem solving these people rush in and try WR ÀQG D VROXWLRQ ZLWKRXW ERWKHULQJ WR GHÀQH WKH SUREOHP VLWXDWLRQ 7KH\ don’t want to deal with complexity or ambiguity. Desire for quick success: Every motivated person tries to give her or his best. This motivation is good but sometimes people become too much result oriented. This obsession and the tension accompanied with this lowers the productivity and people end up performing far below their actual FDSDELOLWLHV 7KLV ORZHUV WKH FRQÀGHQFH of the person. In totality such behavior

questioning attitude. Underestimating our capabilities: One reason why people fail to realize their creative potential is that they don’t believe to possess it. The thought that creativity is available to only senior, H[SHULHQFHG RU KLJKO\ TXDOLĂ€HG SHRSOH is unfounded. Even a child can be creative and so can be a person who GRHVQ¡W KDYH DQ\ VSHFLDO TXDOLĂ€FDWLRQ Let us not undermine our creative prowess. We can start with small MRXUQH\V WR H[SORUH H[FHOOHQFH WKURXJK creativity. It is true that everyone cannot be creative in equal measure. Some people

handed, sometimes try to do some of your work with left hand and viceversa, sometimes walk backwards. Such activities will require your brain to work more and this way its capacity to think of new and creative ideas will increase. )LQG WLPH WR WKLQN UHà HFW Creativity requires time and space. At work, we’re getting busier than ever leaving us lesser time which we can call free. The work –life balance is gradually tilting in favour of work. Day and night put together we all have 24 hours daily RU KRXUV LQ D ZHHN :LWKLQ WKLV we’ve to allot some time for creative thinking and exploration to make

Negative thinking harms us in many ways. It brings us disappointment. We repeatedly think of what bad has happened to us and in some cases of our perceived helplessness. By being a positive thinker we keep bad happenings in backyard, take control of situations and move forward. may be detrimental to creativity and creative thinking. Aversion to criticism: The general belief is that most people are averse to change. So it is embedded in our culture to criticize or resist new ideas. People welcome appreciation and are averse to criticism. This aversion desists people to come out with something new or radical.The inventions which are highly popular today were ridiculed by many in the beginning. Creativity requires persistence and one should not be afraid of criticism when following the path of creativity. Unwillingness to ask questions: Many people accept things as they are. They don’t ask ‘why’ or ‘how’. Such unwillingness to ask questions can be due to laziness or lack of curiosity. Creativity is meant to provide solutions. To solve a problem we require knowledge which can be obtained through putting up questions. In our upbringing, most of the times, we have been discouraged to ask questions. To become creative we need to develop a

will be more creative, some less and few will never think of being creative. Creativity is also related to motivation. If somebody has the motivation to become creative the following strategies may be of helpDon’t get too obsessed with a problem: Instead of harping on the problem, it is more practical to think of solutions. One should also remember the observation made by famous philosopher and scientist –‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.’ So in certain situations, it is important to see beyond the obvious and outside the frame. Make your brain more active: Creative ideas come from your brain. By making your brain more active you’ll enhance your chances of being creative. Our routine and regular activities condition our brain to a larger extent and unless something new comes up the brain works in a subtle manner. To come out of this conditioning the brain has to work more. If you’re right

things better for us and others. Develop positive thinking: Negative thinking harms us in many ways. It brings us disappointment. We repeatedly think of what bad has happened to us and in some cases of our perceived helplessness. By being a positive thinker we keep bad happenings in backyard, take control of situations and move forward. Such thinking leads to hopes and possibilities which is the foundation of creative thinking and visualization. By being constructively creative we can be more useful for the organization, society and the world. Does that not provide enough ground to be creative?

Vijay Prakash Srivastava Mumbai North Service Hub




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Lucknow Zone-distribution of food items

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Bhubneshwar Zone

Brihingam Branch, UK



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Solapur Zone

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Free Health Checkup Camp Navi Mumbai Zone

Blood Donation Camp-Goa Zone

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Bangalore Zone - Felicitation of diamond customer

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Bangalore Zone




FOOD FOR THOUGHT propriety consumer electronics and providing cloud computing services. Disruption has been a key word in the ever evolving global economy with integration of ideas and process made possible by technological advancements. The innovation that helps create a new market by applying a different set of ideals and unexpectedly overtaking an existing market or create a new marketplace has been termed as Disruptive Innovation. This idea was coined by Clayton M. Christensen in technological terms as Disruptive Technologies in his 1995 article Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave.



Technology has always been the upstart point for PDMRULW\ RI QHZ DJH GLVUXSWLYH innovations. Technology helps in cutting unnecessary clutter in processes, providing lean solutions, back – testing of products VHUYLFHV LQ GHÀQHG WLPH IUDPHV DQG HIÀFLHQWO\ UHDFKLQJ WKH HQG XVHU


e t ’s start with a question from Tata Crucible – A reputed B – School oriented quiz show. This is a 20 year old company with revenue from operation RI 86' ELOOLRQ FXVWRPHU base of more than 244 million, branded presence in 13 countries and virtual reach across the world. This company was incorporated with the name ‘Cadabra’ and started as an online bookstore. You may well have deciphered by now that we are talking about the mighty Amazon. Amazon is considered as a Specialized Disruptive Innovator. A disruptive innovation initially offers a lower performance according to the mainstream market has historically demanded without providing new attributes, which in turn




makes it prosper in new markets.

Disruptive Innovations in Developed and Emerging Markets

Another researcher, Constantinos & 0DUNLGHV UHà HFWV RQ 'LVUXSWLYH Amazon started as a Low Innovation being credited to have End disruptor focused led Japan’s dramatic economic on serving the least development since World War II. SURÀWDEOH SDWURQ ZKR Japanese companies like Nippon is happy with a decent Steel, Sony, Canon, etc began offering quality product but is inexpensive products initially with averse to paying premium inferior quality to their western for enhanced quality competitors. Eventually, they began to or functionality. While move to up market and increased their creating a foothold, margin while pushing competitors out it revolutionized the of the market. book market using online sales and created In the age of Industrialization, a new market for developed world had an advantage over online books. It soon non – industrialized nations. Presently, GLYHUVLÀHG LQ VHOOLQJ D technological advancement and close variety of consumer integration of globe has presented goods, producing opportunities to the emerging countries

to reinvent the wheel of products and services. So let us examine the advantage of technology and low cost innovation be a game changer in the contour of Disruptive Innovations

Disruption has been a key word in the ever evolving Global Economy with integration of ideas and process made possible by technological advancements.

Example in Developed market In 1993, Continental Airlines Inc. created a separate subsidiary called Continental Lite and set about to capture market share in the low-cost, no-frills, airline market that Southwest Airlines Co. had pioneered. Unfortunately for Continental, the strategy adopted by its Lite subsidiary was virtually a replica of the Southwest strategy. As a result, it failed to make inroads, and Continental shut the unit down in 1994. European airline companies like British Airways (with its Go Fly subsidiary) and KLM (with its Buzz subsidiary) had similar experiences and ended up selling or shutting down their operations within a few years of entry. Similar example Markets



i) Cost innovation Business model innovation pursued through a series of process innovations that allow companies to serve large markets with low margins instead of competing with the incumbents serving high-end markets with higher margin. The competition is thus on volume rather than on margins. What Amazon has done to book shops and consumer GXUDEOH UHWDLOHU FDQ EH FODVVLÀHG XQGHU this cost innovation with limited margins. ii) Creating new market Disruptors can have an edge over incumbent by creating innovative markets for re-invented product and services. For instance, music has a special place in every society. It has been recorded and was available in Vinyl records, Audio tapes which were disrupted by CDs and DVDs which were again disrupted by ITunes. A QHZ GLVUXSWLRQ LQ WKLV ÀHOG LV JDLQLQJ momentum in the form of cloud music or streaming by companies like Spotify, Saavn or Apple music.

An Indian Airline - Jet Airways launched a low cost carrier - Jet Lite in 2007 by taking over Air Sahara for capturing the low cost carrier market space having the highest occupancy to compete with pioneers in India airspace like Air Deccan, SpiceJet, GoAir. With similar strategy to existing players, it failed to FDSWXUH PDUNHW VKDUH SURÀWDEO\ DQG was merged with its another subsidiary These advantages have been also – Jet Konnect in 2012 which eventually wiped out with the Incumbents taking Disruptors hands on in following got merged with Jet Airways in 2014. instances: These instances also show that replicating business models of The razor market leader Gillette faced a disruptors may be detrimental for disruptor in low cost disposable razors brought in the market by Bic during businesses. 1970s. Market share of Bic reached a Journey from being Disruptor to KLJK RI GXULQJ V *LOOHWWH becoming Incumbent acted by bringing its product range of The real test of disruptors is to capture inexpensive disposable razors and new developed market by increasing market brands like Fusion, Mac 3, etc their product quality and close the to eclipse the threat of Bic altogether. performance gap. There are two key The Japanese watchmakers entered ways to do this: the watch market in 1970s with

inexpensive watches as compared to Swiss watchmakers. This competition created low cost Swatch watches which erased the price advantage of Japanese watches. It also created never aspiration for design, style and quality. The home gaming console market had forgotten Nintendo with advent of Sony’s Play Station and Microsoft’s X Box. The huge technological advancement and superiority of hardware was creating a disruption effect over Nintendo. It came up with Nintendo Wii - a concept of family Entertainment by developing consoles supporting simple, real – life games played by all members of the family irrespective of age group. This not only increased penetration of Wii in households but also opened a new market of family entertainment. Considering ever changing dynamics of society and economy, there is a developing overlap between Disruptors DQG ,QFXPEHQW 7KHUH LV GHÀQLWHO\ QR ÀQDO VROXWLRQ WR WKLV FRQGLWLRQ DQG both seems to be co – exist in the same market. Kirana stores may co – exist by reinventing themselves as E – grocers and Big Bazaars of the world have to reinvent with niche segments like Food Halls. A half glass paradox may be the best lesson learnt.

Saurabh Tripathi Treasury Branch +HDG 2IĂ€FH





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which is responsible for conduct of the pilgrimage. Gangtok is at a height of 5400 ft. Next day we moved to a place called made my application to Ministry 15 Miles which is at a height of 10400 ft of External Affairs in February and medical tests were conducted to test after checking its requirements for BP and oxygen levels. Depending upon eligibility like having valid passport, age need, yatris were given medicines and up to 70 and free from any life threatening advised to consume lot of warm water disease etc. Not being ready to face rigors and take rest. Next day all were asked of High altitude stay, my better half opted to do easy walk and tests were repeated. out but encouraged me to go ahead. My Stay is in dormitories generally and can children too were a motivating force. My be termed as satisfactory with clean and QDPH ÀJXUHG LQ WKH OLVW RI VHOHFWHG comfortable bedding and toilet facilities. for pilgrimage in 5 groups of 50 each Contact with the outside world through DQG , VHQW P\ FRQÀUPDWLRQ ZLWKRXW D phones becomes minimal as signals are wink. Dates were conveyed and I booked feeble and available at few corners in the P\ WLFNHWV WR 'HOKL IRU ÀQDO VHOHFWLRQ area. The cost of the trip was put at apps. After spending two nights, we shifted to a ` 200,000/ ( ` two lacs). still higher altitude known as Sherathang MEA made arrangements for stay in which is at a height of over 15000 ft and *XMDUDWL 6DPDM IUHH RI FRVW IRU DOO EXW this took us closer to Nathula Border with were given the option to stay wherever China. Weather conditions became severe one chooses. Staying together was a boon and pressure on lungs further increased. DV LW WRRN FDUH RI ORJLVWLFV HWF 2I WKH Tests were conducted repeatedly and ZKR UHSRUWHG LQ 'HOKL ZHUH JLYHQ precautions were recommended to many go ahead after strenuous medical tests and medicines too were given by doctors in Delhi Heart and Lung Institute and of ITBP. Stay arrangements were quite evaluation by doctors of base Hospital of comfortable and kitchen arrangements ITBP (Indo Tibetian Border Police). We were excellent. This place has a Gurdwara were told about high altitude diseases and which is managed by ITBP. Next day we precautions to be taken. Some medicines were taken to a lake for a visit and also were prescribed to be kept by everybody. some walking. This total stay of 4 days at %HIRUH GHSDUWXUH 0($ GLG EULHÀQJ IRU two different places is for acclimatization all of us since we were going to a foreign at high altitude and observing physical land as representatives of our country. ÀWQHVV RI HDFK %HKDYLRUDO FKDQJHV DUH We were advised to abide by decision of closely observed which happen in few /LDLVRQ 2IÀFHU ZKR KDSSHQHG WR EH D cases on account of reduced level of oxygen reaching brain. Road conditions serving DIG in ITBP. on Indian side of the borders are not 2Q UG -XO\ ZH à HZ WR %DJGRJUD good and sometime scary as well. On from where we were taken in buses to reaching other side of the border the Gangtok by STDC (Sikkim Tourism comparison becomes more stark as their Development Corporation) for stay in border infrastructure is way ahead of us their hotel overnight. STDC is the agency and roads are no less than highways.





2Q WK -XO\ ZH FURVVHG RYHU WR &KLQD IRU RXU MRXUQH\ WR WKH EDVH FDPS DW Darchan which is at a distance of over of 1500 Kms from border. Journey is completed in 4 days in very comfortable YHKLFOHV EXW VRPHWLPHV GLIĂ€FXOW environments and logistics particularly relating to toilet facilities and absence of hot water for taking bath. In fact after crossing a place Lazi at a distance of nearly 500 Kms, it is almost impossible WR KDYH EDWK IRU GD\V WLOO UHWXUQ WR /D]L ZKHUH IXOO Ă HGJHG KRWHO IDFLOLWLHV are made available. Toilet facilities are of squatting type and uncomfortable except in Lazi. Readers are advised to carry foldable western commode if they undertake this pilgrimage, in case their knees are not strong enough. Real yatra begins on reaching darchen as the earlier SDUW ZDV HLWKHU SUHSDUDWLRQ RU MRXUQH\ WR base camp. Darchan is at a height of 15322 ft and Chinese authorities are in the process of GHYHORSLQJ IXOO Ă HGJHG KRWHO IDFLOLWLHV Except for hot bath, night stay is quite comfortable. Kailash is visible and does not look far away creating an illusion of nearness. A small bag-pack with a maximum weight of 5 kg is prepared by each one to be carried to next destination with the help of porter or self. Other accompanying belongings are left in 'DUFKDQ $OVR WKRVH ZKR DUH IRXQG XQĂ€W are made to stay back in Darchan and UHMRLQ \DWUD RQ UHWXUQ RI RWKHUV DIWHU days. Two of our co- Yatris were found XQĂ€W DQG KHQFH OHIW EHKLQG Next day those cleared for Parikarma head to Yamdwar where porter and pony are arranged according to need and booking made in advance. Yatra head towards Deraphuk at a distance of 12 Km either on foot or ponies.


The track is leveled but rocky and the SDWK LV FRYHUHG ZLWK PDJQLĂ€FHQW URFN cliffs around. By evening Yatra reaches Deraphuk and here Kailash is the closest and the view clearest one can have during Parikrma. Stay is in temporary structures. Physical discomfort increases manifold because of low oxygen and weather conditions. However view of Kailash in its pristine glory helps in alleviating the GLIĂ€FXOWLHV 0RVW RI WKH \DWULV VSHQG QLJKW sitting or talking. Next day Yatra leaves for Dolma Pass ZKLFK LV DW D KHLJKW RI IW ZKLFK is the maximum to be encountered. However there is no stay there and all are required to climb down immediately as the stay,even for an hour, can be perilous. The climb down is the most dangerous part of Parikrma and this needs lot of care and handholding for many. Gaurikund associated with Goddess Parvati is emerald green and its water is considered sacred. By evening Yatra reaches Zunzhui for night stay. Next day we headed to Darchan in buses which are boarded after walking around 6 Kms on slippery but beautiful terrain. On the same day Yatra headed to QUGU which is on the banks of Mansarover for stay of two nights. Mansarover is at the foot of Kailash range of mountains and is as beautiful DV RQH FDQ LPDJLQH 7KH ODNH LV NP in circumference and changes its colors every moment in the presence of sun and clouds. The changes are unforgettable by

the beholder of the site. Water is generally LFH FROG 6LWH RI .DLODVK DQG LWV UHà HFWLRQ in the lake, as and when sky is clear of clouds, is the one which every devotee and nature lover would carry back embedded deep in his/her soul. While dip in the holy water is permitted, use of any soap/ or washing is strictly prohibited. 3RRMD ZDV SHUIRUPHG E\ RXU JURXS RQ the banks of the lake with Kailash in full view in front. This marked the end of our wonderful and soul searching pilgrimage to Kailash Mansarover. (YHU\RQH IHOW EOHVVHG DQG VDWLVÀHG WKDW weather conditions remained helpful and unhindered view of both Kailash & Mansarover was made possible. Return MRXUQH\ VWDUWHG IROORZLQJ WKH VDPH URXWH and Lazi was the place which everyone waited to refresh and restore connection WR WKH RXWVLGH ZRUOG XVLQJ ZL À

Readers have to make their own choices depending upon their fitness and determination before considering this pilgrimage.

high altitude acclimatization is sudden and not gradual which happens when route through Lipulekh in Uttrakhand is taken. Readers have to make their own FKRLFHV GHSHQGLQJ XSRQ WKHLU ÀWQHVV and determination before considering this pilgrimage. The big take away is that one should not fear embarking on this pilgrimage even in advance age of up to LI SK\VLFDO ÀWQHVV LV QRW D ELJ LVVXH and willingness is there to bear some Sikkim Tourism Development discomfort. Advice of the doctors should Corporation (STDC) made excellent always be the deciding factor.It will be of arrangements to enable us to see some great help if appropriate preparations are parts of Sikkim. One can even think of made in advance and much needed Yoga staying back in Sikkim and spend few exercises are regularly done, particularly GD\V WR HQMR\ WKH JUHHQHU\ DQG EHDXW\ RI relating to deep breathing, which will WKH DUHD (YHQ 'DUMHHOLQJ LV DOVR QRW IDU be of enormous help in high altitude away. We returned to Delhi and parted areas. The pilgrimage is a paradise for for our different destinations with a those who are nature lovers and fond JUHDW IHHOLQJ RI IXOÀOOPHQW DQG D ELW RI of photography. It will be still better if Triumph. MEA handed over to each a this pilgrimage is done in the company of young children who will, besides FHUWLÀFDWH IRU FRPSOHWLRQ RI SLOJULPDJH helping elders, shall have the chance to It was a pilgrimage which I consider as know reach of our culture and also see more exciting than anticipated but also un-polluted nature at its best. more taxing physically for many than they had bargained for, as the discomforts, at times, can be extreme. It was also a test of RQHV SK\VLFDO ÀWQHVV besides motivation, without which even WKH ÀWWHVW PD\ JLYH up. Though walking is less on this route but physical Anil Kumar Jalota discomforts can be General Manager (Retd.) more for some as Mumbai






BCD……. Are having different meanings for different professionals. For Bankers the following may be useful in daily banking life.


ctivate your creativity for works & duties allocated to you. And be alert always. Account opening & adding more customers to the banking system. This adds quality ÀJXUHV LQ \RXU EUDQFK SHUIRUPDQFH and into your banking careers. $XGLWRUV DFW DV FOHDQVHUV UHFWLÀHUV of branches and also to the branch managers.


usiness development activities to be worked out & done always. Balance sheet analysis is key factor in loan and advances system. Banking and more related activities.


ustomers! Only customers & nothing more ! Customer – care, customer- facing, customerretention, customer- problems, customer-love & all the other possible menus of customers in future. Our




main raw materials are customers who bring cash into banking system. Always maintain the quality as well as quantity of the customers.

may be the end for one day, but Debt- recovery is an ongoing process LQ WKH EUDQFK PDQDJHU V PLQG LQ dreams also.



ata Centre activities ! Very much challenging ! If you are at Data Centre, yyou will face unlimited phone calls from branches for misc. problems. If at branches, uncountable challenges of no connectivity and work class not VXIÀFLHQW QR SKRQH SLFNXS SLFNXS at Data Centre. DAYEND

xchange earning risk in foreign exchange. Elasticity of dealing in WKLV ÀHOG LV KLJKO\ UHTXLUHG J \ T




their depositors very well, but after atio analysis & other study of IXOÀOOPHQW RI DOO WKH .<& QRUPV WKH\ RWKHU ÀQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWV IRU D LB – The facebook of a are unable to control NPA. quality assets management. Retention branch. Always require a of better customers is always quality care. ove of loan & advances ! Lien challenging. & hypothecation ! Learning & ealth code of loan & advances proceeding towards a better banking anction, scrutiny security of loan. accounts ! Always creates career. The main & challenging work of tension for branch managers. Head branch heads. The assets quality of 2IÀFH FUHGLW GHSW =RQDO 2IÀFH DQG oney matters and management the branch starts from this stage. Auditors are always hammering …… of assets of banks. Banker is Help –Desk portal is always available always thinking of saving his own urn around time (TAT). Already without providing any help to the PRQH\ DQG H[SHQGLQJ %DQN V PRQH\ in use but never applicable. EUDQFK RIÀFLDOV wherever possible. Only the bankers know it, not the borrowers. Transfers, promotions, -link in all the computers activities. PA ! The negative villain, the postings transactions in daily life. You cannot proceed the daily SURÀW HDWLQJ PRQN RI WKH Many are applicable in our life also. transaction without this icon. It also banking system. A matter of concern advises to maintain our own Eye-link IURP +HDG 2IÀFH OHYHO WR %UDQFK nfortunate incidents in the towards branch security and other level. Bankers always work to reduce banking system. Frauds, dacoity, aspects. its size, but it is very much powerful thefts, cash losses etc. Be always alert to make sick of the whole banking and save yourself and bank also. ack of all trades but master of industry as well as the bankers also. none. Most of the bankers are ery – very important instructions always passing through this through from HO /ZO – Be careful at pening of accounts is opening out the banking careers. WKH ZD\ RI RSHUDWLRQDO SURÀW \RXU ZRUN 0RQH\ LV ÀUH EDQNHUV Open a lot of quality accounts on DUH SOD\LQJ ZLWK ÀUH 7LJKWHQ \RXUV YC ! The most important word as well as branch security specially dailyy basis, but follow the operational p of the banking industry. Bankers during business hours. instructions from higher author authorities. k n o w lanning Dept of bank ! Ava Available RUN DQG LWV ÁRZ PXVW supplier be towards business at all the level ! It is the su of all the unachievable budgets but it development. hardly plan plans the – The unknown ! The future manpower manpow in PHQXV RI ÀQDFOH the bran branches. early closing and year to year uarterly ua progress in banking business, clo closing banking careers. challenges of one activities in clearing work at ba the banking branch level. s stem. This mea sy system. measures our performanc performances at all levels. oreign exchange activities.















Nandkishore Ram Prajapati Hingoli Branch Solapur Zone





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Rajasthan Zone ZM Shri S N Kaimal, DZM Shri V N Mathur, *6 5DMDVWKDQ 8QLW Shri Bhawani Singh Chauhan at the release of ERRNOHW RQ WK %LSDUWLWH 6HWWOHPHQW SUHSDUHG E\ 5DMDVWKDQ 8QLW

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t has been a great experience spending long 36 years of active life with our mother institution BOI. Post retirement life looks to be more challenging yet charming. With lot of time in hand for any kind of activities. starting with a morning walk, meeting friends and colleagues, sharing each others pleasure and pain, happiness and woes.


Focus and go after your goals/dreams.

Always have the right attitude to meet the challenges and obstacles in life. Right attitude builds your belief system DQG LQFUHDVH \RXU FRQÀGHQFH DQG energy level. Improve your attitude and you will attract success.



Saying goes. Health is Wealth. To boost Lots of enthusiasm, confusion and your performance and personality you apparent desperations / frustrations have to take care of your health.We loom large in our individual life. Many normally take our physical and mental of us feel that life is complicated and health for granted. Take care and offer OLYLQJ D VLPSOH OLIH LV SHUKDSV GLIÀFXOW your body what it needs to take you to Social scientists, great philosophers success. have enunciated several theories STOP BLAME GAME and ways for a successful life, but Avoid blaming your family members, everything depends on the individual. Boss, Government for any untoward How you think, how you act and how happenings. Clarity is important.Know you manage things in your life. All lies what you want to be. Be 100% clear in our mindset. If you think You are about it. By doing so you are away from happy-then you are. When you think distractions and redouble your energy you are not happy, you are not. in the right direction. Great philosopher Bertrand Russell had rightly mentioned in his "Essays IMPROVE RELATIONSHIP on ideas that have helped Mankind". Relationship beyond... your profession

,W LV WKH SRZHU RI WKLQNLQJ WKDW EULQJV circle. Make sure that you draw closer happiness or otherwise and power of to people that will drive you to success. VSHHFK WKDW EULQJV IULHQGV RU IRHV /HW *R FORVH WR WKH FLUFOH RI ,QÁXHQFH us now apply this to our day to day life. ACT NOW; POWER OF NOW To be successful in life we need to There can not be a more perfect time know, accept and practice some great WR VWDUW \RXU MRXUQH\ WR VXFFHVV WKDQ but simple ideas of great thinkers: now. Do not wait for things to happen.




Strive for excellence rather than sticking to mediocrity.You have to ORYH DQG HQMR\ WKH SURFHVV RI ZRUN DV \RX PRYH RQ \RXU MRXUQH\ WR VXFFHVV Every successful person is passionate about what they do. Apply this in all ÀHOGV RI DFWLYLW\ BE ORGANISED Be organised. Plan ahead and stay consistent on the track to success. Diligently adhere to the schedule and routine. Avoid distractions. STOP BEING BUSY Being busy and doing hard work are two different things. Work should LQFUHDVH SURGXFWLYLW\ DQG SURÀWDELOLW\ Try to rearrange your priorities and try to eliminate or delegate activities that do not propel you to your Goal. Remember to look to the stars and not down at your feet. Never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose. Life is empty without it. Love life. Life is like that.

Ashutosh Kumar Mishra Retd. AGM, Mumbai

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Drawing Parallel from a Childhood Story An exotic restaurant on the beach side claimed to serve the freshest fish to the visitors. The restaurant had been doing well in terms of its revenue generation as lot of customers kept visiting the restaurant for its fresh fish. The restaurant flourished without any competition in the market, being the only of its kind to serve such fresh fish. The company couldn’t enjoy its monopoly for long as a couple of new restaurants mushroomed up on the shore, each one claiming to have the freshest fish. The company started feeling the impact of the competition very soon as it started facing a decline in the sales and revenue. The company manager attributed the decrease of the sales to the competition and especially to the price war started by small players.


he manager called for an immediate meeting to brainstorm on the impounding issue of competition. The cashier suggested that the company should reduce the prices off its menu so that the small players cannot sustain the low margins. The head chef however had a difference of opinion. He believed that the company was à RXULVKLQJ RQ LWV TXDOLW\ RI IRRG DQG WKH IUHVKQHVV RI ÀVKHV +H DUJXHG WKDW if the company gets into the price war, there will be two pronged negative impact – lower margins and a wrong signal to the regular visitors as they might attribute reduced prices to a compromise on quality. On further round of discussions the manager took WKH ÀQDO FDOO WR UHWDLQ WKH SULFHV DQG rather focus on the quality improvement. After multiple rounds of brainstorming with all the departments it was agreed to maintain OLYH ÀVKHV VR WKDW WKHUH ZRXOG EH QR scope of doubt on the freshness of the




Ă€VKHV RQ WKH FXVWRPHU¡V PLQG $Q arrangement was made to create an DUWLĂ€FLDO SRQG DQG SURFXUH OLYH Ă€VKHV The customers had the option to FKRRVH D Ă€VK RXW RI WKH SRQG DQG WKDW would be prepared and served to them. The exclusive idea immediately turned around the sales for the company and once again it claimed to be the leader in the market. The restaurant spent a couple of months relishing its growth in terms of customers’ footfall and increasing revenues. Glorious days were back for the restaurant and business started running smooth for the stakeholders. Another six months passed harmoniously until there were reports about declining sales. After the last brainstorming session it was decided WKDW WKH VDOHV Ă€JXUHV ZRXOG EH DQDO\]HG on a fortnightly basis. The latest two reports showed a negative trend in the customer footfall and revenues. A quick check on the competitor strategy did not reveal anything new which they

adopted and the restaurant continued ZLWK LWV 863 WR PDLQWDLQ OLYH ÀVKHV for the customers. The puzzle was quite intriguing because everything seemed to be perfectly in shape, be it WKH IUHVKQHVV RI ÀVK WKH VHUYLFH DW WKH restaurant, the ambience and even the prices were unchanged. After a couple of sleepless nights the manager thought of checking with the customers if they really felt anything adverse with the restaurant’s service. So the regular customers were called up via telephone for a feedback by the receptionist,

using the database of the regular customers. Looking at the customers’ feedback, the manager and staffs were astonished. Most of the customers PHQWLRQHG DERXW WKH TXDOLW\ RI WKH ÀVK being deteriorated. Some also said that WKH ÀVK LWHPV GLG QRW KDYH WKH VDPH taste as it used to have before. The Manager thought of getting the food analysts involved as he was clueless. 7KH TXDOLW\ RI ÀVK LV SURSRUWLRQDO WR LWV IUHVKQHVV DQG PDLQWDLQLQJ OLYH ÀVK ensured the same. It took a week for the food analysts to prepare a report on the TXDOLW\ RI WKH ÀVKHV PDLQWDLQHG DW WKH UHVWDXUDQW $V SHU WKH UHSRUW WKH ÀVKHV were not tasting so great and were not of top quality because they were not maintained in its natural habitat. As the ÀVKHV ZHUH NHSW LQ DUWLÀFLDO SRQG WKH\ KDG QR WKUHDW RI ELJJHU ÀVKHV DQG KHQFH their movements were minimal. With QRW PXFK PRYHPHQW WKH ÀVKHV VWDUWHG developing fat and hence impacted the quality and taste!

to incorporate such voice modulations and animated faces that I could even visualize the Fishes making worried IDFHV LQ WKH DUWLÀFLDO SRQG DERXW WKHP being tasteless. This story popped up in my mind recently when I pondered about what new can be thought of on sustaining the market competition. I could draw parallel messages from the story in the business context. There is no end to revamp yourself or the businesses to sustain and maintain a leadership position. It’s a proven and experienced fact that complacency can shore away your relevance and exclusivity. So, the next logical step for the restaurant should be to maintain D QDWXUDO KDELWDW LQ WKH DUWLÀFLDO SRQG PD\ EH E\ SXWWLQJ VRPH ELJJHU ÀVKHV which can simulate a threat for the VPDOOHU ÀVKHV

In the context of sustaining the competition, point of differentiation (POD) has always been a life saver. Point of differentiation in itself is a I heard this story from my Grandfather EURDG VXEMHFW WR WDON DERXW 32' FDQ in my childhood who wanted to give be creation of unique values, improving me a message about the importance of quality or optimizing cost. In a service QDWXUDO KDELWDWV DQG KRZ KH HQMR\HG industry to which most of us belong, a feeding his cows. I used to love this lot is done and is an on-going process story then without any interpretations to maintain a POD to sustain the because of the animated story telling competition. To differentiate your which my Grandfather had. He used service the same formula may not work

every time. We have been often thinking about our competitors in the Service Based industries and a lot of effort goes in establishing a POD among them. Now, as the industry has matured it is high time we start concentrating on the POD in our clients perspectives. It might widen the scope of being a leader in service provider space if we look at the Business through the Clients’ lens. The need is to shift the focus from ‘competition in providing service’ to the ‘competition faced by the Clients’. As the services organization (let’s say Banking Sector) have witnessed a paradigm shift by getting collaborative with the Clients (B2B), a service differentiation which can facilitate the Client to differentiate and establish a POD in its domain will be an add-on for sustainability. We talk about getting into the clients’ shoes to understand their requirements. To get into their shoes to understand the competition they face in the industry is a next step to look forward for.

SANDEEP S/o Mr S. N. Mishra, Faculty & Chief Manager, STC, Noida) is the DXWKRU RI WKH ÀFWLRQ QRYHO ¶$OPRVW 7KHUH but Yet Not Arrived’. Being an MBA from IMT Ghaziabad and a Merit Scholarship Holder in B.Tech. from Vellore Institute of Technology, Sandeep is a Jack of multiple traits who currently works as a consultant in D OHDGLQJ 01& $ SDUW RI WKH DXWKRU V UR\DOW\ is going to be donated to CRY which is a QRQ SURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ LQ ,QGLD WKDW DLPV WR UHVWRUH FKLOGUHQ V ULJKWV LQ ,QGLD




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M One of the

best physical approaches for quitting smoking is by doing YOGA (meditation) along with some physical exercises daily

ost of the people are habitual of smoking and using smokeless tobacco because they feel its use pleasurable, which gives them a temporary sense of calm and relief from instant problems, which disturb them. It may be his / her work stress or some problems or MXVW IHHOLQJV RI DQ[LHW\ DQG GHSUHVVLRQ %XW WKH\ GR QRW UHDOL]H WKDW WKLV PD\ create more problems in their life. Normally people smoke:(a) When they are facing some sort of stress or problems in their UHODWLRQVKLSV RU MXVW IHHOLQJV RI DQ[LHW\ DQG GHSUHVVLRQ (b) While they are having a cup of tea or coffee and thereafter. (c) While consuming alcohol or beer or wine etc. (d) To show maturity, normally by teenagers. (e) In excitement or for experimenting with something new. Soon this become habit. Quitting this habit is not easy, but also not impossible. "One can quit this habit through exercise, diet control and positive thinking." Here are some suggestions to quit smoking: (a) One should have a positive approach, positive thinking. (b) Take liquor tea (possibly herbal tea) in place of usual tea and coffee. 7DNH IUXLW MXLFH LQ EHWZHHQ LI \RX DUH FRQVXPLQJ PRUH WHD RU FRIIHH in a day. Consume raw fresh fruits, vegetables as much as possible. Consuming of Triphala (Amla, Harad / Haritaki, Baheda/Vibhitaka) Churna is also very helpful.

Chinmay Das Gour Road Branch Siliguri Zone

(c) One of the best physical approaches for quitting smoking is by doing Yoga (meditation), along with some physical exercises daily. Yoga encourages the mind and body to deal with stress in a positive way; it enhances your core strength and physical capabilities. It provides the ultimate relaxation of mind. Just apply it in your life whether you are smoker or using smokeless tobacco or not. I am sure that you will be able to quit this habit.






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Kolkata Zone organized a seminar on BOI. Eminent Writer, Dramatist & Director of Bengali Drama Shri Rudra Prasad Sengupta, Chief Editor, Desh Patrika Shri Harish Datta ZM Smt. Binata Sengupta inaugurating seminar.

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| | j ¦l Î r i â / NATIONAL BANKING GROUP (J&C)

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Transforming Lives through Banking "Schemes could be drafted by keeping the eyes and ears open... Finance could transform the land and people". What is needed is Will to help the people with open heart.�


retired in July 2007 and very often, I look back at my career in our Bank in various capacities from villages to 3 Metros. One of my PHPRUDEOH H[SHULHQFHV ZDV P\ ÀUVW stint as Manager of a small branch Simaria - in erstwhile-undivided Bihar GXULQJ (DUOLHU WR WKDW SRVWLQJ I was in-charge of credit department in Jamshedpur Main branch. The previous Manager of Simaria Branch was manhandled by local people, as he was not keen in sanctioning loans under Government programs. The Zonal Manager spotted me and posted me to that branch as Manager. I ZDV IDVFLQDWHG WR ÀQG WKDW , KDG to travel 50 KMs from Hazaribagh and had to cross three deep forests to reach Simaria. When I went to take charge of the branch the Manager ZDV RXW RQ RIÀFLDO GXW\ DQG RQO\ RQH Clerk-cum-Cashier and a sub staff were there in the branch. I found WKH 6LPDULD IRUHVW MXVW LQ IURQW RI WKH branch and I was tempted to explore it as I never saw a real forest in my life and read about it only in books. I




introduced myself to the staff in the branch and told them that I would MXVW JR LQWR WKH IRUHVW IRU VRPH WLPH before the Branch Manager returned. The staff cautioned me to be careful as there were wild animals and I could lose my way back if I ventured deep into the forest. I took a pole and went into the single line foot path leading into the forest making arrow marks along the way so that I would not lose track. After about 15 minutes of exploring the forest, I tried to UHWXUQ DQG FRXOG QRW ÀQG P\ DUURZ marks. I lost my way and was walking aimlessly never knowing the correct direction to return. I tried to listen to the noise created by vehicles passing on the road but that appeared to come from all the four directions. I prayed WR DOO *RGV WKDW , NQHZ DQG ÀQDOO\ , heard sound of axe cutting some tree. I went near the tree and found an Adivasi cutting a tree. With very little knowledge of Hindi that I possessed I made him understand that I was the new Manager of Bank of India and lost way in the forest. He showed me

the direction and helped me for my I wanted to do some innovative ZRUN EXW LW ZDV GLIÀFXOW WR PDNH a beginning. I started exploring the villages and found huge tracts of barren land with shallow dug wells here and there, which reportedly collapsed every season. But it was evident that water table was good and not exploited. I also found wooden logs stacked in many places about 10 KMs from Simaria, in a village called Bagramod. These were the logs cut from the forests under annual lease. The forest department used to auction tracts of forests and the highest bidder was given the right to cut the trees within allotted area. The local people used to borrow money from wealthy Timber merchants of Dhanbad and had to sell the logs only to those merchants at the prices quoted by them. :LWK WKHVH WZR ÀQGLQJV , GHFLGHG P\ ÀQDQFLDO SODQV IRU P\ VHUYLFH DUHD First I talked to the BDO and my Regional Manager and both of them

agreed and offered all assistance. I selected ten villages around my branch and held meeting of the villagers. The BDO gave me his -HHS DQG GHSXWHG KLV RIÀFLDO FDOOHG VLW (Village Level Worker). In the meeting, I informed the people that I planned to sanction loans for about 'XJ :HOOV LQ HDFK YLOODJH 7KRVH having more than 5 acres of land in the village could come forward. The VLW noted down the names of such people and immediately I went for inspection of the land. I selected the suitable persons who fall under the parameters of level and contiguous land of minimum 5 acres (not in patches here and there). The names of the selected persons were noted on a paper and signed on the spot by me (the Manager), VLW and mukhia of that village. I instructed the people that WKH 9/: ZRXOG ÀOO LQ DSSOLFDWLRQV take the copy of the title deeds for the land and send it to me through the BDO. Government subsidy of 50% would be available for general people, 75% for SCs and 100% for STs. No one should give bribe to any authority from the Government and Bank. If anyone demanded bribe or favor, the matter should be reported to me and I promised them that no one could victimize the persons reporting to me. In a clean and transparent manner the BDO also cooperated with me and I had the support of my Regional Manager and also the Deputy Commissioner (Collector). The dug wells needed large quantities of bricks for construction and I sanctioned adequate loans for brick kilns. Digging the wells and manufacturing bricks involved huge Labour and soon people had to be brought from neighboring districts

as the local people were not enough to meet the sudden spurt in demand IRU FRQVWUXFWLQJ DERXW ZHOOV ,W was very interesting work involving WUDYHO E\ MHHS PRWRUELNH F\FOH DQG many times by walk to inaccessible areas. The Regional Manager deputed an Agricultural Assistant to help the Branch. The huge success drew the attention of my Regional Manager/ Zonal Manager and they instructed other branches in the Region to replicate this scheme.

Regional Manager permitted me to sanction the amount upto Rs.75,000 falling under his authority and send WKH SURSRVDO RQO\ IRU FRQĂ€UPDWLRQ The forest contractors could take more area under lease and make huge SURĂ€WV DV WKH\ FRXOG VHOO WKH ORJV WR any one and realize commercial rates.

The farmers cultivated all types of vegetables and Vans and Trucks loaded with vegetables started plying from Simaria to Ranchi, Dhanbad and other places. The contractors Similarly, for the forest contractors who had only cycles purchased also I devised a scheme. I held motor bikes, trucks and the area was a meeting of the contractors in blessed by Goddess Lakshmi. The presence of my Regional Manager. moral is "Schemes could be drafted Based on their past performance and by keeping the eyes and ears open. H[SHULHQFH LQ WKH ÀHOG DQG DOVR WKH Finance could transform the land availability of properties for collateral and people". What is needed is Will security we approved Term Loans of to help the people with open heart. Rs. 25000 to 75000 and gave them , HQMR\ P\ UHWLUHPHQW E\ UHPLQLVFLQJ the assurance and nod to go ahead. on so many other memories like the above. They could bid for tracts of forests and surrender the original Lease order to the bank for completing the formalities. All the formalities D Ekambaram Retired AGM, Chennai were completed in a few days as the






work on the land, with cattle and plough Morning, noon and night ‌.every then and now With prayers on my lips and dreams in my eyes, My heart misses a beat every time, the crop reach the skies‌ I hide my pride when God favoured my side And come home satisfied I am just a farmer, and my armour a tractor, cattle and plough My identification, the sweat on my brow Rising before the dawn breaks With shovel, spade and seeds to sow My possession, only God’s love and rakes‌ I support our leaders, leading the nation‌ I adore the celebrity enkindling sensation‌ I follow the priest teaching toleration‌. But I am the one eradicating the world’s starvation‌ I see the globe thriving The meaning of Life reviving The essence of fulfilment reforming But for me there is no turning The ruler or the pauper The returner or the stealer

Arundhati B D/o P Behera $*0 +HDG 2IĂ€FH


Bhumika D/o Sharad Gupta Dashera Maidan Branch Ujjain Zone



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What is DAD


r e m r a F e

The healer or the pleader The sailor or the soldier I must feed them all‌ I am the Farmer‌. Though my trade is one of worth My possession, the pasture with the sky and earth I toil under the sky in the Sun and even the Rain And no man loses when I gain Still in this world, I have no prominence All the other trades over mine have dominance Though I feed the world and promise existence On my plight, the world gives no insistence With prayers on my lips and tears in my eyes Before the breaking of the dawn I still rise Being the origin of prosperity and rife I grapple every moment for my life And one day with prayers on lips and tear in eyes Bounded by scarcity and negligence, the famer dies.


Happy Father's Day


Goa Zone ZM Shri Gopal Krishna Das and DZM Shri Balkrishan Arsekar ZLWK +RQ EOH &KLHI 0LQLVWHU RI *RD Shri Laxmikant Parsekar during their courtesy visit to CM.

Mumbai South Zone ZM Shri Ravi Gupta addressing a town hall meeting in connection with Social Security Schemes launched E\ RXU +RQ EOH 3ULPH 0LQLVWHU RI ,QGLD 2Q GDLV 6'0 /,& Shri Ravi Kumar, LDM Shri Sanjay Kadam.

GM Shri B K Mohanty, ZM Shri G H Sarangi and other staff members during handing over of 17-seater mini bus donated by Navi Mumbai Zone under CSR to Jagruti Palak Sanstha, an institute frontally challenged children at Thane.

Navi Mumbai Zone ZM Shri Shri G H Sarangi being honored by Lions Club International Chairman and former President LCIF Lion Joe Preston during his visit to Lions Hospital in Koparkhairne. Bank donated a DIALYSIS Machine to the hospital owned by the Club under CSR initiative.

Raigad Zone DZM Shri S B Singh at School Bag Distribution Function organized by Panvel Branch. (LtoR) CM Shri Vinod Shetty, DZM Shri S B Singh, 0NWG 2IÀFHU Shri Vijay Singh, CM Kharghar Branch Shri Rajesh Ranjan & CM Shri Sanjeev Goswami

Dr. R Chidambaram RQH RI ,QGLD V GLVWLQJXLVKHG VFLHQWLVW DQG RXU valued customer of Cumballa Hill Branch, MSZ pays visit to the branch. CM Shri Sunder Singh DQG 0NWJ 2IÀFHU Shri Yogesh presenting bouquet to Shri Chidambaram.

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NBG (W-2) GM Shri R S Chouhan, ZM Pune Shri Prasad Joshi along with Television celebrities Shri Ajay Purkar and Shri Manoj Kolhatkar and President of BOI Staff Union Pune Mrs. Deepa Ghag at Blood Donatation Camp.

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Pune Zone ZM Shri Prasad Joshi along with CM Swargate Br Shri Sushil Sawant and all staff members during Customer Meet conducted at Swargate branch.

Pune Zone, Dhule Branch, Br. Mgr. Shri S M Gujarathi handing over Payslip for disbursement in PMMY to Physically Handicapped :RPHQ EHQHÀFLDU\ LQ SUHVHQFH RI 6WDII 0HPEHUV RI 'KXOH %UDQFK

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Pune Zone organized Kisan Diwas along with Gramonnati Mondal Krishi Vigyan. DZM Shri Prakash B Moghe, DDDS Pune Shri Dinkar Kanade and other dignitaries.

Kolhapur Zone, Gadhinglaj Branch sanctioned traveller to Shri Chougule under our SRTO scheme, Br. Mgr. along with staff members handing over keys to borrower.




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“Floral Carpet (Pookalam)� as part of Onam Celebration at Kerala Zone

Solapur Zone ZM Shri S K Relan at the event of disbursing 2 luxXU\ DLU EXVHV WR 5DMHVK WRXUV Q WUDYHOV LQ .XUGXZDGL DORQJ ZLWK &0 Shri Titare.

Kottayam Branch - Onam Floral Carpet

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Solapur Zone ZM Shri S K Relan, Sr. Br.Mgr. Shri Sudhir Kamble at workshop conducted for class 11th students at railway lines branch. Mktg. Manager Shri Manish Pathak delivered the lecture on the VXEMHFW Âś5HDO RIĂ€FH PDQDJHPHQW DQG DVSHFWV RI EDQNLQJ Ă€QDQFH¡

Trivendarum Branch Kerala Zone





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Mamta Kumari Hazaribagh Zone




ceans kissed them good-bye They are racing to the sky ¡ ££ ¡ § ª¡ ¤ £ ¤ ¤ Ŋ ¤ ¡ ¤ ¤ ££ထ £ Ŋ ¤ ­ ¦£¤ ¤ ¤ ­ ¡ £¤¢ ¤ ¤ ¤¢§£¤ £ ¤ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¤ § £ ¨ ¡ ¤ ¤§¡ ဠ£ £ £ ¡ ¤ ¡£ £ £¤ ¡£ ¦ ¤ ¤ ¡ ¦£ ¤ ¦ Comes in sight ­ ª ¤ ¤ ¡ ¤ ¦ ¤ £ ¦ ¤ ¡ ¤ ¦ ¡ထ ¦ ­ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¡© ¦£ ¡ ¦ ¤ ¤ ¡¥ ¤ ¤ ¤ £ ¡ ¤ ¯ ¤ ¤£ ¤ ¤ ¡£¤® ¤§¡ ဠ£ £ £ ဟ ဠ ¤§¡ ¤ ¤ ထ ¤ ¤ ¡ ¡ ¨ ¡£ ¤ £ ¡ ¤§ ¡® ­ ¤ £ ¡ £ ¦¤ ¦ ¤ ¡¥ ¡ £


Samuel Abhishek Davidson S/o Mrs. K P Kumar Chandigarh Main Branch Chandigarh Zone

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|™eÂĽ Š™™k™™iÂŁ eÂĽ l™Â&#x;†™ž„Û / NEW BRANCHES - E GALLERY


Ghum Branch, Siliguri Zone

Dombivali Branch, Navi Mumbai Zone

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Currency Chest, Khadakpara Branch, Navi Mumbai Zone

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Navsari NRI Branch, Vadodara Zone

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Khamla Branch, Nagpur Zone

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Vallabh Vidyanagar Branch, Vadodara Zone

Pasthal Branch, Navi Mumbai Zone

Kerala Zone, Trivandrum Branch

Foundation Day of Kurul Branch, Solapur Zone

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eÂĽ l™Â&#x;†™ž„Û / E-GALLERY



s yet Scathing attack to unleash revenge spraying bullets to hoist Ă DJ RI KDWUHG spells out... FROG IXU\ DQG UHOLJLRXV XQUHVW this perhaps shows nihilism at its best Panchpakari Branch, NMZ

Rasta Peth, Pune Zone

As yet Scathing attack


MIDC Branch, Solapur Zone

WKLV EDUEDULF DFW RI ODWH has put intrinsic values at stake KDWH IRU KDWH LV LQ VKHHU GLVWDVWH QR UHPHG\ DOEHLW but no other solution in sight as yet...

Sujata Dash

Bhubneshwar Zone

CONGRATS Bhubneshwar Zone

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APEKSHA D/o Shri Ashok Pai %35 &02 +HDG RIĂ€FH Recepiant of the 3rd Big Idea Amazing Teachers Award 2015 at Dubai. Apeksha is a Special Educator / Councelor at Gems our own Indian School, Dubai.




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Star Sakhi, Mumbai helps the Needy and Poor Children Continuing its welfare activities Star Sakhi, Mumbai distributed School Items to very poor and needy students of slum school in Oshiwara at Mumbai. Seen in photograph Star Sakhi, Mumbai Team with the Students.




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$ SDSHU HQWLWOHG 0DQDJHPHQW 'HYHORSPHQW 5HGHĂ€QLQJ WKH 5ROH RI 0DQDJHPHQW ,QVWLWXWLRQV ZULWWHQ by our Chief Manager Shri Vijay Prakash Srivastava was accepted for presentation at the 27th Annual Management Education Convention. The Convention held between August 25 to 27, 2015, was organized by the Association of Indian Management Schools.


Felicitation of Shri Yogesh S/o Shri Vijay Kulkarni (Retd. Staff) for securing 143rd rank in IAS Exam. Shri Yogesh Kulkarni (IAS), ZM Shri S K Relan, DZM Shri A B Mutalikdesai and Ex Staff Manager Shri Vijay Kulkarni.

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Shri Ramesh Chand Thakur Deputy General Manager +HDG 2IĂ€FH PG Diploma in Business Administration (Finance) SYMBIOSIS, Pune

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CV Sunanda Reddy Kamalapura Branch Hubballi-Dharwad Zone JAIIB & CAIIB

j§ÂšÂ&#x; ÂšÂ‡Âš Ă?šzššÂ&#x;ÂĄ j§Ăœ Â…oš}ššÙ Âšj§Ă™ÂšÂš ALANKRITA (Student of LKG), D/o Ashish Kumar Malviya, Br. Manager, Jethwara Branch, Varanasi Zone


+RZ FDQ \RX GURS D UDZ HJJ RQWR D FRQFUHWH Ă RRU ZLWKRXW FUDFNLQJ LW " ,I LW WRRN PHQ KRXUV WR EXLOG D ZDOO KRZ ORQJ ZRXOG LW WDNH PHQ WR EXLOG LW " 3. If you had 3 apples and 4 oranges in one hand and 4 apples and 3 oranges in the other hand, what would you have ? 4. How can you lift an elephant with one hand ? 5. How can a man go eight days without sleep ? 6. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea, what it will become ? 7. What looks like half apple ? :KDW FDQ \RX QHYHU HDW IRU EUHDNIDVW " 9. Bay of Bengal is in which state ?

Answers For The Riddles : 1. Concrete Floor Are Very Hard To Crack. 2. No Time At All. It Is Already Built. 3. Very Large Hands. 4. You Will Never Find An Elephant With One Hand. 5. No Probs. He Sleeps At Night. 6. It Will Wet Or Sink $V 6LPSOH $V 7KDW 7KH 2WKHU +DOI 'LQQHU /LTXLG 6WDWH


Padma Ghurye HRD, HO



Î oo / WAH BACHHO | e¦ / CONGRATULATIONS } } ~± Û | Û j¦vÖ }° j¦ t t Û k i Î o d { j¦ Û m x ¥ « r k v j ¦v ã Ø Û }° | j¦ j ¦ i o | Ø x

Sanjana D/o Shri Mukund Dondadkar Vidarbha Zone 95.20% (SSC)

Neha D/o Shri Ravi Shankar Singh Marve Road Branch, MNZ BE (Computer Engineering)

Shubham S/o Shri Vasudeo B Desai Sion Branch, MNZ 94.60% (SSC)

Aditya 6 R 6KUL %DMLURV *DLNZDG Andheri (West) Branch, MNZ M.Tech.(Mechatronics

Bhumika ' R 6KUL 9LMD\VLQJK %DLV &0 $MQL 6TXDUH %UDQFK Nagpur Zone 92% (SSC)

Bantu S/o Shri Thorat Pune Zone 2nd in National Sports Competition (Kabaddi)

©¸ú¥¸¸ } Û Û | l q | j ¦ oo Û k j¦ Ø d o i i i Û } Û 2015

Ü Ù Ü ¡Ù d v× } Ø| Û Û q i d vÖ ÛvÛi l vÖl d } ¬ j § ~ ¡k i Ï ¬ j§ ¡{ j§i d } ¬ fv×} j § i j§ Ïá Ï

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‚™¡¸¸¬¸¸ } Û Û i j ¦ ã | Ç d o 97.2% (HSC)

Neha D/o Shri Balkishan K Bhuria S & EI Dept., HO B.Com (Accounts & Finance 82.66%

Ø l l Î} j¦ j ¦ q | d j¦ « }°j¦ Ø C Û ¥j¦ k i }° Ø l Ø j ¦ d Ø l ¥Ø Î « fØ Î ·¥j¦ }° Ø ¨¦ i }° }Ø Î e¥x { | zx } | | | Îà¡

¹Ù Ü œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ `250/-


Jai G S/o Shri Jayshree Sampat Jhuchandra Branch, Raigad Zone Grade A1 (SSC) & Cleared Black Belt Taekwando Federation of India

Ü ¦j§ k i ~± Ù l Ù q } d¡j§ ~

Ü ¦j§ k i q }

1st in Dist. & 4th in State

Mrunal D/o Smt. P A Karnik Sion Branch, MNZ 87.60% (SSC)


~±z œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ `300/ Ù ~ ¡v

q ã d { j¦ Û k | g d o Ü d ¡l } j§Ü { Ü q q ÜÙ { } Üy

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‚¸œ¸ ˆÅí÷¸½ íÿ...

Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal September, 2015

You said it...


¬˜¸¸œ¸›¸¸ ¢™¨¸¬¸ / FOUNDATION DAY

‰¸¸¬¸-‰¸¸¬¸ / KHAS-KHAS

œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ / AWARDS

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Printed, Published and Edited by S. M. Shakeel on behalf of Bank of India, Published from Head Office : Star House, G-5, 'G' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 067 and printed at SAP Print Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 28, Lakshmi Industrial Estate, S.N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400 013.

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CAPTIVATING The June 2015 issue of TAARANGAN is fabulous carrying articles on range of issues to make a deeply engrossed reading. I particularly enjoyed reading, “How good are our letters” that contains few essential tips to make the write-ups appealing and presentable so as to create an impression on the people who get them. Effective communication is a thing that would stay relevant at all times. Since the time of early nineties when GDLP (Globalization, Deregulation, Liberalization & privatization) was put into motion, the market scenario has changed dramatically. There is an intense competition all around. There are more players/more outlets available and choices wide open for customers. It is buyers' market all the way and customer can dictate terms rather he is the king. Today, it is all about how you equip and present yourselves and hence effective communication has assumed even greater importance and one will require to consistently sharpening this skill, to gain the competitive edge. A successful business is one that is able to read the market well, lend a definite direction to growth, design products that touch the emotional chord of customers and convert the situation to its advantage. That makes the entire process wholly responsive and a win-win situation for all concerned. CONGRATULATIONS. Srinivasan Umashankar Bank of Maharashtra, Nagpur

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal June, 2015

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Bank of India’s Quarterly House Journal September, 2015

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